#lex's povs are fun :)
universalfanfic · 3 months
Trying to toe the line with Lex can be difficult, bc it's like "he is a bit morally gray especially with so many of his father's lessons still influencing him, but he is also genuinely trying as much as he's able to be decent"
and I just know some people are gonna interpret him as straight up maniacally plotting
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thanks @seasaltandcopper for the tag!
Rules: Show us a line you really enjoyed or thought was super neat!
tagging: @the-three-whumpeteers @turn-the-tables-on-them @kira-the-whump-enthusiast @i-can-even-burn-salad @brutal-nemesis @whumpy-arts-and-crafts
And when they inevitably did, he tried to find a poem, or even a rhyme to cling to, make it all more bearable, but every boot in the gut only served to scatter his thoughts, and in the end, he was resolved to simply waiting for it to end.
(from Wildefire, specifically Is It Enough? Lex's chapters in the Tower are some of my favorites)
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starwrighter · 6 months
"Dad" Dan au
(Pov I haven't read Agit yet) ( I don't mind spoilers though)
I don't think we in the dpxdc fandom play with the canon information that Dark Danny is a product of Danny's ghost half fusing with with Plasmius.
Yeah, he's completely down with mass murder and is really sadistic in the episode but that's not as fun to play with in this context.
He's still merged with Vlad and I'd like to have that bleed into him a bit more than the "oh he's so evil," but him being obsessed with his own Mom like Vlad is a level of weird I'm not willing to touch with a fifty foot pole.
I say, let him have Vlad's obsession with making Danny his son. It's hilarious! Imagine being obsessed with making your past self your son! Dan had no qualms with directly trying to murder the past version of his family. But I love the idea of him first seeing his past self in all his awkward half-ghost glory an obsession kicks into gear with a fury!
Dan hating his own parents with a passion because they're uh, well... His parents. And that stops him from being his own parent! It's so stupid. Dan judging every single one their parenting decisions. All while he himself is still morally detestable.
It's great! Still can't decide if he's just stalking the family like a creep. Or he pretended to be redeemed and Danny with Jazz gaslit their parents into believing they have an older sibling ghosts his from them.
Onto the dpxdc part of this!
Now Dan is just looking for the opportunity to whisk Danny away. Jack and Maddie are interfering with his obsession without even trying to! He'll be trying to feed the kid something edible and they'll be ectoplasm samples in the fridge! Ghost hunting equipment in the open when they know it has a tendency to misfire around their son! Dan doesn't care if they really love Danny. There are harpoons pointed at his kid! Those idiots were one misstep away from accidentally killing their child a second time and Dan isn't having it!
Dan yoinks Danny and fucking books it into the ghost zone. Danny clearly wouldn't be happy with this development (betrayal or surprise you choose!) And Dan is trying his best to get Danny to co-operate. Either with specter deflectors or a deal with Desiree. But Danny's stuck with the guy.
I'm taking advantage of the fact that the Dc universe has absolutely obliterated it's multiverse making pretty much impossible for normal ghosts and humans to navigate. Dan flees with Danny to an iteration of the Dc universe and pokes around for a place to settle.
Metropolis's hero was an annoying goodie two shoes and he'd kill this "lex Luthor" the moment he heard the fucker speak. Plus, both rogues and hero's threw cars like baseballs.
Gotham was flooded with crime but their rouges were just people. Their heroes were just people. Crazy people sure, but Dan could kill them if they stepped out of line.
If only the self proclaimed hero's would stop trying to make grabs at his kid.
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chimcess · 6 months
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→ Chapter 3.5: When She Sees Me Pairing: Jimin x Reader Other tags: Werewolf!Jimin, Witch!Reader, Shifter!Reader, Shifter!Jimin, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha!Jimin Genre: Supernatural!AU, Werewolf!AU, Angst, Mutual Pining, Fluff Word Count: 1.8k+ Synopsis: Within the four realms of Lustra lay the Bangtan forest home to the Foxglove pack of the south and known as the “land of magic.” It is also home to the Bridd, a powerful witch from a cursed bloodline who is one of the sacred guardians of the forest. Park Jimin is the man who's in love with her, and when their worlds collide in tragedy, he must decide if he is willing to put his old life aside to make a new one. Warnings: Jimin POV, Kissing, talks of sexual feelings (not exlipict), I love this man with my whole heart, just a boy in love, takes place at the end of chapter three of the main storyline, THAT scene, FLUFF, This was so much fun to write, to be in wolf Jimin's head... the dream. Disclaimer: While you don't have to read any of the series to understand what's going on, it won't make a ton of sense. I highly recommend reading this in conjunction with the original work, Trees That Wheep. A/N: On the first day of Christmas Lex gave to thee... Jimin's P-O-V. Thanks so much to everyone who participated in the poll I held. Hope this meets expectations despite her being on the shorter side. Happy holidays and stay safe.
|| Chapter 3 || Masterlist ||
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“Yours must be very interesting.”
I shook my head, “Not really. Mostly the angsty ramblings of a teenager. Nothing more.”
I sounded convincing enough. I heard Jimin shuffling around but refused to look his way. Deciding that I was done for the night, I began closing and stacking the grimoires I had taken out. I will sort through them later. Glancing at the walls, I could not tell what time it was but knew it had to be close to sunset. I needed to get to my room soon.
Going to turn, strong arms found themselves resting on either side of my waist. Shocked, I turned my head to find Jimin standing directly behind me. His chest pressed against my shoulder as I turned to face him. He had never been so close to me before. 
Jimin’s POV
Her chest felt soft against me, and I struggled to keep my nerve. Walking over here had been impulsive, my feet moving before I was able to think it over but having her between my arms made the potential embarrassment worth it. She looked so lovely in the candlelight and whatever she had been reading caused her shoulders to tense uncomfortably. 
Her eyes were wide, confused, and could not find a point of my face to stop on. I could hear her heart fluttering like a hummingbird’s wings and her scent made me force a groan back. She was so sweet, like vanilla, with an almost bitter aftertaste. I would compare it to whiskey but that was too strong. Tobacco, cotton, and vanilla came to mind. 
She was so gentle when she said my name. Caressing it as if it were a precious secret. I leaned into her, wanting to hear her heart beating closer still. Drunk off of her presence, I found myself talking.
“Can I tell you something?” I whispered, just as softly as she had said my name.
Our chests touched and I moved my hands behind her back. Wrapping around her, I forced my hands onto the table. I was itching to hold her tightly but I was afraid of what might happen. Placing one hand on top of the other, I felt myself trembling. We had never been so close, and only in my dreams did I think this possible. Bridd refused to look at me, her breathing as heavy as my own causing me great pleasure. 
“Y/N,” I called to her, hoping she could hear all the ways I loved her within it. “Can I?”
Eyes locking, I had to grip my fingers to keep them on the table. I could smell the faintest trace of her arousal and it took all of my self-control to ignore it. She shivered against me and I knew she was feeling the same electricity that I was. I could hear her swallow, something I found oddly arousing, and she nodded.
Something was crossed tonight. The lines I had meticulously placed between us for years had come crumbling down ever since the day I came here with Hoseok. There was something about watching her walk around her home, her feet unable to stay still, while she worked that had struck me. Feeling her eyes on me, knowing that she wanted to watch me just as much as I wanted to watch her, unleashed this animal. The more primal part of my personality wanted to shout at Hoseok to leave us alone so I could take what was mine. The other side, the man, wished to sit and listen to her talk about the knives she loved to make, to ask her all of the questions I had been dying to have answered, and watch the way her eyes lit up. Realizing that we would never go back to a time before this, I decided to be upfront.
“I enjoy your company,” I had to tell her.
She nodded, dazed. Her eyes did not leave my own and she searched, ever the curious girl, for something. I had long ago stopped trying to figure her out. Instead, I hoped that she would tell me. I wanted her to want me to know her. With that in mind, I decided to destroy the walls between us.
“I like being close to you. Is that alright?”
“Yes,” She replied breathlessly, needily.
I leaned into her, drawing closer. Her eyes were hooded, heavy, and the lust within them brought me to my knees. She wanted me so badly, the smell of it clinging to the air adding another layer to her familiar smell. It reminded me of sea salt. I swallowed thickly and leaned in closer. Not tonight, I told myself, the grip on my left hand painful now. I could wait for that. I had been waiting for her for so long. 
“Do you want me to stop?” I whispered, so close to her lips that I could feel the ghost of them against mine.
I felt her hesitate. This was nothing new. Bridd had always kept her emotions for me on a tightly controlled leash. It had bothered me for a long time until I realized that she might have thought them foolish. I had never announced myself or made an effort to get closer to her. My own fears made me weak, but to have denied her this made me feel half a man. How could I have ever taken this choice from her? From us? Foolish. 
“No,” She said, her eyes already closing.
It would take less than a second of a second to lean forward. Such a small, inconsequential gap in time. A blink and it was gone. Nothing. However, as I leaned in I knew this small space would be burned into my mind. The anticipation, the way my heart sang and my hands trembled. Our lips brushed and my knees went numb.
Kissing her was unlike anything I had ever experienced. She was so soft, so warm, and frail beneath me as I struggled to keep myself at her eye level. Bridd sighed, her hands finding home on my chest, and I could no longer keep myself off of her. Wrapping her in an embrace, I wanted to cry from joy. Everything that I had ever wanted, wondered, and fantasized paled in comparison. None of it did this moment justice. With her hands twitching against me, her lips chapped, mouth dry, and breathing into my mouth each time we pulled away, I was certain I had never done something so right in my whole life.
She finally started pulling away, and I opened my eyes to watch her. She was so beautiful. Her eyes were glazed and not even half way opened. Staring at her, the candle light making the beads on her top shine prettily, all I could imagine to say was that I loved her. Instead, I bent over even more and nuzzled my nose into her hairline. 
“Thank you,” I mumbled, already thinking about kissing her again.
She, again, nodded, before leaning into me once more. Tiptoeing to reach my face, hands traveling from my chest to my shoulders, her eyes closing. Cupping her face, so small and delicate beneath my hands, I pulled her to my eagerly waiting lips. She grinned against me as I tangled my fingers in her hair.
Suddenly, I felt her tongue licking at my lower lip and the delicate balance I had been desperately trying to keep since I approached her tipped. With a strangled groan, I opened my mouth to hers and slid a hand from her hair to her hips. Sucking her tongue, I picked her up off of the floor and lifted her onto the desk she had been occupied with all night. I did not even think before my leg was forcing hers apart and making space for the rest of me.
Her hands gripped my shirt tightly and I wished she would go back to twitching against my chest. She felt more solid there, more real. Her mouth was wet and hot as we kissed, her tongue hesitant and shy while I knew I was being more aggressive than she was used to. Thoughts of her kissing another made me uncomfortable, so I kissed her even harsher to remove whatever they may have left behind.
Then she was shoving me away, ripping her lips from mine as she struggled to catch her breath. I took a few steps back, unsure what the problem could be. One look at her, however, and I was sure. The change was coming. 
“Go,” She choked, scrambling off of the desk.
A loud piercing scream called me to action. As much as I hated leaving her in moments like this, I knew it made her uncomfortable to have me around. Her comfort would always trump my own needs and wants- that I was sure. Running up the cellar steps, I threw open the little door and threw myself onto the living room floor. Closing the door, the tortured screams of my love were muffled.
My heart shattered as I listened to her, but I knew it would not last long. A few feet away, Taehyung slept soundly. I envied his ability to do that. Ever since I got here, I had found sleeping restless. With Bridd so close yet so far away it was impossible to relax.
A large, toothy grin overtook me. I would never sleep without her again. I would try my hardest to be sure of that. Her lips lingered on my own, tingling and swollen, and I never wanted the feeling to fade. I would make sure I always felt this way, every day, for the rest of our lives.
I could see it now, living here with her. We would cook dinner together, eat together, sleep together. For Yule we would put up a tree. For Litha I would tend her garden while she watched me from the window. We would have children, beautiful children that looked like her, and love them the way they deserved to be loved. My family would learn to live with my choices and my pack would always be my own, but I needed to be where my heart was. 
As her screaming turned to throaty croaks, I was settled. I would put my heart on my sleeve. For her, I would beg. What should have been said the second my wolf threatened to rip apart anybody who stood between us in that cave. When I nursed her back to health as she lay half-alive in her bed afterward. All of the times I had seen her since. Every dream, nightmare, and fantasy in between. 
Tonight, I would tell her that she was my mate. Tonight, we would never part again. Tonight, I would love her and hope she would let me. Tonight, and every night, I would fight to make her see that no one has ever loved another the way I love her.
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© chimcess, 2023. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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waytooinvested · 2 months
Forgotten, Not Forgiven - Prologue
Still reeling from finding out the truth herself, Lena suddenly finds herself in the midst of an odd role reversal in which she knows that Kara is Supergirl, but Kara no longer has any idea she has ever been more than an ordinary human.
And what’s more, Lena has no choice but to keep the truth from her for her own protection…
Also on AO3
Starts with a very short Lex perspective prologue, after which the rest will be Lena's POV.
Poor, sweet little Lena, always letting her feelings get in the way of what needed to be done.
When she had come storming into his hideout following his supposed death, full to the brim with righteous fury and clutching a gun in her hot little hand, there had admittedly been a moment when Lex had thought she would kill him.
But he was Lex Luthor, and at the end of the day, he would always be one step ahead of his younger, weaker sister.
He had shown her the truth hiding behind her little girlfriend’s gawky spectacles and shrinking violet demeanour, and it had distracted Lena long enough to let him slip away, while the gun stayed useless and unfired in her hands.
He had practically heard the sound of her heart snapping in two as he went.
It had been funny.
At first.
This big reveal was a long awaited and devastating move he had been looking forward to in the life long chess game that was their sibling relationship, and he had taken the time to savour it as Lena had come adrift from her former circle of friends. He had watched in glee as she pushed Supergirl away and threw herself instead into work, and solitude. He had been sure it was only a matter of time before the bitterness of betrayal worked its way like an antidote through her system and brought her back to his side where she belonged.
Lena would always be his lesser shadow of course, but she had her uses as a junior partner, and as a figurehead to give their work a positive credibility that, after all his bad press recently, he currently lacked.
Lex was a patient man.
He gave Lena nearly two months to have her little tantrum and come to heel, but to his immense annoyance, she still refused to do so.
After that, the fun of watching her suffer began to sour.
Lena was a Luthor after all, and that name still meant something. What was she doing trailing around looking woebegone over some stupid blonde alien? It was unseemly, distasteful, and worse, it was starting to affect her work. L-Corp stock had been down by 0.05% last week, and Lex was damned if he was going to allow Lena to drive HIS company into the ground while he was still breathing, whatever she might call it now.
No, Lena needed to be dealt with, and soon.
His first plan was simply to kill her – clean, efficient, and only fair given that Lena had tried to kill him not all that long ago, but that lacked a certain… je ne sais quoi.
Besides, it would give Supergirl the opportunity to swoop in and save her, which risked pushing them towards a reconciliation and wasting a perfectly good identity reveal.
No, he had a better idea. One that, if he could pull it off, would take care of both of his problems in a single stroke.
All he had to do was lay the perfect trap for Supergirl.
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midnightstar-90 · 2 years
A Child In A Woman’s Body
Taglist | Request | Wattpad
Main Masterlist | DC Comics Masterlist
Smallville! Clark Kent x Reader
Requested by Anonymous: Sound stupid but something domestic with Clark and reader just going grocery shopping. Small and intimate.
Warnings: Fluff
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Clark and I sat on his bed with our heads in our textbooks. Clark and I hadn’t had much time to spend together, since he had to help his family with their farm, and I had my internship with LuthorCorp, thanks to Lex. So because of our busy schedules, Clark and I decided weeks ago that we would take a personal day for ourselves. But the issue was that that personal day would have to be on a school night. Our parents allowed us to sleep over as long as we got school work done, first. Which was an agreeable compromise.
Now, you might be thinking, “Your parents know you’re dating, and they let you sleep in the same room?!” Yeah. Our parents trust that Clark and I will do the right thing. And besides. Clark and I basically grew up together, having sleepovers almost every night until junior high. 
When Clark and I were little, I was best friends with Lana Lang. Lana lived right next door to the Kents, but it wasn’t until after the meteor shower that I met Clark. From there, Clark and I grew closer. And yeah, I was aware of Clark’s crush on my other best friend. But in the end, Clark’s crush eventually wore off, and he and I ended up together,
Clark and I sat criss-cross, across from each other. We took turns reading the questions, and we made a game out of who could answer the question the quickest. I read the next question on our homework, “Write the equation of the line in slope-intercept form with x-intercept 3 and y-intercept -4.” 
As soon as I finished reading the words, Clark looked up from his page, and he looked directly at me. He wore a mischievous grin as he said, “Easy. It’s y=4/3x -4”. 
My eyes went wide with shock as I reached over, grabbing his notebook. He had the whole problem answered, along with his work shown. My mouth dropped, and I began to stutter, “H-h-h-how?” 
Clark’s mischievous grin was instantly replaced by a nervous look. He looked away from me, thinking. “I worked ahead,” Clark said, suddenly not so nervous. He was now sporting the beautiful smile that I fell for. 
I slapped Clark’s arm and yelled out, “Clark!” His other hand went up to where I slapped him, and he held his arm as if he was in pain. 
There was a mysterious glint in his eye as he looked at me. “You should’ve been quicker,” he said. But it wasn’t until I saw the evil look in his eye that I realized what was happening. But it was too late for me to get away. Clark had already begun to lean over and tickle me before I could get away.
I laughed out loud as I felt Clark tickle me across my stomach. “Clark… Stop. Please!” I begged. But our playful actions were cut off by a small knock on the door. Clark and I both looked away from each other, and we directed our attention to his door. It slowly opened, revealing Clark’s mother.
Martha smiled as she looked between Clark and I. I thought that she wouldn’t like seeing me leaning over her son, while his hands were across my stomach, but it seems like I was wrong. She continued to smile and said, “It looks like you kids are having fun.” I looked up at Clark and smiled before looking back at Martha. “I just wanted to come upstairs and say that I’ll be back. Your father’s in the barn, and I will be at the store.”
“Mom, don’t worry about it. Y/N and I can do it,” I smiled, going along with Clark. Martha looked unsure. She grimaced as she said, “Are you sure? I don’t want to put too much on you two.”
“It’s not too much. Y/N and I needed a break, anyways. Right?” He said, looking over at me. I lifted myself off of Clark and nodded at the redheaded woman. “See,” Clark gestured towards me.
“Okay,” She said slowly. Martha’s hand slowly moved toward her back pant pocket and pulled out a rectangular sheet of paper. “Here’s the shopping list. It shouldn’t be too much. I have some money in my wallet. And because of your volunteering, feel free to get something for yourself. You too, Y/N,” She said, giving us one last look before leaving the room.
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When Clark and I arrived at his family's grocery store, I instantly felt like a child in a candy shop. I ran over to where the store kept their carts, and I pulled one out before racing the cart back to Clark. Clark smiled as he watched me race towards him. The cart was right in front of him when he held his hand out, stopping the cart. I felt the back of the cart, where I was, slowly move off the floor, scaring me a little, before suffering a rough landing.
“You are a child in a woman’s body,” Clark laughed.
I held onto the handlebars and lifted myself onto the bottom area of the cart before looking at Clark with a fake pout. “Push me, Clarkie,” I said in a childish voice. Clark chuckled and shook his head, moving from his spot to push the cart I was currently standing on. What more could I say than, “You can take the woman out of the child, but you can’t take the child out of the woman.”
Clark ended up pushing me all throughout the store, but when we got to Isle 19, it was all over. You see, Isle 19 is the toy section, of the store, and let us just say, I love toys. I jumped off the cart and pushed past Clark to get to the colorful balls in the bungee cord cage. I pulled a pink one out, and I turned to Clark. 
Clark’s demeanor had changed from happy to angry dad. He pointed at me and said, “Y/N, No.”
I didn’t listen at aimed the ball at Clark. “Think fast,” I warned, throwing the ball toward the young farm boy. I pulled out another, which was green tie-dye this time, but I didn’t realize that Clark had walked up behind me. He took the ball from my hand and shoved it back into the cage, along with the pink one I had just thrown at him. “I said no, Y/N,” he said. Clark picked me up and placed me into the cart as if I weighed nothing to him.
I was now stuck in the basket of the cart. I sat with my legs crisscrossed, so I could fit a little more easily, and my arms were left folded across my chest with a pout. I was kinda upset, but I also saw why Clark did it. I was acting like a child, and if my child did that,  I might just do the same thing.
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Clark had finished finding everything on his mother’s list, and we made our way to the checkout. I was still in the basket of the cart. And yeah, I could've gotten out at any time, but it felt much better to be pushed than to be walking all throughout the store.
Martha was right, there wasn’t much on the list. It was just basic food for meals throughout the week. And seeing as it was only the three of them, I guess they don’t need much food. 
We entered an empty checkout lane, and I did my part by placing each item in the cart on the conveyor belt. Clark picked up the stuff closer to him, and when the cart was completely empty, Clark moved toward me, holding his hand out for me to grab. I took ahold of his hand and climbed out of the cart. 
“Thank you, kind sir,” I said, attempting a British accent. 
“You’re welcome, fair maiden,” Clark said, doing the same thing.
“You guys are so cute,” The middle age store clerk said with a smile. “When I was your age, my boyfriend and I were the same way. It made people sick,” She laughed.
Clark and I stared at the woman with a caring smile. “And what happened between you two?” I asked. “We got married and had 2 kids. We’ve been together for 30 years. We met in high school.”
“So, do you think there is hope for us?” Clark asked the woman. 
She scanned the last item and looked us straight in the eye. “Oh, honey! You two will make it all the way. I have faith in that. There may be some bumps in the road, but you’ll figure it out, together,” she said. “Now. your total is $48.90.”
Clark handed the woman a $50 dollar bill and told her to keep the change. We both began to pack the cart up and we left the store building.
When we made it to the truck, I stopped and looked at Clark. “Did you hear that Clark?” I asked, in glee. “That lady says she has hope in us, and I believe her,” I finished.
“Yeah. I hope she’s right, because I want to make it my mission to stay with you until the day I die,” Clark said, packing up the groceries. 
“You really mean it, Clarkie?”
“Yeah, I do.”
I ran up to Clark and I pulled him into a strong hug. “Oh! I love you, Clark!” I exclaimed. I leaned out of the hug and looked Clark straight in the eye. “I love you too, you big kid,” he ruffled my hair. I snaked my arms around his neck and sealed our romantic moment with a kiss. 
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Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
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starsarefire824 · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
aw thanks lex!!! <3
I'll stick with Stranger Things ones for this, in no particular order.
Lay Me Down Slow (M, 2/3) It's 1998 and Will is anxiously making his way to a bar to meet up with Mike, who he hasn't seen in over a decade. Emotions run high as he shares a drink with him, and when a confrontation turns violent, it leads to truths being told and the two of them finding each other again. Will POV.
I am having entirely too much fun with this one!!
Demons of Change and Wildflower Eyes (M, ongoing)- High school hasn't been easy for Will Byers, and he's had to live with the emotional scars of a loveless father and supernatural worlds as well as the physical ones from the hands of the bullies that make his everyday existence hell. One night, when he's looking for some peace and quiet Will comes upon one of them and something surprising happens. As he and Mike Wheeler tentatively open up to each other, they just might discover they may be exactly what they need to give each other much needed healing and self-acceptance. Can they survive everything that comes along with that?
This is probably my most obscure Byler fic? But I enjoyed writing it and I liked exploring some different dynamics between Will and Mike. I plan to get back to this one soon.
Death Lies in Wait- (M, ongoing)- Massachusetts, 1890. Max Mayfield is twenty-six years old and at the hand of her parents, settles for a marriage of convenience to a widowed lighthouse keeper. A stranger she'll be trapped with for the rest of her life on a lonely strip of land surrounded by nothing but endless, lonely sea. But, as she settles into her life, and she and her new husband try to coexist, they get wrapped up in a mysterious presence on the cape. It calls to them. It's lulling and coaxing and sings to them at night. Max discovers the secrets her new husband keeps. Mermaids and ghosts of the past come to haunt them.
Madwheeler/Byler//Lumax Gothic AU- Mermaid Will.
Historic gothic au and arranged marriage trope along with sea nymph/ mermaid Will? Idk man, it’s just the type of fic I want to see in the world and I needed it. I can’t wait to get back to this one!
Touch Me Like You Know Me- (M, complete)- Mike doesn't go home anymore, not unless absolutely necessary. Instead, he stays far away from Hawkins, quietly shutting himself off from the world, and burying the pain of the things he never said to the boy he'd left behind. But when his mother convinces him to return home for his thirty-fifth birthday, Mike is finally forced to confront just how much he'd given up when he runs into Will by accident. Mike-centric. Estranged Byler reconnection fic. Soft and Sweet.
I forever be obsessed with Mike looking at Will in this one. The themes just make me emotional and I felt proud of it more so than any other fic I've written I think.
The Pact (M, ongoing)- A pact between Max and Mike gone wrong gets them both unanimously voted out of the Party and they find themselves stuck with each other the summer after Graduation: fighting, commiserating, and begrudgingly discovering they are a lot more alike than they originally thought.
What kind of started as a joke fic, has turned into one of my favorite things I've written. I really liked getting to explore Max in this as I had never written for her before and I just really, really dig the partycule vibes of it. This also was probably the fic I've had THE MOST fun as far as interacting with readers in the comments and everyone has truly made it something really special to me. <3 Especially you Lex!
*ACSoL is my like first child who I'll always include, but can't put it here this time. But delving into some of Will's darker issues in a post-canon setting is what got me so excited about this fandom in the first place and also made me realize Will is my favorite character.
Thank you so much! I'm gonna come drop this in your inbox now <3
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thirdrootwriting · 2 months
Brother of my Brother (Infinite Crisis - Bad End) pt3
Back to Jason POV. There is some gore, torture, and gun violence in this one.
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
The thing about Lex Luthor was the man had an insatiable need to stick his fingers into every available pie, the greedy capitalistic little Jack Horner pig. If some serious shit went down, there was an absolute guarantee that Luthor had started that shit, worsened that shit, or offered some incredibly condescending ' help' with that shit that was -in reality- probably just a disguised ploy to fuck with Superman.
(And holy hell, Jason could admit that he personally had raging inferiority issues, both before and after his resurrection, but the way Luthor was with Superman made his relationship with the original Robin AND Robin 3.0  look like the model of mental health by comparison).
All this in mind, if you wanted to know something and didn’t feel like trying your luck snooping around Batman's shit, the next best thing was to hop a city over to the next autocratic billionaire. Armed with that knowledge, and with the street cred of being known as one of Gotham's rouges, it's not hard to growl and posture in front of the right seedy bar-owners, fixers, and middle-men to track down a villain that's been getting cash flow from Luthor.
 People in that sort of game might be hard enough to keep their composure and claim ignorance in front of the Big Bad Bat himself, but are always willing to spill the latest gossip to a guy with a rap-sheet, well-used guns, and blood under his nails. It's how they connect thugs and D-list villains to people Luthor or Talia for use as cannon fodder, and while it's annoying as fuck to be seen as nothing more than a gun for hire, it is useful.
So useful, that only three days after reading that stupid memorial page, the Red Hood's got his gun under the chin of some little mathlete, computer nerd called the Calculator (stupid name), the guy squealing about the Secret Society of Supervillains (stupider name) that Luthor had set up with Talia, who really could do better in terms of company, and that fucking creep Deathstroke.
Three fingers shot off at point blank and one knee crunched to bony, gritty pieces under his boot, and the Red Hood's heard way more than he cares to regarding this little fun-time club of murders, their plans for a world-wide prison break (like Arkham didn't have those regularly on its own), the JLA's nasty little foray into memory alteration (the good guys pulling, morally objectionable, authoritarian shit? Say it ain't so!), and how the Luthor leading them had actually been an alternative universe fake trying to pull some sort of multiverse ending evil scheme.
Fun times all around, and the Red Hood could not give less of a shit about any of it if he tried.
Hood readjusts his weight, putting more of it on his left leg that's bearing down on the Calculator's ruined knee. The man underneath him lets out a whimpering, scream. Hood lets his gun's aim wander slowly down the guy's body, he thinks about pointing it at the fucker's crotch just to see if he'll start crying again but decides to have a bit of class and lets the muzzle rest on the Calculator's other, intact knee instead.
"That'd all be real interesting if I gave a shit about what you were getting up to Noah, but I what I want to know is how things shook out. The world's still standing right? So whose dead now that the dust's settled, and how they'd get there? That's the real question."
Hood taps the gun muzzle twice against Calculator's knee. He won't actually shoot, too much chance of hitting a blood vessel and having the guy go unconscious and useless from blood loss, but he doubts this computer geek knows that.
Way too many villains get into this gig all excited about torture, extortion, and killing with absolutely no defenses on what too do if the tables are reserved. It's always hilarious watching them shit their pants and scramble when they suddenly weren't the meanest thing in the room.
"I-, I-, the Luthor we were working with, the one from Earth-3, he ran so the heroes didn't get him, but he's dead already. He made the mistake of trying to go to ground in Gotham, and the Joker got him. Apparently the fucking clown was pissy he didn't invited to festivities, as if anyone half-way sane is willing to team up with his crazy ass." The Calculator grunts out, eyes wide and desperate as they track the gun that's poised over his one remaining knee.
Ugh, what a fool-ass rookie mistake. You only tried going to ground in Gotham if were unhinged and bloodthirsty enough to be too much of a pain in the ass to attack or you were homegrown on its cursed soil and knew how to avoid the city's resident cast of horrors. Hood's willing to guess any version of Luthor's a dangerous genius, but unless this version liked peeling people's faces off and eating them for a midday snack, he'd undoubtedly instead got eaten alive himself by Gotham's hungry jaws.
A least if the Joker got him, the guy definitely didn’t die a nice, easy death. Jason knows that with a painful certainty.
"Mmh, closer to having something actually useful to say. But hey, you went to ground in Gotham too, huh Noah, and it seems that's working out a bit better for you!"
Hood grinds his left heel down again. His boots are too thick to feel the grit of shattered bone, but he can hear the mess of tendons, viscera, and bone shards underneath the Calculator's latest, warbling scream. The guy pissed his pants right around the time Hood shot off his second finger, and the whole air would likely have the sharp mixed stinks of urine and blood if he removed his helmet.
"Was working out for you, I should say. You must be a local boy, huh?" Hood pauses, till the Calculator's eyes have refocused enough to show he's paying attention to Hood instead of his own pain.
"So, from one Gotham boy to another, how'd it shake out for our Bats? I hear our latest little Robin got out fine, and god only fucking knows that we ain't lucky enough to hope Batman got offed, but how'd birdy number 1 fare?" It's hard to resist the temptation to grind down on the man's shattered bones again, to resist pulling the trigger and making him bleed. Jason can feel himself losing control of the urge to send this piece of trash to hell where he belongs.
"How's Nightwing doing these days?"
"Nightwing and Superboy took down the machine-tower Earth-3 Luthor was using to rewrite the multiverse. I didn't see in person, but I hacked communications, and from Wonder Woman's report Luthor killed Nightwing in rage as reve-"
Hood yanks the aim of the gun up from Noah Kuttler's knee to his skull and blows his fucking brains out close range. The left side of the Calculator's face explodes into a mess of brain tissue and blood.
He gives the body a final kick, then lets himself out of the apartment that piece of trash had set up as a his hideout. It's Gotham, and the few cops not corrupt enough to ignore this are too overworked to give a shit about some villain's death, so no need to waste his time taking out the trash.
Hood slams the door of the run down apartment complex behind him, and stomps out onto the chilly streets. It's not raining, just damp and cold as Gotham usually is in the fall, so there might still be people, but Jason doesn't really give a fuck right now. Between his now-infamous helmet, his more obvious guns, and the wide shoulders he grew into, nobody's gonna mess with him as he prowls the streets.
And if they do, well, actually smashing some drug dealer or rapist shit's head against ground still it cracks like a bloody egg sounds like a good time with the mood he's in.
Hood makes it four blocks, not thinking about where's he going and not lucky enough to pass someone dumb enough to try starting shit with him, before he can even think above the cold, angry, itching boiling beneath his skin.
He needs a plan, he needs to do something, do anything. Jason will boil himself alive in his own itching skin with his rage if he has to just sit on it. He'd planned to kill whoever had murdered Nightwing, figured it would be some hot-shot that got a lucky hit in the chaos of battle, or some too clever for their own good smarmy loser who'd gotten an advantage by holding a little side-kick hostage.
Jason could have worked off his rage on giving them a death that was almost as slow they'd deserved for taking someone like his brother from him and Gotham, and finally proved, that at least in this respect, he was better than Rob-, than Nightwing. He might not be so nice, so naturally talented, so charismatic, but he could have proved himself better in this and given Dick's death the closure a good person like him deserved.
He realizes his loud, angry walk has taken him close to the warehouses of the harbor, the drafty old buildings three times as likely to be housing some sort of illegal goings-on as they are to be housing shipping containers.
His- his- second time heading out as Robin with Nightwing, had been around here.
Jason had jumped into a drug-processing scheme too early, nearly ruined the bust. Nightwing had to swoop in and rescue him - though instead of cracking heads, the annoying prick had just flashed a fake, movie-star smile and sweet-talked the guards and drug processors into letting them walk out.
He'd scolded Jason a bit afterwards, but taken the sting out of it by inviting him along on the real bust later that night. Afterwards he'd shot Robin a much gentler, beaming real smile and told him 'good job'. Then he'd ruined that soft, tingly feeling of pride at being treated like an equal by Nightwing, by prodding and whining until Jason had reluctantly let Dick buy him ice-cream.
Dick had flavor palate of a little kid in regards to sweets, and he'd gotten whipped cream and sprinkles on his. Jason had made fun of him for being 17 and eating like a 7 year old, and-
Jason's nearly twenty now, older than Dick had been when they first met. He's right near the age Dick was when Jason had died, a funny sort of parallelism.
Hey, with the way he's getting on with the family right now, chances are Jason will also miss his brother's funeral. How fuckin' hilarious is that?
He leans his head against one of the warehouse's outer walls and laughs. It comes out monstrous and distorted through his helmet's speakers. His gloved hands can't find purchase on his jacket's shoulders to rip up his own skin and let out some of the anger inside.
Anger and maybe not anger. His face feels wet and he's still laughing a bit. Whatever Jason's feeling it's bad, and he wants it gone. Needs to do something, anything for this feeling to be gone.
He doesn't know what to do though, and the unbearable tide of it swells and suddenly and desperately Jason can't help himself from thinking he wants to be 13 years old again getting painlessly snatched out of the air by Nightwing with a trapeze artist's instincts for a fall about to go wrong. He wants to be 14, half-asleep on a mountain-lodge couch on his first ever family vacation as his brother quietly tells his father Jason's a good kid, with the softest tone he's ever heard Dick aim at Bruce.
He wants to be 15 with this same unbearable angerfeargrief that is drowning him now swelling and calling his brother, his Robin, Bruce's first son, the only person in the world that might understand how he's feeling. The phone won't pick up, and he'd known that, known that the Titans were in space all distant and unreachable, but he'd still called.
Jason had still had a brother to call, and the promise that maybe someday it would connect.
He dials Dick Grayson's current civilian number on numbs fingers.
"The number you are attempting to reach is not in service."
Jason hits redial. He can't say why, the call's not magically gonna go through this time.
"The number you are attempting to reach is not in service."
He redials the number manually, staring hard at the screen to make sure each button press is pulling up the correct number.
"The number you are attempting to reach is not in service."
Once more, repeating the phone number out loud to make sure he's remembering it correctly.
"The number you are attempting to reach is not in service."
"The number you are attempting to reach is not in service."
"The number you are attempting to reach is not in service."
8 notes · View notes
icanbeyourjedi-writes · 9 months
It Was Just A Dream Chapter Three
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Summary: Going back to work was easy, hearing that Alex has a date is not.  Frankie spirals at the news, and what happens next could change the friendship.  Words: 7,591 Rating: 18+ Adult Themes Warnings/Triggers:  Addiction, Falling for Your Brothers Friend, Language, OFC is somewhat described as someone with longer hair, but no race/eye color/body type   A/N: I don’t know much about addiction, just the things that I googled and seen portrayed on TV. This is completely an AU. I had the beginning of this story pop in my head randomly and thought it sounded fun to explore. Sure we all love Frankie was that sweet puppy dog…but what if he had his own inner demons he had to battle with.  The ‘coke charge’ was mentioned in TF and I kinda wanted to explore that side of him. 
Thank you to @theewokingdead for the beta
**This is written as a  first person, and it's my first time writing in first person, so please be gentle with me. I also include Frankie's POV which will be Bold
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Frankie Morales, 25, a talented pilot, Army Vet and now sticker enthusiast. I don’t think I have ever spent so much time in the sticker aisle. We’ve been here for at least an hour and I am sure the pile of stickers in the basket are already at fifty bucks.  But I can’t help it, he’s excited, he’s smiling and I see the old Frankie. The Frankie before he got hurt. 
“Lex…Lexi they have vampire teeth!” he races over to me dropping the stickers into the cart joining the helicopters, military helicopters, cats, cat paws and of course who could forget catfish. And because that wasn’t enough he added tropical fish to the pile as well. 
“I‘ve created a monster” I sigh to myself. I start to think this crazy thrown together idea might actually work. I’ve never been in his shoes. I don’t know what he deals with, what he has dealt with. But I do know a reward system works. It works for the kids who come into the doctor's office. Get the shot, get a sticker or a sucker depending on the doctor. 
Frankie walks back towards me with one more package of stickers, fire trucks. I look at him and he just shrugs, the other stickers made sense. They all fit him; cat, fish, helicopters, “what?” He shrugs “when I was a kid, I thought about being a firefighter”
“You’ve always wanted to help people?” I ask 
He pulls the brim of his worn out baseball cap and drapes his arm over my shoulder, a small nod. Over the years I have been able to learn his mannerisms and his ‘I don’t want to talk about it’ look. This was that look. Hat pulled down, eyes on his feet, biting his bottom lip. 
“Think we have enough?” I ask quickly changing the subject
“Maybe” his voice still soft 
15 packages of stickers and $50 dollars later, I hope this plan works. I know he is going to have to eventually go to classes, especially when that voice gets loud. But it’s day four and I still have some hope. We stop for some takeout. Pizza, it was quick, easy and who doesn’t love a good slice of pizza. 
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I lean back on the couch, Frankie finishing his slice and pushes his plate away. He picked the movie tonight…his choice of movie completely shocked me. The final scenes of ‘Bridesmaids’  starts to play, as the two characters start to sing “Hold On”. Frankie leaning against the arm rest. His hand tapping against his leg as he hums along. I can’t help the smile on my face as I watch him. He slowly starts to sing the words. Quiet at first until that first chorus hits.  
“…things will go your way, if you hold one for one more day…” he sings along, eyes closed fully in the moment. 
I will be fully honest with you. When I told Frankie he could pick the movie tonight. I was expecting Top Gun, Saving Private Ryan, maybe even Green Mile. I never would have guessed that he liked the RomCom genre. I turn to face him, he has my attention as he continues to sing. It’s only when I giggle that he opens his eyes and looks at me. 
“Nothing,” I smile. It was cute, he was relaxed, he for another brief moment was the old Frankie. I want to keep him like this “uhm so you know I start work tomorrow” 
“I know” he sighs. He sounded disappointed 
“Can I have your phone?” I ask 
Without hesitation he reaches into his pocket and hands it over to me. I touch the screen and it lights up with what else but a helicopter as his photo. I touch the screen again and enter in the passcode “it’s your birthday” I hear him say. 
“I know” I look up and smile at him. 
I asked him once, why it was my birthday. Instead of his girlfriends, or his…or literally any other four digits he could have picked. I don’t want to forget your day, he said. He rubs the back of his neck, a tell that he doesn’t know what to say next. 
She’s right, it’s been her birthday since the day I met her. She was one of the few who listened when I talked. Cared how I was feeling, she was the only one to send me care packages and letters when I was away. My own girlfriend never sent me a care package. 
I watch, she has her tongue peeking out of her slightly parted lips. She was concentrating, she looked beautiful, but she always did. I don’t know why I handed my phone over so willingly. But the truth is, I would do anything she asked me to. I’d take a bullet for her with no hesitation. 
“Ah-ha, there it is” she says and I can’t keep his eyes off her. 
“What are you doing?” I finally asks
I watch as her finger slides up the screen, “deleting your friend George” she responds matter of factly. “Frankie, I trust you. I do. But you're going to be alone. I just…I don’t want you to feel like you need to contact him” 
She was right, smart even. It had been a few weeks since I had talked to ‘George’. But I didn’t think she knew how easy it would be for me to get something if I needed it. George wasn’t his only source. I didn’t want to use, I wanted to be better. But the struggle of staying clean was getting harder as the drugs left my system every day. 
“And I’m adding my work number incase you can’t get me on my cell” she clicks the button on the side of the phone and hands it back over. “I also think…it might be good to find a class or two to go to while I’m at work” 
“You don’t want me to be alone” I groan. The mere thought of having to go around in a  ‘share your feeling’ circle had me panicking. I watch as Steve’s name flashes across the screen asking if he has been ok. It’s been well over a month since I had texted him for a supply. And no, despite my best efforts he wasn’t ok 
“You know you could always call Nicole” I don’t know why I said that, I really don’t want him to call her, “she’s a nurse at a rehab facility. She would know what to do” she would and that’s what I hate the most. She would know how to help him in more ways than one 
“Lex, you know you can have meaningless sex with someone. You don’t have to like the person…” 
I pretend to be shocked by his statement. My number was a lot smaller than Frankie’s. Ok he probably had double maybe triple the partners than me. I know you don’t have to be in love with the person, I know you don’t even need to know their name. But call me old school, I like to have it mean something. 
“Yeah, I know that, but thanks for reminding me” the words sound a lot harsher than I intended. “Look, I’m just saying you're going to be on your own, and I’m proud of how far you’ve come. But I don’t know what I’m doing and I don’t want to worry.” 
I remember the day I found him slouched at the picnic table. If I would have been a few more minutes we might not be sitting here right now. I really don’t want to think what would happen if I don’t get to him in time and he OD’s while I'm at work. 
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I keep checking my phone to see the time. My body is at work, and I am going through the motions, checking patients in. Answering phones. But my mind, my mind is at home with Frankie. I wonder what he is doing.  Has he had lunch, did he take a shower, did he change? Did he do a line of coke, did he call Nicole? 
I reach for my phone when the bell on the door chimes. My head still down when Laura elbows me in the rubs and I look up seeing a drop dead gorgeous man walk in the door. Short brown hair, styled in that way where it looks he ran his hands through it after a shower and called it good.  It looked so soft. Sun-kissed skin, a Romanesque nose.  Wearing a suit that fits his shoulders and muscles just right. He had a profile that romance novel authors write about.
“That’s the new sales rep I mentioned” Laura whispers as he walks closer to our receptionist desk
“Good afternoon ladies” he says with a smile that you just know gets him exactly what he wants every time. His voice is like butter, and damn can someone be attracted to a voice?
I smile at him, glancing at Laura who looks like she is about to pass out 
“Hi” she says, batting her eyelashes at him, “what did you bring us today?” 
“Just some new test gowns for patients. They are easier to tie when alone” he smiled again and I swear there is a twinkle in his eye 
“Oh hi, I’m Dave. I don’t think we’ve met before” he looks at me and I am pretty sure my heart stops with the way he’s looking at me 
“Al…Al” why can’t I remember my name 
“Alex” Laura coughs
“Hi…hello, yeah I’m Alex. Alexandra” I return his smile and shake his outstretched hand. My heart beats faster as our hands touch and my face feels hot 
His hands are soft, gentle but strong. I don’t know why but I don’t want to let go of his hand. After what I am sure is an extremely awkward amount of time he is pulling his hand away. I could be imagining it, but his eyes stay locked on mine. “It was really nice meeting you Alexandra. You ladies have a good afternoon and I’ll see you next week” 
I don’t say anything, I just sit there and nod like. Weirdo while Laura waves bye to Dave as he heads out the door. 
“Who the fuck was that?” I ask once my brain starts to function again 
“Dave’s our new sales rep and we’re in love” she smiles “he just doesn’t know that yet” she twirls her long blonde hair around her finger. 
Laying on the couch, my hands under my head.  I’m counting the little black specks I find on the ceiling. 
Did the day always go by this slow?  It feels like it’s been 12 hours…I look at the clock. It’s been three. It wasn’t even time for lunch yet. I was beyond bored, if I was in rehab I would be looking for excuses to not go to the round table therapy. Finding new ways to avoid talking, waiting for Nicole to co-I closes my eyes. 
After a few moments I sit up and make my way to his room, still sitting on his desk untouched was the stack of pamphlets that cop gave me. I pick one up and start to look at it. ‘Let us guide you’. I roll his eyes seeing a picture of a business type man, standing with his hands in his pockets in the front of a podium. 
“Nope” I pop the ‘p’ not even bothering to open it and drop it in the trash
The next one, a few men and women in military fatigues. In big bold letters, ‘FIND YOUR HIGHER POWER’ a class for veterans run by veterans. I rub his face, the VA rehab didn’t work and this for sure wasn’t gonna help. “No, thank you” I toss it in the trash with the other one. 
It felt like an hour had passed, I knew she should be home soon.  I looks at the clock on the night stand, it was 20 minutes.  There was a small part of me that wanted a hit.  She’s at work, she’ll never know.  My hands twitch, I pick up his phone, my fingers hovering over Steve’s name…
I know I shouldn’t, I’ve been trying to stay clean.  I wants to stay clean, but every fiber in my being wants a little fun.  A notification appears, a new text message and my heart stops for a brief moment.
I was ready for the day to be over, I wanted to go home.  I wanted to check on Frankie, make sure he was doing ok.  But, I still had hours to go, calling him every hour felt like I was babying him and I didn’t want that, but I was also worried that being alone the temptation was going to be too much.  I deleted George, but I knew he had others, I knew if he wanted it bad enough he’d find a way. 
     Me: Hey, How’s it going?
     Fishie 🐟: Have hours always ticked by this slowly?
     Me: Valid question, I don’t know.  But it feels like I have been here for a week, and I still have two hours left. 
     Fishie 🐟: It feels like you have been gone for a year.                          I need paint.
Crap, why in the hell does he need paint? What did he do?
     Me: Why? Franklin, what did you do?
     Fishie 🐟: I fixed the hole in the wall
     Me: Thanks, you didn’t have to do that.  
     Fishie 🐟: Well I am the reason there was a hole, I needed to fix it
I can’t help but smile, my heart melts a little at his words.  I remember that night, it was the first time I think I was scared of him, what he could do.  The anger in his eyes, the way his nostrils flared.  He’s never hurt me, he’s never laid a hand on me, except for our awkward hugs.  But I have never seen that look, the look of rage, horror and pain.  I can honestly save it’s a look I hope to never see again.  I responded telling him I will stop on my way home and I would grab some dinner for us. 
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With paint in one hand, and a bag of food in the other I walk in the door, shouting a little ‘honey, I’m home’ kicking the door closed behind me and making my way to the kitchen to set the bag of food.  He didn’t respond.  I don’t know what I was expecting, Frankie running out and wrapping me in a hug.  Frankie squealing with excitement, I don’t know.  Really I was expecting anything to let me know that he heard me. I set the food on the table and go in search of Frankie.  
His bedroom light is on, I move closer but I don’t hear anything.  I turn to the open door and find him lying on the bed.  Not sure if he is asleep, I tap on the door gently before I step in.  I know it's my house and all, but he still deserves respect for his privacy and me not just walking into his room.  I thought I was being quiet but his head instantly lifts up to see me walking into his room before lying down again. 
“Do you know how many little black specks there are in this room?” he asks his voice flat
“What?” I look up to the ceiling, honestly I didn’t even know there was black speck in the paint.  I never changed the ceiling paint color when I moved in.  It was white and I just kinda left it
“There are 2,873…” he says sitting up, “and there are 3,452 in the living room” 
“Hmmm” I comment still looking up, what do you know if you look close enough there are little black specks
“There are 643 in the bathroom” he moves closer, wrapping my entire body into a bear hug, “I was really fucking bored without you” 
I don’t know if I should smile or be seriously concerned about this. I wrap my free arm around his waist returning his hug.  He took a shower today, and he smells amazing.  He smells like Christmas.  Cinnamon, fennel and pine.  There’s also something so uniquely Frankie that I can’t put my exact finger on it.  He has clean clothes too I notice, and while the counting of the little black specks has me worried.  I am proud of him for taking small steps without me telling him to shower.
“I got a surprise for you” I grin and pull back from the hug
“More stickers?”
“Why don’t you go to the kitchen and find out” 
I watch as he all but runs to the kitchen, I stay by his bedroom and he cheers when he sees the bag of Thai food on the table. ‘THANK YOU’ I hear him yell.  The feelings I get are indescribable, it feels like he has been living here with me for years. As each day passes I think I am falling in love with him.  I can’t fall in love with him, my brothers will kill me if I did. 
“I found a NA meeting place…class?” he says putting more food on his plate
“That’s great” 
“It’s a few nights a week.  The paper said I can go once a week or to all of them” 
Maybe having something planned in my schedule would make the day go faster.  Knowing I had something to do might help my mind not think about it.  I was so close to texting Steve for a few rocks.  Just a few…enough to get by until Benny was home again.  Hell I was close to texting Nicole just to have something, or someone to do.  I’ve been living with Alex for a little over a month, and while things were good I wanted to go home.  Benny would give him my space, I could get fucked up and Benny would never notice.  That, and I was falling for Alex. I can’t fall for her, she was off limits.
“I think that’s great” she smiles at him.  She’s proud of me, the smile on her face says it all, “maybe you can find ways to help fight the urge.  Find out how I can help you” I nod “cuz I have no fucking clue what I am doing”
The next day wasn’t any better.
Lunch had rolled around and Laura had left me alone at the desk. It was a slow day, so the workload was pretty easy. I finish up a phone call when the little bell on the door chimes letting me know someone had walked in.  I love up and see Dave walking towards me, damn was he hot. I smile at him and put the phone down.
I notice he doesn’t have anything in his hands this time, like he did yesterday.  Maybe Laura and him were really a thing. 
“Hey Dave, Laura is at lunch if you wanna come back” 
“I actually came to see you” his lips curve up, and there was that damn gleam in his eyes again
“Oh?” Was the best response I could think of at the time
“So, I know we just met and this sounds kinda crazy but…” he starts
“Here’s your number so call you maybe” the fuck was that Alex I think
He laughs, ok maybe that response wasn’t as bad as I thought.  Why did I become so socially awkward when a handsome man was standing in front of me and I think he was flirting. 
“Something like that, I was wondering if you might like to join me for dinner on Friday?” he asks 
Wait, is he serious? Did he just ask me out?  Is this really happening?  I think my brain stopped working for a few moments, then I heard his voice again “Alex?”
“YES” I say a little to loudly, he chuckles “yes, Dave that would be great”
We exchanged numbers, he said he’d pick me up on Friday around 8 for dinner. 
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I stood by the front door, adjusting my hair one last time before Dave was to arrive.  Frankie watched me like a hawk from the couch. Ever since I told him about my date, he had been weird.  Not wanting me to leave his side when we were home. I didn’t know what was going on, he was being clingy and we weren’t even dating. 
“Where are you going?” He asks
“I have a date, I told you” I sigh 
“And your wearing that?” 
She was in a little black dress.  The hem stopped mid thigh, it hugged every single one of her curves perfectly.  The deep v-neck not leaving much to the imagination.  The small strings holding it together in a complicated, twisting pattern down her back.  There was no way I was going to let her be going out of the house like this.  I didn’t know Dave, but I didn’t need to know exactly where his thoughts were going to be seeing her dressed like this. Her hair was effortlessly curly tonight, flowing like a wave down her shoulders.  She looked like an angel in every sense of the word. Her makeup was simple, enhancing her beauty and I was jealous of this guy getting to take her out. 
“Yes, is there a problem?” She slips into her black stilettos that only enhanced her long toned legs
“Yeah, there is” I was angry that she was going out with this man who was probably better than me in every way. “You look like a…a…” I stutter
“A what Francisco?” She hears a car pulling into her driveway and she grabs her dark green leather jacket
“Fuck, you just..ugh…you like Iike your asking for it” I finally says and the doorbell rings
‘Shit, did I really just say that?’  I wanted to be Dave, he wanted to be the one taking her out for dinner.  I wanted to be the one she was wearing a dress like that for. My heart has belonged to her, but I am to much of a dumbass to do anything about it
“Fuck you, I’ll be back later” her words laced with anger as she opens the door.  “Hey Dave, lets go” her voice suddenly cheerful as she slams the door closed behind her. 
Strike two…at this rate I might as well pack up my shit and leave before she gets back. She is the one working, she is the one providing for me while I sit in my room feeling sorry for myself counting stupid little black specks of paint on the ceiling. I went to one class and hated it.  I reach for my phone on the coffee table
“Hello?” The voice on the other end answers
“Hey, wanna get fucked up tonight?” I ask
“Never thought you asked.  I got some good stuff, meet at Hangers?” 
“Yes please. Let’s do this, I need to forget” 
Talking with Dave was easy. The conversation flowed and there was never an awkward moment.  Dave told me about his time working for the FBI, crime scene detective but things weren’t working the way he wanted to, he felt trapped and wanted something else.
“So now you try to convince people to buy overpriced medical supplies?” I grin  
“I can be very convincing when I want to be” he smiles, “I convinced you to go out with me” 
I should be enjoying my time with this handsome man sitting in front of me, I shouldn’t be thinking about Frankie.  But that is exactly what is happening. We’ve had a rough few days, ever since I told him about my date that afternoon and I hate that we got into an argument before I left. Dave had asked if I wanted to go for a short walk around the lake and with my mind only half functioning I agreed to it.  His fingers slowly intertwine with mine. 
We stop in front of a little fountain with a small stringed band. A violin, a cello, and a harp play lovely music.  Dave spins me and places a hand on my waist as we sway to the music. I placed a hand on his shoulder, there was a part of me that thinks he had this entire thing planned. It was too perfect, then there’s the hopeless romantic in me that is loving every minute of it.  We continue to dance as more couples join us. 
“I use to be in a band” his lips brush over my ear sending a shiver down my spin
He pulls back smiling at me, my fingertips gently playing with the short hair at the nape of my neck.  He leans in closer to me and I close my eyes waiting for our lips to touch when I hear the undeniable ringtone ‘Highway to the danger zone…’ begins to play from my back pocket.  Trying to ignore the call, I pull Dave’s face closer when the song begins to play again.
“Shit, I’m sorry” I shake my head and back away from him.  I don’t even look at the name on the caller ID to know it’s him. “What do you want now?” I answer a little annoyed
“Ms. Miller?” 
“Very funny Franklin” I don’t hear a laugh from the other end “Frankie?” 
“Is this Alex” the voice says again, it’s hard to hear over the music and crowd hum in the background 
“Yes it is, is everything ok?” sudden panic washing over me
“Hi, I’m Clint, down at Handlebars, and your friend here is very intoxicated and might be on some kind of drug. But he is trying to start fights with other patrons. I do what I can to not call the cops, but ma’am he is getting out of hand, and I need you to come get him” the voice becomes clearer
“Fuck,” I pinch the bridge of my nose, “I’m not close its going to be a little bit before I can get there” 
“We have him sitting outside at the moment, but if he tries to punch someone again, I will have to have the police involved” 
“Can I talk to him for a minute?” I ask 
Why was he doing this?
A couple lines of coke, two beers and a half dozen of tequila shots later I was feeling pretty damn good. I was currently in the bathroom, with some blonde chick's lips on my dick. I knew I wasn’t going to last long after all the shit I’ve  taken but damn did it feel good. 
“Shit…” I mutter, gathering her hair in a fist behind her head, bracing myself against the sink with the other. One more deep throat by her and I was a goner.  My cock still pulsing as she lets me go. Standing up, she wipes her face before leaning in giving me a sloppy kiss. 
“That was fun…” she pats my cheek, “…find me again some time” she flips her hair back unlocking the door she steps out leaving me alone. Pants still around his ankles, heart racing as I try to catch my breath. 
I reach over and locks the door, grabbing a paper towel I turn on the water and clean myself up.  I look at myself in the mirror, my eyes red with dark circles below them. I look like I had aged 15 years from just this morning. I should be feeling great, I finally had cocaine back in my system, I was buzzed, and I just got a free blow job from Kitty? Maybe that was her name. Frankly I didn’t care, I also forgot the minute her lips touched mine. The only thing I could think about was how disappointed Alex was going to be in me. I should go home. 
I step out of the bathroom and make the trek back to the bar next to Steve. Walking past the set of pool tables I stumble into a big burly biker. Leather vests, tattooed arms, a bandanna wrapped around his head with a long salt and pepper beard. 
“Watch where your walking” the man grunts 
“Make me fucker” I slur 
The large man shoves me from behind making me stumble into a table full of empty glasses. I turn around, bringing my fist back. I go to punch the man who shoved me. My hand moved slowly then my brain was working and the large biker threw his own punch hitting me on the check. A gash opens along my cheek and blood begins to flow. A bouncer steps in pulling us apart. He drags me outside, and sets me on a bench around the corner of the building. 
Steve is nowhere to be found and now a young punk looking kid is yelling at me for disturbing the peace inside his bar. Demanding me to give him my phone before threatening to get the police involved. Begrudgingly I unlock the phone and hand it over. 
“Ms. Miller” I hear him say 
Shit…strike three. 
The man handed me my phone back, I shoved it in his pocket. And with that he was gone leaving me alone with the bouncer. I lean back, head hitting the brick wall behind me. The high I was feeling moments ago, now fading realizing that there is a 95% chance that Alex was not going to forgive me. 
“Thanks, I am so sorry” I unbuckle my seatbelt
“Are you going to be ok?” Dave asks placing a hand on top of my thigh
I take a deep sigh, honestly I didn’t know. I was having fun, it was turning out to be a good night, then Frankie called. I was angry, I was frustrated, I was upset. But I don’t want to drag Dave down with me. I turn my head to face him, giving him a quick kiss to his check. 
“Yeah, I’ll be good. Thank you again” I say opening the door 
“Call me when you get home” I nod and close the door. 
I walked into the bar, stopped by a burly man who I guessed was a bouncer. “Can I help you?” He asks 
“Yeah I’m looking for uhm Cliff? Clint maybe…the owner he has my friend” I couldn’t remember the name of the man now that I was here. Hurt, anger, disappointment so many emotions and I was going to have to keep them in check when I got to Frankie. Clearly being the ‘friend’ wasn’t working and I was going to need a different approach. 
“Are you Mrs. Miller?” The bouncer asks 
“Ms. but yes” 
“Outside, to the right. Let him know he’s now allowed back. Gary doesn’t want to press charges but your friend is trespassed from here” 
‘Press charges? He’s trespassed? Fuck what did he do?’ My thoughts are racing, did I really want to know. He had been in a mood since I told him about my date, and yet here I am recusing him yet again. 
I walk back outside and look to the right, not seeing right away. I walk down to the edge of the building and turn the corner, finding him sitting on a beat up wooden bench with a large man acting like a bodyguard. He was the size of a tree, his arms were massive and I’m fairly sure he could squish someone like a bug if he wanted to. 
Frankie in his usual tan colored Carhartt jacket, his favorite black baseball cap pulled down low. He turns my direction when he hears my heels on the pebbles. He has a long gash on his left cheek, dried blood under it. He continues to sit there, more anger floods my veins. 
“There she is, there’s my girl” 
I stop in front of him, my arms crossed over my body. This is where the relationship changes, I will no longer be sweet, it’s time to lay down the law and get his ass clean. 
“Get up” my voice is stern
He doesn’t move, he continues to sit there. A small smile pulling on his lips, acting as if he isn’t a complete fucking disaster. He raises his arms and makes grabby hands, beckoning me to come help him. I shake my head no. 
“Get the fuck up Morales” I cross my arms, he needs to know I’m upset and his little act isn’t going to help me. I swear I hear the tree of man chuckle at the situation playing out in front of him. 
“Help Me” he turns his head looking at me with this sad puppy eyes, this eyes he knows I can’t say no to
“No. You got into this, now get up” I am trying to not break, but he knows what to do to get me to break 
Groaning, he places his hands on the edge of the bench and pushes himself up. He sways where he is standing. He looks at his feet, his mind willing his feet to move. Putting his left food in front of the right and he stumbles. Before thinking I move to him. My heels make us the same height and easier for him to lean against me. Wrapping his arm over my shoulder I wrap mine around his waist. Adjust his hold on me he leans his head against mine, “I knew you’d catch me” he slurs 
“You’re on thin ice Francisco, don’t push it” I groan as he leans all his weight into me
“Mi Cielito” he says softly
“Where’d you park?” I ask, my hand readjusting around his hip as he holds me like a cutch and we stumble in the parking lot 
He shrugs, “don’t remember” his face is towards me, I scrunch my face as he reeks of alcohol 
After what feels like an hour of wandering around this parking lot, his truck finally comes into view, of course Frankie would be back in the back, in the middle of nowhere. Sighing a ‘thank god’, I hope he didn’t hear.  I stop by the passenger door, and I lean him against it, praying that he doesn’t fall.  Reaching into his coat pocket I pull out the keys and unlock the door. I grab him by the waist and turn his body into the truck. 
“You could at least by me dinner first” he chuckles adjusting his body in the car
“Shut up Francisco, you still have the first aid kit in here?” I ask looking under the front seat before moving to the back
Before Frankie can answer I pull out a little red box, his head leaning against the headrest. I watch as he struggles to keep his eyes open. With the first aid open, I rip open the wet-nap. I take his chin and gently turn his head towards me so I can see what I am doing better. The street lamp offers minimal light. I clean the dried blood on his cheek, and expect the gash. Tossing that at Frankie’s feet, I grab a towel from the kit and as carefully as I can dap the area dry. He flinches in pain. Finally I open the antibiotic cream, and rub a line of it over the cut hoping to keep it clean for the moment.
“It doesn’t look like you need stitches” I tell him, “what the fuck happened?”
“I got punched” he mumbles “asshole”
“Yeah, I can see you got punched, what did you do?” I ask again
“He shoved me, then I tried to punch him and he hit first” he rolls his eyes “are you mad?” 
Honestly, I didn’t know anymore. I was angry at him. I thought we were doing well, but that just proved to me this little sticker thing was a dumb idea from the start. I was sad, I was hurt, disappointed, but with all these feelings, the word mad didn’t come up anymore. I was worried about him. 
“I don’t know…” I turn his body forward, reaching behind him I grab the seat belt and lean over his body to hook it in. “I really don’t know anymore” I sigh and close the door 
The drive home was silent, he had his head against the window and I couldn’t tell if he was asleep, or just trying to ignore me. He tried to tell me how unsafe driving barefoot was, but driving with those heels and this truck was more dangerous than whatever gross shit was on his floor.  
“How much did you drink?” I ask
“A couple beers, half dozen shots of tequila…” he pauses, “also…did a few hits of coke” 
“Frankie…” I sigh
Before I can ask him, he begins to tell me he didn’t mean to. He wanted to forget, he wanted to numb the pain. He didn’t know what else to do, so he called a friend. They did a few lines, then went into the bar. I know I shouldn’t, but I feel guilty. I feel like his slip is my fault. Maybe I shouldn’t have gone on a date. Work was one thing, but me going on a date made me feel worse. I wasn’t there when he needed me.  
“Are you mad?” I ask again, but he doesn’t look at her, he can’t handle it. 
I wasn’t worried about her being mad.  No, mad I could handle that. However, the answer she gave me, that’s the answer that hurts the most. Disappointment, it was worse than being mad or angry. I could work with those. But, disappointment was the worst. I was now at rock bottom. I shake my head, and lean against the window. Closing my eyes and praying they wouldn’t re-open. 
I feel her hand on my shoulder, gently shaking me “hey sleepy head. Time to wake up, we’re home” 
I groan and lean further into the door trying to escape her touch. My eyes stay closed “sleepy time here” 
“You aren’t sleeping in your truck, let’s get inside. You think you can help me?” She asks
“Oomppf” I groans, when the door I’m leaning against opens, the seat belt doing its job and keeping me up right in the car
Alex reaches into the truck and unhooks the seatbelt, grabbing my hands and she helps me slide out of the truck. She draps one of my arms over her shoulder, and wraps one around my waist, letting me lean against her.  Our height difference isn’t much, but she is supporting most of my weight. 
“Step…” she says and I lift a foot. The two of us stumble up the steps and my head is hurting. I really wish she would have just left me in the truck. 
We stop at the door, my arm moves, readjusting my grip holding on to her. Standing at the front door holding on to me with one hand, while the other fumbles with his keys trying to find the house key. I know I shouldn’t laugh but watching her struggle makes me chuckle. 
“Oh you think this is funny do you?” She’s frustrated and I just made it worse
I knew laughing was bad, but I couldn't help it when she was still struggling with the keys. She turned her focus to me, eyes narrow as she glares. She was cute when she was flustered. I press my lips together. Trying to hold back another laugh. It didn’t work as my eyes locked on to her and I snorted and laughed more. Laugh lines forming at the corner of my eyes I knew I was breaking her down and it would be impossible for her to stay mad at me. 
“If I let you go, you're not gonna fall are you?” She asks, her voice something between concern and anger. I just shrug, I probably would fall but she doesn’t need to know the truth 
Annoyed with my answer she sighs. I moved closer to her, she was warm, despite her anger and frustration with me. She was safe. She felt like home. I lean against her still struggling with the door. Finally, after a ten minute fight with the door she gets it opened. We stumble into the dark house. Thankfully getting the door locked on the inside was a much easier battle. 
“Alright Franklin, let’s get you to bed” 
My hallway is definitely not big enough for two people to walk side by side especially when one of the people is drunk. I try to position myself in front of Frankie, both his arms over my shoulders as his chest rests against my back. 
We reach his room and I move him towards his bed. I turn him and help him sit down. His hat had fallen off someone along the journey into his room. I slide off his jacket, turning to hang it in the chair. In slow motion Frankie begins to fall back “no..no…no” I grab his arm just in time keeping him up right on the bed. If he fell backwards I knew trying to undress him would be impossible.  
“Ok arms up” I say, he follows my order and lifts his arms above his head. 
“So bossy” he mumbles as I take the shirt off and toss it towards his dirty laundry pile. 
My hands rest on his broad shoulders. The muscle definition is still very evident in his biceps. I pray he doesn’t notice my eyes wander down his bare chest, briefly holding at his tattoo. I’ve never really looked at it this close. 
His hands reach for the hem of my dress, slowly beginning to lift it higher on my thigh. “You’re turn” he says before I catch his wrists 
“You’re drunk” I say softly and he shrugs
“Didn’t stop some people” 
I’m sure it didn’t, Frankie never had a problem getting girls, but I don’t know thinking about him being with others makes me slightly jealous, I shake my head and let go of his wrists. 
I bend down in front of him, his hands resting on my shoulders as I untie his shoes. He takes the hint and works with me to get his shoes off.  I start to stand up, “what about my pants?” he almost falls forward giggling. Good to know he still thinks this is funny “I don’t like pants” 
I roll my eyes and lean forward reaching for his belt buckle. I undo it and the button to his jeans. He falls back lifting his hips just enough for me to slide them off tossing it with the shirt. “There, are you happy?” 
He shuffles under the sheets, before I can go he grabs my hand “stay?” He asks. I don’t even have to look at him to know the look he’s giving me. Batting his eyes, his bottom lip quivers, using his big brown eyes to his advantage 
“Frankie, I can’t…” I sigh 
I squeeze her hand, he doesn’t want to be alone. “Just till I fall asleep?” I add 
“Fine, just tell you fall asleep” I watch as she slides off her leather jacket and sets it on the back of my chair. Turning the light off, she shuffled back to me
I slide back, giving her enough room to lay down. I’m on my side, has my arm out. She lays down using my one arm as a pillow and I drape the other over her. She pulls the cover up. My hand resting on her hip. I lean into her resting my forehead against her temple breathing in the familiar scent of her shampoo. Hints of cherry and strawberry fill my senses. It smells like summer, it smells like home. 
Her hand rubs up and down my forearm in a soothing fashion. I feel so comfortable with her here. It’s where I want to keep her. 
“He’s not good enough for you” I say softly 
“What?” She twists her head to look at me
My eyes open to see hers staring at me, “Your date tonight” 
“You don’t even know him” she sighs 
“No one will be good enough for you Alex” I grip her tighter pulling her closer to me. I lean in closer to her. I want to kiss her, I want her to know how I feel. As much as I don’t think the guy she went out with today isn’t good enough, I know I’m not good enough either. 
She sighs again, turning her head to stare at the ceiling. Her finger tips brush over my skin. My thumb strokes her hip over her black dress. A black dress I wished was on the floor. 
I lift my head, leaning closer. I stick out my tongue and lick the side of her face. From check to temple. When her hands go still on my arm, but don’t move away I smile and lay my head back down. 
Twisting her head to look at me, I watch as she smiles back at me. My smile widens, I know my dimple appears and she shakes her head, “did you just lick me?” 
“I did…” I sigh and close my eyes again. Sleep just on the horizon. I hear her ask me why, “to say your mine. Like when you like something when your a kid you don’t want someone else to have” 
“Frankie” she sighs 
“You’re too good for him” and by him - I really meant myself. 
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ANN: A huge shout out to @musings-of-a-rose for helping me with this and giving me confidence to post this in first person. I am still terrified of it. @theewokingdead and @heythere-mel for listening to my random ass ideas at all hours. I love each and every one of you.
Looking for more of my fics check out my masterlist. And check out other writers at @littlemisspascal and their library for all Pedro Characters
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steddie-fanfic-recs · 3 months
A jump of faith
by corrodedbisexual (mishabawlins)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Character: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson Additional Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Dorks in Love, Pining, Getting Together, POV Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Bisexual Disaster Steve Harrington, Gay Disaster Eddie Munson, Flirting, so much giggling and they aren't even high they're just dorks, red flannel my beloved makes an honorary appearance, Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Post-Season/Series 04, Not Canon Compliant - Stranger Things 4 Vol. 2 Words: 3,230 Chapters: 1/1
“You’re jumping in a puddle so you can do more laundry?” “No,” Eddie rolls his eyes, looks at him like he can’t believe Steve even asked that. “I’m doing it because it’s fun.” “How is getting all wet and muddy fun?” “Why don’t you get down here and find out?” *** Sometimes, you need to jump into a puddle before finally asking out your crush you've been pining after for several months. This is the (bi disaster) way. Written for Lex's Spicy Six Spring Fanworks Challenge 2023, prompt: jumping in puddles.
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evilwickedme · 1 year
So like explicit/lemon TimKon fic recs 👀👀
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ok I get it I should've done this one first xD like literally one of these came in AS I WAS ANSWERING ANOTHER ASK. here we go lmao
Fetching - Krypto is really good at fetching Kon whatever he needs. in the middle of a the night, Kon is horny. therefore...
The Electric Pull of Spring - dubiously villainous Jason douses Kon with sex pollen and sends him in Tim's direction. all standard sex pollen content warnings apply
Voices in the Dark - 5+1 times trans!Tim has wet dreams about Kon, and a fic showing Kon's POV
Oh Red / Burning Red - Kon really likes sucking Tim off. Tim is wants to know why. there's a red sun lamp involved
why is there plot and/or emotions in my smut
Nowhere But Forward - when Kon finds Tim in Paris during that whole year of hell when he was trying to find Bruce, Tim kisses him. this leads to a huge sexuality crisis and a lot of other difficult issues are brought up. the tws in the tags are pretty accurate definitely read them before you delve into this monster of a fic (148k! published over the course of like eight months!! like damn)
Scions is a bit insta-lovey which I usually don't go for but this was really good. au where Kon was raised by Lex and Kon and Tim are essentially corporate rivals. the plot is mostly just figuring out how to be in a relationship when Tim's a Bat and Kon's a Luthor, but there's some other story beats mixed in there
Practice Makes Perfect - Kon is trying to get someone to date him and is failing miserably. clearly the solution to his problem is that Tim and Kon practice dating. and kissing. and other stuff.
World's Finest Three: Romcom edition - 5+1 fuckbuddies to lovers, but really goes into Kon's history of being SA'd, so once again, keep that in mind before you decide to read
Where Our Pieces Fall in Place - yet another 5+1, this time of times Kon tells Tim he loves him and one time he tells him back. trans!Tim with mentions of dysphoria plus in general mental issues
okay these are just fics I can't believe I didn't rec last time. they're not explicit they're just really good and I wanted To Have Rec'd Them
Neverland On Your Telephone (And In Walks An Angel) is a fic that directly inspired the TimKon fic I'm working on. when Kon finally comes back in the Rebirth timeline Tim, who's currently dating Bernard, and Kon have a Conversation, and Kon tells him he'll wait for him, and I lost my Goddamn mind
Husbands with benefits - this isn't marked as explicit but afai can remember is actually is?? however since it's marked as mature I decided to put it here. anyway it's a drunkenly married in vegas au where both of them believe their feelings are unrequited and then they start sleeping together anyway 15/10
have fun you guys with the amount of people who asked for this is this flops I'm never making a fic rec post ever again*
*that's a blatant lie I love making these too much seriously enjoy tho
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universalfanfic · 7 months
IDDWTD Oneshot - "Decisions"
Lex's POV from Chapter 3 of IDDWTD, of meeting Peyton again after learning her 'secret'.
Thanks again to @hurniburn for the inspiration. :)
Peyton stood in the middle of the room, smiling at him. Her hair was loose around her shoulders like a blonde halo and she wore jeans and a shirt, no shoes; it was the most dressed down he’d ever seen her. Even at school. Lex didn’t think she’d ever look so good. So human.
She bid him to follow her with a casual gesture of her hand, and he followed. Followed her to the study and shut the door behind him as she flopped onto a chair. It was strange, seeing her move like that. Before now, he hadn’t quite realized how unnaturally the other Peyton moved. But seeing her behaving like everyone else, it highlighted the oddities. 
“Did you have to come over for proof,” she asked. “Because you could’ve just asked a question over the phone for that. You didn’t have to make a, what, half an hour drive?”
He absolutely did have to come see for himself.  
“You haven’t come back in almost three years,” he said. “I was starting to think maybe I’d imagined that conversation with you.”
And it was true. Three years was a long time to hold onto a brief conversation. In the following years Lex tried to convince himself of different, more logical, probabilities.
She’d been messing with him. Maybe one of her friends put her up to taunting him; seeing what ridiculous story he’d eat up. Maybe she’d taken something and was having a bad trip. Maybe she even believed what she was saying, but was crazy. 
And yet, somehow, he could never get himself to buy into any of the more realistic options.
No one had come to make fun of him for seeming to believe her, Annalise didn’t use drugs so Peyton was unlikely to, and usually when people had a mental break they behaved more erratically , not more sanely.
He wanted to know what was going on. He needed to know if she was telling him the truth. 
So he came to see her for himself. 
This Peyton looked as relaxed as someone in her position could be, she spoke how he remembered from when she trusted him enough to share her secret.
This time she shared about undergoing medical tests, and guilt coated his gut, creeping through his insides, as the pill in his pocket grew heavy. 
She trusted him. She spoke with him like an equal; like a friend. 
“Do you really think you’re dreaming,” he asked after her explanation. She’d mentioned that before. Dreaming. As if his world was the false one when time clearly didn’t stop just because she wasn’t aware of it.
“I used to.” “But not anymore?” “Not really.”
Lex couldn’t help the feeling of relief. At least he wouldn’t have to convince her that reality was real. This Peyton was a reasonable person. She could think critically and be introspective. She could draw conclusions. 
“How have you been, then?”
She asked about him. 
That was a stark feeling, every time. Despite the years between their meetings. This Peyton seemed to care about him, and it didn’t make sense. If she’d really only been present a few times, she hardly knew him. 
But she still cared.
People didn’t do that. 
From Lex’s experiences, people only pretended to care. Or they only cared for a reason. People cared about other people because it benefited them somehow, whether socially or monetarily or otherwise. His own father only cared about him because he needed an heir.
But this Peyton had no reason to care about him at all. 
She hadn’t once mentioned his father’s company or wealth. She hadn’t asked him for help or expected anything from him. If anything she seemed adamant about keeping distance between them. But even then she’d made it obvious it was because she thought the trouble would be a burden to him and not because of who he was. 
This Peyton, his Peyton, didn’t have any concept of who he or his dad was. She didn’t care if he was seen as a loser; she didn’t hold him being a Luthor over his head.
And it was horribly addicting. Like finding a patch of fresh water while being stranded at sea. Impossible, and even more impossible to ignore. 
She tried to ease the tension in the room, tried to comfort him, and while Lex knew it was foolish to be so open about his emotions to someone he barely knew in return, he couldn’t help the small smile at her attempts.
“I like you better.” He told her.  “Oh, come on. You don't even know me.” “If you stayed longer than a day I might.” 
She looked away from him, her brow furrowing, and anxiety mixed with dread pooled in Lex’s ribs.
“I have a life you know.” She said quietly, like an apology. Almost an apology. Part of him wanted it to be one. 
He wasn’t used to feeling so much at once. For the first time in a long time he wanted something; he hoped for something.
“I don't belong here,” she said. And she believed it. But Lex didn’t. 
Peyton needed his help. Didn’t she? He did, really, want to help her. The only trouble was her problem was a bit beyond his realm of experience. How was he supposed to convince her this world was the real one? That she belonged here and not somewhere else? Especially if he only had a few hours at most. 
If she was gone another three years, or more, what could he really do for her? They were both only getting older, more would be expected of them. If his Peyton left, he had no doubt the other would get into compromising and risky situations without someone there to babysit her. Situations that his Peyton would find horrid or humiliating. 
He got up and offered to serve them both coffee, relief flooding him as she accepted. The pill in his pocket rolled between his fingers as his chest tightened. 
He didn’t have a choice. There had to be a reason she was in his life. That she’d told him out of everyone her biggest secret. 
It would be an experiment. He’d see if something as simple as a sleep aid would really work; really stabilize her. 
He just needed more time. More time with her, to see who she really was, time to convince her of the truth, time to help fix her. 
Lex dropped the pill into the bottom of one mug and broke it into pieces with a glass stir stick. It dissolved into a cloudy haze as the hot coffee ate away at the small pieces. He topped the mug off with a healthy pour of creamer and scoop sugar. 
Maybe it wasn’t the most honest route to take. Maybe there were other options available, but he couldn’t think of any. None that would work in such a short amount of time. 
And if a person fell unconscious after refusing first aid, you didn’t ignore them. You helped them anyway, because it was the right thing to do. This was the same thing. 
It was. 
She took a few sips from the mug and settled back into her chair. Didn’t put the mug down, clearly planning to keep drinking it. Lex stopped himself from smiling as his spine finally loosened and he could breathe without having to think about it. 
Friends helped each other, and he was determined to help her as much as she’d helped him. 
Even if she didn’t understand that she needed it.
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oliversrarebooks · 6 months
Okay, I may have binged this all of last night and today and I think I may be ObsSEEESSSSeeeDDDD!!! 🤩🤩🤩 The differentiation of the different types of Thralls, the way you've written Lily (and still makes her likeable even though SHE'S SO QUESTIONABLE??! 😂), and then the fear and desire in being a Thrall. I don't understand how you seem to be able to convince the reader of the hypnotism - and I'm like - yep, I won't feel anything - AND YET the way you write these feelings, the Thrall you put me in as a reader?? Like, wow!! It makes me want to be a Thrall for a vampire like Lex and I'M - I -... My brain stops functioning because it sounds so kind, so nice, and I'm nodding along like "yes, please - I want that too"
I'm curious - if you want to share! How did you find the way you write the hypnotism? As in, was it a specific influence, personal experience? (I went to a hypnotist for my own anxiety and my friend did for their arachnophobia!)! But reading this still feels so real and sleepy-making. ALSO seeing how Lily approaches three different victims (Oliver, Emily and Fitz), and peirces through what they need to hear is unnervingly touching, like, in such a way that makes me swallow with fear. Genuine, how-the-f did she work that out, what they needed to hear to fall, what words that sparked their hopeless weakness? So another question... How long does Lily need to truly analyse someone? What input does she need?
Like, also I love how you introduce those different ways of hypnotism! Like Lex, Fitz and Lily all having their unique ways to them! I ADORED that Oneshot of Lex's ideal way of including Oliver - it tugged at my heartstrings a bit. I may have fluttered when I read that Lex had sought and intended to have Oliver all along... I - I... My brain lost it.
And having Emily (poor Emily -) I literally gasped when I saw horrible vampire girl (I have literally just forgotten her name) Jessica? // had Emily and I'm like "NOOOO MY BABYYY WAHHH SHE DOESN'T DESERVE THIS". also how you wrote their individual ways of responding to influence? Like!! I love the inclusive but realistic take on how some people are susceptible to it more than others in a very human/realistic way - like a indistinct trait or behaviour about someone that makes them unique. Like,, does Oliver's price *increase* because he's easily susceptible? (I think this was hinted at but I'm not 100% sure!! ^^ but if this is a mystery that you would like to be kept secret then don't worry! ^^)
I also love Oliver's tendancy to slip out of it. That was such a nuanced and masterful way of adding that 'layer behind the service/the reader is kept rooting for you' and it's so awesome.
Are there other vampires like Lex (apart from Fitz!) who have this same attitude and care for humans? Will we meet them? Will we have an occasion where this is shown... 👀 I'm soooo soooo curious for a Oneshot on this or SOMETHING but this is literally just a scenario so I can daydream about this... I may have already...
Anyway... While I did my best not to spam your inbox with excessive reblogs and me foaming at the mouth, I had to leave this to you as a token of my extended and desperate love for your writing and beautiful, exciting world.
Your humble reader,
Enigma 🙏💐🤗
Wow, thank you for such a super long comment! It's always great to get something like this in my inbox! I'm so glad you enjoyed my writing enough to write this all out!
How did I find the way I write hypnotism: Long-time special interest of mine, you could say. While I sometimes try to incorporate actual hypnotic trance techniques, it's mostly pulled from ASMR videos and fantasy.
I'm glad it's fun and even a little enthralling for readers!
How does Lily analyze people? Since she's a supernatural creature with a special enthralling power and I'm not writing from her POV, I get to handwave it a bit! I think her powers give her an assist on analyzing the best way to enthrall people. Other than that, foreknowledge of the victims plus cold reading.
Most of the people grabbed by the auction house are scoped out before their kidnapping, so that they don't risk grabbing someone risky (i.e. has friends and family who will come searching for them). So she has some up-front info, plus she's good at reading people. Oliver's induction was mostly drawn from the fact that he's known to be a meek and quiet bookseller, Emily's is drawn from having lived in poverty, and Fitz's of course is based on him being an attention-starved entertainer.
Generally, Oliver would be considered more desirable (and command a higher price) for being easily susceptible to hypnotism. Easier to control and for the vampire master to mold to their will.
As for other vampires who care for humans as far as Alexander does, there definitely are some in the setting. I'm not sure if we'll really see any, but if you have ideas of what you'd like to see in a one-shot, feel free to shoot it into my inbox! (Just be warned I have a six-car pileup in there. I'm planning to get to them... eventually.)
Thanks again for this lovely ask!
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stevethehairington · 1 year
✨ 2022 ao3 wrapped ✨
thank you to @pizzaqueen and @hexmionegranger and @thefreakandthehair for the tag!! 💕💕💕
Works Published: 16!
Word Count: 108,136
(which is FANTASTIC bc i FINALLY broke 100k words in a year again!! and also this number MAY jump up too bc i'm still bouncing back and forth on whether or not to post my bigger tumblr ficlets to ao3 🤔)
Hits: 73,112
Bookmarks: 4,251
Most popular by kudos: good for my boy aka the first installment of my wayne pov fic! it has 2,744 kudos which actually blows my whole entire mind every single time i see it, holy shit
Most hits: lol also good for my boy with 13,119 (thanks for clicking friends!)
Longest: i want to hold your hand which is 14k of sweet sweet hand holding lol
Shortest: and stars, and stars, and stars which is 1.5k of tender body painting and first surprise i love you's
Most comments: i want to hold your hand which shows it has 91 comment threads which!!!! holy shit that's so many!!!
Fic that made me cry: mm none of the fics i've written this year have made me cry (mostly because they're pretty much all fluffy LOL) but the most cathartic to write was if you have a minute, which is steve's anxiety acting up big time and eddie finding a way to help.
Fic that made me smile: ooh well, i generally had a good time writing all my fics (even the ones that were a total PAIN lmfaoo) but one that made me smile the most while writing was probably temptations of trouble bc it was just a silly goody concept and it was prompted by friends and it was so fun to write!
Gifts: i gifted one fic this year! waving down the wind was my gift for kostas for the very fruity halloween gift exchange!
and i have also been SO lucky to receive 3 gift fics from 3 absolutely wonderful incredible friends, and i adore them so very much 💕
Events: this year i participated in the Very Fruity Halloween Gift Exchange put on by @averyfruityhalloween (waving down the wind) and Lex's Spicy Six Winter Prompt Challenge put on by @thefreakandthehair (i wish i knew how (your eyes are like starlight now))!
tagging: oh man so many people have been tagged already, but it's hard to keep track of who, so if i tag you and you've already been tagged/done this feel free to ignore lol.
@rougenancy @henrystars @toburnup @greenlikethesea @sparklyslug @stargyles @ruthofrhythm @solosnail @aidaronan @fastcardotmp3 @songbvrd
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moistvonlipwig · 16 days
fic ask please!
bullet in the proof - 8, 20, 26
laid in thine enemy's grave? - in truth, i dig it - 7, 20, 26? :D
bullet in the proof
8. What inspired the title for this fic? Is that usually how you choose titles?
it's from the dessa song "i already like you"! which i wouldn't say i associate Strongly with guardiancorp but it doesn't Not fit. (although genius.com is now claiming the line is "i'm your bullet AND the proof", which....may indeed be the real line but it makes less sense as a line because presumably the line is riffing off of "pudding in the proof". but ok.) i really had no idea what to call this fic but i like this line and it works with james taking a bullet for her. honestly how i choose titles in general varies a lot. currently i don't have any other published fics with song lyric titles though.
20. What is something you wish more people noticed about this fic?
well to be fair i haven't gotten very many comments on this fic lol so i'm not sure what people have noticed. but one detail i sprinkled in there is that james does aikido; IIRC it's never revealed what martial art he has a black belt in but i decided to give him aikido because (a) i do aikido lol and (b) it's a purely defensive martial art and i like the idea of a guy whose superhero weapon is a shield doing a defensive martial art. oh and also i included a bit about eve where i kind of 'foreshadowed' that she is being blackmailed by leviathan to spy on lena for lex but she doesn't want to because she does genuinely like lena. i like writing limited 3rd person POV fics where i have other characters say/do things that the POV character doesn't at all understand the implications of but the audience does.
26. Wild Card! I’ll tell you a fun fact about this fic!
hm not sure if this counts as a fun fact/trivia but the reveal in s4 that lex tortured james and gave him 16 scars was really one of the first things that made me super interested in guardiancorp (reminder that i watched this show spoiled & out of order lol) because i was like. ok how does he get to the point where he can see past his own hurt to who lena actually is? and part of that was thinking about how growing up with lex left its own psychological scars on lena and how i think james probably came to see that and understand that it wasn't him vs. the luthor siblings, it was him and lena vs. lex. so this fic was in large part an attempt to flesh out the crumbs of guardiancorp we got in 3a to include james's evolving thoughts on that aspect.
laid in thine enemy's grave? - in truth, i dig it
7. What inspired the idea for the plot?
well as i said in my author's note i owe a big debt of inspiration to the OUAT fic "The Long Con" by lostlilsnail. i actually kind of worried while writing it that it was Too similar? then i was like, no, the characters are tackling a similar plot from a different angle because they're different people with different motivations from a different source material. honestly i'd love a third party reality check though!
20. What is something you wish more people noticed about this fic?
now this fic does have a lot of comments so i guess i will just quote some lines that i haven't seen anyone mention that i was particularly proud of:
Lena knows all about the greater good. It’s the thing you kill brothers for.
Kara took Kara from Lena, and that is unforgivable.
& a moment i thought was funny:
Even Lillian comes. She sits next to James and occasionally leans over to whisper in his ear, and from the deer-in-the-headlights look that keeps crossing his face, Lena infers that her mother is probably trying to flirt with him.
26. Wild Card! I’ll tell you a fun fact about this fic!
i almost included a line about how kara & lena considered inviting oliver & felicity to the wedding but decided not to because barry & iris warned them that they were bad wedding guests LOL. but i decided against it in the spirit of not making the fic hostile to olicity fans.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 2 months
If There’s Nothing Missing In My Life…
Fandom: DC Comics, Superfam
Summary: Newly-emancipated popstar and child actor, Conner (screen name: Lucky) navigates high school and stardom on his own.
Chapters: 14/?
Characters: Conner Kent, Lois Lane, Roxy Leech, Rex Leech, Lois Lane, Clark Kent, Hillary Chang
Additional Tags: Highschool AU, Celebrity AU, Conner Kent Needs a Hug, Conner Luthor, Lex Luthor is Conner’s Parent, Teen Angst, Angst, POV First Person, No Powers AU, Conner Kent-centric, Bisexual Conner Kent, POV Conner Kent, Protective Lex Luthor, Child Celebrity AU
Chapter Fourteen: Court Date
By December, I was saddled with an unshakeable sadness. I took my finals early and flew to Metropolis for court. It felt like a blur. I can’t remember what I said, but I know I couldn’t look up the entire time I spoke. Whatever I said must’ve been convincing because my dad whispered to his lawyer and asked to approach the bench. Our lawyers talked to the judge, and the judge said something that I didn’t understand. Or maybe I didn’t hear it. I looked over, and my dad stared straight at me. He mouthed something at me, and I stared, waiting for him to repeat himself. “Understand?” Dad mouthed. I shook my head. I hadn’t slept in two days. I was jetlagged, nauseous, and—.
“Young man,” the judge called. 
“Yes, sir,” I answered. 
“After speaking to your birth parents, Mr. Luthor has decided not to contest the unsealing of your adoption records,” the judge explained. I swallowed hard and nodded. The judge made a few closing statements, and she let us go. I stood frozen as I watched Dad’s lawyer collect his things. Dad left before I could thank him, and I stepped into the hallway alone. I sat on a bench outside, waiting for a ride to the hotel. I wanted to shower, change clothes, and get something to eat without feeling awkward. I hadn’t eaten since I left. 
I barely got in the room when Rex called me. I thought it was a problem with the album or something, so I answered. “Hello?” I answered. 
“Well?” Rex asked. 
“What do you mean?” I asked. 
“How’d it go?” Rex questioned. I scrunched my nose as I tossed my suit jacket over the couch.
“That’s personal, Rex. Some things don’t need to make the news,” I replied. “Is that all? I’m about to hop in the shower.” 
“Nope… But if you ever—.” 
“Goodbye, Rex,” I interrupted. I hung up, showered, and dressed for lunch. I didn’t expect any other calls, so I ordered a big lunch. I was halfway through a bowl of mac and cheese when I received a call from Clark. “Hi… Hey, Clark.” I held the phone between my ear and shoulder. 
“I um—. Are you eating?” Clark questioned. 
“Yeah, but um—. Do you wanna meet me?” I asked. I told him the name of the restaurant. 
“I’m down the street from there, but actually—. Lucky, I’d prefer it if we spoke in private. When are you leaving?” Clark asked.
“I’m not sure. I wanna stay until I can talk to my birth parents, but I’ve gotta get home before New Year’s… Why? Do you wanna meet at my hotel?” I questioned. “We can have dinner.” 
“Okay. We can do it tomorrow night,” Clark replied.
“Tomorrow night’s good. Are you bringing Christopher?” I asked. 
“No, we’re gonna hire a sitter,” Clark answered. I tried scarfing down my nuggets, and Clark heard me. “Should I call you back?” 
“Nuh-uh,” I answered.
“I’ll talk while you eat. I saw your last few posts. Are you teasing a single?” Clark questioned. I swallowed hard and took a sip of lemonade. 
“Oh, um—. You know what? I can answer that on the record. I’m posting a Caesar cipher this Friday with a special message about the album,” I replied, “I wanted to do something fun this time because this album is a bit—. It’s a little dark.”  
“Lucky, I wasn’t calling for a—.” 
“I know, but you and Lois are the only people other than my dad who don’t have an ulterior motive for being nice to me. You’re just nice,” I smiled as I finished eating.”I want you guys to be the first to report it.” 
“Lucky? How are you feeling? Today was a big day, and—.” 
“I thought I’d feel more… I thought I’d cry or something, but I—. I don’t feel anything. I guess I’m—. Maybe I’m in shock. Off the record, I get to meet my bio mom and dad, but I—. I don’t know if I’ll see them before or after I get my records. Clark, you were adopted. Right?” I asked.
“I was,” Clark answered. 
“So, you get it. Don’t you? I mean—. I—. It’s different, but I’m sure you understand why I’m so confused,” I stammered. I couldn’t word things the way I wanted to. 
“Lucky, I want you to understand that you’re the person you were meant to be. Who you were raised by didn’t change anything,” Clark replied. 
I couldn’t sleep until the morning, and I slept until a phone call woke me up. “Hello?” I answered. 
“Luck, can you do an interview while you’re out there?” Rex asked.
“When did you schedule it for? I need to be out of here by the twenty-eighth,” I replied. 
“You’re gonna be there for nine more days?” Rex questioned. “And the interview is on the twenty-first.”
“Yeah… I wanted to do a few things before I leave,” I explained, “And okay… I’ll be there. Just text me the info… And Rex?” 
“What, Kid?” Rex asked. 
“Take Roxy someplace nice. It’s the holidays, for Pete’s sake,” I whispered before hanging up. This time of year, my dad and I would sit in front of the fireplace, watching our favorite movies. We always slept in the living room during the holidays. It was like a thing we did. I’d sleep on one end of the sectional, and he’d sleep on the other. Sometimes, I would wake up, curl up in front of him on the couch, and wait for him to wake up. Sometimes, Dad would reach forward with closed eyes and mess up my hair, joking about how much he missed having hair. Those memories were tainted with the kind of pain that made my insides ache. 
I couldn’t control myself. I started crying. I cried so hard it made my stomach sick. I threw up in the hotel bathroom, still crying as I thought about the last time I spoke to Dad. I wondered if he hated me for taking him to court twice. I showered to calm down and got dressed for dinner. I tried to call Dad because I was scared. I was so nervous I couldn’t think straight. Mercy answered the phone for him. I knew that meant he didn’t want to talk to me. “Hi, Lucky,” Mercy answered.
“Mercy, where’s Dad?” I asked. 
“He’s in a meeting,” Mercy replied, “How are you, Luck?” 
“I’m—. I wanna talk to Dad. Can you—? I know he’s not in a meeting. I wanna talk to him,” I replied. Mercy said something that I couldn’t hear.
“I’ll take the call in private,” Dad answered. There was silence for a minute or so, and he sighed. “Conner, what did you want to talk about?” 
“Hi, Dad… I—. Why did you change your mind?” I asked. 
“Because they’re your parents… Maybe they can give you something I can’t—.” 
“Dad, why can’t we have a nice conversation?” I snapped. I called to say ‘thank you’ but couldn’t after he said that. “It’s the holidays—.” 
“We had an agreement, Conner. Meet your family and let the year finish out. Then, we can see where your head—.” 
“Fine. Fine… We won’t talk then. I don’t know why I thought this would be a pleasant conversation. I feel like I’m talking to a child—.” 
“Watch it, Conner,” Dad warned. I wasn’t as angry as I was hurt. I longed for the way things were before the adoption bombshell. 
“Whatever, Dad,” I muttered, “I gotta go.”
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