#infinite crisis bad end au
thirdrootwriting · 1 month
Brother of my Brother (Infinite Crisis - Bad End) pt3
Back to Jason POV. There is some gore, torture, and gun violence in this one.
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
The thing about Lex Luthor was the man had an insatiable need to stick his fingers into every available pie, the greedy capitalistic little Jack Horner pig. If some serious shit went down, there was an absolute guarantee that Luthor had started that shit, worsened that shit, or offered some incredibly condescending ' help' with that shit that was -in reality- probably just a disguised ploy to fuck with Superman.
(And holy hell, Jason could admit that he personally had raging inferiority issues, both before and after his resurrection, but the way Luthor was with Superman made his relationship with the original Robin AND Robin 3.0  look like the model of mental health by comparison).
All this in mind, if you wanted to know something and didn’t feel like trying your luck snooping around Batman's shit, the next best thing was to hop a city over to the next autocratic billionaire. Armed with that knowledge, and with the street cred of being known as one of Gotham's rouges, it's not hard to growl and posture in front of the right seedy bar-owners, fixers, and middle-men to track down a villain that's been getting cash flow from Luthor.
 People in that sort of game might be hard enough to keep their composure and claim ignorance in front of the Big Bad Bat himself, but are always willing to spill the latest gossip to a guy with a rap-sheet, well-used guns, and blood under his nails. It's how they connect thugs and D-list villains to people Luthor or Talia for use as cannon fodder, and while it's annoying as fuck to be seen as nothing more than a gun for hire, it is useful.
So useful, that only three days after reading that stupid memorial page, the Red Hood's got his gun under the chin of some little mathlete, computer nerd called the Calculator (stupid name), the guy squealing about the Secret Society of Supervillains (stupider name) that Luthor had set up with Talia, who really could do better in terms of company, and that fucking creep Deathstroke.
Three fingers shot off at point blank and one knee crunched to bony, gritty pieces under his boot, and the Red Hood's heard way more than he cares to regarding this little fun-time club of murders, their plans for a world-wide prison break (like Arkham didn't have those regularly on its own), the JLA's nasty little foray into memory alteration (the good guys pulling, morally objectionable, authoritarian shit? Say it ain't so!), and how the Luthor leading them had actually been an alternative universe fake trying to pull some sort of multiverse ending evil scheme.
Fun times all around, and the Red Hood could not give less of a shit about any of it if he tried.
Hood readjusts his weight, putting more of it on his left leg that's bearing down on the Calculator's ruined knee. The man underneath him lets out a whimpering, scream. Hood lets his gun's aim wander slowly down the guy's body, he thinks about pointing it at the fucker's crotch just to see if he'll start crying again but decides to have a bit of class and lets the muzzle rest on the Calculator's other, intact knee instead.
"That'd all be real interesting if I gave a shit about what you were getting up to Noah, but I what I want to know is how things shook out. The world's still standing right? So whose dead now that the dust's settled, and how they'd get there? That's the real question."
Hood taps the gun muzzle twice against Calculator's knee. He won't actually shoot, too much chance of hitting a blood vessel and having the guy go unconscious and useless from blood loss, but he doubts this computer geek knows that.
Way too many villains get into this gig all excited about torture, extortion, and killing with absolutely no defenses on what too do if the tables are reserved. It's always hilarious watching them shit their pants and scramble when they suddenly weren't the meanest thing in the room.
"I-, I-, the Luthor we were working with, the one from Earth-3, he ran so the heroes didn't get him, but he's dead already. He made the mistake of trying to go to ground in Gotham, and the Joker got him. Apparently the fucking clown was pissy he didn't invited to festivities, as if anyone half-way sane is willing to team up with his crazy ass." The Calculator grunts out, eyes wide and desperate as they track the gun that's poised over his one remaining knee.
Ugh, what a fool-ass rookie mistake. You only tried going to ground in Gotham if were unhinged and bloodthirsty enough to be too much of a pain in the ass to attack or you were homegrown on its cursed soil and knew how to avoid the city's resident cast of horrors. Hood's willing to guess any version of Luthor's a dangerous genius, but unless this version liked peeling people's faces off and eating them for a midday snack, he'd undoubtedly instead got eaten alive himself by Gotham's hungry jaws.
A least if the Joker got him, the guy definitely didn’t die a nice, easy death. Jason knows that with a painful certainty.
"Mmh, closer to having something actually useful to say. But hey, you went to ground in Gotham too, huh Noah, and it seems that's working out a bit better for you!"
Hood grinds his left heel down again. His boots are too thick to feel the grit of shattered bone, but he can hear the mess of tendons, viscera, and bone shards underneath the Calculator's latest, warbling scream. The guy pissed his pants right around the time Hood shot off his second finger, and the whole air would likely have the sharp mixed stinks of urine and blood if he removed his helmet.
"Was working out for you, I should say. You must be a local boy, huh?" Hood pauses, till the Calculator's eyes have refocused enough to show he's paying attention to Hood instead of his own pain.
"So, from one Gotham boy to another, how'd it shake out for our Bats? I hear our latest little Robin got out fine, and god only fucking knows that we ain't lucky enough to hope Batman got offed, but how'd birdy number 1 fare?" It's hard to resist the temptation to grind down on the man's shattered bones again, to resist pulling the trigger and making him bleed. Jason can feel himself losing control of the urge to send this piece of trash to hell where he belongs.
"How's Nightwing doing these days?"
"Nightwing and Superboy took down the machine-tower Earth-3 Luthor was using to rewrite the multiverse. I didn't see in person, but I hacked communications, and from Wonder Woman's report Luthor killed Nightwing in rage as reve-"
Hood yanks the aim of the gun up from Noah Kuttler's knee to his skull and blows his fucking brains out close range. The left side of the Calculator's face explodes into a mess of brain tissue and blood.
He gives the body a final kick, then lets himself out of the apartment that piece of trash had set up as a his hideout. It's Gotham, and the few cops not corrupt enough to ignore this are too overworked to give a shit about some villain's death, so no need to waste his time taking out the trash.
Hood slams the door of the run down apartment complex behind him, and stomps out onto the chilly streets. It's not raining, just damp and cold as Gotham usually is in the fall, so there might still be people, but Jason doesn't really give a fuck right now. Between his now-infamous helmet, his more obvious guns, and the wide shoulders he grew into, nobody's gonna mess with him as he prowls the streets.
And if they do, well, actually smashing some drug dealer or rapist shit's head against ground still it cracks like a bloody egg sounds like a good time with the mood he's in.
Hood makes it four blocks, not thinking about where's he going and not lucky enough to pass someone dumb enough to try starting shit with him, before he can even think above the cold, angry, itching boiling beneath his skin.
He needs a plan, he needs to do something, do anything. Jason will boil himself alive in his own itching skin with his rage if he has to just sit on it. He'd planned to kill whoever had murdered Nightwing, figured it would be some hot-shot that got a lucky hit in the chaos of battle, or some too clever for their own good smarmy loser who'd gotten an advantage by holding a little side-kick hostage.
Jason could have worked off his rage on giving them a death that was almost as slow they'd deserved for taking someone like his brother from him and Gotham, and finally proved, that at least in this respect, he was better than Rob-, than Nightwing. He might not be so nice, so naturally talented, so charismatic, but he could have proved himself better in this and given Dick's death the closure a good person like him deserved.
He realizes his loud, angry walk has taken him close to the warehouses of the harbor, the drafty old buildings three times as likely to be housing some sort of illegal goings-on as they are to be housing shipping containers.
His- his- second time heading out as Robin with Nightwing, had been around here.
Jason had jumped into a drug-processing scheme too early, nearly ruined the bust. Nightwing had to swoop in and rescue him - though instead of cracking heads, the annoying prick had just flashed a fake, movie-star smile and sweet-talked the guards and drug processors into letting them walk out.
He'd scolded Jason a bit afterwards, but taken the sting out of it by inviting him along on the real bust later that night. Afterwards he'd shot Robin a much gentler, beaming real smile and told him 'good job'. Then he'd ruined that soft, tingly feeling of pride at being treated like an equal by Nightwing, by prodding and whining until Jason had reluctantly let Dick buy him ice-cream.
Dick had flavor palate of a little kid in regards to sweets, and he'd gotten whipped cream and sprinkles on his. Jason had made fun of him for being 17 and eating like a 7 year old, and-
Jason's nearly twenty now, older than Dick had been when they first met. He's right near the age Dick was when Jason had died, a funny sort of parallelism.
Hey, with the way he's getting on with the family right now, chances are Jason will also miss his brother's funeral. How fuckin' hilarious is that?
He leans his head against one of the warehouse's outer walls and laughs. It comes out monstrous and distorted through his helmet's speakers. His gloved hands can't find purchase on his jacket's shoulders to rip up his own skin and let out some of the anger inside.
Anger and maybe not anger. His face feels wet and he's still laughing a bit. Whatever Jason's feeling it's bad, and he wants it gone. Needs to do something, anything for this feeling to be gone.
He doesn't know what to do though, and the unbearable tide of it swells and suddenly and desperately Jason can't help himself from thinking he wants to be 13 years old again getting painlessly snatched out of the air by Nightwing with a trapeze artist's instincts for a fall about to go wrong. He wants to be 14, half-asleep on a mountain-lodge couch on his first ever family vacation as his brother quietly tells his father Jason's a good kid, with the softest tone he's ever heard Dick aim at Bruce.
He wants to be 15 with this same unbearable angerfeargrief that is drowning him now swelling and calling his brother, his Robin, Bruce's first son, the only person in the world that might understand how he's feeling. The phone won't pick up, and he'd known that, known that the Titans were in space all distant and unreachable, but he'd still called.
Jason had still had a brother to call, and the promise that maybe someday it would connect.
He dials Dick Grayson's current civilian number on numbs fingers.
"The number you are attempting to reach is not in service."
Jason hits redial. He can't say why, the call's not magically gonna go through this time.
"The number you are attempting to reach is not in service."
He redials the number manually, staring hard at the screen to make sure each button press is pulling up the correct number.
"The number you are attempting to reach is not in service."
Once more, repeating the phone number out loud to make sure he's remembering it correctly.
"The number you are attempting to reach is not in service."
"The number you are attempting to reach is not in service."
"The number you are attempting to reach is not in service."
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sga-owns-my-soul · 4 months
Fic Idea Adoption!
i have way too many ideas for fics and i know i won't ever get around to writing them all so i'm putting some ideas up for adoption!! i may or may not write these eventually, but they're too good of ideas to leave sitting in my notes app forever, so i'm releasing them to the void! anyone and everyone is welcome to use them, and feel free to be as ambiguous with the prompts as you want! no particular order but nsfw ideas are at the bottom for anyone who wants to avoid them!
(if you do use any of these, i would love to read the fic!! you definitely do not have to but please feel free to send me anything you write off this list!!)
-john takes rodney to earths moon
-john and rodney find the ancient equivalent of speed. they do Everything
-au where ronon gets earth to repeal dadt bc john tells him it's why he can't be with rodney and ronon goes I Must Fix This (he enlists teyla and lorne and maybe cadman)
-rodney asks ronon to go with john to earth (outcast coda)
-rodney goes on bill nye saves the world after stargate declassification
-evans biggest fear is having to shoot john (and maybe getting a promotion bc of it?) and john finds out
-rodney’s ‘torture too hideous and intimate to recount’ is him being tortured, just for them to realize that torturing his team is a better way to break him
-teyla living out ‘the chosen one’ trope
-what happens to sora after the eye
-au where meredith(female!rodney) comes to atlantis instead of rod and not only is rodney horribly disturbed, he’s furious (and strangely confused) as to why everyone apparently likes him more as a woman
-todd is weirdly obsessed with this strange human he meets, and is determined to get closer to him
-the team is most excited about catching up with todd when they get the confirmation atlantis is going back to pegasus
-everyone complains about rodney’s moods bc no one can complain about the infinitely worse in every way sheppard bad moods, that make everyone on the base wish they were on a hive ship being eaten by two wraith at once
-au where ronon ends up on athos at the same time the wraith come and he sneaks through the gate with the intention of just sneaking away on the next planet but whoops it’s atlantis (ronon pov)
-rodney keeps a memorial for every single scientist lost in his lab and radek shows it to new scientists who start complaining about rodney not caring and risking their lives
-reaper au where’s he’s fed the fuck up with these two stupid men who never actually die when they’re supposed to and it’s more annoying than anything now bc he still needs to show up
-au carson comes to atlantis and is HORRIFIED by becketts retrovirus research and the hoffan drug bc “does the hippocratic oath mean NOTHING here???”
-au where rodney can’t admit to himself what john means to him, until something happens that brings all the alternate rodney’s that have lost their johns to atlantis, and they all fall apart when they see john alive, and john and rodney have to have a Conversation (mcshep? maybe ambiguous? idk yet)
-rodney sees john as three separate entities: the Colonel, who is Professional Important Official Man; sheppard, who is his friend/team lead that he hangs out with and goes on missions with; and john, who he’s always seeming to have very intimate moments with that make him question a lot of how he feels
-early days in the city, elizabeth is sick of the marines shitting on the scientists for not being tough and the scientists for shitting on the marines for not being smart so she makes them try to solve a fake crisis from the other side and everyone is like aww shit this is harder than it looks
-that thing where tough men pretend they don’t care much about someone but then the person gets hurt and Tough Guy go a little feral and then holds them close and whisper pet names (sweetheart, baby, darling, etc) but it’s john and/or ronon after rodney gets injured
-the more important something is to john, the harder it is for him to talk about it, and rodney starts to realize how hard it is for john to talk about what rodney means to him
-a bunch of au sheppards get brought to atlantis and one on them is terrified of flying
-rodney has always said biology was beneath him, but then ford almost died, and was… different, from the wraith. and rodney knew he had to find a way to help ford, maybe find a way to fix his mental problems while keeping the physical benefits. rodney and carson find a way to save ford and sheppard is so thankful he kisses them both
nsfw ideas:
-ronon suggests some planets for trading when they get low on supplies that have an interesting trade system. it seems too good to be true and they wonder why telya hasn't taken them until they find out that they trade goods for sex
-au where john is hired as a spy for atlantis and he seduces people in pegasus to get intel for the city
-sometimes rodney just grabs john (by the hair, throat, back of the neck, chin, etc) and asks who he belongs to and john instantly melts
-rodney decides to be a tease on a mission and teyla and ronon think mckay is just really pissing sheppard off when he pulls mckay away for “privacy” but really he’s just super horny and wants to fuck (or, teyla and ronon don’t realize that their fighting is foreplay)
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ananke-xiii · 18 days
Another dream, always mine (and yes it's still spn s13 related because i have a bone to pick with dabb over that season specifically)
So here it goes. (Part 1)
Spn s13 but kelly doesn't die, cas doesn't die, crowley doesn't die. Lucifer dies for *reasons* but mary, dean and sam are stuck in the AU.
It's still spn so we just have to have mirrors and parallels, okay? Like, this show doesn't care about continuity but damn! They will stick to mirrors and parallels like it's a religion and so we do too.
The thing is that the AU is not the lame-ass AU Dabb or whoever came up with, it's at least an attempt at being an interesting place. So basically the AU is as boring and dumb as our earth, nothing has really changed, people are still trapped in the rat race that capitalism is (see, we have a little bit of critique here too, there is no escape from the capitalist-fascist-heteronormative narrative or isn't it?), the frigging white picket fences are still everywhere like a fucking nightmare BUT! This is an earth without monsters, angels, demons, nothing goes bump in the night but depression, paranoia and suicidal thoughts (now these are the real monsters) and YET this is THE chance for our heroes, this is the promised land, no past, only freedom, the american dream is theirs to grab (but don't worry this place hides a secret, this is still spn everything must be queer, you'll see). Sam, dean and mary are kinda lost cause, surprise surprise! It turns out that's not the things you want that you can't have but that you didn't know what you wanted so how could you have it in the first place? Mary is restless, this was supposed to be her dream, she died for it and now she doesn't want it and she goes through another deep existential crisis (and, really, we all just get mary because seriously? any character named mary who's also a mother has too much fucking weight on her shoulder, just let the woman be). Sam is kinda okay with it, he once again refuses to get in touch with his emotions and flees from them like the plague: they're gonna make it work, they will find a way (i want to convey ross from friends vibes when he's like *in a squeaky voice* i'm fine! Here, that's sam in the AU). The guy lives in his delusion, this is his chance at being normal (and oh boy is he wrong, you'll see). Dean feels just bad, he's supposed to feel happy with his mother and his brother/son (the weird implications of this situation will be explored) but he keeps thinking about that little house by the sea (or was it a lake?) that cas bought as fucking jimmy novak and how the angel spent months there with kelly playing daddy and how the fucking angel played him and dean just went along and repaired his stupid truck as if to thank him for breaking his heart but also, also, dean will never admit it to anyone ever but deep down he knows, he knows, that that was his place, his angel, his chance (we will also have an explorations into the complex theme of mpreg with the due "Junior" references we all deserve and insights into dean's maternal insticts).
Now back to earth.
Kelly gives birth to a baby jack, cas lives with them to protect them from the angels and demons that will sure come for a visit (but once again he will end up being a total agent of chaos, you'll see), the angel is a bit of a mess, though, and his obsession with saving dean winchester is finally making kelly feel quite concerned with her life choices, maybe trusting this guy was a little bit insane, was he always this deranged? (We'll soon see why she thinks that, she might have a point). Meanwhile crowley goes back to hell and we once again have a cheap game of thrones situation (because why not? i can't come up with infinite original ideas to fix this plot, okay? Also this is still spn, i can condone SOME cheap storylines on the side, and anyway mark sheppard makes anything work so we're good) where his varys-like smart brain cells will put him on the throne again (who's this asmodeus guy anyway, prince of hell or not, fuck him, he will not stick around here for a second season while dagon died like after 2 episodes she was in, not gonna happened in my narrative). But, you see, the demon has his own issues, and goes visiting kelly and the angel because why not? He likes kelly she seems interesting enough for a person who birthed satan's son, escaped from a fucking angel of the lord, was kidnapped by a goddamn prince of hell, managed to baby trap said angel of the lord, stole the frigging impala and escaped that menace that the winchesters are. She then proceeded to give birth knowing she might have died. She is something. Something a bit unhinged maybe but crowley digs her, okay? He still also has varys-like smart brain cells so he needs to visit to make sure that baby lucifer is, like, not plotting to take over hell or whatever newborn babies half-made from cosmic entities do these days. Also, also, watching castiel putting baby jack to sleep with those big strong angel gym-bro arms did something to him, his daddy fetish and his mommy issues raised their head and something else too, and he foolishly promises to keep jack safe from hellish attacks and indulges castiel in his winchester obsession. What? He misses the brothers too, those handsome, tall, cruel white boys (we are reminded that, visually, the whole cas/kelly/jack situation is quite similar to the weird crowley/dean/amara thing of s11, mirrors and parallels need to keep happening people, this is spn, we gott have 'em). Castiel is living his tragic destiny yet again, he's seen the AU, has been there, technically knows that dean, sam and mary are safe but he just has to see it for himself, right? Like he has to make sure, it's not like dean not being there is eating him from the inside, it's not like he starts feeling the pang of guilt over the huge betrayal he's forced onto dean,leaving him left behind again and again and playing him that way, no. He copes by sitting in his stupid truck that dean had repaired listening to that damn tape (every time he does that we have a close-up of kelly watching the pathetic scene from her window and sighing as if in "fuck, FUCK, my life"). And oh, yes he also starts researching about archangel resurrection because i may or may not bring back my girls, aka raphael and uriel but this is for part 2, you'll see.
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dpfantasyzine · 2 years
Thank you for participating in Phantasy Phest 2022!!
Thank you to everyone who participated in Phantasy Phest. Hopefully we can have even more participation next year! I will keep this blog active by reblogging all Phantasy Danny content I see. 
Here’s an index of all that was posted. (Content not specific to a prompt will be at the end)
Day 1: Canon Rewrite
Exorcist Fentons AU by @juria9090
Astromancer Ch 2 by @modordracena
Mirror World of Mine by @new-revenant
Portal Archway art by @this-is-z-art-blog
Comic by @egyptian-sun-god
Necromancer AU by @thewordjunkyard
Summoning Circle Art by @ave-aria
Reaper Danny Day 1 by @princessfanonanona
Thread of Fate by @13thdoodle
Clockwork Shenanigans by @eldritchsoupconsumer
Day 2: Death Magic
Harbinger of Death ch 7 by @modordracena
Magic Danny by @ave-aria
Reaper Danny Day 2 by @princessfanonanona
Summoning Danny by @egyptian-sun-god
Lich Danny by @eldritchsoupconsumer
Day 3: Urban Fantasy
Giants AU by @juria9090
Being Human AU by @modordracena
Witch Sam by @ave-aria
Big Bad Wolf by @sorotrax-sideblog
Urban Fantasy art by @new-revenant
Werewolf Tucker by @princessfanonanona
Day 4: Crossover
Final Fantasy Crossover Art by @seaglass-skies
TOH Crossover Art by @new-revenant
Skyrim Crossover Art by @echobogg
Day 5: Make it Fae
Lost and Found by @echoghost1
How to Play Fairy Games (or not) by @modordracena
Fae Dani by @this-is-z-art-blog
Ghost vs. Fae by @juria9090
Day 6: Isekai
Infinite Realms Isekai by @juria9090
I tried out my parents’ portal and all I got was this stupid Isekai by @modordracena
Day 7: Eldritch Horror
Preview of Coremates by @modordracena
Body Horror Eldritch Danny by @ave-aria
Non Prompt Specific Phantasy Vibe Content:
Crossroads Crisis by @five-rivers, @jackdaw-sprite, @datawyrms, and @seaglass-skies
Art for Crossroads Crisis by @ovytia-art
Demon AU by @catmiint
Dragon AU by @weshney
Again, thank you everyone who participated. I’ll definitely be asking for prompt input for next year. Continue to follow this blog for Phantasy content.
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pluckyredhead · 1 year
as someone looking to get into the Supergirl comics, what titles/runs would you recommend? I started reading Tom King's Woman of Tomorrow and didn't think it was that bad (though I never finished it) but seeing people's anger about it makes me think that my enjoyment might be because I'm not familiar with her character before this and thus don't get why it's a bad take on her like what I've seen.
Well, first I should disclaimer that my very loud opinions on Woman of Tomorrow are opinions, lol. I firmly believe that I'm right but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it! You're allowed!
But here are my recs for comics to get into Supergirl that feel...more in keeping with the spirit of the character, imo.
In Continuity:
Supergirl (2005) #34-59: After dying in Crisis on Infinite Earths, Kara came back to the post-Crisis DCU in 2004. For the next four years, she was treated very badly by DCU, who positioned her as a jailbait sexpot "bad girl" who was maybe evil but also totally wanted to date you, 45-year-old cis guy in the audience! Sterling Gates and Jamal Igle's run changed all that, letting Kara be three dimensional and human (well, Kryptonian, but you know what I mean) and not miserable softcore porn 24/7. (They put bike shorts under her skirt and it was wildly controversial.) She gets to smile and be friends with women! It was a breath of fresh fucking air, I tell you what.
Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes: During those years DC was treating Kara like shit, we could at least escape to the future, where Mark Waid and Barry Kitson let her be her best self. This is an ensemble book so it's not totally focused on her, but the whole ensemble is pretty great.
Supergirl (2011): Honestly, I thought the New 52 run was pretty solid. Or maybe it's just less bad than every other New 52 comic I've ever read? Either way, it's an easy jumping-on point. And there are actually female writers and artists involved!!! AMAZING! (In the interest of full disclosure, the 2005 series had a couple of female creators towards the very end - Kelly Sue DeConnick and Amy Reeder each got a couple of issues - but they sadly didn't have a lot of time to do much with the character.)
Supergirl (2016): Cute! Cheery! Too good for this world! This takes a lot of inspiration from the TV show, which was on the air at the time.
Kids Comics/AUs/Elseworlds:
Adventures of Supergirl: This is a tie-in comic to the TV show, but you don't need to be super familiar with the show to read it. And Sterling Gates is back!
Supergirl: Being Super: This is a standalone graphic novel in which Kara, who doesn't know about Clark or that she's an alien, discovers her powers after her friend dies in a tragic accident. It's definitely on the angsty side but in a way that feels relatable and compassionate to me, rather than gratuitous. And it's by Mariko Tamaki and Joelle Jones, so it's fucking stunning, of course.
Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the Eighth Grade: This is for kids but it is SO STINKIN' CUTE. Highly recommended.
Superman Family Adventures: Also for kids and I cry happy tears at how precious it is every day.
Not Actually Kara:
Supergirl (1996): So after Kara died in 1985 and before she came back in 2004, there was a completely different Supergirl named Linda Danvers. She wasn't from Krypton, she was a mortal girl merged with a protoplasmic being from an alternate dimension who was also an angel. YES, IT'S BONKERS, AND IT'S GREAT. This series is 80 issues long and it's the best Supergirl comic ever published. I know it's not Kara, but if you only read one Supergirl comic, make it this one.
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bitimdrake · 2 years
im curious how would batman!tim and robin!damian work in a dick dies universe? since tim isnt adopted and that probably means damian is going to tolerate him a bit more? but like, batman tim is almost always Dark Future Tim too, to how would that go? personally i think the only way to salvage this is by doing Batman!Cassandra and Robin!Damian, but id like to hear from an expert!
(in reference to)
Oh I don't think it works at all!!! This is not intended to be functional! The conceit here really is that Tim tries to do something out of a sense of responsibility/obligation except ultimately it fails and everything sucks, because the universe where Dick dies in infinite crisis is an inevitably bad one.
(I mean, you could write a version of it that works out, but that would really require nudging Damian's characterization, to an extent that imo would not be able to remain in-character. I might still enjoy it, because I'm a sucker for stories of people who don't like each other learning to get along, but...it would be a stretch. I really think Tim and Damian coming around to like each other requires Dick to be there for Damian first.)
Tim not being adopted might soften Damian a little bit, but my interpretation was always that Tim being Robin--being Bruce's partner--was the greater source of his resentment. I did propose in my "what would happen if dick did die" theorizing that Tim and Bruce might drift apart and not end up entirely close, so that might make Damian less insecurely jealous and bitter towards him. But it also leaves Damian with even less reason to respect him, if Tim (seemingly) doesn't even have the endorsement of being Batman's partner.
...or maybe in the brief time they knew each other, Bruce still managed to say something complimentary about Tim to Damian and/or Bruce and Tim were still a united front in the face of this new element, so Damian comes out with the exact same resentment anyway.
Now, the silver lining for Tim not going evil future Batman is that Cass and Alfred and Cassie are all still around, and Bart and Conner come back right about when Bruce 'dies'. (Steph is also back, but things are very awkward/tense between them at this point, so I don't know if that really counts as a mark in his favor.) I think that's too much of a support system to let him slip fully into the dark side or depression.
...but that still doesn't actually make the "being Batman" or "trying to be responsible for Damian" parts work out.
Batman!Cassandra and Robin!Damian, though? That's a great solution. Hmmmm potential story thoughts under the cut:
OKAY. Tim takes after Dick in the "emotional support child" determination to fix everything, so in the aftermath of Bruce's death, with Dick not around this time, Tim feels compelled to try to make it work. He can't give into his own emotional struggles, because Dick isn't there as a safety net to pick up the slack. Clearly Tim must Fix Everything.
And in the same way that canon Tim broke a still murderous Jason out of prison because he thought Bruce would want him to have a second chance (does he still do that in this AU? not sure. we could lean on the butterfly effect to avoid it, or could leave it), he thinks Bruce would have wanted Damian to be looked after and trained. And since clearly Tim must Fix Everything, Personally, Himself, that means he must also be Batman (which Gotham needs), and try to look after Damian (which Bruce would want). And probably he can win some points by giving Damian the Robin name he's been gunning for the whole time? Plus, it'll give him a great excuse to push Damian to abide by The Code because everyone knows Robin doesn't kill, and he wants to be Robin, doesn't he? This will work out great.
[Narrator: it did not work out great.]
MEANWHILE, over to the side there is Cass, who is going through a bit of a crisis of faith in herself. Maybe we are actually keeping the brainwashed and evil arc and this is a reaction to that. (Or maybe she's just messed up that her mentor and not-dad has died so suddenly, and she wasn't ready yet, but let's go with the former for now.)
And Cass does not have the "I must fix the people around me" instinct that Tim has. She's much more inwardly-focused. She's trying to work-through/avoid her own issues while drifting away from everyone else, and wondering if maybe she shouldn't be Batman because: is she really good enough? She killed people (while drugged and brainwashed, but she accepts no excuses for herself). Her idea for the network fell apart. All Bruce's message told her was to make Stephanie Batgirl. Maybe he didn't even believe in her. Tim has already taken the cowl, and he knew Bruce better and longer, and maybe she just isn't good enough :(
And so we end up with this structure of dramatic irony, where Cass wants to be Batman but doesn't want to want, and is convincing herself that Tim has it covered. And Tim doesn't want to be Batman and is crashing and burning and has no idea how to get this awful little gremlin of a child to listen to him, but he's trying to act like everything is okay because It Has To Be. His mentally stability is kinda hanging by a thread right now and so Everything Has To Be Okay. And Damian is half a blink from leaving Gotham forever because fuck this, fuck Drake, this sucks.
Aaand then something something Tim has a breakdown, or Cass realizes he's struggling hard as Batman. Or Cass has a solid interaction with Damian for the first time and realizes she can relate to and/or help him, or Tim realizes that by seeing them together (because Cass just assumes that she's not doing anything special and everyone can talk to Damian like this) which either encourages to ask Cass for help or causes that aforementioned breakdown depending on his current state--
Or, I don't know, some combination thereof. And Tim and Cass realize this situation is terrible and stupid actually. Tim is like what do you mean you don't know if you can do it; I did this because you acted like you didn't want it anymore, of course you can do it. And Cass gets the cowl and cape and mantle she desperately wants. And Damian has way more respect for her to follow her lead, and she gets him way better than Tim. And Tim gets to not be Batman, which is so much better for him--though he is still very much supporting Cass in the areas she's less secure in.
(And we did start this whole AU with Dick dying, so when Tim gets a new mantle he might take on Nightwing in his big brother's honor. But I want to say he takes on a different name that is still in tribute to Dick but not directly picking up his name again.)
(and uuhhhh also someone else is going to have to figure out that bruce is alive and what happened and how to get him back. whoops)
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grub-xd · 3 years
The Cryptid Specter of Amity Park
AU where the Ghost Zone and Human World are not dependent on each other.
In a tragic alternate future, the Ghost Zone is destroyed. Phantom is alone and suffers the fate of being forgotten and fading into myth. He remains in Amity after the events of the Ghost Zone but gains a new reputation.
Drawing included (at the bottom of the fic). 
Link: AO3
Amity Park, once a smaller city, had grown to become one of the leading energy fuel exporters of the 21st century. During the late 2020s, the nations of the world had to come together to find a new way to generate electricity, as fossil fuels became scarcer and made the climate crisis worse, most of these nations invested into green energy. The town of Amity Park had decided to investigate whether it could harness a different type of green energy, ectoplasm, as a solution to these crises. By 2035, the Fentons, in collaboration with Axiom labs, discovered a way to harness ectoplasm and convert it into electricity. It provided the cleanest energy along with the highest energy yield output than any other fuel source, and the mines were relatively inexpensive to establish. With this success, many nations began investing in their own ectoplasm mines with makeshift portals using Amity Park's technology, while phasing out most other sources of fuel due to its incredible abundance and efficiency, but there was a hidden cost.
By the mid 2050s, most of the world's nations were mining their own ectoplasm from the Ghost Zone. At first, this wasn't a problem. Both humans and ghosts thought the supply was infinite, or would at least regenerate at a rate high enough to never cause an issue. Unfortunately, by the time ghosts started noticing that there were negative impacts from the mines extracting too much ectoplasm in the 2080s, humans were dependent on ectoplasm for energy to continue life, just as they had been dependent on fossil fuels.
Efforts to end ectoplasm mining failed. The detrimental effects of the lack of ectoplasm became evident in the 2090s and by the first decade of the 22nd century, ghosts who depended on the abundance of ectoplasm in the Ghost Zone to maintain their existence had faded. Ghosts who had been stronger in the Ghost Zone than on Earth no longer were, and the rebound effects from the scarcity of ectoplasm made the Infinite Realms hostile. It was no longer worth it. Those who had not fallen to the increasingly hostile environment of the Ghost Zone eventually left, in search of a place to settle on Earth. Many found their own niche places, but no ghost societies ever recovered. Most who fled simply remained as lone individuals, searching for a place to belong and fulfill their obsessions. The Observants disbanded. Clockwork faded from his form, though still maintained a somewhat ethereal presence. The monarchy collapsed. The Ghost Zone was a shell of its former self.
As king, Phantom stayed as long as he could, but even he was forced out too. Amity Park may have been the source of all of this mining and his family had a hand in his home's destruction, but this place still meant something to him. This was what he knew. The people he loved and cared for once lived here. All he has left of them now are in his memory. He didn't want to leave where these memories had been made, so he stayed. Phantom would wander about the town, observing all that had changed. His parent's house, Casper High, downtown, the Nasty Burger, the forest, among other things.
Centuries passed. Humanity was able to use older sources of energy to supply themselves before all the ectoplasm ran out. When it did, most ghosts on Earth had faded. Phantom remained for some reason. He never found Vlad nor Ellie. He's not sure if they are still around anymore. He's looked ever since he left the Ghost Zone but never turned up with anything. Hope of ever finding them left Phantom too. During the passing of that time, Phantom faded from the legend he was in Amity Park into myth. His story about defeating Pariah Dark and saving the town were forgotten. Records that showed his good (and bad) deeds, old newspapers and such, were lost to history.
As with many myths, the kids of the future Amity Park would grow interested in the myth surrounding Phantom. He had earned the name "The Cryptid Specter," as no one could ever get a true look at him before he would notice them and suddenly fade himself out of sight. Most never chased the lost legend. Some kids however would occasionally hear about this myth and attempt to find him. Most of the rumors suggested that he could be found near a specific spot in Amity Park's forest, near its edge where it meets the plain, at night, when the stars were at their fullest.
At that spot, Danny, that was my old name, right? he would think to himself, would hover and gaze at the stars, wondering why he had to be alone and pondering how he could have saved the Ghost Zone from the fate it had suffered. This spot didn't have much meaning to him per say, but it was peaceful and it could bring him a sense of calm that he could find nowhere else. It gave him the strength to just be able to consider these questions.
Why? Why must I travel eternity alone? It's been how many years? 300? Or was it 600? Time blends together more as more of it passes. It's funny, despite forgetting my own name, I can remember Sam and Tucker, Jazz, Clockwork, Vlad, my Parents... heck, I even Mr. Lancer! I guess that shows where my focus was, with others, more often than even my own self. He can't handle it; he breaks and falls to the ground, near a rock.
Finally vocalizing his pain, accompanied by his tears, "I blew it! I really blew it! I failed to protect the Ghost Zone and all of those ghosts. I wish I could have done something different! Something that would have prevented all of this! Something where I wouldn't be left with this fate! Left to suffer alone, in my old home town, but is completely hollowed! All of those who I cared about have moved on! Why can't I!? Why does it have to be this way!?" He collapses completely and falls on the nearby rock, letting the sobs go to hopefully expunge his pain. As Phantom lied there, a stick snapped. Its echo muted his sorrows and drew his attention back towards the dark forest. He heard a couple kids whispering and asking if they could see "The Cryptid" anywhere, and that they had heard the cries coming from this direction. They may have heard him but they are not going to see him tonight. They can't... I'm not ready yet, he thinks to himself as he quickly fades from sight.
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marvelmusing · 3 years
Making Time
Mobius M Mobius x Reader
Part 3
My Masterlist • Series Masterlist
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“Here we go.” You whisper, looking between Mobius and Loki, then up at Mount Vesuvius.
“Shh, any minute now.” Mobius adds.
“Until this entire town is wiped off the face of this planet. Imagine. All that volcanic ash-“ Loki starts.
“I know. We don't want to get too giddy.”
“Oh, come on! It's cool.”
“No, it is cool, but it's just not in good taste because...”
“They're all gonna die anyway.”
“I know. Now listen, I'm gonna watch the TemPad for any variance energy.” He says, pulling the device out from his pocket.
“Okay, because we gotta be careful.”
“If you're wrong, and there's a good chance you are, anything we do can create a huge branch.”
“Oh, Mobius! You make even the end of the world sound boring.” Loki complains.
“Listen! Okay, we're not meant to be here.”
“And we don’t need Minutemen rushing here to arrest and delete us, okay?” You tell him. He nods,
“Anything we do can impact the course of history. Do you get that?”
“Yes. Yes.”
“So we're gonna start with very small disturbances. Very small. Can you make bird noises?” You both frown at Mobius.
“Bird noises?”
“Yeah. Bird noises. Like some, like whooshing noises?” He begins to imitate a bird call. You roll your eyes,
“Moby? I was on the side of caution. But we’re going to need more than that.” Mobius continues his bird impressions to the disdain of Loki who groans and runs off.
“Loki!” You hiss. He doesn’t go far, standing on a nearby cart and proclaiming to the people of Pompeii that they are all going to die. On a positive note you’ve come up with a new scale to rate nexus events: starting with bird noises and ending with prophesying the future. Loki then decides to release a hoard of goats. Fantastic. Loki halts his Latin monologue to look over at you and Mobius for a fact check,
“We are from the future, right? What is the TVA? I mean, it's from the future. It sounds from the future. It's pretty futurey.” You’re about to answer him when you realise you don’t actually know. You’d always assumed the TVA just existed outside of time. Though you’re not sure how that would work. You’re about to ask Mobius when the volcano erupts. Loki then proceeds to have what looks like an existential crisis. “Nothing matters! Nothing has any consequence! Dance while you still can!” You lean over Mobius’s shoulder.
“How’s it going?” You ask, nodding towards his TemPad.
“I don't believe it. Zero variance energy. No branching in the timeline.” He tells you. Overhearing what Mobius says, Loki approaches you,
“The TVA would never even know we were here. If it were me, this is where I would hide.” A colossal cloud of ash rolls down the hillside, quickly approaching the three of you.
“Erm, Loki, bud?” You say, concerned that he hasn’t noticed. You point over his shoulder, “You got a little something-“
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On your return to the TVA, the three of you head to the archives, searching for all naturally occurring disasters. Turns out there’s a lot of them. Mobius hands you a pile of events from before you existed, which you appreciated. Whilst you were curious about what happened to the world after you left it, you’re not too eager to see the long list of apocalypses. After what feels like hours of searching the three of you decide to take a break.
You and Loki are sat in one of the TVA cafeterias, waiting for Mobius to return with some food. Two hunters pass by your table, and you keep your gaze on the papers in front of you.
“Why do they look at us like that?” Loki asks suddenly. You look up at him.
“Like what?”
“Don’t act like you haven’t noticed. You and Mobius don’t get the looks that you and I get.” He observes. You sigh,
“That’s because when it’s me and you, they see two Variants possibly plotting to overthrow the TVA.” That shocks Loki.
“You’re a Variant.” He states, and you nod,
“I was set to be deleted, until Mobius stepped in and saved me.”
“You must be very grateful to him.”
“I am.”
“So you believe in the all powerful lizards which dictate the existence of trillions of people?” You smirk, looking down at the papers in your hand.
“I didn’t say that.” You glance up at him, recognising the look on his face immediately. He was scheming. “Look Loki, I may not be a hundred percent loyal to the TVA, but I am to Mobius.”
“Mobius, who is a part of the TVA, who you don’t fully trust. How can you know he has your best interests at heart?”
“I don’t. I’m just hoping, that he does.” Mobius soon joins the two of you. After a brief discussion about jet skis the conversation quickly turns far too philosophical for your poor ‘I’ve just read about a million case files’ brain.
“I don't get hung up on believe or not believe. I just accept what is.” Mobius says with a sigh. Loki looks at him incredulously.
“Three magic space lizards?” Mobius nods,
“Created the TVA, and everyone in it?” Mobius nods again. “Including you?”
“Including me.”
“But not me.” You add. Loki laughs softly,
“Every time I start to admire your intelligence, you say something like that.”
“Okay, who created you, Loki?” Mobius asks.
“A Frost Giant of Jo
“And who raised you?”
Odin of Asgard.
Odin, God of the Heavens. Asgard, mystical realm, beyond the stars. Frost Giants. Listen to yourself...
It's not the same. It's completely different. No. It's not the same.
It's exactly the same thing. Because if you think too hard about where any of us came from, who we truly are, it sounds kinda ridiculous. Existence is chaos. Nothing makes any sense, so we try to make some sense of it. And I'm just lucky that the chaos I emerged into gave me all this... My own glorious purpose. Cause the TVA is my life. And it's real because I believe it's real. “Fair enough. You believe it's real.”
“So everything is written. Past, present, future. There's no such thing as free will.”
“Well, I mean, you know, it's an oversimplification...”
“But practically, yes.” You say, not wanting to hear the in-depth workings of the timeline.
“So, in fact, in a way, us three here at the TVA, we're the only ones who are actually free.”
“Where are you going with this, Loki?”
“How does it all end?”
“That's a work in progress.”
“Those lazy Time-Keepers. What are they waiting for?”
“Au contraire. Because while we protect what came before, they're toiling away in their chamber, untangling the epilogue from its infinite branches.”
“So when they're finished, what happens then?”
“So are we. No more nexus events. Just order. And we meet in peace at the end of time. Nice, right?”
“Do we get to live in peace or do we just disappear because we aren’t needed anymore?” You ask, suddenly concerned that he mentioned the end of time. Loki continues his own questions,
“Only order?” Mobius hums in response. “No chaos? It sounds boring.”
“I'm sure it does to you.” Loki suddenly changes the subject,
“You called me a scared little boy.”
“I called you a lotta things.”
“You did. You're wrong, though. You see, I know something children don't.”
“What's that?”
“That no one bad is ever truly bad. And no one good is ever truly good.” Well that was deep. Mobius looks down at the table in front of him.
“Scared little boy.” He repeats.
“Yes, it was quite patronizing. I thought it was a bit too far, actually.” Loki admits. Mobius looks up, an idea dawning on his face.
“You're very clever.” He tells Loki as he stands up.
“I know.” Loki makes a ‘well obviously’ face as you stand and follow Mobius as he makes his way to the archive.
“The Variant left something behind at an old crime scene. A cathedral. A candy box. An obvious anachronism. I gave it to Analysis, but they couldn't find anything real.”
“Why does that matter?” Loki asks. Mobius unlocks a box on a nearby shelf, before opening it up.
“Cause now we have two variables. Apocalyptic natural disasters and... Kablooie.” He pulls out the candy box.
“What's that?”
“Candy. Do you have candy on Asgard?”
“Yeah. Grapes, nuts.”
“No wonder you're so bitter.”
“There’s a massive vending machine near Renslayer’s office. One time, I’ll buy you one of everything.” You tell Loki as the two of you sit down at your desk. Mobius returns with a huge stack of files.
“Okay. Kablooie was only sold regionally on Earth from 2047 to 2051. All ya gotta do is cross-reference that with every apocalyptic event.” The three of you sit, sorting through the files for sometime. Mobius looks up at you,
“Well, it's not the climate disaster of 2048.” You tell him, flicking the page over.
“Or the tsunami of 2051.” Loki adds.
“Let's go. Let's go. Come on.”
“2050. The extinction of the swallow. Is that a thing?”
“We killed off the swallows?” You stare at Loki. “How the hell did that happen?” Mobius shrugs,
“Completely screwed up the ecosystem.”
“Krakatoa erupted in 2049 as well. No Kablooie.”
“God, it's just one damn thing after another, isn't it? Cyclone, famine, volcanoes, floods...” Mobius lists, and you can’t help but agree.
“Got him. That's where he is.” Loki pulls open a case file before offering it to you and Mobius. The two of you peer at the papers inside.
“Alabama, 2050.” You read aloud. Loki looks at you both, seeming rather pleased with himself. Mobius grins,
“You're gonna take my job if I'm not careful.”
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Tagslist: @n0obmaster69 @mackycat11 @wibblywobblyjeremybearimy @boriqs @aloisia @fandom-lover-4 @lam-ila @momos-peaches @gracey07 @morganwilliams @greeneyedblondie44
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sterekweek-2023 · 4 years
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Hey hey Sterek Fans! Today is the day that we announce our 2020 Sterek Week Schedule!! Thank you so much for your patience with us, we really appreciate it! Without further ado, here’s the theme schedule for this year’s Sterek Week!
Sunday October 25th- Scene Stealer: Take a scene, any scene, from any show/book/movie, and Sterek it! Do Derek and Stiles get lost in The Twilight Zone? Perhaps they have to save the multiverse in their own Crisis On Infinite Earths, or maybe their problem is a little more intimate and in need of a good ol’ spy suit up? Maybe Stiles has to deal with a bearded millionare detective, or for something less serious, perhaps he ends up competing to become America’s next drag superstar with Pitcrew member Derek! If you’ve ever thought “Hey this scene would have been SO much better with Sterek..” then this is the theme for you!
Monday October 26th- Cozy Comfort: We mentioned before that we wanted this year’s themes to be comforting, and for this one, we’re taking that quite literally! 2020 has been difficult on everyone and we all deserve some nice cozy fluff, especially with our favorite wolf and his companion- you know, whatever Stiles might be- so for this theme, we ask you to focus on the comforting things, fireplaces on cold winter nights, cozy cabins in the woods, thumbhole sweaters and size-too-big hoodies, if ever there was a time we needed some comfort, it would be now, and we encourage you to bring us your coziest ideas!
Tuesday October 27th- Star-Gazing: Ready for another fluffy theme? How about good ol’ star-gazing? But this doesn’t have to be limited to just looking up at the stars, it can come from being among the stars too! Alien AUs, astronaut AUs, superheros and NASA AUs, and ofcourse there’s also nothing wrong with your most literal sense- gazing up at the stars from Earth, and imagining what might be among them
Wendsday October 28th- Soulmate: Soulmate AUs are a marvelous thing, so much so that there’s even a Teen Wolf soulmates zine running right this moment! But along with being popular, the idea of having a soulmate can often be a very comforting one, and as our overarching theme for this year is “comfort”, we wanted to include something that lended a bit more to spiritual comfort than just physical comfort too, so bring us your soulmarks, your countdown clocks, your “suddenly seeing colors” AUs and all the others you can think of! There’s no wrong way to do a soulmate AU, so bring them all you have to offer!
Thursday October 29th- Lyrics and Quotes: This is one theme that can truly, easily bridge across any fanwork medium with ease, be it a video set to music, a songfic, graphics covered in quotes, or art inspired by lyrics, let your imagination run free with any words that inspire you! They can be dark, light, romantic, angsty, from fiction or real life, there are no limits, and CERTAINLY feel free to include more than one if you’re so inspired!
Friday October 30th- Blue Moon: This year gives us the first blue moon on Halloween since 1944!! On top of that, full moons seem to be the thing this year, as there are 13 of them in 2020 and TWO in October!! Ofcourse you don’t have to take this theme too literally and feature an actual moon in any way, you can also use it metaphorically, presenting incidents that only occur “once in a blue moon”
Saturday October 31st- Halloween: Our last day this year is my personal favorite day of every year: Halloween!! From ghoulies and ghosties and long-legged beasties, let your love for Sterek rule the night! The best part of Halloween themes is that you can use the actual holiday as Halloween for your theme- picking out costumes, trick or treating, and carving pumpkins, or you can just use what Halloween REPRESENTS- the celebration of all things magic, haunted, and living in the shadows, or hey, you can always combine it! You could also mix Halloween mythologies and modern day Halloween, maybe something special happens to werewolves on Halloween, maybe the Hales have always had a history of Halloween parties and some wicked pixies take over, maybe Stiles goes to the woods as Little Red Riding Hood and his Big Bad Wolf is waiting there for him… this may be the end of Sterek Week this year, but mark my words, as long as there is Halloween, there will be Sterek Week!
We’re so excited to announce these themes, and even more excited to see your work in October! Now that the themes are here, it’s time to start your engines, and gear up for Sterek Week 2020!!
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12(24) ▾ Sexless ▾ 01/01 ⌦ Tag: #un bf ⌦ Reference sheet
The World’s TRAITOR. A super-human artificially made in the lab to be part of humanity’s last resort against the Ć͢a̔͋̂t̡̉á́͒s̆̄͞t̾̈͝ro͞͞͠p̛̉͞h͈̉e͆̈̈́, but escape for his own entertainment. His lack of empathy unable him to understand why he should save this world from the Ć͢a̔͋̂t̡̉á́͒s̆̄͞t̾̈͝ro͞͞͠p̛̉͞h͈̉e͆̈̈́. Will kill without hesitation, but he has no mother to tell him not to taunt with his food. Heartless, but not quite evil. He’d save you if you are to his likings. Is here to live his life to the fullness and force everyone into a singing battle. If you can't sing, you die. 
Very insecure about his eyes, wears a shade to cover them. Will kill you if you even DARE to mention them.
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19 ▾ Female/Male ▾ ??? ⌦ Tag: #un gf ⌦ Reference sheet (unavailable)
Is their name Ruby, or Rudy? Nobody knows, but BF001 keeps calling her ‘Girlfriend’.
She is the PLAYER. A girl dressed in red who comes from another WORLD, here in this world to explore all kinds of possibilities that HER FATHER prepared. She was stuck in a hopeless romance with a certain blue-haired boy, she yearned to enter the world and be in his embrace. Little does he knows, his love isn't what he expected. It was born out of lust and hatred, a twisted relationship, much like the Shepherd and the Lamb. 
 ❝ The outside world is hard and cold, come in here and you shall find home. ❞
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27 ▾ Male ▾ 31/03 ⌦ Tag: #un pico ⌦ Reference sheet (unavailable)
Former SCIENTIST that was part of the scientist team that develops BF001. He initially grown to care for the boy as his own until he betrayed the world, leaving and throwing him into the pit of despair. All is gone in just one day, he is just UNLUCKY to be alive. Now trying his best to survive in this rotting world. 
Seems to have develop mild PTSD but refuses to admit it. Lost his glasses during Ć͢a̔͋̂t̡̉á́͒s̆̄͞t̾̈͝ro͞͞͠p̛̉͞h͈̉e͆̈̈́, has bad eyesight.
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7 ▾ Sexless ▾ 06/06 ⌦ Tag: #un hex ⌦ Reference sheet ▾ Playlist
Everyone's best friend. A ROBOT created to replace someone who is dead. A rich family recently gone through the lost of a son and so they commissioned the CREATOR to build a robot as a part of therapy. However, È͛͘ȑ͛̽s̤̿ä̍͑̃t̒̌͝t̞͋ doesn't like his identity. He doesn't want everything he does is being 'coded' and instead believe everything he does is by his own will. Because of that, he greatly suffered from identity crisis, and still is finding out his true identity. No one treated him like a human being except the CREATOR and his assistant. Unlike your ordinary robot, he is coded to have FLAWS. Always wanted to have a REAL body instead of a metallic one. 
He has monophobia.
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25 ▾ Male ▾ 25/03 ⌦ Tag: #un ruv ⌦ Reference sheet ▾ Playlist
Able to travel between timelines and alternate universe freely thanks to the left-over demon power by Sarvente. He is the HACKER, able to change the game codes on will. However, overusing the power will resulted in a state of withdrawal— coughing blood and flowers (a reference to Hanahaki Disease). It is a curse for him to bear. The flowers on his left eye is connected with Sarv's. His mortal body cannot comprehend with Sarvente's power, it is advised to not used much. He jumps from AU to AU, timelines to timelines; copying/stealing codes from other Sarvente to save his own — that including leaving the other Sarvente dead.
He is lactose intolerance.
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Ageless ▾ Male ▾ 10/10 ⌦ Tag: #un whitty ⌦ Reference sheet
A ONE-WINGED ANGEL. Holds an immerse hatred towards demon and NEVER let him find out you are a demon. Lost his wing due to a contract, now he is stucked in the mortal realm because you cannot fly with just one wing. Determined to save this world. Extremely affectionate and protective to the person he cares for, but will never hesitate to break that friendship if you lied to him about your identity or betrayed him. 
Has three forms: Normal, Ballistic, ???. Weapon is a double-handed electric guitar LITERALLY made out of electricity.
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85(17) ▾ Male ▾ 11/09 ⌦ Tag: #un senpai ⌦ Reference sheet (unavailable) ▾ Playlist
A famous TV HOST unquestionably died in the late 1950s. He has done so many shows, TV commercial and advertisement. Due to the Devil's contract he signed, he is doomed to trap in the virtual world. Extremely touch-starved and each day the urge to have a REAL body once more grows. He is known to drag people into the television, then God knows what he did with them, but they are never to be heard ever again. Possessed Hex for the body, as well as for the friendship, also work as his protector. A two-sided man, a jolly young man and a cries a lot, swears a lot. Was called 'Senpai' by Hex, but that wasn't his real name. For his real name has been forgotten. 
Uses a lot of 1950s slang. (boob tube e.g.)
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7 ▾ Sexless ▾ 07/07 ⌦ Tag: #un tankmen (collectively) ⌦ Reference sheet (unavailable)
After BF001's escape, these SOLDIERS were created artificially in such a short time. Initially, they were just heartless soldiers following orders but slowly, they developed their own personalities due to the observation made on the scientist in the lab... including cock jokes. A team of 7 to save the world from the brink of death, however, they can only do so much.
Have an infinite amount of 'bodies' as their CODES are being made different, their ability to 'respawn' make them misunderstood the definition of DEATH until a small boy died by their hand and never come back. Unlike BF001, these soldiers grown to have empathy.
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30 ▾ Male body▾ 07/05 ⌦ Tag: #un lemon ⌦ Reference sheet (unavailable)
A MONSTER born from the Ć͢a̔͋̂t̡̉á́͒s̆̄͞t̾̈͝ro͞͞͠p̛̉͞h͈̉e͆̈̈́. With no memory nor identity, he roamed the earth aimlessly. Heavily in denial he has become a D҈e҈m҈k҈n҈. He only wish others to stay away from him so they do not get hurt. However, two children seems to acknowledge his human part instead.
He's 13'3ft tall. He has hunger pangs where he'll go frenzy to clench his hunger. 
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Ageless ▾ Male ▾ 17/04 ⌦ Tag: #un updike ⌦ Reference sheet (unavailable)
A POWER ANGEL responsible for the world's peace and fends off evil demons. However, great POWER comes with great RESPONSIBILITY... ... as well as REGRETS. He believes in his words but he doesn't believe in his own. All he ever wants is to bring back an old friend and live how it was supposed to be. He descended from the sky and search through the mountains and sea, only to be engaged in a fight to the death by his dear friend. Oh lord, will he have his happy ending? 
 The sound of water calms him down.
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Ageless ▾ Male ▾ None ⌦ Tag: #un garcello ⌦ Reference sheet (unavailable)
The DEATH for he who controls life and death of all living beings. May his body be immortal but his mind is not. Memories don't last forever, and as time goes by, he found himself forgotten a few IMPORTANT things... Especially the reason why he decided to take on this particular human form. 
 In the eyes of death, NOTHING lasts forever. He had given up trying to build a friendship, as it'll only bring more heartbreaks. He learn to seclude and isolate himself as to not get himself hurt. 
 Love... ... what a convincing illusion.
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More to come.
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thirdrootwriting · 1 month
Brother of my Brother (Infinite Crisis - Bad End) pt2
Tim Pov, and Prodigal flashback this chapter, because I love Prodigal Tim and Dick.
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
Dick's body is still, cold and perfect on the autopsy table of the Batcave.
It looks so horribly wrong, like a puzzle piece crammed into the wrong place or an egregious bit of nonsense code in a command string. A blip of the universe.
Tim still remembers how Mary and John Grayson had looked as corpses. It had been a horrific, gory nightmare with hot blood pumping from their shattered bodies and their white bones visible in the air. Their son, warm and kind Dick Grayson, who just an hour or so earlier had pulled Tim into a hug that smelled of stage makeup and chalk dust and promised to do a quadruple somersault just for him, looking down at the sight that would haunt Tim's nightmares for years to come with empty, disbelieving eyes.
The first coherent thought Tim ever remembers having is, 'He was supposed to fall too', and a close second was this, "I won't let him fall too."
Staring at the near perfect corpse on the table, that used to be his- well, there wasn't really a word for it. Brother, hero, idol, and mentor all seemed trite and underwhelming for the person that was Tim's first memory, his reason for becoming a vigilante, his safety net; the person who had taught him how to fold laundry and talked Tim through everything from his teenage relationship drama to his struggles with being Robin.
Staring the corpse of a person who had made up so much of him, Tim feels hollowed out and unable to bear the heavy weight of his failure.
His mother, his father, Stephanie, and now Connor,
 . . . and now Dick.
. . .
. . .
No. No, Tim has to think. He's not a civilian, Dick's not a civilian. He's Nightwing, leader of the Titans and protector of Bludhaven, the prince regent of Gotham's night as the only other person who has done justice to Batman's cowl. He's been fighting crime longer than more than half the JLA, been to different dimensions and space and …
He's Robin. Dick's Robin, he can't be dead for good. What type of world would it be if fucking Jason Todd can come back, but Dick Grayson would stay dead?
Tim bites his tongue and steps closer to the table holding Nightwing's corpse and closer to Batman, still cowled and staring at his first son's cold body. The darkness of the cave and Batman's stillness make him even more inhuman appearing than usual, like he's a natural feature of the dank cave, a demon of shadows only visible out of the corner of your eye.
Neither of them, nor Alfred, have worked themselves up to removing Nightwing's mask.
Tim clears his throat, forces his voice to come out above a whisper, "The Lazarus Pits." He swallows, "I'm sure there are a couple the League of Assassins doesn't have control over that we can search out."
Nightwing in an unthinking rage would be terrifying, but between Crane's fear gas, Joker's venom, Ivy's pollen, and occasionally Bane's stuff they'd all been dosed up and compromised before. Not to mention, Nightwing's always been best out of all of them at staying calm and rational when dosed or altered like that.
A trained acrobat since birth, his fear response is to assess and rationally respond, and luckily his anger response to curl up and only lash out if prodded, it takes lot to get him to really attack.
(Not the heads in a duffel bag and midnight ambushes to write messages in blood type, unlike some people).
Tim looks down, more critically now. Nightwing's suit is torn and dusty and there is some faint visible bruising, but no large gaping wounds or grossly deformed bony structures. He mentally catalogues the damage, reaching out a hand to remove Dick's mask, "We should put him in one of the cryo freezers till then to prevent decomp-"
Batman's hand shoots out, grabbing Tim's wrist with a bruising strength, "The ray Alexander Luthor shot him with was a type of modified sonar. All his hollow internal organs and many of his blood vessels burst when he was hit. Despite the lack of outside damage, he's completely broken inside."
The grip on Tim's wrist gets harder and harder as Batman continues to speak, toneless, his face inhuman and unreadable behind the cowl.
"A Lazarus Pit can only revive someone from death with a near intact corpse, and whether it brings back the soul is still a matter of debate."
Tim feels something in wrist crack slightly, but the pain is secondary to the emptiness he feels as Batman shoots down his plans,
"Rob-, Dick Grayson is dead. He's not coming back. He's gone. We failed."
Batman lets go of him, He takes the hand that probably just cracked Tim's wrist and gently runs it through Dick's hair before carefully peeling the mask off of his son's face. Then with that same hand pulls off his own cowl. The expression on his face is . .
Tim steps back, his right wrist aching and his heart pounding with something, Maybe heartbreak, maybe fear.
He doesn't think Bruce notices. There is nothing in his eyes except the corpse, as if Batman and death are the only things in this cavern, as if Bruce wants nothing more to protectively cradle this dead body and his own grief till the very end of the world. It's the same way he stares at the bloody Robin uniform in the memorial case or his parents' portrait in the Manor, but so much worse.
Normally, Tim would try to stop him, because that's what Robin is. The light to Batman's darkness, the person that reminded him that they did this for the living as well as the dead. Normally, Tim would pull Batman back, and if he failed he'd run to Bludhaven to …
Robin is dead, there is no stopping Batman.
Tim leaves the Cave. All he can do now is search for the answer to his own grief.
Three years ago
Tim knows the situation, with Bruce and Alfred being gone from Gotham, and trust in Batman at an all-time low cause of all the stuff Azrael did in the cowl, is bad but there is still a sort of guilty, giddy excitement he feels in chest when Dick comes back with him to the manor to be his Batman.
Like yeah, the situation is really bad, but Dick Grayson is going to be his Batman, and Tim gets to be his Robin!
It has him near bouncing in place, even though Dick seemed gloomy, especially as he took in the state of the Alfred-less Manor all boarded up and dusty. Still he'd gotten straight to tidying the Manor up, as if Dick was determined to do the work of both Alfred and Bruce while the usual inhabitants were gone. He'd even let Tim help, tossing him a broom, and then later teaching him how to fold sheets.
Tim is concentrating, trying to get the fitted sheet he's pulled out of their latest laundry load into some sort of shape that not just a wrinkly ball when Dick strikes.
Too fast for Tim to see, he steps close and hooks his foot around Tim's right ankle. As Tim falls back, he must duck down because instead of hitting the ground Tim finds himself hoisted across Dick's back in a hold that feels like something between a fireman's carry and a pro-wrestler's move. The whole maneuver is so fast and fluid it barely even jars Tim, like this was something they'd choreographed and practiced a million times instead of an impromptu grab.
"Time for a break." Dick sing-songs, walking towards the door. "To the kitchen we go." His mood improved once they actually started working and there's a smile in his voice now that wasn’t there this morning.
Tim wiggles in the hold. It's not painful, not even uncomfortable like some of the pins he'd been subject to training with Bruce. Honestly, the gentle but firm grip (an acrobat's grip, someone who knew how to catch their flier) was far more reminiscent of the warm, chalk-dust scented hug Dick had given him during their first meeting as children. Tim is acutely aware of the feeling of being held, every spot of gentle pressure, each of his own muscles that want to relax into it.
Tim tries kicking his feet and twisting to break away, "Let me down! I can walk, you know." Both his movement and his words are ineffective, and Dick barely seems to notice as he continues on to the kitchen.
"Mmm, don’t think so. Think of it as training, just like you busting into my apartment to check on the security. I'm letting you know you need more practice guarding against sneak attacks."
From where his head is, Tim can just make out the corner of Dick's smile, a small comfortable curl of his lips, neither showy nor sharp. He looks so much happier than the bitterness and worry of this morning, and Tim fills up with a rush of pride.
He attempts kicking out again, putting more force into it, but Dick just readjusts his hold, "Not letting you go, Tim."
"I'll get you next time." Comes out of Tim's mouth, without him really meaning to say it. The warmth in his chest given vocal form. He's sorta means trying playful sneak attack of his own, but also sorta means he's not letting go in the other way, either. Never has since he was three and never will in a million years.
They finally reach the kitchen, and Dick sets him down with that same grin, "Sure, sure. Catch me if you can, Timmy."
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101flavoursofweird · 3 years
Fic Questionnaire
Thanks for @sixtyfourk for tagging me! I’m putting the questions under a cut because it’s quite long :’)
I’ll tag @northernscruffycat, @northelypark, @edward-elbowlick, @vermontwrites, @asa-liz, @yoshi-g-teh-first, @call-me-rucy, and @aquamarineglow but if there’s anyone else who wants to do this, please go ahead!
How many works do you have on AO3?
107… but a lot of these are just reposts or prompt-inspired fics that are 10 lines long!
What's your total AO3 word count?
378242 words
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Professor Layton, PLvsAA, Layton Brothers Mystery Room, Rhythm Thief, Voltron: Legendary Defender (I only watched the first two seasons, haha…), The Ancient Magus Bride (I was in it for the cute dragon mage— not for the main romance), Steven Universe, Ace Attorney (only as a part of PLvsAA), Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts, My Hero Academia
…10 fandoms altogether, but some like PLvsAA and LBMR fall under the PL category.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Aizawa Doesn’t Give Hugs - MHA- 1111 kudos - (Why can’t I update my most popular fic?)
Fireflies - Steven Universe - 221 kudos - (Again, WHY DID I NEVER UPDATE THIS?)
Reset - PL - 134 kudos - (This is the one I feel the worst about because it’s an ongoing long fic for my main fandom and I’ve had so much support from readers but I just can’t find the strength to update it…)
Worth Fighting For - PL - 86 kudos - (My incomplete Whumptober fic!)
Mending - Voltron - 85 kudos - (I think this was one of the first fics I posted on AO3 and I was really happy about the response it got! And for a fandom I’d never written for before!)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I usually respond to comments pretty quickly because I want to show my appreciation for people who take the time to comment :) If I’m ever slow to respond it’s probably just because I’m busy or I’m trying to formulate a long response. If a person leaves a longer comment, I try to make my response longer!
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
That’s probably ‘To Boldly Flee’. It’s a fic I originally posted on FF.net but it’s now part of an Aurora & Luke oneshot series called ‘Looking Foward’ on AO3. The fic stars Aurora and Luke in an AU set during Azran Legacy. It diverges from canon after Descole steals the Azran keystone in the Nest. Aurora doesn’t want to go to the Azran sanctuary and face her ‘duty’ as the Azran emissary— she also doesn’t want to get STABBED IN THE HEART— so she decides to run away with Luke.
Aurora receives even more angst in this AU than in canon. After Descole’s betrayal, she starts to doubt herself and her friends, aside from Luke.
With a bit of help from Rook and Bishop, the two of them fly to London and then to Misthallery when they hear Targent have taken over the town. During this time, Aurora has her identity crisis about being a golem and having the fate of the world resting on her shoulders. She eventually decides to help Luke save his hometown because Luke is worth the world to her.
This all culminates with Luke getting fatally(?) wounded and taken to the Golden Garden. Aurora is so distraught by this point that she almost ‘floods the whole world’ in a kind of failsafe doomsday device the Azran may have implanted in her. Luckily, Descole and Layton show up to assure her that Luke is alive— but just barely. Aurora returns to her normal self and they get Luke to hospital. Aurora waits by Luke’s bedside for him to wake up. Aurora mentions that Emmy’s fate is unknown, but they still mourn for her.
In the original FF.net ending, Luke wakes up.
In the AO3 ending, Aurora just keeps waiting for Luke. ‘She could not age, so she would wait until he awoke. Even if it took forever...’
If I ever did write more of this story, Aurora and Co would probably go to the other Azran sites (Ambrosia, the Infinite Vault of etc) to search for a cure for Luke. But at it is, the fic is left open-ended as to whether Luke ever recovers.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not really hate but there was one anon review that may have been ‘too brutal’ (their words). I can’t say it hasn’t affected the updates on that particular fic.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I wrote a couple of light smut fics back when I really shipped Layton/Emmy. I think I’d cringe if I went back to read those fics (but then again, I do that with a lot of my old writing). I can’t see myself writing smut now.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I can’t say I’ve had a fic stolen, but I was reading a fic a while ago and the wording was veeery familiar. I’m not sure why because the fic was already good up to that point? Why would they bother copying my writing? XD I can’t complain, though! We’re all technically stealing the original creator’s characters and concepts by writing fanfic.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, for my Rhythm Thief AU, Déjà Vergier! In this AU, 16-year-old Raphael gets taken in by the Vergier family. A Deviantart user called BakApple kindly translated my writing into French. With the help of Google Trabslate, I started translating their French Rhythm Thief fic— ‘July the Fourteenth’— into English, but I didn’t get around to finishing it. My translating skills are nowhere near as good as BakApple’s!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I wrote a PL fic with called ‘If You Only Had Time’ with an awesome writer called Glowbug. It’s an AU (of course) where Rachel Bronev survives and she runs away from Targent with eight-year-old Emmy. Glowbug doesn’t seem to be active online anymore, which is a shame, but I don’t mind! I’m just glad we were able to write 6 chapters.
I don’t think I’d co-write any more fics now… but more for the co-writer’s sake than mine! I’m notoriously bad at updating long fics and I struggle to write under pressure or within a time limit. There’s a reason why I don’t enter Big Bang events, as much as I’d like too :’)
Writing fics is a hobby first and foremost. If I don’t feel like writing something, I’ll leave it and come back later, hopefully with renewed inspiration.
But I’m always happy to discuss fic outlines/ideas/characters’ with other people!
What's your all time favorite ship?
Apparently the ship I’ve written the most fics for is Janice/Melina on AO3?
There seems to be more content for them recently and that makes me SO HAPPY.
Ranhengela might be a close second favourite… Sometimes I literally forget both of these ships aren’t canon.
My favourite characters tend to be those who are so selfless and would sacrifice their lives for the ones they love— e.g. Janice and Henry— even if their significant other is presumed to be dead. I want these characters to be happy but I also want them to through ANGST.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I don’t want to say Reset… but maybe Reset? I haven’t given up completely but I’ve lost a lot of confidence with this fic. What I wanted most out of this story was for Luke to bond with other characters aside from Layton— his parents, Arianna, Emmy, Flora etc.— and to give these characters a chance to shine. But I guess I realised I can do this without all the crazy plot twists and time travel mechanics… like in Ready Now, for example. Most of that fic is just Arianna bonding with Luke, Layton and the others, and it’s hopefully giving Flora her chance to shine too! I guess after giving Arianna her own chapter in Reset I just really wanted to write about her, haha.
What are your writing strengths?
Someone mentioned in a nice review that I often fuse canon with fanon? That’s usually just me poking fun at the series— like when Arianna’s mother asks about Flora’s age and her adoption status, Arianna and Tony just shrug at her comedically. Who knows, really? :’)
I’ll often just make two character sit in a room TALK about their feelings.
Dialogue is an easy one, but I like writing dialogue for characters and getting their voices down. (I will forever portray Dalston with his official Yorkshire accent— not the fake posh accent they gave him the the US version of Miracle Mask.)
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think it’s cool! …If it’s not used to mock another language— apart from English. Please make all the English jokes you want. I’ll probably agree with you and laugh at them.
I remember when I was re-reading Goblet of Fire and I cringed every time J. K. Rowling wrote about a character who wasn’t English.
I’ll occasionally throw French words or sayings into Rhythm Thief fics especially because that’s what they do in the game. It’s hilarious how Charlie has an English accent but then she’ll sprout a random French phrase.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Pokemon, but that short oneshot is long gone.
What's your favorite fic you've ever written?
I’m going to be boring and say Bonds Left Unbroken— an AU where Layton and Desmond both get adopted by the Laytons. I think I enjoyed the earlier chapters more, focussing on younger Desmond and Hershel, and especially their time in Stansbury. The later chapters don’t really branch out from canon that much, aside from the fact that Hershel and Desmond are on the same page during Azran Legacy.
I feel bad that I never got around to finishing the ‘bonus’ episodes, but it kind of just felt like the original series with Desmond phoned in :’) But I’m still proud of the original fic!
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theangrycomet · 3 years
What are grim and billy up to in this AU
Well, Billy is being QUITE the ladies and gents man (much to Dexter's infinite horror) and is currently exploring the only the Earth, but also the underworld and galaxies "options".
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This young man being the result of one of them (who knew dentists had bad taste?)
When Billy's not perusing the market, he's generally on Earth hanging out with Mandy and Grim or trying to win a Darwin Awards. Unfortunately to win such you must rendered sterile in order to win such, which has yet to be the case (also to Dexter's dismay).
Grim, for his part, has been stuck in a sort of mid-life crisis. While Mandy and Billy have grown up and matured, they have been less abusive to the "Best Friend" contract.
While free to continue his job as the Grim Reaper, he finds himself often frustrated when soul collecting- particularly those that are supposed to come from KO's health clinic.
KO just won't let the people die, and it's causing Grim TONS of paperwork.
Grim has to explain why the souls scheduled for reaping can't be reaped yet because they are still alive. It was bad enough when the brat revived his planet after killing it all off (He's STILL paperwork on that mess). But now, he's gotta go there at least twice a day just to turn back empty handed.
And it's not like he can just Reap KO. Not only is he under a different death deity, but the brat doesn't have the common decency to keep his soul in his own body, so even if he wanted to, he wouldn't even know where to begin to look for it.
It's very frustrating ordeal.
So he ends up spending more time with Mandy and Billy and what ever offspring they have custody over.
Thus far, it hasn't so bad; even if the 2/3s of his friends brats are just as whiny and entitled as Billy and Mandy were as children.
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phantomchick · 3 years
List of wips - aka struggles
Call Me A Jason Todd fic I started two years ago and still go back to poke at longingly, will the second and final chapter ever be posted? Who can know for sure.
I tell myself that I don't need Anyone (But the truth is no one needs Me) Another Jason Todd fic I haven't completed, posted two years ago for whumptober, it was the only day of whumptober I participated in, intended to be full of Captain Atom and Jason Todd interacting during the fall out of Bludhaven getting chemo'd but he doesn't show up in the first chapter and have you ever tried to read Infinite Crisis? It's a fucking mess. With this wip I have a close to justifiable excuse in that I refuse to write without knowing the canon, and reading through all the canon that's relevant is A Task.
The Monster in The Man A Merlin fic floating around my drafts, currently at a good bit over 5k wherein Merlin gets POSSESSED by an old enchantment gone mad. Written because a Merlin fic I read ended on a horror style cliffhanger and I couldn't handle it so I charged my way through the first 2k of a sequel and I've been adding to it ever since. Angst with a hopefully happy ending, if I ever frikking finish it.
The Dragon Lord In the aftermath of his father's death after Merlin inherits his father's dragon lord abilities he notices some minor changes to his interactions with his friends, the thing is that Merlin is a dragon lord and unusually what he hoards is people, things might just turn out the better for it.
Maelstrom A Naruto time travel fix it fic that wouldn't leave me alone until I got the first chapter out, ironically it has left me entirely alone since I finished the first chapter and I have no idea if inspiration for it will ever return or when that will be.
You Don't Know Anything Long long ago in a land of asks and a time of legend @paradise-runway sent me a fic request for "one where the other Bat boys find out the circumstances of Jason's death and resurrection and their reaction?" it has been lingering in my drafts haunting me ever since, someday, someday I shall fulfill what has been promised.
Of Curses and Covenants A longfic exploring the magical underbelly of Gotham's history, focuses on the intertwined relationship of the Wayne Family and the Zatara Family brought about by how often Waynes through the generations have ended up being cursed. I have an index of all the curses ready, the problem with this one is the plot and the story.
Vicki Finds a Bat (temporary title) Vicki Vale stumbles upon a still alive young adult Jason Todd at a wafflehouse on the way back from snooping into Cobblepot's latest criminal schemes. Convincing the young man to go back home to his loving father might prove more of a challenge than she thinks however. (will have a happy ending if I ever fucking finish it, for now it looms in my drafts like an unhappy gargoyle)
Hug Deficit A fic about Jason being touch starved and his family fixing it, hurt/comfort all the way, post resurrection.
Stephanie Brown and The Mansion of Man Pain Robin Era Steph, she and Alfred have pumpkin spice lattes together, it's their thing because I say it is. Includes, Alfred raised 5 boys counting Bruce, he's not sure how to handle a little girl and Bruce trying to dad plus Steph trying her best. Would be a lot easier to write if I was any good at comedy.
Another Time, Another Place Some twenty years or so after their death, Martha and Thomas Wayne appear in the middle of Wayne Manor's ground floor parlour room, the major problem with this? Not only are Bruce and Dick away, Alfred's on holiday in England! Which is why Jason as the eldest has been unwillingly nominated by his younger siblings to deal with the situation at hand. Martha and Thomas in this are heavily inspired by @unpretty's amazing portrayals in her fics with them.
- Queen Blackfire and the Lazarus Lord An au with Soulmate identifying marks: Jason Todd was having an okay time as de-facto leader of The Outlaws, a band of misfits and rebels with hearts of gold (or at least silver) saving the world the best they could and filling in the gaps the more straightforward heroes tended to miss while they were at it. Then he found out he was soulmates with the Alien Warrior Queen bent on declaring war on planet Earth if the Justice League didn't find her soulmate for her. Things with his friend, team mate and potential future sister in law Kori just got super awkward and the only good thing he can find about this situation is how angry (and protective? But maybe he's just imagining that) Bruce seems over the whole thing.
Side note: Kommand'r freaked out during the years Jason was 'dead' and accidentally brought peace to a huge chunk of space and intergalactic society via building up her empire after throwing herself into work to escape the grief.
- To Grasp The Hand of a Fox Naruto and Kurama travel back in time to save the world but unfortunately they land in the same moment that Kurama's just been put under a genjutsu by Madara Uchiha, Naruto has to make his way to Konoha and wake Kurama up before the villagers seal him away inside Mito. Can he save his friend in time to save them all?
Those Winter Sundays Mcu fic. Snapshots of Tony working hard for the avengers and no one noticing. Civil War Team Iron Man.
- Salvation Rides a Solar Wind Iron Man fic in a Science fiction / Western style fic where Tony's presence is described through the eyes of the aliens he helps. Au where the war with Thanos goes very differently. The type of fic that needs like 5 multi chapter fics in a single series to truly shine, hence why I will likely never finish it.
And We Break Away Again Jason goes back to Talia after Damian is brought back from the dead by Bruce. It's not that he begrudges his little brother his resurrection, the opposite, but he can't ignore what Bruce did to him by taking him to the magdala valley and he can't ignore what Bruce doing for Damian what he didn't do for him, (do for Dick, do for any of them besides the blood related one) means. So he decides to go back to the only person who ever seemed to understand why he wanted to avenge himself in the first place, the only person who seemed to agree that he had a right to be angry that he'd died at all, the only person he can trust to hold him together while he feels like he's falling apart that won't judge him against the heroic mold while they're at it. Not sure if this will be a oneshot or a series but we're going good Talia with this one regardless, DC's been ruining her lately but through fanfic all things are possible so fuck them.
Fan The Flames In the aftermath of a magical fire taking hold of the Daily Planet in Metropolis, Superman is missing, can Batman and the rest of the Justice League find their friend as well as the identity of the evil arsonist before Lex Luther does it first?
In a Whisper (In a Wish) Ichigo Kurosaki protects people, it's not just who he is, it's what he is, down to the core of his very soul. The only problem is, that a few weeks ago he sacrificed half his soul to protect the world. It aches inside where he knows something important used to be. When everyone he cares for is avoiding him and he's starting to feel more like a shadow than a person, that aches at him too and he can't help but wish, quietly, privately, painfully, to himself if no one else that things were different, that he wasn't so broken or so alone. But if wishes were fishes they'd fill a whole sea (just be careful not to whisper them within the hearing range of the Hōgyoku).
An Honest Conversation (Is A Bitter Thing To Crave) Jason kidnaps Bruce but things don't go as Bruce expects. First of all the reason Jason was able to kidnap him was because Stephanie of all people was his insider, why would she support someone Batman knows she's only met once. And second of all the reason he's been abducted - So that Jason can drug them both with the same substance. And when Bruce asks what he's doing this for Jason only responds, "We don't trust each other enough to have a truthful conversation otherwise" and refuses to say anything more while they wait for it to kick in. What will be revealed by this forced honest encounter on both sides? -
carrying the world on thin shoulders Midoriya Izuku deserves better from literally all the adults in his life so this is part whump part hurt comfort part fix it fic that sprawls out from time to time but it's pretty bad tbh, at some point I'll probably make it neater and give it something resembling a coherent plot. Hopefully. -
Trust Issues HP fic. Harry gets dosed with a potion that's supposed to reinforce your strongest survival instinct, the person who drugged him might've intended to be helpful but said potion happened to be at extra strength and he was given what would be a normal fix for the regular version but for this one is twice the recommended amount. Great.. The biggest problem about all this - beyond his internationally wanted godfather Sirius endangering himself by hiding out in a cave near Hogsmeade against all rational advice, his best friend Ron hating him, everyone in school besides his other best friend Hermione also hating him or avoiding him and the entire Goblet of Fire problem - is that he can't bring himself to trust anyone enough to tell them what's wrong.
Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies A post marvel avengers story, thor pov probably, made because I like to dive into a pool of thor & loki sibling feels sometimes: Starts off as Thor regales his new human shield brothers with the story of his banishment and return to Asgard ending with Loki falling into the Void and the Avengers have some questions, questions Thor had not thought of, remarks on things that Thor doesn’t know how to explain away.  After he goes to Loki’s cell and asks him some things he becomes more and more angry despite having no one he can punch > Gets drunk and criticises Sif and The Warriors Three after they try to calm him down > mention of Loki still being underage by Aesir standards during Thor 1 seeing as Thor was being crowned due to being of age in the movie > heavy inspiration drawn from queen regnant by peaceheather. “For while the Treason I detest, the Traitor I love still.” Currently just an outline.
Separation Split personality disorder Red Hood and Jason Todd, alternatively, Red Hood is a demon/parasite latched on to Jay. A lot of work necessary considering right now it’s currently just an idea inspired by a cool tumblr fanart.
A Trinity of Head Wounds The dcu trinity in the aftermath of a fight against some alien invaders (or something along those lines), whump, hurt/comfort, starts with them arguing, ends with them bleeding on each other in a friendship way, whole thing should take place in a single room on the watchtower and be a oneshot so it's gotta be a short and sweet one-two gut punch with the feelings which is difficuuult.
A Stark in The Stars an mcu fic, a really over complicated mcu fic, mostly because of Steve Roger's timeline fuckery, Tony's alive but he's not supposed to be, but so are a lot of people who were dead but aren't now you might say what with the snap and the blip. The thing is that Steve's timeline fuckery is making it so that everyone keeps getting confused between the two different timelines of events, obviously more confused the more that their characters were connected to the films/the events that were altered, the punchline of this particular fic though is that Tony's still alive and he's unaware of the timeline of events where he died. And as he's currently in space he's also unaware that everyone on Earth thinks he's dead (because why wouldn't they? he died in endgame after all). That makes this fic super tough to write because like ultimate unreliable narrator right here and not sure how to tie in the whole 'oh wait actually everyone on Earth thinks I'm dead because of the canon timelines' thing in or at what point of the story to do that at. The fuckery of it all gives me a headache. Plot is hard. Also all of that's basically background to the actual focus of most of the fic thus far which is Tony travelling around space in an Iron Man suit up until the point where it won't be background.
Magic Chained Merlin au. When you put magic restraining cuffs on Magic himself you don't just bind him you bind all magic the world over. It is therefore, infinitely lucky that Uther Pendragon never became aware of this fact.
A Child in The Cold bnha Midoriya deserves better also Recovery Girl and Aizawa have shit to answer for as far as I'm concerned.
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earnestly-endlessly · 4 years
Can i request Cherik fic rec of collage au? Pretty please? Extra cookie points if it’s long fic
Thank you for the request anon! I am so sorry how late this is, but I hope that this list will give you plenty of new fics to read and enjoy!! 
College/University Cherik AU 
** Where they’re both college/university students**
A Road Trip to Pennsylvania ��� Aainiouu
Summary: For a year Charles has nurtured the biggest and most embarrassing crush known to man towards Erik. They are friends and roommates and when Erik asks Charles to accompany him to home on Thanksgiving of course Charles goes.
Of kittens and teacups and love – Ren
Summary: Modern AU in which Charles and Erik are flatmates. Charles studies psychology and likes tea and chess and keeps bringing home stray kittens, and Erik lets him because he's maybe perhaps a little bit sort of in love with him.
Love Medley – ikeracity
Summary: Charles and Erik have been friends and roommates for two years. They've also, coincidentally, been in love with each other for two years. Neither of them has ever had the courage to admit it to the other, but Erik's new friendship with Magda and an untimely accident forces them to confront their feelings once and for all.
it was a red scarf semester – ikeracity
Summary: When Erik makes a bet that he can get into Charles Xavier's pants before the semester ends, he doesn't expect Charles to resist quite so much. And he doesn't expect Charles to change everything he thought he knew about mutants, friendship, and love.
Can You Feel My Heart – FuryRed
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr hates Charles Xavier.It’s as true as the words written on the wall in the bathroom at the university that Erik attends. Erik sees them one day- accompanied by a crude drawing of Erik and Charles glaring at each other- and recognises the truth of the sentence, and smiles.
He hates Charles. Probably…
Enemies With Benefits – bettysofia
Summary: Casual sex with your sworn enemy gets tricky once feelings get involved.
CMUniverse - Pookaseraph
Summary: A series of fics that star Tony, Charles, and Erik (and probably some others as the idea expands) at Carnegie Mellon University. Some are AU of each other, don't use logic.
Math Reasons - pearl_o, pocky_slash
Summary: "Mom says Erik always knows what he wants, it just sometimes takes him a little while to actually realize it," Ruth said.
Charles fell in love with Erik the first night they met, the first week of freshman year. Two years of friendship, adventures, arguments, hijinks, secrets, and summer visits later, Erik is starting to catch up.
Still Life with Cookies – stlkrchck
Summary: It wasn't fair that he only wanted Erik to draw him when Erik wanted to listen to him talk about how unfair the lack of emphasis that tenure committees placed on teaching ability was and tuck him into the hat and scarf and mittens that he wore even though it wasn’t properly cold yet and kiss his gorgeous, ridiculously red mouth and make out with Charles on the bed that he'd apparently wedged between the window and "pipes of some sort, don't ask me why there are pipes in my room, Erik," in his tiny dorm room.
Or: Charles is a nude model, and Erik is an art student.
The Pretender – Clocks
Summary: Charles is sick of having his best friend Erik drop to one knee and fake-propose to him in restaurants, just to score a free dessert. He doesn’t know which is worse: the complete embarrassment, or the likelihood that Erik doesn’t mean a word of it.
That time the System didn’t work – bluexlily
Summary: "pick each other up from bad dates" au
They had stablished The System a long, long time ago.
Since they became each other’s roommate, actually, and realized that they had more in common than their home state and decided they should be friends.
Whenever he or Charles is on a date, they send a first message after meeting the prospected boyfriend.
Accidentally Welcome to the Rest of Your Lives - Kianspo
Summary: Non-powered college AU. Erik and Charles have nothing in common until they end up having sex at someone's party. They don't have much in common after that, either, but find each other a hard habit to quit.
A Study in Advanced Lecherism - orphan_account
Summary: Charles has this thing he does when he's drunk. He gets completely lecherous. For some reason, that really pisses Erik off. Who knew?
Learning Curve – pocky_slash
Summary: (Non-powered college AU) Erik takes a trip back to campus to visit a despondent Charles and does his best to offer comfort.
Charles Does Not Buy a Shamwow - Madneto
Summary: Charles and Erik are spending the first few days of their university's winter break alone at Erik's mother's house. Then, Erik's mother decides to come home early unannounced... while Erik and Charles are naked on the living room couch.
5 Times Charles Had Nothing to Say and 1 Time He Did – BadLuckBlueEyes
Summary: Charles Xavier usually has a lot to say. But sometimes he doesn't and that's nice too. (Written for the prompt: Erik befriending and falling in love with mute!Charles)
Five Useful Signs When Dating Charles Xavier (a down under remix) – letosatie
Summary: Erik meets a fascinating mute boy and rapidly discovers sign language is useful.
Home Together (The Finding Our Way Remix) – significantowl
Summary: Erik is not the sort of person other students strike up conversations with. His expression, his posture, every part of his manner say: Don’t talk to me. I don’t want to talk to you. But none of that stops the boy ahead of him in line with the collapsible white cane, and nothing can stop Erik from falling for him, like it or not.
The Wall (a.k.a.  Erik Lensherr) – fkbunnyclub
Summary: Charles doesn't really want to have a crush on the cute stoic senior who keeps dropping by the library where he works who also has a pregnant girlfriend. Or so he thinks.
Building a fire – dedkake
Summary: Erik wishes he were in law school instead of med school, because then he would be researching the legal remedies for the doubtless thousands of violations his apartment building's slumlord owner, Sebastian Shaw, has perpetrated on his tenants.
On the bright side, maybe he can finally coax his bizarrely oblivious roommate, Charles into sharing his bed, or curling up together on the couch under many blankets. Purely for surviving the night, of course.
April Showers – ikeracity
Summary: Walking home in the dark in a rainstorm is not Charles' idea of a pleasant night. Of course, the stranger with the umbrella who offers to walk him home makes the experience infinitely more agreeable.
Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei – Darksknight
Summary: “My mother has expressed that if I come dateless, I will be assigned one, to put it lightly. So, you see... well, I have a favor to ask. Erik, darling. Will you be my pretend boyfriend?"
Erik thinks it over for a second. "... No."
Mutant House at Dead Kings College – mabyn
Summary: When it comes to romance, Charles has terrible timing.
Best of Enemies – Black_Betty
Summary: Student and mutant rights activist Erik Lehnsherr is furious when the college newspaper chooses to interview his opponent Charles Xavier instead of him.
He's mad because of the politics of the thing. It nothing to do with how hot Charles looks in the picture accompanying the article.
The Luck You’re Born With – Lynds
Summary: College AU. Erik thinks Charles Xavier is an arrogant, rich brat, whose only redeeming quality is his intellect. Charles never disputes this image. Then through an accident Erik finds out that Charles has been long cut off from his family and is essentially a single parent to a ten-year-old Raven.
Like Roses and Wine – Schwoozie
Summary: Charles is not what you would call a “sports person” - but the promise of free kisses after the game, especially with one Erik Lensherr playing midfield, is a temptation Charles can't resist.
Every Song I Know – Fengirl88
Summary: “Erik,” Janos says wearily, “you had amazing sex with this guy. He obviously really likes you. You have, what, a month, six weeks left? You can spend it moping and hiding and worrying you're going to run into him. Or you can call him, have a good time, and figure out where you go from there.”
Erik groans. It's what he wants to do, so much it scares him.
[or, the one where Erik and Charles meet and fall in love as exchange students, break up, and meet again by chance seven years later]
Argue me tender, argue me true – Wild_Imagination
Summary: “You’re having your bad-boy crisis with seven years of delay, Charles.”
“Why must he spit out those hateful, misanthropic, science-free, separatist ideas of his with a face like that!”
Charles and Erik attend the same college, and they never, ever agree on anything. But that's fine, because Charles can't stand him. No, really.
Simultaneity – TurtleTotem
Summary: Trying to deliver roses to his girlfriend, Erik knocks on the wrong door -- but Charles is so happy to get them, how can Erik possibly tell him the truth? Love, lies and exhaustion follow as Erik tries to keep boyfriend and girlfriend happy and, most importantly, unaware of each other!
**Where one of them is a college/university student**
in the moonlight, on a joy ride – scarlettblush
Summary: Librarian AU. Charles is the young librarian and Erik is the college student who is completely besotted with him.
Mutually Beneficial Transaction – Pookaseraph
Summary: In his sophomore year at Columbia University, Erik, feeling slowly strangled by his mounting college debt, places an add on a sugar daddies website. He doesn't know exactly what to expect from it, but when he's contacted by a man named Charles who seems less creepy than the other people who have responded to his profile, he decides to give it a shot. Charles is nothing like what he expected, and Erik finds himself slowly falling in love with his sugar daddy while trying to find out exactly what caused this amazing guy to buy his emotional and sexual intimacy when he clearly deserves so much more than that.
Authority kink – aesc, Subtilior
Summary: “You’re going to be in your room, on Skype with full video, when I call you tonight, at … nine o’clock sharp, your time.”
Erik, a proud and surly graduate student, keeps his deepest, darkest desires under tight control. Charles, his genetics professor, keeps handcuffs on his copy of the university handbook. You can see where this is going.
An Ideal Grace – afrocurl, nekosmuse
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is a visiting professor at Columbia University, as well as an acclaimed and award winning poet. Charles Xavier is a lead researcher with the Genetics Department who is well on his way to tenure. But what happens when Charles has to cancel a class because half his students abandon him in favour of a mysterious new English Lit professor? Naturally he ends up sitting in in the class, where Professor Lehnsherr mistakes him for a student. It's really too bad Erik has such a strict policy against dating students. It's also too bad Erik doesn't seem to know how to use Google.
Note: This is not technically a university/college AU, but I’ll let it slide because it’s one of the best cherik fics out there and for the majority of the fic Charles is in Erik’s class (even though, unbeknownst to Erik, he’s a professor as well).
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alexiablackbriar13 · 4 years
A Collection of Season 7 Oliver/Felicity Pregnancy Fics
Hey guys! So many of you enjoyed the S1-S6 canon-divergent pregnancy fic list that I decided to make a S7 pregnancy fics list as well - this time, the list contains canon missing/alternate scene fics, post-7x22 fics (pre-Crisis or completely canon divergent) and canon divergent fics.
Also... Yeah, I put it into alphabetical order (well... tried). It was a pain. I hate singing the alphabet song in my head because I’m an idiot who can’t remember the alphabet. ENJOY! If you have any other recs to add to the list, please let me know xx
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A Moment of Grace - 4.2k - by juliesioux // Very short one shot of the hours that I think followed Felicity telling Oliver that she is pregnant. It is tender, sweet, sexy and told exclusively from Felicity's POV.I wonder just how nervous she must have been telling Oliver about it but this is all about how they communicate when words aren't necessary and when they are, how they are shared. [Post-7x15]
a once-in-a-lifetime love - 1.8k - by inlovewithimpossibility // Felicity squeals a little as he lifts her into his lap with the utmost care, nuzzling her neck before planting a few kisses there. “Oliver?” “I ordered you fries and a chocolate shake.” He tells her and Felicity grins, pulling back to grasp his face in her hands. [Extended 7x18 scene]
< read more recs down below the cut! >
a time of wonder - 4.1k - by ivorykeys09 // Their schedules unfortunately don’t allow for a long trip, and bad weather and doctor’s orders keep them closer than tropical beaches, but they still make it to a city they haven’t been to together before. (Or, one last trip before their daughter arrives.) [Late S7]
an evening walk - 1.3k - by CheerUpLovely // On a peaceful, summer evening walk, Felicity and Oliver take stock on the most important thing to consider when living with ex-agents and soldiers. Have our neighbors tried to kill us? [Post-7x22]
Caffeine Chronicles (Or Lack Thereof) - 8k WIP - by drmrs // No one loves coffee quite like Felicity but with a baby on the way, she's had to make some changes. (or the one where Felicity struggles to consume less coffee throughout her pregnancy) [Late S7]
Chain Reaction - 1.5k - by Bri206 // Oliver gets out of prison and Felicity is 6 months pregnant. Oliver wants to help and make up for lost time, but things don't go to plan and they both question if time really had changed them. [S7 AU]
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Come Morning Light - 3k - by andachippedcup // After getting acclimated to the cabin, Oliver surprises Felicity with a visit from Donna, who has yet to be informed about Felicity's pregnancy. [Post-7x22]
Dear Mia (Love Mom) - 1.4k WIP - by AustenJane // When Felicity finds herself pregnant, it drudges up a lot of memories about her not-so-functional relationship with her own mother (and absentee father) growing up. And it gets her thinking about the future. She decides to write her unborn baby letters for her to read when she gets older, as a way to clear up any misunderstandings she may have about her relationship with her and Oliver. [S7]
Emerald Archer Martial Arts - 32.4k - by @alexiablackbriar13 // In May 2019, a tired Oliver Queen and four months pregnant Felicity Smoak retire from their vigilante duties and move to the redwood forest town of Bloomfield with their son William, to raise their family in peace. Along the journey, they build their own successful companies, increase the size of the Smoak-Queen clan by a couple more, train their kids in self-defense, and live out a blissful existence. This is the story of 7 years of their happiness and family antics, after 7 years of crime-fighting and hardship to save their city. [Post-7x22 AU]
For Heirs to Come, Be Brave - 2.5k - by andachippedcup // Before the events leading to their interrogation by the SCPD, Felicity and Oliver get some news about the baby. [Pre-7x20]
give all my secrets away - 1.5k - by LiteraLi // Before returning to the Waverider, Sara shares a drink with Oliver and Felicity as they reminisce about old times and some secrets are revealed, old and new... [7x18 spec]
Happiest man alive - 0.7k - by HopeShannon3000 // A short story that takes place after Felicity tells Oliver shes pregnant. [Post-7x14]
here, is home - 3.6k - by ivorykeys09 // In another life, they take baby classes and register for cribs and the Diggles throw them a shower.In this life, it's different. [7x22 AU]
Hope Is Something You Give Yourself - 1.6k - by Juvinadelgreko // Felicity tells Oliver who was on the phone, and they discuss what it means for their future. [Post-7x13]
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED how the light gets in - COLLECTION - 28.2k - by @dust2dust34 // "There is a crack in everything/That's how the light gets in." Bre’s ficlet collection for Season Seven. Includes speculation fics, wish fics, canon fics, elaboration fics, pretty-much-everything-related-to-Season-Seven fics. Including fics such as:
Afterglow - 2.5k - "Good morning to orgasms and buffalo wings only." [Post-7x18]
forever i’m yours (forever i do) - 6.1k - Oliver hid Felicity’s chocolates and she is not happy about it. [Late S7]
The Right Tools - 1.7k Set during the Happy Months. Oliver and Felicity move her desk into her new office at the cabin. [Post-7x22]
We Can Do This - 0.9k - Felicity tells Oliver she's pregnant. [Post-7x13] 
i’ll take care of you - 2.8k - by undercoversmoak // Oliver finds out his pregnant wife braved not one, but two death-defying explosions while working with the canaries. He doesn’t handle it super well. [Post-7x18]
it’s only a matter of time - 2.5k - by inlovewithimpossibility // The mornings of Felicity's thirtieth and thirty-fifth birthdays are vastly different. The former is spent with her husband, anticipating the arrival of their baby girl and the latter is a far more lonely affair but a certain blonde-haired little girl seeks to change that for her mama. [Post-7x22]
late talks - 2.5k - by drmrs // Oliver speaking to fetus Mia and spending some alone time with Felicity for the first time since finding out they're having a girl. [Late S7]
Learning How To Win - 4.3k WIP - by Juvinadelgreko // Oliver and Felicity retire from the vigilante life only to be interrupted by the Monitor and Crisis on Infinite Earths.They deserved better. Here���s my take on what better looks like. Begins shortly after Oliver and Felicity moved into their new home. [Post-7x22 AU]
Little Star... Wonder What You Are - 2.5k - by OhhMyyDarla // Did someone say Gender reveal party? Yes the Queen's are having one! 
Love Your Curves (And All Your Edges) - 3k - by andachippedcup // While pregnant with Mia, Felicity is having back pain and Oliver tries to help her with it. But his prenatal yoga suggestion backfires when he realizes this means he must look but not touch as his very beautiful, very pregnant wife strikes a number of very tempting poses. [Post-7x22]
Mint Chip Queen - 2.4k - by andachippedcup // Oliver is obsessively worrying over details of Felicity giving birth to Mia. But Felicity's only concern seems to be in determining what their code word should be to indicate that it's 'go time'. [Post-7x22]
Missing Pieces - 3k WIP - by aStormyHaze // After setting down in their new cabin in Bloomfield, Oliver realises Felicity woke up different that morning. Will she let him in? [Post-7x22]
No Regrets - 2.3k - by ghostfox11 // An episode insert for the end of 7x18, Lost Canary. Oliver finds a bruise on Felicity's hip forcing her to tell him that she went into the field. 
One Final Goodbye - 1k - by Bri206 // How I imagine the ending to season 7 will play out. [7x22 spec]
Our Legacy - 4.6k - by @dmichellewrites // Oliver and Felicity focus on building their future starting with Smoak Tech and baby Mia. New beginnings help Oliver let go of his past. [S7]
Peppermint Lies - 0.5k - by @felicityollies // Felicity seeks revenge on Oliver for buying the wrong ice cream. [Post-7x22]
Precious Cargo - 2.8k - by OliversMuse // Felicity is pregnant and Oliver is a sappy, loving husband. [Late S7]
Pregnancy - 3.3k - by hope-for-olicity (Jacq) // Post 7x13 story dealing with Felicity’s thoughts about the unplanned pregnancy.
Reboot and Rebuild - 1.6k - by griever11 // Another way Diggle could have found out about baby Queen. Felicity has a request that might have long-lasting effect on the Diggle - Queen families. [Post-7x14 AU]
Run Away With Me - 131.8k - by @dmichellewrites​ // Join Oliver, Felicity, their friends, and family as they navigate their lives together post-Slabside. They really can have it all. Watch them balance being heroes, parents, and still manage to hold down day to day jobs. Enjoy their slice of maximum domesticity, and take a peek into their home life together with their four children. [Post-7x07 AU]
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED runaway mother-to-be - 2.6k - by inlovewithimpossibility // Star Labs gets a visit from their favourite computer genius/hacker but she's not there simply to say hello. The main issue however is that she may have hidden the news that she was leaving Star City from her husband who has gotten a little overbearing ever since he found out their good news. (A small crossover set in the very near future where Felicity runs off to CC to get away from Oliver's overprotectiveness and Iris and Barry get caught up in their friends' small disagreement) [Late S7 AU]
safe in my arms - 1.4k - by inlovewithimpossibility // Oliver loses track of time working late in the bunker and it seems his wife has to. Worried about her, he heads over to her new office space to find that, tired from work and their small little miracle growing inside her, she's fallen asleep at her desk. [Set around 7x17]
season 7 pregnant felicity fics - SERIES - 12 fics, in total 39.9k - by @alexiablackbriar13  // Contains various fics set between 7x13 to after 7x22. Includes fics such as:
as darkness falls (a spark resides) - 3.5k - It's been two weeks since Felicity found out she's pregnant, and she hasn't told Oliver yet. Plagued by nightmares about being attacked and the baby being hurt, Felicity struggles to sleep. After Oliver witnesses one of her post-nightmare panic attacks, she finally tells him about the baby. [Post-7x13 AU]
hungry like a (pregnant woman) wolf - 3.1k - 7 cravings felicity has during her pregnancy and the 7 people who help her with them (even though most of them don't know she's pregnant in the first place) [Late S7]
strange behaviours - 3.3k - the 5 times john diggle noticed oliver queen and felicity smoak's latest weird behaviors and the 1 time he figured out what was causing it (spoiler alert: it's fetus mia smoak-queen) [Late S7, Post-7x14 AU]
whenever you’re ready - 7.5k - Mia and William from 2040 travel back in time to 2019 to access an uncorrupted version of Archer. Oliver and Felicity investigate a break-in at the bunker only to find their children from the future bickering. Emotional confrontations and conversations ensue. [Late S7]
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED The Microchip Chronicles - 46.8k - by CSM // Post 7x13. Follows the next nine months of Felicity’s pregnancy. [S7 AU] 
The Path You Choose - 2.9k - by @dmichellewrites // A retelling of Arrow season 7, episode 21 "Living Proof" This is everything I hoped to see on screen, but did not. Felicity feels their baby kick for the first time after Emiko attacks. Oliver has a not so surprising visit from his dead best friend, who helps him confession a very important piece of information to his family. [7x21 AU]
Tummy Troubles - 2.8k - by Mellowyellowdiamonds // Oliver feeds his infamous spicy chili to Felicity which leads to a surprise discovery about their already fraught relationship. [Post-7x08 AU]
Unsure of what the balance held (I touched my belly overwhelmed) - 3.7k - by nyclove3 // Her hand flies to her stomach again, the same way it has every time she’s caught herself replaying the moment Dr Schwartz told her the news and changed her life forever. [Post-7x13]
We’re Pregnant - 1.4k - by originalhybridlover // Oliver reacts to Felicity telling him she's pregnant. [Expanded 7x14 scene]
you can ebb and i can flow - 3.4k - by inlovewithimpossibility // “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to push you.” She says softly, reaching for his free hand which she grasps with her own and laces their fingers together. Oliver smiles at her, shaking his head. There are few times he’s ever been able to hold anything against his wife, especially when she employs as adorable of a pout as the one she’s wearing right now. [Pre-7x20]
you collect me with your steady hand - 2.2k - by inlovewithimpossibility // "Baby is starting to make their presence known. How long until she makes the connection? Or worse, someone we really can’t trust makes it?” Felicity pretty much collapses as she speaks. Her shoulders slump, her face falls and it’s all Oliver can do not to break at the expression on her face. [Post-7x19]
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