#lulu will never die
the-faxx-macheen · 3 months
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Quick someone teach Lulu to dab before Lewis gets back as a super cool amnesiac anti-hero
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fantomette22 · 6 months
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Me and the girls boys ready to kick the horse girl Ludwig the holy blade’s ass ✨
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ggardengirl · 4 months
honestly I didn't want to tell you cause you seemed so happy, but now that they unfollowed you, that frog and toad account is not official it just pays for twitter blue . it has a link to an etsy store owned by some random dude lol
ack, sorry, i just saw this now!!
i appreciate you not telling me until after they unfollowed me, especially given my reaction when they did and bc i probably would’ve been crushed and even more embarrassed for making a big deal about them following me in the first place 😭😭
i realized pretty quickly after they unfollowed that they added “fanpage” to their bio, so i honestly wonder if they got in trouble with arnold lobel’s estate or something and had to clarify.
it was confusing because i had checked their “verification” thing upon following me and it said “this account is verified” and not “this account is verified bc it pays for twitter blue” so i assumed it was legitimately verified but alas, it was not!
it was still fun while it lasted though, so i’m not upset about it anymore.
plus, wheretfisjavi said some wise words that made it all better 🫶🫶
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libraryleopard · 2 years
apparently arcane, sandman: brief lives, and interview with the vampire are proof that if you REALLY want to get at my emotions you should put some tragic parent-child relationships in your media
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jimingyue · 5 months
Cat Tumblr Dashboard Simulator
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🖋️ meowful-musings Follow
🕊️ birdwatching Follow
what's wrong with dry food??? my humans feed me it all the time and i think it's fine
💀 elusivehider-deactivated948204
op wheres the natural feeding option
🌲 outdoorsy Follow
you guys are getting fed?
#im a barn cat so maybe im missing something here #meowtthew don't look
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☀️ pawsitive-affurmations Follow
☀️ pawsitive-affurmations Follow
extra special shout out to cats who have "common" coat colors. grey tabbies and black cats i am rubbing against your head affectionately <3
🪤 m0usetrap01 Follow
as a grey tabby i really needed to hear this :"3
#i feel like i never see positivity posts for moggies even tho we're the most common type of cat....
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🎵 rage-against-the-meowchine Follow
i cant believe there are cats ACTUALLY advocating for kittens to be separated from their mothers before 12 weeks??? kittens still need to learn how to interact with other cats before being placed into their furever home omg you guys know you're advocating for undersocialized and aggressive cats right
❤️ loving-paws284 Follow
um op some of us??? matured early??????? i was separated from my mother at 7 weeks and i turned out fine... interesting how you assume that kittens being separated from their mothers at a younger age will lead to the degeneracy of the next generation...hmm i wonder where i've heard that before...
🐈 fluffy-the-cat Follow
OP got bit too hard during a play-fight as a kitten and it shows XD
🐟 tunafeesh Follow
also op have you ever considered that just because somecat is kind of scared and unable to deal with strange cats or humans, it doesn't mean they don't deserve to be adopted?? you sound like a vet psyop honestly
🎵 rage-against-the-meowchine Follow
oh meow god saying that kittens should be fully weaned before leaving their mother is NOT veterinarian rhetoric and i never said that they deserve to be euthanized!!! my mother literally died when i was 3 weeks old and it seriously messed up my development so stop putting words in my mouth, thanks
anyway friendly reminder that underweaned kittens are prone to illness and often struggle with basic cat behaviors like litterbox usage, and in some nyavinces it's even considered kitten abuse
#discourse #cant believe "kitten abuse is bad" is controversial now
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🍃 naturalliving Follow
猫神 Kill Em All 1989
I am trash cat
410,757,864,530 DEAD BIRDS
#outdoorliving #outdoorcats please interact #outdoorcat friendly
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🎣 salmonpurina Follow
can't believe cats are uncritically reblogging that born to die world is a fuck post. i know it's funny but op is literally an outdoor cat truther
#like cmon now you just have to go to their blog #lulu speaks
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💀 tabbystripes-deactivated098712
gentle reminder that pushing cups off the table is not cute and can cause a lot of distress in your human!!!! gentle reminder that our teeth and claws can easily hurt them more than they can hurt us!!!!
🐰 evil-tabbystripes Follow
evil reminder that the cup should always be pushed off the table. evil reminder that you should always bite and claw at your human no matter what. you can do whatever you want forever
💀 tabbystripes-deactivated098712
make your own pawst
💀 laser-point-deactivated8574721
umm i know a tomcat who did that and his human ended up putting him down so...
👬🏻 nyasunaruenjoyer Follow
Nyaverage shelter cat behavior
#not nyaruto #re-nyab #pickles shut up
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🌈 nyaoi-warrior Follow
saw two male cats sleeping together on the porch today. homeow behavior imo
💡 discourse-meows Follow
hey um what the fuck??? it's really not okay of you to go assuming other cat's sexualities, especially cats you don't even know???? as a queer cat i'm VERYY uncomfortable. real-ass cats didn't consent to your nyaoi fetish, thanks
🌈 nyaoi-warrior Follow
1. i was making. a joak
2. i'm literally gay???
#literally what's your pawblem
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🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
reblog if you've ever caught the laser pointer
🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
i know you fuckers are lying
🍭 gaykittens Follow
this tom hasn't caught the laser pointer
🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
shut the heull up
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🐾 b-e-a-n-t-o-e-s Follow
grey toebeans >>>>>>>>> pink toebeans and don't let the haters make you believe otherwise
🐁 ladymouser Follow
op shut the fuck up ALL toebeans are beautiful!!! just bc you're miserable and insecure doesn't mean you can bring others down based on things they can't control
🐾 b-e-a-n-t-o-e-s Follow
oh so the cat-human separationist wants to preach to us
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the-best-bagel · 2 years
Harlock and Miime and Lelouch and C.C. are the same genre of pair
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coeurdedior · 4 months
It’s always « poor Lulu » and never « poor Elain ».
Elain who had a mother who didn’t care about her. A mother who only cared about Elain’s beauty and what that beauty could bring her. A mother who didn’t believe in her. A mother who said she had no ambition, and that she only cared about her gardens. A mother who wanted Elain to have an advantageous marriage.
Elain who saw her father’s death. ( and maybe she feels guilty for his death for not arriving sooner. The fact she said nothing could have saved him. Did she have to make a choice between saving Nesta and Cassian or her father ? A life for a life. We don't know if changing the future can have consequences. )
Elain who saw both of her sisters almost die in front of her.
Elain who has been kidnapped two times. (And we don’t know her thoughts about it.)
Elain who was thrown in the cauldron. (Feyre literally said that Elain’s screams broke her heart and Nesta said she felt violated ») Also, the fact Elain was thrown the first one, she didn’t know if she would survive. She had to deal with pain, stress, fear and also, the humiliation when almost all of the men in the room laughed at her. Also, the fact she was almost naked in front of them.
Elain who had her heart broken by Graysen. He rejected her because she is a fae now. He didn’t accept her as she was. And during this time, she had to learn to love a body that people made her hate (people seems to forgot but for Nesta and Elain, Faes weren’t good people. They learned to fear and hate them.) All the sisters had to deal with this transition. Be the thing they learned to hate. They were humans and now they are faes. They saw their lives changed overnight.
Elain who had to deal with her new power. She was lost between reality and dreams. She saw and heard things that no one else saw and heard. She must have also thought she was crazy or something was wrong with her. Until Azriel told her she was a seer. She blinked and woke up. (And it makes me laugh when people said that she needed sunlight or see the gardens when it is written in the book that « she woke up »when Azriel told her she was a seer. You can’t make an interpretation when it’s literally written).
I also add that Elain was depressed in the beginning of ACOWAR. She wasn’t eating, she didn’t speak, she was staying in her bedroom.
And finally, Elain who had to deal with a mate while she is interested in someone else. A mate who reminder her of her trauma. A mate who reminds her the worst day of her life probably. (It’s also why I prefer Elriel than Elucien or even Gwynriel. The first meeting between two characters is very important to me, and the circumstances in which Gwynriel and Elucien met are just too sad. Elain and Gwyn look at them and they remember the worst day of their life, it’s not very romantic to me).
So, the lack of compassion for Elain is so incomprehensible. She’s literally the definition of suffer in silence.
And, I’am tired of seeing comment like « Lucien deserves to be happy ». They act like Lucien carried all the misery of the world on his shoulders.
All the characters suffered.
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temp-propaganda · 2 months
Lewis Smith should have everything he ever wants. he took the trauma of losing his parents as a kid, and his childhood special interest, and coalesced them in his personality to become a man who only wants to help.
he saved Isami from getting waterboarded. he tried to hide Lulu from the military because he knew they'd try to do the same to her, and he never contested that she was his responsibility after that. of course he would... she's a child in need.
he specifically doesn't want to get left behind while "the hero" goes off on their own and dies where he can't help them. so he fights Isami, to prove that he's strong enough to support him. he tells Isami that people will care if he dies, and he can't just shut everyone out, and try to shoulder this alone. and of course he'd say that... he recognizes the symptoms of stoic, self sacrificial heroism.
he never felt bitter about Isami being chosen as Bravern's pilot. I know a lot of us read his dwelling on Bravern rejecting him as forlorn pining or something, but it's more like... he knows there's a global crisis going on, and Isami was a mess after Lewis got him out of that horrible waterboarding session, and Lewis would really like to have the tools to do something. specifically, Bravern is exactly the type of hero that he used to derive such comfort from. of course he'd want to provide something like that to anyone who's sad or scared.
but very importantly: Lewis never felt bitter because he never saw Isami as undeserving. Lewis never had thoughts about how Isami couldn't do it as well as he could do it himself. Lewis instead views himself as the guy who needs to keep up. if he can't, then something might go wrong when he can't be there. Isami might find himself in danger, and alone. of course he'd never let something like that happen.
when Kunuth chooses to fixate on Lewis, it's because he has undisclosed feelings. feelings that could actually be selfish, if he let them. he wants to be special to Isami, but this whole time he's been trying to earn it. and now he's become "the hero" in the one way he never ever wanted to be. he's become the kind of hero that leaves his loved ones behind and never returns. of course he'd never accept it.
becoming Bravern allows Lewis to shine in ways he always wanted to, but never thought he could. his theme song, his attack names, his logo, his upgrades... the way he presents himself as someone you can always come and talk to... he even tries to give his enemies a chance to talk, and hears them out, because he's that type of saturday morning cartoon hero. he wants to help. he wants to comfort people, and tell them that everything will be okay. he's Bravern. of course he'd do this.
and he finally gets to tell Isami that he loves him... but only after Isami chooses him back. he tells Superbia to live, because of course he'd do that. that's everything he's ever wanted to tell anyone he cares for at all. and when he seems like he's going to die for real, it takes the kind of hero that he's always believed Isami could be, to bring him back for real. Isami chose to want him, love him, and save him. and having the power to do that is the absolute best, isn't it? Lewis always thought so. and he's always ended up casting Isami in the role that he would've wanted, and then tried his very best to support that. it's no surprise that this worked.
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nyxreads · 9 months
Azriel questions the Cauldron + he wants the mated Elain Archeron = Azriel only wants a mate and Elain is the one available
Azriel spends time with Elain, rescued her, and kept her gift on his nightstand while looking at it for one whole year + Elain giving Azriel the offer and permission, didn't balk from him and called his hands beautiful = Azriel is an incel who only lusts after Elain, after one fvck he'll end up with the redhead
Elain who tracks the Suriel, foreseen Vassa, helped on planning where to place humans during the war, kicked a beast, volunteered on tracking the Dead Trove, and killing the KoH + Elain gardening, baking, and having friends on the NC = Elain is useless plant, she's passive, she plays no part on the series, only sulking.
Elain, a fae not a plant + Elain living in Night Court where sun also exists = Elain needs a sunlight!! She should live in the Spring/Autumn court! .
three mountains, three villains, three dead trove, three trials, and so and so forth + three brothers x three sisters = OMG so cliche, I hate it! I want them all to end up with their mate because it's not cliche.
Azriel desires Elain + Azriel cannot sleep properly thinking about her = oh he's sooooo toxic! He should end up with a redhead bcs she can fix him!
Azriel bought the necklace for Elain + Azriel just wanted to get rid of it, advise Clotho to even give it to other priestesses = he gave it to Gw*n! It is for her, he bought it for her♥
Elain minding her own life, gorgeous and growing. + Azriel being a total simp = He deserves someone better!! Someone I can self-insert with
Elain stabbed a king, kicked a beast that's harming them, and "I hope they all burn in hell", "she's better at secret keeping" + Azriel = He deserves better! A badass, someone who can weild a sword, we need another training lovestory!
Azriel in his full rage ready to die to save Elain + Azriel telling Cassian they trained the Valkyries so let's go save the enemy = MATES!! GW***** ENDGAME!!
Elain making Azriel laugh, Feyre never heard such deep and joyous sound, Elain calling his hand beautiful, Elain "put it on me" Archeron + Azriel always reaching for her, Azriel who made her comfortable, Azriel "this is wrong, I don't care" Archeron = They're incompatible! They don't make sense! I don't find them romantic.
Elain balked from her mate, tried to be nice but still visibly uncomfortable, Elain who's book is not out yet, Elain who was never given a choice. Elain, a woman. + Lulu, hundred year old fae, not a baby. = I hate Elain! He owes Lulu everything! She's so pick me! She should just accept the mating bond and make my Lulu so so happy, he deserves it.
Azriel who has a secret feelings for Elain + Az who doesn't consider G a friend = he's such a fvckboy! He's so toxic ugh, he needs to apologize to them and then end up with G♥
Acotar, a romantasy + Elain who has two love interest = Elain should end up alone! She needs it to grow.
Elain, existing, being gorgeous and minding her own business, Elain being a woman in this series + Azriel and Lucien simping = She doesn't deserve both of them! She should be with her sister's abuser!! Tampon needs a redemption so
Ianthe, Tamlin, Beron, KoH, all abusive and villains + Elain, the sister who owns up to her mistakes and tried to fix her relationship with her sisters. Elain who is hopeful and kind. Elain who is a quiet dreamer = Elain deserves to be the most hated character, she's so useless.
Acotar a fantasy book where the dead came back to life, so any magic can happen + SJM, who's adopted and loved her adaptive parents. Sjm who wrote books empowering women. = Elain doesn't have a pliant bone!! She cannot have Az baby so not endgame 😕
Elain and Azriel exchanging meaningful looks, brushing fingers, Azriel following the sound of her laugh, something charged between them, Elriel confirmed to desire each other + Az regifting a necklace because it reminds him of what happened between them, causing him pain = ACOSF ended Elriel
This is just one of the many arguments where a simple canon was twisted to fit on the wanted narrative. This is not how a story goes. A reader cannot control or forced the author on what they want to happen. Think of what the character can bring to the story, how they can make an impact and if they can move the plot forward. It will be very hard to enjoy a series if we keep on denying what's written on the books. Sjm has been clear. She could place other character on Azriel position or vice versa but she didn't. There's so many parallels between Elriel and sjm endgame couples. There's so many hints but the fandom twisted it because they simply hate Elain. They thought she's not deserving of love, of her own choice.
At the end of the day, Elriel is hated because some people cannot accept Elain is going to end up with Az and they thought she's less than for so many reasons they believed. It all rooted from internal misogyny.
So many lies/misinformation and total crap was spread in this fandom all because of Elain hate
How can you continue a series when you filled yourself all the lies and hate towards the character?
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cbrownjc · 3 days
I feel like Baby Lulu's obsession with birds and death by falling has to be an intentional echo of Paul, but I can't figure out whether it actually ... means anything? Claudia and Paul aren't characters I would've though to compare - I guess they're both doomed by the narrative but that's all I can think of
You know what?
I didn't even notice that parallel between Claudia and Paul until you just pointed it out with this ask. 😬
Holy . . . yeah I do think it means something. Because this show wouldn't do something like this on accident.
And one major way they do compare IMO is through Louis' love for them. Paul's death basically leads to Louis wanting to die. And he does. Sure, he becomes undead, but he's still dead. Losing Paul led to Louis losing his human life.
Remember Louis' words to Claudia back in episode 2x01? "As long as you walk the earth, I'll never taste the fire." I already felt that the play was alluding to Claudia's fate with Baby Lulu's fate but now . . . I think, with the Paul parallel, they are, once again alluding to what Louis' fate will be upon no longer being able to truly face everything -- including his own inactions -- that lead to that fate for her.
So, at least in my eyes, this is just one more hint toward the Merrick event when it comes to Louis at the end of this season. Louis lost his human life after he lost Paul. And now . . . very soon . . .
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pastelpinkkadan · 2 months
What Elriels have no issue with:
Gw*nriels - “I just think Az and Gwyn might be cute together! I love Gwyn and her warrior/priestess plot, as well as her survivor storyline! Azriel and Gwyn had a fun moment and I want to read a “what if” scenario in fanfic. Plus, their intimate scenes would be hot.”
El*ciens - “I just like the idea of Elain and Lucien accepting the mating bond and growing together! I love a Fox and Fawn aesthetic for them. The “what if” scenario of them and the Day Court is really cool! They’re both great characters and I want them to be happy, and I believe they can find that in each other.”
What Elriels have an issue with:
Gw*nriels - “Gwyn and Azriel are 100% MATES! They are canon! Elriel died in the bonus chapter! In fact, Elain and Azriel never had any romantic chemistry or moments at all! Ever! Azriel only lusts for Elain! Elain can’t have Azriel’s babies, but Gwyn can because of her “pliant bones”, so they’re obviously endgame. Elain and is boring and useless so Azriel deserves better! Gwyn is going to save Illyria and solve the Koschei plot and her and Az are going to train and have kinky sex the whole time!”
El*ciens - “LUCIEN deserves happiness! Poor sweet Lulu deserves a mate, so Elain HAS to give him a chance! She needs to beg him first, though. Lots of groveling, and only THEN will they live happily ever after. AWAY from the Night Court, of course! Elain can’t be with her family or friends anymore, or enjoy the life she’s made, even if she has said she belongs in the Night Court. She doesn’t mean it! She needs SUNSHINE, because she likes(is??) a flower! So her and Lucien will somehow take over the Day Court (Helion won’t die though because he’s hot). Elain is too boring/useless/feminine to be anything besides some sort of court lady for Lucien. Seer powers? Koschei? Hints of spy work? Not important! She just needs to support Lucien as his story is told and he gets what he’s owed (Day Court? Spring Court? Autumn Court? Can’t keep up at this point…). Elain was always going to be with Lucien BECAUSE THEY ARE MATES AND SHE HAS TOO, and thinking she would ever be with Azriel is delusional!”
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thatlovinfeelin · 11 months
Half a Heart - One - Jake Hangman Seresin
Blaire Montgomery moved away from all she ever knew at eighteen to conceal a secret. Now nearly fourteen years later, her secret is finally out of the bag when her and her thirteen year old daughter, Lucy, quite literally run into Jake Seresin, young Lucy's father. All three lives are forever changed due to one fateful encounter, and two hearts are once again made whole.
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Blaire Montgomery walked along the street, hand in hand with her daughter, laughing at a joke that the young teenager just told. Together, they made their way across the board walk of Virginia Beach, towards their intended lunch destination. 
“Mama, just once, you really should try it.”
“Nope, not going to happen Lulu.”
The younger girl, Lucy or Lulu, just frowned, but continued walking alongside her mother. They were best friends, maybe something stronger than that. Blaire was just a child herself, not even nineteen when she had Lucy. They grew up together, making their bond stronger than anyone could ever really understand. 
Lucy didn’t know who her father was, and probably never would. Blaire was counting on never seeing the man again. Which seemed funny, considering they lived in a military dominated area. But she never imagined that the man would be stationed here. 
She was eighteen when she found out she was pregnant, just after graduation. There was no way she could tell the father, not when he was planning on being so much more than just the small town boy he was. She didn’t want to hold him back, she couldn’t be the reason he never saw his dreams come true. So she lied to him and broke up with him. Blaire even went as far as moving shortly after, so he would never know. 
Her own family didn’t know who fathered her beautiful little girl, though she was sure they had their ideas. She would never confirm or deny them, only changing the subject whenever they asked. It helped that she hadn’t heard from him in nearly fourteen years too.
She grew up, she moved on. Going on a few casual dates here and there, but never anything serious. It was hard to be serious with someone when she had Lulu to look after. Even now that she was old enough to be left home alone and take care of herself, it was hard. Blaire couldn’t really think about bringing any man home who wasn’t the man she gave her heart to all of those years ago. 
Because the truth was, she might have broken up with him, but she never really got her whole heart back. 
“I’m staaaaarrrrvinnnggg,” Lulu said, dramatically dragging out the word. 
“Which is why we’re going to get lunch before we keep shopping,” Blaire reminded her daughter, “C’mon, just a few more minutes.”
“I’m going to die before we get there,” Lulu whined, “Die of starvation. Wither away to nothing right in front of you.”
“God, how did you get so dramatic?” Blaire questioned, “I swear I was never this bad when I was your age.”
They rounded the corner, restaurant now in sight and Lulu let out a loud sigh and tugged her mother along faster. They were seated almost instantly, making Lucy extremely happy. They ordered appetizers and fell into a comfortable conversation about school. 
Lucy was in middle school now, which seemed almost impossible to Blaire. It was hard for her to realize that her daughter was growing into a fine young woman and was almost an adult of sorts. 
“So Liam Mackey tried to ask me out yesterday,” Lulu said, taking a bite of a mozzarella stick. 
Blaire had to keep herself from choking on her water, “Oh really? What did you say?”
She was hoping her daughter said no. She wasn’t ready to deal with dating yet. Middle school drama was one thing, but boyfriends and heartbreaks were something else entirely and Blaire might just have a heart attack if she had to navigate that part of parenting right now. 
“I told him no, obviously,” Lulu rolled her eyes, “He asked out Marlee Parks two days ago, I’m not some sloppy second choice.”
Letting out a deep breath, Blaire reached for her water again and took a large gulp, “Well…good for you for knowing your worth.”
“Liar. You’re thrilled you don’t have to deal with me having a boyfriend yet,” Lucy teased. 
“You’re right,” She sighed, “So no dating till you’re thirty, okay?”
“What about you? You’re like thirty and you aren’t going on dates.”
“Okay don’t make me ground you.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” Lucy countered, sticking out her tongue.
Blaire sighed again, knowing her daughter was right. She wouldn’t ground her. Blaire wasn’t one to ground or really punish her daughter at all. Not to say that she didn’t when she had to. But she hated every minute of it. 
When their food came, Lucy wasted no time digging in and eating every bite she could. Blaire almost had to laugh. Her daughter loved food, so much it was almost comical in fact. She was like her father in that regard, the man could eat like no one else. No one except maybe his daughter. 
“We’re still going shopping, right?” She questioned. 
“Yes, we’ll go shopping after lunch,” Blaire laughed.
“Good,” Lulu smiled before taking another bite. 
“Slow down before you choke, honey.”
Lulu made a face and continued to wolf down her food. Blaire couldn’t do anything but laugh at her little girl. Her sweet daughter. It was hard for her to come to terms with the fact that soon enough she would start really asking questions about her father. 
So far she’d been able to dodge any question Lucy asked about him. Somehow, it had been easy to lie to her. But Blaire knew that time would soon be over, and she would have to tell her daughter the truth sooner or later. Which meant finding him and telling him the truth too. 
They both deserved to know. Blaire knew that. But the thought of them knowing made her chest hurt. She couldn’t imagine the look on his face when he found out, she didn’t want to imagine it really. But she knew that time was running out. 
“C’mon kiddo,” Blaire said, putting money down on the table, “Let’s get going.”
They were hand in hand again on their way out, when Blaire ran into a strong body. She stumbled back. The man in front of her reached out, catching her arms to steady her for a moment. 
“Mom, you okay?” Lucy grabbed ahold of her mom too. 
“I’m fine honey,” Blaire replied, giving her daughter a small smile. 
“Blaire?” The man questioned, eyes widening. 
His head spun, the little girl, who wasn’t so little, called her mom. Which meant if this was Blaire, she had a daughter. A teenager by the look of it. He swallowed hard. He knew those eyes, because they were his own. 
“Holy shit.”
“Mom?” Lucy questioned before looking between her mom and the man. 
She saw it then, the way her eyes matched his. How they had the same cock to their head. Lucy was a smart girl, maybe too smart for her own good. She could see it in the way her mother looked between her and the man. In the way her mom held onto her hand even tighter. Lucy couldn’t help it, she was staring into the eyes of her father, and it seemed like he didn’t quite know it himself. 
“Holy fuckin shit,” Lucy mumbled. 
“Lucielle Grace!” Blaire hissed. 
But then it was his turn, staring into the face of the girl who looked just like him, and the woman he loved more than life itself, “Holy shit.”
That made three. Mother, Father, and daughter, all stunned to be in one another’s presence at long last.
In a panic, the second she heard the man speak her name, sounding so broken and shocked, she grabbed her daughter and pulled her out of the restaurant, not stopping to look back.
He followed them of course, forgetting the lunch date he had. He would apologize to his old friend later. This was more important, this was Blaire. His Blaire. The one girl he could never get out of his head. The one that he still carried a photo of whenever he flew. Because she was his, even if she broke his heart almost fourteen years ago.
"Blaire!" He called, trying to catch up with her.
She slowed when she saw her car come into view. He would catch them there and then there would be no more running away. She licked her lips and stopped, grabbing her daughter's other hand.
"I need you to go wait in the car," She told Lulu, not looking away from her green eyes.
"Mom who is that guy?" Lucy was worried that he was some creep, here to try to hurt her mom.
Maybe he was one of the Tinder dates gone wrong. The ones that Blaire always seemed to be too quiet after she came home from them. Or maybe he was one of the good dates that Blaire blew off because of Lucy, because she was too scared to bring anyone else into their lives.
"Please Lu, go wait in the car," Blaire begged, "It's okay, I promise."
The man was getting closer, almost reaching them when Lucy finally agreed and made her way to the older 4runner parked in a far space under a tree.
Blaire only had a moment before he was on her, grabbing her shoulder to gently turn her around. She didn't force herself to look up at him, knowing she wouldn't be able to handle the look in his eyes when she did.
He was always much smarter than he liked to let on, he had to have put the pieces together. He had to know that he was just staring into the face of his daughter.
God...his daughter. Even thinking it made Blaire shiver. This was never supposed to happen. That's why she moved to Virginia, far enough away from Annapolis or Texas.
"It's you," He breathed out, holding her at arm's length, "God, Blaire, it's really you."
She keeps her eyes tightly closed, too afraid to open them. She want to look at him though, she's aching to see the man he's become. How much he's changed from the boy she once knew. But she still can't bring herself. She can't even speak.
"Say something, please," he begs her, bending down to try to catch her eye.
"Jake," She breathes out, almost like a sigh. It cuts him to the bone to hear her say his name again.
"Who was the girl?" He asks, even though he somehow already knows exactly who she was.
Her eyes open now, looking up to meet the same green eyes that her daughter has. His brows were furrowed in the exact same way, just like the way he was cocking his head to the side. They were so alike and yet they never officially met.
She swallowed the thick lump growing in her throat, "That was my daughter."
He breathes out, like he'd been kicked square in the gut, "She had my eyes."
That's all he could think to say. Because every time he blinked he kept seeing her looking up at him with the eyes that mirrored his own. The same way he had his mother's eyes, and she had her mother's eyes. There was no denying there was some semblance between the two.
"Blaire," he said urgently, "She had my eyes."
"I don't-"
"How old is she?" He asks, taking a step forward.
"Thirteen," Blaire nearly winces as she says it.
He does the math in his head. It'd been nearly fourteen years since they last saw one another. She broke up with him out of the blue and moved away weeks later, never to be heard from by any of the Seresins again. Now here she is with a thirteen year old who looked just like her, aside from small little details. Like how she had freckles dotting her nose, just like Jake and his sister's had when they were younger.
"Is she mine?" He asks her, almost afraid of the answer.
"Jake, please," She begs so quietly.
"Blaire, is she mine?" He asks again.
She licks her dry lips and tried to gather the courage. This was never meant to happen. She was never supposed to see him again, and he was never supposed to know about having a child. Jake Seresin was supposed to go about his life without her tying him down with a little girl. But it seemed like fate had other ideas
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lu-lus-duckies · 3 months
Idk what to call this so you make up the title
@huskers-bar x @nunalastor
Tags: enemies to lovers, angst?, eventual fluff, yearning?, soft huskers-bar, both mods are separate people, no beta we die like i do in this fic (not yet though), minor character death, ooc, au: hellaverse (hazbin hotel), nunalastor is head of the marketing department of the hazbin hotel (lucifer grabbed them randomly), jealousy?, huskers-bar is an employee at voxtek, lulu and angie as villains, lulu is a dog
chapter: 1/? Word count: 1,431
Featuring: babygirl anon and (eventually) @xxx-angie . I may add more along the way depending on who wants to be added. I can probably shoe-horn-in a few more characters
For the sake of not tagging people a million times, I will call nunalastor as a single entity nunalastor, traumatized mod dickmaster and cursed mod nun. and huskers-bar just husk. babygirl anon will be babygirl anon. i will be shortened to lulu but I don't appear in this fic yet. Angie doesn't appear yet, but he will be angie.
A/N: anyway this is 100% going to be a huskers-bar harem fic because i can write whatever i want. This first chapter kinda boring but it gets better (source: trust me bro). Lemme know if you'd like to see any changes. Anyway, goodbye for now. I have uni to get to so less frequent posting (sorry dickmaster, you'll have to live without any of my horrid art for a little while)
"Did you know that Alastor made a happy deer squeak during this scene?"
Ah, yes, the words that twist people's dreams into nightmares. Innocent innitially, and maybe even amusing for a good while, but the longer one lingered, the more their skin would crawl with irritation and burn their insides. Especially when one knew the context surrounding this particular phrase. And boy, did Nunalastor know the context.
"Another day, another inbox to slay, another heavenly lord to betray" Dickmaster accessed their and Nun's shared blog, unsurprisingly to hundreds if not thousands of asks invading their inbox, all of which were echoes of different variations of *thumps* and *squeaks*. If Nunalastor hadn't already grown accustomed to such deviancy, they would be horrified. Still, the depraved ideas these people came up with never failed to send shivers down their spine, and not the pleasant kind.
And why do they subject themselves to this? you may ask. It was simple. In exchange for free housing, food and supplies, Lucifer Morningstar, the devil himself and father of Charlie Morningstar had requested their help. You see, originally their blog was not this unfortunate cesspool of deranged demons who wanted to see the devil, overlords and sinners squirm under immense sexual pleasure. It used to be a simple marketing tool for the Hazbin hotel, but as all things in hell, it never goes smoothly. It wasn't like they had a choice in the matter anyway, refusing the king of hell's requests was not an option! His commands were absolute.
Dickmaster took one deep breath, running both hands through their hair and clearing their mind, preparing for probably several hours of torture that was going to be their asks. They poured themselves a drink, setting down in front of their screen. Taking a few moments to relish the silence, they closed their eyes and listened to the soft hum of their beaten up 1950's style computer, courtesy of Alastor's ban on Voxtek products at the hotel. Clicking on their inbox tab, they mentally braced themselves. even if they knew, they could never truly predict the horrors hell had to offer.
"time for #housekeeping" They declared, stretching their fingers, getting their reaction images on the ready and sifting through their own version of digital hell. It would only get worse from here.
As Nunalastor started to clean their digital home, erasing one cursed ask after another, responding to one alastor circus theory after another, One ask in particular caught their attention. It was definitely a surprise, and a welcome one at that. It stood out like a sore thumb, simple yet elegant, divine and a blessing among heaps of cursed messages that would have asmodeus and satan themselves shaking in fear.
"hi dickmaster" - anon
Nunalastor couldn't explain it. They don't know what came over them, but they felt a strange sense of attraction to this one particular anon. They were sweet, they gave them a place of solace from the dread that was piss kink headcanons and cursed deer facts, equivelent of the clogged up plumming disasters alastor had to fix with his bare hands at the Hazbin hotel. It was the piece of gold nugget hidden in a swamp full of moss and dog urine.
Dickmaster stared at the message for a good few seconds, really taking in the plainness and beauty of the two words before their eyes, appriciating all that message was as a small smile made its way up their face. This called for a special occasion. Dickmaster gripped their keyboard, nearly smashing it with the force. Their fingers danced along the keys and crafted a response like no other, one worthy of this random anon that managed to make their day a bit brighter.
"Hi babygirl" - Nunalastor
On the other side of the pentagram, a kind, sweet and not at all deranged huskers was scrolling through hells version of tumblr. Voxtek devices had proven to be quite useful in the underworld. It served as the main source of entertainment and escape for the lonely, not only for husk, but other sinners alike. Besides, being an employee meant he had extra privileges with Voxtek. Regardless, it introduced husk to the nunalastor blog, which was the best moment of their life (or lack thereof, considering they're dead).
They'd quickly grown accustomed to the undeserved hate thrown their way upon their first ever interractioin. Though they didn't understand, they could play along. They found strange comfort in the twisted logic that any form of attention was better than none. After all, being singled out meant they were special in the eyes of Nunalastor, right? that's how husk comforted themselves anyway. And they haven't seen Nunalastor actually reply to anyone with actual love before.
That is... until it happened. Someone who would later reveal themselves as babygirl anon, husks worst adversary and the unfortunate victim of lulu's slander showed up on their feed.
"hi dickmaster" - anon
"Hi babygirl" - Nunalastor
Husk stared at the screen in shock, their eyes widening and heart growing heavy. Countless questions and conflicting emotions swirled within them, each clutching their hold for attention. 'Is nunalastor serious? Do I not want them to be serious? Why can't I be treated the same? What did I do?' And amidst the chaos, one thought rose to the surface, crystal clear in Husk's mind.
'I want to be loved like that'
The frustration of being at the end of every one of Nunalastors verbal spears finally caught up to husk. Every small jab they'd written off as jokes suddenly felt like small pin needles scraping their skin. Unable to deal with the whirlwind of emotions and the confusion of it all, Husk sought solace in the one place they could always trust, the bottom of a bottle.
So they took a swig. And another. And another. Intil there wasn't a shred of emotion left to feel. Not a single thread of frustration left in them, not a nerve of anguish, not a line of confusing verbal spewage...
And not even a speck of self-restraint
"THEY JUST KEEP COMING" Dickmaster exclaimed, more like yelled as their inbox was flooded with more cursed asks at a rate faster than they could answer. At this pace, they'll be there all day, answering these asks like a poor overworked minimum wage employee at a call center.
"They'll run out of ideas eventually" Nun responded, nonchalantly, leaning against a nearby wall, sipping on a drink of their own. Nun watched as dickmaster struggled to find another reaction image fast enough so they could call it quits and leave the rest of the struggles for future Nunalastor to handle, or more accurately when it would be nun's turn to answer all the unhinged people in their inbox.
The hurried clicking of the keys on a keyboard could be heard throughout the entire room, bouncing off the walls, reflecting exactly how much infestation was actually happening in nunalastors inbox by the minute. "it would be great if you could answer a few you know, my fingers are dyin-"
And then it suddenly went quiet. The clicking died down and the unbelievably loud buzzing of their computer, along with the hitched breathing of Dickmaster was the only sound bouncing around the room. Nun of course raised a brow at this. "what's the holdup? we can't afford to take a break you know" they said, as if they were the one answering all of the asks in the first place.
nun walked over, curious as to what exactly had stopped dickmaster in his endless pursuit of emptying their inbox, considering they were always the more enthusiastic one of the two. "are you okay?" nun asked, half sarcastically. Their eyes landed over the current ask in their inbox.
"I wish you'd love me" huskers-bar
and suddenly the silence made sense. the pause had been a justified one.
dickmaster inhaled, followed by a deep and saddened exhale. they didn't want to take their eyes off of those five words. they could stare in awe and amazement at them for hours. it wasn't even the fact that it was just another ask that wasn't cursed, but because it was huskers-bar that sent-
a hand on dickmasters shoulder snaps them out of their daze, being brought back to reality, the pitiful reality. they were in hell for a reason, they reminded themselves.
"you remember our deal, don't you, dickmaster?" nuns voice cut through the buzzing, sounding deep, gruff, threatening and slightly saddened.
"yes of course" dickmaster turned back to the monitor, giving one last look at the ask before typing out what nunalastor has agreed would be the appropriate response.
"you'll get over it. #we are a huskers-bar hate blog"
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opis-writing-nook · 10 months
GN!Reader, Luka
GN!Reader x Luka
Mix martial fighting, mentions of bruising, make outs, hair pulling, lip biting, very little grinding, heavily implied that both parties are aware of the others feelings and return said feelings but never actually asked each other out officially, canon divergence, Luka and reader gently bully each other as a way of flirting, fluff at the end
I barely know anything about professional fighting, so there will be inaccuracies. I made the reader more dominant/assertive bc that's what I write for. There's little to no info on Luka so he'll probably be ooc by the time we learn more about him but ehhh.
This fic was inspired by this playlist on YouTube.
It was Tuesday, which means one thing: sparring with Luka.
Both of you had converted your basement into a gym a few years back, it had cost you a fortune, but you told yourself it was an investment for your career. Couldn't keep your job if your skills weren't sharp, training is important if you want to keep moving up in the ranks which would mean you would get better pay.
The better you were paid, the better you could live without having to stress about money. Maybe if you saved up enough you could eventually set up a retirement fund.
Music played faintly in the background as Luka, your childhood friend, and you were sparring in the ring. Luka had just landed a punch on you, but you could take anything he dished out.
"You punch like a bitch," you dodge Luka's next punch with a teasing smile, leaving his back exposed, and quickly jabbing your fist in-between his shoulder blades and are rewarded with a painful grunt. "You're leaving yourself too open, Lulu."
"Eat shit and die." Luka scoffs in mock annoyance at the nickname, both you knew he adored the name and wore it with pride, he quickly readjusts his stance before swinging again and grazes your left shoulder. "Can't help that I got my new arm, not used to the weight just yet."
"Yeah, yeah, fuck you too." You laugh as you sweep his legs, knocking him on his back due to his new arm throwing off his balance. "One…two…three…you're out!"
You pause to admire the forming bruise on his jaw, eyes trailing down his neck then torso, licking your lips as you make a mental note to give him some ointment and cold packs in a bit.
Luka grunts as you straddle his waist, panting heavily from the fight while trying to reorient himself after the wind was knocked out of him, he swallows heavily as he looks up at you with half lidded eyes.
He can't help but laugh as you lean closer to his face before pulling him into a bruising kiss, the way you bite on his lip makes him shudder in excitement, if this is what happens when he loses a sparring session with you he might have to lose more often.
Both of your bodies flushed together on the mat, your fingers tangled in his pretty red hair as you deepen the kisses in a languid fashion, giggling as his hands grip your hips like a lifeline. Each tug of his hair earned a needy whine that you greedily swallowed up into the messy kisses, lazy rolls of your hips to tease him and are rewarded with desperate keening sounds.
You break away after what seems like forever, panting softly as you admire Luka's dopey lovesick expression, before kissing his forehead gently and miss the way his eyes flutter.
Carefully, you get up and grab the usual post workout supplies: first aid kit, cold packs, medicine, towels and drinks.
"Listen, we'll keep goin in a bit." You lazily sat down beside him, tossing a towel and drink to him before opening the first aid kit. "But first we need to get all this post workout stuff dealt with or neither of us will be fighting this week."
"Fair enough," he snorted before taking some medicine, knowing if he didn't take it now he would hurt worse later. "I'm in you capable hands, darlin."
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nifreti-ii · 1 year
Obey Me! Brothers + Diavolo Nickname Headcannons
My nicknames for all of the brothers (plus Diavolo) and a little bit on how they would react. (I might do one for the other dateables, not too confident about how to write them.)
Starlight: He's known as Lucifer Morningstar, but calling him by his last name would be lame. Instead, Starlight is way more endearing. Just don't call him that in front of anyone else. (He will 100% flush and scold you.) Lord Diavolo will defiantly think it's cute.
Lulu or Luci: Another 'Don't you dare says this with anyone around.' Though it's best to call him this AFTER you've made a pact with him. At least at that point, he trusts you. He will definitely glare at you, and you will die on the spot if not. (Lulu will grumble about not calling him that as you pet his head.)
Lucifer: Best option in general. He's proud of his name and wants everyone to know it. (As if they don't already.)
Magpie: You would have called him Crow instead, but Magpie sounds cuter. Especially after finding out how Magpies collect Shiny things to put on display for potential mates. (Mammon will proudly show off his car and jewelry to you and blush whenever you say how shiny they are.)
Mams: To be honest, this man will be smitten with you within the first week. So calling him by his designated nickname will be a must.
Bonbon or Monmon: Calling him Bonbon (along with Magpie) is a sure way of getting him to blush. He'll get all pissy about the human giving him these stupid names, but if you stop, he'll demand why his brothers get nicknames and not the 'Great Mammon.' (He would totally lay in bed and squeal about how he's your little Monmon/Magpie.)
Levi: Generic nickname everyone calls him. 
Levi (Le as in level, vi): This is my inner dick coming out. He'll get all red and fussy about it. Went on about how 'That's not how you say it', and 'stupid normie doesn't know how to pronounce my name.' (He will lose his shit if you say his full name the same way.
Guppy or Levi-chan: Leviathan.exe has stopped working. The dude would have to go through a hard reboot before responding. Poor thing doesn't think an icky otaku like him deserves a cutesy nickname from you. (Mf does.)
Lord of Shadows: He'll get all excited about it. He Probably will hug you, calling you his 'Henry' before getting his bearings and freaking out about what he did. (Probably disgusted for doing a 'normie' thing.)
Sate: Pretty sure he doesn't have a nickname, or at least one used consistently (Like a certain red-eyed demon). Doesn't act like it's a big deal. (He secretly likes having a nickname).
Saint: Another 'to be dick' nickname. If you do this before you establish a friendship/pact with him, he WILL want to kill you for the stupid joke. (If you do so after, he'll just be annoyed)
Satan: You can't go wrong with calling him by his name. 
Kitten: A guaranteed way of getting him to blush. Especially if you scratch behind his ear as you do it. He'll be red and lost for words. (He might start to purr if you keep petting him.)
Asmo: Another generic nickname.
Az or Azzy: He'll think it's cute. Probably will refer to himself as your 'Azzy'. (Won't let anyone else call him that.)
Princess: This man will SQUEAL. He's gonna tackle you and give you hugs and kisses. Don't you dare ever call him anything else ever again. He'll get all pouty about it. (He will call you his prince charming.)
Beel: Another generic nickname!
Bumblebee: Flies and gnats aren't cute, but you know what is? Bumblebees! It especially helps that they have similar wings. The first time you called him it, he was so confused. When you showed him a picture and explained, cutest little smile ever. (You'll never tell him it's also because he has a huge ass like one.)
Honeybee: Another case of explaining it and him being all cute. Likes the idea of being seen as a friendly baby boy. Another reason for the nickname is that he's such a sweetheart, sweet like honey. 
 This was just too cute not to share > Bees
Belphie: Woah, another generic nickname!
Cow: He'd probably get all pissy that he didn't get a cute nickname like his brothers, even more so after you call him it. I'm sorry but this bitch killed us, he's not getting a cute nickname. (He'll glare at you from his napping spot.)
Calf: First time you called him it, he pouted. He won't ever complain about it, though he'll pout every time. (Secretly likes it. He'll happily think about it before every nap.) 
Bell: Won't think much about it since it's similar to his other nickname. (Give him a collar with a bell on it, I dear you.)
Diavolo: This man got so excited the first time you called him by his first name. To be honest, it just slipped out, and you panicked HARD. (But after seeing his gummy smile you realized you did well.) 
Dia: Another case of this man beaming, probably raving about it to Barbatos. "The human gave me a nickname! :D"
Sunshine: Dia is like a shining light in Devildom, usually upbeat and positive. So when you called him sunshine (after asking to give him another nickname.), he gushed. 100% hugged you and twirled around, laughing the whole time. One time, you called him sunshine during a meeting. He got so happy, face flushed, eyes closed, and a massive smile on his face. (Lucifer was mortified and scolded you for 2 hours.)
I've been thinking about these damn nicknames for days I tell you. I couldn't take it anymore. I had fun writing this, I think it's all so cute.
Check out my Masterlist for my art and writings. :D
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florsial · 2 months
Spreading my 2 headed lamb Regulus animagus agenda with Black Brother angst!!!
word: 820
someone give Sirius a hug or something like damn he rlly going through it
As he walks, the crunching of the branches underneath his feet calms the harsh beating of his heart. It hadn't been a good day. He felt like he was constantly being watched by his parents. The entire day was spent anxiously looking over his shoulders, expecting his mother to turn a corner with a wand in hand or his father to yank his shoulder with a bruising grip when his back was turned.
He really needed his walk, at least that was what James insisted on.
For a couple of minutes, he manages to clear his head, the grip of his parents loosened, leaving his mind to heal from the harsh and bruising touch. His feet soon stopped near the edge of the Forbidden Forest, and he was able to see Hagrid's hut, he figured he might as well stop by to say hi.
Sirius takes a couple of steps before he promptly stops. With widened eyes, he takes a step back from the disfigured animal. A two-headed black lamb, a baby, but not exactly a newborn, nowhere near a sheep. Its two heads conjoined by the side of their faces, the eyes wide and watching Sirius' movement with unsettling attention. The animal was creepy and yet he could not look away.
It made a noise, from one of its heads, and its legs wobbled a bit. A small movement that makes Sirius' heart ache pitifully. Remus had a farm back in Wale. He told Sirius of animals, sometimes humans, born with more than one head and dying not much sooner because they simply were born to die, doomed from the very beginning. They wouldn't have been able to survive the harsh world with the disability, nor would their bodies be able to continue the demands of life. And looking at the lamb, he thinks of how this might be the last time he sees it.
With slow steps to not scare the animal, he approaches with an outstretched hand. A comforting gesture. He manages to close enough where he can sit down and pet its soft fleece. The animal reciprocates the action, settling down to the ground beside Sirius.
"Hey there little guy," He hums.
The lamb doesn't reply, only closing its eyes. So Sirius continues to talk, "How have ya been? Well I hope, you look tired."
"I am too you know?" He runs his fingers through the soft black fleece. The animal shifts its position, slowly maneuvering itself to Sirius' lap.
"Looks like both of us are worn out, huh?"
The lamb never replies, Sirius guesses it takes too much out of the animal. So he fills the silence with his chatter about his friends, his academics, pranks, and Remus, but soon it shifts to a bit of his parents, and some of Regulus, which leaves his eyes watery. Despite never getting a baa in reply, he feels heard and comforted by the lamb.
When he finishes, he finds his face damp. The lamb leans closer and Sirius begins to sob into the black fleece. He admits in his tears, that he misses his family. He misses the times when their mother didn't scold them for minor things and gave them a cold shoulder, when their father wasn't locked up in his office or shouting at their mother, and the times he played with Regulus while the little boy was still oblivious to the world and giggled at every little thing.
At that, the lamb finally replied in its soft baaa from one of its heads. A sound that draws a wet chuckle from Sirius.
"Thank you," he mumbles softly against the fleece, "Lulu would like you, he's always been fond of lambs."
Another baa in response that makes Sirius smile.
He isn't able to stay with the lamb for long though, because he hears the familiar calls of, "Padfoot! Padfoot!" And he knows that his friends must be looking for him. Sirius turns to the lamb who is now slowly moving off of Sirius. A clear sign that he is about to leave. He wants to tell it to stay but before his mouth can form the words, the lamb makes a sound and turns around to leave. He watches the lamb move further but isn't able to stay long enough to see it fully leave his sight before his friends jump him with a group hug. Dragging his eyes away from the leaving lamb.
For the rest of his time in Hogwarts, he doesn't see the two-headed lamb again. It's only when he takes another walk to clear his head during the war in 1979, does he see it again. Black fleece and two heads conjoined standing on wobbly legs, staring directly at him, but it didn't feel like a visit, it felt like a goodbye. A permanent one.
The next day, Regulus is declared dead and Sirius never sees the two-headed black lamb again.
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