#monster transformation: merperson
By @breannasfluff
Series Summary:
The first time the Chain meets Wild, they run. Pure, animalistic horror has them scrambling into the forest and further back up the road with the only thought of run hide get away get away!
The stranger barely turns around before the road behind him is empty.
20 minutes later, they stand in the middle of the road and argue about why they ran like ninnies.
Series Tags:
Feral Wild
Eldritch Wild
Team Dynamics
Team Bonding
Canon-Typical Violence
Platonic Cuddling
Body Horror
Lovecraftian Monster(s)
Mild Horror
Fierce DADity
Self-Esteem Issues
Guardian Fight
Bunny Legend
Fairy Hyrule
Gerudo Town
Gerudo Outfit
Merperson Legend
Flirting (maybe)
Eldritch Malon
Word count: 83,646
Finished: No
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ghostlynimbus · 11 months
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Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington Characters: Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove, Maxine "Max" Mayfield Additional Tags: Merperson Billy Hargrove, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Neil Hargrove is His Own Warning, Hurt/Comfort, Steve Harrington's Pool, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Rating May Change, Billy Hargrove Needs a Hug, He gets one eventually, Billy Hargrove Has Powers, Billy Hargrove Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Human/Monster Romance, Monsterfucker Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove is a mer who doesn’t know nearly enough about his mother’s people. Steve Harrington is a human who feels like he never knows enough about anything.
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justletmereadmycomics · 5 months
CW for descriptive speaking about body horror, blood, and overall lack of grammar tl;dr the average painful-turning-into-a-monster-transformation-sequence media isn't whumpy enough and people need to dive more into shit like turning into merfolk and mutating into weird hybrids that are in the uncanny valley of "feels like my body but not" also please note that this is all just my opinion and experience in media consumption and you are free enjoy what you like; im just bored and felt like rambling with 0 grammar or punctuation today.
hey guys I like seeing people go through intense painful physical transformations with an affect on their mental state that either makes them scared of them selves or forces them to do horrible things that also scare them and can I just say that werewolves are so underwhelming like yeah sure you get taller and turn into a buff ass furry boo hoo go cry about it like most of the time you're not even aware and it only lasts for a fucking night
give me shit like turning into a siren/merperson where they have to feel themself molting and their skin squeezing on their body as scales start to grow and they start mindlessly scratching every where from the pain when uh oh your legs are failing but you can't think about that now until whoopsie daisy your lower limbs are melting together and your pants are magically whooshed away once you're past the nakey parts also did I mention the wonderful possibility of growing fins everywhere and experiencing those tear through your muscles and skin whilst they grow on your back and arms and already painful and foreign feeling tail and also your vocal cords changing to be able to produce siren song shit in a way that makes your throat feel like its being mauled from the inside out oh yeah and also having your eyes fall out and regrown wouldn't that be a fun idea anyways vampires are about the same except a little better than werewolves bc they at least have the possibility of dealing with "the hunger" tm and way more weaknesses that can make them miserable like not being able to be in the sun or eat food anymore bc your body can't handle it one of the better examples ive seen is the one in ROTTMNT: The Movie, where (be warned of spoilers) characters are "possessed", so to speak, and this shit goes on
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its a very good movie, highly recommend it (the sereis has two seasons, and I haven't found the movie off of Netflix) also blood and struggling to adjust to a now permanent mental impairment/disadvantage/damage in a sense of "you're not human anymore and so you now have to deal with [blank] thought processes" (eg. someone gaining dragon shit would grow an affinity to hoarding things, not noticing such until their home is incredibly cluttered with piles of shiny items and hating themself for doing something so "inhuman")
things that ive seen that fall in the good transformation category are: demons* birds work most of the time, but you have to give them a beak and shit. also the wings can't just grow out of them painlessly.** most fantasy based anthros, really.*** most mutations seen in TMNT shows (that shits known to be painful bc it alters your DNA mostly through science rather than the normal mystics) bugs *only horns and a tail? weak. give 'em goofy legs and a snout or some shit, spin in a few animal traits just for fun. mental side effects that are nice for these guys tend to be a sudden lust for darkness (or just a sudden intense lust) **I recommend something like their arms falling off, OR something similar to the process in Haibane Renmei (tw for blood and minor body horror). An alternate option that I haven't seen would be to have the arms morph into wings themselves, but none of that grow feathers and get little longer bullshit. Character should feel their bones changing, the flesh forming to create a new limb and feathers piercing their skin like needles. Yes feathers are regularly soft, but imagine having a hundreds of tiny pinprick like things poking out of you and getting longer.
***this does not include fairies and unicorns. The only acceptation for these is character having weird magic fluxes and this becoming an effect of such. for example, if character is becoming a fairy, they will feel themself being compressed as wings either grow from their back or are summoned in a blast of magic that basically cuts them open where the wings "attach" so to speak.
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mangohgeckoh · 2 years
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Fish Sticks For Two
Mermaid! Reader x Silco fanfiction
This one has been floating around my noggin’ for sometime! I’m glad to finally act on it.
Word count: 1k+
Warnings for this chapter: Capturing, mild violence.
Chapter 1
Above the depths
Curtains of light cerulean danced underneath the dark waves. Sunlight pierced through the waves, manifesting itself as a flicker of blue light under the water. There you floated in a peaceful blue abyss, gills taking in and expelling water slowly.
Your skin pigment is pale from the lack of sunlight and bare from not needing clothes underwater. Your body was part human, with the top half of a woman. Black scales peppered over your stomach which trailed until where your abdomen should be. Your skin dipped under iridescent scales for the rest of your body, only to lead out to a long winding tail.
That very tail was silenced in motion to help still your body as you filtered in various types of crustaceans and particles that floated by in the open ocean. Your still form was floating absentmindedly ten feet under the surface of the Lane’s oceans that bordered Piltover.
Piltover was a loud city that was perched upon a mountain above the shore. Every now and then the civilians dump their belongings into the precious water below. One time a metal cup landed on your head, thankfully the water it broke through lessened the blow to your skull.
Only a month to go before you finish shedding your black scales. You had been waiting your entire life to be rid of the boring black tint that plagued your scales and had been very ready to trade them for a different color. But shedding made you sluggish and slow. You wouldn’t survive in the violent and harsh environment in the deep ocean. That’s where all the full grown or newborn merpeople live- and most of them are aggressive.
This part of a merwoman’s life was the most ansty. When a mermaid reached the age of 20, they must float ten to twenty feet below the surface until all their dull scales shed off. Once the shed is complete, the new scales are often brighter and more colorful. Some are different shades and gradients of one color, or multiple colors. Some mermaids are adorned with brilliant stripes or patterns that resemble that of a Whale Shark or a Lion Fish’s for example.
You on the other hand was hoping for orange, or purple or maybe both! Something to stand out amongst the other merpeople and to attract a formidable mate. The particular species you were apart of not only has the dorsal fins of a shark on their backs, but also have sharp teeth and tiny bulbs that lined the sides of your tail.
These bulbs were used for communication through morse code because sound evaporates in the water and you can’t yell “fuck you!” to another merperson without dragging in water into your lungs. However in human form, which your body automatically transforms into when it dries up, is fully functional with vocal chords.
Something, however, felt odd about today. Was it the water? Your lips parted a little to taste the water you floated around. No. Salty as always. Was it the temperature? Not that either. Or maybe it was the silhouette of something large coming right for you.
Your squinted eyes shot open from their relaxed state and your top half jerked backwards, tail propelling you in the opposite direction of the large grid barreling your way.
The grid like creature sliced through the water, gaining speed towards your now swimming form. Your back rolled against the water as your tail swished right to left, similar to a shark’s. But you weren’t fast enough.
Claws swiped at the rope like creature that captured you. You even tried to knaw your way through the creature but to no avail. The rope monster dragged you across the sea with it until your weight began to make it droop. That’s when the creature halted.
Your body was tangled in the uncomfortable and scratchy rope, thrashing against it to break free as the mister pulled you out of the surface. Your eyes burned at the touch of air and the sunlight pierced your skin.
Weakly your body flopped against what you now realized was a contraption of sorts made for unwarranted kidnapping. Or mernapping. When the contraption stopped in mid air you dared yourself to take a peek.
There your body was, being dangled in a device above your home. But you were high enough to lock eyes with a human on a ship that the device was attached to. The ship was large with three other nets on each side.
The human looked stunned at the similar but different creature they looked at. Your half lidded eyes scanned the human to realize it was a male. A young male. Maybe the same age as you. The young man’s odd looking hand without webs clutched onto a lever which you realized was controlling the device. Your parents had told you about their kind. Fisherman.
Upon realization of the human’s stance, your barred your shark like teeth and let out a hiss that only came out as a shrill. But the man’s eyes watched you carefully, not flinching at the aggression. This surprised you. Most legged-folk are easily scared. Your head tilted at the young man as you both studied eachother, curious about eachother’s species.
His expression smoothly melted from scared to nothing. “Silco! Did you find anythin’?” A gruff voice called out from higher up in the ship. That’s when you realize the ship was buzzing with activity, men were hurling identical devices on to the boat with fish and then throwing them back in when they emptied.
The man continued to study me. My finned hands grabbed the nearest ropes on his side and looked at him, my eyes tried to convey what my voice couldn’t.
‘Please don’t kill me.’ You thought, in hopes that maybe, just maybe, the human could hear your thoughts. “Silco!” The same voice yelled, this time with less patience. This made the young male’s green eyes look up, before coming back to meet my own.
He visibly sighed before releasing the lever, making the device that held me drop back into the water. But before it did, I heard a voice that I only assumed was my savior’s. “Only a bunch of seaweed, captain.”
Once the ropes untangled in the cerulean water, the contraption spat you out and your body swam away as quick as it could. But not without thinking of the man. Your savior. Your hero.
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sagaofstardustmkg · 2 years
I Meant Nothing to You | Mizukabe 2.4 | RE: Everything
Mizukabe stood up as Nevros began to transform. It was grotesque, and sickening. Mizukabe will never forget that crunching sound for the rest of his life. He's seen movies about vampires, or fantasy films about dragons. Maybe a picture of a dragon or two. But this. This was new, and terrifying. This wasn't as easily digestible as a merperson, or a half orc, or a lynx man. This was a leech. A tick. A parasite. 
Mizukabe looked upon Nevros in fear at their reveal. He clutched his stomach, trying to hide away the anxiety that built within him. He hated being afraid. Fear of the deep ocean and falling beneath the surface. Fear of being abandoned. The fear of disappointing those who mattered to him. These fears were easily understood and worked through, but there was something in Nevros' eyes that instilled a primal fear into Mizukabe. 
All of the students are Nevros' prey. 
Despite the fear, Mizukabe steps forward to them as they make their speech. As Berceuse embraces them. A hand stretches out to grab onto them, and he looks upon this desperation of love and hatred and realizes this is what he did to Berceuse just last trial. He withdrew his hand, disgusted with himself. This is why VB hated the way he acted around Berceuse. This is who Mizukabe was. A pea in a fucked up pod. Maybe all three of them were messed up in some way. All broken in different ways, and their pieces seemed to clash against each other just a little less than others'. His voice is trembling as he speaks up, tightening his grip around his shirt as his only support. 
"Nev. Did... you ever care about me...?" There were no tears, for he could not afford them. "Was I just.... some future meal for you? Was there an ounce of something that one could call love that you claimed to have for me?" 
Hurt spilled into anger as he looked down upon the twisted pair. A ghost and a soon to be ghost. He continued. 
"You said you loved me! You cared about me! You were so amazed by my magic, you.... You made me feel special! Not special in a 'oh wow Mizukabe the third' sort of way, but special in a me way! And yet... that was all a lie? Was this a game to you? A way to savor the hunt before you ended my life? All of our lives?"
In his hurt, Mizukabe turned away, grabbing his book and finally placing his vote. 
"Why would you do those things to me if you ever cared? What do I have to do to prove to you..? No. That doesn't matter anymore. You killed Karma in cold blood! You almost killed Sirius. You killed twelve other people! It doesn't matter what you do, or who you try to be. You're the monster you wanted everyone to see you as, now." 
Mizukabe sat down in his spot, hugging himself and biting his tongue. He turns his head away from Berceuse and Nevros, not wanting to take in their display anymore.  Everything hurt, and there was nothing he could do about it. That feeling of abandonment bubbled up again. Despite the way he demonized Nevros, he still couldn't help but mourn the part of them that made him happy. 
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Blood in the Water by Mythicamagic
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Lovely people! Our very own, @mythicamagic decided to do one of our prompts for the SAFE!!! The prompt she took on was - Monster Transformation: Merperson! Which just adds to her wonderful collection of Sess monster-transformation fics!
I definitely recommend giving it a read! This will be a two chapter work!
By: Mythicamagic Title: Blood in the Water Trope: Monster Transformation: Merperson Summary: Trapped on a sinking ship, Kagome comes face to face with the most unexpected rescuer she could've imagined. Mershark Sess fic. Sesskag AU. Rating: E Word Count: 2525
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34618402/chapters/86179528?view_adult=true
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emmalylis · 2 years
Monster May Prompt List
@zanzquest and I put together an unofficial list of prompts for the May @miraculousfanworks event!
If you participate in Monster May, be sure to join the Miraculous Fanworks Discord to share your work and talk to other fans.
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1: Ghost
2: Fae
3: Transform
4: Scientist
5: Ocean
6: Wings
7: Undead
8: Disguise
9: Hunter
10: Teeth
11: Invisible
12: Werecreature
13: Fire
14: Ice
15: Guardian
16: Mirror
17: Swamp
18: Web
19: Shadow
20: Glow
21: Robot
22: Forest
23: Vampire
24: Merperson
25: Lightning
26: Swarm
27: Reveal
28: Gift
29: Slime
30: Witch
31: Sentibeing
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shanastoryteller · 4 years
how different do you think the story would be if draco malfoy had been picked as the hogwarts champion?
draco doesn’t know how this happened, and he’s pissed off in between being terrified. he stands up, nose in the air, and walks to the front of the great hall, taking his place between fleur and viktor. 
he expects them to look thrilled. if he’s the hogwarts champion, they’re going to have an easy time of it, but instead the both of them just look concerned. he’s been talking with both of them, friendly with both of them, because he’s not an idiot, he knows what power looks like. 
he knows what it isn’t, and it’s him. he’s smart, and strong, but he’s a fourth year and even with all the spells he’s not supposed to know, he doesn’t have the easy, solid presence of viktor of fleur, people who are not only powerful but know how to wield their power, unlike potter who just stumbles around accidentally defeating monsters with that stupid confused look on his face. 
then, as if this whole situation isn’t bad enough all on it’s own, the goblet spits out one more name. 
harry potter. 
of course. draco doesn’t know what he expected, really. 
severus yells. his parents make an awful lot of scary threats that he knows they’re prepared to deliver on. his aunt floos over from the magical artifacts office to try and declare the goblet faulty, but it’s not use. 
his name came out of the goblet, so he has to compete. 
he can’t help but notice, however, that no one yells on behalf of potter, no one comes to his defense in the face of this ridiculous task they’re supposed to complete, not even dumbledore, even though potter’s supposed to be some sort of golden boy. it seems, maybe, that everyone’s forgotten along the way that he’s a kid too. 
that night his parents send him a package, and he rolls his eyes because he hasn’t worn something like this since he was a kid, but it’s not like he doesn’t understand the rational behind it. he slips the dainty silver ring on his middle finger, and makes a mental note to fidget with it. 
his housemates rally around him when he gets back, faces solemn, quiet as severus towers behind him. 
he sighs, rubbing his hand over his face. “well,” he says, “are we going to win this or not?” 
a slytherin is the hogwarts champion. he can’t get out of it, so he’s going to win it, he’s going to rub silver and green in the face of everyone who’s ever looked at him sideways because of his house. 
over a hundred eager smiles meet him. if he succeeds, all of slytherin succeeds, and so all of slytherin is going to help him. 
he finds out about the dragons from Flora, who’s cousin is an intern in the department of magical creatures. snape ropes his newts level slytherins into devising a sleeping potion powerful enough to take out a dragon, and cassius drills him in manipulating the bubblehead charm until he’s exhausted and his fingers ache and lungs hurt. pansy promises to carry the potion with her on the day of the first task so draco can cast a simple summoning charm to get it from her in the stands. 
the day of the first task, he summons the potion, casts a giant bubblehead charm around them, then a smaller one on himself, and smashes the potion in the center of the dragon’s forehead. it roars, and blue mist surrounds them, and then there’s a thunderous crash as the dragon falls to the ground, asleep. draco cautiously darts forward to collect the golden egg, darts away, and casts a dissipation spell before ending both bubblehead charms and running as far away from angry, sleep muddled dragon as he can get. 
he thinks it’s a pretty impressive display until potter flies around the horntail, outflying and out maneuvering her, and coming away victorious with the golden egg tucked under his arm. 
the second task seems to throw everyone for a loop. even severus looks perplexed by the screaming egg, and nearly his whole house writes their parents and uncles and cousins for advice. 
it all ends up being worthless.
everyone’s huddled around the egg in the common room, and there’s a pounding sound. draco closes the egg and they all look out the window, which of course leads out to the great lake.they are in the dudgeon after all. 
there’s a merperson, young based on the pattern of their scales, who’s pointing towards the egg, and them pointing towards themselves, then gives an approximation of a wink and swims away. 
marcus flint, of all people, is the one who figures it out. “water,” he says, “listen to it under water. it’s a mermaid singing.” 
his prefect takes him to the baths, and him and as many people as they can cram in there listen to the egg sing it’s pretty song. there’s some debate about what the merpeople will take, with vincent suggesting all his hair products and daphne offering up his broom, but it doesn’t actually matter what it is, because what they take doesn’t change what he has to do, which is get it back from them. 
severus offers gillyweed, adrien pucey says that draco might as well take advantage of the bubblehead charm he already knows, and theo, who is terrifying and brilliant, says it’s too bad he doesn’t have the durmstrang ship. 
they all go quiet, and severus stands up and says that he can’t hear this, then leaves, “hear what?” theo asks, blinking, and marla, who’s already been accepted to cairo’s curse breaking graduate program, leans forward, eyes bright, and starts coming up with a plan. 
then draco finds out they’re taking people, not things, and that’s just not on. 
they’ve taken his cousin. 
“luna lovegood?” potter asks, confused, because he’s an idiot, and draco ignores him. 
the stakes are suddenly much higher. he doesn’t think they’d actually let the hostages get seriously hurt for this contest, but intentions don’t mean much to him right now. 
the other three champions go bolting into the water. draco turns and goes the other direction. 
everyone’s in the stands, so the durmstrang ship is completely empty. people must be figuring out what he’s doing, because there’s some angry yelling, but stealing a ship isn’t against the rules, so. he does just as marla told him to, and he doesn’t know what and who she had to do to get this information, but he’s too grateful to question it. he steps to the captain’s helm, activates the underwater mode, and the boat sinks into the great lake.
steering is extremely difficult and requires more upper body strength than he’s thrilled with, but he’s surrounded by a pocket of air as the ship zooms past the other contestants, so he doesn’t care all that much. he throws up the shield to barrel through the line of merpeople acting as a barrier. he uses a severing spell to cut the ropes and summons luna into the ship. as soon as he crosses the barrier, into the air, she gasps awake, and he carefully sets her on her feet. 
“cousin!” she greets, smiling. “headmaster dumbledore said that i would be thing you most sorely miss. that means you like me, right?” 
“wrong,” he says gruffly, flicking her radish earring. “i love you, but i don’t like you, you’re weird and annoying.” 
she just keeps smiling at him, eyebrows raised, and uhg, this is the worst, she’ll never leave him alone now. “well,” she says, “we are related, after all.” 
“hey!” he says, but she only giggles. 
they should be leaving, he’s gotten here first and he can get back first, with his cousin in tow. 
what if something happens to the others after he leaves? viktor and fleur will be so upset if something happens to their girlfriend and little sister, and well, it’s not like harry will be any fun to poke fun at if he’s busy mourning his best friend. 
he can’t just say that though, and it’s not like he’s willing to come in last just to make sure everything gets back okay. 
“cousin?” luna asks, head tilted to the side. 
“shut up,” he says, and taps his wand on his hand. 
he transforms three wooden dummies with the hostages respective names carved into their chest, then right below it adds early bird captures all the prizes, xoxo draco and swaps them out, although he has to keep the ships shield’s activated while he does because the merpeople are pissed. 
gabrielle huddles into luna’s side, who speaks even less french than gabrielle does english, but draco’s too busy steering the ship to play translator. 
granger and weasley stand next to each other, staring at him like they’ve never seen him before, and he really wishes they’d stop looking at him. “what?” he snaps. “i just - i’m just trying to - to make them angry, is all.” 
“right,” weasley says, eyebrows pushed together. he and granger share a look. draco doesn’t know what it means, but he hates it. 
“oh, piss off,” he grumbles as the ship breaks the surface. 
the durmstrang students are clustered near the shore. their headmaster looks pissed, but all the students are laughing, so draco doesn’t feel too bad about the whole thing. 
viktor and potter bring back their wooden figures, and fleur stops crying and kisses him on both cheeks when she realizes draco’s gotten her sister. potter hugs granger and weasley, and the three of them keep looking at him. 
draco gets nines across the board, with each judge deducting a point for stealing, which he doesn’t think is fair. no one said stealing wasn’t allowed after all. 
the third task happens, and everything goes wrong. viktor attacks him, and later he finds fleur unconscious and sends up red sparks for her. he ends up fighting back to back with potter, which is hell, and the golden trophy is across from them. he and potter look at each other, for a moment completely still, and then they both go running. draco’s so close, he’s not going to let harry win this, even if the whole thing does seem a bit unfair what with viktor having lost his mind and attacking fleur, but draco’s not about to be a hufflepuff about this. 
because there’s no justice in this world, they grab it at the same time. 
draco’s used a portkey plenty of times, and it doesn’t disorient him. he lands on his feet with his wand out, and pointed right at a man with overly large front teeth. 
a crackly voice says, “kill the-”
draco doesn’t wait around for him to finish that sentence. “stupefy!” 
the stunning spell works, and the man falls to the ground with a loud crunch  that would be concerning if draco cared. “malfoy?” potter mutters, finally getting to his feet, looking too pale and green around the edges. his hand is pressed against his forehead. “i-i think something is wrong. we should leave.” 
“malfoy,” that same crackly voice says, and draco leans forward cautiously. “good, good. lucius’s boy. you’ll finish this, then.” 
cradled in the man’s stupified arms is a scaly creature about the size of a large toddler with beady red eyes. 
draco’s hit with overwhelming wave of revulsion, with wrongness, that he’s never felt before and can’t explain. “I-I,” he pauses, stepping back, and in front of potter, who still looks like he’s going to be sick at any moment. he keeps his wand out, but uses his other hand to twist the ring around his middle finger three times. 
“pick me up,” the thing commands, “we have work to do. i need your flesh.” 
oh, merlin above. 
there’s two pops, and then his parents are here, following the distress signal sent off by his ring. 
“mum, dad,” he says, taking another stumbling step back, finally able to breath when they step in front of him, wands raised, “that’s - i think,” he pauses, “that’s the - the dark lord.” then, because he wants them to make informed decisions, “he tried to kill me.” 
“did he,” his mother says, voice icy. his father sighs, like he already knows what’s coming, but makes no move to stop it. “avada kedavra.” 
there’s a flash of green light, and when draco peeks around his father’s shoulder, the scaly creature is unmoving. 
“dear,” lucius says mildly. 
narcissa turns, holding out her arm, and draco tucks himself against his mother’s side. “yes darling? surely you didn’t really want to get involved in this mess again. and,” her voice drops, “he tried to hurt our son.” 
“yes, of course,” he says, reaching out a hand to brush it through draco’s hair, “but keep in mind there are plenty of people who will want explanations of what just occurred. he’s not actually dead, you know.” 
his mother hums, “well, i suppose we’re changing sides.” 
lucius frowns, but it’s not like he’s going to argue with narcissa, so he says, “very well.” 
“um,” potter says, and the three of them turn to look at him, “what?” 
“that’s a portkey then?” lucius asks, looking to the trophy on the ground. daring, “i’ll handle things here, you go back with the boys. surely there’s someone who set this up waiting for whoever returns.” 
“uh,” potter says, “er, sorry, i just - can we take pettigrew too? he - i can use him to clear my godfather’s name, is all.” 
his parents both make a face like they’ve smelled something rotten, and his mother sighs. “i suppose dealing with sirius is one of the many prices we’ll pay for switching sides. very well. petrificus totalus! wingardium leviosa!” the mans stunned body rises, and voldemorts’ pathetic corpse falls with a dull thump. she looks expectantly towards them. “ready?” 
potter shoots him a desperate look, but if he’s looking for draco to explain his mother, he’ll be waiting for a long time. draco had given up on that by the time he turned five. he wonders if all this means that he and potter will actually manage to be friends. 
“come on, potter,” he holds out his hand, “mum’s probably going to kill at least one more person tonight, so best not to start questioning things now.” 
“at least two, if i get my hands on dumbledore,” she sniffs, grabbing draco’s other hand so she can travel with them by portkey. 
potter looks down at his outstretched hand, then back up, and only hesitates a moment more before taking it. “call me harry. isn’t ant of this, you know, weird for you?” 
draco shrugs. “we’re wizards, harry. weirdness is relative, don’t you think?” 
harry’s just grabbed the portkey, so his laughter gets cut off, and draco tries not to mourn the loss. 
hopefully, now he’ll get a chance to hear it again, after all. 
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azure-wolf-227 · 3 years
ML AU: The Little MermAdrien
A sort of The Little Mermaid-inspired AU that @princess-of-the-corner and I came up with. (Shout-out to @tippytoezombie for suggesting ‘MermaAdrien’ as this AUs name).
Adrien is a merfolk prince that’s fascinated by the human world, he regularly sneaks off to watch Humans at the beach and on the docks, as well as collecting human items that he finds in sunken ships. His father, Gabriel, is the king of the merfolk kingdom and hates humans after his losing his wife to an attack by them.
Merfolk’s appearances resemble that of different fish species. Adrien has angelfish traits.
Chloe and Adrien are still childhood friends despite the fact that Chloe is a human. It went like this: small Noble kid (her father is the Duke) who ran away to the docks when upset about her mom, falls in and meets a little mermaid boy and become secret friends not telling anyone back home about each other.
Chloe teaches Adrien stuff about the human worlds including how to read and write. Merfolk are normally illiterate and mostly use oral language and songs since paper and ink don’t work underwater. Adrien’s reading and writing skills are about kindergarten level.
The Miraculous are magical artifacts that grant powers though they’re nerfed compared to canon and there are no transformations. The Kwamis still exist as magical beings connected to the MIraculous who guide the wielders, kinda like Familiars.
The Kwamis can change their forms depending on the environment their at i.e. on land they’re their normal form while they turn into their Aqua forms underwater. The transformations are something they can already do instead of needing to drink a potion like in canon.
Adrien found the Cat Miraculous while exploring a shipwreck and met Plagg. He keeps Plagg’s existence hidden from his father.
One day, Adrien watches as a ship is sunk by a storm and saves a girl his age from drowning. He falls in love with the girl and sings while she’s semi-unconscious in the beach, then leaves before she can get a good look at him. That girl turns out to be Kagami, the princess of the nearby human kingdom. Adrien vows that he’d find a way to be together with Kagami, while Kagami searches for the boys who rescued her.
Adrien has a fight with Gabriel about the latter’s interest in the human world despite the fact that humans are the reason Emelie died. The fight gets to the point where Adrien declares that he doesn’t want to be a merman and runs (swims?) away.
He then goes to visit Ariel Rinn the Dragon Witch (Corner’s original character) to ask if she can turn him into a human.
Ariel tells him that she has a spell that can do that but it involves him trading of skill for another (i.e. his voice/singing ability for the ability to walk on land). 
The spell becomes stable with True Love’s Kiss and would not only give Adrien his voice back but let him shift between human and merperson at will.
Since Ariel is kinder than Ursula, there are not dire consequences if Adrien fails to get True Love’s Kiss. He’d just be stuck as a mute human, though Ariel still warns him that the girl he has a crush on might not be his true love. Regardless, Adrien still wants go through with it.
Ariel casts the spell, and Adrien loses his voice but becomes a human. He ends up washed up on the beach, naked and stumbling as he tries to walk. He’s found by Marinette who decides to help him so she drags him home to her parents’ bakery. Romantic shenanigans ensue.
Note: Marinette has the Ladybug Miraculous earrings, she found on the beach several years ago and met Tikki, though she didn’t tell her parents about her. She keeps Tikki hidden from Adrien, and he in turn doesn’t let her know about Plagg. Tikki and Plagg are aware of each other but don’t tell their owners.
Marinette and Adrien are in her tailor shop (She has her own successful business at this point when she’s not in the bakery) when Chloe comes in to pick up the dress she ordered for a Gala at the palace.
She sees Adrien and is like “yo what the FUCK???”. Despite being unable to speak, he manages to convey that he did some Magic shit and is Human for now, but ya know. True Love’s Kiss and all that. 
Despite needing to process All That, Chloé is happy to have her friend on land now, and says she can have him be her plus one to the gala. 
She gets a little demanding with Marinette on having her throw together a last-minute suit for Adrien and he manages to mediate the two. But Adrien has also already begun falling for Mari so he makes sure Chloé knows that he won’t go if she doesn’t. 
Chloé protests at first, knowing that her mother would berate her for embarrassing her by inviting a peasant, but she was already risking that by inviting Adrien(yeah he’s a prince but no one else knows that and also he will act like a total dork who can’t even dance). Marinette notices something is up with those two but doesn’t guess the mermaid shit. She reluctantly agrees to go with them. 
Eventually at the Gala, Adrien takes interest in the musical instruments where the entertainment is setting up. He’s not used to any of the instruments because they don’t work underwater. Which naturally is where he meets Luka who was part of the band setting up. They share some light flirting but Adrien is so confused because he liked Mari and then there’s also the fact that this was started by a crush on the girl he saved.
Speaking of! Kagami and Adrien meet again here. Kagami is incredibly confused by him, as he doesn’t admit to being the one who saved her and like in the movie, him being currently voiceless while her savoir had sang to her makes Kagami wonder if it’s just a coincidence. But as they interact she does begin to fall for him regardless. 
The four eventually end up running into each other together and both Mari and Luka are panicking because hello Princess Kagami! And everyone is falling for each other.
Meanwhile Chloé’s job is to lie her ass off whenever someone asks a question about Adrien’s past.
Back under the sea, Gabriel is busy trying to find a powerful magical artifact that could bring his wife back to life. Why is he doing this instead of looking for his missing son? Well, Gabriel doesn’t actually know that Adrien is missing.
Nathalie and the Gorilla are supposed to be keeping an eye on Adrien and, well, neither wants to inform Gabriel that Adrien disappeared until they find him.
So they’re scrambling to make sure Gabriel doesn’t find out while also looking for Adrien. They never think he could be on land!
Gabriel finds where the magical artifact is hidden but he gets in over his head and releases the monster that guards the artifact (to keep things from canon, we are using Yan Woshi, the Akumatized version of the Prodigious’ Guardian) who then heads towards the human kingdom.
To save the kingdom, Adrien goes to confront the monster, hoping to destroy with his ring’s power; Kagami, Marinette, and Luka go after him.
They discover that Adrien is a merman, either from Chloe or  because they all gave Adrien True Love’s Kiss and saw his transform.
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Monster by katydid
Hisashi Midoriya runs a business capturing—and experimenting—on magical creatures. Both his little brother and his wife ran away after discovering his unethical business practices, so he's very protective of his precious son Izuku. But after Izuku develops a rebellious streak of his own, he starts thinking about how to turn him into something easier to contain and control.
Words: 1093, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Dad for One Week 2021, Part 23 of Dad for One oneshots and twoshots
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Sensei | All For One
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Sensei | All For One
Additional Tags: Dad for One Week 2021, Sensei | All For One is Midoriya Hisashi, Alternate Universe - Parent Sensei | All For One Keeps Midoriya Izuku Isolated | Vault Time, Sensei | All For One Being an Asshole, Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Possessive Sensei | All for One, Alternate Universe - Merpeople, Merperson Midoriya Izuku, Sensei | All For One's Bad Parenting, Transformation, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Midoriya Izuku Needs Help, Family Angst, Hurt No Comfort
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32639089
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spacedimentio · 3 years
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: Mythology (Miscellaneous), Original Work Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Characters: Original Sea Monster, Person lost at sea Additional Tags: lost at sea, General fears related to being lost at sea, Kenophobia (fear of empty spaces), Thalassophobia (fear of deep bodies of water), Sea Monster (with teeth tentacles and glowing), Shipwreck, Loss of family member (father), thirst, hunger, Hypothermia, Exposure, Sunburns, Drowning, swallowed whole, swallowed alive, Brief mention of real splinters and metaphorical needles and razor blades, Hallucinations, Disassociation, Rebirth, Transformation, Suicidal Ideation, Telepathy, POV Second Person, Horror, Hurt/Comfort, Poetry, Spiritual, Tragedy, Happy Ending, merperson - Freeform, exotic formatting Summary:
You’ve always loved the Ocean the waves that propel you away, farther from Land than your ship already was. Deep, deep below the Thing waits out of reach of the light.
---- Also on: DeviantART, FictionPress, and WattPad
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wotnahq · 4 years
Halloween Magic Anon – Part III
Please reblog these lists of anons in order to participate in the event. For players with multiple characters, please only reblog these posts ONCE on your main character account and tag your other participating character accounts in the caption below in an effort to avoid spamming the dash with the M!A lists being reblogged.
Beetlejuice: Muse will become a rowdy, sadistic little scamp. But the catch is, this new side of them can be turned off and on by saying the muse's name 3 times in succession. Effect lasts for 24 hours. 
Wicked Elphaba: Your muse's skin has turned a brilliant green and everyone has been avoiding him/her. He/she is desperate to do good deeds to prove that they are not a monster, but those deeds end up terribly wrong. Effect lasts for 48 hours.
Power Up!: Human muse is suddenly gifted with one superpower of the anon’s choice. If anon doesn’t choose, mun can decide (can be anything from the Powerlisting Wiki). This anon will not affect Metahuman characters and cannot be used to change their powers. Effect lasts for 72 hours. 
Out of Control: Muse is completely unable to control their power. This can range from being completely unable to use their ability as they would or unleashing too much power by accident. Will their inability to defend themselves get them hurt, or will they hurt the ones around them? Perhaps both? Effect lasts for 48 hours. 
Bite Me: Muse has been turned into a vampire with a sudden craving for blood instead of regular food. Abilities include super strength, speed, and senses, quick healing, glamouring, and immortality. Physically, muse will appear deathly pale with red eyes and sharp fangs in place of their canine teeth. They can only be killed by a wooden stake to the heart, decapitation, fire, or long enough starvation. They are extremely weak against sunlight and long enough direct exposure can cause death by burning. Effects last for 48 hours. Metas hit with this anon will lose all their abilities until this effect wears off.
Howl at the Moon: Muse has transformed into a werewolf, shifting between man and wolf as long as this is in effect. During the day, the muse retains their human form with certain traits – enhanced speed, senses, agility, stamina, and healing. However, as night approaches, the muse becomes more agitated and animalistic until they eventually go through a painful shift into a large wolf. In wolf form, the muse may become feral but potentially tameable by friends and family members. Muse will transform into a human again at sunrise with no recollection of what happened last night. They are weak against silver, capable of being burned by it if it touches their skin. Silver bullets, fire, and decapitation are easy ways to kill a werewolf. Effects last for 48 hours. Metas hit with this anon will lose all their abilities until this effect wears off. 
Fair Folk: Muse has become a fairy, a magical and mischievous-inclined humanoid creature. They have all the abilities of a fairy, including basic level telepathy, sleep inducement, confusion inducement, light manipulation, invisibility, and illusion magic. Physical changes are pointed ears and a pair of large fairy wings on their back (design and color are up to mun) capable of carrying them in flight. They are weak against silver and iron, burned if either of them touch the muse’s bare skin. Effects last for 48 hours. Metas hit with this anon will lose all their abilities until this effect wears off. 
Siren Song: Muse has become a merperson. On land, they have legs and appear human, but when enough water hits their skin, their legs transform into a merperson’s tail (design and color are up to mun). Mermen will often appear shirtless while mermaids will feature a matching bikini top or halter top with their tails. Abilities with this transformation include breathing under water, water manipulation (including ice and steam), speed swimming, and persuasion. They have an enchanting singing voice, known as a “siren song”, able to hypnotize and lure in victims to drown like the tales from sailors. Muse will also feel more drawn to bodies of water under this effect. Effects last for 48 hours. Metas hit with this anon will lose all their abilities until this effect wears off. 
Holy Being: Muse has been transformed into a mythical angel, complete with beautiful, white, feathery wings and glowing halo. Their personality has shifted with this transformation, taking on a more good-aligned nature if they weren’t already and they may feel more inclined to help others in trouble. Abilities with this effect include light manipulation, basic-level telepathy, empathy, calmness inducement, super strength, immortality, regeneration, and healing. They can be weak against demons and their abilities. Effects last for 48 hours. Metas hit with this anon will lose all their abilities until this effect wears off. 
Hell Bound: Muse has been transformed into a mythical demon, complete with black or red eyes, a pointed tail, sharpened canine teeth, clawed finger nails, and pointed ears. Their personality has shifted with this transformation, taking on a more evil-aligned nature if they weren’t already and they may feel more inclined to cause mischief or problems for others. Abilities with this effect include basic-level telepathy, persuasion, blue fire manipulation, teleportation, empathy, fear inducement, super strength, immortality, and regeneration. They can be weak against angels and their abilities. Effects last for 48 hours. Metas hit with this anon will lose all their abilities until this effect wears off.
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shapeshiftinterest · 4 years
mao mao fanfiction prompts: 7 seas au
 inspired by @cringe-geek’s mermao au, @chex-nix​‘s humanized pirate au, and the small amount i know about the shape of water from other fandom’s fanfics
pirate badgerclops x mermaid mao mao
mao leaves home to become an adventurer on land and defeat monsters his family has never seen before in order to prove that he’s just as good as them
he saves honey from a sea monster and she gives him a necklace that can translate land person and mer language
camille gives him a potion that extends the amount of time his tail becomes legs indefinitely
BC’s the newest member of his pirate crew and is stuck with all the odd jobs/ being the muscle
mao accidentally gets caught in the Thicket Thieves’ fishnet on his way to shore, and BC is assigned as his care taker (feeding, tank cleaning, health inspection, etc.)
at some point the Sky Pirates ambush their ship and BC forgets to secure mao’s tank all the way
mao frees himself, snatches the translation necklace and geraldine, and makes his way up to the deck just in time to burst through the doors (hella nakey), and intercept OS from attacking BC
bonus story stuff:
mao’s arms were too tied up for him to reach for geraldine and free himself from the fishing net (see explanation in extra notes)
mao says ‘keep away from my clops!’ right before saving BC
BC would info dump/ complain about his cabin mates to mao when he was looking after him, cleaning the tank, or just tinkering with stuff
mao would either be knocked out (before trusting BC) or put in a barrel/ tub of water (after trusting BC)
mao knows a little about how BC’s robo arm works, (for later in the story when he helps BC clean up the inside like from the break up ep)
after the fight, BC gives mao one of his shirts even tho it’s HUGE on him, because:
mao just fought 4 enemy pirates in the nude
BC’s the only one who’s clothes mao would accept
extra notes: 
geraldine (and all the golden weapons) can transform into an earring
translation necklace inspired by ursula’s necklace from the little mermaid but it looks like THIS
merpeople can learn land person language, but land people can’t learn merperson language 
if a mermaid’s tail dries out they can be on land for a certain amount of time, usually a few hours
the amount of time depends on how strong the mermaid is but the longest is around 2 1/2 days
great great aunt blackbeard was one of the only other mermaids who adventured on land
she’s kind of like scuttle the seagull, but better informed (the info itself is a little outdated now tho)
she taught mao how to siren sing as a hypnosis/ getaway tactic, in case the enemy was too strong or outnumbered him
quoting something @thepureheartbishoujoevalana​ in the discord chat
“in mermaid culture sharing food is considered very intimate, giving someone food shows that you care more about their wellbeing than your own”
in which (after getting legs) BC makes a ton food for mao because he felt kind of bad he kept feeding him raw fish even though mao ate all of them, and mao thinks he’s hitting on him
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love-and-monsters · 5 years
Love-and-monsters Masterlist
All the stories I’ve written for this blog will be listed here. It should be updated as I write, so if you’re looking for something, check here. 
One-off Stories:
Parensile- Centipede monster, male monster X female human. 
Marine Biology- Orca mermaid, female monster X female human
Lionfish Merperson- Lionfish merperson, agender merperson X gender neutral human
Kaleb the Harpy- Harpy, male monster X male human
Rowan the Naga- Naga, female monster X female human
Thalia the Naga and Damien the Drider- Naga and drider, female naga X male drider
Eldion the Fae- Fae, nonbinary monster X gender neutral human
Keela the Centaur- Centaur, female monster X gender neutral human
Vampire Boyfriend- Vampire, male monster X female human
Willow the Moth Fae- Moth Fae, male monster X gender neutral human
Juniper the Winter Fae- Winter fae, female monster X female human
Reindeer Centaur: Christmas Vacation- Reindeer centaur, male monster X female human
Sylvester the Robot- Robot, male robot X gender neutral human
Drider Husband- Drider, male drider X gender neutral human
Norek the Naga- Naga, male naga X gender neutral human
Quarantined with a Tiefling- Tiefling, male tiefling X gender neutral human
Emery the Incubus- Incubus, male incubus X gender neutral human
Dryad Girlfriend- Dryad, female dryad X trans MTF human
Arunio the Merman- Merman, male merfolk X gender neutral human
Okara the Mermaid- Mermaid, female merfolk X gender neutral human
Estran the Demigod- Demigod, male demigod X gender neutral human
Guardian Angel- Angel, male angel X male human
Siren Song- Merman, male merman X female human
Unicorn Centaur- Centaur, male centaur X female human
Faerie Circle- Fae, male fae X gender neutral human
Harpy Rescue- Harpy, male harpy X female human
Vampire Transformation- Vampire, male vampire X gender neutral human
Cold Sea Monster- Sea monster, male sea monster X gender neutral human
Mermaid Girlfriend- Mermaid, female mermaid X gender neutral human
Cavern and Foe- Elf, male elf X gender neutral human
Harpy Model- Harpy, male harpy X gender neutral human
Merman Rescue- Merman, male merfolk X gender neutral human
Starfaller- Tiefling, agender tiefling X gender neutral human
Jackalope Fae- Fae, male Fae X gender neutral human
Vampire Squid Octomer- Octomer, male merman X gender neutral human
Polyam Alien Merfolk- Alien merfolk, gender neutral human X male merman X female mermaid
Awaken the Vampire- Vampire, female vampire X female human
Alaris the Naga- Naga, agender naga X gender neutral human
Deluges and Droughts- Water elemental, male water elemental X gender neutral human
Sasiel the Cupid- Cupid, male Cupid X gender neutral human
Sauriosapien- Dinosaur folk, male sauriosapien X female human, not reader insert
Halloween and the Full Moon- Werewolves, male werewolf X female werewolf
Dryad Goddess Girlfriend- Goddess, female goddess X female human
Rescued by a Fae- Fae, male fae X female human
Feathered Dragon Partner- Feathered dragon, nonbinary feathered dragon X gender neutral human
Mermaid Girlfriend- Merfolk, female merfolk X gender neutral human
The Imposter- Alien, male alien X female human
Halloween Poll Story- Eldritch god, nonbinary eldritch god X gender neutral human
Fallen Angel- Angel, nonbinary angel X gender neutral human
The Pit and the Serpent- Naga, male naga X gender neutral human
Lich Girlfriend- Lich, female lich X gender neutral human
Fortune Falls:
Werewolf Girlfriend- Werewolf, female werewolf X gender neutral human
Demon Shopkeep- Demon, male demon X gender neutral human
Armon the Aqrabaumelu- Aqrabaumelu, male aqrabaumelu X female human
A Selkie’s Coat- Selkie, male selkie X gender neutral human
Necklace for a Dragon- Dragon, male dragon X gender neutral human
Duthal the Orc- Orc, male orc X female human
Demon Summoning- Demon, male demon X female human
Vampire Commission- vampire, male vampire X female human
Necrovember- Awakening, Hunger, Trust, Shadows, Light, Decay, Family, Monster, Sanctuary, Loyalty, Fashion, Hobby, Faith, Sleep, Fear, Amusement, Love, Childhood, Living, Disease, Necromancy, Moments Before Death, Revenge, Celebration, Injustice, In Another Life, War, True Death, Dreams, Future
Stolas and Corvain- Demons, monster male X monster male X female human (part 1) (part 2)
Alien Encounter- Alien, monster male X female human (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6) (part 7) (part 8) (part 9) (part 10) (part 11) (part 12) (epilogue)
The Wyvern Prince- Wyvern, male monster X female human (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6) (part 7) (part 8) (part 9) (part 10) (part 11) (part 12) (part 13) (part 14) (part 15) (part 16) (part 17) (part 18) (part 19) (part 20) (part 21) (part 22) (part 23) (part 24) (Epilogue)
Talsim the Fae- Fae, male fae X female human (part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
Caged Fae- Fae, male Fae X female human (part 1) (part 2)
Faebruary: Fake Dating- Faerie, male faerie X female human (part 1) (part 2)
In the Woods- Forest creature, male monster X female human (part 1) (part 2)
A Bartered Wedding- Faerie, male monster X gender neutral human (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (Epilogue)
Dating a Hive Mind- Alien, male/gender neutral aliens X female human (part 1) (part 2)
Nuclear Spring- Harpy and sea monster, female and male monster X gender neutral reader (part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
The Warlord and His Lady- dragonkin, male monster X female character (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6) (part 7) (part 8)
The Ship and the Alien- Alien, male alien X gender neutral human (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4)
Magical Desires Series
Mephisto- Artificial intelligence, male AI/demon X female human 
Yacariel- Artificial intelligence, male AI/celestial X gender neutral human
Anthoza- Artificial Intelligence, male AI/merman X gender neutral human
Cherise- Artificial intelligence, male AI/dryad X gender neutral human
Ophion- Artificial intelligence, male AI/naga X gender neutral human
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mermaidmovieclub · 4 years
Common Mermaid Movie Tropes (With Examples)
I’ve noticed with a lot of mermaid movies that a lot of them tend to share common tropes. I mention common mermaid tropes a lot on the Mermaid Movie Club, but thought, hey, maybe I need to come up with a handy list that’s easy to follow? Hey, that’s what blogs are for. Without further ado, a list of Common Mermaid Movie Tropes, and examples for each one. Since these are going to be part of the Mermaid Movie Club going forward, I thought I'd compile them neatly into a little list. Of course, this will be updated as I go through more movies. 😉
These are not taken from TVTropes, these are just things that I have found from watching these films/TV shows, so I just kinda made stuff up. Perhaps in due time I could make a list of tropes taken from TVTropes but that’s a loooooooooot to sift through.
(Also, this is not necessarily negative. Understand a lot of these will be interpreted differently from film to film. It's all about looking at something from a different angle, which a lot of these filmmakers do in their own way.)
1. The Only Way To Get What You Want is to Become Human Yourself
Literally what it says on the tin. The mermaid has to become human to achieve some kind of goal. Usually a romantic objective.
Examples: The Little Mermaid and most adaptations of it, Splash (1989), Aquamarine (2006)
Subverted in: The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea (2000), Barbie in a Mermaid Tale (2010)
2. Teenagers Scare the Living Fish Outta Me
Mermaid as a coming-of-age metaphor. For me it comes across as a kind of "fish out of water" metaphor but in the case of one film I have to rethink that.
Examples: The Thirteenth Year (1999), Scales: Mermaids are Real (2017), Blue My Mind (2017), Barbie in a Mermaid Tale (2010)
3. You Can Take Your Mermaid on Land Adventures, When She Dries Off, She Gets Legs
Again, what it says on the tin. The mermaid can achieve a human form but only when dry. When she touches water again she reverts back to her mermaid form.
Examples: Splash (1989), H2O and all of its spin-offs, Aquamarine (2006)
Splash: Obviously there’s the iconic scene with Madison unfolding her fins in the bathtub, and rushing to dry off when Allen calls for her. There’s also the scene where Walter Kornbluth sprays her down with a hose as she and Allen leave their dinner, effectively revealing her tail to the public.
H2O: This is revealed in the first episode where Cleo gets stuck in the bathtub after her tail develops, Emma transforms while swimming in the ocean, and perhaps the most telling of all is Rikki transforming after getting hit with a sprinkler. There are many more examples as the show goes on.
Aquamarine: Had an additional stipulation that she would have to be a mermaid at night, so it was almost like a werewolf-mermaid situation.
4. Born Yesterday
Mermaid is a bit naive to human things.
Seen in: The Little Mermaid (especially the Disney one), Splash (1989), Aquamarine (2006), Siren (2018-present)
5. Human Stuff
Mermaid falls in love with a human.
Examples: The Little Mermaid and all of its adaptations, Splash (1989), Aquamarine (2006), Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011), Siren (2018-present)
6. For Science
Mermaid is pursued by scientists for science.
Examples: Splash (1989), Scales: Mermaids are Real (2017), The 3 Tails Movie: A Mermaid Adventure (2015), Siren (2018-present)
7. Hush Hush
The mermaid has to keep her mermaid identity a secret, potentially as a result of For Science, as well as You Can Take Your Mermaid on Land Adventures, When She Dries Off, She Gets Legs. The mermaid might have to avoid water to avoid being exposed.
Examples: H2O and all its spin-offs, Aquamarine (2006), Splash (1989), Scales: Mermaids are Real (2017), The Thirteenth Year (1999), nearly all of them except for some older pre-Splash ones.
H2O: Just Add Water: The mermaids even have to drink water through straws to prevent the water from touching their skin.
8. The Power of Three
There's likely a trio of mermaids. Mostly common in H2O copycat shows on YouTube.
Examples: H2O and all its spin-offs, Mermaids (2003), as I said, a lot of H2O copycats on YouTube. Aquamarine includes a main cast of three, but Hailey and Claire are not mermaids.
9. Power Up
They have superpowers. That's it that's the trope
Examples: H2O and all its spin-offs, The Thirteenth Year (1999), Scales: Mermaids are Real (2017), Barbie in a Mermaid Tale (2010)
H2O: The core mermaids (Rikki, Cleo, Emma, later Bella) all have some kind of different water-based superpower.
Scales: Siren's powers in this movie are pretty similar to those in H2O, particularly, the ability to move water. At the end she kills a hunter by dehydrating him to death.
The Thirteenth Year: Cody Palpatine Griffin emits force lightning--I mean, static electricity
Barbie in a Mermaid Tale: Royals of Oceana are capable of producing Merillia, a sort of oceanic life force. 
10. I'm In the Sea, and I'm SINGING
Mermaid can sing, which checks out given the mythology honestly
Examples: The Little Mermaid and nearly all of its adaptations (especially Disney), Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011), Siren (2018-present)
11. You Should See Me In a Crown
Mermaid is part of a royal family, most likely a princess. Her father is likely Neptune or Triton or Poseidon, or some non-specific King of the Sea. (Notice that the Queen of the Sea is rarely mentioned? That's weird, right?)
Examples: The Little Mermaid and all its adaptations, Aquamarine (2006), The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (2001), Barbie in a Mermaid Tale (2010), implied in Scales: Mermaids are Real (2017)
The Little Mermaid: It's kind of the basis for the story itself. In Disney's The Little Mermaid (1989), Ariel is the daughter of King Triton and has six sisters. Her mother, Queen Athena, is not revealed until 2008 in The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning, but it's revealed that she was killed when Ariel was very young, so she doesn't exist by the time the original film takes place.
Aquamarine: Aqua's father is a non-specific king
SpongeBob: Mindy's father is King Neptune
Barbie in a Mermaid Tale: Merliah’s mother is Calissa, Queen of Oceana, overthrown by her sister Eris
Scales: Siren's birth mother is referred to as "the leader of the mermaids," and it is later revealed that they are both pureblood mermaids, which implies that Siren and Emerald are some kind of royalty. The film uses the word “leader” which is fairly vague, however.
12. Kids' Show
(I read this in my mind like the Will Ferrell/Molly Shannon “Dog Show” sketch from SNL.)
A character from a kids' franchise becomes a merperson themselves, most often to help other merfolk. This might also be reflected in a corresponding toy line.
Examples: Barbie (numerous titles), Dora the Explorer, Paw Patrol, Monster High, Sofia the First, Shimmer and Shine.
Barbie: Numerous mermaid characters exist in the Barbie Cinematic Universe (if that isn’t already a thing it is now), but at least five mermaid-centric Barbie films exist: Barbie Fairytopia: Mermaidia (2006), Barbie in a Mermaid Tale (2010), Barbie in a Mermaid Tale 2 (2012), Barbie the Pearl Princess (2014), and Barbie Dolphin Magic (2017). There have also been multiple Barbie mermaid lines throughout the years, the most recent being part of the Dreamtopia line. A number of lines corresponded to the films, such as the Mermaidia and Barbie in a Mermaid Tale lines. (I’ve got one of Kayla from the first one somewhere)
Dora the Explorer: In the 2007 TV movie Dora Saves the Mermaids, Dora became a mermaid to help the crown of mermaid princess Mariana. Dora later reunited with Mariana in the Dora and Friends episode “Magical Mermaid Adventure” (1x13) in 2015. Dora once again became a mermaid in the 2012 episode “Dora’s Rescue in Mermaid Kingdom” (7x01). I remember there being dolls for Dora Saves the Mermaids but not for the other two.
Paw Patrol: The six main pups of the Paw Patrol become merpups (it’s exactly what it sounds like) in the 2016 episode “Merpups Save the Turbots” (3x21B). Initially it’s just Marshall after he is turned by a mother merpup but later all the pups have a merpup form. I don’t remember a ton of toys for this one, but I often run into the merpup bath squirters, namely Skye.
Monster High: Lagoona Blue, daughter of a sea monster, is a part of the core team of monsters, but she’s more Mermaid-Adjacent. The first true mermaid character to be introduced to the franchise was Sirena von Boo, the daughter of a mermaid and a ghost, in the 2014 Freaky Fusion movie and doll line of the same name. Later on, the 2016 Great Scarrier Reef movie coincided with a corresponding doll line of the main monsters as mermaid-like creatures, with the addition of some new aquatic characters such as Posea Reef, Kala Mer’ri, and the two-headed Peri and Pearl Serpentine. (Mattel had a similar line called Ever After High that featured Meeshell Mermaid as the daughter of the Little Mermaid, but there was never any kind of mermaid line or movie made for it, which, come on, I wanted mermaid Raven Queen.)
Sofia the First: 2013′s “The Floating Palace” was a special episode that aired toward the end of the show’s first season. In it, Sofia meets mermaid princess Oona and Queen Emmaline, and helps them stop Cedric from taking the magical Mermaid Comb of Merroway Cove. Of course, in order to do that, she has to become a mermaid herself. Along the way, her magical amulet summons Ariel because this is a Disney Princess show and her amulet just magically summons Disney Princesses when she needs a pep talk because of course it does.
Shimmer and Shine: In the 2016 episode “Mermaid Mayhem” (2x06), Leah wishes she and her genies, Shimmer and Shine, were mermaids. If only it were that easy. Yep. There were toys. Just expect it at this point.
Subverted in: Elena of Avalor: Song of the Sirenas
13. Looks Like a Seannamon Roll But Could Actually Kill You
This is really just a trope for sirens or "darker" mermaids
Examples: Siren (2018-present), She Creature (2001), Killer Mermaid/Nymph (2014), Mermaid's Song (2018), Night Tide (1961)
14. Mermaid-Adjacent
Not quite a mermaid but similar human-fish hybrid.
Examples: The Shape of Water (2017), Creature from the Black Lagoon (1953), also the Zora race from the Legend of Zelda games even though that’s not a movie, shut up it counts
15. Gadgets and Gizmos Aplenty
There is some kind of magical trinket used by the mermaids, typically a piece of jewelry with magical properties.
Examples: The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea (2000), Scales: Mermaids are Real (2010), H2O: Just Add Water (2006-2010), Mako Mermaids/Mako: Island of Secrets (2013-2016), both Barbie in a Mermaid Tale movies (2010 and 2012)
TLM2: Melody's locket, a gift to her from King Triton, projected an image of Atlantica when opened, but otherwise didn't do a lot.
Mako Mermaids: The mermaids possessed blue moon rings, which store moonlight and can be used to perform different magical functions dependent on the situation.
H2O: The necklaces worn by Rikki, Cleo, and Bella in the third season serve a similar function to the Moon Rings of Mako.
Scales: Siren Phillips was given a special necklace by Crystal which seems to serve as a kind of homing device. It's not explained in depth what it does exactly, but it performs a similar function to the Wailing Stick if I remember correctly, which was a sort of mermaid distress signal.
Barbie in a Mermaid Tale: When Queen Calissa gave baby Merliah Summers to Break, she gave Merliah a magical necklace that, years later, revealed to her and Zuma that Queen Calissa was still alive after Eris overthrew her from the throne of Oceana. Merliah is later given a necklace by Calissa that allows her to alternate between human and mermaid forms at will. In Barbie in a Mermaid Tale 2, Kylie Morgan steals the necklace out of Merliah’s hoodie when Hadley is distracted and uses it to become a mermaid herself, so it’s clearly not specifically made for Merliah to use.
If it counts, Ursula’s soul-stealing necklace in The Little Mermaid (1989) is one of these as well.
16. You Want Thingamabobs? I've Got Twenty
Girl is a hoarder, or fascinated by human trinkets.
Examples: The Little Mermaid and nearly all of its adaptations (especially the Disney one)
17. The Mermaid Elder
An old woman that’s sort of a mermaid wise woman.
Examples: The Mermaid (2016), most interpretations of The Little Mermaid apart from the Disney one
18. Foreshadowing Name
Very very very obvious mermaid name.
Examples: Barbie in a Mermaid Tale/2 (2010/2012), Scales: Mermaids are Real (2017), Aquamarine (2006), Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
Barbie in a Mermaid Tale/2: You really expect me to think a girl named Merliah isn’t gonna be a mermaid? Come on.
Scales: I feel like naming your kid Siren in a town full of mermaids AND where there are known mermaid hunters is just a great example of not thinking things through.
Aquamarine: Self-explanatory.
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: Astrid Berges-Frisbey played main merm Syrena in this movie. There were other named mermaids in this, I think, but Syrena was the most prominent, obviously.
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isolaradiale · 5 years
Before reading this makes sure you read the event post!
GENERAL The towers of Fibonacci have been torn down and rebuilt as The Kingdom of Yela Alora, featuring grand cobblestone structures, shaped like rook chess pieces, with intricately designed walkways connecting them at many levels, and the spires extend far beyond cloud level; dragons circling around them are not an uncommon sight. This section of the kingdom is kept impeccably clean. The exterior and interior design of the structures get more lavish and expensive as you go higher, with the upper-most layers being the most royal looking of all. That is where the highest ranking nobles live, and access is extremely limited. The Kingdom of Yela Alora is ruled by Queen Deyana, whose care for her citizens decreases the further they are from her level—speaking both societally and literally.
The castle-like structures are surrounded by wide moats of bog, with various reeds, twiggy bushes, and other swamp flora sprouting from the murky waters. That expanse of the mire is what separates the inner kingdom from the surrounding town, Sterlow. Much shorter in design but no less complex, the people who live there do so in sturdy buildings made largely of stone, wood, and brass. Miles of metal piping and more gears than you can count are used for both infrastructure and aesthetic enhancement. Steam power is the main source of energy here, with only basic magic filling in where steam is not enough.
ELVES: the primary humanoid race that fills both the streets of Sterlow and the inner portion of Yela Alora. Most elves are quite tall, with 6 feet being the average height, and all of them have ears that come to a rounded point. Ear length varies more than height, but don't feel self-conscious if you draw the short end of the stick in that regard. Elves also have better night vision than normal, and if you ask an elf, better taste in interior decoration, too.
UNHOLY: Though elves may rank nobility too high sometimes, they are not necessarily evil. The same cannot be said for most of the unholy folk who stay in the kingdom of Yela Alora. Demons, vampires, dhampirs, ghouls...all find it relatively easy to live either on the fringes of Sterlow or hidden in the swamps. You may find a kind vampire, or perhaps a devil who is more interested in playing tricks than bartering souls, but always keep your wits about you.
GENERAL The Cotes ward has been completely transformed into the Kingdom of Airaisal, a nation led by Queen Aleida. A bustling land of forests and magic, the other kingdoms have a tendency to look down upon Airaisal as land without development. But that’s hardly the case. In the depths of the forest rests the city of Diapool, a bustling fantasy town constructed predominantly from the oak of the surrounding brush. Much of the city is powered by magic supplied by its high mage population, from magic torches to rail cars that allow you to quickly traverse the area. 
The surrounding forests themselves are thick and varied, and short of the few paths leading to and from Diapool it’s very possible to get lost. Because these paths are few it’s common for bandits to set up ambushes along the way. Regarding the species of flora: there seems to be no real trend to what appears. Tropical, temperate, boreal; depending on the area you’re in the atmosphere might vary. Be wary of the various man eating plants that lurk within as well.
BEASTKIN: a humanoid race that predominantly occupies Airaisal and calls Diapool their home. Beastkin appear predominantly human in appearance but are liable to show physical traits of animals - specifically mammals. Ears, teeth, tails, paws; the variations are vast and span many different animal species. Beastkin generally have enhanced senses for navigating the forests and double the strength of a regular human. Attuned to nature, many possess a strong affinity for magic.
ALRAUNE: a monster race that, while having the shape of a human, is actually a plant at its core. These monsters come in many shapes and sizes, often decorated with different flowers with skin of green and hair of vines. Those that live wildly on the forest may prey upon passersby, but those that pursue a domesticated life in the cities are exceptionally intelligent and adept at utilizing magic. While they aren’t physically stronger than a regular human, they are capable of extending strong vines from their bodies.
GENERAL The bustling streets and ritzy architecture of Golden have been amplified tenfold in this coastal city. The cobblestone roads have been replaced with smooth, sturdy sandstone, peppered with colorful shells and sea glass to represent the kingdom’s long and fruitful relationship with the ocean. Government buildings and important political landmarks are clearly marked by ornate mosaics, featuring precious materials like gold, ivory, and shimmering opals--the signature gemstone of Opalaria. Merchants in particular are fond of this kingdom, as its residents and visitors are too happy to spend their coin on the finer things in life.
Alongside the roads, one would find clear, deep channels of water carved through the city. These serve as paths for the aquatic residents of Opalaria, and like the buildings on land, several sunken wells and chasms feature those same beautiful sandstone structures. Opalaria is the very picture of opulence, made not with magic, but with ingenuity and hard work... ...Or so most people think. While the city is pristine, its politics are less so. There is no set ruler of Opalaria; instead it’s governed by a council of big family houses, all strangling each other for power. Bribes, assassinations and corruption run rampant and unseen in these few factions, with the families all-too-happy to hire hands that don’t mind getting bloodied. This is especially true of House Karliah, who is both one of the great families and the backbone of the Thieves’ Guild, which has more members in it than one would be even remotely comfortable with.
HUMAN: Due to their relatively short lifespans, humans are capable of incredible potential, determination and arrogance. They slightly outnumber the other populations in the Opalarian Empire. Many of them have migrated here from other kingdoms to live out their dreams--others come regularly to trade their wares. The individual cultures of these human colonies are represented all around the kingdom.
MERFOLK: The second biggest population of Opalaria are the people of the sea, and are the native species of the kingdom. They can travel both by the flooded roads and the streets above by growing legs when needed. Their naturally curious minds welcomed the humans as a social experiment and a business opportunity, and live (mostly) at peace with them. You can tell a merperson apart from a human by their skin, which is slightly translucent and iridescent due to their scales. Though they breathe with lungs on land, one can easily see a merperson’s gills if they’re exposed.
SIRENS: Not everyone you meet in the waters are friendly. Bearing a grudge on both races for casting them out as ugly and inferior, the sirens embraced their monstrous nature and found work in espionage and dirty tactics. Though the colony lives in the shoddier outskirts of the kingdom, they venture into Opalaria for work... or draw budding criminals and justice-seekers to them instead for an easy meal. Though they can disguise themselves for a short while, there will always be something unnervingly off about a siren posing as another race. In their true form, they resemble the strange and terrifying creatures of the deep (anglerfish, vampire squid, gulper eels), and their bio-luminescent freckles betray their true form when the sun sets.
GENERAL Entering Archimedes Ward will reveal that it, too, is no longer how it once was, transformed into what is now known as the Kingdom of Xalphina. Rather than pure white and light blues, the grounds of the ward, now known as the city of Eriol, have become a smooth, silvery gray, pulsating with white and faintly golden lines which appear more like laid stone that are imbued with grandeur magic, some leading to pools of a concentrated energy of magic that people can either draw from by resting beside or dipping themselves into to replenish themselves, all free for access to the citizens. While many other kingdoms are not lacking in these arts, many regard this kingdom as the one most adept in fueling the “technology” of their time through magical means and creatures alike. Even if there are those who will take up arms when necessary, it is easy to tell that this is where many come to study upon the arcane arts and hone their latent magical abilities than physical force. Though many offer themselves to study, there are also many places one can find a good pub or two to let themselves relax after a long day of work and education.
Streams, albeit fewer and more thinner than those now within Golden, flow through to channel magic throughout the city, thus empowering it upon a magical level, while the natural veins in the pathways are considered high powered leylines which have become conduits for mages and other means. Homes are also powered this way, casting magical barriers around public places and private estates and caverns, so long as the flow of the essence is reinforced daily and does not run out. Rustic creations known as Artifactus are magically created and imbued while being fueled by potions, serving as familiars, companions, and workers with various forms that keep the kingdom pristine and proper. Following any of these lines will lead you toward the outer edges where a large fortress resides upon the steep ledge, safeguarding the very castle from a frontal assault while also maintaining a general sense of protection from the climb behind where the twins Princess Aalis and Prince Aaren both preside in lieu of their  mother and father, who have gone beyond the age of rule as dictated in their political practices.
When night falls, the white and faint gold leylines and pools illuminate the entirety of the kingdom, the residents needing no form of light to see when travelling, usually requiring special curtains for their homes in order to block off the overwhelming glow of the magic particles that ooze from the magical sources.
DRAKEN: latent with inherent magical abilities, many people born of this race are likened to dragons which have a lifespan roughly twice as long as humans, if not longer. Their appearances vary by far, some looking more humanesque with only scales to discern their heritage, while others look as if they are dragons in human form, covered completely in natural scaled armor and possessing fangs and claws, even those with a more human like complexion having wings or tails. There is no wrong combination in looks as a Draken, all of them regarding each other as the same. Being considered as dragon reincarnate, some are able to breathe fire while others can spit frost and ice instead.
FAEKIN: contrasting Draken, the Faekin are ethereal beings which exude an otherworldly beauty and deep sense of arcane heritage. There are many types, such as Dryads, Nymphs, Xana, and even the malevolent Erlkings. Seeing antennae on one or even butterfly wings on another is not uncommon, while others might have branches as horns or fissures of magic that crackle along their skin every so often. Though some may be scholarly and composed, it is not foreign to find that you have been pranked by one of this kind, many using their magics for harmless jests and good times. It’s always good to keep an eye out, just in case you might have a Reeking Potion dumped on you as you innocently pass through an area...
FAEKEN: differing from Faekin, Faeken are a combination of Drakens and Faekin heritage through parents of each coming together, creating an almost enchanting creature of magical aptitude and draconic means that seems beyond this realm. While some feel as if they have no place to belong being born of both races, there are those who are well regarded and accepted. There have been rumors that the royal family are amongst those considered Faeken, though they have never been confirmed nor denied.
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