#my house is also a huge mess that needs cleaning
orion4ever · 2 days
How would the OL:BA boys be with an MC who struggles with obsessive compulsive disorder?
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Author’s Note: I have OCD , It causes me lots of turmoil because it causes me to pull at my eyebrows and eyelashes compulsively and causes me to have unwanted thoughts so this request resonates with me a lot! I hope you enjoy this and even find comfort in this request!
Pairing(s): Cove Holden x MC , Derek Suarez x MC and Baxter Ward x MC
Cove Holden🌊
He tries his best to support you and doesn’t bat an eye to any ‘unconventional’ request you may ask him.
You would prefer if he washed his hands as soon as he entered your house? Understandable, his hands are probably covered in sand anyway
He doesn’t get annoyed when you repeat a conversation and he never minds reassuring you about anything.
He can understand the feeling of being overwhelmed and needing to do a ritual to relax a little.
If he sees you doing something compulsively like pulling hair out, cleaning the same spot, rearranging things, or anything like that he would take your hands and try to ground you.
He comforts you whenever you have intrusive thoughts. He knows you would never enact them but he understands that you are scared that you will and reassures you that you won’t.
If anyone even DARES and imply that you are a weirdo or a bad person for any compulsive thoughts or behavior that you open up about, he will not let it go.
The man will have a huge grudge and will rightfully defend you.
Cove gets so annoyed when people throw around the term OCD to describe none OCD behavior and will debunk what they are saying.
And a fun fact , people with autism have a high chance of also having OCD so there is a possibility that he also has it!
Cove is the sweetest man. He never lets you feel uncomfortable or evil about your OCD. There is a reason why it's called Obsessive Compulsive behavior and he will scream that from the rooftops.
Derek Suarez⚽️
An equally supportive man, as soon as you open up about having OCD, he pulls an all-nighter to research more into it to make sure he can properly understand you.
He asks you to list what triggers your OCD or anything he can do to make you feel more comfortable.
Like, if you ever have doubts or concerns about things you are uncertain about (like plans for the next day or school work you forgot the due dates to) then Derek would try his best to help ease your doubts.
Derek is already a pretty organized and clean guy so you don’t have to worry too much too much about him making messes or being disorganized.
He doesn’t mind you needing to close and open a door a few times to feel secure or you checking to see if you left any potentially dangerous things on(stove, open flames, etc)
It pains him every time you feel the need to distance yourself from him because your thoughts won’t leave you alone about hurting him. He just wants to give you a big bear hug and reassure you that you would never do that to him.
He has no hard feelings if you ask him to change out of his outside clothes, considering he’s probably been out playing sports and getting all dirty. He wouldn’t like it if someone sat on his bed covered in dirt and sand neither.
He reprimands anyone who has anything judgmental to say about your ocd and swiftly educates them about how wrong they are.
If he spots you doing a harmful compulsive behavior, like scratching or pulling hair then he tries and grounds you as well but mostly vocally since he doesn’t want to overwhelm or frustrate you.
He hates how taboo the topic of OCD is and opens up dialogues and conversations with his colleagues about it and hopes it can spread awareness of it. He hates how it has been watered down to “I need a clean room”.
Derek will always love you and everything he does is to make sure you are happy!
Baxter Ward ☕️
I am saying this as a Baxter fan but I feel like he would be ignorant about OCD at first. His parents probably raised him with the idea that “depression is just an excuse for lazy people” or at the very least didn’t think mental health wasn’t important. He probably thought the social media idea of OCD was basically what it was until he met you.
He now knows that ocd isn’t just being a germaphobe or needing all your pencils to be pointing the same way.
He asks you to educate him on it, what are your struggles day to day? What's the best way he can support you? Etc.
As soon as you educate him on what he can do better to support you, he instantly gets on it.
He encourages you to open up about what you're thinking about and reassures you constantly that you don’t scare him away with thoughts you can’t control.
He knows in his heart that you would never do anything to harm him or anyone else.
He is concerned about you hurting yourself though. He tries his best and makes sure you don’t do anything that would cause you harm.
Baxter never minds if you need to repeat an action because the first time didn’t feel right. He doesn’t truly understand the urge but he would never put you down for it.
When he does become more well-educated on OCD, he gets very snippy and annoyed when other people are ignorant or rude about it. He has first-hand experience on not being super educated and he knows it isn’t hard to read a few articles about it or the very least contain their mean words to their cruel mind.
He will always be there to support you , if your OCD ever gets worse , like maybe you went through something traumatic or your in an extremely stressful state of mind.
Baxter would kneel on the ground and lay his head in your lap. He wraps his arms around you and tells you that you're more than this and that he believes there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
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35 notes · View notes
chocolatebageltje · 1 year
It's 5 AM and I'm awake and there's these two lights coming from the window across the street. I feel like I'm about 5 seconds away from Moon breaking outta there and getting my ass 💀
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lilgynt · 9 months
there’s no polite way to tell my mom i need her to stop giving me errands or leave me alone for five seconds and yes i am having a break down over it
#personal#am i crying bc my#mom told me she’s having some people come by the house to fix the cable yes yes i am#it just kinda fucks up a plan i had today which#i haven’t been able to do bc my room was a mess but now that’s it’s clean i was gonna dedicate myself to jsf relaxing and doing this#and she says they should be done before my plans with gg but how funny would it be if they ruin that too#and she always springs shit on me no warning ESPECIALLY if i have plans with gg and i doubt it’s on purpose but i’m so upset#and every night is like she needs something or we’re taking about something until bam its 11 or midnight and i have maybe a few hours b4#i have to work or even if it’s a day off it took over an hour and a half to get to my dinner after serving it#and that’s before how long it took to actually just get my dinner#or how i’ll be in a room and she won’t acknowledge me TILL i’m like hey im gonna go and i’m walking away#i had to say five times im going to use the rest room before i could actually leave and do that#and no she wasn’t forcing me there but getting up and then her needing me to come back it interrupts the process a little#and i just sent such a huge rant to gg and audrey with audio bits and im so annoying so add that to crying pile#i feel like i’m being a huge baby but also really want to tell my mom to leave me alone a bit#i don’t think i’ve even started my grieving process just cause it’s a constant motion of doing something
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blackberryjambaby · 9 months
i don't want to sound ungrateful but when i said 'would you mind coming over to help me mop the floor & do some laundry?' i didn't mean, 'please come over, rearrange my kitchen drawers, vacuum places i've already vacuumed & "clean" the bathroom i just cleaned'
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alvojake · 2 months
i need tattoo artist jungwon and reader is his client, also his ex-girlfriend
「notes」 : thank you, anon, for blessing my inbox with this beautiful request because it left me thinking of tatted jungwon for days 😵‍💫
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Inked Hearts | Y.JW
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「paring」 : tattoartist!exbf!jungwon x fem!reader 「word count」 : 4.9k
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「synopsis」 : it has been a few months since you and jungwon had a huge fight resulting in you breaking up; though things ended poorly, you still craved his touch. then you realize that you still have a tattoo appointment with him, dreading it. you just decide to push his buttons, not fully expecting it to end with you bending over the bed.
「genre」 : smut
「warning」 : cussing, biting/marking, fingering, begging, choking, slight hair pulling, size kink, dom!jungwon x sub!reader, unprotected sex (don't be silly, wrap your willy), orgasm denial, edging, slight overstimulation, multiple orgasms, creampie, manhandling, petnames (babydoll, baby...), the reader is a brat, clit play, teasing, rough sex, both the reader and jungwon are kinda toxic, public(ish) sex, bulge kink, lmk if I missed anything!
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It had been almost a month and a half since you and Jungwon had broken up over a petty little argument that some jealous girl in the club started. All because she couldn’t get Jungwon to budge when hitting on him. So what does she do? She spills her drink all over your outfit, then gets one of her guy friends to ‘help’ clean it up. All while making sure Jungwon was watching the whole time, this guy not so discreetly put his hands all over your chest.
The whole thing resulted in Jungwon yanking you away from Mr. Handsey and blowing up right outside of the club. He didn’t give you even a chance to explain what had happened, which only pissed you off. So you ended up yelling right back at him, embarrassed and hurt that he didn’t even bother giving you a chance to explain then goes and starts shouting hurtful things right outside where prying ears could easily hear.
It was safe to say that you never returned to your shared apartment that night, or any night, really. You only showed up when he wasn’t home to gather the things you’d need to crash at a friend's house until further notice.
Everyone told you that it would all blow over, and you would be able to talk it out with him. However, you knew he was too stubborn and your pride too large for either of you to step up and apologize first. This brings you to your current situation, staying with friends and working part-time at the very club that started this whole mess.
You didn’t really want to be working in the same place that ended your four-year-long relationship, but it’s not like you had much of a choice. It helped pay bills and kept you from going hungry. Though you can’t say, you valued your job enough to not jump over the counter every time you saw the little wench that ruined everything. The only thing holding you back was sitting behind bars until someone could come and bail you out. If they did.
Jungwon was still a sore spot for you, especially when you would drive by his tattoo shop. The very shop where he gave you your very first tattoo. The same shop that you were sure he had you bent over or on top of about every surface he could. Fucking you so good you saw stars and leaving your legs shaking. It brought back memories you wished you could relive, but then you remembered everything, and you’d be damned if you were going to be the first to apologize. 
But you never received a call nor a text of any kind from him, sure that he had blocked you. Thus leading you to believe that everything was actually over and you’d never see him again.
Or so you thought…
“Son of a fucking bitch!” You exclaimed, nearly flinging yourself off of your bed, phone clutched tightly in your hand.
“Y/n language!” your current roommate, Karina, shouted from down the hall. Rolling your eyes, you threw your phone on the bed and stood on your feet. Not even two seconds later, Karina was peeking into your room, fixing her septum. “What happened, though? Anything juicy?”
You couldn’t help but give her a deadpan stare, you loved her, but her incessant need for any gossip was one thing that damn near drove you up a wall.
However, you just let it slide this time because you needed someone to rant to. “I fucking forgot that I had a tattoo appointment with Jungwon today.” You groaned, flinging yourself backward onto your bed while Karina stifled a laugh.
“Damn, babe, looks like the world is really against you.” She smirked at you, her eyes scanning your face catching the conflicted emotions that swirled in your eyes. 
Karina would be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy seeing you like this; it was a taste of your own medicine, really. You were one of her closest friends, but anyone with a pair of eyes could tell that you sucked at communication and then blamed it on the other person. Was she rooting for you and Jungwon to get back together? Definitely. Was she also rooting for the possibility that Jungwon or someone would do something about the attitude you’ve had? Fuck yes. 
“Are you still going to go?” Karina asked as she looked down at her nails, making a mental note to repolish them when she had the chance.
With a sigh, you brought your hand to your forehead, rubbing the crease between your eyebrows. “I’m gonna have to. Jungwon is the only one that I know that can ace this design.” Groaning you slapped the palm of your hand against your forehead, “fuck it, I’m going, worst comes to worst I’ll just let Jay do it.”
Karina hummed, looking up at you through her lashes, watching as you hastily searched your wardrobe for a suitable outfit. She had to bite back a smirk when you pulled out a black lace bra and matching underwear. As much as you say you’re dreading running into your ex, your actions tell a whole other story.
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You made it to the tattoo studio well before your appointment was meant to start; you’d rather be super early than late. 
Walking inside, you were greeted by the receptionist you’ve known since Jungwon hired her a year or so ago. Her lips were covered in a huge smile, showcasing her smiley piercing.
“Y/n, oh my god, it’s been forever! How have you been?” Belle greeted you as she stood from her seat, rushing over to engulf you in a hug.
“Hey Belle, I’ve been okay.” You patted her back softly before she moved away, her eyes shining brightly, “is Jungwon here?”
Belle’s eyebrows scrunched together, confused about your usage of Jungwon’s full name. She hadn’t been aware of the breakup, thinking that you had your own personal matters to attend to, which is why she hadn’t seen you.
“He went out to grab a few things, should be back soon.” The new voice caused your head to turn, catching sight of the tall, dark-haired male standing in the doorway, the light reflecting off of his eyebrow and lip rings. “How have you been holding up pipsqueak?” 
“Oh, you know, another day in paradise.” You shrugged, and Jay chuckled at the sarcasm dripping from your words, “And what have I said about that damn nickname?”
“And I’ve told you countless times to get used to it; it’s not goin’ anywhere.” He shrugged with a smirk, causing you to glare at him. “I’m surprised Won didn’t cancel the whole appointment; he’s been huffing and puffing about it all week.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, “of course he has.” 
Jay laughed at the sour expression that had taken over your features, knowing that you weren’t much different from Jungwon with the whole ‘being the bigger person’ bit. Even if the two of you were locked in a room, he doubted you’d apologize to each other—at least not verbally.
Which is why Jay took it upon himself to clear out the studio as soon as you were back in Jungwon’s room. Giving you two the chance to ‘talk’ it out and saving everyone in the studio from the trauma of hearing it all happen. However, he needed something that he knew you’d use that would essentially set Jungwon off.
“Well, if it makes you feel better, I’m free if you’d rather me do your tattoo,” he suggested, and he could see the hope gleam in your eyes. Too bad it was just a front. There was no way in hell that Jungwon would let anyone else do your tattoo, especially another guy, not with where it was placed.
“If he gives me too much hell, I might just take you up on that offer.” You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest, unknowingly pushing your breast up.
The sound of the bell above the door caused him to avert his gaze, already knowing who had just walked in.
Jungwon walks in, and his eyes instantly fall on you before flickering over to Jay, who had been in mid-conversation with you. His face sours at the sight of you just standing there, more so when he notices the thin shirt you are wearing, as well as the skirt that sits just barely below your ass. Noticing his presence, you look over before rolling your eyes at the glare that harbored his face, already growing annoyed with his face.
You turn away, opening your mouth to talk to Jay once more. However, you are cut short when Jungwon walks in front of you, setting things down on the reception desk.
“Is your memory that bad that you forgot where my room was, or were you just waiting for an escort?” His tone was snarky as his eyes flickered over to you, eyebrow quirked up. He couldn’t help but smirk at the annoyed expression that painted your face beautifully. If there was one thing he loved almost just as much as fucking you, it was getting under your skin, riling you up.
“I do not ne-” “Hey Belle, put these in the back for me, will ya?” Jungwon just cut you off leaving you standing there looking at him with a flabbergasted look, jaw clenched tightly. 
Jay stood off to the side, watching with an amused gleam in his eyes. If he wasn’t sure, then he’s definitely sure now. It wasn’t just any normal tension between the two of you. No, it was just straight sexual tension. He then looked over at Heeseung, who had just looked up from his phone, motioning towards the door. The purple-haired male nodded before motioning to the others discreetly.
“Come on, Dory, let me show you the way since you obviously don’t remember.” Jungwon’s words struck a cord, and it took everything in you not to blow up. Your dark eyes watched Jungwon’s back as he walked into the main room, taking a deep breath deciding that he wasn’t worth the humiliation. So you waved softly at Jay before following after your ex-boyfriend.
Walking into Jungwon’s room, you could easily tell that he was annoyed, especially when he shut the door with such force that it shook the walls a bit. Rolling your eyes once more, you walked over to the counter, leaning back on it.
“You know, if you’re so pissed about doing my tattoo, I’m sure Jay would love to do it for me.” You bit back a smirk as his jaw tightened, the veins in his neck starting to pop out. A sense of pride filled your chest, knowing that you were slowly getting under his skin.
“Shut up and take your shirt off.” He hissed through gritted teeth, turning his body to face you. His eyes bore into you, making a chill go down your spine. The same stare that he would give you moments before he pinned you to the next surface and ‘taught’ you a lesson. Normally you would have thought that it would disgust you after everything, but no. It left your body burning, sure that your panties were already getting soaked.
However, you weren’t about to give him the satisfaction of winning. No, he was going to have to make you.
“You know that’s not how you would talk to a client, plus the least you could do is turn around.” You sassed him, crossing your arms over your chest once more, a smirk spreading across your glossed lips.
It took Jungwon two seconds flat to move in front of you, hands against the counter, caging your body in. His warm breath fanned your face as he inched closer. Your heart lept in your chest at the sudden proximity, and your stomach did flips as his scent filled your senses.
“It’s not like I haven’t seen you in less. Take it off before I tear it off.” He growled, the sound sending a wave of heat right to your core.
Keeping your composure, you stood straight, brushing your nose right against his, finger poking his chest. “Last time I checked, you said you didn’t want to see my tainted goods.”
In the blink of an eye, Jungwon had his hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing just enough to elicit a whimper from you.
“The only thing ‘tainted’ about you is that damn attitude.” His voice was low as he pulled you closer to him, his lips ghosting over yours. Your eyes stared up at him, pupils blown wide, and Jungwon wasn’t stupid; he knew you were doing this to get a rise out of him. A smirk then spread across his lips, sending a shiver throughout your body, “how about you listen and lose it, or…” he closed the gap between your bodies. Your heart lurched when you felt his bulge against your stomach. “Am I gonna have to fuck it out of you like old times?” The sinister gleam in his eyes was enough to tell you what the answer was.
“Won…” You breathed out, voice hoarse from his hold. Your body was becoming uncomfortably hot, and the ache between your legs only grew as the seconds passed.
Jungwon chuckled, “Oh, so it’s Won now? Not Jungwon or asshole?” His fingers tightened a bit more, causing a gasp to fall from your lips. Then his smirk faded, and his eyes darkened, “On the bed, give me any more attitude, and you won’t be cumming, babydoll.” His grip then fell from your throat, allowing you to breathe properly.
You bit your tongue to suppress the smirk on your lips as you walked over to the bed, climbing on top. Laying back on your elbows, your legs parted just enough to give him a peek at your black underwear. 
“Are you sure you can restrain yourself? I mean, it has been a while.” Your lips quirked up as you stretched your foot out, brushing over his growing erection. Amusement gleamed in your eyes as his jaw tightened, his eyes darkening even more.
Jungwon grabbed your ankle, pulling it to his side before slotting himself between your legs. Your breath hitched in your throat as he grabbed your hip, pulling your body flush against his. Your body shivered at his touch, goosebumps littering your skin, and the arousal pooling in your panties grew even more.
“Missed my touch that much, huh?” That cocky smirk found its way back onto his lips, causing you to roll your eyes.
“Yeah, right.” You huffed, staring up at him, but Jungwon wasn’t stupid. He knew your body like the back of his hand—every little thing that made you tick, all the places that would have you like putty in his hands. He knew that you were craving him just by the look in your eyes when you walked in.
“Really?” He leaned down, his lips ghosting over yours, eyes boring into yours. “Because your body is telling me otherwise.” His fingers found your clothed core, pressing down, feeling your slick soak through. Your jaw clenched shut trying to keep from letting any noises out, you weren’t about to give him the satisfaction.
“How do you know it’s for you? I mean, Jay does loo-” Before you could even finish your sentence, Jungwon had his ring-clad fingers wrapped around your throat. Squeezing hard enough to elicit a squeak from your lips, eyes staring up at him with a glare.
“Finish that sentence, I dare you.” He growled, his eyes challenging you and normally you would have just kept your mouth shut, but right now? You wanted to push his buttons until he snapped, that little voice in the back of your head telling you that you didn’t have to obey him.
He wasn’t your boyfriend anymore, after all.
Your lips curled into a smirk, eyes flickering from his eyes to his lips for a split second. “I was saying that Jay looks more than capable to fuck me stupid.”
Then, just like that switch flipped in Jungwon’s brain, his eyes darkened with a rage you’ve never seen before. His hand around your neck released its grip before he leaned back far enough to strip himself of his jacket, revealing his inked skin. You looked up at him through your eyelashes, hands itching to touch him. However, before your hands made contact with his skin, he had your wrists in his hand, pinning them above your head.
Jungwon’s dick twitched in his pants as he took in how small your hands were in comparison to his. Really just how much smaller you were compared to him altogether. He loved it, loved how easy it was for him to trap you in place. Loved how easy he could maneuver your body to whatever position he wanted. He then realized just how much he missed having you pinned underneath him.
“Babydoll, we both know that no one can fuck you stupid like I can.” He chastised you before leaning down and pressing a kiss against your jaw. Your body squirmed under his, the heat making you feel lightheaded. The need for some kind of friction was almost overbearing.
Jungwon relished in the way your hips were moving against his, listening to the soft sounds that left your lips. His free hand then moved from your hip, finding your clothed clit, and pressing down harshly.
“Fuck!” You cried out, your nerves shooting shockwaves throughout your entire body. His hands were rough on your body, sending your mind reeling. “Won, wait- shit, please be gentle.” You whined out as his pace picked up, making your body jolt. Tears are already pricking at the corner of your eyes.
Jungwon chuckled darkly before he bit down on the junction of your neck, “You want gentle? Wrong fucking address.” he growled before moving your underwear to the side, sliding a finger into your tight hole with ease.
Your mouth fell agape as soundless moans fell from your lips, and your body shivered. It had been far too long since you’ve experienced anything like this, and it was turning your brain to mush.
“Look at you, I’ve barely done anything, and you’re already about to cum.” He berated you as he slipped another finger into your soaping cunt.
“Jungwon!” You cried out, nails digging into the palm of your hand. Your whole body felt like it was on fire, and the knot in your stomach tightened unimaginably as his fingers brushed against your sweet spot.
Your eyes rolled back, legs twitching on either side of his hips as his fingers coaxed your climax closer. Jungwon smirked against your skin, knowing you were close to the way you were squeezing his fingers like a vice. Your moans of his name were music to his ears, though what he wanted was for your ability to make coherent sentences completely useless.
Just as your high was about to crash over you, Jungwon pulled his soaked fingers from your pulsating pussy, making a loud whine fall from your parted lips.
“Fuck! You’re such a fucking tease, you know that?” You cried out, meeting his eyes as he pulled away from your neck.
“You didn’t think I’d let you cum that easy, did you?” He smirked, keeping his eyes on yours as he stuck his drenched digits in his mouth. You whined, wiggling under his grip as frustration bubbled up in your chest. “Be a good girl and beg, then I might let you cum.”
You couldn’t help but scoff, eyes glaring up at him. “In your dreams, pretty boy.” You spit out, jaw clenched tightly. Eyes watched as he just shook his head, a sinister smile on his lips.
“Don’t worry, baby, you’ll be begging for me by the time I’m through with you.” His fingers then slipped back into your slick cunt, his pace relentless. You bit down on your lip, trying to keep your noise down while he worked his slender fingers into you.
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The pattern continued for what felt like hours. Jungwon would work you close to your climax before ripping it away. Tears were spilling from your eyes, smearing your makeup from the frustration of not being able to cum.
You had lost count of how many times he’d denied you, but you knew that you could only handle so much more. The underwear you had been wearing had been tossed off in the room somewhere, leaving your arousal to pool on the bed beneath you.
The skin of your neck and chest had been painted in deep red and purple blotches as well as bite marks. Your pupils were blown wide as you stared up at him. Your walls clenched around his fingers once again as another orgasm built up in your gut.
“Won-” You were cut off by a choked moan as he denied you yet another orgasm; sobs racked your lungs as you wiggled under his hold. 
“Awww, is my poor baby getting frustrated?” He smirked, eyes studying your expressions as he slid his fingers back into your puffy cunt. His pace was quick, making sure he added extra pressure to your sweet spot, knowing that you would fold sooner rather than later.
As another orgasm built up, your eyes rolled back, and your will was slowly diminishing. Your chest was tight as you anticipated him to stop once again.
And he did.
You cried out, pleading with him with your eyes, but he wanted to hear you. You knew that you were going to have to swallow your pride if you were going to get what you wanted.
A gasp fell from your lips as he pressed against your clit, moving in tight circles. Your head fell back as you tried to form a coherent sentence.
“Won- fuck, please don’t stop. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” You panted, eyes meeting his darker ones.
He leaned down, kissing the corner of your lips before trailing to your ear as he sunk his fingers back into you. "See, that wasn’t so hard, was it, baby?”
Pleas and whines fell from your lips as he continued to work into your core, tears blurring your vision. Hoping that he wouldn’t stop this time, that he would actually give you what you wanted.
But just like before he pulled away just as it was about to crash over you.
Before you could even whine about it, he let go of your hands, pulling your body off of the bed, flipping you over before bending you over. A choked moan fell from your lips when he landed a harsh smack on your ass before rubbing the red spot.
“Since you asked so nicely, I’ll let you cum babydoll.” He smirked, hands tracing up your thighs and under the skirt you were still wearing. His thumb pressed against your slit, watching as you clenched around it.
“Wonnie, please fuck me already.” You whined head turned to look back at him. Eyes glazed over with lust, the only thing on your mind was having him fucking you so good that you saw stars.
He unzipped his pants before tugging them down, letting his dick spring free. Your mouth watered at the sight, hips subconsciously wiggling in anticipation. He chuckled darkly before pumping himself a few times, then grabbing your hip in his other hand. He teased your entrance with his tip until you were a whining, begging mess.
“Well, if you want it so bad, then you better start taking it.” Without another word, he bottomed out in one go, causing a pitiful squeak to leave your lips.
“W-Won-” Your words caught in your throat as he started thrusting into you at a bruising pace, not giving you a chance to adjust. His hand gripped your hips so tightly that you were sure there would be bruises by the next day.
Another choke moan spilled from your lips as one of his hands snaked around your waist, fingers finding your sensitive clit. He circled the bundle of nerves harshly in time with his thrust causing your body to jolt and a cry to fall from your lips.
You buried your face into the hard cushions of the bed, hoping to muffle some of your noises, suddenly becoming acutely aware of where you were. You prayed that no one could hear anything that was going on right now. However, Jungwon didn’t care who heard. Actually, he did care because he wanted everyone to know who you belonged to, especially Jay. 
He grabbed a handful of your hair, pulling your body up, your back flush against his chest as he continued to plow into you. Your moans grow louder as the position changes.
“Feels good, huh, babydoll?” He chuckled as his hand snaked around your hips, pressing down on the small bulge in your lower stomach. A choked cry fell from your lips as he pressed down, making you feel him even more, “You really wanna tell me that Jay can fuck you just as good as I can? Hmm?” 
You shook your head frantically, knowing that no one would be able to get you like this but him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck Jungwon!” You screamed out the worry of other people hearing completely gone from your mind.
He continued to pound into your abused pussy, his tip kissing your cervix with each thrust. The pressure of his hand on your stomach was making your mind fuzz as moans and whines of his name fell from your lips.
“Gonna cum already baby?” He growled in your ear as he snapped his hips into yours, hitting spots that only he had claimed for himself. His grip tightened on your waist as he angled his hip a bit more.
“Holy shit!” You cursed loudly, your eyes rolling back as he hit your sweet spot dead on. Your mouth fell open as your head lolled back, drool spilling from the corner of your lips.
A high-pitched squeak left your mouth when he brought his hand from your stomach to your clit, rubbing harshly. All of the pleasure and your impending orgasm were causing your legs to start shaking and your mind to go blank.
“That’s it, babydoll, give it to me. Make a mess on my cock” Jungwon knew you were close, switching his position once more until you were crying over his dick, moments away from your orgasm. He pressed wet and hot kisses along your exposed neck before biting down in time with his fingers on your clit.
Silent moans fell from your lips, and your vision turned white as your orgasm tore through your body. Jungwon groaned into your skin as you clenched down tightly on him, but his pace didn’t slow, easily throwing you into overstimulation.
“W-Won- fuck!” Your whole body was trembling as continuous waves of pleasure washed through your body.
“Fuck. I’m almost there; just hold on.” His harsh and gruff tone had switched to soft and borderline whines, causing your mind to almost combust.
His once harsh pace was starting to become sloppy, erratic, and uneven, a telltale sign that he was close. His hips still snapped into yours harshly, which was bringing you closer to another orgasm. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” You whine out, nails digging into Jungwon’s forearms, trying to ground yourself as another climax washes over you, nearly taking your breath away. Tears were spilling from the corner of your eyes, falling down and drenching Jungwon’s shirt under your head.
“Fuck, I’m cumming. You’re gonna take all of it, babydoll, got it?” He growled in your ear but didn’t give you a chance to respond before he was pumping his load into your womb.
His hips jerk a few more times, fucking his cum back into you before falling to a complete stop.
Heavy breathing filled the room as you both stood there, trying to catch your breath. Jungwon pressed soft kisses over the swollen spots on your skin where he had bit down. Coaxing you back down from your high, fingers drawing shapes on your hips.
“Won…” You breathed out, blinking your eyes a few times to clear the tears before glancing up at him.
“There she is.” He chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to your cheek. The feeling made your heart flutter—you had missed this, you had missed him. 
Then everything came flooding back, the hurt following. Swallowing thickly, you pulled yourself away from him before searching for your underwear with shaky legs.
“Y/n, what are you doing?” Jungwon asked, fixing himself before making his way towards you.
“This shouldn’t have happened, we’re not together anymore.” You told him, your eyes looking everywhere but him.
Jungwon could hear the hurt in your tone, and he knew you were right about the not being together part, at least. However, he wasn’t about to let you walk away from him again no matter how upset he was then, he knew now.
“Baby…” His hands found your waist, pulling you into his chest, causing your heart to lurch. 
“Jungwon, let me-” “No, please listen to me. I’m sorry I was such a dickhead.” He breathed out, arms wrapping around your smaller frame, “I should have let you explain but instead I just let her words cloud my mind and I know that’s not any excuse, but I’m sorry I truly am.” His words sunk into your skin, and tears brimmed in your eyes once more. “Let me make it up to you. Give me a chance, please baby.”
You inhaled shakily before turning your head to look back at him, “Fine, but only if we go to that one restaurant I like.”
Jungwon couldn’t help but chuckle before peppering kisses all over your face, “Whatever you want, baby.”
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@alvojake | Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, or repost any of my work
𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖗 : ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ɴᴏ ᴡᴀʏ ᴀ ᴛʀᴜᴇ ʀᴇᴘʀᴇꜱᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴀɴʏ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀꜱ. ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ᴘᴜʀᴇʟʏ ꜰɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴛᴀᴋᴇɴ ꜱᴇʀɪᴏᴜꜱʟʏ.
𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 : @heesitation @riftanswhore @yeonzzzn @yzzyhee @skzenhalove @seuomo @moonchus @enha-stars @ikeuverse @prized-jules @ro-diaries @yeonjunsfox @snoopypupp @wonnie99 @pockettwinzz
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badasmuse · 6 months
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Bada Lee x Reader
Warnings: 18+ (MDNI), lowercase intended, language, cheater!bada, bottom!bada, bada is married to h*wl, bada has a daughter, top!reader, lonely bada, she also cries, appearance from itzy’s yuna
Summary: bada is lonely, you fix that.
Part 2 Here
you absolutely loved children. ever since you were fifteen when you started babysitting for your neighbor that’s when you knew. you actually wanted to start your own daycare but you wanted a degree so you decided to take a few online classes in early childhood education. but, going to college meant you need money for books and such so you never stopped babysitting. but your usual child’s father came back into her life making you jobless once again, so when you received a text from an unknown number stating she got your number from her friend you jumped with joy. and that’s how you started working for bada lee and her husband.
on your first day, you pull up to the extremely big house, you’re nervous. you keep thinking, what if i lose this kid in this big ass house.
there’s a tall woman and a slightly shorter male standing in the doorway holding a little girl. she looks about seven. you step out of the uber and approach the little family. “hi i’m y/n. i’m looking for ms. lee?”
“that’s me.” she steps out shaking your hand. “you can call me bada. this is my husband howl, not his real name but as a dancer it’s just what he goes by, and our daughter chaeyoung. come in.”
you follow the woman in and dude when i tell you this house is huge. you could probably fit three semi trailers stacked on top of each other in here. with the wheels still on and everything. you’re too busy admiring the house to hear what bada is saying.
“got that y/n?” is all you hear.
“huh? oh i’m… im sorry i was admiring your house i didn’t hear a thing. could you… repeat that?” you say shyly.
“oh no problem. this is a list of people you can call if you can’t get in touch with either of us. always try lusher first she’s my best friend she’ll always be able to get ahold of me. i’ll be out at the studio a lot this month because i’m choreographing a few comebacks and howl is getting ready to go to japan to teach some classes. i will be back around nine tonight. here’s chae’s bedtime routine. she’ll try to stay up past eight thirty, if she fights let her because she’ll fall asleep in the next five minutes. you can just lay a blanket over her on the couch and i’ll carry her to the room when i come back. is that too much at one time?” bada asks after literally vomiting a shit ton of information.
“no no i think i got it all. also, if you’re gonna be dancing, i don’t mind carrying her to her room. you’ll be tired and probably want to shower, i can handle it.” you say smiling.
“if you can i’d appreciate it. oh we have to go. chae you be good for y/n okay? i mean it.” bada says crouching in front of the girl who just nods in response before hugging her mother tight and hugging her father’s leg.
soon, it’s just you and her. boy did she give you a run for your money. you did lose her in the house while playing hide n seek. she made you play dress up with her. she took your phone and hid it, spilled apple juice everywhere, and even went into her parent’s room and took one of her mom’s lipsticks.
by now it’s eight thirty and she surprisingly went to bed without an issue, which you were grateful for because now you have to clean the mess in the kitchen and living room.
“hi i’m home.. y/n?” you hear bada say.
“kitchen!” you respond.
“what.. happened?”
“oh she spilled apple juice. this- here. she took this from your room. um, do you mind calling my phone?” you mumble.
bada sighs and goes into a room before coming out with your phone in hand. “i’m sorry she did this to the last babysitter, and the one before. if you don’t want to continue just let me know okay?” she says helping you clean the apple juice.
you look up at her and see the sweat dripping down her face, the tired look in her eyes. she’s obviously struggling. “what time should i be here tomorrow?”
her eyes light up and she smiles brightly. “um, same time okay? it’ll just be me and her, my husband will be gone early.”
“i’ll be here. go shower. i’ll finish up and make my way out of here.” you pick up the used paper towel, throwing it in the garbage.
thirty minutes later she emerges from the bathroom dressed in a new pair of sweats and a tank with her wet hair flowing down her back.
“i’ll get your uber home. can you put your address in here?”
now it’s been four months and man, the feelings you feel towards this woman are crazy.
“she’s just so.. fine, yuna.” you say to your best friend. “when she comes home from the studio and she’s dripping with sweat. you know how hard it is to not jump on her?”
yuna laughs, “isn’t she married?”
“yes but… come on. her husband is never really there. she’s always tired and probably sexually frustrated. i could fix that for her for real.” you say taking the drink from her.
“that’s mine.” she sighs, “well are you gonna go for it?”
“i don’t know, should i? what if i get fired?” you say.
“then you get fired. come on i’ll drop you off. it’s almost time.”
once you arrive at the house, you knock and wait, watching yuna pull off. bada opens the door and looks at you surprised. “y/n? what are you doing here?”
you blink, “it’s.. saturday?”
“oh! oh i’m so sorry. first come in.” she steps to the side, “i’m sorry, chaeyoung is with her grandmother for today. i thought i told you. probably forgot i was doing so much this morning. i feel so bad you probably ubered here, let me pay you for that and i’ll get you one back.”
“my friend dropped me off. i can ask her to come get me.” you say sending a quick text to yuna.
“well have you eaten? let me get you something.” she says.
“i’m okay i’m not hungry.” at least, not for food.
“well.. here’s a water bottle. i’m so sorry.”
“it’s okay bada. my schedule is open.” you look at the reply from yuna and sigh. “actually could you get the uber? my friend is busy, she won’t be able to come get me for at least an hour or so.. unless you don’t mind me waiting?”
“i don’t mind. i actually wanted to talk to you about chaeyoung.” she says sitting next to you.
“what is it?”
“i’m not too sure what you’re doing but.. she used to be terrible in school, behavior wise, and ever since you came along it’s changed. what are you doing with her? what can i do to make sure she doesn’t act that way once you get your degree and stop working for me?” bada sighs, leaning back on the couch.
“bada,” you turn your body to face her, “the issue with chae is you don’t give her enough attention. i know both you and howl work a lot. it happens. but she tells me all the time how she wishes at least you were here more often. she’s lonely. it’s only her and you stick her with a bunch of strangers. she told me she feels happy when i’m here because even tho i’m leaving, i still make her happy because i’m giving her the attention she craves.”
bada wipes a tear from her cheek, “i try. it’s just hard. i want to be here. then howl took that stupid job traveling to different countries like he doesn’t have a wife and child at home. i feel like i’ve been snapping at her which is why i sent her with her grandmother. i wanted to.. be with my husband and he’s not even here he went to america. i wanted to talk to him about this.”
you pull bada in for a hug and rub her back as she cries into your shoulder. “you’re doing the best you can, bada. you can’t be too hard on yourself. howl should’ve thought about that before he left. he needs to understand you need help.” you say softly.
bada pulls back and looks at you, “you really think i’m doing my best?”
“i do.”
there’s a tension filled silence as you look at each other. you don’t know what fueled you but you lean in and kiss her on her lips before pulling back quickly. “oh shit i’m sorry you’re married-“
she cuts you off with another kiss gripping your shirt. this one is a lot more desperate. “please…” she mumbles against your lips. “i need this please.. please don’t go.” she whines.
“your room.” you say and she stands up pulling you into the bedroom she shared with howl.
she pushes you on the bed and climbs on top of you finding your lips again as your hands trail under her shirt. you pull it off her and she whines.
“relax baby, i’ll make you feel good, just be patient.” you turn her on her back kissing her neck and down to her chest. lifting up her bra you attach to her nipple, sucking gently and she moans. you pinch the other one with your fingers and her hips buck up against you, looking for friction.
“keep your hips down.” you whisper, kissing down her stomach. you leave marks on her hip bones and she moans your name.
“y/n please… please i want you so bad!” she writhes on the bed.
you pull her shorts off and she’s not wearing anything under them. “made this easy for me huh? oh you’re so wet for me bada.” you run a finger over her clit and her leg jerks. you put her leg on your shoulder and make eye contact with her. “can i?”
“please y/n please do- OH!” she moans out when your tongue makes contact with her clit. her hands clutch the sheets as you suck on her clit, sticking two fingers in her.
her breath hitches and she lets out loud moans, “oh my god s-so good! please more!”
you insert another finger curling them up into her spot. she lets out a squeal. “why are you so good at this?” she moans, hands going to your hair as she fucks herself onto your fingers. “i’m cumming!”
you speed up your fingers, flicking your tongue skillfully and she cums with a scream, your name falling off her lips.
you pull your hand out giving her a minute to breathe. “you okay?” you run her lower stomach gently.
“i need… more. please? i have.. have toys in my sock drawer.” she pants.
you walk over to where she points and find a different array of toys. “oh you’re kinky.”
“please use whatever you want. make me your slut. please.” she whines.
you bite your lip, grabbing the dildo, a vibrator, and some handcuffs. “you mind?”
“oh please!” she moves her hands to the headboard, letting you cuff her to it. “i-i can eat you out while you fuck me. you can sit on my face.”
you shiver at the thought before stripping and doing what she wants. her tongue skillfully explores you and you question how she let a man trap her with a tongue like that? you lean forward and put the dildo in her, immediately thrusting it in and out of her while putting the vibrator on her swollen clit. she moans into you and pulls at the cuffs. you’re worried she might be uncomfortable so you lift up but she whines loudly. “i’m not finished!”
you sit back down, thrusting the toy faster and turning up the speed on the vibrator. you let out a moan trying not to grind on her face. you move when she starts to mumble something.
“what did you say baby?”
“use me. use me to get yourself off. make me your personal tuck toy.” she moans out.
you moan as you move back onto her face doing as she asks all while you fuck into her tight count with the dildo. you’re close and you know she’s close from the way her moans get higher. she latches onto your clit sucking roughly as you pound the dildo into her gspot and you’re both cumming with loud moans. you remove the toys and she squirts all over her bed. you get off her and rub her clit, helping her ride out her high.
“okay! okay i’m done i can't…i’m done please!” she moans pulling the cuffs.
“give me one more. let me make sure you’re 100% satisfied. you might not get it this good for a while.” you whisper.
she whimpers and cums one last time, her juices flow out of her and you caress her thigh gently.
“so good for me bada. did such a good job.” you uncuff her and she pulls you in for a kiss. you can taste yourself on her tongue.
“thank you.” she whispers. “i needed that. god i needed that.. tell your friend nevermind. stay with me.”
“what about your husband? and chae?” you ask.
“he’s gone for a week, chae will be back tomorrow night. after i take a nap i want to go again.” she groans, turning on her side.
grabbing your phone, you tell yuna to just bring your backpack that has your strap instead and you lay down next to bada. she immediately moves her head onto your chest and sighs, falling asleep.
that was a lot easier than you thought it would be.
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koolades-world · 1 year
More Obey me! Headcannons
had so much fun last time I wanted to do it again
Satan is so smart, but has issues doing basic math and refuses to admit it, like he can’t figure out fifteen plus seven without his fingers or a calculator (is this me projecting? maybe)
Belphie bought himself and Mc matching house slippers. Mc thought Beel felt left out and made Belphie buy a pair for him too
Beel has a huge green thumb, and takes upon himself to save plants he thinks are sad or lonely. He buys the dying plants from the store to bring back to life (partially inspired by the chat where someone, forgot who, told beel that if he talked to plants they would grow faster my precious baby)
Lucifer is the best cook at the HoL, but rarely has time to cook. Beel is the second best but usually eats the ingredients before he can make anything with them. Mammon is probably the worst because Levi can make food from animes almost perfectly
Asmo once almost set a store he was collaborating with on fire with his rage alone because they spelt his name wrong
Beel probably needs a new toothbrush every couple weeks. Belphie probably gets toothbrushes mixed up and uses ones that aren’t his
Lucifer and Solomon like prune juice haha old men
The one thing Luke and Simeon have seriously disagreed on is if raisins belong in dessert. Michael likes them, so Luke does too. Simeon thinks they’re awful but never directly says it, so Lucifer usually says it for him
Despite always being online, Levi had not once checked his RAD email. He has 9,999+ emails, probably a lot more because 9,999 is where it stops counting
Mammon collects cool rocks and keeps them in a box under his bed
Satan’s hands are always freezing, so he sticks them under Mc (or a cat) when possible, or uses a charmed hot water bottle from Solomon that stays warm for days at a time
Solomon and Asmo have had matching bracelet sets for as long as they’ve known each other, and since they didn’t make them anymore, they got some custom done for Mc so they could also have them
For about 1,000 years, Thirteen though jelly beans were an actual kind of bean and Solomon never let her let it go
The first food Mc and Mammon ate on a date in the human world together was Taiyaki, so he made it a point to learn how to make them to surprise Mc (even though he’s a terrible cook) (I might make this a fic since I like this idea so much)
Diavolo has always wanted a Devildom version of a hamster but Barbatos refused to have any kind of rodent in the castle, rat or not
Luke probably downloads those stupid app games with the ads unironically
Satan’s favorite Disney Princess is Ariel because she ran off to do what she wanted without caring what her father thought, it’s giving daddy issues. He’s probably considered running off and marrying Mephisto to make Lucifer angry
Raphael unironically enjoys off brand chips and soda
Lucifer is a nail biter, and Asmo is helping him curve the habit by putting a nasty tasting top coat when he does his nails, and it’s also why he wears gloves all the time.
Belphie and Satan once went up to the humans world together to mess with people in Salem, Massachusetts with magic, which spawned several conspiracy theory books. They read them together and laugh as a past time
Diavolo once went to the human world in his demon form for,, reasons, and accidentally got written into ancient mythology because he got spotted by humans
Barbatos had a home garden for cooking and sometimes lets Asmo have leaves from some of the plants to make homemade skin care products
Mammon probably has lots of earwax. Don’t share your earbuds with him unless you make him clean them afterwards
Belphie has a really large water bottle that’s always on his side table. He wakes up randomly though the night, chugs an ungodly amount of water and then passed out again. In the mornings he has to piss really bad but is too lazy to get up and actually do it, so he just sits and complains. Even Beel isn’t sure how he’s able to drink that much water in a short amount of time
Satan likes waking up early to enjoy the morning air and read outside for a while since mornings can get hectic with his brothers
Thirteen’s favorite torture device is the Iron Maiden. She had her own that she bedazzled. Even Asmo is jealous and wants her to make him one too
Mammon introduced Diavolo to Gatorade, and instead of sneaking behind Lucifer and Barbatos’s backs to drink Demonus, they have secret Gatorade meetings
Diavolo and Lucifer definitely both had a hidden Dialuci stash of things and probably clash trying to collect limited edition things online
None of the Obey me cast took birthdays or passing of years seriously until Mc entered the picture and suddenly time was precious, and they actually kept track. Because of this, nobody is really sure how old the twins are
Mephisto thinks roosters want world domination
Asmo thinks cilantro tastes like soap and Levi thinks anything cola flavored tastes like cough medicine
Mammon's favorite party trick is one Mc taught him, which is rolling his tongue Everyone he meets, including his brothers, thinks it's so cool when really it's just a genetic thing
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v0rewhxre · 4 months
Punished Part 2
The very highly anticipated part 2 to my punished blurb I wrote randomly last week! Thank you all so much for the support and love! I was not expecting this story to take off!
Also the first two paragraphs are from part 1 if they seem familiar!
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18+ MDNI
CW: [f masturbation, m masturbation, slight throat grasping, p in v unprotected sex, restraint play, blindfolds, sensory play, oral f receiving, edging, pull out method, slightly dom Noah, slightly dom reader, slightly mean Noah, mentions of sex toys, mentions of squirting]
He waited a moment before moving his gaze to me. The expression on his face was cocky, there was no remorse in those eyes from the incident he just pulled. He simply grabbed a t-shirt and wiped himself off, getting up to go about his day.
Before he stepped outside the bedroom door, he turned and said, "If you touch yourself, I will do that again later. If you use your vibrator I will do that every day for the rest of the week, then you'll miss me," He said before walking away leaving me in practically a puddle of my own mess and tears.
*Later that day*
The soft hum of my vibrator was the only sound in our large airy bedroom. There was a slick sweat that coated my entire body. My hips were moving in rhythm, coming off the bed so I could get the most pressure on my clit. Noah had left the house for the afternoon to work on some fancy drum engineering stuff with Matt and Folio. This provided the perfect opportunity to finally get the release I needed.
The entire day sucked. Noah was extremely arrogant and moody all day. I knew this could only mean he was having a hard time with a new song. Although he had done a lot of work in therapy, these mood swings still came out. I didn't mind the mood swings occasionally, usually they led to really hot sex with Noah. Not today I guess...
The pleasure building throughout my pelvis started to become more intense at the thoughts of Noah throwing me around bed. I focused on this one particular time where Noah fucked me so hard I squirted all over him, making a huge mess. We ended up laughing about it for weeks afterwards. To this day I swear I actually peed, but he reassured me that was not the case.
Finally, my orgasm was right on the cusp. I continued the same swirl pattern on my clit allowing myself to go over the edge. I moaned so loudly; all the tension from earlier pouring out of me in waves of ecstasy. Fuck Noah and his stupid fucking rule, if I want to cum I will.
After my orgasm finished I set my vibrator back in the nightstand drawer, remade the bed, and took a quick shower. There would be no evidence for Noah to find.
When Noah came home, he was still a little off but seemed a lot happier. They must have cooked up something real good in the studio. I had no doubt Matt and Folio wrote some insane drum parts for the next album.
"What did you get up to today?" Noah asked quizzically, raising one eyebrow. It took all my energy to keep my cheeks from heating when he asked. I felt bad about lying but I could not deal with watching Noah get off once again without me.
"I just spent the day watching shows, and I did a bit of cleaning," I said casually. It wasn't a lie at all, I had cleaned the house and watched a few episodes of Attack On Titan.
"Interesting," Noah said slowly.
"Interesting indeed," I mimicked his tone.
With that Noah got off the couch and proceeded down the hallway towards our bedroom. I raced to follow his long strides, almost running into him as he stopped at my nightstand right inside the door.
"Are you sure you just cleaned and watched shows?" Noah asked as he opened the drawer to inspect the many toys I had.
"Yes I am sure," I said quietly.
"Try again... this time, don't lie," Noah said as he selected the very vibrator I had used earlier.
I had made one fatal error, I did not clean it off.
"Noah I..." but I was cut off by the a loud sniff. I watched as Noah ran his nose up the entire length of the vibrator, inhaling the now dried arousal I had produced earlier.
"You think I wouldn't recognize the smell of your pussy, y/n?" Noah said placing the vibrator down in the drawer. He turned slowly towards me, his height and muscular frame becoming menacing as the light faded away with the setting sun.
"What did I tell you earlier?" he said taking a step towards me, firmly grasping my throat with his hand. He wasn't cutting off my airway, he knew that was one thing that really scared me, but he knew his grasp could control anything I did.
"Noah, please. I can't watch you jerk off again. It drove me insane. Please, I'll do anything... please just please," I said stifling the sob that was coming up my throat.
"Tskk, y/n that wasn't part of the deal now was it love?" Noah said.
He kept one hand wrapped around my throat while he used the other to slowly pull down his pants. My eyes widened as I watched his cock spring free, already half hard just from the thought of me masturbating. A win is a win I suppose.
I looked up at Noah's eyes, they were pitch black in the dark room. He smirked at me as he leaned down and spit in his hand. My pussy almost flooded the entire room. The fucker knew how much I loved spit. His hand now started slowly moving up and down his cock, the only sound in the room was his saliva smacking as he rubbed.
His eyes rolled back slightly as he let his head hang, he seemed to have been waiting for another release all day. The mere thought he tortured me turned him on. God, I fucking hated him.
"Noah, I will literally get on my knees and beg right now. I cannot do this again," I said urgently as I noticed his pace quickened by the sound of his hand moving back and forth.
His hand let up slightly on my throat, I wasn't sure if it was from my pleads or because he was so turned on he was already falling apart. I used this opportunity to slip from his grasp, jumping into him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, legs around his waist.
Noah stumbled slightly backwards but maintained his balance as I literally attacked him. My mouth was on his before he could protest, our lips colliding with such force I was concerned I knocked a tooth out. I kissed him so deeply, forcing my tongue into his mouth to explore every inch. His tongue battled mine, trying to push mine away with no prevail. His arms snaked around me, resting just above my ass. I had him.
I ground my hips against his cock, the angle allowing me to rub my pussy up his length. I moved at an agonizing pace which earned a few frustrated huffs from Noah's mouth into mine.
Next thing I knew my back was against the bedroom wall, Noah now matching my hip thrusts with his own. His precum leaked all over my body, coating me in a sticky mess. Oh my god was I turned on.
I pulled away slightly, grabbing Noah's ear lob between my teeth. I whispered in a low sensual voice, "Fuck me like the naughty girl I am, Noah".
His cock slammed into me. Hard. I don't even know how it happened, I didn't remember him lining himself with my pussy.
The dark room now filled with the sounds of our skin slapping, us moaning, and my back pounding against the wall. He thrusted so hard I could barely even think, reaching the deepest part of my core.
I let my head fall back, smiling to myself as I knew I had won. Or had I?
Noah moved us to the bed, laying me in the mass of pillows that we had. We were often a little freaky in the bedroom. We had restraints already attached to the posts of our bed, awaiting to be used when Noah and I wanted.
Noah's cock left me while he moved to tie me to the bed. The Velcro cuffs were comfortable around my wrists and ankles. What I wasn't expecting was the sleep mask Noah placed around my head and over my eyes.
I couldn't move and I could not see, a dangerous game to play with a man who loved control.
My senses heightened as the anticipation did, I could feel the bed move but I had no idea where Noah was.
One finger. One finger trailed slowly from my ankle all the way up to my chin. He moved his finger as light as a feather, a trail of goosebumps following in its wake. My clit was practically screaming to be touched as another finger moved over my body, then three fingers fanned their way up. All purposely missing the one place I wanted to be touched. He didn't even give me a nipple touch.
One little kiss. One little soft kiss full of love was placed on my hip. Then another soft kiss on the other hip. One on my stomach. One on my right forearm, then the left. A soft kiss placed on my chin, forehead, right cheek, left. Then Noah softly brushed over my lips with his, a kiss that sent electricity throughout my body as it had the very first time he kissed me.
"I love you, Noah," I whispered out into the room, unsure where he was.
"I love you more," He replied as his finger lightly brushed over my pussy. He didn't apply enough pressure to breakthrough my folds, which was frustrating. My back arched slightly, seeking out his finger again. Instead I was met with hot breath, and one very wet tongue. Noah licked me this time, again he did so very lightly.
He pulled away, lifting one leg with him and placing it over his shoulder. He moved the other on his shoulder. Based on the position I was in, he must have been bent low on the bed or the restraints were let out enough to accommodate.
Teeth. I felt teeth next taking a small bite of my left inner thigh. It was only inches away from my pussy. He took another bite on my right inner thigh. Then he moved back to the other, inching slightly towards my center. Another, then another, then another, then... oh my god!!!
Noah took a small bite and pulled my clit with his teeth. It was hard enough to evoke shock throughout my entire body. It hurt, yet was quite satisfying. I felt my pussy clench around nothing, desperately wanting to be filled again by Noah's cock.
Noah released my clit, then brought his tongue back into the equation by spreading my folds open. His tongue was met with his lips, as he began licking and sucking my entire being. Now my hips began to move again, desperately seeking a release that I needed once again. Noah now moved lower, tongue fucking my pussy expertly by hooking it just inside. He pulled away only to spit on me, acting like his glorious meal was filth. Jesus, I couldn't take this any longer.
My moans began to get louder and louder, and so did the sounds coming from my pussy. The pleasure was now dimly burned in my lower belly, I could feel my toes begin to curl in the restraints.
"Noah, please.... I need to feel you inside... please," I whined desperately.
My legs were off his shoulders, my butt was back on the bed again.
Cock. I felt the head of his cock slowly moving up and down between my folds, doing slow circles around my clit before going back down. He slightly pressed in, just breaking through my entrance before moving back upwards. I moved my hips towards Noah's cock, moving against him to create more friction. He pulled away.
A few moments later he was back, moving slowly up and down again.
"Do you want it?" he cockily said as if he didn't already know the answer. I could hear his stupid smile from where my head rested. As if to prove his point, he put the entire tip in and thrusted only the tip which drove me insane. He pulled out asking again, by emphasizing every word he said, "Y/n, do... you... want.... it?"
"Do you want it?" I threw back, lifting my hips towards where I believed he was sitting. I giggled slightly, knowing I was being a brat and that I drove him crazy.
He chuckled back, "You really are such a naughty girl aren't you? Luckily you have such a pretty pussy".
His cock entered me again, but this time he went in all the way. I had no time to adjust to him before he was slamming into me once again. His arms were wrapped under my thighs, lifting me to the perfect angle. This time I knew he was just as needy as I was, his cock throbbed.
Noah grunted as he picked up the pace even more, his new workout regiment allowed him to have more stamina than ever. He was able to thrust harder and faster for longer. My moans once again filled the room in sync with his. I could hear the sound of our skin slapping against one another. He squeezed my thighs with his hands to keep from loosing grip, we both were coated in sweat now.
"Noah...." I warned, he knew I was close. My pussy was pulsing and throbbing, my orgasm was built up to the max.
"I know," he breathed back.
Suddenly, he was over me completely and his lips were grazing my ear. His moans filled my ears, sending me into a sensory overload as I plunged over. My orgasm came fast, I screamed out Noah's name which I knew probably hurt his ear. He road me through my orgasm for a few seconds before he pulled out. His cum sprayed all over my stomach and lower boobs. I felt each string as it landed on me. I had wished I could see it, but just feeling him release on me was enough. This was a punishment after all.
Once we both were done, Noah plopped on top of me creating even more of a mess for us to clean up.
"You do a great job at making rules and an even better job with your punishments," I laughed into the top of his head, rubbing it in that his punishment was indeed not sufficient for the crime.
"Yeah, yeah," he moaned into the crook of my neck.
I smiled to myself as Noah dozed off, until I realized he fell asleep on me and I couldn't move.
I suppose an impending uti was punishment indeed...
I hope you all enjoyed! I little different than I intended to write it but this just came to me and I think it works :)
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Good Fences (Fluffuary #28) - Finale
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FEB28: Reader Request - John Needs a Shave
Concept idea from my besites, @ofdivinity01 and @glitterypirateduck! Hope y'all like it!
John’s hand was cleaned and bandaged, but he had hurt it pretty badly. He had been cleaning a huge fish outside on the patio, one that he had caught himself from the river behind your house, and the knife caught and slipped, jamming into his palm. It was healing fine, but he was struggling with his grip.
“Bloody hell!” He shouted from the bathroom, and you heard a metallic clatter follow with it. 
You hurried to check on him, rushing to his side,
“John? Are you alright?”
“Yeah, love,” he sighed out of frustration, “It’s just this hand. Can’t grab my shaver properly. Tired of this messy face, and I’m sure you are, too.”
He smiled down at you, half-shaven and half-wild. You shook your head,
“It’s okay, babe. But, we can’t have you walking around half-finished. Can I help?”
“Ever used a straight razor?”
“No,” you sighed, “But, I can go slowly.”
“Aye,” he nodded, “Alright.” 
“Here,” you said, staring up at his great height, “Why don’t you come have a seat in the kitchen.”
You set him up by the sink, filling up a bowl with water to wash the razor, and squirting some shaving cream into your palm. He was sitting in the chair, and you hovered over him, smearing the soft foam onto his skin, making sure to leave his chops and sideburns untouched. 
“Chin’s the hard part, so just do little strokes,” he instructed, “And, hey,” he grabbed your arm, “Thank you for this.”
You kissed his forehead, 
“No problem, John. I’ve got you.”
You set to work, shaving off his chin bit by bit. The razor made quiet little scraping noises, and you tried to cut as close as you could to the skin without nicking him. It was hard to get the right angle. 
“Sorry,” you said, “Do you mind if I sit in your lap. It’s hard for me to –”
“Tha’s fine, love,” John uncrossed his leg and patted his thigh. 
You straddled him, trying to ignore the fire that rose in your belly. You focused back on your work, moving down to his neck. With each little swipe and swish of your blade, you noticed that he was breathing a little harder. You stopped, looking up at him,
“Are you alright? Do you need a break?”
There was a low rumble in his chest that was almost a moan, and then he answered darkly, 
He put both of his hands on your hips in a very familiar fashion, and you shifted your weight. As you did, you felt him, hard as a lead pipe beneath you. 
“Ahh…” You smiled, “I see. Be patient, mister. Almost done.”
He grunted in response, choosing to remain silent. 
You didn’t spare him any mercy while he was under your body. You shifted back and forth, teasing his rigid cock, shaving even slower, taking longer than you needed to. And by the time you were done, cleaning up the stray foam, your husband was a panting, growling mess. 
The last wipe of the dry cloth brought his face down to yours, his mouth only inches from your lips, and you could taste his warm breath. 
You kissed him languidly, not giving him any room to be ravenous with you, and you smiled coyly, 
“All done, babe. How does it feel?”
He scooped you up, leaving the chair in the kitchen, and lay you on the couch, shucking your pajama pants off of your body and spreading your legs apart with his rough hands. He chuckled, 
“Why don’t you tell me?”
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That's all, folks! Here lies the end of our smutless, fluffy adventure. Thanks so much to everyone for all of their support. I would've stopped weeks ago if it wasn't for y'all. Looking back, I think this exercise really helped me improve, and it got me out of my rut.
If you had a good time, please consider donating to my coffee fund. This derpy cat needs caffeine, and your hard-earned dollars are very much appreciated.
Reblogs, comments, and kudos (AO3) also bring me so much joy, so thank you for interacting with me and my work. More Price is on the way!
Y'all are the best ✌️🩷
P.S. Do these two deserve a smutty follow-up tomorrow? I think they do. 😈 It is a leap year, after all.
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oopwoop · 11 months
Their Reaction To You Getting/Saying You Want A Piercing
pairings: e!42! & e!1610 Miles Morales, Hobie Brown, Pavitr Prabhakar, Gwen Stacy, Peter B. Parker (platonic)
warning(s): swearing, unedited!
im back on my grind 💪 (sorry for not posting recently, had no motivation)
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e!1610! Miles Morales
stared in surprise for a bit until he heard you call out his name. He didn’t mean to zone out and stare, or make you insecure, he was just surprised when he saw you got a piercing. you didn’t say anything about getting one or anything. he thinks you look amazing though! (he always will no matter what)
asks if he can touch it unless it’s a tongue piercing, if it’s too sensitive or sore. he understands. shouldn’t mess with it too much otherwise it won’t heal as well.
reminds you everyday to clean it with saline water. twice a day! or however much/long the piercer said.
tells you that you should get a black and red one depending on the type it is.
“woahhh..” Miles gasped quietly as he stared in awe for the next few moments, snapping it out of it when he heard his name. he felt bad when he noticed the nervous look on your face.
“is it bad? do you you not like it?” you asked sadly, upset that he may not like it. sure, you got the piercing because you wanted it but it’d still be nice to know that Miles thought it looked well.
he gave you a shocked look, shaking his head. he grabbed your hand comfortingly and kissing your cheek, careful not to touch your piercing depending on where it is.
“no, no! it looks wonderful. you look wonderful! suits you very well.” he whispered lovingly and kissing your cheek again. it’s good to know he liked it. he really does think you look amazing.
e!42! Miles Morales
did a double take. not out of disgust but more so out of surprise. usually when you get something done or are going out he gives you money, even though he knows you are fully capable he enjoys spoiling you. so it was a surprise when you came over with a brand new piercing that he didn’t know about or pay for.
tells you look good and just goes about what he was doing. doesn’t make a huge deal of it. though, a few minutes later he does ask why you didn’t say anything about it.
also reminds you to clean it, or at least s asks if you did everyday until it’s healed.
will buy you all the jewelry you want for it. will even buy a few he thinks matches his vibe, hoping you wear them. if not he’s not butt hurt or anything, though.
“looks good.” he hums out nonchalantly before returning to what he was doing beforehand. you respond with your thanks. the next few minutes are spent in a comfortable silence, the two of you enjoying each others company until Miles breaks it.
“so, why didn’ you say anythin’? i’d give you the money for it.” he questions, raising a brow as he turns to you. usually you tell him about stuff like this and he gives you money for it.
“mmm, just felt like it, y’know? wanted to treat myself for once. not that i don’t love you spoiling me but it feels nice once and a while to gift myself something.” you explain to him as he nods in understanding.
“yeah i get it.. next time ‘m payin’ though, got it?” he states firmly. you know he’s gonna find a way to pay for your next one for sure.
Pavitr Prabhakar
beyond excited when he noticed it. gasped super loudly when he saw it and rushed over to you. just like the other two, he had no idea of this happening. he also asks you a thousand questions about it.
showered you in compliments on how good you look, how it fits you perfectly, all of it. also showers you in soft kiss around your face, being really careful not to mess with the piercing as he’s worried to hurt you on accident.
he also reminds you to wash it everyday. setting reminders on his phone to text or call you. or if y’all are together he’ll help wash it if he can, being as gentle as possible. he has a bottle of saline spray at his house for whenever you’re over and need to clean it.
sends you pictures of jewelry he sees when he’s out and about, asking if you’d like it. if so he will definitely buy it for you. does not care about the price. if he doesn’t have enough now he’ll save up for it. (jewelry is expensive 😃)
“woah! you look so good! when did you get it? did it hurt?” Pavitr said happily and he rushed over to you, grabbing your cheeks softly to examine the piercing closer.
you chuckle at his antics, grabbing his wrists so you could pull his hands away to be able to speak properly. “slow your roll, Pav. i got it today and it hurt as much as i thought it would.”
“absolutely gorgeous. i knew you’d rock it, even though you never told me. why didn’t you tell me?” he continues to chatter fast, it was hard to keep up with him. he was just excited for you though. he knew you’d only get a piercing if you really wanted it.
“wanted to surprise you.” you smiled at him as he started to peck your face with a bunch of soft kisses. you didn’t think he’d be this excited over a piercing.
Gwen Stacy
was surprised when you said you wanted a piercing but was excited for you. she helps set up the appointment and everything, goes with you for comfort if needed, let’s you squeeze her hand as well.
if you let her, she’d pick out the one you get. she wouldn’t suggest one that hurts really bad though, depending on your pain tolerance.
definitely picks out the jewelry for it if you let her. it’d be a soft pink or blue fs.
so, she has her brow pierced so i feel like maybe she might get more piercings. maybe like her septum or a normal nose piercing, yeah? if it’s around the same time you got your piercing she’d set an alarm for the both of you and if you’re together at the time you’d clean it together or she’d ft you and y’all would do it on call
Incoming FaceTime Call From
gwendy ❤️
Answer Ignore
you decided to answer the call and when you did all you saw was her eyes and up until a few moments later. Her face popped into the screen, a huge smile as she noticed you answered.
“i’m assuming you already know what time it is, yeah?” she shook the can of saline in a jazz-hands gesture, chuckling as you rolled your eyes playfully.
“yeah, yeah.. just let me get to my bathroom.. you always call me when i’m in bed and comfy” you sigh, your tone whiney and exaggerated.
“oh boo-hoo.. you’ll be okay. now get your butt up and go clean your piercing. don’t want an infection, do you?” gwen raised a brow at you. her expression felt similar to a judge-y mothers.
Hobie Brown
when you said you wanted a piercing he was more than willing to do it himself, free of charge. all of his have either been done my someone he’s friends with (for free) or himself. he’s got all the supplies needed and knows how to do most piercings. you wouldn’t be the first person he’s given them to.
if you do let him do it, it’ll be the same as if you were to have gone to a trained professional. just more.. homey? sure it’s a little more risky, but think about it, it’s free of charge (it’s expensive, my septum was $100), plus it’s with someone you know and should by now trust
if you go to a professional he doesn’t really care. it’s your money you’re spending.
totally steals jewelry for you if you wanna change it out once it’s healed. helps you clean it, as well. he knows the perfect way to clean it well so it doesn’t get infected.
“d’ya want me t’ do it? cuz i can, free of charge too, luv.” hobie suggested when you said you wanted a piercing. you weren’t sure if you should take up his offer. he could tell you were hesitant about it so he continued on.
“i’ve done a good few piercings b’fore. some of my own, actually. y’ can trus’ me, promise.” that helped you feel a little better. his looked so good so that must mean he’d be able to do yours even better. especially because doing a piercing on another seems easier than doing one on yourself.
“yeah.. okay sure, i’ll let you do it. but if you fuck it up I won’t be happy..” you glared at him, letting him lead you to the living room of your place to sit and get ready.
“y’won’ hafta worry ‘bout bein’ angry, luv cuz i won’ fuck it up.” he chuckled deeply as he got the needed supplies ready and kissed your forehead.
Peter B. Parker (my first time writing him so sorry if it sucks 🫢)
was probably the most surprised of all. he doesn’t care that you got one, not at all, he’s just surprised you didn’t say anything. your like a kid to him, you tell each other almost everything.
definitely pats you on the shoulder or back and tells you that it looks good and suits you well.
randomly gifts you new jewelry for it. it’s usually stuff he thinks fits you well or one he knows you’ve been looking at. how does he get the money for it? begs MJ until she says yes. though she says yes really quickly because she loves you like a kid as well.
i feel like he can be really forgetful with some things so he’s not as consistent as the others to remind you to clean it. it’ll be more here and there that he reminds you
“when did that happen..?” he says slowly, mouth agape in surprise. “you never told me about that. we tell each every.” peter mutters with a pout, sad you didn’t tell him about this.
“oh this?” you say, pointing to the piercing, “just got it a bit ago. wanted it to be a surprise. does it look good..?”
he just chuckled and walked up to you, patting you on the back firmly. what is with dads and their firm pats? “looks great, kid. suits you very well. you think i’d rock one? i should totally get one, yeah?”
“uhm, yeah, if you want mj to leave you then you should, old man..” you joke with him and return you get a gasp from him.
“i’m not old! and she wouldn’t leave me. i’d look amazing, even better than you!”
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mystic-writings · 5 months
request: Your shirt/jumper was in the laundry pile and I couldn’t help but steal it for female!reader x hasan xxx
i've been thinking about this a lot recently ngl i don't know how i haven't written it yet so thank you for the request anon ily | also it does get like. a tad bit steamy toward the end but it's just making out tbh
his clothes | hasanabi x fem!reader | ~850 words
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There were many perks to having a giant for a boyfriend. Being easily lifted from the ground for no reason was one of your favourites, and so was the fact that when you cuddled, Hasan either squished you completely or his arms secured you to his chest with a firm comfort you’d never experienced. But the best one was his clothes. 
Hasan was a fashionable guy, but he did own a fair share of t-shirts and hoodies. A lot of them were his merch designs, or things he’s owned forever, but somehow, all of them were extremely comfortable when you wore them. 
Since Hasan streamed so frequently, and you normally didn’t have much to do, you’d resort to getting things done around the house to keep yourself from going crazy. So far, you cleaned the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher with last night’s dinner mess, and cleaned the living room and the bedrooms. Quickly, you took Kaya outside to pee and fed her lunch, scratching the top of her head before going to the laundry room to tackle the load you put in the dryer this morning. 
It was all a mix of yours and Hasan’s clothes, since you sorted all of it by colours, whites, and darks. Staring into the basket of clothes you pulled out and were now folding was like looking into an abyss. Most of it was yours, leggings and hoodies and socks. But a few items were your boyfriends. Including his himbo gym shirt. Even just holding it up to fold it, you could tell it was huge. 
Then, an idea sprouted in your mind, one that you couldn’t resist. Peeling off the shirt you were wearing, you threw on the one in your hands. Instantly, you were swimming in it, the hem of it nearly reaching your mid-thigh. If you chose to wear shorts instead of black leggings this morning, they wouldn’t have been visible under the shirt. 
After that, you continued with laundry, folding it and bringing it all upstairs to put it away. Once it was done, you took some time to decompress with Kaya, watching tv with her head on your lap, sleeping peacefully. Faintly, you could hear Hasan shouting upstairs; whether he was grilling chat or yelling about whatever he was covering, you didn’t know. It quieted just as you headed to the fridge to grab a bottle of water. 
Checking your watch as you unscrewed the cap, you realised that Hasan was probably taking the ad break. And as if your thoughts summoned him, you could hear his footsteps clamouring down the stairs, headed right to you. 
“Babe, do we have any more of those chocolate protein bars left? I’m starving-” he stopped himself short at the sight of you, practically drowning in his shirt. 
You smiled at him, screwing the cap back on your water bottle. “We should, I saw some in the cupboard last night.” When you noticed Hasan still staring at you, your smile widened. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I just-” Hasan seemed to shake out of his stupor. “God, you look amazing in my shirt.”
You giggled as he approached you, hands instinctively resting on your hips as he pulled you closer, towering over you. “I was doing the laundry and it just looked so much more comfortable than the one I was wearing,”
Hasan sighed and leaned into you, forehead resting on the top of yours as his eyes shut. “God, I love you. You know that?”
“I think I do. Might need some reminding, though.” You spoke quietly, keeping the words between the two of you, as if anyone else could hear. 
Hasan was quick with his actions, instantly capturing your lips with his. There was no denying the passion and love he poured into the kiss, which quickly turned into peppering kisses all over your cheeks and jaw. With his hands still on your hips, Hasan guided you to the counter, pinning you there gently as his lips travelled to your neck and your hands into his hair. 
You often treasured moments like these, when Hasan wasn’t afraid to show his love for you in any capacity. Even if the moments happened often. 
But it didn’t take long for you to remember what he was supposed to be doing instead of this. Tugging his hair, you brought Hasan’s lips back to yours, muttering between kisses. “As much as I love this, and I really do, aren’t you supposed to be streaming?”
He groaned between kisses, unwilling to go back to his office to actually work. “I know, I know.” 
Slowly, he pulled away from you, and you stifled your giggles at his appearance. Still, he reached into the cupboard behind you for a protein bar and watched him jog his way back to his streaming room. 
The chat surely bullied him for his flushed cheeks, his swollen lips, and dishevelled hair. There was no doubt, though, that Hasan would have better comebacks than they did. And to him, it was entirely worth the few extra minutes he kept his chat waiting.
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sqirtle · 2 months
Small fic based on this!
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"So do you think a HUGE scissors sadness could beat a small rock sadness?"
Siffrin chuckled, but kept his gaze on the unfinished chair leg, "I think so, yeah. A strong Scissors craft done by a person can still beat a rock sadness, so it could work in a hypothetical sadness versus sadness fight, can't it?"
Bonnie hummed, "I guess so? You should try that sometime."
"Are you suggesting I go explicitly against precisely what Nille told me not to do?"
Bonnie giggled, "It's not like you don't do it anyway!"
Siffrin almost messed up their carving, "No I don't!"
"Yes you do! I know things, you know?"
Siffrin grimaced, "...how do you know?"
Bonnie laughed, loud and cheerful, "For starters, you've just confirmed it!"
Siffrin groaned.
"And also, you keep going out to 'fish', come back with no fish, and looking like you got mauled by a bear."
Siffrin gasped, "No I don't! I don't lose fights!"
"If you say so."
"I do say so."
Bonnie giggled, and Siffrin exhaled, finishing up another chair leg. He blinked, "Oh! I think I'm done with the chairs."
Bonnie turned away from the stove, "You are?"
"Yeah. I just need to make the table legs and assemble all of these, and I'll be done with Ms. Jill."
"Good," Bonnie says, "She sucks. I don't like her coming here so often."
Siffrin hummed, sanding the latest chair leg some more, "Are you almost done cooking? I can help if you're not."
They shook their head, tongue sticking out as they stirred the pan, "No, I'm neeearly done." They gently flipped the sweet potato fries, and promptly turned off the stove, "Ok, all done!"
"Did you salt the fish?"
Bonnie nodded, then the nod slowly turned into a shake of the head. "Forgot."
Siffrin laughed, and stood to ruffle their hair, "It's okay. I'll bring the salt once I set the table, then."
Bonnie pushed his hand away, sticking out their tongue, "Okay! I'll go wait for Nille outside!"
Siffrin smiled as they ran off the house, and set the table. The cute, nicely decorated fork for Bonnie, the plain darkless one for themself, and the one with the darkened handle for...
"NILLE'S HOME!" Bonnie exclaimed from the door, startling Siffrin into dropping the forks on the table, "Oops! Sorry!" They said, a nervous smile on their face.
Siffrin breathed deeply, and smiled at them both, "Hey, Peel."
Nille smirked at him, "Hey Crabfrin, did Bug here blow up the kitchen today?"
Bonnie groaned, "No!!!! I didn't!!!!!!"
"Results inconclusive. I was busy carving. The kitchen might just be gone."
"I didn't!! I didn't blow it up!!!!!"
Nille shook her head, fake remorse in her tone, "Wow, that's too bad. Guess we'll have to get a new kitchen."
Bonnie puffed out their cheeks, "Alright that's it. None of you get to eat my delicious and amazing fish and sweet potatoes."
Nille laughed, "Nooo! Buggg please let us have some!!"
Bonnie shook their head resolutely, "No. You were a crab. No food for you!"
Siffrin smiled, "What if I apologized and gave you a little kiss on the forehead?"
Bonnie paused. "..fine."
They sat down to eat.
Dinner was about as eventful as always, which is to say everyone spoke about what they did during the day (and when had Bonnie had time to do all that? Had Siffrin really been that immersed while carving?) and, of course, sent their compliments to the chef ("We MUST have someone else cooking here, the cooking is too good!", "Wow, you picked out all the fish bones? Thanks Bug!")
After that, Bonnie went to bed as Nille was on dishwashing duty, and Siffrin in drying.
"Did Mr. Flemming give you much trouble?" Siffrin asked, drying a fork and putting it away.
"Huh?" Nille tilted her head, passively scrubbing a plate, "Oh, nah, he was patient and all, he just had me wanting for long bouts of time in-between tasks. That's why I took so long to get home."
"Ah." She usually got home before Bonnie even started cooking, after all, "I see."
They cleaned for a few more minutes in comfortable silence.
"Oh, right." Siffrin said, "Do you want to come with me to watch a play, next weekend?"
"Sure," Nille answered easily, "What's it about?"
"I'm not sure, I think it's new? Something about a boy going inside of a book?"
"That sounds fun. Are we taking Bonnie?"
"If they wanna come!" Siffrin nodded, finishing up the last plate, "I don't think it's age restricted."
"Cool, we have a weekend plan, then!" Nille smiled, and walked out of the kitchen, "Don't forget tomorrow Bon has that playdate of theirs after school, okay?"
"Yeah, I'll pick them up." Siffrin nodded, removing his gloves and smiling at her, "Good night, Nille."
"See you tomorrow." She smiled back, and they both went to bed.
Sifffin sighed shakily under their cloak.
Bonnie never did go to that playdate. He refused to think about what happened to their little friend, and instead held Bonnie's hand tighter and they continued to run.
Chin up Siffrin.
Chin up.
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bitterchocoo · 23 days
Kabukimono | M. Reader as C!Philza [Minecraft] (Platonic)
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"Someone wrote this song before.."
"Father look!"
The hooded man turned around at the sound of someone calling for him, it was a little boy with short indigo hair and indigo eyes, he ran up to him with a huge smile and a couple of apples on his arms. "Oh, you brought some apples, where did you get them?" He asked as he eyed the apples.
"From that nice old lady I help yesterday, she gave it to me!" The boy explains cheerfully. His smile seems to widen with every second. The man can't held but also smiles he let's out a chuckle. "That's nice, did you say 'thank you'?"
"I did!"
Patting the boy's head, the man gave a small smile. "That's good, remember to be kind to people and say thank you when they're kind to you." He stated with a calm and gentle voice, like a father talking to his child. "I will, can we eat these when we get back?" He asked, gesturing to the apples on his arms. "Of course." The other respond with the same smile as before making the younger smile even bigger.
They walked for what felt like hours, until they arrived at a field with a house not far away. The boy always enjoy the open field, he enjoys running through them with the wind flowing through his hair and without fail, the moment he turns around to look at the house, he'll see the man smiling fondly at him with a soft expression. Entering the house, the man immediately closed the door behind him and locking it, lowering the hood of his black cloak, he took it off and hang it on the coat hanger next to the door revealing his [H. Length] [H. Color] hair and black wings.
"Come on, Kabukimono . Let's wash does apples so we can eat it." He said as he walk towards the kitchen with the boy following closely. "Okay!" Kabukimono went to the sink and start washing the apples, before handing them to the winged man to cut. Kabukimono watches the man cutting the apples and peeling some of the skin, turning the apples into cute little rabbits. He watches in awe as the winged man made it look so easy. Maybe he could do that to?
Afterward he cleaned all the messes before bringing the plate of apples to the terrace. Both of them sit next to each other with the plate in between them. Kabukimono swings his leg as he eats the apple happily and admiring the beautiful view of the open field, sneaking a glance or two at the winged man also eating the apples beside him. Once both of them finished eating, the plate was put to the side while both of them sits next to each other with the man's right wing wrapped around the small boy.
Kabukimono smiles fondly at the older, giving him a closed eye smile he said. "Thank you for taking me in, Mister [Name]. I'm really happy to live with you, and I'm sorry for calling you father earlier, it kinda just—"
Turning his head towards Kabukimono [Name] caress his cheek resulting in him to stop talking before making him look up at him. Kabukimono looked at the older confused only for [Name] to give him a smile and said. "There's no need to thank me, and it's alright, you can call me 'father' if you want to, you're my son after all."
Kabukimono smile widened, he was so luck to have this kind, and caring man to be his father figure. He then places his hand on top of [Name]'s larger one and lean his head towards his hand.
'I'm so luck.'
'I'm so luck to have met this man."
'This man that I could consider as my own father.'
A small boy woke up in the middle of nowhere and was surrounded by a bunch of snow and trees.
He was abandoned...
Abandoned by the person that's supposed to love and care for them more than anything...
His creator...
.....His mother...
The boy hugged his legs close to his chest as an attempt to muffled his cries. Suddenly, the sounds of rustling leaves alerted the boy of another presence. Someone's here.
He quickly looked up and saw...
A tall man with [H. Length] [H. Color] hair and...
....Black wings.
"Are you lost? I can help you find your parents." He said with a voice as soft and gentle as the snow. His voice was warm and comforting, like a father talking to his child. The boy stayed quiet, averting his eyes from the man and lowering his head. He doesn't what the man to see him in such a state, plus...
He wouldn't understand...
He wouldn't understand that he--
"Were you abandoned?"
He turned his head as fast as he could to the man with widened eyes, giving the winged man a full view of his tear-stained face and red puffy eyes. "I know what it's like being all alone like that... being abandoned by someone..." He said weakly, his voice going quieter on every word he uttered.
With that, the man was suddenly by his side wrapping both of his wings around him, trapping the boy in. He then caress his tear-stained cheek and gave him a warm and soft smile, a smile that a loving family member would give. "But it's alright, you don't have to go through that pain... you don't have to go through what I went through... You don't have to cry anymore... as of today, I'll be your father, and you're my son."
He then pressed his forehead against the younger with a closed eye smile, the same smile he gave earlier. The tears in the boy's eyes streams down the moment he utters those words. The man immediately pulls him into a hug while his wings wrapped both of them gently and keeping them warm.
"I'll give you a world filled with joy and laugher."
"All you need to do is just open up your heart to me."
"There's no need to worry, I'm here after all."
"Father's here.."
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dotster001 · 27 days
I love the idea that Sirena doesn’t really like any of her kids, she wanted a perfect doll vs a child. Reminds me of Riddle’s mom. After each kid started to show their true personality vs a babbling baby, she would start talking about another baby, not cause she wanted another but because this last one was « defective » I bet Floyd has huge screaming matches with her over if they should punish the kids for a bad grade, or « looking bad » in public.
Picture Sirena learning about poor reader, and now you have a beautiful woman holding a knife to your neck while Floyd barters for your life! Maybe to mess with Floyd she hires you as a gardener! They’re being super toxic towards eachother while trying to get you to fall for the other! Kids need a mother/father figure in their lives after all! If something were to happen they hope you would be willing to step up!
Warning: toxic Sirena, also this turned into a ramble,
Yeah. She and Floyd hate each other, but if she wants to ever be head of the Leech family, (after Papa Leech dies, and after she finishes her plan to kill Floyd) she needs an heir. Otherwise the position will go to Jade. As it is, she is very nervous that Papa Leech is leaning towards co ownership between the twins, and she can't have that.
Unfortunately, thanks to Floyd's influence, these kids all have a stupid flaw, free will. It's ridiculous really. Don't they know their whole purpose is to be her pawn?
She knows the Leech family reputation, and while Floyd has yet to go to the lengths she has to get rid of her, she knows there's a possibility that one day he'll finally snap and take her down. In fact she's a little surprised it has taken this long, considering the way she's seen Jade and Azul seriously quietly talking to Floyd, and throwing glances her way from time to time. Every time they have those "chats" Floyd always just sighs and rolls his eyes. It tells her all she needs to know. She's safe right now. Though she had, in her youth, hoped to be engaged to Jade, she knows now that she's lucky, and begrudgingly owes Floyd one, because Jade would have killed her by now if it wasn't for Floyd's protection.
And she knows where that protection comes from. Her family has it's own connections, so she learned, just as the twins did, how to play people like a chessboard. Floyd is lonely. Floyd hopes that one day, no matter how much they hate each other, they will one day fall in love and be a normal family. Also, Floyd spent his whole life dreaming of a big family. And she needs lots of children so that she doesn't lose her position to Jade when the time comes. So, she doesn't mind letting him have his big family, hell, it may be the reason she is still breathing. Until she realizes how strong Leech genetics are. None of these kids are worthy. None are good enough. And Floyd doesn't help by refusing to betrothe them to people who are worthy. (These are the largest screaming battles. Floyd refuses to let his children be miserable like he is)
It's after the birth of the youngest that she starts to formulate an idea of how to get rid of him, then send the brats to a school where manners and decorum will be pounded into them.
As to beautiful woman holding a knife to my throat, ehehehehehhe that's definitely a thought. When I was making her picrew, I had an "Oh no, she's hot" moment, so tbh, if she held a knife to my throat I would be so distracted 😂 like, TWO pretty people are putting attention on me? Wowie wow wow!
She's so petty, she totally would hire you to work in her house, and not tell Floyd. Then she'd sit smugly as he freaks out when he finds you cleaning a toilet or something. I have ideas in place for you looking for a new job because "the economy", and you don't tell Floyd you're quitting, cause why would you, he's just a customer. Then he gets furious, because this must mean you hate him, how dare you, yadda yadda
But what if, when you are starting to think about quitting, this gorgeous woman comes in and just happens to be looking for a new housekeeper. You don't tell Floyd, cause why would you he's just a customer etc etc, he still gets crazy angry (as do the kids).
Sirena may be a terrible person, and someone who shouldn't be a mother, but she is an excellent lady of the house. She knows everyone's day to day schedule so that she can successfully keep you away from literally anyone but her until the absolutely perfect moment. You could be working in that house for months before you ever see a soul besides her.
She's a horrible person, and yells at you all the time for literally no reason, but the pay is ridiculously good, so leaving doesn't feel like an option. Besides, she says this is only her winter and spring home, and that they are a family of mers, and would totally be willing to take you with them when they return to their ocean home for summer and fall. And you've always wanted to visit the ocean, but never had the funds yourself, so you really can't pass up the opportunity. You can deal with some emotional distress for the opportunity of a lifetime.
It's probably Jade (Jr.) that finds you first. He's the youngest, and therefore hardest to predict, so it's hard for Sirena to keep him in check. But because he's the youngest, no one believes him when he says that he saw mom/dad cleaning his room. Pearl sees you next when she's ditching a social function, and from there the whole house knows.
Except papa.
Papa is still trying to track you down like a blood hound. He doesn't realize you are literally living in his home... because he himself is rarely home.
But the showdown is coming.
And you, who still is blissfully unaware of the trap you are in, are not ready for what's coming.
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sharkinthetoilet · 1 year
The main 4(south park) spending time with their s/o (gn), and they just rly randomly smack them with a pillow not hard just playfully! How would they react?
the main 4 getting smacked by a pillow
Gender: neutral
Warnings: none!
You guys were probably sitting on stans bed, on your phones
not because theres nothing to do, but simply because you enjoy silently being in each others presence
But you grew bored, so you take one of the thousand pillows laying around stans bed and smack him
My man would be dumbfounded and offended
He would sit there, mouth dramatically agape
But before you could react he starts tickling you
He's not a fair player!! Although you attacking him out of nowhere also isn't fair
Soon you guys would be running around the house. Him trying to tickle you and you trying to keep him away from you
The whole house would be a huge mess
At one point you guys would finally stop and when he gets the chance he takes the pillow from you and smack it against the back of you head (of course not hard, just like you did)
With that he would declare himself the winner
Later you two would need to clean up the mess, but it was totally worth it
I literally have no idea how to correctly write cartman, forgive me
Probably you were just chilling at his house, watching him play video games
actually not video games, video game. One singular game, for like 2 hours already
Man you were bored, so you just took a pillow and smacked the controller out of his hand
Remember how I said stan was offended, yeah no cartman would be even way more offended
He will probably not forgive you for the next 2 days
But he does take 2 pillows and sandwich you inbetween
Don't try more
I'd assume you two would have a study date
Not that you don't appreciate kyle repeating the topics with you
But god repeating physics over and over again gets tiring
Probably you'd sprawled out over the bed, answering kyles questions
There you had the smartes idea ever atleast in your over exhausted head
Promptly you smack the nearest pillow over kyles head
He'd probably be confused, but also sympathetic. After all you two had been working for quiet some time
Would initiate a pillow fight, if you agree to go with the rules he sets
Is very careful tho, would use softer pillows and weaker hits to not hurt you
Yeah no, you don't go back to learning that day
That would probably become an insider
Whenever you guys are studying for a long time he will initiate a "pillow fight break"
Most of the time you don't actually have pillow fights, he just likes calling it that
You guys were just chilling in his room, watching something on your laptop
Then you just impulsively pull the pillow from under his head and smack it on his face
Please ignore the porn magazines under that, thanks
He definitely would start laughing
then he would snatch that pillow and smack you over and over again
my man doesn't have a second pillow in his room, so no pillow fight
he's also not fair
wouldn't let you get that pillow back
if he's taller than you, he will hold it over your head and tease you about it
extra points if you get embarrassed or whiny
when he's done relentlessly bullying you, he would cuddle you
and he won't let go.
yeah you won't finish whatever you were watching
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 2 months
Vampires in the Dark
A/N: I was just going through my draft folder, and I found this little gem.
Summary: Steve dies in his sleep and wakes up a vampire. Also, why is he suddenly thinking about his own ass with images of himself wearing Eddie's vest?
Steve went to sleep after the gates closed. His bat bites were still killing him and kill him they did. He went to sleep that night and succumbed to his wounds. Yet, he still woke up the next morning. The sunlight streamed through his window and hit his skin harshly. Steve groaned and rolled out of bed, rushing away from the beam of light. His head was killing him as well as his gums. He went to his bathroom and brushed his teeth. It didn't help.
He took a shower and turned the water to cold when the hot water nearly burned his skin. After his shower, he realized he was hungry and whipped up some breakfast for himself, but it did nothing for him. Steve frowned. He looked at the clock. Shit he was going to be late. He was supposed to pick up Robin and meet the others to help with cleanup. He grabbed a pair of sunglasses and rushed out the door.
"What's with the sunglasses?" Robin asked as soon as she got into the car.
"The sun is killing me today," Steve said.
"It's not even that bright out," Robin said. "How's your bites? Are you feeling rabid yet?"
"No," Steve scoffed. "They're actually fine. The pain is completely gone."
"What? They were killing you yesterday. You were so bad, Joyce insisted that you didn't come today," Robin said. "You're going to be in big trouble when she sees you."
"Seriously, I woke up this morning and felt fine. The bites are even closed up. I mean, the sun is killing me, and even though I ate this morning, I'm still hungry. I've been having these weird thoughts today too. Like at one point, I was humming Metallica, and I was weirdly thinking about my own ass. I also couldn't get the image of me wearing Eddie's vest out of my mind," Steve said. "So, it's definitely been a weird morning."
"Maybe you miss Eddie," Robin said softly.
"No, I definitely do," Steve said, gripping the steering wheel. "It's not fair!"
He pulled over, breathing heavily, gasping for air. He couldn't breathe. Tears prickled and burned in the corners of his eyes. He let out a sob. Robin placed a hand on his shoulder and began to rub his back.
I'm still here, Stevie. I'm still here.
Steve snapped up and turned to Robin, wiping away his tears.
"Did you say something?" Steve asked.
"Um, no."
"I think I'm going crazy," Steve said.
"You're grieving, Steve," she said softly.
"But I barely spent any time with him at all!" Steve exclaimed.
"It's not about the quantity of time you spend with someone but the quality," she said.
"I think I really liked him, Robbie," Steve said.
Oh, Steve.
Steve and Robin pulled up the center of town where everyone was helping with clean up. Even though the gates were closed, it still left behind a huge mess. Houses were destroyed, and City Hall was still split down the middle. They were currently working on trying to salvage what they could. They got out of the car, and Robin hurried over to his side.
"Show me your bites," Robin glared. "I need to see if you're telling the truth."
She pulled on his polo, tugging them out of his pants and raised them up. Robin's eyes widened.
"Okay, no way in hell. They're closed up alright, and they look like they healed a long time ago," Robin said. "Oh my God, Steve! Your skin is burning! In the shade now!"
Robin pushed Steve behind a wall, away from everyone, and his skin stopped sizzling.
"Okay. That was weird!" Steve said, frowning.
"Oh God! I have a theory!" Robin exclaimed.
Before he could stop her, Robin ran off. She ran towards Hopper and Joyce.
"Where are the kiddos?" She greeted Joyce.
"They're with Max. They haven't left her side since she woke up, I left them to it. They can help out later," Joyce said.
"Oh, good!" Robin exclaimed. "We have a problem."
"What is it?" Hopper asked with a sigh.
"There's something wrong with Steve," Robin said.
"I told him he needed to see a doctor," Joyce sighed. "Are they infected?"
"I think you should just come with me," Robin said.
Hopper and Joyce followed her to where she left Steve. He was no longer leaning against a wall. He was kneeling on the ground with his back to them.
"Steve? Honey? Are you okay?" Joyce asked.
He turned to them, a dead cat in his arms, and blood on his mouth.
"I'm not hungry anymore," Steve cried.
"I think Steve’s a vampire," Robin said.
Hopper and Joyce followed them back to Steve’s house. Joyce was quick. She started fussing over Steve as soon as they set foot inside of his house. She wiped blood off his mouth while Hopper hovered nearby.
"He's not going to hurt me, Hop," Joyce said.
"How do you know that, Joyce?" Hopper asked.
"Because he went straight for the cat instead of Robin," Joyce said.
"I love cats," Steve said sadly. "I wasn't going to mention it, but you guys have a weird smell that puts me off. I think I'm a vampire who prefers animals. I really do NOT want to eat another cat again, though."
"You don't feel you're being controlled at all?" Hopper asked.
"No, I mean, there's this voice in my head, but I think it's just because I miss -," Steve cut himself off.
I'm still here, Steve. I'm right here, big boy. Listen to me. I got trapped here, and I don't know how to get out. I've been trying to reach you, I don't know how, but I feel you more strongly than before. I can hear you and now I know that you can hear me! JESUS H CHRIST! ANSWER ME! I don't want to be crazy. I killed Vecna. I brought him down!
Suddenly, an image of Eddie fighting Vecna and ripping his throat out with his teeth filled his mind. Eddie was running as the world shook around him as he tried to get to the gate, but it slammed closed in front of him, and Eddie was screaming on the floor of his trailer.
I can hear you.
"Steve?!" Robin was screaming at him and shaking him.
"I'm okay," Steve said, shakily.
"What was that?" Joyce asked.
"You know how we thought that Vecna died of his wounds?" Steve asked.
"Oh, God, he didn't? Is he still alive?" Robin asked.
"No, no, no! He is definitely dead, but we didn't do anything. Eddie killed him," Steve said.
"Eddie's dead," Robin said.
"He died, but he came back, and he's like me. It's why I can hear him," Steve said. "He's stuck in the Upside Down. Robin, he died, and he turned into a vampire. Oh. Damn. I think I died last night."
"Oh, Steve," Robin said tearfully. "You died."
"How sure are that he's in there?" Hopper said.
"I don't know. How sure was Joyce that Will was in the Upside Down?" Steve asked.
"Will was her son, and she loved him," Hopper replied.
"Right," Steve said, growing flustered. "I mean, I definitely - he's a good friend, and we haven't gotten to know each that well, but I would like to, you know, as friends, which is why I think we should try to get him out of there. He belongs with me - I mean, us!"
"You don't have to say anymore if you don't want to, honey," Joyce said. "Of course, we're going to help him."
"We're going to have to open a gate, Joyce," Hopper said.
"I know, but if what he's saying is true, then that means Eddie saved the world. We need to try," Joyce said. "One last time. What would you do if it was me?"
Once they came up with a plan, it was decided that they would do it at night in a few days. Robin had wanted to come with, but Hopper thankfully decided the fewer people the better. Owens' people were still guarding the sights of the gates, but Hopper managed to get rid of the guards surrounding the place where Fred died. It was easier to get through that way. Unfortunately, it meant that El had to get involved, and, of course, she was quite eager to help the man who helped save her friends and the entire town.
"Dustin is very sad. I do not like it," El had said. "Am I going in with you?"
"No, absolutely not," Steve said. "No, all you are doing is opening the gate. In fact, I am going to go in alone."
"Steve - ," Joyce protested.
Steve sighed and took out his knife. He sliced his palm and held it up so they could watch his skin stitch itself back together.
"I can heal. You can't," Steve said. "If anything goes wrong, close the gate behind me."
"Steve, you don't have to do this alone," Joyce said.
"I'm not. You guys are going to be on the other side waiting for us," Steve said.
"You're a good man, Steve," Hopper said. "You better come back. Can't lose another kid . . . No matter what, you're our kid."
Steve fought off the tears as Hopper pulled him into a hug. Joyce pulled him out of Hopper's arms to hug him tightly, and then it was El's turn. El opened the gate, and Steve glanced at them one more time before crawling into the Upside Down. He had hoped he wouldn't have had to step foot in this place again, especially so soon. He could feel him.
Hey, Stevie.
Steve grinned and followed Eddie's presence all the way to the Munsons' trailer. Eddie was sitting on the steps and flashed his dimples at the sight of Steve. They moved at the same time, and then they were running towards each other. The two vampires embraced each other tightly, nearly bringing each other to the ground when they collided. Steve trembled in his arms tightly.
"I'm sorry we left you here, Eddie," Steve sniffled.
"Hey, none of that," Eddie said, pulling back to cup his face. "I was dead. You had to get out of there. I'm not mad."
"You're not?" Steve asked softly.
Eddie smiled, leaned forward, and placed a soft kiss on Steve’s lips. Steve returned the kiss with great enthusiasm, gripping the back Eddie's ripped up jacket. They broke the kiss and leaned their foreheads together.
"Come on, big boy, they're waiting for us," Eddie said.
"Right, right," Steve said.
Steve grabbed his hand and began pulling him along. As soon they crawled out, El closed the gate, and they were quickly ushered into the car. It was quiet as they drove to Steve’s house, and they soon piled into the house. El was the first to approach Eddie.
"You saved my friends and Hawkins," El said. "Thank you."
"And you must be the supergirl who saved our asses multiple times," Eddie said. "It is I who should be thanking you."
"Wonder Woman," El corrected. "I like Wonder Woman."
"A girl after my own heart. Really could have used the lasso of truth sometimes, huh?" Eddie asked.
"Max says it would help to use it on Mike," El said with a smile.
"Yeah. Love that kid, but he's a tough nut to crack," Eddie said.
"I like you," El giggled.
"I like you too," Eddie said, booping her nose. "Oh, I think you have something in your ear."
El gaped when he pulled a quarter out of her ear, and Eddie grinned as he showed her the trick. Meanwhile, the other three were leaning on the kitchen, watching them fondly. Steve tilted his head as he watched them. He leaned close to Hop.
"You know, they kind of look a like," Steve said.
"They do," Joyce said. "Do you think they might be related?"
"Huh," Hopper said, narrowing his eyes at them. "I'll look into it but I doubt it."
"I should probably teach Eddie how to feed," Steve said. "As much as I hate to break this up."
"I am hungry," Eddie said. "Now that you mention it."
"Come on, out in the woods," Steve said.
Steve walked out the back door with Eddie, leaving the others inside, and grabbed a bag by the door. Once they were away from prying eyes, Steve reached over and took Eddie's hands. Eddie grinned and intertwined their fingers.
"What am I excepting here?" Eddie asked as they walked into the woods.
"We're going to feed on animals," he replied.
"We're not going to kill them, are we?" Eddie asked as he went pale.
"Of course not. It's sweet that you're worried about that," Steve said and kissed his cheek. "We're going to find a deer now. Focus and use your senses."
It took a while, but eventually, they found a deer. It helped that they could see in the dark. Steve held the deer gently and exposed its neck to Eddie.
"You'll feed right here, and I'll show you when to stop," Steve said. "After that, you should be able to know when to stop feeding. When you get done, lick the wound."
Eddie gave him a weird look before exposing his fangs. He sunk them into the deer and drank deeply. Steve began stroking the back of his head, and Eddie's eyes fluttered. Steve yanked at his hair and pulled him back. He was done.
"Jesus," Eddie said.
"Now, lick the wound," Steve said.
Eddie gave him an odd look, but he did what Steve told him. Eddie grinned when the skin started to stitch itself back together.
"It's healing!" Eddie exclaimed and laughed.
"Yeah, now get the food and water out of the bag. Give it to the deer," Steve said.
"That's fair," Eddie said and cooed as he fed the deer.
Steve smiled and watched him pet the deer before sending him on its way.
"It's still very weird, but it's better than feeding on humans, and we'll certainly draw less attention this way," Steve shrugged, and Eddie stared at him. "What?"
"What do you think it's like for vampires to feed off each other?" Eddie said.
"I don't know, want to find out?" Steve asked.
Steve smirked before pinning Eddie to the ground, his hands above his head.
Meanwhile. . .
Inside the house, Hopper, Joyce, and El were waiting patiently for them to return. They needed to discuss Eddie's return and how they were going to announce it to the world. Plus, Hopper was curious to know if they could handle not one but two vampires living in Hawkins. There were so many things to talk about.
"They should have been back by now, right?" Joyce asked.
"I will go check on them," El said.
"I don't think it's a good idea for you to go out there with two vampires in the middle of a hunt," Hopper said. "I'll go."
"Do you have powers?" El asked.
"Well, no," Hopper frowned.
"Then I will go," El said.
"There's no use arguing with you, is there?" Hopper sighed. "Fine."
El went out the backdoor and came back a few minutes later.
"They are alright. I did not see them, but Eddie is making happy screams. Whatever Steve is teaching him, Eddie keeps agreeing with him a lot," El said and paused. "Mom? Dad?"
"What is it?" Joyce asked softly.
"Why would Steve call Eddie Daddy? Eddie is not Steve’s father," El frowned.
Joyce almost choked on her water as she laughed.
"You want to take this one, Hop?" Joyce asked in amusement.
"I do not," Hopper said with a groan.
"I will ask Mike," El nodded. "Once they know Eddie's alive."
"You will not! Alright, fine! I'm going to need to sit down for this one," Hopper said. "And a drink."
Once they came back, Hopper was glaring at them, and El's face was a little red.
"Did we miss something?" Eddie asked.
"I'm happy for you guys, I really am, but next time, keep it in the bedroom so I don't have to explain to my daughter again why Steve likes to call Eddie Daddy," Hopper said.
"Oh god!" Steve exclaimed, covering his face with his hands.
"Sorry about that, Ellie," Eddie winced.
"I did not see anything, but you are very loud," El replied.
"Sorry. Again, I'm so sorry."
The embarrassment that had settled over the lot of them had faded over the last couple of days. Although, Joyce still thought it was funny. Eventually, people learned about Eddie's return, and so, over the next few days, Steve’s house was filled with people. He watched as Eddie was tearfully reunited with his uncle and the rest of Corroded Coffin, Eddie introducing Steve with a huge grin on his face. His reunion with his uncle had made Steve tear up, but when Eddie was reunited with Dustin, he let the tears fall as Eddie and Dustin pulled him into the hug. He held them both so tightly, never wanting let either of them go.
"Mother reunites son with baby daddy," Robin said. "That's a great headline."
"Fuck off, Robin!"
It was strange, despite the fact that Eddie and Steve were technically dead, he never felt more alive than in this very moment.
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