#nct reations
himitsu-luna · 3 years
*゚—☆ Nct 127 - Fashion style they would be attracted to ☆—゚*
Obs 1 : I tried my best here, but I'm definetely not a fashion expert (I confirmed this while I was trying to choose the pics here T-T) ahhaahha this is just my personal opinion about this matter, so don't take it too seriously hehe
Obs 2 : please, don't worry if you don't match any style here, or if you don't match the style of your bias, or wherever the case is. Don't ever change who you are because of someone else, especially appearance wise. You are all precious gorgeous beautiful wonderful beans, and your authenticity and personality are the most important and sexy thing, yeeeyy!!
✧~♪ Taeil
Taeil would be attracted to someone that seems to prioritize comfort over beauty, but that also knows how to coordinate their looks. They appear clean, fresh, simple, cute, and also mature. This person may not stand out for the majority of people, but that's exactly what calls Taeil's attention. They're someone who looks approachable, huggable and friendly.
Overall elements: Light colors, sneakers, caps, oversized clothes, cute details, hoodies, too long sleeves, plain shirts, cardigan
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✧~♪ Johnny
Johnny would be attracted to someone who looks simple yet elegant. This person emanates a certain duality in the way they dress. They are warm but also intimidating in a degree. They are cute but also mature. This person looks comfortable and confident in their own skin, and are proud of their style.
Overall elements: Long coats, neutral and earthy colors, plaid patterns, turtleneck, opened buttons, tattos, sunglasses
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✧~♪ Taeyong
Taeyong would be attracted to someone who expresses themselves through the way they dress. Someone who clearly uses some creativity on choosing and combining their clothes would call his attention. It can be super simple and also super elaborated. This person looks free, clever, enthusiastic, innovative.
Overall elements: Urban streetwear, lots of accessories, a personal touch to the clothes, patches and pins, a variety of models of hats, nice shoes
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✧~♪ Yuta
Yuta would be attracted to two extremes: the cool and the cute. He would love the sharp, j-rock, edge style, because it is close to his own style. But the cute style would attract him too, because he also likes to be around cute people. An innocent look that opposes his style would be interesting for him. But even the cute for him would be kinda bold.
Overall elements: Painted nails, dyed hair, piercings, tattoos, silver accessories, bold and sexy dresses, cute dresses, Black + red combination
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✧~♪ Doyoung
Doyoung would be attracted to an elegant person. That type of person who looks like they got out of a fashion magazine. A clean, simple and sophisticated look, without much information to process, but you see that every single detail of it was carefully planned.
Overall elements: turtleneck, long coats and pieces in general, neutral colors, shirts, glasses, casual clothes, leather (fake leather, pls)
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✧~♪ Jaehyun
Jaehyun would be attracted to two main styles : fancy/sexy and sporty. A chic and sensual person, with a cool but also romantic aura around them would make Jaehyun interested. He would like the sporty style too, because it would give him the idea of being active and healthy.
Overall elements: simple black shirts and T-shirts, sweatshirt, silk, satin, golden accessories
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✧~♪ Winwin
Winwin would be attracted to a classy simple style, with some cutesy air to it. Overall plain clothes, without any patterns, clean, soft, that don't look overwhelming, that gives him a peaceful, modest, calm and angelic energy.
Overall elements: flowy dresses, ribbons, suits and coats, big bags, Olive/Brown/Gray/Blue tones
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✧~♪ Jungwoo
Jungwoo would be attracted to a cute and simple style. He would like someone who looks fun, goofy, bright, cool, nice. This person just emanates sweet and playful energy, and seems to have lots of sugar rushes and cute quirks.
Overall elements: pastel colors, fruit patterns, Cartoon shirt, shorts, sweaters, ponytails, light jeans
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✧~♪ Mark
Mark would be attracted to a simple yet fun and fashionable style. They look brilliant, lively, positive, wholesome, creative. They are cool, maybe the coolest person you know, but they don't seem to realize it.
Overall elements: Layers, jeans, jackets, caps and beanies, hoodies, cool tones+warm tones combination, sneakers, backpack
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✧~♪ Haechan
Haechan would be attracted to a cute + elegant style. He would like someone who looks all bold and, with a blink of an eye, looks all adorable, and nothing actually really changed in their appearance.
Overall elements: stripes, shirts, sweaters, fluffy coats, necklaces, high waisted pants and skirts
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•° Anon, thanks for the request!! Hope you like it!!
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* If you want to be added to or removed from the taglist, just send me an ask or a message (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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jeno-screaming · 6 years
NCT U In The Kitchen -
Taeyong: making sure Mark doesn’t burn everything down
Doyoung: “hi 911 my friend is trying to poison me”
“Bitch it’s fucking salt”
Jaehyun: “you guys ready to *whip* up some dinner” ... just imagine the embarrassing dad vines
Winwin: forgets he’s making food
Jungwoo: burns the water
Lucas: s o m e h o w gets the mixer stuck in his hair
Mark: *does set the kitchen on fire* man that’s the 5th pan this month
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kfanopinions · 2 years
[NCT 127] reaction to hearing 'I love you' for the first time
Hi guys! A little heads up, because I already did Mark and Haechan in the Dream section they will be left out, but I will have a link to their versions at the bottom in case you want to see theirs as well ^^ Enjoy! Also, thank you to omuss for requesting the 127 version ♥
the cutest reaction ever 🥰
no joke, he’s just downright adorable
the moment those three words come from your mouth is the moment he falls deeper for you
his eyes will go wide
his mouth will open slightly
before an adorable smiles spreads across his face
depending on his mood will determine his reaction
if he’s feeling super sweet I can see him bring his hands up to his chin and doing some kind of aegyo
if he’s in a more romantic mood he may just pull you close and whisper “I love you” as well and give you a small kiss
it really all depends on his mood but either way this will be the start of something great in your relationship
this giant teddy bear 🧸 will love love love love love love love you even more 💚
seriously he’s probably said “I love you” before in passing or when he was in his feelings but possibly retracted it or didn’t make a big deal about it
however, hearing you say it is something else
it’s the very signal he needed to know that you were on board just like he is
a lot of kisses will follow
as well as this 😏 smirk that just makes you roll your eyes and laugh
he has no shame and loves to tease you
you are his baby and he just loves you so much
also, be prepared for a big warm hug
he is a 🧸 after all 💚
can we say shocked
like this is his face 😳
big eyes, face flushed and he’ll probably gulp so loud
he’d start fidgeting but in the cutest way possible
you’ll know that he is super embarrassed but he can’t control the smile on his face as well
i can see him leaning into you, placing his head on your shoulder as he whispers “I love you” back
only looking up when you wrap your arms around him
please make sure that he feels just how much you love him and care about him
he’s such an adorable softie
plus he deserves so much love 💚
okay, first and foremost he will be soooooooooooooooo happy
his smile during the touch era yep that’s how big of a smile he’d have
like seriously you couldn’t have made his day even better
i do believe that with Yuta along with a few other members that they would have said “I love you” before you said it
he doesn’t want you to say it unless you mean it, 👌
like seriously 😑 DO 👏 NOT 👏 SAY 👏 IT 👏 UNLESS 👏 YOU 👏MEAN 👏 IT 👏
as a Scorpio myself [2 major planets] we mean everything we say and do — we cannot stand fake people or wishy washy feelings
if you 100% mean it we’ll feel even more confident in the relationship
anyway, enough with the small spiel about Scorpio’s
[oh, one last thing…“supposedly” Yuta may have three Scorpio placements in 3 major planets, all that means is that he is a triple Scorpio 🤣 — if you ever thought he looked scary or intimidating that’s why — so if you’re curious about Scorpio men in love LOOK IT UP BECAUSE you’ll need it 🤣]
okay back to his reaction…
he will be so full of love that he’ll just kiss you
he seems to be someone that shows a lot of what he’s feeling through more physical aspects so, expect a kiss
a passionate kiss that will leave you breathless
i can see him placing his forehead against you and saying that he loves you as well
more than anything...
he may even confess that no one and nothing will come between you
unless you do something astronomically unforgiveable HE DEADASS MEANS IT
also, get ready for even more protective behavior and a little more affection because he heard you say those three words
he's now whipped
*cue doyoung's signature awkward laugh*
i think that's all i have to say 🤣
he will seriously laugh like that first but then after finding
*cue doyoung saying inner peace while having the cat ears on his head*
he'll just be all smiles
he's not one to show a lot of physical affection [unless you're jungwoo and to an extent haechan] imo
so i think an awkwardly timed hug will happen
maybe a kiss
and then he'll say either "same/ditto" or "i love you too" it could go either way
he would just be soooooooooo surprised but in the best way — i think his brain may stall from how overjoyed he is
his reaction is probably the most simple since he truly was shocked but he'll definitely give you a small kiss later on when his hearts calmed down and the feeling of knowing you love him has settled in
such a sweetie pie
jaehyun is someone who fascinates me in all honesty
so please bear with me on this one
i think in all honesty that if you would say “I love you” first you may be met with an unusual reaction
when we think of someone we love saying "I love you" to us we think of happiness — the kind that makes us jump out of our seats and leap into their arms
with jaehyun… if you were to say it first all I can see is him being super awkward
seriously 😳 awkward
not because he’s so embarrassed and excited
but because he wasn’t expecting this…not by a long shot
he’s someone who i see taking a long long long time to even reach the feelings of “love”
[i think this whole valentine's day boy/prince jaehyun bizz needs to stop — he was born on feb.14, yes, but that doesn't mean anything aside from that is his b-day] *sorry small rant*
he may care about you deeply but he needs time to process all of those feelings and emotions
i would definitely say let him be the one to say it first
he's an aquarius and they love freedom in relationships
to not feel tied down or restricted
and let's be real, some men get SUPER WEIRD after hearing "I love you" from their partners
it's like an invisible tether that is now attached to them
so, i can see him being/then acting awkward or not himself
i would say just let him know he doesn't need to feel obligated to say it back but a little clarity of how he feels would be appreciated
now, if he said it already then hearing it back will ABSOLUTELY bring those dimples on full display
that boyish grin he has where it's like he knows something but he's not going to tell you - think about that grin
[so cute in all honesty] ☺️
so, he's someone i would be wary about but would actually LOVE to see his reaction LOL
okay, this uwu man right here will love it
point blank
he may have been shy before in the relationship but after getting to know you he's full on cute and cuddly jungwoo
so, letting him know how much you care for him will do wonders for his soul
he seems like the kind of person who can worry about his partners feelings but may not exactly express it
but hearing "I love you" from them is all the clarification he needs
like seriously, imagine him hearing it
he would look even more like a puppy
[why does he look like a puppy so much? seriously?! jungwoo you bias wrecker! stop being so darn adorable!]
instant cuddles and snuggles while he says he loves you back
maybe even going as far as to smother your face with kisses if you were both on the couch or standing
if it was in bed [picture how he was with mark] like just snuggling into your neck saying it back and kissing your neck
[i'm wrecked by him...]
seriously though, he would be so happy and who wouldn't want to make this young man the happiest in the world?
please treat him gently he's a sensitive man 💚
Mark and Haechan version
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luving-hanni · 5 years
NCT Master List
Taeyong: Crop tops (smut)
Yuta: Neko (smut)
Doyoung: That one time at camp (smut)
Mark: Flower girl (fluff)
Reactions: Surprised Valentine’s Day Visit (127)
Their s/o not wanting to have children (hyung line)
Their s/o trying to twerk
Their s/o has stretch marks (00 line)
MTL: Dirty Talk (127)
Receiving flowers (all members)
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99liners · 6 years
May I request an nct 127 reaction to proving their fans how much they love and care for their s/o (it's more like what they would do instead of a reaction though, I hope you're fine with that 😊😊)
moon taeil :
the type of boyfriend who would make a scrapbook with cheesy lines under each photo like “you’re the only light in my life” (hey, he ain’t lying stfu) and small little hearts glued all around. also, he would keep small things from each date and keep them in the scrapbook too. when he suddenly remembers a particular date, or maybe just something about you, a huge smile adorns his lips and he takes to twitter to post small sneak peaks from the scrapbook talking about what he remembered.
seo youngho(e) / johnny :
the guy who spends every date documenting via pictures on his polaroid. most of them candid so he can remember what you looked like each day he’s been with you. posts them one at a time on instagram and a different one on twitter tagging you and captioning with heart emojis.
lee taeyong :
he’s very shy and private when it comes to his personal life. goes around avoiding skinship in public or if he thinks ‘there’s a camera around, babe’ but once he’s home and you’re at your home and he just misses you so instead of texting you, he would post something corny like, “i know we just saw each other a while ago, but i miss you already.” now this might seem not really romantic in this era, but come on, he’s a man of few words. 
nakamoto yuta : 
the type of boyfriend who buys you flowers every single day. it doesn’t matters if you’re going to seeing him today or not, he buys flowers every single day. takes to twitter every single morning he buys the fresh flowers and posts a selfie with the flowers in some aesthetic lighting, dark themes, red backgrounds. but not even for a single picture, would his smile falter. that’s the aesthetic, no matter what aesthetic he’s going for - in every picture he’s always smiling brightly(imagine touch mv). captions them with cute things like “the blood in my veins grows redder like these roses every time i see you, baby” (i just made this up, ew)
kim dongyoung / doyoung :
you know that one account you follow on twitter and retweet their tweets with “gooaaaalllsss” ? yeah that’s doyoung’s account. he posts non stop. about you. only. posts pictures with you. you know those instagram pictures of a couple just holding hands? back hugging? kissing foreheads? that’s all him. all.
jung yoonoh / jaehyun : 
the type of boyfriend to text you long paragraphs and if you don’t reply even for a second then he screenshots and posts it on twitter with, “don’t leave me hanging” cue in some sad dramatic emojis.
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(source : google)
dong sicheng / winwin : 
yeah he’s the asshole who posts stuff like “my girlfriend is better than yours” yeah.. i ain’t kidding, you know it too! goes around giving advice. he’s basically  the twitter meme
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lee minhyung / mark :
the boyfriend who tries to roast your ass online but gets himself in trouble by revealing things he shouldn’t have. he has no switch off button i swear
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lee donghyuck / haechan 
posts the videos you two make when you’re together - rapping. you guessed it right, roasting taeyong’s ass with the same old, “ty track ty track” “system booming” and you two wearing black hoodies and dabbing and doing the naenae in between. taeyong would reply to the tweet with something like “you’re grounded, both of you”. yeah, forgive my son.
feedback is deeply appreciated.✨
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- jaimie
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NCT Renjun as a Boyfriend
anonymous asked:  Hey! Could I request Renjun (NCT) as a boyfriend?
a/n: ooh gosh I apologize for not posting lately! All of the admins have been busy with schoolwork so we weren’t able to provide you with the content you guys deserve!
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Meeting each other 
you were in Tokyo for a well-deserved vacation and you happened to pass by this little Moomin bakery and cafe
“Why not stop at this place since I’m already here,” You thought to yourself as you head into the small yet very cute cafe
After ordering and buying your pastries, you took a seat in the corner of the cafe and waited for your food 
“Excuse me?” someone said to you 
you looked up and was met with a very good looking guy staring back at you
“The cafe is very crowded right now, so I was wondering if I could share the booth with you? I promise I won’t bother you”
of course, you said yes, but who would say no to a cue dude asking to sit with you?
As he sat down across from you, he asked you a few questions to get to know you 
The two of you talked and didn’t even notice the worker bringing your guys food 
You checked the time and realized you had to go soon 
“Well Renjun, it was really nice meeting you”
“Oh, you have to go already? Let’s exchange phone numbers and meet up again! I had a really good time with you today!”
He handed you his phone and you typed in your number
From that day on, you guys never stopped talking to each other 
Asking you out
Renjun is a very shy baby so it takes him awhile to ask you out
Jun would ask you to meet him at the same cafe when you two decided to go to Japan together 
He stopped by a florist to buy you your favorite flowers
after arriving at the same coffee shop you guys first met, he saw you sitting in the exact same seat
for a second there, Renjun wanted to turn around and  just run away from the nervousness he is getting 
he decided against it since he didn’t want you to be sad 
“Hey Y/n?”
you looked up and could sense that Renjun was really nervous by the way he looked
“I really like you ever since I met you here at this cafe. Something about you attracted me to you and now I can’t stop thinking about you. Please be mine?”
As a boyfriend
Junnie here is such a cutie pie when it comes to you
You will never lose your smile when you are with him 
Just seeing him smile is enough for you 
Renjun loves to hug and kiss you on the cheeks
his favorite hugs are him back hugging you 
When you are sad, Renjun would either treat you to food or just cuddle you all day long, your choice 
Sleepovers would be frequent because it’s either Renjun sleeps with his Moomin plushie or with you
He prefers you of course
You would receive small gifts on random days 
Honestly, your room would be filled with Renjun’s drawings of Moomin 
But who’s complaining? 
Being Renjun’s significant other will be absolutely magical
~Admin Mint
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etoilejohnny · 7 years
some irrelevant: why do you stan johnny? hes not even important to nct..!
me with my lips pressed against the mic: becuase hes an extremely talented angel who deserves the whole world so shut your fucking mouth thats why
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kpep · 7 years
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✧ coffee shop with doyoung for anon ✧ admin ba
imagine: (x)
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blow-up-reactions · 7 years
Hii! We just want to say a huge thank you for the support this blog has been getting these past few weeks. The blog is still small but we appreciate every like, reblog and follow! We try to upload every Monday and Tuesday and sometimes Wednesday if we have something to upload. We’ve gotten quite a few requests this past week and we’re trying to write as much as we can, but please be patient with us! We’re also planning on making a masterlist in the future we just have to figure out how ^^ Again thank you for all your support, we truly appreciate it! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
-Admin Satansoo and Admin Jibooty
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forwyk · 7 years
Romantic Frustration | Doyoung
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Oaky,, doyoung,,
here I’m so soft for him I’m about to get giddy af
Alright I feel like he would be a big spooner in the sense that he loves spooning duh@me
we’ve seen how he is w the other members nd melted nd seen just how closely he holds them right
he’d love just spooning esp in a bed bc soft duvet nd soft warmth nd bc he gets to wrap his arms tight around u
pulling u as close to his chest as he could
he’d rly love the feeling of having u so close bc tht way he can make sure ur a-oaky at all times u kno
anyways he’d also b rly into nuzzling into ur neck/side of ur face area
tbh he would find comfort in the smell of ur shampoo or body wash or whatever
plus it was gave him access to placing super soft kisses to ur neck/jaw/cheek
LTHOugh when he did that it would make both of u super giddy hehe
like after he did it he’d smile rly big nd hide behind u again nd maybe press a kiss to ur shoulder
but like he’d absolutely lvoe it bc u were in a relationship !!! he could do it !!! u kno
he felt pride tht no one else was able to do tht bc u were together nd awww sappi doyoung w out the actual sap :’)))
Yo if u hadn’t seen each other in a while just kNo tht u will b cuddling facing each other
it’d b way more intimate nd promotes cosy talking which he’d b all for
bc wow he loves hearing u talk nd listening to what u say
he rly values ur opinions nd words oaky
he rly appreciates getting to talk to someone other than the members
even tho he loves them lots it’s just nice knowing another person cares
plus he’d find it supppppeeeeeerrr cute seeing u look up w big eyes tht r just filled w l o v e nd it’s all 4 him!!!
He’d feel so lucky awww bless :’)’)’)
nd also if u wanted 2 lean up 2 give him a peck on the lips or cheek or smwhere
ud place ur hands on his shoulders for a lil bit of leaverAge or support or whatever
nd he’d rly like feeling ur tiny hands against his broad shoulders
((this would also apply if u were hugging while standing like he did w his baby donghyuck awww)))
wow I’m making doyoung out to b a big ol sappi softy nd he is don’t get me wrong but he’s alsO 28474637272727% NOT OAKY THIS LAD IS JUST AS NASTIEE AS JAEHYUN BUT HE HIDES IT LIKE THE SNEKE HE IS
I’m gon try not go 2 hard here bc boi I don’t have time 4 these emotions!!!1!1!!
Oaky so kissing doyoung hehe I’m getting giddy as all h*ck wld most likely happen in bed at night just before slep oaky so
rite the way I imagine this goin down wld be yous 2 having ur wee chit chat u kno
it’s a nightly occurrence
so anYways it’s gonna happen 1 of 2 ways
the 1st way wld b like if he’s leaning over u but not rly over u
nd there wld be a slight lull in the convo
nd ud jus b lookin @ each other bc wow beauty
nd u wld c that look like his big eyes wld b sparkly as h*ck nd u wld knoooo
so anyway he’d lean down lowkey hesitantly bc he is still r shy wee bunni but he’d do it nonetheless
nd he wld just slot ur lips together sO S O F T L Y like,
there wld hardly be any pressure
but tht wld make u want more
so ud lean up into it
tht’s how he knos he got the rite away
nd he wld lower u back down properly, ur hands going around his neck 2 bring him impossibly closer
nd then,,
out it comes.
It makes n appearance.
Now lemme tell u,,
Doyoung knos e xactly what 2 do w his tongue
idk where he learnt it but dam tht thing has the ability to make u shiver in delight @ just the smallest of touches
even tho doyoung’s got quite small lips they r,,, hold up in get ing emo,,,, they’re so utterly beautiful nd so amazing @ kissing it hurts it don’t actually it’s just rly attractive nd has the ability to make u melt nd fall against/into him
nd the fact tht he’s hovering over u gives him tht lil bit o control tht he loves having nd tht u love him having hehe
bc he can just move to ur jaw nd neck @ any point
he doesn’t seem like the type to b super into hickeys but for some reason I c him having a thing for ears nd ear lobes??????
Don’t ask me y but I think nibbling gently on ur ear lobe wld be a major turn on 4 him hehehe
Oaky so the other way i c this going wld b u climbing onto his lap nd just goign 4 it
like laddddddddddd
he’d love it sm nd find it rly attractive just having u in his lap w his warm hands on ur waist //oboihishands//
but he wld also b super giggly bc c’mon it’s doyoung he is a shy wee thing it’s just surrounding his #nastieee u kno
rite so idk y but I feel doyoung wld rly like skin to skin contact
like Ik the look he gave taeil when he said he’d prefer linking arms bc more touching but nono,
this is different,
this is just u nd him
but like I think he’d rly love his hand resting on ur hip or waist or lower back just lazily trailing his hand over ur skin or gently squeezing it whenever either of u moan softly into the othertbh making out w doyoung wld b pure bliss nd I’m getting emo bc I think abt this daily whOOpS
also doyoung wld love 4 u to gently suck on his neck
like not hard enough 2 leave a mark but u kno,, tbh maybe I just wanna do this his neck,,is so h*cking beautiful I’m crine
plus by sitting on his lap ur in control of the gridningheheheheheh
He’d give those sorta lingering kisses where he’d keep leaning in nd softly pressing his lips to urs but in a really playful manner
nd it’d b super cute but he’d be shy as all heck!!!!
his Lips would b so soft nd warm u wld melt nd try to get impossibly closer to him oaky like u kno
yo his kisses,
(((esp makeouts)),
would last supppppeeeeerrrrrrrr long too,
like neither of u could get through the day without at least 45-1 hour of making out,
nd then both ur lips would b swollen as h*ck nd breathing heavily,
like makeout sessions w doyoung aren’t always gonna lead on to anything else,,,
they’re jus gonna b really nice nd enjoyable for u both
basically his aim is to get ur lips all red nd swollen from kissing
oaky he finds it supperrrr attractive ndjfhrrhdh
Yoyoyoyoyoyo tho none of the other members kno he’s this way
like the most he’ll do in front of them is hug u
nd give u those big gummie smiles we all love Sm :’)))))
nd tbh u found this more attractive nd loving bc he only shares tht side w u
nd only u kno how wildt he is in bedt nd dammmmm
I’m gonnstop bc ladS I lovE DOYOUNG SO MUCH 💖💖💖
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jeno-screaming · 6 years
NCT Dream At A Carnival-
Mark: says he’s going to go on all the rides but chickens out as soon as he steps foot in the entrance
Renjun: shoves The sticks of corn dogs on his teeth and tries to bite people like a walrus
Jeno: sprays “hoe repellent” to all the girls trying to get him to go on rides with them
Haechan: jumps over the counter of a game to knock down the pins because fuck spending $5 for a game
Jaemin: buys unnecessary merchandise likes shirts and sunglasses
Chenle: wants to ride the same ride over and over. People lowkey complain that his scream deafened them
Jisung: gets his only driving experience with the bumper cars
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neotechs · 7 years
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Jeno’s cute intent to buy Mark a birthday present in 2017 + Mark’s reaction 
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jeno-screaming · 6 years
Hii! So I have a request :), can you make a Taeyong x reader fanfic about a cuddle date at home when it's rainy and dark outside?
A/N: Taeyong secretly loves to cuddle and you can’t change my mind. Also I’m doing this as a headcanon to post it faster
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• so you and Taeyong were planning on going out to the park
• because you guys wanted alone time
• but Mother Nature was like
• Nah fuck you you’re staying inside
• so you invite Taeyong over to your house
• because NCT members can’t stay quite for more than 20 minutes
• when he arrives, his jacket it soaking from the rain and his hair sticks to his forehead
• he’s tired and wants a nap
• he had a long day at practice and just wanted to come over for a nap
• you set him down on the couch and turn on the tv
• he grabs a pillow and lays it in the armrest part of the couch so he can put his head down
• you stare at him and smile slightly because of how cute he looks
• you have to say, you sometimes feel like you’re dating a different person when you see him on stage versus in person
• he’s so clingy and giggly when he’s around you
• but on stage he’s like a whole different person
• it’s like Taeyong vs. LEE Taeyong
• anyways
• you grabs a bottle of water for him and sweet tea for yourself
• from the fridge you snatch a fruit bowl
• Taeyong seems to be too lazy to even acknowledge your presence for a second
• “Honey are you feeling okay? You seem extra tired today,,,”
• he nods his head and opens his arm like a baby wanting a toy
• waiting for you fall on top of him so he can fall asleep peacefully
• you set down the two drinks and sit on the edge of the couch
• then bring your legs up parallel to his and lay back towards him
• he holds you tightly just in time for a rumble of thunder to shake the house
• he runs his thumb around on your hip and slowly falls asleep while you watch a drama
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jeno-screaming · 6 years
NCT 127 At A Concert -
Taeyong: counts his kids 20 times and somehow gains 6 extra people
Taeil: silently watches and gets trampled by people jumping
Johnny: tries really hard to look cool but ends up slipping on his own feet
Yuta: thinks that the sign language translator is dancing
Doyoung: brings his “vroom vroom” show mic and pretends to be the lead singer
Jaehyun: freaks out when he hears a swear word and prays 10 times to make sure he’s clean
Mark: lowkey drunk and tries to dance with the bartender. Gets up in the stage and stagedives into the ground
Haechan: records everything but deletes it when he hears his singing voice in the background
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jeno-screaming · 6 years
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Hi! I dont know if your requests are open or not hehe (if they are then ignore this), but if they are can I request texts from the dreamies where they individually low-key harass the reader to confess to jeno😂 thanks love:)
|| A/N: I wanted to post a handmade gif of me changing Jeno’s contact to “lovebug” to show that you and Jeno end up dating but everything got fucked up and I couldn’t do anything right
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jeno-screaming · 6 years
NCT Dream As Markiplier Quotes -
Renjun: Oh I can try to not spill my HuMaN coffee
Jeno: I’m not gonna be labeled a murderer just because I’m rampantly pooing off of my- oh
Jisung: Oh hi there who are you? OH I PUNCHED HER SO HARD SHE WENT INTO THE OCEAN
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