#oh Fumi the guy that you are....
lenateliier · 2 months
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Some Fumi sketches because I miss him...need to replay his route soon - probably as soon as I'm done with Sou's...
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sebbyisland · 10 months
A One-of-a-Kind Affection: Skip to Loafer 53
This chapter revealed a LOT about Shima’s character so let’s break it down because oh my god. OH my god.
As was implied in the last page of the previous chapter, Shima is seriously put off guard by his conversation with Fumi. He can’t get over her comment: “Mitsumi-chan isn’t good at anything besides studying, is she?” She directly contradicts how Shima views Mitsumi, and thus prompts him to reevaluate his feelings.
To him, Mitsumi “has this image of always being right.” Keep in mind, Shima has already seen Mitsumi at her worst— from the very beginning, when she got lost in Tokyo! Shima has been there when Mitsumi failed, struggled, or was embarrassed with herself, and each time he only saw the girl who could pick herself up and run towards her goals, loafers in hand. He not only watched these things happen, but tried to give her a helping hand when she needed it, whether it was to encourage her, or help smooth out an awkward social situation. When Shima says Mitsumi “has this image of always being right” he doesn’t mean she is literally always right, but something with much more depth. Shima thinks Mitsumi, as a person, is fundamentally always right and good. Even when she fails. Even when she struggles. These are all things that make up Mitsumi, and therefore are always good (this guy. i can't).
The thing is, Shima himself is not even aware of just how highly he thinks of Mitsumi. He can acknowledge Mitsumi’s strengths and weaknesses, but unlike, say, Fumi, her closest and longest friend, he can't conceptualize objectively seeing Mitsumi's traits as anything other than positive. He likes her personality to the point it borders on putting her on a pedestal. This discrepancy between his opinion on Mitsumi and another close friend of Mitsumi causes him to question who IS Mitsumi, if not what he's been thinking this whole time?
To verify, he asks his friend Mukai, who basically repeats Fumi's words. Now Shima knows this is not a question of who is Mitsumi as a person, but who is Mitsumi to Shima?
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(Shouout to Mukai for really helping Shima reach this critical break-through!)
When Mukai brings up the possibility of romance, Shima leaps to reject it because he is uncomfortable with romantic attraction itself.
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Besides Mitsumi, romantic attraction always came from people who didn’t really know him and/or didn’t really care to know him. This had the opposite affect, and made Shima feel lonely and unloved. Unlike the most of the people Shima has dated, he actually really likes Mitsumi-chan as a person. There's an emphasis on liking her as a person because these are things he sees as absent or optional in romantic attraction. To describe his feelings for Mitsumi as romance discredits Mitsumi and what she means to him, which is why he asks with a frustrated expression, "Why does it always come back to romance?" Why does "liking someone a lot" have to be romantic?
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Mukai hears this and recognizes that Shima seems to see “liking someone as a person” and “liking someone romantically” as separate things, so he tries to compare notes as to how he views romance vs how Shima views romance. On a scale of liking someone "a lot" to "not really" Shima places romance at the very bottom! Romance doesn't mean shit in comparison to friendship, or whatever it is he feels for Mitsumi. This makes sense because, again, Shima understands romantic attraction at best as a surface-level understanding of a person, and at worst as a detriment to the relationship(see: his parents). So there's no way he can like Mitsumi romantically AND as a person.
Mukai explains to Shima that he sees "liking someone as a person is a baseline," which aligns more closely to the common social perception of relationships. You start with liking the general vibes someone has, and then you becomes friends, and then becoming lovers is like the peak of a relationship's level of intimacy and affection. What's interesting is that both boys are correct about their perception of love. Even though Shima doesn't fully agree with Mukai, talking with him provides a new perspective on romance that Shima didn't consider before. Now he can finally consider that romance can add to a realationship's existing intimacy, not detract from it.
For most of the people in the story, as well as the audience, this might seem obvious, but for Shima this is incredibly novel and important, because it means that
Liking Mitsumi romantically doesn't mean he stops liking her as a person
Romantic attraction is another form of intimacy, not a performance or surface-level interaction.
When Mukai describes Mitsumi's feelings as a "one-of-a-kind" affection, he means it in a conventionally romantic way. Shima, on the other hand, understands Mitsumi is one-of-a-kind because he's never had a relationship or feelings like he does with her. He knows Mitsumi cares about him as a person, but before his conversation with Mukai, he didn't consider how romance can be another way of showing that you care for someone.
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Romance between his parents only showed how much his father didn't care about his mom. Romance with the girls from school only showed how much they didn't really care about him. But Mitsumi fell in love with Shima because she cares about him, not despite of it. This is completely foreign territory for Shima. If romantic love is also a form of intimacy, then how is that any different from regular platonic love, or best friends? What does romantic attraction even look like?
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As Shima recollects all the moments with Mitsumi that are dear to him, he wonders if what he viewed as "caring for someone as a person" were also romantic. Is it romantic to save extra food for someone else to have? Is it romantic to bring someone a souvenir when they go out of town? Is it romantic to teach someone how to hold a crab? These questions don't really have clear cut answers. Only Shima is able to decide what these things mean for him.
I want to bring your attention back to this crab, though. Besides being an adorable little crustacean, Shima's interaction with the crab directly parallels his journey trying to recontextualize romance.
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In this scene, the crab is symbolic for romantic attraction. Shima awkwardly holds the crab Mitsumi gives him and expresses that this is an unfamiliar situation for him, just as receiving romantic affection from Mitsumi is a new and concept for him. Mitsumi is content with being able to share the crab (her feelings) with him and getting an honest answer back. The large panel that zooms in on Mitsumi looking down at the crab in Shima's hands draws attention to how content and happy she is spending time with Shima. It further emphasizes that their relationship, romantic or platonic, is about simply enjoying each other's company.
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Even though Mitsumi tells Shima how to hold a crab, he ends up agitating the crab, which then pinches him and leave. I interpret this as when Shima initially started dating Mitsumi, he ended up treating it haphazardly, which caused Mitsumi to catch-on and break up with him. Finally, when Mukai, the person Shima was recently discussing romance and Mitsumi with, asks him about the crab, Shima responds in a daze, "I don't know," mirroring how currently, Shima doesn't know how he feels about romantic attraction, or how it might apply to him.
Furthermore, through the depiction of Mitsumi in Shima’s perspective, it’s implied the reason the crab pinches him is because he was focused on Mitsumi, and not holding the crab properly. This reflects the critical miscommunication from when they were dating. Shima was so concerned with protecting his prior dynamic with Mitsumi that he didn’t consider what committing to a genuine romantic relationship would require from him. He didn’t, or rather couldn’t, commit to a relationship as much as Mitsumi did. Mitsumi knew that she didn’t deserve that kind of stress, so she asked to remain friends.
Thanks to Mukai, however, Shima can start to understand that romance is a real option for his own feelings about Mitsumi, and it won't detract from their friendship if it is the case. It's this level of self-awareness that allows Shima to get flustered by Mitsumi getting physically close to him as they look at the crab.
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I would even argue that it was the panel I have pictured on the left, with Mitsumi's smile, that is the moment Shima started getting flustered, since that panel is positioned to be in Shima's eye-line point of view, and takes up the majority of its page.
What is Shima thinking in this moment? He has 0 thoughts. Brain empty. Only one-of-a-kind feelings for a girl who he thinks is always amazing<3
I wanna reiterate this is truly such a special moment for Shima because while Mitsumi has always been a special person to him, he now understands that he thinks so because of his PERSONAL feelings. In caring for Mitsumi, Shima is able to care more about his own feelings. It’s a lovely payoff to all of his progress in understanding himself as an individual. He can discuss his personal life with Mukai, a friend who he previously kept at a distance. He can l stand up for himself when he thinks he being mistreated by an old friend. And he can even defend the people he cares about when other’s are inconsiderate to them. This is all part of Shima’s growth into becoming a fully realizing individual, and I’m so glad he’s been given the space to clumsily process all of this while remaining a true friend to Mitsumi.
Shima truly adores Mitsumi and has only just realized that he likes Mitsumi to a different degree than what would be expected from a friend
Shima has been nonchalant about romance thus far because he didn't think romance was really about genuine intimacy, especially based on his past experiences
The narrative presents Shima's interest in Mitsumi as romantic attraction while taking great care in showing how romance has different meanings for different people and is not always the most important or intimate aspect of a relationship
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jackjeannebrainrot · 7 months
Jack Jeanne Special Gold Saves
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Japanese credit and English translation credit
WARNING: Potential Route Spoilers can be found below, continue reading at your own risk.
In the scene at the shrine, when Chuza says, "Oh, you must think I'm some flashy con artist, don't you? Take a look at the school's website. Here."
In the scenario that occurs during the first singing lesson, when Tancho's line, "Life must be dazzling! And so too will you dazzle, my little diamonds in the rough!"
Tues April 14th - In the conversation scene after rehearsal, when Neji says, "Well, just leave it to me. I have confidence from polishing the 'dull Quartz' after Tsuki Tachibana left."
Sat May 30th - During the "Newcomer Performance", when Otori's line "…………………… Gah." (Scene where Otori's event illustration is displayed)
During the preparation period for the summer performance, during the 5th Weekend with Ion'', the line "I mean, I'm now a match for Kiito with his incredible physique." (before starting song practice)
In the additional scenario that occurs when you visit Mona Star School 10 times during the preparation period for the summer performance , when Mona 's line “Oh, yes! I was known as Univeil's Brown Rose, you know?''
Sat July 25th - During the "Summer Performance", when Kai's line "Don't play dumb. It's as if… " (Scene where Mutsumi's event illustration is displayed)
During summer break when selecting "Go Out" with Kasai at Onyx Dorms (playing soccer/football) - Kasai says, "Or so you think…!"
Mon Oct 12th - In the scene during rehearsal, when Orimaki 's line "Gotcha! Hup. Hahaha."
Sat Oct 24th - During the “Autumn Performance,'' right after choosing to speak to Fumi from the wings of the stage, his line “Wow, that really ticks me off!!!"
Sat Oct 24th - During the “Autumn Performance'', after choosing the option to speak to Suo, his line "I'll kill you… I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you!!" (Scene where Sou's event illustration is displayed)
Tues Dec 22nd - After rehearsal at the theater (at night), in the conversation scene with Mitsuki, his line “No matter who you are, I accept you."
Thurs Dec 24th - During the "Winter Performance", when Kisa's line "Aaaaahh… agh…!" ( Scene where event illustration with Mitsuki is displayed)
Sat Jan 16th - when Ao says, "I'll be rooting for you. If times get tough, just remember Ao is here. I'll always be with you."
Wed Jan 27th - when Kisa 's line "The central nation of Kielce is my entire life" (Scene where Kisa's event illustration is displayed)
Sun Jan 31st - In Kisa's route , when Chui’s line "Come with me. I’ll take you as far as you want to go" appears. This is a scene after going out.
Sat Feb 27th - Before the play begins, in the scene in the theater/corridor, Kisa says, "So watch me, okay?"
In Suzu's intimacy scenario 3, when Suzu's line " ... " appears. (Scene where event illustration is displayed)
Mon Jan 4th - In the scene in the Rhodonite practice hall, when Mare's line "Whaaaaaaaa?!” (the second time)
Sat Feb 27th - After the Final Performance on Suzu’s route, when Kamiya 's line “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry'' appears. (Scene inside the Universal Theater)
In Mitsuki’s Intimacy Scenario 2, when Mitsuki says, " Do you guys mind…?" (Scene in the rehearsal hall at the beginning of the scenario)
Fri Feb 12th - In Mitsuki’s route, when Kaido says , "I was waiting for you to say that! Sugachi, I want you to be Onyx’s victorious dancing princess!"
Mon Feb 1st - In Sou’s route, when Momonashi says, “I want to consume Chui Tanakamigi. I want to take him, swallow him, and turn him into myself.” (Scene at Mt. Odate)
Wed Feb 24th - In Sou’s route, when Sou says, “Your ability to think about yourself gets warped and you can’t see the world for what it is.” (Scene where event illustration is displayed)
Fri Jan 29th - In Kai’s route, when Kai says, “What is it?” while talking to Mitsuki as he’s looking for Kisa.
Fri Feb 19th - In Fumi’s route, when Fumi says, “Sorry… I wasn’t careful and I got sick.” when visiting Fumi in his room.
Wed Feb 24th - In Neji’s route, when Neji says, “I was excited to see how far he’ll go. Which is why I wrote scripts for him and even played his AI Jeanne.” when speaking in the Quartz Training Room.
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thelov3lybookworm · 7 months
The Elites
Day 7: free day
Summary: old debts need to be paid.
A/n: mafia lucien is soo 🤤 also, I know this is pretty cliché. So what? Its just a one-shot. All that matters is Lucien is hot 😏
(should i do part 2...?)
Lucien sipped on his coffee as he read through the reports in his hand, the TV in front of him playing some news channel, the volume turned low. Not loud, but audible enough that he could listen to it.
Or his assistant could. At the moment, she was lounging in the chair on the other side of his desk, staring intently at the TV.
Something occurred to Lucien as his attention flitted to the TV for a moment. The man that was currently being interviewed looked familiar.
"Have we yet found the man who stole from my father?" He questioned, setting the reports down on his desk.
His assistant– Alice– glanced at him.
"No." She replied flatly.
Lucien nodded, his eyes not moving from the man. He grabbed the remote without looking and increased the volume, leaning back in his seat and grabbing his coffee again.
"Who is that guy?"
"Some random billionaire. He's recently became very famous. Has four daughters."
Lucien let that information marinate in his mind.
This man definitely looked familiar, and Lucien wasn't going to let that slide.
Could that be him?
"Alice?" He called.
"Think you can get me the file my father had on all his business partners? Also the file he kept on who all he had lent money to."
"Sure." She got up, fixing her skirt and shirt, clasping the few top buttons she always had open. Lucien eyed her for a moment before looking away. She always did that when in his presence, opening her shirt buttons until her chest was practically falling out of it.
"Thanks. Please make sure it's recieved by the next hour."
She nodded and left. And then Lucien pulled out his phone and dialed a number.
"Festus. I want you to–"
"You know you can call me Jurian, right? It's my name after all." The voice was cheerful, meant to be deceptive. And it could fool people if they didn't know that he, Jurian Festus, was private investigator for the elite mafia families. Lucien's family was one of those elites.
"Festus. I'm going to need you to get me all the information you can about this new billionaire. Apparently, he's recently become very famous."
"Mr Archeron you mean? Oh yeah I can get you information about him."
Lucien felt his eyes narrow. "How do you already know who I am talking about?"
Jurian laughed. "I was just researching about him for fun because I had nothing else to do. Turns out, he'd been a very wealthy man, trading in jewels and what not. He suddenly went off the radar for some years, almost a decade. He's now back, claiming he'd lost all his wealth due to a shipwreck or something. Apparently, he recently found out the ships never stopped sailing."
Jurian took a pause, then continued. "The youngest of them is married into the Night family. Has beef with the Springwell family. The second oldest is the favourite of Mister Archeron. Doesn't really give a fuck about the oldest and third daughter."
Lucien took all of that information in before responding.
"Get me all the background on him and everyone he associates himself with."
"Sure. Did you try the new drink–"
Lucien hung up before Jurian could agitate him further.
"Alice. My office. Now." Lucien spoke into the telephone.
He had recieved the reports on the Archeron father, and turned out the man really was familiar.
"Yes?" Alice pushed open the door, strutting in like she owned the place. Her shirt buttons were again undone almost halfway, her hair pulled back into a tight ponytail.
"Get my car ready. I'm going to meet someone."
She cocked her head. "Who is it that you are going to see?"
Lucien stood, setting the reports aside.
"You are my assistant, Alice, not my mother. I do not need to let you know of anything if it does not concern you. Do not make me repeat myself. Get my car ready."
He could see her fuming, steam practically coming out of her ears. But she nodded and turned away, walking out of his office.
Lucien pulled out his gun, making sure it was loaded before he left his room.
This was going to be a fun trip.
He found his car waiting for him in front of his house. It was a black SUV.
When he went to open the door, a hand shot out to grasp the handle. He slowly turned his head to look at the person, a muscle in his jaw ticking.
Alice gave him a charming smile.
"Were you planning on leaving without me?"
Lucien gripped her hands, tightening his hold until fear entered her eyes. "Get out of your limits again, and you'll lose your job."
The Archeron home was huge, but it was humble compared to the Cleaver's estate.
It didn't even begin to compare.
Lucien walked upto the door, his group of guards and security right behind him. As soon as he rang the bell, the sound of footsteps greeted him.
The door opened, and he expected a servant to peek out.
But he found himself looking at a woman, barely any older than him. She was beautiful, her eyes captivating as she stared at Lucien.
"How may I help you?" She raised an eyebrow.
Lucien blinked, then cleared his throat. "Uh– yes– I'm here to meet with Mister Archeron."
Her eyes roamed over his security team, incredulity taking over her features. "Alright..." She drew out the word.
"Who is it?" A firm voice asked from behind the lady, and she glanced back.
"I don't know. He says he's here to meet father."
From the slight gap over her head, Lucien could see a similar looking woman, though older, standing there.
"I'll get him. Don't let anyone in."
A few moments passed, and the woman who had opened the door inched it open slowly, leaning against it as she pulled a novel out of nowhere and began reading.
Lucien found himself studying her, and by the time Mister Archeron arrived, Lucien had memorised almost everything on her body. From her features to her clothes to the accessories she wore, everything.
"Who is it?" An irritated voice questioned from inside the house, and Lucien looked to find the man he'd seen on TV that morning walking towards the door.
"Lucien Cleaver." The man paled, and Lucien smiled, ignoring the questioning look the woman sent him. "That last name mean something to you?"
"No. Absolutely not. Y/n, why don't you go read somewhere else? Let me handle this now."
Y/n. A beautiful name. Lucien thought.
As soon as the girl was out of sight, Lucien got to the point.
"I know you know who I am, so let's not pretend. The contract will stands, and according to it, you are obliged to get our money back."
"I don't know what you are talking about. Leave the property before I call the guards."
Lucien smiled slowly. "You don't want to do that."
The man swallowed, realising he could not get out of this one. "I can't return the money. I don't have it right now."
Lucien studied the man. He knew Archeron was lying, but maybe Lucien could get something out of this facade.
"That's okay then."
"Is it?" Archeron looked at Lucien warily. Smart.
Lucien smirked. "You can have all the time you want to return the money, and in the meanwhile, you are supposed to hand over something precious to you."
"What do you want? Jewels?"
"Your daughter."
"No. You will not have any of my daughters."
"I'm not asking for your favourite Elain. I'm good with Y/n too."
The man's eyes turned from wary to contemplative. "I... if I do that, will you leave me alone?"
Lucien shrugged. "You will have her back once you return our money."
Archeron sighed. "Fine. Have her."
It took all Lucien had in him not to shoot him them and there. Lucien hated people who were ready to trade away their kids so they could have some money in their pocket.
But lucien didn't do that, because if this man was ready to let his daughter leave with someone he didn't know, then he didn't deserve to have her.
"I'll get her ready."
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @lizziesfirstwife
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oniku-niku · 2 years
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What a sight it was. Five teenagers crammed into a little booth at the back of the cafe. Kaminari called the corner spot, followed by Kirishima, and Mina. Sitting across from them is Bakugou and his new girlfriend, Fumi.
The slight tension between everyone was so palpable that the waitress hurriedly placed down all their drinks and scurried back to the kitchen. Kaminari was sipping from his drink in order to avoid speaking to anyone.
“Fumi, this is Mina, Kirishima, and Kaminari. Everyone, this is Fumi.” Bakugou introduced everyone, his face may seem uninterested but on the inside he was kind of nervous. Anyone would be if they were trying to get their close friends to like their new partner.
“It’s nice to finally meet everyone! Bakugou talks about you guys all the time-”
“No I don’t. They don’t need to know that.” Bakugou grumbled. Fumi let out a little chuckle. 
“Awww, you talk about us? So you do have a sweet spot for us.” Mina cooed, leaning into her words to giggle at Bakugou’s red cheeks. Kaminari didn’t miss the flicker of something in Fumi’s eyes at Mina. This entire time he has been eyeing the couple. Sure, he was rooting for Bakugou to get together with you but he was going to be open to meeting Fumi in person. And then Bakugou was being mean to him so he decided against it. 
“He does, and he talks about (Y/n) a lot too. Are they going to be joining us?” Fumi asked, looking around the cafe for any sign of someone else joining them.
“No. They’re not.” Katsuki immediately replied when he saw everyone’s eyebrows raise. Fumi noticed how everyone sat up in their seats when she said that and it made her even more curious as to who this “(Y/n)” was.
“And it’s not me talking, it’s me complaining about them. They haven’t been replying to any of my texts. I need to know when to pick up my gear and they’re not giving me anything!” Bakugou grumbled, and as if on cue, his phone pinged with a new message. The light up screen caught everyone’s attention and he could not have grabbed his phone faster to check who it was.
“It’s just my mom.” he rolled his eyes before placing the phone back down. 
Denki’s eyes flashed back to Fumi’s just to scan her reaction. Her eyebrows were furrowed as she watched him sigh in disappointment. He could hear her let out a low huff through her nose before pulling her lips into a smile when she looked back at the three of them across from her.
“So...Tell us about yourself. How did you and Bakugou meet?” Kirishima asked, wanting to make the best of the situation.
“Well, I’m a year younger than you guys. And it’s a funny story about how I met Bakugou. I actually noticed him during the sports festival two years ago when he won. His powerful quirk really amazed me and I just knew I had to meet him.” she looked over to Bakugou with a grin. He rolled his eyes, trying to hide the blush on his face at being complimented.
“I like to think it was fate that we met at the festival last week.” she shuffled closer to Bakugou. 
“Oh, how sweet. Can we ask what your quirk is?” Mina smiled, watching them interlace their hands on the table.
“Mine isn’t as powerful as his but I like to think it’s pretty cool. I can shoot and control spikes from my knuckles. There is a range limit to it though so I’m better at close range battles.” she explained, showing one of the spikes from her knuckles. 
“It’s not the worst quirk in the world. If you keep training, you’ll get better at it.” Bakugou looked over at her as he gave his support. The waitress returned to the table with all their lunches for the day and they all couldn’t wait to dig in.
During their meals, everyone went back and forth telling Fumi about themselves. She listened with a smile on her face, nodding along. But they could see there was no interest behind her eyes. 
Bakugou’s phone pinged again and the first person to look over was Bakugou. Followed by Fumi.
“Who was that? Was it (Y/n)?”
“It’s just my mom again.” Bakugou clicked his tongue and put the phone down once again.
“You know what, let me see if I can reach (Y/n). I know they’re really busy lately. What do you need, like, just to know when to pick up your gear?” Denki piped up for the first time in a while as he pulled out his phone. Bakugou’s head turned to him with a small glare which Denki received and returned.
“Yeah. And tell them to reply to my texts.” he grumbled as Denki started typing on the screen. 
“If (Y/n)’s busy then I doubt they’ll have the time to reply-” Kirishima’s sentence got cut off with a ding from Kaminari’s phone. 
“(Y/n) says you can come grab your gear by the end of today or sometime in the next two weeks because of the break.” Denki smirked as he read the message out loud, taking note of Bakugou’s clenched fist at the fact that you replied so quickly to Denki and not him.
“Oh! If Katsu can pick it up today then I can do it. I’ve been dying to see this (Y/n). Clearly you’re all really close to them?” Fumi suggested with a smile over to Bakugou.
“There is nothing to know about them. (Y/n)’s just someone I’m assigned to for gear maintenance. They’re weak and quirkless, and had an annoying little crush on me ever since we were little. But we’re becoming friends now or whatever.” Bakugou rolled his eyes and turned back to Kaminari, “Tell them we’re coming at the end of the day.” he said. 
“They have a crush on you?” Fumi asked with her eyebrow raised. Bakugou waved it off.
“Yeah, but don’t worry about it. I could never be interested in them.” he said.
And the conversation about you derailed after that, Denki deciding to remain quiet for the rest of lunch while everyone else tried to keep a conversation, but Fumi only had her attention directed at Bakugou. She was leaning on him and scooting closer every since he slightly leaned away. Even though she was getting in his personal space, Bakugou decided not to comment about it. 
When it was time to leave, the waitress came back with the checks for everyone, but Fumi quickly grabbed all of them before they could look at their amount due.
“Oh no no! Please, Katsu will take care of it since we were the ones who invited you guys out.” she said before placing all the receipts in front of him. The three sitting in front of them looked at each other before back at Bakugou who only smiled before pulling out his wallet.
When they all left the cafe, Bakugou said that he and Fumi were going to spend the rest of the day out and asked if they wanted to join, but Mina looked at her watch and shook her head.
“I actually gotta hurry back to campus. My ride’s here to pick me up and drive me back home. But! It was really nice meeting you, Fumi. Have a wonderful holiday to you both! I’ll see you guys in a few weeks!” She went in to hug Kaminari and Kirishima before turning to Bakugou. He held out his arms and she went in for a hug as well. It was short lived because Fumi quickly went to grab his hand to intertwine hers with, making the two let go. 
Mina didn’t miss the slight glares that were directed at her but decided to drop it for Bakugou’s sake. She said goodbye for the last time before rushing off.
Kaminari and Kirishima made their excuses to go back to campus as well, wanting to avoid the awkward silences that would have followed.
So, Bakugou and Fumi went about the rest of their day. Bakugou was a little more upbeat than usual at the thought of finally talking to you after a week of no responses. Fumi was also excited to be meeting the person who had been taking Bakugou’s attention away from her all week.
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Taglist: @tspice283​ @hypernovaxx @htmllost @windex-princess-ami @officiallydarkgeek @thekaylahub @definetlythinkimanalien @lunamoonbby @jasmixs @graywrites20 @mikeyswifie @cathwritestragediesnotsins @tati-the-fangirl
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sssusuki · 6 months
Because of someone from the JJ discord mentioning it I will be doing an overall review/warning label for JJ. I, however, cannot say anything for Kisa's route as I haven't done it yet.
Suzu's Route: If you want a lighthearted romance that's a little cheesy then I recommend this one. He is happy-go-lucky and very optimistic. If you want a light route this is for you. However, be warned there is a scene for one of the affection events where the heroine is stalked.
Sou's Route: With a spice of WTAF, what more could you want? However, seriously if you have a problem with yandere (can you even classify this as it?) then I suggest treading with caution. Be prepared for lines to be crossed, but because the writing is phenomenal they are fixed. It does get better after the Univeil performance and this little switch is only for a few weeks but it's extreme and I recommend to be prepared just in case.
Mitsuki's route: Hurt/comfort 100k let's GOOOOO. Anyways, if you enjoy hurt/comfort I got the guy for you. Also, he is for the girlies and apart of the girlies. Do not ask why, I just know. However, be warned during certain times in his route that lines are crossed, not to the extreme of Yonaga but definitely crossed. Be warned it is not light hearted.
Fumi's route: I love tropes, I love families solving their issues. Oh my god, did somebody want family issues, the route™?? You're in luck! Anyways, it's a very romantic route but be warned that this is family issues, the route™. While it is resolved, tread with caution if that stuff makes you upset.
Kai's route: I remember his route being very romantic but don't mind me— anyways, more family issues, I think I'm seeing a pattern.. anyways, there is nothing major I can remember to warn about other than there is a certain scene during Univeil performance where Kisa loses her collective mind, and also really big family themes about absent parents and siblings so, tread with caution guys.
Neji's route: It's a red flag guys!!! A red flag!!! Uh, his entire route is a warning I guess. There are also big themes of family and abandonment so, uh, careful. The best I can say is that he is more scared of you than you are of him. Also, if you are scared of drowning or the ocean tread Carefully.
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 7 months
[It's Halloween The Tri-squad, Akari and the Minato siblings are in a park sitting in a circle trading candy and listen to Isami tell lame ghost stories]
Isami: And the man said, "Here's your daughter's sweater. She left it in my car last night." And the woman said, "Why, that's impossible. My daughter died ten years ago. Wearing that...very...sweater."
Taiga: So?
Isami: So, she was dead. And...he gave her a ride. And she was dead!
Akari: When I was 10 I saw a construction worker fall off a roof and get impaled on Rebar, your story was not scary.
Isami: Not scary? The ghost of a dead girl gave him her sweater!
Titas: What does a ghost even need with a sweater?
Asahi: Maybe it's to keep her guts from falling out.
Taiga: You can tell it was not scary because Fum-bina here didn’t run screaming for the hills.
{Akari glares at Fuma who push her aside to escape when they were going through a haunted maze together, Katsumi ended up going back in to rescue Akari when she got lost and she's pretty much been glued to the elder Minato brother all night much to Fuma's churning.]
Fuma: Hey! Where is it written that a guy has to protect his girl, huh? And I'll have you know that the feminine form of my name is Fumie!
Taiga: Look, Fumie. I was scared back there too, but even I went to protect Shio even though she can easily look after herself, that's what being a couple is about having each others back.
Shio: Oh! by the way...
(Asahi and Shio punch Fuma in the arms)
Fuma: Ow!...Why?
Asahi: Because you're being a Jerk!
Shio: Yeah, who leaves their terrified girlfriend alone to save himself?
{Titas and Kasumi manage to calm everyone down before returning to the stories.]
Isami: OK, so Ichabod Crane lived in the village of Sleepy Hollow.
Titas: Wait, don't us! He left his jacket somewhere.
Isami, fed-up: OK, that's it! Halloween's over!
[Fuma and Akari eventually made up, after Fuma saved her from a creepy stalker dressed as a clown who tried to follow her into the park restrooms.]
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fumifooms · 1 year
My chapter 114 hopes are that Asa & Denji will be Miraculous Ladybug-ing all over the place— Making up dumb excuses to get separated while making sure the other is safe before going after the Eternity Devil believing they’re the only one who can save them from the mess, trying to keep their appearance as a totally normal human through it all “Hey what?? What happened to that devil that kept us trapped??” “Oh haha idk I guess Chainsaw Man found a way to come save us!! What a great guy right!!” “What” “Don’t worry about it” They’re not idiots despite significant evidence, so both of them would be like. “How come you didn’t die back there?” “Well ummm didn’t you know I’m an aspiring devil hunter!! Yep” Then the other finds it sus but remembers being an aspiring devil hunter is also their cover so they can’t act like it sounds fake. “Oh haha me too!! We make such a good pair!! Hahaha” “oh hahaha yeah haha” “hahaha” “haha…”. That or they just hate each other so much and seethe and are hanging onto their last shred of philanthropy to not leave the other behind for dead.
Someone else already pointed it out by Asa & Denji look like Marinette & Adrien from mlb and that is the funniest fricking shit ever. Take the love square but make it about eldritch entities and murderous betrayal.
You might say, but Fumi, he really wants his secret identity to be found out. Consider: they’re talking, and then Denji mentions Chainsaw Man will save them and Asa again says that she hates the guy, and this time Denji freezes and realizes blowing up his cover might actually get him to lose his date instead of win one. He already knows she dislikes him but if she speaks about her hatred of devils in general, plausible considering the eternity devil situation, getting all bloodlusty and tragic simultaneously + he got a bit more attached I think it could happen. And then it’d just add a glorious layer of fuckery, with Denji acutely aware that his secret identity is her hate boner. Or or, on the contrary, he  actually tries to make her find out in increasingly obvious and ridiculous ways but she’s set on believing he’s just a delusional fanboy. Either way I would be living and thriving for it.
Maybe they save a penguin together. Maybe the aquariums break in the fight. Maybe he sees her using her devil power, maybe- So many things could happen I need to exorcise my hyperfixation through writing fanfiction
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maguro13-2 · 22 days
Demons Unleashed ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Gaiden Pt.22 ~
Scientist A : Hey, get a load of this. Looks like the magic has finally worked this time.
Scientist B : A brilliant scientific fact I might add. It looks like this girl was supposed to be cannon in Shattered Hero : Episode Maka. But the part canon, she may have strong feet. But she's having some beefy context over those muscles of an automail. And this one chick over here is some fiesty lieutenant, the one with the alchemy tattoo on her back. See this?
Scientist A : This is truly a scientific genius, we are so bad of seeing these two Amestrians with all the beefy goodness, this is truly the power of a God! A God with all of that meaty goodness!
Scientist C : But her melons are quite the enthusiasts, they're so hot, I wanna get my d*ck rocked hard on those sweet abdomen. It's what they say, their abs are as strong like a shield of God itself, these are the true powers of God we have ever found, it's called a Kami.
Scientist D : So this what we've been finiding out these two powerful gods, a god to metal and Alchemy!
Scientist B : My Lord, the greatness of these God are too relying us, we have to take shelter for groin treatment!
Shou : Why great Gods of Fitness, why do you have such beautiful bodies to endure the greatness to our voice. Why do you refuse to let me transcend you into beasts!?
Nina : Father! Stop!
Shou : Nina! What are you doing here?
Scientist A : Dear Lord! It's awake!
Shou : !?
Scar : Amestrians. You'll pay for your transgressions!
Shou : Oh no!
" 6 years later..."
(Clock ringing+stops)
Winry : (yawning and stretching) Why am I so getting up this big? Did I grew up eventually or this is just the beginning of a new me, all of that fiber gave me the drinking of life time, I wonder if it's milk and honey. (turns on the bathroom light) Ehhh? That's funny I looked different. (looks at the mirror to show her muscular body) !? M-My bod! My perfectly Tomboyish bod! I look like a Mechanic on steroids! (screams in horror)
(scene slides)
Roy : Come on, Author. You know that the new adaptation of the Chinese martial-arts manga is going to be out. I know nothing about a Chinese. Does Curtis look like you that is about to speak Chinese? Don't get me started on this. (hangs up phone) Sheesh! When do they ever learn about bringing a Chinese shounen protag toJapan, that is the real reason Japanese mangakas know nothing about making a shounen protag chinese.
Riza : Colonel, I'm taking Hayate to the park, I'll be back as soon as possible.
Roy : That's great lieutenant. Have fun at the park. (SMASH+CRASH!) Hmm? What the heck was that? Did she just broke through the wall? That wasn't supposed to happen.
Ling Yao : Well, it's good thing that we finally brought us some chinese food if we wanted to heal ourselves with a little appetite.
Winry : Good morning, fellas. How are you doing with the chinese food?
Ling Yao : Ehh?
Lan Fan : What the...?
Mei Chang : It's a wonderful day to get the job done.
Winry : Oh hello there, Mei.
Mei Chang : Mother of Maine! It's a God! Or is this that you, Winry? You looked kinda different.
Winry : Do you know where Edward and Alphonse are at?
Mei Chang : They're at the park, playing some of kind game that will test their strength from their teacher with Arakawa's other boys, those guys are from Juushin Enbuu, also known as Hero Tales.
"At the Park..."
[Empire City (Day) - Fumie Kumatani, Tomoya Ohtani]
Izumi : Alright, boys. Put some muscle into it! Get the job done! I want you and those Arakawa exchange students from China to be a in a Tug-of-war, prove to you that who will be the greatest.
Edward : It's us vs them.
Alphonse : You bet! Let's star pulling!
Winry : Sorry that I'm late boys.
Edward : Huh? I beg your pardon to step out of the league, but we're playing tug-of-war with the--Winry!? What did you do to your self?
Winry : How do you like the new me? A muscular Winry that is now a Kami! (taps on her abdomen) Oi, oi, I feel like this is a new me!
Edward : Would you rather be a muscle woman to carry all of that buffness of yours?
Winry : Sure! Allow me to demonstrate for you when it comes to small body men. (strongly pulls the rope)
Taito : WOAAAAAH!!! *Samurai Jack SFX : Collapse*
Winry : Totally that strong!
Armstrong : Wow! I don't know how to put my finger on this, but you lovely Rockbell, is an absolute beast!
Winry : I'm no beast...I am a Kami!
Edward : Hommina, hommina, hommina, hommina, hommina…[Alphonse joins in chanting "Homina", and then the Hero Tales group comes in and starts to chant "Homina" as well.]
Riza : Hey there, boys. Did somebody "Homina" for these guns?
Edward : Oh hey, Lieutenant. Nice to see you dropping by at the park. You see Winry has weird transformation of her body and became something like a "Kami", but what's a Kami?
Riza : It means "God" and we became one as well.
Edward : Well, I don't see your point tho, cause that's--HOLY TOLEDO!
Riza : Nice to see you playing tug of war.
Edward : How did you become one like that!?
Taito : This is a body of a real God!?
Alphonse : What the heck have you been eating!?
Winry : Well, if you don't mind! I've been working out lately, it's not like that anyone sees me as a Godly being with this kind of body! When we're packed with hotness, this rich will become liquid! You don't want these guns do ya?
Riza : I feel good in my system.
Izumi : Holy fishpaste. Those are some buff bods you got there, if only you hadn't been drinking your milk, you would've gotten a perfect body if you have a small like your automail, she has a perfect complex!
Edward : What's that supposed to mean?
Winry : Well, Edward. You don't know who's height that got the best.
Edward : What do you even mean about our heights?
Winry : It means, you have a small body and I have a big body.
Edward : Did you say...Sm...Small?
Alphonse : I'm feeling like you're getting the hang of this.
Winry : I agree!
Riza : Well, it's amazing that I do have complex of my own, but these small body men has no appetite for being this big, after all, I am a God with a muscular body.
Edward : If only calling me Small Body Men would be a great insult, I would go green if turn my tummy into abdomen machine, it's not that personal if only drink that crap instead of drinking vegetable juice!
Winry : Sure you would, and that's not at all! I have something else to show you! (removes clothes to reveal her muscular body) Dadadaaaaa! Behold, the bodies of a true Kami!
Riza : So what do you think of our godliness, Edward? Feeling jealous to our godly bodies?
Edward : You're in public at the park! Would you please put some clothes on!? You're gonna get yourselves in trouble!
Winry : No! It won't hurt a fly! But here's what I'm gonna do.
Taito : (a person taps on his shoulder) Not now, bro. Can't you see I'm looking at two Fullmetal Woman who became muscular Gods or--(gets knocked in the air) YAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!! *DBZ SFX : Wall Hit/Crash* (moans in pain)
Edwatd : Taito! Are you okay!? What happened!? Oh, look. It's Nintendo.
Count Bleck : Sorry for man's behavior, I beg your pardon, great Kami of Fullmetal.
Winry : Who are you, strange top hat fella?
Count Bleck : The name's count bleck and I am the leader of this here group.
[Senator - Akira Yamaoka]
Count Bleck : But you can call me the Champion of Destruction.
Riza : Could you at least bring an opportunity of why are you here?
Count Bleck : Because...we're here to find the ones they call their selves the Pure Heart hunters...I, Champion of Destruction, have a created object that has a counter part made out of pure evil and darkness, I call it the Chaos Heart, this heart will allow anyone to make anyone into a pure bred villain of destruction. And I heard that you would offer me a Pure Heart, I pressume?
Winry : Yeah, no way! I'm not here for you, don't judge me in offering of yours, I don't really need an offer. But you got the wrong one here.
O'Chunks : Listen, lady! I'm mean green machine with a full cases of a knuckle sandwiches that lays a pounding. Like it or not, you're gonna tell me on whether you get the eight pure hearts from the eight vessels, we won't harm this planet to dust when the planet gets swallowed or swallowed by the black hole.
Winry : Hold the phone, are you saying that you created a heart that will turn someone or anyone into a villain?
Mimi : Of course, now if you tag along we might get orders situated in preparations for the ultimate powers of chaos.
Winry : I think not.
O'Chunks : Eh? What you talking about, smarty pants? Is that the reason that you are going to throw some kind of punch at me?
Winry : I think so too, buddy! *DBZ SFX : STRONG PUNCH*
O'Chunks : WHY DID I EVER DESERVE THIS!? *DBZ SFX : Wall Hit/Crash* Alright, *Train whistling* NOW YOU'VE REALLY MADE ME FURIOUS!!! LET'S GO, YOU AND ME! *DBZ SFX : Melee Flash*
Riza : How about no, chunky.
Winry : I told you, I don't wanna deal with a bunch of hooligans like you all the time. You insure that you're gonna fix Arakawa's other protag to get him for health insurance!
O'Chunks : Imbeciles, have you no rights to Gender Equality!? You women have no idea whom you're dealing!
Count Bleck : Enough! *GUNSHOT* Let's call this a no-fighting zone.
Winry : Okay...I think that you got the wrong idea here. I may not be the collector of the White Pure Heart. But someone else had it.
Riza : It's not me either.
Count Bleck : Then where is the White Pure Heart collector, the eigth and final collector. Tell me where is the heart collector is...or else your so-called girlfriends are gonna get the last laugh by torturing their soles.
Winry : Not my soles! Anything but my Soles! I'm not into fetishes, you twit! I remember who is the eighth and final collector is...and I bet it's not the elric brothers either.
??? : So this is it. (the White Pure Heart is shown) The White Pure Heart, the one that is connected to the beloved Iris. So this is what Demon Vibe was hiding from all of this. I should've known that the evil forces were from Soul World cleverly a diversion set up to destroy Real World AU and would take over the galaxy for me. But not on my watch, don't worry, I know how to take care of the galaxy and the universe itself. This Dark Fantasy bullsh*t needs to end. I got better things to be improved.
~ Stage 26 : Search of the Missing Heart ~
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amy-the-fairy · 1 month
Hello, can I ask from this ask game :
For anime/manga : Queen's Quality, Akatsuki no Yona, Orange, and Jujutsu Kaisen.
Thanks 🌻
Sorry to reply so late :
Queen Quality :
Favorite Character: Fumi of course!
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: The scene where it's revealed that the Black Queen is actually Fumi's self respect. The way she embrace her little self is adorable but also feel so healing for her. It's like healing your inner child.
Character I Think is Underrated: Oh man, everyone else?
Character I Think is Overrated: None!
Favorite Ship/Pairing: KyuFumi is the only one available but hopefully it's a good ones
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: How the story turn around mental health and even give you type to manage it. It seem little but actually cleaning your space help a lot with your mind than you expect. I love the gentle and patient approach the story have to emotions, how you shouldn't neglect them and the issues is never the emotions themselves but how you handle them. It's such a great manga!
Akatsuki no Yona :
Favorite Character: Yona!
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: Tae Jun redemption arc! I didn't expect it at all and he became a favorite character after it
Character I Think is Underrated: I'm not sure
Character I Think is Overrated: ... Hak. Like sorry but being hot and loyal isn't enough for me to like a love interest but it's also due to how people were fawning on him while insulting Yona for crying for her trauma. I know it's not his fault but he have the typical profile of the male lead who's loved so much any criticism is met with death threats
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Zeno/Kaya
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: The way Yona strenghten herself but it's not at the price of her kindness. It's something I quickly loved about Yona that made her my favorite shojo mc for a long time, before that Fumi came along. She's still very precious to me.
Orange :
Favorite Character: Kakeru! He's more than a love interest to me
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: It's my favorite but also painful : The whole flashback from the og Kakeru, about why he committed suicide. That was so heartwrenching.
Character I Think is Underrated: Naho herself. She's reduced as Suwa's trophy whos's a bitch for not choosing him. Even when people have good thing to tell about the manga, they never say anything good about her. Yeah she's dense! But she also became more and more brave throughout the story, she started to do things despite being scared and people forget how taxing it is to do things while scared.
Character I Think is Overrated: Suwa. And it's not even his fault! But people want to butcher the narrative just to offer him Naho as a trophy, Naho that they don't even like or feel like she's a good character, they just see her as an object. It's sad how most terrible take about the manga is because people love him.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: KakeNaho because they look cute
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: That it dare talk about depression and suicide with such care. For a romance it would've been easy to take the road of "I can fix him" where Naho loving Kakeru would've heal him from his depression, but he actually needed his FRIENDS and he WANT to heal because of how loved he is.
Jujutsu Kaisen :
Favorite Character: Itadori Yuuji of course!
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: Honestly anything with the plant trio doing mission together. I wish we had more of that before... you know...
Character I Think is Underrated: TODO! And I know it's only because he's not conveniently attractive : the guy love Yuuji to the point to have his on his pendant locket, he hallucinated a whole school arc with him, he supported him when he was at his lowest... Todo deserve more. Also he'sn hilarious
Character I Think is Overrated: ... Gojo. Yeah I go for the obvious but it's more... people you KNOW that there's other character? Also stop using you know who as your self insert to have someone else than Geto to ship with him, seriously
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Itafushi. AH! Young love
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: How funny pretty much everyone is. I miss the Jujusanpo. I am not good at meta for too long work but I think there's more to see, especially around curse. Meta post explain it better than me
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couldbebetterforsure · 9 months
Winter Performance completed!!!!! And....WOW......Oh Rama Havenna might be my favorite play yet! For something that was supposed to be a throwaway play, it really turned out soooo beautiful!
Chicchi is such an interesting character and man when her secret came out and her life fell apart around her it broke my heart! Kisa did such a beautiful job with the emotions of that character, especially in the crying scenes. Rukiora was also incredibly endearing in how sympathetic I was to all she was going through, really Mitsuki's best work in a Jeanne role to date! Miguel was a perfect cool guy, I knew Fumi could pull off a Jack role well, I wanna see him do more!!! Fugio was such a fascinating character in how I swerved back and forth on finding him genuine or sketchy, Sou really and truly has grown as an actor. Neji was exactly as enjoyably detestable as I wanted in his evil role as Domina, like wow Domina is such a piece of shit I wanted to strangle her myself for what she's putting everyone, especially Chicchi and Rukiora, through. The priest may not have many lines but he certainly made an impression, I'm glad Kai didn't give up and made the role his own. And then...Suzu as Jire....Good grief Jire is such a pitiable man. It's so clear he loves Chicchi so much but it doesn't change the fact that he decided what was best for Chicchi FOR her and hurt her so badly. Chicchi is well within her rights not to forgive him, and I'm glad at Jire seems to accept that. But yeah, Suzu did a wonderful job with this role, I am so so SO proud of him for being able to get Jire to work at last. Also, while I didn't fully get the villain Suzu role I wanted, I got some version of that and a hot CG of Jire with a weapon, so I'll take what I can get!!! 😍😍😍 The play itself was so emotional and I was soooo wrapped up in Chicchi and Rukiora's relationship and so utterly happy when they became close again at the end. You know when Neji brought up a scene between the priest and Chicchi at the end I was like "??? what's with everyone's reactions? what kind of scene could it be???" Then I get to the end of Oh Rama Havenna and "....ohhhh...Chicchi and the priest are gonna do the do now...now I get the earlier reactions..."
For the music this time around, it was so damn hard for me to pick which one was my favorite! All three songs were simply spectacular! Oh Rama Havenna, Oh Beloved Havenna was so jazzy and had such a great tune to it, I couldn't help but shimmy while playing the rhythm game. Faded Color was an absolutely beautiful duet between Kisa and Mitsuki and truly wrapped up all the emotions and love of Chicchi and Rukiora's relationship in wonderful fashion. But Intense Confessions at the Confessional...was sheer perfection from start to finish for me...Seeing everyone's outfits was perfect, Kai and Neji's singing was perfect, the freaking choreography was perfect!!! The song just gets wrapped around your brain so tight and refuses to let go, it was so good and catchy and while it was hard to pick between the three at first, I am satisfied naming it my favorite from the Winter Performance!
I came out of the Winter Performance arc feeling so damn proud of Mitsuki. Because when he was suddenly assigned the Al Jeanne role, I understood what Neji was trying to do. Neji, Fumi, and Kai were all gonna graduate. Mitsuki is a second year, the only prominent one of Quartz in the story. So he would naturally become the next leader after the current third years are gone. So Neji basically threw Mitsuki into training for the position by putting him a lead role so suddenly. And of course Mitsuki couldn't take the pressure at first...But he broke through, and acted like such a damn good leader throughout the training. Helping Kisa with her struggle for her role and talking things out with her, helping Suzu realize why Jire is such a tough role for him and what he needs to do to perform, helping Sou get more comfortable with the parts in the play where Kisa and Sou's characters are more physically intimate. And not just the underclassmen, Mitsuki managed to be such a help to the upperclassmen too! Helping Neji realize he could take Domina more seriously as a character and helping Kai realize he still has so much more to give as a Jack Ace and not to give up. And the way he comforted Kisa during the play by telling her that it doesn't matter to him what her secret is, he accepts her and forgives her. And man, the sheer relief in Kisa's voice when that happens....She nearly drove me to tears! I loved Mitsuki's growth from someone who was just going through the motions to someone who is genuinely invested in the class performances! I'm sure he'll be a wonderful leader for Quartz next year!
Suzu's own development regarding acting was wonderful too. Seeing him having to face his frustration at falling behind Kisa and Sou as a result of his injury in the Fall Performance and also acknowledging his trouble with acting in roles so unlike who he is. For Suzu, he has trouble acting as those he can't connect with. And Suzu himself is someone who tends to be straightforward, so more complicated ones like Jire who feels such conflicting thoughts and Jean Jose who is manipulative and cunning are difficult for him. But I liked that Suzu didn't wallow in his frustration and sadness over not performing at the level he wanted. He accepted the fact that who he currently is cannot give such roles the true life they deserve, but he'll use the skills he DOES have to still make such roles shine until he is able to fully develop into the type of actor who can perform outside of the range he is stuck in. And I truly believe he's not so far off from such a dream anyways! I mean the king from The Sleepless King wasn't too much like Suzu as a person and yet my boy KILLED it! I think so long as Suzu can find that one part of the role that he connects with, he'll be able to do anything. He just needs to grow as a performer and reach that point, and sine he's still a first year he has plenty of time to make that growth happen!
So yeah, now I am officially done with the common route of Jack Jeanne! Christmas in the game is the start of the route splits. So I can finally have Kisa go after Suzu!!!! 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 My sweet earnest puppy of a boy, I cannot WAIT to see what your route has in store! I hope I can at least start it today...If not I gotta wait for tomorrow...
....Also, semi aside, how on earth did the costuming department manage to make Neji's chest look like that for Domina? 😂😂😂
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nanbaka-82 · 2 years
Imagine Matenro in a water park. Jakurai can’t do shit cus his hair is in his face but it’s so funny and every time the water bucket tips over he isn’t there anymore it’s just his hair. Like a curtain of hair. Also he’s tall and his hair would look funny so if the team loses each other they kinda. Use him as a beacon. He even needs to use the double floatie on rides all for himself cus he’s so tall lmao, but all in all he’s having fun (don’t tell him about the free fall he’ll give you an extensive report on the injuries you could acquire)
Fumi is having the time of his life, but his jacket is on and off so it’s kinda funny seeing him in swim trunks and his jacket on; but a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do, however when he’s only around his team he’s so happy and he drags Doppo down to the lazy River and they share a floatie and Doppo kinda just. Sleeps. Hifumi plays with his hair and swims over to Jakurai’s floatie and braids his hair too so it’ll be easier to deal with. Fumi also loves the snow cones/shredded ice and gets some for the whole team, (grape for Jaku, apple/berry for Doppo (little guy) and maybe Pina Colada for him)
Doppo in a water park tho? Guy’s a lobster he gets sun burnt So Fast it’s crazy. Hides under the umbrella, can’t get into the donut it KEEPS TIPPING OVER, he has a breakdown in the lazy River corner, Hifumi has to pull him out and pat him, also Jakurai got him special higher SPF sun protection (what’s it called??) and he still marvels over how easy Doppo gets sunburnt (Hifumi drew a heart on his back through the sun screen (???) and there is this heart with the lobster red DONT tell him he’ll pass out) but but Doppo absolutely goes CRAZY on the wave rider give him the board and he is riding those waves like a professional. Next day however he is all sore everywhere and he is so sunburnt he just sulks in bed all day he’s so cute.
Oh also they’re all so fucking pretty so all eyes on them but they literally could not be bothered (Doppo is about to cry)
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squishosaur · 7 months
jj ramble!!
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^ tags from @cygnusswan
favorite character:
UWAH I LOVE THEM ALL... even the side characters (except chui and his posse they kinda freak me out tbh)... my favorite love interest is probably fumi because i played his route first or shirota because i relate to him the most ✌️ but they're all nice, and i also want to shout out kisa because i was worried that she'd be a super blank slate with no personality, but she had so much depth and i love her immensely, she's definitely a completely fleshed out character and she's strong in her own right, so i'm really excited to play her route too! to me, her struggle with her gender and her identity is so real. like, even though she's a cis girl, the way she's written feels so??? i dunno. it's relatable to me.
favorite performance:
I'M SOO OBSESSED WITH MARY JANE... sneak peek of my phone background ⬇️
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BUT.... the one i keep coming back to is oh rama havenna????? THE MUSIC IS SO GOOD... chichi and rukirora are so important to me okay.... AND THE CUTSCENES WERE SO GOOD IN THAT ONE??? god... when kisa started crying at the end i also started ugly crying. also shout out neji's massive fake honkers in the confessional mv. why were they so big. how did that work. i got scared. his strappless dress was crazy. especially since he was the main focus. (pictured below: two havenna scenes that had me in tears)
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and cessia (shishia??? I DON'T REMEMBER HOW IT'S SPELLED) was also good. but i wanna see all the versions before i form a final opinion on it 😭😭😭.... i still think i'm going to like adra as the love interest the best. it feels right to me... ajdnndnd I SOBBED BTW...
BUT ALL OF THE SONG AND DANCE NUMBERS ARE SO GOOD FROM EVERY SHOW... they're all in my driving playlist ✌️ even ms. robin. which is literally such a goofy song to me.
i did fumi's first (drew a commemorative something here) and i'm playing mitsu's now ✌️✌️ I REALLY LOVE FUMI'S ROUTE THOUGH... the way he definitely fell first and pretty much immediately (i think he has a thing for tachibanas idk man ajsjsns) AND he knew all along that kisa was a girl but protected her identity all year without her even having to ask. AND!! AND!! as soon as kisa told him, he went to calling her a beautiful girl and using feminine terms to describe her... it was so reassuring(???) because he obviously cared about her identity and knew she was uncomfortable with the thought of being outed but also knew that she still identified as a girl despite having to put up a front, so using her proper gender and stuff even in private meant a lot yk??? after a year of hiding your gender identity a really pretty guy asking you to be his girlfriend seems like a w to me. obsessed with how he was confessing since his first weekend event ajdjdjd,,,
WAS NOT EXPECTING THE BEACH EPISODE BUT I DID WELCOME IT WITH OPEN ARMS... all of their swimsuits were so goofy... I LIKE THAT KISA'S OUTFIT CHANGES SLIGHTLY IN THE CUTSCENES??? also. big fan of whatever the rhondonite first years were doing. they slayed.
I ALSO DID NOT EXPECT THE SAUNA... and why was it like. pee yellow... HELLO.. 💀💀
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WISHING FOR A DLC WHERE I CAN GET WITH KASAI OR KIITO.... please please... head in my hands.... they're so silly... also would never happen realistically but poly suzu/sou/kisa when....
I GOT THE GAME LIKE TWO WEEKS AGO MAYBE and i have not stopped thinking about it.... i don't think i will check the hours i'll get scared. i'm not an otome girlie though, so i did not expect to like it for that. i got it because i'm a musical theatre kid, certified thespian, and awful bad rhythm gamer it appealled to me... i was actually very skeptical about the "girl at an all boys school" concept but it was really well excecuted imo ajdndn,,, i'm glad that there's varying amounts of romance in the different routes. i've triggered different cutscenes for suzu, mitsuki, and fumi and so i appreciate that it doesn't all feel like forced romance?? i dunno how to describe it.. anyways!! 10/10 i think there is something for everyone here ✌️ (silly guys and gender shenanigans)
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elendsessor · 5 months
I found the character writing in desu2 very… I don’t fully understand why they wrote like half the cast the way they did but the gameplay was good enough for me to complete it, I agree on the sound design points. It should feel more alien-y? or at least several feet to the left of typical strategy video game music
yeah. i’m glad i’m not going insane.
desu2 is a massive improvement in gameplay, presentation, and a lot of its pacing. i prefer seeing the societal collapse like in desu1 instead of jumping right into it, though with how bosses are handled and the extended length in the day really works wonders. it’s much more fun to play and it rarely drags out. it does have some better humor too!!! plus seeing a big bad that isn’t just god or lucifer or any major biblical figures is nice. always appreciated. the story isn’t great but as of the time i’m writing this i haven’t gotten any of the endings so for all i know it gets amazing somehow. there was a lot more effort and i gotta give it that. 1’s narrative is 10/10 still.
the biggest issue outside of the narrative is character treatment, mostly due to trying to pad out the cast as much as possible when most characters don’t make enough of an impact to justify being “major” enough to be party members.
(long post incoming but i really gotta talk about this so i won’t have to make a billion posts about how the game betrayed the characters.)
the issues with desu2’s cast can be best described as a mix between fanservice-focus and not enough focus. the fanbase is what actually gives the mistreated characters life and respect to show what they could’ve been.
most of them serve no plot purpose despite some being pretty interesting conceptually (jungo is definitely an autistic icon and a lovable goof, joe’s the best “everyman” character i’ve seen, fumi doesn’t care, keita doesn’t care and actually has the most motivation out of the rest of the cast save for ronaldo). unless they’re an alignment rep, once the death video comes in or some major story point prior to the big split, they’re effectively irrelevant, likely due to how writing a version of the story where certain characters lived would take a lot of time.
the girls are hypersexualized no matter how interesting their backstories can be. basically ignoring how every girl has to have big tits or some focus on sexualization, airi is actually really interesting and i like what the narrative hints at but she’s made into a tsundere archetype and a loli let’s be honest, otome has an interesting backstory but her design and her introductions are based on “oh look guys hot nurse,” makoto simps for the protag, io is force paired with the protag a lot, etc. the game openly acknowledges the fanservice and pokes fun but that doesn’t suddenly mean it’s unable to be criticized. it’s more excuses to have it and a lazy attempt at a joke.
doesn’t help that most characters are one note. there’s bits of backstory but it amounts to nothing and isn’t reflected in their character much if at all. fumi is a hacker so she’s all about tech and science, io studies so she has to be milk toast, daichi is a coward so it has to be pointed out and never changed, keita’s an asshole who likes to fight, etc.
desu1 isn’t perfect with some of the character writing choices yet it avoids the issue with narrowing down the playable cast and having every character be used to help further push the themes. it shows who’s affected by the lockdown/societal collapse, why that’s bad, and sometimes tell you why it’s happening.
idk most characters in desu2 can be good but the narrative focus leaves them no room to be good.
and on the music and sound design point, god that would’ve been so good and again glad i’m not insane for having issues with the sound effects lol
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oniku-niku · 1 year
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Katsuki got to the front of the campus just in time to see (Y/n) walking back to the gates. His heart sped up along with his footsteps. That’s when his phone buzzed in his pocket. He was going to ignore it but seeing as it kept on buzzing made him stop to reach in and check who was trying to talk to him.
His eyes scanned through Midoriya’s texts in a panic after he read the first line and as he finished the last message, he looked back up to see you wandering back towards the dorms. A rush of relief flooded through his body knowing that he knew where you were, and hopefully will give him a chance to talk. But that relief was brief, rushing through him as quickly as it came, when he saw who was slinking several feet behind you. He sent the reply messages to Midoriya before he was sprinting towards the front gates, towards you.
“HEY! GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THEM!” he screamed at the top of his lungs, ignoring the spiking pain that was returning from his injury. You heard him clear as day, taking your eyes off of the night sky and finding where his voice was coming from. Just as your eyes adjusted to the shadows where his figure was emerging from, a hand gripped itself on your shoulder.
You immediately whipped around to defend yourself and before you could register who it was, the person threw a hard punch across your face. The wind was knocked out of you as you fell to the ground.
“FUCK! (Y/N)!” his footsteps were getting louder, the panic was clear as day in his voice. You were unable to collect yourself quick enough because whoever it was yanked you by your shirt collar and pulled you up. Your eyes widened in shock when Fumi’s face came into view. Before you knew it, one of her hands balled into a fist against your throat while the other held itself against your side. She activated her quirk and spikes came growing out from the knuckles. She shot a couple of them in the air, making them hover around you as she watched Katsuki get closer to finally take a stance in front of her. 
“Well, well. Hi Katsu.” she giggled, as if she wasn’t holding someone hostage right now.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Fumi?” he asked, his voice seething with anger. 
“Oh, this? This is nothing, don’t concern yourself with them.” she waved off his question. You could feel the spikes on her knuckles digging itself into your neck. You were scared to breathe.
“Let them go.” Katsuki growled under his breath. His glare held a fire that you could feel scared her because her hand faltered a little. She covered it up by bringing a floating spike closer to your face with a tilt of her head.
“Or what? You’re gonna hurt me? Are you sure you want to get any closer? Because I could just,” she taunted and you immediately let out a choked scream at the feel of her spike breaking the skin at your side, “do that.” It was digging deeper into you as she stared him down, daring him to take another step.
Katsuki let out a wavering breath at the sight of your tear stricken face before he backed up just a little.
“Fine, FINE.” He grumbled, hoping Fumi would ease up on you, and she did. He watched the tiny blood spots start to seep through your shirt from the wound. 
“You probably already know this, but I’m the bad guy, surprise!” Fumi cackled at her little joke.
“What do you-want-with us?” You struggled to ask, trying to take in breaths to prevent passing out. 
“Well since you asked so nicely.” she sighed in amusement, but her hold never let up. “Obviously, you guys know the League of Villains failed to recruit Katsuki the first time they captured him. And that caused a real messy situation for us. But, imagine our surprise when we find out about little (Y/n) here.” she nudged you a little, the spikes prodded at your neck once again, making you whimper.
“What do you care-about me? What could you possibly-want-with someone-quirkless?” you breathed out, trying to stall some time to figure out how to slip from her clutch.
“Exactly what my thoughts were when they brought it up. ‘What the hell would we want with a quirkless thing like you?’ No real powers to protect yourself. Nothing to help you get out of a situation just-like-this. Absolutely useless.” her hand gripped you tighter to prove her point. 
You could feel your eyes misting at her words. You thought that, from hearing people call you useless after all these years, you’d hold yourself stronger, but this was truly a breaking point. 
This was the reality that they were talking about. Being held at stab point, the fear runs through you knowing that you couldn’t protect yourself (or Katsuki if she were to pull something). It made you tear up knowing that this was what Katsuki was talking about, his words repeating itself in your head, “Useless” over and over. 
Standing across from you, Katsuki knew exactly what you were thinking as he watched your tears fall once again. The amount of guilt that coursed through him at the recollection of what he’s said to you for years. Watching you right now, he wanted so badly to apologize, to do anything to make it right. His heart was beating loudly through his chest, trying to figure out how to get you out of this mess.
“But then! Then! They told me you got a little bit of skill in gear making.” Fumi continued. “Suddenly you’re not so useless! Can you imagine all the gear that you can make for us? We only have the skin on our backs to protect us, but you! You! You can be of use to us!” she let out a laugh before looking down at you.
“Just think…you’ll have so many fun little gadgets to play around with while you work for us. Rest assured, you wouldn’t be bored at all, trust me.” she spoke. You scoffed. 
“Trust-you? You? The person holding me hostage right now, really?” you spat out. That didn’t make her happy, she pushed her knuckle to your neck as a warning, making you squeak out, hands clawing at hers to make them loosen just a little.
“Careful. They said if I can’t convince you to come willingly, I can use force.” Fumi growled and you stilled, feeling the spikes press into you once again. 
“Like hell I’d let you get past those gates with them.” Katsuki spoke up. His hands were balled into fists as he watched her threaten you. 
“Oh, honey. You’re mistaken. I’m not leaving without them.” she shot back before sending a spike flying at him. Katsuki was so angry that he was able to swiftly grab the spike from mid-air and snap it with a clench of his fist. The only thing he could focus on was getting you out of this psycho’s grasp and nothing was going to get in his way. He still didn’t have a plan but you sure did. 
In an instant, your elbow came up and back down against Fumi’s side. It surprised her enough to let go of you. You quickly jumped out of the way. That provided Katsuki a window to launch himself at her and knock her down. She was struggling to get him off of her but he grabbed her arms and flipped her so that she was on her stomach.
“Katsuki!” came your voice, he quickly looked up to see if you were hurt only to see a spike flying right at you.
“(Y/N)!” He immediately hopped off of her to run at you. He wasn’t quick enough to prevent Fumi’s spike from piercing below your left collarbone, but was quick enough to catch you when it forced you backwards. 
“FUCK!” Fumi screamed out as she was getting back on her feet. The spikes on her knuckles grew larger and she was charging towards you both. Katsuki’s arms held you closer, tighter, as he shielded you from whatever was about to come. ‘Not again. Not ever again.’ was his train of thought. 
But nothing came. The spikes retracted themselves from her hands and the ones in the air dropped to the ground. He looked back at the dorms and saw Aizawa standing there with his scarf hovering around him. The red shine from his eyes let Katsuki know that his quirk was stopping Fumi from doing any further damage. 
A sigh of relief was left out before he ducked in time for Shinsou Hitoshi to leap over you two and tackle Fumi back to the ground. Todoroki helped him bind her hands. The next few minutes were chaotic, with Fumi screaming on the ground trying to get out, the police sirens surrounding the campus, Izuku freaking out about you and trying to explain the situation to All Might who also showed up, half your your friends crying at what they just saw while the other half tried to console them.
Katsuki said nothing as he looked down at you, who passed out due to the shock and adrenaline. He held onto you the whole ride in the ambulance and at the hospital, only leaving for the doctors to help you, and then immediately returning to your side. He prayed that when you woke up, you’d allow him to talk to you, please let him talk to you.
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lurkingteapot · 6 months
What did you eat yesterday? きのう何食べた?S2 Ep 6
Watched this a while back but needed to clean up my notes badly and then … well. it's been a week, but I'm about to watch ep 7, so here it is.
does Kenji have reikan/sense ghosts?
oosouji, wow, memories …
thanks for the Japanese cultural intro, Kenji XD
oh Shirou-san I GET you XD
oh they're so good and cute together, godDAMNit
oi oi oi don't run off without Shirou-san
oh man I can't with Wataru
oh dear, poor Kenji, lolsob. that's not what he imagined, huh
asdfadsf of course he's in a good mood as soon as the food is out. MOOD.
OH he made dongpourou?
something like it, anyway!
the whole point of osechiryouri is that you shouldn't need to cook on new year's day, Shirou-sannnn
man now I miss osechiryouri. I only had it twice, but it was so special both times …
guys, this means that Shirou-san is THAT good
man Kohinata-san should really find a better boyfriend
poor Shirou-san
I'm NOT a fan of gin'an, but that looked really good
what's with the recurring ghost music here
uh, that's private? hello?
ooooh POSITIVE REACITON oh my GOODNESS he needed that so much!
so proud of him
I LOVE this show SO SO MUCH
this is why I tell people to read Yoshinaga Fumi. She talked about queer issues like this in her BL manga even back in the 1990s
someone died there, right
of COURSE it's Kenji's bedroom, oh my goodness
ahahaha Shirou-san
kazegimi chaun?
HA see Shirou-san thinks so, too
omamori! love them bringing the charms out like this.
This show just continues to give and give and give.
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