#rick tyler headcanons
opalimagines · 4 months
Can I request something with reader being the Shade's daughter and dating Rick? With a lotta theatrics from the Swifts, if you please 😁 and maybe some spicy with Rick 😜
Characters: Rick Tyler/Hourman and Platonic!Richard Swift/The Shade
Requested by anonymous
Reader: Neutral
Warnings: None
Notes: Did this as headcanons because it fits better and I've thought about this scenario way too much to condense it into one imagine. But I have a lot of story ideas based around this that I'd like to play around with for sure. Some of it is discussed below.
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First of all, we gotta talk about how Shade ended up with a kid. I don't think he could even have a biological child anymore (nor do I see him having one if he could), but they could be his orphaned great great great grandchild from when he was human, or the orphaned great great great grandchild of his beloved sister. Or something similar to his adopted daughter in the comics where you have powers or something and definitely could not have been raised by normal humans, so he takes you in.
My personal favorite is him adopting the child of one of the dead JSA members. Say, The Flash (IYKYK 😉)
No matter how he ended up being your parental figure, he's not a strict one. Shade has cared for you to the best of his ability, made sure you're well educated, and tried to keep the darker parts of himself from rubbing off on you (that didn't completely work though)
I see there being a lot of periods where you're sort of left to your own devices within the limits of Opal City. And I think that, as well as being different from other kids your age, makes you a little lonely by the time you arrive in Blue Valley.
You follow Shade there because he was acting strange when he told you he was leaving, and you make it there right around when he does. Naturally, you end up meeting the JSA and initially just think Rick is cute.
Nothing ends up happening during season two's events, but you stay in Blue Valley with Shade and a friendship begins to develop between you and the JSA. And something more slowly forms with Rick. You enroll at the high school so you're spending even more time with the team than before.
Shade can absolutely tell that the two of you have feelings for each other, and he really doesn't mind it. While he does value your safety very much, he's not the type of person who's going to control who you might date. And besides, after getting to know Rick better while attempting to resurrect Grundy, Shade's not concerned about the possibility of the two of you dating. If it takes too long, he'll end up planning some dramatic thing to get you and Rick to finally figure things out 😆
Anyway, you stay in town when Shade leaves and things with Rick continue as they are. Until he's deep in his hourglass addiction and says some very personal, hurtful things to you when you're trying to help him. You leave to join Shade and the twins, and once Rick starts coming back to himself, he thinks he screwed everything up and pushed you away for good.
But you make your dramatic entrance during the fight against Ultra-Humanite and the Icicle family, saving him in the process. He apologizes to you afterward, and you accept. I see feelings also being admitted at this point, but it's all kinda taken slowly because Rick's still going through some things after how messed up he got.
When you and Rick are official, Shade's glad for you. He trusts you and knows that Rick is a good young man, and as long as the two of you are being safe about things and you're happy, he doesn't insert himself in any way. Overall just pretty decent for Rick to have as his partner's parental figure (and future in law). He could be terrifying, but Rick would never do anything to bring that upon himself anyway.
Rick's pretty much accepted into your family of two before too long. He spends a good amount of time at your Blue Valley home, which Shade doesn't mind as he knows he still lives alone. You even take him back to Opal City at some point to show him your real home there. And all of your favorite places.
Dates at the diner, drive in movies, stargazing, hanging out in the woods with Grundy, and just enjoying one another's company.
You're so very happy with Rick, and that's all that a father can ask for.
And in a decade or so, Shade totally officiates the wedding
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bethchapelsbonnet · 2 years
Hournite Headcanons
Hand holding is a huge part of their relationship culture. Beth values that feeling of closeness that reassures her that she's not lonely anymore and Rick values the option of having a hand he can reach out to when he's upset, instead of feeling like he needs to destroy something.
Food is often a bonding experience. They cook together, or for each other. They cultivate an experience
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I’ve been thinking about this nursery since June 2021, and I haven’t gathered photos for aesthetics, because even though I see a lot of stuff that I think to myself, “This would be perfect,” I try to only use photos from sites that allow you to use photos free, legally. It’s a pain, because it does cut down on options, but I hate the thought of taking folks photos against their wishes, even if its just for stupid aesthetics that 4 people might like. Lol
Nursery Notes:
Woodworking Rick gets into his carpentry thing for nursery stuff. Whenever he and Beth are looking for cribs, Beth is super focused on getting a quality product (and she’s not worried about price, because even if she can’t afford something, her parents would assist), but Rick is more reserved about that type of thing. The stuff that falls into his preferred budget is not good enough and the stuff that is good enough he thinks is too expensive and insists that he could make something as good himself for way less, then that becomes his thing. (Later, he’s gonna let his kiddos help him build them a treehouse, too).
Links for a bit of a better mental image of stuff: Gender Neutral Owl Decor, Bedding Ideas
#Made Up of All That We Are#Nesha Notes#Owls and Hourglasses#Hournite Babies#Hournite#Hournite Headcanons#Hournite Parents#Beth x Rick
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nerdytextileartist · 5 months
Random DC Headcanons- Roy and Lian Harper (Relationships) part 1
Roy Harper's relationships outside the Arrow Family as of Dawn of DC:
Dick Grayson- definitely strained like his relationship with the rest of the Titans (though Wally, Kory, and Donna have their own entries). I have this story planned as a follow-up to "Not The Same Man" which would give my explanation why the Titans weren't helping Roy find Lian despite promising to do so in "Teen Titans Academy".
Wally West- closer to him because similar circumstances (losing their children); Wally made more of an attempt to reach out to Roy.
Donna Troy- she and Roy are not a couple, though as shown at the West family cook out, the desire to be one is there but it's hampered by emotional baggage (a lot of it Roy's) and distance (Donna's part as a Titan and Roy's search for Lian and Ollie).
Koriand'r- Roy is very uneasy around her, especially since he's very ashamed of what he did to her during "Red Hood and the Outlaws".
Jason Todd- Roy doesn't hate him. He's angry at Jason for lying to him, but Roy actually hates how drastically the powers that be manipulated them, altered their histories in order to force them into roles that didn't fit them at all. They are not each others' best friends, but they're not bitter enemies either.
Rick Tyler- Roy started getting back in contact with him because of Wally and Jesse. After finally reuniting with Lian and the rest of the Arrows, Roy would start reconnecting with Jennie-Lynn and Todd and Grant with the help of Rick.
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green-lanterns-c0ck · 2 years
You should do Henry but also Rick and, most importantly Hector
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi uwu
Gender Headcanon: He decided he's trans when he was four and named himself after his dad and didn't take any suggestions.
A ship I have with said character: ...HecLyta sandwich... and Kara. I do like him with Jennie too. They are cute.
A BROTP I have with said character: Daddy Long Dick (Rick)
A NOTP I have with said character: This is always the hardest one. Uhh... I don't really ship him with Hal but I'm not opposed to it?
A random headcanon: He's such a nerd. He plays tabletop rpgs. The reason he's in comics so little is because he's spending all his time playing world of warcraft.
General Opinion over said character: He deserves peace and happyness and I'm pretending the whole Asylum thing never happened <3 He had a mental breakdown, cried it out into Nate's boobies and then his friends who all love him came and fetched him and all gave him hugs and love and nothing bad happened to any of them ever.
Sexuality Headcanon: He says he's straight even in a commited relationship with a man and honestly, good for him.
Gender Headcanon: I don't know him well enough to judge that
A ship I have with said character: Al!
A BROTP I have with said character: Hanky Panky
A NOTP I have with said character: ...None
A random headcanon: Hank made him play ttrpgs so often he started enjoying them but he doesn't like admiting it. He thinks it ruins his "cool guy rep". (He doesn't have a cool guy rep.)
General Opinion over said character: Deserves better deserves happy deserves NO SAD EVER. Deserves good dad. Love him.
Sexuality Headcanon: Yes
Gender Headcanon: He is mostly cis but in a queer way (likes being femme sometimes)
A ship I have with said character: Lyta and Hank <333
A BROTP I have with said character: NORDA. Please let them reconcile and be besties with a lot of history PLEASE
A NOTP I have with said character: Nabu
A random headcanon: Secretly loves children. Would be such a good dad and/or fun uncle.
General Opinion over said character: Hate the Sandman stuff. Let him stay semi-dead and happy. Fuck you.
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juju-or-anya · 3 months
Here is my personal list of young characters who, from my perspective, suffer from parentification or play parental roles, whether for their siblings or even their own parents. Some cases are more obvious than others, and in some cases it is necessary to analyze their history and context to fully understand their situation. There is no specific order, I just list them as they come to mind. Maybe at some point I'll go into more detail about why I selected each one, but for now, this is simply a list. Some may even be half Headcanon, so don't despair:
Fiona Gallagher (Shameless)
Lip Gallagher (Shameless)
Katara (Avatar)
Bianca Di Angelo (Percy Jackson - Rick Riordan)
Hylla Ramírez-Arellano (Los Héroes del Olimpo - Rick Riordan)
Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins)
Beth March (Little Woman - Louisa May Alcott)
Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Thalia Grace (Percy Jackson - Rick Riodan)
Tyler Galpin (Wednesday - Netflix)
Luke Catellan (Percy Jackson - Rick Riordan - pero al principio, antes de llegar al campamento)
Lord Anthony Bridgerton (The Bridgerton - Julia Quinn)
Sirius Black (Los Merodeadores - Fanon)
Lord Ned Stark (A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin)
Dick Grayson (Batman - DC)
Elsa (Frozen - Disney)
Tadashi Hamada (Big Heroe 6 - Disney)
Nani (Lilo & Stitch - Disney)
Brandon Foster (The Fosters)
Tory Nichols (Cobra Kai)
Ruby Matthews (Sex Education)
Maeve Wiley (Sex Education)
Matilda Wormwood (Matilda)
Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians)
At this moment I can't think of more, I will continue adding as I think of more characters.
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prof-ramses · 10 months
Volume 5 of Spooky Month headcanons
Some of these might be in a fic/au/thing I'm thinking about making.
Ignacio's last name is Burnam.
Ross's dad is named Tyler.
The thieves use an abandoned pawn shop as a hideout.
Rick likes basically anything chocolate.
Streber has come up with several horror movie ideas and hopes get at least one of them made.
If it takes Frank a while to get to a kid's house and they come to and say they've had a bad day he gives them ice cream (He's a big softie at heart).
Carmen loves birds, she has little decorative bird figurines and paintings all around the house.
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halbravd · 2 years
requests are open!
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feel free to send an ask if you want me to write something about your favorite character(s); from angst to fluff to smut (i won’t write noncon scenarios though so keep that in mind)!
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— characters i write for:
the rings of power / the lord of the rings: halbrand, arondir, elrond, thranduil, legolas, isildur
the sandman: morpheus
hemlock grove: roman godfrey, peter rumancek
the walking dead: negan, daryl, rick
wednesday: tyler galpin, wednesday addams
the boys: homelander, soldier boy
alice in borderland: all characters
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— what i won’t write:
anything involving minors, non-con, incest, eating disorders, self harm, anything that makes me uncomfortable really.
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when sending a request, please remain polite and try to be as precise as possible: character(s), type of request (smut, angst, fluff), a brief description of what you’d want, the format (blurb, fic, headcanon). please keep in mind that i have the right to refuse to write a request, and sending something through asks/messages doesn't automatically mean that it will be written.
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petrichorparacosm · 10 months
Some random JSA and fam -centric ideas and Headcanons
Almost the entire surviving OG JSA gave Green Arrow some version of the shovel talk after he and Black Canary became an item
In many modern versions “surviving OG JSA” still includes WonderWoman, in which case she put the fear of god into him after they announced their engagement
“Noted conservative” Hawkman and “proud Communist” Oliver Queen in the same room together? Let’s just say Dinah is very careful which family events she brings Ollie to without both promising to not even look at each other
(This rarely avoids arguments, and never avoids both of them spouting off deeply distracting thoughts about eachother for poor Brainwave Jr to overhear)
In versions where Alan Scott’s base of operations is still Gotham (and the JSA and JLA share an earth), I’d like to see one of a few things:
Gotham being incredibly cursed and the eldritch magic of the Starheart being related
Him coming back after a time-skip and being horrified of what his city has become
Gotham having Always Been This Way, and that not only being the reason why he’s so dramatic and occasionally unhinged, but also has a weird assortment of survival skills for a previously pampered rich boy
I also think it would be very funny if Alan before coming out just either didn’t realize that Diana is bi and possibly trans, Dinah is trans, Jay is bi etc.
Either that or internalized homophobia so strong he just didn’t acknowledge it :(
Remember when Alan casually revealed he stalks his kids’ social medias? Yeah. I think sometimes he flies over and checks on them without their knowledge too.
The biggest reason why Jade remains a low- level actress is because her pride has her refusing roles where her powers would be centric as-well as her father’s numerous offers to buy her a tv show outright
Whether it’s the Scott fam or the whole JSA, it’s 50/50 if Harlequin Jr. shows up. He can never resist ending the night with at-least one prank, which can be difficult with this many heroes
On a related note, his mother is the only person who he’s never been able to outprank
Wildcat is “Uncle Ted”. Married into this messy family? Uncle Ted. Dinah’s step kids? Jay’s “grandkids” via the younger Flashes? Uncle Ted.
Jakeem Thunder after being invited to a reunion: hey why is the embodiment of God’s wrath and an embodiment of order here? And some of your rogues?
Rick Tyler arm wrestling Solomon Grundy: don’t worry about it
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opalimagines · 2 years
❤️💗 for Rick Tyler?
❤️ Are they romantic?
Yes, but in more of a lowkey way. Rick's not the type for big, extravagant gestures at all. His romanticism shows in small actions that he does for you (tying into what I see as his love language, acts of service). He'll remember that movie you said you wanted to see months ago and surprise you with tickets, or fix something when you mention off hand that it's broken/not working, all because he loves you. Things like that are arguably more meaningful than something over the top.
💗 How do they show affection? (This one is very similar to the love languages question in my opinion, so I'm answering this in the physical sense)
Rick leans more towards subtle physical affection, mainly when in public. He'll hold your hand or put his hand on your hip/waist as you walk, but he's not hanging all over you. These gestures can also come with a protective aspect depending on the situation, because he's very much protective of you. And of course he loves to hold and kiss you, even though most of that stays private until you get a little older.
Send in a character and 1-2 emojis
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chaosoftheages · 4 months
All About Me Post!
I'm giving y'all a full about me post because I have nothing better to do besides do random shit so here y'all go :3
Name: Autumn
Birthday: May 27th
Age: High School-aged, not saying exact age or grade
Gender: Non Binary!
Pronouns: They/Them, occasionally she/her
Sexuality: Panromantic Asexual
Relationship Status: Single and would love to stay that way.
Nationality: German-American(My family immigrated from Germany; I also have some Italian, Dutch, Irish, Scottish, and Cherokee mixed in too I think)
Social Media:
My Tumblr! (Your here, so no link for you :3)
My AO3
My Wattpad
My Discord: autumn_viola_jayy #3070
My Instagram: its_autumn_jay
My Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/ashmoejean
Important Posts Abt My Fics!
Standalone Headcanons (Now updated with sexuality's and phobias!)
Father & Son Headcanons
Father & Son Infection AU Status
Father & Son Infection AU: Stages Of Infection
Random Facts About Me!
I'm a Ravenclaw. They are said to be curious, creative, and eccentric. They are logical, rational, quick thinkers, and they value learning, wisdom, wit, and and intellect. They are also very academically motivated. Believe me. I have a necklace, a purse, a bunch of bracelets, a journal, and a fucking HOODIE for Ravenclaw merch
I was RAISED by Disney. I grew up on it. It's my life. My favs are Frozen, Moana, and The Incredibles.
I'm writing a novel! An actual novel. It's called Shadows Of The Unknown, and it's part of a true crime series I mapped out.
I'm learning French, German, Spanish, and Turkish through Duolingo(The goddamn owl is MOCKING ME I SWEAR TO GOD-)
I've been writing since elementary school. It's been a rough journey, that took me from the traumatizing Wattpad, to the complication FanFiction.Net, to where I am now on AO3.
I can play the piano, violin, and the steel drums.
I did cross country and wrestling in middle school. I could probably easily overpower you and outrun you depending.
I'm neurodivergent (ADHD)
I have PTSD(I'm a sexual assault/attempted R*pe survivor)
Favorites Colors: Blue, Black, White, Purple, Pink
Fandoms I Will Write For: Hamilton, Alan Becker, Doctor Who, Stranger Things, Rick & Morty, Pokemon, The Owl House
Favorite TV Shows: Rick & Morty, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Stranger Things, Pokemon, Doctor Who, The Owl House, Bluey
Favorite Movies: Moana, Frozen, Hamilton, RENT, Encanto, Elemental, Muppets Most Wanted, Harry Potter, Winnie The Pooh, Captain Underpants
Favorite Books: Adam Silvera's Death Cast books, Twisted Series by Ana Huang, Soul Snatchers by Jackie Egan, The Girl Who Survived by Lisa Jackson, Dog Man series by Dav Pilkey, Captain Underpants by Dav Pilkey
Favorite Artists: Telehope, Arctic Monkeys, 6arelyhuman, Mitski
Favorite Songs:
Summer Bummer by Telehope
Like You Give Enough by Telehope
I Don't Smoke by Mitski
boys beware by Mad Tsai
Sex, Drugs, Ect. by Beach Weather
Faster n Harder by 6arelyhuman
505 by Arctic Monkeys
Infinite by Tyler Smith
Cigsrette Daydreams by Cage The Elephant
Stalker's Tango by Autoheart
Spicy Food
Fall/Autumn(hey it's my name :D)
Atychiphobia- Fear Of Failure
Autophobia: Fear of being alone
Arachnophobia -Spiders
Claustrophia -Tight spaces
Genophobia- S*xual Intercourse
Spheksophobia- Wasps/Hornets
Apiphobia/Melissophobia- Bees
AO3 Fic Masterpost
Basically just the main series I write for.
Father & Son
Father & Son Infection AU (Link coming soon!)
Alan Becker AU's
Adventures In Stick City
I take fanfic requests and will accept fanart of Father & Son or my standalones I also take fanart requests if anyone wants me to draw them something. I cannot draw this bundle of silly sticks for shit(I can't draw for shit lol), but I'll do my best.
Autumn out!
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capitanschampagne · 1 year
dooma ranrye
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🎧 headcanons
★ he's agender, using they/him pronouns.
★ he's deep ass homosexual, married to dancing rasta.
★ just like their's husband dooma is mentally ill, diagnosed with slight schizophrenia, ocd and bipolar disorder.
★ when it comes to rasta, they're really obsessive and possessive. they hate sharing him with anyone else.
★ the one who reminds about eating and have to watch everyday how their beloved is struggling with eating.
★ they're very clingy, like... a lot.
★ comfort blanket and a ton of plushies.
★ anxious attachment disorder.
★ goes to therapy three times a week, cause mental health is important.
★ loves to take care of rasta's hair, brushing, putting on hair masks etc.
★ often having nightmares about hurting his husband in the fury.
💿 a playlist
shades of cool — lana del rey.
BLANK SPACE! — taylor swift.
ultraviolence — lana del rey.
king of my heart — taylor swift.
dress — taylor swift.
dancing with our hands tied — taylor swift.
mad hatter — melanie martinez.
devil in a new dress — kanye west + rick ross.
new magic wand — tyler, the creator.
ilomilo — billie eilish.
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Welcome to the Dark Side, We have Mpreg and eggs.
Angry Marcus stan, poly shipper, and fanfiction defender.
NSFW Account.
My birthday is February 9th if anyone cares.
While I may post some nsfw prompts and headcanons I don’t post actual nsfw fics on tumblr, even before the great tumblr purge
I may be trash but I do not tolerate bullying for people’s ships for almost any reason unless the ship is a pedo ship. We all have different headcanons and beliefs.
Fanfiction requests and inquiries may be sent to my askbox or my new public email, [email protected]
My only DNIS are terfs, pornbots and 60 plus year old men, thanks!
N/S/F/W things to ask me about:
N/S/F/W headcanons
🍆 Stuff
Smutt fic requests
Squicky stuff like Mpreg
If I cannot do something I will either ignore the ask if anon or answer it privately off anon.
Main/Special ships:
Mareana (Marcus/Breana)
Tankam! (Adam/Tank)
Kazivana (Kaz, Breana and Oliver)
SteelCanary (Breana/Nate Heywood)
NightCanary (Breana/Dick Grayson)
Breana/Tecton (his name is too awkward for a ship name)
Dizzy (bad ship name but Douglas/Lizzy)
Breana/Megahertz (again, his name is too awkward for a ship name)
Breana/Tecton/Megahertz poly
Kazana (Breana and Kaz)
Olivana (Breana and Oliver)
Fandoms (a condensed list because I have way too many):
Lab Rats
Mighty Med
Lab Rats: Elite Force (even though most of EF canon was trash)
Rick and Morty
Arrowverse (Especially Legends of Tomorrow and Arrow)
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist (Zoey and Leif and Mo are baes)
Daredevil (except it is 2021 and I have yet to watch season 3)
Girl Meets World
Liv and Maddie
Ships Involving Canon Characters (not all just the mains):
Chaziver (Chase/Kaz/Oliver)
Taylor x Kate
Ships Involving OCs:
Marcus Henderson/Breana Davenport
Douglas Davenport/Lizzy Knight
Rick Tyler/Breana Davenport
Mark Walker/Breana Davenport
Nate Heywood/Breana Davenport
Sebastian|S-3/Ellie Frost
Dean Winchester/Breana Davenport
Ryan Walker/Breana Davenport
Breana Davenport/Leo Mendel
Ray Palmer/Nora Darhk/Nate Heywood
Probably more because I am a filthy, filthy multishipper
Crossover Ships:
Oliver Queen/Matt Murdock
Clint Barton/Leo Mendel
Donald Davenport/Leo Mendel
Poly Ships:
Ray Palmer/Nora Darhk/Nate Heywood
Poly Ships With OCs:
Dean Winchester/Castiel/Breana Davenport
Oliver/Breana Davenport/Kaz
Nate Heywood/Breana Davenport/Mick Rory (which is the ship portrayed in my contribution to the lab rats rp blogs)
Marcus Davenport/Breana Davenport/Steve Rogers
Tecton/Breana Davenport/Megahertz
This is not an exhaustive list and will be periodically updated
Tags to Filter instead of just blocking me (you should be filtering ships you don’t like in general):
Mareana - that’s Breana and Marcus
Kazivana - Kaz, Breana and Oliver.
sexy stuff - the nsfw/smutty stuff
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bi4bihankking · 11 months
Rick Tyler
First impression: Admittedly I did not really notice him and was kind of like "aw man 3 new characters when we're already juggling so many..."
Impression now: Stupid <3
Favorite moment: Like... everything from when he was a kid.
Idea for a story: He's straight but he's not straight but he's definitely definitely straight.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think he would hate Hank for his villain period just because he's upset at other people for theirs.
Favorite relationship: Probably Al is the most interesting.
Favorite headcanon: He's the one who actually tried to keep Infinity together after Infinity fell apart.
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hournites · 2 years
My headcanon is that the Chapels will find their groove in being involved by helping Rick with the hourglass problem (because it’s still a problem). That way, they’re involved and helping but it’s not dangerous. Not to mention I get my Chapels plus Rick scene that I’ve been wishing into existence! I do think Rick needing that adult guidance and him enjoying that Beth’s parents are so eager needs to collide. Pt 1
Beth is not going to be happy about that hourglass situation especially if one of the first things Rick does with it is to hurt someone (Cameron). Him having constant access to his powers isn’t technically a bad thing but the knowledge that Rex but a limit to begin with should give everyone pause. And someone like Beth who plays close enough attention to Ricks moods will notice some changes. It’s also a pretty clear call back to the comics where she benches his ass for being off his rocker. Pt2
The ass-benching idiot-whooping no-nonsense Beth Chapel whipping Rick Tyler into shape dynamic is actually so personal to me. Beth caring about Rick's mental and physical health should play a role into this, especially since we didn't get to see her reaction to his jail arc.
And, yes, it's like!!! Rick watches Beth struggle with the amount of attention she's getting and then also has been so angry over watching Cameron deal with the same problems he has and getting spoiled rotten over it (sent to anger management art therapy camp as an eight year old while Rick bloodied his knuckles with a therapy tree??????) so he's begging for a SCRAP of attention -- The Chapels could help him especially if it's both a costume/gadget AND health combination problem and - hey - look at that! That sounds like a James and Bridget specialty!
I've also been thinking, what if Beth gets knocked unconscious at some point or is trapped somewhere and her goggles get left behind, and Rick panics and has to call Beth's parents because he's scared, doesn't quite trust Sylvester, has cut ties with Courtney and needs them to help Beth? Now that would be something I'd get behind.
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I know we're all supposed to ignore things we don't like, and I'm assuming most people do, but it's hard to ignore a ship that's become so loud in the fandom recently. If you're mlm, that's got to be really alienating and hard to ignore. There are people trying to point that out. It's too much. It's also not great that so many people are headcanoning JT as bi based on his predatory and abusive behaviour. Yes, in canon he assaults women and that hasn't been brought up, because that's canon. Nobody here decided that. What's happening here is people saw that predator and thought, "yes, that's definitely a bi man." It's a very old and hurtful stereotype. I think people are trying to point out that the use of that stereotype, whilst there's so few other mlm fics being created, is alienating and offensive. You pointed out Priley as another example of mlm content. Priley, the ship with the predatory priest? People have talked about their problems with that in the past. I'm sure JT's SA stuff was already pushing it for some people, but it was all based on canon. The problem is that people have decided to write bi men as predators, and that's almost entirely it. ONE Rick fic for a gnc reader, doesn't cancel out the flood of fics fetishising mlm, and the idea so many people clearly have that predatory behaviour (violently biting someone?) means a man is bi.
I hear what you’re saying, and I think there’s still a misunderstanding at the heart of this that’s continually being ignored:
No one - no one - saw JT and decided that he must be bi based on his violent nature.
No one has decided to exclusively write bi men as predators.
Where is this wild assumption coming from?
Also, Father Paul may be depicted as predatory in the show, but not as a rapist of men. It’s not even remotely part of canon (he is, however, a more overall popular character than JT, which may also play a role here).
Also, also, JT making women enjoy rape is not canon.
I’m not sure if I’ve already written this to you, as it’s hard to keep track of anons writing at the same time, but the pairing is about two characters with completely opposite personalities that may, in fact in some au, make each other better.
If you have been following the art (sunset drawings and all) and the writing (a bit of domestic suburban bliss in there), I’m sure this isn’t brand new information.
Let’s say there were lots of fics with a whole range of bi Haim characters. Let’s say that out of these, 20 % dealt with dark stuff. The rest is happy fluff. Would this argument have been raised?
If you feel that it’s problematic that this is one of the very few bi relationships at the moment, and that, for you, that sends “a message”, please write the other fics and expand the pool of stories.
I don’t say that to be condescending, but to highlight the fact that it’s not three fic writers’ job or responsibility to write all fics for everyone.
Jeb Tyler is not suddenly “a huge ship” and too much - again with the policing from a personal standpoint.
We’re going in circles here, so I’m out now.
I will say though, lastly, that I sincerely hope you’re also speaking from a place within the community, and not standing on the outside, actively trying to educate a bi person on what’s right and wrong in fic writing.
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mayhem24-7forever · 11 months
👀, 🤡, 🎶, 💖, 💞, 🤩
hello love! thank you for sending these so i have something to do on this drive!
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
I’m usually so nervous to tease wips like this because I have a history of promising things that I never finish but I have been adding a little to the next chapter of what I have nicknamed the “Potato Flag saga” AKA my Adrian Chase x Flag!reader series Lose You Too. This next chapter is when shit really hits the fan as y/n learns who killed Rick… 👀👀
🤡 What’s a line, scene or exchange that you’ve written that has made you laugh?
I actually tend to go back and forth thinking that this is funny or thinking it’s cringy and wanting to scrub it from the internet but rn i like it. It’s the entire Brie and Brad exchange in No Stressing, Just Obsessing (x) bc I just really loved writing such a chaotic sibling relationship with annoyed but begrudgingly protective older brother with sarcastic little shit younger sister.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on a loop?
I have specific character playlists for each character I write. Recently I was working on a Steve Harrington x reader x Eddie Munson fic and so I was listening to Need You Tonight by INXS (because it’s what I named the fic after), Holding Out For A Hero by Bonnie Tyler (because it is sooooo Steve Harrington coded fr) and 18 by Anarbor (because it reminds me of Eddie) a lot!
💖 What made you start writing?
The original fandom I wrote for (the HBO war fandom) was just so small that if I needed to write or I wasn’t gonna have a lot to read. Now I do it because it’s a great way of making my maladaptive daydreams actually productive and worth something.
💞 Who’s your comfort character?
This changes all the time because I think I have undiagnosed ADHD and jump from obsession to obsession at an alarming pace but probably Steve Harrington from Stranger Things or Robert “Bob” Floyd from Top Gun: Maverick bc they just make me feel safe and happy and I keep coming back to them time and time again.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Honestly probably Bob from Top Gun: Maverick. He has just enough canon information to get a real sense for his personality but also so much that’s unknown bc he was a relatively small character so I have a lot of room to play around with headcanons and stuff.
Thank you for the ask my love! 💕 I was thoroughly entertained for a long time on this car ride 😂
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