#she actually wears brighter clothes for casual wear
kankuroplease · 1 year
Sycee fit check pls
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Her work attire is a rather simple bodysuit + harness
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xxxdreamscapexxx · 9 months
I don’t want to hear thoughts... Unless they’re yours.
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Chapter 9: Paint me a picture of who you are Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader Word count: 6.2k Warning: I don't think there are any here? Just so much fluff. Summary: Wanda wanted to live the normal life she was never afforded, but something was always missing. Something she denied herself and buried deep inside. But watching you move next door, she quickly realizes that this may not be possible for much longer. Especially with all the interesting things she found in your thoughts. Chapter summary: An unexpected invitation from your neighbour leads to a wonderful day out and a magical evening at her house. How far will Wanda dare to go, when she has you all to herself? Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6; Part 7; Part 8 ; Part 9; Part 10; Series materlist                                     Masterlist of all my works
The next morning you woke up with a clearer head and a determination not to waste your thoughts on negative things. Yes, you’d had a few bad days and you were feeling down lately, but everyone had such days from time to time. It was normal. But you didn’t like to dwell on those things and you always thought of yourself as a problem-solver. So if you felt lonely, perhaps the best thing to do was to simply find yourself a date. There had to be single women in Eastview, right? With that in mind, you made yourself your favorite coffee and you picked out a comfortable outfit for the day, just denim shorts and your favorite t-shirt, ready to actually go through with your plan, when your doorbell rang and startled you out of your thoughts.
You swung the door open only to see Wanda, wearing her casual clothes for the day and a bright smile on her face and just the sight of her, the mere thought of her positivity somehow lifted your mood. God, how did she do that?
“Hi, Y/N!” Her smile grew brighter, flashing her pearly teeth. “I hope this isn’t a bad time?” “No, of course not, come in!” You smiled back, moving your body out of the way, so the woman could enter. “Would you like a cup of coffee, or something to drink?” You offered, heading towards the kitchen. “Oh, no… I came for just a moment.” She explained, seaming a little nervous. A look you hadn’t seen on her yet, making you curious. “I’m actually planning on taking the boys to the park this afternoon. They’re having some sort of fest, so there’s going to be music, ice-cream, cold drinks… I thought to make a day of it and I was hoping you’d like to join us? If you don’t have any other plans, of course.” She asked, playing with the rings on her fingers. “Oh…” Now that invitation stunned you for a moment, not really expecting it. “That sounds really fun, actually.” You agreed, after thinking for a moment. “Thank you for thinking of me!” You smiled at the woman. “Of course I did. You’re our favorite new neighbour.” Wanda’s smile somehow widened, happy to see you agree. “You’re too kind, Wanda.” You tried not to blush, looking away from to woman, so you could compose yourself. “When should I be ready?” “Oh, I’ll put the boys to bed around two, and they usually need maybe an hour-hour and a half, so we should be ready to go at about 4:30? Is that ok?” She asked, not letting you even start a sentence, before she changed her mind. “You know, how about we come over to pick you up? Just in case we run late?” She suggested, stepping a bit closer to you and licking her lips, before she caught herself and stepped back. “Sounds perfect. Should I bring anything? I don’t have much toys, but I have a big picnic blanket?” You offered. “I think that’s a great idea.” Wanda smiled. “And as much as I like to stay and chat, I have to go make lunch. But I’ll see you soon, Y/N.” Wanda smiled, waiting politely at the door for you to let her out and turning, when she was at your gate, so she could give you a wave, before you closed your door.
The thought of a day out made you smile and your thoughts quickly filled with plans and preparations, perhaps finishing some choirs, before you go out and you turned on your sound system, picking out a playlist. Yes, the positive thoughts were really helping. You were already feeling much better, you decided, excited for the afternoon.
In her house, Wanda listened in on your thoughts with a sigh of relief. This little distraction should keep you away from dating apps at least for a bit. And if Wanda played her cards right, she wouldn’t have to worry about it for much longer. The important thing was that she’ll have you to herself today.
* * *
Putting the boys to bed left Wanda with nothing but time on her hands. She was excited about this afternoon with you and she wanted to make the best impression, so she rummaged through her closet, looking for the perfect outfit and she settled on a floor-length yellow skirt and a white, modest v-line top, tucked inside the high waist. She looked like sunshine personified, the colour bringing out her features.
She felt a little silly, getting all dressed up to impress a girl, but she couldn’t help the butterflies in her stomach at the prospect. You weren’t just any girl. She knew so much about you, about who you were, she had shared so much with you, even if you didn’t always feel her presence or know that she was there. You were special, she just knew it. She could feel it, from the first time she listened in on your thoughts, back when you were just settling in your house. There was something about you, and now she knew what it was, now she knew, that she needed you, needed to have you, so it only felt right, to put in the time and effort you deserved.
To make the preparations easier, Wanda packed a bag for the boys ahead of time. She put in their favorite snacks, plenty of water, a couple t-shirts, just in case, she packed a ball and a Frisbee for them, making sure they’ll have plenty of entertainment and she waited for them to wake up from their nap.
Just as she predicted, or perhaps, because she told you to expect them around 4:30, that’s exactly when they knocked at your door. Their happy faces greeted you, immediately making you smile as well and you quickly grabbed your things.
Wanda looked radiant, easily drawing your eyes to her and bringing a slight blush to your cheeks at how shamelessly you were staring at her, but you just couldn’t help it. The woman was magnetic, she had something inexplicably attractive about her that went beyond her looks.
The boys kept coming up with ideas the entire way there and they excitedly asked you to play all sorts of games with them, something you happily agreed to, almost making their mother jealous for your attention. If she wasn’t happy that you got along with her children so well, perhaps she would have even said so, but she knew that she’ll have plenty of time with you for herself.
When you reached the park, already full of people and buzzing with activities, you decided to look through the booths with food, shops and music, making mental notes about where you wanted to return, before you set down your picnic blanket a little farther away from the noise, preferring to settle closer to the many other families with children and pets, who also decided to spend a day out in the sun. It was full of young couples too, teenagers who grouped together… It seemed that the whole town of Eastview had come out today and it gave the place a lively atmosphere.
“Now boys, don’t you run off where I can’t see you.” Wanda instructed with a serious tone, watching both boys nod and give mumbled confirmations, before she let them play, their toys already in their hands. They seemed to find a game quickly, running through the grass happily, and you watched Wanda sit down next to you on the blanket with a sigh. “Where do they find all that energy?” She asked with a chuckle. “Afternoon naps and life unburdened by responsibility?” You asked, only half-joking. “I think you might be right.” She agreed, her smile widening. Her eyes followed them with an adoring look, an almost glow that gave her a dreamy quality and you hurried to look away, before she caught you staring. “By the way, thank you for coming with us today.” Wanda changed the topic, her hand darting out to rest over yours for a moment, before she pulled away. “I always get so overwhelmed coming to these things alone.” “My pleasure. Although I can’t believe you have a hard time finding company. You’re always so nice.” You said, shuffling in your spot nervously.
It was often like that, Wanda knew. She had to be patient, chipping away at your initial awkwardness and shyness, until she felt you were relaxed in her presence. She could hear your mind buzzing with thoughts and anxieties, fighting through years of feeling awkward around people you didn’t know well and she helped you move past it all, always kind and soft with you.
“Company I like…” Wanda emphasized. “That’s hard to find. And I like you very much, Y/N.” Wanda tried to say the words casually, knowing she was taking a risk. But in the end she reasoned with herself that it was the truth and it felt right to tell you. “See? I told you you’re very nice.” You smiled, trying to hide the way her words affected you, secretly wondering if she was flirting with you. “Would you have preferred it if I was mean?” Wanda raised a playful eyebrow. “Probably not.” You smirked. You couldn’t picture Wanda as mean.
For a moment Wanda was tempted to show you the kind of mean she could be, but she knew it was too early, so she filed away the thought for a more appropriate time and decided to meet your words with a soft chuckle and change the subject to something more casual.
“So why don’t you tell me about work?” Wanda said with a curious expression. “It seems to be going quite well?” “As well as it can be expected at such an early stage.” You explained, a little reserved to speak on the subject.
But Wanda had you opening up in no time and the topics shifted quickly, and soon you were sharing funny stories about past co-workers and then just stories about life. She was good at doing that. Making you feel at ease, feel safe with her, feeling like you could trust her. And soon enough the two of you were speaking like old friends, eager to share more, your laughter only interrupted, when the twins ran up to you both and practically threw themselves on the blanket.
“Hey, mom.” Tommy started, mischief in his eyes. Billy was right next to him of course, the same look on his face as well and you found yourself eager to see what the two of them had cooked up. “Yes?” Wanda smiled, seemingly knowing what was going to follow. “Can we have ice-cream please?” The boy asked, giving his mom the biggest puppy dog eyes. “Please?” Billy chimed in, mirroring his brother. They were adorable.
Wanda could only laugh, being used to their ways. Those two loved ice-cream and she already knew that she would let them have some, even before they had left the house, so she easily agreed.
“All right, you can have ice-cream.” She smiled, rummaging through her purse to find her wallet. “Why don’t you let me go get them?” You suggested. “What do you guys want?” You asked the two kids, that looked at you with amazement. “Rocky road!” They both exclaimed, a little more excitedly than you expected. “What about you, Wanda?” You asked the woman. “Why don’t you surprise me? Pick whatever you think is nice.” “All right… Coming right up.’’ You smiled, getting up from your spot and finding your way to the ice-cream stand, where parents and children were already waiting in line.
Returning with 4 ice-creams and a wallet proved harder than you expected, but you managed to carry them to the blanket, where Wanda and her sons already waited for you, the boys taking theirs off your hands as soon as you were within reach.
When they thanked you properly, something their mother insisted on, they dove right in, talking amongst themselves, while Wanda took the cones from your hands, so you can sit properly next to her, much closer to her than you were the first time around, now that you were 4 people on the blanket.
“So what do we have here?” She asked, as she looked at the content in the cones. “One is caramel, the other is pistachio.” You explained, smiling. “And which one is for me?” She asked slyly. “The pistachio, of course. You look like someone who would enjoy it.” “You’re right. I really do.” She smiled warmly, her words quickly confirmed by the twins.
When all the ice-creams were finished, the twins didn’t hesitate to pull you into a game. The four of you laughed at their crazy ideas, but you ended up indulging them, only allowing yourself to sit down, when they had fully exhausted you.
“Oh, poor girl.” Wanda laughed, when you crashed on the blanket. “Thirsty?” She asked as she looked you over. “God, yes!” You groaned, wanting to practically lie on the ground, but refusing to be that dramatic. “Let me get you something to drink.” She offered, ignoring the weak protest you tried to voice. “Boys! Come help me.” She called, taking their hands.
On the way, she must have explained what she was getting, because you heard exclamations and soon enough, they returned, one of them handing you a cup, while they cheered.
“Slushies!” They yelled, half of theirs already gone. “Thank you.” You smiled at Wanda as you took a sip, sighing at the delicious, cool liquid sliding down your throat. “That’s exactly what I needed.”
Your neighbour only hummed in understanding, taking her seat next to you and taking sips from her drink. She was so close, attentive as she listened to you and it brought a slight blush to your cheeks. She continued her conversation with you, happy to let the boys play as she got to know you a bit better. It didn’t bother her at all that she had known already some of the things you told her. It was better to hear them from your own lips anyway.
When the sun started to slowly sink, the four of you started to collect your things, giving yourselves some time to pass through the many booths and explore the fest better, before you left. Wanda found it adorable, watching you move through the crowd of people, stopping wherever she liked and giving her time to look through the many products. You seemed to have eyes only for her and she basked in your attention. You were such a charming girl, uninterested in the little trinkets and decorative objects. It was almost a shame, she had hoped to keep you longer with such distractions, but seeing it wasn’t your thing, you all headed home.
You were practically in front of their house, ready to say goodbye for now, when Wanda’s voice stopped you.
“Y/N, would you like to join us for dinner?” She asked, pulling her sons closer to her body. She was scared that you’d refuse and she wanted the comfort of their bodies. “I wouldn’t want to bother you?” You said, almost on instinct, but with a lot less conviction than you had done in the past, which gave Wanda hope that she might yet convince you. “No bother at all.” She smiled. “Yes, join us! We can play Mario after dinner!” The boys exclaimed.
Normally, Wanda would at least think about letting them play, but they had behaved well today and their invitation seemed to weaken your resolve further, which she found most welcome, so she decided to let it slide. And seeing that the whole family was happy to welcome you into their home, you agreed. You had such a lovely time with them, laughing more than you had since you moved to this town, so you happily followed them into their house.
It was a little smaller than yours, but it had such a warm, welcoming atmosphere, that you found it charming. Something you didn’t miss saying to Wanda. The twins, of course, tried to steal you away, wanting to show you their room and their board games, but Wanda claimed you for herself, asking you to help her cook.
She was so captivating in this setting, confident and easy-going as she effortlessly bossed you around, which you were more than happy to permit. It dawned on you again, how close she was being, how her touches lingered, how easy it was for you to return the gestures, teasing comments making her chuckle. You felt lucky that her directions helped you feel at ease, like you had something meaningful to do and the preparations passed quickly and soon you were all settled around the dinner table, chatting about the day that you had.
You weren’t surprised that the food was delicious, or that the happy chatter filled your heart with joy. You couldn’t remember ever having that in your life. You were raised by a single mother, a woman of ambition and high expectations, so your dinners never looked like this, casual and care-free. Your partners never brought that atmosphere either, it was never cozy and light-hearted and the scene brought a sense of longing within you. A life of your own that would look like that some day.
Wanda didn’t miss the look on your face or the accompanying thoughts and she wished to tell you that it was with her that you could find all that. It broke her heart a little, to know that you had longed for a family like this, just as she did, for most of her life. It made you kindred spirits, you and her. It was only right that you would find what you missed in each-other. A thought that comforted her and gave her hope. But she couldn’t let you dwell on such dark things. She wanted to see you smile and enjoy this moment with her and her family, so she pulled you out of your thoughts and into a conversation, until you no longer felt sad and when the dinner was finished, she let you and the boys play, just like they wanted, while she cleaned up her kitchen, her glance often falling on the three of you with a sparkle of hope and adoration, eventually joining you and only daring to interrupt it all when it was way passed the boys’ bedtime.
“Enough play for tonight, boys, I want you in your PJ’s, teeth brushed and into your beds in 15 minutes.” She instructed, her words met with protests from the twins. “But mom!” They pouted. “Just 5 more minutes?” “It’s way passed your bedtime.” Wanda reminded. “But Y/N is here!” They tried again. “I said, it’s time for bed.” The redhead insisted, tone hardening and head tilting a little to the side. It was rare for them to test her patience like this. “If you’re good and do as you’re told, I’ll let you come down and say goodnight to Y/N later.” She offered, as a way to soften her words. “Fine.” The boys grumbled, but got up from their spots and headed upstairs, waving at you, before they disappeared from your view. “Should I go too?” You asked, as soon as they had left. “It’s getting late and I don’t want to impose.” “Of course not. Just give me a few minutes to put them to bed and then you and I can have a glass of wine. How does that sound?” She offered with a smile you couldn’t quite decipher, something playful and even a little flirtatious flickering there. “Sounds lovely.” You agreed, returning her smile, your eyes lingering on her body, when she turned around and headed upstairs, so she can follow the boys.
As Wanda disappeared from your view, you couldn’t help but bite your lips. Watching her sauntering away did sinful things to you and you had to cross your legs to find some kind of relief. It was terribly wrong to think of her that way, you knew that. The woman was being so sweet and kind to you, inviting you into her home and at her table and you didn’t want to repay her by taking her good-natured actions as something more and fall from her graces.
Just a floor away, Wanda listened to the racing thoughts in your head with a smirk. Poor girl, all flustered and confused, you didn’t know how to handle all those mixed emotions. But she would help you. She’ll show you exactly what her intentions really were and she’ll guide you, until you were ready.
With that in mind, she helped her sons prepare for bed and when they had put on their pyjamas and brushed their teeth, she walked with them downstairs, to let them say goodnight, watching them wave at you and repeat their good night wishes a few times, before they went back upstairs and climbed into their beds.
Wanda tucked them in, placing a loving kiss on their foreheads and lingering for a few minutes to talk to them, smiling when most of their words started to get swallowed by yawns and she turned off their light, peaking a few seconds longer, before she closed the door.
“You know, they really like you.” Wanda said as she joined you in her living room, elated to see you seated comfortably. She had imagined you here so many times, but now that you were, she couldn’t quite decide what she wanted to do next. “I really like them too.” You said honestly, sitting up a little straighter in her presence.
God, those manners of yours. Back always straight, shoulders squared, chin high… She loved the elegance of it, she couldn’t deny it. But she wanted to see you relaxed, so she went into the kitchen and got a couple of glasses from the shelf.
“Do you like red wine, or white?” She asked, as she glanced at the glasses in her hands pointedly. “White.” You answered as you followed her movements with your eyes. “Do you need any help?” “Not at all. You sit comfortably, sweetheart, I’ll be there in a minute.”
So sat there you did. You felt a little nervous now, when it was just the two of you. You weren’t sure what you should talk about, the tension building within you with every passing second she was silent and you didn’t even know why.
“There you go, darling.” Wanda finally spoke, offering you the glass of wine and sitting next to you on the couch, the space between you much smaller than you expected. “Thank you, Wanda.” You smiled, taking a sip of the liquid and holding the glass in your hands as you looked at the other woman. “I have to thank you. I’m really glad you came with us today. Even more so that you stayed for dinner.” Wanda smiled back. “I love my boys more than anything, but sometimes it’s nice to have a grown person to talk to.” She confided. “You don’t have many friends?” You asked, perhaps more bluntly than you should have. “Not really…” Wanda shook her head. “How come?” You found yourself asking. “When I had the boys, they became my whole world. I closed myself off… Perhaps that was my fault. I didn’t give myself or others many chances.” She said with a thoughtful look of her face.
There were many questions you could ask her on the topic, but it was such a vulnerable moment, a quiet reflection you didn’t want to disturb.
“I understand.” You nodded instead. “I think it’s brave.” You added, taking another slow sip. “Only you would find something positive in that.” Wanda chuckled a little. “We have to find the positive things in life. Without them, there’s very little left to live for.” “You have the soul of a poet.” Wanda noted. God, she loved that about you. “Do you write?” “I used to… I haven’t in a while.” You said, thinking of what made you stop. “But I’m in the presence of an artist and I haven’t seen any of your paintings yet.” You suddenly remembered. “Then perhaps this is a good time.” The redhead smiled, getting up and offering you her hand.
She helped you stand, waiting patiently for you to leave your glass on the small table and refusing to let go of you, as she started to lead you through the quiet house, steady and unwavering as she moved through the dimly lit rooms. It was a sort of seduction of your senses, the way your eyes adjusted to the softer lights, the way the air grew cooler as she led you further in, the way she paused in front of the closed door… All magnetic and irresistible. The feeling of her skin against yours, warm fingers almost intertwining with yours as she let you enter and she turned on the lights, illuminating the space. If you had any words in you to speak, you would have written her a poem.
There were canvases everywhere, paintings hanging off the walls, or leaning against them, the room permeated with the smell of the wooden frames and the dye that she used. In the centre there was only a chair and an easel with a painting she was yet to finish.
It was a broken mask, the two pieces barely held together by what was left of it. The left side was painted in pristine white, the lines clear and the surface perfectly smooth and unblemished. The right however was in dark red and black, little pieces were chipped away here and there, the whole thing cracked and twisted, almost grotesque, yet somehow seductive. It was gorgeously painted and it left you in awe.
“I love the idea of it.” You mused. “And the mask design is so unique. How did you come up with it?” You asked, noting the high raised ends, resembling horns, although they were very different too, complimenting their respective sides. “It just came to me.” Wanda said with a note of avoidance, but you didn’t think much of it.
Your eyes scanned the room, looking at the rest of her work. She had so many paintings of her sons, which you found unsurprising, yet so sweet.
“I love this one.” You said with a fond smile, looking at a painting of the twins, both of them curled in a hammock in her back yard. They looked so cute, exhausted and sleeping in the shade of the tree. “They’re adorable.” “Yeah, they were so cute.” She smiled fondly.
Wanda stood behind you, while you looked through her work. She listened to your thoughts, as much as the comments you made out loud, her eyes following your movements and wandering your body. You looked more at ease now, more open to her and she felt her fingers tingle with anticipation and desire to touch you, to trace your neck, your shoulders, to hold your hips and your waist, to pull you close to her and breathe you in. And her senses told her you’re ready for it, you were primed and waiting for her to make her move.
As you continued to look, you found a painting that intrigued you, one of a woman, beautiful and gentle, hovering over a bed, her arm outstretched and stroking the hair of another woman, who lay there, unsuspecting. She appeared to be sleeping, calm and undisturbed by the figure that watched over her, sheets barely covering her naked breasts. The painting looked intimate, it reminded you of gothic paintings of vampires, beautiful and seductive as they devoured their victims.
“Do you like that one?” You heard Wanda’s voice. She had gotten closer, her words almost whispered in your ear.
You were suddenly hyper-aware of her presence behind you, the way her body radiated soothing warmth. And she was getting closer by the second, one of her hands resting on your shoulder, while the other fell on your hipbone, gentle, yet impossible to ignore. She was right behind you now, almost entirely pressed up against you, her head bowed, so she could breathe you in.
“I do.” You managed a small nod, gathering all your bravery, so you could turn in her arms and face her.
You don’t know when this moment turned charged with unresolved tension. It was almost like it snuck up on you, but as your eyes scanned the painting, it was starting to fall into place. God, she was so close, her touch full of tenderness, yet firm.
She was so tempted to spin you around, pin you up against the wall, but she held back. She needed to make sure that you want this, so she waited patiently, listening to your scattered thoughts as you realized what this moment meant.
When you finally moved, your eyes searching hers, you almost gasped. Had she always looked at you like that? You couldn’t tell. Her hands were wrapping around you again, steady and firm as they pulled you into her and her hand moved up, so she could cup your cheek.
“Wanda…” Your tongue darted out to wet your lips as you looked into her eyes. She was captivating. “Such a beautiful girl.” Wanda mused, her thumb stroking your cheekbone.
Her eyes were darting between your eyes and your lips, leaving her almost breathless with desire. She wanted to kiss you so badly, to show you the depth of her passion for you, leaning in closer with every second as she held you.
“I want to kiss you.” She stated boldly, leaning even closer.
You barely nodded, breath caught in your lungs as you waited for that moment when she closed the distance between you. The anticipation was almost unbearable and you almost whined as you looked up at her, your arms pulling her flush against you and clinging to her back. It was then that she finally pressed her lips to yours. Her kisses were slow and gentle, and from the first moment you felt them, it was like the whole world disappeared. All you could feel was Wanda. The way her grip tightened a little, the way her breath hitched at the feeling of you, the intoxicating way in which she smelled and tasted. It was heavenly.
When she pulled away, just enough to look at you and she took you in, she knew she was addicted. She wanted to see you like this every day. She’d give almost anything to have you like this every day. Yes, this felt right. So she kissed you again, this time with more passion, her hand moving to hold the back of your neck, fingers tangling in your hair and scratching at your scalp. God, you were driving her crazy. You were so soft, so pliable in her hands, your lips parting for her as soon as you felt her tongue glide against them, asking for permission to deepen your kiss.
She kissed you like this for a few long minutes, exploring you and savouring you, holding you as you almost trembled against her, quiet moans leaving your throat and making her feel lightheaded. Holding you in her arms was so much better than she ever imagined, better than any fantasy you could conjure up, better than her wildest dreams. Having you in her arms was what she was missing all these years, what she had been chasing with random women and meaningless flings. You felt right.
It took everything in her to pull away, to ignore the inner voice that screamed at her to pull you back into her embrace and kiss you, until your lips hurt.
“That was…” You tried to find the right words for what you felt, but truly there were none. “Yes.” She nodded, stepping closer again. The pull between you was magnetic and Wanda could hardly resist it.
In an act of bravery, it was you who closed the distance this time, your arms wrapping around her neck as you stood on your tip-toes. You felt exhilarated, melting against her body and letting her hands roam wherever they wanted. It felt so good to be touched by her, to be kissed by her, to let yourself really experience her.
It didn’t take long for Wanda to once again deepen the kiss and she was soon pushing you backwards, her hand holding your head protectively as she guided your bodies to the nearest wall and trapping you there. She could feel paintings around her, but she didn’t care. Your body was her only focus and she wanted to explore every part you’ll allow her to.
She took hold of your thigh next, an arm wrapping around it and pulling it up, securing it around her waist and settling between your legs. Bold and filled with lust, she sneaked her hand under your t-shirt, her fingers touching the skin of your abdomen and making you gasp.
She was just about to move higher, cup your perfect breasts over your bra, when a painting fell from its place against the wall, crashing loudly and startling you both from the trans you were in.
Wanda stepped away from you swiftly, both your heads turning up and ears attuning to the sounds in the house, waiting to see if all the noise had woken the twins, but when no sound came, you finally breathed in relief and you giggled, looking at each-other, a moment of pleasant silence passing between you.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve thought about doing that.” Wanda sighed. “You have?” You asked, hope filling your eyes. “More times than you can imagine.” Wanda smirked. “I’d like to show you that. If you let me take you out on a date.” “I’d love that.” You smiled, after only seconds of thought.
It seemed to you that Wanda wanted to say so much more than that, yet she remained silent as she looked at you, cheeks flushed and lips swollen from her kisses. If you could read her mind, you’d know that it was exactly how she pictured you, every time she thought about making you hers, but since you weren’t, you cleared your throat, trying to sound at least a little more composed than you felt.
“I should probably go.” You said shyly. “That’s probably best.” She confirmed. “Otherwise I might be tempted to do that again.”
You could only blush at her words, not really sure what to say. So instead, you finally let your gaze move away from hers and to the painting on the floor that had interrupted the best kiss of your life.
It faced down and you picked it up, turning the canvas towards you, only to see blue eyes, deep and kind, sparkling as if alive, looking back at you, piercing your very soul. You could read so many emotions there, like they spoke to you… Or they would. But they were surrounded by red, face almost entirely swallowed by it. Mysty and overwhelming. Like smoke, that suffocated everything that it touched, it took over the rest of the painting, leaving only the eyes, that continued to stare at you, as if pleading for you to understand what they were trying to say, as if reaching out and into you.
“That painting…” You gasped. “That’s a little dark, I’m sorry.” Wanda said, her mood suddenly shifting. She looked almost uncomfortable that you looked at the painting and you put it down, trying to be respectful of her. “No, its… Breathtaking.” You said, trying to convey the awe you felt for what you saw. “I’ve never seen anything like it. Wanda, it’s gorgeous. And you’re so talented.” “Thank you.” She forced a smile. “It’s really old. One of my first real paintings, actually.” She confessed, refusing to really look at it. “Well, I think it has real soul. It’s touching.” You said, turning to leave the room, much to Wanda’s relief.
She had forgotten that this painting was there and she was glad that you didn’t ask about it. She was terrified to tell you that the eyes you stared at, those soft, kind eyes were Vision’s. She was terrified to tell you what he meant to her, or what happened to him. It was too soon for such things and she didn’t want to scare you away, so she followed you out of the room and she walked you to the door, pulling you towards her one last time and brushing some hair away from your face.
“Today was lovely, Y/N.” She said softly. “When will I see you again?” She asked, wanting to secure her date with you and show you just how serious she was. “Maybe you can come over with the boys for another pool party tomorrow?” You asked smiling. “That sounds wonderful.” Wanda practically beamed at the prospect of seeing you in a bikini and spending an entire day with you. “See you tomorrow then.” You pulled away, only to be stopped by her hand.
She held you close to her again, looking down at you and into your eyes, before she kissed you again, deeply and fully, before she released you with a sigh and let you open the door, watching you walk away and entering your house.
When you finally disappeared from her view, she closed her front door, leaning against it with the biggest grin on her face. She had kissed you. And it was magical.
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victorluvsalice · 2 months
Mini VITD Sims Lookbook (Largely Alice Focused Edition)
Hi all -- I ended up downloading and playing with some more Victorian and Victorian-esque CC for Sims 4 last Saturday, looking for some new looks for my Valicer In The Dark versions of Victor, Alice, and Smiler (mainly Alice, as per the title). And, as I'm still getting the next Chill Valicer Save update ready, I figured I'd share the results, in case any of you were interested/wanted some more CC to download! Here we go:
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First up, we actually have something that I downloaded from someone’s lookbook post for their Alice Sim a little while ago (I'm afraid I don't remember whose at this point ^^;) – a conversion of Alice’s London dress from Alice: Madness Returns! As in, one Mimoto-Sims ripped this dress straight from the files of that game (along with a bunch of others) and turned it into an outfit in Sims 4! :D I’ve been looking for this for a while, and I’m quite pleased with it, though it is a little weirdly shiny – and if you think Alice suddenly looks a LOT thinner than usual in this dress, she is. Apparently I didn’t make my Sim Alice underweight enough! I think I prefer my Sims 4 version having a waist that doesn’t look like it could snap in half at any moment, though. XD
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Okay, onto the CC I actually downloaded on Saturday, with Alice modeling the Ever Elegant Blouse v2 and the Rather Ravishing Skirt v2 from Gilded Ghost’s New Woman set! I ended up pairing these two together because, with the apron, I thought this made another good “maid” Alice outfit – though she looks like she’s working somewhere fancier than Houndsditch in this set, that’s for sure. (Now I’m tempted for her to somehow get her hands on a maid’s outfit from the Van Dort estate when her and Smiler’s attempt to return Victor to his parents ends up in them robbing them for being shitheads who don’t care about their son...) But it’s a nice look for her, and I am THRILLED that this and the other tops from that set worked with her necklace! :D Seriously, so many outfits hide that necklace, and given that it’s suppose to be her wearing Lizzie’s room key, I’d like it to be visible more often than not!
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Case in point, the necklace is also visible in this outfit, which is Alice wearing the Jacket Jubilee top with the Perfectly Plain skirt from the New Woman set. This set I just thought looked nice on her, and made a nice – semi-formal? This feels fancier than casual, but not fancy enough to be formal. Like, maybe this is something she’d wear if the gang were heading to the Golden Plum for a nice dinner, or to a park for a trio date. That sort of thing. Not “fancy neighborhood” wear, but a step above hanging around the house.
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By contrast, Alice is definitely not leaving the house in this outfit. XD This is dzifasims’s Bespoke Corset, paired with a plain Get Famous skirt that I thought looked like a shift or underskirt (I thought the corset CAME with one, but apparently I was mistaken). It’s nice to have a plainer corset that doesn’t look like it was bought for sex purposes, unlike the base game one. Though I do like the “bought for sex purposes” one too. XD Alice probably prefers this one, though – it’s more her style, and I think it makes good underwear for her.
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Onto the masc stuff, with Smiler showing off pandorasimbox’s Azariah’s Sacksuit. I have mixed feelings on this – the basic shape of the suit is okay, and I liked pairing it with the bowler, but as per usual this suit did not have any of the right swatches I needed for Smiler. The problem is, people do a lot of muted colors for Victorian-style clothes, and even the ones that include brighter swatches tend not to do a lot of yellow. Meaning I often end up with poor Smiler wearing beige because that’s as close as I can get. *sigh* I mean, I do rather like the look on them – they kind of look like they’re auditioning for a Charlie Chaplin movie – but it’s gotta be BRIGHTER, you know? *sigh* I gotta learn how to recolor clothes... (Also, amusingly, the boots are actually from Moschino – they actually look Victorian enough when you cover up the tops with a long pant.)
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Fortunately, while [LonelyBoy]’s TS4 Solardius Outfit doesn’t have a yellow swatch, it DOES have a black swatch with gold decorative details, and that I can work with – especially when paired with the High School Years shoes I love so much for Smiler in the “black with yellow stitching” swatch. :) Not sure how much I like the high collar on Smiler, but this is certainly not a bad look for them!
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And it CERTAINLY isn’t a bad look for Victor, who suits that high collar much better. XD As you can see, Victor got the nice dark blue swatch with the red tie, which is kind of the inverse of his tie/vest color scheme in the movie. XD But it suits him, and again, this seems like a nice, semi-formal outfit he might wear for an outing with his partners where he wanted to look a little more put together. :)
And there you have it – me playing with my favorite trio like dolls again. XD What can I say, it’s fun to dress them up in new outfits! And these particular sessions help inform me of what I’d like my trio to wear in the Valicer In The Dark universe. Since, you know, I’m pretty well obsessed with that these days. XD So don’t @ me, downloading CC is writing research, okay? Okay. :p
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namig42 · 4 months
random OC ask: what would your OC wear on an average day? what would they wear to a special event?
[feel free to include reference images, if you'd like!]
Hmmm... Let's see...
Day to day, my half-orc babe wears fairly traditional barbarian gear. She likes leather and furs, not worried as much about aesthetics as comfort. Lots of neutral colors, especially brown, with maybe a splash of red or blue in the mix if she's feeling a little crazy.
For a special event, the only way she'd dress nicely is if her companions forced her into a makeover montage, giving her all sorts of things to try on. Just as long as she is comfortable, Wyndolyn doesn't mind what she wears, so everyone else would really gets to decide what she looks good in. She'd be willing to wear a proper suit, though she'd feel uncomfortable the whole time, but she'd absolutely refuse to wear a dress. Anything but that. If the party tried to force her into one, heads would roll. Her color scheme would stay the same: neutral colors - but more black/grey compared to her usual brown - with a pop of something a bit brighter.
Helena likes dark colors, going for a bit of a punk aesthetic in her everyday look. Black is her main choice with red accents. Ripped jeans, crop tops with cut off sleeves, chunky black boots, that's her jam. She also has this dumb, floppy red bard hat that she has an unreasonable attachment to that she tries to work into most her outfits, though it doesn't always work. She mainly keeps it for adventuring.
When it comes to dressing up, she leans a bit more towards her preference for red. A nice suit with an open front or a long, flowy dress is her choice of main outfit, depending on the mood. Though she prefers silver jewelry on her day to day - if she wears any - she prefers gold with her nicer fits, and a lot of it. She goes for a bit of glam, wearing lots of gold on top of the outfit to really catch the eyes of everyone in a room. Big necklaces, bold bracelets, ornaments on her horns, she goes all out. She's normally not one to crave attention, preferring to slink in the shadows where she feels safer, but when she's dressed up, she wants nothing more than to steal all the attention in the room by being as stunning as possible. It's how she gets her attention fix before slinking back to the safety of the shadows. Also she has stolen a lot of nice jewelry that she never gets to show off, so she's gotta make the most of it.
Dahlia, as a monk, is quite modest in her casual wear. She's very fond of yellow and green, and is a bit obsessive in keeping her closet filled with those colors. She prefers a nice fitting top, maybe with some nice embroidery that she likely did herself, comfortable pants, and sandals. As long as she can move with ease and she's wearing the colors that she connects with the most, then she is content.
When it comes to dressing up, Dahlia is similar to Wyndolyn in the fact that she is also not comfortable in dresses, though she's not as adamant about that fact as Wyndolyn is. She'll politely refuse a dress, whereas Wyndolyn would threaten to kick you in the gut if you make her wear one. Dahlia likes clothes with fine details, so a comfortable fitting jacket with a great deal of detail put into the craftsmanship with some fine pants and loafers would make her happy. The few nice clothes she has actually started out fairly plain. Dahlia took the time to embroider them herself with details of birds, nature, and Lathander symbolism, often while trying to wind down during the evening around the fire. Embroidery was one of her few forms of expression living in a monastery, though it was frowned upon for her to actually wear any of her creations by the other monks. Now she's making up for lost time by wearing things she loves. Though she is content with simplicity, she'd be lying if she said that she didn't enjoy wearing things that some may consider a bit gaudy or over-ornamented.
Vero, ever the fine lady, dresses herself in the finest of fabrics and fashions (when she can). Sometimes, circumstances aren't ideal, especially while adventuring, but even still, she'll take simple, causal clothes, and try to put her own elegant spin on them to make them feel a bit more refined. Her colors of choice are purple, especially a deep, royal purple, and a light, baby blue. She only wears silver jewelry, and in most everyday situations, leaves it simply at her earrings. As far as a casual outfit goes, she's fond of wearing dresses with long skirts or long skirts with matching tops, possibly with a nice silver necklace. Something soft and feminine is her favorite type of outfit, but Vero knows that it's often more practical to wear a flattering pair of britches along with a loose fitting top that she tucks into her waistband, especially when out adventuring. The sleeves are often loose and billowy, the cut of the shirt falls nicely around her torso, and her waist is nicely accentuated by tucking her shirt. All this paired with some fine, elven shoes, and she's prepared to go out for a day of casual affairs.
When it comes to a special event, Vero goes all out, similarly to Helena. Where Helena is a bit gaudier and glam though, Vero is incredibly regal and refined. She adores long gowns of her favorite colors paired with immaculate silver jewelry with her hair either pulled out of her face or simply combed back. Her presence isn't one that seeks attention, but is striking nonetheless. Unlike Helena, she doesn't have to seek attention. Her presence and charisma demands it naturally, just as it should for someone of her nature.
Sahed keeps his regular clothing simple: black sorcerer robes. That's about it. He has sleeveless and long sleeve versions depending on the weather, but he's so focused on his goals that he doesn't take the time to care for fashion. He has some small accessories like gold, dragon-themed ornaments on the robes and a belt he wears to help carry his daggers and sometimes a tome, but that's about it for style points. He puts in very little effort to his appearance, though still takes pride in what he is.
If he somehow miraculously found his way into a special event that someone invited him to (though who would? The guy sucks, lol), he'd likely wear his same robes, maybe clean them real quick with Prestidigitation, and wear a gold headpiece and shoulder spikes. Honestly, he wouldn't dress up much because it's a privilege to everyone else that he's present at all. His commanding and menacing demeanor is all he needs to be fully dressed.
Sweet Velora wears the same tattered clothes that she's been trapped in for the last 20+ years that are soaking wet from steam
Haha, jk
Causally, Velora favors loose fitting clothes, neutral in color but on the lighter side of the spectrum, so whites and beige. She tends to favor pants, but when she's working, she may opt to wear a robe or dress if she wants to feel a bit different that day. She also might treat herself with some subtle jewelry like a long hanging necklace, but besides that, dresses fairly plain. For her hair, she never styles it much outsides of combing it out of her face or maybe putting it up in a messy bun if she's especially busy running around.
When she dresses up, she favors lighter colors like a sky blue and sea foam green. She'd wear a modest dress, nothing fancy or eye-catching, but understated and lovely nonetheless.
Just thought of Dahlia's embroidering hobby while writing this, and I think it suits her really well actually. I wish I realized it sooner because I could've had her bond with Astarion over that. Anyways, thanks again for the lovely ask!
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Eternal fashion brainstorming [RESULTS BELOW]
If I want to redraw Fane's Godwoken novel chapter, I have to avoid what Larian has done and actually study the sources to glean the very basics out of them. Architecture, anatomy, clothing. So I started thinking.
I'd like to preface that I am basing my designs on what I headcanoned for the Eternal Era in Draconic Chronicle, which is:
There is no sun, only two moons out of which one is brighter >>LIGHT DEFICIENCY
Eternal Heritages that influence preferences and abilities >>INDICATOR OF SOCIAL STATUS
Anatomy. Eternals vary greatly from each other, so the clothes they produce have to fit an Orc as well as a Dwarf, so the fabrics have to shapeshift >>ENCHANTMENTS Now, to look at the sources at hand
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The guidlines I've set for my designes based on my observations and canons
LIGHT is a defining factor of one's social status. The more luminosity you can afford to wear on your clothing, the more prestigious and well-off you seem. Glowing from up to toe is the domain of aristocracy like The Seven, while going completely dark can be seem as scandalous or rougish
MATERIAL. The fabrics have to stretch to fit various body shapes, and Eternals, being the masters of the Source, can reshape the literal reality around them. Hence conventional fabrics are replaced by woven stone, glass, light.
ANGLES. Because Eternals love 'em, that's why.
With that in mind, let's see what I have designed!
Fane [conservative, utilitarian] labcoat - bedwear - casual
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Because he is the kind of man to consider a labcoat an everyday outfit!
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I echoed the collar (the actual 'labcoat' part) in Harina's outfit. Her light ribbons, as well as overrobe, are shorter than Fane's - she is lower academic rank than him
Mae'ven [trendy, eccentric] casual - smart - adventurous
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*middle outfit inspired by Eternal Aetera's robe*
Fane's wife (I hc her name now - Var'vadiya) everyday - smart -déshabillé
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meenatranslates · 1 year
[SR] Yuki | Beautiful Merchant
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Jewels look colorful and gorgeous at first glance, but they don't shine brighter than plastic or glass. I'd have to use my head and think of how to coordinate outfit that shows its brightness well.
Translation under the cut
Sharp Tongue Coordinator - Part 1
*Director's default name as Izumi
—Shopping Mall—
Azami: Sorry for making you tag along.
Izumi: It's fine. I'm actually glad I did since I also had some cosmetics that I'm interested in to see.
Yuki(?): ......
Izumi: Huh? The one in front the accessory shop, that's not Yuki-kun... is it?
Azami: Looks like him, but that outfit doesn't scream Yuki-san.
Izumi: ...True.
Even if it is Yuki-kun, it might be better not to call him out since he seems to be serious in choosing something.
Azami: Right.
—Dining Room (Night)—
Izumi: Bon appetit! I've made a tomato curry!
Azami: Curry again...
Kazunari: We had lots of meat in curry last night, so having tomato curry for tonight's so healthy!
Izumi: Oh, right. Did you go to the shopping mall today, Yuki-kun?
Yuki: ...? I didn't though.
Izumi: We saw a person that looks like you in front of an accessory shop.
Azami: Never thought there'd be someone so similar looking.
Yuki: ...I think that's my second sister.
Kazunari: Yukki's big sis?! Do they really look that similar?! Man, I wanna see that~!
Izumi: She had a very serious look on her face while staring at the accessories.
Yuki: Come to think of it...
Yuki: Hello? ...Yeah, what's up? ...You want me to choose some outfit for Yuu's date?
Yuki's older sister: "Apparently, she's going out with a boy she's interested in next week. But she only has boyish clothes, right?"
"She also doesn't seem to know which accessories look good on her, so help her out on that."
"I've got work this week, so I can't make some time for her. I've already told Yuu to contact you."
*flashback ends*
Yuki: ...So we planned to go together on Sunday. I guess she's doing some kind of research.
Kazunari: Doing her best to be fashionable for her date? That's so admirable and super emotional!
Azami: That's why she looked so serious, huh. Must be hard bein' a woman.
Izumi: Hope she finds the one she likes.
Yuki: ...Yeah.
—Shopping Mall—
Izumi: (So glad that I finished my shopping earlier than I expected!)
Yuki: ——.
Izumi: (Huh? Is that Yuki-kun... and his sister?)
Yuki: This the one that caught your eye? ...Doesn't seem different than what you usually wear though.
Izumi: Yuki-kun?
Yuki: Oh, were you shopping too, Director?
Izumi: Yup, I just finished it earlier. The one next to you is the sister you talked about before, right?
Yuki: Yeah. She's Yuu, the second sister.
Yuu: Hello, I'm Yuu Rurikawa. Thank you for always taking care of Yuki.
Izumi: Nice to meet you, I'm Tachibana from MANKAI Company.
Sorry for bothering you guys. You were in the middle of shopping, right?
Yuki: Thing is, I've looked at the clothes Yuu chose, but they're no different than the usual one she has.
Yuu: I like casual style after all.
Yuki: You're the one who asked me to help you choose some clothes for your date. The one you chose doesn't fit date vibes whatsoever.
Yuu: Can't help it since I've never done this kind of thing before.
Izumi: (They really do look alike...)
Yuki: Right, for this kind of occasion, why don't Director take a look too?
Izumi: Eh?
Yuki: It's better to get some insights from a woman rather than relying on me.
Yuu: Hmm, I guess that's true.
Yuki: You'll come along too, right? You're not that busy anyway since you're done with your shopping already.
Izumi: Well, true... Are you okay with me though? I'm not even sure if I can give some good advice...
Yuu: I'd be happy if you could come with us! I'll be counting on you, Director-san.
Sharp Tongue Coordinator - Part 2
Izumi: Right, Yuu-san. What kind of person is the one you're interested in?
Yuu: Eh? Umm...
Izumi: (Hm? She seems to be looking at Yuki-kun... Is it actually embarrassing to talk about love stories between siblings?)
Yuki: Ew gross, Yuu's acting all meek.
Yuu: S-shut up.
Yuki: Even though people always wondered which one of us is a boy back in the old days.
Yuu: Oh yeah, they always mistook me for a boy, and you for a girl.
Yuki: Your clothes were too tomboy-ish, that's why. On the other hand, I was just wearing what I like.
🌸CHOICE 1: That is so Yuki-kun
Izumi: That's so like you.
Yuki: It's boring to just wear clothes that are not cute. Besides, I'm still me no matter what I'm wearing.
Isn't it best to wear clothes that makes you happy?
🌸CHOICE 2: I'm so envious
Izumi: You guys get along so well that I'm envious.
Yuki: Really? I don't think there's that much difference between the past and now.
We were closer to age unlike our eldest sister, so we often had fights when we were little.
Yuu: Right, there were that times too.
All the clothes that I have are like boyish-oriented.
Still, I want the person I like to think that I'm cute, even just a little bit.
...So, I thought I should try my best.
Yuki: Hm...
Izumi: (I kinda get how she feels. I want to support her desire to do her best.)
Yuki: This one's good.
Yuu: Really? I've never worn this kind of outfit though...
Yuki: Exactly. Just go change into this.
Yuu: Okay.
H-how do I look?
Izumi: You look wonderful, Yuu-san! It suits you very well!
Yuki: Of course, I'm the one who picked it after all. For clothes, we'll decide on this.
Next, we need accessories.
—Accessory Shop—
Izumi: Ah! They sell curry earrings too! They're kinda cute!
Yuki: Feels like only you who'd buy this.
Izumi: I wonder if this was made for me...?
Yuki: That wasn't a compliment. Come on, don't get derail and help me out here.
Izumi: Oops, my bad. Still, there are so many varieties that it's hard to pick one.
Yuu: I don't usually wear accessories, so I don't really know much...
Yuki: This necklace fits well with the clothes that we bought just now.
Izumi: Wow, that's cute. What a pretty red... It says here that the one on top is a garnet stone.
Yuu: Is garnet a gemstone?
Izumi: Oh, an explanation is written here. Seems like garnet holds the meaning of "Unchanging Love" in the language of gems!
Yuu: "Unchanging Love"... It's a bit embarrassing, but this necklace is cute...
I'll buy this one. It can be as a good luck charm too.
Thank you so much for today.
Izumi: No, I didn't really do much. I hope your date goes well though!
(She tried her best to choose all these, so I want her date to be a success. I wonder if there's something else that I can help...)
Yuki: Hey, Yuu. I did the whole coordination, so you should be fine doing your own makeup.
Yuu: Ugh... I'll do my best...
Izumi: (Makeup...)
I know! Let's ask Azami-kun to do her makeup on the day of her date!
Yuki: Azami?
Izumi: Yeah, he's in charge of makeup for our theatre company, right?
I'm sure he'll cooperate if we tell him about this.
Yuki: Well, I guess it's better to let an expert do their job rather than Yuu herself.
Yuu: Is it really okay...? I'll be counting on him then!
—Living Room—
Azami: ...Done. Man, you guys seriously look similar.
Yuki: Well duh, 'cause we're siblings.
Izumi: You look very beautiful, Yuu-san.
Yuki: I guess you don't look bad. It's like what they say, "the clothes make the man".
Yuu: S-shut up.
Yuki: ...You're cute now, so go out there and do your best.
Yuu: ...Yeah, thanks. I'll try.
—Veludo Way—
Izumi: I wonder if her date went well...
Yuki: Oh yeah, she sent a LIME after that, but I didn't ask her how it went.
Yuu: Yuki! Director-san!
Izumi: Yuu-san!
Yuu: I came here to thank you. I'm really grateful for all the help you gave me the other day.
Thanks a lot too, Yuki.
Yuki: Did your date go well?
Yuu: Yeah, he praised my clothes and makeup. Oh, the necklace too.
Yuki: I see, that's good.
Yuu: ...Hey, I wanna ask you something.
Yuki: Sure, go ahead.
Yuu: He held my hands on the way back from our date. Does that mean we have mutual feelings...?
*Something just dropped*
Izumi: Huh? Azami-kun? When did you—.
Azami: H-holding hands on your f-first date?! That's shameless!
Yuu: EH! Really?!
Yuki: ...His opinion's unreliable so just ignore him.
Story Clear!
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avrablake · 1 year
Hi rainstormdaughterdearest
Pick one (or a few) ocs and describe a typical outfit. And, of you're feeling fancy, a nicer outfit for some event. Reference photos are optional.
I love this question Sleepyowlmotherdearest. I might get a little carried away (pinterest boards activate!)
Thea wears simple tunic tops or long t-shirts with fitted pants or leggings with a pair of comfortable ankle boots. When going out in public she wears a jacket with a deep hood to hide her face and hair. I can't find anything quite like what I've imagined her jacket to look like. It's got a cowl neck with a deep hood. It's tight around the bottom but loose through the body and has loose, open sleeves.
She doesn't dress up in the story, or have a need to, but she did occasionally dress up when she was younger and still living at home. She would wear simple dresses, most of which were hand-me-downs from her mom. She prefers solid, neutral colors but her mom's dresses are mostly brighter colors, and floral prints.
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Nix doesn't care much for fashion or how he looks. He likes clothes that are practical. He doesn't like to stand out. He dresses more out of habit than anything, which means he pretty much still dresses the way he always did when he was in the Syndicate. His one clothing preference is that he does prefer black or darker colors, and never wears short sleeves unless he's alone.
He mostly wears t-shirts (short or long sleeved) with sturdy pants that have lots of pockets. He has a sturdy jacket that he wears everywhere and sturdy, lace-up boots.
He absolutely would not ever want to dress up or attend an event that would require him to dress up. Eventually Mel might manage to convince him to branch out in his style a little bit–by buying him clothes because he won't do it himself. She'd choose clothes for him that fit his general style but that are more fashionable. Something like the outfit on the right. He would kind of like it actually.
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Gram would dress in practical clothing, similar to Nix, when he's working. Sturdy work pants with a t-shirt and sturdy boots. He wears a jacket sometimes but often leaves it off. When he's not working he wears mostly jeans and t-shirts. Gram actually cares about his appearance and enjoys dressing in nicer clothes but doesn't like to look or feel stuffy. When he goes out to dinner or to an event with Mel he wears button down shirts with casual slacks or dark jeans and a jacket.
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Kai cares less about his appearance than Gram does, but he does like trying new styles and he doesn't like for his clothes to be boring. He prefers stripes and plaids over solid colors. He likes the looser, comfortable styles often worn in the wilds. He prefers trousers over jeans and often wears brown or tan trousers with a button down or linen top.
If he were to dress up he would enjoy corduroy or tweed jackets with his plaid shirts.
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Lucan wears button up shirts and slacks almost exclusively. When he's working he may add a tie and sometimes even a jacket. For formal events, he dresses the way most others in the city do, though he steers away from the traditional double-breasted suits in favor of a simpler jacket.
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Kaori's style is dark fitted pants with sleevless tops and boots. She may add a cropped jacket. At home or when she's alone, she tends to wear leggings or jogger style pants with oversized loose t-shirts and sweaters. To dress up she would definitely aiming to impress and attract attention.
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Ryu mostly wears dark suits or dark colored button up shirts with slacks. He doesn't generally dress casually unless he's training. He rarely participates in attack missions, but when he does he dresses similarly to Nix.
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Black, gray, and other dark colors are a pretty universal fashion among members of the Syndicate. Nix, Kaori, and Ryu rarely steer towards other colors. Kaori sometimes wears other colors like reds, lighter grays and tans, especially after leaving the Syndicate.
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melis-writes · 1 year
Hey babes serious serious question lol what’s Ms Victoria’s fashion sense cause I was picturing her dressing in cottage core over at Sicily but in America and with being a lawyer is she the same is it bougie is it business causal … ? And would she spend coins on a fit?
She comes from wealth naturally and especially being the only girl I know sis was spoilt and obvi Michael would spend a bag on her but I really wonder like would she have been a high end Chanel, Prada, LV and Gucci girl in the 50s
Like this really has been on my mind lmao
You're definitely right about Victoria living her cottagecore life in Sicily. 😂❤️ Lots of cute and light summer dresses for the Sicilian heat at knee length and longer in bright colours or floral and polka dot patterns, especially shirtwaist dresses.
Her fabrics of choice are velvet, satin, and silk. She loves matching her colours with the seasons, so we'd see Victoria wearing brighter/vibrant coloured clothing in the spring/summer especially.
If Victoria's at the courthouse, she's only in business casual consisting of pencil skirts, blouses (lace, chiffon, etc) blazer jackets and so forth if she's in the actual courtroom for trial, preliminary, etc. In her own office doing work but not prosecuting in a courtroom, we know Miss Victoria has an amazing taste in fashion and is always dressing her best. 😌 Victoria wouldn't wear gloves at work or a casual dress like a shirtwaist dress, but definitely more towards sheath dresses. You won't see her wearing patterns at work, unless she's wearing a banker stripe pencil skirt.
We're talking circle/swing dresses (a favourite), jumper dresses, sheath dresses, hand-held purses (leather, sequin, etc), wrist length satin/silk or velvet gloves (and elbow length for special occasions). Victoria's preference for nights out are cocktail dresses (especially sleeveless ones) and she loves a draped or princess neckline.
Faux mink coats and faux mink stoles draped over Victoria's shoulders, and we know she's a diamonds over pearls kind of girl so Miss Victoria's neck, arms and earlobes are dripped out. 😂 She loves to accessorize! Of course when the outfit matches, Victoria will also wear a hat, but her preference is to have a silk scarf tied through her hair or a flower for a cute pin up look.
As for her shoes of choice, Victoria loves her simple flats, Mary-Janes, but is a heels kind of girl. Kitten heels to tall heels, stilettos, pumps, all of that. She's very used to wearing heels.
I remember mentioning in the very early chapters of Moth to Flame that I believe Victoria's engagement dress (a gorgeous, black evening gown) was designed by Gucci. 😍 So yes, she's definitely high end for Italian designer and I could see her adoring and shopping for French designer items too. ❤️ She would definitely not hesitate to drop coin for a fit.
I came across some lovely designs that I can definitely see Miss Victoria wearing! ❤️❤️❤️
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 1 month
Hart and Hunter - Chapter 3- Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Julian Hart
"Who was that?" I ask when Dane gets off the phone.
"Stephanie Wong," he says, swiping a hand over a chin rough with two days' growth of stubble.
"Someone broke into her shop last night and stole some things."
"Our thief?" I ask, perking up.
Across from me, Ingrid looks up from her toaster waffles.
She'd taken a keen interest in our detective business and offered to help however she could to earn her keep.
"Seems like it," Dane says.
"What will we do?" I ask.
Dane finishes a bite of waffle and takes a gulp of coffee before he speaks, probably giving himself time to think.
"We do our job," he says at last.
"We investigate."
After convincing Ingrid to stay home and practice for her first meeting with the orchestra, Dane and I drive into town.
Stephanie greets us when we arrive, wrapped in a loose cardigan and hugging herself against a nerve-induced chill.
Her shop is only a short distance down the street from the spot Dane and I had staked out the night before last, though the area is far more charming in the daytime.
Trees line the sidewalks, their leaves just turning from summer's green to autumn's brighter colors and rustic brick and wood facades define the historic buildings.
Usually, the large glass windows of the store-front displays are full of choice tourist-bait but recently they've been empty or papered over, no one wants to tempt the thief.
In the distance, the mountains rise, their tops capped with the remnants of last year's snow.
Per Dane's instructions, Stephanie has kept her store closed and held off on calling the police, leaving the scene undisturbed.
She lets us in with her key, pushing open the old-fashioned door, painted bright red and shakes her head.
"Who robs a thrift-shop?" she complains, waving a hand at the confines of her store.
She wears comfortable slacks and slip-on shoes and her casual attire reminds me that a lot of the shop-owners see their business as a second home.
The sense of violation probably hurts more than the relatively minor financial loss.
"And who steals costume jewelry?"
She leads us through the small, cluttered store to a glass display case.
It's intact but the sliding side panel is open and the case is empty.
"Maybe the thief didn't know the jewelry was fake," Dane suggests.
Stephanie laughs.
"I think he'd know."
She pulls out her phone and shows us a picture.
It's the display case, full of obviously fake jewelry... gaudy baubles, rhinestones, plastic painted to look like pearls and gold.
"I get a lot of customers who want costume pieces for Halloween, so I try to bulk up on the fake bling this time of year," she says.
"None of this was valuable?" Dane asks.
Stephanie shrugs.
"Doing inventory in a thrift-shop is a pain in the ass. Unless it's something really special, I just take pictures when I change the display. I don't even know exactly what was in there but none of it was worth more than five dollars."
"What else is missing?" I ask, scanning the shop.
There's a little of everything... furniture, lamps, books, framed pictures, knickknacks, kitchenware, toys, clothing and accessories.
Never having had much interest in antiques, I have no idea what's treasure and what's trash.
"Nothing," Stephanie says.
"At least, nothing I've noticed so far. All the valuable stuff is accounted for."
"Does that camera work?" Dane asks, pointing to a small security feature mounted in the corner.
Stephanie shakes her head.
"I wish. It was a donation but it's broken so I couldn't sell it. I stuck it up there for effect."
She nods and takes a breath.
"I just wish I could do more to help."
"Actually..." Dane rubs the back of his neck.
"There is something you could do. Would you mind if we have a look around in private? We'll leave the scene as-is."
Stephanie frowns but nods.
"Sure. I'll head over to Danny's for a coffee. You two want anything?"
Dane shakes his head but I pull a ten from my wallet and hand it over.
"Sure. I'll have a latte and a scone. He'll have an iced espresso."
Stephanie blinks, probably not having expected us to take her up on the offer but murmurs her agreement and departs.
"Julian, the client is supposed to pay us, remember?" Dane grumbles.
"Business expense," I counter.
"We need to eat."
"We just ate."
I roll my eyes.
"Fine. I did it to buy us more time. I happen to know Steph takes her coffee plain... she'd be in and out of there in two minutes. Meanwhile, that place makes a great latte but it takes about a century to get your order. And don't even ask about their espresso machine."
Dane's gaze sharpens.
"Okay, good thinking. What did you have in mind?"
Blushing like a teenager in love at his praise, I gesture around us.
"Do you know how hard it is to pick up a single, accurate, focused impression in a place like this? It's full of previously owned things, all of which hold at least a small trace of their previous owner's energy. It's a psychic nightmare. I need to concentrate and I do that best alone. Well, alone except for you."
Dane shifts his weight as if he'd like to argue but nods.
"How can I help?"
I wave him off.
"I don't know... do your werewolf thing. Sniff around."
He still gets jumpy when I use my abilities.
He's witnessed me react badly to a reading in the past but I have much better control now that I know I'm Fae.
It's actually the 'Fae' part that bothers him, he thinks that me using my abilities will lead to me disappearing into thin air, never to return.
I suppose I can't blame him, since I did disappear for six months a while back.
I tend to forget, since for me it was only three days.
Time is weird in Faerie.
"I'll be fine," I say.
"Stop worrying. I got this."
He gives me a look but goes about his own business.
From previous experience, I doubt he'll find anything... our thief hasn't left so much as a crumb behind so far.
Then again, I doubt I'll find much, either but I still want to try.
I begin by shutting my eyes and taking a few slow, deep breaths, focusing my awareness and clearing my mind... techniques I'd honed when I thought I was just a guy with an unusual gift.
When my mind is still, ready and receptive as blank paper, I open myself to impressions and let my senses expand.
A kaleidoscopic swirl of sensation washes over me, as if I've stepped from a quiet place into the world's noisiest restaurant.
My ears ring with phantom sounds, images flash before my eyes as if on a screen, a medley of smells assaults my nose and ghostly touches make my skin crawl.
For a moment, I'm nearly overwhelmed, I can't differentiate between one impression and another and my senses begin to register the over-stimulation as pain.
Forcing myself to take a careful, deep breath, I relax and, little by little, the chaos calms.
I allow myself a smile, there was a time I wouldn't have dared open myself to impressions in a place like this.
I'd have left with nothing but a psychic hangover and a massive migraine.
Now... like I told Dane... I got this.
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FIRST MEETINGS MEME   A meme for first meetings and introduction threads, aka a ‘What you will notice about my muse first’ cheat sheet. Repost, don’t reblog. Bold what applies. Fill in details.   (Please do not remove the credit + blank meme link)    
tagged by: I stumbled on this and wanted to do it.
tagging: Tagging my other blogs @sadiesawyer and @backedagainstthewall, anyone else can take it if they want from the blank meme link below.
blank meme: x
Sex: Masculine. Feminine. Non-Binary. 
Race: White (Mostly French, Irish, English)
Complexion:  Fair.  She actually can tan just a little bit, but mostly just gets freckly in the sun.  Or burns.
Height: 5′3″
Body Type: Endomorph. Mesomorph. Ectomorph. Other / More Details:  I’d describe Joanna as primarily mesomorph, with a slight degree of endomorph.  Her thighs tend to be the first thing to pick up extra weight.  She’s curvy, but still a bit on the small side.  
Body Build: Small. Medium. Athletic. Muscular. Soft. Curvy. Voluptuous. Other / More Details:  She has a very nice hourglass shape, which tends to get attention, especially from men.
Body Hair: None. Shaves/Waxes. Trims/Grooms. Untamed. Color: Notes:  Joanna keeps her leg hair short.  
Head Hair: None. Buzzed. Short. Medium. Long. Very Long. Asymmetrical Cut. Color:  Ginger/copper red   Style:  Naturally curly, she typically wears it down unless she needs to tie or pin it back to get it out of the way.  Only rarely puts it in a real updo. 
Eye color:  Light blue, almost grayish-blue.   Details:  Some people would describe her as doe-eyed.  
Scars:  One on her left knee from a bike accident as a kid that’s visible at close range.  Another small one from her ex-husband breaking a glass over her head.  She had a burn mark on one arm from an iron as a teenager that lasted a while, but it’s faded completely by the time she’s an adult.  
Fashion Style: Vintage. Traditional. Casual. Artsy. Vibrant. Geeky/Nerdy. Tomboy. Sporty. Trendy. Preppy. Girly. Bohemian. Elegant. Formal. Grunge. Punk. Rocker. Gothic. Other: I’d describe it as “girly tomboy” in that she often wears graphic t-shirts but with short shorts or skirts.  
Color Palette: You’re more likely to see her in darker clothes, but she does wear some brighter ones sometimes.  
Typical Clothing:  Likes t-shirts (sometimes tank tops) and denim, either shorts or skirts in warm weather, jeans in cooler weather, often with a leather jacket.  She does have a certain love for floral and poofy skirts and will wear them sometimes, though.  Tennis shoes or boots are her typical footwear, with her breaking out flip flops on occasion.  She likes cowboy boots.  
Piercings: Ears
Tattoos:  None.  She almost got one once, but in a rare moment, chickened out.  Joanna’s not a big fan of needles, though I’d stop short of saying she has a fear of them.
Other Information:  If she has to dress up, she likes blue and green dresses, and likes the skirts to be big (think ball gowns or circle skirts), especially if they’re longer than her knees, so she can move around, and she thinks they’re cute.  She wears sunglasses in the daytime unless it’s very dark overcast or raining, as her eyes are slightly sensitive to bright light.  She does wear a uniform when she works as a mechanic.  
General Facial Expression:  Straight face, naturally slightly frowning to neutral look is her default look.  She’s emotional enough her face runs the gamut of most expressions, though.
Default Body Language:  Stands up straight, walks confidently, head up, though she leans back when she sits.  
General Movements:  Tilts her head and scrunches her face up when she’s in thought.  She’s very expressive with her hands when she talks, especially when she really gets going.  
Presence: She gives off a fairly bold, confident presence, which is sometimes true, sometimes an act.    
Appearance: She does put a little effort into her looks.  She spent years fighting her hair before learning to work with what she had.  She typically wears a little makeup, but occasionally says “screw it” and goes without.  She does put a lot more effort when she has to dress up.  
Scent: Floral shampoo she uses, motor oil or gasoline if she’s been working on cars.  She’s been told she has a slight peppermint-like scent sometimes. 
Voice Description:  Her pitch is about average.  She tends to talk rapidly, especially if she gets excited.  She tends to be a loud talker, unless she’s purposely trying to be quiet.  Usually if she’s around and talking, you’ll hear her.  
Accent: yes / no More information:  Joanna has a fairly distinct south Louisiana accent.  Anyone who’s not from there or at least the surrounding states will notice it pretty quickly.  It was somewhat more pronounced when she was a teenager and lived with her grandparents for a little while.  There is an occasional hint of a general Deep South pronunciation she’s picked up, especially on certain words.  
Speech Mannerisms: Joanna uses double negatives and contractions frequently.  Her speech is definitely not formal, but she has a certain flair with words when she wants to.  She swears, often, sometimes if she gets excited, frequently if she gets mad.  She tries not to do it around kids, her grandmother, or in church.  
Anything else to add?  Despite not being that well educated, Joanna has a talent for picking up languages.  Unusually for someone her age, she understands Louisiana French pretty well after spending some time living with her grandparents who are fluent (she can usually understand it spoken by others, but her own usage of it can be a little rough).  She also knows a fair bit of Spanish, enough to usually get the gist of a conversation.  (Verse note:  In her Wild West/RDR verse, she’s truly bilingual in English and French, in her pirate and Revolution verses, French is her native language, she’s fluent in English, she may or may not be fluent in Spanish but will still at least have a basic knowledge of it).  
0 notes
cat3ch1sm · 2 years
I don't know why but hisoka flirting with illumis wife just came into my mind for some reason its litterrally 2:57 am
🍵| omg requests r going so slow. i deadass keep falling asleep while writing lol very sleepy
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"Ah. Hisoka- come in."
Your husband opened the door wider and politely gestured for the pink-haired magician to enter, which Hisoka did with flamboyance as he strutted through the massive doors of the Zoldyck mansion. Illumi normally wouldn't have invited Hisoka to meet him, he would have simply gone to visit himself. But now that Illumi had a wife to show off, he wanted to introduce you to his closest associate.
You were standing a short distance behind Illumi, observing Hisoka with some fascination from behind your husband's back. Unlike you and Illumi, who were both dressed quite formally in an elegant emerald color, this Hisoka had worn what looked more like a clown costume than anything else. His face was painted and pale, and his nails were as sharp as knives. You wondered how Illumi had ended up developing a relationship with this man.
"Hey, Illu," Hisoka replied casually. His voice sounded poisonous and sickly sweet at the same time, and there was a drawl to it that didn't seem right. Luckily, the eccentric-looking man hadn't noticed you yet, hands neatly folded behind your back and appearance very refined- there was no room for sloppiness in the Zoldyck home. Illumi had made that, among many other things, clear the day you'd become betrothed to the man.
"Nice place," Hisoka purred, and you all started down the long, dank corridor, heading to no place in particular. Yours and Illumi's footsteps were silent on the cold concrete floor while Hisoka's pointed heels clanked noisily against the ground.
Illumi shrugged, still not introducing you. Hisoka had yet to notice that you were even present. "You've been here before."
"I suppose I have." Hisoka looked disdainful for a minute, twirling a strand of his pink hair around a clawed finger before releasing it. "Anyways... is something the matter, Illu? You never invite me over willingly." Hisoka put on a childish pout as you all made a right turn down the hall, passing the occasional painting of the Zoldyck family.
"No, I don't." Illumi agreed coldly, and Hisoka frowned. "You've heard of my recent marriage, right?"
"Mm, yes," Hisoka muttered. It was clear he wasn't too pleased with the confirmation, judging by his contemptuous expression. You made a face behind the two men, still keeping your presence concealed.
"Right. I wished to introduce the two of you."
"Alright... are we going to see her now?"
"Actually, she is already present," Illumi clarified nonchalantly, and made a vague gesture with his head towards you.
Hisoka, thin brow raised, turned around to finally lay eyes on you. His sharp yellow eyes seemed to instantly zoom in on you as he observed your body and clothes- you were wearing a jade corset over a long dress the texture of velvet but the color of sage. Along with that, you had a large jewel on your finger- the ring you and Illumi both wore to symbolize your marriage. When Hisoka's eyes caught sight of the ring, they only seemed to glint brighter.
Falling back from Illumi and moving to your pace, Hisoka's lips spread into a coy smile. "Well, Illu, you certainly found yourself a pretty little thing."
You didn't respond, instead keeping your visage stony. Seeing your chance, you moved swiftly into the space beside Illumi that Hisoka had just occupied.
Illumi glanced down at you archly before subtly taking your hand in his own. "One could say that."
Hisoka smiled widely and his tongue ran over his lips slowly as he kept his gaze firmly on you. While you nor Illumi were facing Hisoka, both of you could very strongly feel his scrutinizing stare. Cringing, you did your best not to react- you had never met Hisoka before, but you could already tell he was a man who got off on feisty people who gave him the reactions he wanted.
"Ignoring me, hm?" Hisoka purred, and you felt as if the walls were beginning to close in on you. He didn't seem to care in the slightest that your husband was right there as he clearly was coming onto you. "I'm afraid most people can't do that for long, dear. Although, your husband managed to do so for quite awhile... Powerful man, isn't he? Though I'm sure you know that already. I'm assuming you're just as powerful as him, yes?"
No response from you or Illumi. Hisoka, unfazed, continued pushing his luck.
"You two must have had a lovely honeymoon. Such powerful people-" you immediately felt his bloodlust spike- "making love. I can only imagine how beautiful you must have looked, my dear, with your naked body exposed for Illu to see. And how enchanting your moans must have sounded."
Coyly, Hisoks extended a hand and began to run a sharp fingernail down your waist, and you, repulsed, made an half-hearted attempt to arch out of his reach to no avail. It was then Hisoka wrapped both hands around your waist and gripped your sides tightly before abruptly whirling you around to come nose-to-nose with him.
Illumi stopped, and you could feel Hisoka's breath on your face as he cooed, "I think it's only fair that I should be able to indulge as well, don't you think?"
You opened your mouth to answer, but before you knew it, you were on the ground, and Hisoka's hands were nowhere to be seen around your waist. Alarmed, you looked up to see Illumi, bloodlust reverberating throughout the hollow corridor as his hair floated above his head menacingly. While you couldn't see your husband's face, you could see the veins straining in his neck as Hisoka's lustful expression changed into one of shock. The temperature seemed to drop a few degrees as you watched Illumi's skin fade into a sickly shade of grayish-green.
When Illumi spoke, his voice was low and raspy, and his diction clipped. "You dared come into my house... and speak vulgar things about me and my wife... and I overlooked it. But... touch my wife again-" he hissed, his hair rising even higher- "and I will kill you... Hisoka."
You remained on the floor, not really wanting to get caught up in the ominous bloodlust of your husband, watching Hisoka as his lips spread into a smile of feigned nonchalance. "Alright. My bad, Illu- it won't happen again, dear." Although in a tight position, he managed to put his hands up in a surrendering gesture. As you slowly stood up, dusting off your dress lightly, Illumi's hair lowered and his skin turned back into its usual color. He walked toward you and took your hand again before simply brushing past Hisoka as if nothing had happened.
But a few seconds later, you stopped in your tracks, in turn making Illumi stop as well. "Is something the matter?"
You turned around, letting go of Illumi's hand to face Hisoka, who seemed perfectly content walking silently behind the two of you. Surprised, he looked up to see your eyes staring directly into him, and raised a thin brow questioningly.
Cocking your head at Hisoka, you gave him an odd look.
"Hm... why don't you walk in front, Hisoka."
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
True Colors
30 Day Writing Challenge Day 5 - 'Soulmate AU'
This is also the 8th addition to my Soulmate AU series; link to series masterlist here
AU Prompt: The colors of the universe are dull and faded until you look directly into your soulmates eyes for the first time.
Pairing: Din Djarin x GN!Reader
Triggers: Gunfire; Fighting; Blood; Angsty at some points
Word Count: 4.6k
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As you wandered through the market place, your eyes landed on two people, hand in hand, who were pointing out some clothes. You wondered if they were soulmates, able to see the actual true color of the clothes they were buying. With the universe being as big as it was, it was rare for people to actually find their soulmates. Some people settled with others they met and fell for, other’s refused to marry or be with anyone unless it was their soulmate.
Looking down, you ran your fingers across the soft fabric of a blanket at a sellers stall. It appeared muddy and rusty, you wondered how bright it truly was. How bright everything was. You couldn’t imagine a brighter world, you couldn’t imagine what true color the sky was, being so used to the grey colorless sky it was to you.
During your travels you had come across the occasional couple who had been soulmates. They tried to explain to you the color of the sky, the sun, the flowers in the streets. You could imagine, but you never really knew. Your world was dull, and no matter how beautiful some places were, you knew you might never see their true beauty.
Your distracted thoughts became blank when your eyes caught on the figure walking through the crowd. Wearing dark armor over his entire body, people stared at him as he passed through the crowd. It had to be him. The Mandalorian Ahsoka told you about.
You returned to Corvus after Ahsoka defeated the magistrate and she told you about The Mandalorian and the child Grogu. You were curious to meet them, but did not expect to. Especially here, in an outlying planet far from anything else.
You watched the Mandalorian as he marched through the town, seeing no child with him, you wondered if he succeeded in taking him to the Jedi. Your eyes caught on another figure further behind the Mandalorian. Shrouded in a cloak, but obviously stalking the Mandalorian. He must still be being hunted by members of the remaining empire.
Quickly ducking behind a stall, you followed the Mandalorian and his hunter. He wandered through the town and stopped at a restaurant. You watched as The Mandalorian went in, the shrouded figure stopping at a stall nearby, closely watching the building.
Acting as casual as you could, but still hidden by your own hood, you made your way into the restaurant, your eyes catching on The Mandalorian as he sat at a table. You wondered what he was doing. He could not eat here with so many others around. Watching a little longer, you saw him talk to someone, before paying him. He must be trying to get information.
Walking across the room you sat in a chair behind The Mandalorian. You could sense that he stiffened up, aware of your closeness.
You whispered under your breath, just loud enough for him to hear “You are being followed Mandalorian.”
He remained silent before his head turned ever so slightly as he spoke “By you?”
“By another. In a dark cloak, standing outside watching this place. Waiting for you to come back out I suppose.”
“Why are you telling me this? Who are you?”
“I’m a friend of Ahsoka Tano. She told me about you, and the child.” You said simply.
The Mandalorian turned his head further, clearly surprised. He remained silent for a moment. “Why are you here?”
“I came seeking information from someone, seeing you here was entirely a coincidence.”
“Do you know anything of the Jedi? Are you a Jedi?”
“I am not. I am simply an ally to Ahsoka and others like the Jedi. Are you still trying to find the Jedi to take the child?”
He stayed silent for a moment “They have already taken him. I just...” He stopped, clearing his throat.
You could sense the apprehension in his voice, and the pain behind it. Ahsoka was right, he had a great bond with the child, like a father. “You want to know where he is, and if he is okay.” You said quietly, eyeing the side of his helmet from under your hood.
He simply nodded and you thought to yourself for a moment “I know where a powerful Jedi lives, where he trains a new order of Jedi, perhaps the child is there.”
The Mandalorian turned fully towards you now, you did not meet his gaze, but kept your eyes towards the doors. “Will you help me to find out about the child? I will pay you for your help.”
You thought to yourself for a moment. You already received the information you needed and got it to Ahsoka. You had no duties left to perform. You nodded your head “I will. But we must deal with the one hunting you.”
“They're most likely trying to find out where the child is as well.” He paused again “I have no ship, I came here to get a new one, mine was destroyed.”
“I have a ship.” You said simply “It is on the Eastern side of town.”
“Lets go.”
“I will go first” you cut him off “Wait a few moments before you leave.”
The Mandalorian nodded as you rose from your seat and left the building. Exiting, you saw the figure in the same spot as before. Wandering over you stopped in front of him, catching his attention “Excuse me” you began. Hearing the doors behind you opening, surely as The Mandalorian was exiting. The figure straightened up and reached for his belt “Can you tell me which way the nearest ship port is?” You asked.
The figure grunted in frustration before muttering something in a language, something akin to “Get the hell away from me” as he pushed past you and after The Mandalorian.
“That was rude” you said before taking out your weapon and firing it at him, stunning him as he fell to the ground.
The Mandalorian turned and saw as you stepped over the man now unconscious on the ground. You saw more figures come out from various areas, the Mandalorian spotting them as well.
“There are more” He said as you approached him.
“Thought there might be.” you said before picking up the pace “This way.” You said as the Mandalorian hurried to follow you.
Slipping through allies and past buildings, you could hear the other hunters calling out as they ran after you. Suddenly two others ran out in front of you, immediately firing at the two of you. Both of you ducked down and hid, taking out your own weapons and firing.
As others ran into the alley, you began firing at them as well. A total of four were now firing at you as you and the Mandalorian ducked behind cover. As one of the hunters got closer, you ran towards him and began fighting him, unsheathing a stunning staff you had tucked away in your belt. After taking him out a moment later you spun around, seeing the Mandalorian taking on two of the hunters as the other ran towards him.
Following quickly, you grabbed the third hunter and took him out, just as the Mandalorian took the last two down. The Mandalorian turned towards you, quickly following as you ran past him.
Making it through the rest of the town, you made it to your ship. Quickly getting on, you turned the ship on as The Mandalorian stood and watched out the windows as more hunters began firing at your ship from the ground.
Quickly rising, you went into light-speed, escaping the planet. Putting in the coordinates of the planet you heard Jedi were being trained, you turned back towards the Mandalorian and stood up. “I’ve activated my cloaking shields, they won't be able to track us now. It will take some time to get the planet of the Jedi.”
He nodded “Thank you.” He paused. “Uhm, I never got your name.”
**Dins POV**
He watched you carefully as you stood in front of him, still unsure of just how much he could trust you.
You seemed to chuckle under your breath “I never got yours either.”
He straightened up slightly. “Din Djarin” he said quietly.
“Din” you repeated his name back, he felt a weird feeling in his stomach when you did. He watched as you finally reached up and removed your hood, finally revealing your face. He would be lying if he didn’t react to how attractive he thought you were.
As you slowly looked up you smiled lightly and nodded “I am Y/n.”
It took Din a moment to realize something was changing. The color of your eyes was suddenly becoming richer as he stared into them. His eyes flicked to the console as the bright color of the lights changed, followed by the bright silver of the ship.
The realization of what just happened took over as he looked back into your eyes, the color something he had never seen. He wondered for a moment why you were not reacting, and instead watching him with a look of confusion.
It suddenly clicked in his mind that you could not see his eyes, hence you did not know that he- That the two of you-.
“Are you alright?” you asked, wondering why he was remaining so still.
“Uh, yes. Sorry.” he came back to himself, unsure of what to do. Should he tell you? Should he say something?
You smiled, clearly slightly amused at his awkwardness. “I am going to check on the damage of the ship. Feel free to look around.” You said as you brushed past him. He turned and watched as you descended into the ship.
His heart was hammering in his chest as he looked back around the ship, the colors brighter than they had been. Looking down at his own hands and body, the armor he was wearing was a brighter color than he was aware.
Looking back towards the direction you went, he thought back to your eyes. The color was new, a different shade than he had ever imagined. They were beautiful. And seeing them, seeing their true color meant that you were his soulmate. And that he was yours.
But since you could not see his eyes, you didn’t know. Should he tell you? Or should he wait? He could simply take off his helmet, he had already done it before. Broken his creed for the child. Surely doing it for his soulmate would bare no difference.
No. He would wait. He could not do this now. You had just met, it would complicate matters. He needed to think. He was not expecting something like this to happen. So he would wait.
- - Three Days Later - -
The Mandalorian sat silently in the passenger seat behind you, unable to stop watching you as you skillfully piloted your ship through a small field of meteors. You were now descending to a small planet to refuel and buy supplies. The last three days had been torture for Din. Knowing that you were his soulmate, and knowing that you did not know. He was unsure of how to act around you, but tried his best to act normal. It became harder and harder the more he learned about you. In such a short time he learned how selfless, brave and strong you were. And he couldn’t help but think about how the Child would act around you. He would surely connect with you quickly.
You told him where you came from and what you did. You were akin to a bounty hunter, like he had been, but more often retrieved information for the Rebellion. And in turn, he told you about his journey with the child, even admitting that he had once removed his helmet.
You had already known about the original Mandalorian, as well as the group he had grown up in. But you were still surprised to learn he removed his helmet. You knew it must have been hard for him, and asked him about how it affected him, you seemed to care more than he would expect.
You also did not press him to remove his helmet for you. This did not surprise him, but Din had to admit, he was a bit disappointed. He wanted an excuse to take it off, for you to see his eyes. But he couldn’t get himself to do it, not on his own, not yet at least, it was still too foreign to him.
“Alright, we’re descending now.” Your voice broke through his thoughts as he sat up a bit straighter. You turned and looked at him “It shouldn’t take too long to refuel and get the supplies. We’ll be up and out of here quickly.”
Din simply nodded his head before standing and exiting the cockpit. You watched him leave with curiosity. Ahsoka had mentioned how quiet he was, and how courteous he could be. But he was much more awkward that you expected. Maybe it was you? You had a tendency to intimidate people. But the more you thought about what you had learned of Din, you couldn’t help but think him attractive. Not physically of course, you had not seen anything of him, but he was kind and clearly cared much about people and especially the child. His qualities were attractive to you, but you weren’t sure how to feel about it yet.
Something seemed to draw you to him. Back on Corvus, you could have let him be, or left him after telling him of the bounty hunter. But you agreed to help him, to take him to the Jedi. You didn’t do that for just anyone. And you couldn’t help but wonder why you so easily did it for him.
Shaking yourself from your thoughts as the ship finished docking at the loading bay, you rose and headed out of the cockpit.
As you exit the ship, you and Din head into town, side by side. And as people stared at the two of you, you chuckled “We must be quite the sight.” You said quietly.
Din looked around, noticing the people staring and smiled “I’m sure these people rarely get visitors to this planet, let alone people that look like us.” He said, with a bit of amusement in his voice.
After paying for a re-fuel on your ship you headed towards the market to pick up food and supplies. Din tried to focus on what he needed to do, but he was stunned at how bright the world was around him. the dark buddy fabrics at the market stalls where bright reds, oranges, and blues, colors he never thought existed. The sky was a beautiful shade of blue, and the various colors of buildings and ships were alarming. Oh he wished you knew what he was seeing, and why. Would you be as enamored as he was?
As you got further into the market, you separated from Din to split the list, and as you headed towards a shop, you noticed a man watching you and Din closely. He dressed differently than the locals. You felt a bad feeling rise in your gut.
As he turned and walked away from both of you, you tried to ignore it. When you were done gathering what you needed, you turned around and saw the man again. This time he was walking away from you. As you turned and followed his line of sight, you saw Din in the distance, walking down the market.
Quickly paying for your supplies, you followed behind the man, trying to catch up. Surely a bounty hunter could not have tracked you all the way out here? Unless it was a coincidence? Or they knew where you would stop and got here first. You felt frustrated at the idea that they outsmarted you, and that they were faster.
As you began to follow down the same street, you watched as the man got closer to Din. Quickening your pace you began to approach the man from behind. Watching as he pulled out a blade from his belt and moved to stab Din between his armor, you heard yourself suddenly yell out Din’s name.
Din, having heard your voice, spun around quickly in alarm. As he did, he was just in time to see the man about to stab him. The man had faltered a bit when you yelled out, allowing Din enough time to block the man's attack, quickly hitting him and making him stagger backwards.
As you approached the man, you grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back even further, before unsheathing your staff weapon and swiping his legs, bringing him to the ground. As he landed, you quickly struck him in the head, knocking him out.
Turning to look at Din, you halted when you heard the sound of a gun firing, followed by a sharp and hot pain through your side. You groaned as you looked down, seeing the front of your clothes burned through. You staggered a bit as you looked up, your eyes locked on Din’s helmeted face before you fell to your knees.
“No!” Din yelled, as he ran and grabbed your arm, keeping you up. Pulling out his own gun he fired in the direction the shot came from as he pulled you behind a market stall. The market shop owners and people standing around were running off in fear. Din peered around the stall, seeing another man peeking from behind the wall.
Firing his gun, the man ducked back. Din grabbed your arm and pulled you up “Come on! We need to get out of here.”
Doing you best, you followed behind Din as you ducked down behind another stall. You hissed in pain from the wound on your side feeling your vision go spotty for a moment, you shook your head as you tried to stay focused. Pulling out your own gun, you turned and looked out, seeing the man peak out again, both you and Din fired. One of the shots hit the man in the shoulder, making him stagger back. Din took that moment to fire again, killing the man.
As he fell down, you felt relief rush over you, but as you moved to stand, your vision blurred and you fell back down. Din quickly looped his arm under your and around you back as he pulled you to your feet. You tried your best to move your feet as you ran down the alley, but before you knew it, your vision had gone black.
- - - - -
Din let out a breath as he continued to stare at you. He managed to get you back to your ship, having to carry you most of the way. But he didn’t have the skills necessary for your wound. So doing the only thing he could think of, he took you off your set course and to Nevarro. He knew this would take you days off your course to the Jedi, but he didn’t care right now. He knew the Child was safe, but you were in danger. He could not lose you, his soulmate, before ever even being with you.
He managed to get you to Nevarro, having done what he could with your injury. Karga brought in a medic, who was able to stabilize you and save your life, using what tools he had to help heal your wound. But the wound had been too bad and he was only able to heal you enough to keep you alive. You had now been unconscious for a few days and Din was going stir crazy. He wouldn’t feel better until you opened your eyes, until you spoke to him, until he was finally brave enough to tell you that you were his soulmate.
He told Karga, and Cara, who had pestered him with questions about you and why he was so worried. They were unsurprisingly shocked, but supportive, and excited for him. Though, when Cara had found out he had not told you, she was angry with him, having gone so far as to threaten him if he didn’t tell you soon.
But he didn’t need her to threaten him to know that. He had almost lost you before ever getting to tell you. Before ever knowing what it would be like, to truly be with your soulmate. He knew he couldn’t risk losing that chance again.
Din had gotten so lost in his thoughts that he did not see you open your eyes. You were now watching him curiously as he stared at the ground. After a few moments you wondered if he had fallen asleep. It wasn’t until he let out a soft sigh and shook his head lightly that you knew he wasn’t.
“A lot on your mind Din?” You asked, your voice soft.
Din’s head snapped up at the sound of your voice. When he saw you gazing at him softly he felt a grin spread across his face, though he knew you clearly could not see it, not yet. He saw you raise your brow inquisitively and realized he had not spoken. He stood and walked over to your bed, peering down at you.
“I’m glad you’re okay, I was worried.”
You were a bit surprised by the sincerity in his voice, but touched nonetheless. You smiled softly up at him “I honestly thought I was dead.” He shook his head and you looked around “Where are we?”
“Nevarro.” He answered quickly.
“Nevarro? Why here? That would have put us back on our course.”
“I know, but I have friends here, remember, Greef Karga and Cara Dune.” You remembered the names, connecting them to the stories he had told you “I brought you here ‘cause I knew you’d have a better chance at surviving.”
You let out a soft chuckle “Didn’t realize you had grown that fond of me.” You joked.
You heard a small amused scoff from under his helmet before he shook his head a bit “You have no idea.” He said, almost under his breath.
But you caught them, and grew curious “What do you mean?”
Even from under his helmet you could feel his staring intently at you, a few moments passed before he spoke. His voice was soft, but determined “I care about you more than you’d expect.”
Your heart was now hammering in your chest at the idea that Din might have developed feeling for you, the same that you felt yourself developing for him. But even with the nervous excitement pulsing through you, you could only think of one thing. “Why?”
The genuine confusion and doubt behind your voice, and in your eyes could have broken Din’s heart. Even if he did not know you were his soulmate, even if you weren’t his soulmate, he doubted he would not have fallen for you anyways.
Din took a step closer to your bed in silence, and you sat up a bit more, ignoring the twinge in your side. He took another step, stopping as he was now directly at your side, peering down at you.
You watched him closely, curiously as he slowly reached up and grabbed the side of his helmet. ‘What is he doing?’ You thought as you grew even more nervous ‘He can’t be-’
As he pulled the helmet off of his head, revealing his face, you were stunned. Though you were curious, you hadn’t really tried to picture what he looked like under his helmet, part of you thought it rude to imagine him as solely what you wanted him to be. But as his face was revealed, you realized you could not have pictured anyone better. Your eyes locked on to his, and just as you noticed the almost panic in his eyes, you realized something was changing.
The dull dark color of his eyes became a bit richer, the color seeming to become warm and nurturing. The colors of the room around you brightened, almost hurting your eyes, his armor became shiny and bright. As you met his eyes again, you finally realized everything you had been wondering about.
On the ship, when he suddenly became nervous and distant, how he began to act around you, why he seemed so awkward. It all made sense now. You sat up a bit more in your bed and stared at him closely, he was still, and clearly nervous “Why didn’t you tell me?” You asked, your voice soft and kind.
He shrugged his shoulder lightly “I wasn’t sure how. I- I’ve only taken off my helmet once...” He trailed off, but you understood, it must have been hard for him to do it again. Din sat down on the edge of the bed, still staring at you “I wanted to tell you, for you to see what I was seeing, but I was too unsure of what you would do. And then at the market, you almost died, and I...almost lost the chance entirely. I’m sorry.” He spoke with clear guilt in his voice as he looked down at his hands.
Leaning forward, you gently took his gloved hands in your own. He looked up at you with surprise, but it faded when he saw the smile on your face “I knew there was something about you. I never feel as comfortable around anyone as I did you, and I certainly never trust them so easily. But now it makes sense.” Din smiled, and had you been less in control of yourself, you might have swooned.
Din looked down at your hands, gently holding his. Taking them away from yours, he pulled at his gloves, taking them off and revealing his bare hands. Reaching back over, this time he took your hands i his, relishing at the touch, and how soft your hands were.
You smiled at him as he did so, knowing how intimate this must be for him, and you felt so grateful for it. He began to gently run his thumb over your hand, and felt his own heart beating rapidly in his chest before he looked back up at you “I feel like I’ve known you forever.”
A soft chuckle left your mouth as you smiled widely at him “I know what you mean.” Taking one of your hands away, you slowly reached up and placed your palm on the side of his face, once again admiring his rich dark eyes.
Din closed his eyes as he leaned into your touch, the feeling knew and almost alarming, but something he hoped he would experience again and again. Opening his eyes again, he met your gaze, and though he felt a bit exposed and nervous, the adoring smile on your face and gleam in your eyes chased it away.
And as an almost overwhelming urge took over, he felt himself seemingly moving without much thought. He quickly leaned towards you, bringing one hand up to your face, matching your own previous action, and pressed his lips fervently against your own.
You were a bit surprised at this, but welcomed it wholeheartedly as you leaned into the kiss as well, your heart swelling with excitement and glee at the knowledge you finally found your soulmate, that you found Din.
Din, feeling and thinking the same thing continued to kiss you, finally allowing himself to be with someone unapologetically, and knowing that they were meant for him and no one else.
xx End xx
If you enjoyed this, please consider reblogging, I have slowly worked on this for months and finally got it done lol, so I’d very much appreciate it if you shared it with others <3
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General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000Star Wars+Din Djarin Taglist: @furblrwurblr, @startrekkingaroundasgard, @hoeforthefictionalRequested Taglist: @hybrid-omegaverse, @thicc-in-semicorrect-places, @spuffyfan394
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louweasleymalfoy · 3 years
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I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater
You said it looked better on me than it did you
Only if you knew how much I liked you
“Why is it so cold outside?” I whined as I pulled my knees to my chest, making Draco laugh.
"It’s winter Y/N/N" He playfully rolled his eyes as he pointed out the obvious "You should have known it was going to be cold"
I hummed in response and he looked at me through knitted eyebrows.
"Hold on" Draco ran to who knows where, leaving me behind.
The both of us were in the courtyard and not bringing a sweater was probably the dumbest idea I had.
Not even a minute has passed and Draco was back with a piece of clothing in his hands and he tossed it towards my direction.
"Here, wear my sweater you dummy"
I caught it, and gave him a smile of thanks.
"My hero" I dramatically said, placing a hand on my chest, as Draco ruffled my hair. "Can't have my dumb best friend freeze to death" I ignored his comment and decided to put it on.
As I pulled the sweater on, I was overwhelmed with the scent of green apples. It was comforting and I couldn’t help but feel instantly at peace.
"How do I look?" I asked him with a hopeful smile and he returned it with his own warm smile.
“You look better than me in it” He remarked and winked in my direction, making my heart melt and have butterflies erupt in my stomach. My words stuck in my throat.
I hated how Draco could make me so flustered like this. But unfortunately, he didn’t notice.
“Look!” I exclaimed, gesturing at the snowflake I caught in my hands.
“It’s beautiful,” I muttered, looking at the snowflake in awe. Unbeknownst to me, he was staring at me. “Yeah, it is,” Draco said
But I watch your eyes as she
Walks by
What a sight for sore eyes
Brighter than the blue sky
She's got you mesmerised while I die
Slytherin hosts the BEST parties, that is a fact. The party was in full swing at the common room as the students mingled with each other. I was standing by the table with Draco as we joked around, watching our friends get drunk.
"Fck you" I said as Draco made a snide comment about something I said.
"Maybe later" He said, giving me a flirty wink and I had to pretend that I didn't hear him, feeling myself blush. Whenever Draco got a couple of drinks in him, he would get in a flirtatious mood with me. I both loved it and hated it. When he was sober, he would never say something like that.
"You know I—" I stopped myself mid sentence when I noticed that Draco's focus was across the room. I followed his line of sight and saw the source of the distraction.
The girl waved in Draco's direction, making her way over as he didn’t take his eyes off of her.
All I could do was leave. I couldn’t stay there while he flirted with her. It would kill me.
Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester
But you like her better
Wish I were Heather
I sat near the black lake with an empty bottle of fire whiskey in my hand. I wished I had another drink in my hand, but that would require me getting up from my spot.
Instead I closed his eyes and thought of everything and nothing. I feel someone sitting next to me and yet I made no effort to move, my eyes still shut.
"The stars look beautiful tonight don't you think?” A familiar voice said and I simply hummed in agreement.
"I feel like I don’t get nights like this as much as I want. When was the last time we went out to see the stars?" He continued and I opened my eyes.
"Draco, why are you here?" I asked him with furrowed brows "What? Am I not allowed to hang out with you anymore?" He playfully said with a grin and I rolled my eyes as he started to talk about random things.
"Theo is definitely not handling the break up well" Draco informed as we talked about our friend Theo who got his heart broken by a girl.
"Well trust me, dating is not fun" I said grumpily. He put his hand on my knee, making ne freeze up. "You know what Y/N? I can’t remember the last time you kissed someone"
"W-what?" I turned my head to look at him. "Oh come on, when was the last time you hung out with a guy that isn't me, Blaise, and Theo? When was the last time you kissed someone?"
"That's not true! I hang out with um..other guys?" I defended and yet I sounded unsure, looking away from him. "Oh yeah? Give me a guy's name that you've actually made out with"
There was a long silence to follow, before Draco said ever so casually "Well, you can kiss me if you want to? I don't mind" He offered
My head swiveled to face my friend, my mouth slightly agape in surprise. Draco laughed.
"Come on, I just want you to remember what it feels like. It’s just some fun between friends" He sat up, leaning towards me. "Yeah?" He asked.
I settled with a nod before Draco was inches from me. It felt like one of my craziest dreams as my eyes fluttered shut and I felt Draco's lips on mine.
It lasted no longer than ten seconds, but I could remember every detail. How his lips felt, how he exerted little pressure, and how it was over way before I wanted it to be. Draco pulled away so suddenly, his hand going up to his head.
"Woah. I think my head hurts. I better go to sleep. Goodnight Y/N" He got up from his spot and went inside.
I mumbled an agreement, wondering if I had just imagined the kiss.
Weeks later and I was still replaying those few minutes in my head.
Watch as she stands with her, holding your hand
Put your arm 'round her shoulder, now I'm getting colder
But how could I hate her, she's such an angel
But then again, kinda wish she were dead
I turned to watch them as the pair walked along the hallways. Her hand was nestled into his, he was swinging it ever so slightly. She pointed to something in the distance and they stopped to look. She said something to make him laugh, and he slung his arm around her shoulder. I felt like I was going to throw up.
"You are just going to get more depressed the more you stare at them ya know?" I jumped a little at the sound of Pansy's voice as she gave me a sad smile. I turned to look at Draco. His cheeks were pink as he stumbled for words with Heather beside him, wearing his sweater.
"I wasn’t- I was just-"
"It’s okay Y/N/N, I know that you love him" I exhaled. "Is it really that obvious?"
She shrugged her shoulders. "Probably not. I’m just observant. He should just admit that he likes you I’m sorry that he's with that btch."
“She’s not a btch” I said weakly, but couldn’t stop a sad smile form "I bet she's nice. I mean Draco likes her, not me. He'll probably only see me as a friend" I said as I feel my heart ache.
"So? You like her for Draco then?" Pansy asked
I looked back over to the pair where they were growing smaller in the distance.
"Is it bad I kinda wish she didn’t exist?"
"Not really" Pansy replied, placing a hand on my shoulder "We’ve all been there"
"I feel so stupid. Having feelings for my best friend" I muttered
She reached over to take my hands. "You can’t help who you fall in love with Y/N/N. I’m really sorry that you are in this situation. I could've sworn you two would end up with each other, turns out Draco is just blind to see that"
"He never loved me that way Pansy, I don't know what you're talking about, but still thank you for understanding.
I was embarrassed, but I felt tears threatening to fall from my eyes. It was nice to share my struggle with someone else.
"I think I’m going to sleep in our dorm" I said, letting go of her hands, and she gave me a nod. Before I left, she pulled me into an embrace, engulfing me in her arms.
"It’ll be okay Y/N/N, I promise you"
I thanked her and left, thinking of a certain blonde haired boy with grey eyes. I slammed the door shut and walked over to my closet.
I searched for something to wear and saw his sweater. I let my fingers run through the fabric and decided to wear it. I immediately crawled into bed and pulled the covers over me.
I closed my eyes as I cried myself to sleep. Of all the people my heart could have chosen, it decided on a boy who only saw me as a friend and nothing more. All I could do now was imagine what would've happened if he loved me back.
I wish I was Heather
Part 2
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parkersroses · 3 years
champagne problems. | harry styles.
summary: Harry and Y/N meet again after things fell out for them.
pairing: harry styles x fem!reader
word count: 7.3k words
trigger warnings: mentions of mental health issues and attempt of self harm, angst. if these are triggering to you, pls do not read this.
a/n: (gif credits to @letsmakesomeonehappytoday) i’m super nervous about this, also this is definitely the longest i’ve written. i began writing this last december bc i absolutely love the context of the song and i felt like writing something that touches important issues like mental health. i read and did research on how i could write this properly without having it look like i was romanticising the topic. if you do find it that way, pls feel free to leave constructive criticism so i can further improve and amend on my writing. don’t feel obligated to read this if it is triggering to you. here is a link to some mental health hotlines, i might add some more in another if i find any that are reliable. don’t be afraid to ask for help or even help others if you know they might be struggling.
reblog, comment if you like it or not, or even start a conversation. donate to my kofi if you’d like to support me further. i love you all.
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The relaxing and sensual sound of jazz music filled the room. The chandeliers hanging above casted a golden glow over it, making the room more elegant than it did. People were dressed in nice clothing for the new year celebration. 
Harry was not one for New Year’s eve parties, having to prefer sitting in the comfort of his home, sipping on some champagne as he tries to ignore the loud fireworks going off. But considering it was one of his old friends that was hosting this particular party, there was no way he would deny it. He enjoyed having to see his old friends again after a busy year of filming a movie for the world to see one day. 
He stands with his friend, Jake, as he holds a champagne flute in one hand. Talia, his recently girlfriend-turned-fiancée, standing next to him with an arm wrapped around his waist. It had been two weeks since he proposed and two weeks since she said yes to marrying him. It was a joyous time for them after nearly a year of dating. Some might think they rushed but Harry ignored them. He knew if the time was right, then it would be bound to happen eventually. 
Harry’s eyes scan through the sea of people while Jake and Talia are discussing animatedly about something he probably isn’t paying attention to all that much. His eyes wander around until they fall on a familiar figure. He blinks his eyes hard enough to make sure they aren’t playing tricks on him, and they aren’t. The person who he knew and loved before. The person whom he intended to spend the rest of his life with. The person who left him, not giving him a reason as to why. 
Y/N stands with Natalia, occasionally sipping on her champagne as they talk. He should have known that their group of friends would stay in touch with her, even after they broke up years ago. She wears her casual dark jeans, a black long-sleeved shirt and heeled boots. A contrast to those around them, wearing fancy dresses and suits. She always stood out in her own way. It was why he loved her then. 
Harry let out a breath, seemingly couldn’t believe that his ex lover is here in the same room as him. Talia notices this and questions, “Babe, you alright?” Harry breaks away his gaze from Y/N before smiling at his dear fiancée. “Yeah, m’fine. Just saw an old friend, s’all,” he assures her as he sips on his drink. 
“Oh, d’you want to talk to her?” She asks, and Harry shakes his head because if he did, he wouldn’t know how to act or say to her. “No worries. Maybe later,” he says. 
As time passes, Harry finds himself focused on Y/N numerous times. In his mind, he is already thinking of ways to talk to her. What would he say to her? Would she even want to talk to him? Or were they going to pretend everything was fine before she left him? 
When he looks around for her again, he freezes as he sees her eyes staring right back at her, almost looking in shock as he is there too. There is a glimmer in her eyes that he always noticed. She gives him a small yet timid smile from across the room before breaking away from the eye contact. 
Harry decides to pick up what’s left of his courage in his body to walk over and greet her. He leans into Talia’s ear, whispering to her. “I’m just going to meet an old friend. You’ll be okay here?” He says. Talia looks up at him and nods. She assures him that she’ll be alright, saying that she’ll talk to some other of their friends.
As he leaves her side, he walks through the sea of people to look for the person he hadn’t seen in a long time. Harry finds her grabbing another glass of champagne from a nearby tray and he smiles at this. He always knew she liked champagne. She doesn’t notice him walking up to her until he clears his throat. She turns around and her breath hitches as she sees him. Harry’s mouth dries up instantly as his eyes gazes upon her. Despite years of knowing her, he still found her beautiful. 
The corner of his lips curls up slightly. “Hi,” he says quietly, his breath slightly shaking as he spoke. He isn’t sure whether she heard him, but her reply seems to answer that. “Hi,” she replies, with the same nervousness in her voice. 
“Fancy seeing yeh here,” he chuckles. Y/N smiles at this; while it was awkward to have seen her ex in a long while, he never fails to make the situation comfortable for them. “Y-Yeah, you too,” she stutters. 
She is not going to admit it aloud, but she misses the sound of his voice. How deep and raspy it could get. She misses his voice being the first thing she hears when she wakes up, or the hums she would hear in her ear as they would dance with no music on. She misses his touch whenever he holds her close, warmth and protection radiating from his body onto hers. She misses everything about him despite them not being together anymore for a long time, she admits but never out loud. 
Silence fills the gap between as they both figure out what to say. On one hand, they can pretend everything is alright and converse like old friends. On the other, they can push their fears aside and talk about what is actually in their minds that seem to have an affect on their current relationship. 
“So, how’ve yeh been?” He hesitates to ask. He’s not sure whether she would lie to him or give him the proper answer he needs. The answer he wishes he knew. Y/N doesn’t know how to answer that without making it sound as depressing as it is. There had been many times she wanted to give him a reason why she left him, to give him a little bit of closure that he deserves. Perhaps it is her pride that prevented her from doing so. 
“I’m alright,” she says with a small smile on her lips. Her answer could be a lie or the truth. “And, you?” 
He nods slightly at her answer. “I’ve been alright,” He gives her tight smile back. “Been a while since I last saw you,” he says and she nods. “Y-Yeah, way too long,” she says quietly. It’s hard to ignore how insincere the smile he gave her is. Y/N knows him all too well, even when they were no longer together. She knows by that smile that there’s something on his mind, something he wants to say. But she doesn’t question it. 
Harry is aching to ask her. To ask what happened between them, why she left him without a warning, why she had to break his heart the way she did. 
It’s almost like she senses what he is thinking because she then suggests to him. “Want to go outside for a bit?” She gestures to the backyard with her head. 
“Yeah, absolutely,” Harry breathes out. He almost cringes at how desperate he sounds. “Um, after you,” he says, gesturing his hand towards the door. She softly thanks him and Harry follows right behind her outside. 
The pair speak simultaneously as they walk and they both laugh at it. “Sorry,” she says. Harry dismisses this. “No worries.” 
“You look great, by the way,” she says. Harry smiles at her compliment. “Thank you. You look amazing too,” he returns the compliment. She blushes a bit before muttering a soft ‘thank you’ under her breath.
The cold air wraps around the two bodies that once knew each other’s intimately. The stars look brighter that night and Y/N takes a deep breath as she stares up at the sky. She doesn’t realise how Harry looks at the small breath she let out, or how he admires her side profile like he used to when she sleeps. He stares at her for a bit more, like he’s remembering again what she looks like, before averting his eyes to the night sky.
“Saw you had a date back there. Someone special I assume?” She asks out of the blue. Harry freezes in his place. “Y-Yeah, she is,” he blurts out and clears his throat. “My fiancée, actually,” he says and he looks at her to see her reaction. 
Y/N is surprised at first, feeling her whole body tense up before she relaxes. But Harry catches it. “That’s great. Congratulations, Harry,” she smiles at him before turning back the stars. She promises she is genuine about it. But maybe she’s just telling herself that. “How long have you both been together?”
“Nearly a year now,” he says. Y/N lets his answer sink in her head. A year, she thought. We were together longer than that for you to propo-
“Seems like a short time, huh?” She jokes, but Harry only gives a small smile. “Is it though? Too soon to ask if we’re both ready?” He says, as if he’s mocking her and something. And that sent a shard through her chest. Harry curses at himself, he shouldn’t be saying things like that despite them not being together anymore. She looks down at the ground like it was suddenly the most interesting thing and shakes her head. 
“I’m sorry, Harry,” she apologises. Harry is quick to shake his head at her. “No, no. I’m sorry for how I said it. You did nothing,” he says. Y/N is silent for a bit before saying back to him.
“No, really. I didn’t mean to make things weird or uncomfortable between us. I’m just.. Sorry,” she says. 
“How are you, Y/N?” He asks genuinely. Y/N is confused at first, wondering why he is asking the same question again. “I already told you, Harry. I’m alri-,”
“I mean, how actually are you?”
She turns to him, seeing as Harry is already looking at her with a solemn expression. “You don’t have to lie to me,” he says softly, almost sounding like he doesn’t want to scare her. And she knows what he meant and what he wants to know. 
Y/N suddenly feels a lump forming in her throat and breathes in deeply. She clears her throat, hoping her voice doesn’t waver when she speaks. “I promise I’m okay, Harry. I just,” she sighs and closes her eyes. 
“I don’t know. I’ve been getting by on my own. Trying to work on myself, you know, since,” her words falter, but Harry knows what she means. Since she left him without an answer to one of the most important questions in life. He nods his head slightly even though she doesn’t see it. 
He lets out a sigh as he looks up at the starry night. “You know, it’s… kind of surreal. Us being here I mean,” he says. Y/N looks at him again with confusion written all over her face. “I’ve been wondering where you’ve been. I called but you never seem to answer. I just wanted to see how’ve yeh been, you know?” He confesses, throwing this big weight out in the open. 
Y/N has her head hung low, like a child being scolded for stealing the last cookie from the cookie jar. But she knows he means well. And she hates how not only she caused problems for herself, but the person she once loved. 
“I just… I miss my best friend, Y/N. I miss having her around,” he says, and he doesn’t realise how his words hit her like a truck. She breathes in sharply, feeling a slight pain in her throat. “And you don’t think I felt the same way then?” She asks softly, her voice already wavering. 
Harry shakes his head. “No, love, I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry,” He’s quick to apologise but she dismisses it while ignoring the fact that he called her a very familiar pet name he used to use on her. “It’s fine,” she says, and her voice is almost quiet enough for you to not hear her.
“It’s just,” she breathes out and she looks up hoping that tears won’t escape her eyes. “I wanted to let you in. I could’ve answered the phone. But I didn’t. I know how bad I left things between us, H.” Harry’s heart jumped a bit at hearing her say ‘H’ again. She used to always call him that. It still sounds lovely as it leaves her lips. 
“I wish I could’ve told you why I left you kneeling with the ring still in your hand. I couldn’t, though. Maybe I wasn’t ready that time, or never was.” It hurts for her to say this because she has imagined spending the rest of her life with him countless times. “I’ve had this constant battle in my mind for so long. I thought that maybe if I ignore it, it’d be like it never was there and we’d be alright. But it got worse and I couldn’t ignore it anymore. I held it on for so long and I couldn’t say anything because I knew I’d somehow ruin everything. Well, I did in the end.” And she feels tears streaming down her face. 
Harry feels his tears escaping his eyes too, but doesn’t make the effort to wipe them away. As if he’s paralyzed in where he stands. “A-And, what happened after that?” he asks ever so gently.
Y/N wipes her tears away and takes a deep breath before continuing the sad story they’re on. “I lived with it and the thoughts consumed my mind. S-Sometimes, they can get dark.” She confesses but not all at once. She won’t tell him how she felt herself crumbling down and how her mother found her unconscious in the bathroom, overdosing on some pills she found. She won’t tell him how hard she cried in her hospital bed over the pain she was in. It felt like a shard puncturing through Harry’s heart. The fact that she had been struggling all this while and he never noticed it, it kills him. 
“Then, one day, I just decided to find help. I knew I needed help. And I’ve been having sessions with a psychiatrist for a few months now.” And she smiles through her tears. “I’ve been working a lot on myself, been on medication and all. Then, maybe one day, when I feel ready for it, I’d come find you, apologise for the problems I caused between us. Didn’t think it’d be tonight, though.” She jokes and hangs her head low again, like she’s scared to see what Harry thinks of her now. Just a girl who’s sick in the head. 
There is an uncomfortable silence between them and Harry speaks up again. “You infuriate me sometimes, you know?” Y/N looks at him and his eyebrows are pressed together like he’s mad. She is once again confused at what he meant. “I would’ve listened. I would’ve helped you. I would’ve,” he pauses and runs his fingers through his brown curls, taking a breather so he won’t actually lose his temper. But for Y/N, it’s like she wanted him to scream at her. Yell at her for leaving him behind for her own selfish needs. 
“I would’ve looked after you,” he says softly, and it’s heartbreaking to hear the pain in his voice. “I didn’t want to burden you, H. I wouldn’t do that to you,” she says gently and Harry shakes his head at her. “Is that what you thought? That you’d burden me?” She only shrugs at him with a sad smile. 
“I heard it before.” She says, and it makes Harry furious that anyone would toss aside the state of her mental health. “It’s not because of your job, Harry. Or your fans,” she assures him. “I didn’t want to overwhelm you with what I’ve been going through. You deserve someone who isn’t as fucked in the head as I am,” she says. 
Harry now has tears running down his cheeks. He now wishes he could go back and actually pay more attention to her, instead of being ignorant to it. He remembers when she left, the neighbourhood had quite a bit to say about the rejection, particularly on her. They often talked about how insane she was to deny his proposal because marriage is what every woman needs, right? Granted, he told them off not to speak about Y/N so poorly ever again, but he still wishes he could’ve seen the signs when it got worse for her.
Now, she stands in front of him, and it might be wrong to admit this, but she still looks just as beautiful as the day he lost her. Her eyes still have the same shine and her smile still has the same warmth to it. He lets out a small laugh. “This is not how I actually planned to spend my New Year’s eve,” he says jokingly and they both laugh, almost like the entire sad conversation did not occur. “I know,” she says, smiling at him. She doesn’t realise how her words took him back to when they would get drunk on wine while watching romantic comedies together on their couch. 
“This is quite an interesting relationship you and I have,” he says smiling as he looks up at the starry night. She smiles at him too before doing the same. It’s the comfortable silence filling the gaps between them now. Just two people under the stars, one has it all figured out while the other has champagne problems. 
She looks back at the building, gold lights still shining as people are getting drunk and ready for the countdown. “You should probably go back to your fiancée, H,” she says. Harry sighs as their time together has come to an end and nods. “Um, it was really great seeing you, Harry,” she says as her feet fidgets against the ground. She feels like a teenager talking to her crush again. 
Before he even thinks, Harry has his hand up, brushing off the piece of hair of face, and his thumb lightly brushes over her cheeks a bit. “You too, Y/N,” he says, and he means it. Y/N feels her face warm up, before nodding her head at him and leaving. “Where’re yeh going?” He calls out to her. Without looking back, she calls back to him. “Home!” 
He only looks at her leaving for a moment before calling out to her again. “Y/N, wait!” 
Y/N stops in her tracks and looks back at him. “Um,” he fumbles on his words. “If I call you, not tonight, or tomorrow, just if any day after this, because we’re on good terms, uh,” he blurts out his words as she watches him, amused by what he wants to ask. “If I call, will you answer? Like I said before, I miss my best friend,” he shrugs and has almost a pleading look. Y/N’s heart melts at him and she smiles. 
“I will, H,”
Since their last meeting, a lot of things have been on his mind and one of them was Y/N. He hasn’t been able to stop thinking about her and the conversation they had. He knew now that it must’ve taken a lot of bravery to speak up about what she was going through. And he was proud of her. He really was.
He has been thinking about calling her for a while. He just doesn’t know what he’ll say. He wants to know how she’s feeling even though he’ll never know what it felt like for her to go through the dark times she went. But he could try to understand. He owes her that, at least. He spends some of his time off reading about mental health issues and educating himself more now.
Talia wanted to start planning their wedding, which makes Harry fill up his schedule more between wedding plans and music plans. He tries his best to accommodate whatever Talia wants for their special day. Though, sometimes he finds himself not focusing on the shades of white she suggested for her dress.
Sometimes, Talia would get mad at him for not prioritizing their wedding, seemingly as it was a very important thing for them, well, more for her. She gets mad at him for not focusing on their plans instead of hiding in his studio. She once told him to get his act together because if he wasn’t serious about this, he never would have asked her to marry him. That knocked a nail on the head as she stormed out of the room after another small argument.
Part of him thinks it's the thought of marriage finally sinking in his head. He has the girl, he got a ‘yes’, it should be as exciting as when he asked her. But he finds himself in and out of planning, always reverting his focus back to music, like he’s stalling. He still hasn’t told Talia about Y/N, but there was no need to since he’s with her and not Y/N. When Talia asked about his slightly red eyes at the party, he lied and said something was in his eyes. She believed it, of course.
Now, he’s thinking back to the situation with Talia. He admits he hadn't been paying attention to her as much as he should or helping out with their wedding. But her words now stuck with him. If he wasn’t serious about marrying Talia, he wouldn’t have asked her. He tells himself that he really does love her and he knows she loves him. So why is he hesitating almost at the thought of marriage? Why does it feel like he’s leading her on? He was so sure he wanted her. Unless he only asked her for the hell of it and to not be lonely. 
He sits quietly in his little studio with his thoughts as his company. What is he really doing? He really doesn’t know. 
She’s laying down on her sofa, staring up at the ceiling again. She does this a lot, having nothing much to do at home other than rereading the books on her shelf or following a recipe for a delicious meal. Instead, she lays down staring at the blank ceiling thinking of how her life went. And in the state of all nothingness, she thinks of him. 
Meeting Harry again opened up a whole jar of emotions she kept hidden. It was no doubt that she still cared for him. She was still in love with him and if they were in another universe, she’d tell him that. She’ll do whatever it takes to make it up to him, for causing so much hurt to him. But she couldn’t. He belongs to someone else now. Someone who is more worthy of his love and time. And she’s happy for him, genuinely she is. 
As she thinks about him, she recalls back to the days before it all went wrong. She remembers being scared. She had found his mother’s ring in between his clothes as she was putting away their laundry. She remembers being terrified of the commitment Harry was in. She knew for certain that he would ask her sooner or later. But for her, she still doesn’t know. She wants to marry him, but is she ready for it? Is she worthy of him devoting his love and time to her for the rest of his life? 
That’s when the doubts came in. She was always battling the thoughts in her head more often after finding out that he might propose to her. She keeps a disguise up, pretending she’s not screaming for help or suffering, hoping that maybe it’ll go away and when he asks, she’ll say the answer he wants to hear. But she didn’t keep the disguise up for long. 
When they arrived at Harry’s family home, she was overwhelmed. She saw the bottle of expensive champagne on the kitchen table. Their friends were there too. She was told they were just having a family gathering along with their friends, but she knew what was about to happen.
Nothing could prepare her for when Harry pulled her out the backyard, kneeling down in front of her with his mother’s ring in hand. She could still remember the look on his face, so bright and in love, then having to see it all disappear and his expression drop. He was speechless, so speechless that it took him a minute to snap out of it and run after her as she exited the house. She passed by the living room and had a glance of how everyone was rather to celebrate; no applause or cheers of congratulations were made.
She felt a lot of things that day. Pain, embarrassment, guilt, regret.
Now, a year later, she likes to think she’s doing better, not only for her family or Harry, but for myself. It’s safe to say it was going well for her, she definitely felt better. That dark part of her life was always going to be a part of her, but she was glad she did something about it. 
She had struggled a lot before asking for help. She always had trouble sleeping and always felt herself drained to the core. She took some sleeping pills in hopes to feel better. Until one day, she just decided to down the whole bottle like she was downing a bottle of alcohol. She was lucky enough that her mother was around when she found her, her father too was quick enough to call an ambulance. It was too hazy for her to remember precisely what happened after. When she got admitted, she cried to her mother of how much pain she was in, and it killed her. She thinks of how selfish and stupid it was for her to do something like that. That’s when she decided she needed help, like really needed help. 
It’s funny how life works sometimes. A few months ago, she was found nearly dead. She has been recovering now. It took a while to open up during her psychiatry sessions and her mother monitored her to make sure she was doing alright. She lives alone now, but still has her mother check up on her. She didn’t find it annoying, in fact she asked her mother to watch over her a bit because she doesn’t trust herself. 
She’s healthier now, keeping herself busy to reflect and work on herself. And it did cross her mind a few times before to find Harry, to maybe apologise to him. But she thought that perhaps he didn’t want anything to do with her anymore. And that’s okay for her. Plus, she always hoped that he would find someone else that’ll love him just as much as she did him. 
He hasn’t contacted her since they last met and she wonders whether he’s scared of doing so. Then again, she hasn’t made the effort to contact him too. Maybe they’re both scared. 
She was about to get up and make herself some coffee after feeling a bit thirsty. She takes out a mug and sets it on the counter before she hears a knock on her door. She freezes in her place, her face scrunches up in confusion. She doesn’t remember having anyone making plans to come by. She hasn’t contacted her friends in a while and her parents would have told her that they would visit. 
Knocks on her door snaps her out of her trance as she realises she is still in the kitchen. She slowly walks up to the door and looks through the peephole. To her surprise, she sees Harry standing right before her door. She pulls herself back from the door and thinks for a moment. How did he know where she lived now? Why is he here when he could have just called her? 
Realising that he’s probably waiting outside for too long, she takes deep breaths and opens the door. There he is. Standing in his usual white t-shirt where you could see his tattoos through it, his black joggers hugging his muscular legs with some sneakers on his feet. His hair is a bit disheveled and she could imagine him running his fingers through it in a nervous and stressful manner. 
“Hi,” he says breathily. His expression is somewhat hopeful, she thinks. “Hey,” she replies, giving a small smile. He’s fidgeting on his feet, something she knows he does when he’s nervous. So why is he nervous? She’s trying to come up with different theories in her head. 
“Um, may I come in?” Harry asks. Y/N snaps out of her thoughts again and nods quickly, opening the door wider for him to walk through, hearing him mumbling a small ‘thanks’ under his breath. Harry looks around the small new apartment she now lives in, smiling at how it is very much her character the way she put things together.
She locks the door behind her and clears her throat as she faces him. “Sorry for showing up out of the blue like this,” he apologises. She only smiles and shakes her head. “No, no worries. I was just... wondering how you found where I live. I don’t think I ever told you that,” she says questionably. 
The corner of his lips lift up just slightly. “Your mother, actually,” he says. She rolls her eyes playfully at this and lets out a small laugh. Of course, her mother would let him know where she lived. Her parents always loved Harry and treated him as family. Even when they fell apart, they still cared about him. After all, he was one of the only good things in her life that she cherished. 
“Of course, she would. She still loves you for all I know,” she says with a sheepish smile. Harry throws his back in laughter and it makes her smile even more. “Well, I guess I might have to visit them again some time,” he says, smiling cheekily at her. 
For a moment, it feels like everything was normal between them.
She shakes her head at him as she plays with her fingers, something he knows she does when she is nervous. “Um, I guess you’re here to talk about something else?” She asks, and she sees how his smile falters just a bit. “Yeah, actually,” he mumbles under his breath, but she hears him.
She nods with a tight smile on her face, seemingly trying to mask her anxiousness behind it. “Okay. Uh, just, make yourself comfortable. I’ll get you a glass of water,” she says, hurrying off to the kitchen before Harry could say anything. She sets a glass down and gets a jug of water. Her hands are shaking just a bit and she tells herself to calm down. It’s just Harry, she thinks. Whatever he wants to say couldn’t be that bad. Right?
She comes back to the living room where Harry is. He hasn’t sat down on the couch, instead he’s just standing in the middle of the room, looking around and admiring the little touches she put like the indoor plants and the paintings on the wall. She gently sets the glass down on the coffee table, the glass making a ‘clink’ sound on the surface. Harry turns around to face her and smiles, his little dimple making an appearance on the corner of his lips. She smiles back at him before clearing her throat. 
“You had something you wanna say?” She asks, fiddling with her fingers. Harry nods slightly. “Yeah, I do. Um,” he begins as he rubs the back of his neck lightly. 
“I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to say, been practicing the words in my head. So, I’m sorry if it ends up a mess,” he says, letting out a small laugh. She laughs a bit with him too. Nodding as she gestures for him to continue, he breathes in deeply before letting his words out.
“After we met last time, I, uh,” he begins and she swears she could hear how loud and fast her heart is beating. “I’ve just been reflecting on how we left things off. And I promise I meant to call you sooner, but I just didn’t know what I’d say that won’t make things weird and awkward,” he stops to look at her for a moment and the expression on his face is almost so familiar to her. 
“When you told me your story, I felt a lot of things. I felt… upset and angry that I couldn’t read the signs that were so evidently there. I thought maybe I realised it sooner, or tried harder to help, I could’ve helped you and you wouldn’t have felt to have gone through it alone. I hated how you were alone in this and how you helped like you couldn’t talk to me about,” His breaths are shaky, like he might break any minute. She wants to caress his face so badly, comfort him, but she knows it wouldn’t be appropriate. He’s still engaged to someone else after all. 
She looks down at her floor, taking a gulp in her throat. “Harry, what are you saying?” She asks ever so softly. 
“I’m saying that… you don’t have to go through it alone, darling. I’m saying that I wanna be there for you now. Albeit it has been months, but,” he pauses to take a breath. “If you give me a chance, to let me in, I promise to always be there for you and to be by your side all the time. Whenever you need me.” 
Y/N takes a moment to process what he had just said, shaking her head at him. “Harry, I,” she takes in a sharp breath. “I don’t think you need to do that.” Harry’s face scrunches up in confusion. “Why not?” 
“I just, I don’t want to burden you. I’ve already made it hard for my parents enough,” she says, trying to convince him even though all she wants is for him to be by her side. He shakes his head, chuckling a bit. “You’ll never be a burden to me, love. I want to be there for you always. It’s my choice to do this,” 
“What about your fiancée? What’s she gonna think about her fiancé or husband soon when he’s out there looking after some girl, Harry?” 
“You’re not just some girl, Y/N. You’re my best friend. And I,” he pauses in his words again and takes a deep breath. “What?” She asks nervously. 
The corner of his lips lift up just slightly and his expression almost looks guilty. “And I’m in love with you,” he says and that’s when she feels that her heart stops. He loves me, she thinks. All the time, she thinks the feelings would have gone away but here he is, in her living room, telling her he’s in love with her.
“No,” she says. Harry is surprised by her response. “No?” He repeats.
“You’re not in love with me anymore, Harry,” she says, almost like she’s trying to convince herself that. “Yes, I am, love. I’m still in love with you, even after all this time,” he says desperately to her. 
“Don’t do this to me, Harry. It’s not funny,” she says as her voice starts to waver. “It’s not fair to your fiancée for you to say this.” It’s funny to her how she still doesn’t know her name, but maybe she doesn’t know hers either. Harry steps closer to her and his heart breaks a little when she steps back. 
“Don’t, Harry! Please,” she practically begs him. “Just go back to her. It’s been a good talk and it’s good to see you again but you have to leave,” 
“I don’t want to leave you, Y/N,” he says and it’s surprising how calm he is at this moment. 
“Harry, I,” 
“I’m not engaged anymore,” he says, cutting her off. She stares at him in shock and disbelief. “What do you mean?” She asks. He sighs as he runs his fingers through his hair. “I broke it off with Talia. There won’t be any wedding,” he confesses.
“So what? You broke up with her just to look out for me? Are you insane!?” She exclaims. She doesn’t want to believe that he broke up with her because of her. She thinks back if she would’ve hid from him during the party, he’d still be in a happy relationship with Talia with no problems. Once again, she’s thinking it’s all her fault.
“I’m as sane as I can be,” He says, raising his voice slightly to match her tone. She shakes her head, paces in her place, muttering ‘no’s to herself. “Darling, look at me,” Harry says gently as he steps closer to her. “No, this isn’t happening,” She’s now muttering words to herself and it breaks him even more to think she might think this is her fault when it’s not. 
“Look at me, Y/N,” he says as he tries to get her to look at him, but to no avail, she keeps her eyes away from him. “No, Harry. We can’t,” she says and she realises now how tears are starting to fall from her eyes. “Yes, we can, darling! Just listen to me,” he tries to convince her.
“You belong with Talia, Harry! Someone who has her life put together, a-and, someone who’s not fucked in the head as I am! She’ll make you happy!” She tells him, almost trying to convince him to go back and fix his relationship. 
“She won’t make me as happy as I was with you. It wouldn’t be fair to her,” Harry says to her as he tries to cup her face and wipe her tears. “What wouldn’t be fair to her? Huh?” 
“It wouldn’t be fair to lead her on when I’m in love with you!” 
And then, everything stops. Silence fills the room and all you could hear are the heavy breaths between them. Harry runs his hand over his face before speaking again. “I tell myself that I’ll be able to love again after you. But the love I’ll have for any other will never amount to the love I have for you. It wouldn’t be fair to move on with Talia when all I could think about is you. When I know I’ll always be madly in love with you,” he tells her, his voice wavering with every word he says.
She breathes in shakily, feeling the painful lump in throat. “Maybe if we hadn’t met that night, you wouldn’t have to think like that,” she says so softly under her breath, like she was ashamed. She looks down like a child being scolded by a parent. 
She hears him stepping closer to her and this time, she doesn’t step back away from him. She feels his hand under her chin, lifting her head up so she has no choice but to look at her. His forest-green eyes, ever so beautiful, are glossy with the tears he holds. “I wish you’d stop thinking that this is your fault when it’s not, darling,” he says gently to her.
She realises how close their faces are together, feeling his breath hitting her face as they stare at each other with the same look. She sees it in his eyes. Love. And maybe it’s because she’s emotionally exhausted or she realises how there is still love in his eyes for her and only her. 
She gently yet hesitantly puts her hand on his cheek, seeing as how he leans into her touch with his eyes closed, as if he misses her touch all this time. She doesn’t waste another second before pulling his face closer and letting their lips crash against each other. Harry is quick enough to reciprocate the action. His hand that is not on her hand wraps itself around her torso so move her closer to her. All he wants is to be close to her. 
She whimpers into the kiss as she feels tears streaming down her face again. She misses this. She misses his kisses, how soft and plump his lips feel against hers and how they taste. She misses the way he pulls her closer to him because he doesn’t want any space in between them. She misses him. 
They don’t know long they have been kissing until they break apart to catch their breath. She feels dizzy after the kiss while he feels like he’s on cloud nine. Their lips still brush against each other and Harry pecks her lips softly as she whimpers at the action. 
“I love you,” she finally tells him. And it feels so good to say it again to him. Harry sighs shakily, almost in disbelief that she said those three words, and his lips break out into the biggest smile. “Really?” He asks. She giggles as her hands cup his face. 
Harry sighs and leans his head back with his eyes closed, looking so bliss in the moment. “I’m sorry. Can you say that again? I wasn’t paying attention,” he says teasingly with a smug smile on his face. Y/N gasps and playfully punches his shoulder a bit, making him laugh. 
“I love you, you handsome idiot,” she says laughing at him. Harry shakes his head with a wide stupid grin on his face. He rests his forehead on hers, their noses brushing against each other’s. “Again, please. Just so I know I’m not dreaming this,” he says, his eyes closed as he savours in the moment. 
She grabs his face in her hands and pulls him away so she could look at him. He notes how soft yet small her hands felt as caresses his face. “I love you,” she says again, more gently but having more love and passion in her words. And she loves saying it because she does.
She has always loved him and always will love him. Her beats for him as his does for her. Her thoughts are filled with nothing but him. Looking at him now, he feels just as lovely and beautiful as the days they were together before. She knows that she’ll never love another as much as she loves him. She’ll fully admit that she is crazy, stupidly, madly and truly in love with him. 
Harry smiles ever so lovingly at her as his large hands cup her face. At this moment, it feels right, like they belong together. Despite the odds and struggles she had to go through, he promises to never leave her side, to always be around, to always be the shoulder she needed to cry on, to lend her his arms to give her the warmth and comfort she deserves. And he admits that he is truly, madly and deeply in love with her too. 
“I love you too,” he says as he brings their faces closer to each other, enclosing the gap between their lips again. He misses the way her lips gelt and how sweet they taste against his. He swears he’ll never get tired of loving her. Their lips move against each other slowly and gently as they try to savour in the moment. A moment that just felt right to them. For a moment, her champagne problems are forgotten, even though it’s still something that will always be a part of her.
They part away soon after, now staring into the eyes they fell in love with. Their smiles are permanently inked on their faces as the two lovers look at each other with the only things they have on their mind that will get them through. 
Love and hope. 
And somehow, that was everything. 
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stop-saying-tootsie · 3 years
the ghosts and what they would wear if they were alive today!!!
definitely into ripped up band shirts that he’s cut the sleeves off of
would have a denim jacket for when it’s cold
jeans, but buys one pair a year and cuts them up into shorts when it’s hot out
a pair of steel toed boots
generally just a huge diy guy
would try to keep up with whatever the youth is wearing
a fan of brighter clothes in the summer
like button ups and stuff
generally sort of quieter but the button ups are important to him, they’re his bit of confidence (totally not projecting)
so older shirts like robin, followed up with a brighter hawaiian type shirt
also funky socks!!
when it’s colder out he definitely has a ton of sweaters
i think she’d love a nice sundress
something simple but colorful
like i can see her loving a gentle blue dress
but she’d have dresses with pockets bc she’s cool
loves to dress like her friends honestly
doesn’t have too much of her own style but then again that IS her style
she also likes nice dresses, but it’s not unusual for her to be in a jumper like the captain or humphrey when it’s cold
she’s actually stolen quite a few of theirs and they don’t mind
oh god
dark academia wannabe
he tries to dress all fancy every day
but also he loves denim
finds robin’s cut up clothes atrocious
wears good shoes every single day
he would enjoy long sleeved button ups with sweater vests but everyone laughs at him
bc he looks like a child
old lady
jk jk but also like. not
she’d also wear dresses but not like mary’s, hers would be not quite so bright
cardigans probably
accessories galore!! she has so many rings and necklaces and stuff
the captain
very serious all the time
dresses like he’s got an office job
ties and button ups and khaki pants
tho he does throw a jumper over it when it’s cold (he owns cardigans too don’t argue w me)
also rolls the sleeves up a lot
casual wear?? what is that??
no bc on weekends he always has some project (dad™️)
so he wears heavy boots and shorts and old t shirts
but no one ever sees this so. cannot be confirmed (except pat)
this guyyyyy
we know he wears funky jumpers
honestly dresses like a tourist a lot
he has a lot of just very cool polos and such
would love thrifting so he can keep an 80s dad style
wears tight shorts and is unashamed
has a big sun hat he wears when he gardens (totally not while the captain works on his projects)
also always in a suit but only because he thinks it’s sexy
it’s not julian
his casual wear is very golfer-esque
bright shorts and polo shirts
it’s sorta funny but also suits him
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Moving day
Based on @lucywrites02's writing challenge, with the prompts "1. You're family" and "8. I have a surprise for you". I wish you a very happy birthday, Lucy!
Pairing: Loki x fem!reader (Tony Stark's daughter, not Morgan)
Word count: 3.2 K
Warnings: fluff and pregnancy :) This was very adorable to write.
Taglist: @lucywrites02, @louieboo87,@jesuswasnotawhiteman, @geekwritersworld, @whatafuckingdumbass, @mysticunicorn7, @toe-vind-ek-jou, @t00-pi, @selfship-mishaps, @sallymagnoliaposts, @deadgirl88, @enderslove
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Gif: @moonrainbow
It had surprised Thor greatly how quickly and intensely his brother had fallen for you. He was as committed and truthful as he has never been in his long, long life. He looked at you softly, in comparison with everyone else. As soon as you walked in a room, he followed you with his gaze and invited you to his conversation. It wasn’t a surprise that after a few months of this very silent flirting (that very few noticed, because it mainly consisted in batting eyelashes and repressing subtle smiles when the other was around) you’d come out of the shell and admit you started dating. Thor was ecstatic.
Tony, on the other hand, was not amused. Not amused at all; in fact, he hated the idea of you going around with that God. He said, explicitly “if you ever get in trouble because of him, you solve it yourself. Nothing of coming for daddy to help, clear?”. Pepper had told him to cut some slack, and observe at how happy you were together, but he, stubborn to the bone, had to take a few months more before accepting the fact that his little girl was in love with the God of Mischief.
But the months passed by; almost a year, and you grew closer and closer. You hated to sneak into his room every night, and get interrupted all the time by every single soul in the compound, or mocked to death every time you cuddled on the sofa, watched a movie or read a book together. So, it all boiled down to the same conversation:
“I don’t think he’s ready”, you said while pouring some milk on your cereal. Nat rolled her eyes.
“He’s even readier than you”, insisted Wanda. They were exhausted from having the same conversation over and over, but you couldn’t bring yourself to actually do something about it. “He’s lived much longer, if any of you two were to be unready, that’d be you”.
“Do you think I’m not ready?”, you doubted yourself.
“God, Wanda. You’re planting unnecessary seeds here. The girl’s already anxious enough”.
“I just think… I want him to be with me for the rest of my life. I don’t know if he feels the same”.
“He totally does”.
“Yeah. No doubt about that. Just look at how he looks at you. What are you even waiting for?”.
“I don’t know, a signal?”.
“Of what? You’re impossible. Unless God themself comes down the sky and tells you textually just move in with him, you wouldn’t consider it a ‘signal’”, bitched Nat. But she was right. Commitment was not exactly your thing, even though you were as in love as you could be.
You heard an oncoming scream approaching the room. In silence, you three observed cautiously, and moved away from the middle. The screaming increased its loudness, until a body shattered the roof and fell to the floor violently. Loki laid still among the dusted debris until a second screaming started sounding from the sky.
“Oh, fuck”, he said, managing to get up quickly and making himself as a shield for you three. Thor landed on his feet over the same spot Loki had fallen. Dust flew everywhere and the floor cracked a bit more. “Don’t”, he alerted, pointing at his brother menacingly.
“I’m tired of your whinings, brother. Do something or I’ll do it myself”, spat Thor, grabbing Mjölnir and leaving the room. Loki sighed and sat on the couch, cleaning the remains with his magic. Wanda sighed and put it all back together.
“And what was that about?”, asked Nat, eating a candybar, still on the same spot as earlier. It wasn’t an unusual scene.
“I…”, said Loki, but desisted. You sat on the couch by his side and he laid, using your lap as a pillow. You took out a tissue and started carefully cleaning the blood off his cuts. He smiled softly. “We just had a fight”.
“I can see that. What did you fight about?”.
“He wants me to… well, talk to you”, he struggled to say.
“Well, we’re talking now”.
“Yes. No, wait, no. Like, talk talk”, he clarified, and Nat and Wanda nodded, leaving the room. You could still hear their chattery from the door.
Loki sat up and grabbed both of your hands, making direct eye contact. He was nervous, which only made you even more unsettled. He was never nervous. He was always calm, even in life or death situations. He was unfazed in everything and with almost everyone. Almost.
“What do you want to talk talk about?”, you joked, and he chuckled, releasing some tension.
“I want you to move in with me”.
“Oh. Wait. What?”.
“Like, move out. But with me”.
“To your room?”.
“Out of the Compound”.
“To an apartment?”.
“In Midgard, yes”.
“But like, in New York?”.
“Wherever you want, actually”.
You stayed silent for a few seconds, and Loki grew nervous again. You couldn’t help but laugh. He looked at you quizzically, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m sorry, it’s just that… a God just fell down the sky and told me to move in with you”, you clarified, which didn’t actually clarify anything.
“You… what?”.
“Yes, I’d love to move in with you, love”.
And in no time you were already packing things up and going together on apartment huntings.
Tony insisted on helping you out himself, which was hilarious, given the repulsion he had for the idea in the first place. So, you’d go to an apartment by yourself, check it out and talk to the owner for a bit; Loki would arrive later, tensing things up (the owners would usually recognize him, but after a little chat they’d find out he’s a fine man), and then, just after you’d be all calm and good, the owners would see in the papers you’re a Stark, and tense up even more. Easier to say, it wasn’t a normal neighborhood chat.
You had finally decided on a small but very cozy apartment near Central Park; far enough from the Stark Tower, but you could get there pretty quickly for every mission.
You found the place advertised on the papers, and when you showed it to Loki, in sickness and all, you insisted on going to visit it that same day.
“My love, my dearest… you need to rest. I’m afraid you might faint again”, he cooed, trying to get you back to bed.
“A little fever won’t do anything to me, really, I’m f…”, you said, but you felt like vomiting, so you stopped your words and sat on the floor. Loki sat by your side and rubbed your back.
“If you feel better tomorrow, we go, yes? Now, come on, I’m gonna call Banner and you wait on your bed”.
“No, but they might take it, we need to go to make sure…”.
“What about I go, call you on one of those animated images, and you can see it from here?”, he proposed, helping you up. He meant a video call.
“That… sounds about right”.
But you had no actual time to have that video call, for when he was in the apartment, Banner was delivering some more important news.
You’ve been to the examination’s room of the compound before. But this time it seemed brighter. The lights shone so strongly, you had to close your eyes a little.
“What would you like to do about it?”, asked Banner. You were sobbing and trembling.
“I… I don’t know, I’m sure Loki will leave me”.
“What? No, don’t base your decision on that guy’s opinion”.
“Well, I don’t want the kid to not have a father, you know?”, you said as he gave you a tissue. “I want to have it, I’ve always wanted a kid. I think I’m… ready? I’m probably not. Not by myself, and I can’t do this alone. He’ll leave me, won’t he? Why would he want to have a kid with a mortal? We’d die as fast as he blinks”.
“Look, I’m no one to talk about it, but this sounds more like your anxiety and less like something he would do. He really loves you, he has for like at least a year, and I don’t see that going away anytime soon”.
“I know. You might be right”.
“You’re allowed to doubt everything. This is a huge thing, y/n. Think this through, talk to people, talk to your friends, or your parents. Don’t let this eat you”.
“Thanks, Bruce. You’re really… you’re being really nice, I appreciate it”, you sobbed. He handed you another tissue as he rubbed your shoulder.
“This is your call, okay? You have time to think. Text me later how you’re feeling, and have bed rest now. And if you feel too bad, take this”, he handed you some pills, “it should be innocuous for the baby”.
One of those days, that same week, you had decided to make it the official moving day. So, you put every box in the van and drove through the city, to your new home. You haven’t told Loki yet what you knew, and you were terrified he’d get even more upset because you didn’t tell him before the moving. But, to be fair, you didn’t think he’d actually leave.
You had told no one about it, despite Banner’s indications. But it wasn’t eating you. You were enjoying it silently. You were glad; you had your doubts, fears… Hell, you were terrified. But you knew, if Loki wasn’t going to be a part of that, you could do it yourself. You hoped he’d wanted to, though.
Loki and you had started taking the boxes inside, all by hand (to be honest, he was a little scared of the neighbours watching him do things with magic and kicking you two out). You laughed through it, and played races to see who’d finish their boxes first. He was wearing one of those midgardians shirts and pants that melted you completely. He wore that for your anniversary dinner the week before that day, and he noticed how much you loved it on him, so he started wearing fancy casual clothes more often than not.
After about two hours, you were done and completely exhausted. You laid in the middle of the wooden floor, surrounded by boxes and a strong smell of floorwax and fresh paint, and looked at each other fondly.
“Welcome home”, you said, and he showed you the biggest smile he’s ever done.
“I think this place is perfect. It’s away, but not exactly far from your family for whenever you’d want to be with them”.
“Yes, it’s perfect”, you said, getting up and helping him up. “You know, I have a surprise for you”.
“Really? What is it?”.
“Tonight at dinner, shall we? In the meantime, what about we get something to drink before unpacking?”.
“Can’t wait for tonight, then. Would you like some tea?”, he said, surrounding your waist with his arms. You played gently with his hair.
“I love you”, he said, giving you a small peck over your smile.
“And I love…”, you started saying, but the entrance got filled with noisy people, interrupting you. Four of your friends were already filling the place, giving you an idea of how a small party would fit in there. “... you”.
“Oh my God! This place is so well illuminated!”, said Wanda, marveled.
“And what’s that smell? Have you been cooking something weird?”, said Nat, less enthusiastic, but equally curious. Sam and Bucky were still on the door, and Sam seemed to have brought food. Like a cake, or something similar. Wanda and Natasha were quick to invade the place without further notice.
“Oh, you got one of those hidden drawers! What are you hiding in there?”.
“Probably sex toys”, guessed Nat.
“I’d say drugs. But, like, alien drugs. You know, from his town”, apported Bucky, now making his way in and leaving the cake over the counter.
“I thought drawers were supposed to be for clothes”, said Sam, rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, but hidden drawers? Sexy clothes”.
“Actually, I’m saving my daggers in there”, finally said Loki, kissing your cheek before pulling away from you, and appearing a cup of tea in each guest with a movement of his wrist.
“So, guys, what do you think?”, you said as you started opening one of the boxes.
“I think it’s small”, said Tony, as he walked in. Pepper rolled her eyes behind him.
“Don’t listen to him, you guys chose perfectly. This place will look very nice once you paint it and decorate it”.
“It’s already painted”.
“Oh. Well, it… it looks nice”.
“Thanks mom”, you chuckled. “It’s small but we don’t need it to be big”.
“You better be actually saving daggers in here”, Tony peeped inside the hidden drawer. “Now that is not so hidden. I wouldn’t like to open it up someday and find a…”.
“Dad, please”, you rolled your eyes and went to Loki’s side. “Don’t worry, you won’t find anything weird. Just the daggers and knives of my very innocent boyfriend”.
“Well, you’ll have to think further about having knives so close to the floor, you know”, he muttered. Loki furrowed his eyebrows.
Tony ignored him and walked to you earnestly, with the most serious face expression you’ve ever seen, and everyone observed quietly. He grabbed you by the shoulders, and inhaled a deep breath. All of the sudden, his eyes got watery, and you realized Banner had told him about the pregnancy. Your heart beat so fast you thought you’d faint again, right there. The corners of his lips formed a tiny smile, and he hugged you tightly. Loki was certainly confused now. As far as he knew, Tony didn’t like him, and why would he be so happy about you moving out? It’s not like you were his only child, either.
“I’m so proud of you”, he whispered, and then Loki had the feeling he wasn’t talking about the new apartment, but didn’t ask any further.
That night you managed to cook something special, even though you still hadn’t gotten the gas installed. You cooked together, and laughed at every minor inconvenience the house could give you. The doors of the countertop cabinets were the perfect height for Loki’s 6’4” ass to stump his head every time he tried to open it.
After some time of silent cooking, absorbed on each’s thoughts, Loki asked about your dad’s pride.
“Oh, he’s… well, he just, gets very emotional with these things”. He chuckled at your very obvious lie.
“No, he doesn’t. Certainly not with me”.
“Come on, he likes you now. He likes anyone I love, because you make me happy, and because he has no other choice”.
“Well… I thought he’d be less amused”, he admitted. “Hasn’t he? Other choice, I mean”.
“I don’t think so. He’d have to deal. Family is family”.
“Oh, do I know about that”, he said, cutting a carrot more strongly than before. You laughed.
“I meant it in a good way”.
“Well, your family is one thing, mine is another… I can’t push yours to like me, as much as I would like to. They’re very nice, and I wish I had a family like that, but I don’t”.
“Love, family is built”, you said, this time a little more serious. He repressed a smile, still looking at the vegetables. “You’re part of this, too, you know?”.
“Of this?”.
“You’re family”.
He didn’t repress the smile this time.
“You’re right. You’re my family, too, my love”.
“You…”, you took a deep breath. It was the perfect moment. “Do you ever imagine us in the future?”.
“Why yes, of course”.
“I want to spend all your life with you. I didn’t want to rush into things because… I don’t know, scaring you out of anything, but I…”, he said, and the alarm on your phone went off, to take the rice from the fridge. You two laughed at how mundane this conversation seemed. “But I love you, and I want you by my side”.
“Okay. Well I do too. That’s good, right? That’s good”.
“Yes, of course it’s good, why so doubtful?”, he laughed, grabbing a tomato and stabbing it.
“Because I’m pregnant”.
“Yeah”, he chuckled, without actually realizing what you just said. And then, he fell. “Hold on, what did you just say?”.
“I’m… I’m having a baby. Yours, of course”, you clarified. You felt like you had to, but it wasn’t actually necessary. Silence filled the kitchen.
“Oh dear” he paused. He left the knife over the counter and looked at you, looking for any trace of a joke. You weren’t joking, and you grew nervous as he let time pass by without saying a word. “How could you not tell me this before moving in?”, he muttered, still in a bit of a shock.
“Oh. Well… I…”.
“I wouldn’t have let you carry those heavy boxes, love, I’m so sorry”, he said, and cupped your cheeks. “Are you really…?”. You sighed in relief. For a moment you thought of the worse.
“Yes, I am”.
His arms embraced you completely, hugging you as tight as he allowed himself to. He muttered how much he loved you, and how happy you had just made him, for the rest of his life.
Later that night, as you laid in bed, he cuddled you from behind with his hands on your tummy and his lips on your bare shoulder. You could feel his soft breathing grazing your skin, and his warmth keeping you safe.
“Loki”, you whispered, checking if he was still awake. You couldn’t sleep.
“Yes, love?”, he whispered back.
“Are you sure you want to be a daddy? With me?”.
He turned you around, and lowered his head to your abdomen. He sank his face and kissed all around your stomach and hips, leaving a trace of kisses up to your neck, and then your lips.
“How could I not?”, he whispered in a low voice. Burying his nose in the crook of your neck, teased “besides, the word daddy comes out so well from your lips”.
You laughed softly, and after some more silence that was fairly filled with loving stares, a thought crossed his head and you saw the light of his eyes turn to dark.
“What is it, love?”, you put a strand of his hair behind an ear.
“I… I’m just realizing something bad”, he said, and you nodded. “I’m a Frost Giant”.
“Why is it bad?”.
“My actual form is bigger than this. And… colder. And if the baby were Jötun too...”.
“You think the baby might hurt me?”.
“They might. I don’t know. Oh no, what if they hurts you?”, he began to panic, and you shushed him, kissing his temples.
“Don’t worry, Lokes. If that’s the case, we’ll figure it out”, you reassured him. “And maybe it’s not. And we’ll have a little and very healthy half-Jötun running around this small apartment. When have we not solved our issues? We’re good at that bit”.
“You’re right. You’re right, my dear”. He sighed, and then chuckled. “Should we have gotten a bigger place?”.
“We’ll be a very close family”, you laughed.
“We already are”, he whispered, cuddling back to you. “We are a very close family”.
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