#the wasp saga
conflicted-phoenix · 2 years
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shailion · 3 months
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Wasp update: They're doing fine and it looks like they're fussing over a baby that hatched!
I like how there's always at least one keeping a close eye on me.
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phyllidaluna · 7 months
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Ya’ll remeber my lily pic? What if i did a whole lil zine of trans girl icons in anime/games ? 12 seems like a resonable number. And then maybe... other queer zines?
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thewiglesswonder · 10 months
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The third and final chapter of Orbits and Pieces is up!
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velvet4510 · 3 months
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dead-professor · 8 months
[The portal that Finn painted on the ground flares to life in a blaze of golden light and the short professor steps out, several hand-painted round items hanging at his belt]
Hello, happy to be in your region. I am Professor Laurence Hemp, originally of Terramara.
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thena0315 · 2 years
It’s all coming together...
Shang-Chi and the Legends of the Ten Rings (2021)
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
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Ant Man and The Wasp: Quantumania (2023)
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evilhorse · 1 year
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The Saga of the Sub-Mariner #8
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pervyssco · 2 years
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liliavalley · 11 months
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*un-rubies your wukong*
1 . im still working on his outfit. 2. i changed his ears. sick of the faunus having 1 singular animal trait plastered on a human model. it's not better by Much, but I think it's a good change. AND i made him a bit more furry. he's a monkey guy. he does not need waxed abs.
ok so my version of the guy has him more aligned with the jttw version. very hotheaded and impulsive, will beat you up if you look at him funny. He still puts on the funny cool guy front but he's easy to set off pre-fall of beacon. Which is part of why he failed as SSSN's leader.
He goes into each strike without doing much strategizing first, and while he's very strong (fought and won against quite a few Haven students! you could say he caused a lot of havoc.), that doesn't do him any good against an opponent that
On the journey (which he got signed up for in exchange for getting out of his semester-long detention sentence for said Havoc In Haven), he did a lot of work on his impulsiveness, control, and temper with the help of his new teammates, Ao Lie, "Pigsy" and "Sandy" (dubbed WASP). Sanzang, one of Haven's best teachers and who they had been tasked to escort on a reconnaissance mission, carved him the circlet to remind him of the progress he'd made, and to take a breath and think whenever he feels himself getting too caught up in the heat of a battle. He and Blake have a much more quippy relationship. Sun grew up in the same neighborhood as her, and while they never met officially until they were older, Blake does have the memory of being 7 years old, and noticing a little blonde monkey stealing peaches from her family's tree.
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agentem · 1 year
Universes in Marvel
One of the things I like so much in Spiderverse is how each universe looks slightly different. Like Gwen's colors are not the same as Miles's and it goes even further with Noir being black and white and Ham being a cartoon.
One of the things I think I struggle with in the MCU is, how do we know someone is from another universe. Like is that Victor Timely -Kang variant at the end of Ant-man and the Wasp: Quantumania in our past or a different universe's past?
The rules seem inconsistent. When Doctor Strange and America Chavez go through different dimensions they change physically to fit the dimension--becoming paint and cubes, etc. Whereas in Spiderverse, the characters remain themselves in animation they clearly don't belong in.
But when Loki is kicked through a portal into another timeline, he doesn't even notice?
I guess I'm still unclear if a new timeline is a new universe or not (I thought yes but who knows!). But this is frustrating to me. I like the specificity of Spiderverse. You don't have to explain anything. I just see a Looney Tunes-style pig standing in a CGI animation world and I know it's off.
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shailion · 7 months
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any wasp experts know why it looks like they're chewing up one of their own babies? or is it that all grubs look the sameish?
It did get down to the 40s so maybe the cold killed it and they're recycling?
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The infinity stone scene in Loki showed us just how teeny tiny The Infinity Saga was compared to The Multiverse Saga and I think that AntMan And The Wasp Quantumania is going to show us just how much multiverse there is to explore…
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libraryleopard · 2 years
What I really love about the Archivist Wasp books by Nicole Kornher-Stace is the way that the genre mash-up is tied together by characters. The ghost is a supersoldier trained from birth, a character who resides in a science fiction story. Wasp/Isabel is a priestess-archivist who hunts ghosts and her world is a cultic, fantasy-tinged dystopian where the old order gave way to a new age of hauntings and constellation-gods. And they find each other on an underworld quest, a katabasis, a kind of story that calls back to Greek and Roman epics. They’re characters from two different genres who find each other in a third one, but they ultimately come together because I think they understand each other on some deep, personal level. They’ve both been raised in ruthless worlds and thrust into dehumanizing roles–supersoldier, archivist–that have attempted to strip them of their agency, their personhood, their identity, and even their names, but they fight back against that, uncovering their pasts and hope for a better future on their quest. Wasp/Isabel and the ghost originate from somewhat different genres, but they reach across the gap between them and clasp hands because they’ve been acting out the same story in different ways.
Alternately, I’ve described Archivist Wasp as “What if you put Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Mad Max: Fury Road, and a platonic version of Hadestown into a blender and it works because the real magic is the friends we made along the way” and I still stand by that.
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talonsaga-trash · 2 years
The real reason Dante didn’t go rogue was because JKags knew full well that it would put Dante’s, Riley’s, and Wes’ anxiety in the same room and they wouldn’t be able to get anything done for the rest of the series.
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percabeth4life · 2 years
Wasps back sobbing
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