#uhm hes eating yogurt
cireluce · 5 months
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Forgor to post this here 💀
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magewritesstories · 2 days
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cw. you and spencer are alone in the bullpen after a long case and you introduce him to girl dinner, guest starring spencer's glasses bc why not. [ fluff ] note. i used what my comprehension of girl dinner is but there's a lot of different opinions on what it's supposed to be. wc. 622
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THE BULLPEN IS QUIET AS THE CLOCK STRIKES 11:30 PM. Spencer sat in his office, wondering why he ever took Emily up on the offer of becoming Unit Chief.
The pile of unwritten reports seemed never-ending, and the pile of written ones barely growing.
The man sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, casting a glance out his office window to look at the single lit light coming from your desk, where you're also hunched over a profile.
He quickly checks the time on his watch and gets up.
"You should head home, it's late," he stated, leaning against Luke's desk, which was parallel to yours.
You looked up from the report in your hand. "It's okay, I'm almost done anyway—what about you?"
"That doesn't count, I'm unit chief," he replied with a simple shrug of his shoulders.
"I didn't realize unit chiefs weren't human," you replied with a teasing tone.
Spencer just shrugged. "I told JJ I'd write her share of reports so that she could go home and spend some time with Henry and Michael. What's your excuse?"
"Just looking at the pile of unwritten reports on your desk made me tired," you answered. "I didn't want to add to it."
"I don't mind, you know."
"I know, but just because you don't mind doesn't mean I should take advantage of it every time—besides, believe it or not, I had nowhere to be anyway."
You gave him a small smile that made his heart flutter.
He stayed quiet for a minute (by accident) before quickly clearing his throat. "Uhm, have you—have you had dinner?"
"Sort of," you shrugged. "I had girl dinner if that counts."
Spencer frowned as he said something he found himself saying a lot more often with you around, "I—I don't—I don't know what that means."
You used your pen (pink with a small kitten attached to it—probably from Penelope's 'Batcave') to point at the empty plate sitting at the far edge of your desk.
"I had a small container of yogurt, a cup-o-noodles, and some apple slices," you explained.
"That's just a bunch of different snacks," Spencer blinked in confusion.
You shook your head as you corrected him, "Actually, it's a bunch of leftovers I found in the fridge—don't tell Terry, he's very serious about his yogurt."
"Still not sustainable," he countered with a smile, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose.
"It's three out of the five main food groups," you replied with a grin. "Besides, it's not like I eat like this every day. I just didn't want to waste time getting dinner when I wasn't that hungry anyway."
You leaned against your chair, spinning slightly, as you looked at the slight crease between his brows.
"Tell you what, boss," you said, "If my choice of dinner bothers you that much, why don't we go out?"
"Wha—what?" he asked, snapping out of his daze.
You smiled at his flustered expression. "For dinner, obviously. C'mon, my treat, y'know, for being such a great boss."
"It'll be fun," you insisted. "There's this great Thai place that opened a few streets down from that bar we went to the other day. JJ said you don't know how to use chopsticks, and I would love to see you try."
Spencer shook his head. "I taught myself, actually. I can use them now."
"Great, I guess you can prove it to me," you replied.
"You really think that place is still open right now?"
"Yep, opening hours are from 7 to 2," you answered. "So if we can finish these reports before then, we should be fine."
Spencer sighed before giving you a smile. "I'm going to try."
"Great, it's a date!" you exclaimed as he turned back around to walk to his office.
You were going to give him a heart attack one of these days.
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Request: Would you be ok with Broppy x male reader….like a polyamorous relationship w them…just a little scenario or something…
A/N: Yeah!! Broppy x male reader coming up :D
Broppy x male reader
Summary: Reader is the newest addition to Poppy and Branch's relationship. He isn't sure how to act knowing that he's dating the queen of pop, and the queen's first boyfriend. Poppy and Branch show Reader that dating them isn't as complicated as he's thinking it's going to be.
Warnings: Fluff, dating, reader is an overthinker, happy ending!
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Y/N woke up to the sun coming through his window. It was a lot brighter than it normally is. He grumbled and covered his eyes so he could adjust before he sat up in his bed. When he fully gained consciousness, he saw Poppy standing at the foot of his bed, a smile on her face.
He was shocked to see the queen in his house, and was wondering what she was doing here, until he remembered that he was dating her and allowed her access to his house at anytime during the day. He smiled back at Poppy as he threw his covers to the side and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He stood up and looked around, seeing Branch standing in the doorway. Y/N was still a little tired, but wanted the two of them to feel welcomed.
"Would you two like anything to drink? Or maybe some breakfast?" Y/N spoke in his morning voice, a bit raspier than his normal voice. It always made Poppy excited when she heard it, and Y/N knew Poppy was waving her hands around while he walked to his kitchen.
"Oh no, we're good." Branch spoke up as he walked into the house and closed the door. Poppy moved and sat down at Y/N's dining room table, along with Branch. "You might want to eat something light if you're going to eat right now, Poppy has something planned."
Y/N leaned on his kitchen counter with a brow raised at Branch before Poppy started to giggle. Y/N smiled and turned to grab a cup of yogurt from his fridge. Once he was done eating his yogurt, he sat down with Branch and Poppy at the table. Poppy started talking, rambling quickly, and Y/N rubbed his sleepy face. "Poppy, slow down. I just woke up.."
"Right, sorry!" Poppy spoke with a smile on her face as she took a breath in, then blew it out. "Ok, so for our one month anniversary, I was thinking we could have a picnic. I have everything set up already at my house and I was just wondering if you would be interested in that!" Y/N took in Poppy's words, and then nodded.
"Sounds good to me, I just need to get ready." Poppy smiled and stood up from her seat quickly, knocking it over. She quickly moved to pick up the chair and put it back where it was before she sat down. Branch stood up as well and walked towards the door.
"Great! I'll go set up right now, you get ready, Branch will take you to the spot when you're done!!" Poppy spoke excitedly as she ran out the door that Branch had opened.
"I'll be waiting outside, take as long as you need." Branch spoke softly as he walked out the door and closed it behind him. As soon as the door was closed, Y/N began to panic. He needed the perfect outfit for today, he forgot where he set his gifts down for Poppy and Branch, he was shaking. He took a deep breath and tried to recall where he put the gifts.
"Under the bed? No.. Uhm.. in the cabinet..? I think so.. I'll check after I'm dressed and ready.."
Y/N got dressed and ready for the day, brushing his teeth and his hair, brushing his teeth again. Then he went the cabinet in the kitchen. No gift. He panicked again. He looked through all his cabinets in the kitchen before he moved and looked under his bed. Not there either. His eyes scanned his entire living space, and then he checked his bedside table. The gifts were on the shelf just below his drawer. He let out a sigh of relief, grabbing the gifts softly. He slipped them under his arm and headed for the door. He fixed his hair one last time before he opened the door and stepped out. Branch smiled at Y/N and held his hand out. "Ready to go?"
Branch and Y/N had gotten to the flower field where Poppy had set up their picnic, and she smiled at them widely. "I love your outfit, Y/N!!" Y/N smiled as he sat down on the blanket with Poppy and set the gifts down beside himself. Branch sat down beside Poppy, crossing his legs. It was silent for the first couple minutes, Poppy was rummaging through the picnic basket for what she wanted Branch and Y/N to eat first. Branch started up at the sky, and Y/N was in his own head.
"Are they going to like their gifts? What happens if they don't like their gifts? Am I being weird just staring at them? Maybe I should look somewhere else.. Should I say something? Do they think I'm weird for not saying anything? I should say something.. what would I even say?"
Poppy pulled out a container of cookies from her picnic basket and placed it in between Branch and Y/N. "First course, cookies!" That snapped Y/N out of his thoughts, and he smiled as Poppy handed him a cookie. He examined it, it has little hearts of different colors in it, and a little bunny in the center. He smiled at the cute cookie before taking a bite. It tastes like strawberries!!
"Oh this is great Poppy!" Y/N spoke with a smile. This compliment made Poppy smile even more. She looked over at Branch, who gave her a nod of approval as he continued to eat his cookie.
"Ok, I'm glad you guys like them! I was thinking they might have been a little weird tasting cause of all the different things I added into them. But they were super simple to make which was good but I'm not really all that good at baking. And-"
"Poppy, slow down." Branch spoke softly, holding Poppy's hand with a small smile pressed on his lips. Poppy nodded and lowered her gaze to Y/N's side where the presents were.
"Oh are those for us?? You got us gifts?"
"Oh, yeah! Here," Y/N took the gifts from his side and handed Branch and Poppy each one gift. They were wrapped with colorful wrapping paper, and each had a white bow on top of them. The names on the packages were written in cursive. Branch admired the packaging for a while while Poppy tore open the gift. It was a scrapbook of all the things the three of them had done together since they started dating. Poppy stared at the scrapbook, flipping through the pages. Her eyes teared up a bit before he sniffed and looked up at Y/N.
"You scrapbooked, for me?" Poppy spoke softly. "I love it, thank you." She hugged the scrapbook to her chest before he began to flip through the pages again. Branch then opened his gift and was shocked to see a new vest, hand sewed by Y/N.
Branch smiled and thanked Y/N before he took off the best he was wearing to put on the new vest. "How do I look?" Poppy looked at him and smiled widely.
"Great." Poppy and Y/N said in unison.
Maybe dating the queen and her first boyfriend wasn't as complicated at Y/N thought it was.
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fxchild · 8 months
The Switch
Miles Fairchild x fem!reader
Chapter eight: Do me a favor.
It's 12:00am, I'm still driving in my car. I can't get Miles out of my head. Why? Why did he kiss me? What is wrong with him? The crazy thing is I liked it fucking loved it! I'm debating whether I should head back to the estate or stay the night in my car parked up on a hill. Fuck it. Before I knew it I'm heading back to the estate.
I open the door, kick off my shoes and slam my keys on the table and walk down the hall to Miles room. I didn't even realize my breath was heavy until I raise my fist up to knock on the door before I freeze.
What the hell is wrong with me ?
I put my hand down and stare at the door nob. I shake my head and turn around. Before I could walk off I hear the door swing open and Miles's breathing. I spin around and we stare at each other, five inches apart. I can barely see his face as the light from the lamp in his room is the only thing looming around.
"It's late." Miles said softly staring down at me.
"Can we talk?" I whisper, inching closer to him.
"I don't really think we need to.." He whispers back with a sly smile.
In the morning I wake up super energized, which is weird since I was up until probably 2am. It's probably 5:45 right now and the sun is about to rise. I quickly run to brush my teeth and grab my slippers before heading outside to watch sunrise. When I step outside the air is a little chilly but I don't feel like going back upstairs to grab a jacket. It's still dark out so I walk around the dewy grass to get a good seat for the rise. I sat on the grass for about a half an hour before the sun finally rose.
I watched the sunrise and picked blades of grass out of the ground, twirling them around my fingers and placing them back on the ground. The sunrise was beautiful and it made me sad to think I'll be back home in less than a month alone for the summer. After the sun was up all the way and I could hear birds chirping more actively I decided to head back into the house.
As I stand up and turn around to go inside I see Miles, standing on the front steps, with a jacket on. I raise a brow and walk over to him, trying to hide a smirk on my face.
"Hey," I smile with my hands wrapped around my arms since it's still a little cold out.
"Oh- hey.." He nods at me while looking around and biting the inside of his cheek. "It's nice out huh?" He asks me after a few seconds of silence.
"Oh yeah, definitely. A little chilly though.." I smile, looking back at the sun with him.
"Are you cold?" He tilts his head and takes his hands out of his pockets to fix his messy hair.
"No, it's just the breeze." I shrug off. I turn towards him and point at the door, "Uhm, I'm gonna go inside and make breakfast. Do you want anything?" I purse my lips slightly.
"Uhh, no I'm good. Thanks." He says with an awkward look on his face. I nod and head inside with him following me a minute or two after. There wasn't really anything in the house except for fruit and yogurt so that's what I made for breakfast. Miles stood at the kitchen entrance watching me rinse and cut up fruit. I grab a bowl and place all my fruit and yogurt into it and start to eat it. I notice after a few minutes, Miles is still standing there.
"Did you need something?" I ask before taking another bite of my fruit. I think I sounded kind of rude based on Miles reaction. "Uhm no I was just gonna.. get a drink." He perks up like he was zoned out and grabs a glass of water quickly and leaves to his room. I shrug and roll my eyes before going back to eating.
After eating I decided to get ready. Since there was no food in the house I needed to go to the store. I asked Flora to create a list of what she wanted me to get as I got ready. I wore a collar cut shirt with cargo pants and a black pair of shoes. I put my hair back and grabbed my keys and jacket. I felt kind of bad for shooing away Miles earlier so I walked to his room and knocked on his door.
He opens it after a few seconds of me knocking and raises an eyebrow. "Yeah?" He asks, opening the door wider if I wanted to come in. "I was gonna go to the store. Do you wanna come with?" I dangle my keys in the air with an inviting smile. "Uhm, yeah. Give me five minutes." He scratches the nape of his neck and shuts his door.
As he shuts the door and I wait outside his room I pop a piece of gum in my mouth and start blowing bubbles. Around five minutes later he comes out with a jacket and shoes on and smells like a strong cologne. It smelled hot.
"You ready?" He asks and I nod with a small smirk. We make our way to the car and I wait for it to heat up and spit out my gum. We get into the car and he buckles his seatbelt. He smiles at his feet, probably thinking about what happened the last time we were near my car. As I start driving I try to think of things to say so the ride is less awkward but nothing comes to mind. This car ride is so painfully awkward I feel the tension slapping me in the face. It's so bad I wanna bang my head on the steering wheel.
After a very silent 20 minutes I decided to flip on the radio. The first song to come on was "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and I instantly smile, tapping my fingers of the beat onto my dashboard. "You like this song?" Miles asks with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, you don't?" I reply back. "No no I do. You just.. don't look like you listen to this stuff." He smirks. "Oh yeah? What do I look like I listen to then?" I laugh. "I don't know..like, Madonna or something!" He laughs and shakes his head. "Hey what's wrong with Madonna?" I joke looking at him. "Nothing, she's cool." He shakes his head again, snickering under his breath. Soon after the song is over the radio goes to static. "The fuck?" I hiss at the radio and flip it off. "Are we almost there?" He asks now that there is no music. "Yeah about five minutes.." I say as I make a turn.
We finally make it to the store and we start going through the shopping list. As I'm placing things into my basket Miles comes up to me. "Hey, can you buy me a pack?" He asks. "A pack of what? Soda?" I joke before turning around to see he has a pack of cigarettes in his hands. I take them and put them on the shelf. "Miles these are terrible for you!" I say with a concerned look. "It's just one pack Y/n. It's not like I'm asking you to smoke it with me." He shrugs. "Yeah but one pack leads to another and so on and so forth and it's a nasty habit." I reply back shaking my head no. "Come on. Do me a favor just this one time." He begs but I continue to say no.
He gets pissed off after I keep saying no and eventually drops it. We get back in the car and he is silent for half the way. I'm annoyed that the tension is burning throughout the car so I flip on the radio again. This time there is no static and the singer is Madonna. How convenient. She's singing "Like A Virgin" and Miles chuckles to himself. "It's your favorite." He jokes at me but I just listen to the song. When it's finished I flip off the radio and pull into the estate.
Once we get inside the house, Flora greets us with smiles and hugs. She helps me put away groceries while Miles watches us. "Flora sweetheart, why don't you and Miles go play while I make dinner alright?" I move hair out of her face and shoo them both out of the kitchen. I start to make dinner which is steak, roasted potatoes, and vegetables. As I finished up, I walked to Flora's room where her and Miles are.
"Hey, having fun?" I crouch down next to Flora. "Yeah! Is dinner almost ready?" She smiles at me. "Yep I just finished, want to grab Ms. Grose for me?" I let her go. I get up and almost walk out of the room when I see Miles is still on the floor. "You gonna get up or what?" I smirk at him. He quickly gets up and brushes his pants with his hands.
We walk into the dining room to see Flora and Ms. Grose serving themselves. "This is really good Y/n!" Flora smiles as she eats her food. "Thank you Flora!" I smile back. At least someone appreciates me in this damn house. When dinner is over I tell Flora to get ready for bed and I would be in to tuck her in soon. I start to clear plates and left overs from the table as Miles leans over the counter.
"Y/n I'm ready for bed!" Flora runs into the kitchen with pajamas on. "Alrighty! Miles wanna help?" I invite him to tuck her in with me. He nods and we head off to her room. I quickly put the blankets on her how she likes them and Miles presses a kiss to her forehead. "Goodnight Flora.." he whispers to her before patting her head. I can't help but smile at how gentle he is with her. He waits outside her door for me while I finish saying goodnight. "Y/n.. can I tell you something?" Flora asks. "Of course Flora, you can tell me anything.." I smile at her, sitting next to her while stroking her hair. "I wish you were my mom.." she whispers, looking sad. I didn't know what to say to that as I looked at her for a few moments. I pressed a kiss on her cheek, "I love you Flora, good night" I feel tears swelling in my eyes as she says good night back and I turn off the light. As I walk out of her room and shut her door I start to cry.
"You okay?" Miles asks when he sees me cry, like the many times before. "I feel horrible.." I whisper out. "Yeah, I heard." He nods, looking at the ground. "Well it's not like you're gonna be here much longer anyways." He shakes his head and walks back to the kitchen. My mouth drops and I follow him since I have to do the dishes. I start to scrub in frustration trying not to let his words get to me.
"jesus.. could you scrub any harder?" He scoffs at me, trying to be funny. "Fuck off Miles I'm not in the mood." I spat back at him. "Well what's got your panties in a bunch?" He rolls his eyes at me. "Ew first of all don't say that, it's weird. Second, I feel bad because I don't wanna leave Flora but you don't even want me here." I say shaking my head. "Did you not remember what I said? The day I left last time I told you that I wanted you to stay. I didn't change my mind you know." He says, taking a few steps closer to me. God I could feel his eyes burning right through me. I remember how his lips felt on mine, I think I'm dazing off on him because he takes a step closer and pokes my shoulder. "Hey, am I losing you there?" He laughs. I can't fucking take this anymore.
I quickly move my lips to his, my hands holding his shoulders, his hands holding my waist. It starts to get hot. Quick. He's pushing me against the counter lightly as I start to slip my tongue into the kiss. His hand runs up my thigh and I break the kiss to catch a breath. He starts to kiss me again, eagerly and in between kisses I am able to breathe out, "I- fuck. Missed you.. so much." I'm playing with his curls and deepening the kiss so fast I forgot we were in the kitchen. He only groans in response and pushes himself closer to me. This has only happened before in my wildest dreams. Never have I thought that Miles and I, would be making out. Like ever.
He breaks the kiss and stares at my face while we're both panting from the heavy kissing we were just doing. Before I knew it he was dragging me up the stairs into my room and slamming it behind me. He pushed me up against the door and whispered to me, "I missed you so much more."
HIHI THIS IS FXCHILD BACK AGAIN WITH ANOTHER CHAPTER! I'm sorry this took so long, I hope it was good. As this series is close to being finished I would like to open my requests to do imagines and head cannons and stuff like that! I hope you all enjoyed this chap💗
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greycaelum · 2 years
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru X Reader
[Gentle Affection Collections]
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hiiiii, i dont know how this works but can i request 51 & 99 of the Gentle Affection Collections. please let me know if im doing this wrong 😭 my pronouns are she/her [Gentle Affection Collections]
Request 51 & 99 [ List is here ]
—little love notes & using his glasses
Notes & Warning: fluff, Word Count: 2.1k
"Hello! a stand-alone and one for Kaleidoscope Series it is, you got it. Thank you for joining!" —Grey,
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Satoru has a habit of leaving random messages around the house.
For example, his snack jar has a note stuck on it, FOR SATORU, DON'T TOUCH UNLESS YOU'RE REFILLING THE JAR ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
Or one of the few days when he'll make you lunch-a messy bento that has more dessert than the rice and side dishes. It would always have a note or two about, I MADE IT WITH LOTS OF LOVE DON'T FORGET TO SEND ME A PICTURE OF BEFORE AND AFTER YOU EAT IT! LOVE YOU CHIBI~ (≧▽≦)
Including the sticky paper stuck on your forehead with silly emoticons and notes written on it. You brush your teeth while staring at the messy penmanship reflected in the mirror.
'Imma pick you up later, love you Chibi, I ate your yogurt in the fridge ('⊙ω⊙')! it was very yummy, buy more next time (ᗒᗨᗕ)'
"That jerk... I was going to eat that for breakfast," you grumbled and peel off the paper. You've reached the phase in your relationship where "yours is mine, live with it". Grabbing your towel from the rack you strip off your PJs and quickly took a shower. Halfway through the bath, you reach for your shampoo but it was empty to the point that not even a drop would come out. Satoru's extra-large shower gel was your to-go and squirted a generous amount of the eucalyptus-scented soap.
You: Get shampoo and toilet paper on the way home, buy me my yogurt, or I won't cook any dinner for you (╬≖_≖) 
You mailed him while locking the house and walking to the bus stop where your company's shuttle will pick you up. Just right in time you catch your ride and sat on the seat your phone dinged.
LOYL 'Toru: ༼ಢ_ಢ༽ ᶠᵉᵉᵈᵐᵉ /ᐠ-ⱉ-ᐟ\ノ why are you angry?! (=˃ᆺ˂=)'
For a record, that contact name was not your idea. Love Of Your Life. It was all Satoru's doing after he saw his contact name in your mail addresses with a plain 'Satoru' in his number. He changes the name with a pout and hurt expression as he types in his self-proclaimed nickname. 
You: You stole my snack (=ↀωↀ=)
LOYL 'Toru: (=˃̣̣̥᷄ᆽ˂̣̣̥᷅=)ฅ I'll buy you yogurt, just cook my favorite nikujaga?'
You: (^^)b keep your word or I'll make you eat Yom-ra Daewang ramyeon* for one day straight
LOYL 'Toru: ༼;'༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽ Yes Ma'am'
Satoru and his penchant for theatrics. You chuckled and added one more text before the bus arrives at your workplace.
You: Come home after work, I'll cook ♡(ŐωŐ人)
The phone immediately dinged.
 LOYL 'Toru: Really??? (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) You love me that much? ┬┴┬┴┤ω・)
You: Bye (=ↀωↀ=)
LOYL 'Toru: Hey! Chibi?! (⋟﹏⋞) I love you! Hey!'
"Ijichi-san can we stop by Rippa Zushi? I'm starving." Yuji rub his growling stomach and two others behind him couldn't agree more.
"Uhm, it's alright with me but Gojo-san..." Ijichi throws a look in his senpai's direction and back to the first years.
"Sure~" Satoru's ear perked up at the mention of food.
The five of them went to the sushi restaurant and had a good time. Amusement fills Satoru whenever his student bickers about the simplest of things, Nobara being the main instigator.
"Are we going back to the college Sensei?" Megumi gets in the backseat followed by Yuji and Nobara who are still arguing about which is better-the rotating sushi or the traditional sushi.
"Yeah, there's nothing more to do." Satoru strapped in his seatbelt and the car drove back to the college.
Ijichi on the side internally cheered to be out of Satoru's grasp and get to rest after this. Whenever he's around his senpai, Ijichi feels five years of his life being drained out of him from stress.
"Sensei have you seen the new yogurt product in the supermarket?" Yuji flashed his phone in front of his teacher who can't see beyond his black blindfold.
"Yeah, Y/n bought that one. It was delicious!"
"Ugh! That's so great, it was sold out when I went there." Yuji pouted. How does a man like his Sensei managed to snag a gorgeous lady like you when the man clearly has several screws on the loose.
... "Ahhhh!" Satoru squeaked and look outside the car, Ijichi stepped on the brake making everyone lurch forward.
"What?!" Nobara hissed, rubbing her knee that bumped against the front seat. Megumi shut his eyes in ache from knocking his head against the window.
"Is it a curse?" Yuji roamed his head around, ready for a fight.
"Y/n told me to buy tissue paper and shampoo." He was supposed to also pick you up from work. "I'll get off here,"
Is this person serious? Megumi and Yuji restrained Nobara who's gonna pounce on the elder man.
"Jaa, see you tomorrow!" He got off the car and find some secluded place to warp in some toilet stall near your workplace.
"Where's the shampoo and toilet paper? My yogurt?" You scrutinize your boyfriend who greeted you empty-handed. With arms crossed and raised chin, you sized him up as his shoulders deflate and inclined his head to the side.
"Ahahahahaha, I forgot..." Scratching his head with a silly grin, Satoru chuckled and latch on to your arm with a pout. "Let's just buy it together."
Notes are useless with him, he only remembers if it's about buying more food.
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Out of all eyewear that Satoru uses, you cannot deny that his glasses are the ones that fit him the most. It was the closest thing that makes him human. With the dark tint to suppress his Six Eyes without taking away his entire sight. Over time, he has collected quite a lot of glasses that are already displayed on a pedestal in his closet.
Countless times you would see him standing before the glass while looking at the 12-row shelf filled with almost the same style and brand of glasses having a hard time on what to wear. In this relationship, it was always him who takes an hour to get dressed. No wonder he's always and diligently late 7-8 minutes.
"Something the matter Baby?" Satoru swallowed his strawberry shortcake and stare at you fiddling with the milkshake straw.
You've been staring on his face for a long time now with a long look that he's conscious with his appearance, if there's still the cheese ring powder in his teeth or what?
"It's my first time seeing that glasses."
He touched his glasses and hummed.
"I rarely wear this one, it's the only piece."
You gave him a long look and sipped your milkshake. You wonder if anyone has break craning their neck to get a nice second look when Satoru pass by. If he ever takes off his glasses, maybe there will be a person who'll stumble forward from staring too much in your lover's eyes.
You wonder...
Staring up to Satoru, as you walk the pavement of Tokyo city on your way home from a 'date'/working weekend together. You can't resist brewing up things for his glasses. Satoru is generous in letting you use his things, it's to the point your closet is his closet and vice versa.
"Baby, I don't mean anything but what's with the staring?" Satoru chuckled and brought the back of your hand to his lips. "Can't believe you manage to snag a hot and strong boyfriend like me?" He wiggled a brow and flash you the same boyish grin that stupidly make your heart leap a beat.
"Nothing at all," you pursed your lips.
When you got home, Satoru heated some leftovers for dinner and went for a shower. You sat on the bed with your legs crossed and your iPad at hand, playing some random games Satoru downloaded for fun. You took bath first to soothe your legs, cramped from all the walking you did today. Satoru emerged from the walk-in closet with some casual black tee and sweatpants, the glasses still on his eyes.
"'Toru, c'mere." The iPad slid down your hands and you sat on the edge.
Satoru obliged and gave you the towel he's drying his hair with. You have three dryers but this man keeps making you dry his hair anyway. Find a space to sit on the carpet floor, his hands clutched your legs and threw them on his shoulders, while his back faced you.
You're are too tired to speak, but your hand kept tugging on Satoru's hair perhaps a little harder and playful making the man between your legs moan everytime you scrub his undercut down to the tips of his hair.
"Hey, you're with me Bubs?" Satoru look up and pout at your unfocused gaze. "...!"
Your hand swiftly pulled the glasses from the bridge of Satoru's nose and pushed it to cover your eyes. "For some reason your glasses keeps bothering me," you mumbled. "How can you even see in this 'Toru? No wonder people mistook you for blind."
"Oh?" Satoru stared at how funny you look after snatching his glasses and using them.
"Blind huh? Well, for once that's not my darkest one, rest assured my eyesight is more than perfectly clear even with dark glasses." Satoru poked the tip of your nose. "You look great on it Baby. I thought you don't wanna wear my glasses."
"Do I? I don't really wanna hurt your eye by stealing them, but I think it wouldn't be that hard since it's already night."
Satoru hummed in agreement. His head leaned back to your lap so that he could continue admiring you. It's not that he never thought of including you in his glasses collection. He tried to buy you several matching glasses, but most of them get cracked in your bag and you're not a fan of wearing them so he discarded the idea a long time ago.
"You should start wearing them, so look pretty." The straightforward compliment colored your cheeks faint rose dust.
"I can't even see anything in this." You raise your hand to take off the glasses but Satoru push your hand back.
"Don't," was all he said and pinch your cheeks. He turn around and knock you down the bed, pinning your wrists on the sides as he hovered about you with a Cheshire grin.
Satoru bopped his nose against yours, chuckling to himself when you squirm and with the tip of his nose, he slide the glasses upwards, lifting them to fit right in. "There, you're cute like this." Pressing a quick peck on your lips he move away to admire your disheveled and blushing figure with his black glasses on. "Hehe, wanna try my other glasses Baby?"
You tried getting up but Satoru slumped forward, crushing your underneath him.
"Satoru let me, ugh!" Satoru pressed you down even more and giggled at your struggles.
"No!" He whined and played with the glasses pulling away and pushing them back. He pouts whenever you shut your eyes when he pulls away.
It goes on and on, as Satoru tried to catch you with open eyes, pushing and pulling the glasses until you stop him.
"Stop already you're making me dizzy," you grab his wrist and gave him a warning look.
"Who grab my glasses first? It's not my fault you look adorable in this." He poked your cheeks in accusation. "We should go out tomorrow, we'll shop for a couple of glasses for you."
"I'm fine with—" you look up at Satoru's sulking face, expecting your dismissive words. "—buying more glasses with you." You breathe and sigh. A victorious grin stretched on Satoru's lips.
Taking off his glasses you tuck them to the side table and turned the lamp off. Pushing Satoru to his side of the bed and bringing the blanket to your chest, you stared into his eyes gazing back at you with softness that you rarely see because those beautiful irises of his are always covered, to make him as human as possible. You dismiss the somber thoughts and covered your hands above his eyes.
"Get ready because I'm raiding your glasses and wallet tomorrow."
"As if that'll scare me. My wallet is more than prepared and it's you who needs to be ready because we ain't going home until we found the chosen one of all glasses." He mumbles and buried his face in your hair, you lay your head on his arms and close your eyes.
"Be sure that you won't cry when we come home broke." 
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Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned image(s) and song(s) used belongs to their respective owner(s)
General Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya
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ziggy-starman · 2 years
La Squadra constipation comfort. my ibs is making it hard to shite :///
I know this was satire but istg just seeing this gave me fun ideas for hcs, so here they are!
La squadra with a s/o who is constipated
Risotto Nero
Risotto really has no problem shitting so he doesn't understand your struggles.
He somehow makes it really awkward if you call him to help(idk how) like he comes over assuming you ran out of toilet paper but hes met with a "ris..i cant shit" from you.
If you're a shy pooper then hes probably just concerned on why you're taking so long. He'd go to the door and knock..oh boy what a mistake. Now you have to start the whole process of trying to shit comfortably again. You say some "Go away im shitting!" And he complies.
He tries to bring you a prune yogurt drink *as* you shit. Its not gonna help now tf
This man istg. If you complain to him whilst *in* the bathroom and shitting he will nag to you and lecture you about your diet.
"This is why you eat your vegibles,cara! Next time you dont want those green beans dont come crying to me that you cant shit!"
If you're lactose intolerant its gonna be worse.
"Why would you eat from the cheese platter anyway?! Tesora,you need to stop doing this to yourself! It just hurts you!"
Hed go on and on and you're not paying attention to a damn word he spewed out. You're just trying to push the fucking log of a shit out your ass.
Pesci <3
Tbh this man isnt much of a help. But he tries!
He wouldnt know what to do he'd offer random things that make you happy but none of them can help you push out a fucking child sized dump.
If you start moaning and complaining while hes outside the door it'll just worry him more.
"Uuh- uhm oh! Do you want some music,amore? I know that makes you happ- AHH ARE YOU OKAY!?!" And you reply with a choked out "no.."
He'd sit with you till youre completely done. Or he wont if it makes it harder for you. He just wants you to shit comfortably. (10/10 bf fr)
Melone kinda got excited when he heard you calling him to the bathroom (if u do) he thought you'd want to take a bath with him and maybe bang who knows
Only to be met with you struggling to shit. He'd be disappointed but still try and come in to the toxic waste room. He just want to see you with your pants off.
He'd wanna come in more if you're a naked shitter. He uses excuses like "babe...you dont want me to come in? I can hold your hand"
Even if ur a shy pooper hed forget and stick around till you're done. Really he just sits around the door talks to you about random stuff and you'll never hear the end of "are you done yet?"
Whenever he says something his face will always be pressed against the door. So..good luck?
Ghia would be confused on why tf you yell for him but he goes to check either way. Like ris he expects that you ran out of toilet paper.....You cant shit.
"....what the fuck do you expect me to do about that?..DO YOU WANT ME TO FUCKING PULL THE SHIT OUT OF YA!?"
Hed stomp down the hall way mumbling out complaints, leaving you alone to shit.
No he wont hold your hand or take a shit in the double toilet with you :(( its "gross" to him..what a looser
He doesnt wanna experience the togetherness of smelling each others farts while shidding here with you...
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So you call him over.....now what? He comes to you but he has no idea what to do.
Hes like..."okay you cant shit...wtf do you want me to do about that? I cant just use magic,babe." He'll be very blunt and make it obvious that he doesnt wanna talk to you while you're popping a squat.
He leaves you with no words Alone,constipated and sad.
It doesn't make him exactly uncomfortable but he finds anything regarding hygiene and..like toilet stuff gross. Like "no i will not help you eject the fecal matter in your rectum out of your anal canal...nasty."
Formaggio also has ibs..like he feels your pain so he knows. Hed also be very willing to shit in the together toilets while holding hands in agony with you.
Lets say if you did end up with double toilets and both of you having to shit really bad. He'd try and crack jokes to make you laugh and distract both of you from the pain. Énfasis on *try*
"Hey babe- why did the chicken cross the road?"
"...." "uh....to get away from kfc...?"
The joke was ass ofc.
This man is having a harder time than you. Hes sweating bullets while practically crushing your hand and screaming.
Sir looks like this:
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ohonalii · 5 months
You Schmuck! - Niko x Aj
Hey I'm Aj Shabeel, weird name init? Well, if you know me (which you probably don't) you'll know that I have a crush on Niko, yep Mr. Aj Shabeel has a crush on Nikolas omilana, yep you guessed it I'm gay. It's 8:00 pm, me and Niko are setting up snacks and blankets in the living room because the beta squad decided that we should have a movie night, since we don't live together anymore. It was exactly 8:30 when everybody arrived at our house.
"Wagwannn, happy to see everybody again!" Chunkz says dapping all of us, "yeah fr, yall got even cuter!" I say laughing, "wait what the fuck?" sharky says laughing while also being confused. We sat down on the couch, sharky decided that we should watch creed 3, we all agreed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    || 30 minutes later \\
We were 30 minutes into the movie when I felt weight on my shoulder, I looked to my left to see Aj's head on my shoulder, I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. The movie ended, I looked around the room, everyone was yawning, stretching n shit. I looked to my left still seeing Aje and hearing his little snores. "Man, you got a problem!" Sharky says semi yelling, "Don't worry. Imma carry him to his room." I say adjusting my arm position. "Yeah, uhm we goin' go now, good luck with the man." Sharky says as they put on their shoes, "Yeah yeah, whatever, bye." I say rolling my eyes. Once they left, I got up from the couch and placed my arms under Aj's body picking him up from the couch. Once I got to his room I placed him on his bed, I was about to leave when a pair of hands grabbed my wrist pulling me back, "Please stay with me." Aj says tugging on my arm, "Are you sure?" I say, because I know that he doesn't like physical touch, "Yeah, I won't ask you if not you schmuck!" Aj's says scooting over making space for me to climb in, I smile as I climb in, once I got comfortable, I wrap my long arms around him place my head on the crook of his neck.
I woke up with the sunlight in my face, I rubbed my eyes as I try to sit up, once I'm sitting up, I try to stand up, but when I try to stand up, I feel a strong pair of arms pull me back down. "Stay, it's too early to get up, it's like 9" Niko says gripping my waist pulling me closer, I grab my phone that was under the pillow to see what the time actually was, I turn on my phone to see that its.... 2:34!? "Nik, its 2:34, you're way off and we need to get up!" I say turning to him placing my hand on top of his cheek rubbing it, "can we please just stay for a little bit, we don't have to go to sleep, just stay here and cuddle." he says rubbing my waist, "ok fine, just promise you won't go to sleep." I say scooting closer to him while I rub his cheek with my thumb.
After a while, Niko finally gets up from the bed, that leaves me by my self, now I kinda want to stay in bed with him and not get out. "What are you waiting for let's go!" Niko says walking out of the bathroom, "not yet I want to stay here in bed with u!" I say puling the blanket over my body, " see now you want to stay in bed, come on Aje lets go." he says walking over to me, he slides his arms under my body picking me up, I smile while blushing, but I hope he didn't see me.
Once he picks me up, he carry's me downstairs to the kitchen. Once we got to the kitchen, he places me on top of the island, he lets me go and walks to the fridge. "What do you want Aje?" Niko says opening the fridge grabbing yogurt, I just shrug while he grabs a spoon from the drawer. "Oh, by the way sharky just texted me saying that we have a shoot today so go take a shower and get ready." he says eating a scoop of yogurt, I drag my hands on my face while jumping off of the island while I head upstairs.
|| 10 MINUTES LATER.... ||
After a few minutes later Aj finally comes back downstairs with semi wet hair and his phone in his hand. "Ready to go?" he says looking up from his phone to look at me, fuck has so fine, wait Niko shut up you can't have a crush on your best friend, or maybe, ugh whatever, "yeah, let's go!" I say jumping up from my seat grabbing the car keys. We were going to Sharky's place to make another vid for the 'come dine with me' series.
We finally make it to Sharky's place, me and Aj get out the car and head to the door, this place was a restaurant, this wasn't Sharky's house. I open the door and get greeted by a welcoming sharky. "Hey! Welcome to my restaurant!" Sharky says moving to the side with his hand wide open showing the place, "wow sharks, I never knew you had a restaurant!" Aj says smiling. "I have a lot of things that you don't know about." sharky says smiling heading to the counter where he'll give us drinks.
After a while everybody came, and it was time to look at the menu. Me and Aj we're looking at the menu when sea food came up on the menu, I knew that Aj does not like sea food so it's going to be a hard time to make him eat this. "Lemon garlic shrimp, fish" I say slightly hitting Aj with my elbow, "bro, how long has this guy know me, and he's still getting fish? I DON'T EAT FISH! There's going to be no chance I'm going to be eating the food." he says throwing his hands up in the air clearly annoyed, "don't worry Aje, I'll eat it for you." I say whispering in his ear.
"Don't worry Aje, I'll eat it for you." Niko says whispering into my ear sending chills down my spine, fuck this man has a way with his words.
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jocorvus · 11 months
Tagged by @mischievousgraxaim
Three favorite ships: Ineffable Husbands Aziraphale and Crowley (Good Omens). CaptainPan, shut up, actor was legal before he even started filming and character is way older than Hook in Canon (OUAT). Drawing a blank here for a third.... uhm... so gonna shove my first ship in here... Mulder and Scully (The X-Files).
First ship: In an abstract way, because I was 3, Jareth and Sarah (Labyrinth). In a more concrete way, knowing I wanted them together, Mulder and Scully (The X-Files).
Last movie: Probably one of the Fast Furious movies, not the latest one. Or was it Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.... one of those I think. Been a bit, focused on TV shows lately.
Currently reading: Good Omens, Sandman collection.
Currently watching: Good Omens rewatch #83, Supernatural rewatch.
Currently eating: Mixed berry vanilla Greek yogurt.
Currently craving: Time to myself to write more.
Tagging anyone that wants to have a go.
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altmusicluver · 1 year
Liddy’s books
You woke up at 8:30 am to go to work downtown at your bookstore, which you bought at 20 because being a bookstore owner was your dream in life. You got dressed in a pink off-the-shoulder sweater that was tight-fitting with black tights and slippers, since it's never that busy at the bookstore. You made yourself a nice breakfast consisting of a cup of coffee with 3 tablespoons of creamer and 2 packets of sugar, oats, plain Greek yogurt, and freshly cut strawberries. You listened to the sound of cars driving and the fresh breeze hitting your face as you ate your breakfast outside on the little table you had on your patio while reading your favorite book.
Once you got to the shop, you had your first customer. You thought it would be your usual Mrs. Patty, a sweet old lady who comes in to read a little and grab a bite to eat, and ask you personal questions like why don't you have a man in your life? Of course, you always told her, "Oh, you know, I'm just waiting for the right man to come and sweep me off my feet," and today that would happen.
ut instead it was a young man about late thirty's very handsome man, Hi welcome to Liddy’s book let me know if i can help you find anything, Hi yes liddy i was wondering if you have anything with a- you cut him off, oh im sorry my name is y/n not liddy, liddy is the book stores name but yes what can i help you with love, yes uhm do you have “paper towns by john green” yes we do right over here follow me you took him to back row and on the top was the book and you climbed on the raggy old ladder and it was very wobbly, oh carefull doll he held on to you to make sure you didn’t fall and grabbed your hand to help you down, thank you, bucky my name is bucky, thank you bucky here is your book ill check you over here love, alright your total come out to 16.59 cash or card, hold i’m sorry but the book tag says 19.59, well the cute boy who helped me discount comes down to 16.59 cash or card? well than thanks doll card here, thank you so much for shopping with us have a nice day! thanks pretty girl you too
AHHHH im sorry if this is ass this is my first writing let me know if u want a part 2!
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japanesepenguin · 13 days
Garden Update!
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+ Well, I have another Malibu business trip coming up in a couple days, so let's see how the garden is doing; I've created a second bed and planted big and small tomatoes, as well as a few cape gooseberry (goldenberry) plants; everything's staked and tied up because it gets very windy
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+ Strawberry row, really filled out with plants
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+ Just in case you don't believe me, there's actually strawberries
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+ Here's one new addition I'm happy about; this is Oliver... an olive tree; the tree was 32 cents, the dirt was considerably more expensive; it'll be a long time before he makes olives, so stay tuned
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+ This is the persimmon tree; he's alive, but past the period for flowers, so nothing on him this year; considering I thought it was a dead stick just a couple months ago, I'm pleased with his recovery
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+ And the most exciting new addition: a pomegranate tree from Akina; she's all tied up due to the wind
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+ Blueberries... doing blueberry stuff...
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+ Like making blueberries!
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+ This is the bunch of flowers from a packet of seeds from my mom; here's some of the flowers:
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+ The bottom-right one is cornflower, which I'm excited to try and make into tea
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+ Some stuff on the side: plum tree (lots of blossoms, but no fruit); rosemary (doing very well); basil (doing well, tastes good); and leftover seed trays of tomatoes (as back up); the cups of water on the side is a surprise for Akina (if they grow)
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+ And more: there's dill in the yogurt containers in the top-left, but they're probably past the period where they'd taste good (I guess only young dill is good); the three brown shallow pots have okahijiki in them, which is a type of Japanese succulent you can eat
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+ Lantana for Akina
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+ Iyokan (a type of Japanese citrus); there's two fruits on the tree... looking good
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+ Practicing crop rotation by putting the lettuce over here; I reduced the amount of Romaine lettuce this time around
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+ Another new addition, this is goya; I think it's called "bitter melon" in America, but it's a lot more common here; Akina doesn't like it; I kinda like it (it's super bitter)... like, really bitter; the whole plant smells like it; his name is "go-tyan"
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+ Some re-arranging here... Consolidated my rock pile and freed-up all the space along the ledge for many of the smaller pots; from left to right: parsley (going strong), kiwi (male, just for the flower), tansy (smells awful, keeps away bugs), okra (looking good), and lavender (got lots of flowers for tea already)
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+ Moving along... right-to-left: chives, chrysanthemum, chamomile (for tea), and lavender; and peeking into frame from the bottom-right:
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+ These flowers, from a packet of seeds from my mom; they weren't supposed to bloom this season, but some of them did
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+ And resuming along the ledge... starting from the chives, from left-to-right-skipping-even-numbers-unless-it's-number-four-then-reversing-the-order-of-the-rest: chives, cilantro (bolted already and probably no good), snap dragons (still going strong), some flowers that the beetles eat, and ooba/shiso
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+ Last ledge entry: ice plants (for Akina)... they're actually growing much better now; I think I started them too late last year
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+ Previously the lettuce bed, now has herbs: cilantro (better looking) and chervil
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+ Here's na-tyan, an eggplant...
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+ Here's pi-tyan... small bell peppers; I think the wind really messed her up last night, gotta go check in a minute
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+ Uhm... corn; if you're wondering, the plastic bottles atop the stakes are so I don't stab myself and/or poke my eye out while working; the stakes are hard to see, the bottles make them obvious; despite growing up in Ohio, I realize I know next-to-nothing about growing corn
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+ Green onions; the packet said to grow them this closely without thinning... I'm trusted that's correct, but I have my doubts
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+ I put a row cover up here to deter moths/butterflies from making caterpillars all over the Brassicas inside (kale and broccoli)
+ Oh no, there's a limit of 30 pictures/post
+ Well, the rest is a row of carrots, some edamame that I'm pretty sure is sick/diseased; and some snow peas from my mother that are in various states of stunted growth due to "leaf borer" infestations... but the peas they do manage to produce taste pretty good!
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reveriealamode · 6 months
How (Not) to Make Scrambled Eggs
* This is not about making eggs. *
How do you like your eggs in the morning? Hmm. Sounds delicious. Me? I don’t really have a preference. I don’t get the egg ick either. So, I think I will scramble some eggs this morning.
All right. Where’s the pan? Oh, right. There it is.
Get 2 eggs.
Crack the eggs into a bowl. Add a pinch of salt. Whisk the eggs. Set them aside for now.
You can add a dash of milk. I sometimes do. I won’t today. One day one of my best friends told me I could add half a tablespoon of yogurt into the eggs and then whisk it. I tried it. I remember liking it. I couldn’t really tell the difference but I think it was the extra mile I took for the eggs to taste nicer.
Add some butter to the pan. Bring it to a low heat. Let the butter melt.
I woke up really late this morning. I think my sleep schedule is going downhill again. And what was that last night? I tossed and turned. Couldn’t sleep for the life of me. I should stop drinking coffee past 6 p.m. That’s what my aunt says.
Right, the eggs! Have I already added salt? I don’t remember. I definitely didn’t. I can handle a bit too much salt anyway. It should be fine.
Add a pinch of salt to the egg mixture.
Is that the sound of butter burning?  &U$#!
Pour the eggs into the pan (quickly). Don’t stir them for a couple of seconds.
I really should start working out soon. I promised myself to lose weight last summer. I think I’ve gained a couple of pounds since then. Maybe I should add less butter when making my eggs in the morning. Oh! Let me chug a huge glass of water before breakfast, I heard that helps too! Yeah, that feels better. I should drink more water. That’s what my mom says.
Stir the eg--- So, Uhm, yeah. I let them be for too long. This is going to be an omelet now.
Stir the eggs anyway.   
I guess I do have a preference for my eggs. Did I add salt by the way? Doesn’t matter. It’s too late for salt now. I’ll still eat it though.
Take the pan off the heat.
Serve your eggs on a plate.
Did I turn off the stove? Yes, I did. I sometimes forget to turn off the stove. I should get back into journaling. Why did I stop, again? I think at some point it felt like I was writing for an audience. I remember the phrase ‘’To live is to perform.’’ Who said that? * lemme google it real quick. *
Yes. Right. John Berger. Well, the quote isn’t actually his. He stated that a woman’s presence is intrinsic, a presence in which appearance becomes vital. But I think the quotes overlap in some way. Kinda. Idontknow. Should I write about this some time?
This just reminded me of Sun Yuan and Peng Yu’s ‘’Can't Help Myself,’’ I remember the first time I found out about the artwork and how much I wanted to crawl into myself and become an obscure mass where no one would be able to perceive me anymore. Not even myself.
Oh! Right, The eggs! Here goes nothing…
Well, they are too salty. And almost cold.
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elliemyun · 1 year
Thursday, 5/4
SLEEP: 5 hours (3:30 AM - 8:30AM)
Lunch: Chicken Caprese sandwich
Dinner: avocado tacos, salmon, yogurt bowl,
HELLO ELLIEJELLYBEANS 😂 today i would like to give a shoutout to ms widjaja who is not uhm.... you kno how it goes @chaiseao3o😂 chels is currently doing a tiktok dance in front of me right now and she kinda eating. chels is so beautiful inside n out n her smile is so pretti i lub her! uhm today ethan adam and i went to kerckhoff but it was rainy and we saw steve. then i went to pic10A discussion and saw my close friends anna and jenny and they had lots of life updates because i havent seen them in days. i went back to kerckhoff and saw ethan. he is on a kerckhoff streak. we saw some squirrels doing suspicious things on the tree. then i got lunch with ms kayla hernandez our conversation was very funny. i went back to kerckhoff and spent some time with friends. Then my friends and I went to do some club stuff and to be honest i was about to throw up because i was nervous but it wasn't too bad 😂 😂 😂 ate bplat with brandon ethan kelly nikki ash james they spoke viet and mandarin the whole time. brandon drove trinity and i to ralphs n we had late nite talk. then went to hangout w ethan joe and many other people and studied in rieber terrace with nikki, adam, chels, and ashkash. today was a pretti good day it was just a lil chilly]
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thenastyotherblog · 2 years
Bruh we need more of dat Father Yamada! Uhm…is it ok you do a lil fic of when Hizashi gets to spend some time alone with his kiddo? Like reader had to go out and i just want him and Baby Yamada to have some fun…you see I totally didn’t make an actual kid and name him Hibiki Yamada. 👀. I love your woooork!
I sure can! I honestly have never write kids/babies before so I hope this is ok! 😅
Ps. Thats such a cute name! Love that its sound related 👀I totally didnt name my own Yamada Kid Oboro inside my head because of this post, cough cough. 
Ps, ps. I call the reader on this “mom/mommy” but use they/them pronouns, hope thats ok too. 
You storm through the apartment, grabbing your stuff and carelessly throw it inside your bag while your husband and child watch you struggle to put your coat and your shoes at the same time.
Today was supposedly be your day off and you two had a whole day planned to hang out as a family or so you thought. There has been some type of crisis at your job and they need you there ASAP. 
"Mommy works real hard dont they?" Hizashi kisses his son, closing the door behind him. "Yes they do! Yes they do!" He trots back to the kitchen, peppering Hibiki's chubby cheeks with kisses making the toddler laugh as he puts him down into his highchair; Might as well eat some breakfast now that they both are awake. 
"Call me if you need anything ok?" You say, kissing Hizashi on the lips and your son little fuzzy head before running out the door. "Dont forget to give Hibiki his evening snack he gets real irritated if you dont! I will see you guys at night!"  
Hizashi waves you goodbye as he yells an "I LOVE YOU!" your baby doing the same, thought no words come out from his mouth but just some loud baby noises. 
Hizashi pours some yogurt into a bowl, cutting some strawberries and a banana, tossing the fruit into the bowl as well. 
"Breakfast coming right up!" Hibiki squeals digging his little hands into the bowl, grabbing a whole handful of yogurt and fruit and putting into his mouth. The boy already making a mess in a matter of seconds, Hizashi unsurprised, sipping on a fresh cup of coffee. "If your mom was here they would be very upset with you Hibiki" Hizashi says, his son barely putting any attention to him, more concern about pouring the contents of his plate into the tray of his chair "Good thing they arent here right now!" He smears a little bit of yogurt into the toddler's nose, whose eyes widen before bursting into laughter.
"Arent you cute, little listener?" Hizashi coos as he dresses Hibiki up. "We need to thank Auntie Nemuri for these clothes" She sures knows how to pick up baby clothes, his little boy looks so damn cute with the navy blue overals and the long sleved stripped shirt. His curly gold locks stand even more with the blue colors, Hizashi's hands tremble for this cuteness overload, making it more difficult to take a picture of his adorable son. After some tries, the perfect picture finally comes up and he inmediatly send it to you with the caption "look at this cutie!"
"THE FORM! THE POSE! HIBIKI YAMADA DOES IT AGAIN!" Hizashi doesnt pay any attention to the other parents glancing at him, only focusing at his giddy toddler, who likes to give him mini heart-attacks everytime he goes face first down the slide; Is a good thing that within becoming a parent you gain cat like reflexes and this boy sure likes  to test him. Is worth the little scare, just to see him so happy.  
"Alright!" He exclaims "Lets see if we have everything! You ready Biki?" The little boy stands up, watching his dad from his playpen with his big green eyes. "Diapers, baby powder, wet wipes, everything for you lil bump!" Hibiki babbles something that he takes as approval. "Juice boxes! Oh! Arent you lucky little guy? Mom packed your favorite snacks! Some cheese sticks! Aaaand pear!" Hizashi barely holds his own laughter as his son squeal excited at everything he is listing; He then straps the baby carrier to himself, bag hanging on his shoulder. "OK! UP WE GO!" He slips his energetic toddler to the carrier. "Ready to hit the park?" Hibiki whine making a grab notion towards his little playpen. Ah! Of course! How could he forget? Carefully, Hizashi reach inside, grabbing a plump plushie; Is a little bright yellow bird, Hibiki's favorite toy and the one he would always carry around. "There you go! Now if we got everything, LETS GO!"
Hibiki howls with laughter as he goes down the slide, his dad not too far behind him; The moment he hits the ground, he is up again, climbing up to the ladder once again as fast as his little feet can.
Sometimes he would go down the "normal" way, others he would lay down his stomach or upside down, whatever form he could think of.
It was the not so normal ways where his dad would quickly catching before his head could hit the ground but also it would be the only way to make him use "the voice".
Hibiki goes one last time down the slide before run off somewhere else with another kid, Hizashi sighs, sitting down in a bench watching his son play.
  "Your son sure does have energy!" A woman sitting beside him says, a little girl a bit older than Hibiki hides her face against her mother's side.
  "He sure does!" Hizashi says with a smile. Maybe too much energy sometimes, he thinks. The memory of all those sleepless nights where his kid refused to sleep for unknown reasons, waking both parents up only to find him jumping on his bed.
"There's nothing of myself on that kid huh?" You used to say sometimes, not really upset, just an observation. But you were wrong, Hizashi could see so much of you on Hibiki; The way he laugh until he was breatless or how he frown when he is angry, closing his eyes and puffing out his cheeks. That was you, right there. 
"He looks just like you too!" The mother points up, chuckling behind his hand.
The man nods, laughing to himself. Hibiki does look just like him, same blonde hair, same vivid green eyes; A carbon copy Aizawa had said the first time his friend got to hold his newborn. 
"Oh my-" The woman blurt out, making Hizashi step out of his daydreaming in time to see his darling son trip and fall.  
Hibiki pushed himself up, sitting down on the ground, nose red and some dirt sticking to his forehead. For a moment the toddler stayed quiet, probably too shocked to react but only for a few seconds. He then started to tear up, his lips trembling before bawling his little lungs out. 
"I-is he alright?" The little girl asks, her head now pocking out from her hideout.
"Aww fu-" Hizashi cuts himself, mother and daughter watching him. "Fudge" He says, excusing himself with a smile before taking a run for his crying child. "Awn! Little listener!" Hibiki cries harder, his small hands sweeping his tears. "Its ok little bird! Its alright!" The man picks up his toddler, softly patting his back walking back to the bench.
He sits his son on his leg as he manuver to get the wet wipes out the bag. 
Hizashi smiles tenderly at her. "Just some scratchs" He wipes the dirt off Hibiki's face, there is even a solitary leaf in between his locks. Beside that, there is no signals of something more serious. "He will be ok, aint you buddy?" Hizashi kisses his son's newly clean forehead, hand rubbing his back until his cries are only whimpers. "There you go! Good as new! You want some juice, little bird?" Hibiki nods as his dad puts a small juice box between his hands. "Hey Biki, lets share some with our new friend ok? Do you want to share? Is that ok?" This time the question is direct to the mother who only nods. 
Hibiki looks at his dad and then a the little girl, handling her the juice box he is holding.  
"T-thank you!" The little girl thanks them, her face a little red. 
"You are such a good father, you know?" The woman says, smiling. 
Your heart throbs inside your chest, your hand above Hizashi's the other rubbing your son's own chubby cheek. 
"Thanks! Im really trying!" And he is;  Between being a Hero, a teacher and a radio host, Hizashi tries really hard to be a good dad. Sure there are many, many sleepless nights, where all the stress of the day weighs him down horribly. But its all worth it when at the end of the day he gets to come home to the both of you.
"Im home!" You announce, a tired sigh escaping your lips, kicking your shoes off. You are welcome by the sound of the tv but not your usually lively husband. "Zashi?" You try calling him, tossing your stuff at the doorway. "Za-" You cut yourself short, your eyes widen and your hand inmediatly going for your phone.
There in the couch, lays your husband and in top of him your child. Both of them fast asleep.  
"So cute!" You mutter to yourself, snapping a couple of pictures. Hizashi moves slightly, the hand holding Hibiki tightning around him so his son doesnt fall. His eyes opening just a bit.
"Heeey Songbird" His voice sounds a bit husky thanks of the nap, lazily he kisses you, his hand rubbing your cheek. "Welcome home love, we missed you" 
Goddamn you love your boys. 
"I missed you guys too".
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letarasstuff · 3 years
Making the Voice quieter
(A/N): This was requested by an anon. I hope you like it!
Summary: Spencer finds out about his daughter's eating disorder, he will he react?
Warnings: Angst, discription of an eating disorder (bulemia to be more specific), discription of (binge) eating, bad body image, self hatred, abuse of pills (diet pills)
Wordcount: 2.2k
Prison. Cat. Diana. All those things happened close to each other. Luckily a few months have passed since then and slowly everything settles down. Spencer is able to get his feelings sorted through, processing the events.
Ever since his imprisonment he follows a more or less strict routine, given the uncertainty coming with his job. Spencer still tries to keep it up. So is every Friday dedicated to buying the majority of groceries and needed non food articles.
Sometimes (Y/N) tags along, other days she already has plans with her friends. Her father doesn’t mind it much, he is happy to see her socializing with people her age. The two of them have one father-daughter-night in the week anyways.
“Sweetheart, I’m heading out! Did you put everything you need on the list?” He shouts into the apartment. A faint “Yes! Love you!” echoes back to him. A smile forms on the doctor’s face. Oh how he longed to hear those words from her every night while he laid in his bed, locked up for a crime he didn’t commit. “Alright, love you, too!”
Meanwhile her father has to deal with Karens being their ignorant selfs, (Y/N) is under the biggest stress she has ever been. The end of her sophomore year and suddenly every teacher thinks it’s alright to give the students a load of work in every single class.
It’s beginning to get to her head. Four essays, three projects and studying for two tests and everything is due next week. She can see herself sitting at that very desk for the whole weekend, trying to contain control of her current situation.
As (Y/N) begins to read the page in front of her again to pull any information from it, it feels like her brain shuts down. Only one thought possesses her. One thing that can assure her, make her happy again.
Her body moves automatically, into the kitchen to the fridge. Her hands grab what they can. Puddings, yogurts, bananas, apples, last night’s dinner, everything that she can carry. Then the teenager sits down at the floor and devours everything she just got out. (Y/N) doesn’t stop until she gets to this intense feeling of being full.
It seems like she snaps out of a trance. Upon seeing what she ate in the shortest time, the girl feels even worse. Quickly she tries to destroy any kind of evidence, getting the trash out, making the fridge appear more full than it is, anything.
In her panicked state she remembers the small container of pills in her room. Relief washes over (Y/N), thinking everything will be better. She takes two of them for good measurement.
With the relief also guilt takes over. What just happened wasn’t normal. But (Y/N) tells herself that she can stop any time she wants. It’s not like she is sick or something, everything is fine. It’s just her way to copy stress. A way she discovered while her father was in prison. The diet pills help her to undo her mistakes. Someone from her friend group, who is already 18, got her them from the doctor for a fair price.
Feeling calmer now, the teenager sits back at her desk. A new perception of control helps her to continue her school work. She has to get done as much as possible, because in not even half an hour (Y/N)’s best friend will be the toilet.
Spencer is completely obvious to it. Sure, he is a profiler and he noticed his daughter’s new view on eating healthy food and working out. He just assumes that (Y/N) and her friends are on a healthy trip and he doesn’t see a problem in this. On the contrary, he is happy that she wants to be good to herself and her body.
But as the weeks go on, a suspicious feeling captures him. “(Y/N)? Why is the fridge nearly empty? We got groceries last Friday and it’s only Tuesday. Did you have a party over here while I was away on the case?” Spencer enters his daughter’s room, trying to joke about it.
(Y/N) freezes. Of course she isn’t able to say that the food went bad and she threw them away, her father is meticulous regarding this subject, always checking the best before day date. “Uhm, please don’t be mad. But Alex, you know her, the short one with red hair, uhm her parents are on a business trip and she is not the best cook. So I brought her lunch and dinner over. I’m sorry for not telling you.” She looks down at the floor, not only to feign sadness but also to avoid his eyes.
The second the teenager talks Spencer knows there is something fishy. Her voice is higher and she fidget with her hands. But he writes it off as being nervous for not telling him. Ever since he is out of prison, it feels like his daughter is withholding something.
“It’s fine, Sweetheart. Just give me a heads-up beforehand, so I know to buy more groceries. What do you think about ordering something tonight? I heard from Luke that a small Chinese restaurant opened a few streets down. We can celebrate the end of the stressful phase in Sophomore year.”
It seems like (Y/N) is calculating something in her head. Spencer knows exactly what she thinks about. “You can forget about your calorie intake for one night. I see how much time you invest in living healthy, but we can let loose for a night together. Just some noodles with chicken or spring rolls and us trying to use chopsticks and giving up after two minutes and resorting to forks. How does that sound?”
The teenager would love to sigh, but it would only alarm her father further. “Yeah, you are right. Let us let loose. But only if I can choose the movie we watch after dinner!” (Y/N) feels bad for eating unhealthy food again. Her last binge was only yesterday and usually she tries to consume lighter things. But she has to bite into the sour apple, else her father will be more suspicious. After all, she can just stop. (Y/N) promises herself to not think about her weight, her shape or the calories she will eat.
Well yeah, no. Just after the first noodle hits her tongue, intrusive thoughts take a seat in her mind, getting settled.
‘You already look like a potato.’
‘Are you sure this is the right thing to eat?’
‘Can you really stop?’
‘Dad is going to hate you when he finds out.’
All of them and more enter her head. (Y/N) is unable to shake them off. She is fine. She doesn’t have a problem. She just doesn’t feel like eating now, that’s fine, right?
“Uhm Dad. I’m full and really tired from the day. Is it ok if I go to bed? Maybe we can rain check on that movie?” The girl asks, feeling even worse for ditching her father. Usually it’s the other way around.
“Are you feeling ok? You look a little pale. Are you sick?” Spencer fires his question canone being the borderline helicopter father he always is. “Yes, just really exhausted from all the assignment and school work. A good night's rest and I will be good as new.” (Y/N) attempts a small smile, but fails miserably at it.
“Ok, sleep tight baby. I’ll put the leftovers in the fridge for you tomorrow.” Quickly she goes into her room. The thoughts in her head scream louder and louder with each step she takes. Can she really stop? Maybe she should come clean to her father.
‘And risking him hating you? Look at you, thinking you are sane is the only thing keeping him from abandoning you. How would you explain him keeping you otherwise? It’s definitely not for your looks.’
Later that night, (Y/N) hasn’t gotten a wink of sleep because of the voices, she makes her way back to the kitchen. In an attempt to distract herself, the teenager scrolled through her social media sites. There she was met by pictures of perfect people.
Perfect bodies. Perfect lives. Perfect smiles. Perfect family. Perfect friends. Everything about them is perfect.
And then there is her. Her body is unperfect. Her life is a mess. Her smile is not that of a model. Her family is just her, her father and the people he works with. Her friends aren’t always the best associates.
The stress of not feeling enough is getting to (Y/N)’s head. Like several times before that her body goes into auto. She doesn’t control her movements, though she tells herself all of this is willently.
Like so many times before the girl goes through the fridge and eats everything up she can get her fingers on. But this time one thing is different. Her father is at home. And he isn’t a heavy sleeper.
The movement in the kitchen wakes him up. Immediately his brain jumps to a burglar or even worse, an UnSub they once arrested coming after him. Quickly he gets his revolver and sneaks through the hallway to the source of the noises. As Spencer only sees his daughter sitting there, he instantly relaxes.
“Hey Sweetheart, what are you doing up? It’s a school night”, he softly asks in order to not scare her. Still, (Y/N) gets startled at the sudden voice.
“Uhm, nothing much. Just hungry. Probably because I didn’t eat dinner”, she explains, looking at her father like he caught her with her hand stuck in the cookie jar. Spencer watches her closely. “This is it? Because from what it looks like you not only ate your dinner but also tomorrow’s breakfast and right now lunch.”
(Y/N) swallows her bite, feeling that sinking reality in her stomach. The pills. She needs the pills fast before her body begins to digest the food. “Uhm, yeah. I probably should go to bed. I need my sleep. Just let me tidy up. Good night, Dad.” But he is quick to stop her.
“(Y/N), I want you to sit down. There is something we have to talk about.” Hesitantly (Y/N) takes a seat. “What is it Dad? Are you reprimanding me for eating? I thought you wanted me to let loose for a night.”
Spencer sits, leaning against the kitchen counter. “Baby, I want you to be alright. But I think you are not.” His eyes get a sad look. “I’m alright. I am fine, Dad. What do you think is wrong with me?”
“Look, (Y/N), I don’t need to be a profiler to see that you are struggling with something. Do you want to tell me about it?” Her answer is a tight lipped smile and a “I’m fine. There is nothing to talk about.”
The father sighs. She is not leaving him much of a choice. “And what about them?” Spencer asks after getting something from the highest shelf in the kitchen, the one (Y/N) barely reaches by stepping on a stool. He sets a little container down on the table.
“Dad I-” “No (Y/N). You don’t need to explain anything. It’s my turn to talk. I found those in your room yesterday while I was looking for a book. At first I thought nothing of it, I mean you are trying to live healthy, so I thought this is part of the process. But then I saw that they have to be prescribed and I know that these aren’t yours.
“I wanted to talk about it with you anyway. But now I know that I caught you binge eating and I see all the signs. I see them and I’m sorry for not acting sooner. (Y/N), you need help and I’m here for you. I know the last few months were especially hard on you. I can’t change what was and what happened, but I will be here for you now." Tears stream down on boths their faces.
(Y/N) is stammering for words. “I-I am fine. I can stop anytime I want. Th-this was a conscious d-decision.” Her father envelops her in a hug, cradling her head to his chest. She begins to sob.
“I know, Sweetheart. It’s hard and it won’t get easier from here on, but I’m here. You know you can’t stop, it’s only an illusion your eating disorder wants you to believe. But we get through it together. You, I and the team if you want to. We take it at your pace.” By now the two are crying loudly.
“I want it to stop, Dad. Please make the voice go away.”
He can’t make it go away. No one can. But Spencer helps to quiet it. Together they tackle the disorder, through the good and the bad times. He takes off from work for a time and (Y/N) out of school for a few weeks to be able to work on it together, to make the voice quieter and her life better.
All works:
Criminal Minds:
@averyhotchner @mggsprettygirl @herecomesthewriterwitch @ash19871962
403 notes · View notes
loquaciouslo · 2 years
3 / ? | Study Date.
chapter synopsis. in which there are lessons to be taught.
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pairings. yoongi x reader. jimin x reader. eventual ot7.
genre. this is guilty pleasure genre, there. absolutely gonna be smut. smut is essential. if you’re here to be holy, come on in!
word count. 5.9k
next chapter ➸
WARNINGS! oblivious vs blatant flirting (oh no how awful), absolutely genuine and trustworthy niceness and chivalry, a little manipulation, manhandling, sub!reader, dom! yoongi, dom! jimin, coercion, tw dub con / non con approaching this ch. 
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Not even a yogurt in sight. That’s what you’re thinking as you stand in front of the fridge, the door swung right open; the light illuminated from within reflecting off your pouting face. There’s nothing but a water bottle and grape juice on the top shelf and nary a snack, a morsel, anything, in sight for you to eat. Usually, there’s a little something, but everyone else must have gotten to everything earlier and before you. Just the thought makes you wish you had eaten breakfast earlier, but in your eagerness to make it on time and not be that person interrupting service, you just skipped. You regret that decision now. And as if on cue, your stomach makes a pitiful growl and you groan, looking down disappointingly at your tummy.
Change of plans. Time to raid the cupboards. You go for the one closest to you and peek inside, reaching your hand in to pull out a can of… peas? When did the church ever need a stock of peas? It just feels weird to you, so you shove it back. It’s not very appealing anyhow. The further you look up the shelves you spot nothing but ingredients, things like sugar, coffee creamer until you peer up and see something you could stomach—some delicious saltine crackers. The little crab ones meant for soup. Okay, it’s not exactly your go-to snack unless you’re sick or hungover, but it’ll do. You’ve eaten blander options, like your aunt’s cooking.
Now if I could only reach the top. You take in a deep breath and stand at the highest of your tiptoes. The heels you’re wearing help give your rather average height advantage, but it’s just not cutting the gap between the box and your fingertips. Your nails graze the bottom, almost, but you end up back on your heels, defeated and pouting once more. Who designed this fucking kitchen? The tallest man alive or what?
“Need a little help?”
The voice comes from behind you. While you’d been preoccupied with your task at hand, you hadn’t heard the soft click of Jimin’s footsteps or noticed the way his frame leaned against the door, deciding to play it quiet for the sake of getting to watch your shapely ass lift from the ground in those heels. He could spare a few seconds watching the way your skirt rides up your thighs, only hindered by those delectable cheeks, couldn’t he? But as much as he appreciated the view, he wanted to get a good look at the sheer blouse you’re wearing.
You really should get better at getting a sense of intuition when someone has their eyes on you. Really, you should just have more sense of awareness in general, Jimin thinks, but the upside is that it works to his advantage. It’s when you aren’t looking that he can take his fill without a single guilty thought at work.
You answer on instinct, swiveling around on your feet, completely taken off guard. You didn’t expect someone to be there, observing you. You shake off your hypervigilance.
“Uhm—it’s okay. I got this.”
“It really doesn’t look like it,” Jimin replies, unaware, or perhaps entirely aware that his tone sounds just a tad patronizing. Do you like that? You're not sure, as pretty as it sounds coming out of that mouth of his. When you fail to answer him, he walks towards you in languid strides. “so, let me ask you again. Would you like a little help?”
You’re not… sure what to say. But he expects an answer from you, that much is clear. Obviously, he's looking for something along the lines of a yes, and then those words just tumble out of your mouth on yet again, instinct, because you do feel a little silly denying him. What’s the point of this existence of yours? You’re wearing heels and you still can’t reach the fourth shelf. And Jimin is taller than you by at least three, maybe four or so inches than you?
“Okay.” You say nodding. “Please help me.”
Jimin likes the politeness of your answer and smiles yet again. He has a better poker face than you, one that doesn’t give him away half as much as yours does. 
All you know is that he looks even better up close and personal.
The second he’s standing in front of you, you’re distinctly aware of your close proximity to each other. He’s close enough to reach, to touch. You can smell the soft scent of his cologne mixed with what must be his natural smell and body wash; you can peak at the sliver of an exposed neck and collarbone from the first button of his shirt being undone. It’s white, and it contrasts beautifully against his soft skin.
Jimin takes advantage of your distraction, smiling above you, and as his much longer arms are reaching for the box at the top shelf, he doesn’t give you much of a choice to move anywhere besides backing you into the counter. You could have moved, but now it's too late to do so; too awkward. You’re forced to lean back, trying to keep the millimeters apart between you two, as if you’re afraid of touching him. Your fingers are already trembling at the idea, but Jimin just wants to make this hard for you.
Does he know that?
He places the crackers in front of your chest to take, so you gingerly grab the box with both hands. You’re happy you have something to put your eyes on instead of his face because you have the vague sense that he’s looking rather intently at yours. You go to pry open the unopened box of pure bland yeast sprinkled with ground salt. It’d be better in a soup, you internally mope.
“Thank you.” You tack on after a beat. You don't want to seem ungrateful.
“You’re welcome.”
Jimin is...
This time, you find yourself able to move around. You put some distance between you two, hoping it looks as natural as you tried to implement it, and close the cupboard door.
“So, what has you scoring for food in here instead of going out to eat? Service is almost over and everyone’s getting ready to go home.”
“Oh,” You say, honest immediately. “Yoongi asked me for help with some parts of the sermon we went through. The verses, you know. So, I’m trying to eat something beforehand, that’s all. I kind of skipped breakfast.” You leave it at that, feeling like you’re gonna start rambling. You put a few of the crackers in your mouth and grimace at the taste.
Jimin nods in understanding. And then he surprises you.
“I have some skittles if you want some. It’s not really food, but.”
You look at him then, right in his lovely brown eyes. You can’t help but admire the blond locks of messy coiffed hair, nor the way he likes to part it. Sometimes, you wonder if he has a professional stylist or if he just naturally has himself all figured out. It’d be nice if you had yourself all figured out, too.
“Okay.” You let out a little laugh, unable to deny that you’d like that. “If you’re offering. They’re my favorite.”
“Really?” Jimin lights up when he hears that. He reaches into his back pocket, bringing out an unopened pack of them. Ripping a slit off the top, he goes to pour some into your hand.
“I thought I was gonna eat these during the service but thought better of it.”
You can’t tell if he’s serious or not.
“Have as much as you want.”
This is way better than having to eat another stale cracker. You give another smile and pop one into your mouth. You like to suck on them until the color is gone, then chew and then swallow. Jimin watches the action with ease, the gentle way it slides down your throat.
“It’s sweet of you to be so helpful.” He compliments, dragging his eyes away from the slope of your neck. He follows suit and pops a skittle into his mouth, the tip of his tongue peeking out between those beguiling lips of his. It’s hard for you to not notice the swallow of his Adam’s apple, either. The next thing he says pulls you out of your thoughts, eyes blinking.
“I didn’t know you offered such services. If I had known sooner, I would have liked to ask you for help too.”
Your expression morphs from a distracting desire to a look of consternation.
“Well,” You laugh a little nervously at his touch of unintentional—you’re sure is—flattery. “I wasn’t until Yoongi asked.”
“Oh... so, if I asked you now, could I join in? I could use some helpful feedback.”
A beat passes.
“If—you know—you’re willing to help a second party out.”
Jimin tacks the last sentence on quickly, as a way for you to have an out. But the way he phrases it, and the hopefulness in his tone has you saying yes after just a beat.
You do, much to his concealed delight.
“I wouldn’t mind.” You nod, fiddling with the corner of the box, unsure of how else to occupy your hands. “The more, the merrier, right?”
Jimin smiles wide at that, letting out a quiet laugh. It’s breathtaking, how easily handsome he is.
“I like your enthusiasm. You’d make a good tutor.”
Another skittle goes in your mouth. It allows you to come up with something to say.
“I’m surprised you don’t have a degree in flattery.”
The playful comment doesn’t miss Jimin, and he’s quick to throw it back just as easily.
“It’s not that hard when you’re so easy to flatter.”
Is that a compliment or a backhanded tease?
Before you can even tease him back—let alone throw something smart as him—you hear a text tone going off. It’s Jimin’s phone, you realize, not yours.
Hey, wait. Where is my phone?
“Sorry.” He says quickly, pulling you out of your momentary panic. His attention has been diverted to the text message that pops up on his home screen. A few seconds pass and he’s typing away something quick and hitting send. Honestly, you’re thankful for the distraction. You need to find an excuse to go so you can have time to prepare yourself and find your phone. Now that you think about it, you don’t recall having used it or heard it go off during the morning sermon. I must have forgotten it at home. Fuck. And I bet there’s no time to head home and get it either. I have to rely on...
“I actually have to go, but I’ll be back in time to meet up! I promise. I can tell Yoongi to meet us in the garden?”
You know which one. You like spending your time there, on the church's grounds, and it is where the three separate and smaller buildings which this public place of worship is built on. They’re meant for the children, youth, and young adults to gather for their own sermon being held and to study with their fellow group mates.
The set-up there was simple, comfortable, and minimalist. The color scheme was cool, bright tones, in order to give the atmosphere of being calm and uplifting. Decorations were present in every building. For example, the children did arts and crafts that the church hangs around their building to celebrate and show off. And the furniture? Two words: So comfortable. You loved lounging on the couches while you studied either the word or your homework. Pastor Min was responsible for all the tasteful choices, and you loved him for that.
It’s one of the many reasons you like going here and only here.
Now granted, it wasn’t quite the kind of idea you had in mind, but Jimin’s idea is equally, if not a better idea. You didn’t see why you couldn’t all gather there. It’s a reasonably good choice.
You nod once more in affirmation and Jimin gives you one last smile before leaving, a skip not too noticeable in his step.
“Great. See you soon, y/n!”
Once Jimin’s gone and out of view, far enough away for you to no longer hear his shoes against the hard floor, you release the breath you’ve been holding.
I survived that. I survived a whole conversation with that... that man.
It doesn’t take long for the minutes to pass by while you try to enjoy the handful of skittles Jimin gave you, crackers forgotten on the counter.
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You’re in the garden before the two of them arrive, sitting down on one of the stone benches, rubbing the petal of one striped carnation by your feet. Aren’t you an interesting fellow? You’ve never noticed striped carnations in the garden before. I’ll have to look you up when I get home. You spend a few moments admiring some of the universe’s finest creations, that you forget to note the mental time.
You’d hazard a guess that it must be close to 2 P.M. because that’s how long it usually takes for everyone in the church to disperse after the afternoon is over, and you don’t have a phone to rely on for the rest of the day, so you relied on the devices around you to keep you on track. Your attention is quickly taken by the murmuring voices you hear approaching from your left.
And there they are. Jimin and Yoongi turning the corner of the entrance, coming into your direct view. You swallow softly. You must practice keeping yourself focused on the task at hand so that you can give the best advice that you can offer. If you can do that, then this will have been a positive and memorable experience. And you’ll have left it unscathed and unaffected. And most definitely not with an even worse harboring of a crush.
It’s just kind of hard when they’re wearing similar, but not completely matching outfits. They’ve both got on their formal wear; white long-sleeve shirts with ties and black slacks. One sports a pair of dark brown shoes, the other distinctly black. It’s something you’re used to seeing them wear. Yoongi’s the first to wave, stepping into your inner circle as you rise to greet them.
“We meet again!”
Yoongi is the first to reach for you, gentle, into a chaste half-hug; his cheek nearly brushing yours. Jimin follows second. Their expressions are warm and inviting when they pull away, and it lights a fire under your heart. You've never hugged them before and this is the closest you've ever come.
Why is my heart beating so wildly? 
It’s the first time they’ve treated you so affectionately that without a doubt, and without it meaning too, it leaves you feeling good. 
Why do they have to be so nice?
“You can blame Jimin for us taking so long getting here.”
“Oh, shut up,” Jimin snarks, giving Yoongi a look. But then he turns to give you a half apologetic one, shrugging, “it was nothing. Sorry for the wait.”
You take his word for it, not wanting to push the topic. You’re not that interested in knowing why.
Okay, you’re a little curious. But it's not your place to be nosy and you must remember to be on your best behavior. You barely know the two of them. So, impressions matter.
“Are you ready?” You ask instead. Not trying to rush, but trying to get somewhere with the conversation. You didn’t want this to lull into a period of tense silence all because of you and your nerves.
“More ready than Yoongi.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“You both are.”
You mutter, laughing while walking ahead of them. And that is to your detriment. You feel an assertive touch to your back. It’s Jimin that pokes his finger into the back of your shoulder.
“Are we? I could say a thing or two about you.”
Before you have anything smart to say back, your walk through the garden in search of the right building's entrance. Yoongi is the first to reach for the knob and opens the door wide, beckoning both of you inside.
“Ladies first.” His eyes meet yours again, and you promptly look away, too nervous to look him in the eye. Shooting him a subtle smile is as far as you get. The light that filters through the room is quickly cast away at the sound of the door closing shut behind all three of you. 
You walk past him, mustering a thank you very much. You suppose chivalry wasn’t dead.
And behind you, unheard to your little ears, is the 'click' of the door locking shut.
Jimin distracts you by leading you to one of the couches in the middle of the room, letting you settle in comfortably. You smooth your skirt, listening to something Jimin has to say as they both come to sit on each end of the couch. Jimin to your left, Yoongi to your right.
You’re exactly where you ought to be.
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“It was a lovely sermon, wasn’t it?” You say, looking between the two of them. You pull a piece of hair out of the frame of your face and settle your book on top of the coffee table in front of you.
“Yeah, it was great.” Jimin agrees, while his companion replies after him. “It was fantastic.”
“It was quite touching.” You nod, sufficiently calmed down.
“Ah, I love the way he delivers the word.” It’s Jimin who speaks next, right as he’s shuffling through his bag for his bible. He pulls his out just in time with Yoongi.
“My father is good at what he does.”
The praise rolls easily off Yoongi’s tongue, and abruptly you’re hyper-aware that you’re still with the pastor’s son. Of course, his son respects his father. Everyone respects pastor Min and his family. And everyone has good reason with good hearts. You really did put a lot of faith into people and their good intentions, including Yoongi. After all, like father like son, right? And Jimin, by association, since they were so incredibly close.
You didn’t have a doubt in your mind that they could be anything other than just nice, good-to-do people.
Yoongi’s the first to open his bible as he eyes your blouse. It’s one of your favorites – a soft, pink, satin blouse. It hugs you in the right ways, just enough give so that it’s breathable against the skin. It’s pulled more taught around the middle of your chest, seeing as you’re much fuller there than the rest of you. You don’t think much of it, not right away.
“That’s satin, isn’t it?” Yoongi asks, his tone discernible by the way he’s looking at you. It takes you a second to understand what he’s talking about.
“What?” You blink.
Oh. You look down.
“Yes, it is.” You laugh, looking at him the slightest bit funny. What an odd question. You didn’t expect him to just... know? Let alone point it out. The only guys you knew who could tell the difference between fabrics like cotton and polyester were your friends with a great sense of fashion. And they just loved to help coordinate your outfits. This one was courtesy of your best friend, Ellie. Bless her soul. You did look rather nice. Pretty even. You almost wanted to ask how come he’s asking, but you bite your tongue to let him implore further if he wants.
Yoongi clearly has a sense of fashion, that much has been revealed to you. It’s something you find very attractive.
“It looks good on you.” He continues. “A little expensive.”
“It was a gift.” You blurt out, feeling immediately embarrassed. Why should you? Just because it was a little expensive.
So naturally, you second guess yourself. It’s your turn to ramble and continue.
“... from a friend. But thank you for noticing. God has definitely blessed me with—”
“—God’s definitely blessed you,” Jimin responds, “God has blessed all of us.”
“Quite so, yes.” You agree, relaxing. He’s not wrong…
Yoongi’s the one to bring something else up.
“Want to go over the sermon?”
“Yes,” You say, eagerly, half forgetting what’s in your own lap. Your own bible. You look between the two of them, trying to gauge their reactions. “Who wants to go first? Unless there’s a section you’re both confused with? We can go over that together first if it makes it easier.”
Jimin’s the first to pipe up, intending to take his turn first. He shifts an inch closer to show you.
“He was saying some really interesting things. It’s in… what was it?”
Jimin starts flipping through the pages of his own book, tongue poking out just a peek from between his teeth as he seems to search for something specific.
“Hm, my bookmarker here, let’s see… yeah, this is where I read it. I really like…”
All the while Jimin is talking, pilfering through the finely printed pages of his book, the gap between you two is shrinking. You don’t notice it at first. Until his fabric-clad knee bumps into you. What became a foot between the two of you is closing in on nothing. Your leg twitches on instinct, withdrawing from the contact, all the while trying to keep your focus on what Jimin is trying to explain.
You hope Yoongi doesn’t feel ignored. He’s awfully quiet behind you, so much so that you could easily forget he was there. And briefly, you do.
Jimin, you’re starting to sense, has no idea what personal space is. When he notices the dubious look on your face, an apology falls easily from his plush lips and sheepish face.
“Ah, I’m sorry, you just make me very nervous.” He bites the inside of his cheek. “You’re so pretty.”
He says it so smoothly, like the satin you slid over your skin this morning when you buttoned up your blouse, wondering if anyone special would take notice. Not that you weren’t actively looking for compliments, but ever since Jimin remarked how pretty you looked in your summer dress last week... well, you did have half the girlish mind to wear another one the next Sunday.
And yet, you deliberately decided to not do that the next morning, somehow upset with yourself for basing your decisions on whether Jimin—or Yoongi—would or wouldn’t like it. Like you were dressing up for them. They weren’t even yours, so who does that?
“Ah, thank you—thank you very much.” You flush, uncertain whether you feel flattered or uncomfortable. That’s the second time he’s said that to you. Does he not feel shy when he tells you that? You keep eye contact until yours are inevitably brought down to the closed bible in your lap. Your fingers, trembling ever so slightly, pinch the pages open to where Jimin’s bookmark lies. He is still eyeing you with intent.
“Now uh, what was it you wanted to go over?”
You try to break the tension that’s taken hold of the room.
“From the Book of Mark? Just show me which verse you need help with first and we’ll go from there.”
The words come out a little ushered, trying to calm your racing heartbeat and the pace of your breathing all at once.  
“Are you always like this?” Yoongi chimes in, done being a simple onlooker to what’s transpiring between you and Jimin. You really forgot he was here, in the same room, until he spoke up.
“Like what?” You ask, turning your head around.
“Like a bashful deer in the headlights.”
“Bashful?” You murmur, bewildered. I'm not bashful, I'm just feeling a little inexperienced.
You turn to Yoongi openly, brows furrowed. You’re a grown woman, you tell yourself. And that doesn’t sound much like a compliment to your sense of womanliness. "I'm no such thing."
“You’re a sweetheart.” Jimin softens, his voice betraying your thoughts. You turn your attention turns to him. You’re keenly aware of the hand resting behind you on the couch, but it makes no move to touch you. He won’t touch you. Not yet.
“I don’t know how many more times I can keep saying thank you. I don't...” You admit, resisting the urge to bite the inside of your cheek, “... really know what else to say.”
It was just one of the ways you were raised. When someone compliments you, you’re supposed to thank them. Doesn't matter if you're thankful or not, or whether you understand why in the first place. What you did have was a problem with being viewed in an unfavorable light so you soften down on their intentions and try to relax. You really do.
“You don’t have to keep saying thank you,” Yoongi reassures, tilting his head. You can feel the soft caress of his hand along your spine when seconds ago it wasn’t there. The action tickles your skin in a distractive way. “You can just accept the compliments we give you. You’re already so thankful, we can tell.”
“You two are very sincere,” Your mind scours the depths of your brain for the right words. “I can see that. But…”
“What is it?” Yoongi encourages, leaning in.
“I just don’t know what brought all of this on,” You divulge, all in a rush.
There. You’ve got it off your chest. It just feels like things have taken a weird turn in a different direction ever since Jimin approached you last week and you can't shake it off. There was just something different about it. About them.
"Was it because you…?”
“If you really want to know, it's because I actually really like you...”
Okay, okay.
Yoongi smooths a hand down his thigh and turns to better face you. His face is soft, understanding.
“... as well as your mom. You're very kind and respectful additions to our little community.”
“And,” Jimin adds, “you made us pretty get-well cards when we were sick.”
You don’t say anything at that. That's right. I did do that. But why does it matter?
“What? Did you think we’d forget?” He smiles.
“I just…” No, but you didn’t expect them to give it that much thought, just that they might appreciate the sentiment at the moment and move on. If it were you, you’d appreciate the same, but would you remember it now, months later? 
Do unto others and you would have them do unto you. That’s how it’s versed. Maybe it doesn't matter.
Yoongi’s next question is rather disarming.
“Is it just you and your mom who always go to church? We only ever see you with her when you're here.”
Your father is a sore subject, but when it comes to him, you do have a good poker face.
He’s old news to you. He doesn’t deserve to have you wince at the indirect mention of him.
“Yeah, it’s just her and I! Not a lot of my friends are… spiritual, I guess?” You shrug, brushing it off. That’s okay with you. You’ve never been the judgmental sort. “I’ve tried to get them to come. Maybe one day. We’ll see.”
“That's a shame. Maybe one day you can convince them to come along and visit. I’d love to meet one of your friends.”
Jimin actually sounds like he means it.
“Is your mom coming to pick you up?”
“No,” You shake your head. “I told her to go home for the day. I can walk home since I don’t live far from here.”
“Wow. So, it’s just you.”
The silence that falls after that revelation is deafening. The sense of security they gave you begins to fall away when, for the first time in your life, you know the warmth that radiates from Yoongi’s bare hand resting on top of your thigh, finger almost slipping underneath the hemline. Something doesn’t seem right about this situation. About Yoongi and Jimin.
Who have been nothing but nice to you, you remind yourself.
You're gentle with your defenses, your hand touching Yoongi’s long enough to gently remove it from where it’s caressing you.
“No, not too lonely,” You smile, brushing a strand of hair out of your face, avoiding Yoongi’s scorching gaze, “I have the word to keep me company.”
You move in the opposite direction of Yoongi’s spreading thighs, only to bump into Jimin, who makes no motion of moving. You realize there isn’t much room for you to go anywhere between them. Nowhere to go. You squeeze the bible in your lap like it’ll give you the answer of what to do.
You get two unison chuckles at that, Jimin wiping one of his eyes. “You’re so funny,” he laughs, "and so cute.”
“Very cute,” Yoongi hums.
The open palm of Jimin’s hand rests along your lower back, rubbing it suggestively as he works with his friend.
“But you know, y/n... everybody needs a little bit more company, sometimes.”
A part of you has finally started to understand what’s going on here.  
A part of you has finally, finally, started to panic.
It’s in the look they exchange between the two of them that has you standing up, getting ready to leave before you can find out where this is quickly snowballing, but you’re simply not fast enough, nor strong enough to get out of the grip of two surprisingly strong arms. You don’t get to think about what happens next as you’re being hoisted up and onto Jimin’s waiting lap, your thighs pulled over the side so that you have no choice but to look at him with the way you’re turned.
“Don’t you agree?” He asks, arms wrapping around your waist, one of them rubbing along the edge of your skirt. Skimming the thin fabric of your pantyhose. Your heart hammers in your chest. Jimin has gone from zero to sixty in how he wants to touch you.
“S-sorry,” You resist, pushing away at his chest. Your eyes are wide, frantic, your heart begins to beat out of your chest from the unexpected maneuver. His hands are on you like it’s his right to touch you like this.
“I really, really like to leave room for Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.”
It’s your nervous habit to laugh and make jokes when you’re in a situation so overwhelming you don’t know how else to save your ass. But it’s enough to make Jimin laugh again and let go of you momentarily to unceremoniously fall off and out of his lap. Your thighs are shaking. You smooth your skirt out and down to rid them of the nerves.
You’re afraid to look at Yoongi. You shouldn’t be. What Jimin did just now is inexcusable– isn’t it?— and why didn’t Yoongi do anything? Why did he sit there and let it happen? You look at him, eyes imploring for answers, but the fixed look he gives you causes nothing sort of a shiver running down your spine.
You’re not ready to find out what it means.
“You are so adorable,” Jimin cuts into your anxious thoughts, and now that he has, you’re no longer safe. You should have gotten up again when you had the chance.
“But really, you should come here.”
Jimin’s voice is still playful, but it suggests that there’s no room for argument. His steady hands lift you with the same disregard for your autonomy as before and settles you down on his lap with albeit more force than the first time.
“Stop.” You protest, harsher now, wriggling to get let loose in his grasp. You push your hands against his chest, ignoring how flat and hard it is underneath his shirt. If this were under different circumstances, you might have been dying to know what laid beneath it—whether he was just as toned beneath what his clothes suggested. You didn’t want this right now.
“Come on, Jimin. Let’s—let’s let go,” You soften, your voice being gentler, kinder. Like you can talk him out of it if you talk to him sweetly, like a child who needs some convincing to let go and compromise. You shift in his lap, antsy, hands shaking as you shove at him. With Jimin clutching you so close to his chest and refusing to let go, you have no choice but to feel the hard cock lying stiff inside Jimin’s pants.
He’s getting hard from this, you realize. He’s hard. I can’t believe it. 
You don’t know how to process this, but it’s like the knowledge this brings you puts you more into a frenzy; laughing nervously while Jimin’s greedy hands wander up to your thighs and along the sides of your waist. He shoves your skirt up so that it can expose your ass to Yoongi’s view, bunching up and around your hips. A view he more than appreciates.
“This is not appropriate! No.” Then you change tactics. Maybe if you ask nicely…
“Please?” You whine, hopeful. You don’t like how Jimin isn’t listening to you. No one’s listening to you.
It doesn’t work.
“I think you just need to relax a little bit.”
“Yoongi—” You turn your head around, twisting your body to get a fuller look at him.
The sight you’re greeted with takes your breath away. He’s laying back against the couch, one arm draped over the armrest while the other finds refuge between his legs. He’s palming his dick, you recognize, eyes wide as you watch him watching you. He grips it then as if it’ll excite or worry you, and the myriad of complex emotions running through you is enough to leave you dizzy and distressed.
He looks like he wants a turn.
Your eyes return to Jimin, pleading once more.
“Maybe you should—Maybe I should go and get us some water—” You try to assuage them, arching backward and taunt in Jimin’s arms. It just causes him to pull you in tighter, without the possibility of escape. “—stop it!”
“Come here,” Yoongi drawls, demanding a look from Jimin. Your protests are starting to get old and tiresome to him and he needs you to calm down. He sits up. Jimin and he exchange glances and before you know it, the weight of Yoongi’s hand is palming your bare ass, squeezing. Touching you through the tights is just a tease to make them harder. “You look so pretty like this.”
“No, I don’t think I will.” You bite, flinching. You’re getting tired of your pleas being ignored. No one is listening to you! And you hate it. You wretch Yoongi’s hand away, not wanting him to touch you.
The next second, in retaliation, your arm is yanked forward, and his hand is back where he put it just seconds before you so rudely shoved him away. The look on Yoongi’s face is nothing short of a warning, his lazy, sweet tone replaced by a man who doesn’t appreciate too much talking back.
“Just relax some. You need to relax.”
“I think you should leave.” You grit out. Or I should leave. Either one will do.
Jimin gives another low laugh at that, leaning forward to sigh a breath of excitement against the skin of your neck. It’s so hot, warm. All while your heart and mind are wild with fear.
“I think we’re gonna stay.”
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next chapter: lesson learned ➸
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smelted-applejuice · 3 years
Babysitting Duty.
Parings; c!Sapnap x Reader (PARENTAL), c!BadBoyHalo x Reader Pronouns; she/her Desc; You’ve never been great with kids, you dont know why your boyfriend thought it would be great for you to babysit. You haven’t even met the kid!
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requests are open!! -
[YourName] was asleep peacefully in her warm bed, not a worry in the world, until there was a loud banging on her door. She did her best to simply ignore the noise, but then she heard keys and the front lock unlock, and then she knew exactly who it was. [YourName] groaned, placing a pillow on top of her face and flopped onto her stomach, hoping if she simply ignored her boyfriend, he wouldn’t bother her too much. Maybe Bad had left something last time he visited and he was simply picking it up!
Her thoughts would be proven wrong when she heard her bedroom door open and weight on her back. “What the-” [YourName] groaned, she felt the pillow get picked up and thrown beside her, “Wakey, wakey!” Bad’s voice said gently. [YourName] tried to bury her head into her bed but felt her hair get pulled, “What the hell!?” [YourName] yelped. Bad gasped “Sapnap, you know better, no tugging hair.” he scolded picking up whatever weight was on your back. [YourName] went through her mind trying to figure out who Sapnap was.
[YourName] gasped, “Bad, if I lift my head and your child is in my room, I swear.” she deadpanned. Bad’s nervous laughter filled the room as [YourName] looked over, and there was Bad with a young toddler in his arms, “Bad! You should’ve told me-” [YourName] complained moving quickly and sitting up. She was obviously still in her nightclothes, but it didn’t stop Bad from placing the active toddler into his girlfriend’s lap, “I’m not even good with kids.” [YourName] said, glancing down at Sapnap who was slobbering on his hand.
“Nonsense, dear! You just need practice, and this is a perfect opportunity.” Bad cooed, [YourName] huffed but then realized what he meant. “What?! No! No way am I babysitting! I’ve never met the kid so I don’t know his interests, or what time he likes to eat!” [YourName] said panicked, Bad shrugged “He’ll tell you! He can’t talk, but he knows how to sign ‘eat’!” he said trying to ease his girlfriend’s worries “It’s not as bad as you think, dear!” he finished placing both of his hands onto her shoulders. “Want to explain why I am placed on babysitting duty?” [YourName] asked looking tired, her eyes were lidded and she had her arms wrapped around the slobbery toddler.
Bad swayed side to side, placing his hands behind his back as he did so, “Well, ya know- uhm..” he stumbled over his words for a moment. “I told Skeppy he could have the next two weeks off from babysitting Sapnap, but I didn’t account for the fact I still was needed in the Nether..” Bad confessed, [YourName] chuckled and shook her head trying her best not to laugh at him. “Know what, it’s fine, I don’t mind babysitting Sapnap- just nervous.” [YourName] replied in hopes it would relax her boyfriend’s worries about his son, “Anyways, he will be my step-son of the sorts one day.” she added winking toward Bad who nodded despite the flustered look he had on.
[YourName] offered Sapnap back to Bad so she could get ready for the day. Bad sat at the end of [YourName]’s bed and watched as she exited the bathroom fully dressed and then sat down to do her hair, “If I end up liking kids because of this..” she mumbled as she did the last touch-ups. Bad couldn’t help but chuckle at the soft conversation she would have with herself, it was always such a sight to see. He kept his hands on his son’s waist as Sapnap blanched on his thighs and slightly jumped in his spot gurgling at [YourName].
“Good, he likes me” [YourName] joked, happily taking the toddler out of her boyfriend’s hands. She placed Sapnap on her hip as she walked with Bad to the front of her house once more. “I’ll be back in a few hours, I promise. Before dinner.” Bad explained, kissing Sapnap’s head before leaning down and placing a gentle kiss upon [YourName]’s lips. [YourName] smiled and nodded, “Alright, we’ll see you then, be careful.” she reminded, watching her boyfriend leave before shutting the door.
Bad had truly come in clutch, on her couch were all of Sapnap’s necessities, puffs, food, toys, god he had it all! “Your daddy does not play games with you, huh?” [YourName] mumbled placing Sapnap on her living room floor, she gave the kid some toys and rushed to her kitchen to put her breakfast in the microwave and returned just as fast as she left. “Good, haven’t set anything on fire- I’m watching you kid, I’ve heard stories.” [YourName] said jokingly glaring at the toddler, Sapnap simply giggled and hid his face before returning focus on his ghast toy.
[YourName] shook her head, grabbing her food and returning to the floor. She and Sapnap would chill on the floor for a few hours, but after watching Sapnap nearly melting the plastic off of one toy and throwing a hissy fit, he finally gave in to his needs and placed his fingers together before pointing to his mouth with them. [YourName] sat there for a second squinting her eyes trying to figure out what the child was trying to say.
“HUNGRY! YOU’RE HUNGRY!” [YourName] said, snapping her fingers as she stood up quickly, she grabbed some food out of Sapnap’s bag. Sapnap watched [YourName] with a deadpan look as she scattered around to get a good spot to feed him, he crawled over and knocked some puffs off the table and kept himself busy until he was picked up and moved to a different location. Sapnap pouted at first, reaching for the little puffs he had dropped, [YourName] just scoffed, “No, Sap, they’re dirty, gross, disgusting… Uhm.. The feeling people feel when your daddy says ‘language’ at them.” she rambled.
She knew Sapnap had no idea what she was talking about, but still, one-hundred percent went with it. She couldn’t help but smile when she successfully fed Sapnap some warmed-up chicken bits, and it made her, even more, happier when Sapnap lightened up with each bite. He got some peach yogurt too which seemed to make up for the loss he had earlier with his puffs. After he was done, [YourName] took him out of his spot and let him crawl out the rest of his energy.
Finally came the part of babysitting she always dreaded, it was changing a diaper. She laid Sapnap out, and after many attempts of him escaping she got him to relax. “Pee on me, I dare you, you’re gonna see a whole different side of me, man.” [YourName] mumbled wrapping up Sapnap and changing his onesie, she picked up the kid and placed the dirty diaper in the trash can. Sapnap showed no signs of being tired and it was a little after eleven, nearly noon. He must’ve been up for, at most, an hour before coming over, so it’s been a good almost five hours.
“When do you nap?” [YourName] asked, scrambling around the kitchen making herself lunch, she glanced at the kid who just threw his head under her chin. “Mmm, now?” She asked, he shook his head, so [YourName] just nodded and finished up her lunch. It wouldn’t be until after she ate and did a few chores that Sapnap began to get fussy, so it was most definitely nap time! “Look, I could go for a nap too, Sap. Let’s get our nap on.” [YourName] said trying to compromise with the toddler.
[YourName] gently placed Sapnap down and placed a pillow next to him before crawling under her covers with Sapnap and letting the child cuddle up to her. [YourName] couldn’t fight the smile on her face as she gently ran her fingers through his black hair. “You’re so sweet..” She whispered placing a kiss against his hair, and within minutes the two were out. Sapnap would move onto his back while [YourName] kept a gentle hand on him at all times, too anxious to let the child go even as she slept.
About an hour later, Bad would come back. He had finished up earlier than he thought and thought he would get Sapnap off [YourName]’s hands now. After a few knocks and no answer, he unlocked the door himself and made his way through the house. Sapnap’s bag was opened and toys were scattered around the living room, and in the kitchen, the plastic baggy and tub that held Sapnap’s lunch were emptied, so he knew his child was well fed and played with. After more looking around, he made his way into the back and smiled at the scene in front of him.
He wished he had the ability to photograph the moment, it made him melt from the inside out just seeing [YourName] and Sapnap bond how they have today. The messy house told the whole story and he was overjoyed. He simply stripped of his boots and took his weapons off along with his glasses and crawled in behind [YourName], he held her close while [YourName] backed up against him embracing the added warmth Bad provided. Bad smiled at [YourName]’s hand lifting up and down, hearing Sapnap sigh heavily he leaned over and kissed his girlfriend’s cheek, placing his hand gently on top of her’s. He would fall asleep, the view in front of him coaxing him into the most peaceful nap he had have in a long time.
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