#when i saw the new manga cover i started crying
nuppu-nuppu · 1 year
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c4teyezz · 4 months
my fav jjk men with babies lol
my fav jjk men x afab!reader
i kept the baby gender neutral for yall in case, i dont want ppl coming to me like “nO hE wOulD dEfinEtly hAve a-“ shut.
note: on nanamis part it mentions reader being pregnant 🤰
characters: gojo saturo, geto suguru, sukuna ryomen, higuruma hiromi, nanami kento, kusakabe atsuya, toji fushiguro
Gojo Saturo
- spoils the baby 24/7 and the things the baby has are the best of the best, the price doesnt matter to him
- idk why but he likes taking a big whiff of the babies hair then going like “ahhhh!” after and then kissing their scalp
“look babe i just bought some new clothes for our little one” gojo said smiling up at you as you entered the room. gojo is sitting on the foam rug thing with the baby laying down on it
gojo held up the baby carefully while supporting their neck at the same time to show you their fit. “thats so cute!” you responded then sitting down with him, you look at the tags that gojo ripped out from the clothes “saturo what did i say abt rubbish- $200!? WE SHOULD BE USING THAT MONEY FOR THEIR FOOD”
Geto Suguru
- i feel like hes gonna be a fairly strict but not too strict of a father
- he loveeessss wrapping them up in his robes, hugging/carrying them around like that wherever he goes in the house
“ah-! let go of my hair!” suguru demanded but not doing anything to stop it, the baby just giggles at their fathers reaction not knowing that their lowkey hurting their dad bc obviously theyre just a baby…
you take a quick pic of the sight thats in front of you, giggling along with your baby
“damn this thing is strong!” he said
“dont call your kid a thing!”
Sukuna Ryomen
- he mostly watches you take care of “the brat” he calls them, but is willing to help as long as you give him clear instructions on what the hell hes supposed to do with “it”
- i can see him holding his kid upside down with their legs when theyre like 6 or something and sometimes he drops them on purpose before quickly and successfully catching them, he has no intentions of hurting them, hes mostly doing it to fuck with you. i mean he made the kid laugh so lol
“what the fuck its crying” he pointed out to you as you rock the baby gently in your arms
“yeah i can see that… and stop calling them ‘it’, theyre not some sort of rare space specimen”
Higuruma Hiromi
- even tho in the manga hes portrayed as the classic “no humor, cold, tired man in a suit” kind of guy, i honestly dont think hes just that, hes just like that in professional settings and when things are serious. i can see him make light jokes, like he did with itadori, so he’d definitely do the same with his baby
- he likes gently scratching the babys back, as he knows its relaxing i mean who doesnt like a good scratch on the back sometimes. he doesnt mind when the baby starts fiddling with his tie, but when the baby chews on if he definitely gets a bit grossed out
“bah!” hiromi jokingly surprised the baby which made the baby flinch and cry at their father, hiromi laughed at the baby’s raction “sorry” Hiromi gently apologised while smiling at them, then went back to scare them one more time by covering his face then quickly uncovering his face “boo!”
this time the baby laughed with their father and you recorded the fun moment
(this is also inspired by a reel i saw on instagram, it was so cute 😭)
Nanami Kento
- HANDS DOWN THE BEST FATHER DUH WTF??? do we even have to argue???? since the baby hes been cutting his alcohol drinking as he doesnt want the baby’s sensitive lungs to suffer from the smell. he also lovessssss skin to skin, when the baby popped out and it was his turn to hold the baby in his bare chest, he was over the moonnnnn
- ngl he would mostly take care of the baby more than you, his excuse is since you carried the baby for 9 months, so its his job to support and deal with the baby most of the time mwah mwah
you stare at him feeding your baby their bottle, whose also safely tucked in his loving arms
“kento can i feed them now?” you asked him
“go rest honey, you deserve it” he responded, kissing you on the forehead
“thats my baby youre hogging!”
Kusakabe atsuya
- omg he likes making the baby dance, the baby cant walk yet, so he’d hold them up and make them look like theyre dancing by making them look like their doing that default baby dance toddlers do or gently swing them side to side
- loves placing them on his chest as they sleep as he fiddles with their tiny hand. also he strictly calls them by their shorter version of their name or a random nickname that suits them
“mmph! stop trying to grab my lolly!” atsuya told the baby as it tried reaching for it, eventually the baby caught the stick of the lollipop and forced it out of their dads mouth and putting it into theirs
“hehe gross”
fushiguro toji
- he plays with them by making them pretend that theyre boxing with their hands
- naps naps napsssssss, he always puts them on his chest so that they can nap together on the couch. but sometimes when toji snores, he lets out a loud snore which scares the baby into waking up crying lmfaoooooooo
“hell nah”
“toji just wipe their ass already, im trying to show you how change their diaper”
“fucking hell…” toji muttered as he slowly lifts the baby by their legs
okay maybe hes not the best when it comes to helping sometimes, but at least hes willing to try
maayong gabii lahat!!! (good evening everyone!!!)
hehe i just wanna say thank you guys for the likes, reblogs, comments, and followers so far :))))
damo nga salamatttt (thank you so muchhhh)
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quinnyundertow · 3 months
Ahhhhh the commission I ordered for “When I catch you Gege” Chapter 6 was just completed! So excited! Yuta and Junpei ❤️❤️ Art done by the amazing @elsartzz
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Excerpt from Chapter 6
It took every fiber of your being to not follow him the last twenty feet to the shed. You doubled over gasping heavily trying to catch your breath from the long sprint. You could hear the sounds of Junpei being beaten as the door to the shed was ripped from the sliding track it was on. Your eyes were wide in shock as the metal doorway was thrown through the air like a scrap of paper in the wind. The weight of it only showed when it crashed to the ground and impaled itself into the mud of the grass field.
Various yells of surprise were heard at the dramatic opening of the supply building before the sheer chaos of hell itself devolved in front of you. Hellish screams escaped through the now gaping maw of the open entry. Pure unbridled fear escaped the men who had beat Junpei as Rika laughed hysterically. You heard the crunch of bones and the squelch of flesh being pounded into the ground. One of the men tried to make a break for it. He appeared from the shed in an attempt to escape retribution. He had almost made it into the light of the outside world when a massive white hand reached out of the dark and clasped itself around the man's leg. Black nails punctured into the fat of the bully’s calves as the special grade curse Rika dragged him back into the interior darkness screaming. His face twisted in terror as his hands scrabbled against the dirt uselessly before he disappeared back into the shed.
A moment later, from the darkness emerged another form. Junpei came flying out of the pitch black, his outfit damaged and his face bloodied from the beat down the bullies had given him before Rika and Yuta emerged into the dark. Upon seeing him you started crying, calling out his name. His eyes met yours as he startled at you being here. You rushed into him throwing your arms around his neck before burying your face into his shoulder. He looked down at you. The fear he felt mixing with new concern and confusion, “Y/n? What are you doing here?! We need to get out of here!”
Junpei’s arms wrapped tight around you as you sobbed into him, “It’s okay Junpei, that’s my friend Yuta. I’m so sorry we were late, I almost failed you again.” Junpei froze his face in an expression of awe as he looked back towards the small shack.
Only silence was heard from the shed now. It was broken by Yuta in a cold and remorseless tone, “If you or anyone else so much as looks at Junpei the wrong way again you won’t escape with your lives.” There were some noises of understanding in the form of moans before Yuta emerged from the shed back into the light. A smattering of blood was on his white school shirt and on his cheek, his clothing only slightly ruffled.
Junpei stared wide eyed at the newcomer as you turned your crying face from where it hid in Junpei’s shoulder to look where Yuta stood. “That’s…your friend?” Junpei asked speechlessly.
You nodded into his chest, your arms letting go from around his neck to wrap around Junpei’s middle tightly. “Junpei, are you okay? I was so scared, did they hurt you badly?”
You and Junpei had your eyes on Yuta who stood somewhat awkwardly in the background. Yuta tried to make his expression disarming with a small smile, his eyes closed. It didn’t really work considering the blood covering him and Rika’s ominous presence; but Yuta couldn’t look more beautiful to you than he did in this moment.
Junpei returned his gaze to your tear stained face. He flushed hard at the concern for him he saw there. A heat went through him as your body pressed tightly up against his own. “Y/n, listen, don’t cry, I'm okay. They’ve done way worse before. Besides, your friend made sure that won’t happen again…”
You nodded, sniffling, letting Junpei go reluctantly before you moved towards where Yuta stood. Rika lurked behind him a wide grin on her face as she examined her claws sprayed with blood. You looked at Rika first knowing she had done the brute force of the job, “Thank you Rika.” You bowed to her in gratitude. You turned to Yuta now, fresh tears starting to fall at his kind expression, “Thank you Yuta.”
He smiled down at you before putting a hand on the top of your head, “Hey, everything is okay now. Please don’t cry.” He lifted his other hand to your cheek to use his thumb to wipe the remaining tears off your face. “You did a great job Y/n we made it just in time.” the hand on your head stroked your hair lightly in reassurance.
You nodded, turning slightly to include Junpei, “Junpei this is Yuta, the friend I wanted you to meet.”
Junpei nodded behind you before bowing in gratitude as well, “Thanks..”, the fear from earlier was no longer in his expression, just a deep curiosity. This shouldn’t surprise you given Junpei had a similar reaction to Mahito killing his bullies in the theater in a much more violent way. Junpei looked down at his feet before continuing, “Can you teach me how to do that?”
Yuta blinked in surprise, shocked that the new boy wasn’t terrified of him. He barked out a laugh in response before saying, “No clue, but I guess we can find out together.”
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Atsushi Nakajima (self-aware)
Self-Aware! Atsushi Nakajima x GN!Reader
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Warning: Yandere. OOC. Slight spoilers for Atsushi's past. Atsushi almost had an existential crisis, English is my second language.
Becoming self-aware
🐯 Atsushi was the first character who gained self-awareness.
🐯 When Atsushi realised he was a fictional character, he was devastated and confused.
🐯 His past in the orphanage... Does it have any meaning? Or was it all just for someone's entertainment? Has he even been abused by the orphanage director? Was he even a child? Or he just appeared on the river bank with memories of events that never occurred?
🐯 And his new friends? Were they alive? Or they were puppets, forced to say the same lines?
🐯 Thankfully, other characters soon become self-aware and Atsushi wasn't alone anymore, but damage has already been done.
🐯 And then he felt an entity's presence.
At first, Atsushi thought, that he finally lose it. He won't be surprised, really. Atsushi couldn't even be sure, that he could be considered human at that point, so, the feeling of being watched just tagged along with Atsushi's anxiety and dread.
Soon, Atsushi realised, that it wasn't him going mad. Someone was watching him and other members of ADA. Everyone noted, that they felt someone's presence.
Yes, Atsushi could pretend, that Dazai was playing along, pretending, he also felt been watched, but, Atsushi admitted, that Dazai would never do that. And then Kunikida and President Fukuzawa admitted, that they feel someone's gaze on them.
And they weren't been watched all the time. The presence were there only when something interesting were happening. Like something, or someone, was doing it for its own entertainment. Like it was watching the TV show.
They weren't going mad. Someone was watching them. It wasn't the ability. It was someone not from Yokohama.
This someone came from outside.
And time resets.
Atsushi, once again, was on the river bank.
When they start feeling your presence
🐯 Atsushi was scared of you. Were you the one who did it? Were you the one, who emptied the streets of Yokohama?
🐯 Atsushi was angry at you. Were you doing it for your own amusement? Were you making them believe they were fictional characters?
🐯 And now you reset time. Are you a god? Are you a demon? Are you an evil spirit? Why are you doing it? Who give you the right to play with their lives?
🐯 Atsushi saved Dazai from the river, again. And then Atsushi felt it. The entity cheered. The entity was... praising him? For doing a good job? No, for doing the right thing. For been a good person.
"You [|||||||||||||] good [||||||||||], Atsushi! Don't [||||||||||||]!
🐯 Atsushi can recognise all the words But it was clear, that entity's feelings and words were genuine. And really strong. Atsushi felt, like he was covered with something warm. With the softest blanket.
🐯 Atsushi saw, that both Dazai and Kunikida felt the same. During their dinner in a tea house, all of them felt it. The entity was amused with Dazai's antics. The entity was intrigued by Kunikida's combat skills.
🐯 But, the most important thing happened in the warehouse, when Atsushi, once again, talked to Dazai about his past in the orphanage.
"At the orphanage, people always told me I'm worthless. I have no idea where my next meal will come from or my next bed. No one would care if I died on the street. I might as well just let that beast eat me and be done with it."
As soon as this words left Atsushi's mouth, he heard sobs.
The entity was crying. Atsushi felt something warm on his cheek. Like someone was petting him.
[In reality, you are gently petting manga's panel with Atsushi.]
Atsushi recognised some words.
"poor Atsushi" "monsters" "with a child" "how dare they".
And then, clear as day.
"I am sorry, I can't take your pain away."
🐯 Atsushi felt that his anger dissapeared. He doesn't know, who are you. What are you. But he knew one thing. You cared.
🐯 Their story continues. Soon all characters heard something nice from you. The union was formed. All organisations decided to work together to find more about you and find a way to reach out for you.
And then, one day, the purple moon shined above Yokohama.
When you installed BSD Mayoi Inu Kaikitan
🐯 Atsushi was your first character. From now on, he heared you nice and clear.
"You are the good person, Atsushi! You are stronger, than you think. Don't let others say you otherwise."
"Wow! You did so much damage! You are so cool, Atsushi!"
"Here, let's raise your level!"
🐯 You praised him. You were glad, he is with you.
🐯 Atsushi felt aful that he hated you. You were so kind. And when others uncovered, that you were a simple person, who had no idea they were alive, Atsushi felt even worse. He thought you were something supernatural and bad. And you were someone normal and kind.
🐯 Atsushi want to protect you. To be near you. He and others will find a way to you world. They will be with you. Until then, they have this game to talk to you.
You opened the BSD Mayoi. You decide to check, if there was new gifts from the office. You saw, that you had a new gift in your Gift box. Thinking, that you forgot to collect something, you tap on Gift box icon.
It was a message.
"Dear [Y/N], Thanks for been near. Thanks for been kind. I will find a way to pay for your kindness. For now, acsept this. Atsushi Nakajima."
There was 50 moons attached to the message.
You thought, that it was nee feature in a game. That time to time characters will send players messagers, thanking them. You acsept gift and open character menu. You choose Atsushi's card and pet his chibi sprite.
"Thanks for the gift, Atsushi."
You didn't notice, that sprite blushed.
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lildrabbles · 8 months
Never letting go
Bakugo x Reader Drabble
Warnings: SPOILERS FOR THE MOST RECENT MANGA!! I actually haven't read it but like I've seen stuff about it so yeah 👍 kinda angsty but has a good ending
A/N: due to the most recent MHA manga news I wrote something else!! Wrote it all on my bus on the way to school >:)
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You fell to the ground, covered in tears and sweat and dirt and grime. You felt disgusting. You couldn't help yourself from throwing up. It felt like this fight hadn't even started yet. There's so much left to come. What's the point anyway, you thought in your head. Your best friend is dead and you didn't do anything about it.
The vision of Katsuki Bakugo getting stabbed through the chest and collapsing to the ground ran through your mind over and over and over. It was making you crazy. You let out a dry sob. No more tears were left to give, you had cried them all away, left to mix with the sweat and filth on your body.
You were just about to lay down and accept your fate to death, before you heard shouting. You ignored it at first but then you heard Bakugo's name. You turned around and tried to sit up, grasping on some big piece of rubble. You peeked over the rock and your heart just about flew out of your chest.
There Katsuki was, standing a little hunched over, covered in blood. So much blood. But he wasn't dead. He was standing. How could this be? How could anyone survive that kind of stab through the chest? 
But you didn't care about that at this moment. No, all you cared about is that he's actually alive. You didn't care about the ache in your bones, you forced yourself to stand up, crying out in pain on the way up. 
"KATSUKI!!" You screamed, your voice cracking and hoarse. You watched him look around before his eyes landed on you. You saw his eyes widen, and he tried to take another step but winched, collapsing and just barely holding himself up by a piece of rubble.
You made sure no villains were in the way, and fought through the pain, forcing yourself to run towards him. When you got closer you could see him trying to say something but everything else was so loud you couldn't hear him. 
You finally reached him and were about to crush him in a hug but didn't because that could just hurt him. "K-katsuki!" You cried out again, grasping his hand as tears streamed down your face. 
"Y-Y/N…" He croaked out, before he fell forward gently and rested his face in your neck. You hold him there, never letting go. I'm never letting go of you again, you said in your mind.
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junosmindpalace · 2 years
hear me out, that last dr stone angst but write a continuation where everybody learns that y/n was dead and senku’s reaction to discovering that it was his fault <3
"Amongst that crowd, Senku was one of those who stared at you in horror. "
hooooly this is finally finished! the long awaited epilogue to the hanahaki story! this was pretty difficult to write- i wanted to cover as much as i could without making it too lengthy while being realistic, which wasn't easy. im a bit iffy about some of the characterization, but nevertheless, i hope it was worth the wait! thank you for your patience!
warnings: detailed descriptions of death, blood, sickness, grief, intrusive thoughts, burning of a body (sorry its a lot but considering the theme...). if i should add any warnings, PLEASE let me know. some manga spoilers but nothing too major!
words: 3,374
Constructive feedback is always welcome! I’m always looking to improve!
Requests are open! (checked my pinned post!)
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The concept of the Hanahaki disease was first introduced to Ishigami Village through the one hundred tales. It was mentioned briefly- a woman, in love with a man who didn’t love her back, had suffocated on yellow tulip petals that she couldn’t stop throwing up. There had been no record of anyone in the village ever experiencing such a sickness, and many assumed the story was a metaphor or a lesson like the other tales. Simply a fictional disease. 
“What a silly way to die.” You had thought to yourself when you first heard of the illness as a young child. If only you knew you’d be in the same position as the woman in the story, suffocating on yellow tulip petals because the man you were in love with didn’t love you back. 
In your final moments, you saw your life flash before your eyes, internally laughing at the cliché. You saw yourself with your best friends, Kohaku, Ruri, Chrome, Kinro and Ginro, little Suika and old man Kaseki. You saw yourself with the man you had fallen in love with, acquainting him, working with him, becoming friends. 
Senku Ishigami. The brilliant scientist who Kohaku one day brought home and helped heal her sick older sister. A man of the future who told you all sorts of stories, created all sorts of things from his time and shaped your world into something magical. Senku Ishigami is quite a guy.
Which is why in the end, you didn’t regret loving him. Though you wish you could’ve lived long enough to start a new chapter with him after defeating Tsukasa, you passed on to the next world happy that you were able to indulge in everything he was. 
You did feel guilty leaving your friends--your family--behind though. You didn’t want to, but you couldn’t find a cure to heal you of your sickness. Keeping your condition hidden (with the exception of your mentalist friend finding out) made it difficult to focus on finding a cure, covering for yourself and helping the Kingdom of Science in their war against the Tsukasa Empire. And so one day during your final stages of hanahaki, Gen Asagiri had found you dead in your tent, covered in yellow tulips and stained with blood, and rushed off crying for help. 
Ukyo, with his super sharp hearing, was the first to hear Gen’s distant cries. He called for everyone’s attention and they all turned toward the sound of Gen’s panting and shouting. When he finally reached everyone, he stared at the citizens wide eyed. Though the war against the Tsukasa Empire had ended, the Kingdom of Science had a new mission: to establish cities all over the globe. To do that, they needed to make a ship and prepare for the journey. Senku and some others had returned only minutes ago from retrieving a ship captain- he could tell by the  unfamiliar stranger standing next to them. Gen didn’t have time to think about it. “It’s Y/N.”
Something wasn’t right. Gen had a wild look in his eyes as if he’d seen a dead man, was visibly shaking, and Senku deduced he had just returned from visiting your tent as you weren’t present when the group left. Kohaku too could tell that something was off and made the same deduction Senku did. In her hard-headed nature, she rushed past Gen and toward your tent in a panic. Some people tried stopping her, but gave up quickly upon realizing their efforts were futile.
“Gonna need you to be a bit more specific, Gen.” Senku's tone was airy, but he was trying not to make his desperation to know what happened to you evident. 
“C’mon mentalist, spit it out.”
When Kohaku barged into your tent, she was appalled at the horrifying sight. She collapsed at your side, crying out at you and cradling you in her arms.  Pools of blood, flowers, flowers drenched in blood, all of it surrounded your body. “Y/N? Y/N, say something. Please, Y/N, please say something.” She pleaded at your body as she pressed her forehead against yours, tears rapidly falling from her eyes and onto your blood stained face. You couldn’t hear any of it.
A crowd shortly formed at the entrance of your tent where gasps and mutters were exchanged. Some stared at the sight in shock and horror, some looked away in disgust and anguish. 
Amongst that crowd, Senku was one of those who stared at you in horror. 
Hanahaki wasn’t an unheard of disease in the modern world. Of course it existed, but little was known about proper treatment. In the age of advanced medicines, there were only two sure cures: one was surgery, the other was requited love. 
Kohaku turned toward the crowd with a heavy flow of tears rolling down her face. She held you close to her chest in a protective manner, as if attempting to shield you from the damage you had inflicted onto yourself. “We’ve got to be able to do something! Senku! We have to help them!”
For the first time ever, Senku’s senses dulled for what seemed like an eternity. His mind couldn’t process the sight of his friend covered in their own blood, unconscious and completely unmoving. His mind rejected the fact that your body had been completely drained of life as his fingers brushed yours while checking your pulse. When did he force himself through the crowd and crouch down beside you? 
“Senku! We have to act now!”
Everyone dies at some point, Senku knows and accepts this, but he’s never felt more distressed than he does right now looking at your lifeless, sickly frame. He’s had to cope with a lot of hardships in a short amount of time- the loss of his dad, his life, his departure from his two best friends, and though he could argue that the worst has come to shove, he felt physically sick as he continued to stare at you, head spinning, his chest blazing. 
“Senku! Say something!”
“T-They’re beyond saving. Too much blood loss…” Snap out of it, Senku, he told himself firmly. Squeezing his eyes shut, he shook his head and let out a deep exhale, frustration and grief slowly overwhelming both his mind and body. “They lost too much blood overnight, and even if we were to find them sooner, blood transfusions can have their own complications. There’s-,” Senku swallows. What he said next pained him from the very depths of his soul. He’s the calm and collected type who works well even under extreme pressure and always keeps his wits, always finding solutions despite having terrible luck on his side, and so the crack in his voice betrays his attempt at remaining composed when he utters “there’s…not much we could have done.” 
Senku slowly turned toward the crowd and fixed his gaze on Gen, who was staring at you with sheer terror in his face. He seemed to be two seconds away from a complete breakdown. “Gen, did you know?” 
The mentalist’s eyes snapped toward the scientist’s, hard to detect emotion in his crimson ones. Gen gulped; he knew Senku was referring to the disease. “Yes. It was important to Y/N for their condition to be kept secret. I…connected the dots on my own.” 
“Hang on, condition? What condition?” Chrome’s uneasy and slightly angry voice suddenly rang out as he pushed past the crowd toward the front to stand beside Gen. Kohaku’s teary eyed darted from you to her friends. She thought hard. Condition. Flowers. Death. 
“Could it be…”
“Gen.” Senku yet again directed a question to the magician, cutting off Kohaku. “Why don’t you explain to all of us what happened to Y/N?” 
It was important that the entirety of the Kingdom of Science was informed of your death and the events leading up to it. The crowd that had formed at your tent, mostly your friends and those from Ishigami Village, rounded up the elders, newcomers, and former members of the Tsukasa Empire to the middle of the base, where Gen began his explanation. 
He explained what the Hanahaki disease was, the coughing of flowers and petals, the two known cures, and how either were unavailable to you. He recalled first noticing your symptoms, his confrontation on the eve of delivering the cellphone and your desperation to keep the disease a secret, afraid of burdening others during a critical period in the waging war between the Tsukasa Empire and the Kingdom of Science. He admitted to covering on behalf of you and even explained how he tried curing you with the sulfa-drug. 
Senku had cut in to explain to the angry villagers why the so-called “panacea” didn’t work on you. “The sulfa-drug is meant to cure bacterial infections such as Ruri’s pneumonia. Hanahaki, however, doesn’t work like most sicknesses and normal means of treatment aren’t successful. Considering the nature of the disease, no ordinary medicine would be able to fully cure it.” 
“Someone could’ve saved Y/N though, right?” Someone in the crowd called out. “Someone had to return their feelings!” 
“...Yes.” Senku turned toward Gen, but kept his gaze fixed to the ground. “So Gen, who was Y/N’s sweetheart?” 
Gen smiled as he regrettably told the scientist, “It was you, dear Senku.” 
Senku’s convinced that this is the worst of his bad luck. 
The Kingdom of Science’s first loss was a heavy burden on everyone, especially those from Ishigami Village who considered you family. 
Kohaku’s face was grim the first couple of days with you gone. Being known as the strongest out of everyone in her village, she felt angry for being so powerless. Feelings of regret only fueled her anger and grief as she reflected on times when she would catch you coughing or sneaking off and not persist with questions or investigating. She dropped her guard and wasn’t able to help her loved one, and she felt disgusted with herself. Ruri did her best to comfort her younger sister, but even she felt a tremendous guilt. As someone who suffered with an illness her entire life and had an important role to play in the village, she regrets not being more concerned with your symptoms and shared Kohaku’s regret in not persisting enough with questions. 
All Suika ever wanted was to be helpful, and she failed in assisting you with your sickness. The seemingly never ending energy she always had was drained for a long while. She looked up to you as an older sibling, perhaps even a parental figure, and now you were gone. You had always done so much for her, constantly making sure she was safe, teaching her things you learned from Senku and the other villagers, and comforting her when she felt scared or sad, yet Suika wasn’t able to repay you. You saved her so many times, but she couldn’t save you. Nobody let Suika go anywhere near your body, but she managed to catch a glimpse of you being carried out of your tent with a white cloth over you, and as the reality of it all settled in, she panicked so bad she passed out. 
Kinro and Ginro had a duty to protect their village and everyone in it, yet they couldn’t protect you. Admittedly, they don’t understand much about science and medicine, but they trained hard and stood guard day and night so the villagers of Ishigami Village could go about themselves without having to fear any doom. Ginro, in his anxious nature, was horrified by your death, scared for his life and set into a panic. He was afraid that the hanahaki disease would claim his life next, and Senku had to explain that the disease isn’t contagious when Gen addressed everyone. While Ginro was making a fuss, Kinro hit him over his head with his spear and told him to can it. Kinro wished the disease was a physical foe he was able to defeat or at least had known about. He, like Kohaku, felt angry for being so powerless. He did his best to appear strong, though his teary eyes betrayed him.
Chrome had millions of thoughts and feelings rushing over him at once almost 24/7, all of them suffocating. You had been best friends ever since the two of you were young, and instead of figuring out you were ill, he had to witness you bathe in a pool of your own blood. He felt sick, hell, he even got sick multiple times, the sight and situation heavy on his mind and heart. Chrome was angry at you, but most especially angry at himself, and the questions he had for you were meters of mental parchment long. Why didn’t you feel like you could confide in him? How could he not notice the pain you were in? Couldn’t you trust him to help you? What troubled him the most was the recurring and realistic thought that, even if you did bring your situation to his awareness, he couldn’t have done anything about it. 
Kaseki didn’t disguise his sadness and openly cried over your death, which only made those who tried to appear strong, like Kinro, more emotional. He spoke about how your life was taken so tragically and far too soon, sorrowful that an old man like him outlived a spunky young person such as yourself. He cursed out the disease and how something so beautiful such as flowers could be so deadly and lead to your demise. 
Those who didn’t know you very well were still shocked that someone had passed. Ukyo, who had joined the Kingdom of Science under the condition that not a single life is lost, felt very conflicted about the circumstances of your death. He knew that nobody was responsible for your death, and it was the disease that had claimed your life, but he couldn’t help feeling a little resentful. He kept a close eye on Senku ever since Gen revealed that it was he who could’ve saved you. 
Like Ukyo, Taiju and Yuzuriha couldn’t believe that someone had actually died. They too kept close eyes on Senku and did their best to give him the space they knew he needed to reflect. Neither of them knew you very well, but from the short time they did, you seemed like an amazing individual and could tell you were special to many, including their best friend, from the impact your death had on them all. 
Gen was scared and felt largely responsible for your death. Intrusive thoughts and dreams about you plagued him day and night, your strained voice echoing in the back of his mind feeding into his guilt. You killed me, choked out your voice. I don’t wanna die, you cried out, and nothing Gen did could drown out your voice. He felt hopeless, weak and a coward. Before, he didn’t mind being all these things, but now with you gone, with the slight chance that he could’ve been able to save you, he regretted demonstrating these qualities in such a serious situation. He’d shrink into himself, hiding his face behind his face while thinking “why trust me, Y/N? Why me?” 
“Why me, Y/N?” was a frequent thought Senku was plagued with. While everyone was taking time off their tasks to cope with your passing, Senku spent a lot of his time holed up in the lab back at Ishigami Village. 
He was frustrated, like many others. He was conflicted on how to feel about your death and didn’t know how to react. You were a close friend of his that he cared very deeply about, a friend that he cared about in the same way he cared about Kohaku or Chrome. You didn’t do anything wrong, his friends have told him, and though he knows himself, he’s glad because admittedly, he finds himself needing the reminder. 
To think that it was because he didn’t return your romantic feelings for him that led to your death was a heavy burden that he knows you did your best to avoid shouldering onto him. He knew how you were; selfless and courageous to the very end. It was one of the things that he liked so much about you, but in this instance, he wished you were a little bit selfish. Senku knew that you kept your illness a secret to avoid weighing down the others, and he regrettably admitted to himself that if you were to come forward with your disease, it may have slowed down productivity. Along with the burden of war would come the burden of sickness, and that was an obstacle that everyone had already celebrated in overcoming. For it to be revealed that there was a new sickness to be concerned about would’ve lowered morale significantly. 
But it was your life on the line. You could’ve at least come to him. He’s a scientist, but most importantly, he’s Senku. He isn’t the type to walk away from trouble or to back down from a tricky problem. He sticks with something till the very end; until he’s found a loophole, concocted a seemingly impossible plan, or has gone through every single step of a painstaking project. He would’ve been by your side, he would’ve helped you. 
He’s ten billion percent sure of it. 
And he has to stabilize himself by putting his hand on the table as the thought of being too much for your friend to handle brought tears to his eyes. He constantly puts his trust in those around him, sometimes because he needs to, but mostly because he chooses to, and from the very first day he’s met you, he chose to trust you. 
So why couldn’t you trust him? 
He’s let you down. He’s done so much for others, and yet he’s let his friend down. 
Eventually, everyone had to proceed with their travel plans. There was still a lot that had to be done before a crew could set off establishing cities around the world. 
Ryusui had suggested that you were set out to sea as a symbolic gesture to represent where you grew up and where you were headed off to. A small boat was created for your body to lay in, along with your possessions and flowers. It felt ironic to some to send you off with the very same thing that killed you. When you drifted far enough, Ukyo drew a fire arrow and shot it onto your boat. The flames devoured everything on board, and many couldn’t bear to watch as your body became engulfed in the scorching fire. A gravestone was marked in Ishigami Village’s cemetery with your name, date of birth and death. Below, “beloved friend and family” was carved by Kaseki. 
Many people visited your grave regularly while preparations were made, vowing to continue doing their best and to create the future you dreamt of being a part of. They paid their respects and said their goodbyes before departing for the long journey ahead of them, and once they returned, they sat around your grave and talked to it about all of their adventures and achievements, laughing and feeling comforted by the presence of your spirit. 
Though Senku had said his goodbyes with the rest of the group, he returned to the cemetery in the early morning of the crew's departure. He kneeled and bowed his head, placing one hand on the stone with your name carved in front of him. Tears trickled down his face and onto the soil that you were raised on, on the same Earth that you trekked on and explored with Senku. 
Senku thinks he’ll always be angry over your death. He’s lost a lot, and the grief will always be with him, but he swears to you as his grip on the stone tightens that he’ll bring the future you were so enamored with to fruition. He got up and headed for the docks with the promise of restoring humanity for the sake of you and all those who never were able to live to see it. He’ll keep you in his thoughts throughout every step.
And that proves true years later as Senku works on his newest science project with his unwavering determination and resolution that was fuelled by the idea of being able to see you again.
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||The Misadventures of the Phoenix and The Shadow Chimera Sorcerers Part 15-A Phoenix's heart||
Hi there hope your all doing alright. This is Peahen mom back with another try to add another chapter to this mini series my friend started. :3 If you wanna read what is up the chapters are below.
Chapters 1-5 (Click here)
Chapters 6-13 (Click here)
Chapter 14
((Your reading Chapter 15))
||Drabble Summary||
It seems today was another off day for everyone but they were taking the time to rest up before another mission hits. However, Nobara confronts Kisho about something and it involves Miko. What could it be read to find out!
--- Warning ---
~Nothing dangerous
~A silly moment
~~Guests in drabble~~
Taz Hellion, Kinie, and Daichi Pheon-X comes from a side blog @chunibyo-x-sorcerer that belong to my beloved amazing friend @demon-blood-youths
Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Maki Zenin, and Nobara Kugisaki is from the anime serious Jujutsu Kaisen. Also to me due to rping as them as muse. The same for Miko Yotsuya, Yuria Niguredou, and Hana Yurikawa comes from the anime and manga Mieruko-Chan.
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please.))
Another day has come for the others here in Tokyo Jujutsu High. After the last missions, it seems like things might be calming down even after Kisho's recent recovery on his so called snacks. Right now, everyone was relaxing before that was broken.
"YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT!?!" A shocked voice came from a room followed with Megumi covering his ears, Yuji sweatdropping to see him freaking out again.
"Kisho, please stop yelling. It's not that serious-"
"Yes it is! She expects m..me to.....t..to do something like that! I can't!!!!"
"But it's the truth! I think it's time for you to stop being a coward and confess! I mean you have too after what happened on your last mission you guys told me about!" Hana Yurikawa was visiting her new friends along with Miko and Yuria. However, she heard of what happened on their mission.
"I mean, she's got a point Kisho. You have to find a way to thank Miko for helping you on that mission. We all were not expecting her to do that but she did it! And saved your life!" Nobara said that Kisho was sweating now remembering. I mean, can you blame him for that mission and that dumb curse taking them by surprise by what it did???
'She's got a point. She did have your life..' Kinie said with a smirk seeing Kisho more embarrassed.
"Kisho what is the big deal!? I thought you would be impressed." Megumi said with arms crossed.
"I didn't say I was I am! It's just.....how you told me this when I was knocked out during the mission!" he said. The others blink but remembers it.
~~~~~Flashback to last week's mission~~~~~
"Damn it, Kisho!! Wake up!" Megumi saw Miko worried as she was seeing a knocked out Kisho there. He was hit with a curse with Eito hooting worried. However, Yuji, Megumi, and Taz was trying to attack the curse who was laughing. It looked like some demonic curse bird but it's talons were holding a flaming orb there. It was Kisho's flame!
'OH come on, you can have a little fun to share!? Besides, his flame will be perfect to burn this city to ashes!' It laughed teasing but Eito squawked angry.
"You won't get away with this you fucking jerk!" Yuji said as the others tried to fight it off. However, Miko was worried as she was trying to wake Kisho. She saw tears landing on his face but he didn't move feeling cold thanks to the curse.
"Don't worry Miko, he'll be alright. You have to trust me." Yuria was worried but Miko was shaking crying to see him like this. However, she heard the others fighting off the curse but trying to get KIsho's cursed flame back.
'Missed me! You'll never see the phoenix hero again! His soul is mine! Mine mine mine!' it laughed that Miko's upper face was hidden before she stood up to look. Yuria blinks to grow worried.
"K..Keep Kisho safe..I'm getting his flame back.." she said.
"H..Huh?! But Miko, Megumi said for us to keep a eye on his-" That's when she dashes off towards the curse. "MIKO!"
Yuji got hit down by the curse spirit along with Megumi. Taz was struggling in it's hold as it was about to rip out Taz's own cursed energy. 'Ohhhh you look tasty too little pup..' it laughed seeing Taz wincing. She was trying to summon her kinfolk but they got crushed by this curse.
'LET US GO YOU FUCKING BUG!!' Kinie shouted angry feeling it starting to drain her cursed energy and Taz's too.
'Too bad! I'm going to enjoy my meal and when I do, I'll be sure to savor eating you up!' he laughed about to see it going to eat Taz. However, before it could.....something quickly comes to do a super kick right in it's face. It twitched dropping Taz but something catches her to make Taz blink.
"H..Huh?" she looks to see it was Anaconda!? "Anaconda!" she looks seeing him wagging it's tail. However, she looks up seeing the curse crash into the ground only to see someone standing there.
'Haaa!? Who the fuck did-' he got stomped it's face in only to show some cursed blood but saw a enraged Miko there. However, he tenses seeing her being angry with him.
'Who are you?! How dare you hit me! You weak girl!' it said about to grab her but Miko grabs it's hand but twists as it trashes from her grip. It was painful but Miko didn't let go but the others watch.
'OWOWOWOWOWOWO!! Let go of me!' it said only for her to quickly slam it on the side causing the area to shake. This got Yuji, Nobara, Yuria, and Taz to blink seeing she was not happy.
"Oh no, your going to pay for hurting my phoenix. You better give up his soul or else.." she said
'You think I'm scared of you!? No way! I'll beat your ass and eat his soul whole. What are you gonna do!?' he laughed only for Miko to get more angry. That resulting in a ten minute beatdown by the Crazy badger herself. The guys were shocked seeing her beating the curse black and purple with Nobara, Yuria, and Taz sweatdropping.
In ten minutes, the curse was crying beaten up as it was holding Kisho's flame to her. 'O..OKAY ENOUGH, ENOUGH! YOU MADE YOUR POINT! T..TAKE IT JUST STOP WITH THE BEATING!' it begs that Miko takes it but she only held it while knowing it was his.
"Good....Taz, can you hold this?" she said seeing her take it carefully but Miko looks to the curse who pales. "As for you..."
'N..No wait a minute! NOOOOO!!' That's when Miko picks the curse up and started slamming it left and right quickly and fast till she punches it back right through two buildings! The others had a shocked expression to see it twitching now from the pain. Miko sighed but she blinks to look.
"Thanks Taz ummm m..may i see it?" she asked as Taz hands over the flame. Miko walks over to Kisho but carefully looks to him still laying there before she lowers the flame to see it sink into his chest. In a moment, she waited to hope it worked with Eito worried. In a moment, Kisho's body slowly showed some of his cursed energy before he winces then snaps awake quick.
"Wah!?! Guys we have to stop the-Curse?" He looks left and right trying to see where the curse was but he only saw a giant mess. What the heck happened!? "Uhhhhhh guys? What happened-" Right away, He got hugged by Miko tight as he yelps looking.
"Woah, easy Miko! What's the matter!? What happened!?" he asked but he only held her as she was crying happy he was safe. The others sighed happy to see this too but Daichi was confused.
"We'll tell you after we head back." Megumi said.
~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~
"How was I suppose to know that she d..did that!? How in the world can I even thank her for what she did! She.."
"Saved your life?" Nobara and Taz said at the same time as he blinks to look to the side. He had no idea what happened but he was trying not to blush.
"I..I mean.."
"Listen Kisho that means she really dose care! That tells you a lot you know! I think it's adorable that she did all that just for you. Even beating up that scary monster!" Hana said as he blinks to sigh.
"I....I know that and I'm grateful she saved my life but I'm not ready to confess like that to her! I don't think this should count even with the mission. Can't I-"
"NO! You should confess! Stop being so scared and just tell her how you feel! You saw what she did and what she was like! That tells us that she likes likes you!" Hana said poking his chest that his face was red now.
"...YOU KNOW I CAN'T! IT'S TOO EMBARRASSING!!!" he said waving his arms quickly while Megumi sighed and Taz giggling.
"It's not hard to admit your feelings-"
"I'm not ready! I'm not ready!" he said looking scared.
"I think you should dude. I mean, Miko shows she likes you a lot..and it seems she does with you too. It shouldn't be a scary thing. I mean look at me, I confessed my feelings to one of Taz's friends named Jinx and...honestly, she felt the same way you did. She thought I was saying things but she and I have been talking and well...we got to know one another and.....yeah. I think you should go and give it a shot. I'm sure she will understand." Yuji said.
"Ohhhhh No no no no no! I am not ready to confess anything yet! And Miko just went on a mission to get more training!!! I can't..I just can't..." he whines covering his face.
'Great now he's being a baby..' Sukuna said annoyed but he was visting Kinie's domain petting her happy in her quoll form. She relaxed but didn't mind it. This was nice.
'Stop being a baby and just say something to her..' Sukuna said.
"You stay out of this!" Kisho said.
"I'll never admit it yet! Not now!"
"You know if you don't you'll never admit anything to her but...look, she cares. She loves you I bet.." Nobara said but Hana was giggling knowing it was adorable and cute. Seeing love blooming once more.
"I really can't! I don't want Miko to get a loser-"
"You are not a loser!! Come on, I'm sure she will love you if you just admit your feelings. It's like me having feelings for someone myself but..I don't know if she'll like me that way-"
"Hold on, you like someone?" Megumi said to Nobara but she smiled.
"Anyway, Kisho just be honest. I'm sure she will love you very much. Just be honest with yourself...It's not that hard." Hana said but Kisho was quiet only to think. He did care about Miko as a close friend! Though, he was not ready for that.
"........." Though, thinking about his friend made his face flushed. She was sweet, kind, loving, protective, and very strong. She was someone a guy would indeed like very much. Though, even with her being dangerous with her wrestling moves. She was something else and amazing.
This made him blush worse now that he was already looking more red now trying not to think about it. He covers his face that it made him shake his head. He couldn't at the moment! He already finds her amazing but he didn't want her to be with someone that might seem like a bad influence. Even when they told him what happened on that mission and the time she got drunk twice.
He didn't want her to be worse but the others think he was over thinking it. "Kisho, I think you are worrying too much. I think she will be happy with you even so. You shouldn't worry about it." Nobara said gently and yet he was silent still flushed.
"..I really can't..I can't.....I......" He still was red though from the thought that he didn't know Miko walks into the classroom while looking happy as she smiled holding a treat and a bag with other sweets. However, she was gently taking a bite of her melon bread before seeing the others.
"O..Oh hi guys...." she said.
"Oh hey Miko! Back from your trip to the store?" Nobara asked.
"Yeah, I g..got us some snacks if you guys w..wanted some." she said showing a bag that the others smiled to thank her. "I..I even got some for Eito and Anaconda too." she smiled as she saw Eito flying around her head then lands to nuzzle her cheek as thanks.
"Y...Your welcome Eito." she smiled kindly as the others happily goes to get a snack. She even hands one to Kisho who was flushed again though he said nothing seeing she was happy. It was so much better to see her happy with no problem. Though, seeing her so happy made his heart swoon.
Miko deserves to be happy.
"Kisho? Ar...are you okay?" she asked wondering if he was alright that he snaps out of it.
"Uhhhh are you...okay?" she asked softly to him that she felt his forehead that his face was redder now seeing her.
Miko blinks wondering if he was that he was sweating now still blushing worse. Nobara, Yuji, Megumi, Taz, Hana, and Yuria blinks to see this only for Kisho's eyes become swirls to her touching his forehead.
Megumi sighed but the others goes to help Kisho up or somewhere else. Seems he might take the time to wake up later on. "Uhhhh..."
"D..did I do something wrong?"
"No no, you didn't. He's just tired from his day off. No worries." Nobara said smiling seeing Miko worried.
"No worries Miko, we'll take him to the nurse." Yuji laughed picking up a dizzy Kisho while Megumi helps. However, the girls giggled with Miko being confused. She wonders if she scared him but she will not know yet. Seems like it will be another time till he would say something. Though, at least it was something.
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possessionisamyth · 10 months
Is it me or do some fans scapegoat Ada for Capcom not doing anything else with the RE female characters? Even though Ada isn't even allowed to appear in media without Leon (and even then, she doesn't always appear with him).
I wouldn't say it's just you, but I would say the latest Resident Evil content this year is stirring a pot much faster than when RE7 dropped when it comes to how they handle these characters and the franchise as a whole. They want to make everything more serious. They want to pander to certain groups of fans when it comes to character direction. They're trying to bring back the horror without understanding the spikes of comedy and cheesiness whether or not they were accidental is what makes the series so iconic, but that's a slightly different conversation. So, let's focus on Ada.
Listen. Ada has always been a character in a precarious situation when it comes to fandom. There's a lot of "interesting" qwhite people who love Leon so much they see her as a personal threat with their misogyny. She's a visible woman of color, which gets her hit with the racism. She's allegedly Chinese, as she could also be Taiwanese or Cantonese, or a different ethnicity since we don't even know her real name, so she gets hit with xenophobia overseas. She's also not a "nice" person who babies Leon, so she gets hit with the double misogyny from those same "interesting" qwhite people who never draw Leon with brown hair even though that's his canonical hair color. She's a woman so showing her as capable without the sexiness slapped onto her makes her "ugly" and makes the 3% of fans who yell about it the loudest cry and scream so much that Capcom will rope it back into her character however they can.
Then we have current fandom itself, and how it's changed, and how it's not changed at all. I saw a post I can't find at the moment stating the current waves of fandom have this new pattern with people who don't want to seem like they're misogynist or sexist, so they'll say the women characters are great and then do nothing for them. No rambling about them. Barely any fanart. Very little headcanons. The tiniest amount of fanfic, and if they get any of these things there has to be a male character the artist clearly favorites in the spotlight of the piece. The pieces of art that are women focused get half as much attention as the male focused pieces. Those same fandom pieces get 1/4 of that attention when the characters are visible women of color not at their sexiest, cutest, or palest form. The original poster I spoke of was obviously right. If you don't believe me, look at how many notes any "good" Leon post gets compared to the other women, and you'll start to see a pattern very quickly.
Ada is the easiest to vilify because fandom always hates "mean" women, women of color, and women point blank. Hell, the racist's vitriol was so bad they removed Sheva from various editions of the game cover of RE5 and left it as Chris or put Jill there when you can only play with her in the DLC. It doesn't help with how Ada's writing is handled over the years, that fandom loves to put her on a proverbial stake saying she took attention or a possible role from Claire, or Jill, or even Rebecca now that she's getting more attention. But they'll more loudly say how Ada is taking attention from Piers, or Luis, or even fucking Birkin. It's not entirely about how they diss and scapegoat Ada, it's the bullshit all around the diss they're making. It's about who they would personally slot in to replace her or any woman character, and why they would do that which speaks the loudest to me. If you pay attention, you'll see what wavelength their brains are running on when they drop that nonsense.
Now hear me out. I came into Resident Evil after watching all of Lupin III. Quick summary, it's an old manga that got an anime in the early 70s, and is still getting remade today about a group of thieves who steal expensive shit.
There's only 1 woman in the main recurring cast, Fujiko Mine, and since everyone has a gimmick, her's is sex appeal and that there's a 50/50 chance she'll steal the treasure from the group of men for herself at the end. No matter how many times she does this, Lupin III as a character loves her regardless. He knows that changing her means he'd have to change himself, neither of which would be a good thing, because change doesn't always mean improvement. She has been handled by so many men and a few women writers for the last 50 years I've seen all the possible ways a femme fatale can be written super well and super poorly. And even though she does all of the exact same shit as Lupin does, fans(new fans especially) will still call her a bitch. And I've had to call people out a million times with 1:1 canon comparisons to make them see it's the misogyny glasses they're looking through when they make this judgement about her.
This also means I came in looking at the Leon and Ada relationship from a completely different angle than probably 99% of the active members of the RE fandom on this site. I can see where she's written improperly for the chances she does get to appear, but I can see the potential in it, and I can see and understand how their relationship is structured the way it is. I do believe that Ada having time to herself without Leon in the game or Leon even being a priority is desperately needed for her character. I also think this narrative decision will scapegoat her further because fandom will say that attention should've gone to [Insert Male Character Here] that is an old character brought back or a completely new white guy in his 30s on the side of good who talks to another main dude for about 2 times if that much.
However, if anyone who read this far would like to see who's actually taking all the attention in an RE movie or RE game, feel free to do a tally for how many times each character gets to speak and compare the final numbers when you're done. For the games, repeated lines do not count to make it a little easier.
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silvertsundere · 2 months
Silver Talks AniManga (07/04/24)
new season starting and a new serialization round on wsj too next week fun times fun times also there's some shows that I haven't started that should be on the list, those being: - Shinymas, which started on friday and CR supposedly picked it up but still hasn't posted subs yet 😒and there's no fansubs either - Jellyfish, dogakobo's new show that I posted about when it got announced. I wasn't sure about it so haven't watched ep 1 yet, but my buddy mega liked it and said it has promise so it convinced me to actually do it next week in one of my days with no shows - Girls Band Cry, similarly to jellyfish I posted about it when it got announced. I love the character designer and have followed them for years so I was curious about the show but learning that it was gonna be CG was a huge turn off. Since it came out I've seen some clips and the cg is actually really good so I'd like to check it out regardless of it being like that. There's just a huge problem, that it's not officially licensed anywhere and the subs fucking suck ass (whole drama thing around them I won't get into) so unless it gets proper subs in the next few weeks then I'll have to pass on it
green - new series/new to me blue - finale/completed
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Mission: Yozakura Family Ep1
that was a good first ep. there wasn't anything impressive but if they keep up this quality throughout the whole run and just have some sakuga crumbs sprinkled in every now and then I'll be content. from the PVs the first few eps all looked good and it's been confirmed for a while that it's 2 consecutive cours so that gives me some hope. Also the whole voice cast is very good but that's to be expected from such a star studded cast but anyway yozakura is a very fun manga with a very likeable cast so I'll be looking forward to this every week
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Blue Archive Ep1
well that was about as good as I expected, really good ep 1. TERRIBLE subs tho so I'll be hoping a fansubbing group picks it up soon. It's been a billion years since I saw these early parts of the story since I've been playing the game since launch but I still remember it p well. I'm assuming they'll cover the whole abydos arc and only that from what we know from pvs and stuff, so should be a fun time, especially when aru and the crew show up too. Looked really good, animation was nice too, voices were good too ofc and hearing the game tracks in the anime was nice too. I'll be looking forward to this while it airs for sure
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Metallic Rouge Ep 13 (Finale)
MR was bones' 25th anni show so I had some good expectations and I thought the premise was neat too (felt like blade runner) but it turned out very lackluster. I shoulda known that the glut of bones' talent is allocated to mha but I still wanted to have some hope for the show. my buddy mega gave it a 4 and that's probably fair, the show is riddled with issues but I liked the performances enough to be a bit softer with it (miyamoto yume and kurosawa tomoyo [the two mains] especially) but anyway, animation was pretty weak all through the show, even having times where it felt off model. there were some crumbs of sakuga but never anything actually impressive like you'd expect from bones, even in the finale. the story was pretty hard to follow for a good while too cause they decided to start mid journey so there was a ton of stuff the characters talked about like everyone should know but we'd have no way of knowing and then also did a not great job of explaining things until way later on. also the finale was looking like it was gonna end on a sequel hook which made me ??? but it actually didn't so that's good the music was actually p good and I enjoyed a buncha tracks from it and the voice performances were good too anyway, not a terrible show but not worth the watch too, which is a shame for an anni project like this, oh well
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The Witch and the Beast Ep12 (Finale)
well that was alright. I had higher expectations for it cause like I said on ep 1 I heard good things about the manga but it was alright. Doesn't help that the show didn't have very much in the way of animation. It had a lot of cool drawings but the animation itself wasn't much to talk about. The cast was good tho and the music was also nice albeit not that memorable. As for the story, I don't mind anthology series like this but all the world explanations and reveals that they did at the end of this finale shoulda been waaaay earlier in the show, cause it actually made me a lot more interested in the world, but maybe that's just me and my DM brain being like that and most people like how it was already. My favourite of the stories/arcs was the sword witch one, not just cause swords pog (tho it helps), but just cause it had some really cool moments and I liked the charas more Anyway, the finale ended on a sequel hook but there hasn't been one announced (at time of writting) and I don't expect to see one either but I also said that about wedding rings and chained slave and was wrong about those so who knows really. Dunno if I'll ever end up reading the manga but the anime didn't put it completely out of question and I did like the lore they gave this ep so we'll see
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Bucchigiri Ep12 (Finale)
well that was nice. it's funny how I only learned about this show like a week before it started while I had been looking forward to MR for a while and MR turned out a lot weaker. it was a bit unfocused at times but it was still good. I didn't go in expecting much out of the animation cause it's mappa and jujutsu s2 had just ended and you know all the stuff that was being talked about it around then. and I was right not to, cause there was never anything impressive really, tho the few fights that did have coreography looked cool oh also it had the best OP/ED of the season like I said on this post show felt pretty old school too, not just cause of the designs but the general low tech (no smartphones or anything) so that was nice not really much more to say about it, it's not a show I'd recommend watching but it also wasn't a waste of time. it was just a way to spend some 20 mins having a fairly enjoyable time every saturday
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Dungeon Meshi Ep14
man I've known kabru is a little freak from all the posts I've seen about him here but he's even worse than I thought. and worst of all is I could relate to him in some parts 😔 tho knowing some of the stuff that's coming I know there's more differences than things in common but still good ep tho, even if I'm not a big fan of him or his party (yet?) the new op is a banger tho like it a lot more than the first one, tho I prefer the first ed over the one so equivalent exchange I guess
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MamaYuyu Ch29 (Finale)
I know it's weird for a finale to end of a cliffhanger like below but it's cause the actual final chap will be in the volume release. shame that it turned out like that but not much you can do about it. it was a good series tho, from the start you could really tell from the designs that the author worked as an assistant to horikoshi. their panelling is super creative and unique and the art was really good too. the action was clear and easy to follow for the most part and the power system was neat as well. I'm totally convinced that this author could have a hit in the future if they keep doing serializations. I've said this a billion times for the last handful of series that have ended but it's a shame that something like nue keeps trucking along and doing decent in the rankings while good series like this get axed. the 7 score is provisory cause we don't have the actual finale, but I doubt it'll be bad enough to make me downgrade it to a 6 so it'll prob stay like that. I'll be looking forward to whatever hayashi does next, like I said before they certainly have a lot of potential
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pa-stella · 1 year
hi hi hi its me again requesting kuujyu + 33 ilove your writing btw <3
Sorry, sorry, sorry for finishing this so late T-T You probably don't even remember requesting this but... here it is. This is not very romantic and Kuko is a little more serious than usual, but I tried my best.
Title: A new approach Fandom: Hypnosis Mic Pairing: Kuko/Jyushi Prompt: “Look me in the eyes and tell me what time you went to bed last night.  Or if you went to bed, for that matter.”
The sound of heavy and fast footsteps on the wooden floor broke the peaceful morning at the temple, making Kuko sigh. A sliding door was opened and a tired voice echoed in the main hall.
“Kuko-san, I…”
“You’re late.”
The short statement was enough to make a whine escape Jyushi’s mouth. He bowed, ready to apologize. 
Kuko sighed again, shaking his head this time. “I don’t really care about these things, but you should take your training a little more seriously.”
Jyushi looked at him with a shocked face. “It’s… it’s not that! My training is important!”
“Then why are you late?” The monk crossed his arms as he waited for an explanation. While it was true that he didn’t care about people being late… Jyushi wasn’t a random person. He was set on a journey and even a small harmless misstep like that could make things harder.
“Practice with the band ended quite late yesterday and… I was struck by inspiration when I got home.” The vocalist turned his head away, trying to hide his face. “So I spent some time writing a new song…”
As he was talking, Kuko noticed something was off. Even if Jyushi was doing his best to avoid the monk’s gaze, Kuko clearly saw his skin wasn’t covered by makeup. That wasn’t rare… Jyushi felt comfortable enough not to be all dolled up during their training sessions. What was out of the ordinary were the dark circles under his blue eyes.
Jyushi was still talking when Kuko grabbed his face by squishing his cheeks, forcing him to lower his head at the monk’s height. 
“Look me in the eyes and tell me what time you went to bed last night. Or if you went to bed, for that matter.”
Another whine. “When… when I was done with the song, it was already morning.” Jyushi admitted. 
“How do you think your body and mind will improve if you don’t let them rest properly?” Kuko groaned, letting go. “How many times do I have to repeat this…”
“I’m sorry.”
“Being sorry is not enough, Jyushi.” The monk shook his head once more. “Not only were you late, but you also didn’t sleep at all. A punishment is needed.”
He expected Jyushi to cry or complain, but the young man just nodded. “Y-You’re right, Kuko-san.”
“Mh, first of all… change into your training clothes.” Kuko stated. “When you’re done, come back here.”
Once Jyushi had left the room, Kuko sighed. If he had to follow Shakku’s example, a punishment would be the only way to teach a lesson (not that this approach had ever worked on Kuko himself), but…
Jyushi was not an average person. Jyushi was an artist, a musician. He had made a mistake, yes, but he wasn’t wasting time when that happened. He was creating. He was following his nature.
Maybe, only this time…
“Kuko-san, I’m here.” Jyushi’s voice distracted him from his own thoughts.
“Okay, let’s go!” 
As the two started to walk inside the temple, Kuko could hear Jyushi yawning behind him. He was probably too tired to worry about the punishment.
The monk opened a door leading to a room in the inner part of the temple.
“Oh, Kuko-san, isn’t this your bedroom?” Jyushi asked and eyed the undone futon still on the floor, surrounded by several mangas.
“Yeah.” He pointed to the wardrobe doors. “Take another futon out… a pillow and a blanket too.”
“Uh?” The vocalist tilted his head. “A futon?”
“C’mon, we don’t have the entire day!” 
Jyushi did as instructed and placed the second bed next to Kuko’s one. He placed the pillow and the blanket carefully and, once satisfied with the result, he sat down on his knees on the tatami floor.
“What now, Kuko-san?”
Kuko slumped down his own bed and grabbed one of the abandoned comics. “Now… I want you to lie down and sleep until I decide you have had enough.”
Stupefied, Jyushi stared at him for a few seconds in silence.
“What are you waiting for?” He asked, frowning.
“This… this is not a punishment, Kuko-san…”
“Oi! Are you criticizing my methods?!”
“N-No, but…”
“Just go to sleep, Jyushi.” 
In the end, after a moment of hesitation, Jyushi slipped into the futon and moved so he could face Kuko. “Kuko-san.”
“Mh?” He closed the manga to look at his teammate.
“Thank you.” A shy smile appeared on Jyushi’s face before he closed his eyes.
“You won’t thank me tomorrow when the training will be harder than usual.” Kuko muttered, but he smiled fondly as well. He observed the other’s relaxed face a bit longer. His dark lashes almost hid the puffiness of his eyes, making him appear already more rested.
Kuko didn’t know for how long he had stared, but finally he teared his eyes away from the other and focused his attention back on the manga in his hands.
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kiribread · 1 year
Prototype Kamui Woods Analysis 🪵
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I was thinking about this prototype when i realized "oh google translate is a thing!" While obviously not perfect it gets the general point acrossed i think!
Im going to disect this into chunks starting with his overall appearance!
One thing that automatically stands out to me is how villainous and rugged he looks! Ngl if i saw him irl with this design I'd probably cry 😭💀. With that being said, the rugged/villainous looking designs were a prevalent part of his style pre bnha.
But besides the whole style change, kamui's final design is pretty similar to his old one with a few minor changes!
First off, his shoes almost seem similar to deku's in this sense that they both have a covering over their normal shoe. Deku's being some sort of metal that i don't remember and kamui's being wood. His new shoes kept the same shape pretty much but instead of a wood cover the whole shoe is wood!
He as no knee pads in this one! I didn't notice it untill writing this lol.
He has a lil hook on the back of his belt that i don't believe he has in his bnha design! Idk what it's for though.
The string of roses he has leaves on it here! Cute touch but i can see why hori removed them.
The arm band things here also seem more detailed than the finished designs. Again, cool detail but i can see why it didn't make the final cut.
The shoulder strap things almost look like bookbag straps to me lol. I find it interesting that when kamui was first introduced in the series he didn't have said straps but come the hero rankings he brings them back! With a better design thankfully lol.
Also the branches onthe back of the straps don't look natural and are much bulkier than in the final! This was a good change lol.
And finally, we have his long ass thick ass neck 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀. Even with all that neck he still can't hold his head up straight 💀. Kamui walked so best jeanist could run 🏃.
I lied the actual last thing is that in the text it mentions that the suit is black and not the navy blue we see today. Im not sure why he changed the color but if i had to guess it could be that it made his overall character design too dark? I think he should've stayed with the black bc it looks better to me personally. In the anime we actually get a sneek peek at what it could look like when it was showing everyone injured.
Now for the truly jucy stuff 🫡
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Honestly don't really understand what this is trying to say... i think it's something about his costume helping absorb energy? Idk if any one yall can read Japanese plese lemme know and translate this particular part for me 😭.
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I thought this is pretty interesting since they're weeknesses that we don't see in the manga or anime (not yet atleast.) And they make sense too! I do have one particular question but I'll reserve it for later when it comes up in the text. Besides that i wonder if hori intended to keep these weeknesses but sonce we don't see him much we never got to see them? I hope he did bc the part of it where he can only control a certain amount of branches before he losses control sounds like hint lol.
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Okay edge lord 💀. The wording in "i have never shown my face to anyone close to me" is kind interesting to me. From what im getting from this is that he's worried about getting close to someone, than showing his face to them, then the person being scared off. Maybe not in this way directly but we've seen other mutant characters that have, or have had a similar problem. (Shoji and gang orca are the ones who pop into my mind.)
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When i looked this word up it kinda surprised me; i thought I've looked up the wrong word. But thinking about it, it does kinda fit. In the text it talks about his appearance being ostentatious which among the early cast i think it does! But i think it can also alludes to his personality a bit. In his first appearance in the show mt. Lady steals his spot light and he seems pretty upset about it. Then in bnha smash (which ik isn't canon but hey) i think deku asks for a autograph or something from kamui, death arms, mt. Lady and they all had tears streaming down their face bc of it. But for kamui in particular i can see being a result/form of "attracting admiration." Though, i could be reading this all wrong so feel free to put ur own imput 💀👀. But with that said it does lead into the next chunk of text!
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Mom: "Welp good luck have fun and don't get eaten by a bare!" 👍🏻👋🏻
Kamui: 👁💧👄💧👁
Man i really wanna know why she just left him there! I feel like the most obvious reason is that kamui is a heteromorph and the mom wasn't for it. I also feel that it's the most probable answer considering it was immediately after birth. I would also like to point out that from the time he was dropped off till the time he was found he was able to survive completely on his own! That's pretty damn impressive especially considering how dependent human babies are on their parents. Due to his wooden skin though it probably provided good camouflage. Also ik he has to have some serious social skill problems 😭. Or atleast behind average lol.
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Idk exactly what this means but it seems important and most likely a reference to the previous text.
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So im assuming this means that kamui can eat normal food and photosynthesize. The question i was talking about earlier is if kamui goes without sunlight but eats nutritious food would his quirk still "wilt?"
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So nishiya isn't is original last name. I mean, it's to be expected since his bio mom abandoned him. So W the nishiya family 🙏. Also his reason for being a hero is 🤎🤎🤎.
One thing i did notice that may just be the translation is that the text switches between he, i, and it. He and i are normal but the it is weird.
welp that's all i have for now may come up with a few more things later but we'll see!
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
This is just a prompt weather you just want to use for a drabble or not is up to you but bonrin where Rin was raised in Gehena and appears to bon for years in the form of a small flame or a white wolf (kinda like Satan with Yuri in the anime and manga) and when Rin finaly sets foot in asshia in his "human' form. Rin meets Bon in person and they both instantly realize who the other is
What a fun prompt! I went with both the flame and the wolf because I could, lol. It got a bit long, but I hope you enjoy <3
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The first time Ryuuji ever saw it, he was five, and he was upset. The kids were teasing again—bullying was the real word but the teachers would always call it teasing – and he didn’t understand why the others wouldn’t stop it. He didn’t ask to stand out like this, and he was so furiously proud of his people. He was going to be the best sort of leader for the Myōō Dharani, whatever it cost him.
He stomped his way home, stomped his way to the temple, and stomped his way right back out when it was only Uwabami in there. He stomped through the garden, and finally stomped to the edge of the forest, dropping down in an angry huff and hiding amongst the trees. He pulled up a fistful of grass and began ripping the blades apart.
He shouldn't be so upset. He should be doing his homework and helping with his chores. But... He just couldn't.
Not when he just knew Konekmaru would still be crying and his glasses had cracked from Tanaka shoving him so hard. Ryuuji should have punched him. He shouldn’t have listened to Renzou.
It started with a flicker over one of the blades laying by his side. Just a brief spark, barely enough to see. Ryuuji blinked and rubbed at his eyes, wondering if it was one of the sparkles he sometimes got when he rose too quickly.
He dropped a handful of broken blades, and the spark happened again, a bit longer this time. Flickering along the broken ends, the white flame – that’s what it looked like – burned over the edges, but didn’t burn.
Ryuuji tilted his head, grabbed another fistful of grass, and sprinkled it over the pile. The little flame reappeared and burned over that too.
Ryuuji’s lips quirked up.
The flame – if that’s what it was, Ryuuji wasn’t entirely convinced –followed his piles of torn up grass. He could drop them on either side of himself, and the flame would move to cover it. He could even throw a fistful of the broken blades and the flames would dance over each fallen piece in turn. It became a game of sorts. He couldn’t out think the flames, but it was fun to try and trick it into going after a piece of grass it had already burned over.
The worried voices drew Ryuuji’s attention from the flame dancing over the blade in his hand. He could see his father and Juuzou heading his way, and that was when he realized it had gotten dark.
“Uh-oh,” he mumbled, struggling to his feet.  “I’m late!” His ma would be furious. She was serious about her dinner time.
Dropping his handful of grass, he stepped towards the approaching adults, only pausing when he felt a brush of warmth over the back of his hand. The white flame trailed over his hand until it reached his finger tips. Ryuuji, forgetting his trouble for a moment, lifted his hand closer to his face and peered at the flame.
“Thanks,” he said after a moment of staring at the little white spark. “That was fun!”
The small flame flared brightly for a second, and poofed away, leaving the faintest scent of smoke lingering in the air.
— — — — — — — — — —
The ball of fire reappeared. Multiple times. Enough that Ryuuji came up for a name for his little spark. Fireball wasn’t predictable, but he liked to play games, and Ryuuji had fun thinking up new ones for the flame.
He couldn’t get hold of a lot of candles, and they were too expensive to buy with his small allowance, so he went with matches instead. Fireball could ignite them without much effort –or what looked like effort – and he liked to tease over them a few times before he’d spark properly, leaving Ryuuji guessing on which one he had to blow out.
He didn’t tell anyone about Fireball, and that… That was weird. Ryuuji didn’t have secrets. He didn’t like them and being honest was important to his ma.
Telling about Fireball just seemed like a terrible idea. All of his Myōō Dharani seemed scared of fire, and his ma yelled when he got close to any kind of flame. He knew the Blue Night had destroyed his temple, and that it was the reason they were so small. It was the reason Konekomaru didn’t have parents and Renzou didn’t have a brother.
But Fireball was white, not blue, and the little flame didn’t burn. It had flared over Ryuuji’s fingers, hand, arms, and on one memorable occasion, even his nose.
A few years passed that way, with Ryuuji playing secret games with a sentient ball of fire. It wasn’t like any demon he had ever seen, and he couldn’t find any references to white flames in his books. (At least not the ones he managed to sneak out of the Myōō Dharani’s library.) But what else could it be but a demon? Whatever his Fireball was, it was friendly and fun, and always seemed to show up on the days that had been the worst, offering Ryuuji a distraction from the harsh words, the slammed door, and the further fracturing of his people.
Fireball would listen. Ryuuji couldn’t explain it in any other way. The flame would flare when Ryuuji got emotional, flicker indignantly when he heard about the bullying, and even send out little sparks when Ryuuji laughed or told a joke.
 It was one of the bad days—so far everyday of middle school had been a bad day—and he was going for a run to try and burn off some of the restless anger.
No one ever listened. They all still talked about him, Neko, and Shima like they were some kind of damned plague.
He ran across the familiar grounds of the inn, across his temple, and all the way to the woods. He followed down the familiar trails, and finally, wanting some kind of an escape, more than just the burn of his limbs and lungs, he veered off the path and into the mass of undergrowth and trees. It wasn’t exactly possible to run through a forest, but it was possible to keep up a quick pace and wander further into the familiar space.
“Fireball?” He called, curious and frustrated and knowing that the spark would at least flare with indignation about his predicament. It was more than he was likely to get from the adults, and someone getting made with him was all he really wanted. Someone to understand.
It was strange that a sentient ball of fire felt like it understood him more than either of his parents.
There wasn’t any flicker today. No flame burning playfully over the grass or sparking to life in front of his nose in hopes of making him jump. Absolutely nothing happened.
Shoulders dropping in defeat, Ryuuji kicked at the grass under his foot and tried to tell himself to release the anger in his gut. It was what Buddha would do. He’d untether himself from these human failings and transcend.
Closing his eyes, Ryuuji fisted his hands and focused on taking a deep breath. It didn’t help too much, but it did ease some of the ache from running too fast and far. That was at least a start. Fix what you could.
Getting his breathing reasonably under control, Ryuuji kept his eyes closed for a moment longer and tried to push the anger away since he couldn’t quite release it. He inhaled again, and over the sharp sound of his breath, he heard a second noise. It wasn’t loud, just a faint snap of something in the distance. His eyes sprang open anyway, worried he’d been followed only to be shocked by the sight of a white wolf a few feet in front of him.
“Oh!” He gasped, not able to stop the sound from escaping his lips.
It wasn’t a large beast, not much bigger than the strays that some times hung around the temple. He’d always been told that wolves were frighteningly large, but this…
It was shockingly white. Unnaturally white. Most animals with white fur were actually a bit cream colored, but this wolf was at least as white as snow, and he seemed to flicker as he shifted his weight forward on a large paw. Big paws. Too big for his body. Was he still growing?
It had blue eyes. Even from this distance Ryuuji could tell that. Big blue eyes that were a rich and bright color.
Ryuuji went entirely still in shock. He held his breath, staring wide eyed at the wolf as it stepped closer, quietly crunching a few leaves and twigs under paw. What did you do with wolves?! Did you run away? Could they climb trees? Playing dead couldn’t work, and –
The wolf stopped and lowered its head. It stuck its butt up in the air playfully, and its tail raised up in an obvious wag. Ryuuji blinked twice, confused, and tilted his own head.
A fine layer of flames flickered over the wolf, making him glow with a bright white light. Fireball? Rescuing him from his—
Wait! The wolf—
Ryuuji stepped forward, fear making the hairs on his arm stand on end, and slowly raised an arm  towards the wolf. Swallowing, he asked a question that didn’t make any real sense. “Fireball?”
The wolf barked, high and squeaky, and unmistakably happy.
The flames flared higher as the wolf straightened and bolted towards him. Ryuuji didn’t have time to brace himself before he was knocked onto his back by the exuberant wolf—by Fireball, and found a snout in his face, eagerly sniffing him as the paws pushed him into the ground.
“Fireball?” He asked again, unable to form another thought. How had his playful flame spirit turned into a wolf?
Fireball barked in his face and dropped a little lower to nuzzle him. Satisfied with that that, the wolf sat back on his haunches, his tail wagging merrily through the air, and watched Ryuuji with a tilted head. Ryuuji pushed himself back upright, gaping a bit, and swallowed.
“You got bigger,” he finally said. Fireball yipped in a way that was unmistakably a laugh. The flames covering his body sent up familiar little sparks, and Ryuuji found himself smiling at the sight.
Okay. So he had a wolf friend now. Awesome.
— — — — — — — — — —
It was once again impossible to find any demons that matched Fireball. There were wolf demons, of course, but none that lit with white flames. (Flames that sometimes looked a little blue. But blue flames belonged with Satan and they destroyed everything they touched.)
It was easier to play games with this form of Fireball, and the wolf was still willing to listen and instead of just flaring with indignation, he would bark now, or nuzzle against Ryuuji in an attempt at comfort. Fireball snarled when Ryuuji explained that his parents had tried to forbid him from taking over the temple, and barked his approval at Ryuuji plan to take the exams and apply for the scholarship anyway. He whined when Ryuuji brought books out to study instead of play, but he entertained himself while Ryuuji worked and kept him company during the endless sessions. He loved playing fetch, hide and seek, or even simple problem solving games.
Fireball (he’d contemplated going with Furball now that the flame was a wolf, but he was still on fire, so Fireball still fit.) Fireball was just as inquisitive and friendly as he had ever been, and the new form just made it easier to understand him.
Now he rushed out to the forest, still stinging from his parents’ dismissal of his accomplishment, and stormed to the spot Fireball was usually waiting. The letter was carefully tucked away in his pocket, and even if no one else cared, he knew the wolf/demon/spark would be proud of him. The Myōō Dharani would be too, but they’d be subdued about it and just give him a pat on the shoulder because the master didn’t approve of his choice.
(And what was his life that he was going to Fireball for validation because his parents wouldn’t give it to him?)
“Fireball?!” He bellowed, glancing around the trees curiously and trying to stop the simmer of anger in his blood that always seemed to be there these days. His friend didn’t leave him waiting for more than a minute. The wolf bounded from the trees, seeming to materialize out of thin air and stopping in front of Ryuuji with a wagging tail that went still when he saw the tension in Ryuuji’s form. His head cocked curiously, and Ryuuji didn’t think before dropping to his knees and hugging the wolf around the neck. (He’d gotten bigger over the last few years. He was keeping pace with Ryuuji.)
“Hey, Fireball,” he mumbled into soft and warm fur.
He got a lick on his cheek and a nuzzle against his shoulder. White and blue flames danced playfully over his arms and face as he hugged his friend. Taking a moment to soak in the warmth, he finally released him and gave the wolf a smile.
“Guess what?”
Fireball barked and laid down in anticipation of news. Ryuuji pulled the letter from his pocket and turned it towards the demon. “I got the letter.”
Fireball shot to his feet and nosed the letter. He tried to get the flap up, but gave up with an irritated grunt and sat back on his heels to wait for Ryuuji. His tail was wiggling, and it was just… it was so obvious the wolf was excited to know.
“I got in.”
Ryuuji was immediately knocked on his back as the excited wolf barked and flared bright with flames.
And just like that, he felt better. Just like that, someone cared and showed excitement, and yeah, it was a wolf demon, but it was a friend and they genuinely cared, and they listened to his plans and yipped at the right moments, flared bright with excited fire, sparked with indignation at his parents, and growled when Ryuuji talked about how they’d try to tell him no.
It didn’t occur to him until he was curling up in his bed that night that Tokyo was really far from the forest and Fireball.
— — — — — — — — — —
“It’s tomorrow,” Ryuuji said softly. Fireball whined and shoved his snout under Ryuuji’s hand for a pet as the rest of him curled around Ryuuji. His flames burned painlessly over Ryuuji’s hands.
“Yeah,” he managed, not sounding as sad as he really was. “I’ll miss you too.”
— — — — — — — — — —
The academy’s campus was large and entirely unfamiliar. It was different in almost every way from Kyoto. Far busier than his small town, and unlike Kyoto, absolutely no one knew who he was.
He could disappear among the crowd of students. He wasn’t a cursed child, or a rebel here. He was just another kid with punk hair and piercings. Just another student among the vast crowd. Just a kid with an accent who got in the top class.
The high school he was confident about. He knew he was smart, and he knew he was more than capable of keeping up with that material.
The cram school was a different matter. Those classes he worried about. The stakes were high and he hadn’t had a lot of experience with demons, and what information he knew had been learned stealthily while trying to steal information away from his monks.
Thrive or fail, there was nothing for it now. Ryuuji had a class in an hour, and he was already wandering the halls in anticipation.
It wasn’t surprising that he’d find him there. He’d always appeared when Ryuuji was alone, and always when he needed him.
The boy looked to be about his age, not quite as tall or muscular, but handsome in a strange way. He had sharp cheekbones and compact muscles, more of a dexterous body than a strong one. He was in a uniform like Ryuuji, but he’d put on red boots instead of the mandatory black combat books. His hair, a stark and startling white, hung in his eyes in messy locks. He was smiling in a way that showed off sharp teeth.
More than all of that though, the eyes were what drew Ryuuji’s attention. Bright blue and vivid eyes. Familiar eyes that flickered with fire, and if Ryuuji got close enough, he was certain he’d see familiar red pupils at their center.
Ryuuji stood still, stuck in the middle of the hall, utterly spellbound by the figure in front of him. The boy tilted his head, and Ryuuji either needed to rub his eyes, or he needed to accept that the boy’s white hair was flickering with fire.
“Fireball?” He asked breathlessly.
The boy grinned.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
Yu Takeyama x She/ Her Reader
A/N: Warning: Manga Spoilers Ahead! Read at your own risk! I don’t have much to say about this one, just a bit of a hurt/comfort fic. Word Count: ~1,170
(Y/n) stared out of the window into the dark streets below, her breath fogging up the glass. In the background she had the volume for the news cranked, hoping for any information she could get on the war, information on Mount Lady, her Yu.
Though the battle was happening many kilometers away, she could still hear the earth shaking booms and see occasional powerful flashes of light. She turned towards the tv when the newscaster’s voice grew more panicked and saw the screen turned to static before a ‘please stand by’ message took its place. The lights flickered, but power wasn’t lost, not yet at least.
She turned back to the window and pressed her hand against it, smearing the fog left by her breath. Another big boom, shook the building a barely noticeable amount, but it shook her all the same. Yu was in the thick of it, fighting for the fate of Japan, the world.
“Please let her come back to me. I can’t lose her.” (Y/n) asked aloud to no one in particular. She hoped by putting her wish out into the universe, it would act as a shield of sorts. “Please, please, please. Win!”
A few days later, (Y/n) was finally allowed to see Yu. She sprinted through the hospital, ignoring the personnel who tried to dissuade her from doing so. She ran until she found her room and burst inside, startling Yu from where she laid in bed. She was bruised and covered in bandages, one most noticeably over her left eye, but otherwise looked alert and well. (Y/n) was on her in a flash, trying very hard not to crush her or break down completely and sob all over her.
Yu grunted a bit at the sudden weight, but wrapped (Y/n) in her arms all the same, not giving her the chance to move away.
“Hey,” She greeted softly, rubbing her partner’s back, “how have you been holding up?”
“Me? I’m fine! You’re the one fighting a war against the worst villains of the era.” (Y/n) reminded, “I’ve been so worried about you, what have the doctors told you? Are you alright? How—”
Yu covered (Y/n)’s mouth with her hand and laughed weakly. “Simmer down, I’m okay. Doctor said I’ll be one hundred percent again in a week or two. I have a bit of a nasty gash on my eyebrow that’s probably going to scar, but there shouldn’t be any lingering issues. I’m better off than a lot of heroes,” her smile faltered a bit at that, “I’m so glad you’re here.”
(Y/n) pulled back the starchy hospital covers and snuggled in beside Yu, coaxing her to rest her head upon her chest. She let Yu steer the conversation. Whatever she felt comfortable sharing, (Y/n) listened attentively. For all the sacrifice, they had only managed to keep the worst of the Paranormal Liberation Army at bay. There was still much to do and numbers had taken a heavy blow on both sides.
(Y/n) saw how hurt Yu was, not just physically. A mental toll had been taken as well. She wanted to tell Yu to retire and they could move to some far off island away from all of this, but of course she knew Yu would never go for it. Instead she did what only she could and gave the hero a shoulder to cry on away from the prying eyes of the public. She gave Yu time to grieve as humans do before she had to rise to the impossible standards demanded of a hero once again.
Peace was… fragile.
Villain activity wasn’t too out of control, but with All For One, Shigaraki, whoever, still at large, people were agitated and fearful. It was hard to find a sense of normalcy and live as they once had, but (Y/n) always tried to provide those little things for Yu whenever she could come home after being worked ragged. Yu seemed to appreciate the effort, but her smiles were always tired and had difficulty reaching her eyes.
Sometimes, even in her sleep she was restless, waking (Y/n) with a start in the middle of the night with her nightmares. (Y/n) would hold her tightly and whisper loving words into her ear until Yu stopped shaking and her exhaustion forced her back to sleep. It was heartbreaking.
When (Y/n) awoke very early the next morning, finding herself alone in bed. It wasn’t unusual given Yu’s line of work, but (Y/n) couldn’t remember Yu waking her up to say goodbye as she usually did, so (Y/n) got up to look for her. She noticed light coming from the bathroom and the door was open so she hummed softly as she walked down the hall, a habit she had developed to prevent Yu from getting startled when she wasn’t expecting to be approached.
(Y/n) saw Yu prodding at her eyebrow in the mirror. She had finally taken her bandage off and had a fresh scar just as she had predicted. Yu caught (Y/n)’s eye in the reflection of the mirror and gave her a half-hearted smile.
Yu sighed, turning her head to face (Y/n) over her shoulder, “How bad do I look?”
(Y/n) walked over to Yu and hugged her from behind, looking at the scar through the reflection on the mirror. Though still pink and a little puffy, it was a thin line that cut through the thinner part of her eyebrow. (Y/n)’s eyes trailed the line until she made eye contact with Yu through the mirror. Attempting to be playful, Yu winked, revealing how the scar tapered off against her eyelid.
(Y/n) pulled Yu’s head to the side and brushed her lips against Yu’s scar in a gentle kiss.
“You never look bad and you know it. Don’t start doubting yourself now.” (Y/n) kissed the scar again.
“It’s just…”
“Different.” (Y/n) finished for her, “It’s just a new part of you. A physical show of your courage and heart,” she cupped Yu’s jaw to meet her eyes head on, “Nothing bad about that.”
Yu closed her eyes and pressed her forehead against (Y/n)’s, turning more to wrap her arms loosely around her partner in return.
“Come on, it’s still early. Let’s get you back in bed and then I’ll get breakfast ready.” (Y/n) began pulling Yu towards the bedroom, but Yu took the lead as soon as they exited the bathroom.
“Let’s both get back in bed and order something online.” Yu countered, “I’m cold.”
“Okay, the bakery down the street sound good?” (Y/n) asked, already opening the app on her phone while Yu pulled her into the bedroom.
“That sounds great.“
(Y/n) and Yu cuddled under the covers and pressed their heads together as they perused the menu. They ended up ordering more than they could eat in one sitting, but they hardly cared. (Y/n) called in to work sick so she and Yu could stay together in their little bubble and forget the rest of the world existed for a day.
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I try to keep anime off my main blog, but I need to tell you about three animes that make me absolutely feral.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Attack on Titan, and
Trigun Stampede
FMAB is so highly praised within the anime community and its not hard to see why. It could easily be an action/power-up anime, but it's not. There's so much more that I don't even know how to describe it. It has some of the best female characters I've seen in an anime. It covers grief, loss, war, and more. There is romance but it somehow adds to the story instead of making you cringe away from the show in horror. The story as a whole had me constantly surprised with its reveals. The comedy isn't overdone and never feels forced. And let's just say there's a reason it's my number one and many other's number one as well.
Attack on Titan is probably easier to understand the why behind it. Isayama has irrevocably changed how I see both other shows and the world. I watch shows now in a light that might not have been there, but Isayama changed my brain chemistry and now I can't unsee it. The show started out simple and it could've easily stayed there, but it didn't. Not even halfway through Season 1, we get a part of the story that we never expected. Fast-forward to Season 4 and we learn something that has forever changed how I watch every show from here on out. It went through an animation studio change for the final season and the new studio has delivered a more faithful manga-to-anime adaptation compared to the original studio. The animation through all four seasons is just amazing.
Trigun Stampede was one of the hated animes of 2023, for no good reason!! The animation is above god-tier for being fully CGI (don't knock it 'til you try it). The amount of DETAIL that goes into every action is fucking insane. Studio Orange paid homage to the original 1998 anime while also planning on making a more faithful adaptation. I saw two tumblr posts by someone who analyzed that Vash got animated using proper gun safety and how good of a marksman he is. It's something that could've been glossed over, but Studio Orange said "fuck it" and gave us GOD-TIER animation.
Yeah, more animes than those have made me cry. I cry over Kakashi's backstory in Naruto, but it doesn't give me the absolute need to scream like the three above do. When I say I go absolutely feral over those three animes, I mean I get this pressure in my chest that I feel like I need to scream from how fucking good they are.
If you're thinking about getting into anime, I cannot stress these three enough to at least have them on your watchlist.
[ Anime blog - @shinobi-addiction ]
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pashminalamb · 1 year
Oh ew the OF accounts and sex bots are completely getting out of hand. I haven’t been notified of any new followers but I don’t trust tumblr to do so. I’m have to gonna check on that soon 🙄🙄.
And seriously for what reason are people flagging down your works for like 😭😭?? It literally makes no sense??? Some people are so rude and mean and spiteful for no reason like. Do better or screw off unintentionally quoting Ego here I’m sorry that this happened to you, it really sucks.
Ever since break started I’ve been in a kind of limbo. It feels so surreal not having any work to do. I mean I do have basic chores to do today like the laundry and vacuuming and stuff but besides that it’s a free day. I am. Very very very. Temped to start reading the blue lock manga. I know I said I’d wait for the anime to finish but like I need something to do 😭😭. I was starting my first TR reread since the last chapter but I only got in 3 chapters before I started sobbing and I haven’t even gotten to Akkuns first death or met Mikey and Draken for the first time again yet. I’m gonna have to chunk my way through it while sobbing and taking so many breaks because I will seriously never recover from this manga. OH AND I LOVE CHIFUYUS BIRTHDAY ART. Wakui continuing to attest that yes takefuyu are still canon in the reset timeline. It’s such a relief for me because those two are my comfort duo 😭😭😭. I also want to finish Chainsaw Man soon. I stopped at around volume 9 because I’m broke and was reading it at the bookstore and all I can say is that this series is definitely getting a reread cause I love analyzing strange works and concepts. THE MAITAKE COVER ASJKGFJKHFFGGG. The way I screeched when I first saw it like. I love how you worded it, they literally look like royalty together UGH. Suffice to say that yes maitake fans has a field day with the cover of volume 31 😌😌. I cant wait for the inside cover to be revealed. My prediction/demand is that it’s gonna be then as children childhood-friends-to-lovers. But I guess we’ll see.
Anyways. How are you Belle? Doing better I hope? How’s uni? Oh and when does your winter break start? How’s life? Im so happy tumblr is being cooperative now and letting you see my tagged posts 😭😭. Sorry for the constant tagging tho, there’s just so much I wanna share and I see something and I’m like “oh I wanna show this to Belle” you know? Oh and im so glad you liked that Oliver drabble 🥹🥹. I’ve got another one in mind for him but this time it might be a little more ✨spicy✨ so stay tuned 👀👀😌. I hope you have a great day and that the caramel frappuccino tasted great!!! *sending many virtual hugs*
- ✨ anon
Istg- i got followed by accounts from Czechia and Carolina this morning. Alright, I made my pinned post of Gojo's OF account but this is a writing blog; not even an OF promotion blog (╥﹏╥) unless... i draw some stuff
Tumblr decided to not let me post my rant- so here’s what I had to say
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I revisited my childhood with watching DBZ... (i knew i said i would start one piece but the gym bro-ness got the better of me and i started watching it) someone please explain why does Goku's voice sound... i don't know how to describe it. i was so shocked about his voice, i was planning on watching the dub instead cause of it *crying* Honestly, Wakui did a really good job with the cover. Even when I was reading mangas online - I was so awed by the covers of the manga and when TR was on its peak here, i saw a lot of spoilers for bonten mikey. I never liked mikey... but this made me change my mind. And they (like every cover character i saw up until the Brahman arc looked like royalty. Even hanma-) I'm doing well! Contemplating to change the blog theme for some reason. It's not gonna be aiku ofc- he gets 0 screen time cause he hasn't come back from italy and i am mad at him with part 1 to ocean hues I'm on my winter break actually and omw back home. Fifa knocked the wind out of me. I feel sad cause Mbappé played really well (and he was sad too when they lost), i literally went to go keep my plate and he scored in 97 seconds of the first goal T.T . But i'm also really happy for Argentina cause its the first time in 36 years since Maradona that they have won the Wc and i cried cause they were crying on the field not to mention the fact that Messi played in their team as well - so it was bittersweet ending but also very well deserved! And yes i am a football head I can't see you in my activity still (maybe your visibility switch is off? i'm not sure) but i do get the number on my activity and that's how ik that you're there (⑅ •͈ᴗ•͈ ) I actually don't mind being tagged! and I enjoy the things you have to show me as well ૮⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝ ა (i saw some stuff where you tagged me- i'll be answering those soon, promise i'm not ignoring you ૮(˶˃ᆺ˂˶)ა ) I. absolutely. loved. the Oliver drabble ˃̵ᴗ˂̵. I still read it btw, cause it is absolutely precious. the deer headrest and the fact he wants to be a good boy made me go (๑✪ᆺ✪๑) did you say spicy 💀 *here lies Isabelle Aiku; beloved wife of Oliver Aiku who is unaware that he is married to her- * Starry you're gonna make me combust from the heat *sending back bear hugs*
*my man is so handsome (>﹏<) and yours is too*
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libzarzar · 8 months
That's already fcng start of a morning why I'm thinking about those chapters from Pet Shop of Horrors with girl and her singing birdy and yoohanhim in it... can't I just fall asleep without breaked heart...
So if you don't know about that manga - go ahead and read it, it's collection of short stories about a lot of human's things and, besides, how you can make mistakes even when you're in love and care and hoping for the best for your loved ones. Huh that manga definitely were a traumatic experience for little me but that was wonderful
And also there is sneaky seller yeah dream-uncle
stop here if you don't want spoilers or emotionaldamage idk.
Even if I don't remember all of it. And also this is a horror story so be aware
At first you need to know the context. That story was about rich girl, reached to the PetShop, seeking for a new perfect pet. And Count D of course has one. He told about beautiful bird from the country far away with most miraculous voice in the whole world. And girl followed him in the show room. But what she saw here wasn't a bird. That was a most beautiful boy in tons of jewels with wings on his back. She complained, scared of buying human being, but count D stood his ground.
There is only a bird in that room, it doesn't mean how she sees him. And that bird can be a her pet. If she will follow the rules.
Of course she made a deal, he catched her heart immediately. And she did all what D said her, she gave a whole winter garden to it, prepared best fruits for meals. And he song most beautiful songs every night, with truly amazing voice.
That was such a wonderful time. Until she get a painful thought.
That bird is probably so lonely. He is now here, in foreign country and can't meet up with his specie while he is in cage. Probably he singing so much, trying to reach for someone. She should find him a pair and then he will be more happy. And have beautiful kids, she will be so happy to see his nestlings
So Court D did as she asked. And she brushed over all "are you sure" questions.
Girl-bird wasn't such colorful at all. After she was brought into the winter garden, on front of her fabulous pair and hundreds of flowers she looked even more blank.
Girl just wanted her beloved pet to be happy.
So she again said as she was told to - she left them alone for a few nights, without any visits, just listen to the unfinishing song each night and couldn't stop worrying.
And her will broke as few day past. Because singing suddenly stopped.
Her pretty lovely bird were left there without food for so long. Probably so exhausted and hungry. She should've check on him, pass some snacks. D can't know everything, she totally wouldn't ruin anything, she's bird's master after all.
And she took some fruits and opened the door tho the garden. And there were unusual silence.
And there were torn body of her lovely bird, almost eaten by female. As she should for feeding her child inside of her. She ate him all that days but he continued to sing until she finally reached to his throat. For his loved ovneress.
D told not to get inside just so female could've finished her meal, consumed body without any left. But girl was as impatient as at the minute she decided to get a nestling. And now she lose her mind, crying over cold body
They loved each other. But they don't know what to do with all that love at all
bird-Han Sooyoung, standing over the almost finished Kim Dokja's body, covered in his blood with coldness in her eyes.
And Yoo Joonghyuk, staying in the moonlight from the glass ceiling, with that burning feeling, just started to crawl from his chest to his face. And we know that that guilt, that loss, that feeling of killing Dokja by his own will.
It will shatter him to the bloody dust
I see that scene on my eyelids I want to draw it so much ugh
Also found picture yeey. hope that's not prohibited..
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