#when we first were more open online about having DID we were so excited to connect with the online community
f1fnatic · 10 months
SCRUTINY ⤿ f1 grid
→ ( in which. . . ) you are a woman on the f1 grid. you face criticism and digs almost every day from toxic fans, specifically the men. but, you shut them up after a rewarding race.
→ ( fanfic genre. . . ) written
→ ( pairing. . . ) 2023 f1 grid x female!reader
→ ( content warnings/disclaimers. . . ) cyberbullying, misogyny, sexism/sexist comments, overall a shitty environment. not based on this year's monaco grand prix or the season so far just has the drivers of this year's grid at this moment except alonso he is a reserve for aston martin, jumps around a little, not a completely solid plot, other pilots make subtle mentions, but mainly reader focused.
→ ( author's note. . . ) i enjoyed writing this one a lot. with being a woman myself and seeing how we are perceived in sports, especially a male-dominated field like motorsport, it was not very difficult to keep writing. anyways, i hope you enjoy! see end for more.
→ ( masterlist )
sunday, pre-race interview ↴
scrutiny. a word that you are familiar with. a word that has so much meaning but so little at the same time. you had recently joined your dream team, aston martin. after a challenging run in f3 and f2, you finally got recognized for your talent. you knew the comments would only get worse as you moved up the ranks, but you didn't expect them to be this bad.
it was the monaco grand prix. your least favorite track to race. the tight corners haunted you. without fail, you always almost crashed and cost your team everything. but it mainly cost you your dignity.
you were sat along a crisp white sofa that sat your teammate lance stroll, along with charles leclerc, lewis hamilton, lando norris, daniel ricciardo, and lastly max verstappen. you had all become acquainted when you first got to f1. lance and you got along swell and were close to inseparable. the rest were like brothers to you. these types of conferences were your personal least favorite. you enjoyed being with your friends, but the questions that were asked were downright embarrassing.
"y/n, coming over to you." the interviewer voiced, all attention was shifted onto you. "monaco in the past years has not treated you well, do you think you will have another devastating grand prix? and do you think your difference has to do with your performance?" you felt the scoff bubble in your throat. was he serious? you knew what he was playing at. your difference being your gender.
"well, first of all, i do not think my quote en quote 'difference' has anything to do with my performance." you start, putting finger quotes to emphasize the word difference. "if anything, it would be a difference in the car. in past monaco grand prix's the aston martin car has struggled. there are no real straights for the car to get its usual speed from. the differences in the care have nothing to do with me as a driver." this was unbelievable. were they really questioning whether you could hold your own as a woman in motorsport?
"you are starting p7 in today's race. do you think you performed well enough in qualifying? what could you have done differently?" finally. a normal question. you were excited to answer.
"uh, yeah. i think considering the conditions in qualifying and the nature of the track i did well. i am happy with how i performed but there is always room for improvement. and i am open to that." you answered, smiling. you looked over to lewis and saw him smiling at you. he knew how the media worked. he himself was getting pushed under the bus with racist remarks and 'concern' around his piercings. he was always supportive of you, and you were supportive of him. there were often times when you would text or call him ranting about how unfair it was that you were being treated the way you were. he would join in with his own stories and you would listen.
"y/n, i am sure you have seen the scrutiny online about being a woman competing in the pinnacle of motorsport. do you believe you should be here competing with men?" another reporter asks.
you are stunned. you couldn't believe what you were hearing.
"are you serious?" lance scoffs beside you. "what is with these questions?"
"why do we get questions about normal things like our literal jobs and y/n's questions are always about her gender?" daniel adds. the couch breaks out in murmurs. the reporters visibly get uncomfortable with what has happened and end the interview.
standing up you walk out of the office and to your drivers room, ignorning the voices calling after you. these interviews were always bullshit. daniel was right, why were you always getting questioned about your gender and how that effects your performance? what does gender have to do with racing?
this was only the beginning.
sunday, day of monaco grand prix ↴
you were exhausted. exhausted by the comments, the bullshit interviews, and the stupid prick men that felt the need to voice their opinion about a woman in f1.
you could this year's grand prix was going to be a tough one. mentally and physically. you wanted to be done. done with the bullying, the sexism, the misogyny, everything. you knew you worked hard to get where you are, and you will continue to. you dreaded the after-race interviews. no matter your result, you would always get at least 4 sexist remarks.
you didn't know what else you needed to do to be able to prove yourself worthy of your seat. you shouldn't have to prove yourself anymore than you have. you are in f1, and all of these assholes are not.
your pr manager, bless his soul, had to listen to your rants after interviews. lewis always got brunt end of it as well. he had experience with degradating comments. he always knew what to say and when to say it. fernando has been a huge help as well. he was like a father to you, always there when you needed someone. he would defend you when you needed defending. he always knew what to say and when to say it.
race start, p7 ↴
p7 was not a bad place to start, at all. but the internet and crowd thought differently. you were sat in your car, ready for the formation lap when someone yelled at you, "c'mon pretty lady! get back to cleaning! this is a man's sport!" you resisted the urge to quip back at him, instead you raised your left hand and flipped him off. your pr manager would have your head later but you couldn't care less. you needed to do something to voice your annoyance.
concentration is what you needed, but you couldn't seem to gain it with more comments being shouted your way. "hot momma!" followed by a cat call whistle, "sweetheart take off that suit! let's see what's underneath!", "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THIS JOB!" were only some of the handfuls thrown at you. they also seemed to be the ones that bothered you the most. your grip on your steering wheel tightened, anger bubbling in your gut. these people knew nothing. they don't know how hard you work. they don't know how much blood, sweat, and tears you poured into achieving your dream. and they never would.
before you knew it, the formation lap started. it went quickly. you got back into your respective starting positions and stared down the lights. you took a deep breath to attempt to ground yourself. it is just a race, you have done this before y/n.
the lights lit up red, until they didn't. you flew forward in your aston martin, pushing it for a decent start. you ended up gaining two positions, going from p7 to p5. the rest of the race was uneventful, until it wasn't.
"y/n, caution on the chicane. hamilton, perez, and leclerc crashed. yellow flag, safety car." your race engineer voiced over the radio. "that moves you into a fortunate p2."
"okay, copy." you were ecstatic. this was your chance to prove yourself to everyone. to those men who scrutinized you before the formation lap, to the trolls online, and to those misogynistic pricks known as reporters. this was your moment.
"gap to verstappen 1.6 seconds, push." you did as you were told. you pushed, and you pushed hard. this was for all of the girls that wanted to be you. "oh my days y/n! p1! p1! you just won the monaco grand prix!"
"yes! oh my god! fuck me! we did it!" you had done it.
you did your victory lap and parked behind the p1 tower. when you got out of your seat tears stung at your eyes. you ran over to where the aston martin team was and hugged them over the barrier. team members were banging on your helmet. lance had managed p2 and came up behind you and hugged you, along with the team.
the podium was a blur. you could not describe the emotions you were feeling. pride, excitement, and most of all, happiness were swirling within you. you stood tall as aston martin's anthem played and even taller when yours sounded shortly after. the champagne spray was the best part. carelessly spraying lance as giggles sounded on the podium. you also sprayed your team below, this would not have been possible without them. you would never forget this moment. it is forever engraved into your mind.
this was it, this was what you needed to prove them all wrong.
not feeling super happy w this one. i like the beginning but i feel it gets away from me in the middle and end. feedback and requests are welcome! make sure to leave a comment and kudos as well, only if u want to tho! lmk if you like it :)
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stylescine · 8 months
no because i have had this thought since this years met and i NEED to tell someone
imagine like influencer!reader who is doing interviews at the met (kinda like emma chamberlain) and she’s like a very known fan of harry (and was very open ab having a crush on harry online because she was so sure this man would never see it) and she interviews him and is lowk nervous because….. he’s harry styles and maybe he somehow (definitely) KNOWS. she has a massive crush on him and just
basically that!!! so if you could could you write something w that? i’ve had the idea for months it was driving me crazy
Summary: Everyone knows Y/N has a crush on Harry. But she didn't expect him to know about it too. She could have never imagined things to unfold this way...
Warnings: Y/N has a very obvious crush on harry, fangirling ig???, Harry is a tease, suggestive language, anxious Y/N, oh Harry is also a huge flirt, kind of a fast pace way to a one night stand (no graphic description)
Words: 2.3k
A/N: Gosh, I love that idea!! Influencer!Y/N x Harry is one of my favourite dynamics ever. This turned out way longer than planned but I hope you still have fun with it!
Masterlist | Request
The Met Gala was the event of the year. For everyone. Not only for her. But for her it meant so much more. It was her first opportunity to make the jump from being a simple Influencer to being a real presence in the world of fame and celebrities. Of course, she wasn't just seeking fame and attention, but more possibilities. Open up new ways of life for herself and–
There was a light tap on her shoulder. She turned around in an instant, looking at a familiar PR manager she had talked to a few weeks ahead of the gala.
"I'm so glad you could make it. We were really blown away by the podcast you did and we're excited to see how the interviews on the red carpet will turn out," the blonde woman said, giving her a soft smile. She was wearing a tight black dress, a clipboard in hand, but the blush on her cheeks, combined with the small beads of sweat on her forehead, were the only things telling of today's pressure on her.
Y/N could understand. She had paced up and down in her hotel room earlier today, changing her outfit three times and making sure every little strand of her hair would be in place perfectly. Today was not for imperfections. Today was a step into the future – hopefully.
"I need to thank you for inviting me. This opportunity is really one of a kind and–"
"I'm so sorry, dear," the manager interrupted her as she fumbled around in her small Valentino bag, following the ringing of her phone. "No problem," Y/N replied, giving her a reluctant smile.
She could hear the camera shutters go off in the distance, probably due to the arrival of the first guests. Her palms were growing sweaty. She was getting closer to her "big" moments. Soon, she would be talking to all these famous people, ones she had always looked up to, others she had admired for years.
"It's time to go," the manager said quickly, pushing Y/N into the direction of the carpet. The camera man followed close behind, probably being on her tail the entire day. A microphone was pushed into her hand as well as she stepped out onto the long red carpet, hundreds of photographers waiting on the sides. Their lenses were focused on the few celebrities already on the carpet.
Ryan Reynolds was one of them which made her feel giddy inside already.
But the real surprise came around the corner just a moment later. Flashing lights were going off left and right as he appeared in his lace outfit. It was way more see-through than she could have handled in any other situation.
Harry Styles looked stunning.
Her grip around the microphone became tighter as she watched him pose in front of the cameras, earring dangling on his sides, his hair styled perfectly.
A part of her wanted to rush over immediately. Ask him a million questions and record all of it. Because when would she ever be face to face with the Harry Styles again?
Another part of her, a much stronger one, felt the urge to run backstage and escape this moment. She was way too afraid to embarrass herself in front of her biggest celebrity crush. The worst thing was – everyone knew she had this huge crush on Harry for years. She was quite open when it came to talking with her community about people she thought of as attractive or had a crush on. But she was also usually a thousand miles away from said crushes. It had always been a quiet admiring through her phone screen and giggles exchanged with friends over dinner.
Harry wouldn't know this, of course, but it surely didn't make the situation easier for her.
He seemed to be a walking reminder of what people knew about her and testing her own awkwardness in the process.
Before she could turn around and make her escape to probably lock herself in the bathroom as to not embarrass herself in any way – because that would truly be a tragedy in front of him – he was already right in front of her.
There was the charming, witty smile he was giving his fans or interviewers all the time. His eyes looked a deeper shade of green as she was standing right in front of him. Of course, she had looked at a thousand pictures of him over the last few years, but nothing came close to this moment. Maybe it was the heat that was rushing into her face or maybe the overwhelming urge to present herself from her best side – but it was all so different than she had ever imagined.
Y/N took a long breath. She needed to focus. Or else millions of people would see her shocked expression all over Instagram, Twitter and National TV. So she did what she always did best. Entertain.
She turned towards the camera. "Harry Styles just joined us at the Met Gala!" She said excitedly and none of it was part of her acting. Genuine excitement was bubbling uncontrollably in her belly.
Then she turned back around and shook Harry's hand. It was enough to make her legs wobble for a moment, but she was a grown woman and she would stay calm. On the outside at least.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N."
He knew her name? How did he know her name?
Something had to be wrong. She tried hard to stop herself from pinching her arm in an attempt to wake up from this dream or nightmare – whatever you wanna call it.
"You're looking amazing tonight. Do you mind telling us more about what you're wearing?" She smiled and held the microphone into his direction.
Harry gave her an enthusiastic nod and then started to talk all about the designer of his outfit and how it was composed. She listened carefully, bound to his lips as she had been so many times before through the screen.
He continued to keep eye contact with her, continuously making her nervous. It wasn't his fault. She just wasn't prepared to get any attention at all from him.
"Thank you so much. Are you looking forward to tonight's after show party?" She had so many more questions to ask. About his music. Even about his favourite food. But none of that was expected of her right now and she didn't want to lose herself in the admiration she had kept for that man for so long.
"Definitely. Will you be there too?" Harry tilted his head to the side, slightly – a small sign of curiosity.
The thoughts in her head stopped for a moment. Was he really asking her...? He was just making friendly conversation. Nothing more. The slight smirk in his face was nothing. Nothing to think more about.
"Probably. Maybe we can share a drink if we see each other?" She could feel her palms growing more and more sweaty. Was this really not just a dream?
"That will be on me. See you later then." Then he shook her hand again and she prayed that he wouldn't feel how sweaty she had become. How her nerves were running wild inside her body.
"See you later."
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Her face felt like it was on fire just a few hours later. She was looking at herself in the mirror, her hair having turned messy and her eyes almost screaming the truth at everyone.
She was nervous and out of her mind.
The music outside was loud. Giggles and laughter echoed over into the bathroom whenever the door opened and a new woman came in. She had seen so many celebrities today that she had lost count. Some of them asked her if she was alright, if she needed help with her make-up, while others just continued on with their day.
When she was alone for a brief moment, she took a deep breath. "It's gonna be alright," she muttered under her breath before she pushed herself off the sink and went back into the crowded room.
The bar was illuminated with purple lights and that's where she was headed. On her way there, she could see him following her in the corner of her vision.
This was really happening.
"What would you like to drink?" His voice was deep, but loud enough for her to make out his words in the packed room. A shiver ran down her spine when she felt his arm brush hers as he made his way to her side.
Harry leaned against the counter casually, his outfit catching her interest immediately. He had changed into a white shirt with a huge red bow at the front.
And he still looked as good as earlier.
"A Martini is just fine," she answered with a smile, pushing herself to sit on the barstool. Harry ordered two drinks for them, before he sat down on the chair next to her.
"You're enjoying yourself?" His voice was laced with curiosity once more, his hand resting on the bar. She had a hard time not taking a closer look at the rings adorning his fingers.
"Oh yeah, a lot. What about you?"
"The evening is about to get a lot better now that I finally found you," he admitted with a low chuckle and accepted the drinks from the bartender when he came back over.
Y/N could feel her head spinning. What did she do to get all this attention from him? Did he know what he was doing to her? Did he know about her crush on him?
"Those are some pretty heavy words if you acknowledge the fact that we have never met before today," she replied, a simple attempt to cool down herself and ground them both in reality again. Or more so herself.
"That's true, but I like to make people happy."
She almost choked on her drink. He had to know something. How would he know that talking to her would make her day?
Knowing that Harry Styles had probably seen a video of her made her feel even more dizzy.
She needed to loosen up. This would be her only chance at spending an evening with her favourite singer and long-time celebrity crush. Another sip from the Martini as a way to gather some liquid courage as quickly as possible.
"Me too. I hope talking to me makes you just as happy as it makes me," she answered with a smile, gathering all the confidence she had.
Harry's lovely smile as he took a sip from his straw was all she needed as confirmation. Maybe she was in for a good time if she came out of her shell and was able to push her anxiety to the back of her mind.
"It definitely does. I've seen your video on 2010's fashion just a few days ago. It was a really good watch."
She couldn't hold back her huge smile. Harry had seen her videos and liked them. That was more than she had ever hoped for. More than she had ever allowed herself to dream about!
“Oh my god, that means a lot to me, I-“
“I’m so glad you didn’t include my too tight skinny jeans in there, actually. That would have been embarrassing,” Harry joked casually, his eyes wandering from her hands to her mouth and then her eyes.
While his eyes were filled with joy and curiosity, his gaze still seemed to keep her trapped under his spell. There was something undeniably charming and menacing about Harry Styles.
She had known it all along, but seeing it in real life, actually being under said spell, was a different experience entirely.
"I believe they still looked decent," she admitted with a small shrug, taking another sip from her drink.
"You certainly don't look decent tonight. That can only be described as stunning."
She was so taken aback by the compliment that she was close to spitting out her drink. Her hand wrapped tighter around her glass and she was thrown into a spiral of nerves and anxiety. Was Harry Styles straight up flirting with her? He definitely was and she had no idea how to act.
"Have you looked at yours-"
"I don't need to look at myself if I can look at something better." His voice had grown deeper and he moved closer ever so slightly.
She was at a loss for words now. Where was this going?
But she quickly decided that she liked it, despite her initial anxiety.
So Y/N took a step closer as well, her fingers brushing past Harry's as she was setting down her drink on the counter.
"You're really a flirt," she whispered, wondering if he had even heard her over the loud music.
But his eyes seemed fixed on her lips, a smirk resting on his own.
"As you have suspected in a video or two..."
It sent a shiver straight down her spine to get more and more confirmation that he had been watching her stuff. He knew exactly what he was doing to her and she wanted to let him do whatever he wanted.
This was what she had been waiting for.
"Maybe you can prove a bit more of my assumptions right?" She replied, fingers brushing over his forearm, under his sleeve and feeling the soft skin. She wanted to see him without the top. She wanted to finally see that naked chest up close, take a look at every little line of his tattoos and count them all.
"Why would we waste any more time then?" He grinned, his right hand coming up to wrap around her wrist slowly. He took her hand away from his skin, intertwining their fingers slowly before he slid off his chair.
They left their drinks unfinished.
But there was more important business to get to.
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camilaxmartin · 3 months
velvette stressing about a date with reader/getting ready
so stressed, obsessed
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navigation // rules // masterlist
summary: how the getting ready for a date looks from velvette perspective
warnings: NOT PROOF READ; some cursing probably, you can count some parts as suggestive
note: i made headcanons out of this cause it fitted more for me (it just looks like headcanons it’s literally a one shot but let’s skip that) i was having a stressful night and just wanted to get it out:)
note 1.2: i love writing my princess as a mess cause as much as she loves being organised i can’t get messy velvette out of my head:) - it’s about balance yk?
requests: open!!
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ღ | velvette was soo excited about the date and hear me out, so excited. of course, she was going on a lot of dates i mean look at this girl but this time it felt… different
ღ | the time you asked her out (cause we both know she wouldn’t do it if she actually liked someone and was nervous around them) she tried to play it off and it actually worked until you heard her little giggle when she thought you wouldn’t be able to hear it
ღ | the first thing she did after you’ve asked her out was literally stumble through her whole wardrobe to find something to wear that night you two were gonna meet up. she shuffled through all of her clothes and groaned in frustration as nothing was even close to being enough to what she had in mind for that night
ღ | velvette decided she was gonna try and make something to wear and the start of it was really promising, but soon after she got to like half the dress she thrown it out of her hands and groaned loudly not feeling like her skills were enough (which is fucking RARE for this girl)
ღ | she grabbed her phone and looked up some dresses online trying to find *the one* but nothing seemed right to her. she locked her phone and thrown it away on the ground, jumping on her bed and falling with her face right into her pillows. she wanted everything to be perfect and yet it felt like the whole hell was against her
ღ | soon after her mumbling to herself that everything is shit and she shouldn’t even go on this date, she fell asleep her hair getting out of control, as always when she slept without earlier preparation for it
ღ | the next morning she woke up on her own, her eyes opening slightly as she had no clue she had fallen asleep the day before. she sat up on her bed and unwilling stumbled out of it to grab her phone and check the time
ღ | her hair literally straightened out on its own when she saw the time. it was way too late for her usual routine and by now she should’ve been already in her studio preparing her show. she groaned, which was like literally the only noice she was making for the past two days, and send vox a quick message that she won’t be able to make it today so he has to think something out
ღ | she sighed as she thrown her phone away once again and laid back down starring at the ceiling, rethinking every decision she has ever made in her entire life
ღ | after about half an hour she was already in front of her wardrobe looking for something at least decent to wear for tonight. after many and i mean, many difficulties she has finally chosen a dress matching it with some high boots, a silky jacket and a small purse in the same color as that dress. she wasn’t fully proud and happy with the choice but it was the best she could do. she rolled her eyes throwing that outfit on her bed and stormed into her bathroom knowing she’s already way too behind in her daily routine
ღ | because she has fallen asleep yesterday without planning it first, she had no idea what hairstyle should she wear for tonight. i mean sure- she has thought about it a million times already but hasn’t decided on anything yet. she looked herself in the mirror her hands immediately touching her face in all the spots she wanted to change or just get fixed and sighed feeling her anxiety rising up
ღ | velvette shook her head, took out her phone putting on her favourite playlist to get ready, and undressed, getting into the shower and preparing for one of the longest showers of her life. she turned the water on, heat of it hitting her skin immediately as she sighed in pleasure, getting her favourite shampoo and razor from one of the shelves. she bubbled up her hair and rinsed it out almost immediately putting on some conditioner and making sure not to wet her hair for a while. she then get to washing and dolling up all of her body. she quickly shaved her legs, armpits and decided to shave between her legs as well i mean- you never know what can happen right? especially if you’re in hell
ღ | after removing all of that hair from her body, she rinsed herself off and put on body scrub, scrubbing all of her dead skin off and doing it a bit too aggressively for her liking but what you’re not doing for beauty right? she rinsed off the body scrub as well and finally cleaned her whole body with rose soap getting herself all nice and clean. then she rinsed the conditioner from her hair and washed it with shampoo one again
ღ | finally, she stopped the water and get out of the shower shaking her head before getting out. she grabbed her favourite towel and wrapped it around herself, grabbing a special towel for her hair and wrapping it up as well. she looked herself in the mirror once again and smiled, handing for a body cream to get herself even more soft than she already has been
ღ | after doing so, she took out her face cosmetics and washed her face, doing a face mask in the spare time and then putting on milion of her creams and serums to made sure she was perfect for tonight
ღ | she took a deep breath as she looked at the time and realised she had to fasten up the whole process a bit. she unwrapped her hair from the towel and thrown it on the glass of her shower to dry, as she shook her head once again to feel if her hair needs fake drying or not
ღ | velvette whined and walked out of her bathroom still wrapped in her towel, as she walked over to her wardrobe to pick out some underwear. she quickly decided on a red set with pink and blue hearts on it, and panties that didn’t leave much to imagine. she smirked looking down at it, hoping she wouldn’t wear it for nothing tonight as she walked back to her bathroom putting it on
ღ | being in only her underwear she got started on her makeup knowing it’s probably going to take up most of her time. she took out all of her cosmetics and stuff and got to work. she was singing along to her playlist and actually having a good time while putting all of it on, her mind letting her anxiety go down for a few moments. she was doing her usual routine with her makeup, but also added small hearts around her eyes, something she didn’t do normally, every one of them matching her eyeshadow
ღ | when she was done she looked at the time and realised she needed to be ready in about an hour. her eyes widened as she stormed out of the bathroom and grabbed her picked out outfit, walking over to the huge mirror in her room looking herself up and down. she smiled to herself seeing her body, she was never the one to be insecure about it or at least that’s what she was telling herself, and started putting on the dress having a little trouble with it as she was trying not to get it wet with her still wet hair. she let out a sigh as she managed to put on the dress without any unwanted problems and sat down on the floor to put on her boots. she bit her lip, her thoughts going to the planned date again as she felt her nerves rising again. she took a deep breath trying to calm herself but it did nothing. she zipped up one of her boots and looked at it in the mirror smiling and admitting to herself that it didn’t actually look as bad as she thought it did. she quickly put on the other boot and made a little spin in front of her mirror admiring how her look turned out
ღ | she took another deep breath and ran to the bathroom to dry her hair. she looked at the time and tried not to freak out more as the hour of your meeting was getting closer and closer. she took out the hairdryer from one of the cabinets and plugged it in, knowing it’s gonna take her a while to get at least a presentable hairstyle
ღ | she has been drying her hair and drying as finally they become fully dry. she smiled to herself in the mirror and when she glanced at the time she instantly freaked out. if she didn’t leave now, she’d be late. but her hair wasn’t fully done
ღ | velvette bite her lip and grabbed her phone writing you a message that she was gonna be late a bit and trying not to make it sound as nervous as she was feeling at that moment. did it work? you can just imagine how that message look, i mean it was something along the lines of:
hiya babes, i’m gonna be a little bit late, hope you will wait for me xx
i’m running late, so just wait for me and don’t you dare say anything about it when i finally get there, see ya xoxo
ღ | safe to say she was even more stressed out now. she quickly grabbed her hairbrush and started aggressively brushing her hair getting mad at herself more with every second and every brush passing. she let out a whine sounding like she was at the edge of crying and looked at herself in the mirror reminding herself, that she can’t cry now as it would ruin her makeup and she’d need even more time to fix it
ღ | velvette took a deep breath and grabbed another conditioner to style her hair. after a few moments she managed to pull her iconic two ponytails while leaving her bangs curled (like her natural hair, i have ep. 8 in mind)
ღ | she smiled to herself admiring how good she actually looked and quickly grabbed her phone storming out of her bathroom, grabbing her early picked-out jacket along with her purse and immediately left the vee’s building like it was literally on fire
ღ | as she was walking to the spot you two agreed on, she felt like her whole skin was on fire, her heart was pounding in her chest and the biggest lump was forming in her throat. she tried calming down as she started brainlessly scrolling through all of her social media’s but nothing seemed to help. she shoved her phone annoyed into her purse and cursed herself in her mind for choosing such a small one. her thoughts were getting louder and louder with every second, even starting to tell her that this whole date was a huge mistake and she shouldn’t have agreed to it
ღ | she was inside her head the whole time as she finally reached the spot you two chose and saw you standing before it, waiting for her yet not looking mad that she was late. her head became empty in a second and an uncontrollable smile creeped onto her face as she walked over to you with her usual confidence, yet her stomach was starting to fill up with butterflies. she finally reached you and greeted you with a small wave and a simple “hi” to which you immediately responded with another “hi”, wide smile and a wave back
ღ | velvette was sure there and then that no matter what outfit she would’ve picked or whatever hairstyle she pulled or if she even showed up two hours late looking like an old windbag (see what i did here?;) all of her doubts would leave instantly when she saw your beautiful smile that was apparently reserved for her only
ღ | the date, obviously, went amazingly and you guys picked out another day to meet up once again, despite the fact that that night velvette wasn’t alone walking back to the vee’s tower and definitely wasn’t the only one sleeping in her bed
ღ | the hopes she had while picking out the underwear before going out definitely got fulfilled
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jae-bummer · 10 months
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Request: can i get wonwoo and #20 please? (fluffy haired online gamer boy)
20) You and your bias have become online friends who have never seen each other...until the day you decide to meet.
Pairing: Seventeen Wonwoo x Reader
Genre: Fluff
"WannaWoo," you sang into your mic. "What inspired your gamer tag?"
"It's because my name is Wonwoo," his deep voice said matter-of-factly. "You know that."
"No shit," you laughed. "But why not something else?"
"Why is yours KillerQuiche?" he mused.
"Because it was an autogenerated recommendation and I was thirteen," you grinned. "And at the time, I may or may not have misunderstood what a quiche was."
"And you've just stuck with it? All of this time?"
"Brand continuity. And it gives me ample opportunity to say, "Unleash the KillerQuiche,"" you laughed. "You have to admit, it gets our opponents pretty nervous."
"Or excited because they think they're about to win against a pair of thirteen-year-olds," he hummed.
"And then we devastate them," you chimed. "Because we make a great team!"
"More like give them a false sense of security," he chuckled. "But I suppose we make a pretty alright team."
"Be careful," you grinned. "That sounded dangerously close to a compliment."
"I compliment you all the time!" he gasped.
"Saying "good game" when we win hardly counts as a compliment," you argued.
""Good" is a positive descriptor," he muttered. "It totally counts."
"Fine," you sighed. "I'll allow it."
This wasn't the first time you had gone fishing for actual praise. Something like "Gosh, Y/N! You're so smart" or "Y/N, I know I'm Facetiming you at 2AM, but you look ravishing." Hell, you'd even settle for some variation of "Congratulations, you don't look like a rat today." To say you were thirsty for your friend's attention was an understatement. There had been a drought since the moment you had "met".
You had been long distance friends with Wonwoo for years and he hadn't realized that you were completely in love with him, despite your best efforts. Any attempts at flirting were just that, attempts. The one time you thought he was coming on to you, he was actually sweet talking a locked chest he was trying to open in a game.
At one point, you had considered that maybe he realized how you felt and was keeping you at arm's length to avoid an awkward let down. After you got to really know him though, you quickly understood that he was just reserved and in his head about things that did not concern you. Understanding emotions was not his strong suit, so picking up on them was nearly impossible. That's why he thrived in his digital persona. The worlds the two of you created and navigated were logical and safe. Things were risky when he became friends with you outside of the internet.
"Hey, Y/N?" Wonwoo's voice rumbled over the line. You had just entered the lobby of a game you often enjoyed playing together, so you assumed he was ready to strategize.
"Do you want to meet up?"
Furrowing your brow, you adjusted your headset to make sure you were hearing him clearly. "Like...have a designated time we do a video call or something?"
"No," he continued earnestly. "Like meet up."
"I'm sorry, I must be lagging," you said quietly. "We do not live in the same area, Wonwoo."
"Astute observation," he hummed, the tone giving away that he was clearly amused. "I've heard of this incredible invention. You see, it's this giant metal contraption that people actually get inside! And the technology it uses-"
"While I have no earthly idea how an airplane actually works, I don't need you to explain it to me," you rushed out. "Are you saying you want to meet in person?"
"No, I'm saying we should designate a time we do a video call or something."
"Wonwoo!" you whined. You felt like you were having an out of body experience. This was a request you never saw coming.
The man across the line erupted in laughter. You stared blankly at the screen, completely disregarding the cue to jump from the virtual plane and onto the map.
"Is this a joke? If this is a joke, I'm going to be really upset with you."
"It's not a joke!" he sighed. "I've wanted to meet you in person for a while. I hope you feel the same way about me."
"Of course I do!" you gasped. You hoped the "I've probably wanted this longer and more fervently than you" was implied by your tone.
"I was thinking I could come to you," he proposed. "I don't feel comfortable with making you travel so far by yourself."
"I'm more than capable-"
"I did not say you weren't," he cut in. "It's other people I'm worried about."
You felt your heart do a little spin. You weren't used to hearing him be protective. "Okay," you conceded. "But I won't have you pay for a hotel. You can stay in my guest room."
There was a short pause before Wonwoo cleared his throat. "I appreciate that."
Well, that was odd.
"Unless I"m totally overstepping," you added. "If you don't feel comfortable-"
"It sounds great, Y/N," he said much more confidently this time. "Now let's talk logistics."
After refusing to coordinate a plan while he continued to play video games (even when he argued how excellent he was at multitasking), the two of you finally worked out a schedule. In a month's time, he would get on a plane and end up in the same city as you. You'd pick him up, he'd sleep at your apartment, and hijinks would ensue.
As you told him goodnight and logged off for the evening, it felt like you were floating on air. In your wildest dreams, you would have never imagined that Wonwoo would be the one to propose meeting in person. You had thought about it dozens of times, but never wanted him to feel pressured. Plopping onto your bed, you stared up at the ceiling and tried to imagine what it would be like. Attempting to picture his tall, broad frame navigating life beside you, sent your heart tumbling to your toes. The simple intricacies of life seemed to be so much more important when you factored him into the equation. This would either be the best week of your life or the most awkward.
Knowing Wonwoo, it would probably be a happy mixture of both.
You shifted nervously from foot to foot, your stomach tying and untying itself into knots. You weren't sure if you were going to pass out, or spontaneously combust. When Wonwoo had insisted that he fly hours to see you, you had welcomed the idea. Now you were lightheaded and questioning every decision you had ever made to get to this point.
"It'll be fine," you muttered to yourself as you readjusted the balloons you held from one hand to the other. "It's just Wonwoo."
It being "just" Wonwoo was exactly your problem. Wonwoo wasn't "just" anything. He was multitudes. In all of the years that you had known him, he had made you feel the gamut of emotions. He was the truest friend you could ever hope for and the most clueless crush to stumble into your heart.
Keeping a watchful eye on the door marked "Arrivals," you nearly stopped breathing as you saw a face you recognized. Easily a head taller than the people walking around him, he was wearing a bright yellow beanie (so you'd know it was him - as if you wouldn't be able to identify him in any universe). It took mere seconds of him looking around for his eyes to lock on yours, a close-lipped grin on his lips.
From there, it felt like your mind had entered an intensely realistic daydream. Hurrying his steps, Wonwoo strode over until he was standing only inches away. The open expression on his face definitely signaled that he was waiting for you to make the first move. Lifting his arms slightly he breathed. "I'm here."
"You're here!" you all but screeched as you launched toward him. Wrapping yourself around his torso, you were amazed with how he could smell so good after being in the air for multiple hours. You nuzzled your face into his oversized t-shirt and let out a contented sigh.
Smacking at the balloons you still held, he navigated around them to snake his long arms around you. Shimmying in closer, he rested his chin on the top of your head. "A moment that's been years in the making."
You were surprised as you felt a soft kiss on your scalp. Leaning away from him, you looked up with wide eyes. "Wonwoo?"
"I didn't realize I could actually miss someone I had never met," he chuckled, shaking his head. Pushing up his glasses, he stared down fondly at you. "Is it...is it okay if I kiss you?"
You couldn't stop your mouth from popping open in surprise. Would it look bad if you pinched yourself to make sure this wasn't in fact a stress-induced mental break?
Wonwoo furrowed his brow as he searched your face. "I just...I just thought...Did I read the moment wrong? Oh god, I did, didn't I?"
The reality of the situation crashed into you with surprising force. Stepping forward to wrap him in your arms again, you cautiously glanced up. The last thing you wanted him to think was that he had crossed a boundary and made you uncomfortable. "Sorry, no, you didn't read the moment wrong. I was just...surprised?"
"Surprised?" he asked, still clearly confused.
"Well, uh," you said quietly. "You've never really given me any indication that you were romantically interested?"
"What?" he asked, shaking his head in disbelief. "What do you mean? Y/N, we've known each other since we were teenagers at this point. You're impossible not to fall in love with."
"...in, in love?" you croaked. This was all terribly new information.
"I had just assumed..." he said, growing smaller the more he talked. "I assumed we were...kind of...a couple?"
You continued to stare at him.
"You flirt with me all the time!" he offered. "And I flirt back!"
"In what world do you flirt back?" you laughed. Maybe you really were going through a mental break. Had he really known you had been flirting with him this entire time?
"I tease you," he muttered. "And I try to say sweet things, but every time I think I've come up with something good, it comes out wrong."
"I had no idea," you whispered. "But Wonwoo, I feel exactly the same."
"Oh," he huffed, now trying to process the whirlwind of information that had been exchanged. "Well, excellent!"
"Just...can you try to be a little more obvious with your attempts to romance me?" you laughed. Apparently, you had been the clueless one all along.
"I'm more than happy to try," he said, a cautious smile finding its way back to his lips. "I have your favorite compliment geared up and ready."
"Oh? And what's that?"
He prodded your cheek with his nose, closing his eyes as his forehead came to rest on your temple. "Good game, KillerQuiche."
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ncteez · 11 months
hi i’m very excited for the sleepover! can i request 38 with yeonjun from the prompt list
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yeonjun + “I want to see you, want to watch you come.” 
wordcount: 3.5k
tags: camboy!yeonjun, cam sex obv, dirty talk, masturbation, implied anal but not in detail nor is it related to reader & yeonjun’s interaction. use of: y/n, baby, babe, pretty
note: *heavy breathing* not proof read sorry lmao
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You weren’t exactly the type to watch dude’s jerk off online. Really you aren’t. You are, however, the type to watch Eboyfantasy jerk off though. He kind of woke something up inside of you. 
Given, in terms of porn there’s not a whole lot you hadn’t already seen and fucking avoided. Live cams and their little cash grab tricks were your least favorite and most avoided, until the cash grab got you…And it got you bad.
At this point, you don’t care how much money you’ve spent watching this stranger pleasure himself. He’s given you some of the best orgasms you’ve ever had, alone in your room, as he speaks out to a general audience. It got to the point where, you know, yeah, you made that account to watch more than just the public show. That was your first orgasm after your initial interest in the strikingly beautiful man spread out on camera with his loose, ripped up t-shirt covering what everyone wanted to see. 
You watched, and then you started typing, thirsting much like everyone else was. Wanting to be the “you’re not like other girls” girl for him, but ultimately, always being just like the other girls and men typing dirty words to him. 
Those words surely didn’t get him off, but the praise. Oh yeah, that did something. You could see the way he would close his eyes when the chat was doing nothing for him, relying on his own hand and fuck-toys to get him there. You could definitely see how his eyes would stay glued to the chat, open and shining when there was praise and money though. Things like, “So pretty, you sound so pretty like this.” or “If i send you $300 worth of coins, would you say my name?”
He always said those names, but it was never your name. That was too personal for some 1k viewers to hear from a pair of slack, moaning lips. It was something you wanted so badly at this point though. Spending half of your paycheck to keep him in that lavish bed, with all of those expensive toys to fuck into and be fucked by. 
Safe to say, you felt about as pathetic as he sounded every single time he drenched himself in his own cum. Even safer to say when you realized his recent update, claiming to offer private shows for a limited time, you felt pathetically aroused at the idea. 
Limited time, for a very limited man, with your limited ass bank account. 
God, the hours of overtime were so worth it, you think, as you sit here in front of your laptop. Unsure of what to expect, but trying to be prepared for your name to finally sound from those lips. Six hundred dollars for this was not a hard bargain when he comes on the screen, waving at you with a polite smile and a small nod. 
“One second babe, let me just grab a few things.”
You politely nod, realizing he definitely didn’t see that shit considering you’re not on camera. 
You: take your time, we have an hour!
That exclamation mark looks stupid, but it was a better option than using a fucking emoji. 
“So sweet and understanding, I should have been better prepared. You’re only my third private show, I’m not so good with someone else’s schedule–” He giggles, stepping off camera to presumably grab something. “I wouldn’t mind if you were a little annoyed with me, you know.”
You: oh? you’re into that?
You: you seemed to like praise, i didn’t want to step over a boundary.
His face comes into view as he reads, smiling with a breathy chuckle. 
“Observant, huh? I’m very adventurous. Sometimes getting everything I want can be a little boring.” 
You pause, staring at him on your screen and didn’t realize that you’d ever want to play a part for him like this. You expect him to jerk off as usual, dirty talk, and simply moan your name. But it appears he is actually putting some effort into it. 
“You didn’t mention in your request what you wanted to see? Does this mean I can decide how to fuck myself for you?”
God, the heat in your cheeks. The way your stomach flips each time you realize he’s talking to you and not a general audience. 
You: i just like it when you feel good. Would love to see how you do it when you’re not putting on a show. 
Another chuckle from him, and honestly, you’re kicking your feet out of fondness at him and his bright little smile, with his bright messy hair, and his pretty fingers. 
“You want me to just– jerk off like normal?” He tilts his head with a slight smirk. “You paid six hundred dollars to watch me finish in ten minutes when we’ve got an hour because when I’m not on cam, and i’m not getting paid, it’s just a quick cumanddone?”
Well, no. Of course not. 
You: I paid 600 dollars for you to use my name. 
“Is that what you want? Give me your name then,” He pauses, letting his loose shirt fall down his shoulder as he places a bottle of lube down onto the bed. “I’ll make it sound good. I promise.” He boasts himself up, pulling his pinky up to the camera and looking into it with doe-eyes. 
Something inside of you clicks, feeling nervous and kind of embarrassed. You can barely bear to look at the way his eyes go to your messages as you type them out at lightning speed. 
You: I’ve never done this before so I don’t know how to ask for things, you might have to help me.
You: my name is y/n. 
You: i just feel good when you do and it feels weird to say that to you one on one
“Oh, I’ll make you feel good babe,” He smiles again, lying back on his bed and presenting to you the bulge in his boxer briefs. “I’m honored to be your first.” 
Your eyes actually devour this man and the way he glances up at the camera with cheeky charm and then back down at himself, inspecting how hard he’s gotten and how hard he plans to get. 
You find yourself typing, then erasing, then typing, then erasing in this short span of silence. Of course, for him it’s entirely silent save for the music he seems to play every time he’s on camera. For you though, it’s too quiet and the air feels heavy as you watch him work that six hundred dollars out of your bank account. 
Given, he could genuinely just lay like this, with his lazy fingers caressing across his length before dragging up his chest and lifting the shirt slightly more. 
“You’re shy, I can tell.” He eventually explains, noting the lack of typing from you and probably the large amount of staring. “What made you start watching me?” 
You pause, still watching the way his movements remain lazy as he speaks to you. 
You: you just looked really pretty in the thumbnail.
“I bet you looked just as pretty watching me,” He looks down at himself, grabbing his length through the fabric and letting out a sigh of relief. “Wanted it to be you, didn’t you?.” He adds, looking straight into the camera.
And it’s normal for him, he thinks. Wondering what his viewers look like and the ratio of how many he would actually let touch him if given the chance. He gets off to the idea of being watched, gets off to the idea of someone shyly watching, and of course, gets off on the idea of someone so docile, like you, paying such a sum just to get him to moan a specific name. 
Surely, a lot of his followers are not quite up to his standard. Most of them are lonely, unable to find partners, or too socially awkward to talk to an interest outside of a paid sex-stream. He really does wonder though, how many of his viewers use his as a guilty pleasure. Working their day job as if they’re not dirty talking a computer screen in a darkened bedroom. 
“Right, babe?” He tilts his head, looking into the camera.
He’s right. 
Is it a parasocial relationship if he’s moaned your name various times through various sessions? Is it really one-sided when he asks you through the camera, drowsy voice evident and chest drenched in his own cum that, maybe, he’s looking forward to the next show? 
Are you thinking too much into it? 
Perhaps it’s the money, or perhaps he really meant it last time when he mentioned wanting to try something new if you come back to him. That something new was chuckled out of him with deep breaths of post-orgasm bliss. “I’d like to see you next time, if you’re okay with that?” 
He really thought that by suggesting that, you’d never come back. And no, he doesn’t typically ask his viewers to reveal themselves because time and time again it’s happened without his requesting it, and time and time again it has been insanely disappointing. 
You can probably imagine that he butters up all of his viewers like this, but that isn’t the case at all. What you don’t know is that, yeah, he gets a lot of private shows but none of the viewers are as polite as you. They don’t type in a way that makes them seem small, they request a lot out of him. But you, you’re really just here to enjoy the show and he can’t help but feel that like, yeah, maybe he wants to enjoy a show too. 
It felt too one sided, which is rare for him to think. Usually it’s all about him, but he’s truly made it about you. Asking what you want from him and only receiving a polite “What did you have in mind this time?” 
Is it so weird that his horny brain desperately wants to erase his curiosity about the other person on the other side of the screen? Probably.
But then, he gets that little email. The one with your name in it, paying full price yet again despite his insistence on giving you discount codes. He smiles to himself, glancing around the small shop and pretending that the job he works during the day surely pays his living compared to, well, you. 
He doesn’t even read the message because he knows damn well that you don’t place any specific instructions. You simply send money, and wait for him at the appointed time. Under the implication of what he said last time though, wanting to see you this time? He wonders if you took this week-long period to decide if you wanted to or not. 
The show is set for the next day at eight in the evening. A bit early, considering he gets off of work at six tomorrow. He won't have a whole lot of time to eat his dinner and clean up for it, but he will make it work.  
That, he does. Rushing home the next day and immediately throwing himself into the shower to get the smell of spilled drinks off of him. He makes a quick snack just to get him through too, and within a perfect time frame, he’s at his set up, waiting for the clock to pass the last five minutes before he will need to be emailing you that private link to join. 
He feels a little silly acting like this though. Normally, he would decline a show that makes him rush through his day. Normally, he’s not reaching out to see who the person he’s been fucking himself for is. Normally, his heart isn't racing at the idea that he’s either going to be real fucking disappointed tonight, or real fucking turned on. 
Send link.
And now, he waits, and waits. Honestly, the span of seconds between 8:00pm and 8:01pm was a bit too long for his liking, but you join, and once again, you do not type before he speaks. 
“I didn’t think you’d come back this time,” He smiles as he says your name to you, feeling his insides shake a little bit. “And it’s officially our tenth show, so we should celebrate!” 
You’re quite literally panicked upon seeing him again. His hair is a different color this time, but still just as pretty. His lips are especially plump today, and his eyes are shining much like they always do. You, on the other hand, are sitting here in your brand new fucking pair of lingerie, with your hair and face all made up just in case he asks again to see you. 
Because maybe that means he will moan your name even louder. Or maybe, you know, he’ll like your name a little more. 
You: celebrate how? 
“I dunno,” He shrugs looking around the room before getting up and closer to the camera. “I’d still like to see who matches the name I continuously fuck myself to.”
A wave of arousal flows through you. His confidence never failing to minimize your own. Even if this is your tenth show, you think you’ll always feel seen by him despite never seeing you. 
“Would you be okay with that?” He backs away from the camera now, presenting himself to you much like he always did. Lying back, propped up on pillows, hand gripping his length from under thin fabric. “I just want to see who makes me this hard simply by requesting me.” 
Another wave runs through you. 
“If you’re too shy though, babe, it’s okay.” He smiles reassuringly. “I’d be happy to show you how much I like you anyway.” His grip against his length grows tighter. 
You: i’ll show you.
Honestly, you thought it would take much more effort on your part to admit that you’re interested in his reaction to you. Plus, you’ve spent so much money on him, and you didn’t spend even more to have this set of lingerie go unnoticed by him. 
“Yeah?” He smiles wider than you’ve ever seen. A crooked look on his face, blinking bashfully at the camera. “I’ll send a request to see you then, is that okay?” 
You freeze a bit at the thought that, as much as you want to show him, you’re still fucking shy.
“Would you rather let me hear you first?” He offers now, leaning forward to his set up and darting his eyes across the screen. 
You: i would feel better if it’s just my voice first. 
He nods and immediately you get the notification that he’s requesting to hear you. 
“Hi baby,” He says after you accept, listening hard and preparing for what you’re going to sound like. Upon you saying nothing though, he continues. “So shy still?” 
You work up the courage. 
“Hi,” You start, suddenly needing to cough, or choke, or die, really. “I’m sorry, this is another thing i’ve never really done before.”
Good lord the softness that comes with that voice could only belong to a person he would absolutely fuck himself to on or off camera.
“Such a sweet voice.” He says, trailing off a bit as he leans himself back in position and this time, immediately trails his fingers down his pants. “After all this time, this is what she sounds like?”
The heat pooling at the apples of your cheeks is almost painful. It feels sore almost with the way he compliments you without issue. 
“You must sound so, so good, moaning.”
God, you forgot how to talk. You forgot how to breathe. 
“It’s okay, just watch me.” He reassures your lack of speaking, clinging to that single sentence you gave to him before letting his thoughts run wild at what your tone would sound like hiccupping moans through deep thrusts. 
You must feel so embarrassed, and that’s hot. You’re not as embarrassing as he is, already with a pathetic and leaking cock twitching against his fingers for more of the touch, and more of your voice. He holds his fingers back a bit, nearly whimpering at the situation before his hips chase up and into his hand. 
You’re a little bit shocked watching him, appearing far more desperate than he normally is. 
“You look–” You start, taking a small breath to encourage yourself to continue. “So good right now.”
“Mm,” He hums, one arm reaching somewhere off camera to grab his presumed favorite pocket pussy. The one you always seem to respond well to because of the way he fucks it. “Gonna show you something.”
God, he always has something to show you and you never get fucking tired of it. 
You watch him, for the first time not having to lube up his toy. He removes his shirt, and tugs his briefs down to his ankles before sitting himself up and instantly sliding the toy down on him. You watch his lips quiver, biting slightly and reddening his lips further than normal. You watch the way his legs writhe at the sudden pleasure, and the way his eyebrows furrow in relief as he buries himself into the toy and holds it in place. As if it needs to adjust, or maybe, as if he needs to take it slow. 
“This is what you do to me,” he whispers more to himself than to you, but definitely loud enough for you to hear. “Without seeing you, even before hearing you, I want to do this for you so bad.”
Good fucking god. 
“Do you get yourself off watching me?” He asks, more for reassurance because he knows damn fucking well that you do. 
“Every time.” You say shortly, already feeling entirely too sensitive as you watch him and try not to completely drench the panties you’re wearing. “Without fail.”
He hums again with a smile, holding the toy in place as his hips very slowly fuck in and out of the pussy that he wishes belong to you. 
“I want to see you,” He groans out, feeling the slide of his cock hitting every single bump the toy offers. “Want to see you come, want to hear you when it happens.”
The way you’re so turned on by now that you honestly do not fucking care about the embarrassment. You’re desperate, watching him hold his hips back but still try and chase a feeling of pleasure as he listens to the small amount you offer him. 
“Please, y/n?” He very nearly whines out, licking his bottom lip and fucking up a bit faster, deeper, into the toy. “You can let me see you slide those pretty fingers in and out of you, please, I’ll guide you the whole time. I’ll make you feel good.”
The pleading, the image, the fact that he can hear the gasp you take in at his assault of words. 
“Request it,” You say softly, trying to pretend that you’re absolutely not fucking insane right now. 
It would be funny if you weren’t so turned on, with the way he holds the toy with his cock buried into it and nearly leaps for his set up. The request comes faster than you thought possible and you have to fucking force yourself not to think about it before accepting it.
And there he is. 
And there you are. 
For a moment, you almost lose momentum with the way he freezes, the toy sliding off of his length as he runs both hands through his hair at the image that pops up on the screen. 
You almost want to end the session. You almost want to bury yourself a hole and lay in it.
“Fuck, y/n.” He groans, staring straight at you and the way you have yourself sitting awkwardly, all made up, with a dainty bra, and even daintier panties. “Can you lean back and spread your legs for me?” 
The way he says it so shamelessly has you doing it for him, just as shamelessly. 
“God, look how wet you are for me baby,” he groans, reaching down to grab his toy and slide it directly back onto his length, all while staring at you. “I knew you’d be pretty, but this…”
That hole you were going to dig for yourself? Scratch that. 
“Is this okay?” You say as you lean back and keep your legs spread for him, trying to keep your voice from shaking as you intentionally avoid his compliments out of fear that you’d orgasm on the spot. 
He seethes out a moan through his teeth, his eyes staring straight at your entire being before landing right back between your legs. Then, he resumes his position, unintentionally burying himself into the toy as he stares at you with a nod. 
“More than okay,” He says in a moan, unbelievably surprised at how much he finds you attractive. “Can you use your fingers? Can you show me how you’d want me to fuck you?”
Reluctantly, you give him a nod, already well aware that he’s fucking that toy of his as if it’s you. 
“I’ll do whatever you want, just tell me.” You respond.
God, he thinks this might be dangerous. 
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thetiredasthmatic · 1 year
Welcome Home, Y/n.
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Synop: You were tired of your family life, tired of having only once time to enjoy yourself. So when the opportunity permits, you choose to go Home.
A/n: please take it easy on me..I lowkey think this sucks but I hope you like it 😭
Your mother never allowed you to have access to media, whether it be your own cell phone to have contact with your friends, or a T.V. to enjoy yourself.
Your brother(24) and sister(26) were only allowed to have that stuff as your mother would routinely tell you(19) that you didn’t deserve it. That it would rotten your brain and that she was the only thing you needed to listen to.
It was a culture shock each time you went over to your best friend's house, (the few times your mother allowed it.) She always showed you knew things, like her many game systems, her favorite t.v shows and her favorite websites to visit.
(F/n) felt bad for you, so she wanted to show you what all you missed out in your younger years.
Today was one of those days.
“Y/n! You like old cartoons, right??”
She asked excitedly, and the question made you tilt your head in confusion.
She held a devious grin on her face as she reached under her bed to pull out an old box.
"I found this while at my grandma's! She doesn't know I have it, but I did some research on it, and apparently, it's an old cartoon from the 70s!" She says happily before pulling out some of the old merchandise.
You could see from the worn-out name on the box that it was called Welcome Home, and from what you could tell, it was a puppet show similar to Sesame Street or the Muppets.
You reached your hand in the box to pull out what seemed to be like a concept book. When you opened the book, you were enamored with the colorful characters and the cute designs.
Your eyes immediately drifted to a blue pompadour having puppet, it's deep eyes looking back at you, almost like they were staring right at you.
Or through you…
"Cool right? We can watch some episodes online actually!" You watched as your bestie set up her laptop.
"There's a restoration project going on and the first few episodes have been released!" (F/n) giggles in excitement as she moves things around in her room.
Your eyes were glued to the screen as the color puppets roared to life on the screen.
"Hello Neighbor~, Welcome back to the Neighborhood!" The blue haired one, that your friend called Wally Darling.
Apparently according to her ramblings he was the main puppet in the neighborhood. He liked painting, apples and you assumed eye contact. Or maybe that was just how he looked.
"Ooo~ You like Wally don't you Y/n?"
"F/n…shush. I just think he has a cool design."
F/n let out a gremlin like giggle as she explained the plot of each episode as you watched. Each time you felt like Wally's eyes were only on you.
Like everytime he was on screen, supposedly talking to another one of his neighbors, his eyes would be staring right back at your.
F/n explained it away as that just being his character, but you felt otherwise but decided to be quiet about it.
Either way you found a grin making its way on your face as the puppet talked on the screen. The kindness that they showed each other and the way they treated each other as family….
It made you a bit sad.
Damn even a puppet show had a better life than you did.
Despite you not wanting to make your parents upset. Your best friend made you take her laptop with you.
It was small and looked like a notebook. She knew how your home life was, and she wanted you to be able to have fun.
So here you were, back at home, up in your room, on the laptop she had given you.
You decided to do your own research on the puppet show and found a website attached to it!
You smiled brightly as you decided to search through, learning more and more about the characters, the show, and the whole restoration project.
You even found yourself doodling the characters, especially Wally.
It was just something about the main puppet that had you drawn to him. He was a charmer, a little mischievous and really adorable to you.
You could've sworn he was talking to your through the website.
Everytime you came across an image of Wally, it seems like his eyes would drift from the direction they were originally to look at you.
'You're looking for me?'
'You're so pretty neighbor'
'Won't you come home?..'
Were some of the messages you got as you browsed the website and you felt like eyes were boring into you. Even when you finally finished and closed your laptop for the day. You still felt the eyes on you.
But it was more comforting that the eyes of your family.
You were the youngest of three. It was seen as the failure of the family due to your anxiety and depression.
It often keeps you from doing tasks or having normal friendships, and instead of getting you help, your mother babies you and treats you like a child.
Preventing you from having friends or trying to better yourself. Always holding your siblings in a higher regard.
It's probably why you felt more comfort in a damn children's t.v. show than your own family.
"You're so much more welcoming than my home…" you muttered and sighed. You flopped back on your bed and stared up at your ceiling.
"I wish I could join the neighborhood…maybe then someone will treat me nicely.. "
You felt like someone was intensely staring at you as those words left your lips, though your room was completely dark.
You then heard the footsteps of your mother coming down the hall. You hurriedly pushed the laptop under your pillow and made it look like you were asleep.
You hated that you weren't allowed to do the things your siblings did.
You were infantilized, and all you wanted was freedom. Freedom to do as you pleased, freedom and a loving family that treated you as equal…
You wanted a place where you could truly be yourself, not hiding behind some facade you were forced to live behind.
You sighed as you felt yourself drifting off into sleep, a soft monotonous voice heard lulling you to sleep.
"Come home darling…"
"I'll be waiting for you…"
You yawned as the sunlight beamed on your face. You rubbed your eyes before going to get out of bed only to fall out of it.
You expected to hit your hard floor but landed on a fluffy rug.
This made you shoot up in confusion before you realized you were not in your own home.
You heard footsteps coming towards the room you were in and you were frozen in your spot on the floor as you saw the door open.
"Neighbor…are you alright in here? I heard a thud?"
You stared in disbelief as your eyes locked with the dark ones of Wally Darling.
You blinked and rubbed your eyes again, even pinching yourself to see if you were dreaming. When you felt the sharp pain of your pinch, your eyes widened in realization.
Wally was standing in the doorway, staring down at you watching your every move.
"Are you alright, Neighbor?" Wally asked again and You quickly got up and went to hug Wally tightly.
The male froze and nearly went limp in your arms, not knowing what to do.
This is not what he expected at all! He was expecting someone who was scared, angry, and wanted to leave.
Instead He had you in his arms, thanking him and excitedly rambling on about what you were going to do.
To say he was confused was a severe understatement.
He had taken an interest in you as soon as he saw you beside F/n. He listened in to your conversations and learned as much as he could about you.
He knew your favorite color, he knew about your home life, he knew about your love for cartoons and colorful things.
Wally learned a lot in that short span of time.
So when your friend offered her laptop for you to take home. Wally took that as an opportunity to invite you home. He just wasn't expecting someone so eager to join him I'm the neighborhood.
He heard you ask to join the neighborhood, and Wally was practically beaming with joy.
He was so excited to finally have a neighbor who wanted to stay!
You let the male go, smiling and thanking him. Pulling him along excitedly to go and meet the other neighbors.
You were an enigma to him.
Hes had many neighbors come and go, many of them failing to see the greatness that he saw in this little humble town.
But you.
You were excited to make new friends, excited to start a new.
You were excited to finally have a chance to be you.
And Wally wanted to be by your side as it happened.
"Well, let us go meet the others, shall we?"
Im sorry if this is trash, i just wanted to try my hand at writing for Welcome Home 😭
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tolkienrsb · 3 months
TRSB 2023 Gallery Opening
& 2024 Schedule Premiere
It’s almost time for TRSB 2024! Sign ups for artists for TRSB 2024 open in a month. The full schedule for 2024 can be found here.
To start getting excited for this year’s event, please enjoy the opening of the TRSB 2023 Gallery (and the completion of the TRSB 2022 Gallery!) Many thanks to @usuallysublimepenguin for doing the lion’s share of the work to get both galleries ready and online and to @fishing4stars for supporting that effort!
Before the suggestions form opens on March 24th, we want to invite veteran participants to share their wisdom about the event. If you were speaking to someone curious about participating in TRSB for the first time, what would your advice be on picking what to draw? Or, as an author, what do you look for in a prompt? 
The mods have given their own answers under the cut. We can’t wait to hear your thoughts!
~TRSB Mods 2024
Mods answer the question:
Fishing4Stars (roles: artist, writer): As a writer I look for prompts that either give me a clear inspiration that I think matches the artist’s idea - or that leave me enough flexibility to write something I find inspiring. Either works! I do get inspired by my favorite characters, but the underlying idea can be a great source as well. I had a blast writing a story focused on Thorin last year even though he’s not a character I normally write for because the underlying prompt, about being an outcast and having a complex identity, inspired me. I loved working closely with the artist on this - I will probably make my ‘involvement level’ preference this year more specific, because I’d love to do that again.
I think my biggest takeaways as an artist after participating last year were: 
(1) Be a little selfish when picking prompts: As an artist, I’m responsible for supporting my writers and their works - whether cheerleading, brainstorming, beta reading, or hands off, my writer deserves for me to be excited to read their work in September and give them comments. So it’s to both our benefit for me to pick something I like and want to read. Last year I picked a prompt off the suggestions list that I normally wouldn’t have. It actually turned out really well and I had tons of fun reading it, but it did make me think about maybe giving slightly more personalized prompts this year. 
(2) Leaving room for collaboration can be fun: Both of the works I submitted last year were in mostly finished form. The bit of collaboration I got to do to adjust the work to the writer’s story was really fun, though. So this year I’m thinking about leaving some room for the writer to weigh in on the art.
Usuallysublimepenguin (role: artist): I’ve participated as an artist for a few years now and can warmly recommend joining, as it’s been such a joy every time.
Regarding the prompt list, I can certainly echo Fishing4Stars: draw something that you like! The list is great for sparking ideas, but be careful of picking the very specific ones; they might be something the prompter would want to read but not necessarily write. So, if it’s not something you want to draw, do not pick it. Use the list for inspiration, or if the list is too dauntingly large, go for something completely different from your own head.
My prompts have gone from quite detailed "Lothiriel, a new bride getting to know Éomer" to very open "here's one or two characters in a pose I wanted to draw; please fill in the blanks" or "Here's a landscape; please fill in the details." Keep in mind that the open prompts require quite high levels of collaboration, and that the stories might take you to new places you never even thought existed - but for me that works very well. Every single story that came from these prompts are dear to me. 
Ettelenë (roles: writer, sometimes artist). Since I am mainly a writer who sometimes draws, I tend to pick prompts that suit the characters or stories I want to tell. The first time I participated as a writer, it was with a prompt/character I never thought I would write about (mermaid Voronwë!), and, surprisingly, it was not the most challenging time. So, to start, writing or drawing something completely out of our comfort zones can actually draw people in. Nowadays, though, as I don't have much time to write a fully complex story with worldbuilding etc, I’ll go for the prompts that I am 100% sure I can bang 5k in the blink of an eye. As for drawings, I usually stick with what I do best, which is watercolor. And curiously enough, the two times I did art for TRSB, it was about the Valar, characters I mostly never write about, but who always spark my artistic creativity.
Raiyana (roles: writer): I have a tendency to fall in love with a piece or an idea and fall HARD… so far, happily, the artists have been pleased to have me write for them ;) And then I find that weird secondary prompt in the gallery, generally during second claims, that tickles Something. I usually filter out characters/ideas I definitely can’t do and then something or someone (often a co mod, actually) will challenge me to come up with a way to do a prompt and spark another fire of creativity ;). 
I never thought I’d be able to write a streamer script version of FoG, but here we are…
Lathalea (roles: writer, artist): When I joined TRSB for the first time, as a writer, I definitely felt overwhelmed with the size of the event and the amount of prompts, and then art pieces. It wasn’t easy to pick just one, so many of them screamed “pick me!”. I managed to narrow them down and mull over them for some time. I asked myself what ideas and parts of the Tolkien legendarium spoke to me the most, what “blank areas” of Middle Earth I would like to fill with my works, and how I wanted to do this. What I learned back then is that it worked for me best to focus on a very particular and narrow theme so that I could delve into proper worldbuilding – which is something I live for when it comes to Dwarves and their culture.
Finally, I chose the one that sparked the most creativity in me that year. I feel that for writers who decide to work on a specific art piece, prompts can be a great help, making you enrich your story or add a detail or two that you wouldn’t have thought of otherwise. As a bonus, you get at least one very happy reader: the author of that specific prompt! 
One year later, I decided to submit art for TRSB because I liked the prompts so much – I just had to create a piece of visual art inspired by them. It resulted in a great cooperation that explored a completely new subject that I always wanted to focus on but never had a chance to do properly before.
Feel free to surprise yourself and pick prompts or ideas you haven’t worked on before, you never know what way your creativity will go!
Legolasbadass (roles: writer, artist): There are always too many great artworks, so I usually make a list of pieces I’d be most interested in writing for to help narrow down my choices. I look for ideas and characters I am most inspired by and comfortable writing about — though it can also be fun to step out of your comfort zone and try something new! Another really important thing for me is the collaboration level. I really enjoy brainstorming with the artist, sharing my progress with them, and getting regular feedback, so I tend to avoid choosing artists who prefer a less collaborative experience. 
When looking for inspiration for art, I usually look at the answers to the suggestions form as well as my personal list of prompts and pick an idea that I’d be most excited to share with someone. The collaborative aspect of the event is what excites and inspires me the most, so I tend not to submit an idea I feel too possessive of. I like working closely with an author and letting their vision inspire my art as much as my art will inspire their story.
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vioartemis · 11 months
Act 5
(Amber Freeman x fem! reader)
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Summary: After joining a discord server, you meet a girl... Warnings: (+18), smut, oral, fingering, blood, violence, injuries, characters are 18+ (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
As far as you could remember, you had always been a horror movie fan. Halloween, Friday the 13th, Saw, The exorcist, Stab... you enjoyed watching these movies. Recently, you had even joined a discord server for Stab fans.
It was really fun talking about these movies with people you knew liked them as much as you did, and it felt nice sharing your passion with others.
There were only two rules in this server: 1. If you were to make video calls, you would all wear Ghostface costumes and masks; and 2. Never, under any circumstances, say your name.
At first you thought that was weird, but it was a matter of safety. Stab fans were considered crazy after what happened in 2011 -and other side events.
Keeping your identity secret had become a must, if you didn't want other people online to hate on you and/or accuse you of crimes.
Fortunately, in the server, no one seemed to have a problem with the rules. And neither did you.
Until that day.
There was this girl on the server, with who you had been talking to in private for some months now. You may or may not had developed a little crush on her.
She was so nice, and it was so easy talking to her. You had the same opinion about almost everything too. But you didn't tell her. What if she thinks I'm weird? you thought.
You were currently on call with her, and the fact that you lived in Woodsboro just slipped.
"Wait- you live in Woodsboro? Me too! Maybe we know each other? What about we meet in real life?"
"I- We're not supposed to do that... Remember the rules? No personal information, so identity reveal or whatever..."
"Yeah, yeah, I know. But you trust me, right? 'Cause I know I can trust you"
"Of course I- I trust you but-"
"Well if we both trust each other, why not meet? It's better talking face to face, don't you think? Plus I'm dying to see what you look like. I'm sure you're super pretty"
You blushed at her words, and stuttered a quiet ‘okay’.
Two hours later, you were waiting in front of the high school, nervous. What if she didn’t like you irl? What if it was awkward? What if-
You turned around as you heard your name.
You couldn’t help but stare at her. She was gorgeous. The most beautiful girl you had ever seen.
"It’s so nice to finally meet you!" she started "And I was right; you’re really pretty"
You spent the whole day chatting and laughing together. There was definitely chemistry between you too.
"That’s my house" you said softly
You were a little sad your time with her was already over, you wanted make it last more.
"Oh, okay… We’ll meet again, right?"
"Yeah, of course! I’d love to!"
You smiled at each other, and waved goodbye, before you started making your way to the door. But you couldn’t just go like that.
"Amber I-" you started as you turned around
Before you could finish your sentence, her lips were in yours, soft against your own. It took you a second to register what was going on, but soon you were kissing back.
Amber pulled away after a moment. Her lips were inches away from yours, her eyes not leaving your own. Then she leans in for another kiss, more passionate.
Her hands were on your waist, keeping you close, as her tongue slipped past your lips. You made for a while, before running out of air.
When you pulled away, you could see that her lips were red and swollen, and so were yours.
"Maybe we should continue this inside, hm?" Amber said with a light smirk
You blushed and nodded, before trying to open the door. Your hands were shaking a bit in excitement, and Amber being flush against your back, arms around your waist and kissing your neck didn’t help.
Eventually you managed to open the door, and as soon as you closed it behind you both, you got pinned against it, Amber’s lips back on yours.
As the kiss grew more and more feverish, you felt her cold hands sneak under your shirt, and going up to your ribs, stopping right under your breasts.
"Is this okay?" she ask in between kisses
"Yes" you hummed in response
You could feel her smile against your lips as you let out a moan when she groped your tits through your bra. Then, her lips dipped to your neck as her hands made their way under your bra.
Before she could go any farther, you pushed her slightly away.
"Wait- let's go to my room"
You grabbed her hand and led her to your bedroom.
As soon as you were in the room, she reached down for your shirt and took it off you before unclasping your bra and pushing you on your bed. She straddled you, and started to undo her belt with a smirk.
She grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head, before tying them to the headboard with her belt, making sure it's not too tight.
Then, she sat up and looked down at you, biting her lip.
"Look at you; so pretty all tied up under me..." she whispered, brushing your cheek softly
She leaned in to kiss you once more, her hands sliding down to unbutton your jeans, before going back up to play with your now hard nipples. Again, her lips dipped down to your neck, where she sucked angry red marks.
This, and your nipples being rolled between her fingers made a series of moans leave your throat. You wanted to run a hand through her hair, but with her belt around your wrists, you couldn't move at all -which turned you on even more.
Your eyes flutter closed when you felt her lips wrapping around one of your nipples, and her tongue running over it, before she started sucking gently.
Your back arched slightly as you moaned her name, encouraging her to continue.
After a moment, she released your nipple with a 'pop'. You looked down just in time to see a string of saliva linking her mouth and your hard bud.
She smirked and kissed her way down your body, taking off your pants slowly, her eyes never leaving yours. She took her time, kissing the inside of your thighs, slowly getting closer to where you needed her the most.
You whined at the tease and rolled your hips slightly.
"Amber... please..."
"Please what, baby?" she teased more, sly smirk spread on her face
"Please I need you so bad... please fuck me..."
"How can I say no if you ask so nicely?" she hummed, sliding your underwear down your legs and throwing it somewhere in the room
She looked down at your dripping cunt with a hungry gaze and licked her lips before diving in to get a taste of you.
She hummed against you, loving the way you tasted on her tongue. She hooked her arms around your thighs, keeping you in place while she ate you out.
Her tongue was driving you crazy, you were a moaning mess, and felt you wear already close to the edge. But all of a sudden, she stopped.
You let out a frustrated whine at the sudden loss of contact and pleasure, before she placed her index on your lips.
"Shhh... Don't worry, I'm not done with you"
She quickly replaced her index with her middle and ring finger, which she pushed into your mouth gently.
"Now be a good girl and get my fingers wet"
You complied, and once she was satisfied, pulled her fingers out of your mouth to slide them into your pussy, eliciting another moan from you, before starting to thrust in and out at a fast pace.
If you thought her tongue was skilled, her fingers were even more. She hit all the right spots and curled her fingers just right.
You were so overwhelmed with the pleasure that you couldn't even form a coherent sentence. But she didn't need you to say it to know you were close; she could feel you tighten around her fingers in the most pleasant way possible.
She stopped marking your soft skin and brought her other hand to your throat, squeezing slightly, while her thumb was circling your clit in rhythm with her thrusts.
"Cum all over my fingers, don't hold back"
You came hard, in a white blur, seeing stars as your orgasm crashed in.
Amber continued to fuck you through your high, watching you with a lustful look in her eyes. She had waited so long for that. She had dreamt of it so many times, and now you were truly hers, looking oh so pretty coming undone under her.
When she pulled away, you had recovered enough to see her shove her fingers in her mouth and lick them clean, before leaning in to kiss you lovingly and untying your hands.
"Ready for round 2?" she asked with a smirk
"Fuck yeah" you replied, already taking off her shirt
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
It had been almost a year since Amber and you were together, and only a few months since Stab 8 was released. Let's just say that you were thrilled to go to the movies together, and that you were terribly disappointed.
You both thought the movie was terrible.
"What are you doing?" you asked gently as you rolled over to your girlfriend, who was scribbling on a paper at the other end of her bed
"I was thinking... Maybe we could do our own Stab movie? Or at least do things to give the producers better ideas. What do you think?"
"What do you have in mind?"
She gave you a slight smirk as she turned to you and exposed her plan.
"So let me get this straight; you want to kill your friend to force her sister -the daughter of Billy Loomis- to come back here, and then kill everybody and blame it on her?"
"That's the idea" she replied, visibly excited "Are you in?"
You sighed and shook your head.
"What wouldn't I do for you, huh?" you smiled and cupped her cheeks to place a soft kiss on her lips "Are you sure we have to kill Tara though? She's my favorite out of all your friends... And if she dies her sister won't necessarily come back"
"You're right! So we just attack her then. Or I just attack her, I don't want to force you into hurting/killing people. I'll do the killing, and you'll make the calls if you want" she offered
"I don't want to let you do all the dirty stuff..."
"Don't worry about that, baby"
She smiled and kissed you again, this time pushing you into the mattress, unbuttoning your jeans and slipping a hand into your underwear with a smirk.
"I don't mind doing the dirty stuff"
Surprisingly, so far, everything went as planned; Amber attacked Tara, her sister cam back to Woodsboro, and the killing spree was continuing. The only thing that wasn't planned on was Sam's boyfriend, but he was just another pawn to kill.
"You ready babe?" Amber asked, adjusting her mask "I kill Judy and Wes, and then I'll go to the hospital to attack Tara and you"
"Don't forget to slash my arm -not too hard if possible!"
You helped her, and pressed your lips at the top of the black mouth of the Ghostface mask as a good luck kiss.
Once again, nothing went wrong. Until the moment where Amber was supposed to slash your arm.
When Tara saw Ghostface behind you, you turned around, just as planned, and lifted your arms up to 'protect' yourself. But instead of feeling the blade on your arm, you felt it sink in your stomach.
Your eyes widened, and you tried to kick her away, a hand on your wound to stop the bleeding.
Why did she do that? you thought, grabbing Tara's wheelchair to head to the elevator. That's not the plan!
Before you could reach it, you got thrown into the nearest wall, hitting your head hard against it.
The shock had the world spinning around you; you struggled to stand properly.
Ghostface took that opportunity to make Tara fall of her wheelchair and was ready to stab her when Sam and Dewey arrived.
You were waiting for Amber to come to the hospital after a nurse called her to warn her you had been hurt. You had so many questions.
When she finally arrived, she looked concerned, worried. She wrapped her arms around you in a tight hug.
"What happened?" she asked
"I don't know, you tell me. You were supposed to slash my arm, not stab me in the stomach...!" you whisper-shouted
"It wasn't me, Y/n..."
You blinked, and pulled away to look at her, confused.
"Fuck you mean it wasn't you...?"
"I couldn't make it to the hospital in time, my car broke down... I never would've hurt you baby..."
She hugged you tighter after saying this.
"If it wasn't you... there's another Ghostface in town..." you whispered
"That's a bad thing for our plan..."
"Not necessarily... If they get caught, we can get away with the previous killings. The police will think they did it too... And we'll be out of suspicions!"
"Yeah but what about our big finale...?"
"Well have to pass on that, I'm sorry my love... But think about it, we'll be the first Ghostface to have survived!"
"You're right baby, both of us living is better than having our ending"
She smile and placed a gentle kiss on your lips.
"Who do you think it is?"
"Hm... It can't be Tara, that's for sure. I don't it's Sam either, or Chad"
"So that leaves Mindy and Liv..."
"And Sam's boyfriend, don't forget about him"
"You’re right, I don’t like him. He didn’t give me a good vibe"
You nod at her words.
"What do we do now? Do we still throw the party?"
"Yeah. If the other Ghostface is a Stab fan too, he’d never miss the occasion to recreate the og party in Stu Macher’s house"
Amber drove you to her house and you both got ready for the party. You had already stolen Tara's spare inhaler when you were in her room before being attacked, so you were sure she would come to Amber's.
And as expected, half an hour after the party begun, Sam, Richie and her came. Your girlfriend dismissed everyone else, and led Tara upstairs to look for her inhaler, leaving you with Sam and Richie.
Mindy was in the living-room, you heard her talk to Liv a few minutes ago, and Chad should be near too.
Sam received a phone call, and Richie walked towards the living-room. You decided to follow him, pretexting you had to rest.
"I'm gonna get some beer, anyone wanna come with me?" he asked after you sat next to Mindy
"No, but you were right to ask!" she replied, her eyes not leaving the tv screen
So he went to the basement alone while you stayed with Mindy watching Stab. When the scene of Randy being attacked arrived, you felt a shiver run down your spine.
While Mindy was busy screaming at Randy to turn around, you looked behind you, just in case.
Ghostface was behind Mindy, ready to stab her. You pulled her away from the knife right before she could get hurt badly, but her shoulder got slashed anyways.
You both screamed, hoping to get the others' attention while you tried to fight the killer. He managed to corner Mindy. You grabbed the lamp next to the sofa and slammed it on his head.
He didn't seem to like it, and punched you in the stomach, reopening your wound. You grunted in pain and pressed a hand on your bleeding stomach.
You were about to come at him again when Sam entered the room, scaring him away. You looked at each other and rush to Mindy, to make sure she was okay. She lost a lot of blood and passed out in Sam's arms.
A scream behind you made you jump. Amber and Tara just came downstairs. Sam opened her mouth to say something but got cut off by a sound of glass breaking; Richie was back, and just dropped his beers.
"Oh my god!" he said
"Where were you?" Sam asked him
"I was getting mor beer!"
"You went to the basement alone?" you girlfriend asked
"I asked them to come with me and they said no!" he replied, gesturing toward Mindy and you
"I was with Tara, and Y/n was with Mindy but the rest of you were wondering around. One of you is the fucking killer!" Amber spat
Liv suddenly barged into the room, looking panicked, hands covered in blood.
"Why is there blood on your hands?" Sam asked her
Liv looked down at her hands and seemed even more panicked.
"I- I found Chad..."
"He's... he's..."
"You're the killer...!" Richie said
"No I-"
She looked at everyone in the room, seeking support, but neither of you knew if you could trust her.
"I'm not the fucking killer!" she finally yelled
"I know."
You all turned to Richie as he pulled out a gun and shot Liv in the head.
You felt someone grab your hand and drag you away as another gunshot resonated in the room. Amber pulled you upstairs, to her parents' room.
"Are you okay? God, you're bleeding again..."
She started looking for something to bandage you up with, but you stopped her.
"We don't have time, we need to kill him before he can do his speech about his motive, or he'll say that he didn't do the first killings..."
"I'm okay, I promise" you reassured her "Let's just make it quick and I'll be fine"
She looked at you hesitantly for a second, before nodding and coming back next to you to place a soft kiss on your lips.
"What do we do now?" she asked
"Do you know where your dad hides his gun?"
Fortunately for the two of you, Sam stabbed Richie to death before he could say anything about another killer, after Amber shot him in the chest.
You made it to act 4, just like Jill Roberts 11 years ago. But you weren't going to screw everything up like she did, no.
And that's how you became the first Ghostface to get away with it, to make it to act 5.
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ador3sturniolo · 7 months
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An - omg I feel like I haven’t posted in a year what. Okay so earlier this week I went to a hockey game, and something happened while I was there and I wanted to write a fic about it. And I wanted to do Nate because I love Nate, and we need more Nate fics out there asap. And the song has nothing to do with the fic, it was the song I kept playing while writing this 😭
Paring - Nathan Doe X FemReader
Summary - You go to one of Nate’s hockey games
Warnings - Kissing, NOT PROOFREAD
Requested - Nope
I hadn’t realize how late I had slept in until I heard my alarm go off more than 30 times, most of which I had just sleep through. I check the time and see it’s a little past 3. Shit. I had so much to do and had it all planned out. I was to clean my house, get a gift for Nate, go grocery shopping, and decorate for fall. I’ll just eat some food while I’m out but right now, I need to clean up my place. I have u til 6:30 to get everything done on my list. Considering Nate’s game starts at 7.
I clean my house, lighting candles and turning on fairy lights I have setup around my house. I take a quick shower and put on my freshly clean clothes. I do a slick back bun, not trying to do anything fancy. I get into my car and make a quick stop at Starbucks to get a drink. I also did an online order for my favorite lunch place in town so it’s ready for pickup when I get there. I pickup my lunch and eat in my car as I drive to target. I put my Starbucks in the cup holder of my cart and push it too the food section.
I grab my list of food and start putting it in my cart. I decided to grab some cookie dough for me and Nate to back after his game. I go over to the floral section and grab a bag of white, blue, and purple pair and place it in my cart. I’m on my way towards check out when I spot the cutest pair of matching pj sets. There was a vampire, pumpkin, and ghost option. They were all so cute but I decided to get the ghost ones. I check out and go home to eat dinner and decorate.
I decided to make something, quick, easy, and delicious. I play my fall playlist as I grab my last year bin full of pumpkins, signs, pillows and blankets. It only takes me around 30 minutes considering I cleaned earlier. I looked at the time, with not much time left I had to get ready. I put the totes back and head to my room. I put on a pair of leggings and his hockey jersey that he gave me. I take out my hair and do two French braids. I take some face paint type makeup I have and write his number on my cheek.
I put on my shoes and grab his flowers and teddy I bought him earlier that week. I grab a blanket so I don’t get cold at the rink. I drive to the rink in only 10 minutes. I head inside and get a ticket. I’m greeted inside by the triplets. They all look over at me and walk my way.
“Finally, we’ve been waiting for like 5 hours” Nick says rolling his eyes
“Nick, we got here 5 minutes ago-“ Matt chimed in
“Oh hush.” Nick says, crossing his arms, clearly annoyed.
“I’m so excited to watch my boyfriend play!” Chris says clapping his hands. Nick, Matt and I slowly turn towards Chris, giving him a confused look.
“Fine, I can’t wait to watch her boyfriend play” Chris says sarcastically but rolling his eyes.
“That’s what I thought.” I say pushing Chris a little bit jokingly. We all walk to the rink, getting a rush of cold air as the door opens. I could feel goosebumps approaching my skin. I wrap the blanket around my shoulders and sit down with the triplets. We sat and waited for the game to start. It only took a couple scrolls on insta before the players came walking out of the locker room and onto the ice to warmups. It wasn’t hard for me to find him, considering I had his number imprinted into my brain. Before I the warmups ended, I went to the snack bar and got myself a water and chips for me and the triplets. I head back just in time for the game to start. We all stand up and start to cheer, like the rest of the crowd. I only had my eye on one player the whole time. Every time he scored a point and I would jump up and down and scream for him. The three looked at me like I was insane but I didn’t care.
The game was over and Nate’s team won! We all wait for Nate outside of the locker room to finish up, but before he comes out I need to use the restroom. I come back not too long and see the brothers talking to a man I wanted to hug the first I saw him on the ice. He noticed me and started walking towards me. I ran up to him and gave him a hug.
“You did great tonight, I’m so proud of you.” I say giving him a peck on the lips.
“And these are for you.” I handed him the flowers and teddy bear, he then looked up at me with a smile that would make my heart melt.
“Thank you so much baby.” He said as he went to the side of me and wrapped his arm around my waist. He turned back and waved to the brothers as he started to walk with me out of the building. I help him load his things into my car, and we get inside the car after.
“So I had a really fun night planned out for us, but if you don’t want to do it, that’s okay and we can do something else.”
“It’s whatever makes you happy my love” I couldn’t help but blush at his words.
“So, my house is all decorated and I had candles going so it smells really good in there, and the house is clean so a bonus! And I was thinking we could make cookies and watch a movie together? And there’s also a surprise with that.” I say almost out of my seat from how happy I was.
“If that’s what you wanna do.” He says smiling back at me.
“Of course it’s what I want to do, but I wanted to know if u wanted to do it.” I say turning on my car, pulling out of the parking lot.
“I’m okay with anything you want to do.” He says looking out the window. I smile as I continue to drive back to my place. I pull into my driveway and get out of my car.
“Let’s take showers first tho.” I say unlocking my front door. He nods as I unlock the door and walk in. We take off our shoes at the front and walk to my room where my shower is.
“I’ll go first, I’ll be quick.” I say as I start to take out my hair. I hop in the shower and wash my face, get out, and wrap myself in a towel. I walk out into my room and too my closet, telling him it’s his turn on my way. He gets off the small couch I have in my room and head into the bathroom. I quickly get dressed into the pajamas I just bought for us. I sit down at my vanity and start doing my night skincare. I hear the shower turn off and with Nate walking out with the towel around his waist. He points at the pair of clothes on my bed.
“What’s this?”
“It’s yours, to wear! Tonight! To match with me!” I say turning around, show I’m in the matching set. He gives me a sigh but walks with it into the bathroom to get changed. I do a little clap of achievement, as I turn back around to finish my skincare. I hear the bathroom door open and see him walk out, giving me a sigh and looking down in disappointment.
“Hey! You look amazing! Don’t give me that I hate this energy, it’s supposed to be fun!” I say putting all my things away and getting up.
“I feel so weird in this.” He says throwing his hands like a baby
“Why? You look so cute!” I say walking towards him.
“Can I just take the shirt off? It feels tight.” He says scratching his neck
“Not yet! I wanna take a picture” I say grabbing my phone out. His arm wraps around my waist as I put the mode to 0.5x and turn on the flash. We smoosh our heads together doing a kissy face as I take the picture. I look at the picture to make sure it was okay then I put my phone down.
“Okay, let go make some cookies” I say kissing his cheek and walking out of my room. He follows close behind me. I grab a pack a Pillsbury cookies from the fridge and preheat the oven.
“How about you put on 6, and I put on 6” I say grabbing a tray from my cabinet.
“Good with me” He says giving me a smile
“Can I take my shirt off now?” He says whining
“Fine, Stop acting like a baby” I say as I start to put on my cookies.
We both finish putting on our cookies and put them in the oven. I walk over to my couch and turn on the tv.
“What would you like to watch?” I say looking up at him.
“I don’t know, you pick.” He says sitting down next to me
“Mhm, Corpse Bride? The Nightmare Before Christmas?” I say leaning back and laying my head on his chest
“Corpse Bride, The Nightmare Before Christmas is a Christmas movie.”
“No it’s not!” I say as I scoff
“It is tho!”
I shake my head and get up to go take the cookies out. I put them on a plate and organize them in a cute way. I bring the plate to the couch along with a blanket.
“Hold the plate while I put the blanket on us.” I say handing him the plate. I sit down, covering our legs and a little bit of my waist. He sets the plate down on the blanket.
“Do you like tonight?” I say putting my head on him again.
“Of course” He says kissing my head. I smile in happiness that I was able to make tonight special.
“I love you” I say lifting my head up.
“I love you more” He says giving me a peck on my lips
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demonichikikomori · 2 months
Shall We Date?: Ignihyde
Heartslabyul - Savanaclaw - Octavinelle - Scarabia - Pomfiore - Diasomnia
How did your first date go?
Idia Shroud - Matching Charms
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You knew a first date with Idia would be interesting. After all, you asked him out for a reason.
When he called you one late night, you weren't expecting him to ask you out on a date. You actually weren't sure what to expect since he doesn't ever call you. Most of your conversations were held over text.
He asked that you join him somewhere that weekend. He makes a vow to you, that the two of you will have fun.
What he does not tell you, is that he is taking you off of the Isle of Sages.
He wanted to take you around a city subdivision he loved to visit when he got out of his room, and with a hurried shove through one of the Headmages magic mirrors (he had gotten a favor from the Headmage), you had found yourself in a city of neon lights.
Anime characters on billboards, stores dedicated to claw machines, manga cafes, gachapon and vending machine alleyways. It was all exciting, but also overwhelming.
The two of you finally stopped to look at each other, and you wondered if you were maybe... Too overdressed. Seeing Idia's much more casual outfit, his long flaming hair in a messy braid, paired with an Ita bag of a very obscure anime character was a little jarring.
"Ah... You look amazing."
His voice was soft, and a small smile appeared on his face. You could see the tip of his braid turning pink. He finally told you his plan: to find the perfect matching keychains.
He was jealous of all the normies having ones of mascot characters they didn't even know! He wanted to have something like that with you! He wanted to post about it and show his online friends that you guys were madly in love!
He made you laugh, and you walked hand in hand to view the different gachapon machines and even making your way into some of the different manga shops.
The two of you soon settled on a machine, something you recognize as Sanrio. With the coins purchased and entered, the two of you prayed for a set of matching characters. Specifically My Melody and Kuromi.
Unfortunately.... That was not the case.
Idia had spun and so did you, then choosing to open the capsules together. You had gotten a small plush keychain of My Sweet Piano. Idia had gotten Pekkle. The two of you laughed at the sight, the characters didn't match at all. But to the two of you they did. Idia hung his from his Ita bag, and you had laced yours on the the zipper of your purse.
The both of you began to wonder if it would be a ship or not... My Sweet Piano x Pekkle as you ordered boba, and made your return back to NRC.
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be-pretty-for-me · 1 year
Roommate Rewritten
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Emily was my first. First roommate, first college crush, and the first time I used Master PC.
I had read about it online, did some digging on forums and sites that definitely gave me some malware, but I ended up with something that looked the part. The old 90s UI flickered onto my screen with a simple "Welcome New Master!" after I ran the setup wizard. A search bar hung in my face for a solid minute so, taunting me with endless possibilities (supposedly), but I was stumped.
Then, as if by some cosmic force, I heard the front door open across the apartment. I smirked to myself, of course it had to be her. If this program really worked she was the best candidate; cute (I had a soft spot for alt girls), just about my age, and we already lived together.
So I typed her name in, and saw a scarily accurate 3-D render of her appear, wearing her black hoodie and jeans, in a sitting position. Tabs and submenues appeared en masse, I found a section on "personality", and ran a little test "Subject will find Anon incredibly attractive. Subject will walk around in lingerie, topless, or no clothing at all while home alone with Anon and doing so will cause her to become very aroused."
I smiled, "should be a good way to find out if this is bullshit or not" I thought to myself as I pressed enter. "Though, I don't know how long it'll take."
I decided to take a quick shower to relax from classes and give the changes some time to settle. 30min later I opened the door, looking around for my new, nude, nypho roommate to jump me like some sort of animal in heat. To my disappointment, her door was wide open and she was nowhere to be found there or in the kitchen. I trudged back to my room, a little deflated, before hearing a giggle as I entered the door.
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"Heyyyy Anon" Emily practically moaned from atop my bed.
I dropped my towel in surprise, blushing immediately at the sight of her pale petite frame on display on my messy bed.
"Oohhhh, I didn't know you were so pretty, hun." She purred as she made her way towards me "Mmmph, I'm feeling so hot and bothered all of a sudden, do you think you could help a girl out?"
"I uh, huh, umm... "
Another giggle, before that animal in heat I was looking for pulled me into bed, fucking me with her soft cute body for hours until we both passed out.
The next day I found myself reminiscing about my night with Emily while in a lecture. I had gotten a taste and decided to see what else the program could do. Just some small adjustments all around. I opened Emily's profile again, and went to her proportions. I changed her breasts from a 30B to a pair of heavy round 34DDs and made them more sensitive. Then widened her hips and filled out her ass a bit, giving her a nice hourglass figure.
Back to her personality tab, I added "Subject is addicted to fucking Anon and is submissive to them". Before submitting all the changes I quickly added "Subject is aroused by any physical changes made" just to cover my bases, and pressed enter.
The lecture was just about over when I got a text from Emily.
"Hey, I don't know what's going on, but my tits exploded out of my top, I think my ass is bigger and I really need you, come back to the apartment asap."
Already having trouble hiding my excitement from the thought of her bursting out of a top, I nearly fainted when the second text arrived with it's attachment.
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"Don't keep me waiting, baby."
I arrived home, excited to embrace my enhanced roommate, horny beyond belief. She rounded the corner into the living room and my jaw almost hit the floor. The picture was nothing compared to the sexed up version of Emily in front of me that slowly stalked her way towards me. She bit her lip, obviously happy to see me.
"Like what you see?" She said, as she ran her hands up her new curves. "I don't know how it happened, but frankly I don't care. I feel soooooo good."
She came close, very close, I felt her hot breath, I watched her new massive breasts heave up and down hypnotically. She noticed my fixation on her chest and hummed and she began to guide my hands along her soft hips...
"At first I was a little freaked out, they were so heavy."
Up her sides...
"And it happened so fast."
She placed my hands firmly on her chest, my palms sank into the biggest tits I had ever seen, let alone held. Her eyes rolled back uncontrollably, she moaned and her grip tightened while she shuddered.
"Ohhhh fuuuuuck that feeelllsss, Uhhhhhhhnn".
My fingers danced across her huge tits. She came, melted into my hands, and grasped frantically at my shirt for the flesh she craved underneath.
Panting, she managed to finish her thought while I enjoyed the rest of her body. "Haaa, haaa. It's all so hot though. Haa haa. I look like such a ..."
"A slut." I said, as I took two handfuls of her enlarged ass.
"Mmmmmm." She kissed me. "Yeah, and I want to show you just how much of a slut I really am."
A few weeks passed in an instant, between classes and all of the sex with my now girlfriend, time escaped me. I was so caught up in life I left Master PC alone for a good while. Proud of my self control, everything in moderation after all. Besides, my bombshell girlfriend was something I should enjoy for a while, I thought as I opened the door to the apartment.
"Hi baby! How was class?"
"Hey Em. It was fine, unit is a little over my head right now, so I'll have to review it later."
"Oh, poor thing, maybe I can help destress you a bit?" Emily smiled playfully and thrust her chest out at me. "You wanna fuck my titties? Or maybe I could go down on you!" She giggled.
Alright. Maybe I made a few more changes...
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agendabymooner · 10 months
𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 !!! 𝐥𝐧𝟒 — 𝐨𝐧𝐞
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chapter summary: honey-sue is… honey-sue. she knows who she idolizes (and have a crush on; mason mount), she knows that she’s looking forward to getting the hell out of the university after two years of her masters degree program, and she knows that she doesn’t care about the formula one teams that aren't mercedes amg - she also knows she cares about mick schumacher.
so when her fans (who were coincidentally fans of the sports as well) began to ask her things about her lack of interest, more people (mostly just a group of british youtubers and a certain f1 driver) immediately shifted their attention towards the socially awkward woman as she and her brother got invited to a party in monaco hosted by an f1 driver. newsflash: it wasn’t hosted by either lewis hamilton or george russell.
content warning: use of explicit language, chatfic + tweets, mentions of social anxiety
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jideeee 😚😚
who dis?
stfu you know this is your best girl stop capping
no? idk who you are
so if i were to say that i told simon about you using his towel to clean up the mess you made in his room then you wouldn’t be phased about it?
naw fam i’m all jokes 😭 don’t tell simon
what’s up, honey??? can’t pay your rent this month?
oh har har 😒 we all know who’s most likely got more money in her savings
and we also know who’s most likely to get someone anything she wants because that someone refuses to use her money on any stupid shit for once
fuck off i’m being practical. at least i haven’t lost my money to crypto
ouch ok. i’m hurt 😒
ong??? holy shit, that’s fast. did you make it to the president’s list???
ok but what do i get when i tell you the result? /jk
a pat on the back and congratulations? 🤣
i’m expecting for something more than that but as long as you’re fulfilling your promises i’m solid
smart ting you are what the fuckkkkk
happy for you honey!!!!! 😮‍💨
lowk wish i’m there rn to celebrate that with you and the mandem 🙃 stupid boxing trainings
ugh don’t even worry about it jj 😁😁 i was just v excited to share this to u
i’ll make it up to you i promise!!! i’m hella proud of u and ur ability to not even have a breakdown during those days ✊
i gtg tho 🙏 congrats again bro! lmk when ur graduation’s gonna be and what u want for this. i’ll ttyl
forget about it jj— i was just joking when i said get me sumn
it’s a good thing i don’t listen to you whenever you tell me not to get you something huh?
that’s just your guilt from calling me a sket on harry’s diss track.
haha just tell me what u want and i’ll get it sorted out as soon as possible
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oi honey
oi harold
i’m at the mailbox rn
u got a package
gee do you ever wonder what the mailboxes are for? 🤔🤔
i was going to bring it upstairs but i guess never mind 😒
a simple “oh really? thanks harry!” would suffice
just get up here and bring it 🤡 you could’ve just brought it up instead of texting me
what’s so special about it that you had to text me before you get up here n e ways??
i dunno. something about it screams fancy.
did you get any bag by chance because this seems a bit too expensive
i don’t buy expensive stuff online???
can you come up so i can open it?
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sorry i was on the gym
don’t break into my house
and yes??? you said to get you something right?
yeah but i was joking 😭😭
this is so cool
but this is expensive. do you take paypal?
no tf 🤣
as i said. i’d get you anything you want. but you didn’t tell me what you wanted so i just asked the boys
you never should’ve listened to harry lmfao
lol it was vik and simon who recommended we get you and harry those tickets lololol
i was like “hmm idk what to get her” so they were like get you a trip to monaco or something. they specifically said get you a paddock pass for mercedes
so like go see your michael schumacher or that ken doll you showed me
jj babes 🤣🙃 mick is in haas
and the fact that we’re taking your jet too 😭😭 you didn’t have to go all out on me
but seriously thank you thank you thank you
letting you know as well that will, filly and chunkz are coming along. they got passes from mclaren and all that. it'll be a full plane lol. so it won’t be as overwhelming for you and harry to go alone
no way?!!!! MY FRIEND FILLYS COMING ?! 😭😭
yeah lol
so you have fun in monaco. everything’s been paid for by your personal bank account
ugh my personal bank account is so fucking amazing
i could give ‘im a lil kiss on the mouth rn 😮‍💨😮‍💨
naw don’t do that i don’t think your brother would like that
lmk if there’s anything else you’d like i’ll see what i can do 👍😉
a little kiss of appreciation on the mouth for you?
no 🤣🤣🤣
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hey! i hope this isn’t so weird but you’re honey-sue right? wroetoshaw’s sister?
uh hi.
yes it’s me. it does say it on my username and bio. sorry if this is very rude.
no no! all good haha!
i just wanted to confirm! we got the information from will about you. i’ve known the sidemen and your brother but when he mentioned you were coming along to the race in monaco i had to look you up :)
i’m ria btw! i happened to be acquainted with him and filly bc we collab’d with them before. quadrant?
i’ve heard of you guys before because will spike a lot about you lots.
all good things i hope 😉
haha. yeah.
nice to meet you
likewise :))
we’ve been told of you because apparently you got lucky with ksi getting you free tickets and trip to monaco for the race
yeah idk.
i don’t watch formula one as much as i used to years ago. i don’t know much about who’s racing now and whatnot except from whatever’s happening with merc
oh… not at all?
not even mclaren?
no. this will be the first time i’ll be watching in a while.
you seem very nice!
listen, will and filly said you’re all flying in at the sunday before the race week begins. lando’s got will, filly and chunkz paddock passes and they’re all hanging around with us quadrant lots for the week.
would you and w2s be interested in coming with us? take you around monaco and get to know each other better since we all live in london and all :))) lando’s been wanting to meet harry for a while so him being in the monaco gp would def work out for all parties. lando will also be hosting a party in his flat in monaco. what do you think??
to be honest you’ve lost me at the first message. if you don’t mind— can i ask who lando is? i’m not like any sidemen people— i don’t watch f1 as much as i used to.
i’ve heard of his name before. but that’s because there are people on my twitter saying he’s made references about my videos and songs and whatnot.
i really don’t know who he is
ah right.
that’s alright ;)
lando drives for mclaren and he has the driver number 4. he’s actually one of the members of quadrant. he races and all that! that’s how will and the lots got their passes lol
oh okay.
about the invitation.
i think it’s ideal you ask my brother or shoot him a message in insta about it.
he’ll gladly answer
thank you for the offer. i’m sure he’d say yes. i have to go sadly. i’ll talk to you later!
okie. ttyl 👋
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you absolute knobhead
you call me socially inept all the time yet you’re out here trying to get me to talk to people?!
oh my god. i am so so sorry
i didn’t think ria would actually be sending and shooting a message to your way
you know what
i don’t even care
whatever it’s not like i’d be talking to them anyway.
if you’re talking about not being around them during the week nice try.
because harry just said he’d come along with us in monaco before the race. so the chances of you being friends with the quadrant lads are high.
i’m not sure if it’s just me but lando’s more than excited to meet you. harry just ok’d that you two would hang out with us.
oh my god. does anybody in my circle ever use their brain?!
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katnisspeetaprim · 1 year
D-Day Japan Night 1 (Always, Us)
Min Yoongi/FemIdol!Reader Part 1 Here
Summary: You are finally able to join Yoongi on stage for his solo tour in Japan... Based partly on this request, but also part 2 of the Suchwita couple! There may be more parts to come to this, depending on how much you guys like this!
Warnings: Established relationship, fem!reader, idol!au, pregnancy, mentions of sex, mentions of marriage, happy tears.
Word Count: 1536 M.list
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It had been a few months since the episode of Suchwita that got a little too personal. You and Yoongi had yet to have an official wedding ceremony for your family, but in all fairness, he had since started his first solo tour.
Yoongi had wanted you to join him from the start of his tour in the US, so that you could accompany him on stage for certain songs, but unfortunately that wasn’t possible.
You had schedules with your own group to fulfil, and when those were finally over you fell ill, so the earliest you were able to join Yoongi on stage was for his first show in Japan.
‘Now I’m very excited for this next song.’ Yoongi moved back to centre stage, sipping from his straw as he did so. ‘I have a special guest. Please welcome my beautiful wife, Y/N!’ He gestured to the back of the stage as you ran up the stairs. The crowd screamed loudly as you appeared, showering you with love and support. You jogged up to Yoongi and gave him a quick side hug, before taking your place at the second microphone.
‘Hello everyone!’ You greeted with a big wave. ‘Thank you for having me! I’m excited to be here!’
‘Y/N hasn’t been feeling well lately, so please show her lots of love.’ Yoongi announced, causing the crowd to gasp out and call your name.
‘Until she’s 100% better, she’s only going to perform one song. I hope that’s ok.’
Performing People pt.2 with Yoongi was a dream come true. Despite both being active idols for over a decade now, you’d never actually had the opportunity to perform together. You knew you had big shoes to fill by singing IU’s part, but the crowd seemed to be having a good time, and that’s all that mattered.  Yoongi was also being extremely protective, with only letting you perform one song. In truth you felt fine, just a bit of sickness here and there. But then again, maybe his worry wasn’t all unfounded...
When the last notes of the song rang out, the arena went wild. You once again hugged Yoongi, but also kissed him too, making the crowd go even crazier than before.
‘Ok that’s enough PDA.’ He spoke into the mic.
‘Thank you for having me tonight. I hope to see you again tomorrow!’ With that, you gave a bow and made your way off stage, so as not to hold up the show too much.
‘Y/N everybody!’
You’d met Yoongi in the car taking you back to the hotel, not wanting to be hanging round the arena for ages after the show. You knew what he was like sometimes.
‘Hey.’ You smiled and reached out for him as soon as he opened the door. He leaned in and kissed you with a smile.
‘Why didn’t you wait for me?’ He looked at you questioningly as the car pulled away.
‘Just eager to get back is all.’ Yoongi gave you a look, but just settled for taking your hand and pulling out his phone, so he could look up peoples thoughts about the show online.
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‘This is just gonna be a quick live whilst we eat.’ Yoongi spoke to the camera as he arranged the food on plates for himself and you. He had taken to doing lives after his shows recently so he cold engage with his fans a little more, even if it was only whilst he ate.
‘Yes Y/N is still here. She’s just getting dressed.’ The chat started to move faster, really jumping on the implications of what he had just said. Yoongi was puzzled for a moment, before he started laughing, realising his mistake.
‘Please get your minds out of the gutter! She was in the shower.’
‘You’ve been live for two seconds and you’re already corrupting people.’ You joked, pushing open the bathroom door. You could hear him speaking through the wall as you freshened up.
‘It’s not my fault that’s how ARMY’s minds work!’
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‘Bye guys, bye!’ You blew a kiss to the camera as Yoongi switched it off.
‘Ah, what a night.’ Yoongi stretched out as he tossed the garbage to the side.
‘I hope that’s a good sigh mister.’ You crawled over to your husband and straddled his lap on the small armchair.
‘Definitely.’ His hands came to rest on your bum, squeezing playfully.
‘Excuse you, that’s rude!’ You laughed. Leaning down and kissing him deeply. Yoongi moaned into the kiss and slid his hands under your shirt, squeezing your breasts. You broke away to lift your shirt over your head and quickly re connected your lips. He groaned as you rubbed against his growing bulge. Yoongi ran his hand across your body and round your back, about to unhook your bra, when suddenly there was a pounding at the door.
You quickly jumped away from him and ran into the bathroom to fix yourself, in case whoever was at the door needed to come inside. As you retreated, you heard Yoongi curse as he adjusted himself in his pants, before getting up to probably murder whoever was at the door.
A few minutes later, you re emerged from the bathroom fully dresses, just as Yoongi closed the main door.
‘Who was it?’
‘Just a staff member wanting to give me the schedule for tomorrow.’ He stalked back over to you and roughly grabbed you by the waist, causing you to gasp out and giggle. ‘Now where were we?’ He smirked against your skin.
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You and Yoongi lay side by side, naked and tangled in the sheets. The room was dark around you, though neither of you were asleep. Just enjoying each others company.
Yoongi lay on his back, arm under your neck and fingers softly stroking your shoulder, as you lay on your side, hand resting on his chest.
You have to tell him. You thought to yourself. There’s no point waiting any longer and now’s a good a time as any.
‘Yoongi...’ Your voice was hoarse as you spoke, a reminder of your recent activities. ‘I need to tell you something.’ He just hummed in response. Taking a deep breath, you just blurted it out.
‘I’m pregnant.’ His fingers stilled on your shoulder. He was silent, almost as if he were processing your words, when he suddenly sat up, forcing you to do the same.
‘Are you serious.?’ He stared at you, mouth agape.
‘Of course I’m serious.’ You looked down, smiling as you pushed your hair behind your ears. ‘I know we didn’t really talk about it after Suchwita, but we haven’t really been careful, so maybe it was meant to be.’ Before you even finished speaking, his arms were flung round you and he was kissing the top of your head.
‘I can’t believe it! I’m gonna be a dad!’ He cried out, joyful tears already falling from his eyes.
‘And I’m gonna be a mom!’
‘Wait.’ He pulled back so he could see your face. ‘ does this have anything to do with you being sick recently?’ You laughed and gently wiped away his tears and playing with the ends of his hair.
‘Yes dummy. Morning sickness. I’m surprised you didn’t put two and two together.’ He smiled brightly and leaned in to kiss you. He suddenly pulled away and jumped out of bed, flicking the light on as he went.
You groaned out and covered your eyes at the sudden bright light. When you opened them, you were met with Yoongi pacing back and forth along the room, still with a wide smile plastered across his face.
‘What are you doing you doofus?’ You laughed at his antics.
‘I feel like I have a lot of energy to burn off suddenly!’ You threw your head back against the pillows and let out a hearty laugh.
‘Come back to bed, it’s like 2AM!’
‘You think I’m going to be able to sleep after getting the best news of my life!?’ He exclaimed, exasperated but still joined you back in bed none the less.
‘You need to be rested for the concert tomorrow.’ You snuggled back up to his side.
‘Will you still be able to perform with me tomorrow?’
‘I’m not made of glass Yoongi. I was pregnant when performing tonight you know.’ You chuckled lightly.
Just as you were about to fall asleep, you were jostled awake by Yoongi reaching for his phone and shooting off a quick text, before disregarding it back on the side table.
‘What was that?’ You asked sleepily.
‘I text the BTS group chat and told them you’re pregnant.’ He said nonchalantly.
Your eyes snapped open and you shot up with a start.
‘You told your members I’m pregnant through text!?’ You couldn’t believe what you were hearing right now.
‘It’s easier this way.’ You stared down at your husband in disbelief. This man was going to be the death of you....
One the side table, Yoongi’s phone was already vibrating none stop. Instead of answering, he just reached over and put it on silent, before dragging you back down to cuddle.
He causes chaos and then just ignores it, naturally.  
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laylajeffany · 2 months
targeted ad ii - microfic
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saw these on insta - ya'll might already know they exist sorry i'm old but they are for Wednesday and Enid for sure, so have a tiny scene of Enid convincing her moody lil gf to wear them
“You’ve already managed to convince me to join you in a cabin that doesn’t double as a hideout for family members running from federal agents. On the first full day of this trip, I’ve eaten your sugary version of breakfast, listened to your KPop morning stretch routine playlist, and now you expect me to wear matching clothes? I already wore a snood with you to hunt a monster.”
Enid wiggled her shoulders, holding a tie-dyed canvas tone in her hands with her bottom lip curled out. “Yeah, and you let it get all torn up! Come on, Wednesday – it’s practically a tradition!”
“This is our first time traveling together. The only tradition we’ll have is going to be you waking up breathing each day after the insufferable teenage whimsy you have me entertaining on this so-called vacation.”
“Okay, not so much a tradition, but it’s like, a thing that couples do together! At least all the ones on Instagram do it when they travel!”
Wednesday opened her own suitcase, a vintage piece assembled with fine leather. Whatever low-quality, polyester excuse for ‘fabric’ that Enid had likely ordered from a sweatshop was not going on her body.  “Good news, I’m not on Instagram; you don’t have to worry about meeting vapidly set expectations of social media on my behalf.”
“But I got them special for us, so that we could still be coordinating and you could keep your aesthetics up, even though there would be no one here to see it. And I promise, I won’t post it on my stories or anything, I’d just…maybe hope that you’ll let Thing take a Polaroid of us for our cute little collection of pics on the string lights...”
Once Enid was full-blown pouting, Wednesday gave her a glance after taking out her organic, linen, hand-dyed pants that were stitched by the family seamstress and sighed. “What garment-factory-fire-waiting-to-happen clothing have you obtained?”
Enid scoffed as she reached into her bag. “I’d think the idea of a factory fire would be exciting to you.”
“I support exploiting people for their stupidity, not their labor,” Wednesday muttered and crossed her arms as she watched Enid pull out sweatshirts. One as an offensive baby pink and the other was black.
Matching? Hardly.
“These are from a small business I saw on that social-media-app you hate so much -”
“Did you fall for targeted advertising again? Enid, we’ve discussed the need to more strictly adjust your privacy settings so that your personality can’t be packaged and sold to you-”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, breach of data – Russian bots, we’ve been through this. Anyway, this is a cute, women-owned online shop, not from some planet-killing application. I thought that these were particularly appropriate for us, and actually match this exact moment we’re in, right now.”
She turned them around, and Wednesday almost let out a puff of air in amusement, though she managed to conceal it before it could escape.
On the black sweatshirt was a pink heart, with a little spiderweb motif around it and the phrase ‘might bite,’ while the pink one had the same style, but the script read instead, ‘might cry.’
“Fitting,” Wednesday finally decided.
“Let’s see if they fit us!” She cheered, pulling the bright colored pastel top over her head and giggling, approaching Wednesday bravely, tugging the neck hole over her braids.
“Enid, it has pink.”
“Like, three inches of it on top! We’re alone in the woods, no one can see you. And I’ve got Benadryl for bug bites, if you break out in hives from your ‘color allergy.’”
Wednesday let out a long sigh through her nose as Enid actually took her arms one at a time and weaseled them inside the sleeves of the crewneck. She stared straight ahead, unfortunately – the maneuver long had lost the effect of unnerving Enid.  
“Eek! You look so cute.” Enid tugged her over to the mirror on the back of the door of the log-built lake house they’d rented for spring break (a place for her to wolf out during that night’s full moon and for Wednesday to have plenty of target practice with a variety of weapons she’d packed). “I mean, intimidating – of course, not cute. Never cute.” She let out a series of bubbly laughs yet again, hooking an arm over Wednesday, who stared at their reflection.
It was a bit chilly that morning – but certainly not cold enough for the jacket she’d packed in case the weather was uncooperative…
“I will wear this for exactly the twenty minutes it will take us to walk to the lake.”
Enid squeaked and kissed her cheek, squeezing their matching sweatshirts together in a hug before pulling back and admiring their attire again, rubbing up and down Wednesday’s back mindlessly as she stared in the mirror. “We look adorable. I mean, deadly. We look very deadly in these.”
“You’re going to be dead if you don’t take your hands off my black and pink sweatshirt,” Wednesday clarified.
“Oh, please. You love it when I touch you,” Enid teased and Wednesday nearly wrinkled her nose at how much that was true. “What, are you going to prove that true and bite me if I don’t stop?”
“You wish,” Wednesday retorted, working very hard on keeping her eyes from rolling all the way back when Thing managed to capture the moment with Enid’s instant camera as she’d hoped. Enid let go and brought her arms up in a victory pose before milling around and gathering entirely too many unnecessary supplies for their morning hike while Wednesday watched her intensely in the mirror. She would admit – she liked the oversized top, and how it fell over her hands and went mid-length down her thighs. Adding her more usual pair of pants to go with it, she laced up her boots and waited as Enid debated between tinted lip balm. “The mosquitoes are going to find you delicious no matter what color your lips are.”
“It has SPF in it! Very necessary,” She said, putting some on herself when she finally picked one, then approached Wednesday, taking her by the back of her head and putting it on her as well. The fountain of positive thinking and insane levels of bravery that was her girlfriend shocked her into allowing it. Even more boldly, she followed it up with a kiss to those tinted lips that Wednesday almost returned. “Now you can leave a cute little lip imprint when you bite me,” She winked.
Tugging her close, Wednesday wrapped her black-clad sleeves around her pink middle, tucking her cheek against the plush fabric. In a move indicating surrender, she muttered, “This sweatshirt is adequately warm.”
“I knew you’d like it,” Enid kissed the top of her head, giving her a long embrace in return.
“I didn’t say that.”
“You don’t have to. And even if you’re just entertaining me,” She pulled back to look her in the eye. “Thank you. Now come on, you getting all affectionate on me might make me cry happy tears if we don’t get moving!”
Black Menagerie update is late because real life is sometimes better than fanfiction | purchase a sweatshirt for you and your moody gf here
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avatar-anna · 1 year
What a Night
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i know some of y'all wanted to see professor at the grammys, but i decided to save her for the brits! here's to seeing harry let loose once a year!
Professor Series
“Doctor Y/l/n, are you going to the Brits with Harry tomorrow?”
Now, a few months ago, that question would’ve startled you, flustered you even. But Harry “audited” your lectures enough that your students knew he was more than just a friend. You were teaching them how to observe the mundane and make educated guesses about their surroundings, after all. It was technically for law enforcement, but they put it to use after the first few times Harry snuck into the lecture hall and occupied a seat in the back corner. He never said anything during class, but he always stayed after, and he always walked or drove you home. It was hard not to put two and two together.
Your brow wrinkled with confusion. “That’s not this weekend. It’s on the eleventh.”
“That’s this weekend, Professor,” the same student who asked the initial question said. “Did you forget?”
There was a small chorus of giggles from the lecture hall because of course their professor would forget one of the biggest nights of the year for British artists. You didn’t mean to, but you were known for getting caught up in work. Losing track of time or not knowing what day it was was commonplace for you.
Class ended shortly after that, and you immediately checked your calendar. It was in fact the weekend of the eleventh, the Brits were this weekend, and you’d completely forgotten.
You raced back to the townhouse, dialing Harry’s number as you hopped on your bike.
“Hi, love—”
“H, I’m so sorry, I totally forgot about the Brits this weekend. Well, I didn’t forget because I can’t forget, but it slipped my mind, and I feel terrible because this is such a huge event for you and you would never—”
“Hey. Y/n. Take a breath,” Harry said. He waited for you to relax, listening for your deep breaths. “Calm now?”
You nodded. “Yeah. Sorry. I guess I’m just a little stressed because I have to book my train ticket to London—”
“It’s already booked,” he said, not sounding nearly as stressed as you felt.
“It is?”
You could almost hear his smile as he said, “I had a feeling it would slip your mind. You had your big lecture this week. How did it go?”
You wanted to talk about this weekend and the plans Harry made for you because he knew you so well, but you couldn’t help your huge grin when he asked about your seminar, which had been one big talk that was open to all Cambridge students and anyone else who could make it to the university and wanted to hear your lecture on criminal psychology.
“So good, H! They want me to do a series of lectures, maybe even broadcast it online so more people can watch.”
“That’s not at all surprising. I’m so proud of you, darling. I’ll definitely have to watch one, possibly all of them.”
As much as you wanted to gush about the seminar, you circled back to the topic at hand. “W—What about you? How are rehearsals going?”
Harry blew out a large breath. “I’m not gonna lie, I’m exhausted,” he said. “But I’m excited too. Not turn tables this time.”
“Aw, H,” you said, coming to a stop on your bike as you reached the townhouse. You were well aware of just how exhausted he was. Last week he fell asleep before your takeout order had arrived, and he was jumping right back into touring after this award show. “Are you free tonight? Assuming I’ll be on a train in the next couple of hours I can make dinner and we can watch a movie.”
“You hate movies,” he joked.
“Yeah but you don’t,” you said. “This weekend is about you. I want to do whatever makes you happy.”
“Oh, well if it’s all about me then,” Harry said, his voice playful. “Train departs later this afternoon. I’ll pick you up.”
“I can’t wait to see you,” you told him as you entered the townhouse. “The cats miss you almost as much as I do.”
“Well, we won’t be apart for long. Now,” Harry said. “Tell me more about the seminar. I know you’re dying to talk about it.”
Sometimes it was eerie how well Harry knew you, but you summed it up to him being a devoted partner.
“Well, the lecture hall was completely filled, and at first I thought it was mostly your fans, but everyone was there to learn! I had candy to give out for people who answered questions, and so many people stayed afterwards to talk. Oh! And you’ll never believe...”
“Babe, that was Stanley Tucci!”
“I know!”
“The Stanley Tucci!”
“I know!”
Harry giggled and hid his face in your neck. He was practically on top of you, but you didn’t mind. Harry always got like this when he had a few too many. He would drink, and then he became the most physically affectionate person in the room.
The night had been pure magic so far. Walking the red carpet with Harry had been nerve-wracking, even when he told you he wore this suit so you could hide behind it whenever you got nervous. But being next to him the whole time made it somewhat easy. That and you recited the plots of Shakespeare plays in your head to keep your mind off the flashing lights and people yelling at you to look this way and turn another.
Harry had kept to water until after his performance, which was when he really started to let loose. He’d wanted to keep a clear head to perform, but now that it was over and done with, he was pounding the tequila. You and Gemma would share amused looks every now and again, but mostly you were just happy to see him enjoying himself.
And winning.
“This is just unreal,” he mumbled, his breath fanning against your skin. He’d been deposited into the seat next to yours after accepting his fourth and final award of the night. You watched as Kid and Tyler had to help him offstage a little, so you weren’t surprised when he plopped down beside you unceremoniously, or when he proceeded to pull you close and mumble slightly incoherently against your neck.
“I—I truly never thought that I would—that I could ever—I just feel like the luckiest guy in the world right now.”
You scratched the back of his head affectionately, grinning a little as he hummed in response. “You deserve everything, love. All of it. You work so hard, and you make so many people happy.”
“Yeah?” Harry said, peeking his head up to look at you. “And what did I do to deserve you, hm?”
Blushing, you looked away. “Stop it.”
The night carried on, and Harry was pretty much the star of the show. He was on cloud nine after his clean sweep, and you couldn’t have been prouder of him. It was odd to think that an album that was heavily based on the things you went through with Harry would gain such critical acclaim. When you heard his album for the first time, it had been jarring and a little uncomfortable because they were your experiences too, not just Harry’s. But you also knew that as an artist, Harry best expressed himself through music, and you learned to feel honored to have a small part in his artistic process. And they were heartfelt songs, at the end of the day, each one expressing just how much you meant to him.
At one point in the evening, Harry grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you away from the table you’d been sitting at all night. You first thought he was going to introduce you to someone—a friend or collaborator, maybe even Stanley Tucci—but he bypassed all the tables filled with celebrities, heading out of the main space where the award show was being held. Harry didn’t stop until the sounds of the most recent performance were muffled and it was just the two of you in a forgotten hallway.
“H, what are we—mmph.”
His lips were on yours before you even had the chance to process. They were warm and eager and tasted faintly of tequila, but his hands were steady as one gripped your hip and the other held the side of your head, fingers inching into your hair. The kids startled you, but Harry’s eagerness had you responding in kind, even though anyone could’ve turned a corner and caught the two of you.
Harry didn’t seem to care about getting caught either. The hand on your hip trailed down, his fingertips grazing the skin revealed by the high slit on your dress. It was the smallest graze of skin against skin, but it sent a shiver down your spine, and Harry could sense it. He smiled, kissing your top lip before dragging the bottom between his teeth.
“You look heavenly tonight,” he said, his thumb drawing circles into the skin of your thigh. “Done my best to behave myself all night, but now I just need a little taste, that alright?”
Heat spread from your neck all the way up to your hairline. You could handle him calling you pretty or beautiful or any of the other conventional compliments shared between partners, but Harry always made it a point to go above and beyond that, almost like he was trying to make you blush.
You found yourself nodding at his request because in all honesty, he looked devastatingly handsome in all of his different outfits tonight, and this silk shit was no different. It took a surprising amount of restraint to not run your hand along his exposed chest multiple times tonight, and you were pretty sure Harry could sense that.
He pressed teasing, feather-light kisses on your jaw, then your neck, those fingers of his still tracing patterns on your leg, not once sneaking past the lace fabric of your dress, which he had been admiring you in all night. It wasn’t often that you got dressed up, not that Harry minded, but you were pretty sure he was shocked to see you in a floor-length dress made of form-fitting pink lace. It was a shock for you too, but a good one.
You figured hidden away like this, the moment would be rushed and frenzied, but Harry was surprisingly delicate. By the time he made it down to your collarbone, you had to put your fingers in his hair to urge him to apply just a little more pressure.
“Sorry,” he said, still kissing. “Don’t want to ruin such a lovely dress. And all good work takes time, professor. You know that.”
Harry fiddled with one of the straps of your dress, admiring the intricate lace detail before sliding it down your shoulder. Your eyes widened.
“Harry, are you insane? We can’t—”
“Relax, just gonna give you a little kiss. Like this, see?”
Just as lightly as before, Harry pecked your shoulder, shooting you a teasing grin afterwards. His smile sparked a mischievous confidence in you that only he seemed able to bring out. Running a hand through his hair, you gave him a quick kiss on the lips before pulling back so you were nose to nose with him.
“Do I get to have a little taste now too?”
Harry walked into the small room where journalists and photographers were waiting for him. His hair was tousled, messier than it had been at the start of the night. Those in the press room chalked it up to an eventful night that included an electric performance, but only because they didn’t see the small purple bruise that was barely covered by his partially buttoned dress shirt. He seemed less inebriated than he had been onstage, though there was a glint in his eyes still, from a successful night at the Brits, no doubt.
He answered questions and talked about how grateful he was. He talked about his album—the process of making it and the warmth it received upon it’s release. Then,
“To celebrate? Uh...” There was a small grin on his face as he paused to think about what he wanted to say versus what he would actually get up to.
Harry gave his last answer of the night, then thanked everyone before leaving the press room and heading straight to where he knew you were waiting for him.
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cod-dump · 1 year
At the soapghost wedding-
Rudy: Pull yourself together Ale
Alejandro, a sobbing, snotty mess because he’s an absolute SAP: I-I’m Try-Trying
What You Deserve
AleRudy, SoapGhost
(Disclaimer: I don't speak Spanish so I used an online translator. I am sorry if it doesn't come out legible or accidentally summons demons when read out loud)
Alejandro hadn’t expected Ghost and Soap to visit the Los Vaqueros base. The pair were glowing when Alejandro and Rudy greeted them. He could feel their joy and excitement.
“My friends! What has you smiling so broadly?”
Ghost, who had an arm on Soap’s shoulders, squeezes them and immediately Soap held up his hand. There, a simple silver band with a gold stripe rested on his ring finger. Alejandro gasped and Rudy grinned. They were getting married. They grabbed they men and smooshed them in a hug, Soap laughing loudly.
It took them a moment to release them, both jittery with excitement and joy, now matching the energy of their friends.
“We didn’t want to tell you over the phone.”
“I would’ve killed you if you did!”
They ushered the two off to grab drinks. They had already told Laswell, seeing that they were in the US first to tell her. Then they flew here to tell Alejandro and Rudy.
“You have to stay for dinner!”
Soap looks at Ghost and grins, “Told you they were going to ask.”
Ghost rolls his eyes fondly, “Laswell stuffed us with pie when we saw her.”
“Then we’re going to have to stuff you with birria tacos.”
Soap slaps Ghost chest to prevent him from saying anything, “Oh, we’re staying!”
They ended up going back to their house, Soap deciding to help Rudy in the kitchen while Alejandro and Ghost were banished to the living room. Ghost was bouncing his knee as Alejandro grabbed them beers.
“I can’t believe you’re finally getting married!”
“After carrying the damn ring in my pocket for a year, yea.”
Alejandro laughs, “A year?”
“The most gruesome year of my life.”
Ghost and Alejandro open their beers, Ghost taking a swig. Alejandro could tell he was wanting to say something. The bouncing knee and now him fidgeting with the beer bottle.
“Something on your mind?”
“Yea, I was wanting to ask you something…”
Alejandro tilts his head and Ghost breathes out before looking to him, “Would you be my best man?”
Alejandro, of course, was in mid drink of his beer when he processed the question. He immediately choked on the drink, almost spilling the rest of his beer while trying to blindly put it on the coffee table. Ghost panicked and pat his back to help clear his lungs. After a moment of coughing, Alejandro breathed in.
“You… want me to be your best man?”
“Me- Simon, I love you. I am honored that you have asked me but- what about John? Kyle? Kate?”
Ghost laughs, “John is more like my father and Kate is unofficially my mother if you haven’t noticed. Not exactly best man material. And Kyle is Johnny’s best man. You should’ve seen the river he cried when Johnny asked him.”
Alejandro stared before he grins. He grabs Ghost and pulls him into a hug. Ghost immediately hugs him back, laughing.
“Is that a yes?”
“You bet your ass it is!”
After a minute Soap yelled from the kitchen, “I’m assuming the coughing and yelling is because Ale is now your best man and not that you killed him!”
After dinner and much talking, Ghost and Soap left even though Alejandro and Rudy insisted they stayed the night. Alejandro was riddled with anticipation, unable to sleep that night. Soon Alejandro was helping get ready for the wedding. He of course made time with Rudy, planning their outfits and shopping for wedding gifts. It was truly one of the happiest they had felt. They had been to weddings before but this one was different. Two of their closest friends were getting married. Two of the bravest men they had the pleasure of knowing.
Two men, like them, never knew if they would ever be able to have this.
Alejandro and Rudy didn’t have an actual ceremony when they had gotten married. They took the quickest route to tie the knot because, at the time, they weren’t sure if they would ever get another chance. Though Rudy has told Alejandro time and time again that not having an actual ceremony didn’t bother him and he was happy, Alejandro felt as though he deprived his husband the wedding he deserved.
The wedding was taking place in Scotland, at a church that was near a cliff overlooking the ocean. This was where Soap’s parents had gotten married. And now it was where Soap would be marrying the love of his life. Alejandro was up one night talking to Ghost about it, he could hear the smile on his face even over the phone. Alejandro was outside, enjoying the cool breeze as they talked. He was watching Rudy through the window as Ghost expressed his excitement and joy.
“Every little detail matters. I’m going to make it the most wonderful and memorable day of Johnny’s life.”
Even though Rudy was smiling as he read his book, Alejandro felt himself frown.
“All of us are going to make sure you both have a wonderful and beautiful day, Simon. It’s what you both deserve.”
Alejandro had the pleasure of helping wrangle everything together along with the rest of the wedding party. Gaz was trying to act like he wasn’t holding back tears as they planned his best friends’ day. Alejandro had found Gaz sobbing behind some flower arrangements.
Gaz didn’t bother to look at him, “They’re killing me!”
Alejandro saw that Gaz was looking at his phone, seeing a paragraph of text from Soap.
“Johnny just sent me a rough draft of his vows. It’s so sickening! I might throw up with how sweet it is!”
Alejandro smiles and pats Gaz’s back, “Save the tears.”
“If I do that I might flood the church!”
Price wasn’t much better. He, Laswell, and Alejandro went with Ghost to look at tuxedos. When Ghost tried on the third tux, Alejandro could see Price struggling to keep it together. Laswell had to step away to give herself a moment before she came back. She was also taking a million pictures, Ghost groaning when she kept having him turn around.
“I don’t even know if I want this one.”
“I don’t care! I’m savoring every moment of this!”
Ghost didn’t pick a tux that day but no one was in a rush. That night, Gaz called and talked about Soap and how his father and mother were pestering him about growing his hair out for the wedding. Alejandro laughed, he couldn’t imagine Soap with a full head of hair.
“It’s getting closer…”
Rudy nodded, falling asleep on Alejandro’s chest. Alejandro thumbed his wedding ring, wondering what kind of wedding Rudy and him would’ve had. Something traditional? A small gathering of their closest friends and relatives? Rudy hasn’t been in contact with his parents and family for years. Would they come? If not, who would walk Rudy down the isle?
“Estás pensando demasiado alto, amor.” (You’re thinking too loud, love.)
“Lo siento, flor” (I’m sorry, blossom.)
Rudy mumbles, burying his face against Alejandro’s chest. Alejandro sighs, closing his eyes and attempting to drift off to sleep. For the next couple of months, up until the wedding, Alejandro continued to think. As everything built up, to the decorations, seating arrangements, guest list, food— All Alejandro could think about is what Rudy and him would’ve chosen. He tried to not let his busy mind get in the way of helping make his friends’ most amazing and impactful day of their lives become reality.
The dancing classes Alejandro attended with Gaz, Ghost, and Soap was fun. Soap insisted that Alejandro and Gaz were going to dance together at the wedding, and Alejandro laughed as Gaz stared at him in judgment.
“I don’t dance.”
“You will!”
Gaz groaned loudly before turning to Alejandro. Alejandro had to laugh at the face he was making as they followed the dance teacher’s instructions.
“At least you haven’t stepped on my feet yet.”
Immediately after those words left Alejandro’s mouth, Gaz purposely stepped on his foot.
“Oh, my bad.”
Alejandro went to say something when he noticed Ghost and Soap as they practiced. He saw how carefully they moved, Soap grinning like a madman. Ghost was looking at him like he was the only person in the whole world. Alejandro stumbled over his own feet and made Gaz lose balance, causing him to fall against Alejandro. They didn’t fall to the floor, thankfully, but they still were in a awkward position.
“You clumsy ass!”
The old lady who was instructing them gasped at Gaz’s words while Soap laughed. Alejandro helped Gaz stand while grinning. Once Gaz was standing on his own, he smacked Alejandro’s shoulder and backed away.
“I don’t know how Rudy deals with you!”
“I am very charismatic.”
Gaz glares at Alejandro while the instructor announces that it was break time. Soap and Ghost walked over with matching grins.
“Do we need to separate you two?”
Alejandro shrugs, “I don’t know what’s Kyle’s issue. I thought we were doing fine.”
It isn’t a secret on how some friends can’t work with each other due to how they distract one another. Gaz and Alejandro so happened to be that type of friends. Well, sometimes they were like that. But they knew that this wedding was important and they weren’t going to be the ones that disrupt it.
“I swear if it rains-“
“Tents exist, Simon.”
Soap and Ghost were set on everything happening outside. The actual ceremony would happen inside the church but everything else would be outside. Alejandro and Gaz had been running around to make everything was perfect. From looking at pole tents, DJs, what drinks and food to serve, getting all allergies down— It was a lot of work but they were happy to do it.
With the wedding right around the bend and finishing touches being made, Ghost became increasingly anxious. He was pacing as he and Alejandro went over last minute details to make sure everything was perfect.
"What if he changes his mind about marrying me?"
Alejandro rolls his eyes, "Mi hermano, in what world or timeline would Johnny not want you?"
Ghost sighs, "Just... he could do so much better than me."
"Simon, you are a damn good man. I can't imagine a single person who is better than you."
Ghost huffs but Alejandro could see a hint of a smile in his eyes. Alejandro helped Ghost arrange a gift to be sent to Soap the night before the wedding. A simple bottle of whisky and chocolates with a note. Ghost worried he should have something more extravagant delivered but Alejandro assured him Soap would love anything he sent him. From a bottle of wine from the corner store or a bottle of whisky straight from the distillery.
Alejandro had to help Ghost calm down enough to sleep. Though he, too, had a hard time settling down. Tomorrow was the big day.
"No sneaking out the window," Alejandro joked as Ghost sat on his hotel room's bed.
They decided Soap would stay at his parents' house while Ghost stayed in a hotel. Alejandro and Rudy were staying in the room right next door and Laswell was in her own room with her wife down the hall, Price in the room across from hers. If Ghost did try to run (which he wouldn't in a million years), someone was bound to catch him in the act.
Alejandro groans and falls into the bed next to Rudy. He feels his husband rub his back which made Alejandro groan again.
"Can't wait for the wedding to be over with?"
"I love Simon and Johnny but god I had no idea planning a wedding would be this exhausting."
Rudy hums and Alejandro felt his heart twist. He would've been just like Ghost if he was planning his wedding with Rudy. Every detail would matter. Location, guests, decorations, the food-- Everything. Alejandro sits up in the bed, kneeling in front of Rudy.
"Mi amor? Something wrong?"
Alejandro reaches over and takes Rudy's hand, thumbing over his wedding band.
"Remember when we were kids and you talked about your dream wedding?"
Rudy sighs, "Ale-"
"Rudy, please..."
"Yes, but that was years ago. What child doesn't dream about their wedding?"
Alejandro scoots closer, "I should've given you that wedding. Some way or how-"
"Alejandro, I don't need a wedding. I am married to you, not having a ceremony does not change that."
Rudy moves and crawls closer to Alejandro, cupping his face.
"I am happy, my love. I have you and that is what matters."
Even with Rudy kissing him to seal that fact, Alejandro still felt doubt. When they were children, while Alejandro was sword fighting the neighborhood kids with sticks, Rudy was creating stories. One story was his wedding. Back then, Rudy and Valeria would 'kidnap' Alejandro and have a dramatic mock wedding. If Alejandro knew those silly games would be the closest thing he had to having a ceremony with Rudy, he would've done things differently.
When morning came, Alejandro put on a face for the wedding. He felt anxious so he knew that Ghost was going to be far worse.
"Today's the day," Alejandro muttered as he went to make sure Ghost was ready to get this over with.
Rudy parted from the hotel after giving Alejandro an encouraging kiss. Hearing Laswell finally let out a sob when reality hit her brought Alejandro's attention back to Ghost. They dressed Ghost, made sure everything looked in order, then headed out for the church. Alejandro could feel the tension coming off of Ghost in waves, the man fidgeting with the cuffs of his suit.
"Everything is going to go perfectly, mi hermano."
Ghost breathed out, head resting against the back of the seat, "I hope so... I never thought this day would come for me..."
Alejandro pats Ghost's knee, "Course it would come. Just had to wait for Johnny."
Ghost cracks a contagious smile that Alejandro couldn't help but return.
Everything from that point on, thankfully, went without issues. The guests were behaved (Alejandro was concerned about Soap's family but he wouldn't dare say that out loud), everything was in place, the priest was ready to go-- Everything was perfect! Gaz had given Alejandro an earpiece so they could communicate and Alejandro couldn't help but laugh.
"This isn't a mission, Kyle."
"Uh, yes it is. A life mission."
Alejandro laughed as Gaz continued out, both of them making sure no issues even had a chance to take root. Finally, it was time. Everyone took their places, and soon the ceremony started. The priest took his place at the alter, then Ghost took his place with Alejandro following suit. Alejandro could see Rudy in the crowd, near tears. Alejandro could see Ghost fidgeting again as the rest of the wedding party took their places and, finally, Soap walked down the isle with his father.
Alejandro could see the awestruck look on Ghost's face, the love and adoration as Soap made his way down the isle, kilt and all. The look never went away, even with Soap standing in front of him. Alejandro found himself imagining him and Rudy in their position, in front of an alter, family and friends around them, laying witness to their union. He was unaware of how much time passed, of what was said. Alejandro was lost, imagining a beautiful ceremony, catered to Rudy and all that he ever dreamt of.
Then the priest started to give a speech about marriage and he snapped out of it. Ghost and Soap seemed almost lost staring at each other, the love so strong that Alejandro could get sick by it. Finally, it was time to exchange vows,
"Simon and John, have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage?"
"Will you honor each other as husbands for the rest of your lives?"
Alejandro could hear a shake in Ghost's voice as he spoke, holding Soap's hands in such a delicate manner. As if he was afraid this would all go away if he squeezed too hard.
"I, Simon, take you, John, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life."
Alejandro could see Price sobbing, tears streaming down his face. Laswell was rubbing his shoulder, tears also in her eyes.
"In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, take and wear this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness."
Ghost managed to slip the ring onto Soap's finger without dropping it. The man was barely containing his shaky hands. Alejandro swallows hard, thinking about the ring he had gotten Rudy. It wasn't anything special. Wasn't expensive or worth showing off. It was just a plain wedding band, something to show that Rudy was taken. Nothing more.
There was more preaching and prayer until, finally-
The kiss shared between Ghost and Soap was the most passionate one Alejandro had ever seen them share. Tears in their eyes, Soap cupping Ghost's face as they smooshed their faces together. Alejandro swears he could hear Price losing it but he didn't look to confirm it. After the priest's final blessing, the wedding party begun to leave. Soap's nieces who served as flower girls skipping down the isle, throwing their petals with glee.
Alejandro joined with Rudy as soon as he could, choked up by it all. He swept his husband into his arms, not giving the man a chance to say anything. He captured his husband's lips into a kiss before pulling away, holding his face.
"Let's get married."
"What? Ale-"
"I want a do over. A ceremony."
Rudy places a hand over Alejandro's that held his face, "Ale, I don't need a ceremony."
"But you deserve one. And I swear I will give you one."
Rudy chokes up, leaning in to kiss Alejandro. They part smiling, tears wetting their cheeks. They made their way back to the rest of the party, Ghost and Soap pressed against each other, staring at each other like there was no one else there. Alejandro kept a firm hand on Rudy's, smiling.
He'll make sure his husband gets this. It's what he deserves.
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