#you cant tell me they dont look like candy
"grrr i cant believe Suzanne Collins is writing a book on Haymitch instead of on Finnick!"
I CAN! I ABSOLUTELY CAN!!!! You wanna know why? Because Haymitch has more to tell. Like she said the book will be focusing on how propaganda plays such a big part in media. Remember how literally all of Haymitch's family were killed? How tf is the capitol gonna cover that up? It'll be interesting to see how the narrative gets flipped, because by HGs Haymitch is already the laughing stock of the captiol ('oh look at this silly drunk man! isnt he hilariously stupid!') like it will be SO interesting to see how he goes from this strong, confident kid- winner of the quarter quell, 2nd winner ever in district 11 (WITH NO MENTOR!!)- to the broken shell of a man we get in HGs
I saw someone get so mad that Finnick and Annie didn't get a happy ending. They went on and on about how Katniss was an unreliable narrator, and how Finnick was probably still alive, and Suzanne had killed him off for no good reason and should just bring him back. like NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! Katniss is 100% an unreliable narrator, we're shown this so many times throughout the series- but dont use that to try and change the story. Yes, Finnick couldve been happy. Yes, it was unfair that he died. But guess what! thats the point! there are so many unnecessary casualties during war, so many deaths that couldve been avoided, that feel unfair. too many "gone too soon" to fucking count. If you can't see the point suzanne was making thats on you my guy!!
Its so clear these people dont actually care about THG as a series, and just want Finnick back bcs they fancy him. Like do not get me wrong he was a great character and I loved him, but being fr a book on him would just be a little dull. He was a career, his victory was expected. Do not get me wrong i would absolutely love a deep dive into his life AFTER the games. It would be brilliant to see the psychological effects on him. But thats not what these people want, they want another bloodbath, more eye-candy. (they are becoming the people of the captiol)
A person I saw was actually saying that Suzanne was WRONG about finnick being dead?? that he was actually alive and she was delusional?? like mate, fan fiction exists for a reason. dont tell the author of a world-famous best selling series how to write her world-famous best selling series!! she knows what shes doing, and always has, so hush!
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time-woods · 1 year
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god bbgrl i want you so soo bad..,
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this-doesnt-endd · 3 months
Europeans who complain abt american candy in an american candy store fuck off
#what am i gonna do abt it im just some girl#this dude comes in looking for truffles and goes right to the box so i assume he knows what he wants but i still explain it to him#and show him a picture of what exactly it will look like and tell him its an assortment of all the truffles we make#hes looking at the best by date thats in like 365 format abd hes like this is confusing why do you do this#and im like oh sorry it makes it easier for us inventory wise and hes like well its harder for me#and im explaining that its best by like peak of freshness that itll still be okay after thata#and he like goes off abd looks at stuff abd im helping someone else out and he goes back to the truffles and is fucking up the display#just took it apart to look at the dates abd i told him theyre all the same theyll be fine through april#and im helping some other lady and he walks to the register and stands there im clearly the only worker here#and i cant tell them like hey line starts here i have to ring up the person im helping at a diff register and say ill be with u soon#then offer a sample as apology that they cant read or stand in lines#and im checking him out and he gets confused when i ask if he would like a sample of candy and hes like i just want truffles#and im like okay yeah i have a sample of one of those its hazelnut is that okay? and hes like no!! just chocolate chocolate i want a truffle#and im like yeah it one and he has like a relaization that he didnt exclsuovely get chocolate truffles#and im like yeah its coffee and chocolate and fruit filling LIKE I SHOWED HIM WHEN I SHOWED HIM THE PICTURE#and i hadnt finished the transaction yet so i was like i can exhnage it and hes like sighing being like no no its FINE i guess#like SORRY MAN BABY im trying to help you#and hes like in eurpoe u get so spoiled u get to eat it right as its made its so nice and not full of preservative#fyi our candy doesnt have preservatives either#and hes like i guess ill have to go w american candy that lasts for years upon years and im like well ours dont do that so#also he walkes directly to the truffle box and said these are truffles right so he had to have lookes this up in some capacity#we've been voted like best in the country its good chocolate#sorry u cant eat it off line
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 2 months
What They Text You: Applies to any...cause they're all a bunch of dorky teens and i dont care what anyone says.
• look at my new plant
• would you like to have tea tomorrow?
• you look so pretty 😍 leo you cant see me and? i bet you do
• am i really an old man???? 😭😭😭
• be honest, do you think raph can beat me in an arm wrestle? if you dont answer in 5 minutes, i will assume it's yes and i will prove you wrong.
• good morning honey. have a wonderful day today! ❤️
• are you still mad at me...? LEO YOU SET MY MICROWAVE ON FIRE. so is that a yes?
• have you eaten yet? you need to eat...and drink something other than (your favorite drink)
• i got benched because i can't stop throwing up. i'm fine! leo...you threw up blood literally 10 minutes ago. it was only a little 🙄
• i'm in desperate need of a kiss right now.
• check out my new katanas
• remember that i love you 🥰🥰❤️
• for the last time, i wont download tik tok. you know how bad i hyperfixate 😠
• stop playing candy crush and pay attention to me
• keep it up and you won't get the knots worked out of your shoulders.
• mikey just called me a boomer...i feel like i should be offended. you are a boomer. I DONT KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS.
• y/n, i love you, but for the love of god, PLEASE PICK UP YOUR SOCKS.
• *drunk* im in a relationship why do i have your name as my love cause my girl/boyfriend/partner will definitely not like that and i dont know who you are but they will kick your ass and i dont even feel sorry cause you arent love leo...you're drunk. NO IM TAKEN
• call me cause i would like to hear about your day and i miss you
• i love you my love ❤️
• come watch me bench im bored
• can you please come get mikey before i hit him?
• wear that giant sweatshirt to our date. ya look adorable in it
• why did you ask donnie to help you with your homework?? um...cause it's about neurons and receptors in the brain. i could've helped with google! 😒
• hey babe. how was your day? ❤️
• have i ever told you how beautiful you are? what did you do. nothing...? i just think you're beautiful. raphael. fine..i broke casey's nose. AGAIN!?!
• i'm so tired...wanna come nap with me?
• facetime me so i can show you this cool trick spike can do
• remember how i said i was going to be more level headed? well donnie's new robot almost broke my arm and it's no more. you lasted 1 day more than the last time.
• *you sent a selfie* yeahhhh that's my baby 😍😍
• eat or im fighting you.
• jokes on you ive always been completely unhinged and it's bold of you to think i cant be worse.
• im sick. can you bring me some soup? 😣
• i miss you like a lot and i hate when you're gone
• i love you a whole lot 😘
• im just gonna start carrying you everywhere if you dont stop tripping over NOTHING. im just gonna trip harder. Y/N NO.
• mikey said we're his parents just an fyi. he's always been my son
• i made waffles. you better come eat some
• damn babe you're fine 🤤
• no i wont do your homework for you
• tell shelldon to stop talking back to me before i ground him for eternity
• im in a house of IDIOTS. technically it's a lair. not now y/n.
• you look like a pile of swans in that sweater 🥰
• i can't sleep. wanna play online scrabble?
• sweetie you need to eat more than a bag of gummy worms and a bag of doritos
• you need to come sit with me while i work because i need an extra set of eyes. you just miss me 😏 don't start.
• don't call a plumber! i know how to fix the sink. i got this 😎 donnie the pipe exploded the last time you "had" this.
• *you sent a selfie* you look nice
• im gonna blow up. a person, a thing, a place, all of the above? yes.
• you need to drink straight broth, it'll help soothe your stomach ache
• im dying. you have a cold.
• i love you but please stop trying to assemble ikea furniture on your own.
• good luck on your exams/work project! 😘
• leo just called me an asparagus. i didn't know how to respond so his phone will self destuct in 5 minutes. DONNIE.
• you're so pretty 🥺
• i made you something and you have to come get it right now. im literally about to have my wisdom teeth out. reschedule it
• listen to the playlist i made you or else im disabling your pirated tv show service
• thanks for listening to me 💜
• babe come snuggle with me
• i made you brownies so come eat them with me while we watch crognard
• i haven't seen you in so long 😭 you saw me this morning. BUT THAT WAS HOURS AGO
• angelcakessssss i love you
• look at this cat video i found
• are you awake? mikey it's 3 am. good, so would you still love me if i was a worm? go to sleep.
• i bet you look like a cuddly bear today 🥰
• im so hungry. can you bring me ice cream?
• raph wont stop being mean to me. can you beat him up? cause a (your height) tall human can beat a 6ft turtle's ass 😑 i believe in you.
• im coming over with my new call of duty game and we're having a game a thon!
• i found a cat. mikey no. his name is gerald. MIKEY WE ALREADY HAVE 10 OF THEM. HALF ARE NAMED GERALD.
• i made you a mixtape i cant wait for you to hear it
• how mad would you be if i crashed the shell razor in a derby and broke my arm? very. then i did not do that.
• im sick. come help me feel better 😭
• call me cause april just told me something about casey that's wild
• i found this cool rock that i think you'll like
• it's so cool i can date you. you're for real the coolest. you broke my coffee table again didn't you? no...maybe.
• im bringing you lunch cause my baby needs to eat!
• this song reminds me of you 💕
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ok gift giving is a big part of atsushi’s love language 
this wasn’t meant to be long but-
whether its becuz the tiger’s cat-desire to hunt for the agency translated to something more human (along with cooking but my cooking atsushi headcanons will pop out sometime else) or just becuz atsushi has never been gifted anything pre-agency and to him its something very precious who knows
it’s not that he spends ages pouring over what to give the agency members (well not always) its more like if he goes to the store and sees a type of candy ranpo likes he’ll buy it for him
when atsushi’s new at wanting to give his loved ones gifts, he does over think it tho cmon its atsushi
like he’ll see a nice pen, buy it for kunikida, but then he’ll feel like its such a dumb little thing and he should’ve put more effort into a gift because of that he ends up hoarding a lot of trinkets becuz he’ll see them and buy them as presents but be too shy to give them up
(and he’ll also spend ages pouring over what the perfect present for everyone would be but always finding some fault in his ideas)
it’s not until dazai’s breaking into atsushi’s apartment to teach him the joys of stealing other people’s credit cards that he notices a neat stack of containers with atsushi’s friends and stuff’s name on it and asks atsushi about it that something ever happens
dazai: don’t tell me atsushi, you were planning on chopping us all up and storing us into these containers ? u’d need bigger ones for that by the way
atsushi, horrified: WHAT?? of course not!!! these are-
atsushi, flustered: these are just things that i dont know i bought becuz i thought you’d like them. but theyre silly so i didn’t give-
dazai, already opening his own box: ATSUSHI!
atsushi, trying to pull him away: what
dazai, pulling out a tiny void eyed black cat keychain: did you buy this for me? how did you know i wanted it?
atsushi: you wanted it?
dazai, lying but atsushi doesn’t need to know that: yeah i wanted something like this. how cruel atsushi, buying it and storing it away~ not giving it to me :(
atsushi, pleased and happy: do you um want to look at the other stuff ?
so essentially dazai in his own strange way of not actually addressing the problem convinces atsushi to give his silly little gifts to the agency members
(and tho he did not want anything like the keychain before, he’s quite pleased by it and all the other things that atsushi got for him)
so atsushi in a moment of joy and happiness places all the containers in front of each members door with his name signed and bolts (kyouka’s is placed near her stuff right before he leaves since he wakes up before her) (things for non-agency members like lucy are left in places where they work/hang out a lot) (fukuzawa’s in front of his office doors)
the morning at work, atsushi’s shaking with nervousness 
the first one to arrive after him is kunikida (who’s usually the first to arrive)
kunikida greets atsushi politely - theres something about him that seems different, a little red on his cheeks but atsushi cant tell what; he’s too busy being relieved that kunikida isn’t upset about his gifts
when kunikida opens his book, the pen he pulls out is the one atsushi gifted him and atsushi is immediately filled with warmth and contentment (when he moves his head, atsushi notices that his hair is tied with the ribbon atsushi gave him)
kunikida doesn’t say anything but his gratitude and his appreciation for atsushi’s gifts is clear (also he may or may not ruffle atsushi’s hair more than usual that day)
after kunikida and dazai’s appreciation, atsushi is more excited about everyone’s reactions
junichiro is flustered and pleased and thanks him profusely, grinning the entire day - naomi tells him about each gift and why she likes it 
kenji tries to gift him a cow which is banned from the office by kunikida - who points out that atsushi wouldn’t know what to do with it, so kenji comes back with chickens, and then after the same thing happens, gives atsushi stuff from his garden
haruno and the other staff all thank atsushi with hugs or shoulder pats
ranpo doesn’t look at atsushi as he approaches him but he’s wearing the pins atsushi bought him and the fact that he’s holding out a candy for atsushi to take is telling enough
yosano thanks him fiddling with the bracelet atsushi bought
kyouka apologizes for not giving him anything and atsushi has to explain to her that he’s just getting gifts becuz he wants to not becuz he wants them to give hm something back 
fukuzawa does the old person affection thing by placing his hand on atsushi head ya know the thing
lucy is blushing when he goes down to the cafe and calls him dumb and then gives him extra cake so-
the only person who atsushi’s bought gifts for but hasn’t given them to is akutagawa
their relationship isn’t as hostile as before but atsushi doesn’t know what to do with it but he thinks theres a tiny chance that akutagawa might like them so he makes up his mind and ships them to him (he does not include a return address or his name)
akutagawa, climbing through atsushi’s window a few days later: it was you wasn’t it?
atsushi: stop climbing through my window asshole????
akutagawa, coughing and showing atsushi the black bracelet atsushi got him: answer me
atsushi, remembering the gifts, flushing: wh-what ? noooo-  I uh. I mean i don’t know what you’re talking about
akutagawa: it has to be you. no one else would give me something as strange as a plastic skeleton
atsushi, weakly: it fit ur aesthetic ?
akutagawa, ‘glaring’ at him: 
atsushi: ...sorry?
akutagawa, looking away, coughing, ears red: whatever. i don’t like being in debt. tell me what you want, i’ll buy it for u
atsushi: oh no no no. you don’t have to do that! honest. it was just a few silly things that reminded me of... you... r u okay ur face’s red
akutagawa, grabbing atsushi and pulling him towards the window: shut up im buying u dinner
atsushi, very confused: ok?
anyway yeah
might add a part 2 becuz i wasn’t gonna post the start of atsushi giving gifts but just him giving ppl gifts but i cant help myself
also howd akutagawa get here
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d10nsaint · 5 months
LOVE SONG | Lawyer! Nanami K. x fem! reader
syn: Nanami Kento was your work partner. Nothing more, nothing les-said no one. ever. Request is here.
notes; HAD TO CRACK MY LAPTOP OPEN FOR THIS ONE !!! this is prob the most plot i’ve ever put into my writing… i’ll proofread tyis later (no i wont) can someone tell me the wc🙏
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Nanami let out a deep sigh as he loosened his tie. It was way past the normal time he left, the sky dark and all the lights from the city settled outside his window. He would’ve left hours ago if he didn’t have to revise all of his notes for a very important case tomorrow. He’d been working on it for weeks, and losing this case would be a major fuck up. As he rubbed his temples, he heard a faint knock at the door.
“ I’m back,” You said, slowly opening the door with your back, your hands full with a tray of two takeout coffee cups and a bag of snacks. “I got coffee from the place a few blocks down, got some snacks too… just in case…” You said, muttering the last part, looking at Nanami. The man was a work of art, defined jawline, gorgeous veins and harsh muscle made him, turning him into pure eye candy.
“Thank you,” The man says as he stands up, stretching a bit before walking over to the little coffee table that you set the food on. “How much was it?” He says, his jaw slack a little, looking at how much you got. “I’ll pay you back tomorrow-” “-after we win this case,” You finish for Him, smiling while taking a cup of coffee from the plastic holder and taking a stride to your desk.
Nanami watched you, completely infatuated with your confidence. You were sure of yourself—not like Gojo—you’re the kind of sure that made 100% of his heart know that you two were going to win. He smiled at you, watching you furrow your brows as you quickly went back to work. He grabbed his coffee, and walked to your desk.
“May I see what notes you have?” He says, as a strong arm with a rolled up sleeve pulls a chair next to you.
He was going to be the death of you.
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You were practically bouncing off the walls, Nanami almost struggling to keep up with you.
“I told you, didnt I? that we’d win?” You exclaim, cheekily stepping out of the courtroom. The other attorney—Hiromi Higuruma— walked out afterwards, with a long face and a deep sigh. He walked over to you, shook your hand, and then walked away, running his hands over his face. He looked like he was fucked, Nanami thought as he walked towards you after you shook Higuruma’s hand.
“I kinda feel bad…” You say, frowning. “His eyebags are at his chin. i’ve never seen someone with such sunken eyes before, either..” You cross your arms over your suit jacket, tapping your foot.
“Would you rather that have been us?” He looked down at you, both of his hands in his pockets. He was wearing a suit—like always, but he usually doesn’t wear the jacket, and now that he is, you kind of wish he did. Made him look sexier.
“No…i’m just saying,” You sigh, as you shrug. You sneakily smirked at him as you remembered one thing from last night.
“You still taking me out to pay me back?”
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“I cant beleive of all places I couldve taken you, you asked to go to a club.” Nanami says, as he scoots a stool out for you, letting you sit. Ever the gentleman.
After making sure you were seated, he pulled out a chair for himself and sat down. “I mean, where else were you going to take me?” You retort, before you ask the bartender to give you the strongest fruity drink they have.
“I dont know… Maybe a nicer place.” He looks around at his surroundings, making sure that everything seemed okay to relax. After he calls over the bartender and orders an old-fashioned whiskey, he takes the jacket off, and It totally suits him.
“Like, a nicer place that serves steak or..?” You take a sip of the drink, and feel a wave of colors wash over your vision, and the taste of pineapples lingers on your tongue.
“A nicer place with a stricter dresscode,” He grumbles, as he catches a glimpse of a woman who’s top looks like a bra and a thong so high that he can feel the wedgie. You turn around to see where he was looking at with such disgust and start giggling. You order another one of those drinks, fully intending to get your money’s worth from Nanami. You take another long sip, as He finishes his whiskey, ordering another.
“Well, maybe next time, we can go somewhere fancier,” You say, shrugging happily as you order a third drink. Everything starts to look pretty and all the colors feel so nice around you. You down that one in a single sip and your body starts to rock back and forth.
Almost instinctively, Nanami gets up and holds your body upwards, afraid of you falling. He keeps a hand on your back and a hand on your stomach as he holds you. He looks at you with worry littered all over his face, and you take a glance upward at him.
“…you look so pretty like this, Nanami.” You say, a cheesy smile on your face. His eyes widened and his cheeks reddened, but he ignored the statement.
“Are you alright? I think you should stop drinking. Come, let me take you home,” He mumbled, as he used his hand to call over the bartender to pay for the drinks. His voice had a certain emotion to it—it was almost romantic, the way he cared for you. He turned his back for a second to get his coat, and slung it over his arms.
He held your hand as he guided you out of the club, calling a taxi over. Even when you two were waiting, he rubbed his hand on your back. As a taxi pulled up, he opened the door and let you get in first, then slid in.
He tells the driver your address, and then his. While you wonder why he knows it, you really don’t mind. You snuggle into his chest, smelling his woodsy cologne, and he doesn’t stop you.
“You must be so tired…” He says, as he strokes your hair. He adjusted his body a little so you could comfortably rest on him, although he was uncomfortable himself.
“You’re so comfortable…I always wonder why a man like you is single.” You mutter, letting your head comfortably rest on him as you fall asleep.
He sighs, and looks down at you.
“I wonder, too.”
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yuri-is-online · 8 days
List of characters that i think smoke a lil weed:
Riddle. He needs to chill the fuck out. I don't think he'd be able to handle smoking though, physically or mentally, so like. Trey should maybe slip him a strawberry tart with some ganja in it
Cater. Let him find the will the live and spiritually high five Morgan freeman or smth idk
Ace and Deuce. Another day, another heart attack cause Yuu got into a situation again
Trey. Partially because we both know damn well how stressed he is on a daily, but mostly because I just want the strict "Rule Following Dorm" to just be chalk full of stoners. Never let them know your next move! 🤙
Ruggie. He deserves it. Weirdly enough, he actually preforms better at his jobs when he's high as balls (this is based on one of my brother's. He can't drive for shit but he can smoke a blunt and then suddenly he turns into a chauffeur???)
Jade. I don't think he would need it or even really feel a desire to do it; he just wanted to know what it felt like the first time he did it, but then Yuu shotgunned him once and now he's much more willing to smoke. Probably makes the best food ever when he's high
Jamil. Look me in my eye and tell me he doesn't need Marijuana like a white mom needs a live laugh love sign. You cant. He can't do it too much though cause whenever he gets high he ends up just. Melting into his floor and stares at the ceiling for the next few hours and he can't do shit.
Kalim. He wants to be included. Also I think he would be a crier cause Lord knows he needs a good sob
Epel. He'll do just about anything if he thinks it'll make him cooler, and in his mind, weed is pretty cool. It is significantly less cool when he starts coughing like he's trying to puke out his organs though.
Vil. I don't really know why, he just would. He wouldn't smoke it though. Probably just eat an edible, and not the normal ones like a brownie or a cookie or some type of sweet, nah. He's going for the peanut butter. "Vil why is your peanut butter green?" "It's made with pistachios" "Ok but why are your eyes so red" "it's windy out here". He's so good at lying through his teeth when it comes to this but come on! He needs a break! Let him do this or he's gonna bite neiges head off!
I dont think Rook would. I don't why for this either, it's just the vibes. Rook is staying sober.
Idia tried it once to see what the hype was about and started choking. He's one if those people who isn't affected by Marijuana so he didn't really do it again. Until those cotton candy vapes came out and then he tried it again.
Lilia. I don't think I have to explain this.
Yuu. They were the one that got everyone else smoking. The probably grow it in their garden and tell people it's mint (also inspired by my brother). They're stressed constantly and making out with their boyfriend doesn't always take that stress away, so why not make out with their boyfriend, but high.
Honorable mention: Sam! He's just cool like that.
Honorable mention: Chen'ya! Cause I feel like he would.
I know nothing about smoking weed because the smell makes me kind of sick so I will take your word for it that this list is accurate. I do know a decent bit about drinking vodka straight from the bottle so allow me to give you my list of people who I think would do that:
Crewel- i think he's a cocktail guy but sometimes he just doesn't have the patience. He also has a big bottle of absinthe for emergencies. It's been getting a work out with all the overblots this year.
Lilia- used to back when he was traveling the world, nowadays he prefers not to so he can set a good example for Silver. Probably sticks to weed since it's more natural
Floyd- I feel like he makes those toxic jungle juice mixes that you can't tell the alcohol content of for "funzies" but then refuses to drink it himself and just drinks it from the bottle.
Epel- again he thinks it makes him look cool. He hates vodka because as a proud citizen of Harveston he strikes me as more of a cider guy but he still assumes he looked cool.
Sebek- he did it on a dare and he hated every second of it.
Ruggie- he does the thing where he gets cheap vodka and puts it through a brita filter to make it better.
Leona- he is too lazy to get himself something better. Do you think he smokes weed or sticks to catnip? And if you asked him that how loud do you think he would laugh before trying to beat your ass?
Yuu- at all times they look like this to me:
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ed-mnsn · 2 years
can i pls request hcs for dating robin and being hopper’s daughter/a part of the byers-hopper family
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dating robin headcanons
LOVEEEEE this ask
pairing: robin buckley x byers-hopper afab reader
content: fluff! smut towards the end (labeled) 18+
summary: what its like dating robin <3
joyce and hopper have always been supportive of you
they first notice you hanging around with robin and her friends more often and theyre like oh that robins very sweet what a beautiful young woman
they first notice you hanging around with robin and her friends more often and theyre like oh that robins very sweet what a beautiful young woman
joyce telling you to invite her over for movie night
hopper asking when you’re gonna hangout with her next
they’re such pot-stirrers
but you brushed it off always bc theres no way she’d ever like you like that
but she DID !!!!
robin always gushing to steve about you like she never stops talking about you
steve kinda set you guys up bc he couldnt stand your pining eyes and robins rambling any longer
you guys have a very soft and sweet relationship
you find comfort in each other and have lots of similarities
you guys can always ramble to each other about the most random things and it always makes sense
her stealing movies from family video picking ones you’d especially like
you visit her all the time at the store
she steals your clothes
robin draws on your converse
writes her name on them <3
robin has one of those nameplate necklaces with your name on it or maybe just your first initial
she wont admit it but she loves flowers and she blushes profusely whenever you get her a little bouquet
i think even though she met joyce and hopper before you guys started dating she’d be so nervous to see them for the first time since you started dating
little does she know they were trying to spurr your relationship
“god they’re gonna hate me”
“babe, can i remind you that you’ve already met them? like 50 times?”
“this is different”
you just hold her hand because above anything that would help
she puts on some frilly blouse she pulled out of her moms closet and you make her change because “no you dont have to impress my parents, they already love you. and i think they’d hate that top as much as you do”
needless to say joyce and hopper love her just the same as before she was dating their daughter
robin is quite charming despite the word-vomit
her quirky little one-liners make hopper laugh
joyce can tell how much she loves you
will, jonathan, and el love having her around more too, of course
she says ‘i love you’ first
immediately surges into a long winded declaration of how she thinks the world of you and how much brighter you’ve made her life and shes going on and on despite how nervous she is
and you just cut her off with a kiss
and you say it back
tears in your eyes a little because you seriously feel in your heart how much she loves you
and she teases you for it
so you tease her back for the proclamation of love she just got into
robin isnt big on physical touch besides when it comes to you
with you there are no boundaries
50 seats in the room and she’s practically in your lap
sweet kisses
nose kisses
forehead kisses
she likes playing with your hair
and she asks you to paint her nails because she sucks at it
you guys go on picnic dates and ride your bikes around town and hold hands when no ones looking
robin needs your presence
sleepovers !!!!!
popcorn and candy and fuzzy socks and reading magazines and card games
shes your favorite band nerd
you go to every game to watch her play her instrument
you urge her to practice in front of you and you just love watching her focus
i like to think maybe hopper teaches her how to drive
even if she cant afford a car he insists that she knows how
you sit in the backseat while hopper instructs her and it just makes you want to cry because you’re so thankful for your family and so happy that they love her as much as you do and treat her like their own
you guys hangout in your room and she loves to look through all your knick knacks and add her own notes and drawings to the posters on your walls
joyce gets hopper to recind the 3 inches rule for you guys
“they’re 18! do you remember what we were doing at 18!?”
and hopper cant argue with her even if he tried
warning: smut ahead! 18+
another warning hey
ok lets get into it
robin is very gentle and loving with you
i think you’re both pretty inexperienced so you kinda figure everything out together
robin is a pleaser.
god she just loves touching you and hearing you and making you squirm
robin takes control a little
i wouldnt go as far as saying dom vibes or anything unless you’d like that moreso that she kinda leads you
teases you a lot
takes her time
kisses your entire body before even going near your pussy
and she loves how wet you get for her
always calling you cute pet names and saying you always do so good for her
constantly just whispering dirty words in your ear
she knows how to use her fingers.
likes when you pull her hair
she can get very vocal so you put your fingers in her mouth to keep her quiet <3
she gives you boob hickies
fingers you while you sit in her lap
she likes riding your thigh
face sitting !!!!!!!
69 !!!!!!!!
she will cum from you saying her name thats a promise
you guys make love
she scrunches her nose up when you call it that
but she takes care of you
puts her heart and soul into how she fucks you for sure
i think she has ideas and will come you like !!!! i saw this in a cosmo magazine and we should try !!!!
aftercare aftercare aftercare
cleans you up ties your hair back
gets nice and wrapped up and under the blankets with you
lots of cuddles
shes the little spoon
shes the perfect girlfriend and she loves you dearly
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jackmanbj · 9 months
sweet girls
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jack wasn’t home yet, he was on his way back from his studio and you’re cavings were up high. you wanted pickles and hot fries, but all you could think about was sweets, so you called jack
“hello? baby everything ok?” “huh oh yea j, but can you stop at the store and get me some candy?” “baby..you know the doctor told you to cut back on the sweets, i dont think i should..” “jackk is the doctor holding the baby or am i ?” “okay damn, what do you even want from the store” “pop rocks, gum, gummies, nerds, lollipops, laffy ta-” “okay forget it you’re not getting all that, pick 2 things” “jjj its for the baby” “mhm 2 things” “ugh fine gummies and laffy taffys.” “mk ill be there soon”
without another word you hung up, you knew he was looking out for you and the baby but you were still mad because you knew what was best for your body being as though you were the pregnant one, but jack didnt care. and even though you had your own car and money, jack hasn’t let you drive since even before you get pregnant and hes been extremely strict on the rule since you got pregnant.
even though jack hated you driving and he had your location, you still thought about sneaking out once he was back and asleep or in the shower, you were getting lost in your thought thinking about how to sneak out until you heard the front door open snapping you out of it.
“y/n? baby im home” you ran to jack kissing him and taking out your candy running back to your favorite spot, the sofa “damn i cant even get a hello?” you sided eyed him “no” you said eating your candy “whatever baby, im going take a shower” and you ignored him
you thought about sneaking out while he was in the shower but just thought about waiting till he was asleep so you could know he wasnt goin to see you eating the snacks
after about 35 minutes jack finally came out the shower his hair still damp as he walked over to you “hey baby” he said rubbing your bump you looked at him and walked away
he stood there confused until realizing it was probably about the candy “baby girl..you know i love you but you cannot have all those sweets, so stop acting like that.” he walked up to you trying to take your face into his hands but you just looked and walked away
jack just sighed and looked at you picking you up “come on, bedtime.” as much as you wanted to kick and scream for him to put you down, you didnt want to give him any kind of reaction
jack sat you down in the bed and went to the bathroom to run you water for a bath you got on your phone and laid down already knowing he was going to come back and get you, which he did.
“come on baby, i know you’re pissed but im still gon take care of you” jack lifted you up and brought you to the bathtub that had bubbles, candles, and your ipad with a movie on
“mm thank you”
“you’re welcome sweet girl, you done ignoring me?” you looked at him and looked back at your movie, he chuckled and left the room to go put new sheets on the bed coming back to check on you after a few minutes and helped you out the tub
once you were back in the bedroom in new sheets he put some lotion on you and his hoodie and gave you some boxers
you laid down and faked sleep till you realized he was asleep, you carefully got out of bed and snuck a pillow right were you were so he wouldn’t wake up form him not having you there
you left out the house in your pink G Waggon that hasn’t been used in about 7 months other then you just sitting in it, you left the house and quickly ran to the store getting all the snacks you originally wanted and more
when you got home you went to check ok jack who was wide awake on his phone you quickly closed the door hoping he didnt see you
you had two full bags of candy, jack walked out the room and took the candy bad out of your hand “what did i tell you ?” “jackk please im sorry i just want my candy !” “uhm no, you’ll get two pieces of candy everyday till its all gone, because not only did you go out and get the candy you aren’t supposed to be eating, you also drove alone and at night” “ugh i fucking hate you” “mhm go get in the bed” jack waited for you to close the door when he heard a loud slam, he was trying ti be patient but the slam was his final straw, he hid the bags of candy and walked up to the room
“y/n. why the fuck are you slamming my damn doors?” you looked at him and rolled your eyes. he sighed pulling your phone out of your hand and asking “why. the fuck. are you slamming my doors. when you don’t pay a single bill?”
jack never got this mad unless he was really upset and ready to go off so you decided to finally give and apologize
“mm i’m sorry baby, i just really wanted that candy i didn’t know you were going to wake up and i’m sorry about the door i was just upset cause you took my candy.. i love you baby boy”
“mm i love you to” jack gave you back your phone and you quickly put it on the charger and cuddle into jack “goodnight ma..” “goodnight j”
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ccaramel-llow · 5 months
Hey if you are still taking requests could you maybe do Noah, Cody and Ezekiel with a mute reader?
Pairings; Noah/Reader, Cody/Reader, Ezekiel/Reader (All seperate)
Warnings; Cursing, Cody being weird, Ezekiel himself, Teasing.
, This guy would be the sarcastic and moody friend, Saying rude remarks about people in front of their faces when someone talks rudely of you.
, Will glare at the person who talks horribly of you and WILL smack talk the hell about people infront of their faces not giving a damn if their hurt or not.
, Noah would definitely be surprised if you did speak though, And would definitely say a rude remark without realizing it.
"You sound like a dying man gasping for air."
, Will probably gossip about people while your there just listening.
, He probably said a lot of rude things to you when he first met you, But when he warmed up the rude remarks just stopped and happened slowly when he got confirmation you
, Cody would be supportive and really chill about it, Telling you how hot Gwen is from time to time because everybody would just tell him to shut the hell up, He appreciates how you dont though. He does shut up though if you give him a angry glare.
, He will rant about his hyper fixations while your eating your food.
, Cody will definitely fix whatever electronic you or someone broke. He'd gladly do it!! Your the only person who listens to him anyways.
"You dont have to say a word my friend!! I'll fix it for you!! Just give me about like, a day or two?"
, Cody names you "Silent" While you put his nickname as "Chatty" in your contacts.
, Cody will punch someone if someone makes fun of you.
, This guy would be your friend when he was rabid and you tried to look for him out of worry.
, Like Tarzan idk?? He'd probably be hesitant to trust you at first because of the horrible shit Chris has done to him because he was unlikable.
, He warms up to you soon and follows you around like a damn dog. Would probably kidnap you and Chris wouldnt care as long as you were the favorite in the show.
, He will literally rabidly attack others who smack talk you.
, He trusts you more then anyone else, Because even though your mute you cared for him when he was rabid and actually went to LOOK for him.
, He literally cant talk himself lmfao. I think he lost his memory of speaking or whatever so he relates to you alot. But he can read your body language!
-- end --
, He isn't that big on realizing how others feel but he can read your facial expressions and body language!
, He likes to say "If you don't speak that means you love me." And he smirks stupidly as you dont say anything.
, Noah personally does NOT know what to do in romantic relationships.
, He will be extra rude to people when they are rude, Or if he eavesdrops on people talking smack about you behind your back. He gets irritated just by hearing people talking badly about you when they dont KNOW you.
, He gifts you a notebook with a multi color pen, If you break it then he will stare at you with disbelief and call you a dumb ass.
, Nothing really changes with this guy, He rants about his day and some random stuff.
, Will probably spend his lifesaving's on candy and wrap it up in the most nicest gifts ever just to give it to you as a suprise, Like imagine waking up to Cody getting jumped by the girls (if you are a girl) just because he placed a gift of chocolate on your bed.
, He's the type of guy to give you flowers and intentionally buy milkshakes so you both can have edible straws and drink out of it.
, Sorry for saying this but he wears your shirt under his normal attire. And if you were in TDWT and it was that one jungle episode where you both were caught, He'd intentionally give you the x ray glasses.
, He lives with his mom. Trust.
, You probably have dark humor or He just bothered you until you got a restraining order against him.
, He didn't stop flirting with you though.
, Eventually you found him silly and felt bad for him so you dismissed the restraining order.
, He brushes his teeth every day for you.
, when he turns rabid he still brushes his teeth because he doesnt want his teeth to be piss colored even though their already crooked (I think) around you.
, Tries to impress you by giving you flowers except he got them from a grave yard due to him being a broke fuck.
, He leaves dead animals on your bed as a love language.
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h33seungs-babe · 1 month
"My sweets! D:"
guys im finally back. i left for almost a year and kinda forgot abt this acc 😓BUTTTT dww im backk !! and im back with a new way diff thought. i nvr wrote abt this before but hear we go.. smth new !! :3 gojo. yup. thats it. gojo!!!!! hes sooooooo hsjshuduesjf. also, srry dudes, this is sfw cuz i physically cant write nsfw... (havent wrote in a yr)
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˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
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A loud sigh leaves your lips. Your eyes meet with his bright(almost scary) blue eyes. "Quit looking at me like its my fault you dropped your diabete influenced snacks." Your voice breaking the silence. A loud, almost offended gasp leaves your so-called-boyfriend, Satoru's mouth. "But it is your fault! You made me hold your bag!" He whines on with that infamous pout on his pretty, pink lips. How could you ever stay mad at someone so cute? right? ...right? (if u say no he'll cling to you for ages.) Another loud, exaggerated sigh leaves your lips. At this point youre rubbing your temple. On your way back to your home, Satoru decided it was a good idea to snatch your bag and "balance" (as he called it) his new box of sweets. Of course, this didn't end well. While looking through your purse, he ended up dropping his sweets, leaving you in this situation.
"No, you basically snatched my purse from me, asking if I had candy." Another loud gasp leaves his precious lips. "Nuh uh!!" Was the only response that came, making you giggle.
"You're such a baby, you know that?" You say and pat his shoulder, trying to some how comfort him. He only gives you a funky, sad look and lets out a veerrryyyy looongg sigh, flopping onto the comfort of your couch. "well... since YOU made me drop my delicious, gorgeous, delectable chocolate, you need to give me cuddles. Right now." He says with a silly pout. Of course you cant deny him of cuddles. (you want them to, dont lie.) You reach over and wrap your arms around him, placing a soft kiss on his forhead, earning a grin and breathy giggle from him. His larger arms wrapping around your body, rubbing the soft skin on your waist.
. . . . . ╰──╮ ♡ ╭──╯ . . . . .
idk if you can tell, but idk how to end it so yall js cuddle to death ig :3
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 5 months
In my previous post i talked about how I have a lotta scrapped MV ideas, well may as well dump some designs i've made based on songs over the years because like I probably wouldn't post these otherwize
also heres a few nice picture of miku from one of em to make you click on this post because its gunna be a long one and all these are hidden below a read more
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for the record don't expect me to do anything with any of these, also these are from old to new some of these date back to early 2022 and it shows
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This one i posted a storyboard for actually its An Aliens I Love You by Utsu-P.
I gave young Rin a sakura motif with her dress because of miku and rin meeting under a sakura tree, teen miku has a pink ribbion and hairclip to continue this. both rins bow and mikus outfit get darker outfits overtime to sybolize the song getting darker. I also gave adult rin the future rin hair. Miku's "alien" form is more or less how its described in the song tho i was lazy and didn't draw the 4 arms in the refs.
also Lily is Rins mom in this yup there she is indeed.
I actually have a lot of assets finished including the ones above i may show em off one day who knows.
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This one is Stained Nocturne by Toa i actually did finish this one
the grey one is when they talk about being colorless
i gave them both very cute and elegent outfits i think it matches the vibe of the song. The starry outfits are the real highlight. if you wonder how I drew em over and over i just copy pasted the stars on their dresses.
they also are very blue because yknow nocturne. I forgot if i dumped the assets for this MV or not maybe next rant post.
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This one is Corona by Utsu-P no idea why i did it its probably not even in my top 20 Utsu-P songs i just had some brainworms that wore off. I finished like a minute of it I guess.
I really like rin's outfit. "goth metal astronaut" is such a weirdly specific concept but she absolutley nailed it. 10/10 desin
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This one is Garando by Picon. I gave her a like idk what to call it paperboy outfit like the one you see in the MV a few times. her eyes are yellow like bullets because I had this one S teir visual idea. I have some assets for this one i may show off one day.
i also considered doin the sekai ver i really like garando if u cant tell lol
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This one is Happy Haloween by Junky another one i finished
Rins is just from the OG mv the rest are themed around the characters
Minori is a dark angel because tenshi no clover is themed around... a normal angel
haruka has candy and a penguin mask because thats her thing
airi is a vampire cuz she has fangs
shizuku is a witch because of her cast a spell on you outfit
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This one is NEXT NEST by Satsuki Ga Tenkomori. The cubes are from the original MV image thing. I gave her a super cybernetic look to match the song vibe. I also gave her a plaid skirt to match miku's concept desin because this song is like sorta miku becoming sentient or smth idk been a while since i read the lyrics.
another S teir design. also zamn this ref goes hard lol.
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This one is Bluff Liar by EZFG. VY1 doesn't really have a desin so I went with this based on the semi official one (we dont speak of her new official one also i drew this long before that regardless lol) I have a shitty animatic thats 80% stick figures for this. never posted it tho.
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tbh i put the file to this ref on an external hard drive cuz this whole video killed my storage because i actually finished it so i yeeted all th assets off my computer as soon as i was finished so i just dowloaded the little thing of assets from this post
not much goin on its kinda just normal ol luka lol
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This is Black Hole Artist by utsu-P. its not in project sekai and never will be but it reminded me of Ena so I had this idea. not much to say, I have a few assets for this but nothing really finished.
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Another VY1 EZFG song, IDK what my plan was for drawing this over and over. also pretty asthetic ref lol. not much to say i don't draw very cyberish designs so its fun
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this is just concept art. this is Roless Weapon by Neru and Inubakumori. yeah those two colabed you wouldnt know cuz this song has no MV. IDK what my plan for this was tbh but like when else would i show this off.
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From here on its just concepts lol. this is Atari Front Program by Utsu-P... god how many Utsu songs is this lol
S teir desin i love miniskirt plus pants combo idk its just a vibe.
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this drawing sucks lol. this is Live by Mizuno Atsu. Long haired kafu is cute I have better drawings of this in my sketchbook somewhere I think. I might revisit this it would be very simple and cute.
also weirdly my fav part of this aside from her hair is her shoes.
anyway Kafu needs more outfits for songs tbh theres like 3 kafu songs where she has a unique outfit
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actually i lied about only having doodles, this is Where Shall We Go by Mellowclle
already made a post bout this
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this is my most recent. I sketched this after finishing this art of this song. It is Memento Mori by Buriru
I love this song the creator said its supposed to sound like a mecha anime opening so i went with that vibe. teto looks great, miku doesn't. Teto doesn't really have a counterpart so I assigned miku as her girlfriend lol.
sadly I cannot draw robots so idk what my plan was tho i have a cool visual for the end in my head.
anyway thats everything I could find. does anyone give a crap? probably not but hey character design is fun and i love messing around.
anyway fun trivia more songs i have video ideas for i won't make: Poster Girls Prank - Utsu-P (but with MMJ project sekai)
Stella - Jin
Paranoia - Mezame-P
and probably more i'm forgetting lmfao
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kwnnys · 1 year
— main 4 fasting for the first time!
hcs : g/n reader a/n : for my muslim brothers nd sisters 🙏🙏 reader is muslim and asks the boys to try fasting w them for ramadan :D
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— stan marsh
quite intrigued when you first bring it up, also pretty hesitant to try it
"wait so like- no food or water? for a whole day? are you sure I wont die..."
but with a little bit convincing, stan will eventually agree!
he starts off strong and confident 💪 bragging to the group and telling them all about fasting
but that confidence slowly dies as the hours pass... and poor boy gets so tired
he knows you said that while fasting that you should be as productive as possible, but hes just so tired and drowsy he cant help it 😭
he tries to play basketball with his friends, or even doing his homework. but he just can't focus on anything
he ends up sleeping the rest of the day till iftar
he apologizes and feels so bad 😓, but you tell him its fine since its his first time
I dont' think he'd do it again the next day or anytime soon, but maybe give it a few years and he might be able to fast all 30 days :D
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— kyle broflovski
like stan also very intrigued and curious
he'll ask you alot of questions and take a few notes, before ultimately agreeing
hes a little nervous at first, but you manage to ease him with some words of affirmation!
tries to just distract himself for the whole day. studying, chores, video games, etc.
he doesn't make a big deal about it, but is definitely suffering on the inside
tbh the hardest part for him isn't the actual fasting, but not being able to swear or be mad (especially considering kyle has a short temper) 💀
cartman definitley takes advantage of this and calls him every name in the book. also purposely eats infront of him.
"hey stupid jew. look what I've got, a chocolate cake. you want some? oh wait, YOU CANT!" "...I swear to god cartman."
almost broke his fast cause of him. 😭
but anyways, he manages to successfully finish his fast!
he would do it again, maybe in a few days if you asked.
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— eric cartman
when you first tell him about fasting and ramadan, he'll literally be SO flabberghasted.
"wait wait wait, so you're telling me you can't EAT or even drink WATER for 30 days? you trying to get me killed or something?"
it'll take alot of convincing to get him to fast with you
alooot of convincing.
but when he eventually agrees, he will be SO dramatic about it and overexaggerates everything
"oh my god, I think Im dying. tell kyel.. I hope he gets cancer.."
refuses to go to school or even get out his room
liane gets very concerned about him, and'll constantly ask you if he'll be okay and won't die
you assure her that its completely fine, especially considering he ate almost half the fridge during suhoor.
he talks to his stuffed animals to try and cope.
tried to secretly eat a piece of candy while you weren't looking 💀you'll have to keep a close eye on him if you want him to actually finish his fast.
he'll definitely hold a grudge against you the whole day and refuse to talk to you.
but don't worry, you make it up to him by taking him to kfc for iftar 😋
bro literally ordered half the menu and gobbled everything up in a matter of minutes.
safe to say he won't be fasting again anytime soon. or ever again,
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— kenny mccormick
the only one in the group who manages to fast with little to no problem
kenny doesn't usually eat much food anyway, so hes all down
the hardest part for him is not being able to have 'dirty' thoughts or look at porno magazines 💀
the guys probably don't even notice that kennys fasting since they know kenny usually eat till you or he brings it up
cartman also takes advantage of this and tries to get him to break his fast with money. (which fails cause you're there to shut him off)
doesn't really have a change in his routine or life, he just does what he normally does
you're surprised by how easy hes taking it tbh
when its time for iftar, you decide to invite him over your house to eat :D
hes shocked at all the food you had prepared by you and your parents, and extremely grateful too
that day he had the biggest meal for the first time in probably a few years 😭
definitely took home some leftovers after for his family.
overall he'd definitely wouldn't mind doing it again! especially if it means being able to go to your house to eat again.
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kkennzzi · 8 months
very oddly specific ultrakill headcanon post that nobody will probably care about nor has anyone else ever probably thought about (that i am only makinf for the sole purpose of combining two interests)
BUT. assigning ultrakill characters guitars. hi (guitar names in alt)
also i was like half asleep while writing this
V1 and V2
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i figured itd only be fitting to give v1 a guitar with a flying v shape (haha get it. bc v. and v1 has wings. flying v. im so funny i know), i was debating between that, a warlock, or a gibson explorer but ultimately decided on this one
as for v2, v2 honestly just seems more like a bass than guitar kinda guy idk, i wouldve went with a bass with a flying v shape like v1’s but i couldnt rlly think of any thatd fit well enough so i settled for the warlock :p still cool as hell tho
(also i feel i should mention, there js a candy apple red variant of the guitar i assigned v1 so that could also be another v2 idea idk)
ok i have MULTIPLE for her. bear with me pls
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mirage absolutely seems like a nirvana enjoyer. she’d definitely have a jaguar or mustang, maybe even a jagstang or just in general a kurt cobain guitar of some kind
(either that or a classic black fender strat tbh, basic but still a good and versatile guitar 👍) ((maybe even a tele???? idk either suit her and how id imagine her playing style would be))
out of all the characters she honestly seems the most like someone who would play LMAOOO she either has just one of the previously mentioned guitars or all of them. no inbetween
ok i think this ones pretty self explanatory but
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yeah. probably an obvious choice but Come On tell me you cant see him absolutely fucking shredding divine intervention on this (also oh my god this is such a fucking gorgeous guitar. need.)
BONUS (funnier option): he’d have a yamaha acoustic and would only know how to play wonderwall and/or the stairway to heaven riff (he gets kicked out of guitar center all the time and has no idea why) /j
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i chose an explorer for him mostly bc the shape just gives me minos vibes???? idk??
in all honesty he doesn’t seem much like the type to play guitar, let alone electric, so i mostly chose this one based on looks/vibes bc i have no ideas for him oops (i feel like he’d prefer more classical instruments like violin, piano, etc.)
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again i mostly chose these bc of how they look but honestly? i could see him playing these idk im out of things to say girl help
anyways yea 👍 i hope you enjoyed my silly rambling i migjt do more characters eventually but i dont have ideas rn
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m4nd0l0r · 2 years
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Five Hargreeves Headcanons (That Have Consumed Every Single Space in my Mind-)
Description: “Live.. Laugh… Love the insanity the apocalypse brings me.” -Five Hargreeves, tired after a caffeine rush and/or from a drunken high. 2019. (this is canon.. HE TOLD ME HIMSELF)
Author’s Note: this is just how I’m dealing with writer’s block— i swear i’m still working on my upcoming Five fics- 😭😭 so uh have this for now i guess 🥲 no warnings btw!! its just me writing in lowercase a lot- a shit ton of crack and swearing- (five’s body is aged up- and his consciousness ranges from 30 to 50 in my works— however you decided which age you want for your experience :)))
Five Taglist (i forgot to tag im so sorry 😭): @ells-graveyard @noahspector @aelinismyqueen @sunweee @reinaeru @ne0boss @twauna00 @placidpluto @eichenhouseproperty @heartsforsuyin @ghostlywavelengths @technicallydifferenttraveler @seconds-not-decades @magical-girl-on-fire @emotionally-unstabel @peachy-wolfhard @its-loki-bitch @raven-fandomtrash @theilliterateskankula @magicstrange @ne0boss @venusrambles @whereintheworldisspencerreid @honeycombdumbass @mivzai @oscarisaacsleftballsack @zenithinthebin @peachteeaaa @rchaoz @wickedmystery @wordsandnerds @umbrellatte @666abby6666 @iameddiemunsonshair @starlightinhumanform @vennythearsonist @trashmouthsahra (if you want to be removed/added, pls tell me via pm!!)
he likes bitter coffee candy (if the mf cant get coffee he’d raid a candy shop rather than logically coming after a cafe-)
likes slasher films for how creative the deaths look (esp if its practical effects, he’s a sucker for those) (he likes nightmare on elm street, he gives me that impression for WHAT)
^ cos of this- i basically headcanon that in his commission days- he’d kill creatively- as if it were his canvas, my guy is an artist with blood 💪
idk why but he’d be an avid “gelato is NOT ice cream you idiot” typa guy (fucker knows italian and my ass RAN W IT)
he watches julia roberts romance movies (cos i like her rom films so im projecting-) (he def likes the maturity of the ending of my best friend’s wedding)
for some reason he considers mocha as chocolate rather than coffee (like the old man he is)
actually likes caramel, never tells anyone for no reason (fucking punk ass smh)
he’d say he hates animals but he’d give a pat to a dog/cat if he’d see one (but he’ll glare at the poor thing if it scratches him-)
from ptsd from the apocalypse- he tries to never indulge w small things like getting large amounts of food- cos he has the mindset that he “might need extra in case something bad happens”
he’d hate physical touch at first- flinching like a surprised cat on steroids— but he gets used to it slowly- and one person at a time
also i dont give a shit on what anyone thinks- FIVE IS A LITTLE SPOON IN HUGS— why you may ask? fucker is a touch starved ptsd filled mf- he needs those hugs ASAP- he would hold your hand 25/8 to reduce his paranoia i just know it (i PROPHESIZEEEE)
the first beer he drunk was a bottle he found in a post apocalypse alcohol store and the liquid was full w small grime and dirt- but he wanted to try some to “check off a bucket list”
LOVES dark comedies, he just does, he CACKLES when he watches one (but he only shows amusement when he’s alone, never w his siblings)
^ he’d also slap his thigh if he finds something soooo funny (old man behaviour smh)
has a personal vendetta against ppl who WOULDN’T put pineapple on pizza (klaus converted the grandpa and at first he felt gross eating it but as he continues he thought: “ok. this isn’t that bad.” the next thing you know, you see him on the phone calling the pizza place for 2 more boxes of hawaiian pizza—)
listens to edith pliaf RELIGIOUSLY (you would gift him a vinyl of hers and his eyes would SHINE) (the only time you saw his eyes the brightest-)
with modern music— he’d prolly like radio music (until you berate him and convert him to alt & indie rock)
has an odd fixation with guns and knives (like the papa he is) (would explain EVERYTHING ABOUT A SPECIFIC WEAPON) (he’s a nerd) (he’ll never admit it) (ever)
has a switchblade on his dominant arm pocket (he could use anything as a weapon, but he likes to be “prepared”)
like on s1, he’d pretend to be a kid and all innocent & shit to get free shit from strangers (you’d hop on the bandwagon and **nicely** ask him to get you stuff too.. he complains and says no but you’d see him on the next day with the shit you requested on his hands)
^ continuation with this— fucker prolly got a coffee machine cos he went up to some lady- went on, put a sad act, and went “oh no.. i dont got a gift to give to my dad.. he always wanted a coffee machine after ours broke” and the lady would have pitied his ass and bought a cheap but durable one for him— this would lead to a situation where the rest of the umbrellas try to take away the coffee machine away from his addicted ass-
viktor: should we?? do something??? diego: we’ve took THREE of those damn machines- what else can we do??? klaus: it’s like… he pulls it out of his ass.. you think he shits out coffee beans?? or is it just liquidated coffee at this point? you: i should call the ambulance before he falls off the window from the coffee… can’t deal with a cranky five.. luther: (is tired of it all and just wants to enjoy his married life) .. yes. please do.
in conclusion? never take away five’s coffee- he will drive you mad—
whenever he’s drunk- he acts like a goddamn sloth (esp if he’s comfortable with you- mf will CLING ON YOU LIKE SOME PARASITE—) (i wouldn’t mind tho 😏- i mean what?)
though as much as he likes bitter coffee- i see him DESPISE BITTER BEER, he would spit that stuff out of with the most offended face ever (all scrunched up like crumpled paper)
for my fellow filipino readers- he unfortunately SUCKS ASSSS when speaking in tagalog… you either tease the living fuck out of him about him or smile through your ear pain going “wow! galing! (amazing!)” (no he was not amazing he sounded like a screeching tire or smth- /lh)
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bedrockbones · 1 year
Trucker au? 🚛
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send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it ///not accepting  
for those that dont know this au is a collab with the amazing @technobladesbasement so if yall are not already following her/reading her works go check her out!!
1. technoblade gets tommy a phone about half a year into their travels. the first is a disposable flip phone techno grabs from a truck stop just so tommy can have something. he buys it for tommy because they had gotten seperate in some outlet mall and tommy had gone back to the truck to wait for techno and techno....to put it lightly, did not take tommys absence well
2. tommy doesnt like letting techno go into the gas stations alone. just because hes noticed the hybrid has a tendency to buy ridiculous amounts of bedding and blankets while driven by his instincts. techno doesnt like letting tommy go with him because his runt is exposed but tommy will usually soothe this by commenting about how safe he feels with techno. its a balance
3. another thing is the gas station food. techno absolutely refuses to let tommy eat anything there except snacks or candy. this is because of the one time tommy had been hungry and they decided a quick hot dog would be easier than finding a restaurant with a lot that could fit the truck. they both regretted that when tommy gets food sickness later that night and is stuck on the side of the freeway upchucking his guts. technoblade still hasnt fully forgiven himself for that despite tommy telling him over and over its fine and that hot dog tasted good so who cares? (techno. techno cares)
4. tommy has a thing. about being cared for. its easier now because techno doesnt really give him a choice about being taken care of but theres still days where dreams snarled insults ring heavy in tommys ears and the feel of the man’s fists are fresh in his mind. its those nights that tommy feels the strain of his situation. because he cant stand technos affection or doting and techno doesnt know how to help otherwise. it would be easier if techno just, ignored tommys boundaries and hugged him anyway or pretended he didnt know tommy is upset, but techno doesnt do that. he asks what tommy needs and respects his space. he’ll sleep on the driver’s chair if tommy wanted him to. but even that is a form of love tommy doesn’t know how to process. it leaves him floundering. it leaves him aching. 
but techno is there to comfort him. he always is. its a reassuring security just as much as its a heavy chain tying him down. techno will always be there for tommy. even if tommy doesnt want him to be
5. phil “babysits” for techno sometimes when theyre in town. phil has a love-hate relationship with the whole scenario because he wants tommy to like him. really he does! and he thinks its funny how jealous techno gets when phil provides for tommy and its even more funny when techno tries to hide that hes jealous. but the problem comes when techno goes out to run errands. he messages phil. every. damn. minute. asking about tommy. asking for pictures of tommy. sending pictures to phil to send to tommy about some random garbage trinket he thinks tommy would like. phil would try to be more understanding about it if tommy wasnt also fed up with the piglin hybrids antics. everytime phil tries to show tommy a photo, tommy asks with a resigned look in his eyes if its another blanket
thats not even taking into account how many times techno calls them. really, phil is getting this close to turning his phone off. he hasnt yet because he knows that will just make the hybrid panic but come on, he wants some time with tommy! technos ruining his chance!
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