fuckyeahfanfictions · 7 months
Chapters: 27/27 Fandom: Batman (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, Batman and Robin (Comics), DCU (Comics), DCU, Under the Red Hood Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson Characters: Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Joker (DCU), Batman, Red Hood (DCU), Robin (DCU), Nightwing, Barbara Gordon, Oracle, Alfred Pennyworth, Stephanie Brown Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Slow Burn, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Batfamily Feels, Immortality, Resurrection, Blood and Gore, Torture, Dismemberment, but like...light dismemberment, only small body parts Series: Part 1 of The New Prometheus Summary:
When Jason is the victim yet again of the Joker's personal war with Batman, the batfamily begins to tear apart at the seams. Tim spearheads a risky mission to recover their fallen brother in an effort to hold them together. The last thing he expects to find on the other side of a mortuary door is a very much alive Jason Todd. But Jason's resurrection raises more questions than answers and Tim finds himself at odds with the rest of the family as he tries to uncover the truth of the second Robin's apparent immortality.
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mikakuna · 1 month
Hey! This is the music anon again! I was wondering if you had any jayroy fic recs? Or, given your latest post lol, only child Jay fic recs (or even JUST Jay and dick as Bruce’s kids fic recs) and if not that, then, an au where Jason didn’t pick up the mantle/was convinced not too, and is living his civilian life. I’ve read rara Avis by zoeleo already lol, Idk if you read that one?
omg hey!! i have a few fic recs for what you'd like to see but honestly i'm lacking a bit in jayroy! i'll link the ones that i rlly enjoyed tho <3 and alsooo the only-child jason fics are all set during his childhood sadly, so i don't have any where he's an adult and still bruce's only child :(
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
When Batman rescues a twelve-year-old boy from a sex-trafficking ring, he ultimately makes the decision to look after him for a few days, feeling responsible for his current condition. Revealing his identity to the boy is the logical next step. Building trust was important, and Bruce needed Jason to trust him. There’s one slight problem with Bruce’s plan. Due to the effects of the Joker Venom, Jason doesn’t remember anything about meeting Batman, let alone Bruce Wayne. In Jason’s eyes, he’s been trafficked. And the man who brought him is none other than Bruce himself.
Jason’s background as a victim of abuse and childhood homelessness means it’s hard for him to trust, and to ask for things. After only a couple months in the manor, he still isn’t sure about Bruce Wayne.
When Bruce brings a new child home to the manor, Dick has a few choice words for Bruce about making him Robin. Convinced that Jason needs a stable loving family more than he needs a crime-fighting outlet, Bruce, Dick, and Alfred take on the challenge of bringing Jason up as civilian while still keeping their caped careers a secret.
Or: Bruce Wayne is a Good Dad, Dick Grayson is a Great Brother, Alfred is the Best Grandpa, and Jason is smol. Tooth-rotting fluff ahoy. (i'm linking this even though you read it for people who haven't yet! also i never read the ones with tim in it but those are a lot later in the series so don't worry, it's still jason and bruce centric)
Jason Todd was kidnapped at nine-years-old and given two options. Work for his keep, or be forced to to work for his keep.
His life was not pleasant, but Jason was nothing if not a fighter, and dammit if was he going to let the hell around him kill who he was as a person. Or his dreams of growing up and going to college.
Those dreams suddenly came a little more into focus, when his idiot of a pimp accidentally tried to rent him to Bruce Wayne. Poor bastard could have never guessed he was the Batman himself. Heck, not even Jason figured that out, at first. And Batman had practically adopted him. (i loved this so much)
Jason doesn't die at the hands of the Joker. There are a couple of things he and Bruce might need to work through.
“You will fix this,” Alfred corrects him. “You will fix this, and let Master Jason know that you don’t care about his sexual orientation, that it changes nothing. That you were mistaken in what you said to him. That you certainly didn’t mean to imply that you thought any less of him for his choice in reading.”
Batman makes it in time to save Robin from the bomb. He doesn't make it in time to save Jason from the Joker.
Or Batman is too late in every universe, but Bruce Wayne doesn't have to be.
+ jayroy:
i've linked this one in a previous rec list but basically, this is an au series where jason escapes an abusive relationship and meets roy!
It was just dinner with family. A family large enough to be an independent militia, but that was all. Nothing serious.
Lian disagreed. (one of my fav crack fics!!)
a fic where the bats find out, one by one, that jason and roy are dating!
i really don't have much for jayroy since i'm pretty picky when it comes to jason fics and ship fics in general, but i'll reblog this if i find any others that i enjoy! in the meantime, hopefully these are some new fics for you to read!!
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batfam-fanfics · 2 months
The Many Deaths of Jason Todd by Zoeleo
27 Chapters - 153031 words
When Jason is the victim yet again of the Joker's personal war with Batman, the batfamily begins to tear apart at the seams. Tim spearheads a risky mission to recover their fallen brother in an effort to hold them together. The last thing he expects to find on the other side of a mortuary door is a very much alive Jason Todd. But Jason's resurrection raises more questions than answers and Tim finds himself at odds with the rest of the family as he tries to uncover the truth of the second Robin's apparent immortality.
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ladytauria · 7 months
hey! 5, 11, 18, 23 from the ask game <333
mayaaa thank you <3
5) character you were most surprised to end up writing
very very surprised to have ended up writing for / enjoying writing for jason so much!! like, in hindsight it makes sense, as he’s the character i read for the most, but. yeah! did not expect that <3
11) what aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
i started posting fanfic at 12 & writing at 10, so. everything. but xD i think my ability to tell a coherent narrative has improved by leaps & bounds, even when i don’t have an idea of where i’m going when i start something. i also think i’ve gotten a better handle on description, which was an issue for me when i started, lol.
18) were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they?
this is a surprisingly difficult question to answer bc i KNOW there are influences, many of them, but when i try to think of them i keep drawing blanks??? and then the ones i have thought of i keep going 👀 are you sure? is that right? did it influence you or do you just think about it all the time?
which like…
isn’t that what influencing is? but i digress, lmao.
i know sarah j maas is a bit controversial BUT smth about reading her books made something click in my brain? & i feel like my writing voice actually solidified after
major envy for maggie stiefvater’s prose—reading the raven cycle made me nostalgic for a place i’d never been, which wasn’t something that had happened to me before xD anyway, genuinely love her writing
on the fanfic side
i think about “The Bird, The Fog, The Mist” by bacondoughnut constantly
“Reclaiming Innocence” by murtagh morzanson / cdelphiki is also always rotating in my head (i’ve read it 3 or 4 times) alongside the second (i think) fic in “In for a Penny”. both of them influence how i write younger jason
“The Penny Drops, The Penny Dreads” by batbirdies is the other fic i think of when i think of young jason/jason’s childhood.
the “i guess you were my first boy wonder” series by pissvinegarandacrowbar is jaydick & one of my favorite jason characterizations ever~
and then uh, i would not have fallen headfirst into jaytim / be a jaytim writer at all without “The Many Deaths of Jason Todd” by zoeleo! that catapulted me into loving jaytim <3 before that jaydick was my main ship (i still adore it~)
also every time i read your prose it inspires me to get more poetic with mine <3
23) any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
hmm 🤔 i’m not really sure any of my life experiences are particularly obscure. ah, but! when i was younger i came across this little graphic—the only 12 1/2 writing rules you’ll ever need. (i actually used it as my desktop background for ages lol). anyway, number 10— Go for walks. Dance. Pull weeds. Do the dishes. Write about it. that one really stuck with me for some reason, & led to me paying more attention to my body/feelings, especially if i was bored or uncomfortable, bc it was something i could potentially use for writing!
that sort of mental check in also has done wonders for like. keeping an eye on my mental / physical health too lol.
[ get to know the writer ask meme ]
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rufusbear · 1 year
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Podfic of The Many Deaths of Jason Todd
written by Zoeleo read by @rufusbear
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disniq · 2 years
If you're into Jaytim, there's this one fic I read a while back with the premise of & Jason having resurrection powers called "The Many Deaths of Jason Todd" by Zoeleo on Ao3 its 153k and I adored it
There's very few people I *don't* ship Jason with!
Thank you for the rec, anon!! :D
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batfam-problematic · 3 years
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The Many Deaths of Jason Todd by Zoeleo 
Rec’d by @guiltyofthesamethings 
This is my absolute favorite Jason-keeps-coming-back-to-life fic, and it begins with a crucifixion scene that has stayed with me for months. The story is violent and heartbreaking and full of the best whump. It's also just plain good storytelling. Add bedside (kinda) vigils, a slow burn romance, and one good kitty, and you have 153,000 words of goodness. 
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cearamorran · 7 years
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(definitely something about that spray-paint fight coming up you don’t get a choice i’m doing it)
(it was me in the comments i swear ahah)
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So guys, I finished my daily to do list and decided that I needed a little break. Read some of the things that have been updated in the last week-ish.  And just, I’m dying a little. If you haven’t read Zoeleo’s The Many Deaths of Jason Todd, I highly, HIGHLY recommend. The writing is amazing, the story is amazing. Just, be ready for some tears, and by some, I mean a lot. Its totally worth it though. 
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cactusspatz · 3 years
October recs
I apparently had two reading settings in October: gen family fic and (mostly polyamorous) porn. Triads were in the air? So today I have 7 Batman/Batfamily fics, 1 Batman/Leverage crossover, 1 for The Untamed, and then three miscellaneous polyamory fics for Singin' in the Rain, comics Spider-Man/Fantastic Four, and Love & Friendship (in addition to the one DCU poly fic). Mostly gen except for the ones that are VERY not, I've marked pairings where needed.
DCU (in order from shortest to longest)
Clockwork by @heartslogos
“Do you even hear yourself when you talk?” Tim wrinkles his nose. “Also stop trying to hide the coffee. I’ll always find it. You just put it out of reach or opposite the peanut butter. I am on to you.”
Charming and detail-driven fic about Bruce and Tim, that really drives home how well and closely they know each other. (Also that they’re a couple of weirdos.)
sweet child o' mine by Nokomis/ @nokomiss
Steph said cheerfully, “Bruce, from now on, consider yourself in possession of one Steph-mom.”
“Absolutely not,” Bruce said.
Steph took a bite of her cake, undeterred.
I was howling with laughter reading this. Nokomis always writes Steph and pranking and comedy so well, and this one lands perfectly. Mom notes! Playdates! Snacks! So adorable and funny.
World’s Saddest Breakfast Club by @motleyfam
Following a couple of Very Bad Weeks™ (which may or may not have involved being kidnapped and mildly tortured), Jason decides the best way to cheer himself up is to break into the Manor for a 3 a.m. snack.
Turns out he isn’t the only one awake.
Chaotic and sweet, highly recommended to anyone who has feelings about food and family.
The Rule of Three by Zoeleo (Jason/Tim/Stephanie)
“Yeah. Um. Thanks, but I don’t wanna interrupt you guys or third-wheel you or anything so I’m just going to—” Jason tries to shrug on his jacket but one of the sleeves is turned inside out and his arm gets stuck.
“Well, technically you would be a third wheel. But like a structurally integral third wheel, one that’s an intentional part of the design. Like on a Polaris Slingshot or a—” Tim rambles until Stephanie smacks him again.
Jason loses the battle with the jacket. It drops to the floor with a heavy thump from too many gadgets hidden in secret pockets. Is Tim really proposing what he thinks he’s proposing?
Jason came for the pizza and MST3K, he may just stay for the face-sitting and multiple orgasms.
Pure threesome porn on the way to a relationship, plus great banter. Fittingly in a trilogy format.
The Last Someone by FabulaRasa/ @fabula-unica (Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne)
I decided that what the fandom really needed was yet another object of Pussygate 2021 discourse, so here is my contribution, in which Bruce gets humiliated, Hal gets curious, and they both get what they're looking for.
In case you were (blessedly) living under a rock the last few weeks and don't know what any of this is about, here is your starter kit.
The first chapter of this is hysterical - Batman is ranked last on an internet article rating superheroes by how good they are at oral, and Green Lantern first, and then MORE shenanigans ensue - and then it takes a sharp swerve into feelings and some moderate angst. So ideal, really!
best laid plans by Valkirin
Tim Drake knows that Batman needs a Robin. When Bruce and Dick aren't interested in what he has to say, Tim makes his way to the cemetery to say a few words to the boy he's trying to replace.
Tim has the chance to say far more than he expected when Jason digs himself out of his grave that night. Tim does his best to get Jason home to Bruce. The League of Assassins finds them first.
Lovely hurt/comfort-y AU where Tim gets kidnapped along with Jason, and all the complications of that.
Recollect, re-collect by Ptelea
A spell gone wrong leads to Jason hashing some things out--with himself, with Dick, and with the rest of the Batfam. Featuring: rather a lot of thoughts and conversations about memory, change, damage, love and trust, accountability, family, hurt, lies, death, Spyral, pedestals, cases, memorials, stories, and Robin.
I am a sucker for amnesia fic, and this one is a terrifying variant where a spell makes people start to forget Jason. The resolution involves a truckload of feelings about Robin and Jason's place in his family, especially his relationship with Dick.
The Gotham Job by Hinn_Raven/ @secretlystephaniebrown (Batman/Leverage, gen)
Generally, thieves of their caliber avoid Gotham. There are always exceptions that prove the rule, however.
(Or: five times that a member of Leverage met a member of the Batfamily, and one time that they teamed up.)
Fantastic read, with a creative set of character intersections and friendships between the two fandoms.
Knight Hunt! Phoenix Mountain by travelingneuritis (The Untamed, Wangxian)
 "Contestants get paid by the week. The longer you stay in the running and the more you charm the fans, the bigger your paycheck after the season wraps. People compete on Knight Hunt for fame, fortune and love. In that order."
I know, getting Lan Wangji onto a reality show convincingly is a big buy, but this one manages it, AND has peak Wei Wuxian gremlin action, modern cultivation, and a lovely romance. The author tagged it ‘low stakes pining’ and it’s just that - an engaging and emotional but easy read.
The Lockwoods & Mr Brown by @onlythegeste (Singin' in the Rain, Kathy/Don/Cosmo)
The continuing adventures of Kathy, Don and Cosmo in their house on Sunset and Camden.
Involving a camera, several pianos, scheming, dancing, and a magic trick.
Adorable look at their queer household and growing family across the decades. Well-written and perfectly satisfying.
A House in the Hills by @traincat (Spider-Man comics, Peter/Mary Jane/Johnny Storm)
   “Anyway, did you ever think I might want to sleep with him?”
   Peter sat straight up in bed and turned on the bedside light. Mary Jane was still sitting up, her arms crossed defiantly over her chest, staring straight ahead at a spot on the wall, twin angry spots of color in her cheeks.
   “You want to sleep with another man?” he demanded.
   “Well, ideally you’d be there, too,” she said, scowling.
Johnny is getting married. Peter is having a problem. Mary Jane has the solution. (Or, the Watson-Parkers homewreck their way to Johnny's happiness.)
I'm normally not a fan of any form of infidelity, but I'll make an exception for this situation (read the a/n for a brief overview), absolutely. Funny, sexy, and actually terribly romantic.
A Divinely Attractive Arrangement by @fahye (Love & Friendship, Lady Susan/Sir James/Manwaring)
A selection from the Private Diary of Sir James Martin of Martindale. Concerning Peas, Friendship, the state of Blessed Matrimony, and several wonders of Modern Medicine.
I’d argue that you don't even need to have seen the movie to enjoy this fic about the absolute dumbest golden retriever of a himbo to ever marry a manipulative woman so she might have cover to carry on with her lover, except since it's Fahye so of course things go poly instead in the FUNNIEST way possible. Bless his heart, I'd say Sir James has a pea brain but he doesn't even understand how peas work.
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🎇The Many Deaths of Jason Todd by Zoeleo🎇
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spite-and-waffles · 3 years
One thing I really like about the JayTim fandom is how all the best and most prolific writers love Steph. Writers like Sister and Zoeleo spend so much time just on Steph and Tim's relationship, completely independent of Jason and Tim's, not glossing over all the thorns in their history but using them to make the hard-earned safety and sureness of their love even more profound.
It's odd that half the draw of slash stories for me, both as a reader and a writer, is exploring a queer platonic relationship between canon love interests within them. Maybe because I value my platonic relationships more than my romantic ones, but a ship is very much not the main event of a love story for me. A person is made up of so many loves and conflicts and relationships. Romance to me is seeing how all those constellations reconfigure and reshape each other when two people are pulled into each other's orbit. I think seeing love that way is also a facet of queerness, to reject hierarchies, binaries and isolation of relationships and celebrate them as more than just the sum of their parts.
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noatok · 3 years
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happy birthday Jason
A scene from amazing story.
The Many Deaths of Jason Todd by Zoeleo
Here is the song always make me think about the story.
Cheer by 先知瑪莉 Mary see the futer
妳炫爛的光芒 永恆的綻放
那遙遠的嘹喨 閉上眼的方向
還有妳在遠方 引領我的瘋狂
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ladytauria · 9 months
11 y 42!
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
oh this is hard!!!
okay so there are SO MANY fics that qualify for this list but, narrowing it down to three:
In All These Ways We Come Together - CallMeBombshell (especially the penultimate fic)
The Many Deaths of Jason Todd - Zoeleo
Reclaiming Innocence - MurtaghMorzanson
the first two fics are what catapulted me into loving jaytim as much as i do, & i’ve read Reclaiming Innocence, oh. at least four times now?
that said!!! there are several more fics i can think of that could go on this list, & that on a different day i might have put! (like, i forgot how much i loved the first one until i reread it the other day, when i was saving a bunch of my AO3 recs lol)
42. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
the first chapter of I Know What My Brother Is by @bi-bats, & yes. yes i do.
[ get to know your fic writer questions ]
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internalsealpanic · 4 years
I Will be Your Tim Drake for Tonight (1) (Jason Todd/ Reader)
Summary:  Preferring to do anything but your physics project, you decide to accepts Tim’s proposal. It’s simple. He does your project, you try to figure out whether Jason Sionis is criminal. Easy, right?
A/n: This takes place in a world where Jason is adopted by Black Mask. Inspired by Building Interest by Zoeleo.
The events and characterization in this story are very heavily based on Zoeleo's Long Term Investment series. It is fantastic and I really highly recommend all of her fics.
a/n: For clarification, Reader does have psychic powers but it only lets her sense people's emotions physically. No mind-reading. Her power is more like an overactive sense of empathy which may force her to dissociate into someone else.
There will be violence and mentions of alcoholism (used as coping mechanism for physical pain) and chronic pain.  
As for the additional warning, an animal is harmed but it is barely described. I could not bring myself to actual describe it but the aftermath is described.
I also just converted this from an OC so I apologize for any grammatical mistakes.
Without further a do: 
Your skin itches as you make your way through the crowd. It wasn't the suit. After all, Alfred Pennyworth was incapable of doing wrong. It was the sea of hands patting your back, petting your head, and pinching your cheeks made every inch of skin want to slough off. Tim owed you. He owed you big time. Then again he's back at the manor tackling your physics project and making sure Gotham doesn't set itself on fire while Batman is on  ‘vacation’.
You should be fine. It’s not like Brucie asked you to investigate a suspected criminal who also happens to be Roman Sionis’ heir. Nope, no pressure there. Thanks Bruce. You’re clad in blue contacts, a black wig, makeup, and a stolen suit. As safe as you felt in someone else's skin, you still felt like you were gonna fall over. Maybe it's because you were dumb enough not to bring your cane.
The room was dizzyingly full of people. Your mind goes haywire. Jumping from one mind to the next. Dipping into every emotion it could stick itself into. It was almost overwhelming enough for you to forget about the ache in your leg. You knew this night was gonna be far longer than you could stand.  You needed a drink. Or 9.
"Hey, no drinking! You're underaged!" Dick nearly shrieked, plucking your fifth(?) flute of champagne. You wouldn't be in a few months. Really he was being quite unreasonable to the drunk person in front of him. Looking him dead in the eyes,  you wave another server over and take 2 flutes of champagne.  "I'm fine Dick. I've drunken harder stuff than this."
"No," Dick said firmly snatching the 2 flutes from your hand.
"Big bro pleeeaaasee" You drawl sweetly knowing Dick was a sucker for that move.  Dick tries to look unmoved but you could see in the slump of his shoulders that he wanted to give in.  "I'm having an episode," The word episode felt strange and wrong but there really was no other way to describe it. "and I don't have any painkillers on me." You added hastily.  
"Fiiine-" Dick whines, resolve crumbling to dust. Handing back only one flute of champagne, he scolds: "Just don't get shit faced. We're here on a mission."
"Yes, motheeeer,"
Without missing a beat, you down it, feeling the tearing in your head beginning to fade.
"Jesus, calm down," Dick said taking the now empty flute from you.  
You are less than surprised by the fact that he isn't fazed by being called mother at this point. It might just be the alcohol. The Powers might not understand the concept of fun but they sure do have taste in alcohol.
While Dick lectures you on safe alcohol consumption and Babs laughs unhelpfully, You feel the press of another person's mind.  The other 2 seem to notice it too. Being pulled out of their reverie, they turn to greet them.
"Target at 2'oclock" Babs whispers but your mind had for some reason forgotten how English worked. Instead, it drifted to the simple mind coming closer to them. Almost too quickly,  you dropped down to your knees. Your joints complained but you could feel your mind smooth as you placed a gentle hand on the dog's fur.
The dog whuffs with glee as if to say "Yes! There! Pat there!".
Absorbed in the dog's uncomplicated happiness, you began to piece yourself back together and the pain in your head receded.
" Who's a good girl? You are! You are!"
The dog yips happily. Its smooshed face pressing into your hand. You forget the party until-
Dick coughs clearing his throat, laughter bright in his blue eyes.
You, for the first time, notice the person beside the dog. It was their target, Jason Sionis,  stretching out his hand to shake yours.  
"Oh- Uh- it's just your dog- She's- Hi, I'm Tim Drake." you shoot up to shake his hand. You notice the patches of scabs and scars on his knuckles. You’re pretty sure Dick or Tim could give him a run for his money if they didn't have makeup on. Though that just might speak more to their-as Damian puts it- incompetence.
Your eyes flicker to Dick momentarily as he tries so hard not to laugh.
"Well, it was nice to make your acquaintance," Jason says flatly as he turns his attention to Dick and Babs for a more coherent discussion.  You weren’t entirely certain that you offended him but you were probably close.
You want to say that it's his eyes that you notice first. They were a striking shade of ultramarine,  a terrifying facsimile of the ocean. They made you shudder. You would have rather noticed how nicely he filled out his suit. The man was made of muscle under that well-tailored suit.  You file the image for further appreciation later.  But, unfortunately, you are far too accustomed to checking your brothers for wounds for your eyes to not immediately flicker towards the scar on his face. It takes everything in you not to stare at the scar cleaving down the flesh of his cheek rigging the right side of his face into a permanent grin. Thankfully, he leaves them saying something about having business somewhere else.
Sure, the guy falls into Gotham’s pattern of ruining your face and turning to a life of crime but so far he hasn’t really shown anything concrete.   Plus, he’s really nice to his dog. No one that nice to a dog could possibly be the Red Death, Black Mask’s shiniest, and rumored to be his most brutal, new enforcer. Then again, your mother always did treat Anatoli like a king.
"Tim was right. You can act like him. You even got him shoving his own foot in his mouth down pat. Great job. " Dick chuckles patting you on the shoulder jostling you out of your thoughts.
You sigh. "The next time I go undercover I'm going alone. I don't even know why you're here."
"I think you've demonstrated why."  
You- annoyed, embarrassed, and feeling the marching in your skull coming back- jab "Alright Fabio , you befriend Mr.Pretty boy-" .  
"That's pretty mean eve-"
"I didn't mean it to be mean-"you honestly didn't but you were byelingual at this point.  "-I think he's pretty. Scars are sexy and all of that carp. "
"I am very concerned."  
"You should be. I'm out of booze and the dog just walked away. " you hissed rubbing the side of your head before stomping off to look for more drinks.
You feel your head jack rabbiting again. The staff had, as per some evil person's request (Likely Dick or maybe Babs), cut you off from the booze. You find yourself wandering around until your feet take you outside. The cool night air and the nearly freezing bricks sooth you warmed skin as you slide against it.  
"What? Did you come out 'ere to watch my dog piss?" a slightly familiar baritone voice chuckled.  
"As fun as that sounds, I just escaped Dick Grayson. I believe that, in itself, is reason enough to go outside and take in the 'fresh' Gotham night air. " you snark, looking up expecting him to grin at you but was greeted with a look of concern. You’ve seen it before. Your hand almost automatically makes its way to your nose.  You felt a thick liquid brush against the pads of your fingers. If you looked at them, you’d likely see them covered in blood.
You shrug and brush your deep red sleeve against your face. You probably didn't get all of it based on the crooked grin on his face.
"Shit kid, they'll think I punched you." Jason chuckles good-naturedly. You know he's not nervous. He’s charming enough to talk his way out of it.
"Relax, Dick will likely say I deserved it if they do think you punched me but that is highly unlikely seeing these episodes are an open secret after I bled on Mrs. Yavorski's satin dress a few years ago. "  
"Well, in that case, you want a smoke? Should take the edge off." Jason says it as a joke holding out a pack of cigarettes to you. Everyone knows Wayne kids are good kids.
You, feeling particularly cheeky, take the cigarette between his lip and take a long drag, inhaling and letting your eyes slide close.
He makes a quiet choking noise. Away from the sea of minds, you can feel his eyes on you. Wide and disbelieving. A cocktail of interest, embarrassment, excitement, and delight swirls in his mind. It might have been attraction or it might just have been amusement. You shouldn't be too surprised by the reaction. Tim is quite the knock out even when he looks dead on his feet. His confusion only lasts five seconds before you cough out   "Christ, it's just as bad as Bruce said it was."
You hand him back the cigarette laughing and coughing into your sleeve.
"So, did your brother tell you to apologize?" He says, clearing his throat not really looking you in the eyes. You can still see the faint speck of color on his face.
"Well,  he didn't say it. He doesn’t really have to and I do have manners contrary to popular belief. Plus! In my defense, your dog is cute. "
"Lizzie is, isn't she?" Jason smiles patting Lizzie on her head. It was a soft gesture. Something you really didn't expect from a supposedly hardened criminal let alone someone raised by Roman Sionis.
You crouch down to Lizzie's level and put your hands on the dog's face. Lizzie happily nuzzles into your hands.  
"You have a dog?"
" Depends, does Dick count?"
Jason snorts. "Do you ever think before you speak?"
"Not when I'm drunk and bleeding, no."
"How drunk are you?"
You mime counting.  "As far as Dick knows, I'm 1 to 2 flutes drunk. As far as the staff knows, I'm 7 flutes drunk."
"I should probably get you back to your brother then" Jason laughs, pulling you by the arm. You notice for the first time just how big his hands really are.  
"No, I-"
Gunshots. Pain. Panic. They ring in equal measure to you as a black van pulls up in the alley.
"Fuck! Box!"
A man in a dark suit crumples to the ground. You recognize him. He was part of Jason's security team. In a flurry of movement, Jason's by his side. You think he's checking the injuries- which in your opinion is at once the smartest and dumbest move you could do in this situation- but he-is in fact-checking for a gun.  
Gun in hand, Jason begins shooting at the men.
You think to grab a stray brick or something but you knew your best chance was to crouch low and maybe convince Jason to do the same. But based on the murder radiating from him, that was highly unlikely.
Lizzie runs out in front of them to protect Box and Jason. It goes as well as expected.  
Lizzie whines into your touch. The tendrils of your mind desperately trying to keep Lizzie there. You want to scream. Your mind surges trying to dip into someone else but Jason's anger and grief consume you. You want to charge at them, rip their throats out, tear them limb from limb. But it's Jason who does it. His body launches forward faster than you could speak.
The men in masks were just as fast. One of them incapacitates him with a well-placed metal pipe to the head. His whole body hits the pavement with one loud thud. Your breath catches.  
"There's two of them,"
"What do you mean there's two of them?"
"The boss said black hair, blue eyes, and a fucked up face"
"Did he say what kind of fucked up?"
"Not really"
You want to squawk about how nosebleeds don't really count. Given,  it is bleeding like it’s auditioning to be the next Niagara falls.
"Just take them both!" barks a rough voice from the van.  
You think to make a break for it but fast as you are(not really). Your head was still ringing and you couldn't really take them out on your own.
You hold your hands up in surrender. "I'll go quietly. I know the drill. "
The men look at each other clearly confused by your cooperation but not really willing to question it.
They throw cuffs on your wrist and literally throw you into the van like a sack of potatoes. Not that they treat Jason any better. He looks dizzy and pale.
"Are you-"
With a heave, he throws up on "your" shoes. You want to laugh. You really do. You also just want to cry.  
Tim is going to kill you. No, Alfred will. If you’re lucky-which you never are- Dick will suffocate you with a hug before they ever get to you.  
Maybe just maybe, the kidnappers will do it for you.
Yeah, right.
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incorrectbatfam · 4 years
Hey man, love everything you do 💕 When you have the time and energy, could I get some fluffy Jason-centric fic recs? I’m in one of those moods
Growing Pains by Zoeleo
It’s getting harder and harder to fall asleep as the years go by. And almost impossible to stay asleep for any length of time. Alfred wanders the halls of Wayne manor on a mission to find the most boring book in the library in an effort to relieve his insomnia, when he is waylaid by another member of the family who is also having a hard time falling asleep.
Don’t Read Into It by RandomReader13 (one of my favorite fics overall)
In which Jason is a literature nerd and helps his siblings.
Multi-Tasking by RedHoodie1723
Bruce and Jason are on patrol as Batman and Robin. Bruce thinks Jason reading on patrol is distracting, but Jason says otherwise.
Bounty At The Table by Zoeleo
Alfred prepares for Jason's first Thanksgiving at Wayne Manor. He is thankful for all his boys.
The Social Habits Of Robins by firefright
Jason thinks his brothers do this to him on purpose.
Batman And Bubbles by Xyriath
Bruce fixes up a tiny Jason after he falls in the Batcave.
Candlelit by Zoeleo
As the holidays approach Bruce contemplates the two boys he's taken under his roof and into his life. He's willing to do anything for them. Even if that means going some place he's never really considered before at the behest of his youngest. Christmas Eve, it seems is truly the time for miracles.
We Live Like Kings by audreycritter
Jason is pretty sure he could live forever in the Gotham Knights stadium, boring football games aside.
Bruce is less certain but he's willing to give it a night.
Cooking With Alfred by Zoeleo
“What’cha making?”
If he were a lesser man, he would have jumped at the unanticipated question. It has been many years since an elbow-height voice was piping around the manor.
The boy has only been with them for a few months now. So much more reserved than Dick ever was, they are not quite comfortable in each other's presence yet. But maybe that's about to change after Jason wanders into his kitchen.
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