#( beck & jade . i think you know me . )
easysboring · 1 year
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beck and jade had 100% been talking like they used to after jade found beck and tori on their 'opposite date' . he already knew that he missed her , he's not an idiot and it had been months since he and jade had broken up but that feeling of loss hadn't gone away . then when he's face to face with how she's changed and they talk instead of scream he's hit straight in the middle of his chest of just how much he missed being around her like they used to . so that night he rings her . he rings her and they talk for hours and it feels like normal again .
they're not back together at that point , not even close , but it's a step forward that they keep to themselves . truthfully , beck's not convinced that telling their friends that he's calling jade almost every evening is a good idea until they decide what it means .
it's one of the reasons that he's so against going out with meredith when tori refuses to leave it alone , because by the time of the full moon jam beck is pretty sure of where his love life is going and it's not with someone new .
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so when jade starts singing on that stage, and when she looks at him and he knows it's about them beck knows what it is and he knows what he has to do . they've always been a fan of PDA so what better way to announce to the school that everyone's favourite couple is back .
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oepionie · 1 year
SYNOPSIS: your boyfriend and the different ways he pampers and spoils you rotten ♡
⊹ [ cw ] — mentions of winter storms, prefect is implied to have bad living conditions, mild violence in the tweels parts, jade breaks someone's wrist, crowley slander, ace slander◞
⊹ [ tags ] — FLUFFY! feminine reader! no gendered pronouns used, riddle uses his dorm position to spoil you, seeing trey driving is very hot, deuce biceps, leona and azul sugar daddy era, ruggie would rather freeze to death than have you be cold, jack carries you, jade and floyd will fight for you, rook makes you his muse and paints you, malleus renovates the entire diasomnia dorm for you, sebek carries your pink handbags◞
⊹ [ characters ] — riddle, trey, deuce, leona, ruggie, jack, azul, jade, floyd, rook, malleus, sebek◞
⊹ [ w.c ] — 4.9k+◞ | 🦇masterlist◞
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Princess treatment, Like—literally
Loathe is Riddle to admit—He can't deny the fact that being his lover meant you got special treatment. Prime example being your position at unbirthday parties. At the banquet table, just beside Riddle's designated throne, was your throne. Similar in style, it had a heart-shaped crest and golden frame; the only difference was that it was milky white rather than deep red. And despite his best efforts to downplay the favoritism shown to you, Riddle knows for a fact that he had the throne commissioned himself.
"Come with me." The dorm leader says as he moves towards you, leading you towards your throne. He didn't fail to notice how your legs shook slightly as you walked alongside him or how your hands didn’t leave his coat once. Not that he minded.
The redhead clasped your hands in his as he sat you down onto the leather seat before adjusting the train of your dress to ensure that it wouldn't bother you.
"How are you fairing?" Riddle asked softly, kneeling before you to slip a leather-clad hand behind your knees. He set your feet up on a plush stool and slipped your pointed heels off, gently caressing your ankles. "I overheard you earlier, griping about your feet aching. I certainly hope you're not pushing yourself too hard."
"Ah, no. I just chose the wrong heels today. They're too pointy." You sighed, poking at your crimson red heels, which were discarded to the grassy sides. Groaning, you reclined back on your throne, the billowing, fluffy skirt of the dress Riddle had recently gifted tumbling all about you.
"I see." Riddle nodded in understanding, taking your hand and pressing a quick gentlemanly kiss on your wrists. "The croquet game is up next. I suppose you'd rather stay here?"
"Yeah, I think I need some alone time," you sigh. Riddle squeezes once more your hand in reply, letting his eyes shut in contemplation.
"Very well," He hums, moving to gently tuck a stray strand of your hair behind your ear. "Do rest here a while, rose."
There was a soft smile as the leather of his hands glide across your back. "Oh, and, please let a member of my dorm know if you ever need anything. Worry not. I've instructed everyone here to be at your beck and call."
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— ♰ TREY
Passenger princess treatment<3
Every weekend, it was routine for Trey to whisk you away from your beaten-up dorm. After all, he was sure it was nice to spend the day in a place where you weren't inhaling dust and spiders every second. Both of you would always go over to his parent's café in the city for a simple little brunch date. And without fail, Trey would always pick you up at 9am sharp by the school gates.
"… I was made for lovin' you, baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can't get enough of you, baby
Can you get enough of me?"
Soft music played from the car's radio as the third-year weaved through the barren intersections, careful and slow. It seems as if the roads were merciful to you both today, calm and free of any traffic.
Trey languidly reaches one of his hands, calloused from his years of baking, over to rest gently on your thigh. His thumb rubs soft circles and nonsensical patterns over your plump skin while the other gripped the steering wheel in a loose hold, biceps flexing as he twisted the wheel to turn the car.
Focused as he was, you didn't miss how his gaze flits back and forth between the road and you, the expression swimming within them almost akin to a distant longing.
You place your hand atop his and lean against the passenger door. A wide grin spreads over your glossy red lips as you shake your head playfully. "Keep your eyes on the road."
Mirthful laughter spills from your mouth before your eyes flutter shut as you sway along to the song, mindlessly kicking your legs around. "Crashing and going to the hospital doesn't really sound like a good date idea."
A pensive smile creeps up on Trey's face, and he lets out a low chuckle. "Yeah? I just can't help it. You're a much more interesting sight."
He watched as the sun's dazzling light bathed your image in a beautiful, pleasant glow. To him, you looked ethereal, seemingly glowing and shining under the golden streaks of sunlight that pour through the windshield.
"What did I just say?" you sighed, smiling cheekily as you smoothed a hand over his clover-colored hair, fixing the stray strands moved askew by the wind from the open windows. "Hello~? Wonderland to Trey? Eyes on the road?"
He paused for a while before chuckling, his hands splaying out on the steering wheel as he turned his gaze back front. "Right, right. I'll be careful, princess."
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— ♰  DEUCE
Carries your things for you and will not let you do any heavy lifting at all plus he buys you drinks!
Screw Crowley Dire. You were sick of Ramshackle's awful, scratchy furniture. For once, you wished you could sit on something that wasn't littered with dust bunnies or looked like it came straight from the depths of the underworld—no offense to Idia. And so, using the money you had painstakingly saved over the last six months, you decided to buy a cute, frilly sofa.
Problem was—you couldn't lift it at all. It was too wide and heavy for your poor untrained arms. Fortunately for you, your boyfriend was more than happy to help ^^
"Um…Deuce? Are you sure you don't want me to work?" Perched atop the kitchen counters, you were worriedly staring down at him.
While he was preoccupied with lifting the couch, you were lazily sipping on a bubble tea—a drink which he bought for you himself. Humming, you let your gaze move from the soft line of his cheekbone, to the sharper cut of his jaw, before resting it onto the thick of his arms. " I don't mind helping, you know."
Deuce was standing by the door, arms tucked beneath the couch as he braced himself for lifting. "Yeah, I got this. Don't worry."
Now, why was he here, exactly? Well…First off, you didn't intend to call him at all.
In the middle of trying to haul your couch into Ramshackle's entrance, Deuce had appeared out of nowhere, offering his help. Despite your vehement denial, the stubborn boy wouldn't take no for an answer, and eventually forced you to sit down, shoving the bright, bubbly drink in your hand without saying a word.
So, here you were. Shamelessly ogling at him while he tried to find a way to bring the couch in.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to get hurt—Oh!" You gasped, hand flying up to cover your agape mouth when Deuce easily lifted it up as if it were made of air. In response to your expression of astonishment, he grinned and playfully flexed his arms. "See?"
While Deuce set the couch down in front of the TV, you slipped off the counters and strode over to him. Jumping into his embrace, you draped your arms around his shoulder and pressed a big kiss on his cheeks, watching in delight as his face exploded in pink. "You're so strong! Thank you so much!"
Deuce let a wobbly smile stretch across his burning cheeks, his hands slack atop your hips. "Y-Yeah! No problem."
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Sugar dad-I mean-financial help<3 + Hints at passenger princess treatment
Leona Kingscholar was not a romantic. Naturally, he has stayed to himself ever since he was little. This lion was not the kind to be sentimental, gooey, or emotional. So it is astonishing how quickly this stone-cold personality of his breaks down when he's around you.
Every little thing you do drives him into a lovesick frenzy, and he has no idea how to stop it. He wasn't particularly into grand displays of affection or romantic gestures. Ergo, in an effort to express his adoration, he turns to more…costly methods.
"Tell me what you want." Leona demands, tone serious as he wraps a rough yet protective arm around your hips. Both of you were standing smack dab in the middle of a large shopping mall. Though the more you stood here, the more you began to realize that this place wasn't really your…ordinary mall.
First and foremost, when Leona pulled up, there was private parking, and that was already intimidating to you in and of itself. Second, it seems like every single store in here was a luxury brand. You've seen a couple of these logos plastered onto the tags of Vil's or Jade and Floyd's clothes.
As a matter of fact, you were pretty sure their plastic bags cost more than your entire yearly allowance combined.
"Ah, um…"  A nervous sweat built up on your brow as you fished your wallet out, peering into what little funds you had. "Leona, honey—I just needed to get some school supplies…Is there a different mall we can go to?" You sheepishly smiled up at him. "I don't think I can afford to get anything here."
Silence immediately follows as Leona stares at you with a dumbfounded look. Blinking bluntly, he scoffs. "Who said you were paying?"
"Hu-Huh?" You stammered, fiddling with your wallet. The lion's eyes were ripped wide open in shock, as if the mere thought of you spending your own money on your own things was a criminal act. Something so ludicrous that even a person with his deceptive persona finds it distasteful.
"Ain't it obvious already? I'm paying," Leona huffs, dragging you to a nearby jewelry shop. Behind the glass were displays of glittering pearls and jewels, each of which had delicate and intricate carvings. "And we're gettin' more than stationary."
"But-!" You start, only to get interrupted as his calloused hand clamps over your mouth.
"No buts."
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Giving you his coat when you're cold and just being sickeningly sweet<3
Ruggie was used to working for others, and this habit of his pours over to you. Though it wouldn't take long for people to notice that his acts of labor was…different with you.
For others, Ruggie works because there's an exchange, a benefit, or a payment for him. For you, however, he does things with no motive in mind. He would never ask for more because he genuinely didn't need anything more, and if he ever did, a simple kiss or hug from you would be plenty.
It was a frigid winter day and both of you were walking to school together, a routine you both developed over the past few months. As you followed him through the deep snowfall, the cold wind nipped and bit at your skin, making you shudder. Despite the struggle, you push on, the rough pads of your boots dragging along the thick blankets of snow.
Unfortunately for you, the flimsy cardigan you bought at Sam's did nothing to keep your body safe from the cruel winter.
While Ruggie's oversized warm coat helps kept him sufficiently warmed up, you, on the other hand, are struggling. You know you should have gotten a thicker coat, but this was all you could afford last minute.
Ever so caring, your boyfriend is quick to notice this and turns back around, trudging through the snow to meet you.
"C'mere," Ruggie drags you into his embrace and starts to slowly inch the coat off his shoulders. With your form now pushed against his body, he takes the chance to press a soft kiss against your cheeks. At the exchange of affection, both of you erupt in soft giggles, lovesick grins stretched across your lips.
The moment feels intimate, loving, and safe.
"Here ya' go." Suddenly he's engulfing you in his thick cloak and zipping it up. Protesting, you try to give it back, but all he does is snicker and shake his head. He peppers warm kisses on the side of your bare frostbitten neck, relishing in the giggles that spill from your lips. "Keep it. I can handle the cold. I'm used to it but I can't have you freezin' out here, now can I?"
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— ♰  JACK
Carries you when your feet start to hurt, tee hee
Jack was strong and well-disciplined. He's worked hard and trained himself to peak physical condition, yet even then, he's continually seeking to improve himself even more. He's tried it all: fitness routines, weight lifting, and sports. And it pays off.
His strength has proven useful in a variety of circumstances. from physical education classes, sporting events, marathons, and, strangely enough, carrying you when your heels begin to hurt your feet.
Jack looks around the booths as he takes your hands in his, pulling you along the festival crowds, "Hm. I think the takoyaki stand is around here. You were craving that earlier, right?" If it weren't for the intense dull ache at the bottom of your ankles, you would have been delighted to hear about the delectable octopus snack.
Instead, you hissed and pulled on the beastman's hand, halting to a stop, unable to take the torture of your heels any longer. "Jack, hold on a second."
Groaning, you slouch down on a nearby bench and kick off your heels, scowling at the dull throb that's pressing itself against the back of your foot. Jack quickly knelt down by your side, ears alert and tail swishing.
"What's wrong?" He questions as he drags your legs over to rest on top of his firm thighs. "Do your feet hurt?"
"Yeah," you sigh. "I kinda regret putting on heels at a festival like this…I didn't realize it would hurt so bad. I just wanted to look cute."
The wolf ponders for a moment before swiftly turning around, presenting his back to you, "Get on."
"Eh?" You blinked, tilting your head to the side. Jack looks away, keeping his head tilted to the ground as a dark flush swept over his skin. "I'll carry you…I-If your feet hurt, I won't mind carrying you."
"Oh!" Smiling, you slip onto his back and wrap your arms snug around his neck. Jack clutches your heels in one hand while the other grasps onto your thigh. The beastman easily stands up, supporting both his and your weight as he heads towards the food stands.
"Who knew you were such a softie, Jack! Hehe." You tease, pressing a kiss against the side of his neck. The beastman flushed even more, avoiding your gaze at all cost.
"Tch. I-I don't go around doing this for anyone."
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— ♰  AZUL
Sugar dad-I mean-financial help<3 #2
Azul lived to spoil you.
For you, the octo-mer gleefully buys mountains of clothing. Your entire wardrobe has been thoughtfully planned by him (and often rapidly purchased, Floyd is always the victim to his 12am shopping whims).
Other than clothing, he's also quite fond of jewelry. He clasps pure pearls to your ears, drapes diamonds over your neck, and slips rings onto your fingers. It would be the highlight of Azul's day to see the items he had purchased for you proudly displayed for all the students on campus to see.
"Shall we?" he asks softly as he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you up from your chair. The smooth white silk of your dress cascades off the plush leather seat, draping down to your ankles. Azul swiftly guides you away from the lounge, signaling at both Floyd and Jade in the corner to clean up before turning his attention back to you, once more. "I hope the food was to your liking, angelfish?"
"Oh, it was," you confirm, a smile playing on your lips. Leaning up, you press a warm kiss against his lips, one which he returns. "Thank you for the wonderful night, Azul! The dress as well. It looks beautiful."
"Why, of course." The octo-mer hums, running his hand up your back. As he slips both of you into his room, he shuts the door with his foot and guides you to his vanity. "Though I do have one last gift."
"Another?" You chuckle, "Don't you think you spoil me too much? I don't want it to seem like I'm leeching off of you…"
"No, you could never," Azul says as he motions you to a seat near the table of his vanity. The octo-mer reaches over and opens a drawer, revealing a nice velvet box.
As the box is opened, a gorgeous sea-glass necklace with a stunning silver-coral colour is exhibited to you. It sat prettily atop a white plush pillow, winking at you. Azul deftly runs a hand up your neck to pull your hair back and your lips parts in a "o" when he clasps it on.
"Azul," you breathlessly murmur. "I can't possibly—This must have cost a fortune."
"It's for you," Azul smiles. "Only for you."
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— ♰  JADE
You have scary eel privileges'
It was not uncommon for Jade to come knocking at your door in opportune times of the night to accompany you out for a walk. You mentioned once how you loved stargazing and Jade hasn't let that go since. For he too had always carried a fondness for the night, more specifically, the moon.
It was constant, a repetitive lustrous cycle, and despite his thrill seeking nature, he took comfort in its consistency. Walks with you were the highlight of his week, and he certainly does not take interruptions from pesky little bugs lightly.
The night sky above Ramshackle was littered with painted specs of sparkling stars, burning brightly amidst the gradients of blue and black. Jade had a firm hand situated by the small of your back, gently guiding you along the dirt path of the trail.
"It's so beautiful…" You murmur in astonishment, craning your head up to peer up at the canvas of stars. Chuckling, Jade tugs you in closer to slip his large jacket over your shoulders. "I'm glad you like it, pearl. I do hope it's not too cold?"
"Not at all."
Both of you continue along your hike, going deeper and deeper into the thick, dense forest. As you trudged on, a bundle of wild mushrooms caught your eye and you halted to a stop, recognizing the patterns and spots on the fungi in a book Jade had once shown you.
"Wait here a moment. I just saw those mushrooms you wanted so bad. I'll go get it!" Before Jade could even reply, you were already off, sneaking past tall bushes and prickly trees. 
Just as you were about to pick your first mushroom, a low growl interrupts you. Freezing, your eyes dart upward to see a Savanaclaw student towering over your form. 
He did not seem happy.
"Oya? You're that Ramshackle punk, aren't you?…I have to say, Leona let you off real easy after that little spy mission you did in our dorm." He sneers, rolling the joints of his shoulders and moving closer, backing you up against a tree. "That's all good with me…Cuz' If he won't do something bout' it, then I will."
Suddenly, he was drawing his fist back, aiming for you. The sudden shift happened so quickly that all you could do was flinch and hunch over, preparing yourself for a hit.
Only for it to never come.
"My, my," a familiar voice muses. Breath hitching in your throat, you peek up and see Jade looming behind the boy. The eel's hand was coiled tight around the beastman's wrist, clasping tighter and tighter until there was a sickening snap. 
"How foolish of you to think I would allow that."
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You have scary eel privileges' #2
Floyd was a lot softer and caring than a lot of people would give him credit for. That or he just gives you special treatment. After all, the big bad eel found you endearing. You were his one and only beloved little shrimpy. 
You were the one who stood by him even when others dismissed him as strange or frightful because you loved and adored him wholeheartedly. So, he can't help but be protective of you.
Nothing will ever hurt you so long as he's by your side.
"Shrimpy? What're you doing here?"
Sniffles and cries wreck your chest as you curled up on Floyd's bed, clutching his shrimp plush tight in your arms. Said eel was standing by the door, a look of shock plastered onto his features before it turned ice-cold as he approached your weeping form.
"My poor shrimpy…" Floyd rasps, tugging off his gloves to cup your wet cheeks with his big hands. "What's wrong with my shrimpy? Did someone do this? I'll squeeze 'em if they did."
The eel crawls into bed with you, tugging the plush out of your arms and slipping himself into your embrace. Soft warm kisses are peppered on your wet cheeks as Floyd coos at you.
Sobbing, you raise a hand to furiously wipe at your eyes before exclaiming, "It's Grim again! Why does he have to be so difficult?! I worked so hard for my alchemy exam, but it seems like he doesn't care! He's brought our grades down again!"
"It's that cat of yours again, huh?" Floyd clicked his tongue, thumb pressing against the corner of your teary eyes. He pressed a warm palm to your cheek, examining your face with close inspection as he slowly reached for your hand and set it down atop his beating heart. "No worries. Just let it all out, shrimpy. I'll have a talk with the baby seal later hehe~"
You sniffed and brushed his comments aside as you pulled away from the embrace, an action which made him pout. "…I'm not sure he'd even listen. Grim is as stubborn as a rock." 
"We'll see about that, shrimpy." Floyd scoffs, a frown on his face clearly visible as he pulls you closer once more.
"Yanno, I'm pretty good at alchemy myself." Floyd chirps, a dark grin slowly stretching across his cheeks. "I'm sure the baby seal won't mind having a private tutor session with good ol' me."
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— ♰ ROOK
This man WORSHIPS the ground you walk on.
As they say, "Before you die, experience the love of a writer, poet or painter. If you're lucky enough to be an artist's muse, they will immortalize you." Such a muse you were to Rook.
Though it would take quite a lot of coaxing before he could have the pleasure of having you as his muse, at the rare moments you did agree—Rook did his utmost best to do you justice on the canvas.
Portraiture looked into the life of the subject, revealed what was hidden deep inside, and examined it. With his hunter-like manner, Rook was all too acquainted with this study.
"A-Am I doing this right?" You murmur, trying your best not to move around as you held a bouquet of daisies up to your chest. There was a cream-tinted dress draped across your body as you reclined against the backdrop Rook had set up.
"Oui. Such beauty in your gaze, trickster. Angels lurk behind your eyes." The hunter flirts, resolute gazed locked onto your flustered ones as he drags his brush against the palette. There was an experiment with the hues for a time before he blended a few other colors.
"I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to do this." As he'd found the color he wanted, Rook turned back to you. He took careful note of every nuance and detail of your glowing visage and committed as much as he could to memory. Rook knew he’d have to make your portrait perfect. He simply couldn’t allow for anything else.
"You're very persistent," you huff with a small smile on your face. "I had to cave in eventually, huh?"
"But, of course!" Rook cheekily grins, turning his attention back to the canvas. "I can't let a chance like this pass me by."
Time passed and layers upon layers of color came together to form the picture he sought after. Out to the right, spread across a lush sofa, was your incandescent form. And he surely didn't hold back on the details. The creases in the fabric, the curve of your smile, and the contours of the plush pillows scattered on either side of the plush crimson sofa all draw the eye.
It was a large painting that he had boldly placed in Pomefiore's living room, much to Vil's chagrin. Try as he might, the dormleader couldn't get the hunter to remove it at all.
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Princess treatment? pff. That's cute. No, it's queen treatment to him.
You had a bad tendency of rambling on about whatever that came to mind, often without realising that another person was in the same room as you. Even if you initially didn't mind this little quirk of yours, recent events have made you realise that you should probably curb your mouth-running.
Even more so considering that your partner, caring as he was, had a tendency to be quite…impulsive. Especially when it comes to matters concerning your comfort and well-being.
Malleus was flipping through a catalogue of colour samples and scrutinizing each texture with careful judgment. Slipping the page into your hands, he murmurs, "This is all rather lovely. Perhaps a dark crimson will suffice. Or would you like this wine red dye, my dear?" The dragon looked at you, patiently awaiting your response.
Only for there to be none.
You stood awkwardly at his side, your cheeks flaming up with shame. Tugging at his coat, you rose up on your tiptoes and whispered quietly, "Tsunotaro…when I whined about it being cold, I didn't mean for you to go this far."
"Oh?" He quirks a brow up, "Do you not like these colors?"
"Mal," you utter gently, handing the catalogue back to him. "I don't really think we need to—"
"Young Master. If I may," Sebek interrupts, voice raising to a strained high squeak, "Please do tell. Why are we replacing every.single marble floor in the dorm…with carpet?"
Malleus draws you in his arms, all while ignoring the enraged stare painted on Sebek's face. "My darling's feet become frigid cold when they walk along the marble flooring. I think it's due time for it to get redone," he says while running his hands tenderly up your back and gazing at you with a ghost of a smile on his lips.
Sebek blinks, a strained smile sneaking up on his cheeks, "Well. I'm sure they can use slippers—"
"Nonsense." Malleus snarls, eyes flashing a luminous green. "How dare you even think of subjecting them to such a ludicrous act. Hmph. Using…slippers—How preposterous." 
"No. I think my way is much better." Shaking his head, Malleus turns back to the catalogue—paying no mind to the grief-stricken look on his retainer's face. "Now dearest, do you think burgundy would look good in the kitchen?"
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Carries your sparkly pink purses for you, slay king<3
Sebek was not a fool. The fae was well aware he could be a bit…much at times. And even if he doesn't express it, he really values your nearly infinite patience with him. 
The boy was awkward at affection, and this is especially highlighted when it comes to anything involving romantic gestures. Even though your snappy crocodile was hard-headed and stubborn at times, he still showed you how much he cared in his own little ways. Even if it were something as simple as carrying your sparkly pink bag around the campus.
"You ought to have known better than to jest so lightly about Diasomnia that way!" Sebek barks out, a leather-clad finger digging deep into Ace's chest. However, as opposed to being upset as Sebek had anticipated, the ginger chortles, muffled giggles sneaking past his clamped up lips.
"Sebek, buddy." Ace wheezes out, shoulders shaking from the strain of his suppressed laughter. "It's kinda hard to take you seriously…wh-when you have that."
The Heartslabyul runt gestures towards your designer purse, which was snugly resting against Sebek's bicep, slung over his shoulder. 
It was quite the eye-catcher. The sparkling pink diamonds of its handle twinkled a bright brilliant white, so bright in fact that it was almost blinding. 
Epel takes notice of the logo and crocodile keychain attached to it and he perks up.
"Oh, it's one of those girly-lookin' designer bags Vil is always yappin' about," Epel points out, squinting his eyes to get a better look at it. "Ain't that the prefect's bag?"
Unfazed by Ace's mocking, Sebek scoffs arrogantly, crossing his arms over his broad chest. "Indeed, it is. As a knight-in-training, it is only right for me to possess the quality of a gentleman. Chivalrous acts like this are nothing to be ashamed of." He abruptly snapped his head over to glower at Ace, who was sitting rather comfortably in the cafeteria bench, crossing one leg over the over as he met Sebek's irritated stare. "Not that I anticipate someone like you to ever have experience with it.."
Sebek then rose from the table and strode boldly in the direction of your classroom, the pink bag swinging with each heavy step he took. Epel was leaning over the table, placing a shaky hand on Ace's shoulder as loud laughter racked through his body.
"Darn' right," Epel cackles, wiping the tears away from his eyes before turning to the ginger. "Nice ta' see someone still has sum chivalry…Unlike you, Ace."
The ginger visibly deflates, rolling his eyes as he mutters, "Yeah, yeah. We get it. He's down bad."
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naturesapphic · 5 months
Jade West x Fem reader:
R and Jade being gfs, not really keeping it a secret but no one seems to ever notice until the one time R walks up to the group late for lunch since she had to practice a song for a class, Jade has R’s lunch and everything and R gives her a kiss in gratitude like any gf would. Only to be bombarded with questions. Them both being like: we didn’t exactly keep it a secret. Everyone disagreeing which leads to them both pointing out every time they did PDA infront of the group. Them saying they never noticed and R smirking at jade with the ‘I wonder what else they wouldn’t notice’ smirk as she starts to rub Jade’s thigh😭
Jade blushing and Tori pointing it out but before Jade speaks R does. “Tori if you don’t shut up I can show you all the ways i can hurt you using only mg index finger” Eveyone is shocked except Jade bc she knows R is only mean when someone really pisses her off or is rude/pisses off jade and makes her uncomfortable (which Tori did)
Everyone thinking back to moments R would be mean and realising it was only ever bc it would be jade related
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Jade west x fem!reader
Warnings: cussing and fluff :)
“Hey babygirl. Sorry I’m late. I was finishing up on my song I was working on and didn’t see the clock.” You breathed out as you ran from your class to outside to get lunch. “No problem princess. Here I got you your favorite with your favorite soda.” Jade said with a small smile on her face that she only reserves for you. “Thank you baby.” You said as you slide in beside her on the bench and kiss her gratefully on her lips.
“Wait what?” Tori exclaimed as did everyone else. “How did this happen?” “That’s hot.” “Shut up Rex!” “Awwww y’all are so cute!!!” “As long as y’all are happy.” Everyone stated and Jade rolled her eyes at them. “We didn’t exactly keep it a secret guys.” You said confused but enthralled with how they were acting. “Bro ain’t no way we would miss some lesbian action.” Rex said and Jade angrily grabbed Rex from Robbie and tore his head off and threw it in the garbage. “Rex!” Robbie yelled out as he went head first into the trash can. Everyone just looked at Jade shocked but continued on because what Rex said was weird as fuck.
“I mean…Rex was kinda right. How would we have missed it?” Andre said and you rolled your eyes this time and Jade smirked over at you. “Well remember at the full moon jam and jade glared and made comments at anyone who was near me or looked at me?” You explained and they still didn’t look as convinced. “Well maybe it’s because jades such a good friend!” Cat exclaimed happily and you gave her a smile. “Well she is my best friend so I’ll give you that but has she ever done that with y’all?” You said to everyone and they all shook their heads besides Beck but jade and beck had a decent breakup and decided to just stay friends.
“And how we always hold hands when we are together.” You said. “Well we thought that y’all were really close and Jade had a soft spot for you.” Tori said and you thought of more reasons to convince them. “And! When jade literally grabbed my face and kissed me in front of a boy when he kept trying to ask me out and she said “mine!” And the boy scurried off.” You said and everyone said “ohhhh”. “I thought jade was being nice!” Cat said and everyone started laughing and Jade gave everyone glares. “I can be nice! Only to y/n though…and sometimes cat.” Jade admitted and you giggled at her. “Fuck y’all.” Jade said and you smirked at her. “You only need to fuck me.” You said and Jade blushed a little and hid her cheeks by putting both of her hands on them.
“Okay ew we didn’t need to know that.” Robbie said as he came back from receiving Rex “shut the fuck up robbie.” Jade replied and you held back a laugh. “I can’t believe we never noticed that y’all did any pda, let alone dating.” Beck said and you smirked at Jade “I wonder what else they wouldn’t notice.” As you started rubbing jaded thigh under the table and Jade started blushing again. Of course Tori took notice and decided to open her big mouth. “Why Jade blushing so much? What are y’all doing?” Tori said and before Jade could mutter a word you jumped to it. “Tori if you don’t shut up I can show you all the ways I can hurt you only using my index finger.” You threatened her and everyone just looked at you with wide eyes.
“Damn y/n didn’t think you had it in you.” Beck said shocked at your comment and everyone agreed. “Man…y’all are fucking special and not observant at all. My grandparents probably have a higher iq than all of y’all combined.” You said dumbfounded at their obliviousness. “I’m only mean when someone makes Jade upset and uncomfortable. Which Tori clearly did.” You said as you gave Tori a deadly death stare which made her shift in her seat. “Ohhhhh is that why you kicked that guy in his balls when he tore up jades poster she made for one of her plays?” Cat asked you and you giggled nodding. “Yeah she did.” Jade said proudly and put her arm around you.
“and that one time where she punched a girl in the face for making fun of Jade behind her back?” Andre said asked and you nodded. “Yup. I sure did. She got what she deserved. No one talks about my girl like that behind her back.” You said and Jade gives you a loving smile. “Damn…it definitely makes sense now. With how y/n and Jade always protect each other and are so touchy.” Tori said as everyone nodded in agreement. “Can I watch y’all kiss sometime?” Rex said and this time you got Rex and threw him somewhere as Robbie ran to go get him. “That’s my girl.” Jade said proudly as everyone smiled at the both of you together.
A/n: I hope @karsonromanoff likes it and I hope the rest of y’all enjoy it! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all! And happy new year!
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companionjones · 1 year
Love is in the Air (Why Didn’t You Tell Me?)
Pairing: Beck Oliver x Fem!Reader
Fandom: Victorious (Nickelodeon)
Summary: Based on the episode of Victorious “Beggin’ on Your Knees,” where you take the place of Tori. Some things are changed.
Warnings: None that I can think of
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Y/n=Your name
W/n=Wrong name
    Love was in the air at Hollywood Arts, and you absolutely hated it. You sat on the stairs in the main hallway and watched all the main couples of the school go about their day.
    Trina came into view. She was running after Jade. “Babe! I said I was sorry!”
    Jade’s jaw tightened as she turned back around to her girlfriend. “You walked in on my auditions!”
    “I’m sorry! You know how I get! I see an opportunity and I just gotta take it. Y’know?”
    Her words didn’t soothe Jade’s anger. “My audition isn’t your opportunity!”
    Trina paused for a moment. “Well, yeah. I know that now...Listen what if I buy you those new scissors you wanted?”
    That seemed to immediately resolve a lot of Jade’s resentment. “...The ones that are diamond encrusted?”
    “The very same,” Trina nodded. “Do you like me again?”
    Jade took a step up to Trina, took her hand, and kissed her cheek. “Maybe...”
    The two walked off together.
    “Whatcha doin’?” Beck was suddenly looming over you.
    You turned around to look at him. “Wallowing in my loneliness.” You turned back around and rested your head on your hands.
    “...That sounds like fun,” Beck responded, not knowing what else to say.
    “Robbie!!! Robbie!!!” Cat burst onto the scene by running down the stairs and screaming bloody murder for Robbie. She reached the middle of the main hallway and released her loudest scream yet. “ROBBIE SHAPIRO!!!”
    The boy came sprinting into view on Cat’s right. “What? What is it? Everyone’s telling me you’re looking for me, Cat. Is everything okay? Are you hurt?”
    “No,” Cat answered, much calmer than before.
    “Then what is it?” Robbie asked, still very concerned.
    Cat’s response was simple: “I missed you.” She then leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Robbie’s torso.
    Robbie let his head rest on top of hers. Probably to equally revel in her cuteness and insanity. “I...I missed you too, sweetheart...But next time, maybe try calling me on the phone...” His voice trailed off as he and Cat walked away.
    “Hey, guys.” Tori approached you and Beck, hand-in-hand with André.
    You immediately rolled your eyes. “Here we go. Yet another couple to rub their happiness in my face.”
    “I’m sorry?” Tori wasn’t sure if she should’ve apologised for her happiness.
    “What’s with the sour attitude?” André wondered. When he and Tori came to a stop, he traded holding hands with her with putting an arm around her shoulder.
    “Nothing’s up. Right, Y/n?” Beck answered for you. Before you could respond to Beck, he asked the three of you, “You guys wanna get lunch?”
    Both Tori and André nodded. “Sure.”
    Beck grabbed your hand. “You’re coming too. C’mon.” He dragged you along with him.
    Outside, you were mainly focusing on your food, which was why you didn’t notice, at first, a guy walk up next to you. When you did notice him, you saw that he wasn’t just a guy, he was Ryder Daniels, a senior. A really hot senior at that. He was talking to you.
    “Hey. It’s W/n, right?”
    “Y/n.” Beck corrected without looking up from his meal.
    Ryder cleared his throat. “Y/n, right. How are you doing?”
    “I-I’m doing okay...How are you?”
    Ryder smiled at you. “I’m good. So, Y/n, I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?”
    You felt your eyes widen. “With me?”
    Vaguely, you heard Beck go, “With her?”
    Ryder gave a weird look to Beck. “Yeah...” He turned back to you. “What do you think?”
    “Uh, s-sure.” You had to physically push the word out.
    “Great.” Ryder grinned and walked away.
    “Great!” you called after him, then turned back to your friends. “What just happened?”
    Tori was the first to answer. “What do you think just happened? You got a date!”
    Your heart was beating out of your chest. “Really? Are you sure?”
    “Yes!” André congratulated you. “Be happy, Y/n!”
    You were pretty sure that was what you were feeling. Your heart wouldn’t slow down to tell you anything else.
    That night, you had just finished a pretty fun night with Ryder. You couldn’t believe it, but you were pretty sure you had just fallen into your first relationship.
    There was a knock at your door.
    You walked toward it, confused. “Ryder? Did you forget something?” You opened your door to find not Ryder. “Beck?”
    “I don’t like this.” He came marching into your home.
    Your confusion only grew. “Don’t like what?”
    He jumped onto another subject. “How was your date?”
    “It went fine. We’re doing the Full Moon Jam together. Is this what you’re upset about?” you wondered.
    Beck’s jaw clenched. “Maybe.”
    “Why?” You were flabbergast.
    He thought for a second. “I don’t-I don’t know, but I just don’t like the idea of you with someone else--”
    “Are you kidding me?!” you shrieked. “All this time, I’ve been alone, Beck. So I swear to god, if you tell me you like me now--”
    “I don’t like you!” he shouted back. “I just don’t want to see you with him! I don’t want to see you with anyone unless it’s m--” Beck immediately stopped talking as realisation dawned on his face.
    “...Get out,” was all you had to say.
    Beck hung his head as he followed your order.
    And just like that, you were left alone.
    The next day, you were excited to see Ryder again. You were excited to see anyone that could distract you from Beck. You decided to meet Ryder at his locker.
    You were about to round the corner when you heard Ryder talking to one of his friends.
    “Hey, Ryder. Congratulations! I heard you’re dating that one girl--What is it--W/n?”
    “Yeah. Only until she gets me an A on this Full Moon Jam assignment. Then you can have her.”
    That was all it took to have you booking it in the other direction.
    You weren’t sure how many hours you spent in the janitor’s closet, but you were pretty sure you’d heard the bell ring three times. You weren’t willing to do the math.
    Suddenly, the door to the closet burst open. “There you are!” Beck called out, relieved. “Jesus, I’ve got everyone looking for you, y’know...Y/n?”
    “He’s using me,” you tearfully informed, “He’s using me to get a good grade on the Full Moon Jam assignment, then he’s gonna dump me.”
    Beck didn’t know what to say, “Oh, Y/n.”
    “Why didn’t you say anything?” You sprung to your feet.
    He thought you were talking about Ryder. “I didn’t know--”
    “Not about him. Why didn’t you tell me you liked me before all this mess?”
    Beck was ashamed. “I didn’t know about that either until Ryder asked you out.”
    “Why didn’t you tell me--?” Your sobs cut you off. You started crumpling into yourself until Beck enveloped you in a hug.
    For some reason, life didn’t seem so bad anymore. You hugged him back. The tears kept falling.
    “I’m never going to let anyone hurt you again,” Beck whispered, “Whether I have you or not. No one will ever treat you like this again--”
    You kissed him.
    It was an intense kiss. Beck roughly backed you against some drawers, and you forcefully ran your fingers through Beck’s hair.
    Eventually, you two had to part for air, and you just smiled.
    “What’s the smile about?” Beck asked. His expression matched yours.
    “Oh, a few things,” you answered teasingly. You kissed him again. “I think I know how to get revenge on Ryder, and I’m gonna need your help.
    “Anything,” Beck promised you.
    “Good,” you grinned, and kissed him again.
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it. I would also really appreciate a comment, if you have the time. If you would like to read more, check out my masterlist. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you!
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anianurst · 5 months
OMG IGNORE THE OTHER ASK ME I MEANT MORE BIG BROTHER SUKUNA ur first one was rlly good (poor yuji) but it was rlly good 😜
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summary: being with sukuna is like riding a seesaw. good thing his sweet, younger brother, yuji, is there to hear about your problems and be a shoulder to lean on. too bad you don't feel the same for him.
a/n: a part two! i wanted to continue with the band au thing that I wrote about in the first part. i was rewatching victorious and oml jade and beck is kinda of what i picture y/n and sukuna being like (but like more intense). song used is "you don't know me" by Elizabeth gillies (the actress for jade) (here's the link)
warning(s): mentions of toxic relationship, sexual acts!!, leading on (mostly on yuji's part), one-sided feelings (again on yujis part I'm sorry bb), mentions of manga characters not yet introduced in the anime (yorozu and kashimo hajime)
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"I told you that I don't want you talking to her anymore! She keeps fucking flirting with you, and I don't like it!" you yell at Sukuna, and like always he rolls his eyes at your antics. Scoffing, you cross your arms and wait for Sukuna to say something, anything at this point to ease your worries.
"Yeah, and I fucking told you that you're overreacting. Yorozu's always like that," he replied, his face pulled into a nasty scowl, his eyes narrowing into a cold gaze. His words do little to ease your anger (or worry) and cause more rage to flare in you.
"Are you fucking kidding me? That's it? That's your excuse for her basically fucking herself on you the entire night?!" you scoff. You think back to how this whole fight started, and a deep pit at the bottom of your stomach starts to form.
Why hadn't you listened to your friends? They knew the type of guy Sukuna was and they warned you about getting involved with him. How someone like him would never allow himself to be tied down to one girl. How he wasn't "boyfriend" material at all.
And they were right. Even though your relationship with Sukuna had evolved past that of a one-night stand to the point where you'd see each other for dinner or even movies, that didn't stop him from basking in the attention of other girls, Yorozu specifically.
Ugh, you hated her the moment that Sukuna had introduced the two of you. The boom of the music that always filled you with a rush of adrenaline and energy seemed to dull as your eyes landed on the girl who clutched onto Sukuna's arm and pushed her boobs into his frame. Her love-sick eyes that always followed him and that ugly high-pitched laugh of hers set off something ugly in you.
The sound of the door opening makes the two of you turn. Yuji walks through the door, his gym bag slung on his shoulder and hair a little matte with sweat. His tired figure seemingly brightens up the second his eyes fall on you, and he's smiling oh-so sweetly at you. It doesn't last long as he notices how there are tears pricking the ends of your eyes and how your arms are crossed in anger.
He's quick to put his gym bag down, head over to you, and place a hand on the small of your back. "You ok? Did Sukuna say something rude to you?" he asks, his voice and eyes filled with nothing but sincere worry and softness.
Sukuna's quick to scoff, and before he knows it, he shoves Yuji away from you. "She's fucking fine," he spits out. Without another word, he turned on the ball of his feet and headed towards his room. His door-slamming echoes throughout the apartment, and with him gone, you finally let your tears fall.
Strong, warm arms are quick to wrap around you as you let your head lean on Yuji's shoulder. Small hiccups leave your lips as Yuji whispers sweet nothings into your ears and rubs comforting circles into your back. "I-I just need to go. I'm sorry, Yuji," you say and quickly step out of his arms and grab your bag from the couch.
"I'm always here for you if you need anything," the pink-haired boy says, and there's a strange tug at your heart. A small and quick 'thanks' is all you can muster before rushing out and away from the apartment.
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"You think you're so funny, huh?" Sukuna sneers at you, his eyes glaring down into yours as he holds your wrists together. His leg pushes between your thighs, and a whimper falls from your lips as you feel the familiar hot warmth pulse throughout your body.
"Do-Don't know what you're ta-talking 'bout," you manage to say, lying straight to Sukuna's face. It seems you both know that you're lying, and he lets out a deep chuckle as he lowers his lips to bite into your shoulder. A yelp escapes your lips before you try to hold back a moan.
"Really? So, you weren't throwing yourself on Kashimo like some slut?" Sukuna says back. Your eyes narrow into a glare as your gaze meets his. You can feel his boner pressing into your thigh, and you hate how you can feel yourself getting wet.
"Fuck you," you spit at him, and he laughs again.
"That's the plan, darling."
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"Are you sure you are good to go on, y/n? You look like shit," Shoko says, a cig hanging from her lips. A puff of smoke follows, and you grimace as you try to wave it away from you.
"I'm good. Just kinda tired," is all you say, and Shoko doesn't look entirely impressed with your answer. She sighs before putting her cig out and holding your hand in hers.
"Maybe it's time you put an end to whatever you have with Sukuna," she whispers quietly enough so that Satoru and Suguru don't hear it (even though you're pretty sure they're listening in anyway since they, too, are worried about you). And you hate how she says it, "whatever." Shit, you hate that it accurately sums up the relationship between you and Sukuna. Because, in truth, you don't know what you and Sukuna are anymore. You two argue, you fuck, you go out to parties together and then go back to arguing. You don't remember ever having fun together like you did in the beginning. Instead, you've gotten so used to your routine that you've begun looking forward to what happens sometimes after you argue.
How when Yuji comes back to the apartment, and you and Sukuna are in the middle or nearing the end of a yelling match, he'll whisk you away and look at you with those love-filled eyes. How he'll tell you some stupid story that happened to him and his friends, or how he'll take you to the nearby ice cream shop in hopes that it'll cheer you up. How your heart feels much heavier every time you say goodbye to him, and you catch a glimpse of his red, rosy cheeks.
You know that Yuji likes you, but not in a friendly way. No, that he genuinely wants to be in Sukuna's place. He wants to treat you so much better than his older brother does. And you know he would, but you simply can't feel the same for him. No matter how much ice cream you eat or how many stories he tells you, your heart doesn't beat the same for him as it does for Sukuna. And you feel so incredibly guilty about how you let him take you away from your big-bad-scary 'whatever' and act like the two of you are together.
With a huff, you stand up and down the rest of your drink before smiling back at your bandmates. "It's almost time for us to go on."
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How fucking shameless can Sukuna be? you think as your gaze sweeps the crowd and lands on him and his friends. Uraume (who you actually like and you think likes you back) is bobbing their head to the beat of the current song while Mahito cheers wildly (he's so wasted) and Hajime is sipping on his drink, and of course, Yorozu is wrapped all around Sukuna.
His eyes aren't on her, though. No, they're staring straight back into yours, and you hate how, after all this time, it still sends a shiver down your spine. The world seems to fade away as you finish the last line of the song, and you're turning to bandmates. "We're doing the new one," is all you say, and they're quick to grin back at you and follow your request.
You think you know me but you don't know me You think you own me but you can't control me You look at me and there's just one thing that you see So listen to me, listen to me!
Your grip on the mic tightens as you push your hair out of your face, a flush rising on your neck. The crowd seems to roar even louder.
You push me back, I push you back, harder, harder You scream at me, I scream at you, louder, l-l-l-l-louder I'm dangerous, I'm warning you But you're not afraid of me and I can't convince you You don't know me
Sukuna shoves Yorozu off his arm as he takes a couple steps forward. There's a smirk growing on his face as your eyes meet again, and there's an ugly but warm pleasure that spreads throughout your body.
And the longer that you stay, the ice is melting And the pain feels okay, it feels okay, hey
You think back to all your arguments with Sukuna, and for a second, you wonder if that's what love really is. Is it supposed to leave you feeling overwhelmed and enraged to the point where you feel too addicted to that same feeling? Well, whatever you think. Maybe it's not supposed to feel that way to other people, but to you and Sukuna, that's what makes the two of you work.
All the pain and yelling is what keeps your hearts beating for one another, and maybe it's toxic and not right. But who cares.
You push me back, I'll push you back You scream at me, I'll scream at you louder, louder Louder, louder, louder, louder Louder! Louder! Louder
Maybe you're both messed up to keep 'whatever' going on, destroying one another and then rebuilding one another through sex. Maybe you're more messed up for dragging poor, innocent Yuji into your hideous cycle. For making him think that perhaps one day you'll wake up and throw yourself into his arms.
You push me back, I push you back, harder, harder You scream at me, I scream at you, louder, l-l-l-l-louder I'm dangerous, I'm warning you But you're not afraid of me and I can't convince you
Poor Yuji, having feelings for someone who already seems to be taken by his cruel older brother. He watches you sing your heart out and shine so beautifully that he knows the flush on his cheeks isn't from the alcohol. He notices that your eyes always seem to go back to the same spot, and as he turns his head, his heart drops as he sees Sukuna standing there, his cheeks flushed a deep red and grin now replacing his smirk.
He watches the spark grow brighter between the two of you, and every nerve in his body tells him to leave. But he can't, not when he starts to see a love-filled grin start to spread on your face.
His heart seems to come back to life as it beats faster while he watches you perform. Someone bumps into him, and then he's brought back to the reality that your gaze and grin aren't directed at him.
And I don't have to, I think you know me
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supercap2319 · 6 months
Beck Oliver kissing his secret boyfriend in front of everyone and tori gets jealous and tries to make a plan to make beck hers but only for it to backfire
Beck didn't have a problem with coming out. He was very open about being Bisexual, but his boyfriend in secret asked that their relationship remain in secret. For the time being.
And Beck understood. That is until he got tired of sneaking around and only kissing his boyfriend in the janitor's closet or in the boy's locker room, or in the bathroom. He wanted to show all of Hollywood Arts that Y/N L/N was his boyfriend.
So, after Sikowitz's class, Beck grabbed Y/N and held him close in front of everyone in the hallway, and kissed him square on the lips. There were some who gasped. Others cheered. Some made homophobic slurs, but Beck could give a fuck what they thought. Beck pulled back and smiled. "Been wanting to do that all morning."
Y/N could only blush and whimper as Beck smiled and kissed him again.
Their friends were happy for them. Even Beck's ex, Jade was happy for them. All but one. Tori Vega wasn't happy in the slightest as she couldn't believe that Beck would kiss Y/N and not her.
She would make Beck hers. She had a plan.
A few days later, she invited him to her house and she tried to make a move on him. She kissed him right on the lips. Beck pushed her off and looked at her. "Tori! Dude what the hell are you doing?"
"Oh, come on, Beck. You know you like me. Y/N can't satisfy your needs like I can. " Tori said, sounding like her older sister Trina.
Beck stood up. "I don't think you know what's best for me. If you did, then you would know that I want Y/N's lips on mine. Just his. Not the slutty Vega sisters. I'm out of here."
Tori watched him leave her home as he slammed the door shut.
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artful-aries · 1 year
Can I please have How they flirt headcanons for zhongli scaramoche and Childe? Thank you in advance 🤗
Hello hello!!! I have no excuse for taking so long to put out content other than my job killing me and getting distracted with oil painting
How They Flirt With You (Zhongli, Scaramouche, Childe)
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His flirting is as refined as osmanthus wine
He is very gentlemanly when he flirts; chaste, grazing touches, deep, meaningful looks, and his willingness to jump at your beck and call are very prevalent as he seeks to woo you
Zhongli wouldn’t overload you with compliments, that would make it seem like he only cares for your physical appearance or that he is too obsessive. When he does compliment you, it is pure poetry that falls from his lips
“Your eyes shine like the purest noctilucous jade. For all of the wonders of Teyvat, you are certainly the most captivating.”
He knows his compliments can come off pretty strong in their own right, which is why he keeps them to a minimum unless he is absolutely sure that you are okay with it
None of his flirtations would come across as needy or desperate, he is calm, cool, and collected as he effortlessly but respectfully flirts with you
Being as old as he is, he does not clam up when it comes to things of this nature, nor is he afraid of the possibility of rejection. It’s all part of the mortal experience that he wishes to see more of
The unfortunate part of Zhongli’s flirting is that he can be incredibly long winded and wind up telling you the whole history of processing silk flowers into usable fabric before he can think to stop himself
He tries to pay attention to what you’re interested in, but if a topic comes up that he’s knowledgeable about, he can’t help himself but to delve deep into the topic with you
It’s not that he’s trying to show off in a conceited way, but Zhongli does like showing you that he is knowledgeable and capable in a wide variety of subjects. He just has a hard time reigning himself in once he gets started.
If you decide to flirt back with him, his demeanor isn’t going to change much other than he’s going to have a soft smile permanently plastered to his face
The way you flirt amuses him, but it makes a warmth seep deep into his heart, and his hands tingle slightly as he practically eats up your flirtations
He wants nothing more than to kiss you in these moments, but Zhongli is going to bide his time and wait. Like stone, he knows his feelings are not subject to change for a long, long time, but mortals can be fickle with their affections. He wants to wait and see how serious you are about him before trying to take things to the next step
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Chant “tsundere” in the mirror three times and Scaramouche will appear
When he starts developing a crush, he’s going to deny it to himself for a while. What use is a crush to him?
As the feelings only continue to grow as he’s around you, he has two options; avoid you, or bully you (these are clearly the only two rational options for when you have a crush on someone)
Scaramouche will attempt to avoid you first, going weeks meticulously avoiding you before he finally just gives up. It’s clearly not working for him, if anything, it’s making his thoughts of you worse
So, dropping back into your life like he never left in the first place, he starts bullying you
He never gets physical and doesn’t say absolutely horrendous things, but he will frequently imply that he thinks you’re an idiot or a weakling
You might genuinely think he just hates you, and rightfully so. Yet if you ever actually get genuinely upset with him, especially to the point of storming off or giving him the silent treatment, Scaramouche will internally panic
He won’t apologize, at least not outright, but it is very easy to see the shift in his demeanor. He makes sure that you’re in earshot to hear him say nice things about you to others, or he just sort of hangs around you as though he’s silently begging you to forgive him
When you do finally start talking to him again, he can’t help but feel a little giddy even though it makes him feel weak and pathetic
From there, his flirting actually begins, but he’s certainly no charmer. Scaramouche is still as abrasive and hard to get along with as ever, but he does random acts of kindness for you now. He’ll call you an idiot, but give you bundles of your favorite snack. He’ll scoff at you cooing over a cute cat, but will sneak a cat plush he made himself that looks just like the kitten you were cooing over the other day into your belongings
If you decide to flirt back, he’ll laugh and ask if you’re serious. When you confirm that you are in fact serious with your words, a blush will develop on his cheeks, and he will finally be rendered speechless instead of running his smart mouth
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This man is quite the tease, and it’s hard to tell when he’s just looking to get a reaction out of you or when he’s being genuine in his flirtations
He’s touchy to a fault. He sees no problem with hoisting you up randomly over his shoulder and carrying you off somewhere. The way you fluster and struggle against his hold his just so cute to him, you can’t expect him to behave when you give him such nice reactions
If you gave indication that you would genuinely start hating him for being so handsy, Childe would reign it in. As much fun as it is to push your buttons, he doesn’t want you to hate him
His touchiness doesn’t completely die, but it’s a lot more gentle and sweet, more like proper flirtation rather than borderline manhandling you
With his connections to Northland Bank, he likes to spoil you just a little bit with gifts. Nothing extravagant since you’re not dating yet, but just nice little sentimental things to show that he’s thinking of you even when he can’t pry himself away from his work
Childe also flirts by showing off, especially when it comes to fighting. He makes sure that the fight is never too dangerous or scary, but he wants you to see him absolutely decimate his enemies
It’s like he’s showing you how strong he is, that you can rely on him if you wanted to
That being said, he definitely gets a little cocky and gets himself hurt a time or two, but that just gives him an excuse to play up the injury a little so he can get you to tend to him
He will totally give you flirtatious winks and teasing remarks as you help him apply bandages to his bare torso, saying that surely you must have been dreaming of the day he got hurt so you could do this
This would be your chance to turn the tables on him and get him flustered. Shoot him a teasing remark back or let your hand ghost over the curves of his muscles and the man will turn as red as his hair
Childe loves a competition though, and will ramp up the flirty comments and gestures until you give up and walk out a blushing mess or you give in and finally kiss his stupid lips already
He knows that no matter which way things will turn out, it’ll be all the more thrilling for him
The Harbinger totally doesn’t mind staying in the flirting stage for a while; he almost likes the chase more than the reward. Almost.
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fayfayrxx · 7 months
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐱 𝐅. 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭: It's your senior year at Hollywood Arts, and Prome is coming up. You're hanging out with your friend group after rehearsal, before suddenly, Andre asks you out, and your so-called "enemy" blows up in jealousy.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: enemies - lovers fluff/slight angst
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: enemies to lovers, cursing, yelling, angsty Jade ;)
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"Y/n doesn't have a date to Prome..." Cat would point out, Robbie's arm around her shoulders. Of course, she didn't mean it in a rude way, but ouch, that hurt. I mean, Robbie had a date! You would roll your eyes. "Whatever, I can still go and have fun, right? I mean, I can hang out with you... right, Tori?" You would ask, your voice becoming slightly nervous.
Tori would sigh, sympathy on her face. "I'm sorry Y/n, but I'll be performing, I won't have much time to hang out with you..." She'd say, genuine sympathy in her voice. You would groan, burying your face in your hands. Suddenly, the voice of your childhood best friend would cause your head to shoot up.
"Hey, I'll go with you Y/n." Andre would cooly say, in a tone that felt reassuring, as he always was to you. You would smile, opening your mouth to speak before you were cut off by a rather opposing voice, one that instantly shot down your happiness.
"No, you won't. It's only Y/n's fault she doesn't have a date." Jade would say. She was leaning on the wall, observing her fingers, picking off the already chipped black polish on her short nails. Your eyebrows would instantly furrow. "What's your issue, Jade? Just because Beck broke up with you, I shouldn't be the victim of your anger!" You would snap back, which obviously shocked the dark-haired girl.
Andre did his best to pause this before it got more intense, "Woah there ladies, let's cool this down before-"
"Beck did NOT break up with me! I broke up with HIM! And I could care less about whether you have a date or not!" Jade would yell, her whole body stiffening. You would simply stare at her, saying nothing, as you knew she would easily be able to carry this conversation- or whatever it was- solely on her anger. She would scoff. "I'm leaving." She'd say after a pause, much to your surprise. And she did in fact, leave. She'd storm out of Sikowitz's room, slamming the door behind her, causing Cat to flinch.
"I'll get her." Tori would sigh as she stood before Robbie would suddenly speak. "Maybe... don't?" He'd suggest nervously. Tori would look at Andre, and he would nod. It was known that Jade just really didn't like Tori. "I will. Wish me luck." You'd finally decide, standing up. You'd brush off your jeans, before exiting the room.
You'd quietly walk the empty halls of HA before you came across the janitor's closet, which had its door slightly open. You'd take a deep breath, before approaching the closet, and slowly opening the door, to surely find a crying Jade, her face in her palms as she leaned against the corner of the closet. You weren't sure why, but it felt as if your heart was being tugged in all different directions.
"Jade?" You'd say softly, leaning down, seeing her back shake as she sobbed quietly. You'd bite your lip as you sat down right in front of her, yet keeping a foot or so of space, just in case she was to do something violent. You never knew with her.
"What do you want?" She'd choke out quietly, not showing her face. Her black torn jeans and combat boots looked much less intimidating than they were five minutes ago. You would sigh, and clasp your hands together.
"I just wanted to make sure you're alright. I wanted to know what triggered you and made you upset, so I can know to avoid it later-"
"I love you, Y/n." Jade would suddenly say, cutting you off as she raised her head, her face stained with mascara trails and smudged eyeliner. "That's what made me upset. That I couldn't fucking get it together and ask you out and now I'm mad that anyone else could possibly think about it." She'd say, her voice monotone, yet stern despite the few sobs between her words.
You froze. You felt your face heat up as you listened to her speak. It had always been obvious that there was something between you and her, something when you looked at each other with cold eyes that made the both of you heat up, something that caused you both to get nervous whenever you had to act as a couple for a show. You always knew you had some kind of feelings for West, but you always minimized them to just hatred and annoyance. Now you realize it was more.
"Jade..." You'd say softly. You'd quickly embrace the other in your arms. She would start crying again, heavier now, as you allowed her to sob into your chest. Luckily, you wore a black shirt today, but you wouldn't mind the stains either way. You'd run your fingers through her black and blue hair, as you'd breathe slowly in an attempt to soothe the other. "Jade, can you look at me?" You'd say, in your same soft tone.
Jade would slowly raise her head, looking at you with those eyes. Those eyes. The ones that were soft, warm, and deep when she let them be. You felt yourself tearing up as you gently rubbed her back.
"Be my date to Prome, Okay?" You'd say with a soft smile. Jade's lip would quiver, a single tear cascading down her face.
"Are you sure? Are you sure you want to be seen dancing with me?"
"Yes, more than anything."
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𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: AHH THANK U SM FOR READINGG <3 !!
I really appreciate it!! I haven't written in a LOONNNNG time but I've been having Victorious brainrot 4 weeks now. I hope you liked this, and PLEASE let me know if there's any plots you would like me to write for yall <3 - Fable
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victoriously-wicked · 5 months
Fanfiction.net links: blue Wattpad links: orange Ao3 links: red
Just a Stage Kiss: There's a fine line between love and hate. What happens when Jade and Tori are partnered together for another class at Hollywood Arts, only this time it's not stage fighting, it's stage kissing. Will that line be crossed, or redrawn thicker than before? Ao3 Wattpad Fanfic
I Have No Sister: Oneshot. Trina had done the worst thing on the day of her sister's wedding. Disgraced, she starts a new life in NYC. But a blast from the past has a bone to pick with Trina Vega. Fanfic
They Say a Bad Girl Will Shatter Your World, Drive You Insane: Tori needs to seem more mature for an audition and decides it's time to take a real risk. And what is more dangerous than dating the girl who used to hate your guts? Based on the episode 'The Gorilla Club'. Fanfic Ao3
Let’s Show the World That Science is On Our Side: Sequel to "they say a bad girl". Their relationship is the best and the strangest thing that's ever happened to Tori. You can't really blame her if she's still trying to figure it out. Fanfic Ao3
I Think You Know Me: Oneshot. Beck plots to get Jade and Tori back together. Andre just wants to stay in one piece. Twist from 'Tori Fixes Beck and Jade.' Fanfic
Shock Value: In one of Sikowitz's classroom exercises, Tori needs to Shock the class. Jade doesn't think Tori's capable of shocking anyone. What does Tori do? Fanfic
Start from Scratch: It's been 3 years since Hollywood Arts and Jade's life hasn't worked out like she wanted it too. Fleeing her past, she must start over from stratch and finds her only refuge is with a person with her own personal demons, Tori Vega. Can the pair rebuild their lives and perhaps even find love along the way. Fanfic Wattpad
Our Story: Jade's deadly secret caused Beck to leave her, but Tori came into her life and made everything better. Now, Jade's life is done hanging in the balance, right? She's been told she's safe, so why does it feel like everything is about to come crashing on her and her friends? Fanfic
Behind Enemy Lines: How Yerba changed everything. Wattpad Fanfic
You Don’t Know Me: Jade and Tori are forced to work together on a group project for school. And when Tori visits Jade's house one day and her father is drunk, Tori realizes that Jade may not be the person she always thought she was. Fanfic
Replay: I never thought I'd be where I am now when I took my sister's place in that showcase. It definitely brought changes I didn't expect. But now that I'm here, I wouldn't change it for the world. Ao3 Fanfic
You’re Worth It: Tori's determined to get Jade to become friends with her no matter how many times Jade's threatened her and screamed at her. What happens when Jade starts to hang out with Tori more and realises that she doesn't seem to be feeling as much of a strong connection with Beck as she used to. Will Jade tell Tori her deepest secrets? Will Tori confess her love? They must endure a long, bumpy road together, but will it be worth it? Wattpad
A Dangerous Friend: Everyone needs at least one crazy friend, and it looks like Tori's found hers. Ao3 Wattpad
My Best Friend’s Girlfriend: Hello there...my name is Tori. Tori Vega. I'm a little nervous at the moment...so bear with me? Well I have a confession to make...it's a hard one at that. I um...well I moved here to Hollywood just a little while back and am now going to school with my childhood best friend. Then something happened... I never planned it to happen. I just... well... I accidentally fell absolutely and uncontrollably in love, with his girlfriend. Wattpad
Violated: Tori Vega, good girl, straight A student, musical master. No one would have expected her to be forced with a life changing trauma. But she did. She had many to turn to but who was her choice? Jade West, bad girl, possible straight A student, Musical, acting and producing master. She hates Tori with a passion, yet no one knows why, Jade herself doesn't know. But what happens when her enemy appears at her doorstep crying and in need of someone to help her? Fanfic Wattpad
Where’s Tori: 9 years ago, Jade's life was shattered, when her girlfriend Tori, vanished. After many years, Jade has long since given up hope of seeing Tori again.  But what happens when the Impossible happens? Fanfic Wattpad
Twist of Fate: Tori is paralysed and Jade is blind. Two lives drastically affected by fate. Two people who don't realize, how much each needs the other. But fate can be kind as well as cruel, which they soon come to realize. Slight AU. Wattpad Fanfic
The Lock-In: Locked in a building for 48 hours with 238 other high schoolers isn't exactly the greatest weekend. And nobody knows that more than André Harris, Beck Oliver, Cat Valentine, Trina Vega, Robbie Shapiro, Tori Vega, and Jade West . . . especially Tori Vega and Jade West. The lock-in begins. 48 hours to go. (Jori friendship.) Wattpad Fanfic
The Last Resort: Jade has become completely catatonic since the death of her fiancé in a tragic accident. Not responding to any treatment or words from family and friends, they turn to the one person who hasn't tried, to try and bring her back. A person who once broke Jade's heart. Her ex girlfriend, Tori Vega. Wattpad Fanfic
The Impossible: A certain student at Hollywood Arts that no one’s noticed before is suddenly involved with the gang for her Kickback performance. But she has also revealed that she is a 'great fan' of Jade West and Tori Vega and decides to let the two girls approach to help her. Who is this girl? Will she reveal who she is when Victoria Vega and Jadelyn West, one of the most talented [and hottest] students at Hollywood Arts, approach her based on curiosity and interest? Ao3 Wattpad
#GrandFinale: Caterina Valentine is just weeks away from graduation. She understands things are about to change for her and her closest friends at Hollywood Arts. But her feelings for her best friend and roommate, Sam, have already been changing...and Cat realizes it might be time to be honest about them. Sam Puckett doesn't like people or connections. People always leave. Connections always hurt. Then she met Cat and her entire world changed. But with graduation weeks away, Sam fears she's going to get left behind again. Maybe it would be better if this time, she did the leaving. Past and present collide as Sam and Cat face the uncertainty of the future. But will they face it together, or alone? It's been a long time coming. Welcome to the #GrandFinale! Ao3 Fanfic Wattpad
The Untold Jori: Sequel to “#GrandFinale”. With graduation in her rearview mirror, Jade West finds herself on the cusp of a fantastic opportunity: the chance to direct a short film. It's not her style or genre, but a successful film will lead to funding for her own feature film, a story so important to her she might be willing to take the deal. Much to Jade's frustration, the best person for the lead role to ensure its success is none other than Victoria Vega. But Tori is long gone, and Jade resents the idea of asking her to be in the film. It's the reunion neither of them wanted, with a result neither of them expected. Ao3 Fanfic Wattpad
One Last Song: Sequel to “The Untold Jori”. Victoria Vega: successful actress, prominent scream woman, married to the love of her life for nearly a decade...and, as she approaches age thirty, a woman wondering what happened to the dreams of her youth. A mysterious call from an old flame may just awaken those dreams once more, but at what cost? Jade West: one of the most celebrated masters of horror and thrillers in Hollywood. But when the social media mob descends on Jade for an innocent remark, her future in the industry is suddenly on shaky ground...and the one she depends on the most, her rock, Tori, seems to be more distant than ever. Jade fears her dream may be coming to an end...and what she will wake up to when it's over. After a string of successful broadway shows, Cat Valentine has spent years at the top of the pop charts as the sensational "Caterina". She and her longtime love, Samantha Puckett, have settled down in Sam's hometown of Seattle, where Cat records her music. But one morning, Cat wakes up to find Sam gone without a trace; not even her beloved motorcycle remains. In a panic, Cat hunts down her best friends, Tori and Jade, to help her find out where Sam went, and why? All three women stand at the brink of their most difficult challenges. Can the girls and their friends endure, or will all three be torn apart forever? Join Tori, Jade, Cat, Sam, Carly, and more for one last adventure...and one last song. Ao3 Fanfic Wattpad
One Last Time: Jade and Tori had always felt some unspoken thing between them, but never acted on it. On Tori's last night in LA, a certain song by their friend brings Jade to do just that, but is it already too late for them to be anything more than friends? Ao3 Wattpad Fanfic
Postgrad Partners: Sequel to “One Last Time”. As Tori is about to leave LA for a record deal in Miami, she and Jade hastily decide to move in together and explore their relationship and postgraduate lives. What challenges await to test this newfound couple? Ao3 Wattpad Fanfic
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 6 months
You’re so real for saying polyam Jade and Beck.
Thank you! It has literally been haunting me and sometimes it's all I can think about when I watch the show. They had a lot of chemistry, but it feels like they needed someone else to balance out their relationship and really show them how to value each other.
(Also they'e both so hot and when it comes to fanfiction, my brain sees a hot couple and is immediately like - stick another character in the middle!!!)
Also, you guys know how certain ideas possess me like demons that need to be exorcised, so...
This is now in my Google Docs.
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(There is more, way more under written under this lmao.)
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on the down-low. ( beck oliver x reader )
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gif belongs to me
You smiled against his lips, your arms around his neck as his lips molded with yours. Beck pulled away, and you pouted as you ran your hands down his shoulders, resting on his chest.
"We're going to be late." He told you, a smile forming on his lips.
Beck chuckled when you placed your hands on his cheeks, closing his eyes as he leaned into your kiss. After a few moments he pulled away again and you groaned, resting your head on his shoulder as you headed to class. You stopped in the hallway outside, kissing his cheek with a smile before heading inside first.
Beck understood your reasons for keeping your relationship on the down low for now. It had been a little over a month after his break up with Jade and while you were afraid of Jade's reaction, you also wanted to go through the transition from friends to lovers without the influence of your friends.
He entered the classroom after you, hand holding the backpack strap on his shoulder, his eyes on the floor. He glanced up, meeting your gaze, a small half-smirk growing on his lips as he noticed the blush on your cheeks.
Beck took his seat and you greeted him, and he held back a chuckle, nodding at you. Tori looked between you both and you took notice of her when she gasped.
"Oh! Are you two -"
You sent her a confused glance, avoiding looking at Beck who simply raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"
"What's up?" Andre asked, turning around in his seat.
"They're dating." Tori announced, pointing between you both.
"No, we aren't." You laughed off. "Look at him, he's...ugh." You gestured to Beck who raised an eyebrow at you, both amused and feinging offense.
"Oh yeah, then why is he wearing your shade of lipstick?" Tori asked.
You looked at Beck who wiped his lips, and then at Tori who jumped to her feet. "Ha! You are dating!"
You sighed as you nodded in confirmation.
"How long has this been a thing?" Andre inquired with a smirk.
"A couple of weeks." Beck answered before he turned to you, "Ugh, really?"
You sent him a smile, reaching out to touch his cheek, "You know I think you're adorable."
Beck merely smiled, humming softly as you leaned in to kiss him tenderly.
"Aw you're so cute!" Tori grinned before turning serious. "Now tell me everything."
You shook your head, thankful when Sikowitz arrived and attention was averted from you and Beck who rested his arm on the back of your chair. You felt his stare as Sikowitz spoke, gesturing wildly with his hands, and turned your head to meet your boyfriend's gaze, mirroring the smile on his lips.
Maybe you had kept your relationship a secret for long enough. You knew Tori would interrogate you after class but you were excited to be able to tell one of your best friends just how happy you were and how much you loved Beck Oliver.
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partiallypearl · 5 months
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Victorious Season 4 Episode 6 - Tori Fixes Beck and Jade
I'm dangerous so I'm warning you But you're not afraid of me And I can't convince you And I don't have to I think you know me
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writing-rat · 4 months
The Secret Admirer
Pairings: Tori x Jade
Content: Just fluff
Summary: Tori has a secret admirer but she doesn't know who it is fully until the date...
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It had been 5 months since Tori had entered Hollywood Arts and she couldn’t be happier. She had a few new friends too which she loved. There was Cat, Jade, Beck, Robbie (Rex included), Andre and even Sinjin. She didn’t mind that. In fact, she loved it. Beck and Jade broke up too but no one knew why. Beck wasn’t saying anything and neither was Jade.
Tori was currently with Beck and Andre as they were smoking weed together in Beck’s RV as they were all on the couch, Tori in between them. They were watching ‘The Breakfast Club’ as they were all passing a blunt between each other, each teen having a Dr Pepper as they took a sip too. “God, Allison is so hot. I would do anything for her,” Tori stated after a few minutes of her just being on screen. Andre smirked while Beck just laughed. “Fair enough Tors,” Andre spoke as he leaned back. “So, if I can ask, what is your sexuality?” he asked curiously. “Lesbian,” she spoke with a shrug. “So we can talk about girls? Nice,” Beck responded and Tori smiled. She felt validated. 
That’s when they continued to watch ‘The Breakfast Club’ before they all decided to nap right there.
“Beck! I need your ad-” Tori heard before she woke up. She yawned as she opened her eyes, looking over as Andre was still fast asleep, Beck waking up at least. “Oh. Hey Vega,” Jade spoke, crossing her arms. “Get out. I need to talk to Beck alone,” she added. Tori nodded, shrugging. She understood. That’s when she stood outside, wondering what was going on inside. She wouldn’t look, however. She was respectful like that.
Eventually, the door opened and Tori was allowed inside. She was thankful for that as the 4 of them were also soon hanging out.
It had been a week after that incident and Jade was being… nicer? Tori honestly thought she was sick because of how she was acting but decided to not dwell on it as it wasn’t really her business. She had opened her locker when a note started to fall out. Tori was confused as she picked it up, soon reading what it read. ‘Meet me at Nozu at 5 pm. From your secret admirer’ it read. She sighed as she walked over to the lunch table, mulling it over. She was unsure if she should or not. It could be someone dangerous or a creep. Since it was only Monday, she had the whole week to dread it.
“Hello,” everyone said at the table as she arrived. “Hey,” she spoke, tired as she was getting her lunch out, ready to eat. 
“What’s got you so tired?” Andre asked. “Because I got a secret letter and I don’t know who from,” Tori responded, practically groaning, before she laid it out to rest. “What sort of loser would do that?” Jade commented, being her usual self. “Thank you,” Tori responded sarcastically.  Jade just sent a sassy smirk, not missing the look that Beck gave her. Tori did miss it though. 
“Well, if you go, we can help you out, we can watch from a distance,” Beck spoke. Tori nodded and concluded she would go then. 
Tuesday and there was another note. It read ‘You know me. You don’t know what I am like really. I love the way you act so confident, that you don’t need to put on an act’ the note read. Tori sighed as she read it before she started to put the letter in her bag, trying to think of who it could be now that she read it. She honestly couldn’t wait for the next one, not that she would say.
Wednesday and another note as expected. She was noticing a trend though, giving information about a certain person and then what they love about her. ‘I am a female. I like your comedy and how you can act like anything.’ Tori was trying to think who it was. Jade had also been acting nicer to her that lunch, teasing her, sure but not in a mean way. It was confusing. She shrugged it off though. 
Thursday and she was excited for her note again, this time Beck was with her. She opened her locker up and a note fell out. She immediately grabbed it as Beck read it from her shoulder. ‘Black coffee is life and I will always want it. I like how resilient you are’ the final note read. “Who do you think it is?” Beck asked, looking at Tori. Tori groaned and shrugged.
“All I can think of is Jade but she doesn’t like me at all!” Tori whined. Beck just chuckled. 
“Fair enough,” he spoke before he went to lunch with her. Jade had gotten Tori’s lunch which Tori was surprised and suspicious about it. She was shocked, however, when nothing was wrong with it. Jade also had a black coffee, not that Tori noticed. 
It was the final day and she finally got the final note and was meeting up with the girl later where she conveniently had the date with Jade previously. ‘We previously went to Nozu together. I like your locker, and I love whenever we talk’ it read. Tori was biting her lip, thinking about who she went with. The only people she could think of were Cat and Jade but she couldn’t see Cat liking her. She had gone with Jade and was forced when she last went on a date. That’s when it all clicked. She would not confront yet however, she would see at Nozu but she was 99.99% sure it was Jade.
After a few hours, it was an hour to the date and she was nervous, considering what to wear. She still wanted to look nice, but casual after all. That’s when she decided to wear a skirt and a nice crop top she owned. Eventually, she went down, seeing how Trina was away. She was doing god knows what, but she was doing something. She didn’t care, however. She just wanted to make Jade blush as well. She started her walk to Nozu, happy it was only a 15-minute walk. She had on some trainers though. She had put on some headphones and listened to some punk music before walking over however, not liking silent walks. She always needed music on after all. 
Eventually, she arrived and walked in, spotting Cat, Beck, Robbie, Rex and Andre as well as Sikowitz? She would ask later. Jade meanwhile was at a separate table and waved over Tori. Tori walked over immediately, putting her phone and earbuds into her bag before she sat down. “Hello,” she spoke. “You are the sacred admirer I assume then?” she spoke with a smirk. 
“Yes, I am. So what?” Jade spoke, not letting her walls down. “Well… I want to know the real you then,” Tori spoke, crossing her arms. “You said it yourself. I don’t know what you actually are like,” Tori added. Jade was shocked before she nodded, thinking. She trusted her more now. She was happy enough.
“What would you like to order?” the waitress asked.
“Spicy tuna roll,” Jade responded.
“California roll please,” Tori spoke with a soft smile. “And drinks?” she asked. 
“Pepsi,” Jade spoke, still monotone.
“Lemonade for me,” Tori spoke and the waitress nodded before leaving. “So… what do I not know about you?” Tori asked, smiling at her. “By the way, you look nice. You should wear ripped jeans more,” she hummed out. She saw Jade visibly blush before she responded. “You don’t know about my pet snake, Moxie,” she spoke. Tori smiled.
She was eager to get to know her more…
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naturesapphic · 11 months
jade west req! :-]
she gets supeeeeerr flustered at the smallest actions y/n makes and when y/n confrontates her and asks her why shes so shy she gets even more shy and y/n finds it absoloutely adorrable
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Jade west x fem!reader
Warnings: cussing and fluff :)
~ at lunch ~
“I DO NOT LIKE HER!” Jade screamed at her ex boyfriend beck, who told her that she has feelings for y/n. Beck threw his hands up in defense and tried calming her down as she started playing with her scissors that she hides in her combat boots.
“Jade. Be real. You’ve never acted this flustered and shy when we were together. Im not dissing our relationship but maybe we weren’t in love like we thought we were.” Beck confessed. Jade furrowed her brows together as she was getting deep in thought.
“Huh. I’ve never really thought back at how we acted and felt toward each other. I don’t think I ever fully loved you like I thought I did. I mean I was very happy with you but y/n…” she trailed off as a bright smile appeared on her pale face.
Beck smiled at his ex girlfriend/friend as he realized that someone is making her truly happy. Jade was snapped out of her daze as you caught her staring at you by making eye contact with her. Jade quickly looked away as her cheeks got rosy and red at being caught. You shook her head with a wide smile appearing on your face.
~ the end of school ~
School was finally over and y/n was walking out to her car when she saw jade and her friends at beck’s car talking. Y/n walked over to them saying “hey guys! Hey Jade” she says shyly at her. Jade’s cheeks were feeling warm and she didn’t know why. It was a weird but nice feeling. Y/n walked away when Jade started freaking out.
“Why the fuck are my cheeks warm. What’s going on?!” Jade shrieked. Everyone laughed and cat started poking jades cheeks saying, “Awwww! Jade, you’re blushing!” Cat squealed. “Don’t touch me!” Jade growled at cat which made her squeak in fear.
*the next day*
Jade was at her locker, looking down at her phone just scrolling when she heard clapping of shoes walking towards her. She looked up and saw you which immediately made her blush. You noticed this and smirked in victory as you confirmed that YOU make your crush blush and that no one else does.
You walked up to her with a big smile plastered on your face “hey Jade!”. You said happily as you were going to figure out once and for all of Jade actually likes you. “You’ve been really shy around me and distant. Is everything okay? Did I do something?” You pouted. Jade widens her eyes and immediately shakes her head no. “No! No. Never. You never did anything wrong…I’m just…I-I…”. She stutters as she tries to tell you how she feels. You took her hand and led her to the janitors closet so that y’all could talk privately.
You closed the door quietly and lock it to make sure no one gets in here while y’all talk. “Ireallylikeyouy/nandiwanttotakeyououtonadatebutyoumakemenervousandshyasfuck.” She rushed out quickly making your eyes go wide with how fast she said. “Um…could you maybe say that again please but slower?” You giggled out which made jade blush even more than she already was.
“Uh…I said that I really like you y/n and I want to take you out on a date but you make me nervous and shy as fuck” Jade said slowly to make sure that you heard her right even though she was shaking. You noticed this and took both of her hands gently and look into her blueish green eyes. “I would love to go on a date with you jade. I’ve liked you for a while and I saw that you were always nervous around me but I wasn’t sure if you liked me or not but now I know that you do.” You gushed.
Jade smiled “well…you make me hella nervous and shy. Which no one has ever made me feel.” She explained to you. You giggled excitedly “I really do make Jade west nervous! This is amazing I need to go tell our frie-“ you said but we’re cut off by jades hand covering your mouth and holding you back from leaving.” “If you tell a single soul. I will murder them so they won’t know.” Jade threatened which made you laugh knowing she wouldn’t actually do it with you around. “Okay baby. Whatever you say” you say as you squished one of her cheeks which made her grumble at you.
You smiled at her “cmon. We need to get to class.” You said. “Orrrrrrr we can go ahead and go on our date.” She said with a smirk. “I don’t know Jade…we really need to get to class.” “Oh don’t worry baby. We can say we got sick and needed to go home.” She reassured you. You sighed and nodded your head in agreement which made Jade smile. Y’all walked out of the school hand in hand walking to jades car and heading to the date she was planning to take you to.
A/n: I hope y’all enjoyed! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest. I love you all!
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companionjones · 1 year
The Love Expert
Pairing: Beck Oliver x Reader
Fandom: Victorious (Nickelodeon)
Summary: You’re the Love Expert of Hollywood Arts. You’re responsible for putting all the great couples together, including Beck and Jade. What will you do when they break up?
Warnings: None that I can think of
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    When Beck and Jade broke up, it affected you in a few different ways. In one, it felt like your parents had gotten a divorce all over again. Beck and Jade were the couple of Hollywood Arts. It broke your heart to see them go their separate ways.
    In another way, Beck and Jade breaking kind of hurt your reputation. You see, you were the one who got them together in the first place. You were known as sort of a love expert at Hollywood Arts. Getting Beck and Jade together had been your greatest feat. They were so opposite on the outside that you were sure no one else could have done it. But Beck kept Jade grounded, and Jade kept Beck guessing, and suddenly you had one of the greatest couples you had ever seen.
    Now that they had broken up, honestly, you had been feeling kind of down on yourself. You decided to go for an easy love. A couple that just needed an extra push to become official.
    Robbie and Cat weren’t that hard to set up. Just a little meddling later, the two were holding hands as they went to lunch.
    But they were easy. You wanted something difficult. Something you could sink your teeth into, like the old days.
    Your eyes widened as Beck walked by the table you were sitting at, alone. “Hey, Beck.” You got up to follow him.
    It seemed he knew exactly why you were talking to him. “Hey, Y/n,” he greeted as he knowingly rolled his eyes.
    “So, you and Jade broke up?”
    “Any particular reason why?”
    He thought for a moment. “We...had different interests.” He sat down at his normal lunch table.
    “Different interests?” You absentmindedly sat next to him. “Interests that I didn’t know about? I highly doubt it.”
    Beck shrugged. “I don’t know what to tell you, Y/n.”
    “Interesting...” You bit your lip, thinking. “Do you have any interest in getting back off the market?”
    His eyebrows raised. He gave you a once-over, then smirked. “Maybe.”
    “Great. Come to my house at 7:30 sharp tonight,” you told him.
    “Hey, how come you never tried to pair me with anybody?” Tori asked.
    You hadn’t noticed she was sitting at the same table. Straightforwardly, you answered, “Because you never asked. And no one asked to be paired with you.”
    Tori pouted at your words. “Ouch.”
    “Don’t feel that bad about it,” you tried your best to comfort her, “It’s rare that I get someone asking to be paired with a specific someone else. And the person that I see you being with has never approached me, anyway.”
    “Oh yeah? And who’s that?” Tori wondered, almost jokingly.
    “André Harris.”
    Tori let the bits of salad she was holding in her mouth drop back onto her plate. “Me and-and André?”
    She blinked. “Well, that’s impossible, because André and I are just friends.” Suddenly, it was like she was trying to convince herself of that statement.
    “Yeah, okay.” You gathered your things. “You two have a fine lunch.”
    “Wait.” Tori stopped you. “How come you don’t see me and Beck as a couple?”
    Beck put down his fork and stared, surprised, at Tori.
    You shrugged. “Because with Beck, it’s either Jade, or no one.” And with that, you walked away.
    It was nearing 8 that night when there was a knock on your door.
    “Beck?! What are you doing? You’re late!” You were walking away from the door as quickly as you answered it.
    He followed you to your dining room table. “You invited me here. I don’t ever show up on time the first time I’m invited places. I don’t like the power dynamic it creates.”
    “So, does that mean you’ll be on time from now on?”
    Beck just shrugged, and grinned when you got exasperated.
    “Anyway,” you tried to move on, “Plans to get you back with Jade...” You started looking through the papers you had spread out on the table.
    “Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Beck gently grabbed your arm to get you to stop moving. “I don’t want to get back together with Jade.”
    “What?” You didn’t understand. “Then...why did you come here?”
    He answered softly, “Because I thought this was going to be a date with you.”
    You pulled your arm from his grasp, and just looked at him.
    Beck defended his stance. “You asked me today if I wanted to get ‘back off the market’?”
    It took you a second to respond. “...I also said that it’s either Jade or no one when it comes to you.”
    He looked a little sheepish at that. “...I guess I wanted this so much that I kinda...didn’t listen to that?”
    “You...wanted this?” It was like your brain couldn’t compute what was going on.
    Beck smiled. “Yeah. Do you want this too?”
    “It doesn’t matter what I want.” You answered so fast that you didn’t think about it.
    Beck’s gaze softened at that. “What do you--”
    “I would like you to leave now.” You wouldn’t look at him.
    “What? Why--?”
    “I said I would like you to leave.”
    “Okay! Okay.” Beck put his hands up in surrender, and started headed towards the door.
    You didn’t breathe again until the door shut behind him.
    The next day at school, Tori was pestering you about André.
    “No, but seriously. There are hundreds of boys to choose from. Why me and André?”
    You rolled your eyes, but you had a smirk on your lips. “Because look at you two. You guys are best friends. That’s a great foundation for any relationship.”
    “Yeah. But what if we’re just...friends...” Tori trailed off. She had a lot of thoughts running through her head.
    Out of the corner of your eye, you caught Beck walking toward you in the hallway. You turned away before he saw you. “So, I’ll let you go through all that. Meanwhile, I’m gonna go--”
    “Hey, Y/n!” Beck caught sight of you.
    You started booking it down the hallway.
    Unfortunately, Beck was faster than you. He didn’t grab you to make you stop. Beck just ran in front of you and blocked from running any farther. “Y/n, come on. I just want to talk.”
    Exhaling through your nose, you looked around at all the eyes on you. You then tugged Beck into the janitor’s closet. You shut the door. “It’s what you said,” you told Beck.
    He seemed immediately concerned. “Something I said yesterday? What did I say?”
    Embarrassed, you mumbled under your breath.
    “What?” Beck stepped closer to you.
    “You said you wanted to go out with me,” you informed, a little clearer, yet you were still self-conscious.
    A smirk flashed across his face. “Well, yeah. Why wouldn’t I?”
    Not knowing what else to do, you eyed the door for an escape.
    Beck gently put a hand on your arm. “No, no. Tell me why that’s a problem. If you don’t like me in the same way, that’s fine--”
    “No!” you responded a little too loudly. You felt your skin grow hot. “People...don’t...like me. They only like what I can do.”
    Beck began, “Well, I think what you can do is cool too. To this day, I still don’t know how you managed to get me and Jade together. But Y/n, I gotta be honest, I’ve always had a bit of a crush on you too. You’re smart, smarter than anyone I know, and talented, and, well, not to mention, attractive.”
    You didn’t know how you were still standing upright. “Well, I-I never thought you in that way before, Beck. I remember when I was pairing you and Jade up I figured you were one of the best actors in this school. You don’t do it much, but you have a really beautiful singing voice. You care about your friends lie no one I’ve ever seen, and--”
    Beck kissed you.
    The kiss wasn’t much, just a simple meeting of the lips, but you suddenly felt like you were floating through the air.
    Beck slowly parted from you. “Was that your first kiss?”
    “Was it that obvious?” you wondered, worried.
    Beck chuckled and shook his head. “No.” He leaned in for another kiss.
    A little while later, you and Beck emerged from the janitor’s closet, hand-in-hand.
    Connected hands was something you had in common with Tori and André, whom you saw walking down the hallway. “Y/n! Look!” Tori waved you down and brought your your attention to her and André’s hands.
    Just as you were nodding your approval, you spotted another couple striding down the hallway, hand-in-hand. Jade and...Trina.
    “That’s right! I am now dating the second scariest girl at at Hollywood Arts,” Trina bragged. “So everyone better back off and leave us alone. KK?”
    Wow. You did not see that coming. You looked at Beck. He just shrugged. He shared a smirking ‘We did it’ look with Jade as the WLW couple rounded the corner, and Jade put an arm around Trina’s shoulder.
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it. I would also really appreciate a comment, if you have the time. If you would like to read more, check out my masterlist. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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t-305tv · 7 months
I know I asked this in a comment, but would it be possible to make a fic of your recent fic with Tori sleep? Or of one with Tori being sick and Jade taking care of her and threatening anyone (especially Trina) who tries to bother her?
sure, I I've made both:
The one where Tori is asleep on Jade:
The Hollywood Arts students were gathered in the lounge, scattered across couches and chairs, engrossed in their various activities. Tori Vega, known for her incredible voice and bubbly personality, was sitting next to Jade West, the tough and enigmatic goth girl. Surprisingly, Tori had dozed off, her head gently resting on Jade's shoulder.
Jade glanced down at Tori, her normally sharp eyes softening at the sight of the peacefully sleeping girl. Instead of reacting with her usual impatience, Jade felt a warmth in her chest. She adjusted her position to make Tori more comfortable, carefully draping an arm around her.
As Tori slept peacefully, oblivious to the world around her, Jade kept a watchful eye on anyone who dared to approach. She shot a glare at Robbie when he thought about taking a picture, causing him to quickly retreat with his camera.
"Alright, listen up, losers," Jade announced, her tone leaving no room for argument. "Tori's sleeping, and if any of you even think about disturbing her, you'll have to deal with me. And trust me, you don't want that."
The warning sent a shiver down the spines of the Hollywood Arts students. Even Beck and Cat, who were normally immune to Jade's threats, decided it was best not to test her on this particular matter.
Jade's protective instincts were in full force as she continued to keep a close eye on Tori. She gently stroked Tori's hair, making sure not to wake her. The normally stoic and tough girl had a soft side that only Tori seemed to bring out.
Trina walked by, eyeing the scene with curiosity. "What's going on here?" she asked.
"Mind your own business, Vega," Jade snapped, shooting Trina a warning look.
Trina wisely chose to walk away, not wanting to incur Jade's wrath. The others in the lounge exchanged nervous glances, realizing that disturbing Tori's slumber was not something they were willing to risk.
As the minutes passed, Tori stirred slightly, nuzzling closer to Jade. A small smile played on Jade's lips as she continued to watch over her girlfriend, ready to unleash her wrath on anyone who dared to disrupt Tori's peaceful nap.
As the minutes passed, Jade remained vigilant, guarding Tori's sleep with an unusual tenderness. She couldn't quite explain why she felt the need to protect Tori's peaceful rest, but in that moment, it just felt right.
Eventually, Tori stirred, slowly waking up. Jade loosened her protective grip, allowing Tori to stretch and sit up. The lounge had remained unusually quiet during Tori's nap, with everyone respecting the unspoken warning that Jade had conveyed.
Tori looked at Jade, a grateful smile on her face. "Thanks, Jade. I feel so much better now."
Jade, despite her tough exterior, couldn't help but return the smile. "Just making sure you got the rest you needed. Now, don't go spreading rumors that I'm suddenly a softie."
Tori chuckled, appreciating the gesture. "Your secret's safe with me, Jade."
And so, amidst the chaos and drama of Hollywood Arts, Tori's unexpected nap became a rare moment of tranquility, guarded by Jade's uncharacteristic protectiveness. It was a reminder that even the toughest souls had their moments of softness, especially when it came to someone they cared about.
And the one where Tori is sick:
Tori Vega lay in bed, wrapped in layers of blankets, her face flushed with fever. She sniffled and coughed weakly, feeling utterly miserable. Jade West, her tough and enigmatic girlfriend, was by her side, determined to make her feel better.
Jade had taken charge of Tori's care, bringing her warm soup and medicine. She adjusted the pillows behind Tori, making sure she was propped up comfortably. Tori appreciated Jade's efforts, grateful for the comfort and attention.
As Jade fussed over Tori, the door creaked open, and in walked Trina Vega, Tori's older sister. Trina had a knack for appearing at the most inconvenient times, and today was no exception.
"What's going on in here?" Trina asked, eyeing the scene with mild annoyance.
"Can't you see? Tori's sick," Jade replied, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "And if you know what's good for you, you'll keep your annoying self away and not disturb her."
Trina rolled her eyes. "Please, like Tori needs you to play nursemaid. I'll take care of my sister just fine."
Jade shot Trina a glare that could freeze lava. "Listen, Trina. Tori doesn't need your nonsense right now. She needs rest and peace. So, unless you want me to introduce you to a world of pain, I suggest you back off."
Trina, though visibly annoyed, thought better of challenging Jade's warning. She huffed and left the room, muttering under her breath.
Jade turned her attention back to Tori, who was watching the exchange with a faint smile. "Thanks, Jade. I appreciate you looking out for me."
"Don't mention it," Jade replied, softer than usual. "I don't want anyone bothering you when you're like this. You should be resting and getting better."
Jade continued to care for Tori, fetching anything she needed and ensuring her comfort. The tough exterior she usually wore seemed to melt away in the face of Tori's illness, replaced by a genuine concern and tenderness.
As Tori drifted off into a much-needed nap, Jade remained vigilant. Anyone who dared to disturb Tori's rest would have to deal with the full force of Jade West, and that was a prospect nobody in their right mind wanted to face.
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