#( the one who makes me laught / han )
maizumis · 3 years
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ft. timeskip! matsukawa issei, suna rintarou, akaashi keiji, tendou satori, sugawara koushi
note: female reader❗ had a hard time writing tendou 😭😭
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❦ ISSEI was getting ready for work, putting on his usual white dress shirt and that cologne you loved so much, you already thougth about this prank for quite a time now, and this was the perfect moment "okay love, wait me for dinner, i love you, im gonna get going" you didn't even bother to take your eyes from your phone "okay issei, have fun with the dead" he was about to close the appartment door, key word: was "arent you forgetting something, doll?" perfect, your plan is going perfect "mmm i don't think so, i actually did all the chores in the morning so i could have the rest of the day free" he sighs, unsatisfasied with your answer "okay then, i love you" he is leaning in the door frame, waiting for your answer with a frustread look on his face "issei you good? its getting late" he gives up, he needed that your reply before going to work "doll dont do this to me, i love you, please tell me you love me" he tells you with a litlle pain in his voice and you knew the joke was over "i love you issei very, very much in fact" you say while going to him, placing your hand in the fabric that was on his chest "finally doll, i love you more" and before going he gives you a sweet, deep and quick kiss, of course, he is late after all
❦ SUNA and you were napping on the couch, ignoring all the responsbailities you two could have, enjoying eachothers presence with out exchangin any words, it was a rainy day and that screamed movies and cuddles together. a friend told you to do this joke on him after you told her how clingy he was when both of you were lying somewhere togheter. "you know i love you, rigth?" and he is in for the game "yeah i know rin, you made it very clear this last few years" he moves his head litlle, trying to process what you just said to him "rin? why you moving? you uncomfy bub?" he pouts like a two year old that can't touch fire "im not uncomfy, im actually unloved, my own girlfriend doesn't love me anymore" you were trying your best not to laugth at his childish reaction "and who told you that i dont love you" he gasped, how did you have the audacity to say that to him? "actually my oh so called girlfriend didn't told me 'i love you' back, so i think im currently single" and that made you snap "suna rintaro! you are my man and i hope its clear to you, i love you so much, my man, only mine" now he his the one laughing at your childish remark "jealous i see? but yes bub, only yours, forever and ever"
❦ AKAASHI was getting out of bed aerly as usual so he could go to work, he did his usual rutine and had a coffee, a thing that he called it a very good breakfast; the las thing he did was giving you a soft kiss in your forehead while you were still sleeping "i love you sweet thing, rest well" with sleepy eyes, groogy mouth and morning scent you told him "good luck, keiji" uh? maybe it slipped her mind, he thougth. his day as work was hard, he had this uneasy feeling in his heart and couldnt stop thinking about it, is she feeling loved? the moment he got home he was already backhugging you "i missed you today, how did you do?" you were happy to see him, finally you were waiting for him all day "hi keiji, i missed you a lot too, i actually started the book you were telling me about it and you're rigth! its awesome" he knows you are alrigth but he needs to ask so the feeling inside him would let him free "hey... do you still love me?" it came out more as a whisper, a litlle scared for your answer "of course i love you keiji, why would i stop loving you? you are my lovely husband" he quickly kisses you, finally feeling some relieve "its just that you didnt said i love you back this morning" you put your arms around his neck and bring his forehead to yours "i could never stop loving you keiji, never in a million years, dont trust anything i say when im sleepy tho"
❦ TENDOU bought some handmade chocolates home, those you loved so much and couldn't stop eatin, you had to ask him frequently to hide them for you "ugh satori i fucking love this chocolates you always make them so good" he sees you with red hearts on his eyes how you were eating the foo he made for you "and i love you" that caugth you out of guarrd, you gave him just a litlle nod because now you were shy, how can he be so smooth?. that didnt go as planned for him, why didnt you replied? were you already tired of him? he knew it was only that stupid litlle voice in his head but just the thougth of you not loving him was heartbreaking. he waited until you finished eating before asking "umh, i know this is me overthinking but do you love me?" your eyes big and round, brows on top of your forehead, with amused expression you replied "of course i love you, actually im sure youre the love of my life, why are you asking?" god wasn't he feeling embarrassed but relieved at the same time "nothing, is just that you didnt told me 'i love you back' and i started to overthink" you made your way towars him and placed yourself ln his lap "i love you satori, with all i have, i will tell you that every minute i have left in my life is necesarry" now both his hans on your waist his nose boopping yours, he whispers "im glad, i love you too, so much, cant wait to see what the future has planned for us"
❦SUGAWARA and you always pulled pranks on each other, it was a silent pact you two had since the beginning of your relationship, you saw this prank in social media and thougth it would be great to put it on him. suga was now grading some of his students works while you were getting ready to work "bye koushi, il see you in a few hours, please take care" he gets up and pecks you goodbye "good luck, i love you" trying very hard not to laught you answer him " i know! goodbye now" he was left there, alone, in the house, and most important of all, without a 'i love you' from his favorite person in the world. he thougth that maybe you were mad at him for something so after he graded a few more works he did all the jobs around the house and lit some of your favorites candles around. the moment you opened the door he was all over you "im sorry if i upseted you, please im sorry i dint mean it, i swear i will start foulding my clothes" now, this is epic "but koushi, im not mad at you" he is dumbfounded "what? but you didnt say 'i love you? today before work" it was your time to laugh and pull him close to you with a hug "you mister sugawara, my smart husband, fell directly into my trap but i want to remind you now that the prank is over that i love you with all my heart" he placed his hands on your hips and rolled his eyes "i swear, im gonna get back at you"
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trishvaylar · 4 years
To take my mind off that dream I had, a little fanfic for a friend:
The accident
Kylo Ren was tired as hell. All those inner workings of the First Order took him completely by surprise. He never thought before that the title of the Supreme Leader of the First Order involves so much tedious work - politics, economics, military warfere, all the small details of how it all works being taken to his notice. Now he began to understand how difficult life was all this time for General Hux.
Kylo thought they both simply needed to relax. He called Hux to his chambers as if for negotiation plannings. The Resistance was practically non-existant now, but it was still lead by his Mother, and Kylo was prepared to offer her a truce. He understood Hux would not be very happy with the prospect, but to his great surprise the General was not opposed to it.
"Well, she is your Mother after all", said he with a resigned shrug of his shoulders. "You got to do what you got to do".
"And now, after talking some business, come here, it is time for us both to relax", said Kylo, while tugging Hux to him and placing him into his lap.
Only 20 minutes elapsed since that moment, and both the leaders of the First Order were relaxing in each others arms, fully naked, on the king size bed of Kylo's, passionately making love to each other.
They did not actually have fixed roles of top and bottom, both could play active/passive, it was simple matter resolved by talking before starting the love making.
Everything was fine, they were both in the throves of mutual orgasm, when the silence of chambers was disturbed, not by their mutual soft moaning, but by the loud pinch coming from the holographer. The red turned off light was now very much turned on green. And the channel was set to video along with the audio. Suddenly they also noticed that the transmission was the wide range one, including not only the First Order vids, but the Resistance vids as well, and more.
"Oh no!" was all Armitage could manage, when they both realized simultaniously what has just happened. The camera lens of the holographer was turned full on the two of them leasuring on the bed.
At the same time a loud purring was heard by Armitage and Kylo, and Millicent, Hux' cat, jumped suddenly on the bed, and set there, twitching the tip of her tail exitedly.
"Have you just been walking all over the keyboard, you naughty little ginger?" Hux admonished her, while trying to supress another moan, because Kylo never thought of stopping with the lovemaking.
Well, they both knew they had audience, and Armitage realized quickly enough that that fact only turned Kylo on.
"We should stop, your Mom may be watching!"
"Oh, she is watching", wispered Kylo in Armitage's ear. "She is watching and her thoughts are very loud. She is simultaniously angry and shocked, but although glad that her son is happy and very much pro-truce for that same reason".
"I see. But you did not plan it this way in advance, did you, Ren?"
"No, I did not plan it at all, but, as such, why not take advantage of it?"
"Why not indeed. AH!!"
Armitage let an involuntary loud moan escape his mouth, and Kylo laughted.
"What were you laughing at?", asked Armitage after another throve of orgasm was past.
"Oh, just that our passionate making out inspired a threesome among some of the remaining Resistance members!"
"DONT TELL ME! I don't want to know!"
But Armitage could guess easily who the threesome actually were.
Their lovemaking continued, Milli set on the edge of the bed and purred contentedly, not bothered by the fact, that she made the whole Galaxy watch soft porn on that lovely evening. Demographic booms are never a bad thing, especially when there is such wide range of choice of natural habitat for the human race.
Far far away in another sistem Leia Organa Solo turned off the vid, nodded to her own thoughts, and felt a pang of sadness.
"Oh Han, how I wish you were here!"
A loud double moan disturbed her. While she turned off the vid, she forgot the audio channel.
Kylo and Armitage were at it until dawn, and in most places to which the vid connected, it was never turned off before the leaders of the First Order fell asleep contentedly in each others arms.
For @blackkingsdream
#Kylo Ren #Armitage Hux #Millicent #The First Order #making out #for love #The Accident
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liliseestheworld · 4 years
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Bus seat warmer-Han Jisung
summary: drunk and cold after a night out, you just wanted some warmth. what happens when that warmth has to get off at the next stop though?
Ok it’s my first writing so any constructive criticism is welcomed. Also, english is not my first language so pardon my mistakes pls.
Whoever decided that plastic bus seats shouldn’t have pillows should have a word or two with you. You just sat down, hoping for a warm and quiet 50 minutes ride back to your flat. Instead, you were in for 50 minutes of butt freezing. Great! You knew that going out for drinks with your friends was a bad idea. But the thought of your best friend getting mad at you+ the opportunity to dance, have a lot of vodka and meet cute guys made you say yes.
 You chose a pretty popular club that your friend was a regular at. It was pretty far from home, however the drinks were really cheap so you could still save some up for rent.
  The night started just fine, drank a shot, then two, danced a little bit, then drank some more; laughing with your friends and being besties with people you just met.
  By midnight, you started getting hot and mentally high-fived yourself for your choice of clothing: ripped black skinny jeans, brown crop top with a cute print and a tiny black denim jacket. As you continued to dance, you got pretty tired and, by the time the morning came and the club doors were closing, you were sitting by the sidewalk to finish your last drink. After all, you paid for it.
 When you were done, you said goodbye to your friends and began walking towards the bus stop. One of them offered to drive you home but you refused. It was 5 something in the am so the first bus was bound to arrive soon. No need for them to take a detour to drop you off. Actually long bus rides were one of the few activities you actually enjoyed. Especially in really late or really early hours. It was just something abouth watching the city from afar; you were a part of those wandering around in the silent streets, but at the same time, you were not. You were only observing.
 As the drunkness began to fade away, you realized you were shaking. You sat down on the bench and waited patiently while hugging yourself to keep the heat from escaping your body. As you were fighting sleep the bus arrived and you got on quickly, imagining you’d be better once you’re inside it. Your dreams of a cozy ride were immediately crushed once you sat down in the cold seat.
 And here you were now, cursing your government with your still dizzy mind. Thinking about TOP’s song ‘Tear in my heart’ which had these exact lyrics, you softly began humming the song. The seat was still really cold even after 10 minutes into the ride so you lost hope for your precious comfortable ride home.
 You rested your head against the window and gazed out at the still world. The streets were pretty empty but it was expected as the Sun was just starting to come out. Every once in a while, when the bus passed by small buildings, you had to squint your eyes, because the morning sunshine was too strong and you struggled to keep them open. You probably looked funny to those who could saw you from outside, but most of those who were out now were not paying attention to their surroundings. The young girl who was out running only looked ahead of her, the old man who was walking around was focused on the plants and trees growing on his path, the old lady who was walking her dog was preocupied with her phone and the students gathered around the coffee shop were busy talking with eachother. There were only 2 people who made eye contact with you from outside the bus: a little girl who was walking to school with her mom, who probably thought that you were making weird faces at her and stuck out her tongue at you in response and a man in his late 40s who didn’t pay you any other attention than the brief eye contact that you held.
 Lost in your thoughts, you suddenly realized that you weren’t cold anymore when the bus opened its doors to a random stop. At least, your right thigh wasn’t cold. You focused your eyes on the window again but this time you looked at the interior of the bus, seeing a young boy settled on the seat next to yours. When did he get on?
 You subtly checked your phone to see the time. Yup, 40 more minutes to go. You relaxed in your seat, thankful for the little warmth his thigh provided pressed up against yours and sneakily studied your bus neighbor. He was a boy around your age. He wore a simple black hoodie and a cute orange beanie, covering his dyed dark blue bangs. Interesting color combination. His profile was one of the prettiest you had ever seen in your life. It was no secret for you that your side profile view was not a pleasant one for many people. You subconsciously turned your head more towards the window, so that your face was entirely hidden. His face was a work of art. Was it possible that you fell asleep and now you were dreaming of a painting come alive? That’s how you felt. The early morning lights were making his sking almost glow, bringing the ‘sun-kissed skin’ saying to life. His eyes were the color of pure honey, but then again, they could be a darker shade. In the light of the new day they appeared to look like gold. He seemed so warm, you almost imagined curling yourself in a tiny ball and settle in his arms. You were clearly still drunk.
 Although your first impression of him was that you were seated next to the God of Sun itself, you started noticing small details that reminded you that he was just another boy. His eyes had dark bags under them and looked exhausted. He was staring into nothing while silently moving his head to whatever music he was listening to. His hands were around his earphones’ cable, playing with it absent-mindedly. Most of his nails were bitten almost to blood, the others just really short. He had a few rings, most which appeard to be silver. One of them though made his perfect skin around it turn a green-ish color. Still, you wanted his hands to gently hold yours.
 As you were daydreaming about why was he here at this time of the day, you suddenly felt a shiver starting from you thigh and spreading through your whole body. Coming back to reality you realised that he got up, removing one of his earphones and was heading to the bus doors. Without realising, only thinking that the whole world’s warmth will be gone with him, you found yourself stopping him.
 -Wait, don’t go.
 He stopped and turned around confused, most likely thinking that he was hearing things. Did he know you? Were you one of his fans? Maybe you were talking to yourself. But no, he looked into your eyes, eyes just as confused as his were. He walked back to his previous seat but didn’t sit down, just rested his weight on the bar that he was holding onto.
 -Were you talking to me?
 Now was your turn to be taken aback. Why did he come back? After your sudden outburst you expected him to ignore you, or worst case scenario laught at you before getting off the bus. What was he thinking?
 -Umm, me? you pointed at yourself in a dumb way.
 -Yeah, sweetie. Who else? If you haven’t noticed the bus is kinda empty except for us. Well, it was supposed to be just you here now but for some reason you decided you want me to stay.
 He laughed shortly, clearly amused at your flustered state. One thing’s for sure, he definitly had the arrogance of a Sun God. You rolled your eyes and tried to get your cheeks to cool down. Shouldn’t be too hard, considering that your source of warmth for most of the ride wasn’t next to you anymore.
 -I wasn’t asking you to stay. I just…
 And then your voice was too quiet to be heard, making the boy lean in to hear you better.
 -Come again? You have to speak up if you want me to hear you.
 -I said, I was just cold.
 -’Just cold’? What does that have to do with me?
 -Ok, listen up, pretty boy. I’m drunk and cold and I was walking home thinking how I’ll warm up once I get on the bus, but these seats are fucking cold and my butt was frozen and I was tired and you sat down next to me, by the way there were a lot of seats available, so you started it but you were warm and I wasn’t shaking anymore so I panicked when you got up and called for you and I didn’t expect you to actually hear me but then you come back all cocky and start asking me ques-
 -Ok, sorry for interupting your rambling but I pretty much know the rest of the story.
 He watched you for a few more seconds and then sat back down next to you. Never breaking eye contact he disconnected his earphones and opened his backpack, putting them inside. He only broke down his stare when whatever he was trying to get out got stuck. He easily managed to take it out and he handed it to you. What was it? A black simple hoodie, just like the one that he was wearing now. You took it without a second thought and put it on, happy with the fact that you weren’t cold anymore.
 - I’m warning you that it may smell like a dead rat, but I can’t guarantee that the one tham I’m wearing is any better. Still better than nothing though.
 He looked embarrassed, his full round cheeks being as pink as the sky behind the window. Cute.
 You didn’t say anything, but inhaled subtly. The hoodie didn’t smell bad at all. It smelled like old cologne and a something else which you guessed was his own smell. Ok, you could smell a little bit of sweat, but it was barely there and, afterall, it might have as well come from you with all the dancing you did back at the club. You made sure to tell him that it was ok and thank him. Would it be weird to ask for his name now?
 -So, what’s your name sweetie? Looks like he beat you to it.
 - Y/N. What’s yours?
 -You don’t know me?
 -Umm, was I supposed to? You’re even weirder than I am.
 -No, just. I’m part of a rap trio. 3Racha. We’re pretty popular on soundcloud and spotify. I thought that you knew me from there and wanted an autograph or something.
 -That’s so cool, you guys are on spotify? Show me.
 And that’s how you spent the rest of your ride, listening to him and his friends rapping. You had to give it to them, they were good. Really good. After adding all of their songs to your playlist you realized that you were only 2 stops away from home. And he was still there next to you, even though he was supposed to get off long time ago.And then you realised he still hasn’t introduced himself.
 -Hey, we’re nearing the last stop. And you still haven’t told me your name, J.One. I don’t think that’s how your mama named you, isn’t it?
 He laughed with his whole body after hearing your question. Damn him, even his laugh was beautiful. With his heart -shaped lips and shiny eyes, with his sweet voice filling the empty bus. Is this how falling in love with a stranger feels like?
 -Of course that’s not it. My name’s Jisung.But you can call me anything you’d like.
 Getting off the bus, you and Jisung stared at eachother. What now? Were you supposed to walk him to the bus stop on the other side? It’s your fault he missed it. But you also wantem him to walk you home. You liked talking to him. You didn’t want it to end, even though the day was just starting.
 -Are you gonna keep staring at me or will you let me walk you home, sweetie? I’m getting cold too now.
 -Oh, right. I’m sorry you missed your stop.
 -It’s okay. It wasn’t actually my stop. Usually, when I’m going home from the studio I get off 2 stops early to walk and clear my mind. So I could have gotten off if I wanted to. But I didn’t.
 You didn’t say anything, instead started walking towards your flat. You didn’t know what you were supposed to say. ‘Thanks’? No way. So you opted for silence.
 The wind was a little bit chilly, but definetly warmer than a few hours ago. It almost felt good to feel it pass by you, making your hair go in all different directions. You adjusted the hoodie and put your twiching hands in your pockets. You suddenly remembered thinking about holding Jisung’s hands. The thought made your cheeks red again, and you snuggled further into the hoodie, almost being swallowed by it.
You thought of breaking the silence, that was a normal thing to do. But then again, it was comfortable. Jisung didn’t seem to be bothered by it and you actually enjoyed it. There were not many people you could be quiet with and he was one of them. Words were not necessary. They would be carried away by the wind anyway.
 You reached your building and faced him again. You two just stayed like that, staring at eachother for a few minutes.
 -Give me your phone, y/n.
 -Is this the part where you steal it and run away?
 -No, it’s the part where I take it and save my number in it.
 And that he did, saving himself as ‘Bus seat warmer’ in your phone. Very funny. He gave you your phone back, said goodbye and turned away to leave. But before that, he turned around and winked at you.
 -And afterall, I already stole something. Your heart belongs to me now. And trust me when I say, I wouldn’t even dream of running away.
 With that he finally left, leaving you to contemplate how soon you should call him. You entered your apartment and pressed call. Jisung immediately answered.
 -Miss me already, sweetie?
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The Cullens reacting to Bella who goes, 'did you know I can hold the whole world in my hands?' and then cups their face in her hands, all the while going bright red.
I loved the idea and loved writing it! Thank you, feel free to sent more.
It has been a rough day at the hospital, he lost a patient and saw a little kid with a really bad injurie that was crying non stop. The only thing that kept him going through the day, was knowing Bella would be at his house when he got there. And she sure was, he would smell her the minute he opened the door.
His family just waved at him while he past by them to get to the stairs. Bella was in his office, sitting in the couch reading one of his books.
“Good night, sweetheart.”
“Hey.” She closed her book and gave some space to Carlisle sit by her side. “How was your day?”
“Tiring, ironicly.” Carlisle got closer to kiss her cheek.
Bella started blushing before he even actually did it. “Hey, did you know that… uhn, I can hold my whole world in my hands?”
Carlisle looked surprised, butamused. “Oh yeah? How’s that possible?”
“Like this.” And then she cupped his face with his hands. Bella looked so red someone might thought she just said something absolutly different.
Carlisle chuckled and gave her a sweet kiss. “I love you.”
Bella was siting in the conter while Esme finished the lasagna for dinner. Esme was huming some song Bella didn’t knew, but was finding amusing. Bella smiled when Esme closed the oven with her foot and walked to her.
“There.” Esme declared, leaning on the conter to rest her elbows on it. “It will be the best lasagna you ever ate.”
“I have no doubt.” Bella bit her bottom lip. “Did you know I can hold my whole world in my hands?”
“Oh really?”
“Yep.” Bella twisted her body s oshe could cup Esme’s face, all while blushing like never before. Esme looked like she would blush if she could.
“Oh dear.” Esme put both of her hands on her thighs and smiled bright like the sky. “That’s so sweet. I believe I have the same power, though.”
They were laying down on Bella’s bed, just enjoying time together before Edward had to leave to hunt. Bella seemed deep in thought, while he kept runing his figer through her arms.
“Hey, Edward?”
“Yes, my love?”
Bella hesitated for a few seconds. “I can hold my whole world in my hands.”
“That’s a little hard to believe,but if you say so, I suppose…”
Bella cuped his face, geting red as a tomato. “See?”
Edward kept looking at her,unsure on what to do. “That’s a little imposible to believe, because you’re my world, not the other way around.”
Rosalie was bend over the car,moving some things around that Bella had no clue what it was. Bella was siting in a couch next to the tools desk (Rosalie had put it there when she insisted to spent time with her on the garage), trying to pass the right tools Rosalie was asking, but failing miserabaly at it.
“Can you deliver me the wrench?”
Bella looked over the table, not seeing the thing anywhere. Well, she did saw a thing that might be it, but she wasn’t sure about it. Bella finally stood up and walked towards Rosalie, who turned around to get the tool.
“I don’t have it.” Bella showed her empty hands. “But I have a power. Wanna see it?”
Rosalie cleaned her hands on acloth. “I hope this isn’t a magic trick, I will be so mad if it is.”
Bella blushed, looking at the ground. She’s aware of the fact she wasn’t the most confident person on world,but sometimes being around Rosalie didn’t help either. Mostly because she’s so damn gorgeous and confident about herself, that Bella couldn’t find it on her to feel the same way.
“I’m sorry. Please, tell me.”Rosalie took of her hands on hers, playing with Bella’s fingers.
“I, an… I can hold my whole world in my hands.”
Rosalie arched an eyebrown,confused. “How?”
Bella held Rosalie’s face on her hands, geting even more blushed. Rosalie chuckled a little when she saw how unconfortable Bella was suddenly. She cuped Bella’s face too, trying to help her cool down a little.
“Try to say it a little more like you mean it next time.” She joked, before leaning on for a kiss. “That’s the sweetest thing someone ever told me.”
“Em!” Bella stood in front of him with a smile. “Guess what!”
“Did you trip again?” He teased her, not leaving his place on the couch.
“Very fun.” Bella rolled hereyes. “Try again.”
Emmett leaned foward the enough to touch her hips. “Hm… you found money on your pants again?”
“No, I found something I can do!”She seemed really excited, but slight blushed already.
“Okay. What is it?”
“I finally find out I can hold my whole world in my hands.” She declared with a nod.
Emmett frowned. “But how?”
Bella moved her hands to cup his face. “Is that easy.”
The smile tha came to his face was so happy that Bella couldn’t regret her decision. “Well, I can do better. I can carry my world on my arms.”
“What? Emmett, no!”
He lifted her up on his arms,trowing her on his shoulder and running away with a laugh. “Is that easy!”
“I’m telling you, darling, that’s not how it went!”
“Were you there?” Bella crossed her arms, more to kept teasing to actually seem mad.
“No, but I was nearby. And who are you going to belive in, anyway?” He took the book out of her lap. “This is a offence to history herself. I will make everyone a favor and burn it down.Now, if you want to have a book about it since you don’t believe in me…”Jasper was gone before she could blink, and was back before she could do that again. “Here, that’s a good one.”
“That’s not the one the professor made the essay about.” Bella smiled. Jasper passion for history made her even more passionate about him.
Jasper rolled his eyes. “Maybe he needs to learn somethings too.”
“Can I teach you something?”Bella asked suddenly. Jasper could feel her embarassement, making him intrigued by it.
“Of course.”
“I can hold my whole world in my hands, wanna learn how?” He noded and Bella got even more embarassed. She was starting to blush. “Bend over.”
“Is a secret, bend over.”
Jasper did what she said,watching how she was geting more and more red. Just before their lips could touch, Bella lifted her hands and cuped his face. “Cool, han?”
He kept a staight face for atotal of five seconds, before smiling really amused. “That’s cheesy.”
“Are you really going to try it?”
“Yes, pretend you’re surprised!”
Alice looked at her nails,waiting for it to happen, trying to look bored, but yet really excited. Just before the snowball hit her head, she moved out of the way.
Alice laught, turning around.Bella was geting out of her house, using maybe five coats, a beanie and finishing puting her gloves back. “You were going to miss it anyway.”
“No, I wasn’t.” Bella stood infront of Alice with a ‘huf’. “Did you know…”
“Yes, because I can do the samething.” Alice stood on her tip toes to cup Bella’s face. “See?” She teased.
Bella blushed really hard. “You’re not fun.”
“And you’re too cute.”
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rxdonmyledger · 7 years
Time for tea.
Author’s Note: Okay, I don’t know how I do this but I always end up having plenty of stories to be written and no time to do it. Anyway, I couldn’t resist to do it because the gif was KILLING ME. Okay. I’m fine. So I hope you all like this Tony Stark x Reader.
(Gif used by @itsallavengers in this post. Sorry for using this! I hope you don’t get angry but I didn’t find it and then I couldn’t post it with the “Posted by...”) 
Warnings: Sex. Unprotected sex (USE A CONDOM!), Language, Spanking, Swearing, Oral sex (Female Receiving), Fingering.
Words: 2,031.
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You sighed as you sat inside the bathtub, hot scented water surrounding you. You aching muscles started to relax as time passed. Bach’s Cello Suite N 1 in G was playing through the speakers. You dove and the water covered your face, cleaning all the tiredness and filthiness. You rose and took a deep breath, the drops rolling down your cheeks.
You stretched and went out when you had cleaned yourself. The bath robes were hanging there, prepared. Tony’s was a tone of burgundy while yours was a soft lilac. You loved them. They were fluffy and smooth. You took Tony’s and put it on, leaving the bathroom.
“FRIDAY, where’s Tony?”
“He is in his lab, Miss Y/L/N”
“How long has he been working?” You asked the device as you headed for the kitchen, starting to prepare a tea. Knowing him, probably he hadn’t eaten anything for hours.
“Mr. Stark do not allow me to give you that information, Miss”
“Of course” You muttered rolling your eyes as you placed the tea and some biscuits on a small tray and took it. You walked to the lift and pressed the button. 
You had been dating Tony for a year and a half now. Since Fury recruited you to join the team, he had been teasing and flirting with you. You’d just roll your eyes and laugh. It was months later when you knew the real Tony. The one who cared and worried. 
He showed you his real self. He put his smug mask aside and started to treat you differently. He was caring and funny. Soon you two started to exchange smart-ass comments and during one of your dates having dinner in the balcony of the Tower, he kissed you.
And there you were. Being in love with Iron Man himself.
You walked through the corridors of the laboratories’ floor. It was empty except for one of the rooms. Of course only Tony Stark would be mad enough to spend the whole night working. 
You pushed the door with your hips after entering the security code and looked at Tony, who was giving orders to FRIDAY. You smiled as you saw the little robot with whom Tony had a love/hate relationship. 
“What did I say about working long hours without eating?” Tony turned quickly and found you behind one of the desks, leaning on it. The tray was placed by your side. His features lightened up as he saw your grin and he laughed, shaking his head.
“Sorry, ma’am” He leant against the desk too, opposite to you. His lips curved into a smirk and he raised his eyebrow. You frowned. “And, what did I tell you about coming back and not saying anything?”
“I just...” You said in a sweet tone, crossing your arms and moving your head to one side. Tony laughted softly and extended his arm to take the tea cup, bringing it to his lips as he spoke. “needed a shower”
“Without me?” He clickled his tongue. “It seems I’ll have to punish you” He raised his eyebrows as he said that with a sultry voice, his eyes never leaving yours and sipping his tea.
You swallowed hard at his voice, crossing your legs, looking for some friction. Your face stayed unaffected and you shrugged, playing with one of the tools he had on the desk. 
Tony left the cup on the surface and he made his way towards you. His eyes didn’t move from your features. His hands went to your hips and his long fingers started to play with your bath robe’s belt, sending shivers down your whole body.
“Coming here...wearing MY bath robe” Tony said stressing the pronoun as his thumbs made circles on your hipbones. Even though you were covered, it felt like fire. “Distracting me from my job...” His fingers pulled the belt and you swallowed as your eyes observed his movements. His teeth grabbed the bottom lip as the belt was being removed. 
The bath robe fell open and you shivered at the cold air of the room hitting your burning skin. Tony’s lips curved into a smug grin as his right hand went to grab your chin. His brown eyes scanning your half-naked body hungrily. Your nipples peeped through the cotton fabric. 
“You...”Tony continued. His voice was trembling and his eyes had darkened. You swallowed and felt the edge of the desk at your back as he pushed you softly against it. His lips ghosted over your collarbone and you closed your eyes, gasping. “Hiding this from me...”
“I wasn’t...”
“Shhh” He said before biting your special place. The one that made your legs shaky and sent bolts to your core. “I’ll take care of you, darling”
Tony ripped the bath robe off your body and sent it to the floor. You moaned slightly as he separated to admire your body. He always found you simply beautiful or stunning. You bit your bottom lip as you saw the bulge of his pants. 
His hands went to your stomach, grazing it with the fingertips before they went to your breasts. You tried to moaned as his long finers pinched your nipples, but his mouth hovered yours and silenced the sound. Your back arched and his left hand travelled to the lower part, pressing your body against yours.
His lips were delicated against yours. Your hands tangled in his hair, deepening the kiss. Your teeth bit and pull a little bit his lower lip, knowing that drove him mad. Tony smirked and smacked your ass, making you to jump. You raised your eyebrow, grinning. 
“It seems you’re quite busy. I’ll go upstairs to entretain myself” You said pushing Tony and bending to grab the bath robe, giving him a view of your behind. You straightened when you heard Tony growling behind you.
“Don’t you dare” He muttered grabbing your wrist and pressing you against his body, his mouth assaulting your collarbone. “FRIDAY, lock the lab and don’t let anybody to come in”
“Yes, sir” The AI answered and you moaned, feeling Tony’s hands grabbing your ass and his teeth biting your earlobe. 
“Tony!”You screamed in surprise as he lifted you and placed you on the desk, pushing the files that fell to the floor. He grazed your legs, sending shivers down your spine and opened your legs, licking his lips.
“Beautiful, as always” He muttered, placing himself between your legs. His mouth covered your right nipple as his long fingers played with the left one. You arched your body and grabbed the edge of the table, moaning his name. 
Tony smirked at the sounds you were making. He loved all of them and he didn’t care if the whole Tower heard you. 
His hands gripped your thighs so you couldn’t move, peppering kisses on your warm skin. His nose inhaled the aroma he loved. He would usually bury his faces in your hair in the morning to feel it. You writhed of anticipation, your heels hitting Tony’s back.
“Uh, uh” He replied clicking his tongue. You observed as he licked his lips and you gasped, craving for his tongue between your legs, in your throbbing core. “You should behave if you want a reward”
You swallowed and pouted and he smirked, kissing and biting your thighs, going up towards the zone that needed him. His fingers on your skin, rubbing it in circles as his beard scraped it. Your knuckles were white due to the grip you had on the edge of the desk. You mouth fell open as the tip of his tongue went from your folds to your clit.
“Fuck, Tony!” You cried, laying on the desk, the cold surface contrasting with your burning skin. His skilled tongue moved in your aching core, sucking and licking, driving you mad. His index finger teased your entrance and you back arched. 
“Do you want it, my dear?” You nodded while biting your own lip, watching those brown eyes lustfully observing you. He teased your clit with the tip of his tongue and you huffed desesperated. He was mocking you an he loved it. His face turned innocent before he spoke again. “Beg for it”
“In your dreams, Stark” You replied bitterly and he introduced his finger inside you, making you to moan before he moved away. “Bastard!” His hand landed on your ass again. 
“As Capsicle would say: Language”
You wanted to cry. Or to slap your boyfriend’s smug face. You could choke him with your legs, now he was between them. Or you...
“Tick, tack, my dear...Decide or I’ll go to work again” 
“Don’t you dare” You ordered, your eyes showing you were becoming furious. He didn’t seem to care and started to leave, when you stopped him with your legs. 
“I’m Tony Stark, honey. Of course I dare”
You looked at him. Your chest was moving heavily as you were trying to calm yourself. He would regret that, you promised mentally. You moved your hand to touch your throbbing core when his own grabbed it. 
“No” He grabbed both hands and pinned them up your head, against the surface, grinding his erection against your core. You moved your hips, looking for some friction to relief yourself. “It’s easy. Say the magic words”
“Please” you asked, pleading. You urged his hands and tongue touching you again. He smirked and moved his head.
“As you wish, Ma’am”
His right hand went to your entrance and you shouted as his mouth hovered your clit. His fingers were pumping in and out of you. Tony curved them, finding your G-spot and you moaned his name, squirming at the overwhelming sensations. His tongue circled your bundle of nerves and your whole body tensed. You were not going to last long if kept doing that. 
“Tony...”You muttered, your voice broken.
“Do it, darling. Come for me...” 
You screamed his name as your whole self contorted at the waves of pleasure traversing you. Tony kept licking, going on your orgams. You tried to move away when you couldn’t take it anymore. He stood up and grazed your stomach, calming you. 
Once you were recovered, your eyes opened and stopped on your boyfriend. You let a growl escape your lips as your hand grabbed the tank top he used when he was repairing the Mark in the lab. Your lips crushed against his while your hand went to his hair, pulling it. He growled and you took advantage of it, pushing your tongue inside.
You both separated to get some air and you observed as his hands fumbled with the belt. He was painfully hard and ready for you. You curved your index finger and he pulled you, grabbing the back of your knees. He pumped himself before the tip was between your folds. 
“Oh, god...”He said in a gutural voice, pushing further. You moaned and pressed his body against you, feeling his own heated skin against yours. He filled you completely and waited until you had adjusted him. His fingers went to your nipples again and you whispered.
“Move. For god’s sake, Tony. Move”
He obliged and started to move, causing the both of you to whine. He thrusted inside you harder and faster, feeling your ankles on his ass. His teeth sank in your skin, sucking lovebites that would be visible at least two days. You muttered his name as he kept fucking you, your left hand going down to your clit, touching it in circles. He thrusted inside you harder, hitting your G-spot and making you to cry.
“Fuck...I’m close...”
“I’m right behind you” He replied, grabbing your chin. “Don’t close your eyes. I want to see your face”
You opened your mouth and shouted his name, looking at him. The sight of you like that made him to gasp and curse, coming inside you. You felt his forehead falling on your chest and you two stayed like that, hugging each other as you tried to recover. 
“I think I should take another shower” You said, faking a sigh. Tony was about to answer when you heard FRIDAY’s voice.
“Sir, Mr. Banner asks if he needs a disinfectant to get inside” You laughed at that and Tony grinned at you, winking. 
“What about a shower together?”
Tag list and those who might like it!: @msmarvelchick @sebastian-bucky-stan @eileenlikesyou-maybe @a-girl-who-loves-disney@whotheeffisbucky @plumfondler @totheendofthelinepal @thatawkwardtinyperson @theh3aven @themistsofmyavalon@pleasecallmecaptain @writemarvelousthings @writingbarnes@sebbytrash-old @stephvera @shaerose98 @hollycornish@marvelfanuniverse @totheendofthelinepal @just-call-me-mrs-captain@bovaria @writing-soldiers @marvelouslymarvelousimagines
@mangosoldier @rchlnwtn  @goldwanderer @fourtyninekirbygamzeegirl @bvckys-doll @suvi-hearthcrow @justareader  @themortallife @perrychastain @petitelaurie9​ @inlovewithmydreams @happiness-is-sebstan @marvelous-fvcks​ @learisa @sergeantbuchxnxn
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