#I also don't know how to cut bangs so my hair is too long
aftermathing · 1 year
man I'm so sad I WISH I could dress like a pirate and wear frilly shirts and jabots and knickers and stupid long socks and pearl necklaces but I literally haven't changed out of my autism hoodie and sweatpants since 2017 :((
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ribbonprincess · 2 months
"I still can't believe we're doing this..." you pout,glancing at Rafe through the mirror as he turns the electric razor before giving it to you "it's just a simple buzz doll, nothing drastic-" "for you! what I'm gonna do now?I can't even play with your hair anymore or tug at them when you're eating me out." Your boyfriend's hair is slightly shorter and slightly uneven since he cut them a bit to help shave them all off,a bit damp too since he came out of the shower not too long ago.
The man sitting in front of you chuckles slightly before sitting still "c'mon,it's gonna be quick plus you'll get used to it and we'll find something else you can hold or tug during sex" he says as you slowly bring the razor to the front of his head with a shaky sigh. "I hate this" are your last words before a long spiky stripe is created in the middle of your boyfriend's head due to the passage of the razor "oh my god- this is weird!" your face is scrunched up in slight confusion,not knowing if you like it or not. You slowly continue to buzz Rafe's hair with a pout "hey,I don't complain when you change your hair,do I?" "that's different! I never did something so drastic..." you mumble before turning the razor off and laying on the bathroom sink once the work is done.
Taking a towel and a brush you clean his head and shoulders where some hair has fallen before laying a hand over the texture of his new spiky head "feels weird... don't know how to feel about it" Rafe simply chuckles before standing up and leaning closer to the mirror running a hand over his head "I like it,makes me look more mature don't you think?" "yeah...but still" your answer comes from the bedroom,since you left- not wanting to see your boyfriend for much longer or else you're sure you'll cry over the sad loss of his much loved hair(your words not his). "this is unfair,I like it- you look hot,like always...just gonna miss the bangs and playing with your hair." The bathroom door closes as Rafe walks in the room,sitting next to you on the bed before bringing you into his lap "you'll get used to it babe,how about you also do something with your hair? a little change,I'll pay for it" This seems to peak your interest as you look down at him,laying your hands on his shoulders "hm...fine,I'll think about it" "now...how about we test this new hairstyle since you're so worried about not having something to hold onto" His lips are pulled into a smirk as he slowly easy you into the mattress,one hand trailing over the soft skin of your thigh "okay rayray..."
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hotvintagepoll · 1 month
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Veronica Lake (I Married a Witch, Sullivan's Travels)—her look is so iconic they used her as a visual model for jessica rabbit in who framed roger rabbit and a bunch of other femme fatale types in cartoons and live action alike. i didnt think i liked women and then i saw her in sullivans travels and said gee i hope this doesnt awaken anything in me! every role ive seen her in she absolutely oozes an aura of "i know people would ask me to step on them" and her EYES bro every photo ive looked at for this submission its like shes piercing thru time and space to judge me <3
Eartha Kitt (Anna Lucasta, St. Louis Blues)—My friend and I have a saying: NOBODY is Eartha Kitt. A thousand have tried, and they've all come up empty and will continue to do so. Everyone knows her for something: from "Santa Baby" to Yzma in Emperor's New Groove to Catwoman to making Lady Bird Johnson cry for the Vietnam War. She was a master of comedy and sex, an extremely vocal activist, and she aged like fine wine... I honestly don't know what I can say about her that hasn't already been said, so I'll stick to linking all my propaganda. Like what else do you want from me. She was iconic at everything she ever did. Literally name another. How can anyone even think of her and not want to absolutely drown?
This is round 5 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Veronica Lake:
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I don't believe there's a person on earth who can watch Veronica Lake in I Married A Witch and not be struck by how gorgeous she is. She had that youthful wonder about her that almost every Hollywood starlet was trying to achieve. Her hairstyle (peekaboo bangs) became an iconic Hollywood style after she popularized it, and made her signature look all the more suggestive. Also, witches are tumblrs favorite!
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ICONIC hair sweep
The US government literally begged her to change her hairstyle because it was TOO HOT to handle and women who copied it were getting their hair caught in machinery
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Her hairstyle was so iconic and popular that the war department had to come out with a PSA instructing lady ironworkers with ways they could pin their hair up to avoid it getting bound in machinery. [https://veteranlife.com/military-history/veronica-lake/]
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She played a lot of femme fatale roles but my favorite is Sullivan’s Travels opposite Joel McRea, which is a comedy. She became famous for her hair style at the time—she wore it long and parted on one side so it would fall over half her face in a very sexy way. They called it a peek-a-boo I think. You’ve definitely seen Bugs Bunny dressed up like her, so I think if she’s being honored in such a way she’s very cool.
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look at her
she's GORGEOUS in her little witch outfits that she wore for promos and also in the oversized coats and pajamas she wore throughout the movie...she's got RANGE
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My Grandpa supposedly dated her in high school, he drove her to school in his car every day. This is legend in the family.
She has gorgeous hair, has got the smouldering look over the shoulder down PAT, and is just drop-dead gorgeous too!
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Schizophrenic icon, popularized the peekaboo hairdo long before Jessica Rabbit
She’s just so prettyyyyy
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So much hot in such a tiny package. She was no more than 5 feet tall, and some reports claim as small as 4'9"
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If you picture a femme fatale in your head, almost certainly Veronica Lake had a hand in shaping the image you think of. She came to embody the look of the noir leading lady as well as the sound and the performance. Certified Noir Baddie.
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Eartha Kitt:
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"A hot vintage woman who was not just known for her voice, beauty, poise, and presence, but also her unapologetic ways of speaking about how she was mistreated in the show business as a girl who grew up on cotton fields in South Carolina in the 1930s through the 1940s coming to Broadway first and then Hollywood."
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"Have you watched her sing?? Have you seen her face?? Have you heard her talk?? How could you not fall instantly in love. She makes me incoherent with how hot she is."
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"She can ACT she can SING she can speak FOUR LANGUAGES she is a GODDESS!!! Although she is (rightfully) remembered for her singing, TV appearances (Catwoman my beloved), and later film roles, her early appearances in film are no less impressive or noteworthy!! She’s an amazing actress with so much charisma in every role. She was also blacklisted from Hollywood for 10 years for criticizing the Johnson administration/Vietnam War, so. Iconic. Also Orson Welles apparently called her “the most exciting woman in the world.”
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"She had such a stunning, remarkable appearance, like she could tear you to shreds with just a glance- but the most undeniable part of her hotness was her voice, and it makes sense that it's what most people nowadays know her for. Nothing encapsulates the sheer magnetism of her singing better than this clip of her and Nat King Cole in St. Louis Blues, she pops in at 2:49. Also I know it's post-1970 but her song that was cut from Emperor's New Groove is likely to make you feel Feelings."
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Even with as racist as Hollywood was in the 1950s and 60s, Eartha Kitt STILL managed to have a thriving career. She also once had a threesome with Paul Newman and James Dean, and called out LBJ over the Vietnam War so hard that it made First Lady Johnson cry. Eartha Kitt was talented, sexy, and a total badass activist.
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theglamorousferal · 14 days
Persephone's Binding Part 2
Hardcover/Anger Management ship Sacrificial Bride au
AO3 Prompt Part 1 Part 3
(Things get a bit angsty here for a bit, but don't worry, it gets back to some of the cracky-goodness!)
After allowing himself to relax for a bit and actually letting his muscles loosen for once, Jason rose from the bath and rinsed himself off under a piping hot and strong shower. He finished the rinse off with a flash of cold water to focus back up and made his way to the vanity where there was basic hotel amenities. He attempted to style his hair and after at least drying it, pulled on the fluffiest robe he has felt since he first moved into the manor all those years ago.
Fuck. The family. The Outlaws...
Jason put his face in both his hands and took a deep breath, then allowed his shoulders to slump as he dragged his hands from his face to his sides. He marched in a lazy manor over to the end of the large bed where he flopped face down. Surprisingly, it wasn't as fluffy as he was expecting and he silently thanked whatever force there was that he wouldn't have to resort to sleeping on the floor or a chair for the familiarity. Though, he turned his head to face the windows, that little reading nook looks like I could easily fall asleep there.
No, stop it. Do I remember the Dimensional Code for home?
Jason contemplated. On one hand, it could be useful, on the other, they could have an entirely different category system here. He spent the next however long trying to remember the dimensional code for his Earth and tracing the swirls of purples and greens out the large windows. A knock startled him.
"Jason? Are you decent?" He stood quickly and pulled the robe tighter together, not quite ready to show his autopsy scars to his soul-owner? A literal goddess? He wasn't quite sure what she was yet.
"Uh, yes, come in, I'm covered." He tried to stand casually next to the bed when he had just been sitting, his hands now in his pockets.
"Hi, so one of my aides figured one thing out about the ritual that is somewhat concerning and also something I probably also should have brought up. Mind if we sit at the window?" She strode in and settled herself with a pillow against the window and waited for him to do the same. Once he was settled, she hesitated for a moment before sighing and looking out the window to the haunting site outside.
"The Infinite Realms has another name, one coined from my Earth." She licked her lips before she spoke again. "It's also known as the Ghost Zone. As the dimension between dimensions, it is also where beings known as ghosts, the Restless Dead, Neverborn, Gods, and all sorts of other beings that thrive off a substance known as ectoplasm reside. As such, I am current Queen Regent of Ghosts." She let him think for a moment before turning to him. "That means I can tell when someone is death-touched." Jason froze. "I didn't mention it before because I know it's super personal, but then my aide figured out that the ritual only worked because of the fact you are and especially since you had spent time here-" She cut herself off as his eyes just bugged out larger with every word that spilled from her lips. "Sorry, I just, I'm death-touched too. I haven't died yet, but I have been around death magic, or radiation, or whatever it is, since before conception. I don't know exactly what you went through, but I know it was deeply traumatic. I can have my healers take a look at your soul and see if it's alright because it kinda radiates a bit how traumatic it was." She bit her lip with one hand raised near her chin.
Jason closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and clenching his jaw tight and blowing the air harshly out his nose. He fell back against the window, allowing his head to knock against the glass. It was warm, as though the sunlight was gently shining upon it. "Yeah." He croaked. "Yeah, I died." He said softer. "I was dead for roughly six months." He dipped his head forward to block his face with his bangs. "Crawled outta my own grave." He laughed bitterly. "Spent a while wandering, a while more in a coma." He swallowed tickly. "Got picked up by my dad's vindictive ex and trained for a while to be an assassin." He looked up at her, making eye contact. "She dunked me in this pit of magic shit, we call it a Lazarus pit in my dimension. It cures those near death and kills the healthy. Fixed me up the rest of the way, or at least the scars and issues I had pre-death. I got to keep these." He allowed the top of the robe to fall away, showing the tops of the large y-shaped scar that ran the length of his torso. She gasped, both hands coming to cover her mouth, tears began to form in her eyes. She reached out as if to touch them and stopped herself, her face turning determined.
"I, Jazmine Nightingale, High Queen Regent of the Infinite Realms, the Mediator, the Caretaker, and all those other titles." She waved her wrist. "Declare that I will help you however you deem necessary. Whether that be helping your soul, returning you to your dimension, breaking this binding, or whatever. You are currently bound to you, and as such that makes you my responsibilities." She paused in her speech for a moment, thinking. "I mean, you're already technically one of my subjects because I think you qualify as one of the Restless Dead, but we'll figure out your classification when we take you to a healer. For now, it has been a long day. I will have one of my aides come to get your measurements for some clothes, I'm sure we have some around here somewhere that should fit you at least for dinner. The aides can get any style you like and it can be made quickly by the seamstresses we have on staff." At his hesitation she added with a smile, "They work in supernatural means, they will not overwork themselves by making an entire wardrobe in a few hours."
She patted the cushion in front of her and stood. "I will meet you at dinner, it's not formal at all, don't worry about dressing fancy, I'm just still in this getup from 'official queen stuff'" she said with air quotes looking tired. "I'll see you in a bit Jason!"
"Yes, um, your majesty." He stood to bow, the robe making it a bit difficult."
"Just Jazz please, for the love of the Ancients." She said with a pained look on her face.
"Right, sorry," he stammered, straightening, "See you later, Jazz." She smiled softly before leaving him to himself. He smacked his hand to his face groaning at himself before flopping face-first into the bed again. "She's the ruler of the dead and she's so determined and nice, what the actual hell? She's so earnest, it's so cute!" he sat up leaning his elbow on his knee. "Okay, operation Romance Plot is go. She isn't put off by the fact you died, this is good, I can work with this. Okay, so castle, let's go with that aesthetic. I'm thinking let's go with a poet shirt and some black slacks for dinner tonight." He claps his hands in front of him, decision made.
As if summoned by his words, there was another knock at the door. A man with bright sky blue skin and a deep plum butler's uniform opened the door, a measuring tape casually thrown over his shoulders.
"Yes, hello good sir. What aesthetic are we thinking for this evening?" he said in a posh accent.
Jason clasped his hands together. "What should I call you? Would you possibly have a poet's shirt and a pair of black formal slacks for this evening?"
"You may call me Jeeves. Yes that Jeeves. I am the personification of the trope of the helpful butler, and as such my power set includes anything and everything that could help me complete the duties of head butler of the High Family's home. We absolutely do have that attire on hand, it would be but a moment for someone to fetch it for us. Now did you have any ideas about future attire?" Jeeves snapped his fingers and a skeleton manifested in a swirl of dust to obey his silent command to gather the requested clothing.
Jason paused for a moment, considering. "How does the Queen usually dress casually around the castle? I know she said she was from an Earth. I don't know where in the timeline her Earth is from and she mentioned that what she was wearing earlier was mostly for special occasions, so I don't want to look like an idiot." He explained.
"Very good sir, she typically dresses in either a less formal toga if she's to be seen anywhere near the public areas of the castle, her armor whilst sparring with her knights, the High Princes and Princess, and if she is only going between her room and study then her far less formal Earth clothing which is a long sleeved blouse and lightwash jeans, typical of the late 1990's and early 2000's."
Jason thought for a moment. He didn't know how long he would be stuck here, but decided that clothes enough to last a fortnight should work. For all he knew, time flowed differently between here and his home dimension. Decision made, he told the butler what he wanted. Measurements were taken, the skeleton arrived with the requested clothes and Jason was left to change into his clothes for the evening. He still is wearing his combat boots because he forgot to ask for a pair of shoes.
Once changed, he realized that he still probably had a bit before dinner and he walked over to one of the bookshelves browsing the titles. There were several classics that he recognized, his favorite, Pride and Prejudice, was there. There were a few as well with Jane Austen's name, but not titles he recognized. He decided to come back to those later and pulled what looked like a collection of fairy tales from the shelf then settled himself lounging in the window nook to read for the next few hours.
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twilghtkoo · 1 year
since haechan’s hair is getting long again (i’m a sucker for long hair haechan), can i ask for a drabble where his s/o is asking him to keep his hair longer for a while because they like it so much when his hair is longer (and maybe make it suggestive slash a little smutty at the end hehe) thank you so much 🫡
pairings. haechan x reader (f)
genre. fluff, suggestive, established relationship
warnings. post sex conversations, indications of oral receiving (f) towards the end, videography during sex
notes. ask and you shall receive,,, i love when haechan grows his hair out a bit I TOO AM A SUCKER FOR LONG HAIR HAECHAN
your small fingers compared to his are raking softly through his dark brown locks, your nails grazing his scalp that make his eyes flutter shut. if he kept his eyes closed longer, he could fall asleep just like this. haechan has found his serenity in you as his human pillow. his head is nuzzled in the crook of your neck and his arms are loosely wrapped around your bare waist. he doesn't want to fall asleep, not yet, though the steadiness of your heartbeat is lulling him, he fights back against the drowsiness feeling from previous intimate events that took place twenty minutes ago.
"haechan," you whisper, not sure if he had fallen asleep. you wouldn't want to wake him. he had expressed to you before how his schedules have just been so packed and that he barely gets to rest properly.
he hums, with one arm that's underneath you he gently rubs the area of your side boob, an action that made you shiver but him also telling you he's listening and he is in fact, awake.
"don't cut your hair." you mumble, you comb through his hair with your fingers before pinching the ends with your thumb and index finger. pulling the length to see how much it's grown.
his head rises to stare at you with a grin. "why?"
your bottom lip pokes out as you think. "when you grow your hair out, you look really handsome. i like it."
he smiles, "really? then i won't cut it." he decides.
"just for awhile longer, i know some of your fans like you with short hair. i do too. but i love it this length."
he leans in to give you a quick peck. "you're my number one fan, i'll only listen to you." he buries his head in the crook of your neck once again.
he nuzzled the top of his head against your chin. "scratch my head again."
you do as he says.
"i also like how it looks when i pull it when you eat me out." haechan is just as shocked as you are from the words that left your mouth.
his head snaps up from it's nest, his eyes have slightly darkened but he's smirking wickedly.
"yeah?" you nod as a response.
"you like how i come back up with my hair all disheveled and my bangs are covering my eyes. . . my nose, lips and chin glistening from your juices? you like that?" he teases with his eyebrows raised, he unwraps his arms around you and uses them to hover over you.
your eyes glance from his lips down to his cock that has now hardened back up to his eyes.
"uh huh," you reply, wetting your lips.
haechan bites his lip as he stares down at you amusingly. "can i see how bad you like it?"
you nod eagerly. "should i take a video?" you breathed.
he chuckles lightly, "fuck babe." shaking his head before you pull him in for a kiss.
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spiderfunkz · 4 months
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summary : you love the smiths, peter loves you.
word count : 0,8k
warnings : fluff, reader is oblivious & peter is just peter, not proofread btw.
a/n : based on this request!! my requests for peter are like always open so feel free to send in your thoughts <33 also this is inspired by that one scene in 500 days of summer but on a budget.
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peter parker was in love.
sorry, correction, is in love.
he didn't know when this little crush started.
maybe it was in the 5th grade, when he was paired with you to do a project together, that's when he first met you. he remembered how he'd admire you as you glued those stupid looking dinosaurs on the cardboard.
he remembered how your overgrown bangs were almost covering your eyes. he remembered how he'd ask why you didn't cut it, and how you replied with — "i dunno, i don't want to cut it yet. my mumma told me hair holds memories. and i don't want to forget those memories."
he remembered how that reply made him smile. how he'd knew you two would get along somehow. and also, since then he became really picky when it comes to haircuts.
or maybe it was in the 9th grade. when you were one of the few people that wished him a happy birthday. he remembered that you gave him a really big smile, and he always noted how it was the prettiest smile he has ever seen, well, other than aunt may's of course.
or maybe it was last week. when you sat next to him in french class.
maybe it's because he noticed how your bangs were now blended with the rest of your hair, how he'd realized you never cut it since 5th grade. he wondered how many memories you have kept because of it. he wonders if he's in any of those.
he also wonders if you ever noticed that he liked you. how he'd always steal a glance when you're not looking, how he had your birthday marked on every calendar he has owned, or how he'd save up to buy you the things you looked at for too long.
maybe you did. and maybe you didn't know what to think of it.
to be completely honest, you were never much of a romantic.
never really. in your entire life you only liked two and a half things. the pasta your mom cooked, your hair, and sometimes, peter parker.
well, most of the time, peter parker. i mean he's your friend of course you like him! he's funny, he has nice soft hair that you just want to run your fingers through, he's smart and witty but he never brags about it, he cares for you, and his hand intertwines with yours perfectly.
okay, maybe you like him more than a friend. but that's another story you don't want to get too deep into.
"how about this?" you ask, holding peter's 'the smiths ; the queen is dead' cd in your hand.
you were supposed to do your english essay with peter today in his room, but like every other work you do with peter in his room, you both end up getting distracted.
"i forgot i had that, i loved it." he smiles, "put it on." he says, gesturing to the cd player.
"i love love this album! i can't believe you forgot you had this." you turn the player on as the song starts to play.
"you can keep it if you want, since you like it so much." peter says. "really?" — "of course." peter nods.
"thanks, peter. you're the best." you sat next to him.
peter hands you the paper you were supposed to do your essay on. "i wrote half of it with a pencil, you can just trace it with a pen." he smiles. "oh my god, peter. you know i could've done it myself." — "yeah but then it'll take you 5 hours and no sleep. besides, i'm almost done with mine too, so."
"aw, thanks." you lean your head on his shoulder as you read what he wrote on the paper. you focus on the paper, not noticing that peter's face is turning bright red.
a few minutes pass by and peter's calming down, he leans his head on yours. but when he does your head immediately jerk up. "oh i love this part!" you turn the volume up. "don't you?" you turn to peter, he nods.
"to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die!" you sang. "ugh, i love the smiths." you lean forward to grab a pen so you could finish the essay.
peter looks at you as you hum to the song. he notices your cherry tinted lips, and how your hair is clipped to the side with a clip that peter bought you years ago. he looks at you with such care and love. though unfortunately, you don't notice that.
you look to peter, "what do i have something on my face?". peter looks away, "oh uh no, sorry."
you furrow your brows. "you sure?" peter nods. "okay..." you laugh.
you continue to nod to the song, the pen in your hand overwriting peter's messy handwriting. "i loveee the smiths." you repeated.
"i loveee you." peter blurts out. he hopes it wasn't too loud, but you seem to be focused on the song and your paper.
"huh?" you turn to peter. "what? huh." peter awkwardly looks away, again. you look at him for a bit before smiling, "did you say you loveee the smiths too? i thought you weren't that big of a fan anymore." you clearly misheard him.
peter was dumbfounded, sure he didn't want you to hear that. but at the same time he did want you to hear that. "no i uh- i said, i love you."
"you love, me?" you ask.
"yeah, l-o-v-e."
"love love?"
"yeah. love love."
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mysteryshoptls · 6 months
SSR Rook Hunt - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Rook: The Land of Dawning's National Museum of Art… Ahh, what an exhilarating place.
Rook: They have so many spectacular works of art exhibited here… I don't think there's enough time in a single day to view everything.
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???: ―Oh hey, I know this painting. This is the scene where the Fairest Queen is sending her Huntsman on a mission.
???: I can even see just how tense his facial muscles are. This painting is so detailed even to the finest points.
Rook: Beauté! You have a good eye for detail. The thin rays of light that cut through the dark room just highlights how stiff he is.
Rook: When I gaze upon this painting, I feel as though even I am being struck with a chill as cold as a winter breeze.
Ortho: But Rook Hunt-san, this isn't a painting set in winter, right?
Rook: Fufu, I know that. I only meant… Well, that I can almost feel the tension that is freezing him in his tracks.
Ortho: Guess that makes sense, since he's making an appearance before the queen. But don't you think that for someone meeting a queen his outfit is pretty casual?
Rook: I'm sure he is to head out on his mission immediately. Besides, he is very well groomed.
Ortho: Very well groomed…? Ah, yeah, it does feel like he's taken very good care of his beard.
Rook: Oui. In addition, he is someone who works outdoors, and yet there is not a single stain, let along any frayed ends on his attire.
Rook: Take a close look at his bangs. You see how they are cut short just above his eyebrows?
Rook: Essentially, that means his bangs won't obstruct his vision. He is sure to be able to keep his prey in sight.
Ortho: I see, so then, that must the best type of hairstyle for a hunter. Rook-san, you're amazing to notice that.
Rook: I, too, take caution of how lengthy my bangs can become. In the past, I believed that as long as it was short, that was good enough…
Rook: So whenever my bangs grew out, I would just chop it off with a knife, while the rest of my hair just looked like an overgrown garden.
Ortho: It's hard for me to picture that, knowing the you standing here now…
Rook: After I became a Pomefiore student and cut off all the damaged and frayed ends…
Rook: Not only did my vision become unhindered, but I ceased to find leaves or branches tangled in my hair any more.
Rook: I'm sure even the Queen's Huntsman also knew that a proper grooming regimen would help him be even more efficient as his job.
Rook: By fixing up my own hair, I came to understand just how capable of the huntsman he truly was.
Rook: In my search of perfection and functionality, I was able to settle on this hairstyle… is basically what it all amounts to.
Ortho: Huh… I totally thought that you had chosen that hairstyle because it suits the shape of your face.
Rook: Thank you. I am beyond honored that you think it suits me.
Rook: However, there is still much to improve. I must continue to refine my appearance.
Rook: It is all to improve my efficiency and my hunting skills.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Rook: Ooh là là! These beings depicted here are the Thorn Fairy's subordinates.
Rook: Despite the dark overtone and the terrifyingly green flames illuminating them, this piece gives off a pleasant sensation.
Ortho: They're all dancing in celebration of the Thorn Fairy's successful accomplishment, right? Hehe, they all look so happy.
Rook: This painting shows just how beloved the Thorn Fairy was to her subordinates. It's wonderful that they would express their joy via dance.
Rook: Now that I'm learning how to dance… It may behoove me to express my own happiness through moving my whole body, instead of just penning words.
Ortho: Eh, you're good at dancing ballet, Rook Hunt-san!?
Rook: Non. I wouldn't go so far as to say I am any good at it. I've only started picking up the fundamentals recently.
Ortho: Oh, you just started… So, why did you just suddenly decide to learn ballet?
Rook: To improve my posture, of course.
Rook: We of Pomefiore must carry ourselves beautifully, not only in how we walk, but with every single gesture we make.
Rook: That is why I began my training in order to keep to the standards of my dormitory.
Rook: As to why I chose ballet, that would be because Roi du Poison… Vil recommended it to me.
Ortho: I think Vil's advice is sound. It's said that ballet can help with your core and flexibility.
Rook: You do know your stuff, Ortho.
Ortho: You said that you just recently started learning, but… You're pretty physically fit, so I'm sure it's going pretty smoothly, right?
Rook: Well… Truthfully, the road to perfect posture has been nowhere near as smooth.
Rook: I've twisted my ankle while training to stand on my toes, and I've fallen down so ungracefully without being able to keep my balance…
Rook: When I first began practicing, my muscles were so sore that even going up and down stairs was a trial in and of itself.
Rook: I realized just how many muscles I've yet to use… It has been quite a learning experience.
Ortho: Even though you're saying how hard it was… It looks to me like you're still enjoying yourself.
Rook: Yes, it was indeed a fantastic time. One time, I became so engrossed that I danced the night away.
Ortho: Your posture now is really good, Rook-san… Looks to me like the fruits of your ballet training is showing.
Rook: Oui! Also, as I had my ballet lessons, I was able to get a taste of yet another wonderful joy.
Ortho: What do you mean, a wonderful joy?
Rook: Up until now, I would only have an adoration of the perfect performances I would watch on stage.
Rook: However, now that I've experienced it firsthand, I know just how difficult each individual technique can be.
Rook: These ballet dancers perform as gracefully as swans, putting forth such extraordinary efforts that we never get to witness.
Rook: They have honed their bodies through all the time they've spent dancing, and then these dancers take their honed bodies to bring forth perfected movements...
Rook: And then there is the spectacular stage productions that can draw out the beauty of those movements in full…!
Rook: I now have the pleasure of seeing those performances in an even more beautiful light… From the bottom of my heart, I am pleased to be learning ballet.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Ortho: This painting shows the scene where the Rabbit Retainers has announced Queen of Hearts' arrival to her card soldiers.
Rook: We know that the Queen of Hearts had a rather strict personality, but… The expression she carries here is so lovely!
Ortho: I kinda find it funny with how the white rabbit is looking so tired beside her.
Ortho: This rabbit came running just before the Queen was set to arrive.
Rook: Indeed. There are many times that him frantically running while trying to do his tasks have shown up in other stories.
Rook: It's said that everyone could hear his running footsteps from all over the country… He must have been quite the busy one.
Ortho: Ah, talking about footsteps reminds me… Rook-san, you really don't make a sound when you walk.
Rook: Is that so?
Ortho: Yeah. I have a motion sensor, so I'll always know, but… A normal person wouldn't notice if you came up behind them.
Ortho: How are you able to walk without making a sound like that?
Rook: It's probably because I've grown up surrounded by nature.
Rook: Whenever I am with the trees, I become a leaf on one of its branches. Whenever I am in the meadow, I become a reed swaying in the wind…
Rook: As I dedicated myself to become one with nature like so, my footsteps naturally became softer.
Ortho: It sounds difficult to live in nature…
Rook: Fufu, it's nothing much. This is simply how I was raised alongside my family.
Ortho: I see… But I don't think there's any reason for you to watch your footsteps here at Night Raven College, do you?
Rook: Since it's more or less an ingrained habit at this point, it's not something I'm doing consciously. However…
Rook: Large and obtrusive footsteps can ruin a beautiful moment.
Rook: It could startle a bird that had settled down to sip nectar from a flower, or interrupt an enjoyable moment between friends.
Rook: That is why I wouldn't dream of making louder footsteps. I wish to capture as many beautiful moments and I possibly can with my own eyes.
Ortho: That's amazing… But how is it that you still don't make any noise on gravel roads or wooden floors?
Rook: If I had to attribute it to something, it's probably due to my shoes.
Rook: Whenever I purchase a pair, I make sure to request to have a size snug against my toes to the nearest millimeter.
Rook: Perhaps when one wears shoes that are a perfect fit, even footsteps naturally become quieter.
Ortho: You really think of everything! Now I'm curious what kind of thought you put into choosing a design for them.
Rook: Let me think… When it comes to designs, I often just select whatever was recommended to me by the shopkeeper.
Rook: I may be a Pomefiore student, but… I still haven't familiarized myself with selecting clothes and shoes that necessarily suit me.
Ortho: Woah… I'm a little surprised. I totally thought you'd be particular about the materials in your shoes, or the shape of your heels.
Ortho: You know how whenever everyone wears the high heels with the ceremonial robes, their footsteps are louder than usual?
Rook: Oui! I find the ringing sound of the heels clacking is music to my ears.
Rook: Unfortunately, I find I'm unable to make as clear a sound. Perhaps I'm subconsciously keeping my heels from hitting the ground?
Ortho: Heheh, really? I love your story, Rook-san, since they defy my known data.
Ortho: Thanks for sharing all of that with me! Okay, then I'm heading out to view the other exhibits.
Rook: Right, let us talk together again sometime. ―Now then, it's time to go see that one piece of artwork that I have been longing for.
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Rook: Ah… The famed work of art that depicts the princess singing to the fauna around her… Why does my heart dance for joy each time I gaze upon it?
Rook: With her lips red as the rose, hair black as ebony, and skin white as snow… Mayhap the animals are entranced by her charm, as well.
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Requested by @butterflyremix.
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onlymingyus · 2 months
I Hate to Admit
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• pairing; lee jihoon x f reader • genre; angst • warnings; alludes to cheating in the past, arguments, tension -- no happy ending • w/c; 770 and some change  • i hate to admit - bang chan • don't listen in secret masterlist • a/n; this song is one of my favorite songs. it hits me right in the feels every single time. i was in a sad place when i wrote this, so i am sorry for that. thank you to @onlyhuis for betaing. i also hope you all don't mind a bonus posting 💕
before continuing remember reblogs are incredibly important and please read how to support me here
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He took the same path every day, rarely looking up, but your voice caused Jihoon’s heart to clench and his eyes to lift today. You were talking on your phone, a pretty smile on your face. Ending your phone call, you slide the phone back into your pocket only to stop when you find the man looking at you. 
He missed you so much. He wanted to tell you that. You instantly put a smile on his face that he couldn’t hide. You made his heart beat faster, and his palms sweat. He felt warm around you as if you were the sun. 
Your voice was quiet and timid, but that was to be expected after the fight and his avoiding your calls and texts. He didn’t want to read another text about how sorry you were when he knew it wasn’t real. 
Jihoon clears his throat, lifting his hand to run his fingers through his long hair. He knew he needed to get a haircut, but with everything going on…it had become the least of his worries. His eyes move over your face as he takes a step forward, his hands sliding into his hoodie to hind how nervous he actually was about seeing you now. 
“You look…really good, Jihoon. I–did you get any of my calls?” 
You watch as the man in front of you nods to answer your question. It made his answer sting that much more. You knew you didn’t deserve him to answer the calls or to even call you back, but it would have made things feel better. Easier? 
“I see–” 
“You look pretty, Y/N. Uh…” 
Jihoon’s words cut you off causing you to furrow your brows. He felt confused and in pain looking at you. He loved you so much and yet just looking at you hurt. He wanted to give you a second chance more than anything, but he had spent his time trying to forget. You watch Jihoon’s mouth start to open only for it to close again. 
He wanted to say something more, but you could see him processing it in front of you. In his mind, Jihoon was considering if you’d go out to coffee with him, and talk through everything that had happened. If maybe that could get you and him back to where you had been before it had all gone to shit so quickly. But as soon as the words started to form on his lips, Jihoon pushed them away knowing it was a bad idea. He hated to admit to himself that there was no saving this. 
“I hope you have a good day. I should get going. I gotta get to work.” 
Jihoon doesn’t wait for you to argue. He can see the hurt in your eyes, the way you want to try to change the past and present. He wanted to change it too, but he had spent too many nights already trying to do that. Walking past you, Jihoon doesn’t look back and you blink the tears from your lashes knowing it was what you deserved. 
With his studio door shut behind him firmly, Jihoon lets out his uneven breaths as his own tears threaten his eyes. He hated knowing that he had probably made you cry. That was one thing he had promised you while you were dating that he’d try not to do and yet he had lied. He had lied because you had lied. 
Sliding down in his chair, Jihoon blows out a deep breath before closing his eyes trying to push you from his head but instead, he can only remember more. He pictures your hand in his, your body against his, your lips meshing with his own. Fingers clench at the arms of his chair and Jihoon remembers asking you “Why, him? Why, Seokmin?” 
He remembers your eyes full of tears as you tried to think of how to lie your way out of it only to break down into apologies because you had been the one to cheat. You had cheated on him with one of his best friends. You had said you loved him and it had been a lie. 
Lifting his hand, Jihoon groans in annoyance pushing tears from his cheeks as he mutters to himself that he has to stop this. He had cried over you too many times. Every time a text came to his phone with another apology. Every time you had called him trying to tell him how much you loved him, Jihoon had cried because he loved you. 
“I gotta forget her. She's changed, just gotta let go.” 
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© onlymingyus - all rights reserved. Reposting/modifying of any fic, or pieces of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.
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Last Game hair style fixes, in order of who needed it most.
I've never liked the canon hair styles in Last Game. They're either hideous, or just simply don't fit the characters/style of the main series. I get its a (mostly different) art department and meant to age the characters up, but most of the time, they simply just look off-model to me. I know I'm not the only one who's got issues with the hairstyles in this movie too, so I did my best to fix them up and give them styles that I personally think suite them. Originals below cut as well as my explanations! Important to note, these are my preferences/headcanons for them so take everything I'm about to say with a grain of salt.
**Akashi isn't here, because believe it or not, I actually think his hair looks the best out of everyone in LG.
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I wouldn't change it. I like to draw him with neater hair/his bangs pushed out of his face when I age him up, but for the summer after the Winter Cup - when LG takes place - the canon hair is exactly the sort of style I think he would/should have. I like the allegory that the rough chop is something he did when his mental health wasn't good, so now as his mental scars heal, it's growing back out. ❤️
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A neater/shorter hairstyle does fit Mido's character/personality, but the LG hair simply just doesn't look like the same hair type we see in the main series. Mido's hair has got the slightest wave to it (which I tend to over-exaggerate whenever I draw him).
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With this in mind, I went and gave his hair some more body/volume by extending the sides. (You'll see a lack of volume/body is the key issue with the other LG hairs as well).
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Mura's hair in this movie looks so so flat and greasy. Now I didn't do the best job fixing it up, but this is basically how you'd go about doing it; just add more flowy strands. His hair is pretty pin-strait in canon, but there's lots of flowing strands, even when he's not moving much, which give it a clean-look.
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When it's all just one limp form, like the movie does, it appears unclean as opposed to just long and sleek.
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Another victim of the lack of body/volume. The style they gave her is also simply bad, like she just took a pair of scissors and cut in a straight line. There isn't even really any style to it. Its kinda just laying there on her head, which is not what her hair usually looks like in the main series. There's always strands/some lift to it. Also Momoi has always had some sort of bangs/framing pieces in her face, so for her whole forehead to be out was just a tiny bit jarring.
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I think the style I came up with is a little more mature while still having personality and life to it. Plus, LG takes place in the summer, so a shorter hair style would be more comfortable in the heat.
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Kise I don't think I did a good job of fixing to my liking either. It was hard to edit it without making it look bad in general, because I really don't think this choppy sort of style suites him like at all, so it was too much to change. Now his hair is one of the better drawn ones in this movie for sure, but it feels more like a Kagami hairstyle than a Kise one to me. I just don't think his modeling agency would let him have such a choppy, hard-to-style haircut. I also think a more polished look fits his handsome, princely sort of appeal that makes him popular with girls.
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Alright, now its time for me to be playful and silly with some out-there hair styles. Aomine (and Kagami's hair) in Last Game I don't mind. After Akashi, I would say Aomine looks the best. BUT. We have NEVER seen Aomine with long hair, even in flashbacks when he's a child.
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So for him to finally decide to grow out his hair - in the SUMMER HEAT - just feels like a weird move to me. Feels out of character. He strikes me as someone who likes his hair out of his face when he plays ball and just wants to roll out of bed and not worry about brushing/styling it or anything. The animators also aren't consistent in this movie and sometimes his hair looks particularly long in the front and back, which again, I don't think he'd like. This picture below and the ones above are from the same movie/take place within like a week of each other, yet look so different.
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He looks cute and it definitely gives him a more youthful look; which is a weird choice, because they want to age up everyone else but Aomine in this movie. So, I think a fade would really suite him (I don't think I drew it that well tho). Keeps his hair short and out of his face but also ages him up a little more with a mature style.
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Alright, Kagami's look here is pure indulgence. @knbposting said "Kagami with a mullet" and I haven't stopped thinking about it. Sue me. His LG hair isn't bad and makes sense for his character and the time of year. But its just sorta plain. Honestly, Kise's hair style in this movie would probably suite Kagami more. I always liked how in the main series, Kagami's hair is a little scruffy in the back so I really wanted to lean into that.
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Is a mullet suitable for the summer heat/something he'd like? Well, maybe not but I think it ages him up while also seeming like something he'd get at some point in his life. So here we are. I will end this with saying this is probably the longest he'd ever let his hair get.
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Finally, we have Kuroko, whose hair I've barely changed. Now, the animators/artists do a really bad job of keeping his face on-model (eyes too beady, features too sharp) but that's a whole 'nother issue, and I managed to find a scene where they kept him on-model lol. I think a shorter, neat style is good for the summer and suites him, but a main feature of all the hair throughout the main series is the spikes/strands of hair on nearly every character - Kuroko especially - so I just added a tiny bit more here.
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And that's the end! If you read all the way to here, thanks for coming to my insane-person rant.
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zweetpea · 3 months
Eternity or stasis Part 1 of 2
Spicy scene so watch out. Also some Archon/Arlecchino slander purely because I don't like the fact that the house of the hearth is basically just training child soldiers. No hate if you like her but she is definitely not a good or even morally grey person.I am so sorry about human dvalin guys. I tried not to stroke my own ego when describing him but all the concept art for human Dvalin makes him out to be a very very VERY pretty man. And I like the Hoyoverse dragons so there is a bit of that. Also sorry this took so long to come out.
"Dvalin please!" You whine
"Mine. You're mine." He growls.
"Ah!" you squeak as he squeezes your hips.
"Tight... so tight... Too Tight! Dvalin I can't breath!" 'Yeah that's me. You're probably wondering how I got here.'
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20 minutes ago.
"Dvalin it's been 2 weeks since Xiao brought me back. Andruis has come to visit twice, and both times you've refused to see him. You hardly let the abyss mages and slimes bring me food. "I'm begging you, please let me go. I won't run away again just please." You pleaded desperately trying to wriggle out from between his front claws. He was splayed out like a dog lying out in the sun arms crossed in front of him to trap you in.
"Not a chance. The last two times I let you out of my sight you got kidnapped. First by those knights, then you were taken away and the abyss order has told me you were in the land of Geo. That filthy mud-ridden dragon. What does he have that I don't? What can he give you that I can't?"
"Well, no offence but physical intimacy and companionship."
"Oh really?" He growled in a sarcastic tone (and also literally growled, he is a dragon after all). A bright light blue light shined out from Dvalin's chest as he shrunk.
"Dvalin? What...?"
Standing before you was a beautiful man with sharp features. He had a long pointed nose, and sharp eyes. His face wasn't too particularly round (he had a few freckles on his face) and his chin looked like it could cut diamonds. He had long baby blue hair that fell past his shoulder blades - his bangs curled around his head to the back of his head - and glowing aqua colored eyes that pierced your soul. His horns curved up, back and towards each other; the tips tinted in dark blue. His pointed ears peeked out meekly from the sides of his head. He was tall (maybe 7 feet), and his entire body - from hid shoulders down to his waist - was broad. His chest and abs were sculped and defined. His limbs held muscles toned to perfection, yet strangely enough faded from the pale of his torso and face to a lighter blue and finally to a deep blue at his finger tips and his long nails. Finally just behind him swayed a furry blue and white tail. 
"Why wouldn't I be? I don't wear clothes in my true form. I feel strange like this." He looked at his hand, perplexed by the addition of a fifth finger.
"You- you- two- um-" You backed up as he stalked over to you. "Wait!" Your face heated. 
"Come here darling. You said you wanted to be physical." He pulled you toward him and wrapped his tail around you.
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"HELP LITTLE SLIMES!! I fell into a trap! He's got me! And he won't let me go!" You scream as a dendro smile and hydro smile bounce toward you.
"Yes I know but, EH!" You try to struggle. 
"Dvalin! Please. This is embarrassing. And I can feel your 'friends' poking my ass."
"They just want to say hi, and they wouldn't be so eager if you didn't squirm so much on my lap." He purrs in your ear.
"We need to get you some clothes." You throw yourself from his grasp with all your might. "Maybe some apple bottom jeans."
"Jeans?" He looks confused. 
"And boots with the fur."
"With fur?"
"Really just anything to keep you 'packages' to yourself."
"Oh? So you don't want 'Physical Intimacy'?" He teases. 
"Um I..." 'Screw it. Baizhu and I are just friends with benefits.' You pull Dvalin closer and kiss him. His lips mold into yours and you poke your tongue into his mouth. He lay you down as his tongue overtook your mouth.
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"I... cannot feel my legs."
"Stay right there, I'm going to get some food." He kisses your head.
"Wait!" You grab one of his horns and gently rub your thumb over it.
He lets out a breathy moan and grabs you wrist. "Keep that up and this little snack I'm getting you will be an intermission instead of aftercare."
"Did you want this?"
"It was nice, especially the feeling of your nails scratching along my back. I'll be honest, I'm willing to do anything to keep you here."
"Okay, thanks for getting me some food."
"Of course darling." He kisses your lips, and slithers out of the tower. 
10 minutes later you're feeling a bit better, that was until a certain high pitched Bard showed up.
"Dvalin! Please answer me. I know that you're up here! I'm sorry about what happened about a month ago." Venti pleads voice cracking like he's holding back tears. 
"Hi Venti..." You say apathetic.
"What are you doing here? How did you get back here?"
"Wouldn't you like to know." You snark. 
"Don't get smart with me! You turned Dvalin against me."
"I thought you'd want him to be free, and happy."
"I do. But I also want him to be safe. You are nothing but trouble, and I don't want him around you. End of story" 
"Why don't you give me one more- ow! Fudge nuggets! Anyway Venti," You limp your way over to him. "That's not really for you to decide, now is it?" You taunt.
"What gives you the right to talk to me like that?"
"What gives you the right to demand the respect of your people. You're a drunkard, Zhongli is a deadbeat, and Ei is a dictator. Not only that but the Tsaritsa endorses the exploitation of children, allowing Arlecchino - one of her Harbingers - to groom them into the perfect soldiers. They're exploiting orphans - who only have them to trust in - for their army. What good do you Archons do for your citizens?"
"Shut up!" He pushes you to the ground. Your delusion starts to glow seafoam green.
"You don't protect them. So get off your high horse you fake wannabe dei-"
"SHUT UP!!" He screams as the structure around you shakes and the air in the environment grows warmer. 
"Heh, I knew you were full of hot air."
"SHUT! UP!" He screams in your face as his hands come to wring your neck.
"Dvalin?/!" Venti and you shout in unison. Him in horror and you in joy. Dvalin drops the food and charges at venti. 
"What have they done to you?" Venti whispers. 
"I chose to become this Venti."
"They've clipped your wings."
"You mean these?" Wings spring from his back.
"You know what I mean! Your powers are drained in this form! Why would you do this?"
"I need them that's why."
"No! I'm putting my foot down. I hate to do this but this obsession you have with them isn't healthy!" Dvalin charges at him and he dodges. Venti summons his bow (the skyward harp) and shot at you. You try to block but nothing happens. The arrow doesn't pierce you but it does knock you out and blow you far off.
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When you wake up you're somewhere you haven't been before. Inazuma.  
"Okay. This isn't good. Why couldn't I block the arrow? Was it because it was Venti's?" You look down to your delusion and see it was seafoam green instead of a gold color. "Does this mean I've resonated with Anemo? I shook hands with Zhongli and resonated with Geo, Venti pushed me so..." You hold your hand out and several small wind currents form around you. You bring your other hand up and they all form into a big gust of wind shaped in a pair of wings. "Interesting. Okay... where exactly am I? This looks a bit like Ritou. Maybe I could get across to the beach."
"Outlander! Freeze!"
"Shit!" You start to jump across to the beach on your wind currents. You run through the hills of Inazuma.
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"Okay I think I'm safe now. Where on earth did I go?" You run to the north end of Narukami Island.
"Hello?! Hello?" You call out as you look for anyone who could help you. 
"Hm? Hey cutie!" Itto shouts at you. 
"Aw, aren't you sweet."
"Heh. Nah, you're just adorable. Hey! You wanna beetle battle with me."
"I don't know how. Maybe a big, strong man could teach me." You flirt.
"Course I could." He wraps his arm around your shoulder. Maybe you should feel a bit bad about flirting and sleeping around but you were promised debauchery. You wrap your arm around him as he leads you to where his gang was, though you didn't get too far with Kujou Sara and her forces on you tail.
"There you are! Surrender your Vision and the blondie." She demands.
"Oh yeah, the sus girl made me twinsies with the twins."
"The Raiden Shogun has ordered any interlopers to be deported from Inazuma immediately, and if they have a vision we are to seize it form them. This... person?" She looks to you for confirmation, to which you nod. "Is under arrest for fleeing Ritou."
"So typical of a cop to be a rude bitch. Actually that's not really fair. Chevreuse, Wriothesley and Cyno are technically cops and they'll probably be considerate. Come to think of it The knights of Favonius are cops and Jean was extremely considerate. It's just the archon simps- well, no Xiao was pretty nice."
"Less talking more fighting!" Itto shouts in a frenzy. He and Shinobu have to fend of the Tenryou Commission. 
"Sorry!" You lift your hand and the gusts of wind lift the enemies off the ground.
"Now we're talking! Looks like the playing field just got a bit more even." Itto taunt.
"On my command!" Sara yell as she readies her bow. You quickly start to twist and turn your delusion to try and get in back to Geo.
"Don't do this to me. I need Geo right now." You whisper and it started to glow gold again. You quickly jump in front of Itto to block Sara's shot. You then start to pelt her with a slew of jagged spall toward the cops.
"Retreat!" Sara's companions cry.
"Cowards! get back here!" She furiously runs after them.
"Oh my gosh! That was awesome dude! Oh hey, what should I call you?" Itto cheers.
"Babygirl." you respond without missing a beat. "It's this affectionate nickname where I come from. If not that you can call me Gen with a G. Last name Z.
"It's nice to meet you Z." Shinobu greets from beside Itto. 
"Please, call me Gen. We're friend now... or something more." You mumble that last part.
"Yeah yeah yeah, formalities and such. How'd you do that? You went from Anemo to Geo in a split second!" Itto praises. "It was awesome. Does that me you have like, Anemo and Geo inside you."
"Well I don't know about Geo but Anemo and Dendro have definately both been inside me."
"Uh, not the point. We should get going before the cops show up again."
"Oh right. Well Gen in thanks for you saving us I'll treat you to the Biggest bowl of Ramen I can afford."
"I don't think I'll be able to finish all by myself, but we could split it." 'Please if there is any good left in this universe or the one I come from let Itto and I do the lady and the tramp thing! Please please please-'
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"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Itto apologizes.
'I love you universe!'
"Looks like Heizou was right. Caught you right where he said you would be."
"I'll handle this Itto. You just get everyone out of here." You order.
"No way! I'm not leaving you behind Gen!" He argues.
"Loyal to a tee, I see why Ayato likes you." You smile. Tenryou soldiers flinging themselves at you.
"Itto we have to go." Shinobu pleads.
"Trust me! Go."
"I'm coming back for you!"
"Thank you." You smile. The Arataki Gang ran as the cops jump and overpower you. 
Sara bounds your wrists and ankles, and throws you over her shoulder. "Dang bound again. If I had a nickel for everytime I've been bound and it wasn't sexy, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot  but it's weird that it happened twice. Weirder still that the only two times I've been bound have both been very unsexy. 'This would be arousing if you hadn't been an asshole earlier.' You thought. 'Okay... I guess this is a little hot.'
"Hey do you want to hear something cool? According to the Babylonians, Asushunamir was this super rad person who wasn't man or woman and they were given the gift of prophecy and healing. Also the Norse had this other dude who's portrayed as really really hot and they were gender fluid  but mostly went by he. The gender non conforming have a pretty sweet gig being hot and getting people out of trouble."
"Please stop talking. Besides it doesn't matter who or what you are. Man, woman, or something in between, all obstacles in the Shoguns path to eternity must face her wrath. No amount of strange tales will spare you."
"Bring it on that tyrant is going down!"
"Brave or foolish I do not know. May I ask you something?"
"Go ahead."
"I've been hearing rumors about you. They say you are not so much man or woman so... how do you work in bed if you don't mind me asking." 
"Well~ you could find out for yourself~"
"I'll have to pass on your oh so generous offer." Sara retorts sarcastically. 
"I'm a power-bottom if you must know! Nah that's a lie I'm submissive and breedable, even if I never get pregnant."
"Well... here we are. The Shogun is just inside. She will decide your fate." Sara unbinds you. 
"Bye Sara. Raiden Shogun! You better get your Bitch ass out here!" You storm through the halls.
"Who dares to insult me?" The dumb little puppet shows it's face.
"I mean the real Shogun! Come on out Ei!" As you taunt her a purple rift rips through the air and Ei pulls you into the plain of euthymia. 
"Why is a long haired hooligan in my presence. What's your name?"
"Gen. Now let's talk about something more previlent. You suck! I don't care if you have big boobies! You're a bad mom and a bad leader!"
"Excuse me?"
"You abandoned your son and say that you want to give him freedom. How is that freedom? You cast him out without anything to defend himself with! And on top of all of that he was basically a naive baby with no survival skills. How dense can you be? You are the cause of at least 25% of Teyvats major problems. Do you have any idea what He's doing out there right now?"
"Wow... you really want to die don't you?"
"Can you stop being so egotistical? There's more to this world than you ya know! I get you're sad because Makoto died, and you feel like you have no purpose. You don't feel worthy to be the Electro Archon, right? Well Miko doesn't think so. She and sara are keeping this entire nation afloat while you bitch and moan about having to do work."
"How do you know all of this?"
"Because I'm not from Teyvat."
"Obviously. You are the adored one. The one Celestia fears. That doesn't explain-"
"No!" You cut her off. "I'm literally not from this world. I've seen this twice before. I got in after beta and I have to look up past events off Youtube, because Hoyoverse is a bitch to the Genshin community. I get they want people to pay for gacha but just have them be a normal world quest or a side story or even a playable movie! Kingdom hearts did that with their mobile game! It was a bit confusing but that's kingdom hearts for you."
"Nothing. Point is you need to get off your ass and work. Your people are dying. They're slaughtering each other in droves. Eternity doesn't mean everything has to stay the same. Makoto wouldn't have wanted that Ei. Eternity can exist through Inazuma's preservation. Their culture and heritage and customs all play a part in Inazuma's identity. If those things can keep Inazuma thriving then Inazuma will be eternal."
"...you've seen this play out before. Is there ever a way for me to reach perfect Eternity."
"not a perfect stasis no. But from where I'm from you and Makoto's Legacy is secure. Inazuma is eternal to my people." 
"How would I even go about trying to fix things?"
"...wait that worked?"
"I never thought I'd get this far. (A/n: SpongeBob reference!) I was just trying to sow the seed so that the twins wouldn't have to go through so much bullshit to defeat you and make you see the error of your ways. I was trying to buy time more than anything."
"Okay... so what do we do now?"
"I have no clue..."
"Um when you said twins... you wouldn't happen to mean two blonds in strange clothes similar to yours, did you?" 
"Is the puppet fighting them? Did your puppet take Thoma and they're trying to protect him?" You deadpan.
"yep, that's them. Let 'em in they might be able to help." 
She does as you instruct and the twins come barreling in. "What the Fu-"
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call-sign-shark · 8 months
Day 2: Cut Your Wings || Alfie Solomons x Reader
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Requested by a lovely Anon 🖤
TW: Kinktober prompt- cut, dubcon, blood, inflected pain, masturbation?, enemies with sexual tension, canonical violence, dirty talk, sexual torture, kidnapping
Words: 2K
Notes: This work is a part of the Peaky Kinktober Event you can find here. Comment on the event post if you want to be tagged in the future works for Kinktober. Also this one ain't as smutty as I thought because I got carried away by the narrative?? Shark please, that ain't the goal of Kinktober??
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A grunt escaped from your lips as you desperately tried to free yourself from the heavy shackles imprisoning your wrists. You moved them back and forth, then left and right, turning your hands in every position possible, and yet nothing worked. The handcuffs were too tight for you to slip from them. Another painful moan echoed in the damp and dark room of the distillery in which the jew's henchmen had locked you a few hours ago. The cold metal bit your flesh again. "Fuck". When loud footsteps resounded behind the heavy wooden door of your prison, you swallowed the lump that had formed in your throat and prayed to God for a quick and painless death because you knew that Alfie Solomons wasn't a forgiving man. Quite the contrary, his quick temper, and frightening antics only fueled his reputation as one of the most dangerous criminals in London.
"So that's the fucking little rat my men told me about." He stated, standing in the middle of the open door, both of his hands resting on the handle of his cane and a black hat hiding one of his hazel gray eyes.
"Fuck you, fucking cunt! When Tommy will know about this y'all going to regret it!" Words passed your thoughts, spitting their venom at him and yet the man remained silent. You even wondered if he had paid attention to what you just said or if the voices in his head were louder than yours. His gaze, intense and unfathomable, was observing you attentively as if he was trying to decipher the secrets of the most unique precious stone he had even held in his palm. After what seemed to be an eternity, Alfie Solomons pursued his lips, stroked his scruffy beard, and nodded, coming to an agreement with himself.
"See, my mates here told me that Tommy Shelby had sent a few men to London, but here's the problem – He said 'men'. And not 'little girl', which is definitely what you are. A bloody and nosey little girl. Hmhm." He agreed with his own statement before walking to the dusty furniture that was leaning against one of the brick walls. Then, he took off his hat and his long dark coat, and put the cane aside before walking towards you. He stopped in front of you, tattooed arms crossed on his muscular chest. The unusual amount of greenish ink deeply engraved in his skin caught your attention for a short while, you curiously observing the pattern it formed. Of course, both Tommy and Arthur had tattoos, but not as many as the mad baker.
"Would you look at ya. Haven't you something else to do instead of following a Birmingham scumbag's orders? Like finding yourself a man or something like this, y'know. 'Cause I don't see why such a young lass like ya puts her own life into danger for Tommy fucking Shelby." As he talked, Alfie had closed the distance between you and him. He was now leaning above you, so close that his scorching breath was fanning over your skin and the hairs of his beard were almost tickling your face. "So can you tell me why? The only reason I see is that Tommy Shelby sticks his cock in you and it has magically bred some loyalty." The right corner of his full lips curled into a mocking grin when he noticed how his words had lit a fire of rage in your eyes. Bang on, he thought, "No. It's more complex than that, innit? He doesn't want you and yet you remained devoted to him in the hope that one day, maybe, he'd look at you differently. He'd look at you like a woman to fuck senseless and not a pawn of his game."
"Kill me, Solomons. Kill me now or I'll fucking cut you once I'll be out of this shit-stinking place." You hissed, baring your teeth like a cornered animal, the truth hurting you more than a gunwound. For a split second, Alfie swore you would have dug your fangs into his throat, sinking them deep until you tasted blood if you hadn't been restrained by chains and handcuffs.
"Cut me?" The baker repeated these two words, pretending to be surprised while the tone in his voice betrayed how amused he was, "And what kind of tool would you use to cut me? This?" As he said so, Alfie pulled your grey beret out of the large pocket of his trousers, holding it to have a good grip at the base of the razor blades that were sewn to the fabric. "You Peaky girl like to cut people with this right? So come on, threaten me again little bird, I dare you." He said with both of his eyebrows raised in a taunting expression.
"D'ya think you're scaring me? I'm not scared, I'm a Peaky Blinder and I'm going to make things clear again: you better kill me now because if you miss this chance, I'll fucking cut your face the next time we meet–" You didn't finish your sentence, your words replaced by a scream of pain when Alfie, without a single warning, slashed your arm with your peaky cap. Blood soon filled the gash and overflowed from it, soaking the white fabric of your shirt in a crimson stain.
"Go ahead, dove. Say it again." This time you remained silent, staring at him in horror. He had cut deep, deep enough for you to feel the sickening pulse of your own heart in the wound. Your refusal to obey led Alfie to burst into an unexpected rage. His face reddened, and his brows furrowed, casting their shadow eyes. With one strong and brutal movement, Alfie's free hand grabbed your face, his calloused fingers sinking into your cheeks until your jaw hurt. "SAY IT AGAIN AND I'LL CUT YOUR FUCKING WINGS!" He barked, a bit of spit spilled in his beard and bloodshot eyes staring at your very soul. "See, you don't stand a chance here my sweet dove. You're just a little girl playing gangsters". In an unsettling mood swing, his temper had gone quiet again.
"I'm not gonna kill you peaky girl, that would be too easy. I see your eyes, and what I see in them is that you ain't afraid of death and I reckon this is a trait I particularly fancy in someone. So what should I do with you? We might..." He made a short pause when he noticed a tiny detail he hadn't spotted before. Alfie's hazel grey eyes abandoned yours and dropped to your bosom where he could see the round shape of your hardened nipples pointing through the fabric of your shirt. Licking his lips, Alfie's iris darkened with mischief and something you never expected to witness in the eyes of an enemy – lust. An unpleasant shiver ran down your spine as the baker's smirk suddenly turned into a wicked and threatening smile, "I know, dove. I know what I'm going to do with you. Everything's clear in my mind". A sparkle of pure madness enlightened his face, just like an artist struck by inspiration. With his words followed his hand, that came meeting your trembling body. His strong palm roamed all over you, the friction it created snatching a whimper from your tight throat while you understood his obscene plans.
"No, no! Please! Alfie--" You wanted to scream but you couldn't, petrified from the moment his fingers trailed down your belly and ended their exploration between your legs. The noisy juggling of the chains you produced by struggling sounded like a melody in Alfie's ears, who hummed in satisfaction at your cunt's warmth he could feel through the fabric of your trousers. His fingers pressed a bit more against your core, shooting a wave of forbidden arousal through your entire body and making your legs shake.
"You're in heat, lil' dove." He noted with an amused tone before closing the distance between your ear and his lips. You squeezed your eyes shut at the overwhelming scratching sensation of his gruff beard against your skin and the blazing blast of his breath. The room spun as you found yourself intoxicated by the fragrance of his cologne. Musky, and with a dab of cedarwood. His scent was as raw and wild as him. "I'm pretty sure you're all wet, aren't you?" He cooed in your ear. His rough fingers, applying pressure at the exact spot where your throbbing clit was, started to rub it in slow and circular motions. As much as you hated the thought of it, his skillful caresses lit a fire of desire within you, so much that you felt your own wetness soaking your panties, "How long since a man stretched that lonely pussy?"
"Don't touch me!" You growled, but as convincing as you had tried to sound convincing you still failed judging by how Alfie's brow arched. He let out a dark chuckle. Doing the exact opposite, his fingers kept fondling your sensitive bud but this time his wet and warm tongue licked your neck just like a predator would do to get a first taste of his freshly caught prey.
"Oh I'm not gonna touch you dove." The muffled sound of your cap falling on the concrete ground made you open your eyes again. You had barely lifted your eyelids when your gaze met Alfie's other hand, who was kneading his massive bulge. As afraid as you were, you could not help but let out a soft yet needy moan "I'm not gonna touch you. What I'm going to do cannot be described, no no it can't because I don't want God to hear it. What I can tell you though is that you'll never come back to Birmingham once you'll know the feeling of my cock buried deep inside you." His words' immediate effects upon you had your teased pussy clenching onto nothing and reminding you how desperately empty you were. An emptiness Tommy would never fill, "Are you thinking about him now?"
You weren't.
Alfie didn't need you to answer, for the way you brought your hips closer to his fingers and grind against them was enough. The mad baker's mouth sucked on the sensitive flesh of your neck, pinching it between his lips to leave a bright red mark on you, claiming his newly acquired property. All these sensations soon became unbearable: the friction of your shirt against your erected tits, the cold bite of the handcuffs on your wrists, and the increasingly faster rubbing of your clit destroyed what remained of your will of fighting. Never in your life you had been touched for you had always kept your virginity unspoiled for Thomas. A stupid and fruitless devotion.
You gave in to the pleasure and surprised yourself by thinking about how big Alfie's dick looked, unable to look anywhere else.
"Don't s-stop." You muttered under your breath, your climax building as Alfie kept assaulting your sweet bundle of nerves: he was nothing but gentle with it, almost hurting you with how rough he rubbed you. With your mouth parted and your breath quickening, you felt the delightful warmth of an orgasm coming but, all of sudden, Alfie stopped.
"Enough for today. We'll see if you deserve more tomorrow." He said.
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If you have appreciated what you've just read please take the time to reblog and/or comment. Your reactions are the real fuel and motivation of writers.
tags: @emotionalcadaver @peakyswritings @mollybegger-blog @hwangrimi @munson24 @tommyshelbywhore @devotedlyshadowytheorist @stevie75 @brummiereader @triplethreat77 @sebastianstangirl01 1 @izzy10369 @kimvolturicullen @peakyltd
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just-my-type-x · 2 years
Heey, for Colby's request, can u write an imagine about y/n being in her slut era and also include Brad and Dylan? Like she's an actress or a singer and has been hoeing around, but Colby starts getting feelings for her and gets angry at her for being with other men?
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I had too much fun with this one
Colby smut
Dylan moves his hand on my leg, moving it from my knee to my ankle. My legs are on his lap, while I'm seated next to him. I run my hand through his hair to steal his attention from his convention with a friend to me. He faces me and looks directly at my lips, before his sleepy eyes meet mine. I lean in and peck Dylan's lips.
"What's that, y/n? Are you a second grader?", he mocks me so i get up from my seat and take his hand, pulling him towards a dark hallway where we can be alone from all the people in the club. Dylan presses me onto the wall, his big hands falling on my hips, pinning me flat, as his lips kiss my exposed chest. The low cut of the dress gives him enough access to leave bruises and his mouth travels to my neck, up my jaw and finally to my lips. I grab him by the waist, pulling him closer to me, feeling his boner pressed on my area, making me crave more of him by the second. I bite his lip and pull at it, earning a smirk from him. Dylan grabs me from behind the neck with one hand and presses our lips back together harder, the kiss getting even more heated, our gasps filling the echo of the hallway.
"Let's go to your place", i say while kissing down his neck, my hand traveling down his abs, to the belt of his jeans, slowly unbuckling it. He let's out a loud breath as my hands slowly unbutton his pants.
"Mhm, let's go babe", Dylan grabs my hand and puts his t-shirt over the unbuttoned jeans. We hurry through the crowd of people, but i trip and hit someone, causing a drink to spill.
"For fuck's sake, I've just gotten those", the man shakes his head looking at the broken glass and spilled whisky.
"Colby?", i ask surprised
"Oh, y/n, what the fuck are you doing here?", he laughs and we hug.
"Oh, I'm here with Dylan. You know i told you we were going to hang out soon", i smile and grab Dylan's hand to come greet Colby.
"You mean bang soon", Colby greets Dylan and they hug, tapping on each other's backs
"Is there a problem with that?", Dylan asks and Colby shakes his head.
"I don't see why there would be any problem with that. I'm happy my friend is living her life finally.", from what's recognizable because of the darkness and few neon lights, Colby fake smiles at the both of us.
"Hey, stop it, you know each other for a long time now, no need for this type of discussion", i tell them and put a hand on Dylan's chest, which he takes and kisses the back of my hand, looking deep into my eyes
"True, I'm waiting in the car, baby. Don't take too long tho", Dylan waves goodbye to Colby and manages to come out with half a smile, while Colby just waves and puts his hands into his jean pockets.
"Baby? What's that?", he asks me and i just roll my eyes at him, smiling
"Can't we use cute nicknames even if we're not dating?"
"Whatever. Haven't seen you in a while. How's the album going?", he changes the subject and I'm glad he does it
"Almost done. I know i haven't been around much but i was also a lot in the studio -"
"With Brad yeah", he cuts me off and crosses his arms at his chest, looking somewhere behind me. I roll my eyes.
"How come it is ok for you to fuck around but it is not when i do it? I'm finally single after a long time and i really want to enjoy myself. You didn't seem to complain when you were fucking me"
Colby looks me dead in the eyes and let's out a tired sigh. He raises his hands in defense and takes a small step back, as much as the people behind him allow him to.
"You're right, i really enjoyed it and it's not fair for me to judge that,I'm sorry. I just miss you."
"i miss you too, Colby, but I've been busy, you saw that as well. Putting aside my sex life, thank you, which I'm sorry you haven't been a part of in the past 2 weeks. You just weren't around", i shrug my shoulders. "How about you come by the studio tomorrow? At 2pm?"
He let's out a sigh and looks again somewhere behind me. "Brad's there, right?", i nod
"We produce my songs together. He's part of my team of songwriters and he also produces a few of my songs. So yeah, he is there."
"Ugh, fine, just because i really want to spend some time with my friend too, not just Dylan and Brad.", he rolls his eyes but he giggles. We hug and wave him goodbye, before managing to leave the club.
I hold Brad from behind the shoulders, my chin resting on top of his head as he replays the song I've just recorded. We vibe to the slow song and i kiss his cheek when a cheesy lyric comes on.
"I know i inspired you to write this song, you have to admit it at some point", he looks up at me and i peck his lips.
"Maybe, in like... 50 years?", i walk around the chair and sit on his lap, moving a curl from his forehead. "When you won't remember me anymore", i joke and cup his face to kiss him, both smiling into the kiss, as his hands grabbed my ass and positioned me better on him.
"Hmm, I'll give you like one more minute", he leans in and deepens the kiss, my hips rocking into his. We left quiet moans and stop all of a sudden when we hear a knock on the door. Brad falls back on the back of the chair and i get up from him to go open the door. I see Colby standing in front of it with a bag of McDonald's and a big, wide grin on his face.
"Thought you guys were hungry, so i decided to bring you some food", he greets Brad and gives me a hug, making sure he pecks my lips one time. For a second I'm shocked that this happened, but Colby was the first one I've kissed once i was single and he was the one that made me want to explore this side of me. I've always seen Colby at parties with other girls, leaving with them and then coming later that night back home or even in the morning. We've been friends for a lifetime and it was very hard when i got into a relationship to keep up with the constant fights with my boyfriend because i was living with Sam and Colby. Tho Kat moved in, and I've had my own room always, it didn't make a difference. I offered to move in with my boyfriend into an apartment, but he also didn't want that because he didn't want to settle with me. So we came to an end a few months later, months that felt like agonising years of constant yelling and no relaxation whatsoever. When we broke up, i got home and expected to stay in bed, demoralised and feeling bad of that happened, but instead, Colby and i found ourselves in a heated make out session after a few "celebration" shots. We quickly found the way up to his room and whenever we had time or were alone, we would have fun together wherever possible. Of course, none of us ever mentioned the idea of a relationship, because both of us seem haooy with what we have. He kept on seeing other girls and well, even if they're a different from time to time, mine happen to only be Brad and Dylan, which have also been really old friends of mine.
"Thanks, mate, i didn't even realise what time it is", Brad takes a sandwich and i take another one, sitting next to Colby on the couch. We talk and we laugh and i look at Colby who seems very different from last night, when he didn't like the idea of me having Brad around. He smiles, jokes around and actually has a conversation with him. I take another bite from my sandwich and Colby puts his arm around my waist, pulling me on his side. I look at him and he brushes his nose over mine, kissing my temple.
"Well you're in your feelings today", i say and put the food away to drink some water
"Not true", he lies and we're very aware of that.
"I'm gonna go make a phone call real quick and also give you some space. I'll be back", Brad winks at me and leaves the room. I get back on the couch and sit on the side so i can look at Colby. He looks back at me and his smile slowly fades away.
"Come here", he puts a hand on my cheek and brings me closer to his face, kissing me passionately. I grant him access immediately and his soft tongue brushes over mine slowly, none of us hurrying the moment. I lean backwards and i pull him by his t-shirt, getting him on top of me. Colby rocks his hips into mine and i moan and the pleasurable friction between us.
"Gosh, how i missed this", i whisper, unable to speak out loud. He groans in response and takes off his t-shirt, while i trace his abs and tattoos. I bite my lip, flashbacks of previous rounds of sex coming in my mind and i grow eager to receive more from him. He unbuttons my jeans and takes them off along with my underwear, throwing them away in the room. His eyes scan my bare bottom half and his eyes turn dark with lust. Colby licks his lips and comes down between my legs, licking a few lazy stripes on my core, collecting my arousal and building up my pleasure. He flicks his tongue over my clit at a steady pace, making my legs spasm every once in a while when he reaches a very sensitive spot. He smirks and grabs my thighs firmly, keeping them in place while nibbling at my clit a few more times.
Colby takes off his jeans and reaches for the condom in his wallet, rolling it on his length, getting between my legs and slowly slipping his dick inside me. We both gasp as it goes deeper and deeper, a moan escaping my lips when he's fully in, already touching a the right spots. He starts thrusting in me and a slow speed, adjusting to my tightness and making sure he doesn't hurt me.
"Fuck, y/n, oh my God, you're incredible", he whispers in m my ear as he hovers over me and puts one of my legs around his waist. I scratch his back and try to muffle my moans into his shoulder, biting it. Colby thrusts harder, the skin slapping noise turning us on even more. He cups my breasts and kisses them, licking my nipples and sucking every now and then on the sensitive skin. "You're so fucking mine", he groans as my lips find his, my hands in his hair and pulling at it, while his hands pinned my hips down as his thrusts get faster.
"Fuck, Colby, just like that", i lean my head back, his lips attacking my neck and focusing on the sweet spots.
"I'm so close", he buries his head in the crook of my neck and i nod, putting my other leg on his waist too.
"Me too", i say and he grabs the armrest of the couch and starts pounding into me, hitting my g-spot until my legs shake uncontrollably as my orgasm hits me like a wave.
"oh fuck", he bites my shoulder to cover as much as possible his loud moan as he bursts inside the condom. Colby gets up and slowly exits me, taking the condom off and wrapping it in some empty food package. We get dressed and i motion him to come back next to me. I hug him and remain like that for a few moments.
"Oh how i wish we would take our usual aftersex nap", i chuckle and he does the same.
"We can, let's go home", he offers.
"I still have work to get done", i motion my head towards the laptop with the list of songs I have to record.
"By the way, where's Brad? Wasn't he supposed to be back?", Colby asks and gets up from the couch. I frown.
"He knows we're fucking, he just gives us some free time.", i shrug my shoulders. "It felt so good, i missed our sex", i give him a tired smile.
"Then let's do it more. Y/N, i hate the fact that you have sex with them too. You have no idea how bad it pisses me off", Colby throws his hands around
"What? You can't say that, you do the same thing, with more girls may i add"
"Because i knew you weren't going to settle for me once you got single again."
I open my mouth but don't say anything. He is pretty much right. I didn't need another relationship right away.
"I just can't stand the thought of anyone finishing you and touching you and having you moan underneath them", Colby comes back to the couch and zones out
"I'm sorry i didn't know about what you've been feeling. You should've told me.", i grab his hand in mine.
"Can you please, at least consider, dropping out of your slut era?"
"I've been out of my slut era since you called me yours ten minutes ago. There was no going back afterwards."
"Oh shit, i did say that.", Colby laughs and i lean in to kiss him. He kisses me back and then kisses my forehead, pulling me into a tight hug. "Finally. I'm so stupid for not owning up to my feelings"
"No, you're not, just don't own up to your feelings with anyone else please", we both laugh and we hear the door open. Brad grins at us and sits back in his chair.
"Ready for round two?", i walk towards the recording booth and turn around to Colby
"Always", i wink at him and he laughs. I shake my head and put on my headphones.
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Marie Bryant (The Duke Is Tops, Jammin' the Blues)—one of many many many talented Black dancers & performers who deserved better roles! I'm including this video of her singing and dancing because I think it's the cutest thing ever and her smile could light up the sun [video below the cut]
Veronica Lake (I Married a Witch, Sullivan's Travels)—her look is so iconic they used her as a visual model for jessica rabbit in who framed roger rabbit and a bunch of other femme fatale types in cartoons and live action alike. i didnt think i liked women and then i saw her in sullivans travels and said gee i hope this doesnt awaken anything in me! every role ive seen her in she absolutely oozes an aura of "i know people would ask me to step on them" and her EYES bro every photo ive looked at for this submission its like shes piercing thru time and space to judge me <3
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Marie Bryant:
Veronica Lake:
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I don't believe there's a person on earth who can watch Veronica Lake in I Married A Witch and not be struck by how gorgeous she is. She had that youthful wonder about her that almost every Hollywood starlet was trying to achieve. Her hairstyle (peekaboo bangs) became an iconic Hollywood style after she popularized it, and made her signature look all the more suggestive. Also, witches are tumblrs favorite!
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ICONIC hair sweep
The US government literally begged her to change her hairstyle because it was TOO HOT to handle and women who copied it were getting their hair caught in machinery
Her hairstyle was so iconic and popular that the war department had to come out with a PSA instructing lady ironworkers with ways they could pin their hair up to avoid it getting bound in machinery. [https://veteranlife.com/military-history/veronica-lake/]
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She played a lot of femme fatale roles but my favorite is Sullivan’s Travels opposite Joel McRea, which is a comedy. She became famous for her hair style at the time—she wore it long and parted on one side so it would fall over half her face in a very sexy way. They called it a peek-a-boo I think. You’ve definitely seen Bugs Bunny dressed up like her, so I think if she’s being honored in such a way she’s very cool.
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look at her
she's GORGEOUS in her little witch outfits that she wore for promos and also in the oversized coats and pajamas she wore throughout the movie...she's got RANGE
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My Grandpa supposedly dated her in high school, he drove her to school in his car every day. This is legend in the family.
She has gorgeous hair, has got the smouldering look over the shoulder down PAT, and is just drop-dead gorgeous too!
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Schizophrenic icon, popularized the peekaboo hairdo long before Jessica Rabbit
She’s just so prettyyyyy
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So much hot in such a tiny package. She was no more than 5 feet tall, and some reports claim as small as 4'9"
If you picture a femme fatale in your head, almost certainly Veronica Lake had a hand in shaping the image you think of. She came to embody the look of the noir leading lady as well as the sound and the performance. Certified Noir Baddie.
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zorubark · 8 months
My headcanons for how the human counterparts of the TADC cast(mostly their appearence)
Kaufmo: He's a guy with a big belly and thin limbs, light skin, small eyes, long head, linguini nose, chubby linguini from ratatouile, short straight hair, somewhat crooked teeth, above average height but not short, downturned eyes, green-brownish eyes
Pomni: Bob cut with straight bangs, brown hair, a mole on the cheek, fat(to me Pomni irl is fat and nothing will change my mind), wears her work uniform at home, big eyes, eyebags, short, round eyes, brown eyes
Ragatha: Acne scars, wavy or curly hair, tall, blind in one eye(my dad is also blind in one eye :3), high nose bridge, upturned eyes, green eyes, redhead
Jax: Tall, brown skin, monolids, short curly hair, yellow teeth, NO JAUNDICE, amber eyes, wears overalls irl but with a colorful 90s sweater, skinny, when he smiles his gums show a bit
Kinger: Skrunkly middle aged man, wrinkles, blond, long skrunkly beard, long hair(somewhat skrunkrly), skinny needs to eat more, only puts his glasses on to read and doesn't use them otherwise, hooded eyes, blue gray eyes with brown near the black pupil
Queenie: Chubby, dark skin, straight dark brown hair, downturned eyes, brown eyes, mole near her left eye, big eyelashes that form a kinda spiky shape, latina(I don't know which country, there are too much cool countries to choose and y'know, I'm brazilian so I'm resisting the urge), uses a ponytail, middle aged, has wrinkles
Gangle: Black, braid ponytails tied with red ribbons, monolids, big lips, her face gets reddish-brown when she cries(this happens to my friends), has a bunch of skin tags, taller than pomni but still kinda short, thin, no boobs, no butt(I don't know how to say her body type without it sounding weird, I'm so sorry)
Zooble: Has arm and leg prosthetics, has a prosthetic eye, short curly hair, black, almond eyes, wears colorful 90's clothing, mismatched garments, full body, colorful jacket, forgets where she left her walking prosthetic leg so she uses the running prosthetic leg thinking it's gonna be fine to use just for a while but they walk wonky and theys till can't find the other leg and they want to walk and it's a horrible loop
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Felt like making an MLP next gen lol (something something, inner child or whatever)
[[Link to the base i used]]
Characters from left to right
Daisy bell - fluttershy x tree hugger
....yeah, i know that you were probably expecting a different ship considering neither fluttershy OR tree hugger have curly hair. I gave daisy curly hair because tree hugger's design makes it look like she has wicks or some other black hairstyle and that leads me to believe she may be black. Anyway...daisy's special talent is grooming animals and i imagine she probably smokes weed in her spare time
Hailey - applejack x rainbow dash
In all honesty, i'm not really too invested in shipping in the MLP fandom though considering how it's implied RD and AJ got married in the series finale i decided to keep that with my next gen because i feel it makes sense. I chose the name "hailey" for this character for a multitude of reasons: 1. That's the name i chose for ALL my rainbow dash next gen kids ever since i was twelve, 2. It's a pun on "hail" as in the weather condition and 3. "Hailey" just SOUNDS like it could be a farm girl name. Basically hailey's thing is that she earned her cutie mark after getting bit by a vampire fruit bat as a child and therefore has a pair of bat wings. Personality-wise she's pretty much your typical "manic pixie dream girl" type (ramona flowers from scott pilgrim immediantly comes to mind, i've never read those books and i'm just going off of what i've heard)
Pastel dream - twilight sparkle x flash sentry
I admit this is a bit of a generic choice but tbh this was one of the first ships i EVER had so i feel it deserves a place in my next gen. Basically twilight and flash got married though their marriage didn't last very long and they got divorced a few years after pastel was born and twilight eventually got with big mac, pastel was very fucking angsty about having a new stepdad and only really calmed down after her little sister lavender was born. She's emo and also believes in aliens, her special talent is interpreting dreams (also, yes i know she doesn't really look THAT much like her parents. I'm just kinda tired of people ALWAYS making their flashlight fankids straight up just twilight but orange and i wanted to do something different)
Lavender web - twilight sparkle x big mac
Yeah i only really put this ship here because of the semi-infamous fanfic "the spiderses" and her personality is no different, this lass just LOVES her some spiders.
Rosemary - rarity x braeburn
This was actually the very first MLP ship i ever got into! At the time, i hadn't watched the episode braeburn was in and didn't know he was basically male applejack. 8-year-old me just saw him in the gameloft app and thought "wow that's one handsome horse! I must ship him with rarity because she's my favorite character!" So i put the ship into my next gen because of how much sentimental value i have for it. Anyways....i imagine rose to be somewhat of a "southern belle" type, her special talent is writing romance fiction and she's got the flirty nature to match! She's slightly inspired by blanche from the golden girls, i do admit.
Chocomint ice - pinkie pie x minty
To be honest....i only really added this ship in because of how often they're shipped in G3. I don't really have much to say about her other than she's based on the song "aoi-chan is going to eat chocomint no matter what" (bit of a mouthful of a song title but y'know...it's a japanese song so it's probably much shorter in the original language lol) also her bangs are modeled after the titular aoi-chan in the song's music video
I don't know if i'm going to do anything with this AU, but if i do: i'll probably include celestia x mirror!sombra and luna x discord
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Hiii please could we get Daryl x reader scenario where you are giving him a haircut and he gets flustered and turns into a love confession?? Thank you :))
Description: The reader gives Daryl a long needed haircut and feelings are shared
Warnings: fluff, swearing
*I'm so sorry for how long it has taken me. I'm also sorry it's not exactly what you want, I think I missed a thing or two*
Requests are open!
Key: Y/N = Your Name, POV = Point of view
Word Count: 708
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Daryl needed a haircut, that's the damn truth, this man is fantastic, kind, caring, gentle, handsome and protective but he didn't know when enough was enough when it came to his hair. I love this man, I love this man so much but he didn't know when his hair was too long. I didn't want to harass him about it, I offered before and left him to make the decision to do it. 
"Y/n, can you cut my hair please?" I looked at the man slightly stunned, he held all the equipment in his hands, giving me a gentle look with his eyes. I nodded, a smile on my lips, I grabbed the items from his hands and got him to sit down on the log that I was sitting on before he came down. 
"Didn't want me to give you a man bun?" 
"I didn't like that choice you gave me, man bun or haircut." 
"Obviously a hard decision to make." His light chuckle made me weak in the knees, Daryl held onto the towel as I started cutting his hair. I combed out the knots, doing my best to be gentle, doing my best to make it pleasant for him so he wasn't in pain and refuse to do it again. 
"You don't have to be gentle, I didn't listen when you told me to take care of it so now I gotta deal with the consequences." 
"Yeah, but Daryl, I want you to let me do this again and so I gotta be gentle." I trimmed around at the back of his head, then moved to his front and gave him a light smile as I crouched down to meet his height, Daryl stared at me with a look in his eyes as I combed out his messy, floppy fringe, I carefully cut the fringe of the man I had feelings for and wobbled slightly as I tried making my knees more comfortable. 
He placed his hands on my hips as he steadied me, I thanked him quietly, smiling as he gave me a gentle nod and let me continue cutting his hair, I made sure that he didn't look like an idiot and cut the bangs out of his eyes and brushed it away from his eyes, making sure that he looked decent and that his hair wouldn't bother him. 
Daryl stared at me and I didn't understand the look he was giving because as a man of few words, I learnt to read his eyes but I couldn't read this look. 
"Thanks, Y/n." Daryl whispered lightly, I nodded, blushing lightly as I noticed that his hands were still on my hips. 
"I'm all done." I brushed the hair away, using the towel to help get the tiny hairs off, Daryl smiled as I sat beside him and took my hand in his. Daryl brushed some of his hair off my cheek and gave me a nervous smile.
"I don't know how to tell 'ya this." 
"It's okay. Take your time, I don't mind waiting for you to form the words together." Daryl shook his head, I looked at him confused as he whispered lightly, mumbling about me and how I was perfect. 
"You're always looking out for everyone else but never yourself and you've got such a kind and caring heart I don't know how to make sure that you're not suffering because it's all I wanna do for you. I want you to be happy. I want you to be safe all the time but you're also an incredible fighter, I don't think you know it but you're amazing and you've got my heart. I really don't wanna see you get hurt and I love 'ya. You're blinder than me when it comes to seeing feelings." I stared at Daryl really shocked, I didn't understand that this man found me attractive.
"Daryl, I-." I giggled lightly, finding his words cute and hugged him tightly. Daryl smiled lightly, hugging me back and  I grinned back at him. 
"I love you too, Daryl." 
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