#LAX squad
theethlezprincez · 2 months
not even praying to god will let me die lol
(i stopped praying since i was a kid)
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vorpalmuchness · 1 year
I'm screaming at Speed 1994 like I'm a straight man watching football
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datastate · 2 years
Your blog is like a fun english class hakdhskdj like we can have really good interesting and engaging discussions here but sometimes we're also just in the back of the class watching movies and playing games while the teacher pretends to not notice. it's a good environment <3
OH NICE!!! :D yeah i like discussing things... i always like looking back at asks i got and seeing the people who offered their ideas and we had a friendly back/forth. it's very fun i think.
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broztied · 6 months
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The football squad couldn’t tolerate sharing the locker room with the rowdy lax team. For a bunch of meatheads, their solution was pretty effective.
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lucysarah-c · 1 year
Warnings: mentions of sex, sexual life, sex talk, menstruation. This is basically a sex education class guys. Paring: Levi x reader. Words: 7025
Summary: Erwin insists that Levi should educate his squad on certain topics proper of their age. Levi isn't really convinced but Commander's orders are Commander's orders... however Erwin didn't specify on what he should educate his bratty cadets about. Levi and YN give a sexual education class. Levi x Reader stablished relationship.
@feelingsandemotionsnotexplored I know you requested for this a LONG time ago and I know you asked for Levi and Yn having separate chats with the cadets and also a Sexed class but honestly, I couldn't fit all in one oneshot so I tried my best. I've this is up to the request <3
Levi as a Captain had dealt with many obstacles as part of his job and life dedication. He had taken care of many cadets, rookies or whatever you pleased to call them but usually it was more of a distance treatment or occasional.
Levi was a captain and had his own squad, as we know, and all his members were hand picked by him. Usually those members were professionals and well trained soldiers with quite the years behind them already in the scouts, hardly the newbies made it to the team.
Dealing with teenagers as a vague responsibility that didn’t surpass calling them out if they let their still childish nature shine through by running on the corridors, cutting some occasional fights in the mess hall or training, scrolling them if they broke the curfew, etc.
The daily basis activity of looking after the newbies wasn’t his, training them wasn’t his, dealing with their still reckless and hormonal attitudes (proper of their age) wasn’t his either. Levi received and trained his team members when they were already adults. That was the main difference with his new team, in Levi's eyes (even if they were still quite capable as they had shown) they were kids, brats to be precise.
He was known for being a calm and cold headed person but his team had an amazing capability of driving his patience thin, really thin, sometimes. The captain forced himself to keep in mind that yes, they were soldiers indeed, but they were still teens. Teens with hormones, with mood swings, with bratty fights and even brattier ways of solving those fights.
Levi felt the necessity of sharing meals with them, usually he would have them with Y/N in his office but he knew that bonding with your team was an important part of developing loyalty and trust. He wondered, as those exhausted dog mothers whose cups follow her everywhere, if one day they would learn to have a meal quietly or at least in a lower voice.
They were messy eaters and even messier speakers; some of them with their mouths full and complaining if this one stole a bread that wasn’t theirs or that one is too close. He put pressure on the bridge of his nose and sighed loudly, wondering to himself if he recalled Isabel’s teen days so chaotic and exhausting. ‘She was a fucking handful sometimes, too… but it was only one,’
Added to that, a lot of scouts’ higher ups had suffered the consequences of the recent expeditions or sadly felt in battle. So the overwhelming number of newbies compared to superiors was another fact to keep in mind. His squad wasn’t only getting used to being under his command, that wasn’t any easy or laxed, but also as being part of the scouts.
The inner rules that differed from the training groups, the new activities, the lack of a clear resource of dependence as Shadis was. All that made that, even when they were not directly under Levi’s command, they reached out for him as some sort of power figure.
“Can we do that? Can I go there? Can I feed my horse that? Can we do that today in training? That superior said we should do that but should we? should we wait for you Captain? There’s no water to shower in my room. Jean took my blanked. Sasha ate my protein bars,”
Y/N that wasn’t in direct command of a squad because she had other responsibilities, reassuring him that they were going to grow fast, that it was a matter of a few months.
"They are still too wet behind the ears, gave them some time to adjust," To what she later on, after giving all the cadets a first aid class during expeditions, added “Most of them are orphans, you as a permanent adult figure make them cling to you stronger. Shadis had too many kids under his command, you’re the first closer thing to a guardian that they have in a really long time. It’s natural for them to want your attention, they are still very young,”
Levi felt somehow guilty that she had to endure a permanent venting about the topic. But with Erwin busy in the capital, Hange spending more and more time in the industrial city to develop new weapons and Mike gone, Y/N was the only one somehow around when she wasn’t at the capital with Erwin.
“Stop saying nonsense, how many times have you endured me venting about the useless highers in command from the military board? I don’t mind it, plus it’s somehow my work,” his longtime girlfriend replied before evolving her arms around his neck and giving him a quick kiss.
It was late, both were done with their showers and ready to go to bed. Night was deep in already, as the fire from the candle of the night stand shinned mellow. She had come back from another trip to the capital as her usual more administrative role in the scouts demanded her.
The usual tea leaves that she brought from Levi’s favourite tea shop wasn’t the only gift she brought with her. Much to Levi’s surprise, she had done his entire paperwork saying, while she showed to him the work done, “Now there’s no excuse for you to not come to bed with me, sir”
The squad section wasn’t just better on paperwork, she was actually faster than him. Levi took no shame in admitting that her better education and facility with works made her more capable than him in that department of their work. “I kick titan’s asses, you make sure that those assholes from the capital allow me to go out and kick titan’s asses. Teamwork,” he would say.
However, Y/N’s presence in the field recently made the teens extra fussy in Levi’s opinion. Not just his squad, the cadets in general. Especially since winter was around and colds weren’t missing. With the lack of a proper nurse, Y/N was taking over the responsibility.
The captain wondered if they, his own squad, realised he could hear them. The questions, the doubts, the assumptions. Sasha saying “I bet they fuck like 10 times per day,”. Mikasa concluded, “Doesn’t it fall if you use it too much?” and let's not even talk about the boys.
“They are fucking obsessed over you,” Levi mocked almost, slightly loud since he was in the attached bathroom shaving “That’s why I’m telling you to not believe every shit they say, they’re fucking desperate for your attention,”
Y/N shook her head slowly while chuckling in the sofa of the office “They are kids, they are probably just enjoying someone who treats them nicely,”
Levi clicked his tongue, annoyed “They’re 15, not 8 years old little brats. I know what was going on in my mind when I was fifteen,”
She smiled and looked at him “Oh yeah? what was going on in your mind?”
“You don’t want to know,” He replied as he grabbed her face from the back of the couch and forced her face up to plant a kiss on her lips.
It was random, the first time. Early in the morning when both were getting ready to afront the duties ahead when a few shy knocks echoed in the silence of dawn. They did a little exchange of looks, confused, and Levi raised a hand as a silent gesture of “I go, you stay here,” as if the abnormal situation could be dangerous.
Levi opened the oak door with confidence but precaution, trying to keep the inner space that the crack of the door could share as minimum as possible. Frowning as he lower his guard when he found a timid Sasha on the other side. The brunette was quiet, foreign nature for their.
“What do you need, brat?” Levi questioned.
“Hm…,” the teen hesitated,
“So?” the man insisted as he changed to rest his weight on the door frame.
“I-I was wondering if squad leader Y/N may come over to our room. Mikasa is not feeling well,” the girl said with a voice as thin as a thread and Levi got the message almost immediately.
Turning around and giving a look to his girlfriend that was done getting ready and quickly walked away with the teen.
If the message wasn’t clear enough, it was crystal clear that when Y/N made it through the chambers they shared it with the two girls behind her. Ashamed and quiet, not even doing eye contact that was weird for the other Ackerman. It was when Levi was done getting some stuff ready for the training and had already got breakfast, ready to start the training with his squad. The couple exchanged a brief glance.
Then the older female spoke up “The girls are going to help me with my chores today, I hope you don’t mind that I steal them for a day,” Even when both teens were taller than her, the squad leader had each arm around their figure as some sort of hug as she smiled a bit.
“Alright,” Levi didn’t question, it wouldn’t be the first time that their shared office would turn into a “girls’ talk” place and he somehow knew it wasn’t going to be the last one. The captain grabbed his jacket, put it on and walked out of the door. Leaving the place for the ladies.
Y/N followed his boyfriend across the room with her glaze, once the door was closed she turned once more to the teens. “I’m going to make you a chamomile tea, get comfortable,” She announced while smiling tenderly.
Coming back with a full kettle on and a tea set ready to go on a tray, only to find the two girls sat down awkwardly and looking back at her as lost puppies. Their big, shameful eyes said more than anything else.
Each had a teacup in front of them, Y/N took out some cookies that she had saved in the chambers that Sasha quickly accepted. Mikasa was less eager and offered to the raven girl a hot water bottle and a bed scarf around her shoulders.
“The painkillers should start to kick soon, the tea and the warmth will help,” She announced as trying to ease the mood “Don’t need to be shy, we are all women here,”
Both teens looked back at the door as if the Captain's presence was still somehow manifesting through it.
“Believe me girls, Levi is the last of your worries,” Y/N confessed while grabbing her cup, took a sip and kept going once her words didn’t seem to convince the others “Did you know? Levi kinda raised a girl when he was younger, before the scouts. He knows more than you think. Plus there’s nothing shameful in this, boys may freak out a little bit but men take it for what it is, a normal process in our body,”
That finally made the girls relax, somehow.
“Is it… normal to hurt so much?” Mikasa spoke up, not even looking up. Far from her usual confident nature, she appeared so confused “I usually get headaches but…”
“Oh I had the worst periods when I was a teen, your body is dealing with a lot more than just this. Your hormones are all over the place and your body is doing what it can,” Y/N shared a bit of her knowledge “Is it your first?”
The raven girl shook her head, while Sasha devoured the cookies.
“Shouldn’t I be training?” the brunette asked with her mouth full.
“I thought this could be a good time to bond, to share some wisdom,” the squad leader said while trying to appear friendly and accessible. “I’m not sure how your upgrowing was, but mine was…” she chuckled in the middle “kinda the handful for this topic. I wished someone would have been more open to me,”
“You’re from Sheena’s wall,” Sasha said between a question and an affirmation.
“Indeed. It’s the accent, isn’t it?” Y/N replied friendly “Don’t worry, Levi makes fun of it all the time. Not just him, everyone, including Erwin.”
Sasha appeared ashamed of what the leader added “I don’t mind it, I actually like it. It’s part of who I’m, own your uniqueness and nobody will be able to use it against you,”
That somehow cheered the brunette as the older raised the tea cup as if it was a drink for a cheer and then drinked, that made both younger girls chuckle.
“How was growing up there?” Mikasa questioned curiosity as her sweet tooth started showing on while she grabbed more snacks.
Y/N sighed tiredly before summarying “Traditional and orthodox, strict. I was really naive, I was lucky that Levi was patient with me, otherwise my life would be different. So, I’m here to make sure you don’t have to find stuff across the way as I did,”
“Is it true that you can’t get pregnant if you do it while you’re on your days?” Sasha was quick to shout the question, way bolder than the other teen. "Growing in a farm truly helps to lose the fear," the older thought while watching the other girl dying from inside.
Y/N chuckled a bit before replying “It’s less possible but not safe. The only safe option and it still has some probability of failure, even when it’s really low, it’s condoms,”
The winter brought not only heavy snow and rain, forcing some exterior activities to be cancelled. Usually, Levi tried to force some sort of training anyways but when the weather was way too much even he had to settle for indoor activities like go over protocols in case of an emergency, the formation for expeditions, among others.
The facilities were feeling crowded with all the new cadets around and, much to Levi’s disapproval, the floors were messier than usual when it seemed that keeping the mud from the rain outside the building was too much to ask.
“Oi, Erwin, give me permission for a full cleaning session today. The place is shittier than a toilet after someone with diarrhoea,” Levi, who was told Erwin was looking for him, said while coming inside the commander’s office.
“Maybe tomorrow, I’ve some tasks for you and Y/N today,” Erwin calmly said while still focusing his attention on the paperwork on top of his desk.
Levi clicked his tongue and sat down at the desk chair on the opposite side of Erwin’s, arms resting on the back and one leg resting on top of the other. He had the uniform on but not the harness since they were not going to be doing 3dmg practises. “So, what do you want?”
“I’d been thinking that each squad leader could have a talk with the cadets, the barracks are going crazy with so many teenagers together,” 
“Why her? She’s not part of my squad?”
“So you get the point across, if you know what I mean, and her to make sure you don’t traumatise the poor kids?”
“Why don’t you do it if you’re so concerned?” Levi insisted, the idea felt unpleasant.
The loud tired sight from the blond echoed and then the tired glance filled the space between the two male superiors.
“Because my days of giving classes to the cadets have been long gone,”
“I thought you wanted to feel relatable to them,” Levi brought up a sort of middle life crisis that the Commander had had a few weeks ago.
The Commander just grabbed a pile of papers, handle them to the Captain and concluded “just do what I tell you,”
Each of them, all six members of Levi’s squad, sat down spread in the empty classroom. It felt absurdly big for the amount of people inside the room. The auditorium lecture classroom created the perfect environment for “Formation lectures” but the six teenagers sat down around, trying to look casual by not being one next to the other.
The green board behind the main desk on the front part of the room. Y/N sat down on top of it, waiting patiently.
“Squad leader?” Arming shyly raised a hand, claiming attention “What are-”
“We are waiting for Captain Levi so we can start a little explanation,” She quickly replied.
Grave silence, until the door squealed under the pressure of him pushing it open. Levi took confident large steps until being in front of the desk, left a box there and then rested his weight against it. One leg on top of the other and then crossed arms. Dead expression as grey eyes checked on each member of his own squad.
“how do we do this?” She wondered from his left “I start?”
Levi nodded, giving up the floor for her to take.
“Well, you see,” her confidence wasn’t the one she hoped for but she tried anyways “You find yourself at a certain age where you start to feel and experience new sensations which may lead you to have feelings for someone else and then-”
“Oh, so we are doing this Sheena’s wall style, got it,” Levi commented casually making her stop immediately to dedicated him her best ‘what are you implying’ look “Basically the church of the walls says that if any of you fuck before getting married you all are going to burn in the flames of hell, congratulations,”
“What?” He wondered unfaced.
The cadets remained quiet, unsure what's going on but fearing the worst out of this class.
“Fuck this,” Levi complained opening a drawer of the professor’s desk and took a piece of white chalk “We are doing this my style,”
Covering her face with her hands while sighting loudly “Oh god, here we go” she murmured.
“Alright brats, listen up” Levi’s deep voice loud enough to make sure everybody would listen without forcing his voice “You are at that age that you” he turned around to point generally with the chalk between his fingers to Jean’s direction and then go back to write on the greenboard ”are hard 24/7 and any hole is a good hole. And you” once again turning around to the only two girls of his squad on the right of the classroom ”at the age that sticking things up seems like a good idea. So the rules are easy,”
His pale hands moved hastily on the board as he wrote, YN  decided to abandon the safety of her place on top of the desk. She also searched for another piece of chalk but this time with any colour, only two small pieces of a pink one and a yellow one. She erased Levi’s writing a bit to add it once again but with colour, dots with numbers and highlighting words by adding a small underline. He had taken the lead and she simply accepted, only adding to his explanation.
Once done, Levi faced his squad that were in grave silence and looking horrified. Pointing at the stated information on the board with his knuckles “Rule 1, you wrapped.” Moved to the other pink coloured dot  “Rule 2 the only possible answer to the question "you want my dick?" is a yes, all the other ones are wrong"
Pointing to the other list under the second dot, where Y/N was adding little arrows to create a sub list “If the other person replies a no, it's a no. If it's a maybe, it’s a no. If the person is drunk, it is a no. If the person is drugged, it's a no. If the person is fucking unconscious, its a fucking no. Understood?”
Silence, the colours kept draining from the teens on the seats who were curling as if they could hide under the desks. Y/N stood patiently on the side of the board, waiting for the following decision of the Captain.
“Understood?” Levi repeated, demanding.
“Y-yeah” They replied as one.
“The captain of the special operation squad was losing no time and was going straight to the point, almost painfully blunt about the information. His stylish and clean handwriting shining in the green board as he insisted on keeping information organised and tidy. Once again his knuckles making the sound of the small knocks against the surface echoed in the room.
"Rule 1; the church of the walls says its illegal and it is but we don't give a fuck, condoms had been sold illegally for generations and won’t stop now.” Levi moved to grab a broom that was peacefully resting on the corner of the room and dragged him to the centre. He opened up the box he brought with himself and took off a shiny almost metallic square package.
The poor six teens that were in the grades started to look away ashamed, red cheeks shining bright as they squirmed uncomfortable in their place. The guys crossing legs one over the other.
“Why do we have to listen to this bullshit?” Jean murmured to Connie next to him, making Levi raise his attention back at the two boys quickly. Shocked open eyes trying to escape the hawk preying eyes of their squad leader.
“Oi, Jean if you’re so fucking smart and know it all why don’t you come down here and do it yourself?” 
Silence and then stuttered apologies and excuses, combined with chuckles from Sasha and Eren entertained that one of their companions was put under the spotlight.
“If you know shit, then shut up and pay attention. That goes for all of you,” his deep voice commanded, forcing the boys to be extra focused, the girls seemed less interested “Oi, you two too,”
Mikasa who was braver to reply to her squad leader commented “isn’t this a boy’s thing?”
Levi, who wasn’t a person to hold back on his comebacks quickly replied “If you’re expecting men to be the only ones in charge of contraceptives you’ll end up knocked up sooner than we retaking wall Maria,”
Y/N placed a hand on her boyfriend's shoulder, trying to slow him down on the bluntness. Smiled tenderly to the teens who seemed terrified “What WE are trying to say is that there’s no such thing as boys or girls knowledge. Think of this as important information to face this upcoming new chapter of your life, knowing as much as possible from both sides will make the experiences more enjoyable and, importantly, safe. Remember, there’s no such thing as stupid questions,”
The emphasis on the ‘we’ and the strong squeeze on his shoulder gave him enough clue to slow down. Her sweet calming, almost maternal tone made him sight. ‘This is what Erwin was talking about,’ he thought. ‘Not my fault,’ he thought, information in the underground was there for you to take since you were a kid and nobody had any holdbacks about it.
A clear of his throat to resume his previous intentions. Package between his fingers, broom resting against the desk and the explanation started “You upon up, fingers no teeth you may break it and there goes all the purpose of it.” He took it off, and she raised the bin close enough for him to throw the wrapping there.
“Thanks,” he murmured when he realised that she was holding it for him, she smiled back. The complicity didn’t go unnoticed by the other people in the room.
“You make sure it is right side up, you pinch the tip,” Levi kept going step by step as he grabbed the top part of the broom’s stick “And you rolled down until the end. Easy, when you take it off, make sure the dude is still hard and that it doesn’t spill. The you tied it up and throw it,”
“Any questions?” Her interrogation pierced the room as the teens shook their heads as if replying out was too much to ask “As we say it’s important that you’ve this information because maybe the person you decide to have sexual activities with may not know or even for your own protection. Remember prioritising your own health is always important and valid,”
Connie raised a hand, making both adults quickly turn to the left side of the room patiently waiting “Yes?” her voice echoed.
His hand lowered down “... so we put a condom on a broomstick and we won’t have babies?”
Her sweet smile slowly turned into a forced one as she tried to remain unfaced, Levi, however, raised a hand to his features in disbelief.
“And you said that there’s no such thing as stupid questions?” Levi whispered just for the two of them to know.
“No, on your dick when it gets hard. No in the night stand, no under the pillow, no on the broom, on a cucumber or banana. On your dick, it goes on your dick, brat” Levi insisted, making Sasha and Jean laugh loudly and Armin just chuckled next to Eren in the centre. Meanwhile Mikasa remained stoic but with a soft blush around her features trying her hardest to not make eye contact with Eren who was looking extremely concerned in the middle of the room. 
Another hand softly raised in the centre this time, quieter than the previous one. The blond boy with big round eyes waited silently.
“Yes?” “May I ask why you pinch it?” Armin politely inquired.
“On the tip goes your cum, if it has air it leaks” Levi quickly resolved all the doubts “Next question?”
“Isn’t it uncomfortable to have something on while you’re doing it?” Jean didn’t raise a hand and straight up went for it.
“If you think that having your dick covered is too uncomfortable to handle imagine pushing out a fucking baby,” their captain replied to then ask them back “Do any of you know why you have to wrapped?”
Silence, Arming raised a hand.
“Just reply, Arlet”
“To prevent a pregnancy?”
“Yeah and what else?”
To this new question, there were no volunteers.
“Do any of you know what’s worst than a fucking brat?” Levi inquired again, no answers so he continued “A sexually transmitted illness. Getting a chick knocked up can be solve, an STI is for life,”
"... babies can be solved?" Mikasa wondered in disbelief.
“It’s called an abortion, kiddo”
The captain moved to grab the box that was quietly resting on the top of the professor’s desk and then casually moved to the desks. All of them, the teens, quietly and ashamed as he gave each one two condoms.
“So don’t be stupid, wrapped. Girls, if a dude says “iT IS ToO BiG”” Levi mocked the expression without intentions to sound respectable to those who used that excuse “it never is and usually it’s the opposite, kick him in the balls and leave. Believe me, it's never worth it.”
Then they moved to another section, she decided to take the lead to start explaining how puberty can affect them differently and at some point they reached menstruation cycles. Most of the members of the squad were boys who were putting disgusting faces to the idea and the explanation. The squad leader who was trying her best to make the explanation as enjoyable and inclusive as possible felt the amount of shame that the only two girls were facing.
“Oi, cut it” Levi interrupted to call out the boys without any restrictions “If you like a woman to keep your cocks warm and wet, you also have to like it when it’s on the rags. Or you like it all or you don’t like it, man up and deal with it”
“This is a nightmare,” Eren commented to the blond next to him as if this couldn’t get any worse.
“You could be having this conversation with Squad Leader Hange,” Y/N turned around to do eye contact with the titan boy, raising her eyebrows to his dead expression “Yeah, that’s what I thought,”
When the main explanations were over, both adults decided to go for a round of general questions, to ease out any curiosity the younger ones could have. There was an awkward silence until.
“Is it… normal that you have dreams” Armin wondered, breaking the quietness finally.
“Yes! Of course, it could be about someone you like or maybe even someone you don’t even know. Everybody has them, even adults,” The female squad leader replied optimistically to finally start the discussion.
“What if I don’t want them?” Eren did his first real intervention, unsure.
“Jerk off, usually you cum while you sleep because it's a necessity to your body. With dreams or without them,” Levi didn’t hold back and this created a whole new debate.
“I heard that bad and we shouldn’t do it,” Eren quickly commented confused and concerned that his captain would recommend something like that,
“I heard that if you do it too much you can end up blind,” Connie added, confusing the brunette even further.
“You’re an idiot” Jean confidently called out as if he knew any better the other boy only to reply “How could that affect your sight? It falls off, that’s what happened”
All the guys jumped to defend their respective information until Levi’s quiet voice put an end on it “You’re all wrong. Yes, it's alright to do it but privately and clean after you get it done. It’s important the fucking part of privately, I’m tired of walking in the barracks and see you doing it under the blankets as if I wouldn’t notice.”
Eren pushed Jean to a side bothering him as Connie laughed loudly, recalling when that happened. The other kid was melting on the spot as the girls put disgusting faces.
“No, it won’t fall off. No, you won’t end up blind. The worst thing that could happen is that you hurt the skin for doing it too much,”
“Ew Jean! I’m never letting you touch me again!” Sasha quickly shouted out and Mikasa shook her head trying to erase the mental picture.
“It’s actually really normal, it’s good for your health and to feel comfortable with your own body,” Y/n tried to calm down the sort of locker room talk that was deviate from educational to judgmental extremely quickly “Despite what the church of the walls or anything could talk about virginity or anything about it, its extremely natural that girls feel aroused and want to masturbate too. Maybe it doesn’t come as natural to us because our anatomy is a bit harder to understand or because of the tabú around it but it's perfectly alright,”
Despite her way softer approach to it, both of them seemed far from convinced.
“How do women touch themselves?” Connie, who lost any awkwardness shut up quickly.
“They stick stuff in their hole,” Jean replied.
“But if they open that hole, how do they not piss themselves?”
“That’s because they hold it in, idiot. That’s why when they feel good, they can’t hold it and they get wet” Jean once again showed off as if he had any idea on how it worked.
“I don’t want to be pissed on when I sleep with someone,” Eren murmured.
Levi at this state was drawing his eyebrows even deeper together, confused on how they could arrive at this conclusion. YN was trying her hardest not to chuckle to their creativity.
“Those are different holes,” Levi’s voice pierced through the conversation with the actual knowledge “One for the piss, the vagina and the asshole. None of those are the same one,”
“Why do women have so many holes?” Armin murmured confused.
“So where do I put it?” Jean questioned, overwhelmed by the idea of it being way more complicated than he imagined.
“Easy, the first one it’s almost unnoticeable and it doesn’t fit there. The one where it actually goes in and the asshole is too far away. It’s not rocket science or let her guide if you have no fucking idea,”
“So when they bleed it’s not the same one they piss with?” Eren wondered about going back to a previous topic.
Silence as they processed the information.
“I always thought they pissed blood,” Connie commented to Jean who nodded in agreement.
Sasha raised her hand confidently and rushed as she smiled bright. Both adults looked at her direction, silently asking her to start talking.
“Captain Levi, can you tell Jean how to stop getting hard during practises,” The girl questioned obviously with the intention to put her friend in the awkward position. The ash blond opened his mouth in disbelief and looked back at the girl in shock.
“Why would you tell him that?!”
The other boys laughed loudly as they obviously remembered those moments. Mikasa chuckled, making the poor boy even more ashamed.
Jean, who wasn’t taking the situation easily, decided to deviate the center of the attention to someone else “Well in that case, Captain why don’t you tell Eren where do guys fuck because he was wondering the other day,”
“No, I didn’t!” Eren screamed from the top of his lungs, quickly shifting from entertained to furious.
Suddenly the room was filled up with screams and complaints, calls out and laughs. It was overwhelmingly loud, echoing in the walls and making it harder to concentrate. Levi already felt a headache coming.
“Guys, guys. Calm down!” Y/n tried her best to go back to the sort of civilised debate.
However one personal question developed into a whole childish fight of “he said, she said, i did, you did”; it got louder at any passing minute. The Captain remained quietly as he dedicated tired death eyes, waiting for them to catch the clue and drop it.
Armin was the first one, tapping Eren’s shoulder and so it followed. All of them were terrified of unleashing Humanity's strongest soldier. The place was quiet once more.
“I think it will be better if questions are anonymous from now on,” The squad leader murmured, turning around to grab a pile of papers and cut them into small pieces with a ruler “I’ll give all of you a couple of papers with a pencil so you can ask all the questions you please. This way we won’t know who did the question and neither will your classmates. Don’t be shy, your question could be the question of someone else.”
“As if we didn’t know their handwriting” Levi murmured, feeling the pedagogical practices of his girlfriend pointless. He contorted in pain as she pitched his right side, shutting him up and making him frown deeper.
She moved closer to them to distribute the papers with a pencil for each when Connie raised his hand again. Both adults were confused this time that he wasn’t waiting to write down the question.
“Yeah?” Levi from the front insisted.
"Don't women feel empty? like... don't they feel they are missing something with the open hole?"
This time even the captain was perplexed as if the question was even unthinkable in his brain. His usual deadpan expression changed to a plain confusion one.
"... do you feel your ass empty?" Levi questioned back, referring to another part of the anatomy.
"There you go, brains are nice use them for fucks sake"
Once she was returning to her position at the front, Levi stood up to walk away.
“Where are you going?” Her panic was almost palpable under the imminent fear of being left alone to deal with it on her own.
“I’m making myself a linden tea, because I’ll fucking need it,”
She didn’t reply right away but yet added as he was about to cross the room’s door “Make it two!”
Back to the beginning, both of them were at the front desk. She sat down on top of it, cup of tea resting peacefully in the space between her legs and Levi restin his weight against the corner. Tea on his hand as she shock a bit the box that had been empty since Levi had shared the content and now was filled up with the written pieces of papers.
Her hand reached out for one as if this was the lottery and then read out loud.
“What do I do if I get excited while looking at a girl that I like? What if other people notice it?” 
Levi sighed loudly understanding that it was probably his place to answer that one “It’s normal, everybody gets hard. Male anatomy works like that, too much friction while using the 3DMG, a girl you want to fuck, anything. You could think of something you dislike like… I don’t know your grandmother getting fucked or tug it under the belt until it goes away,”
A quiet sip to his tea as Eren murmured “Is it really that normal?”
“Yeah, brat, don’t overthink it. Everybody gets them. Better that it gets up than it doesn’t, think of it like that.” Levi insisted.
“Even you?” If there was something that the captain despite even more than dirtiness was sharing personal information, he had to gather all his mental peace to allow himself to be slightly more vulnerable “Even me,”
Once the question felt completed, she extended the box for him to pick up a question.
“The medical service asked me if I have done it already, I felt ashamed and I said that I’ve not. Nobody else seemed to have done it, what if they think I’m dirty?” Levi's monotone voice read out loud and it felt absurd to hear those concerns coming out of him.
“It’s perfectly normal to feel judged or overwhelmed but think of this as a natural process our body goes through. Almost everybody experiences this soon or late, it’s not a race. The medical service wonders because they are concerned about your health, nothing else. No judgement. Plus, almost all adults have sex,” She replied calmly and tenderly, trying to create a safe environment.
“Even you?” Jean was quick to shoot that question. Making Levi frown, doubting the innocence behind that question.
“Mh, yes even me”
“How many times do you do it?” Connie insisted with no social filter at all, making her grimace conflicted.
“Oi, you’re crossing a fucking line,” Levi interrupted.
“Ehm, let's go back to the questions,” She tried her best to switch the topic as she grabbed another paper “What do I do if a boy that I like doesn’t like me back?”
Y/N took a sip of her tea to clear up her throat, straighten her back and replied “It's important that you understand that a person not liking you back doesn't mean anything bad about you, your persona or your body. As you like that person, that person may like someone else or nobody and that's perfectly alright. It's important that you understand that forcing this person to like you back it's not ok but also it doesn't define you. Alright?”
"... That and maybe the brat likes dicks as much as you, it's always a possibility" Levi added before reaching out for another question.
“Does it hurt the first time?” Levi read outloud unfaced “Maybe, probably you’re nervous and then you’re tight so it hurts a bit. It shouldn’t hurt too much, if it does tell the other person and talk that shit out”
“Yes, indeed. It’s important that you feel ready but even if you’re ready, it’s normal that you feel nervous and therefore it may hurt. It’s important, guys, that you’re patiently” Y/N added as the female opinion on the matter.
“Did your first time hurt?” Sasha wondered.
Y/n blushed slightly doing a quick eye contact with the Captain “Ehm… A bit, I was a bit nervous but it was enjoyable,” She knew they knew that they were together.
“Was it with the captain? What if I don’t stay with the guy that I’ve my first time with? Will other guys like me later?” Sasha shut one question after the other.
“Well, yes it was with him. But you shouldn’t be scared of that, how many partners you have before shouldn’t matter” Y/N tried her best to draw a line between teaching and personal information.
“That doesn’t count, he’s short that’s why it didn’t hurt '' Mikasa's clear ongoing bad blood with her captain show off, making Levi slightly chock on his tea.
They all chuckled and Levi frowned deeply.
The captain’s girlfriend decided to take the lead and not allow the dragging of his partner “It will surprise you. I quickly learned to not judge a book by its cover,” She casually commented making even Levi turn around surprised “I can only say that all my friends were really jealous of me,”
“Enough of this” He reached for another question to read “Does it grow? How can I make it bigger? Yes it may grow as you keep getting older or not. It doesn’t matter that much at the end, there are plenty of more shit to do than just putting in and out your dick a couple of times,”
“Like what?” Jean inquired.
Levi quickly checked the clock of the room, they didn’t have much time left and it made him smirk “Like fingering, eating out. Some people are into other shit like tie up your partner, toys, public places. Some people are more turned on by uniforms, like the rich women on the captain that would donate only to get fucked up by Erwin with the uniform on,”
Their young faces were covered in complete shock. Lips parted to talk and ask the first question but they couldn’t formulate it. Time up, the class was over. Levi left the tea cup on the desk before closing up this extremely uncomfortable situation they all went through “Just do what we taught you and enjoy. We are all someone’s else weird kink, if you don’t believe me half of the donations we get are from bored rich women who have money to spare,”
“Erwin is going to kill you,” Y/N whispered as they walked away only to hear the cadets revolt in the classroom they left behind. Nothing good could come out of that.
“He should have come and give the class himself,”
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wordy-little-witch · 4 months
Dropping random One Piece ideas bc this is it now. This is how I cope.
Buggy focused bc I love this little blue haired buffoon
• gender is a performance and he LOVES THE SPOTLIGHT BABYYYY
• Buggy is actually a year or so younger than Shanks, and they both use this as an insult point for arguments. Buggy calls him old man, Shanks calls him a teeny tiny little clown baby, Buggy punches Shanks, Shanks cries dramatically, the works.
• in my perception between them, their relationship could go either way - I love the interpretation of them seeing one another as brothers, I love the interpretation of them being lovers, I think either one fits them and it's precious and depending on the Shuggy flavor of the day. It's never both at the same time though. One or the other.
• Buggy has always been terrifyingly flexible. It was waved off when he was very little, but it was only around the time Crocus joined the crew that he noticed Buggy was much more flexible than most kids his age. Turns out baby blue has hypermobility syndrome. The Roger pirates helped him learn wrapping techniques to help stabilize his wrists and knees and hips, his biggest problem areas, but after the Devil Fruit Fiasco, he can and will just drop a limb. Floating is so much easier on bad pain days.
• Buggy still wraps and braces his body when he can, but he also hides most of them beneath his clothes. Few have seen him freely in braces. Cabaji and Mohji are the most familiar with that. Ritchie takes his role thereof as a living, furry weighted heating pad.
• kinesthetic and visual stimming Buggy my beloved.
• sometimes he's just. Touch Alvida. Not in a weird way, just... her Devil Fruit makes her skin and hair feel absolutely DIVINE and he can spend hours just. Playing with her fingers or brushing her hair. He's embarrassed by it.
• he has a very meticulous skin and hair care routine. It's one of very few routines he keeps to. Not even being in prison stopped it.
• he's actually really damn good with money and running a business. The situation with the Cross Guild was a Bad Time, Bad Place, Bad Luck situation, which is honestly just his brand at this point.
• He was a warlord for all of a few months, but in that time, he did, in fact, have to attend a few meetings, and he did, in fact, make a friend! A friend nobody ever expected.
• Boa Hancock and Buggy are the most underrated Mean Girls Squad ever and I'll die on that hill, I think they'd be so funny as friends. Ask me more on my Boa Buggy Besties ideas please I am begging I love them so much
• Cross Guild happens, and it goes fairly similar to Canon, but Buggy quite literally within that three week time frame got the entirety of his loan back AND the interest and was like "hey so like. Did you still want this or-?"
• the mercenaries at Karai Bari are all very progressive. Buggy is a lax ruler, by most standards, but he puts his foot down firmly regarding bigotry, racism, sexism, etc.
• Buggy is not actually human, but he doesn't know that. He was orphaned at a VERY early age, was adopted by Roger pretty young, and he doesn't really remember much pre-piracy. He does know his genetics are a little weird, #ThanksCrocus, but not much beyond that. This may be Important later on if anyone wants some silly little concepts
• demisexual nblm, but once he catches feelings, he becomes a harlot harlequin
• once took off a limb and forgot where he left it. Has genuinely devoted microchipping his limbs.
• some people have comfort activities like hiking or painting. He makes bombs. It's very soothing and he likes the BOOM
• has a multitude of explosives btw; everything from large range, highly damaging, lethal weapons, to flashy, mildly inconveniences. He once made a batch of mini muggy balls full of itching powder just to see if he could and now it's his favorite thing to prank people with. ((Yes, he designed those while a Warlord. Yes, he tested it on the Navy. No, he was never definitively caught.))
• when he's busy, he ties his hair in a bun and puts pens, pins, etc in his hair, ends up looking like a porcupine or sea urchin.
• he has a really bad habit of hyperfixating for hours upon hours on end. Galdino, Alvida, Mohji and Cabaji have a rotation system to check on him if he hasn't been seen for 5 or more hours. They'll drag him away from his work (some more gently than others), make him eat, drink, etc. ((Alvida huffs and puffs about it, but she's also among the first ones to wipe a grease smear from his face, look him over head to toe and determine whether she's pulling the Girls Night card. She will die before admitting that she adores this bastard.))
• Buggy is allergic to pineapples.
That's all I got rn okay ily byyyeeee
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akingdomscrypt · 3 months
Part One
Pairing; Gaz x male!reader
WC; ~6.3k
Warnings; none? I don't think?? Lemme know if there are any I should tag
Summary; gaz is definitely an attraction-at-first-sight kinda man/ it's time to wake up from that coma bby <33
A/n; when I said 'fluffy' I meant no one was gettin tortured this time around . Also, yes, this is definitely a set up for a ton of angst content <3 (note the unfinished ch title) There's going to be a "missing scenes" feel to this one, that's intentional.
Edit- I forgot to mention, this takes place before the other two fics, during the mw2 campaign (tho I definitely spread out the events bc no way could this all take place in the span of a week)
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---"this is how we began,"---
Kyle had just gotten back from almost a week of being tossed around like a damn ping-pong ball when he met them. Or, rather, met you.
Fresh out of the shower—yet he swore he could still smell that filthy water on himself—and bored out of his mind with nothing else to do.
It would take a bit of time before Laswell fed them some more actionable intel, and to Kyle's knowledge, the two other members of their team were already on the hunt in Mexico. So all there was to do was wait.
Well, Kyle figured he could probably use this time to catch up on some much needed rest—but where was the fun in that?
He couldn't sleep, not right now, not when Price had informed him of a new squad touching down at their base this afternoon. According to the captain, they—around five or so soldiers—were just here to provide support if needed.
Kyle didn't think it was necessary, but it's not like he had any say in the matter. Especially since, apparently, the squad would only be using their base as a rest stop between their own missions. So, again, he didn't see the point.
But, like any curious soldier would do—and any who were a bit skeptical about their newest comrades—, Kyle was already beelining his way to where he knew the newcomers would touch down.
Kyle had paid attention to the bare minimum information needed to avoid butting heads with the group, but never dug much further than that. Some American mercenaries under General Shepard's direct command and, as he'd mentioned before, here to provide support or something. Again, he hadn't paid much mind to the info thrown at him; honestly didn't think he'd end up meeting them anyhow.
Only when he finally gets out on the tarmac Kyle doesn't immediately rush to greet the new soldiers as he usually would. He comes to a full stop, previously resting heartbeat now running a marathon in his chest, gaze zeroed in on you.
Seeing you—your form lax and almost casual in comparison to your stiff-postured comrades, a certain air of confidence surrounding you—made Kyle wish he'd done a bit more research, asked a few more questions.
Dressed no differently from the rest, there was nothing particularly interesting about you. Nothing that should draw him in so wholly upon merely seeing you. He couldn't even see your face, for fuck's sake—nor could he see any of the rest of the squad's, but that's besides the point.
You hadn't even glanced his way and Kyle was acting like a schoolboy seeing his crush in the hall between classes.
“You're staring, Kyle.”
“Mh- Wha-?” He drags his attention away from you, wholly prepared to start spluttering out his defense when he recognizes the man who'd come to stand beside him. Noticing the barest hint of a smile pulling at his captain's mouth.
With a soft scoff Kyle looks away again, shaking his head a little. “Not at all, Cap’, just scoping out the newcomers. That's all.”
As anyone else would do, of course.
But they both know it's a lie.
Right before Price has the chance to open his mouth again—likely to playfully call Kyle out on his bullshit in that gruff way of his—the aforementioned group of newbies comes to a stop in front of them.
Two in front, three fanned out behind them. Five after all, it seemed. You and some guy in the front, the rest Kyle wasn't sure of, their identities far too obscure to tell.
“Cap-” The guy standing beside you starts to speak, only to be roughly—albeit probably playfully—nudged aside by your elbow, effectively cutting him off.
“Greetin’s Captain,” you say, amusement obvious in your tone, a slight wrinkling at the corners of your eyes betraying a hidden smile.
And Kyle would be lying if he said he wasn't completely enraptured as you spoke. Barely even registering the hand you held out to shake Price’s hand.
“Shadow 0-9, at your service,” though there's still a hint of humor in your voice, there's a certain air of professionalism to it too. Even as you retract your hand and raise it, fingers curled into a fist and thumb jutted out, to gesture to the soldiers around you.
Starting with the one beside you, then on to the three behind you, right to left. “Joined by Shadows 0-3, 1-4, 1-5, and 2-3.”
Then it's on to the actually serious stuff. “Commander Graves has sent us under the General's orders to stay here and provide assistance to your cause if need be. Though mostly we will be carrying out our own missions and using your base as a landing zone between operations.”
And again, amused—your flip-flopping emotions were going to give him whiplash at this rate.
This time clapping a heavy, gloved hand on 0-3’s shoulder, the slight crinkle around your eyes returning. “If y'all got any questions, feel free to ask me,” lightly jostling 0-3 now. “these imbeciles hardly got a clue what's goin' on half the time anyway.”
It's obvious the other four Shadows are used to your antics, as none of them even bat an eye at your, likely empty, insult to their intelligence.
Kyle zones out as Price goes over his own spiel, mind somehow blissfully blank as he stands beside his captain. Thumbs subconsciously slung through his belt loops in place of gripping his vest like he usually would, gaze focused on the group in front of him, giving all the impressions of some serious, gold-star sergeant attentively paying attention to his CO.
That couldn't be further from the truth.
The spell Kyle is under only breaks when Price directs his attention his way, drawing his focus when the man says, “-gent Garrick ‘ere will show you lot around. All the standard things; barracks, mess, rec and the works-”
He then proceeds to space out again when your gaze slips from Price and to Kyle instead, not a single thing out of place as you analyze him.
It feels like you've got a scalpel to his skin, peeling away layer after layer. Through the muscle and fatty tissue, and deeper still, until you've reached the bone, and you keep going.
It's not uncomfortable, the way you tear into him like a rabid hound gobbles up a raw steak. Or maybe not rabid, no, you're not feral. You’re cool and calculating and yet playful all the same. A working dog, a trained hound, then.
It's more.. Kyle doesn't think he harbors the vocabulary to put it into words how he feels about it; flayed alive under your watchful gaze. It's strange. But it's not.. bad.
It's been all of five seconds when your eyes flicks away from him. A quick scan, a once over, just as he had done to your squad, and then you're fixated on Price again.
Price who's still talking, saying things Kyle doesn't have the wherewithal to bring himself to care about. Not when he felt so viscerally raw and unbelievably vulnerable in his own damn base at the moment.
He has a few more seconds to compose himself before Price finishes up and all five of the collectives’ attention is on him, expectant.
And so Kyle plasters on a carefree expression, the corner of his mouth quirked up in a half-smile, and casually nudges Price with a loose fist. A mused, “thanks, Cap'” and such, then he's taking charge.
Voice level and strong, like any typical self-respecting Sergeant, as he turns and urges the group to follow.
The last thing Kyle expects is for you to fall into step beside him—with the impression of your personality he'd gathered, it shouldn't be a surprise—, only lagging a half-step behind, a grin obvious under your mask.
His brain short-circuits, but Kyle quickly recovers, keeping his focus locked straight ahead and decidedly not looking at you. Not for any reason in particular.
“Sergeant,” You drawl—and, fuck, it was just a rank, a title, several others held the same one. So why the hell did it feel so different when you said it?
“Got somethin’ on your mind-” Kyle begins casually, as if his heart wasn't doing literal jumping jacks in his ribcage right now. And it takes him a brief moment to remember what he was supposed to call you, wracking his brain for answers, before he finishes with a bland, “0-9?”
God, he hoped that was the right number. There were five of you, all these numbers were going to be a struggle to keep up with.
“Oh, none ‘a that.” You say with a soft chuckle, waving him off. “I know those digits can get a bit confusing. Call me Viper, that's what everyone else calls me anyway.”
Viper? Like a fucking snake? Not that Kyle had any room to judge; not when two of his teammates were a cleaning product and a Hot Topic employee.
Shite, that probably also meant you wanted him to extend the same damn olive branch. Kyle considered himself a pretty social man, he could hold his own in a group, could approach strangers with almost the same confidence he did with friends.
But there was something about you.
And Kyle wasn't sure if it was good or not.
“A’right, Viper,” Kyle doesn't remember swiping his keycard, but he does jump right back into his body when his hand curls around the handle, pulling the door open and letting you in first before letting your comrades struggle with the heavy door after him. Taking his place just that half a step in front of you once more. “They call me Gaz.”
“There a story behind that one?” You ask, not a single ounce of hesitation or delay.
“That depends, there one behind yours?” Kyle quips right back, not missing a beat.
Kyle's ears pick up the tiniest huff you let out, but nothing else. “That depends,” you mimic. “how much you wanna know?”
“Whatever you'll give me.” It was easy to lay the charm on thick, but it seemed almost like a competition between you two, as you quickly fired back.
“Desperate, are we, Sergeant?” Kyle could've swore you just, honest to God, purred when you said that. But he must've just been hearing things.
“Just curious.” You had asked first. How had this turned on him?
“Mm, think I'll just leave ya guessing.” You muse, closing that half-step distance to just barely brush your arm up against his, and then back to your place again. “It'll be more fun that way.”
Kyle nearly forgets there's four other people witnessing this conversation right then.
Finally alone again, and having gotten the new squad settled in properly, Kyle takes a moment for himself.
As of right now apparently his fellow sergeant and good ‘ol lieutenant were currently taking a tour around Mexico, and Price was out doing very important Captain-things, so Kyle was entirely on his own.
On his own to deal with whatever the fuck that dumpsterfire of a base tour that had been.
He'd been entirely sidetracked by you the whole time! It didn't make any sense, what did you have that the other soldiers didn't?
You all wore the same uniform, all bore the same random-ass numbers, all were just a bunch of trained killers- there was literally nothing to set you apart!
A lot of people were touchy by nature, especially in professions like this that were built on comradery, Soap certainly was, so there was no reason in the deepest parts of hell for why-
Kyle groans softly to himself, running a hand over his hair before pushing himself up and off his desk chair.
There was no rhyme or reason to it, to why he, in the most cheesy fucking way, honestly felt a goddamn spark when you touched him.
And it wasn't even in the realm of- of intimate. It was a simple brush against him here and there, made perfect sense too! You'd been standing so close the entire time- it was only expected that once and a while you two would graze each other now and again.
He's pacing now, wishing nothing more than to be able to pick up his phone and call the only man who'd be able to help him make sense of all these weird feelings. And also the only man who'd call him daft and his brother in the same sentence.
But he can't do that, so Kyle resigned to simply doing what he should've done in the first place after his furious scrub down in the shower; take a damn nap.
Kyle's first impression of your personality had been wildly off-mark.
If he was going off of how he'd first perceived you last week on the tarmac, he would say that you were easygoing, gave off a more.. laid back energy, maybe even a bit quick-witted.
But his current observations said everything but that.
Kyle had been trying to skirt past all the tired, bleary-eyed soldiers that passed him in the hall without being noticed by the more lively of the bunch; he didn't have the energy for that right now. The last few had nearly flown by him though, wide-eyed and clearly spooked.
Confused, Kyle had brushed it off and continued walking. Sometimes these men were like wild horses, alerted by the smallest mishaps.
Kyle becomes keenly aware of exactly why those last stragglers had appeared so frightened when he turns down the next corner, on his way to the rec room, when he spots you.
Or, more accurately, spots you tearing one of your own soldiers a new one in the empty corridor. The very self-explanatory as to why, isolated corridor.
He gets the gist of it fairly quickly, even as the words flying out of your mouth go in one ear and out the other without a hint of recognition.
The shorter man had obviously fucked something up, and was now hearing it in all the jumbled mix of curses and slang Kyle couldn't even begin to comprehend.
“An' if I eva’ ‘ear ya sayin' shit like that again I'll ‘ave ya scrapin’ shit out the muck from the break ‘a dawn ‘n ‘til the damn cows come home, ya hear?” You spit, masked face mere centimeters away from the other's. A gloved hand fisted in 1-5’s, if he remembered correctly, shirt collar, making him have to nearly raise to the toe of his boots in order to not be choked by the fabric.
There's a venomous flare in your eyes when you snap to look at him, a misstep on his part alerting you, and Kyle has never felt more conflicted in his life.
“Everything good here, Viper?” Obviously not, but what else was he supposed to say?
“Just peachy.” You grit out, fingers slowly unfurling from 1-5’s shirt. In turn the poor man is able to lower himself back onto the ground fully, letting out an obvious breath of relief when your hand pulls back completely, falling clenched at your side.
The brave soul who had somehow triggered the brunt of your aggression manages to stand there a little longer until you huff out a gruff, “dismissed.” And send 1-5 on his way.
Though not before barking out a, “And be sure ‘ta relay the message ‘ta Pierce!” As the man scurries away, a quick “yes, sir!” choked out over his shoulder.
“And if I asked what that was about?” Kyle asks when 1-5 is out of sight, raising a curious eyebrow.
“I'd say it ain't yer business, Garrick.” You snap, still obviously not having gotten the frustration out of your system. Kyle's first instinct is to throw another quip right back at you, extra sarcasm on top like it's sprinkles and he's making a damn sundae, and he almost does, but Kyle quickly slams his mouth back shut before the words escape.
Instead he sighs and relaxes his posture.
“Y’look like shit.”
That seems to put a halt to whatever was rampaging through your head, the rage clearing for a moment to make room for shock first, then confusion.
“..what?” Your clearly puzzled gaze—so expressive, even with the mask—would be humorous, if not for the truth to Kyle's words.
You did look like shit. Like someone had run a train on you—literally. A real one; honk honk, rattle rattle and all. Your hair ruffled, matted with some unknown substance and sticking up in every which direction. The black paint around your eyes was smudged away and exposed your true skin tone, well.. kinda. Now with the additional flavor of mud and debris.
Even with the limited access he had to your face, Kyle would say you looked.. tired. Run ragged—maybe that train wasn't all that metaphorical. Beneath the anger it was clear as day you were just exhausted; you looked nothing like that first day he'd met you, when he had shown you around base.
Hidden grin and playful banter replaced with a stiff posture and veiled limp—yeah, he definitely noticed that part. You weren't the only observant one here.
“I said you look like shit, mate.” Kyle says. His clarification doesn't, well, clear anything up for you, if anything just frustrating you further. Making your eyebrows furrow in a way that's almost cute.
You huff, posture straightening even though Kyle can see the way the new position puts a strain on your worn body- he doesn't mention it. It's not his place.
“Thanks.” You reply, voice flat.
“It was a compliment.” It wasn't.
Deadpan, “really?”
“Mhm.” But Kyle stays firm in his resolve.
“I aim to please.”
“Clearly.” And there it is. Kyle can't see it, obviously, but the small twitch of your features, the slightest crinkle at the corner of your eye, tells him he has succeeded. Even if it's not your usual smile—not that he would know what that looked like.
Another puff of air from you, closer to a sigh this time. “Did you need somethin', Gaz?”
The heat is gone, but Kyle can see the way the embers linger; ready to reignite at the first spark.
“How ‘bout we take a walk, mh?” He wasn't planning on a walk, really, but Kyle wasn't actively planning against one either. “Clear your head a bit?”
You look like you want to brush him off, hesitating like you want to say no and rush off just like your subordinate had. But you don't. “..sure.”
And that's all Kyle needs to tilt his head in the direction he came from before turning around.
Kyle doesn't have to look back to know you've taken your place the position on his left, half a step behind him. Just as you had that first day.
It becomes a sort of.. routine.. after that. And while Kyle hadn't seen much of you that first week, you make an appearance by his side—always on the left, always half a step behind—more often than not.
A little spark of some unidentifiable emotion lighting up in your eyes when you see him. Kyle isn't quite certain what it means, but if it meant he got to see you more often, he was fine with not knowing.
You were.. friends. Or as much as you could be in this situation, one Kyle knew was temporary. Which had the man trying to heed Ghost's advice for once and not get attached; there was no telling when either of you would be shipped out again, never to return.
“Gaz!” The sound of your voice is unmistakable when shouted over the noisy chatter of the cafeteria, and Kyle's heart definitely does not do a weird flip when he hears it. Definitely not.
Yeah, so he may or may not be struggling with the whole following Ghost's advice thing. Hey! He said he was trying, not that it was actively working.
“Viper.” Kyle greets when you take a seat in front of him. Usually he would have lunch with his dear captain, but Price was even more busy as of late—and reasonably so—and the lack of that familiar presence was really starting to wear on him. Made the lack of another pair of comrades much more prominent.
“Did you know your bellybutton is actually attached to your bladder-”
You filled in that empty space a little.
“What? I thought it was just cut off from everything else?”
Kyle never did find out what had you so down in the dumps, but it wasn't his place to know anyway. Everyone had their secrets.
“No! There's a lil' line that travels from your bellybutton down to your bladder. That's why it feels so damn weird when touched-”
You were a little spitfire. Reminded him of Soap, kinda. Except Soap didn't flip flop from fiery rage one moment to calm and collected the next, buttery smooth words dripping with innuendo.
And then there was right now, where you shared the strangest little factoids with Kyle.
“And don't even get me started on the dormant blood vessel in your liver-”
And that is where Kyle drew the line.
“Nope, nope, nope-” Kyle says, waving a fork in your general direction. Amused when you gasp in surprise, as if he's threatening you with something more substantial than this flimsy plastic. “I am eating. I don't wanna hear gross facts about my anatomy.”
“Would you prefer a physical demonstration on anatomy instead?”
And that was the weird innuendos he mentioned before. Sure, Soap and him shared a few playful taunts now and again, occasionally the rest of the team would chime in—and there was whatever the hell Soap and Ghost had going on, but Kyle didn't think those were all jokes. But this felt.. different.
“You are a menace, you know that?” Kyle huffs, twirling some bland mush around the fear-inspiring fork from before; now that he wasn't actively threatening you with it.
A dramatic gasp, and Kyle doesn't even have to look up to know you look just as dramatized as you sound.
“I am a damn saint, Gaz!”
“Rigghhhht, is that what we're calling this?” He does look up this time, and the slight widening of your eyes, the little glimmer of something hiding in those captivating hues, makes him glad he did. Pocketing that adorable priceless look on your face for safekeeping.
“I've got the body, the attitude,” you count with both hands, a finger for each listed item. Gaze on something vaguely to your right as you think. “And the charm! That's like- the fuckin' holy trinity. I'm a damn holy temple, I tell ya!”
“Sure you are, mate.” Kyle says, a small grin on his face that he couldn't get rid of even if he wanted to. It does make eating a little difficult though.
He tries not to linger on the fact that you never eat in front of him. But you always come to hang out with him anyway.
Things are good between you two, and Kyle feels warm and giddy every time you grace him with your, as you'd once put it, saintly presence. He doesn't ponder much as to the why he feels this way; not that it really matters, this was temporary and you'd be shipped off somewhere else eventually.
That space to his left feels cold when you're not there, empty, and even though he's never worked with you in the field, Kyle finds himself looking back, expecting you to be there when he crawls through tall grass and mud in that suffocating ghillie suit.
It's dumb and Kyle doesn't know why he does it, but he half expects you to chip in a word or two over his shoulder in the midst of his playful banter with Price and Laswell. When he is, once again, pushing through tall grass. Only this time he gets to snipe a few dozen unsuspecting soldiers from hundreds of meters away.
Things are going well, so damn well, almost too good to be true. And it is.
Kyle would have never expected to hear such raw panic in his captain's voice, accustomed to the man's usual gruff and composed behavior. It strikes fear right into Kyle's core, cutting through his chest and piercing directly into the sergeant's heart.
In the beginning, Kyle had been eager to get this over with and fly back to base with the expectation of seeing you again; now that idea was nothing but a passive thought as his mind was clouded with a worry mirroring Price's.
Kyle's entire torso feels like it's been ripped to shreds when they touch down on base again, every step shooting sparks of pain through his nerves and reminding him why he hates heights so damn much. But at least they managed to get Laswell back before anything could go terribly wrong. They had Farah and her soldiers to thank for that.
Wanting nothing more than to soak himself in a tub of scalding hot water, and knowing he'll have to settle for a lukewarm shower instead, then sleep the pain away, Kyle's path is interrupted by the sight of you marching down the corridor.
“Gaz! Shit- there you are!” You call when a few paces away from him, a sort of relief obvious in your breathy tone. You come to an abrupt halt right in front of him, blocking Kyle's way and causing him to come to a sudden stop lest he accidentally crash into you.
Your eyes are analytical and Kyle is far too exhausted to decipher the several layers of emotion that flash through your gaze.
In the end you seem to come to some sort of conclusion, stating a flat, “Y’look like shit.”
“Yeah,” Kyle huffs out a surprised laugh; the phrase reminiscent of when he'd caught you chewing out one of your soldiers. “Falling out of a helicopter doesn't usually make for a pretty sight.”
“Fuckin'- pardon!?” Your eyes go wide, and Kyle would bet your mouth was hanging open right now too. “How the hell did that even happen?”
Kyle couldn't reveal too much of their little rendezvous in Urzikstan, but he could tell you the gist of it. Namely how the fuck he got tossed out of Nikolai's helicopter like a damn ragdoll.
“Was helping out a friend,” car hopping and trying not to get shot at in the process. “Got a bit tossed around, you know how it is- RPG, couldn't deploy countermeasures in time..”
“Luckily I got the rope latched in time, shit hurt the most when the rope ran out.” Kyle's hip bones ache at the memory, and he knows for certain his body will be one giant bruise in the morning.
“Are- are you okay-?” You stammer, gaze no longer on him and now flicking over his dirtied uniform. Never lingering on one spot.
“I'll bounce back soon eno-” Your hands reach out then, as if wanting to touch him and make sure for yourself. Kyle cuts off mid sentence, eyes widening by a fraction and body going stiff.
As if just realizing what you were doing, your hands pause where they are, hovering awkwardly between the two of you. Your gloves and his own gear serve as a thick barrier between your bodies, but Kyle swears there is an energy buzzing there; an electric static thriving in the air between you both, the tension near suffocating.
“I'm just gonna..” it takes Kyle a second to realize you've fully retracted your hands by now, a stale awkwardness lingering between you two.
Kyle isn't sure whether to feel disappointed or be appalled by how much he wished you had touched him. Between the fluctuating altitudes he'd endured and the full body ache he was currently experiencing, Kyle comes to the conclusion that it must just be the exhaustion finally kicking in. Yes, of course. That is why he was mourning the loss of something that hadn't even happened. There was no other possible reason.
Clearing his throat with a stilted cough, Kyle nods. “Y-yeah, definitely. And I should take that shower..”
“Of course, yeah-” Your gaze is downcast now, arms tucked behind your back and Kyle notes the nervous shift of your weight from one foot to the other. “You- you do that.”
“Yeah.” And then Kyle hightails his ass out of there, it's a little awkward—who is he kidding, it's beyond awkward. And how many times was he going to say awkward, would any other synonyms suffice? You had been standing in front of him, so Kyle has to do a weird little hop to the side to get around you- which then triggers you into motion. And you step to the side to get out of his way.
Only the direction your subconscious chooses is once again right in his path and Kyle stumbles over his own feet, barely avoiding colliding with you but pulling on his sore muscles in a way that has him digging his teeth into his lip to avoid letting out a sharp yelp.
When Kyle regains his balance, the hallway is empty and you're nowhere to be found. With a deep sigh, and a heavier weight on his shoulders than before, Kyle straightens back up and continues on his way to his initial destination.
There better be some warm water left when he gets there.
As it turned out, falling out of a helicopter and just barely surviving by sheer luck did actually have its drawbacks and one couldn't just walk away with a few scrapes and expect to be a-okay in the ol’ nob up top.
For Kyle that meant various scenes playing out in his dreams of what could have happened, not what did. Ranging from him not having clipped the hook onto his gear right, to the rope just snapping in half the minute Kyle reached the end of the line. Even some where he just straight up splat into the back of one of the many trucks that had been flying by. The worst had to be when the helo was hit dead on and Kyle wasn't even given the chance to make things right, bleeding out and dying right then and there in the cabin of Nikolai's helicopter.
Waking up drenched in a cold sweat wasn't anything new to the sergeant, but waking up alone, as of late, was. Usually he was bunked up with Soap, and when not on base, or stationed on another, he was grouped up with other soldiers.
Being forced into the waking world with his heart lodged in his throat and beating so fast it was practically trying to escape, with the aches and bruises that made the nightmares all that more real, and being stuck inside a dark, empty room? Now that just wasn't pleasant at all.
Pushing through the stabbing aches radiating throughout his body, Kyle forces himself to stand, haphazardly throws on an old hoodie and decides right then and there he needs a cup of tea. Extra steamy.
The walk to the common room, and subsequently the kitchenette beyond that, is short and Kyle doesn't have to think about it when he places one foot in front of the other. His legs easily carried him to his destination without the need for any extra brainpower.
Kyle doesn't notice the looming figure in the dark, obscured by shadow in the corner of the rec room, until he's already got a burning hot mug between his hands. Passing back through now that he's got his tea, he's graciously welcomed back by a lamp in the corner flicking on.
He blames the high-pitched squeal that rips from his throat on his exhaustion and not that he'd been spooked by a fucking light of all things.
“Viper- shit,” He breathes, the hand not currently cradling the mug flying up to clutch at his heart.
“Sorry.” You murmur, sounding a bit sheepish. Your voice is a little deeper than usual and Kyle assumes you must've also woken up recently. He opts to ignore the small flutters that erupt in his stomach at the sound. “Couldn't sleep. Didn't think anyone else would be out ‘ere, wasn't tryna startle ya.”
Kyle moves to wave off your concern, only to wince at the strain it puts on his sore muscles, sucking in a sharp breath between his teeth.
You, ever the observant bastard, immediately zero in on his discomfort, one of your eyebrows quirking upward as you study him.
Not trusting his voice, Kyle hums a noncommittal sound, and, trying to appear at least a little put together, straightens his posture and steps forward.
But the pain is worse now and he nearly spills his tea, instinctively tightening his grip around the steamy mug.
Fuck, Kyle had known it would hurt—Christ’s sake, he had literally fallen out of a damn helicopter—but he had obviously severely underestimated how bad it would be. Now, he was used to pain, you didn't get very far in this line of work without at the very least some tolerance for the aches and burns.
But this? This was a pain that went from an average sort of soreness in the muscles of his thighs, to sharp stabbing pains in his hips and a near debilitating throbbing ache that spanned over practically his entire torso.
Everything hurts. Laying down hurts. Standing hurts. Sitting hurts. Everything. Unless he stayed completely still, Kyle's entire body felt like one giant bruise. Any little twitch of a muscle sent a stabbing shock straight to his nervous system.
You're on your feet and standing in front of him before Kyle even has a chance to right himself again. When had his breathing become so labored?
There's no hesitation this time around, no awkwardness when your hands shoot out. Grasping his shoulders, your hold gentle yet firm, and stabilizing Kyle where he stood.
Kyle isn't quite sure when it had happened, but the warmth of his mug was gone. Replaced by the heat of your own body from where his hands rested—really, more or less hanging on for dear life; he'd be ashamed if he had the wherewithal to do so—on your waist. Fingers curled tight, twisted and snagged into the fabric of your shirt.
If Kyle hadn't been so out of it from the sheer amount of pain he was in, he would've noticed your lack of uniform. More dressed down than he'd ever seen you—though a mask still firmly in place, he would've noticed if it were otherwise.
“Did anyone check you out when you came back?” Kyle has to actively work to zone back in on the rough timber of your voice, his mind sluggish as it works through each word and syllable.
“Y- kinda? I wasn't bleeding out or nothing.”
“Oh, fuck's sake-” you let out a heavy exhale, and Kyle, though as disorientated as he currently is, can here the unsaid you’re a goddamn idiot clear as day in that singular breath.
“Alright. You're comin' with me.”
“Wh- huh?”
“With me. No questions, Garrick.” You hold no authority over him, if anything, this being his base, and not yours, Kyle had a bit more of a say in matters than you did. And yet, when you release your hold and untangle yourself from his, Kyle follows.
There is nothing stopping you from touching him now. Not since last night.
Kyle can still feel your hands, strong and yet so, so unbelievably delicate, running across his skin. Scouring his abdomen for anything that would clue you in on whether he had internal bleeding or not, pressing down on his bruised rib cage, checking for breaks in the fragile bone.
Thankfully, you find nothing but the bruising painted clearly on his skin, and Kyle can't get the picture, the feel, of your hands brushing over his stomach. Up his sides and down to his hips, further still to his aching thighs. The latter had been over his clothes, but the heat of your palms had been more than enough.
The following day, and practically every waking second now, Kyle's mind and eyes were on you. If he couldn't see you, he was thinking about you. And if he could see you, you were usually at his side. A hand on his shoulder, an elbow nudging his arm.
Kyle now found himself in an odd state of yearning. His body craved your touch in a way it never had for any other's. His heart skipped a couple beats every time he even caught sight of you.
And when you touched him? Shit, Kyle had to hope and pray the blush he could feel warming his cheeks wasn't as visible as it felt.
Kyle wasn't quite sure why he reacted to you the way he did. And, honestly, he wasn't quite sure he wanted to. He was perfectly content not knowing—was he? Or was he just burying what he didn't want to acknowledge?
He didn't ruminate on the fact that Soap had a tendency to touch him similarly—but, shit, it was different, wasn't it?—, and never had Kyle once responded to it the way he did with you.
If Price had noticed—which he likely hadn't with what was going on halfway around the globe. Soap and Ghost stuck somewhere in Mexico, and of course the constant planning on what their next move would be. The captain didn't mention it.
If Soap was here, he'd probably call Kyle out on his bullshit. But he wasn't, and Kyle was perfectly alright with continuing to ignore the, definitely one-hundred percent platonic, convoluted emotions he felt towards you.
Things were good; the last thing Kyle wanted was to accidentally rock this delicate sailboat when he currently had unlimited access to your bubbling laugher, sarcastic quips, and crinkling eyes.
A Viper, that's what you were nicknamed after, and, with that fiery attitude of yours, Kyle was starting to understand why.
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icedragonlizard · 3 months
I very much like my headcanons of all the villain-turned-dream-friends still being very flawed people one way or another.
I'd say that they could all be considered morally grey to various degrees. Some may be nicer than others, but overall I wouldn't really call any of them saints. None of them are irredeemably evil, and Kirby is friends with every single one of them, but they're all still flawed. And Kirby is basically their 'parole officer' as he keeps them all in check.
This post got quite long as I wrote everything I wanted, so I'm gonna post a 'Keep reading tag' down below.
Feel free to click on it if you'd like to see my interpretations on the flaws of some Kirby characters! I'll be covering Marx, Dark Meta Knight, Daroach, Magolor, Taranza, Susie and the mage sisters here.
Marx may be on Kirby's good side now as he's not looking to attempt conquest on Popstar again, but he's still essentially an agent of chaos. He's loud, he's obnoxious, he's widely known to be a prankster, and he loves getting a rise out of people. He enjoys causing scenes purely for the sake of it. And his sense of humor isn't exactly good at having tact, as he'll make jokes out of things that most others wouldn't dare do. He can be considered the most insufferable one out of the bunch.
But there are good qualities to him, too. Some people legitimately think he's the funniest guy alive, so there's that. Marx loves attention in general, regardless if it's bad or good attention, and so he gets delighted if someone likes him and enjoys his antics. He loves it when people decide to join him on mischief. If you're his friend, he'll often give you stuff to laugh about and you're likely to find yourself having fun with him. If he likes you enough, he'll even stand up for you if someone else antagonizes you. His friends are literally his homies.
He's still quite the wild creature, though. It requires a lot of patience and a lax/chill attitude to be able to put up with Marx. It's not uncommon for him to find ways to instigate chaos in Star Allies gatherings. But he CAN be forced to behave, albeit not always easily. Kirby and Magolor are the ones that can most easily get him to listen.
Dark Meta Knight is still a standoffish jerk with a temperament. He's rude, brutal, and isn't at all afraid to say things that might run shivers down people's spines. He's prone to violence if he feels even the least bit agitated. He's also a rather detached person that does not care to make friends with most of the other star allies, and is quite a big hater for the ones that get on his nerves. He has a bad habit of being too blunt about wishing death or general ill-will for people he hates.
Not just that, but I headcanon that Dark Mind is technically still alive as a neutralized little fragment that desperately needs assistance. DMK hasn't given up trying to bring DM back to its former glory, and is still devoted enough to do what DM asks of him to do. It's not actually as frightening as it sounds, though. Trying to bring DM back to its former glory may be impossible due to how much it'd take, so that threat may not warrant much concern, but DMK still strives for it.
But DMK can be kept in check at times by a few others in the cast. I headcanon that DMK is friends with Daroach, Adeleine, Ribbon and Kirby, and he does care about what they think of him. But I hc those are the only friends he has in the cast, as he's the dream friend with the least amount of friends. He doesn't care about anyone else. He's also willing to do art stuff with Adeleine, and will protect his friends from danger. But overall, DMK is still a ruthless son-of-a-gun.
Daroach has a notably kind-hearted side to him, but he's also absolutely still a thief. Some people are ticked off by his persistent thievery. He likes the challenge of breaking into certain areas and to see what's he capable of successfully stealing. This can get especially irritating for some if he's brought the entire squeak squad with him for these instances. Daroach also has a trollish/smug side to him, as he thinks it's funny to get reactions out of people as he steals from them.
He does have standards, though. There are people that Daroach will NOT steal from. This includes Kirby, Adeleine, the entirety of Ripple Star (he'd feel bad to rob from that planet) and he also respects Meta Knight enough to never steal anything from the Halberd. He's also a softy around Kirby. And there's times in the day where Daroach decides to be chill and not steal anything. He can be quite a laidback bro if he's your friend. He has a big sense of humor and if you don't mind him pulling lighthearted fast ones on you, he'll gladly do that.
But he's still our resident thief! Hahaha. And he often has a rather shady demeanor that might make some people put their guards up.
Magolor did make a well known apology and created an amusement park to back it up, but I headcanon he's still very much a flawed person. Much like his buddy Marx, Magolor is a mischievous prankster that likes getting a rise out of people at times, although he's much more tactful than the jester in this regard. There's other problems with Magolor, like how he often says awkward things that make it evident he doesn't have the best understanding of social cues. He also has a tendency to insert himself into things, due to still having a bit of an ego, and he can sometimes be a blatantly obvious suck-up.
It's also arguably somewhat flawed morality-wise on Magolor's behalf to have made all the masks he did for Merry Magoland. He had great intentions with that, as he wanted to honor many people with that, but he made a lot of them without permission. And it ended up being pretty awkward for some people to see the masks. Thankfully, it didn't elicit any reactions bad enough for Magolor to lose any friends, but he arguably should've gotten many people's permission first.
Magolor is still buds with Kirby despite his current flaws, though. And he actually cares about being liked and cares about making people have fun, and so he makes sure that he has standards accordingly for that. He also just has very weird ways of going on about trying to be a better person than what he was before. But regardless, he's trying!
Taranza may be mourning the death of his beloved queen, but as a matter of fact I do not headcanon him to be a complete softboy! Once enough time passed for him to start properly recovering from his loss, he's eventually started coming back to being a snobby rich-theater kid type of guy like he was before. He can be very bizarrely smug and confident at times. He has an iconic devious smile. He makes webs at people's homes with often trollish messages. Don't be surprised if he sneakily rearranges the stuff in your home without you looking.
And believe it or not, he also has a secretly vengeful and vindictive side to him. He'd love to torment and beat up everyone that picks on him. And because it was a dimensional mirror that corrupted his queen, he heavily resents the mirror world and talks smack about its inhabitants. Honestly if he saw a dimensional mirror again he'd love to break it and smash it to pieces. He also legit wants DMK to die.
But overall, Taranza is no serious bad guy anymore. He does have a definite nice and caring side to him. He's really grateful to all of his friends that have helped him out with his grief (especially Susie, who understands him better than anyone else does) and he'd panic like frick when one of his friends gets hurt. He doesn't want to lose any of his current friends, the last thing he needs is MORE things to grieve over. He's also glad to show people about flora. He's also still just a silly-ass rich theater guy that can be quite a big, dramatic handful.
Susie, while no longer the terrifying colonizer she once was, is still very much a corporate-minded woman with a lot of unhinged stuff going on with her. The HWC's practices are substantially improved in her rule compared to what it was in her dad's rule, but she still makes corny business decisions at times. She has a notable stubborn streak, and is often a bit too blunt and formal to people she isn't close enough to be friends with. She's also feisty and a bit too ruthless when it comes to combat, as it may require others to calm her down. And like Magolor, she gets awkward at times with her low understanding of social cues.
She's also still a mad-scientist at heart, although she's mostly stopped mechanizing people (except for those that explicitly WANT it) and has largely shifted to applying her mad-scientist desires on inanimate objects such as toys and accessories. I headcanon that Susie has an entire hobby of making super-detailed custom furbies as I wrote a post about it. But despite the improved shift, she often gets way ahead of herself when experimenting on inanimate objects to the point that the final result of her creations are pretty darn freaky and unnerving to some people. She really loves doing it, though! And the unhinged level of detail to her creations can be hilarious to some.
Susie does have friends that she cares about, and she lets them reign her in as she doesn't want to disappoint them. And despite usually being rather cold, she's not entirely without her kind moments. Susie is at her nicest when interacting with Taranza and Kirby, and she has other friends like Magolor and the mage sisters that she can be great with. Her friends are the one thing that help motivate her to get better. But despite that, Susie is still absolutely a big handful in terms of flaws. She's still a vindictive, standoffish, corporate mad-scientist that's ballsy enough to constantly snap back during confrontations!
The Mage Sisters are still chaotic menaces. They're exceptionally grateful to Kirby and co. for saving them and Hyness in HiAD, and so they definitely ain't doing that Void Termina crap again, but these women still engage in absurdly violent and bombastic activities. They love to destroy random buildings for no real reason other than just for kicks and giggles. They cackle like hyenas when they cause mischief.
Francisca is perhaps the most obviously flawed mage sister, as she literally keeps her frozen trophy collection and even tries to expand it! That's a bruh moment. It doesn't exactly help that she's close buddies with Marx as those two will just make some absolutely absurd hijinks together. Her relatively quiet nature can also be rather unnerving. It's not all bad, though, as she can be genuinely sweet to people that she cares about. And she's kind enough to give you free water with her soda gun if you'd like that, but overall she's an extraordinary freak.
Flamberge is the nicest of the three mage sisters, but she still has her fair share of chaos as she loves causing big booms with her fire abilities. She can be considered a daredevil with that sort of thing. Another notable flaw with her is that she lets Francisca get away with anything. She will NEVER hold her psychotic blue sister accountable. And there's of course her temperament, but she's surprisingly chill a lot of the time and is really only angry if given an actual reason to be.
Zan Partizanne can be quite rude with excessive name-calling, as she has a mentality of "it goes both ways" when her name can't be said right. If you can't say her name right, then she'll make it even by giving you some unhinged nickname. She also has a guilty pleasure of starting playful bickering matches with people purely for fun. That being said, she's something of a leader alongside Hyness at the Jambandran base and is always glad to help guide people around the place, but she can overall be quite a standoffish and feisty person.
The mage sisters do care about trying to be better, though. They want to make Kirby proud as he's essentially their little hero. They're still incredibly unhinged people by virtue of being raised in a literal cult, though, and they still love to start ruckuses and cause chaos. With the amount of mischief they cause with their weapons, it may be wise to keep some distance as to not get caught in their weapons' range.
That's basically everything I got. All these characters are still very flawed people to me. They're all redeemable to various extents, but yeah. I like to think that they all need occasional slaps on the wrists by Kirby. He's their 'parole officer' like I said at the beginning of the post. He keeps them in check. And it works as they all respect him!
But despite sometimes slapping them on the wrists, Kirby does care about all these people. He's friends with all of them. He cheers them on as they progress in life. When they do good things, he's proud of them! He also can't help but feel sorry for the more traumatized ones.
Kirby has remarkable tolerance. He can basically be friends with bad people, lol. He always has faith and sees the good in people. He's the perfect little guy to motivate people to get better. He can keep someone in check from doing bad things, and is merciful enough to always give them a second chance. Man, thank this universe for Kirby!
Thanks for reading if you did. See you for the next one.
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whiskygoldwings · 15 days
Oh my gosh, you're so sweet 🥺
Hmmmm, definitely Jesse/Kix again (my babies), but it's a tossup between #24, a sleepy kiss, and #35, a kiss against a wall 🤔
How about you pick whichever one strikes the mood for you ☺️ If it so pleases, you!
(ABO is always welcome in my world 👀)
I chose 24, a sleepy kiss, and this turned out soft and warm and lovely! I hope you enjoy!
Jesse stares at the ceiling, wide awake and anxious.
Kix has been in the Medbay for hours. The skirmish had been brutal and devastating. They’d lost so many Vode, and Jesse suspected they’d lose many more through the night. He’d seen Kix briefly, checking in as they always did after every battle, and Kix held blood-soaked gloved hands to either side as Jesse had licked over the scar on his throat, reassuring himself his Omega mate was fine.
They’d rested their foreheads together, Kix taking deep, scenting breaths through his nose. Then there’d been a shout, and Kix had pressed a fleeting kiss on his lips before marching back to his own battle.
That had been… Almost a whole cycle ago. Jesse had taken part in clean-up, sharing firm touches with the rest of his squad, leaving their scent on each other as comfort that they all had made it through. After everything was put to rights that could be, he’d gone to their bunk to wait.
He hadn’t heard anything. Kix would normally ensure a message found it’s way to him when things were rough, but there’d been nothing. The nervous tension in his chest wound tighter with every hour that passed by with no news. He knew better than to disturb the medics while they were working, and especially in the aftermath of something like this.
But it didn’t mean he was going to listen to the warning chiding in his head.
Flinging side the covers, he gets up. Doesn’t bother to put his armour on, even though as an ARC, he really should know better. It’d take longer than he’s willing to wait, with the faint thrum of pain the bite scar on his throat, Kix’s mating mark throbbing in time to his heartbeat.
The walk to the Medbay feels like it takes far too long, even though it’s only a floor away. Kix had insisted they be close, and this was the closest they could get. Jesse hadn’t argued; he knew the weight of duty. But now it feels strangely lengthened, like every step is half of what it should be. There’s a tight weight in the back of his throat, and he moves faster. Surely nothing could have happened right? Kix was in the Medbay… Nothing could have happened.
But Kix never forgot to message Jesse. Not after…
Jesse bursts through the Medbay door, causing Tulsi, one of the Medics working under Kix, to startle from the bed near the door and whirl round to face him.
“Where’s Kix?” Jesse demands and Tulsi’s face takes on an “Oh” expression, before he winces.
“Osik, sorry vod, meant to send you a message but…” Tulsi looks tiredly around at the packed Medbay beds and sighs. “Kix is fine,” he says, firmly, and Jesse feels the choking fear ease slightly. “I’ll show you where he is, probably about time he went to bed anyway.”
Tulsi waves for Jesse to follow him, and leads him to an office Jesse recognises as the medical records room. It’s warm and quiet, in comparison to the cool atmosphere of the Medbay, with all it’s background noise of groans and pain.
Tulsi puts a finger to his lips, then opens the door, and Jesse sees why Kix didn’t make it back to their bunk.
He’s fast asleep, head pillowed on his arms on the desk, face drawn and exhausted. Jesse’s heart melts, spotting the stylus slumping in Kix’s lax hand and realising he must have put his head down for a moment, thinking he’d just rest briefly, and fallen fast asleep.
Jesse flashes Tulsi a grateful look, and the younger medic simply gives him a wan grin back, before going back out into the Medbay, closing the door behind him.
Kix doesn’t stir as Jesse moves to kneel down next to him. It’s only when Jesse puts a hand on his knee and shakes it gently that he mumbles grumpily, tucking his face into the shelter of his arms more firmly.
Force. Jesse loves him so kriffing much. He’s pretty sure he’s wearing a soppy grin, but he can’t really bring himself to care. His omega is exuding a soft, sleepy scent that warms him to his very toes, and he desperately wants to simply let him sleep.
But the position is awkward, and Kix is already experiencing issues with his shoulders after so many cycles hunched over desks and wounded Vode. It’ll cause him more harm than good to leave him here.
Jesse leans up, pressing a kiss to the side of Kix’s head and murmurs gently to him, “Kix, love. I know you’re tired, but you’ll sleep so much better in our bed.”
Kix grumbles, but Jesse squeezes his shoulder lightly, and Kix lets out a deep sigh, before turning his face to look at his harasser. “Jess’?” he mumbles, and Jesse can’t help himself.
He leans down, placing a kiss on Kix’s soft lips, then nuzzles their noses together. “Let’s get you to bed, huh?”
“Me’bay?” Kix slurs, but begins to unfold himself. Jesse can’t help but notice the small flinch as Kix stretches his right shoulder out, and suddenly feels guilty he didn’t come to check on him sooner.
“Tulsi has it in hand,” Jesse promises, pushing aside his self-recriminations. He’s never wanted to crowd Kix; the smart, quick-witted omega didn’t need his alpha worrying about him every minute. Jesse was here now.
Kix yawns, slumping heavily onto Jesse’s shoulder, turning to give him a sleepy kiss to the bottom of his jaw. He nuzzles in, and Jesse’s so desperately, completely gone for his mate in that moment. “Mm’kay,” Kix sighs into Jesse’s throat, and if nothing else showed how tired he was, the fact that he was willingly leaving someone else in charge of his Medbay certainly did.
Jesse practically holds Kix up as they stumble back to their bunk. Tulsi had simply given Jesse a grateful nod as they passed, and Jesse had tucked Kix in a little tighter to his side, earning a rumbling noise from deep in the omegas chest.
Kix inspired such care in the people who followed him. His mate was simply amazing.
They make it to their bunk in what feels like a far quicker time than it took Jesse to reach the Medbay, and Jesse wastes no time in getting Kix out of his soft Medbay uniform, and tucking him into the bed.
He goes to put the soiled clothes in the ‘fresher, but is stopped by Kix’s hand grabbing his wrist. Kix is watching him with hooded, hazy eyes.
“Stay?” Kix asks quietly, and Jesse would never deny him that. He drops the clothes to the floor, and gets under the covers Kix manages to hold up slightly for him, lying face to face with the omega and wrapping one arm over him, while tucking the other under the pillows. Kix nudges forward, lifting his face and kissing him sweet, and soft, and slow.
It’s only a moment, before Kix sighs as he pulls away, a slight smile on his lips, and curls himself into Jesse’s chest.
It’s only a moment, but it’s a moment that stays with Jesse forever.
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stargirlaveblog · 4 months
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Chapter 10
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•Previous Chapter: Chapter Nine
•Next Chapter: Chapter Eleven
• Chapter List
• New chapters every Thursday
•Content: Levi Ackerman × OC female. Slow Burn! Canon verse!
• Word Count: 2.7k
• Warning: This content may not be suitable for all readers. If you've watched all of AOT then you will understand that the show handles heavy subjects such as abuse, racism, violence, and other heavy subjects. This fanfiction will also have the same heavy themes. Chapters with heavy themes will be marked with * at each chapter.
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The barn felt unusually quiet as I arrived early, beating even Levi to our usual meeting spot. A sense of solitude lingered, was this a consequence of my tardiness on other days?
Last night's events weighed on me, casting shadows over my tired eyes. Sleep had been elusive, and the mess hall became my refuge until breakfast's arrival. I lacked the strength to face Alexander's apologies, his attempts to sweep our....
my reality under the rug.
My ODM harness, once a symbol of freedom, became a painful reminder. Straps pressed against my bruised chest, every adjustment sending jolts of pain through my body. Alexander's violence from the night before echoed with each painful breath.
A few slaps had escalated into something more sinister. Questions circled my mind – was it safer to endure the torment within the confines of his presence, or was escape an option for me? Answers remained elusive, a puzzle I couldn't piece together in this weary state.
Levi's sudden appearance shattered my contemplation. Startled, I dropped my canteen, and it rolled away, farther and farther away from my reach.
"Erwin wants you," Levi's voice cut through the air, disrupting the silence that enveloped the barn. I couldn't bend to retrieve my fallen canteen, I had to watch it roll away. Maybe later I'll find the strength to pick it up.
"Hurry up. Come straight back here when you're done," Levi's instructions echoed, as I walked away, leaving the abandoned canteen behind.
I stood outside Commander Erwin's office, why he would summon me.? Was it about my performance? Levi's tardiness this morning added a layer of curiosity.
"Come in," his cheerful voice beckoned. He seemed to anticipate my arrival, knowing the time it took from the training grounds to his office.
"Commander," I greeted as I entered, a mixture of nervousness and curiosity bubbling within me.
"Take a seat," he instructed, and I complied, feeling a sense of unease despite knowing I hadn't committed any wrongdoing. Perhaps it was about my lax approach to training.
"How are you?" Erwin inquired, his words carrying a certain depth that left me questioning if he referred to more than just my well-being.
"Good, thank you. What about you, Commander?"
"Very well," he replied cryptically, and the atmosphere in the room only thickened.
"How's the new squad?"
"Well, I'm the only member, so good," I chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood.
"Ah yes, we will get there," Erwin remarked, pacing around the room. Then, he delved into more pressing matters.
"How do you like Levi as your captain?"
"Um, he's doing well. I'm learning a lot," I replied cautiously, sensing a shift in the conversation.
"Last I heard, you were pretty behind in skills for the squad. How's that going for you?" Erwin questioned, pinpointing the very concern that had been lingering in my mind.
"Still need work, but it's going," I admitted, though the truth was, I felt inadequate compared to Levi's prowess. The looming expectation of meeting their standards weighed heavily on me.
"Right," Erwin said, circling to the other side of his desk, where he sat down in front of me. His gaze lingered a moment longer than I'd have preferred.
"How's Alexander?"
"He's good,"
"Really?" Erwin raised an eyebrow. "He's doing okay with you on the Levi Squad?"
"Yeah, he's been really supportive, helping me with different things," I lied, attempting to paint a positive picture.
"Ah," Erwin mused, sifting through paperwork and extracting two sheets. "Then you won't mind telling me why Alexander was yelling at four in the morning." His smile persisted as he laid the papers on his lap.
I glanced at the papers and back at him. "I'm sorry, Commander," I said with a smile, mirroring his demeanor.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"I guess it's best that we both tell the truth," Erwin remarked.
"The incident report is in my hands as we speak."
Why did I think I could deceive him? Erwin wasn't Levi or Alexander; he saw through facades. Rookie mistake.
"Okay, fine," I surrendered, though only halfway. I wasn't ready to reveal everything. "He got mad at me for staying up to do paperwork. He was just concerned for me."
Erwin hummed and stood up, tossing the papers into the fireplace while maintaining eye contact.
"Very well, then." His smile returned. "I wouldn't want to keep Levi waiting. Enjoy your day, Aldridge."
"Thank you, sir," I replied, grateful for the quick dismissal.
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"Iris," Levi's voice echoed through the training grounds.
I propped myself against the nearest tree, gasping for air as the ODM course left my chest throbbing with pain. Levi's call urged me to action.
"Get over here. Quick," Levi commanded, his tone brooking no delay.
He didn't want a casual stroll; he demanded urgency, beckoning me to use my ODM gear to reach him. Releasing my hooks became a symphony of stabbing sensations, each motion harder to conceal.
"Why are you wearing your ODM gear incorrectly?" Levi lifted two fingers beneath my leather straps, giving them assertive tugs.
His fingers glided over my chest as he tightened every buckle, his scowl etching disapproval into his dark eyes.
"There's no reason your harness should ever be this loose," he reprimanded, continuing to cinch my straps. "Your ODM gear was one malfunction away from leaving you hanging by the cords. These wires are very dangerous. You could have lost a limb with how lax your harness was."
In the final tug, pain surged through me. I fought against collapsing, refusing to show weakness. As Levi's eyes met mine, I winced at the pain, trying to conceal it. His fingers grazed one of my bruises, rendering me speechless. I couldn't utter a word, fearing I might unleash more than words in the captain's presence.
"It hurts?" Levi asked, confusion etched across his features.
"No, I'm fine," I lied, suppressing the pain that clawed at me.
"Then get out there and run some drills." His hand patted my head and pushed me forward.
Taking a step away, I released my hooks, aiming for the nearest tree. My body betrayed me, halting mid-air, no movement could save me now. Instead of the graceful landing, I collided with the tree with a sickening thud, a sharp pain radiating through my chest. I crumpled, unable to move, the world spinning in a disorienting dance.
The loud whirls of ODM gear above were a distant echo, my senses dulled by the impact. Strong arms lifted me, and there he was – Levi, his concerned face hovered above me, but my mind was a haze, disconnected from reality. His fingers traced my chin, shifting my face, and then rested on my neck. The contrast between his rough, calloused touch and his usual demeanor was striking. A smile played on my lips at the paradox of his gentleness against the backdrop of his harsh persona.
Above me, Levi's voice echoed, distant and muffled. I smiled, lost in the surreal moment, he seemed concerned. His eyes told a different story than his usual stoic facade.
"I don't feel good." I laughed but the laugh slowly turned into coughing. I threw my hands over my mouth as the blood spilled out of my mouth.
His concerned face quickly turned to disgust as he looked at my bloody hands.
"Yeah. I don't think I'm supposed to do that." My eyes slowly fell closed, the last thing I felt was Levi jerk my body from the ground.
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"Well, good morning, soldier," the lady greeted me in the sterile confines of the infirmary. White walls surrounded me, and a woman in a white coat stood beside my bed.
Maybe it wasn't just a bruise?
"That was a nasty fall you had there," she remarked, helping me sit up. I shrugged off the pain, laughing nervously. Why did it feel like my whole body had been run over?
"You broke a rib; it punctured a hole in your lungs. You'll be fine. Give it a couple of months, and you'll be good to go back flying around on those damn things," she reassured me, poring over some papers.
"Thank you," I said, grateful for the news.
"You know," she began, setting down the papers and fixing her gaze on me, "that rib wasn't a fresh crack."
"Ha, really?" I chuckled, attempting to downplay the situation. "Must've been out for a while."
"No, the way that fella ran in here with you, you wouldn't have had time to have bled as much as you did. You've been bleeding internally for hours, and I know damn well that fall didn't crack your rib," she stated, staring intently.
I was left speechless. What could I possibly say?
"The bruises on your stomach say otherwise."
"Being a scout isn't easy," I deflected with a laugh.
"And I know coming up with excuses ain't easy either," she retorted. "It's a matter of time till they start catchin' the lies and mixups."
"Aren't you tired?"
My eyes met her brown gaze, she looked at me in disappointment. What did she think she knew?
"You're not alone."
I remained silent as she left the room, her words echoing, a subtle offer to share the burdens. What was there to talk to her about? She took one look at me and assumed everything. How?
Levi walked in just as the nurse left, his presence filling the room. His eyes, colder than steel, locked onto mine.
"You idiot," he groaned, arms crossed. "How long did you know your rib was broken?"
I felt the weight of his gaze. Levi, usually pristine, wore the stains of my blood like a badge of annoyance. Why hadn't he changed yet?
"I didn't know," I lied, trying to hold his gaze.
"Bullshit," he spat, his eyes briefly softening as they met mine. The intensity became uncomfortable, and I broke away first. He leaned against the wall, a resigned "Tch" escaping his lips.
Levi had given up, a sight I thought I'd never witness. He looked at me again, breaking the silence, "How you holding up?"
"I'll be fine. Back in two weeks," I assured him. He rolled his eyes but concealed any disagreement.
"I already talked to the doctor," he disclosed. "You won't be ready until the end of October, shit maybe November."
I should've known they spoke, but what else had they discussed?
"I'm sorry, Captain," I mumbled, head hung low. "I understand if you want me off your squad. I'm only a liability."
"Shut up," Levi ordered. "You don't call the shots around here. You are a fucking liability, a pain in the ass. But I'm the Captain, and what I say goes."
He paused, his gaze piercing mine.
"You will become the best soldier the scouts have ever seen. I don't give a damn if you don't want to; you're on my squad now. You better enjoy your rest now because I won't be gentle with you."
Our eyes remained locked as I responded,
"Yes, sir."
"Good. Now we—" His voice was abruptly cut off by the door.
The door swung open, and Alexander entered, his gaze immediately locking onto Levi, dismissing my presence in the room.
Levi's voice sliced through the tension, a rare acknowledgment that sent shivers down my spine. Levi's eyes trailed every move Alexander made, a predator assessing its prey.
Alexander's ocean eyes eventually met mine as he sidled up to my bed, gripping my hand with increasing pressure.
"Where have you been?" His feigned concern rang hollow.
"I got hurt during practice," I replied with a forced smile, my thumb grazing his hand as he tightened his grip. His dismissive response stung. "You'll be fine," he said, brushing off my discomfort.
"She's not fine." Levi interjected, his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall near the door.
"I'm sorry," Alexander turned to Levi, ignoring me. "I wasn't speaking to you."
Levi's eyebrow arched, his death glare intensified.
"Seems like you forgot about our little run-in the other night. I'd leave if I were you. Erwin's not here to save you this time."
Alexander's grip on my hand loosened as he backed away, leaving the room with a cryptic promise. "I'll see you later tonight," he uttered before the door closed behind him, and Levi promptly locked it.
"What was that all about?" I questioned Levi, curiosity getting the better of me.
"None of your business," he retorted, his demeanor as stern as ever.
"Well then, I'll just ask him when he comes back later," I responded casually, shrugging my shoulders.
"Doubt he'll say something," Levi remarked, his expression unreadable.
"And why's that?" I pressed.
Levi shot me a side-eye as he pushed himself off the wall, taking a seat in the chair beside the bed.
"Aye, brat," Levi addressed me. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?"
"Yeah, I did," I admitted, snapping my head towards him.
"I'll remember that," he warned.
"Go ahead, no one is stopping you," I retorted, slumping back into the bed.
"What's got you so pissy?"
I glanced around the room before fixing my gaze back on the bed. "My damn rib is broken," I said, a bitter laugh escaping my lips.
"That's your own damn fault," Levi chided. "You should have known better than to practice while being injured."
"Save it," I shot back in frustration. "Outside those walls, if you're injured, there's no relaxing and stepping out. You push through it, or you're dead."
A heavy silence settled in the room, broken by Levi's voice. "You're right," he conceded. "But you're not outside the walls. You're inside. Until then, you are going to do whatever it takes to keep you alive and well. Got that?"
"Yes, sir," I affirmed.
"You guys got it lucky up here," Levi remarked. "Not everyone has access to a doctor or medicine. Take advantage of it while you have it."
Lying in the medical room with Levi keeping a watchful eye, his words about the scarcity of medical care outside the walls echoed in my mind. Not everyone had the privilege we did. Countless citizens in the innermost parts of the wall were in desperate need.
"Hey, Capt?" I addressed him, breaking the silence. "What do you mean by 'up here'?"
"What else could I mean?" he grumbled. "The underground doesn't have shit compared to the lives above."
"Are you from the underground?" I asked without hesitation, a question that had lingered in the air for so long. Levi's reaction spoke volumes – he looked like he wanted to kill me. The words slipped out before I could second-guess myself. It was something I genuinely wanted to know, a piece of the puzzle that was Captain Levi. The rumors were varied – from high-ranking officials' son to a country town, but the most persistent was that he hailed from the underground.
"Yeah, and?" Levi replied, scanning my reaction, as if he anticipated a negative response. But I didn't care. Who was I to judge someone based on their birthplace? If anything, I felt a sense of empathy.
"Ah, so the rumors are true," I remarked.
"It's not a secret," Levi said. "It's not like it's anyone's business either."
"No, you're right. It just explains a lot," I shrugged with a small grin.
"Explains what?"
"The way you act," I said, looking at him. "But also the way you and Alexander despise each other."
"I don't despise him," Levi asserted. I gave him a skeptical look, and he huffed. "I detest him."
"That's the same thing, Captain," I laughed. "Well, it explains the ego contests."
"What do you mean by that?"
"You both act like there can only be one person from the underground up here. Y'all got some unfinished business or something?"
"The hell are you talking about, Aldridge?" Levi was starting to get agitated.
"Did you guys know each other from the past?" I questioned.
"I've never seen that kid before," Levi stated. "Why do you think we know each other? Unless you know something I don't, cadet." His face was stern.
"I thought you guys knew each other by the way y'all acted?"
Levi's eyes widened. The confusion was etched away by anger as received the news.
"Alexander is from the underground."
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plooto · 8 months
𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ⊳ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞
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synopsis . colonel miles quaritch—respected, feared, a machine . now, only bluer and younger the recom was near perfect. that is, until he catches the scent of a younger, field trained scientist. a distraction..but maybe that’s just what this programed machine needs.
words . 2.8k
notes . uh okay, so realistically, this would never never never ever happen. that is why it is fiction. i did not proofread this so please read at your own risk TT . and the fact that this chapter is more than the first two combined is actually spinning me in circles. uh, nsfw later on so be careful where you read this ? <3
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still sore from your training with zee, your body ached as you pulled yourself out of bed, jumping in the shower, you made your way down to the lab. walking through various sectors, trying to wake your body up before you actual clock in.
i suppose i can start by analyzing my na’vi dna, and going over my previous research that got me here, nearly a full na’vi duplicate, eyebrows sticking out like a sore thumb. you continued walking, towering over the humans passing you in the halls. it’s funny you thought, you’re short for a recom, yet much taller compared to humans.
“ oh, l’n, glad i caught you. ” the voice snapped you out of your head, derailing your train of thought with a halting screech. you stopped, turning downwards to the voice, crouching down to the general.
“ the doctors in the lab has made me aware that they need more samples, with your avatar body, you will not trigger the immune response from the animals. i am assigning you to get the samples and i will have colonel quaritch escort you. he’s already been briefed and the scientist have more information ” i nod once, giving her a salute and heading down to the lab.
meanwhile, quaritch was undeniably irritated. why’d they pick him to escort some science puke anyway? the hell could be so important that they needed him? colonel stood off to the side, arms crossed as he listened to his squad make chatter. as the door opened, it draws quaritch’s attention, his eyes setting on the recom that drove his senses wild.
“ hey check this out.. ” he heard lyle whisper to mansk. you barely make it in the the door properly before all the recom’s eyes were on you. your eyes scanned the room, looking for a colonel miles quaritch.
“ hey zee ! ” the recoms turned to zdog, watching as this tiny recom made her way to one of their own, silently questioning her as she walked past them. zdog turned her head, making eye contact with you, giving you a quick nod of her head
“ what brings you to this neck of the woods? ” you pointed to the backpack on your back,
“ i need to make a run for the scientist..i’m looking for a colonel miles quaritch..? ” the way his name rolled off your lips made his ears in back against his head as a rough shiver went down his body. the feeling was short lived however, as the recoms all turned to face him.
“ that colonel you’re looking for is over there. ” zdog said, pointing right at the colonel. with his presence now known to you, he pushed himself off the wall, walking over to you.
you couldn’t tell if it was from the lax pace he was moving at, or the fact that everyone else was sitting, but he looked really..really tall. you audibly swallowed, earning a laugh from your best friend next to you.
“ you- you’re quaritch? ” you didn’t mean to stutter, your brain couldn’t think, he was just- just so large.. you took a step backwards, hoping to help your neck to look up at him, he took a breath from the oxygen mask around his neck before replying,
“ that would be me. ” he gave you a smirk, partially because he hears his name leave your lips, partially because he likes how large he is compared to you. you blink a few times before replying,
“ uh, the general said she already briefed you, i’m ready to go when you are.. ” you say, fumbling with your fingers underneath the backpack. you felt a hand slap your fingers and you turned, making an angry face at zee, a lighthearted hiss leaving your lips. the recoms laughed at the interaction between you two, leaning back and ignoring the games they were previously playing.
“ let’s go. ” the colonel said, walking away without waiting for your response. you waved to zee, lightly jogging to keep up with quaritch.
“ yo, did she have three fingers? ”
you walked behind the avatar, your tail behind you swishing as you thought about finally being in the heart of pandora, not what the RDA has built, ruining the beauty of the planet.
“ hey! ” you jump, turning to look up at the colonel. he shook his head, “ christ, i said lead the way. ” you blinked, softy apologizing before taking the lead. thankfully the samples the researches needed weren’t too far from the base, you had a feeling the colonel wasn’t too fond of you..
you walked, looking around, trying to juggle looking for the samples you needed and admiring the beauty of pandora’s forest around you. and it seems the colonel caught onto your internal battle.
“ we ain’t come out her’ for sight seeing, princess. getcha head out ya ass. ” you turn around to face the colonel, eyes flickering down to his broad chest and back up to his face.
“ not like you were doing anything anyway.. ” you mumbled under your breath, you turned your head again, looking at plants with intent. a yelp left your lips as you felt a tug on your tail, a shiver running up your spine as you pulled it into you, turning to look up at the colonel.
“ ya better watch that mouth ‘o yours, t’gonna get ya in some trouble. ” you look at him with shock written all over your face. there’s no way he just yanked on your sensitive tail to tell you that.
“ what the hell is wrong with you!? have you lost your goddamn mind? ” you look down at your tail, rubbing it soothingly. the colonel smirks down at you, amused by your fiery reaction, your usual stuttering and ditzy brain now focused on him.
“ ‘scuse me? ” he said, tilting his head to the side, waiting for you to answer him.
“ respectfully, colonel, my tail is more sensitive than you recoms. if you haven’t noticed, i am more na’vi than you guys are. ” you say, adding emphasis by holding up your four fingered hand. the colonel lifts an eyebrow,
“ s’that s’posed to mean somethin’ to me? ” you scoff, lowering your hand and wrapping your tail around your thigh,
“ unbelievable. ” you say, shaking your head. mid-shake, a plant catches your eye, and you walk towards it, your boots on your feet making you unsteady, with a groan, you take off the boots, discarding them somewhere before pushing yourself into the tree. tail now swaying freely, you brought yourself to sit on a branch before pulling out a container, placing the sample in it as carefully as you could.
the colonel watched the entire thing, eyes narrowing. he scoffed, realizing you had his undivided attention.
“ if i ain’t know any better i would’ve thought you were a native. ” you ignore his comment, pacing the sample in your bag before lowering yourself from the tree. you look around, eyes landing on another one they needed. leaving the colonel behind you while you make haste to get to the next sample. you jump up on the tree, leaning against the trunk while you lean over to get the sample, nearly slipping but you caught yourself. swallowing thickly as you didn’t want to get any of the sap on you, this specific one was really not to be handled lightly. you shook your head, moving a tab more carefully as you collected it. smiling, you placed the lid on it carefully, placing it in the bag before wiping your hands, there was nothing on them, you just did it from habit. dropping out of the tree, you didn’t look at the colonel before speaking.
“ almost done. ” he hummed in response. he was distracted, he’d managed to calm himself down with your scent, or he thought he did. he watched as you moved, looking as if you were analyzing the trees, when you found the one you were looking for, you took the bag off again, reaching past the other samples to grasp a needle. you pointed it to the tree root, saying some native words he couldn’t quite make out. you repositioned yourself, planting your ass between your heels, tail suspended as you focused.
three syringes later and you were packing up, tucking everything safely to make sure nothing moved nor spilled. unbeknownst to you, your arm brushed the sample you didn’t want to get on you—couldn’t get on you. it was only when you were settling the backpack securely on your back that you realized.
“ crap ” you muttered, headed towards a river, kneeling down to try to wash the substance off.
“ ya do something wrong there? ” the colonel asks behind you, not quite looking at you. you hummed,
“ this sample they wanted, it’s also an aphrodisiac. it doesn’t affect them, cause of course, their human, but the natives? they use this when they want to mate. ” you spoke casually, as if it was no big deal, continuing to wash as much of the substance as you could. the colonel looked down at you, your tail was flicking side to side. the colonel hummed as a response, turning away from you to observe the area around you two.
you stood up, wiping your hand over your arm to push off the water. you turned, stepping around the colonel, picking up your boots, tying the strings together.
“ lead the way, colonel. ” you said, stepping to walk next to him. now that you were finished, you resumed your so-called ‘sight seeing.’ pandora was the prettiest places you were able to see with your own eyes. you admired the pants, the pretty different colors you seen, the exotic shapes and sizes of various plants.
meanwhile next to you, the colonel had a smell running rampant through his mind—it was you. the sap that you had washed off, wasn’t taken off nearly as fast as it should have been. his senses extra sensitive to your tiny body. he took his eyes off the path they were taking to look at you, still lost in the lush that surrounded you. he swallowed thickly, hoping you wouldn’t catch sight of his tail swishing excitedly behind him. mumbling a curse he pushed his tail, refocusing it on staying still.
“ that stupid plant y’ got, ” he started, taking his eyes off of you, looking ahead once again as you turned to him, “ what’re the side effects? ” you pressed a finger to your lips as you thought back to your past research.
“ if i remember correctly, it makes whoever is wearing it more attractive, cause their scent gets stronger. after a few minutes na’vi close to said being will be attracted to them, wanting to.. ” your sentence trailed, “ mate.. ” you stopped walking, quaritch stopping a half step in front if you. you looked up at him, eyes narrowing,
“ you- i- ”your face flushed slightly, “ you’re being affected…aren’t you..? ” the colonel rolled his eyes, trying to hide his body’s growing excitement, however his tail behind him couldn’t be bothered to remain discreet.
“ the hell’re y’ talkin’ about? ain’t no plant getting the better of me. ” he gestured for you to walk in front of him, a small ruse to watch you walk, and to hide his body parts that couldn’t be bothered hiding their excitement. you pursed your lips, walking in front of him. you walked, your nose picking up on his growing arousal soon after, you stopped suddenly. miles behind you narrowly stopping himself before his hardened length pressed into your back. you turned around, craning your neck to look up at him.
“ colonel, you can’t go back like this.. ” his brows pulled together as he narrowed his eyes at you.
“ ‘scuse me? ” he said, irritant clear in his voice, you lifted your hands, holding them up beside your head in defense
“ respectfully colonel, if you don’t want your reputation to go to waste, you’ll let me help you. ” he took a deep breath, face displaying more irritation, “ look, i don’t like this any more than you do, but if you don’t stop it, you’re going to be thinking about mating with me until you can, ” you said, your arms drop back down to your sides.
in any other situation the colonel would curse them out for talking to him so freely—but this was you, the tiny recom that drove his senses wild. he glared at you, with a huff, he positioned gun on his back.
“ w’tever, princess, let’s get this over with. ” you pursed your lips, nervousness filling you as you relieved yourself of your backpack, ensuring that it didn’t tip over and clumsily dropping your boots. as your eyes find his, you step towards him.
quaritch looks down at you, watching your every move, the way you body moves towards him, it drives him wild. the moment you’re within arms reach, he grips your waist with near bruising strength, pulling you into him. your chest bumps against his stomach, he grins at the size difference. he kneels down, lips attaching to your neck, hot open-mouthed kisses making you shiver in his hold. your eyes flutter shut, guard slowly slipping away from you as a breathy moan leaves your lips. you bite your lip as his hands wander lower, one gripping your ass as the other fiddles with the pants you wore. your hands grip at his shoulders to steady yourself, your knees growing weaker from his hot onslaught on your neck. once your pants are low enough his fingers shift, his middle finger rubbing at your folds.
“ christ kid, y’re soaked ” he mumbled against your neck, his other hand slips under your shirt and his large hand rests between your shoulder blades, pushing you ever closer against him. brain fuzzy, you struggle to get a proper response out.
“ shut up.. ” you make out, strained as your nails sink into his shoulders, earning a low growl from the colonel. quaritch’s fangs slide over the junction of your neck, just under your shirt. his hands grow impatient and he slips two long fingers into your heat as his teeth sink into the sweet spot on your neck. you couldn’t stop the moan leaving your lips as your back arches into him. he smirks, teeth releasing you as he thrusts his fingers in and out of you at a bruising pace. he licks his lips, practical tasting your arousal as it fills the air around him.
he rips his hands from you, barely giving you a moment to breathe before he presses you against a nearby tree. you angle your head, stealing a glance behind you as he impatiently fumbles with his belt. you smirk,
“ havin’ trouble? ” you tease, trying your best to mimic his dialect. he pays you no mind, finally freeing himself from his confines and pushing a hand into the gap between your shoulder blades. your bright yellow orbs widen as they settle on the size of quaritch. he noticed, the smirk on your face being transferred to his,
“ cat gotcha tongue? ” your eyes look up at him,
“ shut up. ” you curse, his hand pressing you further into the tree, shutting you up before you can mouth off at him anymore. he doesn’t warn you when he pushes into you, his free hand holding you still as he bottoms out, hips flush against yours. he cursed, holding himself still to avoid tumbling over the edge immediately. your eyes were screwed shut, chest rising and falling faster than normal as you clench around his length, feeling unbearably and utterly full.
“ fuck. you wanted this didn’t cha, princess? ” you don’t get a chance to reply as he pulls out nearly entirely before shoving his length back into you at a bruising pace. you bite on your lip as he pulls you back, standing up fully as he folds your knees to the sides of your head. the new position had you seeing stars, your head falls back onto his shoulder. your hands rest on his, a desperate attempt to anchor yourself as he manhandles you, using you as if you were a toy.
you choked out a curse, “ ‘m close. ” you say, mindlessly mumbling his name as your orgasm builds. right as you were about to fall over the edge, he yanked you off of his length. your mind slows down, your release slowly fading. before you got a chance to propose, your back is pressed against the tree, quaritch’s hands underneath your thighs as he pants above you. he leans down, lips crashing against your as he pushes his hardness into you, hitting the deepest parts of you, the noises of the forest being drowned by your arousal. he grunts, feeling your release run through him as his hips still against yours as he falls over the edge himself. he pulls away, setting you back on your feet. something catches your attention from the corner of your eye, legs wobbling as you take a look.
“ oh shit. ”
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published . october 4 , 2023
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apocalypse-shuffle · 9 months
GOTHAM CITY SIRENS (generalized canon)
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"Harley-napping" (Harley Quinn × Poison Ivy x Selina Kyle × Fem!Reader)
I Stealing Harley from the Squad and then having a fun night out.
| SFW, mature language, action, criminal acts (duh), -platonic!reader/though there's hints of something more or a past relationship with Cat
I You're a thief, demolitions expert, and have EOD training in this one. Pictures used are just for aesthetics and have no contextual meaning to the story. (pic source - Batman: Arkham City video game)
| +words
| part: two of two (part one)
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“C’mon Croc, we’re all friends here.”
You walk away from your opponent, skidding around the hulking mass in front of you whenever he gets too close. God, you hated Killer Croc.
He growls.
“I’m not in the mood for your shit tonight, girl, and neither is Waller.”
You tip your head back and laugh.
“Is that so, buddy?” You step onto the raised edge of the embassy building the Squad had been deployed in. Was this ugly motherfucker serious?
You watch Killer Croc’s eyes narrow as he takes a step forward with yet another growl. You shake your head, shaking off the way the sound sends shockwaves into the air, and tutt in disagreement.
“Uh uh. If you want me you’ll have to work for it.” You smirk, spreading your arms wide, “Catch me if you can.”
You wave a little and then tip off the ledge of the building. Falling.
As the wind from your descent whips around you wildly, you whoop loudly. Tilting your upper body upwards you go to grasp at the grappling gun attached to your hip and fire—
You’re jerked roughly to a stop, breath punching out of you, equilibrium disrupted, and stomach the wrong side of queasy.
The jolt in your descent makes you give a breathy yell in surprise and the comparatively mild knock of your head on the side of the building shocks you into silence.
‘The fuck?’ Your mind supplies and you groan.
It takes you a while, your brain taking a few moments to wrap around your new position and the distinct lack of anything in your hand, before you force your head up. Slitted eyes meet squinted brown and your gut clenches.
Copperhead. What kind of fucking circus was Waller running here?
“You have,” you close your eyes and gasp, “Got to be kidding.”
Selina Them were so making this night up to you later.
“What fun is there in jokes when I could be killing you instead?” His tail tightens around your middle from where he’s dangling you in the air, hanging halfway outside an upper floor window himself, and you wheeze. “This spoil is ours.”
The hissed sentence makes you want to tense up but - even lightheaded - your training kicks in and dictates you do the opposite. Relaxing proves to be the correct move too because Copperhead gives an incredibly startled look at the drop in your weight. Thankfully the lapse is immediately exploited by one of the vines resting on the side of the building coming to life and striking out to wrap around his throat.
He’s too shocked to coil back around you but that also means that when his tail goes lax you drop from it.
And here you were without your grappling gun. You can even see where it is, gun dangling from the line and hook stuck in the stone structure of the building.
Two - maybe three - seconds of stomach dropping airtime is what you’re bestowed with before you land into something soft and vaguely organic smelling. Your breath hasn’t even fully caught up with you when the thing closes around you and you’re being lowered to the ground at a much more respectable pace.
It’s not till you touch gravel and the thing unfurls that you fully register what it is—a flower.
“Okay,” you gasp, nodding to yourself. A humongous flower rescuing you from impending death was by far not the weirdest thing you’d seen in Gotham - and to be expected considering current company.
Tenderly brushing your hands over the petal closest in gratitude and then pushing yourself out of the vibrant flower takes more effort than it should. Having to repeatedly remind yourself to take deep breaths dulls the hell outta your reaction time it would seem.
Your breath stutters, body harshly trying to regulate itself, but you wave off the green hand being held out to you. When Ivy even got so close you’ve no idea.
When your knees buckle Ivy disregards the dismissal entirely, not even hesitating for a second before grabbing you. Steady hands wrap around your middle, pulling you closer to her, and your own hands snap up to grasp at her forearms.
Ivy clicks her tongue at you. She smells just as organic as the flower did and that helps ground you at least.
“I thought I made it expressly clear I needed you alive,” she hisses softly but her eyes are sliding over you in fits and there’s a hint at something not too reproachful in them.
You humph but negate to curse her out the way you want. Or at least the way some people seem to think you will going off of the half cringes taking over the faces of the other two women behind Ivy.
You roll your eyes.
“I am a human and you put me on distract-the-animal-mutate-s duty. I don’t know what you expected,” you swallow, “but thanks…”
Ivy shrugs then points over her shoulder at an interestingly disheveled Harley. When she lets go of you she pushes you toward the blonde without another word.
Said woman smiles wide and waves at you, cringe forgotten for now, but covered head to toe by what might be soot with her outfit askew and hair sticking up in all types of directions.
“Please tell me something hasn’t already exploded.”
“Oh no!” Harley scoffs at your concern as she walks to you, bat swinging lowly in her dropped hand. She does gesticulate with it languidly, indicating a side of the embassy you’d managed to miss until now that’s definitely seen better days. “The building’s structure just wasn’t worth shit. Frosty barely flicked it before it started crumbling over our heads. Me and Cat slipped out just fine though, don’t worry!”
“Uh huh,” you grunt offhandedly, hands already rifling through your pack for the supplies.
You weren’t a surgeon but for your friend you could make this work. Would have to make this work because if you don’t pull this off you’re not entirely certain Ivy won’t kill you, fondness for you be damned.
Harley turns for you without you having to ask and you set to work right away; consulting the schematics Selina had managed to steal and your own scattered knowledge of anatomy to extract both of the bombs deep in the base of her neck and the tracker embedded in her bicep.
It’s as you’re working on the second bomb that Harley begins to fidget. Starting to rock in place for a second before remembering what’s happening, or moving to get a crink out of her neck but stopping herself half way.
At one point she rocks back enough that your retrieval tool clinks against the pill sized bomb and you tense, teeth grinding together. The localized EMP you were using to slow the bombs tampering fail safe wasn’t foolproof, it would still go off if you messed with it too fast, but you couldn’t block the transmitter entirely cause that’d definitely tip off Waller and she’d detonate the bombs in a heartbeat.
When nothing aside from your heart dropping into your spleen occurs you breathe out a small sigh.
Harley doesn’t see the panic flash across your face but she does see how Ivy reacts to it. If looks could kill you’d be way past the seventh gate of hell by now.
Harley’s voice cuts through the tension.
“What’s going on?”
“Just…hold still so I can cut the damn bomb out, Harls.”
“Sorry sorry,” she shrugs the smallest bit. “I’m getting antsy is all.”
“Well stop it,” you murmur.
Your tweezers finally get a decent grasp of the implant and you extract it carefully. It comes out even smoother than the last and you hand the bomb to a thickly structured plant that Ivy has walk a good distance away from you all.
Collectively all of your abdomens unclench and every one of you starts moving lighter. The tracker is extracted soon after and you plop it into Harley’s hand, happy to be rid of the stressor.
Harley cheers, throwing the tracker toward the vicinity of Cooperhead’s limp body. She runs up to Ivy right after that, jumps into the taller’s embrace and they share a passionate kiss.
You raise your brows, turning away. Selina and you both exchange a glance and when she walks over to give you your own hug you reciprocate the gesture.
“Thanks for helping out,” she says into the side of your head. You nod into her shoulder before pulling apart. You both squeeze each other's hands, her lighter thumbs rubbing lightly over your knuckles.
“Humph,” you duck your head at the way she meets your eyes and let go of her to go examine the stagnant bombs.
Selina leaves you to stare at them.
They’re so …innocent looking when they’re just chilling in the middle of one of Ivy’s oversized plants. You’d never expect they’d be able to take out two people if a second person was close enough. It was barbaric.
The scoff you let out is full of contempt.
Harley peeks over your shoulder, energy revitalized without the threat of death hovering so close, and the only reason you don’t startle is practice. Even crazier is that you haven’t seen her in nearly a year and her absurd knack for sneaking up on you was still familiar.
“Harley,” you admonish quietly, making yourself relax back and willing your heart rate down.
Naturally, Harley ignores you. “So you gonna disarm them now, or what?”
Harley having broken the seal, Ivy and Selina move to gather around the plant with you as well.
You hum at Harley’s question, “I could do that…or…” you meet the gazes of the women with you and their eyes glint back with a similar desire.
_ _ _
All of your laughter echoes into the night air, nothing but knocked out Squad members scattered about and crickets in your near surroundings.
“Planting the bombs in the underside of the Squad’s truck was a good idea, Y/n. I knew you still had it in ya!”
You scoff, “Right?”
“Yeah, and I say we keep this ball rolling!” Harley announces. She’s linked arms with Ivy, leaning into the other woman as they walk. “Get the team back together for some real excitement!”
Ivy stares down at her with an uncomfortable amount of affection and you have to look away from her and from Harley’s expectant expression. Unfortunately that means you’re looking at Selina instead and the way she grins at you sends your heart racing.
Yeah, no. Ultimately you settle on only looking straight ahead of you, brows furrowing as you think about how exactly you’re gonna get home. You clear your throat.
“You guys have fun with that. I’ma head home though.”
Harley makes an anguished sound.
“No, whaddya mean? Let’s go have some fun!” She detangles herself from Ivy to sling an arm over your shoulder. “I missed my favorite arsonist and it’s been forever since we’ve all been together. We should totally celebrate!”
You hear an “Oh boy,” off to the side from Selina and couldn’t agree more.
“I’m not an arsonist, Harls.”
She giggles, “Sure you are. When you go out on the town you usually explode shit, and that comes with lots of fire.”
“Okay, but the fire isn’t the goal. I’m not obsessed with it like Firefly’s crazy ass.”
“So what? You’re basically an arsonist with more steps. Fire starters still a fire starter if ya asks me. Ain’t that right, Red?”
You glance at each other over the blonde's head, your own shaking minutely, but Ivy just smirks.
“On the money, Love.”
Damnit, you should’ve asked Selena for help. Harley squeals and rushes away from you to catch Ivy up in a hug again.
“Ohhh, I knew you had my back, Iv!”
She ends the hug after kissing Ivy some more then snatches something off Selina’s belt and bounds over to you with it.
Harley pushes something into your chest—a ski mask
You guffaw.
“Oh no, I did not come here to fucking steal with you. All you bitches bring is trouble.”
“If we’re such trouble then why’d you come babes? We’ve already been working together and none of our recreational activities ever don’t lead to a little trouble anyway.”
“Just like helping breakout and disable the bombs put into an inmate, which you just did, mind you,” Ivy adds very unhelpfully.
You curb the urge to flip her off - an action Ivy would surely laugh off anyway - instead focusing on Selina taking up your immediate line of vision.
“They’re right,” she croons. The claws of her glove tap at the mask. “Just think of this as an early Christmas present.”
You turn the mask over in your hands, running your fingers over the two points at the top. Cat ears.
“Your old mask? Really?”
She shrugs, “It fit in my pocket.”
You shake your head at all three of them - Ivy too. She better not think she looks any more subtle than the other two with her up-to-no-good smirk fully in place. Upstanding citizens don’t make that face at the prospect of an impromptu heist.
“What would we even steal?”
Harley smiles.
“Wellll, Waller sent us to retrieve some old super important papers. Not really my thing but treasury documents sell like crazy. They’re like the government secrets of the bonds world, big men inbetween wives with fragile senses of self worth pay top dollar for them.”
Clearly being able to see the wheels in your head turning in her favor Selina drapes herself over your shoulders. She doesn’t even have the decency to assuage your ego by speaking, just starts playing with the way some of your coils are tight enough to spring back into shape when they’re pulled on. You blow air out from your nose and the way she chuckles reverberates up your spine.
“Now that you mention it, Harley, what does Amanda want with decades old bookkeeping anyway?”
“Leverage, Kitty Cat,” you can feel the way Selina’s eyes narrow and Harley laughs, “Waller serves the US government, and nothing does those a-holes better than a boon they can hold over some foreign schmucks’ heads.”
“Compelling argument,” you murmur, still twisting the mask over and over in your hold.
When you look up both Harley and Ivy are giving you expectant looks. Selina pokes you in the side.
“Just say yes, Slick,” she takes the mask and slips it over your head before walking around to grab your hand and pull you towards the others, “You know you're itching for the thrill.”
You give their words a second more of consideration before your lips purse.
“Fine,” Harley lets out a whoop, “but the second we get wind of Bats we leave.”
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed!!
btw: if you’d like to leave a comment I’d very much appreciate it! this is a sideblog tho so I won’t respond.
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The Rules of Bex Ball
As previously mentioned, I had an ask on ao3 about that actual rules (using that term loosely) of Bex Ball (as seen in this fic: Game Night 3: It’s Bex Ball, Bébés) so I've written them up in a handy post for anyone else who might be interested.
One request - if you ever attempt to play this game - PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW IT GOES IN REAL LIFE AND SEND PICTURES!
Bex Ball Rules:
1 giant bouncy ball (scale to size of players, but it should be truly large)
A field to play on
Number of Players:
Minimum of five per team (1 goalie and four people on the field, the number of people on the field needs to be an even number since they will be pairing up at different points.) Depending on the size of the field, you might want a bigger team of eleven or more. If it’s an exceptionally big field, you may have two goalies (especially if the group is made up of younger players.)
Rules (if we can call them that):
Essentially, the basic structure of the game is soccer. You’re trying to get the ball into the other team’s goal and you’re usually accomplishing that by kicking it. However, there are also specific modes of play that can be activated at any time at the whims of the referee. As referee, when you want to activate a certain mode, you call it out and then announce when it’s no longer in effect as well. Everyone playing on the field needs to have a buddy on their team that they can pair up with when the mode calls for it.
Play for twenty-ish minute periods with breaks in between. The amount of periods can be decided upon before starting the game and judged by the age/willingness of the players.
These work best if you rotate through them at random and don’t keep any one mode activated for too long. Keep the players on their toes! (I added a few that weren't in the fic just to round things out.) Bunny Mode – only hopping allowed.
Butt Bumps Mode – you can only move the ball by bumping it with your butt or hips.
Donkey Mode – you are only allowed to move the ball around the field using backward kicks.
Flamingo Mode – you have to tuck one leg up and can only move around by hopping on the other one. You can use your hands to move the ball around during this mode. And if you can kick it during this mode, more power to you.
Hot Potato Mode – you have to continuously throw the ball to the other members of your team and you cannot hold onto it for longer than a second.
Koala Mode – team members find their partner and one member carries the other member on their back. Any free limbs can be used to move the ball. If you’re dealing with younger players, this mode can be adjusted. Instead of one player carrying the other, you can do a repeat of Squad Mode or have one player wrap their arms around the other player’s waist from behind or have them link both arms. Judge this based on the comfort levels of your players.
Marco Polo Mode – half of the team closes their eyes (no cheating!) and the other half has to shout out instructions to try and get the ball toward the proper goal. No running allowed during this mode for obvious reasons. (Possibly not a mode to be played with younger players.)
Pony Mode – only galloping allowed.
Sloth Mode – team members may only move in slow motion.
Squad Mode – you find your partner and link arms with them. You must travel the field joined together like that and move in sync until this mode has ended.
Hitting the other players with the ball – you get a point if it’s funny and lose a point if it was a low blow (ex – a forceful hit to the head or directly to the face)
Bad sportsmanship – ref can dock points for bad behaviour such as being an obnoxious winner, complaining about the play modes, strutting around with your shirt off, pouting about losing, not showing gratitude to the ref for spending their precious free time running herd on this bonkers game. Stuff like that.
Breaking a mode – you can be lax on this rule until people get the hang of the game. Once you’re dealing with seasoned players though, if a team breaks a mode, the rule is that you give a point to the other team.
BONUS POINTS may be awarded at the discretion of the ref. Reasons for a team being given bonus points could be things such as great teamwork, a particularly neat move being executed, good humour in the face of being knocked on your butt by a gigantic ball – that kind of thing.
IN THE EVENT OF A TIE – each team will choose one representative. These two players will go head-to-head in a game of rock, paper, scissors. One round. Winner takes all.
That’s it. That’s Bex Ball. Play safe (ish) and have fun.
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[Transmission incoming.]
[Transmission accepted]
The large screen in from of the human shows nothing but black and white TV static for a few moments before the video on the other end starts to clear up.
"Dammit!" a raspy English voice calls out before a loud clang can be heard, likely the person on the other end wacking their own video broadcasting device. The video clears up almost immediately after the device is hit, the TV static lingering on the edges of the monitor before dissipating.
"Human. Nice to finally see ya properly, kid." the same raspy English voice says, the voice belonging to a man in the middle of the screen. It's none other than Chief! The leader of the Firehose Faction. Said man is wearing a simple long sleeved white t-shirt and some khaki cargo pants.
"Now I'm not one to beat around the bush but I got word of your mimic division and I thought I'd try to contribute to it. One of my boys mentioned meeting you briefly a while ago after we put out a shop fire." Chief rasps out quickly, turning his head to the side to look at the human with one eye, his metallic bronze head glinting in the soft light of the video feed.
"See, I'm a beach man, I like going to the beach and dipping my toes in the sand and what not, and with Summer approaching we've been going more frequently and only recently we've started seeing some... particularly odd things in the ocean, scares the shit outta of Hoseman." Chief continues, leaning on the table the monitor is on, which js attached to his recording device. He moves, what is presumably, a mouse around and clicks a few things before an image appears on the human's end of the transmission.
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"Sorry for the bad quality, kid. It was overcast and foggy that day, and frankly, we aren't camera units, so pictures and videos ain't our thing." Chief says before continuing, "I want to think those things are mimics. Something aquatic. But they aren't those speaker mimics like your friend Pal, or that one Clif guy either. They've got fins on their tails and backs, even one on their head, and as far as I'm aware, speaker mimics have frills and wings, not fins. Except for that Clif guy. But I wanted to inform you of this, I don't want to put my people at risk because of some anomalous aquatic entity that could possibly be a mimic out in the water. I think I'd actually be the one most at risk of this." Chief pauses, rubbing his hands together, a few scars showing in the dim light of the room he is in.
His, and the human's, attention is drawn to the door when Veteran steps into the room. Chief straightens up a bit, his posture stiffening before his shoulders go lax at the sight of Veteran. His one visible eye flicks between the human and Veteran before he speaks, "Veteran." is all that comes from Chief, he sounds firm, even a hint of nervousness barely detectable in his voice. "I hope this one doesn't end up like your last one. Not to insult your protection skills or anythinf." Chief says, crossing his arms and stepping back from the monitor a bit. "Old fart." he mutters quietly, "But that's not what I called for. Do you think you have any ideas or clues as to what may be in the water, kid?" Chief asks, tilting the front end of his head down slightly.
. . . Hello, Chief. It has been a while since we last spoken...and I thought I remembered telling you to keep that between you and me. My chi--...(ahem), my charge is currently in good hands and is thriving while under the care of me and the alliance. I can't change the past...but I can prevent it from ever happening again. I can promise you that.
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Uhh? You two know each other...? Oh! I...uh...well then! Hello! Nice to officially meet you, Chief! It's nice to hear from the Fire Squad for the first time! As for the photos you sent in, I will have to say that those mimics are NOT in our database! Judging from their appearance, I think those mimics may be strictly fully aquatic or oceanic in nature! I'm a little sad that you didn't manage to get their heads in the photo, but some evidence is better then no evidence! We will be sending out some scouting drones and I will be asking Clif if he knows these mimics! Keep an eye out and make sure to stay safe until we can gauge their hazard level! Thank you for your contribution to our archive, Chief!
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《Chapter 7 Based》
You felt like shit.
You swallow your cries, wallowing outside of Ramshackle. The floorboard creaking under you as your knees buckle underneath your weight. Dropping un-gracefully on the steps of your dorm.
Gazing up at the dotted sky, you swore you saw green lighting near by.
Playing it off as your imagination, you focused on the sky.
Each little light, you trace them in your mind to make a shape. You laughed at a few images you made. One being a rose, the other a octopus with glasses.
The last one however, made you want to vomit and cry at the same time.
What you saw in the stars was Yuu, smiling brightly with you and the first year squad. With poor, sweet Grim swiping at Ace's air while Yuu trying to stop him.
Looking away, you let your fingers tap on the wood of the stairs. Creating a small rhythm to pass the time and hopefully forget what happened between you and Yuu.
"Children of.."
Quickly gazing up at the new voice. You find yourself staring at the bright emerald eyes of Malleus Draconia.
A soft green glow illuminated his visage. His lips pulled into a frown while his head had a small tilt. He was curious, from what you could tell.
Most of the time, it was Yuu and you.
Sometimes you and him, where'd you wait impatiently and smother him in laughter and shy affectionate touches. (Hugs and hand holding.)
So, in his many years of living, it suprised him. To see someone like you, "down in the dumps", as Lilia says.
"(Y/N), what is the matter?"
The dark fae questioned, slowly sitting down beside you, wanting you to understand you better. His firefly protectors buzzing about right next to you.
"Malleus... Have you ever felt as if.. No, have you.. Ahhhhhgg!"
You scream, pulling at your hair frustratingly.
With widen eyes Malleus pulls your hands away from your scalp.
"(Y/N), your acting differently today. What is the matter?"
He stated calmly, with hints of authority in his voice. His hands squeezing your own in mid-air. You let out a shaky breath, trying to pull yourself together before the wall that was holding in your tears broke.
"I'm.. I'm scared. Okay..?"
"Of?" Malleus asked gently, lowering your hands on your lap as he traced small soothing circles on your palms. A technique you had shown him many nights before.
"Losing.. I'm scared of losing Yuu, my friends, you.."
You say quietly, your hands becoming clammy and jittery by the minute.
"Yuu.. Yuu thinks that this talking mouse in the mirror of Ramshackle is gonna take us home.. But what if.."
"What if that isn't our home, what if Yuu only finds a way home and I can't? Or if there home doesn't exist?! I don't think Yuu should take a risk like that! I don't think I... Could take a risk like that."
You croak out, grasping his shirt collar without a ounce of fear. Hoping for a answer, a sentence, a word, something to calm your racing heart!
Malleus only sighs, caressing your hair carefully as your fingers lose their grip. Your body becoming lax in his hold. Mind fuzzy and mushy as the sound of sweet humming filled your head.
Tears roll down your face as they make contact with Malleus bright green uniform.
With little strength your foggy mind had left. You remember what happened between you and Yuu.
"(Y/N), this could be our chance!" Yuu exclaimed excitedly, "if Micky knows where our home is, we can-!"
"-Yuu, what if he's wrong?"
Yuu stops prancing around the parlor room, staring at you.
"What do you mean? He can't be-"
"Yuu, you can't just trust, this-this mouse? What happens if he's lying to you. You can't take that chance!"
"I have to, I need to find a way back home! I need to remember who I am!" Yuu yelled.
"Aren't you willing to take that chance? I thought you would of all people would understand!"
"I.. I..Can't." You whimper, your head overwriting your heart.
"I'm not just gonna stand by and trust some stranger that says he knows how to get home. And it's stupid that you do!" You shout, gasping after as you cover your mouth.
Shocked at a teary-eyed Yuu, shaking in place as they lower their eyes to the floor.
Yuu doesn't say anymore, running out of Ramshackle quickly, shutting the wood door hard after.
"I'm sorry.."
《Let these thorns ensnare your heart until you can fully be mine.》
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[Chapter seven here we come... Comments, hearts, reblogs and asks are welcomed! Enjoy!]
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isaaccadrian · 2 years
Shen Yuan's Special Ability: Napping
Shen Yuan's special ability is to fall asleep anytime, anywhere. When he is transmigrated into the body of SQQ with a shit ton of paperwork and classes to teach, he still retains this ability and falls asleep EVERYWHERE. His disciples have conniptions.
Their beautiful peerless shizun is found sleeping up in a tree like a fairy that has descended from the heavens to grace their unworthy mortal selves.
The peak disciples decide to assign a protection squad whose main job is to gently wake their shizun and lead him back to the bamboo hut so he can sleep in privacy.
It's Binghe. Binghe is the protection squad. Only Binghe. And it better stay only Binghe.
It isn't a big problem until SQQ is seen by the other peak lords sleeping in random places on their peaks after meeting with them. And they full stop just stare and don't even attempt to wake SQQ up because they've never seen him so relaxed and peaceful.
And it's not like Shen Yuan needs to sleep because he is an immortal cultivator and free from such mortal trappings but also he is essentially in charge of a peak of children with way too much fire power in their hands and he is So Done With This Shit.
Sometimes he just wants a couple of hours of peace and quiet, where no one will bother him and as a tired millennial who is used to sleeping at odd hours after late nights reading webnovels, he falls into old habits and just knocks out when he wants.
Post-ending: Binghe ensures that his husband is given ample soft pillows and blankets in their bed in the demon realm so that Shizun doesn't even think about making any other place his nap nest.
But somehow, frustratingly so, Shizun has managed to fall asleep on a stone bench in one of the many pavilions, fan drooping from lax fingers, head against on one of the pillars. When Binghe finds him, a demon servant is on the verge of waking him up.
Binghe exudes a killer aura that sends the demon scurrying away like hell itself is nipping at its heels. No one is allowed to wake Shizun except for him. Binghe tiptoes closer to his Shizun and stares rapturously at his sleeping visage. His eyelashes fanning across his cheeks.
He doesn't want to wake his Shizun when he's slumbering so peacefully, but he also doesn't want anyone's unworthy eyes laying upon his master so he gently brushes his Shizun's cheeks and kisses his lips softly.
"Shizun," Binghe whispers sweetly, "It's time to wake up."
"Mrph," replies his Shizun, the picture of grace and elegance. Binghe smothers a chuckle, his Shizun was never a morning person like he wanted other people to believe. "Binghe? What time is it? Have I missed the midday meal?"
"Not at all, Shizun," Binghe shakes his head.
"You woke up just in time," Binghe pulls Shizun up and into an embrace, always eager for Shizun to be as close to him as possible. He savors his Shizun's warmth, the feel of his hair pressed against his cheek before glaring at the peeping demons over his Shizun's shoulder.
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