earthling-wolf · 10 months
Unseelie: disagreeable Fi
Selective Approval & Devotion
The unseelie attitude will be constantly and unconsciously pinging their emotional register for how they feel about everything; responding with reactions of either affection or acute repulsion. They will be disgust-sensitive, carrying a very specific emotional and aesthetic palate with them; registering things as either tasteful or "gross." They will not be afraid to call something unethical or revolting by its rightful name and will make their opinion known with no apology. Unlike the seelie attitude who is willing to be generous towards people and situations --seeking to highlight the beauty beneath things-- the unseelie person feels there is no excuse for something unseemly, amoral or cruel that doesn’t deserve to be excused. However, this may cause them to appear highly selective and difficult to please. They may develop a reputation as being standoffish or cold. They may be misunderstood as being ill-willed when they are instead merely standing for what they value and for what they consider good. Guarded at first, the unseelie attitude will be a very gentle and sweet presence to all those that can get past their initial barriers, revealing themselves to be a loyal and ever-honest friend.
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Self-Focus & Idiosyncrasy
The unseelie person will be self-possessed, righteously independent and will exhibit that in their lifestyle through unusual habits and appearances. They will dress in ways that encapsulate their own individuality, having little regard for how aligned it is to the cultural norm. Unafraid to be seen as bizarre, the unseelie person is eccentric, idiosyncratic, and bold. Focusing on their own needs and values first, these adamant non-conformists will fight for their right to their body, their gender and their expression. Like a rose behind glass --poised, elegant but protected-- they may elicit the feeling of being ever out of reach. And while the unseelie individual may enjoy this adulation, they are not primarily motivated by it. Their conscious goal may be to simply allow their existing nature --or nature itself-- to speak through them; becoming a vessel or vehicle for what is already inside. If they takes a liking for theater, music or dance, their illustrations will be dramatic, carrying themes of sexuality, primal displays and romance.
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The unseelie type is notoriously blunt in their verbal delivery. Not beating around the bush, they will convey their opinion with a deadpan face. Wonderful or bad news alike may be relayed with the same monotone voice or with a glimmer of sarcasm. They may have no problem telling someone they're fired, telling a lover their relationship is over, or giving negative criticism on people's works or art. But this can eventually expand into a highly calloused view of life where any appreciation for sensitivity is omitted. They may respond to the tragedies or hardship of others with "get over it" and lack any sympathy for themselves or anyone else. Over time this habit may excommunicate them from friend groups --a causality they may feel indifferent to initially, but personally weighed by later. They may be branded the local "asshole", shrugging it off or biting back in equal measure. Hiding behind this rebellious front, the unseelie person may have lost the ability to convey their transparent feelings to others when it truly matters to them. They will struggle with vulnerability and the opening of their heart. Coming off as guarded even when they intend to appear sincere, the unseelie person may be forced to show their affection for others through indirect means; being highly generous with their time, money or resources and hoping their feelings can somehow reach the other person.
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-Under Stress
Vanity & Self-Obsession
When highly distressed, the unseelie attitude becomes obsessed with their appearance, social status and personal value. As hardships cause devastation to their self-esteem, it starts to matter terribly that others think them beautiful and valuable too. What was once genuine self-expression becomes a necessary channel for attention. Their self-focus deteriorates into vanity. Their desire to embody beauty becomes an obsession to receive external approval and to fill an emotional abyss. They may come to feel they only matter if they are beautiful and can be an embodiment of elegance in the world. They may become exhibitionists, raising the stakes higher and being more revealing than most in their attire and words. Narcissism begins to grow in them, which can progress into a desire to be exalted and adored as royalty. But unfortunately, one is never enough; never beautiful enough, rich enough or important enough. This eventually devolves into jealousy, bitterness, and petty hatred towards others who sit higher than them in any competing domain.
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This pettiness degrades over time into an altogether foul character marked by passive-aggressiveness, slandering and prejudice. Here, the stressed individual exemplifies genuine malicious intent towards others, coordinating underhanded tactics to sabotage relationships and defame their enemies. They may gossip behind their backs, distorting people's opinions and setting people up for public humiliation. The unseelie type under stress comes to be known as a "bitch" or snob; rejecting people based on lower status and power. They will use these tactics to secure their position in power, simultaneously validating their opinion of themselves. But this power dynamic may just as easily backfire and cause the unseelie type to become the subject of ridicule and excommunication when their ill-willed motivations are made known. They plays a dangerous game of fraud and fame, risking love and reputation. Yet deep down they may be indifferent to these outcomes, being motivated not just by a desire for status but just as much by a misanthropic view and resentment towards people.
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Morbidity & Macabre
But an unseelie attitude never loses its ability to glare directly into the character of living beings, including themselves. More than anyone, they may become painfully aware of how their life stress, disenchantment and bitterness has corrupted their heart into a thrashing, injured, disfigured life-form. Like the seelie attitude, they intrinsically understand humanity to be animal in nature and when injuries have distorted their hearts, they will view themselves as a certain kind of monster --one that is wretched, desperate and irredeemable. But not only them, the unseelie type peers into the depths of our human carnality and finds every grotesquerie imaginable. And they will often choose to embody this into art-forms through the use of morbidity and macabre. The art of the unseelie person may be deeply offensive, shocking, explicit and saturated with horror themes as they seek to paint as undiluted an image as possible of what they sense constitutes the uncensored reality of being. Often disturbingly sexual, frightening and taboo -- they shy not away from any content matter; wanting to capture pain, sorrow, heartbreak, hopelessness and every human experience in as true a form as can exist. Bizarre as it may seem, in this act the unseelie individual is fulfilling their original mission of providing a transparent lens into the human soul. All that we shun and repress becomes the content matter for unseelieness to elucidate.
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- Yeah. Well. What are you doing, by the way? Homework?
- No, I don’t-- No, um-- When I was in rehab, they made us do this.
- Really? What is it?
- These dashes represent the six billion years that the Earth has been around. And so, each dash represents a thousand years. And, um, this is how long humans have been here. 150,000 years. I think they’re trying to remind us that that’s all our ego and self-obsession are worth.
Birdman Or The Unexpected Virtue Of Ignorance- 2014
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eastgaysian · 9 months
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ashrayus · 4 months
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the favs ^_^
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moonsun2010 · 20 days
16 May - The weird sisters are here!
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these are part of an animatic summarising Dracula, which you can watch here (new readers beware; it has spoilers for the entire book!)
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meatcutie · 10 months
god i love fat people so much. i'm so tired of thinness being default and seen as innate to beauty. I want more fatness in art. I want more fat people to make art about themselves.
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itscherryterry-again · 2 months
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it's you!
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I don't know bingbong, let's ask the destroyed roomba
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paintedhen · 20 days
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how about another heart to heart?
(@mettatonmay day 15: LOVE)
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running-with-kn1ves · 3 months
Okay but a darling who tries their hardest to "fix" and train their yandere. They put up with every bloody, obsessive shenanigan in the hopes that they can have a semi-regular relationship with the person they thought they were dating. You see, everything was fine the first month of the honeymoon phase-- regular cute dates and normal presents like bouquets and nicknacks-- even if they were overly frequent. It didn't take long for Yandere's true colors to show, possessiveness chaining Darling to their home and rushes in relationship milestones that normally take years to achieve.
By the third month, Darling has moved into their Yandere's home. Sure, it's fast, but how else are they going to alter a bloodthirsty stalkers' bad habits? But Darling didn't realize how much of a chore it would be to handle their Yan 24/7. Other than the constant reassurances of love and physical affection, they have to talk them down from murdering any coworkers or adding a military-grade security system to the home in an event of Darling trying to escape break up with them.
"I promise, I'm not going anywhere."
" I love you, there's no one else, how could you accuse me of that!"
Even with Darling complying continuously, wearing the ankle bracelet their Yan begs them to keep on, not leaving (or atleast, not telling Yan when they do) the house without their loving spouse-- Yandere still has paranoid visions, imagining footsteps at night, clothes that belong to them that they think are from another. But Darling is persistent, denying any sort of sneaking around and consoling their Yan in the process. I mean, who could sneak around when all they do is think of and take care of someone else continuously? And even when Yandere gets threatening, drugging takeout that was supposed to be a fun surprise and keeping Darling in the basement for a week, Darling always waits patiently for them to come back to their senses, to negotiate and bribe their way back out when Yan brings meals and requests cuddle time.
Maybe once or twice they've worried about being murdered, but they know their Yandere just loves too much, has too much affection for them to rationally contain. So they see the beast as tameable, talking them down off ledge after ledge, never bolting even with open doors and free feet. But will that be enough to convince their Yandere, to satiate their fear of abandonement and desire to trap before their prey can even think of escaping?
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scribbles-ink · 2 months
quick doodle
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basil-the-bulbasaur · 4 months
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I was possessed
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saturnsocoolioyep · 6 months
In the same vein as "I've been taking my medication for long enough that I haven't experienced any symptoms in a while, I must not need to take it anymore! (Spoiler alert: the meds are why you haven't had symptoms)" I present to you a similarly clownish thought process- "I haven't experienced that trigger in a long time, maybe I was just exaggerating how bad it was and it'll be fine to engage with this! (Spoiler alert: take a fucking guess babes)"
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metanarrates · 10 months
it's always funny when you see stuff that is so obviously preemptively written to ward off Posting. the most overt manifestation is marvelesque lampshading of cliches ("hey isn't it stupid that we were saved at the last minute?") but there's other types of it. there's writing that addresses criticism in-text (Marvel Lady #24 owning a hater who says that Marvel Lady #24 is antifeminist) or fan responses like shipping (that one plotline in bbc sherlock that shows moriarty/sherlock shippers as weirdos nobody likes) or even stuff like worrying the reader won't understand the characters (EVERY instance of characters using therapyspeak in a story.)
to the insecure artist, the shadow of the Poster looms large over them. they can never mentally escape the fear that someone, somewhere, may be making memes about how their art sucks. and you know what? that's just beautiful
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marisatomay · 2 years
i’m so sick of writers who proudly proclaim that they don’t read and directors and actors and other filmmakers who smugly say that they rarely watch movies or any artist who acts like an audience is stupid for connecting with their work like what the fuck is wrong with you that you hold such contempt such derision for the art that you have chosen to make the art that so many people dream of the opportunity to make the art that brings meaning and connection to people’s lives it’s unbelievably disrespectful to both your audience and the art-form and if you can’t muster basic respect for either your art-form or your audience then kindly fuck off and do something else
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I’m so obsessed with how Martin Blackwood casts himself as Pylades/Horatio/Samwise Gamgee, deciding early on that his role within the narrative is to Be There for Jon as he descends into tragedy and that he can’t really affect the narrative otherwise. He doesn’t fully consider the consequences of his actions because he’s so confident that he doesn’t matter enough to impact the events around him. He hurts people because he doesn’t think he has the power to hurt people. His fatal flaw is his absolute conviction in his own unimportance. WHAT a character
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bishy437 · 7 months
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congratulations to moshang for being the most popular pairing of my mxtx charms! 💙 🧡
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And congratulations to Coffin!Hualian for being the overall most popular item LOL ❤️🤍
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