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bts-0t-7 · 10 months
Language of the Heart
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Pair: Namjoon x F Reader
Summary: In the harsh moments of the world outside, you found peace and love with Kim Namjoon. Through your quiet moments and unspoken words, you find a bond that transcends beyond languages - spoken only by the language of the heart.
Genre: Fluff, Idolxreader
Chapter Warnings: None
WC: 721
The evening sun cast a warm glow onto the floor of the living room as the both of you sat across each other on the ends of the sofa. Lost in the comfortable silence, the both of you had retreated to your quiet spots, away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The only sounds that fill the room are the soft rustling of pages and the occasional clinking of cups.
Namjoon’s presence alone is enough to fill the place with security and peace, giving out an air of wisdom and endless knowledge. You stole glances at him, unable to help the way you realise every tiny detail of this man. The way his brows furrowed, trying to understand the deeper meaning of the words sitting on the pages - the residing hunger and curiosity, making to understand what the world has to offer.
You find yourself captivated by the look on his face - how it scrunches when he tries to dissect the words on the pages, allowing them to shape his thoughts and be a part of him. In his presence, you felt a sense of comfort and understanding beyond words and actions. You felt a harsh desire to delve into deeper conversations and thoughts - to explore the universe together.
While you were lost in your own world, you hadn’t realised that Namjoon had been, too, stealing glances at you. Here, his eyes held genuine care and gentleness, a longing to understand the depths of your soul. As if he saw things in you that he could never fully put into words.
With a soft smile gracing his lips, Namjoon closed his book and set it aside. He fully turned to face you, eyes holding a silent invitation to pour in your thoughts and emotions. At that exact moment, you knew - you just knew - that there is no need for words to communicate the complex emotions that were overflowing within you.
You mirrored his actions, placing your book on the coffee table and turning to face him. Your eyes met, and a serene understanding passed through the both of you. It was as if the world had faded, leaving only the both of you, exploring watch other together - the threads of the tapestry, looping itself over and over, weaving through your hands and hearts.
In the shared silence, you begin to speak a language that transcends the limits of time and words. Your eyes, the windows to the deepest parts of your soul, convey your pain, hopes, dreams, and fear - laying them bare before the one who holds your red string in his palm.
Namjoon listened attentively, gaze unwavering, absorbing every unspoken word in your eyes. He nodded, understanding your emotions without the need for any explanations. A profound connection between the both of you - a bond that cannot be served by the limitations of language.
Without a word, Namjoon took your hands in his and closed around them. His warmth enveloped you as he brought your hands to his lips, and grounded you in the present moment. It was a silent reassurance that you were not alone, that your feelings mattered and were portrayed, and that he will always be there to support you and what you aim for.
In that shared world of vulnerability and understanding, a blanket of comfort and peace settled within you. The unspoken words slowly diminished into the thread itself, letting it glow brighter with each passing moment. It weaved into the tapestry of emotions - love, trust, and a deep sense of belonging. An unbreakable bond and a language only the both of you speak, the language of your heart in your worlds.
As the evening slowly turned to night, you remained locked in the unspoken embrace. The world continued to spin and move forward, but within the walls of that room, time seems to slow down - as if almost at a standstill. In the presence of Namjoon, you found solace and love and connection - a sanctuary where words were unnecessary and where the depths of your souls basked in the everlasting moonlight.
And as the lights of the city started to dim, leaving the world encased in darkness, yours shine brighter than ever. You realised that some bonds are so profound that can only be expressed in the language of the heart.
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glimpse-of-an-angel · 2 months
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gumpalankertas · 6 months
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aku selalu terikat dengan jalan yang kalian buat. aku tidak pernah diajarkan untuk mengambil resiko dalam menentukan sebuah pilihan. kalian bahkan membuatku yakin bahwa semua keputusanku akan terus berujung penyesalan. tanpa sadar, kalian telah merampas keberanian gadis cilik yang sedari dulu mendambakan kebebasan. gadis yang kini tumbuh tanpa berhenti memimpikan laut, langit, dan hamparan rumput hijau yang lapang dalam kegelapan di sudut kamarnya sendiri.
p.s. bapak, ibu, tumbuhkan kembali sayap-sayapku.
— den
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thesadaily · 2 years
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She walked steadily toward the sparkling lights. 
He stood there with his hand extended toward her. 
At the edge, they met and headed into the abyss. 
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Every time it gets hard, I wanna come home. But then I realize, I have nowhere to go.
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teenageangelwitch · 1 year
Of Seashells and Salt
"Do you even know what love is?", he asked. I remained silent. I didn't say a thing because no words can describe what I feel for you. The way your eyes feel like home. How your heartbeat is the sweetest music I've heard. How I feel divine when I throw a comment and it makes you laugh. How me in your arms is heaven itself. The stabbing pain in my gut when I know you're not okay. The way that you look at me when say something that makes no sense. How, when I tasted your mind and realized I was starving. The way I would gladly be the fuel for your soul to burn bright. How I know I'd crush the world to dust if it meant one last hug. How do I describe this to a person who thinks love is some sort of grand savior? Who doesn't know that love can be simple, can be ugly, can just... be? He thinks love is something poetic. He doesn't understand that poetry is about the emotion, not the flowery words. So I said nothing and he took my silence for defeat. He laughed, not knowing he's the joke. He said I didn't know love, as if the judgement was his to pass. "How do you claim to love him?", he asked. He expects me to love you the way Paris loved Helen. But I love you the way the fish love the sea and the sea loves it's salt.
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rosesandoldsouls · 1 year
life with you is more bright,
more yellow,
more full -
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and now you’re gone,
and it’s all shades of blue
until I experience your warmth again,
beautiful boy.
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mauzednanrehh · 1 year
How I'm feeling lately. . .
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ngocngadotnet · 9 hours
For Vietnamese and Chinese versions, please check out: https://ngocnga.net/unspoken-words/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=quote 🤐💬❤️ It's not that I don't want to speak, but there are many words I can't express. Keeping them in my heart feels safer. // Bùshì bùxiǎng shuōhuà, ér shì yǒu hěnduō huà jiǎng bù chūlái, fàng zài xīnlǐ huì ānquán diǎn. ​​​
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benitannachortam · 21 days
Before noon
She stared into the empty room, and with a loud whisper, she asked: "Are you sick? Tell me, are you sick? Because I could swear you like to see me cry It's like...It's like you get hard on it What is it about seeing me crushed, that makes you feel good?" She crossed her arms by the edge of her bed and sat for a moment. Then she reached for the phone to tell him how much she loved him. Officer 1: Is that all? Maney: Yes, that's all she told me. - Benita Nnachortam
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faveplus · 1 month
"The Last Word" by Illegal Art - Nice Creative Art
Exploring the depths of silence and secrets with 'The Last Word' by Illegal Art 🤫 Every rolled paper unveils a hidden narrative, inviting whispers of the unsaid 📝💭
Follow us on Instagram and visit our website.
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tmarshconnors · 6 months
Am Thoughts.
In the silence of my soul, emotions lay depleted, like echoes fading into the abyss. Each moment feels like a heavy sigh, burdened with the weight of unspoken words and unresolved sentiments. The colors of joy have dulled, replaced by a palette of muted grays. It's as if the very essence of feeling has been wrung out, leaving behind a hollow echo of what once was. In this emotional desert, even tears seem to have lost their way, evaporating before they can grace my cheeks. It's a state of existence where numbness prevails, and the heart, once vibrant, now beats to the rhythm of a melancholic symphony.
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alifatalia · 6 months
Daun pintu ia buka setengah, hanya supaya udara pengap dalam ruangan itu bisa sedikit leluasa keluar.
Ada yang sedang bergejolak, namun tak berani untuk meluap di tengah gamang.
Khawatir menjadi bumerang dengan api menyala-nyala dan sukar padam.
Ia kerap bersembunyi di balik bantal lapuk yang dilapisi sehelai kain berjejak titik-titik abstrak tak beraturan.
Sudah tidak terhitung berapa banyak ia meredam suara, menahan genangan air agar tidak terus-terusan mencipta resah.
Sayangnya, sampai hari ini pun ia masih gagal menjadi kuat.
Ia hanya bisa sedikit memoles senyum, menghibur diri dengan gambar yang sama sekali tidak lucu.
Tetapi, setidaknya itu cukup mendistraksi ia dari monolog di kepala.
Ratusan hari sudah ia mencoba bergelut dengan sanubari, hingga selalu terbit tanya; "Mengapa aku tak pernah lantang menyuarakan isi hati dalam dialog?"
Alih-alih, ia beradu dengan pikirannya sendiri.
Menyatukan keping demi keping kans yang ia buat sendiri.
Bukankah itu naif? Ia bahkan tidak tahu rumah mana yang dituju untuk pulang dan berbaring.
Semenjak senja lukiskan cakrawala kuning merah muda, dia sudah kehilangan rumahnya.
Definisinya bergeser jauh, dan tidak ada lagi ruang yang aman baginya mengeluh atau sekadar bercerita.
Yang dia punya hanya setubuh raga; yakni dirinya sendiri. Serta Tuhan yang senantiasa membaca isi hati.
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Maybe it'll get better, or it'll slip again.
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