#a strong brotherly relationship between the twins
chronically-peach · 2 years
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An excerpt from my current Kevaaron WIP called Anti-Hero. As per usual I’m working too hard on a fic about an unpopular Kevin ship but I honestly really love this fic so far and I’m super excited for people to read it!
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cor-ardens-archive · 9 months
Hi! I have recently taken an interest in media depicting incestuos relationships between brothers and since it’s very hard to find any media with that theme (being a major one) compared to sister/brother incest for example, I wonder if you may know of any suggestions?
I used to keep and have since lost an ever-growing list of everything I read and watched that had incest as an important and/or overt theme. Which I would need because my memory is bad, but I'll try do my best here.
I can't think of many books -- the ones you probably already know: Querelle by Jean Genet, The Carnivorous Lamb by Augustín Gómez-Arcos, Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson (not a huge part of the plot but very important to the main character), Tell Me How Long The Train's Been Gone by James Baldwin (also not a huge part of the plot, but it's overt), Twins by Bari Wood, L'armee du Salut by Abdellah Taïa (kind of really touched me how open he talks about it). And it's been a while, but I distinctly remember some implications in A Song of Ice and Fire that Euron had sexually abused Aeron.
As you see, there really aren't many books that I know of. I think I had a few others in my original list that I hadn't gotten around to reading yet or that I might have forgotten. But there really isn't that much out there, as it's a much more taboo topic than brother/sister incest. I do think there's a number of published erotica, but nothing that's ever appealed to me (I do accept recs, however, if you think something is good).
Films (some only have strong subtext): Querelle, Dead Ringers, A Zed and Two Noughts (kinda?), A Intrusa dir. Carlos Hugo Christensen, From Beginning to End (bad), Saint-Narcisse, Salvation Army 2013, Brotherly 2008 (bad but sad). Have not seen: Brothers of the Head, Jay 2019, Godless 2015.
Also, anyone remember that one terrible short movie about the two brothers who fell in love and society just couldn't accept it and they cried so much about it? It was very bad, and starred an actor that's actually in a lot of TV I think. Also that one film about 2 brothers who are like pop stars? And they fall in love too. I don't know, it was also bad. I think one of them was named Max.
Edit: forgot to include The Winter Prince by Elizabeth Wein
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pencilpat · 3 months
*materializes into existence*
Hey there :D
I heard ya wanted asks about your personal headcanons for the Sides? I'm curious about your thoughts on Remus & Roman, and just them being brothers. You always have the coolest takes and fanarts with them!
So, yus: ✨the twins✨
And also Virgil's and Remus' relationship with each other if ya want :3
Anyway, have fun :D
Hello my favourite breakfast food mutual! /j
I have so much to say about the twins and their relationship to each other.
To start with, I want to clarify that the two of them very clearly have a lot of issues to work out, and although I love them being brotherly, I do think a lot of their fighting might be a little... more genuine than that. They are very much pitted against each other both by their natures and by the other sides, and Remus is intentionally antagonistic to Roman a lot. It's not healthy, but they are brothers nonetheless, and like most sibling relationships they have a lot of complexities to them and their feelings on each other.
Now getting into headcanon territory!
I don't really ascribe to the common fanon of a big "splitting" event that resulted in the two of them. I also don't think there was a King as fun as that headcanon is. I think the original creativity was something more childlike, like a puppet/muppet looking fella or a stereotypical cartoon character trope - maybe something disney based. When Logan talks about them splitting like an ovum, he seems to be talking about a much slower, gradual process as Thomas had those catholic ideals of thought crimes and repentence forced into him. Religious thought like that is integrated into a child's mind in a much slower fashion than that of which would cause a sudden and massive separation.
I like to think that Remus came about the way mold or a nest parasite does. Slowly growing off of and out of the original creativity until he was his own being entirely. Strong enough to pull off of the 'host' and grow on his own. I like comparing him to a cuckoo bird baby. He didn't understand why he's so much hungrier, so much bigger, than his sibling. He didn't understand why he was so out of place and different from his foster siblings in the nest. He didn't understand why he had done something very bad, but he knew that he had. He is so hungry. So much bigger than the rest. He is so much - too much. He has done something very bad. He doesn't know what he's done. He's done something... horrible. He is something horrible.
Remus and Roman have been compared to each other and placed above or below the other their entire time of existing. That creates really difficult feelings about your sibling when you're raised like that. Remus having to always be seen as 'worse' created self esteem issues that manifest as him purposefully making himself as unlikeable as possible. He absolutely can't handle positive attention or praise, and tends to see it as not genuine or that the person is fooling themselves when he does receive it. Roman, heralded as the 'good creativity' and always put on a pedestal, is the opposite. He cannot handle negativity towards his creations or himself, and being the Ego doesn't help with that. Roman is very easily hurt by criticism because he used to always be praised for anything he made, when Thomas was a child.
Remus and Roman get in a LOT of physical fights, being imaginary has its perks such as "I can decapitate my annoying brother and he will be fine and still yelling at me." It helps them blow off some of the animosity between them, and usually they patch each other up after which also helps with that. I think they drum up entire battle scenarios in The Mindpalace with dragons and manticores and all sorts of beasts to tear each other apart, only to laugh and put each other back together.
I think that sometimes, even though most of their relationship is fighting and bickering, they really are the only one that can comfort each other. They understand each other's painful emotions and self esteem issues so well that the other sides couldn't get anywhere close to the ability they have to make each other feel better. They're brothers, no matter how much they dislike that fact, and they know each other inside and out.
This is very long so I will talk about Remus & Virgil at a later date! You can see a tiny bit of my thoughts in this post though.
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pruskita · 2 years
It should be clarified that it is the first time I am going to do this so I am sorry
=species in general=
•They are two different species, but over time they have formed a bond between all of them
• The Waddle dees are used more for the creation and operation of various things, they are used for growing food and in itself for work of collecting food and creating homes
•for their part, the Waddle doos are used for combat either at a distance or close-up possibly that is why the two species were related to each other
•waddle dees and doos speak their own language that only they understand, very few waddle dees can speak another language and waddle doos know speak other languages ​​almost by default
•The Waddle doos see the dees as small that they cannot take care of themselves, that's why they take great care of them
• The waddle dees have a type of hive mind or something similar for all of them, it is something strange since they can all have their own thoughts, an identity, but they are united by the hive mind Luckily this hive mind helps them not to be controlled or possessed in most cases
•Waddle doos have a harder time socializing than dees
•Everyone considers themselves as one big family including King Dedede
•In the humanized version, the two species consider it a type of taboo to show what their mouth would be, for which they always use a mouth cover or something that covers that part of the face
•As a bonus, both King Dedede and Kirby have mouth covers in case a waddle dee or doo breaks or destroys theirs
•If there is a difference between a possessed waddle dee and a waddle doo, it may be lack of awareness, no ability to speak, no ability to attack
•Babies usually look like newborn puppies
• They call babies "wawas" because meta knight once said that to a baby waddle bandana waddle dee
=Bandana waddle dee=
•Beginning as just one more servant of the lot, but little by little he was raising his position until he was almost like his right hand
•When he became one of the generals of the waddle dees, at the beginning they thought there was going to be a conflict with bandana and general waddle doo In the end waddle doo was proud to see a dee as the front row of combat
•All the waddle dees see him as cool, but he doesn't look like that
•He has a head injury, he doesn't like to talk about what causes it and has made the King unaware of this
•Train with meta knight hidden from the king since they usually do very heavy training
•He admires King Dedede a lot since his beginnings, seeing how he has improved as a governor and becomes stronger over time makes him admire him and follow him wherever he is
•The King sees him as a son and bandana sees him as a father
•Sometimes he dedicates himself to doing the paperwork that the King has to do so as not to leave him so much work
•He really likes being with Kirby and often takes on a big brother role for the pink ball
•He is the twin brother of Sailor waddle dee
=Sailor waddle dee=
•She was adopted by meta knight as a baby, even though meta didn't like the idea, she grew fonder over time
•It is usually strong to carry very heavy things
•All the meta knights were surprised to see that she had chosen an anchor as a weapon, they continue to see how they are going to understand her with that weapon
•meta I give him a knife in case he ever needs it, he has it hidden
•She hasn't had any female figure in his life, even though I don't need it at the moment
•She did not see Dedede as a king in the events of meta knight's revenge but with some time I would see him as a king
•He is a sailor to whom he often says rudeness often
•She has little fights with Kirby for things like where to go to dinner or something like that, nothing serious really
•With bandana he has a good brotherly relationship, he usually helps him in his training
•Shee really likes strong coffee or things with a sour taste, unlike almost all his family who likes sweets
She alone was learning to create some robots as a hobby and during the events of planet robot she stole some books from Susie on robot making
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the---hermit · 2 years
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Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell
This book. It's going to be a long post, I warn you. I have seen this book around a lot. And although it is not the type of read I would usually go for I was really intrigued. I am so glad I gave in and got it.
The author basically created a big hypothesis on William Shakespeare's family, starting by the fact that his son Hamnet is known to have died young for unknown reasons. Also of course he gave his name to the play Hamlet. Starting from this Maggie O'Farrell painted a picture of this family, where Shakespeare himself plays a very small role and is never mentioned by name. He is only the father, the husband, the son, and so on. This is the base of the novel, which is already interesting itself, but the execution is impeccable. Firstly the writing is absolutely stunning, I had been told so, and I can confirm, it's magnificent. It creates the perfect atmosphere, and it's just really beautifully done. Then the characters are portrayed in such a good way, each one with their own characteristics, each one fascinating and interesting in their own way. I have completly fallen in love with Agnes (Shakespeare's wife), who I may dare to say appears to be the main protagonist. There are so many themes, the historical feeling is perfectly given, and I particularly appreciated the depiction of the plague. It is a scary but fascinating concept, and it was used really well in the novel. Grief is of course one of the main themes, and it is unspeakable how well it was portrayed. I am not an emotional person, I very rarely cry, but there were a few passages which had me in tears. I fully lost my dignity with this book. It explored the subject of loss and pain so well in my opinion. I feel like in general this novel does a great job with feeling, it feels very true, they feel authentic whether is sadness or love, it all feels genuine. I particularly loved the portrayal of brotherly love between sibilings of different genders. Both Agnes and her bother, and Hamnet and her twin Judith, they were described so well. Their union as sibilings was strong and deep, and it is not something that you always get when the characters aren't of the same gender. As someone with such a strong relationship with my older brother finding something remotely similar on paper hit me super hard. Unfortunately many books and movies have these siblings who often feel very unreal, but with very simple scenes this book did an amazing job. I have connected with it very strongly, and I am so happy I finally found a simple yet well done portrayal of it. One last thing I have loved about the writing, then I'll stop cause I am ranting, I know, was the description of simple acts and feelings that everyone has had. All throughout the book there were these passages I read and it blew my mind cause they were really simple things that no matter what everyone has felt and they worked perfectly. I will explain myself better with an example. At the very beginning there is description of falling as a kid and hurting your knees, and then feeling that pain pulsing with the rithim of your heartbeat. Very simple concept, perfectly put into words, and it felt so real it got me into the story without any struggle.
At this point I am just rambling so I'll stop, I clearly loved the book, and I recommend it so much. It was an amazing journey and I cannot wait to read it all over again. One of the best things I have read lately.
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theelvenhaven · 3 years
Feanor’s Daughter
I’ve had several people encourage me that I take Fëanor’s Daughter a step further and outside of just a readers perspective and go ahead and make her an OC.
If y’all have any questions about her I’m happy to have a discussion about her 💖
So I present to you  Vanifinwë (q. Beautiful Finwe). It’s her Ataresse q. Father Name. I guarantee you that Fëanor would ABSOLUTELY keep Finwë in his daughters name.
Anamartindë (q. Long Fate). Her Amilisse q. Mother Name, it was given to her not long after she was born as Nerdanel had a vision of her. Though she never told anyone what it was about, and Feanor begrudgingly relinquished to his equally as stubborn wife about why she chose it. Though Vanifinwë would eventually understand the meaning of her name.
Failendis (q. Fair Minded/Just/Generous) Her Epesse q. After Name, given to her by not only by her brothers, but those around her who got to know her. Happily she adopted it, though Vanifinwë was her Cilmesse q. Chosen Name
Though when she arrived in Middle Earth she stuck with the Sinda version of Failendis which would be Faeleth (s. Just/Generous One).
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* * * Things About Vanifinwë and Coming to Middle Earth* * * 
1. She is the youngest and completely unplanned and unexpected Feanorian, and was born unusually close to Amrod and Amras. So they all three grew up together.
2. Vanifinwë idolized her amille and out does Makalaure in being most tempered like her. Though she does have an explosive temper, it just takes a lot to push her there.
- She’s a renaissance elf when it comes to the arts, always doing what Nerdanel or Makalaure were doing. So she has a broad range of artistic abilities.
- Nerdanel highly encouraged her natural abilities in the arts, as did Makalaurë. The two taking the time to tutor her diligently when she showed interest.
3. Like her parents, she has an incredible will and is very stubborn. She’s not unreasonable unless she see’s that there’s an injustice happening, no matter how minute it seems to someone else. Vanifinwë takes them very seriously.
4. It is how she got Failendis as her epesse, as she was constantly mediating all the brotherly bickering and arguments. It didn’t matter if it wasn’t any of her business, she very stubbornly made it her business.
- Even when she was a little elfling, she’d butt in and tell everyone to stop or point out who was being unfair.
- Much to Tyelkormo’s and Curufinwe’s distaste despite their good relationship, it was utterly annoying as she got older, when she caught wind of them antagonizing Carnistir.
- Tyelperinquar was her closest companion even despite being so close in age with Ambarussa. Even as she got older she had a close bond with him, the two spending lots of time together.
- Each of her brother’s spent copious amounts of time with her to build a strong bond and relationship with her.
- Her closest relationships with her brothers were with Maedhros, Maglor and Caranthir.
5. When Feanor and her brothers first went to Formenos, she stayed behind with Nerdanel for a considerable amount of time before rejoining them there. Nerdanel seemed saddened, but didn’t argue nor discourage her. 
- While there she saw the severity of the state her father was in, and the tension that he seemed to wear constantly.
- Vanifinwë had been in the Fortress with Finwe when he had been killed, and was the first to find him after hearing all the commotion.
6. When her father made the oath, and her brothers took it up- they all heavily anticipated for Vanifinwë to take up the oath too.
- Considering she saw what Melkor had done to their grandfather, and what they had stolen and the further division he had caused. Yet she didn’t take it and refused to take it. 
- This was heavily disliked between her brothers and father alike and Feanor very harshly voiced this to her.
- Fëanor heavily came to the verge of disowning her, and told her to her face. Considering this was his daughter and viewed her just as capable as her brothers. 
- That almost made her take the oath, but she stuck her ground even if it stung badly.
- Those words also had tasted a little too bitter for Fëanor’s taste and he left it all up in the air. Never clarifying further whether he had decided too or not.
- Though Vanifinwë took his inability to push things further as him fully disowning her. It devastated her.
- Vanifinwë almost got the twins to reconsider for Nerdanel’s sake, almost. But Feanor was too adamant and managed to keep a hold over them. 
- She decided at that point if her brothers were going to leave, that she was going to follow too as she wanted to be able to make sure she could help. 
- Fëanor absolutely denied her from following them, straight up telling her if she’d betray him then she had no purpose following.
- Vanifinwë followed anyways, though she joined the host of Fingolfin.
7. When the kinslaying took place, it was Fingolfin that kept her from reacting against her father as he demanded the ships from the Teleri.
- She also didn’t participate at all in the kinslaying, only watching much to her horror how easily her family slaughtered innocent people.
- It was a defining moment that permanently changed her view on her father, and for a time her feelings wavered for her brothers.
- The thing that further set things in stone for the change in heart of her father was when he stranded them in Valinor, and left them no choice but to cross the Helcaraxë.
8. Vanifinwë stuck very close with her cousins and uncle through the duration of the crossing and rarely spoke.
- With as long as it took to cross it gave her plenty of time to fester about her feelings for her father and brothers actions.
- In the rare time she spoke, it was to Fingon about what had happened. Fingon swayed her to at least reconsider her feelings about her brothers, though he validated her feelings about her father.
- Other times she spoke was when she’d speak with Fingolfin apologizing for what her family had done. But Fingolfin only explained she wasn’t responsible for her siblings and fathers actions.
- Though she’d clam up when Fingolfin would ask how it was she felt, the wounds of everything that transpired running too deep and too fresh.
9. When they arrived in Middle Earth and she was reunited with her siblings things were naturally not very warm, even despite their surprise and excitement to see her.
- It was Vanifinwë that kept things so cold, as she knew didn’t know what to expect from her brothers. Whether they’d be made or sad or happy, but even at their happiness she didn’t fall back into the familial groove.
- When they told her Fëanor had died, Vanifinwë didn’t shed a tear nor did she mourn her fathers loss.
- She felt it only fitting for all the chaos and destruction he caused over some gems. Much to her brothers dismay she openly voiced this.
- This very much surprised her brothers, as they had mourned the loss of their father, they had thought she’d do the same.
- But when they told her how Maedhros had been captured by Melkor and they hadn’t seen him since, Vanifinwë wept for him.
- They told her how Amrod has passed in the burning of the ships at Losgar, she flipped into a verbal rage against them. Completely losing her temper against them. Most took her tongue lashing in silence.
- It was Celebrimbor and Maglor who finally got her to calm down and manage to keep Curufin and Caranthir from rebutting angrily in return. Curufin being on edge already for her lack of mourning for Fëanor.
- Once she was calm enough it was then they told her about how Thingol had banned Quenyan, and that she must choose a Sindarin version of her names.
- For a considerable time Vanifinwë went nameless mulling it over, though she told her siblings she refused to use her father name- much to Curufins displeasure.
- It was Maglor who helped her, and merely accepted that she wanted to go by her Epesse mainly. Both drawing to Faeleth.
* * * 
Tags: @saviorsong @lilmelily @dicksoutformtl @fandomhoe101 @icarus-fell-in-spring @allinwonderlands @red-riding @eluriel-undomiel
A/N: I made her on ArtBreeder, then sent her through a couple editing apps to get the freckles and her hair dark enough.
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Another thing to do with that small spoiler, but a headcanon list
Twin Michael and Lucifer headcanons:
• Much like Beelzebub and Belphegor, they share(d) no physical qualities that are similar. They were considered twins due to being created upon the same day. Lucifer always had black hair, fair skin, but ocean blue eyes. Michael has blonde hair, a yellow/green to blue gradient eyes, and sun-kissed skin. And then came their wings--Lucifer was infamous for his pure white wings, while Michael had more ashen grey wings that seemed to contrast Lucifer’s.
• When younger, the elder angels called them the sun and moon pair, complete opposites of one another but seemed stuck, bond to one another. Funny enough, Lucifer represented the sun and Michael was the moon. (This is almost like Belphegor and Beelzebub, however they represent dawn and dusk).
• Michael was the elder, created during the night while the moon was still high in the sky, but Lucifer followed and was created in midday when the sun was high in the sky. And so when they were younger Michael often took responsibility of Lucifer.
• As fledglings they shared everything: a blanket, food, sickness, frustration. If one was doing something, the other was right by their side joining in.
• As they grew older, Lucifer became far more independent of Michael. Michael, however, couldn't stray to far from Lucifer very often. And so came the sight other angels saw often: a very serious Lucifer being teased or bothered by Michael's insistent doting.
• As fledglings you couldn't separate Michael and Lucifer, both would grow openly upset if the other wasn't in sight. Michael sought to protect his younger brother and Lucifer convinced himself there was no air without Michael. They were inseparable for the first few hundred millennia.
• Their rift in their relationship came with the creation of man. Lucifer did not trust humans, he didn't like how they were being praised and thought superior to even their father. Michael, however, had unquestionable loyalty to their father and his wishes. Lucifer felt as though he couldn't voice his concerns and doubts. He began to see who his brother was truly loyal to.
• Older, they still had their adorable moments of brotherly bond. If situation permitted, they could almost speak each other's thoughts, finish each other's sentences.
• Where Lucifer carried himself with a strong presence, Michael showed himself as more outspoken. Created as Seraphim, they were set to rise to fill those positions, but it was undoubtedly Lucifer who shined the most between the two; Lucifer was deemed the son of light, while Michael began to fall into his younger brother's shadow. This began to ferment a notable, but indescribable presence to Michael. Something certainly off, but never truly a side exposed.
• When young, it was the opposite. Lucifer was far more bratty in nature, he got frustrated often and could be the meanest little rat when he pleased. It was older brother Michael who was the golden child: well-behaved, dutiful, and thankfully for their elder siblings could settle down Lucifer into a more willing mindset.
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You've probably received an ask like this before, but do you have any specific thoughts/headcanons for Ray Route AE, in regards to the twins, as well as Saeran and MC's relationship? And what I mean by that is... do you think Saeran would have an easier time (even just slightly) getting over his hatred for his brother than he does in 707 Route SE? How would they interact? Would it be similar to how many people interpret their interactions for after the SEs (brotherly love-hate type deal), except maybe toned down a little?
And as for Saeran and MC, I'm not so much referring to the contents of their relationship, but Saeyoung's reaction to it, how he feels about it, etc.
I hope this makes sense, because I love the way you explain things and I would love to hear your thoughts on these ^^
Hopefully, Cheritz will give us a canon answer soon. I’ve definitely had the time to compare the two of them since I spend so much time in Saeran’s headspace playing around with this and that. Now, if we compare the events of the Secret Ending and the events of Ray Route, Saeran is in a very different headspace by a long shot. His place in his life is also drastically different. Unknown spent two more years in Mint Eye than GE Saeran did. There’s a vast difference between 6 months of being trapped and two years of being trapped. 
Both Suit Saeran and Ray were long buried in Unknown’s consciousness with no MC around to keep them tethered to the front. It was only a matter of time until either of them couldn’t function with what Rika did. I view Unknown to be another personality that split from Suit Saeran after some point during that two year period. Unknown and Suit Saeran have some things in common but they don’t read to be the same person to me. 
SE Saeran is just Unknown post-therapy and confrontation with Saeyoung, so I don’t see them as separate people, but the same person just in different eras of life. I’ve got a whole other people I could make about how it’s possible that Ray could flood back to the surface in therapy, as well as Suit Saeran, but they may not have the same names by that point. That’s more so just a big post on the way that their system works and how all of them cope with their trauma. 
But that wasn’t your question, but I’d be glad to answer that too at some point if you’re curious! Some people are torn on if Saeran has DID or OSDD specifically, and that’s a whole other topic. Anyways, back to the task at hand, SE Saeran in question went through literal hell for a very long time. He is fraught with so much anger and pain. He physically lashed out at Saeyoung and took weeks if not a few months to truly come to terms with what happened. He has to live with blood on his hands as well. 
We all know that SE Saeran tried to get rid of himself and Saeyoung, too. His emotional crisis is a strong one. He’s hurting so much until Saeyoung can get through to him and they can start to heal. It wasn’t easy. It was a fucking mess and that’s how life is. After what they went through? It’s wrong to assume that it would be simple or without pain and tears. Even after the Secret Ending comes to a close and we see Saeran with everyone, he looks so tired. His emotional state isn’t healed. He’s going to be dealing with panic attacks and much of the lingering PTSD for years to come. Saeyoung will as well. 
It’s going to be a constant battle for them. 
But, they’re both trying and the MC, as well as the RFA, are going to be there to help, which is great. A good support system is important but that’s also going to be messy because... well, you know, the truth wasn’t completely revealed to all of the RFA and that’s a ticking timebomb in itself. Saeran’s got issues trusting and being around much of the RFA. He can’t be around Yoosung or Jumin for obvious reasons. 
Either way, the Secret Ending has a lot of weight to it and it’s going to hurt just as much as it can get better for the Choi boys. Saeyoung believes that things can get better, and he’s willing and ready to stand by his brother to fight for their happiness. You know how much turmoil Saeyoung went through because we watched it. We know that he’s willing to do whatever he has to do for the ones that he loves. 
Even if it feels like pulling teeth. 
Now, thinking about what happens in Ray Route, we see the boys past revealed to the world with a direct attack. Saeran is able to realize that he was lied to and manipulated by the people that were supposed to take care of him. He is able to find out on his own that he needs to leave Magenta if he truly wants to be happy and free from his chains. We watch him be so damn strong and turn against the brainwashing and gaslighting. What he did should not be glossed over because going against your abuser is not easy. 
I was so proud of him for learning that for himself. He says himself that MC isn’t the one that got to him completely. It was a combination of factors that allowed him to see it. From how Ray was treated to how Saeran is treated, how they are promised things, and how those things are taken away. How it just didn’t make sense that Rika was disrespecting him and taking away everything. Nothing at all made sense anymore. She said one thing and did another. He decided to fight it even though it made him feel sick. 
You can watch his actions on the last day. How talking about Mint Eye as a bad place makes him gasp and choke, and whenever he tries to give his brother a chance... well, you see how he acts when you’re still holding onto your phone so tightly, asking him to take a chance on the RFA. He nearly has a panic attack when he tries to even say that he should look into it, much less talk to the RFA about it. He knows that he’s been tricked but he’s bouncing between what he has been told and what he’s trying to learn. 
That’s not an easy process. Saeran is going to be dealing with a lot after the events of his ending that we know of. The sudden fusion of Saeran and Ray can actually happen, I know some people feel like that was out of the blue but that can very well happen whether they make the conscious choice to do that or not and it was the best thing for the body at that time. GE Saeran isn’t Ray and he isn’t Suit Saeran, he’s not the two of them smashed together and he’s not one or the other. He’s someone made up of those parts but also his own person. Again, that’s a whole other thing that I’d have to get into here. 
Saeran has a lot to deal with as far as his trauma goes but you know what the difference is between GE Saeran and GE Saeran? GE Saeran had the choice to set himself free and SE Saeran had no choice. He was cornered like an animal and just... exploded. He was put in a position that he couldn’t decide. GE Saeran had the choice to leave Mint Eye on his own. That already makes the world of difference in his recovery. If we’re talking reasonably here, he definitely needs to start seeing someone to talk about what happened as soon as he feels ready to open up. 
So, he’s going to be spending a lot of time working on his problems and God knows how long it’s going to find Saeyoung so he’s likely to be making some good progress on his own. His relationship with the RFA is already pretty good compared to his counterpart as well. He gets along with everyone in the RFA, and he’s particularly close with Jumin, which makes sense given their natural wits. 
Now, therapy and getting a support system is good for Saeran. He’s got his MC as well with him. However, that doesn’t mean that he’s ready for Saeyoung to be back. When they find his brother... he’s going to need time and space for this to work. But, I imagine that he’s in a better headspace to handle it. He will tense up if Saeyoung hugs him and gets overwhelmed to see that his brother is alive after whatever he went through. Saeran will have to gently stop him and let him know that he needs time, he can’t handle all of this at once. Saeyoung needs to take it easy too. 
He’s got to react to the fact that he’s no longer bound by the agency and that he can live a life not hiding behind a mask. That’s going to be his own journey in itself that we could talk about for a while and I hope it doesn’t get glossed over because Saeyoung’s got a lot of his own woes to work on. So, don’t expect it to be perfect or anything here either. 
Saeran is able to breathe through the unease this time, but his MC will be there to hold his hand and help him speak to his brother about it. That first meeting is going to be a lot. It might trigger him, too. That would be the first time that Saeyoung is able to see that Saeran has someone that cares about him and that would be the selling point. If his brother is overwhelmed and scared and the one with him holds his hand and gently calms him, and removes him from the issue at hand, he’s sold. 
No hesitation. 
You protect Saeran, you show Saeyoung that you love Saeran, and that’s all he needs to see to trust you. He may not know all the details at that point but you can fucking count on him to be on board. He knows how to spot liars and people with bad intentions, and you don’t have that. 
He wouldn’t forget to tell you that, either. 
I think even more than that when he’s around the MC, he will notice how they just know when to touch Saeran’s hand and calm him. Saeran and his Mc have this silent communication. They don’t even really need words. They just look at each other and understand. That’s not something that is easily found in any relationship and when you see people that work in harmony you can’t help but smile. Saeyoung has hardly ever seen Saeran smile and you know when he sees it, he feels grateful that someone was there for Saeran when he couldn’t be there. 
There’s going to be guilt and other feelings in that but he’ll swallow that down. One more thing to add to his list of things to talk about when he’s ready to get his own help. 
Saeyoung and GE Saeran are going to interact slowly but surely. They’re going to be awkward... tense... maybe not angry, but there will be tight moments that feel overwhelming for both of them. Saeran might get angry and Saeyoung might be upset so there’s no avoiding a fight here and there but it may not be as violent as with SE Saeran and Saeyoung. Them getting to know each other is like getting to know a stranger... it’s been nearly a decade, they really don’t know each other at all. 
Sad as that is, it’s fun to get to know each other again. Saeyoung gets to learn things about his brother all the time and he writes that down, trying to make things right and make up for the past... Saeran swallowing back his shame and telling his brother that he’s not mad, and them just looking forward. It’s not always easy but I do think that GE Saeran and Saeyoung will have a different kind of relationship given purely from the fact that Saeran was allowed to choose recovery instead of being forced into it. 
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plasmabluefire · 4 years
Dragon Rider Relationships #2
So, Imma create a different post for each relationship or group of relationships I can find in the shows that I enjoy, or the relationship between a dragon rider and a non dragon rider. These are not all romantic, few of them are, but rather show the family like dynamic between the How to Train Your Dragon and Race to The Edge characters.
Number 2: Hiccup and Fishlegs
(Warning: If there are grammatical and spelling errors in this, please ignore them at least for the time being because it is 5:00 AM and I haven’t slept since a nap at 12 PM yesterday afternoon, so my writing is more sloppy than usual)
I love the way the relationship is portrayed for these two, mainly throughout Race to The Edge and somewhat in Riders of Berk. Hiccup and Fishlegs are best buds, peers, with very similar interests which is what makes it so easy to get along so well with each other. Hiccup in the episode ‘Loyal Order of Ingerman’ is talking to Astrid and even goes as far as to say “Yeah, but he usually geeks out with me” meaning their little adventures and inventions (EX: In ‘Bad Moon Rising’ Fishlegs says “Why do I get the feeling we’re going on a little Hiccup-Fishlegs recon mission” and in “Living on The Edge” along with “Out of The Frying Pan” they are working on numerous versions of research, their bond in this subject so strong everyone is surprised when they fail at being in sync with their usual ‘you thinking what I’m thinking?’ routine) are a normal thing for them.
This is only the tip of the iceberg though. Hiccup and Fishlegs are connected enough to warrant a nickname Snotlout comes up with, and even Astrid begins using it from time to time. In the episode “Out of the Frying Pan”, Snotlout and Astrid call them ‘Hicclegs’, meaning the extreme bond these two have as far as just how close they are as friends, maybe even brotherly like (In the episode ‘Breakneck Bog’ Fishlegs offers Hiccup his mother so they don’t have to chase the ‘fog monster’, a line meant to do nothing more than add some humor when there’s too much creepiness in the first half of this kids show, BUT he then goes on to say “You know you like her crab cakes.” proving Hiccup has spent time at Fishlegs’ house and with his family on occasion) is very obvious and easily spotted by the other dragon riders in their group. Hiccup and Fishlegs are closer than Hiccup might be to the others, excluding Astrid and Toothless, or Fishlegs might be to Astrid, Snotlout, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut. The best part is the other riders notice it enough to give them a nickname, which makes me wonder just how much different their bond is compared to the overall bond the dragon riders have with them and each other.
My third and final thing I will add here involving their relationship, is the big brother/parent like roll Hiccup plays for Fishlegs. In the episode ‘Follow the Leader’ Fishlegs is very excited to have Hiccup and Astrid leave him in charge of the twins and Snotlout, only to realize the job is harder to do than he expected. When the three get into trouble for using all of the Monstrous Nightmare Gel the riders have on supply, Fishlegs is scolded too for not keeping an eye on them. Hiccup tells Fishlegs that he’s better than this kind of incident, and that it is disappointing that he let it happen. Later in the episode, Fishlegs says a line I’ll never forget because it reminds me so much of mine and my grandmother’s relationship. “I hate it when Hiccup gets disappointed. Mad I can handle, but disappointed is so much worse.” When he says this line there is genuine sadness, confusion, and self-disappointment in his tone of voice, and when he finds the Albino Night Terrors, Fishlegs immediately goes on about how the others would react if they saw what he had done, which would presumably make them stop being disappointed with him. He is so worried about having Hiccup think he is worth it, and the way Hiccup tries to make up with him later, along with the way Fishlegs obviously looks up to him with the line “You lead by example, not by force or fear. I have a long way to go before I’m like you”, makes it obvious there is some sort of a older-sibling/younger-sibling or parent/child relationship going on here despite the closeness in their age. I LOVE IT!
Another addition to point number three, in other episodes-like ‘Bad Moon Rising’ when the two boys are looking for signs of the ‘Liken Wing Dragon’ and Fishlegs gets scared of a giant shadow-Fishlegs tends to be easily scared by the unexpected, and I absolutely love how Hiccup is always prepared and not hesitant to say things like “I’m right behind you”, “Stay behind me”, “I’ll find you”, “I’m right here with you”, and more (yes all of these lines Hiccup has said either directly or indirectly to Fishlegs when the teen is fearful of new or sudden situations at one point or another). Hiccup is a strong willed, not easily scared person, and the way he comforts and encourages Fishlegs isn’t the same as how he treats the other riders, furthermore adding fuel to my belief that their relationship is a guardian/younger or parent/child relationship, maybe even big brother/little brother.
What are your opinions of the relationship Hiccup and Fishlegs have? More pin points and relationship analysis for the characters will come soon!
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datheetjoella · 4 years
Fantober 2020, Day 28: Pirates
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Author: DatHeetJoella Fandom: Free! Pairing: MakoHaru Rating: T Part: 28/31 (read the full collection here) Word count: 2,107 Tags: Canonverse, Established Relationship, Fluff, Video Chat, Tachibana Twins Read at: AO3, FFn, or right here!
Seated at the kotatsu with his back against the bed, Makoto clicked and scrolled through various articles. He had to write an essay about a common injury in athletes, how to prevent it and possible remedies. The choice for rotator cuff injuries had been a simple one: Sousuke had first-hand experience with recovering from a pretty severe case with surgery and therapy and Makoto could gather some useful knowledge through him.
When Makoto sent him a message this morning to ask if he would be willing to share his experience in detail, Sousuke had agreed and they talked on the phone for about an hour after class. Although this essay wasn't due for another week and a half, he wanted to get started right away, now the conversation with Sousuke was still fresh in his mind. Of course, he took a bunch of notes while Sousuke explained the medical process he went through and the physical therapy he had once a week, but it was better to get started while he was ahead.
So after dinner, he brewed a nice cup of tea, burrowed himself under the kotatsu and got to work. Sousuke's anecdotes were extremely helpful, but he couldn't write an essay based on his personal experience solely, so he surfed from one medical journal to the next in search of more information.
But when he opened his document to start typing, a call button popped up on the screen. One glance at the clock made him smile. It was seven-fifty, ten minutes before the agreed-upon time. Ran and Ren were eager as always.
He accepted the call and was greeted by a pair of excited grins.
"Where's Haru-chan?"
Makoto chuckled. Hello to them, too. "Haru's taking a bath right now."
"Aw, I wanted to see him too!"
"Can't you ask if he'll come out of the bath?" Ran asked with a pout that matched her twin's.
"He had a long day. Coach Tsukamoto really pushed him to his limit," Makoto said, "Maybe he'll come to say hi later, but for now we should let him relax, alright?"
"Alright," they said in unison.
"So, what did you do today? Did you learn a lot at school?"
The disheartened looks on their faces were wiped away instantly. "We went to Mami-chan's place after school," Ran said, "It was her birthday the other day and she got this movie as a present, so we watched it together."
The question about school was completely ignored and Makoto giggled on the inside. "Really? What kind of movie?"
"It was about pirates!" Ren said, "They were so cool and they had big swords and they went like woosh and slash." He waved an imaginary sword around, adding sound effects at every strike.
"And at the end, they finally found the island where the treasure was buried, but then there was this other group of pirates, the one they fought before, and the captains had to duel for the gold," Ran explained. "But the evil pirate captain cheated and had one of his crewmates attack the good captain from behind. But the good captain was so skilled at fighting that he dodged the attack and won from them both!"
"And then he gave everyone a share of the gold and when he was back home, he used his gold to buy medicine for his sick auntie."
Makoto was pretty sure he wasn't familiar with this movie, but now he didn't have to waste time watching it either. Trust the twins to spoil everything in their enthusiasm. "It's a relief he won, then."
"Yeah, because the evil captain was going to gamble with it and he always cheats so that's unfair," Ran concluded with a nod.
"That is pretty unfair."
"What's unfair?" Haruka asked as he kicked the bathroom door shut with his foot, a fluffy towel slung around his neck. He swooped down and pressed a kiss to Makoto's head. When the speakers of Makoto's laptop burst with giggles, Haruka whipped his head around. "Oh, hi. You guys are early."
"They had something really important to tell me," Makoto said with a smile as Haruka snuggled himself beside him underneath the kotatsu.
"Yeah!" the twins said and gave Haruka a rundown of everything they just told Makoto, with some extra details to spoil the movie even more, of course.
"Sounds like you had a lot of fun today," Haruka said when they finished their incohesive plot summary.
"We did," Ran said, "And when the movie was over, we wanted to play pirates with Mami-chan, but we couldn't decide who would be the captain."
"We all wanted to be the captain," Ren concurred.
"Why didn't you all be captains then?" Makoto asked and he was instantly met with incredulous frowns.
"You can't have three captains on one ship!" Ren said.
"Yeah! There can only be one captain, or else it's not the captain."
"Yeah, Makoto," Haruka said teasingly, earning himself a nudge from Makoto's elbow.
"Okay, I get it, one captain," Makoto said, "What did you do to solve the issue then?"
"Nothing. Mom came to get us before we got the chance to listen to each person's reason," Ran said. "So when we got home, we wanted to play with just the two of us, but we still couldn't decide. But clearly, I'm the best captain."
"That's not true, I'm the best captain."
"How could you be the best captain?" she asked, "You're always late for everything. By the time you find out where the treasure is, another group of pirates has already got it so there won't be any gold left for you or your crew."
"Well, you wouldn't be a good captain either because," Ren said, pausing briefly to think of an adequate reason. "Because I wouldn't listen to you. How can you be a captain when your crew doesn't even listen to you?"
"The rest of the crew would listen to me," Ran claimed, "Only you wouldn't because you would be jealous that you're not the captain yourself!"
Completely forgetting they had a live connection to Tokyo, Ran and Ren resumed their squabble from this afternoon as though it never ended. Seemed like their mom went to get them right in time, before it got out of hand and they damaged their friendship with Mami-chan beyond repair.
"Guys, stop it," Makoto demanded in that brotherly-tone he hadn't used in months. "This is nothing worth fighting about."
"No mutiny on this ship," Haruka said, trying to bite back a grin.
"Why don't you choose which of us is the best captain then?" Ran said and Ren voiced his agreement.
"You both have your own qualities that would make you a good captain," Makoto said, "Ran, you're a real go-getter so you'd sail straight towards your goal, no distractions, while Ren, you're very understanding so I'm sure your crewmates would feel safe with you as their captain."
Ren sighed and deflated on the table. "Of course you would say that, Onii-chan."
"So wishy-washy," Ran said with a disapproving shake of her head.
"What? It's true!" Makoto defended. How could he ever pick one of them above the other?
"Haru-chan, you decide," Ren said, knowing that unlike his brother, Haruka didn't sugarcoat his opinion.
"Hmm," Haruka said as he thought about it. "I pick Makoto as the captain."
"Yes. He's the oldest."
"I'm not, you are," Makoto said.
"Who says I'm playing along?" Haruka said, but before the twins had the chance to groan and protest, he smiled. "I meant between the three of you. Makoto is the oldest so it makes sense that he would inherit the ship. Besides, he already knows what it's like to be a captain anyway."
"He does?"
"How so?"
"He was the captain of our swim team in high school, remember?" Haruka said as he grabbed Makoto's teacup and took a sip.
Makoto frowned. "I was, but that's not the same as being a pirate captain."
"Yeah, being a pirate captain is different," Ren said.
"Why is it different?" Haruka asked. "He was in charge of us, his crewmates, and gave us specific instructions on what to do. He made decisions along with our manager and the teacher, his advisors, and he took us to several different venues, like islands across the seven seas. And most importantly, he led us to gold on numerous occasions."
Ran scratched her chin. "You do have a point."
"Maybe Onii-chan would be a good captain."
"He already is. He's a great leader and makes sure everyone in his crew feels comfortable in their job and outside of it. He can be a bit indecisive at times, but when it truly matters, he always does the right thing."
"In that case, you would be an amazing captain too, Haru," Makoto said, "You're strong, even in the face of adversity and although you don't show it as obviously, you're so caring and considerate. You're always looking out for everyone and you whatever you can for your friends."
Haruka's cheeks lit up and he looked down to fumble with the hem of the futon. "Too much trouble."
"What about me?" Ran said.
"And me?"
Makoto smiled. "You two would be amazing captains too. And I know you think otherwise, but I don't see why a ship can't have two captains. You're twins, so I can't imagine two people more fit to work together like that than you. You can take turns as the head captain who gives orders to your crew members, and when true danger lurks, you can fight it off and protect your ship as a duo."
"But when you're playing with Mami-chan or your other friends, be sure to give them a turn as captains too, otherwise it's not fair," Haruka said and for impact he added, "Then you would be just like that evil captain."
That startled them. Although ideally, they would prefer being the sole captain on their ship, they aspired to be brave and righteous ones, not the tyrannic and wicked type.
"Alright, we'll take turns," Ran relented.
"That would be the fair thing to do," Makoto said with an endorsing nod of his head, "You can use rock-paper-scissors to decide who gets to go first. Then the winner is the captain for the day and the rest of you get a chance the next time."
That wasn't a bad solution and Ren said, "You really are a good captain, Onii-chan."
"Thanks," Makoto said, smiling fondly at his little siblings. "Now that issue is solved, did you do anything else recently?"
They chatted about the eventful and uneventful things that occurred in Ran and Ren's lives since the last time they caught up, but the twins remembered to ask them about their days as well. Knowing they were much better at talking than listening, Haruka and Makoto made sure to keep their answers short.
When their mom came to greet them and tell Ran and Ren it was bedtime, they said their goodbyes. The majority of the conversation hadn't been what he expected it to be, but Makoto basked in every minute he got to spend with his siblings nevertheless. He missed them and their endless enthusiasm a lot and hearing them ramble on about the tiniest, most trivial things with such fervour in their voices made his heart melt with fondness.
"You never know what you're going to talk about next with the twins, huh?" Makoto chuckled at the thought of oversized pirate hats on their small heads, boots that were too tall for their legs, eye patches and plastic cutlasses that couldn't even slice butter. "At least now I know what to get them for their birthday."
"Don't bother," Haruka said, "Now it's pirates, next week they watch a movie about superheroes and then that's their new obsession."
"I can't argue with that," Makoto said, and then he looked down at his lap. "Did you really mean it?"
"Mean what?"
"When you said I was a great leader?"
Haruka scoffed and his cheeks regained their cherry blossom-tinge. "I wouldn't have said so if I didn't," he grumbled and he shot up. "I'm going to get some tea. Do you want a refill of that?" He gestured towards Makoto's cup.
"Arr," Makoto said, unable to hide a grin as Haruka snatched it from the table and went over to the kitchen. "Oh, and could you bring the cookie tin?"
"Aye aye, Captain."
With a smile, Makoto watched Haruka's retreating back, his chest spilling over with affection. Pirate captain or not, it didn't matter, because Makoto had already found the greatest treasure on earth.
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the-odd-job · 4 years
Brotherly Love
Rating: Explicit Warnings: None Category: M/M, Other Fandom: Transformers, Guild Wars 2 Characters: Sideswipe, Sunstreaker Relationships: Sideswipe/Sunstreaker Additional Tags: PWP, Twincest, Sylvari (Guild Wars), Nightmare Court (Guild Wars), Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Anal Sex, Oral Sex Words: 1960
Do sylvari have dicks and buttholes? Idk but they sure do now.
Sideswipe just got back and already Sunstreaker can't keep his hands off of him.
Just how he likes it.
“You’re back.”
The words were the first thing Sideswipe heard when he climbed up to the uppermost pool of the natural baths at the back of Brokenhope Village. He couldn’t mistake the decidedly pleased tone of voice.
Sideswipe glanced up as he came to the edge of the highest pool overlooking all the rest, grinning at his brother. “Looks like I am, yeah.”
Sunstreaker waded over and Sideswipe began to take his armor off, piece by piece. The yellow haired twin pulled up to sit on the pool’s edge, watching the process without a word. Sideswipe could feel his gaze scorching on every inch of naked body that was bared, black bark becoming visible from the layers of red, black, and white armor. He set the pieces next to Sunstreaker’s heavier golden hued armor, already neatly piled on the water’s edge.
Then he slipped into the water himself, Sunstreaker following suit only to wrap him straight into his arms. Sideswipe laughed at the strong embrace, wrapping his own arms around his brother and burying his face into his twin’s neck. “Miss me~?” he asked, nipping at the leaf folded along Sunstreaker’s neck.
He earned a deep rumble for his trouble, something halfway between a laugh and a growl. “Always do.”
“You’re the one who told me to bugger off on some ass end mission,” Sideswipe pointed out.
“Only because it was necessary. I needed someone who I could trust to get it done. Everyone else is… Incompetent.” Sideswipe laughed again, twice so when he felt Sunstreaker’s hands beginning to wander. Yeah, speaking of ass.
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, and I can confirm it got done,” he purred back at his twin, leaning back enough to smirk in Sunstreaker’s face. His back arched when Sunstreaker grabbed his aft with both hands, and no sooner than that had Sunstreaker already descended, slotting their mouths together. Sideswipe mewled when his brother demanded entrance with a harsh nip and happily gave everything his twin asked for, opening his mouth for Sunstreaker’s tongue to delve inside.
And holy pits but he would never get used to how well Sunstreaker knew him and all of his likes and dislikes. Rough and demanding alternated with loving little nips that turned Sideswipe into a puddle of goo in no time, hanging onto Sunstreaker for dear life. Sunstreaker merely pulled him tighter against him, their chests scraping together and Sunstreaker’s hands pulling their crotches ever closer.
When Sunstreaker pulled away from his mouth to bite at his neck instead, Sideswipe took the reprieve to slip his hand between them, moving the foliage covering Sunstreaker’s crotch aside enough to wrap his hand around Sunstreaker’s quickly hardening length. Sunstreaker rumbled in return, thrusting once into his hand.
“Why don’t you let me work that up the rest of the way?” Sideswipe suggested with a leer. When Sunstreaker’s head rose from his neck (that probably had more than a few teeth marks now), Sideswipe butted their foreheads together, red eyes meeting yellow ones.
Sunstreaker laughed in the throaty way that was reserved just for Sideswipe before pulling him along, sitting on the next of the pool. “Well, let’s see how you plan to do that,” he said with a challenging raise of just one finely carved eyebrow.
That was all the goading and invitation Sideswipe would’ve ever needed. He dropped to his knees in the water, brushing the leaves off Sunstreaker’s crotch the rest of the way and worked his hand up and down his twin’s length a few times. It stiffened noticeably under his touch, but Sideswipe was far from satisfied with just that.
With a shit eating grin up at Sunstreaker, and without ever breaking eye contact, he leaned in and slipped the tip into his mouth. Sunstreaker did that rumbling noise again, staring down at him with an intense expression.
Sideswipe always did love attention.
He sank down on his brother’s cock the rest of the way, letting the head of it slide into his throat. His long dead gag reflex said nothing.
Then he pulled back until only the tip was in his mouth and repeated the process.
He got into the rhythm of it in no time, humming away as he worked his brother’s cock. He could feel Sunstreaker stiffening under the hands he’d laid on his thighs, but Sunstreaker didn’t look away from him, nor did his expression change.
Unnerving to some, maybe, but Sideswipe loved the searing focus.
He didn’t need to continue long, as much as he would’ve loved to go the rest of the night, before Sunstreaker put a hand under his chin and gently pulled him away from his length. Sideswipe followed the guidance with nothing more than a satisfied smirk that he had gotten Sunstreaker to the point of full readiness and full hardness so quickly and in a way that was more than a little fun for the both of them. Sunstreaker smirked right back at him, rising to stand and pulling him up with him.
Then he was being kissed again, though briefly, this time. Sunstreaker pulled away soon, his cock in full display and shining wet from Sideswipe’s mouth.
Sideswipe was the one to hop onto the edge of the pool this time, spreading his legs and pulling Sunstreaker in between them. Sunstreaker allowed himself to be led easily, crowding in between his thighs, nestling his dick against his crotch, and leaning in to press their lips together again. It was Sideswipe’s turn to have his cock grabbed, Sunstreaker working the length with quick strokes until Sideswipe was moaning, rock hard and rearing to go.
And the kissing never stopped. If they hadn’t been in this exact position so many times before he would’ve thought he was going to lose his mind from the goodness of it all. Maybe one of these days he would, love and lust boiling over and driving him crazy.
On waiting for that day he grabbed at Sunstreaker, insistently pulling him ever closer. “Come on come on come on,” he chanted, panting against Sunstreaker’s mouth. He didn’t need to specify what he wanted.
Sunstreaker chuckled, but obeyed. Sideswipe could feel his hand leaving his cock, only to have the touch return a moment later a bit further down along his groin. He moaned in anticipation, shameless as he tilted his hips up to better the angle.
Not that Sunstreaker would’ve needed the help. With practiced ease he guided himself in, the tip of his cock pressing against the resistance of Sideswipe’s asshole before pushing in.
Pleasure, instant and hot and with just that lovely sting of pain to it, had Sideswipe moaning even louder as Sunstreaker thrust in deep for the first time, pressing their groins flush together. “Oh please yes,” Sideswipe breathed, letting his mouth slip from Sunstreaker’s to instead press his forehead against his brother’s shoulder as Sunstreaker started to move.
A little slow at first, just enough to get them both adjusted, before his pace quickened. In and out, out and in, every hard thrust making his toes curl. Making the whole rest of him curl, for that matter. Sideswipe slipped from Sunstreaker’s shoulder to press his head against his chest instead, wrapping his legs around his twin’s waist and digging his fingernails into his back.
Sunstreaker never made a lot of sound, unlike Sideswipe himself even now, but when he made just one strangled groan, that’s when Sideswipe knew it was good. For both of them. It had already been good for him.
Not that he ever doubted his ass pleased Sunstreaker. It always did.
“Turn over,” came the sudden order from his brother. Sunstreaker pushed him back and away from himself, his thrusts turning shallow, much to Sideswipe’s disappointment. He vocalized that disappointment with a small sound too, the corner of Sunstreaker’s mouth tilting up in return for the pathetic whine.
But he knew just how to get the most out of Sunstreaker again.
Sideswipe leaned back, catching himself on his arms before he tipped over all the way. Sunstreaker’s eyes sharpened like he already knew where this was going, and Sideswipe grinned at him as he drew his legs up, then swung one over the other in front of Sunstreaker.
All without ever letting his twin’s cock slip from his ass. He twisted over the rest of the way once his legs were sorted, letting them fall into the water. As soon as he was on his own two feet again, Sideswipe rocked back, wordlessly begging for more.
Sunstreaker didn’t keep him waiting, and judging by the new oomph behind his quickly returning thrusts, the little show he’d made out of his twin’s order had impressed someone. Sideswipe moaned deliriously as Sunstreaker rocked them both back and forth, then even more deliriously when his brother grabbed him by the back of his neck and shoved him down. His chest came to rest against the cool rock and Sunstreaker rumbled once more as he held him down and really began to lay into him.
This might be the point where he really would lose his mind. He was beyond making sound at this point, just turning his head to the side and resting his cheek against the stone, open mouth panting at the pleasure that radiated up his back and down his legs.
Sunstreaker went fast and hard and gave him no chance to get up, even if he had wanted to. He really didn’t want to, honestly. He rocked his aft back to the best of his ability to encourage Sunstreaker even further and receive even more of his brother’s cock, if that was even possible at this point. Sunstreaker felt like he bottomed with every thrust in, his crotch slamming against Sideswipe’s ass in a fucking maddening way.
Then there was a hand on his cock, the one Sunstreaker wasn’t using to press him against the pool’s edge. Sideswipe regained his voice just in time to scream when pleasure surged to its tipping point and shoved him straight over the edge. He didn’t know whether to rock back to Sunstreaker’s cock or forward against his hand, but it didn’t really matter either because his body moved with a mind of its own, moving back and forth between the two points of white hot pleasure.
Through the haze he could hear Sunstreaker grunt in the vacuum left by his own shriek, the arrhythmic clenching of his ass hole pulling his brother over the edge with him. Sunstreaker doubled over him, pressing his head against his back with a hiss.
And Sideswipe, as always, felt pride and even more satisfaction that he could be the one to draw these reactions from his usually unflappable twin.
They laid there together for a moment, both panting and gathering their bearings in the afterglow of their activities. Sunstreaker had given up on any pretenses of staying upright and laid his full weight on Sideswipe’s back, pressing him down in a way that was all kinds of not helping him climb down from his high.
The softening dick in his ass didn’t help that either. Sideswipe clenched the muscles in the area to the tune of a strangled groan from Sunstreaker and a retaliatory slap on his ass. Sideswipe giggled when Sunstreaker growled at him, “Stop doing that.”
“Wanna go again?” he asked instead of listening, wiggling his behind and peering at Sunstreaker from the corner of his eye. “You’re insatiable.” Was that fondness he heard? “And you’re so hot I can’t help it,” Sideswipe grinned, then laughed when he could feel Sunstreaker’s cock growing hard again in his ass.
“Maybe just one more round.”
Yeah right, as if they could ever stop at doing it just twice.
Sideswipe purred.
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Part 4/5 Of Newsies and Camp Half-blood crossover! This is the relationships at camp! Feel free to send me an ask or message me with other Newsies that you ship at Camp Half-blood. These are most of the common ships, but I like them so these are my camp ships:
Spot and Race: This works out because Race has a track record of repeatedly pissing off an Ares camper. He's caused so many problems by being a smart mouth or pranking the wrong kid. Spot usually has to sort it out so there isn't a full out fight between the Ares and Hermes campers. It took Spot forever to even consider trusting Race die to his history with people he cares for. He didn't want to get attached only for something bad to happen. This relationship makes Ares slightly angry because Race is hardly violent unless he really needs to be and Race is tall and very lanky. He doesn't have much muscle on him. Hermes doesn't dislike Spot, but he dislikes Ares disapproving just because Race isn't as strong as Spot. This causes some tension between the two God's.
Jack and Davey: Davey was very hesitant. After coming to camp and learning about all of this, he was freaked. It didn't help that Jack low-key started flirting as soon as he met Davey. Davey didn't understand really until he got more comfortable at camp. Jack learned to ease up on the flirting to help Davey adjust and he started hardcore crushing. Jack shows Davey how magic and manipulating the Most works which fascinates Davey endlessly. Davey tries to figure out the science behind it all and Jack just laughs. Athena doesn't mind too much because, despite Hecate's entire existence, she can see that Davey is alright. She isn't worried as much as she had been with other relationships (Annabeth and Percy or Finch and Albert) because she never had huge problems with Hecate.
Katherine and Sarah: This is a little odd, especially since Katherine isn't even a Greek demigod. She just prefers her friends at Camp Half-blood over Camp Jupiter. It's much more laid back and she can be more herself. When Sarah stumbles to camp with her twin and little brother, Katherine is intrigued. Sarah and Davey are interesting because they're twins, but Davey's mom had him as a thought while Sarah's actually had her. They showed up at the same time, so their parents assumed they were twins. Katherine tries to figure Sarah out, but she's sucked in by Sarah's attitude and her generally approachable persona. Sarah likes Katherine because she's trustworthy, so far, and that's what Sarah needs at such a strange time.
Finch and Albert: Alright, we all know how the parents feel. It's literally Percy and Annabeth but with different people. Their parents fight about it, but Finch and Albert could care less. Albert has been at camp since he was young, but he remembers seeing Finch as soon as he got to camp. It wasn't until a few years later that Finch revealed how long he'd been at camp. A few months after that, they got together. And a few months after that, Finch revealed his past to Albert. Albert was there for him. He supports Finch and helps him with whatever he wants to do. He understood Finch's depression and he does whatever Finch needs to feel like the best him, or as best as he can feel. Finch is there to hold and listen to Albert when he needs someone there for him. Albert teaches Finch to swim and it becomes their relaxation outlet.
Romeo and Specs: Romeo struggles with relationships because of how friendly and social he is, but Specs gets that. He gets that Romeo can't help the fact that he's social and friendly. Romeo was very hesitant to even consider being with Specs because he didn't want to risk getting hurt, but after getting to know Specs, Romeo realized he was different. Specs was patient and understanding. Both enjoy helping others, though in different ways die to their differing personalities. Hades doesn't care much. As long as his children are happy, he's alright. He's already been through the gay son stage and he sort of knows how to handle it if Specs suddenly appears in the Underworld. The other gods struggle because they aren't as in tune with their kids as Hades is. Aphrodite is so down with it because she can see how perfect the two are together. She's an exception to the gay child struggle because she's the Goddess of love. It's self explanatory. This makes Specs and Romeo's relationship that much easier.
Henry and Morris: Morris is extremely hesitant. Him and Henry have known each other for years and he has to admit, he likes the guy. He's so different from the people he gets stuck around because of Oscar. Morris eventually agrees to secretly meeting Henry so Oscar won't give him hell for it. Morris takes forever to actually trust Henry enough to give him some insight to his life. Henry is there for him. Out in public, Henry helps Morris adjust to making friends if he wants. Jack is there too, but Henry is different. Morris chose to let Henry help him. Jack kinda got stuck with it, although he doesn't complain because he's learned that Morris needs some actual brotherly comfort. Morris learns to trust Henry and Henry never takes this for granted. He'd rather give up cooking and baking than hurt Morris.
Ike and Hotshot: This relationship tends to get interesting. Since Hotshot and Spot are best friends, Hotshot knows what a Hermes kid can be like. Ike is different though. As outrageous and mischievous as he is, Ike can be the most sensitive, loving guy. Hotshot isn't one for PDA or even a lot of intimate stuff, but he understands that Ike is a touchy person. He isn't clingy, just a bit touchy. They hold hands and Hotshot will let Ike lay on his chest in the Hades Cabin because that's one of the few places where they can be alone(with the exception of Specs and Romeo). The two got together through Spot and Race. Spot wanted to help Hotshot move forward in life and Race wanted a reason for Ike and Mike to not always be together because the two can be overwhelming. Somehow, Ike and Hotshot hit it off great. Hotshot found it easy to listen to Ike and Ike found it easy to read Hotshot's moods.
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scruffyssketchbook · 4 years
what are the relationships between each of the pairs of twins? as in, John to Dawn, Daisy to Roger, Chiki to Al, etc and viceversa. Aka, how do they feel about each other?
Author chan: hmm, well Vay and Blizz- Blizz loves Vay and has a strong brotherly attachment to him and his well being, and openly shows this. Tends to use the “tough love” approach, which, tbh, annoys the heck out of Vay. Meanwhile, Vay is usually cold and distant to Blizz, but deep down, unknowist to him, has a huge soft spot for him. Blizz: What I feel about Vay? *smiles brightly* He’s my bro! I love em! He has some issues he needs to work on, and has been through a lot, and I just wanna support em and see him grow! Vay: ...Blizz? *Vay Pauses, thinking* ...He’s always nagging at me to do things like talk to the all the evil eevees in our brotherhood (Vay thinks all Icedrops are evil) and is never around when I need someone. He only approaches me when he is bored and is a massive idiot. *he turns away, annoyed* ... I just. keep having flashbacks to how things were before he lost his memory. I want that Blizz back.
John and Dawn- They were close as kits, along with Oliver, but as time went on, they drifted apart. John is not exactly the most interesting vee, and both of them are always busy. She has a closer relationship to Oliver at this point, but doesn't notice. John: How.. I feel about Dawn? .... I wish she’d talk to me more, I guess. But I understand that she doesn’t have time for me... *he sighs, sadly.* Dawn: John? Oh! Me and him are thick as thieves, haven't seen him in a while, I wonder how he is doing.
LKD- Kevin is usually the one who cares about both of his brothers openly. Levin doesn't see how much he needs both of them,and tends to take them for granted. Devin has a very wild and sporadic imagination, and that tends to make the other two shut his ideas and thoughts down, a lot. So, despite liking his bothers, he usually feels inferior around them.
Levin: Kevin’s fine, I guess. Devin’s also fine, I guess. Dunno what else you want me to say ‘bout ‘em. Kevin: ...Levin.. seems distant. I cant have a decent conversations about emotions with him. And Devin kinda seems like he doesn’t want to do the things we do. *sighs* I worry about them both. Devin: ... Kevin is nice. He l-listens to me an’ stuff... AN’... Levin... *his ears droop* I dunno, I have a feelin’ he thinks I’m n-n-n *pauses and scrunches his face* NOT a big part of the team *he sighs in frustration*
Daisy and Rodger- Daisy and Rodger have a really close relationship. It wasn’t always as close as it is now, due to Daisy always going off with the bad crowd as kits, but after events happened, she started staying with him more.  Ofc, their relationship isn’t perfect. Despite how bland he might look, Rodger has ambitions. He wants to be involved in the politics of the Eevee box more, and do something about the current very bad, terribly awful situation that the eevee box is in that I cant say, but. Dusk dismisses him, in favor of Daisy. And this makes him kind of super Jealous and does affect their relationship, tho, he doesn’t realize it. Daisy does realize it tho, cause its pretty obvious to everyone but him, and tries keeping him in the loop of the things that she does.
Daisy: Rodger... has helped me a lot recently... Like... he is the one who suggested I’d make a routine! and he has supported me a lot!! Despite me always worrying him... I! ...I... I always want to show my gratitude for him.. but I dunno how...  Rodger: I... worry about her... a lot. One day, she walked up to me with this... haunted look in her eyes, with blood stains on her fur, and collapsed, saying that it was her fault over and over again... She hasn’t been the same after that, and wont tell me what happened... I know about the spy missions she went on, I know about the night her powers manifested, I know that she is Dusk’s favorite, but... I dunno... *he puts his head in his paws sighs* ... I’ll just try helping her the best that I can. She is my sister, you know? I want her to be happy. But, it kinda is clear that she was happiest before she evolved.
Mac and Jack- You know those super close twins that constantly impersonate and act like each other for fun? yeah, that’s them lol Mac: How I feel about Jack? Jack: Why do you want to know? Mac: Do you want a snack? Jack: Or play in a big show? Mac: Maybe if we talk Jack: it’ll be a bit clearer Mac: But that would mean Jack: You’d have to come a bit nearer
Mike and Tike- They are really, REALLY close. The two have been through a lot, despite appearances, and Mike does everything for Tike to be happy. They are like best friends, it seems one sided on the outside, because Tike is always the one jabbering to Mike with bearly any reply, but when they are alone, they both talk sa whole bunch to each other. Their care for each other rivals the care Blizz has for Vay and Eve tbh. Mike: ... Tike: Eh? How I feel ‘bould ol’ Mike? He’s da best bro evah! Don’t take his silence as a bad thin’, Yo He iz just not uh talker, well shiiit, dude talks ta me, just not everybody else. Mike iz strong, he beats up those mad stupid greenpaw wimps wif nahh questions asked tight like. ah bet you'd wants uh bomb bro like him cause he iz just dat tight dude. Like when he wuz getting picked on fo' his teef, guess what? Bof o' us beat up all dem asses! naw-BODY gonna pick on ma mckin' bro! n' dude be da one Who the fuck thought o' da bodyguard scam! like, awww, sho, we's cant "hit" eevees normally, but if we provided protection n' they couldn't pay us, then yeah biatch! We's gots free reign ta muq dem up! plus, Plus, we's can muq up dem fools beating down on our clients too. Mike also gots us into being bomb buds wif LKD! We be so tight now!
Chiki and Al- Barely have a relationship. Their personalities are so opposite from each other and they never formed a bond with each other as kits due to their opposing natures. They treat each other as just litermmates, and to their knowledge, that is what they are. Not twins, just littermates.
Chiki: Al...? Ah! He’ my littermate! We worked together as nurses for a while, but we are not close. ^^ Al: ... She’s nice enough... I guess. 
Noriko and Dario- Still in development...
Ren, Gwen, and Ben- Still in development, BUT! Are very, VERY close.
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eiirisworkshop · 4 years
Untitled OHSHC Fic
For Good Intentions WIP Fest, details of which can be found @goodintentionswipfest
I just barely started writing a Hunny/Mori fic.  Lost interest after finding a good one someone else had written that was pretty close to what I had planned.
Takashi Morinozuka doodled geometrics along the margin of his notes during the break between classes.  In the desk next to him, Honey had fallen asleep with his blond head pillowed on his folded arms.  Takashi reached over to fix Honey's collar and smooth his hair.
“Are you sure there's nothing going on between them?” a girl across the classroom murmured to her seatmate, almost inaudible under the hum of conversation.
“I'm sure,” came the waningly patient reply.
Takashi recognized the two girls—they were in his class and were both regular guests at the Host Club—though he didn't know them well. One of them—Mai, Maiko, something like that—usually sat with him and Honey.  The other one—he had no idea what her name was—had been a usual guest of the twins but, since Kaoru's announcement and the subsequent discontinuation of The Brotherly Love Package, she'd been host hopping.  Last week she'd sat with her friend at his and Honey's table.
“But, Mori is so...so tender toward Honey.”
“They're friends, Hanah.  And cousins.”
Mai-what's-her-name sighed long-sufferingly.
Takashi found himself studying Mitskuni, his classmates' words echoing in his mind.
But Mori's so tender toward Honey.
They're friends, Hannah. And cousins.
Of course they were friends. Everyone knew they were friends. And they were cousins, too, by marriage. Takashi cared about him, why shouldn't he?  Why did the girls at this school—especially the twins' regulars—always have to think that any relationship between two boys was a romantic one?
Mitskuni was his friend; they'd known each other all their lives. He was comfortable with Mitskuni—he understood Takashi even when he didn't speak. He was familiar—his golden curls & the way they'd get crushed when he slept on them, so Takashi would have to fix them, the bright clear blue of his eyes, the firm grip of his small-but-strong hands as he climbed onto Takashi's back, the sugar and musk scent of him. All of him as familiar to Takashi as he was to himself. More so. His mere presence was a comfort to Takashi.
*** Notes:
So Mori realizes that he's having feels about Honey so he starts being awkward because he doesn't want to ruin their friendship.  Honey starts being worried that Mori's mad at him cuz he's avoiding Honey.
The twins fucking notice, point it out to Haruhi, who points it out to Kyoya (who already knew).  Tamaki has no clue.
Mori and Honey discuss feels at a table and Honey ends up vaulting over the table into Mori's lap to snog him and knocks his chair over backward.
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homenum-revelio-hq · 4 years
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Welcome (back) to the Order of the Phoenix, Gina!
You have been accepted for the role of non-biography character AMOS DIGGORY with the faceclaim of Sam Claflin! We were intrigued by the plot possibilities you bring to the game through both Amos’ job and his motivations, and all the trouble that his best intentions might well cause for the Order he hopes to help! We also liked how you didn’t let the Diggorys’ wholesome depiction from the books get in the way of showing the darker nuances of Amos’ outlook on the magical world. We’re so happy to have you back with us!
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours! Thank you for joining the fight against Voldemort!
NAME: Gina
AGE: 25
TIMEZONE: MST-Arizona (or GMT-7)
ACTIVITY LEVEL: Hello! I’m glad to be applying again! Things have called down at work for the most part – especially being at home. Like before, weekends are usually best for me to catch up on everything. I’ll try to get on during the week – especially on my early days. All that being said, I’ll definitely will be able to post at least once a week! As long as writing is still fun, and doesn’t feel like a chore, I’ll be on the dash frequently (and I’ll let you know immediately about any changes)!
ANYTHING ELSE: trigger: non-con.
NAME: Amos Diggory
AGE: 27
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: Cis-Male, He/Him, Bisexual
HOUSE ALUMNI: Hufflepuff
Amos is a very friendly and jovial fellow. A gentleman to the core, he upholds all that the Diggorys instilled in him as a child. Well-mannered, he is a Brit – fond of food, drink, music, a full pipe, his friends and good cheer, and often greets any and all strangers from both the Wizarding and Muggle worlds. Able to charm many, Amos likes to flirt (not matter how cheesy it may come off). With the traveling for his work and care for creatures, Amos loves adventures and wandering.
An only child can go in a few directions. Luckily, Amos took the amicable path – making his friends and schoolmates his family. His loyalty and devotion to them all is a strong bond that should not be taken lightly. While his parents passed away at a young age, Amos does not let their teachings go to waste. Above all else, Amos believes in family firmly – of all kinds. For him, family is what you build and make your own; water is not thinner than blood – pure or not.
Employee of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures
Fresh out of school, Amos wanted to travel all across Europe to find the different magical beasts and beings he would be protecting. Therefore, he has been sifting through many of the sub-divisions of the Beast Division. Recently, he went on a trip to the Americas – particularly to see and gather more information about the behavior of various creatures since he’s seen some strange patterns in Europe. There, he used the study of the great beasts known as Thunderbirds in the wilds of Arizona as a cover. However, once word from Arthur Weasley came about a war in the Wizarding World, Amos quickly made his way back to London. Now, he is transferring to a higher position within the Werewolf Support Services in the Being Division. His goal is to become the Head of the entire department to make a good life for his family and provide when he decides to settle down.
Now back home, Amos is making his rounds to old friends and networking. Many of them have joined the Order – or family members within it. Having no siblings himself, he cares deeply for his old schoolmates and those fighting for justice. He will help in any way he can, but, behind the curtain. His heart is big and gives to many, but he also has a name to uphold and a reputation that he built himself. Amos cannot just go blindly into battle. Besides all of that, he does want to build a life with someone after the war, giving hope to others.
Amos Diggory relies, not only on his magical skills, but also his intellect, and charm. As a member of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, Amos Diggory has a high level of knowledge regarding Magizoology. He knows how to classify many different beasts and beings, and the various laws regulating the ownership of such creatures – such as Ban on Experimental Breeding. In other words, work for their agenda without retaliation.
As for charms, Amos can produce a non-corporeal patronus charm as well as many other incantations (like the eradication spell) that make others consider him an accomplished wizard. In short, he survives because of his unique skills he offers the Ministry and not being outspoken about his opinions. While he disputes blood supremacy, he must keep his head down. For his career and future family. While with the Order, Amos hopes to become an ally within the Ministry for them. He realizes how important their work is and to have friends woven into the system.
Amos has a rather brotherly friendship with Arthur Weasley’s siblings (whom he would later become further acquainted with at the Ministry for work). Being schoolmates, the pair of gingers and Amos had fun roaming the halls and getting themselves into playful trouble. Even after Hogwarts, they continued to visit and write each other often. He then grew a friendship with Arthur with their work – then becoming familiar with Molly and (of course) the Prewett twins. In fact, Amos is rather fond of them – admiring their skills greatly. He would like to think he has a cordial relationship with them, considering he’d do anything for both of the Weasley and Prewett families. Perhaps he even has a well-hidden crush on one of the twins – or both.
As for anything romantic, Amos did have a fair crush on Andromeda Black, but knew she was bound to marry an older and successful Pureblood male, so never made it known to anyone but Arthur. Imagine Amos’ surprise when he heard about Ted! For years, he has been travelling all across Europe, and even visited many parts of the world. With that, Amos had shared a few beds (of both men and women) to ‘get it out of his system’ before his Pureblood family expects him to marry a proper Pureblood woman.
Ships: Amos/Chemistry Anti-Ships: None
Being a Pureblood and a male, Amos had had few disadvantages in life and is well aware of it. He denounces blood supremacy – believing wholly that family is what you make it and anyone is worthy to study magic.   He supports all students with non-magic parents to study at Hogwarts.
Working with beasts and beings, Amos wants a better world for the creatures that cannot voice for themselves. It is the non-humans and beings he has a bias towards. Those with human qualities, a voice, and can fend for themselves. Particularly, this is because of an old grudge he holds against the house-elf Tilly that abandoned him after his parent passed away at a young age.
WHAT ARE YOU MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO? Plotting & writing again – and with the tremendous writers in this RP!
No wife / family / Cedric yet. Amos is definitely looking to settle down though. Being from a Pureblood family, he will look at the aristocratic women in that society. For instance, a woman like Emma – although a bit older. Or the beloved Andromeda.
Something between Remus and Amos since he’s now in the department of Werewolf Support Services & something about looking at the creatures being recruited for the Death Eaters. Working with so many beasts and beings that have seen such cruelty in the world, Amos merely wants to help make it brighter for them; give them a future.
ANYTHING ELSE? Super excited to be RE-applying! 😊
PAST: (trigger: death)
Honor. Dignity. Pride. A dictum of all the facets that embodied the Diggory family. Their beliefs were traditional, being a Pureblood house. Born on September 22nd, Amos Rigel Diggory grew up in a home his father constructed himself in Devon, England. With Amos as their only child, Domhnall Diggory and Isabella Tabor raised Amos with these ideals of family and devotion. Their goal was to make him a proper Pureblood aristocrat – who could manipulate any situation into his favor and even charm others as well. All to uphold the family name and blend in with the other Pureblood families – with a mask of a ‘proper gent’ in  society.
Growing up in Devon, a young Amos met the Weasley brothers. Not only this, but the fertile and hills of the Shire land was also the home to the Lovegood and Fawcett families. With that, Amos quickly found his “siblings” with the family members of his neighbors. Going to school with many of them made their little adventures within the fallen Tudor towers, riverbanks, and grasslands all the better! The youthful Diggory was curious and eager for news of the outside worlds – Magical and Muggle alike. He grew fond of the various little creatures like the bowtruckles and erklings near his home. Although, his mother’s emphasis on being a ‘Pureblood Gentleman’ took his innocence away slightly. Amos was quickly carted off into playing an instrument, studying etiquette, having a fit physique, disciplining of the mind, meeting with other Pureblood families frequently, parties, seeing sports as a luxury, and (of course) good marks in school. Meanwhile, his father put an emphasis on politics – often taking him to the office, showing him card games (along with betting fellow Ministry employees and even kissing arse at times), a prejudice against non-humans (categorized as ‘beings’ in the Ministry – which are much different from beasts, of course), and an understanding of the dark arts. Amos was to be ‘the perfect Purebood prospect’ for their family.
And that he was.
Even if he incorporated his own agenda into it.
In school, raised to be the charmer that he was, Amos shined as a ‘fun and sociable’ young man. While also loyal and determined to excel in magic, Amos was sorted into the Hufflepuff house – to his absolute delight. Immediately taken to Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts, Amos wormed his way as many of the faculty’s favorite. Even if he had skipped assignments, which he would never do (from pride alone), all he had to do was flash a smile and was in the clear. Although, his favorite subjects were Care of Magical Creatures – from pure nostalgia alone – and Transfiguration. With many friends and favor of the professors, Amos had a bit of an ego. His weaknesses were a lack of humility, insecurities, and a temper that could easily get him in trouble with other classmates.
Amos’ anger surged even more after the death of his parents. First his father from an illness, and then his mother from heartbreak. It made Amos much more somber and dedicated to his schoolwork. Especially when their house-elf Tilly left him on his own. He supposed the betrayal to the family was because Amos disregarded him completely when he was home – if he was ever there. Without any aunts or uncles to turn to for help, Amos became consumed in working new jobs in London, seeing the Underground world. There, he made himself good friends with the innkeeper Tom of The Leaky Cauldron. More often than not, when Amos was not in school, he stayed there. Unfortunately, some of his friends drifted away from him and he grew to appreciate times alone, or with only a friend or so. After getting outstanding scores on his N.E.W.T.S, a Pureblood wizard, that had been friends with his father, offered him a few positions within the Ministry. With new opportunities thrust upon him, Amos felt a bit overwhelmed. He took the proper amount of time to himself, ignoring his friends even more as weeks passed by while he tried to resolve the issue himself. However, there was one thing he was certain: the occupation could not be his entire life. He did not want any future family solely revolving around his own career, his own selfish desires. If his parents taught him anything, it was that family had to be put first. Family above all else – then friends and, finally, work.
In the end, working in the Ministry seemed the most promising. With the options laid out before him, the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures seemed the most logical. He could use his skills of Magizoology, that were his top marks at Hogwarts – and rise in the ranks quickly. Not to mention that it was challenging! And Amos loves a good challenge. The work piqued his interests greatly. It was a way to use his skills, travel, and keep a stable (while sometimes dangerous) occupation. His professors were ecstatic and helped him prepare for what he would need and the up-and-coming interviews. Finally, Amos had a dream and lust for adventure.
Amos has returned to England – taking up residency in his parents’ old home in Devon. However, sometimes with late nights with work, he rents out his old room in the Leaky Cauldron. Before coming back, however, he had traveled all over Europe. The job needed someone with his knowledge of creatures, and dare he say, his Pureblood bias towards non-humans as well to properly carry out the Ministry’s work. And over the years, he noticed more and more strange behavior. To see if some of the beasts in other parts of the world were acting similarly, Amos decided to get a grant from the Ministry to study out of Europe. For about eighteen months, the Beasts Division allowed him to do some of his scholarly work in the Americas. At the time, because of Muggle-wars, the non-magical world was seeing huge economic reforms and impacting how much the Wizarding world could interact and be out in the open. In short, they let him go to America because it was the only place they could afford to. Their homeland was becoming more and more integrated with Muggle turmoil. Once in the United States, Amos stayed in the wilds of Arizona. There, he used studying Thunderbirds as a cover while watching other magical creatures. Now home, he revels in the stories he holds close to his heart (somewhat even bragging to the wrong ears). All the while, their own war rages on.
Wanting a higher position, Amos has looked into the Being Division within the Ministry. Normally, because of his prejudice against non-humans, Amos would have refused. Especially since house-elves are categorized as beings. However, he has been promised a well-respected role in the Werewolf Support Services for a year. All he has to do is keep his head down and do the tasks at hand. Perhaps here, he can get more answers than his travels did. And while a few of his childhood friends continue to aid the Order, Amos cannot help but wonder in ways he can work behind the curtain. For his own peace of mind, and the devotion to those from his youth (a Hufflepuff through and through – and loyal to a fault). As such, he has given himself the task to find the creatures being recruited for the Dark Lord – and which are still unsure of what side to take. Perhaps, he can even use his charms to convince them. However, no matter what, he cannot do more than gather information…quietly. He cannot jeopardize his career or the Diggory name.
FC CHOICES: Sam Claflin, Garrett Hedlund, or Max Irons
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asatoyuya · 5 years
Pash!Plus Interview
“If it’s Kai, it’ll surely be alright.” – The Royal Tutor Asato Yuya Interview & 『Tomodachi Iijyou × Suteki Miman』music video shooting
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Pash!+: Great job on shooting the music video! How did you find it after watching the finished product?
Asato: Honestly, it was pretty lonely. When I was filming the previous music video 『Prince Night~Doko ni Ita nano sa!? MY PRINCESS~』, everyone was present then. I was able to spend a lot of time speaking with everyone but this time round I filmed it alone, and even till the end I wasn’t able to meet with everyone except Dai-chan (Hirose Daisuke) who was with me at the filming…it was lonely (laughs).
Pash!+: In any case, it was quite lonely right? (LOL) How did you find the dance?
Asato: The theme for the dance this time round is “adorkable” (cute & dorky). Even though it was the same choreographer MAMORU-san who choreographed the dance for the previous music video 『Prince Night~Doko ni Ita nano sa!? MY PRINCESS~』, the choreography for 『Tomodachi Iijyou × Suteki Miman』is really cute. Furthermore, there are a lot of simple dance movements so I think everybody should be able to copy it easily!
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Pash!+: The theatrical version will be released in February, and in April, the same storyline has been scheduled to be performed on stage as a musical. How did you feel when you heard the news to bring 『The Royal Tutor』back to life again?
Asato: I was waiting for the news myself, and I was fairly certain that there would be a 2nd season for the series, so when I heard the news, I was pretty calm on the contrary, only thinking "Oh, it finally came ..." (laughs).
Last year I was involved in “The Royal Tutor” for about a year from the first season of the anime to the stage adaptation, but even after the anime / musical has ended, I still met up with the other members to eat together, travel together, and also going to the shrine together to offer prayers on New Year’s Day. During that period, we were talking about wanting to do “The Royal Tutor” again, so even when the actual recording had ended, we still had many opportunities to reflect about “The Royal Tutor”.
That’s why I was genuinely happy when the movie was decided. And I have always loved the original "The Royal Tutor” work and continuously read it, so I'm looking forward to the development of this original story as a fan of this work.
Pash!+: The theme of the bromide and character voice-attached advanced tickets is “A date with sensei and the princes.” for the animated version, and “Sensei & the princes lying down”  in the real-life version respectively. We thought that this is a fairly unusual type of advance ticket, but what did you think when you heard about the concept of it? Also, how did the voice recording go?
Asato: The first thought I had was “WTF was that!”(laughs). But I do think that it is a new concept to adopt, and it is an enjoyable item to listen to once or twice. Besides that, don’t you think that this is a wonderful project that keeps the fans “excited��� till February from the time the movie was announced, and with the advanced tickets, fans can have “more fun” waiting for the release of the movie in theatres. With this, you won’t be lonely till the opening of the movie in theatres!
I hope that the fans are all able to enjoy a date with certainly not only Kai, but also with Heine Sensei and the rest till the opening of the movie. I think it may be difficult to listen to everyone’s character voices. But I hope that they will be able to do it nevertheless…!
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Pash!+: It’s been a while since you had to act as Kai for those advanced tickets, how did it go?
Asato: As I have been involved in "The Royal Tutor” before, I hear Ue-chan’s voice as Heine Sensei in my head while reading the original work, so hearing Da-chan’s voice as Leonhard somehow refreshed my memories of acting as Kai. Of course, my voice also brought Kai back to life so I felt like I was back doing "The Royal Tutor” again even it felt strange recording after a long period of not being involved in working on "The Royal Tutor”. It’s been a long while since our last recording session but I could still act as Kai naturally without any sense of discomfort.
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Pash!+: Before the movie opens in theatres, please introduce the charm of "The Royal Tutor” in your own words.
Asato: "The Royal Tutor” is a work that contains a lot of the teachings of life. Heine's "educational guidance" is fresh to the princes, but it is surely a natural thing for us. However, what I thought was right before was corrected so to speak, I could feel myself going, “Ahh, so that’s what it means.” As I read it, I could really feel it deeply in my heart.
So I like that part of this work, and also how Heine Sensei was able to teach about virtues from the story. Besides that, the story depicts so much love such as brotherly love and the love between the teacher and his students, and the love between a father and his sons, so much that it brings you to tears when you see it, and your heart is filled with warmth.
Also, there are also many funny points in the work. Like when Leonhard said “1+1=3” , I immediately thought “Oi, are you that stupid!” (laugh). However, the story then on focuses on how to make the princes great kings, and I think it is very touching. As the princes learn, there are also times when it gets funny. This is how wonderful "The Royal Tutor” is. I’ve really tried my best to summarise it well (laughs).
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Pash!+: Thank you very much for that (laughs).  What are you visualising Kai to be like while acting as him?
Asato: As I had the pleasure to act as Kai, I always wondered how Kai would be like as I read the original work and these thoughts about Kai kept increasing, and my love for him deepened. Of course, not only just Kai, I also become worried about the other brothers, thinking “What will happen to them in the future?” , for Leonhard I thought “He’s cute…”, for Bruno and Licht “Oi! Oi! Is the relationship between you two okay?”. In that sense, Kai is the stable one, and you don’t have to worry about him when you look at him. When it comes to Kai, he’ll surely be okay.
For now, I have a different worry, whether Kai will have to speak in the theatrical version. Since it is for the movie version, I will be happy to give it all my best to get him to speak (laughs).
Pash!+: Do you have any thoughts or messages that you can say about or to the members who make up the cast of "The Royal Tutor" ?
Asato: Aoi-chan (Shouta-san) is the one closest to my age so we could get along pretty well. He’s my senior when it comes to voice acting jobs, so he gives me a lot of recording advice and helped me out a lot. This time round, I think I want to be able to challenge myself using my own strengths as compared to more than a year ago, but I think that is good to have someone to rely on too.
For Adachi-chan, let’s just say everyone is addicted to Ibaraki Prefecture now (laughs). As one of the more animated persons, Adachi-chan is like a mood maker for everyone when you speak with him. When Adachi-chan is around, he helps to relax the atmosphere, be it in a good way or in a bad way (laughs). I’m happy to be able to continue to keep in touch with my brother and sensei.
For Ue-chan, he’s someone that is firm in his believes and is strong in his own opinions. It’s like Heine-Sensei really exists inside of him. Also, I think there is a lot of pressure acting in a work like "The Royal Tutor” so we could see a side of Ue-chan that we have never seen before when we are together, and a side of Ue-chan where he looked pressured. Although he is in a position where he teaches us as Heine-Sensei in the work, but I think it’ll be good if we all can support him in real life.  
Lastly is Da-chan!  Da-chan, please continue to be as cute as Leonhard!  Da-chan is really like Leonhard, but when he realises it, he immediately stops behaving like that. Kinda tsundere right? But, he is the most serious among all of us members. He’s also better at dancing and singing as compared to any of us.
However, I wonder if I am worrying too much. When I’m on stage, I say things like, "Please go to the hospital if you are overly anxious!" I am more concerned about the others than of myself. It’s also because I am not confident and I am always worried about things. No no, I’m just like that! I want to be more confident and support everyone more.
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Pash!+: Do you have any last message to share with our readers?
Asato: I am really happy that the "The Royal Tutor” has been made into a movie, and I’m really happy to be able to step up to the challenge again as an actor through the anime version and stage version. I hope to show you a difference in the bonds and growth of the characters from the time of the TV anime till then.
I am also looking forward to seeing how the twins will appear in the movie version and how they will be interacting with us and Heine-sensei. I am certain that there will be some disturbances (laughs), but I think that brings a refreshing angle to " The Royal Tutor". I'm looking forward to it myself, but I hope you're looking forward to it as well. See you at the theatre!
Pash!+: Thank you very much!
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© Original Interview: http://www.pashplus.jp/interview/116108/
Translated by Asato Yuya International Fanpage. 
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