#also i’ve made many friends through sparks :)
Can you recommend fanfiction that you personally really like?
Yes! Love this ask. I’ve never made a Zutara fic rec list partially because I’ve read so many wonderful stories over time that I find the prospect daunting! 
But there are absolutely certain stories that I have a personal soft spot for, that I return to again and again. And that’s my criteria for what’s included below. This is a sampling of fics that I find myself coming back to, in no particular order. I may come back and add more, because this list is so far from exhaustive. A mix of ratings (marked), so keep that in mind.
Wish I Was the Moon by Like a Dove (T), post-canon: There’s so much that I love about the way this one-shot explores Katara’s character and what she faces post-canon, how she frees herself, strikes out in the world and finds her way home. Her feelings for Zuko, and her inner-conflict around them, are rendered tangibly, both through scene and subtext. A really good example of how an author can show a character’s lack of/journey to self-knowledge without breaking voice.
Refraction by caroes3725 (E), post-canon: When I started reading Zutara fanfic (for me this was in 2020), this was the fic I was looking for—a deep, realistic-to-canon, in-character exploration of how Zutara could unfold after the events of ATLA in a way that gives Katara in particular the arc she deserves. Really well-done development of the Fire Nation court world, well-developed characters, shining dialogue. An amazingly well-worth-it slow burn.
Wildfire by rainstormdragon (E), post-canon: To me this story is kind of a steamy Zutara thesis. The characters are so spot on and alive, their flaws are on full display in a way that feels realistic, and their chemistry is powered by their compatibility—matched in passion and stubbornness, and also in what they want from life. And I think it really gets Aang, too, which is something that can be hard to find in ZK fic. Also really hot, but that's only part of what makes it really shine.
Partners in Learning by evergreenonthehorizon (T), Modern AU: One of the things I love in modern AUs is watching an author weave that invisible string between these characters. Sometimes, it’s by writing narrative arcs that parallel the series, and sometimes it’s by drawing out the personality traits that make the characters both lovable to readers and such a compelling match and watching that spark bloom into flame. This beautifully written story does that so, so well in a really compelling Modern AU setting. Zuko and Katara here are so wonderfully lovable, and it’s a joy to watch them fall for one another, too.
Journeys by Smediterranea (E), Modern AU: In real life, I want to see my friends in relationships with people who can recognize why they’re so particularly amazing. That potential, I think, part of the appeal of ZK as a ship, and that’s part of the special magic of this fic. Watching these two characters get to know one another—really see one another—and fall in love deliciously sweeps the reader up. Plus, really fun, in character cameos from the rest of the Gaang along the way.
Spark, set fire by marijayne (T), Modern AU: literary fanfic, and I mean that in the best way. This story is beautiful and bittersweet, the latter is not often something I seek out in fanfic (where I hide from life), but here it’s gorgeous and worth it. The world building here is really cool—allows the author to explore some of a set of cultural issues/interactions that both echo the ATLA world and ours. The characters are so tenderly drawn (dadko especially)—and the connection between them builds beautifully and tangibly—and the longing is…chef’s kiss. 
Wrong when it's right by nire (T), Book 1 Canon Divergence: Before I read this, I couldn't imagine wanting to read a Book 1 Zutara. After, I wanted more. Bickering, bed-roll sharing, shared heat, tenderness and common ground. A delight from start to finish.
Anyway, thanks for asking and happy reading! <3 And if you want more recs, let me know.
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justcallmenikki7 · 3 months
Hi, it’s Nikki.
I’m writing this to give you all, the ones who are still here even tho I’ve been basically hiatus for a while now, with some posts here and there. You probably all, also, saw this coming, but I’m sadly done writing.
God, im crying lmao.
Anyways, I realized after constantly trying to write something, outline, everything, I couldn’t write anymore. Maybe it’s because I went through a severe abusive relationship at the beginning of April 2022 to the end of November of 2022, and it completely changed me as a person. I lost a lot of love, likes, whatever you may call it, from that relationship. It changed me, and one of the things it changed in me was my love for writing. My spark isn’t here anymore, and I’ve been trying to hold on for the last possible year and a half for you guys, but it hasn’t happened. I’m afraid of change, I’m afraid of letting go, and have a bad time of accepting the fact that i mayve grown out of a phase, you know? My love for the boys will always be there, always.
What has also caused me lots of stress, and is a sign of losing my spark, has been trying to write and come up with ideas, and creat stories for those who have messaged me privately, and I feel terrible for not being able to do that, and I hate breaking promises/not keeping my word because I wanted to make you guys happy, and I’ve failed those individuals. I’m sorry for not finishing those requests, and I’m sorry that I never actually started them because I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to make you happy, but I couldn’t get anything out and so I sat for the longest time, trying to get a good paragraph, or in a general a sentence out, but i couldn’t and I didn’t.
And I’ve sadly relapsed the other night after almost 2 years of being clean from s/h. My depression has been in the dumps, and even tho I have so many positives going on in my life and such amazing people, and an amazing partner, my mental health is deteriorating and I need to focus on myself.
I know I’ve once done a short hiatus before and came back because sometimes a small break is good to have, but sometimes all things must come to an end, and I’m officially closing my chapter with tumblr and writing for good.
I’ve made a couple of friends on here, and those friends I want to address real quickly and say my peace.
@wickizer , girl you know everything and ily
@minniepetals . My gosh, I remember reading your story String of Fate when it first came out, and I swore up and down, still today I do, that it’ll be published in the hall of fame. Despite it being on its hiatus, it’s still the best story so far. You deserve an award for your writing, and your story Cry Me A River is such an amazing masterpiece. I’ve been meaning to read it all, but life has gotten in the way and I’m so proud of you. Even tho we haven’t talked in the longest time, I’m still cheering you on, on here and outside of tumblr.
@aft3rhrs . Love, you’re amazing and I hope you take care of yourself and take time for yourself. Self love and self kindness is a priority and make yourself a priority. Your writing is beautiful and I’m glad we befriended each other. I’m cheering you on, and always will. Thank you for being a kind person.
And every other writer that I bonded with on here, I love you and will be a huge cheerleader for you. To those who I reached out to when I was still new for advice, or for me to fangirl to, thank you for being kind and helpful.
And to my followers, the ones who cheered me on to keep writing when I first joined tumblr, thank you for being kind and supportive. I love each and every single one of you. You made this place a safe place for the longest time, and I’m thankful for all of you.
I’m sorry for the longest apology and me basically dumping my issues on here, I just needed to be honest with you all. I didn’t want this to sound like a ‘poor me’ ‘feel sorry for me’ but I needed to, like I said before, be honest with you.
This is scary for me, but this is me saying goodbye.
Love forever and always, justcallmenikki7.
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g-kat423 · 17 days
If Alcina being a lesbian is so important to you why does she have an ex husband in your fic
I’m going to assume this is a genuine question without malicious intent so I will provide a real answer.
This could actually apply to 2 of my fics, but I’m guessing you’re talking about Something Sweet since it’s the one that I update more frequently.
Gonna plop this under a read more since it’s gotten long
Alright, so, the reason for her having an ex husband has been stated throughout the fic. She felt she had to be closeted and to meet certain expectations set for her both by society and by her parents. Sure, people are more accepting now, not that there isn’t still bigotry or pressure to conform, but with the fic taking place in 2022(I started it in 2022 and only a few months have passed in fic time and while I never explicitly stated the year, that’s what everything is based off of, giving Alcina a 1978 birth year and the reader 2001) that means Alcina got married in 2008. Idk if you were around during that time, but homophobia was rampant, being gay was a punchline. It’s not something you would talk about, there’s no way to know if your friends would actually stay your friends and not spread vicious rumors about you. Marriage equality in most states, not a thing. Again, bigots still exist, but it’s generally not this life ruining thing for people to find out you’re queer. Alcina would have come of age in the 90’s which would make that even worse.
That aside, I tend to explore themes of coming out later and families not being being accepting because it’s all I know. I tend to process my trauma through my writing. That and I’m sure it’s no secret that I’ve taken heavy inspiration from Carol only with a sugar baby twist. I also wanted her to have younger, biological children since I felt that would be fitting of a 44 year old divorcee rather than having adopted adult children like she does in canon. Sure, they could have been adopted or older, but there needed to be a reason for her to stay with Kurt for the amount of time that she did. I needed her connected to Karl in someway too. Heisenberg was originally supposed to have a twin brother so I went off of that and now Alcina has her annoying ex brother-in-law(who actually isn’t so bad in this universe, but Alcina won’t hear of it)
As for The Fall of the House of Dimitrescu. I’m sure no one is asking, but in that case Alcina was weak from her hereditary blood disease and didn’t have the energy to be defiant the same way she was as a child. Her father had lost his wife and he had no desire to continue caring for Alcina so he set her up with somebody who she reluctantly went along with. In that case, Alcina wasn’t even aware of her attraction to women yet, she just didn’t understand why she didn’t feel a spark with her soon to be husband. She also assumed it was normal for sex to be an unpleasant “wifely duty.” Once she finally made the connection and had an affair with a woman, turns out she liked sex quite a bit lmao.
Idk, all this aside, I know I’m not the only one who has given Alcina a husband in some context yet still fully believes shes a lesbian. I also have plenty of fics where she’s never had one. The first multichapter fic I wrote she literally left her home and privileged life behind to struggle until she made it as musician rather than marry a man. I don’t think it’s a crime to explore other possibilities. I have so many different headcanons for Alcina and all are universe dependent whether that be modern AU, the canon compliant timeline where she never marries, the canon compliant timeline where she does, and all the other in between stuff that diverges from canon. She’s one of my favorite characters of all time and I love fleshing her out.
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training-trio-irl · 1 year
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Fusions have returned! And this time, I’m here with my hand-picked V3 fusions. I’ve been developing a Fusion AU for all three main game casts, and hopefully one day I’ll get to share my designs for the 1st and 2nd game as well!
— Below are some descriptions of each character. They’re a bit longer than I hoped for, but I would really appreciate if you took a quick read through them if you are at all interested in this AU! —
Kaeki Harumatsu => While in the foster care system, Kaeki has had to help care for many siblings, and her main method was to create and preform stories for them to be relaxed and entertained by. Her stories were very engaging and imagination-sparking for kids, and word of her talent quickly got around, leading to her publishing books and reading her fairytales at children’s events! She is soft spoken, but compassionate and resilient, and very much a leader. Despite her anxieties, she is always striving to achieve a bright future, not just for herself, but for the next generation too.
Shutaro Amahara => One day, Shutaro accidentally got caught up in an expedition through a rarely traversed jungle, lead by his uncle and his archaeology team. After single-handedly coming across never before seen ruins from an ancient civilization, however, he promptly received his ultimate talent. Now he continues to accompany his uncle, and with his exceptional observational skills, survival tactics, and adaptability, has made many profound discoveries. At the end of the day, however, Shutaro would much prefer to be back home, spending time with his three little sisters and stepping out of the spotlight.
Kaikichi Oumota => Kaikichi claims to be the captain of a crew comprised of thousands of members, dispersed all over the world helping those in need. Whether that is true or not, one can not deny that his never ending sea of anecdotes from their travels seem too detailed to be entirely fiction. He is relentlessly positive and strives to maintain a happy atmosphere, to the point where he’ll lie about the reality of a given situation in order to avoid fear and conflict. He calls the seven seas his home, but they believe that they can one day reach the stars as well!
Kiibu Irubashi => Coming from a family of engineers, Kiibu was no stranger to creating little machines with whatever materials were available to them. They always had a knack for robotics, but her incredible abilities were proven when, after a horrible car accident that resulted in the amputation of their right arm, he constructed the world’s first ever working cybernetic arm. Ever since their recognition as an ultimate, her ego has intensified tenfold. While their confidence has proved useful in presenting prototypes and giving speeches, it seems to drive away any potential friends he hopes to make. So for now, this eccentric will stick to building bots to pass the time.
Gorumi Tokuhara => Gorumi got taken in by a very affluent family at a young age after supposedly being separated from his real family in a hiking trip, although the whereabouts of his parents were never uncovered. Growing up, he was tasked with many chores around his adoptive family’s estate, and now serves many members of the upper class around Japan. He is very caring and calculated in nature, but he has also successfully and willingly taken on many assignments that involved physical altercations. Gorumi will do anything to keep peace and order among his friends, but isn’t stingy when it comes to them having some childish fun!
Ryokiyo Shinoshi => It is certainly bizarre that this world famous cricket prodigy turned convicted serial killer got accepted into Hope’s Peak Academy, but that seems to be more common than you’d think for this government-funded high school. Despite his enrollment, there is now doubt that his life has forever been ruined by his actions, but Ryokiyo doesn’t seem to care all that much. Nowadays, forces like “the rules” and “consequences” don’t seem to phase him. Handcuffs are ready on one of his wrists in case anything gets too out of hand.
Himugi Shiromeno => Himugi is, simply put, unhappy with her talent. It is true that she has assisted many impressive magicians and illusionists, helping them pull off many tricky stunts, but she recognizes that, compared to other talents at Hope’s Peak, hers is underwhelming. Of course, she can’t deny that she is grateful to attend such a prestigious academy, but she wished it would be for something cooler. Regardless, she does her best to focus on what’s important to her: following the rules, getting good grades, and making new talented friends! She still can’t help but be a little cynical, though…
Angko Chabanaga => Coming from a small but tight-knit community, she put her home on the map after joining a famous aerial arts troupe and quickly becoming the star of the show. Angko is always on the move, both physically and metaphorically, and her chaotic lifestyle can be hard for others to keep up with. Her larger-than-life aura may seem a bit standoffish at first, but in reality she is very outgoing and kind, always doing what she can to support others.
As always, if anyone has any suggestions, fun ideas, or ways to incorporate better the aspects of either component in a fusion, feel free to send an ask or leave it in the tags!
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theravenclawlover · 2 years
🎃Kinktober Day 23🎃
Day Prompt: Cockbulge/Hate sex/Deepthroating & Facesitting
Word Count: 1,284
Warnings: +18 (MDNI), sexual content, dry humping, violence, hair pulling, choking, hate sex, and my writing as usual babes.
A/N: Honestly, all the prompts are something I fucking love to write about but hate sex won because I got Yelena for day twenty-three lol. I honestly could write Yelena hate sex all day. I am a sucker for it.
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Yelena Belova x F!Reader
You weren’t one to have enemies, at least not in the personal sense of the word. As one of the few remaining Avengers that joined before the Sokovian Accords, you had many grand-scale enemies through the years, but you had one on a personal level now. But not because you fought on different sides of the law, but because neither could see eye-to-eye. Yelena—Natasha’s sister as per Clint’s explanation to you—was someone with whom you couldn’t get along with. No matter how hard Clint tried to make you friends. He’d taken charge of you after you’d lost your mentors and friends, and now he also took care of Kate, and occasionally, Yelena. Clint usually paired you both up, a bonding experience he’d call it when you had gone on a complaining rant to him. He’d been amused, but your anger and rant hadn’t deterred him. And today was another day where he had put you both together even if he knew it could go to shit. But this was no training, this was a small mission to take down a raising group of idiots who thought could strike fear amongst people with their guns.
Clint and Kate were to come in from the north side of the building while you took the south side. And as if irony had been looming around you, Yelena and you were quick to spark hatred amongst commands.
“Jesus, can you be any more annoying?” hissed Yelena as she drew her gun to deck a dude that had been made aware of your presence by their fighting. But he didn’t have the time to warn anyone.
“Girls-” but Clint was interrupted by your annoyed groan at Yelena’s words.
“Me? annoying?” you glared, finger digging into her shoulder. “You are the most annoying person I’ve ever met, and I was friends with Tony Stark.”
“Oh no, you win the title of the most annoying person ever,” she slapped your hand away, a glare of her own. “You do nothing but complain about everything, and let’s not forget that you think you can boss me around every time we have a mission. I don’t need you. I could do this all by myself, be done with it in minutes without your annoying voice.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot,” you gave her an unimpressed grin that was borderline mocking, “you make being a skilled assassin your whole personality. Reminds me of just how shallow you really are.”
It was no surprise that had won you a good punch on your left side, but when you both fought, someone came out with a bruise. Yelena attempted another blow at you, but you evaded, your right hand connecting to her left side. Your knuckles throbbed as you went for another blow as she did too. Both of you were soon in a quick defensive as an equally offensive stand. You could hear gunshots from your earpiece, both Clint and Kate trying to both fight off enemy fire as well as stop you two from killing one another. But neither could stop.
Yelena had hit you twice in the stomach before you managed an uppercut hit before a kick threw her against the wall. She quickly recover before she pushed herself away from it send you back against a desk with a kick of her own. You huffed as you fell back, she straddled you, her hands around your neck. You hissed as you tried to pull her off, but finding it futile, you wrapped your hands around her and with great strength, you rolled yourself over sending you both to the floor with a thud.
Her hands left your throat, and as you gasped for air, you straddled her now, your hands grabbing her own above her head.
“Fuck you!” she spat out, her eyes glaring up at you with so much hatred you could always taste it on the tip of your tongue.
“The feeling is fucking mutual, princess,” you said as you leaned down. Your voice dropping to a low tone to mark with precision just how much that hatred ran down.
“Don’t call me that,” she squinted her eyes, hands fighting your grip, but you were stronger.
“I can call you whatever I want,” you smiled grimly.
Yelena growled in frustration as you made pressure on her wrists, her legs trying to throw you off, but you were stronger as you pressed on her.
“Let go of me.”
You hummed again and this time you kept your silence as you watched with a wicked smirk how much she hated you and the fact that she couldn’t fight you off. Something about watching her raw hatred for you, the very same feeling you felt for her, was doing something to you.
And as if something had gotten ahold of you, the mere inches that you had between each other disappeared as you leaned down to press your lips against her sneer.
Yelena froze underneath you, lips unmoving as were yours. You pulled with a frown at your actions. Yelena’s eyes were narrowed, and the sneer only deepened.
“Fuck. You.” The words had the same hate as before but the low tone her voice had taken made the words come out like a tense growl that was masking the uncertainty of emotions she felt. And you hated that you could relate.
“If you keep growling at me I will.”
It was as sudden as yours, the kiss she chased as she lifted her head. By no means the kiss was sweet, it was everything but. All teeth and growls of disgust for the other and annoyance as the heat you both felt. It was like eating something you claim you disliked to only find out you could get used to the flavor it had offered all along.
But the hatred was still there, right next to, if not holding hands with, the lust the kiss had erupted.
One of the hands that had been on her wrists wrapped around her throat just as she did the same to you. Neither let the other get away with having the upper hand in something neither of you seemed to have control over. Without thinking much, both of you moved around, Yelena still on her back as you found yourself on top of her, but this time one of your legs moved to press your thigh against her pussy. You made pressure as you moved to press yourself to her slightly raised thigh. Both of you groaned into the heated kiss.
Yelena’s other hand won against the grip of your hand, and she went for your hair. She pulled your head to the side, breaking the kiss as you groaned angrily and lustfully.
“Huh, like it rough?” she mocked when you began to move your hips, grinding your pussy on her thigh while you pressed further into her. The hand on her neck moved to grab her jaw tightly as the other dug to grab the hair that was being moused from squirming against the floor. She groaned as a moan escaped first.
“And so do you,” you groaned. Yelena rose her hips as she offered herself some more friction to her cunt. She let go of your head, and you dove right down to kiss her. Just as angrily as before.
This time Yelena couldn’t hold back the full moan as you both moved in sync, finding a rhythm that helped get each other off.
“Are you two fucking right now?!”
You let go of Yelena like she suddenly was a scalding thing just as she crawled away from you. You’d forgotten about the ear comms.
“And they still sounded like they were trying to kill one another,” added Clint.
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gyundo · 1 year
“I’m so glad I forgot my towel”
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Dong Si Cheng (WinWin) x Male Reader!
SMUT!! DNI if under 18!!
Gege kink, muscle kink, underwear kink, size kink
Plot: Y/N is a first year college student and he develops a crush on winwin, his first friend. Little does he realize the implications and depth of Winwin’s attractiveness.
It was Y/N’s first year of college. Choosing to attend a big state university, Y/N was scared that he would drown out in the sea of students and be forgotten once again.
Y/N had always been a quiet boy who kept to himself in high school. He never had many friends due to his interests in drawing, which kept his social battery satisfied. That being said, Y/N never had a crush either.
Ultimately choosing to study Mandarin, Y/N was excited to start in a place where nobody knew him as a quiet nerd who was always drawing all the time.
Y/N’s major was relatively small, yet something (someone one) else that caught his eye wasn’t.
Dong Si Cheng, the prettiest boy Y/N had ever seen, was sitting in the middle of the classroom when Y/N chose to take a seat next to him, entranced by his beauty.
His perfect pecs showing through his compression shirt, and his large back highlighted through its disparity with the back of the chair made Y/N’s heart skip a beat. He had never been attracted to anyone, let alone another boy.
And above all, winwin’s face was so perfect that even a greek sculptor couldn’t have thought of it. His luscious, elegant, and plump lips made Y/N feel a certain way. His eyes, full of warmth and mystery, made Y/N want to get to know him better. But his hair, was the best styled hair Y/N had ever seen.
So simplisitic, yet sicheng’s face was perfectly framed by his evenly cut hair.
“H-Hello, I’m L/N Y/N. ” Y/N muttered as he sat down, staring at Winwin.
“Hey there, I’ve never seen you before. My name’s Sicheng by the way. What year are you?” Winwin questioned.
As the conversation went on, not only Y/N come to realize that only to add to his list of perfections, Winwin also had a great voice, but that he was also one year older than Y/N. Y/N had forgotten that due to his advanced level, he was placed in a second year class.
Winwin asked Y/N to eat lunch with him that day, a gesture which warmed his heart, as nobody had ever asked Y/N for lunch before. He was always used to sitting alone in the cafeteria.
As time went on, Y/N and Winwin got to know each other. Y/N always felt flustered by the interested his senior showed in him and his interests, and he always found himself blushing when he saw the elder in especially attractive clothes.
“Gege—-,” Y/N would often call out when WinWin would grab a drawing object of his and hold it out to where Y/N could not reach it. Y/N was a short boy, (Y/N height) cm, and his precious Sicheng-ge always towered over him at 183 cm. He was always in awe whenever he saw his gege’s large hands, long legs, and well-built body. They sparked a feeling in him that made Y/N want to touch him.
Eventually, Y/N started wondering how large Winwin’s other body parts would be too.
“Wh-WHY am I thinking about how big THAT would be,” Y/N once questioned himself.
Although Y/N was confused about what he felt, he definitely knew it was well beyond what was to be expected in a crush. He knew his senior’s body made him feel a certain pressure in his lower body, although he didn’t know what to do about it.
Eventually, Y/N and Winwin’s friendship got to the point where winwin would often come to Y/N’s house to study with him or just to talk to him and tease him. Winwin also developed a small liking for the small boy. His cute little hands and angry pout whenever he hid something Y/N needed made him feel so precious to be able to share those moments.
It even got to the point where Winwin would stay for days on end, and even a part of Y/N’s closet had Winwin’s clothes for when he’d sleep over instead of in his dorm.
One day, on his usual trip back from the gym, winwin realized he forgot to bring clothes to change into after his workout and shower.
Thinking it was no big deal, winwin took off his shirt and walked over to Y/N’s place to help the younger with some of the idioms or cheng yu, that he was struggling with memorizing.
However, a monster awoke inside Y/N when he saw his half-naked gege opening the door to his apartment.
The washboard abs, strands of hair cling to his forehead with sweat, along with the well defined biceps and pecs that Y/N admired out in the open, was too much for him to bear.
Just as winwin was about to sit down, he also took off his sweat-drenched shorts next to Y/N before sitting down with only his boxers on. The smell of sweat with winwin’s musk made Y/N instantly blush and he felt his own asshole begin to quiver.
Y/N was unable to memorize any cheng yu, trying to memorize the shape of winwin’s muscles instead and trying to sneak a peak at the shape of his bulge instead.
He did, however, get to see Sicheng’s well developed thighs, which he wanted to touch so badly.
Winwin got up quickly, saying, “Y/N, you’ve been really out of it today. I hope you’re okay and I’ll go take a shower here before we try it again, okay”. He hugged Y/N to show his support, unaware that the waves of musk made Y/N feel a huge pressure in his lower body.
Just As Winwin was about to go into the bathroom, he took off his underwear outside and headed in to take a shower.
Y/N quietly sitting at the dining table, still reeling from the pheromone influx he got from the hug, was not ready to smell a huge amount of winwin’s musk again. It was like winwin’s underwear was a candle, releasing scent everywhere.
Y/N, feeling dizzy, walked to winwin’s underwear and slowly brought it to his mouth and nose. He began to sniff it deeply, and it brought out moans that Y/N had never made before. He quietly took the underwear with him to his bedroom, where he thought he could sit until his erection subsided.
However, Sicheng quickly rushed out of the bathroom and forgot to knock before opening Y/N’s room.
“Do you have a—-,” Winwin was about to ask, before he spotted Y/N, with his eyes closed, sniffing his briefs loudly.
Quietly walking over to Y/N, he shook the boy before admitting, “I didn’t know you where into me like that, Y/N.”
Y/N was left speechless as winwin got on top of him and started kissing him. Oh, how Y/N had wanted to know how his gege’s lips felt.
Winwin ripped off Y/N clothes and brought his cock close to his mouth before quietly putting the tip in his mouth.
“No-Gege-AAAH,” Y/N exclaimed as winwin quietly sucked on his cock. Sicheng, excited that Y/N was so attracted to his body, was excited to see his reaction when Y/N would finally see his cock.
“Now, it’s time for you to do that to gege with your small, cute little mouth,” Winwin grinned at Y/N.
Y/N was shocked as he saw his gege’s huge cock, roughly about 10 inches long, with a fat vein on the right side. His boy pussy felt extremely shaky, as it quivered upon this sight.
“Suck on it, baobei,” Winwin said as he brought Y/N’s mouth closer to his cock. As if it was instinct, Y/N immediately wrapped his lips around winwin’s cock, which barely fit in his small mouth.
Feeling winwin’s large hand on his head guiding him, Y/N began deepthroating Sicheng’s dong, while enjoying the heat winwin’s large fingers were exerting on his head.
Winwin had never felt such tightness in his life, and he rolled his eyes back as Y/N stared at his abs and thighs, touching them with his little hands.
Tears began to come out of Y/N eyes as his gege’s cock was still trying to fit in his mouth all the way. His throat felt full and despite being unable to breathe, the sweaty, musky taste of his crush’s large dick made him feel like he ascended to a seventh heaven. His nose in winwin’s crotch, the center of all the musky glory, made his stomach churn and want to taste more.
As winwin pulled his cock out of Y/N’s mouth, he could tell Y/N wanted something. Y/N immediately stood up and started licking Winwin’s armpits.
“Gege, I want to- I want to taste the way you smell. You smell so manly and good I can’t get enough of it,” he proclaimed as winwin flexed his biceps, which Y/N quickly moved his lips over. Winwin then sat down on the bed, and Y/N moved his mouth to Sicheng’s crotch, inhaling it over and over as he licked Sicheng’s huge dick, and sucked on his balls, as winwin continued to moan.
“Gege, I need something more, and I want more of this addictive feeling, but I don’t know what else we can do. I feel sad when I think this is the limit of how much I can absorb you.”
“Xingan, there’s much more we can do. Just be prepared for this to hurt a little bit,” Winwin moved his hands to Y/N upper chest, where he toyed with his nipples and then moved his fingers up to Y/N’s mouth.
“A natural slut,” Winwin thought as Y/N sucked his fingers like he enjoyed every ounce of musk on them. Y/N was so addicted to the feeling of winwin’s large body on top of him and feeling his large hands all over his chest, that he wasn’t prepare for when sicheng’s fingers began to touch his asshole.
“GEGE, it’s dirty there,” Y/N complained as Winwin pushed one finger inside, “ah-UNG”.
Y/N, as if instinctively for his virgin self, began to spread his legs open wider for winwin to finger him at a better angle.
Drool came out of Y/N’s mouth as winwin’s long finger hit a spot inside him. “AAANG,” Y/N yelled.
“Gege’s gonna push his huge cock inside this virgin bussy of yours and wreck it so good, you won’t be able to walk next week. I’m gonna make you pregnant and give you a present for saving yourself just for me,” Winwin said with a sexy smirk.
Y/N put his hands on Sicheng’s huge, muscular shoulders, as he was unprepared for what was to come. Thoughts about how it would feel and whether his ass could ever stretch back were overpowered by excitement of taking his gege’s oozing manliness and being able to interact with his large body.
Yes, what Y/N had subconsciously wanted all this time was to be dicked down by winwin, and treated like his personal boy toy. He wanted to be bred by the possessor of such a huge, muscular body. He wanted to feel his large body parts all over his petite frame and to marvel at the size difference.
“You ready?” Sicheng asked as he aligned his top at Y/N’s entrance. Y/N nodded, and Sicheng began to rub his tip up and down Y/N’s entrance to not only make Y/N want him more, but to also make precum for his cock to slide in easier because once sicheng would penetrate him, he wasn’t going to stop until he and Y/N cum repeatedly.
Seeing Y/N’s eyes that screamed he needed to be fucked, Sicheng pushed his large cock roughly into Y/N’s cute hole all at once. Tears immediately formed at Y/N’s eyes, as he hadn’t felt anything inside his ass before, but now a large, 10 inch cock was bulging his stomach and his hole felt overstuffed.
However, just the thought of Winwin inside of him and touching his still-sweaty back, Y/N’s horniness overpowered everything, even the pain and small drops of blood that came from the tiny rips from Sicheng’s huge cock penetrating him so roughly.
“Sorry, my precious Y/NN, I just couldn’t stand it anymore and I wanted to give you the cock you’ll be getting for the rest of your life right now,” Winwin said as he sluttily kicked his lips.
Y/N immediately began moaning, “AAAH SO-SO GOOD,” as Sicheng began to move his cock in and out of Y/N’s small ass.
Y/N couldn’t stop touching Winwin’s abs and enjoying the feeling of his thick thighs on his own body, in fact, winwin’s thighs seemed to provide warmth all the way until 5 inches from Y/N’s ankles. He loved how the taller man encapsulated his being, and wanted to be wrecked even more by him.
Y/N continued to mutter “G-ge-GEGE,” as he would try to say how good it felt to be stuffed by winwin’s huge, sweaty cock and how nice the residetual sweat from his body felt to him, and how good it felt to be taking such a large man.
Winwin moaned as he felt his cock almost being cut off with the tightness of Y/N’s hole, and he repeatedly began taking half of his cock out and pushing it back into Y/N from a different angle to stimulate his prostate.
In a state of euphoria he had never felt before, Y/N’s body felt hotter than he knew possible, until Sicheng leaned over him to lick his lips.
Opening his lips out of pleasure, his senior swirled their tongues together in a marvelous dance that connected them in another, wet dimension, as they both felt they could enjoy this moment forever. As winwin broke the kiss and left Y/N’s entrancing mouth, a thick strand of saliva connected his and Y/N’s lips.
Winwin immediately increased the pace of his thrusts to keep his junior in a state of constant pleasure. Y/N continued to yell for more and winwin kept dicking him down, addicted to the feeling of using the small boy as a cocksleeve.
Growing to a proud 5.3 inches itself, Y/N’s cock turned red and rock solid as Y/N felt an unfamiliar churning throughout his whole body.
Seeing the younger’s obsession with his body and cock, winwin stuffed his underwear into Y/N’s mouth before proceeding to pound him mercilessly.
“Take that, you slut. You love my body and want me so bad, so take all of my huge dick. I’ll fuck you so good you’ll only want me from now on, and you won’t be able to cum without me. I’m gonna breed you and cream you so good, cum will be dripping out of your ass for hours”
Y/N’s hole seemed to grow wider as Winwin repeatedly pushed his manhood inside of it, at a rate that was only increasing. Y/N, on the other hand, felt his eyeballs roll all the way to the back of his head from taking winwin’s huge manhood, basking in his musk, and touching his large body.
Winwin’s slapping of Y/N’s ass made it unbearable, and as Winwin pushed his tip right next to Y/N’s prostrate, a huge amount of cum spurted out of Y/N’s cock, splattering Winwin’s abs and chest.
Y/N’s body, wanting to absorb and take as much Sicheng as possible, still kept taking and enjoying the overstimulation . Winwin flipped over Y/N so they were in a reverse cowboy position and moved his humungous, veiny cock back into Y/N’s hole with a speed unmatchable by animals in heat.
Clasping Y/N down and kissing him more as he groaned, Sicheng’s cock shook around Y/N’s organs as it reached its climax and shot a huge spurt of delicious, thicc, juicy cum all over Y/N’s formerly virgin walls.
Y/N loved this feeling and realized that no matter how great the drawings he made were, the best painting was inside his own anus, made by the one he found created sexier than all.
Cum leaked out of Y/N’s ass as Winwin took his cock out. So much semen was inside him that Y/N felt half as full as he did with Winwin’s cock inside him.
“Gege, I love this. You’re gonna make me pregnant.”
Winwin admired his work as his cum leaked out of Y/N gaping hole that he made that way, by the tablespoons.
“I’m so glad I forgot my towel,” Winwin said before pushing his still/hard cock into Y/N and beginning to do him again mercilessly for what would turn into 4 hours.
Author’s Note: I would like to say that this is the first fan fiction i’ve ever written, the first smut, and I wrote this at 3 am! Please feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you thought. I’d also like to dedicate this to @jiyeonnnn, one of my most favorite male smut writers on this website!
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More Than a Job- Part 1/2
Din Djarin x fem!reader (no use of y/n)
Word count: 5.2k
Warnings: bodyguard!Din, mutual pining, feelings, protective!Din, minor violence, attacks on reader, badass!reader, reader has an older brother and they have a good relationship, me making up a planet and some lore, reader wears a corset, lingering touches, kisses, so much pining!!! This takes place after the end of season 2 but before Book of Boba Fett
Notes: This was all inspired by that post about your appointed knight tenderly helping you lace up your corset and I went 👀 bodyguard Din! No smut in this chapter, but part 2 will be smutty so this fic and my blog is 18+ only still! And I named reader’s brother after my good friend @thematthewmurdock​ because I like giving my friends cameos in my fics lol! Let me know what you think of this one cause I’m really excited for this!! 
To stay up to date on when I post, feel free to also follow my update blog and turn on post notifs @flightlessangelwings-updates​
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For the first time in a long time, the Mandalorian found himself alone. He used to be accustomed to being alone, but since Grogu, he grew fond of the little one’s companionship. And while it was always his mission to return Grogu to his people, Mando still felt the sting of sorrow at letting him go. But, he was with his people now, and the Jedi would take good care of him.
Now it was time for the Mandalorian to find his own people.
Mando heard whispers of the whereabouts of a clan of Mandalorians, but the only concrete information he could get was a direction of where to go to find them. It wasn’t much, but it was a start, so Mando made his way to Mare. Ironically, it was in a neighboring system to Mandalore. Mando wondered if that was a coincidence or not.
“I’m looking for Prince Rion,” the Mandalorian stated simply when he walked into the throne room.
It was a simple space, but still elegant. Mando could tell it was built more for function than glam. Instead of a throne at the top to look down on subjects, there were several tables all with various plans and holos of the planet. It was clearly meant to state that the rulers saw themselves as equals to their people, not above them. It was admirable.
A well dressed man who stood in the center of his constituents raised his head, “Please, just call me Rion,” he crossed the room to meet his guest, “What do I owe the pleasure of a Mandlaorian in my palace? We haven’t seen one of your people in a very long time.” He was warm and friendly, but he also had an air about him that was immediately respectable.
“I’m looking for information on a clan of Mandalorians,” he replied, “I was told you could tell me where to find them.”
Rion didn’t seem surprised by the question; Mare had been a sanctuary for Mandalorians in the past, and several of their secret paths went through the planet. But, ever since the great purge and wars, there have been less and less of them. This was the first one Rion had met in many years. 
He sat in quiet contemplation for several moments before he finally answered, “I know the paths, Mando. I think I can help you,” he paused, “But I’ll need something in return as well. Call it a favor for a favor. I’ll even pay you handsomely too.”
Mando knew he wasn’t going to get something for free, “What do you need?”
Rion clasped his hands behind his back and paced, “I don’t know if you’ve heard of the state of my planet, but I’ll be honest with you,” he took a few steps closer and gave him a solemn look, “It’s not great,” Rion sighed as he released his hands and the facade of the wise, strong ruler melted away to reveal a desperate man, “My parents, the King and Queen, were killed recently, and I’ve had to take charge in a rush. We’ve never been sympathetic to the Empire, and even though it’s gone, sympathizers still try to spark the flames of what used to be. I cannot allow that to happen. My people must remain free,” he ran his hands over his face, “But until I can assume full power, my palace and I are vulnerable. We are a people of tradition, you see, and my hands are tied until I’m officially crowned ruler of Mare… And that won’t happen for several weeks…”
“So you need a bodyguard?” Mando assumed.
“Yes,” Rion replied, “But not for me. Let me explain…”
You let out a heavy breath as you made your way down the hallway. Something in you told you that your brother didn’t summon you for idle chat, and you prepared yourself for anything he could have in mind. The two of you were as close as could be, especially after you lost your parents. Rion was a kind, smart and admirable man, and you looked up to him. 
“Ah, there are are, I’ve been waiting for you,” your brother noticed you the moment you walked into the room. 
He was dressed elegantly, as he always was, and he carried himself like the leader he was born to be. Even when his path to the throne of your home plant was fast tracked, he still looked out for you and watched over you, sometimes you thought a little too much.
“Alright Rion, what was it you needed me so urgently for?” You looked out of place in the room as the only one who was more dressed down. It made those who were unfamiliar with you underestimate you, but that's how you preferred it. You were your brother’s right hand, and you were a skilled and valuable member of his team.
Unfortunately it also made you a target, especially recently.
Your brother gave you a look that he only used when you weren’t going to like what he had to say, “Listen,” he said your name as he crossed the room and stood in front of you, “Things are worse than I realized lately,” he put his hands on your shoulders as you braced yourself for what was to come, “And until my coronation goes though, you’re at risk.”
“I can handle myself, Rion, you know that,” you fought to keep your voice calm, although you didn’t like where he was going with this. 
It was true that since your parents died, attacks on you and your brother increased. Those who still sympathized with the Empire tried their best to get rid of you and your brother so that the throne could be filled with someone who was more aligned with their views. But, you both were strong and tough, and you’ve evaded the blaster fire and vibroblades until now.
Your family fought hard to keep peace within your system, and it wasn’t easy. But, both you and your brother knew you were doing the right thing, and you were determined to keep doing so for as long as you could. Until he was officially named ruler of the planet Mare, though, the two of you were more vulnerable, and your brother did not like that at all.
“I know you can,” he sighed, “But until my coronation, I don’t have the power to fully protect you,” he paused as he felt the weight of your stare, “That’s why…”
You raised your eyebrows.
Rion turned around and gestured to the shadowy figure in the corner, “Sis, meet Mando. He’s going to protect you until I’m crowned.”
“What?!” you lost your control, “Rion, I don’t need a bodyguard!”
“Please don’t be a pain in the ass for him,” your brother’s voice was stern, “It’s only temporary. Just until the courts officially move the power to me. Then those Empire sympathizers wouldn’t dare attack us.”
You huffed in frustration as you crossed your arms. A whisper of a curse escaped your lips.
“Please,” Rion whispered your name, “You’re my little sister… My only family left. I can’t lose you too.”
It wasn’t often that you heard your brother sound like that, and the desperate look in his eyes deflated you a bit. Deep down, you knew he was right, you just didn’t want to admit it. You were alive so far, but how much longer would your luck last? How long could you keep up with your own duties to the planet and fight for your very life?
You let out a heavy sigh, “Alright.”
Rion pulled you into a hug, “Good,” he whispered into your ear, “Thank you.”
“Uh-huh,” was all you could respond with as you broke away from your brother and met the helmated gaze of the Mandalorian, “Alright Mando, guess we’re going to be getting to know each other very well.”
You turned and made your way out of the room, and the Mandalorian silently followed. He was stopped, however, by your brother who grabbed onto his arm and leaned in, “She’s tough, but she’s got a good heart. Just don’t let her stubbornness get to you,” he paused, “And once you’re done, I promise you’ll get paid well and I’ll give you the information you wanted. You have my word.”
Mando nodded and went to follow you out the door.
The first day was filled with council meetings in which you had to argue your way for anything. The others at the table seemed to talk down to you, no matter how right you were about the topic. As he watched, Mando realized the reason for your guarded behavior: you were like this because you had to be. You had to fight for anything and everything, even if your brother was well respected.
And the bizarre part for Mando was how right you were about everything. The lives of everyone would be better if they would only listen to you. And you could get more done if you didn’t have to argue for yourself every step of the way. 
“Have fun today, Mando?” you asked him as he escorted you back to your room.
Through the modulator in his helmet, Mando just scoffed.
You couldn’t help the smirk as you felt his eyes roll even if you couldn’t see them, “Well, this is me,” you gestured to your door, “I think Rion has you set up right next door,” you didn’t know why you suddenly felt nervous under his gaze. 
“Let me check though first,” Mando barged past you, “Always do this every night,” he told you as he swept through your room.
You were too flustered to say anything. There was a stranger in your room, and you didn’t quite know how you felt about it. You watched him move swiftly, despite the heavy armor he wore. You caught a glimpse of his silhouette under the cape as he bent over to check something, and you couldn’t help but stare at his legs. Suddenly, you were glad for more reasons than one that he wasn’t staying in your room with you.
“Everything’s good,” Mando turned back around and stepped in front of you, “You alright?” he tilted his helmet to the side as he saw the expression on your face. He wasn’t sure what to make of the look you gave him, and it made him swallow hard.
“Fine,” you regained your composure, “See you tomorrow I guess.”
Mando nodded as he left the room, “Keep your blade and comm close. Lock the door behind me,” he told you before he stepped out.
The moment the door slid closed, you let out a heavy breath, and you didn’t know that just on the other side of the door, the Mandalorian did the exact same thing. This was going to be a long few weeks…
And a long few weeks it was. Mando watched from the shadows over your shoulder as you went to council meetings and fought for the fate of your planet and the safety of your people. He watched as you displayed the same admirable traits as your brother, even if others couldn’t quite see it at times.
The way your brows furrowed when you tried to hide your exacerbation, the way your shoulders relaxed when you finally had a breakthrough, even the fierce look in your eyes were all captivating to the Mandalorian. The more time he spent with you, the more he became enamored with you, and Mando had to fight off his own quickly growing feelings for you.
“It’s just a job,” he’d whisper to himself at night when he was alone in the room next to yours. And yet, he couldn’t help but think, “The kid would really like her.” 
On the other side of the wall, you let out a heavy sigh as you started to feel comforted by the Mandalorian’s presence. What you thought was an annoyance at first, quickly evolved into something else, and the few times he wasn’t at your side, you suddenly felt lonely. You didn’t even have to look behind you to know he was there, and you always felt his watchful eye on you.
There were no attacks yet, and the whispers of threats always turned out to be rumors, but you wondered how fiercely Mando would defend you if something were to happen. You knew how to handle yourself, you and your brother both learned young how to fight, but his broad, armored body made your mind race. Your imagination ran wild as you wondered what it would be like to be in his embrace. 
“Safe,” you exhaled with a sigh as you thought out loud, “He makes me feel safe,” is what you decided it would be like in his arms.
While you were stubborn and reluctant at first, you quickly grew fond of the man in beskar who always watched over you. The more the days went by, the more you wondered if he was only so attentive because it was a job, or if he started to feel the same way about you. 
Of course, you would actually have to say something to know for sure. And you felt like you needed to apologize for the way you were short with him when you first met. That was when you had an idea.
“Here,” you shoved a small package into the Mandalorian’s hands as he walked you back to your room at the end of the day like he always did, “I’m sure my brother is keeping you well fed, but take this as a special token of appreciation from me. It’s a small comfort cake I’ve always loved. I don’t know if you like sweets much but I just thought…”
“Thank you,” Mando interrupted your rambling with a genuine tone. He tilted his head the way he did almost every time he looked at you now, and it was a gesture you had come to adore.
You let out a deep breath as you flashed a quick nervous smile, “I also wanted to apologize,” you waited for him to say something, but when he kept silent you went on, “I’ve been kind of a hard-ass with you, and I know it’s not your fault or anything and it wasn’t fair of me to take my frustrations on my brother out on you. So, I’m sorry.”
Mando watched you for a long moment, and you wished more than anything you could read his expression. You wondered what thoughts ran through his head as you saw the subtle way his helmet lowered as he looked you over.
“Don’t worry about it,” was what he finally broke his silence with. He stared at you for another long beat, and you thought his gaze dropped down to your lips, but you couldn’t quite tell. “Good night.”
You fought to keep your face neutral as you dropped your shoulders in disappointment, “Good night,” you replied before you turned and went into your room.
Once the door closed and locked and you heard the Mandalorian’s footsteps retreat, you let out a heavy sigh, “What am I doing?” you asked yourself as you changed and got ready for bed. You went through your usual routine, as well as the added safety measures Mando told you to do. You checked all entryways, made sure your door was locked and secure, and placed your knife and comm on your bedside table just in case.
Once you were sure you were safe, you flopped onto your large, plush bed and sighed again. Sleep did not come as easily as you had hoped, though, and you found your mind was full of thoughts of your bodyguard. You wondered about his past, and what he planned to do once your brother felt you no longer needed him at your side. You wondered if he would miss you after he went away. You wondered what it would be like if he were here beside you right now…
But your thoughts were interrupted as the glass of your bedroom window suddenly shattered and men dressed in all black poured in. You yelped as you shot up and instinctively grabbed your knife before they could grab you.
“You’re coming with us, sweetheart,” one of them sneered as he reached for you.
“I don’t think so,” you quipped back as you lashed out at him with your knife.
In the next room, Mando quickly leapt to his feet the moment he heard commotion. Sleep hadn’t taken him yet either, and he laid awake with thoughts of you in his head when he heard the sound of glass breaking and your shouts.
Still fully armed, Mando rushed to your door and unlocked it with his keycard. He whispered your name to himself and hoped that the seconds it took him to get up didn’t make him too late. But, as he bolted into your room with his blaster in his hand, the sight before him took him by surprise.
You stood in the middle of the scattered bodies on the floor as you panted heavily. In your eyes was a fierceness Mando had never seen before, and it made his breath hitch in his throat. When you heard the door open, you spun around, ready to attack again, but you immediately dropped your shoulders when you saw the Mandalorian there. 
“Mando!” you sighed in relief.
He breathed your name as he stepped closer to you, “Are you alright?”
Just as you opened your mouth to answer, another crash through the adjoining window called both your attention. One last man barreled through the other window to your bedroom and leapt right for you. You braced yourself, but the Mandlorian was faster and he rushed forward and shot the man right in the chest before he reached you.
Both of you watched the last man drop to the floor dead as Mando quickly rushed to your side, “You ok?” he repeated as he clasped his hand around your arm and looked you over for any injury.
You gazed into the visor of his helmet and you felt your heart pound in your chest at the way he held your arm so tightly, “I’m fine,” you let go of the breath you held, “See, I told you I could handle myself,” you added with a smirk to try and diffuse the tension you suddenly felt.
Mando tilted his helmet to the side as you swore you heard a short laugh, “I didn’t doubt you.”
A sharp exhale escaped your lips as you found yourself at a loss for words. Between the adrenaline that rushed through your veins and the way the Mandalorian held you, your mind swam with a thousand thoughts. 
Before either of you could speak, though, a groan from the floor interrupted.
“If we can’t take you alive…” he hissed through gritted teeth as he lifted his arm and revealed a detonator in his hand.
Mando reacted quicker than you did and with your name under his breath, he grabbed you and rushed you toward the open window. Suddenly, you found yourself swept up in his arms and before you knew what happened, an explosion shook your bedroom. Mando got you out just in time, though, and he leapt out the open window with you in his arms.
With one arm secretly around your waist, Mando pulled out a grapple and flicked it toward the frame of your window. He used the leverage of the cable and swung you both forward into the window of the floor below your bedroom. You gasped and buried yourself in the crook of his neck as he used his body to shield you as the two of you crashed through the window and landed on the floor safely.
All the breath felt forced out of your body as you hit the ground hard and immediately felt a weight on top of you. Mando had positioned himself over you to protect you in case there were any more intruders and he pointed his blaster out into the open space, ready to attack. As you panted underneath him, he scanned the area and it wasn’t until he was sure you were safe that he finally moved.
“Looks like that was all of them,” Mando said as he lifted himself off of you, “Let me help you up,” he extended his hand to you.
Although you had just fought for your life, you found that you missed the feeling of Mando on top of you, and you were almost disappointed that he got up so quickly. It took a moment for your mind to catch up to you as you stared at his extended hand for several moments. It wasn’t until he said your name with concern that you snapped out of your head and took his hand.
“I’ve got you,” Mando’s voice was soft and comforting as he helped you onto your feet.
Your hand stayed securely in his as your eyes never felt his visor. There were so many things you wanted to say to him at that moment, but nothing came out of your mouth. And before you found your voice, the door to the room you were in suddenly burst open.
Mando quickly shoved you behind him and pulled out his new weapon-the darksaber. He had it braced in front of you both, ready to attack, but he relaxed when he saw that it was your brother and his guards. Rion breathed your name in relief as he lowered his own weapon.
You peeked out from behind the barrier of beskar that protected you and gave your defender a square on his arms, “Rion,” you glanced at Mando for a moment in a silent thanks before you rushed over to your brother.
“Are you ok? What happened?” Rion looked you over and his eyes held a panic that you had never seen before, “Get to the healers at once,” he shouted orders to his guards.
“Wait… Rion…” you looked back at Mando with a worried look as you were pushed out of the room before you could stop them.
Your brother glanced down at the unmistakable weapon in the Mandlaorian’s hand. His mouth dropped open in surprise before he regained his composure and crossed the room to stand in front of him, “Thank you,” his voice still trembled no matter how he tried to hide it, “Thank you for protecting my sister.”
“It was my job,” Mando’s own voice betrayed him as he sheathed his weapon and secured it on his belt.
“Mmmhmm,” Rion didn’t sound convinced, “I think there’s more for us to talk about, Mando…”
You found yourself in a whirlwind as preparations for your brother’s coronation hastened. What should have taken weeks was done in a day, and you between the attack last night and the flurry of preparations, felt overwhelmed. It was a relief when you finally had some time to yourself to get ready for the ceremony.
Since your room was nothing more than ash now, your brother moved you to another room along with anything that was able to be salvaged. If you were honest, your belongings were the last thing on your mind. You actually only had one person in your thoughts, and you had barely gotten the chance to talk to the man who saved your life last night since you were so busy all day. 
You wondered where Mando was as you fumbled with your corset in vain. The last thing he said to you was that he was going with your brother to check over security and that he'd be back as soon as he could. As much as you initially resented having a bodyguard, you found yourself lonely without the Mandalorian at your side. You let out a loud sigh as you forced those thoughts out of your head and tried again with the corset of the outfit that was much fancier than anything you liked to wear on a daily basis.
As if on cue, a knock at your door made you turn your head and you couldn’t hide the smile that lit up your face when the Mandalorian walked into the room.
“I’m sorry I took longer, I…” Mando froze for a moment when he saw you standing there with your outfit off your shoulders and your corset loose on your waist, “Sorry I’ll…” he rushed to leave, but your voice stopped him in his tracks.
“No, wait,” you sounded troubled, and the desperation in your voice made his heart skip a beat.
Mando turned back around and the look in your eyes stirred feelings within him that he tried to hard to bury ever since he came here, “Is,” he swallowed hard as he stepped back into the room and shut the door, “Is everything ok?” he asked in his usually soft voice as he hoped you didn’t hear how strained he sounded.
“I actually,” you suddenly sounded sheepish, “I can’t get this stupid thing tied on my own. Could you…” you took a deep breath as you fiddled with your fingers, “Would you mind…?” you gestured to your back and the undone laces.
“Alright,” Mando whispered as he stepped up behind you.
“Thanks,” your voice was just a hushed as you turned back around and faced the mirror. You forced yourself to keep your eyes up as you watched the figure of the Mandlaorian come up behind you. You hoped that he couldn’t see how nervous you were as you tried your best to keep yourself calm.
His touch was surprisingly gentle for how tough a bounty hunter he was. You barely even felt his fingers against your body as he threaded the laces and carefully tugged at your corset. Vaguely, you wondered if he had done this before as you bit your lip and fought to keep your breathing steady.
You had a searing question on your mind, but as badly as you wanted to ask, you kept silent about it. You knew something was up by the way he was acting, but Rion refused to tell you what it was. You were sure it had to do with the weapon Mando carried with him, and as much as you wanted to know, you cared more about the man who stood behind you than anything else.
Together, the two of you stayed in a tense silence as the tips of his fingers gently brushed against your skin.
When you couldn’t stand the silence anymore, you whispered, “Thank you by the way. For saving my life last night.” You watched his helmet in the mirror and you caught the way his gaze seemed to flick up to your eyes as he looked up for a brief moment.
“It’s part of the job,” he replied softly.
Your next words were bold, even if you spoke them softly, “Is that the only reason?”
Mando was quiet for several moments, as if he wasn’t sure what to say back. “You had it mostly handled,” Mando replied as he forced his gaze back to your corset, “Everyone underestimates you.”
“Not you though,” you smirked as you felt him secure your corset.
At the same time, both of you looked up and met your gaze in the mirror. The lingering silence was tense as Mando’s fingers lingered on the skin of your upper back. It was at that moment that you realized he took his gloves off. 
You quickly spun around and took his hands in yours before you could stop yourself. Mando hissed your name in a soft protest, but any fight was lost when you looked at him with those eyes.
“Should I not…?” you asked in a whisper.
Mando stayed silent for a long moment, “It’s alright,” he finally said.
You knew you couldn’t see his face, but there wasn’t anything saying you couldn’t see his hands. But, you also didn’t want to cross any line with him, so you waited for him to nod before your eyes dropped back down to the only exposed skin on his body. His skin was surprisingly soft, even with the calluses on his hands from the weapons he wielded over the years. And on the back of one hand was a small bullseye tattoo. You smirked as you ran your thumb across it and made a note to ask about it another time.
“It wasn’t the only reason,” Mando whispered softly.
Suddenly, you felt brave and your eyes ran up his arms as you pictured what his bare skin looked like underneath all that beskar. When you met his gaze through his helmet, an idea popped in your head.
Slowly, you reached out and rested your hand on Mando’s chest. You looked into his visor for a sign to stop, and when you found none, you carefully slipped your hand underneath his helmet. You heard his breath hitch in his throat, but he made no attempt to stop you as you caressed his cheek under the armor. You exhaled sharply when you felt patches of stubble on his skin there and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Do you trust me?” you broke the silence of the room.
“Yes,” Mando replied without hesitation.
You nodded as you pulled your hand out from under the helmet and took one of his hands in yours. You brought his hand up to cover your eyes and you didn’t let go until you were sure he would keep his hand there. With trembling hands, you reached out again and slowly lifted his helmet up, unable to see anything in front of you.
Mando’s other hand came up and held your waist tightly as he allowed your actions. When you lifted his helmet enough so that his lips touched the cool air, he leaned forward and took own lips in a soft but needy kiss. You immediately moaned softly into his mouth as you almost lost your grip on his helmet.
The warmth of his lips engulfed you, and you quickly parted your own lips to invite him deeper into you. Mando took the invitation, and he tightened his grip on you as he dove his tongue into your mouth. The kiss quickly heated up and you felt like you could burst into flames from the passion you felt in Mando’s kiss.
“Din,” he whispered against your lips as he peppered soft kisses along the side of your face.
“What?” you kept your eyes closed as you basked in his affections.
“My name,” he clarified, “I want you to know it. It’s Din.”
You smiled against his cheek, “Din,” you echoed. The way he squeezed you tighter told you that he liked the sound of his name in your voice. And then it hit you that he spoke to you without his helmet on for the first time. Meaning you heard his unmodulated voice. It sent shivers up your spine and suddenly you didn’t care about your brother’s coronation. All you wanted was for him to rip off the corset he just so tenderly tied and tangle your body with his.
But, duty called, so reluctantly, you lowered his helmet. You waited for Din to take his hand off your eyes, and even then you kept them closed for another moment and just savored the feeling of his strong body against yours. Once you blinked your eyes open, though, you were greeted by the familiar silver beskar helmet that you had grown so fond of and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Shall we?” you asked with a heavy exhale.
Din nodded as he ran his hand down your arm and gave your hand one last squeeze before letting you go. 
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letsunity · 10 months
With Thunder Comes Lightning
Summery: Peter and MJ tried again, but the spark wasn't there; they stay as friends to raise their soon-to-be daughter. Everything was going great until evil goop and a spooky vampire guy fall out of an orange portal. Little does Peter know that the biggest pain in his ass and future mutant best friend has landed right at his feet.
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art by darknessdearm
Chapter 3 - Society
"That's it?" MJ questioned, confused by the broken sphere on her coffee table. "This is how a super sinister snot has been killing entire universes?"
"Essentially," Peter answered, equally unimpressed. "He'll be hopping from body to body now, trying to find this."
"Another question. Why can't he do what Venom and Eddie do?"
"It's like a compatibility thing. Symbiotes need a host that fits them. Klyntarus is so toxic that people melt and burn."
"Oh, so Miguel's compatible?"
"You said that he doesn't burn when Klyntarus touches him. That means he's compatible, right?"
Oh, shit.
She's right. Of course, MJ was right; under all that glowing ruby hair was a brilliant brain that could detect things Peter couldn't.
That explains why Klyntarus is so obsessive, at least. The fact that his fellow spider wasn't a puppet meant that there was something more to it, though.
Whatever made Klyntarus so toxic and unstable must alter how he takes over people that are compatible with him. There's a lot that Peter doesn't know about him, although he's aware that the beast is vindictive.
Who taunts someone over the death of their child? That's horrific, especially when they're the killer.
"This is why you're the brains between us."
"Alright, we destroy whatever this is and hunt the goopy bastard down. Is that about right?"
"Pretty much. The sooner he's gone, the sooner we can focus on the little one," he smiled, unable to look away from her bulging stomach. "Don't worry yourself, MJ. We got this. We always come out on top."
That's what Peter wants to believe, anyway.
He can't do anything against such a monster. At most, he can be a distraction. How do you fight something that you can't hit?
Fighting alone wasn't going to work. They needed to talk to the others.
He doubted that the Avengers would be open to Miguel; he's already stolen from Stark. The X-Men, however, are more open-minded.
Wolverine would be an annoying bastard as always, but with help from Professor X, they can kill this bug.
"You can't stay here." Jesus, how is such a big guy so quiet? "He'll be coming for you. Staying here isn't safe."
Their guest had taken a morning shower. Annoyingly, he also decided not to put a shirt on afterwards. It was his choice, of course; it was better than no pants.
The problem was that he looked good.
Without the bandages, burns and blood, he looked good. Great, broad shoulders with detailed muscle. His arms were thick, and his waist surprisingly slender.
Peter could see the V line of his hips disappearing into his pants.
His hair was still wet from the shower, making those dark brown locks frame his face perfectly. Those cheekbones could cut through paper. Beautiful red eyes, the same he regretfully punched at, didn't look nearly as menacing on him.
The scars, though...
They were so deep, long, ragged and twisted. Many of them stretched with age. What disturbed Peter the most were the clinical, surgical scars. Although it was probably from surgery due to being Spiderman - it's an injury-prone job - something told Peter there was more to it.
"About that. I was thinking - shock and horror, I know - we should go to the X-Men for some help."
"They won't be as helpful as you think."
"I mean, it's better than the two of us."
"They'll all go after him, Peter, and they'll all die. He'll hop from their bodies, trying to find the most stable and abuse their powers. I've seen what happens when Xavier loses control over his power - it's not pretty."
The idea of that was terrifying.
"What haven't you seen?" MJ asked, which was a good question.
"I haven't been to the universe where everybody is a zombie, so I technically haven't seen that."
"I wanna see that."
"No, MJ, you're not going to the super dangerous zombie universe," Peter sighed, wishing Miguel hadn't mentioned that.
"Don't be a buzzkill!"
The smartest of them wanted to go to zombie land. They're doomed.
"That entire universe is on lockdown; nobody can go to it."
That sentence confused him. What did he mean by that?
Quickly, the other spider regretted saying that.
MJ looked to Peter, seeking answers that he didn't have.
"Are there others with you?" she asked.
"I'm not talking about that," Miguel shot down, silently sinking away in the corridor.
Peter's not going to let him slither out of this.
"Miguel, do you have like a team or something? Is that what Klyntarus meant by "no backup"?" Peter pressed, but it only made the other spider close up more. "If there's help, we should ask for it."
MJ couldn't move quickly, but she wanted to know what happened.
He would get answers.
Peter followed. If he decided to leave the house, Peter might be unable to follow. Annoyingly, his fellow spider is adept at disappearing without a sound. It's a little creepy how little sound he made when he moved.
He heard the window open, and Peter shot his web, sticking Miguel's hand to the wall.
"¡Ay, coño!" he hissed, glaring at Peter. "Could you not web me?" the other spider growled, scratching the webbing away.
"You're not going to run. We're in this together, big guy. We're going to be open and communicate - alright?"
Miguel growled again, his fangs peaking. They do things that they shouldn't to Peter - did he have a vampire thing? That's awkwardly unhelpful and sudden.
His new friend was pacing, distressed and irritated. He sounded like an upset dog.
Peter crossed his arms, waiting.
They will talk about it, and Peter will chase him if he has to.
"You didn't mention that there are others," Peter stated, less than amused.
"You weren't supposed to know. That's obvious."
"Well, why?"
"That's not a rabbit hole you want to go down, Parker."
"A super evil snot killed my friends and nearly buried me alive. I'm down the hole already. I'm deep underground and tanning in the planet's core!"
Part of him felt bad for pushing his friend like this, given how malicious Klyntarus was, but it was necessary. They needed help, and badly.
If they can get any assistance, they need to take it.
"You're not going to like it."
"Oh, right, because the past two days have been joyous and sunshine and rainbows. Can't you see how happy I am? I'm glowing! I cracked my back; I'm shining like a glow stick," Peter huffed, hands on his waist.
He's getting more self-conscious over his weight for some reason. It's already something he hates about himself, but compared to Miguel, he appeared obese.
"Alright. Fine."
"You're contaminated."
"And immediately, you've lost me."
"Earth-1610B. You and four others were pulled into that dimension. The Spiderman of that universe died and was replaced. I made my first autonomous universe jump a few hours afterwards. That entire universe is in quarantine now."
He's completely lost.
Miguel knew who Peter was the whole time. He's always known. He knew about the others, too.
"Alright, why's it in quarantine? Is Miles alright?"
"Miles is why it's in quarantine. The spider that bit him was never supposed to - it belonged to another universe now lacking a Spiderman. As soon as Miles got bit, that universe became unstable. Holes were torn in the multiverse, and people are falling through - we call them anomalies, and our job is to put them back where they belong. Miles is designated as the original anomaly."
"That's a whole lot of information."
"I said it's a rabbit hole!"
"There's a rabbit hole, and then there's an entire tunnel system. I mean, it's not Miles' fault that he got bit! It was those Alchemex idiots. He shouldn't be treated as some "anomaly" for that!"
"That's not the only reason. It's also because he might be... compatible."
"What? Compatible with what?"
Peter already knew the answer, but he didn't want it. Not the kid.
Miles was a good kid. He didn't deserve that level of burden on his shoulders. He's just a kid!
"If Klyntarus realises that there's someone else he can use, someone that can't fight him off, the kid won't stand a chance. He'll already know about the situation with you and the others. We... deliberately avoided you so he wouldn't catch on. All of your universes have been quarantined unless there's an anomaly."
"And the goop himself became an anomaly in my universe."
"I grabbed him as he tried to escape through one of the holes Earth-1610B tore. He's been much harder to track because of those holes. He's a slippery bastard."
"Your watch thingy is broken; you can't call anybody, but you were alone when you came through."
"I've been putting together a Spider Society - they voted on the name; I think it's stupid. Spiders from different universes support each other and provide help if Klyntarus or another anomaly shows up. And I came alone because... I wasn't going to repeat a mistake."
Miguel pressed his back against the wall and slid down, sitting awkwardly.
It felt like an interrogation, but Peter didn't mean that. He wanted answers about this utter clusterfuck.
How is he supposed to feel?
None of this is Miles' fault, of course. It's not fair. While he didn't know about the spider, it's still not Miles' fault. He hated that Miles had to be alone because of that vicious slime.
If it weren't for Klyntarus, so much would've never happened.
The idea of a spider society sounded incredible, and Peter wanted to dive headfirst into it. He hadn't been allowed to because of something nobody could've foreseen or controlled.
Except for Kingpin, obviously; that's his fault.
Peter sat beside the younger spider, feeling bad since it visibly weighed on him.
"I'm going to guess that you weren't alone last time," Peter said, keeping his tone soft and non-accusatory.
"It was early on. There wasn't a lot of us, only a small team. Ten spiders, including me. They all died," Miguel sighed, sounding a little detached, possibly a sign of disassociation. "I decided to bring them, and ten universes suffered; I wasn't going to let that happen again."
How many people has he lost to that evil slime? The stress of enduring all of that must be horrible.
How much has Klyntarus taken from him? All because he was compatible?
Peter couldn't imagine how lonely that was.
"You went after him on your own?"
It's not a question, though his voice made it sound like that. It didn't feel right for this to be happening. How can someone be carrying all of this on his shoulders alone?
That's how it is as a lone Spiderman, though. You're all alone, lost in a sea of web and tragedy.
The mere concept of a Spider Society was almost a glimmer of hope. It gave them a chance at community, to be with others like them. People that understood the burden that they carry.
"That's how it always is and how it should be. When people try to "help" me, they die, Parker. You and MJ are in danger now, and that'll never go away; he'll always wait to break you, no matter how far you think you are. And that's because I failed. Again."
Depression is a bitch to live with. It's a physical piece of you that doesn't go away, only going briefly dormant.
Peter spent a while dealing with it alone. He was isolated, depressed, miserable and tired of everything. Meeting Miles kicked him up the butt and made him feel alive again.
At least he had somebody.
"You don't want anyone to help because they'll die."
"They always do. I failed to kill him, and now all of you are in danger."
"You never intended on surviving that bomb."
"If it means killing him, I don't care."
Peter is picking up PTSD, depression and possible suicidal ideation. That's not great.
It's possible that Peter could repay what Miles did for him. Help somebody, offer a hand while they're drowning in nothingness.
His friend was alone, and Peter knew how suffocating that could be.
"I care."
"You shouldn't."
"Too bad, kid."
"Don't you dare start the age card with me!"
"My knees pop like bubble wrap. I earned my age card."
"If you call me a kid, I'll call you old man."
"Sounds like a deal."
The mood was lightened; the true power of Spiderman!
"I'm already fat. Being called old is sprinkles on the ice cream."
"Estás obsesionado con la comida."
"It would've been great if I paid attention to Spanish in college."
He was busy falling asleep in class and swinging everywhere at night.
"At least you got to go to one."
"Motherfucker, you built a watch that takes you to other dimensions but never went to college?"
"Didn't go to any school. My "father" kept me locked in a basement for my childhood."
That explained a lot.
Everything about this guy was just miserable. His universe sucked.
"Fuck that guy."
"Yeah. Was it any good? College."
"Honestly? Waste of time."
"Good to know I didn't miss anything."
MJ opened the door, probably having been listening to them.
She came in and awkwardly shuffled beside Peter, laying her head against his shoulder.
They're in a messed-up situation. Somehow, they'll stop interdimensional splooge with as few casualties as possible. It sounded much easier than it was.
That sludge was infecting people, jumping like a virus to survive. They need to find him and burn him.
Also, they need to fix Miguel's funky watch. Despite his reservations, they need help.
"I shouldn't have sat down," MJ huffed, regretting her choice. "Can you boys help me?"
"Yeah, I'll carry you," Peter sighed, emotionally drained. "Don't stress yourself, MJ. We got this. Don't we, buddy?"
"You're overly optimistic."
"And you're a negative Nancy."
"My name isn't Nancy."
"It's a saying, dude."
"If it's because of the alliteration, it's a stupid saying."
"Both of you shove it before I take off my slippers," MJ chastised, annoyed.
MJ's the boss of the trio, as well as the mini-MJ.
Honestly, Peter wasn't confident about anything. He felt useless, regardless of his endeavour to help.
She wasn't safe in this house anymore, and that hurt. What father couldn't protect the mother of his child?
"We need to get you somewhere secure," Peter said, wrapping his arm around her. "It's gonna be dicey for a bit."
"We'll find something. I've got faith in you."
At least he has that.
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artycomicfangirl · 6 months
Couple Songs Playlist Headcanons - Mareach and Luaisy Edition
When I was more active in the JoJo’s Bizarre adventure community on Instagram around 2019-2022, I was part of the art and ocs community.
Many people started doing stuff like making Spotify playlists of songs that describe their Oc and other oc relationship aspects. I remember finding this SUPER fun to do. And I miss it. So, I decided to try it out with Mario and Peach first! (Just a teeny break from my much-loved Luaisy fixation!)
So without further ado, here’s a list of songs based on what I can find in my (Many) Spotify playlists. A bit challenging to find good ones!
This will have labels indicating indicating who’s mostly singing about who. Either one person referring to the other, or a Duet that includes both at the same time.
- Mario to Peach -
On one side, Mario would have the thought that Peach is simply so amazing. Someone so elegant, pure and beautiful. Someone just way out of his league. These thoughts would often show through hints of resistance at first. He and the Princess are just friends…right?
But the moment he fully accepts his feelings, he becomes so outspoken of his love. So some songs I’ve decided to choose from my playlist, tend to be about wondering if Peach feels for him, like he feels for her. A bit of doubt. But other than that, he shows protectiveness, Being her shield to danger. Also A bit more impulsive, energetic and upbeat in some parts. But with no matter what, he will always give her words of reassurance to make sure everything is okay.
• Accidentally in Love - Counting Crows
• Dance - Tim Halperin
• Aquaman - Walk The Moon
• I’ll Always Return - Bryan Adams (Rock Version)
• Nintendo - Todd Carrey (This is more of a comedic tone to it haha)
- Peach to Mario -
Very sweet, reflective and thoughtful. The type of love that whenever she thinks of her hero, she gets so fluttery and bashful on the inside. She is more reserved her feelings though, so some songs may reflect her denying a bit. But ultimately, they all lead to just wholeheartedly accepting her feelings.
• Fallin’ for you - Colbie Callait
• Tightrope - Michelle Williams
• Lover - Taylor Swift
• Next to You - Jordin Sparks
• I feel the Earth Move - Olivia Ong
- Duets -
• The Fighter - Kieth Urban Ft Carrie Underwood
• Waiting for a Star to Fall - Boy Meets Girl
• Am I Feeling Love? - Steve Lively and Bobbi Page ( The Thief and The Cobbler unfinished film, titled ‘Arabian Knight’ for the Miramax version where this song is made.
- Luigi to Daisy -
Luigi is the more sentimental type. One who thinks about the deeper meaning of his feelings. The one who’s able to find sweet comparisons and words when describing love with Daisy. He knows how timid he is. How easily scared he could be. Which is why He holds such admiration of how much of a free-spirited character she is. So some of his songs will reflect almost awe in her character. How much her presence alone just brings his feelings to life.
• Crush - David Archuleta
• Nothing I’ve ever known - Bryan Adams
• So Close - John Mclaughlin
• All That you are - Goo Goo Dolls
• Into the Night - Santana Ft Chad Kroger
- Daisy to Luigi -
The theme I tried to go with Daisy is of a supportive figure, or one that drives Luigi to improve and be the best of himself. Her words may seem to be a bit more forward with some songs. But mostly, she’s the one who has more of her feelings on her sleeve, and will have no problem expressing them more. She reflects more of the intense passion.
• Better When i’m Dancing - Meghan Trainor
• I’m Feeling You - Michelle Branch
• Brave - Sarah Bareilles
• My Superstar - Jessie J
• Kiss me Crazy - Kaci Battaglia
- Duets -
• Wild - Troy Sivan Ft Alesia Cara (A bit more of an intimate song?)
• At the Beginning - Richard Marx and Donna Lewis
• Don’t Let Go - Bryan Adams and Sarah Mclachlan
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Richonne & Carmy x Sydney Parallels
To some this may be a reach but I’ve been saying for a while that Richonne walked so that Carmy x Sydney can run. Let me get into it. 
1. Grief - Rick lost his wife. But really he had been grieving the loss of their marriage before she died. His best friend (Jon Bernthal) became his greatest enemy and he had to kill him to remove him as a mortal threat. That’s some Cain and Abel type shit. Carmy lost his brother (mysteriously also played by Jon Bernthal). Rick and Carmy are both dealing with the loss of the person that was like a brother or actually was a brother. When they meet Michonne and Sydney they don’t know how to process these women coming into their lives when they are at their lowest. 
2. Partnership - Rick and Michonne are king and queen of the apocalypse. They are the leaders of TF and co-parents to their mixed family. Carmy inherits The Beef but Sydney comes in as second in command. He ends up asking her to be his partner. 
3. Serendipitous meetings - Rick sees Michonne for the first time as what he thinks is a mirage. She comes carrying the baby formula he so desperately needs for Judith. The meeting is strange to say the least. Sydney comes to meet Carmy and he seems surprised and taken aback by her presence even though he chose her to stage. But they met before, in a sense, because Sydney had eaten the best meal she ever had, made by him, before they even met. These women are saviors.
4. Mental Illness - Rick and Carmy are both a hot mess when they meet these women. Rick is delusional and impulsive. Carmy dissociates and has panic attacks. They each make some bad leadership decisions due to their struggles and these women set them straight and keep things aligned when the men can’t.
5. Reuniting - Rick and Michonne always find a way back to each other no matter how dire the circumstance or how long the absence. Sydney comes back to The Beef even when they are still at odds. 
6. They will tell him he’s being a bitch. - Michonne checks Rick constantly and even had to use physical force to subdue him when he was going off the rails. Sydney is not afraid to stand up to Carmy despite him being her superior. She drew her boundaries and left. 
8. The subtlety - While Rick and Michonne were obvious to me their attraction and growing bond wasn’t in your face. If you weren’t paying close attention you may have missed the build up. Carmy and Sydney have low key moments that I think could spark after being seeded over time. It’s not overt romance like you typically see, but a softness when they reach an understanding, or a curious look, makes you wonder. They share so many parallels that it’s easy to view them being compatible if they work through their conflicts. 
9. The unit within the unit - Rick and Michonne were always a team within the team. Before they got together it was always them and then the others. Carmy and Sydney are the only ones in the kitchen with a similar background, they speak the same language, they are the force of change, they are the new ones. 
10. Building something new together - Rick and Michonne decide they are meant to build a new world together. Carmy and Sydney decide to build a new restaurant together. 
11. They ladies have survived without them, but choose to be with them - Michonne kept herself alive in an apocalypse by herself. Rick knows she is okay without him, she knows that too, but they would rather fight the fight together. Sydney was a solo entrepreneur before The Beef and Carmy entrusts her with it when he is away. He knows she is capable and cares.
12. The ladies are missed when they are gone - When Michonne decides to go look for The Governor alone, Daryl pats Rick to reassure him when he doesn’t want her to go. They barely knew each other but he’s staring off into the distance concerned. When she is missing after the assassination of The Saviors he just about loses it. When Sydney quits Carmy tells Tina she’s dressed like her, has a moment with her notebook, says he’s got her prep refusing to admit she is gone. When she shows back up he literally stops everything he’s doing just to take it in and think of what to do next. Next is the proposal, however you want to take that. 
12. The men pick petty ass bitch fights in the beginning - Rick was so antagonistic and suspicious of Michonne in the beginning. He viewed her as a threat. At one point he even had her at gunpoint. Carmy sees Sydney as competition and pulls rank on her very bluntly, he even gets verbally abusive when she makes a mistake. 
13. The ladies make them laugh and smile despite the trauma - Michonne gets Rick to genuinely smile and laugh early on. She teases him and brings a sense of fun. She even gets Carl to lighten up. Sydney punks Carmy and playfully tries to convince him to have her way. He smiles more with her than anyone else. These women are quirky and the men like it. 
14. Found family - Michonne and Sydney are the links that make the found families complete. TF operates best after Michonne arrives. Rick doesn’t choose to give Alexandria a chance until Michonne urges that they need to settle down. Carmy is floundering as leader of The Beef until Sydney shows him a way forward and is his support. He wouldn’t attempt The Bear without her. He doesn’t say anything about taking the money and starting a new venture until she comes back. 
15. Always meant to happen or not? - I think it’s interesting that Gimple says he thought of Richonne S4 going forward. I still think this is a lie and they were planned from S3. It seemed like a setup from day one. Either he is lying or Andrew and Danai put their own spin on it without being directed to make it a brewing thing and Gimple decided to go with it and that it made sense for the story. Storer, Calo, Jeremy, and Ayo say there were/are no plans for Carmy and Sydney to be a thing but the shippers see otherwise. The acting and production choices could easily be interpreted as a budding, slow burn. S2 isn’t supposed to have romance and everyone claims it’s a platonic relationship. Is it possible in a few years we will hear Storer and Calo do a Gimple? 
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thecontumacious · 2 years
"Among the thousands I've met, you are the only one my heart resonates with."
mysta rias edition.
he was ready to give you up. but you give him one last spark of hope.
a/n: this is for the long promised series i announced a thousand years ago because i’ve recently hit 1K, but now i’m 500 followers late since i hit that mark so—anyway, here’s a little comeback gift after disappearing for so long!
reminder that all my work and others in the fandom are purely fiction and intended to entertain, not to be projected irl.
vox akuma edition (tba). luca kaneshiro edition. ike eveland edition (tba). shu yamino edition (tba).
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it was all but a rush for mysta.
he woke up that morning, a little later than he liked because then he would have to quicken his morning routine and sacrifice breakfast time with you
when he entered the kitchen, you're leaning against the kitchen island with a piece of toast in your hand as you scrolled through your phone
mysta, without fail, smiles at the typical view he gets every time the sun breaks through the horizon. just you in your pajamas, some kind of light meal in your hand and idly on your phone as you wait for him to wake up
"morning, mysta!" you greet, crumbs on the corner of your mouth. you wave him over to grab something to eat. "lucky for you, i made you something quick but filling. grab a few pieces and rush to work."
oh, and the fact you also remember his schedule, despite he himself sometimes forgetting them.
"thanks, babe," mysta grins, doing as you said and pressing a long chaste kiss to your lips. you giggle and poke his side, eliciting a small chuckle out of the detective before he says, "i'll see you later?"
"yep," you nod. "be careful on the road, mysta."
"i will!" he chirps, pecking your cheek one last time before he says, "i love you, y/n."
and he'll never ever get bored of saying that. no matter how many times, no matter how long, no matter if you reciprocated it or not.
"i love you too, mysta."
and that was the last thing the detective heard from you. not just that day, but the next day and the entire next week you were declared missing.
when mysta finally returned home, he panicked upon finding the apartment door forced open and the knob fallen to the floor. he carefully makes his way inside, his heart only dropping lower with every step he takes.
the walls are littered with scratches, the floor is dirtied with various prints of shoes and items are thrown around the apartment.
these signs of struggles...
"y/n!" mysta shouts, avoiding knocked-over furniture as he frantically scoured the rooms for even a breadth of your hair. but he found nothing, even with his detective skills. it's like you had just disappeared.
then he ran out of the apartment complex like he had never run before all the way to the closest police station where he begs for an officer's help, face flustered as he told them how he wasn't able to find you
luckily, since mysta usually helped around in the police station, they recognize him and is willing to lend aid in almost no time. they ask questions, they send for search parties, they ask for announcements to be posted.
but it's all to no avail.
no one had seen you. no one had noticed you go missing.
it was so infuriating to the point mysta felt like pulling his hair until he bled. he didn't care how much it hurt. when he realized you were missing, that was the greatest pain he felt.
he didn't even realize when was the last time he ate something proper. just a cup of noodles two nights ago-ish?
"mysta, please go home," vox begs, tugging on his friend's arm to get up from his chair. but the detective only shoots him a look with his painfully bloodshot eyes then goes back to tracing files as though he hadn't been doing that the past eight hours or so
"mysta, you're going to kill yourself," the demon pleads once more, attempting to stop the stubborn man by pushing away his documents.
but he's met with a scowl from mysta, "fuck off, vox. i don't need you telling me what to do. i'm busy."
he understood how important you were to him. how incredibly meaningful you were. the joy you brought into his life. vox completely understood what it felt like to have someone so special by your side suddenly disappear.
but mysta was also one of his closest friends. there was no way in the world he was going to idle by and watch him deteriorate like this.
"this is not what y/n would've wanted for you," vox reasons.
at the mention of your name, mysta pauses and for the slightest second, the demon catches him dwindle down.
"they're out there somewhere. they could be in pain, almost dead, scared! i have to find them soon!" the detective turns to his friend, fear lacing his orange-blue eyes. "i can't afford to lose a second where i could be tracking them down, vox."
"don't you think they would've rather you showed up healthy and well-nutritioned than in bones and barely alive?"
"they're barely alive! i'll eat something soon, okay? just... just let me find them please. i need to know if they're okay," is the last thing that drove vox to sigh and leave his friend be, pretty much giving up on him for the day.
mysta breaths a sigh of relief and his eyes are trained back onto the long blocks of black text on the desk, occasionally a few inserted photographs of evidence and possible tracks you might’ve left behind
but then his mind suddenly echoes vox's words from earlier.
he was right. him treating himself like this for your sake was something you would never allow. it's only when mysta imagines your figure looming over him, giving him an earful does he really feel his hollow stomach
he picks up his phone and orders takeout, the usual one you and him would order on late nights like these. when it arrived, the whiff of the food invading his sense of smell, the detective is spilling tears all over his papers.
overwhelmed with memories he can't wait to relive again.
as mysta spoons every bite into his mouth, he closes his eyes even tighter, refusing to accept that when he opens them again, he won't see you there stuffing your face with takeout
but when the box is empty, he's forced to face the darkness and his loneliness. you still nowhere to be found.
somehow, it's been two weeks since the earth swallowed you whole and no one, not even detectives greater than mysta was able to find you. with every passing day, the man's heart only shrinks and greys.
two weeks of nothing... there was no way you were still alive, was there?
every time this thought would make itself present within mysta's mind, he would slap himself until his cheeks stung, determined that he would find you soon.
but again, even with the entire police force of the city, it really did seem like you've been swallowed whole by the earth. the detective pressed for them to search further, even if it costed his entire life's fortune.
it took even sonny to tell mysta they had to close the case, no matter how much he refused to believe you were dead.
"please, i know they're out there somewhere! we haven't found their body yet so there's still a chance--"
sonny pauses him by holding his shoulders firm, a heavy frown on his face, "mysta, please. we've done all we can. we've checked city footage, we've asked everyone single person in this city and ransacked it upside down. they're... they're already gone, mysta. you have to let them go--"
"no! i can't do that to them! not when they've never given up on me. i'm not going to give up on them," with that, the detective storms out of the station and away, to who knows where. all mysta needed was some space from the world and a clearer head.
he reaches the outskirts of the city, with lesser people and quieter streets.
"please, y/n, where are you..." he prays, wiping the sweat off his forehead. but it becomes more than his sweat he's erasing. it's his reluctant tears.
he hiccups, continuing to wipe away the endless river down his cheeks, "please, baby. please, give me a sign. where are you? please, come back to me."
mysta freezes, his sobbing ceased for a moment as he fished his phone out from his pocket.
baby 💕 : mystaaaa come pick me up will you?
the detective blinks, rubs his eyes once, blinks again before he looks down at his phone. th-that... that was a text from you? his eyes weren't deceiving him?
no, it was probably because of the lack of food he's been eating…
baby 💕 : i'm at the train station
baby 💕 : i'll share my location
then an exact location within the city. and it really was in a train station.
mysta doesn't even waste his time to text you back as he jogs on over to where you were.
it didn't matter it was still a mile away. he could run a thousand more just for you. because you were alive and you're asking him to find you. nothing else mattered.
the entire run to the train station, mysta can feel the weight of the past two weeks evaporate off his shoulders. all those late nights crying over you, scouring the apartment for weeks on end, asking everyone he met if they had seen you finally comes to fruition.
he was finally going to see you again, hold you again, kiss you again and tell you how much he loved you.
the station gates finally come into view and mysta pushed the last of his energy to speed up. then he rushes through, ignoring the people who eyed him oddly as he searched every station to where you could be
he frantically looked here and there, but you still weren't sight. mysta kept searching though, no matter if it took him all night.
then he sees you.
your hair in the distance and the outfit you were last seen in.
just like the first he met you, mysta's heart skips a beat as his legs carry him forward to you. when you turned a corner, he did too. when you ran, he ran.
"y/n!" he called out, but you only run faster away from him.
then mysta catches you jumping onto the railway of the train, still speeding your way through the tunnels. he immediately worries about an incoming train and almost contemplated whether to follow behind
but he's been looking for you all this time. how is a train going to stop him?
"y/n, wait up!"
he hops down to the railway as well, ignoring the officers present as he chased you down through the dark tunnel.
mysta couldn't recall just how long he's been trudging through the dark, but after a while, he was able to see the bright end and your figure standing right there.
he smiled, jogging the last final stretch and for once, finally sees your beautiful face in the early evening light.
two weeks.
the most excruciating two weeks in his entire life.
but that didn't matter.
there you were.
"baby," mysta calls out, his voice broken as his arm reached for yours. you merely giggle and your cheeks redden before pulling your lover into a tight embrace, one that felt so heavenly and comforting to mysta.
then he broke apart, sobbing into your shoulder, "y/n, baby, i was so worried. please, don't scare me like that again. don't leave me again."
you pull away, holding his tear stained face in your gentle arms, "you know i would never leave you, mysta. even if the world tore us apart, i'll always find a way back to you."
"mhm," he nods weakly.
you lean up against him, placing a chaste kiss to his chapped lips, "always remember i'll never leave you, mysta. because i'll always love you."
"i'll always love you too, y/n," he breaths out, every single inch of his heart filled to the brim with his affection for you. "let's go home."
"wait," you pause, pulling away from mysta. you tug on his arm and gesture towards the continuation of the train tracks. you say, "can i show you something first?"
the detective raises an eyebrow, but seeing as it was probably important, he nods. "lead the way."
then you let go of his hand, running to where you pointed and disappearing down a corner. mysta chuckles and jogs just behind.
but he pales up with every step he got closer to the corner.
w-what was that stench?
it was so strong and stomach-clenching that mysta almost hesitated to follow you. what were you going to show him? what did you do?
"y/n?" he tries calling, but you don't respond. so he has no other choice than to step closer to catch up with you. his stomach begins to empty out, the worry in his head only worsening
then he finally turns that dreaded corner and his nightmares manifest before his eyes.
mysta falls to his knees by your side, the soul leaving his body with only a broken heart remaining within. his hands shakily reaches for yours and the other for your head.
"y/n, baby..." he hiccups, followed by a straggling sob as he pulled you over to his lap. he cared no more for the terrible stench, he cared no more for himself.
he cared if they had let you go easily. he cared if they ever cared at all for your tears and pleads. he cared if you still remembered he loved you. he cared if you were happy, wherever you were.
"baby, i'm so sorry i was too late," mysta cries, hugging your head to his chest against where his beating heart would be. "please, don't leave me. please, come back."
but who was he to think that could happen?
your skin had turn grey, void of any of the bright red you wear out for the world so proudly. your gentle fingers that favored brushing through mysta's hair lays limp and stiff. your beautiful eyes that used to look at mysta with all the love in the world now forever gone and never to look back at him.
all those memories he wished to relive once he found you... now stays in the past, whether he liked it or not.
"y/n, baby," mysta howled, caressing your thinned out hair. "i love you. i love you so much. i love you so, so much."
always remember i'll never leave you, mysta. because i'll always love you.
you... you had led him here. you took up your remaining seconds on this world to lead him back to you. you found him again, even if the world did tear you apart.
you came back to tell him you loved him so much, one last time.
"i'll always love you too, y/n," mysta whispers, pressing one last desperate kiss to your blackish skin. he hugs you to himself as he took out his phone, dialing a number and spoke with a broken voice, "sonny, i found them."
within a few days, your funeral was held, mourned over by family members, friends and most of all, mysta.
he who worked the hardest to find you, he who cried days and nights praying for you to come home, he who suffered the heartbreak the most.
"i'll always love you," mysta repeats your words, his swollen eyes pooling with tears once more. as they closed your coffin, all the detective could do was reminisce the very last smile of yours, the very last ghostly kiss you gave him.
it felt so real, so warm, so you.
now he stands before your grave, your name etched into the tombstone and a bouquet of your favorite flowers placed where you rested.
his tired eyes daydreams what you two could be doing right now. his broken heart imagines the memories you could be making at that moment.
for the slightest second, mysta swore you were standing right in front of him, smiling a goofy grin and cheering him on in his work.
mouthing 'i love you'.
he turns and sees his demon friend, carrying a bouquet of flowers himself. vox places the flowers next to mysta's before he turns to his friend, holding his shoulder firm, "are you okay?"
he blinks, the cold tears finally falling out of his eyes. he wanted to say no, he wanted to shake his head, he wanted to curse the world out for taking you away from him.
but then he sees you standing behind vox, smiling and waving. when he blinks again, you're gone again.
this isn't what they would've wanted for me. they would've wanted me to be happy and move on.
"mhm," mysta nods, cracking a small smile. he looks into vox's eyes and feels a sense of warmth upon remembering his friends. not just vox. there was luca, shu and ike. there were the others from niji.
"yeah," he says again, this time smiling wider. "i'm okay. call the boys and get something to eat together?"
vox chuckles softly, patting mysta's shoulder, "sure, buddy."
the detective looks at your tombstone once more and he gives you one last smile for the day, "i'll see you soon, y/n."
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quick illustration done by none other than proofreader-san owo
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novlr · 7 months
Gearing Up for NaNoWriMo with Novlr
Hi everyone 👋 I’m Pamela, Writer Development and Community Lead at Novlr!
October is coming to an end, and so is the time to prepare for NaNoWriMo (a time we affectionately call Preptober).
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I hit my head, what is NaNoWriMo?
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is an annual event where writers from all over the world work toward the same goal - writing 50,000 words - while offering and receiving support from other writers.  
Throughout the year, NaNoWriMo also provides resources and support for writers, as well as events like Camp NaNoWrimo. 
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Okay, and who are you?
We’re Novlr, and we’ve got a long history with NaNoWriMo. Our co-founders, Kim and Thomas, and myself are all NaNoWriMo vets, and Novlr has sponsored NaNoWriMo since 2019 because we share their aims of supporting writers and uplifting the writing community. 
Novlr is a writing workspace designed to get you from the spark of an idea to a completed first draft without any distractions.  We’re completely free to use for up to five projects, and we are the first creative writing platform to be writer-owned.* 
We put writers at the centre of everything we do, and we work with our community to build the tools that writers need. We care about allowing every writer to focus on what’s most important — your words. And we are all about empowering  writers to achieve their writing goals, no matter what they look like. 
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Why use Novlr this NaNoWriMo?
With Novlr, you can fully integrate your project with NaNoWriMo without having to manually keep track of your word counts. 
We keep track of all your words automatically, from words written, deleted, to total word count. Our integration sends that data directly to NaNoWriMo, keeping your project updated on the NaNoWriMo site as you write. 
We’ve also put goals front and centre in your writing workspace, which will keep you on track to reach your NaNoWriMo goals, as well as let you keep up your writing practice even after NaNoWriMo has finished.
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Lastly, we’ve got advanced writing analytics that will help you learn all about your writing habits, like when you’re most productive, and help you get the most out of your writing time.
In addition to the platform itself, I’m also going to be writing with you all this year! 
Novlr will be hosting a NaNoWriMo kickoff event on November 1st at at 23:00 - 01:00 GMT / 18:00 - 20:00 CT. 
Throughout the month, I’ll also be running regular writing sprints in our Discord and sharing lots of posts with inspiration, encouragement, and resources, as well as chat through our projects.
Join me and my writing buddy, Molly, for lots of creativity 😍
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No matter where you write your words, NaNoWriMo is the perfect time to build a writing community. I’ve made lifelong friends through my participation, and have got so many words written. Whether you use Novlr or not, participation is the key. And our community, and the NaNo community at large, are here to support you as you reach for the lofty goal of 50,000 words in 30 days.
I can’t wait to read all the amazing things you write!
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*P.S. While our Standard plan is completely free, we do offer some extras for those who want the extra push. As sponsors of NaNoWriMo, we’re offering all participants this year 40% off Novlr Pro for 12 months, and winners, 60%! Just visit the offers page in your NaNoWriMo dashboard.
Novlr Pro gets you unlimited projects, unlimited version history to restore older versions of your work, a ProWritingAid integrated proofreader for when you’re ready to edit, as well as access to our advanced analytics. Create your free account at Novlr.org.
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exhaustedpirate · 2 months
the one where Emma is pregnant
here it is, the second and final chapter of this fic from Emma's POV! I hope you guys enjoyed the first one and that you will also enjoy the conclusion of this little silly fic! thanking once again @belovedcreation for her beta services! rated T | 6344 words also on AO3 | chapter one
Chapter Two - Emma
Emma had made many mistakes in her life. Many. But she didn't have many regrets. She didn’t even regret falling for Neal. Not even when he cheated on her. She didn’t even regret having sex with him. She didn’t regret becoming pregnant. She had always wanted a family and, while she hadn't expected it to start so soon, she didn’t regret it.
She did regret falling in love with Killian. Not because he was a mistake or because he was a bad person. But being in love was never simple for her, never ended well. Her relationship with her baby’s father was a shining example.
Killian wasn’t a mistake. He just didn’t feel the same and she wouldn’t be able to handle being rejected by him. Didn’t want to put him in that position where he would have to reject his pregnant best friend. His pregnant best friend who was still living with him.
But she could live with it. She thought. She could live with the way her heart did a happy jig in her chest as his whole being brightened up at every milestone, every sonogram, every kick. She could live with the way every platonic touch sparked every nerve ending in her body until she felt like she could light up a whole street. She could live with the fantasy of a happily ever after for them if she took that leap and asked him to be part of her life, part of her family. If she asked him to love her back.
It wasn’t always like that between them, of course.
He had fascinated her when they first met years ago; she was only human and he was a fine specimen of a man. His reputation, however, had distanced her from him, knowing that, while the sex would possibly be great, it wasn’t worth ruining a friendship for a one-night stand.
But then he became her friend, her best friend. Made her laugh, let her cry, listened to her, was there for her and became too special to risk it all. 
Neal had been easy. She knew he had liked her since they first met and, while it had been easy to push it away back then, she saw how he had grown. It was easy to fall in love with him. It had even been easy to end it all after his betrayal. Maybe she should have taken it as a sign.
Killian had been easy to love. He was a genuine man who cared for his friends, who loved deeply and truly. He was someone who would stay with you forever. Maybe that’s what scared her away from those feelings. Because she could see a future there, a happy one, but her doubt, her fear, stopped her from taking that step.
It wasn’t just a physical attraction either. Well, at first it was. Who could really resist him? Those bright blue eyes that feel like they can look into your soul, that dark hair that she just wanted to run her fingers through, his broad shoulders, the way his tight trousers fit snugly in all the right places,...
Right, that had been one of her biggest challenges during her pregnancy. Not that she expected it to be a walk in the park but the way her hormones just flared up all over the place, and how they seemed to ignite when Killian was in the room was definitely a problem.
“Oh yeah, this is about the fourth month of your pregnancy, right?” Tink had asked when Emma had brought up finding the short and balding barista attractive - in a way to disguise that she had actually been ogling Killian’s backside as he leaned on the counter. “Your hormones are going crazy, that’s normal!”
“Are you sure?”
“Emma, I’ve been through it, I know all about it.” 
Tink had become Emma’s source of information over all things pregnancy related, after she had become a surrogate for her old friend, Regina, and her husband. 
“And how did you deal with it?”
“I became very good friends with my vibrator,” Tink answered, with a longing look in her eyes. “I mean, you can always find someone to have sex with, get it out of your system.”
“No!” Emma quickly said, catching the attention of Killian at the counter before she waved away his worried look and turned to whisper at her friend. “I’m not going to have sex with some random person, Tink.”
“It was just a suggestion,” She shrugged before looking at Killian’s back. “You could always ask Killian, he’d do it, I heard he’s good.”
Oh, she’d heard it too. “I’m not going to ask him, I’ll just deal with it.”
“Alright, well, remind me to give you extra batteries then.”
That had been that. Emma followed Tink’s lead and became very close to her vibrating friend. Of course, that hadn’t been exactly the end of it - Killian had, (not) unfortunately, become the main protagonist in her fantasies.
The worst (read, best) part of it was that most of the fantasies weren't just about the mind-blowing sex he could give her. He was caring, romantic, soft, sweet - all those romance novel things a man written by a woman would be. The worst part was that she knew Killian would be that way with her too. She saw how he was with her and the rest of the group, she could just imagine the way he would hold her in her arms, run his hands down her body, through her hair, kiss her in every available patch of skin…
Right, that was when the problem began.
Actually, the problem began when she moved in with him.
He was a great roommate, especially when dealing with her untidiness. It was just maddeningly taunting to observe Killian Jones and his “friends”. Not that she was celibate, not at all. She had her share of “friends” over, not at all in a way to give Killian a taste of his own medicine. It was just that the walls were thin and he was, seemingly, very thorough. That had, however, helped deepen her stimulating friendship with her vibrator. 
But most especially, Killian was a great roommate when dealing with her sudden pregnancy. She had expected him to be happy to have her move out, not looking forward to having a crying baby in his home. But he had surprised her, almost begging her to stay. She was happy to do so too, she loved living with him. So she stayed.
Of course, that led to more complicated feelings over their friendship. Especially after their “date”. She would blame her crazy hormones for accepting it. She loved the fact that he wanted to make her feel better and it had definitely helped. She just hated how real it felt, how it was just like any of the other times they spent time together.
There were differences, of course. She felt the way his eyes roamed over her face, the attentive look on his face. She felt his skin under her touch, unable to keep away from it, and cherished the barely perceptible twitches of his hand - she wished, more than anything, that he took her hand in his as he did so many times before, only not in a platonic way this time. She watched the way his lips moved when he talked, when he laughed, when he ate, far more intently than she ever did. 
She was high on happiness, on this feeling of being cherished, on him, all through the night. She blamed that on the way she responded to his advances and the way she gave him her own. While that had been the way she ended her dates, it had never felt that way with others like it did with him.
Emma almost wanted to thank him for kissing her. She wondered if he felt the way her fingers held on to the back of his neck when she felt his lips on her, wanting to keep him there. She also wanted to curse him for stopping it, when she gasped in surprise. 
But, once in her room and away from his tempting figure, she knew that it had been the best outcome. She didn’t want to be with him if it wasn’t real, if he was just acting on this fantasy that they were playing out. 
Her lips still tingled from the feel of his lips on it, the rough whisper of his scruff on her skin and she still felt the spell of his eyes on her as she tucks in for the night. And if she fantasized about them, that’s her business.
She might be in love with her best friend but she is going to keep that to herself. No need to make everyone uncomfortable or deal with rejection if she could avoid it.
It turned out that she didn’t need to worry about avoiding it. Killian had kicked her out of his apartment and got her to move in with Neal.
It wasn’t a bad idea; she was feeling bad about Neal always missing out on the baby stuff, even if she did enjoy Killian’s involvement. Neal was the father and it wasn’t fair to him to keep him away from the baby, even if it was just about belly kicks or Braxton Hicks contractions.
And Neal wasn’t a bad roommate. His apartment was big enough for the two of them without them having to sleep in the same room - that was, definitely, out of the question -, and he was so excited about the baby that it got her even more excited about it.
It wasn’t easy not having Killian around anymore. She missed his presence, his voice, his laughter. Especially when he was so attuned to her needs, to her aches and, boy, did she miss his foot rubs. She was also glad that her morning sickness had abated because Neal had the worst taste in food. And that was coming from her, Miss pickles with peanut butter.
Worst of all was how much she missed Killian. Just him. If she hadn’t been sure before, that definitely confirmed her feelings for him.
Actually, no, the worst of all was coming to her fast.
“Ems, I was thinking,” Neal started as they cleaned up after dinner. “We’re living together and we’re having a baby…”
“You were just thinking that? Come on, Neal, you are way smarter than this.” She teased as she put away the cutlery.
“What I was thinking about was,” He ignored her jab and continued in a more nervous tone that had her worried. “That we should get back together.” 
The loud clang of the cutlery as it dropped onto the drawer filled the silence of the room as Emma tried to gather her thoughts and push the panic away. She took a deep breath as she turned to him. 
“I mean, it makes sense, we’re having a kid together.”
“Yeah but,” Emma stammered, laying her hands on her belly. “We don’t love each other.”
“I still love you, Emma.” 
She could feel her heart hammering against her chest at his desperate expression, the instinct to run filling her up. It reminded her of when he all but begged her to forgive him and that just brought back all the hurt he had caused her when he cheated on her. They had loved each other then and she still does now, which was why she forced herself to stay, to fight, in a manner of speaking.
“No, you don’t,” She shook her head.
“Neal,” She held his hands, looking into his eyes, trying to get him to understand. “You’re caught up in this domestic life that we’re living now, you don’t love me.”
“We loved each other before, why is this any different?”
“Because we’ve grown, we haven’t been together in so long,” She took a deep breath. “You broke my heart and we can’t forget that.”
“But we made this baby, we-”
“I will always love you, Neal, you were my first love but this,” She dropped one of his hands to gesture between them. “Is not what it used to be.”
Neal pressed his lips together as he looked back at her. Before she could stop him, she felt his lips on hers in a desperate kiss. She was quick to push him away and was about to chastise him when she saw the pained look in his eyes.
“You’re right,” He whispered, bowing his head remorsefully. “I’m sorry, Ems, I just-”
“I know,” She gave him a small understanding smile as she held his hand in hers. “Maybe it’s not a good idea for me to stay here-”
“No,” His answer was quick and strong as he held her hand tight in his grip. “I want you to stay, I want to be close to the baby, I don’t want to miss anything.”
“This is not a permanent solution, Neal, we can’t carry on with our lives while living together.”
“I understand, I do,” Now, she was regretting their situation. She didn’t want it to be so complicated. A hand pressing against her side reminded her that, without ‘complicated’, she wouldn’t have the little boy growing inside her. “We’ll discuss it some other time, okay? With a clearer head.”
Thankfully, Neal listened to her. For the next few weeks, they went back to normal - as normal as two exes living together while expecting a child could be. There were more doctors appointments, more ultrasounds to litter a whole fridge door and a very expensive trip for baby things, especially as she entered her third trimester.
Killian was avoiding her, though. She tried to keep an open mind, trying to believe the many, many, excuses for his absence. She kept dropping the extra ultrasound under his door or on his mailbox when crouching became too hard. All she wanted was for him to talk to her. He owed it to her after kicking her out and the wall of silence was making her angry.
“Please, tell me you have cookies, MM,” Emma almost begged as she sat down, well plopped down, on Mary Margaret’s couch. “I don’t want to go all the way downtown.”
“Actually, David went to get those ones you love, chocolate and cinnamon. He should be here soon.” Emma sighed longingly at the thought of that rich goodness before groaning in annoyance. “What? What is it?”
“I need to go to the bathroom,” Emma whined. “But I just sat down.”
Mary Margaret laughed before stifling it at Emma’s glare. “Come on, I’ll help you.” Holding hands, they both worked together to get her upright.
Emma heard the door open and close. There were upset voices, calming voices, and a very insistent shush that silenced the room right before Emma left the bathroom.
“What’s going on?” Emma asked as she rounded the corner to find Neal had arrived and was with David in the kitchen, while Mary Margaret stood closest to her. There was a strange tension in the room and she noticed a bag of ice on Neal’s hand. “What happened?”
“Nothing,” Neal answered determinedly, his eyes glancing between the married couple. Even without her intuition, she knew that was a lie and she made sure Neal knew it. “Don’t worry about it.”
Normally, Emma would drag the truth out of him and she knew she would be successful. Her baby had other ideas and a whiff of the open goody bag, had her reach for it faster than she thought herself capable of.
“Don’t think you’re off the hook,” Emma spoke through mouthfuls of the delicious cookies. “As long as I don’t have to worry about the police getting involved.”
“No police, Ems, don’t worry.” He huffed as he plopped down on the living room chair.
Grabbing the bag, Emma turned to David. “These are all for me, yes?” 
The tension in his face lightened into a smile and a nod. “Of course, only the best for my godson.”
Emma grinned as she returned to her seat on the couch with Mary Margaret sitting next to her as Emma happily dug into the bag. David took the time to make them some drinks before sitting on the ottoman in front of the couch.
“Is it just us today?” Emma asked.
“I think Tink is working.” Mary Margaret answered after a quick significant glance at David.
“Right,” Emma drawled, noticing it. “And Killian? Or is still busy with whatever bullshit project he’s got at work?”
Neal huffed and fixed the bag better on his hands. David and Mary Margaret kept looking at one another before looking away.
“What? What is it?”
“Don’t even start, David,” She put away the cookie bag and looked between the people around her. “What are you guys keeping from me? I’m pregnant, not stupid.”
“No one thinks you’re stupid, Emma,” Mary Margaret comforted but she didn’t accept her calming hand. 
“Okay then tell me what’s going on,” Emma insisted. “Killian has never been too busy at work for us so why is he avoiding us now? He’s never done that before.”
“Yes, he has,” Neal pointed out in a mumble, looking away when Emma turned to him, his good hand flexing on the arm of the couch.
“Neal,” David warned, leaning back as if to physically avoid Emma’s turning glare, before sighing. “He did that when Milah broke up with him, remember?”
She did remember, she didn’t want to but she did. It was weeks of Killian barely allowing seconds of their presence while they watched as he buried himself deeper and deeper in his heartache. She also remembered the first time he smiled after all of that, the first time he talked to them, the first time he left his house, the first time he touched her hand. 
Emma shook her head. “No. I mean, I remember, but,” She pointed out, noting Neal’s even deeper scowl. “Killian was hurt, she broke his heart and all he could do was blame himself,” She glanced between her friends. “I mean, he was so in love with her that he shut us out and-” She stopped as she finally noticed the significance behind David’s expression. “Oh.”
David pressed his lips together and nodded as he clasped his hands together. Emma’s brain was screaming at her, telling her to do something, say something. Anything.
“Oh? Is that all you have to say?” Neal asked, interrupting her whirlwind thought and standing up from his chair.   
“What do you expect me to say?” 
“I don’t know,” He spoke loudly, pacing back and forth in front of his chair, ice forgotten on the floor, his hands gesturing wildly. “I want you to say that he’s stupid for being in love with his pregnant best friend, a bad friend for being in love with my ex, just say something.”
Emma’s heart beat wildly as Neal confirmed what she had only surmised. She looked between her best friends. “You all knew?”
Mary Margaret nodded before Neal interrupted. “That’s not what’s more important, Emma. Why does it matter if we knew or not? Don’t tell me you-”
There must have been something in her face that made Neal stop, his wide eyes on her face. There must have been something underneath the panic and the overwhelming feeling on her chest. He must have seen the hope that she couldn’t push down.
Mary Margaret placed her hand on Emma’s but she couldn’t look at her friends anymore, focusing on her belly and on the wriggling baby inside, likely attune to her emotions.
“I can’t believe this, I-”
“Neal, you need to calm down,” David interrupted him.
“How can you ask me to be calm when Killian is the one having feelings for my ex? He’s supposed to be my best friend!”
“And he is,” David stands up, approaching Neal with his hands on his hips. “Killian was never going to tell you or Emma about this. He was putting you first, Neal, because you’re his best friend. You asked so he was honest with you, like the good friend he is.”
“I- He- How can you-” Neal stuttered before groaning in annoyance. “I’m allowed to be angry about this!”
“You are,” Mary Margaret calmly agreed. “But you should also realize that you’re overreacting, he’s your best friend of almost ten years and you already punched him so-”
“You punched him?!” Emma finally raises her head to look at Neal with shock and anger. “Neal, how-”
“I know,” Neal groaned frustratedly as he took his hair in a tight grip. “I wasn’t thinking.”
“I-I need to go.” Emma mumbled, scrambling to stand up and ignoring David’s help.
“Are you going to talk to Killian?” Mary Margaret asked and Emma was very aware of her friends’ eyes on her.
“Yeah, I mean no, I don’t know.” Emma stuttered frustratingly.
“Emma,” David called her attention and held it with his pleading eyes. “I want you to think about what you’re going to say to him very carefully, I don’t want you to have second thoughts,” Emma nodded. “Focus on what you want, not on what any of us say, can you promise me that?”
Emma nodded once more. “I promise.” 
Emma spent the rest of the afternoon in a blur, her thoughts not settling on anything specific and only confusing her more. It should have been easy - Killian was in love with her and she was in love with him.
But what if Neal was right? What if this situation was too complicated?
But she made a promise. She promised to ignore everything else and focus on what she wants. And what she wants is Killian.
She knew, from experience, that friendship could survive a breakup and, apparently, an unplanned pregnancy. So she could either pull herself together and go talk to him or she could forget all about it, ignore her feelings, ignore his, and be content with the fantasy of what their lives together would be like and focus on her baby. 
Yeah, that sounded like a nightmare and the kick she got on her spine told her the baby agreed. She needed to talk to him and she deserved an explanation. As she made her way to his apartment, she started feeling angry - Killian had avoided her, ghosted her, right after kicking her out of his house after he had begged her to stay. Despite her slower gait, with her conflicted thoughts, she was at Killian’s door in no time.
Without a second to breathe, she knocked. It felt like an hour had passed before Killian opened the door, the bruise on his left eye proof of Neal’s recklessness. But she didn’t want compassion to muddle her already muddled thoughts.
“Swan, a-”
“Why did you kick me out?” She asked as she pushed her way inside his apartment, her arms crossed over the roundness of her belly and her brow stuck on a frown.
His confusion was clear on his face as Killian closed the door before following her into the living room. “What?”
“Do you secretly hate me? Is that it?”
“Swan, what are you talking about?”
She huffed, dropping her arms only to start gesturing wildly with them, letting cowardice deflect on the actual reason she was there. “Neal is an awful roommate. He drinks beer all the time, he cooks the most disgusting stuff and he never takes the clothes off the washing machine and the smell is driving me crazy!”
“I could have told you that, Swan, I lived with him before, remember?”
She deflated at that, her arms back at her side as hurt took over her anger. “Then why did you send me to live with him?”
“I thought it would be the best for the baby…” Killian sighed, pawing at the back of his neck as he looked away. “I saw how he hated to miss out on all of the lad’s milestones so I thought it would be better if you lived together.”
“I don’t care that he is having a hard time, Killian,” Her voice rose in exasperation, her eyes boring into his. “I’m having a hard time.”
He took a step forward, seemingly unconsciously, in an effort to try and comfort her. “I'm sorry, Swan, I just wanted to do what was best for you and the baby and-”
“The best for me and the baby is to stay here, with you.” She interrupted his apology with an assertive tone, catching him off guard. But it had never rang more true.
“Is it true that you’re in love with me?”
He was caught off guard once more and Emma had been counting on the shock to bring out the truth, the answers she was looking for.
“Swan, where is this coming from?”
But she wasn’t going to be distracted. “Is it?”
He looked tired. And she wondered if he was as tired as she was. Tired of pretending, of hiding. Tired.
“Aye,” He breathed out in a sigh, his arms raising in a defeated gesture before he let them fall. “Where is this coming from?”
“If you love me,” Emma ignored his question once more. She was on a mission. “Why did you kick me out?”
“I just wanted to do the right thing, Emma,” he emphasized and she felt angry again, she didn’t want to be angry anymore, not at him, but she was so tired.
“Why is it the right thing?” She took a step forward, her protruding belly almost touching his. “Why is me being with Neal the right thing?”
Killian sighed and listed out reasons like he had made a mental list. “You’re having a baby with him, you love each other and-”
“I don’t love Neal.”
He watched her, reading her easily like he always did. But he didn’t find any doubt, only determination and a fair amount of anger, directed at him, of course. “You don’t?”
Emma shook her head. “No.”
“Oh,” But he wasn’t the only one able to read her, she could read him just as well and the glint of hope in his eyes had hers sparking up. If there ever was a right time to confess, it was now. “Well, I tho-”
“I love you.”
His eyes widened as they found Emma’s unwavering gaze, his lips parting. “What?”
Her lips twitched up in amusement, her shoulders lowering, and she took a deep breath. God, it felt good. “I love you, Killian.”
His mouth remained open for a long moment, so long she thought her heart would beat out of her chest if he didn’t say anything. He probably noticed that - he always did -, because he looked to shake himself out of his stupor. “Why- Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I was scared,” Emma shrugged, sighing at the liberating feeling. “I’ve wanted to be with you for a long time but then with the baby and Neal, I thought I’d lost my chance.”
“For a long time?” He repeated and she just wanted him to hurry up and kiss her.
She nodded, her teeth finding her bottom lip. “Since the first time we talked, actually talked.”
Emma remembered that day like it was yesterday. Months after they first met, they found themselves at the coffee shop alone having been dumped by their friends. 
He had taken the first step and told her about his beginnings - about growing up with an absent father after the death of his mother, how his brother was the most important person in his life and how David had shared that spot after Liam moved away. 
In turn, she told him about hers - about being abandoned by her parents shortly after being born, growing up in the foster system and about being adopted by Ingrid and meeting Mary Margaret who became so much like a sister.
From that day, they grew closer to one another and she ignored her desire to share her life with him by justifying it as a very close friendship. She had been so dumb.
“That’s a long time,” Killian whispered, his hand finding her cheek and her heart calmed as her eyes fluttered shut at his touch, his chest deflating in contentment. “Me too.”
Her eyes opened to look into his. “Really?”
Killian noded, leaning towards her, his free hand landing on the side of her round belly. “I’m sorry for sending you away.” He whispered, his lips touching hers from how close they were.
“Apologize by kissing me, Jones.”
“As you wish.”
Emma expected the feel of his lips this time but not the satisfying feeling of kissing him properly for the first time. Her hands landed on his arm, keeping him close to her as he slanted his lips over hers. His hand laid on her back as the other settled at the back of her head. He tilted her head so he can deepen the kiss and she is more than willing to let him. 
Her lips parted under his insistence and the feel of his tongue on hers sent a shiver down her spine. Her hands gripped his arms tighter and his fingers dug into her, both desperate to keep the other as close as possible. 
He pulled back with a breathless chuckle, his eyes still closed as he leaned his forehead against hers. 
“What?” She whispered in a lustful daze.
“He kicked me.” 
It took her a moment before she laughed with him. Her laugh died down to a pleased sigh when his hand cupped her belly properly. It had been weeks since she had felt his touch, to feel it now almost brought tears to her eyes with how perfect it felt.
“I think he wants an apology too.” Emma whispered, not trusting her voice. Killian’s eyes raised up to look at her before his lips curved up in a soft smile. 
“And he’s right.” He nodded, bringing his other hand down to join the other. He caressed the side of her belly, stopping when he felt the push under his palm. “I’m sorry for not being around, my boy, it won’t happen again.” Carefully, he bowed down to lay a kiss on her clothed belly and if she wasn’t in love with him already, she was sure she would be after that.
Her hand found his neck as he stood up to lay a soft kiss on her lips. “It won't happen again.” He repeated, a promise he sealed with a passionate kiss and she felt it engrave in her veins. 
If she had known it would feel this way to be loved by Killian Jones, she would have told him years ago. Better late than never. Much better.
5 Months Later
The piercing cries stopped suddenly as she was approaching the room. Emma would blame her half-asleep state on the way she all but ran to the nursery only to stop at the doorway. She leaned against it as she watched a shirtless Killian with Henry in his arms, his low hum barely audible from where she stood but audible to a now calmer baby.
It wasn’t the first time this had happened but it still filled her heart to the brim to witness it. Killian had taken to soothing Henry back to sleep whenever he woke up during the night, only waking her up for the night feedings. And every night she thanked her lucky stars that she had Killian Jones in her life.
If falling for Killian had been easy, loving him was even easier. It had taken some time before they all settled into the life they currently had. Especially with Neal involved and especially with Henry.
She had worried that the conflict between the two men had strained their friendship but, while it had taken some time, they had made amends and had worked on reaching a peace. Emma was happy to witness Neal’s more mature side and was grateful that he had helped make it easy.
Henry had been the more complicated subject, as she expected. Like Neal, she wanted father and son to be in each other’s lives as much as possible, even if she didn’t want to live with her ex anymore. Killian agreed, making sure his best friend knew that he never wanted to replace him in any way. 
So they had decided that Emma would stay at Neal’s until the baby was born and they would regroup after that. It also gave Killian and Emma time to figure out their relationship. Although, when Killian enthusiastically confirmed his desire to be part of her life for however long she’d have him, it was easy to agree to move in with him.
As if their wishes had been heard, the apartment in front of Neal’s was available to rent. Killian wasted no time going to the landlord’s office to get them a home. And to make it even more perfect, her son decided that then was the best time to come out into the world. So, while Emma was busy crushing Neal’s hand in a cab to the hospital, Killian was busy applying for the apartment. 
Killian joined them at the hospital, as soon as he saw Neal’s message, with good news on the apartment front. She was sure to share his excitement after she was done giving birth. Emma appreciated the distraction his presence provided as she waited to be transferred to a birthing room. Most of all, she appreciated his supportive presence, especially when he didn’t even complain when she screamed in his face and crushed his hand under the pain of a contraction, a proper one this time.
While Emma wished she could have had Killian in the room with her, she was happy to have Neal by her side as they welcomed their son into the world. She was thankful to have had him by her side, even when he almost fainted at the sight of the blood - no amount of book reading can prepare you for that.
Killian had been the first to see the baby after mother and son were transferred to their own room. Emma would forever remember the way he looked at her son, the careful way he caressed his soft cheeks and the watery sheen to his eyes as the baby took his finger in his hold. The tight embrace he shared with Neal and the emotional kiss he gave her were also forever engraved in her mind.
During the next month, they had made the new apartment their home, even if Killian hadn’t let her do any of the heavy lifting. Emma would happily witness Killian carrying furniture all day long.
For all her worries, they had managed an harmonious life that allowed her to watch as her boyfriend soothed her fussy son with an almost natural ease. And what a sight it was when he finally turned around and noticed her watching him.
His smile was the most content she’d ever seen, the moonlight hit him in just the right way to make his eyes sparkle and his hair was sticking up every which way from sleep. And that’s without mentioning the way his arms flexed as he adjusted his hold on the soothed baby. 
She shared his content smile before widening into a smirk when he winced in pain. “Did he grab your chest hair again?”
“Aye,” he grunted, unclenching the boy’s fist to have him hold onto his finger instead. “He knows the exact way to make it hurt too.” Emma laughed, approaching her two men and running her hand up and down the baby’s back. “Maybe I should shave it off.”
“Don’t you dare!” Her reply was instant as she turned wide eyes to his mirthful ones. 
“I wouldn’t dare, my love,” He grins as he rubs his nose against hers.
She pulled him in for a kiss, her free hand reaching up to the nape of his neck. She meant to go for a chaste kiss, a show of her love for him, but as always with them, the simple touch fanned the flames of her desire. Pulling him closer to her, her mouth opened under his ministrations, his moan mingling with hers. 
“We could, hmm,” he whispered breathlessly, pulling away but not so far that she didn’t feel every syllable against her lips. “We could put the lad to sleep and you can show me exactly how much you like my chest hair.”
Her grin widened and she ran her tongue over her bottom lip, aware of the way it touched his as well and thrilling at the lustful groan he tried to hold back. He took his hand away from Henry’s loose hold to run it down her side before it stopped at her hip, holding it tight. 
“I can do that.”
Killian winced in pain again as Henry, with his hand free once more, grabbed a fistful of chest hair. Emma can’t hold her laugh and silently apologized at her son’s startled yelp.
“Go,” Killian groaned, focused once more on the baby in his arms. “Before I really end up without any hair because of this little hellion.”
Emma giggled quietly before she leaned to lay a kiss on her son’s head. “Be good to Killian, baby,” Rising on her tiptoes, she planted a kiss on Killian’s cheek. “I’ll be waiting.”
She spared only a quick glance to the way his eyes grew darker with desire before she returned to their room. She knew that, if she stayed any longer, she would succumb to the same lust. At least one of them had to be the responsible one. 
In what felt like forever and no time at all, Emma felt Killian’s arms wrap around her from behind as his lips staked their claim on her neck, filling it with open mouthed kisses. She all but melted into his arms as she thanked every power in the universe for bringing this wonderful man into her life.
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amazingmsme · 4 months
I haven't really asked before but I really like the idea of a ticklish Paul! It's one of the big things that people in office learned about him on accident, I'm not sure where. Emma loves it too, and Paul tries to keep a straight face and neutral tone about it at work but it's one of the things that makes his generally same old same old days memorable. So he does like it. Before Emma, the thing that gave him that spark of 'this is different' was that.
Also I love all this so much. I never really got to do much with tickling, either as a ler or a lee. Most of my family including me has diagnosed autism and doesn't handle ticking well. For my sibs it tends to not be fun at all for them.
As for me, I do like it, and I've discovered all my spots because I self soothe with my hands, which is fun! (And the sensitive arms thing from before? Amazing that's basically me but more so) however unfortunately people gave up on tickling me pretty early on because my first instinct is kicking. And I can't help it. But whenever a friend tries now my legs are longer and usually have shoes amd I have to explain that I didn't mean to!
So reading these is so interesting and fun!
Sorry for all the extra story. I was wondering if you had links to some more fics you wrote? Or ones others did? They made my day yesterday
Aw I’m so glad that you enjoy my content & are able to connect with it! Sadly you & I are in the same boat, because it’s legit been years since anyone actually tickled me & when people do, it’s literally just like a 1 second thing. Most people are conditioned to believe that everyone hates being tickled, & our own physical reactions just make them buy into that belief even more, even if it isn’t exactly true. You can’t really control your reactions when tickled, even if you like it, so don’t feel bad about it. If your friends try again, you can maybe try to slip in the fact that you don’t mind it. (I feel like that might be easier than saying you like it, baby steps & all)
I’m glad my fics & headcanons can resonate with you & others, we’re all living vicariously through our blorbos, myself included 😂
& I agree wholeheartedly about Paul! His workdays can get to be so long & boring, so he appreciates a little lighthearted roughhousing to break up the monotony. I feel like Bill might’ve found out on accident when he squeezed past him in the break room, but he promised to keep it a secret. Ted on the other hand was trying to sneak up & scare Paul, but he squeezed his sides a little when he grabbed him & a giggle slipped out. Ted immediately tested out the new information & now he loves to go bother Paul when he’s bored & hear him giggle & snort. Paul tries to act like he’s annoyed by it, but his work is really boring, & he loves any excuse not to do work
Emma loves everything about Paul & she’s just so smitten for her dorky average man. Maybe he was feeling sore so she offered him a massage & that’s how she found out he was ticklish. I think she found out pretty early on in the relationship (like any good girlfriend) No one can resist Paul’s adorable bubbly laughter!
I have plenty of fics to choose from on my blog, but I gathered my tgwdlm fics, & some others I’ve found!
Let Me Hear It was my first fic for this fandom & I just needed a happy ending where they’re all alive & having fun together
Down A Peg was really fun to write & has Ted getting a taste of his own medicine
Wakey Wakey Teddy is just a cute sweetkoffski fic where Charlotte wakes Ted up with tickles
Wake Up (Proto)Call my first npmd fic ft. Ted
@happyandticklish also has some tgwdlm fics!
Lighten Up Ted is the office’s resident tickle monster & he makes it everyone’s problem
You Can’t Make Me Emma forces convinces Paul to go to an office party
I hope these can tide you over! After I finish my commission I’m gonna work on some of the Hatchetfield prompts I’ve got! I’m up to my neck in this fandom & I have so many ideas I wanna write!
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russilton · 5 months
Shoutout to you for the way you treat Alex and George’s relationship when you talk about George in context of gewis. So many people in cases like this with less popular ships turn vitriolic towards anyone who they think could pose a threat to their ship and just… don’t. Your approach of they’re besties your honor is great and sparks a ton of joy
Wow, thank you!
I have to say this message surprised me a bit because it’s something I’ve really had to work on, to the point I used to get some very angry anons about the way I generally ignored or forgot about Alex. Basically the opposite of this one hahaha! but I’ve also started to warm more to Alex this year than I did last year, though I still wouldn’t call myself a real fan, it’s nice when he does well.
I have… a complicated relationship with Alex as a driver and person. On one hand, he’s George’s best friend, I couldn’t change that even if I wanted to, and it’s a truly sibling like relationship I suspect George needed given how much older his actual siblings were. They support each other and that’s a thing they both need.
On the other, I’ve been watching since 2020, and Alex WAS a Red Bull driver, and he spent the entire first year of when I was watching the sport, getting into incidents with my favourite driver while being generally being very… accusatory. His role in RB during 2021 didn’t help either, and it just generally left me very mistrustful of the guy, probably unfairly, but with 20 drivers to focus on you don’t tend to get past first impressions unless you really stick about.
When he moved to Williams it was all under the fan fair of Horner crying that Toto didn’t approve of the move because he thought Alex was going to spy for them, and at the time it was hard not to sit there and go “well… are you?” Because post AD Redbull had more than proven they were willing to do anything to win, even if it was George’s influence that got Alex the Williams seat. It now truly delights me to see how that has in fact backfired on Christian as he lost a genuinely talented young driver to another team who will better respect his skill if he’s willing to be patient, though you won’t catch me calling for Alex to Merc…ever, or at least, any time soon.
I also struggled with the way he did talk about George a lot! It’s banter between brothers but it often felt like at the time the only way I saw Alex referring to their relationship was to poke or complain about George- especially showing off his body. Every single post George made showing even a little skin- the comments would be full of people waiting for Alex to show up and say something mean, and slowly the content from George dropped off, a coincidence probably given the ramp up with his duties at Merc, but it was hard not to link those things y’know, especially with my OWN, not Alex’s problem, views on body image.
So yeah, it was a tough grind, NONE of it helped by the prevalence of Galex as a popular ship and the tendency of popular ships to get very… expectant, of you to like them. I had the exact same issue with Sewis, though I will always adore Sebastian, because for a while it really did feel like it was being shoved in my face every which way and I couldn’t escape them, and no one enjoys having to wade through things they don’t like. Lots of posts with a general vibe of “what do you MEAN you like gewis when galex exists and clearly has more evidence” that just didn’t sit right for what I felt or what I was seeing. There was also the fic that will not be named that gave me a slightly… traumatic response to Galex and Sewis in relation to Gewis, and I all but stopped mentioning Alex at all if I could avoid it. Which as mentioned at the start… some anons sure took issue with!
I spose what changed my relationship with Alex was reframing his relationship to George (and by proxy redbull), when then things he started saying became less about George’s body and more about what a pain in the ass best friend he was. That’s a relationship I understand, the best friend who you love beyond all belief, would defend from wolves, would kill for, but if you had to date you’d kill each other in a couple days. A psuedo sibling bond I have with a lot of my own friends, people I would say I love you too knowing I have 0 intention on dating them.
Then it became easier to see all the ship stuff because I could go, cool I get it, but to me that’s his brother, that’s the guy who watches George pine and makes faux gagging noises, but would also go behind George’s back to tell Lewis how George felt if he thought it would make George happy. That’s the guy who George complains to when he’s struggling with balancing his feelings with his job as a teammate, and who hugs him when he’s feeling lost.
I have to credit Niamh for saying it one of her fics- but Alex is George’s Valtteri. The guy who has his back even when they’re fighting, and who’s bond goes a little deeper than skin, different to romance but no less strong.
So yeah, I will still always probably grit my teeth when it comes to getting galex shoved in my face, (no I haven’t forgotten synths poll, so many of you were v annoying to me ((this is a JOKE)), I’ve certainly started to completely detach that from Alex as a driver, and short of a nuclear melt down, I hope that relationship just slowly improves. Not that any of that matters to him of course. But this is the blog where I talk about myself.
Sorry for the ramble! That was useful to get off my chest I think hahah, cheers for the offload, now I can move on from it.
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New Jeff HCS Cause IDK What to Even Do With This Dude
WARNING! This list will be discussing topics of child abuse/SA.
As I’ve mentioned previously as a young child he was abused by his parents.
He had behavioral issues and instead of working through them his parents just held him down.
He has chunky belt shaped scars on his wrist from being strapped down to his high chair as a child.
While his mother sought help for her behavior, his father continued.
He was always deemed the evil twin compared to Liu.
Liu was more quiet and reserved, while Jeff spoke for the both of them.
Many described him as disrespectful and mean.
He loves animals.
He used to lease a buckskin quarter horse named Woody from an elderly neighbor.
Jeff competed in reining primarily.
The owner sold the horse later on and Jeff bawled his eyes out over it.
He’s as country as it gonna get.
He has a very deep voice. Which is funny cause he’s like 5’1. He also has a very pronounced southern accent.
In high school he was a cheerleader. He was a flyer and could double as a base or back spot.
He’s muscular and agile, despite his size he can indeed whoop almost anybody’s ass.
His dad was an alcoholic.
Jeff and his dad would constantly fight, even before they moved.
The move made it worse.
They’d get physical, and Jeff would usually wind up taking his dad out back to beat him like a dusty rug.
His father has also shoved him into a counter, busting his eyebrow open and giving Jeff a black eye.
Jeff called social services multiple times. There was an incident where he had gotten beaten so bad there were belt shaped marks running on his legs and back. This was over a bad math grade.
He’s very much a mama’s boy. If you wanna fight him (which I wouldn’t recommend) insult his mother.
He will also fight you if you try his brother. Cause if you’re gonna fight one twin expect the other to roll up.
Lost trust in a lot of authority, especially from male figures.
Jeff’s pretty good at hunting and fishing.
One time he went to Louisiana and a suspicious Cajun man gave him a German shepherd puppy and said to take good care of it.
Yeah that puppy turned out to be Smile,
Except Jeff decided to name him Cujo.
Yeah that dog is ludicrously big but genuinely thinks he’s a lap dog.
He’s not scared of shit and it’s concerning,
Once time a water moccasin hissed at him and this mf slapped it and told it to shut up. The snake listened.
He’s also gone gator hunting before, and dabbled in a bit of catfish noodling.
He loves camping and the outdoors.
He has a nice blue truck he treats like a child. The truck is named Cobalt.
Jeff is also a very good driver.
Jeff has a bunch of funny little pieces of knowledge he’s picked up from doing little odd jobs around town.
Gay as hell.
His awakening was his childhood best friend named Mickey.
Later on when he moved he took interest in Randy.
This messed with him a lot when Randy decided to start shit with him.
Randy found out and outed his ass.
Jeff was promptly had his shit rocked by his dad and was kicked out of his home and forced to figure it the fuck out all on his own.
Part of his dad’s abuse included cutting off most of Jeff’s hair, which reached to his mid-lower back. This completely crushed his self image and confidence.
Lived in his truck for a while, still going to school and working.
Got back on his feet after graduation and enrolled in trade school.
Jeff got a job as a welder and moved back home to Vicksburg, Mississippi.
Moved in to his maternal grandparents house.
One day his dad visited him. It didn’t end well. To this day his body has never been found.
The murder of his father sparked an interest in killing. He felt good for taking evil out of the world, and wanted to do it again.
Under the guise of a reserved, grumpy cowboy he worked as a hitman under the Slenderman.
He’s a good actor, and it’s easy for him to manipulate others. He takes joy in it, none of his victims are innocent.
His victims are all either abusers or rapists that have gotten away with what they’ve done.
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