#and i miss this lovable trio together so much
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The only thing she wanted was to spend another Christmas with them, but she had forgotten how awful fate can be.  It was their final Happy Christmas together for the year 1989.
Before I present my gifts ,
I Hope ya'll have a happy holidays! Ft. A drawing of My favorite ship and favorite trio!
I just miss drawing this three and this ship 🥺though I don't care about the game's story, I will just continue with my own story~ but I still gonna give pain🥲
We don't exactly know what happens in the future so for now, let's enjoy what we have in the present and enjoy the holiday season!🎄✨🎄✨
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sessakag · 10 days
I find it pretty difficult to enjoy Sasuke-Naruto as a ship because the way Hinata is treated in that fandom space is disgusting and it’s soured me on the ship completely. But I really really love them in your throuple stuff! It’s nice to see them soft and caring for each other and being kinda snarky but ultimately loving without the thought of “oh this person hates Hinata” in the back of my head. And even when it’s a scene between the two of them, Hinata’s presence is still very much felt which I appreciate a ton. I’m never gonna care about NHS as much as NH but you’ve made the ship enjoyable for me so I’m really grateful!
For sure, there's some really toxic and nasty NaruSasu shippers that go after Hinata just because she ended up with Naruto, and I can't really understand it for her considering she's so damn sweet to everybody, and would be one of the only women to step aside if her husband truly wanted someone else, with no ill will, but, that's a them problem, not mine, lol. I separate the NaruSasu ship from that muck entirely and enjoy it how I want, and what really helps is that there are plenty of SasuNaru shippers I've met that engage with my throuple posts that are absolutely lovely and didn't mind Hinata at all🥰I even got some throuple converts out of it, which I'm always trying to recruit😉
I'm glad you're able to enjoy the throuple for once, trust me, I understand that feeling 100%. There's only a handful of NaruHinaSasu fics and too many of them treat one of the trio like an optional piece (usually Hinata) that can't enjoy the story at all, and that same though will be in the back of my head (this person hates Hinata😩) I'm not one to stew over it though, if I'm not finding what I want, I'm gonna go make it myself🤭
I can't help but mention the other spouse when one is missing. It's probably trauma after reading fics that keep leaving one person out, lmao, but I just have to make sure people know they all love each other, even when it's just two of them. Especially Hinata!💕She be getting done dirty in these dynamics😭
And I got you, I'm in the same boat, I love NaruHinaSasu, but NaruHina is my core, it is life💕my OTP forever💕💕💕
Still, I am very happy that you can enjoy the throuple too. That's all I want is for people that read my throuple fics or stories💕to enjoy seeing these three together because they really have a very cute, very interesting and lovable dynamic when they're all being loved equally. I want to write a lot more for this throuple (been too busy obsessing over NaruHina though lol), and hopefully, more people will give the throuple a chance and that it will help shift the current negative perception of this throuple due to the venom of a few writers😩because you are certainly not the first person to bring up the venom souring them on NaruSasu and consequently, NaruHinaSasu.
I've got about 5 NaruHinaSasu fics coming up that I'll be posting some time this year, and the ones I already have out will be getting some love once I finish a few things with Butterfly and Prey. I'm really excited for these new stories and I hope they're something more people come to enjoy🥰
Thanks so much for dropping by to share your feelings about this ship and your feelings about my snippets🥰makes me super happy!
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countlessrealities · 10 months
throw my rp blogs' URLs at you and runs away
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{ for both @hvbris & @imprvdente }
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Do I Follow Them? Chloé and I go waaaay back! Damn, how long has it been now? 3 years? Longer? Many seasons in any case x'D We've written a lot together, in several fandoms and verses and every single one has been a delight.
Why Did I Follow Them? If I'm not mistaken, she approached me from Fish blog for...uh, I can't even remember which muse of mine we used first and foremost. I don't think it was Will nor Abigail because I added them later 🤔 Well, in any case, I was presented with this amazingly solid character, written by someone who is so very talented in both writing and arting. I would have been a fool to turn her down! Fish is lovable in all her iterations, even the ones where she's anything but a good person, and she's incredibly versatile, which makes writing with her with basically all the possible characters really easy! Imagine my delight when I found out about the multimuse 😎
Do We Role Play? Do most human beings perceive the sky as blue? xD Duh. I don't dare to count how many threads we have (and yes, Chloé, I know that they aren0t many for your standards, but I travel at a whole different wavelength xD). We use basically all my main muses with plenty of theirs! We've built and discussed a lot of dynamics and each of them has a special place in my heart 🖤
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: Abso-fucking-lutely YEAH! Chloé is one of my mains and a dear friend by now, so I hope that we'll write together for as long as possible. Plus, there are a few interactions we are planning that I'm very eager to explore, so I'm looking forward to when my slow ass will find the time to get them started!
An AU Idea For Our Muses: Oh damn, we're already doing a couple of AUs and I'm kind of drawing a blank on more ideas. Off the top of my head? An AU where my Smith trio has supernatural adventures instead of sci-fi adventures (very much Ghostbuster like, as a vibe, but not limited to ghost) and they have to deal with Salomé in her demon verse or with Vampire Fish?
A Song For Our Muses: "Ticking Bombs" by Eyes Set to Kill for Rick & Fish, "Bring me to Life" by Evanescence for Summer & Salomé :3
Do I Ship Our Muses? YES, and that goes for all our ships, and we have a lot xD On this blog we have Salomé & Summer's high school romance, Bill & Salomé's arranged marriage, Rick & Fish's ex-spouse / current fuck buddies, Morty & Teen FIsh's embarrassing crushes on each other. And then there's a lot of platonic relationships (Bill & Noah, Evil Morty & AISHA, Morty & Fish, Summer & Fish, Mabel & Eve). And there's definitely more to come (special mention for Ivy & Harley 😎). But in any case, Y E S.
What I Think About The Mun: What good things can I not say about Chloé? I've praised her and her skills plenty of times. She's an amazing write, a wonderful mutual, a super talented artist and a great friend. I'm so, so, so glad to have crossed paths with her. Her friendship means a lot to me and she's been there for me when I needed it. Not to mention that they are one of my favourite writing partners, and I love every interaction we have, no matter how small!!🖤🖤
Overall Opinion: I could say a lot, but I'll sum it up like this: if you're not writing with Chloé, you're missing out one of the best RP partners you'll ever find on this hellsit.
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10+
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nonclassyparty · 10 months
finally got around to reading starring role and … wow
like words can’t explain how much hurt i felt for all the main characters 😭 they really aired out their pain and trauma to everyone but a therapist 😭
somehow, san’s emails hurt me more than the actual angst of plot bc he finally found a gateway to therapy and STILL decided to go down the shitty emotional unavailable path instead like sannie my love pLS ((i have a disgustingly soft spot for characters that aren’t bad people and can actually be pretty respectful and lovable but are so inherently self destructive— ANYWAYS))
i’m glad y/n got her closure between san, mingi, and seonghwa in the end tho. i’m glad she forgave yeosang as well bc that trio is unmatched chaotic energy
this message has been sitting in my inbox since forever now, sorry for not responding earlier i had a crazy month lol but thank you very much for reading, i'm glad that you enjoyed it!
at first the emails were supposed to be a bonus chapter, i was supposed to write more of them to sort of show what san has been up to in the 2 years while yn was in paris but i gave up halfway since they started to feel a bit pointless. in the first version of the story, he was writing to yn in a notebook as a diary of some sort and would later on give it to her (in that version they end up together) but i realized that would totally clash with san's character so i quickly scrapped that. but while i was planning on writing the bonus chapter with the emails (its the final version of the story so they don't end up together), san was supposed to mention yn's old email address that he would write to and she had no idea what he's talking about so he'd feel real stupid despite knowing that the chances of her ever reading the emails were nonexistent.
i personally wouldn't say i have a soft spot for characters like san but i do try to make my characters as three dimensional as possible because they're simply more fun that way and ofc i wrote san, he's as real as he can be in my head when i wrote him so i would have an attachment to him regardless (which is why i was fighting for my life on here while readers were dragging san and me to hell and back lmfaooo i miss that so much. i need to write another series with a controversial character bc i truly had a sweet community here that would discuss each chapter and i loved to hear everyone's thoughts)
this response got so long but starring role era was super fun :)
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elliegoestodownton · 1 year
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#not me trying to figure out if some ships would be compatible based on astrology according to very vague info been given
I miei post migliori nel 2022:
Let’s stop for a second and fully appreciate the face that Violet makes the first time she sees Hawkins. Like a kid in front of a yummy snack.
12 note - Postate 20 agosto 2022
Honestly pissed off at Netflix right now as they cancelled The Babysitters Club. 😭😭😭 That show gave me so much joy in two seasons and they did an honestly brilliant job in adapting the books, one of my fave reads while growing up, and making the stories relevant to the present. It was SO GOOD.
And now no more heartwarming stories about the BSC. And mostly how dare they cancel it before Richard and Sharon, my awkward babies, could get married on screen??? Imagine that. I will forever treasure their perfect clumsiness. And the girls’ costumes. I will treasure those too because fashion!
If you haven’t watched it, go catch up with it.
12 note - Postate 12 marzo 2022
Stella greeting Trudy with “Hey Lady!” on the phone. That’s everything I needed for this week.
13 note - Postate 13 ottobre 2022
A few hours to S11 to here’s my wishlist for Fire 🔥🔥🔥
No drama for Stellaride. Just let them be hot and happy.
Ritter to have a real storyline and not just play the BFF on the sidelines. He is a great character, who has grown a lot even in the little time he is afforded to be explored and has great potential to be developed even more. He needs to.
I love Violet, she’s a badass and I would love for them to write her not just as a love interest but as she science nerd kickass woman she is in relation to her career.
Javi to be officially adopted by Cruz and Chloe with no drama. He fits with the family, he’s happy, so don’t come up with the aunt who comes back from the dead to reclaim him!
I expect nothing less than some shenanigans from Mouch and Herrmann, better halves friend version. Let them be their usual lovable and cranky selves and I’ll be happy.
More of Capp and Tony, underrated comedy duo.
Papa Boden. That’s the tweet.
With Kylie keeping him in check.
I love the chaotic trio of youngsters and their friendship. It would be great to see them continue working together on business plans without the Gallo/Violet thing in the middle.
I will sincerely miss Tuesday, my best girl. 💕😭 I hope that if is she is gone narratively as well, they will find a way to honor her sweet furry memory.
I have come to appreciate Seager towards the end of S10 and you know what would be great? To see her budding friendship of sorts with Stella develop a bit rather than her playing the third wheel.
A guest appearance by Pelham, my beloved.
I’m still waiting for a The Real Housewives of 51© (Trudy, Donna and Cindy) wine night because that would be absolutely hilarious, highly gossipy and slightly filthy. But we all know it’s not gonna happen. You read it here first, though.
I’m also still waiting for a Trudy vs Herrmann over Molly’s but I have lost hope there. This would be also hilarious.
I would gladly accept a game night on screen in exchange.
21 note - Postate 21 settembre 2022
Il mio post numero 1 del 2022
Diane and Kurt
Thanks for the ask!
Who said “I love you” first: Not in those exact same words, but canonically it was Kurt. I think he was the one to also utter ILY first later on as Diane probably needed a bit more time and reassurance.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: Kurt even though it took him ages to switch to a smatphone because you know the man. I imagine that if she has a non-work phone, Diane also has a picture there with quite the gallery from their dates and vacays.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: Diane would totally leave sweet and ironic stuff on the mirror for her fave cowboy to see. The word cowboy might actually feature in those messages as well.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts: Hands down Diane. But they both have a good track record of cheesy gifts, as we know.
Who initiated the first kiss: Again, canonically Kurt. Not that she minded one bit.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: I feel Diane peppers his face with kisses in those instances when he is still sleeping.
Who starts tickle fights: Kurt because he loves her laugh.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: I think they might take turns there. Probably Diane does this more often than he does.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Kurt. Because Diane never leaves work 🤣
Who was nervous and shy on the first date: She was definitely the most nervous of the two, trying to babble her way through the date and fill the silence also to avoid hearing her brain and her ancestors telling her that it was a very bad idea.
Who kills/takes out the spiders: Kurt gently takes them out as the good country boy he is. Diane is not a fan.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: Oooh, Diane probably gets tipsy a bit more easily but I feel that Kurt would be the one yelling it from the rooftops when really drunk.
31 note - Postate 27 febbraio 2022
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sharpe-lances · 3 years
LoT 7.07 A Woman’s Place is in the War Effort!
Lmao not Gwyn asking “Who’s John?” and of course, it’d be Zari 2.0 who’d notice Gwyn’s resemblance to John 😂 typical Legends lol
I sincerely hope Nate is not leaving the team, despite him living with Zari 1.0 in the totem. He said something about getting the team back to the present before moving in to the totem but he also said something about commuting from the totem to the team?????
So like I don’t really know what to expect: if Nick’s leaving the show or not (I hope he’s not)
Omg. I am so proud of Astra this whole episode. Her management skills she learned in hell really helped her run the factory. I love how she turned the factory integrated because she must be familiar with how it feels to be a minority.
AND I REALLY HATE THOSE RACIST, SEXIST, AND MISOGYNIST PEOPLE. MR STAPLES DESERVED TO BE FROZEN FOREVER TBH. I hate how he got the credit for what Astra has done for the factory, but it was realistic, I guess. People don’t mostly give credit where credit is rightfully due and it sucks.
This season really highlights Astra’s growth (which is MUCH) from literally torturing people in hell to helping people no matter what it does to the timeline and I think it’s beautiful. I’m really proud of her and I wish John or her mother were there to see her bc I know they must be so proud too!
I love how LoT incorporates real-world problems that are still evident right now but at the same time never losing the foundation of the show like time travel problems and timeline problems while adding a hint of comedy. Like they were really able to balance wisely the serious and comedic tone of the show without leaning too much to the other. (There were really lots of meaningful conversations that happened this ep and I loved it)
I don’t know about you but I ship BOTH!!
Esperastra’s “I hate you” and “I hate you too” and Behrastra’s “Special delivery for a special lady” I-
I’m curious if the writers are gonna write Astra into a relationship because they’ve been hinting so much about it. I kinda hope they will and I kinda hope they won’t bc I’m loving the Astra storylines we’re getting right now (being the strong, independent woman that she is) and I think if she has a romantic relationship with someone, the focus is more likely to be shifted there, but seeing Astra with a partner would be great too. So, idk.
Loved how Gary and Gwyn worked together! They’re really letting Gwyn work with the other Legends and I’m here for it. I just hope we saw more of them, though.
Nate, Behrad, and Zari 2.0 were a lovable trio. I missed watching the time bros together and I also missed Zari 2.0!! Behrad got to teach Nate about Persian culture while doing what he loves 🥺🥺🥺
Spooner and Astra delivering, as always! I kinda hoped they’d be paired with other Legends, but I think their pairing was only fitting for the plot so I’m alright with it.
I thought Gideon would be working together with Ava and Sara because of the stills but I guess I was wrong. I would have loved to see her interact with them more but 🤷🏽‍♀️
AVA AND SARA WORKING TOGETHER???? Idk why, but I missed it lol. I know they’ve been working together for the first few eps this season and were only separated in 7.06 but I missed seeing them together !!! Ava was hilarious and so adorable this whole ep, and Sara attacking Bishop was 🔥 (We’ve been sort-of deprived of fight scenes I’ll take any crumbs of action lol) Also… Sara’s “I already told you I am not leaving you again.” YES I’M HERE FOR AVALANCE CRUMBS I’LL TAKE WHAT I CAN GET
I have predicted (literally accurately) that Bishop’s gonna be redeemed only to end up dying as a kind of sacrifice or something. (Bishop’s salute at the end tho 🥺😭)
I was nervous at first that he was gonna take the time machine and leave the Legends but I guess he really had good intentions (the young him, at least).
AND BISHOP AND ZARI 2.0 INTERACTION???? Hilarious! I think this was the first and only episode (if I’m not mistaken) that Tala and Raffi got to be in a scene together. Regardless, I loved Zari 2.0 and Bishop’s interaction. They had some things in common and their conversations were just so funny lmao.
Also, might be unpopular opinion but I really found Bishop cute this episode. He was like a literal 6-years old (with Zari’s phone and Behrad’s food and the ‘aye-aye, Captain’ lmao) and he was so at-home in John’s manor dimension lol.
I don’t wanna call them evil!Legends and evil!Gideon bc according to Gideon, maybe they’re just misunderstood!Gideon who cares about the timeline lmao
I also kinda guessed we’re gonna take a peek at alt!Legends this ep, midseason finale and all. BUT OH MY GOD I WAS REALLY STOKED TO SEE THEM.
Alt!Sara was so hot I can’t wait to see her. I can’t wait to see alt!Legends in general, which, according to alt!Ava, “We are the real Legends.” (lowkey hoping we get to see alt!Sara and alt!Ava making out. I know they’re still gonna be together no matter the circumstance)
There were so many gif-fable scenes this ep I can’t choose what.
S7 eps ranking !!
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bae-science · 3 years
it’s t-t-t-t-time for another newt bae-science fic rec extravabonanza! same rules, same boys, same bullshit! let’s get into it:
a beginning; a second chance by @dykesword
other newt and i have a long and intricate ritualistic battle to become the alpha newt, but i gotta give credit where it’s due. if you like to annotate your books for fun, this fic will give you a looooong comment you’ll want to write, and for good reason! there’s a lot of really well done metaphor and character detail in here, while still keeping a very soft, melancholy but with a hopeful edge tone. and also, like, the care and detail in which newt’s mental state in the aftermath of the precursors’ abuse is depicted is so so good, and delightful to read
husbandly duties by @kingeiszler
i am soooo biased with this one bc technically it was made for me but GODDAMN it’s good. this shit has everything: gottlieb trio sibling dynamics, vanessa in giant femme earrings, hermann yearning, newt and karla infodumping together, newt’s terrible and accurate gaydar, gay crime, the newmann dynamic and why it works boiled down to its bare essentials, pride and prejudice glasses touch, and neon green acrylics. required reading for the vanessaverse
Say That Again by @robertfrobisherslover
WOOF. if you like mutual pining and lack of communication from men with rocks for their emotional processing centers, and guncle (gay uncle) newt and hermann and KILLER artsy sex scenes, and themes of words unsaid in a story about LANGUAGE..... oogoogogoogouhufug. the writing style is clear and well paced, i LOVE little mako’s scene she’s such a cutie, and there’s like. a line. that’s a play on the whole “it’s always been you” trope. that lives in my mind rent free forever.
speak right to my heart without saying a word by @thekaidonovskys
i’m just gonna paste the comment i left on it here, because that sums up what is so absolutely incredible about this fic the best:
so sometimes you stumble on a piece of fiction that you add to your little collection of stuff you would show a person if you wanted them to understand a part of you that you can't quite explain eloquently, or it would take too long, etc etc, and i've never really found something like that for my autism until now, which, like, poggers. and i'll be as straight up as i can while still being the biggest lesbian in the great state of ohio (not a hard feat but alan invented computers so i love continuing on the autistic tradition of being a living miracle), the chameleon effect hit me like a mack truck. catholic school in the deep south is the most potent and effective form of ABA therapy imaginable :/. so sometimes i wonder what i would be like if i didn't have such a strong ability to pass, and here's where we finally get to the part of this comment where i just vomit compliments at you: you nailed it. you got it. i don't know if you're on the spectrum, but either way, well fucking done. trauma therapy research talks a lot about healing fantasies, which are fantasies, usually in the form of daydreams, that abused/neglected/traumatized/etc people create that directly address a struggle they have and take the form of a scenario in which that struggle is helped in some way. it could be an abusive parent repenting and showering them with the love they never had, or someone finding them during a panic attack and somehow knowing how best to comfort them without having to ask, or being intimate with someone and having a scar or physical deformity they've been shamed for be given attention and care. and i think you have created the ultimate perfect healing fantasy for autistic people, or at least those with """"high functioning"""" autism. it has a character who is visibly and undeniably on the spectrum having the pain and trauma going through life like that causes being acknowledged and validated, they are purposefully paid attention to because person b genuinely likes them and wants to understand and respect who they are and how they function in the world, and thus get The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known as well as the eventual rewards of being loved, person b makes a genuine effort to help teach them social skills in a way they can understand and learn through and is there for them when these skills are being practiced, their space and boundaries are respected but they aren't infantilized or thought of as an emotionless robot, and they receive love and comfort on their own terms not despite of but because of who they are, even specifically being asked not to change the way they are because that way is lovable. they are openly desired. writing is my fucking JOB and it's still difficult to put into words how much you got 100000% right about the dream with this fic. i have been in the EXACT and i mean EXACT same situation as hermann when he asked newt if it was his personality itself that made people not like him, because i deadass made a spreadsheet of all my personality attributes i thought could be preventing me from making friends in college, and then asked my fellow nd friend to see if there was anything i was missing. so i guess what i'm trying to say is that this amazing, and i'm bookmarking it and putting it on my next fic rec post, and maybe one day way way in the future if i ever get a partner i want to explain the whole autism thing to, i'm gonna have them read this.
The Facts With Newton Geiszler, PhD by what_alchemy (NSFW)
storytime: i read this fic a few years ago, completely forgot the title and author, and ended up thinking about the part where hermann admits to having fucked a trailer hitch when he was a teenager, at least once a week. last november, i say to my friend samara on twitter, head of the BSHCU (buttslut hermann cinematic universe), hey this seems like something you’d have read, do you remember a fic where... and samara says FUCK i do know what you’re talking about lemme find it. so if the fact that i have been looking for this fic for like, two years, and that it contains a moment so iconic all i had to say is, “hermann says he fucked a trailer hitch” and she IMMEDIATELY knew what i was talking about, does not convince you to read this... go back to catholic school i guess.
Feeling Blue by TempusPetrichor
fics where newt goes back to work as a biologist, especially a xenobiologist, post pru are really interesting, and usually have something neat to say about recovery, how it isn’t linear, how it often involves us returning to things we love for comfort, etc. this one sure does! some good emotional and physical h/c, LOVE the use of the ghost drift, and it’s always fun to see post pru fics use dialogue very obviously taken from dbt, trauma-specific therapeutical texts, and anything that shows the author has experience with, or did their research on, ptsd therapies.
You’re Everyone That Ever Cared by KlavierWrites
you know a fic is good when it’s an only 9k slowburn and still manages to reach infinite regress levels of are you fucking KIDDING GO TO THERAPY. newt “acts of service” geiszler may have a little misplaced misogyny due to his broken woman-centric gaydar. as a treat. the fucking. post-drift scene where hermann subtextually screams “LOOK IN OUR BRAINS YOU FUCK I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU I JUST HAVE AUTISM AND CAREER IN STEM DISORDER” is soooooo. god just hermann in general in that scene is great. if you like classic mid 2010s era newmann, ghost drift romance, and good ole mutual pining, this is a treat.
Baby, You're Hotter than my Bunsen Burner by SkySongMA
moronosexual hermann representation is something that can actually be so personal
Times of Stress by RadioMoth
the boys are processinggggggg. man what a good, quick and powerful punch to the gut. if you like post-pr1 catharsis and physical h/c, AND are the one friend that likes to comment at the end of the movie that hey newt got beat the fuck UP, check this one out.
black tea by @faggotcas
okay first of all, god fucking tier url, lee. second of all, food as a love language is my SHIT. i love the very slow relationship development here, where you see them making a genuine effort to get along and that in turn leading to feelings reigniting. it’s such a sweet little moment of a fic, with a nice atmosphere and tone to fit it
now here’s the part where i usually drop my latest fic, but i haven’t written one this month because i’ve been busy launching an audio drama! you can find it here, it’ll be right up your alley if you like cryptids and gay scientists and enemies to lovers and good ole americana, but since this is a newmann post, i’m gonna recommend the pacific rim audio drama duology i did a while back! part one is called conversations from the brink, and it’s a little slice of the pr3 we better fucking get from streaming that godawful looking anime. love and lesbians to everyone ❤️
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tender-rosiey · 4 years
You are his what?!
❥— Oikawa Tooru (HQ)
❥— Fluff
❥— Edited 16 February 2021
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ᴀ/ɴ: Looking back I regret ever posting this; THIS IS TRASH OH MY GOD-; This is from my wattpad rosey_lover_ btw
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Before you transferred to Karasuno you were with Kageyama and Oikawa in Kitagawa Daiichi Junior school. You are really good friends with Kageyama and he truly respects you a lot.
You have been friends with Oikawa since childhood pretty much. You, Iwaizumi and Oikawa were an inseparable trio until the day you had to move to Karasuno.
Oikawa was devastated when he heard the terrible news for he had the biggest crush on you since childhood so he confessed to you and that's how it went:
It was the day before the last day of school and Oikawa was determined to confess to you so he asked you to meet him on the rooftop after classes and so you did.
When you arrived there you saw Oikawa's back facing me so you called out for him "Oikawa?" He turns quickly and hides something behind his back and says "O-O-OH HEY L/N-CHAN"
You tilt your head confused "Is something wrong" he starts swaying nervously and says " W-well I wanted to t-tell you something" You smile in hope of reassuring him because he looks so nervous.
he takes a deep breath before bursting out
As he was done he squeezed his eyes shut while offering a box of chocolate and a bouquet of flowers.
You cover your mouth and start tearing up, Oikawa opens his eyes slowly and looks at you with wide eyes and says "W-WHY ARE YOU CRYING" You hug him tightly but still careful not to break the chocolate and ruin the flowers.
You smile widely and say "You have no idea how happy I am".
Oikawa smiles a genuinely happy smile and hugs back and says "Even if you are moving school I won't stop talking to you, I promise"
It was the day when Karasuno was having a practice match with Aoba Johsai.
You became the manager of the Karasuno Team along with Shimizu, Both of you got along really good and she pretty much treats you like her little sister because you are a second year. Your personality is so lovable and you get along with the boys pretty well even Tsukishima ( oya oya? Reader-chan is getting dem boys ;) ).
Moving on to after the practice match, Oikawa was standing beside the gate talking to the Karasuno boys.
You just came out of the bathroom walking to the boys seeing Tooru pointing at Tobio saying "Because I want to pulverize my dear underclassmen, setter-on-setter, in an official match".
You sigh used to your boyfriend childish antics and walk up to them and say "Tooru stop being an asshole to Tobio."
Said brunette chuckle and replied with chuckled then poses sassily and replied with "Oh come F/N-chan aren't you supposed to support your wonderful and unbelievably handsome boyfriend?"
The team looks at you speechless with wide eyes except Tobio silently for some time. Hinata was the first to break the silence.
"L/N-CHAN YOU NEVER TOLD US YOU HAD A BOYFRIEND" and Tanaka says "LET ALONE THIS GUY" with one of the most disgusted looks you have seen on his face, you chuckle and state "Guys he is not that bad, he is actually a great boyfriend also Tobio you didn't tell them?"
Yiu look curiously at him as he looks to the side and says "Well it's your personal life and I didn't want to tell them incase you were uncomfortable with them knowing..". You run to Kageyama and hug him and say "What did I do deserve to meet someone like you."
Your poor junior got a little flustered at the form of affection much to Oikawa's dismay.
So he frowns and pulls you into his arms and wraps them around me protectively and says protectively "Anyways now you know that this perfect angel is mine so you better not make a move on her or I will hit you till you break"
He then kisses your cheek as he smiles not so innocently while you chuckle at the reference. The team brushes it off  then Sugawara looks at me curiously.
"Okay but L/N why didn't you tell us about him?" You shrug and casually answer with "You never asked" Daichi chuckles and responding with "Reasonable enough.”
You hold Oikawa's hand and say "Well Guys I will walk home with Tooru if you don't mind" while scratching my cheek shyly, Suga smiles widely and raises a thumbs up then says " Its okay! Go ahead and enjoy your bfs company!"
You smile about to bid your goodbyes but Oikawa pulls you by the hand and you start walking home. Oikawa suddenly stopped which made me confused, he turns back to you looking very seriously.
"F/N-chan.." "y-yeah?"
He wraps his arms around you and pulls you close to him ever so tightly and cries out saying "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH I HATED SEEING YOU WITH THOSE KARATSUNOS" then he kept showering your face with kisses and you giggle "But at least we are gonna spend some time together now, right?"
You smile sweetly at him, as a response he grins widely and jumps excitedly and says "YES YES F/N-CHAN LETS HAVE A SLEEPOVER AND CUDDLE FOREVER"
“LETS GOOOOOO!” And so you spent the day cuddling watching movies.
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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shianhygge-imagines · 4 years
REQUEST: FFVII Dating Headcanons [Angeal Hewley]
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AN: You know? Haven’t written much of anything for FFVII but these headcanons since my high school years... and I say high school years like it’s been soooo long... but that was literally only five years ago.... But you know... Angeal... I’ve always wanted to hug Angeal... always wanted to smack him, too... i seem to want to slap all the FIRST Class SOLDIERs....
Sometimes I mutter, “Embrace your dreams... and protect your honor.” and promptly break down in tears. I know it’s a Zack quote, but Angeal planted it in his head dammit. As you can tell, I’m still traumatized from Crisis Core. I’D LIKE TO APOLOGIZE FOR HOW LATE THIS IS!
|Masterlist Link|
~ I’m going to be honest, everyone... I’ve always imagined Angeal to be the most straight-laced and normal out of the SOLDIER First Class trio, so it’s kinda weird now that I’m actually trying to write a headcanon for him... I’m going to do my best, though, because he deserves just as much love as Sephiroth, Zack, and Genesis do. ~ Manly man. the Manliest man you will ever meet without being an obnoxious manly man. does that make sense? Probably not... >.>
~ This self sacrificing stupid wholesome hunk of a short sighed idiot (;.;) Is the gentleman of the FIRST Class trio that we all love to hate (or hate to love) so much. Angeal always has his friends’ backs... dealing with problems that probably shouldn’t even involve him in the first place.
~ Oh hey... Genesis needs an alibi to skip a social event full of adoring fans? Sure! No problem! Angeal’ll host a last minute dinner party for his friends so that his childhood best friend doesn’t have to spend an entire night dodging marriage proposals.
~ What? Sephiroth fled his apartment after coitus because he didn’t want to deal with a woman’s tears from being asked to leave?... 
“Sephiroth...” The use of his given name instead of a nickname is a telling sign of Angeal’s disapproval as the SOLDIER General leans against a shadowy alley, cell phone pressed to his ear. “I can’t keep kicking those girls out of your apartment. Maybe you should let her stay the night... maybe even have breakfast with her?”
The General grits his teeth, remembering the events earlier in the night before shaking his head, “Angeal... not her. Can you please, just... do something? I promise I’ll sit down and have breakfast with the next one.” There’s a heavy sigh from the other side of the phone, and Sephiroth knows that he’d won.
~ And that was how Angeal Hewley ended up walking into Sephiroth’s apartment with a bouquet of apology flowers and comforted the sobbing girl that his friend had abandoned in his apartment.
~ This is actually how Angeal gained most of his fans, and how the “Keepers of Honor” was founded.
~ Now, you may be wondering... oh! You’re probably one of the women that Angeal had to escort out of Sephiroth’s apartment with apologies on his lips! Or perhaps you’re one of the women’s friend? Mmmmmhmmm... nope.
~ You’re actually the one who made the bouquets that Angeal brings as apologies.
~ You don’t really care much about SOLDIERs in general, preferring to go about your life as a relatively normal civilian. The flower shop that you work at is owned by your family, and while you have always worked in the shop with your family, you didn’t start to pay attention to any of the faces that passed through until you were old enough to learn the meanings behind the elegant beauties that your parents worked so hard to maintain.
~ Eventually, your family decided that you should man the till for walk in orders. And it is while you work these shifts that you start to notice a rather tall man with raven hair enter the shop right before you closed the shop for the night, requesting bouquets that conveyed the sincerest of apologies. ~ One night, after seeing the man appear for the third time that week, you raised a brow at him and inquired:
“You always seem to be apologizing...” You knew that it wasn’t any of your business, but apologizing every few days with a bouquet of expensive flowers was excessive and a sign of a failing relationship. “Scorned lover?”
The question startled the taller man as he watched you move around the store, pulling bloom after bloom to put together another bouquet for him that week. It’s the first time you notice his eyes... and the subtle glow of Mako accenting them. The man, who you identified as a SOLDIER coughed in embarrassment before shaking his head, a kind smile on his lips. “No. They’re not for a lover... They’re for...” His brows furrow in thought, “for my friend’s... lovers.” You raise your brows, baffled as you arrange the flowers before wrapping them. “Sounds like your friend’s a “love ‘em and leave ‘em” type, aren’t they?” There’s an air of exhaustion and defeat on the man’s face as he moves to take out his wallet, pulling Gil from the pouch to pay for the expensive bundle. “You could say that.” “Why do you have to apologize for them though?” You wonder under your breath, not intending for him to hear you over the crinkling of the foil as you tied the ribbon on the outside and turned around with the completed bouquet in your hands. Glowing blue eyes met your own, a patient and gentle expression in place instead of what you expected to be annoyance. “My friend has a lot on his shoulders, and his upraising wasn’t the best. Even though it’s a bit of an inconvenience for me, I’m glad that he’s able to rely on me as he learns...” the man smirks, and you can’t help but find him charmingly handsome as the smile lights up his features. “Even if he’s a little slow at understanding things.” His hand extends to hand you the payment for your hard work, but you shake your head and extend the bouquet to him, pushing the handful of Gil back towards the SOLDIER. “It’s on the house.” The confused look on his face brings you great amusement as you shoo him out the door. “You’re a good friend, stranger. Just keep doing what you’re doing. And feel free to stop by any time you need to apologize for your friend. If I’m working that night, the bouquet’s on me.” He allows you to usher him out of the shop and turns just as you lean against the side of the door. “I.... that’s not necessary...” He falters, not knowing your name. “Y/N” You supply with a laugh before turning to walk back into the flower shop. “You better head back, SOLDIER, I heard that you guys had curfews.” “My name’s Angeal.” 
The SOLDIER calls out to your retreating form, giving you pause before turning your body to look at him one last time before the door closed. “Goodnight, Angeal.”
~ After that night, you were frequently visited by Angeal... most of the time, it was to pick up a bouquet and have a quick chat with you... but there were times where Angeal would appear halfway through you shift, bringing you dinner. (This was, of course, after you told him that you often skipped meals during your shifts).
~ It’s during these visits that you started to learn that he was a SOLDIER First Class, though he was surprised that you didn’t seem to care that he was friends with the great General Sephiroth or Genesis Rhapsodos. Angeal was surprised to find that your interest in his friends was just the amusing image of the mighty SOLDIER General running away from sobbing women
~ Eventually, Angeal bought less and less bouquets (due to Sephiroth calming down in his escapades), and the simple visits turned into long conversations, nights where the SOLDIER walked you home when he didn’t have an urgent mission, and just times where you two enjoyed one another’s company.
~ Neither of you put much thought into your relationship, and there wasn’t a dramatic reveal of feelings. It just seemed normal and right to slip into one another’s life. A seamless transition from sitting close to leaning against one another, to holding hands, to intimate nuzzling, to light chaste kisses...
~ Before you know it, you’re being asked to move in with Angeal... his official proclamation that you two are in a relationship.
~ It’s awfully domestic between the two of you. The apartment is full of flowers and other plants due to the fact that you both shared a love of flora, and the chores are often split... with Angeal cooking and cleaning whenever he has the day off, and you taking care of the days in between.
~ Angeal is a romantic... though not a dramatic one... and he’ll never miss a chance to tell you how much he loves you.
~ He’s the type to pamper you with chaste kisses at every private moment that you have together, putting your priorities first. Always.
~ He often feels guilty that he doesn’t spend enough time with you. That you’re taking on the burden of taking care of so many chores when he’s away. And you have to fight to reassure Angeal that you’re happy with him... that you wouldn’t trade your relationship with him for the world.
~ There are times where his work life bleeds into his personal life... Sephiroth and Genesis meddling with your relationship, being one thing... and when Angeal decided to mentor one lovable puppy of a teen named Zack Fair... but it’s almost like another family.
Argh! Let me just wallow in my despair, he’s such a perfect husband ;.;
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed my work, please consider buying me a Ko-fi!
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Ghost Analysis Time!
Been forever since I posted these but hopefully not the last! Here’s my analysis on the lovably wolf man, Wulf!
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Possible Backstory/Death
Before his death, Wulf was known as Alejandro Guadalupe Rivera; “Lupe” by friends and family. He was the oldest of a family of five who owned a bakery together in a small town in Texas. But, with his brothers they would also be known as “coyotes”, people who smuggled others across the border for a fee. They were careful as they were efficient in doing this dangerous work, particularly in who to trust and who to believe. Yet, they still felt that what they did for these people was helping make a great difference in their lives, Lupe especially. He was the one to lead these people to a new land of freedom even if it would cost him his own. Having as many risks as it did, Lupe never could have imagined that death would be the one to claim him in the end. 
I believe Wulf may have died around the late 1980s to early 1990s. His hoodie and sweatpants being my best clue to this theory as these clothing items spiked in popularity around this time period due to the emergence of hip hop culture and Norma Kamali’s Sweatshirt Collection; both which made it a huge fashion trend at the time. So, the likelihood of there being a green hoodie and matching sweatpants available to purchase is higher than in any other time period prior. It also means he was working/died during the fall or winter time since anywhere near the U.S-Mexico border is averaged to hit between 30°F to 50°F at night.  
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Aside from attire, Wulf is considered a werewolf or anthropomorphic wolf in the show. Though, for some reason he reminds me of a combination of a wolf and a coyote based on his features compared to another ghost wolf in the show. While I may be looking at just a small detail here, it should be noted that Wulf has long pointed ears similar to a coyote which compared to the ghost wolf, who has short/rounded ears, shows that this is not a common feature for wolf ghosts to have along with his sabertooth like teeth. I feel like that due to his previous profession and his nickname “Lupe” meaning “Wolf” in Spanish were the two main factors caused his ghostly form to change into what it is now in the show. He is an animal hybrid ghost after all; I can imagine various factors/memories of the individual’s past play a factor towards their identity as a ghost once their form begins to change as a result of their obsession taking over after a certain period of time.
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Other than his animalistic features, the scar on his snout region was courtesy of Bullet, Walker’s second in command. If you’ve read my previous ghost analyses, you’ll know that Bullet and Wulf have a history/hatred against one another prior to Bullet joining the GZPD. While that scar remains a reminder of their first encounter, Wulf isn’t bothered by it much unlike Bullet who lost his eye/depth perception from that scuffle.
Obviously, Wulf’s obsession is relative to freedom as each episode he’s in was always about evading Walker and the GZPD. Yet, he has selflessly helped friends who he barely met for a day be freed despite the risks it has on his own freedom. It can be said that helping those he deems as friends worthy of his loyalty is also another part of his obsession based on his own actions/morality that he remembers from his past life. To me, I think the kindness and friendship that the Phantom trio showed Wulf had reminded him of his past life and family. In “Public Enemies” we see him going through the gang’s photo album, looking pretty somber while doing so. Possibly, further indicating his regret for leaving his family so early in his life along with being unable to see them again.
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That sort of closeness and love is likely what he misses the most once he died. But, luckily for him, now he has three new friends that are there for him when he needs them the most and vice versa.
Additional Hcs
If I had to consider the human appearance of Wulf, I see him looking like Agustín Bernal specifically in the movie “Instructions Not Included”/“No se aceptan devoluciones” (Ironically, watching this movie helped me figure out Wulf’s story for this analysis)
I’m 85% sure the reason Walker pursued Wulf was probably due to his ability to jump between worlds and how he may have helped others cross these realms, both intentionally and unintentionally. Walker being Walker and not wanting this to occur in his prison when they were already trying to recapture all the previous inmates lead to him giving the shock collar on Wulf. Though, I’m unsure if this was Walker’s idea or Bullet’s to begin with here. 
Apparently, the Esperanto that Wulf speaks is considered grammatically incorrect based on the word choice is basically the english equivalent substitute for his words. While this may be a simple error, it could also add on more to his backstory and unique speech pattern. If we say that Wulf was Mexican-American, then maybe as a result of dying/changing over the years his speech became a mix of his two languages into this odd form of Esperanto. Since this language is composed of five different languages including Spanish and English, I can imagine that if English was his first language and Spanish second then he would lean more to the english substitutes creating such an odd speech pattern. Even at the end of Public Enemies, he speaks a complete sentence in english to Danny, “Friend! We'll meet again!”, before he is sucked into the ghost zone with Walker. Another idea is maybe this form of esperanto was the one he and his brothers used when it came to talking about business matters in secret when they would smuggle folks over the border in the past. Course, its up to you guys on what you consider makes more sense here. 
Ghost analyses Masterpost (Link)
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rnmsmalltownlegends · 4 years
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For this round of free-for-alls, we’re doing a little highlight reel from the @alexmanesappreciation​ event last week! A ton of amazing stuff was created and I highly recommend going to sift through it all. For this, I tried to focus on some of the stuff that didn’t get as much attention as I thought they deserved. So please go give these pieces some love and then go check out the other stuff the Alex event had to offer!
The Tale of Willow the Lizard
Not Rated (I’d say T)| @entropychanges​ | Alex Manes & Gregory Manes
"I know you’re scared, Alex. As much as I know I have to do this, I hate myself for it too. I hate that I’m leaving you alone with him.”
Alex took a shaky breath and leaned against his brother.
“It’s just one more year, right? One more year and I can leave too.”
“One more year and you can go off and be the vagabond musician you were always meant to be,” Greg responded, chuckling lightly. Alex laughed along.
Or, how Alex got his lizard named Willow.
Why We Love It:
If I could name two of the most under-utilized things in the world of RNM fanfiction, those two things would be Willow the Lizard and Gregory Manes. This fic (written for the day one theme family and pets) gives us a little of both as it shows us a little of what could’ve been Alex and Greg’s dynamic back when they were younger. I love seeing Alex know that, while he’s not exactly the perfect brother, he is the safest person in the house and he almost idolizes what he can take. And then, obviously, we’re introduced to Willow the Lizard which is always a happy little blessing. Definitely a comforting little read that I absolutely recommend.
Let’s make anniversaries together
Not Rated (I’d say G/T)| @benkouji726​ | Michael Guerin/Alex Manes
Why We Love It:
This little fic was written for the day two theme of AUs and is honestly one of the funnest things I’ve read recently. I’m a sucker for a good college AU and this factors in that element along with Michael being a little starstruck at the simple existence of someone like Alex Manes. Alex is cool and suave and Michael is the true embodiment of a himbo, as they should be. It’s a whole lot of fun and totally worthy of a read.
From now on, they are in charge.
Not Rated | @slynella​ | Jenna Cameron & Alex Manes & Kyle Valenti
Why We Love It: 
For the third day theme of teamwork, this artist just casually came in with a stunning piece of art of the trio we need more of in canon. I am notoriously bad at explaining the goodness that is art, but I can say that this is so much fun to look at and I like the idea of all three of them just coming to fuck shit up. I usually try not to curse in my reviews, but I’m doing it now. They are here to fuck shit up and I am here for it. Thank you for the visual of it, doing the work that canon refuses.
Series #2, Issue #13: There Are No More Manes Men Left
Not Rated | @queersirius​ | Alex Manes & Gregory Manes & Jesse Manes
Why We Love It: 
THIS IS SO COOL. That is what I said when I saw it the first time, it’s what I said when I saw it on my dash again, it’s what I said when I was searching for things to put in this highlight list, and it’s what I said when I looked at it again to make this little review. It’s just so cool. For the day 4 theme of war, we get that RNM-level of a iconic scene from the beginning of 2x13... but in comic book form. It’s so cool. I cannot fathom how long it took to make only for me to sit here and say it’s so cool, but it is so goddamn cool. Just go reblog it, give it love, it deserves it, it’s so cool.
Alex Manes // You’re in ruins
Not Rated | @michaeldeluca​ | Alex Manes
Why We Love It:
This one definitely stuck out to me when I was scrolling through things because this is the only playlist that was made for this week. Obviously, it’s fitting that it was made for the day five theme of music and it did not disappoint. It’s a solid list of early/mid-2000s emo music that was a mix of songs I forgot about, songs I still listen to all the time, and songs I wondered how I missed. I will always be thoroughly impressed by people who can make a good playlist and this is no exception. Go give it a listen and let it hit you in your angsty, nostalgic heart.
Not Rated | @westsideroyalty​ | Michael Guerin/Alex Manes
Why We Love It:
I think this might be the true embodiment of short and sweet. For the day six theme of The Lost Decade, this reads like a letter from Alex to Michael during the time that he’s overseas. It’s poetic and full of imagery that my 11th grade English teacher would’ve bowed down to. To give an even more specific anecdote, it reminds me of when I would get a new aria in a language I didn’t speak and I would go research the meaning in English and spend days studying the words and trying to understand them inside and out so I could portray it to the best of my ability. This reads like finally understanding. It’s beautiful. Go give it some love.
Tyler Blackburn, Bicon
Not Rated | @alexmanes​ | Alex Manes
Why We Love It:
Speaking for most people around these parts, I love Tyler Blackburn. This gifset gives a nice, concise way to explain to someone why I love Tyler Blackburn. With nicely edited gifs of Tyler as Alex with the colors of the bi pride flag, we have Tyler’s own words about portraying Alex and how cathartic it is. He loves Alex down to his core in every facet. He’s the reason Alex is so lovable and the reason why we were able to have a whole week dedicated to him and so many people could make so many things for it. And it’s all shown right here in one gifset. So go reblog it!
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ohnomybreadsticks · 4 years
It’s melting pot Sunday! And I am here with yet another obscure-ass Witcher pairing XD Again courtesy of @jaskiersvalley and their amazing ideas! I am simply a set of eager hands willing to type out these hilarious scenarios!!
Rating: G, ~1.5K, pre-Cahir/Geralt, pre-Jaskier/Geralt, pre-Jaskier/Cahir/Geralt
Prompt: “That’s what makes you feel dumb, out of everything you’ve done?”
It was strange, Jaskier felt, to go from a dashing duo to a...something trio. Cahir’s addition to their little band had been strange in more ways than just lyrical, what with the fact that he had previously been their sworn enemy. Trying to capture Geralt’s young charge and return her to the Empire was a bit of a big no-no. But what, the bard had often mused to himself, was more poetic than an enemy turned friend? It was the beginning of a truly epic tale, and Jaskier was eager for Cahir to linger on if only for that.
And anyways, it wasn’t like Cahir took up that much space. It seemed like his life’s mission now was to be as small and convenient as possible, and he rarely spoke up above a soft sentence or two. It was hard to tell if this was his natural personality or his attempt at penance, but it wasn’t like Jaskier minded either way. He had been talking enough for two already, he could talk a little bit more easily and cover Cahir’s portion of the conversation.
Jaskier had bigger things on his mind than keeping track of whatever Cahir was up to now that he wasn’t actively trying to kill them. Or inactively, hopefully. He seemed harmless enough. Geralt always said Jaskier didn’t have enough sense or enough of a self-preservation instinct to have survived this long, but he clearly must be wrong because Jaskier was still here after all. Here and hopelessly pining after his strong, handsome, and kind companion.
No, not Cahir, he was fine, Jaskier supposed. But he’d been pining after Geralt since the moment he laid eyes on him all those years ago in Posada. Others might look at Geralt and see a broody, grumpy, antisocial brute, and Jaskier might call those people all sorts of derogatory names. Geralt was absolutely broody and grumpy at times, but he was also incredibly kind and surprisingly funny when you got past his very understandable defenses. He made the sort of understated jokes that Jaskier would catch two minutes later and burst into aching laughter over, quiet quips that Jaskier would argue were worth far more than any overblown stage show.
And Geralt was kind, terribly so, even if he was the one who would argue you to death over not being a good person. He always took care of Jaskier, even when it was inconvenient to him, or potentially harmful to his career and/or person (that had been a particularly bad incident, and Jaskier had sworn never to repeat it). In the evenings, when they sat together around the fire, he would nod along subtly to Jaskier’s songs, and sometimes when he was sure no one was looking, Geralt would smile at him. Just a tiny little twitch at the corners of his mouth, but it was always enough to have Jaskier’s heart beating out of his chest.
Unfortunately, the one things Geralt wasn’t was fucking observant. Jaskier had been flirting with him, hard, for years, and he hadn’t noticed at all! Not in a ‘I’m ignoring you in the hopes that you go away’ type of way, but a genuinely ‘I’m ignoring you because I can’t comprehend the fact that anyone would love me’ sort of way. Which was horribly frustrating! Jaskier had no intention of giving up, but it did get tiresome when he sang his fiftieth ballad about loving a noble warrior who hid his heart away and Geralt simply ‘hmm’-ed in approval but appeared entirely unmoved. Jaskier didn’t know any other love language aside from loud and poetic gestures, so he was worrying that he was going to run out of ideas.
And then, just when Jaskier was starting to feel like he was never going to succeed and he should just start writing ballads with their actual names in them to see if Geralt was really that dense, Cahir joined the fray. And he joined the fray in more ways than one, Jaskier soon realized. He was a far more subtle man, but Jaskier was an expert in matters of love, and he could spot the signs of a courtship from a mile away.
Cahir, it seemed, was also horribly in love with Geralt and attempting to make him see that. There just wasn’t any other explanation for the way he followed him around like a small, helpful puppy, or why he had started to interpret Geralt’s soft ‘hmm’s with the same accuracy as Jaskier. Cahir was always there, always ready to lend a hand, even when you didn’t know you needed one. Little things had started just showing up in Geralt’s pack, and Jaskier knew he hadn’t done it so must have been the work of Cahir. 
Now, Jaskier would normally have been consumed with horrible jealousy at this turn of events. He had been courting Geralt for years and now this upstart had the nerve to swoop in and try to steal his man?? Really, the nerve of some people. But...there would only really be a cause for jealousy if Cahir was getting anything out of his attempts. Which he absolutely wasn’t. Geralt treated him with the same unwavering kindness he treated Jaskier, completely missing each and every quiet token of affection Cahir held out towards him. 
And Jaskier supposed he couldn’t blame Cahir for trying, he really couldn’t. How could anyone resist someone as lovable as their Witcher? Cahir just had good taste like Jaskier! He didn’t, unfortunately, seem to be as resilient and determined as Jaskier. The bard watched as the weeks dragged on and Cahir seemed to wilt under the lack of response from Geralt. It was just too sad to see how he tried so hard and yet got nothing in return. Truly, Jaskier understood that heartache. So he did the only thing he could think of - he went to give Cahir a pep talk.
They had camped out for the evening and Geralt was out hunting after a brief quiet exchange with Cahir that Jaskier hadn’t really caught. Whatever it was must have really upset him, because the man was now glumly sitting on his own at the edge of the firelight, whittling with his knife at some piece of firewood. Jaskier carefully shuffled his way over, sitting down and shooting Cahir an encouraging smile. They didn’t spend too much time talking together just the two of them, but he had a feeling that was going to change. 
“I sympathize, you know,” Jaskier said, breaking the silence with his usual blunt delivery. No sense beating around the bush, as it were. “I’ve been trying for years, with no real response. You can’t let it get you down too much.” he continued, looking over at Cahir to watch his expression. What he didn’t expect to see was confusion, the man’s brow wrinkling up as he turned to look at Jaskier in return.
“You’ve...tried to do the same thing too?” Cahir asked, and he seemed genuinely surprised and taken aback. Maybe he was just as dense as Geralt.
“Of course I have!” Jaskier insisted, “My methods might be different, but all courtships are unique! There’s no shame in having different approaches to getting Geralt to acknowledge our love for him” 
At the word ‘love’, Cahir let out a noise that was half dying fish, half surprised cat screech. He dropped his knife in the shock of it all, which was good because Jaskier half expected to be stabbed after a response like that. 
“Love?? Love for, for Geralt??” Cahir gasped out, staring at Jaskier with eyes so wide he could see the firelight dancing in them.
“Of course love!” Jaskier argued back, not about to back down from what he knew to be true, “Don’t play dumb with me! You’re just as in love with him as I am, why else would you be following him around and trying to do anything even remotely helpful? And don’t get me started on the little gifts! I’m not stupid, blade oil doesn’t just materialize overnight.” 
Jaskier’s tirade of evidence seemed to stop Cahir in his tracks and he paled, dropping his head into his hands.
“Oh my god” He groaned, “Oh fuck. I am in love with him, aren’t I?”
Jaskier was about to say something in addition when Cahir suddenly burst out “I’m so fucking stupid! Of course he didn’t need anyone to come with him while he hunts and hold the lantern! He can see in the godsdamn dark!!” 
And suddenly all of the tension was gone out of the moment, all the excitement of the discovery of a hidden love, all of the drama of realizing they were both in love with the same man, all replaced with the sound of Jaskier’s laughter.
“Cahir, that’s what makes you feel dumb, out of everything you’ve done??” He gasped out between laughs, and Cahir could do nothing to defend himself except offer a sheepish smile. 
Oh he was going to need a lot of help. It was a good thing Jaskier was an expert in courtship.
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thecodeisveronica · 4 years
I forgot to ask yesterday cause I fell asleep.... for your character analysis....... Forest and Barry Love you Issy 😘
Yesss more S.T.A.R.S. boys and ily too 🥺💕
How I feel about them:
Forest: (gonna base this off a mix of canon and headcanons) Ok so I love this man and I wish he had never died 😭 One of the things I love about Forest is that he’s part of the troublesome trio with Chris and Joseph — I just love those boys so much 🥺 Him and Chris were like, best buds and I love the dynamic they had back in S.T.A.R.S. so much, especially with their shooting rivalry and just overall friendship. Forest is an Alabama boy but also a huge metalhead or at least a hard rock fan (defo loved his country too) so I can totally see him rocking out with Chris which just makes my heart so soft ;-; He was a loyal friend for sure and probably a bit egotistical too lmao but hey, I still love that about him (dude 100% kept a tub of hair gel with him wherever he went just to keep up his “cool bad boy” look) I just always picture him as being such a fun guy to be around, maybe even a little annoying at times, but people still love him because of his great charisma 💕 Basically, I love Forest so much ahsjdnd.
Barry: He’s my dad and that’s now part of the canon 😌💕 But on a more serious note, I love Barry Burton with my entire being and I always have done (mum does too lmao) 💓 I just love everything about him: he’s a cool dad, a great guy, he’s so caring and dedicated to everything he does and I admire that so much. In rev 2 you can tell he’s aged (he even makes comments about it at times) but that makes him even more badass because it shows you that anyone can be a hero, regardless of age :D Barry just gives off such warm, friendly vibes and I totally see him organising monthly barbecues back in S.T.A.R.S. 🥺 He cares about his family and friends so much and I just ahhhhh I have so much love for him. He’s been such a special character to me ever since I was a little kid 🥺💓 (having to kill him in REmake to get the alternative ending actually made me sob 😭)
Who I ship them with romantically:
Forest: I see Forest as a bit of a player lmao. Probably had a ton of girlfriends and one night stands like Joey too BUT if he ever wanted to settle then I see him with a rock-chick kinda girl, one that can call him out on his bullshit. ALSO this is a total crack ship but I think he’d have an interesting dynamic with Brad 🤔 Okokok so we have Brad, a mostly timid softie, and Forest, a huge flirt that drinks beer with the lads and thinks he’s amazing. Maybe it seems weird but I think it could be super intriguing to see how they’d both handle it 👀
Barry: His wife 🥺 You just know that Barry worships Kathy and loves her with all of his heart. My mum would totally ship him with herself though.
My non-romantic OTP for them:
Forest: I read that he knew Jill pretty well but....it’s gotta be Chris and Joseph of course 😏
Barry: Hmmm. Probably the Redfields. You can just tell that their bond is so close and he definitely became a father figure to them after the death of their parents. I know he was good friends with Enrico too and I totally see them meeting up at get-togethers and stuff.
My unpopular opinion on them:
Forest. Oof. Honestly? I think Forest could be a bit of a jerk at times — definitely a lovable one though 😊
Barry: Not really sure if I have one for Barry but I think it would’ve been cool if he was in Revelations 1 alongside Jill instead of Parker (still love Parker though 💕)
One thing I wish would happen:
Forest: I wish we would’ve seen Chris have a stronger reaction to his death, or at least an aftermath sequence. The two were so close ☹️
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I just love them (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
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joculatrick · 4 years
she-ra...but it's avatar....
au time babey
it's in the time of sozin + roku (it fits a lot better shh)
catra + adora grow up in the fire nation
they're in an elite soldier training program they were inducted into at 5
sw is their supervisor, a water bender that defected from the nwt for power
they never knew their parents
both are stars of the program, adora first and catra a persistent second despite her unique blue firebending
at one point in their late teens they go exploring farther from base than usual, deep into some woods bordering the ocean
adora starts to hear whispers. ancient voices telling her she has a purpose and worth outside of being a soldier, telling her to do something she doesnt quite catch
catra pulls her away, distrustful of the idea of voices and change and tries to dissuade adora from returning, and to avoid upsetting her adora pretends to concede
of course, she does return, and the voices coax her into bending air and discovering she's the avatar
shocked to her core, having been told that the avatar died out, adora is at a loss
suddenly she's wrapped in ocean water and out spring glimmer, the daughter of the chieftess of the water tribe, and her nonbender bff bow
the 2 snuck off a northern water tribe ship sent to spy on the growing fire nation army
delighted to have caught an elite soldier of said army, glimmer and bow are totally hostile towards their hostage
pleading with her captors, adora says she's the avatar and bends fire and air (a lil bit, shes a beginner)
bow and glimmer's jaws drop. the world had been alert for the avatar but the fire nation had claimed that a new one was never born so the world mourned
confused but warming to adora, b + g take her back to the ship and immediately their captain strikes a course back the nwt
on the way they discover how sheltered and abused adora was and start helping her heal, as well as bonding!! adora tries to bend water on the way but has very little success, it is her opposite after all
bfs rolls up to angella, leader of the nwt
unsurprisingly she's not eager to trust
but after some time, everyone basically adopts adora the avatar because she's just that lovable
meanwhile, in the fire nation...
with adora absent, catra finally gets to be first and graduates top in her program, becoming a commander of her former classmates
she feels utterly betrayed and abandoned by adora and takes on the task of hunting down and delivering the avatar to firelord hordak with vigor
she's accompanied in the task by scorpia, who as daughter of 2 general moms felt she had to inherit the mantle even though she's not much of a fighter
even though scorpia's a commander herself she's infatuated with catra and follows her command
eccentric IT genius entrapta, who built herself 2 prehensile arms attached to her back via harness, is often consulting the 2 and strikes up a friendship with them (super pal trio for life!)
now, back to the best friend squad and element learning:
adora's waterbending teachers are princesses glimmer of the northern tribe and mermista of the southern tribe!
glimmer is a talented bender but never the master her mom is no matter how much she struggles
she is a much better leader though, as well as a good friend
obviously adora struggles a lot with water, and that coupled with the nwt recieving dire messages from their sister tribe prompts the bfs to travel to the south pole
once there, they discover that the fire nation has been raiding the swt
after sending a message to her mother for northern reinforcements, glimmer and squad invite mermista, daughter of the chief and ridiculously talented water bender, to the group
(glimmer imagines herself mermista's rival and pushes herself wayyyyy too hard to try and top her. eventually, with reassurance and camaraderie with adora, she gets over it)
from there, the princesses + bow (as bow teasingly calls them) start the long trip to the earth kingdom
along the way - bonding, shenanigans including adopting pirate comedian seahawk, flirting (adora to glim, unknowingly, glim gay panics) ((seahawk to everybody)), bending practice (adora finally makes bubbles! and waves! she's ecstatic and splashes everyone constantly)
finally, they arrive at the earth kingdom!
it's adora's first time seeing a bustling city not made of ice and she generally just looks around in awe (glim thinks it's adorable)
how adora wishes she could share it with catra.
as representatives of the northern and southern water tribes, and the avatar of course, the group is invited to a fancy ball hosted by a powerful family
there, adora and fam run into catra, there as rep from the fire nation. there's dancing. and lots of gay tension.
the host of the ball is none other than frosta, recently orphaned and secret master earth bender (I went more based on personality than Princess Ability for the elements of the alliance members, and if you make a couple logical science jumps earthbenders could bend ice)
after adora and crew fend off some burglars that interrupt the ball, frosta is enamored and begs to join the group and teach adora earthbending
she does just that, with a healthy dose of tough love
at this point, the bfs are seasoned friends and formidable fighters
unfortunately, after a timely break and a few vacations, the pals hear a devastating message. "the fire nation attacked the north pole, trying the capture the moon spirit to control the source of water bending. the attack failed, but only because angella gave her life to stop it."
stunned, the group returns to the north pole. bonds are tested under the weight of glimmer's grief and impending responsibility.
once there, glimmer has her coronation ceremony and becomes distant and stressed, bending over the weight of a whole tribe to lead
after a tough couple months, adora feels her last element calling to her. glimmer pleads her to stay and help defend her nation but adora needs space to breathe, and doesnt feel confident as a protective force without well rounded bending knowledge. she leaves. bow accompanies her
the 2 journey to the western air temple, the closest to the fire nation, because it just feels right to adora. bow worries.
there they find perfuma, stalwart gardener and accomplished airbending student, the mysterious madame razz, and a young dragon named swift wind
perfuma teaches through learning WITH adora, and this method really helps adora find confidence and some inner peace, away from the chaos and demands of her life
finally having an animal companion also helps! he's fun loving and flies while she glides and is an excellent listener
madame razz speaks in riddles, but she helps adora learn about her past lives and the chakras. throughout this process adora accepts a lot of what makes her her, but she gets stuck on letting go of attachment
letting go of her friends, her found family, is tough, very tough, but even after she manages that she's still not there. there's only one face she sees and she doesn't understand how she hasn't let her go yet
meanwhile, in the fire nation...
the attack on the nwt was a huge success, mainly due to catra's tactics
however, her habit of challenging authority left her in a tough spot with firelord hordak from the beginning, and her control of this last battle was the last straw
he challenges her to an agni kai, claiming she undermined his authority
she wins
keeping sw as an advisor, she takes command, and her first target? the western air temple
all together now!
in the midst of adora's training, catra strikes
she slashes adora's confidence, back, and progress on letting go of attachment
the chakra is locked
catra ends up defeated, but only just, and only because glimmer showed up with a ship full of water benders and scorpia and entrapta defect
meanwhile, charismatic political leader prime leads his followers in an uprising, kidnapping catra and glimmer after the battle ends
captive at prime's estate on a faraway island, catra and glimmer bond over adora, rashness, and isolation. it's rough but at least they're not alone
desperate to save glimmer, adora and bow pile on swift wind and start searching for the elusive island
when they arrive, catra creates a distraction and frees glimmer, sending her to adora with a message not to return
the bfs is finally reunited, but adora is missing something. she confesses she wants to rescue catra and glimmer is right with her
with adora on the attack, sw bloodbends catra to fight her, finally throwing catra off a cliff. adora follows
shifting into the avatar state through pure rage, adora heals catra, beats sw, and takes catra home
catra bonds with the bfs and starts to heal, and her and adora slowly return to their flirty best friendship
glimmer and catra flirt up a storm "as a joke" (the only ones they fool are eachother)
adora knows they'll have to defeat prime. there will never be peace with him in power
they come up with a plan, but it mainly relies on adora sacrificing herself. adora knows it's her pupose
catra can't stay and watch, she can't
adora is heart broken
on her way to prime, she has a vision of catra, its tender and loving and it hurts
catra comes back. she passes glimmer and bow guarding the way. glimmer hugs her
right before adora enters the throne room, catra pulls her back
she kisses her
adora finally understands, and becomes a fully realized avatar, and uses the avatar state with control to defeat prime
catra and adora and glimmer and bow watch their world blossom with a new peace
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livlepretre · 4 years
REBEKAH STANDING UP FOR ELENA AND THE GANG REUNION AAAAHHHH YES FINALLY!!! klaus' "indifference" towards elena was really upsetting but ofc we all know he's just really good at hiding his true feelings!! right? right. of course. ok. i still highkey felt elena's pain tho. as always you do SUCH a good job of describing her emotions, i think that's one of the best parts of your writing. anyway i can't wait to see elena start to break down our psycho but lovable hybrid again :) :) ...i hope
Literally the next few chapters may as well be dedicated to the anon who told me they just hoped Elena would join the hell trio and become a fully fledged member of murderfamily BECAUSE! IT’S! HAPPENING!! And honestly I’ve MISSED the gang, and I have a REALLY fun scene underway for their first scene with all 4 of them together (oh Stefan, I miss your angsty little soul so much).
As for Klaus’s feelings... I think there are some clues to how he’s TRULY feeling in the text, even though the close 3rd person narration in Elena’s POV may be misleading. (just because she sees him as indifferent doesn’t mean he really is...)
And thank you so much for your very kind comments 💖💕
And there’s reason to hope 😉
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teampandawang · 5 years
Our oldest Maknae (not maknae) is turning 29 today, and we’re kinda crying, but it’s okay. 
We hope you enjoy it!
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His voice is so pretty that got us wheezing. He's a talented man with a sweet tone that suits perfectly with the soft songs that the group has. But please, SM give him more liiiiiines.
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He's part of the dance line and we have no doubts about why is he having this position, cause no one can say that he doesn't know how to dance. He's amazing with those movements. 
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There's something special about him, he's not just cute, he shines, he has something else that makes you just incapable of looking away, captivating.
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If we're talking about Kpop Visuals we have to say: XIUMIN. He's a handsome guy with such incredible features. He's so exotic: his face shape, his smile, his eyes.
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This multitalented man not only sings and dances, but he's also a great actor and MC. You can see him MCing in multiple TV shows and his acting skills in a web drama called ‘Falling In Love With A Challenge’ and the movie ‘The Man Who Sells The River’.
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He has this vibe that man, he kills us, you just can't stop seeing him when he comes in camera.
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We think that they are responsible for what we said before, ‘cause they are        s t u n n i n g, and they make you feel something unique.
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Don't you want to squish them? His cheeks are like the one of a squirrel. We know that it's because of his past, and is a feature that totally suits him.
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His chubby face and sweet eyes are something that turns him into a natural Aegyo machine. And who are we going to lie? He's a baby the whole time while acting cute.
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And have you seen that body? Who could tell that such a sweet pretty face would be so hot. Not to be that NSFW but he has THE body.
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When he was just a boy, he had issues with his weight, having overweight at such a young age, but after a lot of work, he managed to keep itself in a healthier point. He truly is an inspiration.
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This man got the glow up of our dreams. Why nature doesn't bless us all like that, have mercy.
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His personality is totally funny. He's just like a happy virus with that beautiful smile shining and bringing happiness to everyone's life. He's a mood setter, and we love laughing along with his dumbness.
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Despite his little height, we have to talk about how tiny he is. Like a baby, tbh. He looks too small like he needs all the attention and care in this world.
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He's definitely a cutie pie to die for. He's naturally cute. We all want to take care of him and give him lots of love. He deserves it all.
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We need to ask again… ISN'T HE THE CUTEST? His personality makes us so soft, he's so lovable. That smile he makes every time he gets flustered… charming.
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As Incredible as it can sound, Minseok has that sexy side that can drive every EXO-L crazy. His killer gaze when he's in that hot mood is something that gives us shivers.
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There are two really memorable moments with these too:
That good song for SM Station, ‘Young and Free’. Like, what a jam. Stream it.
The episode for a show where Mark got drunk and start making weird noises, found they both of then standing up to dance together. Iconic.
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But again, don't you let that precious face trick you. He doesn't just know self-defense, he has a black belt in Taekwondo and Kendo, but he also has practiced Wushu and Fencing.
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He's the cleanest in the group so you could say that, besides Suho, he took care of those messy boys since the beginning. We all have to say ‘Thank you, Xiumin’.
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We found this very interesting, and it gives him something special. He had this habit of expressing himself with one hand and a couple of seconds later, his other hand follows the actions the other one made.
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Boy can drink, well, man can drink. He has the best resistance to alcohol in his group. Imagine how many stories he can tell about his members while drunk.
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Isn't he the cutest? Afraid of pigeons, so sweet. What happened to Xiumin and Lay with these birds?
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Xiumin can be an adult, but he's childish af. He's even softer than Sehun, which makes him look like he's younger than the real Maknae. Like, please, can they switch their positions?
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Our (not really) little boy is the sweetest, cutest and tiniest human being. His voice is too, and his attitude… OMFG. Let's remember that time drinking from a duck cup chocolate and singing like a kid: marshmallow.
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Poor boy that was left alone. He and Luhan were a powerful duo, a sweet ship. They loved and cared for each other a lot. We miss their moments together so much.
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So, he's (or was) part of this unit that shows how he can be talented using a language that's not his mother tongue. And we can say it: singing in another language is a challenge. He's able to do it and that's admirable.
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The most iconic trio, owners of ones of the prettiest voices we have ever know. They're an amazing unit that has blessed our ears with great songs. Incredibly cheering and happy, we love happy viruses!
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We're so glad we could know him as the oldest Hyung and Fake Maknae of the amazing group that EXO is, where everyone complements each other's talent. They're so talented.
We wish you the best today. We know you’re going to have some changes in your life, but we’ll keep here supporting you and waiting for the loveable man you are. 
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