#and that’s on top of spending around the same amount of time making their body in bodyslide :]
arklay · 1 year
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shows up out of nowhere to say hii i finally made ithrenil :]
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awearywritersworld · 4 months
poker night — fushiguro toji x reader
warnings: unprotected sex. implied age gap. pet names (pretty girl/baby/sweet heart). "daddy". creampie. sub par writing.
toji shows up early to poker night, an event your father hosts once every week, when he hears you're home after graduating from university.
he's exceptionally pleased when you answer the door in nothing more than a thin tank top and tiny pajama shorts, inviting him inside even though your father isn't home yet.
he makes himself comfortable on your living room couch, his broad frame and long legs taking up an impressive amount of space.
"so, you find yourself a boyfriend yet, pretty girl?"
your cheeks grow warm and you struggle to meet his eye. you've had a crush on toji for as long as you can remember, but he would never actually be interested in you... right?
"not yet," you answer, biting your bottom lip nervously. "most of the boys at school seem a little clueless when it comes to girls."
"that so?" he questions, eyes unabashedly trailing over your body. "maybe you should find yourself a man instead."
you're ashamed how quickly you wind up on your back, toji's cock greedily stretching out your pussy. really, it's almost pathetic— he didn't even have to work for it.
"f-feels s'good, daddy," you whimper, your hand clutching his bicep.
"oh, that's just wrong sweetheart," he chuckles, gripping your hips so harshly you're positive he'll leave marks. "you wan' me to be your daddy? hm?"
it is wrong. it's wrong and it's unforgivable and he loves it. why else would he be fucking you on the very same table he'll be sitting at tonight, playing poker with your father and their friends?
you nod weakly and his lips twist into a sly smirk.
lifting one of your legs over his shoulder, he uses the opportunity to land a smack to your ass. "words, baby."
"yes, ple—" you gasp sharply when he readjusts his angle, his fingers finding your clit and rubbing steady circles there.
"what was that? couldn't hear you."
"yes, toji! wanna be yours. please."
you don't have to ask him twice, not when your pretty little pussy is the best he's ever had. no one else even comes close.
his fingers thread through yours, an uncharacteristically soft gesture. "you are, sweetheart. all mine."
he feels you clench around him in response, and the sensation pulls an absolutely sinful noise from his throat.
you're so painfully close to your release that your eyes grow teary and your head lolls to the side.
"tch, i don't think so sweet girl," he chides, grabbing your chin roughly and turning your gaze back to him. "wanna see that pretty face while i fuck you."
you cum on his cock four times before he's decided you've had enough. he makes you beg him to fill you up, even though there's nothing he wants more than to see his cum spill from your cute little hole.
the two of you fall into a simple routine after that afternoon and for three whole months, no one has any idea that you spend most of your nights wrapped around toji's cock.
that is, until you interrupt poker night when the men sitting around the table have all had one too many drinks.
"hey, daddy?" you question, planning to ask your father if he knows where your mother is.
but before he has a chance to reply, toji speaks up. "yes, baby?"
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peachesofteal · 8 months
Simple Math / Part One
Simple Math masterlist
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Ghost/Soap/female reader 4k words - AO3 Warnings-tags: Medical inaccuracies, hospitals, medical procedures, medications, nurse!reader, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, angst, Johnny is a flirt, Simon is a basketcase. You meet your new patient, and his ghost.
He blinks. 
There’s so much noise now, an overload of sensation ringing between his ears. Ripping and tearing, shouting, booming. The night lights with blue and green explosions, whistles of rockets singing through the sky. 
He blinks again. 
“Johnny, stay with me.” Simon’s calling to him, hands firm against his belly. “Eyes open, Sergeant.” There’s fear there, terror drenching each syllable. White-hot, mind-numbing pain radiates from where a palm presses against his wound, gaping hole torn through his stomach, river of blood spilling from his body. Pint by pint flows freely from him to the dirt. 
He’s never seen Simon like this before, the whites of his eye gleam like bone. Terrified. Frantic. 
It must be bad. He must be dying.
As he blinks, Simon slowly disappears, morphing into someone else, eyes and nose molding into another’s, Price’s face taking the place of his partner’s without preamble. Fire douses the air, red and purple explosions dancing above his head like a halo. Angelic light, falling from heaven to earth, just to take him away.  Fire and blood. Fitting end for a Catholic, he supposes.  Gaz yells something into a radio. A fruitless effort. 
“Si.” He tries to reach, tries to pull him close, but his arm is dead weight, along with the rest of him. “Ah love ye. Tell- tell her, Ah love-” 
“Stop.” The word is barked over another ricochet. “Lay still. You’ll tell him yourself.” 
“No, Johnny. You don’t get to say goodbye. Not yet.” 
Hospitals are dreadful places.
For most people, hospitals hold the memories of the worst moments in their lives, loss of loved ones, loss of self, painful injuries, frightening medical procedures, or mistreatment by medical professionals. The sanitized, whitewashed walls and off-white linoleum even have a certain scent, a smell that people associate with fear, discomfort, pain. It's globally accepted that hospitals are not well liked. They're not popular or particularly enjoyable. No one wants to go to the hospital.
But to you, the hospital is everything.
It’s where you spend a large amount of your time awake, willingly choosing to be here over anywhere else. Picking up odd shifts on different units, offering to cover for coworkers, staying late or coming in early whenever it's needed. It's your place. Your only place. It's where you make connections, where you're good at something, where you can be seen but never noticed. It’s what you dedicate your life, your time to. It’s what you cling to. It’s where you find your own peace, your own solace. Where you can let go of everything at home and focus on what you’re good at, caring about your coworkers, honing your skills, taking care of your patients. It’s yours. A place where you’re sheltered, where you can be yourself and not have to look over your shoulder, or keep your voice down, or mince your words. Somewhere you know what to expect, where you can predict, most days, the outcome of most things. Where you can feel in control. Its consistent, solid. It’s your safety. Your sanctuary. Nothing can hurt you here.
It's everything to you.
The elevator dings, announcing its arrival, and you curl your hands around your coffee out of habit, warming your palms.
“Good morning?” The friendly face inside greets you, nodding towards your tall mug, steam wafting from the top, hot and fresh from the café. They're a rad tech, you're pretty sure. Day shift. Parker, maybe?  The elevator is always the same. Hellos, goodbyes, floor to floor. No one bemoans their outcomes or tallies their losses here. No one celebrates their successes or accomplishments either. It stays void, unfeeling, unknowing, except for the comings and goings. 
“Hey, yeah. Good morning. Good night?”
“Oh yeah, definitely.” They agree, and you bounce on your toes, stretching the front of your new sneakers, trying to get the bridge across the tops of your feet to loosen a little.
“Have a good rest of your day.” You give them a smile, and then hop off, ready to start your morning, as most of this side of the hemisphere gets ready for bed.
“You too.”
“And room two sixty-eight is stable, sedated, for now, but he bottomed out less than hour ago, so keep a close eye. I haven’t had a chance to orient him either, so give it a go, if you can.” Mal taps her passcode into the tablet with one eye closed, spine slowly relaxing downward with exhaustion. “Thank you again. For covering. I wasn’t about to be stuck on another long swing because Alexis decided not to grace us with her presence.” She rolls her eyes, and you incline your head in response, shrugging her off. Mal saved your ass six ways to Sunday when you were a new nurse here, and you’d do just about anything for her, and coming in when your coworker decides she wants to be a slag doesn't even count, considering you prefer to be here anyway. 
Shift change bustles down and up the floor, night shift coming on, days and others leaving. You make polite small talk with everyone, since you don’t know them as well. It’s their Friday. Tomorrow is your Monday; you’re just picking up. Everyone is thrilled to have you though, including the charge nurse, and you allow yourself to sink into the ups and downs of their conversation, back and forth about weekend plans, their kids, their relationships, their issues. 
In a group like this, you're seen. Not noticed. 
Just the way you like it. 
“Oh!” Mal calls out, breezing by the pit with her bag slung over her shoulder, watered down iced coffee in her grip.
“Go home.” You chide, and she sucks in a breath before opening her mouth again.
“I am, but one last thing-“
“Malaya. I got it.”
“I know, I know but this isn’t in the chart. Two sixty-eight, he’s military. There are three others here with him, two kind lurking in the hallway, and his partner is in his room, refusing to go home. He’s…weird. Got special permissions to bypass visiting hours.” She raises an eyebrow. “But they’re all quite fit. Caused a bit of a… stir.” Great. The last thing you needed in the ICU is a stir of any kind. You needed it calm. Peaceful.
“Okay, got it. Thanks. Now shoo.”
You check your email, skimming with speed, skipping over anything HR related, starring skills updates to look back at later, and casually replying to a request for a float to the PACU another day this week- Hi! I’d love to pick up a few hours if I can arrange it. What time are you needing? Before moving onto checks for your patients (too many, if anyone asked your opinion- which they wouldn’t, because why would administration want to ask a nurse their opinion on anything, right?) ensuring that everyone is in good shape, stable, relaxed, resting, or even better, fully sedated. Two of your patients are on vents, and you check in with the RT on shift before heading down the hall to your last, first stop of the day.
Two sixty-eight.
Two men are slumped over and asleep in the hallway chairs outside the room, arms folded, thighs spread wide, chins tucked to chest. One of them younger, probably closer to your age, chiseled jawline akin to Adonis, the type of rich beauty that would make anyone do a double take, and an older, albeit not by much, muscled, broad chested man with a distinguished moustache curling above his lip, eyes hidden beneath the rim of a hat.
These must be the guys causing the stir.
You stop outside the slider of two sixty-eight, drawing a deep breath before knocking and then pulling the slider, fogged glass parting to reveal your patient asleep, sedated, in the bed, and his partner, a hulking mass who sits at attention by his side. He’s broad, clad in black sweats, heavy arms and straight back showcasing his size- massive. The sweatshirt hides definition but judging by the appearance of the two in the hallway and your patient, you’d guess this guy was just as fit. He looks uncomfortable, body too big for the chair, brow creased with worry overtop the black cloth mask that covers his nose and mouth.
There’s something, in his eyes. Something devastated. Something you’ve seen before, in people who sit vigil like this, preparing for the worst, praying for the best, and something else, something that you recognize, but rarely see inside these walls. Something dark and severe, foreboding, even with part of a handsome face peeking out over the mask. 
He's already half lost to his grief.
He could be a ghost.
“Hi.” You whisper your name with a small smile and point to your identification tag. “I’m the overnight nurse.” You imbue the words with sweetness, kindness, but he doesn’t respond, just traces you from head to toe and gives a perfunctory nod. It’s not abnormal for a patient’s loved ones to be less than warm, especially to the graves nurse, the one who ends up interrupting their sleep at odd hours of the night, the one who’s usually here when the worst happens. You never take it personally. You’ve sat in that chair before. You’ve known the pain of this heartache, the way their hearts are cleaving in two, one half desperate to stay beating, the other begging to be lowered in a grave alongside their loved one.
You give the silent man an opportunity to speak when you step up to your patient’s monitor, and then motion to the man in the bed.
“This is John? Mr. MacTavish?”
John MacTavish. 
You’ve already read his chart back to front, memorizing his labs, his last vitals check, going over the scope of his procedure from this afternoon, and the tentative plan for the morning.
He’s a mess. Collapsed lung, hemothorax. Broken ribs, internal bleeding. Perforated liver. Broken wrist. Lacerations all over his body. Third degree burn on the entirety of his lower right quadrant. Shattered femur. Fractured hip. Triaged and treated in the field with less than stellar medical care. Came off the medevac and went right into surgery that lasted nearly ten hours long.  
Lucky to be alive. 
“Johnny.” He corrects, his Manchester accent sharp, rough. You type it into the chart, making a note that Johnny is the preferred name, over John, and duck down to check the bag that’s attached to his foley catheter. The man across from you tenses but doesn’t say anything, tracking your every movement like he’s nervous you might harm your patient.
“I’m just going to check this dressing. I would prefer not to wake him, so I’ll be as gentle as I can, okay?” You explain, motioning to the wrapped portion of his body. He doesn’t respond, just sits still as stone as your fingers nimbly move his gown to survey the would and it's dressing before putting everything back in place. You’re quick once you’re satisfied that it looks okay, tucking the blanket back in around him, careful not to jostle where his leg is immobilized, wrapped in gauze and elevated. “I know this has probably been a very frightening and difficult time for you.” You tell the man in the chair with a whisper. “If you need anything, have any questions, concerns, I’m here. For both of you. I’ll be here at least four, five nights a week as long as he’s on this floor, so we’ll get to know one another.” When he still doesn’t say anything, you try to fight the awkward feeling that’s vibrating up your spine. Okay, he clearly doesn’t want to talk to you. That’s fine. 
Your patient groans. His partner startles, body jolting, and then he’s on his feet, leaning over the bed, eyes searching, anticipating. He looks so… unsure. Worry etches across his face as he waits, and his hand hovers without purpose above the bed, flailing in the air like he doesn’t know what to do.
You stand back for a moment. Your patient, Johnny, will mostly likely be lucid for the first time in who knows how long, and you’d like a chance to orient him, let him realize his partner is here with him, tell him he’s going back in for surgery in the morning, before giving him some more pain medication.
The monitor beeps, signaling an increase in his heart rate, respiration, spiraling upwards until-
“Johnny?” The question is hopeful, nervous, and your patient grunts, tongue darting out to lick his lips before they crack open.
“Simon.” The name is a whisper, heavy with relief, and you make a mental note. Johnny and Simon. Room two-sixty-eight. “Whit happened?”
“You’re in the hospital.” Simon explains, anxiously glancing at you. “Can I… can I touch him?”
“Of course. Carefully.” He lowers his face to Johnny’s so slowly, so gently your heart skip a beat, tapping their foreheads together cautiously.
"Yer here." Johnny whispers, the fingers in his good hand barely lifting, reaching out to try to touch Simon, even though his body won't cooperate. "Thought Ah dreamed ye." You can see it, the heavy burden of love that lays between them, the thing that's brought them to this point, the thing that shines in Johnny's eyes as he tries to drink in the frame of Simon's face, tracing his features over and over, painting a picture to take with him... wherever he goes. 
What is it like, to be loved like that? To be known like that? To be held in someone's heart, cherished and protected? 
You had no idea, but these two did. Just one look, and you knew these two had something people all over the world would kill for. 
“I'm here. I'm right here." Something wet and desperate is caught in Simon's throat, and Johnny’s lips tug into a weak smile before it fades away with a grimace, his partner straightening with a wide hand tight on the bed railing, knuckles turning white with the strength of his grip. 
“Hi.” You tell Johnny your name quickly, eager to get the less important stuff out of the way and start working towards getting him some relief. “I’m your overnight nurse. How’s your pain?” He frowns in consideration before groaning.
“’s alright.”
“Don’t be brave.” Simon says, and you nod in agreement.
“I’d like to get you some relief now so you can sleep, if we can.” Pain management can be a delicate conversation with patients, and you never truly know how they’re going to respond until you get to this point for the first time. You smile down at him, and he gives you one back, sleepy and sweet, bright blue eyes peeking out beneath drooping lids.
“Bad.” He croaks, and Simon glances at you in expectation. You nod to reassure him, reassure them both.
“Alright. Let’s get you something, yeah?” You log his vitals with a few taps on the tablet. The order’s already in the chart, and you ready the dosage, turning your back to give them some privacy.
“At the Price’s.” Simon murmurs, voice low, it’s deep rumble vibrating around the room.
“Ach.” Johnny groans something out, but it’s lost to his discomfort, and you wince in sympathy, wiping the hub of his port with an alcohol swab.
“Okay. So, this should go a long way with your pain.” you tell him, disconnecting his line to replace it with the flush. Simon tenses, again, practically flinching in the chair when you approach Johnny with the first syringe of saline. His eyes crease in concentration, watching your fingers, trying to keep up with your movements. “I’m flushing the line.” You explain gently. “Then I’ll push the medication, like this,” You’re quick with your hands, swapping the syringes and then slowing down to administer the medication at the correct push rate. Simon visibly relaxes, only a fraction, after the explanation, and once you’re done, you attach a new flush. “It’s saline. Compatible with the body, we use it to make sure that all the medication is moved through the tube.” He’s focused on your movements, and you reattach the fluids line before patting Johnny’s shoulder softly. “There, all done. He should be feeling much better here in a moment or two.”
“Cheers, bonnie.” Johnny slurs, and you huff a laugh.
“I’ll be back in a half hour for a vitals check, and then after than I’ll leave you be for a while. You do have another surgery scheduled for tomorrow morning, early-“ you glance at Simon, hoping that someone came by to already talk to him, and he nods. “So, I’ll see you before then too. I’m always a click away, if you need something.” You point to the button on the side of the bed. “If either of you need anything, I’m here. Okay?”
“Whit surgery?” Johnny grunts. Simon’s jaw flexes behind the mask, but he hesitates. It’s long enough that Johnny tries to rouse himself, and you rush to answer, to settle him.
“You have a broken hip, and your femur is shattered.” Nothing like ripping the band aid off. “Orthopedics will come by in the morning to talk about the plan, but they have to go back in to continue to work on the repair.” You don’t mention that his leg is still partially open, packed for reentry in six hours, that the damage to his lung and liver took priority when he came in, and by the end of that, the swelling in his leg was too severe to continue. You’re not the doctor, so it’s not your job to advise your patient or his family of his prognosis, really. You need to keep him calm, comfortable. Alive. Advocate for him, for both of them. That’s the job. Simon can tell him what he wishes, when he’s lucid.
Johnny’s lashes flutter, and he mumbles something, fingers curling in Simon’s grip. You take your cue, checking your watch. “I’ll let you get some rest.” You enter a quick vitals check, and then turn to leave.
“Thank you.” Simon murmurs to your back, and you pause half step, head turned over your shoulder.
“Of course.”
Six hours later, you’re slipping back into the room to say good morning to a groggy, but still somewhat alert patient.
“Good morning.” You whisper, and then frown a little at where Simon is still sitting in the same spot, upright with heavy eyelids and mussed hair peeking out from the black hood. He looks like he hasn’t slept for a single moment, blue black circles shining under his eyes, stiff and uncomfortable in the too small chair.
 Maybe we could get a recliner in here. 
A big recliner. 
“How’re we feeling this morning?”
“Alright.” Johnny grumbles.
“He’s in pain.” Simon snaps at you abruptly, insistent, and irritated, and your muscles tense instinctively before you forcibly relax them, un-bunching your shoulders from beneath your ears.
Deep breath. 
Simon’s head cocks, just slightly, and then his attention is back on Johnny, two hands cradling one another, fingers intertwined like they’re afraid to let go.
“Okay, let’s see if I can get you a little bit of medication.” You pull out your phone, flicking open your work app to message his doctor. “They’ll probably order a small dosage of dilaudid, have you ever had that before?”
“Might make you a bit loopy. I’ll have them give it to you when you get upstairs.” You glance at Simon. “Did you get down to the café, grab something for breakfast?” He shakes his head no, and you briefly considering encouraging him before realizing it will probably go over like a lead balloon. You smile at Johnny instead. “Your partner tells me you prefer to go by Johnny?”
“Does he?” He blinks, blue eyes alight behind sleepy lids, looking over to Simon like he’s caught a kid in a cookie jar. “Aye, ah jalouse ye kin ca' me Johnny, bonnie.”
“English, MacTavish.” Simon murmurs, stroking a soft semi-circle into his arm with his thumb.
“Ye can call me Johnny, pretty girl.” He speaks slowly, dragging his consonants and vowels until he gets to the last two words, an impish smile twisting his lips.
Pretty girl.
It’s suddenly incredibly warm in this room.
You roll your eyes on instinct as you’ve trained yourself to do whenever a patient lobs a compliment or a flirtatious quip at you, but it’s usually only ever old men. Or women.
Not beautiful, sculpted Scotsmen with sleepy smiles, stunning blue eyes, and mysteriously handsome, brooding partners.
You clear your throat, self-conscious, and startle just a bit when you hear the door opening, OR team sidling through to bring him upstairs.
“Alright, well. This team will take great care of you, and I’ll see you tonight when I’m back.” You pour positivity into your words, a practice you’ve maintained during your career, thinking good things for your patients, being positive for your patients. A good attitude can go a long way, especially for patients who may have a long road ahead of them, like Johnny.
Slipping out the door, you turn your head to where Simon listens to the surgeon intently, brows lowered, nodding occasionally, and splitting his attention between the (what you’re sure is) a one-sided conversation and where Johnny is half awake in bed, a nurse and two techs busy around him, prepping for the walk and elevator ride, their hands still clutched together. 
Johnny looks over, small sigh expanding across his chest, locking eyes with you for a moment. You freeze, taken aback by the clarity in his gaze, his face shifting from uncomfortable and pained into a small smile, lopsided and sweet.
You give him one back and disappear down the too-white corridor, new soles squeaking against the floor.
Badging out always twists your stomach with the same kind of dread. It's Tell-Tale Heart kind of dread, something that starts in your mind and spreads through your bones, a symptom of malignancy, sickness that ties you in knots, tips you over into dark waters with waves that break too close to the shore. It keeps you rolling your neck and shoulders over and over to release some of the tired tension that’s been building in your back, trying to relax and ease the anxiety that's building up inside you like a tea kettle.
You’re half sleepwalking, mind already wandering when your shoes squeak to a halt outside of two sixty-eight on your way to the elevator, in front of the door parted to reveal Simon sitting in the chair by Johnny’s empty bed, arms crossed, head tipped backwards.
Is he asleep? 
You purse your lips and tap against the glass with your knuckle.
“Hi.” You call to no response. Probably asleep. “Simon?” you whisper his name, and once he doesn’t respond, you turn the dimmer all the way down, satisfied that he’s getting some rest. You set your uneaten banana and protein bar on the little table by the bed before sneaking away, sliding the door shut with a satisfying click.
The weather this morning, this evening, is gorgeous. The sun is a golden orange orb peeking over the horizon, spraying a myriad of colors ranging from pinks to yellows across the rooftops of the city, dipping the morning commute in an effortless glow. It feels good on your face, the warmth, and you roll the long sleeve shirt that you wear under your scrubs up to your elbows to soak it in through your forearms too, stopping to stand still for a moment, for the first time in hours, in front of the back entrance to the hospital. 
In the sun, in the light, it's easy to close your eyes and pretend that you're something, somebody else. Easy to tilt your face to the light and let it wash over you, bathe you in fire, burn you clean like a witch on a pyre. 
Your watch beeps, dragging your focus to where it displays the time, a stark and devastating reminder that you have to get going, and you give the hospital one last look before beginning your trek to the train. 
See you tonight. 
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moonstruckme · 8 months
Hi Mae!! Could I request Spencer x bau!reader where Spencer is losing his mind when reader is in a dangerous situation and the team doesn’t understand why he’s panicking so much but then he accidentally reveals to the team that he’s been dating reader for awhile
Hi honey! Thanks for requesting :)
Spencer Reid x bau!reader ♡ 880 words
The team hasn’t heard from you in nearly an hour. Spencer knows, reasonably, that an hour isn’t that long. He can do lots of things for more than an hour. Read, walk, work through calculus problems. He’s sat through terrible, awful movies that were more than double that amount of time. The flight here had been nearly three hours, and it had felt like nothing to him.
But when you’re supposed to be undercover and have stopped checking in, the hour since your last message is broken up into minutes, seconds, milliseconds. Not one of them goes by unnoticed. Because Spencer can’t help but imagine the possibility of you spending that time scared or in pain. 
He’s pacing in front of the board, trying to find the missing piece that will enable the team to go in and get you out of there, when JJ says his name sharply. 
He looks over to find the team staring at him. “Yeah?”
She shakes her head, bewildered. “I’ve called you, like, four times. Y/N’s on her way out.”
Spencer can’t tell if he’s stopped breathing or only just started. “
What?” his voice comes out hoarse. 
Hotch nods in confirmation. “She just got a message to Garcia. They know she’s FBI, but she managed to get out. She’ll be here any minute.” 
Spencer’s out of the tent before he even really processes moving, eyes scanning the parking lot. It’s two precious seconds before he catches sight of you, a shout ripping from his throat as he runs over. 
You make a tiny sound of surprise when he collides with you, grabbing clumsily at your form. He can’t tell if it’s him shaking or you, but whatever you say is muffled against his shirt collar as he presses your face into his shoulder. 
A moment later, he remembers why he’d been so desperate to see you in the first place and pulls back, hands moving over your shoulders, down your arms. 
“Are you okay?” The words feel like they shudder out of him. “Did they hurt you?”
“I’m okay,” you say, taking his wrists in your hands and ducking to look him in the eyes when he persists in his search anyway. “Hey, Spence. I’m okay.” 
“Why didn’t you check in?” He knows for certain it’s him shaking now. It feels like all he is is a jumble of frayed nerves. “Wh—why would you wait so long?”
You shake your head at him, and his brain is moving too erratically to decipher whether that slant to your brows means confusion or concern. “I had to lay low, but it couldn’t have been more than an hour—”
“An hour and four minutes.” 
“I’m sorry,” you say, taking him by the shoulders and squeezing lightly. “Spence, honey, it’s alright, okay? I’m sorry I didn't check in earlier, but I’m alright.” 
Spencer gathers you against him again. His body doesn’t know that you’re alright, but he’s trying to prove it. You’re here, he tells himself, in one piece and without visible bleeding. He can feel you, your hands against his back, your chin jutting into his shoulder. 
It’s a longer hug, this time, less desperate, but he still doesn’t let you go all the way even when he does, cradling your face in both hands and pressing a firm kiss to the top of your head. 
“You scared me,” he says. Or wheezes, more like. 
“I’m sorry,” you say again, and Spencer shakes his head, because that’s not what he wants. He doesn’t want you to be sorry, he wants it to have not happened at all. For you to work the same job without ever needing to take the same risks, so that he can go to work every day and know that he doesn’t need to worry about you. You give him a wry smile, and he wonders if you can tell what he’s thinking. One thing he does know is that you’d never agree to it. 
Spencer can’t walk you back into the tent with his arm around you, but he does the next best thing, placing a hand at your elbow as he turns around. And right there, illuminated from behind by fluorescent lights like some harbinger of bad tidings, is Morgan. 
“Glad to see you’re okay, Y/N,” he says, looking already like he’s left surprise behind and is well on his way to amusement. “Wouldn’t have come out here if I’d known Boy Wonder was gonna have the welcome committee so well under control.” 
“Don’t,” you chide lightly, and Spencer’s hand stays on your elbow, but it’s really more you walking him towards the tent than the other way around. “He’s had a rough couple of hours.” 
“You’ve had the rough couple hours,” Spencer corrects you. 
“We all have,” Morgan mediates, flicking an eyebrow up at Spencer. “Though I have to admit, some of us seemed to be taking it even rougher than the rest. Wonder why that could be.” 
You shoot him a look as you go into the tent, and Morgan holds his hands up in mock surrender. 
“Hey, your secret’s safe with me.” 
Spencer’s still too rattled to scoff, but he doesn’t believe that for a second. The entire team will know before you get back to the jet.
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witchy-scribblings · 10 months
your annoying roommate gojo satoru (mdni)…
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❀ roommate gojo who had flirted with you on your first meeting during the tenant screening that your actual landlord had entrusted to you and who, against all odds, had turned out to be the best option among the applicants.
❀ roommate gojo who keeps everything tidy around the flat while his room is a mess of clothes carelessly strewn about and a perpetually unmade bed.
❀ roomate gojo whose designated fridge shelves (and, sometimes, some of yours) are always bursting with sweets, energy drinks and takeout leftovers.
❀ roommate gojo who leaves his room in the morning without caring to throw proper clothes on, parading his perfect body around and having the audacity to tease you for staring.
❀ roommate gojo whose sleep schedule is so messed up you will sometimes wake up when the hour is unholy and hear the muffled sound of tv through your bedroom door. despite this, he’s usually up before you are, and rarely takes any naps that you know of.
❀ roommate gojo who, when he’s done showering, leaves the warm and addicting scent of his body wash and aftershave in the bathroom. his hair always drips water on the floor, but you’ve long given up bringing it up to him.
❀ roommate gojo who honestly doesn’t spend a lot of time in the apartment, being the busy and mysterious man he is, but, when he does, he makes it his unpaid job to be noticed.
❀ roommate gojo who always fake moans when you’re on call with literally anyone (especially if he knows it’s a relative), to the point where no one is surprised by his antics anymore.
❀ roommate gojo who always brings his one-night-stands to your shared place. sometimes it’s women, others, men, but it’s always goddamn loud. you wonder whether he does this because he fucks most comfortably in his own bed or to spite you somehow. you get the feeling it’s the latter, because the next morning he always replies to your murderous glare with that shit-eating grin of his.
❀ roommate gojo who interrupts you when you’re busy studying or working, and as annoying as it is, you know it’s his way of making sure you take your breaks.
❀ roommate gojo who has heard you masturbate late at night through the thin walls separating your respective bedrooms, and who has jerked off to it way more than once. you don’t know that he knows that you own and thoroughly enjoy using a ridiculously loud vibrator.
❀ roommate gojo who refuses to admit that he comes the hardest when he catches the breathy sound of his name on your lips, and that the notion of you touching yourself to the thought of him fills his stomach with butterflies and keeps him up at night more than he already does.
❀ roommate gojo who tops his breakfast pancakes with absurd amounts of syrup and berries.
❀ roommate gojo who hogs almost all the popcorn and snacks when you watch a movie together, and who doesn’t care that you flinch closer to him when jumpscares come on, or that you sometimes fall asleep on his shoulder and he has to take you back to your bed.
❀ roommate gojo who is so infuriatingly childish and petty, yet so thoughtful and distant at the same time, and you wish he’d stop teasing and flirting jokingly with you because you don’t know how much longer your heart can take being just his roommate.
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tornado1992 · 5 months
Sonic is acting strange.
From the moment he entered the cave at the top of the mountain and going on even after Shadow finished the battle, he was more energetic, talking faster than usual, to his friends’s eyes happier than they had ever seen him before. But deep inside his mind and heart, he felt more melancholic than anything.
Rouge said something about to going visit Shadow, wherever he’d gone, though it’s not probable that Shadow would gift her a powerful gem of inter dimensional proportions, it’s still a possibility. He finds himself comfortable with the idea of either of them guarding it, after all, Shadow would never let it bring chaos to their lives again, and now he knows Rouge it’s a better leader than he could ever be, they both would make the right call.
Sparring with Knuckles was as much of a way to get the stress out of his system as it is a reminder that the guardian isn’t a glory driven danger prone sailor, nor a extremely paranoid jungle survivor, and definitely not a soldier willing to hit an 8 year old if it means saving the world, no, he’s just Knucks. Ready to put him back in his tracks every time he goes off, same old Knucklehead.
Asking Amy to help him bake a cake to celebrate their victory on the mountain took her by surprise, not expecting Sonic to have the consideration or patience to think about and prepare that kind of gift just so their friends would enjoy it together. But what really shook her to the core was how many times he thanked her through the making, in his mind just one of those “thank you” was for the cake, the rest of them were for everything else.
Tails knows Sonic is acting strange.
it wasn’t just the sudden consideration on his words and actions, but also the eagerness to just spend time with them, an insane amount of time in which he paid attention to everyone and everything, he looked to the sea as if it was more of a new racetrack than an obstacle to his speed, he turned his sight to the sky as if he’d forgotten it was blue, and gazed to the palm trees as if he’d never seen one before. But most of it all, between his friends and the rest of the world, Sonic was looking at him.
It wasn’t the normal look he’d give him everyday, being the only one Sonic hadn’t been alone with since the mountain battle was weird enough, they would usually race and joke together after every battle, but not this time; Sonic was actively keeping him at arms length while never getting his eyes off of him, It didn’t matter who was Sonic talking to or what was he doing, if Tails was around, he was looking at him.
Every time he was smiling he would look back to see if he was smiling too, when one of his friends tried to approach him Sonic would instantly get in their way without any more reason than to talk to them, if there was a sudden movement or loud noise Sonic would turn to him as if to expect him to be gone, the calmness in his body being noticeable every time he found him.
It felt wrong, it felt distant, it felt as if he was a problem. He hasn’t felt like this in years.
Hours and hours later when their friends finally got too tired of watching Sonic’s odd behavior they all went their own way for the night, with Rouge just disappearing in the dark, Knuckles claiming he had places to be, and Amy saying the day had drained her and she needed sleep, Sonic and Tails were finally alone.
The walk to Tails’ lab was quick, but quiet. The silence prevailed all the way before they entered the house and closed the door, then it wasn’t quiet anymore.
With the way Sonic practically launched himself over Tails knocking the air out of him as he hugged the kit tightly, both falling to the floor as Sonic held him against his chest with one hand while the other one placed itself securing the fox’s head just below Sonic’s chin. Tails was quiet, way too shocked with the sudden affection after a whole day of being so close while feeling so far away. But Sonic’s sobs and whimpers weren’t quiet at all.
They were loud and broken, not forming any comprehensible words as hiccups broke in every time it seemed like he was actually trying to say something, as if he held back from crying for hours, It felt guilty, sorrowful, and desperate.
Tails found himself breaking his silence and asking repeatedly “what’s wrong?!” as he reciprocated the hug just for Sonic to tighten his arms around him, breaking into fully crying this time, with a sea of tears falling from the speedster’s eyes to the genius’ head, not letting him go even for a second, not loosening his grip after what felt like hours of holding his little brother, who held him back just as tightly.
Even if the tears stopped, their embrace didn’t, with the morning warmth closer than midnight’s coldness the blue hedgehog found himself surrounding the sleepy fox as he fought sleep’s calling to stay with his big brother.
“I love you” was muttered to the boy’s ears as he was claimed by the land of dreams, in which he could fly all day with the shining star he called his brother.
Tails wasn’t sure if that whisper was part of his dream. Sonic knew it wasn’t
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shotoh · 1 year
❝ SO... ASS, T!TS, OR THIGHS? ❞ feat. nagi seishiro
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— what’s his preference?
cw + tw. smut, 18+, minors dni, fem!reader, aged-up!characters, extensive amounts of foreplay, titplay, nipple sucking, nagi is a spoiled boy but we love him 
notes. i think about this cutie patootie often and how he must be so nice to cuddle with... then i remember he’s huge and i just want him to ruin me <3
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if you were to ask him this question straight up, he’d likely say something along the lines of, “eh… i like all of you.” which is pretty typical, but not inherently wrong.
in nagi’s case, he believes that if he can lay his head on it, then that’s more than enough for him.
your ass? a cushion for when he’s lazily slumped over your bed, phone in hand as you’re busy cramming your assignments and writing essays, propped up on your elbows in front of your laptop.
your thighs? his well-deserved reprieve after a long day at practice. he loves arriving home and finding you on the couch, patting your lap and inviting him to alleviate stress. as your fingers tousle through his white fluffy locks, a sleepy yawn escapes his lips, cheek pressed against your soft pillowy thighs as he waits for his dreams to take him.
your tits, however, make him rethink his entire outlook on life. i mean, how could he ever forget the sensation of being squished between your soft mounds as you’re going through your usual ministrations—absentmindedly massaging the nape of his neck and playing with tufts of his messy hair, making him hum in content. he doesn’t even think before using them as his personal stress balls, always subconsciously running a hand to cup a breast through your shirt no matter what he’s doing while laid against you.
whether intending to arouse you or not, this always leads to a breathy whimper escaping in the air, gray eyes looking up to see your lips slightly parted and gaze half-lidded. to nagi’s benefit, your tits are also extra sensitive, especially in his big ol’ hands which cover your chest perfectly no matter the size. they make you shiver as his thumbs press your nipples through the fabric, quickly pebbling at his touch. seeing them harden and poke through the sheer material of your top makes the striker’s mouth water.
“just a taste…” is what he tells you as he lifts your shirt above your chest, but nagi’s greedy. he never takes just what he needs, only caring about wanting more. he spends a good hour simply running his tongue around the stiff peaks, alternating breasts by laving at the valley between them before returning the same attention to the other one. his hands like to knead the tender flesh, even clamp them in his hold and push them together for easier access for his tongue to flick the aroused tips of your nipples.
“your tits are so perfect, angel, i wanna suffocate in them…”
it’s constantly a struggle to sit still when he’s adamantly fondling you. you shudder every time he flattens the wet muscle over your areola before wrapping his lips around the bud. your body clings to his, gripping his shoulders and occasionally pulling on the roots of his hair when he suckles on them like a baby. except unlike a baby, you feel the whole weight of him on top of you, heavy and desiring to sink you deeper in the sheets. the hard mast in his sweats ruts against your thigh.
with the drawn out foreplay, you’re nearly on the end of your rope. you need him to plunge his thick cock in your gooey insides already. you’re surely wet enough for him to slide right in—he’s made sure of that from his languid ministrations.
“sei, please, fuck me already…” you drawl prettily, hiking your knee to coax the hard throb in his pants. he bucks his hips on top of you, groaning low and hoarse, and teetering on the tightrope of self-control.
nagi, whether he realizes it or not, is cruel as he is greedy. he savors your reactions, enamored by the glassy look on your soft features that crinkle every time his mouth meets your beautiful skin. he’s practically on cloud nine, and you must be following him since you’re on the verge of falling apart, and he hasn’t even touched the aching, slick spot sticking to your panties yet.
“c’mon, beautiful, just a lil longer,” he coos, his words all wispy that you’re starting to grow lightheaded. he blows on the shiny trail of his spit along the sensitive expanse of your skin, feeling you squirm under him. lazily resting his cheek on your tits, innocent silver eyes find your teary ones.
“i still need to mark you all up for me, angel. stay still and i’ll make sure you feel so good later when you’re sitting on my cock, okay?” his lips tenderly press the swell of your breasts one last time before branding those dreamy promises into your skin.
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copyright 2023 shotoh, all rights reserved. i do not allow my creations to be published or translated anywhere else so please do not repost this or share my content on tiktok.
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thehusbandoden · 10 months
You Flinch During an Argument -Todoroki Shoto
Sooo I decided to change this into drabbles instead of headcannons and a drabble bc I'm a lot more comfortable writing in this format, sorry if this bothers anyone <33
Oh and this is a lot more fluffy bc I'm so soft for Sho <3
I'll make Bakugou's a lot more angsty tomorrow >:))
Angst to fluff/comfort | 1,057 words
Warnings!: Mention of arguing, flinching, fear of hurting/scaring your s/o, mention of abuse (Shoto's childhood), and spending money in copious amounts (is that a warning??). Pls let me know if I miss any <33
Dabi | Hawks | Todoroki Shoto | Bakugo Katsuki | Midoriya Izuku | Shigaraki Tomura | Aizawa Shota | Amajiki Tamaki | Kirishima Eijiro | Shinso Hitoshi
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The argument was getting nowhere, you were exhausted, angry, and hurt. You also bet that Sho felt the same.
Sighing, you stand up and walk towards where Shoto was pacing around.
"Listen Sho, let's just go to bed, we can talk about this in the morning."
"Fine then, you go to be-" Shoto froze as he saw you flinch away from him, he wasn't going to.. hurt you. He would never hurt you.
"Did.. did you think I was going to hurt you?" Shoto asked, inwardly panicking as he rushed to your side, hands hovering over your arms, shoulders, and hands, too scared of hurting or scaring you to touch you.
"No baby no. It was some kinda reaction from my body, probably because the tension was high and we're heroes." You coo, grabbing Shoto's hands comfortingly.
"A-are you sure?" Shoto asked, body shaking as he moved his hands up and down your arms, trying to comfort you as best as he could.
"Positive my dear, lets just get to bed, yeah? We can talk about our.. disagreement in the morning." You smile, causing Shoto to nod as he followed you to your shared bedroom, hovering behind you as you go through your night time routine.
"Baby.. I promise I'm not scared of you." You whisper, turning around to hug Shoto as he hovered over your shoulder, heart broken.
"I- I know.. it just reminded me of mom.. and him.."
"Oh baby, no. That is completely different."
Hugging Shoto tighter, your heart partially broke as Shoto clung to you, burying his face in your neck, seeking any kind of comfort he could.
"T-this was a one time freak accident.. right?" Shoto asked, a few tears staining your shoulder as he let you comfort him, needing some kind of stability for him to be sane.
"Yes, yes this will only happen this one time. I was not scared of you, my body moved on its own, I hold zero fear towards you, my love."
"I promise. Now, let's get to bed and cuddle, yeah?"
Shoto simply nodded, shuffling his feet in a way where he could move yet stay attached to you, and he completely climbed on top of you, burying his face into your chest as you played with his hair, kissing his forehead sweetly.
The next morning he was attached to you until you had to go to work, and even then he was very reluctant to let you go, asking for kiss after kiss as you attempted to leave.
You came home to a completely cleaned house, your favorite meal, and your favorite at home activity set up.
And the next day, after he came home from work he brought you flowers, your favorite treat, take out, a movie, and a book that's been rotting in your 'tbr' list on Amazon.
It stayed that way for at least a week and a half, Shoto doing everything he could to show you how much he truly loved you.
"Baby I'm home." Shoto calls, shutting the door with his foot as he moved to set todays findings on your kitchen island.
"Hey, you're home early!" You smile, quickly making your way to kiss Sho's lips before hugging him, smiling at the comforting warmth and smell.
"Yeah, I missed you too much and there wasn't much going on. If there's any thing they need my help with they'll simply call me in."
Pecking his chest as acknowledgment, you turn to the island, blushing in embarrassment at the multiple bags on the smooth surface.
"Sho, how many times do I need to tell you that you don't need to keep buying me things?" You sigh, smiling as the hero pecked the back of your ear to help you cool off.
"And how many times do I need to tell you that I know I don't 'need' to, but I can, and want to spoil my queen."
"Sho you're too good for this world." You huff, blushing at Shoto's bold honesty.
"I belive that is you, my love."
"Okay okay- what did you get this time?" You sigh, peering at the bags curiously.
"You have to wait for this one," Sho mused, picking out a small black bag from the bunch, maneuvering it so you wouldn't see the brand name.
"Ah c'mon Sh-"
"and this one is for dinner-" Sho continued, shushing you with a quick peck to the lips, setting the grocery bag aside.
" and the rest is for you to enjoy at your leisure." Shoto smiled, causing you to blush.
Smiling, you look through the remaining four bags, smile widening at the sentimental gifts Shoto had gotten you.
One bag was full of books and movies you were dying to read/watch, and another one was full of bags of sweets you enjoyed from the gas station near your house -which means he most likely grabbed them on a whim, barely putting a thought into spoiling you as he remembered all of your favorites and which one you liked the most.
The other two were full of some of your favorite hobbies, and things you were meaning to get. Needed a new pair of earphones for long hours of patrol? Sho got the new model, making sure to get your favorite color. Oh- did you want a pair of fuzzy socks for the upcoming winter? Shoto got you just that, spending extra money to make them just right for you. The list went on and on, causing you to both feel giddy and annoyed.
"Shoto, you can't just spoil me. You need to be spoiled too, and all of your money is going into this isn't it?" Giving Sho a look to stop him from interrupting, you continued, "but, I really do appreciate this. You're too sweet for this world, Sho."
Shoto just smiled at you, eyes holding a certain spark that made you giddy.
And that alone stopped you from telling him to stop.
Because he truly enjoyed spoiling you, and you won't be that one to dampen that light, you'll be the one to continue to let it grow.
Plus you started spoiling him too- and now it's basically part of your routine
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Tips <3
Reblogs help spread and support my work, and therefore help me out a ton, but any support is appreciated <33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
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mattslolita · 27 days
subby matt fic PLEASE
kisses 🎀😚
anon 💫 ;)
lock your phone - m. sturniolo
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in which ... your boyfriend's been so busy with work that's he's barely paid attention to you — so you show him how much you missed him. boyfriend!matt x black!fem reader
warnings ; soft!dom!reader, sub!matt , oral ( m! & f! receiving ) , face riding , overstim
"𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒂𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒆."
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰
your boyfriend matt was always so busy nowadays.
you knew how much being an youtuber could be a very demanding job — the many meetings he had to attend, all the filming, you understand that he alot on his plate at times.
but sometimes you felt neglected, sexually frustrated — you had been left to your own devices most of the time. but the feeling of your own fingers wasn't the same as the way matt's tongue pleased you. or the way his fingers curled inside you. you needed him — you craved him.
matt and his brothers had finished their collab with sam and colby, meaning you shared your final night at the hotel with him. alone, this time.
he hadn't gotten back just yet, but he texted you earlier to tell you that he and his brothers were on their way back to the hotel. luckily, you packed your blue lingerie set that you specifically bought for the occasion, and you were dressed in that under the white robe you tied around your body.
you sprayed a light amount of body spray on you, then you set the bottle down. a sudden click of the door sounded, causing excitement to flood through your veins as you realized matt was finally back.
"baby, i'm back," matt calls out, and you stifle a giggle.
"i'll be out in a second!" you called back to him, giving yourself one final once over before you opened the bathroom door.
you stood in the doorway as you observed the man, who had taken off his outside clothes and sat in only his grey wife beater tank top with his black sweatpants hugging his hips dangerously low, just on the base of his waist. he smiled at you as you observed him, tilting your head at him slightly.
"baby, why're you just standing there?" he asks you, and you bite your lip and put a hand on your hips.
"you've been so busy lately, y'know?" you pouted, "i missed you so much."
he sighs and runs a hand through his hair, nodding in agreement. "i've missed you too, angel. our schedule's just been so cramped lately, i miss spending time with you..."
"i understand," you nodded, suddenly standing upright as you give him a sly smirk. "but we've got tonight to ourselves, right sweet boy?"
his eyes widen slightly at your sultry tone, causing him to nod — you slowly unravel the material that holds your robe together, letting the fabric fall at your feet as you stand in your lingerie, your brown skin glimmering in the low lamp light provided.
matt's eyes roam every inch of your figure, drinking in the sight of you and the heat immediately rushes to his now hard dick as he almost salivates.
"fuck, my favorite color," he mumbles to himself, his hand going down to rub over his sensitive, but clothed cock.
you make your way towards him seductively crawling on the bed, stopping in front of him — he gets a view of your perfectly perked tits, biting his lip and resisting the urge to take the top half off and take one into his mouth.
you crawl into his lap, placing both your legs over his waist as your heat is directly centered with his already hard dick — you waste no time in connecting your lips slowly, your hands intertwining themselves behind his neck as you draw him closer to you.
his hands fly to your waist, gripping tightly as he squeezes the brown flesh needily, wanting you impossibly closer to him. your tongue explores his mouth, letting you do the work as you grind down on him eliciting a groan from him.
the buzz of his phone on the desk beside you breaks the heated moment between the two of you, causing matt to pull away with a sigh, rubbing his hand along the side of his face.
you raised your eyebrow at him, daring him to pick his phone up — he gulped at your stare, his hand going to reach for the cellular device. but before he could pick it up, you beat him to it, grabbing it off the desk and holding it in your hand, a grin overtaking your features as you hold it up and dangle it in his face.
"i'm not sentimental, but," you begin, biting your lip as you trace your free hand along his jawline, peppering kisses along it, "the way you look tonight? i need to savor this, baby."
whimpers draw from matt's lips as you suck on the sweet spot of his neck — another vibration follows from his phone, as he bucks his hips up towards you, but you pull away from his neck and sit there.
"i need you, please," matt mumbles out, and you bite your lip and grin as you slide his phone into his hand.
"then you better lock your phone," you instruct him, grinding down on his erection as both your hands connect around his neck once again, "and look at me when you're alone."
his eyes never leaving yours he powers his phone off, tossing it on the desk as you instantly connect your lips once again. matt's hands quickly fly to your hips again, digging into your soft flesh as he pulls you closer to him.
you leave a trail of kisses on either side of his neck, eliciting small whines from the boy, as you feel his erection poking your clothed cunt. "please baby, i need to feel you."
"don't worry sweet boy, i'm gonna take good care of you," you tell him, grabbing his jaw softly as you force him to look up at you, "you gonna be good for me?"
"yes," he whines, his hips bucking upward again, but you quickly slapped his hips, ceasing his movements.
with a smirk you get off of his lap and slowly inch downward until your face is leveled with his clothed cock, and you bite your lip at the small wet patch on grey sweatpants. "look at you matt, all worked up and i haven't even touched you. you're such a needy boy, you know that?"
he does nothing but whimper as you slide his sweatpants down and throw them to side, his boxers leaving next — your mouth salivates at his length, taking in the leaking tip and the thick vein that runs along the side of it.
"such a pretty cock," you tell him, your hand wrapping around his shaft as you spit on it, beginning to stroke him, "you like the way i touch you, pretty boy?"
a moan leaves his lips as you continue to stroke him, running you thumb over his slit teasingly — however, you didn't take kindly to his lack of response, causing your movements to cease. "words, matthew. you like how i touch you?"
"y-yes baby, so much," matt whines again, his eyes pleading as he looks at you, "please, i need your mouth..."
"you need my what?" you ask him, continuing to stroke him once again, teasingly drawing your mouth closer to where he craved you the most.
"your mouth, please..."
matt's soft whines caused your panties to dampen as you finally lowered your head level with his cock, licking a stripe along the side of him, whilst keeping eye contact with him — he watches in awe as you do so, soft moans leaving his lips when you completely wrap your lips around his shaft, beginning to bob your head up and down in a rhythmetic pattern.
"fuck, oh my gosh," matt moans, his head thrown back as you continue deep throating his cock, "feels so good, baby."
you take him out of your mouth to teasingly lick around the head of his tip, staring up at him. it quickly turns into a glare as you realize his eyes are screwed shut, his head thrown against the headboard.
"look at me when i suck you off, or i'll fucking stop," you demand him, your hand no longer on his throbbing dick.
his eyes immediately snap towards you and you grin at this, wasting no time in placing your lips back onto his cock, sucking him off once again — you maintain eye contact with him as your head bobs up and down on his cock, pumping the rest of what couldn't fit in your mouth.
"m'close," matt moans, causing you to speed up your movements.
"cum for me, sweet boy."
that's all the confirmation he needed before his body convulsed as he shot his load into your mouth, along with a string of moans and curses of your name — you swallowed his load and licked the remainder off of his cock, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
a smirk adorns your lips as you strip yourself of your panties, matt watching in confusion — he then watches as you level yourself with his cock, lining yourself up but he shakes his head in protest.
"m'too sensitive, baby, i can't..." he whines out, causing you to pout with faux sympathy.
"thought you were gonna be a good boy for me?" you tsk, leaning over him as you grab both of his hands, holding them above his head, "c'mon baby, i know you can give me another one."
you fully sink down onto him, letting out a moan as you do so — you let go of his hands momentarily, stripping yourself of the top half of your lingerie. matt watches in awe, biting his lip as you grip both of his arms and pin them down by his sides, slowly beginning to rock your hips back and forth on his dick.
"fuck baby, you fill me so well," you moan, your hips moving at a faster pace, him letting out whimpers as his brunette hair sticks to his forehead. "your cock was made for me."
"you feel s-so good, y/n," matt whines out, bucking hips up to meet your pace.
you continue to rock your hips back and forth, your mouth slightly open as you look down at matt's fucked out expression — his lips were parted slightly as he looked up at you, his eyes blown wide, and you noticed his eyes on something in particular — his eyes stayed glued on the way your tits bounced above him, causing you to bite your lip.
"go on baby, i see you looking," you say, unpinning his arms from his sides, and his hands immediately fly to grope your tits in his hand.
his mouth attaches to your left nipple, sucking and nipping on it as you throw your head back, bouncing up and down on his cock. your orgasm is approaching quickly, causing your bounces to become sloppier.
"you've been such a good boy for me, baby," you moan out, "what do you want your reward to be?"
"can...can you sit on my face?" matt asks you, his hands gripping your waist still as you continue to bounce.
you nod and begin to slide yourself off of him, your pussy squelching with how wet it already was — you slowly hover over matt's face, sinking yourself slowly until you feel his nose graze your clit.
like a starved man, he quickly laps at your cunt, licking up all your juices as you grip the headboard. "fuck, right there matt!"
his tongue goes to work creating figure eights, diving into that sweet spot as he savors the taste of you. uncontrollable moans leave your lips as you feel him groan which sends vibrations through your cunt.
"making me feel so good, baby," you moan as you grind onto his face, throwing your head, "i'm gonna cum!"
matt continued lapping at your pussy, as your orgasm approached fast — your juices squirted all over matt's face, and he licked every drop as if it'd be the last time he had a meal.
he helped you ride out your orgasm, before you fell beside him, both of you panting and out of breath. you looked down at your boyfriend, seeing your juices glistening on his chin. he looked up at you and smiled, to which you moved the sweaty baby hairs that stuck to his forehead.
"let me get you a towel, okay?" he said, and he nodded, puckering his lips out for a quick kiss.
you kissed him quickly, getting up and returning with a small, wet towel, wiping his face off, then planting another sweet kiss to his lips.
to your surprise, matt deepened the kiss and flipped you over so that he was on top, and you laid underneath him, a shocked expression on your face.
"you thought we were done for the night, angel? i hope you got your phone on dnd."
lil 💌
hii @thesturniolos im soz this took so long bae bae, but shes here !! ts is also for my lover @middlepartmatt titled after ur fav billie song ❤ I hope you freaks enjoyed this ! i loved writing it <3
@luverboychris @muwapsturniolo @prettiest-poision @mattsturniolosleftnut @mrssturnioloo @guccifrog @junnniiieee07 @astrowh0r3 @v33angel @ilovechrissturniolo1 @e1ias3 @l0akkzz @hysteria-things @eyeliketoeatpoosay @sturn777 @stasiesturn @prettypinkprincess15 @breeloveschris @summerssover @mayhem-72 @riasturns @chrissturniolossidehoe @moonk1ss3d @v33angel @h3arts4harry @stargirll567 @bitchydragonparadise @heartsforchrisandmatt @pepsienthusiasts @tillies33ssss @thenickgirl @sturnprime @summerssover @k4di333 @pinksturniolo @middlepartmatt @jnkvivi @hoesformatt @hysteria-things @cottoncandyswisherz
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motomamita · 17 days
virgin!konig × female!stripper!reader
warnings: smut, +18, cursing, use of alcohol, no cobdom, manhandling, dubcon-noncon!!
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Of all the places Konig frequented, he never thought the strip club would be one of them. Even though his house was a few minutes away from the place and he passed by it several times, he had never felt the need to go in and see what it had to offer him.
His curiosity to know what was happening there was triggered when he heard one of his team mates talking in the barracks about his last visit to one of those places. "That slut gave me the cock suck of my life!" The man exclaimed while his friends laughed and asked for more details about it.
Konig was a strange, lonely individual, and needless to say, he had never been close to the female gender. For these reasons, that same night he decided to take advantage of his free week to go to one of these places. He wanted to experience female attention for the first time, without caring that it was fake and for money.
The place welcomed him with music and bright lights pointing towards the stage surrounded by tables with slightly drunk men, ready to waste their money for some nice tits and asses. He decided to sit at one of the farthest tables, in the darkest corner but which guaranteed him a good view of everything. Despite his large and muscular body, he could go unnoticed by most of those present and get used to the environment.
He settled somewhat uncomfortably in his seat when he saw the first dancer come up, being greeted by the shouts and whistles of the men at the nearby tables. He looked around, excited by the tiny clothes that barely covered the girl who had already started dancing, that was when he saw you approaching him with 2 glasses of whiskey.
"Hello, big boy. Do you want a drink?" You spoke to him flirtatiously, extending the glass towards him.
Konig fixed his gaze on your bright blue top, which looked more like a bikini than a top, and on the way it hugged your breasts. Then he looked down at your waist, hips and the small skirt of the same color.
"Hello?" You caught his attention again, making him look you in the eyes this time. "The first drink is always on the house, so go ahead," you informed him kindly, bringing the glass even closer to his beefy chest.
Konig nodded and received the glass, taking a long sip and finishing the whiskey in an instant. You laugh loudly when you notice his almost disgusted expression when drinking the liquid. Konig hardly ever drank because he tended to lose control of his actions and his strength, especially.
"I've never seen you here, you're new right?" You asked, sitting extremely close to him. Konig swallowed and nodded, noting how good your breasts looked from his spot. "I knew it, it's very rare to see attractive men around here. If you had been here before, I'm sure I would have remembered you."
He looked into your eyes, surprised by your pleasant words towards him. A kind of grimace formed on his face, in an attempt at a smile that failed. You looked at him carefully, still maintaining your good disposition towards him and the possible good tip he would give you if you managed to get him a little more drunk.
"I like your pigtails." was the only thing he can say in gratitude. You smiled and brought your hands to your head where you had 2 small pigtails holding only half of your hair. Konig watched your movements carefully, feeling more confident with you and almost forgetting everything around him.
"Thanks, big boy. Cheers to that!" You clinked glasses but instead of drinking the glass you had left, you gave it to him to drink, which he did.
You didn't leave him for the next few minutes, managing to convince him to buy more drinks and get him drunk enough so he lost track of the amount of money he was spending. By then, several dancers had already gone on stage but he could only focus on you. His body was more relaxed and the fever in his body was not only due to the alcohol, but also to the immense desire to fuck you right there.
"How about we go somewhere quieter?" You asked, bringing your mouth closer to his ear, with an even more flirtatious tone of voice. "Can I offer you a lap dance?" you lightly caressed his hard chest, feeling the necklace with his id inside his shirt.
Konig closed his eyes slightly, feeling your breath in his ear and your caresses on him. He shifted in his place, trying to calm the painfully growing erection inside his pants. He opened his eyes again and looked at you, at a very close distance from your face. He nodded his head, feeling a wave of warmth as he noticed how you smiled widely at his response. By that time you were already used to his silence, taking control of the conversation and feeding his horniness with suggestive words and not-so-innocent caresses.
You took his hand and guided him to one of the hallways of the strip club, away from the noise of the men and the music. You entered a comfortable room, with a long armchair, a bathroom with a shower and a mini bar full of drinks. The music inside was quieter but still sensual and in keeping with the environment.
Konig sat on the couch with his legs open and his arms extended over the backrest. You looked at him as you headed to the mini bar and noticed how muscular and massive he really was, a real military man's body. You poured 2 glasses of whiskey again and approached him, extending one of them to him. Konig looked at the glass and shook his head, rejecting it. He could tell how drunk he already was and how little by little his instincts took over.
"Come on! A toast to us!" You insisted, supporting your weight on one of your legs and stretching forward, giving him a perfect view of your tits.
Konig thought about it for a few seconds and accepted, grabbing the glass to toast and then finishing the liquor in a matter of seconds. You followed suit, letting the alcohol loosen your muscles and relax you. You left the glasses on a small table nearby and started your work.
You sat on his thighs, feeling the muscles in his legs tense as he felt you on top of him. You brought your hands to his neck, playing with the strands of hair that reached there while your hips moved slightly to the rhythm of the music. Konig fixed his gaze on your face and your tits, which moved to the rhythm of your hips.
"Shit.." he murmured when your hands went down to his shoulders, massaging to remove the tension he was carrying thanks to his work.
"Relax, love, I'm here to help you..." your hip movements continued on him, little by little getting closer to his crotch.
Konig, rushing to feel you, brought his big hands to your hips and pulled you abruptly towards him, impacting your tits against his chest. You whined at the abrupt movement and the way his strong hands dug into your hips skin.
"No touching, those are the rules." you warned him, trying to stay in good mood and hoping he wouldn't try to touch you again.
Forcibly he let go of you, bringing his hands back to the back of the large sofa. You tried to put on the best attitude but his look said it wrong, he was angry. You then decided to turn around, turning your back to him but resting your ass even more on him, giving him a good view of it. You continued dancing, moving to the rhythm of the music, resting your back on his chest and letting him inhale your scent.
From one moment to the next, your breasts were expose and you couldn't move because Konig had you hugged to his chest. His face was on your neck, smelling and sucking on the delicate skin there. You tried to get away but his grip was too strong. Before you could scream, one of his hands went to your mouth, covering it and preventing you from making any noise. "Shh, keep quiet, beautiful. We don't want your coworkers to see you fucking a client." He murmured in your ear and then licked your earlobe.
His hips moved upwards, his erection crashing against your ass as he moaned at each contact. Your nails dug into his forearm but it seemed like they had no effect on him. Almost in response, he brought his free hand up your short skirt, touching your pussy with his large fingers clumsily, almost inspecting the place.
You moaned into his palm as one of his fingers found your clit and he saw how sensitive you were. He gently massaged it in circles, watching your face and every expression in response to his movements. Inevitably you started to get wet and Konig noticed it by how his hand was filled with your sweet moisture.
"Since you like this, huh bitch?" He smiled mockingly and his whiskey breath hit you in the face. You shouldn't have offered him alcohol. The hand that was previously on your clit rose to your breasts, playing with your nipples and wetting your skin with your own nectar.
When he couldn't take it anymore, he grabbed your arms and threw you against the couch, in a doggy position. With one hand he held your arms behind your back while with the other he lowered the fly of his pants, leaving his erection free and then moving your underwear to the side. Before you could react, his veiny, thick cock entered you slowly. You moaned and were grateful that at least he had stimulated you before, otherwise that first stretch would have been more painful.
"God, you're so good.." he moaned, feeling how your warm walls hugged his cock with pleasure. Slowly he began to move, taking his cock out before the head and putting it back in until the end. You moaned, closing your eyes, although his rhythm was rough you loved how good he made you feel.
You decided to let yourself go, intoxicated by the pleasure of the thrusts and the grunts that came out of his mouth. "You love it, huh? You've been warming me up all night for this moment.." He growled in an agitated voice as he continued to move inside you. "And look at you now, tasting my big cock.." You moaned in response, somewhat agreeing with his words and the inevitable attraction you had towards him.
His thrusts became clumsy, his breathing became labored, and your pussy clenching around him was forcing him to cum soon. Before filling you, he releases your arms and grabs you by the neck with both hands, crashing your back against his chest. His breath hit your face, along with the moans and curses that came out of his mouth. It only took a few series of thrusts for him to end up inside you, holding you even closer to him as if he feared you were going to escape.
Without coming out inside you, you shared a wet, clumsy kiss. Then he walked away, adjusting his pants, left a good amount of bills on the table and left the place without saying another word.
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runa-falls · 28 days
*raise hand violently* PLEASE CAN I ASK ABOUT sub!miguel headcanons?!?!?!?!?!
What makes him whine, how pretty does his whimpers sound like?!?!?!
How gorgeous does he look when his eyes get all shiny and wet with tears because you won't let him come yet.
sub!miguel headcanons
basic summary: miguel is the whiniest, most pushy malewife and you are his protector, comforter, and safe space :3
a/n: OK BETTER LATE THAN NEVER RIGHT? (im so sorry lmfaooo) also does it count as headcanons if i have random scenes in between them?? wtvr *shoves fic in ur arms and sprints away*
content: suggestive + fluffy
bed habits (I'M TALKING AB SLEEPING YOU DIRTY BASTARD!) -- miguel is a sleepy, cuddly boy
he never has trouble falling asleep when you're around (except for when he - adorably - forces himself to stay awake so he can spend time with you)
this man is 6'7" but he still tries to curl up on your lap when you're lounging on the couch just so you can play with his hair as he dozes off
miguel owns a king sized bed, big enough to fit five people comfortably, yet he's adamant to take up all your space
it gets hot (i mean, he's hot -- literally, like his internal temp is higher than the average human) but even when you try to shove him away, he only pulls you closer to him
if you do, somehow, get away from him, he wakes up immediately with a sleepy groan, blindly reaching across the mattress for you:
you try to dodge his hands, laying precariously at the edge of the bed, hoping he would give up and go back to sleep. unfortunately, it only makes him whine like a spoiled child, "baby, closer. need you...come here" god -- he has such a cute sleepy voice...
but you don't let it sway you. you're already laying on top of the comforter, desperately trying to cool off and get back to sleep.
"it's too hot, miguel"
"but...i can't sleep without you" you can hear the pout in his voice
"just hold a pillow and pretend its me"
he sighs -- actually sighs like the dramatic man he is, "but it's not the same!"
you don't respond, refusing to continue this 3 am argument that you'll never win, and pretend to fall back asleep. maybe he will practice self-soothing or something and sleep by himself? maybe he'll be an adult about this?
silence settles in the air for a few minutes and you're nearly lulled back to unconsciousness. and then you hear the sheets rustle as he sits up next to you, suddenly fully awake and stubbornly staring down at you.
"mig, no amount of 'pleases' will convince me to sleep against your volcanic body"
"...how about just until I fall asleep?"
"but when I move away you'll wake up again."
you hear a quiet 'hmph' before you're promptly tugged back against his body. his face presses against your hair as he situates himself to engulf you in his warmth. "exactly, so don't leave me."
it's a common misconception that sub!mig likes to be the little spoon but actually he likes to cling onto you like you're a living teddy bear -- face nuzzled against your neck, legs intertwined with yours, and one large hand on your tit
you often wake up in a tangled mess, your neck stiff from the contorted positions he maneuvers your body into during the night
but you don't mind it anymore, especially on those rare morning swhen you wake up before him and you get to see those worry lines on his forehead soften as he sleeps soundly next to you
miguel is a soft and eager man:
it's his life mission to provide for you, to hear soft words of praise whisper from your lips
as soon as you're alone in a room, he drops the tough guy act and immediately searches for your warmth
miguel sticks to you like velcro when he isn't fighting crime in the city
and when he isn't with you, he's absolutely thinking about you
(of course he makes sure that you're thinking about him too with all the texts he sends you throughout the day -- adorned with cheesy emojis...)
this dude is so needy and desperate for your love, praise and approval that he's the one asking "would you still love me if i were a spider-mutant worm and i looked at you like this: 🐛 to say 'i love you'?"
would he call you 'mami'? debatable.
but he loves it when you call him honey, sweetheart, baby, bubby/bubs, hubby (he wants to marry you so bad), and puppy (WHEN HE'S KINKY BC HE'S A HORNY SOB)
you swear he whimpers a little when you tell him what a good man he is -- when you confess that he's your hero, even when he's not swinging around the city and lifting up buildings with his bare hands
his warm brown eyes search your face, a desperate quest for truth in every gentle word you speak. he's never been spoken to so softly in his life -- this tenderness, it's new...too good to be true
as time passes and your love deepens, he begins to realize that it's all true, that everthing about you is genuine, that he is loveable after all
miguel worships you:
he is definitely a worshipper when you let him be
on slower, more sensual nights, he makes sure to paint your body in kisses, from your ankles to your forehead it's almost tortuous
(maybe even bites if it's been a while since he's seen you)
he likes to kneel for you, make himself smaller so he can look up at you and appreciate everything you've provided for him
he's really whiny and pathetic though...
he wants to be told what to do, when to do it, and how. it helps him let go of this thoughts, anything that's weighing on him
it could be his heightened senses or just his desperation, but he needs to touch you all the time -- even just the light feeling of his hand against your thigh gives him a euphoric feeling.
so you deny him because you know how much he loves the delayed gratification and humiliation when you tease him for it.
"baby, you're acting so needy right now~" you decided to withdraw from the heated interaction to keep him at the edge. his eyes are dark, blazing with heat, as you speak to him with a syrupy sweet voice.
he pouts from the spot where he's kneeling for you, already achingly hard from the thorough petting session you just gave him.
"i'm not trying to be...just really need it." he's whining with a mixture of shame, frustration, and exasperation in his voice.
"It?" you tilt your head, a small smile gracing your lips.
"..." he doesn't elaborate. you can see a hint of pinkness creep up his neck as his eyes avoid yours.
he can get so shy sometimes. it's endearing. it makes you want to destroy him then put him back together again.
"honey, i can't give you what you need unless you tell me." you know what he wants, but you want to hear him say it.
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luvhu9hes · 5 months
It Was Only a Kiss | EE73 x Fem!Reader
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Warnings: 18+ Content, Minors DNI, Underage Drinking, P in V, Thigh Riding, Cursing, use of pet names (baby, princess), not proofread, Slight Angst (If I missed anything please let me know)
Word Count: 2.4K
A/N: So, this is my first time ever writing something like this, this is also my first time writing smut. Please let me know what you think of this, but I'm also sensitive so please be nice abt it, thank you! All love - Chaela <3
"Come on y/n/n please, it's been so long since we've gone out together" Lydia pleads as I try to hide under my comforter. Normally I would love to go out and party with her, but ever since she started dating our friend Mark I've turned into a major third wheel. Don't get me wrong, I love the two of them and how happy they make each other, but sometimes I'd like to be able to enjoy myself without having to watch them suck each other's faces. After a tremendous amount of prodding Lydia finally coerced me out of bed picking out my outfit for the party.
"Lyds, are you sure I should wear this? Isn't it a bit, much?" I ask as I rake my eyes over the outfit she chose. The outfit consisted of a black miniskirt, a red lacy top which showed off the tops of my breasts really nicely, and some matching black boots.
"It's perfect y/n/n you look hot, nobody will be able to keep their eyes off of you babes."
I roll my eyes at her comment and go to finish my hair and makeup before grabbing my keys and head out the door following behind Lydia. The Soph house, home of the University of Michigan hockey team was only a 10 minute drive from our dorms and we arrived in no time. We made our way inside, music blasting throughout the house practically making the walls shake. The house was hot and stuffy as the sea of bodies was full of young adults grinding and dancing along to the music the air smelling of smoke and alcohol. Almost immediately upon arriving the two girls are greeted by Mark.
"Hey babe" he smiles leaning down to press a kiss to his girlfriend's lips, he then turns to the other girl greeting her as well.
"Hey y/n/n, we've missed you" he says hugging his friend.
"Hey Marky, I've missed you guys too, i've just been busy" I lied not wanting to admit i've been avoiding hanging out with the couple. Just as the three of you were about to head towards the kitchen to pour yourselves some drinks an arm makes itself comfortable around my shoulder causing me to look up and see none other than Ethan Edwards. You weren't exactly sure how the rivalry had started, but for as long as you could remember you and Ethan had hated each other. Growing up next door to each other you and Ethan had been forced to spend time around each other, due to always going to the same school and our parents being good friends. When I had gotten accepted to University of Michigan I had expected to finally escape the brunette, but of course to my disappointment he had been accepted right along with me. At the sight of the boy I tried to contain the look of disgust in my face as I pushed his arm off from around my shoulders. Upon Ethan's arrival Lydia and Mark took it upon themselves to make their way to their other friends across the house.
"Wow y/n/n, it's good to see you too." Ethan teased as he moved to put his hands in his pockets.
"What do you want Ethan?" I asked getting irritated by his presence.
"Pump the hate breaks princess, I was just trying to be civil" Ethan states as he holds his hands up in defense.
I scoffed at the idea, Ethan Edwards? Civil? I think hell would freeze over before that happened. I tried to push past him and move towards to kitchen to get alcohol in my system, but of course he had to follow right behind me. I grabbed myself a beer from the fridge cracking it open and letting the golden liquid glide down my throat the sensation already seeming to ease my annoyance. That was until a set of arms were working to trap me against the fridge.
"Ethan, what are you doing" I asked in a questioning tone.
"Just admiring" the boy admits.
"Where the hell is this coming from Ethan? For as long as I can remember you've hated me" I asked him.
"Who says I hate you?" he questions.
"I don't know Ethan, maybe the way you've been an asshole since the day I moved in next door" I state in a matter of fact tone.
"I wasn't trying to be an asshole y/n" the use of my full name shocks me as he continues. "I just wanted to get to know the pretty girl next door, but the only way I could think to get your attention was to tease you." He finally admits.
"W- what? You're telling me all of these years you've been an ass because you had a crush on me?" I ask hesitantly.
"Yeah, that's exactly what I was doing" Ethan starts,
"and if you'd let me make it up to you I'd show you exactly how I feel for you princess"
"Oh yeah?" I asked, my voice just barely above a whisper
"Yeah" he breathes, his hands on my hips as he leans his face down towards mine his lips ghosting over mine as he says, "You have no idea how long i've wanted this."
"Just kiss me already Ethan" I mumble starting to get impatient. Ethan doesn't take a second longer to crash his lips onto mine. I never would have thought that I would be in the kitchen of the Soph house making out with Ethan Edwards, but here I was with one hand tangled in his hair at the nape of his neck, while the other still held onto the long forgotten can of beer I had grabbed minutes earlier. I tugged at the ends of his hair causing him to groan into my mouth allowing me to slip my tongue in and explore his mouth with my own. After what feels like hours we finally pull away to catch our breath, but within seconds I'm pulling Ethan back down to my lips kissing him with a bruising force. Soon Ethan begins trailing his lips down to my jawline and my neck causing me to tilt my head back in pleasure allowing him more access as he nips and starts to leave marks all over. I know that at this point my panties are dripping from the immense amount of pleasure i'm receiving in this moment.
"Eth.." I moan out as his hands begin to explore my body. He hums in response not fully acknowledging me. "Ethan" I repeat this time in a more firm tone.
At the sound Ethan lifts his head from my neck to look at me. "What's wrong princess? Do you not want this? I can stop it's no problem I just-" he begins to ramble worried he's scared me off.
"No Ethan, I want this, just not- not in the kitchen Ethan" I say reassuring him. Ethan gapes at me as though he had completely forgotten that we were still in the middle of the kitchen. "R-right, well then let's get out of here" Ethan says as he grabs my hand guiding me through the crowd of people and upstairs towards his room. The second the door is locked behind us my back is pushed up against the door as Ethan smashes his lips against mine with the same intensity as minutes ago in the kitchen. My hands go to tangle themselves within his hair once more has his go around yo cup the backs of my thighs. “Jump princess” he mumbles into my lips and I comply immediately eliciting a breathy “good girl” from him causing me to moan into the kiss and him to smirk. Ethan backs us up until he's sitting on the foot of his bed with me straddling his lap. As though my hips had a mind of their own they slowly began to rut against Ethan's causing him to pull away and groan. “What have you done to me Princess?”
“Less talking, please” I breathe out as I continue to grind my hips against his. Ethan lets out a chuckle as he goes to take off my top, looking at me for approval to which I nod. He slowly removes the article of clothing and gapes as my bare breasts are revealed. Starting to feel a bit self conscious I go to move my arms in front of my chest to which Ethan immediately grabs my wrist saying “Don't hide from me now Princess, you're gorgeous.” His hands move from my wrists, down to knead my breasts letting his thumbs flick over my hardening nipples.
“Oh God” I moan out at the sensation and before I can speak again Ethan is enclosing my nipple in his mouth licking and sucking at the bud eliciting a string of curses to come pouring out of my mouth. I tug at the strands of Ethan's hair pulling him away from my chest and back to my lips, my hands moving down his chest to palm his strained cock through his jeans. “Oh Princess” he groans. The two of us are quick to start stripping each other down leaving ourselves bare in front of each other. To say Ethan was attractive was an understatement, he quite literally looked like he had been sculpted by Greek Gods with his chiseled jaw, toned abs, and his incredibly muscular thighs which you couldn't help but staring at. Ethan caught your gaze and smirked as he began to speak, “I see you looking at my thighs Princess” you flush at the realization you've been caught, but he only continues when he says “does that turn you on Princess, the thought of getting off just by pleasuring yourself on my thigh. You like that idea don't you?” he pulls me in by my wrist choosing to run his fingers along my slick folds “Look at you Princess you're so wet f’’me already, c’mon baby come ride my thigh like a good girl” he begins to slur lust evident in his voice. Not being able to decline his request I move to sit with my cunt directly on his thigh as he puts his hands on my hips and begins to set the pace for me flexing his thigh every once in a while the muscles in his thigh touching my clit sending the most delicious sense of pleasure coursing through my body. I very quickly could feel the the very familiar knot tying in my stomach as Ethan quickened the pace enjoying the view of me getting off just at the feel of his thigh. Reaching between our bodies I snaked my hand down to my clit pressing tight circles only increasing the pleasure I was feeling at the moment. “I- I’m close” I'm barely able to muster out before my orgasm overtakes me and I clench my eyes shut leaning forward to bite Ethan's shoulder at the sensation.
Ethan mumbles sweet nothings in my ear as he moves his face to the crook of my neck leaving sloppy kisses in his wake. As I come down from my post orgasmic sensation I reach my hand down to begin stroking Ethan's cock which is angry due to its lack of attention. This is a sign to Ethan that I am ready for more. Quickly Ethan moves us around so that I am laying with my back against his mattress with him hovering over me leaning down to leave a kiss on my lips, this one was different from the others, not full of lust or need, it was a kiss full of passion and emotion. Ethan pulls away and looks me in the eyes with a look clearly asking for permission to which I quickly nod needing to feel him inside me. “Uh uh baby, I need words Princess” he says.
“Ethan please, need your cock. Need you t’ fill me up so good” I babble. That's all he needs to hear before teasing my folds with the tip of his cock and then pushing into my entrance without warning causing us both to moan out at the feeling.
“Fuck baby you're so tight f’me, milking my cock so good baby” Ethan groans into my ear.
“So full Eth. You fill me up so good” I practically cried.
Sure I had had hookups throughout the last few years, nobody had ever been able to please me like Ethan already had, and nobody even came close in size compared to Ethan. After adjusting to the stretch, I encouraged Ethan to move and he did just as I had asked. At first it was painful due to the new feeling but soon that pain was replaced with pleasure. Once the pain was gone I urged Ethan to to move faster to which he gladly obliged setting a harsh pace eliciting almost pornographic sounds from my mouth. All that could be heard throughout the room was the sounds of skin slapping and moans coming from both me and Ethan. The knot in my stomach began tightening again as I was starting to get closer and closer to my orgasm for the second time of the night. I could tell Ethan was getting close as well as I could feel his thrusts getting sloppier and his cock twitching inside of me at each thrust.
“‘m so close Ethan, so close” I breathe out.
“Me too Princess, I want you to cum with me baby, okay? Can you do that f’me baby?”
“Yes, please Ethan ‘m gonna cum”
Ethan reached between our bodies going to draw tight circles on my clit, pulling my orgasm out of me, my pussy fluttering around his cock milks his orgasm out of him as he lets himself lay on top of me. We lay there for a couple of minutes coming down from our highs basking in the post orgasmic feeling. Once we’ve caught our breath Ethan gets up pulling on his boxers leaning down to press a kiss to my lips before he heads to the bathroom. He returns with a washcloth in his hand going to clean the mess made between my thighs trying to be gentle as to not cause overstimulation. Ethan then goes to grab me a pair of his boxers and a shirt for me to sleep in. After I get dressed Ethan opens his arms for me to come join him under the covers to which I happily obliged laying with Ethan as we slowly drifted off to sleep, deciding to leave the conversation about where this will lead for tomorrow.
a/n: I have no clue how I feel about this or if I even like this but yk 💁🏻‍♀️
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kaiijo · 1 year
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pairing: jing yuan x gn! reader content: spouse! reader, suggestive content 
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if someone were to ask you what your favorite time of day is, you would unequivocally answer that it’s nighttime. it’s a time to shed the events of the daytime and the promise of a new day tomorrow. and, given yours and jing yuan’s positions as diplomatic head of the xianzhou alliance and general of the luofu cloud knights, it’s when you get to spend time with your beloved husband.
you massage the rest of your moisturizer into your skin as you enter your shared bedroom, jing yuan already underneath the blankets, sitting up against the headboard. he lowers the book he has in hand, smiling warmly at you. you lean against the doorframe, drinking him in. even after years of being together, you still can’t quite get over how handsome he is (his tendency to sleep shirtless and showcase his well-sculpted body doesn’t hurt either).
“are you going to join me, dearest, or will you stand there all night?”
“i’m tempted to, if this is my view,” you reply with a grin.
he chuckles, “silver tongue.”
“you’re one to talk.” you push yourself off the frame and make your way over, sliding into bed beside jing yuan. immediately, his arm is around you and pulling you in close. he reaches over and shuts off the bedside lamp. dim moonlight floods your bedroom, casting a soft glow and you settle into your husband, head resting against his chest and arm wrapped around his torso. you snuggle into the warmth you’ve created.
he plants a loving kiss on the crown of your head. “how was your day?”
“exhausting,” you sigh. “i spent all day negotiating allocation of alchemy commission resources for the yuque and huaiyan as well as meeting with representatives from novara to discuss how the xianzhou alliance will assist with the recent uprising of denizens of the abundance on the planet.”
jing yuan hums and asks, “will cloud knights be dispatched?”
“i would prefer not to, both for diplomatic reasons and my own selfish ones.” you peek up at jing yuan and he smiles, leaning down again to kiss your forehead. “what about you? how was the meeting with the other arbiter-generals?”
“same as usual,” he replies. “a fair amount of bickering but nothing unresolvable.” he shifts a little so that he can lean closer, your noses brushing together. “i missed you today.”
“you miss me every day,” you murmur. you ghost your fingers along his skin and your husband shivers.
“i missed you especially today,” jing yuan says, voice deepening. you look into his eyes, half-lidded and dark and you known exactly what he has in mind. before you can act, he beats you to the punch, ever the perfect warrior, and he captures your mouth in a searing kiss. you return it with an equal amount of heat.
jing yuan’s grasps at your hips, rolling both of you so you lay on top of him. you pout when he pulls away, only to whine a moment later as he trails teasing, featherlight kisses to your jaw and neck. you return his teasing in kind, sitting up and trailing you hands appreciatively across his shoulders, down his chest, along his abs, tracing the multitude of scars he’s garnered from centuries of battle. you delight in the way goosebumps prickle along his skin as you continue downwards.
jing yuan’s gaze meets yours, eyes glinting like pools of hot, molten gold. “are you sure you want this tonight, dearest? i won’t be acting very gentlemanly tonight.”
you smirk at him, ducking down so your mouth hovers just above his ear. you purr, “when have you ever been gentlemanly, general?”
as he yanks you downward into another passionate kiss, you think distantly that yes, indeed, nighttime is your favorite time of day.
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aforestescape · 2 months
simon ‘ghost’ riley and johnny ‘soap’ mctavish x reader - adorable. now give them both a boyfriend
content includes: i want two boyfriends and i want the boyfriends to be boyfriends. male!reader or gn!reader; ‘boyfriend’ used for reader but no defined pronouns, eludes to sex
i was rambling with some online friends earlier about how great it’d be to have two bfs
more of them here.
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beds: double cuddles. being the middle spoon is the best until it’s not…
in the beginning of your relationship napping and sleeping together is a bit awkward. not because you aren’t all comfortable with each other at this point; it’s the fact that none of you have a bed truly big enough to fit the three of you comfortably.
johnny is a clingy sleeper. large body seeking out whoever’s limbs are closest and koala-ing onto them. simon on the other hand prefers to spread out and seems to hate the feeling of covers or blankets over him. he sleeps naked most of the time and will kick all the covers off in his sleep. it’s not uncommon to find yourself waking between slumber and having to try and drag the blankets back over yourself. only to find your arm and/or leg stuck in johnnys hold that strengthens with your movement.
and they’re both just large. beefy and hairy men, taking up all the space on the bed. summer nights being the worst, even with the air con set to a staggering 16 degrees celsius. all that muscled mass and body fat, sticky skin and ticklish hair. growing boners pressed against tight skin, you can hardly get a well rested night.
no matter your size it’s never not a mess of limbs to untangle from come morning. only the fact that it’s them making you put up with the less than great sleeping arrangement.
but those are just the days you decide to sleep together in bed. of course there are nights when one of you decides to stay in your respective flat. or even rarer nights when you all manage to sleep on your own, nobody to share space with.
needless to say, when you all finally move in together you spend a good amount of money on a bed large enough for the three of you.
two times the love
one thing to be said about having two partners, you had double the chances for a person to put up with your jokes and attitude. after a particularly hard day at work, having to deal with your coworkers who were always a bit too nosey. somehow never understanding that you don’t owe them an introspective look into your life. especially your love life that they were keen on working out after they realized you were dating two attractive and well fit men.
coming into your home, grumbling as the door slams a little harder than normal behind you.
you let out a sigh of relief as you spend the rest of your night in the comfort of their bodies. simon letting you nuzzle your head into the heft of his arm. johnny running the palm of his hand over your head in a soothing manner, mumbling sweet words to you in his thick accent.
coming home to cuddle with them, play games, cook dinner together. your own little bubble in the world that made you feel safe. you were safe, they’d protect you even when you don’t need it.
“i’m glad we can all be gay together,” you say jokingly, voice muffled against simon’s arm.
another night spent in your kit, leaned against the counter with a cooler in your hands. johnny sitting on top of the island across from you and simon stood next to his spread legs. you watch fondly as you all chat, simons fingers splayed over johns thigh. squeezing in an absentminded gesture, stimming more than anything.
nowadays it was rare for you all to see each other at the same time. even though you’d finally all saved and scrapped change to move in together, a nice little house with a decent amount of land. enough space for a garden that you’d brought up wanting to start. how rewarding it’d feel to cook for each other with the foods you grew.
but a new place meant a shift in routines, having to grow around and between each other’s schedules. especially being in a relationship with multiple people, you’d learned how to work a calendar as best you could.
so you took the time to enjoy this. just you and your boys, drinking and filling your home with a new warmth that’d you’d already grown used to. easily recognized as the same warmth that squeezed in time with your heartbeat. you were pulled from your thoughts as your boyfriend laughed uproariously. simon giving johnny a warning tap on his leg.
“aye- im only teasin’ love.”
you watch simon roll his brown eyes before cutting over to you. “and what do you think of this? says everyone can use two more boyfriends.” simons voice is dry but you can tell he’s amused or maybe it’s the infectious laugh johnny had.
“hmm. two more men, that means john and kyle right? i think we’d need a bigger bed than the one we have now but i’m more than happy to share you idiots with them.”
falling into domestics
onto the topic of beds again. you’d already agreed it’d be an important investment. you spent a few days wondering if you should splurge upwards ten thousand for an alaskan king. a hefty price but it could be worth it.
that is until johnny brings up the fact that you can just make your own for cheaper. says he’d seen it online and it was a simpler and cheaper solution to your problem. with that out of the way you ordered two full sizes and a few different bed sets. you all ended up spending the most time on trying to find a bed frame than anything else.
coming home one day from running errands to find simon in the yard. rented table saw connected by an extension cord running to the house and a decent sized pile up of wood. some pieces already cut down the size and shape. you didn’t question him, not wanting to interrupt his process until later in the evening when you were having dinner.
when he gruffed out that he was making you a bed you were surprised. sharing a glance with johnny and then looking back at simon. biting your bottom lip as you’re struck with just how fucking hot that was. your boyfriend spending days in the hot sun to make a bed just for you to break in together.
simon agreed it was reward enough as you and johnny spent the first night in your new bed worshipping his body. hours of attention to his freckled and scarred skin. kissing, biting, and licking stripes up taut skin that had simons head tossed back into your pillows. whispering words of praise and love in his ears as you made love to him into the early morning hours.
delegating dates: i want my boyfriend to have a boyfriend and i want for them to go on boyfriend dates
you look up from behind your desktop monitor, watching as johnny ruffles his hand through his mohawk. he’d been growing out the hair, letting it shag down to the nape of his neck. you’d spent many hours running your fingers through the thick strands. pulling on his hair to bring him to your level for a kiss was quickly becoming a favorite activity of yours.
you watched in amusement as he spent minutes of time fiddling with his hair. somehow even after dating so long he still gets nervous to go on dates. it’s incredibly sweet, a sentiment you share with simon. as he runs product through his hair to get it managed you let your eyes drift over his body. your gaze darkening slightly at just how delicious your boyfriend looks.
you wish to yourself that you weren’t behind in your work pace so that you could enjoy just how good your partners looked tonight.
watching as simon has enough of johnny’s taking too long, stalking over to wrap his big arms over the smaller man’s waist. you watch quietly as simon leans his head down to mumble something in his ear, taking note of the shiver that runs over johns body.
you can feel your breath steal away just watching them love each other. so soft with one another, obvious affection for your eyes only to truly witness and understand. sometimes you’re really struck by how much you adore them. how utterly lucky you feel to be able to love them and in turn how they love you.
biting your lip, you slip your phone from your desk to take shots of them.
one of simons blonde head obscured into johnnys neck. johnnys pretty pink lips parted on a breath as he tilts his neck for him. another with johnnys pouted lips spreading into a grin. another click and they’re kissing, lips moving slowly with practiced effort.
it was truly like beholding art. some sort of feat and testament of the universes power to bring such gorgeous men together. to let them love one another in ways that simon and you could only ever grow up craving. a love that johnny so readily gave to you, a love he knew instantly upon meeting would be reserved for you two alone.
special edition: shared custody
before you move in together, riley is practically a child of divorce, the poor sweet pup. he’s simons biological child of course, but now you and johnny are his stepdads. so he’ll spend days between your flats. at first he’s not a big fan of all the traveling. but as soon as he realizes the long drives mean new places to explore he quickly perked up.
now he looks forward to weekends at yours or johnnys. a different path to take, somehow something’s always just a little different for him to be bound with energy on walks. and your place is near a pets store. if he wasn’t a better behaved pup, he’d try dragging you to the door everytime you get close to it. but since he is a good boy instead he’ll give you the saddest eyes. nosing your pants leg to get your attention as if you would skip getting him a treat.
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okay but we had such a good and silly conversation about what we’d do with two partners and😭 i have so many more thoughts. also i’m a pet play ghoap truther👆🏽so if/when i write more for this expect it
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bloggingboutburgers · 3 months
Hey, allo anon with an ace partner here. I wanted to say thank you so much for the well wishes! I figured I would send this in here again, so anyone else who is curious about what this experience looks like from the other side can see it.
My girlfriend came out to me a little over 2 years into our relationship. At the time it surprised me a lot, because she'd never given me any signs that she wasn't enjoying what we were doing. After we talked more I understood that she wasn't repulsed by sex and she didn't hate it, but she didn't really love it either and wanted to stop doing it for a while (so a sex-neutral ace).
Honestly, at the time, I did get anxious about it. Not just because of social conventions, but because I had viewed sex as an important bonding part of our relationship. I don't do well with change, and I was super worried about how a lack of sex would change our dynamic. I also had some insecurities about my own body, and my girlfriend admitting that she didn't see me as sexy was upsetting. But after speaking to my therapist, I realized that I was projecting my own issues on to the relationship. So I spoke with her again, and she reassured me that she wanted to be with me, and that she was confiding these feelings because she trusted me. She likes how I look, she just doesn't have the same sexual impulses I do.
So, I realized this was pretty much like cuddling. I love physical touch a lot, and I want to cuddle for a much longer time than she does. I like it when someone lies on top of me. She doesn't want me on top of her chest during cuddling. She still cuddles with me, but she tells me when she's satisfied, and we stop.
A few months went by, and I noticed that she wasn't spending any less time with me; she was actually spending more. We would still call every evening when we didn't meet up in person, we would still joke around, and she still told me she loved me and did everything she could to show it to me. We also began trying out new stuff together, and playing games and watching stuff more often. We also still had plenty of physical intimacy with things like cuddling and kissing, which made me really happy.
I realized that I didn't feel like anything was missing from the relationship. I just needed her to show and tell me she loved me in the ways she normally did. Sure, I am still attracted to her that way, but it wasn't something that would make or break the relationship.
It's been years since she came out, and at this point, I never expect anything sexual. It happens rarely, and I always check in with her multiple times before and during. We stop at any point she tells me. There are quite a few hard boundaries about what is and isn't off limits, and I always keep them in mind. I would rather satisfy myself forever than make her uncomfortable, and she knows it.
It's been over 5 years and we are still going strong. I am hoping to ask her to marry me in the next few years, because honestly, I can't picture wanting anyone else by my side. She is kind, funny, beautiful, intelligent, and treats me well. I could never ask for anything more from a partner.
Thank you SO MUCH for sharing. I myself definitely lack knowledge of what it feels like from an allo's perspective, so this was very educational for me, but beyond that... You have no idea how much hope this gives me.
From you being aware of how much sex meant to you in the context of your relationship and still being fine without it, to just... Heck, even your therapist for not blaming her for the situation. Therapy is still very much, in my country at least, an area where the absence or lower levels of sexual attraction will be hastily labelled as something wrong physically or mentally, so... Yeah, the amount of relief I felt reading that, you have no idea. And I can only imagine how much your partner appreciates it too.
Honestly I teared up a bit reading this - I sincerely wish you guys all the best and I hope you have a bright future ahead! (Also fun fact, seems you guys have been together as long as my partner and I have, it's nice to be able to relate to that too hehe^^)
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liagazed · 2 years
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬 , 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬 ; 𝒇. 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒔
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summary: five and (y/n) decided to "chat" in the bathroom after coming back from the 1960s timeline.
tags: five x gn!reader. makeout session. kind of fluffy. 15+. implication of smut, but no actual sexual intercourse. takes place in the beginning of season three.
a/n: i wrote this at 5am while sleep deprived, i'm sorry if it's weird
word count: 1.4k
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April 3rd. It was the day after coming back to your designated timeline. Well, not exactly.
Either way, you and Five's dysfunctional family needed a break after trying to save the world from coming to an end twice in the span of a month. But mainly you and Five, after enduring years of torture from the spending time– forty five years–  in the apocalypse and the commision. So for the 58 year old teenagers, a break was very well deserved.
Everyone else was sleeping, so Five decided to take you to the bathroom to "chat".
He'd closed the door, locking it, and kissed you softly, and you obviously kissed back. The kiss was sweet and passionate, becoming slower and more heated as Five pressed you against the counter gently. His hands roamed your back and sides, eventually landing on your waist. You'd situated your hands on his shoulders, already moving a hand to fiddle with the hair on the nape of his neck.
Five slowly lowered his hands, positioning them on the back of your thighs as he brought your body closer to his, away from the counter.
"Jump." He mumbled against your lips, and you obliged. You wrapped either of your legs around his waist, Five gripping your thighs a little harsher to hold you tighter and sit you down on the empty space on the counter he had cleared prior to your visit from your own room.
Five pulled away from your lips the slightest bit, admiring you as he did. "Missed you." He flashed you a breathless smirk. 
"We were separated by rooms for a couple of hours, Five." You responded, a hand making its way up to Five's hair, messing with already disheveled hair at the top. 
"That's way too long." Five replied, pressing his lips against yours harsher than before, causing you to be taken aback a little bit, kissing back afterwards. 
"Fuck, you're so perfect, you know that?" Five mumbled against your lips as he tilted his head to the side a little, deepening the kiss, his hands sliding under your shirt to rest on your bare waist.
You let out a muffled moan into Five's mouth, slowly pulling away to retrieve a hand from his neck and bring it to your mouth, covering it in embarrassment. 
"Did you just–" Five asked, his eyebrows furrowing a little. "I might've" you replied, sounding muffled. Five just chuckled in response. "You're cute." Five removed your hand and replaced it with his lips, kissing your cheeks and forehead as well.
"Thanks," you mumbled with a shy smile, a roseate shade dusting your cheeks as you watched Five smile at you, a soft and endearing smile that could melt the hearts of anyone within a hundred feet from here.
Five was quick to bring his lips back to yours shortly after, but more gentle. This time, he let you lead him on, whether to carry on with your session, or to just go to sleep. You obviously wanted more, so kissed back harshly, a devilish grin now being plastered on Five's face, which you could feel against your lips.
Five got carried away, letting his tongue slip into your mouth, causing you to grip onto his hair tighter. He pulled away for a second, catching his breath as he did.
Five didn't hesitate to pull you back in for a kiss as soon as he could. You kissed back with the same amount of pressure he did, causing him to grip your waist tighter and pull himself closer to you. He placed a hand flat on your back under your shirt, rubbing small circles onto your back gently. 
"My pretty baby." He murmured against your lips, your stomach tossing and turning as if it were a gymnast.
Five moved his free hand to rest on your thigh, gripping it slightly as he hovered over you a little. 
Five pulled away slightly and admired you. He watched your every move as you pant in an attempt to catch your breath. 
Five's lips find their way to your jaw, leaving a trail of kisses from there to behind your ear, which he knew was one of your weak spots. "Oh, God, Five." You let out a quiet moan as he smirked against your skin, trailing kisses down your neck, marking the territory as his.
"Y-you're gonna leave marks," you whimpered under him, your hand massaging his scalp as you did, causing him to groan slightly.
"Good. You'd look so pretty with my marks on your neck, sweetheart." Five mumbled into your skin, leaving a deep, crimson bruise on your neck that he soothed with his tongue. He admired his work with a grin, continuing to leave a trail of sloppy kisses down your neck.
You fumbled with the hem of his button-up pyjama shirt as he kissed his way back up your neck, eyes meeting with yours once he was done. 
He placed a hand on your cheek, the other on your waist as he flashed a soft grin again. That damned grin. "I'm glad that since we're officially retired, we can do this now." He said as he leaned forward and planted a kiss on your forehead. "Yeah, me too." You replied, glancing at his lips when you did. Five smirked at that and began to kiss you once more.
Jeez, do you ever get tired?
You kissed Five hard, grabbing his collar to pull him closer. He grabbed your hips and pulled them closer to his own, shifting a little in front of you.
You fumbled with the first button on his shirt, undoing it, along with the second one. Five messed with the waistband of your pants, slightly moving it down. You grinned into Five's mouth, thinking you were about to have the time of your life, until–-
"HEY!" you and Five both got startled with the machine gun knocking at the door. "FIVE, GET OUT, I HAVE TO TAKE A SHIT!" someone yelled. It was Diego. "AND I AIN'T USING NATURE'S BATHROOM!"
"WE'RE BUSY, COME BACK LATER," Five responded as he continued to kiss you slowly, a low, delighted hum being released against your lips.
"We're– IS (Y/N) IN THERE?" Diego asked loudly once again, but this time, you heard groans coming from Klaus and Luther, so you chuckled to yourself as you pulled away from Five's lips. "Yeah, I am." You smiled as you turned your head to face the door, causing Five to pout at you.
"STOP SCREWING, AND GET OUT SO I CAN PISS!" Diego yelled, knocking at the door maniacally again.
"We AREN'T SCREWING!" Five replied. "We were about to," Five smirked at you, "But you interrupted us!" 
"Ew, gross, just get out." Diego retorted in disgust, rattling the door knob.
"Why must you be so loud? It's two am!" you heard Luther let out a muffled groan.
"Let them fuck in the bathroom, use the outside one, it's not all that bad" Klaus replied. "Let them be horndogs!"
"No! They can be horndogs later, I have to shit!" Diego rattled the door knob harder then before.
"Okay, okay, fine, we're going." You aforementioned rapidly, looking Five in the eyes, then his lips, and back to his eyes.
Five's annoyed expression softened once he looked at you. "We can continue this later, my love," he spoke softly, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips.
Five helped you off of the counter, readjusting your clothes after and fixing your hair, along with Five's. You both stood in front of the mirror as you fixed yourselves, Five buttoning his shirt again as you straightened out your clothes, Five sending you a wink as you got composed, causing you to smile and blush.
You unlocked the door and opened it, eyes being met with an unhappy Wish™ version of batman, Diego fuckin' Hargreeves, who had interrupted your time with Five Hargreeves.
"Good morning, pendejo." You said, standing in the doorway as Five stood behind you, wrapping an arm around your waist.
"Yeah, yeah, get out– is that a hickey?" He asked as he pointed to the mark on your neck Five had made. You were quick to cover the mark, Five smirking as you did. 
"Nope, go take your shit." you walked off as you pushed Diego into the bathroom. "It is a hickey." Five whispered with a devilish grin as Diego walked in, shaking his head as he shut the door and locked it.
You and Five walked away from the door frame and stood elsewhere in the room, Five wrapping his arms around your waist and placing his head on your shoulder. "Let's go to sleep, shall we?" He murmured softly against your skin, placing a gentle kiss on your hickey. "We can continue that later, sweetheart." Five whispered into your ear, kissing the shell of it gently, sending shivers down your spine.
"O-okay." You chuckled nervously. ❦︎
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a/n pt. 2:
Have a good day idiots, ily <3
- vee ☕
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