#anyway this is done so now the other asks i have in my inbox can be looked at
heartofstanding · 1 year
I was browsing a pop history book and it claimed that Humphrey was in love with Jacqueline of Hainault. Is there any evidence at all for that? Was Humphrey's marriage to her just about politics?
So... this got long. And it took a long time to write because everytime I tried to read through it, I ended up adding more. But I'm leaving it alone now. I'm sorry, I just have a lot of feelings about Jacqueline.
The summary version is: I don't think we should see their marriage as primarily a love match. I don't think we should see it is being primarily motivated by Humphrey's greed and ambition either. There isn't any really surviving evidence for how they saw each other - the marriage might have been just politics, it might have been companionable, it might have been loving (though I'd push for a wider definition of "loving" than just "romantic love").
It really annoys me the way that historians all tend to view Jacqueline as, first and foremost, a tragic romantic heroine who is let down by her useless and philandering husbands (John, Duke of Brabant and Humphrey), rather than, you know, a medieval noblewoman whose inheritance rights were attacked and undermined by her male relatives and who was, ultimately, a victim of the patriarchal power structure that meant her right to inherit her father's lands and titles was constantly under threat.
A brief history of Jacqueline before Humphrey: she was the only child of William of Bavaria and Margaret of Burgundy, Duke and Duchess of Bavaria, Count and Countess of Holland, Zeeland and Hainault. Her father made efforts to have Jacqueline's status as his heir safeguarded during his lifetime, including marrying her to Jean, Duke of Touraine, Charles VI of France's son, which would mean French support for her succession. Unluckily, Touraine died in April 1417, possibly by poison, and William died the month later. William's younger brother, John the Pitiless, left his ecclesiastical career to claim he, not Jacqueline, was the rightful heir of Holland, Zeeland and Hainault. In effort to forestall her uncle's effort and possibly to garner Burgundian support (the marriage is generally accepted to have been made on the advice of her mother and her brother, John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy), Jacqueline married John, Duke of Brabant. Unfortunately, Brabant turned out to be worse than useless.
Brabant was unpopular within his own lands, was seen as weak and as ruled by his favourites. The marriage required papal dispensation, which was granted and then revoked and then granted again. Brabant pawned Jacqueline's lands to John the Pitiless without Jacqueline's consent. Brabant also inferred with her household, dismissing her attendants despite her protests. Yet historians, even reputable ones, often characterise the failure of their marriage in personal terms. It was, they say, a case of a "domestic or sexual" incompatibility. It seems she left him because of a bit more than an "domestic or sexual" issue, doesn't it?
Historians also discuss her marriage to Humphrey in domestic terms. It was a love match or a seduction of one by the other, and it broke down because Humphrey left her for another woman. There's also a trend to read the Hainault campaign purely in terms of Humphrey having a policy of self-aggrandisement and getting into a pissing competition with Burgundy... which also tends to erase Jacqueline from the struggle for her own lands and reduce her down to a Bad Idea for England. And, yes, the marriage was bad for the English but unless you want to contort yourself into knots, Jacqueline was the wronged party. It was her rights that were being attacked and undermined and her rights that Humphrey was asserting. It's perhaps not the most progressive, feminist or moral position to assume that because it was Bad For England, it was an immoral action on Humphrey's side. We end up with a situation where even progressive historians seem to think she had no role in the Hainault campaign, which was just a pissing competition between Humphrey and Burgundy, and, more importantly, her rights should've been thrown in the toilet because it was Bad For England.
Another side effect is making Burgundy look like an innocent victim who deserves praise for calling Humphrey out on his bullshit when it's really more of a case of the kettle calling the pot black except it turns out that the kettle ended up bullying, blackmailing and waging war against three of his female relatives (Elisabeth of Görlitz, Margaret of Burgundy (his aunt), and Jacqueline) to force them to sign over their lands to him. If Humphrey had delusions of self-aggrandisement and was a dick, Burgundy was just a more successful self-aggrandising dick who built an empire out fucking over his vulnerable female cousins and aunt. Jacqueline, not England, not the English conquest of France, not Bedford, not Humphrey, not the Beauforts, not Brabant and certainly not Burgundy, is the victim in this story.
After Brabant pawned her lands to her uncle, Jacqueline repudiated him and fled to England, after being granted refuge by Henry V. She arrived around February 1421, was granted a monthly income of £100 and was given the honour of becoming Henry VI's godmother when he's born in December that year. So from the start of Jacqueline's time in England, she was being treated as an important political figure. In Jacqueline's ODNB entry, Martyn Atkins says that Henry V "evidently saw her as a thoroughly useful ally".
It's unlikely that Henry V did this all out of the goodness of his own heart. It's not the sort of thing he's known for. Given that he had previously offered his two youngest brothers as prospective husbands to Jacqueline when Jean, Duke of Touraine had died and given that Jacqueline was seeking an annulment of her marriage to Brabant, I think that Henry was at least considering a marriage alliance between her and one of his brothers. It might even have been an unofficial or secret agreement between them - Henry would give her refuge if she married one of his brothers when the annulment came through. Wim Blockmans and Walter Prevenier suggest Henry saw an opportunity to establish "a new English influence" on the continent through marrying Humphrey to Jacqueline. David Rundle suggests that Henry saw giving refuge to Jacqueline as a way of putting pressure on Burgundy - however, Rundle doesn't seem to think the marriage to Humphrey was Henry's plan but rather Humphrey's continuation of Henry's policy. Regardless, having one of his brothers as Jacqueline's husband would bring Holland, Zeeland and Hainault under English influence, undercut Burgundy's power in the Low Countries and perhaps reduced England's dependence on Burgundy during the conquest of France.
And it's possible that had Henry lived, things would have turned out very different for Jacqueline. Henry would have been King of France by the end of 1422 (albeit as a contested title) and been able to more effectively pressure the pope to annul Jacqueline's marriage instead of several noblemen lobbying the pope for different outcomes. As king, Henry may have been able to control Burgundy better than John, Duke of Bedford did as regent. Henry would have also been an authority Humphrey would've listened to, so if the marriage became too risky or dangerous, Henry could have called Humphrey off. While in hindsight it looks like a bad decision, Jacqueline and Humphrey's marriage alliance may well have been successful in an alternate universe.
But why Humphrey? Why not John, Duke of Bedford who has the reputation of being the more sensible and steady brother? It might have already been decided that Bedford would marry one of Burgundy's sisters (he married Anne of Burgundy after the Treaty of Amiens in 1423 but it seems discussions were underway during Henry's lifetime) and thus was not "free" to marry Jacqueline. As the elder brother, he was the more prestigious groom and thus a better choice to show Burgundy Henry was taking their alliance seriously and would favour Burgundy over Jacqueline. Alternatively, Humphrey may have simply gotten along better with Jacqueline than Bedford did. They might have fallen in love.
But we don't know what went on. We don't even know when they married and while I think it's likely Henry V was seriously considering marrying Jacqueline to Humphrey, that's just supposition. Reasonable supposition maybe, but still supposition. If Henry didn't intend for them to marry, the decision came from them and there may have been pragmatic as well as political reasons at play as well as the personal.
Henry's death probably should have made them reassess their position. But I think it could have only cemented Jacqueline's. Her interest seems to have been in securing her inheritance, not being Mrs Humphrey of Lancaster or Duchess of Gloucester. Without Henry V in her corner, however conditional his support was, marriage to Humphrey was perhaps her last and greatest chance to assert her rights. It's also possible that Jacqueline felt herself vulnerable following Henry's death. She might have feared the English would consider imprisoning her or handing her over to Burgundy to secure his allegiance and sought to protect herself. For his part, Humphrey may well have chosen to marry Jacqueline and pursue her lands to fulfil his dead brother's policies - we know that he did present himself as a guardian and follower of Henry V's policies, long after it was wise, so it's not exactly a leap to see his marriage to Jacqueline motivated by the same reason. Henry V granted her refuge and honours for a reason, even if we don't know what that reason was.
We know little about the personal relationship between Jacqueline and Humphrey. Blockmans and Prevenier suggest Jacqueline saw Humphrey as "an attractive sexual and political alternative to the misery of her previous marriages, neither of which may have even be consummated" - but that is largely speculation. As I said, he might have been the best choice available for Jacqueline. The Holy Roman Emperor, Sigismund, supported John the Pitiless, Burgundy supported Brabant, and even if a papal dispensation could be got (considering she'd already married his brother), the Dauphin (later Charles VII of France) was busy contesting his own right to inherit. England was the closest power she could turn for assistance and Humphrey was the highest-ranked noble she could marry. He might have been a personally attractive groom as well but I think Jacqueline was more moved by his political strength.
Jean de Waurin says that Jacqueline and Humphrey "concluded together" to write a letter to Burgundy during the Hainault campaign and we can take that as evidence that Humphrey was working with her and had trust in her, but that's more political than personal. They did not have children, though there were rumours of a pregnancy at one time. Given that Jacqueline did not have children in any of her four marriages and Humphrey did not father legitimate children in his two marriages (at least that we know of; it's possible that miscarriages and stillbirths went unrecorded), it's impossible to tell whether their childlessness signifies anything more than fertility troubles for one or both of them.
Another piece of evidence is the copy of Jean Froissart's Poems (Paris: BnF, MS.fr. 831) that Humphrey owned around the same time as his marriage to Jacqueline. On the flyleaves are notes written in his own hand. Some refer, affectionately, to Jacqueline: "Cest bien saison a Jaque de Bavarie (it's a good time/season for Jacqueline)". But others read "plus laide nya Jaque de Bavarie (there is no one uglier than Jacqueline)". Obviously, we don't know the context in which Humphrey wrote these things - it might've been an inside joke - but just looking at it... it's not exactly Husband of the Year material.
There's also his adultery. David Rundle identified Jeanne de Warigny as a prospective lover based on the fact that in the same page as Humphrey declared no one was uglier than Jacqueline, he also wrote, "plus belle nya my waryny (there is no one more beautiful than [Jeanne de] Warigny)". And, of course, there's Eleanor.
Jacqueline's reaction to Humphrey's adultery is unknown. She may have viewed it pragmatically, she may have been upset by it, she may have not cared. Depending on her own views on sex, childbearing and Humphrey himself, she might have even been relieved. There is some argument that a man's adultery was normalised at their level of society, given that marriages at that level of society were political, not personal, and that, as cis men, their infidelities would not disrupt the line of succession through a false paternity event. Jacqueline had a fair few illegitimate half-siblings whom she was close to. On the other hand, chroniclers, when writing about a nobleman's adultery, nearly always asserted the victimhood and distress of his wife - though there are some arguments that these accounts were nearly always attached to a broader, more political critique and reflect more the chronicler's dislike than how his wife really felt.
Humphrey and Jacqueline's marriage is nearly always depicted ending in domestic terms. He grows disillusioned with Jacqueline, he takes up with her lady-in-waiting and then abandons her. Blockmans and Prevenier say that Jacqueline's "explosive personality ... appears to have alienated" Humphrey, in addition to the difficulties to the Hainault campaign. They also describe his departure as abrupt but I believe there's some argument by English historians that Humphrey always intended to return to England when he did.
Two accounts from the Low Countries, attributed to Dirck Pauw, depict Humphrey as retreating disconsolate and disappointed upon the realisation that their marriage was unlawful because her marriage to Brabant was valid, their marriage was thus unlawful and based on a deception and Jacqueline was thus an adulteress and bigamist. Pauw's earlier work, Chronicon Hollandie, is more sympathetic to Jacqueline, saying she was misled about her marriage to Brabant, while the Hystoria de comitatu is less sympathetic, presenting Jacqueline as being the misleader and framing her behaviour as a betrayal of Humphrey. In England, Polydore Vergil, while stating that Humphrey was moved by love for Jacqueline or greed for her lands and asserting that Jacqueline returned to John, Duke of Brabant when she didn't (at the time of the annulment, Brabant was dead and buried anyway), ultimately frames the dissolution of their marriage in the very image of domesticity, the nagging wife:
[after their marriage was annulled] Jacobina clung to her former husband [Brabant], not against Gloucester’s will, since he was governed by righteousness, and had already grown tired of the woman’s nagging.
Jean de Waurin also gives a domestic account of their parting, where Humphrey is accedes to a request that Jacqueline stay only after he garners promises and solemn oaths she'll be protected. Then, Waurin reports:
...the said duke of Gloucester departed from the duchess, his wife, and they took leave of one another, but you may well think and believe that it was not without pitiable and dolorous tears and groanings according to the manner customary with ladies, especially when they love well their husbands or friends.
But Waurin also includes a reference to Humphrey taking back Eleanor Cobham back to England with him. Waurin doesn't explicitly say Humphrey was having an affair with Eleanor and preferred her to Jacqueline but it's pretty well implied:
And the said duke of Gloucester took back to the land of England Eleanor Cobham, a very noble damsel and of grand lineage, whom he afterwards married as you will hear, and who had come with lady Jacqueline, the duchess, his wife, to the country of Hainault by way of diversion, as young damsels are desirous of seeing new countries and foreign regions for she was also marvellously fair and pleasing, and showed herself of good disposition in various places.
More pointedly, there's John of Amundesham's account of 1427-1428 parliament, where a group of London women came to parliament to give letters to Humphrey, the archbishops and the other lords present:
The tenor of these letters was to reproach the duke of Gloucester on account of his refusal to rescue his wife from her effective imprisonment by the duke of Burgundy. Rather, as his love for her had grown cold, he was inclined to leave her in captivity, and he was holding himself for another in adultery and quite publicly so, to the ruin of himself, of the realm and of the strength of the institution of marriage.
Here, Humphrey's abandonment of Jacqueline is depicted in very domestic terms. It is affront to all wives, it is an affront to all women and injures the very institution of marriage. It is the good wives of London who seek a corrective for his behaviour. Humphrey's apparent refusal to rescue his wife is credited to his emotional state, rather than the politics of offending a vital ally - he doesn't love Jacqueline anymore and openly lives in scandalous sin. It also bears noticing that English source didn't have the same doubts about the validity of Jacqueline's marriages that continental sources express.
Similar sentiments are found in an anonymous poem written not too long after this event. The "Complaint for My Lady of Gloucester and Holland" is presented as being written by a member of Humphrey's household and his voice as but one of many, both old and young, high and low, crying out for Jacqueline's return. The duke's household is disordered, led astray by a figure who is almost certainly meant to represent Eleanor Cobham, and Jacqueline's hoped-for return is depicted as the return of a good and efficient lady and wife who will set the household to rights, drive away the corrupting influences and uplift the just who have longed for her return:
þeyre truwe names shal beo knowe Affterwardes with goddes grace Whane blake mystes / ar leyde lowe And clere trouth shall shewe his face Wychches bawdes / away tenchace fflaterieres and al raskayle Ageynst trouth . þat may not vayle [Their true names shall be known Afterwards with God's grace When black mists are laid low And clear truth shall show his face Witches, bawds are driven away Flatterers and all rascals Again truth, they may not hide Nb. "bawds" most likely is used in the earlier sense of one who procures prostitutes for others (i.e. pimps) rather than referring to prostitutes/harlots themselves]
I want to talk about the Eleanor figure a little because it's striking how she is constructed as this inhuman, even monstrous, figure who is leading the good duke astray with her magical wiles. She is said to resemble a mermaid, enchantress and sorceress and is termed as a false Circe - she is, in other words, an unnatural figure associated with magic, pride and sexual looseness. She is also accompanied by "a gret route / Of wychches" and the description of their "courage serpentyne" further dehumanises them and renders them monstrous - Debbie Felton notes the tendency of Greek monsters, like Medusa, Scylla and the Hydra to have serpentine. These witches - also likened to sirens - employ all their power and might, incantations, song, medicines and potions:
To make him strange / and beo forsworne Vn to þat goodely fayre pryncesse [To make him [Humphrey] strange and be foresworn Unto that goodly fair princess [Jacqueline]
It's striking, too, that unlike the London women's petitions, blame here is redirected away from Humphrey onto the Eleanor figure. She has used magic to make him unlike himself. But she will be banished, along with her witches, sirens and bawds, with Jacqueline's return.
Most historians know magic isn't real and have had the benefit of some feminism. So instead of blaming Eleanor's magical spells, the image that dominates is a marriage breaking down because Humphrey abandoned Jacqueline to hook up with her ambitious lady-in-waiting and her mysterious womanly wiles. It's rather odd seeing the way that people describe the differences between Eleanor and Jacqueline. Jacqueline was "dull" (there is no way to know that, what we know of her life suggests she was a fighter - and honestly, the impression I get is that Dutch historians have a very different view of Jacqueline (cf. Blockmans and Prevenier's "explosive personality" remark)). Eleanor was "a strong and ambitious woman, a striking contrast to the Duke's first wife". I just... what part of Jacqueline's life makes you think she was weak and unambitious?
Jacqueline did have some hand in creating this image of a good, loving wife victimised by her husband. She wrote letters to both Humphrey, Henry VI and to the English parliament, recounting her woes, asserting their duties to her and appealing for help. In one letter to Humphrey, she appealed "for help to your sorrowful creature, if you do not wish to lose me forever. I have hopes you will do this, for I am fully prepared to accept death for love of you, so much does your noble dominion please me". In others, she refers to herself as "the most sorrowful woman, the most lost", "the most betrayed [woman] alive" and as a "sorrowing woman, discomforted and left to bear the displeasures, annoyances, impoverishments and oppressions that I have for so long a time endured without help or comfort" . She accuses Humphrey of having "banished [her] wholly from [his thoughts]".
These letters depict Jacqueline's distress clearly. It's possible that she did love Humphrey and that his abandonment was an emotional and political blow. And in some ways, you can see why Polydore Vergil referred to her "nagging", why she has the image of a piteous, weeping woman who must be dull next to an accused witch. There's no doubt that Jacqueline was distressed by Humphrey's abandonment or that she was greatly wronged.
But it's also possible that the references to love weren't a genuine admission of romantic attachment but the employment of rhetoric. C. Marie Harker describes these letters as using "stock phrases of victimized womanhood", noting that Jacqueline presents herself as engaging in wifely supplication and that Jacqueline "well understood the strategic value of publicly-perceived feminine virtue". As Humphrey's wife, Jacqueline had ostensibly deeper claims to Humphrey's loyalty than a political ally. She was able to refer to the bonds of marriage and love between husband and wife to lay claim to these loyalties, to require his action. They may have been intended to guilt Humphrey and the parliament into action.
Because, in reality, the real reason for Jacqueline's abandonment was politics.
The Hainault campaign threatened to derail the Anglo-Burgundian alliance at a point when it was vital to English hopes in France. If Henry V had been willing to offend Burgundy or defend Jacqueline, Bedford wasn't. Possibly, he couldn't afford to. And, in the end, appeasing Burgundy and keeping him onside mattered more than Jacqueline to England and to Bedford.
Nor did Humphrey completely abandon Jacqueline either. According to Waurin, she was to return to England with Humphrey but didn't after a request from her mother and "nobles and corporations of the good towns of the said country of Hainault" to remain in Mons. Humphrey in one account was said to have left his treasure behind with her. Once back in England, he continued to send her military aid but this was undercut by resistance from Bedford and parliament. What assistance Humphrey did send wasn't enough and was further undermined by someone on the English side informing Burgundy of troop movements (according to Waurin, at least). Furthermore, Humphrey's return from Hainault to England saw him immediately embroiled in a feud with Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester which may have resulted in Humphrey believing that he left England again, he would return to find his position further undermined.
In some ways, events simply overtook them. Some of Jacqueline's letters begging for Humphrey's assistance and return were captured before they could be sent. Humphrey's letter urging Jacqueline to flee arrived after she had been captured by Burgundy. She subsequently escaped and continued to resist Burgundy's forcible takeover of her lands. Her appeals seem to have been for aid against Burgundy, not aid in returning to England. Possibly, she felt that to return to England would mean surrendering her claims.
It's almost hilarious how close Ruth Putnam (in the only English book-length biography of Jacqueline, published in 1904) comes to getting it when she suggests "Winchester and Bedford used Eleanor [Cobham] as a tool to work an end demanded by the exigencies of English foreign policy" - i.e. Eleanor was a honeypot to keep Humphrey from helping Jacqueline. It's almost as if their marriage faced bigger problems than Eleanor!
By the time the pope announced his decision on Jacqueline and Humphrey's marriage in January 1428, it had been six years since Jacqueline had sent off for an annulment from Brabant. The pope's belated judgement was that her marriage to Brabant was legal, her marriage to Humphrey thus invalid (though, this was the time of the papal schism and one out of the three popes still thought it was valid - though not the one that the English followed). According to one account, the pope's ruling stated that though Brabant was dead (he died in April 1427), Jacqueline could not legally marry Humphrey again. There is no explicit evidence for how they reacted to the news.
Humphrey appears to have married Eleanor almost straight away; I suspect his main reaction was relief. Whatever he felt for Jacqueline, the marriage caused him severe political problems and his failure to properly aid Jacqueline damaged his reputation. It had also exposed Eleanor to criticism and made her into a scapegoat, which also exposed his inability to protect his concubine and maintain control of his household. It probably also made him an unappealing groom on the medieval marriage market should he have tried to find a bride of a similar social rank to himself, particularly if there were still doubts about the validity of his marriage to Jacqueline. As Jacqueline's marriage to Brabant showed, the pope could grant and then revoke permission and then grant it again.
For Jacqueline, the annulment marked the end of English support in her struggle and she appeared to accept the weakness of her position. On 3 July 1428, she signed the Treaty of Delft with Burgundy, maintaining nominally Countess of Holland, Zeeland and Hainault while Burgundy administered her lands. If she died childless, he would inherit - and he, of course, included a clause stating she needed his permission to marry.
There is a romantic legend that, in 1432, Jacqueline secretly married Frank van Borssele in contravention of this clause and when Burgundy found out, he imprisoned Borssele and forced Jacqueline to surrender her titles and lands in return for Borssele's freedom. Because she was in love, in true love at last, Jacqueline duly does so and she becomes a good wife for Borssele before dying tragically a mere two years later.
This has largely been debunked. Borssele's imprisonment is now believed to have occurred because Burgundy was jealous and suspicious of his power and influence. The Treaty of Delft did not satisfy Burgundy and he continued to undermine Jacqueline's position until she signed the Treaty of the Hague in 1433, surrendering her titles and lands to him in exchange for the income of several estates. Possibly, this also included his permission to marry and in 1434, she married Borssele. They did not have children and Jacqueline died two years, generally assumed from tuberculosis. Reportedly, she married him for love.
Martyn Atkins, "Jacqueline [Jacqueline of Bavaria], suo jure countess of Hainault, suo jure countess of Holland, and suo jure countess of Zeeland (1401–1436), princess", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (2004, updated 2006)
Wim Blockmans and Walter Prevenier, The Promised Lands: The Low Countries Under Burgundian Rule, 1369-1530, trans. Elizabeth Fackelamn, ed. Edward Peters, (University of Pennsylvania, 1999)
Marc Boone, "Jacqueline of Bavaria in 1425, a lonely princess in Ghent?", The Ricardian: Journal of the Richard III Society, vol. 13 (2003)
Margreet Brandsma, "Riches and power? Princely widows in the Burgundian period. The case of Margaret of Burgundy (1374-1441), The Medieval Low Countries 5 (2018)
Eleanor P. Hammond, "Lydgate and the Duchess of Gloucester", Anglia 27 (1904)
C. Marie Harker, “The Two Duchesses of Gloucester and the Rhetoric of the Feminine”, Historical Reflections / Réflexions Historiques, vol. 30, no. 1 (2004)
Renée Nip, "Conflicting roles: Jacqueline of Bavaria (d. 1436), countess and wife" in Saints, scholars and politicians : gender as a tool in medieval studies: festschrift in honour of Anneke Mulder-Bakker on the occasion of her sixty-fifth birthday, ed. Mathilde Van Dyk and Renée Nip (Brepols, 2005)
Ruth Putnam, A Mediaeval Princess (G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1994)
David Rundle, "Good Duke Humfrey: Bounder, Cad and Bibliophile", Bodleian Library Record, xxvii ([2015] for 2014)
Valerie Vancken, "United in revolt and discourse: urban and noble perceptions of 'bad government' in fifteenth century Brabant (1420-1)", Journal of Medieval History (2017)
Polydore Vergil, Anglica Historia (1555 version): A hypertext critical edition, ed. and trans. Dana F. Sutton (2005; last updated 2010)
Jean de Wavrin, A Collection of the Chronicles and Ancient Histories of Great Britain, Now Called England: Volume 3: From AD 1422 to AD 1431 ed. Edward L. C. P. Hardy (Cambridge University Press, 1891, digital version 2014)
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hangmanssunnies · 7 months
Heat To Boil
Summary: After a failed Tinder date, you go to hang out with your friend Jake "Hangman" Seresin. When you get to his house, you unexpectedly find him with a baby, and it is a sight that rewires something in your head. Jake needs a baby of his own. Right now — like yesterday, actually. And that is a task you would be more than willing to help with; now, you just need to find the courage to bring it up.
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Pairings: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Word count: 9k
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Warnings: 18+ Only, Friends to lovers, baby fever, smut, P in V, Oral, Hangman with a baby (deserves its own warning)
Author's note: The attorneys at work keep bringing their babies in and letting me hold them, and @top-hhun has done absolutely nothing to discourage the subsequent baby fever I've been dealing with. Anyways, that's where this fic came from. I hope you enjoy this. My inbox is always open if you want to let me know your thoughts. Reblogs with your thoughts, opinions, and tags are gold to me. I love reading through them.
You had become friends with Jake unexpectedly some years ago, hitting it off at your mutual friend's wedding. Part of you had, of course, hoped the attractive blonde aviator would be interested in you, maybe in a romantic sense, but it never came to fruition. He shipped out the week after the wedding, but the easy rapport you carried with him started with sharing jokes about how trashed other people got at the reception, and eventually developing into a true and close friendship. 
It was for the best because the more you got to know Jake, it became clear to you that he didn't want the same things that you did. He was focused on his career and didn't have time for a partner. When he did talk about settling down, it was never in an authentic way, more joking that he was waiting to swoop in if Coyote's marriage fell apart or that his Mama would set him up with a nice southern belle who wanted to give her twelve grandkids. Jake would claim he was too busy for a relationship, away from home too much to be steady. However, none of that seemed to stop him from finding time for you, which is probably why you hadn't been able to completely repress your feelings for him despite some valiant efforts. 
Just today, after a failed lunch date with someone from Tinder, you texted Jake disheartened. He hadn't hesitated first to ask if you were okay and then invited you over for dinner to tell him all about it. He had even promised to cook you whatever you wanted. A special treat guaranteed to make you feel better, considering Jake's superb culinary skills. 
You walk into Jake's house without knocking or ringing the bell, knowing he left the door unlocked in anticipation of your arrival. After securing the front door's lock into place, you toe off your shoes, making sure to set them neatly in line with the others there. Jake's home is clean and tidy, just like it always is; the organization of the entry is no exception. You know from the smells and sounds wafting towards you that he must still be cooking, which is odd because he's almost always done by the time you show up. 
Venturing further into the house you see him, standing in the kitchen, with a baby strapped to his chest. It's an unexpected sight, and you're frozen by it. Jake's in a casual white teeshirt, jeans, and a dark navy blue sling with a camo pattern wrapped tightly around him, securing a tiny infant in place against his broad chest. His hair is fluffy like it often is on his days off, and the golden strands fall across his forehead. Seeing it like this always creates an instinctual desire to run your fingers through it. However, you can hardly even process that thought because you're so distracted by the bundle on his chest. Music is playing on his record player, and he is humming along. 
Jake suddenly stops the humming, and the prep he is doing, looking down at the baby. After a pause, a smile pulls at the edges of his lips, his eyes crinkle before he drops a kiss on the infant's head. And it's like everything is right. Jake with a baby seems so natural. The fact that he exists any other way than with a baby in his arms every day feels wrong. Your heart starts beating harder in your chest, and a thought pops into your head, instantly taking deep root: Jake needs a baby of his own. Right now — like yesterday, actually. 
You don't know what sound you must have made, but Jake looks up and finally notices you standing in the hallway. He doesn't appear at all startled as a wide grin spreads across his face as he greets you, "Howdy there, Doll!"  
"You have a baby," you say stupidly in an entirely delayed response. 
"Yeah, this little guy is Jackson. Coyote and the Mrs wanted a date day, so I offered to watch the baby for them. They were supposed to be here two hours ago to pick him up, but I'm sure they just got caught up." Jake laughs and presses another kiss to Jackson's head. Before continuing on, "I hope you don't mind."
"No, I don't mind," you manage to breathe out, unable to tear your eyes off Jake or even pretend you're not staring. He quirks an eyebrow at you but otherwise doesn't comment. After he gestures for you to join him, he returns to the cutting board in front of him. You are transfixed; when you sit down at the bar in the kitchen, it occurs to you that you should probably say something and not just stare like an idiot. "Do you want me to take him?"
"I think he is just fine here," Jake says, examining the sleeping baby strapped to his chest again. Jackson has hardly moved since you showed up, clearly passed out, not disturbed by the music or any of the kitchen sounds. 
"At least let me help finish cooking then?" You request. 
"No, Ma'am. Bubba and I have this dinner taken care of. I did pick up that wine you like from the store. Maybe you can open it up for us?" 
Entering the kitchen, you pull out two wine glasses from a cabinet. Opening the fridge you see your preferred wine stocked, as well as a few of your other favorite drinks stored there. Warmth blooms in your chest that Jake picked up things for you when he was at the store last. It was touching that he would take care to buy something he would never touch but getting it anyway just to have beverages you prefer on hand. After pouring the wine, you set one glass next to Jake's cutting board, making sure it's in easy reach for him. 
"Thank you," he says appreciatively. You sigh and lean against him, pressing your face into the bicep of his arm, careful not to disturb Jackson or the sling as you do. Closing your eyes, you breathe him in, looking for the subtle cedar scent of his cologne to soothe you. However, only a hint of it tickles your nose, the cedar not as strong as it usually is. Today, Jake smells more like clean laundry and his natural musk than anything else. You are surprised to find it still does the trick in helping settle your nerves, though. Jake hums but doesn't protest your closeness, instead asking, "Long day?" 
You don't answer with words, just humming noncommittally against his arm. You leave your face pressed there for a moment longer. "Not enough wine to talk about it yet," you eventually say into his arm before pulling away. Settling on the other side of the counter again, you take a long drink of the wine you poured. Deciding to admire Jake again, you ask, "How was your day?"
"It was pretty good. Javy dropped Jackson off this morning. We had tummy time, went on a walk, and to the grocery store to get things for dinner. Then we got a little cranky, so we rocked in the lazy boy for a while." You took a moment to picture Jake doing these activities and can't decide which is most swoon worthy. Jake is always swoon worthy, of course, but knowing that he was caring for a baby while doing it feels like an extra kick to the stomach or maybe ovaries. 
"And?" You ask him, taking another drink of your wine and pillowing your face on your palm. 
"And what?" Jake asks. 
"What else did you and Jackson do today? I want to hear every detail." 
Jake gives into your request easily. Starting his description of the day over, he tells you how even though he has babysat before, the Machados were still anxious to leave Jackson alone here when they dropped him off that morning. Jake told you about tummy time, which toys they liked and which were uninteresting. How long their walk was, and what they saw. He told you about the old woman who fawned over them in the store and how they helped her with getting her groceries to the car. It was endearing that Jake used the first person plural 'we' as if he and Jackson were a team with equal agency in their day's activities. It was especially cute when Jake told you about the tantrum they had thrown earlier in the afternoon as if he had been crying right along with his godson. 
Just as dinner was finished and you were setting the table, Jackson woke up and started to get fussy. Jake cooed to the baby affectionately, leaving to the guest room, where Javy had stuffed almost a car full of supplies for Jake to watch Jackson. Some of the just-in-case supplies included toys and clothes Jackson wouldn't even be able to use until he was at least a year old.  
When Jake comes back, both he and Jackson are wearing different clothes. Jake is in a soft green shirt and sweats, while Jackson is now wearing a giraffe onesie. He has the baby propped on his hip and doesn't offer you any explanation aside from that they had an accident. Then he sees that you have plated and set everything for dinner at the dining room table, and he offers a soft thank you. 
You watch as he balances Jackson on his hip and starts following the written out directions for making a bottle that's taped to his fridge. Jake isn't someone who struggles, and you know that this is something that he is fully capable of doing, but you also can't help but think that it would be easier for him if he had two free hands. So, you gently pull Jackson from his arms and into your own instead. 
The baby blinks up at you, his eyes still soft and sleepy. He babbles a bit of nonsense but otherwise makes no protest at you. Jackson has the same brown eyes and skin tone as his father. Even with his chubby cheeks, you can tell that the little boy is going to be Coyote's mini-me. The similarities in their appearance are so close it's like the universe had just hit copy and paste. 
He is so cute you can't stop the grin that stretches across your lips when Jackson snuggles into you. One of his hands starts grabbing at your shirt's fabric while he absently gnaws at his other one. The little boy completely steals your attention as you walk around the living room and dining room with him. Asking him how he feels about his day with his Uncle Jake, pausing for his babbling like they were real answers. Jake comes up behind you several minutes later, setting a steady hand on the small of your back.
 "Here, let me take him," Jake mutters practically in your ear while reaching for Jackson. 
"No," you protest, turning away from Jake's reach. "You've had him all day. I've only gotten to hold him for a few minutes." 
"Now, darling," Jake drawls. 
"Don't darling me."
"Doll," He says 
"Don't Doll me either." You snap, though the aggression of it is completely manufactured. 
"Fine, fine," Jake says, holding his hands up. "You can have him for a few more minutes, but then it's my turn again."  
"How is that fair?" 
"It's fair because he is my godson." 
You pout at Jake, and he pouts back." I can't believe you're going to be a baby hog like this. Don't you know sharing is caring?" 
"Jackson isn't a rental car, sweetheart. Can't just hand him out to anybody."
"So what? You don't trust me with him?" 
"No," Jake says, suddenly dropping all of his dry, teasing tone. "Of course, I trust you with him. Of course, I trust you."
Jake steps closer when he says this, crowding a bit into your personal space. His sea glass green eyes hold you in place, and you don't think you imagine that they flick downwards, that he has his sights set on your lips, that Jake could be considering kissing you. However, a breath later, he is swooping Jackson out of your arms and into his own, quickly back peddling. 
"You can have the baby back after I feed him, okay? I don't want to risk him throwing up on that pretty blouse you've got on." 
"Kidnaper! Baby Snatcher!" You half gasp, half yell, and start to chase after Jake as he runs away, holding Jackson close and carefully but still managing to evade you.  
You're both laughing, and Jackson has started joyfully screeching as well when the doorbell rings, startling all three of you. Jake hands Jackson to you wordlessly before going to check who's at the door. It only takes a minute for him to come back with Coyote in tow. Who immediately rushes to sweep his baby from your arms and press kisses all over his cherub face. 
After Javy examined his son to ensure nothing was out of sorts, he handed Jackson back to you to hold while he and Jake packed up all of his stuff and moved the car seat. This was only after he made a sly comment about how good you looked with a baby in your arms, though. 
When you are alone with Jackson again, you take a moment to admire yourself in the mirror hanging on the wall. It wasn't such a hard thing for you to imagine holding a baby, and it looking normal, like something right, especially when you start to picture one with Jake's features or one that would take more after you, possibly even some sweet mix. The feeling of casual want that started from seeing Jake when you first arrived suddenly twists into an unexpected ache and intense need. 
You expect it to let up, but it doesn't. Rather, the feeling smolders in you, burning hotter and hotter until it feels slightly consuming. Seeing Jake hug and kiss Jackson goodbye, promising they would spend another day together soon, nearly does you in. Heating your feelings from a low simmer to a roaring boil. 
When you and Jake finally sit down to actually have dinner, it gets a little hotter with every sip of wine you take. Every time that Jake smiles and his eyes crinkle around the edges, the way he asks about your failed date with the perfect mix of sympathy and care, even the way he reheated dinner, all adds to the fire. As Jake is starting to put away the leftovers from dinner, refusing to let you help, you can't keep it in anymore, and you boil over. 
"Jackson was so precious," you say, casually swirling the bit of drink you have left around in the glass.  
"Little mans is so fun. I love him. It's always a treat to babysit," 
"You were really great with him today." 
"Aw, thanks Doll. Now, what do you want to do with the rest of the night? Play a game, watch a movie? We can do anything you want."
"Anything I want?"
"Yes, ma'am," Jake says easily as he pops the lids of his pyrex container into place.  
"I want a baby." You say in a quick breath. You nearly slap your hand over your mouth in horror that had just jumped out of your mouth. You really haven't had enough wine to be this bold, but then again, maybe you were a little intoxicated on having seen Jake be so domestic. 
"What?" he asks with a laugh, probably thinking he misheard you. You grip the edge of the cool countertop trying to steady your nerves and prevent your hands from shaking. 
"Jake, I want a baby," you tell him more slowly, making sure each word comes out clearly. 
"No, you don't," he laughs, shaking his head. He starts tossing dirty dishes into the sudsy water of the sink and stacking up the food containers to put in the fridge. Jake turns away from you before saying, "I thought you've said you didn't want kids."
"It's complicated," you explain softly. "Are people not allowed to change their minds about things anymore?" 
"Oh, so are you debating or like —"
"I don't really know how to say this more clearly. I want to have a baby with you, Jake." 
He freezes. You see his shoulders tense, and he stares into the fridge for a long moment, slowly finishing storing the leftovers. When he closes the fridge, he still doesn't look at you immediately. 
"You want me to be the father of a child you have? You want to have my baby?" Jake asks you incredulously. You gulp, now feeling entirely too vulnerable to speak, so you just nod in agreement instead. Jake's eyes are piercing, and his body language is tense as he stands in front of the sink again. He heaves a heavy sigh, his lips flattening into a tight line. Then he scrubs his hands over his face before narrowing his eyes at you, "This is not a very funny joke." 
"It's not a joke, Jake. I want a baby, and I know you would be a good father." When Jake's demeanor still doesn't change, you continue on hurriedly. "I think we could do the whole platonic coparent thing easily enough. We get along so well, and we're already such good friends." 
There is a long pause where he does not say anything, turning on the sink, waiting for the water to heat, and sudsing up a scrub daddy sponge. Only once this task is started does he answer you in a very stoic, perfectly level tone, "No, I don't think I can do that. I can't just sleep with you."
"Oh, well. I see. Forget that I asked, please." You mutter, embarrassed but trying to not let the sting of rejection affect your tone. You knew that this could backfire, but you didn't think it would feel this bad. Feel like the pit of your stomach falling so low you are almost nauseous. 
"I'm sorry, Dolly." 
"It's okay, Jake, really. It's just the wine getting to me."
"Are you going to ask someone else?" 
"Are you going to ask someone else to give you a baby?" Jake asks in a gruff tone. 
You wouldn't actually, you wouldn't want one without Jake. In fact, this urge to have a child came from seeing him. However, you didn't know how else to play off your out-of-pocket request than to commit to the bit. Nonchalantly, you say, "Maybe." 
"I could help you find someone," he offers. 
"Please, Jake. It's okay you said no. You don't have to try and fix my situation."
He practically ignores you, asking, "What about Rooster?"
"I'm sure that I would have fun with the process," you say. Jake, who has focused himself with dedication on the dishes, looks up at you sharply. He quickly looks away again as you continue, "I'd be worried about having a baby that's born with a full mustache, though. So, no, thank you." 
"I'm sure Fritz would be happy to help you out." 
"No —"
"No Hangman. Stop," You say much harder with emphasis, cutting him off and leaving no room for argument. 
"I tell you no for one thing, and suddenly I'm Hangman to you?"
"No, you're Hangman when you disregard the people around you, no matter what they say. You're Hangman when you decide something's a mission objective, and you refuse to let it go. This isn't your problem to fix or one to pawn off on one of your friends." 
"You made it my problem when you just asked me to give you a baby," Jake says, frustrated. Roughly scrubbing the dishes, rinsing, and setting them in the drying rack. 
"Well, the moment you said no, it's not your problem anymore. I'm absolving you of responsibility. It's my problem, and I will find someone for myself to put up with me, at least for a night." You joke, trying to lighten the mood again, not wanting to ruin the whole night from this mishap. Jake doesn't react more than his face darkening significantly, a deep frown pulling at his lips as he rinses the last dish and closes the dishwasher. 
"Put up with you?" He asks, his eyebrows knitting together. Jake reaches for a dish towel to dry off his hands, and you're momentarily distracted by the thick fingers and web of veins tracing up his arm. It's a better sight than meeting Jake's intense eyes, those eyes that can stare you down and leave no room for you to hide. 
"I mean, I know I'm a lot, but I think even I can get someone to fuck me once or twice. If I want and am very lucky, I'll only need one night. There are also other options, of course, like sperm banks and adoption. Let's just let it go. Okay?" When you don't get an immediate response, you glance at Jake once more. He is staring at you, but it's not a look you like. He's looking at you like you are a problem to be fixed, a puzzle to solve, an item to take off his to-do list. So you force a chuckle out and smile.  
"I don't think I want to. Actually, I can't let this conversation go." 
"We have to," you insist. 
"Because Jakers, it doesn't have anywhere else to go. I expressed a stupid desire without thinking. It was awkward, and that's okay. It doesn't have to stay that way, though. Now we laugh and forget it. There is no other option." 
"A lot. Put up with. Stupid desires," Jake scoffs the words as he rounds the kitchen island. He spins the bar stool chair you're sitting on by the back, turning you to face him. Then he sets his hands on the marble countertop on either side of you, effectively boxing you in. Even sitting on the tall bar stool, you have to tilt your head a bit to look up at him. When your eyes meet again, the green isn't as soft or kind as you're expecting. "I don't like how you're talking about yourself right now." 
"I'm just being honest. I'm taxing to deal with; people get tired of me. My past relationships have certainly taught me that I'm only desirable under the right conditions. And I am stupid. I just ruined our whole night because I couldn't keep my mouth shut. What kind of normal person asks one of their best friends to fuck a baby into them unprompted?"
"Oh wow, I'm not even sure where to start with all that." Jake breathes. You can't take seeing his furrowed brow and disappointed frown. So instead, you examine his right arm that's stretched by you, mapping out the moles and freckles there. "You've developed a warped sense of the truth, Doll."  
It's your turn to scoff and roll your eyes. When you do, the arm you've been studying shifts, and Jake cups your cheek. Gently, he urges your face to turn back towards his, and a calloused thumb sweeps across your cheekbone. "Listen to me good now. The things you want and desire they ain't stupid, and neither are you. You're not too much. You're just enough."
"Thank you, Jake." You whisper. And while his words are kind, you don't really believe them.  
"Don't say thank you."
"What else am I supposed to say?"
"Say you believe me and mean it," Jake urges you. 
"I don't want to lie to you. That's not who we are, that's not our friendship," You say. Jake's hand drops from your cheek, and he steps back quickly as if he's been burned. After you had been so surrounded by him, you nearly reach out to urge him close again. Running a hand through his hair, you can tell he's resisting the urge to pace. 
"Is that our friendship, one built on honesty?" 
"I thought so." 
"Then I've failed you, and I've failed us because it's not." 
"Jake, what are you talking about?" You ask him, confused. He shakes his head at you and doesn't respond, instead backing away further until he is abandoning you in the kitchen. Swiftly, you stand to follow him, "Where are you going?" 
"I'm leaving." 
"And going where? This is your house," you remind him. You've caught up to him in the doorway of his bedroom, where he's grabbing a hat and his wallet. "I'm sorry I ruined tonight, and I'll leave. You have to be honest with me before I do, though. I have to know we're going to be okay tomorrow." 
"I can't," Jake says tersely, not meeting your eyes and attempting to sidestep you in the doorway. 
"I was wrongly under the impression there wasn't anything you couldn't do, Hangman. But I guess we are finding a lot of things you just can't do tonight, aren't we?" You aren't expecting the little lash out of a taunt to get you anywhere. Jake is normally always calm, cool, and collected, acting with decisive precision. However, nearly as soon as you've finished speaking, Jake's hands are on your arms, and he backs you up until you gently hit the wall of the hallway across from his door. 
"You're asking for more self-restraint than I have, Doll." He warns roughly. The sudden movement doesn't make you back down like he was probably expecting. Instead, the rush makes you feel emboldened. 
"I don't care. I can accept you don't want a baby with me, that you don't want to fuck me. I can accept that you want to force me to talk, but I can't accept you making me question our friendship." 
"Oh god. You really don't understand. My honesty is not going to make this better," he warns. 
"Yes, I do. Whatever it is, please tell me. I can think of many things you could be referring to, like that I'm not attractive to you. How I would make a terrible mother. Maybe I'm not a good friend. Or you don't actually like spending time with me. Whatever it is, you have to tell me. I've never thought you would lie to me. So, I need to know, or it's going to drive me crazy." 
"There you are, all twisted up again," Jake sighs. 
"And whose fault is that?" You snap back. Jake still has you pressed against the wall, so you set your hands on his broad chest with the intention of pushing him away. However, he doesn't budge; in fact, he does the opposite, coming even closer so he is flush against you. You refuse to tilt your chin to look up at him as he looms, rather only lifting your eyes in a cold stare. "I shouldn't be surprised that you're going to leave me hanging to dry, but you could at least —"
You don't get to finish the thought because a hand has snaked to hold the side of your neck, thumb tucking under your chin, turning your face upwards to Jake's waiting lips. The first brush of his lips on yours doesn't line up quite right, but that doesn't stop your breath from catching. Shifting to get a better angle, Jake applies two more feather light kisses. Your hands, which are still resting on his chest, creep up, and you loop them around his shoulders, using the leverage to lift higher on your toes and get closer to him. 
This prompts him to deepen his next kiss, lips moving harder against yours. When you open your mouth wider in invitation, Jake's tongue traces along your bottom lip but doesn't dive in. You whine when Jake pulls away to take a breath. 
"Forgive me, Doll, I should've asked first." 
"Asked what?" You wonder, not moving your eyes away from his lips and strategizing how to get them back on yours. You think if you could just get a little higher, you would be able to kiss him without Jake needing to bend down so much. 
"May I kiss you?" He asks. 
"Yes, please." You answer immediately. You tug your hold on his shoulders, hoping it will urge him to get right back to it. Jake doesn't, though. His hand shifts from your neck to cup your cheek again, his other leaving the wall to settle on your waist. 
"Can I touch you?"
"Yes, Jake." His hand traces up your side from your waist and back down again in what is a soothing motion. It's too soft and delicate for what you want right now, though, so you tug on his neck again, pressing your chest into his. He gives in this time, molding his lips to yours once more. 
When his tongue meets yours, a low rumble emulates from Jake's chest, and the sound sends a new wave of arousal coursing through you. Reaching up, you push off Jake's hat, not caring where it falls, only that it's no longer in your way. When you thread your fingers into his hair, it's smooth and silky, providing no resistance when you tug it. 
"Tell me what you want, Doll," Jake says when your lips part again. 
"You. I want you," you whimper, tugging his hair again. A wide grin breaks across Jake's face, and his eyes crinkle around the edges. He tucks his face into your neck, and you can still feel him smiling. 
"What else do you want?" He questions. When his lips brush a spot that makes you stretch your neck to give him easier access, he nips it lightly. You stumble, coming up with a response, just sighing his name as he finds another spot to bite. "Come on now, you said it so pretty earlier. Tell me again."
Once his request processes through your lust filled brain, you push on Jake's shoulders once more. This time, he doesn't resist, backing away from you and creating some space between your heated bodies. Sagging against the wall, you try to catch your breath while examining Jake. His hair is disheveled now, some of it falling across his forehead. 
"You said no, you don't want that with me. You don't want this with me," You answer, finally dropping your gaze to examine the grain of the hardwood floor near your feet. Confusion at this sudden turn in attitude from him settles over you as your head clears. One of Jake's hands enters your field of vision, turned upwards in an offering. "Come sit, we need to set some things straight." 
Taking Jake's hand, he curls his fingers with yours and gently tugs you back through the doorway of his room. With his direction, you perch on the edge of his four poster bed. Jake presses a kiss to the back of your hand and lets it go to settle on the accent chair that's in the corner. 
"We'll be honest, right?" You say hesitantly, already missing the feeling of Jake's hand in yours. 
"Yes. I'll be honest." Jake answers reassuringly before continuing, "From the beginning, I never wanted to be friends with you. 
"You didn't?" 
"Nope," he says, popping the p. "I never wanted to be friends, and then once we were friends, I was stuck. You didn't seem to want the same things as I did, and I'm not the kind of man to complain about the friend zone."
"I haven't friend you zoned you," you say, scandalized at the suggestion. 
"Just earlier tonight, you asked me to have a baby with you, platonically," Jake deadpans. 
"Because I can't conceptualize you wanting me any other way." 
"I want you. I've always wanted you, but not platonically, baby." 
Baby. Jake was a casual sweet name user, there was doll, sweetheart, honey, darling, those all were commonplace, but baby was new. Hearing it makes butterflies erupt in your stomach. He called you baby, and he has wanted you. You could have had him from the start if your fears and insecurities hadn't held you back. 
"I'm sorry," you whisper. 
"I don't want you to be sorry. I want you to need me, to love me," Jake explains with more hesitation than you've ever heard from him as if he is tip-toeing through this conversation. Worrying your fingers together, you have to take a calming breath to settle your own hesitation before answering him, "Well, that's easy because I do."  
A gleeful grin stretches across his face, and it's so bright you feel a matching one appear. He rubs a hand over his face, hiding it from view for a moment, and when you see his face again, he is still smiling. He looks as if he is trying to bite it back but can't quite manage. 
"Well, alright, a few more things we have to iron out then. I love spending time with you. You've never not been desirable to me." You can't help a disbelieving laugh when Jake says that, and the look he gives you is disapproving. "I mean that. I was thinking about it even the time I came over to bring you soup when you had the flu. Wanted to bundle you up and crawl into bed with you." 
"Oh, come on, that can't be true. I was so gross." 
"It is. I promised I would be honest, and I'm not going to be breaking any of the promises I make to you. Can you believe that?" 
You study his face, tracing over his nose, and jaw. He still has the hint of a grin that hasn't slid off his features yet, and he looks so very earnest. You can't imagine that Jake would be in the business of lying to you, and the openness he is offering makes it feel like you can believe him. That you can keep trusting him just like you always have. "I can believe that."
"Great. So, baby —" 
"Yes?" You say entirely too breathily before he can even finish the sentence. It was really a surprise how much hearing him say that already turned your brain to some form of liquid. 
"I want to sleep with you," Jake says plainly. 
"Then why are you all the way over there?" 
"I didn't want you to feel any sort of pressure while we were talking, and wasn't confident I could keep my hands to myself." 
Standing up from his bed, you walk steadily over to the chair Jake is sitting in. Crawling into his lap more confidently than you truly feel, his hands automatically slip around your waist, steading you against him. Holding eye contact with him, you say, "I don't want you to keep your hands to yourself." 
"Fuck, you're going to kill me," he sighs, tightening his hold on you. You go to kiss him again, but when you do, he blurts out, "I don't have any STDs or STIs." His cheeks stain a little pink, and he looks as surprised by the declaration as you are. 
"That's good to know. I'm clean too," you inform him. 
"Good to know. I just thought it was important to put it out there. Got to do safety checks first and everything. I don't want us to have any questions or be unsure about anything, and it's important to consider all the factors involved with —" Jake's rambling comes to a halt when you dip your face into his neck, kissing at the underside of his jaw softly. 
"Jake," you say, linking your arms around his neck and playing with the short hair there. "Will you give me a baby?" 
"Fuck, Doll. I promise to give you anything you want. The ring, the house, the baby. It's yours." 
You don't waste any time kissing him. When your lips meet, all the hesitancy and nervousness that Jake had while you were talking melts away. His mouth confidently teases yours open for his tongue to quickly follow. Your hands thread into Jake's hair again as his start to roam your back, sides, and arms. When you wiggle closer on his lap, he groans and grabbing a handful of your ass, lifting you up. Jake stands easily and walks you back to the bed. 
He doesn't drop you on the bed like you're expecting. Instead, he sets you down gently, one of his hands cradling the back of your head as he does. Laying on your back with Jake standing over you reminds you just how large and broad he is. 
With surprisingly little fanfare, he pulls off his shirt and tosses it to the side. Jake shirtless is not a new sight; in fact, it's a tantalizing one you've seen too often. He has every right to be proud of his body, you know how much time he dedicates at the gym. So it shouldn't be a surprise that, never one to be self conscious, Jake hardly could be found wearing a shirt if the situation didn't require it. However, you realize this is the first time that you don't just have to look but can also touch. 
Wanting to get the nervousness of undressing out of the way, you sit up, quickly discarding your shirt and tossing it aside. Before you can shimmy out of your bottoms, Jake's large hands are on your wrists, stopping you. 
"You're doing my job," he chastises huskily. Jake is slow and meticulous in removing your clothes, running his hands over all the skin that's exposed to him. When he pulls off your bra, leaving you only in your panties, he just sits back and stares for a moment. Such intense scrutiny from his gaze has you covering your chest, crossing your legs, and looking away. 
"I wasn't planning on sleeping with anyone tonight," you mutter, knowing that you don't have the sexiest underwear on and perhaps were not as physically prepared for this intimacy as you would like. 
"Good," he says lowly. "No one else is going to get to see you like this anymore." Grabbing an ankle in each big hand, he spreads you out for him. He slides off your panties so you're completely bare, and takes up his staring once more. "Ain't you fucking gorgeous?" Jake mutters and you realize he ain't talking about you necessarily; he's talking to your pussy. Whining his name gets Jake to shove off his sweatpants, leaving him in a pair of dark grey boxer briefs as he crawls over your body. 
As he kisses you again, your hands greedily explore his exposed skin. His chest hair proving to be much softer than you had imagined it, and his shoulders are taut as he holds himself up. While Jake's lips move with yours, you use a leg to encourage him to ease more of his weight into you, seeking friction. Kissing down your neck he lavishes attention to your breasts, licking and sucking his way across your skin. 
"You know, I was too busy to make dessert," he says when he reaches your core. One of his hands teasingly traces all around the skin. Placing a kiss on your inner thigh, he asks, "Do you mind filling in?" 
"Jake, you don't need to." You say, trying not to squirm when his fingers dip between your lips. 
"I want to. Do you not want me to?" 
"I know it's not everyone's thing," you answer, giving him an out. 
"It's my thing," Jake says. His eyes lock onto the cleft of you, and he licks his lip, biting at the bottom one. Reaching up, he grabs one of your hands and brings it up to his hair, encouraging you to thread your fingers there. His fingers that are teasing you spread you open more, and he groans, "Oh yeah you're my thing." 
Jake's tongue traces over you, probing until he finds the spot that makes your hips jump. Once Jake finds your clit he doesn't waste his time. Widening his mouth, he latches on and sucks. While he starts gently, he ramps up to sucking hard and twisting his tongue as he does. When you pull at his hair, he moans encouragingly.
"More," you request tugging his hair gently. Jake listens, sliding a finger into you. Whispering praise into your thighs about how pretty you are and how good you taste. You don't know how long Jake spends between your thighs, but he doesn't seem to be in any hurry. He sucks and licks, fucking his finger into you until the sound is sloppy and wet. He slips a second finger in, stretching you, occasionally scissoring them wider open in you. 
Even when you are whining and gasping, working against Jake's tongue, he doesn't let up. You don't have the mind to worry how you're trying to suffocate him with your thighs, which he keeps pushing back open with no complaints. All that you can focus on is Jake, how good he is making you feel, and how close you're getting. It's a matter of time until you're shuddering and falling apart for him.  
Continuing to lavish attention even as you jerk with sensitivity, Jake seems content to keep eating you out. You try to pull him away by his hair, but he just licks into you harder. "Jake, enough," you whine, trying to wiggle away from his mouth.
 "I haven't had my fill yet, Doll," he says, pulling his mouth off you but not going far, pressing wet kisses to your thighs. 
"I haven't even seen your cock yet, and I don't know why it isn't in me." You say, trying to reason with him. It doesn't come out very strong, though as Jake's fingers curl in you, making your cunt flutter. 
"Patience is a virtue," he teases.
"Being virtuous isn't really at the forefront of my mind at the moment."
Jake sighs dramatically and presses one more kiss to your pussy before sitting back on his haunches. You can see the hard outline of him in his briefs as he gets off the bed. You watch his every move closely, more than ready to finally see him naked.
However, Jake is clearly taking some sort of joy from making you wait, because he detours to start picking up your hastily thrown clothing. As he is laying them out on the chair, you lose your patience. Grabbing one of his decorative pillows, you throw it at him. It smacks him between his shoulder blades before dropping to the floor with a thunk. 
Spinning to face you, Jake crosses his arms over his chest, making his biceps bulge, his eyebrow raised. "Did you just hit me with a pillow?" 
"No, I wouldn't do that," You deny trying to look innocent. Jake tsks at you, picking up the makeshift weapon and setting that neatly on the chair as well. 
"Being desperate for my cock isn't an excuse to misbehave, baby." 
"Big talk for someone who still hasn't shown it to me. It's okay if you don't have a pretty dick, Jake. It won't change how I feel. I'm still going to want you to fuck me."  
Goading someone into action was a wonderful tactic you had learned over the course of your friendship with Jake. Something he easily did with others, and something tonight that it proved was just as effective against him because he doesn't even respond to your words. Sliding off his underwear, his dick springs free. He's hard from eating you out, and just from the first glance you get, it's clear there isn't one thing for him to be self-conscious about. 
The fleshy pink length is nestled among dark hair, and the size of him is nothing to dismiss. It's a very symmetrical cock, lining up nicely with his balls and adonis belt. Bouncing a bit as he gets back on the bed, you can't bring yourself to look away. You know he is going to fill you so deliciously. When he's finally close enough for you to touch, you hesitate though. 
"Speechless?" Jake wonders, with no ounce of shame or self-consciousness present. 
"Can I touch?" You ask. Jake nods, taking your hand and bringing it to your mouth. You suck a few of your fingers in, wetting them with your spit. Then he guides your hand to his dick, encouraging you to wrap it around him. Jake's hand covers yours for the first few strokes, showing you what he likes, but then it falls away, letting you explore. He grunts when you trace one of the veins that runs along the side, following it down to cup his balls. He allows your teasing for a few more strokes before he pulls you close, kissing you hard. 
The hard planes of Jake's naked body pressed against yours is nearly too much. He is so close and yet not close enough. With some gentle maneuvering, Jake is in between your legs and checking that the position is comfortable for you. Jake runs his length through your lips, the head bumping into your clit. Despite all the encouragement and build up, he's still not in a hurry. When his cock is wet from you, it starts to slide effortlessly. Losing your patience, you cup Jake's face, making him look you in the eyes. 
"Jake, fuck me now. Please." You say. He nods, kissing you slowly. Then finally, he grabs his cock lining himself up and pushing the tip into you. When his pelvis meets yours, he holds himself there, your breaths mingling together in light pants as he stretches you out. The time he gives you to stretch and adjust is necessary, but once you have, Jake fills you deliciously. 
"How're you feeling baby?" He asks. Your thumb moves across his cheekbone, soothing until the worry lines between his eyebrows disappear. Only responding when you know you're okay and so is he, "Perfect. Feel so full of you."
"I'll fill you up," Jake promises. 
"Yeah?" You ask. He hums his agreement and rocks his hips against your experimental, drawing a small gasp from you. 
"Promise," he says, starting a lazy punctuated rhythm, moving his hips against yours. Your hands explore the skin of his back as he thrusts into you. You hike a leg up on Jake's hips, letting him get a little deeper in you. The action makes him moan, and he pulls your other leg up around his hip, too. 
Hooking your ankles together, you use the leverage to encourage Jake to fuck into you faster. Digging your heels into his ass and lifting your hips up to meet each of his thrusts increases the heat boiling between you. His face falling into your neck, Jake starts whispering dirty praise about how good you feel around him and how long he's been dreaming about this. 
Stamina clearly isn't something that Jake is lacking in. He fucks you until you are both dripping with sweat, and you are begging for him noncoherently, unable to process anything but how good his cock feels. He maintains a steady rhythm, snapping his hips to meet yours the whole time. 
"You feel so good. Want to get you there again. What do you need?" Jake pants huskily. 
"Harder," you answer shakily, snaking your hand to play with your clit. You're close, and you know it's not going to take much more for you to get there with how long Jake's been building you up. He listens, slamming his hips more pointedly into you, grinding his pelvis every time he bottoms out. 
Huffing, Jake pulls out of you a few minutes later. Making you cry out wantonly, reaching for his retreating body. He takes a moment to kiss both your hands that he unhooks from his neck. Then, shushing you gently, he grabs a pillow and lifting your hips, he slides it under them.
"It's okay, just a little better angle." He explains to you. You flop back on the bed, content to have Jake manhandle you any which way he wants if it means he'll be in you again.  
"Oh, you're such a needy thing, aren't you?" He asks, as your cunt clenches around nothing, empty and wanting him. His fingers dipping in to play with the wet dripping from you. A flash of shame passes through you as he asks that. You drop your arms that had been reaching out for him back to the bed, and you screw your eyes shut, turning your face to the side looking away from him. 
Jake had already got you to cum once, and it was possible he didn't want you all over him as he was trying to get off now. Preferences were probably something y'all should have talked about more in depth before jumping into intimacy. You didn't want him to think you were overly needy or hard to please. You didn't want to ruin what you and Jake could have the very first time together. Noticing the shift in your enthusiasm Jake immediately stops pressing his cock into you, worriedly asking, "What's wrong?" 
"Nothing," you answer, staring up at the ceiling looking for patterns there. It's easier to play this off if you don't have to look at him; easier if you don't have to acknowledge the unexpected, unwelcome swell of emotion that's overcoming you. 
"Doll, look at me." He orders you, but you shake your head, refusing. Jake grips your chin, tilting your face to meet his eyes. They are intense studying you intently, completely focused on you. "The honesty we just promised each other needs to extend to sex nearly more than anywhere else going forward with this relationship," Jake says seriously. His hard dick is pressed against your thigh, and you don't know how he's able to have such a level-headed conversation considering the circumstances, just having been balls deep in you a minute ago. "So, what's wrong?" 
"I don't want to be too high maintenance or needy," You sigh, trying to work through your words. Knowing this conversation is important, but also not completely sure how to express what you're feeling. "Sometimes I might seem needy, or maybe I could take a while to cum or not at all, which wouldn't be a reflection of you. I don't want you to think, well, I don't want to be too much for you to change your mind about this, and now I'm ruining the mood with a dumb fucking insecurity."
"Stop," Jake says gently, but leaving no room for argument. "You haven't ruined anything. I'm sorry I called your pussy needy. I didn't know it would make you feel this way. Can I tell you something, though, Doll?" When you give a hesitant nod, Jake's voice drops so low it's nearly gravelly. "I want you to be needy. I want your pussy desperate for my cock, desperate for my cum. I want you as desperate for me as I am for you." 
"You're desperate for me too?"
"Frantically and wildly so." He answers easily. Then he asks with his thumb ghosting over your nub, "Are we okay? Is this still okay?" 
"Yeah, this is good," You sigh, enjoying the zing that runs up your back when he nudges your clit more pointedly. 
Jake grabs his cock, giving it a few languid strokes before he guides it back into you. You push your hips up to meet him. The new angle that the pillow gives him leverage to hit somewhere that's just a delicious feeling. As he rocks into you, his thumb maintains its place on your clit. Your fear of the mood having been ruined proves wrong as the coil in your core quickly builds, pushing you near the edge once more. 
"Cum in me, Jake, please. Give me a baby," you request, your thighs quivering as you near your orgasm. 
As his hips snap nearly frantically, Jake rolls your clit over in nearly the same rhythm. He moans your name a minute later, falling over the edge and spilling inside of you. Though his hips stutter to a stop leaving himself fully seated in you, he continues working over your clit. It doesn't take long until you're dissolving into pleasure along with him. 
The ripples run through your body, and you feel every muscle tense and relax, turning into jelly. Jake grunts when you spasm around him but doesn't move or pull out until you've fully melted into the bed on the downward crest of your peak. 
When he does pull out, he doesn't go far, shifting enough to spoon you. Settling behind you, Jake pulls you close to his chest, wrapping you tight in his arms. His hand is tracing lazy patterns on your hip and occasionally venturing to the soft skin of your belly. You don't have the mind to be self-conscious at the moment, still a little too blissed out. It takes significant brain power to process his question when he asks, "Do you actually want to have a baby?" 
"Do you?" You wonder. 
"You can't answer a question with a question," Jake chastises you. Turning in his arms so you are sprawled against his chest, you snuggle close, nuzzling him affectionately. 
"Do you know how it was seeing you with Jackson today?" You ask him. 
"If it was even half of how it felt seeing you hold him, then I'm sorry." 
"Whatever you felt, double it. Triple it even." You say lightly. "It was enough for me to ask my friend, who I thought could never want me, for a baby." 
"I do want you," Jake immediately reassures you. 
"Thank goodness for baby fever, then. Because at least now we know we want each other," you reason, slowly starting to draw mindless patterns of your own against his skin. 
Jake heaves a sigh and strokes his hand down your back, wondering, "Was this just baby fever?" 
"No," you answer after thinking about it for a long span of silence. "I would have a baby with you. It seems right. I want that, I think." You can feel the relief in his body, hearing that, all his tension easing into relaxation. 
"Good," is the only response he gives you, kissing the crown of your head. You expect more but don't get it. Rather, Jake seems content to just bask in the afterglow. That doesn't seem to be too bad an idea, so you close your eyes, listening to his steady heartbeat.  
When you wake up from your impromptu nap, you're not alone in bed. However, you are now under the covers of a different comforter than there was before, and Jake is no longer acting as your pillow. He is on the other side of the bed, but his hand is stretched out, grazing the middle of your back. 
Rolling to face him, you admire the sight he makes stretched out on the bed, leaning against the headboard. Jake's got a book open, folded in half, clearly abusing the book's binding just so he can have one hand on you. When he notices you sleepily admiring him, Jake shoots you a soft smile. 
"Hey baby," he whispers. 
"Hi," You whisper back scooting closer to him and grab the hand that had been touching you, threading your fingers together. 
"Let's go on a date," Jake suddenly springs on you, squeezing your hand. 
"I would love that," you respond, feeling giddy as butterflies erupt in your stomach. "Want something first, though."
"I already told you I would give you anything you want, and I meant it," Jake says, setting his book on his bedside table and giving you his full attention. 
"Good, because I want round two and a shower, which hopefully has round three involved." 
"Your wish is my command," Jake says easily. You move even closer to him so your lips are only a breath apart. "I meant it, the ring, the house, the baby. I can make it all happen by tomorrow." 
"Let's start with breakfast in bed," you say, kissing him hard. When your lips hardly touch because you're both smiling too wide, well, that actually makes it feel all the better. 
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A fluffy/ mild angsty valentines fic with Bucky where reader gets HIM flowers ( because of the whole guys don’t get flowers thing :((( ) maybe there’s some mutual pining and sweet confession? Like she gets the flowers for him because he makes some joke about not having had a valentine for nearly a century and she’s just like “absolutely not will not allow that >:(“ but he thinks it’s just a joke at first :(
Anyway thanks! Love you!
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bucky barnes x female reader
warnings - none
valentines masterlist. inbox. masterlist.
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“Are we almost done?”
Bucky looks so miserable, you can’t help but laugh.
“Yeah, we are. We just need flowers, and then we have everything on the list.”
He grabs the shopping cart and pushes it across the grocery store, determinedly marching in the right direction. You’re practically running to keep up with him.
“Which ones?”
You look at all the flowers, touching some of the petals gently as you decide.
“I’m not sure. What’s your favourite kind of flower, Buck?”
He looks at you with a blank expression.
“I don’t have one.”
Now it’s your turn to look blankly at him.
“I’ve never been bought flowers. Why would I have a favourite type?”
You frown at him. The idea of Bucky never receiving flowers makes you much sadder than it should, but you’re trying to play it cool.
“Oh. Well… which of these do you like the look of the most? They’re going to go in the middle of the table in the kitchen, so they need to be bright. Give the room some colour.”
He circles the flower display a few times, looking around carefully. Eventually, he picks up a bouquet of tulips, all pinks and oranges and yellows.
“I like these.”
You smile softly, nodding your head.
“Good choice.”
You’re somewhat distracted as the two of you check out. You put the tulips in the bag carefully, glancing at Bucky every so often. He catches you looking, and can’t help but wonder what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
You’ve been standing outside Bucky’s door for the better part of fifteen minutes.
He knows.
He heard your footsteps, can hear your chest heaving, lungs working overtime. He’s just waiting for you to make your own decision.
Eventually, you do. After thirty minutes, you decide to just do it. You’ve got nothing to lose.
You knock.
Bucky swings open the door as if he’s been waiting for you, standing patiently on the other side.
“Breathe, honey.”
You didn’t even realise you’d been holding your breath. You exhale, never breaking eye contact with the man in front of you.
“Hi, Buck.”
“Hi, you.”
“I got you something.”
“You did?”
You grab the bouquet from where you’ve leant it against the wall, holding it out to him.
He stops in his tracks, brows furrowed in confusion.
“They’re… for me?”
You inhale deeply, willing yourself to find some temporary courage.
“Because tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. And no one has ever bought you flowers.”
He’s smiling now, soft and knowing.
“You’re the kindest person I’ve ever met.”
He says it so sincerely, so genuinely, that it makes you want to cry. You hand the flowers to him, grinning as he admires them up close.
“They’re beautiful. You’re beautiful.”
That takes you by surprise.
You and Bucky have always had a careful, consistent friendship. Ever since he first barrelled into your life, you’ve thrown tender smiles his way, nodding your head in acknowledgement every time he passed you in the hallways. He warmed to you, slowly but surely. Your kindness, your generosity, your genuineness - you’ve charmed him delicately, somewhat accidentally.
You’ve also been in love with him since day one.
You never thought to mention it - he’s healing, learning, growing as he goes, and you don’t want to halt his progress. So, you’ve pined from a distance, gently and quietly.
“Buck… will you be my valentine?”
He beams at you, the most luminescent smile you’ve ever seen from him.
“Oh, sweetheart. I’ve been working up the courage to ask you that every year since I met you. Knew you’d beat me to it.”
You laugh, stepping in closer to him. He puts the flowers down carefully, reaching out to cup your face in his hands.
“Can I kiss you, my valentine?”
You nod, already leaning in. He presses his lips to yours, and he swears he feels flowers bloom in his ribcage, bright and alive.
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rafayelpochii · 4 months
Warm Morning | Rafayel x FEM!Reader
"Now why do you sound like we should've done more than..that?"
- Rafayel
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: ̗̀➛ FLUFF
Request? Open on my inbox ^>^
Grammatical errors and typos ahead (English isn't my first language)
I highly prohibited anyone to repost my work to other social media platform without proper credentials and permission
Request is open (for LaD characters only!)
Note that maybe the character would be a bit ooc to you, so pls bear with it, and be nice.
Lastly, have fun reading!
Peaceful. What could be more better than this kind of sensation you're feeling at the moment. The moment you opened your eyes a while ago, the sight and the sound of waves breaking on the shore, the melodic sound of the birds letting out serene fluttering sounds met you that it surely brought a smile on your face.
You let out a small sigh
Rolling your body to the other side of the bed, you smiled once again. On your side was a sleeping Rafayel, no, scratch that– it was your beautiful boyfriend to be precise, a soft and warm sensation filled your chest, as if a certain teenager looking at their crushes in awe, you can't help but indulge every angle of the beautiful view infront of you. You extended your arms towards the sleeping figure of the picturesque male infront of you and placed your hand to his face gently.
That's what you instantly felt once you got to feel his soft skin.
Tug-dug Tug-dug
There it was again, not that you're mad how your heart reacts randomly for him, it's because sometimes you find yourself having a hard time controlling yourself– any moment you're afraid you'll explode, he was truly gonna be the death of you afterall. Just as you're about to retract your hand to calm yourself, you felt a heavy yet gentle hand grasp your wrist and placed it back where it had been a second ago. "You're awake.."
Rafayel only groaned as a response, eyes attempting to close back, his greyish purple locks barely covering his eyes and messed up– Oh God! how come this man is so visually gifted that sometimes you find himself more prettier than girls. You took a deep breath and slowly attempted to free your arms from his hold slowly- not wanting to disturb his slumber again.
Slowly, slowly, aaand
He hold you tighter
You bit your lip. "Uhm Rafayel?...my hand?" you tried to ask him, but seconds turns a minute and he haven't let go of you yet. It was your fault for placing it on his face in the first place anyway. You sighed, building up another courage to speak. "I...have to go to work you kn-"
"It's still too early, let me stay like this for a while.." he whined. He whined? well ofcourse he did, not that you don't like it when he did anyways, you find it adorable– too adorable to reject. Oh well.
You let out a deep breath. "Fine, at least let my poor hand go?". He slightly opened one of his eye, revealing his tantalizing orbs that make you feel some kind of way, and mischievously curved a small smile.
"Nu-uh" he answered, before taking a prolonged kiss on your knuckle. "Your hands are cold— are you cold?" Rafayel looked at you as he speak, meanwhile you slightly flinched, finally coming back to your senses after a small trance when you heard what he asked. Sealing your mouth, you nodded slowly– it was true, the early morning breeze was chilly today. Not even wasting a minute after you answered, your boyfriend gently pulled you closer to him— maybe too close that you can almost feel each other's heartbeat, but nothing uncomfortable, you wanted it anyway. "Relaaax, you can breath you know" he let out smirk before continuing his habit of peppering smooches on your hand, breathing on it from time to time to keep you warm.
Your lips slightly parted as you watch how he spoil you with his kisses, his eyes closed and fluttered open lovingly as he do so, maintaining eye contact with yours. "R-rafayel"
Sweet. You thought.
"Besides, you worn me out last night so as a payback, you should stay in bed with me for a while" the smirk on his lips was visible. I knew it! He's at it again! Just you wait!. You were taken a back on what he just said, hearing that made your cheeks warm, and your stomach somewhat somersaulted— ofcourse it's not true, he's just teasing you, how could you react so much as if what he said was real!. You gulped the lump on your throat as he leaned his head closer to you, his breath fanning the side of your neck, making your breath hitch and sending shivers down your spine. He just got to stop this. "I'll keep you warm" he whispered before he looked at you and winked. You swear, he's killing you beautifully and he's unaware?.
Shuffling his figure on the sheets, he easily propped his arm on the side of your head, on your peripheral vision you actually saw his biceps tensed. You gulped, looking at his eyes, you were shocked at the sudden new position that it made you stiff. "Rafayel what're y-" you stopped and shaked your head. Never mind. "What do you mean I worn you out?, we just cuddled.." your voice was low, a perfect hint for the male that you were flustered. He tilted his head at you, one brow arched as if telling you to finish your sentence. You tilted your head slightly, attempting to look away and bit your lip. "..and kissed, that's all" you swear your face felt blazing hot right now, you wouldn't be surprised why Rafayel chuckled on how you acted.
"Oh did we?" he said sarcastically– fingers tracing on your chin, tilting it lovingly to face him once more. He's soo totally doing this on purpose. "Now why do you sound like we should've done more than..that?" the way he said those lingered a somewhat electric feeling in your chest. What a tease.
You mentally shook it off before closing your eyes and let out a sigh. You ain't done teasing huh?. Once you opened your eyes, Rafayel couldn't explain why he saw something glint on your beautiful orbs– it was new yet somewhat beautiful, until you curved a small smirk, your arms making it's way to wrapped around his nape sending a beatific sensation on his veins, it's as if you're hypnotizing him. What were you doing to him?. He thought.
"So what if I'm expecting.. that?" your voice turned lambent, it made his heart beats faster. He neither wasn't expecting you to reply something like that, nor you never tease him back, it even made him think some unknown spirit merged on your body. You noticed how he have that astonished expression for a bout a minute with his ears tinting a slight but obviously visible flush and didn't manage to bear it, you burst out laughing before cupping both his warm cheeks and took a small peck on his nosebridge. "I didn't know fishies blush so easily like that" you chuckled.
Rafayel– who just got back to his real state, pouted at you. You got him. And for the first time, that is. He fold his arms to his chest and looked away with his infamous pout. "Fishies don't blush, and so am i— I don't know what you're talking about." he defended sassily.
"M-hm sure" you sarcastically answered, feeling proud of the victorious plan you just managed to do on the spot. Meanwhile your poor boyfriend was obviously sulking, he moved to the other side of the bed where he was laying earlier– his back facing you. You admitted he looked extra adorable when sulking.
You couldn't help but chuckle again as you scooted closer to your beloved. Clinging to his side, you leaned your head closer to his ear. "I love you." the way you said those was sweet and music to Rafayel's ears– sweeter than honey, and melodious as a romantic sonata. It just made his heart go feral inside his ribcage, that any moment if he hears any more sweet words spill out from your mouth would drive him crazy.
Rafayel finally turned his attention back to you– he smiled. "Who wouldn't"
"Rafayel." you called with a stern face.
He chuckled, pulling you close to him until you both fell back on the bed together. You propped your elbows on the soft mattress to look at your boyfriend with love and awe, while he placed a hand to your cheek— your head leaning towards his soft palms from the affection you're feeling– tantalizing eyes looking at each other with the same love and passion. And just what you both were expecting, he inched himself closer and closer to yours until your lips finally connected– it was tender, full of love, passionate and sweet.
It was such a picturesque sight that anyone who could see the both of you right now would tear up from how romantic the scenario is.
"I love you too"
A/N: Phew! I can't believe I got to finish this one shot, I got sooo busy with school and I'm still glad I managed to finish this piece to share to you all ^>^. Anyways, have you played the game yet? It's sooo cool!. Who's you're favorite character?. Mine's obviously my sassy boy, Rafayel!<3
- rafayelpochii | 01/25/24
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hyperactively-me · 7 months
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ask from @redzscare
(king!ghost x princess!reader au) -- anger
i just wanna say oh my god, thank you for your inbox message with those two amazing and well thought out ideas!!!! i would also love to know your other ideas if you still have any :) and i know its been over a month since you requested, but i wanted to do your ideas justice! i decided to split them up into two separate pieces so that it can flow better in the story, but i have your first request in my "to be written" notes, and it will be posted in the future!!!! i hope you like it! the angst is immaculate and heart-wrenching. anyway, here is #2!!!
word count: ~3.6k
warnings: fighting/yelling, angst lots of angst/hurt (like A LOT, A TON, he's so mean, you've been warned), hurt/comfort, happy ending!!!
The past few weeks have been nothing but stressful for Kastron. A southern kingdom, for no clear reason, has been trying to infiltrate the borders of Kastron. As the tension between the two realms escalated, King Simon found himself ensnared in the web of political turmoil and military strategies, his every waking moment consumed by the threat looming at the kingdom's doorstep.
As the southern kingdom persisted in its attempts to breach Kastron’s defenses, Simon’s frustration grew. Kastron’s forces have been able to hold off the enemy for the past few weeks, but the battle was proving to get more difficult by the day. His days were spent in council meetings, devising counterstrategies, and restless nights plagued by the knowledge of impending conflict.
Throughout the past few weeks as Simon was extremely busy, you had taken to caring for more things around the castle. By no means was it an easy task. Your already busy schedules were now packed with more mundane, tedious tasks. You had to step into a few roles that Simon usually took care of, thrown into uncharted territory that you now had to know like the back of your hand. 
To say you were stressed was an understatement. To say that you felt secure in this new position would be a lie. Hell, even with your lessons, you were still slightly insecure about helping run a whole kingdom. The lessons were truly helpful, and you really were learning useful information, but to actually put this knowledge into practice proved to be more difficult than you thought; a learning curve, if you will. 
Every evening before you went to bed, you watched Simon with a heavy heart. Stress etched lines on his face, and the once affectionate bond between you strained under the weight of your responsibilities. 
The command room now had countless maps, scrolls, and military reports scattered across the tables, and you found yourself poring over them, trying to decipher strategies that seemed more like cryptic codes than plans for defense. The language of war was harsh, and its intricacies were not easily grasped. You also had to take care of more civilian matters, tending to disputes and other technicalities that arose when handling such matters. Managing the palace as well proved to be more difficult, although it was not as prioritized as other duties you had to upkeep. 
Simon, in his stress and preoccupation, had not noticed the added weight on your shoulders. The castle, usually filled with warmth, now echoed with the sounds of strategizing military personnel and the tension that gripped every corner.
One day, as you were immersed in the endless paperwork, a knock on the chamber door interrupted your thoughts. Simon, looking more fatigued than ever, stood at the threshold.
“I need these reports on the southern borders done by tomorrow morning. Make sure they’re accurate,” he said, his voice clipped and devoid of the usual tenderness. It echoed the commanding voice he reserved for his soldiers.
You take a breath. “I’m not sure I can have those ready for you by tomorrow Simon. Can’t you ask someone else to do them for me? I’m sure Price can—”
“Price is extremely busy devising strategies. He doesn’t have time for paperwork.” 
Simon's curt response echoed through the room, leaving you with a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. The weight of the responsibilities, the unrelenting pressure, and now Simon's growing impatience were pushing you to the brink.
“Simon, I'm doing my best,” you pleaded, looking up from the parchment strewn across the table. “I'm still learning, and there's just so much to handle.”
Simon's eyes flashed with frustration. “We don't have the luxury of time for you to ‘learn.’ We need results, and we need them now.”
The exhaustion etched on his face mirrored your own weariness. The kingdom's issues had taken its toll on both of you, driving a wedge between you.
“I’m just asking for your patience,” you implored, hoping for a flicker of understanding in his eyes.
His gaze remained unyielding. “I ask you to take care of things in my absence, to support me. And it seems even that is too much.”
“I'm sorry, but I'm trying my best,” you scoff.
Simon scoffs back, his expression a stern resolve. 
“I don't have time for apologies. I need solutions. Figure it out,” he said, turning on his heel and leaving the room without a backward glance.
Left alone, burdened by the weight of your responsibilities, an angry tear escapes the corner of your eye. The castle walls seem to close in on you, and with a swift motion, you brush the tear away, forcing your attention back to the task at hand.
. . .
It was an innocent mistake, a forgotten task that finally ignited Simon's brewing anger like a firecracker on the brink of explosion. 
As you stood before him, explaining the oversight, his eyes darkened with frustration.
“Are you even paying attention?" Simon's voice rose with frustration.
The storm within him erupted, and hurtful words spilled from his lips like daggers. "How could you be so careless?" he bellowed. "This is important, and you can't even handle the simplest tasks!"
"I'm sorry, Simon. I’ve been busy, but I'll fix it," you pleaded, trying to diffuse the growing storm.
"Fix it?" Simon scoffed, his anger unabated. "You're always making mistakes, aren't you? I don't know why I expected anything different from you. You’re just a fuckin’ spoiled little princess, just complaining about all the work she has to do. You’ve never seen a day of real work in your whole life, and the moment you have to do anything remotely helpful, you become useless.” 
You’re stunned into silence. It feels like your heart has fallen out of your chest, your throat constricting with anxiety. This isn’t the Simon you knew. 
"You can't possibly understand the pressure I'm under!” Simon's voice carried a harsh edge as he spoke, the strain evident in every word.
"I tried my best, Simon. I'm not used to this," you replied, hurt laced through your voice. The word useless echoes through your mind. How could he? 
"Your best isn't good enough. We can't afford mistakes," he snapped.
“We’re supposed to be a team," you responded gently, trying to bridge the growing chasm between you.
But Simon's patience had worn thin. “You can't even manage the affairs within the castle! How am I supposed to rely on you when you can't even handle the simplest tasks?”
"I'm sorry, Simon. I never wanted to let you down," you whispered, your voice barely audible amidst the tension.
"Let me down?" Simon laughed bitterly. "You were never lifting me up in the first place. Just a burden I have to carry alongside everythin’ else I have to worry about."
His words pierced through you like a million iron swords. The once warm and loving connection between you and Simon now felt frayed, hanging by the thinnest of threads. Your attempts to support him had become ammunition for his anger.
"Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm not cut out for this,” you admitted shortly, your shoulders slumping under the weight of defeat.
Simon's expression twisted with a mixture of frustration and exasperation. “That's the first sensible thing you've said.”
His cruel words struck a nerve, tearing down the foundations of trust and understanding that had defined your relationship. His words hung in the air like a bitter aftertaste. Hurt and frustration welled up within you, but you swallowed them and bottled them up, unwilling to add to Simon's burden.
The pain in your eyes did not escape Simon, but his frustration blinded him to the depth of his own words. In that moment, the man you loved seemed like a stranger, his anger, frustrations, and impatience casting a shadow over you.
With a heavy heart, you walk away, desperately holding back tears. It took everything within you to not let out an audible sob, clasping your hand over your mouth. You push open the door hastily, stumbling out into the hallway. You wipe your now falling tears off your cheeks with the back of your hand as you make your way to your old bedroom. 
The echoes of Simon's bitter words lingered in the corridor as you escaped into the dimly lit hallway. Desperation clawed at your chest, and with each step, the weight of his accusations pressed harder. Holding back sobs, you fumbled your way to the shared bedroom, seeking solace in the sanctuary you once knew.
Once inside, the room felt emptier than before, its warmth replaced by an icy chill. Closing the door behind you, you allowed a few silent tears to fall, the pain of Simon's harsh words cutting deep. As you glanced around the room, the memories of happier times haunted the corners. A sense of isolation settled in, and you felt like a stranger in the very place that used to bring comfort. Swallowing hard, you allow yourself to let it all out, crying into the empty bedroom. The resilient facade you had built over the weeks seemed to crumble in the face of his words.
The weight of the crown, both figuratively and literally, felt heavier than ever. With a shudder, you begin to remove the regalia that symbolized your responsibility as queen, a responsibility that had become increasingly difficult.
The empty now seemed like a cold, unwelcoming space. You curled up, hugging a pillow close to your chest, seeking any source of comfort. The room held a somber silence, a silence you haven’t heard since you were last in this room, before you had fallen in love with Simon. 
As sleep finally overcame you, the hope for a better tomorrow mingled with the ache of your strained relationship. 
. . .
Sleep had been elusive, and the echoes of Simon's bitter words reverberated in your mind. With a sigh, you rose from the solitude of your old bedroom, still haunted by the sense of isolation that clung to you.
He hadn’t even come looking for you. 
You had called a maid to help you get dressed in your room, but made her swear to not say anything about you being back in this room to the rest of the staff. You purposefully waited until after your usual breakfast time with Simon to get something to eat, strolling into the kitchen to request a small breakfast. 
After breakfast, you read through your schedule for the day. Today you were supposed to have defense lessons with Simon. Not going to happen. Taking a pen, you scratch it off your to-do list. 
With a sigh, you run through the rest of your plan for the day, mostly consisting of busy work and advising. 
The day unfolded in a haze of responsibilities, each task demanding your focus. Advising on matters of governance and managing the affairs of the kingdom became a refuge, a temporary escape from the emotional turmoil that threatened to swallow you whole.
Dinner that night came and went, and again you had refused to sit at the table with him. Instead, you chose to wait until after he was gone to eat. Sitting at the expansive table, you picked around at your food, taking small bites before you became nauseous with unease. 
This was the longest you’ve gone without Simon the whole time you’ve proclaimed your love for him, and it’s only been a day. After finishing your solitary meal, you made your way to your old bedroom yet again. The night pressed on, silent and unwavering, wrapping the castle in a cocoon of quiet melancholy. And so, you retired to your old bedroom, bracing yourself for another night of sleepless contemplation in the face of a relationship that seemed to be slipping through your fingers.
. . . 
Another agonizingly painful day had gone by of you avoiding Simon. The same evening, he had come to knock on your door.
He called your name from behind the door. His voice sounded gentle, yet strained. 
You stayed silent, unmoving from your curled up position on the bed. 
He persisted, knocking louder this time. 
“Go away,” you yell, fighting back more tears as your heartstrings were being tugged with every time he called your name. 
“‘M not going away until you come out,” his muffled voice filtered through from under the door.
“Yeah, well, I may as well rot away in here. Leave me alone, Ghost.” 
That shut him up immediately. You could hear his footsteps fade away in the distance. 
You sob into your pillow, burying your face in the fabric to muffle your cries. 
. . .
The next morning was rough. You were groggy, two nights of restless sleep taking a toll on you. Right before you entered the kitchen for breakfast you were stopped by Ghost. He had jumped in front of you out of nowhere, blocking you from entering the kitchen. 
“Dove, please—” he began. 
“Don’t call me that, get away from me–”
You try to sidestep him, looking at the ground as you attempt to move past him. 
“Just listen to me–” he grabs your shoulders firmly, forcing you to stay in place.
“Let go of me–” you shrug his hands off, yanking his wrists off your shoulders with a vice grip. He lets you shake him off you, but still moves to block you from entering the kitchen.
You sigh angrily, finally looking up at him with a death glare. 
“Oh, you finally need me for something, right? Is this what this is all about?” 
Simon's eyes held a mixture of concern and frustration. “I need to talk to you. Please, just listen to me.”
The coldness in your expression didn't waver. “Talk? Is this about another mistake I made, or perhaps you've found another fault in your ‘spoiled princess’?”
Simon winced at the reference to his hurtful words. “No, it's not about that. It's about us. I... I overreacted, and I said things I shouldn't have. I need you to understand the pressure I'm under.”
A bitter laugh escaped your lips. “Pressure? Yes, I understand. I've been picking up work and dealing with responsibilities I’m not prepared for. I understand pressure very well.”
Simon's jaw tightened, regret flashing in his eyes. "I know I've been distant, and I've let this problem consume me for the past few weeks. But, dove, we can work through this. I need you.”
Your anger flared. “Now you need me? When everything is falling apart? What about when I needed you? You were too busy berating me.” 
The word berating came out stressed, and a flare of emotions bubbled in your chest. You fought against tears threatening to spring from your eyes. 
Simon's expression softened, nothing but remorse in his eyes. "I fucked up. I should’ve never said those things to you. I was wrong, and I’m sorry. Please, let me make it right.”
You shake your head, taking a step back. 
“You can't just apologize and expect everything to go back to normal. Words have consequences.” A fat tear rolls down your cheek. “I’m not one of your soldiers you can order around.” 
The moment Simon sees the tear, knowing that he’s the cause of it, he comes crashing down. 
He drops to his knees in front of you, his eyes pleading with a desperate intensity. “I never meant to hurt you. I can't bear to see you cry, especially because of me. Please, give me a chance to make things right.”
You sniffle, wiping the tear away quickly. The raw vulnerability in his voice tugged at your heart, but you held onto the shards of your wounded pride. 
He reaches for you, holding your hips tightly in his grasp as he looks up at you from the floor. His hands on your hips sought reassurance, his eyes pleading for a chance at redemption. You fold your arms over your chest, hugging yourself tightly. 
“Please, love, please, I will do anything, I’ll prove to you every single day for the rest of my life that I can treat you the way you deserve. I don’t want to turn into my father.” 
His thumbs press into the flesh of your hips, his usual stoic demeanor crumbles, and in this moment of vulnerability, he’s laying bare his regrets. 
His father. His terrible, disgusting, abusive father. 
"You’re not turning into your father, Simon," you whispered, your voice carrying reassurance. "But you also can't treat me like that ever again. We're a team. But it's also not just about the words. It's about trust and understanding.”
He nods, swallowing thickly. 
"Please, dove," he implored, his voice choking with emotion. “I never meant to hurt you like this. I'm begging you, give me a chance to make things right. I can't stand to see you in pain.”
“I miss you,” he whispers, and you spot a few tears in the corners of his eyes. You’ve never seen him cry before. “I miss you, and I don’t deserve you. Not after what I did to you.” 
Your heart wavered, torn between the hurt he caused and the raw vulnerability he now displayed. The sight of Simon, a powerful and composed ruler, reduced to tears, spoke volumes about the depth of his regret.
As you looked down at him, a swirl of conflicting emotions clouded you. Part of you wanted to pull him into an embrace, to reassure him that things could get better. Yet, the wounds were still fresh, and trust can’t be easily mended. You swipe his tears away with the pad of your thumb. 
“Simon,” you began, your voice gentle but firm, "this isn't something that can be fixed overnight. It's going to take time."
He nodded vigorously, his tear-streaked face desperate for any glimmer of hope. "I'll do anything, dove. Anything to make it right.”
The sincerity in his voice resonated, and for a moment, you softened. “Simon, I need you to understand that we're in this together. We need to communicate and support each other.”
Simon nodded, a genuine determination in his eyes. "I promise you, I'll be there for you. No more takin’ out my frustrations on you, it will never happen again, so long as I live.” 
You sighed, the weight of the situation still heavy on your shoulders. “Actions speak louder than words.”
He nodded again, his gaze unwavering. "I'll prove it to you, every day."
Releasing your hips, Simon stood up, his eyes never leaving yours. The air between you held a mix of tension and tentative hope. 
“I love you, dove. I love you.”
He wipes his face clear of the tears, and you stand there, twisting your hands together. His hands brush over your upper arms, causing you to shiver slightly, but this time you don’t back away. You let him ever so slowly pull you in for a hug, and you reluctantly grasp on to his tunic. His arms pull you in tighter now, and he strokes your hair in reassurance. 
You breathe out the quietest, “I love you.”
. . .
A few weeks passed, and the castle, once shrouded in tension, began to regain its warmth. The scars of those horrendous three days were healing, and your relationship with Simon has strengthened more than ever. The air was lighter and you felt like a significant change had occurred between you and Simon. 
Simon had indeed lived up to his promise. He consistently showed effort in rebuilding trust. Small, thoughtful gestures became the norm—unexpected flowers, shared quiet moments, and the tenderness in his voice returned. The voice he has reserved only for you. You had moved back into his room after a while, sharing a bed again has never felt so good for you. Honestly, you were relieved. You didn’t have any doubt that Simon wouldn’t live up to his promises. 
The castle had transformed back into a sanctuary. The sounds of strategizing military personnel were replaced with the hum of everyday life. The warmth returned, and the tension that once gripped every corner dissipated like a distant memory.
The conflict in the south had been resolved after Kastron’s forces were successfully able to defend the border. Their motives were still unclear, but Simon had put it behind him. 
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, you found yourself in the garden. The air was crisp, and the fragrance of blooming flowers filled the space. Simon joined you, and together you strolled through the gardens, hand in hand.
“I missed this,” you smile, leaning into Simon’s side. 
Simon tightened his grip around you, his eyes softening as he looked at the vibrant hues of the sunset. "I missed this too."
The weight that once burdened your relationship had lifted, replaced by a renewed sense of connection and trust. The garden echoed with the shared laughter and whispered promises of your love, and it always will. 
Simon glanced down at you, a hint of playfulness in his eyes. “Do you remember the first time we walked through these gardens together?” he asked, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
You giggled, the memory surfacing in your mind. "How could I forget? You were trying to plant the most random assortment of seeds during the off-season.”
Simon laughed, a genuine sound that warmed your heart. “I was nervous. I wanted everything to be perfect.”
“And look at us now,” you said, gazing up at him. “Perfectly imperfect.”
He pressed a tender kiss to your forehead. “I love you, darlin.’”
The sincerity in his words made your heart flutter. “I promise to always be with you.”
The sun dipped lower, casting a warm glow over the castle and the garden. As you continued your leisurely stroll, the castle loomed in the distance, its turrets illuminated by the fading sunlight. 
The stars began to twinkle in the evening sky, and Simon pulled you closer. “Let's stay out a bit longer, yeah?”
“Mhm,” you nod, nuzzling against him. 
You take a beat.
“I love you, too,” you whisper. 
He strokes your waist, squeezing your flesh in his grip.
“I love you.”
- - - - -
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backwardsbread · 2 months
Hello !!
Don’t mine me dropping in a request but I HAVE BECOME OBSESSED with your writing (it’s such a good way off letting off steam and the way you write the characters make it so bealive you can’t convince me u don’t work for vivziepop) ANYWAYS.
I was wondering if you could write headcannons for husk x oblivious!reader? Like basically EVERYONE in the hotel know that husk has a crush on the reader (even thought he keeps denying it) but reader is just oblivious to this. And like angel and alastor always tease him about this right in readers face and she just doesn’t get it which makes husk more flustered ? I HAVE FALLEN INTO THE RABBIT HOLE OF HUSKS DEEP VOICE 💔
(Reader could be gn or AFAB, really anything you are comfortable writing with :3!!)
Hope this reaches you in a good time :33 !!!!
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You guys- everytime I open my inbox and see such sweet messages and AMAZING requests— MY HEART CANT HANDLE IT.
That being said, this prompt is GOLD. I hope I did it justice!
Hazbin Hotel:
Husk x Oblivious!Reader
Warnings‼️: none really? Light swearing, Lots of fluff, Fem!Reader, use of Y/N.
~Not proofread~
To me, Husk is almost insecure about his feelings.
He likes to keep things real and genuine, done get me wrong, but he’s constantly listening to other people’s drama and thoughts.
He’s a good source of comfort for the hotel guests, including you. Someone who will listen to you without judgement.
I think how he starts falling for you has to do with this. You’d stay up late nights with Husk while he closes the bar, often times turning the tables on him.
Asking him how he’s doing, what he did throughout the day, even something as simple as asking fun facts about him
Your guys’ game of 20 questions became a norm every night. Slowly you creeped over the walls Husk had put around himself. Something Husk didn’t realize you had done until it was far too late.
The warm feeling he gets in his chest after your guys’ interactions wells up into butterflies in his gut. It doesn’t take long for him to get feelings for you when you were always nothing short of perfect in his eyes.
Since he’s one to usually keep his feelings to himself, he tries to hide this from you and the other attendees of the hotel.
But once he actually realizes he has a crush on you, oh buddy, is he OBVIOUS.
His calm and cool demeanor shifting into anxiety whenever anyone brings the topic of you up or even dares to ask if you two are an item.
It doesn’t help that Alastor can read him like a book after many years of owning Husk’s soul.
Even so, Husk can’t help the way his voice and demeanor soften whenever interacting with you.
I can definitely see Angel noticing this next and making a SCENE about it. He didn’t mean to embarrass his friend, but he can’t help poking fun.
(Also, Angel was mildly upset that Husk hadn’t just told him about his feelings towards you. Angel would be the best wingman.)
Angel does try to set the two of you up frequently, trying to nudge you guys to make things official.
Except one teensy weensy issue.
You completely misunderstood Husk’s advancements towards you as friendly banter.
Confusing your own interest towards him as simple excitement to hang out with him.
Angel and Alastor find this hilarious
Both of them are able to openly tease Husk around you while you have no clue what they’re insinuating.
They just watch Husk panic as they outright call him out on his crush. While you just stare at them confused as if they’re telling an inside joke.
It drives Husk bonkers how you don’t seem to catch on to his flirting or feelings for you.
He honestly doesn’t know what was worst, you not realizing his feelings, or the fact you responded to his advances so nonchalantly.
Can you imagine Husk gets the courage to hold your hand or something, and you’re just like
‘Oh this is a thing now! Alright anyways-.’
And just move on as if nothing happened/changed.
He even asks you out on dates occasionally, but instead of it turning out as alone time, you end up inviting other hotel members.
And he just can’t say no to you so he’s left with joining a group dinner, with apologetic looks from Angel and amused grins from Alastor.
When Husks asks for it to just be the two of you, you assume he’s in an argument with the other hotel attendees.
“Oh are you in an argument with Angel right now? What happened?”
“Is Alastor pissing you off? I can talk to Charlie about it! She’ll get it handled.”
It drives Husk NUTS. Every innocent move you make leaves him even more flustered.
The fact that you don’t even seem phased by it leaves him feeling frustrated and kind of rejected.
Which was never your intent! You just didn’t understand your feelings for the ex overlord and his towards you.
You were in Angel’s hotel room. He was picking out an outfit for you, throwing you in all different kinds of combinations. Different dresses with different styles, cute skirts and tops, jumpsuits, you name it. You enjoyed the little game of dress up he was playing with you, but you weren’t sure the exact reasoning for suddenly using you as a model.
“Okay okay, this one is so cute.” You walk out of Angel’s bathroom, a huge grin on your face. Angel looks over towards you, wolf whistling as he looks you up and down.
You were dolled up in a burnt orange dress that was bedazzled in rhinestones. The shiny stones making diamond patterns along the dress. It had puffy sleeves made of tool that fell off your shoulders. The dress hugged your waist and the skirt flowed out, reaching just past your knee.
You look at yourself in the full length mirror, doing a little spin to see yourself in full view. Angel approached you, making sure the zipper on the back of the dress was all the way up and secure.
“You look hot, toots! The color really suits you.” Angel compliment while you ruffled your hair to give it more volume. You giggle at his compliment, continuing to admire yourself in the mirror.
There was a timid knock on Angel’s door, making the spider demon grin and turn on his heel. You kept admiring your outfit in the mirror while Angel answered the knock.
“Right on time!” Angel said as he opened the door. You look in the mirror to see who was at the door behind you. Husk was there, grumbling a bit at Angel’s enthusiasm.
Your smile brightened, turning to look over at Husk. Once he got full view of you in that dress, he froze, his face flushing dark hues of magenta. Husk was also dressed nicely, more put together than usual. His hat not on its usually place between his ears, his hair done up nice, a burnt orange bow tie complimenting a new grey suit he was wearing.
“Hey, look, we match!” You exclaim, grinning ear to ear. Angel sighed while Husk blinked out of his tiny daydream.
“I- uh.. looks like we do.” Husk muttered, his embarrassment getting the better of him. You both stayed quiet for a bit, the anticipation absolutely killing Angel. After what felt like ages of silence, Angel went over to you, nudging you towards Husk.
“Ahem, (Y/N), Husk here was actually wondering if you would accompany him tonight. There’s this new place that he’s been dying to try. It’s got some real fancy food!” Angel gave Husk a look as he tried to get the ball rolling. Husk only blushed and looked towards you to see how you reacted to his- well Angel’s- proposal.
“Ooo! Sounds great! I’d love to. Are you coming too?” You questioned. The ask made Husk die a little inside.
“No, nope. I’ve got some uh..things to attend to! So just the two of you. A date, you could call it.” Angel clarified, giving a not so subtle wink towards Husk, who returned it with a glare.
You feel your face heat up and for some reason your heart seems to skip a beat. Just you and Husk? There was nothing wrong with that. But the idea excited you nonetheless. Now that you thought about it, it was rare you and Husk got time alone outside the hotel. Sure he had suggested going out often. But not on.. a date as Angel had suggested.
You smile, moving to link your arm with Husk’s, “Yeah! That sounds great actually.”
Husk looks surprised at your reaction, he was halfway expecting you to suggest inviting anyone else to the outing. He can’t help the grin that forms on his face.
“Well then.. let’s get out of here.” Husk says, guiding you out of Angel’s room. As the two of you are walking down the hallways, Angel calls out to the both of you.
“Have fun, lovebirds! Husk, don’t ruin that dress, it was expensive!” Angel shouts, making Husk flip him off, grumbling a bit.
“Are we eating messy food? I can change-..” You start, but Husk cuts you off.
“No- No, sweetheart, Angel is just a prick. Don’t worry.. let’s just focus on tonight.”
“Just us..”
192 notes · View notes
sansaorgana · 3 months
Can you write a cute one with a bit of smut (if you're comfortable with that obviously) with Buck and female reader where he sneaks her into his room when he knows all the others are away?
hi, love! 😍 I loved the idea of sneaking in and it starts smutty indeed but the ending is spoiled by Bucky 🤣 sorry not sorry, I tend to imagine Reader's life with these two like it's a sitcom sometimes 😁
my inbox is open for blurb/short fic requests for major cleven 🤗
🔞 THIS FIC IS 18+ 🔞
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Buck was the only guy who didn’t go out to the pub in town on Friday night. The boys had a whole weekend off and almost all of them decided to celebrate by going to the local town and flirting with the girls while getting drunk. Buck was not a drinker and he already had his girl on the base with him.
“If you stay here like a loser,” Bucky teased him before walking out, “then at least sneak her in here and have some good time, too,” he winked as some man behind him whistled and Buck sighed. “You don’t want to sleep here alone, do you?”
“Get out already,” Buck pushed him out and watched the rest of the boys disappear. He shook his head to himself but the truth was that he found the idea tempting indeed.
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“Oh, you stayed?” You asked Buck, surprised to see him alone by the table during dinnertime. “I thought you’d go out with the boys,” you chuckled and took a seat next to him.
“I’d get bored there,” he admitted and you tilted your head to take a better look at him because he sounded like he was crazy. He smiled at you.
“You’re adorable, Gale,” you told him and you fixed his hair a little. His friends were not there to tease him about it and your friends had already known about you two anyway. Women’s gossip travelled faster than any plane. “But you don’t have to miss out on parties. I wouldn’t mind you going out,” you told him.
“I really didn’t want to go,” he assured you. “But you know… I have a whole room for myself tonight.”
You took the hand away and focused on the plate in front of you. You had to admit, you got a little shy at his insinuation. You had been sort of dating for a few weeks now but you had never had a time completely alone for yourselves. Not like that, at least. Of course there had been a few heated kisses in the dark corners here and there. But not much more than that.
“I’m so sorry…” Buck blushed. “God, I’m sorry… Forget about it… Doll, can we pretend I’ve never said that?” He put his hand on your thigh and you moved it away. He looked even more scared and awkward now.
“No, we can’t pretend,” you told him and dared to lay your eyes on him again. “Because I don’t want to pretend you haven’t said that. I think we can do it,” you nodded your head nervously.
Yes, yes, your mother wouldn’t be proud of you at that moment but for God’s sake you wanted something from this life, too, and that man could go down any day.
You loved him, too.
Buck furrowed his brows and then he gave you a wide smile as he finally realised that you had just agreed to spend the night with him.
“I will tell my friends that I have to work late. So they will go to sleep before I join them without knowing when exactly I’ll be back. I’ll tell Colonel Harding I’ll help him with the papers…” you started.
“No, no, he will keep you there until morning,” Buck shook his head.
“No, he won’t be there.”
“But he will realise you weren’t working if the papers aren’t ready tomorrow,” Buck pointed out.
“You silly, I have already finished them,” you rolled your eyes. “I always do more than I tell him so I can have free time here and there. And then I pretend I’ve just done it although it was already done a few days before. He’s been played like that many times by me,” you chuckled.
“You cunning little angel,” Buck pinched your thigh under the table and you giggled. “Let’s meet at eleven by the bathroom.”
“Sir, yes, sir,” you teased him.
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Your heart was pounding in your chest as you were walking down the dark corridor. You were wearing nothing but a coat over your nightgown and now you regretted it. You wanted to surprise Buck but you were cold and you started to feel like an idiot, too. What if he would find it funny… or not ladylike…?
You almost decided to turn around and change before going back when you felt someone grabbing your arm and pulling you. You squealed but your lips got covered by a familiar hand.
“Shh, little one,” Buck whispered into your ear. “I’ve heard your footsteps,” he told you and removed the hand from your mouth.
“You scared me, Buck!” You whispered.
“I’m sorry, doll. Now, come with me,” he held your hand and guided you further into the corridor. You couldn’t go back to put more clothes on. You took a deep breath in and followed him.
Buck pushed the door leading to the room where the men had been sleeping, making sure to be as quiet as possible. You were alone there but someone could be walking outside. He closed the door behind you and led you to his bed.
When you were finally there, he turned on the small lamp which light was dim and wouldn’t alarm anyone walking by. After all, it was a free weekend and he was able to stay up late reading a book or something.
Then he turned around and took a look at you. He was wearing a T-shirt and pants and he smiled gently as noticed your nervousness.
“We don’t have to… do anything. We can just spend time together,” he told you and sat down on his bed. “What would you like to do?”
“I’m cold,” you admitted.
“Well, then, come here,” he invited you and you bit on your lower lip before gaining the courage to finally open your coat and let it fall to the floor.
Buck’s eyes widened as he looked up at you wearing nothing but a nightgown. He swallowed thickly as his lips opened slightly. The white nightgown looked perfect on your body in the dim light of his lamp and your nipples were hard and perky from the cold. He reached out for you as if he tried to find out if you were real.
“Can you warm me up, Major?” You teased as you crawled up on the bed to curl yourself in his arms.
“I sure can try,” Buck kissed your temple and reached out for the blanket to put it around you. You laid your head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat as your fingers started to make circles on his stomach. “Are you warmer now, love?” He looked down to see your face.
“Yes,” you whispered. “I haven’t felt so warm and safe in a long while,” you admitted.
“War is no place for a sweetheart like you,” he said and rubbed your back.
“But war is here anyway. War is in my country, it’s in my world. I can’t escape it. And here I can at least… do something,” you looked up to meet the gaze of his beautiful blue eyes. “It has nothing to do with courage, you know. If we get bombed and I die here, not many people will be sad. You don’t find wives and mothers here.”
“I will certainly be sad,” Buck put his finger on your lips to caress them gently. “Let’s not talk about it tonight.”
You nodded your head and let his fingertips trace the corners of your mouth. You opened your lips slightly and he froze for a while, trying to read on your face if you wanted what he had thought that you wanted. Eventually, you gave him a slight nod and he slowly put his fingers inside your mouth.
You sucked on them and looked up to give him doe eyes. His pupils darkened and you smirked at the sight. You felt his muscles tightening, too.
You raised your hands to grab his wrist and pull his fingers out of your mouth.
“Do you want to touch me?” You asked.
“Yes, please,” he nodded and you giggled at how well-mannered he was.
You guided both of his hands on your breasts and you leaned back to get in a more comfortable position for you to rest and for him to grope you.
His long fingers worked on the bow on your chest and when the ribbons went loose, the nightgown opened, exposing your bare breasts for him to touch gently. You moaned at the sensation and he shushed you before burying his face in your neck to place small kisses and suck on your skin.
His hands were warm and big and he was using them so gently. His goal was not to play with your breasts mindlessly, but to fondle them and explore every inch of the exposed skin. You didn’t feel like a piece of meat, you felt like a sculpture being admired by an artist. And it was making you feel warm and wet between your legs, too. You began to slowly rub your thighs together to get some friction.
Buck moved his head up to place kisses on your jaw now and you reached back to caress his hair and pull him closer.
You wanted to ask him to touch you down there but you felt too shy to do that. You let out a whine instead.
“What is it, little one?” Buck hummed and laid his eyes on your face. He wanted to make sure you were alright. You looked at him, pleadingly. At first he was confused but then he looked down and noticed your crossed thighs. “Do you want me to touch you there, darling?” He asked and you nodded shyly, feeling your cheeks heating up. “Alright then,” he kissed your forehead. “Come here,” he helped you to move down in his arms so you both were laying down now.
You pulled your nightgown up – shyly but eagerly, too. And this time the eagerness won with the shyness. You felt as if you were about to explode at any given moment. You had no privacy on this base until now so you couldn’t remember the last time you would touch yourself. And having Major Buck Cleven touching you was enough to set your whole body on fire.
Buck raised your thigh gently and put it over his waist to get a better access to you and he carefully touched your clit for the first time. He was visibly surprised at how swollen and wet you already were.
You let out a moan and tugged on his shirt.
“What’s wrong, doll?” He stopped all the movement to make sure you were alright.
“I don’t want to have sex,” you admitted shyly and he furrowed his brows. “You can touch me but I don’t want to… I don’t want to go further. Not yet,” you told him. “I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t be,” he shook his head and kissed the top of yours. “Don’t be, little one.”
“I can touch you, too,” you proposed.
“Only if you feel like it,” he said.
“I do,” you assured him. “You can go back to touching me,” you added with a whine and he chuckled before letting his fingertips brush your clit gently.
God, he was a tease.
You focused on the bulge in his pants instead and you decided to tease, too. It was only fair. So you started with caressing it through the material of his pants, focusing on the tip for a while and then going all the way up. In the meantime, you were losing focus a few times from all the sensations he was making you feel between your legs.
“If you keep doing it like this, darling, I’m going to finish in my pants,” Buck chuckled.
“Really?” You looked up with a smile. “I want to see.”
“Oh, you’re naughty,” he shook his head and you felt a light slap on your pussy that made you widen your eyes. It was both slightly painful and incredibly pleasurable.
“Oh, so are you, Major,” you breathed out.
“You like that?” He asked and slapped you again as you whined. “You do.”
You both chuckled and leaned in for a kiss as your hands went back to rubbing and teasing. You were so lost in each other, you didn’t hear someone walking inside.
It was the loud bang of the door that made you jump up on the bed. You grabbed the blanket to cover yourself, absolutely terrified.
Thankfully, it was only Bucky. And he was completely drunk.
“Good evenin’,” he slurred out with a smirk, barely standing on his feet.
“What are you doing here?!” Buck snapped at him.
“Don’t mind me, I don’t have any idea what’s going on around me,” he admitted. “I think I wanted to start a fight, they threw me out. Some nice girl from the town gave me a ride home… To the base, I mean… So yeah… I’m banned from that pub,” he laid on his bed and started snoring half a minute later.
“I’ve never seen anyone falling asleep so fast!” You gasped.
“That’s Bucky for you,” Buck sighed.
“What now?” You asked.
“Well, he’s asleep…”
“No,” you interrupted him. “I can stay here for the night but I will not… No, it’s out of question,” you shook your head.
“Fine,” Buck sighed and left the bed. “Give me a moment, I need to go to the bathroom and cool down.”
“Yeah, okay,” you nodded your head and watched him walk away as you worked on your nightgown to tie the ribbons again in a bow.
When you were finished with that, you stood up and began turning Bucky around.
“What are you doing?” Buck asked you as he had just come back.
“He won’t snore so much this way and he won’t choke on his own vomit either,” you told him. “Help me, will you? He’s quite heavy.”
Buck helped you with that and he covered his friend with his blanket, too.
“It’s like tucking a kid to bed,” you giggled.
“Perhaps not the last time for us if we’re lucky,” Buck looked at you and your cheeks went hot at his words.
“Perhaps not…” you chuckled and extended your hands to take him back to bed and cuddle for the rest of the night.
Cuddling was nice, too.
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thoughtsforsoob · 3 months
Cute aggression with txt?
a/n: I will say this many more times but thank you so much for requesting and I am so sorry this has been rotting in my inbox :( im going to try to get better at writing more often. I took a little break (abruptly but it still happened!) but now I am back. OMG dreamies announced their tour today and I am so excited for US dates to be released. are you guys concert people because I sure am. ive been to tons. feel free to ask me about them in inbox and tell me about your experiences and anything else! please enjoy! (pics not mine! found on Pinterest!)
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OMG he is the king of cute agression
he just finds you so adorable!
he loves doing it in public because you get so red and embarrassed when people turn in your direction
when you do it to him though...hes begging you to stop
"baby please! im not cute, Im handsome!"
he honestly is more a receiver but can give it occasionally
he loves it when you gently pinch his cheeks and kiss his face all over
hes not a fan of the big squeezes but he lets you anyway because be loves you
he loves when you tackle him down to the couch or bed just because you wanna cuddle
his favorite cute aggression to give is light tickling
its a competition between you both
who can give the best cute aggression...
he loves to give those bone crushing hugs that leave you gasping to breath
hes laughing at you but not for you because you pull him down towards you by his head and aggressively kiss his face
"EW! you're leaving spit on me !!!"
he's not really a giver in this are but most certainly a reciever
how could you not give cute aggression to this cutie pie??
I feel like he's very indifferent towards in but he ultimately isn't going to get mad if you squeeze him in a bone crushing hug or ruffle his hair a little rougher than you think you are
he just enjoys receiving your affection in any way possible
huening kai
he is notorious for this type of behavior :0
who would have guessed (moa...moa would have guessed)
he shows cute aggression when he sees you wearing his clothes or when you're doing something in a cute way
he once watched you take a sip of your coffee (or other drink) from the straw and he gently poked and pinched your cheeks when you were done
your cheeks just looked so cute as you were sipping your drink!!!
he can't help it
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leviathans-watching · 9 months
can i request a continuation of this post: (https://www.tumblr.com/leviathans-watching/655248256619724800/brothers-or-datables-with-an-mc-whos-given) if u havent already done so ? n if u have done a continuation than can u link me to the post :) ? thank
finally calling the dateables by a pet name
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includes: the dateables x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .6k | rated t | m.list | pt 1
a/n: this was a blast from the past! i hope you enjoy!!! my inbox is open to chat, req, and leave feedback so come say hi
please reblog this yall
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➳ diavolo frowns, thinking about your behavior towards him. you weren’t acting strange, warm and kind to him as ever, but he can’t help but feel a distance from you when he considers how intimately and familiarly you call everyone else. “what are you thinking so hard about?” you tease gently, giving him a smile, and his frown deepens. should he say anything? or would that be childish? you roll your eyes. “just spit it out,” you chasten, and so he does. “i was just thinking about how you never call me by a pet name. it’s not fair.” you can’t help but laugh; considering everything the demon lord and acting demon king has to focus on, he’s hung up on this? “you want me to? i just thought you might find it rude for me to discard your title. but i can call you by a pet name–in fact, i’d be glad to. how does ‘tiger’ sound?”
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➳ barbatos adjusts his collar slightly, unable to pinpoint why he’s so irritated. all you’d done is paused in your conversation with him to ask simeon to get something, weaponizing your pet name for him to make the job get done faster. oh, that was it. you’ve never once weaponized a pet name against him. he doesn’t know what kind of face he makes at the realization, but you notice something’s wrong and give him a questioning look. barbatos smiles thinly. “sorry, i hope you don’t mind the request, but can you call me a pet name? i’m afraid i’m feeling a little left out.” you blink at him, and he grows somewhat self-conscious. “sorry, forget it, it was a weird ask of you.” “no!” you hasten to reassure him. “absolutely, i will. now, baby, will you go help simeon? i think he’s struggling.”
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➳ simeon hasn’t really, you know, dated before. so it’s not unusual for him to do research, making sure he’s being a good boyfriend by looking at the most reputable of resources: teen girl magazines. but when he finds an article about ‘picking the perfect pet name for your partner’, he realizes you’ve never once called one another by a pet name. you call the others familiarly, but not him… he does what anyone would do and sets out to remedy that. “hey, mc,” he begins, “do you think we could call one another by pet names? this article says it’s a good way to further a relationship and deepen the bonds between a pair.” “just what are you reading?” you ask with a chuckle, but give in, quite liking the idea. “how does ‘sweetheart’ sound?”
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➳ solomon puts at you. “call me by a pet name! you call everyone else one but are only rude to me! it’s not fair!” you raise your brows. “fine. i had a few i wanted to try out anyway.” your easy agreement should have been a sign; you spend the next few days calling him every variation of pet name. it’s funny when you call him ‘studly’, mildly embarrassing when you shout ‘snuggle buggle’ across the cafeteria, and just plain annoying when you refer to him as ‘shortcake’ for an entire conversation. he gets back at you when you call him ‘wild thing’, stating, truthfully, that he likes that one and it’s a keeper. “fine, wild thing,” you smirk. “love you.” “i love you too, sugar plum,” he says, enjoying how your face contorts.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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xlovelybluebellex · 4 months
Caregiver Alastor x baby regressor reader who is very clingy
Guys I promise I’m going through my inbox, I swear. I just takes a little while 😭
Don’t Go
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You gazed up at Alastor, his eternal grin plastered on his face. The demon held a bottle to your mouth, letting you suckle it down like your last meal. You were always quite the hungry baby.
These were what afternoons were like when regressed. Alastor feeding you, the soft sound of jazz playing in the background, and his smile far more comforting than fearful to you.
It was perfect to you. The way he held you, how you felt no fear, and the tranquility of it all. A blanket sat beside you two, its soft texture desirable. You reached out, trying to yank the thing closer, making Alastor let out a small chuckle.
“My darling, always the handsy little tot.” He said, grabbing said blanket and handing it to you. You almost finished the last of your meal, his hand pulling it away slightly.
You watched him take it away once you were done, sitting you up and gently patting your back. You let out a tiny burp, letting a small giggle afterwords. “Well excuse you then, my fawn.” He said, tapping your nose and making you giggle more.
Just then, a knock was heard on the door.
You froze, looking up at Alastor in guidance as to what to do. “Relax, darling. Papa will take care of it, don’t you worry a bit!” He said, his tone basked in its usual forecaster sound. You let out a small whine, leading to him shushing you and placing a kiss on your head.
Alastor cracked the door open, his smile much less soft now. “What can I do for you, Husker my friend? You know I’m quite busy at this time, I am!” He said, the ‘I am’ in a sing songy voice.
“Yeah, well, so jackass outside was going off about how fucked up the hotel is. Vaggie would take care of it, but she ain’t in the mindset right now, much like someone else.” Husk said, gesturing to you.
Everyone in the hotel was quite aware of the relationship between you and Alastor, and frankly, no one cared. Most of them regressed with each other anyway.
Alastor’s smile deterred, but stayed nonetheless. His antlers grew, red clocks forming in his eyes. You whimpered a little, backing away. You hated it when Papa was mad.
The deer sensed your panic, slamming the door and turning, retaining his much less malicious grin. “Terribly sorry if I frightened you, my love. Everything’s alright, as always! Now, be a dear and wait for a moment while Papa goes to attend to some…business?” He asked, walking over.
Your lower lip trembled. You didn’t want him to leave, not now! You wanted him to stay and hold you and keep caring for you! “No.” You whimpered, hugging his waist.
“Oh, sweetheart.” He cooed, sitting down and letting you crawl your way into his lap. “I would love to take you with me, it’d be oh so much fun! But I’m afraid you wouldn’t enjoy this.” He said, petting your hair. You shook your head, gripping his waist.
He let out a small sigh, a soft look on his face now. He didn’t want to scare you, Satan no. But at the same time, it didn’t seem like you’d be letting go anytime soon.
“Alright then. But you will close your eyes at least. I can’t have my favorite little doll getting scared, now can I?” He asked in his signature radio voice. You looked up at him, a big smile on your face as you nodded.
“Wonderful! Now, let’s grab this,” He said, taking your pacifier from the side table and popping it in your mouth with a kiss to your nose. “And off we go! This shall be fun, won’t it? Bonding time!” He said, standing and carrying you off.
You giggled as Alastor locked the door to his ‘special room’ for his ‘new friends’ who need to be ‘taught a lesson’. At least, that was what you were told. You weren’t really allowed in there.
“Now, wasn’t that just lovely? Oh, the joy! So much fun, isn’t it my darling?” He asked, lifting you right back up and doing a little twirl. You laughed wildly, nodding.
The radio demon’s smile widened at that, taking you back to your room. He was glad you didn’t actually see anything that may have scared you. Sure, it would’ve been funny to see Husk or Vaggie fearful of him, but not you. Never you.
In fact, the whole fight had been short. It was just some old drunk imp from wrath complaining about the hotel. Saying it was ‘queer’ and ‘a fucking joke’.
Alastor detested people like that. He was cruel, merciless most of the time. But only a true monster would judge people on things like that. Sexuality, appearance, religion.
Nevertheless, Alastor would make sure that imp got what he deserved. However, he’d make sure the imp would wait in agony, fearing what would happen.
Then Alastor would do something much, much worse.
The demon was pulled from his sinister thoughts, by you grabbing onto his nose. “Handsy, are you?” He said, taking your hand off his face with a small chuckle. He normally didn’t like touch, but you were alright in that regard.
“Papa…” You yawned, leaning on his shoulder more. “Tired too, I see.” He said, gently situating you and opening the door with his power. “Perhaps a nice nap would do you some good, my fawn.” He said, shutting the door.
“Noooo!” You whined, squirming and clinging to him. “Oh, yes my love. I think a nap would be perfect for right about now.” Alastor said, setting his cane on the bed and laying you down.
You were already in pajamas, but a pull up would be ideal. Alastor didn’t really know how effective the controls were when you were this little. You whined as he grabbed one, snapping his fingers and letting the padding go directly onto you.
You had no idea how he did that, really. “Papa,” You whined through your pacifier, reaching for him. “What, my darling? What troubles my precious little one?” He asked, scooping you up and holding you close.
You shrugged, holding him tight. “Don’t go.” You said, sniffling. “Why, my love,” He said with a small, playful gasp. “I would never dream of it! You are far too interesting. Far too exquisite. I could never leave someone I’ve come to love so much.” He said, running a hand through your hair.
You sniffled again, letting him wipe one away. “No tears, sweetheart. You’re quite alright. Now, let’s relax and enjoy some sounds.” He said. You perked up at that.
“And no, not that noisy box that you find so entertaining.” He said, turning on the radio and letting jazz enter the room. You pouted a little at that, but stayed quiet. Alastor never let you watch TV when little.
The radio demon then managed to conjure up a rocking chair, taking a seat and draping a blanket over you. “Sleep, my dear. I shall be right here the second you open those darling little eyes.” He said, kissing your head softly.
You nodded, drifting off with your cheek against his coat and a pacifier bobbing in your mouth.
Ok, didn’t realize how much I love Al. Btw, that gif is how he looks at his little
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queermania · 5 months
I don't want to start drama and I don't expect you to respond to this but I think you deserve to know what's being said about you. tumblr. com/transfagbenny/738678589192552448/and-id-appreciate-if-we-stopped-using-the-terms
i actually am going to address this because this person has been lying about what's been going on for months and they've apparently been harassing other people for months if not years, so. it's time to put an end to this.
before i start though i want to make it abundantly clear that if you take this as an opportunity to do anything other than block this person, then you are trash. do not send him messages. do not tag him in things. do not harass him in any way. leave him alone. if you need to block, do so and then move on. hate mail and harassment is disgusting behavior and i don't want to be surrounded by anybody who engages in it. and if you do it on my behalf, i think you are worthless and i want nothing to do with you.
so, this is what happened: back in february of 2023, an anon asked me if i had any opinions that would get me canceled with the dean girlies. i replied, "oh now we’re talking!! hmmmm let’s see. i don’t care about benny at all. deanbenny does nothing for me. deanbenny is dust. it is dust. drowley rights forever" and i did not tag it because i'm not an asshole. bear then sent me a message that at the time i thought was funny/cute because his url reflected that he was obviously a huge benny fan. we had a very cordial exchange. everything was good. we chatted a little bit about how neat it would've been if benny had been played by a black actor and how the racism problem with gordon would've been fixed if gordon had been played by a white actor. not all of our conversation is visible anymore (and i also don't think all of it was on this post anyway) because i've since blocked him so his replies no longer show up on my posts. the point is: everything was fine. it was a good tumblr exchange. he continued to follow me. i did not follow him then or at any point.
the problem is that he kept coming onto my posts and into my inbox to try to make things about benny. that is not okay. i had already said that benny was a character (and deanbenny a ship) that i was not interested in. to me, this is an obvious boundary i've established that he repeatedly crossed. it's not an egregious violation, obviously. more than anything it's annoying. what he should've done, if benny was that important to him, was unfollow me and move on. but he didn't and i indulged him for awhile but at a certain point i thought, "okay maybe if i stop indulging him, he'll take the hint." so i stopped responding. he did not take the hint. he got worse and he even started commenting on things that he couldn't make about benny, just to willfully misinterpret things i said and taking them completely out of context. unfortunately, i don't have receipts for any of this because at the time i didn't know it was going to become an actual problem (however I have since learned that this is an established pattern of behavior he engages in, so you can probably find examples on other people's blogs).
it got so annoying, though, that i very carefully broached the subject in a private server with people i trusted. without naming any names or using any incriminating language (i.e. not specifically referencing benny), i basically said that there was someone being annoying about a specific character on my posts and i wasn't sure what to do about it. immediately, a handful of people replied with some variation of "the benny stan? he's been doing that to me too." i do have receipts of this (and an entire server to back me up) but i hope you can all understand why i'm not going to provide those or name names (or ask anyone to get involved publicly). the point is, it became apparent that i wasn't the only one and this was a pattern of behavior. i also learned during that conversation that bear has a history of harassing people and calling someone racist or a transphobe if they block him.
at that point, i decided not to rock the boat. i would just continue to ignore him and maybe he would get bored and move on. well that obviously didn't happen. he kept doing it and as a fun added bonus, he started to make vague posts about me. the thing is i don't actually care if he vagueblogs about me. it's his blog. he can do whatever he wants. it's none of my business. i mean i personally think he should've just unfollowed but, again, his blog, his choice. it is annoying that every single time he would do it, someone would send me a link or a screenshot of him doing it, but that's not really his fault. so, again, i just ignored it.
this is where we get to the incident in question. after a private discussion among a small group of friends, i posted this obviously joke poll at the insistence of @letterstothedevil, a tumblr user who has given me permission to include her in this.
the original message about the poll:
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the permission:
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now EYE think it's abundantly clear that the poll was a joke amongst friends, but maybe it wasn't, and i'm not going to fault anyone for not magically knowing that. i am, however, totally willing to fault someone for being a gigantic asshole. bear commented on the post and i, admittedly, gave a somewhat dismissive response because at that point i was so tired of him being willfully obtuse and twisting every little thing i said that i just didn't want to bother. he then went and made a series of not-at-all-vague posts calling me racist and claiming that i simply do not care about the racism in the show and it's obvious because i've never ever discussed it on my blog (which is a hilarious lie given that i'd specifically discussed it on my blog with him). at that point, there was no reason not to block him. he was already doing the thing that i didn't want to deal with. so i did. and i thought that would be the end of it.
again, i was wrong.
i then started to get anon messages daily about benny and deanbenny and how i'm racist for not liking benny, etc. this was harassment that EYE was on the receiving end of. nobody else was a victim of the messages i was being sent. they were sent to me and it is not my job to make sure other people are protected from the harassment that i am experiencing. i'm pointing this out for two reasons: 1. because i did try to protect bear from it for awhile anyway. i knew that people would assume it was him and at the time i was still giving him the benefit of the doubt, if for no other reason than the fact that i didn't think he could send me messages since i blocked him. and 2. because when i did finally start to respond to some of the messages, bear acted like he was somehow the victim in all of this (and continues to act that way to this day).
i don't know if bear had (or currently has) anything to do with any of the messages i get (which, thankfully, have slowed considerably). what i do know is that at no point during any of this happening did he stop looking at my blog and vagueblogging about me.
when i finally did answer a few of the messages, bear had a bit of a meltdown about it. i know this because he used a separate account that i hadn't know existed to message me and because he talked to one of my friends about it. (i'm not going to name that person but if they want to get involved publicly of their own accord, that's up to them lol). i'm also not going to share screenshots of what bear said to me because he explicitly asked me not to (it's also the reason i'm not sharing screenshots of the numerous receipts i have of the things he's said and lied about on his blog but, unless he's deleted any of them, you can go and find the posts yourselves.) what i am going to share is that in the message he sent to me, he flat out lied about his behavior. he told me he hadn't been vague-blogging about me, that he would never ever do that about anyone, and that he would certainly never harass someone (all things that i have receipts of him doing).
it took me awhile to respond to this message because i was still trying to be gracious about the whole situation. i recognize that he is much younger than i am and i think it's important for me, as a full blown adult, to take that into account. i had a private discussion with a few trusted friends about how to handle this because it was important to me to not let him off the hook for his behavior and for lying just because he's young. this is what i ended up saying:
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his response was to double-down on his lies (while, hilariously, vague-blogging about me and the whole thing) and then go into victim mode about something so completely unrelated and far-fetched that i decided i simply wanted nothing to do with him ever. (this is when he asked me not to share screenshots, so i won't, but this is me saying that i have ALL of the receipts, bear, so if you continue to lie, you will not like what happens.) i blocked his alternate account and tried to ignore him.
the harassment continued. again, i have no idea if he was actually part of it. the vagueblogging continued. he started to do it to other people he associated with me. many of them blocked him because of his behavior. i continued to answer some of the hate i received, continued to ignore and/or block most of it. it got so bad that i was sent seizure bait on more than one occasion, one time bad enough that i actually ended up going to the ER. there are receipts of all of this, too. you can see on my blog the messages i've been sent. i think at one point i even shared a snapshot of what my inbox looked like. i've shared privately with friends (who can confirm if they want to, but no pressure) screenshots of the kinds of messages i get that i don't respond to. the point is, that for a period of months, i was relentlessly harassed. and at no point during this time did i say anything to or about bear (or anyone else). the most i've done is respond to messages that have been sent to me. i've largely sat quietly while this thing happened to me and bear continued to make posts about me and act like he is somehow a victim in this. he's assumed things about me and my identity. he's violated boundaries i've set. he will not let this go. and i'm not the only one he's doing it to.
i'm so fucking tired of it. leave me alone. leave my blog alone. leave my friends alone. leave any and all of the people who have blocked you for your own inappropriate and obnoxious behavior alone. that's it. that's the end. none of this would be happening if you would just respect other people's boundaries. i don't want you on my blog. i do not want to interact with you. i don't want anything to do with you. that's it. the end.
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writingstoraes · 11 months
begin again 🌷 (split pt. 3)
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!reader
type: instagram imagine, social media au
notes: the long awaited part 3! this took so long only cause i had no idea how i want it to go lol anyway i hope u guys love this one :D lmk what u think!
about: almost a year after your split with charles, fans take a trip down memory lane and wondering why the two of you seemed to have watered things down after soft launching other people months ago. a bunch of rumors also set twt crazy along with speculations at your paddock appearance where you apparently support ferrari.
read: part 1, part 2 (can read on its own, but the parts provide context hehe)
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liked by isahernaez, lilymhe, landonorris, and 231,298 others
yourusername back at the happiest place on earth ❤️
lilymhe Have fun, love xo
yourbff Looking that good just to watch a race????
charliez1655 miss mam twt is on fire we all miss you 😪
leclercsluv wdym shes almost always at every race ricciardoshooey no they meant w charles lol
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yourusername recently added to her instagram story!
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Now playing: Charles Leclerc, 2023 Austrian GP, Post-Sprint Shootout Interviews
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liked by yourbff, lilymhe, carlossainz55, and 210,593 others
yourusername on a wednesday, in a cafe, i watched it begin again
lecslover looking GOOD AS HELL QUEEN
sainzplaylist god shes back to the man shes been soft launching i think i am going to be: sick
1655lecs that might be charles, we don't know 🙏 sainzplaylist yeah i think its time we let that go lol
wagsqueens mam im sorry wym by begin again???
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liked by pierregasly, finemidnights, carlossainz55, and 982,221 others
charles_leclerc It's nice to have a friend 🌅
tyreexpert u cant tell me thats not y/n 😪 she's his friend after all...
joris__trouche Looking sharp!
lecssainz16 war is over you guys theyre back at it i am in my acceptance stage now
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Some months later...
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, lilymhe, and 756,293 others
yourusername i am and willl always be your number one fan. words cannot encapsulate how proud i am of you; truly, you deserve all of this and so much more. congratulations, my love ❤️
it's nice to see you running towards me again :)
ps. yes we've been soft-launching each other the past months hahaha
livwatchraces i screamed when i saw you guys on the screen!!!
carlossainz55 Aaand they're back 🎉
charles_leclerc Thanks, number one shipper
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen, arthurleclerc, and 1,982,384 others
charles_leclerc Sunshine in human form.
A few months ago, I started hanging on to the fact that in good faith and in good time, things will eventually work its way out. Almost a year ago, it seems as if we have closed a chapter but today, we are living proof people who are made for each other can begin again.
Ce sera toujours toi 🤍 It will always be you.
scuderiaferrari We missed you tons, Y/N! ❤️
wagsf1 the queen of all queens is back we love to see it
lecslover it's years later and he still talks about her the same way he always have 🥹
sainzchamp The way theyve been soft launching each other all this time and that one rumor of Charles being with another girl was still Y/N 😭
yourusername sold our apartment already? too bad 😆
charles_leclerc I never actually sold it, if I did, I'd probably buy it back
tagging: @slytherheign, @honethatty12, @siovhanroy, @mehrmonga, @mess-in-side, @leclerc16s, @thelovehypothesis, @dakotali, @aldene-styles
notes: eeee and its finally done! cant believe it took so much time before i finished all three parts lol anyway thank you so much for those who waited for the part three (i see all the asks on my inbox and the comments ehehe) i really just didn't know how i wanted it to go so! i hope you guys love this and lmk what you think <3
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actual-changeling · 5 months
Welcome back to a meta post that was not supposed to exist, but I fucking love answering questions, so here we are.
i got an ask (the answer contains a tl;dr) about why I think Crowley has unstable relationship patterns, and the following will be a detailed look at why this is the case, how Aziraphale plays into it, and what it ultimately means for the two of them.
This won't be as unhinged as my usual analyses, so consider this a special edition of Alex's unhinged meta corner - now hinged.
As always, please remember that this is my personal interpretation—not a generalization—and that genuine questions are welcome, either here on the post or in my inbox!
Everything I will say is based on research I have done, books & studies, and many, many conversations with my therapist (and at points my psychiatrist too); just so you know I'm not making shit up as I go.
Now, in the context of trauma-related/based disorders, what exactly does it mean to have unstable relationship patterns, and how does it apply to Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship?
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Canonically, heaven does not care about what Aziraphale is doing and they are not keeping an eye on him. We know this both from references in the script and their dialogue and what we see throughout the show as a whole. That "fear" of being found out should he openly commit to Crowley is, for the most part, self-fabricated.
Yes, hell would potentially punish him (that potentially is another long post), but that is not something Aziraphale gets to take and use against Crowley, and the fact that does it anyway to 'prove' that he is not behaving incorrectly is a big issue.
What that leaves them with is a very common and well-known relationship pattern that requires a lot of self-awareness, control, and work to break it.
Aziraphale and Crowley get closer, spend more time together, their relationship grows and the intimacy increases, resulting in their behaviour changing to reflect that. They go on more romantic-coded dates (e.g. 1827, whatever the fuck 1941 was), eat together more frequently, drink together and feel comfortable enough to get drunk drunk while in each other's company—which always carries the inherent risk of doing something 'forbidden' while their impulse control is lowered.
I think the second episode of season one is actually a great example for all of this. When they drive to Tadfield, there's a mutually respectful conversation, they tease each other, they bicker like an old married couple, and don't fall into blaming the other for the situation they're in. At the manor, they are openly flirting from the start, laughing about the paintball guns and blowing kisses to miracle away stains, and the wall slam scene honestly speaks for itself.
I wrote a detailed analysis of it right here, which contains the conclusion that the entire interaction was intentional and orchestrated by the two of them.
They are doing great, they're comfortable, intimate—both physically and emotionally—and their sides are already on their asses about the apocalypse, so why not commit to the relationship?
Because Aziraphale gets scared, scared of intimacy, scared of what it would mean for his life, scared of what it would force him to confront (his faith, mostly, which is another gigantic topic), scared of the changes it would bring to their relationship, scared of breaking out of the pattern they have been moving in since the very beginning.
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So he pushes, hard. He insults and denies and hurts Crowley to get as far away from all of that as possible. Push & pull, no matter when, no matter why, it's always the same.
At this point you might be thinking Alex, this is all on Aziraphale, how is this also Crowley's unstable relationship pattern? The answer to that question can be roughly summarized in one sentence:
He does not punish or discourage Aziraphale's behaviour.
There are NEVER lasting—if any—negative consequences for Aziraphale when he forces them into the push/pull dynamic, when he insults him, denies their relationship, calls him evil, you name it. No matter what Aziraphale does, Crowley always forgives and forgets and comes back to him, essentially resetting their loop. That way there cannot be any progress because they're not moving a single inch in either direction that isn't carefully organized and controlled by Aziraphale.
Why does Crowley not confront him? Because he is scared too.
Now, THIS is the part where I explain why I said Crowley has unstable relationship patterns. It is important to understand that Aziraphale's kind of instability is only one possible manifestation, and that they are—broadly speaking—on opposite ends of the spectrum, which not only makes them incredibly compatible, but also makes them worse.
Crowley is terrified of losing Aziraphale permanently and being on his own. God rejected him, heaven rejected him, hell rejected him—his life as been one traumatic incident after the other with a strong focus on abandonment and neglect, especially from people he cared about.
He says himself that Aziraphale is his only friend, he doesn't have anyone or anything else. The bookshop is Aziraphale's anchor, but Crowley has nothing except the Bentley and whatever Aziraphale allows him to partake in. Hell can take his job, his flat, punish and torture him as they please, and make his life, well, hell.
With the Bentley only appearing in the early 20th century, for 99% of his life he had nothing except for Aziraphale, his best friend, the person he loves.
So what does he do? He clings, he circles him and tries to push his orbit just a tiny bit closer whenever there's a gap he can use, trying to solidify their relationship. Terrified of being abandoned again, he swallows and ignores everything and anything negative.
The final fifteen are the FIRST TIME that Aziraphale asked him for something and he said no without changing his mind later—and it was literally the worst case scenario, the one boundary he has that he is not willing to cross for him, literally the barest minimum.
Every other time he relented, gave in, apologized for something that wasn't his fault, have Aziraphale everything he wanted from Hamlet over shooting a gun at his face to giving him the Bentley. Crowley's primary objective is to do whatever it takes to avoid being abandoned, so whenever Aziraphale DOES push back and abandons him/says that he will, he panics. He panics even more when there is an outside source threatening Aziraphale's presence in his life.
Look at how frantic he is when he finds Aziraphale after the bandstand, trying to say whatever it takes to get him to come with him. He does the apology dance, gives in when it comes to Gabriel, and never reacts to Aziraphale in a way that would prompt him to re-think the choices he is making, let alone stop doing the push/pull.
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His identity revolves around Aziraphale, his only relationship is with Aziraphale, he allows him to shape him to his liking as far as he can take and then some, he needs him to be happy, to enjoy himself, to live a life worth living—and Aziraphale needs him to be and do all of those things so he can keep up his behaviour.
They are dangerously co-dependent and just spiral deeper and deeper until they hit rock bottom and are forced to separate.
Look, I have BPD on top of everything else, I have been in a relationship with this exact pattern in Crowley's role, and it is fucking horrible. Absolutely unbearable. My ex-partner was like Aziraphale, pulling and pushing and pulling and pushing but on a daily basis, every few hours. No amount of talking or begging could get them to not behave in a way that would hurt me, and I was so emotionally tied to them and terrified of being alone that just like Crowley, I relented every. single. time. A year and a half and they never, not ONCE, apologized for anything. Ever. Not for hurting me, not for being an asshole, nothing.
The only way I got out was with a lot of therapy, support, and so much emotional work I was having several panic attacks a day because I was so fucking exhausted. Crowley and Aziraphale separating was the best thing that ever happened to their relationship.
Now, Aziraphale is facing negative consequences for his behaviour and is forced to examine himself and deal with all those fears causing him to behave the way he does. Crowley on the other hand is now forced to learn how to exist without Aziraphale to orbit around—he needs to develop an identity that exists outside of Aziraphale, so he can have boundaries and stick to them.
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Chibs with a reader around the same age as Juice and they do it on Chibs’s bike at the club house thinking nobody is there but they get caught by a few of the members
Teach Me How to Ride.
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Synopsis - Chibs is teaching you how to ride (in more ways than one).
Pairing - Filip 'Chibs' Telford x Female Reader
Warnings - smut. cursing. age gap.
Age Rating - 18+
Word Count - 1k
Author's Note - thank you SO much for this request, anon. it made me feral. that old man owns me and i'm not sorry about it. always open to SOA and chibs requests. <3
Masterlist. Inbox.
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"Any weekend plans, darlin'?"
You smile at the blonde man sat on the other side of the bar you're wiping down.
"Nothing too exciting. I think I'm gonna try and get out on my bike."
His brows raise in curiosity.
"You have a bike now?"
"Yeah. Chibs is teaching me how to ride."
"I bet he is."
You roll your eyes at the snickers that come from the other guys who are dotted around the room.
"Real mature, Jax."
"Is he charging you for these lessons, or are you paying him in other ways?"
You put down your cloth and look up.
"I'll jump over this bar and beat your ass right now, Tig. Don't think I won't."
They all laugh, and you can't help but chuckle along with them. You know they mean well. They'd do anything for you, in a heartbeat.
Eventually, the sun sets, and all of the guys make their way home. You've been restocking the bar, not minding staying a little later if it means you get the job done.
You're crouched down filling the fridge when you hear a familiar Scottish accent echo though the clubhouse.
"You still here, sweetheart?"
You stand up and smile at him, grinning wider when he reciprocates.
"Still here. Trying to get my shit done."
"That's my girl. Always working ten times harder than the rest of us."
You laugh, throwing him a beer.
"You're here late. How did the run go?"
"All good, nothing to worry about," he winks.
You think back to Jax's comment earlier, and decide you've had enough of avoiding the truth. You want answers. You also just kind of want to know what he'll say.
"Why does everyone think we're fucking?"
Chibs practically chokes on his drink, taken aback by your sudden brashness.
"You heard me."
He takes a moment to process, before a slow smile etches itself onto his face.
"Why do you ask that?"
"Just something Jax said earlier."
"Ignore that bastard. He doesn't think before he speaks."
You chuckle in agreement, finishing up your jobs for the day.
"You wan' a ride home?"
You nod gratefully, making sure to lock up before walking over to where Chibs is leaning against his bike. He's parked by the door, under the shelter, obscured from the yard. He slips a helmet onto your head, before standing in front of you to do up the buckle. His rough fingertips slide under your chin, clasping the straps in place. He swipes a thumb over your bottom lip gently, eyes never leaving your face.
"You're too good for me," he murmurs. "Pretty young thing like you."
"Everyone already thinks we're fucking anyway," you whisper, smirk on your face.
He chuckles lowly, before leaning in to capture your lips with his. He kisses you with need, unbuckling the helmet he just put on you and dropping it to the ground. He's grabbing at you - your hips, your ass, anywhere he can find. You've got your hands tangled in his hair, yanking roughly when he bites your lip.
The two of you waste no time. Chibs is shrugging his jacket off while unbuttoning your pants, pulling them down. You're fumbling with his belt, undoing his jeans with shaky hands. You're both high on adrenaline, desperate to feel the other person. He smashes his lips back to yours and you groan, reveling in the way he tastes like smoke and peppermint.
Chibs grabs your hips and walks you backwards, twirling you around so you're bent over his bike. You can't help but laugh, remembering what Jax had said.
"What?" he chuckles into your ear, hot and heavy against your back.
"Nothing," you giggle. "I'll tell you later. You gonna fuck me, old man, or just stand there?"
He growls under his breath and smacks your ass as punishment, smirking when you whine.
"You gonna ask me nicely, sweetheart?"
At this point, you're not above begging. Besides, you know it'll do wonders for his ego, and you don't entirely mind that.
"Please, Chibs," you whinge. "Waited so long for this."
"Oh, ya have?" he coos. "Better not keep you waitin' then."
In one smooth thrust he slides home, both of you groaning in unison. He plants a hand on the back of your neck, the other with a firm grip on your hip, providing him with leverage. He sets a steady, even pace, careful not to knock the bike over.
He tilts his hips upwards a little and you keen, seeing stars.
"Right there? Yeah? That's it, isn't it?"
You only nod in response, holding onto the motorcycle for dear life. You trust him, though. You know he won't let you fall.
"Fuck, darlin'. You feel so good."
"So close," you choke out.
"I know, I know. Can feel you squeezin' me. Come on, that's it. Good girl."
The lilt of his accent combined with the glide of his hips is lethal, sending you over the edge in no time. You see stars, heart racing and mind blank.
Your undoing is also Chibs'. He groans as he finds his release, leaning over to rest his head between your shoulders. You're both panting, chests heaving as you recover.
After a moment, the bike groans, and you both jump up, laughing as you do it. You're redressing, Chibs stealing kisses from you, when you hear a voice cut through the darkness.
"Well, shit. I was only kidding earlier."
You can hear Jax's teasing drawl before he comes into view, cocky smirk drawn across his face.
You groan as Chibs rolls his eyes and throws his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him. Both of you know you're not going to hear the end of this for a long time.
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dee-the-red-witch · 3 months
Fresh month, fresh pinned bio....
Why did I decide to do it this way again? Oh, right, because it's FUN.
Anyways, Hi.
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I'm Dee. 46 year old trans woman. On HRT for almost 3 years now. Queer lesbian. Poly and kinky. Absolutely Not Your Responsible Adult (I will not screen off porn, sex positivity, body positivity, and a few other things. if you need censor your own experience for whatever reason, don't follow me, because I will not censor myself for you.)
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Got the basics? Good. Now for the advanced. I still don't know what a jerma is, nor do I want to, I don't sell content, I do absolutely support those who do, and so should you. Yes there's a discord. Yes you have to actually ask me for an invite. No, I really am only 5'6". Yes, I'll still record voice requests, even scripted bits. No, you may not call me mommy. I work full time when I'm not being a mom (which has, unfortunately eaten a LOT more of my time than normal this year) as an artist, writer, and leatherworker. You'll find a lot of it available for purchase right here: http://tormentedartifacts.com Here's a few highlights:
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I'm also working on teaching myself tattooing, both on myself (Over the last 4 years, yes most of the ink in my selfies was done by me) and a few other willing victims. Which also means building up a collection of flashwork to put on people. Here's some of that:
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I'm a writer and occultist as I said before as well, and my first book and companion tarot deck are available through my site, or you can catch me doing weekly card readings and media reviews over here.
The absolute biggest thing right now, though, is my surgery fund- My Gender Confirmation and Facial Feminization operations both happen this November over a two week span, and I'm trying to get enough in to cover my stay and the downtime I'm going to have to take off from everything up there.
So here's the link for my GoFundMe for that.
if you can kick in on that, or just spread word around of it elsewhere, I'd REALLY appreciate it.
Terfs, swerfs, bigots, conservaties, and other fash can fuck directly off. Tipping should be mandatory. Plastics suck, and yes that includes your vegan leather do not start me on that rant. Landlords and borders should be immediately expunged. Give the fucking Land Back. Do make it weird, do it alone if you have to, don't make it creepy. Start HRT if you haven't already. Do make it terrifying, otherworldly, and possibly even wondrous. Buy more leather.
Otherwise, that's it. My inbox or messages are open if you've got questions
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saey707 · 7 months
Hello I love your work and I saw you opened up requests for the Heartsteal boys so I was wondering if I could request a scenario/short with Kayn and a significant other with a self harm problem/tendencies, only if you're comfortable and not too busy of course. Anyway have a good day!
✿ Prompt: Kayn worries about you ✿
♡ champion focus: kayn ♡ tw: self harm ♡ Gender-neutral reader
Author’s Note: Hi there! I hope all is well on your end!! (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ ) Thank you for your request! My inbox is a bit flooded right now from all the Heartsteel requests, so being busy is unavoidable! ૮₍。´ᴖ ˔ ᴖ`。₎ა I hope I was able to convey Kayn's love clearly in this one. Hope you enjoy! ଘ(੭´꒳`)°* ੈ‧₊˚
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After Kayn discovered you had severe depression and anxiety, his attitude towards you changed. Sure, the witty remarks and the occasional teasing never went away, but Kayn eased up. The last thing he wants to do is make you feel bad if he accidentally says the wrong thing (which he has done on several occasions before finding out...). As a result, he began to speak to you in a gentler tone and would frequently ask you how you were feeling.
Kayn absolutely hates it whenever you're upset. If there is one thing he always wants to assure, it's that you're happy and well.
It can be difficult for him to understand how you're feeling, given he has a... different sort of mental illness. But when he has his rather infrequent outbursts as Rhaast, he understands how isolating mental illness can make a person feel. He doesn't want you to feel that way.
"You didn't... today, did you?" Kayn always beat around the bush with potential trigger words, but that wouldn't stop him from asking, all in an effort to assure you weren't hurting yourself.
"No." You respond quietly, Kayn breathing a sigh of relief. He dropped down on the couch beside you, shutting his eyes as he began to ease against you, leaning on your arm.
"You know I worry about you-" "You shouldn't."
Biting his tongue, Kayn turned to you, confusion written in his expression. In a way, he sometimes didn't understand why you shut him out. And that can be a bit frustrating.
But for you, he was willing to be a bit patient.
"You know you can talk to me, right? We've been together for years now." He pointedly spoke, watching as you hesitated and turned yourself away from him. Your back faced him, and he could do nothing more than stare.
Slowly, he reached forward, pressing his chest against your back, pulling you into his embrace. You looked up at him, watching him pepper your face with kisses. Lowering your head, you turned again, wrapping your arms delicately around him.
"I just want us to be honest with one another." He mumbled against the top of your head. You hum in response, pulling back ever so slightly.
"I did." He was confused with what you just said... Well, until it hit him. His wide eyes softened, watching as you pulled down your sleeve, revealing the freshly bandaged cuts that ran along your inner arm.
You hid these scars and cuts from him. You hid them from everyone. You put them in a place where nobody would be able to see them. Because to you, they became the most personal part of yourself. A piece of your vulnerability and weakness.
But Kayn didn't think it was a weakness. To him, it was a sign of your strength. It was the most personal parts of yourself, revealed to him out of your trust and faith in him.
For that, he couldn't help but love you more. He couldn't help but have a deeper desire to take care of you, and never let you go a day thinking he would betray your trust in him.
Kayn's fingers wrapped around your wrist, slowly lifting your arm to reveal the myriad of scars that littered your arm from the distal portion of your shoulder down to your forearm.
His lips pressed against each one of them, eyes occasionally lingering up to ensure he was permitted to do this. You let him.
"How are you feeling?" He asked, his cheek pressing gently against your forearm.
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