#ao3 anon ask
ao3-anonymous · 27 days
don’t you think saying you don’t care about the veracity of the data because you’re having fun watching the fandom get dunked on and simultaneously saying it’s irrelevant and the fandom should be glad that you brought attention to it is kind of a dick move? a fandom that only has 200 works probably didn’t want a whole lot of attention. I’m a data scientist and I feel like you have to understand the responsibility of data and your following especially if you’re not going to make sure that it’s correct.
Okay I wasn’t going to respond to this but apparently this needs to be addressed because this is not the only rude ask in my inbox.
I built and maintain this dashboard covering SIX MILLION fandoms for free. I have been making these posts highlighting fun fandom trends EVERY WEEK for free.
This is not my job and I do not get paid for this.
I spent hours last week rewriting my code to account for the new AO3 privacy changes to bring y’all correct fic counts including locked fics again. Then I spent another couple hours writing a script to calculate the percentage of locked fics in every single one of those six million fandoms and use that number to retroactively adjust the fic counts for the affected period.
So when it became apparent that somehow one small fandom did not get adjusted properly (and it’s quite feasibly not the only one), I just added a note to the original post, removed the TBS tag, and moved on. Because it didn’t seem worth any more of my free time to fix an issue that won’t be relevant next week since the underlying issue is already fixed.
My response was meant to be lighthearted (as are most of the responses to the original I’ve seen - idk where you got the idea that anyone is dunking on the TBS fandom). I thought it was entertaining that people were so excited/surprised to see TBS on their dash in 2024 and I made a joke about it reviving the fandom, while acknowledging that something was probably wonky with the data.
But overall, like everything in fandom, this dashboard and associated posts are not meant to be perfect. They are an act of love towards fandom that I put my best effort into and I expect people to understand that and respond with grace. I never intentionally mislead my followers and I try to acknowledge any errors when I find them, but anyone who expects perfection from a free blog needs to reconsider their own entitlement.
This kind of behavior makes me want to stop posting at all (since that’s the only way to guarantee there will be no errors). Please think twice before you send asks like this and if my methods do not align with your high standards, feel free to unfollow and create your own fandom stats blog.
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frownyalfred · 4 days
So. Someone was an asshole in your comment section or inbox.
Here are some steps you can take that aren't crying, murder, or giving up writing forever.
Taking a walk/exercise (great way to get rid of the adrenaline/etc that come up with intense feelings)
Ditching Tumblr/ao3/etc for the night/day (short break)
Deleting the ask/comment and any emails containing it
Writing the thing they were criticizing out of pure spite (if it's already present, double down and make it more apparent in the fic)
Turning off commenting on your fic and/or anon asks. No really, it can be a good break.
Telling yourself "I do this for free and my writing is awesome" or "I'm not going to let the turkeys get me down" or "what a sad insecure bitch, glad that isn't me" or some variation of the above.
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daydreamerwonderkid · 19 days
"Another AO3 author with too much time on his hands"
Where the fics at?
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gentil-minou · 1 year
why are you making such a big deal about people using ai to write fics lmao you act like its the end of the world. i do it and no ones caught on. there’s bigger things to cry about.
In a few years when you realize how much your "works" lack the intricacies and soul and depth of emotions that make us human, I hope you remember this and use it to grow.
I assure you, the person who is suffering the most from your use of an artifical generator to "write" and "create" is yourself.
I'm mourning the loss of someone who had the potential to use their real experiences and imagination to create something that touches others. I'm sad for you and the way you won't understand the struggle of creating art, and miss the most valuable lesson of all which is that the struggle is what makes art so incredible, so real, so human.
I'm sorry that you think a glorified search engine is a better writer than your own skills. I like to think I would have liked reading what you'd actually write. I think a lot of people who have appreciated that more. I'm sorry that you don't value your own skills enough, that you don't believe you're good enough to write on your own.
I'm sorry that you want so desperately to be liked and clicked on and praised that you are willing to lose what makes you you in favor of hollow attention that will undoubtedly fade away into nothing but empty words from an empty soul
I hope in ten years you realize what you lost by using a machine to regurgitate someone else's words for you. I hope that before then you create something that's all your own, that you share it the way art was meant to be created and shared. That you let yourself truly be heard.
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beescake · 5 months
have u read
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Thoroughbred - egomaniac - Homestuck [Archive of Our Own]
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literally my #1 fave most beloved dvkt fic heheh thanks for the opening! ive been itching for the chance to recc it (even dvkt antis 🫵 ur gonna like this one kisskiss give it a chance)
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ham1lton · 1 month
you said u read ao3 fics! what are your f1 recs?
ahhh!!!!! this is the best question you could have ever asked me like ever i love you so much. i’ve been dying to talk abt this for a hot minute. i opened myself up to any sort of ship mostly because i cared more abt the fic quality then the ship you know? kinda glad i did it because my fav ones are not necessarily ships i am a fan of. it’s really long so i put it under a read more!!
okay so number one has to be the fic that was my first fav f1 fic. this is steal the air out of my lungs (make me feel it). now this has a lot of elements that i love. guy who’s in his own head vs other guy who’s also in his own head but pretends he isn’t. also idk why but i’m always a sucker for a good medical au and this one fucking delivers!!! another maxiel fic i read was three rounds and a sound which has coffee shop owner daniel w/ stressed out student max. a lot of introspection but it’s also unfolding while the romance is. idk i just love this. it’s so good. last maxiel fic is come on, star boy which is a alt universe where daniel is the american guy he always wanted to be and max is the new transfer to his small town’s football team. it isn’t just incredibly written but everyone feels so real and vivid. i can visually see this in my mind everytime i read it. i listened to a lot of ethel cain while reading so that helped. i love this so much and the brocedes in the background?? you’ll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves youuu 🗣️
i’m not really a landoscar girl, i’m gonna be honest. however, where i am going is right where i am, is just incredible. alt universe where the drivers live on a street version of stars hollow? brocedes that influence everything even though they’re long over? charles being insane over max? pierre hating on esteban every second that is possible (i was laughing every time he would just cuss his ass out unprovoked) and annoying george being their street’s version of gilmore girls’ taylor?? what more do u need in ur life?? also oscar in this fic is just my dream man. i think a croissant from him would fix me. actually i read a lot of this author’s landoscar fics and they’re so cute i was sending kudos as much as i can. like already home! just want to bite them both and put them in my pocket. they’re so obviously in love i want to shake them down and scream and smoosh them together. lawyer!oscar i love you. check out their profile!! incredible writer :)))
i’m also not a galex truther but the two of us, in sympathy is so cute!! rich boy!george with broke junior doctor!alex. george attempting to court alex and just absolutely failing. i love it. they’re such a mess i need them in my life. also this loscar future fic is so intense but incredible. i’m really bad at describing but i binged it on my train home and i was really glad i did - i promised to forget you now.
the reason i even got into f1 aka brocedes. this fic i think was one of the first i read. on the faultline which is just amazing. i can’t recommend it enough. read it if u can. another fav is a brocedes threesome with their toxic fucking each other via proxy aka new money, and it’s all cash. cute brocedes!! nico thinks lewis is his sworn enemy but everyone knows otherwise. roseberg’s vs haminkton. this was so cute and funny. cause why was nico saying lewis, the owner of a tattoo shop was stealing business from him… when he owns a florists… he’s so dramatic i want to tuck him in my pocket. this job will take my sole has the same premise but they’re both shoe shops which makes a lot more sense. i just love stupid rivalries and dramatic nico.
now back to my sweethearts, the lights of my life, the fires of my heart - sewis. all of these fics have past brocedes just for context. every tongue should confess talks about religion and queer identity in such a nuanced and delicate way? i adored this fic. transmotion which is another alt universe with fashion designer!lewis and footballer!sebastian both figuring out their careers, themselves and their relationship. maybe together we can get somewhere - this is an mpreg fic which usually isn’t for me but it’s about seb and lewis going on a road trip for an abortion and it’s so good. honestly the ending line of ‘it’s a good feeling, to know that sebastian’s outstretched hand is right there.’ it just stuck with me. i loved it. the numbering at bethlehem which is thee sewis fic to me. professor au?? this was made for me. like perfectly moulded. everything about this is art. i could do a full essay on this fic. just read it, it’s incredible. just amazing. sebastian as the child prodigy who has nowhere else to climb?? i love them both in this fic so much!!! tnab sewis get behind me!! i’m gonna protect u!!
okay i’m sorry this is so long. i just love art. i love writing. i just love the work these authors’ have spent putting together these masterpieces for free!! check them out!! leave kudos!! comment!! <3
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j0kers-light · 11 months
Joker, but with a virgin reader who barely understands sex stuff cuz they grew up overly sheltered and innocent, so he essentially has to teach them through it and introduce some kinky stuff to them
His Lighthouse: Sweet Girl (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
Sweet Girl - Oneshot
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Author’s note:  
Hey hi anon!! I am so sorry it took me an entire week to fill this request! I got carried away and went down a perfectionist spiral trying to envision Joker in this situation. It was difficult to keep him in character but still caring enough for Y/n who is virtually clueless! I hope you enjoy the story!
You can find part two here!!
@blackreaderatrisk @twinkledinkle @clemdango04 @l3ejm @tears-of-amber @what-an-angel @darthjokerisyourfather @thatsnoteii @dollster @cheetahspy @kaidennnnn @urdariingdoll @motivation-idontknowher
Let me know if you want to be added to the His Lighthouse taglist!    
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You are truly his sweet girl in every definition of the word. 
Joker's sweet little doll he so desperately wants to defile. He greatly admires your innocence and the way you view the world. Joker wants nothing more than to continue sheltering you, but he's at his wit's end holding back his passion.
Everyday his patience wanes and it's only a matter of time before he pounces on his prey. You.
He wants to sink his teeth into your skin and hear you cry out in pleasure with every snap of his hips. He wants to see your brain turn off from an overload of pleasure. It's not a want anymore but a need. He needs to break you.
He can't wait anymore and judging by your coy smiles and teasing touches, he knows you want this too.
Although Joker should've known something was wrong since things between you and him never advanced any further than kissing. You would shy away the minute he grabbed your hips or tried to remove any article of clothing from you.
He should have noticed the telltale signs.
Months of hiding at your place in your pink little bubble, far far away from mean old Gotham City, and all that Joker had to show for as process with you was cuddling or making out.
Nothing more, nothing less. It was frustrating for sure.
Joker knew you were attracted to him; he saw it in the way your eyes widened and lingered on him.
You would bite your lip whenever he purposefully let his shirt ride up or whenever he picked you up to show off his strength. He even came out of the shower dripping wet without a towel once— you tucked tail and ran to your room.
Joker was using every trick in the book to get a reaction from you, however; you stayed demure and kept your hands to yourself. It was maddening!
Even at night when the two of you were preparing for bed, (separately, much to his irritation) he'd pull you close and rock his hips into yours.
"Wanna sleep with meee tonight, baby doll?" You would flush red and wiggle out of his arms before stampering out a million no's and vanish from sight.
Joker hated hearing your door slam close but what could he do? He was running out of options.
There were so many clues in front of him regarding this dilemma but the truth finally came to light one day he had you trapped underneath him on the bed.
No more running. No more excuses. He was claiming you tonight.
He was attacking your neck with kisses and actively grinding his hard on into your pretty shorts. The skimpy things you wore around the house tested his limited sanity! Were you trying to seduce him? Bravo, because you succeeded. And he was supposed to be impervious to your charms and be a gentleman. Screw that.
Your body was a prize to be had and Joker waited long enough to have it.
He had the helm of your shirt balled up to your abdomen when you froze. "W-Wait um Joker. I-I.."
"Shhhh little bunny.. I just wanna see ya."
You didn't like that and tried pushing Joker up and off. How did he get you on the bed in the first place you wondered?
Joker noticed your aversion to his touch and growled in annoyance. Every freaking time he tried to get closer with you; you pushed him away. He had enough. He no longer had any patience to deal with this anymore.
"What's the deal, hmm? You don't li-ke me anymore?"
Your eyes immediately locked with his. "N-No! I like you.. it's just..." You wavered.
"Just whaT? Hmm? Tell me bunny! Open that pretty... little mouth of yours and tell me."
You did the exact opposite. You bit your lip and looked away from Joker. Your selective shyness was rather annoying at this point and Joker let his frustrations be known.
"You're such a cocktease ya know that? Runnin' around in these shorts and things making those little... noises when ya think I don't notice. Yeah, I hear em doll. You're killing me but the second I touch ya, this happens!" Joker gestured at you cowering away from him.
"What are ya, some virgin or something?" He sighed to himself. But then he looked down at you in shock when he heard your soft yes.
Oh. He was a f___king idiot.
You were holding back tears and the second Joker realized his mistake and touched your arm, they burst to the surface.
"Ohhh.. Bunny noo. Look at me." You did and shined your e/c at him. "There she is.. my sweet girl. Why didn't you tell me?"
He lied back on the bed and dragged you with him to recline on his chest. You were perfectly fine cuddling with J. Anything else after that was scary.
He couldn't see your face since it was buried in his shirt so you answered him truthfully.
"I.. I thought you knew.." You mumbled. Joker smacked his lips and started stroking your hair. You left it down today and he loved its wild, untamed state.
He really didn't know and he felt stupid for not realizing it sooner and for making you feel uncomfortable around him. He worked so hard in the beginning to make you not fear him. He didn't exaggerate his words as much, he cut down on his fear tactics around you, virtually everything about himself was altered to gain your trust.
You were a timid little thing, eager to help him hide from the GCPD in exchange for nothing. You cooked, cleaned, kept him company (just not sexually) all with a smile on your face. You were so naïve yet brave, of course Joker fell for you!
You laughed at his silly jokes and that smile of yours was worth losing pieces of himself to appease you. He'd do anything to make you happy.
But Joker wanted more. He wanted to be selfish.
He wanted to corrupt your sweet and innocent demeanor and mold it to his will. He wanted those big doe eyes of yours to cloud over with lust and your full plump lips to stretch around his cock as he choked you with it.
He knew you'd be perfect underneath him; you were already such a sweet thing. A true people pleaser; doing any and everything to make his stay at your place more enjoyable.
What he would really enjoy is your pussy milking his cock for what it's worth.
It's all he thought about these days but you couldn't handle him removing your shirt, how in the world would he train you to be his cum-drunk bunny?
But Joker loved a challenge and you... you were worth the hassle.
"I never wanna scare my bunny away. She's so perfect, and oh so sweet. Too sweet.." He kissed you so softly, it made your head spin.
Joker pulled back before things started to get heavy, "But I realllly wanna taste ya more, Y/n. You trust me?"
You looked down and away until Joker chased after you. "No no nooo. None of that. Don't look away. I can teach you if you want."
"Teach me? But what if... What if I'm not good enough?" You whimpered.
That's what you were worried about? He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. This was all in your head.
"Won't know until you try." He sang back. You seemed to understand that much and shifted your weight to straddle Joker more properly. He exhaled through his nose when you unknowingly rocked your hips into his dick.
"Okay. I think I wanna try now. Is that okay? C-Can we try right now, J?"
How could he say no to such a sweet request? You were so embarrassed yet enthusiastic about this, it made him go crazy. He kept his hands behind his head and sighed.
"Depends... How far ya wanna go?" He asked.
"What do you mean? How far with what?"
It took everything in Joker not to groan in frustration. Did your parents not teach you anything about sex? What kind of upbringing did you have to not know anything?
Joker wasn't sure if he could handle teaching you from scratch but everyone had to start somewhere.
"What do ya know about sex, Y/n?"
He watched you squirm and bite your lip. You had to know something to be interested and he would wait to see what he was working with before going further.
"Um.. the doctor at the clinic said it shouldn't h-hurt if my partner um.. p-preps me enough with foreplay. I think that means kissing and cuddling but once she brought out two dolls and started talking about positions I.. she lost me."
Joker was lost too. "Doctor?"
You nodded and wiggled your hips against him. You seriously had to stop doing that..
"I went to get checked after I saw you come out of the shower that day. I got really wet and uncomfortable um, d-down there, and nothing I did made the feeling go away. S-So I panicked and went to the clinic! It was super embarrassing but I think I understand the logistics of it all a little better. Joker? Are you okay?"
You poked his cheek since he looked spaced out and he had every right to be.
Horny. You were horny and didn't know why. Nothing you did made the feeling go away and he remembered back to that night when you trapped yourself in your room.
Just what all did you try? Did you get yourself off? How did you do it?
And then everything clicked. Your lingering eyes, the tiny shorts and flimsy tops. Those f__king thigh high socks... You started wearing them more and more frequently after his little shower stunt. Your body wanted him even if your brain didn't comprehend.
He was gonna have so much fun corrupting you.
In the blink of an eye, Joker had you flat on your back with your arms above your head. You were in shock, it happened so fast.
Joker let out a shaky exhale and looked you over.
"Next time you feel wet, come to me. I'll help.. relieve that pain, mkay? Do you feel wet now?" He asked as he grinded his knee into your sex. You jerked in his hold and winced.
"Um, a little.. that feels funny."
"Describe it to me." Joker purred into your ear. He trailed kisses down your neck to distract you from noticing he was lifting your top up.
Stupid thing wasn't covering anything, it was so thin.
"Ah! I-I feel warm and.. it aches.. but I don't know why. It's almost like there's an itch I need to scratch but I tried that!"
Joker had the brief image of your tiny hands poking and prodding your opening, trying desperately to soothe something only his cock could reach.
"Poor little bunny. Wanna know why it aches mmh?"
He heard you sigh out a yes. By then Joker was kissing your heaving chest and had an idea. Why remove your top the boring way? Nothing about tonight would be normal.
You gasped as Joker tore your top right off your body. Your breasts bounced from the action and Joker groaned seeing them already erect sans a bra. Just the perfect size for him to squeeze and worship. He was drooling already.
He locked eyes with you with a wolfish smile. "Cuz your greedy little pussy wants my cock.
"Y-Your cock?"
Joker groaned and leaned down to suck a nipple into his mouth while his hand got well acquainted with the other. It was so soft and tasted even better, but hearing your surprised moans was the topping on the cake.
You didn't know your breasts could feel so good but Joker's tongue swirling around the bud before his teeth bit it gently, was electrifying. It made the unknown feeling return tenfold.
"J-Joker! It's back! I feel weird again.."
Joker let your nipple go with a loud pop and gave the same attention to its twin but not without subtly rocking his hips into yours. Your wail was torturous.
"No! T-That's not it!" You sobbed even though your hips bucked up to meet Joker's. Something about the motion felt right, but it was missing a key element. Then you remembered Joker's comment.
"Can your umm.. cock fix it?"Joker groaned in pain. You would be the death of him. As if hearing you speak about it, his dick throbbed in his pants.
He looked up at your adorable pout and smiled. "Already using such ahh, vulgar language, baby doll. Goood girl. I knew your mouth was dirty."
He kissed down your stomach until he reached the band of your shorts. You braced your weight on your elbows to watch him. How was your mouth dirty? Did you say something bad?
Never mind that, Joker was finally addressing the problem dead on. "Are you gonna fix it, J?"
He looked up at you, a bit out of breath.
"I will bunny, just not yeT. The doc said I gotta prep you, remember? Don't wanna hurt my sweet girl now do I? Gotta hmm.. tr-eat her right.. Can I take these off?"
He asked so nicely, you couldn't say no. Anything to make this weird feeling go away, you'd do it.
You lifted your hips enough for Joker to slide your shorts and panties off in one fell swoop. Of course you didn't see him pocket said panties for safe keeping, but you quickly grew uncomfortable with the way he stared at your private parts.
Did it look weird? What if he didn't like it? You most certainly didn't. Any personal care was done as quickly as possible to avoid any unnecessary glimpses and you never looked at yourself the way Joker was right now.
He had yet to say anything but his unwavering gaze was starting to scare you. Did he have to stare for so long?
You whimpered and tried to cover your sex but Joker merely slapped your hand away. 
"Stop looking at me..." You whined. That finally got Joker to meet your eye. 
"Why not Y/n? Every part of you is sooo pretty. I wanna taste it..."
Before you could question the legitimacy behind his words, Joker licked your pussy with a guttural groan. The vibrations it left felt so good, you didn't realize you grabbed a hold of his hair. Joker didn't mind and quickly forgot about you being a virgin as he ate you out like a man on a mission.
"Soooooo sweet.. an' juicy.." He said in between licks.
Joker tuned out your startled babbles and pleas to savor the unique taste of your pussy. Your juices fell on his tongue like ambrosia and he lapped up every last drop that you steadily produced with gusto.
It was an honor to be the first to taste you and Joker pulled out everything in his bag of tricks to take you to the summit. Your first orgasm. F__k he wanted it all for himself.
He flicked his tongue over your clit and ever so gently slid his middle finger inside your cunt.
"Joker!" You screamed.
He chuckled as he eased it in up to his knuckle but met resistance. "Hush now baby doll. I gotta get ya loosened up to take something muchhh bigger than this..."
Something bigger? Your mind couldn't even fathom the thought. You writhed on his finger in a newfound agony until another sharp pain made you gasp.
Joker shushed you and kissed your clit as another finger slid its way into your tight hole. You were doing so well all things considered. Joker let endless praises fall from his lips in between kissing and sucking on your pussy. You seemed to unknowingly enjoy praise, if the fresh flow of juices from your slit were any indication. Joker twisted his wrist so his two fingers slid in deeper to scissor your hole wider. You were welcoming the foreign invasion but he could feel the restraint still lying dormant within you.
With every pump of his fingers, he made sure to stretch them just a bit deeper and a lot wider to further his goal. After a while, you relaxed around his two fingers and seemed to enjoy the new sensation he introduced to you.
He added a third finger even as you whimpered in protest.
"Shhh, you need thissss." Joker angled his fingers in a come hither motion to stroke your g spot directly. You jerked in shock and clamped down on his fingers.
"R-Right there, J..ahh yessss.."
Joker grinned when you practically melted to his touch. That 'itch' you kept going on about was finally being attended to. This is what you craved all along.
But something was happening. A pressure you never felt before was building and you knew it wasn't good.
"J-J..ok— ahh! I feel.. weird. I think I'm mmhph!! I don't wanna.." You cried out.
Joker saw your thighs twitching and grinned. He wondered when you'd get close. "Let it go Bunny. It's okay."
Joker's deep voice urged you on, where exactly— you were unsure of, but he was more knowledgeable than you here. Even though your brain protested the feeling, since the rising pressure resembled that of using the bathroom, you let your body's natural instinct take control.
"Listen to your body, Princess. She knows what's best."
You nodded at Joker's vague words and let the feeling build more and more. You felt hot all over and dizzy yet Joker would not stop until you crumbled completely under pressure.
He kept your thighs spread open and grinned like a certified madman as he sped up his fingers, pumping into your hole until it audibly gushed out. Almost there..
Something was happening within your body that you couldn't comprehend. Your ears were ringing and tears streamed down your face as a white hot coil snapped just underneath your navel.
You felt like passing out, it was so intense yet you moaned as waves of pleasure washed over you.
And Joker drank everything you gave. He watched you die and come back anew right before his eyes and it was such a sight to behold.
You came back shivering and weak but had enough strength to pose the question. "W-what just h-happened?"
Joker left a lasting kiss on your clit before he crawled up your body. It was flush with a sheen of sweat and desire and he showered every inch of it with affection on his travels.
"Did ya enjoy your first orgasm?" He mumbled on your shoulder. "I sure did."
"O-Orgasm? So... I didn't pee?"
Gosh you were so cute, he wanted to ruin you so bad.  "Mmhm. NoT quite. You came so hard for meeee. And ya taste so good too, see?"
Joker kissed you, letting you taste yourself on his tongue, although he laughed when you jerked back in disgust.
"That's not sweet! More like tangy and salty! Eww.. and you like that?" You said while wiping your mouth clean. You were still convinced you relieved yourself, however the texture was more creamier than liquid that told you otherwise.
"I do. Very. Very. Much." To prove his point, he licked his fingers clean of you while you watched in intrigue. It got you thinking..
"Umm, w-what do you taste like J?"
Joker died then and there. You asked him so casually, was he corrupting you too fast? Of course not. You blinked owlishly at Joker waiting for a response. All he could do was chuckle under his breath.
"I'll let ya have a uhh, taste another day Bunny. Right now, f__k, I gotta.. I need to be inside this pussy. Are ya still itchy?"
You blinked twice before nodding your head.
Whatever Joker did just then was amazing but it wasn't enough to quell the unknown feeling between your legs. You still couldn't form the right words to explain the sensation though. Maybe you could ask Joker about it later. Right now, your fears were bubbling up to the surface as he towered over you.
"You'll be gentle right? It won't hurt?"
Joker sighed before kissing you soundly. He then reached a hand down to check your entrance. You were still wet and you moaned into Joker's mouth at the soothing circles he left on your sensitive bud. "Mmm it shouldn't, Bunny."
Joker stopped rubbing your clit so he could remove his shirt and pants. You watched in awe as his body was revealed to you. Sure you saw glimpses of it here and there but fully bare before you now, Joker was stunning.
How did you get so lucky?
"There's no need to be shy, Y/n." Joker cooed at you.
He noticed you were still hesitant and moved your hands to his chest for you. Seeing your hands on him.. it was a step in the right direction. He couldn't wait to see them wrapped around his cock.
Baby steps though. Today was your first time but if he played his cards right.... Why not go big rather than go home?
With Joker's permission, you caressed the hard planes of his chest and abs, wondering what the large indentation in his briefs was. The second your hand brushed against it, Joker hissed and grabbed your wrist.
Your eyes flickered up to his deep jade in awe.
"Easy there, bunny." He shivered. You tilted your head to the side in wonder until Joker let his cock spring out from his underwear. Your face was priceless.
"I take it, it's ya first time seeing one?"
You subconsciously clenched around nothing and nodded listlessly. Joker snorted and decided to let you explore uncharted territory. You know, get a little bit of hands-on training.
"Go on. Touch iT." Joker whispered in your ear as he guided your hands around his dick. He stifled his groans as your timid touch groped his shaft. J was soft yet hard at the same time and you paled at the thought of it in you.
If his fingers almost made you faint, what would this do? It felt powerful and ominous in your hands and oddly hot to the touch. Veins ran up the length of it and when you looked closer, a clear bead of liquid was oozing out the top. For some unknown reason you wanted to lick it up but second guessed yourself at the last minute.
"Is this.. going inside m-me? J, I don't think..."
"Yes it will." You wondered how Joker knew your exact thought, "I'll make it fit and you'll take every.. last.. inch. Under-stand?"
You jerked your head in a nod and it seemed to satisfy Joker since he nodded back. With that out of the way, Joker let you acquaint yourself with his dick until he grew impatient and batted your hands away. Any more stimuli and he would've cum prematurely.
He couldn't finish before the deflowering party got started. But he didn't calculate the way you were driving him nuts.
"Look at me Y/n. That, uhh, ache you have right here." Joker rubbed your womb affectionately before tipping your chin up with his fingers.
You were on your knees before him, patiently waiting for anything he would give.
"Your mind is still unsure but your body... mmmm, your body knows what it wants. Keep listening to your body, mkay? It's gonna be reallllly scary, and I. Won't. Stop. either, but you have to trust me bunny. Trust that I'm doing this to.. make you feel good. I'm going to ruin your pussy and there's nothing you can do about iT."
Your bottom lip trembled in fear but you nodded at Joker. He wouldn't deliberately hurt you.. right?
"O-Okay.. I trust you." Joker's smile was absolutely feral hearing you surrender to him so easily. You'd regret that later.
"That'sss my sweet girl. So! You're all wet and horny and need to be filled? So achy and needy? I'll help ya.."
Out of the blue Joker pushed you down on the bed and you yelped at the sudden shift in the air. "J? What're.."
"ShuT. Up. You deserve someone who will treat ya right. Mmm, should've picked someone else then. Lemme break you Princess, open up for me."
You didn't like where this was going but Joker did say to trust him. It was going to be scary but you had to trust him. Didn't mean you had to like it. You didn't want him breaking anything of yours!
Before you could turn your head away, Joker already grabbed a hold of it.
"Look at me! I said... spread your legs slut."
If Joker didn't see your pussy glistening with cum, he would have dialed things back but surprise surprise, his little virgin liked being dominated. You liked his meaner side even if your brain couldn't wrap itself around the idea. Joker was over the moon discovering your kinks way before you did.
He watched in glee as you parted your thighs for him. Your pretty folds were glistening like the delicate flower it was. Joker repeatedly slapped his dick on your puffy lips and you jumped in shock with each unexpected smack.
Even if you could squirm away, Joker would just drag you back. With one hand keeping your face towards him, he used the other to prod his cock in your slick juices.
You were so wet, he almost slipped inside with no resistance. He let you coat his dick completely and hissed at the warmth beckoning him in.
"Don't... look... away. Here we go. Ahh s__t, oh shhh shh Y/n, I know. I-I know it hurts and that.. Heh, that's just the tip.."
You were a panting mess. It felt like you were being split apart and he barely had the tip inside? This wasn't what you signed up for! "Joker, wait!!"
He muffled your cries with a kiss and bullied his way deeper inside of your tight walls, one agonizing inch at a time. You clawed at his forearm that was holding your face and wept at the sting his cock left behind.
It wasn't supposed to hurt yet it felt good at the same time. You couldn't decide which sensation overpowered the other, but right when you thought you couldn't take anymore, Joker bottomed out inside of you— groaning at your walls gripping him tight as you sobbed uncontrollably around him.
"Ahhh! Please, Joker no more!" You begged. Joker settled in within you, laughing.
"Whaddya mean, Bunny? That's it! Good job for taking me soooo well. You ahh, took it a-all on the first try. Breathe doll. Ya gotta breathe."
Joker groaned as you turned a little blue in the face. His cock was already making you go stupid and he had yet to start thrusting.
He wanted to tease you about it but he wasn't any better as your gummy walls choked the life out of his dick. You felt absolutely sinful wrapped around him. He felt lightheaded from the intense heat your body enveloped him in. 
"How does it f-feel to not be a.. mmm.. virgin anymore?"
"F-Full..." You wheezed out.
"Yeah? What if I ahh, take it away?" Joker pulled out, till nothing but the aching tip remained and you cried out, begging him to come back. "I knew it, such a greedy little slut... but today I'll be generous. Here you go."
He thrust into you sharply, making you arch your back and disrupt the grip he had on your face. "Ohh you like it rough, doll?"
Joker grabbed your hips instead and set his knees into the bed. Each word was drilled into your pussy with a powerful, breathtaking thrust. "Good. To. Know."
You couldn't think straight let alone form words from the assault. All that could escape your lips was Joker's shortened name and pornagraphic moans.
You were tossing your head side to side and drooling up a storm. Joker thought it was the prettiest thing in the world. You were a natural.
"And you thoughT you wouldn't be good enough, HA! You're perfect for meeee.. I should've taken you months ago, f__k." Joker didn't care if he was talking too much, you were proving to be too much for him to handle.
Between your tight pussy suffocating his cock, to your breast bouncing in his face, Joker didn't know where to focus his attention.
That is, until you made the decision for him.
You never followed his instructions. He didn't care how hard it was to focus, he wanted to see the moment your brain shut down and floated away. How could he do that if you closed your eyes?
Joker growled and picked up the pace but not before squeezing your throat. "What.. did I tell you? Don't. Look. Away."
He wasn't expecting you to let out an airy giggle in response. You would be his undoing. Smiling as he choked you? It was like you were made for him.
Joker groaned and lost himself, giving it his all to make you feel good. This was your first time after all. He would stop at nothing to make it perfect.
You weren't complaining as you struggled to breathe in between the brutal pace Joker set and with his hand wrapped tightly around your throat.
A while ago, the initial pain of his cock entering your hole morphed into mind numbing pleasure. Now you understood the hype behind sex. Why did your parents and other adults growing up censor this from you?
It was indescribable the way Joker made you feel. You were in fact seeing stars with each cant of his hips. Had you known sex could feel this good sooner, you couldn't even wrap your head around the possibilities your teenage self could have created.
"nny? Bunny? Come back to meeeee. There ya are! Heh, thought I squeezed too tight."
You blinked back the fog to notice Joker had come to a stop inside of you and was doting on you with a slight look of concern in his eyes. It was gone by the time you cleared your throat.
He let go of it during your brief stint in headspace when he saw your eyes roll back.
There was a fine line between breath play and choking. Joker wasn't about to go too far, especially since this was your first time.
He wanted this to be memorable, not kill you. So against his wishes, he stopped to check on you when you became unresponsive.
You were breathing normally again (albeit your eyes were still glazed over) but he proposed a new idea anyway. "Wanna try a different position?"
You stretched your arms out for Joker to grab onto with a meek nod. He chuckled at your innocence on full display.
His sweet girl was a pillow Princess through and through.
Too bad he wanted to corrupt that and everything else about you. You would be a ravenous minx by the end of his teachings, that much he was certain of.
Joker sighed as he left your warmth and drummed up a good position in his head. There were so many he wanted to try with you but one in particular made him grin deviously.
You caught sight of it and gulped down your fear. "J... please be.."
"Nothing about me is gentle doll. Remember thaT. Now, what's a sweet little thing like you owning a big mirror like this hmmm?"
Joker scooped you up from the bed and slammed you face first into the floor length mirror that you had set up in the room.
He loved seeing your shock reflect through the mirror.
"Do ya use it to touch yourself? Can't blame ya if you do. I'd watch this body too.." He fondled your hips and squeezed your breasts as you shook your head in denial.
You watched yourself in the mirror being manhandled at a loss for words.
"N-No! It's not l-like that!" You cried out when Joker yanked your hair back in his strong grip. All you could do was grip the mirror's frame, less you lose your balance.
Joker had you standing on your tippy toes with your head tilted all the way back in order to stare up into his eyes.
"Open your mouth." He ordered.
You did without hesitation but froze when Joker spat right onto your tongue.
"Ahht ahht, swallow. Now." He growled. He didn't care if it was yucky to you, it asserted his dominance over you and he grinned when you teared up but swallowed on command.
He noticed your legs rubbing against each other and knew subconsciously you loved it. That innocent mind of yours was holding you back however.
"It's always the shy ones." Joker chuckled under his breath. In an instant he used your hair to guide you back onto his dick. Your breath was stolen right from you by the unexpected invasion.
"Oh bunnyyyy, you got tighter." He groaned.
He rammed his cock into you at a bruising pace and yanked your hair whenever you tried to look away. Your only option was to lean forward onto the cool mirror and watch as J pounded into you from behind on its surface.
The sight of your nude body being taken in such a way was embarrassing— all flushed and slack jawed, but Joker was right there behind you, whispering how beautiful you were and how lucky he was to take your v card. 
Whatever that meant.
What you did know was that Joker was thrusting into you harder than ever and that wondrous feeling from before was fast approaching again. You were unsure how Joker managed to fit his length inside of you yet there was a noticeable bulge in your stomach that you couldn't keep your eyes off of.
Joker followed your gaze through the mirror and relocated one of his hands to rub against it during each snap of his hips. And when he pressed down on it? You sang praises to his name.
"You.. really are stuffed.. fuuc—full of me huh, baby doll? G-Gooood, that's good." He smiled into your skin and picked up the pace, like he wasn't already rattling the mirror and artwork against the wall with every rough thrust.
You were swaying on your feet from the pleasure and it grew the moment Joker rubbed erratic circles on your clit.
You couldn't handle the added stimuli and tried moving his hand away because this time it really felt like you were..
Your undoing completely blindsided you; it was so intense. Your legs shook like a newborn's and you almost fell if not for Joker catching you at the last minute. He was in high spirits, cooing in your ear.
"D__n, Y/n! Goood girl, C'mon.. breathe for me Bunny.. yeah. That was.. heh somethin' else wasn't it? Shhh shhhh easy now.." He ignored the wet mirror dripping with your cum to help you down onto the plush rug at your feet.
You were twitching and pushing Joker away but he fought back and flipped you onto your stomach.
Your legs were still dripping wet from squirting, so your pussy accepted Joker back inside no issue.
That didn't mean your brain was so welcoming. "J.. too much, I-I can't!"
He just positioned your hips into a painful looking arch and drilled your pussy like no tomorrow.
"I. Don't. Care. Bunny. Ahh, you... ohh, youuuu got to cum twice now, selfish little whore. N-Now it's my turn and I'm gonna.. use ya.. like the dirty slut we both know ya are!"
He threw his head back as he slammed your hips back to take his dick over and over. The way your skin rippled with each thrust, the echo of wet skin on skin, your pathetic cries floating in the air; Joker loved every detail.
A quick glance to his right gave him the perfect view of your back arching in the mirror and your tear stained face smushed into the rug.
You were taking his cock with a blissed out smile on your face. Joker truly was a lucky man. Your first time and you were already showing signs of being a perfect cock-slut.
What more could he ask for in a partner?
He'd love exposing you to his most kinkiest desires and treating his touch starved Princess to all of the pleasures known to mankind. By the way your weeping pussy was still throwing it back on him and squeezing his dick so tight, physically you were still in the game.
A shame your mind couldn't keep up.
He laughed at the broken pleas spilling from your lips. Your mind was still a virgin but your body never truly was. This body of yours was begging for his cum.
And he would deliver.
Joker choked on a moan as his release creeped up on him. His hips lost their rhythm and became more primal in the desperate need to cum. Joker reached down and grabbed ahold of your hair to twist your face towards him.
"Now this... ohh shi— tt-this is the ahh, most important part Bunny. Good.. gooood girls get rewarded. T-They get cum deeeeep in their greedy little wombs. You.. you want thaT? You want my cum?" He asked.
You didn't understand a single word but nodded aways. "Yes J, please!"
Joker was too close to mock your eagerness. He was spouting nonsense himself; his head was so mushy.
"I'm gunna give it to ya. You've been such a good little bunny. This'll make ya feel sooo much better, so full n' complete. All m-mine.. you'll take it yeah? Won't you, Y/n?"
Joker had more to say but two thrusts later, he erupted in your pussy, painting it white with no end in sight.
Joker's release triggered one last orgasm from you as his hot cum bathed your walls and sent you down a spiral.
You collapsed and Joker's weight kept you pressed to the floor as he continued to rock his hips into you, unable to stop himself. Both of you struggled to catch a breath but Joker regained his senses first and rolled over onto his side, dragging you with him.
Naturally he was the big spoon and showered you with much needed affection.
You were shivering with aftershocks with a faraway expression on your face. He hummed as he softened inside you and waited until he was coherent enough to check on you.
"Y/n?" He brushed a lock of hair off your shoulder. "You uhhh alright?" Joker turned you around and you clung to him instantly.
He rubbed your back and petted your hair, a complete 180 of the dominant man rearranging your guts just moments prior.
"I wasn't too rough, no? If ya didn't li-ke it or.. uhh, we can try again? More gentler—-"
You cut him off with a kiss.
Joker looked down at you in shock. Your beautiful face was wet with tears but your eyes... those sweet e/c shined so brightly at him in adoration. 
"It was p-perfect, J. T-Thank you." You kissed him again and collapsed into his arms when your strength suddenly failed you.
You landed on his chest and left kisses where you could reach. They were weak brushes of your lips, but Joker didn't mind. At least you were okay.
"Mmm, err don't thanK me just yet doll. C'mere." He tipped your head back so the two of you could lock eyes.
"This... was tame compared to what I'll do to ya next time."
Your eyes widened. "N-Next time?"
Joker snickered at your innocent wonder and nodded. Somethings just wouldn't change he guessed.
"Mmhm. There's so much more to learn Y/n.." He tucked a curl of hair behind your ear. You were so pretty in your afterglow, he couldn't even focus on what he was saying.
Joker didn't know how long he was gonna lay low with the authorities but he knew he was staying here with you for a very, very long time.
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hedwig221b · 2 days
Hedwig!! I love your fics so much, no one else does Sterek like you🤞
This is so random but I’ve been craving some outsider POV fics of you have any recommendations:)
P.S. I love Eros Mania Amor and it definitely inspired this request lol
Hi! Thank you so much! 💗 Here are some of my faves:
Oblivious Misadventures, and Other Such Tales by Little Spoon (JaydenNara)
Going to college was exciting and new, a chance for new friends and a fresh start, and the best part was, there was a supernatural fraternity on campus, meaning Scott finally had the freedom to be himself.
Then he met the resident human who came with a stalker alpha. What was the point of a supernatural fraternity if he still had to pretend to be human. And seriously, did Stiles ever fall asleep somewhere normal?
the demon slayer by the_problem_with_stardust
Jaz sighs, leaning back against her alpha. “They’re going to tear us apart.”
“No they won’t. Alpha Hale is an honorable man.” Maria presses a wry smile into her mate's neck. “It’s literally the only thing every other pack we’ve met with has agreed on.”
“But his Emissary…” Jaz swallows hard, trying not to think of the stories they’ve heard. Stories of a man who banished a legion of demons to hell, using only the force of his will.
A Spotter's Guide to the North American Werewolf Hunter by wearingthelilac
Dealing with a hunter roommate was not covered in the student handbook.
Or the one where Stiles' college roommate is a werewolf and thinks Stiles is a hunter.
Is This Seat Taken? Only By My Delusions by SylvieW
An unknown werewolf and his mate move to Beacon Hills and the McCall pack isn’t sure what to expect from them. They discover that while Derek isn’t a problem, Stiles might be.
Scotty didn't know by Smowkie
Scott was confused. They both smelled almost horny, except not really sexual, more like in awe, and they kept approaching each other, complimenting each other, and-. Derek lifted a hand, gently touched Stiles’ cheek.
“Do the eye thing again,” he murmured, and Stiles’ smile was huge as his eyes turned white.
“What the fuck,” Scott said faintly, but no one seemed to notice him.
The life of the irresistibly oblivious Stiles series by Nosiddam1
Just a series of cute fluffy one shots where Stiles is irresistible or oblivious or both and who only has eyes for Derek.
Fell In Love With A Boy by beekayem
When Sera moved to Beacon Hills she met the man of her dreams. Stiles Stilinski her next door neighbour with extraordinary cooking and baking skills and a smile that just melts her heart. He was perfect.
He was also married…to a man. Who may or may not be her boss.
Life was hard.
Too Little Too Late by SolariaLunar21
Danny's always had a secret crush on Stiles Stilinski but never hopes for more until he over-hears Scott and Stiles talking about the other boy coming out to his Dad as bi.
Other fic recs: pack mom!Stiles | angsty fics | possessive Derek | baby/mpreg | historical
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ao3-crack · 1 year
went to take a peak at the 6.8 (now 7m word) fic and it genuinely crashed my phone trying to load it ahahahahaha what the fuck
This is it. The reason I run this blog.
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meowmeowriley · 1 month
Ooh i just had another thought would an injured or stuck in the middle of nowhere on an Op Ghost make a warren for shelter and to hide out in? Would there also be enough room to snuggle with Johnny?
Ghoap stranded in the desert with no shelter in sight so they cuddle in a burrow that bunny Ghost digs them? More likely than you'd think 😉
Price when he finally manages to find them: "You muppets better be decent in there."
Ghoap: "Five more minuets, Captain Mam." *snuggle snuggle
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butmakeitgayblog · 5 months
I think your understanding of canon Clexa and their characterization/dynamics is really spot on, which makes me really excited to read your canon story. The ask about canon Clarke being Loud made me wonder what your take would be on how their first time went? It’s obviously a scene that’s been written in fanfic a ton but since you seem to be against the typical “heda got fucked into a nap” narrative I’d love to know what the version of events is in your head?
Oh no, I do believe Lexa got fucked into a nap 😂
I just don't believe that was all that happened, nor that it happened the way a lot of people think 👀
Sorry in advance for the rant.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: I don't agree with some people's fandom interpretation of Lexa being this ultimately hesitant/demure or reserved person. At least not when it comes to how she expresses herself romantically. Now, I'm not shitting on the people who do see her like that and have written her like that for canon by any means because it's certainly understandable given the way she carries herself overall. I do get it.
But to me at least, Lexa is not a reserved person. Not when she's interested in someone. Not romantically, and certainly not physically.
From the very second she decided she was going to go for what she wanted with Clarke - when she decided to be honest and active about her feelings - what did she do? How did she behave?
Well. She took the reins and kissed Clarke exactly how she'd been wanting to kiss her for days
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She took command and pushed into the feel of it and chased Clarke's lips to stretch the moment as long as she could
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Yes she backed off when Clarke pulled away and said not yet, but that doesn't negate the fact that she very much did exactly what she wanted to do. That doesn't negate the fact that Lexa slipped her hand through Clarke's hair and tugged her in by the neck and kissed the living shit out of her simply because she wanted to.
Now here's where things get jumbled up imo and where people kind of... lose sight of Lexa for who she is. Because after this comes the mountain and then the subsequent betrayal, and after that Lexa is left hanging in this weird love/hate limbo (Clarke's, not hers. Obviously.) Was Lexa reserved during that time? Yes. Because she was trying to be respectful. She assumed Clarked hated her and would probably never forgive her. She felt she'd already done enough damage to ruin any hope for a relationship between them, so all that was left was to be respectful and love Clarke from afar. (That's glossing over many instances of Lexa still, STILL, showing her affections outright i.e. touching her when Emerson charged at her, the vow, showing up to Clarke's room dressed like a harlot a relaxed woman who just happened to like showing a whole lotta leg. You get it)
Which brings us to the afternoon Clarke was going to leave, and my God the girl was devastated. She was holding it together because that's what Lexa's does. Because Lexa was used to losing everyone she ever cared about. That's just how her life went. But also she was trying her best to keep it all together for Clarke's sake. To not make the decision of going back to Arkadia any harder for her than she knew it already was.
But even then, even in her facade of strength for both of their sake, Lexa still gave in and showed Clarke the crack in her armor. Lexa was methodical in everything shw did, and yet still she let slip, "That's why I...". Because she knew. She knew Clarke would understand what she was saying even when she wasn't ready to actually hear it. She let it "slip" because if that was going to be the last time they were together, she needed to at least know that she'd put it out there. That Clarke could carry that with her forever, if she chose to.
And then Clarke fucking kissed her.
Not once, but twice. Lexa gave her a chance to pull and think it over because of how shaky everything still was, but then Clarke leaned in and kissed her again.
And Lexa didn't hesitate again for one goddamn second after that.
Instead she kissed Clarke deeper than she'd kissed her before. Ran nervous hands all over her and caressed at her wherever she could.
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She held Clarke close and actually tasted her with all the hunger she'd been pushing down for weeks (whew, thank you Alycia😮‍💨🫦).
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She quite literally took Clarke's hands and tugged her to her bed. Like??? Heda really said through body language "oh we are going to fuck" (but... sweeter)
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Yes she was patient and gave Clarke a chance to say no because, again, she was still very aware of how tenuous this seeming forgiveness probably was in Clarke's eyes. But that doesn't change the fact that she made it clear what she wanted. She put her affection and her yearning - all of her vulnerability right out there for Clarke to take or leave, and she did it in way that there was no mistaking exactly what she was asking for.
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But Clarke didn't pull away, and what did Lexa do?
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She grabbed her again. She pushed their intimacy forward again. She tugged Clarke down to the bed and not only gave herself to Clarke, but also took everything she had wanted.
So you see, Lexa was never passive in her expressions of attraction toward Clarke. She was never truly hesitant when it came to physically going for what she wanted when it came to wanting to be intimate with her. She kissed Clarke and she touched Clarke and she reached out for her time and again without shame, only stopping herself when Clarke put a stop to things because Lexa would never take something Clarke didn't openly give.
Which makes me believe Lexa would've been even less reserved when she was finally, finally, allowed to do all the things she'd yearned for. Yes she'd given Clarke the control to begin with because they both needed that kind of reassurance in their intimacy, but afterward? When it was Lexa's turn to show Clarke exactly how much she wanted her?
I believe Lexa would've been exactly who she always was when it came to being in love: giving and expressive, unabashed in her naked want. I think she would've kissed Clarke until their mouths ached and tasted every drop Clarke had to give. I think she would've begged Clarke to moan for her just so she could have those memories of making her lose control to keep with her forever. I think she would've fucked Clarke like it was their first and last time all rolled into one, because as far Lexa knew, that's exactly what it was. I think she would've teased her just to see Clarke smile and then teased her just to hear her whine. I think she would've done everything to stretch the afternoon out even while knowing they were racing against the clock. And I don't think she would've felt hesitant about any of it. Not about giving herself entirely to Clarke, both dominantly and submissively.
Cuz yeah Miss Lexa was a very happy camper after round one
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But she sure as hell still wasn't shy about having her own turn
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ao3-anonymous · 28 days
hi i think there may be an issue with tracking increases in posts with previously locked works now showing up and skewing the data! (especially with taking back sunday - since over half of the works in the tag are archive locked and would have only just shown up now)
You would be 100% right except that happened when I first tried to post this week and all kinds of bandom& sports RPF were showing up (you can go find the post if you scroll down my blog - I left it up but just marked it inaccurate) so I went and fixed it.
So TBS showed up AFTER I readjusted the historical numbers. With that said, I’m working with a huge dataset and errors/discrepancies are inevitable, so probably you’re still right.
Buuuuuut I’m enjoying the absolute chaos that is happening in my notes right now about TBS and I’ve already spent hours this week fixing data, so I added a disclaimer but I don’t have the time to figure out how TBS possibly escaped my adjustments. Instead, for this week everyone in this tiny corner of fandom can enjoy TBS’s sudden return to relevance and hey maybe some people will be inspired to write new TBS fic and it will show up organically again soon :).
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Ooh.....Thanks for sharing your fics recs....Because you don't mind, can I ask for another top fav fics recs that you love? Thanks so much.....
Of course! I’ve only got about 10 because sorting through bookmarks takes a while but I can always do more
These are all complete and written in english
Emrys the Really, Truly Terrible by lindenwaverly
Merlin - Arthur wants to look for Emrys, Merlin is very against the idea, crack with plot, 15,241 words
Regent by Theroundbartable
Merlin - Time travel, Arthur becomes a child, Leon is immortal, Merlin is regent because Arthur left a will, Arthur has childhood trauma and suppressed memories, check the tags for triggers, 148,386 words, 16 chapters
The chaotic neutral’s guide to time travel by DancingInTheStorm
Mha - Shinsou has no fucks to give and UA has to deal with it, 1,629 words
Luminescence by livinglittlelie
Mha - Soul mates Tododeku fic, everyone has marks that glow when they touch their soulmate, Izuku thinks he’s markless his whole life and Todoroki has trauma surrounding his soulmarks, super cute, little bit angsty and briefly goes into platonic soul bonds and relationships too. 9,229 words
Lost and Found by Andai
Mha - Dadzawa is protective when Izuku’s dad shows up, he claims his kid openly, and proudly. Midoriya Hisashi is promptly told to fuck off. 15,216 words, 3 chapters
Somewhere in Between by PhantomWriter
Good Omens, Merlin crossover - Merlin shows up in the bookshop, he and Aziraphel have an interesting conversation. 4,300 words
Emrys smiled by NoTearsFalling
Merlin - Merlin punches a knight to protect a kid, a foreign king tries to punish him, 4,430 words
Let Us Cling Together As The Years Go By by TheGameIsOn_Geronimo
Good Omens, Merlin crossover - Aziraphel and Merlin meet a few times over the years and become friends, just immortal things, 5,477 words
A dog is a Merlin's best friend by OlisDrabbles
Merlin - Merlin keeps the dog from the Valiant episode and it becomes his best friend and the number 1 Merthur shipper, 4,159 words
I Also Have Magic by OwlsWithFins
Merlin - Merlin’s magic is revealed and the knights all stand up for him by confessing to also having magic, they pretend to do little tricks so it’s believable, crack and fluff, Mercelot, 3,208 words
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neverevan · 6 months
I'm always too afraid the fic writer won't take the cheese and I'll end up loving a wip that never gets written :( so I have to force myself to scroll past and wait for the finished fic
this just reminds me of that post about how wips are less likely to be finished if there is no interaction, so by only reading finished wips we are limiting the number of said finished fics... I mean I get it, but without encouragement a lot of people just abandon fics that they would've loved to finish if there was some cheering going on
besides saying that it's not worth giving love for a fic if it doesn't get finished is just... yeah that kinda makes me not wanna finish stuff, you know?
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moeitsu · 1 month
Doing the lords work by giving us Chubby Arthur representation in your fic….God bless sister 🙏🤞
There’s not enough chubby Arthur love out there so I feel like I have to provide. Idk if you’re new to my fic, but someone sent me an ask a while ago saying they disagreed w/ my HC about Arthur’s body type. (Not that their opinion really matters to me)
So honestly, thank you so much for saying that! I’m really glad people love that side of him as much as I do. I know in the video game Arthur is pretty lean and muscular but I’ve always pictured him to have the same body type as the actor he’s modeled after.
Roger Clark is such a cutie, I’m a sucker for heavy boys🤭
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frownyalfred · 7 months
What's the point of the "Bruce Wayne Is Batman" tag on ao3...? That's just canon's default setting? Like unless there's "*Insert someone else here* Is Batman" or "Bruce Wayne Is Not Batman" tags I'm gonna assume Bruce Wayne Is Batman, you don't have to tell me.
Sometimes Bruce Wayne isn’t batman though! Sometimes he’s just a kid. Sometimes Dick is Batman and Bruce is dead. Sometimes Bruce is training with the League and isn’t Batman yet. Sometimes clarifying that Bruce is Batman distinguishes the fic from a no-capes AU. Sometimes the tag is used alongside other identity trope tags for clarification. Sometimes multiple people are Batman all at once! Sometimes the tag is used for fics where Bruce being Batman is the whole point of the story.
I can think of a lot of reasons why that tag is useful. Especially in conjunction with other specific tags.
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