#captain of security x kim
alotofpockets · 7 days
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Flirting & friendzones | Leah Williamson x Arsenal/Swiss!Reader
Where Leah is a flirt and you are scared to give in to your feelings
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.6k
Moving to a new club always brought some nerves with it, but luckily your national team captain and close friend Lia Wälti had been at your new club for years. Through her you had met some of her teammates for quick moments on the field during national team games over the years, but you didn't have much more of a connection with them. 
While that connection wasn't there, you had kept one secret from Lia, and that was that you had a crush on her best friend Leah ever since she first introduced the two of you on the pitch years ago. You had never acted on your crush on the England captain more than following her on Instagram, but now you'd be playing at the same club as her, which brought a whole different wave of nerves your way.
You were welcomed at Arsenal with open arms, as Lia had ensured you. Each and everyone of your teammates, and the staff members made you feel right at home. Lia had helped you secure an apartment before you had arrived, so you had your own space right away. 
After your first training, Lia invited you to come hang out and Beth and Viv their place. A regular hangout spot according to her, especially since they just got a new puppy. Lia drove you home from training, and told you she’d pick you up in an hour to head over to Beth and Viv’s.
An hour later your doorbell rang, but when you opened the door it was Leah instead of Lia. “Hey, Lia had to run some errands before heading over to the girls, so she asked me to pick you up instead.” Leah had taken the request to ‘pick you up’ to a whole new level as she started flirting with you. 
“You look great by the way.” She started while you walked over to her car. Just a simple friendly comment you thought, but still the blush rushed to your cheeks. “Thank you.” You said before quickly getting a step ahead of the blonde, to make sure she wouldn’t notice your blushing.
Of course Leah noticed right away and would now make it her mission to see you blush. “I mean it, you clean up nice. Haven’t seen you outside of football kits in person.” You reach the door and she opens your side for you. “Seems like a great date outfit too, if you even need a dinner date to wear it to, you know where to find me.” She left you frozen in place with her comment, and closed your door only to get in on the other side with a big smirk on her face.
“So, how has London been treating you so far?” You started telling Leah about your first week there, happy to no longer be the target of her flirting. At least that is what you thought until she followed up with, “Good to hear! If you ever need a tour guide, I am more than happy to volunteer.” On its own it wouldn’t be flirting, but the way she looked at you while you said it, gave the sentence a whole different meeting. 
“I really appreciate it, but Lia is showing me around already.” You said as you got out of the car, as you arrived at the girls' house. “Always Lia, huh?” She acted hurt. “Well, if she ever gets too busy, give me a call.” You walked up to the door quickly, “Oh look at that, we’re here.” You say as Beth opens the door. Darting inside without even saying a proper hello, propping yourself up between Viv and Kim who were already cuddling with Myle. 
Beth turned her attention to Leah, “Damn, what did you do?” She shrugs her shoulders, “Nothing.” In return Beth raised an eyebrow towards Leah, but she didn’t push further. Instead she turned her attention to you. “Glad you could make it. I see Myle made a new friend already!” Myle had gotten comfortable in your lap and started taking a nap there only moments after you had sat down. “She’s very cute.” You comment while looking at the pup lovingly. “I understand why everyone wants to hang out at your place.” You joke.
The conversations between everyone started flowing freely, and you felt immediately accepted into the group of girls. Leah continued her flirting with the rest of the girls around, which piqued the interest of the girls, though they didn’t say anything. Only the occasional chuckle when you would turn Leah down again.
It was hard having to say no to the woman you had been crushing on for years, but you had just joined a new club and she was co-captain of it, as well as Lia’s best friend. It didn’t seem right to act on your feelings, even though Leah was acting on them plenty. You came here to play football, you kept reminding yourself. 
Half an hour later Lia arrived, carrying in a few bags of groceries. “Sorry, it was quite busy at the store. What did I miss?” Some of the girls looked between you and Leah and wondered if they should poke some fun at the situation, but before they could, you answered her question. “Nothing much, we were just talking about how cute Myle is.” 
Lia, who had handed the groceries over to Viv, sat down beside you with a smile on her face. “She really is adorable. I’m glad to see you fit right in, I was worried about leaving you out here on your own.” It really did feel like you fit right in. 
“You don’t need to worry,” Leah interjected smoothly. “she wasn’t alone. I was here to make sure she’s well taken care of.” Her comment earned her a loud chuckle from Vic, who hurried to the kitchen to hide her laughter. Lia shot her best friend a look. “I’m sure you were, Lee.”
After dinner, Lia drove you home. “I am so happy you’re feeling at home already. How are the girls?” She asked while exiting the parking space. “Yeah, they’re really kind. I couldn’t have asked for a warmer welcome.” Lia was truly happy you found your spot within her little family at the club. 
She turned to you with a smirk. “What?” You asked instantly, already not liking the look on her face. “Don’t what me.” She laughs, “I was just going to ask what about Leah?” The slight blush that creeped up to your cheeks should’ve said enough. “Leah has been kind too, very kind.” Lia chuckled at your expression. “Kind? That girl has been flirting with you since the moment you arrived.” Your eyes widened, Lia had noticed. 
“Relax! Why do you think I introduced you all those years ago? You are literally perfect for each other. Back then I didn’t tell you my reasoning, because I didn’t think it would be fair to try and set you up with someone that lived in a different country.” She let that set in for a moment before she asked again, “So, what about Leah?” Her smirk grew again.
“Leah is great. I think I’ve kind of been pushing her into the friendzone though.” Lia stopped the car. You hadn’t been paying attention, not that you knew the roads yet, but you knew that you weren’t at your place or Lia’s. “It’s a good thing that Leah doesn’t easily give up, go shoot your shot.” You sent her a confused look, “Right now?” She points to the building ahead of you, “Yup, right now. That’s her place right there. Her car is here already, so she just got back as well.” She unbuckled your seatbelt, “Go!” You shake your head at her but get out of the car anyway. “Call me when you need a ride back.” 
You walk up to Leah’s door nervously, but knock nonetheless. When Leah opens the door, Lia decides to drive off. “Oh, hi, come in. Finally done with Lia?” You roll her eyes at how her flirting turned right back on. 
She walks you into her home, and you get right to the point. “Can we talk about today?” Leah’s face turns serious, feeling like she might have messed up. “Oh, I’m sorry if I was taking it too far. I thought there was a vibe, sorry if I read that wrong.” You shake your head, “No, no don’t worry. Actually it was me wanting to apologise. I was kind of pushing you towards the friendzone, because I didn’t want to mess anything up with Lia or the team.” 
Leah’s lips curve into a smile again, “But now you’re throwing me a ladder to come back out of the friendszone?” Her tone is hopeful. “If I’m not too late, yeah.” The blonde shakes her head, “Definitely not too late.”
Now that the big conversation was out of the way, you finally felt like it was okay to sit down. “You know Lia has been rooting for us for years?” You nod remembering the conversation in the car. “Yeah, she told me on the way here. I had no clue that this had been her intention all along.” 
Leah sits down beside you, “You know, I’ve liked you ever since we met when our teams played against each other that time Lia introduced us.” Your cheeks heat up again, “I have liked you since that day too.” 
Her eyes light up, “So, can we give this a try?” Her tone was hopeful again. “Yes, I’d like that.” With that, Leah closes the distance and presses a gentle kiss to your lips. When you pull back, both of you are smiling. 
“Want to stay for a while? I can drive you home wherever you want to go home.” You smile, “Yeah,” You’d love to spend more time with Leah. “I’ll text Lia and let her know that I won’t be needing that ride anymore.”
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bluemari23 · 2 months
festival love || kim hongjoong
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summary: you wait patiently for your soulmate to finish his practice rehearsal for the famous festival so you can go spend the day together before his performance. Things don't necessarily go as planned but everything turns out alright in the end.
pairing: kim hongjoong x disabled reader
genre: fluff, soulmate, soulmate au, soulbonds,
warnings: reader almost faints, POTS reader, disabled reader, not much
word count: 1.4k
You were beyond excited to be with the boys at Coachella. It was your first time at the festival, as well as theirs. Ateez would be performing at the Sahara stage, which is such a cool and amazing opportunity for them. 
You were currently walking around the festival, waiting for Hongjoong to be done rehearsing so you could go explore the city a little bit. You had found on twitter with Wooyoung that there were some pop-ups and fan made events for the boys and you wanted to drag along your soulmate to see them while he had some free time. 
You and Hongjoong hadn’t really gotten to enjoy a lot of time to yourselves since he has been so busy with rehearsing and practicing for the Coachella stage and then for their tour they’ve yet to announce. 
You had been wandering around for a little over an hour and knew that you should be making your way back to the stage, but you kept getting stopped by atiny who recognized you. It was always fun getting to know your fellow atiny and talking to them about the boys. However sometimes you felt a little overstimulated. You could tell the heat was getting to you and your heart rate was just continuing to skyrocket. 
You tried to make it back to the stage as quick as you could but eventually you had to try and find somewhere to sit so you could rest for a few. You didn’t want to do that though, not when you could see the stage so close. You pushed yourself and made it to the stage, showing security your pass so you could get through. 
Once you made it through, you sat down right on the steps to the stage, laying your head back. You could hear footsteps from the stage coming closer and soon enough the boys’ manager is in your line of sight. 
“Are you okay? Do you need water? How about salt?” Their manager was well aware, as were the rest of the team, about your heart condition. And even though you felt a little embarrassed about your condition, you knew that if you lied and said you were okay, that you would hear it from Hongjoong later. 
“I think I just need some water for now.” Just from sitting down your heartrate was going down and you didn’t feel the palpitations in your head anymore. 
The manager went and grabbed Hongjoong’s water bottle for you, catching the attention of your soulmate. You ignored his looks though, knowing he needed to finish this last rehearsal before tonight. It was your own fault for not preparing for the heat better. 
You could feel the stares from the boys as they finished up their rehearsal. They were all worried, knowing how bad the heat exasperates your symptoms, and how worried their captain was getting. 
Once they were done, Hongjoong was already making his way towards you, worry written clearly across his face as he comes and sits down with you, pulling you into his lap. 
“Are you okay, baby? What happened?”  He asks, tilting your chin so you were facing him. 
“I’m fine Joong. I just got a little overheated, I promise.” You try to reassure your soulmate but he sees right through it. You lean forward, kissing him softly, trying to show him that you were okay now. 
“I promise. See, look.” You show him your watch, clearly indicating your heartrate as normal. It does work a little in reassuring him, his shoulders visibly relaxing at your words. 
“Okay, but next time, take one of the team with you, and a water bottle, and one of your mini fans please.” He practically commands you, but you know it’s out of love and worry for you. 
“Now, what plans did you conspire with Wooyoung earlier, hmm?” Hongjoong narrows his eyes at you as a grin grows on your lips. 
He had to admit, you and Wooyoung were a duo he was scared of. You two could be mischievous and you come up with the craziest schemes together. Like the time you both pranked him and put mint chocolate chip ice cream in the middle of the cake you surprised him with one day. 
“Nothing, we just found a lot of pop-ups and little events for the group that I thought it would be fun to go to. Plus, I haven’t had In-N-Out in soooo long.” You told him the truth, despite the obvious suspicion lacing his expression. You knew he would go along with it anyways though, for he would do anything for you.
Your words brought him back to when he first found you, ironically in line while at the famous burger joint when he was last in the states for their tour. He turned around and bumped into you, your soulmarks burning and turning gold at the physical touch.
You spent the rest of the day and night getting to know your new soulmate and his group members while trying not to absolutely freak out at meeting your favorite kpop group. 
“Okay, baby. Let’s go back to the hotel and wash up and then we can go out.” He picks you up and puts you down next to him so he could help you stand up slowly, not wanting to chance your heartrate skyrocketing again or even fainting. 
He holds your hand as you walk behind the stage and out to where the vans were, getting in with Seonghwa, Yeosang, and Jongho. They all asked how you were and made sure you were all okay before changing the topic. They all knew about your condition and knew how embarrassed you could get over it. 
Once you returned to the hotel, you were both in and out within an hour, making sure you had everything you needed to have a comfortable rest of the day before you needed to be back to the festival later tonight. You also packed extra hydration packets and your trusty reusable water bottle filled with ice. 
While you were going to go to some of the fan events nearby, you were heavily advised by the security team and the boys’ manager not to go. It was a little disappointing, but you knew it was a safety concern. 
So instead, Hongjoong had one of the security team take you both to In-N-Out and then to a park close to the hotel. Your little picnic in the park was really sweet and it was a much needed time together as soulmates during such a busy time for the boys. 
“I’m sorry we couldn’t go to those fan events, baby.” Hongjoong told you after he tried to feed you a fry smothered in ketchup, effectively getting some on your cheek and making you laugh.  
“It’s okay. Sometimes I forget that you are so famous. To me, your just Hongjoong who likes to cuddle and watch reality television with me. You’re my soulmate and sometimes I do have to step back and remember who you are to the world.” You confide in Hongjoong, knowing it’s better to get things out than to hold them in, especially when he knows you so well. 
“I will always be your Hongjoong that loves to hold you in my arms and take care of you. Maybe next time, we let our manager know and we can plan a visit with security to one of those events.” Hongjoong moves forward to hold your hand in his, a soft gesture that he’s done since you met when he wants to feel you close. 
You love the way he thinks, trying to do whatever he can so you still feel important to him despite his job and his schedule. He knows sometimes it gets hard trying to juggle everything, but he will always be there to remind you that you are the most important thing to him, and how you feel is his number one thought. 
“I love you, baby.”
“I love you too, Joong.” He leans in and kisses you softly, so sweetly that your lips tingle as he pulls away, a loopy smile on your lips, matching the one on his.
“Now,” He begins to clean up the trash form your late lunch. “Let’s get back to the hotel so we can go to our stage!” He exclaims in excitement, causing you to laugh at how giddy he gets every time he has to perform. 
You love it and you love him. 
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itstheghostofmypast · 4 months
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Kim HongJoong x (f) Detective Reader
Summary: He held her itty bitty heart in his bloody palm and she knew that, but did she love him enough to let him win his little game everytime? Did he love her enough to risk her safety?
Genre: Hurt/Comfort Fluff
Warnings: Joong's a perv (Idk okay), mention of gunshots, strong language.
Word Count: 2.5K
Read Time: 12 min
Rating: nc-17
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels
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She hated him, no she despised him, no she loathed that disgusting, horrid, weasel of a man. She despised his cheap ass fur coat, his unnecessary bling and those pants! Her blood would boil at the mere name of that demonic, immature moron, she despised every little detail about him; his angular face, his sharp eyes that would glimmer like the stars swirling with pure mischief, his light chuckle that would ring in her ears like the voice of an angel, oh and she really, really, abhorred the way he'd look at her, with the warmth of pure love - NO!
Mentally slapping herself she cleared her throat, rehearsing the first stanza of hatred that ran hot in her veins for the infamous leader of MATZ. Technically it was just two men, boys who were usually called in for petty crimes turned into men who were now challenging the system- a knock-off of any vigilante out there. Batman, Daredevil, even the Punisher, see these men had class and style- MATZ, well, they had style...but perhaps the fact that explaining how her once high school friends are now notorious criminals or wannabe Robinhood would be a bit difficult. Perhaps this little fact only added to her current presiding problem, one she had mentioned to her lover, explicitly mentioning her concerns; for the safety of his life and her professional career. Once again, that bastard let his deflated ego in the way, her words bouncing off it without ever reaching his useless, dysfunctional brain.
So, here she stood, in front of her captain, watching him go on and on about the need for order and justice, the need for law and police work, and more importantly the need for loyalty. Loyalty, a trait that was of importance, though her's was being questioned.
"Where do your loyalties lie detective?"
"With the force, Sir" With a salute she looked dead ahead, not at him, no, through him, trying to figure out the answer to this very question. Where did her loyalties lie?
"Then how is it, you've been leading the task force to capture MATZ for three years and each time you are close they miraculously slip away!" his large, meaty hands slammed on the table, her partner beside her flinching, though not a jerk left her bones. Instead, her eyes flickered to his face, instantly scanning his form, this man looked like anything but eh definition of justice, safety and security - if anything, he looked more like a criminal than that moron of hers.
"I assure you, Sergeant, my loyalties lie where my heart has ever since I was a little girl. My friendship with Joong- " pausing she cleared her throat, ignoring the way he raised a brow at he before glancing at her partner as if hinting at something "MATZ, both Kim Hongjoong and Park Seonghwa ended as soon as they started this life of crime."
"I don't trust you an ounce detective, not one bit." slumping back in his seat he stared up at her, "But the Captain trusts ya for some reason, believes you a good egg- I just think you're a cracked egg, too far gone for anything else- so I'll tell you this, I'm on to ya, I'll be watching you, listening to you, from the moment you step into his precinct ill be watching your every move."
"Well, that was something." Jongho muttered, closing the door behind him, "Do you...want to grab a bite or something?"
"I'm good." giving him a small smile she sat back at her desk, sifting through the papers, not a word written processing in her already occupied mind. The traffic of thoughts only stopped when a hand rested on hers, "I may be younger than you, but we're partners, and my mentor has always told to me trust my partner. "
His soft words, followed by his cute smile had her sigh in defeat, sitting back down and nodding, "Some mentor you have, huh?"
"She's the best of the best." Puffing up his chest with pride he placed his hands on her desk, "Now, what can I do, to make my mentor feel better."
"Nothing, really Jong, I- " her words caught up as she noticed something. Her eyes caught the way her system was on, the screen lit up, the mouse icon moving on its own, she was being - shit. Instantly reaching for the cable, she pulled the plug on the CPU.
"Um...did you see what I just saw?"
"Jongho, get Yunho and tell him to track whatever the hell that was."
"Yes, Ma'am."
The door slammed shut, the darkness just adding to her anger, of course, he wouldn't turn on the lights, no lamp or bulb, choosing to sit on the small balcony - maybe she should just push him off, the idea extremely tempting at this point.
Placing her badge and gun on the table she made her way to the small balcony at the other end of the living room, making sure to turn on a lamp on the way out. Sliding the door open she sighed, the cool breeze prickling her warm skin, a shiver running down her spine as she stepped out completely, barely missing the small table as she made her way to the seat her boyfriend was currently sprawled on, limbs extending like the roots of the potted plants behind him. His head lay against the cushioned headrest, turning his head to face her, an easy smile making its way to his face, the warm glow of the fairy lights from the wall beside him only adding onto his beautiful face, making him appear oh so soft and lovable.
"Hey babe." his words barely above a whisper.
"Joong~" she sang, slowly getting on top of him, making herself comfortable until she was fully straddling him, his hands automatically finding their place on her back, holding onto her tight, her arms loosely hanging around his neck, "Did you miss me?"
"You bet your pretty ass, I did," he mumbled, eying the way she moved closer, her chest pressed against his, fingers playing with the hair at the base of his head.
"Aw~ baby" she pouted before gripping onto the ends of his hair and tugging hard, his head tilting back as a whimper escaped him, damn, his girl was in the mood- or so he thought.
"I didn't you f*cker." her grip tightened, tilting his head further back with another tug, his own fingers digging into her sides, trying to keep some form of control.
"Why~" whining with his eyes closed, he treasured the burning sensation, his princess knew how to play and he liked it so very much.
"Did you get Youngie to tap into my system? Do you want me to get fired? Or do you want me to shoot you in the d*ck?"
"Aw baby~ it's just work." his eyes finally snapped open, standing up without warning as a high-pitched squeak left her lips, arms instantly locking around his neck, much like her legs around his waist, staring up at him wide-eyed.
A chuckle echoed in the dark of the night as his hands finally gripped her close, "Don't worry doll, I'd never let ya fall." Walking them into the apartment he looked down at her frowning, "Did someone piss off my princess ?"
"Joong, " sighing she glanced away, letting him carry her around like she weighed nothing, like she was a mere muse he was addicted to, clinging onto him, onto his fur coat- wait God, he was wearing the orange one, she hated it.
"Yes, love?" slowly setting her down on the bed he shrugged off his jacket, going to the cupboard to hang it, his precious baby wasn't cheap!
"I can only protect you if you trust me, but if you hack into my system or pull shit like that and they fire me, who knows what- I- I just can't lose you" her words clogging up in her throat, the burning sensation all too evident behind her eyes, " what I mean is" sighing she paused to rephrase, his casual attitude just adding to the frustration as he walked towards her, swaying like a cat, stopping right in front of her sitting form, "Hongjoong, I'm serious, with me, it is just a game of cat and mouse but if I get replaced, if its someone else, it'll be serious and they might even-"
"Shhh..." placing a finger on her lips he hushed her, his hand caressing her cheek, admiring how she nuzzled into his palm, "You know love, " he whispered leaning closer till their noses touched, "I am a very dangerous man, I am more than just your lover."
"I'll lay off your system," brushing his lips against hers, "Detective." Pulling back he smiled down at her, admiring how she looked up at him with teary eyes filled with nothing but love and worry, letting his intrusive thoughts win and squishing her cheeks with one hand, laughing at her whining in protest.
His other hand pulled out something from his back, showing her the shiny metal toy of his, "If it were someone else, other than you, that f*cker would already be dead, you're the only reason why I haven't torn this system down to shreds." with one last kiss to the forehead, her lovable idiot of a man once again promised to stay out of her way, at least for a while.
"This is team two, The ground floor is clear."
He did it again, he must've done it again, no way in hell did he not do it.
"Team three reporting from floor 1, all clear."
"Boss" Jongho mumbled beside her, turning off his comm, "Did you tell him?"
Sighing she adjusted her bulletproof west as the two walked into the basement, "Yes, I told that bastard, my system wasn't tapped, I double-checked." Of course, her junior knew about her little relationship, she did teach him that a mentor and mentee should have no secrets, even ones like these. It didn't take him long to accept it either, saying something along the lines of, "Is he really that bad if he's fighting against a system that has failed us?"
"Because Yunho just texted me saying your phone was tapped instead. "
"I hate him."
"Team two reporting, roof's all clear boss."
"This doesn't look good," he mumbled, trailing hot on her heels as the two entered the basement, a parking lot with two entrances. They were going to split up, "We can't go empty-handed, we need something at least."
"I know. Let's split up, and be on your guard."
With that the two parted ways, her footsteps echoing across the empty parking lot, the scraping of her boots muffling the jingle of her gun, one that was aimed and ready to shoot. A low chuckle caught her ear.
"STOP RIGHT THERE." She yelled, turning to aim at the fool, his smirk pissing her off even more, "Don't.Move."
"Hey doll." the deep voice from beside her alerting her senses, "You should go check up on your partner, baby bear's knocked out like Goldilocks." Seonghwa chuckled, making his way to stand next to Hongjoong who had his hands up for a show, the smug look never leaving his face.
"Aw, come on detective, just let us go and we can call it a night."
A loud bang, followed by a series of bangs, resonated across the entire parking lot.
"You okay?" she asked, pressing the icepack against the bump on his head, "Told you to wear the helmet."
"Are YOU okay?" he asked, others around them looking at their head's bulletproof jacket, staring at the four shots right across it. Though that's not what he meant, he was definitely asking about something else.
"Yeah, great actually." Patting her head she turned around when someone called her name, eying the office who handed her a phone, "It's the sergeant, detective." rolling her eyes she pressed it against her ear, "Hello?"
"Detective. I heard about the encounter but didn't think you had it in ya to shoot him. Glad the bulletproof vest worked though, you're a good agent, we can't risk losing. I take it back, you have my trust and support. Get home safe."
Slamming the door shut she sighed in relief, kicking off her shoes she made her way into the living room, oh? The lights were on, what a pleasant surprise, wonder what happened?
"Hey honey how was work?" she smirked, leaning against the wall, arms crossed as she watched her shirtless boyfriend glare back at her, both ignoring the other man in the room who was tending to the gunshot wound.
Raising a brow, he scoffed, "Oh great love I got shot today by a bitch-"
"I'm still holding my gun Joong, don't test me"
Slamming his hand on his thigh he yelled "YOU SHOT ME- you SHOT ME IN THE SHOULDER!" hissing in pain as Seonghwa clicked his tongue, mumbling a stay still as he patched up the hole. This was all he could do before Yeosang could come over and have a proper look at it.
"WELL YOUR SERGEANT WAS GETTING TOO COZY WITH YA- man's a perv, I know it" he spat back, shoving Seonghwa out of the way with his free hand, earning a curse in return.
"HONGJOONG, HE WAS DOUBTING MY LOYALTIES!" she explained and pointed at herself, "AND YOU SHOT ME TOO!"
A dramatic gasp echoed across the room followed by a hand placed on his chest - his heart, mind you-, causing Seonghwa to roll his eyes, here we go again, he should've never befriended these two in high school. Mumbling to himself about their idiocy he walked out to the balcony, deciding to smoke instead of listening to these idiots.
"First of all, YOU shot ME first and" he yelled and turned to point at the balcony, "That motherf*cker shot you, not me! I agree four times was a bit excessive but hey you were the one who kept going on and on about us being too soft on ya." Turning to her with raised brows, "And loyalties? Babe, come on, I mean, you and I- like we like- I've been in you multiple times, day or night and-"
"CAN YOU NOT!" she screamed, gesturing at the open door of the balcony.
'I don't care, pretend I'm not here, that's what I'm pretending too!' was all they could hear from the balcony, causing her face to resemble a tomato, though her shameless boyfriend was as nonchalant as ever, continuing his little speech, half naked in the living room.
"All I'm saying is, I don't question your loyalties because I know you've got the hots for me like I completely get it, I'd wanna sleep with me too, but your creep of a boss knows his soggy sausage aint worth your time and-"
"I should've aimed for your d*ck"
"Would you really though? Cause I know you loyal to my d-"
"And this conversation is over." with that she stomped away, speed walking when she heard the loud cackles of Seonghwa followed by the laughter of her own idiot of a man. No, boys, they were still the same shameless teenage boys, she accidentally had the unfortunate fate of meeting in school, when she was nothing but a victim of loneliness, turning her grey dull days into chaotic, colourful ones pulled out of the ass of the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland.
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jvngkook97 · 2 years
Class Act
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synopsis; in which Namjoon is the popular jock and you’re just another girl in the bleachers. OR what happens when the gentle giant takes notice of the introverted, yet dedicated fan?
pairing; college jock!namjoon x college student!reader
genre; angst, fluff, humor, smut, s2l, f2l, college au, jock au
warnings; classic college tropes, angst in the form of cheerleaders(but not all!) misjudging reader, reader has some body image issues, but mainly just a whole bunch of sweet jock Namjoon for your pleasure, a letterman jacket kink rises to the surface, reader is awkward, joon is a patient angel baby cause he’s in lOoOve with reader so much 🥺 uhhhhm there will be sexual intercourse and it will be soft and cute with protection being used cause they smart cookies(and so are you!)
rating; 21+ MINORS DNI
w/c; 4,744
a/n; happy birthday to our favorite accident prone, gentle giant, dimple baby Kim Namjoon! like + reblog if you enjoyed. don’t be a silent reader! <3 feedback is always appreciated and helps to keep this writer motivated to put out more content — like this! all the love, always.
networks; @ficscafe, @thebtswritersclub, @btshoneyhive, @kflixnet
It was another chilly September evening.
The flood lights that surround the football field are bright as ever, allowing the football players to continue playing as the night continues on.
You secure your jacket tighter around your shivering figure, the unforgiving wind still somehow making it through the thick material no matter how hard you try otherwise. The people around you both cheer when your team scores a touchdown, and boo when the away team does.
All of that is trivial, however, seeing as your main focus is on the tallest member of the team, making it easier for you to decipher him amongst the other players.
Kim Namjoon. The gentle giant.
The bleachers erupt into a fit of cheers, hooting, and hollering, your team winning the game by a landslide. Not that you ever doubted it. Namjoon and the other players gradually make their way off the field and towards the locker rooms to get washed up. With your seat being next to the corridor that they walk through, you get a good luck as they go by.
Namjoon is waving politely at those that chant his name in earnest. He’s not the quarterback, but he’s just as popular, if not more. His talents are phenomenal when it came to the sport, everyone sure that he was going to get recognized by an agent and signed by end of his college career.
You join the rest of those that chant his name, though your voice is easily drowned out by those who aren’t afraid to scream their hearts out. For a split second, your eyes lock with his. That dimpled smile widens, and you woefully wish it’s due to you, though you know that can’t be true considering you’ve never gained the courage to talk with him.
You imagine it’s cause of you anyways.
The following Monday you’re taking your normal stroll through the large campus courtyard. It’s littered with students that share the same goal as you, making it to their class on time. Up ahead, you see the jocks and cheerleaders formed in their usual circle located next to the fountain that’s planted dab in the middle of said courtyard.
You spot Namjoon easily.
He’s laughing from something that Cherry said, cheer captain and from what you heard, now ex of Kim Namjoon. From their interaction, you wonder if those were just rumors, or maybe they just ended on good terms. You wouldn’t put it past Namjoon to stay civil in that kind of situation.
Due to your zoning out on the dimpled male, you fail to watch where you’re going, and make the fatal mistake of knocking into Jin, another member of the football team. The action causes a domino effect from the force in which you accidentally plow him with, ultimately making Cherry stumble into Namjoon and having him catch her effortlessly. His face is worried as he asks if she’s okay, she says yes.
His eyes then flicker to yours, as does everyone around him when they realize that you’re the culprit.
“Aiiiiish! You should be apart of the team with that powerful of a tackle, y/l/n.”
Jin turns and jests at your embarrassed figure good naturedly, a grin on his face so as to show there’s no hard feelings on his part. The same sentiment can’t be said for a few of the cheerleaders who were collateral damage.
“You’re right, Jin. She’s certainly built like a dude.” Cherry’s co-captain and best friend sardonically chimes in with a smirk on her face. The comment creates scattered laughter throughout the group in agreement, all except for Namjoon, you notice.
Your face flushes at the jab, you being well aware that your chest wasn’t quite as developed as most women your age. Your lip trembles, and you bite it in hopes of stopping the tears that begin to build in your eyes. You make a show of deeply bowing to the group, mumbling a ‘sorry, please excuse me’ before standing up straight and briskly walking past.
Namjoon makes a step towards your retreating figure, promptly getting stopped by Cherry’s hand that curls itself around his bicep. His face that was once full of worry for his ex, still held the same expression, but this time for you.
He made a mental note that next time he saw you he was going to apologize on behalf of his so called ‘friends’.
You make it to class without a hitch. The day drones on like it always does, and it’s not until that final bell rings do you sigh in relief. You clutch your binder into your chest, both arms folded around it as you step back outside into the courtyard, this time with the end destination being your bed.
You get close to the school gates before you’re stopped by a loud voice. A loud, familiar voice.
“Y/N! Hey! Wait up!”
You stiffly turn in the direction where the voice is coming from, seeing Kim Namjoon in all his beautiful, letterman jacket wearing glory make it to you in a second flat from his long legged strides. Your knuckles turn white from how hard you’re holding your binder now, something Namjoon’s eyes dart to as he gets close enough to stand a few feet away from your shorter figure.
His full, dimpled smile is on display, and this time you know for a fact that it’s meant for you only. Your brain malfunctions, and you miss the words that come out of his mouth next, the only thing you register is his lips moving to form said words.
You blink. Once, twice. His smile doesn’t falter, but he does lean in closer to your face, one slender finger coming up to gently poke the crease in between your brows that seemed to form without you knowing. It must be from how confused you are about the situation at hand.
As if time unpaused itself, your brain clears up enough for you to speak, though your voice cracks when you do.
“I’m–, I’m sorry. What did you say?”
“I was asking if you were available to accompany me to this new diner that opened up down the street. I wanted to treat you.”
His hands are stuffed into his letterman jacket, he’s rocking himself on the balls of his feet as he waits for your answer patiently. Eyes staying trained on your face, he surveys out of his peripheral the outfit you’re wearing. It’s cute, different, unique. He likes it, a lot.
Your eyes narrow, and for the first time does his usually confident smile begin to dim.
“Is this some kind of a bet?”
His eyes widen, face crestfallen at your misconception of his genuine interest in you.
“Excuse me?” Now it’s his turn to gain those creases between his brows.
“Are your friends going to pop out of the bushes and yell ‘gotcha!’?”
He doesn’t miss the way you elongate the word friends with a hint of distaste on your tongue. He’ll be the first to admit that his choice of company can be downright rude, and wonders what other slurs you had to endure by them before he transferred to this college his junior year.
“No, they’re not. I promise I only come to you with good intentions and on the basis of wanting to get to know you better. Is that alright with you?” He ends with a question, and once again awaits your answer. There’s no signs of malice or ill intent as he looks at you, but you can’t help the walls you’ve built over the years.
Pursing your lips, you reply.
“No, thank you. I wouldn’t want to further endure the wrath of the cheerleading squad when your girlfriend finds out. So, good day.”
You pivot on your heel, decision resolute.
An enlarged hand grasps your own, and you stop in your tracks, back towards him.
“She’s not my girl–well, she was-but not anymore. We broke up awhile ago. Like, months ago. She even has a new boyfriend already, he’s a cool dude.”
He’s nonchalant when he speaks, his grip on your hand loosens when you turn your attention back on him, but he still keeps ahold on your hand incase you attempt to ditch him again.
“Only you would talk highly of an ex’s new boyfriend, I swear. You’re like a freaking unicorn.”
He lets out a bellowing, open mouthed laugh that seems to take over his entire face, his eyes crinkling, that reverberates through his hand and into yours, causing your arm to shake lightly as a result. A hint of a smile appears on your face that makes him gasp in pure delight.
He points at your mouth with a cheeky, dimpled, grin.
“There’s that smile!”
Your immediate reaction is to hide your face in your chest, an action he prevents you from doing as he uses his other hand to cup your chin and steer your gaze back onto his. His hand is still warm from its previous home in his jacket, you note, despite the cold air around you two.
“You shouldn’t hide your face, it’s pretty.”
From that point on, you were hooked.
Once again, you’re walking your normal route to class within the courtyard. Namjoon and his group of friends are a few yards away from you, but this time when he notices you, he makes a point to break away with haste, apologies spew from his supple lips to those he squeezes past to get to you.
Jin is the last to let him past, giving you an enthusiastic wave. Even Cherry and her posse give you smiles in greeting that you return. Namjoon’s arms encase themselves around your waist as he hoists your small frame and twirls you both in a circle. He’s still holding you up off the ground, and you slowly slide down enough to plant a soft, but meaningful kiss on his lips. You could feel him smile into it, and it makes your teeth clash for a moment.
When you mutually pull away for fresh air, you barely have time before he’s peppering you with kisses all over your face. From behind, Jin patronizes you both on your disgusting public display of affection.
“Oi! Get a room you two!”
Using one arm to hold you, he makes a point to flip Jin off with his free hand that makes you roll your eyes at their antics. You give him a few pats on his shoulder, your way of telling him to set you back down on solid ground. He pouts cutely, but obliges.
Throwing an arm around your shoulder instead, your fingers thread through his dangling ones over your shoulder as he leads you to your first class of the day. Too soon do you arrive, and he leans against the side of the wall next to the door with his lips already puckered in waiting. You lean up this time to oblige his height as best as you can, not noticing when he subtly leans down further to accommodate your height difference.
Inbetween kisses, he asks you a question.
“Am I still able to come over after the game tonight?”
His eyes are hopeful, smile widening when you nod in affirmation to his question. He gives you a loving pat on the head, before using both hands to secure your head long enough for him to plant a kiss on your forehead and then he’s off and heading to his own class with a wave of his hand, barely managing to dodge a gaggle of girls in time before crashing into them.
You wave back with a shake of your head at your clumsy giant, smile of your own adorning your face as a light hue rises in your cheeks of what’s to come.
You couldn’t wait.
Just like in the beginning, you’re back in your favorite spot on the bleachers to watch your now boyfriend own the field like he always does. Off to the side, not to far from where you are, you catch a snippet of conversation between a dude who looks way to formally dressed to be at a college football game and Namjoon’s coach. When Namjoon’s body hurdles by them with the football in hand, does the formal guy point at Namjoon with a serious look on his face. His coach crosses his arms over his chest with a puff of his chest, a smug smile on his face as he nods to whatever the formal dude is saying.
Huh. You wonder what that’s about.
You join the rest of the crowd around you in a standing, deafening applaud for the entire football team as they make their way through the corridor after a major win of the season. Your eyes scan the members in search of Namjoon’s loving eyes, but you don’t see him.
It’s not until your eyes shift back towards the field, do you find him with his helmet tucked under his arm, a beaming smile on his face as he talks to coach and mystery dude. The latter pats Namjoon on the shoulder as you make your way slowly down the bleachers to the stairs that lead to on the field. When your feet touch the astroturf and you begin your small trek to the three men, does the mystery dude bid his goodbyes and walk past you.
The coach and Namjoon are hugging each other tightly, coach shouting praises at Namjoon.
“I knew you would be something kid. I just knew it!”
“Thanks, coach. This wouldn’t have been possible without you!”
You walk up as they separate, and you have a wary smile on your face, your gut telling you that you just might know what transpired, but choosing to stay silent and wait for Namjoon to tell you himself.
If possible, his smile becomes broader when he sees you. Dropping his helmet to the ground, he ditches it in favor of holding your body tightly against him. You hug him back just as enthusiastically, his breath fanning your ear as he speaks.
“I did it, baby! I got recruited for a team!”
You gasp in astonishment, eyes watering due to how happy you are for Joon. This has been his goal for as long as he could throw a football, you couldn’t be more proud of him. Your arms tighten around his neck as you bury your face into him. He can feel your body shake with happy sobs, and can’t help the emotion of the moment when he joins you in the sobfest.
The coach is long gone when you two collect yourselves, Namjoon using his thumbs to wipe the tear streaks from your face as he smiles at you lovingly. Your nose is red and eyes are puffy, but he’s never seen you look more beautiful than you do at this moment.
He leans down to kiss you. It’s soft, slow, but full of passion.
“I love you, y/n.”
The words are whispered between kisses and instead of responding with words, you opt for action in the form of deepening the kiss with a mix of tongues as you battle for dominance.
He wins. He always wins.
Namjoon is manspreading on your bed wearing nothing but black boxers, arms behind his head as he watches your shy, hesitant body make its way past the frame of the door. Your arms are crossed over your chest in self doubt of how risqué you chose to dress yourself tonight for Namjoon’s pleasure – and your own.
It’s a sheer, black, silky slip that caught your eye in the mall recently. The lady that helped you pick it out reassured you that you would look so good that he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off of you. But, as you look at his now stiff body, face void of emotion, you conclude it must’ve just been her trying to meet her sales quota for that day.
Your body folds in on itself, your flight response immediately wanting to kick in and save you from your utter embarrassment at trying and failing to look sexy. Namjoon snaps out of his lust induced haze to see your fear stricken one, and he instantly hops off the bed to secure you within his arms with endearing words of praise spoken into your hair as he rocks you both side to side.
“I’m sorry, baby. My brain fried there for a second when I saw how gorgeous you look.”
He pulls away, but keeps his hands on your shoulders, rubbing the tops of them occasionally as his eyes rake over your perfectly curved, thick figure with both love and lust.
“Just gorgeous?”
His eyes snap to yours when your meek voice passes your lips, his brows scrunching in confusion. He goes to question you, but you beat him to the answer.
“I was trying to go for more along the lines of sexy–,” your eyes look everywhere but his as you continue, self deprecating thoughts fill your mind for a moment as you become your own worst critic. “–I bet if I had bigger boobs–,”
“I’m gonna stop you right there.”
His hand on your chin, makes you look at him. His eyes hold nothing but warmth when he speaks.
“You are sexy, baby. So fucking sexy.”
Your eyes widen, a soft gasp escapes your lips. He trails one hand down your arm and to your hand, before he’s leading you both back to your bed. Guiding you to lay down, he then takes a moment to savor the way your body naturally parts your legs in anticipation of him being between them. Not wanting to disappoint, he kneels between your legs and uses the strength of his arms to hover over your form.
“I don’t want you ever doubting how I feel about you, okay? If you’re feeling down, let me know. I’ll be glad to show you otherwise.” A cheeky smirk adorns his face and your cheeks tint, small smile beginning to curl at the edge of your lips.
“There’s that smile I love.”
“Shut up.”
You pull him down by his neck to kiss him, it starts out slow and sensual, before turning into a kiss of pure need for one another. Your bodies react, his lower half grinds into yours and you can feel the effect you have on him. You whimper into the kiss, the weight of his crotch rubs deliciously into your clit that makes you want more.
“Please, Joonie. No teasing.”
“Fine, fine. One thing though, something I always wanted to try.”
You tilt your head in bewilderment when he pushes himself off of you to cross your room to the duffel bag that lays on the floor next to your desk. Unzipping it, he ruffles through the contents until he finds what he’s looking for – his letterman jacket.
He makes his way back to you and gestures for you to sit up, which you do. Grabbing the bottom of your slip dress, he helps you pull it off until your left nude in front of him. He bites his lip, and throws the jacket around your shoulders, encouraging you to slink your arms through the sleeves, which again, you do. He then sits back to both admire you and take in his fantasy come to life.
You wearing nothing but his letterman jacket.
His Adam’s apple bobs, pupils blown, as you yourself admire the jacket around you. The semi rough material rubs against your nipples and makes them harden. The scent of Joon is all over it, and you can’t help but bring the collar up to your nose to savor it with your eyes closed in content.
A shaky exhale is what has your eyes popping back open to witness Namjoon sink to his elbows between your legs. You whine at his actions.
“Joon, I said no teasing tonight.”
“Baby, please? This has been a fantasy of mine for a long time now, I just want to taste you real quick.” He whines back cutely, full on pout plastered on his face that you just can’t say no too.
You give a mock huff of feigned annoyance and let yourself plop back comfortably onto the pillows beneath you, he pumps a fist in the air in triumph that has you lightly hitting him in the back of his head with the heel of your foot to hurry up.
Then, he doesn’t waste any time.
He dives in, planting one solid lick to your outer folds that leads to the hood of your clit. He places one hand between you both to gently tug the hood of your clit up so he can blow softly on it. The cool sensation makes your body erupt with goosebumps, and then he’s placing a hard suck on your clit that has your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Your knees unconsciously begin closing upon contact, but he uses his other free hand to hold one of your legs down, preemptively giving him better access to your core.
He switches his attention from your clit, and down to your now glistening hole, where he allows his middle finger to slide inside up to the knuckle, taking it out a second later to rub circles around your hole. Your hips buck, hole clenching around nothing, missing the intruding digit already. He continues this torturous routine until you start to become frustrated at your lack of relief, the edging beginning to take a toll on you.
“Namjoon, you better start–,” you begin to berate him, but your words turn into soft pants when he chooses at that exact moment to add two more digits into your hole at a fast pace, curling them to the point he’s able to feel your soft spot. His pace is unrelenting as you grip the sheets, back arching and mouth parting in a silent scream. Your toes begin to curl and he watches with hooded eyes as you come undone for the first time that night before him. Your orgasm washes over your spasming body in waves, and he’s quick to replace his fingers with his big mouth to lewdly slurp up your essence like a man starved for water. Some of it eludes his mouth to dribble down his chin and onto the bedding beneath you.
“Fuck. Namjoon. Stop. I can’t.”
You beg breathlessly, fingers gripping his hair in a vice to lift his head off your oversensitive pussy. He places one last wet kiss to each of your inner thighs, then trails up your body to your breasts. He takes one in each hand, gently massaging them to squish them together so he can take advantage of his big mouth and tongue to both lick and suckle each nipple with the same amount of attention.
You use the opportunity to come down from your high, to a still pleasurable, but not overbearing different kind of stimulation. After a few minutes, he uses one hand to push down his boxers enough to kick them off the bed with his feet. Getting back up on his knees, he reaches over the side of you to your side table drawer and fetches out a condom you make sure to keep just incase. He opens it and rolls it on, being sure to pinch the tip to make room for his own slick to fill.
He lines up his length with your still semi spasming hole, but looks up at you with a question in his eyes that gets answered just as quietly when you wrap your legs around his waist. Both of you let out a grunt of satisfaction when he stills, fully inside.
“Are you okay?”
You don’t realize your eyes closed on their own as your body adjusted to Namjoon’s girth. When you open them, you see his face hovering over yours with concern pooling in his.
“I’m good, Joon. You can move.”
Leaning down, he gives you a lingering kiss on your lips as he begins to move his hips against yours. He doesn’t go fast, choosing tonight as one to be savored. It’s an important one after all, he wants to remember it.
You thrust your own hips up in the slow, rhythmic tempo that he’s set, encouraging him to his first orgasm of the night. He buries his face in your neck, giving sloppy thrusts until he stills. Using what little strength you have left, you place the palms of your hands on his chest and push him until he’s laying on his back on the bed. You take your time straddling him, rubbing your folds against his length once, twice – it’s not until the third swing of your hips does he place his hands on your love handles in order to guide his length back into your warmth.
You chuckle at his impatience, and he glowers at you playfully.
“I thought you said no teasing?”
“Figured I’d give you a taste of your own medicine is all.”
You’re playing innocent, but he knows better. He lets you ride him at your own pace, letting his hands roam all over your breasts, your stomach, your thighs. Eventually, when he feels your walls begin to constrict around his own growing length, does he drop his hand where you two meet in order to rub soft, yet perfect amount of weight on your clit to help spur both of your impending orgasms.
Throwing caution to the wind, you splay your hands on his chest to get better leverage and a better angle, increasing your pace from a slow one to a fast one that has both of you a panting mess trying to chase your highs at the same time. You let out a broken whimper and he knows you’re closer to yours, but he wants to cum at the same time as you, finding the rare occurrence just another way of togetherness in his mind between you both when it does happen.
Easing his assault on your clit, he plants his heels into the bed to thrust up at a brutal pace, his cock pistons in and out of your sopping hole and you let out a sob at the orgasm that suddenly hits you at the same time that his does. He only stops when you can’t hold yourself up anymore and choose to lazily plop yourself off to the side of him on the bed, face flushed, eyes closed, and ready for sleep already.
He’s not too far behind you, wanting to crash after that love making session, but he needs to clean up first and so do you. He gives your ass a light slap and you groan into the pillow in reply.
“Let’s clean up, baby. Then sleep.”
You flip him off. He playfully bites your fingertip.
The next day you’re both taking an early morning walk around campus, your small hand held tightly in his large one. Ever since last night, he takes any chance he can get to see you wearing his letterman jacket, so that’s what you’re currently wearing over your outfit.
You don’t mind though, in fact, you love it.
Like you love him.
So, you say it for the first time since he’s confessed.
“Joon?” He looks down at you with a curious look on his face, and waits patiently for you to speak when he notices how shy you’re getting. It brings him back to the first day he met you.
“I love you too.”
Your favorite dimpled smile makes an appearance. You two meet in the middle for a loving kiss. You go to pull away, but he secured a hand on the back of your neck to keep you a hair width away as he speaks lowly, honestly.
“I always saw you.”
You tilt your head in confusion.
“Saw me?”
“Yeah. In the bleachers. You went to every game. I even saw the sign you made with just my number on it, but it helped me get that winning touchdown.”
“You’re joking.”
“Serious as a heart attack.”
A puff of laughter escapes your lips, your lips grazing his during the act that has him chasing yours for another. His shoulders bounce as he lightly laughs along with you.
Another reason you love wearing his jacket? It lets everyone around you know that you’re his.
That you would always be his.
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juyeonszn · 6 months
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PAIRING jacob bae x f!reader
GENRES smut ﹒fluff ﹒itty bitty angst
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, strangers to ?? to lovers, volleyball team captain!jacob (ohhhh ive been waiting for this one..), lots of 97 liner cameos, jacob is an honorary tbz frat member but isn’t actually a member lol, reader is down bad for him, mentions of alcohol, volleyball terms that i learned from haikyuu 😭, an annoying ex girlfriend, AURKAY here we go: bathroom sex, wall sex, bathroom sink counter sex, and mirror sex all in one, doggy style and also missionary? i guess?, NO FOREPLAY BUT FUCK IT WE FALL LIKE SOLDIERS FOR REAL, marking-ish, unprotected sex, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, and everyone’s favorite! creampie!, a cutesy ending
SUMMARY jacob thought the concept of fraternities was stupid. so stupid that despite every single one of his friends being in one, he still refused to join. however, after meeting you at one of the tbz parties, he’s starting to think maybe they’re not that horrible.
MORE HELLAURRRR ok i know this is 45 mins overdue but i barely finished this last night and i worked at 5 am this morning so 😭 ANYWAYYY this fic is actually my favorite so far… idk i just have this natural writing affinity when it comes to jacob which u can tell by the length…. if u enjoyed pls reblog! and don’t forget to check out the other fics in the series!
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs @itsbeeble @zzoguri @deoboyznet @cloverdaisies @vernyangel @ericlvr
TAGLIST @millksea
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“And there’s another point for the IST U Bears. Wow these boys are on fire tonight.”
The announcer’s voice booms throughout the gymnasium, intertwining with the cheers of the crowd. They all sound like the buzzing of a bee in Jacob’s ears, but that’s a good thing. It pricks at his skin, lighting it on fire and getting his morale going.
The team just needed one more point and they would win this set, sending them on their way to the championship game. This would be the first time in IST history that their boys’ volleyball team would make it this far, and that was all thanks to Jacob becoming captain for his senior year.
Their coach calls for a quick time out, giving Jacob a moment of reprieve before his final serve of the game. He wipes away the sweat on his forehead, shaking the front of his jersey to air it out and cool him down a little. The team’s manager passes him a water bottle. He loves the adrenaline rush that courses through his veins when he’s on the court. It’s unlike any other feeling he’s ever felt in his life.
“Alright, Bae. You’ve got this, right?” Jacob’s coach gives him a pointed look.
“Of course, Coach. There’s no way in hell that we’re losing this game tonight.” He gives him a firm nod, lips curled into a confident smile. There wasn’t a chance that Jacob Bae would go down without a fight. He was securing that championship seat whether anyone liked it or not.
The team heads back out and a referee hands Jacob the volleyball. He blows a raspberry, twirling the ball on his fingertips while waiting for the whistle. As soon as he hears it, he takes a couple steps back. A breeze cuts through his hair when he runs, executing his infamous jump serve with practiced ease. The ball flies past the players of the other team, hitting the court just in front of the line.
His teammates are yelling and throttling his body around before he even realizes that they’ve won. Some of them are riling up the crowd, others are on their knees crying tears of joy. He was anticipating this outcome, but for some reason he’s still shell shocked. Everything around him is static and white noise.
“Holy shit, Jacob. I can’t believe you did that,” Kim Mingyu, the team’s star middle blocker, slaps him on the back. He’s also drenched in sweat, patting his face with a towel.
“You and me both, to be completely honest.” Jacob laughs a bit, collecting his things so he can head to the locker room.
He’s slightly grateful that tonight’s game ended a little early, giving him enough time to get ready before the Tau Beta Zeta party. He wasn’t even that big of a party person. He only went to provide moral support for his friends who happened to all be in the fraternity. Most people would even go as far as assuming he was also in it considering how often he was spotted at that house, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. He actually thought fraternities were dumb. In his eyes, they held no purpose.
A bunch of guys living together under the guise of brotherhood when in reality they spent most of their time partying was just stupid. You could do that without the fancy titles or the expected respect from fellow students. He loved his friends, truly, but he didn’t understand the hype.
Jacob showers quickly and changes into a hoodie and some baggy jeans. He ruffles his hair in front of a mirror, grabbing his backpack and swinging it over his shoulder. As he’s preparing to leave, someone calls out to him.
“Yo, Cobie! Are you going to the TBZ party?”
He spins around to find the source, learning it belongs to Jeong Jaehyun. The setter nods, pulling his hood over his head. “Like I always do. Why?”
“I heard through the grapevine that Haeun was going with some friends. I just thought I’d warn you,” he squeezes the shoulder that isn’t hoisting his backpack. “I figured you’d want to take things chill this next week with the championship game on Friday.”
Jacob hums in response and Jaehyun takes that as his cue to be on his way. Of course this would be his luck. Just as he thinks life is getting easier for him, something has to come and throw a curveball at him. This something happened to be his ex-girlfriend, who’d done nothing but terrorize Jacob while they were together. Imagine the most toxic, vile person in the world, then dress her in Jimmy Choo sandals and a designer handbag. That was Haeun.
The only logical reason for her to attend the TBZ party was because his friends were still trying to rack up their numbers. He wouldn’t put it past them if that meant acquiring any and every student on campus. After tonight they would find out who won the stupid competition between them and the KAT sorority, hopefully putting a pin in their godforsaken rivalry once and for all. The winner determined if he was even going to the big end of semester party or not.
Jacob sighs, heading out so he can help out his friends in any way he can. Now that he’s been cursed with the knowledge that he might run into his ex, he’s half tempted to just ditch the whole thing. (He won’t, but the idea is flirting with him.) They’ve been broken up for well over a year now, but somehow she always manages to worm her way back and make him miserable. Quite frankly, he’s tired of it.
When Jacob arrives at the Tau Beta Zeta house, his friends are all over the place. Sangyeon is typing away on his phone, pacing back and forth in the living room. The action from the calm and collected fraternity president makes him kind of nervous. He escapes into the kitchen where Sunwoo and Eric are putting away all of the alcohol. Kevin and Chanhee are complaining about God knows what to each other, and he can faintly hear Hyunjae and Haknyeon upstairs. His juniors start clapping and hollering as soon as they see him enter.
“Woah woah woah, we’ve got a celebrity on our hands guys.” Eric jokes, dapping up the older male.
“Congrats, Cobie,” Sunwoo joins in, fist bumping his senior and handing him a beer bottle. “Do you think you’re gonna win next week?”
“I sure hope so,” Jacob snorts, uncapping the bottle with the opener on the fridge. “I didn’t bring us all this way for nothing.”
Nothing super eventful happens after that, just the guys setting up for the party. They’re projecting that this is the one that secures their victory for the competition. Jacob really couldn’t care less, sitting himself on the couch and scrolling through his phone as he nurses his beer. They all maneuver around him, setting up speakers here, lights there. It’s all pointless in his eyes.
When the party has finally started and the house is packed with partygoers, Jacob hasn’t budged from his spot. The only reason he has a fresh beer is because Eric grabbed one for him in passing. This was what he subjected himself to for hours on end every Friday night. His ass cemented to one of the sofas in the living room and his phone being his main source of entertainment.
It’s as you’re exiting the kitchen with your friends that you notice him. You laugh into your drink at the boredom written all over his face. His extremely handsome face. His hair falls into his eyes and slightly obstructs his vision, but that just accelerates the beating of your heart. You don’t know what it is, but there’s something about him that makes you want to learn his name and everything there is about him.
“Y/N, have you found a nice boy to give you a fun time before hell week?” Haeun asks you, running perfectly manicured fingernails through her hair. “That’s the whole point of being here, isn’t it?”
You didn’t want to tag along, honestly. You were content with staying in tonight and studying for your A&PII exam. You only agreed to get Haeun off your back, because you were well aware of how annoying she could get when she didn’t get what she wanted. She gave the KAT sorority president a run for her money sometimes.
“Uh, no. I’ll just see where the night takes me,” you shrug, keeping a poker face so she doesn’t see who you’re already ogling.
Knowing her, she would make it difficult for you. She would torture you and tease you relentlessly because that was just who she was. Haeun wasn’t satisfied unless she felt good about herself. You didn’t know why you were still friends with her. Maybe it was because she was one of the first people who sought you out after your transfer to IST. Maybe it was because you were afraid of being blacklisted by practically every other student if you dropped her. Her power was insane.
“Boring,” she drags out the vowels, rolling her eyes. “I’m gonna see if Cha Eunwoo is here yet.”
You watch as she disappears into the sardine-packed house, looking for the senior. Your other friend, Minjee, just sighs once the dictator is out of earshot— which isn’t even that far considering how loud the music is. She turns to you with a weak smile.
“Don’t let her ruin anything for you. Just go enjoy yourself before she does.”
You don’t need to be told a second time, chugging the contents of your red solo cup for some liquid courage. Your mission was simple; be ten times more fun than the party itself. That would surely catch Couch Boy’s attention. It wasn’t like the Tau Beta Zeta guys didn’t put all their effort into throwing the craziest parties at the school, but clearly this dude wasn’t for it.
Your feet carry you over to the living room, your teeth chewing on your lip nervously. You’d never hit on someone before, let alone at a party. The scariest part was the potential rejection in front of hundreds of your peers. But it was okay! You could do this. You think.
The word leaves your mouth without your brain even registering it, eyes wide like you’d just done something wrong. He looks up from his phone, mirroring your expression. His tongue darts out to swipe across his bottom lip and then he’s scooting over to make room for you.
“Hi,” he says after a few seconds.
“I’m Y/n,” you extend your hand awkwardly, but he takes it, shaking it with a firm grip that has you crossing your legs. “I— uh— this is kinda weird, but um— I saw you from over there and thought you were cute.”
You swallow thickly, tucking some hair behind your ear. How did Haeun do this on the regular? He smiles at your fumbling and oh God, you think you might pass out from how attractive he is. You don’t have much alcohol in your system and you’re starting to regret how sober you are.
“I’m Jacob,” he rests an arm on the back of the couch. “Thanks for coming up to me. I would’ve missed your pretty face otherwise.”
Is he flirting with you? Holy shit, he’s flirting with you.
“Do you come to Tau Beta Zeta parties often?” You ask to continue the conversation. He nods.
“I practically live here,” Jacob laughs, eyes crinkling at the corners. “How about you, Y/N? What are you studying?”
Oh, so he was one of the members. You wouldn’t have guessed with how disinterested he seemed at his own party. It takes you a moment to realize he’s shifted the focus onto you, scanning your features for a response. You purse your lips.
“Not really. I’m more of a homebody. I’m only here to let loose before finals. I actually just transferred to IST U this semester for the exceptional Pre-Med department. I’m still sorta navigating my way around and meeting people.”
So that’s why he’s never seen you on campus. You’re completely new to the school and you’re in a completely different department than he is. Nonetheless, you’re really cute and Jacob hasn’t put himself out there since breaking up with Haeun. He’s been so concentrated on maintaining his grades and putting in the work for volleyball, he hasn’t even had the time to. But now that finals and the championship game are all next week, he supposes he can allot some just this once…
“How are you liking it here so far?” He asks you genuinely. It winds you a little. You’ve never had someone actually care about what you had to say or show interest in you. Even at your old school, no one batted an eye at you. You doubt anyone knew you transferred.
“The campus itself is beautiful. It’s a lot bigger than my previous one. And so far, everyone’s been nothing but kind to me. I wish I would’ve gone with my gut and came here straight out of high school.” You pick at a thread on your skirt.
“We all live and we all learn, that’s a part of life,” Jacob shrugs, nudging your leg with his foot. “Would you like to grab another drink with me?”
“Yeah, that would be great, actually.” You both stand from the couch.
Since sitting with him, the party has grown in size. Fellow students filled every available corner of the house, nearly standing body to body in order to fit everyone in the building. The amount of attendees should be a fire hazard, honestly. Jacob laces your fingers together so he doesn’t lose you in the mass of people blocking the path to the kitchen. There’s a game of Rage Cage going on where there’s usually a round of beer pong and it looks like this one guy is about to die with how many empty cups are in front of him.
“What are you drinking?” Jacob turns to you once you’ve reached the alcohol table. You shake your head.
“Surprise me.”
“You’re playing Russian Roulette here, Y/N,” his lips curl up into a devious smile that most people would run away from, especially when it’s on the face of a stranger. “You’re really trusting me with your life right now.”
Luckily, you’ve always been into that type of thing. Nice guys who looked like they could give you an unforgettable night. And in the short period you’ve known Jacob, he appeared to be just that. All you can do is nip at your lower lip, the fleet of a smile gracing his sight.
He passes you a cup and gestures for you to taste his concoction. It burns the course of your throat, but doesn’t remind you of straight battery acid. You give him a thumbs up of approval and he cheers, fist bumping the air. You giggle at his reaction. Perhaps stepping out of your comfort zone was the best decision you’ve made all night. He knocks his own cup against yours and takes a swig, wincing.
“I might’ve made mine just a bit stronger than usual,” his voice is hoarse and you can’t help but laugh a little harder. “I put all of my expertise into yours.”
“It’s good to know you’re a gentleman and you’re not trying to get me drunk on purpose,” you tease, sipping at the beverage gingerly. “However, that does mean you’ll need to be flashier in your attempts to woo me. I have very high standards.”
Jacob’s smile widens, his teeth peeking from behind his lips. The expression makes you lightheaded. It should be a crime to look as good as he does, without even trying either. “I don’t know… All I’m hearing is that you want me to woo you…”
He’s caught you red-handed, but it isn’t like you were doing much to conceal that fact. You’d like to think you were being very obvious with your intentions on purpose. You glance up at him from the rim of your cup, your lower back leaning on the counter. “Maybe I do… Are you opposed to that, Jacob?”
He takes a step closer to you, and then another until he has you caged between him and the kitchen counter. Really, he couldn’t give any less of a fuck about the clusters of people nearby. When Jacob Bae had a goal in mind, he made damn sure to work for it. His volleyball career could attest to that. His drink slides across the surface, spilling a little on the back of his hand. He leans down to your ear. “Not at all. But I don’t think you’ll be able to handle what happens when I succeed.”
You feel your cheeks warm, your throat drying, and it’s not because of the effects from the alcohol you’ve just consumed. You’ve known this guy, what, thirty minutes max? And he was already figuring out exactly what it took to get your gears grinding? What a quick fucking leaner. He knows he’s won, too, if the way you’ve gone cotton-mouthed is anything to go by. The ghost of a grin brushes the shell of your ear and it requires the entirety of your strength not to pounce on this stranger in the middle of this goddamn party.
“Everybody who isn’t Tau Beta Zeta, get the fuck out! Someone called the cops!”
A record scratch-like halt puts a pin in the moment, forcing Jacob to step away from you with a groan. This would be just your luck, wouldn’t it? You found a ‘nice boy to give you a fun time before hell week’ and then this stupid party gets raided. It’s annoying, actually. Aggravating, even. Your lips unconsciously form pout out of disappointment and Jacob feels a piece of himself die along with it.
“Shit, you gotta get out of here before they show up and start dragging people out,” he runs a hand through his hair with a hiss.
If it had been a minute earlier, you would’ve fallen to your knees by now. Unfortunately, that was not the case. You needed to find Haeun and Minjee. You do a quick 180° in hopes of spotting either of them.
“Yeah, I need to find my—” You interrupt yourself when you see the former of the two stomping towards you with an indistinguishable look in her eye. “—Friends…”
“Let’s go, Y/N,” her tone is snappy and she glances over at Jacob for a brief moment. You don’t have time to realize what’s happening until her petite fingers are wrapping around your wrist, hauling you out of the kitchen. A yelp escapes your lips as you turn to wave to your… whatever he is to you now.
Initially, you assumed she was just ticked off by the whole cop call thing. At least, that made sense if she’d gotten anywhere with that Cha Eunwoo guy she had been talking about all day leading up to the party. But then Minjee’s driving you back your apartment and she’s whipping around in the passenger seat to give you the nastiest glare you’ve ever been on the receiving end of.
“What the hell is your problem?” She looks two seconds away from bursting a vein in her forehead.
“Wh— huh?” You’re thoroughly confused. What the fuck did you do to her?
“Why were you talking to Jacob Bae? You do know that’s my ex, right?” Her gaze has softened, but could still very much kill you if she wanted to. The wrath of Lee Haeun was more terrifying than that of any horror movie villain to ever exist.
No no no no. The world stops on its axis and it’s like you’ve been told your favorite song was written about a used tissue. You don’t hear anything else she says, feeling like you just had ear muffs placed over your head. This isn’t fair. The universe officially hated you. You were number one on the list of people who deserved the worst possible fate, your name underlined twice with red ink and a star beside it.
You really didn’t have it in you to care about what Haeun thought. If this was the reason you were finally given to stop talking to her, then so be it. What you were worried about was Jacob hating you. He clearly saw that you were friends. Why would he want to pursue anything with one of his ex’s friends? Any sane person would avoid that situation if they could.
Despite not knowing that it was Jacob specifically, you knew the details of their breakup and why things ended so messily. It made sense that she was an authoritarian even in her relationships. That was just in her nature. If she didn’t control every aspect of her life, she would lose her mind. Normally you wouldn’t have batted an eye at that, not nearly enough energy in you to deal with that level of bossiness. But it was starting to bleed into your personal life. And that was a line you weren’t so willing to let her cross.
You could only pray that this was fixable.
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Finals week passes by in a breeze, and before he knows it, Jacob is on the court for the championship game. There’s a different aura to him than there usually is when it comes to his volleyball games. He feels ten times more determined. (He would never admit to anyone that it’s because he’s hoping he’ll see you at the end of semester party tonight.)
He actually really enjoyed your presence and your personality. The rate at which his heart beat around you was something he hadn’t felt in a while and it was nice. He liked those little butterflies that came with the start of something new. He liked the jitters and the giggles and everything in between. It reminded him that there was still youth, there was still excitement in his life.
Sure, it was kind of weird that you were friends with his ex-girlfriend. The same ex-girlfriend that he couldn’t stand being in the same room as for more than five minutes at a time. But from your reaction to her dragging you away, Jacob thinks that you didn’t know about him and Haeun. If you did, you wouldn’t have gone up to him in the first place. Unless you knew and just didn’t care, then he didn’t care either. It’s not like he ever plans to allow Haeun to resurface and sink her nails back into him. That’s one mistake he’ll never make again.
Before he knows it, he’s swapping back into the game. He rolls his neck and pops his fingers, getting into position to receive this next serve. Even with this fire lit underneath him, both teams are neck and neck. With every point that IST scored, the opposing team would just catch back up without breaking a sweat. If Jacob wasn’t captain and wasn’t used to being so calm and collected during matches, he’d probably start getting as pissed as Kim Mingyu looks right now.
The referee blows his whistle and the ball is over the net. Jeon Jungkook, the team’s libero, dives for it, the volleyball bouncing off the back of his hand and back up into the air. It’s currently the fourth set and IST has two under their belt. They needed to win this one lest they wanted to go into the fifth. Everyone is on edge, but won’t stop at nothing that isn’t victory. Jacob shifts to set the ball to Jaehyun, who swings his arm back and spikes it to the other side of the court.
One of their players receives it with ease, and they’re back to square one. There’s that back and forth of both teams setting and spiking, only for the other to receive and send it back over. Jacob feels like this game is never gonna end, especially with how agile their libero is and how in tune he is with their setter. But then he makes eye contact with Lee Seokmin, an opposite hitter who’s proven time and time again that he’ll go wherever Jacob needs him to, do whatever Jacob wants him to. And that’s exactly what he does.
Mingyu bumps the ball towards the net and just when they think Jacob’s going to set it, he swaps places with Seokmin. The hitter gets beneath the volleyball and pushes it off the tip of his fingers, watching as Jacob perfectly times his jump to smack it with the palm of his hand. It’s something the two had only ever practiced a handful of times, but knew it would come in handy when everything was right. The entire interaction is flawless, and the captain’s spike lands, scoring that final point that IST needed to win the set and the game.
Just like the previous game, Jacob doesn’t even register the roaring cheers from everyone around him until they’re throwing him and Seokmin up like they themselves were volleyballs. The team is going insane, hyping up the crowd and running around the court like children. A sense of pride swells in Jacob’s chest, a crinkly-eyed smile nestling on his face like the fondness of a father.
They continue the joy-train all the way into the locker room. Jacob showers and throws on some gray cargo pants, pairing them with a black half-zip jacket. Most of the team was going to the end of semester party tonight, treating it as a post-celebratory reward for their big win. It was still so surreal for the captain. All of the pressure that had been riding on him the entire season, the strive for being someone bigger than himself. He’s grateful it paid off.
Meanwhile, you were damn near ripping your hair out, nerves eating away at the edges of your stomach like you were with the skin around your nails. After a taxing week of final exams and the anxiety of wanting to see Jacob Bae again to clear any bad air, you found yourself at the TBZ end of semester party along with Haeun and Minjee. You were thankful that your life was intact, Haeun’s irritation simmering into something a lot more bearable.
Though just a smidge pissed off that you didn’t do your research, she wasn’t as mad about the whole break of girl-code incident. She got off of your back a little too easily, though, so you were still waiting for another strike. You couldn’t help but feel as if she was planning another form of action.
You’d been at this party for at least an hour, and the attendance was double that of last week’s. They weren’t kidding when they said this was the party of all parties at IST University. You were starting to think that maybe Jacob really was going to avoid you like you were the Black Plague or equivalent. Why else would he not be at one of his own parties? Wasn’t it, like, a requirement for fraternity members to make an appearance at the things they hosted?
Being friends with Haeun really screwed everything up for you. Not only did you have to sleep with one eye open, but also keep your distance from just about every male on campus out of fear that she fucked with them, too. Why did it have to be Jacob Bae? Why couldn’t it have been someone more douchey, more up her alley? He was way too sweet, way too cute for someone of her kind. He deserved someone that could hand him the world. (Not that you were insinuating that it was you, but even you knew you were a better person than Lee Haeun.)
And as if a higher being truly existed, your prayers are answered in the form of Jacob Bae walking through the front door. A gaggle of partygoers surround him and the group of guys he’s with, including some of the fraternity brothers. You faintly hear whoops and hollers over the near deafening music, everyone patting them on their backs. Most of the attention is on Jacob and his gorgeous smile, though.
“IST U’s pride and joy! National volleyball champion, Jacob-fucking-Bae,” Lee Hyunjae wolf-whistles, shaking him around like he was maraca.
Jacob laughs, looking down at the floor to shy away from all of the eyes on him. He’s glad everybody is pleased with his accomplishment, but really all he wants to do is find you. He’s still not 100% sure you’re even here, but he has high hopes that maybe you were into him as much as he was with you. Now that he’s free of both volleyball and schoolwork for a while, he can take his time getting to know you better.
You psych yourself up to go over to him once his audience has parted and gone back to whatever it was they were doing prior to his arrival. A grimace consumes your features as you knock back the cup of jungle juice in your hand, blowing a raspberry. Minjee gives you a smile of encouragement, like she knows exactly what you’re about to do.
However, someone beats you to it. You watch with bated breath as Haeun flips her hair over her shoulder, her heels clicking on the wooden floor all the way up to Jacob. The sight of another girl talking to the guy you’re interested in has never made you as ill as it does right now, her glossy lips pouted and her hands clasped behind her back.
“Heard about the big win, Jakey,” she smiles almost evilly, calling him by a nickname that he hasn’t been called in months. “Wanna claim your prize?”
Jacob knows what she’s doing. It’s obvious. Haeun saw the two of you together last week and now she’s pretending that she gives a shit just so she can feel like she’s the one in control. He’s seen this scene too many times to fall for it. He pokes his cheek with his tongue, hands shoving into the front pocket of his jacket.
“Don’t you have someone else that you can bother, tonight? I’m spoken for.” He shrugs, stepping around her. Okay, so perhaps you’d only had one conversation together. That was enough for him. He doesn’t have to search far or wide for you, a grin replacing his deadpan once he sees your face. “Hi.”
“H-Hi,” your voice comes out unsteady. “I— uh— wh— well, I kinda thought you were avoiding me.”
His eyebrows quirks up. “Why would I do that?”
“Because I’m friends with your tyrant of an ex-girlfriend and I’m a horrible person for still wanting you,” you begin to ramble, playing with a strand of your hair. “And then you weren’t here.”
Jacob laughs, pushing your hand down and tucking the same piece behind your ear. “I don’t really care that you’re friends with Haeun. Honestly, no one’s ever *really friends with her. It’s hard to stand a person who’s that insufferable. And I’m on the volleyball team. Tonight was the championship game, which is why I was late.”
“So you don’t hate me and want me to die?”
“I could never.” He shakes his head, taking one of your hands into his.
“If that’s the case, then can you show me how to properly enjoy a frat party?” You trace patterns on his palm.
“I’ll be so real with you, Y/N, even *I don’t know how to do that,” he snorts. “I’m not a Tau Beta Zeta member, so I guess that explains it.”
“Woah what?” You gape at him. “This entire time I thought you were…”
“Nah, I’m just friends with all of the guys here. I might as well be, but I’m not. Frats are stupid to me,” Jacob leads you out of the living room and into the kitchen to get himself a drink. “Though, I don’t think they’re that bad anymore.”
As he’s reaching for an empty cup, a thought crosses your mind. It’s bold, but you don’t have the willpower to force it away. “You know, you didn’t get to show me what would happen if you succeeded in sweeping me off of my feet.”
He pauses what he’s doing, turning to glance at you over his shoulder with dark eyes. Are you saying what he thinks you’re saying?
“And something’s telling me you were extremely successful.”
*Fuck the drink, Jacob thinks to himself, dropping the cup in favor of whisking you away. He pulls you into the nearest empty room, which happens to be the downstairs bathroom. From one second to the next, you’re pinned to the door, both of your wrists firm in his grip. He’s so close that his nose nudges yours, lips only a hair’s breadth from your own.
“Should’ve known you were dangerous from the get go,” he breathes, the distance between you driving you crazy. “You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into.”
A gasp escapes you, your eyelids fluttering shut. This was pure insanity. Before you can complain about the lack of contact, Jacob’s mouth is on yours, lips moving against yours so skillfully and so roughly. He takes your wrists into one hand, holding them above your head while the other slips beneath your top. His fingertips burn into your skin and you don’t hold back the whine that sneaks out from your chest.
You pull back for air, sighing when his kiss travels down your neck and focuses on your collarbone. It’s not enough, you need to feel him everywhere. Your pulse is racing and you’re sure he can feel it when he leaves a trail of nibbles and kisses along your jawline. They travel south, paving their path on what’s visible of your jugular and sternum.
There’s a haste of fingers roaming and lips exploring. This was uncharted territory for, seeing as you hadn’t been in a situation like this since moving schools. If there was anyone you wanted to get down and dirty with in the bathroom of a frat party, it was Jacob Bae. His free hand wanders under your skirt, a knuckle running along your clothed, but damp, slit. You both hiss.
“Already so wet for me?” He asks you smugly, the curve of his smile carved into the space where your ear meets your neck. You don’t have the patience to power through any teasing.
“Need you so bad, Jacob,” you don’t like the pitchiness of your voice, or how you’re pretty much begging right now. “Wanna skip the foreplay.”
Jacob grins almost wickedly, kissing the tip of your nose. “So ready and so eager for me. Your wish is my command, sweetheart.”
He doesn’t waste any time getting you out of your clothes, starting with your top and then shoving your skirt past your thighs. You kick it off and move to help him. His jacket comes off in one fluid motion, giving you the perfect display of his muscular back and toned abdomen. All of years of volleyball came to fruition in the form of his godlike sculpted body.
You drag a nail through the valley of his abs, unbuttoning his cargoes and palming him through his underwear. He curses under his breath, forehead falling to your shoulder. You may very well be the death of him, he decides. When he’s finally had enough, he swats your hand away, removing the briefs so he can give you what you so graciously asked for. He pumps his length a couple times before guiding the tip to your entrance.
Jacob hooks one of your legs around his waist, pushing your panties to the side so he can slip into you carefully. You don’t even stop the moan that breaches your vocal cords, back arching off of the door and your chest pushing into his. The stretch burns slightly, but not nearly enough to interrupt the pleasure coursing throughout your body. There’s a fire in the pit of your stomach that he fans the flames of the deeper he sinks into you, lips imprinted into the skin of your neck.
His fingers burn the skin of your thigh where he holds it up, slowly pressing his cock into cunt and sliding out as soon as he bottoms out. You’re dizzy, so dizzy that stars have begun to form behind your eyelids and he’s only just started. He rocks into you at a meticulous pace, the blunt nails of his other hand digging into your hip to keep himself composed.
He wants to take his time with you first. He wants you to feel every ridge and vein of his cock as your walls squeeze him in. He wants the feeling of the two of you connected to be engraved into your brain, a memory that nothing could erase even if it tried. Your head knocks against the door when you crane it to give him more access to the column of your throat, whining when he sucks marks into the surface.
“F-Fuck, Jacob,” you whimper. “Feel— god— feel so, so stuffed.”
You practically hiccup your words, overstimulated with everything that’s going on at once. It’s too much. The way he nips at your skin. The way he groans every time you clench around him. The way he’s *buried into you like you were the only source of warmth he’ll ever get. It’s too much, but it feels fucking fantastic.
“Yeah, baby? Am I fucking you good? Giving it to you like no one else can?” He exerts himself, his lips slipping on the thin sheen of sweat coating your bodies. All you can do is moan again, bucking your hips into his to minimize the gap between you as much as physically possible.
His cock is just the right balance of girth and length, filling you up and hitting the spots you need him to. Your sanity falls through the cracks with every click of his hips into yours. He *is fucking you good. He *is giving it to you like no one else can. It didn’t even take him long to figure out what you liked, using that knowledge to his advantage so he could ravage you.
You’re too lost in the pleasure to notice the coil in your stomach curling to the point of snapping. With each ram of his dick in your pussy, he winds you up more and more until it breaks in half. You see nothing but white for a few seconds, spots of various colors bleeding into it. A sound so far away from you bursts out from its home in the back of your throat. Your orgasm coaxes out his, painting your walls with milky ropes and a moan of his own.
The two of you pant breathlessly, lips brushing as you attempt to calm down. Jacob pinches your side, kissing you once before pulling out and letting go of your hip. “Do you have the energy to give me one more? I don’t think I’m finished with you just yet.”
You let out a guttural groan, nodding and colliding your mouths in another desperate kiss. Your fingers run through the strands of his hair, tugging at the nape of his neck as he transfers you to sink. He spins you around, bending you over the counter and pecking your shoulder as he eases his cock back into the velvet of your pussy.
You’re both still sensitive, sighing at the feeling of a second intrusion. He grips your hip and presses down on your lower back just as he speeds up the pacing of his thrusts. Instinctively, you hike up a knee onto the counter, wanting him even deeper and even harder than previously. Heat pools in that same spot at the base of your abdomen, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes.
“Look in the mirror, sweetheart,” he grunts, throwing his head back and tightening his grasp on your waist. “Want you to watch me fuck you stupid.”
You wail, eyes heavy lidded as you witness Jacob plowing into you from behind. It hurts, the fact that you can’t even convey into sounds how amazing it feels. They’re all trapped in your chest and throat, begging to be set free. You wish they could bounce off of the walls, reverberating in your ears. Your cheeks are wet from the tears that have spilled over. You look like a mess with your makeup smeared and your face puffy. Anyone who saw you after this would know exactly what went down in this bathroom.
Jacob doesn’t slow his assault, instead hovering over and trapping you beneath his broad frame. He drills into you deeper, harder, faster— and oh god you don’t want him to stop. You think he’s making good on his word, fucking you so insanely stupid that not a single thought occupies your mind. All there is, is Jacob Bae and the deliciousness of his cock wedging itself further into your cunt like he wants to live there.
“You’re taking me so well, baby. So so well,” he coos, your back curving into his chest.
Your elbows might give out from supporting your weight and now Jacob’s too, especially with how empty your head is. You don’t really have the consciousness to keep yourself up. It’s at the point where the mirror has started to fog, a blurry image of him abusing your pussy in your line of sight.
He knows you’re on the brink of an orgasm, your walls spasming slightly in warning. He pulls out enough to flip you onto your back, pushing in and resuming where he left off. His thumb sneaks down to your clit, rubbing in precise circles with precise pressure. Despite there being no mirror covered in steam in the shape of your bodies in front of you, your vision is still hazy. You can barely see the expressions Jacob makes, his brows knitting together and lower lip between his teeth.
You pull him down to connect your mouths, whining into him as he continues to fuck into you like there wasn’t a whole party still going on on the side of the door. Your knees are folded to your chest, allowing his cock to kiss all the way inside of you. “I’m— fuck— so close, Cobie.”
“C’mon, baby, you can cum for me,” he goads, applying more pressure to the shape he’s drawing on your clit.
One particularly timed thrust and the bumping of his pelvic bone on the sensitive bundle of nerves tips you off of your peak. Your climax washes over you, tidal waves of pleasure cresting at full force. You moan loudly, the rippling of your walls triggering Jacob’s own release.
He pulls out gently, for the final time. His chest rises and falls rapidly, in sync with yours. You’re both exhausted, spent from going at it like jackrabbits— as if you’d never get the chance to do it again. You meet eyes and then burst into laughter, your hands coming up to cup his cheeks.
“That was… Wow…” You breathe, moving some of his hair from obstructing his eyesight.
“I always follow through with my promises, you know,” he wraps his arms around your waist. “So, what do I get now that I’ve wooed you?”
You press the hints of a kiss to his lips. “An exclusive all-access pass to me, my phone number, and the rights to ask me out on a date whenever you please.”
Jacob smiles that crinkle eye smile of his, knowing full well that he plans on cashing all three of those right now. He may have not been the biggest fan of fraternities or their parties, but he sure as hell loved them at this moment in time.
He thinks he was a winner in more ways than one that night.
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
330 notes · View notes
edenesth · 8 months
Pride and Prejudice
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Pairing: superior!Hongjoong x fem!reader
AU: office au
Word Count: 3.5k
Summary: Kim Hongjoong, the intimidating superior with an unreasonable prejudice against you, holds a grudge that seems endless. What happens when your paths collide in an unexpectedly heartwarming late-night encounter in the office?
A/N: This was meant to be a drabble but I got slightly carried away, so here, we have this short little oneshot. Inspired by the photos of our captain in Paris.
ATEEZ Masterlist
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Kim Hongjoong.
That was a name that sent shivers down most employees' spines.
In the bustling world of corporate offices, he was known as the intimidating superior that everyone dreaded.
From the moment you set foot in the company, you felt the weight of his prejudice against you. He had a stereotype against pretty girls, believing that you had only secured your position due to what he dubbed as "pretty privilege."
Despite his initial disdain for you, you had been determined to prove your worth. Days turned into weeks, and your hard work began to speak for itself. Your colleagues recognised your dedication and praised your quality of work.
But Hongjoong's pride remained an impenetrable barrier, preventing him from acknowledging your skills and contributions. Because of that, he's been out to get you for as long as you can remember.
Little did you know, things were about to change real soon.
One evening, after the office had emptied out, you found yourself still at your desk, engrossed in a challenging project.
It was then that Hongjoong, against his usual routine, returned to the office for some last-minute work. Surprised to see you there, he observed you from a distance.
He watched as you tirelessly poured over spreadsheets, crafted reports, and revised presentations. It was clear that your commitment went beyond any perceived privilege. Slowly, a realisation dawned upon him, shattering the preconceived notions that had clouded his judgement.
Too immersed in your work to notice him, you typed away, the soft glow of your computer screen casting a dim light on your face.
Hongjoong couldn't help but feel a growing sense of guilt.
He noticed the countless cups of coffee scattered across your desk, each one bearing the telltale signs of late nights and long hours. There was also a half-finished packet of cream crackers, a meagre attempt at sustenance in the midst of your dedication.
His initial irritation at finding you still at the office slowly gave way to concern. It was well past dinner time, and he wondered if you'd even had a proper meal that day. Clearing his throat, he approached your desk, his footsteps light but purposeful.
"You're still here?" He asked in a voice that was almost a whisper, the surprise of your presence evident in his tone.
Your head snapped up at his unexpected appearance, and you shot up from your seat, a reflexive gesture of politeness ingrained in you, "Yes, Mr. Kim," You replied with a polite bow, "Just finishing up some work. What are you doing here?"
He hesitated for a moment, his eyes flicking to the scattered coffee cups and the packet of crackers before meeting your gaze, "I had something I forgot to finish earlier," He confessed, his voice carrying a newfound vulnerability, "So, I came back to the office to settle it."
You nodded slowly, understanding the pressures of your demanding workplace all too well. Returning to your work, you couldn't help but notice the genuine concern in his expression. It was a stark contrast to the disdain and prejudice you had once faced from him.
Then, in a moment that would forever change your professional relationship, he spoke up once more, his words laced with an unexpected humility.
"I didn't realise how hard you work."
Surprised by his admission and the softness in his voice, you looked up again, a flicker of hope in your eyes. With a faint but sincere smile, you replied, "I've been trying to show you all along."
It was a turning point, a moment when the barriers between you and your superior began to crumble, replaced by a newfound understanding.
The awkward silence that hung in the air between you and Hongjoong felt palpable, a reminder of the distance that had separated you for so long. You decided to break the tension by resuming your work, murmuring, "I'll get back to this then."
He simply nodded in response, his eyes fixed on his own office room, but he didn't leave. Instead, he stood there, silently wrestling with his thoughts. He desperately wanted to ask if you had eaten, knowing full well that the late hour meant that a proper meal was long overdue.
However, his pride, which had been a formidable barrier between you two, still held sway over him.
Inwardly frustrated with himself, he cursed under his breath and forced himself to remember why he had returned to the office in the first place. With a reluctant sigh, he reminded himself of the unfinished work waiting for him in his office. Pushing past his internal turmoil, he turned on his heel and headed toward his workspace, determined to distract himself with the tasks at hand.
As he retreated to his office, the lingering sense of guilt and a newfound respect for your dedication continued to gnaw at him.
It was a moment of reckoning, and he wondered if breaking down the remaining walls of pride and prejudice was the path he needed to take to foster a more harmonious working relationship with you.
Hours passed, and the office had grown eerily quiet as midnight approached.
Hongjoong, convinced that you would have left by now, finally decided to call it a night. He stretched, shut down his computer, and began packing his things. But as he made his way towards the exit, he glanced over at your desk and was surprised to find you still there, diligently working away.
His surprise grew when he saw you reach for another packet of crackers, your stomach protesting loudly with a growl. The sight of your dedication and the audibility of your hunger pangs finally broke through the last remnants of his pride and hesitation.
He couldn't let you continue like this.
In a bold move that shocked both you and himself, he approached your desk and swiftly snatched the packet of crackers from your hands, "That's it," He declared, determination in his voice, "I'm taking you to have a proper meal."
You gasped, your wide eyes locked onto his, completely taken aback by his sudden change in demeanour. Without giving you a choice, he tugged you up from your chair, and you reached for your handbag, thinking you might need to pay for your own meal.
Shock and disbelief coursed through your veins as you followed him towards the 24-hour convenience store just downstairs from the office. He surprised you once again.
"Go on, pick whatever you want to eat. It's on me."
The realisation that your once-intimidating superior was genuinely concerned about your well-being left you in a state of utter astonishment.
You carefully selected a light meal, trying to be polite since Hongjoong was footing the bill. But he sighed in frustration when he noticed your restraint, and he swiftly grabbed a few more side dishes, silencing your protests with a stern glare.
Once he had paid, you found yourselves settled at a table and chairs in a quiet corner of the store.
You began, "Thank you for the meal, Mr. Kim."
He nodded in acknowledgement but seemed lost in thought. After a moment of contemplation, he finally spoke up, his cheeks turning a faint shade of red, "Just Hongjoong."
You froze, your actions of opening the food package momentarily halted, "What?" You asked, surprised by his request.
He cleared his throat, still blushing but determined, "I said, just call me Hongjoong. We're not at work now, you don't have to be so formal."
A smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you noticed how cute he looked, flustered by the change in dynamics. You nodded, genuinely touched by his gesture, "Okay. Thank you for the meal, Hongjoong. I really appreciate it."
For some inexplicable reason, he felt his heart warm at hearing you say his name for the first time.
As you both shared the meal, he discovered a side of you he had been quick to overlook. He realised just how wrong he had been to judge you based on a shallow stereotype. It became evident that there was so much more to you than just your good looks, and he couldn't help but curse himself for his past behaviour.
He had needlessly made your life difficult from the moment you joined the company, and he felt a growing sense of remorse.
After the meal, you thanked him once more and wished him a safe trip home, intending to return to the office to finish your work. But his unease intensified as he watched you walk back toward the darkened office alone. He couldn't bear the thought of something happening to you after he had left, and he knew he would never forgive himself.
In an unexpected move, he followed you back to the office, stopping the elevator doors from closing and forcing his way in. You gasped in surprise, staring at him with wide eyes.
He cleared his throat, trying to appear nonchalant despite the racing of his heart, "What kind of a terrible boss would I be to let you work alone so late?" He stammered, "I... I'll help you. That way, you'll finish faster, and we can both go home."
Your heart skipped a beat at his thoughtfulness, a gesture you had never expected from the intimidating Kim Hongjoong.
With a grateful smile, you nodded, realising that beneath the stern exterior you had initially encountered, there was a caring and compassionate side to him that you were only just beginning to discover, "Thank you, Hongjoong. This means a lot to me."
From that day forward, the dynamic between you and Hongjoong shifted dramatically.
The next morning at work, an unexpected sight left all of your colleagues in shock. Hongjoong appeared next to your desk, holding a cup of your favourite coffee and a pack of sandwiches that he had clearly taken notice of you enjoying frequently.
His voice was unusually gentle as he greeted you, saying, "Good morning. Here, don't skip breakfast again."
Your heart fluttered with surprise and gratitude as you stammered out a thank you, bowing slightly, "Morning, Mr. Kim! Gosh, you really didn't have to. But thank you so much."
You could see him trying his hardest to maintain his composure in front of your curious colleagues, who were all gawking at the unexpected display of kindness. With a quick nod, he turned and hurried into his office, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
Once he was gone, your colleagues flocked around your desk, eager to hear the story behind this sudden change in Hongjoong's behaviour. They bombarded you with questions, excited to unravel the mystery of why your intimidating superior was now going out of his way to be nice to you.
The office buzzed with curiosity and anticipation, as the dynamics within the workplace continued to shift in surprising and heartwarming ways.
Unbeknownst to you, Hongjoong had been discreetly observing you from the glass window of his office.
A smile spread across his face as he watched you finally enjoy the coffee and sandwich he had gotten for you. It was a simple gesture, but it held a deeper significance for both of you.
In the days that followed, everyone at work noticed the remarkable change in his behaviour toward you. He openly acknowledged your skills and contributions, and the two of you began to develop a professional respect for each other.
Your colleagues teased you relentlessly, speculating that there might be something more to his newfound kindness. They playfully suggested that Kim Hongjoong might have developed feelings for you.
But you would have none of it.
You firmly told them off each time they made such ridiculous claims, asserting that his change in behaviour was simply a result of him realising he had been wrong in his initial judgement of you. While the teasing continued, you remained steadfast in your belief that his actions were motivated by respect rather than romantic interest.
The office atmosphere had shifted from one of tension and prejudice to one of teamwork and support, thanks to the unlikely friendship that had blossomed between you and your superior.
Little did you know that your colleagues' playful theories about Hongjoong's feelings were not as far-fetched as you believed.
Frustration began to creep into his actions as he yearned for you to grasp the deeper meaning behind his gestures. He had become more attentive, consistently leaving breakfast at your desk and offering assistance with your workload, even when you hadn't requested it. These efforts were his way of expressing feelings he had only recently come to understand.
He was left bewildered by the evolution of his emotions.
He couldn't pinpoint when it had started, but his newfound respect and admiration for you had gradually transformed into something more profound and romantic.
As he continued to go out of his way to be a part of your life, he wished for the day when you might see beyond the professional facade and realise that his actions were driven by deeper feelings he was struggling to contain.
But Hongjoong had reached a breaking point.
That's it, I guess I'll just have to be more direct.
He couldn't continue to hide his feelings and yearnings any longer; he needed to be more forward about his intentions. The internal struggle was taking its toll, and he was determined to let you know how he truly felt.
On a day like any other, as he got you breakfast, you thanked him once more for the meal.
Gathering his courage, he decided to seize the moment, even if it meant doing so in front of all your colleagues. He cleared his throat and, with an air of determination, he spoke, "You can thank me by going to dinner with me."
A collective gasp rippled through the office as everyone realised that Hongjoong was finally making a move.
You, stunned by his unexpected proposition, gulped and blinked up at him, your heart pounding loudly in your chest. With a shaky voice, you croaked, "A-are you asking me out on a date?"
He nodded, taking a bold step closer to you.
He knew he was being unprofessional, and normally, he would care deeply about that, but his feelings for you had grown too strong to suppress any longer. At this moment, all that mattered was hearing your response, and he couldn't wait to hear you say yes.
As much as you longed to say yes, you couldn't ignore the weight of potential consequences.
The risk of having an office romance with your superior loomed large in your mind, and you feared the impact it might have on both your personal and professional life. You were torn between your heart's desires and the practicality of the situation.
However, your colleagues, growing impatient with your silence, began chanting insistently, "Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!"
Their encouragement, combined with Hongjoong's pleading gaze, melted your heart. You knew that your happiness in the present moment mattered more than any potential complications, so you finally nodded and said, "Yes."
The office erupted into joyful cheers as his face broke into a radiant smile. He couldn't contain his excitement as he gently took your hand and pressed a tender kiss onto your knuckles.
"Great," He said, his voice filled with genuine happiness, "I'll catch you after work, then."
With a newfound sense of hope and anticipation, you felt that this unexpected turn of events might just be the beginning of something wonderful between you and Hongjoong.
Your first date with him had gone exceptionally well, and as you spent more time together, your connection deepened.
After a few more memorable dates, he finally gathered the courage to ask you to be his girlfriend. You couldn't help but voice your concerns about how the relationship might impact your work dynamics.
He listened attentively and reassured you that he understood your concerns completely. He promised to do his utmost to keep things professional and not let your relationship interfere with your work. Trusting his sincerity and the strength of your connection, you took a leap of faith and agreed to be his.
From that point onward, everyone at work began to playfully thank you for transforming Hongjoong from an intimidating figure into a gentle and approachable one.
It was evident that he had become more friendly and open with all the employees, and the atmosphere in the office began to relax. The newfound harmony made everyone happier to work together, as the once-tense environment transformed into a more welcoming and pleasant one.
His transformation from a scary boss to a sweet and caring boyfriend was nothing short of remarkable. He made every effort to ensure that you felt loved and cherished in every aspect of your relationship.
Each morning, he would pick you up from your home with a warm smile and drive you to work, turning your daily commute into a shared adventure.
In his office, you would both enjoy breakfast together, savouring these precious moments before the workday began. As he walked you to your desk, he would often steal a quick, affectionate kiss when he thought no one was watching, leaving a subtle yet sweet reminder of his feelings.
Throughout the day, he would make sure that you never skipped a meal, even if it meant reminding you to take a break. Whenever the weather turned chilly, he'd drape his blazer over your shoulders, ensuring you stayed warm and comfortable.
One of the most significant changes was his commitment to ensuring you didn't stay late at work anymore. He would whisk you away for dinner, treating you to delicious meals before taking you home. And on nights when he was too tired to go home, he'd sometimes stay at your place.
Hongjoong's sweetness as a boyfriend was a stark contrast to the intimidating figure you had first met.
He had evolved into a caring and attentive partner, demonstrating his love not just in words but also through his thoughtful actions, it made your life more meaningful with each passing day.
"Thank you, Mr. Park. I look forward to our collaboration."
As you shook hands with the client, a polite smile on your face, Hongjoong felt a twinge of frustration. He was so close to winning over Park Seonghwa for the latest project.
Fine, you win this round.
A year had passed since you started dating, and your professional paths had taken an unexpected turn. You had been promoted to his level and were now working in a different division, putting you in direct competition with him at work.
He remembered the days when he used to be your intimidating boss, and the thought of you becoming his professional rival both intrigued and challenged him.
While he couldn't deny his pride in seeing your career flourish, the competitive spirit within him burned brightly, as he prepared himself for the battles that lay ahead in your evolving relationship, both in and out of the office.
That evening as you both settled down in the home you now shared, a mischievous grin spread across your face.
You watched with amusement as Hongjoong grumbled and struggled to remove his tie. He wore a look of mock envy as he tried to get rid of the professional attire that now seemed like a burden.
Unable to contain your laughter at his sulking, you approached him, gently helping him remove the tie, "I'm sorry for stealing your client, Joong. I thought you'd be proud of me." You teased, your eyes sparkling with amusement.
He blinked in surprise before a soft smile spread across his face, and he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer.
"I'm just playing with you, silly." He said, his voice filled with affection.
"You didn't steal Seonghwa from me. You won him over fair and square with your skills. And I am incredibly proud of you, my love. You continue to prove me wrong about my past stereotypes every day, and I love you so much for it."
Your boyfriend's sweet words had a way of melting your heart, and in that moment, you couldn't resist the overwhelming rush of affection you felt for him, "I love you too, Joong." His arms around your waist made you feel safe and loved, and you leaned in, pressing a soft, tender kiss to his lips.
His lips met yours with a gentle warmth, and the kiss deepened, filled with all the love and passion that had grown between you over the past year. Your arms wound around his neck, pulling him closer as the world faded away, leaving just the two of you lost in the sweetness of the moment.
Time seemed to stand still as you relished the connection, your hearts beating in sync.
If someone had told you a year and a half ago that you and Kim Hongjoong would eventually fall in love, you wouldn't have believed them. But as you held each other in that moment, you couldn't help but marvel at how far you had both come since those days.
And you wouldn't have it any other way.
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Lord, this turned out so much longer than I'd planned.
No regrets though, I realised I had to write this after seeing all the recent photos of Hongjoong in Paris. The sight of this man in suits just does things to me. Like, just imagine having him as your boss.🧎🏻‍♀️
This is personally one of my favourites. Hope y'all liked it too! Thank you for reading and as always, do share your thoughts with me! <3
Tag list: @aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina
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378 notes · View notes
hee0soo · 7 months
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PAIRING — Kim Hongjoong x afab!MUAReader
SUMMARY — Watching your boyfriend film for their new MV was torture, especially when said boyfriend was also a giant tease!
WARNINGS — unprotected sex, penetrativ sex, oral (m receiving), dirty talk
Disclaimer: this fic is written and copyrighted by ©hee0soo on tumblr. do not rewrite or repost on any other plattforms without my permission.
Rewritten and released
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It had never been your plan to end up as a Make-up Artist when yon finished school! Much less be in charge of the styling for KQ's boy groups!
You knew your way around Make-up, having started a YouTube Channel when you were just a teenager with an interest, you had managed to gather a small fan base as you slowly learned what worked for you and what you liked.
It wasn't until you actually had to decide what you wanted to do with your life when you decided that was ultimately a hobby, was what you wanted to do to make a life for yourself. You trained under professionals and when you had the necessary qualifications you began applying for jobs. There weren't many company’s or labels ready to take a risk for a basically inexperienced Make-up Artist, but KQ was a very small, unknown company bordering on bankruptcy in need of a new Artist for their only active group! And even if it wasn't a lot of money you got out of it, it was more then you had earned in a while.
At the beginning you had only helped the MUA in charge, never being left on your own until you had proven that you were indeed capable of being left unsupervised.
The members had just celebrated their 2nd anniversary as a group when that happened.
The boys were elated when the MUA in charge announced that you would be in charge of Hongjoong and Mingi that day and the companionship that had developed over the year allowed  a close friendship to form without the prying eyes of your supervisor.
They were all close in age and some of the sweetest and funniest people you had ever met and quickly added you to their little friend group...
Especially the captain had taken to you very fast. You didn't know why  and he also wouldn't tell you, but soon you were thick as thieves. It was as if you had known each other for years.
It got to a point where Hongjoong started inviting you over to his studio. Sometimes you just hung out with him, talking and eating food you had brought. Sometimes you watched how he worked on his music and got to listen to his crafts. The fact that he let you listen to the songs before he showed them to his member, was something the two of you kept a secret!
You couldn't help him with anything since didn't know how everything worked but you loved watching him in his element and he loved the quiet but reassuring company you gave him. It gave him a sense of security and comfort to have you there.
When it became clear that ATEEZ was there to stay in the industry, you were appointed as the captain's personal Make-Up Artist and stylist!
You had been ecstatic when the head stylist had sat you down in the conference room and pushed a new contract over the table, telling you that Hongjoong had requested you specifically.
And now that it has been almost 4 years since you started, you couldn't imagine being anywhere else!
Somewhere along those years of working together with the man, the feelings of friendship turned into a crush and a crush turned into a loving relationship!
It wasn't something you two could show to the world as to not cause a scandal and that was fine. It was more than fine cause it let you live in this bubble that was just for you and Hongjoong. Sure, the fact that you weren't able to do things other couples were able to do sometimes caused frustrations but your boyfriend always found ways to make up for it.
The only people who knew, were the ones who HAD to know like the other members, the closest co-workers you worked with, the CEO and Hongjoong's parents. That man couldn't hide anything from his mother Especially not the person who made him happier then he had ever been!
Telling the boys was easier than you had thought it would be. A worry of yours had been that the members would be against your relationship because of the problems it could bring for the group if it was ever made public. But the way Wooyoung had jumped out of his seat, screamed "TIME TO PAY UP HYUNGS!" and made his round to collect money from the disappointed members quickly proved you wrong!
Apparently they had bet on how long it would take the two of you to get your heads out of your asses and just kiss already.
Some of them were called into Hongjoong’s room that day...! What had happened in there was a mystery even to you!
When Hongjoong had played the final draft for Limitless on one of your studio dates, he had not said much on what the concept was going to be but when you saw the possible outfits in the stylist/Make-Up meeting you swallowed hard! And seeing him dressed in an all black suit with red sash an detailed embroidery, paired with his swept back hair and Make-up on the set of the MV, it made you feel some type of way!
Having him stand in front of you to touch up his foundation was hard! Looking at you with those knowing eyes, he stood completely still as to not disturb your Work process but he couldn't hide the teasing smirk fighting it's way onto his lips.
"Stop it!" you whined while dabbing at his face.
Your boyfriend wasn't able to stop himself from huffing out a quiet laugh. He found the way he effected you way too funny.
"What do you mean my love? I'm not even doing anything!"
Blinking at you he made a face full of fake innocence.
"Not doing anything my ass! You know what you are doing, looking all handsome in your shit and all! And I’m not even allowed to touch what's mine..." you grumbled under your breath.
His hands, that were previously clasped together behind Hongjoong’s back, came forward and found their place on your waist. You could feel the heat of his skin through the fabric of your blouse as he gently pulled you towards him, running his thumbs up and down your side. It caused a shudder to ran down your spine.
"Yours huh?"
Looking up from what you were doing, you caught his warm gaze, hands faltering a little when you felt his hands wandering down, hovering just over your butt but not quite touching.
You let out a shaky sigh, hoping that Hongjoong didn't catch onto it.
It was hard enough to resist him on a normal day, let alone when he looked this delectable and his touch made it even harder! This was, after all, still your workplace and having the boys or staff witnessing this interaction was not something you wanted.
His brown orbs however, were not letting you hide away from him while his right hand slowly traveled further down to your butt.
"Joongie, stop. It! Not here please!" you hissed, the touch causing you to panic ever so slightly.
 'What's wrong love? Something the matter?"
Tense you punched his shoulder at his teasing.
"YAH, Hongjoong-ah stop eye-fucking her already! She already looks like a mess. No need for her to drop to her knees in the middle of filming!"
Seonghwa said as he passed you, careful to not let anyone else hear what he had said.
 Blood was rushing to your ears and neck and you hoped that he didn't notice the exact state you were in.
The leader was startled too but ultimately didn't let go of you.
"Don't worry jagiya, he doesn't know just how messy you can really get! And as soon as we get home I am all yours..." Hongjoong leaned closer and whispered right into your ear. Goose bumps spread all over your skin like a wildfire when you felt his breath caress your heated skin.
The man let go of your waist and ass and sauntered back to where the director was standing with his members.
A frustrated sigh escaped from your lips and you walked back to your little work space.
Sometimes you really hated how much your boyfriends teasing affected you! Filming wasn't even close to being over and during the entire rest of the day Hongjoong send suggestive looks your way.
You couldn't wait to get home already!
Finally, after hours of sexual tension and desire you were back at your apartment! Even your coworkers had wished you a fun filled night before sending you home with a wink.
As soon as the door closed behind you, you found yourself pressed up right against the wood with a thud. Lips pressed to the column of your neck, Hongjoong was kissing every inch of skin he could reach, nipping and biting leaving marks you would have to cover up the next day.
A soft whimper left you and you could feel yourself getting wet as you pressed your legs together to get some kind of release. You desperately held onto him
Standing chest to chest, Hongjoong could feel you tremble against him. The hand that was previously holding himself up on the door, found it's way under your shirt cupping your breast through your bra. His jeans clad leg pushed between your legs and against your pussy through your own pants. It was by far not enough but it was enough to let you moan at the pressure. You felt his other hand at the back of your neck, playing with the hair he could reach.
"Hongjoong..."  you rasped out at the feeling of his hard cock against your thigh.
The man stopped littering your skin with marks only for a second to press his lips against your own, month slightly apart as a whine fought its way out of you.
"Did you really get that turned on watching me work my love?"
Of course he had noticed the way you shifted around in your passenger seat, not being able to sit still while he drove.
You shivered at the husky tone his voice had taken on.
He found your nipple with his fingers rolling it just the way he knew you liked before biting down on your lower lip. Desperate to feel him once more against your mouth you followed his lips as he pulled away frustrated when you couldn't reach him.
"Joongie... don't tease me..." you whined, panting.
The way Hongjoong let his eyes trail over your face left you breathless. He was so incredibly beautiful! Funnily enough Hongjoong thought the same thing about you!
Removing his right hand from under your shirt, he lifted his fingers to your face, thumb tracing over the lip he had just bitten and was now currently stuck between your own teeth! Releasing the abused flesh you instead searched for his finger to wrap your lips around, sucking and licking on the digit.
Hongjoong groaned at the feeling.
"Is my baby that desperate for me? That she has to suck on my fingers?"
You nodded, brain going fuzzy at the way he spoke to you like you were just a dumb little toy for him to play with.
"Joongie please kiss me..." you whined wanting to feel him even closer. He easily complied, not able to deny you this simple request when you had to hold yourself back the entire day.
It wasn't that you were ever told to not show any affection but both of you knew that if you kissed even once, you wouldn't be able to stop that easily!
Various moments of the members walking in on you doing the nasty proved that.
Your months slotted together like two puzzle pieces and Hongjoong couldn't help but moan when he felt your tongue begging to be let inside!
Willingly parting  them you were both fighting for dominance in a heated battle you quickly gave up when Hongjoong tucked at your hair harshly. A high pitched moan escaped again and you clenched around nothing.
It only egged you on further. Gathering all your strength you pushed against his chest. The rapper looked confused for a moment but realized what you were up to when you took his hand and led him to your bedroom.
He pushed you onto the bed before he slipped out of his shirt and crawled on top of you. The man almost ripped the blouse you were wearing in his try to get you out of it, revealing the black lace of your bra. His mouth found it's way back to yours while his fingers traced over your stomach ever so gently.
You shivered in anticipation.
"You are so fucking sexy my love! It's driving me insane. You are driving me insane!"
Hongjoong helped you out of your jeans with hurried movements before stepping out of his own pair. Leaving the two of you in only your underwear! You sat up to roll down the briefs he was wearing finally freeing him from his prison of fabric. His cock sprang free and your mouth started watering.
Licking your lips, you took his hand and made him lay down on the bed, crawling between his legs and getting comfortable there.
"Love you don't have to..." he started but got silenced by you licking at his tip like a kitten searching for it's milk. You let your tongue trail over the tip a few more times, licking up the underside of his shaft you looked up at Hongjoong who almost came right on the spot.
Having you on his knees in front of him between his legs was a sight to behold.
Hongjoong let out a loud grunt at the heavenly feeling of you taking him in your mouth as much as you could and his hands held onto the  white sheets of your bed. Hallowing your cheeks you began bopping your head in a slow rhythm, gradually picking up the speed as you went. Sucking on him like you were starving you wrapped your hand around the base of his dick, applying just enough pressure for your boyfriend to let out a series of swear words at the additional feeling and he couldn't stop himself from bucking his hips up into the warm heat of your mouth, tip hitting the back of your throat causing you to gag little because of the sudden movement.
Tears were gathering in your eyes making them shiny as you refused to let the tears fall.
"I'm sorry Iove..."
You let go of his cock with a loud smack of your lips, fluttering your eyes at him.
"Please fuck my throat daddy?"
Starring at you with his mouth wide open he couldn't believe the words coming from you. This was definitely not the first time you had called him that but usually he had to coax it out of you and the dirty words paired with the wide teary gaze you gave him he felt like a teenager all over again!
"Fuck baby you- yesss..."
With the plead leaving his month, you dived back in, sucking on him as if you were eating a lollipop, only that his right hand found its way to the back of your head, helping you find a new rhythm.
Keeping you where he needed you most!
Feeling himself getting closer and closer to his climax the longer he fucked your throat, Hongjoong pulled you off of him, causing you to whine in protest as he took away your treat.
He loved your mouth, but he loved your pussy way more.
Hongjoong man handled you around until you were sitting in between his legs, made quick work with your bra and panties and smirked at you like a cat who caught it's pray. In a sense he did.
"Yah!" you swore when the sound of ripping fabric reached your ears.
"I'll buy you knew one's!" he shushed you, pulling you down on his thigh.
"You are dripping all over my thigh when I haven't even touched you yet! Are you really that desperate for my cock? Do you really want it that that much?"
With his hands guiding you, you had no other choices but to grind your pussy against the muscle of his leg. Your clit dragging on his skin, stimulating you ever further making you fall against his chest.
"Come on baby answer me. Do you want my cock to fill you up? Want me to fuck you so good the only thing you remember is who's fucking you so good? Do you want that?"
Nodding your head up and down you hid your face in his chest.
There was a moment of silence where all that could be heard in the room was your own panting as Hongjoong admired the view that he had. A smirk crept onto his lips and his left hand came up to caress the back of your head.
"Beg for it!"
Your face reappear das you threw him a dazed look.
"You heard me my pretty love. If you want it, beg!"
You whimpered, desperate find some kind of relieve. But Hongjoong had other plans. If you didn't want to beg, you would have to do it yourself so he let go of your waist entirely and the rhythm he had guided you in faltered.
"No Hongjoong I- " you gasped out.
He looked entirely to pleased with the situation but unfortunately for you he was right, you did want him to fuck you like that so the only thing you could do was comply with order.
"Please ..."
"Please what jagiya? I don't know what you mean?"
Something that sounded suspiciously like, "Asshole!" was muttered, followed by a need," Please daddy, can I have your cock? Want you to fuck me..."
Hearing you beg almost made him purr in delight. The tears still clinging onto your lower lash line made them shine brightly.
You were still desperately rutting your clit against his leg and you moaned loudly when he flexed the muscle with purpose underneath you. Whimpers left your mouth and the rapper could see that you weren't going to be able to get off yourself, at least not like this!
When you realized that he didn't have any intention of helping you tried once more Putting on you most innocent look leaned close to his ear an whispered, "Please ... want you to fill me so good daddy, want you to pump me full of your babies..."
Hongjoong's breath hitched at hearing your words and his cocky attitude faltered for just a moment.
"Pump you full of my babies? Huh? That would be a sight... My baby carrying my babies..."
"Hmm yes please?" you purred, clenching around nothing.
"Of course my love, asking so politely for what you want! For what’s already yours! How could I ever say no to that?"
Giddy you got fully into his lap only for Hongjoong to line himself up at your entrance and let the tip catch onto the opening.
Slowly you let yourself sink down on him and you both let out sounds of pleasure and satisfaction.
As soon as he bottomed out and was fully sheeted inside of you, he flipped the two of you around so you were now underneath him as Hongjoong almost pulled out entirely only to fuck up into your warm heat again hard. His thrusts were slow but powerful and it made you see stars as he hit your sensitive spot over and over again.
Your mouth fell open to let out a silent scream but the only thing escaping Where short busts of air as you gasped, hands gripping onto his shoulder tightly. You were pretty sure you were leaving marks all over his back.
The clapping sounds of skin hitting skin filled the room and you hooked your legs together around his middle, trying to keep him even closer.
Your boyfriend pressed his mouth to your initiating a heated make out session that had you tightening around his dick, making him groan.
He sped up his thrust into brutal pace that had you moan loudly and you send a silent apology to your neighbors.
"You were just made for me, taking me so well my pretty love!"
Hongjoong could feel himself getting closer and judging by how your warm heat fluttered around him, you weren’t far behind.
He reached down between your join body’s, thumb finding your clit easily rubbing steady figure 8 onto the bud of nerves to help bring you closer to the edge. It worked wonders and you soon came around Hongjoong sending him over the edge as well.
In moment like these you were glad you were on the pill!
To lazy to pull outright away, the male laid his head down on your chest, listening to your heart slowly calming down again, still trying to catch his breath.
"I love  MV shootings!" you sighed still blissed out by what just happened.
Hongjoong lifted his head to look you in the eyes, smiling lovingly up at you.
"I love you!"
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Taglist: @marirose25
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aajjks · 11 months
Dark Knight feeling, Die or Kill (m)
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A collaboration based on fictional iconic superhero characters, with the bts members; with a twist of obsession and desire, you won’t be able to escape, no matter how much you try, who’s going to save you from them? hint: no one.
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written by: @justanotherstarlightmonger
member: seokjin
character: silver surfer
synopsis: Kim Seokjin, the silver surfer, finds his heart of titanium swaying for the first time in millennia, for Reed Richard's prodigy apprentice, who unfortunately calls the planet his master wants to devour, home. Caught between a life long oath to an intergalactic planet devouring fog and the all encompassing obsession the surfer developed with OC, Seokjin will fight tooth and nail to have it all.
release date: [TBD]
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written by: @bighitfics
member: yoongi/suga
character: captain america
synopsis. “You’ve been asleep captain yoongi, for almost 22 years” yet I wasn’t surprised by the revelation not one bit just disappointed and perhaps a tad bit disheartened.
The only thing that came into my mind at the moment was her.
My Y/n.
The one thing in my life that kept me going.
The one stability that I had.
The girl who believed in me when the world stranded me.
The girl I’d fight hell just to hold in my arms.
I close my eyes and all I could hear was her sweet voice sobbing and begging me to return back.
Then the crash happened and the rest is history.
The defeat and acceptance of never seeing her again for the sake of others still fresh in my memory.
Where’s she now? Still living in illsan? Does she know that I’m here….that I’ve been found? Would she be waiting like she promised?
“You’re gonna be okay?” the guy asked while I looked around the city that had so sense of familiarity still trying to find some sort of relevance to ease my mind but it was utterly useless because everything was foreign as though I’ve been transported to a different planet.
“Yeah I just…I had a date.” I answer him.
release date: [TBD]
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written by: @bahbah-bee
member: hoseok/jhope
character: Batman/Bruce Wayne.
synopsis. Billionaires don’t develop attachments. Superheroes don’t make deals with villains. This was something ingrained in Mr. Hoseok through experience. Gotham didn’t need to know the truth about Batman, and in return all the dealings of the underworld were taken care of. It didn’t matter if people got hurt, as long as justice was served. At least, that was until he met you.
release date: [TBD]
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written by: @ratherbefangirling
member: namjoon/RM.
character: black widow
synopsis. Namjoon was stolen from his birth parents by the agency. Since then he's learned many different things, lived many different lives, felt many different things. Black Monster. The best of the best. That's what everyone knows him as. Is it too much to ask that someone knows his name. Is it too much for the extraordinary to ask for the ordinary. It might be, but black monster always gets his way no matter what.
release date: [TBD]
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written by: @pynkgothicka
member: jimin
character: scarlet witch
synopsis. Jimin has kept up your fantasy-esque life up for all you can remember. So why is that idyllic life showing cracks all of a sudden?
release date: [TBD]
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written by: @bebejungkook
member: taehyung/V
character: Angel (x-men)
synopsis. To everyone in the city, Kim Taehyung is a mutant and the heir to the Kim fortune, helping keep the city safe and secure. But to you, he is your guardian Angel, saving you from harm and gifting you with wisdom. You go to him for guidance and comfort, how could he say no to his sweet and innocent little dove? His heart beats for you only and he would do anything to protect and keep you safe, after all he is your guardian angel.
release date: [TBD]
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wrïtten by: @aajjks
mëmbër: jungkook
chàracter: Spïder-Mân
synöpsïs. He wöuldn’t lêt you cräwl äwäy from him, you bëlongêd to him.
fïc téäsër: xx
rëlëäsë dätë: [TBD]
384 notes · View notes
yuyusuyu · 4 months
the heavenly stars between us
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pairing. astronaut! kang yeosang x astronaut! gender neutral! reader
synopsis. you can only hope to see him again in your dreams and hope for good news every time you wake up
genres/aus. space au, kind of? star crossed lovers, established relationship
warnings. none! reader is just very sad because they miss their lover, but there shouldn't be anything to be wary of. if there is, please let me know!
rating. sfw
wc. 3.4k
a/n. FIRST WORK OF THE YEAR 🙌🏼 the flow is a little odd (?) which i aimed for but the ending is a little rushed... yikes... also this was inspired by interstellar because thats my favorite movie and its so good and yea.
reblogs and comments are appreciated! it helps with not getting shadowbanned
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YOU HUM QUIETLY, STIRRING THE LIQUID INSIDE OF YOUR MUG ABSENTMINDEDLY. your attention isn’t really on anything in particular; well, not like you’d really have anything to think about when there's nothing here. your eyes trail over to the coffin-like contraption that holds the co-leader of the expedition, choi jongho, through the security camera. you turn away from the screen just as small, repetitive thuds echo in the spacecraft, only growing louder as it comes closer. you don’t look up and instead look out the window, staring at the two closest planets that sit on opposite sides of your ship. you take a sip from your mug when a voice rings out.
“it’s nearing ten. you should head to sleep, captain l/n.”
“i’ve told you to just call me captain y/n or just by my name, TEEZ,” you mumble, your coffee leaving a dull ache in your throat. “and time doesn’t really matter when you’re in space, does it? i’ll head to sleep when i’m tired.” there’s no response from the rectangular robot, so you glance and find it next to you. “TEEZ…?”
“your psychological appointment is in a week, captain. however, as you are set to enter cryosleep before that, would you like to have it now?”
“...sure.” you sink into your seat and hold the edges of your blanket closer to you, lifting your legs and holding them close to your chest all the while your free hand cradles your mug.
“how are you feeling?”
you bite back a scoff, glance at the rectangular piece of metal next to you and look back out the window again, this time focusing on the planet that sits to the right of the ship, a couple of hours away. “well,” you swallow the lump in your throat and sigh, “i’ve been better. can’t say i’m bad, either. i’m just in the middle.”
“do you still have hope?”
do you… still have hope?
hope that… you’ll get to see your friends again? see him again?
“i, uh, don’t actually know.” the words leave a bitter taste in your mouth and tears prickle the corners of your eyes. still, you blink them away and let out a shaky breath. “i don’t know if i still have hope or if i should have any at all.”
the robot whirs. “well, i can’t say i understand you, captain. afterall, i’m just a robot.”
you snort, “thank you for pointing out the obvious, TEEZ.”
“you're welcome, captain l/n.” TEEZ moves to stay on your other side, inserting a sliver of itself into the controls. the ship turns around, the two planets no longer visible and the wormhole behind the ship coming into sight, the one that brought you all there.
the one that could take you back to your solar system.
“you know,” you hum with the mug pressed to your lips. “captain kim would have threatened to have your humor settings changed. he doesn’t really appreciate your sarcasm, remember?”
“captain kim isn’t on this spacecraft, captain.”
yes, captain kim hongjoong, the leader of the HALA expedition, isn’t on this spacecraft. in fact, he’s piloting one of the pods in the first planet, the one on the left, with doctors park seonghwa and jung wooyoung. in the second planet, the one on the right, captain kang yeosang pilots the pod and is accompanied by doctors jeong yunho, song mingi and choi san.
how long has it been since you last saw them? you wonder that quite often.
“the wait never gets easier for you, does it, captain?”
“no,” your voice is quiet, so quiet that you barely even heard yourself. “it doesn’t.”
“captain, my data suggests that you should enter cryosleep earlier in order to sleep away the pain. well, that is what my data suggests, but my data with dr hong’s psychology input suggests that you should start accepting the fact that you may never get to see the rest of the team again.”
you only hum, “i should, shouldn’t i? enter my cryochamber, that is.” you don’t think you could ever think that—never seeing them and him again. it’s something too heavy for your mind and heart to even accept.
“yes, captain. it is only reasonable for you to do so as dr choi is due to wake up in a few hours.”
“is he?”
“he is.” 
your coffee is cold now, but you finish it regardless and stand up, heading over to your room. before you leave the control room, you stop, “wake me up when it’s time for jongho to wake up. i’d like to greet him. it would be nice… to see a familiar face after sleeping for so long, after all.”
“you’re the only familiar face on this ship, captain.”
your lips curl up into a smile, “i’ll have to get dr choi to change your humor settings, TEEZ.”
“you only jest, captain. have a good sleep.”
“thank you.”
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“hi there,” you can hear a soft murmur next to you. you don’t think much of it and only stretch your hand out aimlessly. a chuckle follows and you feel a hand grab your own, fingers intertwining immediately. a thumb rubs over the expanse of your knuckles. “miss me?”
“no,” you grumble, “why would i miss you when i see you everyday, twenty-four seven? hm, yeosang?”
“okay, you do not see me twenty-four seven,” yeosang laughs quietly, tracing a finger over the bridge of your nose, the metal around it sending shivers down your spine. “i don’t recall ever seeing you in the bathroom while i pee.”
you open your eyes, a pout resting on your face while you scrunch your nose in disgust. “that’s disgusting. of course i wouldn’t be in the same space as you while you go about your business, yeosang. but you know what i mean!”
“do i really know what you mean?” the amusement in his eyes has you huffing and turning away from him while he laughs loudly this time. his hand grabs onto your shoulder, turning your body so that’s your lying on your back. yeosang rubs his thumb under your eye, smiling. it wavers for a second, twitching almost.
you lift your hand, a finger tracing over his eyebrow while a frown pulls your lips downwards. “what are you thinking about, yeo? you look worried.”
yeosang sighs, his hands cupping your cheeks. he stares into your eyes, slowly blinking. “i’ll miss you.” his head dips down and he rests his forehead against yours. you can see his eyes shaking—no, you can feel him shake. “i’ll miss you, y/n.”
a voice rings out and calls your name. you don’t pay attention to it and focus on yeosang.
“captain y/n.”
you blink your eyes open, the image of yeosang slowly fading away until there’s nothing but emptiness in front of you. with your back flat against the small and stiff mattress, you stare up at the ceiling blankly, taking in a deep breath and slowly exhaling.
“captain, dr choi is set to wake up in five minutes.”
“five minutes,” you repeat, “alright.” with that, you get out of bed and change into your uniform: a gray suit with black accents. it’s simple—you chuckle as you walk down the corridor and head into the cryosleep room, remembering how dr song complained about the uniform for cryosleeping was too plain and how dr choi told him to knock it off.
“did you remember something pleasant, captain?” TEEZ moves alongside you, stopping right in front of jongho’s cryochamber. the display pad shows his information in blue letters:
you crinkle your nose at the year.
it’s been so long already, and you remember it having been 2030 not too long ago. this is the time you currently have passed, but back on earth? you don’t even want to think about it. the cryochamber slowly opens up, frosty air coming out. TEEZ approaches the chamber, “welcome back, dr choi.”
jongho groans softly, his hand wrapping around the edge to support himself sitting up.
“it looks like you already need my help, doctor,” you tease, coming up and resting your hand against his back for additional support.
dr choi scoffs, “and it looks like you haven’t changed a single bit, captain,” he looks at with narrowed eyes, the scowl on his lips turning into a pretty smile, “how have you been, y/n?”
“meh,” you shrug, smiling back at him. “i could be better. how was your sleep, jongho?”
“meh,” he says, also shrugging. “it could have been better.”
you help jongho out of his cryochamber, wrapping his arm around your neck before slowly making it over to the lounge. you fill him on the way over there with what you saw and heard.
“so there’s still no news,” jongho sighs, thanking you as you help him into a chair. you nod in response and head over to the counter, opening the cupboards.
“absolutely nothing,” you mumble. “would you like something light to eat?”
“heavens yes,” he says, throwing his back. “i could kill for some food right now.”
“that’s not a very appropriate thing to say, dr choi,” comments TEEZ. the robot moves and sits next to you and away from the co-leader.
jongho deadpans, “TEEZ it’s possible for me to change your humor settings, correct?”
“that is correct, doctor.”
he pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue, narrowing his eyes at the robot. “you know,” he starts, “captain kim would have threatened to have your humor settings changed, TEEZ.”
you giggle just as TEEZ speaks. “captain y/l/n said the same thing.”
“well, that is to be expected,” jongho grins and waves his hand about, “we are childhood best friends. captain kang would have said the same as well. we are a trio, after all.”
you snort and agree, finishing up what you conjured for jongho to eat and handing it over to him. it’s silent, to say the least. besides the quiet hum from the HALA spacecraft, jongho doesn’t make a single sound as he devours what you’ve given to him. TEEZ remains by the table and you sit in front of jongho, your chin in the palm of your hand as your mind wanders off to your childhood days with him and yeosang.
“captain, it’s time for you to enter your cryochamber.” TEEZ moves towards jongho, two rods coming out from it, “would you like to send her off, dr choi?”
the look of surprise on jongho’s face would have normally made you laugh, but you really don’t have the spirit to do so. you’re so tired, your heart is pretty numb at this point. all you wish for is to sleep and hope that the next time you wake you’ll hear good news from jongho. for now, all you can do is offer him a smile. “i’m pretty tired after a whole year of being alone,” you tell him, “TEEZ and i think it would be best for me to go into cryosleep quickly.”
his eyes widened even more, “you were awake for a whole year?” jongho huffs upon your silence, “well… help me over there, TEEZ. it’s nice to go into a deep sleep with someone there.”
you feel bad for leaving jongho this quickly right as he’s come back when you’ve done a good job of at least staying there for an extra day or two before entering your chamber. but it’s so tiring, the constant reminder that it’s been more than twenty years since you last saw him and your friends. though you haven’t experienced the passage of time like TEEZ has, the knowledge of it hurts. it hurts a lot, and you know you should start losing hope that they’ll come back, that he’ll come back. you feel bad for leaving him, for wanting to be selfish and continue to hope. 
“it’s fine.”
jongho helps you get situated into the chamber. he watches you shiver from the water as you settle onto your back, staring right back at him.
“you don’t have to feel bad… i know you miss everyone. maybe one a little bit more in particular.”
you chuckle, “shut up, jongho. you’re making it sound like i only care about one person.”
he rolls his eyes at you, “you kind of do.”
“TEEZ, i’d like to sleep now!” you laugh. it’s the first time in a while that you’ve laughed.
“roger that, captain.”
TEEZ puts in your sleep schedule, a loud beeeep resonating afterwards. the top begins to close; you see jongho wiggle his fingers at you, “sleep well, y/n,” is the last thing you hear when you close your eyes.
jongho stares at the information on the display pad:
“see you later, y/n.”
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“why now?”
yeosang doesn’t turn to look at you, his gaze still focused on the setting sun and its colors reflected on the lake’s surface. you can see the gears turning in his mind, trying to find the words to tell you what he wants to say. “...we should live now,” he says, leaning forwards to rest his elbows on top of the fencing, “we lost our youth and i… i want to regain it. with you.”
you swivel around and look at the cabin, blinking once and then twice before answering. “we’re finishing our training in a week.”
“i know.”
“and you still want this? we’re the top candidates of their next space expedition, you know.”
“i still want this.” yeosang finally turns around to face you, slowly sliding his arms around you and pulling you against him in a hug. “i want a life with you. i only want to fly with you… just you. none of that matters to me much anymore. NASA, being a pilot: it doesn’t matter.”
you hum, “really?”
“yes… and they have hongjoong, don’t they? and more pilots… they’ll be fine without us.”
life with yeosang at the cabin was nice. you two learned how to plant and take care of crops, learned how to row a boat out into the lake and you learned how to swim after yeosang knocked over the boat on accident, learned how to care for a puppy. he learned to fall in love with little things of life, you learned to love the peace and quiet instead of the chaotic city life you were used to.
maybe that’s why living your married life out in the cabin felt like a dream to you. it was too perfect, too satisfactory that you often worried about things that would take it away from you. yeosang always reassured you that wouldn’t be the case.
but then kim hongjoong showed up with jongho, and that’s how you found yourselves back with the gang on a trip to saturn.
“hi there,” you can hear a soft murmur next to you. you don’t think much of it and only stretch your hand out aimlessly. a chuckle follows and you feel a hand grab your own, fingers intertwining immediately. a thumb rubs over the expanse of your knuckles. “miss me?”
“no,” you grumble, “why would i miss you when i see you everyday, twenty-four seven? hm, yeosang?”
“okay, you do not see me twenty-four seven,” yeosang laughs quietly, tracing a finger over the bridge of your nose. “i don’t recall ever seeing you in the bathroom while i pee.”
you open your eyes, a pout resting on your face while you scrunch your nose in disgust. “that’s disgusting. of course i wouldn’t be in the same space as you while you go about your business, yeosang. but you know what i mean!”
“do i really know what you mean?” the amusement in his eyes has you huffing and turning away from him while he laughs loudly this time. his hand grabs onto your shoulder, turning your body so that’s your lying on your back. yeosang rubs his thumb under your eye, smiling. it wavers for a second, twitching almost.
you lift your hand, a finger tracing over his eyebrow while a frown pulls your lips downwards. “what are you thinking about, yeo? you look worried.”
yeosang sighs, his hands cupping your cheeks. he stares into your eyes, slowly blinking. “i’ll miss you.” his head dips down and he rests his forehead against yours. you can see his eyes shaking—no, you can feel him shake. “i’ll miss you, y/n.”
“i’ll miss you,” you repeat, closing your eyes as you savor the warmth that radiates from him. “i shouldn’t have focused on piloting so much. maybe i could have gone with you to abos.”
planet abos is one of the two planets that are closest to the HALA spacecraft. it’s a planet that is pale blue and has a ring and multiple moons surrounding it. it’s the planet that yeosang and your friends yunho, san and mingi will go to. the other planet, nolla 66, is a white planet with no moon. your friends hongjoong, seonghwa and wooyoung will go to that planet while you and jongho stay on the spacecraft to receive the first set of data they’ll send out. you wanted to go with yeosang, but as a pilot you had to stay while the other two pilots took on the task of flying their pods over to their respective planet along with a robot. TEEZ would stay onboard while TANN and ATEZ would go with a team.
yeosang chuckles, “well, it’s too late to think about that now.” he trails off for a few seconds, “...stay sleeping for as long as possible.”
you don’t know how fast or how slow time flows on those two planets. the plan for you and jongho, as per the three robots’ suggestions, is to sleep for a long time. if there is no sign of communication from either team, TEEZ would wake you up and you would stay awake for a month. at the end of your month, you would wake up jongho and then go back to sleep for five years. jongho would stay awake for a month and then go back to sleep for five years until the next time you wake up, thus starting the sleep cycle.  
you press a kiss to his cheek, mumbling, “i will.”
“captain l/n and captain kang, it’s time.”
yeosang instead falls on top of you, holding you as best as he can. “delay departure, TANN. delay it for a day.”
“captain kang—”
“delay it for a day,” he mumbles, “that’s an order from your captain. it won’t affect captain hongjoong’s departure, anyways.”
thuds can be heard, the sounding growing fainter the further TANN moves away from your room.
“yeosang, you have to go,” you chuckle as you card your fingers through his coal colored hair, “the faster the better.”
he pulls back, pressing his lips against yours quickly. “remember this,” he whispers, “even the heavens and the stars, absolutely nothing, will keep me away from you. i will come back because you are my air, the very reason why i live and will continue to live, you are my sun and star.”
one thing you hate about cryosleeping are the dreams. every time you enter deep sleep, all you ever do is dream about him. your dreams will always be about yeosang, and every time you wake up you have to remind yourself that he won’t be there.
so as the lid opens and the cold air rushes out, your conscience slowly reawakens and you tell yourself that yeosang won’t be there. you feel someone flick your forehead. you sigh as you come to your senses, groggily swatting the hand away. you’re surprised when their fingers wrap around your wrist. “hey, choi jongho,” you grumble, “you’re already picking a fight with me?”
a laugh.
the laugh has you opening your eyes quickly to stare up at the man you haven’t seen in a very long time.
yeosang beams down at you, still in his white suit. his hair is ruffled from taking off his helmet, and his cheeks are slightly flushed. when his twinkling eyes stare into yours, you choke up and start crying, holding onto his hand, the silver band of his ring shining in the light of the room.
“miss me much?”
you’re not sure how long you’ve slept for, but you know it must have been a year because your arms feel like jelly. yet, you push past the numbness and throw your arms around yeosang, crying more. he holds you like you’re made of glass: fragile and precious.
“i told you that i would come back to you no matter what.”
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PERMA TAGLIST — @asjkdk @kodzukein @hrt4jeno @jeonride @lissiesykes @satsuri3su @atinytownclown @ad0rechuu @szakias @sanhwaism
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valentinegab3 · 2 months
Jungkook Fic List
Bitchin (masterlist)
The 80s were a time of choices. Which perm was right for you? What color neon would you wear next? None of these choices, however, were more questionable than a certain deal you made with Jeon Jungkook.
pairing: fratboy!jungkook x reader
genre: 1980s au, eventual smut, e2l
warnings: multiple smut scenes, science talk, banter, jealousy, alcohol & LOTS of colorful 80s slang lmao
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10
A Promise of Freedom war soldier jk x doctor reader
Words: 8.8k
Genres: 60% Angst, 40% Fluff, Wartime!AU
Summary: War is cruel and its inhumanity has not spared you. Captured by the enemy, you were brought to the front lines to heal their wounded. But after one night of saving a particular man’s life, he swears to fulfill any wish of yours.
Words: 17.4k
Genres: 50% Angst, 35% Smut, 15% Fluff, Historical!AU
Summary: It’s no secret that the Emperor is infertile. But even so, a girl is selected every three months and brought to become his concubine in hopes of conceiving the next heir. This time, it’s you. And in order to prevent execution, Jeon Jungkook might just aid you in conception.
Winter soldier l jjk Winter soldier!jungkook x Averger!female readerv
genre; winter soldier/avengers au, angst/smut/fluff
summary; the love of your life died during ww2, they honored his death. you had never imagined you’d ever see him again until you’d join him in death, but here he is and he’s trying to kill you. he’s not himself at all. you, however, insist that the man you used to know is still in there somewhere.
word count: 6,764
Paralian Jungkook x reader
Genre: Pirate!AU + Merfolk!AU + Royalty!AU
Synopsis: Far away, under the sea exists the merfolk Kingdom of Venetus. Y/N is a warrior princess, sworn to protect the nation she loves. Each night she and her unit are tasked with patrolling the ocean, until one night they come across an unmarked ship. The ship carries a dangerous secret which tears Y/N’s ideals apart. In the midst of escaping said danger, Y/N is forced to rely upon a Prince. The Prince of Pirates, whose fate and Y/N’s seem inexplicably entwined. Whether their meeting will end in joy or heartbreak remains to be seen. (A -very- loose retelling of The Little Mermaid).
Énouement Captin!Jungkook l Soldier!Reader
Description: Mulan!AU | War is Hell, but it’s what you had to do to take your brother’s place. Of course, between the days of Hell are little slices of Heaven you’d call your Captain, Jeon Jungkook. Warning: Dom!Kook, Character Death, Gore, Angst, Choking, Intercourse, Fingering, Dirty Talk, Punishment, Oral, Hair Pulling, Public Nudism 
Word Count: 19,554
Arranged Marriage... sort of
Price of Freedom detective!jungkook x professor!fem!reader
summary: upon learning that your father had arranged for you to marry kim taehyung, heir to the biggest corporation in asia, to secure his win in the presidential election, you sought the help of det. jeon jungkook of the intelligence unit to take him down and attain your freedom. however, you soon realized that freedom had a price and det. jeon’s was the most expensive and dangerous of it all. 
When Worlds Collide ll series ll jjk ll masterlist Jungkook x reader
summary:  since your mother's passing a year ago, life has been a whirlwind. balancing your passion for ballet with a low-key presence at college, where you’re the top student, was your norm until Jungkook stepped into your world. known for his reputation preceding him, jungkook is the talk of the campus with his casual rendezvous that have the girls buzzing. despite his allure, you're puzzled by his need for your tutoring prowess, especially given his own academic merit. yet, succumbing to his persistent requests, you reluctantly agree, only to find yourself thrust into the spotlight you've always avoided.
genre: angst, smut, slice of life, strangers to lovers, college au, fuckboy jk, inexperienced/virgin reader.
word count in progress: 46k ch1-4
warnings: mentions of sex, jungkook might be a asshole, mentions of death, sexual tension, explicit sexual content, alcohol, red flags. i’ll give warnings on each part and make sure to give you a heads-up if the part contents smut.
☾01 ☾ 02 ☾ 03 ☾ 04☾ 05 ☾ 06 ☾ 07 ☾ 08 ☾ 09 ☾ 10
A "Coquette" Misunderstanding relationship:fuckboy!Jeon Jungkook x fem!reader
genre: Romance/Comedy 18+
summary: Jungkook has been a self proclaimed fuck boy after his last relationship ended fairly messily… until he met you. Started out as fuck buddies, but he always had a huge crush on you. With time, he realized that he’s actually falling in love with you, and he is itching to make you his girl. He knows being a fuck boy means he has to prove himself when it comes to being serious, so he comes up with the perfect gift to give you when he confesses… only for it to turn into the biggest fucking mess.
Evolution of a lover's heart 01 l 02 pairing: fuckboy!jk x reader
summary: the rules are simple: first one to take the virginity wins.
genre: fluff, angst, college au, fuckboy au, bet au
01 word count: 8.1k
02 word count: 23.5k
Once the Thrill Expires l jjk relationship: college!jungkook x female reader
synopsis: you housmate turned fwb takes another girl home after a night out
wordcount: 5.8k
Fall back in love l jjk jungkook x f.reader.
word count: 17.6k
summary: jungkook somehow grew a reputation of sleeping around on campus, leaving him lonely and inexperienced with relationships. so when you, his old childhood best friend moves onto campus, he discovers what a relationship can feel like as he finds himself falling in love with you
RISQUÉ | JJK (m) series masterlist jungkook x f.reader
summary; in which jungkook becomes involved with his boss’ daughter, who’s 10 years younger than him, despite knowing he shouldn’t. however, no matter how hard he tries, he’s unable to stay away. eventually feelings get in the way and so does jungkook’s subconscious, making it difficult for him to decipher if he should give into his lust and feelings or walk the other way before anyone gets hurt.
what started out as a one-time-thing to get the tension out of their systems ended up being a whirlwind of confusing feelings, doing the right thing and letting themselves fall in love despite the odds that are against them.
rating: 18+
word count: 100k+
content; age gap au + secret relationship au, smut/fluff/angst
Landslides-001 l goldrush- jjk relationship: officeworker!jungkook x female reader (coworkers) fluff and some angst
word count: 6.8k
Summary: jungkook asks you to dog sit over chuseok. he doesn't ask you to steal the empty spaces in his head, the dreams he's yet to have, nor the idea of you always just being 'you' to him - and yet, like a thief in the night (with his own damn dog as your accomplice), you do.
Things You Didn't Say Jungkook x reader
summary: with the recent interactions with jungkook, you try to downplay your feelings, but your friends encourage you to acknowledge your past and move forward.
genre/au: angst | ex-best friends to friends/lovers(?)
word count: 7.3k |
✨ playlist
warnings: minor language, lana threatens oc with a fork, drinking, game of truth or dare, confessions, kissing
Things You Don't Know jungkook x reader
summary: it’s been seven years since you last saw the boy that broke your heart. after moving back home, you try everything you can to avoid seeing him around town, but destiny has a wicked way of doing the opposite.
word count: 4.3k | ✨ rating: M/17+
Love to Hate You Jungkook x reader
summary: “when obnoxiously rich and spoiled frat boy jeon jungkook comes up to you one day and asks you to fake date him for money, you definitely should have said no. because before you knew it, you were going on insta dates with him and having lunch with his equally obnoxiously rich and spoiled friends.”
genre: fratboy! AU, fake dating! AU, college! AU, rich kid! AU, enemies to lovers! AU, angst, fluff, sexual themes (later chapters)
word count: estimated 100k for the entire series, 970 for this preview
coming saturday, april 6th 2024
Show Me Something Jeon Jungkook x reader
Genre | Road Trip!au, Friends to Enemies to Lovers!au, First Love!au, Smut, Voyeurism
↳ Prompt | Take a Road Trip
↳ Summary | He was your first kiss years ago, only to become your first heartbreak the next day. Your life would have been much easier if only you would forget about him and move on, instead of having to see him almost every day because your best friend had fallen in love with his best friend. When your pal had suggested having a road trip for the final days of summer break before going back to campus, you said yes for a reprieve. Too bad she forgot to tell you about the two extra passengers tagging along. One of which is the boy who still has a tight hold of your heart without either of you even knowing it.
I want you to stay (series masterlist) JJK Pairing: Jungkook x (f.) Reader
Genre/Tags: boss!JK x assistant!reader; idiot strangers to lovers; slow slow burn; k-drama feels (What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim-inspired); angst, drama, fluff, smut
Episode 1 (wc: 12k), Episode 2 (wc: 11.9k), Episode 3 (wc: 14.8k), Episode 4 (wc: 11.4k), Episode 5 (wc: 14.8k), Episode 6 (wc: 14.6k), Episode 7 (wc: 15.4k), Episode 8 (wc: 17.4k), Episode 9 (wc: 18.4k), Episode 10 (wc: 20.6k), On going Episode 11, Episode 12.1 - Finale pt.1, Episode 12.2 - Finale pt.2
The Curious Lifespan of Migrating Monarchs -jjk Streamer!jk x international stundent!female oc (s21)
word count: 13,011
Warnings: Clubbing [go to the link to see the warnings because there is so much]
Love Wager Jungkook x fem!reader
Genre: college au. strangers to friends to lovers. forced proximity.
Synopsis: Jungkook, scarred by his parents' divorce, staunchly believes love leads to embarrassment and heartbreak. Y/N, a hopeless romantic, challenges him to a bet: a month of embracing romance and cringeworthy actions to prove him wrong. Through debates and banter, they form an unlikely friendship. Yet, as their experiment progresses, they must confront whether to risk their friendship for love or let fear dictate their future.
playlist pinterest 🤍
CHAPTERS: 01. 02. 03.coming soon..
Baby Boy Jungkook x fuckgirl!reader
Genre: strangers to lovers? smut, fluff, a little bit of angst
estimated words: 15-20k
Summary : You are bored with all of the boys on your campus and now you want the new toy except...the new toy doesn't want you.
Warnings: Jungkook hates reader at the beginning 😭😭😭, Jungkook is an asshole to her, reader and her friends are low-key mean girls, reader and her friends objectify Jungkook a lot (red flag right there), reader is kind of the s word, slutshaming, angst (but it's like very tolerable), SMUT (FURTHER WILL BE ADDED IN THE ACTUAL FIC)
Release date- July - August
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mikrokcsmos · 1 year
Class Act (M)
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synopsis; in which Namjoon is the popular jock and you’re just another girl in the bleachers. OR what happens when the gentle giant takes notice of the introverted, yet dedicated fan?
pairing; college jock!namjoon x college student!reader
genre; angst, fluff, humor, smut, s2l, f2l, college au, jock au
rating; 18+ MINORS DNI
warnings; classic college tropes, angst in the form of cheerleaders(but not all!) misjudging reader, reader has some body image issues, but mainly just a whole bunch of sweet jock Namjoon for your pleasure, a letterman jacket kink rises to the surface, reader is awkward, joon is a patient angel baby cause he’s in lOoOve with reader so much 🥺 uhhhhm there will be sexual intercourse and it will be soft and cute with protection being used cause they smart cookies(and so are you!)
w/c; 4,744
a/n; happy birthday to our favorite accident prone, gentle giant, dimple baby Kim Namjoon! like + reblog if you enjoyed. don’t be a silent reader! <3 feedback is always appreciated and helps to keep this writer motivated to put out more content — like this! all the love, always. this is a repost.
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It was another chilly September evening.
The flood lights that surround the football field are bright as ever, allowing the football players to continue playing as the night continues on.
You secure your jacket tighter around your shivering figure, the unforgiving wind still somehow making it through the thick material no matter how hard you try otherwise. The people around you both cheer when your team scores a touchdown, and boo when the away team does.
All of that is trivial, however, seeing as your main focus is on the tallest member of the team, making it easier for you to decipher him amongst the other players.
Kim Namjoon. The gentle giant.
The bleachers erupt into a fit of cheers, hooting, and hollering, your team winning the game by a landslide. Not that you ever doubted it. Namjoon and the other players gradually make their way off the field and towards the locker rooms to get washed up. With your seat being next to the corridor that they walk through, you get a good luck as they go by.
Namjoon is waving politely at those that chant his name in earnest. He’s not the quarterback, but he’s just as popular, if not more. His talents are phenomenal when it came to the sport, everyone sure that he was going to get recognized by an agent and signed by end of his college career.
You join the rest of those that chant his name, though your voice is easily drowned out by those who aren’t afraid to scream their hearts out. For a split second, your eyes lock with his. That dimpled smile widens, and you woefully wish it’s due to you, though you know that can’t be true considering you’ve never gained the courage to talk with him.
You imagine it’s cause of you anyways.
The following Monday you’re taking your normal stroll through the large campus courtyard. It’s littered with students that share the same goal as you, making it to their class on time. Up ahead, you see the jocks and cheerleaders formed in their usual circle located next to the fountain that’s planted dab in the middle of said courtyard.
You spot Namjoon easily.
He’s laughing from something that Cherry said, cheer captain and from what you heard, now ex of Kim Namjoon. From their interaction, you wonder if those were just rumors, or maybe they just ended on good terms. You wouldn’t put it past Namjoon to stay civil in that kind of situation.
Due to your zoning out on the dimpled male, you fail to watch where you’re going, and make the fatal mistake of knocking into Jin, another member of the football team. The action causes a domino effect from the force in which you accidentally plow him with, ultimately making Cherry stumble into Namjoon and having him catch her effortlessly. His face is worried as he asks if she’s okay, she says yes.
His eyes then flicker to yours, as does everyone around him when they realize that you’re the culprit.
“Aiiiiish! You should be apart of the team with that powerful of a tackle, y/l/n.”
Jin turns and jests at your embarrassed figure good naturedly, a grin on his face so as to show there’s no hard feelings on his part. The same sentiment can’t be said for a few of the cheerleaders who were collateral damage.
“You’re right, Jin. She’s certainly built like a dude.” Cherry’s co-captain and best friend sardonically chimes in with a smirk on her face. The comment creates scattered laughter throughout the group in agreement, all except for Namjoon, you notice.
Your face flushes at the jab, you being well aware that your chest wasn’t quite as developed as most women your age. Your lip trembles, and you bite it in hopes of stopping the tears that begin to build in your eyes. You make a show of deeply bowing to the group, mumbling a ‘sorry, please excuse me’ before standing up straight and briskly walking past.
Namjoon makes a step towards your retreating figure, promptly getting stopped by Cherry’s hand that curls itself around his bicep. His face that was once full of worry for his ex, still held the same expression, but this time for you.
He made a mental note that next time he saw you he was going to apologize on behalf of his so called ‘friends’.
You make it to class without a hitch. The day drones on like it always does, and it’s not until that final bell rings do you sigh in relief. You clutch your binder into your chest, both arms folded around it as you step back outside into the courtyard, this time with the end destination being your bed.
You get close to the school gates before you’re stopped by a loud voice. A loud, familiar voice.
“Y/N! Hey! Wait up!”
You stiffly turn in the direction where the voice is coming from, seeing Kim Namjoon in all his beautiful, letterman jacket wearing glory make it to you in a second flat from his long legged strides. Your knuckles turn white from how hard you’re holding your binder now, something Namjoon’s eyes dart to as he gets close enough to stand a few feet away from your shorter figure.
His full, dimpled smile is on display, and this time you know for a fact that it’s meant for you only. Your brain malfunctions, and you miss the words that come out of his mouth next, the only thing you register is his lips moving to form said words.
You blink. Once, twice. His smile doesn’t falter, but he does lean in closer to your face, one slender finger coming up to gently poke the crease in between your brows that seemed to form without you knowing. It must be from how confused you are about the situation at hand.
As if time unpaused itself, your brain clears up enough for you to speak, though your voice cracks when you do.
“I’m–, I’m sorry. What did you say?”
“I was asking if you were available to accompany me to this new diner that opened up down the street. I wanted to treat you.”
His hands are stuffed into his letterman jacket, he’s rocking himself on the balls of his feet as he waits for your answer patiently. Eyes staying trained on your face, he surveys out of his peripheral the outfit you’re wearing. It’s cute, different, unique. He likes it, a lot.
Your eyes narrow, and for the first time does his usually confident smile begin to dim.
“Is this some kind of a bet?”
His eyes widen, face crestfallen at your misconception of his genuine interest in you.
“Excuse me?” Now it’s his turn to gain those creases between his brows.
“Are your friends going to pop out of the bushes and yell ‘gotcha!’?”
He doesn’t miss the way you elongate the word friends with a hint of distaste on your tongue. He’ll be the first to admit that his choice of company can be downright rude, and wonders what other slurs you had to endure by them before he transferred to this college his junior year.
“No, they’re not. I promise I only come to you with good intentions and on the basis of wanting to get to know you better. Is that alright with you?” He ends with a question, and once again awaits your answer. There’s no signs of malice or ill intent as he looks at you, but you can’t help the walls you’ve built over the years.
Pursing your lips, you reply.
“No, thank you. I wouldn’t want to further endure the wrath of the cheerleading squad when your girlfriend finds out. So, good day.”
You pivot on your heel, decision resolute.
An enlarged hand grasps your own, and you stop in your tracks, back towards him.
“She’s not my girl–well, she was-but not anymore. We broke up awhile ago. Like, months ago. She even has a new boyfriend already, he’s a cool dude.”
He’s nonchalant when he speaks, his grip on your hand loosens when you turn your attention back on him, but he still keeps ahold on your hand incase you attempt to ditch him again.
“Only you would talk highly of an ex’s new boyfriend, I swear. You’re like a freaking unicorn.”
He lets out a bellowing, open mouthed laugh that seems to take over his entire face, his eyes crinkling, that reverberates through his hand and into yours, causing your arm to shake lightly as a result. A hint of a smile appears on your face that makes him gasp in pure delight.
He points at your mouth with a cheeky, dimpled, grin.
“There’s that smile!”
Your immediate reaction is to hide your face in your chest, an action he prevents you from doing as he uses his other hand to cup your chin and steer your gaze back onto his. His hand is still warm from its previous home in his jacket, you note, despite the cold air around you two.
“You shouldn’t hide your face, it’s pretty.”
From that point on, you were hooked.
Once again, you’re walking your normal route to class within the courtyard. Namjoon and his group of friends are a few yards away from you, but this time when he notices you, he makes a point to break away with haste, apologies spew from his supple lips to those he squeezes past to get to you.
Jin is the last to let him past, giving you an enthusiastic wave. Even Cherry and her posse give you smiles in greeting that you return. Namjoon’s arms encase themselves around your waist as he hoists your small frame and twirls you both in a circle. He’s still holding you up off the ground, and you slowly slide down enough to plant a soft, but meaningful kiss on his lips. You could feel him smile into it, and it makes your teeth clash for a moment.
When you mutually pull away for fresh air, you barely have time before he’s peppering you with kisses all over your face. From behind, Jin patronizes you both on your disgusting public display of affection.
“Oi! Get a room you two!”
Using one arm to hold you, he makes a point to flip Jin off with his free hand that makes you roll your eyes at their antics. You give him a few pats on his shoulder, your way of telling him to set you back down on solid ground. He pouts cutely, but obliges.
Throwing an arm around your shoulder instead, your fingers thread through his dangling ones over your shoulder as he leads you to your first class of the day. Too soon do you arrive, and he leans against the side of the wall next to the door with his lips already puckered in waiting. You lean up this time to oblige his height as best as you can, not noticing when he subtly leans down further to accommodate your height difference.
Inbetween kisses, he asks you a question.
“Am I still able to come over after the game tonight?”
His eyes are hopeful, smile widening when you nod in affirmation to his question. He gives you a loving pat on the head, before using both hands to secure your head long enough for him to plant a kiss on your forehead and then he’s off and heading to his own class with a wave of his hand, barely managing to dodge a gaggle of girls in time before crashing into them.
You wave back with a shake of your head at your clumsy giant, smile of your own adorning your face as a light hue rises in your cheeks of what’s to come.
You couldn’t wait.
Just like in the beginning, you’re back in your favorite spot on the bleachers to watch your now boyfriend own the field like he always does. Off to the side, not to far from where you are, you catch a snippet of conversation between a dude who looks way to formally dressed to be at a college football game and Namjoon’s coach. When Namjoon’s body hurdles by them with the football in hand, does the formal guy point at Namjoon with a serious look on his face. His coach crosses his arms over his chest with a puff of his chest, a smug smile on his face as he nods to whatever the formal dude is saying.
Huh. You wonder what that’s about.
You join the rest of the crowd around you in a standing, deafening applaud for the entire football team as they make their way through the corridor after a major win of the season. Your eyes scan the members in search of Namjoon’s loving eyes, but you don’t see him.
It’s not until your eyes shift back towards the field, do you find him with his helmet tucked under his arm, a beaming smile on his face as he talks to coach and mystery dude. The latter pats Namjoon on the shoulder as you make your way slowly down the bleachers to the stairs that lead to on the field. When your feet touch the astroturf and you begin your small trek to the three men, does the mystery dude bid his goodbyes and walk past you.
The coach and Namjoon are hugging each other tightly, coach shouting praises at Namjoon.
“I knew you would be something kid. I just knew it!”
“Thanks, coach. This wouldn’t have been possible without you!”
You walk up as they separate, and you have a wary smile on your face, your gut telling you that you just might know what transpired, but choosing to stay silent and wait for Namjoon to tell you himself.
If possible, his smile becomes broader when he sees you. Dropping his helmet to the ground, he ditches it in favor of holding your body tightly against him. You hug him back just as enthusiastically, his breath fanning your ear as he speaks.
“I did it, baby! I got recruited for a team!”
You gasp in astonishment, eyes watering due to how happy you are for Joon. This has been his goal for as long as he could throw a football, you couldn’t be more proud of him. Your arms tighten around his neck as you bury your face into him. He can feel your body shake with happy sobs, and can’t help the emotion of the moment when he joins you in the sobfest.
The coach is long gone when you two collect yourselves, Namjoon using his thumbs to wipe the tear streaks from your face as he smiles at you lovingly. Your nose is red and eyes are puffy, but he’s never seen you look more beautiful than you do at this moment.
He leans down to kiss you. It’s soft, slow, but full of passion.
“I love you, y/n.”
The words are whispered between kisses and instead of responding with words, you opt for action in the form of deepening the kiss with a mix of tongues as you battle for dominance.
He wins. He always wins.
Namjoon is manspreading on your bed wearing nothing but black boxers, arms behind his head as he watches your shy, hesitant body make its way past the frame of the door. Your arms are crossed over your chest in self doubt of how risqué you chose to dress yourself tonight for Namjoon’s pleasure – and your own.
It’s a sheer, black, silky slip that caught your eye in the mall recently. The lady that helped you pick it out reassured you that you would look so good that he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off of you. But, as you look at his now stiff body, face void of emotion, you conclude it must’ve just been her trying to meet her sales quota for that day.
Your body folds in on itself, your flight response immediately wanting to kick in and save you from your utter embarrassment at trying and failing to look sexy. Namjoon snaps out of his lust induced haze to see your fear stricken one, and he instantly hops off the bed to secure you within his arms with endearing words of praise spoken into your hair as he rocks you both side to side.
“I’m sorry, baby. My brain fried there for a second when I saw how gorgeous you look.”
He pulls away, but keeps his hands on your shoulders, rubbing the tops of them occasionally as his eyes rake over your perfectly curved, thick figure with both love and lust.
“Just gorgeous?”
His eyes snap to yours when your meek voice passes your lips, his brows scrunching in confusion. He goes to question you, but you beat him to the answer.
“I was trying to go for more along the lines of sexy–,” your eyes look everywhere but his as you continue, self deprecating thoughts fill your mind for a moment as you become your own worst critic. “–I bet if I had bigger boobs–,”
“I’m gonna stop you right there.”
His hand on your chin, makes you look at him. His eyes hold nothing but warmth when he speaks.
“You are sexy, baby. So fucking sexy.”
Your eyes widen, a soft gasp escapes your lips. He trails one hand down your arm and to your hand, before he’s leading you both back to your bed. Guiding you to lay down, he then takes a moment to savor the way your body naturally parts your legs in anticipation of him being between them. Not wanting to disappoint, he kneels between your legs and uses the strength of his arms to hover over your form.
“I don’t want you ever doubting how I feel about you, okay? If you’re feeling down, let me know. I’ll be glad to show you otherwise.” A cheeky smirk adorns his face and your cheeks tint, small smile beginning to curl at the edge of your lips.
“There’s that smile I love.”
“Shut up.”
You pull him down by his neck to kiss him, it starts out slow and sensual, before turning into a kiss of pure need for one another. Your bodies react, his lower half grinds into yours and you can feel the effect you have on him. You whimper into the kiss, the weight of his crotch rubs deliciously into your clit that makes you want more.
“Please, Joonie. No teasing.”
“Fine, fine. One thing though, something I always wanted to try.”
You tilt your head in bewilderment when he pushes himself off of you to cross your room to the duffel bag that lays on the floor next to your desk. Unzipping it, he ruffles through the contents until he finds what he’s looking for – his letterman jacket.
He makes his way back to you and gestures for you to sit up, which you do. Grabbing the bottom of your slip dress, he helps you pull it off until your left nude in front of him. He bites his lip, and throws the jacket around your shoulders, encouraging you to slink your arms through the sleeves, which again, you do. He then sits back to both admire you and take in his fantasy come to life.
You wearing nothing but his letterman jacket.
His Adam’s apple bobs, pupils blown, as you yourself admire the jacket around you. The semi rough material rubs against your nipples and makes them harden. The scent of Joon is all over it, and you can’t help but bring the collar up to your nose to savor it with your eyes closed in content.
A shaky exhale is what has your eyes popping back open to witness Namjoon sink to his elbows between your legs. You whine at his actions.
“Joon, I said no teasing tonight.”
“Baby, please? This has been a fantasy of mine for a long time now, I just want to taste you real quick.” He whines back cutely, full on pout plastered on his face that you just can’t say no too.
You give a mock huff of feigned annoyance and let yourself plop back comfortably onto the pillows beneath you, he pumps a fist in the air in triumph that has you lightly hitting him in the back of his head with the heel of your foot to hurry up.
Then, he doesn’t waste any time.
He dives in, planting one solid lick to your outer folds that leads to the hood of your clit. He places one hand between you both to gently tug the hood of your clit up so he can blow softly on it. The cool sensation makes your body erupt with goosebumps, and then he’s placing a hard suck on your clit that has your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Your knees unconsciously begin closing upon contact, but he uses his other free hand to hold one of your legs down, preemptively giving him better access to your core.
He switches his attention from your clit, and down to your now glistening hole, where he allows his middle finger to slide inside up to the knuckle, taking it out a second later to rub circles around your hole. Your hips buck, hole clenching around nothing, missing the intruding digit already. He continues this torturous routine until you start to become frustrated at your lack of relief, the edging beginning to take a toll on you.
“Namjoon, you better start–,” you begin to berate him, but your words turn into soft pants when he chooses at that exact moment to add two more digits into your hole at a fast pace, curling them to the point he’s able to feel your soft spot. His pace is unrelenting as you grip the sheets, back arching and mouth parting in a silent scream. Your toes begin to curl and he watches with hooded eyes as you come undone for the first time that night before him. Your orgasm washes over your spasming body in waves, and he’s quick to replace his fingers with his big mouth to lewdly slurp up your essence like a man starved for water. Some of it eludes his mouth to dribble down his chin and onto the bedding beneath you.
“Fuck. Namjoon. Stop. I can’t.”
You beg breathlessly, fingers gripping his hair in a vice to lift his head off your oversensitive pussy. He places one last wet kiss to each of your inner thighs, then trails up your body to your breasts. He takes one in each hand, gently massaging them to squish them together so he can take advantage of his big mouth and tongue to both lick and suckle each nipple with the same amount of attention.
You use the opportunity to come down from your high, to a still pleasurable, but not overbearing different kind of stimulation. After a few minutes, he uses one hand to push down his boxers enough to kick them off the bed with his feet. Getting back up on his knees, he reaches over the side of you to your side table drawer and fetches out a condom you make sure to keep just incase. He opens it and rolls it on, being sure to pinch the tip to make room for his own slick to fill.
He lines up his length with your still semi spasming hole, but looks up at you with a question in his eyes that gets answered just as quietly when you wrap your legs around his waist. Both of you let out a grunt of satisfaction when he stills, fully inside.
“Are you okay?”
You don’t realize your eyes closed on their own as your body adjusted to Namjoon’s girth. When you open them, you see his face hovering over yours with concern pooling in his.
“I’m good, Joon. You can move.”
Leaning down, he gives you a lingering kiss on your lips as he begins to move his hips against yours. He doesn’t go fast, choosing tonight as one to be savored. It’s an important one after all, he wants to remember it.
You thrust your own hips up in the slow, rhythmic tempo that he’s set, encouraging him to his first orgasm of the night. He buries his face in your neck, giving sloppy thrusts until he stills. Using what little strength you have left, you place the palms of your hands on his chest and push him until he’s laying on his back on the bed. You take your time straddling him, rubbing your folds against his length once, twice – it’s not until the third swing of your hips does he place his hands on your love handles in order to guide his length back into your warmth.
You chuckle at his impatience, and he glowers at you playfully.
“I thought you said no teasing?”
“Figured I’d give you a taste of your own medicine is all.”
You’re playing innocent, but he knows better. He lets you ride him at your own pace, letting his hands roam all over your breasts, your stomach, your thighs. Eventually, when he feels your walls begin to constrict around his own growing length, does he drop his hand where you two meet in order to rub soft, yet perfect amount of weight on your clit to help spur both of your impending orgasms.
Throwing caution to the wind, you splay your hands on his chest to get better leverage and a better angle, increasing your pace from a slow one to a fast one that has both of you a panting mess trying to chase your highs at the same time. You let out a broken whimper and he knows you’re closer to yours, but he wants to cum at the same time as you, finding the rare occurrence just another way of togetherness in his mind between you both when it does happen.
Easing his assault on your clit, he plants his heels into the bed to thrust up at a brutal pace, his cock pistons in and out of your sopping hole and you let out a sob at the orgasm that suddenly hits you at the same time that his does. He only stops when you can’t hold yourself up anymore and choose to lazily plop yourself off to the side of him on the bed, face flushed, eyes closed, and ready for sleep already.
He’s not too far behind you, wanting to crash after that love making session, but he needs to clean up first and so do you. He gives your ass a light slap and you groan into the pillow in reply.
“Let’s clean up, baby. Then sleep.”
You flip him off. He playfully bites your fingertip.
The next day you’re both taking an early morning walk around campus, your small hand held tightly in his large one. Ever since last night, he takes any chance he can get to see you wearing his letterman jacket, so that’s what you’re currently wearing over your outfit.
You don’t mind though, in fact, you love it.
Like you love him.
So, you say it for the first time since he’s confessed.
“Joon?” He looks down at you with a curious look on his face, and waits patiently for you to speak when he notices how shy you’re getting. It brings him back to the first day he met you.
“I love you too.”
Your favorite dimpled smile makes an appearance. You two meet in the middle for a loving kiss. You go to pull away, but he secured a hand on the back of your neck to keep you a hair width away as he speaks lowly, honestly.
“I always saw you.”
You tilt your head in confusion.
“Saw me?”
“Yeah. In the bleachers. You went to every game. I even saw the sign you made with just my number on it, but it helped me get that winning touchdown.”
“You’re joking.”
“Serious as a heart attack.”
A puff of laughter escapes your lips, your lips grazing his during the act that has him chasing yours for another. His shoulders bounce as he lightly laughs along with you.
Another reason you love wearing his jacket? It lets everyone around you know that you’re his.
That you would always be his.
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theonemyleejongsuk · 2 years
⚓DECIBEL Update‼️
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[mtstarnews] Kim Rae-won x Lee Jong Suk x Cha Eun-woo's '#Decibel' to be released on November 16
The movie 'Decibel' (Director Hwang In-ho), in which Rae-won Kim and Jongsuk Lee collaborated, will be released on November 16th.
On the 6th, Mindmark delivered the same news. '#Decibel' is a sound terror action film between a bomb designer who wants to occupy the city center with a special bomb that explodes when the noise increases and a former naval deputy commander who becomes his target. Director Hwang In-ho of 'Monster' and 'Chilling Romance' grabbed the megaphone, and Kim Rae-won, Lee Jong Suk, Jeong Sang-hoon, Park Byeong-eun, and Cha Eun-woo appeared
. foretells The launch trailer starts with a terrorist scene in the city and immediately draws the viewer's attention. "This is a sound bomb that responds to noise. It explodes when it exceeds 100 dB." Along with the voice on the phone warning, large-scale soccer stadiums and water parks that appear one after another, implying an overwhelming scale of terrorism, create tension. heighten
While Kim Rae-won, the former naval commander who became the target of terrorism, showed intense action while wandering around the city center, Lee Jong-suk's cold expression as 'bomb designer and mensa-born naval captain' appeared after leaving the mayhem of the terrorist scene behind him. It provides an overwhelming impact. Next, Jeong Sang-hoon as 'a special reporter who came to accompany the terrorist incident', Park Byung-eun as 'Military Security Support Command agent', 'Navy submarine sound detection sergeant'
'Decibel' will meet the audience on November 16th.
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Posted 06 Oct 2022
Thank you for sharing🙏
Please follow👇
@jongsuk0206 (IG)
My #LeeJongSuk is life.
#이종석 #李鍾碩 #李钟硕
#อีจงซอก #イジョンソク
#Decibel #BigMouth
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wewillryesagain · 4 years
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Some old moodboards I never posted for Sam and Honey.
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glossyeon · 2 years
Hot Head || yjh
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pairing: jeonghan x fem!bratty reader
genre: smut, slight fluff + angst
warnings: profanity, explicit sexual content, smut, oral sex (m and f receiving), slight fingering and handjob if you squint, sexual teasing, uses of terms like “slut”, “cockslut” and “brat”, unprotected vaginal sex, sexual tension, pwp, sex in public, reader is a brat who wants to be fucked (me), jeonghan is a hot headed hoe ft. other svt members
authors note: thanks for the support, and remember to reblog my work if you can, as tumblr runs on a basis of reblogs!
word count: 3.2k
synopsis: being the girlfriend of the hot headed captain of your schools varsity football team came with its perks. Like the way hannie practically ruined you in the back entrance of the schools football field stadium. Romance, am I right?
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a breeze blows by, this time even harsher and more freezing than the ones before. 
The remaining leaves left on the trees by the football field burn a fiery red, indicating that the autumn months have said their last goodbyes, and the colder months are just beginning. The sun already went down about an hour ago, most students rushing home to the confines of heated dorm rooms, or crowded coffee shops just so they could procrastinate on their midterm assignments.
You had actually planned on doing the same, hoping to get absolutely no work done while you and Jeonghan would cuddle underneath the soft comforters of your bed together, letting him cockwarm you just until the sun would rise. That is, until he texted you to meet him right by the football field after class. 
Jeonghan was the only player sitting out this time, a punishment due to his uncontrolled temper that earned him a bruised lip and penalty during last week's game. That put him on the bleachers this whole week, courtesy of Coach Kim. “What the fuck yoon? Do you play with your head or your dick?!” An opposing player yelled.
That’s what started it.
Then came the fighting, the shouting, and the inconsistent yelps of poor hoshi as he was spun around like a rag doll by the other team players. You swear that boy had tears in his eyes the minute he was pushed to the ground by some huge ass football jock. Probably mingyu. 
But jeonghan, being the hot-headed, sarcastic ass idiot you knew him to be, also decided that throwing a punch right in the jaw of the other team’s prized quarterback was a good idea, giving that player a week in the infirmary, and himself, a heavy warning and suspension.
You could remember how upset you were at last week’s game, seeing your boyfriend get punched and struck in the face as well, while members of both opposing teams had struggled to stop the fight. It didn’t make sense how your boyfriend had gotten hurt, and no one was concerned for that at all as well.
Ever since that fight on the field, jeonghan has been uptight, tense, and completely out of it this whole week. Worrying you, as you know how much football means to him, and the lengths he’s gone to secure his reputation on this team. However, you’re even more worried about your boyfriend's health right now, if he doesn’t go inside someplace warm this instant.
“You idiot” you muttered to yourself, though you really wanted to say it to his face. Sliding a hot pack into his hands, you wrap them with yours to let no heat escape. It was obvious the boy was cold, just from looking at the tips of his nose and ears turning red, to the way he struggled to shove his hands inside his inconvenient varsity bomber jacket. And of course jeonghan would wear his team jacket here.
“jeonghan…” you warned, tugging on the material of his jacket lightly to let him know that you were cold, tired, and desperately needy for a cock inside you. Didn’t he promise you he’d cockwarm you when you guys got home that evening? Or was it the cold doing something to your brain now?
As if responding to you, the wind roared across the football field towards you. Your ass started to feel numb from sitting on the metal seats of the bleachers for so long, and it’s safe to say that your pussy felt as though it was freezing off.
Literally, you wore no panties. 
It was because you’d never thought that jeonghan texting you so quickly was for something other than a quickie in his car or an abandoned closet somewhere in your school. Thus, thinking it would turn him on more over the fact that you were completely bare, you decided giving it a go would be sort of hot. How wrong you were. You weren't surprised if you had hypothermia already.
“5 more minutes babe” he said dismissing your tone, wincing when josh made a short pass to junhui. Jeonghan cursed loudly, sighing at the score of the game unfolding, and not even bothering to look back at you.
you sat there one seat above your man, hands crossed against your chest as you stared in disbelief. he was far more invested in a stupid sport than real life girlfriend, soon going to be ex- if he was about to keep this up. 
Jeonghan somehow breaks his concentration on the passes in front of him, looking down from your hand intertwined with his, to your rosy cheeks. His lip is still bruised painfully, and you can tell it must hurt.
“I’m sorry baby, you know I gotta see this for this friday’s game” he apologizes, rushing a sloppy kiss to your lips before he turns his back to you again to watch the drills his members were doing.
You grimaced, wiping the slobber off your lipstick stained lips, and glaring at jeonghan’s stained ones instead.
“How much longer jeonghan?” you whine, finally seeing how you're able to grab his attention once more.
“10 more minutes angel, just 10 more…” He stares back into your eyes, brow furrowed, and a hint of gratitude and thanks that you’re even here with him right now. 
But like every time before, the moment passes, and your boyfriend trails off from his empty promise, eyes turning back to the field, where he's transfixed more on Hansol’s passes than the new mini skirt and stockings you deliberately wore for him in this freezing weather.
“Tenacious asshole” you say loudly for him to hear. You can tell it ticks him off slightly from the way his shoulders tense, suddenly giving you a wicked idea.
you clasped your stocking clad thighs against each other, desperately holding onto the little body heat you’ve got. You looked down to your boyfriend sitting in the row below yourself, one seat lower than you. A “nice pass hong” you’d occasionally hear from coach kim, or a “looking good choi” as well. You could just tell jeonghan missed playing on the field more than ever, and you knew he’s probably even a bit more pissed right now. And when jeonghan was angry, that was the best time to get fucked. 
“Just throw the damn ball, dumbass!” your boyfriend yelled from the stands, rolling his eyes when the fearless first year missed, and as a result, flipped jeonghan off aggressively. Your boyfriend simply reached to take a sip of his water bottle, discounting anything other than the outcome of the game happening right this moment.
Seeing that this was your chance, you creeped up closer to your boyfriend. Latching your feet around his waist as you leaned forward and hugged him from behind. “Baby,” you whined, whispering in his ear while you played with the tuft that was peeking out from the back of his baseball cap. 
You pressed your lips against jeonghan’s neck, inhaling the familiar scent of cigarettes (that you always told him to quit, but he never listens either way) and his cedarwood cologne that always stains your body during sex. You're hoping he gets the signal.
And of course, he does, swallowing the sip of water hard, before placing down on the seat beside him.
“What are you doing, kitten?” he asks low and deep, grabbing both of your thighs from behind, fitting them snugly in his large hands. Now he's interested.
“Nothing babe” you say softly, voice dripping in fake innocence. “Nothing at all” you smirk against his ear.
You’re aware that by provoking jeonghan like this, you’re never gonna be able to walk to class tomorrow, but you don’t care either way. His fault for forgetting he has a hot ass girlfriend. 
“Don’t act up y/n” jeonghan groans softly, eyes on the game while his body melts into your breasts. You draw a hickey from the crevices of his neck, a deep dark one at that. He warns you for the last time, pinching your thighs before you complete your teasing with the four final words.
“I’m wearing no panties” you say sweetly, a smoke of fog coming out of your mouth.
And sure enough, you know it does when your boyfriend shoots up, veins bulging out of his neck, and hot air coming from his loud shouts of anger. To your surprise, he diverts his anger and perplexity to the game instead.
“You gotta be kidding me Coach, that could’ve been a p-“
“Goddamit Yoon, if I hear your voice one more time you’re sitting out this entire season.”
That was the last straw. You could see him change. feel him and his fists tense up. The way his shoulders went stiff. Your boyfriend had finally had enough. Of you, and of everything else.
Jeonghan’s large hands suddenly grabbed your waist to throw you over his strong shoulders. 
“You’re gonna be ruined today slut” he mutters to you, giving your ass a quick spank as you smiled as the other girls watched. You already knew some of those girls wished they had jeonghan for a man. 
When jeonghan puts you down, it’s once you're both out of the bleachers, and out of the eye of other people. In fact, it’s by the entrance right where the varsity players warm up before they’re called out during the beginning of games. Grabbing your wrist roughly before shoving you against a concrete wall, Jeonghan crashes his lips to yours, lifting your skirt up to feel up your naked cheeks exposed to the whole world
You shudder from the cold he gives you, giving payback as you made jeonghan wince slightly when you sucked on his still bruised lip, then throwing away all sense of anger at him at last.
“you’re horrible, y’know that hannie?” you say breaking from the kiss, pouting as you looked up at him with those doe eyes of yours, deliberately making him feel guilty for leaving you like that. As if you weren’t just begging to be fucked in the moment. 
“God, you're such a brat, y/n” he tells you, smirking as he takes off that olive coloured baseball hat of his, putting it over your small head, as he dives down below to kiss your entrance. 
“Let me warm you up baby” he tells you, on his knees before sucking hard on your cold, soaked lips of your pussy. You both moan at the feeling, one in ecstasy from the pleasure, and the other from the taste.
“I-It’s too much hannie” you mewl, clawing at his back as you’re suddenly no longer cold anymore. In fact, you’re on fire. “I-I can’t-”
“Should’ve thought of that before you took your panties off for me” he groans, letting your juices drip down his chin as he inserts a finger inside. That causes you to moan loudly, jeonghan’s name falling off your tongue like a prayer you’d say everyday. 
He continues his ways, sucking, grabbing, and playing with you all with only his lips and tongue. You gasp when he delivers a slap to your asscheeks, kneading them with his red knuckles. “babe, I think, I think I'm close” you tell him, struggling to get a few words out.
“Gonna come for me darling? Yeah? Gonna let me make you feel good even after what you pulled on the bleachers back there?” jeonghan snarls, holding your right hand in his left, as his other hand occupies it self with fucking you madly with his fingers. 
“Y-Yes hannie, Yes p-please!” you cry out, the large cap over your head covering your blurry vision at the state of ecstasy
“You speak so pretty for a nasty girl” he says, loving the view he has under your legs right now. Jeonghan stands up to give you a sloppy kiss, letting the mint gum he has in his mouth be transferred to your own, and smiling when you take it without declining. 
“Come on, precious,” he coos to you, holding your hand as he fingers you hard and fast, each stroke making your tight walls clench around him. You’re hesitant to scream in such a wide area, where the walls could most definitely echo the sounds coming out of your mouth, and from where jeonghan touches you. “Jeonghan” you whimper, grabbing the pads of his varsity jacket.
“Cum for me my love” he whispers, biting and kissing your ears as he almost does the same when he hears your sounds of release.
“Jeonghan!” you whine, loving the way he had control of your body right now. It all felt too good, the way his hand was still inside you, shoving your cum back in as a frigid wind passed by. Your tongue craved something, something warm. You wanted to taste something now, and you knew that what you wanted was to taste him. 
Not even a few seconds after your orgasm, you pull away from jeonghan’s kiss, looking him in the eyes as you pleaded pathetically, letting your hands unzip his pants.
“W-wanna taste you” you mutter, mouth drooling when you grab ahold of his hard cock, springing open to touch his lower abs. You could tell jeonghan had been holding back earlier, the way it twitched in your hand as the cold air surrounded it.
“Slow down” jeonghan chuckles, brushing your hair back as you get on your bare knees on the pavement. You abandon your boyfriend's words, too focused on letting your lips taste the precum sitting on the tip of jeonghan’s cock before he pulls you back to get your attention.
“Baby,” he scolds you, getting you to stand up as you face him curiously to see what you did wrong. Instead, jeonghan strips himself of his varsity jacket, letting it fall to the ground to provide a thoughtful padding to your bare knees before you suck him off. Jeonghan was quite the romantic, huh?
Nevertheless, the action makes your horny heart swoon, smiling as you give jeonghan a quick thank you peck on the lips, avoiding his bruise before you kneel down gracefully. 
“Are you cold y/n?” jeonghan asks sincerely, looking down at you in a face of worried expression to the thought that you might actually get sick in this weather. He brushes your hair out of your face, letting you assure him that you're completely fine, and that you're hot from just kissing the tip of his red and angry cock. 
“Just let me get to suck you hannie,” you plead, letting your hand fist the base of it, because everyone knew just how packing your boyfriend, jeonghan was. You hummed when the tip soon reached the familiar spot at the back of your throat, sucking hard and long as it was now jeonghan's turn to whimper and cry at your actions.
“God, you drive me crazy”
“Couldn’t have waited till we got to my car, huh?” he asked you, smiling at the way your cheeks hallowed and tears formed near your eyes. You looked breathtaking, trying to take your boyfriend whole, but failing miserably as you choke a little.
“That’s alright love, you can choke on my cock, I won’t mind” His hand reaches down to fondle your right boob, playing with the hardened nipple as it summons the cold air surrounding your chest. You whined to your boyfriend, clutching his thighs for support as he fucked your mouth senseless, careful not to get the dripping cum to stain your white sweater.
“You’re too good for me, babe” he adores you, praising his slut for how well she tried to take his length.
You moan around his member, squeezing your eyes shut as you let jeonghan use you fully. “Almost there baby, you’re doing so well” he tells you more, grunting and finally releasing a string of moans and profanities when you milked his cock dry. You moaned loudly at the cramped feeling in your mouth, the vibration allowing you to feel him shudder.
“Shit” jeonghan sighed, taking a few seconds to recover from your mouth. Your knees immediately gave out, causing you to fall dumbly over jeonghan's varsity jacket, lips creamed with cum as you looked up at your boyfriend in a dazed look.
Seeing how tired and cold you must have been, jeonghan swooped down to retrieve you in his arms, kissing you passionately, and thanking you so much for what you did for him. You always liked the small little aftercare jeonghan gave you after a good blowjob. Made you feel even better over the fact that you made your hot headed, and very obnoxious varsity football captain boyfriend moan over the way you licked his dick.
Lifting you off the ground with ease, jeonghan pressed your back against the concrete to allow his hands to hold the underneath of your thighs. 
“My precious cockslut” the boy cooed, kissing your neck to warm you up. Sweat formed in between your two bodies, bringing him to ask you quietly in your ear.
“If you don’t want anymore, we can stop here” he assures you, kissing you to taste himself on his lips.
You shake your head amidst the stunned situation, feeling tired, but also certain that if you didn’t have your boyfriend inside you like this, you'd be sure to regret it later.
“Use your words love”
“I still want your cock han” you whimper, saying how you wanted him to warm you up one last time.
“Alright then, i’ll be slow” he tells you, adjusting to you as he allows himself to shove the tip in slowly, careful so as to not overwhelm you. Although in reality, no matter how many times you have sex with jeonghan, he always seems to stretch you out fully the first time, with or without lube and prep. 
“fuck!” you cried out, wincing at the feeling of something so wet and warm being inserted into your walls like this. You grabbed onto jeonghan’s shoulders, letting him fuck the frustrations and stress he had over his back this week out through you.
“F-fuck the stress out of yourself h-hannie” you spoke softly, blabbering as jeonghan found the spot you loved. “U-use me baby, mmph I-I don’t mind” you groaned.
Jeonghan felt so utterly grateful to have such a girlfriend like you in the moment, relaying the overwhelming emotion to you through a passionate kiss, fighting against your tongue to still find the gum he gave you before. He smiled against you.
“So precious, y/n” he moaned, pulling away before you felt how he utterly abused your lips, going mad from seeing a form of cum between your two bodies. “Thank you baby” he huffed, a hot air of smoke coming from between his lips.
You smiled when the comfortable feeling of being filled to the brim by jeonghan washed over you, even if your lower body felt sore and a bit chilly, you were more satisfied and warmer now thanks to your boyfriend.
You kissed his ear, throwing his baseball cap back over his brown coloured locks to look him in the eyes one more time.
“You pull that dumb shit out there on the field again hannie, and I’ll leave you for Coach Kim” you joke softly. “You honestly need to manage your anger issues, babe” you say, slapping him on the arm when he hugs you closer to himself, clearly not caring about a single thing happening out on the field, or out in the world because you’re with him here right now.
You giggle when jeonghan replied back. “I know idiot, I’m the worst” he grins before attacking you in an abundance of warm kisses, pressing each one to your cheeks, nose, forehead, and then his forever favorite, your lips. 
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(Copyright 2022 © Glossyeon // all rights reserved)
— MAIN masterlist.
— SVT masterlist.
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foxgloveprincess · 2 years
Right Under Your Nose
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Pairing: Steve Roger x Bucky Barnes x Plus-Size Female Reader [First Person Narrator]
Summary: It’s not your fault that you bump into two super soldier and endear yourself to them. Seriously. You have no idea what they see in you, but having friends you can trust implicitly is nice. Right?
Word Count: 8K
Warnings: my interpretation of A/B/O Dynamics (Scent Marking, Scent Blockers, Suppressants, Heats/Ruts), Quirky Beta Reader (can probably be read as neurodivergent), Clumsiness, Meet-Cute/Meet-Ugly, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Cursing, Pet Names (sunshine, angel face, sweetheart). Minors do not interact (18+).
A/N: I gotta give credit to the concept behind this fic to @kim-monsterlings​ who came to me with this in my DMs and I fell in love with this concept. I’ve been wanting to write a beta Reader character for a while and she just gave me the perfect inspiration. Couple tweaks and voilà!
Photo of Chris Evans in banner from bestofcevans on Twitter. 
Follow @foxglovefics to sign up for notifications on my fics.
I love feedback, so go ahead and reblog if you want. No permission given to copy, translate, rewrite or post my work, at all. If I’ve missed a tag, please let me know.
This is not Beta’d, so all mistakes are my own.
Please DO NOT click ‘Keep Reading’ if you are not 18+ years of age or if you are uncomfortable with the pairing themes/dynamics, thank you!
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Sometimes I worry I might go nose-blind. Especially on gym towel days. All the scents swirling around the laundry, as ventilated as the space may be, turns the whole humid room into a suffocating coffin of scent—alpha, beta, omega, sickly sweet, musky, and overwhelming.
Still, I love my job. Sometimes I have to break out the heavy-duty gloves and a nose plug. Sometimes I get to blast my favorite songs over the speakers and hole up in a corner to patch and mend. It’s definitely not glamorous. But it’s mine.
“You coming?” Angelica asks, standing just past the threshold of the uniform repair room and awaiting my response.
My hand waves her off, mouth full of pins and fingers stretching Captain America’s suit, looking for the hole mentioned on the intake form.
She shrugs and walks away. I glance up, scanning the surrounding area for any of my coworkers. Alone at last. A happy, silly sound passes my lips as I climb up on the table. My legs fold beneath me, uniform splayed across my lap.
“Excuse me,” I call up toward the ceiling, threading my needle and snipping off the excess. “Ms. AI?” The lights blink, letting me know I have her attention. “If you wouldn’t mind, would you pull up my Goodies Playlist?”
The first strains of Ella Fitzgerald’s Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered start playing through the room. I hum along, spirits brightening with each note.
“Thank you,” I chirp, a triumphant exclamation cutting my words short as I find the hole in need of mending. “Really, as if putting a clip on the spot would be so difficult,” I mutter to myself.
It’s not complicated, closing it and ensuring the strength of the fabric. Actually, it’s probably my favorite part of the day. Working with insanely cool textiles and getting a little while to let my hands work while my mind wanders.
The only thing that pulls me out of the zone is the angry, insistent rumbling of my stomach. I sigh and stick my needle into the fabric of the Avenger’s suit. My music fades to nothing and I smile—Ms. AI looking out for me. I thank her again, climbing off the table and losing my balance. I clutch the ledge in a death grip and catch myself right before the face plant.
With a chuckle, I straighten my back, cracking the joints and wander out the door. Checking behind me to guarantee the repair room’s secured, along with all the majorly expensive and important uniforms inside, I exit in the direction of the cafeteria. Already decided on my lunch—today’s a smoothie day.
Angelica and the rest of the team pass by in the hallway on their way back. I wave and duck my head, skirting around the corner before their comments start. I don’t mind eating late, alone, after the rush. It just means less people vying for seats in an already too-small seating area. And socialization was never my strong suit.
There’s no line for the smoothie bar when I walk up, ordering the one that seems yummiest today—blueberries, raspberry sherbet, peach juice, vanilla yogurt. Oh yeah. It’s gonna be good.
I smile and wait, rocking on my feet and picking at the pockets of my uniform jumpsuit until the cup and straw find my hands. Strolling away, I grab a pre-packaged sandwich and scan my employee card at the checkout, ready to find a seat in the back corner and enjoy my break.
It’s great, pleasant, normal. All until I’m walking back to the laundry room, half-full smoothie in hand and head craning back on my neck to stretch the sore muscles. I don’t see them, but, boy, do I feel them as I knock into an absolute wall of muscle.
“Jesus, Fuck!” I exclaim, smoothie splashing all over the both of us and onto the floor.
A growl rips through the air. My instincts seize. Never leaned toward the fight side of fight, flight, or freeze, personally. My limbs lock and my gaze tips up, catching sight of the large, gruesome spot on a pristine white shirt and then his face.
Captain Steve Rogers. Just my luck. The most respected alpha in the whole compound. But he’s not the one growling, oh no. That would be his mate. Sergeant James Barnes, also an alpha and just about a bajillion times more intimidating. Glaring death at me, lips twitching toward a snarl.
“I’m so sorry,” I squeak, face drawn in a grimace, chin dropping once again and seeing the puddle that once was my delicious smoothie. My blueberry smoothie. Blueberries. That aren’t even blue. They’re purple. And they fucking stain.
“Hey,” Captain Rogers soothes, his subdued scent of plum and woodsmoke, calm and tickling my nose.
But my thoughts are already off to the races, seventy miles a minute as I grab his arm, dragging him behind me.
“We have to get that outta your shirt,” I explain without a glance back. “Now. I’m real good with stains. I can get it clean.” My eyes peek down at the watch on my wrist as I continue, “We’ll even have a load of recruit uniforms coming out, so I have a spare shirt you can change into.”
The growl has definitely subsided. Though whether that means Sergeant Barnes has left or his ire has diminished, I can’t guess. But I get a whiff of sage and leather, faint but trailing after us. At least Captain Rogers unquestionably follows me, his arm hanging from my grip. Not a word of protest from his lips.
A beat of hesitation passes once I barge through the door to the laundry room, several pairs of eyes turning in our direction. Shocked faces greet me and I glance over my shoulder. Yup. Definitely a pair of super soldiers in my wake.
“Come on,” I mumble, pulling Captain Rogers toward the repair room door—the only place private enough for him to change in the vicinity. “If you wanna take off your shirt in here, I’ll grab you a dry one.”
The scanner pops out of the side panel, my fingerprints verified before the door slides open. My hand gestures them forward, releasing the captain and backing away toward the driers. I pull it open, grabbing out the first one my hand wraps around—medium? yeah medium sounds good. I pat it between my hands, checking for damp spots as my feet wind back toward the open door of the repair room.
“Here you are, Captain,” I say handing it over, “nice and toasty from the dryer. Once you change, give me your shirt and I’ll get right on cleaning it.”
He nods, a bewildered sort of amusement painting his features. He glances toward Sergeant Barnes and the door closes.
I blink, the last few minutes catching up to me and my cheeks flame with embarrassment. Then my eyes fall back to the door. Which opened for my fingerprints.
Muffled music drifts through the wall and my teeth sink into my lower lip. Ms. AI is picking up right where I left off in my playlist. Seems like the amount of breaks I’m catching today is a whopping zero.
Sinking into a crouch, my head finds my hands, displeased noises grumbling in my throat. Talk about a bad day. First my smoothie, then Captain America and Sergeant Barnes, and now this. I’m getting fired. I know it. And then Timi and Christine will have to deal with all the super suits by themselves until they can find someone to pass the clearance levels to help with repairs and upkeep. That could take months and—
The door opens. The music now silent. Two sets of footsteps walk out and pause beside me. Looking up, a kind smile greets me accompanied by an intrigued stoicism. Everything inside me fights against the instinct to cringe.
My hand reaches out, ready to accept the shirt. It’s squishy and damp in my hand, cold to the touch. Unpleasant and gross.
“I’ll get this clean and send it right up to your rooms, Captain Rogers,” I promise.
“It’s Steve,” he replies, holding out his own hand to help me stand.
Looking between his palm and his face, it takes me a moment to accept. Raising myself up from my haunches, I introduce myself with a tilt of my head. Confusion blooms in the back of my mind. Unwilling to be voiced, but persistent.
“Nice to meet you. Thank you for offering to clean that up.” He gestures to the shirt in my hand. I clench it between my fists, threatening to wring out the smoothie from the fibers should I grip even a hair tighter.
“It’s my job,” I respond with a nod over my shoulder toward the washers and dryers.
Captain Rogers—Steve—chuckles. “Thanks all the same.”
Bewildered, I glance over his shoulder toward Sergeant Barnes, looking for some kind of explanation for the unfolding situation. But I should know better with all the rumors circling about. His expression is carefully blank, perhaps amused or maybe on the verge of murder. It’s a good reminder to never play him in poker, though.
My feet shuffle to the side. They pass me on their way out, nothing in their scents indicating aggravation. With a wave over their shoulder—returned in the barest sense by my own—they’re gone.
The next day, taking my lunch break late and alone again, I stumble upon the super soldier alphas—again. Nearly in the exact same spot. I glance at the faded stain on the floor just a foot or two to their right and back at them.
They stare right back at me, waiting, expectant. But I don’t have the time—or the disposition—for it. Skirting around them, feet hasty, I intend to beeline straight for the cafeteria, hoping they still have my favorite pasta salad in stock.
“Wait!” Steve calls out in surprise, turning on his heels and following after me.
His fingers wrap around my wrist, pressing on my scent gland. A gasp escapes my lips. He releases me immediately.
My blood thrums through my veins, static tingling from every nerve. I pause and turn over my shoulder. Meeting the captain’s eyes, I quirk a brow and wait.
“We thought we’d repay you,” Steve says with a gesture back toward his mate.
Sergeant Barnes steps forward, presenting a cup full of orange smoothie. I eye it, wary of their intentions. My hands hang limp at my sides.
“It’s the peach one,” he explains, eyes intense and patient.
My gaze drifts between them, back and forth.
“Thank you,” I say, reaching out to accept the cup. Popping the lid, I sniff it. Yeah, I can’t drink it. With a tight grin, I spin away and continue toward the cafeteria.
“Are you getting lunch?” Steve asks, keeping my pace by the left.
I nod once, a brusque affirmation.
“Can we join you?”
My stride falters, feet catching on each other. A firm grip wraps around my right bicep, keeping me steady. I look over, black metal fingers holding onto me. I say nothing for an elongated moment, but can’t force my gaze away. The way it glints in the fluorescent light, seamed together with gold.
“You ever heard of kintsugi?” The words tumble out on their own, never meant to be spoken aloud.
Sergeant Barnes freezes. His eyes dart to Steve then back to me.
“Uh,” he mumbles, “yeah.”
“That’s kinda what your arm looks like,” I ramble, picking at the straw of the smoothie. “I think it’d look cool in that sorta oil-slick metal. But that’s just me.”
His lips tilt in a small, sorta smile while his finger release my arm. I shrug and mutter a “thanks”.
Both alphas seem to be ready to say something, but remain silent. They look at each other, a conversation exchanged between their bond. Their marks peeking out from their collars. Distracted by the stark silvery marks against their skin, I shake myself away from staring.
“Um,” I hem, shifting on my feet and thumbing in the direction of the cafeteria. “It was nice running into you, but I gotta get my lunch and this seems like it’s gonna take a minute—which I don’t have.” I step aside and face them, backing away slowly with a glance over my shoulder to ensure I won’t trip. “Thanks for the gratitude smoothie.”
Spinning back, I continue on, accompanied by two sets of footsteps trailing behind me. I sigh. Right, okay, sure.
I grab my pasta salad—a whole heaping bunch of it from Marty, the only one I trust to make it—before finding the two super soldiers waving me over from a table in the corner. And what choice do I really have? Of course I walk over and sit before them with an uneasy smile.
“Why were you listening to Billie Holiday yesterday?” Steve asks me, resting his arms on the table while he watches me eat.
I chew and swallow, glancing toward the forbidden smoothie and clearing my throat. “It’s on a playlist my grandparents helped me make before they, you know.” My shoulders lift in a shrug and I look away, shoving another bite into my mouth. “It gets me through rough days.”
A smile stretches the captain’s lips. “You ever heard of The Ink Spots?”
“I, uh, I don’t think so,” I admit.
“We have their record. You should come give it a listen,” Sergeant Barnes suggests.
I blink. Swallow. Look around for something to clear the nervous lump in my throat. Standing, I walk to the soda fountain and fill a glass with water before returning. Both men stare at me, scrutinizing each movement.
“You don’t want to drink the smoothie?“ Steve asks, voice soft and gentle.
My lips wrap around the lip of my cup, sipping before I answer, “It has bananas in it. I’m allergic.” My face scrunches in contrition, watching the dawning realization overtake theirs.
“Why didn’t you say something?” the sergeant asks, batting the smoothie away from my plate and leaning on his arms against the table.
The way my mouth waters at the sharp spike of his scent. I’ll admit to having to swallow a very unprofessional sound down the back of my throat. It gets buried under another bite of pasta.
“Didn’t wanna be rude,” I mumble into my fork, refusing to even think of looking across the table. Let them just think I’m weird and leave me alone. Better they figure it out sooner than later.
There’s a moment of silent contemplation, broken by a wry chuckle. My lips press together, bracing for rejection.
“Boy, you really like to keep people guessing, don’t you?”
The sergeant’s comment stuns me for a second. His tone, I don’t hear often—delighted, affectionate, not an ounce of aggravation or exhaustion. Peeking over at them stupefies me even further. A smile brightens Steve’s features until he’s radiating quiet joy. Sergeant Barnes’ eyes glint with a calm kind of consideration and tenderness.
“So, would you want to join us tonight? We were going to watch some movies and reminisce, but would love company,” Steve asks. Hope gleams in his eyes and I find it impossible to refuse.
“Sure,” I whisper. “My shift ends at 6.”
And that’s how I find myself walking down the hallway of the Avengers’ quarters. Pulse pounding in my ears. Ms. AI helping me navigate. My fingers play with the pockets of my romper and the strap of my purse—my work uniform and scent blockers tucked into the bag. I sniff, catching the faintest scents clinging to the fibers of the carpet—a familiar mingling to which I’ve grown accustomed. Definitely in the Avengers quarters.
A light blinks beside a door. Scents of sage, plum, leather, and smoke greet me, telling me I’m in the right place.
My fist reaches up. But I don’t even knock once before the door bursts open. Sergeant Barnes stands in the frame, nostrils flared. Self conscious, my hand shifts from the strap of my bag, covering one of my glands.
“Hey,” I greet, fidgeting on my feet, waiting for a welcome into their quarters—should they still wish to grant it.
The sergeant nods and steps aside, silently ushering me into their home. A suite of rooms stands before me—a living room, a kitchen, doors leading to who knows what and who knows where, a hallway. So much open space. Still, their scents enrobe me, soaked into every crevice, clouding my senses in the most delectable way. My teeth sink into my tongue, lips parted to keep breathing.
“You smell like sunshine,” Steve exclaims, emerging from the hallway, hands grasping a stack of vinyl records.
My cheeks heat and my chin ducks, itching from the sudden attention.
Sergeant Barnes’ tongue clicks behind me, his body sidling past me toward his mate. He kisses Steve on the cheek, whispering something in his ear until Steve’s face breaks into a beautiful, apologetic smile.
“Sorry,” the captain murmurs. “Both times we’ve run into you, we could only smell a little bit of lavender. You just surprised me. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” He steps further into the room, turning away with a glance toward his mate.
A breath of relief washes over me, letting my fingers relax their grip on my gland. Steve sets the stack of records aside and picks one to put on the player. Soft sounds of the Glenn Miller Orchestra filter through the air. My lips tilt in a smile, relishing in the comfort of familiarity.
“It’s regulation to wear scent blockers while we’re working,” I reply to the unasked question. Both alphas nod in acknowledgment, giving me their full attention while I ramble. “I wash them off at the end of my shift or they start irritating my glands.” My toe scuffs against their floor, a nice hardwood covered by a plush rug. Oh, do I want to bury my fingers in it and feel the pile.
“Well, that explains it,” Steve comments with a nod.
A throat clears, the sergeant stepping toward the kitchen. “We thought we might have dinner,” he mentions. He gestures at the counter covered in take-out containers.
I step over, eyeing the food in a careful inspection. But surprise overtakes me—the logo from my favorite restaurant in the town nearby.
“Dig in,” Sergeant Barnes urges, handing me a plate and setting spoons into each container. I waver, tapping the plate on my hand, staring at my favorite dishes laid out across the counter. “I hope you don’t mind. We asked FRIDAY to help us pick what to eat. We didn’t wanna aggravate any other allergies.”
Steve steps behind Sergeant Barnes, a sheepish smile on his lips, kissing his mate on the cheek and wrapping an arm around his waist.
A strange, instinctual pleasure bubbles in my stomach. Something new and nice. My lips pull in a smile, flattered and grateful for their forethought. My plate fills with the delicious offerings, knowing that I’m in for a treat.
Purse slipping over my arm, I step away, searching for their dining table with a giddy little sound. The scents of my food fill my nose, replacing that of the two super soldiers. Though both my beta side and I are disappointed by the fact, my stomach cheers—making a loud, unattractive gurgling noise as soon as I take a seat. A hand presses against my abdomen in hopes of hushing it, grimace firmly affixed to my face.
The alphas join me, their plates near overflowing, contented smiles adorning their lips.
The dinner they share with me, and the dessert, along with their music and the old movie I fall asleep watching—they’re more precious to me than most anything. It’s perfect and comfortable. And it becomes a habit.
It’s not all the time and there’s no consistent schedule. But Steve and ‘Nuh-uh, no way, you call him Steve but you think you gotta call me Sergeant Barnes’ Bucky fit me into their life. An occasional movie night. Lunch at the compound when they have a break. No more intake forms on their uniforms. Handwritten notes pinned to where they need repairs or notice a stain.
And my heart swells with happiness
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“Shit,” I mutter under my breath, meticulously replacing each item in my cubby before taking them all out again. The bottle of scent blockers I keep here have gone missing. And the ones in my purse must have rolled out. My teeth sink into my lower lip, contemplating how I’ll have to solve this dilemma. Mentally chiding myself, I look to the people around me. “Hey, do any of you have scent blockers I can borrow?”
The alphas and omegas shake their heads—they take oral suppressants, scent blockers mixed in and of no use to me.
Charlie steps forward, grabbing their bag from their locker and scrounging around for their tube. “I have these,” they offer. “But it’s the kind that gives you a rash.”
For a brief moment, I genuinely contemplate just powering through the irritation. Steve and Bucky are scheduled for a mission and both suits are sitting in my stack in the repair room. And I’m the only one cleared for it today.
“I—” I bite my tongue and shake my head. “Thanks, but it’s probably not a good idea.”
Charlie nods with a sympathetic smile. “You can always load today. I’d be happy to switch off with you.”
“Thanks.” It’s kind of them, but it still doesn’t solve my problem. “I have to sort some stuff out with some Avengers real quick about their uniforms and fill out the paperwork for it if they agree. I’ll meet you by the machines when I’m done?”
They nod and walk off. And I’m left praying to the gods that Steve and Bucky will take pity on me.
Grabbing the tablet and dialing Steve’s office number, I fidget on my feet. The forms load on the screen and I scan over them, internally groaning at the ten pages outlining the procedure and waiving normal protocols.
“Captain Rogers,” he answers, voice smooth and stern over the line.
I suck a deep breath into my lungs and exhale. Gods, I hate phone calls. “Hello Captain Rogers.”
My name echoes over the line, his voice perking with a happy cadence. I sigh and rub at the skin of my forehead.
“Yeah,” I reply. “I have your stealth uniform in for repair, but due to a personal oversight, I don’t have my scent blockers on me today.”
“I know what you smell like, sunshine.” A chuckle accompanies his words, misunderstanding the point of my call.
“That’s true, Captain, but it’s against protocol to treat combat uniforms without them.”
“So what does this mean?” he asks, voice returning to his previous serious tone.
I clear my throat and move the phone from one ear to the other. “There’s a few different ways you might wish to proceed,” I explain. “I can see if one of our other cleared workers can come in on their day off. That might take some time and neither of them may be willing. If you have another combat ready suit, you can wear that. Or you can give me permission to go ahead without scent blockers.” I tap on the screen of the tablet and scroll through the pages again, skimming over them for the appropriate places. “But that requires authorization from both yourself and your superior. I can email you the form. It just needs to be returned before I get to work.”
A noise creaks over the line, muffled voices speaking while I wait. Berating myself for all the fuss, the tablet screen thumps against my head a few times.
“Sunshine.” Steve’s voice stops me, ears perking up to listen. Cheeks flaming over the pet name. A click on the line catches my attention. “Would I be correct in assuming Bucky’s uniform needs the same decision before repairs can be made to it?”
“Uh, yeah, yes,” I reply with a nod of my head. “I was planning on calling him after you.”
“Don’t bother, angel face,” Bucky pipes in, startling me. I didn’t realize he’d been listening. My face scrunches. Yup, and there go my cheeks again, heating up like my head’s in an oven. “You go right ahead and send over the forms for me.”
“Me too,” Steve adds.
“It’ll take me a second,” I clarify, features settling into discomfort—though honestly so grateful that they’re willing to exercise some grace for the situation. “It’s ten pages and I need to fill some of it out before emailing it to you and I can highlight where you need to sign and mark your agree—”
“Just send the whole thing over,” the captain interrupts.
I swallow the rest of my spiel. My teeth sink in my lip as I hum an agreement over the line. “Gotcha.”
“See you later?”
I squeak a “yup,” before hanging up and resting my head against the wall by the phone.
The form is back in my inbox within the hour, signed and compliant with all necessary information. A small smile tugs at the corners of my lips.
And I can’t keep myself from hugging the life out of them when we meet up later for a movie night at their place.
“What’s this for?” Steve asks, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and squeezing me—not too loose, not to tight. I melt into his chest.
“Thank you for being so good to me.” My eyes shut, dragging in a deep whiff of his scent and sighing. “Today was shaping up to be pretty shit, but you two were so understanding.”
Steve shakes his head and I release him, wrapping my arms around Bucky before he can utter a word. His returned embrace might be just a bit more reluctant. Arms a bit looser around me, but I don’t mind. As long as they both comprehend how grateful I am.
A moment passes. Bucky tilts his chin. It brushes against my cheek. And my whole world bursts with his scent. I inhale, a deep breath filling my lungs. My limbs lock, whole body tensed. My eyes blink and I lean away, catching his gaze. Wide eyes stare back at me.
“Did, did you just scent me?” I ask, voice quiet and incredulous.
Bucky’s mouth gapes like a fish, his head shaking despite us both knowing the truth. “I’m sorry that was outta line. I—”
“No, no, it’s okay,” I interrupt, placing a hand on his chest to calm his frantic explanation and apology. I swallow, emotions thick in my throat and welling in my eyes. My head tilts. “I haven’t been scented since my grandpa died.” My head bobs. Arms retreating from Bucky’s figure to wrap around my own, I step back. “It was nice.”
“Really?” he asks, trying to catch my gaze though I refuse to let him. “You’re sure, angel face?”
I nod and sniff, turning away to place my purse by the door with my shoes. “So what’re we watching tonight?”
It’s the last we speak of it, but then every once in a while, Steve or Bucky will nuzzle against me for a brief second. Their scents cling to me, my clothes. Like I told them, it’s nice—different and a little strange, but so nice. Feeling the genuine connection of something like a pack.  
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About a month passes. My favorite sweater goes missing from my cubby in the changing rooms. Five weeks later, it’s a beanie from my purse. An undershirt. A few scarves.
“I feel like someone’s stripping me bare,” I gripe to Steve, sitting in the cafeteria while eating my lunch. A pout pushes at my lower lip and I grumble an unhappy growl. “I mean, who the fuck wants to grab up one glove? Just the one.” My finger points up at the ceiling, stuffing my cheeks full of oatmeal.
Steve shifts in his chair, clearing his throat. His lips part on some comment, but with a cutting gesture of my hand, they snap shut.
I swallow a gulp of my water and continue my rant, “They better give them back. I swear to gods or I’ll strangle them with my sweater.”
The alpha presses his lips into a thin line, eyebrows furrowing into a disapproving grimace. Though still, there’s something off about it. Something I can’t quite put my finger on. Something I’ve definitely noticed more and more the longer I’ve spent with him. Especially one on one.
My eyes narrow at the super soldier.
“What’s eating you?” Elbows rest on the edge of the table. My head tilts.
And Steve’s cheeks bloom with a blush.
Sputtering excuses dribble past his lips. Denials and counter-questions. It’s not at all what I expect. I expected calm and collected. Not whatever this is.
Steve makes his excuses, leaving me gobsmacked and alone to finish my lunch. Oh, I wish I had my phone so I could text his mate and figure out what the fuck just happened. But of course not. It’s against protocol. For both of us. Stupid missions.
Instead, I stew over it for the rest of my day—changing washing to the dryer, patching Agent Romanoff’s suit, cleaning out lint catchers, soaking blood stains. Even when I’m alone and packing up for the day, glancing at the clock one last time while I grab out my purse from my cubby.
“A call incoming, miss,” Ms. AI announces to the empty room.
“Oh, uh, let it through, I guess?” I reply, slinging my bag over my arm. Shifting on my feet, I wait for the caller to announce themselves. Eyes flashing toward my cell phone, the screen sits dark in the side pocket of my purse—odd.
“Angel face? It’s Bucky.” The alpha’s voice echoes around me.
A small smile quirks at the corners of my lips. “Aren’t you supposed to be incommunicado?”
His warm chuckle carries over the phone, rustling and creaking in the background.
“Then why’re you calling me?” I inquire, thoughts shuffling through possibilities like playing cards. “Oh no, did you get a big rip? Am I gonna have to patch it up? I swear to gods I’m using bright turquoise or, or bows all over—”
“Don’t worry about that. I just wanted to talk to you,” he interrupts, alleviating the small seed of worry trying to plant itself in the back of my mind.
“About what?”
“I think it’s time Steve and I,” he pauses, tongue clicking over the line.
I wait with bated breath, readying to tell him to just spill. But a loud boom stops me, sounds of cascading and crumbling reaching my ears, reverberating off the walls of the locker room.
“Shit,” Bucky hisses.
“Is everything okay?” I ask, voice raised in worry, rocking up onto my tippy toes as if I could be closer to him if I got close enough to the speakers hidden in the ceiling.
“Yeah, angel face,” Bucky grunts. Shots fire in the background. “Don’t worry about me. I should be able to wrap this up and be home in no time. We can finish this then, yeah?”
“Sure,” I mumble, flinching at the sounds reaching my ears, itching to cover them and block it all out. “Stay safe and take care of Sam.”
“Yeah, yeah, like that pigeon will let me do anything else,” he grumbles with a playful lilt to his voice.
The line goes dead. I breathe through the rising anxiety nibbling up my spine. Yeah, no, can’t deal with that. I flurry away from my cubby, locking up and ensuring the security of the laundry room before weaving my way to the Avengers quarters and pounding on Steve’s door.
The captain emerges, cheeks flushed and looking flustered as all get out. His wide eyes stare down at me, lips gaping like a fish.
Part of me wants to ask about that, the other blurts, “Can you stay with me tonight?”
“Uh, sure, sure,” he rushes, nodding his head and running a hand through his golden blond hair. “Let me just…grab some stuff.” He gulps and glances over his shoulder, unconsciously cracking the door open around him just the slightest bit more before nearly closing it on me. “You wait right here.”
A succulent scent wafts across the threshold, syrupy and sweet. My mouth waters and I lean toward the drawn door, refusing to cross the boundary but needing a another whiff.
And then Steve’s right there, my nose too close to his. He puffs an uneasy laugh and closes the door behind him.
“Let’s go,” he says, patting a small duffle at his side and gesturing for me to lead the way.
With Steve beside me, my worry lessens, mind calming. He doesn’t even have to do anything, really. We sit, watching foreign historical dramas, feet bundled together under a blanket. I drape myself across one arm of my couch, Steve tucked into the corner of the other. Just his scent, so sweet and familiar, enough to set me at ease.
“That’s exactly what he’s trying to tell you, you son of a bitch,” I burst, hands gesturing in frustration toward my TV screen.
Steve chuckles, a stilted thing, shifting his position and pulling at the fabric of his shirt. A wave of that scrumptiously sweet scent assaults my nose again. My eyelids flutter closed.
“Oh my gods, what is that?”
The super soldier beside me turns, scent spiking with nervousness. And it hits me again. Like sticky, honeyed plum cake, gooey and enticing, cooked over a warm, cozy hearth.
It takes me a minute, missing a whole scene of subtitles before I turn to my companion. “Is that you?”
Steve curses, a low “shit,” before turning to me, apology written plain over his features. “I thought it’d be fine. I’m so sorry.”
Puzzle pieces start clicking together—the off feeling about Steve, the sweetness of his scent, the pungent waves wafting off him, the way he’s fidgeting like he’s got ants in his pants. But whatever picture it’s forming, I still don’t understand.
Doesn’t really matter, though when Steve turns into Captain Cuddles, sneaking across the cushions and pressing into my side. Confusion firmly takes hold. And I need answers.
“You wanna explain this, champ?” I ask, gesturing to his insistence on being as close as physically possible.
Pain blooms across his features, a mix of physical discomfort and embarrassment. He tilts his head to the side, burying it in the cushion against the back of the sofa.
“You just smell so good,” he whines.
“The fuck’s that got to do with anything?”
He mumbles. Into the fucking cushion. Of course.
Tapping his cheek, I wait until he looks at me before asking, “Come again?”
“I think it’s a breakthrough heat.” Even though he mumbles again, at least this time I can make out what he’s saying.
My eyes roll. “Okay, that’s not so bad. I mean, Bucky said he’d be home soon, once he gets this mission sorted. Maybe even by tomorrow, if we’re lucky, so that’s no big deal. The two of you can sort through this then. And until he gets here, I’ve heard betas are really good at making sure alphas don’t get too aggressive during their cycle so...” And it clicks into place. The big picture. My sentence trails off. Surprise taking its place and silencing my thought. My elbow slips from the couch arm, fingers smacking against my cheek. “Wait, did you say heat?”
Penitent eyes meet mine. Steve’s puppy dog pout on full blast. He scoots closer. Cause, really, who needs space to breathe? We sit in silence. The show plays on my TV, completely incomprehensible at the moment. There’s no way I have the bandwidth to even try to figure out what’s going on there. My real life became a drama. TV land can wait.
“So,” the syllable elongates out of my mouth, thoughts still forming even as I start to speak, “not an alpha, then?”
“No,” he sighs, a weight lifting from his shoulders and smile carefree on his lips.
The silence between us stretches again. And, boy howdy, does Steve really like to cuddle. I mean, he’s wrapping me up like an anaconda. Not that it’s unpleasant, per se. Just weird. Not bad weird. Good weird—I think.
A thought pops into my mind, “Shit! There’s alphas on these floors.” I scramble up, knocking Steve aside to his displeasure and rushing into my bedroom over stumbling feet. “Get in here!” I call back, rummaging around for my aluminum bat.
Cheering in triumph, I grab it up from under a pile of clothes only to see Steve bounding into the room like an overeager puppy. My hand rubs my forehead wondering how the hell I’ve found myself in this situation.
Contemplation doesn’t take long. Cause a certain super soldier decides he’s done with the distance between us once again and starts crowding me toward my own damn bed. I huff with another roll of my eyes and climb up, clutching the bat in my hands, feeling prepared for anything.
“Ms. AI? Would you please lock my doors, like for a heat lockdown?”
The lights in my room blink and dim. Steve finds a comfy place against my headboard, wrapping around me from behind. His chin rests on my shoulder, nuzzling against the glands in my neck. A deep, thrumming sound vibrates his chest.
I gulp. Oh gods, he’s purring. My hands grasp tighter at the aluminum. Praying for Bucky’s safe—and hasty—return.
I don’t know when it happens, or how, but I drift off. Probably something to do with the human heater at my back making the most soothing noise known to man.
But I know the exact moment I wake. Because someone’s pounding on the door. My pulse jumps, thundering in my ears. Instincts on high alert, all I know is that I must protect Steve.
Getting out of his hold is easier said than done. Good lord, the grip on him. I shimmy and wheedle my way out of his arms—trying to restrain the grunting and huffing spewing past my lips from the effort. Freedom is sweet and a little sweaty, allowing me a moment to catch my breath. My feet tiptoe toward my bedroom door, pushing it shut and locking it with a click. And I wait.
Wondering if I should contact Ms. AI and possibly wake up Steve, I shake my head, that would be more distressing for him. No, this is best. I hope.
The sound of my front door opening reaches my ears. I swallow down the fear and take one last peek at Steve over my shoulder, a soft whine passing his lips in his sleep.
With a deep breath, I ready myself, raising the bat in my hands and planting my feet. No way in hell is some alpha gonna barge in here and threaten the safety of an omega in my pack—over my bruised and beaten, lifeless body. Not today.
My ears prickle with fear. Noticing the distinct lack of noise on the other side of the bedroom door. I strain to hear any sounds of life. Part of me tempted to crack the door and see if anyone’s actually there.
But then the knob jiggles.
A huff of irritation on the other side. Some clinking and the knob turns. I prepare for the swing.
Frozen in shock by the noise and the intruder, instincts scream in the back of my mind.
“Hey, hey, angel face, it’s just me,” Bucky placates, metal hand wrapped firmly around my bat. He carefully tugs it from my paralyzed hands and discards it behind him. “Hey.” He steps toward me with a brief glance toward my bed. “You’re alright. You did good.”
His hands find my shoulders somewhere up by my ears. My wide and panicked eyes meet his, but still I can’t fathom his presence. Stroking up my neck toward my cheeks, he tilts my chin toward him and brushes his cheek with mine. Overwhelming leather and sage assault my senses. Heightened by fear and anxiety, it nearly consumes me. But it also snaps me from my instinctual daze.
I swallow, the fear exhaled on a breath of relief. “Oh, thank fuck.” Tears dot my eyes, slumping toward my bed. The whole ordeal over. “I’m so glad you’re back.” My hands find my comforter for an instant before strong arms wrap around my torso and haul me back. My limbs flail in surprise—astonished by the feat of strength and his ease at maneuvering me.
“You left,” Steve grouses in my ear. His eyes remain half-closed, still lost to some kind of slumber.
“Well, yeah,” I grumble, “your alpha decided to give me the fright of my life.” For added effect, I toss a glare over my shoulder at the unperturbed alpha standing at the foot of my bed. I click my tongue. “Whatever. Looks like you’re alpha’s here to pick you up and take you home.”
Before Steve even begins to protest, Bucky’s chuckle echoes in the dimly lit room. “No, I’m not gonna do that.”
“What?” I squawk. My arms attempt to push me up, but I’m firmly trapped against Steve’s chest. I push at his muscles, but he remains uncooperative. I bite back the grumbling growl threatening to roll in my throat.
“Angel face, you ever tried to take a dog away from its bone?” His hand lifts from his chest, two fingers pointing matter of fact. “Dog.” He gestures to his omega, still trying to drag me closer. I huff and situate myself into a more comfortable position. Bucky’s fingers swing to point at me. “Bone.” The smirk sits pleased as punch on his face. Oh, what I would give to knock it off. “We might as well get comfortable. Do you mind if I join my omega?”
My head shakes in defeat. No use fighting it. Not like I could. Plus, it isn’t like Steve’s the worst kind of body pillow. I gesture to the other side of the bed, a reluctant invitation.
Bucky’s hands start fiddling with the clasps and zippers of his uniform, stripping away the layers until he stands in only his underwear. One brief glance—okay, a long, gaping perusal, sue me—and heat surges through my cheeks.
“What are you doing?” I ask, voice decibel near shrieking, and gaze pointedly looking away from him and his sculpted form.
“You want blood and grime on your sheets?”
I can’t contain the groan that jumps out of me, accompanied by demoralized empty sobs of frustration. My feet kick at the mattress and my eyes squeeze shut.
“Fine,” I grunt, powerless to stop my lips from pouting, “just get in here.”
Bucky nods once in acceptance, intrigue alight in his eyes, before finding his place in bed beside his omega.
I scoot to the edge—well, that’s my intention at least. Steve doesn’t let me get far, keeping me tucked in his embrace like his favorite teddy bear. I bite back a noise of discontent and sling my leg over his hip, trying to find some semblance of comfort with two overly muscled super soldiers taking up all the damn space in my bed.
They both find the land of Nod easily. Me? Thoughts flurry through my head in a blizzard. There are questions. So many fucking question. Keeping me awake—so exhausted and on the verge of sleep, but most definitely awake.
It leaves me ample opportunity to watch them sleep, the lights still just dimmed in the room. I thank my lucky stars, and Ms. AI, for that. Their faces are so peaceful, so serene. Less burdened than when they’re around other people. Kinda pretty, really.
I wiggle down the bed, resting my head on the pillow of Steve’s bicep and close my eyes. It only takes a moment, a subtle shift. And then I’m squished. Completely and totally squished. Bucky drapes himself over Steve and I, his weight pressing us into the bed.
I mouth a curse. Trying to wriggle out from underneath him proves pointless. Pushing only incites retaliation, a faint snarl curling Bucky’s lip before he bats my hands away and pins them down. So, yeah. Sure. Okay. This is a thing now. Great. Cool.
It’s not unpleasant. Honestly, it’s kinda cozy. And by some magic, I inhale his scent mixing with Steve’s and I’m out like a light.
“It’s gonna be okay, sweetheart.”
“But what if she—”
The first voice shushes the second accompanied by the sound of lips pecking each other. My eyelids flutter open. Steve and Bucky sit cuddled against my headboard, staring at me like that isn’t a little bit creepy.
Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I bury my head back in my pillow. This has got to be a very fucked up dream. Blinking up at them once again, I groan at their nervous smiles. Nope, not a dream then.
“Morning,” I mumble into my pillow, snuggling deeper under the covers and waiting for them to—actually, I don’t know. But they can figure that out. It’s too early on my day off for my brain to function whatsoever.
“Good morning, angel face,” Bucky greets, hand rubbing across Steve’s chest in a soothing gesture. And Steve just stares, looking absolutely terrified. I’ve never seen him so pale.
It’s not like I’ve forgotten why. I mean, his scent is still tinged with that heady, syrupy sweetness that makes my mouth water. His heat’s calmed, though, in the presence of his mate.
I push myself up to sit, folding my legs beneath me and facing them. “So, how come everyone thinks you’re an alpha?”
Steve’s throat bobs with his swallow, his eyes glancing toward Bucky. His mate nods, an encouragement before his lips press a little kiss to his marked gland.
“Everyone used to know. Back before the serum, that is.” He sighs, eyes dropping to the bedspread. “The serum changed a lot of things about me. Even my scent, a little. I think people just assumed it switched my designation too and, with the way things were back then, it was easier to let them. It still is.”
I hum, head bobbing on my shoulders. “Makes sense.” I shimmy over to the side of the bed, slipping from under the covers and stretching. “I’m glad we got that all cleared up. Nothing between us’s changed, right?” Glancing over my shoulder, I catch the bewildered shake of Steve’s head. “Good.”
I turn toward Bucky to hear the rest of his sentence, but he’s cut himself off for a moment, brows furrowed in contemplation.
“We would like to officially court you as our beta. With the intention that we’ll bond as a conjugal pack,” he says. A soft whirring sound comes from his metal arm, the plates shifting along his forearm. His flesh one wraps around Steve, sitting them together in some sort of picture perfect scene.
I pause. Knees wobbling beneath me. Grabbing hold of the wall for balance, I ask, “But you have each other. Why do you need me?”
“Because with you, sunshine, it doesn’t feel like a secret,” Steve explains, gaze tender and full of affection. It matches the expression resting effortlessly on his alpha’s face. “It feels easy. Like we don’t need to try to hide. And you’re probably the most unusual dame we’ve ever met. We wouldn’t want this with anyone else.”
“What Stevie’s trying to say, angel face, is: We like you,” Bucky adds with a shrug, fingers tugging on the sheet. He keeps our gazes locked, but there’s a brief twinge of fear that flickers beneath his collected façade.
“Oh,” I mumble. My bottom finds the side of the bed, back toward them for a moment before I turn, glancing at each of their faces. Expectation radiates from them, nervousness and anticipation. My head cocks, slow smile spreading my lips. “Okay.”
Crawling on my hands and knees across the sheets, two beaming smiles and four warm arms greet me in a delighted embrace.
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yeonjunszn · 2 years
𝐦𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐝 𝐮𝐩
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pairing: nishimura riki x f!reader
genre: angst﹒fluff﹒crack
warnings: LOTS of mature language LMFAOAOOA, high school au, for the sake of the plot everyone’s the same age, enemies to friends to lovers, dancer!reader, ni-ki is a little gremlin but what can you do, reader thinks she’s a comedian (spoiler: she’s not), girlxgirl jokes (reader and yuna), mentions of mature themes but like they didn’t actually happen??, more warnings per individual chapter!
feat: the rest of enhypen, txt choi line, and yuna from itzy
summary: as the captains of the girls and boys dance teams respectively, you and nishimura riki have a mutual hatred for one another. to you, he’s cocky and self centered. to him, you’re constantly stealing his spotlight without hesitation. but when a rumor goes around that you did some… questionable things… with the captain of the lacrosse team, riki finds that maybe— just maybe— he doesn’t hate you that much after all.
status: completed!
started: mar. 20, 2022
ended: may 20, 2022
— AHHH FINALLY MY FIRST SMAU IM SO EXCITED!! also this is loosely based off my hc from my enhypen as my favorite tropes post!
— send an ask to join the taglist!
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profiles 1 | profiles 2
one. penelope garcia but a male high schooler
two. a magician never reveals her secrets
three. 🤢 y/n 🤢 and 🤢 jeongsu 🤢
four. su*cidal tendencies 1 - sapphics 0
five. RIKI UFC ARC ‼️
seven. truth or dare (2.3k)
eight. just peachy
nine. sunghoon do you ever stop talking
ten. i’ll help you (2k)
eleven. atp i just be breathing
twelve. u wuv us jay
thirteen. do u ever stop and T.H.I.N.K?
fourteen. irredeemable qualities
fifteen. the reason why
sixteen. ruh roh
seventeen. exclamation points (1.1k)
eighteen. wake 😴 up 👆 in 👁 day 🌤 one 😔
nineteen. reminded me of you <3
twenty. whorible driver
twenty one. pocky
twenty two. good? to? know?
twenty three. dig into the archives
twenty four. the devil works hard but kim sunoo works harder
twenty five. valentine’s day
twenty six. like switzerland
twenty seven. once upon a time in a land far far away
twenty eight. NOT a donkey
thirty. the february chill (1.4k)
thirty one. i’m so tired
thirty two. @/rikimura
thirty three. free period (1.5k)
thirty four. minions
thirty five. i’m secure now (2.1k)
epilogue. 4 more years
riki and y/n priv accs
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© yeonjunszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
914 notes · View notes