#clonewars fanfiction
star-wars-writing · 3 months
A Starship's Tale
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A/N:Welcome, readers, to a tale set in the heart of the Clone Wars. This story is the tenth story for @codywanbingo with the prompt Sparring together, it explores the depths of emotion and connection in a time of conflict, focusing on the evolving relationship between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody.
In the heart of the Republic starship, a realm dedicated to the preparation for battle, the training room echoed with a silence that spoke volumes. Here, amidst the cold metallic walls that had witnessed countless sessions of combat training, a different kind of encounter was unfolding. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody, usually engaged in the elegant dance of lightsaber combat, now stood facing each other, prepared for a more primal form of confrontation – hand-to-hand combat.
The room, bathed in the sterile light of the ship's interior, felt smaller, more intimate with the absence of weapons. This was a space where the hum of the engines merged seamlessly with the distant, muffled sounds of the ship's crew, creating a backdrop of constant, unobtrusive motion. But within these walls, a different rhythm was about to commence – one dictated by the movements of two warriors stripped of their usual armaments.
Obi-Wan, devoid of his Jedi robes, wore a simple tunic and trousers that allowed for unrestricted movement. His stance was relaxed yet alert, the embodiment of a Jedi's controlled calm. His eyes, usually a wellspring of wisdom and serenity, now flickered with a focused intensity. In this close-quartered setting, every motion would be more immediate, every exchange a direct transfer of energy and intent.
Across from him, Cody, absent his customary armor, presented a figure of raw, disciplined strength. His muscular build, often concealed beneath the rigid plates of his battle attire, was now openly displayed, showcasing the physicality of a soldier. His stance was grounded, a reflection of his pragmatic approach to combat – direct, efficient, unyielding.
As they began, the air between them crackled with a palpable tension. This was not the elegant, sweeping motion of lightsaber duels, but the gritty, visceral reality of hand-to-hand combat. Each movement carried a weight of purpose; a lunge, a block, a feint, each action was a word in their silent dialogue.
Obi-Wan, employing the techniques of Teras Kasi, moved with a fluid grace that belied the power behind his strikes. His approach was one of balance and harmony, each motion flowing into the next, a seamless chain of offense and defense. He was like water – yielding yet forceful, adapting to each new challenge with fluid precision.
Cody, in contrast, embodied the directness of military hand-to-hand combat training. His moves were sharp and decisive, each strike a testament to his focus and determination. He was like a storm – relentless, powerful, each motion a burst of controlled aggression.
Their dance was a juxtaposition of styles, a testament to their different paths – the Jedi and the soldier. Yet, within this contrast lay a deep-seated mutual respect, a recognition of each other's strengths and abilities. As they exchanged blows, parrying and countering with increasing intensity, there was an undercurrent of something deeper, a connection that transcended the physicality of their sparring.
Obi-Wan's attacks, though measured and precise, carried an unspoken question with each strike, probing not just Cody's defenses but the barriers he had erected around himself. Cody's counters, forceful yet controlled, were his response – a silent admission of the turmoil within, a turmoil that resonated with the emotions Obi-Wan himself was grappling with.
Their exchanges grew more intense, sweat beading on their foreheads, muscles straining under the exertion. In this dance, each touch, each moment of contact, was an exploration – not just of physical boundaries, but of emotional ones. The space between them was charged with an unspoken dialogue, a conversation of pushes and pulls, advances and retreats.
As the session drew to a close, they stood, breaths heavy, gazes locked. In that moment, the training room, with its stark walls and echoing stillness, transformed into a confessional, a space where unspoken truths lingered on the brink of revelation. The understanding in their eyes was clear – they were not just comrades in arms, but two souls navigating the complexities of connection amidst the backdrop of war.
They parted with a nod, a mutual acknowledgment of the uncharted territory they had
just ventured into. The physical distance they put between themselves as they exited the training room did little to dispel the newfound proximity of their inner worlds. In the silence that followed their departure, the training room stood as a silent witness to the shift in their relationship, a shift marked not by grand gestures or declarations, but by the subtle language of body and glance, a language as old as time itself.
Obi-Wan, his thoughts a swirling vortex, retreated to the solitude of his quarters. The physical exertion of the session had done little to tire him; instead, it had ignited a deeper introspection. He pondered over the revelations the session had brought forth, the unexpected stirrings of emotion that Cody had unknowingly awakened. It was a path fraught with uncertainty, one that challenged the very foundations of his beliefs and his adherence to the Jedi code.
Meanwhile, Cody, his usual disciplined facade slightly cracked, found himself in the vastness of the ship's observation deck. Gazing out into the star-studded expanse of space, he contemplated the tumultuous feelings that had been stirred. The straightforward, uncomplicated existence of a soldier, once his only reality, now seemed inadequate to contain the complexity of his emotions. The experience with Obi-Wan had opened a door he had long kept shut, revealing a landscape of potential and peril that extended far beyond the battlefield.
In the days that followed, their interactions were marked by a new depth, a subtle shift in dynamics that did not go unnoticed by those around them. The soldiers, perceptive in their own right, observed the change with a mix of curiosity and respect. Whispers and speculative glances were exchanged, but the unspoken code of the ship ensured that their privacy remained intact.
Obi-Wan and Cody continued their training sessions, each encounter a further exploration of their evolving relationship. The physicality of their sparring became a metaphor for their emotional journey – a journey of discovery, understanding, and, perhaps most daunting of all, vulnerability.
In the midst of a galaxy torn by war, aboard a starship sailing through the endless night, two souls found themselves at the precipice of a profound connection. It was a connection that defied convention and expectation, a testament to the unpredictable nature of the heart and the indomitable spirit of connection that can flourish even in the most unlikely of places.
The training room aboard the Republic starship was a symphony of controlled chaos, its metallic walls reverberating with the sounds of clashing and grunting. In the center, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody, surrounded by a ring of soldiers, were locked in an intense hand-to-hand sparring session. The air was thick with tension, a tangible undercurrent to the usual rhythm of their training.
Obi-Wan, his movements fluid and precise, was the picture of Jedi calm. Yet, beneath this composed exterior, a storm of emotions raged, stirred by the recent shift in his relationship with Cody. Each block and parry carried a weight beyond physical training; it was a dance of unspoken words and suppressed feelings.
Cody, on the other hand, was a maelstrom of focus and intensity. His usual stoic demeanor was cracked, revealing a depth of emotion that rarely surfaced. The commander's strikes were sharp, a little too forceful, betraying the inner conflict he wrestled with.
The soldiers around them watched with a mix of awe and curiosity. They were used to seeing their leaders spar, but today, there was an electric charge in the air, a sense that something significant was unfolding before their eyes.
“Good, Cody. But remember, control,” Obi-Wan advised, parrying a particularly aggressive jab. His voice was steady, but his eyes, usually a wellspring of calm, flickered with a complex mix of concern and something deeper, harder to discern.
Cody grunted in acknowledgment, his expression hardening. The next exchange was fast, a blur of movement and power. In a swift motion, Cody broke through Obi-Wan's defense, pushing him back with unexpected force.
The room fell silent as Obi-Wan stumbled, barely catching himself. A look of surprise crossed his face, quickly replaced by one of understanding. He locked eyes with Cody, seeing the turmoil there, the unspoken apology, the fear.
Cody stepped back, his chest heaving. The intensity of his gaze wavered, a silent battle raging behind his eyes. Then, without a word, he turned and walked out of the training room, leaving a wake of stunned silence.
Obi-Wan watched him go, a myriad of emotions crossing his face. The other soldiers exchanged glances, their respect for their commanders mingled with a newfound curiosity about the dynamics at play.
“Resume training,” Obi-Wan finally said, his voice betraying none of the turmoil he felt. The soldiers hesitated for a moment before obeying, the rhythm of training resuming, but the atmosphere had shifted irrevocably.
As Obi-Wan engaged with another soldier, his movements were automatic, his mind elsewhere. He was acutely aware of the absence of Cody, of the unsaid things hanging between them like stars in the vastness of space. The session ended with routine efficiency, but the questions it raised lingered, unspoken but heavy in the air.
Later, in the quiet of his quarters, Obi-Wan sat in contemplation. The events of the day replayed in his mind, each moment a clue to the puzzle that was Cody. He knew he had to address what had happened, to bridge the gap that had opened between them. But the path forward was unclear, obscured by duty, the Jedi code, and the uncharted territory of his own heart.
In the days following their intense sparring session, the Republic starship felt like a world subtly altered, its corridors and common areas echoing with a new, unspoken narrative. Commander Cody, once a steadfast presence, became a shadow of his former self, his interactions with the crew and, most notably, with Obi-Wan Kenobi, marked by a stark transformation.
Cody, whose demeanor had always been an embodiment of discipline and efficiency, now moved through the ship like a ghost, his steps devoid of their usual purpose. His exchanges with the crew were brief, his words clipped, devoid of the warmth that had occasionally flickered in his interactions. In briefings, his reports were concise, lacking the insightful comments he was known for. He became a soldier wearing the armor of detachment, his gaze often drifting to a distant point, as if he were looking at something far beyond the ship's confines.
Obi-Wan, sensitive to the undercurrents of emotion, watched this change with a deepening concern. He noticed how Cody's eyes would briefly meet his before darting away, as if the contact was too much to bear. In the mess hall, Cody chose seats in the corners, away from the lively banter of the clone troopers, his meals consumed quickly, almost mechanically.
The change did not go unnoticed by the crew. Whispers circulated, a blend of speculation and worry. They respected Commander Cody, and seeing him so withdrawn sparked a ripple of unease. The clones, in particular, felt a sense of disquiet, their camaraderie with Cody having been a constant in their regimented lives.
In the solitude of his quarters, Cody grappled with the tempest within him. The walls, adorned with the sparse decorations of a military life, felt constricting, a physical manifestation of the turmoil in his mind. He was torn between the discipline that had defined his existence and the surge of emotions that the recent encounters with Obi-Wan had unleashed. His mind replayed their sparring session, each moment a reminder of the unspoken truths that lay between them.
The conflict within Cody was not just about breaking protocol or defying the expectations of a clone commander. It was deeper, a fundamental questioning of his identity, his purpose. The feelings for Obi-Wan, so starkly brought to light, were at odds with everything he had been taught to value – order, duty, the mission.
Meanwhile, Obi-Wan found himself in a state of introspection, his usual clarity clouded by the complexity of his emotions. In the quiet of his quarters, he pondered over the right course of action. His training as a Jedi Master had always provided a roadmap for dealing with conflicts, both external and internal. Yet, this situation with Cody, it was uncharted territory, a delicate balance of personal feelings and the responsibilities of his role.
Obi-Wan realized that the bond he shared with Cody had evolved, morphing into something deeper, something that defied the simple categorization of friendship or comradeship. He acknowledged, perhaps for the first time, that his concern for Cody transcended the boundaries of their professional relationship.
The decision to reach out to Cody came after much deliberation. Obi-Wan understood that any conversation they had would be fraught with vulnerability, but the growing chasm between them was a risk to both their well-being and their ability to function effectively as a team.
Choosing a quiet evening, when the ship's activities had wound down to the slow hum of routine, Obi-Wan made his way to Cody's quarters. Standing before the door, he took a moment to compose himself, to find the balance between the Jedi Master and the man who cared deeply for the person on the other side of the door.
He pressed the buzzer, the sound a soft chime in the corridor's stillness. The door slid open, revealing Cody, his expression one of guarded surprise.
may I come in?" Obi-Wan asked, his voice carrying a calmness that belied the turmoil within.
Cody hesitated, his posture rigid, the lines of his face drawn tight with an unspoken struggle. After a moment that stretched like a chasm, he stepped aside, a silent assent.
Obi-Wan entered, his eyes taking in the starkness of the room, a reflection of the discipline and order that defined Cody's life. The air felt heavy, charged with the unvoiced thoughts that hung between them.
"Cody, we need to talk," Obi-Wan began, his words deliberate, each one chosen with care. "I've noticed you've been distant since our last sparring session. Is everything alright?"
Cody turned away, his gaze fixed on the small viewport that offered a view of the endless expanse of space. "I'm fine, sir," he replied, the formality of his tone a barrier he erected between them.
Obi-Wan took a step closer, his voice softening. "Cody, you don't have to call me 'sir' here. This isn't about rank or protocol. This is about you, about us."
Cody's shoulders tensed, the muscles beneath his shirt bunching with the effort to maintain control. "There's nothing to discuss, General. I'm just focusing on my duties," he said, but his voice betrayed a hint of uncertainty, a crack in the armor he had so carefully constructed.
Obi-Wan sighed, a deep, weary exhalation. "I know you, Cody. I've seen you in battle, seen you face impossible odds with courage and determination. But this," he gestured vaguely between them, "this isn't something you can fight or strategize your way through."
Cody finally turned, his eyes meeting Obi-Wan's. In them, there was a storm of emotions - conflict, fear, and something else, something that mirrored the feelings Obi-Wan himself harbored. "It's not that simple, Obi-Wan. You of all people should know that. Our lives, our duties, they don't leave room for... for this."
Obi-Wan nodded, acknowledging the truth in Cody's words. "I know the constraints we both live under. But denying what we feel, burying it under duty and obligation, that's not the answer. We're more than just a Jedi and a clone commander. We're people, Cody, with emotions and needs that go beyond our roles."
The room fell silent, the tension between them a palpable force. Cody looked away, a silent battle raging within him. Obi-Wan waited, giving him the space to process, to find the words that seemed to elude him.
Finally, Cody spoke, his voice low and strained. "What are you saying, Obi-Wan? That we should just forget who we are, forget the rules that govern our lives?"
"No," Obi-Wan replied gently. "I'm saying that sometimes, we have to look beyond the rules, listen to what our hearts are telling us. I can't pretend that I don't feel something more for you, Cody. And I believe, I hope, that you might feel the same."
Cody's facade cracked, the soldier's discipline giving way to the man's vulnerability. "I don't know what to do with these feelings, Obi-Wan. They go against everything I've been trained for, everything I've believed in."
Obi-Wan reached out, placing a hand on Cody's shoulder, a gesture of support and connection. "We'll figure it out together. We don't have to have all the answers now. All I'm asking is that we acknowledge what's between us, give it a chance to be more than just unspoken words and hidden glances."
Cody's resistance waned, the weight of his internal struggle lessening under the understanding and compassion in Obi-Wan's eyes. He nodded slowly, a silent acknowledgment of the journey they were about to embark on, one fraught with uncertainty but also filled with the promise of something profound and transformative.
As Obi-Wan left Cody's quarters, there was a sense of a door opening, a new chapter in their lives beginning. The ship, with its metallic corridors and hum of activity, felt less like a vessel hurtling through space and more like
a witness to the unfolding of something deeply human, a narrative that transcended the usual boundaries of duty and rank.
In the quiet that followed, Cody stood alone, the echo of Obi-Wan's words lingering in the room like a new kind of music, one that resonated with the unexplored parts of his heart. He gazed out into the cosmos, the stars a tapestry of possibilities, mirroring the uncharted territory of his emotions. For the first time, he allowed himself to consider a future where his feelings could have a place, where the strict lines of his existence could blur into something richer, more colorful.
Meanwhile, Obi-Wan walked through the corridors with a sense of purpose, his steps lighter, his mind clearer. The conversation with Cody had been a risk, but it was a risk born of necessity, of the need to acknowledge the truth that had been silently growing between them. He felt a sense of relief, a weight lifted, knowing that the path ahead, though uncertain, was one they had chosen to walk together.
The crew, sensing the subtle shift in their commanders, watched with a mixture of curiosity and respect. The clones, in particular, saw in Cody a reflection of their own struggles with identity and purpose. In Obi-Wan, they saw a leader who valued the individual, who understood that beneath the armor and robes, there were hearts beating with desires and dreams.
In the following days, the dynamic between Obi-Wan and Cody subtly changed. Their interactions were tinged with a new depth, a mutual understanding that spoke of shared secrets and unspoken promises. They continued their duties with the same dedication and skill, but there was an undercurrent of something more, a connection that had deepened, becoming something integral to their existence.
Their training sessions, once a routine part of their regimen, took on a new significance. They were no longer just exercises in combat skills but moments of connection, opportunities to explore the balance between strength and vulnerability, discipline and emotion.
In this galaxy torn by conflict and strife, aboard a starship navigating the endless expanse of space, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody found themselves at the beginning of a journey not just of war and strategy, but of self-discovery and connection. It was a journey that defied the norms, that challenged the conventions of their lives, but in its defiance, it offered a glimpse of something truly extraordinary – the power of understanding, empathy, and the courage to face the unknown, together.
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Likes, reblogs, and comments are deeply appreciated. Your support inspires me to keep writing!
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image-thot · 11 months
This blog is mainly a nsfw one so No Minors allowed
About me:
Just a not-so-casual Aussie nerd who likes to read, write, draw and use maths for degenerative things. I like to push the limits on the themes I write for, so heed the warnings on my post as they are there for a reason! I have an army of birds and we will eventually conquer the world once they stop killing my wallet. Ao3 (Everything I write is almost always posted here) Twitter Tiktok
Do you want a transformer's spike and valve Measurement? Check out the Spike & Valve Master List
Request info:
Status: Closed
At current I’m only writing for Transformers (all media) although I like to partake in other fandoms I am only interested in writing transformer-related content at this time.
When Requesting Please Include:
Character and Contenuity
What the reader is (e.g. human/cybertronian, gender etc)
Description of what you want ( nsfw/sfw, could be listing kinks or a scenario.) If you don't list what you want I will take creative liberty and write something of my choice with that character)
Spike, Transfluid, Valve Calculations (make sure to check the list before requesting :D)
nsfw and sfw
Character x Reader
Character x Character
Dub-con, non-con and anything dark!
Hurt no comfort
Hurt with 1% comfort
Practically all kinks
Fluff/cute/sweet themes (yes this includes nsfw that involves these things)
Character x oc
Platonic ( mainly because idk how not to put smut in there sorry)
I don't judge, if you have something that isn't on the No's but not on the Do's send it in! I learn what I do and don't like to write via writing and if it's not up there, then I haven't had the opportunity to write it. If you're unsure send an ask in and I'll let you know if I will or won't write it.
Master List 2023
Caution when looking at the works! Like most of my works, they tend to be on the nsfw, darker and non-con side so read their tags before reading the stories.
Soundwave x reader x Shockwave: For the Cause (a/b/o) Soundwave x Reader: Whatever He Wants (Dubcon)
Mirage x reader: Throw Him off his rhythm Does it count as peeping? Don't look down
Scavengers x oc/reader -Slip slip bang bang Chapters: 1, 2 Shockwave x Firstaid - Two face (Non-con, gore) Kaon x reader: Torture and Training Tarn x reader: Play Along
Yandere Starscream Yandere Shockwave, Soundwave, Bumblebee, Preceptor Soundwave x reader x Soundblaster - Watch Me take everything (Non-con) Soundwave x reader: More Than I Can Say (Dubcon)
Yandere Soundwave x Cassette Reader x Rumble & Frenzy (non-con)
War for Cybertron
Soundwave x reader x Soundblaster -More than A Screw Loose Chapters: 1, 2,
Soundwave x reader: The Experiment (a/b/o) Shockwave x reader: All for what? Part 1 Part 2 (Dubcon)
Thots Hot Spike Reviews
Rodimus - Sisi_Esprit Shattered Glass - Bad Dragon Rumble - Exotic Erotics
Spike size guide Transfluid guide The how's and why's of spike sizing
Blood of Zues
Song of Dogs - Ares x Reader x Hermes Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Bad Batch
First Meeting Nsfw Alphabet: Hunter Tech, Wrecker Platonic Yandere
Walking in on them 
Dark overprotective/possessive 
Things that Lurk on the holonet (tech non-con) Chapters: 1, 5, 72, 3, 4, 
Cody x Hunter (non-con) Tech x Reader (non-con) Cody x Crosshair (non-con)
Clone Wars
Yandere: Rex, Cody, Fives, Echo, Jesse, Dogma
Fox x oc (non-con)
Neyo x oc (non-con)
Wolfe x oc (non-con)
Waxer & Biol x oc(non-con)
Billy Wintergreen x reader (non-con)
Deathstroke x reader -Don’t Shoot The Shooter Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Death Stroke Nsfw alphabet
Readhood x reader 
Doom Patrol
Larry Headcanons
Meeting for the First time Accidently Hurt
Touch affectionate s/o
Comforting s/o s/o comforting Larry
Jealous Larry
S/o wanting a pet
S/o with plants
Watching Game of Thrones (slight nsfw)
Making up with larry Confessing
Drunken Mess
Chapters: 1, 2, 3
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 
Donnie x reader x Leo - Instincts Be a Bitch - (Non-con) Leo x reader x Future Leo (dub-con/non-con)
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clonemedickix · 10 months
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Finally got around to finishing this one up, and I probably could have spent more time on it, but the ADHD demands I start another clone portrait… I just love their faces and huge brown eyes so much 🥹
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You look Lonely… I can fix that. ;)
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Fives was such a flirt all the time! Always making her so flustered in the worst Situations and Times. One time they were on a Mission and while the Padawan was mid-fight he sent a flirty message through her comm, making her unfortunately meet the ground.
„Yo Commander.“ As she heard Fives comment through the comm she stopped short to press answer. „Make it fast Ark Trooper. I‘m kinda in the middle of something.“ As soon as she finished (y/n) wanted to make a jump to get over an obstacle as his voice was heard again. „I don‘t usually do fast (y/n), but I can make an exception for you Love.“ Did his Voice just drop down an octave? Doesn‘t matter because he already did the Damage, being distracted right as she was about to jump, she of course got tangled up in her own feet and face planted the Ground.
Well anyway, today was the Day she was finally getting back at the Arc Trooper. (Y/N) saw Fives standing with his Brothers nearby as she took big steps towards them determined to finally have the upper hand. As the Troopers saw her they quickly saluted her. „At ease Soldiers.“ She said with a soft smile. „Hello there Commander Sweetheart.“ The Padawan rolled her eyes at that. „My Master does not approve of you calling me that Fives.“ He only chuckled at that sending her a smirk. „But you approve don‘t you?“ Fives only got a short ‚Hmpf‘ at that and an eyeroll from the Female. But then remembering her Plan she then Smirked at him. „Fives… You look lonely.“ (y/n) said in a purr, drawing out every word. The Troopers looked at each other very confused. She then took a step closer to Fives and Placed a hand on his Chestplate looking up at him innocently. This small action made his Heart speed up and heat slowly creep up his neck and cheek. Where you always this Touchy-Feely with him? God his Brain was in overdrive… „I can fix that.“ Was all she said with a wink before turning around and leaving the stunned man behind.
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Fives took a second or two to grasp what she just said but when he did he turned into a spluttering mess, which made his brothers burst out laughing. (Y/N) watched the scene unfold from a distance which made a proud smile come to her lips. Fives was still baffled that she finally flirted back that boldly but he must admit… He liked it.
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starglow-art · 1 year
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“I crawled to the far side of the stacked cargo crates. "Wait for my signal," I ordered. Heavy blasts showered our location. Meanwhile, the firing on our end ceased. The boys turned to me. I forced down the lump in my throat. The carbine in my hands shook uncontrollably. Deep breaths, I reminded myself. It was now or never. I rolled out from our cover, jumped to my feet, and rushed the first turret as protest rose from my Squad.
"What the hell are you doing?!"
I pushed their concerns to the side. If they were to make it out alive, this was our only way.”
(Chapter 19 - It’s My Duty)
Crazy how my best piece came from forcing myself to do art. Since yesterday, I’ve been on a roll! I know I’ve been doing a lot of art of Weave lately, but for real, I just love this character so much and can’t drawing anyone else rn.
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twentyfunnybunnies · 9 months
Take a Day
“Hey, Ahsoka, can you sit up for me?” Anakin said softly.
“No,” Ahsoka said into her pillow.
“Come on, Ahsoka, this will make you feel better. If you eat something and take this medicine you’ll be set,” Anakin promised.
“No,” Ahsoka said into her pillow again.
“Please? For me?” Anakin said.
Ahsoka's sick, Anakin takes care of her.
Read the full fic on Wattpad or ao3!!
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arcticmatter-77 · 2 years
Got this one out in a fairly timely fashion compared to usual. The audio version of War Bonds chapter 7 is up!
Once again featuring the voice talent of @captainrexwouldnever
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gun-roswell · 1 year
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Crosshair (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, Hunter (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Tech (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Wrecker (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), CC-5576-39 | Gregor, CT-7567 | Rex, CC-2224 | Cody Additional Tags: Crack! Total Crack!, Ye ole body switcheroo, ancient gadgets, don’t touch that dial!, Plot Devices, poor attempts of humour, totally inaccurate science, you name it, it’s all in here, Missions, Rescue, Missions Gone Awry, The Empire/Rebel Era, Could Be Canon, fun for the Batch, some seriousness too, They discuss things, Somewhat, Dialogue, Crosshair is in the mix Series: Part 16 of Tales in the Bad Batch universe of things, Part 1 of The Crack Tales Summary:
Set somewhere in the Star Wars the Bad Batch and the Clone Wars galaxy of things
(A Multiverse of Star Wars Fan Fiction by Yours Truly)
The Bad Batch get a request for an extraction. 
A simple go get and bring back op. Arriving at the location of an ancient and remote outpost and finding their target only to get electrocuted by a… stony structure? After that, things become a tad awkward.
This is a tale of total crack for sure!
Part of Tales of the Bad Batch universe of things / The Crack Tales series
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anchorsnook · 4 years
Regret overwhelmed him and sobs racked his body. He slid down further to the ground, leaning on one hand for support. He faced the ground, hot wet tears streaming down his face. It was his fault. He should have seen it coming. He should have stopped it. Disobeyed it. Something. Something besides carrying it out. Order 66. For the first time, Cody wept.
Cody looked down, "I betrayed you sir."
Kenobi nodded, "While your body may have given the order, I refuse to believe your soul agreed."
I didn’t want to post the whole story on here, but I posted it on Wattpad. Here’s the link:
Also included briefly is @kaminosfinest OC medic Sunny :P
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clonemedickix · 6 months
I love you, always.
I can't help it, I just am in love with Primer and his love for Lara. Sue me.
If you'd like to be tagged for new art or WIP, click here
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@theogfulcrum22 @king-chaos-world @sunshinesdaydream @starrylothcat @anxiouspineapple99 @sev-on-kamino @mire-draws-things @the-bad-batch-baroness @cloneloverrrrr @mandos-mind-trick @padawancat97 @dukeoftheblackstar @wolffegirlsunite @isthereanechoinhere96 @jediknightjana @wackylurker @moonlightwarriorqueen @wizardofrozz @multi-fan-dom-madness @starqueensthings @dickarchivist @amorfista @villanousace @mythical-illustrator @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @523rdrebel
Commissions open, click here.
Dividers by @dystopicjumpsuit
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lilrexsoka · 4 years
I just posted the next chapter of my fanfic, but I also came up with a few One-Shot ideas.
1. Rex and Ahsoka meeting again after her apparent death on Malachor
2. Rex looking back on all the times he nearly lost his Commander
3. Ahsoka coming to the realisation that there is little she can do to protect her Captain from the war
4. The realisation of what Rex almost had to do to Ahsoka during the Order.
5. More Ahsoka and Rex living in a modern family situation.
If you would like to read any of these, or create your own situations, go ahead and tell me. Thanks!
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starglow-art · 1 year
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Brynner Sketch Dump!!
Ok imma be honest I have no clue how tumblr works. I’ve had a blog page thing for years and still don’t know how this freak’n place works tbh. I’m just gonna post whatever because I can
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jessiebanethedragon · 3 years
White Sands Warm the Cold Sea (pt 6)
Summary: the reader, betrothed to a disgusting Coruscanti Lord flees her home world and lands herself in a plethora of trouble, a ship of clones, and one pirate captain whose cold exterior needs much more than the tropical seaside sun.
Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Warnings: Swearing, takes place in time periods where women have dowery's and suchlike. The readers dad and betrothed are asses.
Chapter Six: The Argument
You right yourself quickly, even if it is just to save yourself from your own embarrassment of smashing into the hull for what seems like the millionth time today. Surprisingly, the raised voices above you can still be heard. Whether that means your lock picking skills are levels higher than you guessed or the men can bicker for longer than you thought possible, you cannot be sure. But what it does mean is that with all of them occupied and all in one place, you can now move around the ship with autonomy. You take one step before stopping.
All the crew are in one place…. So could you not just lock them in? It is not the worst idea you’ve had today. And so when you step onto the deck you follow the sounds to the source of the yelling, to find all four crew members in what looks to be the captain's quarters. The heavy wooden door is held open by a piece of stone and so you hide behind the door itself and lean your way around to remain unspotted as you snatch up the stone and watch as the door slams shut.
You stand surprised that so far this has all worked before thinking of putting the stone down in front of the door itself as a meager counter weight before sliding the thick bolts into place to lock the door into the captain's quarters. You hear four versions of many different curse words as you step back to admire your work. Perhaps you weren't such a bad stowaway after all!
“Why does it lock from the outside?” You think aloud, and the triumphant smile you’d been wearing falls. Why does it lock from the outside?
“Open the door.” The captain says sternly but you make no intention to even think about moving toward the bolts.
“Perhaps- perhaps I shall open the door when we, when we…” you start off with confidence that's quickly lost.
“Not to worry, vod. Sounds like an airtight plan to me.” You’ve heard Crosshair ramble enough now to recognize his voice and if not that, you’re fairly certain now he would be the only member of crew to make such a comment.
“Here’s what's going to happen.” You tell them, you’re tired of asking, of being tame. “I’m not opening that door until I have full confidence that we are not going back to Coruscant.”
“We’re going to die in this room.”
“Crosshair, would it kill you to shut your mouth for five minutes?” That’s the voice you’ve heard the least so you assume it belongs to the captain.
“Just take me to the closest inhabited land, and you’ll never have to see me again.” You bargain.
“And get gutted by Nython, no thanks sweetheart.” He sounds like he's leaning against the door, and in your bravery you stand in front of it as well. Letting one of your hands trail over the bolts.
“He likes to lock doors from the outside as well.” You murmur to yourself, reliving the tour of his grounds given to you by one of the workers. You repeat the explanation you were given. There's a long pause and you’re thinking you’ve reached a stalemate when you hear his mysterious voice again:
“Alderaan is a few days away from us.” Chills run through you at the possibility of escape, real escape with a ship and a plan. You try to think of some way to match his offer, to convince him to take you there.
“Please…” your forehead presses against the cooler wood for comfort.
“Unlock the door.” He’s not asking this time, and with hands shaking with excitement and perhaps too much trust, you release the bolts.
The man standing in front of you is a very different one from the first time you saw him. The black tunic is loose but tucked into tactical pants that look decades too old for anybody to still be wearing them. His sleeves are rolled up and you get a glimpse of scars, and a large burn mark of a symbol you do not recognize in his inner arm. And when your eyes meet his, you properly see them for the first time. In here they look almost yellow, but you think perhaps they’re a rich light brown. The red bandana keeps longer hair out of his warm coloured face.
Suddenly you’re self conscious about your ruined dress and tousled hair. He clears his throat.
“Chart a course to Alderaan.” He orders stepping out of the small room, regarding you awkwardly.
“Nice to have ya aboard little miss!” You jump out of your skin when a hand meets your shoulder.
“Wrecker.” The captain chides, this clone is bigger than his twins and is sporting more scars than any of them evident by the large one on his face (complimented with a gnarly eye patch) and with his low cut tunic you can see the hundreds of them leading down.
“Nice to meet you Wrecker.” You say without thinking, having spent years learning poise and politeness.
“Nice to meet you as well, little miss. Over there is Tech who ya met already and that’s Crosshair who swooped ya from earlier,” you smile at Tech and Crosshair who look confused and annoyed perspectively.
“I should probably thank you for earlier.” You say to Crosshair, who huffs, and stomps out of the room with a:
“Don’t mention it.”
“Oh and of course we need to introduce you to our captain-” He starts again pointing to the man with the face tattoo.
“Wrecker get to your post.” He barks before you get his name. Wrecker gives a casual salute before taking off in the same direction Crosshair had, already yelling at his brother, something about having told him so.
“Told you we’d help.” Tech says with a smile, extending his hand. You carefully shake it, eased by his smile.
“Thank you, and I - uh, I'm sorry about the knife.” you add awkwardly watching as the captain crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow.
“I don’t think you could have done damage with that if you tried.” Tech laughs
“She was trying.” The captain adds - not laughing. You apologize again before offering your first name only and with a final shake you let go of Tech’s hand.
“Come on Aaray.” He says “I'll show you around.” you start to correct him, wondering how someone who is clearly as smart as Tech is has managed to butcher your name so badly.
“No, no, I know.” He admits before smirking at the captain. “Hunter was just adamant that you’re an Aaray.” You catch Tech’s smile and the captain’s less serious glare, before he turns away to head out onto the bulk of the deck.
“What is an Aaray?” You ask the following Tech as he sets off.
“Mando’a. Maybe one day he’ll tell you what it means.” Tech says, seeming to enjoy being a shit disturber as much as his taller brother.
Hunter you think to yourself. It’s a nice name.
Tags: @the-mandalorian-clone-lover @peacefulwizardfox @rex-meshla @s1st37 @and-claudia @kamino-mermaid @thelambandthewolffe @starwarsmeninhelmets
@bronvin @myeternalsin @sweetsunflowerkisses @loverofclones @beizm @gunsmoke-blu
@logina6 @wondergal2001 @lafy-taffy @lafy-taffy @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s
comment to be added! oxox Jessie
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twentyfunnybunnies · 1 year
Get Down!!
The Force sent a tingle down her entire form, a nerve-scraping warning, and time slowed down. Ahsoka dropped her lightsabers and heard them hit the ground.
“Get down!” she screamed as loud as she could.
Without question, the clones dove to the ground, but not fast enough.
Read the full fic on Wattpad and ao3!
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squishneedsahero · 3 years
Possibilities and Problems
The Lost Padawan Part 2
Word Count: 1842
You were raised in the Jedi order, Padawan of Jedi Master Obiwan Kenobi.
It's as the three of you approach the farm that you finally put your lightsaber away. Theres other children, younger than you playing in the fenced area, and you doubt that they'd want to start a fight with them around. When you enter the gate the other people around give you curious looks, but don't seem to question the fact that you had come back with Hunter and Cut for the moment.
A little girl approaches you first, curiosity in her eyes as she asks, "who are you? I'm Omega."
Her friendliness catches you off guard but you answer softly, "y/n."
"It's nice to meet you y/n, we're playing catch," she says gesturing to the other two kids, "would you like to play with us?"
You furrow your brow as she asks this and hesitate a moment before saying, "not at the moment..." you pick at your fingers and look at the adults, before taking a breath and. saying, "I need to talk with them first then maybe."
"Okay, " she says but doesn't run off to play again, instead following you inside with Cut and Hunter.
Inside there are some other clones and a Twi'lek who you had seen through a window but instead of looking at you they just looked to Cut and Hunter for answers. "This is y/n l/n," Cut says, "we met her in town and said we'd help her out."
You wave timidly at them and look around, slowly recognizing the other clones.
"Hey, Omega how about you go play outside with Shaeeah and Jek," Cut suggests, as this was going to be a serious conversation and including Omega but not the other two would just make things a little difficult.
Omega looks to Hunter and he nods her out the door. Once she's out the door he turns to you, "now that we're somewhere safe would you like to explain yourself a bit more?"
His tone causes you a moments pause before you nod, "yeah, I can do that..." you pause as you look at the others in the room before going on to introduce yourself, "I'm y/n l/n, I was the padawan of Master Obiwan Kenobi," as you say this you take out your lightsaber to show them as if they wouldn't believe you otherwise. "I survived the siege on the Jedi temple and all the other clones turning against the Jedi, and I was able to escape to a shuttle off world and made it here." Stoic is the only way to describe the way you're speaking of these events, clearly letting all the training from the Jedi come forward to hide your emotions. You had been taught not to have emotion, and for you that just meant you didn't show any emotions, in truth every part of your body was aching with the pain of loosing everyone you knew.
"I thought the Jedi were the enemy?" Wrecker speaks up.
"No," Tech cuts in, "all we know is that us clones hive chips that caused us to easily turn against the Jedi, we don't know what the Jedi did to deserve being killed-"
You interject, trying to not sound too harsh, "the Jedi didn't do anything. I was at master Kenobi's side for many a meeting throughout the war, Senator Palpatine accuses us of committing war crimes but master Kenobi and the others on the council wanted nothing more than to end the war and keep the galaxy free."
"So you're saying this was all a ploy to execute the Jedi?" Cut asks, able to tell how much emotion you were holding back.
"Yeah, I think that is exactly what I am saying," you take a shaky breath, remembering all of the stuff the masters had taught you and your many grievances with the rules and standards. You decide to be completely honest, at least about everything that wasn't the fact you had only survived from being a dumbass who stole some clone armor. "Look, the Jedi were far from perfect but I know that the only reason they got involved in this conflict was because they wanted to keep people safe. We fought alongside the clones for years, we fought for the Republic, and in a matter of minutes the clones turned against us without question."
You take a breath since you're getting worked up, and Hunter takes the chance to interrupt, "look kid, we know something is off about all of this, we were with Master Billaba when it happened and saw how easily it happened. The only reason we didn't is because we're defective and we're trying to figure out why."
It's his honesty with this that allows you to relax, sensing absolutely no ill will towards you from anyone in the room. It's as you relax that you notice Echo, you hadn't been around him a lot before he had been captured, because he was in the 501st not the 212. "Echo?" you ask gently.
"Yes, that's me, it's good to see you y/n."
You give a gentle smile, "I'm glad that you're alright." From there you take another breath before looking around a bit, "I should get going, I don't want anyone coming after you all on my account."
Suu speaks up at that point, "y/n, my dear, they would already be coming after us if they knew we were here. Technically they are all deserters, and would be executed if found by the empire. You don't have to leave, we are figuring out how to get off world and are welcome to stay and take a break here, I'm sure you're exhausted after being on the run for nearly eight rotations."
You look at the Twi'lek and can feel yourself relax a bit more, realizing how tired you in fact were, "that- are you sure?" you catch yourself before answering.
"Of course I'm sure, my children are outside and I wouldn't put them in danger."
You look at her for another moment, your stomach answering for you by growling, "if you're sure, then that sounds nice."
"I'm sure. Let's get you something to eat," she says and takes your hand to have you find some food.
While you get some food Omega comes back inside, "you're done now?"
Shaeeah and Jek aren't far behind Omega and this leads to Cut stating, "you three were listening at the door weren't you?"
"Yeah," Omega says, sounding almost proud of herself before she looks at you where you were sitting and eating at the table, "so you're really a Jedi? How did you survive the clones attacking because of their programming?"
You finish chewing the bite of your food before saying, "I'm just a padawan, I survived because I was lucky." The only way anyone would learn how you survived is never, you'd take that secret to the grave.
Your vague answer sets Omega off on asking an endless string of questions to you, followed by  Shaeeah and Jek listening to the conversation. This gives the adults a chance to move away and quietly discuss the situation with you. Sure sending Omega with Cut and his family would work to keep her out of harms way, but you on the other hand presented an entirely new problem. Cut couldn't easily take a Jedi with him and his family, there is hardly a chance that you'd even want that let alone able to handle a quiet family life after everything that you'd been through in your short life. All of this required more thought and lots of discussion as to how they would solve yet another problem on their long and quickly growing list of problems.
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gun-roswell · 2 years
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Boost & Sinker (Star Wars), Boost/Sinker (Star Wars) Characters: CT-4860 | Boost, Clone Trooper Sinker (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Hardcase (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Fanon, Canon What Canon, Timeline What Timeline, PWP, Clone Troopers Deserve Better (Star Wars), cloneshipping, Clone Haven Server's Ship of the Month Event, Not a laughing matter, Established Relationship, implied everything, Dressing up sexily, Silk lace and high heels, bedroom stuff, Spicing things up in the bedroom, Drag Queens mentioned, Implied Sexual Content, loving relationship Series: Part 1 of Boost/Sinker Summary:
Ship-of-the-month weekly prompt “You weren't supposed to laugh” Boost/Sinker
 Ship: Boost/Sinker
Set somewhere in the world of The Clone Wars, non-canonically but of course! So, timeline, what timeline?
If your partner is the one cracking all kinds of tasteless jokes at the most inconvenient moments, a straight (pun intended) face is certainly hard to keep. Most of the times.
And so, when that same partner comes up with something, which could perhaps be considered a laughable moment for some? But, to the contrary, for the most however, would be a more of an endearing situation? Perhaps to be considered to be more of a hot and sexy thing even? Then laughing, is certainly farthest from one’s mind. Drooling taking its place in stead.
Part of the Boost/Sinker series
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