#cw: execution mention
turtle-servant · 10 months
So if the plasma recovers his memory are you going to throw him off the turtle?
He is not an overlord of any sort. Executions do not happen on Terramara.
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chaoticretwtau · 1 day
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More old ones.
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spamsandsuch · 2 months
I was looking for your other blogs so I can see your Spamton EX
this is a very old ask.. but ive been meaning to get to this for a long time, especially lately when this version of spamton ex is pretty outdated since recently ill be using a ‘spamton ex’ in my actual fanon. But i still wanted to draw this for you anon despite being so old because I have been wanting to for a long time and it would feel a lil weird for me to post the new one when i havent shown you the old one yet
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so here, some new art of my (old) spamton ex, with some slight redesign :]
og design under cut, from 2021
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tofusquisha · 1 year
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"gallows humor"
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somnambulant-snowball · 11 months
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[image descriptions part 1:
ID 1: Skylla is sulking in a jail cell, saying, "one time I dreamt I got sent to death row because I had a countryish mullet instead of a gay alt one".
ID 2: Tyzias confides in Stelsa, "one time I dreamt a law was passed that made it illegal to say 'I'm gayer' when someone came out"
ID 3: Dave says, "one time I dreamt I met the patron saint of the gays". Nepeta does a cute pose. he continues, "she looked a bit like the Cheshire cat, but with green, red, and yellow stripes." Nepeta, now with stripes, does a threatening pose. "she could shapeshift into a human," he says as she transforms into Jade.
ID 4: Elwurd says, "one time I dreamt me and my entire class full of girls had to prepare and present an assembly to the school about Women's day". in her flashback, Bronya and Kanaya are with her in the library. she continues, "each person had to say what women are, i.e. powerful, strong, independent," while Chixie is shown at the microphone. Elwurd goes to the mic and narrates, " when it was my turn I said, 'women are gay,' and walked away for the next person to get to the mic". Kanaya says, "I mean you're not wrong". / end of IDs part one.
text source: one-time-I-dreamt on tumblr]
part two will be in the reblog!
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A Completely Normal Post About Plants.
Specifically the poison kind. A continuation of this conversation with @crowsandturtlesandbatsohmy and @icequeenabby.
I will go over some of my favorite poisonous plants, and a plant that @nyaboshi brought up because it's really cool. I will share a picture of each plant, a fun fact about it, if it is used in medicine or if it has another purpose, the type of poison/toxin it contains, and what that does to the human body.
Disclaimer: I am not an expert. Just someone who enjoys hyperfixating on many different subjects. Enjoy my brain rot.
Anyways the plants:
CW: Mentions of death, execution, and poison (obviously lol)
IMPORTANT!!!! Just in case I forget to mention this on any of these plants, every part of all these plants is toxic.
Another note: Whenever I refer to gastrointestinal issues/diseases, I am usually referring to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach/abdominal pain, etc.
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My favorite poisonous flower.
Did you know that this flower is mistaken for Comfrey, another plant who's leaves are used to make tea? This mistake has resulted in illness and several deaths.
Truly akin to this scene (iykyk):
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Uses: This is used in certain medicines to slow down heart rates, due to high blood pressure, and in medicines for heart failures. It is possible to be poisoned from overdosing on this medicine.
Type of poison: Foxglove has a toxin known as digitalis/digoxin. Side effects of this poison include blurred vision/yellow or green vision [xanthopsia] (and seeing a halo like shape around lights), fatigue, gastrointestinal effects, weakness, bradycardia [a heart rate under 60 bpm], lower platelet counts (thrombocytopenia), arrhythmias [irregular heart beats], and the very rare case of cardiorespiratory failure. These symptoms can occur through consumption of the plant, and sometimes through over doses on the medicine. It can cause irritations to the skin, like rashes, if touched, and can cause terrible reactions from its pollen in certain individuals.
(Nerium Oleander)
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Many oleanders have a sweet, vanilla-like smell, however it is not recommended to smell them up close. These plants have been well documented in history, from Greek mythology to Vincent Van Gogh's painting titled "Oleanders." Despite it's deadly nature, it is quite popular among gardeners.
Uses: This plant is traditionally used to treat heart problems, asthma, and even cancer, but there is not enough evidence to support this actually having a positive effect. However there is more evidence of the leaves of the oleander being used as an effective anti-inflammatory and antioxidant under the right dosage.
Type of poison: The main type of poison in this plant is called toxic cardiac glycosides. But it also contains the poisons oleandrin, oleondroside, and digitoxigenin. These chemicals are found in all parts of the plant and affects the heart the most. The side affects if consumed include gastrointestinal effects, xanthopsia (yellow vision), eye irritation and burning sensation, effects to the nervous system such as tremors, seizures, coma, and cardiac effects including an increased heart rate that quickly slows to the point of death in some cases. If touched, it causes skin irritations and rashes, and can cause respiratory issues of the wood and leaves are burned.
Japanese Pieris
(Pieris Japonica)
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This is a plant that @nyaboshi shared with me. This plant is native to several countries in Asia, including Japan, China, and Taiwan. It is a symbol of powerful beginnings and new opportunities.
Uses: The main use of this plant is for a honey made from this plant called "Mad Honey," and it is used as a traditional medicine and for intoxication (which can lead to overdose and poison).
Type of poison: These plants contain Grayanotoxins. These affect the brain, nervous system, and heart. If consumed, this plant causes blurred vison, slower heart rates and lower blood pressure, gastrointestinal effects, weakness, fainting, cardiac failures, coma, and neurological side effects.
Deadly Nightshade
(Atropa Belladonna)
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Quite the popular choice for poisoning. There are many many references to this plant in popular books, shows, and movies. It is also famous for being tied to witchcraft. Belladonna, as it is commonly known, is one of many in the Nightshade plant family. Some well known edible Nightshades include tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, and tomatillos. But Belladonna isn't the only dangerous plant in the Nightshade family, she has other deadly sisters.
Uses: This was used in cosmetics once upon a time. Please do not use it as such please. Surprisingly, there are many uses for Belladonna! Under the right doses, correct mixing of chemicals, and correct consumption/other way of taking this plant can help in reducing symptoms asthma, motion sickness, hemorrhoids, whooping cough, irritable bowel syndrome, and a few other ailments.
Type of poison: This plant contains alkaloids, such as hyocyamine, scopolamine, and atropine. Belladonna is known as one of the most toxic plants that we know of. Consuming this plant, including medicated Belladonna, can cause cardiovascular diseases (and other heart problems such as tachycardia [increased heart rate]), gastrointestinal disorders, complications during pregnancy, psychiatric/neurological disorders, rash, headache, staggering/loss of balance, delirium, dilated pupils, blurred vison, sensitivity to light, severely dry throat and mouth, hallucinations, confusion, constipations, and convulsions.
Touching these plants can cause severe dermatitis and may cause its toxins to seep through the skin.
Giant Hogweed
(Heracleum mantegazzianum)
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Considered to be a very invasive species. It is widespread across east to west Europe, Canada, and in the united states. Because of it's dangerous nature, it is deemed by U.S. officials to be a noxious plant, so that the spread of this plant can be limited.
Uses: Not really. Its cousin the common hogweed was used in some medicines, but I would not recommend going near these.
Type of poison: The sap of this plant contains furanocoumarins, which combined with sunlight is severely phototoxic. When any part of the plant is touched, but especially the sap, this causes severe phytophotodermatitis, a terrible and serious skin inflammation, that includes severe blistering (and I mean SEVERE! If you have a strong stomach look it up examples of reactions you dare), a deep red rash, and even photosensitivity. And if you accidentally touch your eyes after exposure, it can harm your vision and even cause blindness.
I haven't seen information for when it's consumed, which is a good thing. It would probably cause intense internal damage.
Please just avoid this plant. For some reason I do not like this plant one bit. Whenever I see this plant I go : ಠ╭╮ಠ
Poison Hemlock
(Conium Maculatum)
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You have probably heard of this plant or one of its siblings. This plant was used to execute prisoners in ancient Greece, including the famous philosopher Socrates. Fun plant huh? Also invasive.
Uses: Has been used as a sedative, antispasmodic treatment for symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, and for some respiratory diseases, all in very small doses. However, there is not enough evidence to really tell if these are positively effective.
Type of poison: Similar to Belladonna, this plant contains alkaloids, including C. maculatum, conium, and coniine. If ingested, it attacks the nervous system, and can cause fatal neuromuscular dysfunction as it will stop the movement of muscles in important organs including respiratory muscles, muscular paralysis, unconsciousness, coma, urination, depression, trembling, and weak or slow heartrate.
It is generally safe to touch poison hemlock, but it is better to be careful and safe.
Bittersweet Nightshade
(Solanum Dulcamara)
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Remember I mentioned Belladonna plants have other deadly siblings? Meet her bittersweet sister. In the Middle Ages this plant was said to ward off witchcraft (because of course it was). An interesting fact about this plant is that while it is toxic to humans, there are several bird species that love feasting on the berries.
Uses: This is used for skin conditions such as acne, eczema, itchy skin, broken skin, and a few others. It is also used for inflammation and easing arthritis, along with easing respiratory issues and illnesses like bronchitis, asthma, and pneumonia.
Type of poison: This plant contains solanine and a glycoside called dulcamarine. If consumed, and if over consumed via medical prescription, this plant can cause several gastrointestinal problems, confusion, mydriasis (dilation of the pupil), paralysis, delirium, numbness, shortness of breath, low pulse/slowed heartrate, convulsion, and weakness. It is unwise to take this during pregnancy.
This plant like is sister plant, should not be touched. Its toxins can be absorbed through the skin. So no touchy!
Western Monkshood/Wolfsbane
(Aconitum Columbianum/Aconitum Napellus)
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This is plant is surrounded by myth and a long history. In folk tales, it was considered to kill werewolves and normal wolves, hence one of its names. In ancient times it was occasionally used as an herbal medicine, however, it has more of a reputation as a poison for executions and assassinations.
Uses: Once upon a time, this plant was used to reduce fevers, as an anti-inflammatory, sedative, and to relieve other ailments. However, this plant is considered to be one of the most poisonous plants in Europe, so the thought of someone using this today, is very unlikely.
Type of poison: This plant contains aconitine and mesaconitine, which is a dangerous neurotoxin and cardiotoxin. Side effects of consumption include gastrointestinal issues, cardiovascular issues (weak/irregular heartbeat, slowing and stopping of the heart), difficulty breathing, asphyxiation, neurological issues, paralysis, pain, convulsions, multiple organ failure (especially of the liver and kidneys), numbness (especially of the mouth and tongue), and paraesthesia (feeling sensations in the skin for no apparent reason, like feeling cold, tingly, or clammy).
Do not touch this plant. The toxins can be absorbed through the skin, and can cause many of the same effects if consumed, and can cause numbness wherever you touched the plant.
Lily of the Valley
(Convallaria Majalis)
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Such a pretty pretty flower to finish of this list! This flower has been the national flower of Finland since 1967 (my gran's home country)! It is also the national flower of Yugoslavia. This plant is very popular, and has been used in many wedding bouquets, has been in several myths, the subject of art, poetry, music, and even shows (like "Breaking Bad").
Uses: Besides it being used for its sweet fragrance, it is supposedly effective heart problems, such as irregular heartbeat and heart failure, urinary tract infections, and kidney/bladder stones (HOWEVER, THESE ARE CLAIMS OF FOLK MEDICINE, NOT FACT).
Type of poison: This plant contains convallatoxin, which is similar to digitalis. If ingested it can cause heart problems such as irregular heartbeat/slow heartbeat and collapse, gastrointestinal issues, loss of appetite, excessive urination, confusion, drowsiness, weakness, depression, headache, disorientation, and lethargy.
This plant may cause skin irritation and possibly a rash/hives if handled for too long.
There are many other plants I have done research on, including mushrooms, but I'll stop here for now (for my sanity). I hope y'all enjoyed reading this!!!
Have a good day or night!!
I shall now pass out.
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epsilonsagittarii · 1 year
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i've never blogged before i have no idea what i'm doing but i just wanted to put this specific feeling into a tumblr post
(song names and translation for 3rd image in alt text!)
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perelka-l · 6 months
Do you think Archer is ever confronted with the realization that he is probably going to outlive Giovanni (just based on age alone, plus Gio's smoking habits)? I feel like it dawned on him when Giovanni ditched Rocket, had a breakdown and then just decided that he is going to off himself if/when that happens
Tbh Archer doesn't strike me as a type that would ponder on such things. Like, in general, and that not even considering that Giovanni in his eyes is pretty much idealised to hell and back. Acknowledging that Gio could just as well be gone one day would not be something Archer could consider, I think. Like, he is aware of Giovanni's weaknesses and failings, but those he just acknowledges without a second thought.
And that could be why Giovanni's disappearance hit him as hard as it did. I imagine that Archer wouldn't even consider the world without Giovanni in it as a possibility. But when Giovanni went and left, Archer had to face that wall. Of course, it's different when he's gone but just nowhere to be found, with Archer basically spearheading whatever the fuck he was in attempt to explicitly go against Gio's wishes just to have him back.
Death though... It's hard to say. I think Archer would also see Giovanni's well-being as his own responsibility, so maybe he could consider such as his own failing. I'm unsure if Archer would be suicidal though, not actively so at least. Giovanni means a lot for him, so he would struggle to find his own place again. He is dedicated to Team Rocket, obviously, but he can't imagine it without Giovanni leading it anyway, so what would be the point of continuing that?
Unless... *eyes Silver*
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sotogalmo · 5 months
Ever since I've been playing a Evil Food Eater Conchita English cover,,,, I've just been thinking of my FNAF AU: Yard Fire.
Yard Fire Garrett, is a descendant of Gluttony and is a vessel for Gluttony towards the end of his life(13-15).
His goal is to end all evil, by any means. (Did a small writing from head, and I just gotta post it) — tw/cw for cannibalism(not really described but he's eating Will)
“Everyone pays with a heavy price!”
(William Afton & (st.) Garreth Aruther-Burntenberg. Yard Fire AU)
King of the purple yellow Kingdom, and the prince from a small Kingdom from not far away. They are having a meeting, one that the Plum prince insisted on having, due to wanting research on evil.
And it's been rumored that the King, William Afton, is a "bad" man. A cruel man. A vile, crude, and evil man.
Garreth, the Plum Prince who wanted this meeting, is very known for wanting to stop Evil, Malice, from spreading around the world. What he does to people he deems Evil?
He starves them. A person is nothing without food.
The people want to refuse that the King will go down so easily against a 13, soon-ish(4 months and then he's 14) 14 year old prince.
They didn't expect it to go this far.
A old, calloused, and wrinkly hand reached out to the young prince. The prince didn't like that. Evil is everywhere, and this guy? This King? Was the definition of it.
By the way he treats his children. Favoring the two youngests, and never paying attention to the oldests. How he manipulates everyone with his charms. And how he's the greediest man he's ever met.
He wanted answers to his actions, but he won't allow it. He wants to know why, but it already happened so he shouldn't know why. This is the final result, and it's pure Evil.
Maybe he was Evil from the start?
Garreth, a great and generous prince, from the Plum Kingdom in Beelzenian, went to bite the King's hand that reached out to him.
If he's the definition of Evil, then he needs a punishment worse than starvation.
And this is backed-up with the whole thing he has for Rabbits. They are prey animals.
The King's old.
He may know how to fight, but he's more of a taunter.
He's old, and it shows.
He's young, so very young, but he knows many ways to get to his victims.
He's fast, the King is old and slow.
Biting thru old skin, at first not liking the taste of it. It's weird, dusty, oil, and with many years of making machines. But he tried his best to forget about it. Especially the nails. It's such a disgusting and weird feeling to have in his mouth and throat. But again, he does his best to forget about it.
Food is not always about the first bite.
It's about the last bites that make it worthwhile!
How would he do at the end of this? He doesn't know. But all he knows now, is that he's eating the King.
And it feels, right. Like this was his destiny. Like this is what he should've done to the other people he starved.
... But it weirdly doesn't even fill him up. (He's up to the wrist now. He ate all the fingers. Garreth has a strong grip on William's arm)
It's so weird.
The blood in his mouth, makes it all the more better. Maybe sweeter? Even though it mainly tastes like metal..? He doesn't know how to pinpoint the exact taste of blood. But he doesn't need to.
He's eating and drinking at the same time, practically!
This action was a passing thought in all honesty. He wanted to know how the King tasted. He's been starving others just like the King, but he's always thought how easy it would be to cut them up, and stuff his face in their organs.
He thought that they would go away, but they got stronger over here.
He wanted to make it a living hell for William.
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caterjunes · 1 year
me: okay brain. listen. we're almost out of milk. we have to order groceries. can we please figure out literally one real thing to have for lunch, brain. one thing that is not "apple and peanut butter," "a smoothie," "yogurt & granola," or "chips and salsa." anything.
brain: what if we died instead
me: no we're not doing that anymore. can we try a bagel?
brain: DISGUSTING. die.
me: no bagels, fine. how about a sandwich?
brain: with what on it
me: uh-
brain: IMPOSSIBLE. think about how awful that would feel in your mouth.
me: i don't want to-
brain: Think About It.
me: ...yeah that would feel awful. do you have any ideas?
brain: die. die. die.
me: please stop
brain: no. die. die. die.
me: apples and peanut butter it is i guess
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poptartmochi · 1 year
your honor. how am i supposed to process 40 boxes of books...
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ilthit · 8 months
OC-tober #20: Dickory Kingfisher
Week 3: Various sources.
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Portrait done in Artbreeder.
In the late 18th century, Dickory Kingfisher was a penniless but pretty youth who charmed, conned and slept his way to the fringes of high society in England. But when his luck ran out, his friends turned their backs, leaving Dickory first in debtors' prison and then, as more of his crimes were unveiled, sentenced to death by hanging.
While in prison waiting for his execution, he managed to call upon and make a bargain with a demonic being called Lady Six of the Lilitu. He did die on the noose; and once dead, he was brought back as Lady Six's agent on earth.
He got to start over again, eternally youthful, with magic at his command, and money beyond his dreams. The price for this is that Lady Six expects him to hunt for reprobates and deliver them to her, to appease her particular appetites.
His first attempt to return to London society was not successful, and he has learned to be more cautious since, as well as picking up his old lover, a solicitor by the name of Philip Sharpe, to be his valet and minion. Since then, he has lived the life of a scandalous wealthy young gentleman--all the way to the 20th century.
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w4t3rgun · 2 years
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This is all serious. I'm being genuine right now. Please do read the content warnings. Thank you.
This is the final warning to scroll away for your sake, because I don't know if you will be triggered or left uncomfortable with this.
So. I recently I watched a thing called "Twisted"; a story about the Untold Story about the Royal Vizier, it's a very mature version of Aladdin but it's Ja'far's point of view. It's also to mock the movie I believe?? Idk.
But one of it's songs, "Twisted" in specific, caught my eye.
I'm a big fan of TWST (obviously, you can see it by my blog/account) but the song had... Interesting information and I'd like to analyze it.
So, if you decided not to watch or listen to the song, let me sum it up for you:
Aladdin convinced the Sultan that Ja'far is a sorcerer and the Sultan believed him. Ja'far ran away because they were planning to execute him. But then while he's being sad, the other Disney "Villains" (Ursla, Scar, Gaston, Maleficent, Hook, and Cruella)
Why am I air quoting the villains?
Their parts in the song reveal their true intentions and why they are the way they are.
Ursla was a good ruler, but overthrown by her brother, aka Ariel's dad, due to him believing "women should be seen and never heard" (exact line from the song) but she just wanted continue being a good ruler but became a "villain" to get what she lost due to her brother.
Gaston loved Bell and wanted to save her from the "buffalo monster" (his words, not mine) and thought it's unhealthy that she fell in love with the said monster. It is. And it's called Stockholm Syndrome. And if I'm honest, he's got a point. It is unhealthy that she fell in love with a capturer.
Scar was progressive. "Both hyenas and lions lived in perfect harmony" (exact lyrics) but his brother, aka Mufasa, ate his cubs and made him and the hyenas go back. Which is probably the reason he hated Simba, Mufasa ate his cubs and yet he got a cub. He just wanted everyone to be in harmony, yet his brother didn't listen.
Maleficent didn't get much but she got the fact she wanted to be included and invited to the party. "I only wanted to be invited to the party." (Lyrics).
Neither did Hook but he had a point, "I just wanted to teach the boy responsibility!" (Lyrics) and he's got a point, he wanted to teach the lost kids how to be responsible and he also said/sung, "I never knew my father!" (Lyrics) Which is probably implying that he just wanted to be a father figure to them when he never had one.
Cruella... She only got one line and she said, "I only wished to have a coat made out of puppies!" And yeah. Nothing much to say about her.
Now. Why am I bringing all this up? Is it because the musical was great and genuinely made me cry? (It did but that's not the point here)
I would've said cuz connections but there is none. Instead, I'm giving a AU idea.
Azul's cousin is Rielle (or in my case, Ari) and they, Rielle, stole the lounge or something like that when Azul was supposed to have it. Cue Azul overblot pt. 2
Leona is Scar obviously, but it does make sense in this AU that he hates kids. He got his own kid(s) who were y'know... Killed... By his brother. But he also just wanted to live in peace, it doesn't happen.
Gaston is Coach Vargas. I don't really know what to say about him?? Like Stockholm Syndrome... For his lover... I guess you can make a Male! Belle (listen my gay uncle Vargas hc is here and you can't stop me) fall in love with the Buffalo guy who kidnapped him and Vargas is just watching like "Bro.... No."
But for Maleficent... It's already canon for Malleus so it doesn't count.
Hook doesn't have a canon character. But it's implied that the fairies are like Tinkerbell and stuff so... Idk.
Cruella and Crewel... I don't have anything for the two. They're already practically the same... Minus the puppies.
But what about... Ja'far and Jamil? Aladdin dude in RSA probably convinced (more like manipulated but go off Ig.) the Sultan aka Kalim that Jamil is untrustworthy and must be executed. Kalim didn't agree but his parents did so Jamil had to run away before the execution. With Kalim's help of course!
And here we are. The unfortunate paths of them.
The Vizier TWST AU.
... :)
So in conclusion, it's 9:19 pm for me, I'm sick, and I just thought of this for no reason.
I would appreciate if you give any feedback or something but I truly don't care if you don't, I appreciate you for sitting/standing/laying/anything through this random adventure.
And I'm open for any questions, if you want to make a fanfic on this, go ahead. Just tag me cuz I like seeing other works!
Good day/night,
Void aka w4t3rgun
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mothmxwhump · 2 years
How about 🎃🤡 for whumpee and 🎭⚰️ for whumper? 🤔
🎃- does whumper ever do fun activities with you? When they do, do you have fun?
He looks away, fidgeting for a moment before replying, “Sometimes Master takes me to parties. I don’t like it. People just stare at me and try and touch me.” He blushes a bit before adding, “I don’t mind when he parades me around though. It’s… humiliating, but I guess I can hope that it lets Nym and their rebellion know I’m alive. I think it’s the only reason Master had kept me around.”
🤡- does whimper pull tricks on you? What’s the meanest they’ve done?
He nods. “I—he likes to trip me while I’m carrying things. Once he did it and I was carrying some red wine, I spilled it all over Sir Conner’s suit and he whipped me for it.” he pauses and considers some of Rupert’s “jokes”. “Um… one time he… he made me drink some tea that he had put a fake poison pill in. He-he said it was poison, but it was a s-sedative. I… I thought I was gonna die.” His hands shake as he signs, clearly upset at recalling the event. “It was at a dinner party, he used it to show off how obedient I was.”
🎭- do you lie to whumpee or caretaker or put on a false persona around them?
He shrugs. “I have to lie sometimes. If I let out any military plans or something and then he managed to escape it’d be disastrous.” He pauses. “And as for the pesky elf, I pretend they’re less of a threat than they are. If their pathetic rebellion found out that I was… concerned, they would get cocky.”
⚰️- if whumpee died, how would you react?
He takes a sip of his tea. “Hm. I don’t particularly care about Honey. But… he’s a useful tool to keep other kingdoms in line. An example.” He ponders. “Honestly, I couldn’t care less about him on a personal level. But it’d be an inconvenience.”
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mrsmarlasinger · 2 years
Actually my current job is THE WORST POSSIBLE ONE for someone who likely has undiagnosed ADHD, because, like. That is Can't Use Your Frontal Lobe Disorder and your frontal lobe is essential for developing long-term habits, understanding consequences, and all the other future-oriented bullshit.
Well, I'm an independent contractor and I've been working for a whole-ass month and haven't made a single cent, because I have to cover my baseline before I can start earning commission.
Soooo basically everything I've done has been for FUTURE rewards, but oh my god that future is never EVER gonna come and I'm just working for free right now. And yeah, intellectually I get it, none of this is a surprise to me, I understand how my pay works and why, it's not unfair or anything, but. Like.
I'm working for free!!!! What the fuck is supposed to be motivating me here. Am I just supposed to be patient. Bitch wtf!!
It's such a self-perpetuating cycle because I have to work now to get money later, but the more I work without earning money the less I want to work, but the less I work the further away the money gets, which makes me want to work EVEN LESS, and etc etc etc. It's making me kind of goddamn crazy.
And god—GOD—I'm fucking heartbroken because I was so damn excited I cried when I got this job. But it's not working out, and the only way to make it work out is to simply work harder, but oh my god I can't. I cannot. I actually feel like my psyche is disintegrating. I WANT to work but I can't FORCE myself to work and I don't know what to do. I need to just fucking humiliate myself and admit that I am neither competent nor capable and quit. Just quit. God god god god god. I can't do this shit anymore.
(For the record, rejection sensitivity + cold-calling? Not a fun combo!!!!)
I don't know what to fucking do. I just have to find a job I can stomach. Literally nothing in life matters but finding a job you can stomach. Because I know, I know, I know I will never own a house, or go to Europe, or live without fear of medical debt, or have the money to raise a child (much less make one in the first place—not your cutest girl moment, lesbianism! 😠). I will never, ever be able to afford a future I want. Fine. But if I find a job I can stomach, at least I can have food and a roof over my head. Some drugstore makeup so I can pretend myself into loveliness. Maybe even a cat. That's all I need, really.
But how do I do that? How do I learn to function? How do I get out of bed every morning? How do I do the same damn thing every single day without wanting to kill myself? What can I stomach? Is there anything, anything at all at which I can be competent? What can I stomach? What can I survive?
And how do I do this? How do I learn to be a human being? How do I cup time in my hands so it stops slipping mere inches from my reach? How do I function? How do I wake? How do I find the strength to stand in the morning? How do I smile? How do I sleep? How do I live?
God save me, how do I live?
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genderqueer-dream · 2 years
Death penalty anon again, thanks for answering that so nicely and giving tons of links. I felt like an idiot asking so the explanation was really helpful ♥️ (you don't have to post this)
I'm glad you asked and I'm glad you took the time to read my reply. Asking questions is good!! If you want more info, I suggest you check out the following:
John Oliver talking about execution on Last Week Tonight
Death Penalty Action Linktree
And individual cases:
Melissa Lucio, (there is a documentary on Netflix as well!) Was recently taken off death row. She was sentenced to execution after an accident resulted in the death of her daughter.
Pervis Payne, was recently removed from death row. He has an intellectual disability which made it unconstitutional to execute him. He is innocent as well.
Paul Hildwin (tw for cancer) was on death row for 35 years.
Kosoul Chanthakoummane is currently an innocent person on death row who may be executed this month! The family of the victim in this case is against his execution and believes that he is innocent as well.
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