#demonic entities
moss-stars · 4 months
paranormal terrors
a short story assignment i did for school !
i also made poster art for this, you can see it here
July 12th, 2016. That was the day it all began. I remember seeing what I thought I saw a shadow figure, standing at the door to my room.. staring at me. I blinked and it was gone, I thought that I was perhaps hallucinating... but I wasn’t. Days, weeks, months, and now years. I’ve been experiencing paranormal stuff in my apartment, 3B, for about 3 years. No one believes me, except my best friend Enver. She lives next door to me, 3C, and I’m pretty sure she has had paranormal stuff happen in there too... but nowhere close to how bad I have it. But enough about the past, today is September 3rd, 2019, my birthday! I’m now 16... but I’m starting to feel weird about my body, like I don’t fit in it at all... my father has always called me his daughter. Though, I found out I feel more like a boy. Good thing I don’t live with my parents, they would flip out if I told them that. Anyways, I’m in bed, scrolling mindlessly on my phone, looking at videos. I couldn’t sleep, and it was close to midnight. Me and Enver had gone to our favorite spot, under the shade of the Birch tree at the park. It was a cool, autumn morning, and everything was going well. I recall talking about the paintings I had made the day before, as a vent piece, mostly, since I wasn’t feeling so good because I had my period, and that reminded me that I was originally a girl... I wish it would’ve never come again, but alas, it did. 
Then my phone started to ring. Why was Enver calling me at this ungodly hour? I hesitated, but decided to pick up.
  “Er... hi Enver, why are you calling me now?” I groaned.
“Haha, sorry River! I just got some ghost hunting devices, like a rem-pod, flashlights, cat balls, an EMF reader, all the good stuff. I was wondering if we could do an investigation in my room or yours? Unless you want to sleep, either is good!” She replied. 
“Alright... I guess we can do it in your room.”
 I was secretly excited about this. I love paranormal stuff, but I haven’t really had the chance to do ghost hunting, with my lack of materials. But still, I really hate that my room is haunted... I got off of my bed lazily, and put on my favorite sweater, and some sweatpants. I grabbed my keys and locked the door of my apartment once I’m out, and knocked on the door to Enver’s. She opened the door and ushered me in. I noticed the box of materials on the couch, my excitement rose a bit. I tried to keep it down, though.
Enver took out a rem-pod and placed it on a small table. I helped by placing a cat ball on her bed, and flashlights, both of which can be activated by a simple tap. I held an EMF reader, and Enver has her phone in her hands, on airplane mode so nothing would interfere, on that communicator app. Before we say anything, the app says “Savannah.” 
Enver gasped, “A name?! This quickly?” Then the rem-pod goes off, full grab. I shuddered. We are getting a lot of activity so far... 
“H-how many entities are in this room?” I nervously said. A flashlight turns on, and the app says “13 spirits.” The flashlight turns off. Then I jumped, freaking out because I could’ve sworn I heard a distorted voice, that almost sounded like... “River.” I tensed up.
“M-my name! I… why did it say my name..?” I croaked.
“I don’t know… River, just don’t let it get to you.” Enver replied.
The rest of that night went by in a blur.. the two of us did experience some interesting things, like doing an EVP, in which we found out the names of some other spirits, like Darcy, Lucille, Zachary, and a few more. They all seemed to be mostly nice, but Savannah... that name feels familiar... I can’t put my finger on it, but I remember that name from somewhere..
I went into my apartment, and into my room, reminiscing about these events. I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep with this information.. what if it's the same case with my room? I sat on my bed and took out a notepad, to focus on something else. I wrote stuff that I needed to prioritize doing, also so I wouldn't forget about it. “Top surgery... either buying my own ghost hunting materials or borrowing Enver’s... Pursuing my art career... Learning to play the drums...” I murmured, scribbling the words on the paper. Can I really achieve all of these…? No… probably not. I thought. I closed the notepad, and shoved it under my pillow. Then I laid in bed, tossing and turning. I couldn’t sleep. The investigation was still in my head. Who is Savannah… and why can’t I remember who she is…? I must’ve been thinking for a long time, because I later drifted into slumber.
Let me tell you this: I had a rather odd dream, odd because I never have dreams anyway, but this one was unnerving... I woke up, in the dream, as Enver. The outfit she wore was the same one she wore the day before, a white dress with the sleeves being white mesh with small stars on it, and black boots. The area around was just a black, misty void. I felt queasy as voices whispered in my ears. It was very incoherent what the voices were saying. It went like this for... a while. Then everything went black. I couldn’t see Enver anywhere. I remembered that I was then startled by a large eye opening in the midst of the void. The pupil was dead black and soulless. I heard an actually intelligible voice, which said:
“She’s gone.”
And then I woke up, sweating and shaking. Gone..?! What could that mean? Maybe I shouldn’t worry about that.. I mean... it’s only a dream... right? I checked the time. I woke up right at the crack of dawn... Great. I sat up in my bed, and grabbed my phone. Enver... she called me five times, at exactly midnight. Oh no.. I got up, slid on my crocs, and frantically ran out of my apartment, to check on Enver. I knocked on her door, before I realized that the door wasn’t locked, and it opened easily. I peered inside, only seeing pitch black, and.. the same mist from the dream. I shivered, the air had become more cold, probably more cold than I was able to handle. And then, I felt an invisible force push me into the void.
“River... River! Wake up!” I heard a voice say, shaking me awake. As I opened my eyes, I saw a translucent spirit with long, wavy hair standing before me. I jumped, startled. The ground, if that’s what it even was, rippled like water under me.
“Who are you?!” I yelped.
“Girl,” The spirit said. I tensed at the word. I. Am. Not. A. GIRL! “calm down! I’m Savannah. In addition to feeling very much uncomfortable, I felt surprised. It’s her! I… How am I able to see her?! Savannah then extended a hand, which I hesitated to grab. 
“No thanks…” I stammered. Standing up, I took in the fact that I was actually in that same void from the dream I had, merely minutes ago. Savannah waved her hand in front of my face, causing me to snap out of my daze.
“Sorry,” I said fidgeting with my hands, “but also… where’s Enver?!”
“Right. Those demonic entities took Enver much deeper into the void than where we are right now. I’ll have to fly you down to get there.” Savannah explained. Demonic entities?! Oh no.. what am I getting myself into?  “But... there is one thing I need from you. The demonic entities are more dangerous for a living human, and since we can’t risk getting you killed, I need to transfer some of my power to you. I just nodded again. I get to have some of this spirit's power? I… oh god.
“We need to start now. Don’t move, and let me take the lead.” Savannah stated. She seemed really familiar to me, now that I noticed how tall and formal she was.. she also seemed the same age as me, 16..
Savannah interlocked her hands with mine, so suddenly that I flinched. Her eyes started to glow a pearly white, and I’m pretty sure that my eyes did the same. Her forehead touched mine, and I guess the transfer had begun at that point. We stood like that for what felt like ages, before Savannah let go of me, making me stumble. The audacity of this spirit! Jeez…
“It’s done. Let’s go save Enver!” Savannah exclaimed. I felt a force plunge me into the water-like floor. I screamed, but nothing came out.
The ride was very nauseating... We sank down so quickly, and that paired with just how deep the location Enver was at... you would not want to experience it. A few moments later, Savannah landed gracefully, meanwhile I had barely landed on my feet. 
“Keep close to me,” Savannah whispered, “we don’t want those entities to notice us right away. When they see us, run to Enver, I’ll distract the others.”
“A-alright,” I replied, still shaking.
We walked cautiously, to not make any noise. I could see what I was sure to be the demonic entities, crowded around something... No, someone... Enver! The entities noticed me and Savannah. They hissed and shouted, “ATTACK!” Entities swarmed around Savannah, in which she signaled me to get Enver, and to not worry about her. I ran as fast as I could. I saw Enver, I grabbed her hand.
“W-we need to get out of here, now!” I urgently whispered. Enver’s face was wet with tears, she just nodded, and held my hand tightly.
“Er.. oh god.. SAVANNAH, NOW!” I shouted. Savannah had told me that when I got to Enver, I had to signal her to send me and Enver back to Earth.
Savannah nodded, while fending off an entity with her bare hands. She raised her hand, and me and Enver floated up. Enver held onto me tightly, as Savannah screamed in agony.
Everything then went black.
I woke up on the ground, in Enver’s room. Enver was on the ground beside me, and she groggily sat up. Wait a minute.. we’re back! I’m back with Enver! But.. what about..
“What… happened to Savannah…?”
“I… I think she’s gone.. like, fully gone...” Enver wearily replied. At that moment, I realized who Savannah was.. I remember her. We were close friends, along with Enver and a few others. Savannah had died in a car crash about.. 5 years ago, when we were 11. I can’t believe that I forgot about her.. how could I? I felt a lump in my throat. Even though she was a bit rude… I was sad she was gone… forever. Enver hugged me, telling me to stay strong. And I did… well, at least I tried to.
I managed to heal from the… incident that  happened those 3 years. That day… September 4th, 2019. The day after my birthday. I still couldn’t forget about that fateful day. It made me believe in the paranormal even more than before. But it’s now January 19th, 2021… I couldn’t believe that it has been 2 years since it happened.
I looked outside. It was 4:37 pm, a somewhat windy afternoon, after it had rained, which was my favorite weather! I pulled on my binder, a grey sweater, green cargo pants, and my black combat boots. I quickly combed my hair a bit, which I had cut to chin-length after it grew out, and grabbed my backpack. I was going to hang out with Enver at the Birch tree, since today was January 14th… Savannah’s birthday. I stuffed my sketchbook, pencil, and pen in the bag, and picked up the bouquet of white flowers that I had bought previously. Running out of our dorm room, and locking it, I saw Enver, who was waiting for me.
“Took you long enough,” Enver chuckled, “let’s go!” Enver then grabbed my hand, and dragged me down the stairs.
Eventually, the two of us got to the Birch tree. I sat down, leaning against the tree, and pulled out my sketchbook, pencil, and pen. I started to draw Savannah. I remembered her short, two toned hair perfectly, and her favorite hoodie, so she was quite easy to draw. After some last touches, and outlining the art in pen, I was done with the portrait! I showed Enver, and she loved it, and we ate some ramen that we got from the nearby supermarket.
“Enver, should we stop by the cemetery? I mean, the sun is setting now..” I asked. Enver nodded, and I zipped up my bag, and grabbed the sketchbook and flowers. We walked to the cemetery, and we looked for Savannah’s grave.
“I found it!” Enver exclaimed, and I ran to where she was. The name on the grave said “Savannah Arren O’Carie” That’s definitely her grave.. I smiled sadly, and set down the flowers on the grave. I tore the drawing of Savannah out of my sketchbook, and also placed it on the grave. Enver set down her own bouquet of flowers, as well as a note we both made, and we both stood back up. Enver hugged me, and I hugged her back, as the wind blew lightly through our hair.
The note said, 
Wherever you are, Savannah, just know that we will always remember you, and that we miss you. Thank you for everything.
Love, Enver and River.
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creature-wizard · 6 months
Hello, I am needing some help.
My partner's ex had used a ouija board in the house many years ago. This opened a portal and something not so friendly has come through.
I'm still a beginner. I can only do so much.
We have invited our native friends, they have smudged the place, numerous times. It won't leave.
My partner's parents deny anything is here as they are very religious and devout to the christian God. They will not allow smoke cleansing, holy water, honestly, just ANYTHING to help rid of this being.
When here we always have nightmares and the room we stay in is the only door that latches shut. We have been here 3 nights. Tonight my partner is not feeling well and just before he dozed off he heard a click.
Whatever it was opened the door. We immediately shut it and said it is not welcome.
How can we protect ourselves and our pets when we stay here? Especially for holidays?
It also doesn't help my partner's parents fight all the time. But yet deny anything evil has entered.
Everything you're describing here feels so cliche that I can't help but suspect there's a lot that you're not telling me. And looking at everything you are describing, I don't think the problem is quite what you think it is.
You claim that your partner's parents deny that there's anything there because they're Christian. Considering that Christians believe in negative entities as much as anyone (if not moreso!), I think it's far more likely that they simply haven't experienced anything.
You say that you have nightmares. Have you considered that the reason could be that being around highly Christian people is triggering old traumas?
Are you sure that an entity opened the door? Or was it maybe your partner's parents snooping on you? Or could it have been a child wandering around? Or is the door latch maybe kinda shitty and gravity is pulling it open?
Like obviously I'm not there and can't tell you what's what, but it really sounds like you and your partner are the only ones experiencing anything "paranormal," which means that it's probably not.
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truths89 · 10 months
Upon my head, I carry a bucket With water made of tears
For I have been karma’s puppet And this is the last of many flares
To the river, I am headed Knee-deep, to sever all cords
The spiritual rivalry that was threaded, I have shredded with my venustic swords  
I blow a kiss into the reflection of the stream ‘The pain you sought to prickle, will only manifest my dream’
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secattention · 1 month
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platyroonism · 2 months
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but if I'M a traumatized kid and YOU'RE a traumatized kid... who's playing the game!?
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moviesandmania · 8 months
GHOST (2023) Reviews of apocalyptic demonic horror
‘Forgive me father’ Ghost is a 2023 American action horror film about a deadly religious cult that is weaponising demonic entities; it’s therefore up to a band of church-funded mercenaries to take the cult down before they literally unleash Hell on Earth. When word of a Fallen Angel reaches the team, the stakes are raised and the fate of humanity rests on the shoulders of one man: Ghost. Written…
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To see all of my categories of posts go to the Home Page Moved from another blog……..Update: I visited this area sometime in 2019 or 2020 during the winter. It wasn’t overly cold but cool enough. It took awhile to find the old church. The directions aren’t very clear but I finally found it after going back for a second time but not before getting stuck in the mud. It is a dirt road into the…
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maudiemoods · 2 years
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I was holding off on developing this because I already have like, 5 other aus?? But whatever I can draw whatever I want to rrreee
Solar and lunar used to be one being but split after inner turmoil!!! I guess they're gods? Idk
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eloaholiveira · 3 months
2 Tailed Meddler
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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He's the biggest kid here. Large and In Charge.
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millimauk · 6 months
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Forgive me father for i have sinned
Father Artem Gerard and his demon friend??? Toby!
Had a lot of fun drawing this one!!! I hope its not too dark on everyone’s screen…! If so please turn your brightness up please! (:
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