#doing this because I hate the ask text editor
shootingxstardust · 1 year
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Send me an "Oof!" To pin my Muse to the bed.
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“...” Black Rock Shooter didn’t say a word as she was pinned.  Her face was calm, though there was a very small hint of  a  blush on her cheeks, but besides that, nothing. She was calm.. Quiet. She didn’t even try to push the reaper off her.
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xrenjunniesx · 5 months
Hi I love your account can you please write dreamies revealing their relationship with a non idol reader
when they reveal your relationship
Idol!nct dream x non-idol!reader
a/n - I really struggled on this for some reason so I’m sorry for the longer wait
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you two were just trying to enjoy an evening at a bar for a friends birthday. the back of the bar was booked out meaning no fans were going to even be allowed in. it wasn’t fans that were the problem, but rather it was one of the staffs who recognised mark as an idol.
a photo of the two of you hugging each other and another one of mark kissing your cheek was revealed to the public and immediately the response was strong.
people you knew were recognising you and contacting you, EVERYONE was freaking out.
mark didn’t know at first until you called him, panicking as you explained what happened. he left his schedule as quick as he could and went home to you, calling the company to set a meeting to see where to go from here. he is rather mature about the situation and oddly calm, mainly because he knew this kind of thing was bound to happen one day.
doesn’t mean he isn’t panicking though.
he was the one who saw the post revealing photos of you two shopping together. in fact he saw the post before it even reached the general public. he was quick to get staff and his members to try and get the post taken down but it grew more popular by the minutes and eventually it was making headlines.
he called you and talked to you through what had happened. he was trying to be calm because this wasn’t the end of the world but damn did it feel like that as he read through the public’s opinion.
he did see a few positive comments but the negative outweighed them, so he deletes his social media apps of his phone, only posting photos on Instagram every now and then before deleting again. goes inactive until everything has calmed down for his own mental health and his suggest you do the same - even if it takes months.
you two were talking in the background of a behind the scenes video uploaded to the youtube channel. the editors thought you were a staff member, they didn’t even notice you and jeno hugging in the background that was only shown for a split second.
the clip was instantly being spread around and the youtube video was re-edited but it didn’t stop the original from being shown.
when he saw it he was a little shocked since he didn’t even notice that there was any type of camera in the room at that moment, which was why he was comfortably talking to you in the middle of the room.
you contacted him minutes later after he first saw it, crying in a moment of worry for what this all meant for you both.
he will reassure you but he will also be just as worried and be telling you to be careful if you go out anywhere JUST IN CASE.
on a live one of the fans asked what time it was there and he showed the fans his phone, not realising he hadn’t turned notifications off. you sent a message at that exact moment saying, “love, I’ll be home soon.” he moved the phone away quickly but he knew he was done for. he laughed it off awkwardly at first before apologising and ending the live.
he called you as soon as the live was over. “BABE I JUST REVEALED YOUR TEXT OH MY GOD”
you’re both freaking out but once you’re home he tries to calm down and think maturely about this. “look… they can’t ALL hate me? I’ll still be able to make music…” He is thinking positively and refusing to pick his phone up because he knows if he goes online he will only think negatively.
you were somewhat a youtuber, and in one of your vlogs, in the background as you walked with the camera through your house there was a picture of you and jaemin.
people managed to recognise it immediately and you were shocked because you didn’t even notice it when you were editing. you contact jaemin, worrying what he would say. you speak so fast into the phone that he didn’t even get to say anything until you were done speaking.
“love… it’s okay we can sort this out.” “I am so sorry jaemin.” “it’s okay, I’ll contact the company then I’ll call you right back, okay?”
you both ended up just coming out about the situation and admitting your dating. you take a break from your socials.
the only positive to this situation is that he gets to see you more since he doesn’t have to hide anything anymore. you can go to his place and he can go to yours!
there was two instances where he accidentally revealed it and he didn’t even realise that fans would connect these two instances. the first thing was when he accidentally followed your account on instagram. he went on bubble not long after he made it seem light hearted, “oh I accidentally followed an account while going through reels.”
the second time was when a fan asked to be daegals mother and he instantly said, “she already has a mother. WHICH is me I’m the mother and father. I’m the only one she needs.” he panicked as he spoke and tried to play it off.
fans put the two times together and looked more into it, figuring out that you two HAD to be dating. the one and only time the crazy fans were right.
he is panicking when he realises fans were figuring it out and instantly gets in contact with both you and the company. you’re a bit more calm over the phone about this than he is but when you see him in person you’re also freaking out.
you two were seen together out in public. it was really late at night when the two of you were going for a walk to a local shop near your place to get some late night food.
fans approached jisung, leaving you both shocked since he was disguised pretty well in your opinion.
the fans kept pestering you both so you two ran away- literally.
it made headlines the next day, and you laughed at the photos of you running away with jisung. your laughter was really just covering for how nervous and worried you were though. He on the other hand was texting everyone he trusted and getting all sorts of different advice.
he is really worried about what this meant for his future and he might consider a hiatus to avoid having to face the fans for a bit if the response is really negative.
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jeonqkooks · 1 year
isn't it romantic? | myg (01)
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ENTRY ONE: Me Before You
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Many things in life have a polar opposite: left and right, night and day, yin and yang, you and Min Yoongi... Hopeless romantic meets gloomy cynic. The only thing you seem to share is a magazine column but even then, you still can’t seem to understand how Yoongi can be called ‘The Love Doctor’ when he is the antithesis of everything love represents.
pairing: yoongi x f!reader; side/past taehyung x f!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni)
genre/warnings: coworkers to lovers, magazine writers au, fluff, angst, eventual smut; central themes of cheating (not between yoongi and oc), swearing (a staple in this household 😗), one bit is a lilllll suggestive?, mentions of drinking, i think that's it hmmm, barely edited bc u know how we do
word count: 5.1k
note: this is the yoongi brainrot speaking !!! the banner for this entry is one of my all time favorite pics of him and i will find a way to use it in everything !!! but erhm yeah iir is officially starting and i'm very curious to see what y'all think about it 😗 please like it haha jk no i'm serious please like it it's my baby
— as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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I waste my breath on a prayer, you don't care, I was never a part of your plan, You can't make a God of somebody, Who's not even half of a half-decent man.
I Burned LA Down - Noah Cyrus
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Half your life, you hated blue.
You often associated it with so many bad things - loss, betrayal, loneliness. The great big storm. The end of life.
Most of the pigtails-wearing girls in your class disliked it because it was often a boy’s color. You hated it because of a stranger on a beach.
Then you discovered Blue Side (as ironic as the name was), the magazine that everybody and their mother was reading. There was this column - the Love Maze (as corny as it sounded) - that had your 15-year-old self hooked from the first article you read, “Flirty Pickup Lines to Text Your Crush”. It gave you a nice little distraction from the reality of your fucked up family.
You’d get home from school and dive right into it. You could count on the maze for a new article every day, covering all kinds of things - cute little quizzes, daily love horoscopes, relationship tidbits…
You started reading it religiously because it was stupid, and fun, but it was more than that too. They covered real-life stories of actual people, which you’d never really thought about. For the most part, it was tedious. Rekindling with an old flame whilst grocery shopping, accidentally spilling coffee on a stranger who then asked you out on the spot, etc. Things like that. You found them so… unremarkable. 
But then it went beyond that, when they told their stories looking back on years and years after that first happenstance. How there was love in the mundane. How there was love every single day, even on the bad ones. How there was a spark that two people cared for and nurtured into a warm fire that never burnt out.
How there was love.
How there was always love.
To you, that was magical. It was something you’d only ever heard about in fairytales when you were a kid.
You still remember the exact moment when it all changed for you.
You met Kim Taehyung during your third week at Blue Side, where you were a wide-eyed assistant editor who somehow wiggled her way into a position there, and he was an effortlessly charming graphic designer.
Admittedly, the first time that you two had ever talked, wasn’t under ideal circumstances. You were tucked away behind the office building, nails digging into your palms at 3PM on a sunny but freezing afternoon, willing your tears to stay where they belonged. You’d felt severely underqualified, like you were only flailing about, trying to keep your head above water but something kept pulling at your feet, not stopping until you were at the very bottom. People always talked about how your early 20s were the most beautiful and freeing years, when you could truly live and feel your youth blossom all around you. But that just wasn’t true. Those were the loneliest years of your life.
Taehyung had found you then, while he was out for a quick smoke break. He could’ve made a lame excuse and left, or simply pretended to not notice you were even there, but he stayed. He approached you and asked what was wrong. He offered you words of reassurance and encouragement even though you were nothing but a stranger to him.
You were touched by his simple act of kindness and his endearing smile. Maybe it’s because you’d never been offered much kindness throughout your life that his small gesture seemed like everything. In a way, it was everything. He looked like the kind of fairytale love that you’d only seen in movies, only read about in Love Maze. To this day, a part of you still thinks that you fell in love with him the very second he asked, “Are you okay?”
The timing felt right.
Taehyung felt right.
He, too, was like the sun in the middle of a cold and isolating winter.
You remember the color of his sweater, and it was then that you realized blue didn’t have to be so bad after all.
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[15:39] You: what r u doing tonight?
[15:45] Tae ♡: probably just head home after the gym. play a couple matches with Jungkook. hope i don’t die boiling water for ramen and hit the hay early
[15:46] Tae ♡: miss you :(
[15:49] You: thanks
[15:52] Tae ♡: mean
[15:53] You: lol 😇
[15:54] You: i miss you too <3
[15:56] Tae ♡: can’t you come back earlier?
[15:58] You: there’s only a week left. you’re a big boy, u can handle it :)
That was a lie. You were already on the train when you sent him that text, bouncing your leg all the way back to the city at the mere thought of surprising him with your early return. You’d taken a leave from work to visit your family, spent some time somewhere quieter, away from the hustle and bustle of the big city.
You watch as the scenery passes by, fast-paced like you’re in a montage. The rest of forever is right around the corner. You wish you could skip to your happily ever after and not have to rewind the tape ever again.
When the diamond on your ring finger catches the sunlight coming from outside the window, you allow yourself a blissful sigh as you gaze at the jewelry adorning your hand. But if you’re being honest, it doesn’t fit anymore, at least that’s what you’ve noticed over the past month. It’s a little loose now, not quite noticeable but you can still make out the slight difference if you concentrate hard enough. You should get it resized soon, maybe later this week now that your schedule has cleared up earlier than expected.
Three weeks is a lot of time to spend around only your family, you realize. You thought you could do it - seeing that you hadn’t been back in a while - but the second you stepped foot into your childhood home, you remembered what a dysfunctional household you had.
It was nice while it lasted, which wasn’t very long. You did all you could, bit your tongue and tried to suppress that unresolved anger until it eventually became too much to handle. Your mom has always been a complainer. Nobody likes talking about it, but she’d bring up the same old shit almost every day even though you all know what happened. Your dad would just sit there and listen as she berates him in front of you and your sister, and you suppose he keeps quiet because there’s really nothing to be said in his defense. It was his crime, and this is his punishment.
Sometimes, you wonder why dad still stays. Sometimes, you wonder why mom still lets him.
You just wanted to go, even though this was supposed to be home. You want to leave every time you visit, and it’s a haunting feeling that keeps following you around your whole life. Why is home always a place you want to leave?
When you arrived back in the city, the first place you went to was Taehyung’s apartment. You lounged about, enjoying the much needed silence after two whole weeks with your family, killing time as you waited for your fiance to return from work.
You thought about you and Taehyung, and how your wedding was only months away but this was still his place. You wondered why you hadn’t moved in yet, though it wasn’t for a lack of trying on his part. Even though you spent most days of the week at Taehyung’s, you still had your own place.
Twenty minutes before he was usually supposed to come home, you ordered from his favorite restaurant, so he would have a proper meal once he was back, instead of half-assing his dinner with flavorless ramen like he’d planned. 
But Taehyung didn’t come back, and the food has been cold for hours now.
You glance at your phone again.
11:02 PM.
No new notifications.
The last message you sent him was around 8:30 - just a simple Whatcha doing? - but he hasn’t replied. 
There’s a small part of you that goes into a dark place, and you physically have to shake off the thoughts. Taehyung has never given you a reason not to trust him, but still, the wandering thoughts can’t help themselves. Is it insecurity, or paranoia? Or have you been programmed to be skeptical after everything that’s happened?
Maybe he’s just caught up with work. Maybe the guys at the office had last minute plans. Maybe Jungkook showed up unannounced and dragged Taehyung into one of his shenanigans again. There’s a lot of reasons to explain why he isn’t home when he said he would be.
You wait for him. Sometimes, waiting is all you can do.
You don’t get any indication of life until some time after midnight, when the door opens and you hear him stumble into the hallway. The first thing that escapes you is a sigh of relief - relieved that he’s home, safe and sound, and not out there somewhere doing things you would really not even let yourself imagine. You sit there on the couch, shrouded by darkness, now even more committed to making him squeal out of his skin after (unintentionally) making you wait for hours like that.
You carefully listen to the sounds coming from down the hall, trying to time when you’ll jump up and shock him.
There’s his shoes dropping to the floor carelessly. There’s some shuffling as he moves about, navigating his way through the dark. There’s a light thud, the sound of something hitting the wall softly.
A sharp intake of breath. His familiar groan, muffled. A whimper, feminine.
Your mind instantly blanks, and that nervous breath from before has suddenly found its way back into your lungs, growing in size until you stand up and say, “Tae?”
Somebody shrieks, and it’s neither you nor Taehyung.
When he switches on the lights, you don’t know what to focus on first - your fiance with his shirt unbuttoned, red lipstick smudged around the corners of his mouth; or the woman next to him with her back against the wall, hair disheveled, one strap of her pretty blue dress pulled down.
If this was what you wanted, then you suppose you succeeded.
Taehyung stares at you, eyes blown wide, mouth opening and closing dumbly as he searches for words. “Y/N, I-” he stutters, “w-what are you doing here?”
You’ve seen this exact moment in movies, read it in books and online posts on the Blue Side forum from people seeking advice. You witnessed your own mother go through it when you had just learned how to read. 
Your nails dig into the palm of your hands as you steady yourself. You’re not sure what your face is showing, if it’s even showing anything at all. You’re being pulled apart in every direction. Things that you felt as a child are things you never wanted to feel as an adult. It’s not until now that you finally understand why mom hasn’t gotten over it, even though it’s been decades. This is the kind of hurt that chases you wherever you go, never relenting until it makes sure it has a home deep within your bones.
You inhale a shaky breath, and take a step back when Taehyung starts approaching you. “Y/N, I’m so sorry,” he says, his voice cracking on the apology. 
You don’t want to hear any of it. You don’t want to be here anymore. For the second time today, you’re leaving home. For the second time in your life, home is being taken away again.
Somewhere in the back of your head, a tiny voice echoes, There it is.
You run out of there, feeling like the ceiling is going to collapse on you. You hear him call out your name, but his voice drifts further and further away as you move. Taehyung isn’t even following you. The faint scent of whiskey on his breath follows you out, but not him.
You keep moving until you’re out on the street, until you can’t even see the building anymore. You shiver from the chilly air, and the influx of emotions that threatens to make you burst. Lightning cuts across the night sky, flashing bright for a split second before everything dulls into darkness again. The forecast said it was going to rain tonight, you recall. Your phone in your bag vibrates the whole time, but still, no one follows you.
Your feet slow to a halt when the first drop of rain hits the ground. You’re not even sure how long you were walking, but now that you’ve stopped, you notice the shiver is gone. You’re standing completely still, and that those seismic waves in the center of your chest from earlier are nowhere to be found.
Oh. You’re doing it again.
Heavier drops start to dampen the earth.
You don’t know where else to go.
Not your own apartment. Not now. No, it’s too empty there.
Maybe it’s a sign from the universe, that you’re just undeserving of a place to belong.
You open your phone to find his name on your screen, next to the words (7) missed calls. You ring up the only person you can, and when she finally picks up, you say, “Can I come over?”
Even when your voice cracks, you don’t cry. The earthquake never comes.
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Sohee takes you in like the good friend she is. You’re grateful that she was someone you could count on to always have your back at work, who then turned into one of your best friends outside of the office too.
She gives you some clothes to change into, and doesn’t question anything when you ask if you could spend the night. Though, you have a feeling that she knows who this is about. She leaves you alone to get some rest, but it’s probably because she has work in the morning too, and it was already 1:30AM when you interrupted her peace and quiet with the call.
You don’t sleep a wink that night.
Instead, you think about your mom, and how she must have felt when she found out about your dad’s infidelity, time and time again. It’s true what they say, children really don’t know a lot about their parents. 
How did she feel when she first found out? You can’t imagine what it must have been like, going through all of that while having two kids to think about too.
You feel bad that just yesterday, you’d been so annoyed with her that you cut your trip short.
Outside Sohee’s windows, the sky cries, like it’s grieving in place of you, its tears drowning the earth in waves of sorrow. For a moment, you consider stepping out there, to feel the rain on your face and in your hair. But in the end, you stay inside, where you’re sheltered and dry.
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You don’t realize that the sun has risen until Sohee knocks on your - well, her - door. 
She cracks it open gently. “Babe?” she asks, tentative like you’re a cornered animal, ready to bolt at any given moment. “Are you up?”
You lie in her bed, feeling so foreign in your own skin. You reckon your eyes must be bloodshot from the lack of sleep. You haven’t even cried once.
“I’m alive,” you tell her, as you stare up at the ceiling. There are no stars here, just plain cream-colored paint.
“Okay,” you hear her say, then she pauses for a moment, clearly not knowing how to proceed. 
Sohee approaches you, sits on the bed, and gives you a smile. She pats your hair, and it reminds you of your sister. “You wanna tell me what’s wrong? I have some time before I meet Namjoon for breakfast.”
You sit up, reaching for your phone on the bedside table. It’s been switched off since you got here, and when you turn it back on, a flurry of texts light up the device until the screen lags. Messages from Taehyung, asking where you were, begging you to tell him if you were safe.
You open the texts to show him that you’ve read them. That should be enough of an answer.
You test the words in your mouth for a moment. “Taehyung cheated on me,” you say, thinking that if you verbalize it, it would be real and you would finally feel bad. That it was just a delayed reaction, that you were just too in shock to process anything. You want to feel bad, but it doesn’t work.
Sohee’s eyes widen almost comically. “Are you fucking serious?” she asks in disbelief, half because of the nature of the news itself, and half because of how calm you are.
“He cheated on me,” you repeat and still, nothing surfaces. If anything, it backfires. You can physically feel yourself doing it again - shutting down. “I caught him last night.”
You’re not sure what’s wrong with you. This isn’t a normal person’s reaction after they found out their fiance was cheating on them.
It is a you reaction. 
You keep doing this, even when you don’t mean to. You ran away last night, and you’re running away now. Your body shuts out every negative emotion until you feel nothing at all. It’s stupid that you do this, and it’s stupid that you don’t know how to stop doing it.
Fight or flight, and you choose flight every time. Every single fucking time.
You wish you could give Sohee something, anything would do. Scream, cry, go back to your apartment to set fire to all of Taehyung’s belongings. Anything would be better than this complete lack of emotions you’re showing. 
You watch her face as it happens, things that you should be feeling but aren’t. She’s mostly shocked, angry, but not hurt. How could she? She wasn’t the one being played for a fool. You wish you could ask her to give you some of that anger, even if it’s only a fraction.
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You don’t see Taehyung again until two days later, when he shows up at your door. Even when he’s standing in front of you, words spilling from his lips like prayers instead of apologies, you just feel… empty.
You let him inside, and the second that the door closes behind him, you fill up with unease. All your walls are up again, your system on high alert. Everything in your body is telling you that there’s an intruder in your space. Your feet are ready to bolt, just itching to get out of there Go, your head says, you’re not safe here.
Taehyung approaches you, tries to hold your hand, but you just shrug him off. The man in front of you visibly deflates, and despite the way his face falls, you don’t soften. 
The first thing he asks you is, “Why didn’t you cry?”
“You don’t look like you’ve been crying,” he points out. “Did you cry?”
Reluctantly, you admit, “No.”
Then he just stares at you. When his judgmental gaze holds yours, you feel guilty. Guilty that you’re not mourning the death of this relationship. Guilty that you’re just letting it go, but the truth is you don’t have any fight in you. You don’t see the point in trying to salvage what’s no longer alive.
“Do you even love me?” His voice is hard when he asks this, like he’s trying to keep his anger at bay.
“Of course I love you,” you say, but it lacks conviction. You both know it. The words sound so flaccid coming out of your mouth.
But you love him.
You do.
“Then why didn’t you cry?”
How do you tell him that you can’t? That you don’t know how?
How do you tell him that if you could, you would reach inside and claw out your feelings like digging for water in a desert. 
What the hell is wrong with you? This isn’t a high school crush, or a casual summer fling.
You two were supposed to get married, for fuck’s sake. You were supposed to spend the rest of your life with him. If there’s anything that could make you break through those godforsaken defense mechanisms to let the hurt in, it should be this.
“Did you kiss someone else just to see if I would cry?” you ask. Your voice is even, and you can see that it makes Taehyung more frustrated than he already is.
He grits his teeth, exhaling. You notice his blue sweater, and you stop him before he can say anything else. Obviously, it looks a lot more worn than it did back then, but over the years you’ve always found it endearing. It’s the first memory that you have of him. It was always something you could cherish.
Now, you can’t even bear to look at it.
It’s then that you realize it doesn’t matter what answer he gives you. Yes? No? It genuinely doesn’t matter. There is nothing that can make you see him the same way ever again.
You run your thumb over the ring on your finger, twisting it for a moment to memorize the feel of it. It’s the last thing that ties you to him. “You can have this back,” you say, handing the piece of jewelry back to him.
When a relationship ends, especially for a reason like this, people tend to think it’ll go down in a kdrama-esque fashion - crying, slapping, throwing water in the other person’s face. But that’s not what this is. It’s not cathartic; sometimes the end of a relationship is just a fizzle, doesn’t even make it to a fullburn. It might be unsatisfying, but it happens every day. It’s not always a pivotal point; sometimes it’s just a point.
Taehyung stares at the object in his palm. “That’s it?” he asks in disbelief. “We’re breaking up?”
“What else is there to do?”
“You’re not even gonna ask me anything? Who she was, how it started, how long it’s been going on?”
The other morning, Sohee had asked you to elaborate after you told her what happened, but there was just not that much to tell. You were there. He brought someone else home. End of story.
It was enough for Sohee to call him every name in the book and curse his entire bloodline though.
You suppose that’s a reasonable reaction. Taehyung cheated. You never thought he was a person capable of doing that. Three years of your life, down the drain. There’s nothing left to save.
“Okay,” you shrug tiredly, like you’re just having a casual and dull conversation about the weather. “Who was she? How did it start? How long has it been going on?”
Your name comes out of his mouth, sounding like a scoff. “Ask it like you mean it.”
“But I don’t mean it,” you say. “What difference does it make? Knowing doesn’t change the fact that you still cheated on me. You know what I’ve been through and you still fucked it up. You did the worst thing you could ever do to me.”
“Fuck, I know that!” he groans, throwing his hands up. “I messed up badly, and I’m sorry. Y/N, I’m so fucking sorry. I will never deny that what I did wasn’t wrong. But have you ever stopped to think that maybe you’re to blame for this too? You never want to admit that it could be your fault too.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“You tell me. I keep having to put up with your baggage.” Then he shuts right up, barely even makes it through the last syllable before he’s squeezing his eyes shut for a second, clearly realizing that out of all the things he could’ve said, that was grossly out of line. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean th-”
And now you’re getting angry for the wrong reasons.
“You cheated but somehow it’s my fault, right?” you snap. “Boohoo. Sorry that you’ve had to put up with me all these years. I’m such a burden, right? Fuck you, Taehyung.”
“Y/N, I’m sorry, I didn’t-”
“I think you should leave.”
You think it’s the steel in your voice as you say this that makes him stop arguing. 
He holds your gaze for a moment longer. You’re someone who tears up when you see stray dogs, who cries alongside the fictional characters in your favorite show. And yet, as you watch your own fiance leave…
The door clicks shut as he exits your life, but everything he said stays behind, clings to your walls and festers like mold.
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The second you step onto the floor, everyone grows quiet. Lively chatter turns into hushed whispers. People go back to making their morning coffee, side-eyeing each other in a way that’s not meant to be very subtle.
You quietly make your way to your desk, all the while feeling the nosy pairs of eyes on you as you walk. You don’t know how word got out, but you were sure that everyone would know eventually. You just didn’t expect it’d be this soon. Sohee would never do that to you, and you highly doubt that Taehyung would go around broadcasting his infidelity. 
As you set your stuff down, you make eye contact with the new intern who sits a few spots away from you. You haven’t had the chance to talk to her much, but she’s a nice girl. She gives you a small smile in greeting, and even though you know she doesn’t mean to pity you, you can still see it in her eyes.
A minute later, Sohee comes up to you. “Hey, babe,” she says, leaning on your desk with two plastic cups in her hands. One iced latte and one mango smoothie. She puts the yellow-colored beverage down and nudges it toward you, a little lackluster and unlike her usual playful self.
“Thanks,” you say, taking the smoothie with a smile, commenting, “Interesting morning so far. Never thought I’d ever be the subject of office gossip.”
“Yeah, about that. Do you know who was Taehyung’s… uhm… y’know?”
It’s okay. She can say it. You can handle it.
You already feel nothing, and there’s nothing you can even do to rectify it. Might as well lean into it, right?
Or maybe you should just go to therapy.
“No,” you tell her. “I didn’t want to know.”
“Well, uhm, now that the whole office knows, I think you should hear this from me first…” Sohee bites her bottom lip as she gauges your reaction. When you only sigh and give her the go-ahead, she continues, “It was Yura from Marketing.”
“Yura from Marketing. You know the one. Brought muffins for the whole office on her first day? A little too bubbly for my taste. But yeah, she was at work the other day and suddenly burst into tears at, like, 10AM, and that’s how everybody found out.”
Of course. Even though people here are surrounded by celebrity gossip on the daily, nothing beats the good old-fashioned office affair. Why bother with celebrity gossip when you have front row seats to live drama unfolding ten feet away?
You take a sip of your smoothie, swallowing down the inkling of irritation that tickles the back of your throat. “Well,” you say, “I’m glad the downfall of my relationship is like a circus animal for them to gawk at. Can’t wait until they move onto the next big thing.”
“Honestly, it might blow over sooner than you think. The Love Doctor is back today.”
“What?” Your ears perk up at the mention of his name, glancing up at her in surprise as you put your drink down. “Doesn’t he work at the Paris office?”
“He used to work here. We joined around the same time. Then he transferred to Paris a few years ago. Nobody even knows why. One day he just upped and left.”
“Why didn’t you tell me he’d be here? I didn’t have time t-”
“Calm down, sweetcheeks, I only just found out,” Sohee chuckles, holding a finger against your mouth to shush you. “We all know you used to have a major lady boner for him.”
“I do not.” You don’t even know what he looks like, just his name when it appears in the byline of an article. “I admire him.”
Which is true, you do admire him. He’s your own version of a freaking rockstar. Though, you have to admit that Love Doctor is a huge cliche of a nickname, and significantly reduces the scope of his brilliance. The way that man writes makes it seem like he’s experienced lifetimes and is now here to pass on his wisdom. 
He doesn’t feel like a mere magazine writer like yourself. There’s something in his words that turns you inside out, makes you experience things that you’ve never even gone through. He flows like poetry, and leaves you stunned every time.
Okay, maybe you do have a lady boner, but for his brain.
Which… is probably something you should never say out loud.
Someone walks in then, a man you’ve never seen before. He looks around your age, if not a couple of years older. He bypasses all of the other desks without saying anything, not a single Hi or Good morning. He doesn’t look like the type to speak if not spoken to.
Then he walks over to where you and Sohee sit, and sets his bag on the empty desk next to yours.
You look at Sohee, and she just shrugs.
It can’t be him. Surely, it’s not…?
“Min Yoongi,” she says in greeting.
Oh, it is.
He spares her a nod before he looks away again. “Sohee.”
Is that the Parisian way? Is that how people normally greet someone they haven’t seen in years? Sohee and him were only colleagues, but still, the least you could do is pretend.
You’re not one to judge a book by its cover, but c’mon, seriously? Were you wrong for expecting the person who writes about love in its most raw and beautiful form to look… not like Grumpy Cat personified? It makes you even more fucking intimidated. And he’s going to be sitting next to you? The fuck?
As he sits down, you blink, still a bit dazed, not sure how to process this. Sohee gently pushes you forward, which makes you nearly stumble right into him. You turn to her with a glare, but she just motions to him, mouthing ‘Go on.’
You clear your throat, wiping your hand on your pants before you hold it out. “Hi, I’m Y/N. It’s so nice to finally meet you,” you say, trying to sound as professional as you can. “I’m really looking forward to working with you.”
He glances at you, and reaches out to meet your outstretched hand in a barely-there handshake. “Yoongi.”
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— all rights reserved © jeonqkooks. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 07.05.2023]
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~ Reminder of Reality | JJK
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Pairing: CEO!husband!Jungkook x writer!fem!wife!Reader
Warnings: arranged marriage, fluff, angst, talks of pregnancy, talks of sex, food, OC eats meat, Jungkook is a sweetheart, beware of the in-laws!, idiots in love, guys we have some progress! (let me know if I missed anything!)
Summary: Sentiment sneaked into the large cracks in your marriage with Jungkook. Emotions revealed another side of him as well as an intimate point of view about yourself. The waters of your relationship are getting deep with both affection and obstacles between you two. Brought back from his dreams to reality, Jungkook must make a decision to change his fate, that is if he wants to keep you by his side forever.
Word Count: 4.8k
A/N Let me know your thoughts in the comments, guys! This is a longer part than chapter 1, I really hope you will like it and remember that drabbles are open for this universe! My inbox is open so please send me some asks while I write the next part!
Please take care and thanks for giving this story a chance, happy reading everyone!💜
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It's been two days since Jungkook recognised the feelings that have been residing in his heart for some time now. Since that talk he had with Jimin.
A text from his mother made his stomach churn with nerves, not because of what was written in it but because of the meaning of the words she texted him.
Jungkook stood in front of one of the large windows in his office, phone in hand while he pondered how to approach you about the matter of his mother's text. He planned conversation after conversation in his head only to discard it in the end.
His mental scripts were only making him more anxious than he already was with the fact that he had to call you during his work hours.
Anyone who could be in his shoes at that moment would have made the call an hour ago but this wasn't anyone. It was about you and Jungkook and the complicated yet still easy relationship between you two.
It wasn't of hate but it wasn't of love either. The word of marriage didn't resonate as sweetly as it should have been but he couldn't say it was a bitter experience. It was just unknown territory for the both of you.
Jungkook took a deep breath, pressing your contact in his phone as he pressed the device up to his ear. It rang and rang, with each tone as his call went unanswered, the more nervous he felt.
Not because of making the call, but because of who he was calling. It was you. The woman who carried the title of his wife, you with whom he had been living for nearly a year now, you whom he liked in a way that was supposed to be normal between husband and wife yet it didn't exist between you and Jungkook.
So he waited. Waited until you answered his call, eyes fixed on the city that looked so small from where he stood. Heart raising with anticipation of hearing your voice while his stomach churned with the nerves of messing up somehow.
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You were pouring yourself some hot water on your favourite cup to make some tea to enjoy in the chilly flat. You had just finished writing yet another chapter of your book and now came the revision you gave it before sending it to your editor.
It was tiring to do so, but you also rejoice in the fact that you allowed your ideas to rest for a bit while also seeking the opportunity to improve your writing.
Just as you finished making your tea, you heard your phone vibrating in the quiet flat from the living room. With a sigh you put the cup down on the counter as your legs carried you back to the living room. Your hand reached for your phone and you felt how your heart skipped a beat when you read it was Jungkook calling you.
Without wasting another second, you picked up his call, your phone was pressed to your ear as you spoke.
Your husband had to suppress the small sigh that left his lips in content upon hearing your voice.
"Hi, (y/n). I hope I'm not interrupting anything important."
You smiled, eyes glancing back at the kitchen where your cup of tea rested before you answered.
"No, I was just making myself some tea. Do you need something?"
You heard him let out a deep breath from the other line as you walked toward the glass windows, the curtains were pulled at the sides and you were greeted with the beautiful view of Seoul from the tall building where your shared apartment rested in the quietness of the lonely sky.
"Yes, actually. I wish I could ask you this in a different way, though. But my mother texted me and asked if we both could join her and my dad tonight for dinner. I'm calling to see if you don't have any plans for later today."
How considerate. Was the first thought that crossed your mind after hearing his words. Jungkook had never forced you to do absolutely anything you didn't feel comfortable with nor did he ever put you in conflicting situations.
However, when you agreed to become his wife, there were other roles you also had to fulfil. One of them being a daughter-in-law.
You suppressed a sigh before responding in a neutral yet soft voice.
"I'm free tonight, actually. Should I wear something specific?"
Jungkook could sense the subtle tension behind your words, it wasn't easy for you to meet his parents and he knew it but there were things he couldn't help but get over with. The four of you haven't met formally for awhile and he knew such a meeting couldn't be postponed any longer.
"Thanks (y/n). I'll pick you up at 5:00 and wear something formal, please. You know how my parents are."
"Of course. Text me if there are any changes of plans."
He nodded, big doe eyes fixed on the city beyond him. Not knowing you were also looking at the enchanting view from your apartment.
"Sure. See you at five, then."
"Goodbye, Jungkook."
And with that, the both of you hung up at the same time. He pocketed his phone, heart racing with the echo of your voice invading his thoughts.
He knew you weren't too keen on these types of family gatherings yet you had agreed to go. Despite the raw circumstances in which your marriage with Jungkook bloomed. He knew marrying you was only a play in the big inheritance he was going to receive eventually.
Marriage was a business. That was what he was taught since early years but now, he hoped he could make the relationship between you and him something more than the cold signature and the expensive rings that bonded you as his wife.
Your phone was still in your hand, your arm resting by your side as the conversation you just had with Jungkook replayed in your mind over and over. His sweet tone, the soft words. It made your heart flutter with feelings you had been denying for a while now.
Yet there was a part of the conversation, a sentence he spoke to you that just wouldn't leave your mind. Getting engraved not only in your memories but, unknowingly, in your heart as well.
"I wish I could ask you this in a different way, though."
Ask me what? You thought to yourself, your left hand came to your neck as your fingers massaged the tender skin there as the sunlight reflected on the silver wedding band on your ring finger.
You didn't exactly know the meaning of those words. He sounded disappointed when he had expressed such a wish to you yet you couldn't determine the reason behind such a feeling.
Or maybe you knew it already, but your mind refused to accept it. A fact as tangible as the ring that screamed to the world you were taken but at the same it was a fleeting thought, a simple assumption over your own desires. Your own fantasies.
What did you mean by that, Kook?
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The sun was about to set in the horizon. The sky was getting painted in different orange shades as the blue in it began to darken and melt with the rest of the colours, creating a beautiful view over the city.
Yet Jungkook was on his way to see another kind of beauty. His wife, you who were waiting for him to pick you up from the flat. He couldn't stop thinking about you since that phone call he had with you earlier today.
He imagined your smile when you would see him and how beautiful you would look dressed in one of the expensive dresses stored in your closet he bought for you.
His left hand was curled around the steering wheel of his car, wanting to stop somewhere before going back home to you, hoping that you would like his little surprise.
While exiting the building, Jimin gave him a knowing look, one that made the younger man roll his eyes at the teasing of his friend. But now, those feelings of excitement were replaced with soft longing in his heart to see you, not being able to deny the happiness that blossomed in his soul every time he got to see you or hear your voice.
You were spraying your favourite perfume over your neck and wrists when you heard your husband enter the flat, the door locking itself behind him. You couldn't help but smile at the mere thought of him, your feet carried you out of your shared bedroom, over the hallway and into the living room where you could see the entrance way.
Your eyes locked on his figure. A fluttering in his stomach tainted his cheeks a soft shade of pink when Jungkook's eyes rested over you. He took you in, your figure cladded in a beautiful and elegant black dress with a squared neckline and slightly puffed long sleeves. Your hair was styled beautifully with a simple headband also in black.
"You're home."
Your words reached him like a soft summer breeze, peaceful and delicate. He smiled, taking off his shoes with ease before walking to where you stood, his hands behind his back.
"I told you I'll pick you up at 5:00."
Jungkook stated, your eyes glanced quickly at the clock hanging on the wall only to notice it was five o'clock sharp. Just like he had said.
"You look beautiful, by the way."
A smile was painted over your lips at his compliment as your cheeks were dusted in pink. You had to glance down or you knew your face would be as red as a tomato if you were to look into his eyes at that precise moment.
"Thanks. I hope you like the dress."
Unknowingly to you, he smiled. Jungkook felt how his heart constricted with the rising tension in the living room. It wasn't a bad tension, nor in a sexual way. There was tension between two people who liked each other but were too afraid of saying anything. Chemistry, it's how he'd describe it.
"You are always beautiful, (y/n). It doesn't matter what you are wearing at all, you are and will always be the most beautiful woman in my eyes."
You couldn't help but snap your eyes up to gaze into his own. You drowned in his dark pools filled with emotions you didn't understand, unsaid words you weren't quick enough to catch.
Jungkook took a deep breath, as if he had resurfaced from being underwater. As if a bubble had popped and he was able to breathe once more. Perhaps he had been trapped in a bubble of perfection in which only you and him existed.
But he was back in the real world quicker than he would have liked.
"I... we should get going."
You cleared your throat, snapping out of your thoughts as you offered him a soft smile.
"Of course, let me just grab my purse."
And with that, you were back into your shared bedroom, leaving your husband standing alone in the middle of the living room. Your heart was hammering like crazy inside you as you gazed at your own reflection through the mirror, purse in hand while you prepared yourself to face Jungkook once more.
Your husband ran a hand over his face, trying to cool himself down and to stabilise his heartbeat. The motions reminded him of the thing he was hiding behind his back all this time. His eyes fixed on the marine blue velvety box he held in his left hand decorated with a small and elegant silver bow.
It was a small gift he wanted to give you, the reason why he left the company half an hour earlier than what he had originally planned. Only to buy you that. Why? He didn't know it yet. He only felt like giving you something.
"I'm ready, let's go."
Your voice made him turn around, hiding the present behind him once more. Jungkook could say he nearly jumped at your words, having not heard you walk down the hallway.
"Wait, (y/n)."
Blinking at him, you waited. Expecting his next words. He swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing slightly with the motion.
"I-I have something for you."
You arched an eyebrow in curiosity and he sensed that as his cue to take a couple of steps towards you until he stood at arms length and handed you the box. Presenting it to you in an almost shy way that had you smiling softly.
"What's this?"
He watched as your fingers took the box, your fingers brushing his own with the action as your touch sent sparks of electricity throughout his body that he had to suppress a shiver.
You gasped when you opened the lid, your (e/c) eyes scanning over the beautiful necklace that lay over a thin layer of black velvet. The piece of jewellery was crafted in white gold, three chains followed the lock, each one a bit longer than the last one with a ruby tear at the end creating a beautiful design.
"Do you like it?"
Jungkook asked. Your expression told him nothing and he was growing anxious over what your reaction to his gift would be. Yet no words could escape you as you were mesmerised by the necklace itself.
"How... Why, Jungkook?"
You asked in a small voice. Soft like the wind yet carrying the strongest of emotions he wasn't able to grasp.
"I only wanted to give you something. I thought it would suit you."
Your eyes lifted from his gift and locked with his own dark yet wide orbs. You smiled, easing the worry craving in his chest.
"It's really beautiful, thank you. I wish I could give you something too."
Jungkook shook his head, a smile of his own appearing over his handsome features, that smile you loved so much.
"I'm glad you like it. You don't have to give me anything, (y/n). Your mere presence is enough."
You bit your lower lip, trying to suppress the big grin that threatened to break over your red lips.
"Will you help me put it on?"
His heart fluttered at your request. So innocent yet it broke havoc inside him. With a raging storm of butterflies fluttering in his stomach, his heart skipped a beat as his fingers grabbed the necklace from the box.
You turned around, putting your hair to the side and exposing the back of your neck to him. Jungkook helped you click the necklace as you felt the coolness of the expensive jewel against your hot skin.
The smell of his cologne invaded your senses and the moment between you two lasted too long for your fluttering heart but it ended too soon for your yearning soul.
You turned around at his announcement, a soft smile graced your lips.
"I really like it, Kook."
Your eyes went wide at the small slip-up. That nickname existed only in your mind for him. Never had you ever thought of calling him that but he didn't seem to mind it as he only flashed you a smile.
"A beautiful jewel for my beautiful wife."
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The ride to the restaurant was silent. But it wasn't uncomfortable. It was nice. There wasn't tension between you two as you thought there would be due to each of you being stuck in your own heads.
Jungkook couldn't stop thinking about the way you had called him. That nickname was simply a short way of his given name but he couldn't say he despised it, not when it was you who had spoken it.
He couldn't ignore how his heart had skipped a beat at the sound of your referring towards him. He found it endearing; a memory that would stay with him despite the outcome of his own wishes of progression in the tangled mess of emotions he found himself in.
You on the other hand couldn't stop thinking of what Jungkook said to you. His words meant so much to you than he probably realised.
"A beautiful jewel for my beautiful wife."
He had said. He not only had called you beautiful, a compliment you had received throughout your adulthood more times than often, but he had called you his. His wife.
Even when you both were married under a cold arrangement, you weren't going to deny the butterflies that wildly fluttered in your stomach when he called you his. When he thought of you as his. A partner to stand by his side forever, a wife not only by certificate but bonded by different things, bonded not only with a ring but with feelings involved in between.
Could he feel something too?
But before you were allowed to ponder more into those kinds of thoughts, Jungkook parked the car and sent you a soft smile before he exited the vehicle.
You had been so engrossed in your own mind, your thoughts about your husband that the seemingly long ride to the restaurant felt like nothing. Time flew like wind, as if holding water in your hands. That was how you perceived time when Jungkook was in your life, being that physically or only existing in your thoughts.
He walked around the car and opened the door for you, offering you his larger and inked hand out for you to take. You did with a smile on your face, thanking him softly before you two ventured into the restaurant where you would meet his parents once more. The two people who arranged your marriage with Jungkook.
The greetings and fake smiles went by without you paying it much thought. You focused on your mother-in-law when she spoke during the meal while you were cutting a piece of steak for yourself.
"That is a beautiful necklace that you are wearing, (y/n)."
She commented, you felt Jungkook look at you briefly from where he sat next to you. A polite smile plastered once more over your features.
"Thanks, Jungkook gave it to me."
"Mmm, I see."
She answered, taking a sip from her wine as you ate a piece of your own dinner, feeling the soft texture melt in your mouth. The conversation carried itself mostly between Jungkook and his father, talking about the company and future plans.
From what you had learned yourself, Jeon Enterprises was a large company that made sophisticated electronics. Their most popular product was their innovative cell phones, you having one yourself.
You admired the company as it had been passed through generations of Jungkook's ancestors as they had first traded with ink back in ancient history. And you couldn't be more proud of your husband to inherit such an empire.
You sat quietly next to your husband as he explained one of his upcoming plans for the company, you were taking the last sip from your wine before Mrs. Jeon spoke once more in between a pause in the conversation.
"Tell me Jungkook, when are you two both going to have a child?"
Her question made you choke on the alcoholic beverage you were previously enjoying. You put the glass down as you coughed a couple of times.
"Are you alright?"
You nodded at your husband's worry, his big eyes resting over you.
"Yeah, sorry. I wasn't expecting to... you know, talk about this during dinner."
Mr. Jeon rested his cutlery against his plate as he spoke, his eyes dancing between you and Jungkook.
"When else are we going to talk about it, then? You need a child to inherit, Jungkook! That's why we married you off, so the company won't be lost to the actionists."
You felt yourself shrink into your seat, but you weren't going to give them the satisfaction. Did they really arrange your marriage with Jungkook only so that you would get pregnant? What if Jungkook had been so attentive and sweet lately because he wanted to have sex with you?
He needed an heir for him to inherit. He needed a child. He had to become a father but that child wasn't going to be produced by osmosis. He needed to be married, have a stable family so that he could inherit his empire of centuries.
Was that his purpose all along?
"(y/n) and I haven't talked about that, father. It is not only for me to decide."
You looked at your husband with a surprised gaze, your previous thoughts melting like butter in a pan with that statement, you could practically read the sincerity in his words.
"Well, you two better talk it out sooner than later. I want to have grandchildren, Jungkook. And you (y/n), haven't you initiated anything? You should be pregnant by now giving how much time you two have been married. This was the only purpose of your arrangement."
Now that hurts. You didn't know why but it did. Deeply. To be considered a child machine only for their legacy to continue.
Exclaimed Jungkook, his hand tangling with your own beneath the table but you spoke before the situation could escalate more than it already had.
"I believe that is a private and intimate conversation I must have with my husband in due time, Mrs. Jeon. Please understand that is a matter we must solve as a couple whether we had been arranged or not."
Silence circled the table the four of you were sitting at. Your voice had been calm yet firm at the same time, stating your point without being rude. Call it a polite way of saying " don't butt in " and you hoped it had worked.
Jungkook gave your hand a squeeze under the table, you had forgotten for a bit that your hands were intertwined behind your in-laws' prying eyes.
"If that was all you two wanted to talk about, I hope you are satisfied with (y/n)'s response. We will be taking our leave now, the bill's on me."
Jungkook stood up after those words left his lips, he pulled you up with him and you barely had time to grab your purse with your free hand before he was pulling you with him toward the same way the both of you entered the fine restaurant.
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"I'm sorry about what happened back there at the restaurant."
Jungkook spoke, his voice was filled with a heaviness you couldn't quite place.
"It's alright."
You said, not wanting to dwell on that conversation any longer. Your husband turned to look at you, he was sitting in the driver's seat while you were next to him, eyes locked on one of the walls of the parking lot of the apartment building. The drive back home was silent but this time it was tense. Not between you both but due to the predicament you were tangled in as a married couple.
"It is not alright, (y/n)."
You sighed, your right hand began playing with the wedding band around your finger in your other hand. This wasn't a conversation you wanted to have but you also understood. You knew it had to happen, you knew you couldn't evade it forever and you were also aware of the fact that you would end up pregnant, sooner or later.
His eyes locked with your own the moment you turned to look at him, your eyes revealed a thousand emotions hidden in your soul.
"I know, Jungkook. It wasn't alright, none of this tangled mess is. But we are here now, together. Whether we like it or not, we are in this situation together."
His heart clenched at your words. Did you see your marriage with him as a tangled mess? But you didn't allow his mind to ponder on that thought for another second before you were speaking again.
"You need a child to inherit the company, that is a fact we can't deny. It was part of the contract, Jungkook, the conditions. We can't ignore them forever."
He ran a hand through his hair, feeling his heart beating rapidly against his chest. This wasn't how he had planned this conversation to go.
"I'm aware of the conditions, I know what I signed myself in when I married you, (y/n). I just don't want you to feel as if I am imposing it over you. It is your decision too. "
You stared into each other's eyes, time flew by slowly as if the Earth had stopped rotating.
"I just... I don't think I'm ready to have a child right now."
Jungkook heard your whispered words. A sentence, a hidden truth that was spoken as if it were forbidden to even think about. He didn't know if he should be sorry for the situation you both were in, nearly forcing you to carry his child or happy upon the fact that you had revealed a bit of your soul, your thoughts, your heart and wishes to him.
Even when it was a mere sentence, when that truth was constructed of only words. A melody made for his mind to sing, he treasured the honesty, the trust.
His hand covered your own, unfisting your fingers from clenching the fabric of your dress. You didn't even know you were doing such a thing as you looked down surprised at your now joined hands.
"I am not forcing you. I will never force you to do anything, you must know that by now."
You nodded and he continued. Your eyes met his gaze once more in the silence of the car. A space so casual to exist yet now was intimate between you and your husband. A box of truths. A keeper of honesty.
"I wish this evening had gone differently. I'm sorry about that but the arrangement only said we should have a child together, it never said when. It will happen when you are ready and if you never find yourself down that path, well then that will be a problem for future us to deal with."
A soft smile appeared over your lips. There weren't enough words in any language to express how grateful you were to your husband for those words. Jungkook mirrored your gesture, giving your hand a soft squeeze before he retrieved his hand from your own, leaving your skin cold, missing his touch.
"Let's go inside, it's already late."
You nodded at him. Feeling your soul lighter for you to carry. Your burden lessened by his words.
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Jungkook lied awake in his shared bed with you. You were already sound asleep but the world of dreams hadn't gotten a hold of him yet. He thought of the conversation he had with you in the car. He thought of your words, your reactions, your small gestures. They were all engraved in his mind, replaying it to him over and over and over again like a movie he loved and never got tired of watching.
What had happened at the restaurant, what was spoken in the confinement of his car, what you had said about your situation with him were nothing more than a reminder of reality for him. A reality he was forced to live and now, you were also tangled in a web of arrangements, promises and longing souls.
Reality was a changing truth. And while he lived in a created fate by his family, carrying the name of his ancestors and the prestige of his bloodline, Jungkook also believed reality could be transformed.
It could be shaped with his decisions and reactions. Just like he wished to change the reality he lived with you, to progress in the relationship he was already in, to win your heart and claim you as his own, he also knew his reality as the chairman's son couldn't be moulded.
Today, he was brought back to the real world, away from his beautiful dreams, away from sweet fantasies. He was reminded of his stance, of his reality, of his position, of his duty.
But was Jungkook strong enough to break the chains of a created fate? Was he strong enough to keep you away from the harm those chains would make once broken? Did he even want to break them and be free or would he allow to be the prisoner of his bloodline, of his family forever?
You and Jungkook were bonded by a ring, the two of you lived a harsh reality. Was that reality open to change its course and allow you both to archive the sweet marriage you both desired?
No-one knew the answers to those questions, only you and Jungkook did. But would you be able to face the truths hidden behind a created fate and smokey lies? Would you stay together in the end?
Drabbles are open for this au! My inbox is open, darlings!
☕Caffeinate me so I can keep on writing! ☕
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jwirecs · 11 months
hello, hello! here are my bts recs of may-june! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Drink Champagne In my Airplane || @bangtanintotheroom​​​​​ 🔞💕💔✅
↳ Your friend Hoseok decided to use his excessive wealth for good and take the both of you on a much-needed vacation. The flight was meant to be relaxing until he broke out one of his most expensive bottles of champagne. (Turbulence was steamy and i fully enjoyed it entirely.)
Illicit Favors || @yoongiofmine​​🔞💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ When your editor tells you to re-write the chapters of your book because the sex scenes are weak, suggesting you write them from experience, what do you do when you lack any kind of sexual experiences in general? You go to your friend and ask him for help with it.
Love Blinds || @angelikook​​💔✅💯
↳ You are his oldest and only best friend, but why do you leave him all of a sudden when he needs you most?
Rear View || @btsmosphere​​​​💕💔✅
↳ yoongi can protect you now, even if it may be too late. (part of the Highway to You Series)
Stay || @still-with-koo​​​💕💔✅
↳ when a creepy stranger follows you to your new job, your best friend jungkook makes sure he never does it again. but now he’s hurt and you’re determined to tend to his wounds, no matter how awkward if feels.
The Next Jack Frost || @ebonyinktea​​​​💕💔✅💯💯
↳ After years of hating winter, an event happens to Yoongi one night that changes the way he views the season forever.
The Retreat || @ugh-yoongi​​​ 🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ or, the one where namjoon just wants hoseok to take care of himself, but then there's a fake relationship, only one bed, a guy who doesn't talk, and maybe a weird cult.
Things We Don’t Say || @wintaerbaer​​​​​💕💔🔄
↳ Three years after graduating college, everything seems to be falling into place for you: stable job, cozy apartment, and a long-term boyfriend with a ring box hidden in his desk drawer. But when a mutual friend makes a remark that your best friend of nearly two decades is clearly in love with you, you realize that life may not be as simple as it seems.
Two Point Five. Part Two || @bratkook​​​​​ 🔞💕✅💯
↳ so what if jungkook had loosened your bathroom pipes and his friends loved to tease him about you and your friendship. all he could think about was why the hell you hadn’t text him to fix it yet.
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A Good Daddy || @delukoo​​​💕💔✅
↳ in which jungkook comes home late and apologizes to your unborn baby whilst thinking you were asleep (AND IN COME JK SLEEPING ON HIS WEVERSE LIVES AND MY THOUGHTS CAUSE LIKE IMAGINE)
A Little Taste || @jeonqkooks​​​​​​​​🔞💕🔄💯
↳ It all started with a little oral fixation...
Adore You || @liqhtheartedd​​​​​​​🔞💕✅💯
↳ your boyfriend, kook, comes home from work. tired and frustrated. later, he fucks you till you can no longer think for yourself <33 you love it when he has his way with you.
All My Fault || @delukoo​​​​​​​​ 💕💔✅
↳ in which you pass out after an argument and find him crying when you wake up..
Baby Daddy || @i-am-baechu​​​​💕💔✅
↳ Being nine months pregnant is not fun nor is it easy. What makes it harder is that you're married to a K-pop idol, Kim Namjoon. What happens if you go into labor and he's on a schedule? Chaos.
Chapstick || @95rkives​​​💕✅
↳ jungkook had an undeniable fondness for your vanilla-flavored chapstick, so it came as a surprise to him when you decided to switch up the flavor one day. the unexpected change left him pleasantly taken aback.
Closer || @lizinthebox​​​🔞💕✅💯
↳ after you’re gone for a long day of work, your boyfriend wants to be as close to you as possible.
Me And Your Mama || @joonberriess​​​​​​ 🔞💕✅💯
↳ It’s hard to explain. The world that is supposed to be so beautiful makes you feel so ugly on the inside. Jin tries his best to understand everything and that’s all that matters, that’s all that Y/N needs.
Midnight Snack || @genkima​​​💕✅💯
↳ Jungkook wakes up to a sound of rustling in the kitchen and an empty bed. (yall already know that this is literally us as kids when we got hungry and we trying to stay quiet so our parents to hear us going through the fridge for food)
My Sun || @i-am-baechu​​​💕✅
↳ you like to remember both what life before the little one was and after with your loving boyfriend namjoon.
Our Time || @lavenjoon​​​​​💕✅
↳ Jeon Jungkook must be the luckiest man on Earth, coming home to his pretty girl making him dinner and singing her heart out to one of her newest favorite tracks, his track, My Time.
Surprise Visit || @genkima​​💕✅
↳ You ask your boyfriend, jungkook, to give you a tattoo. Who was he to decline??
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Gangsta || @btsugarush​​​​ 🔞💕💔🔄💯💯💯
↳ ❝i’m a fucking criminal, princess.❞
The Dealer || @yoonlattesworld​​​​🔞💕💔✅ (i think its a oneshot but im not too sure!)
↳ you've heard about every nasty rumor surrounding him. It's like they follow him every where he goes. But something in your heart told you that after all, rumors were just rumors. You knew you were playing with fire. You knew that you shouldn't be anywhere near him. But after an incident involving your best friend happened, you found yourself getting closer to him. You tried to stop the flutter in your heart which increased every time he looked at you, every time he touched you. But of course the heart never listens to the brain. After all logic is irrelevant to feelings.
The Monsters Out There || @btsugarush​​​​​🔞💕💔🔄💯
↳ after running away with your newborn daughter to leave behind the life of sex work you were forced into 3 years ago, you're rescued by an oddly mysterious man named min yoongi who offers you shelter at his home. though it all sounds like a blessing, you begin to think that yoongi may be more dangerous than the monsters you were trying to escape.
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Busted || @kithtaehyung​​​🔞💕💔✅/🔄💯💯
↳  when things go a bit south at your house party, decisions between you and yoongi have to be made.
Hierarchy || @persphonesorchid​​💕💔✅
↳ Requested by Anon: Saw you were looking for requests so I come nearing gifts!! I’d like to request an panther hybrid yoongi x bunny hybrid reader enemies to lovers college au!! yn goes to a uni where most of the students are preds, yoongi hates her for some reason despite her being really nice, ANGST PLEASE!!
In My Head || @sketchguk​​​​​🔞💔✅
↳ taehyung’s friends love you ー adore you. they probably want to fuck you, but they’ll never admit to it. instead, they’ll push taehyung’s limits in the middle of a frat party, testing just how close they can get to you before he takes you to bed in a fit of jealousy. and maybe, just maybe, one of his friends can have a taste too (if he’s lucky).  
Jungle Park || @jimlingss​​​💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ The equation is simple. Hoseok needs to hire someone. You need a job. Except like any actual equation, it’s not fucking simple at all! Not when you have to add the fact that he was forced to hire someone he doesn’t want in his office, he has little respect for your job in general, and oh yeah…once upon a time you might have—*CENSORED*. (i dont remember how i stumbled across this one, but i am glad that i did.)
Purr-Haps I Like You || @taleasnewastime​​💕✅💯
↳ You have a no pets policy where you live, but when you find a tiny kitten in a box on the side of the road, what can you do but bring it home with you? The only problem? The landlord who made the no pets rule, also happens to be your flatmate.
Resurgence || @wintrbears​​​​ 💕💔✅
↳ After breaking up with your high school sweetheart and boyfriend of five years, you find yourself in a waking nightmare. And when his best friend alerts him of your possible troubles, your knight in shining armor struggles to find a way to save you.
Solace || @m-yg93​​​ 🔞💕✅
↳ Namjoon thought getting used to a new roommate would take time and adaptation but you fit yourself into his apartment with ease. He swears he only landed in your bed to keep you safe in his arms when you get spooked by the storm. Surely he can blame the eventual lack of clothing on the summer’s heat stroke.
The One With Seokjin And Without Complaints || @eoieopda​​​​💕✅
↳ you don’t want to arrive dateless to a wedding your ex is also attending. enter friend and local hero, kim seokjin.
Transference || @dark-muse-iris​​​​🔞💔✅💯💯
↳ Prolonged periods of work-related stress bring you to a crossroads in your life that leaves you prone to make impulsive decisions. During a routine visit to the local bakery, you stumble upon an intriguing business card belonging to a “tantric therapist” and take a risk. When you discover your therapist is an attractive young man with a penchant for shibari, you throw caution to the wind as he helps guide you to self-recovery. (i needed fcking jesus after reading this one.)
Victory || @fruitmins​​​💔✅💯
↳ Namjoon is a wolf hybrid who has a dark past with humans that ultimately landed him in a boxing ring, so he tries his very hardest to hate every single one of them. Even his mate, who happens to be a human nurse who works for the boxing ring. But everything changes when he finds you bleeding out with marks all around you..
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Boyfriend For Hire || @remedyx​​​🔞💕💔🔄💯💯💯
↳ Unsatisfied with your life was an understatement. Being under the thumb of your father can have that effect. He wanted someone capable of running the company, but you wanted to pursue your passion. Countless unwanted blind dates and the threat of losing your freedom drives you to seek help from a group of individuals you'd least expected. (this fic updates so often that i lose track of which chapter i’ve read and i end up re-reading the same chapters AND THATS OKAY BECAUSE I WILL RE-READ THIS ENTIRE FIC FROM BEGEINNING TO END IF I HAVE TO JUST TO REFRESH MY MEMORY AND MY ROLLERCOASTER CALLED OF EMOTIONS. ily.)
Finding My Pack || @untaemedqueen​​​​🔞💕💔🔄💯💯💯
↳ Omegas are rare. Rarer than rare. Try one out of a hundred might possibly be an omega. So when the Euphoria Pack has a dinner meeting for a potential business partnership imagine their surprise when the find an omega being locked away like she's some sort of disease.
Let The Light In || @yoonnvrs​​​​💕🔄💯💯
↳ in which you’re a famous children’s book writer, one evening after coming home from a diner with your parents you find seven unknown hybrids making themselves comfortable in your living room, what do you do now?
Lone Wolf || @sopebubbles​​​​🔞💕💔🔄💯💯💯
↳ in a world where alphas, betas, and omegas live along side modern humans as second class citizens, you've fallen through the cracks of a society that wants to take everything wonderful from you. Luckily a timely encounter with the boys just might save your life.
Redamancy || @ya9amicide​​​​​💕💔🔄💯
↳ Hybrids were accepted in society to a certain degree. To some, they are for entertainment. Used as sex and money tools. To lock up and abuse whenever and however they please. Something to have control over. To others, they are companions. Just like regular animals are used for therapy or simply companionship, hybrids are too.
Red String || @purpleyoonn​​​💕💔🔄💯💯
↳ you figured it was too late for your string to solidify, used to the idea of finding someone on your own, who also never got their string. However, your string began to tug when you least expected it, to the last person or people you would have ever thought.
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Holiday Inn || @bangtanintotheroom​​​​🔞💕✅💯
↳ If it’s not the loud music, it’s the constant rapping. If it’s not the constant rapping, it’s the hysterical laughter. And if it’s not the hysterical laughter, it’s the moaning and screaming women. How the hell hasn’t your neighbor been kicked out yet? Oh right; he’s a beloved rapper.  
I Remember You || @streetlight11​​🔞💕✅💯
↳ You grew up with your foster parents who found you at their doorstep when you were a newborn baby. They raised you up ever since and treated you like their own. When you turned 16, you started to keep getting the same recurring dream with the same scenes playing again and again. Until one day, it began to unveil more and more secrets to the dream which ends up showing you the bigger picture
Superstar || @jinkookspencil​​​🔞💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ you, the quiet, lonely achiever, get paired up with the superstar new student at your university for a group project... and he needs all the help he can get
Trust Issues || @revkooks​​​🔞💕💔✅
↳ you’ve spent the past two years preaching about how much you enjoy being single and that dating was never a concern for you, until you meet jeon jungkook, the sweetest guy around, who completely changes that idea for you.
Do check out all of the other BTS Fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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cod incorrect quotes #2
Second post and of course it's more incorrect quotes. Creature of habit and all that.
I have these saved in an entirely unorganized text editor file, so I feel like me posting something twice is inevitable. Again, mainly Y/N stuff, platonic and romantic. Also has some Soapghost and Alerudy!
I am also making this post at 4 am because I am pulling an all-nighter. Lady Gaga is blasting in the background. No guarantees for anything.
- Lila
・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.✭・♛ ♛ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)つ━━✫・*。 ⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しーーJ   °。+ *´¨)
Alejandro: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning. Y/N: This is a lie. Y/N: I'm literally dating him. This is a lie. Y/N: HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO COOK A PANCAKE, WHAT IS THIS.
Rodolfo: Sorry I’m late, I was doing things. Y/N: Hi, I’m ‘things’. (alternatively, if we're thinking poly!relationship: Rodolfo: Sorry I’m late, I was doing things. Y/N: Hi, I’m ‘thing 1’. Alejandro: Hey, I'm 'thing 2'.)
Y/N: Ghost, you're an asshole, man. Ghost: You are what you eat Y/N.
Y/N: You look good in that hoodie. Alejandro: You know where else I'd look good? Y/N, zero hesitation: My bed. Alejandro, at the same time: By your side- wait, what?
Soap: Wanna get out of here and grab a bite to eat. Ghost: I don’t usually eat with losers. Soap: Neither do I but I asked you, didn’t I?
Ghost: I'm going the fight the next person who insults Y/N. Y/N: I hate myself. Ghost: Alright, square up.
Y/N: Who hurt you? Ghost, snorting: What, do you want a list? Y/N: …Yes, actually.
Ghost, gently nudging Y/N aside with his foot: Y/N, move out of the way so I don’t trip on you. Y/N, their eyes enormous: You kick Y/N? You kick their body like the football? Oh! Oh! Jail for Ghost! Jail for Ghost for one thousand years! (Miette >>>>)
Y/N: A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and killed it. Y/N: And I started thinking. Y/N: Like, it was just trying to get food. Y/N: What if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck? Price: Are you ok?
Soap: What do you call a dictionary on drugs? Y/N: If you say "addict-ionary" I swear I will cut you. Soap: I was actually going to say "high definition", but your answer's much better. Y/N:…
Soap: Everything’s fine, Y/N. Y/N: Soap, I know your relationship with the English language is strictly casual, but you- I- deep inhale ALLOW ME TO TELL YOU WHAT’S NOT FINE.
Ghost: Did you have to stab them? Y/N: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what they said to me. Ghost: What did they say? Y/N: "What are you going to do, stab me?" Ghost: That’s fair.
Y/N: I fell— Soap: From heaven? Y/N: No, I literally fell— Soap: In love with me the moment you saw me? Y/N: MY ARM IS BROKEN! Soap: Okay, but do you think I'm pretty? Be honest.
Y/N, handing a balloon to Ghost: I have no soul. Have a good day! Ghost, walking off: I don't have one either. (I CAN JUST HEAR HIM SAYING THIS)
Soap: We all have our demons. Soap, grabbing Y/N: This one’s mine.
・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.✭・♛  ∧_∧ (。・ω・。)つ━☆・*。 ⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨) “Hie thee home, little wanderer.”
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fuck-customers · 1 year
I don’t talk to toddlers who come through my line with their parents. I don’t do it to be rude, but rather because I noticed young kids tend to be shy around strangers. And I’m not good with kids, so I really have no idea how to set them at ease in the small 5 minute interaction time we’ll have. I used to try smiling and baby talk back when I first started my job, but at best that would make the kids hide behind their parents. At worst they would cry. So to save everyone involved the stress, I pretend they’re not there unless they talk to me first. Then I’ll be all polite and kid friendly.
Today a woman came through my line carrying a kid who looked maybe 2 or 3. The kid was hiding his head in her shoulder, acting all shy. So I ignored him like I normally do. I noticed the mom kept throwing me exasperated looks, like I wasn’t doing something right, but chalked it up to her having a bad day or something. When I finished handing her her change and said “Thank you for shopping with us, have a nice day!” She stood there just glaring at me for like 20 seconds. Then she huffed and walked away with her cart. Not to the store’s exit, but back towards the aisles. Weird.
A couple hours later my manager came to my line and said a woman complained that I was inappropriate with her child. When the manager asked her to explain what she meant, she said “She didn’t engage with my son AT ALL! It’s part of her job to know how to interact with children! I’m TRYING to get him to stop being afraid of strangers!”
My manager said they just said ‘so sorry ma’am’ and gave her a BOGO coupon for candles for and she left happy as a clam, but holy shit. Imagine thinking every retail worker you meet has a sworn duty to help you parent your kid, and getting uppity that they don’t know that already. Couldn’t be me.
@staff I HATE the new text editor!
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daysofmoron · 14 days
Okay, by this point I'm tired
A little bit of my thoughts on some situation, that one, by my surprise, that is still going and i see it like some hell of the ride
My discussion going to take places around one person /I'm not going to name them/
I met this person online while drawing in magma, and i thought/and still think/ about them as a fun to talk to and draw with
Let's be honest - we drew some NSFW stuff /in closed magma sessions/
At some point they revealed that they’re turning 18 and not 19.
After this everyone suddenly went into rampage mode/again, this is how i see the situation, you can have your own opinion on that/
Some people, like me, didn't care about their age, if they're fun to communicate with, I don't really think about how old they are
But other audience...well, some said that they're just disappointed, and i understand, they have their own reasons
But there were people who started anonymously or even openly harass this person
Let's be honest - nobody is going to sue you
You didn't know their age when you interacted with them. The fact that they were hiding their real age is their responsibility, not yours
Second of all - once they will turn 18 nobody is going to care or call the police. As if police would want to get involved in something like this
Okay, now to the point
On insta some other day i saw a couple of people posting in their stories "don't talk to this person" and sharing this person’s account
By this point i was so tired of seeing all of this happening, and I don't want people harassing one person because of one mistake they made, and, again, they admitted they were wrong, they’re already paying the price. Of course this doesn't mean that people will suddenly forgive them, but again, does this age stuff really matter when you just chatting?...
Anyway, i texted one person that posted this on insta, expressing my opinion that they shouldn't probably share this person's account, because let's be real, it can encourage more harassment, it even looks like harassment when you post stuff like this with some rude comment about this person
They replied to me that they weren't trying to harass anyone, just wanted to make sure that other people won't get involved in some weird stuff this person causing
. . .
I then saw that they also shared in the story that they have proofs
I asked for these proofs, they send me some screenshots of conversation with another person, who told that the person this whole situation is about not only hid their true age
Is also a t-cest shipper...
//a VERY heavy sigh//
I'm sorry...wHaT?
In this message i saw they were writing about this person following the artist that loves drawing t-cest, not only turtles, but April, Casey Jr and etc and etc
. . .
So like, we can't now like just the drawing style of artist? If they have some strange thing that we don't agree with, we should just ban this person
I still don't see people leaving, for example, fnaf fandom because creator hates lgbt
I still don't see people leaving the fandom of attack on titans because it’s chief editor killed his wife
And i still don't see people leaving hazbin hotel fandom knowing how shady vivziepop has been throughout many years, accused in drawing ped**hilia and z**philia
And wow, people still follow these fandoms and people just because they like what they’re doing.
They don't need to follow artist's ideas or thoughts just to like what they draw or make
And, somehow, we came to a point where the person this post is about is accused in being a t-cest artist basically without proof. Just because someone somewhere told something about that they think they saw. Just baseless words.
How about if I tell you that I am a huge unicorn with rainbow hair and i live in a big castle with butterflies as my servants –
Do you believe it without any photo proof? No, I don’t think so.
I’ve been drawing with them for months. I never saw anything remotely close to anything they’ve been accused in.
I follow their every account I know of.
And again, i didn't see any of this stuff -
I now think, that people are trying to make this person to be seen by others as a black sheep.
And now, I even think about stopping to interact with anyone in ROTTMNT fandom.
Why? Well because of people’s hypocrisy and egoism, how easy they’re ready to give up and turn their backs on a person because of one mistake.
Did the story of Alek Holowka didn’t teach us anything? Or recent story with Ed Piskor? Are you really forgetting that you’re talking about and with a real human beings? Or you just simply don’t care?
I'm getting sick of this -
P.S. again, this is my opinion on things, you can have your own thoughts on the situation
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xsweetcatastrophe · 1 month
You Broke Me First
Part 17
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Zoe had a smile on her face from the second she got that text from Cillian, all throughout the hot shower she took, picking out clothes, getting dressed, picking up coffee and driving to work.
She picked out a white sleeveless bodysuit with structured shoulders, black pleated dress pants and some mules. She put on her gold bracelets that her grandmother passed down to her when she died (they were in her jewelry box collecting dust) and put on some gold necklaces and earrings. Instead of straightening her hair or putting it in a messy bun like usual, she decided to add some product to it and let it stay wavy, blow drying it upside down and scrunching it so it had volume. Zoe's hair was naturally very wavy and normally she hated it, but she decided to embrace it today.
I look like a lion, she thought to herself as she took one final look in the mirror.
Zoe arrived at work and walked in with her head held high. She walked down the long hallway towards her office, past the cubicles of junior writers that once stared her down. She felt confident, she felt happy, she felt wanted. Cillian had transformed her entire mood. If she knew one blackout night and a sloppy facetime call to him would change everything, she would of done this a long time ago.
She closed her office door, set her bag and coffee down, and sat at her desk. First things first - music. She opened her spotify and shuffled her "liked songs" playlist.
She took out her notebook and opened to the most recent page. She always made a "to do" list for the following day at the end of her day. Since she didn't get anything done on Monday, she wanted to speed through her to do list for Monday and play catch up for today:
schedule Emma Stone interview- get talking points and questions
try and get contact info for wardrobe assistant for Poor Things - check with Casey from accounting?? cousin was a PA on set or something??
follow up with editor for Cill article --- where is it haven't had any feedback in weeks?????
see if can get invite for new PR firm party next month - Jlo should be there with Ben
speaking of ben - see if i can get a contact for jennifer garner, want to do segment for her Pretend Cooking Show and possibly do ina Garten collab -- pitch to Donna first
Zoe didn't get a chance to get started on anything before there was a knock on the door.
"Come in-" Zoe started, but the person had walked in anyway. "Oh, hey Mia"
Mia was one of the junior writers at Zoe's job. She latched onto Zoe as a mentor and always asked her to proofread her articles and, in turn, became somewhat close to Zoe.
Mia closed the door and sat down in the chair across from Zoe.
"Something is going on and you're not telling me" Mia said.
"What do you mean?"
"You seem... happier... well no shit, you're dating a movie star, I bet you jetted off to San Tropez for the weekend and spent it on a yacht" Mia said.
"Mia, you couldn't be more wrong" Zoe said, laughing while reminiscing of her spilling out of the dive bar Sunday night. Not exactly San Tropez.
"Ugh, I hate you so much," Mia said, leaning back into the chair and looking up at the ceiling. "How does it feel to be the envy of every girl ever?"
"Oh, stop it" Zoe said, rolling her eyes.
"Zo, you're dating Tommy Shelby. Girls have wet dreams about being with Tommy Shelby."
"I'm not dating Thomas Shelby" Zoe said, rolling her eyes.
"He still has the haircut. So at least you can pretend" Mia pointed out.
"Do you need help with something?" Zoe said, half jokingly and half serious. She felt uncomfortable talking about her relationship with Cillian, mainly because she still didn't feel comfortable lying about it. She rather avoid the entire topic all together.
"Just tell me one thing, please" Mia said, leaning forward in her chair, elbows on her knees and lowering her voice, "Is the sex good at least? Tell me it's mind blowing"
Couldn't tell ya, Mia, Zoe thought.
"Its... it's indescribable" Zoe settled on. Not exactly a lie, right? You can't describe what you don't remember.
"Ugh, I bet!" Mia said, standing up. "I'll tell you one thing" She continued as she walked towards the office door, "If he ever comes to visit you and I'm alone with him the elevator, i can't make promises I won't keep my hands to myself" She said, sticking her tongue out.
"You're a creep, close my door" Zoe said, rolling her eyes.
Before the door could click shut, it swung open again.
"Hi Honey!" Donna said dramatically, walking in.
"Hey Donna" Zoe smiled sweetly.
"Listen, sweetie, about your Cillian article," Donna paused, "I think it's best if we shelf it for the time being."
Zoe was heartbroken. "What???" why? it's with the editors, I was actually going to follow up so I can get it to publishing"
"Actually, I pulled it from the editors last week and it's been with me on my desk all this time" Donna said, looking out the windows behind Zoe's desk.
"What? why?" Zoe asked again.
"I just think... We, the partners feel that with your current 'relationship' status that an article written by you about him wouldn't exactly go over well" she stated.
"So it's a dead interview?" All that work for nothing. She's in a fake relationship because of this interview! well.... not fake feelings... I think.. Zoe thought, started to spiral.
"We are thinking about how to proceed, we might shelf it, or we might re-do the piece with Cynthia conducting the interview instead"
Zoe saw red. "Donna" She started
"Oh Zoe don't start. Enough with this rivalry. You need to bury this" Donna said, walking towards the door. "Again, no decision has been met yet, I just wanted to keep you posted. Lets do lunch later this week sweetie, i'll see you later" She said, leaving just as fast as she arrived.
Zoe sat there in silence, trying to figure out how she felt about those two interactions.
On one hand, she liked that she was the envy of the females, according to Mia. Even though it's technically a contract relationship, the feelings are real... right? right.
As for the piece... that flat out pissed her off. Cynthia and Zoe got hired at the same time, but where Zoe had to show a lengthy portfolio of articles she's done, Cynthia's father "donated" new Mac computers to the entire building. Her heart wasn't in the storytelling part of journalism, she wanted to be close to celebrities and be one. Granted, Zoe was the one who was now dating one..... but Zoe didn't intend for that to happen. Cynthia tries to date everyone she interviews - what if she makes a move on Cillian??? No, she wouldn't. She knew they were in a relationship... right?
Zoe threw her pen on her desk and leaned back in her chair. This day started off so promising, so positive and happy, and now she had a knot in her chest.
Just then, her phone went off, a text.
From Cillian.
Dinner tonight? your place? unless you're sick of me xx
Zoe smiled.
-My to do list got cut in half, i'm leaving here at 4. Gonna stop at the store first, meet at my place at 5? -sounds good love. xx
Okay, that's something to look forward to I guess. Zoe thought. She'll pick up a bottle of wine and relax with her boyfriend.
Her boyfriend.... her"boyfriend"? Her contractually obligated boyfriend?
Cillian. She'll relax with Cillian.
Zoe pulled up to her apartment to Cillian sitting on the front steps. She parked and hopped out of the car carrying the bottle of wine.
"Hey you" Cillian said, standing up and immediately pulling her into a kiss. "You look absolutely beautiful."
"Thank you" Zoe smiled. She looked behind him on the steps and noticed the pizza box. "Pizza night?" She asked.
"Yea, I didn't know what to get last minute, and didn't want to show up empty handed, and I figured it's a safe bet" He said, shrugging his shoulders.
"Of course pizza is a safe bet. Lets go upstairs" She said, silently thanking god that she straightened up her apartment before she left that morning.
They went up the stairs and entered the apartment, placing the pizza and wine on the counter.
Zoe turned around, half expecting Cillian to pounce on her. She knew there was sexual frustration since last night, and she wanted to continue what they started.
But, much to her dismay, Cillian began to get the wine glasses out of the cabinet and uncork wine, pouring Zoe a glass first. He carried the pizza box and his wine to the coffee table, placing them down and sitting on the couch in front of it. He opened the pizza box before yelling back to her "Hey, can you grab napkins for us?"
Hm. okay. a little bit too domesticated for me tonight, but okay, Zoe thought, grabbing some napkins. She kicked off her shoes and sat next to him on the couch, accepting a slice from him.
They made small talk about their day, and Zoe asked how the house hunting went. Cillian's mood suddenly changed.
"It's turning into a nightmare" He said, shaking his head.
Cillian sighed. "because now that she signed the papers, she wants this done, like yesterday. As if she wasn't the one who dragged this out for so long. She wants me out of the house in the next couple of days or else the buyer is gonna walk away. So I need to be out of the house by Thursday"
Zoe stopped chewing. "Cillian... its literally Tuesday"
"Yea, no shit" Cillian huffed. "I found a house, put in an offer, but no way it'll be ready by Thursday. It's fine. I have my assistant looking for an airb&b for me in the meantime, but I have to board Scout, which I don't like"
Zoe had an idea.
"Well... you can stay here" Zoe said.
Cillian looked at her. "I don't know, love, I don't want to be in your way-"
"This sounds like a conversation we had last yesterday, except roles were reversed" Zoe laughed. "But I'm serious. I'm assuming all of your furniture is going to storage, correct?"
Cillian nodded. "They started today actually"
"So pack a bag for a couple of days, bring Scout, and stay here. Stay for as long as you need. I know it's not much, we have ubers here, the streetlight outside flickers all night, the hot water takes a minute to get luke warm, if you want hot you gotta wait about 5 minutes, and the walls are a little thin, but it's not that bad. And you're more than welcome here" Zoe said, standing up and heading into the kitchen.
"Are you allowed to even have pets here?" Cillian said, standing up and following her.
"Yea it's fine, there are dogs here. And this way if the house falls through, you can look for another one and not have to worry about extending the airb&b or finding a new one"
Zoe was drying her hands on the dishtowel when she felt Cillian wrap his arms around her from behind, nuzzling into her neck. "But where would I sleep?" He teased.
Zoe smiled. "Scout and I already claimed the bed. You sir are getting the couch" She teased back.
"mhmmm, and I bet you'll be on the couch with me before you fall asleep" He said, starting to kiss your neck.
Zoe rolled her head to the side, making it easier for him to kiss her neck. He squeezed her tighter in his arms, making Zoe sigh and relax into him. He suddenly stopped and spun her around; she was now facing him, nose to nose, still trapped in his arms.
"Ok," He whispered. "But you gotta let me help out"
"Help with what?" Zoe laughed. "It's not hard to manage a 900 square foot apartment, I assure you"
"I could be a pain, you could end up hating me by the time this is done" He said softly, hands traveling from her back to her hips, right where the hem of her jeans sat.
"I could handle you" Zoe responded, which prompted Cillian to raise an eyebrow and smirk.
"Alright love," He said, fingertips gently dipping into her jeans, rubbing the soft flesh of her stomach.
"You wanna play house? Lets play house."
tags: @lau219 @shopgirl6us
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bengiyo · 4 months
Dead Friend Forever Ep 6 Stray Thoughts
Last time, we started a flashback section to how Non became entangled with this group. We learned that Non is a poor kid whose family is struggling to make ends meet and support his sibling studying abroad. Non has a secret lover he texts in his phone. Non is on powerful meds to manage his mental health. He's called Greasy by this group and asked to write a screenplay for them. After their pitch is accepted, Top breaks Por's camera, and Tee conspires to blame Non for it so he can coerce Non into opening bank accounts for his loan shark uncle. I continue to hate these boys, but Jin seems to be the only one standing up for Non or that seemingly likes him.
Tee really sucks. He trapped Non into this and now thinks he should somehow recruit others?
I wanna feel a little bad for Por being delayed starting this project because of the camera, but also they suck. He also brought an expensive camera to the school and left it unattended. Also, has no one looked into getting it repaired?
These boys are really watching KinnPorsche at school. Incredible.
The fact that we know all of this ends badly adds an uncomfortable level of tension to all of this.
Are y'all sending text messages in a criminal conspiracy!?!
Excellent "I'm Sick of Everything" shirt.
Man, ever since The Gifted I do not like that shoulder touch.
This heartbeat tone is really unsettling.
Baby boy is gonna get hurt for messing around with gangster money.
They didn't figure out who was going to be the editor before they filmed, and now just wanna toss that onto Non? I hate these boys more every fourth scene.
Damn, Jin. I get it, though. He's pretty and competent.
Tee is not a great handler.
Thank you, BOC, for not making me watch them actually curb stomp Non.
It's a good thing Barcode is talented. This is a lot of stress to have someone perform that worsens over time.
Oh... Please don't make your son's issues about your marriage.
Over you picked a good time to show up, but are you ❤️ who has been ignoring his calls and messages?
This teacher is about to have me 😐.
There is no way any of this ends well for Non, so I hope he gets satisfaction in murdering them before he dies when they get back to the present.
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shootingxstardust · 1 year
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The dream goddess was simply sitting on what appeared to be a throne of sorts. Her arm rested on the arm of her chair, while her face rested against her right golden claw.  The room itself  was a dark grey. Grey walls and grey floors, with blue lights running through, along the floors and walls, illuminating the room.
Looking at death herself, the goddess remained calm, she wasn’t scared of Aryalla. “The goddess of death has made her way here.”  She said plainly. With a snap of her claw a dream manifestation summoned right in front of Arya, a chair. If they wanted to chat, they could have a chat.  “Sit. What does Death want to chat about?” Star Lock had no idea that Arya knew Marion, and so, she was curious to hear what this god had to say.  In her mind, whatever it was, it had nothing to do with herself. Maybe death needed her help or something?
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txtmetonight · 1 year
I love you
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call summary⋆ ★ the book was extremely interesting. it was too good to put down and it was definitely too engrossing to have you unaware of your surroundings. luckily Kai knew exactly what he had to do to get your attention.
pairing *. * huening kai x fem! reader
genre⋆ ★ tooth-rotting fluff
warnings *. * again really sweet fluff and horrible grammar (english isn't my first language, please help if you want to be my editor because I obviously suck at it 💀)
featuring ⋆ ★ the rest of txt
call duration *. * 1.1K (drabble)
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You felt warm.
The lights were dimmed with the sun already tucked into bed. Blankets were pulled up to your chest and your eyes were hidden behind a big book, indulging in the plot that was eerily too interesting for the genre. You decided to retire to bed early, legs aching and mentally exhausted from the five-hour hike that Beomgyu forced you on, a slight dip in the lake with Kai, and dinner that ended with burning marshmallows. The faint noise of screaming and laughter vibrates through the cabin room, the boys most likely laughing at something stupid. Though even after all that racket outside, never so once did your pupils stray from the text on the paper, too invested in gulping every phrase to notice that your lovely boyfriend wasn’t even in the same room as you and his lack of physical affection towards you were more extended than comfort for him.
Yet the world goes on and you devour the book halfway, and one look at the time has you curiously peering up at the door, wondering where Kai is and if you should get up and look for him like a good girlfriend or continue your adventurous journey through the wild pages of paper. And of course, you choose the latter, sighing as you flop back onto your pillow. But you suddenly feel clingy for Kai’s hold against your body, missing the usual placement of his warm hands and rubbing your stomach gently. The door creaks open slightly, letting in a little more light that was flooding the hallway outside the room, and a curious face peers in, smiling in pure adoration at your furrowed eyebrows and bitten lip. The small space housed a bunkbed (which you were occupying the top bunk) and a small bathroom, with a plush couch that Kai absolutely adored and spent most of his time laying on it with you, rather than using the bed as its intended use. He thinks about if he wanted to bother you or not, should he leave you alone and let you enjoy your book or should he talk your ear off about Taehyun almost fighting a bear, all while flopping on you?
Actually, he has a better idea than just jumping on your stomach.
A goofy grin spreads the corner of his lips, reaching all the way to his crimson cheeks and up to his honeyed swirling eyes, trying to navigate his big body around so you don’t catch him, socked feet gliding smoothly against the amber wood. He crouches down and freezes for a second when you move around, adjusting your position, your sight still trained on the book. His hands reach the ladder, slowly using his fingers to grip the somewhat sleek rungs, and he keeps repeating the motion (which didn’t take long due to his stupidly lanky legs) until he was eye-level with the big blue blanket which was conveniently hung out of the frame of the bed. Eyes peek up at your still-concentrated face and he actually starts to get concerned about your lack of self-awareness. Nevertheless, he clutches the soft blanket, lifting it over his head.
You hate it when the covers lift, exposing your legs to the biting cold. So you frown in discomfort and in confusion (maybe fear) when the blanket suddenly raises itself but before you could investigate what was the cause of it, slick hands slither up to your thighs and a huge mass practically crawls up your body, resulting in you yelping but soon laughing at the face that peeps out like a weasel. "Surprise, do you like it?!” Kai asks sweetly, batting his eyelashes knowing that it melted your heart and turned your brain into sweet mush. 
“Not at all” yet you take his face in your palms, the book set aside, cradling his red cheeks in your hands, leaning forwards to place butterfly kisses, lips brushing ever so softly. “Come closer” you mutter, and you swear you could hear him mumble something while his face flushed more, his body dragging him so his head now laid in the crook of your neck, legs starting to tangle themselves in yours, in hopes of being getting as much as closer as he could. “Tired?” you question, quietly cooing at his yawn. “Nope” he turns to look at you, noses skimming each other, little huffs escaping his lips as his face pulls closer like a magnet, finally interlocking lips. He wriggles his fingers up your face, tracing your features with his nail, your own hand trailing up to soft fluffy hair, pushing him closer while your other palm settles at his waist, drawing tiny figures onto his skin. He pulls back for a bit though, using his strength to hover a little over your disappointed face, sad that the shared kiss ended early. “Stop, come back” you whine, seizing his sleeve, trying to tug him back down but it works in vain, instead he just forces a bigger distance, finding amusement at your struggle to chase after his lips.
“I love you”
His eyes widen in shock, a gasp leaving his slightly parted lips as he watches your face hold a lovesick beam with twinkling eyes that held the stars and above. “W-what?” he doesn’t perceive the sneaky hand that streams up his shirt. “I love you so much” you repeat before grabbing the collar of his clothing, slamming him back down towards you, capturing him into another kiss, that had his mind pop with fireworks and internal cheers of his heart that’s been rooting for him since the beginning. “That was the first time…” 
“I know, but it’s true, I do really really love you,” you whisper, pushing your head to the side to deliver more sprinkles of your lips plastering on the side of his cheekbones. “Me too, I love you more than you’ll ever know”. One thing you’ve observed about Kai, ever since his shy- self-proposed his undying love for you, was that he always stared at you like you were his whole world. With adoring eyes and a sickeningly sweet smile that had you in shambles, his words either had you losing brain cells or made you weak in the knees or both. God, you loved him so much that your heart felt full and content. The world always seemed so beautiful when he was there next to you, and you hope he feels the same about you. And you would do anything to show him that you loved him, ‘till the moon and back. 
“Wanna bet that I love you more?” A mischievous look makes its way onto your face, making Kai snicker. “We know who would win” and he flexes his biceps once more, landing his lips right onto your own, unaware of the invasive species that spied through the crack of the door, phones glinting from the glimmering lights.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 4 months
"i hate [character name] so much! they're clearly the villain! they oppose the actions of [protagonist]! why do people like them so much!"
if this sounds like something you might write, i need you to understand that sometimes, two different people can read the same piece of fiction, and walk away from the experience with two very different interpretations of the text. and neither person is wrong. even if one of those people is the author, actually.
"but [character name] is the antagonist, ray. are you stupid or something? do you know what an antagonist is? we are clearly meant to side with [protagonist] and accept that their experience is the morally correct one. not doing this is an incorrect reading of the text and contrary to authorial intent."
please picture me very tenderly and patiently taking your hands and looking deeply into your eyes. are you picturing it? ok good.
i do not care.
specifically, i do not care about authorial intent unless i have been specifically asked to help a writer clarify their intentions in the text. because once the text is finished and out there on bookshelves or ready to be purchased via your e-reader of choice, the text must speak for itself. if i wasn't meant to find an antagonist character as compelling and sympathetic as i do, then that's a problem for the author to solve in the rough draft of their next work, or a revised edition of the existing work. author commentary on a completed work of fiction is just that: it's commentary. it can be considered when assessing the completed work itself, but it is not part of the completed work. it exists as part of the conversation about the completed work, and carries as much weight in that conversation as any other piece of well-researched analysis out there. and if i find evidence in the text that contradicts what the author is saying in their commentary, well! 🤷‍♀️ looks like that one didn't make it past your editor! the story says what the story says! better luck in your future endeavours etc.
"but how can you dismiss the author's intentions like this? if they say that they meant for us to interpret the events in the text a certain way, shouldn't that matter? even if what they write is different, we should respect what they say they MEANT to write."
i mean, sure, i'll level with you on that point as a writer myself: it sucks when you spend a lot of time on a project and believe you've effectively told one story, only to share it with your beta readers and discover, much to your shock and horror, that you've actually communicated something totally counter to your intentions. it definitely is not a fun experience to have someone tell you, for example, "this antagonist you've written is very compelling, but do you realize you've accidentally written a negative indictment of powerful women because you have so few other women in positions of power in this draft?" that's very much an 'oh shit, i did not mean to do that' kind of moment, but if no one flags this to you before the story goes to print, your intent doesn't matter. you still wrote a story that communicates a message you did not intend for it to communicate. you might be able to revise it in later editions of the story, if you're lucky, but that first edition still stands, and it still says what it says, regardless. your commentary on that character doesn't change the material circumstances of the story.
it's impossible to divorce our biases and baggage entirely from the creative process. we are always going to end up writing things into our stories that we did not intend to place there. those unintentional inclusions in the story, however, are still absolutely part of the story. readers can't conveniently decide to strike those details from the record like they're jurors receiving instructions from a judge during a jury trial, that's not how storytelling works.
the story says what the story says, and sometimes writers are going to create an antagonist that deeply resonates with some of their readers, intentionally or otherwise. and you, either as a writer or someone who can't stand villain stanning, just have to deal with it.
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howtofightwrite · 1 year
Hi! Are there certain types of asks you don’t respond to, and/or do you have a huge backlog of them? I sent one in like 3 or 4 months ago and still haven’t seen it come out, so I’m just curious as to what’s going on :) (I’m sorry if you do have guidelines posted anywhere I could not find them)
There are a few topics we won't touch. As a general rule, we're not particularly interested in covering sexual violence, violence on children, child abuse, and animal abuse. That list shouldn't be much of a surprise.
Beyond that, there are a few other things we, generally, won't cover.
The most common are cases where someone wants us to write their fight scene for them. We do offer that as a Patreon perk, but it's not something we're ever likely to do for free here. Off-hand, I think we've gotten about a dozen of those asks this year. The most recent was in the last couple weeks. Now, some of these asks do get public responses, but it's usually in the form of discussing world-building, or because one of us thinks we can get something interesting out of it. The recent “water horse,” question was one of these. So was Professional Monster Removal, now that I think about it. The original ask didn't come through Tumblr, and so I decided to revise it without the prompt. Which, part of why the tone of first couple paragraphs didn't exactly match the rest of the text (if anyone noticed.)
We also can't privately audit your work. At least, not through the ask system. This does come up from time to time when someone will send a sample of their writing (this did happen twice in the last four months.) There's two issues here. One, I wouldn't, so you'd get Michi editing and she is an absolutely merciless editor. The second thing is, there isn't really a way to do that privately in Tumblr. If you did it through Patreon, it would probably be through a shared Google Doc, or via Discord, but if you're in that tier, get in touch, and we can work with you.
I know this isn't relevant to you, but hate mail doesn't generally get a response. This should go without saying, but, I did publicly clown on that Dragon Age fanfiction writer over her attempted death threats a few years back. Similarly most of the misogynistic responses from Women are not Weaker than Men, or any of the subsequent posts, tends to get summarily executed. That stray fan of Shane O'Mara who never really understood his work, tends to get ignored. Though, I haven't seen anything from them in a year or two. Similarly, that guy who wanted me to know that “Space lizards are very important for the economy,” will probably have to wait... forever.
The real problem you're running into is probably because of how our backlog works. It tends to runs in a FILO pattern. That is to say, “first in, last out,” meaning new asks go on the top of the pile, and pushing down earlier questions in the queue. This has more to do with how Tumblr organizes its inbox rather than an intentional decision. For example, if I remember a question from five years ago, and want to answer it, I probably could not find it. I might be able to write up a post without that ask, but I wouldn't be able to notify the original sender (assuming they still use Tumblr.) This is the other reason that the dude who wanted to talk about space lizard economics will have to wait forever, that question was in 2013 or 2014, and there are roughly four-thousand asks burying his inquiry. (As a general rule, the only stuff that actually gets deleted is some of the hate mail.)
Another way to ensure a question won't get answered is to send it to Michi's personal Tumblr blog. There's only 153 in there, but, when answered, they don't get posted to How to Fight Write, and as a result, they're likely to get missed. (To be fair, the most recent ask in her inbox is from April 20, 2021, so that's not you.)
If you're asking about invisible lightsabers, I wouldn't completely give up hope. It wasn't really suitable for a full post, but assuming I can get Tumblr's inbox to cooperate again, it might show up in a batch of questions like the ones earlier this week.
This blog is supported through Patreon. Patrons get access to new posts three days early, and direct access to us through Discord. If you’re already a Patron, thank you. If you’d like to support us, please consider becoming a Patron.
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lxgentlefolkcomic · 2 years
Info and FAQ (Please read before sending asks)
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What is this?
This is the League of Extraordinary Gentlefolk, a comic project based on the premise of Alan Moore’s League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Think The Avengers, but with characters from Victorian lit.
If you’re familiar with the Alan Moore comic, or the 2003 movie, don’t expect this project to look much like either one. I’m keeping the name, the basic premise, and most but not all of the core cast, and going my own way with all the rest.
Where can I start reading?
For the start of episode 1, click here. For non-canonical bonus material, click here.  I’ll be updating this post with more links as the comic proceeds.
Who’s working on this thing?
The LXGF team consists of:
Chicken (@mayhemchicken-artblog​): Project leader, artist, blog owner, part-time writer
linguisticparadox (@linguisticparadox​): Writer, blog admin
Dathen ( @dathen​, @datheneth on Twitter, Dathen on AO3): Editor, image description writer
L. Spooner (@fruitviking​, @voiceofspoon on Twitter): Writer
@see-arcane​: Writer
Mr. Pinniped (@mrpinniped​, Mr_Pinniped on AO3): Writer
Rosie C. (@absolutely-and-always13​): Writer
Lemur (@drowninginaseaoflemurs​): Writer
The Collector of the Whimsies (@pop-goes-the-weasel​): Writer
Jesterbells (@jesterbells): Writer
Luna: Editor
Drakontissa (@thegoatsongs​): Writer, image description writer
@cattuladaily​: Writer
@severedfeetpics​: Writer
@kouvei​: Writer
@the-constellation-collective: Image description writer
Hiri (@hirilelfwraith): Image description writer
Jade (@riseofthesea​): Image description writer
Do I need to read all the books and stories this is based on?
We’re aiming to make the comic accessible to people who have never read the original works. Reading the stories will enrich your experience with the comic, but it is by no means necessary.
If you’re interested in reading the original works, @linguisticparadox​ compiled a fantastic Google doc with links to all the texts we’re using as inspiration. (at least, all the ones we can currently share without giving away future spoilers... :3c)
How will you be handling [insert issue/plot point/character portrayal from either LoEG or one of the source texts here]?
Hopefully, in a respectful and nuanced fashion. We’re doing our utmost to remain faithful to the source texts we’re drawing from whenever possible, while at the same time avoiding uncritically reproducing the prejudices present in those texts.
What are the guidelines for sending in asks?
Be respectful. This is the “goes without saying” rule, but this is Tumblr, so I’ll say it anyway. Trolls, hate, bad-faith questions, and exclusionism will be deleted.
Read the FAQ. If your question is covered in this post, odds are I’m not going to answer it.
Be patient. I’m only one person, and I’m not always going to be able to answer asks in a timely fashion - or at all. This is my first time running a blog that receives this level of interaction, and I’m still figuring a lot of things out as I go.
Are you looking for guest artists/writers?
Not currently. We’ve talked about this possibility for the future, but as of right now we’re not accepting submissions for new writers. I’ve also had a couple people offer to help with inking/backgrounds, and while I appreciate the offer, I would like to clarify that I do not intend to do either. The comic will remain black and white and sketchy indefinitely.
What characters are part of this?
There are a LOT of characters planned to appear in this thing. I’m working on a separate cast list page, but in the meantime, the core League by the end of Episode 2 will consist of: Mina and Jonathan Harker, Irene Norton (better known as Irene Adler), Dr. John “Jack” Seward, Dr. Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde, Ashley Griffin, and Captain Nemo. Additionally, expect to see a wide variety of supporting cast members in roles both large and small, including more official League members to be added down the road.
Why is Jonathan Harker here?
Because he loves his wife!! And I love him. Also, he’s a white-haired kukri-wielding genderqueer possibly-a-cryptid, and how can you NOT put a character like that in your comic?
(Slightly more serious answer: Because this comic is founded almost entirely on spite and self-indulgence, and in my humble opinion the Harkers were done dirty by Alan Moore. I’m a huge Dracula fan thanks to Dracula Daily, and I want to give Jonathan Harker the spotlight I feel he deserves.)
Where can I learn more?
Join the Discord server! We’re discussing the comic, the works that inspired it, Alan Moore’s uhh...questionable creative choices, and more! There’s some bonus art in there, too.
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columboscreens · 2 years
i was asked recently about my top three and top ten columbo murderers who i think most deserved their fate. after wrangling with the tumblr post editor undoing my text changes and fucking up my photo placement, i finally finished the post. everything looked good in the drafts, in the queue, and in the blog preview.
then for some ungodly reason tumblr published the rough draft version of the post i'd written weeks ago anyway. i got so frustrated i yelled expletives and nuked it. so i'm starting anew. without further ado,
here are the top ten piece of shit columbo murderers who absolutely deserved it:
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justin rowe & cooper redman, columbo goes to college: truly, i hate these two scum-sucking motherfuckers the most. they're brats, yes, but look at the absolute dogshit stakes at hand. all the other murderers in this show are killing for true love, power, multimillion dollar fortunes, careers of great prestige--usually for that upon which they've staked their entire lives. these two tar pits blow their professor's brains out because they Got Bad Grades, which was their fault to begin with! they bully columbo mercilessly. i can't even look at them without wanting to throttle them
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dr. barry mayfield, a stitch in crime: though his reasoning for murder starts out with at least some comprehensible amount of dignity, he quickly devolves into one of the most evil murderers of the series, not only by trying to off his research lead, but for causing so much collateral damage. he kills his nurse for knowing too much, sure, but killing her poor vietnam vet ex who's trying to shake his perc addiction while working at the petting zoo is…almost comically evil. it's no wonder columbo gets visibly fed up with his shit.
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commissioner mark halperin, a friend in deed: god this guy is such a huge piece of shit. he's a spectacularly corrupt cop, covering for his friend's manslaughter and then using it as an excuse to drown his own wife for her money--to make it worse, his wife is somehow an absolute sweetheart angel darling who spends all her time working with underpriviliged children and people of color. then he's dumb enough to let columbo, the star detective with a 200% solve rate, work on the case, while also openly disparaging and discouraging him. utterly contemptible.
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nelson hayward, candidate for crime: in typical politician style, so plastic and two-faced that he's not even a real human being. cheats on his adorable wife with a 20-year-old floozy and then gets mad at his clearly fantastic campaign advisor for wanting him to get a grip and fix his fucking marriage. then he shoots him about it. then he tries to make everyone think he's in danger--and he's such a rutting, lying pig that his own wife clearly believes columbo more than she believes him.
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sean brantley, columbo cries wolf: i'm not sure if there exists a more smug columbo villain than sean brantley. uniquely repugnant in that he uses and abuses columbo to generate a media frenzy, then mocks and embarrasses him on international television. uniquely moronic in that when he actually DOES do a murder he hides his partner's body in…his own wall? with her smart watch still attached to her wrist. actual dirt man
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dale kingston, suitable for framing: total piece of shit who always thinks he's the cleverest person in the room. says the absolute dumbest shit about art all the time; as in, literally everything that comes out of his mouth makes you want to curbstomp him. the girl who loves him gets kind of scared about being an accessory to murder, so instead of being reassuring in any capacity, he brains her with a big rock. this man deserved impalement
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paul galesko, negative reaction: starts off the episode SO sympathetic when we see how bitchy and abusive his wife is, then immediately vanquishes all sympathy by being the most annoying, insufferable fuckhead at all times. fucked around with yet another 20-year-old floozy, killed an ex-con who was trying to rebuild his life, and planned everything poorly. is terribly mean to columbo…
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milo janus, exercise in fatality: a complete fucking slimeball with vanishingly few redeeming qualities. kills a guy with his bare hands for even suggesting cooked books and then taunts his estranged widow about it by...asking her to fuck? (in all fairness--he has to maintain Quality. when he grows? you grow). it's no wonder that columbo loses his shit and yells at him
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emmett clayton, the most dangerous match: seldom talked about in these conversations but he is so smug and killed one of the least deserving columbo victims because…he's a massive fucking coward who is incapable of losing. pathetic! get over yourself! plus this guy was like Ooo i am so Extremeley Jeanius but when columbo diverted his attention for like five seconds he lost to a fucking fool's mate. literally the quickest way you can lose a game of chess. real bobby fischer swag you big goofy ass bitch. grow up moron
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harold van wick, playback: just the most abrasive fucking asshole the entire episode. insufferable proto-tech bro who is mean to beautiful radiant sweetheart gena rowlands and not even in the smug columbo murderer way, just an old school ableist/misogynist who openly says shit like why should i allow my dumb disabled wife to Make Decisions. doesn't even pretend to be nice to columbo at any point and not in the charming robert culp way. loathsome garbage heap of a man.
honorable mentchies go to jack cassidy nazi magician, evil french chef, pedophile johnny cash, weird italian polycule artist, and both william shatners. fuck you
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