#donita k. paul
There can be as many wrong reasons to do the right thing as there are stars in the sky. There might even be more than one legitimate right reason. But there is never a right reason to do the wrong thing. Not ever.
Donita K. Paul, DragonKnight
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thesimplyone · 1 year
“But there is never a right reason to do the wrong thing. Not ever.” ― Donita K. Paul
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friendrat · 1 month
I am reading The Dragon Keeper Chronicles, and I was talking to my husband about it. He said that the names Crim Cropper and Burner Stox sound like they make a living harassing farmers. And I was like... "The sad part is you're not even wrong!" 😆
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gemini-care-barr · 2 months
For Barry and Hal-
What fandoms or franchises do you think they are in or follow? Could be podcast related, Reddit forums they are a part of, movie sequels or trilogies or novels!
Definitely something that should be mentioned more in canon comics so let’s use this as a manifesting moment by detailing it out 🤭
Right off the bat, I have to make it clear to absolutely everyone that Barry is 100% a Trekkie and Hal is most likely a Star Wars fan. And while we’re on the most heated sci-fi debate, I’ll add that once Hal and Barry became friends and Barry learned more about the Green Lantern Corps he undoubtedly introduced Hal to Star Trek and successfully convinced him that it was the superior sci-fi franchise, we stan two Trekkies 😜
Now then, I don’t think Hal would be very into book series or fantasy in general but he’d definitely have a particular interest in the Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings trilogy and I think he’d try Game of Thrones and The Witcher because of everyone’s recommendations but would probably not like it very much. He’s the noble-type though and would be pretty easily convinced to read the Lord of the Rings books (including the Hobbit and Silmarillion) because of the nobility of the characters and story. Same reasoning goes for Donita K. Paul’s DragonSpell series. He’d also probably be into the writings of Henry David Thoreau, Ernest Hemingway, and Raymond Carver, not hugely into them necessarily but if he was super bored and he had access to their stuff he’d dig it haha. His favorite poem would also probably be Tennyson’s In Memoriam A.H.H.. I don’t see him being too into podcasts, but he’d definitely like rock bands like Foreigner and AC/DC. He’s also definitely into movies more so than tv shows and would love movies like The Right Stuff, Top Gun, Braveheart, The Patriot, John Wick, most blockbusters classics really, and probably anything with Bruce Lee haha. He’d probably think anime/manga was for nerds until someone pointed out that Dragon Ball Z was, in fact, an anime then he’d realize they can be pretty cool hahaha. And with video games, I’d say he absolutely doesn’t have the patience for long form RPGs but can probably be convinced to play some FPSs with friends like Call of Duty and Halo lol. Basically, this was a long way of saying that Hal is probably more sporty, not in an obsessive fan of sports way, mind you, just that he participated in mostly sports growing up and even as an adult probably prefers hanging out playing baseball with kids (Adams’ GL run has an adorable scene of just that) rather than watching/reading/listening to anything so essentially he’s just not very media-obsessed; he’s a doer! He also probably wouldn’t participate in the fandoms of any of the media he does consume because he cares more about engaging with the media itself rather than about others’ thoughts and feelings on it haha.
Onto Barry, honestly, Barry is kind of tougher for me to figure out purely because I feel like he and I are very similar so I’m inclined to list basically all my favorite things and my thought processes haha, but I’ll try to avoid doing that 😝. So, like I said, Barry is definitely a Trekkie, the Federation’s belief in preserving alien lives and lifestyles plus its dedication to exploration and science all appeals to his inner nerd. He probably loves the shows For All Mankind, The X-Files, and Bones because of their science-y natures (he definitely introduced Hal to For All Mankind and it’s one of the shows they watch together haha). We all know he’s a huge comic book fan (shout-out to Pre-Crisis that had him reading Golden Age Flash comics 😜), but I’ll also add that I think this love of Golden Age Flash, thanks to his mom, would have led to his own love of Greek and Roman mythology once he realized where the idea for Jay Garrick’s helmet and shoes came from! A love of mythology would eventually lead to a love of ancient western philosophy and writings then to Medieval romances like the Arthurian legends and the works of Chaucer. Old English stuff would’ve crept in there too starting with Beowulf. He was an old soul from a young age so all these things would’ve caught his eye on trips to the library and the old-fashioned romantic notions and chivalry has definitely stayed with him. All this appreciation for much older works would then slingshot back around to him loving and appreciating more modern works that took heavy inspiration from all this older literature like The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings, the Percy Jackson series, the Harry Potter series, the Codex Alera, and the Dresden Files, oh and all the detective novels, just all, from Doyle, Christie, Poe, Hammett, etc. then when he found foreign detective fiction he’d go mental and just read them all haha. He’d also probably read the Remo Williams and Jack Reacher book series and convince Hal to do the same! I’d say he’s also into old movies and classic tv shows because they all make him feel good with their sweet morals and happy endings. He’s probably not much of a gamer except for the ones with good stories, he’s too interested in learning new things to just watch someone else play though, if a game’s story interests him then he’s definitely playing it himself. Mass Effect is probably one of his secret favorites. He’s super into podcasts, anything informational and/or scientific, probably conspiratorial and/or true crime stuff, too, if for nothing else than to help him get inspiration on how to approach his own cases, he may even try and solve some cold cases that he hears about (he’d probably stumble across Black Box Down then convince Hal to listen with him haha). He definitely grew up with both the Pokémon TCG and show and was actually aware that it was an anime so is likewise somewhat into other very popular anime/manga like Naruto. Music would be jazz (he’d try and fail to get Hal into it, too, see: New 52 Flash’s Annual #2), 60s rock like the Beatles and the Monkees, and probably 80s pop like the Culture Club, oh and Air Supply (which is also Hal’s guilty pleasure band hehe). He likes sports a lot, both playing and watching, but was still more likely to be found reading/watching/listening to something rather than playing; still, the same way Hal can be convinced to play a video game in order to hangout with friends, Barry can be easily convinced to join in some sporty endeavors if it’ll mean bonding with a friend or loved one. Finally, like Hal, I don’t see him engaging too much with fandoms, he’d probably try when he was younger but wouldn’t find too many people who were into the same things then when he did find people things would devolve into arguments instead of just joy for whatever the thing was so he eventually would resign himself to just enjoying the thing itself, our Barry is a soft boy 🥹. He likes discussion though so once he found people who were his safe space they wouldn’t be able to get him to shut up hahaha.
…I …I can’t believe I wrote this much ahahah 😅. I swear I wasn’t going to get this involved! I was just going to name a few popular franchises that each would be into, but then I started thinking about mediums and how they’d appreciate different ones and then… all this came out lmao 😅😂. I apologize for the long walls of text! Just remember: this is your fault 😜
(Note: forgot to say, Barry would 100% be into Jurassic Park (books and movies) and would convince Hal to read the books (he definitely already watched and loved the movies)!
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littledreamling · 1 year
Ten Books To Know Me
Rules: 10 (non-ancient) books for people to get to know you better, or that you just really like.
I’m considering myself tagged by @that-banhus and @fancy-rock-dove!! I sadly suffer from Gifted Kid Burnout Syndrome currently engaged in a very time-consuming course of study which means I haven’t read a single book from cover to cover in about two years (and I stayed in the YA genre for far too long because it’s easy brain candy) so I’m sorry to say that none of mine will be fancy or sophisticated or longer than about 300 pages. Nonetheless, I enjoyed reminiscing back on some of my childhood favorites that shaped me and some of the series that sustained me throughout my life since!
The DragonKeeper Chronicles Series by Donita K. Paul - I wasn’t raised religiously but I devoured these books like there was no tomorrow. I adored Kale and Bardon and Dar and their whole host of dragon friends (Wizard Fenworth my beloved). If you can stomach or ignore the fairly obvious Christian themes, I highly recommend them for a bit of brain candy.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley - this was the first classic book I ever read and it captivated me endlessly. It was the only school book I actually finished and enjoyed. Stories within stories, creator vs creation, voyages that you undertake knowing that you can never go home, this book has it all.
The All For The Game Series by Nora Sakavic - this series comes with a pretty heavy trigger warning for anyone interested in reading it. Centered around a made up sport and a kid on the run from the mafia, it’s dark and intense and drew me in like no other series ever has. Fans of the series will often proudly proclaim that the books make no sense, that the made up sport is confusing at best (absolutely incomprehensible at worst), and that not enough trigger warnings in the world will prepare you for what you’re about to dive into and I fully endorse all three statements. I also fully believe that these books helped me revolutionize how I view relationships between traumatized people (relationships that may not seem healthy to those not involved but are built on a strong foundation of trust and consent), how a good story should end, and showed how healing looks different for everyone. It’s not a book series I recommend lightly but I wholeheartedly recommend it. Proceed with caution.
Six of Crows Duology by Leigh Bardugo - I couldn’t ever get invested in the Shadow and Bone series, but I couldn’t put SoC down. Even now, I can’t explain why it enthralled me so much except to say… morally grey characters are hot, no matter what gender they are 👀
The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater - rounding out the trio of book series that are often mentioned in the same breath (AFTG, SoC, and TRC), The Raven Cycle is a fabulous series centering around four rich boys and the girl who had always been taught to hate them. There’s magic and prophecies and car racing and an enchanted forest and ghosts. It’s a very rich story so every read-through gives up more secrets than the last time you flipped through it.
The Genome Odyssey by Euan Angus Ashley - A sharp veering turn from the previous books, this book helped to shape my passion in my (hopefully) future career. It tells the story of the genome, from its discovery to present day, and how it’s been used to diagnose previously unheard of and incurable genetic diseases, saving countless lives in the process. The author personally worked on every project detailed in the book and every chapter packed such an emotional punch that I had to put it down several times. A must-read if you need to be reminded just how good humanity can be.
The Martian by Andy Weir - This is a relatively recent addition to my ‘favorite books’ shelf but I read this like my life depended on it. I laughed, I cried, and my faith in humanity was restored. I was raised with the same style of dry wit and dark humor that the main character uses to keep his hopes and spirits up while trapped on Mars so reading his inner thoughts often felt like I was catching a glimpse into my own head. I know I’m late to the bandwagon but better late than never. A fantastic book that deserves a reread in the near future (as soon as I have time 😅)
Razorblade Tears by S. A. Cosby - When a queer couple is killed, their homophobic ex-con fathers meet at the funeral and vow to find who killed their sons. Over the course of their journey for revenge, they start to better understand their sons, each other, and themselves. A book about healing overcoming repression and toxic masculinity.
Redwall by Brian Jacques - an oldie but a goodie. Oh to be a small mouse eating fresh-caught fish and defending your abbey against rats. Every single detail of this story was so masterfully laid-out and described. Reading the first scene never fails to make me hungry and the entire book sweeps you away from beginning to end.
Where Hope Comes From by Nikita Gill - I had to sprinkle in some poetry to the list. This is an anthology of poems written during the Covid lockdown detailing the author’s struggle with despair and eventually finding hope again, even in the most mundane of scenarios. It carries a strong message of positivity while stressing the importance of allowing yourself to feel “negative” emotions too. An excellent read for any poetry fans open to free verse or anyone struggling with their own despair.
As always, I’m not sure who to tag so I’m throwing it open to @aquilathefighter, @virgo-dream, @mathomhouse-e, @ladymegana, and the rest of the Dreamling Nation server! Please tag me, I need book recs!
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accidental-spice · 1 year
*quietly saddles up next to you*
*pokes indexes fingers together*
*whispers so as not to be obnoxious: …got any book recommendations?
*gasps with joy* of COURSE!!!!!!!! And don't worry, I could NEVER find you obnoxious, anon! I love giving book recs!!!
I'll give you an assortment, based on various different genres and tropes!
So, fantasy is my main wheelhouse, of all sorts. Particularly, Christian fantasy. If you like, say, Lord of the Rings, I highly recommend the Dragonkeeper Chronicles, by Donita K. Paul. There are tiny pocket-sized dragons!!!! And the depiction of Christianity is so well done!!
More recs under the cut...
Another Christian fantasy book! If you like elves, Moonscript by H. S. J. Williams is INCREDIBLE. There's found family. And redemption!! And a SMUGGLER. Plus, it's good if you like more of a platonic focus, as opposed to romance, but there's still background romance! Absolutely INCREDIBLE. Makes me cry
Another Christian fiction series I love is the Out of Time trilogy, by Nadine Brandes. It's about a post apocalyptic/futuristic world where everyone has a Clock that tells them how long they have to live. The main couple is GOALS
Another fantasy series I love is The Vengekeep Prophecies, by Brian Farrey. It's about a hilarious family of thieves!!! Plus, their magic system is really unique!!
In the not as fantasy realm, I ADORE this steampunk duology by Joel Ross! The first one is called The Fog Diver! It's about a post-apocalyptic world where all but the highest mountains have been enveloped in a deadly Fog. There are airpirates in this one, who I ADORE, and a found family!!
A more modern day book I love is The Trouble With Shooting Stars! It's about a girl who's recently been injured in an accident, and her new neighbors, who are magical!!
Oh, if you've read, say, Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen, or if you're into wilderness survival, that sort of thing, I definitely recommend My Side of the Mountain, which is about a kid named Sam Gribley who's like, screw it, and moves out of his parents house to live off the land on a mountain. It's SO good
Last, but FAR from least, I recommend Greenglass House, by Kate Milford. It's a mystery set during Christmas in this really cool fictional town called Nagspeake, at a smuggler's inn.
Let me know if you want more recommendations, especially if none of these appeal to you, and I hope you enjoy them!!!
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paranorahjones · 1 year
Dropping in for the random asks💜. Do you have a favorite childhood book/series? Also, current favorite?
Buckle up. I can feel a ramble coming on. 😂
I can think of a few favorite book series from my childhood, most notably the Dragonkeeper Chronicles by Donita K. Paul. I was a dragon kid, and those books filled a void in my soul.
The second one I can think of is the Tira-Nor Chronicles by Daniel Schwabauer. The first two in the series were allegorical and based on the story of King David from the Bible. The third I can't remember as well; it was a standalone and came out many years later. Those books impacted me spiritually and had a HUGE influence on my own writing. I think about them often.
The third series is a little more embarrassing: the Phantom Stallion series by Terri Farley. As well as being a dragon kid, I was also a weird horse girl. 😂 They were surprisingly good and gave me a very relatable female POV character to take comfort in; she was a lot like me, and my age at the time I read them.
Current favorite series? Lockwood & Co. 😂 And The Hunger Games is a close second.
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sjwinklerart · 1 year
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Prompt source: @mikelowerystudio - follow him and better yet, sign up for his newsletter for awesome doodle adventures on the regular!
January 16 is Appreciate a Dragon Day!
"Appreciate a Dragon Day was created in 2004 by Donita K. Paul. The author was promoting the release of her novel “DragonSpell,” which is part one of a five-book series. The book is about a former slave that changes her fate and is the savior of dragons. It is a celebration of dragons in literature, as well as literacy in general and pop culture"
I grew up with Anne McCaffrey's "The Dragonriders of Pern," "The Death Gate Cycle" by Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman, and of course, good ole SMAUG from "The Hobbit."
Who are your favorite dragons?
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Appreciate a Dragon Day
Dragons, the magical scaly creature born from fire, have existed throughout mythology since the times of the Romans and Egyptians. Dragons, with their celestial ways and otherworldly presence, make our lives a lot more interesting, and never cease to amaze people.
Appreciate a Dragon Day is a day dedicated to learning about dragons and sharing your love for these creatures!
History of Appreciate a Dragon Day
Appreciate a Dragon Day began when Donita K. Paul wanted to celebrate the publishing of her first fantasy novel “Dragonspell”, part of the five-volume series, The DragonKeeper Chronicles.
Dragons have always been popular, existing in the mythology of cultures from all over the world. Dragons inspire us and fill us with fear at the same time. Western dragons have always been depicted as fearsome creatures to either overcome or have a kinship with, while eastern dragons were typically equated with the royalty and heavenly forces, depending on the culture.
Nevertheless, dragons also tend to represent the conquering of the spiritual soul, as they are related to many of the human emotions that block the way to enlightenment. Dragons in modern culture have always been a place of fascination for them, as many authors and filmmakers have helped transform the image of a dragon to something people can admire.
Some of the most famous stories to depict dragons are seen in Tolkien, Ursula, and J.K. Rowling’s novels. In films, movies and TV shows such as How to Raise a Dragon, Game of Thrones, and Eragon have helped shape the way people see dragons and ultimately fall in love with them. Dragons have existed since the earliest parts of history and have appeared in many different forms with many different alignments of good and evil.
The depictions of dragons tend to differ by culture. In ancient times, most societies had an ambivalent view of dragons. Like any other creature, these giant flying serpents had both a good side and a bad one.
In the West, however, attitudes towards dragons changed with the advent of Christianity in the late Roman era. Suddenly, dragons became associated with evil because of their serpentine nature and needed vanquishing. Some people believed that dragons were a real phenomenon and created stories about how great warriors had to go out into the wilderness to defeat them. The tale of St. George and the dragon is likely a direct descendent of this thinking.
When you think about it in more detail, you can understand why people thought dragons were real. Remember, in ancient times, there was no explanation for giant bones. Nobody had a clue what dinosaurs were, or that fossilized bones were millions of years old. For all they knew, these creatures perished recently and could live beyond the horizon. Believing in “dragons” was logical and perhaps necessary to protect yourself.
The old ideas weren’t far off eighteenth- and nineteenth-century discoveries in paleontology. Once the dinosaur age took off, it became clear that there really were giant serpent-like creatures who roamed the Earth millions of years ago, firing the public imagination.
The diversity of dragons is considerable, and one of the main motivations for National Appreciate A Dragon Day. The fire-breathing variety is the most famous, but there are others too. Some are like gargoyles found in medieval churches. Others are many-headed hydras that pop out of the ocean. Some even depict them as wyverns, basilisks, and other mythical creatures with loose connections to the real world.
Folklore experts like Carol Rose point out that dragons are essentially “composite creatures.” We tend to think of them as highly-stylized, as depicted in films like The Hobbit. But Rose notes that they can have really unusual features, including elephant trunks.
Ultimately, the idea of dragons interacting with humans fills our mind with awe and inspires us to delight our minds with fancy. Appreciate a Dragon Day asks people to share what their favorite dragon is in popular culture and tell people why they love dragons.
How to Celebrate Appreciate a Dragon Day
When it comes to celebrating Appreciate a Dragon Day, you have a lot of options.
Draw, sketch, or color in pictures of dragons. Watch your favorite dragon-themed movie with friends. Read fantasy novels about dragons, including The DragonKeeper Series. Buy or sew a stuffed dragon for you or a friend you know – it’s all totally kosher!
If you love art, you can print out a dragon coloring page. Or you can attempt to paint a picture of one of these mythical beasts from scratch if you’re feeling brave.
Another popular idea is to use the day to cook a meal fit for a dragon. What, precisely, this entails is anyone’s guess. But heavy charring is clearly an option here. You want something that involves a little fire and passion!
Another thing you can do is learn to write in Dragonese. For those of you who don’t know, this is the language that dragons speak in the film How to Train Your Dragon. The scriptwriters created an entire universe of words, waiting for you to explore them.
You can also indulge yourself in other ways. How about collecting books and movies related to dragons and starting a dragon collection? Or what about creating a dragon mosaic, hosting a puppet show, or doing all kinds of things you can think of related to dragons?
Once you start talking about dragons, you’ll be amazed by how many people love them. Don’t keep Appreciate a Dragon Day to yourself! Share this holiday with your friends and spread your love for dragons!
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thisbibliomaniac · 2 years
The Dragon Keeper Chronicles (series) by Donita K Paul
(First book is Dragonspell)
never heard of | never read | want to read | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
I don't know 😭 I owned this book for over a decade, and picked it up countless times, and just could never get beyond the first chapter. Not even for a reason! It just wouldn't go for me.
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sleepyowlwrites · 2 years
Happy sts, Sleepy friend!
What do you feel has been the greatest influence on your writing?
It's hard to pinpoint what has been the most, so I'll say a few top contenders.
My mom. She's an encouraging person generally, but she's always recognized my talent for writing and has encouraged me to continue, improve and create. She really wants me to finish something mostly because she wants to read it and she doesn't like reading unfinished things. Once I finish a draft of something, she'll be the first to read it (outside of you dirt in the doing readers).
Fanfiction. After my long break from novel writing between 2013-2018, I started writing fanfic again in 2015 and that eased me back into writing in general. I lowered all my standards and built them back up in the way I wanted them to be, instead of holding to any conventions or rules I had learned in various writing classes throughout my school years.
All my favorite books. When I was younger I read a lot of high fantasy and dense adult fiction, then I read heaps of ya (and stuff that really wasn't ya but the genre was less defined then) in high school, and then I settled into that terrible spot where I just want to reread old favorites instead of new books. Anyway, the authors I'd return to where writers of character-focused fiction, with worlds or magic that was built around the characters to give them a playground, rather than wading through the swamps to find the characters. That's what I wanted to write, I decided. About people, and the stories they happened to inhabit.
If you're curious, the authors were Shannon Hale, Tamora Pierce, Kristen Cashore, Donita K. Paul.
And then me, just what I like, what I enjoy writing, what feels good to explore. You know me, I write whatever I want and slip through multiple ponds in a green, green forest to find the world I want to live in today. If I'm inspired, I let that updraft carry me to a new cloud. I write for me, and then I ask you to read it and have opinions about it maybe, and then I keep writing for me anyway.
Thanks for asking, Ren-rill-ren!
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pixoplanet · 4 months
🐲 It's Jan 16, Dragon Appreciation Day!
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🐉 It's January 16th. On this day in 2004, American author Donita K. Paul created "Appreciate a Dragon Day" to celebrate the release of her book "DragonSpell." Amazingly, from such a humble beginning, it's caught on not only all over America, but all over the world! Commemorated every year now, Appreciate a Dragon Day is marked by activities at children's museums and libraries to celebrate literacy and honor some of our beloved dragons in books and movies.
Most of you have a favorite dragon, whether you realize it or not. If you think about it, you're bound to come up with Puff, Mushu, Smaug, Norbert, Falkor, Toothless, Elliott, one of the three "Game of Thrones" dragons – Drogon, Rhaegal, or Viserion – or whomever. Today's a great day to share your favorite dragon with children – and learn about theirs – isn’t it?
Dragons are mythical creatures (except for the Komodo and Bearded Dragons, which are really lizards and not dragons at all) that resemble lizards with bat wings. They're often depicted as able to breathe fire and have large claws they slash their opponents with. Some dragons are depicted as having multiple heads. The word "dragon" comes from the Greek word "drakon" which means giant sea serpent. In the West, dragons are typically depicted as evil creatures. In East Asia, dragons are depicted in a positive light.
Why do dragons appear in almost every culture of the planet? It seems impossible we'll ever know for sure, but classical folklorist and ancient-science historian Adrienne Mayor hypothesizes that dragon stories may have been inspired by dinosaur and pterosaur fossil discoveries. In fact, to this day in China, dinosaur fossils are referred to as "dragon bones." Have fun learning about dragons today if you can make the time. ☮️ Peace… Jamiese
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📚 Sources:
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best-childhood-book · 27 days
a couple submissons:
Fablehaven by Brandon Mull
The Dragonkeeper Chronicles by Donita K. Paul
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tinyfluffyshark · 1 year
Tagged by @jupiter-squid
Tagging: @piabird @swords0827 @pompompuryun whoever else wants to!
Nickname: I have a billion, the most unique has been Citrus, I'm Meow to my niphlings, Pinky, Sid, Lyn, Pid
Sign: Pisces Sun (burn the textbook and it makes sense), Virgo Moon, Rising Gemini
Height: 5"7ish 8ish?
Last thing I googled: ignoring me tryna figure out my horoscope for the billionth time, and song lyrics, Shencomix, wanted to reread all of bluechair
Song stuck in my head: "Not Okay" Robert Grace and "8Now" Foodhouse
Amount of Sleep: I am perpetually fatigued but can't sleep cause I'm a night time person soo, too much and too little ywy
Dream Job: Something creative and hands-on, musician or artist or writer or witch doctor, herbalist florist or forest ranger or I dunno I have a lot of interests I just wanna be an RPG video game character!
Wearing: Gray sweater I stole from my partner, he got it from a blood donation drive the other day (I'm anemic so I can't qwq) and its pretty, my most stereotypically me black baggy pants, partners socks, and a lavender checkered sweater with a black hood that's soft but still doesn't fit right qwq OH and like and entire cats worth of cat fur! :D
Movies/Books that Summarize You: There aren't really any, and I'm not a movie person so besides Promare (because colorful upbeat and great soundtrack) I got nothing.
Books? I loved Heartless by Marissa Meyer, The Truth-Teller's Tale by Sharon Shinn got me interested in propinquity, anything by Tamora Pierce is a good shot, Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer, the Dragonkeeper Chronicles by Donita K. Paul, I love the Queen's Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner but I'm terrified of reading the last book, Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine omg
Favorite Song: Like with books I could keep going forever about music. I'll put five.
- Run Away - TxT
- The Heights by Heartbreaker (I recommend anything by them, also gores by nikbreakshearts)
- Sea by BTS
- I'm doing push-ups by Bears in Trees
- Deja Vu by Circus-P but also his whole 7/15 album ok
- I lied one more, The Price of Freedom by Takeharu Ishimoto because Crisis Core CHANGED ME FOREVER as a person and his stuff just kills me ok bye
Instrument: I can do a little flute and piano, my hands are too tiny for guitar, but if I could learn violin I'd die happy
Aesthetic: a cute chaotic gremlin, I violently switch aesthetics because I like whatever I like, but I also just wanna be comfy and happy and cute. Wear whatever gives me the serotonin and don't care if others don't think it matches!
Favorite Author: Okay since I already spazzed about books can I take a moment to promote Hello Bunny by nyam_nyamo on AO3 because it completely change the soulmate AU trope for me and I'll never be the same, I was screaming at them on Twitter after every update.
Alternatively if you like pain, Miintaexty is literally Satan to me
I realize these are both kpop fanfic authors but believe me. Just do it.
Random Fun Fact: I'm usually full of them but it's hard on demand. Oh I'm a weirdly good shot and it's a problem because my partner got us Nerf guns and I never remember not to shoot their face and my aim is. Good. which is bad. I'm so sorry. This has been discovered a few times and I'd definitely love to get into something that uses this odd skill.
Favorite Color: Blue and then Green, but also I just love anything colourful
Last Song: Was randomly singing You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban to bother my partner last night
Last Movie: Uhhhhh .....*shrugs*
Currently Craving: a time pause button or IRL save points
Tea or Coffee: I don't like the taste of tea but I drink it socially cause we are a Chai family and I just like warm sweet. I prefer (SWEET AND NOT BITTER) coffee but the caffeine is nooooooot good for my anxiety
Currently Working On: My marriage honestly (as in I just got married not as in we’re struggling), but also just improving my mental health and motivation enough to finish this damn degree satisfactorily so I can MOVE ON. Also getting my kitty (Nina) to like me and getting the tiny kitty (Meowki) to STOP HARRASSING NINA STOP LET HER GO TO THE BATHROOM YOU RASCAL
And decorating my new apartment. I make this place a home. Sewed the curtains myself UwU
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ensignauthoress · 6 years
Like, I’m really worried for Donita K. Paul. Like, I can’t find any news on her. Last thing we heard of her, she was sick and Zondervan dropped her like a sack of bricks. Is she okay???????????
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