#evil green rocks
mrsukitakekyoraku · 2 years
I've been thinking something lately...
If Mary Jane dies from Peter Parker's radioactive sperm... will Traveler die from June's sperm?
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kid-sid · 1 year
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the fav 
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gnomelord · 9 months
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Found this crazy looking rock today when on a walk in the forest. I have never seen anything like this! I found it glowing under some dirt a little bit off from the trail. It’s really warm!
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stinkyfreenky · 1 year
people who wear evil eyes are insane
(its me, I'm fucking insane)
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iysure · 1 year
Which colors correspond to which emotion? For the Moon!Cass rock theory.
hmm, actually, as i far as i can remember from my thought process when i drew it, the concept of 'colours = emotions' was pretty divorced from the drawing itself; i was a lot more interested in drawing different kinds of rocks and cass's expressions were more secondary
that's why the pale purple is hard to place and the red doesn't look like fear: i just wanted to draw cool rocks
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takemyfunk · 2 years
different fandoms i'm in or things i like.
-- red dead redemption (both games)
-- mortal kombat (9, 10 & 11)
-- detroit: become human
-- five nights at freddy's (most games, no books)
-- devil may cry (most games)
-- grand theft auto (5/v)
-- resident evil (2 remake, 4, 8/village)
-- the crow
-- detroit rock city
-- jurassic park (all movies)
-- velvet goldmine
-- hedwig and the angry inch
-- american psycho
-- the firefly trilogy (house of 1000 corpses, the devils rejects, 3 from hell)
-- beetlejuice
-- sex education (all seasons)
-- total drama island (season 1)
-- resident evil: infinite darkness
-- green day
-- my chemical romance
-- placebo
-- arctic monkeys & the last shadow puppets
-- mindless self indulgence
-- the used
-- rob zombie & white zombie
-- twenty one pilots
-- marilyn manson
-- in this moment
-- korn
-- palaye royale
-- nirvana
-- markiplier
-- crankgameplays
-- ^ unus annus
-- smosh
-- kurtis conner
-- nijisanji en (mainly luxiem & noctyx)
last updated may 2022
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Devil's Advocate
We were staying at my Gramma and Grampa’s house in the front bedroom — Mama, Daddy, my baby brother and me.  I was about 5 years old.  My Aunt Mary and my 10 year old cousin, M.C., were staying there too — in the back bedroom.I liked it there because there was always something going on — my gramma cooking or bustling around in the kitchen or digging in her garden — my grampa telling stories or…
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angelx1992 · 1 year
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pet-rock-from-hell · 1 year
aw man, i wanna talk about the blorbo but alas, i have no brain, and so cannot speak clever words
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dilatorywriting · 1 year
Monster Mayhem: Donkeys & Dragons
Gender Neutral Reader x Malleus Draconia Word Count: 3.0k
Summary: In which your friends are idiots who think gallivanting around a haunted castle surrounded by lava is a great idea. And then there's a dragon.
ie. Or, I watched Shrek this afternoon and could not stop thinking about the memes of the Prefect being Donkey and Malleus as the Dragon.
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‘Treasure beyond your wildest dreams!’ Ace said.
‘Knowledge long since lost to time!’ Deuce corrected.
‘Yeah, okay, but what is it,’ you asked.
And neither of them had an answer.
Abandoned castles suspended over a sea of bubbling lava were not your preferred holiday destination. You’d told Ace this several times. You’d begged, pleaded, to please just be normal for once. But noooo. Both the snarky, ginger, bastard and the other half of his singular brain cell had apparently decided that suicide ala boiling rocks sounded like a perfectly lovely plan for your Saturday evening.
“I’m just saying,” you huffed as the rope bridge swung worryingly beneath your feet, “taverns are a thing. Faires. Market runs. Casual side quests that won’t wind up with us being flambeed alive.”
“But there’s treasure!” Ace complained, the muddled light off the lava below illuminating his pout in a way that made it look especially punchable. “I heard there’s this really awesome magical sword! Or maybe it was a shield or something—”
“Or something,” you grit out. “What if it’s a book, huh? You can’t even read.”
“We can try!” Deuce returned, a spark of that familiar determination zipping through his blue eyes.
“Or we can sell it,” Ace said, which was certainly the more likely option of the two.
One of the rickety, wooden, slats cracked beneath the low heel of your boot and tumbled down into the lava below. Maybe it hit the gurgling pool of death with a hiss, or a whump, or some other cool sound. But all you could hear was the ringing in your ears.
“Oh my god. I’m going to die.”
“I mean, maybe,” Ace shrugged. “But at least you’ll have a cool new sword propped up at your grave or something.”
You managed to make it all the way to the other side of the horrible death bridge without plummeting to your doom. Except now you were standing at the foot an equally horrifying castle. It was massive—grand on a scale that seemed entirely impossible for something constructed in the heart of a volcano. Its dozens of ebony spires clawed at the sky. The walls crawled with grey ivy and thickets of thorns so dense that you couldn’t see even the barest hint of brick beneath. It looked evil in the way that cursed tombs felt evil—eternal, and still, and oppressive. Like a creature in its own right rather than just an agglomeration of black stone.
Ace drew his sword and Deuce readied his axe. You sighed and plucked at the strings of your stupid fucking lute, and wished once more that you’d had the foresight all those moons ago to take the cushy internship position Lord Crewel had tried to offer you. But, no. You’d wanted to be an adventurer.
The massive double doors of the entrance swung open with an eerie groan. A pair of stern looking gargoyles stood guard as the three of you cautiously made your way into the castle. You swore you could feel their eyes following you—that you’d seen them flex jagged claws into their stone perches in an aborted attempt to dive after you.
The inside of the looming fortress was no more welcoming than out. Dark, emerald, stained glass windows lined the walls—smothering any of the warmer light from the volcano and tinting the entire hall a sickly green-grey. The stone floors and walls were elaborately carved with the faded stories of dynasties long since passed, but what had once surely been immaculate craftsmanship had shifted and cracked with age—crushing floors into tight slopes and littering already narrow walkways with heavy debris.
“We just have to find the tallest tower,” Ace hummed, swiping at a few dangling trails of thorns with the blunted edge of his blade. “And then the highest room in that.”
“The treasure is never in the highest room in the tallest tower,” you complained. “You just heard that in a drinking song once.”
“Is that true?” Deuce frowned, looking terribly betrayed.
“No way!” Ace snipped. “I told you! An old crone read my fortune in her bone dice, and she said to always check the highest room in the tallest tower! Because that’s where I’d find my greatest treasure!”
“Maybe the greatest treasure is the friends we’ve made along the way?” Deuce suggested helpfully.
So you split off from a grouchy Ace and dejected Deuce to try and find some stairs. Every room in this stupid castle was swimming in so many shadows that you could hardly tell right from left, let alone if there were any kinds of secret doors or passageways that may lead to an equally secret tower. The chamber you’d found yourself in now was gigantic, and each tentative step you took echoed discordantly through the ashy gloom. You kicked miserably at a loose rock and it skittered off into the darkness with a dull thunk. And then something… odd, began to happen. That darkness began to move—to rise and unfurl like a great set of wings on a beast. And—oh. Oh no.
“Would you look at that,” Ace whistled under his breath, neck craned all the way back as he squinted at what was most definitely the tallest of all the towers this creepy castle had to offer. “Guess what, nonbelievers. I found the—”
Whoosh went the great swathe of emerald fire as it exploded down the barren hallway and nipped at your heels. You dove out into the open courtyard just in time to avoid being roasted alive, and the gargantuan monster behind you let out a roar fit to shake the earth. A quick tuck-and-roll left you crouched behind a fallen pillar, and the dragon’s bright, green, glower turned on you and your garbage hiding spot with a rumbling snarl. Its rows of sharp, white, teeth closing just above your head—missing its mark by barely a hair’s width.
“Gotcha!” Deuce snarled, his armored fists dragging the dragon away by its tail. Or, well, tried to. Because the dragon was a hundred feet long at least, and your blue haired friend probably looked like nothing more than a pesky rat darting between its feet. It turned and snapped at him irritably, taking a great, big, step forward in a bid to get a firmer stance to attack. You threw yourself in the other direction to avoid being trampled.
“Go!” Ace called, charging in from the other side. “Quick!”
Because at the end of the day, they were still both your brave, tanky, warrior, friends. And you were just a very, very, squishy bard who really would not fare well against a particularly motivated goose, let alone a dragon. So you skidded through the rubble and onto your feet, and started to sprint back into the castle’s halls—hoping maybe you’d be able to find a bit more cover.
There was a great clatter, and both Ace and Deuce yelped. You looked back hurriedly to see the pair of them clutching onto the dragon’s tail for dear life as it whipped them back and forth through the ash and debris cluttering the ground. With one, final, great, sweep, the dragon pitched them into the air and sent them careening through the roof of that ‘tallest tower.’ You muttered a hasty incantation and the sparkling outlines of soft feathers danced along your fingers. You hoped you weren’t too far. You were probably too goddamn far. But you hummed frantically under your breath nonetheless and entreated your middling magic to give them a soft landing.
And then there was another wave of green hellfire raining down over your head and you turned and ran.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck—
Even if you’d been a champion sprinter, there was little good it would have done you against a beast whose stride was longer than you were tall. You made it back into some hall or other, and into another cavernous room, and then you were pinned into a corner—the dragon looming over you like a vengeful wraith come to take its due.
It was gigantic. Probably the biggest creature you’d ever seen. And it was sleek—all lithe muscle and glossy rows of black scales that glittered oddly in the dull, grey, light. Its wings spread wide behind it, spanning the entirety of the vast chamber. They looked like the sort of wings that could stir up a hurricane. The curling horns atop its head seemed sharp enough to gore a man or twenty, and the purple crests lining its skull were tapered down flat in a way that reminded you a bit deliriously of a pissy cat pinning its ears back before it swatted at you.
Its lips curled back over pointed canines as it snarled at you, and you were showered in a swathe of hot sparks.
“Oh, what large teeth you have,” you squeaked, and when the dragon dipped closer to bellow into your face, your reeled back with a splutter. “I—I mean white, sparkling, teeth!” you rattled, nearly incoherent. The dragon’s snout twitched away, almost like you’d startled it. “I mean, I’m sure you hear this all the time from your food, but—wow! Just! Very lovely! Definitely the prettiest smile I’ll ever be eaten by!”
Slowly it lowered its great head, and you could see the neon glare from its narrowed eyes.
“Not that you have to eat me,” you added hurriedly, hoping to whatever Gods could hear you that your smart mouth could finally be useful for more than just talking circles around assholes in bars or weaseling your friends out of shitty contracts. “I’d very much like not to be eaten. But all the same, we did intrude in your home—and it’s definitely a very nice home—so I’d totally get it. And I guess if I did have to die today, knowing that my life would be in the hands of something so magnificent is certainly reassuring.”
The dragon seemed to preen a bit at that. You could see the sharp crests beneath its horns soften as tension bled from the beast’s posture. It ducked in close again, and this time you felt a sharp pull of air rush past your cheeks as it sniffed you. Its nostrils were the size your head—bigger even, maybe. You didn’t want to think about it, but the dry heat of its breath puffing into your face made the entire thing a bit hard to ignore.  
“Did I mention what a charming home you have?” you rambled on. “Very aesthetic. The gargoyles at the gate were a lovely touch.”
The dragon made a low, warbling, noise in its throat that wasn’t quite a growl, but wasn’t particularly… reassuring, either. It made the hair on the back of your neck stand on end.
It ducked away—not far, just enough to reach one of the large, carved, walls at the outskirts of the room. Its long neck slithered out before pausing pointedly over an archway. It took you a long moment to realize it was gesturing to something. Another gargoyle from the looks of things—this one almost entirely crumbled away under the strains of time. You could just barely make out the shape of its square jaw and taloned fingers.
You nodded so hard you nearly gave yourself whiplash.
“Yes! I see! Very beautiful! Such fine craftsmanship!”
The dragon cooed at you. Swear on your life and all the money in your back packet. An actual, honest to God, coo. Fuck, maybe you’d managed to charm your way out of imminent dismemberment and death after all.
It ambled closer once again, a curiosity lighting its eyes and warming those neon irises into something that was less poisonous-hell-fire and more mellow-evening-in-the-forest.
Amidst all the rippling waves of ebony scales, your eyes caught on the smallest smear of crimson. Just a touch of red—right along the spikes of its tail. Carefully, cautiously, slower than molasses, you stepped forward with your hands raised. You whispered a handful of familiar words under your breath and your palms glowed fuzzy and blue. Dragons were supposed to be inherently magical, right? So this one would certainly understand that the string of syllables you’d babbled out were good, and helpful, and not at all a provocation. The dragon was looking down at you with lidded eyes, its gaze a bit unfocused. You gulped.
“I’m sorry my friends messed with your tail,” you apologized, gingerly holding your fingers out to hover over the abrasions without actually touching. “They were just trying to protect me. If—if that makes it any better.” The minuscule wound began to knit itself back together neatly beneath the pulses of your magic. “I do tend to need a lot of protecting—I’m not much a warrior, if that wasn’t completely obvious by the everything about me—so I can’t really blame them for being a bit gung-ho about it.”
After a moment or two, the scratches had faded back into solid, matte, black and you drew back with a content hum.
“There! All fixed!” You gave your most winning smile. Please don’t eat me, your brain chanted on endless repeat. Please don’t eat me please don’t eat me please don’t eat me—
The dragon reared back and settled on its haunches with another heavy puff of sweltering breath. You could feel the heat of it prickling all the way up your arms. After a long, long, moment of silent consideration, the dragon leaned forward again and rumbled deep in its chest. When you only stood there, properly petrified, it huffed again and bumped its nose against your sternum, nearly toppling you over.
“I don’t—” you started, nervous. “I’m sorry. I don’t really get what you’re trying to say.”
With another sigh that sounded entirely too put upon, the dragon lowered its great head. The air itself seemed to grow heavy against your shoulders, and you could taste the cloying bitterness of strong magics on the back of your tongue. Black miasma oozed from beneath the dragon’s talons and melted along its scales. The caustic scent of ash and petrichor burned along your nostrils, and you had to pinch your eyes shut and cover your nose to keep from coughing. You managed to sneak a peek past your fingers just in time to watch the shadowed outline of the beast collapse. And out of that puddle of black goo emerged a man­. He was tall and lithe, just as the dragon had been, with glowing green eyes that were terribly familiar. They were framed with thick, dark, lashes and sat perfectly on a face that was nearly too handsome to be human (well, it really wasn’t human you supposed, so that little tidbit probably accounted for said inhuman beauty well enough). Recognizable eyes and stature or no, the curling horns atop his head would have sealed the deal plenty well enough on their own.
He shook off the shadows twining around his ankles with a lazy twist of the hand and then turned to you with a curious little hum.
And holy fuck Mister Dragon apparently had no sense of shame, or maybe just no qualms about social niceties and practicalities, because his human self was wearing about just as many clothes as his lizard form had been.
You squeezed your eyes shut with a squeak, and then double covered them with your hands for good measure.
A chuckle rolled through the air—as dark and pleasantly rich as the finest of chocolates. And then there was a clawed finger beneath your chin, tilting your head back, and back, and back until you were at least half-way sure it would probably be safe to open your eyes again without infringing on his decency.
“You are fascinating, Child of Man,” it—he—hummed, low in his throat. His thumb dragged down to hook beneath the curve of your jaw and support the finger tucked up under your chin. “And it’s been so, very, long since I’ve been fascinated by anything.”
“Uh,” you replied, like a perfectly functional human being.
The dragon’s lips curled up over his pointed teeth—still just as sharp and white as they had been when he’d been so much bigger and scalier.
“I think I’d like to keep you,” he said with a nod to himself, as casually as one may talk about picking up extra groceries from the market.
“Uh,” you said again.
“You did mention that you needed protecting,” he continued, tapping a clawed finger against his own chin. The small smile quirking his lips twisted into something smug. “And that is certainly something at which I would excel.”
Your head was swimming.
“I—I mean. I’m honored that you—that… you—” You couldn’t even think the words, let alone get them past your brain and out of your mouth. You cleared your throat and fought to keep your eyes level with his clavicle and nowhere else. “D-Don’t you think you’re moving a bit fast?” you laughed nervously. “I mean, I’m sure my friends will probably be on their way back down soon—and—I mean, we haven’t even introduced ourselves yet. I don’t even know your name.”
He blinked, slow and serpentine.
“Oh. I suppose you wouldn’t.” He canted his head to the side, long strands of that inky black hair of his spilling across his shoulder. An amused sort of grin worked its way along his mouth. “Dragons are not keen to give out our true names so readily, but you seem like a clever one. Tell me—what do you think I’m called then, hmm?”
You glanced up quickly at the horns atop his head and couldn’t help yourself.
He let out a bark of laughter that seemed to shake the walls.
“Oh,” he trilled, looking positively delighted. The hand not curled beneath your chin reached down to snag your own, and he brought your wrist up to his lips. You could feel the imprints of his canines against the soft skin there. “I’ll definitely be keeping you.”
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prythianpages · 4 months
Dandelions | Azriel x Witch!Reader
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summary: After begging Azriel to take you with him to Windhaven, he finally concedes. But his worries of you getting hurt come to life when you're kidnapped.
warnings: violence, mentions of blood and death/killing
a/n: this is based off this request. If you're interested in reading more of Az x witch reader, you can find the masterlist here.
Azriel hears you gasp as he sets you down. His hands remain at your waist, keeping you steady as you find your footing. You’re still not used to the feeling of flying. Contrary to what Cassian believed, you do not fly on a broomstick so it’s all new ground to you or lack of ground you should say.
There is an unexpected allure about Windhaven. The camp is etched from the formidable terrain of bare rock and mud. There’s a quiet here that you find strangely unsettling but peaceful. It’s the stars that captivate you the most. There’s countless of them and they shimmer like celestial diamonds against the vast, dark night sky. You wonder if they shine brighter than the ones in Velaris or if it’s the lack of moon tonight that makes you think so.
“It’s beautiful,” you say as you step forward, eyes darting around.
“It’s a camp on a mountain.” Cassian deadpans but you’re too engrossed in taking the sights before you to shoot him a sly remark.
“She finds beauty in everything,” Azriel seems to reply, his lips curling up fondly as he lets you continue to admire Windhaven, even though he feels the same as Cassian about it. “I should take her back to the house before–”
But it’s already too late.
Amidst the rugged expanse of the Illyrian camp, there are figures coming into their view. Lord Devlon is among them. Azriel’s shadows are tugging you back to his side until his arm is brushing against your cloak. He’s starting to regret bringing you with him and realizes it’s also too late to hide you in his shadows as the Lord Camp’s cold eyes fall onto your form.
You clutch your cloak tighter around your chest, keeping the obsidian necklace you wear hidden. It doesn’t matter though. Your presence itself pulses with an unseen energy–a dance of ancient whispers that tease the senses. You’re darkness and light. Wildness and wisdom.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see one of the Illyrian males make a sign against evil and although you’re a green witch, you instinctively take a step back. You bump into Azriel’s wing, which curls around you protectively and you feel a rush of reassurance and comfort through the bond.
“You brought a witch.”
The other males flinch at the word. Though Azriel is on alert and his shadows are whispering to him, he finds the sight of full-grown, weathered Illyrian warlords showing fear at the sight of you amusing. You would never hurt a fly. But he would never tell them that. He wants them to fear you.
“Is that a problem?” His voice carries a firm edge and his eyes narrow, issuing a silent challenge.
“Keep her away from the females and children.”
Azriel’s jaw is clenching and Cassian is stepping forward to ease the situation. He does not agree with the cold way the Illyrian camp lords are regarding you but they are here on a mission and need to see it through. “She is none of your concern,” Cassian says and then with a dark chuckle adds. “Unless you give her a reason to be.”
You look at each of them, adopting a stoic demeanor. It’s a skill you’ve honed from observing your mate–the master of impassivity. Their eyes widen momentarily before diverting their gazes. 
“We’re here to oversee that all arrangements for tomorrow’s Blood Rite go as planned.”
Azriel takes you to one of the few houses in Windhaven. He tells you it’s where he grew up besides Rhysand and Cassian under the careful and loving watch of Rhysand’s mother. The small house is a haven against the biting winds of the camp. 
The house bears the marks of countless footsteps and memories that have weathered its walls over the years, radiating a well-loved charm. Azriel guides you further into the house until you’re standing in the living area and your eyes are eager to take everything in, curious to know more about the place your mate spent so much time in. There’s a series of marks on one of the walls and you smile as you recognize Azriel’s, Rhysand’s, and Cassian’s names scribbled along dates that grow higher and higher with every year. 
“The room I stayed in is right around the corner,” Azriel tells you, inclining his head in said direction. “The bathroom is right next to it and the kitchen is further down the hall, if you need anything.”
“Thank you,” you reply, turning to face him. “This house is so warm and cozy.”
Azriel’s smile, though appreciative, carries a hint of amusement. He closes the distance between you, a playful glint in his hazel eyes. “Please don’t get any ideas.”
“I still prefer Velaris.”
A soft chuckle escapes Azriel’s lips. “Thank the Cauldron.”
He leans in and his hand softly traces the contours of your face. His eyes drink you in and are brimming with a burning affection he harbors just for you–the way they always do before he has to leave. “I’ll be back in a couple of hours and then I can show you around the forests.”
“Okay,” you exhale, looking into his eyes with a gaze that reflects his own. You stand on your tip-toes to press a brief kiss onto his lips. “Love you.”
Azriel holds you close before you can pull away. He kisses your lips again. Then your cheek and then your forehead, his lips lingering there for a moment longer. “I love you too.”
Settling yourself onto the floor, you rest your back against the foot of the couch as you scribble down your intentions for the next month. There’s candles lit around you, bringing light to the room and offering a calming place for you to pause and reflect. It took a lot of effort for you to light each one of them as your powers are at their weakest every new moon.
You take a deep breath and close your eyes, centering yourself. The state of peaceful bliss you crafted for yourself unravels abruptly, shattered by a piercing noise that startles you. You open your eyes to find a stranger smirking back at you and horror strikes you when you realize he’s not alone.
Your heart skips a beat and you press yourself further into the couch, calling upon your powers. “Who are you?”
“So it is true,” the Illyrian male snickers in wicked delight, ignoring your question. His keen eyes take note of the way your eyes flicker between black and your natural eye color and the fact that you’re not putting up a fight. “You’re powerless under the new moon. How unfortunate for you that it landed on the one night we’re able to use magic.”
“Just to be safe.” Another male says, throwing something in the air.
The male in front of you catches the object with ease and your nose crinkles as a metallic odor overwhelms your senses. Iron. It may not be a weakness to most fae–or any, at all, despite the mortal’s claims–but it’s a witch’s weakness. Your stomach churns, bile rising up your throat.
You tug on the bond in the hopes to reach Azriel but as the male clamps the iron chains around your wrist, you’re overcome with a sudden wave of weakness. You can’t feel the bond. It’s eerily silent.
You don’t know how long you’re out for or if you were out at all. All you know is the cold, hard uneven ground beneath you feels like it’s moving and there’s a growing weakness in your limbs that make it hard for you to move. Your head feels unusually light and your throat tightens. You barely manage to roll over and prop yourself up with a shaky arm before hurling.
“Let’s hurry and get it done with.”
“What–what do you want from me?” You rasp. Your arms are still shaking as they hold you up and you will yourself to sit up, your back meeting a hard and rock surface. You blink your eyes and your surroundings clear enough for you to register that you’re in a cave. The feeble glow of torches cast long, sinister shadows that seem to writhe and contort along the jagged walls.
The male you had seen earlier comes into your line of sight. There’s a sharp dagger in his hand and its blade catches the dancing flames of the torches with a malevolent gleam. He points it at you, aiming for a place slightly to the left of the center of your chest.
“Your heart.”
You let out a choked laugh. To capture a witch’s heart is to hold a key to the very core of their being. It’s a sacred vessel through which profound magic flows and can transfer over to whoever holds it. But your heart’s chambers are only filled with the blood that sustains you.
The magic and enchantment that resides in your heart and defines your existence is bound to Azriel. It has been ever since you gave your heart to him. Taking your heart would be an act in vain for the Illyrian males who captured you.
You don’t tell them this though. You don’t want to die but the thought of putting a target on Azriel’s back terrifies you and overrides the former. You’d never bring any harm upon Azriel.
The male pulls on your hair, forcing your gaze up. His lips curl up into a snarl. “Don’t you dare laugh at me, you witch.”
“Should we have a little fun with her first?”
“We don’t have the time. There’s only a little over an hour before the magic leaves us.”
“That’s plenty of time to make her scream.”
A shiver courses through your spine, leaving a trail of cold unease. You squirm under your restraints but go entirely still when you feel something sharp. Your heartbeat quickens in response to the press of the dagger into your skin. 
“What if the Shadowsinger comes?”
“He won’t. He’s–”
There’s a knot in your stomach, tightening with the vulnerability of raw, unbridled panic. You’re going to die. The only comfort you have is that you’ll die, knowing that your last words to Azriel were “love you.”
“Did you not see the way he looked at her? Even if we rip her heart out, there’s no telling if we’ll escape his–”
“Then, we’ll be quick about this,” the male in front of you growls, pushing the dagger further into you. You gasp at the stinging pain and your whole body grows entirely still. “We’ll take her heart, harness her powers and run. The Shadowsinger will never find us–”
“I just did.”
There’s a burning in Azriel's chest that unsettles him deeply. He catches a flash of green and realizes that the searing sensation he feels is flaring out from the emerald that lives in the pocket of his leathers. Right over his own heart.
“What is it?” Cassian asks, noticing the subtle shift in the Shadowsinger’s stance. They’re standing near a fire pit, surrounded by tents that this year’s blood rite’s participants are being winnowed to. Their task is to ensure that no stunts are pulled such as the one from last year where Nesta, Emerie and Gywn were forced into the blood rite.
Azriel pulls out the gem. Despite the burn, he handles your heart with care and tenderness. The gem pulses with life, glowing like the vibrant green of a sunlit meadow. He tugs on the bond and his heart drops to his stomach.
He can no longer feel you. All he can feel is the relentless echo of imagined horrors. Something is wrong.
“It’s y/n,” Azriel breathes, eyes wide with worry.
Cassian’s eyebrows knit together in concern. He nods his head. “Go,” he tells his friend and Azriel is already vanishing into his shadows. “I can handle this.”
Azriel’s muscle are tense, coiled like springs. Each of his siphons are glowing like icy glaciers, threatening to release their raw power. the emerald led him to this cave. His eyes darken when he sees you. You’re held against your will with a dagger pressed into your chest and a hand against your throat, pulling you flush into an Illyrian male’s chest. The look of fear in your eyes nearly destroys him.
“If you don’t get your filthy fucking hands off of her, I will rip each finger. One. By. One.”
Azriel’s voice is cold, each utterance sending a chilling vibration through the air. With every passing second, his words are no longer a warning but become a promise. The Illyrian males are visibly shaking under Azriel’s intense gaze and the one holding you swallows thickly. Azriel catches the way his gaze flickers to the opening of the cave and then you’re being roughly shoved to the ground.
Dark tendrils cushion your fall and in an instant, Azriel is crouching beside you. His shadows are brushing against you, assessing you for your injuries. They whisper to him about the injury on your chest and at the sight of your blood, his own runs cold. He’s breaking the iron imprisoning you and rendering your hands useless with his bare hands.
“Azriel,” you breathe in relief.
“You’re safe now,” he reassures you, holding your distressed gaze. He gently brushes your hair back. “But I need you to close your eyes for me, okay? Can you do that for me, love?”
He waits for your response–a meager nod, before leaving your side. He leaves a couple of his shadows with you. They wrap around your eyes and curl against your ears, clouding your senses. He doesn’t want to subject you to the violence that is about to unfold.
When he stands to his feet, he takes delight in the anguished screams coming from the Illyrians as they realize they’re trapped inside the cave with him. His shadows are forming a wall against the only entrance and exit.
One of the males turns and drops to his knees. “Please,” he cries desperately. “I’m sorry!”
“You’re pathetic,” Azriel nearly growls with a sickening smirk. “All of you.”
He makes sure each of their deaths is slow and painful and he doesn’t stop until the very last staggering breath.
Azriel’s shadows lift from your eyes and ears and you’re looking into a pair of familiar hazel eyes. Your eyes glisten with tears and with a gentle touch, his fingertips brush away the traces of terrors that run down your cheeks. His palm cradles your face and you lean into his touch. He rests his other hand against your chest, over your bleeding wound.
Green light slips from his fingertips, seeping into your wound and you both watch in shock as he uses your magic to heal you. “I didn’t know I could do that,” he murmurs in awe.
When he lifts his hand and unmarked skin is revealed, relief overcomes him, coursing through him and through the bond. He can't help but dwell on the what ifs because he knows that he was only a few minutes away from being too late. From losing you.
Gods, he was a fool for bringing you--his sweet, loving mate to a cold and harsh place like Windhaven. Especially on the night before the blood rite. But you had begged him to take you with him. You wanted to see the place he grew up in and explore the forest of Illyria and Azriel found it extremely hard to say no to you.
You’re safe now, he reminds himself, pulling him out of his dark thoughts. Although still slightly shaken, you're also now unharmed. And that's all that matters to him.
“It’s because you hold my heart,” you tell him as your crying comes to a stop and with a shaky breath continue. “That’s what they wanted–to take my heart and use it for themselves.”
An arm slips under your knees and the hand on your face drops to embrace your neck. He pulls you close, cradling you to his chest. “Why didn’t you tell them?”
You know what he’s asking. You bury your face into the comfort of his chest. It’s warm and you can feel his heartbeat. It’s fast but beginning to steady and it’s like music to your ears–the sweetest symphony. You turn your head in a way that allows you to rest your ear against his heart but also to speak.
“Because I was scared they’d go after you next.”
“Oh, my sweet little wildflower,” he purrs. He leans his head down and his breath is hot against your neck. He's touched by your concern. “They’d never get within 10 feet from me if they came for me.”
You dare to lift your head and barely catch a glimpse of the carnage around you before Azriel is tightening his hold on you and coaxing your gaze back to him.
“I see that now.”
“Does it scare you?”
There’s a subtle hint of vulnerability within his hazel eyes. Concern etches into his features as the weight of his question lingers in the air. Azriel was a strong and lethal man. A warrior. A spymaster. You knew this. Yet, he always kept the nature of his work concealed, not wanting to burden you with the horrors of it all.
A blush creeps up on your cheeks and you avoid his heated gaze. “No.”
Azriel tuts. He can sense there’s something more and he needs to know. He coaxes your gaze back to his. “What is it?”
“I found it kind of…hot,” you admit, a bit sheepishly. “That you’d kill for me.”
Azriel chuckles. The corner of his lips, molded by shadows and softened by affection, tug upwards. Gods, he loves you so much. You’re perfect, made just for him. You're everything he could ever wish for and more.
“I’d do anything for you, love.”
a/n: To the anon who requested this, I hope you enjoyed it ❤️
tagging: @fxckmiup
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firstofficerwiggles · 3 months
A Beskar Valentine
Pairing: Din Djarin x Female Reader
Rating: G
Word Count: ~2300
Warnings: Just lots of fluff with a little kissing. Also Din being a bit clueless when it comes to romance.
Author’s note: Happy Valentine’s Day, my darlings! I thought you’d all enjoy some fluffy Valentine’s day fun with Din. Whether you love this day or despise it, just know that Din adores you! 
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“I brought you a new rock.”
You turn around from the shelf you were just reorganizing to see your favorite customer, Nevarro’s favorite Mandalorian, Din Djarin. You’re about to thank him, when a loud coo breaks in.
“We brought you a new rock,” Din corrects himself, as his little green baby wants you to know that he was also part of the mission. Not that you think finding a pretty rock for you was the mission, but it’s so nice that Din thinks about you when he’s away.
“Thank you so much, to both of you,” you reply with a smile and a pat on the head for little Grogu, “I’m excited to add it to my collection.”
Din has been bringing you rocks from his travels for a few years now. It started when he was a bounty hunter. Whenever he was on Nevarro, he would stop by your shop, a sort-of general store, and buy different supplies. You didn’t think he’d ever taken much notice of you, he barely even spoke to you, but one day after you gave him his bundle of goods, he placed a shiny red stone in your hand.
“I found this on Mustafar, bounty fell right next to it, I thought you’d like another one for your shelf,” he had told you as he pointed to the display shelf next to the desk where your register was located. 
There was a small pink rock there, one that you’d found on a walk one day. You’d placed it there because it was pretty. Rather bemused, you placed the new red rock next to the pink one. 
“Thank you very much,” you replied, smiling at the mysterious helmeted man. 
He simply nodded and ever since then, he’d shown up from time to time with a new and interesting rock for you. You like to say he’s your friend, even if most of your encounters have just been right here in the shop. There were a few times he asked you to go on a walk with him, which you gladly did. You had hoped those walks might turn into something more, but it seems it wasn’t in the stars. Instead Din has been rather occupied with saving his son as well as the rest of the galaxy from evil, or at least that’s how you like to think of it. 
You look at the new rock he’s placed in your hands; it’s very shiny, a bright grey, almost silver and shaped like a heart. 
“It’s beautiful, Din, I love it,” you tell him, your voice soft. 
You look at your rock shelf, adorned with all the tokens he’s gifted you. You practically melt, out of all the pretty stones he’s brought you, this new one looks the most romantic. You try not to think too much into it, but still, your own heart likes to hope.
“I thought it looked a bit like beskar,” he comments in a thoughtful voice. He tips his helmet at you in what you’ve determined is his ‘thinking expression’.
“It does, a beskar heart, it’s perfect for you,” you reply, finding a special place for it on the shelf, right in the middle where it stands out.
“I thought you’d like it,” he states, “It came from Mandalore.”
“That’s incredible,” you say, touching the rock again, “I heard there was quite a battle there. I’m glad you’re alright, you and the little one. I have to admit I was worried for you when you left last time.”
Not to be too dramatic, but you thought you might never see him again. You figured the fighting would be fierce after seeing the way the Mandalorians fought off the pirates on Navarro. And although you had faith in Din as a fighter, you sort of figured he’d make Mandalore his home.
“You’re sweet to be worried about me,” Din says, “But as you can see, we’re back home no worse for the wear.”
“Home?” you can’t hide the note of hope in your voice.
“Yes, Magistrate Karga granted me a nice track of land, and we have a home there now,” he explains proudly, “I’d like to invite you to come see it, maybe the day after tomorrow?” He suggests. You can’t be sure but he almost sounds a touch nervous as he asks.
“I’d love to come see your new home,” you respond eagerly. 
“Good, we’ll pick you up in the speeder at 5 in the evening,” Din says, knowing exactly when you usually close up the shop.  
With reassurances that you’ll see them soon, you wrap up a few treats for Grogu and Din to enjoy at home and you wave to them as they head off.
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“I think she really liked the rock, buddy,” Din says to Grogu as they walk home. “And soon she’ll get to see the nice home we’ve made. I really hope she likes it.” 
Din has planned his entire home with exactly two people in mind, his magical son, Grogu and you, his sweetheart. He’s been courting you for years now, and it’s about time he made you an official offer of marriage. He’s wanted to ask you to be his riduur for a while, but the timing was always off. But now, he has a home and a new job with the Republic, he knows he can be a good and supportive husband to you.
Grogu is babbling at him, he points towards the front yard of the home as they arrive.
“Yes, buddy, I’m sure she’ll enjoy playing with you and seeing your frog pond too,” Din tells him. He notices that Grogu has already managed to open the package of treats you gave them.
Din laughs, “She knows your favorite foods already, I’d say if either of us has the luck to charm her, you’re our best bet.”
Din spends the next day putting all the finishing touches on the house. He wants it all to look its absolute best for your visit. Grogu has been helping too. He’s drawn several pictures that are now hanging up all around the walls. There might be a couple that were drawn directly on the wall, but Grogu was so proud of them that Din didn’t have the heart to scold him. Instead he dropped a kiss on Grogu’s head and told him,
���You’re quite the artist, son.”
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At 5 on the dot, Din’s speeder pulls up to your door. Grogu is strapped into a baby seat in the backseat, waving at you merrily. Din hops out so that he can help you in, and you’re impressed once again by how much of a gentleman he always is. 
“What’s all this?” he asks as he sees your arms filled with packages.
“Oh a few housewarming gifts,” you say with a smile, “And a present for the baby.”
“Thank you, that’s very kind of you,” Din replies, sincerely. 
The drive to his land is brief and Din points out various landmarks and sights on the way. If you didn’t know better, you’d say he was trying to impress you. When you pull up in front of his house, the sun is just starting to set, turning his home a lovely golden color. You could not have a better introduction to the place. It looks cozy and welcoming, exactly the type of house you wish you could have instead of the cramped apartment above your shop. 
“Oh Din, it’s charming,” you breath out your praise in a happy sigh. 
“I’m pleased you think so,” Din responds, his voice a bit gruffer than usual. He clears his throat, “Let me show you around.”
With a hand at the small of your back, Din guides you around his new house. Grogu toddles ahead pointing out different things and sometimes floating them towards you with a wave of his hand. You know he has powers, but seeing them in action makes you gasp a few times. 
“Everything looks so nice, you’ve both made a lovely home,” you tell them as you walk through the rooms. 
Din insists on showing you every little thing about the house, asking your opinion and seeming genuinely interested in hearing it. 
“And now it’s time for my favorite part, the backyard,” Din says with a small flourish as he throws the back door open and reveals a nice garden that has recently been planted. There are a few hearty flowering plants and a little vegetable and herb garden too. There is also a small stone path leading to the middle where there is a pretty mosaic of different colored rocks with several red colored stones making a heart. There are a couple lounge chairs there too, making it a nice place to sit and enjoy the fresh air.
Grogu tugs at your leg, urging you forward to see all the pretty rocks.
“Patu!” he says, sounding proud and happy, at least from your perspective. 
“It’s lovely, Grogu, very pretty,” you reply encouragingly and the baby babbles more at you.
“He and I want to know if you like your rock garden? We both worked on it together,” Din tells you. 
“What? My rock garden? You- you made this for me?” You are utterly stunned to hear this.
“Yes, we both wanted a special place for you,” Din replies. You can’t see his face of course but you could swear he must be smiling.
“Why? I don’t understand,” you tell him looking perplexed. You can’t fathom why he would make something like this for you at his house.
“Well, you’re my sweetheart, and I know I haven’t made you a formal offer, but after about four years of courting, I’m hoping that someday soon this will be your house too,” Din sounds sweet and hopeful. 
You stare at Din with your mouth opened in pure shock. You don’t have any idea how to respond to that. Your mind is reeling. The word sweetheart keeps repeating in your head on a loop. You blink at him and finally manage to respond,
“I’m sorry, you- you’re courting me? Din, maybe you could have told me you were courting me?” Your voice comes out sounding high-pitched and quite incredulous. 
Din makes a noise that sounds suspiciously like “oops.”
You keep going, your shock making you babble,
“Don’t get me wrong, Din, I’m thrilled that you think of me as your sweetheart and it makes me swoon that all this time you’ve thought of me like that, I’ve always liked you so much and hoped we could be more someday, but I never realized, I just didn’t know.” 
Din steps close to you, his hand reaches out to cup your cheek. The gesture calms you down and you stare into the dark T of his visor, hoping you’re looking into his eyes. 
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, I thought it was obvious, that’s why I was always bringing you the rocks and making sure to come see you,” he sounds a bit sheepish, “I’m not the best at romance and I guess I should have made it a lot clearer.”
You let out a soft sigh, “It would have been nice to know my feelings weren’t one-sided all this time.” You tilt your head and look at him with a slightly exasperated smile. 
“But you do have feelings for me,” Din points out, sounding a touch smug.
“I do, you handsome, infuriating man,” you reply with a laugh.
“And I have feelings for you, romantic, affectionate feelings,” he clarifies unnecessarily at this point. He pulls you closer, dipping his head so that the crown of his helmet touches your forehead.
“What am I going to do with you, Din Djarin?” you ask, marveling at this turn of events.
“I think you should kiss me, so that way you really know how I feel,” Din suggests.
As you watch him with wide eyes, Din tips his helmet up just enough to reveal his full lips and his rather scruffy jaw. You gravitate towards him automatically and your lips meet his in a sweet and tender kiss. He holds you close and gently explores your mouth with his, kissing you as if he’s been dreaming of it for ages. Something he confirms when you eventually pull away.
“If only you knew how long I’ve wanted to do that,” Din says. 
“Probably as long as I have,” you tell him, beaming at him and leaning in for one more precious kiss. 
You hug the little guy close and kiss his cheeks. Grogu responds with a happy giggle as he cuddles up to you. He turns to Din, holding out his hand and babbling happily. 
A tug at yours and Din’s legs have you cutting the kiss short as someone is tired of being ignored. Din scoops little Grogu up in his big hand. The baby immediately lunges for you, his little arms thrown open and a wide smile on his face.
“I guess someone else wants kisses too?” you ask with a giggle. 
“Alright, buddy, I’ll ask her,” Din says, patting Grogu’s head. He looks at you, “Well, what do you say? Will you be our sweetheart and come spend as much time as possible here in your rock garden with us?” 
“I’d love nothing more,” you tell him. You look at the garden again, “Who would have thought a rock would lead to all this?”
“I always knew it would,” Din replies. 
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Thank you so much for reading!!!
Tag list: @boomtowngirl @kavecika @becks-things @mysticalgalaxysalad @catsnkooks @starlightrows @tailorvizsla @bitchin-beskar @lilhawkeye3 @acourtofsnakes @grogusmum @buzzybeebee @deannie13 @ladykatakuri @noodlesfics @the-good-shittt @everythingyouwanted @jewfro24 @vaderthepotater @pinkiemme @laichka @myeternalsin @kazthedestroyer @writeforfandoms @trekkingaroundasgard @beskarmermaid @flightlessangelwings @mandoloriancookie @theofficialbugs @heyitsaloy
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Photosynthesis (fluff)
Luke Castellan x gn!demeter!reader fluff
Prompt: It's spring clean at Camp Halfblood and Luke wants to bath in sun with you
I feel like i haven't posted in forever because i was busy grinding Stardew Valley. But im back so enjoy!!
Spring at Camp Halfblood was always an event. It was time for a deep clean of all cabins and the big house, sweeping the arena and taking care of all the minor things before the majority of the campers arrived for the summer.
As the counselor of the Demeter cabin it was your job to supervise the campers that took care off the strawberry fields. They had to be in top shape before the next season.
Today was one of the first sunny days of the year, even though with the wind it was still a little cold. You were shooing some campers around, most of them being your siblings but Luke also spotted some satyrs and a few unclaimed kids. Castor and Pollux both leaned over rows of strawberries, parting the plants and placing the spare ones into buckets gently.
"Connor, Travis, put that worm down!" You shouted across the strawberry field. The two raven-haired boys where running across the field, stepping on some plants and pestering the other kids with some worms they found in the dirt.
Luke smiled at you as he approached you, taking in the sight of you. You were wearing the orange camp halfblood tshirt, blue jeans and green flipflops. You were giving the siblings a killer gaze which left Luke laughing. He approached you quickly and wrapped his arms around you.
"You need to teach your kids some manners." You growled unhappy. Luke kept you in a tight hug and rocked you around a little. "And you need to take a breath." He mocked, pocking your forehead and rubbing over the angry wrinkles on your forehead.
You huffed and bumped your head into Luke's shoulder before you raised your head and kissed him gently. Luke smiled into the kiss and rubbed his thumbs over your hips.
"You look very pretty today." He whispered. "The spring gives you a nice glow." You smiled in return and couldn't help but to blush a tiny but. "I'm so glad the winter is over." You groaned into his chest. The winter always left you feeling dull and empty.
Luke rubbed your back up and down. "Agreed. I hate seeing you so sad because of it. Now you are blooming again, that's way better." He laughed slightly and you could feel the laugh vibrating in his chest. You grinned up at him but suddenly, there was a distant scream and two laughs. "Oh for heaven's sake." You grumbled angrily and pulled away from Luke.
You jumped over a few strawberry plants and stormed over towards the source of the scream.
Connor and Travis where hiding behind the Athena cabin, a metal bucket with some worms in the between them. Annabeth Chase, one of the younger Athena girls, was ducking away as they threw worms at her.
You growled angrily and raised your hand. One of the closer apple trees bowed down its branches and picked up the two boys by their hoods.
"Whoa, oh no." Travis shouted as he was lifted a few feet into the air. "And what excatly are you two doing here?" You ask sternly but cracked a smile as you saw Annabeth giggling in the distance.
"We were spreading the worm colony." Travis argued quickly. "That's right. So all plants have enough worms and become pretty." Connor added.
You rolled your eyes and let the tree hold them a little higher over the ground. "I am very sure that Annabeth is pretty enough and doesn't need the assistance of some worms." You argued.
Luke appeared behind you and stopped next to you, standing tall with crossed arms and a smirk. "Luke, help! They're being mean." Connor said, suddenly very whiny and you had to hold back a laugh. Luke chuckled and nodded.
"Mhh, sure. Very, very mean. The most evil person we will ever meet." He joked and patted your hair.
"Can you please let us down?" Travis asked with big, innocent eyes. "No." You said unrelenting. "Please!!" They now whined in unison.
"Come on." Luke patted your back encouraging. You rolled your eyes annoyed. "No."
"What if you get a kiss for it?" Luke suggested mischievously. Connor and Travis groaned dramatically. You smirked at Luke. "You know what... it's a deal."
Luke smiled and leaned closer to you, kissing you gently which caused the siblings to make fake gagging noises. Luke pulled away and leaned his forehead against yours.
"You get another kiss if you let them go now." He whispered. You grumbled unhappy but dropped the Stolls on the floor. They both quickly got up and headed off in a swift pace, turning their heads a few times anxiously which made you laugh.
Luke wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder. He let out a pleased sigh and peppered your neck with a few kisses which caused you to giggle. "Brats." You mumbled and leaned back into Luke's embrace.
Luke chuckled. "Don't let them ruin your day. Instead i wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the beach with me and do some photosynthesis?"
You burst out laughing. "You know im not a plant?" You chuckled and turned around to hug Luke tightly. "But i would love to lay in the sun with you."
Luke smiled and hugged you back tightly. "Awesome. See? It's photosynthesis."
You rolled your eyes but smiled widely. "Whatever you say, love."
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grindsta · 3 months
There are SO MANY features in The Sims 3 that I keep learning more and more each day, so I decided to start keeping track of all of them. Some of these I've known myself, but most of them come from Reddit and TS Forum.
I'll keep on updating everytime I find new things.
Features are under the cut!
You can sign autographs as a rock star by clicking on a random building (bookstore, theater, stadium, etc.) and make cash. You can only do it once a week and have them perform the action yourself (similar to the vaccination event you do as a doctor).
If you send a Sim to college, you can get a financial aid grant every 24 hours. Just click on the administration building and select “apply for financial aid”. The better your grades, the more money you’ll get.
Traveling to the past with ambition’s time machine, random events will change your household’s present. (Change careers or add family members).
Sims who reach the highest criminal career level glow red. This is bad for relationships with Sims with Good, Friendly, and Family Oriented traits.  Having maxed out the Charisma skill will mostly prevent it, or even throw “Jar of Friendship” potion at them. Although it is good for relationships with Sims with Evil and Insane traits.
When some rectangles of one (or more) skill is highlighted, it’s because it’s the requirement for the Sim job.
If you protest about low wages, you have the possibility of increasing the wages of everyone.
Parent Sims can have a wish for their kids to have specific careers.
You will get gifts for working on your job for 5 years.
 Singer Sims could sell their albums to other Sims.
 If you click on your Sim work building when they’re at work, you can demand a raise. but if their mood is bad or their relationship with their boss is bad, this can get them fired. You can also go out with your boss and ask for a promotion.
Sims can die while you’re lifeguarding.
Your Sim can get caught if they call in fake sick.
Sims in the medical career can follow up with patients by calling them.
You can fry beetles if you are an evil private investigator (if you have a magnifying glass).
Your Sim can be an evil politician.
Ghost hunters can “appease ghosts” at the graveyard.
Lifeguard and firefighter sims can “demonstrate CPR” on another Sim as a romantic action.
You can select what type of sandcastle to build if you have a high enough skill.
Your Sim can get tattooed and tattoo other Sims. It’s a hidden skill that, if low, tattoos will look like child drawings. You can also get the tattoo removed.
Some maids actually don’t do their work, you have to fire them so a new one comes up, and is, hopefully, better.
Most Maids will have at least neat and/or perfectionists, brave and flirty, or charismatic traits. Some Maids are also Kleptomaniacs. Exceptions to this are: Delicia Hoover from Bridgeport and Simon Swift from Barnacle Bay, they are Slobs, which means they will never actually clean your House.
Maids will quit if they see Bonehilda in your house.
Kids will gain skills if someone reads them skill books to sleep.
When a witch sim does their homework they accidentally get it done all at once by magic. They grab the blue notebook, but the green bar completes itself immediately and they look confused for a second. In case they fail to do homework by magic, their whole body gets burnt. 
When children and teens are asleep, you can click on them to select a dream, and then they’ll wake up with a moodlet related to it. While the moodlet is active, you can get a special moodlet if their dream comes true. While still sleeping, the game will notify if the dream turned into a nightmare and they will get a negative moodlet.
Toddlers and Kids can build hidden skills with certain toys.
You can put kids in time out and they will stand in a corner crying.
Toys can go on the crib.
Babies can get diaper rash if using the changing station from The Sims 3 Store.
If you take a child of the bouncer, they get bratty and mad.
Children can hold a bear while talking to an adult.
Kids can read the newspapers to see what baked goods sell better.
When you get robbed children can get the lifetime wish to become a cop or a thief. They can also want to become a doctor after seeing someone dying or getting a new sibling, become a musician after seeing someone jam, become a creature robot cross-breeder after seeing a ghost. become a firefighter after a house fire, become a magician after seeing a sim use their magic, become a singer while singing with their imaginary friend.
Child witch Sims have stabilizers on their brooms.
Kids can get sick from prison food.
Your Sim can chat with toddlers through their Teddy Bears.
Parents can play with their toddlers in the ocean.
Children inherit the effects of some Genie Wishes.
Your Sim can get detention if they slack off in school.
You can create custom and random baby DNA at the hospital.
Children can fight teens. 
Parents will have a higher friendship level with their baby with an at home birth than a hospital birth.
Inappropriate sims can take sponge baths from a sink.
Your Sim can have a hidden trait called “advanced art training” earned by completing the “Skilled Painting” opportunity acquired through working in the art appraiser career. Sims with this trait can paint paintings of any skill level (0 to 9), instead of paintings appropriate only to their painting skill level.
Bookworm sims can join the book club by computer and get mailed books.
Unlucky Sims can’t die. But they can die of transmutation and leave a golden statue.
Party Animals Sims can dance on top of the counter.
Mermaids with the Evil trait can spawn sharks.
Sims with the Green Thumb Trait can Revive Dead Plants.
Brave Sims can ask for a raise.
Frugal Sims will cut coupons from the newspaper.
Daredevil Sims can “play with fire”, and will stick their hands in the fire and pull them back out until their fun motive is full.
If your Sim has the hydrophobic trait they cannot Woohoo or Try for Baby in the shower.
Being in Bot mode (Bot fan trait) will keep your sim from aging.
Sims with the daredevil trait can eat bugs.
Sims who have the childish trait have the option to read a toddler’s book like any other. Others will get the message “Sim can only read this book to a toddler.”
The Good trait Sims could accuse of being meanspirited.
Sims with the Good trait can donate to charity.
Sims with the “Never Nude” trait shower in their bathing clothes.
If you click on a negative need moodlet, the game will have the sim do the activity to fill that need.
If you gift your child Sims too many times in a row, they get a “spoiled” moodlet.
The creepy magical gnome (the one that kinda looks like a devil) will sometimes spawn next to your Sims bed at night with glowing red eyes. Your Sims can get a creeped out moodlet.
Buy a baby, toddler, or child a teddy bear because it gives them a special moodlet when they sleep while having it in their inventory.
You get a moodlet when you have a blog and something from the blog’s theme happens in your Sims real life.
The “rejuvenated” and “completely at ease” moodlet prevents the horrified noodlet from exploring the catacombs.
Sims can make snow angels face down, and when they do, they get the frosty face moodlet.
Mourning over the dead Sim’s gravestone would reduce the negative effect of “Mourning” moodlet.
If you send too many secret admirers texts to the wrong Sim, they will receive a negative “being stalked” moodlet.
You get a moodlet saying “Brrrr! This is cold!” when your Sim sits on ice furniture.
When swimming in the snow you will get a moodlet saying “Polar Bear Club”.
You can woohoo or make out behind the scenes at the theater hall if you have two romantically involved Sims visit at the same time. It works for any rabbit hole you can visit (town hall, military base, science lab…).
Using the Time Machine to Try for a Baby in the past will result in a biological teen showing up later that day.
Try Online Dating on the computer.
If your Sim is dating someone and that someone is dating someone else, you can tell them they are cheating.
Sims gets a fertility boost after getting a romantic massage.
Sims can get kicked out of theaters for woohooing.
You can give a cinnamon kiss when you flavored your food with it.
If a Sim marries a plumbot the creator of said plumbot officially becomes their parent-in-law.
If your Sim feels betrayed from an unfaithful marriage they can rebound kiss.
To make money, go to the science skill tree until you have enough skill to take samples from gems, and then clone them using the science station.
Adopt a bunch of dogs or have a werewolf Sim and make them hunt.
Go through the trash of wealthy households.
Experiment on bugs until you get a plasma bug then sample and clone it. A cat with high-level Hunting skills will also catch them occasionally.
Master the Martial Arts skill and break space rocks on the board breaker and get lots of valuable gems.
Paintings appreciate in value over time and are the best sold when the Sim dies.
Miner holes are treasure chests. You can also make several holes into a cave system. 
If you have a philosopher’s stone, you can turn pretty much anything into gold. You run the risk of your sim turning into gold and therefore dying. However, if you have a death flower in your inventory you don’t die and you get to keep the gold statue of your sim - making tones of money because of it.
If you’re cooking food and have a pet, you can throw scraps to them that they will eat.
You can have a rock as a pet.
You can breed fish.
If a pet bowl is outside, any other animal can eat from it.
Gnomes can encourage and discourage cats and dogs on your lot.
Your Sim can pet their dog while they are lying on the couch.
Horses will eat and destroy the newspaper.
When pet birds die, their bodies don’t disappear, they lay there until cleaned up.
Two small dogs can eat from the automatic feeder at once.
Pets can eat garden plants.
Dogs can howl and cats can meow along with instruments.
Your Sim can drop a fish from your inventory onto the ground and their cat can eat it.
If your Sim dog uses the guard-the-house interaction, it will actually bark at any strays that happen to come by your door.
Foals will get a negative moodlet if their mother isn’t around. However, if a Sim gives lots of love and feeds it when it’s hungry, in a couple of days the moodlet changes to a positive one saying that it’s not missing the mother anymore because of all the care you provided
There are only two graveyards in the game with fully unique and custom graves, and no generic ones. They are the graveyards of Sunset Valley and Riverview. Appaloosa Plains is unique in that it has a pet graveyard.
Burning, electrocution, and starvation are by far the most common causes of death among the preexisting graves, with old age being surprisingly common. 
If you make a ghost Sim as a playable Sim and have them paint, all their paintings will get the Simoleon bonus to value from the painter being dead.
Your pets can save your Sim from death.
You can have funerals when a Sim from your household dies.
Small tombstone: Dies before 75,000 lifetime happiness points. Medium tombstone: Dies between 75,000 and 149,000 lifetime happiness points. Large tombstone: Dies at 150,000 and above lifetime happiness points.
Sims Graves have different emblems on them depicting how they died; flames, hands reaching out of water, shark jaws, etc. 
You can discover islands on Island Paradiso.
Isla Paradiso is full of hidden chests on secret islands.
Sunlight charm spell changes a wolf to their human form.
Some Supernatural portraits & paintings (marked with purple border in Build Buy) change during a Full Moon.
Vampires can raid the hospital and the grocery store. 
When out in the ocean, the Kraken can appear. It can attack and sink your Sims small houseboat. It can spawn into Sunset Valley & Lucky Palms if you go out to the furthest point of the water.
If you have a microphone from university life in your inventory, your Sim can greet other Sims by shouting in their face.
You can plant cheese and eggs.
You can upgrade umbrellas.
You can store elixirs in the fridge.
You can waterski.
Sims can mess up an alchemy spell and become a toad.
Birthday cakes can catch on fire.
There are types of objects that aren’t in the catalog that you can make in the toy machine.
If your sims mess up the weather stone, it can rain flowers.
You can open a tab at a bar and if you can’t pay it, they will add it to your bills.
Aliens can steal space rocks from the science lab.
If you steal someone’s clothes after skinny dipping, they’re too mortified to go again.
If your sims are on fire, they can put themselves out in a shower or bathtub. They also put themselves out in dive wells from World Adventures and if you have a shower in a can.
You can upload your Sim sketches and paintings to the digital frames.
Sims can send thank you notes after receiving wedding gifts.
You can place snack bowls on island countertops.
You can announce aptitude test results to other sims.
Not all adult sims get a Midlife Crisis and there are variables involved.
You can go to therapy during a midlife crisis.
Sims who have body hair can get it waxed.
If you place a professional bar at a gym, with a mixologist, they can make protein shakes for your sims and a weird wheat grass-type drinks, graveyards have the tombstone topper and others. The library has basic drinks but one is “alien brain” and is a skill drink and stacks on the library moodlet and the supernatural bonus, so reading skill books takes way less time. 
Sim can free criminals from jail with the mining tool.
Celebrities can’t be abducted by aliens.
You can throw herbs at the fireplace, and it will give you a moodlet that varies depending on what herb you have.
Selling objects in the Consignment store is something you can improve over time.
Your Sim can sue people for slander at City Hall when you’re a celebrity and they spread rumors about you.
You can get arrested for harvesting someone else's plants.
The stones at the bottom of the fishbowl change depending on what you put in it.
Artistic, Can’t Stand Art, Computer Whiz, Evil, Genius, Gloomy, Insane, Neurotic, and Virtuoso Sims all have different and unique painting styles.
Fish can spontaneously breed if you put them in fish tanks.
If you are being robbed, and the police come to put the burglar in handcuffs by their car, while they search your house, you can click on the burglar to set them free. They will even thank you for doing so, promising to make it up to you, although they never do.
Cats can jump onto Sim’s lap and they can pet them.
You can drag the greeting card into a big digital frame.
You can get a “wrong number” call.
Clones will be attracted to the cloned Sim.
Cats can sleep on newspapers.
Sims can get a dirtbag reputation if caught cheating. If caught a lot of times, they get a slimeball reputation.
You can “Play in Sand” in the spots where you painted the terrain with sand.
If you have a big dog and a puppy or a cat and a kitten, they can cuddle together in a big pet bed.
Different bars will serve different food depending on the lot type. You can get onion rings, nachos, and hot wings at the normal lower-tier bars but olive platters and shrimp cocktails are reserved for fancy places like exclusive lounges, vampire lounges, and art galleries. 
Sims can get sick eating bar food at the lower-end bars.
You can preview a house before you buy it by clicking on the magnifying glass.
Sims can chat on the bunkbed and interact on the playpen.
Try using “Disco tags” in the cheats menu (Ctrl+Shift+C) and go to the map view.
Sims can read lying on the beach towel.
You can style the time machine.
Bonehilda will fight robbers.
Hydrophobic sims won’t accept a fishbowl as a gift.
Simbots have 0’s and 1’s instead of zzz’s.
Male Sims can leave the toilet sit up.
Sunglasses have the reflex of the world.
There are 6 types of snowman - classic, evil, tragic clown, hockey, Grim Reaper, and alien.
With no couch, sims will play video games sitting on the ground.
There’s a city in the background of the university world.
Sims can have different sitting positions.
When your Sim spouse dies and comes back to life, they come back divorced.
Horses can ride boats.
When Plumbots pee themselves, oil is what gets on the floor.
If you place a rubber duck on the bathtub, Sims play with it while they bathe. If you place “World’s Brew Bubble Bath”, they will have a bubble bath.
You can change the colors of the street lights.
You get a popup when a pregnant Sim enters a costume party (it reveals the number of hours left for the pregnancy to end).
Store items come with new skills.
You can expand the inventory and relationship tab by dragging it.
Your Sim only earns LHP when your Sims mood is in the “bubble” on the Mood Meter,
If a Sim’s mood drops all the way to the bottom (-100), the Sim may simply refuse to do anything, even if directed to by the player. You can send them on vacation but if they become depressed on their vacation, it will be necessary to send them home.
The volcano in Sunlit Tides can erupt.
Ants crawl in and out of a public picnic basket carrying food.
Every time a Sims learning the Painting skill sells a painting directly from the easel there is a 20% chance that the painting will replace a wall decoration item in the local art gallery.
You can spy on neighbors with tab mode.
Your Sims can get bitten by mosquitos.
Sims can chat with other sims while cooking.
Friends can bring their kids over to play with yours.
Resort Staff NPCs sweep the floors of the resort.
Sims can get nauseous from foods with herbs.
Sims with the Asian Culture trait use chopsticks to eat rather than knives and forks.
Ghosts can swim in swimming pools but you can’t see their body under the surface of the water.
You can double-click on the save file you want to play on the main menu screen and it will start the game.
When you have the cheapest washing machine and your Sim tries to stop it from shaking, you will get a “Victory Over Washer” moodlet.
Magic gnomes spawn at random when you do related activities.
The trash bed in buydebug makes you stinky.
If you put your bird cage outside it might fly away.
The doors on cars matter, if a car has 2 doors, 2 Sims will get in, if a car has 4 doors, 4 (or 5) Sims get in. Also, babies and toddlers will be held by their parents inside the car.
You can wax your Sims, and when you do, their body hair will appear again after a while.
If lightning strikes vehicles during a storm, it will completely destroyed them.
If a Sim is performing an interaction related to a trait, the trait will be highlighted.
You can get a graduation gnome that “hides in your books” during university classes.
You can drag the whole palette to other objects so they get the same style.
You can swap patterns by dragging one of them onto the dividing line next to the other.
You can randomize patterns + colors by right-clicking on the swatches.
Right-clicking on the color above the color wheel, the game will give you a more appealing color (a different shade) than the one you have selected.
Right-clicking the icons at the top of CAS randomizes that part of clothing you are on.
You can have hairstyles in different outfits.
Plants change in size as you place them.
You can make custom object collections.
If you typed in the cheat moveobjects on you can move sims by just clicking on them (on Build Buy mode).
You can set seasonal decor on your home lot to auto-change if you place the debug marker and then decorate accordingly.
 If you press alt when building a foundation, you can change the height of it.
You can paint ceilings.
If you play with NRAAS Story Progression, no vampires or celebs will be in your town unless you specifically say you want them.
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iguana-eyanna · 10 months
Too Late
Tumblr media
Pairing: Clark Kent x plus size witch reader
Summary: All you ever wanted was for Clark to be happy, even if it wasn't you
requested by @salenorona23
You were typing furiously by your monitor, eyes glued on the screen. 
You mutter under your breath, cursing your boss, Perry.
“You okay there?”
You look up and see Clark walking up to you in your seat.
“No, Perry didn’t like my pitch. I had to start from scratch.” You said in frustration. 
"Don't worry, he does that to me 4 times a week." He said.
"Don't you pitch four stories a week?" You ask.
"Exactly." He replied, making you both laugh.
"Smallville, we need to head for lunch before I start tearing off heads." Lois Lane said as she was scrimmaging her bag, not bothering to say hello to you.
"You wanna join us? We could all split the bill at that chinese restaurant downtown." He asks.
"I brought some food in the break room. And I know not to get in the way with your pork dumplings. Have fun with Lois." You said, returning to your screen.
He smiles at you and runs after Lois. He stops in his track as he looks back at you, wondering how you knew his order if you two never really hung out before?
He shakes his head and caught up to Lois as they made their way to the restaurant.
A few minutes passed, and you got up from your desk and headed to the break room. Now that you were alone, you locked the door and pulled out a small mirror that fit inside of your tote back and muttered a short phrase.
"Show me him."
The mirror swirled with a purple light and transformed your reflection into the present, where you saw Clark laughing at what Lois said. They looked like they were having a time of their mundane lives.
You hated it, but you can't look away. The way he looked at her... it was the same way he looked at you.
But he doesn't remember.
It happened about a few months ago. There was an accident at a LexCorp building as it begun to collapse down. Clark was running late from a date to save everyone that night, but right when he was about to fly out, his powers gave out. The room radiated with blue kryptonite, a rock that took away his powers and made him an ordinary man. He tried to escape, but too much debris knocked him down and made him unconscious.
You were waiting for him at the restaurant where you'd meet up. Yes, there were occasions that Clark would come late... but you knew in your gut something was wrong as you didn't see Clark in sight, so you used your powers to transport to where he was.
No good ever happened when people knew your secret as you reformed from an evil Covet, except to Clark.
He accepted you without hesitation and loved every part of you that you hated. And you helped he realized he wasn't alone. Your emotions took you to where he was, and you panicked as you saw him on the ground, unconscious. You made a force field around you as you transported out with a spell. You were far away to God knows where and you tried to wake him up.
"Please..." You begged him to just open his eyes.
He did in fact opened those beautiful blue piercing eyes that had hints of green in them.
But they were in confusion as he saw you.
"What's going on? What just happened?" He asks as he shuffles up, trying to get away from you.
"You were struck by some debris, I transported us out in time-"
"If a building collapsed, it's not safe for you to be here, ma'am."
That's when you choked on the air you were breathing as you heard what he just said.
He forgot who you were.
He gets up in alert, as they were more to do to help the civilians during the catastrophe.
"Let me fly you out to safety and-"
"No, it's alright. My home's not too far from here and, I didn't get hurt." You said.
Superman looked unsure if he should leave you, but others needed his help.
"Please take care." He says before he flies away, leaving you.
Your chest tightens as you fall on your knees, trying to hold back a sob so he doesn't hear you cry.
So many things could be done to regain his memory. You could show him all these pictures and cheesy letters you wrote to each other. You could tell him that you know of his home planet. You could use your powers!
But you couldn't.
If a witch used their powers on a mortal's mind, it could dissolve all of their memories in just a single second. The damage would be unfixable. You can't imagine the pain Clark would go through if you did that to him, or either show him a reality that he may not with you.
So... you decided to erase your entire relationship. Clark and you were never open about your relationship to anyone. You were a very private person and Clark respected your wishes (He called his mom though and briefly told her that he thinks he found the one.)
Using his spare key at his apartment, you went inside and just took away everything that was associated to you.
The pictures in the frames, the coffee mug you bought him for his birthday, you took everything away.
It was painful for you, but it had to be done.
You were unsure how'd he react if he saw you at work, but he just assumed that you were just a writer at the Daily Planet that he hadn't met yet.
"Hi, I don't think we met. I'm Clark Kent." He said, offering you his hand to shake.
As you see his features, it was like you were staring back at another person. None of his shared memories he had appeared to him, and he didn't expect that you saw him as Superman that night.
You had to bite your tongue momentarily and smile, returning the same friendly nature.
"It's nice to meet you."
You thought you two would be closer and maybe you can form more memories with him. But you saw how he looked at Lois. She was fearless, driven, and the best journalist there was on your floor.
Was she a bit blunt? Yeah, but she was like that to everyone, so no one took offense as she was also really understanding. You couldn't be upset with her, not when she made Clark happy. It killed you every night, as you slept in your bed alone, wishing he was there to hold you. But you'd be selfish, stripping away a new life he made for himself.
So you stayed at an arm's length. But you made sure that he was ok... or rather you kept on checking on him to see if he remembered.
The days past on, and one problem was after another. Lex Luthor was desperate to get his hands on kryptonian technology and Clark wouldn't stand for it. So when Luther revived General Zod and created Doomsday, it was the hardest fight Clark had to face.
You saw the explosions from afar and saw the red caped hero trying defeat him, but it was no use. Even with Batman and the Amazonian Warrior, it was hard to keep him at bay.
They needed help, or else this would be a losing battle.
You transported nearby, waiting for the opportunity to attack. And that's when you saw it, the green kryptonite spear that they tried to kill Doomsday with.
The Amazonian Warrior tried to restrain it with her lasso and batman blew a kryptonian grenade at the beast.
And that's when you saw Clark, who looked almost beaten as Lois was trying to let him stay away. You knew what he was going to do... Clark was a selfless man. He flew away to protect Lois picking up the spear and headed towards Doomsday.
But suddenly, a power restrained him from going any farther. He tried to resist the force that was on him, but then he heard a voice.
"Stop, don't fight it."
He turns his head and saw you running towards him with a worried gaze.
Clark was confused at your presence.
"You shouldn't be here! You gotta get out of-"
"Clark." You stopped him as a tear rolled down your face.
You stepped forward, placing a hand on his cheek. Why did it feel so familiar to him?
"I lost you once, I'm not going to lose you again."
You took the staff away from his grasp and you levitated away from him as he tried to break from your spell. He thinks on your words, saying that you lost him. He winces as a spur of a memory flashes in his mind.
Clark looks up in fear.
"No, NO! STOP HER!" He yelled out to Bruce and Diana but it was no use.
You neared the ferocious beast with the lightning surrounding you both. You took your shot and traveled the spear through its chest using the strength you had.
It yells in pain and tries to get a hold of you, but you created different versions of yourself to confuse doomsday. But it became smarter and swatted its arms till it caught the real you. Doomsday then pierced you in your abdomen.
You were in unbelievable pain, but you had one more chance. You raised your hands to the spear, using one last spell to reach to the inner core of doomsday. Then suddenly, a burst of light goes up in the air, knocking you backwards away from the beast.
As you lost your focus, Clark was now free from your enchantment and flew over to you, holding you upward.
"Hey, hey, c'mon." he whispers to you as he tried to stop the bleeding.
"Did I- I stop it?" You stuttered.
He nods, trying to smile to stay strong as he could hear your heartbeat beating slower.
"Yes. You did it. You're going to be okay. I'll fly you up to the nearest hospital, they'll patch you up good as new."
"I think... we both know that's not possible." You fluttered your eyes, about to lose consciousness.
"No no no, stay with me. I - I... I remember now. I remembered every Sunday afternoon when we watch those bad rom coms and I hold you close to me. I remembered when we always bought each other flowers for no apparent reason. I remembered that I... I wanted to marry you."
You smiled back, giving a heartful chuckle before you began to cough. Clark held you a bit tighter in his chest.
"I would have loved to be yours again." You whispered.
"You were always mine... Imma fool to forget you." He said, tears pricking his eyes.
"I... forgive you, Clark. I just wanted you to be... happier." You closed your eyes again, but they never opened.
"Baby? Baby wake up." He tried placing his hand softly on your cheek but it was cold. He tried listening to a heartbeat but there was silence.
Clark broke into a blood curdling scream. He pleads to anyone to bring you back, to just open your eyes so he could see them once more.
And those around him saw the strongest man in the world break down as he lost someone who loved him.
Now, he was too late.
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epickiya722 · 11 months
You know what made me take to Rock Lock rather quickly?
He treats being a Pro Hero as a damn job.
Look, debut episode he came off "mean", but plot reasons and genre aside, he had a fucking point.
Why in the hell were high school kids brought in to deal with the damn Yakuza?
Mind you, this is coming from a man who has a whole wife and a baby son.
Compared to Endeavor, Rock Lock is a lot better than his ass. In fact, he's a lot better than most of the Pros considering most of them treat being a Pro Hero like being some celebrity. Mt. Lady and Best Jeanist are examples.
Uh, didn't Endeavor not only become a Pro Hero because he wanted to one up All Might and even went as far as abusing his family?
Rock Lock being "mean" isn't him being malicious compared to some other characters who are a lot worse to children.
He was making a point that being a Pro Hero isn't some game. You literally put your life on the line. Let me remind you that some of the kids want to be Pro Heroes just to be famous, Mineta for example.
I would be critical, too, when if someone decides to risk their life for the sake of just wanting to be popular. The man has experience being a Pro Hero. He probably has seen Heroes die!
Seeing kids, children, minors walk into a meeting about dealing with an evil organization in that was currently lead by a man that was EXPERIMENTING ON A CHILD probably brought fear into the man as he, again, has a family he loves.
Unlike some fucking Pro Hero.
And it's not like he is this "cold, heartless angry" man. He indeed gives credit where credit is due. You just have to earn it. Midoriya is my baby, my green sunshine, he is my favorite. But in the eyes of Rock Lock, he needed to prove that he wasn't one of those people who wanted to be a Hero just because. Again, Midoriya is a child, one who is sometimes reckless when his emotions get the best of him. That is not good when it comes to being on the field when fighting villains who are unpredictable and could kill you.
Also, during the Shie Hassaikai arc, he did show concern for Amajiki when he got hurt. So again, he isn't heartless.
He's just professional and doesn't play games.
Endeavor didn't even want to take Bakugou and Midoriya in for the Work Studies, he was actually annoyed by their presence.
What does that tell you about his character?
Exactly what was his excuse for that annoyance when they came there to get experience. It wasn't as if he didn't get to train Shoto. He was just being a little bitch.
People wonder why villains are the way they are, but if some of these Pros cared less about their fame and egos and more about the fact that their duty is to save people like Rock Lock, than maybe the villains wouldn't be the way they are.
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