#feeling incoherent and in pain and writing this to distract myself if it makes no sense that’s why 👍
byclairs · 1 year
some predictions about how the painting lie will fit into the narrative would irritate me so badly if they actually happened
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Jam are you okay?🥹
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(TW: death)
I'm putting my answer under a cut because I don't want to accidentally trigger someone.
There are probably better ways and words but I don't have them right now so excuse the incoherent following rambling.
The short answer is: No, I'm currently not doing okay and right now, I'm not sure if I ever will be okay again, even though the rational part of my brain (and several people in my life) say I will.
A very close and dear family member died.
Right now everything feels very surreal and I think I will wake up any moment and I just dreamed everything and it will be the day before it happened again and my family member (FM) is not dead and will also not die. Reality is, unfortunately, different.
My family knew the FM wouldn't reach 100 but there was no sign the FM would die now. During days like these, of all days. I know the FM didn't choose it but I'm still incredibly mad at whoever is in charge. And if a God exists he got the lecture of his life time from my FM because I just know my FM absolutely hates the fact the FM died during this time. The FM loved Christmas, the FM knows I love Christmas with all my heart and the FM was looking forward to spending time with the family.
In the evening before the day it happened I packed the FM's presents and planned everything. Less than 12 hours later the FM was dead. Which are two events I still can't connect in my head. I try to console myself with the fact the FM died the way the FM always wanted to die - just closing eyes and falling asleep and dying in the process. There was no pain, no suffering. But my FM is still dead and currently I find no comfort in that thougt.
Right now, I try to get through the day. If I could I just want to stay home and lie in my bed all day. My depression is on a high right now and makes it extra difficult. (No worries, though. I'm in contact with my therapist, I have medication and I know my survival tactics and I also have my emergency numbers.). I still pull through since I now have to plan a funeral. And I know this is not about me but ... I absolutely hate everything about this and the fact that I start the new year with a funeral of my FM and this horrible year had such an ending.
Writing or returning to the blog and taking care of it might be a good distraction and will help me feeling different. Maybe even better. But hopefully it takes my mind of the grief. Maybe that's my way if coping with it. Maybe it's just repression. I honestly don't care right now.
That being said, I have no idea when I will try to take my mind of things and try to distract myself with writing and / or running the blog. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe next week. Maybe at some point in January. Maybe later. I'll plan to try it in the next few days but making plans right now is difficult.
Everything will continue. My FM was a huge supporter of my writing and I still want to write and tell all the stories you've asked for and I have in my mind. And I still want to run this blog - for my mutuals, for the community, to help Ukraine (which I know my FM would be happy about), for myself, for the fandom.
Maybe I'll return and realize I can't do it right now and take another break. Just know that at some point, everything will continue. I just don't know when and with how many breaks.
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blackacre13 · 2 years
Hi, can I submit a prompt? You're writing is my favourite on tumblr!
Could you do a Loubbie where one of them is on their period and they're having sex please 💕
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“This is it,” Debbie groaned. “This is the end. It’s happening.”
Lou didn’t need to ask out loud what Debbie was dramatically referring to, but the visual of the brunette curled in a ball clutching at her stomach confirmed what she already knew.
“That bad, honey?” The blonde frowned, folding her magazine closed and putting it down on the night table before shuffling closer to her girlfriend.
“So bad,” Debbie grumbled, sounding on the verge of tears as she buried her head between her arms in an attempt to close out the world around her as she let out small curses at the pain.
“You know,” Lou smiled, crawling towards her as she played with the string of Debbie’s borrowed sweatpants. “There is something that might make you feel better.”
“I don’t want chocolate,” Debbie whined. “You know I can’t stop once I shove the first piece in my mouth.”
“It’’s better than chocolate,” Lou laughed, laying her head down against Debbie’s stomach as the brunette let out a disbelieving hmph. “At least, I have one Deborah Ocean on the record claiming such.”
“Just keep your head right there,” Debbie grumbled, patting at the blonde’s head absently. “The pressure feels good.”
“This would feel better.”
Debbie opened a single eye, shooting her partner a look that was half curiosity and half disbelief.
“Lou,” she sighed. “I’m gushing blood.”
“A lovely visual,” the Australian sighed in return. “And yes, love. I’m aware. That’s why I’m offering something that can help.”
“I’m wearing granny panties,” Debbie whispered. “Like up past my belly button.”
“And there’s…a lot going on down there, hence the crushing pain.”
“Yes, believe it or not, Deb. I have had a health class or two and frequently experience the same agony myself. What is it? Once a month for the last decade or so perhaps?”
“Shut up,” Debbie groaned, trying to send a pillow sailing towards the blonde.
“Do you trust me?” Lou whispered, her fingers ghosting along the line of her sweatpants softly as Debbie’s hips rolled beneath her touch. “You know an orgasm is the best remedy, honey. It’s a good distraction and it’ll help the pain.”
“Doctor’s orders?” Debbie smirked.
“Doctor’s orders,” Lou winked, her hand disappearing into Debbie’s pants as the brunette let out a hiss.
“Baby, I don’t—god, this isn’t sexy,” she whispered, hiding her face, but Lou could see blush spreading against her cheeks and her thighs were already parting for the blonde.
“You’re always sexy,” Lou disagreed, pushing inside her as Debbie’s hips rolled to meet the thrust of her fingers. “Let me make you feel good, honey,” she whispered, pumping inside her slowly as Debbie moaned, letting her eyes flutter closed. “Doesn’t that feel good, baby? Just let go for me.”
“But I’m going to get blood on your—“
“We have this amazing thing called a sink,” Lou whispered, kissing Debbie’s neck as she pushed further inside her, Debbie letting out a whimper. “And a shower. Wouldn’t a shower feel good honey after you come apart for me? I can shampoo your hair. Let the hot water run over you. I don’t know. Clean you up?”
“Fuck, Lou.”
“Is that a yes, honey?” Lou purred, adding another finger as Debbie let out a panted “God, yes.”
“What was that saying?” Lou asked, picking up her pace as Debbie moaned incoherently, grabbing at her. “An orgasm a day keeps the period cramps at bay?”
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miioouu · 3 years
Birthday Girl...
So what if I want a suna x reader x terushima for my birthday? I’m gonna write it myself and no one can stop me ok? Ok! Also, I know some people don’t like the whole stoner idea, but…I’m not one of these people so… anyway! Happy (late) birthday to me!
Warning: smut, threesome, anal, mention of alcohol and weed…
When your friends said they were throwing you a party for your birthday, you thought of a small one, just between your closest peers. But obviously, it’s not the case. The house filled to the brim with people, you’re barely able to breathe, faces you’ve never seen before, you can only assume they’re here for the free alcohol and drugs, and you can’t blame them. Music that was definitely not your preferred genre blasting through the speakers, but right now, with all the booze flowing through your blood, drowning you out, you couldn’t care. It’s not always you get to be the center of attention, and honestly you always avoided it, but it’s a special occasion and how mean of you would it be if you didn’t enjoy your friends’ effort and kindness to the fullest?
That’s what you’re telling yourself, when halfway through the night you found yourself grinding against a much taller man; one of your hand in his fake blond hair, the other holding a red solo cup. His, were on your waist, pulling you oh so close you could feel everything. His breath smelled like a mix of alcohol and smoke, his hands large and hot caressing your skin leaving you burning, his eyes, golden brown had you drowning in their artificial sweetness, but all of that didn’t compare to the way his knee was between your legs. Your clothed cunt pressed on his muscular thigh, the rough fabric of his jeans rubbing on your clit had shivers running through your body. You were so close to losing your mind, so close to falling into insanity, if it weren’t for a foreign voice breaking the two bodies apart. “Hey Terushima, having fun with the birthday girl?” He sounded teasing, his words slurring together; you had to concentrate hard enough to understand. The man glued to your side, Terushima you learned, rolled his eyes, mischievous glint in them, taking the joint from the dark-haired boy’s grip, taking a hit and blowing it to your face, laughing as you glared at, but other than that he ignored you, too interested in answering the other male. “Mhm, man, Suna… you should join! What do you think special girl?” Locking eyes with him, red and hazy, though you can tell he’s checking you. Tongue wetting his lips, taking a step closer to you and breath hitting your face making you rub yourself on the leg still between yours. His voice low and smooth as he growled in your ear “I think that will be a fun present, don’t you think?” Without second thought, you nodded your head, it’s all they needed to go for it.
Walking over each other, hands roaming on each other’s bodies, how you made it to a room without tripping was beyond you. Though that didn’t matter right now. The teeth sinking into the tender skin of your neck, cold metal swiping over it contrasting perfectly against the heat radiating from your body. Nimble hands on your sides, brushes of the tips making you shiver in need as he took off your shirt. So lost between the two of them you couldn’t help but moan, quiet yet passionate eliciting something in them that you were just about to discover. Suna detached himself from you, taking off the rest of your clothes, both whistling as they saw the string of arousal stretching from your heat to your panties as they were sliding down your legs. He then threw Yuuji a look that you couldn’t quite decipher, all you knew is that it got your knees weak in lust. Pushing you back till you were sitting on the edge of the mattress, giving you a kiss and blowing smoke filling your lungs, before backing away slightly, moving his hips to the feint rhythm of the music as he started taking off his own clothes. Giggling a bit, though you followed his every move, drooling as he exposed his abs to your eyes, filling you with the need to glide your fingers against him, but before you get up, Terushima pinned you to place, before joining Suna in his lap dance. Humming along, showing you his pearly whites in a smile as he shimmied down his skin tight jeans, tripping a few times, laughing with you whenever he did so and sending Rintaro a sly smirk when he facepalmed at him. The way their bodies moved and twisted, so gracefully to the beat and slowly making their way to you, had you unconsciously rubbing your thighs together, pussy drooling at just the sight of them. Standing tall and proud, just waiting to be buried inside your holes and the idea of it has you moaning in impatience. Rin was the one to lift you up, sitting down only to drop you in his lap. Your back pressed tightly against his chest, feeling ever ragged breath he took, hearing each and every little groan that let his lips. His hands parting your legs, holding the steady as he watched Terushima kneel before him, his piercing shining under the low light at his tongue poked out, licking a strip between your folds, making sure to pay extra attention to your bundle of nerves. His eyes on your face, watching, observing each of your expressions, the furrow of your brows, your teeth digging into your lower lip, trying to keep the moans at bay but failing miserably as they got louder and louder whenever he sucked on that special pearl. Your body squirming and jumping, grinding and pushing back against Suna’s dick, driving you closer to the edge whenever you felt it twitch. His mouth leaving hues of blues and red on you neck and collar bones, his free hand twisting your nipples, pinching and pulling at them. It was the combination of Terushima’s skillful tongue and Rin’s praises that pushed you over the edge, off of the cliff and drowning in pleasure. Reaching your high, your juices dripping from Yuuji’s face, pooling on Suna’s thighs, and as mind crashing as your orgasm was, you wanted more.
It’s like they could tell. From the grin on their faces, the glint in their eyes, their whole aura had your heart beating faster and heat rushing to your core, again. Pulling you up, the blond’s fingers sending shivers down your spine as they brushed against your skin, placing below your ass to lift you up. So gentle, so uncharacteristically from him, it got your heart squeezing in a foreign feeling. His lips on your neck, peppering kisses and bites. His cock twitching against you, making you moan and whine for more pleasure, and you almost forgot that you weren’t alone when you heard the other man chuckle. Before you could even look at him, the sound of spitting resonated through the room, his dick glistening as he pumped it, spreading his pre all over it before he got up and made his way over. “Such a pretty girl… Tell us, you want to have both of your holes stuffed? Wanna have them both dripping our cum. That would be an amazing sight, what do you think Yuuji?” You couldn’t help but whine, begging them to give you more. His words alone had you clenching around nothing, grinding down and trying to shove the pierced cock inside you, but he squeezed you tighter, preventing you from moving. “Don’t worry baby, you’ll get what you want eventually, just be patient!” With that being said, you felt a finger pushing against the tight walls of your asshole. Slowly making its way deeper into you making you throw your head back and let out a cry in both pain and pleasure, and even more when the high boy inserted another one, scissoring them inside you to stretch you open. The ache slowly became extasy, you soon began to beg for more and more, your walls fluttering around nothing, and the tears gathering in the corners of your eyes was all it took for Terushima to lower you on his dick. Sinking so deeply inside you, he couldn’t care when you told him to slow down, too eager to be balls deep in you. Your nails digging in his shoulders, creating blood crescent you bet he’ll be flaunting around the next day. The fingers in your back hole coming to a stop and withdrawing, Rintaro couldn’t help the deep breath he took, the shiver flowing all through his body while seeing your empty hole clenching. His hands on your hips, holding you still for a moment while he started pushing his length in. inch by inch, the pain was becoming too much, your tears rolling down your cheeks, an agglomeration of both their names leaving your lips in a discomfort whine. They both slowed for a bit, giving you time to adjust; the shorter of the two dipping down and pressing his lips to yours, cold metal swiping across your lower lip, granting him access and letting him discover and explore each and every corner of your wet cavern. The other one, the man behind you, looped his arm around you, slipping it between your and the blond’s bodies, travelling south, between your folds and finding your clit. Pressing on it, circling it languidly as way to distract you; and it worked. Your moans getting louder, your body squirming and moving like it had a mind of its own, asking the males to just get on with it. And how could they refuse you; you are the birthday girl after all! Picking up the pace, both of them thrusting into you, rearranging your insides. Still sensitive from you last orgasm, you couldn’t help your walls fluttering around them, tightening around them. So lost in the pleasure, you mind going blank, incoherent string of words leaving your lips and echoing through the room, thank god for the loud music outside or it would’ve been so embarrassing. Mixed to that was their groans and heavy breath, the sound of skin clapping adding to the symphony. And you can’t help it, none of you could. When the knot inside you broke, your eyes rolled back and tongue lolled out, your head thrown back and your nails clawing, you reached your high, probably the most intense you’ve ever had. And soon after, Yuuji came, painting your insides white with praises falling from his lips like a mantra “You’re so good baby, gosh you’re so fucking tight… gosh you got
me going crazy” His words had you whimpering, eyes fluttering you could barely look at him. And Suna didn’t too long, with a moan of your name he reached climax, pulling out to see his seed spilling out of you. “You naughty girl, you liked having both of your holes destroyed? Don’t worry, the night’s not over….. Enjoy your birthday babe”
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knullanon · 3 years
(Tw violence, tw death threats) (I wanted to try something with black beetle, I’m not very good at writing him but I tried!)
Black beetle stomped through the reaches headquarters, grumbling incoherently while looking at the charm bracelet you gave him. He questioned why he let a meat bag like you give him something so...dull.
The beetle silenced himself as he walked into the lab where the Ambassador and Scientist were. The two didn’t bother looking up at him for a moment, simply keeping their beady eyes on their research.
Eventually, the Ambassador turned to Black Beetle and smiled. “Ah, Warrior, we’ve been expecting you.”
The Dark creature simply raised an eyebrow at him “May I ask why, Ambassador?”
Before the green alien could speak, the scientist interrupted him. “We would like to speak about our concerns regarding your companionship with...the human girl.”
The Beetle’s expression became more suspicious, now glaring at the two short creatures before him.
“She is a distraction to you,” The Ambassador continued “We believe she will get in the way of our mission to enslave earth. As the security of the reach, we expect your 100% devotion and attention to our mission and safety.”
Black Beetle’s glare became angrier, and he let out a snarl “I guarantee you, Ambassador, my relations with the young human will not get in the way of our mission.”
“Oh really, is that so?” The Ambassador scowled, beginning to walk towards him “Today, instead of helping the Atlantean capture and secure more meta humans, you spent all that precious time on that human! And for what? Playing mindless, dense games with her? Keeping her stupid charms? I expected better from you Warrior, I didn’t hire a disgrace.”
“Perhaps we should see what makes her so special, hm? I suppose we could use another test subject, especially since our bodyguard seems to adore her so much,” The Scientist sneered.
“Excellent idea, why don’t we-“ A black fist met his throat, crushing and choking it within its grasp. The Ambassador choked and gasped for air, narrowing his watery eyes at the angry orbs staring into his soul. The noiseless scientist froze in place, too scared to move.
“My relations with the human are none of your business. I believe you should not interfere, unless you want your spine to be snapped in two.”
The now pale alien gargled out in pain, it’s eyes rolling in the back of its head as Black Beetle tighten his grip, feeling a slight satisfaction at the popping and crackling sounds from his neck.
“I will not hesitate to abandon this entire mission if you intrude on my personal life again. Now, if you’re too lightheaded to hear me properly, then let me repeat myself.”
The Ambassador’s head was slammed into the wall, his citrine eyes rolling back forward.
“You will not be interfering with the human. You will not be kidnapping her. You will not be experimenting on her. You will leave her alone. If I find out you even touched her, I promise, you will be begging to end your misery. Do I make myself clear?”
The male alien had long since passed out, his tongue hung from his mouth and pained groans escaping. The female simply looked in fear before nodding.
Black Beetle dropped him, and walked out, passing by various chambers of teenage kids just like her.
“Now, if you excuse me, I have a mariokart score to beat.”
-lapis anon 💙
lapis anon be giving us food again
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
A Yandere!Hawks/OC piece for a very lovely anonymous commissioner, featuring her character, Miya, and the foul-feather man himself. This might be my first time writing for Keigo, but I feel like it went well enough. I may have taken a few creative liberties with his dialogue, though...
Word Count: 2.1k
TW: Non-Con, Semi-Public Sex, Groping, Entitlement and Delusional Mindsets. 
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It wasn’t that Miya didn’t like Keigo.
She didn’t like him, but she couldn’t say she disliked him, either. She respected his work as a hero, and appreciated the levity his reputation held, even if she wasn’t particularly fond of the young Pro when he was out of costume. Like everyone else, she’d had her run-ins with him, but as time went on and her life progressed, she seemed to see more of him, hear more of him, whether it was that laugh or that smirk or that lazy, smug tone that permeated his voice like rainwater overflowing from a gutter after a heavy storm. She couldn’t bring herself to hate him, but one day, she might.
One day soon, preferably.
That’d make rejecting him much easier than it was now.
Even now, it was difficult not to grit her teeth as her eyes darted towards his shoes, moving in pace with her own as she walked, her stride much faster than it had to be despite Keigo offering to take the lead. The incident had been over an hour ago, and Miya would like to think that she hadn’t seemed shaken. It was just a petty criminal, a thief looking for someone who’d cower at the first sight of claws and scales, but she’d always found it difficult to be intimidated by a quirk, however villainous it appeared. She’d been ready to defend herself, but Keigo was on the attack before she could make a move, and he was more than happy to take the credit when all the newscasters and amateur journalists arrived to document his feat, leaving Miya swept up in the chaos. He’d insisted on walking her home, afterward, and she hadn’t been able to think of a good excuse to tell him to fuck off.
How many times had he saved her, now? It could’ve been that they followed similar routes, or the recent influx in crime, but this had to be the fifth time he’d come to her rescue, if not the sixth. Vigilant crime-fighters weren’t an issue, but it was hard not to feel… unnerved by the frequency. Up until a few months ago, she’d never even seen a hero on patrol, and now one was trailing her, ready to lunge at the slightest hint of a treat. It was just her ego talking, she knew that, but her ego could be loud. Unignorable at the worst of times, unfortunately.
Keigo huffed, drawing her out of her thoughts, raising his arms and cupping his hands behind his head, forming a make-shift support as he glanced idly towards the sky. “Awfully thoughtful tonight,” He commented, filling the uncomfortable silence. He was smiling, but it was one of his reflexive grins, reassuring to most but off-putting to anyone who spent more than a moment in his company. Miya wasn’t proud to belong to the latter group. “You’re not gettin’ sick of me, are you? I’d hate to turn you off your favorite hero.”
“I prefer Endeavor,” She mumbled, more for herself than for him. Her eyes darted to the sidewalk, then the buildings on either side of the road. It was late, by now, so most of the shops were closed, but she could still see the signs and brands posted outside, each name more unrecognizable than the last. “Hawks--”
Keigo clicked his tongue, his smile faltering, a frown beginning to pull at the corners of his lips. “I thought I told you to call me--”
“Hawks,” She affirmed, her tone more authoritative than it had to be. “Are you sure this is a shortcut? None of this seems familiar, and it feels like we’ve gone too far… I think I’d know the best way to get to my own apartment, by now.”
Her skepticism earned her a glance out of the corner of his eye, half-obscured by his sleeve as he shifted to get a better look at her. With an inaudible sigh, he dropped his arms back to his sides, his smile softening as he took her wrist. She opened her mouth, but Keigo didn’t give her a chance to get anything out, holding a finger to his lips as he spoke. “Have I ever been wrong?” He asked, ignoring her hasty nod. “Just trust me, I’ll have you home in no time.”
Before she could protest, he was pulling her into a narrow alleyway between a convenience store and a larger, unnamed building, the space so narrow, they struggled to walk side-by-side. Away from the streetlights, it took her eyes a moment to adjust, but sight did little to alleviate her confusion. Rather, she only grew more unnerved as a fence came into view, chainlink but tall, too tall to easily be scaled. Again, she moved to voice her thoughts and again, Keigo had other plans. Plans that seemed to have less and less to do with keeping her safe.
She wasn’t sure how it happened. One second, she was just turning towards him, and the next, she was facing a brick wall, her hands coming up reflexively to support herself, Hawks’ arm wrapped around her waist and his chest pressed against her back, the bulk of his attire doing little to stifle how suffocated she suddenly felt, dread welling up and boiling over before she had a chance to stifle it. She tried to scream, but a downy glove was quick to stop her, shooting to her mouth and muffling the sound. Keigo only kissed the nape of her neck, cooing something unintelligible, like he had the right to try and calm her down.
“C’mon, baby, don’t make this harder than it had to be,” He muttered, a finger slipping below the waistband of her shorts. Instantly, panic set in, and she threw her weight against him, grappling and fighting for any opening she could get. Keigo’s hold tightened, and he let out a soft growl as he shoved her against the wall, two feathers shooting out from his wings and finding her sweater, long sleeves soon pinned to the solid stone, trapping Miya with them. Still, Keigo was gentle, slow, taking his time to work her shorts down to her thighs as if he didn’t have any place better to be. “We could’ve done this your way, but you just had to huff and groan until you lost your chance. We’re gonna do this how I want to, now.”
“Fucking pervert,” She spat, but her voice died in her throat as he pawed at her ass, pressing another kiss into the dip of her shoulder. Fabric rustled, something soft falling to the ground, his now free hand brushing past her thigh to rub against the seat of her panties, tracing her slit for a moment before pushing distinct, measured circles into her clit. Even with a layer of cloth and disgust separating them, his expertise was undeniable, each tic of his fingers and buck of his hips against her sending a shock through her system, uninvited but not unpleasant. Miya grit her teeth, her jaw locking into place and her eyes clenching shut in an effort to block him out, but there was nothing she could do to ignore the long, low whistle he let out as her hips twitched, dampness just beginning to accumulate on his fingertips. Keigo only nuzzled into her back, nearly purring in satisfaction.
“This might’ve been more romantic, if you weren’t so stubborn,” He mumbled, absentmindedly pulling her panties to the side as he spoke. Abruptly, two fingers were pushed inside of her, leaving her to clench and adjust as he scissored her open, alternating between curling and pumping, whichever made her knees buckle and needy, pathetic whimpers work their way past her lips. “Been planning it out for a while, since the first time I saved my little damsel in distress. Woulda bought you roses, taken you back to my place, all that shit. Guess we’ll save that for that later, though.” His palm came up, grinding against her clit, and Miya gasped, involuntarily pushing herself into his chest. Keigo chuckled, his ministrations becoming more aggressive. “Shoulda waited this time, too. You were just bein’ so cold, I didn’t think I could help myself.”
Miya tried to speak, but all that came out was a pitiful, incoherent stutter as he pulled away, his grip moving to her waist as he dragged her back, forcing her to brace herself against the unforgiving wall and pray for mercy. She felt the tip of his cock press against her cunt, but that was all the warning she got before he was pushing inside her, refusing to stop until he’d bottomed out with a blatant, shameless groan. The stretch was painful, too snug to mean anything good, but that didn’t stop Keigo from grinding against her, starting to thrust just as her legs gave out, leaving Keigo to hold her up. If he cared, though, she couldn’t tell, his hold on her hips growing bruising as he moved inside her, spikes of pleasure and pain striking at her core in unforgiving, unyielding waves. Tears blurred her vision, welling in the corners of her eyes, but moans mixed with the sobs, forming something hellish in the middle ground. Keigo cooed, his tone turning delicate, infantilizing. Adoring, if she was being optimistic, but Miya couldn’t find it in herself to be so positive.
“You’re so tight, baby. Are you still scared of me?” He snapped his hips against hers, making a point of relishing in the high-pitched whine that crawled out of her throat. She stopped making an effort to be quiet, suddenly finding herself thankful for the passing cars, the footsteps of distant pedestrians, her own breathy, heated pants. Anything to distract her from the wet, sloppy sounds of Keigo fucking into her cunt. “Don’t worry, we’ll change that,” He assured, before the air hitched in his lungs, his pace losing rhythm for the blink of an eye. “Or, maybe we won’t. I’m gonna take such good care of you… I get to be selfish about this, yeah?”
It might’ve been the adrenaline, or the fear or Keigo’s intensity or anything, but when one of his hands fell past her waist, reaching around to tease her clit… That was all she needed to clench around him, her chest seizing up and her knees knocking together as she came, the break from that constant, thudding pressure coming as a relief. And yet, it didn’t do anything to block out the feeling of Keigo pulling out, barely getting a fist around his cock before something thick and hot coated the back of her thigh.
There was silence, for a moment, only broken by the labored breaths both of them struggled to take. Miya didn’t have to worry about it for very long, though.
He kissed her jaw, the two red fathers keeping her pinned falling to the ground, lifeless. She could hear him fishing something out of his coat’s pocket, but she couldn’t bring herself to look at what it was. “Close your eyes, alright? We’re going home.”
A rag pressed against her lower face, and the world around her went black.
Miya was sore when she woke up, her head pounding and her legs aching despite the plush surface she’d been laid on. She was almost tempted to lean into it, to go back to sleep and worry about the pain another time, but a dip in the mattress was enough to inject a cold, sobering dose of reality into her veins, the severity of her situation slowly beginning to dawn on her. Hesitantly, she sat up, keeping her gaze focused on satin sheets and more pillows than any one person could ever need, her survey ending when her eyes landed on the sleek, polished metal shackle wrapped around her ankle, connected to a seamless tether that fell off the side of the bed. Miya felt herself deflate, her hope spiraling as quickly as her pride had.
She almost didn’t feel the lithe fingertips soon rubbing at her shoulders, a familiar face leaning into her side. “Don’t be too mad at me, princess,” Keigo mumbled, his voice quiet, comforting. As soothing as it was repulsive. “The chain’ll come off as soon as you come around. Be good for me, and I won’t have to make things any worse.”
“You kidnapped me,” She retorted, but her voice was weak, barely audible. She just glared, biting the inside of her cheek. “Hawks--”
“Keigo. You’re supposed to call me Keigo.” His hold around her shoulder tightened, and Miya cringed, crying out breathlessly, but Keigo only laughed, the sound forced, volatile.
“But, we’ll have plenty of time to work on that, won’t we?”
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liliesoftherain · 4 years
Bomber Jacket
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Genre: Angst, Comforting
Word Count: 1.5K +
Summary: Who knew that old bomber jacket of his would lead to this.
A/N: I had a quick inspiration and I typed this out, so after this I really won’t post anything new until finals are over! I’m just a huge procrastinator so anything to keep me away from homework I will do. Enjoy!
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The sky was nowhere to be seen, it’s form hidden by the darkened clouds. Not even the raging winds could help push them aside, they were here to stay. Although,even with no intention of letting the light shine through, they provided some beauty. It was an ethereal sight to behold indeed: the gray that painted the city as if it were a photograph changed by a filter. Not even the blinding fog that swirled in the streets below could lessen the bitter sweetness of it all. 
You watched it all from the comfort of your home, sipping warmth straight from your mug and allowing its comfort to sooth your sorrows. It was a day like this after all that changed your life forever. That was all in the past now. Her cold fingers threatened to squeeze your throat with her harsh memories, but it was all a dulled pain. One you have learned to suppress as the years trickled on, trying to enable yourself to find another happiness. A block from it all. You did, and he was the most perfect thing your life has blessed you with
A sound from upstairs caught your attention, glancing up at the ceiling as if you could peer through to see the mysteries above. You stood, setting your cup down as your curiosity pulled you up the stairs and towards the open attic door.
The stairs that led up there were calling your name, as they have only seen you a few times since moving in years ago. Your heart felt heavy as you knew what lies in store for you once you go up there, it happened every time you did. It was the main reason you stayed away after all, your heart could only break so much. 
You heard another thump and incoherent mutterings followed. You shake your head, a smile forming on your face despite previous thoughts that were creeping into your mind.
“Love, are you up there?” 
The old steps were taunting, daring you to climb them. Their whispers were screams that you could barely hear over until a light voice broke through, causing a peace to wash away the harsh tones.
“Yea, I’ll be right down.”
That wasn’t fair, you knew it wasn’t. Just because you couldn’t stand the reminders of your past, doesn't mean he shouldn’t be able to enjoy them. 
You willed your body to move, taking the steps slowly, cautiously. The further up you went, the more quickly your heart began to beat. Till you reached the top and it stopped completely. The sight before you was quick to bring tears to your eyes, a hand slowly coming up to your mouth to muffle the gasp you didn’t even realize you made.
Red eyes met yours, they were just as wide as your own, a hint of shock and regret swirling in them. 
“What are-uh, I-I’m sorry I didn’t think you’d come up-” He stuttered, gaze now looking anywhere but you. 
You could only stare in complete silence. Your thoughts taken over as former dormant memories sprung to life, dancing in your head like a movie on repeat. All you could see was Katsuki standing there.
“Mom.. I’m sorry-”
“You have no reason to be my love.” Your eyes shining with unshed tears, causing him to panic.
“But you’re crying!” 
“Am I?” A smile graced your lips, despite the tears that now freely down your cheeks. 
You son was speechless, unable to do anything as you brought him into your arms. The hug lasted for what felt like a lifetime, but it still wasn’t enough for you. You ran a hand through his spiky blond locks before pulling back just enough to gaze at his face. You didn’t have to look down far, even at the age of thirteen he was already close to surpassing your height. 
“You look so much like your dad, I was caught off guard is all. That was his favorite jacket you know?” 
He looked at the bomber jacket as your run your hands along the sleeves, playfully tapping each patch on the way.
“I got him this one you know,” You pointed at the flaming skull on the collar, “he was so embarrassed when I pointed out how quickly he got it sewed on. He thought if he yelled loud enough it would distract from the giant blush on his face. It didn’t.”
“Yes love?”
“Can I..” He looked away, arms untangling from your middle and brought to hug himself. 
“You most certainly can have it, your.. your dad would be so proud of you.”
You wiped the tears that now ran down his face.
“I miss him.” 
“I miss him too baby.” You brought him in for a hug once more and he gripped your shirt like a lifeline. 
“I know he misses you too, God, he loved you so much.” 
He sobbed into your shoulder, and your heart was squeezing at the sound.
“I have something to show you, I was going to wait till you got into his alma mater, but I think you need it now.” You pulled back and led him downstairs into your room. You only kept a few things in your room of his, a few shirts, a few gifts, but most importantly his notes. 
No one would take Bakugou Katsuki as the type to write love letters, but he did. He wrote many to you in his life, and you kept them all in a special box in the drawer of your bedside table. 
You son looked confused as you sat down on the bed, legs hanging over the edge as you patted the spot next to you. He complied, staring at the box you gripped tightly in your hands.
You opened it to reveal tons of papers that were kept organized, trying to keep it that way as you dug through the contents, finding the paper you needed.
“Your father wrote this.. For you.” 
He slowly took the paper from your hand, and looked at the surprisingly neat words that filled the entire page.
If you’re reading this then I’m sorry, because this means we can never have this conversation in person. I often think of the type of legacy I will leave behind for you, will it be enough? Will it be something that makes you proud? Even more so, I wonder if I was around long enough for you to remember me. This line of work I am in is dangerous, but I could never picture leaving it. I do this for you and your mother, to make sure the world you will grow up in is a safe one. I hope you know how much I love you and how much I want for you. From the start, from the very first moment I laid eyes on you, you were the spark of my life. The one thing that truly mattered.
I wish I could be there for you, there is so much I wish to share with you, to experience with you. Things I hope I will, so you will never have to see this letter, but things don’t always work like that. So here are some lessons I hope this letter will provide, and you allow these lessons to take root into your life and be bigger than I ever was;
Always protect those that are weaker than you. If all you ever do is look down on people, you won't be able to recognize your own weakness. I was never good with this rule myself, not until I met your mother. Yet not truly until I met you, my son. Keep that compassion and strength that comes from a concern for the world and the people around you, don’t lose it. Use it to push yourself, to be stronger. 
Be safe, I cannot stress this enough. Don’t throw yourself into danger because you think that is the only way to win. No one is winning if you think dying is the only way to save someone, you must live for others. Your mother doesn’t deserve another heartbreak, and you’re the only one there who can provide the love she needs. She is the strongest person I know, but she’ll need someone to lean on. So don’t forget to lean on each other. 
Love with all of your heart, never be afraid to share your emotions. They don’t make you weak, it’s the opposite. Your strength doesn’t come from your quirk, it comes from your heart. Your feelings, your love, your care, your compassion.
Above all else son, I want you to remember that even if I’m not physically there with you, my love for you will always be. I love you more than life itself, and I’ll be damned if anything tries to convince you otherwise. I will never be really gone, I’ll always be in your heart. Remember that.
I am your biggest fan, I am your greatest protector, I will always be proud of you, I will always be confident in your skills, I will always love you unconditionally, and I will always be here for you. Nothing will change that. So I hope you can forgive me one day for having to leave you so soon.
I love you son.
Your dad, 
Bakugou Katsuki.
Tears fell from your eyes at the sight of your smiling son, his hands lightly tracing along the words of the paper. He looked at you, eyes red but a determined grin on his face, and in that split second you swore you saw your husband sitting behind your son with the same smirk on his own.
“I’ll become a great hero, just like dad, even better than him. I swear it!”
“I have no doubts you will dear.. I have no doubts at all.”
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kaciread04 · 3 years
Pains of Distraction
Prompt: Write about someone making a seemingly inconsequential decision, which goes on to have important consequences
The car gently rocked as I sped down the highway, lights passing my eyes faster than my brain could register. The night was crisp and dark, my favourite type of night, but I couldn’t enjoy my surroundings as my yearning for my bed became greater. To be home, warm, wrapped up in my 3 blankets and read a book before slipping into a peaceful sleep ready for my 3 day weekend ahead. I live a simple life but I wouldn’t have it any other way, the repetitiveness gave me peace of mind, no sudden changes, no unexpected surprises. Simple and predictable. Just how I like it. As my yearning grew even more I decided to turn off onto a shortcut road, it was a bit riskier but worth the 20 minutes it would shave off my commute time, 20 minutes more of reading and relaxing.
The road was slightly slippier than the main highway forcing me to slow my car down, so much for 20 extra minutes, now I’d be lucky to make it home at my regular time. At least the slower speed allowed me more time to look at the country-side scenery. The fields and farmhouses lit by the soft light of the moon. They looked so beautiful in this light, I’d love to live in one of those homes. They just look so peaceful and quaint, so perfect. I could easily imagine waking up one day to the sound of animals making noises, children climbing on mine and my partner’s bed, working through the day by moving hay barrels, working together to fix a broken tractor. All just perfect.
With one last glance at my idealistic dreams I turned my attention back onto the road. I probably shouldn’t have taken my eyes off it in the first place as my eyes were instantly flooded with the headlights of another vehicle. Shit.
I heard myself start screaming as my car was sent spinning off the wet road and down the slope that lined the road I once drove along. The window glass smashed, seat belt tightened, air bag deployed, sides crumpled and hope left my body. My body was gripped with pain and I was prepared to die, I wanted to die to just end the pain that had seized every fibre of my being. Nothing could compare to this pain.
The car eventually stopped moving and I became more aware of the damage on my body. I could feel the blood flowing down my forehead, the bone that protruded from my calf, the throbbing pain behind my eyes, the bruise forming across my chest resulting from the seatbelt, the ache that spread throughout my whole body and concentrated in my chest. It was overwhelming and, as much as I fought it, my eyes slowly started to slip shut. The pain continued to build until my eyes were fully closed and all my aches, pains and worries slowly slipped away till nothing was left.
Beeping. Nothing but beeping. Incessant. Loud. Painful. Fucking beeping.
I tried to slowly move but the pain in my body intensified greatly at the slightest shift so I settled for opening my eyes, I’m sure I didn’t even move anyway, and that was far more doable.
“Oh baby!” I slightly winced at the loud sudden noise before realising it was my partner. They get a pass.
“I fucking love you.” I tried to speak but my voice was so hoarse I’m sure it sounded more like a jumbled mess of incoherent sounds opposed to sensicle words.
“Sshh, don’t speak, you’re just gonna hurt yourself more.” Their calmer voice brought a smile to my face. Even in this nightmare-ish situation their presence brought joy and peace to my life. Glad to know nothing changed in the 5 years since we had met.
My body still hurts immensely, to be expected after a severe car wreck I suppose. Hopefully I won’t be too impacted but only time will tell.
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pepperonyspizza · 4 years
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Day 3: Soulmates AU 
No Warnings, Platonic Ironhusbands, Pepperony, Angst and Fluff
The first time Tony feels the skin of his arm tingle is when he’s 15 years old. 
He’s just moved into his dorm room at MIT, still unsure of his father’s decision to send him here at this age. He doesn’t feel like he belongs and the confused, judging and even angry looks he’s received from other people on campus do little to ease his worries. They must know who he is and aren’t all that happy about it. 
Tony is sitting on his bed, studying the unfamiliar items that give him a vague idea about his roommate when he hears the door open. Jumping up from the bed, he prepares himself for the worst. He only hopes that the other guy won’t request to change rooms upon realizing who he has to share his space with. 
The man that enters is a few years older than Tony and bafflingly handsome. He seems surprised upon seeing a stranger in the room but recovers quickly enough and, to Tony’s surprise, smiles pleasantly while stretching out his hand. 
“Nice to meet you. I’m James.”
It takes Tony a moment to catch up with everything that’s happening. 
“Tony,” he says lamely, reaching to take James’ offered hand. 
That’s when he notices the weird sensation on his lower arm. He gasps and pulls away, ignoring the other man’s confused look in favour of pulling up the sleeve of his hoodie. Tony watches with wide eyes as the smooth blue lines write out a name. 
James Rhodes
Only when James makes a similar surprised noise is Tony able to tear his gaze away from the writing to look up. Indeed, the other man is clutching his arm as well and even though his hand covers part of the mark, Tony can see his name engraved in his roommate’s skin in the same beautiful blue colour. 
“Holy shit,” is the first thing to come out of his mouth. 
James simply nods, his eyes still fixed on his mark. Tony isn’t sure what to make of the man’s expression, he’s always been awful at reading people. Is he disappointed? Sad? Angry? He can’t imagine the discovery of having Tony Stark of all people as your platonic soulmate to be a thrilling one. 
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes when James fails to speak up. He doesn’t know what he’s apologizing for since he’s had nothing to do with this. People don’t get to choose their soulmates, the universe does - or at least that’s what his mother tells him. Still, he already feels bad for the guy. “I didn’t know-” “Of course you didn’t,” James interrupts him, the words causing Tony’s blood to run cold. “You didn’t do this. It’s fate, I guess. And why are you apologizing in the first place?” The older man finally looks up at Tony and immediately frowns at what he’s seeing. “Dude, are you okay? You’re pale as hell.” “I’m fine.” “Are you sure? Did I give off that bad of an impression for you to be scared?” “No!” Tony shakes his head. “That’s not it. I’m not disappointed or anything.”
“Then what’s with the long face?”
“I thought that… you might be,” he admits, weakly gesturing at his arm. “I know my dad isn’t a very popular man and I wouldn’t blame you for thinking that I-”
“I’m not thinking anything here. I don’t know you, man.” James takes a step forward, which brings him close enough to rest a hand on Tony’s shoulder. “Which we’ll have to change. Have you already eaten dinner?” 
Tony opens his mouth but besides an incoherent unintelligible gurgle, nothing comes out. The grin James shoots him is enough to make him blush and he quickly shakes his head before he gets the chance to make an even bigger fool of himself. 
“Good. How does pizza sound?” 
“I love pizza,” he says in a quiet voice. 
Frankly, he has still trouble believing that he’s being accepted like this. James is right, he doesn’t know Tony but when has that ever stopped anyone from judging him? It’s almost impossible that he’s gotten this lucky with at least one of his two soulmates. 
That’s the exact reason why he is your soulmate, a small voice in the back of his head reminds him. 
“Let’s go then.” James squeezes his shoulder once before letting go and turning back towards the door. “I know this great place right around the corner. You’ll love it.” 
Tony says nothing as he follows his new friend but the smile on his face says it all. 
The second time Tony feels the skin of his arm tingle is when a stranger barges through his office door to tell him that a mistake has been made in accounting. 
Truth be told, he’s pretty hungover and not entirely sure if this is what’s happening or if his imagination is to blame for all of it since the woman does look like something that could very well come out of his dreams. But she’s too angry for that, doesn’t even acknowledge Tony when he shoots her one of his very special grins and threatens Happy with a can pepper spray. 
That certainly isn’t part of his usual dreams. 
“It’s already, Happy. I got this,” he tells his distressed security guard. The man nods and quickly exits the office, leaving the two of them alone. Tony gets up from his desk, hissing at the pain that erupts inside his head. He rubs his temples while addressing the stranger. “And you are?” 
“Virginia Potts,” the woman with the remarkable red hair says. 
She��s clutching a file in her hands, apparently the one with a critical mistake. Tony doesn’t really care about this kind of stuff and normally lets Obadiah take care of it. His godfather has always been much more interested in the company than Tony ever was - but the older man is away on a business trip and asked Tony to have an eye on everything until his return. 
“Listen, Potts. While I have no doubt that whatever you’re here for is important-” “It is.  ” “Yeah, I’m sure of it. But the thing is that my head hurts and all that yelling earlier didn’t really help with that, so how about you come back some other time and-”
He never gets to finish his sentence, too distracted by the sudden sensation on his right arm. Only once has he felt this soft pressure on his skin and even through the fog of his hangover, Tony realizes what’s happening. 
With absolutely no grace or elegance, Tony shoves the sleeve of his expensive suit out of the way to watch as a second name appears on his skin. This one is red, much like her hair, something he would take the time to admire if he wasn’t positively freaked out. 
Virginia Potts 
There it is. His soulmate is standing right in front of him, frozen in place. He frowns at her rigid figure, unsure if she understands what is happening. She certainly hasn’t made any move to look at her own wrist and from the way she’s still holding onto that file, Tony can’t see if she has his name, or any name for that matter, on her arm. 
“Did you…?” 
He trails off mid-question but that’s alright because Virginia (yeah, they’ll have to do something about that name - it doesn’t fit her at all) is nodding her head slowly. Upon her confirmation, Tony lets out a long breath. He’s heard about people not receiving their mark when meeting their alleged soulmate and although Tony never cared too much about it in the past, it’s a relief that he’s not so unlucky. 
“Mr Stark-”
“Tony, please.” “I don’t think that’s appropriate for me to call you,” she says carefully and it’s enough for Tony to laugh. 
“We’re soulmates. My name is literally tattooed on your arm. I think we can let this pass.” 
“No buts, Pepper. My name is Tony. Mr Stark was my father.”
“No offence but Virginia is a rather boring name. Not that I don’t enjoy having it on my arm! But I think after that little stunt you pulled on poor Happy, this is a very fitting nickname.” 
Pepper (yes, this is so much better) rolls her eyes at his childishness but her posture relaxes and she finally drops the file on the table separating them, revealing her mark. Tony can’t describe the feeling rising up in his chest upon looking at it but he’s certain that he’s never felt it before. 
“Am I allowed to call you something completely absurd as well?” she asks, a slight twinkle in her eyes as she looks down at his mark. She’s trying to be subtle judging by the way she blushes when Tony turns his arm to show give her a better view. “I’m sorry that you’re stuck with such a boring name.”
He clicks his tongue.
“I told you that I don’t mind. I don’t mind it one damn bit.” His comment earns him another eye roll. Tony doesn’t know if that’s a good sign, although she’s still here. She hasn’t run away cursing and screaming much like he has expected her to do, and he’s counting this as a win. “How about you? I know my name is fascinating but people tend to dislike the person it’s attached to.” 
It’s supposed to come out as a joke but something in his voice must give him away because Pepper looks at him in surprise. That isn’t good. He doesn’t like it when people can look through his facade. It makes him feel exposed and he already toys with the idea of reaching for his glasses that are laying on the desk in front of him. 
Then again, there is a reason that this woman is his soulmate - or at least Tony thinks so. Maybe it’s not the best idea to hide from her. 
“I think…” Pepper pauses, either because she actually has to think about her following words or because she simply likes to watch him squirm, which he visibly does. “I’ll have to find out for myself.” 
Her answer catches Tony off guard, taking him back to all those years ago when he first met Rhodey. He told Tomy something similar, had given him a chance instead of judging someone he’d never met before - and Tony can’t believe that the same thing is happening again. “Right, that makes sense,” he says quickly, afraid that Pepper will change her mind if he gives her too much time to think about it. “What do you say about dinner? Tonight? I can cook, or nearly burn down the house and then order us something.”
She doesn’t laugh but Tony is almost certain that she wants to. 
“How about tomorrow? It’ll give you time to get rid of your hangover and take a look at that accounting errors.” She points at the file on his desk. 
He’s nodding before she has even finished speaking. He’ll look over anything she puts in front of him, not only because anyone determined enough to get past security must actually be passionate about their job but also because she’s giving him a chance. A real chance. 
Tony doesn’t get much of those. 
“It’s a date.” He immediately corrects himself when noticing Pepper’s glare. “Not a date?” “We’ll see,” she says before turning around and walking towards the door. “Look at the file!” is the last thing out of her mouth and then Tony is left alone in his office, the headache coming back full force once his brain registers that the moment has passed. 
He falls back in his chair, clutching head and groaning loudly but there is a smile on his face and he has a feeling that this will be the last hangover he’ll have to
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Present Flame
Poe Dalke x Wade Wilson
Word Count: 891
Tag List: @heavenshipped @ghostlyvenus @the-schizotypal-cryptid @heartstringsymphonies
Summary: A follow up to “Future Flame,” in which Poe experiences enough paranoia to cause their powers to go haywire and burn up half the mansion. Luckily, Wade is called in to help out, though he’s not too happy with how Piotr dealt, or rather failed to deal in his eyes, with the situation.
Warnings: Anxiety/paranoia, fire, uh uncharacteristic incompetence on the X-Folks end mostly bc I wasn’t really sure how to write them trying to help Poe and because dramatic conflict between Wade and Poe’s found family.
Poe sat in a cell, deep below the mansion, though this confinement was in vain. They had not slept in days, and building anxiety had left them unable to communicate anything to their fellow X-Men, other than a vague cry for help that no one could respond to. It was only a matter of time before their prophetic dreams would become reality.
They glanced at a clock across the hall, outside of their cell, a single, clear thought crossing their mind, I don’t feel any different.
A sudden searing pain ripped through them, sending their body rigid for a moment as they burst into flames, blowing their cell wide open. All Poe could feel was agony and fear, a desperate, deep, animalistic fear. Something that compelled them to run. Destroying everything in their path, Poe became a beast of flame and ash and smoke, rising from the X-Mansion’s basement. Evacuation protocols were immediately put into action as others tried to gain control of the situation.
“Cornering them isn’t going to help,” Negasonic called out, noticing how her obviously stressed friend always darted in the opposite direction when confronted with a crowd.
“Somebody call Wade,” Piotr exclaimed in between directing students to proper exits.
“On it.”
Wade had been quiet for a long time once he arrived, unable to make his thoughts words upon seeing the destruction his partner could cause. Piotr cleared his throat,
“We were hoping you could talk to them. Try and calm them down.”
The mercenary shook himself, turning sharply on his heel, “you mean you didn’t even try to get through to them yourself?! What the hell’s even going on, nobody tells me jackshit anymore, apparently!” He threw up his hands exasperatedly and stalked toward the smoking mansion, ranting to himself incoherently, save for, “fine, they’re my partner, I’ll deal with it myself.”
Inside the crumbling building, Poe had retreated to the attic, holing themself up there, burying their head in massive paws. This monstrous form was similar to a wolf, in ways, but was too vague of a shape to be anything comprehensible. Wade climbed his way through the damage, pulling himself up into the smoldering room.
“Poe,” he called out softly. Their head lifted, the pointed ears pulling back as they backed further into the corner. “Nononono, it’s okay, it’s okay..! I’ll… just stay over here, then.” He plopped down on the floor beside the hatch to the lower floor, a cloud of ash poofing out from underneath him as he crossed his legs. The fiery eyes of Poe’s monstrous form watched Wade anxiously. He cleared his throat awkwardly, steepling his hands and leaning his elbows on his knees.
“I know this probably isn’t the best time, but this… destruction is actually really fucking hot, and I’m not talking about the fire,” he winked, though his lover did not react. He lowered his gaze, knowing he’d have to be serious for the moment… usually he hated that, but he needed to see Poe smile again. “I don’t know what caused this, but I’m here for you, baby. Not even sure if you’re understanding a word I’m saying right now. That’s okay.”
He sighed and frustratedly picked at the cuff of one of his gloves, “I just fucking wish they had tried to understand you… find anything that worked to keep you calm and distracted…”
“Not… their fault…” Poe’s voice came as a deep rasp, causing their boyfriend to meet their gaze once more, a relieved expression starting under his mask. He had got them talking, that’s good. He scooted slightly closer.
“Eh? Hey, don’t pin the blame on yourself, you’ve already gone through enough stress today.”
“I think someone’s out… to get me.”
Wade went rigid, and he shifted to his knees, shuffling even closer.
“Out to get you?? You mean, you think an outside source triggered this? I won’t hesitate to make someone’s life hell if they’re trying to Winter Soldier you or whatever, you know I won’t.”
Slowly, Poe’s form was reverting to a more human shape, though it went from wolf, to crow, and then human-like. Ashy feathers clinging to pale skin, Poe slumped forward, being caught in Wade’s muscular arms.
“Alright, I’ve got you, I’ve got you…” He murmured weakly as he held his boyfriend against his chest. Sure that the metaphorical storm was over, he slowly stood, snatching up a nearby blanket, though it was scorched like the rest of the area. He wrapped it around his partner and headed back downstairs, though once outside the mansion kept his distance from his friends.
“They think someone’s after them,” he began to explain, choosing his words carefully, “and since I know they can’t always communicate very well… I think they must’ve had some rising paranoia… and, fuck, it resulted in this.”
“We’ll look into it,” Piotr answered, watching Wade’s distance curiously, “thank you for coming. I knew-”
“Yeah, yeah, you knew I would provide comfort for Poe where you couldn’t,” then under his very irritated breath, “fucking incompetent good for nothing selfish X-Shits.”
Wade cleared his throat and adjusted his hold on Poe, “I’m taking them with me. Until they feel better and can make coherent decisions for themself.”
“That is fair.”
Wade threw Piotr the bird after calling his ride, and proceeded to rant to Dopinder throughout the way home.
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one-boring-person · 4 years
Whose Side Are You On? (Part Two)
Terminator (1984) reader insert.
Warnings: none
Context: (Y/n) loses the car, but finds Kyle instead.
A/N: I know this is unpopular, but I'm having fun writing this, so I'll keep it up. Sorry to everyone who is expecting better content ://
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It's still dark when I jerk awake in the morning, my neck cramped and uncomfortably painful as it snaps straight, my eyes instantly scanning the area for danger, an instinct I've picked up over the years of fighting. My joints are stiff and cold, my fingers numb as I move them a little, barely able to feel the grip of the gun in my lap, the smooth material nearly going unregistered under the skin of my palm. Arching my back, I feel it crack as I sit upright, my hands finding the steering wheel as I think through a plan, coming up with one as my body tries to wake up again, my hands reaching to start the car again, eagerly switching on the music again to try and shake me from the haze.
Focusing, I put the car into drive and pull back onto the road, heading back into the city, a plan formulating in my head as I do so. Decisively, I start looking out for road signs, following the appropriate ones down all sorts of roads, until I come across a street lined with cafes, restaurants and a few clubs, the area almost exactly like it was on the photograph I saw, months ago. Smiling triumphantly to myself, I pull the car over to the side of the road, and park it, sitting inside it as I try to figure out what to do, my fingers drumming on the steering wheel impatiently as I wait for my brain to catch up.
A sudden knock on the window startles me from my reverie, my hand instinctively grasping the handle of the gun in my lap as I look over at the newcomer, eyes wide in panic as I find them staring at me, the face unfamiliar to me. Upon seeing me looking, they tap again, waiting for me to lower the window, which takes me a few seconds to figure out, before they lean back slightly, revealing their clothes to me. A police officer. Just what I need.
Vaguely, I think to myself that I'm glad I didn't smash the car window in to break into the car, thanking the more subtle methods we were taught before leaving, aware that this may well have gotten me in trouble.
"Yes sir? Can I help you?" I ask him politely once the window is down, trying my best to speak like I know what I'm talking about, when I have absolutely no idea.
"Yes. I was just wondering if you were aware that the car you're driving is stolen?" He inquires sternly, watching me carefully.
"Stolen?" I can only act surprised, my mind in turmoil as it tries to think through some sort of plan. How could he possibly know that?
"Yes, stolen. That car is, in fact, mine."
I freeze briefly, before responding, cursing my bad luck.
"I'm sorry, sir. Are you sure you have the right car?" I discreetly slip the gun into the pocket of my coat, looking innocently up at the policeman as I unlock the door.
"Very sure. I've had that car for years. Would you mind stepping outside, please?" He puts a hand to his belt, where I'm sure he's got a gun, stepping back from the door of the car. Biting my lip, knowing the danger of the firearm, I slowly open the door, carefully swinging my legs out of the footwell and onto the pavement, unfolding myself from the seat. Hesitantly, I straighten until I'm standing in front of the officer, taking in his stature and countenance, weighing up my options: he's easily thinner and less muscular then I am (he hasn't been fighting a war, after all) but he knows the streets better than I do, so a hit-and-run in that sense wouldn't work. I'm also hesitant to pull the trigger of the gun, knowing it's full effects extremely well.
Eyeing me carefully, he moves so that he can check the interior of the vehicle, bending over as he does so, removing his stare from me momentarily, a lapse which I take full advantage of. As soon as I'm sure he is mostly distracted, I turn and tear off down the road, ducking into the nearest alley, following it round as I hear the man shouting after me, my legs pumping to get me away from him, aware that I have no idea where I'm going. Adrenaline races through me, my heart beating loud in my ears as I swerve around a corner, smashing into a large metal container, similar to the one I found the sheet in the night before, the impact making me feel backwards in shock and pain, though I ignore it, the dull ache insignificant compared to what I've felt before. Springing forward again, I keep moving, the man's calls still pursuing me as he gives chase, my panic spiking as I notice that the alley seems to be coming to a dead-end. I slow slightly, head jerking around to try and find an escape.
A pair of hands suddenly fasten themselves around my waist, my body yanked downwards and to the side by some apparently random person, the motion catching me off-guard. Yelping, I start writhing in their grip, until they speak, their voice instantly recognisable to me.
"Stop, unless you wanna get caught!" Kyle Reese hisses down to me, holding me against his body as he edges us backwards into a darkened doorway, my limbs going limp. Carefully, he drags us so we're just inside, our forms mostly hidden by the shadow.
Somewhere behind us, the sound of the policeman storming round the corner is audible, his voice laced with anger as he hollers down the alley, before noticing it's a dead-end, too, his voice breaking off in confusion. He murmurs something incoherent, as if not quite believing what he's seeing. Tense, the two of us hold our breath, hoping he won't come further forward, where he'll probably be able to see us, neither of us moving a muscle in the darkness, bodies rigid.
Long minutes pass, no sound coming from anywhere in the alley, each of us waiting for the other to make a move, until footsteps sound further up, indicating the policeman's departure. To be sure, the two of us wait a few more minutes, before we emerge, looking at each other as we do so.
Broad smiles crack out over our features, our arms suddenly around each other in a crushing hug, glad to see each other again, happy that we're both alive, my brother holding me tightly against him as I do the same to him, feeling the hard outline of a gun under his arm under his thin jacket. Inhaling his familiar scent, I let myself relax momentarily into the security of being with him, enjoying the feeling of him holding me.
Pulling apart, we smile at each other once more, each eyeing the other up and down.
"You look much better dressed than I am!" I comment, gesturing to his trench coat and clean trainers.
"Its practicality, not appearance, (Y/n)." He chuckles, pulling a face as he takes in the oversized police jacket and loose trousers, "Though I reckon you'd fit in much more of you had some other clothes."
"Ah, I'm really not bothered. We're here for a reason which doesn't include looking our best." I smirk at him, idly tightening the strips of fabric holding my sleeves to my wrists.
"True. We should probably get looking for her, actually. I've got no idea where she'll be, but we need to get to her before he does." Kyle muses, looking off into the distance as he formulates a plan, "Let's head back to the main road and find somewhere to stay."
"Good idea. We should split up - you remember the signals, right?" I agree, lifting an eyebrow at him.
"Of course."
The sky is just darkening as Kyle sends me a signal across the road, gesturing subtly to a young woman walking a little way ahead of him, his demeanour extremely suspicious to her as she turns around and catches him doing it. She turns to look in my direction, but I look as if I'm not the person who he's contacting, though only after sending him a signal to show that I've understood. As she looks at me, I catch her appearance, my heart throbbing at the similarity between her and her son, her eyes almost boring into me in the same way his do, her expression concerned and tense.
Subtly, I watch her walk a little way down the road, before ducking into a small, dimly lit building bearing a neon sign that reads Tech Noir, but not until she's made sure Kyle hasn't seen her. He makes a point of walking past, eyes flicking to me as he stops just out of sight of the building windows, silently asking me to join him. Nodding to him, I carefully cross the road and come to stand beside him.
"What's the plan?" I ask, eyeing the building she went into.
"Follow her." Kyle shrugs, leading me towards the entrance with conviction.
Part Three
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gingerwritess · 5 years
Okay here me out tho. What if reader dies when the twins are given birth. Twins survive but mother’s gone
ok this has birth, death, knives, mentions of suicide, overall angst
you’ve been warned
ps don’t let me write while i’m on my period oh my go s h was i craving pain or what
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You’re good at giving birth, by this point.
You don’t scream so much anymore, and by the fourth kid, it’s over in a heartbeat with little more than a good punch in the stomach.
The twins don’t cry.
That should’ve been the first sign that something was wrong.
Loki’s a bit more concerned with the fact that they were born blue—he hadn’t even touched them yet.
It’s too quiet in the grand bedroom. A couple healers clean up, washing the silent newborns and choosing to keep quiet about the fact that they’re clearly not aesir, and you sink back into your pillows.
Loki’s staring at his two baby boys.
“You look so surprised,” you whisper, but he doesn’t move—maybe he didn’t hear you. “Every time this happens, you act like you didn’t expect this.”
Still doesn’t move.
You feel empty. Something’s missing; certainly the two children that spent the past nine months in your stomach, but something more.
“Just hoping.”
Loki reaches around the healer washing the last of the two and gently presses his thumb to the ridges on the baby’s forehead.
“I had hoped, with these two.”
It’s a disembodied sensation, and you decide not to answer. There’s no point in answering; he doesn’t get any better. Each child, every time you reassure him of his uniqueness, it only lasts for a couple days.
The hatred is beaten, cut into him. You don’t blame him.
“Why aren’t they crying?”
“They seem to be extremely at peace,” one of the healers quietly answers, wrapping each baby in a snug blanket. “As I’m sure you already felt, your majesty.”
Loki nods and takes the first little bundle, tucking him in the crook of one arm. “I don’t know why. This should be immense stress on them, being thrown into a new world.”
“I can’t tell exactly why either,” the healer smiles, handing Loki the other baby. “But they seem to have found immediate peace with their surroundings.”
“Maybe it’s just...just ‘cause they’re born here,” you yawn, struggling to lift a hand to wave around the room. Your limbs are suddenly impossibly heavy—must just be the exhaustion.
Yes, it’s only the Asgardian air. Maybe your body still adjusting to a new realm—even though it’s been almost three years—or even the waves of divinity starting to be put into place.
Your body hadn’t taken well to the fruit in the first place, trying to vomit immortality right back out of your stomach. Such unnatural gifts, trying to change the course of human nature, trying to alter the cycle of your human life, you can’t reach it without some tribulation.
It’s still wrong, to try and make you live an extra five thousand years.
“I think the apples are working,” you grit out, struggling to sit up and reaching for your newborns. “I don’t feel so connected to my body anymore.”
Loki turns to blink at you, head tilting ever-so-slightly. “That’s...good.”
The healer doesn’t say anything, just keeps her head bowed and slips out the door.
“Does this feel weird to you?” Head suddenly filling with fog, you lower yourself back onto the pillows with a wince. “Why aren’t we ecstatic?”
“I’m overjoyed,” Loki smiles. It looks pained.
He presses a kiss to each of their blue foreheads and hands the twins to you, tucking them securely by your sides before leaning down to meld his lips into yours, a hand cradling your cheek.
They’re beautiful, two beautiful, blue babies, undoubtedly red eyes closed in a peaceful sleep as they breathe softly.
“We got our twins,” you whisper with a smile, gazing down at them before glancing back up at Loki. “We’ve got four kids, my king.”
“And a kingdom to rule.” He shakes his head with a quiet laugh. “I doubt I’ll even manage to have any power within the palace.”
Your laugh morphs into a yawn, throat cracking as your eyes drift shut.
“Wake me up when it’s time to feed them,” you mumble, cradling them closer to your chest. “Can’t keep my eyes open.”
“Sleep, my love.” He presses his lips to yours once more, a truer smile tugging at the corners. “You deserve a lifetime of rest, after all you’ve done.”
Two hours later the twins start squirming, red eyes opening and soft gurgles rousing Loki from his own rest.
“Darling.” He leans over and kisses you, thumb slowly stroking over your cheek. “You’re being summoned.”
You don’t move, and Loki tries again, feeling horrible for having to wake you in the first place. You haven’t slept this well in months.
The heavy wooden door creaks open and two tired pairs of eyes peek in, glittering with excitement.
“Come meet your brothers,” Loki calls out quietly, a finger to his lips before pointing at your still form and waving his two other kids into the room.
Stumbling over each other to get to the bed first, Frigg prevails and clambers over you with an excited squeal, grinning down at the two little babies between you and Loki.
“Hello, babies,” she whispers in awe, brushing a finger along each of their tiny blue noses. “I’m Frigg. What’re their names, daddy?”
“We haven’t fully decided yet.” Loki picks one of them up with a grin, planting a soft kiss on his cheek before handing him to Elliot. “We’ll choose the names for certain once your mother wakes.”
“They’re blue,” Elliot points out in a hushed voice. “Are they always blue?”
“Born that way and stayed that way, so far.”
“Adorable,” he grins, hugging the baby tight against his chest.
“Can’t mommy wake up already? I want to name them!”
Shushing Frigg with a laugh, Loki places a hand on your shoulder and gently calls out to you.
No response.
Distracted by the babies, Frigg doesn’t see Elliot’s excited expression fall like a stone through water.
Something is wrong. Something just spilled over, upset the balance in Elliot’s uneasy soul.
Something is very, very wrong, and Loki’s only cradling your cheek and gazing down at your sleeping form in pure adoration.
“Dad,” he repeats, panic starting to tinge the edges of his voice. “Dad, I don’t think she’s okay.”
“She’s just given birth,” Loki reassures his son, but his hand slips to your neck, thumb moving to find your pulse point. “She’s well beyond tired, after what these two did to h—”
His voice dies in his throat.
After what these two did to you? What exactly...did they do to you?
The world goes silent, dull, the golden lights in the room appearing to pulsate.
Elliot’s blinking, a deafening thud of skin on skin and drops clinging to his eyelashes, and Frigg says something he can’t hear.
“Get out.”
His lips moved, sound came out, but Loki can’t hear himself speak.
“Get out, both of you.”
Judging from the way Frigg flinched, he figures he shouted that time.
Loki’s kids scramble to their feet, set the babies back on your bed, and run out the door before he’s realised he’s standing.
You’re cold.
For the first time in the entirety of your life together, you are cold.
“Say something,” he snaps, staring at your body.
A quiet gurgle bubbles from one of the twins’ throats.
He knows there’s no point speaking to them. Alive for less than a day, and he’s talking like they understand.
“You killed my wife.”
The twins gaze up at him, red eyes having never shed a tear and blue skin free from any stain.
He just needed to hear it said aloud.
They’re at peace. They found immediate peace with their surroundings.
“You took everything.”
Red eyes blink, tiny blue mouths yawn.
“You took her life, so you could find peace,” he hisses, dropping to his knees. “You split her in two.”
Loki refuses to accept it, but it does make some semblance of sense.
They’re already split, divided in two since the day they were conceived, two different beings trying to fuse together into one.
A half-life thanks to him, further divided when one became two.
These twins needed you, they needed more than your body could provide—only one-fourth of their entire essence actually came from him.
That leaves you to give them every drop of living power your mortal existence could create. Every breath went to them.
Loki swallows thickly, tears freezing over on his skin and shattering with the movement of every muscle.
Every ounce of immortality you’d gained went to them.
He’d tried to extend your life and his children had taken it for themselves.
“You killed my wife,” he whispers again, dragging himself to heavy feet. “You killed my wife. You killed my wife.”
The door swings open and Thor rushes in, the tearstained faces of Elliot and Frigg not daring to peek past the doorway.
Thor stops in his tracks.
Standing over your dead body, his brother is practically chanting, a man possessed as he stares at the two newborn babies bundled on the bed beside you.
“You killed my wife. Y-you killed my wife. You killed my wife. You killed m—”
His gaze snaps up to meet Thor’s, and a glint of metal in Loki’s hand makes the god lunge forward and tackle him to the ground.
“Let me—”
“NO,” Thor shouts, grabbing the knife from Loki’s hand and hurling it across the room. “You’re not in your right mind, DO NOT KILL THESE CHILDREN—”
“LET ME GO,” Loki nearly screams, thrashing under his grip, fingers scrabbling for his knife again. “LET ME GO, JUST—JUST—”
His voice cracks into incoherent sobs and Frigg runs away from the doorway, having seen and heard plenty.
“Just let me die,” Loki whispers hoarsely, giving one last attempt to throw Thor off of him before going limp on the ground. “I’ve tried so many times. That knife was for me. Just let me die.”
“No.” Thor’s breathing heavily, still pinning Loki’s arms to his sides.
“No,” he repeats, stronger this time. “You have four children who love you. Who need you. You have a kingdom that depends on you, that looks to you as their king.”
“I have no wife,” Loki rasps, starting to struggle again. “I have no love, no wife, no love left in my life—”
It’s a small voice, timid but sure.
“Please stay.” Elliot crouches by his side, nodding at Thor to release his hold on him. “Now we...we don’t have a mother.”
Loki’s body falls slack, silence fills the room for a moment, then he dissolves into sobs.
Gut-wrenching, soul-crushing sobbing, messy and wet and Elliot grabs him, wrapping his arms around his neck and hugging him tighter than he’s ever been able to before.
“She gave me everything,” Loki chokes, clutching at his son’s shirt. “Everything I have, it’s her’s, I don’t—”
“It’s yours, dad, she gave it to you for a reason. Don’t throw us away. Please.”
“I won’t,” he promises, trying to convince himself, “I won’t.”
Several minutes pass locked in their embrace until Loki takes a shuddering breath and lets go, trying his best to compose himself.
“Don’t hide this,” Elliot whispers, wiping away his tears with the back of his hand. “That’s too much to keep inside.”
Loki nods, gulping in air and shakily letting Thor help him to his feet. “F-Frigg?”
“Ran away when she saw the knife.”
“I’m so sorry,” he whispers in horror. “I’m so sorry. I couldn’t—not them, no, no, me...”
Elliot gives him a sad, ready smile and shrugs. “Might want to tell her that.”
He nods furiously, taking a few unstable steps towards the bed. Next to your body, the two newborn twins are blinking, skin still glowing that bright blue.
And even still, through all that just happened, not a single tear has fallen from those crimson eyes.
They have you.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
hope you enjoyed, please reblog and feel free to send me ideas!
~ masterlist link in my bio ~
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juleswolverton-hyde · 4 years
Induratize | 02
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Genre: Smut, PwP
Pairing: Sugar Daddy/Creative Writing Professor!Namjoon x Student!Reader
Warnings: Unprotected doggy style sex in a bathroom (ALWAYS do it safely, lads and lasses), fingering, squirting, Dom!/Top!Namjoon, swearing/cussing, dirty talk
Summary: It is near impossible to guard one’s heart against love, especially during the prime years of youth. Slowly but surely, resistance is harder to keep up when affection is shown on a daily basis from a forbidden side.
However, forbidden does not always necessarily mean wrong.
Such is the argument of a wolf longing for a little doe.
Author’s Note: Induratize (v.); to make one’s own heart hardened or resistant to someone’s pleas or advances, or to the idea of love.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
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There is only so long one can run from wolves, especially when having aggravated them. The sounds of the massive crowd rushing over the concrete of the station does not distract the clear focus of the predator nor does the amalgamation of the warm scents of freshly brewed coffee from one of the many spots around the historical edifice. As long as the light falls in through the glass ornate ceiling above the tracks and the artificial lamps remain turned on in the wide halls, the hunt shall not be stopped.
‘Where do you think you’re going, little doe?’ A generous arm clad in warm onyx wool wraps around the middle out of nowhere to draw it back into the fresh scent of a forest after the rain, the mocking lips of the pied piper chuckling into hair.
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‘Prof- Professor,’ the fast-beating heart in the heated chest of the tawny wolf is pressed against the spine, the sheer presence and weight of it as curiously mesmerizing thanks to its possessiveness as what had been pressed against the behind earlier as well, ‘this is, ahem, highly inappropriate.’
Why keep up this fantasy? I know I am nothing to you, that you are just sadistically toying with me.
‘Is it? Nobody here knows what we are to each other. For all they know, I’m your boyfriend.’ A kiss on conflicted strands goes paired with a boyish giggle almost nullifying the perversity of the situation, lashes fantasizing about having a real relationship fluttering close in sheer bliss for a moment. Content, even if the bond is based around money and emotions are never really reciprocated. ‘They don’t know I’m your sugar daddy.’
‘I- I-’ Hips snap as they did in the train, erasing every sense of logic thought in a split second as the sensual heat from before rekindles. ‘I, mhm, sir, I don’t nee- need- oh, fuck!’
‘I told you to call me by my name, didn’t I? So why won’t you?’ Plush lips ghost over the side of the neck, warm breath setting every nerve on fire in paradoxical anticipation. ‘Maybe I need to convince you. Or,’ teeth sink into the side of the throat as digits glide over the mouth opening in a surprised gasp, ‘ teach you manners.’
In a flash, the hold from behind is made undone to be replaced by a firm grip on the wrist, resulting in being dragged along to the nearest unisex bathroom. Here, freedom is temporarily granted during the small moment it takes to lock the door before a sturdy hand grabs the waist whilst its counterpart snakes around the back of the neck, hiding beneath loose locks whereas the other violently tugs down the fabric of the haphazardly pulled on leggings. Any other woman would have been afraid if their professor had done the same, but that unknown man is not Namjoon and the situation would not have been fuel for sinful fiction. Henceforth, consent to the rough handling is given wordlessly in the feigned helpless gaze at the domineering tutor.
Eyes meet anew in the mirror after being harshly turned around, maintaining contact as slender honey digits explore the wanton desire which essentially forms the foundation for every tale that comes forth in class and private. The toying continues for a bit, the creative writer clearly finding pleasure in the gradually building desperation finding a voice in weak whines.
‘You’d really leave me hanging like that? It’s not polite to let me walk to university with an obvious bulge, little doe, especially,’ all play is over as it takes solely one intruding advance to nullify every thought immediately and be thrown into the melting that feels like wildfire, ‘when you’re the cause of it. What did I tell you each time you wanted to move on to a new project without finishing the old one?’
There is no room to adjust to the unprotected sheer size of the author unintentionally kept on a leash, harsh hips relentlessly claiming what has been longed for. The answer to the question does not surface because every time it tends to, it is cruelly shattered to incoherent bits by a savage growl unable to be kept waiting in the chase for possession and oblivious ignorance. ‘I- I can’t, shit! I can’t r- re- remember.’
‘Finish what you started, Y/N. That’s what I told you and so you’ll take my veiny cock, whether you want to or not.’ A low baritone chuckle filters through the haze behind closed eyes as a warm secure palm folds over lips bitten down on by teeth endeavouring to restrain pathetic mewls hardly containing their overwhelming joy. Forcefully, a look in the mirror is established, the sight melting the last remnants of muscle in shaking legs but fortunately being kept steady by compelling darkened espresso eyes glaring from between tightly held messed-up locks. ‘Look in the mirror, see how I, how your wolf is fucking that tight pussy open. God, you’re gorgeous. Nice and complacent, having no choice but- Yeah, tighten around that big dick. No choice but to take me.’
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The loud embarrassing drip of something on the tiles breaks through the baritone grunts and muffled ruined mascara cries of pleasure, something in the sudden hollow sensation in the aftermath of the first explosion of sensual elevation being much to Namjoon’s delight after a disgruntled yet surprised snarl. ‘I didn’t know you’d like it that much, little doe.’ Without a word of warning, bodies are joined in coyness once more. Notwithstanding, the union is a paradoxical mixture of pain and satisfaction in a different manner, for now, overstimulated nerves are denied the recovery from their watery floating in ignorance and brutally brought back to the wonderfully fulfilling reality. ‘But guess we’ll- shit, still tight... fucking wet, do it like this from now on since preparation apparently isn’t, grm, needed.’
From- From now on? I... I’m his?
The conflict likely shining through in the flowing tears finds assurance in the confirmation which was already assumed yet could not be believed. ‘Yes, from now on. I’m what you need, what you want. You’ve made that clear more than once.’ A particular hard advance compels the upper body to lie down on the cool counter entirely, forced into complete submission to the tawny wolf wonderfully claiming what has secretly been his all along. ‘Thirsting after me, squirting over my cock like that. Don’t think I haven’t seen you stealing glances at my bulge, baby.’ 
A protest wants to be made but is swallowed down before it can find an unintelligible noise to be voiced in for sneaky peeks have, indeed, been stolen in the classroom or lecture hall when thought to have been unnoticeable. Clearly, the opposite is the truth of the matter.
‘You like it, baby? This is how it feels, how your wolf feels. What I’ve wanted all this time, wanted while fluffing myself before- hrm, ah- before teaching you.’ Trying and succeeding in deepening the primal bond, growling teeth leave behind a gorgeous mark of belonging on the side of the neck while hips accelerate, driven to utter madness. To the degree nothing can be said by the human beneath the skin of the beast and thus lets the body speak for itself. Exactly like the little doe irretrievably hypnotized by the bruising grip on the waist in combination with the sharp sting of hair being tugged on and lewd noises resonating between the walls.
The revelation alongside the brand makes the heart almost dance in perverse joy, the knowledge to grace unspeakable fancies and being claimed thus evoking a misplaced yet wonderful delight. So much so that it is enough to be kicked off the edge that precariously has been balanced on again, taking the forbidden lover along by unconsciously narrowing the connection and letting fingers entangle in messy dark golden locks.
And for a while, everything is extraordinarily beautiful and right. The filling intimacy, the warm breath on the side of the throat, the sturdy arms around the waist keeping up both fools standing in delirium. Outside this very moment, there is nothing.
Nothing except us.
All that is misguided.
‘I want you to stay after class.’ The contextless command, for tone leaves little room to assume it is anything else, pulls the mind floating in personal reverie back to the present to reflect on the implications of giving in to the tall dominant writing tutor.
‘Namjoon... I- I mean, professor.’ Irises having regained a sense of Logic turn away from the lovely view in the mirror of tawny locks still enjoying their high burying their adorable button nose into personal strands, breaking it up. It is a crying shame, but the incomprehension calls for elaboration on why the academic would want more time together. Certainly because this is a mistake. A grave, severe mistake. ‘Wha- What we’ve done. I shouldn’t- I didn’t want to lead you on.’
‘Don’t call me that. Just call me by my name.’ Unapologetically, the wonderful physical spell is made undone for the second and last time, the expected comfort at the awkward hollow sensation below remaining absent as punishment. A mocking grin tugs on the corners of plush lips, apparently finding something humorous in the messed-up situation. ‘Funny how you blame yourself while I’m the one who initiated it. You liked it, didn’t you, little doe?’
‘Y- Yes, but... it’s, ah, well, uhm...’ The caress of honey digits over the brand on the side of the throat ending in a squeeze of the shoulder alongside the one over the cheek melts away the ability to speak, all vocabulary craftily used when writing vanishing at once at the gentle touch of the affectionate gaze looking down.
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Watching over their territory.
Guarding what they love.
That which they should not. 
‘It’s what? Use your words, baby.’ A low chuckle evokes warring feelings of Sense and Passion, not knowing which should prevail outside the university grounds where it is possible to be anything and anyone. Nobody here knows about the actual relationship that goes on between a tall young man and a wee lass differing in age with him a tad. 
Notwithstanding, the wonderful reverie is lifted when leaning sideways to undo the intimacy after mustering all inner strength and let palms soak in the cold of the stone sink by moving ever so slightly to untouched spots on the surface. ‘It’s wrong, si- Joon. I’m your pupil, someone taking classes from you.’
‘You might be, but I’m still a man, Y/N.’ Undaunted by the sudden distance, big palms rest themselves on either side of the waist as cushiony lips place a chaste kiss on the forehead. ‘A man who wants to take care of you, who wants to be more to you than simply a professor. I promise you our relationship won’t be solely about sex. I’ve shown that more than once by offering to pay for your food and coffee, didn’t I?’
‘So...’ Fluttering lashes barely dare to look up at the adorable button nose of which the eyes hold nothing but sincerity in the oddly loving expression that makes the heart flutter in spite of trodding down the wrong path with the pied piper. ‘When you asked me to have lunch together, you’d never wanted to, you know, let this happen?’
‘Not without your permission.’ Hands rub the upper arms affectionately, smiling faintly when small palms place themselves on bared honey hips. Their voice is sincere, assuring of holding nothing but honest intentions despite the forbidden aspect of the relationship that might overtake entirely if it is not stopped at once. ‘I won’t make you do things you don’t want to. All those times I asked you to eat together, I genuinely wanted to make sure you’d at least had something in your system to make it through the coming hours.’ 
A low chuckle speaks another truthful wish for one who should not be loved in the way she is. Nevertheless, a little doe is. ‘Though having dinner together would be a nice change of pace.’
And it is entrancingly exciting. 
‘Dinner?’ A pretty image of sharing a meal by candlelight unwillingly carves a timid though anticipating smile onto lips, fiercely longing for something that cannot be.
Or can be if the game is played cunningly and outside spectators are kept in the dark. 
We could do this because maybe, no, he surely loves me. Why else would he be my sugar daddy? Although, perhaps that is precisely where the fault lies since the bond would still be based around money and sex. That’s how these types of relationships work.
‘Yeah. And I’d walk you home afterwards, just to be sure you’re safe and sound. And only if you’d want it,’ foreheads rest on each other in a warm air of a lush forest and water lilies blooming in a pond beneath an orange tree when spring comes, plush lips ghosting over an eagerly following mouth which hungers for more, ‘I’d stay.’
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‘Is that why you want me to remain after class?’
Please let that be the reason. Please promise me this will indeed not be solely about sex. That I am also more to you just as you are to me.
‘Maybe.’ An innocent grin nullifies the sexual atmosphere as palms briefly relieve their protective hold to swiftly correct the dislocated clothes below. However, when trousers are in order again, Professor Kim... Namjoon envelops the waist again in a loving embrace going accompanied by an unavoidable affectionate peck on the nose, stilling the stupid worry that the gesture of making one’s outfit in order after what has transpired indicates being solely interested in sensual transactions. ‘But I thought it’s nice if we hop on the bus together and I’ll drop you off at the right tracks before going home myself.’
‘That’s sweet.’ The response comes out more mockingly than intended, bitter Logic still endeavouring to kill any hopes of actually continuing this make-believe for that is essentially what this is.
Has to be.
A silly game.
As it might turn out to be in reality, but not in imagination as stories have proven time and again. Henceforth, let another be shakily written at this starting point.
And see its way into the world.
The brilliant creative writer picks up on the persevering doubt caused by conflicting thoughts and emotions, every molecule making up the novice writer engaged in the ancient war of Mind and Heart, and in turn becomes hesitating himself. Voice contains a pleading undertone as the low hug fuses two lovers together albeit not in the coy sense, but just as intimate with the desire to stay. ‘You’re doubting me.’
This is wrong, but he’s good to me. Always has been. Maybe he really is in love with me, though it could just be a farce simply to get sex. No, he isn’t like that. He cares and that’s why he does what he does. I’m going in circles. We could try. I could let him try.
‘I’m not! It’s just that- I don’t know. I don’t know how to feel about this.’ Happiness is anxiously within reach, the alluring manifestation of a goal never to be thought to actually be achieved with the tawny wolf. Withal, it is right there, right here, ripe for the taking. If only all inhibitions are let go of and the truthful Self, the newbie novelist heavily in love with her muse, turns selfish as a reward for doing the right thing for so long. After all, such a change should be allowed as a reward.
‘Maybe you will after we get some coffee. You look tired and I’m afraid you won’t make it through the day after what happened here.’ The concentration on indecision is broken up by a hand affectionately caressing the cheek like before, turning the chin upwards a tad to lock gazes after setting every vein on fire by gliding over the jaw. ‘In any case, know I’m not lying. I’m really head over heels for you.’ 
Long honest-speaking legs lower into a crouch to pull up the roughly pulled down legging again and correct today’s simple outfit. Once composed enough to face the public again, Namjoon holds out an arm clad in onyx wool to clutch along the way. ‘You can hold on to me and we’ll find somewhere nice and quiet. Come on, let’s go.’
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jack-andthestalk · 5 years
Our Son, Arc II, Reasons to stay, Chapter 17.
Thank you to @crownqueenkate ironically my beta queen to match her username. Thanks to @notevenjokingfic who I haunted and to @ladyviolethummingbird and @claryclark who are so supportive of this fic. I haven't written for ages and you go through stages where you wonder if you are ever going to write again but the mist cleared and here I am! thanks for waiting and all the asks, more importantly thanks for reading and talking about this fic. the comments spur me on! Some below is NSFW
Early morning light crept in through the blinds, my arms immediately reached for Claire, seeking her warmth only to be met with cool sheets. I sat up quickly, my head was fuzzy from a deep restorative sleep.
I had watched Claire for a long time before sleep pulled me into the abyss, safe in the knowledge I was under the same roof as her and Willie again. I had lain awake in Hellwater often, with physical pain in my chest from missing them.
Now waking to know she was only feet away, that I would have breakfast with them, hear the soft sounds she made in the morning as she showered and dressed, watch Willie wolf down his cereal while he asked ten questions between each mouthful. Simple things, but things that made me breathe properly for the first time in months. Simple things I had only really known recently, we had only lived as a family for such a short time, but it was like I instantly knew I didn't want any other life knowing what it was like to have them.
I could smell the floral scent of Claire's soap, while the sounds of a steady stream of water billowed through the corridor as she showered. I gave myself a moment to shed the sleep from my brain before starting to make a mental checklist of all the things Claire and I had to make decisions on, they were spread out before me like a ladder, a million choices with the sum of those becoming part of our lives. First on the agenda was speaking to my parents, I couldn't avoid that any longer.
I glanced at my case on the floor and went to retrieve the small box that had weighed me down since I left Hellwater, wondering if Claire would find a place for it again. The scent from her shower and my avid imagination when it came to Claire had me threading softly across the small corridor to seek her out, my cock twitching in anticipation of her touch.
Standing just at the doorway to watch her, captivated by the careful process she took in soaping each bit of her skin, thigh hiked up under her hands, as she ran a line of soapy foam up and down her lower leg, before dropping it and giving the other leg the same attention. The way the bones in her back curved and moulded as she half bent to retrieve another bottle from the shower shelf, the contrast of her brown hair as it slid damp over her shoulder, shielding the side of her breast. I pictured our life again the one we had left behind in Scotland and the one she was letting me build here with her. Suddenly the notion of where that life happened didn't matter, as long as I had her, and Willie.
My mouth made an involuntary sound (probably from need), and Claire startled for a minute, throwing her gaze over her shoulder, she gave me a long, appraising look.
"Were you spying on me, Mr Fraser?"
A smirk lifting her cheekbone slightly. It buoyed me on seeing the light brightening her eyes.
I felt like a schoolboy who had just been caught peeking through a hole in the girls changing room, and I wondered how she made me feel like a gawky sixteen-year-old and a grown man with just one look.
"You're up early" she continued casually, quirking a delicate eyebrow in my direction before returning to her task. In two steps, I was in under the shower spray with her, instinctively reaching for her and pulling her bottom against my thighs, relishing in the feel of her.
"I got cold." I lied, swooping a lock of hair away from her shoulder so I could put my mouth there.
"You don't feel cold."
"Mmm – burning for you, I expect."
"Smooth Fraser –" I took a good handful of her arse with my free hand and kneaded it briefly– "–make yourself comfortable" she jibed elbowing me against my stomach.
Her head fell to the side to allow my mouth to explore the length of her neck, my tongue darting out to taste her. I could feel the hair of my legs tickling her soft skin as I pressed myself closer.
My hand dropped from her arse and entwined its way around her waist, before reaching up and taking her hand in mine.
I slid the ring down her finger. "Will ye wear it?" I didn't want to say again, there was no break in my promise to her. I never considered not marrying Claire as long as she would have me.
She paused for a moment, watching the diamond sparkle under the trickle of water before nodding. "Yes, I'll wear it." her voice was sure, my chin instinctively dipping to the hollow of her shoulder in relief.
"I love ye." It was a breathy declaration against her neck, and more for myself to say it aloud after all this time than anything else.
I had first said those words to Claire while she lay with Willie on her breast just after he was born. I meant it then, but I didn't dare to utter the same words again until four years later while taking her in a frenzy up against a brick wall at Lallybroch.
I had meant them just as much the second time, probably more because I had carried them inside of me for so long. Secretly loving her.
"I love you too" she lay the back of her head against my chest. "Always" she finished quietly.
We stood under the spray for a few minutes looking at the ring, considering what it meant before Claire broke the silence.
"Did you sleep, ok?" she asked while running a hand down my outer thigh pulling me nearer.
"Never better – ye snored like a fiend, but I held yer nose til ye stopped."
Her delicate hand slapped my thigh "Liar."
I pressed my hard length against her backside in question. Hands gliding lazily over her breasts, and hip, making her move against me.
"I don't think I will ever tire of this," I confessed an inch from her ear, breaking the jesting banter between us.
Her breath hitched just enough to encourage me on.
"Is Willie up?" she murmured against the humid shower spray, her voice sounding muffled.
"No – he –", I was struggling to form coherent answers. "Just – us." I stomped out with each roll of my hips against hers. Claire's skin was glowing pink, from the heat of the shower and redder in parts where my mouth had sucked or teased it. I wanted to cover her completely, so every part of her knew my touch.
She arched further into me with the slight pressure of my hand. When I pressed my fingers into her, she made a sound, a needy little whimper that made me desperate.
I acknowledged how much I missed her in mumbling groans that fell to the side of her cheek, simple, obvious words that I found had repeated in my head over and over, every time I looked at her since I landed twenty-four hours before.
She moved towards the shower wall, bracing herself with her hands outstretched. Her small feet standing on tippy toe to as I bent slightly to accommodate her. Pulling her hips up, I entered her with a groan. Felt her heat and the warmth fill my belly in pleasure.
I tried to stop the loud grunts that seemed to be mainly of my making, conscious of sound while Willie slept. Claire's higher pitched sounds that came with each slap of our skin was making my balls tighten and my stomach quake.
I grasped her shoulder, pressing even further against her, repeating more incoherent rubbish into her ear. Begging and pleading, wanting to turn her so I could have her mouth but couldn't bear to break our connection. I was trying to hold on, her final begging scream undid me, and I came with my teeth firmly embedded into her shoulder. It minded me of horses. I felt the heat rise up my cheeks at the thought and settled my mind to blame Claire and the effect she had on me.
I steadied myself for a moment, to not crush her against the wall, but just enough to gently trap her against me. Wanting to keep our pleasure safe between us.
After a few fleeting touches and stifled giggles, we stumbled out to the corridor wrapped in towels. We were met by Willie and one raised ruddy eyebrow. "Why were ye both wash'n at the same time?" his eyes dark with suspicion.
I didn't trust myself to answer him without smirking triumphantly, Claire stepped in front of him, ruffling his hair. "Da was brushin his teeth, I was having a shower." she said soothingly, "Are you getting ready for school? Will I help?" a veil of questions thrown at him, to distract.
Willie's eyes narrowed, and a look of alarm flooded his face. "But mama – ye dinna wear clothes in the shower, yer nudey! – he threw a scandalized glance in my direction "Ye canna let Da see ye like that."
Claire smile vibrated on her lips slightly, "Oh, don't worry Willie, I made him shut his eyes."
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The list of mundane jobs I had mentally ticked off in bed that morning was put into action as soon as Claire and Willie had gone to work and school respectively. Phone purchased, and in hand, I made my way back to Claire's apartment and sat for a minute looking at the screen while deciding what to say.
When I eventually plucked up the courage to type in the international code and press dial. An uneasy feeling flooded my veins as I tried to draw conclusions of how this conversation would go.
When my father's voice answered "hellu Brian here" hesitantly, I realized that he didn't recognize the new number.
I exhaled nervously before saying "Da, it's me." There was a worrying pause before he spat out "Thank Christ yer mother has been worried silly."
"I'm sorry – I phoned Janet but I – "
"No, no it's ok," he said quickly, "Jenny told us it is only that yer Ma wanted to hear yer voice and we dinna want to worry Claire by phoning looking for ye, just in case ye had no arrived there yet."
"Aye – "
"Look, son – "we both attempted to talk over the other.
"Go ahead – you first," I said nervously.
"Christ ye pulled off some act in Hellwater… I still canna believe – we have had investigators here asking about the contracts ye signed and what the Dunsany's threatened."
"Aye, I have a better case to sue them now since their reputations are no longer on their side."
I stopped and took a breath. There was no beating about the bush, asides from Hellwater, I needed to talk about the real reason for my call – I couldn't settle until that was out of the way."
"Da – I havna come to Boston just to visit Claire and Willie – I will be staying." My tone brokered no doubt that my mind was made up, although I tried to soften the message by adding. "I will help ye employ someone, maybe even two people to take over for me."
"I was afraid of that," he said softly, although I couldn't decipher the tone of his reply. Before I had a chance to ask him or explain myself further, he started speaking again.
"Look, son –"
"No, Da – let me speak, Aye?"
He cleared his throat in wordless agreement.
"I understand ye are disappointed, but I have thought of little else while I was away, I will not leave ye without adequate help, and I intend on pursuing the Dunsany's for loss of earnings that should stifle any dip in profits, but I canna continue as I am – "
I let out a long ragged breath.
"truth be told Da – I dinna want to."
"Ye have been through a lot Son – his voice lowered to a whisper – "and I think ye should think carefully before making any rash decisions. "
"Rash?" I repeated incredulously, "I have been trying to make this decision since I laid eyes on Claire" – my eyes narrowed as if he could see me glaring at him "– as you well know!"
"Aye – I ken that but –"there was a shuffling of feet and the sound of doors closing before he began to speak again. It occurred to me that he didn't want my mother to hear him.
"This is Willie's heritage." He hissed out a few minutes later when he was out of earshot, "He needs to be reared here  – it's in his blood."
"Da!" the boom of my voice was doing little to hide my growing temper, "Ye ken he is Claire's blood too?"
Without pausing for his answer, I continued "Do ye no think she has ideas about his heritage?"
"But ye can see it when he is here Jamie, the lad visibly lights up – "
"No – "I broke in, "look – I am no discussing this Da – I am merely letting ye know."
"I ken that Jamie lad I just dinna want ye to throw away something ye have a massive talent for – "
"Claire is a surgeon for Christ sake! I dinna think that comes without talent, Da."
"Which she can practice here too." He quipped back without a beat.
I let out a long ragged breath I didn't want to lose my temper with him. He had always been stubborn, but this topic had broken our relationship more than once, and he was definitely going to be at the losing end this time.
"To tell ye the truth I dinna care Da, I dinna care what I do for a living as long as I can be with Claire and Willie."
When he didn't respond, I felt an overwhelming need to explain; further, my frustration was making me speak louder, faster and impatiently.
"Look – I could manage with Willie – not having him all the time was hard – but I managed because I knew when he wasn't with me, he was with Claire, and that was enough, once Claire had him with her in a weird way it made me happy – ye may not understand that because me and Jenny have always been with ye –"
"She is a wonderful mother". He replied softly.
"I dinna want to get overly sentimental Da – but knowing now that Claire wants a life with me – I canna settle for anything else – I would be miserable if she wasna with me."
The silence that followed was at least some evidence that he was considering my words. Eventually, he made a guffaw sound "Aye well it would take a fool no to see that I suppose – I hope ye know I always wanted this to be her home too, aye?"
"I ken that." My tone was less reproachful, and I closed my eyes imagining if she hadn't opened her arms to me yesterday when I landed, it would have taken more strength than I had to return to Scotland knowing I had lost her.
"I have wanted to marry Claire probably since the day I met her – and since we met we have never got the timing right, or we couldna work things out – I wrongly expected her to fit into my life, shape her choices around mine – and when she did just that – I did not give her or Willie the life I wanted to."
"And ye can there?" the sound of his frustration had dissipated.
"I intend to, aye." I rucked a hand through my hair while I considered whether to tell him anymore. "I couldna ask her to move again, and it doesna matter much to me where I am, as long as she is by my side – and Willie too of course."
There was a ruffling sound at the other end. "Ellen, I dinna say a word to the lad." I couldn't stop a smirk creeping across my face at his blatant lying.
More rustling before his mouth seemed to find the earpiece. "I am sorry I dinna mean to pressure ye – I had to give it one more go afore I let ye go," he confessed ruefully.
"I willna hold it against ye – and I will keep an eye on things from here too – I will get Ian to set ye up on facetime."
He huffed a breath but didn't reply.
"Yer health is important to me Da – I willna leave ye without decent horsemen for trading and to keep up with everything else."
"Yer mother warned me to make this as easy on ye as possible", he said suddenly. "I only wanted ye to ken this is yer home, and I will always want ye here, son."
"It couldn't be clearer, Da."
I thought he had passed the phone to my mother there was such a long stint of silence when unexpectedly his voice boomed into the earpiece again.
"I am proud of ye always – it doesna matter about here – the way ye love yer wee family makes me proud – his tone turned gruff halfway through the sentence –"Alright that is enough of this kind of talk – it's making me morose."
I chuckled at his briskness. "Aye alright, yer get’n fierce sentimental in yer ould age."
"Look yer ma is jumping up and down trying to talk to ye so – "
"och Da – one more thing afore ye go –"
"I hope to make ye a grandfather again –"a lump formed in my throat without warning when I heard him sniff loudly into the earpiece, my mother's concerned tone in the background asking him what was wrong.
"My – "halting words seemed to stick in my throat as I tried and failed to finish my sentence.
"Mo bhean a bhith le leanabh tha."
There was a much louder sob on his end this time before I heard him roar. "Ellen – Jamie and Claire are having a wee bairn – another bairn."
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akinkbyanyothername · 5 years
BTD Fanfic: Strade x Reader
Um, so I don’t really expect anyone to read this but, I wrote a shitty fanfic (~5000 words) about Strade and MC. It retells the BTD story focusing on an MC who is a huge brat but also scared of pain/death/blood. I do use a lot of dialogue from the game, especially when writing bloody scenes because I’m actually not that into blood, guts, and gore. I’ll probably put it on AO3 when I have the time to properly reread and add to it. But until then, *blows kiss into the void* this is for you~
The most important hole in this story is your mouth! So hopefully anyone can enjoy!
Kinks: Non-con, Blowjobs, Torture, Boot-Licking, Kidnapping, Drill, Light Bondage
You looked up at the wooden sign saying “The Braying Mule”. You could hardly believe you managed to drag yourself out to a bar, especially alone! You walked into the bar with a small feeling of pride that was instantaneously replaced with anxiety. You knew it wasn’t possible, but you were convinced this was the loudest place on earth; the laughter of the patrons mixed with the ringing in your ears was deafening. You stood near the entrance paralyzed, until you turned around, listening to your body’s overwhelming urge to run away. You were just about to exit when you felt a large, rough hand on your shoulder. Your whole body jumped as you let out a squeak of fear.
“Didn’t mean to scare you buddy!”
You turned around to look at the owner of the hand and cheerful voice. You couldn’t help but be drawn to his oddly endearing toothy smile. 
“Oh no... it’s alright!” Your words were accompanied by the thoughts, “There I go... trying to be as polite as possible even though this guy fully touched me without asking.” You gave a sweet smile, continuing to follow your natural instinct to be likable and avoid conflict “I just startle easily, sorry!” You could’ve sworn his cheeks flushed after you said that, but the crappy bar lighting made it hard to tell for sure.
“Come sit down with me!” With his hand still on your shoulder, the man led you to a table with a couple empty beer mugs. “Sit right there. I’ll get you a beer, it’ll help you relax!” You barely had time to process before he sat you down on the chair and went off to the bar. You were definitely uncomfortable with a stranger being so pushy, but you couldn’t bring yourself to stand up and leave. No, no, that would be too rude. Besides he was buying you a drink, you didn’t want to risk hurting his feelings. You could feel yourself getting frustrated with your inability to be assertive when you were overwhelmed, but before you knew it the man was back.
“Here, drink up!” He placed the beer in front of you as he sat across the table.
“Thanks so much!” You replied, matching his enthusiasm. 
“So, what’s your name?”
“My name’s Alex!” You lied as you gave him another smile. You had rehearsed giving out a fake name to strangers and done it a handful of times, so it was almost automatic. “What’s yours?”
“So polite! Name’s Strade.”
You noticed him eyeing the beer he bought you and considering he just called you polite you felt the need to at least sip it. You tried to hide the disgust on your face as you took a gulp, god you hated beer. 
“I’ve never heard the name Strade before, it’s cool!” 
“It’s German!”
“Oh! A friend of mine is taking German classes right now! She told me the word for butterfly is schmetterling.” You felt a little dumb saying that so you took another swig of beer hoping to avoid sounding any more foolish.
“I’m impressed, few people know any German! I could teach you more.”
His last statement sounded suggestive somehow, but you were sure that couldn’t be right because you sounded like an idiot and no one would flirt with you. Suddenly you were very thankful for the beer. You drank more of it quickly trying to distract yourself from being flustered. 
“Do you like it?” He asked raising a brow. He must’ve noticed your shift from barely touching it to chugging it.
“Yeah, it’s really good, thanks!” You lied again. Honestly the beer tasted like garbage, but you couldn’t say that, it would be too mean. Either way, you could feel yourself getting tipsy, so you told yourself you were thanking him for the distraction.
Suddenly an alarm on your phone went blaring, with the notification “STUDY!” attached to it. You let out another squeal as you scrambled to turn it off.
“SHIT THAT’S RIGHT! I HAVE A MIDTERM COMING UP NEXT WEEK!” You thought to yourself as you stood up. 
“Sorry, Strade, I have to go study, I have a test next week! It was nice meeting you, and thanks for the beer again!” You were fully aware that you sounded like a total nerd, but school was really important and you didn’t want to risk your grades. Truth be told, you weren’t sure how you would’ve left Strade if you didn’t have an excuse.
“Ah, good luck on your test, have a good night, bud!”
You left the bar more relaxed than when you came in. It was later than you expected and you checked your phone to figure out which bus to take back to your place. 
“Trying to get home?” You let out a full on scream as a familiar, but unexpected voice came up behind you. 
You turned around to look at who it was, but as you did so your phone was knocked out of your hand.
“What the hell?!” Your instinct to be polite was overruled by a mixture of fear and anger.
Faster than you could process, Strade grabbed your shoulders and bashed you into the brick wall of the bar. His hand covered your mouth as you watched him stomp your phone. “Don’t worry, you can come home with me~” he purred into your ear. “...Are you going to come quietly? Or are you gonna make me work?”
This was so fucked up. You had come out to a bar ALREADY ANXIOUS OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND, but you pushed through because you told yourself “What’s the worst that could happen?” The realistic answer, according to your therapist, SHOULD have been, “I feel uncomfortable and leave”. But APPARENTLY that wasn’t the case. APPARENTLY the actual fucking answer is “I GET FUCKING KIDNAPPED!” As these thoughts raced through your mind you bit down on Strade’s hand, grinding your teeth with as much force as possible.
“Wow... Lebhaft! <3″ He mused dreamily.
You glared at Strade with as much hate as you could muster as he back handed you across the face. Hitting the ground, you felt a sort of heat rise up from your pelvis into your chest and manifest on your cheeks. “Who knew being hit could feel so good?” was what your body was saying but your mind was focused on “If this guy wants to kidnap me, I’m not gonna make it easy.” You looked up at him and let out a pained cough. You opened your mouth to start screaming, but you were winded by a heavy boot digging into your sternum. Instead of insults, a pained wheeze escaped your lips. With so much force, you swear it could have dislocated your shoulders, Strade grabbed your arms and zip tied your wrists together. You writhed viciously under his boot as you tried to escape, but it was to no avail. The only thing your struggling seemed to do was make him smile wider.
Effortlessly, Strade pulled you onto you’re your feet and shoved you into an expensive looking car. Feeling the air starting to return to your lungs you prepared once again to scream, but were muffled by a piece of duct tape being slapped onto your lips.
“Don’t make so much noise now.” He cooed, holding your chin up, forcing you to look into his eager eyes. “Save it for when we get back to my house” he whispered, gently stroking your cheek before he punched you in the jaw. Everything went black after that.
You woke up disoriented on the floor of a cold, dark room. “What the-? Where am I?” Were your immediate thoughts as you slowly started to regain consciousness. “WAIT IS THIS-!?” You violently jerked forward trying to stand up, but immediate regretted this as the tight ropes binding your wrists to a pole bit into your skin. Your words, “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!” came out as more an incoherent screech as you became acutely aware of the duct tape on your mouth. Fuck, why did your jaw hurt so much? Suddenly, you heard loud thumping coming from a set of stairs behind you.
“What’s this I hear?” The ominous words echoed in the darkness before you were blinded by the lights being switched on. “You’re already awake!”
It took a moment for your eyes to adjust, but once they did you were staring at the worst case scenario. Fueled by sheer hate you attempted to let out a slew of words that would have made the devil proud.
“Sorry what’s that buddy?” Strade asked before excitedly ripping the duct tape off your mouth. “You’re gonna have to speak up!”
“FUCKING PSYCHO!” You pushed passed the pain in your jaw to let out words that had been dying to escape. “WHERE AM I?”
“Don’t remember?” He asked almost innocently. “We were having a chat. And I thought to myself, I would love to get to know this person better. So I brought you home!”
He put a hand on top of your head, ruffled your hair then gave it a firm pull. A bolt of heat shot up into your chest again. Doing your best to ignore your body’s betrayal, you jolted forward. You tried to bite at his hand, knowing full well this would cause the ropes around your wrists to dig deeper, but you couldn’t just LET him treat you this way.  “GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME YOU!”
He let out a pleased laugh. “You were so polite at the bar, but now you are so full of energy!” He licked his lips. “So many surprises… I can tell we’re going to have a lot of fun together.” You could feel your fear starting to grow as he said the word “fun”.
“Before we get started, you want something to eat? Drink?”
“What the hell?” You were so thrown by his offer, but it did make you hone in on your churning stomach. You hadn’t eaten much yesterday, and drinking a beer on an empty stomach might have been one of the many reasons you felt so nauseous today. However, as much as you might have wanted food, your pride wouldn’t let you admit it. “NO! I DON’T WANT ANYTHING FROM YOU!”
For whatever reason, your response made him more cheerful. “You’re so eager to start, so am I!”
Strade pulled out a large hunting knife and you couldn’t help but let out a terrified scream at the mere sight of it.
“Ah, Schatzi! You’re already screaming for me~<3”
You couldn’t think of a time when being easy to startle was THIS much of a curse. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!” Every word out of your mouth since you woke up was shrieked, but you would be damned if you didn’t put up a fight. As he started to approach, you wildly started kicking your legs, in an attempt to keep him way.
He paused for a moment to admire your futile actions, his face growing redder and redder. “Niedlich~” He leaned down and pressed the cold blade under your sleeve.
“W-What are you saying to me?” It was getting harder and harder to yell at him as the knife against your skin allowed your fear to override your anger. For whatever godforsaken reason, you suddenly remembered him offering to teach you German. You made the dumbest comment in human history as you tried to alleviate your terror, “This isn’t helping me learn German!”
Strade burst out into laughter, “BAHaha! Good one buddy!” You tried to forget about the knife as he jovially put his free hand on your shoulder. You felt proud of yourself for a moment, maybe you calmed him down? He rested there for a second, looking down into your eyes. You gazed back, searching for some semblance of humanity, but he simply smiled and shook his head, “Your clothing’s still in the way.” He began to forcefully cut off your clothes. You wanted to resist more, or at least make a snide remark, but feeling the blade occasionally graze your skin was enough to trigger your freeze response. It was only a matter of moments before you were there in your underwear, shivering.
Strade leaned back and took a good look at you. If you weren’t already naked, it would’ve been like him undressing you with his eyes, which honestly would have been preferable to him using a fucking knife. You wished his long stare only made you uncomfortable, but you couldn’t help but feel your cheeks starting to flush.
“ahhhhh~ You’re so…” He paused, searching for a word you REALLY didn’t want to know. “Unbroken.”
Yeah, you DEFINITELY didn’t want to know that. “W-What the hell? If any part of me WAS broken it would’ve been from you!” Your sass didn’t have its usual bite to it, but it was something.
Strade let out another laugh as he bent down to his knees, inches away from you. Terrified didn’t begin to describe how his presence made you feel. “Oh don’t worry...” He said rubbing his calloused fingers over your soft thigh. “I’m not going to leave you this way.” Goosebumps appeared on your skin as he continued to caress you. “We’re going to have a very intimate experience.” He licked his lips, “I can’t wait to hear more.”
“More what?!” flooded your head before he lowered the knife to your thigh. The cold metal against your skin was paralyzing, “THERE’S NO WA-!“ Your panicked thoughts were interrupted by the searing hot pain of the knife slowly dragging up your leg.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Your scream echoed throughout the basement as you broke out into tears. Your whole body writhed, trying to cope with the blinding agony. God, for someone who talked big, you sure did you have a low pain tolerance.
“You’re so sensitive” He panted. You could barely hear him over the ringing in your ears, but from what you could tell, he was getting excited. He held down your squirming leg, eyeing it for a second before raking the knife through you skin again. Another piercing howl left your mouth as you shook violently. You shut your eyes tight as tears continued to stream down your face.
“Ah… I’m getting too excited…” You heard him breath heavily. “Oh no… look how much you’re bleeding…”
Those mere words made you feel lightheaded, you had a horrible phobia of blood and you most certainly didn’t want to look. Strade must’ve picked up on this because before you knew it his fingers were prying your eyes open, “I said look!”
The room started to spin as you tried not to focus on the bright red blood spilling from your wounds. You had absolutely no words, just feelings of sheer horror.
“Mmm. You’re not gonna last like that.” If he wasn’t inches away from your face, you probably wouldn’t have understood him.  “Would you-“, your hearing cut out, you really were about to faint. A hard slap against your face made your eyes shoot open and a moan escape you lips.
“What the hell was that?” you thought to yourself. Were you seriously turned on by that?
You could feel Strade’s hot breath on your stinging cheek. “Did you… like that?”
You instinctively looked away. “Of course not…” Your voice was so weak; you weren’t sure how convincing you sounded to him or yourself.
“You really shouldn’t lie.” he said, grabbing your hair and forcing you to meet his gaze. You felt everything, from your toes to your ears, heat up and you couldn’t believe it. Your body really was a filthy fucking traitor. “I’m not lying!” You insisted, this time with a little more pep. He just stared at you with his blushing cheeks, before standing up.
Your whole body tensed, terrified he was going back for the knife, but instead he reached for his zipper. The fact this was a relief to you was disturbing. “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?” You screamed internally before externalizing a shrill, “NO!”
You tried to look away, but he grabbed your face. Before you could protest further, you noticed he was holding the knife in his other hand. A string of curse words flew through your mind. “Open up ~<3” Strade chimed as he pushed the knife into your mouth, facing the blade upwards. You reflectively opened your sore mouth wide with a whimper trying to avoid being cut. He shifted the knife to the side and stuffed the head of his cock in your mouth.
“I know you like to bite.” He flashed the marked-up hand you had ground down on when he was kidnapping you. You felt a twinge of victory before he grabbed the back of your head with it. He gave a hard thrust deep into your throat causing you to gag. He let out a satisfied groan. “Will you bite again?”
You wanted nothing more than to hurt him back, show him you weren’t helpless, but… your eyes shifted to the knife and you shuddered. You started feeling faint as you imagined the inside of your mouth getting sliced up by him. Noticing you were distracted, he shoved deeper inside of you causing you to be present with the ACTUAL fucked up scenario you were in. You made a sort of muffled scream as you felt your anger growing. How could you possibly win in this situation? It was so unfair! You shot Strade the dirtiest look you could manage and in return he gave you a smug grin as he withdrew the knife. He buried both his hands into your hair and slammed more vigorously. Tears started welling up in your eyes as you choked on his cock. God you felt pathetic. He looked down at you fondly, “Suck it, Schatzi~” An involuntary whine of fear and pleasure was the only noise you manage to make, why did you find him speaking German so… so… sexy!?
His rhythm was becoming steadier and you knew what that meant. You desperately struggled to pull away from him, but he kept ramming down your throat with more and more panting and grunting. Your pained, exhausted jaw and desire to spite him made you consider biting down again, but the image of a knife down your throat stopped you. “FUCK!” You screamed to yourself as he groaned, holding your head firmly against himself. The feeling of his warm cum sliding down the back of your throat made you sick. Tears steadily rolled down your cheeks as you felt like you were suffocating. He admired the view of you stuffed full of him, desperate for air before pulling out with a dreamy sigh. Immediately you coughed and sputtered up a mixture of saliva and semen on the cement floor. You were suddenly very aware that was the only thing you had eaten today.
“Ahhhh… you’re a lot of fun.” He crouched down to your eye-level. You flinched as he reached out to softly pet the side of your face. The gentle sensation flooded your body with warmth. Fuck, how much longer did your body intend to completely ignore sane reactions? You weren’t going to give in though. Through ragged breaths you managed, “D-Don’t… touch me…” Strade chuckled as he stood up and tousled your hair. “Why don’t you have a rest, hm?” With that he straightened up and thumped back up the stairs, leaving you in the dark.
As soon as he left, the pain from your leg demanded attention. You looked down, noticing that the blood hadn’t completely dried. It was so disgusting. “I’m going to kil-” You couldn’t fight the wooziness that washed over you. Your body slumped against the pole and your eyes closed, leaving your threat unfinished.
You were woken up abruptly by someone kicking your leg. The pain jolted you forward pulling you against your binds, “Wha… Ahh!” You slowly came back to your senses and realized where you were. So everything last night really wasn’t a horrible dream.
“Still sleeping?” Strade asked with a smile, looking you up and down. “Aren’t you looking chipper? You’re all fresh and ready for a new day!” You weren’t sure in which world your state would be considered fresh. “So, how about something to eat?” He bent down and waved some sort of energy bar in front of you.
You felt a surge of nausea overcome you, remembering the vile taste in your mouth from yesterday. You took a few deep breaths trying to calm yourself down. Honestly, food was a probably good idea, you were starving. But…You shifted your eyes from the bar to Strade; all the deep breathing in the world wouldn’t have quelled you hatred.
“No?” He asked, picking up on you animosity. “Suit yourself!” He unwrapped the bar and took a large bite. “Mmf- you know-“ He waved the bar. “I feel like we’re really getting to know each other.” He took another bite. “Hm. I know it hasn’t been long. But this sort of mmf…experience...it speeds things up.” He kept chewing and leaned closer to you. “It’s the adrenaline. You’re excited. I’m excited.” He leaned even closer. “We’re sharing something very… personal.” The way he delivered that last line made you incredibly nervous. “BAHaha! You look a little scared ~<3” You shot him a vicious glare, trying to mask your fear.
“Ahhhh! Haaa… I can tell how you’re feeling. You’re all tied up, on the floor. Some guy’s basement. And who knows what I’ll do to you? Helpless. Right?”
You wanted to shout “WRONG” but your voice escaped you, something about him seemed more sinister than yesterday.
“I’ll give you some control. What happens next is completely up to you!” He turned around to gather a few items form a nearby table. Your heart was racing wildly. “Here’s your choice. What’ll it be?” He held up a hammer in his left hand and a drill in his right. “Hammer or drill?”
Your breathing became sporadic and your eyes widened in fear. There was no way this was happening. This couldn’t be real could it? You blinked really hard a couple times to make sure this wasn’t just some fucked up nightmare. But there Strade was, holding up a fucking hammer and drill, waiting for you to decide… but there was no way that was going to happen. You weren’t going to let him win; you weren’t going to give him that satisfaction!
You could see his smile turn into a frown at your refusal, and fuck you knew that was bad new, but you did it. You managed to get that unnerving smile off his face! However, your victory was short lived. His grin returned as he stepped closer to you, “You don’t want to choose?” He rested his boot on your mangled thigh for barely a moment before grounding it down. You let out an ear piercing shriek as your cuts began to ooze blood again. Enjoying your voice, he continued to roll your leg under his foot.
“Can’t take it hm? The responsibility of choice…” He leaned down. You maintained furious eye-contact showing that you weren’t going to back down. “I suppose some people… Weren’t meant to have any control.”
Those word were the last straw. The absolute vitriol that had been building up inside of you since you woke up burst out. You spat directly onto his face and yelled, “GO TO HELL YOU FUCKING PSYCHO!”
“Haha… haaaaa…” That fucking blush creeped back onto his cheeks as he stood up. He leered down at you, licking his lips, “You act so sour but…” he paused, turning around to the table with his tools. You could hear clinking and clanging as he searched for… something. He twisted back around, this time with the drill plugged in and a pair of pliers. “You weren’t like this at the bar…” he mused, crouching down close to you. You tried to steel your resolve, looking directly into his amber eyes. He stared back, unblinking as he set down the drill. You couldn’t help but recoil as he moved his free hand towards your face. He let out a satisfied sigh at your reaction.
He rubbed his thumb softly against your lower lip, but before you could even think to bite him, he abruptly grabbed your face. You let out a squeal of surprise. He squeezed his large hand together forcing your cheeks to dig into your teeth. With your mouth held open he inched the pliers closer and closer. You let out a whimper as you tried to pull back, but he held your head firmly in place. He clamped the pliers against the tip of your tongue; your whole body started to tremble. A pained cried filled the room as Strade yanked hard. He roughly pushed his dirty fingers all over the surface of your slippery tongue. It took everything you had not to heave at the revolting taste. “You’re so wet, Schatzi” he moaned playing with your spit.
You felt your heart skip a beat as he called you that name again; why did you like it so much? This was so beyond fucked up. You closed your eyes, trying to distance yourself from the situation. For a second, you thought it might have been working, but then you heard the sound of the drill whirring in the air. Your eyes bolted open as you desperately pulled against the pliers. You gagged as you shook you head from side to side, “NO!” He slowly lowered the tip to your tongue, teasing it. “NONONONONONO”, your protests had become nearly incoherent. He pressed the drill down, shredding a hole smack-dab in the middle of your tongue. The scream you let out was blood curdling. You didn’t even know you could make a noise that horrifying. Mucus mixed with your tears and blood trickled down the back of your throat. An inhuman gargling noise was all you could make as he detached the drill bit, leaving it in your mouth.
“Ahhhh…” Strade huffed. He dropped the pliers on the floor, he didn’t need them anymore. Your tongue wouldn’t fit back in this way. He lazily started to move the drill bit back and forth with his fingers causing blinding pain with each movement. “S-ST-HOP” Your words were almost as sloppy as the fluids dripping out of your mouth. He chuckled before ripping the metal out of your mouth. A strangled screech caused everything to bubble at the back of your throat. Your whole body convulsed uncontrollably from the torture. You couldn’t take much more of this, but… how could it possibly get worse? Your question was promptly answered as Strade stuffed the head of drill into your mouth. “THANK GOD HE REMOVED THE DRILL BIT!” was your first thought, your second was, “THIS FUCKING HURTS!” He roughly pushed it in and out of your mouth, aggravating your wound, before pushing down on the power button.
The vibrating sensation filling the back of your mouth was like a fucked up switch for your body. The whirring sounds flooding your ears brought a sort of comfort; the fact you couldn’t put together a coherent thought brought some semblance of peace. The thrusting of the drill against your bloody, slobbery tongue started to feel… good. Your eyes fluttered open and closed; you couldn’t help but whimper as it shoved deeper into your throat.
“There you are~” he purred, using his free hand to stroke your cheek. God why did his touch feel like a gift?
It wasn’t long before he replaced shoving the power tool down your throat with another, his own hard cock. Your head had already been thoroughly rattled by getting drilled, so you didn’t resist. You weren’t thinking anymore, just acting. You had been a bundle of nerves flipping from fight, flight, and freeze since you met Strade and it seemed your body had another impulse it wanted you to follow. You were doing your best to bring him pleasure: rubbing your cut-up tongue all over his shaft, making obscene moans of pleasure, and looking up at him with helpless eyes. He placed his hands in your hair, ensuring you kept up with his rhythm. He placed his boot between your legs to give you something to rub up against, as if to give you a reward. The both of you pushed up against each other in tandem, until he reached his climax. You could feel the inside of your mouth become even stickier. You tried to pull away, but Strade held you in place, “Swallow it.” He growled. Something about hearing the harsh command made you remember that this wasn’t your choice.
“Don’t tell me what to do!” Your thoughts were definitely coming back online. The fluids in your mouth started to slowly spill out around his cock, falling onto his boot between your legs.
He must’ve been able to tell from the way your eyes changed from glazed to bright that you had regained some fight. He laughed as he reached down and plugged your nose. “Swallow.” He repeated, giving you no other choice. You really didn’t want this to be the way you died. Reluctantly you gulped down the semen, blood, saliva, and tears pooling in your mouth. It was so thick and pungent, how did you not notice that before? You felt mortified when you realized cum had been a consistent part of your diet for two days. It took all of your willpower not to retch.  
Strade pulled out of your mouth, giving his typical toothy grin. You desperately gasp for air. “At least it’s ov-“, before you could finish your thought he abruptly stomped on you head. You bashed your face on the concrete and felt your nose start to bleed. “Clean it up.” He demanded shoving his dirty boot into your face. You were so disoriented from the impact that you hardly understood him. Your blurry vision started to focus on the filthy shoe in front of you. For fucks sakes you weren’t going to do this anymore!
“NO!” You screamed, but he didn’t seem to have much patience for you. He started to grind his other foot into the back of your skull. It hurt so much, everything hurt. You wondered if Strade still considered you unbroken; you shuddered at the possibility that he did. Was that what this was? A fucking test?
You tried to look up at him to give him a dirty look, but he wouldn’t allow it; he just kept you firmly planted next to his foot. This was so unfair and aggravating, because you could just feel his giddy eyes boring into you expectantly. You unwillingly placed your mangled tongue against the cold leather of his shoe. The pain made you hiss and retract. You felt pressure mounting against your head as well as his dirty shoe forcing itself against your closed lips. The slimy mixture started smearing onto your mouth and you opened up trying to prevent it from getting worse. The salty, metallic taste made you gag as he pushed his boot against your tongue. You felt so humiliated, was this your life now? Throat-fucking some psychopath and being rewarded for it with objectification and death threats? You seriously considered if this or death was better… you weren’t so sure.
You felt Strade ease up on your skull as you licked the remaining mess off his boots. Finally allowed to look up, you shot him a hateful stare. “Happy now?” is what you tried to say, but it came out as some sort of distorted version of that due to your fucked up tongue. He seemed to have no problem understanding you though, as he gently pet you head and smiled, “Very happy, Schatzi!”
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xsixxx · 5 years
Bad Influence, Chapter Seven
Authors Note: Sorry I’m so bad at trying to get these out quickly, I’m working on it, I swear! This is a pretty long one for me & it’s deep so sorry if it’s a little bit boring! Once again, I’ve finished this at 5am so if there are mistakes/it’s incoherent I’m sorry, I’ll proof read it when I wake up 😂 Feedback always welcome!
Warnings: Language, super duper angsty, bit of childhood trauma, Beth & Nikki up to their usual shit
Tags: @triplehaitches @freddiessmallnipples @queen-crue @scarecrowmax @lovesick-heart0 @littlesunnymoon @80sheart-strings @cranberribread @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies @deaconsroger @zoenicoles @crazysaladchopshop @ggorehorror @lunamadhatter99 @justtryingtoovercome @chaoticvybe @you-know-im-a-dreamer @eightiesrockbaby @valentines-in-london @xrosegoldwolfx @fupatroopaa @lilypetite88 @this-blog-must-be-the-place @ashleecrue @lauravic @dark-princess99
(There’s like no appropriate gif for this I swear so just enjoy one of Nikki looking cute)
(P.s as much as I love Douglas Booth & I will use The Dirt gifs, I fully picture actual Nikki when I write this, just for a little context 👏🏼)
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*Nikkis POV*
“So what do you say?”
Beth looked hesisitant, but she couldn’t hide the excitement that danced in her eyes as my question lingered in the fraction of a space between our lips. I couldn’t stop the smirk from creeping across my face as I sensed her self control slip for just a moment, her eyes darting to my lips. I could see her wrestling with that darker side of herself that wanted to give in & surrender herself to me
She bit her lip in a poor attempt at self-discipline & her doey brown eyes fixed back on mine with a look of delicious purity that made my leather pants a little tighter.
Fuck, I wanted to kiss her so badly.
But I wouldn’t give in, that was the point. It had to be all her.
Beth knew I was bad for her. As she stood there in front of me, I could tell that every logical part of her brain was screaming at her to walk away, to slap me, to yell at me, to do something to keep me away. She knew I was a bad guy, she’d witnessed it firsthand when I fucked that delectably naive little sister of hers & yet, here she stood, visibly battling with her temptation, a breath away from relinquishing her self control & throwing herself at me. She wanted to do something bad for the first time in her life, just to see how good it felt. And damn, I’d make her feel good.
I wanted to prove that I was right, all those many months ago when I first laid eyes upon her elitist, yet enticing self in that diner; that even good, smart girls like Beth could fall from Grace if they were tempted with the right promises. And she was so close to falling, balancing so delicately on the edge I’d lead her up to. But I wasn’t going to push her, I wanted to watch her jump.
But she took a step back; both from the edge & from me. A dark, confident smirk, not too dissimilar from my own, spread across her dainty features, as she found her self-control firmly back in her grasp. She ran her tongue over her lower lip before pulling it back in between her teeth & biting down on it, knowing full well how good she looked doing it & her voice when she spoke was calm & sultry, velvety smooth with a slight edge. In that moment, she had emulated everything that she hated about me & I couldn’t help but smile.
“I say thank you, but no.” She smirked, raidiating arrogance. “I know what you’re trying to do Nikki.”
“And what is it I’m trying to do, little Angel?” I asked, feigning innocence as best I could.
“I know you’re being the devil on my shoulder, trying to tempt me. And damn, your promises make me wanna sin Nikki,” she paused as she took a second to look me up & down, a gleam of desire in those eyes, “Fuck, they really do.” She confessed. “But I’m sorry, I’m just not one of those girls.”
I let a low chuckle. “Beth, I just watched you cum in the bathroom of your work whilst being fucked by the lead singer of my band not 10 minutes ago.”
She scowled at me, her eyebrows furrowed together in annoyance. “I can have casual sex without being one of those girls,” she nodded behind me & I turned to see a a couple of giggling girls at the bar, sipping drinks & trying to catch my attention, flashing flirty smiles my way as they caught me eye. I’d definitely fucked the one. Maybe both. I couldn’t quite recall. “I’m allowed to enjoy sex Nikki, just because it’s with Vince doesn’t make me a groupie. I’m not sleeping with him because he’s in your precious band, I’m sleeping with him because it’s fun & a girl has needs.” She shrugged, defensively.
“So how come you won’t let me satisfy those needs for you, if it doesn’t mean anything?” I grinned.
“Because Sixx, you’re not a good guy & nothing with you could ever just be simple. Look at how you hurt my sister, for Christ sake.” Beth sighed, completely in control once again, shutting off to my deviant corruption. “You’re trying to play a game with me that I’m just not interested in playing, ok?”
“You’re only not interested in my game because you’re shutting yourself off from the side of you that would enjoy playing with me.” I pushed, flashing her a wicked smile, hoping I could pull her back into our little sexually charged exchange, but I could sense from the look that she gave me that the moment was over.
Beth sighed deeply, a look of exhaustion & confliction mixed into her delicate features. Her eyes, full of pain I didn’t understand, met mine one last time before she turned away.
“Goodnight Sixx.”
*Beths POV*
I knocked on the large oak front door & tapped my foot nervously as I waited for an answer, a large sponge cake balanced on top of 2 boxes, wrapped in bright blue wrapping paper that had “happy birthday!” garishly printed all over it.
My heart skipped a beat as I saw my little sisters face emerge from behind the door. Between me moving out & Maddie starting college, we hardly saw anything of each other & I’d missed her more than I’d realised. A wide grin spread across her face as she flung out her arms & ran to me, throwing them around my neck as she hugged me tightly, causing the precariously balanced cake to wobble dangerously.
“Watch it!” I chuckled, pulling away from her grip to catch the cake before it fell. I looked at Maddie, her eyes bright & brimming with tears. “Are you crying?!” I exclaimed.
“I’ve just really fucking missed you Beth!” She laughed, wiping the tears away.
“Madeline, language.” Came the gruff, sharp voice of my father who appeared in the doorway.
“Happy birthday Daddy!” I grinned at the sight of him & walked through the door & putting down the boxes to give him a hug. He pulled me in warmly & I suddenly felt like a kid again, wrapped up safely in the arms of my father & my nerves melted away. He stepped back & looked me up & down, frowning slightly. I blushed, pulling at the hem of my tshirt, my nerves flaring up once again. I’d dressed as conservatively as possible, knowing dad would have something to say if he caught on to my current lifestyle of rockstars, whiskey & the occasional line of cocaine.
“What?” I asked, flustered.
My dad shook his head, his frown disappearing & replaced with a friendly, but cautious smile. “Nothing, nothing. I just thought something just seemed a little different about you, but its nothing.” He finished, sounding unsure before gesturing for us to move into the living room.
I sat down awkwardly on the same beat up sofa that me & Maddie used to build forts on when we were kids & looked around the room. My eyes scanned all the knick knacks & framed photographs that I’d seen a million times over the years & yet, the time away made it feel like I was seeing them through the eyes of an outsider, taking in every detail for the first time. The fireplace was littered with old photos of us as kids, at the beach or playing in the backyard; the faded smiles of a happy childhood. Dust was gathering on the out dated ornaments that were scattered on the various cabinets and coffee tables around the room & the floral wallpaper was looking washed out & old. I glanced across at the table that sat next to me & saw a familiar, heart-wrenching smile that immediately gave me a lump in my throat, too big to swallow.
My mothers kind eyes looked up at me from the ornate framed picture whilst my own instinctively filled with tears. I picked up the photo & gently rubbed my thumb over her face, only wishing I could feel her skin underneath my touch, rather than the cold glass, reminding me that I never would again. I blinked away the tears as I returned the photo back to its prized place on the table, looking back around the living room in search of a distraction. The decor hadn’t changed once in the 10 years since my mom died, almost as if my father was trying to honour her memory by keeping her furniture & trinkets in the same place she had once carefully picked for them. He was treasuring her belongings as she once had, rather than letting them, & her, go.
He tried to do something similar with me & Mads, I thought to myself.
“How’re you doing Daddy?” I asked, suddenly painfully aware of my father now living alone in this unintentional shrine of a house.
“Oh you know, its quiet since you pair left, but I’m coping.” He said, giving us a forced smile. “What about you, are you still working in that hellish bar?”
I rolled my eyes at his judgement & disapproval, it never took long. “Yes Daddy, it pays the rent, remember?”
“I know, I know, I just hate the thought of you working in that sort of environment, surrounded by those kinds of people.” He huffed, shaking his head at the idea of me in the exact situation I was currently in. But I was the sensible one, there’s no way in his worst, most invasive thought, my dad could imagine me heading down the path I was currently on. Hell, I couldn’t believe it sometimes.
But I was still in control & that was the important thing. I knew my limits. No more than a couple of drinks & no getting drunk. No more than a couple of lines of coke & definitely nothing harder than that. No letting the party interfere with my studies or my work. And, my most important rule, no matter how tempted I might be or no matter how fun he might seem, absolutely no Nikki Sixx.
“Dad, I promise, I’m always careful & besides, it’s not as bad as you think.” I shrugged, attempting to downplay his concern. “Anyway,” I said standing up & retrieving his presents & cake from the hall, “let’s stop focusing on me, open up, birthday boy!”
Me & Maddie stood around the block from our childhood home, well out of sight of our fathers overbearing eyes, as we both took a break from his constant paranoid questions about our lives away from home & took long, well-needed drags on our cigarettes. We’d bought ourselves 10 minutes, under the guise that we were walking to the convenience store for some milk, which bought us enough time to burn down our cigarettes & cover the smell by dousing ourselves in cheap but powerful body spray.
“I still can’t believe you’re smoking!” Maddie giggled. “It’s like watching a nun flashing or something!”
I choked slightly as I exhaled, the laugh catching in my throat as her comparison took me by surprise. “Gee, thanks!” I chuckled sarcastically.
“You know what I mean! It’s just you, my smart, goody-two-shoes big sister, is breaking one of Daddy’s golden rules, it bizarre.”
I scoffed at her. “I’m not that bad. I’m not as clean cut as everyone thinks I am.”
“Yeah right! Don’t you remember that night a couple years back when we went to see Mötley Crüe & you saw me smoking for the first time & went crazy at me?” Maddie cackled at the memory. “Oh god & then how you reacted when I went over to speak to them in that diner? You nearly had a heart attack! Fuck, I can’t believe how fast that time has gone!” She sighed contently, breathing out smoke into the brisk evening air. “Do you still see them occasionally at work?”
I took a long drag on my cigerette, drawing it out purposely as I tried to think of a way to answer. I hadn’t told Mads about my partying, or my 6 month on/off fling with Vince or even the fact that I hung around with Mötley at all. I told myself it was partly because I barely saw her & I hadn’t had chance & partly because I didn’t want to upset her, thinking that she’d feel betrayed by her sister socialising with the guy that screwed her over & embarrassed her in front of his band mates. But, if I was being honest with myself, it was more to do with the fact that I wanted to keep this part of my life separate from my messy homelife.
I settled on a simple, vague answer. “Every now & then, they play shows sometimes & say hi.” I shrugged, avoiding eye contact as I brought my cigerette back up to my lips.
“They talk to you?” Maddie quizzed, her eyes bulging with intrigue. “What do they say? Do you speak to Nikki?!”
Fuck, why did I say that last bit?!
I mentally cursed myself for not being vague enough as I searched for a response that could end the conversation. “Erm, they don’t really say much, just a polite hi & bye sort of thing. I haven’t spoke to Nikki though & I wouldn’t want to either, not after everything.” I babbled, flushing red as I attempted to lie, praying that Maddie wouldn’t probe anymore.
“Oh ok..” She sounded almost disappointed. But her eyes caught sight of my burning face. “Why are you blushing? What are you not telling me?!”
“N-nothing.” I stammered, smiling weakly, knowing just how bad I was at lying.
“Oh my god, you’re fucking him, aren’t you?!” Maddie yelled, a mixture of shock & annoyance in her voice. I blushed harder.
Fuck. She knew me too well. “What are you talking about?!”
“You! You’re sleeping with Nikki fucking Sixx, aren’t you?!”
I almost laughed out loud as relief & amusement fell over me like a comforting blanket, the prickling hot panic dying down as I realised sleeping with Vince wouldn’t be half as shocking to Maddie if she already thought I was having sex with that egotistical jackass.
“Oh god no! Maddie, I would never sleep with Nikki!” I laughed. Her face softened as she heard the sincerity in my voice, knowing I could never lie that convincingly.
“So what’s going on?!” She demanded.
“Oh, well um..” I stammered once again, suddenly nervous & awkward to admit the truth to her. “Me & Soph yanno, we hang out with them every now & then. Sophia has slept with Tommy a few times, but nothing major.”
Maddie looked suspicious & concerned. “Just be careful Beth, they’re not good guys, you & I both know this.”
“They’re not all bad. I mean, they’ve got a bad reputation but they’re not really bad guys-”
She cut me off, angrily. “Are you seriously defending them? After what Nikki did to me?!”
“No, of course not- I mean Nikki is, well yanno, he’s Nikki, he’s not the best.. But the rest of them, they’re nice guys- Vince is..” I stumbled, desperately wishing I could just go back 5 minutes & answer Maddies original question with a simple ‘no, I never see Mötley Crüe at work’.
“Oh, so it’s Vince that you’re fucking?!” She asked, cuttingly, raising her perfectly arched eyebrow judgingly.
“Yes” I answered instinctively, before realising. “No. Well, I mean- I have, but that’s got nothing to do with it!” I shouted, flustered & suddenly angry. “What are you getting so annoyed at me for?!” I deflected.
“Why?! Because you’re hanging out with the guys that humiliated me & you’re clearly acting like it never happened!”
“That’s not true! And it wasn’t the guys that humiliated you, it was Nikki & I can’t stand the guy! I even said to him the other night about how much he hurt you-“ But Maddie cut me off once again, shooting me a filthy look.
“How dare you?! How dare you speak to him about how he made me feel!” She began screaming. “That asshole doesn’t deserve to know that he took up one single second of my headspace after I stormed out of that gig, let alone know that he hurt me! I cannot believe that you would share something like that with him, you had no fucking right Beth.” She flicked her cigerette angrily on the floor as she turned & marched in the direction of home.
“Mads, come on, wait up!” I shouted as I ran after her.
“You keep my fucking name out of your goddamn mouth when you’re around that band, do you hear me, you fucking groupie?!” She hissed as she stomped away.
I stood still, shocked, wounded by her words. She’d never spoken to me like that before. I slowed my pace, not bothering to try & catch up as I followed her back home.
I heard shouting as I walked up to the slightly ajar front door. My dads deep, sharp voice cutting though Maddies angry, whiny one.
“You’re in my house, you follow my rules, you know this by now!” He bellowed.
“I don’t live at home anymore, I’m 20 for Christ sake Dad, when are you going to loosen the fucking reigns?!” I winced at the sound of Maddie swearing at our father, knowing he would not take kindly to it.
“You do not speak to me like that, young lady! I am your father, you show me some respect!” He roared, angrier than I’d ever heard him.
I timidly walked through the door, hoping to calm the situation, whatever it was.
“Well you best start screaming at Elizabeth too, because she was doing it as well!” Maddie yelled, pointing at me as I pushed the front door to behind me, hoping to keep from peaking the neighbours interest.
My father let out a short, sharp laugh. “That’s typical of you Madeline, trying to shift the blame on to your sister. She’s the responsible one, you really expect me to believe she was smoking too?!”
Shit. We forgot to cover our tracks.
“You’re fucking kidding me with this Miss Perfect shit, right?” Maddie said, laughing without amusement. “Do you know what your precious daughter has been up to recently?!” I held my breathe, my eyes pleading with her to stop. Through all of our sisterly fights, through our our difficult teenage years, we’d never once had a real fight & we’d never once turned on each other.
“She’s been smoking, drinking, fucking a rock band & no doubt doing their drugs too!” Maddie spat smugly, turning to smirk at me with eyes full of anger.
I felt a rage burn inside me as my father gave me a look of disbelief, which soon changed to disappointment & then pure anger. Maddies disloyalty & smug face pushed me over the edge & I snapped. “Well you’d fucking know!” I shot back snidely. “You fucked one of them first. That probably explains how you know they’re quite fond of sharing their drugs, huh Mads?”
“Enough!” My father thundered. “Drugs?! Did you lean nothing from your mothers death?! How could you be so goddamn irresponsible, knowing what you know?! Have I taught you nothing?!”
My fury had been released & there was no keeping it in now. I glared at my dad, my anger spilling over in his direction. “Maybe if you hadn’t spent 10 years treating us like prisoners, never letting us out, never letting us experience anything, we wouldn’t be so desperate to try & figure the world out for ourselves the second we left your damn tyranny.”
My father looked taken aback, hurt. I felt regret almost instantaneously.
“You know that everything I did was to protect you.”
“Yes dad, we know, but you can’t protect us from real life.” I whispered, tears stinging my eyes. I didn’t mean to say it, but it was out there now, the truth I’d always felt but refused to acknowledge. It was out & I couldn’t take it back.
His face hardened, like I’d never seen before & it struck fear into my soul.
“If you want real life experiences, go & have them, but know that whilst you act this way, whilst you blatantly disrespect my wishes & insult your mothers memory, you are no daughters of mine.” He said, coldly. “Now get out, both of you.”
I slammed the door to our one bed apartment shut behind me, relieved to be back in my own home though m still shaking with unspent emotion.
I headed towards the room I shared with Sophia, praying she was out so I didn’t have to deal with her questions & I could just climb into bed & sleep off the negativity of this whole day.
As my hand reached for the door handle of the closed bedroom door, I heard the unmistakable sounds of Sophia & Tommy, going at it &, knowing them, it wasn’t going to be a quick thing either. I groaned out loud, hoping they’d hear my annoyance, before I turned & headed back towards the living room. Flopping down on the sofa, I spotted one of my psych books lying on the coffee table with a hot pink sticky note attached to it:
The theory of human motivation, get to it babe, it’s due Monday. - S ♡
“Fuck.” I whispered, realising it was now 10pm on Sunday & I hadn’t even started.
“Could this day get any fucking worse?” I complained aloud to myself as I picked up the textbook & note pad Soph had thoughtfully left beside it.
“What an apt moment to make my entrance.” Nikki chuckled darkly, causing me to jump a mile & let out a girlish squeal, as he emerged from the kitchen.
“You fucking idiot, Sixx!” I screamed, throwing a pillow in his direction, ducking just in time for it to miss his amused expression. “You scared the shit outta me, dick!” I panted, holding my heart. “What the fuck are you doing here?!”
“Well, apparently Tommy needed to pick something up from Sophia, so I came here with him & he went into the bedroom to get it. That was half an hour ago & he’s yet to come back out, so I made myself at home.” He smiled, taking a bite out of the sandwich I hadn’t noticed him holding. “You only had wholemeal bread though.” He said, pulling a face of disgust between bites.
I scowled at him, shaking my head, not having the energy to rise to his bait tonight. He was obviously disappointed.
“What’s wrong Princess?” He smirked, “Still not ready to play with me?”
“Nikki, please. It’s been a hard day & I’ve got a paper to write by 9am tomorrow morning. Just please, please not tonight, I can’t deal with your games right now.” I pleaded, feeling the tears involuntarily fill my eyes as the true level of my metal & physical exhaustion hit me like a train. I wiped them away quickly, praying Nikki hadn’t noticed.
“Are- Um, are you, yanno, ok?” He mumbled awkwardly, moving towards the sofa, trying to judge whether or not it was safe to sit down next to me.
“I’m fine,” I sniffed, turning my face away from him as he made the decision to sit. “I’ve got a lot of work to do, if you wouldn’t mind.” I said, trying to make my voice sound strong & sure, not ready to show weakness in front of the man that I knew was capable of manipulating it if he felt like it.
“Do y- Ahem” he coughed awkwardly, pretending to clear his throat, “do you wanna talk about it?”
I let out a small, weak laugh, bringing my eyes back to meet his. He looked uncomfortable, fidgeting as he attempted to offer me some level of comfort. I couldn’t help but smile at his effort, no matter what his intentions behind it were. “No Sixx, I really don’t. But, um, thanks.”
He nodded, visibly uncomfortable. “So, uh, what’s your paper about?” He asked, obviously trying to change the subject.
“The theory of human motivation.”
“Ah ok, so like what drives people?” Nikki inquired thoughtfully, perking up a little.
“Sort of.. Well, have you ever heard of Maslows hierarchy of needs?” Nikki shook his head but looked intrigued, so I continued. “So, according to this psychologist, there are 5 levels of human needs & you have to attend to the lower levels before you can satisfy the levels higher up. So, for example, level 1 is your basic needs, food, water etc. You need those in order to attend to level 2, which is security, safety. It continues up to love & relationships, then self esteem & then self actualisation, achieving ones dreams essentially. That’s the top tier, the end goal.”
“Ok yeah, I get it. I’m down for the first level, I mean obviously I gotta survive, but I don’t need security or love or that shit to achieve my goal.” Nikki laughed. “I think this Maslow guy needs to met someone like me. Growing up without love & stability only made me more determined.”
“Well yeah, it made you more determined because you’re unknowingly seeking that love & security through your music & your band. You’re hoping your career will provide you with the security you never had & that your fans will provide you with the love. Every human falls into the model, one way or another.” I shrugged, smirking at his dumbfounded expression.
“Ok little miss psychologist, being as you clearly know me so well, analyse me.” Nikki sniggered.
I shook my head, “it doesn’t work like that. But,” I continued as inspiration struck me, “I could use you as the subject for my paper, I think you’d make an interesting case, with your inflated sense of ego & all.”
Nikki flashed his usual, arrogant smirk. “Well, doesnt sound like Tommy is gonna be done any time soon. Ok, you’ve got yourself a test subject, Princess.” He winked.
“Ok, lets do this properly. No messing around, I need to you answer my questions as best you can Sixx, promise?” I raised my eyebrows at his wide grin.
“I promise I’ll try.” He responded, raising his hand mockingly.
I grabbed my notepad & pen & began scribbling down some notes to start me off.
After a couple of minutes of writing, I looked up. Nikki was sat patiently, lighting a cigerette & gazing off to the side, lost in thought. The sight of him sent my stomach into freefall as I took that moment to appreciate his features, his strong jawline & thoughtful eyes. He caught me staring & his eyes shone with mischief as he grinned once again, shattering my vision of this deep, soulful artist. I laughed at my own foolish thought that Nikki Sixx was anything more than he appeared to be at face value. He proved that with his answer to my first question.
“Ok, So Nikki Sixx, tell me what it is that you do.”
“What do I do?” He asked, that roguish gleam in his eyes twinkling as gave me that troublesome smirk once again. “Oh, I do bad things.” He answered.
“Yeah, this was a bad idea.” I snapped, slamming my notepad shut with exasperation. “I should’ve figured you weren’t capable of taking anything seriously.”
“Ok, ok, I’m sorry, I’ll be sensible.” He laughed. “I am the creator & bassist of a rock band called Mötley Crüe.”
I gave him a stern, warning look before continuing. “And tell me, what lead you to peruse a career in music?”
“Music was the one constant thing throughout my childhood & teenage years. It cut through the boredom & the bullshit in my life. It inspired me.” He said simply, but passionately. I brought my eyes up from the notepad to look at him, his eyes truly thoughtful this time as I imagined him reminiscing about the first album he’d ever bought or the first time he held a bass. Whatever he was remembering, it tugged at the corners of his lips as a genuine smile appeared on his face, taking the place of his usual smirk. I couldn’t help but smile along with him, taking in his beauty & serenity in that moment.
“So, ahem”, I coughed, bringing myself back to reality, “What was music an escape from? What lead you to feel so passionately about it?”
“I had a shitty upbringing.” He said bluntly. “My dad split when I was 3 & it was obvious that I was just a burden to my mom. Whenever I got in the way of her lifestyle, she’d ship me off to my grandparents who constantly moved around. And when she did want me, I was just a punching bag for her asshole boyfriends.”
“Nikki, I’m sorry, I had no idea..” I trailed off.
“It’s fine Princess, it is what it is.” He shrugged, but I sensed he wasn’t as ok with it as he was making out. “So when I found music, it was suddenly like ‘this is it, this is what I’ve been looking for’, it just made sense to me & I’ve been infatuated ever since.”
“Sixx, look, we don’t have to do this, I didn’t realise that this went as deep as it does, I don’t wanna intrude..”
“It’s ok. It must be hard to imagine broken families when you’re not from one.” Nikki responded a little sharply, his presumption catching me off guard.
“Excuse me?”
“No, I just meant that when you have a stable family, it must be hard to imagine that some parents don’t love or want their kids, yanno?”
I laughed humourlessly at his false premise. “Trust me, there is nothing stable about my family.”
“Oh come on Beth. You’re telling me that you, the well educated Daddy’s girl from the good neighbourhood, had a rough childhood, really?” Nikki scoffed, rolling his eyes.
I snapped, growing tiresome of his stereotypical opinion of me. “You don’t know the first thing about me Sixx, stop pretending that you do.”
“Kind I’d like how you didn’t know the first thing about me until 5 minutes ago? Yet, you’ve always made your judgements on my attitude & my lifestyle. I’m just returning the favour doll.” He replied, raising his eyebrow pointedly.
I sighed, resigning to his annoyingly accurate point. “Ok fine. Not that I owe you any explanation,” I started, looking anywhere in the room but at those piercing eyes that were focused so intently on me. “My mom OD’d when I was 13. She was prescribed painkillers after a car accident & she just never came off them.”
“Fuck.” Nikki whispered. “Doll, I’m sorry.”
I shook my head as I felt the tears prick in my eyes for what seemed like the millionth time that day. “Our dad wrapped me & Maddie up in bubble wrap after that & made us fearful of the world. He took us out of school & homeschooled us, never really let us socialise, we never got to go out & see our friends, he all but kept us locked up.” I sighed, thinking back to the harsh words I’d said to my father earlier on that day, the regret & guilt flooding back & overwhelming me once again. “I know he was doing what he thought was best, keeping us safe & protected from anything or anyone that could harm us or influence us.”
“Someone like me?” Nikki teased, trying to lighten the mood.
I let out a soft giggle. “Exactly.”
Nikki gently placed his hand under my chin, lifting my head up fractionally so that my eyes met his. His gaze drifted to my cheek as a lone tear fell silently down it. His grazed his thumb softly against my skin, wiping it away with a simple caress that sent shivers through my body. I felt weak under his touch. That same touch that had once set fire to my mind did so once more & I instantly craved him all over again.
“Who knew you could be a good guy when you wanted to be?” I whispered as his thumb trailed from my cheek to my lips, his eyes fixated on them.
“I’m the devil Lizzy, remember?” He muttered back, restraint evident in this voice. “I’m not a good guy.”
“Being good doesn’t get you anywhere. Trust me, I know.” I breathed, leaning in to him & letting my lips brush his, using his own trick against him. “Kiss me, Sixx.” I whispered.
“You don’t want this, Angel.” He warned gently.
“And how do you know what I want?”
His brow furrowed, confliction obvious in his dark green eyes. “You’re upset & you’ve had a bad day. This isn’t you & as much as I want you, I don’t want you this way, you’re not thinking clearly.” He sighed.
“Fuck, Nikki, I can’t fucking win! So what, you only want me if I’m like all of those other groupies, drunk in a bar & throwing myself at you, is that it?” I snapped, moving away from him.
“No Beth, that’s not it.” He replied bluntly, running his hands through his messy hair. “But look, you’re emotional & vulnerable & I-“ he stumbled, unsure whether to continue. “I’m not the solution to your problem Beth ok, I’m not that kinda guy.”
I laughed sharply. “Wow, because I’m so insecure in myself that I must need you to comfort & validate me, right? Christ Nikki, it must be exhausting fanning your own fucking ego like that.”
“Why else would you be coming on to me now?!”
“Because for a second Nikki, you actually seemed like a decent guy, like maybe you actually had a heart. And for a fucking second, I didn’t despise you.” I laughed, bitterly. “Silly me!”
“But that’s just it Beth, you know I’m not a decent guy. I wanna fuck you, I mean Christ, you know I do. But I wanna make you feel bad, I wanna fulfil your darkest fantasies, I don’t wanna just be your comfort fuck, that’s just not what I do Beth, I’m sorry.” He muttered, shaking his head.
“How fucking dare you?!” I fumed, shoving his shoulder & standing up. “How dare you presume that I fucking need your comfort. I can take care of myself, Sixx, thanks.” I turned around, walking towards the kitchen, muttering to myself “God forbid I should just find him attractive for a fraction of a second & wanna act on it-”
I heard Nikki stand up & I spun round to give him more of my mind, but he was quick & I was suddenly standing chest to chest with him, my face at the level of his neck & I caught his musky scent & I was momentarily intoxicated. I couldn’t stop my thoughts from imagining what it would be like to feel his skin under my lips as I placed kisses along his neck, nipping & sucking as I went. My mouth watered slightly at the thought.
“Ok Lizzy. Prove it.” Nikki tested, his forehead resting lazily on mine as I brought my eyes up to look at him. They were dark, yet I could sense the struggle & hesitance in them, along with the desire that I’d come to recognise so well.
“Prove what?” I asked stubbornly.
“That you want me. Prove me wrong, do something reckless & impulsive just because you know it’ll feel good. Make that decision to jump.” He whispered, his breath brushing my face as his words & his eyes drew me in, pulling me down, under his spell.
Once again, he brought his lips to mine, allowing them to brush together, sending sparks of electricity & passion surging through my body, but he restrained from kissing me. He wanted me to be the one to do it. He wanted to be right.
Fuck, I wanted to prove him right.
“You’re the devil, Nikki Sixx.” I murmured softly.
He smirked against my lips, knowing he had finally won. “Angel, something tells me you can’t help but enjoy it.”
I tiptoed & titled my head up towards Nikki, closing the gap in between our lips, surrendering myself to him. My lips crashed on to his & immediately that fire that only he could ignite spread to every part of me. My mind, my body, my soul we’re all ablaze with the feeling of him. For the first time in years, I did something I knew I shouldn’t, for no other reason than because I simply wanted to. There was no hidden reason or agenda, I just wanted him.
No, I craved him. I wanted him to show me the darker side of myself he promised, I wanted him to show me what my body was made for.
He pressed himself against me, tasting me, wrapping his arms around my waist & pulling me in closer. I could feel that tantalisingly smirk against my lips, I could taste his arrogance & it only made me want him more. I buried my fingers into his hair, gripping with desperate ferocity as he picked me up & thrust me roughly onto the kitchen work surface, deepening his kiss, causing me to moan gently into his mouth.
Nikki groaned seductively, breaking the kiss. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear you make that noise for me.” He breathed, his hands travelling up my body to cup my face, holding it roughly, forcing me to look into his hungry eyes. He studied for me a second as I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth, my body aching for his kiss.
“I knew I could make you fall from Grace.” He smirked. “We’re gonna have fun so much fun together, little Angel.” He grinned wickedly, letting go of my face but keeping his hand under my chin.
I smirked, a new found confidence washing over me as ran my hands through Nikkis disheveled hair & looked into those dark eyes.
I leaned in towards him, my soft lips grazing his lobe purposefully as I whispered proactively into his ear. “You have no idea what you’ve just started. Just because you won this round, doesn’t mean I’m gonna make this easy for you. When I’m through, even the devil is going to kneel before me.” I drawled, mimicking his arrogance before hopping off the work surface & walking away, leaving Nikki with his mouth open, desperate for more.
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