#for this being stuck in my head when I woke up at like 6:45 today
bellvonartsy · 4 years
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The song in question ~
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megthemewlingquim · 3 years
Summary: The holidays exhaust you, mentally and physically. When you go to get up for a yet another early shift at work, Loki keeps you in bed via cuddle lock.
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: detailed descriptions of what retail workers go through when they have bad days at work taken from personal experience and the experience of the person for which I am writing this, crying, anxiety, feelings of loneliness, hurt/comfort.
A/N: This is a late Christmas present for @ragnarachael, to cheer her up after what has been (for her) a very hard and exhausting Christmas season. Anyone else who needs this can use it as a way to help themselves. I just wanted to cheer up a friend, so that she knows that she is in fact wonderful and good enough, even when bad days arise.
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You wake up the morning after Christmas Day, and all you want to do is go back to sleep. The alarm clock reads 6:45 A.M, and it yells at you. It also blinds you, interrupting the darkness behind your eyelids with white light.
You click the alarm off with a muffled groan. You struggle to move, your eyes betraying you and getting used to the darkness yet again. Your body betrays you as well, slowly getting used to the warmth the covers provide you. Sleep seems quite inviting. Those sleeps where you wake up earlier than you want, but then go back to sleep to get those last few hours in? Heavenly.
Also lovely when you have someone beside you to trap you in his arms as if to say, “Don’t go. It’s not time yet, and I still want you here.”
Sometimes, he says that literally.
Loki hates it when you have to get up early. He hates having the feeling of your body beside him be taken away by your job. Sometimes, your schedule is quite nice, with weekends off and shorter shifts on more days during the week to leave you with time for leisure. When it isn’t like that it’s horrible, with multiple days during the week but with longer shifts, and the weekends taken up as the cherry on top. In addition, sometimes you have to get up early. Very early. Like, being there when the store you work at opens to no one early. 
This time, it is a Saturday, and you have to get up early. The day after Christmas.
You had had a two-day break with Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Before Christmas Eve you had worked a couple of days in a row.
The holidays completely exhaust you. Christmas especially is probably the worst season to be a retail worker. You’re stuck at the register for your entire shift, waiting for the unhappy customers who, unfortunately, take their confusion and dissatisfaction on you, the person who has no control over what you sell, what you have sold out of, and your prices. Of course, this happens year-round, but due to the hectic nature of the Christmas shopping season, the general unhappiness of the human race is revealed even more.
Every day, your feet ache from standing for hours on end, and every day you go in, you dread working with people who don’t care about you and working for people who don’t appreciate you. On very special days, you are practically yelled at, and then you have to go into the bathroom on your break to cry your way out of your anxiety.
The only good thing about working today will probably be how the Christmas season is drawing to a close. This means less busy days, less busy people, fewer moments with your managers that leave you shaky and terrified.
With that thought doing a little bit to motivate you, you move to get out of bed.
However, you’re held back. Loki’s arms are around you before you can tell, and their grip from behind is warm and comforting - not at all helping you to get out of bed.
“Stay,” is what he pleads. Rather than hearing a groggy voice filled with annoyance at your movements, you hear one that is softer, quieter, “Stay here, please.”
“Loki,” you protest, fighting sleepily against his grip, “I have - I have to get ready, you know that. I—”
“No, you don’t,” he says, waking up fully now. His eyes open and, upon seeing you fidgeting against him, he lets go of you only slightly. “I don’t want you to go.”
“Why?” you ask, grateful that he has allowed you to turn around and look at him. You are not mad, just a little annoyed, but your tired brain is unable to let that show. “I’ll be home right afterward.”
He sighs, breathing in and out deeply through his nose. “Sweetheart, you’ve been working all week. You try so hard to mask what’s bothering you, but I know you, and I know how you are with these things. You’re exhausted, you fall asleep almost as soon as your head hits the pillows, and every day you have to go into that dreaded workplace, I see you as if you have a weight on your shoulders. I can tell, you dread working there with those people. You hate the schedules, you hate how they treat you. You hate the time spent away from home, from me.  So, why do you keep going when it’s in your better interest to stay?”
“Money pays the bills,” you say with a sigh of your own.
“Do you know who you’re talking to? I’m a prince, and I was once a king. We’re married. If you take me up on one of my many offers, you’ll never have to work again.”
“Stop that,” you say. “Please. I appreciate it, but I can’t depend on you for that. I’ll feel bad about it.”
“You shouldn’t,” Loki says. “I want to do that for you.”
“I am aware, but I don’t want that for either of us. I’d rather play a part in our living.” You move to get up again, but that’s when Loki moves as well, taking you in his arms for the second time.
“Loki!” you whisper angrily, “I have to—”
“No,” he says, a little more stern now. “You do not have to go in today.”
“Why is that?” you huff.
“Because you need to rest.”
“Loki, please let me go, I need to go. I’m supposed to be in the shower already, that’s why I woke up so early.”
“If you will not accept my offer for our future, at least accept this. Accept the rest you obviously need and deserve.”
You have a hard time being mad at him. Yes, you’re annoyed but mad? Never. You sigh. “Loki. I have to work.”
“Do you want to?” he asks.
“No,” you say without hesitation. “Of course I don’t. But I know I have to. I’ll get in trouble if I don’t go.”
“So there are a lot of reasons you need to go, and those are all valid reasons, but you’re not thinking of one thing: your health.”
“I feel fine.”
“Do not try to lie to me. You’re not ‘fine’, as much as you’d like to convince both of us that you are. As I said before, you’re exhausted, and you’re mentally drained whenever you go. You often come home in tears, but you practically fall asleep as soon as we get to bed, so I cannot comfort you. How I wish that you would see this… I want to help you, to give you strength and rest and love, all things you deserve.”
“I’m not taking no for an answer.”
All this time, Loki’s voice continues to remain gentle. It’s nice to see that despite your persistence, he is not mad at you.
You squirm, trying to get out of his arms. At this point you might even have to call into work, saying you’ll be late. Sorry, my husband wouldn’t let me out of bed. What kind of excuse is that?
His grip holds. “Stay,” he whispers, and suddenly you feel tears rising in your eyes.
You haven’t realized, all this time during the holidays, that you’ve missed him. You’ve missed your husband so much, but seeing him has been hard. With your long hours and your exhaustion and your anxiety, it has been extremely difficult to see Loki and to spend any time with him. He doesn’t seem concerned about this himself, not too much, but he only seems concerned about you, and that makes you feel even worse.
But still, he misses you, too.
“No,” you whisper back.
Your eyes shut and the tears pour down. “No!”
“Stay here. Stay here with me.”
You stop struggling, completely breaking down and crying fully into your pillow. He lets you go, realizing how you are. Then, with a small, sad sigh, he turns you around to face him. You’re practically limp, motionless as you sob.
“Sweetheart...” he croons, his voice low and soft and everything you’ve been missing. “Sweetheart, c’mere...”
You cling to him, relishing in his touch as he draws you to him for the first time in what seems like years. Your breathing is choppy, rough, and you cannot seem to get yourself calmed down. It’s as if everything you’ve shut out from your mind these past few weeks has been completely unlocked and has come crashing down onto you.
All the while, Loki keeps you close, shushing you gently and rubbing your back in circles. He calls you the prettiest words and praises you as you cry:
“I know, my love, I know. I’ll take care of you. Of everything.
“That’s it, sweetness, let it all out for me.
“This is just one simple thing you need: a good, long rest and some time with someone who loves you. Just rest here with me. I have you here, and I’m not letting go of you.”
As you cry, you notice your exhaustion taking hold of you again. Though it doesn’t seem possible, the covers seem more warm and even more inviting, and the darkness seems to make your eyes even more heavy.
Loki’s hands keep themselves on the back of your head and on your back, all warm and strong and still infinitely tender. He kisses your cheeks and your forehead, all the while continuing to comfort you in the best way he knows how.
“I love you. I love you so much and it breaks my heart to see you this way. You deserve so much... and you haven’t been accepting anything for yourself. You need to do that, beloved.
“But don’t... don’t worry. My love, I’m here. Here to help you. For now, let’s stay here. Stay here together. You need this, and you know it. I love you so much, my dearest. I love you with all my heart.”
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warpriest-writings · 3 years
Red eyes on Grandmother's grave. 
    Sticks broke under her feet, running as fast and hard as she could but it felt like running through jelly, her feet caked in heavy mud. 
“Someone! Help me!!! Please!” She cried out but couldn’t hear her own voice.
Before her was the pair of sharp, red eyes out in the middle distance. She couldn’t make out a face; she wasn’t even sure if the eyes were attached to anythin, just floating there, haunting her. Those hungry, starved eyes that wanted to devour her. The eyes just hung there as she sat there frozen. 
“What do you want!?” she screamed out, but again her words came out silent. 
The sharp, red eyes narrowed, then rushed towards her as a hand reached out at her.
With a difficult, almost pained, inhalation of breath, Patsy woke with a startled jump, accidently knocking her kitty out of bed.
She gasped, “Bean! Come here. Mweh, mweh.” She made kissy noises to her large Maine Coon. Rubbing her fingers together as she did so attempting to soothe Bean and entice her to come back into the bed. Not that Bean needed much convincing; no one in the Desoto household could remember a single night that cat hasn’t slept in Patsy’s bed. By the time she got Bean back in bed and started petting her, Patsy had almost entirely forgotten her nightmare about the...was she running? Regardless, after several minutes of kitty snuggles, she checked her phone, loathing to discover that it was 5:53, merely thirty minutes before her alarm would have gone off anyway.
Of course, she wouldn’t have been lucky enough to wake up from her scary dream at a reasonable 1:17, or even a moderate 3:32. Good, god given times in the early morning a girl could go back to sleep too. Patsy sighed and entered an anxious state of contemplation, debating getting in the shower now and getting that out of her morning routine or laying there, blissfully enjoying the time before she had to get up for real. An absolute miserable time that went on in her head until her alarm went off. Ah, yes, neither productive nor relaxing. Thank you, Anxiety.
Getting out of bed with a less than encouraging groan, Patsy began her morning routine. Feeling emotionally and mentally exhausted by 6:45 AM, Patsy walked briskly down the stairs while putting her long and bouncy kinky hair into a ponytail.
“Morning, Mom!” 
Her mom, Elana, looked back at her as some toast popped out of the toaster, “Hey, Sweetheart!”
Joseph, her dad, poured two cups of coffee before handing one to his wife as she handed him the plate of now buttered toast. “Hey, Pats. Finished your homework last night?” Giving Elana a quick kiss.
“Course, Dad,” she said, silently beaming that her parents were still happily married after nearly sixteen years; it was more than could be said about several of her friends at school.
Her mother was the manager at a local small diner, it was a nice little place, near enough to her school that Patsy would usually walk there at the end of the day and hang out with her friends or finish her homework before her mom’s shift ended at six when the night manager came in. Her father worked from home, and studied. Technically, he was still a student at the University of Illinois, but he worked a lot of sub contracted programming and coding jobs on the side. Once she asked him why he was still in college and his reply was, “Sometimes people are just...nervous about getting out there, and sometimes you just so happen to be very good at filling out grant applications. Your momma has a steady job that takes care of us, and my work on the side makes sure we stay in the green.” 
“Need a ride to school today, Pats?” her dad said, snapping Patsy out of it.
“I’m good; I kinda want some time to just think,” she told him.
“It’d be nothing, it’s getting colder out and I love driving my babygirl to-”
“Joseph,” her mother interrupted.
He backed down, “Alright, alright. Letting Pats be all independent.” 
“Thanks, Dad. I think I’ll have breakfast at school today, I’m going to get going,” Patsy said.
Joseph began reaching into his pocket, “Need money?”
“I’m good, I still have twenty from helping out at the diner.”
“Now hold on, that’s your money. It’s our job to feed you,” he said, and offered her a five, “Take it, and make sure you grab an apple or an orange or something those school food scientist freaks can’t turn into half-baked prison sloop."
Patsy nodded, “Okay, okay.” She took the money, then gave her dad a quick hug and kiss on the cheek, “Love you, mom. Love you, dad.” Then grabbed her backpack from a kitchen table chair and made her way to the door, only partially catching what her dad was saying about Patsy being braver than he was for voluntarily eating school food.
From her house it was roughly a twenty-minute walk to school. Normally, she would have jumped at the opportunity for a quick ride to school, but her mind was still preoccupied by that dream. Most of it was lost, faded just beyond her consciousness’s reach. Those red eyes; Patsy could still see them crystal clearly in her mind. She could almost feel them on her back now. Patsy shuttered at the thought.
As she walked she barely heard the wizzing of bike tires until they were right behind her, lost in her thoughts Patsy made a sound reminiscent of an “Eek!” and jumped off to the grass beside the sidewalk. The biker slowed to a stop, “Miss. Pascala, are you alright?”
He knew her name? Patsy looked at the biker, as she had been largely looking at her moving feet up until that point and the fact that from her perspective the biker was right in front of the morning sun, she had to squint and couldn’t really make out his face, “Uh, yes. I’m sorry, who are you?”
“Hmm?” he took off his helmet, revealing quite the head of curly locks, “Miss. Pascala, a little out of it this morning?”
As her eyes adjusted she suddenly realized, “OH! Mr. Morales, sorry. It was all sunny, and I was kinda lost in my thoughts, and I’ll just stop talking now.”
Her history teacher looked at her with a bit of a raised eyebrow, “I shall see you in the third period, Miss. Pascala, have a pleasant walk. Homework is due by the end of class.” He awkwardly coughed and rode off, quickly moving into the bicycle lane of the road.
Sometime later, after what is by all rights and definitions a poor excuse of a breakfast that would send Mr. DeSoto into a rambling state of disbelief that this was the best that taxpayer money could do for feeding America’s youth, as well as Patsy’s first hour math class (math first period of the day, she was convinced that the school gods hated her) and her second period economics class where they learned..something, Patsy was sure of that. She remembers taking notes and everything. There was a presentation with slides and everything, so they must have learned something...So after econ was her history class with Mr. Morales.
She liked Mr. Morales, more than her math teacher that’s for sure. “Math is the language of the universe.” She was taking English and French and frankly didn’t feel like she had time for a third language course. Mr. Morales was different, he got swept away with the subject sometimes and seemed to have a real love for it.
“We can learn much from history, but the people who made it weren’t trying to teach morals, and they weren’t thinking about just how important that what they were doing took place in 1776, or during the first or second half of the twelfth century. The past is made up of the actions of people who were concerned with living their lives, and if what they were doing was the right thing to do, or the right thing for them.” Mr. Morales said on the first day of school. He was also just a bit odd. His thick curly hair, a trait he described as indicative of his strong greek heritage, was peppered ever so slightly. Otherwise he held onto his youth remarkably well. looking closer to mid twenties rather than late thirties.
After the class ended, Patsy went up to her teacher, “Uh, Sir, excuse me.”
Mr. Morales looked up from his tablet from which he often powered through novels, “Hmm, yes, Miss. Pascala?”
“I was just going over that pop quiz you handed back today and I would have gotten one hundred percent if you didn’t mark my answer for question two wrong.” She said,
He set his tablet down, “That is usually how people do not get full marks. Allow me to double check that.” He held his hand open.
Patsy handed him the paper, “You see, I’m certain the correct answer is B and I’d like to get full credit.”
“Third century B.C. Yes, you are correct. I’ll be sure to update the gradebook and parent portal to reflect this. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Miss. Pascala, I imagine I marked everyone else who answered as you did as incorrect as well.”
He handed her back the quiz after remarking her score and immediately wrote a note he then stuck to his computer monitor.
She excused herself and left with a bright smile, making her way to her next class, and then on and so forth with her day. As she was heading towards her computer typing class after lunch (which was not notably better than the breakfast, it is a wonder that these children survive long enough to eat microwaved ramen in college dorms.) She accidentally bumped into the Principle as she was turning a corner.
“Ooft!” She said, feeling like she walked into a lumpy brick wall.
Principal Robertson cleared his throat and looked down his nose at the young lady, “It is not becoming to run down the hails and blindly around corners.”
He had been the principal at her school for well over fifteen years now, and he seemed to live for it. Participating in school spirit events and playing along with the dress up days, at least he did last year. No one wanted to really mention it but over the summer he lost a lot of weight and his skin got paler...greyer was almost more accurate. Hushed rumors said he was diagnosed with some cancer or another but refused to stop working while on chemo and Patsy wasn’t sure what to think of it all. Looking down at her now she wasn’t feeling very comfortable.
“I, uh, I really need to get to class.” Patsy said
The sickly Principal sighed a heavy breath, “Just slow down.”
“Right, of course. Thank you Mr. I mean, Principal Robertson.” With that she took off, carefully walking not-to-quickly.
Passing around the next corner and with her computer lab in sight Patsy let out her own sigh of relief. The bell ringing just steps away, “Whyyyyyyy?” Patsy said in a hushed, exasperated tone.
She quickly rushed into the room and to her seat, hoping maybe she wouldn’t be marked late. The class lesson began and she got to work with her typing program. 
“Hey, Patsy,” Her friend Abby said, “Think your mom would give me a ride home after her shift at the dinner?”
“Course, Abbs.” She replied, “You getting anywhere with these?”
“Not really, my hands know the keyboard but my words per minute is garbage.” Abby said.
“My words per minute is fine, but I have to force myself to type the way that we’re supposed to. It doesn’t help that at home I always just type with my pointer and middle fingers.”
“You type a lot at home?” She asked, “Are you writing something?”
She nearly jumped out of her skin, “No! of course not...I just look up a lot of random stuff when I’m bored.” She must never know.
Abby raised an eyebrow, “Mhm, right.” 
Over the intercom the school receptionist called out, “Pascala DeSoto to the Principal’s office, Pascala DeSoto to the Principal’s office.
Abby winced, and tried to give her a reassuring smile.
She tried to return it, her thoughts were racing. Surely she wasn’t being called down to the Office for accidentally bumping into the Principal in the hallway was she? Why wouldn’t he just take her there right after she did it then? Maybe it wasn’t about anything she did at all. Oh God...what if her dad accidentally started another grease fire trying to make home fries? What if Mom got into an accident on her way to the dinner? Her mind was a beehive that someone just punted halfway across a football field. 
The receptionist must have noticed the worry on her face and gave her a very sweet smile, “Don’t worry about it too much, Sweetie. Just keep your chin up and remember none of this will matter in ten years.” Reassuring words, either her parents were fine or she was just as unsure why she called down Patsy as she was herself.
Bracing herself mentally, Patsy opened the door and pushed it to the magnetic door stopper that held it open.
“Closer the door behind you, Miss. DeSoto.” Principal Robertson said.
Her stomach did an uncomfortable flip, she wasn’t sure why she was feeling so destressed over this. She hadn’t done anything as far as she could remember or mentally justify. She closed the door, getting a last glimpse of Mrs. O'Riley, the nice receptionist.
Run! Every nerve in her body screamed out but she moved forward to sit in the chair opposite Principal Robertson at his desk anyway. He spoke up; she only saw his lips move, the words not landing correctly in her ears.
“I’m sorry, Sir. Could you say that again?” She asked.
His brow furrowed, “I do not care for repeating myself, Miss. Desoto.”
She sank in the chair. “Sorry.”
“And do not mumble. Speak clearly or not at all!” 
Patsy sat back up in her seat in shock, “Principal Robertson, I don’t think you’re allowed to speak to me like that.”
“Do not speak back to me, you’re the one in trouble here.” He said venomously.
Trembling she stood up, “I need to go.”
He got up as well, “I think not, DeSoto. You’ve been hiding really well, tricked everyone but not me.” He licked his upper lip.
A full body chill ran through her entire being and oddly, in retrospect she felt, Patsy really wanted her kitty Bean there. She said, “Principal Robertson, you can’t be serious right now!? Think….think about your wife!”
Robertson frowned hideously, “That bint isn’t important.” He smiled, which was so much more disturbing to the young lady, “not like you, DeSoto, you have been worth all of my effort and patience.”
He reached out for her when the door opened, “Principal Robertson,” called out an all too reassuring voice, “I was wondering if you had the chance to look over those field trip papers I….” His hand less than two inches away from her, Patsy’s whole body was trembling but she couldn’t make her legs run.
Mr. Morales stood in the open doorway, his eyes moving quickly from Patsy to Robertson. “Miss. Pascala, behind me.” He said putting himself between them.
The Principal scowled in frustration, “I’m not entirely sure what you think you are doing, Linus. You are acting like I am some sort of threat to the girl.”
“This doesn’t look good, James.” Mr. Morales replied.
Robertson scowled deeper, and Patsy in that moment of fear and confusion thought his scowl pulled unnaturally at his skin. 
Mr. Morales raised his hands defensively, “What are you?” Striking a serious tone with his voice that she had never heard from her history teacher before. It was a cold voice that set her skin on edge almost as much as Principal Robertson had.
Before her eyes the late fifties Principal of clear declining health grabbed Mr. Morales  and threw him against a glass case containing various trophies for academic and sports accomplishments. Patsy left out a loud scream and Mrs. O’Riley’s own scream wasn’t far behind. 
Later the police officers that responded to the Receptionist's call would ask Patsy what happened next, and she told them the truth. It all happened so fast she wasn’t sure what exactly happened. Mr. Morales, who had bruised ribs, and some cuts from the glass but was thankfully otherwise alright, shouted something that didn’t make sense to her at Robertson and the Principal ran off. She didn’t get to hear what Mr. Morales told them but they questioned him for a good long while. 
School was cancelled early and parents were furiously calling the school board and the district for answers. There was a warrant issued for Robertson, and some people were threatening to pull their kids altogether. No one wants their kids to go to the school where the principal threatened a fifteen year old girl and assaulted a teacher. 
Superintendent Wilkens sent a parent portal wide email that a warrant was formally filed against Mr. Robertson and the police had opened an investigation. In addition to Resource Officer Thomas three more Iron county police officers would be stationed at the school for security and rest assured that school would be open again Friday.
“No, no...this is ridiculous. My daughter was threatened by that man.” Patsy’s dad said to the Superintendent’s secretary. “Don’t put me on hold! ….Yes, I believe that you do have another call coming in. I….” he sighed heavily, and tossed his cellphone into the living room sofa.
“Sweetheart.” Elana said, putting her hands tenderly on Joseph’s shoulders.
“We worked with that man in the ice cream socal last year, Laney.”
Just out of their sight, sitting against the hallway wall Patsy hugged Bean. Now more than ever the tridactyl kitty gave her some comfort. She kept replaying it over in her mind, Robertson’s face looked so...uncanny valley. Elana had tried to reassure her that it was just her mind playing tricks on her, wanting to think that he was somehow less than human because of how he was acting. 
Her phone buzzed, touching the wall it tapped rapidly and loudly and Patsy reactively tried to grab it before her parents noticed.
“Pats? Babygirl, I thought you were laying down.” Her dad said, walking over to her, flipping the hallway light on. “Well, I thought you were scrolling through your phone, pretending to be laying down.”
She gave Bean a little squeeze like when she was littler, “I tried, but I couldn’t take a nap.”
“It’s okay, Pats. How'bout I make up some of my famous root beer floats?”
She slowly nodded, “That would be good.”
“Come on, Patsy.” Elana said, “We can sit at the table while your father makes us a feel better treat.” 
She got up and walked over to the kitchen table, Bean closely trailing her like always. “Hey, think I could maybe sleep in your guys' bed tonight?”
Elana quickly glanced at her husband, the pair of them sharing a whole conversation in a moment.
“Of course, Pats.” Her dad said, “I’ll sleep on the couch tonight.”
“It’ll be like when you crawled in my bed when you were little after a nightmare woke you up.” Elana said.
Her father was scooping ice cream into three tall milkshake glasses as Patsy pulled Elana into a hug, “Thank you for being my mom.” she said softly.
Elana returned the hug, remembering the first time Patsy told that to her and felt the sting of tears in her eyes. She was Pascala's mom, there wasn’t any doubt of that. She didn’t give birth to Patsy though. Her birth mom and Joseph’s first wife passed away when she was less than six months old, an oncoming driver didn’t stop at the red light as she was going through the intersection on her way home from work. Elana was her birth mother’s best friend and Patsy’s godmother. After the funeral she just kept helping Joseph out with Patsy, eventually moving in with them. Joseph and Elana married when she was seven, but she had really always been her mom.
As frustrated as he was with the situation, Joseph did his best to cool down and help Patsy feel better, telling his corny dad jokes he spent hours and hours looking up at his computer desk. 
He spent almost a half hour that night checking and double checking that every door and window was locked that night, as well as making sure their security system was armed. Unlike Patsy, who almost couldn’t sleep without Bean snuggled next to her, Elana found the heavy cat overly warm but she gritted her teeth through it for Patsy’s sake.
The next morning, Thursday, the day after her high school Principal threatened her, assaulted a teacher and just disappeared. She woke up to the smell of her dad making eggs, over cooking them. Elana always made them a little runny. Everything seemed to run by a little slowly. Like she had been jerked out of a deep daydream and couldn’t pull herself entirely out of her own head.
Around noon she and her mom were watching a cartoon as Joseph entered the room on the phone, “I see, well, thank you, Linus. Yes? I’ll ask her now, we were planning on going to the diner for lunch anyway.” He pulled the phone slightly away from his face and turned to the pair on the sofa, “Pats, Mr. Morales is out of the hospital. He asked if it would be alright if he met us at the diner today.”
She let out a huge sigh of relief hearing he was out, that meant he was okay, “Yeah, that sounds good!”
Joseph put the phone back to his face, “She’s okay with it. We’ll see you there at one. Yep, bye, it was good hearing from you too. And...thank you, Linus.” he hung up and put his phone into his pocket. “He said the superintendent pushed the school’s opening back to Monday, I guess we angry few can make a difference.”  
Elana pulled her legs onto the sofa and sat cross legged, turning towards him, “That’s great! I think that’s what WIlken’s should have done from the start, but hey. So we’ll be eating with Patsy’s english teacher?”
“History teacher.” Patsy said, correcting her.
“Linus is also one of my work associates, but yes. He just wants to check in with Pats.”
She nodded, “Alright, I’m going to take a quick shower before we go.” 
She gave Joseph a quick kiss on the cheek as she left the room, her husband replacing her spot on the sofa.
Patsy gave her dad a big hug. “So Mr. Morales is alright?”
“Some cuts and bruises but he sounded alright, he didn’t talk about himself much.” Joseph said.
Before long they were sitting down as Margret, one of the servers at the diner, was bringing over a pot of coffee for Joseph and Elana and a Shirley temple for Patsy. “Hey, Patsy.” the retirement age waitress said, “How’re you holding up?”
“I’m okay, Margret.” She said, putting on a cheerful voice.
“That’s the spirit, I’ll be sure to bring you over the biggest slice of cake.” She said
“Yay cake!”
Elana laughed a little, “We’re going to wait to order, Margie. We’re waiting on another person.”
The older waitress nodded her head slightly, “Sounds good, Laney. I’ll be back in two shakes with your refreshments.” With that she was off to serve some of the other customers, or guests as corporate would like they be referred to.
The three of them chatted while they waited for Mr. Morales, while they did Patsy’s thoughts drifted to the bizarre notion that when you see someone you only ever see at school, or school related events that when you see them out and about in everyday life the person is suddenly almost unrecognizable. Like in those children sitcom shows where someone says “Wait, you mean teachers don’t live at school??” or something else mildly insulting to the audience about their perceived intelligence. Still, Patsy wondered if it was going to be super weird seeing Mr. Morales not just outside of school, but on purpose outside of school. He normally dressed in clean but not ironed dress pants and some sort of long sleeved shirt, either a button up or a sweater; would he be wearing a rock and roll band t shirt and shorts? What if he wears his curly hair in a manbun outside of work? The horror.
It was almost a disappointment when Mr. Morales showed up in tan dress pants and a blue sweater, as well as a sling that held his left arm, some bandaging on his cheek with some purplish bruising around its edges.
“Linus,” her dad said, “Glad you could make it.”
“We’re both just so grateful for what you did yesterday.” Elana said as her husband scooted further into the booth, making room for him.
“Oh, I only did what any good samaritan should have in the situation.” Mr. Morales said, sitting down. “Ah!” He smiled at the pot of coffee sitting on the table, “May I? I’m afraid I skipped my usual morning cup...come to think of it, skipped most of my usual morning routine today.” 
“Go ahead, refills are free.” Patsy said.
“Are they?” He asked with a smile, awkwardly pouring himself a hot cup.
Margret returned, prompting her mom to say that they’ll probably need a few minutes for Mr. Morales to decide what he wants.
“Oh, go ahead.” The teacher reassured, “ I know what I want, a short stack of pancakes, and two pieces of bacon on the chewier side.”
“Oh, alright!” Elana said, “Brunch it is then, I guess we’re ready to order. Patsy, you go first.”
Patsy put in her order, a belgian waffle with strawberries and a lemon poppyseed muffin. Her father ordered the same as Mr. Morales, but he wanted his bacon crispy. Elana ordered two sunny side up eggs and some toast to dunk in the yolk. With that Margaret took off again.
“It just seemed so...out of nowhere.” Patsy said, suddenly.
Surprised, Elana reactively gave her a side hug, “No one ever expects these sorts of things to happen, Sweetheart. All that matters is that you’re safe.”
“Principal Robertson wasn’t...normal, right?” She asked, addressing her teacher.
Mr. Morales avoided her gaze, looking down into his coffee.
“Pats, Robertson wasn’t the man we thought he was, or he changed or something messed up.” her dad said.
“You saw his face too, right Mr. Morales, you asked him what he was.”
Her parents, worried for Patsy, then looked to the teacher they invited out.
“Miss. Pascala, I don’t know what had gotten into him, or what had become of him. That certainly wasn’t the man I have worked with for over two years now, but rest assured. He wasn’t some abnormality, he was a man, a man who revealed himself to be quite the monster.” Mr. Morales said finally, just as their food arrived.
To her parent’s relief, Patsy dropped the subject. They ate and her dad asked Mr. Morales how she was doing in his class.
“She is an ideal student” he told them, “Attentive, curious, she has a mind for nuance, and seems to genuinely want to understand why people did what they had done in the history lessons.” Which unfortunately made her quite uncomfortable, like she was in a parent-teacher conference all of all of a sudden.
As Patsy began to withdraw into herself, Elana asked her, “So, Patsy, is there anything else you’d like to do in town today before we head home?” She hoped to bring Patsy back to the surface of her own mind.
“Huh?” Patsy asked, she heard what her mom said, but her brain hadn’t really processed it yet. Something it usually would do about a split second after someone repeated what they said to her. “Oh, uh...well I was hoping we could go swing by grandma’s grave?” She stated her request with the inflection of a question. Her grandma wasn’t buried very far from where they lived. However, she knew that her dad always had a hard time going. He stayed in the car when they visited her grave a couple weeks before school started.
Joseph swallowed hard, but nodded, “Of course, babygirl.”
Mr. Morales raised an eyebrow, “I didn’t realize you had family buried here. I was under the impression that your family moved here from Louisiana.”
“We did, but Joseph is from here originally, we moved back here after his mother got sick.” Elana explained.
Mr. Morales turned his gaze back to his coffee, “I see.” Patsy could see his eyes darting swiftly like he either realized something or was thinking very swiftly. She felt like she could relate. “Miss. Pascala, Joseph, Elana. Please do not take me for overreaching but I’m not sure it is safe for the three of you to go to a location like that right now. If Robertson is following you it would be quite the place for an ambush.”
“Linus, don’t speak like that in front of my daughter.” Joseph said, something of a warning in his voice. 
“No, dad, it’s alright.” Patsy said, “Mr. Morales, do you really think it’s a bad idea to go to the cemetery?”
Mr. Morales looked to Joseph, who wore an expression that clearly said “Be careful how you say things.” He looked back at Patsy, with a small sigh, “I think, perhaps you should at least wait under after school starts up again Monday? Thank you all for this lovely meal, but I think I should be going. This should cover my food.” He swiftly got up and pulled his wallet out and with just his right hand awkwardly pulled out some bills. Leaving forty dollars on the table as he took off.
“I think you scared him.” Elana said simply, pouring herself another cup of coffee.
They ultimately didn’t go to the cemetery, to both the annoyance and relief of her father. In fact they stayed in for the rest of the day. Watching TV, playing a popular kart racing game which Joseph began quite smuggly. Only to lose to his daughter because of an npc driver launching a nuclear option that blasted him back to third place less than half the track away from victory.
Patsy told her parents that she felt comfortable enough to go to bed in her own room that night, and Elana made chicken parm hero sandwiches. All in all the day drifted by quickly after their lunch with the odd Mr. Morales. It was almost 10 at night when she finally told her parents she was going to bed, and they reaffirmed their own tiredness from the day and wouldn’t be up much longer themselves.
Of course, Patsy wasn’t really going to bed.
She stayed up for hours, just to be sure they had actually fallen asleep. Her dad. Patsy disarmed the security system and left the house, heading straight for the cemetery. She had to see her grandmother’s gravestone. Something about how Mr. Morales reacted just didn’t sit right with her. It had to be around 1:20 in the morning now and it was very dark and while it was brisk out during the day her fingers quickly started going numb and she could see her breath.
The ground of the cemetery was hard and bumpy from thawing into wet muddy ground under the sun during the day. Patsy walked through the cemetery at a brisk pace, wanting to get to her grandma's grave and back before her parents could wake up to find out she snuck out of the house...or worse she was taken by Robertson. The made her stomach clench up, and she began regretting this whole idea. There was a rustling in the bushes and she began to sprint, she felt like running home and forgetting all of this but she was painfully aware she was heading right towards the grave.
She came to a quick stop, looking down at the engraved stone. Ellinore DeSoto, 1961 to 2017. She knelt down, tears building in her eyes. Deep down she knew coming here now was a mistake, her grandma wouldn’t want her sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night, especially not under the current circumstances.
She sniffled, alright she got to the gravestone and proved exactly nothing. Time to get home as fast as she possibly could and swear off stupid impulsive decsions forever.
The wet smacking of lips that made her skin crawl.
“Pr.principal Robertson?” She tentatively asked, standing up and turning towards the gross sound. Her eyes widened in grotesque terror as she looked at the swollen thing that only scarcely held the appearance of her principal, the purplish grey skin stretched uncomfortably tight as the creature smiled wider than nature as she knew it allowed.
“Pascala Desoto,” It still spoke with Principal Robertson’s voice. “So courteous of you to come to me, now we may continue your...disciplinary measures, young lady.” The creature stuck out it’s purple tongue which extended down past its belly.
Patsy wanted to run, scream, anything, but her legs refused to move. Her body frozen. It walked up closer to her, and it’s foul breath was like a thick miasma that made her lungs clench up and burnt her throat, she couldn’t even tremble in fear.
“Speechless, DeSoto?” It leaned in and inhaled deeply by her hair, it chucked out as it spoke, “Yeeheeehesss. Your flesh will do, your form will do.”
Over the creature’s shoulder Pascala saw another, and the ghoul’s smile turned into a scowl. Apparently it noticed him as well.  It wrapped it’s unnaturally large hands around her, its index finger on her shoulder and its pinky on her waist. Turning to face him it snarled out, “This is my Witch, get your own.”
The man stepped out of the shadows into the moonlight, the beams catching on his glasses, “Let her go, Corpse eater.” He held a revolver in one hand, and an old medieval looking sword in the other. His arm wasn’t in the sling anymore and he didn’t look injured at all.
“Morales, I knew I should have crushed your throat when-”
Her teacher cocked the pistol and aimed it right at his head.
“G...go ahead. I am not something you can kill with a bullet.” The ghoul said smugly.
“In your state it will hurt, it’ll be a whole world of agony.” Morales said, calling the monster’s bluff.
It took a slight step back, balking out a grunt in some fear. “We can split her! I don’t need her blood!”
Patsy’s eyes widened at the suggestion.
“Don’t worry, Miss. Pascala. This thing won’t harm you...and survive.” His voice was cold again, and she couldn’t help but feel an intense fear. Maybe from the slight tremors she felt through the ghoul’s hand, but somehow she knew that this thing that used to be her Principal was terrified.
“I can’t go back to the corpses people bury, they poison them, and every time I feed I whimper in agony for years, only to need to feed again, the cycle is torture! Have mercy!” The ghoul begged.
“You do not want my mercy, Corpse eater. It is at the end of my sword.” He began walking forward.
The ghoul released Patsy and pinched her throat, “Another step and I’ll break her neck!”
Reactively she reached up at the monster’s finger’s “I don’t want to die!” she sobbed, were she in a more clear headed situation she may have realized she can move again.
Mr. Morales paused, scowling back at the hellish beast. 
“That’s right! You...you have a fondness for her, your student, HAH! So long as I have her in my grasp you won’t risk harming her.” The ghoul grinned hideously in it’s little victory.
Her history class teacher inhaled sharply, then said, “If you are going to do something, now would be the time!”
Principal Robertson the ghoul frowned, “What are you playing at?!” 
Out from the bushes a large orange cat ran up much faster than Patsy had ever seen in her life and pounced on the ghoul’s forearm, clawing and tearing at it. The ghoul released her and she dropped, quickly and frantically crawling into an upright sprint several yards away from the monster.
Bean used the ghoul as a springboard and sprinted over to Patsy. The Ghoul was screaming and clutching the wounds the cat had left on it, as Morales lunged forward and with a clean swift strike cleaved the monster’s head from it’s shoulders.
Patsy’s breaths were short, and she pulled Bean into her arms as she tried to calm down. Morales wiped his blade off on the grass before sheathing it and steeping over to his student as he holstered his gun.
“I’m sorry, Miss. Pascala.” He said, “Are you alright?”
“What, what was that!?” She asked, looking at the ghoul’s limp body.
He paused, like he was unsure he could answer, “...Is there any world where you could accept that this was all a bad dream?”
She shook her head, “No, I have nightmares all the time, this is real.” Patsy looked at her teacher and gasped, she tried to step back but only fell backwards. “Those eyes!”
Mr. Morales sighed, and pulled his glasses from his face. His eyes were a hungry deep red. “Please, Miss. Pascala, I mean you no harm. You have my word, my oath as a man who has spent his very long life guiding the minds of the youth, and protecting everyone who I find in need of help.”
She tried to steady her breath, with Bean in her arms she felt much bolder and confident, “Those eyes, I’ve seen them in my nightmares, I trusted you and you’re another one of those things!” She pointed to the ghoul.”
He was taken aback, and gestured at his face, “You’ve seen these eyes in your dreams? Miss. Pascala, I assure you I am not a corpse eater.” He grabbed his lip and pulled it up, revealing a long and sharp fang. “I am a vampire, and amazingly you seemed to have augured my presence in your dreams.”
She stared at the fang with wide, slightly horrified eyes. “...Huh.”
“Huh. That...is a first.” The Vampire said, “I imagine you have questions, and you deserve answers. Especially if you refuse to accept this night was just a bad dream.”
She nodded, “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to, trust me I’m trying. Still here, next to my vampire history teacher.”
“Very well, Miss. Pascala. This ghoul was hunting you because you are a Sorceress, and whoever gave you that cat was as well. Seeing as how that animal is a Familiar, your Familiar.” He said, “Monday, come to my class after school, and I will tell you more. For now just go home, you’ll be safe there with the cat. I need to clean this up before anyone comes by and finds it.”
It was be a difficult thing to believe that Patsy would just accept things at that, that she would just go home and enjoy her long weekend with her folks, and she could just scratch Bean behind the ear knowing she was some magical protector her Secret Sorceress Grandma had given to her as a little kitten. That she could be nearly eaten and just go back to bed. All that can be agreed upon is that Patsy got out of bed the next morning around 10:30, that she took a shower and had slightly runny scrambled eggs for breakfast. Another thing that can be certain is that Patsy would never doubt what happened, what she saw and what she heard, and that the story of Pascala DeSoto, The Sorceress of Illinois had only begun. 
End Chapter
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dreamiehrs · 3 years
a Christmas miracle ➛ z.cl
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genre: fluff, comedy/crack, bestfriend!chenle, gender neutral reader, hurt/comfort somewhat
pairing: zhong chenle x reader
word count: 2,588 words
warning(s): some swearing
summary: Christmas had been the same old same old holiday for you and your family for plenty of years now, fully embracing the tradition of meeting up with family, exchanging presents, and enjoying each other’s presence on Christmas day. however, this year seemed to feel quite different, with your family quite literally forgetting that Christmas even existed, and with you all stuck in your apartment alone in the snowy city, you weren’t so sure what you were going to do for Christmas this year. unbeknownst to you, though, your sneaky best friend had a trick up his sleeve, and he was determined to make this Christmas one you’ll remember forever.
note: this is a part of mylin’s @suh-insane​ and sunny’s @neocitybynight​ Walking in a Winter Wonderland collab! this is my first time participating in a collab solely for Christmas, so I hope you all enjoy this fic of mine! Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it! I hope you all have an amazing and safe Christmas this year, and I just wanted to let you all know that I appreciate and love you guys so so SO much! (and to the people who don’t celebrate it, I still hope you all have a wonderful day nonetheless!)
prompts chosen: “when we finally kiss goodnight how I’ll hate going out in the storm! but if you’ll really hold me tight all the way home I’ll be warm.” + “that’s what Christmas memories are made from. they’re not planned; they’re not scheduled. nobody puts them in their blackberry. they just happen.”
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for the past few months, time seemed to fly by without leaving a trace behind, and before you knew it, it was already Christmas day. if it was any other year, you would’ve woken up earlier, around 6 AM to be precise, and start your trek to your parents house with their gifts in hand. however, since your parents and the rest of your family got caught up in other ordeals, and quite literally forgot that Christmas even existed, you had woken up quite later than 6 AM. 9 AM, if you were being specific.
you had still bought your family presents for Christmas, of course, and took the time to wrap them and spiffy them up yourself with various different kinds of Christmas wrapping paper you’ve collected over the years as a pro wrapper (in actuality, it was just your mother giving you extra wrapping paper when she accidentally bought too much, so you weren’t entirely a pro wrapper, per se). what you were trying to say is that you put a lot of thought into buying and decorating presents for your family, and you were sort of down about how you wouldn’t be able to give them their presents in person this year.
basically, what you were trying to get across is that you quite literally had no plans for Christmas this year, and you were probably going to spend your entire day wailing away in your apartment.
nonetheless, you pulled yourself out of bed after being in deep thought for thirty minutes straight, and decided to actually not wail away in your apartment for the rest of the day. it was time to be festive, you thought to yourself, as you slowly made your way around your room to move your curtains aside to let some sunlight seep in. although you were in a brooding mood, you didn’t entirely want your room to reflect that.
you huff to yourself as you slide your feet against the carpet floor, swinging open your closet doors and glancing over all of your clothes, none of them really catching your attention. you sigh before closing both of your closet doors dramatically, turning around and heading towards your dresser. you can faintly hear your phone buzz on your nightstand as you pull on one of the knobs on one of your dresser drawers that contains your pajama pants. you grab a random pair of snug pajama pants and opt to keep the same pajama shirt you wore to bed last night on before heading to the bathroom to change.
after taking some time to get dressed and brush your teeth, you finally exit your bathroom and toss the pajama shorts you wore last night in your hamper. you snatch your phone and stash it in your pocket before making your way towards your miniature kitchen. you promptly grab your kettle and fill it up with water, waiting for it to reach the third line before placing it on your stove. you move the dial until its exactly on high temperature, and you’re about to start to make yourself breakfast until you feel your phone buzz in your pocket.
fed up with how active your phone had been for the past thirty minutes, you finally fish your phone out of your pocket and lean against the counter next to your stove.
your phone contained the usual notifications, such as Instagram likes, Team Snapchat sending you a Christmas snap, your best friend chenle spamming your phone- wait, your best friend chenle spamming your phone? that was FAR from your usual notifications, and you were honestly quite surprised that he was contacting you on Christmas day this year. he’s usually spending it with his family all day, and never texts you back until he gets back home, which is around eight PM.
without thinking, you unlock your phone and tap on the messages icon, and your jaw almost drops when you see how many messages he sent you within the past few hours. since 6 AM, chenle has sent you over one hundred messages, and for once, you were grateful that you were a heavy sleeper, because if you were a light sleeper and woke up to every single one of his messages, you would’ve lost your mind.
you [9:45 AM]: please chenle what do you WANT FROM ME
lele the dumdum [9:45 AM]: I THOUGHT U WERE NEVER GOING TO WAKE UP
lele the dumdum [9:46 AM]: took u long enough smh
you [9:46 AM]: ...is this really how you’re going to treat me on Christmas day??
lele the dumdum [9:46 AM]: I treat you like this all the time. what makes you think that today’s gonna be any different?
you [9:47 AM]: …
you [9:48 AM]: is this why you’ve been spamming my phone SINCE 6 AM!?!?!
you [9:48 AM]: also why were you awake at 6 am anyways
you [9:49 AM]: did your crush finally text you back or are you still drowning in loneliness like usual
lele the dumdum [9:50 AM]: I don’t even have a crush??? who told you that false information
you [9:50 AM]: the little elves running around my house whispered it in my ear last night
lele the dumdum [9:51 AM]: I think you’re going to delusional
you [9:51 AM]: I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case at this point
lele the dumdum [9:51 AM]: MOVING ON
lele the dumdum [9:52 AM]: WHAT DO U HAVE PLANNED
lele the dumdum [9:52 AM]: I NEED TO KNOW THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT
you [9:53 AM]: me planning to wail in sorrow all day is very important to you??
lele the dumdum [9:53 AM]: ...excuse me what?? UR GOING TO WAIL IN SORROW ALL DAY ON CHRISTMAS DAY!?!?
lele the dumdum [9:54 AM]: this is not acceptable. I am coming over right now to spread some of my FESTIVENESS AND JOLLINESS with you :D
you [9:55 AM]: chenle you really don’t have to-
lele the dumdum [9:55 AM]: TOO BAD IM OMW RN AS WE SPEAK
you [9:56 AM]: at least bring some festivities, games, and snacks with you 🙄
lele the dumdum [9:56 AM]: oh shit you have a point
lele the dumdum [9:57 AM]: BRB ILL BE THERE IN 30
you knew that once chenle had made his mind up about something, he wasn’t going to change it that easily, so it would be futile to try and stop him now. you don't bother replying to his last message, and you shove your phone back in your pocket a few moments before your kettle whistles. you move on from chenle tormenting you for twelve minutes straight and make yourself some tea and breakfast instead.
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it was now around 10:30 AM, and you had just finished digesting your breakfast when you feel your phone buzz in your pocket again. you were lying down on your small, beige couch, with your cold tea sat on the coffee table a few feet away. you were still in your pajamas, with no intent of changing into actual clothes anytime soon.
once again, you fish your phone out of your pocket to see what nonsense chenle was texting you this time.
lele the dumdum [10:31 AM]: open up, bitch
you [10:31 AM]: I thought I gave you a spare key??
lele the dumdum [10:32 AM]: shit I forgot it
lele the dumdum [10:32 AM]: anyways OPEN UP
you lazily lift yourself up from off of your couch, grasping your mug of cold tea on the way to the door. you take your time unlocking your door, halfly because you felt like annoying chenle, and halfly because you were just over today in general.
the first thing that stands out to you once you swing open your front door is how different your outfit looks compared to chenle. he was all bundled up with plenty of layers to keep him warm while adventuring the city, and meanwhile you adorned white and pink striped pajamas with socks on. you also noticed that he had a dark grey bookbag on his back, and was holding two full bags in his hands.
the two of you stare at each other for a few more seconds until chenle breaks the silence with: “I think this is the most I’ve seen you look like a complete old person. there have been other times, but the old person persona is just jumping out at me right now.”
you roll your eyes. “don’t say that when you yourself have dressed up as an old person before.”
“yeah, yeah,” he brushes you off, passing by you to slip his shoes off and to take off his five hundred layers. “it doesn’t matter whether you look like an old person, it mainly matters whether you have the spirit of an old person, you know?”
“I cannot comprehend your words this early in the morning. we can have a conversation about whether I act like an old person later.” you say as you watch him remove his large, dark green jacket and place it onto your coat rack. you can hear him scoff at your remark, and you grin as you see the corners of his mouth lift up slightly.
“early in the morning? y/n it’s only-” he pauses to check his phone “10:32 AM. that’s early for you?”
“I woke up at 9 AM, you dum.”
“oh,” he swivels around to face you after taking his shoes off and removing all of his additional layers. “makes sense, I guess. you’ve only been awake for an hour and a half, so you’re probably not fully awake yet. I mean, I’ve been awake since 6 am, and I’m bursting with energy compared to you.”
you give him a deadpan expression in response to what he said, and he can’t help but burst out laughing at your reaction. he steps up beside you and pats your shoulder gently. “well, besides that, I’m gonna be the one who helps you burst with energy like I am right now! follow me!” he whisper-shouts a few inches away from your ear, and you can feel his hand leave your shoulder and grasp your right hand in a matter of seconds.
he leads you back towards your couch, and even somehow manages to help you set your mug down even though he has bags in his hands. the two of you plop down on your couch, and you almost melt at how soft and comfortable your couch was. you closed your eyes for a few seconds as chenle rustled through his bags beside you, and you don’t know how much time has passed when chenle starts to snap his fingers at you.
“y/n, I am not going to deal with your sleepy ass right now. I spent around forty minutes scurrying around the city to find things to lift your mood, and I am not going to let those forty minutes go to waste just because you’re tired.”
you groan and roll to the other side, facing away from chenle. “just five more minutes…”
surprisingly, you’re met by silence in response to your wish of wanting five more minutes of rest, but that silence doesn’t last when you feel something cold touch your face.
you screech and immediately open your eyes to witness chenle pressing an ice cube onto your forehead. you swat the ice cube off of your forehead as quick as you can, and stare up at chenle like he’s gone completely mad. “what was that for?”
he grins proudly. his plan had worked. “awake now? great. now, help me figure out what we should do first.”
“I think you’ve gone mad. I cannot believe you just woke me up by pressing an ice cube onto my forehead.” you complain, still feeling the coldness of the ice cube on your forehead. when you finally move to face him now, you see that he had brought plenty of things for you two to entertain yourselves.
“I could’ve done worse things, like dip my hand into freezing water and press it against your face, but I was feeling generous today, so I decided to spare you the pain.”
you scoff. “right. anyways, what’d you bring?”
he glances at you excitedly before getting into it. “well, I brought plenty of snacks, some fizzy drinks, some board games, some movies I rented that we could watch together, some candy, etc. I honestly brought everything that I thought you would like with me, so I really hope all of this is enough to make your Christmas day a little bit more festive. I may have also bought you a present, but besides that… let’s get this party started! ...y/n?”
he tears his gaze away from the couch to up to your face, and you don’t entirely register that you’re crying until a few minutes after staring into his eyes. “oh, I’m sorry… I just… I’m just really grateful that you decided to come all this way to cheer me up on Christmas day, and you brought so many things with you as well to make me feel better so… thank you, chenle.”
he beams at you even though he can feel a tear threatening to fall from his left eye, and instead of letting you see him cry as well, he quickly wraps his arms around your figure, bringing you into a tight hug. “of course, y/n. you know I’d do anything for you, right? if you’re down, I’m going to cheer you up in some way, shape, or form, and if you feel like watching the world burn, then I’ll be right by your side.”
“awh, stop it, you’re going to make me cry even more.” you faintly hit his back with your hand, and he giggles as a few tears fall down his face.
the two of you stay like that for a good five more minutes, which is enough time for chenle to regain his composure and act like he didn’t shed a few tears in the process. he slowly leaves your grasp, taking a good look at your face and wiping some tears off of your face with his thumb. “you know what I think will make you feel better?”
you grin. “what?”
he smiles before swiveling around to rustle through his bookbag, and your eyes widen when you finally process what he’s up to.
the next moment happens so quickly you can barely register that it’s happening. chenle swivels around with two nerf guns in his hands, throws you one that lands perfectly in your arms, and declares: “me completely destroying you in a nerf gun battle will make you feel better.” before he releases fire on you.
you shriek as you run across your apartment, trying to avoid the plastic bullets that chenle was littering your apartment with. eventually, he does win the battle, and it does make you feel better in the end, but let’s not mention that or else his ego will run wild, alright?
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13-reasons-ideas · 3 years
Can’t Go Back Part 18
A/N: This chapter got away from me a bit. It’s over 6 thousand words so tuck in guys. I hope you like it. And as I’ve said before, any time a character gets sick in this, it’s nothing more than a flu or common bug. Given this is a Before chapter, COVID didn't exist, but just given the situation currently. I feel like it is important to say that. Just a note on temperature. According to Google 52 degrees F is roughly 11 degrees C. 45 degrees F is roughly 6 degrees C. For my fellow non-USians. Feedback is appreciated as always and much love. -Em
Winter formal was upon us. It was only one day out now. Jeff was still on me about going, like he had been for weeks. I still had no intention of going. And as luck would have it, I had just run into the perfect excuse not to go. I woke up Friday morning to my stomach cramping and churning. Oh god this is awful. I feel like I got hit by a truck. Before I even had time to wake up wake up, I rolled over and grabbed my trashcan. My body shook as I coughed. Sitting up, I flung my legs over the side of my bed. My mom knocked on the door. “Addison? Are you alright honey?”
“Yeah Mom. I’m okay. Just not feeling very well.” She opened the door and peeked inside.
“Let me check your temperature.”
“Can I brush my teeth first?” Mum looked around the room cautiously.
“Of course. I’ll be downstairs. Come down whenever you’re ready.” I nodded and held my stomach.
I went downstairs once my teeth were cleaned and I had rinsed my mouth several times. Mum and dad were in the kitchen. I groaned. The smell of coffee brewing was making me queasy. “I already called the school. You’re staying home today.” Mum said, coming to fawn over me. I waved her off.
“Okay. I’ll call Justin and tell him he needs to get himself to school.” I grabbed a pack of saltines and a Gatorade to take upstairs.
“Feel better.” Dad called after me. I heard him say to mum that it probably wasn’t really that bad. “She should still go to school.” Mum didn’t answer. I changed into a different pair of pyjamas and crawled into bed. My crackers and juice were set neatly on the nightstand by my bed. I grabbed the book I was reading last night. As a last-minute decision, I grabbed my trash can and pulled it closer to the bed.
I called Justin after I got comfortable. “Hello?”
“Morning Justy.”
“Morning Addy.”
“I’m sick.”
“Yeah. You’ll need to find your own way to school today.”
“I can do that. Are you sure you’re sick? Or are you just trying to get out of going to Formal?”
“I have crackers and Gatorade. I wasn’t even out of bed yet.”
“Oh.” He exclaimed. “Um. Yeah. You stay in bed. And remember to drink water. And dry toast.”
“I will. Can you grab my homework? And tell Jeff Atkins that I’m sorry I won’t get to enjoy the magic of Winter Formal tomorrow.”
“Sure thing. Feel better.”
“Mhmm. Love you.”
“Love you too.” I rolled over in bed and tried to get a little more sleep. It was a useless venture. I spent half an hour tossing and turning. I couldn’t get comfortable. It was too hot with the blankets on. It was too cold with them off. One leg out didn’t feel much better. My head was starting to hurt. My stomach was doing flips and cramping. Frustrated, I threw the covers off and went to the bathroom. The bottle of Tylenol was shoved in the back of the medicine cabinet. I took two of the foil packets and went back to bed.
Briefly, my mind went there. I had a flash of another kind of foil packet. And a flash of a calendar. My eyes widened slightly before I counted. Then I remembered that we hadn’t not used a condom, ever. I had an IUD. We were protected either way for…. I couldn’t think the word. We also hadn’t had sex in a month. And I had gotten my period between then and now. I sighed in relief. That thought did make me realize I hadn’t texted Monty yet. I took my phone again and saw that he had texted me about fifteen minutes ago.  
Morning Addison. I swiped left and his message opened.
Morning Montgomery.
You’re up late this morning.
I’ve actually been up.
Oh? Everything okay?
Yes and no.
I’m kind of sick. But it’s nothing to worry about.
You sure?
Yeah. I’m alright. Just need to eat my crackers, drink my juice, and sleep. On the plus side, I can get out of going to the dance without lying to Jeff Atkins.
I can come by tonight if you want.
I’ll think about it.
Okay. A few minutes later he sent me another text. Why do you call him Jeff Atkins and not just Jeff?
I dunno. He calls me Addison Hawthorne. No one else does it. It’s kind of just a thing we do.
Can I call you by your full name?
Not even occasionally?
Is your name Jeff Atkins?
Then there is your answer.
Fine, fine. Feel better, okay?
I’ll try.
I’ll text you later baby.
Mmkay. The Tylenol I took was starting to kick in and my eyelids were getting heavy. Before I could drop it, I put my phone on the nightstand. I woke up again around noon. My stomach was feeling a little better, so I sat up and ate a few crackers slowly. The medicine had worn off by now. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my missed notifications for a bit. Nothing too interesting had happened. I sighed heavily and tossed my phone to the side of my bed.
My book was more interesting than I expected it to be, and soon enough I was almost done. The tri-tone buzz of my phone distracted me. I rested the book in my lap and grumbled to myself. “Who’s texting me now?” It was Jeff Atkins.
Hey Addison Hawthore. Justin tells me you’re sick. I hope you aren’t trying to just avoid the dance.
Jeff Atkins. I would NEVER. I am definitely sick. Doesn’t seem like anything major though. Probably be at school Monday. I trust you will give me a very thorough report on all things Clay Jensen and Hannah Baker?
Glad to hear. Leah says feel better by the way. I’ll find you.
Tell her thank you. Now. I don’t want to be rude, but I’m almost done my book.
See you Monday Addison. I didn’t answer him. I texted Monty instead.
Don’t worry about coming over tonight. I should be fine by Sunday. I’ll see you Monday.
Sounds good.
The rest of the day I lounged in bed. My mum came in to check on me when she got home. Saturday was much of the same as Friday. I stayed in bed. I read another book. I slept. My illness was doing better. Not well enough to go to the dance, but I could handle toast which was a good sign. Justin called me while he was getting ready at Bryce’s.
“Hey Justin, what’s up?”
“Getting ready with Bryce and the guys.” I could hear the boys roughhousing in the background and Justin’s voice seemed far away. He must have had me on speaker.
“Hi boys.”
“Hey.” They called back.
“You stuck me with him tonight.”
“I’m sick Bryce. I would not be very much fun or help at the dance tonight.”
“You say you’re sick.” Bryce kidded back. He must be in a good mood.
“Would you like me to describe to you in detail what I spent my day doing yesterday?”
“Not really.”
“Didn’t think so. Now boys.”
“Yeah Addy?” Justin asked.
“I need all of your attention.”
“We’re listening.” Zach laughed.
“Oh no. Is she going to give us the lecture?”
“What lecture?” Anders asked.
“Yes. She is.” I said. “Please try to keep the shenanigans to a minimum.”
“But they’re fun.” Justin complained.
“So is not getting arrested. Do not add to the population. Remember that is often a permanent commitment.  However, I do support the right to choose. Do not fight anyone tonight. And please, for the love of God, if you are going to drink, do not spike the punch bowl. Do not be that guy. And don’t be messy drunk. I want to hear no stories about messy drunk athletes come Monday. And another thing, do not drink and drive. If you need a ride, my mum is perfectly happy to go get you and take you home.”
“She took the fun out of a dance in two minutes.” Someone grumbled.
“That was not me taking the fun out. I’m more than okay with some shenanigans. I encourage some. Please have fun for me. I just don’t want you getting anyone pregnant. You’re all old enough to go to the drugstore or the corner store and buy yourselves some damn condoms. If I can go do it, so can you. As for the drinking and driving thing, a DUI is bad. Especially when you’re underage. My mum likes Justin. So she will gladly give someone a ride if they need.”
“Wait. Wait, wait, wait. Back up. You have condoms?” Bryce asked.
“I’m not the Virgin Mary.”
“Who could you possibly be having sex with?”
“None of your business. And I swear Bryce if you say Justin.” I laughed. I may have said too much.
“You’ll what?”
“She won’t anything. I will.” Justin laughed.
“Oh! One more thing. Don’t screw up Clay’s night.”
“Fine. We won’t. Gotta go, bye.” Bryce said. I could hear him grumbling before Justin hung up. “Wonder how far she’ll go with Jensen, hey Justy?” I rolled my eyes. How can he go from fun and not horrible to a disgusting pig in thirty seconds flat?
By Monday, I was back to feeling like myself. I grabbed a soft cream sweater from my closet and paired it with a floral skirt. A worn in pair of black combat boots and silver studs rounded out the look. I left my hair down to let it air dry without a weird kink in it. Bounding down the stairs, I smiled brightly at my parents. “Morning mum. Morning dad.”
“Morning sweetie.” My mum laughed brightly. My dad looked at me strangely.
“You’re awfully happy this morning.” My smile faltered slightly.
“Well, I’m not physically sick today. I think that warrants being happy. And it’s the last few days before winter break.” There was a voice in the back of my head I tried to ignore. I was happy. I plastered on a smile and grabbed a packet of oatmeal. Silently, I warmed my milk and stirred my breakfast. My parents were going over their schedules for the day. It was just about grade deadline for mum, so she had a stack of tests and papers in her office. Dad was already prepping for tax season in a couple of months. The office at work was stacked too, I’m sure.
“I’m going to take this to school.” I mumbled.
At school, I grabbed my cup of oatmeal to eat before class. “Peaches and cream. Interesting.”
“Jesus.” I gasped. “Morning Monty.”
“Morning Addy.” I began walking to my locker. He fell into step beside me.
“Did you need something?” I was sure people were watching us.
“No. Just wanted to say hi.”
“Okay? You know we are at school, right?”
“Yes. We have chemistry together. Is it really so bad to walk to your locker together?”
“I don’t know Monty.”
“For all anyone knows, I’m looking for Bryce. Who will probably be with Justin. Who will be at your locker.”
“I guess.” I sighed. I handed him my cup of oatmeal. “If you’re going to follow me to my locker, hold this while I get my spoon.” Pulling my bag around me, I took the spoon from the front pocket. Monty handed back my breakfast for me to eat while we walked.
“Peaches and cream oatmeal.” He muttered.
“Nothing. Just making a mental note.” He smirked. I could see the smile behind his eyes though.
“It was on sale. It was this or plain and plain oatmeal is….”
We made it to my locker, where it just so happened that Justin was waiting for me. With my least favorite white boy in tow. “Hey Justin. Walker.”
“Addy.” Bryce nodded.
“Feeling better?”
“Much. What did I miss Friday?”
“Not a whole lot.” Justin shrugged.
“A better question would be what did we miss?” Bryce asked, looking between Monty and I.
“I was on my way in when I saw her pull in. Figured I’d stop and tell her about what she missed in chem.”
“Which apparently wasn’t much.” I shrugged, scraping the last of my breakfast up. “I need to go to class. I expect a full report on what I missed at the dance at lunch.”
“Jeff will give you one. Don’t worry.” Justin laughed. “You’re awfully invested in Clay and Hannah.”
“I could have been invested in you and Hannah. But….” I looked at Bryce briefly. “Here we are.”
“I don’t think she put out for him, if that’s what you’re wondering.” Monty added.
“Don’t think he would even know how.” Bryce laughed.
“And I’m leaving. Be nice boys.”
My classes were abuzz with talk of the Winter Formal. Mostly talking about what so and so wore, or who such and such was dancing with, or that one song Tony played that went like this or that. Clearly, I hadn’t missed much. Apparently, Jessica had had one or four too many nips off Bryce’s flask. I rolled my eyes internally. I mean, at least the boys weren’t messy. By the time lunch came, I was excited to hear about anything that wasn’t the dance. I knew, of course, that wouldn’t be the case. But still.
Sliding into my usual seat next to Justin, I placed my head on the table. “What’s eating you?” Scott asked.
“Nothing. I’m just bored of hearing about the dance.”
“It wasn’t that bad. And you haven’t heard Jeff’s retelling of Clay Jensen and Hannah Baker’s dance.”
“I want to hear about that. And then nothing else.” He nodded in understanding.
“Seriously though, are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah. Just had a long weekend is all. Guess it knocked more out of me than I thought.” I heard him hum. Jeff laughed jovially as he sat down. How can one man be so damn happy all the time?
“You missed quite the dance on Saturday, Addison.”
“It seems that way. Though, anything would be better than what I spent the weekend doing.”
“Fair. You’re feeling better?”
“Yeah. Just tired now.”
“I bet. Now. About the dance. More specifically, Clay and Hannah at the dance.”
“Yes. And then no more dance talk please.”
“Okay. So, Clay was being a wallflower.”
“As usual.”
“Yes. But he was sitting on the bleachers across the gym from Hannah. And he waved and nodded at her. When I told him to go, he was all ‘I can’t dance’ and so I was like ‘no one can dance. It’s a dance.’”
“Of course. No one likes the ones who can dance.”
“That’s what I said! He was awkward as hell and then they were cute. Danced around like idiots. Had the best time. Leah thought it was fantastic. I was waiting for the slow song that was coming. Or I hoped it was. And then it did. They were awkward again.”
“Right.” I adjusted my position and leaned in to listen to him better.
“Hey gu-.” Justin said, sitting down.
“Shh.” Charlie cut him off. “Jeff is telling a story.”
“They almost kissed.”
“But then Jess….”
“Ah, this part of the story I know. She was messy. And Hannah cleaned it up.”
“Yes. But that was the dance. Good time.”
“I’m sorry I missed it.” The boys around me spent the rest of lunch having their own conversations. Or giving me their own rundown of the dance. I tuned most of that out. It was hard to pretend not to notice the small glances Monty was sending my way. I sent a few his way too.
Christmas break, finals, and January flew by. Before any of us knew it, it was February. Valentine’s Day was fast approaching. Which, if you didn’t know from looking at the calendar, you certainly knew by the annual Oh My Dollar Valentines posters. There were little heart shaped boxes of chocolate at all the stores in town. The price of roses soared exponentially. I rolled my eyes as I passed one the first day of February. Justin tried to get me to buy one that day.
“No. I’m not interested in paying for cheer camp.”
“You’re always on my ass about school spirit.”
“Yeah. Because like it or not, you and your friends run this school. School spirit is not paying for the wonderful cause of sending the squad to cheer camp.”
“Fine.” He grinned mischievously at me. I watched him reach into his pocket as we passed one of the many tables lining the halls. “Two Dollar Valentines please.” My eyes widened.
“Justin. No.”
“Oh but it’ll be fun.” He laughed.
“I don’t care.” I couldn’t help but smile. He held it out to me, but I shook my head. “No way.”
“Suit yourself. I know you well enough to fill it out for you anyways.” Justin grinned and stuck his tongue out at me. You little shit. I reached out to grab the paper from him. I was going to return it. He held it above his head. I tried to grab it again and he waved his arm around.
“Give it to me.” I laughed.
“Nope. Get taller and maybe I’ll consider it.”
“I can’t do that.”
“Well then I guess you won’t be getting the survey.” I huffed at him. He lowered his arms and I tried to take it again. He pushed my hand away and took off running. “It’ll be an exciting surprise.” Justin yelled as he ran.
“Justin Foley!” I yelled back. I love that boy. But sometimes I just want to…. Oh. What am I going to tell Monty?I sighed and turned around, intending to cut Justin off at his first class and steal the stupid survey from him. When I turned however, I collided with someone.
“We should really stop running into each other like this. People might think we are together or something.” Monty said.
“Or they’ll think you have a thing for me. Since you seem to be the one who always approaches me.”
“That is definitely a possibility.” He handed me my keys. “Might need these later. Wouldn’t want someone finding them and trying to use them.” He started to walk away backwards. I followed after him.
“I highly doubt someone would try to steal an ’09 Camry.”
“Never know.”
“Besides. It’s Evergreen County. Nothing ever happens here.”
“True. I’ll see you at lunch?”
“Yeah. I need to have some words with Justin Foley.”
“Uh oh. Trouble in paradise?”
“Maybe.” I rose a brow. Monty gave me a funny look. “I’ll explain later.”
At lunch I stopped Justin in the hall on the way to the cafeteria. Pulling him into an empty classroom, I locked the door. “I need that survey back Justin.”
“Because I have no interest in going on a valentines date with someone. You know I hate Valentine’s Day.”
“It could be fun.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“Well, you have thirteen days to change your mind.”
“What do you mean?”
“I submitted it on the way to second period.” I blinked at him. Did he just say…?
“You what?”
“I submitted it already. You’ll be receiving a list of ‘promising matches’ on Valentine’s Day.” Oh no. Throwing my head back, I sighed very heavily.
“I hate you.” I groaned.
“I love you too Addy.” Justin brushed past me to leave. “I’ll save you a seat?”
“Nope. That’s okay. I need a break from the testosterone today.”
“Okay.” As soon as he was gone, I texted Monty.
Hey. I need to talk to you. Can you meet me in the library?
Yeah. Bring a book?
Please. My locker was on the way, so I grabbed my books for the rest of the day.
There was a table free in the back of the room. I snagged it so Montgomery and I could have some privacy. He found me a little while later. I was pretending to be taking notes. In actuality, I was doodling and trying not to think about his reaction to Justin’s little stunt. Or reactions. “What’s going on?” He asked as he sat down.
“Hi to you too.”
“Sorry. Hi. What’s going on?”
“So don’t freak out.”
“Don’t start with don’t freak out and I won’t freak out.”
“Justin uh,” I paused.
“Justin? What?”
“Justin filled out and submitted a Dollar Valentine for me.” I quickly added, “I didn’t ask him to. He just bought it and did it. I was going to get it back from him at lunch, but he submitted it on his way to second.” I looked up. Monty was staring at me. And he was… what is he doing? And then his lip twitched. He was trying not to laugh. “What?”
“That’s what this is about? That is what was so urgent?”
“The fact that Justin Foley filled out a Dollar Valentine for you?”
“Yes?” I was extremely confused.
“Addison. I really don’t care if he filled out a stupid survey for you. Are you going to go on the date?”
“Of course not!”
“Then I don’t give a shit.”
“You’re sure?”
“That’s good.” I was still a little hesitant to say anything. “Oh. I should probably mention. I hate Valentine’s Day.”
“Really?” He frowned in confusion.
“Yes. Is that really so hard to believe?”
“Honestly? Yes.”
“You’re a romantic.”
“I know. Which is why I hate Valentine’s Day. It’s the least romantic holiday. If you want to do something nice for me, or get me flowers, show me that you like me, do it on a random day. Not when you have to because it’s a Hallmark holiday.” I was careful not to say the word love. It may have been five months, which is a long time in high school, but we weren’t there yet.
“So, you’re a romantic who hates Valentine’s Day. Okay. Coffee date though?”
“Sure. But not because of what day it is.”
“No. Of course not.” Monty winked at me and then got up to leave. “Come find me after school.” I nodded.
“I’m going to stay here and make Justin sweat a little.”
The next couple of weeks passed slowly. I had forgiven Justin for filling out a Valentine for me a couple of days after he submitted it. After school on the thirteenth, I ran to Walplex to get ingredients for macarons. I browsed the aisles in search of almond flour and raspberry flavouring. Before I left the lot, I texted Monty. Turns out you’re worth it after all. He was busy with practice. I didn’t expect an answer any time soon.
At home, I unloaded my ingredients and put the carton of egg whites in a bowl of lukewarm water to come to room temperature without overheating them. “Hey Siri. Play State Champs on Spotify.”
“Playing State Champs.” I sang along quietly while I went about making my macarons. I said very kind and loving things to the batter aloud. In my head, I was swearing at them with words that would make a sailor blush. He really is worth it.
Dad came home while I was piping the batter onto the Silpat.
“Hi. What are you doing?”
“Making macarons for my friends.”
“Because it’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow.” I shrugged. Dad scoffed and shook his head. “What?”
“Nothing.” He snapped. My face didn’t react. Inside, I felt the familiar sensation of becoming smaller and my insides closing in on themselves. Just ignore him. It’s okay. You’re okay.
“Okay.” I replied meekly. Instead of responding, he went and shut himself in the office. I sighed softly to myself and started on my macaron filling while the cookie batter sat on the tray.
Once my cookies were baked and cooled after dinner, I began to fill them. I picked a Wilton number 18 tip, a small star, and piped chocolate ganache around a raspberry on half of the cookies. When they were all filled, I topped each one. Then I carefully placed them in a container and grabbed several napkins. I also put five each in two disposable aluminum containers. One for Justin. And one for Montgomery. “They won’t notice if one is missing.” I muttered to myself. I took a bite, and it was perfect. Not hollow. Still had a chew to it. The outside was crisp. The slightly bittersweet filling complemented the sweetness of the cookie Perfect. I moaned softly. Setting the containers in the fridge so they didn’t melt overnight, I went upstairs to take a shower and get ready for bed.
The next morning it was Valentine’s Day. As much as I hated the holiday, I wasn’t opposed to dressing up. I dug around my closet for something to wear. I had a red circle skirt in mind. I just needed to find something to wear with it. “Hey Siri, what’s the weather today?”
“It’s currently cloudy and forty-five degrees. The high is expected to be fifty-two degrees and the low will be forty-five degrees.”
“Thank you.” Only fifty-two. I can wear a sweater. I pulled out a couple. The red cable knit was too match-y. The plain black was too plain. My last option was a black sweater with white hearts. This is nice. Shrugging it on, I pulled on a pair of black tights to cover my legs. Topping off the look with my favourite diamond studs and a simple charm bracelet, I checked the clock. I had time to paint my nails.
Soon, I was ready for school. I redid my nails in a nice nude shade. Knowing I was going on a date today, I went quite neutral on the makeup. I wanted my skirt and top to be the focus of my look. My parents were putting their breakfast away when I went downstairs. “Morning guys.”
“Morning sweetie.” We exchanged pleasantries with each other. “You look lovely Addison.”
“Thanks Mum. May not like today, but it’s an excuse to wear this sweater.”
“Very true.” She kissed my cheek gently, so her lipstick didn’t transfer.
“Why are there three containers in the fridge Addison?” Oh crap. Uh….
“Because one is for Justin, one is for my friends to share, and the other one is for me when my friends inevitably leave me with none.”
“I see.” He didn’t sound convinced. Or interested for that matter. When does he ever sound interested? He called after me as I was leaving. “Remember your mother and I are going out tonight for dinner and date night.”
“I know.” I smiled at him. “You kids have fun. I’ll see you in the morning.” I smiled brighter when he dipped my mom and kissed her. Gross but so cute.
“I love you, Margot.”
“I love you too, Brooks.” My mom replied.
My friends were waiting at my locker when I got there. “Hey guys. What’s going on?”
“Justin said you were bringing macarons to school.” Charlie grinned.
“Ah yes. You’re here for snacks. Of course. Hey Clay.”
“Hey Addy.” I shooed the boys away from my locker so I could put my bag in and take out the large container.
“These are for sharing.”
“We know. We can share.” Bryce nodded. Sure, you can. I rolled my eyes playfully. Then I set about passing each of the plethora of boys gathered around my locker a napkin. And then I gave them one macaron each. Jeff got two so he had one to give to Leah.
“Why does he get two?” Luke complained.
“Because he has a girlfriend. And I like her. Do any of you have girlfriends I like?” My eyes shifted to Monty minutely. He smirked softly and quirked a brow quickly. No one seemed to notice. “No? Then you get one for now. You can have more at lunch.” The bell rang. The boys began to disperse to their respective classes. I grabbed Justin and gave him his container.
“You’re the best.” He grinned and kissed my temple when he pulled me in for a hug.
“So are you. Now go get educated.” I texted Monty as I walked to class. I’ll give you yours after school.
I think I like being worth it. This is delicious. Why don’t you make these all the time?
Make them with me sometime. You’ll see.
On my way to lunch, I stopped to pick up my Dollar Valentine. “Hey Sheri.”
“Addison! Oh my gosh. When I heard you filled out a survey, I almost didn’t believe it.”
“Justin did it.”
“Oh. At least he knows you. I hope you get better matches than I did.”
“We’ll see.” I waited while she printed out my list. I glanced at it when she handed it to me.
Andrew B.
Cody K.
Daniel R.
Justin F.
Bryce W.
“Oh. My. God.” I laughed.
“I matched with Justin. And Bryce Walker. How the hell?”
“Well, Justin knows you best. And he did the survey for you.” Sheri shrugged.
“Okay fair. But Bryce?”
“I don’t have an answer there.” We both laughed and I left to go to the cafeteria to join my friends. While I walked, I called Justin.
“Hey Addy, what’s up?”
“Hey Valentine. Have you picked up your matches yet?”
“I’m just looking at them now. I was just about to call you to see who you matched with.”
“Well, I think you’re my best match.”
“No one else up to your standards?” I was behind him now.
“Nope.” He turned and hung up. “But I have very important plans tonight, so I’ll need a rain check.”
“No problem. Your annual Bones marathon?” Sure.
“You know it. Next season is the last one.”
“Since I can’t take you out tonight, at least let me escort you to lunch.” He held his arm out to me. I grasped it dramatically.
“Such a gentleman.” We laughed hysterically.
Montgomery loved the macarons. We met at Monet’s after school to get coffee to go because it was crowded. Thankfully no one questioned us if they saw us. They were too wrapped up in their own dates to be concerned about us. Our date was wonderful. There was no chocolate in heart shaped boxes. There weren’t any overpriced roses. Just the two of us spending time together privately. Since my parents were out for the foreseeable future, he came back to my place. We hung out for a bit until he had to leave to avoid my parents. All in all, it was a pretty good Valentine’s Day. He found it hysterical that Justin and I were matched for Dollar Valentines.
Spring had sprung in Evergreen in mid-March. By the time April rolled around, flowers were in full bloom again and it was getting warmer and warmer. On a particularly nice Saturday, I woke up in an unusually good mood. I looked out the window and it was sunny, not a cloud in the sky. As I was sitting in bed, I looked around my room. My camera caught my eye on my bookshelf. Maybe today is the day I introduce Monty to my camera. I got ready but didn’t get dressed. It was still early for a Saturday. And I knew Monty was a big fan of sleep.
After an hour or so of putzing around in my room, I decided to call him. “Morning Addy.” He answered. His voice was still thick with sleep. I smiled.
“Good morning sunshine.” I heard him shifting in bed.
“You’re chipper this morning.”
“It’s nice out. It’s finally spring.”
“It is.” He smiled.
“I was wondering if you had plans today?” I eyed my camera.
“No, I don’t think so. What did you have in mind Bookworm?”
“I thought I could introduce you to my other hobby Casanova.”
He gasped dramatically. “You mean to tell me you like things other than books?”
“Yes.” I laughed. “What do you say?”
“I’m in. When and where?”
“The park by the docks? Say, one o’clock?”
“Sure thing.”
“Wear something comfortable.”
“Okay. I’ll see you in a few hours.”
“Okay. Bye.”
“Bye baby.”
My parents were in the office working. It was ten am on a Saturday. But it was getting close to exam time for my mom, so she was busy. Tax season was ending, so dad was busy. I opened my bedroom door and called into the house. “I’m going out later. I don’t know how long I’ll be out.”
“Okay honey. Have fun.”
“That’s nice.” I sighed and closed my door. After a quick shower I got dressed. I knew I would probably be moving around a lot today, so I picked a pair of leggings and a loose black t-shirt from American Eagle. I really should go get one of these in every colour. They’re the best shirts. I threw a random cardigan on my bed. It was later joined by my wallet and camera.
Sitting down to do my hair and makeup, I decided to just do a quick French braid. It kept the hair out of my face. I contemplated my makeup for a while. I still had plenty of time to spare. Pressing play on my Spotify and it picked up on a random Beartooth song. Artist Radios are always interesting. I hummed and tapped along with the music while I dug through my vanity. I didn’t have an excessive amount of makeup. Maybe I had a little too much lipstick, but it’s my favourite type of makeup. I kept everything but my lipstick fairly light and neutral. My skin was actually nice today so I could just use concealer and set it. With the rest of my makeup done, I dug through my slightly embarrassing amount of lipstick. “I’m feeling bold today. Red?” I asked myself in the mirror. “Red.” I nodded. I was ready to go now. I chucked the tube of lipstick in my wallet.
It was close to lunch so I texted Monty. Did you want me to make a couple of sandwiches or something?
Sure. I went downstairs and dug through the cheese drawer.
I have turkey, ham, and some other white meat. Possibly chicken?
Ham is okay.
Cheddar okay?
Yup. I made our sandwiches. I knew how he liked his sandwiches now. Placing them in the fridge, I ran upstairs for my camera, camera bag, and now my purse. Our lunch was set on top of my wallet. I threw an ice pack in to keep everything cold and food safe. A couple of snacks joined in before I grabbed my keys.
“I’m leaving now. I’ll see you later.” I called.
“Okay.” My parents called together.
At the park, I met Monty over by a tree. He was wearing jeans and a plain white t-shirt. No flannel. That took me by surprise. He looked damn good though. I stopped on the way over for a couple of coffees from Starbucks. “Hey Casanova.”
“Hey Bookworm.”
“Lunch now or later?”
“Now is good. I could eat.” I rolled my eyes. “What?”
“You’re always hungry.”
“I’m a growing boy.” He defended.
“If you grow anymore, you’ll give Dempsey a run for his money.”
“Never know. They say boys grow again around nineteen.”
“Oh god. I don’t know if I could handle you getting taller.” He laughed.
“Might have to. Never know.” I looked down to hide my blush. I didn’t read into what he said. He was right. You never knew where you could end up. We talked quietly while we ate. Monty regaled me with stories of the baseball game I “missed” yesterday.
“Sounds like a nail biter.” I smiled.
“You don’t like baseball, do you?”
“No.” I replied quickly.
“That mean you’ll never come to a game?”
“Quite possibly. I will go to as many football games as I can though.”
“Deal. Now. What did you want to show me?”
“This.” I said as a pulled my camera out of the bag.
“Yes. I told you I like photography.”
“I remember. I’m just surprised it took you this long to show it to me.”
“Good things come to those who wait.”
“Okay. I won’t question you.”
“Don’t worry. I’m not Tyler. I keep my photography to when people know about it and can see it.”
“I kind of figured.” I spent some time showing him my camera. It was the first thing I had spent any big amount of money on. I got it a few years ago. I saved up birthday and Christmas money. I never really got an allowance so that’s what I had to work with. I looked out at the water and stood up. Holding my hand out to my boyfriend, I nodded in the direction of the dock.
“Come on.” Montgomery took my hand and we walked to the railing. I examined the water for a few moments quietly. Then I lifted my camera and started shooting. It was beautiful. “It’s nicer at sunset. But daytime shoots are so fun.” I could feel him watching me. A bird was flying close by, so I snapped a picture. “It’s beautiful.” I said softly.
“Very beautiful.”
We wandered around the park together for a few hours. Occasionally we would stop to sit and just people watch. During one of these stops I noticed Monty had turned to look out over the water. The way the light was hitting his face was perfect. I quickly snapped a photo. I wanted to preserve the peaceful look on his face forever. Lord knows the boy could use some peace. He turned to me when he heard the click of the camera. Luckily it didn’t ruin the shot. He was smiling. I couldn’t help myself. I took a quick scan of the area and kissed him. When we pulled away, he quickly wiped the lipstick off. I laughed and dug around in my purse for a makeup wipe. “Here. Use this.”
“Thanks.” I touched up my lipstick. While I was doing that, he took my camera from my lap and snapped a photo of his own. “I’m not very good at this, so don’t be shocked if it comes out crappy.”
“I’m sure it’s great. Here, let me see.” He handed it back. I scrolled to the photo. It was really nice. “This is great Monty.” He nodded but didn’t say anything. Instead, he threw his arm over my shoulder and pulled me in close to him. I rested my head on his shoulder. Turning the camera around, I snapped a picture of the two of us. It wasn’t exactly a candid, but it was as close as you could get with a selfie. We called it a night around six o’clock. He had to get home for dinner. I had some homework to do. I also wanted to get our photos transferred as soon as possible.
I walked into the house smiling to myself. Today had been a really great day. I felt good. “What the hell is all over your face?” My dad asked. Not a hello. No other acknowledgement.
“What do you mean?” I reached up to touch my face. Is there something on my face?
“You really caked it on today, didn’t you?” Oh. My makeup. I’d forgotten that he didn’t see me before I left.
“I put on a little makeup. I’m trying to use up a red lipstick.” I shrugged. The small feeling had begun to grow again.
“It makes you look like a prostitute.” Wow. That escalated quickly. My good mood vanished. I set my face. I wouldn’t let him see that he had hurt me.
“Thanks Dad. That was my goal today actually.”
“Don’t take that kind of tone with me, young lady.”
“Okay, whatever. Where’s Mum?”
“At the grocery store.”
“Okay. I’ll be upstairs.”
“Take off the paint while you’re up there.” He called after me.
When I reached my room, I closed the door and slid down it. Not wanting him to know I was crying I went to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. I curled up on my bed and sobbed into the towel. I didn’t care that there would be makeup stains on it. My phone buzzed on the floor. Sitting up, I stood to grab it. It was Monty. I want to see those photos baby.
Okay. I’ll send them over when I’m done.
Looking forward to it.
If I forgot to say, you looked pretty today.
Thanks. I wasn’t sure I believed him after what my dad said.
Any other mystery hobbies you want to show me?
Don’t think so.
Not even the art of knitting?
You okay Addy?
Yeah. Just tired.
Okay. I’ll talk to you later then.
Sure. I didn’t answer his next text. It was too much effort to do it now. I just wanted to lay in bed and be sad.
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flyawayrachel · 3 years
Sometimes when I'm having a particularly hard day excepting my lot I go back and read this little thing I wrote a few months after leaving my family to remind me that I made the right decision. Idk why I am choosing to post this today but I've never posted it anywhere before. I've never been quiet about who I am and what I came from and sometimes it's nice to just get the feelings put there.
My whole life I had never been allowed to make decisions for myself, so why now, was it up to me to make the biggest decision of my life?
What school I could attend, what major I could study, what clothes I could wear, what teachers I could take, what jobs I could have, who I could speak to, who I could be friends with, what bank I used, what hair style I had, what nickname I could go by, what music I could listen to...all these things were policed since I was born, and the first decision I got to make solo was the most world defining decision I'll ever make.
Since then I've made a lot of decisions about myself, some little and some huge, but each one comes with a hill to climb. Through this series of decisions I've come to discover a little more about myself and who I am, a long painful process of deciding for myself.
The first decision.
It was a Sunday. I was expected to attend three morning protests and church at 11:30am, my father would be giving the weekly sermon. This Sunday, however, was different. For the first time in my life, I had a separate obligation. I chose, or tried to choose, to skip church that week.
This was not my first decision as it was reviewed by my parents and shut down.
It was 7am that Sunday morning, and I jumped out of bed, got dressed, and headed to work. I had discussed the days events with my parents two nights prior, today we had a fundraiser. A local family had just lost their daughter to brain cancer, and for once in my life I felt I had the power to do good, instead of spread hate. This was a huge deal to everyone there, and the community surrounding us. I was excited. As a new business, this would be great for us. We'd learn how to handle big crowds of people, we'd all bond over the stress of the situation, we'd have a great time, and we'd be doing good. I got to the restaurant around 7:45, and jumped into work. We had a LOT to do. I was anxious, I knew I was doing something I shouldn't...or at least something my parents don't approve of. It wasn't until 9:21 I heard from them
"Are you planning to miss church today?" My father text me.
"I'm planning to make it back, but if we get people in at 11, I probably won't be able to." I replied
"OK this doesn't really work for me. You aren't at a spot in life where this should be getting asked of you and this was supposedly made clear when you joined. If they cannot respect your need to be in the Lords house you need to find other employment. We need to talk about this"
Fear. Fear was all I could feel. I cried. Knowing exactly what "We need to talk about this meant" it wouldn't be a conversation with just me and him. Or me him and my mother, it would be everyone. Every adult member of our church would sit me down, accuse me of all manner of wrong doing, scream, yell, and refuse to acknowledge anything I said and brush it off as if I was a liar. A decision they had made for me when I was not even a teenager yet. At 11 years old I had been pegged as a liar and forced into seclusion by the church all because my mother, forgetful as ever, had forgotten a conversation I had with her a few weeks prior to it all coming to light. "If they're too scared to talk to me(referring to my older brother as I) then they can't speak to anyone" an aunt of mine had said, and her word was regarded as law at that point. Months of silence on my part followed. I became solemn and bitter after that. My social skills had been destroyed and I would never get over what they'd done to me. The happy little girl was gone, and in their eyes, she never existed. I was ridiculed for years because of this change in demeanor.
I received several phone calls from my parents that morning. I answered none of them. So my mother chimed in...it was 9:57:
"It is not ok for you to miss Church today. We need to have a serious discussion today about what's going on with you."
Again the threat of intervention.
I had to go home. My boss rolled his eyes, dispite his knowledge of my situation he couldn't help but be annoyed that his second hand was leaving, right before open, on what would be our busiest day ever. When I left, there was already a line at the door. I later learned they filled the restaurant within seven minutes of opening the doors. It didn't stop until we closed that night.
My dad gave the sermon that day. It was long. Nearly double the normal length of our weekly meeting. I couldn't tell you if it was purposefully, knowing him it probably wasn't, but that didn't help my view of the situation. Once church was over, I spead down the highway back to work, it was nearly 2pm by the time I got back. It was chaos. People everywhere, we were running out of things, and the dishwashers they'd pulled to prep just couldn't keep up. I was put in charge of running prep and we prepped and prepped and prepped. Ticket times were awful and I don't think we ever got out of the weeds, even now I feel the effects of that day on our staff. I remember at one point I was apologizing to one of our cooks, who we affectionately refer to as "Mom".
"I don't know if I can stay there any more" I'd said. For the first time in my life, I'd admitted to someone that I didn't see a future for me in the church. I'd been toiling with the feeling for years, but it wasn't until early February that I'd realized that I couldn't stay. "Get through school" I'd tell myself. With two years of school left, and my whole life crumbling, I knew I wouldn't last.
"If you need a place to go, I have a spare bedroom. You're welcome there" she replied.
I was floored. Being told your whole like that the world is against you, you learn to accept that, but this woman, this mother of three, had just offered to open her door to me, no questions asked.
We closed at 8.
Once it died down I sat at the bar with my chef. The foh manager behind the bar, pouring them both drinks. I can't tell you the exact words that were spoken, what, if any, words of encouragement were given to me, but while sitting there, I made my first decision. It was time to go. I remember thinking that I needed permission from someone, anyone, to do this, but it never came. My chef never told me I should, our foh manager never told me I should, no one told me to do it. I had to decide, and decide I did.
Once I got home late that night I told my sister. I didn't tell her I would leave immediately. I just told her I couldn't stay and she was always welcome to join me when she got older. I remember telling her there are other ways and places that we can serve the Lord without being subjected to the cruel glares and sneers of those around us. We had discussed often the wrong doings of the "Elders" of our church. I thought she'd understand and maybe she did, but she was hesitant. She was only a child after all, 13 years old, but had already been through hell and back with these people.
The next day I packed. I used the pretence that I was cleaning out my room and giving a bunch of my clothes to Goodwill, an instruction my father had given me a few days prior. This came only months after my mom had my siblings strip my room of much of my belongings and furniture while I was in class one evening. Many garbage bags full of clothes with other items hidden within made their way to the car. It was hard. Making the decision on what to keep and what to leave behind. I had collected many things from many different fan bases I considered myself a part of, while much had been taken from me I still had decisions to make. A lot got left behind. It was now Monday. I didn't work Mondays so I had all day to work. At 8pm we all sat down for our evening reading. I remember choking back tears realizing this would be the last time I sat in a room along side all six of my siblings and my parents in an amicable manner, still, the looming threat of these "talks" overtook me with fear. Once we were done and we'd said our evening prayer I went up to my room. I cried. I cried for the hurt I would do my dad, it was a common joke in the house that I was his favorite. His first little girl. The years I'd miss watching my baby brother grow up. The betrayal my sister would feel when she woke up the next morning. Knowing that in the following weeks every inkling of my existence would be stripped from the house, I still wonder what became of my old bedroom. Did my sister take it like she'd joked about when I would tell her I was dying from a migraine or dealing with a particularly hard day at work? Would my mom take it and use it as an office or spare bedroom for when my dad snored too loud as she often did when I would sleep over at my cousin Vicky's house?
My mom left the house at 4:30am. I was awake before she left. Silently selecting the last few items I would take with me. I wrote two notes. One of apology to my sister for leaving her here in a cave full of wolves. One to my dad, asking to be left alone and explaining that there had been irreparable damage done by other members of the church and that I did not believe their doctrine. I wrap my house key, pink and bedazzled with fake diamonds because my dad picked it out and never really got who I was back then, and copy of their credit card in it and stuck it in his cubby before walking out the door, tears still wet on the paper from when I wrote it. I only had one chance, as all windows and doors on our house sent chimes throughout the 10 bedroom, 6 bathroom, three kitchen home when opened. I got in my car, contemplated my decision one last time, and I left.
I sat at my job for hours alone, drinking ginger ale and eating sourdough bread. Wishing the nausea would go away. Not long after getting there I received a message from my dad. He would not ask me to come home, but extended the invitation to talk if I thought it would solve the problem and I could continue living under their rule. Reiterating the fact that they would not be changing for me. If I left I was going to be on my own. I spent the morning crying as I went about directing prep work for the week, we had a lot to recover from and my personal turmoil couldn't distract me from my work. Hours later my mom showed up. It was on the way home from the early morning yoga class she had taught, which is why she left the house so early. I couldn't recount the exact words said because I was to distracted by the way she was speaking to me. I was a stranger now. She's a lawyer and treated me like a client, taking notes as we spoke with no regard to my emotions or well being. She'd always counted the days to my 18th birthday, the only hope she'd rid me from her life forever. This was her chance.
The months following were hard. I had a lot of decisions to make and no one to guide me. The people who swore to make it easier only made it harder, but I bonded with the least expected people, some of which continue to be my greatest friends even to today. It was a decision that I don't regret, not even on the hardest days, the days I mourn the time lost with my loved ones and the very real possibility they'll never come back to me. The nights I sit up scrounging the internet for any glimpse into their current lives, or when I read people's"hot takes" about who they think they are, often getting it wrong and seeing my family as a one dimensional group of haters. I've made the decision to me myself and it's a decision I'll stand by until the day I die, eternity be damned.
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milk-carton-whump · 3 years
So this has been sitting in my documents for a while and I wrote this back at the beginning of February. So after some edits and revisions I think it's perfect! :D Russell baby!!
Tagging: @sideblogformindtrash @unicornscotty @tears-and-lilies @cupcakes-and-pain @alliecat5594 @twistedcaretaker @heathenville @skunkandgrenade @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi
CW: light angst, mention of dehumanization, mention of conditioning, mention of pet whump, otherwise it's slice of life.
Calm Before the Storm
Russell was up early, like usual, sitting on the counter with a sandwich in his hands. It was 8:45 am and he had been up since at least 6:30, he usually woke up with the sun and loved the quiet of the house. Dad was out of town on business for the weekend and his sister, Sera, was still sleeping upstairs.
Recently, the world was buzzing with the newest advancement on human pets, it made a chill run down his spine. He hated the very idea of them and truly wondered in the practice was ethical. He had seen multiple reports of news teams touring the facilities and everything always looked so... legit. He took a bite of his sandwich as he lost himself in thought.
There was something just so, off-putting about them, that maybe it wasn't as voluntary as advertised but he didn't have evidence. One of the popular kids at school had gotten one for their birthday and the pet looked genuinely happy, excited to be there and no signs of distress anywhere. Yet, the fact that the pet had acted like a dog without breaking character, it weirded him out.
The day was still young as he took another bite of his PB&J, he still had plenty of time to be a nuisance to his sister. Russell hopped off the counter and made his way upstairs to the room with a poster on the door, his sister's favorite singer. He walked up to her bedroom door and knocked as he opened the door, not waiting for her reply.
"Sera, you busy?" He asked as he entered. 
There was a bundle of blankets on the bed and a previously sleeping person who grumbled in displeasure at being awoken. She was still in bed, it was 9 in the morning so it made sense. He flopped down onto the bed beside her and heard her groan in protest. 
"Rusty, it's too early for your shit. Let me sleep." Sera grumbled from under her blankets. 
"Did you know that jellyfish don't have brains? I saw it on a nature documentary this mornin'... oh also!! That cornmaze down the way just opened, we could go there tonight, maybe if you ain't trying to crush on that Taylor girl...that is." Russell said with a grin as he took another bite of his sandwich. 
"Rus, are......are you eating in my bed? Dude, what the hell??" She let out a muffled groan and lazily smacked him with a pillow. 
He laughed and clumsily climbed over her, purposely being annoying as he got off the bed. He grabbed her blankets and pulled them off the bed, taking them with him as he started toward her door. She made an annoyed yelp in protest as the cool air in her room hit her once cozily wrapped up body.
"If you need me, I'll be downstairs." He said casually as she yelled at him from her bed. 
She growled as she got up, seeing her warm blankets left on the floor and trailing down the stairs. It wasn't long before she came downstairs and saw him all curled up on the couch, wrapped in her favorite comforter, watching TV. 
When she looked at his face it had an expression of mild disgust and intrigue. Russell turned to look at her and motioned to the TV which was showing a flashy advertisement. She climbed over the back of the couch and laid on top of him, resting her head on top of his. His hair always smelled like the cool morning air, he usually wandered outside early in the morning so it wasn't a surprise.
"They're advertising those 'human pets' things again. Just, I'dunno it makes me uncomfortable just thinkin' about 'em." He said as he watched the commercial advertising the pets. 
"Yeah they're a little odd, but you won't have to worry. You're really dumb and they wouldn't want your application anyways." She said teasingly.
"Well you don't have to worry either, they only take the pretty ones." He said and stuck his tongue out at her.
"Rus!!! You!! They'd probably snatch you up cuz you look like a dog!" She retorted quickly.
He laughed suddenly tossed her blanket back at her, before he got up off the couch. That ad was still playing, still showing human pets with happy owners and making sure it was known that the program was completely voluntary. He hated their stupid logo and their spokesperson, a young blonde woman who wore a fake smile.
He shook his head as he turned off the TV, they had a pretty good weekend ahead but an even better day ahead. They planned on going to do some shopping in town and to their luck, the farmers market was happening today. It was going to be a great day to walk, and Russell couldn't be more excited. Today was a great day.
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tloujm · 3 years
Part XVI: Camping
Author’s Notes: Just a romantic trip out in the woods. Thanks for reading! I hope you guys like it. I’ve been really busy lately and I’ve had this chapter half written for like a month. I wanted to get it right and I feel like this is pretty good, so again, I hope y’all like it. Hopefully I can start writing on a more consistent schedule again soon. And last but not least MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Genre: Peak Fluffiness IMO
Summary: You and Joel go on the aforementioned camping trip from the last chapter. You guys fish and hike and all that nature ooey gooey fluffy mess.
Ship: Joel x Reader
“You ready for this?” Joel looked back at you as he packed the backseat of a station wagon. Being a prominent figure in town, he was able to pull some strings and borrow the keys to a newly fixed up car.
“As I’ll ever be.” You gave him your bag.
The two of you drove down one of the patrol routes for about 45 minutes before Joel turned down an unpaved pathway. Feeling your weariness, he gently took your hand in his. You turned to him for a second before laying your head back on the rest and closing your eyes. The slow tunes flowed from the stereos and filled the car. Before the trip, you went down to the library and checked out a handful of cassette tapes to get you through the car ride. Just as you finally let yourself relax to the hum of the engine and Joel’s voice, the car shut off.
“Think here’s a good place to stop and set up camp.” He said, turning to you. You took in your surroundings, noticing that he had parked in a small clearing circled by tall pine trees. It was a serene view and for that, you offered a small smile.
“I think you’re right.”
The two of you unpacked the trunk. There wasn’t much: just a tent, sleeping bags, your backpacks, fishing poles and a cooler. As Joel carried out the last of the items, you decided to take initiative and start putting up the tent. You convinced yourself that it couldn’t possibly be as difficult as it looked; It was just fabric and poles. You could hear Joel snickering from behind as you struggled to hold everything together. Expletives left your mouth before he decided to step in and help. He took one of the poles out of your hand, turned it around and snapped it into place with ease. Rolling your eyes, you grabbed another set of poles and followed suit. You finished up the tent while he set up some simple booby traps around the perimeter of the clearing.
After getting settled, the two of you hiked hand in hand to a wide river. He sat the cooler down next to a boulder and took one of the rods that you were holding. Patting the boulder, he beckoned you to sit next to him. Shoulders touching, you watched as he pulled a can of worms from the cooler and baited it onto the hook.
“Now, mine is all set, so I’m gonna show you how to set up yours so we can fish together.” Joel said. “Grab your hook. You wanna tie it to the line. A simple little knot will do.” You tried to mimic his actions. “Well no, like this, darlin’. Thread the line through the hook, then bring it back, wrapping it around itself a few times. Feed the end back through the loop and pull tight.” He let out a little grunt that you found adorable. He handed the rod back over and reached for the can of worms.
“Do I have to use worms?”
“You’re not squeamish are you?” Joel smirked. He knew you weren’t, but teased anyway.
“I just feel bad for impaling a live worm.”
He shook his head. “Well then you’re not gonna like what we’re about to do with the fish.” You shot a look at him. “You do want to eat tonight, don’t you?” He continued to tease.
“Just pass me the can.” You stuck your fingers in the slimy conglomeration and pulled out a long one.
“That’s a good one. Now, bait it like how I did. Hook it through as many times as you can to secure it. If not, it can fall off into the water or a fish can grab it before getting hooked.” Joel peared over your shoulder to make sure you did it right. “Great! Now let’s get on to the fun part.” Leaving his rod on the ground, he walked you over to the edge of the river and stood behind you. He adjusted the line before ghosting his hand over yours. “You want to draw your arm back,” He pulled your arm up, guiding the rod as well. “And snap it forward.” In one sweeping motion, he pushed your arm back down and the line shot out from the rod and into the body of water. A large smile was plastered on your face.
“Now we wait?”
“Now we wait.” He confirmed.
Joel grabbed his own rod and repeated the motions. You remembered him saying that he was rusty, but in your eyes he looked like a pro. The two of you traded glances before hunkering down in your respective spots. You didn’t realize how much patience was needed to fish and after all that waiting, all you were going to get was one fish. Your mind began to think back to a documentary you saw long ago about commercial fishing and it made you wish for a large net to replace the rod. You glanced back at Joel only to find him in a completely relaxed state with his rod positioned between his knees and his arms crossed behind his head while leaning against a large rock. Your gaze lingered on his form until you felt a jerk from your rod. A yelp left your mouth. The line began to pull out of the rod at an accelerated speed. Anxious, you stood back up. Joel abandoned his rod and ran over to you. From behind, he guided your hand to spin the reel. He slowly lifted your rod as you continued to reel the line back in. Suddenly, a fish broke the surface of the river. You didn’t stop spinning the reel until it was eye level with you.
“Okay, hold it steady. I’ll unhook the fish.” Joel instructed. The fish was wiggling around violently. “Damn, I shoulda brought a net.” With two hands, he grabbed it. “Gah dammit!”
“Are you ok?” You exclaimed.
“Yeah, just a lil’ scratch.” Joel was referring to the gash on his forearm caused by the fish spines.
Carefully, you sat the rod down and he talked you through unhooking the fish. After it came out, you put the fish on some ice in the cooler. When you looked back at Joel, he was shirtless. He used his button down to put pressure on the wound. You told him to sit and wait while you went back to the car for the first aid kit, but insisted that he was fine and wanted to continue fishing. You could tell he was serious, so you agreed to stay so long as he let you look at it after another fish was caught. You picked up your rod and did exactly as he showed you. You were able to cast it longer than before. You hoped that meant you could catch something quicker this time.
“Son of a bitch!” Joel exclaimed. You turned to see his hand covering his neck.
“What happened? Let me see.” You ran to him and moved his hand out the way to reveal a hook caught in his skin. It was only a flesh wound and it didn’t dig deep enough to hit a main artery but it was still stuck in there. “How did this happen?”
“I whipped my arm back too far causing the line to cast out in the wrong direction. When I snapped forward, the hook flew right into my neck.”
“Does it hurt?”
“Only when I touch it.”
“I gotta get it out for you.” You took out your pocket knife and cut the wire off the hook. Joel winced as you tried to finagle it out carefully. “There!” You held it out in front of him. You noticed the tiny wound turn red as it began to slowly bleed. “Can we just go back to camp now? That fish is big enough for the both of us and I packed some snacks for us.”
“Alright, let’s go.” Joel said. He held a small cloth to his neck with his one hand and carried the cooler in the other.
Back at camp, you patched up Joel’s arm and neck. He let out a deep sigh “What’s wrong?” You asked.
He sat there in silence before responding. “I just feel like an idiot. Who gets a hook caught in their neck?”
“It was an accident.”
“Look at me, darlin’. Tommy’s gonna see me when I get back and think we ran into a horde or somethin’. I won’t hear the end of it when I tell him it was all from some fishin’. Between the fish cuttin’ me up and not catching anything, I’m just...just a little annoyed. I had a...uh...vision of how I wanted this trip to go and I feel like it’s not working out.”
“Joel, we just got here! We still have tomorrow to enjoy it. Besides, today’s not over. You said you were gonna show me how to fish and you did exactly that. I saw you relaxing while we were waiting for a bite. We were one with nature. Tell me that was not a part of your vision.”
He shrugged. “S’pose you’re right.”
“Ok, so how about you find yourself a non-bloody shirt to wear and I’ll start a fire. Deal?”
He chuckled. “Deal.”
The two of you sat by the campfire and ate the fish you caught. The sun had just finished setting by the time you were done. After several minutes of enjoying each other’s company in silence, Joel suggested playing a song. A soft grunt left his mouth as he got up and made his way to the car. From the trunk, he got his trusty 6 string and began to play a tune as he walked back to you. He sang a little bit here and there, but mostly he kept playing the same complex chord over and over again.
“Hey there.” He spoke up after nudging you. “You wouldn’t happen to be fallin’ asleep on me now would you.”
“Asleep? Of course not.” You began in a drowsy tone. “Just resting my eyes is all.”
He put his guitar down. “Probably about time we both rest our eyes.”
“Hey, darlin’, it’s time to get up.” You woke up to Joel’s voice. It was still dark.
“Why? It’s not even morning yet.” You said in a whisper.
“Actually, it is. C’mon, (Y/N), I gotta show you somethin’.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothin’s wrong. Just gotta show you somethin’ is all.”
“Now, Joel?”
“Preferably yes.”
After your eyes adjusted to your surroundings, you noticed that Joel was already dressed and ready. You hurried up and did the same. As soon as you exited the tent, he held out his hand for you to take. He gave it a gentle squeeze before guiding you down a wooded path.
“Where are we going?” You asked.
“It’s a surprise.” Joel responded.
“You know, this isn’t the first time you’ve blindly led me through the woods under the guise of a surprise.”
“I know and if I recall correctly, it went well so if it ain’t broke....”
“Okay, well why did we have to get up this early?”
“Because it’s part of the surprise.” The two of you hiked up the side of a small mountain as the dark sky began to lighten. “We’re running late.” He gently tugged on your hand as the two of you broke into a jog. You almost ran into him when he abruptly stopped at the edge of the peak. “There.” He pointed to the east and your gaze followed.
From where you were, only a small section of the sky was illuminated with an orange glow. All of the trees below you were still shrouded in nightime’s darkness. Watching the sun rise was a slow progression that made you realize how much of a sweaty mess you were. It wasn’t until 15 minutes in did you decide to sit, swinging your legs over the ledge. After another 15 minutes, you finally saw the sun itself peek over your line of view, allowing the rest of the sky to turn blue. The view of the forest below took your breath away. You were so enamoured that you didn’t initially realize that Joel was not by your side anymore. Still sitting, you turned around to find him. Assuming that he was still standing, you looked up. It caught you off guard when you saw that he was eye level with you, bent on one knee. A nervous smile began to grow on his face as he held out a ring between his fingers.
Joel knew that this was how he wanted to propose, with the backdrop of the sun rising, but he never prepared exactly what to say. Everytime he tried, the words never seemed good enough and saying them out loud wracked his nerves. He figured that the words would come in the moment. The problem was that he also did not prepare for the view that was currently before him because if he was stuck before, seeing the golden rays of light radiate around you rendered him speechless. Your messy hair framed your face so perfectly and the way you looked at him in that moment was filled with pure innocence and love.
“Daggum, woman, you know how to make a man weak.” Joel said, almost in a whisper.
“That’s the goal.” You said with an ever growing smile.
“I don’t know how else to say this, so I just will. (Y/F/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), I want to be your husband and I want you to be my wife and my hope is that you want the same. I can’t guarantee you a perfect life or some fairytale, but I’ll try damn hard to give you happily ever after or some semblance of it in this world. Listen darlin’, I’ve struggled for a long time with survivin’; I’ve almost given up so many times before. Do...do you remember a while back when you told me about how you got bitten?” You nodded. “You were questioning why you didn’t die and I told you that, no matter what, you had to keep finding something to fight for. I knew you weren’t tryna hear that at the time, but those words were true because of you. You were, are and will always be my something to fight for until my last breath. You’re it for me, darlin’ and there’s no one else I want by my side more. Will you marry me?”. His eyebrows were raised in anticipation. You stood there speechless; you didn’t know what to say first. You were flooded with so many different feelings. Most of all, you were surprised by the proposal. You didn’t expect Joel to formally do so at all. The emotions fighting to break surface caused you to simultaneously laugh and cry out of nowhere.
“I’m sorry! I’m not laughing at you. Joel, yes, I’ll marry you!” You wiped your tears on your sleeve before getting up. Joel did the same to close the space between you.
He ran a thumb across your wet cheek as he smiled down at you. “You had me scared for a second there.” Once, your face was dry, he focused back on the ring in his other hand.
“How could I ever say no to you?” You asked lovingly.
“You’ve been known to do it from time to time.” He said in a deep yet jovial tone. Gently, he steadied your finger and slid the ring onto it. “How does it feel?”
“It fits perfectly.” You smiled up at him.
“I love you.” He whispered as he leant down for a kiss. The two of you stood there near the edge of the hill in each other’s arms. At this point, the sun had just about risen for the morning. “I don’t know how you wanna go about this. I know there’s no marriage license to register, but I can find someone to officiate or if it’s just you, me and our word, I can live with that too.”
“We have the rest of our lives to figure that out, love.” You impatiently pulled him back down into another long kiss.
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mizumelona · 4 years
set me up | atsumu x reader
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SYNOPSIS: You’re an ambitious career woman, who’s got everything…except a significant other. Your mom, sick of you showing up to family functions alone, sets you up on a series of (terrible) blind dates. You make these dates meet you at your favorite restaurant, Onigiri Miya, but for some reason the owner’s jerk of a twin brother always happens to be there exactly when things crash and burn.
NOTE: This chapter is dedicated to my lovely friend Sharon who encouraged me to start this blog and helps me with my writing. @Sharon I kept my promise hehe.
TAGLIST: @awkwardali6106 @kasandrafaye @veggytaled @svtbitch @stinkyobeymerat @hollypastl @differentballooncollection @o51oc @sunboikyo00 @justxanotherxshipper​ @kaisemieita @rizamendoza808 @tomo-uwu @sugardaddykenma​
You tossed Atsumu’s sweater into the washer with your other juice covered clothes and made your way to your bedroom. You picked up your phone to text your mom.
Lovely Daughter:
I think I need to take a break from these dates
You still wanted to find a boyfriend and flex on your cousin, but this blind dating thing wasn’t exactly working out. You cringed remembering that your favorite cream shorts might be ruined for good. Taking a step back seemed like a good choice for now. Maybe you’d spontaneously run into someone worth your time. Blonde hair and a cheeky smirk flashed in your mind.
Huh. What was that? You shook your head. That was definitely not happening.
As you finished sending the message you got another notification.
Reminder that our team is working from home this week while they replace the carpets in the office. Can you send me the updated prototype of your project by Friday morning?
Ugh. Working from home was bad news for you. Despite being an overachiever, your home was a safe oasis that was completely separated from your work life. When it came to trying to work while your favorite blanket and TV were 2 feet away, you had no self-control. You tried to look on the bright side. Who knows? Maybe this is the week you learned a little self-control.
Onigiri Miya. Thursday 6:27 PM
It wasn’t.
You had plenty of inspiration on Monday but took a break to watch one episode of your favorite sports anime and ended up binging the next two seasons. Tuesday you’d pulled up the files you needed to work on but you saw a manga spoiler while browsing Instagram and decided to binge the manga too. Yesterday you were shook about the most recent cliffhanger and got carried away reading fan fiction. It wasn’t until 5 PM that you realized that the prototype was due in a day but by then you were already fucked.
Cut to you grinding like crazy for the past 24 hours. You’d pulled an all-nighter last night except for 20 minutes at 5 in the morning when you crashed and knocked out on your keyboard. When you woke up there was an imprint of the spacebar on your chin. Finally you had most of the prototype completed, so you were crawling out of your cave for some food.
Sweats, glasses, hair messily pulled away from your face. You haggardly stumbled toward the restaurant. You’d exhausted your instant noodle supplies and had been so focused on finishing the damn prototype that you didn’t stop to eat today. You were pretty sure you were going to pass out if you didn’t get some food in your body ASAP.
You pushed the door to the restaurant open.
“Welcom- woah [Y/N]…you doing okay?”, Osamu paused mid rice ball roll and looked you up and down.
“Holy shit ya look like a zombie!”, Atsumu exclaimed from his usual seat at the bar.
You ignored Atsumu’s comment. You had no energy left for making snarky comebacks. “Osamu. Three Minced tuna onigiri and an iced Calpico please and thank you.”
“Sure…”, Osamu gave you a concerned look before turning to get started on your order.
You dumped your things onto an open table and sunk into the seat. You flipped open the laptop that you’d brought with you and started tapping on the keys. There was a big fat error alert on the screen. Great. You tried to edit the file. Another error. Ugh you were so close it was frustrating. You typed a few more edits in. Success! Loading…
Finally. You leaned back into the chair, staring at the ceiling. You heard some familiar footsteps approaching you. Here he comes.
On cue, Atsumu slid into the seat across from you. “Yo what happened?”
“I’m an idiot. That’s what happened.” You closed your eyes and massaged your temples. Your head was aching from staring at the screen for so long.
He snorted. “I know a lotta idiots but you aren’t one of them” He peeked over at your screen. “What’s with the laptop? This isn’t a coffeeshop sweetheart”
“Work.” You bluntly replied. You scrunched up your face. Sure his voice was smooth as ever, but right now anything but complete silence was making your head pound.
“You’re in a good mood aintcha?” He smirked. You glowered in his direction, your dark circles making you look extra ominous.
“Stop irritating my customers ‘Tsumu” Osamu smoothly shut Atsumu down. He placed a tray of food on the table. “I got three minced tuna onigiri and an iced Calpico”
“Bring me a drink too ‘Samu”
“Get it yourself ’Tsumu”
An upbeat ringtone started playing from Osamu’s pocket. He pulled his phone out and took the call. “Hey babe…I’m just at the restaurant…no, it’s not that busy…wait…what!” Osamu raised his eyebrows.”…Okay yeah I’ll be right there.” He turned to Atsumu. “‘Tsumu close the restaurant. I need to go help Sharon”
“Huh? Ya can’t just-“, Atsumu tried to protest, but Osamu took his Onigiri Miya hat off and shoved it on Atsumu’s head. Osamu scrawled a note about closing early and taped it to the door on his way out. Atsumu stood there looking irritated as he watched his brother run off through the window.
He turned to you. “Well ya heard him. You’re gonna hafta take your rice balls and work home sweetheart”
Wait. You checked your screen. 15%. Rip. Starting the process while you ate dinner probably wasn’t the best idea, but you needed this to finish loading and couldn’t risk it getting messed up on the trip back up to your apartment. You turned to Atsumu, “I’m sorry about earlier. Please let me stay a little longer. I really need this thing to finish loading”
“No way”
“It’ll only take a second” You pleaded with him. He turned to walk away. “Please. Atsumu”
He paused. Wait, was that the first time you’d called him by his real name? He turned back to you with that devious smile he got whenever he had one of his “brilliant” ideas.
“How ‘bout this? You help me clean, I’ll letcha stay here even though I really should be closing up”
Onigiri Miya. 45 Minutes Later.
“I’m pretty sure when we made our deal you said it would take ‘just a second’”. The bashful smile from earlier had long been wiped off his face replaced with the current impatient scowl. You’d finished eating your onigiri shortly after Osamu left, and you two had been sitting at the same table sipping Calpico and watching the loading bar for the last 45 minutes.
“It’s really almost done now.” You were running out of excuses to stall for time.
“Hurry it up. I got things to do sweetheart”, he said and took a noisy sip of his drink.
Okay [y/n] we need to think of a way to stall. You went through your options. Hm. Actually, complimenting people usually works pretty well, especially when that person has as big of an ego as this blondie. Okay you decided on your plan of attack.
“Hey” You smiled innocently at Atsumu. “Thanks again for waiting with me. You’re a lot nicer than I thought”
“How many times do I hafta tell ya that that creepy smile isn’t fooling me?” Atsumu set his drink back on the table. “And was that supposta be a compliment? When did I ever do anythin’ to piss you off?” He leaned back, crossing his arms.
“Says the guy who crashed not one but two of my dates”
“I didn’t do nothin’”
“You were the reason the strawberry juice was on the table to begin with”
“I’m also the reason why you’re still here even though I could’ve kicked you out an hour ago.”
You couldn’t argue with that.
“Touche” You leaned forward. “How about we call a truce then.” You held out your hand.
He looked at your hand skeptically. “Truce? That implies we were fightin’ in the first place”
“You gonna take it or not?”, You smiled slyly and waved your hand. “Let me tell you now. I’m not someone you want as an enemy”
“Jeez that’s pretty scary sweetheart.” He leaned forward with his trademark cheeky grin…and was he blushing a bit? “Fine. Truce.” He reached out to shake your hand.
“I know the perfect way to celebrate” He said, rising from his seat. He walked behind the counter and rustled around in the fridge. You heard him mutter, “Where did ‘Samu put it”, as he continued digging around. “Aha. Here it is!”, he declared, finding whatever he was looking for. Atsumu walked back and plopped down in his seat, setting two cups of pudding on the table.
“Haha. Nice.” You picked up one of the pudding cups but noticed a little note stuck to it. “Huh. What’s this?” You pulled off the note to read it. Osamu’s pudding: DO NOT EAT. “Wait a second we can’t-“
Atsumu took the container out of your hands, broke the seal on the cover, and handed it back.
“Atsumu!”, you exclaimed.
“You’re welcome.” He opened his pudding cup and shoveled a spoonful in his mouth. “Mmm”
Well it’s not like you could put it back now that it was opened. You scooped a spoonful into your mouth. Your face lit up. Osamu’s pudding preferences were on point.
“I have a question”, Atsumu asked. “Why were ya tryin’ so hard on those dates anyways? Those guys were obviously trash, and ya don’t really seem like the type that’s desperate for romance.”
What he said wasn’t wrong, and you two were kind of having a moment here. You figured it’d be fine to tell him about it.
“Ugh the thing is” You gulped down another spoon of pudding. “I’m trying to prove something to my family”
“They don’t think I’m capable of romance, and my shitty cousin loves to rub it in my face. I’m trying to find a guy so I can flex on them”
He smirked. “Hah, that’s real petty”
You pointed your spoon at him. “I don’t wanna hear that from you.”
“Fair point”
Your computer chimed. You both turned to look at the screen. 100% Loaded.
“Yes!” You pumped your fists.
“Finally” Atsumu sighed, scraping the last of his pudding out of the cup. “So, ya gonna help me clean?”
“A deals a deal. Where should I start?”, you said combing your hair out of your face.
“I’ll take the tables. You’re on dish duty”
Atsumu went into the supply closet and came back with a rag. You caught yourself staring as he pushed his sleeves up. Okay the man had beautiful forearms, so what? You quickly looked away.
“You okay [y/n]?”, Atsumu interrupted your thoughts, cocking his head. Shit. You hoped he hadn’t noticed your little slip-up.
“Uh yeah! I got the dishes!”
You’d emailed the final prototype and you two were almost done tidying up. The only thing left to do was mopping the floor.
“[Y/N], How about we have a lil challenge”
You raised an eyebrow.
Atsumu brought two mops out of the supply closet, tossing one to you. “I’ll race ya. Last one to mop to the other side loses”
This was stupid there was no way you were about to have a dumb mopping ra-
“Unless you’re too scared”
You gripped your weapon. “Hah, You’re on”
You both stood at one end of the restaurant. Mops in hand.
“Ready” Atsumu clenched his mop. “Go!”
You realized that challenging a pro-athlete to a fair race was stupid. That’s why you didn’t intend to play fair. As soon as Atsumu motioned to take his first step you swiped your dripping mop in front of his foot. He lost his balance.
“Haha Loser!”, you turned to laugh at him. Thwack!
Atsumu collided with you knocking you backward. You hit the ground with a thud, securely pinned under him. Shit. He hauled himself onto his hands and knees, looking down at you.
“You cheated!”, he shouted.
“That doesn’t give you the right to tackle me!”, you shot back.
“I wasn’t tryin’ to tackle you!”
“So what!”, you grabbed his collar pulling him back so your foreheads were touching. You both paused. Shit. Did you just do something weird?
You were suddenly very aware of the nice smell wafting off his hair. You gulped. There was a pink blush creeping over Atsumu’s nose. He looked dumbstruck at first but soon a cheeky grin spread across his face.
“Wow [y/n], you’re pretty bold huh.”
“Shut up!”
The chimes jingled and the door opened. You both jumped and turned to the sound.
“Oolala”, the girl who came with Osamu was snickering.
“…is that my pudding?”
After that, you’d both apologized to Osamu, properly mopped the floor. You were getting ready to go home now. Luckily neither of you had been seriously injured in your little incident, but any time your eyes met Atsumu would shoot you an infuriating smirk.
As you were about to leave, Atsumu called out to you. “Hey [y/n] I’m gonna need my sweater back soon”
“Oh right! I forgot it at my apartment but I washed it so I’ll bring it by tomorrow”
“Sounds good. Good night [y/n].” As he turned to walk away, he looked back over his shoulder and smiled at you. It was a sincere smile like the one he gave you as he handed you his sweater the other day. You couldn’t help but smile back. This guy.
Your phone buzzed as you started walking back toward your apartment. You pulled it out.
Jerk Cousin:
Family brunch two Sundays from now. Don’t forget you’re in charge of fruit. My mom told me to remind you. She also said to tell you that you can bring a plus one, not that you’d need it lol
Onigiri Miya. Friday 11:15 AM
You’d slept like a baby that night, and woke up more refreshed than ever. It was like your 24 hours of hell never happened. You pulled open the door to the restaurant.
“Hey Osamu is Atsumu here? I have the sweater I kept forgetting in my apartment” You rustled through your bag pulling the sweater out. Looking up, you suddenly noticed that the restaurant was more packed than usual, and most of the occupants were looking at you.
“Oya oya?”
215 notes · View notes
queenjunoking · 3 years
Wolf Taming Pt 26
CW: Noncon - Shock Collar - Pain - Petplay - Drugs - Kidnapping  - Manipulation - Consent Violation 
2 Years Ago
“Morning Z.” A woman’s voice pulled me from my sleep. I blinked a few times to clear my eyes and saw Briar standing in the doorway holding a plate. “Oh dear. Were you actually sleeping last night? I’m really sorry I woke you up, you need all of it you can get.”
Briar was one of the few people I’d met that I could actually stand. She joined the Society about a month before I did and had been one of the few people who seemed genuine. For better or worse she had taken an interest in me after Eos had recommended I work here. She was nice and helpful, but it also meant enduring her quirks.
"Hello Miss Briar, how are you today?"
She sighed. "For the last time Z we're equals here. Briar is fine. It feels strange for you of all people to be calling me by a title."
"The Society has been pretty strict on titles, I'd prefer to keep to them while we're in one of their buildings."
"Z, between the two of us you're the one with an epithet. You should be a higher rank than you are. You're very good at what you do."
"The epithet is just a joke at my expense. If I was capable of doing things your way I would."
“I see. Epithets are a pretty big honor to have. Only like what, 7 percent of members have one? Why do you feel like it’s a joke?”
“Don’t do that.”
“Don’t do what?”
“Psychoanalyze me. Leave that for whoever's in your file for today.” Briar was nice, but she stuck her nose where it didn’t belong. It seemed like she was digging for something when I talked to her. She was a psychologist before she joined the Society. From my own experience with psychologists they made it a habit to stick their noses where you didn’t want them too.
Briar went silent for a moment before changing the subject. “So who is it today?”
“Some rando who decided to look for the Society.”
“No.” I couldn’t manage to suppress a sigh. “A kinkster that doesn’t really get what this place is about. Unfortunately for her it’s a bit too late to back out. Could I have a minute so I can get dressed?”
“Sure, I’ll be waiting outside.”
I looked at the clock, it was already two in the afternoon. I didn’t think it was that late already, apparently I did fall asleep at some point. It’s not like I’d gone outside much recently, I mostly kept to myself and daylight didn’t easily reach a place this deep.
I put on a pair of my favorite jeans and a black t-shirt and I was ready. A lot of the other breakers liked to dress up, find a theme to their work. One girl here dressed as a latex nurse. One guy loved his heavy goth look. Briar loved leather. I mostly kept it casual. I didn’t see why I should need some gimmick for my job.
I opened the door and motioned to her to come with. “Alright, lets go.”
“Nuh-uh. Wait.” She put out an arm to bar my exit and motioned for me to back up. “Here, have something to eat before you gather your equipment.” She placed the plate she was handing onto my desk. Just some toast and jam.
“I could have gotten something to eat myself.”
“I’m sure you could have, but were you going too?”
“Maybe? I kind of have a lot to take care of.”
“Uh-huh. Did you eat anything yesterday?” I hated when she did this, I could feel her looking me over like she could pick out something I did to prove that I was lying to her. I’m not sure why she cared.
“Fine!’ I was getting exasperated. I took a bite of the toast. “I’m eating it. Happy now?”
“Happier. You need to take care of yourself.” I was bracing myself for another lecture, but she went quiet. “You really leaving at the end of the week, Z?”
“Mhm. Today’s lucky capture will be the last one I’ll have to do. Got a house lined up and stuff. We’ll see how it goes. Plus... she’ll be done today.”
“Oh, right. If you want some help with that later on let me know. It’ll be easier with two people. If you ever want to talk about it you know where I’ll be.”
“I don’t have anything I need to talk about. Have a good day Briar.” I heard a bit of a sad sigh when I walked away from her. I had other things on my mind, I didn’t really have time to think about her five hundredth attempt to get me to talk to her about something. I flipped open the file
Name: Kim Raum
Height: 5’ 5
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Blonde (Bleached and Dyed)
Former Job: Tech Firm Manager
Reason for Capture: She stuck her nose where it didn’t belong and learned too much. She has been designated a liability.
Additional Information: We’ve searched through her computers and phone and evidence she is already a submissive who fantasizes about being owned by another person. She has a particular interest in being a petgirl and has fantasies of being a fox girl. She has masochist tendencies. We believe it is these tendencies that got her onto a trail of rumors about the Society. Others involved have already been captured and brought to the auction house.
We did not bring her here for her own pleasure. She is here to be punished for her transgressions. We recommend either Miss Briar or Z for this task due to the particular needs required. A complete break is requested.
Known Fears or Phobias: N/A
Chosen Breaker: Z
Chosen Fate for the New Capture: Sold at Auction.
Breaker Percentage: 3%
Breaker Notes: I sent out an invitation to the target via a Society Member working in a kink dungeon she frequents to visit the Auction House. The member is known to her and she agreed to the “full experience” which included a “fake” kidnapping where she will be secured on an evening walk by a capture team lead by Jude. I have orders for her to be placed in my usual room where she will be under the belief that this is just a sex club of some sort. In order to expedite the process she was given something to fill out so she knows what kinds of activities she may experience here.
It was going to be a long day. We occasionally caught some reporters or friends of those we captured snooping about. If the Society felt it was safe to move against them we’d capture them. I’m not sure we ever came across someone who was looking to join willingly. They really had no idea what we were about.
I went to the preparation area and picked out the things I wanted. It was always the same list. I found my method effective enough I didn’t see a reason to change it. I filled out an order for it to be set out for 7 P.M., when I’d be meeting the person I’d be spending time with for a few days.
I got a message informing me last minute this session would be recorded as it was my last one. It was for record keeping as I had yet to have a recorded session. I sighed and returned to my room. I spent the remainder of my time trying to act in front of my mirror. I felt I was a pretty bad actor, but I only needed to be so convincing. My alarm went off at 6:45 and I made my way to the breaking chambers.
I opened the door and saw the occupant go from looking around the room to pretending to be asleep. I rolled my eyes and entered the room. They were shackled in my favorite device. It was similar to a chair you might see in a gynecologist office, but the stirrups could lock and the arms could be locked up near their head. It gave me full access to their body.
“Good evening Miss Raum, I know you’re awake.”
“What gave it away?”
“I saw you looking around.”
“That was more of a rhetorical… anyway. Are you Z? Where you the one who sent me that message?”
“I am. One of the perks of working here is getting a one night voucher you can give to someone. It’s a pretty special gift. I didn’t have anyone I wanted to give mine too so I asked Aiden if he knew anyone who would appreciate it. He dropped your name.”
“Guess I’m just lucky. This place is exciting. Have you seen the place up front? There's an entire stage, what’s it for?”
“This is the Auction House Miss Raum, the stage is the most important place in the entire building.”
I saw her eyes go wide. “Like you guys actually auction off people here? How does it work? Is it just like for some activities tonight or something?”
I smiled at her. “You’ll learn in due time. If you’re good for me you might get to see it yourself.”
“Aww… I have to be good?” She flashed some puppy dog eyes at me.
“Good is a relative term. Believe me, you’ll know if you’re being bad. But we have to go through the formalities before we really begin. We try to keep the Auction House pretty immersive, but we have to check in first. What is your name?
“Kim Raum.”
“Miss Raum-”
“Please just call me Kim.”
“Alright. Kim. Kim, do you remember the safeword you were given before?”
“Traffic light system, I got it.”
“And you know my particular area I work with?” I circled around behind her. I reached into the refrigerated portion and pulled out a knife and a pair of scissors and placed them in my pockets.
“Aiden said you like ‘sensory stuff’ and said it would be better to talk to you about it than him spoiling the surprise.”
“Pretty much. I hope it’ll be something you remember. Are you wearing the clothes I requested?” I stood behind her as we talked. Every movement mattered since this was being recorded.
“I might have worn something nicer had I realized what kind of upscale place this was, but I wore what you asked. Clothes I didn’t mind losing. Jude already showed me where to go to pick up new clothes after this. I have to admit, the immersive experience has been pretty great so far. Kidnapping team is quite fantastic.”
I gave her a smile. It’s interesting hearing someone so happy about a trap they willingly walked into. “You know what to do if it gets too much. I’m sure you know what to do if you want more as well. Just say your name and that you consent and we can begin. You can always revoke it at any time.”
“My name is Kim Raum and I consent to this.” I slipped a blindfold over her eyes. This always worked best when they couldn’t see.
I wrapped my arms around her from the back. I pressed the button on the switchblade and it shot out, grazing her cheek with it’s icy tip. I felt her tense up a bit. A great start.
“Oooooh nooooo. Are you going to hurt me? That’s terrible.” I could hear a bit of a laugh. I’m glad she was enjoying herself for now.
I walked around to the front of her, dragging the tip of the knife down from the side of her wrist to her waist as I walked by. Light enough not to draw blood. Hard enough to feel the cold sharp blade. “We’ll see. Your clothes are in my way.”
I pulled the pair of scissors out of my pocket. I felt her shiver as the metal touched her stomach. I held onto her shirt as I slid the scissors up her stomach, the scissors slid through the cloth like it was a hot knife through butter. I managed to bisect her shirt and bra with one motion. A lucky move to be honest, I usually had to make a second cut for that. With a few more swipes I cut down the sleeves to the center before I pulled the tatters off of her and threw them to the side.
I moved down to her pants and did the same thing. A single gliding cut up each pant leg and I could pull them off. I didn’t catch her panties with them unfortunately. The scissors had warmed up at this point so I placed them off to the side. I flicked open the knife and traced it over her as I studied them.
I decided to take the risk. I held the knife close like I was going to cut them off. Then with one motion I instead grabbed them and pulled, tearing the fabric and pulling them off. 
“Whoa.” “Yeah, I’m kind of impressed in myself to be honest. Wasn’t sure if it would work and it would have been embarrassing if it didn’t.” I walked back over to the cart and placed the knife and scissors back in the refrigerated compartments. “How about we switch it up a bit?”
“Got more settings than cold?” She did enjoy poking at me. I wasn’t sure if that really made me feel better or worse about what I was building up to.
I gave her a little chuckle. “A couple more at least.”
I placed a few things on a tray and brought it over to her. A wand vibrator, two lotions, some swabs, and some latex gloves.The vibrator came with an attachment so I could hook it to the chair. I put it on it’s lowest setting and placed it snug against her. “I like to introduce a bit of pleasure to go with the pain.”
“Oh? Were the scissors and the knife not supposed to be the pleasure portion?”
“I can see you were the right person to give that voucher to Kim. I’m sure you’ll appreciate what else we’ll be doing.” 
I slid on the gloves and applied a dab of the bottles to each nipple. I began rubbing it in and listened to her moan. Soon enough their effects began to work and she squirmed a bit. “Something wrong?”
“Probably not, just a little surprised. A tiny bit chilly on one side but the other side is a bit hot.” It was a neat little concoction. One side was a special mixture of a pepper the Society cultivated. The other side was a mint extract of some type. It wasn’t too bad without the full mixture.
“How’s it feeling?” I whispered into her ear.
“It’s an interesting feeling. Surely you can do a bit more though?”
Just the opening I was waiting for. I turned the wand up to a higher setting and walked back to the cart and picked up the items I needed for the main performance. Another lotion bottle, a spray bottle, a syringe, a vial, an enema bag, a jug of ice water, a special rubber gag and a hood. Everything she needed to be comfortable for a few hours. I removed her blindfold so she could see the tray.
“Is that a syringe?” I could hear the caution in her voice.
“Indeed it is. The Society creates a lot of their own drugs among other things. This is a particularly fun one I think you’ll enjoy.” I held up the syringe and filled it with the contents of the vial.
“Red. No.” She paused for a second to moan as the vibrator continued to do its work. “Red. No needles. No drugs.” She sat there, expecting something to happen. I was just searching for the best place to inject it. “What the fuck are you doing?! Stop!”
“What was that Kim?”
“Are you deaf I said re-” When she opened her mouth again I lifted the spray bottle and sprayed the contents into her mouth. “What the hell was-” she was interrupted again when she suddenly screamed and began to thrash in the chair. I felt a smile touch my lips but I quickly wiped it away.
I grabbed the rubber gag and shoved it into her mouth. It was an oval gag meant to keep the wearer’s mouth pried open but wouldn’t let them bite down all the way. It helped protect the tongue.
I grabbed her by the hair to pull her head to the headrest. “Look at me.” Her eyes darted towards me, wide. I could see she was afraid now. She knew the play was done. “Kim, that's a special spray made with a pepper that’s cultivated by our group. It’s called a Hellfire Kiss. I’ve obviously never tried it myself. I’m not really into spicy things. But I’m told it's over as hot as a Carolina Reaper but I’m afraid I don’t really have a reference for how hot that is. Be good and I’ll share something I have that’ll neutralize it. Be bad and I’m sure I can find other places you really don’t want this to touch. You’re shackled to a chair right now, you have nowhere you can escape to. Nod your head up and down if you want to be a good girl.”
She was still trying to break out of the chair, but she vigorously nodded her head up and down. “It’s so easy to be a good girl Kim, I’m glad you’ve decided to work with me.” I jabbed her with the needle and injected the substance. It was quite the lovely mixture. A special stimulant that helped the user take more of a beating before they would lose consciousness. It also intensified sensations, making everything she was feeling even more intense.
I pulled on another pair of latex gloves and squirted the lotion into my hands. I ignored her crying and applied the lotion to her nipples. She gasped as the full effect of the lotions started. The other two on their own were nice for sore muscles. If either was mixed with this one it intensified their effects. I was told that it was fairly safe but the sensation would keep intensifying for a while. As the seconds ticked by her thrashing renewed and unintelligent babble left her mouth.
It was easier not to acknowledge it. She would have to get used to not being acknowledged in any meaningful way.
I inserted the enema plug into her none too gently. I had things to do today and didn’t want to spend much more time here. She made a small noise of discontent at the feeling but started begging again when I started to fill the bag. I just kept ignoring her. It didn’t really matter what she wanted or what her thoughts on anything were anymore. It was time she learned that. I watched as it started to run into her. The water was just barely above freezing. It would be pretty painful. Beyond just being filled to the brim with water that cold it would cause pretty horrific cramping.
“Almost done. Then you can sit on your own for a few hours and think about how you willingly came here.” I placed the earbuds in her. They just played loud static. I wanted her to focus on the sensation. It was best to make sure every sense was being used.
I took one last look into her eyes before I pulled the hood over her head. It covered her eyes but left a place open for her nose and mouth. I opened the spray bottle and dipped some swabs in the mixture. I held the bottle up to her mouth and gave her another spray, resulting in a new round of screams. I went over to the table and picked out a plug for the gag and inserted it, forcing her to breathe through her nose. I heard her whimper as the first round of cramps spread through her. I took the swabs and swirled them around her nose. I watched her fingers curl as she tried to reach for her face. This method kept it around longer. She’d be breathing it in for awhile.
With that I was done. In a few hours she’d pass out and someone else would clean her up. I’d be repeating this activity several times a day for the rest of the week and hope she broke before the end of the week.
I looked back at my last victim. Anyone else would have drawn out what they were doing. Slowly breaking them over time until they acknowledge their new lot in life. But not me. I did my best to overwhelm them with sensations until it was too much for them. She was a sobbing mess now but soon she would break and be fine. I broke them as quick as I could to protect them from anymore suffering.
I was a figure of mercy.
I cared for them.
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naptoons · 4 years
V-Day Concepts:
So happy Valentine’s Day!!! To everyone even if you don’t have one love yourself !! Treat yourself!!! Consider your friends your valentine or your animals!! You don’t need a valentine it’s not really necessary, as long as you know you have people that love you that’s all that should matter🤍
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I feel like Austin would do something very simple, he would probably take you to the beach teach you how to surf. He’d call you at a certain time knowing how you love your beauty sleep. “Hello?” you answer groggy “get ready bubs, I’m on my way” Austin explains and without your answer he hangs up, making your furrow your eyebrows in confusion, adding more to his plans. Getting dressed you slip on a t-shirt and some shorts. The weather wasn’t too cold but it wasn’t too hot either. Twenty minutes later Austin pulls up to your house, you walk out getting in the car to see the mocha haired boy smiling harder then a kid on Christmas.
“Why are we doing?” You ask with a rasp still.
“I guess you’d have to wait and see beautiful”
Arriving to the beach, there was a table set out with roses and candles, Austin smiled at how your eyes were sparkling like fireworks. He grabs your hand walking you guys to the table he pulls your chair out, then pushing you towards the table. “I can in a t-shirt and shorts to a dinner Austin!” You exclaim through the lump in your throat.
“Well, I wanted you as rare and organic as you are, no makeup with me baby” Austin smiles, you smile as he grabs your hand kissing you knuckles one by one “happy Valentine’s Day” he whispers you gasp not realizing today was Valentine’s Day. You knew it was this month but you didn’t really care for the day that much. After you guys ate y’all waited a while before getting in the water, none of you bought swimwear , literally as raw as he wanted it to be. Austin taught you to surf seeing your fear and happiness in spilt seconds.
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I feel like nick would do something kinda bigger but not so big it causes a lot of attention. I feel like he would take you out to dinner and watch a movie back at the crib on a projector. Nick was already at your house because he spent the night over helping you with your college homework. His fingers caressed your skin softly looking at the time on his phone as it showed ‘6:45 pm’ , nick taps your thighs softly trying to wake you up, when tapping you was futile he started to kiss your face softly and slowly. Your hands sliding through his hair smiling when his lips attach to yours. “How May I help you?” You ask still smiling
“by getting dressed, we’re going out tonight” Nick mumbles against your neck because you’ve pulled him in a hug.
“Hmm, but what if I wanna stay in all night?” You mumble, nick shakes his head tickling you, you let out a sharp scream almost falling off the bed. After the both of you take a shower nick said he had to pick up some stuff from the store. So you got dressed did your makeup and patiently wait for nick. As if on time he knocks on the door. Opening the door he has a bouquet of roses sitting on a top of assorted cheesecake platter along with chocolate covered strawberries. “Nick...” you whimper in admiration, nick walks in the house giving you a quick peck on your lips, and placing your gifts in the kitchen.
“The big bear I wanted to get you isn’t coming until tomorrow , blame amazon prime” nick expresses, you walk up behind him and hug him. “I love you...” you choke, nick spins around in your arms titling your head up to him “no crying!! can’t ruin a hardwork ma’s” he cleans your tears with a napkin. Nick reserved a table for y’all on a rooftop, letting you see how beautiful his hometown was at night, he loved taking you to his hometown, cause you’d be shocked at the scene everytime. Throughout the whole night he just got lost in your eyes. Occasionally picking up in the conversation until you yelled at him “nick! Are you listening?” You smile bigger than ever tonight “not really you’re just to fucking beautiful ma” his accent finally comes out, that’s when you knew he was serious. After dinner you went back to the house seeing him pull down the projector he installed in the living room, sliding in the CD. Half way into the movie, it stops showing text upon the screen, “I’ve finally found out what true love is, I realize I deserve happiness, so now there’s only one thing to do” Nick then pulls out the box in his jacket, getting on one knee, you gasp covering your mouth, your body shaking in shock.
“Will you marry me y/n?” Nick smiles “trust me I have more words to say after this” shaking your head he grabs your left hand sliding the ring on, almost falling off the couch to hug him, he kisses all over you. “God I love you” he repeats with every kiss.
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So with Edwin I feel he would be a little more extra than nick and Austin combined. He’d probably check off your bucket list. So on there you wanted to go ice skating, stargazing and to a sea aquarium. Not only was that on your bucket list you wanted to take a trip to universal studios. So Edwin planned all of it for you. As you were packing your bags Edwin runs in with a bouquet of your favorite flowers “good morning amor, sorry for waking you up this earlier, but it’ll be worth it I promise” he bends down to your level kissing your head softly you grab the flowers out of his hand smiling. Even though you were pretty upset at him for waking you up literally 8am you knew you couldn’t be mad at him “all done here?” He asks grabbing your hand to stand you up.
“Yep, all done” you answer, the boys woke up early to send you guys off on y’all road trip Zion being the extra one he is he advises you to wear a helmet cause Edwin drives crazy. Nick disagrees and says that’s the right way to drive. After hours of driving you made it to the hotel. Y’all rest and the next day the adventures start. He took you to the aquarium, holding your hand as you stare at the jellyfish, his smile increasing the more you gasp and rant. It’s been a while since edwin has dated someone he just wasn’t ready. He just wanted to focus on music, live his life and be happy. But you came by and just changed the moral of the story.
You wasn’t part of his plan, but now everything he ever does revolves around you, you look up at edwin who looks brain dead, just blinking slowly. “Edwin you’re spacing out again” you giggle, his smile appearing again showing off his marshmallow teeth, he pulls you in and kiss you softly. “You’re to beautiful mami, that’s why I keep spacing out” Edwin answers you. Later that night you guys went ice skating. He got on the ice holding your hand as you tried to stand on the ice. Letting out curse words with tiny screams, Edwin just laughs at your cuteness “you think this is funny? I’m going to crack my spine” you exaggerate, Edwin scrunches his nose up laughing at you harder his fingers intertwined with yours. Edwin never takes his hands off yours teaching you how to skate little by little, in that short span of time you caught on quick. The next day edwin woke you up after 11am to eat breakfast, and took you to universal studios. You saw the sign and screamed. Your back lifting off the seat and looking around.
Edwins lips curve slowly, his hands caressing your inner thigh, you turn your head back to him, smiling harder you grab his chin squeezing his cheeks in your hand you give him a soft peck, laying in his shoulder.
“I love you so much” you mumbles
“Impossible, but I love you more babygirl” Edwin says before he kisses your head.
Throughout the day y’all tried to ride everything , when with fast passes it was nearly impossible. It was time to go back to the hotel, you were exhausted from all the walking, the hot weather, but you don’t regret it at all. If you could do it all over again. You sure as hell would. Sliding the key card on the lock you twist open the door seeing the rose trail you turn around and punch edwin’s chest. “Happy Valentine’s Day baby” he whispers on your earlobe and hugs you around your waist.
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I feel like this would be y’all first Valentine’s Day, cause he really wasn’t looking for love and you had to many heartbreaks. So you caught zions eye and obviously he worked hard to have your heart in his hands. And he wasn’t planning on stopping even though he had you. So Valentine’s Day was kinda special for you, you don’t really ask for much, just and I love you text. But he said you deserve everything and more. You deserved to be treated the way he saw you. As a queen, a goddess. Zion had took you to get your nails done, your eyebrows, paid someone to do your makeup, earlier he reserved you a spa treatment. He went above and beyond for you.
You got home after Zion had you running around getting pampered, you went to the room confused by the dress covered in a transparent bag, with the tag on it and everything. A box of Louis Vuitton sitting on the floor, a note was attached to the dress picking it up you read the more Zion left you “get dressed mamas, we’re going out tonight, you thought I would stop spoiling you after I finally got you?” Smiling you shake your head you unzip the transparent cover revealing the beautiful black glitter short dress, you open the box seeing a sliver strap heel. Fifteen minutes later, Zion knocks on your door, dressed in all black to match with you, he offers you to grab his hand. And you see a whole horse and a carriage.
“No way Zion...” you whimper, Zion slides your hand in between his. “Yep, this ain’t a dream mamas” he proudly smiles. Helping you get into the carriage you cross one leg over the other while his hands were on your knee caressing it with his thumb. “You look beautiful” Zion compliments you.
“Of course i do, you picked it all” you laugh
“Nah, it picked you, anything looks good on your fine ass” Zion eases you up and down. You guys went to an art museum that recently just opened, he remembered how excited you were about going to that museum so he figured today was the day that he could take you and so presently they also had a indoor dinner lounge on the backside of the art museum so he also reserve that for the both of you walking around and admiring the art wow Zion is admiring you he figured it was time to give you a promise ring that he has bought for a while but hesitated because he was scared he would overwhelm you.
“Hey mamas?” Zion says has he fidgets with the box in his jeans pocket you turn around smiling as he grabs your left hand caressing it softly with his thumb “ so you know how I promise that I would do everything in my power to keep you and to love you, now I’m promising to never leave you and to forever make you happy no matter what happens to us or no matter where I go even when I’m on tour I promise to always be there for you and to always be the shoulder you need” he pulls out the ring and slides it on your finger. “ I promise that one day when the time is right I will be your husband”
You throw your arms around his neck crying on his shoulders, “aw mamas you’re so fucking beautiful”
Afterwards you guys at dinner and sat in his car watching the stars.
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you guys were at the prettymuch house in his room. You just woke up twenty minutes ago. Brandon busted in the room with an assortment of paints and canvases. “We’re painting!” Brandon yells “I see that baby” you giggle, getting out the bed you pull down Brandon’s hoodie and sit on the carpet, he hands you a canvas and a bottle of water. After three hours. Y’all were both covered in paint from the neck down, laying on your back playing with his fingers. You turn to look at him on the corner of your eyes. “So what did you paint bubs?” You asked smiling.
“You’ll see in a minute but first..” he pulls out a bandana and covers my eyes “grab my hand” Brandon mumbles, while this is going on Zion takes the painting and goes to the backyard, he sits you down on the chair in the backyard throwing a blanket around your shoulders because it was kinda chilly. “Brandon?” You whisper “yeah baby I’m here” Brandon answers “are you ready to see the painting?” He nervously asks. “Yeah” you answer once you open your eyes you see a painting of you and Brandon , with the words ‘will you marry me?’ Brandon is down on his knees smiling at the tears flowing down your cheeks. “You mena everything and more to me, and to make you my fiancé would just be a fucking goal to me, falling in love with you is just as important to me as music, you’re my dream baby, so will you marry me?” You nod your head hearing his members scream and whistle as he slides the ring on your finger.
Afterwards you guys cuddled in a tent watching a movie on the projector, he begins to play with your fingers. “Hm I love you” you whisper then kiss his knuckles softly “I love you more” he tilts your head up to kiss him, smiling in between his kisses. “Happy Valentine’s Day Babylove”
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fanofafan2ff · 4 years
52: Arrived
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I adjusted the blinds in the room so the sun wouldn’t come in as much. It didn’t matter though. Chloe was only going to sleep for an hour before she woke up because she either realized no one was holding her or she was hungry.
Is it possible that a baby could already be spoiled at six weeks? Because Chloe  Monét Brown was just that.
After Mijo and Mel’s wedding, it was like my pregnancy was moving in slow motion. The weeks were going by so slowly, I felt like I’d never hit 40 weeks. But when I did and sis still wasn’t here... I was completely over it! I was beyond uncomfortable, tired, sick, fed, and up- in that order.
Our doctor had given us a two week timeline and if she wasn’t out by then, I’d have to be induced. But, Little Miss Brown wasn’t having that. A day shy of being seven days overdue, my water broke in the middle of the night. I was surprisingly calm.. but all that flew out the window once my first contraction hit.
Thankfully, Chloe didn’t torture me for hours labor wise. I was already dialed to 4 by time we got to the hospital. It didn’t take me long to get to 10 before I was pushing. She was 5 pounds and 2 ounces, which surprised me because I thought she’d be a little bigger than that.
And as young as she was, she already had a personality of her own. She loved to be held and cuddled by everyone, especially Christian. He loved his sister and nobody could tell him anything about his Coco. That’s what he called her and he made sure nobody thought they could call her that too. He was already so over protective of her.
It was definitely and adjustment, having both him and Chloe. Having two kids was no joke. It was extremely difficult about three weeks ago when we got to take her home. He was having kind of a hard time realizing he wasn’t the only child anymore. He had a whole tantrum and even told Chris and I that we liked the baby more than him.
My poor pumpkin felt like we didn’t love him all because he wasn’t the center of attention anymore. In a way it was cute but also concerning. Dr. Lopez had informed me about stuff like this happening but to actually see it was crazy. So one night, after dinner, we made sure to sit down with him and just talk things through.
We let him know that even though Chloe was getting a lot of attention it didn’t mean we loved him any less. And once we incorporated him into her routines, he couldn’t get enough of her. He loved taking naps with her and whenever he’d wake up before her and she started fussing in her sleep, he’d rub her back just the way Chris and I taught him how to so she would doze right back off to sleep. He especially loved to give her his special big brother good night kisses.
Sometimes I swore this wasn’t my life.
It was around 10am, so Christian was in school today and wouldn’t be home until around 4:30. The house was clean and quiet and I was in heaven.. at lest for another hour. I made sure to readjust the baby monitor so I could see her clearly on my phone and pulled up the door before exiting and making my way to the bedroom.
Since giving birth six weeks ago, I’d already dropped 20 pounds which I was grateful for, since I’d gained damn near 50. I’d been eating better, trying to exercise, and breast feeding helped a lot too. All the extra weight on me just didn’t make me feel like myself and I hated it. This shit had to go.
I sheded my pajamas and pulled on some compression shorts and a T shirt. I slipped on the first pair of Nikes I saw and sauntered downstairs to the gym.I kept the baby monitor app up and watched Chloe’s chest fall and rise and she napped in the dimly lit room. I popped one of my Airpods in and started some music up while I started the treadmill up.
MoneyBagg Yo’s voice flowed through my ears as my fast walking turned into strides. Not before long I was in a groove and jogging at a nice pace. I wasn’t anywhere near where I wanted to be weight loss wise. I intended on losing the 50 pounds I’d gain during this pregnancy and well as an additional 20. All together, I needed 70 pounds gone.
Of course everyone around me though my weight loss goal was crazy, seeing as though I was only six weeks postpartum, but I needed this time in the gym for myself. I hadn’t been working as much while I was pregnant with there being so much going on so there was that. After giving birth, I was stuck in this routine of being a stay at home mom and I never saw this for myself so it was weird.
But breast feeding full time came with a lot, so I told myself I’d give it 6 months and then slowly ween Chloe off my boob. After that, I’d go back to working and getting my business back on track. My pockets weren’t hurting for cash at all, thank God. But, I never saw myself living doing the stay home mom thing for real.
And you know who was supportive the who every step on the way when I told them my plan.
Christopher Maurice Brown.
I’d told him my weight goal and before I could even get the reasons why out of my mouth he was already asking if I needed him to get me a trainer. He even vowed to get healthier with me. He wanted to know what he could do to help me out of the funk of the stay at home mom routine. He wanted to help me revive my business. He just.. was everything. I really loved that man to the moon and back.
It was having his support that made literally everything so easy.
Especially with the kids. Chris made sure to make his family a priority- even while having a million and one things to tackle. He was front row center for everything that had to do with Christian and Chloe. He was getting Christian to school and packing lunches, he was changing diapers and rocking her back to sleep when I was too tired to move.
I just really had to thank God for blessing me with this man, even with everything we had been through.
An hour later I had ran about 3 miles, did ab workouts and also worked on my glutes. I was feeling good. I made my way back upstairs and checked on Chloe. I was surprised she hadn’t woken up yet. I used to time to indulge in a super long shower. I even got to wash my hair. She’d not only help my gain a little more junk in the trunk but my hair had grown an extra five inches. I was so thankful. My hair needed a break from wigs and extensions.
After I got dressed and ran some product through my hair, I climbed back in the bed and got comfortable. As the weeks went by she was sleeping a bit more soundly and I was so thankful. I finally had a moment to myself and decided to indulge in social media.
I honestly hadn’t been on there in a while. Between being so busy and actually not caring about what people posted for real these days, I only found myself on here when I had a few minutes of down time.
Cute outfit.
New boutique.
Cute hair style.
“Oh, her nails are bomb.” I said out loud to myself. I continued to scroll through my feed making sure to like a few things. I could feel my eyes slowly getting heavier as I scrolled through my feed. I double checked that Chloe was okay and decided to take a nap. I made sure to set an alarm for 1pm, ensuring that I’d sleep for at least 45 minutes.
I wasn’t sure how long I’d been asleep when I felt wet lips on my face. “She sleep man.” Chris laughed. “But I missed her today.” Christian whispered. I guess he wasn’t trying to wake me up. He was the cutest, I swear.
“Hi pumpkin.” I giggled. He crawled back over and suffocated me with a mini bear hug. “I made Coco a picture today at school.” He boasted. “Oh, you did?” “Yeah, and daddy said I could show it to my grandmas cause they’re gonna come today.” He rambled. Today?
I look at over Chris who was shaking his head at Christian. “Yooo.. you can’t hold water.” He laughed. “Surprise.” Chris shrugged. “Aw, they’re coming?” I smiled tiredly. “Yeah they should be here tonight. I knew y’all was missing each other and they wanted to come see Christian and Chloe. So, I got em some flights and they’ll be staying here for a week or two. And you need the help when I leave.” He said.
He would be leaving for a promo run for his album next week. He’d only be gone for a week and a half, but that seemed like forever these days. We’d spent so much time together lately I honestly forgot what it was like to miss him. And I really didn’t want to remember.
“You’re the sweetest.” I said honestly. “Gimme kiss.” I puckered my lips for him. He leaned over and pecked me quickly. “Ew.” Christian gagged. He got himself off the bed and ran to his room which made Chris and I laugh. I swear he was so dramatic.
I grabbed my phone and checked the time to see I’d only been sleep for 30 minutes. I checked the baby monitor app and saw Chloe was still sleeping. “Why did you pick him up so early?” I asked. He still had a cool 3 hours left. “I missed my son.” He shrugged. He eased on the bed and laid himself right on top of me making me laugh.
“Whyyyyy?” I whined. “Cause I missed my wife too.” “Fiancé .” I corrected. He kissed his teeth. “Fiancé.” He mocked in a voice that was supposed to sound like mine that made me laugh. I placed both my hands on his face and gave him another kiss. “Did you check on Chloe when you got in?” I asked. “Yeah, was still knocked out. That titty milk be having my babygirl gone.” He laughed before rolling off of me.
He placed his arms behind his head and got comfortable. He done a white T shirt, grey Nike shorts, and some socks. His was growing out his facial hair and slowly but surely, his beard was connecting. The scruffy look worked for him. But then again, what doesn’t? He looked so comfortable.. yet so fine.
“Madison.” I heard before snapping back into reality. “Huh?” “Where yo ring at?” He asked. I looked down at my left hand immediately. Shit, where did I put it this time? “I think I took it off in the bathroom last night.” “You think?” He chuckled darkly. “Aight.” He nodded before rolling out the bed and heading to the closet.
My ring was just a little too big for my finger, so it was always sliding off my finger whenever I wore it. Chris and I meant to get it resized but, it’s just been too many things going on. I kept telling myself I needed to do it as soon as possible because I was truly sick of us having this petty argument.
I got up and made my way to the bathroom. I opened the small jewelry box on my vanity and pulled my ring out before slipping it on my finger. I sauntered into the closet and watched as he pulled one of his million duffle bags from the shelf. He had been putting off packing for his trip for days but he was just ready to do it now.. all of a sudden. He was so aggravating I swear.
But, honestly, I was in no mood to argue today. I walked up behind him as he sorted through his Nike collection, trying to pick out some shoes. I pouted as I wrapped my arms around him. “Don’t be mad at me.” I whined. “I’m sorry. See, I put it back on.” I extended my hand so he could see.
“Cool.” He uttered, not even bothering to take a look at the ring. I walked around and stood in front of him. I put his face in my hands for the second time today. “Christopher. Stop being petty.” I rubbed over his ears to relax him a bit. “I keep telling you, it’s too big. I don’t want it to fall off and I don’t want to lose it so I take it off. You think I’m trying to look single out here or something?” I asked.
"I have two kids, nobody’s gonna want me.” I shrugged. The joke made him kiss his teeth. “Stop being mad at meeee.” I continued to whine. “I’m not mad.” He ensured. I let his face go and he continued to sort through his shoes. “I just want you to wear it, alright? I love seeing you have it on your finger.” He explained. “We getting it resized before I leave. Cool?” He asked. I nodded and puckered my lips for a kiss.
He bent down and got dangerously close to my lips before pulling back, “Ha, you thought!” I hated when he did that shit. “You’re not gonna kiss me?” I pouted. “I’m good love.” The side eye I was giving him was vicious. He thought that shit was so funny. I nodded and backed away from him. 
“Keep that same energy, Brown. Keep that same energy. Cause when I get clearance from my doctor next week, you’re gonna be sick. You’re going to live in the doghouse. Better get real acquainted with that left hand, play boy.” I stuck my middle finger at him and made myself comfortable on top of the island which was a few steps away from him. 
He looked back at me with a playful smile. 
“Cap.” He muttered. I lifted my eyebrow, daring him to continue. “I know your body like the back of my hand. You just went six weeks without this dick. And if you put me in the doghouse.. you gon be sick.” He chuckled. “Why does this sound like a bet?” I grinned.
“What you tryna put on it, baby mama?” He asked as he walked over. He knew what he was doing. His hands immediately came in contact with my thighs. He ran small circles over them while staring in my eyes. Ugh, I couldn’t stand him. 
“Let’s put a week of dirty diapers on it.” I said pushing his hands of me. He found it funny but nodded anyway. “Seal it with a kiss?” He asked puckering his lips up. I learned forward and just before we could kiss, I backed up and placed my hand in his face. “You thought!” 
“What she said sis? That pussy is clear for take off!” Kaya clapped. “Pchttt!” Ashley cosigned making the worst airplane sound I’d ever heard in my life. I laughed obnoxiously loud as we sat in the back of the Mexican restaurant. 
I had just left my 6 week check up and I was all good to have sex again. My health was in good shape as well, and I’d lost an additional five pounds. I was feeling good. I had been locked in the house for weeks and I needed to get away and just breathe. So, Mel decided we could all have lunch together. 
Both my babies were at home with both their grandmas. The love and support I’d been smothered this week was so needed. Chris left a few days ago and I was really missing him. Christian would get so sad when he wasn’t here to bring him to school everyday, but Chris promised they’d pick right back up where they left off. 
Both Mama J and Tasha were loving being here with them, but honestly, I think I loved it more. They wouldn’t let me do anything but breastfeed her Chloe. After I’d feed her they’d whisk her away from grandma time which gave me time to catch up on some sleep. My skin and body were so thankful for it. My dad was a bit too busy to take off work but he’d let me know he’d be out to visit soon. I felt like it had been so long since I seen him. 
“It’s just a shame that yo husband ain’t here to be the pilot.” Mel nudged me. I hadn’t told them about the bet and I wasn’t going to. They would root for Chris anyway. I only giggled i response to her words. “I do miss him.” I admitted. It had only been a week and I was ready for it to be over.
“So when are you gonna start planning the wedding?” Mel asked. I shrugged. “Any theme in mind?” Another shrug. “Who’s the maid of honor?” Kaya asked. Another shrug. I literally had no idea. And honestly, the wedding wasn’t on my priority list right now. 
Our waiter came over to the table and somehow Kaya convinced me to get a margarita. I was only having one to celebrate my health and I knew I had to pump and dump my breast milk for the next few hours. I was so glad I’d decided to pump before I decent amount before I had left this morning. 
After a few sips, I was already tipsy. I had never been a light weight, but being away from alcohol for so long had me feeling like I was a college freshman again. It wasn’t before long that I was officially drunk. Shit, it was barely 1pm and I was gone. 
The girls immersed themselves in girl talk as I quickly sent a message on my phone. 
I miss you. 
And your dick 😢
I was trying my hardest to not lose this bet Chris and I had going... but fuck. 
We had sex up until I was about 8 months but after that I literally just couldn’t bother. I was so uncomfortable those last couple weeks I didn’t want to be touched. But, in this moment Chris was making me eat my words. 
I was sick.
I stared into space quietly and I could see myself laid out in the middle of our king sized bed with my legs spread open while Chris sucked on me like his life depended on it. I blinked, and I could see him pushing my thighs back into the mattress and he pounded into me and whispered how good I felt in my ear. I had to take a breath because it’s was as if I could feel every bit of it. 
“Hello?” Ashley snapped. “Did you hear me?” She asked. “Sorry, what?” “I said, I’m single. I’ve decided to devote this year to myself and career.” She shrugged. “So, no more fucking Austin?” I asked. “Nope.” She made sure to pop the third letter. 
“Well, I’m gonna try not to.” She laughed. “Fuck, I just be having them stupid ass moments of weakness when I’m drunk. And Austin never tells me no. That’s he problem!” She reasoned. “Why toxic dick be so goooood?” She whined. “Preach, sister.” Kaya clapped. 
“I’m just gonna keep the focus on myself. Stay celibate- to the best of my ability. Build my brand and kill shit. Period.” She signaled with her hand. “Well, you got our support babes. Always, you know that.” Mel chimed in. “Plus, you know we gon call you the fuck out if you start fucking him again and don’t tell us. Yeah, bitch I’m still salty.” Kaya rolled her eyes. 
Once all the hoopla around Mel’s wedding went away, Ashley spilled her guts on her and Austin messing around again. Turns out they had been having sex wayyyy longer than anyone knew about. She thought he was trying to rekindle the relationship, but turns out he just really wanted to keep having sex. He was stringing her along and once she picked up on it she was out. She would slip up a few times though. 
Ashley rolled her eyes right back. “Well, like I said, toxic dick be good.” She said making us laugh. “I think I wanna move to Atlanta with Ant.” Kaya blurted out. My eyes bulged. That was a big ass step. Especially since Kaya was so strategic with her love life now. Ty really fucked her head up. It took a while for Ant to get through to her, so to hear that she was thinking about moving to another city for him was big.
“Yeah, I know.” She let out a nervous laugh before shrugging. “Wow, that’s big Kaya.” Mel weighed in. “Crazy thing about it is... I’m not even afraid to do. I think... I’m gonna do it.” She sighed. “Am I crazy?” She asked. 
“No!” We agreed in unison. “You love him, and if you think y’all are ready for that step, we’re behind you 100 percent of the way.” I stated. I’m sure Ashley and Mel felt the same way and my sentiments were correct when they chimed in with the nods and words of approval. She looked like she let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. 
“Wait.. that means we’re not gonna be a foursome anymore.” Ashely stated. “Bitch, we gon always be a foursome! The fuck. I wish y’all would have a bitch try to take my spot.” Kaya ranted. I swear we could never have a moment. 
We continued girl talk and I had decided to have one more margarita and take another shot or two. I was officially down for the count. Mel wasn’t drinking really and opted to drive me home. On the way home, I couldn’t shake the feeling between my legs. I really missed my man. 
He still hadn’t texted me back so I decided to call him. No answer. I sighed and slipped my phone back into my Birkin. I was over it. We pulled up to the house maybe about five minutes later and I let Mel know she didn’t have to come inside. I walked up the driveway and slipped inside the house quickly. 
I immediately noticed how quiet it was so that could only mean no one was home or they were all asleep. I waltzed in the kitchen fumbling with my bag as I tried to pull my phone out. My eye cause the pink reminder slip hitched under the magnet in the kitchen. 
Took the kids to the zoo. We should be home around 4. Love you!
- Mama and Tasha 
They were so cute. I found it funny that they never opted to just text me, they always left notes. I sighed at the quietness throughout the house and grabbed a bottle of water out the fridge. I downed the water quickly before shuffling up the steps and into the bed.
I needed nap.
I stripped myself of my jeans and bra and snuggled into the bed with just my shirt and panties on. The buzz I had was going to make for a excellent nap. I yawned and hummed for a few minutes before I felt myself drifting off. 
I stirred when I felt cold hands on my skin. They ran from the top of my thighs down to my knees and then back to my thighs again. A pair of lips connected to my neck next and I thought I was dreaming when I saw Chris staring back at me. 
“So what you missed more? Me or this dick?” He asked before planting his lips on mine. “Definitely the dick.” I giggled. I wasn’t even about to ask how he was here right now. All that mattered is that he was. I pulled him down for another kiss. “I missed you... so much.” I mumbled in between kisses. 
“I.. missed you...more.” He replied. His tongue instinctively found its way into my mouth and I let him take control. He used his knees to spread my thighs so he could lay in between them. He pressed himself against me and I could just feel how hard he was. I was still a little buzzed which made all of this feel even better.
He helped me out my clothes quickly before pulling off the shirt and Nike shorts he was wearing. With barely any foreplay, I was soaked and ready. He began running the head over my clit which sent shivers through me. He literally watched as I got wetter for him. I was sick of him playing with me. 
As if he knew how antsy I was getting he stopped the teasing and began pushing my thighs back so they were touching the mattress. It always amazed me how flexible I could be once it involved taking dick. He used one of his hands to guide himself to my entrance. He began teasing me again, and just before I could protest, he slowly slid inside me. 
I gasped and instinctively sent my hand to his lower torso. He pulled out some before sending a few more inches inside of me as I cried out. “Shitttt.” I sighed. He moved slowly as my body got reacquainted to his size. Once he sensed that I fully adjusted he picked up his speed. 
I could hear how wet I was over our skin slapping together. The beautiful harmonies our bodies created made me even wetter. His hand found its way around my neck and my eyes rolled at the pleasure the lack of oxygen sent me. I shut my eyes for a second before I moaned and forced them open to look him in the eyes. 
He was concentrated on watching collide. “Fuck.” I heard him groan before looking away and finally into my eyes. “You lost.” He grinned.
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wonhosmistress · 4 years
Chapter 2
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Length: 1,597 words
Summary: After two days of Michael staying at Marina’s house he begins to feel at home from all the kindness the members of his new family keep displaying to him and meets a girl who he possibly falls for.
Warnings: Pure softness, mentions of possibly falling in love, mentions of terms of endearment, (missed some? Let me know!; I’ll fix it)
A/N: My god...here goes my second series update this week lol. When I first started writing this chapter for this series I was stuck on the first two paragraphs for months on end and I honestly had no inspiration what so ever, I honestly almost abandoned my bb before even attempting to continue following the story. Enough of my ranting! Here’s Ch.2 for Happy and I seriously hope y’all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing this out all day today. 
Two days had gone by after Marinas’ kind soul had offered her home to Michael to stay and the thought alone made his mind feel at ease because even though he didn’t know her that well yet he could feel that she was as kind as people came. Maybe he was wrong all along. Not everyone was out to get him, it gave him hope because who in their right mind offers their home to a stranger out of impulse? She didn’t even hesitate; she didn’t judge him by his appearance or how “dirty” he might have seemed to her. Only two days in being in her welcoming home had somewhat changed his way of thinking which was a shocking outcome because of years of being in a hateful, and toxic home. He thought that nothing could ever possibly change the way people saw him.
It terrified him even more now because he still hadn’t told Marina what he was or what he was capable of and it made him anxious. His tired eyes stared sightlessly at the dark ceiling of his room with a million of negative thoughts running through his mind about what would happen once he would reveal his true self to Marina. The sound of the soft opening and closing of a door caught his attention making his eyes wander over to the bright light from the hallway that shined in through the small opening of his bedroom door. It seemed to be one of the other roommates who resided upstairs with him considering that Marina and Lily had rooms downstairs. He looked at the clock on the small end table beside his bed, reading 6:45 in the morning and sighed frustratingly and trying to go back to sleep.
“Good morning, sunshine!”, said Lily to Marina as slowly made her way from her room and into the living room. She looked over at Lily sporting some cute mom-jeans she made into shorts and a simple white shirt with stripes across it—she still couldn’t comprehend how this girl eventually became her friend. “What time is it?” Marina asked as she tied her medium, dark, black hair into a high ponytail making her way towards the kitchen to pour herself a cup of coffee. “It’s nine in the morning. Wow, I still can’t believe you slept through all my noise.” “When I told you, I was a heavy sleeper I wasn’t kidding.” “by the way how long have you been up?” Marina asked Lily as she sat down on one of the stools that they had bought for the island in their kitchen. “I’ve been up since six, why?” She looked at Lily in shock at how early she had gotten up but then again, she shouldn’t be as surprised since her best friend had been getting up at six every single morning. “I went for a quick run, returned did some chores before anyone woke up, took a shower and here I am.” She told her.
 “Good Morning, how did you guys sleep?” They noticed Parker walk in the kitchen and serve himself a bowl of cereal with milk, they both smiled at him and gestured him to join them in the table. “I just woke up and Lily...well she’s been awake for four hours, how did you sleep?” Marina asked as brought the hot cup of coffee near her lips. “I slept great. I was planning to go down to the store later today. You’re more than welcome to tag along if you’d like?” “Yeah, I was actually planning to take a trip to the store today too,” Lily said as she grabbed an apple from the pile of fruit in the white basket that decorated the middle of the dining room table. They all turned their heads towards the sounds of footsteps from the stairs that was approaching them, Michael walked in looking like a disheveled morning mess and it made them all smile at how slightly bothered he looked to be up so early.
“Morning my little night owl, did you go to sleep late last night?” Lily asked as her voice exuded a chipper tone. He looked at her with half-closed eyes avoiding the sudden bright light that shined throughout the room. “I went to sleep early. I just suddenly woke up around six in the morning and couldn’t go back to sleep.” He said as he pulled a chair out to sit down in the table along with Marina and the other guy that he had just noticed. “That’s a shame. That’s why I keep telling y’all to go to bed at a consistent time!’ she looked at Marina and Parker trying to avoid eye contact since he guilty of going to bed late. She plated two waffles, sliced fruit and decorated the waffles with whip cream and sprinkled chocolate chips on them as she set the plate down in front of Michael, “I’m looking at you, Parker!” 
Marina softly giggled at how hilarious it was that Lily was sternly scowling at Parker. “Is this for me?” Asked Michael still in a complete daze from barely waking up. “Yes, it is sweetheart.” she smiled at him warmly. “why?” “Well because you just woke up and you still look like you’re half-asleep, so you aren’t in no state to make or serve yourself anything. Plus, I’m sure you’re hungry.” “Thank you.” He said before digging into the waffles. He could savor the way the melted butter into the spongey waffles and he never had them before but now it was probably going to end up being his favorite breakfast food. “Have you seen, Dena?” Marina asked Parker as she got up to wash her cup. “Last time I saw her was last night before she went to bed.” 
The loud sound of muffled colorful cursing filled the bottom floor of the kitchen making every single person in the room look at each other. They already knew whose soft voice it was, that making such a ruckus in the early hours of the morning. Michael looked confused as Lily went upstairs to bring Dena to the kitchen to have breakfast. “That was Dena, she usually wakes up just as early as Lily to get some things done.” “Those things being painting.” It all clicked in Michaels’ brain now that Marina had told him about the other resident living in this household. He had not even heard them entering the room until a strangers’ voice divert his attention from Marina to them, “Hey, sorry for the loud noise this early.” she apologized to them as she stood in the archway of the kitchen. Michael looked at her like he had never seen another person in his life before. His eyes slowly scanned her physique, she displayed what seemed to be some old jeans that were transformed into homemade high waisted shorts and a paint-smeared, large, muscle tank top exposing her lean, muscular arms which radiated such strong feminine vibes from her. “Hi! I’m the other noisy roommate. I’m just kidding, I promise I’m not that noisy.” She said smiling towards him as she extended her hand out to give him a handshake, he took her hand returning the handshake. His eyes darted back and forth from her smile to her brown, almond-shaped eyes and from that moment he felt the oddest sensation of tenderness all over his body right then he knew he was captivated by her.
 “Michael?” Lily said trying to redirect his attention back to reality. He turned towards Lily, Marina, and Parker noticing how everyone’s eyes were fixated on him and what had just happened to him. “um-” “ssh...It’s okay.” Marina said trying to avoid the awkward conversation from occurring right then and there. “You want some breakfast?” Lily asked Dena breaking the silence, as she walked towards the island pulling up a stool to sit on. “No, thanks. I already had breakfast.” She replied as her eyes looked at the new kid sitting across the dining table from everyone. “This is Michael, He was staying in the park two days back. He told me he has no family.” Marina said looking back at Dena as she introduced him to the rest of the family. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Michael. My name is Dena and I’ve been living here with these wonderful girls for three years and as of two days ago you have been initiated to join the family.”
He timidly smiles at her and everyone else, so it didn’t seem like he was just paying attention to her but to everyone it already seemed pretty obvious that he was already head over heels for Dena. They tried their best to keep the conversation going to not embarrass him since they already knew how that felt, being completely outed about something and feeling like the world was going to end over something so trivial. “We’re going to the store later, want to tag along?” Parker asked Dena as she served herself some water. “Nah. I’m good, I got to run down to the art store for more tarp to cover my floor.” She said as she leans against the corner of the wall. “Alright, Michael do you want to come with us?” he asked. “Yeah, I actually need to get some clothes.” “If that’s the case then we’ll just end up heading to Target so we can get both food and clothes,” Marina said looking at Lily. “And don’t worry about it, we’ll pay for it.” She reassured him smiling at him.
Tags: @sojournmichael, @yourkingcodyfern, @thegraphitechronicles , @lostin-fern , @langdonalien , @cocotheangelchild , @michael-langdon-appreciation​ , @sammythankyou​ , @rocketgirl2410 , @langdonsplaytoy​
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eintsein · 5 years
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monday, august 19
9:20 woke up and had toast and eggs for breakfast
10:00 - 11:00 read Destined for War, a book my dad recommended to me abt us-china relations. It’s quite fascinating so here’s a summary (courtesy of amazon) so you can decide if you’d like to read it (it’s free for prime members):
China and the United States are heading toward a war neither wants. The reason is Thucydides’s Trap: when a rising power threatens to displace a ruling one, violence is the likeliest result. Over the past five hundred years, these conditions have occurred sixteen times; war broke out in twelve. Today, as an unstoppable China approaches an immovable America, and both Xi Jinping and Donald Trump promise to make their countries “great again,” the seventeenth case looks grim. A trade conflict, cyberattack, Korean crisis, or accident at sea could easily spark a major war.
In Destined for War, eminent Harvard scholar Graham Allison masterfully blends history and current events to explain the timeless machinery of Thucydides’s Trap—and to explore the painful steps that might prevent disaster today.
11:00 - 12:30 worked on a blog post, finalized text, made title graphics
12:30 - 2:30 cooked salmon, spinach, and onions for lunch. also watched Hercules. for some reasoni think my decision to watch hercules was caused by the name thucydides from the book i read being stuck in my subconscious.
2:30 - 4:00 finished blog post graphics
4:00 - 4:30 read Destined for War
4:30 - 5:30 read and gave feedback on my sister’s college admissions essays
5:30 - 6:45 had lemon zested ginger fried rice for dinner while watching russian doll
6:45 - 7:00 showered
7:00 - 7:30 duolingo practice
7:30 - 8:30 edited some photos and organized some stuff on my phone while watching russian doll
8:30 - 10:30 course planning. took longer than i expected bc i lowkey started freaking out over the requirements for grad school lmao
10:30 - 11:30 read some articles and washed up. one interesting one i read was from harvard business review about living out your own career path instead of someone else’s. it introduced me to the idea of “consonance — the sense of frictionless belonging, of momentous stride, of core relevance. It is a guiding force that reveals how your work contributes to your overall life’s plan” and its components: calling, contribution, connection, and control.
11:30 - 12:00 bass practice - tried to play hysteria by muse again but only got to 85 bpm - it shd be 93 bpm. seems slow when u just look at the numbers but all the notes are semiquavers rip
12:00 - 12:30 wrote this post and i’m gonna watch one more episode of russian doll and then go to sleep
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izzy-b-hands · 4 years
Every Night
Prompt:  “We’ll figure this out.” and  “Don’t be scared, I’m right here.”
A sort of sequel to Sleep Like The Dead in that it deals with a similar topic of ‘funky tablet magic and changes that results in mild horror for all involved with a good ending’
that tbh kinda got away from me
but once the spirit took me it was like
ok this is happening we got a plot lets go lets go!!!
this got longer than a oneshot should be but
here we are lol.
The patrons that had alerted him to the rattling sarcophagus were surprisingly calm. 
“Maybe a rat!” the short, beaming tourist suggested. “We’ve seen so many rats here! One almost as big as Tommy!” 
Tommy, all of maybe seven, nodded very seriously before they took off, leaving Larry to rope off the already nearly closed exhibition as patrons filed out, the final closing announcement echoing down the halls. 
He closed the doors to the exhibit, only to see the statue guards immediately sigh deeply and begin to move. 
“Were...were you awake all day?” 
They looked at him with what he could only call desperation, and pointed towards the still shaking sarcophagus. 
He’d never been so glad to show up early for his shift as he pushed the lid off, and Ahkmenrah, very much healthy flesh and blood rather than the mummified corpse he should have been at that hour. 
Ahkmenrah wasn’t a pharaoh in that moment, but reminded Larry desperately of his son in younger years, when he’d wake sobbing after a nightmare, his entire body wracked with weeping, to the point that it seemed it must hurt. He clung to Larry like a drowning man, saying something in between the sobs, but only half in English, and even then Larry could barely make it out. 
Finally, after a good ten minutes of what seemed to be pure terror, Ahkmenrah let him go, and took a deep, shaky breath, looking at him with wide eyes, red from the crying. He looked exhausted. 
“Were you awake...all day?” 
Ahkmenrah shook his head. “Not all day. Maybe...I don’t know how much time passed. I think I heard someone mention it nearly being noon when I woke.” 
It was nearly 6:20 now, with the museum having formally closed at 5:45. That was six hours of being awake, trapped, forced to stay silent and still...
“I’m sorry,” Ahkmenrah’s voice broke as he dropped his head into his hands. “I hope I didn’t frighten anyone. But I couldn’t take it anymore. I’ve gotten so used to being able to leave my sarcophagus when I wake that being stuck in it, for any amount of time...” 
Larry hugged him again as Ahkmenrah shook his head, and started to weep anew. 
“Okay. We’ll figure this out. I’ll ask if anyone else was awake and we’ll...I don’t know. But we won’t let this happen again. For your sake, or the patrons. Don’t get me wrong, we could certainly try and sell ‘haunted sarcophagus mummy curse’ as an angle, but I know I’d rather not.” 
As he let go, Ahkmenrah gave him a small smile. 
“Oh buddy. You need rest,” he sighed, and Ahkmenrah’s smile immediately fell and turned to a look of horror. “Oh god! No, not in here, Jesus. No, out in the employee lounge or something. Where you have room and can get up and move at your leisure. C’mon. Let’s get you into something more comfortable, and I’ll start investigating.” 
He helped Ahkmenrah from the sarcophagus, and led the way to the lounge. He knew that Ahkmenrah was plenty capable of getting there and into the sweats he’d acquired for him on his own, but it seemed he didn’t want to be left alone.
He trailed after Larry like a lost puppy dog, eyes taking in every museum inhabitant they passed, clearly with a level of paranoia left over from his trauma earlier in the day. He seemed so much his age and so much not all at once, in the way that Larry figured he had at twenty-something as well. Old enough to take care of oneself, to know better about most things, but in a moment of fear and uncertainty still capable of looking so young and frightened that it almost hurt to look at. 
“I want to help. Talk to everyone, I mean,” Ahkmenrah said as they reached the lounge. “I’ll still change. Not that I’m not comfortable in this, but-” 
“You can be honest with me. If you don’t wanna wear the royal garb every night, you certainly don’t have to. This is your home. Home is where you can wear whatever you want, relax, feel safe. All you gotta do is let me know, and we’ll get you here right away so you can change.” 
Ahkmenrah smiled at that before heading in and changing faster than Larry figured most people could. But all his other clothes were safely removed, set aside on the couch in the lounge, and Ahkmenrah joined him on his walk to the main hall of the museum looking for all the world like any other twenty or so year old, with messy hair, comfortable sweatshirt and sweatpants. The only trapping of his origins that remained were the sandals on his feet. 
“I’d slide on the marble in the socks,” he admitted to Larry as they walked. “They are very nice, and I love them, but-” 
“You don’t wanna see if you can slide from one hall to another in them on accident?” Larry asked with a chuckle. 
“...that would be fun. But not on accident. My luck I’d crash into something expensive,” Ahkmenrah replied. 
“Everything is expensive in here,” Larry laughed. 
“Exactly,” Ahkmenrah smiled, and it was a relief to see it. 
“This would just be easier if we did a huge announcement, maybe?” Larry asked, half to himself and half to Ahkmenrah as he trotted to the rotunda and picked up the PA system’s microphone. 
“I know everyone’s already having fun, but can I get everyone’s attention for a quick second? Really important, but quick, survey,” he announced. 
A few heads turned, but most, understandably already enveloped in their talking with others, ignored it. 
Ahkmenrah took the microphone from his hand gently. “Let me try.” 
The smile he wore was nervous and soft, even as he authoritatively announced: “Who else was alive earlier? Was anyone trapped, as I was? If you were, come and speak to us, immediately. Or else, I’ll find a way to leave the tablet functioning throughout all of tomorrow, and all of you shall know my terror.” 
That shut everyone up, and turned every head. 
“I thought it was just me,” Teddy said, one of the first to trickle towards the desk. “My god, holding my pose like that, watching them all go by, not being able to move an inch..” 
“Teddy, do you know what time it was when that happened?” Larry asked. 
“Twelve noon, sharp. First thing I got a look at was the clock once I woke. And then, since I have such a wondrous view of it, it was all I watched as I waited for the hours to tick down,” he replied. “But at least I wasn’t stuck inside of anything. My lord, how are you doing, my boy? Surely that must have been-” 
“It was bad,” Ahkmenrah interrupted his tone slightly sharp. “I...I don’t wish to talk about it further, if-” 
Teddy interrupted him right back with a gasp. “Of course, forgive me. I didn’t mean to pry.” 
“No, it’s alright. I’m sorry whatever this is affected you as well, Teddy. I can’t imagine trying to stay still with all the patrons watching me near-constantly.” 
Teddy only nodded, and joined them behind the desk, settling down at one of the empty chairs. He looked...the only word Larry could find for it was haunted. And just as exhausted as Ahkmenrah, as well. 
The desk shook as Rexy stalked up as close as he could get to the desk. 
“You as well?” Ahkmenrah asked, and bit back a smile as Rexy posed for them, then shook his head and scoffed, then posed again, and tossed his head back in frustration. “Ah. I understand. Thank you for letting us know.” 
Rexy stomped off again, nearly taking out the desk with his tail as he went, causing them all to duck. 
“Larry...what do we do if it is everyone? Or nearly everyone? I mean, even a few is too many, really, because if anyone falters in keeping up appearances while patrons are here...” 
The panic in Ahkmenrah’s voice hurt to hear. He didn’t need anything else to worry about after what had already happened. 
“I don’t know, at least not right now. But I do know that we’ll have a look at the tablet and maybe...I don’t know. Maybe something new to explain this is written there, or something,” he replied. 
“That’s...not how this works, Larry. I mean that respectfully,” Ahkmenrah said, biting at his lip. “But...artifacts do not just magically have additions made to them, it isn’t like tomorrow Teddy will awaken with a tattoo or something or-” 
“Well, how do we know for sure? I mean, it is magic, of a kind,” Larry interrupted. “Can you really rule it out?” 
Ahkmenrah’s jaw worked, his tell that he was deeply contemplating things. “I suppose not. But it would be very strange, and far too simple an explanation.” 
“What about daylight savings?” Jed asked, clambering onto the desk, with Octavius scrambling after him. “That have somethin’ to do with it?” 
“Um. I don’t think so, only because it’s never had an effect before-” Ahkmenrah started.
“Climate change,” Octavius interrupted confidently. 
“Like...you wanna talk about it, or you think it has something to do with this?” Larry asked. 
“Both,” Octavius shrugged. “Heard some of the patrons discussing it today. What a terrible, horrifying thing. How are you not scared all the time, Larry?” 
“I mean, I suppose most people living today are, to some degree-” 
“They said some people deny it though,” Jed piped up. “The hell is that about? Who the hell goes to a museum, a place of science and I guess kind of magic, all things considered, and then disputes it?” 
“I appreciate your concern for current issues, but one problem at a time,” Larry continued. “We can start with figuring out why the tablet woke so many people so early, and then...climate change, I guess. It’ll take a lot more than just us, but-” 
“You got that right,” Jed interrupted.
“Though every bit could help,” Octavius added. 
“So...were you two awakened at noon, or...” Akmenrah asked awkwardly. 
“Oh, yeah. Some asshat threw a sandwich wrapper in my display; who does that?!” Jed fussed. 
“Someone who doesn’t care about the climate,” Octavius tutted.
“Exactly, and you know-” 
“You two have a great conversation going,” Ahkmenrah took his turn to interrupt, looking wearier by the second. “But maybe we can join it later on, after we’ve finished talking to everyone.” 
“Fair enough,” Jed replied. “We’re gonna go find a magazine in the lounge, see if National Geographic has anything to say about all of this. Gonna take most of the night to get to the lounge, but it’s gonna be worth it.” 
With that, the two tiny figures dashed away, leaping off various bits of office equipment on the desk to get to the floor before running in the direction of the employee lounge. 
“...well then,” Teddy sighed. 
“Indeed,” Ahkmenrah added. 
An awkward silence fell between them then, as the other museum inhabitants milled about, but no one else came forward. 
“It can’t have been only us,” Teddy said. “There’s simply no way.” 
“I don’t think it was,” Sacagawea said, as she approached the desk. “But many are afraid to speak on it. There is concern among them, of a curse, of something gone horribly wrong. None of us enjoy being forced back into...” 
“Nothingness,” Ahkmenrah supplied. “Like an empty sleep.” 
Sacagawea nodded. “At the same time, spending all day in false suspension, worrying that you might accidentally move or give some sign of life and frighten people is no better.” 
“We have to check the tablet then,” Larry said. “Something has to be there to explain this.” 
“That would be too simple,” Ahkmenrah stressed, but led the way to his exhibit quickly nonetheless, with Larry, Teddy, and Sacagawea following him. 
Ahkmenrah read over the tablet with a quick and practiced eye, only to frown. 
“It says something, doesn’t it?” Larry asked. 
Ahkmenrah’s frown deepened. 
“It does!” 
“I have no idea how this could have happened, or who could have made it happen...it is such a simple addition to the spell as well, merely changing the time of awakening...who would benefit from this?” Ahkmenrah muttered as he set the tablet back in its place. 
“Maybe it’s like they said,” Teddy mused. 
“Jed and Octavius? Look, climate change is a real concern, but I don’t think...” Larry replied. 
“No, not that exactly. But these are dark, strange times for many, are they not, Lawrence? Perhaps some energy within the world has affixed itself to the tablet. After all, if its magic exists, what else might be slightly to the left or right of what we can see?” Teddy asked. 
“I...I don’t know. I suppose. But that doesn’t tell us what we can do about it,” Larry said.
“Maybe if we test it first. See if it does this again tomorrow,” Ahkmenrah said softly, fear edging into his voice. “I don’t want to, but I don’t know what else to do. But Larry...” 
“Needs to find a way to get your exhibit temporarily closed until we figure it out, and needs to stay tomorrow to set you free if you do wake up,” Larry finished the statement definitively. 
“I wasn’t going to ask, but if you’re willing,” Ahkmenrah said. “I’d greatly appreciate it, Larry.” 
“I technically need sleep, but that’s a small technicality,” Larry replied.
Teddy stared. “You’re a father, Lawrence.” 
“He’s with his mom for the week!” 
“No, I mean...that’s not a healthy habit to show him, Lawrence.” 
“He isn’t here!” 
“Because this is surely the first time you’ve stayed up all night and all day...” Teddy said, about as judgmentally as he could say anything, his eyes even worse than his tone of voice.
“My ability to father is not what’s in question here,” Larry sighed. “What is in question is...magic.” 
“Did that sound better in your head?” Sacagawea asked softly.
“We ought to get back,” Teddy interjected. “The hour grows...early, I suppose. We’ll in theory be asleep again shortly. Lawrence, good luck on it all. If you need us tomorrow night, let us know.” 
Larry nodded as they left, and watched as Ahkmenrah slipped into his sarcophagus, still in the sweats. 
“I’ll get your clothes. You stay in those; I don’t think it’ll matter much once you uh...re-mummify and then un-mummify later. I’m gonna real quick break the least expensive thing in here, okay?” Larry asked. 
“Is that your game plan to close this exhibit?” 
“Yes?” Larry asked as he hoisted a vase above his head. 
“That’ll do fine. That vase is a reproduction anyway, I accidentally broke the real one as a child,” Ahkmenrah replied as he laid back in the sarcophagus. “Will you...stay in here, while I’m...” 
“Yeah, of course,” Larry said before letting the vase fall from his hands and shatter on the ground, shards of the plaster and clay going everywhere.
“Thank you, L-” 
The alarm on Larry’s watch beeped as Ahkmenrah’s voice dropped away. 
He silenced it and peeked into the sarcophagus. It was a wild thing, to see him completely dead and gone again, when he had been so alive just a moment before. Unsettling, as well. 
But he had no time to observe him, only to run and cry wolf about the exhibit. 
Shockingly, it worked, and more importantly, after the shards of the vase replica were recovered, he was left with Ahkmenrah, though the workers seemed to doubt his sanity mildly at not wanting to go home and rest. 
But he’d made a promise. And he had no intention of breaking it. 
With the doors to the exhibition shut, it was horribly dark. Dark enough to put him to sleep even as he fought it, sat against one of the pillars in the room, waiting for the night to come. 
He woke to shrieking, panicked and out of control.
Ahkmenrah was sat up in the sarcophagus, though Larry could only just make out his silhouette as he struggled to his feet, pushing away the grogginess that threatened to cloud his mind. 
He turned on his flashlight, and turned it on Ahkmenrah as close as he could without blinding him. “Ahk! Hey, it’s me. You’re saaaaaa-” 
He fought back his own scream. Something was wrong with the magic, clearly. Whatever or whoever had done the addition to the tablet had done something incorrect, horribly.
Ahkmenrah’s face was half mummified, half not, dust and who knew what else pouring from his mouth as he screamed and cried. The hand at his mouth was full flesh, but the one that reached out for Larry was mostly bone and dried skin. 
“Okay. Okay. Okay,” Larry said, though it was absolutely not. “Don’t be scared, I’m right here. You’re okay.” 
“No I’m not,” Ahkmenrah wept. “Larry, help.” 
“I-I don’t know,” Larry hesitated, then did the only thing that came to mind. To treat him just like Nicholas with a nightmare, even if this was a never-ending living one. 
He sat on the edge of the open sarcophagus, and wrapped his arms around Ahkmenrah, ignoring the crawling of his skin as his hands moved over the still-mummified portions of his arm and back. “It’s okay. You’re gonna be okay. We’re gonna figure this out, somehow. Maybe we can edit the tablet ourselves, or something. But we aren’t going to leave you like this, I promise.” 
Ahkmenrah was no longer saying anything in English, but though Larry couldn’t understand it, he knew the tone. Someone scared, in need of love and caring and help. 
It took a good hour, from noon to one, before Ahkmenrah was calm enough to speak. 
By one, he was fully living, no longer half-mummified, and breathing normally again, his tears dried. 
“Thank you, Larry,” Ahkmenrah’s voice was rough, his weeping evident in the cracks of his voice, the dryness of his throat. “I’m sorry for my reaction.” 
“Don’t be sorry,” Larry replied. “You have nothing to be sorry for, because that was terrifying.” 
Ahkmenrah looked to him with a face that screamed hurt, illuminated by the flashlight. 
“Oh god, I didn’t mean. I’m sorry,” Larry continued. “I just meant I’d be terrified too, if that happened to me.” 
The relief on Ahkmenrah’s face was palpable. “Right. Sorry.” 
“No, no more sorry. I meant it, you have nothing to be sorry for.” 
“What if we can’t fix it?” Ahkmenrah’s voice was timid. “What if there’s nothing to be done?” 
That was the question of the hour, Larry could only think to himself. He didn’t want to even consider what that might mean for Ahkmenrah and the rest of the inhabitants. Would coming to life still be worth it if it meant inconveniently being brought back while patrons were still in the museum?
He couldn’t know. 
“Then we figure out how to move forward,” Larry said, feeling the dissatisfaction in the answer even as he said it. 
“Very well,” Ahkmenrah replied, his voice still so soft, so low. 
In the dark, it was like two ghosts conversing, especially once the flashlight was off to conserve its battery. It felt otherworldly, not exactly bad, but definitely strange.
Still, it felt better being outside of the exhibit in the light, as soon as six o’clock hit. 
“Better,” Ahkmenrah said as they stepped out, brushing the bits of dried skin and bandage remnants from his sweats with one hand. The other held tight to the tablet. 
“Yes,” Larry agreed. “Ready to figure this out?” 
Ahkmenrah nodded, and they moved to the one place they might be left alone to investigate the tablet. 
“How is it always cold in here?” Ahkmenrah asked as they settled in the employee lounge.
“Think it’s on purpose. If I come in here I won’t fall asleep then, maybe?” 
Ahkmenrah frowned at that. “Did you sleep, Larry? Until I woke you, I mean.” 
“Yeah, don’t worry about it. What we need to worry about is that,” Larry said, pointing at the tablet. “Does it say anything else, aside from changing when you guys wake up?” 
Ahkmenrah pored over the tablet for a good ten minutes, his frown deepening. “Sort of? It mentions...something about the changing of all things...the end of death...whoever wrote this has terrible handwriting. What even is this one? This isn’t a hieroglyph, this is a gauge mark!” 
“Call me crazy,” Larry started.
“If you wish,” Ahkmenrah replied earnestly.
“...thank you. But maybe...could it mean you?” 
“Me? Me, what?” 
Larry shrugged. “Returning to life, kind of, I guess? I mean, I don’t know anymore than you do; I’m just thinking out loud.” 
Ahkmenrah’s jaw was doing its thing, his eyes a thousand miles away while he thought. “I was half alive, earlier. But...what does that mean for me, if that is true?” 
“How do you mean?” 
“Will I age? Will I forever be this young, or...and will I be able to leave here then, or will I be some strange, vampiric sort of thing, with a body that looks alive, but is forced to sleep during the day? Will the sun destroy me? What will I be, Larry? What existence will there be for me?” 
Larry knew the shock was showing on his face, but he couldn’t hide it. Ahkmenrah asked incredibly valid and important questions, but once again he found himself with no clue how to answer any of them, and he didn’t know that there would be answers. 
“It’s okay. I know you don’t know,” Ahkmenrah said quietly.
Larry nodded. “If you’re afraid, I don’t blame you. I would be too. This is strange and unnerving, and I wish I did have answers for you. But I think maybe all we can do is see what happens.” 
“You should rest,” Ahkmenrah said, and pointed to the couch. “I’ll need you again tonight then.” 
Larry didn’t argue. He was honestly curious to see if Ahkmenrah would even re-mummify again, or if whatever was on the tablet was true, and he was on his way to being something like alive. 
Plus, the couch was pretty comfortable once a person was tired enough. And he certainly was tired enough. 
A few hours later he woke to Ahkmenrah’s gentle prodding. “Larry, we’ve got to go. Just in case I-” 
“No, I got it,” Larry spluttered as he wiped drool from the corner of his mouth and clambered off the couch, following Ahkmenrah down the hall to the still dark exhibit. 
They were right up to the line, getting Ahkmenrah back in his sarcophagus just as Larry’s alarm beeped on his watch. 
His hand was still on Ahkmenrah’s arm as the deadline of sunrise came and passed. 
And nothing happened. Ahkmenrah sat in front of him, appearing perfectly alive and well, eyes squinted shut as if he was waiting to poof into dust. 
“Can I check you for a pulse?” Larry asked, hearing his voice shake as he took two fingers and placed them just below Ahkmenrah’s jawline. 
It was a strong pulse, and he resisted the urge to put his head to Ahkmenrah’s chest to listen for a heartbeat, then did it anyway. 
The sound of heartbeat had only sounded so good once before, the first time he had heard Nicholas’ heartbeat during a sonogram. 
“I think...I think you’re here to stay,” he said, fighting back happy tears on Ahkmenrah’s behalf. 
“I want to go in the sun,” Ahkmenrah said quickly, jumping out of the sarcophagus and running out of the exhibit to the front doors of the museum. 
Before Larry could even try and stop him he was outside in the sliver of the rising sun, shouting happily into the cool morning air, laughing. 
“I’m alive!” he shouted to Larry as he ran back, wrapping Larry in a hug. “I’m alive, my god. I wonder-there can’t be an expiration on this, do you think?” 
“Did you read one on the tablet?” Larry asked with a smile.
“No, no mention of one.” 
“Then I think you’re here for the long haul. Maybe immortal? I really don’t know, but we’re gonna be careful with you just in case,” Larry continued. 
“I can’t wait to tell everyone,” Ahkmenrah said, then his smile fell. “What if it changed something for them? What if they don’t wake up? What if-” 
“We can’t know until tonight,” Larry said. “In the meantime, would you like to help me lock up before the morning staff get here, and go get breakfast?” 
“Yes, I think you deserve it. Also, we need to find out if you like...need food. I’m pretty sure you do. But we should find out. And you can crash at my place for now,” Larry replied. 
“Fantastic,” Ahkmenrah’s eyes were shining, his smile bright and bold ashe trotted after Larry while they ensured everyone was where they were meant to be, and locked what needed locking. “What will we say about the exhibit though?” 
“...so we have something to brain storm over breakfast!” Larry said. “And for now...we’re going to hope they don’t go into it at all.” 
“Fair enough,” Ahkmenrah said. “So what do people eat for breakfast now?” 
“I think you’ll like donuts,” Larry replied. “And we’ll need the energy for sure. After all, only a few hours to nap before we’ll need to get ready and be back here. And that means clothes shopping for you, letting you have a shower, whole bunch of new modern stuff!” 
Ahkmenrah was nearly bouncing as they left the museum, lifting his face to the sun, soaking up all the years he’d missed out on. 
He knew it would be an adjustment for both of them, in various ways. He couldn’t even fully envision some it, like figuring out if Ahk could room with him for an extended time or if he could get him an apartment and a job in a reasonable time period. But he was excited for Ahkmenrah, and for what it all might mean, and for him finally getting a good ending despite the initial terror. 
As he watched Ahk take in the city, smiling and laughing, all he could think was how much Ahk deserved it. 
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callalilyy · 5 years
Addicted | 6
The next day was they day you had plans with Yoongi.
You woke up early, as agreed.
You laid in bed for a few minutes checking your phone.
There were so many photos and congratulations from different people from your movie release last night.
There were so many pictures of you and Jungkook being passed around.
It kinda made you uncomfortable.
You knew how some fans could be and you didn't want them to think there was anything going on.
Jungkook was just a friend. A very new and very sweet friend.
He hardly left you alone at all last night and the pictures showed.
You were grateful for his company but he kinda looked like a lost puppy, especially when you were photographed talking to anyone but him.
There was a look in his eyes.
Anger? Jealousy? Fear?
All of the above?
It was almost undetectable so it was hard to determine.
You shrugged and quickly got out of bed not wanting to be late.
You had agreed to get coffee this early in the morning then he would take you sightseeing. Yoongi was excited to show you the beautiful city he lived in.
You sat at the cafe for a while before texting Yoongi.
No response.
You waited patiently.
Still nothing.
By the time you noticed it had already been 45 minutes.
You called getting worried.
Still nothing.
The drink you had ordered was now cold and almost finished.
You quickly downed the rest of it before leaving the cafe not wanting to take up any more space or attention.
You looked around then saw a sign that directed to the Han River.
Yoongi had mentioned a few times so you decided to check it out.
You walked over until you could see the beautiful water.
You walked closer and saw a set of benches.
You headed over and took a seat next to the man that was already there.
You gazed at the water for a few minutes before taking in your other surroundings.
Looking to your left you noticed the man beside you.
His head snapped up and he looked at you.
"We just keep running into each other." You spoke. "What are you stalking me?" You laughed.
He nervously laughed too. "But noona, I was here first." He spoke in a slight pout.
You smiled,"hmm you're right."
His cheek cheeks turned a faint pink color. "Maybe you're stalking me?"
You laughed again. "Maybe I am." You teased. "Hey um. Have you seen Yoongi today?"
He raised his eyebrow but then shook his head. "No I haven't."
You frowned. "We were supposed to meet about an hour ago but he hasn't showed or even answered my texts of calls."
He shrugged. "I really don't know noona."
You frowned and he placed a hand on your shoulder in attempts to comfort you.
"B-But don't be too upset. Sometimes he gets so into a song into and will block out everything else. Even food sometimes. Don't be hard on yourself . It isn't worth it. Maybe he just got stuck writing."
You sighed. "You're right I guess. I was just really looking forward to it."
"Foreword to what?"
"Well Yoongi was gonna show me around Seoul. Take me to his favorite places."
A soft smile crossed home lips and quickly disappeared. "I'll show you around. I'll be your personal guide."
"Really? I would actually love that."
“Wow! Really? I didn’t think you’d say yes.”
You frowned. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“Well you seem like you really like Yoongi hyung and I know I’m not as cool as him...”
You tilted your head sideways and looked at him. “You’re right. He’s a lot cooler.”
His eyes widened and you couldn’t contain your laughter anymore.
He nervously smiled.
“I’m kidding. You’re definitely cool and you’ve been so sweet to me so of course I’d wanna hang out with you.”
He smiled widely. “Ah.” He scratched the back of his head. “Noona don’t tease me like that.”
You nodded. “So. Where are we going?”
He thought for a moment. “Oh! I know.”
“Tell me.”
He shook his head. “It’s a surprise.”
You pouted. “Aw I hate surprises. Can’t you just tell me?”
You batted your lashed at him playfully you really hadn’t thought much about the action.
His eyes widened and his cheeks turned red. “I-I-Uh. Noona I thought you were done teasing me.”
Your shoulders dropped. “You’re really not gonna tell me Kookie?” You asked letting the nickname slip.
“I..I was going to take you to my favorite ice cream shop.”
You gasped and smiled. “I love ice cream.”
He smiled and seemingly relaxed. “I know- I mean. Everyone likes ice cream.”
He stood to his feet and you then did the same.
“Let’s go!” You excitedly spoke and turned away to go back out the way you came.
“Ah! Noona. No, no.”
You stopped in your tracks and turned back to him.
He quickly walked over to you. “You should stay close to me. You could get lost or hurt.”
“O-oh. Okay...”
He smiled but it quickly faded as a older man bumped into you.
He apologized but held on to your hand as he did so.
Your attention was focused on the man as he apologized.
Luckily for Jungkook you didn’t see the his lip angrily twitched.
The man left and you felt a tap on your shoulder.
“Noona maybe you should hold on to me.”
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