#have a great day 💜🌸
List 5 things that make you happy, then send this to the askbox of the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers
Ah hello there!!!! 🌸🌸🌸🌸Ty for this :33 💜💜
Things that make me happy:
LOREEEEEEEEEE. Whether It’s creating or learning about lore. I grew up on matpat theories. Of course he’ll influence me LMAOO
Drawing :3
Video games. I don’t have many so I mostly watch gameplays lol 😭 but I love em.
I guess sweet stuff. Donuts, gulab jamun, eclairs, chocolate-Anything that’s gonna cause me an early diabetes lmao.
books then I also want to include mangas :D!!!
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wooataes · 6 months
Real Eyes, Fake Lies (Part Nine)
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Pairing: soulmate!Lee Jihoon x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4.2K
Warnings: Hanahaki!au, angst, alcohol consumption, swearing, jihoon has a panic attack, tears, nothing else too drastic this chapter 🙏🏼
Summary: What do you do when you find out the one person that was created by the universe to be yours doesn’t want you back?
A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS, DEAR READERS! Omg it’s been so long and I apologize for that! Hopefully this can tie yall over into the new year! 🥰 I hope you all got spoilt over the holiday period and enjoy this new chapter! 🫶🏼 ALSO shoutout to my girl Wei for pretty much cowriting this chapter with me 💜
- Tae 💜🌸
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“It’s you, isn’t it?”
Jihoon stares at your brother’s soulmate with wide eyes.
“Is what me?”
“Don’t bullshit me, Lee.” Jeonghan frowns, arms crossed tight across his chest. “Y/N. Are you her soulmate or not?”
Jihoon’s heart skips a beat as he pauses.
“What makes you think that?”
Jeonghan notes his avoidance of the question. “It all adds up a little too well. She found her soulmate the day you were supposed to walk her home. She avoids you like the plague unless she has to be near you. She can barely look in your direction but you stare at her like a lost puppy. I see you smiling about her when you think no one is looking. But… you have Ji-ah.” Your soulmate grimaces. “And knowing my Ladybug, which I do, she would never want to separate a couple if she can help it. She’s too selfless for that. She would give her worst enemy the shirt off her back if she thought it would help.” Jeonghan’s eyes look glazed over, tears filling them. “All of the evidence I’ve seen concludes that you’re her soulmate and she is tearing herself apart to keep you happy.”
“How do you know she is hurting?”
“She is drinking.” Jeonghan mutters. “She only ever drinks if she’s really upset about something. This is the only thing I can chalk it up to. Am I correct?”
“No. You’re wrong.” Jihoon lies through his teeth.
“I hope I am.” Jeonghan retorts quickly. “Because what I’ve heard from Soonyoung about you, you’re a great person.” Your soulmate winces as he feels the guilt seep in again. “I know someone wouldn’t willingly do this to someone as sweet as her.”
“You don’t know me.” Jihoon’s voice is small.
“You’re right. I don’t.” He agrees. “Look, I don’t care if you are or if you’re not. All I care about is that girl back there. If you are her soulmate, you need to stop giving her goo-goo eyes while you’re with another girl and giving her false hope. You need to cut the tether. Let the girl heal in her own way because you two being around each other is giving her hope of a relationship that will never happen.”
“You don’t think I’ve tried that?” He hisses. “I have tried to fucking avoid her and let her heal and let her forget about me!” There are tears in his eyes now.
“If I could change how it turned out, I would. I’m her fucking project partner and her best friend is my best friend. This stupid invisible force keeps drawing me to her and I’m hating it.” His words keep spilling out, the tears beginning to fall.
“I feel her cry every fucking night and I can’t do anything about it and help her without hurting someone else! And the worst part is that still despite everything, she hasn’t told anyone because she doesn’t want anything bad to happen to me! I don’t deserve her! I want to stop her suffering and leave her alone but I can’t! What am I supposed to fucking do?!”
Jeonghan sighs and stares at your soulmate in tears before him. “Is it stupid to say follow your heart?”
He chuckles. “Then I say make your choice and make it quickly. I can’t stand to see that kid go through any more pain than what she has been through, you better be fast.” Jihoon winces as he watches Jeonghan turn around and begin to walk away. “Jihoon-ssi, Consider yourself lucky that it was me that noticed and not her brother. If it was him, you’d be dead where you stand. Do you understand?”
“Yeah.” Jihoon whispers, running his fingers through his hair slowly.
“Good. I hope I don’t have to tell you to stop hurting her again.”
Jihoon stares up at the starry sky as Jeonghan makes his way back to the campsite, tears still falling down his cheeks. His mind is running a mile a minute, his lungs squeezing as he tries to control his breathing.
What the fuck is he going to do?
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It takes Jihoon another 20 minutes before he makes his way back to the group, his brain just as jumbled as it was before. He is no closer to a solution than he was before being confronted by Jeonghan, and he is sure he isn’t going to have it by the end of the night. He looks to the picnic table first, looking to see you still wedged between Jisoo and Seungcheol, sipping from your third bottle of soju. Your eyes are glazed over as you lean quietly into Jisoo’s side, a dopey smile on your face as you laugh at Soonyoung. Jisoo’s arm is kept tightly around you, rubbing your arm soothingly as Seungcheol speaks in hushed whispers with his soulmate.
Jeonghan’s words have planted a seed of worry in Jihoon’s brain as he spots Seokmin watch his soulmate with adoring eyes, who is currently fawning over you. He really should figure out what to do with his fucked up situation, but for now, he makes his way to his housemates and his not-soulmate. He plants himself down in the camping chair next to Ji-ah, who doesn’t seem to notice his arrival. Instead, she is staring at her phone with a little smile forming on her face.
“Did your sister send you some dress ideas, babe?” Jihoon asks, the pet name leaving a bad taste in his mouth.
His presence startles Ji-ah, yelping and almost dropping her phone. “Huh?”
“I just asked if that was your sister.”
“O-oh.” She laughed, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Uhh.. yeah, just talking about cake flavor ideas.” She shoves her phone quickly into her pocket before he can see, cheeks flushed. Jihoon simply hums and nods as he leans forward slightly to listen in on Mingyu and Wonwoo’s conversation.
“No~!” Jihoon hears you whining as Seungkwan takes Seungcheol’s spot beside you. “I want it, Boo.” You jutt your bottom lip out as Seungkwan holds the bottle of soju above your head.
“Ah-ah. No.” His voice is firm. “That is bottle number three when you have had no food in you. It’s time to eat.”
“Why?” You sigh dramatically.
“Because you’re going to get alcohol poisoning.” Jisoo tries to encourage you.
“Maybe I want to get blackout drunk.” You huff.
“Maybe,” Seungcheol agrees with you, leaning against Seungkwan’s back as he held the alcohol high above your reach. “But in this family, we drink responsibly. You will get this back when you eat at least one bowl of rice and some meat.”
“Come on, you,” Soonyoung sits atop the table in front of you, holding the chopsticks full of food towards you. “One bite at a time.”
“No.” You grumble, turning your head away from him.
“If you eat, you get the soju back, Goober.” Jisoo encourages beside you, still rubbing at your arm as you look up at him. Your frown is still visible as he smiles down to you, nodding eagerly. After a long sigh, you open your mouth obediently as Soonyoung puts the awaiting food into your mouth.
“There we go!” Seokmin grins and claps happily at you.
“Good girl.” Jisoo praises, and your cheeks turn red as a small smile forms on your lips, something that doesn’t go unnoticed by your soulmate.
Soonyoung wordlessly offers more food to you, which you take eagerly with Jisoo’s praises, but Jihoon can’t help but stare at your blushing cheeks and dazed smile at your brother's friend with each bite. For the upteenth time that night, Jihoon pushes down the uncomfortable feeling that settles in his stomach as he tries to remember Jeonghan’s words to tell him to move on from you.
Within five minutes, almost the whole plate is finished by you, your rosy cheeks puffed up as you look hopefully to Seungkwan. “I did good?”
“Hmm~” he hums appreciatively. “You sure did.” He grins, patting your head sweetly as he passes the soju to Jisoo.
“Now, you can have this back, but you gotta be good and drink slowly. Okay, Goober?”
“Yes, Shua-‘ppa.” You chirp through your last mouthful of food, and giggle gleefully as he passes the alcohol to you.
Jihoon purposely attempts to keep his back to you to avoid the temptation to keep an eye on you. You’re clearly tipsy at best, and too many nights of handling a drunk, clingy Mingyu have conditioned him to want to try and keep an eye on you to see if you’ll be just as destructive as your friend.
To his surprise though, for the rest of the night you stay by Jisoo’s side, nestled delicately against him. Jisoo doesn’t mind, on the contrary, he has kept up his conversations with the others well as his arm absentmindedly keeps you close, stroking your shoulder as he talks. You stay happily curled up, fiddling with a box of beads and string that Jisoo has brought for the trip, making bracelets as you hum drunkenly to yourself.
“Hyung,” Mingyu is whispering to your brother, standing by the fire near Jihoon’s seat, who can’t help but listen to his housemate speak. “Are you sure you should be letting Y/N-ie drink?”
“She’s not hurting anyone, is she?” Seungcheol deadpans, raising an eyebrow. “Look at her. She’s fine.”
Jihoon follows the line of view with Mingyu, observing you. You’re smiling quietly as you delicately place a purple flower bead onto the small plastic thread, Jisoo leaning down and whispering something in your ear, making you giggle and nudge his side before testing the length of the bracelet around his wrist.
“Aren’t they a little too close?” Wonwoo comments, a frown of concern on his face as your soulmate keeps his eyes on you tying the end of the bracelet around Jisoo’s wrist securely.
“If you’re trying to insinuate my friend would make a move on my sister, you’re wrong.” Seungcheol hums nonchalantly, taking a swig of his beer. “We were all close as kids. This is exactly like how they were.”
“Is Shua single, babe?” Jeonghan asks your brother, loud enough for Jihoon to hear. Jihoon frowns deeply, knowing what he is trying to do.
“I mean, he has a soulmate.” Seungcheol responds, Jeonghan keeping his eyes on Jihoon. “He hasn’t seen them for a long time, but he has one.”
“Interesting.” Is Jeonghan’s only response, sipping his drink as he eyes your soulmate’s obvious grimace.
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Your giggles filled the comfortable silence for most of the relaxed evening as you watch Seungkwan nag to Soonyoung, wagging his finger in his face as the older boy starts to imitate him. The night has begun to quiet down now, nearing close to 1am as some of the group have retreated to their tents for the evening, leaving only Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Jisoo, Soonyoung, Seokmin, Seungkwan, Jihoon and yourself left awake. Although, you are clearly losing the battle of consciousness.
You’re currently on your upteenth bracelet of the night, blinking blearily as you place the rainbow beads carefully onto the thread as Jisoo, who now hasn’t left your side almost all evening, joins in as he seems to be making a necklace. Jihoon has been preparing to go back to his tent for a little while now, but he finds himself not able to rest until everyone else has. He stays put in his camping chair as he watches you and your friends wind down for the evening.
“Hey, you.” Seokmin leans over you, making you lean backwards against his front, relishing in his warmth as you hum in content.
“Hi.” You smile sleepily, watching as Seokmin reaches down to tie the bracelet against your wrist.
“Ready for bed, hm?” He smiles down to you as you begin to pout. Before you can speak, though, he laughs. “Come on, Bug, we are going into the city tomorrow to go to the beach. We need to rest so we can have a fun beach day.”
Jihoon can see the gears ticking in your head as you process his words, lip still in a deep frown. It’s cute.
“The bracelets will be here for you tomorrow, y’know.” Jisoo chimes in with a charming smile. “And we are all going to bed now so you won’t miss out.”
“Mm…Kay.” You yawn.
“C’mon.” Soonyoung coos, taking your hand as you rise, reaching up and rubbing at your eye tiredly. He wraps you in a fluffy blanket as he leads you to the large inflatable pool. He glances at Seungcheol and Jeonghan as he passes them, whispering. “Do you have the painkillers for tomorrow?” When they nod, he nods with approval before scooping you up and settling you down on the pillows beside his soulmate who takes you carefully.
“Ready for some stargazing?” Seokmin smiles as you nod silently, already leaning back and looking up at the clear, starry sky as Soonyoung lays down beside you. Your eyes begin to tiredly flutter closed, your head falling and resting against your best friend’s shoulder.
“I thought you said she wasn’t affectionate and cuddly with soulmated people?” Jisoo asked your brother curiously as you snuggle with your friends.
“Normally she isn’t.” Seungcheol hums.
“She’s been drinking, that’s why.” Jeonghan chimes in as he cleans the last of the rubbish on the table.
“Did you end up finding out why?” Your brother asks quietly. “She only ever does when something has really hurt her.”
Jeonghan pauses with a quick glance to Jihoon before shaking his head, a pang of guilt building inside him. “No. She wouldn’t tell me.”
“She will tell you about it when she’s ready, I’m sure.” Jisoo replies sagely with a smile that makes Jihoon almost scoff. He has known you for five minutes.
“Yeah, but…” Seungcheol sighs.
“Hey, no buts.” His soulmate smiles, pecking his lips. “She’s in the safest hands she could be in. And like Joshuji said, she will tell us when she is ready.”
After the others all made their way to their tents for the night, (and after a stupid longing stare at you resting in Soonyoung’s arms) Jihoon heaves a sigh as he steps into his small tent to see Ji-ah sitting straight up on the mattress, looking as if she’d seen a ghost.
“Babe?” The name leaves a bitter taste in his mouth that he chooses to ignore. It causes Ji-ah to jolt, not sensing his presence. “Is everything alright?”
“Jihoon,” she sighs nervously. “Something has happened. I… tomorrow when we go to the city I need to go home.”
“Wait, what?” Jihoon’s eyes widened as he crawled onto the mattress beside his not-soulmate. She tenses. “What’s happened? Do you need me to go with you?”
“No!” She insists quickly, making Jihoon jolt in shock. “I mean… no,” she takes a shaky breath and laughs awkwardly. “No.. it’s fine. I just need to get home as soon as I can.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to come?” He reaches for her hand, which she hesitantly takes.
“Yes, I’m sure, babe.” She smiles, although to him it almost seems like a grimace. He pauses for a moment before nodding.
“Okay. I’ll get Jeonghan-ssi to take a detour on the way to the beach tomorrow.”
“Thank you…” she smiled again, a bit more genuine this time as they both moved to lay down to rest, although Jihoon doesn’t think he will be able to sleep any time soon - the memories of Jeonghan’s words and your heartbroken face playing over in his head on loop.
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At the ripe time of 8:14am, Jihoon steps out of the tent with Ji-ah’s suitcase in tow, wincing at the bright sunlight shining through the trees on the campsite. He rubs at his eyes tiredly, glancing around at the state of the others.
At the early hour, only a few are awake and making breakfast for the (most likely) hungover others who are still resting. Jeonghan and Seungcheol man the barbecue, Jisoo putting all the food onto plates for everyone once they wake. Jihoon can’t help but frown a little at Jisoo before he glances over to where he knows he shouldn’t look.
Seokmin and Soonyoung are awake, sitting up and talking quietly to each other with a still resting you sleeping against Soonyoung’s chest. Your face is hidden from everybody, buried against the soft fabric of your best friend’s hoodie, protecting you from the brightness of the sun. Soonyoung is patting the back of your head as he speaks intimately with Seokmin, who is scratching your back absentmindedly. Jihoon watches for a moment, nose scrunching up slightly before he turns to make his way to your brother and his soulmate.
“Umm, Jeonghan-hyung,” Jihoon starts nervously. Hyung is fine, right? It’s respectful enough. “Can I please talk to you for a second?”
Jeonghan looks genuinely surprised at your soulmate standing before him, looking dare he says… scared? He’s amused as he watches Jihoon glance at your brother nervously for a split second. Your brother pays him no mind, still tending to the food so it doesn’t burn.
“Sure, give me a second.” He smiles, stepping out from behind the barbecue to the picnic table a few meters away, Jihoon trailing behind awkwardly.
“I’d like to ask a favor.” He can’t look Jeonghan in the face. If he was honest, his chat with him yesterday scared the crap out of him at the thought of your brother’s wrath. “It isn’t much, really…”
“What is it?”
“Ji-ah has had a family emergency come up.” He gestures to her suitcase by their tent. “I just wanted to ask if it was okay if we could pass by the train station on the way to the beach today? I can cover for fuel and-”
“Oh!” Jeonghan lets out an airy laugh. “Is that all?” Jihoon’s shocked at the change in his tone. “I thought you were going to tell me that you were going to do something stupid like ask me how to woo your soulmate.”
Jihoon gasps audibly as he quickly turns to look around to see if anybody overheard Jeonghan’s words.
“It’s fine, Jihoon-ssi.” He smiles. “Half of the guys are planning to go shopping in the city while we go to the beach anyway. No sweat.”
He releases a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. “Oh.. thank you, hyung.” He nods slowly. As he turns away, he jumps slightly at the feeling of Jeonghan’s hand grabbing his wrist.
“It’s no problem.” His voice is suddenly icy. “But, for future reference, don’t think about asking me about how to win Ladybug’s heart unless you’re 100% serious, you hear me?” A small jolt of fear runs through him as he nods worriedly. And just as quick as he came, Jeonghan’s expression changes back to his happy demeanor. “Perfect! We are on the same page then! Good talk.” He claps him on the back before making his way to the food. “Now have some breakfast before it gets cold.”
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The others are uncharacteristically quiet as they all climb onto the bus for the quiet ride into the city due to the copious amount of alcohol consumption from the night before. Seungcheol is amused at the sight of a hungover you climbing onto the bus and planting yourself down on a seat.
You pull a pair of sunglasses over your eyes, leaning your head on the headrest as you immediately attempt to curl up and get comfy. Seokmin sits beside you, smiling at you as you grab his hand, placing it directly on top of your head with an intelligible mumble. Seokmin seems to understand, though, as he carefully pulls what hair he can back, starting to braid it delicately and neatly as Seungkwan chuckles with Mingyu at how adorably clingy you can be when you aren’t worrying so much.
Jihoon is unfortunately in the seats directly behind you both with Ji-ah, a small frown on his face as he tries to not stare at you and your hair. He’s so close he can hear you almost purring with content as you start to drift off once more, his stomach twisting in pain as Jeonghan starts the bus to take off.
“Thank you again for keeping her company, last night, Jisoo.” Jihoon can hear Seungcheol murmur to his friend, who is sitting beside Soonyoung.
“Oh, it’s nothing.” He chirps happily, the alcohol’s after effects clearly not bothering him. “I’ve missed my little Goober.” Jihoon scoffs quietly, glancing out the window to try and ignore the conversation but feels his blood run cold for a moment as Jisoo’s voice grows softer.
“Besides, she needed that last night - to be carefree and have someone be there for her the way someone who loves her can, even if it was just for a night.” Everyone understands what Jisoo is implying, including Jihoon as he spots your brother’s soulmate stare at him for a moment through the rear view mirror. He winces, glancing away from the intense gaze, opting to stare at the scenery that is his first home town for the remainder of the short drive.
“Thank you again for dropping me off here, Jeonghan-Oppa.” Ji-ah smiles politely as she stands by the door of the bus. “You could have dropped me with the others at the mall, I would’ve found my way here.”
“Don’t be silly,” Jeonghan smiles at her, having got out of the bus to stretch his legs for a moment. “It’s no trouble at all. I would have rather known you made it here safely and in one piece. I hope your emergency is able to get sorted out quickly.” He gently pats her arm as she smiles sweetly at him.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to walk you in?” Jihoon asks her quietly, and she shakes her head with a smile.
“I’m keeping you guys enough as it is. Go enjoy the beach, kay?” She smiles. Jihoon nods with a little smile.
“Alright then. Message me when you get back home?” He leans in to peck her lips, only to be surprised when instead of her lips, his own meets her cheek.
“Will do, Hoon. Bye!” Ji-ah is quick to grab her suitcase, dashing towards the entrance to the station, leaving Jihoon dumbfounded at the foot of the bus.
Did she just dodge his kiss?
“Jihoon-ah.” Jeonghan’s voice calls to him. If he noticed anything unusual, he doesn’t comment. “You coming?”
Jihoon blinks out of his daze, nodding quickly before climbing back up into the bus and back into his seat.
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Jihoon has always loved the beach. Even though he was, as Soonyoung would call it, a certified hermit, as a child he would always find himself spending his weekends at the beach with his parents if the weather called for it. He takes in a deep breath as he tastes the familiar salty air, a small smile of content on his face as he watches the waves lull lazily against the shore.
Only a small number of the group decided to join Seungcheol and Jeonghan at the beach, including himself, Seokmin, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Seungkwan, Hansol, Jisoo and yourself. He was more than happy with anyone who decided to join them, with the plan being the whole group meet up for dinner at a hotpot restaurant to celebrate Seungcheol’s actual birthday before taking the party back to the campsite for drinks and games.
Seungcheol, Soonyoung and Mingyu are already in the water as Jihoon sits down on his beach chair under a large communal beach umbrella where he and the others have set up for the day. He watches as Seokmin sits with Seungkwan and Hansol, happily making plans for a large, elaborate sandcastle while Wonwoo and Jisoo sit quietly on their towels, having a quiet discussion together. He glances down at his phone to see if Ji-ah has texted him yet, and sighs quietly when he sees no notifications.
“Are you seriously not thinking about getting into the water today, Ladybug?” Jeonghan’s hums in the distance, drawing closer to Jihoon and their things. “I think the cool water would make your hangover better, wouldn’t it?”
“Nope.” Your voice is dull and monotone, mirroring the way you feel. “There are sharks in that water, I refuse.”
“Sharks wouldn’t come up to where the water meets your hips, pabo.”
“I refuse to take that chance.” You wave him off, Jihoon hearing your voices getting closer. “I like swimming in bodies of water that are condensed and clear enough so I know what I’m getting into.”
“Then why are you wearing the bikini if you don’t plan on getting in?” Jeonghan retorts. Jihoon gulps.
“Because I need the tan.” You bark back, Jeonghan simply chuckling as he tickles your sides, causing you (and Jihoon) to jolt and yelp.
Jihoon knows he shouldn’t. He really shouldn’t.
Against his better judgement, he turns his head towards where your voice is coming from, choking on his own spit as he sees you; hair braided and sunglasses covering your eyes. You’re wearing a pastel blue and white striped bikini, the little galaxies of your collarbone on full display as you make your way to a beach chair near where Wonwoo is situated.
Jihoon is so fucked.
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Real Eyes, Fake Lies Taglist
@vixensss @ldysmfrst @hemmingsness @lizzymizzy-blogg @breakfastburritosattiffanys @im-gemmy @friendlywraith @devinkelsey19 @kameko-ko @mar-627 @woozieeeee @milopenne @stellauniverse @addicsvt @changbinisms @phenomenalgirl9 @lanatheawesome @maidachi @jeanjacketjesus @sunnynapp @jihanniee @jaeminsbuckethat @sweetchelly @claireleem @hotricewoozi @sumzysworld @lavayeon @unusuallyshy @woozixo @mirxzii @seventeenthingsblr
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jenniferlmeyer · 8 months
Wait, wait wait!! Are you the ACTUAL Jennifer Meyer who drew horses for the Bella Sara trading card game??
I literally found my old collection of Bella Sara cards the other weekend (I thought I lost them and I was SO distraught at the idea)! I was literally thinking 'Hm, I wonder what happened to the artists like Jennifer and Spoops?'
I didn't realize your here on Tumblr!! Which illustration from Bella Sara would you have to say is your favorite?? :O
hrfnjdnen, ok ok! Have a good day/night!! 😊
Yes 😊 Yes I am🌸
I got a few favorites for different reasons ✨💖 a few below.
Let’s see… after Bella Sara I went more into comics and children books.
Currently I’m finishing a graphic novel and illustrating an unannounced book. Another book I drew is getting ready to be announced. And I have a book I illustrated coming out in February featuring bunny mermaids.
I’m so happy you found your cards!!✨🌸🌸💜✨🌸
Much love for the Bella Sara community 🌸✨🌸 so great ✨🌸✨🌸
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yu-huuuu · 13 days
Mod// Heyyy guess what, I actually have a request for once!!!
Could I get a Madara × Fem!Reader OneShot/Headcanon/Drabble?
I fell really hard for that bastard over the last couple days and probably broke a couple bones as I did.
I was thinking of something like his wife teasing and provoking him (because he's hot when he's angry) so that he can put her in her place. She'll be obedient again after that. (I swear the things I'll let this man do to me, I need holy water)
NSFW would be great, but doesn't have to be.
Hope you have a lovely day my dear!💜
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[ 🌸 ] bby… I think I overdid this 😂🤙🏼
Characters: madara uchiha
genre: mentions of the fluff type… and then it gets hot
warnings: sex, squirting, spanking, you-know-what nicknames 🫣…, +18, v & p, positions, writer don't remember what more crap she wrote,
minors go read something productive, thank you for your attention
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"Little brat"
You shuddered at feeling a spank on your butt before gasping from a particularly hard thrust into your sweet spot.
You couldn't move; Madara had tied your wrists with his belt, leaving you completely immobilized and at his mercy when you had pathetically tried to pull away from the overstimulating pleasure, soaking his palm in the process. Your knees were starting to feel numb.
A smile had appeared on your face initially when your plan to make your loving husband give in to your provocations had worked. Married life with your partner had left you smitten, but Madara had not wanted to stop being gentle with you.
Making love had felt like touching the sky the first time you decided to give yourself to him: the gentle and almost timid touches, the whispers of how much he loved you made, and had made your heart and chest feel warm before sending you into another orgasm.
You knew it; you already knew the reason: he didn't want to corrupt you. He didn't want to hurt you with his roughness or his touch. You could understand his concern, but after two years of the same slow and tender rhythm, you had quickly grown bored, leaving you wanting more.
You had heard of women who had provoked and teased their husbands to bring out their wilder side. At first, you refused to take that path, deciding to wait. Instead, you chose a more direct approach by selecting lingerie; you thought you had succeeded, but it was the same.
It didn’t matter the different types of bras that gave you that cleavage most girls would kill for or the different types of thongs that highlighted your hips and butt. The color or the foreplay didn’t matter, it wasn’t enough for Madara to take you the way you desired, and that’s when you decided to do the only thing left.
Teasing him was nothing new, you were always gentle, choosing humorous and almost sarcastic responses. But provoking him? That was new territory, especially doing it in front of other people. You didn’t know how to act, you just followed your instinct.
A pitiful moan escaped your lips when his thrusts concentrated on hitting your already sore and overstimulated G-spot. A thin trail of saliva escaped your lips, staining your chin. Your breasts moved with Madara's rough movements, your nipples still throbbing from the harsh treatment Madara had given them.
You felt another smack on your ass before feeling Madara’s soft but rough lips on your shoulder.
“Did you really think you would get away with it, darling?” he whispered mockingly in your ear before gently biting your earlobe, contrasting with his hard thrusts. You clenched your hands as you felt another orgasm approaching.
In an almost pitiful act, you begged, trying to articulate a comprehensible word between moans and gasps, “I… please… no more–”. You stopped when a scream tore through you as your pussy convulsed again, making your juices spill onto the already wrinkled sheets of the bed. You might have felt bad about staining the bed if it wasn’t already stained. Your pussy clenched again when his cock went deeper inside you, leaving you panting. You felt like you were going to split in two. Your orgasm felt so close when his cock hit that special spot again; you were going to explode at any moment.
You weren't going to last long; your head fell as you tried to babble again, “please… I don't think I can…” you tried to articulate as your eyes closed and opened, hesitant with pleasure.
An almost sinister laugh came from behind you, making you shiver. You didn't know if it was for pleasure or fear; Maybe it was both. A large hand left your hip to trail down your smooth stomach before moving down.
With a loud gasp, you tried to close your thighs in a pathetic attempt to push his hand away from him to try and avoid what was to come, but he was faster. His legs were placed over yours, crushing them, but not hurting them.
“Yes you can,” he murmured in an authoritative tone of voice after slapping your clit before massaging it roughly, quickly and carelessly.
You felt like you were in hell and in heaven, you were going to end soon. A blush crept up your chest and face as you imagined what the two of you would look like: Madara fucking you from behind, you on your knees and completely helpless, being held down by her belt while you pitifully begged him that you couldn't take it anymore.
Small tears came out of your eyes as you felt it again. You were going to finish very soon. A moan that felt like a scream escaped your lips when you felt it. A liquid escaped from you, staining his hand, which did not stop moving, onto your thighs and onto the already wet sheets beneath you. You had squirted.
The pleasure didn't let up for a single moment, leaving you trembling. Your orgasm seemed endless; Madara's hand didn't stop, leading you to the overstimulation door with force.
You screamed his name as you tried to get away from his hand, but it was impossible. A slap on your clit stopped you, “Brat, trying to get away from your punishment again?”
"You're so pretty, I wanted to take loving care of you, but because of your behavior I have to put you in your place," he growled as he bit and sucked on your neck. "But if this is not enough, I will have to teach you how to behave in the next few days, you spoiled little woman."
Internally, you regretted having provoked him so much, on the other hand, it would be difficult to walk for the next few days. But, if this was going to be your daily punishment, every time you decided to provoke him, you would gladly take it.
A shaky sigh left you as your eyes rolled towards the back of your head, a smile appearing on your already stained face. The next words that came out of you would send you to your doom, and you knew it, but honestly you didn't care, “You don't know– how much I love listening to... your empty threats”
You are so over.
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lexlightning2002 · 2 months
~Your eyes are a science I can't explain, a thought I cannot describe, it's just pure happiness~
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Well, It's been a long time since I posted something here, but after a break, I am back!
I'm really sorry for being inactive, but the last months were really hard for me and a lot of stuff happened and is still happening. For this, please go on reading under the Cut, it would mean a lot to me.
I hope you all are well and I hope this fandom is still alive! 💚💜
CW: I am going to talk about animal abuse, losing a pet and grief. If you are not comfortable with this, please skip🌸
The last months has been really hard. As some of you might know, I do horse riding in my free time and it's my second passion besides art. There has been a lot of troubles at the stable lately and I am the kind of person who takes everything by heart.
I always was very uncomfortable being at the stable, because I felt everyone judged me and talked behind my back. The anchor was my horse, which sadly didn't belong to me, she belonged to the riding facility as she was a lesson horse. I was the person who cared for her. She was my heart horse I believe, and last month, she suddenly behaved differently, as if she was traumatized.
There have been incidents at our facility where horses have been beaten and shouted at just to let u know
I got the job to get her trust back, as she was used around children. And it got better.
And two days later she was brought to the animal clinic because she developed a high fever. The vets couldn't save her, and three days later she had to be euthanized.
I couldn't say goodbye to her and I'm still crying everyday. She was something special, maybe I can share some pictures of her at some point, to show you how great she was.
I am grieving her so hard and it's very difficult for me to find happiness again.
I don't know if you ever lost a pet, but it hurts so much, and it left me in a hole full of nothing.
I am slowly recovering, but I'm not sure if I will ever get over her. I should go to therapy, but I have no energy for writing an email or making a call.
Speaking about art, this year will be my final year at art academy, I will hopefully graduate in September. For that, I need much time for my project, meaning, I won't have much time for making fanart anymore. If you want, I could do a poll about sharing my other art as well.
It's a hard life atm, but art keeps me busy.
But sometimes you just need a break, and I needed it now.
I hope you understand this, and I am so thankful for everyone who stayed and joined <3
Much love and stay safe💜💚🧡🩵
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lilybug-02 · 3 months
i saw your "fursona pratice post" and i just had to draw this silly guy, I did it on my style, But hope you like! ^^
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I did his ears look like "Moth Fuffly Ears" cuz for some reason he look like one to me?? ( lol ) but also look like just Big and very fuffly fox ears.
And ofc - HE HAVE RAD SPIKY HAIRRR!! With a cool feather mane 👌, Lion Tail and Bull feets, with big wings <3!! ( Silly snoot Asriel reference 👀 )
I put blue eyes to him cuz- uh well, he looks cool, yeah thats the reason. 😶
And ofc i can't forget his Red cool Shirt! 🔥
( and his silly butterfly tongue lol )
I think thats all?? It was really cool to draw him btw, i think i did A redesing by accident XD
Ah... yeah, i did that too-
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Ok gonna sleep now, have a great day/night my Bread Friend!🚶
AHHHHH!!!! THis is AMaZing!!! eeee omg I love this so so much! This is such cool fan art! The spiky hair and big fluffy ears are perfection ✨🔥🌸🕊️ The amount of detail you put into this shows! >^< Thank you so much for the awesome art! 💜❤️💖💟
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vitaminseetarot · 9 months
Full Blue Supermoon PAC Pick a Flower: How Are You Blooming? 🧡🌸🌹💜
Hello folks and welcome back to the next chapter of my moon series, all about growing your intention over the month! I had some crazy weather and managed to get both moonrain and moonwater. The moon was SO BRIGHT outside I even attempted (poorly) to read a book underneath it. If there's collective advice I can give for all four piles, it's to get some extra sleep lol especially when full moons this bright can disrupt our schedules.
As a ritual option, if you do gather moonwater, you can consecrate it to your intent via drinking or bathing. Imagine that you're watering that which is now ready to come into full bloom. The water energy will be particularly potent since it's in the tropical sign of Pisces. It's an energy that can receive powerful insights from dreams and visions so long as one's channels are properly cleansed and cleared. If you're an artist this is a great full moon for finding a good creative idea to work with throughout the rest of the year.
Pick one of the three flowers below to find out how your seed is now flowering to its full potential during this Superbloom! Pictures provided from flowers growing in my own house and yard. Divider from @animatedglittergraphics-n-more.
1, Orange Daylily - 2, Mauve Musk Mallow
3, Scarlet Bee Balm - 4, African Violet
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Pile 1: Orange Daylily
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Five of Swords, Eight of Pentacles, Two of Cups, IX Hermit, King of Cups New Moon Eclipse - Expect Powerful Change, Virgo Moon - Trust, Everlasting Daisy - Fortitude
This tarot deck, I swear! Almost every time I use it, this frightening five of swords pops out. I used to gasp, but now I'm like "really, again?" Maybe that's a metaphor for your reading, pile 1. Big changes are on the horizon and you're shocked and overwhelmed and don't know what you're doing--relax, it's all going to be fine.
You are blooming through persistence. No matter what silly, inane situation or conflict you find yourself in, you have shown that it pays to stick to your vision and keep pushing through no matter what. It's become like a personal compass for you, leading you where you need to go when things on the outside become too confusing to mess with. You know scenes in shows where a bunch of people are fighting over something like a coveted treasure, then you see that one person in the background is quietly making their getaway with the treasure. If the others fighting could stop and think for a second, they'd realize that you're already several steps ahead of them.
I felt the Hermit card long before I even pulled it, so the general advice here is as simple as: keep doing what you're doing! You may not see where you want to be right now but you're success will be guaranteed once you've made it. You're being asked to trust in the process for now. If you need to hide yourself away in order to focus, then keep doing it. You need to be mindful with how you spend your energy, and petty quarrels are the biggest energy drains. Getting too many other minds involved in the process is only going to bog you down, and not with cranberries. There's already a lot going on, so give yourself chances to disconnect.
Eventually, you'll be able to reconnect again, from a healthier place. Isolation is meant to help you, not remain a staple feature in your life. Sometimes we have to step away from people in order to enjoy the time spent with them again. Absence makes the heart fonder and all that. Your sense of light and joy is the key here. Does being alone make you feel more at ease, or does spending time with someone you care about? Daylily is named for their flowers which only bloom for one day before falling away. Orange Daylily is especially optimistic. It's asking you to take it one day at a time. A day for this, a day for that.
Soon, you will come to a place where you can feel more emotionally centered and your boat won't get rocked so easily. King of Cups isn't a rock, he lets himself feel tenderly and passionately, he lets others feel before him, but he doesn't let those feelings consume or overwhelm him. Don't be in a pressure to be that kind of person at the moment. You don't have to act emotionally above it all, or like you're only there to absorb the conflict. You can be King of Cups for your own sake, when you're ready to handle it. For now, quiet persistence is one way you can create emotional boundaries while you're undergoing shifts in your life.
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Pile 2: Mauve Musk Mallow
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Six of Wands, X Wheel of Fortune, I Magician, Eight of Cups, XIII Death Full Moon Aquarius - Show the World the Real You, Libra Moon - Sympathise, Gardenia - Awareness
I really liked the initial energy of this pile. You must have done something right! Because of your particular talents, and staying true to yourself as well, you were able to accomplish something that would have seemed impossible ages ago. It's like you're striking lucky somewhere in your life. I sense whatever this luck was varies so much because I'm not getting details as to what. The focus seems to be more on your sudden boost of confidence. It may begin to feel like things are finally starting to work out in your favor.
You are blooming through serendipity. This chance will spark a light in you to have more fun with your life. The Musk Mallow can represent playfulness, but mallow plants are notorious for their soothing capabilities. It's offering relief on the pressure valve a little so you can come back into balance with yourself again. However, this luck is not intended to last. It's there just enough to support and push you into a more positive direction, but it's not something to fall back on hoping there will no longer be worries. Allow yourself to enjoy the success but don't let it get to your head.
I think in order to receive this opportunity, you'll need to let go of something, maybe just for a little while like a break. It could be other opportunities that are tempting you or some blockage getting in the way. I get a sense for many of you that you may need to spend less time with certain people even if temporarily. This is in order to focus and allow the best possible outcome. The people you would be distancing will likely be people who don't support you or have the best intentions for your future. Don't entertain those who try to put you down for your successes. It may suck if this is a close friend or family member, but a true friend will stick around for you even if you suddenly get swept up in something good, even if you have to undergo radical change to make it possible.
Either way, I see you taking on this opportunity with a high chance for further success if you can keep your head in the game. Stay vigilant and don't rest now while the iron is still hot--strike! Take a moment to feel good about yourself without shame. It's okay to feel bad if some can't necessarily share with you in that success. It doesn't mean you have to let them drag you down with negative attitudes. You're doing your own thing, here.
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Pile 3: Red Bee Balm
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Ten of Pentacles (Rv), VI Lovers, Nine of Swords, XIV Temperance, Ten of Swords Third Quarter Moon - Adjustments Are Required, Aries Sun - Assert, Orange Blossom - Enthusiasm
This might be a specific message for some: are you planning to come out of the closet to anyone close to you, like family members? Or you could be disclosing a delicate secret to them about something like a choice you've recently made? Whatever it is, it has you feeling in a bit of a tangle. This is something that's been bugging you for a while and you're at the point where you're willing to step it up and change.
You are blooming through authenticity. You're coming into a place where you feel more real with yourself, and more aligned with your decisions. You're seeing yourself for who you are, with all the cultural and religious baggage at the side for now. Through that, you're able to expand your awareness on what it is you want out of life. Maybe you'd rather move than stay where you are, or change college majors, maybe you'd rather get a pet fish than a pet hamster. You have to know who you are to know what it is you want. Funny how it doesn't always work the other way around. Wants can be fickle but you're learning to balance the different perspectives.
If this choice means leaving behind values that have been passed down to you for ages, it may not necessarily be easy. It may not always involve stripping away it all. You don't have to throw the baby out with the bathwater, if you're just looking to give the child better soap. You can leave behind that which is only pulling you away from your authentic self. The rest is fluff. Tropical Aries Sun starts off spring season, reminding you that for every end you have the ability to create a new and better beginning with enthusiasm.
Be gentle with how you address this information to the outside. You may likely encounter opposition with your choices, especially those who would rather treat you like a child. Assertion is not the same as aggression, remember. We sometimes get caught up in our heads, believing everyone who's against us will always be fervently against us, which isn't always so. People can always change their minds and open up. It's not in your power to push them through that door, you can only keep the door open and point the signs in that direction. If they sting you, Bee Balm's medicine will be there with you, easing the pain and cheering you on for your commitment to yourself.
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Pile 4: African Violet
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Knight of Pentacles, Five of Cups, Queen of Pentacles, Eight of Cups (Rv.), Nine of Pentacles New Moon Cancer - You and Your Loved Ones Are Safe, Leo Sun - Create, Azalea - Temperance
Wherever it is in life you're focused on most, you've been diligently chipping away at it for some time. It feels like the right strike to hit gold is close. You're hoping that once you do, things will smooth out again and you can breathe. Every now and then, though, there comes a time where you have to stop where you are at in the present and breathe. As you do, notice everything going on around you and the amazing things currently at your table.
You are blooming through gratitude. It's not a typical message you get with the sad five of cups, but sometimes we have to look closely. The girl depicted clearly feels close to the seal, and they're able to bond over good times together even when dark uncertain times have crossed them. They're able to remember what was special, which any sadness on the surface can't erase. The two cups standing represent gratitude and hope. You're able to see that you've come a long way, and though there's much to still do, you can take the time to enjoy what you've accomplished so far. There's a bittersweet feeling to it, though, like you're not sure if you want to stop and mull for too much or you might feel too hard about what's been missed or left behind long ago.
Is there a worry over how loved ones around you might be reacting to your growth? This spread is signalling that you've already come so far, so there's no fret in slowing down and making time to spend with others. Family doesn't have to mean literal family, it refers to whomever you call "home". It could be your one dog and a studio apartment and I'd say "yes, take your dog on an extra walk today, not just cause they're a good dog but because you need this time to decompress and your dog wants to help you." Whether people in your life are under or over reacting, it doesn't have to affect your sense of gratitude for your progress. Maybe they're giving you no support for your efforts, or they're being overbearing to where you feel like they're actually pushing you away from what you're doing, but you're the Queen of Pentacles here, happily receiving from the Nine of Pentacles. The gratitude is in your mindset and how you approach it.
There's also one more separate advice, pile 4. Don't let your family discourage you from what you're making. Please don't toss away whatever it is you're working on now. Leo Sun wants you to be bold, open, and creatively expressive. Find a way to balance between working on it and getting feedback from everyone else. African Violets love that you care for family, but feels you could do without the smothering effect neglecting your growth. There's a time and a place for everything. Just make sure you're taking care of yourself in the meanwhile.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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broz0neglitters · 2 months
I'll be fuckin' you right Seven days a week 🪻⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Bruce x Fem Reader Smut/NSFW
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Warning: Smut, Attempting to get the fem reader pregnant,P*rn mention
-He's is such a smooth talker even in bed
-He'll praise you in bed such as...
"Yeah, baby just like you're doing great for me hun."
"You feel so good baby girl."
"Keep going baby girl, You're almost there."
-His cock is big and thick his cum is milky AF even more milky than all his brothers
-He's has a kink where he likes to cum inside of you even when you clearly said you weren't ready for a baby
-He will beg you to let him cum inside of you, He wants to get you pregnant so badly "You'll be a great mom don't you think if you just let me cum inside of you." He said stroking your soft hair
-He can be gentle when going to town on you but he can be rough if he's really horny
-Bruce is super duper Horny af
-Has a really bad P*rn addiction he will want to jerk off because it reminds him of you
-You guys will be fucking for seven days a week meaning, Monday,Tuesdays,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday Every hours, night after night and even Every hour, every minute, every second Sevens days a week he's so desperate for you to have a baby with him
-He once give you a pregnancy test as a gift you weren’t impressed but you took the test anyways and it was negative so you guys try again day after days and 7 days a week
"You know baby I'll be fucking you right sevens days a week until you get pregnant with my child!" he said fucking your so hard
"Babe, Don't try so hard to have a baby don’t you want to have fun like explore? having a baby will mean we won't have time to fuck seven day a weeks and you know that right bruce." You said moaning while biting your shirt
"You just loved it when I jump right in don't you and leaving you with that after glow with my cum all over your hot body don't you baby girl." he said going in deeper causing you to let out a yelped
-He loves fingering you so you'll probably get a surprise finger fuck from him
-He would want to do it in public but you think is too risky
-He loves it when you moan out his name super loudly he wants the world even his brother who is staying w him could hear that he's fucking you good during those sevens days a week
-Will cum all over your body, possibly inside of you, mouth, face
-Loved to face fuck you with his huge thick cock
-Definitely a huge fan of cock-warming hey you guys might do it in front of his brothers they won't even noticed they'll just think that you like sitting on his lap but just don't moan but bruce likes to test/tease you he'll definitely thrust a little just to see your reaction
-You almost moan in front of his brothers that one time but they didn’t even hear "You want it don't you huh baby girl, can't even keep a straight face for daddy bruce huh." he said thrusting you a little more which cause you to bite your lips to prevent your moans from escaping your mouth
-He has a full playlist of slowed songs to play during sex just like floyd dose
-Also has a ELD Light and will dim the light to pitch red to set the mood for you both but mostly him
-Will man handle you
-He's dominates you during sex
-Likes it when you suck him off
"I must be favored to know ya." He said while hitting your sweet spot which made you cum as-well him
-He goods at eating your Cunt so enjoyed it while you can
-Bruce is always ready for round 2
-His sex after care are the best he'll bring you massive loads of foods/drinks and he'll even sing you one of his brozone songs to possibly get you to fuck him again for round 2
------------- Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed it anyways fill free to request me at anytime :^) *it might take a while to get back to you as I mentioned before I would just write it on my own without any requests plus I've school and real life stuff so be patient with your request your requested are heard loud and clear <3 --------------- Like and Follow are very much appreciated! 💜🌸👾
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Hiii would you like to play PJO OC tradsies :>
In which I offer you Lore Tidbits on some of my PJO OCS (Hana, Lucille, etc) and you give us Lore Tidbits on the new and improved Sebby 🌸🌸🌸
- 🌕 Anon (aka the Local Seb Appreciator)
Omg sure!!! I’ve done so many with the eros fam <33 would love to see Hana again!!
Oh wait I can draw them together finally! Official introduction of the kids LMAO
(Edit: I though I posted this but it was in my drafts 💀💀💀 oh my god-)
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fandomstars · 10 months
Amazing stuff you write out there. I like how your hc-s are not too long neither too short, your blog definitely deserves more attention ^_^ If you have time and not too much requests on your head could you write headcanons of tbb and their texting styles with their s/o? Like who would be the very formal one and who would write quite lenghty messages lmao. Anyways wish u a great day 😻
Aw thanks! Honestly I’m surprised since I feel like I write too short (especially on crazy stuff everyone requests haha), but I’m glad your enjoying my work!
Hm texting styles…sure why not?
Bad Batch x SO Texting
Definitely would be 50/50 on text length. Like most of the time he’ll be short and sweet, but there are moments he can’t help but go full length.
He doesn’t really do memes, but he occasionally sends a quick gif if he can’t text something quick enough.
Emojis he’ll send his SO: 😁😃😄🥹😂😇☺️🥰😍😘😚😜😎🤩😏🫣🤗😑😲🫶👍🫂💐⭐️🍯💌💘🖤❤️❤️‍🔥🤠
He’s definitely one to go for short texts. It’s rare he will go on and on in length.
He’ll do memes and gifs a lot, but mainly memes just to spite his brothers / make you laugh. Don’t think if you send any he’ll laugh…you’ll never know.
Emojis he’ll send his SO: 🙃😘😗😙😚😜😎😏😤😳🫥😶🤫😐😑🙄🥱😈👿👻👍👋🫵👀👥🦅🦇🐦‍⬛🐍🪽🪶🐈‍⬛🌲🌹✨🔥❤️‍🔥🖤😉🤨
He loves to do lengthy texts. He’s a romantic, and while it takes much longer due to cybernetics, he’d rather speak his mind than just something simple. Only time he does simple is if he’s in a rush/on a mission.
He’s secretly the king of memes and gifs. He did such more with his Domino squad, but while his memory is shaky at times, he has said skills ingrained in him. Crosshair doesn’t believe it.
Emojis he’d send to his SO: 😃😄😆😂😅🥹😇☺️😊😉😍🥰😘😋😝😎🤩🥳🥸😏🥺😳😱🤗🫡🫣🤔🤫😐😧🤐😈🤖👾🫶👍🤝✌️👌🖐️👋🦿🫂🤷🪖🦇🦜🍀🌸🌙🌟☀️🫧🧁📚🩷💖💙🦾
He loves to text you! He’s more short text, but he might do a lengthy text if he ever feels like it. Mainly after a tough mission/day.
He loves to sent memes and gifs, like he’ll flood your message board with them.
Emojis he’ll send to his SO: 😃😄😁😆���😅😂🤣😇☺️🥰😘😍😉😋😛🤪😜😝🥸😎😏😳😱🤗🫡🤭🫣🤫🫨😧👻😸😹🫶👏👍👊💪🫵🫂🐱🦍🌷⭐️💥🔥☀️🫧🥞🧇🍖🧁🍬🏋️‍♂️🎉💛💘💞❤️‍🔥👋
He will try to text you as much as he can when separated. While he’d rather type out in length to you, he’ll most likely do short due to being busy.
He’s also secretly a genius at memes and gifs. His brothers have been texted one every now and then, but they don’t know the mass amount he’s sent you that make you roll on the floor laughing every time.
Emojis he’ll send to his SO: 😄🙂😇☺️😉😘😗🧐😏🫡🫢🫣🤔🤫😶🫥😧😯👍🫶👏🖐️👋👥🧑‍💻👓🐞🐱🐋🐘☘️🌺✨🪐☀️🌊🍨☕️🚀📱📚💜🤍💝💘🛠️
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jewbeloved · 9 months
Hi I have to things to ask of you 1.the red panda ask is not working for some reason an I really want to read it because I love your work and 2. Do you think you can do a Encanto reader I would like Isabela powers please for Stan group with butters or Craig gang.
Ps your a great writer 😉
Craig, Tweek, Clyde, Tolkien, Jimmy, and Butters with a s/o who can make flowers grows like Isabella🌸💐🌺💖💖
My red panda post has been fixed, thank you for informing me.
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
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💙 Craig Tucker 🐹
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He low-key finds that special power ability of yours adorable.
He would probably melt if he found out you made a flower vase with the colors that matches his everyday outfit. Blue and Yellow.
Stripe also loves the flowers you make too! You and Craig would find she/he sleeping in a flower pile you left behind when you last used your power.
Cue you and Craig taking multiple pictures of Stripe sleeping in the flower pile📸📸📸📸
You would use your power to make flower crowns, necklaces, and wrist bands too! Craig would definitely wear it wherever he goes. He doesn't care if his friends tease him for it.
They wouldn't be teasing him if they had a s/o who had such a unique ability that can make pretty flowers. They're missing out, but Craig wouldn't tell them or anyone about your special ability.
Unless you're okay with it, your secrets are always safe with Craig. He can promise you that <3💙💙💙🌸🌸
💛 Tweek Tweak 🍪
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Oh Jesus! this poor boy freaked out the first time you showed him your power. I mean can you blame him? It's not everyday you see someone randomly make flowers bloom outta nowhere!
Please reassure him that you're not a sorceress. (Tweek....why?😭)
He is okay with it, at least it's not something evil or else he's gonna freak out.
Flowers aren't evil right? well....some can be like the venus one. But it's okay! You wouldn't use your power to harm your boyfriend in any way!
Would be impressed if you made a flower bloom with coffee beans inside of it (not meth, just your regular coffee beans you would find on trees like the ones in Jamaica)
Okay sorry I didn't mean to bore you guys with that ;-;
Ehm, anyways.
If Tweek actually made coffee with the beans from the flower you bloomed, he would be amazed with how it tastes so much better then the meth his parents put in his coffee! He might get used to this.
Tweek is now interested in your ability, please show him what else you can do with those flowers of yours :3💛💛💛💛
❤️ Clyde Donovan 💧
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You aren't gonna bloom onions, right?
Definitely loves your ability and the flowers you bloom. He secretly might use the flowers and mix them into perfume.
But you would know what scent is because you know all of the flowers that you bloom. He can't fool you can he?
Would cry if you make him accessories that are made from your flowers, it's not everyday he gets a gift from anyone.
He'll wear the flower accessory, but never in front of his friends. (HE HAS HIS REASONS OKAY?! LEAVE HIM ALONE😭😭😭 definitely not because he teased Craig and now he doesn't want to get teased himself).
Whenever he's crying (if he had a bad day or rough time) you would try your best to make him happy again by putting on a show for him like making your flowers move in a silly way to cheer him up.
But if he faked cried just to get to see your ability again if you weren't using it for a while...you'd turn your back and ignore him for a few hours. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
💜 Tolkien Black 💸 (Yes I figured I was pronouncing his name wrong this entire time 😭)
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He found it strange how someone is capable of making flowers bloom randomly whenever they please, but who is he to judge you? Definitely Cartman would but Tolkien wouldn't allow him to do that.
As a matter of fact, how the hell did the fat ass find out about your ability? Did he spy on you and Tolkien? He better not say a word or you will barrage his mouth shut with flowers.
If you made a huge flower field in a secret place where nobody can find it. You and Tolkien would play around in it for hours as if you guys were swimming in a pool. <3
Flower dates if you made it possible!
His parents would be confused if they see a random flower on the wall in his room and he would make up an excuse like: "Sorry mom and dad, I thought it would be nice to pick out a flower and put it on my wall...". HE WOULD BE SHOCKED IF THEY ACTUALLY BELIEVE THAT RIDICULOUS LIE!!.
But that's fine, you both can play around with your flower ability in Cartman's treehouse without him knowing💜💜💜💜💜
💛 Jimmy Valmer 🍭
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I think he just found a new muse for his silly jokes. Haha with that aside he really loves your ability as well! You make a lot of colorful flowers that some people probably can't resist.
Probably made a joke about steroids while mixing with it flowers. that was a one-time joke since he didn't know what other kind of joke to make with steroids.
You suspected he probably made that steroid joke because he was taking them again💀 so you decided to hide all of the steroids in flower piles so he couldn't go on steroids anymore! ☺️
But yeah, he loves your flowers and accessories you make with them to give to him! Probably brags to Timmy about it everytime you make something for him.
Would be surprised if you bloom a flower that squirts water out like those prank outfits with the flower on them💛💛💛💛💛
💛 Butters Scotch 🍓
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"Oh my (Name)! that's a really mighty special thingy you have right there! can you show me more of it?".
Show. Butters. Right. Now.
He became addicted to seeing your ability. Let him see more beautiful flowers bloom! :D
Whenever he's grounded in his room and can't come out. You would sneak him out of the window
And take him to a special place that you created for you and him. He would be ecstatic to see a huge amount of flowers around everywhere! It makes him feel like he's living in a fantasy world where all of the flowers are huge!
He would store every accessories you make them for him in a vase where his parents won't find out about.
Thinking about it, this makes him want to get you a ring that has flowers on it for the day he wants to marry you when you both get older.💛💛💛💛
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HELP I HAVE A NEW HYPER FIXATION! ❤️💛💙 (These 3 hearts should hint it 😌)
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artsy-imogen · 11 months
Hello ! welcome to my art account :D !🌱 (pls read !!👇🏻😄)
✩ the names Artsy Imogen! you can call me Imogen or Artsy ^w^
✩ my current fixation(s) atm are: faust/stardew/transformers
✩ re-blogging account - @artsyimogenblogs
✩ #my art 🍰 #my doodles 🧁 - you know the gists ✌🏻😎
✩ #my oc’s 🎂 - #gift art ⭐️✨
✩ asks: closed - #Imogen’s asks
✩ #imogen speaks- for random text posts I make and such 🌸
✩ snippets of body horror every now and then ⚠️
✩ !! DM’s aren’t really open !! convos can make me pretty anxious so pls don’t take my silence as anything personal🧍‍♀️I’m just hella shy 🫠
~ What to expect from my art account ~ ✩ this is a multifandom space, consisting of my many current fixations as my interests run rampant in the night. I post kirby, mario, pokémon, adventure time/fionna and cake, stardew, FMAB, guilty gear, gijinka’s, transformers and oc stuff ! 🤗 (both fan made and original 🌷✨) 80% of the time I’ll forget to put certain details in my art TvT ,,🍃
✩ I 100% welcome fanart, so if you wish to draw any of my oc’s or fan designs pls go ahead !😄💕 @ me if ya do ^^! it will make my day ;w;
✩ I’ll do my best to reply to every ask :D but refrain from asking anything suggestive or inappropriate 🙅🏻‍♀️ I’m happy with some jokes and obsessing over characters. but pls nothing nsfw or pervy. I ain’t okay with that stuffs, this is a chill account you dig ✌🏻💜
✩ also when it comes down to my oc’s, pls don’t force headcanon’s onto them. I’m only comfortable diving into headcanon’s with my close friends.
✩ lastly, I’m not super talkative about fandom shipping, but I maaay draw those who are canon/heavily implied.
✩ and yup! that’s all for now!💜 I’ll edit this post every now and then with more details if needed :D
✩ I hope you’re having a great day/night!✨🌱
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butterfluffy · 2 years
Hello dear! 🌸
How are you?😊 Can I request some fluffy headcanon with Zoro? Like about how he treats differently his female s/o compared to the other strawhats (alone or not) like he'll let you HOLD his swords?? Like HOW MUCH DOES HE TRUST YOU TO DO THAT??? and he's a bit awkward/shy about it cuz he doesn't know a lot about dating and love in general? And can you make his s/o be part of the strawhats but she's a fighter with a nearly equal bounty as him so she's courageous and strong but also cute and girly?
I hope it's not too specific! Lol 😃🤣
Thanks in advance if you want do it 💜💜💜
Have a good day/night/evening! 🐈💚
Here some inspirational gifs:
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“soft but only for you”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· zoro isn't soft, yet he is, but only for you.
⠀⠀➧ warnings — none! though swearing and mistakes may be present.. so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀➧ fluff | roronoa zoro × f!reader | headcanons
⠀⠀➧ requests are open! do send some requests for me to write!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: sorry for the delay! but yeah, here's your soft boyfie zoro, @fitut-tut . ♡˖꒰ᵕ༚ᵕ⑅꒱
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what is it like dating
honestly, i think zoro would be casual with you, his s/o in your relationship. i don't really see him the type to play favorites but—
you're his. his lover. so it'd be a different story on how he treats you and the others.
obviously, he'll be softer with you, and he'll show it through simple acts bcs as said, he is awkward with love in general.
the crew noticed this and was shocked to see the almost stoic first mate melt his cold demeanor when he's with you.
though i firmly believe that zoro isn't really open with expressing affection in public, so i say that he would only give you affection in private, but a small bit in public too, keeping it low.
so you might be the one who will be mainly giving affection bcs he's actually just too shy to initiate PDA. 🕳️🚶‍♀️
compared to the other strawhats, zoro treats you with great care, making sure that you're doing good all the times.
he's also the closest with you, you're in a relationship with him after all.
trusts you very much obvious by the times he lets you USE his swords, going as far to lend you one of them when you two encounter and enemy if you ever forget your weapon.
your #1 supporter is this swordsman—always cheers you on, just like when your bounty was revealed to be just a few tens of millions behind his.
will be the proudest boyfie. drops comments like, “that's my girl.” and “way to go, babe!” upon seeing your bounty poster, and when he sees you finish off your opponent.
also, i think that after spending some time with perona, zoro probably learned a few things from her, like how to do your hair, make-up, and pick pretty clothes—so i see him helping you with these. 🥺🥺
he's balanced between being vocal and physical in giving you affection.
gives assuring words to you if ever you have to be separated with him due to different task given. (like him on wano and you on wci.) “don't worry, we'll be together again soon.” and “i'll be by your side again, just wait.” is what he'll say. 💗
and as his lover, you are granted the luxury to sleep beside the marimo and cuddle him. 😫👌
(insert jealous sanji) 👀
he's quite possessive of you. 🤷‍♀️
will suddenly hold you close to him if he's jealous.
ah, and about the curly-browed cook who flirts with you most of the time, zoro will be like, “fuck off cook, she's mine.”
rarely says ‘i love you’ because he finds it weird for him to say such sweet words.
he only says that if you're sleeping to avoid embarrassment. man, what a 🐱.
dates with him are mostly sleeping. bcs yk, he's not the type to do those fancy date things.
still, even though he isn't so good at expressing what he feels, you know it. you know that he loves you. ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
“..you're actually soft, aren't you, zoro?” “yeah, but only for you.”
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© butterfluffy 2022
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airbendertendou · 6 months
Hi honey 🌸 Can i request a fic for Shoji from High and Low ? It can be anything you want 🌸 Im choosing the number 23 💜 Have a great day/night 💜
an angsty-ish number 23 + sanemoa shoji
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your bottom lip is bleeding as you collapse into the chair closest to you. the sleeve of your sweater covers it, attempting to stop the small blood flow. shoji sits across from you, stone-faced and furious.
you already know what he's going to say before his mouth opens.
"you ruined the plan."
sighing, you roll your eyes, "it's always me ruining the plans. easier to blame someone else or something?"
shoji leans forward, his elbows on his knees as his eyes stay on you. "it wasn't me though, was it?"
you slump further into the chair, checking to make sure your lip has stopped bleeding. the bruise on your right cheekbone is already throbbing ; your knuckles battered and ripped from the hits you'd taken.
silence hits the room, your eyes on the floor as shoji's stay on you. you gulp back your guilt ; gulp back the fear and distaste and lack of safety you feel. "you want me to leave?"
shoji scoffs, rolling his eyes as he relaxes back into his chair. his voice is a mumble, "no. i don't want you to leave."
he never does. he never will.
idk where this came from lmao but hope it was nice to read, at least!!
request your own here ♡ read more
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bekkathyst · 1 year
I wanted to wish you a happy Mother’s Day, especially to those who find this day difficult for any reason 🌸💜
And on another note, I saw this meme earlier today and it’s honestly a great representation of how my mothering journey has been as of late
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I hope you all have a nice day 💐
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blu3b3rryj4mp1r3 · 2 years
You should talk about the cutie mark crusaders and what you like about each of them!!!
oh I'd love to!! 🍎🌸🎀💛💗🔔🎶🛴🧡⚡
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I love how applejack gave them her old clubhouse to use and that it's located in sweet apple acres, I like the idea of applejack coming to check on them sometimes or maybe bringing them freshly baked cookies from time to time 🍪🧡 and how fun wouldn't it be to play together amongst all the apple trees (when they aren't busy crusading ofcourse! 😄)
the cmc in general: they turned something they were teased for and that used to weigh them down into something they could bond over and in turn made a life long friendship stronger than the toughest of diamonds 💎👑 later inspiring and helping others who are unsure of their destinies just as they were and I think that is so powerful! the episode call of the cutie is a great introduction that really leaves you wanting to see what they're going to do next and how they will achieve their goal 🧡💛💜
they're the sisters of rarity, rainbow dash and applejack! which makes for some great episodes featuring them all together. sleepless in ponyville, the cart before the ponies & campfire tales for example! spending so much time together would not only bring them closer with their sisters but it probably brought applejack, rarity and rainbow dash closer too, and I love that!
all of their songs are great! their voices blend together very nicely in my opinion. Amanda Renberg as Scootaloo, Linn Johnsson as Apple Bloom and Annelie Heed as Sweetie Belle all did a wonderful job voicing their characters in the iconic trio! (ofcourse this is from my perspective, and those are the swedish voices but the same can be said for the original english ones!😊) my personal favourites of the cmc songs are babs seed, hearts as strong as horses, find the purpose in your life and all of the songs in the crusaders of the lost mark (& they are all so fun to sing!) 🎵
favourite cmc episode: crusaders of the lost mark! all of their searching finally paying off, helping their bully to see her purpose and the fact that their special talent turns out to be helping others find/rediscover their own special talent is just PERFECT, we were all wondering how it would turn out right? and this was just better than every other potential outcome, they all belong together to help others find themselves, just as they did! 🥺😌🧡💜💛
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Apple bloom 🍎🌸: has my favourite colour scheme, she reminds me of apple flavoured candy, I'm also biased towards anything fruit themed! and I adore her bow!! 🍎💛🎀 I can relate to her fear of being alone the episode on your marks and also to how she's scared at one point that her family won't like her if she turns out to be different to them (when she's scared her cutie mark won't be apple related). and I love her relationship with her family, the end of family appreciation day and brotherhooves social just warms my heart! 💛🍎💚🥧 also I love the cupcake song scene where she's baking with pinkie and that she got interested in potions and magic after meeting zecora! (also the fact that she as a foal was the first to befriend zecora and not be so judgmental!!)
favourite apple bloom episode: (oh glitter all of these are so hard to pick!! 🤣 but I think cutie pox, somepony to watch over me or call of the cutie 🍎🌸💛🎀
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scootaloo⚡🛴🧡: I actually have only watched flight to the finish once because while it has been dubbed I somehow missed it (and can't find the whole episode in swedish, only the songs) but I have watched it on my latest rewatch (where I watched it in english :) and I love it so much, I'm not physically disabled myself, I am mentally disabled (though I feel really weird saying that for some reason) but I think scootaloo is a really great disabled character because being disabled is not her whole character, far from, and I think there should be more characters like her! I also think she's really funny, her scooter tricks are awesome and I adore her idolizing rainbow dash and wishing for her to be her sister and then in sleepless in ponyville when she's scared of rainbow dash not thinking she's cool enough then rainbow admits that she's scared sometimes too and that it doesn't make her weak and then she like adopts her as her sister and aaaaaaaahhh!!! I love found family story lines so much, also the episodes parental glideance in season 7 and the washouts in season 8 broke my heart and then put it back together! 😂🌈🧡⚡and I love how she stood up for herself and what she wants to her parents in the last crusade in season 9, people often disregard kids feelings because they're "just kids" and I think scootaloo is a really strong pony for doing what she did in that episode 🧡🛴
sweetie belle 🎶💗🔔: she's just precious! her singing voice is so beautiful and I like how she has a hard time speaking up and putting together words sometimes because I can relate and it's really funny! I love sisterhooves social and I laugh every time I watch that scene where she argues with rarity and comes to the conclusion that applejack should be rarity's sister so she can teach her how to be a good one 😂 oh or when apple bloom allows her to "borrow" applejack as a sister for "ONE DAY"-🍎🌸 to me she is a very caring pony and maybe the most relatable of the 3 to me personally (all though saying that I feel like I find all of them relatable but in different ways)
favourite scootaloo episode: flight to the finish, I think! 🏁🧡
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favourite sweetie belle episode: I want to say sisterhooves social but I also love for whom the sweetie belle toils 🔔💗🎶
so those are some of my thoughts on the cmc! thank you so much anon for making me write this and inspire me to draw the cutie mark crusaders, I love these little foals so much! 🥺😄💗🧡💛
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