#he always looks so grumpy- hes got a permanent >:( face
more cat pictures pleaseeee 🤲
Sure! I'm no professional photograph though, so most of my pictures are very shitty :')
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This is my kitty cat Sapphire! We named him that because of his really blue eyes when he was younger, but they ended up turning green hehe
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forever-rogue · 3 months
Hiiii beeeee
Saw you wanted some inspo, so from the sunshine prompts:  i knew there was a big softie under all that tough exterior.   ❜ with the sunshine being r and a grumpy Joel who’s very soft for her🥺✨
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AN | Okay but this! Sunshine!Reader and Joel are two of my faves💕
Pairing | Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language
Word Count | 2k
Masterlist | Joel, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“If you keep scowling like that, it’s going to be permanent,” Joel shifted his gaze to you as you sat down across the table from him. He let out a small huff as you beamed at him, “oh wait - your face always looks like that. Pity, you’d be so handsome if you smiled.”
“Sunshine,” you could see that he was fighting back a smile as the corners of his mouth twitched up, “what’re you on about, coming in here like that, huh?”
You set your elbows on the tables and tented your fingers, resting your chin on them. Narrowing your eyes, you watched him closely for a moment before leaning towards him, “I’ve decided that you’re still handsome.”
He couldn’t hold back his laugh this time around as you sat back and crossed your arms over your chest in satisfaction, “happiness looks good on you, Joel Miller.”
“Well, sweetheart, how can I not be happy when I’ve got you buzzing around all the time?” he took a sip from his beer, long and slow as your entire face warmed up; he always had a way of making you shut right up, “you’re like a little bumblebee.”
“Ahh, I knew there was a softie under that tough old exterior,” you bounced right back and grabbed the bottle gently from his grasp and tipped some of the amber liquid into your mouth, “I’d almost wager that you like me.”
“That might be pushing it,” he threw his arm over the back of the booth, looking around the bustling cantina. He liked it here, liked this, liked you; it almost felt like life was normal. He supposed this was normal now…and it wasn’t the worst thing in the world. You finished off the bottle and pushed it to the side, drumming your fingers along the sticky tabletop. You hadn’t thought about exactly where this conversation was going - you’d just seen Joel and gotten excited at the prospect of seeing and bounced right on over, “you wanna get out of here?”
“Sure?” your voice was high and nervous and you sounded less sure than you’d intended on, “yeah - yes. What’d you have in mind?”
“C’mon,” Joel stood up and shrugged on his jacket, motioning for you to follow him. You wasted no time in following, not immune from the titters and stares from the other patrons. Jackson was big, all things considered, but people still had nothing better to do than gossip, “ignore them. They’ll talk either way. S’long as you don’t mind that is…”
“I don’t care,” you promised, falling into step with him and trekking into the cool evening air. The chill was more than you’d expected and a shiver ran down your spine immediately. You hadn’t said anything and decided to try and not let him see how cold you were so he wouldn’t suggest just going home. But Joel caught onto you immediately and took his catch off and draped it around your shoulders before you could protest. Butterflies fluttered your tummy at the kind gesture, “thank you.”
“Can’t have you freezing on me,” he said gruffly but you knew exactly how he meant it. 
“Much obliged,” you teased, “where is it that you’re taking me? This is how I’m going to get murdered? 
“You think I’d really make that obvious if I was going to take you out to get murdered?” he tutted in amusement as you followed him through the quiet and deserted streets of Jackson, “c’mon, at least fifty people saw us. It’d be like I was wanting to get caught.”
“I dunno, I’m not a murderer I wouldn’t know what I’d do,” you grinned as you tucked your hands into the pockets of his jackets, his smell all around you, warm and comforting, “but thank you for the reassurance. Besides, we both know you’d miss me if I was gone.”
He slowed for a moment and you could feel his arm brushing against yours as he looked at you. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him, knowing you’d probably just be left such a bumbling mess, “yeah. I would miss you.”
You made a small sound of content before nudging his arm right back, “I’d miss you too.”
A comfortable silence fell over the two of you as he continued to lead you towards the outskirts of the Jackson. After walking a few more minutes you eventually made it up a small hill where the trees were cleared and you had a clear view of the starry night sky. You looked up in awe; you hadn’t bothered to look up in so long, that you hadn’t even realized just how beautiful the sky was. 
“Wow,” there was a giant smile on your face, and while you were always beautiful, Joel couldn’t help but think there was something even more magical than normal about you tonight, “it’s beautiful out here. The sky - it’s all so clear.”
“I found this spot a while ago,” he admitted as he took a seat on the ground and patted the space next to him, “it seems so obvious but it’s just out of the way enough that people don’t come here often. I like to come here to think sometimes.”
“Well thank you for sharing it with me,” you sat down next to him, keeping a small distance between your bodies with your knees just touching, “consider me honored.”
“Hmm,” the two of you sat in silence for a while; with anyone else you would have considered it awkward but with him it was just so…comfortable. That’s one of the many things that you liked about Joel - everything felt so easy with him, “you think awfully loud for someone so quiet.”
“I’m not…shut up,” you groaned without malice, hiding your face in your hands, “you are too perceptive sometimes, Joel Miller.”
“That’s just what I do,” he enjoyed getting you all flustered and caught off guard. People were usually much more honest that way, “you want to tell me what you’re thinking about?”
“I don’t know,” you admitted softly after a few moments. 
“Don’t know what you’re thinking about or if you want to tell me?”
“I don’t know if I want to tell you,” you shifted slightly so you were facing him, allowing yourself a single peek at those pretty brown eyes of his. You found nothing but gentle curiosity peering back at you, “‘cause I’m scared that you won’t like what it is.”
“I don’t think that’s possible, sunshine,” he promised and you were almost positive that he was being honest, “I don't think even if you confessed that you were secretly a murderer I’d adore you any less.” 
Adore you. That made you feel so warm and fuzzy that your brain almost combusted. You opened and closed your mouth a few times while trying to decide exactly what to say and how to say it. 
“I, umm…I was just thinking about how much I like you…spending time with you,” you managed to choke out after a couple moments of quiet contemplation. You felt like a teenager with an awkward crush right then, rather than a grown woman. Joel’s mouth ticked up in a small smile as your face felt like it was on fire, “this is nice. And um, I guess I’m saying that I…like you…like you.”
“Mhmm,” he was loving this, and you could tell. At least he wasn’t yelling at you and didn’t seem disgusted, “so what you’re saying is that you have a crush on me?”
“I-I…it’s not a crush,” you squeaked out, which only caused him to laugh, “ugh, you’re so insufferable Joel Miller.”
“Yeah, but you like me,” he grinned as you rolled your eyes, “c’mon sunshine, it’s fine to admit. It’s all out in the open.”
“Well, my feelings are out in open,” you raised an eyebrow at him, “you could share with the crowd or tell me to fuck off and leave. Or we could both pretend that none of this ever happened.”
“Are you sure you want to know?”
“Well duh,” you answered, “it’s basically the law that you have to tell me now.”
“Sunshine, you’re not dumb,” he mirrored your position and leaned in, leaving only a small distance between your bodies. You could feel his warmth radiating onto you, “I wouldn’t give just anyone my jacket after all. I like you, like you too.”
“Oh gross,” you laughed softly, “that’s super gross. Feelings.”
“They’re the worst,” he agreed and you leaned in towards him, wanting, wanting, wanting.
“I think, Joel Miller, that you should express those feelings and kiss me,” your entire body was practically vibrating with excitement as you leaned and closed the little bit of remaining gap between the two of you. Joel effortlessly took over, his hand gently finding your face as he kissed you slowly, but deeply and with meaning. You weren’t sure what kind of feeling you had been expecting but it definitely wasn’t this. 
You’d had your fair share of first kisses but this was, by far, the best one yet. You didn’t want it to end, only parting from him reluctantly when you were both breathless. He pressed his forehead to your and laughed softly, “how was that?”
“Super gross,” you beamed at him, warm and soft, before stealing a few more soft and gentle kisses, “I love it.”
“You’re something else, sunshine.” his hand slid to your neck and he gently traced his fingers over your soft skin, “I definitely like you.”
“Yeah, I definitely kinda like you too,” you whispered, wrapping your fingers tenderly around his wrist, “was this your plan all along?”
“Hmm, not entirely,” he confessed, “I just want to get you out here to enjoy the view. You just happen to have no poker face, so I wanted to see if you’d finally say anything.”
“You could have said something too!” you shook your head, biting the inside of your cheek, “you’re just as bad.”
“I would have said something eventually but you beat me to it…”
“I was coerced into it!”
“It was voluntary,” he insisted, “and you know it.”
“Yeah well…fine,” you agreed, “just shut up and kiss me again.”
“Now that I can do, sunshine. With pleasure.”
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withleeknow · 6 months
fujifilm x100v.
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pairing: minho x reader genre/warnings: established relationship, tooth-rotting fluff which i haven't written in a hot minute @.@ so i actually can't tell if it's that sweet but i hope it is lmao note: a spontaneous blurb written in one sitting because the message below gave me soft boyfie brainrot again lmfao thank you wifeu for sending me down a mini spiral
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as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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your fujifilm x100v, minho always says he hates the thing.
whenever you raise the camera to your face to look through the viewfinder in search of your boyfriend, he would glare at you like a disgruntled grandpa, though he never moves out of the way or diverts your lens elsewhere. he'd let you take your pictures, the cat-like frown still apparent on his face, and observe as you smile fondly once the shot has been snapped. sometimes, if he's feeling particularly generous, he would throw the camera a half-assed peace sign.
ah, your favorite muse.
"stop," he'd groan with an eye roll full of affection, "you have enough photos of me."
he'd complain like this every time you try to immortalize your moments together with your camera, but you know he secretly loves it.
how do you know this? because when you examine the pictures afterward, you would always spot a faint blush painting his face and the top of his ears.
"that's impossible," you'd tell him, then watch as the rosy flush returns to his skin until it matches the tint on the half-flustered minho in your camera. "i could never get enough of you."
the shade only deepens adorably when you press a kiss against his cheek before you show him the picture. he'd smile ever so subtly as he studies his photographed self, captured through your eyes. a smile that would be inconceivable if you weren't an expert on all things minho. his eyes would soften, almost glazed over with an absolute adoration only reserved for you.
love is gentle like summer rain.
love is synonymous with minho.
it's true what you always say to him - that you could never get enough. you could snap a million and one pictures of him and it still wouldn't be sufficient. you want to capture every second of every day with him. every soft dimpled smile. every laugh that takes over him entirely and turns his eyes into crescent moons. every grumpy frown whenever the alarm clock goes off and launches him away from saccharine dreamland. every petulant pout, every cute and harmless scowl, every display of sparkling boba eyes.
everything. every single thing.
your fujifilm x100v, minho always says he hates the thing.
but he was the one who got it for you in the first place.
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permanent taglist: @onlyycb97wife @starsandrqindrops @borahae-reads @abbiestearsricochet @cutiespaghetti @anthropologykpopmultistan
all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 13.12.2023]
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
It’s not that Steve didn’t want a tattoo.
He’d wanted one for years. Just something to piss off his parents the way they pissed him off constantly.
Asking when he’d find a girlfriend (he wouldn’t, he’s gay), when he’d find a better job (he liked his job as a guidance counselor), when he’d move out of the tiny apartment he shared with that girl who couldn’t give them grandchildren (Robin gagged at the mere thought of any of that).
But Robin promised she’d go with him when he made this appointment a month ago and she’d just cancelled at the last minute. Something about a work emergency.
She didn’t have a work emergency. She worked at a Starbucks.
He knew what she was doing. It’s what she always did.
“I just wanna get you out of your shell! People should see the Steve that I see!”
Robin did get a different version of Steve, one that didn’t feel like he had to hide his surprisingly bubbly personality. His students got a calm, kind counselor. But everyone else?
They’d be lucky to get a smile during a conversation.
He wasn’t, like, an asshole.
He just had asshole tendencies.
Robin called him her Oscar The Grouch.
He allowed it because deep down, he knew it was true.
And now he was even MORE grumpy because he had to get this tattoo alone. In a place he’d almost certainly be the outcast in his glasses and business casual attire. With people judging him for not already having tattoos and piercings at the age of 27.
Robin owed him.
When he walked into the shop, he was surprised to hear classic rock instead of heavy metal. The front counter was covered in pictures of bands Steve didn’t know, tattoos he would never get, and signs that had enough vulgar words to fill up the swear jar he kept in the apartment for shits and giggles.
Nervous was an understatement.
A head popped around the corner, bright smile lighting up the face of a man who looked like he belonged here.
“Be right there!”
Steve didn’t bother to say anything because as soon as he started to respond, the head was gone.
He frowned, but figured the guy might be with another client and he was pretty sure they had rules about touching things with their gloves on. At least, he hoped they did.
He stared down at the picture on his phone.
It was small, simple. Something he wouldn’t even have to cover up at work.
One of his students drew it for him last year when he’d missed some work because of the flu. He’d only missed two days, but because he so rarely missed, his regulars were pretty worried about him.
His regulars being three students who sat with him during their lunch period to avoid bullies.
It was a sun, with beautiful yellows and oranges combining into a near perfect circle, small lines randomly jutting out and fading into nothing.
It was beautiful art.
And he was getting it permanently etched onto his body.
He loved his students, what could he say?
The head popped back around the corner, interrupting his thoughts again.
“Sorry for the wait. I had a customer on the phone. How can I help ya?”
“Steve Harrington. Here for a 6:00 appointment?”
The guy beamed at him, nodding along.
“Perfect! You said you already knew what you wanted?”
Steve held up his phone to show this still nameless guy the picture.
“You want the colors like that?”
“If you can.”
“If I can, he says! Of course I can! This is really nice. Did you make this?”
Steve snorted, but he wasn’t that amused. This guy was like a ball of energy and Steve was already exhausted.
“No. One of my students did.”
“Oh, are you a teacher?”
“Guidance counselor.”
“That’s cool! So you, like, make sure the youths of today are on the right path? Keep them interested in the right things?”
Steve blinked at this man.
“I guess, yeah. So can we uh, get started…”
“Oh shit! I always forget to introduce myself to the newbies. Eddie.” He held out his hand towards Steve to shake. Steve stared down at it for a moment, knowing his face was doing that judgy thing Robin always warned him about, but not being able to stop it. “Not a handshake guy?”
Steve cleared his throat, finally reaching his hand up to shake Eddie’s.
The rings on Eddie’s fingers were cold against his own, his grip was strong but not the type of string that made Steve uncomfortable.
Eddie was smiling at him. He never stopped smiling, this guy.
It was kind of…cute. Steve would never admit it to anyone, but the way Eddie just seemed genuinely happy was really doing it for him.
That was annoying.
When he finally remember to let go, Eddie was already turning around to grab a piece of paper from the shelf behind him.
“I’m just gonna have you send that to this email,” he pointed to the contact info on the piece of paper he’d grabbed. “And I’ll get it printed on transfer paper so we can get started.”
Steve nodded and sent the picture as requested.
He ignored the shaking of his hands. It wasn’t a big deal. It’s just a tattoo. Most adults have them. Robin had four. Eddie here seemed to have hundreds.
Eddie must have noticed his visible anxiety. He felt Eddie’s hand on his arm, squeezing gently.
“First tattoo?”
“Is it that obvious?”
“Nah. I’ve just done a lot of first tattoos.” Eddie pulled up the picture on his own phone while he spoke. “I promise it’ll be easier than you’re thinking.”
“I’m not worried about the pain.”
Eddie glanced up at him quickly, then back down at the phone in his hand.
“It’s just permanent, ya know?”
Eddie let out a laugh and held up both of his arms, fully covered in tattoos.
“I know. That’s what’s great. Nothing in life is permanent, but these are. Even when you’re long gone, these will still be on your body.”
Steve hadn’t thought about it like that.
Permanence was something he’d always struggled with. It’s why he was so standoffish according to the two therapists he’d tried talking to. His parents had never given him an idea of what someone staying around was like, his friendships all ended when he realized he wanted to be a better person than they were capable of being, and his only serious relationship ended when he was ready for marriage and she wasn’t.
He’d been through a lot of personal growth since then, most of it thanks to Robin and some experiences at the gay clubs she took him to, and now he felt better about who he was.
He just didn’t think anyone or anything would stick around.
Robin was proving she might, but only time would tell. Plenty of time for Steve to fuck it up.
“You can still back out, man. I won’t charge you the cancellation fee or anything.”
Oh, how nice. Eddie thought he was a wimp and wasn’t even gonna follow his own policy to let him back out.
That’s shameful. He was ashamed.
“Not backing out.”
He folded his arms in front of his chest, trying to tone down the glare he could feel on his own face.
Eddie threw his hands up as he waited for the printer to finish.
“Alright. Just letting you have an out.”
Eddie looked over the few copies he’d printed, all slightly different sizes, and then lined them up on the counter facing Steve.
“What size were you thinking? Where’s this going?”
Steve pointed to the middle one, barely an inch wide.
“I was thinking my wrist?”
Eddie smiled at him.
“Sounds good, sunshine.”
Oh. That was not good.
That little thing his stomach just did?
Nope. Not good at all.
Eddie walked around the counter and gestured for Steve to follow him around the corner.
Steve found himself in awe of the room he was walking into.
He’d never seen such variety in anything. Some of it resembled the front counter, but there was also a Bob Marley poster, a rainbow flag, a whole wall of funny bumper stickers, and graffiti along the ceiling.
It was certainly a lot for the eyes to take in.
Steve kind of loved it.
He even let out a smile.
He quickly hid it away again when he heard Eddie hit his hand against the chair.
“Got it all clean already for ya. Just take a seat and get comfy.” Eddie reached over grab some gloves from a shelf before he sat in front of Steve. “Gonna put this on you first. Make sure the placement is good. Then I’ll shave that area and get all my stuff ready to go. The tattoo itself probably won’t take more than an hour, and most of that will be shading these beautiful colors. Need anything before we get started? Water? Bathroom? Snack?”
Steve’s head was spinning.
Eddie’s energy was relentless, and he had a smile on his face the entire time.
Steve couldn’t help smiling back at him.
“I’m good. Thanks.”
Eddie nodded and started humming along to the song playing over the speakers.
He went through everything quickly, but still took his time explaining everything. Steve was kind of grateful he didn’t have to sit in silence; His brain wasn’t his friend when there was silence.
“Alright, sunshine. If you’re good, I’m good.”
Steve felt his face heat up, blush spreading from his cheeks to his neck.
“I’m good.”
And then he started.
It was sharp, the needles carving ink into his skin causing a new sensation up his entire arm. But it was also…good?
He’d expected it to be painful, maybe even go numb. He hadn’t expected the pain to feel like this.
He lost focus. Everything felt distant and blurry, but in a sleepy way, not in a pass out way. Steve felt himself smiling slightly, but didn’t have the energy to stop it.
He was watching Eddie work, but wasn’t really seeing anything beyond the way his fingers splayed his skin tight and the tattoo gun left ink behind.
His eyes closed at some point, but he wasn’t asleep, the faint buzz of the tattoo gun keeping him present enough to stay awake.
“Hey, sunshine. Doing alright?”
He tried to focus in on Eddie’s face. Eddie was very close. He was holding his wrist.
Steve was still here.
“Need a break?”
“No. I’m good.”
Eddie chuckled. “I’d say so.”
He continued, and Steve let his mind wander again. It was nice to drift. He’d never felt this relaxed before, not even during the massage Robin got him for his birthday last year.
“Alright, sunshine. You’re done.”
Steve looked down at the tattoo now covering his wrist.
It was beautiful, even better than the picture.
He started to cry.
If he wasn’t so far gone, he’d probably be embarrassed or angry about it, but surely other people had cried after a tattoo before. Maybe Eddie would just ignore it.
“Oh, sweetheart. Do you not like it?”
“No. I love it.” Steve took a shaky breath, then another. “It’s beautiful. Thank you.”
Eddie was rubbing his back and smiling sadly down at him.
“I’m glad you love it. I just have to wrap it up and go over some care instructions, okay?”
Steve was never this vulnerable, not even with Robin. He was pretty sure she’d only actually seen him cry once when a student moved away.
His whole thing was that he didn’t show emotions. His job required it to an extent, though he was always caring to his students, giving them smiles when they came in to make them feel welcome.
But here he was smiling and crying to a stranger over a tattoo.
“Got you some water. I need you to look at me while I go over the instructions okay?”
He felt himself coming back down to earth as he looked at Eddie, a soft smile making Steve focus in on his mouth.
“That’s good. Keep this wrapped for four hours at least and longer if you’ll be outside. When you take it off, make sure you wash it with antibacterial soap gently and then use moisturizing lotion, unscented is best. If you need some, I can give you some. Make sure to keep it moisturized over the next week. It’ll peel a little, that’s normal, but if you see anything that’s a lot of color falling out or something, come see me and I can fix it. No long exposure to direct sunlight for at least 4 weeks, and use sunscreen on it if you think you will be.” He took a breath and smirked. “Got it?”
He handed over a paper with a laugh.
“It’s all right here. I just needed you to come back down from space. Drink your water and relax for a minute. I’ll go get the card reader.”
Steve did as he was told, enjoying the way the ice cold water helped him focus back in on his surroundings.
With the focus came the grumpiness. He was crashing from his adrenaline high, and his first instinct was to pout.
He didn’t think he was visibly doing so until he heard Eddie snort from a few feet away.
“Welcome back. Sorry to burst your bubble. If I didn’t have another client in 20 minutes, I’d probably have let you stay there for a bit. Seems like you needed it.”
“I. What do you mean? I was just zoned out.”
Eddie froze where he was typing something into his phone.
“Have you never…? Oh. Jesus Christ. Okay. Well. I don’t.” He looked genuinely concerned about what to do. “Okay. I don’t feel comfortable letting you be alone yet. Do you have someone you live with or who can hang out for a bit?”
“My roommate had a work emergency or she’d be here.”
Steve’s arms were crossed again, but the pull of the wrap around his wrist reminded him of the dull ache he was still experiencing. It made him shiver, but he couldn’t explain why.
“Okay. Can you stick around for a bit? I’ve got an office with a couch in the back.”
“Are you gonna tell me why?”
“Ever heard of sub space?”
“Like…the kinky thing?”
Eddie facepalmed.
“Yeah. Like the kinky thing.”
“I mean, I’ve heard of it. Why?”
“You just spent the last hour in it.”
Steve was usually pretty good at keeping a pretty stoic face, but his jaw dropped.
“No I didn’t.”
“Sunshine, you were gone. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone that deep from a tattoo before.”
“If this is just a way to get me alone in your office or something…”
“Steve. I know you don’t know me, but I would never do that. If I wanted to get you alone, I’d just ask you.”
“I’m sure I’d say no.”
“Exactly. So you’ll stay so I can keep an eye on you?”
Steve shrugged. He didn’t have anything else to do and Robin wouldn’t be home for hours.
“I guess.”
Eddie’s eyes were practically glittering.
“Good. Go lay down, sunshine. I’ll bring you more water in a minute.”
So despite Steve having no idea what just happened, and barely any idea who Eddie even was beyond a talented tattoo artist, he made his way to the office and curled up on the couch.
Pout firmly in place because he was still Steve, after all.
Chapter 2 /  Chapter 3
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
Hair disaster
Just a Brain Blah
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Buggy x FemReader + Dee & Bee
Apart of Old Man Series check those out!
Support me on Ko-Fi ☕️
• You all should have known the twins would find trouble- they always did. This was only amplified by their jealousy of the new baby on the way.
• Due to the recent news of your pregnancy (check out here) You had been being watched by Buggy like a hawk, paranoid of all things which made the twins more aggressive in their destructive tendencies.
• So in order to keep the twins busy he had taken the difficult job of letting the twins be his apprentices-
• It was a way to keep them busy, for Buggy to go out to sea for short periods and in Buggy's words 'Teach them to be real pirates!'
• The next morning at breakfast the twins sit down at the dinning room table, Trying to be as quiet as possible and grab some things like they were prepared to run off.
• For the first few weeks they enjoyed it- Till the reality of chores set in. When they tried to throw a fit Buggy was quick to put a end to that and the boys were now just grumpy.
• It had been a week out to sea with the twins before he returned with some spare loot and things needed for the baby. The twins sour faced-
• "How was everything?" You questioned as you sat in the large lounge chair Buggy had gotten you and saw how dirty and tired the three looked.
• "Ask your sons-" Buggy said, However the steeled glare from you made him mutter a 'Our' and that he was going to shower and sleep in the guest room.
• The boys were no better then Buggy as they grumbled as well and climbed upstairs to clean themselves and sleep. Seemed you got the master bedroom to yourself-
• "Whats got you two in such a rush?" You question, seeing that gleam of mischief on their faces and also some guilt-
• "BOYS!!!!" A loud and wrathful yell sounded throughout the cabin.
• "We aren't in a rush mom- Just have things to do since we are 'apprentices' Right?" Dee said calmly as he looked to Bee who grinned and nodded.
• You raised a brow at their words, Going to question them further when a roar sounded through the house.
• You snap your head to look at the boys but see they had already gone- Clearly had run the moment they heard the voice.
• Blonde- So much blonde in his hair- It seemed like half his hair had been dyed in his sleep by the twins. Most likely using Burondo Burondo Oil that Cabaji used in his hair-
• You quickly rush upstairs, Afraid of what you would see and dash into the guest bathroom were you could hear Buggy yelling.
• However nothing would prepare you for what you saw.
•"I-Its pretty-" You try but he glares hard at you, Grumbling and angrily ranting to himself.
• It took every bit of your soul to keep from laughing.
• "Pretty!? PRETTY MY ASS!" He roared as he stomped his foot more and lost his mind.
• "Buggy- It doesn't look that bad I promise" You say grabbing his hand slowly, Knowing he was very mad right night and needed to calm down before he did something he would regret.
• He turned to you like he was going to scream and lose his temper- However he forced his mouth closed and bit his lips in anger.
• "It doesn't look bad Buggy. Besides it looks like it's Burondo Burondo Oil anyway which fades after a few days to the original color. So it's not very permanent" You reason, giving his hand a squeeze.
• Buggy sighs at this- knowing you were right but still angry. You reach out and touch his newly blonde hair.
• "And it looks pretty! Blonde hair goes well with blue eyes" You point out and say cheerfully. Buggy grumbling still but his spare hand just rubbing your unshowing stomach still.
• You let him do this, despite not being in the mood for physical touch. "Better?"
• "Better..." He grumbled, clearly still irritated but better now. You finally ask him to explain why the twins did this.
• "They wanted to revolt because 'being a apprentice is hard!' so I had them sweep the entire deck. Teach them that Mutiny is always punished" He said calmly, a fair punishment by pirate standards as the twins clearly were in the wrong.
• "But since they wanna be petty now- I can do that as well-" He said with a wicked grin.
• Gods help you all..
• Walking down to the docks for some fresh air, you heard the loud laughs of Buggy and the crew. Following the sound you see them all lounging at the docks drinking and watching the Big Top?-
• Getting close you saw it- The Big Top was covered in tomatoes and other random garbage on it like it had been vandalized!
• Rushing over you then see it- The twins on Ropes cleaning off the vandalism. While Buggy amd the crew hand tomatoes and random things throwing it at any spots they felt they missed.
• "BUGGY!" You yell as you see him fling a tomato at his sons head. The Captian turning to look back at you.
• "Oh (Y/N)! Come sit! Join us!" He insisted with a grin.
• "Doesnt this seem too cruel?" You pointed out. Pointing to the clearly pissed off boys
• "Now my Doll, You have been a wonderful mother. But you have spoiled these two rotten! It's time they get a hard lesson" He said as he patted your shoulder and had you sit to watch.
• You didn't know it was possible for two people alone to clean and repaint an entire ship but sure as hell did Buggy have them do it
• It being nightfall when they finished and glaring hard at Buggy- Cleaely this wasn't over. They had lost this battle but wanted to win the war-
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tiddygame · 3 months
i’ve stared at this for so long that i now hate it and think ive lost all concept of how to write so take this and get it out of my google docs
the introduction is rough and the medical depictions (and accuracy/realism) could use some (a lot of) work but whatever! here it is, my vague yet still oddly specific idea of how the face reveal would go in @myriadblvck ’s streamer au:
tw: description of a panic attack? i think?
[this takes place post first irl meet but before they’re officially together]
imagine ghost has a glasgow smile but on one side they carved a little too deep and left some nerve damage. time and surgery helped, after which he could eat unimpeded and talk without a lisp, but there's still some facial nerve damage and/or skin contractures from scarring, specifically around the corner of his mouth.
now, everytime he smiles, be it shit eating grin or a full genuine joy filled smile that not even grumpy mcgrumperson could hold off, it always looks wrong because one corner doesn't raise fully like the other.
everything else is fine, there isn’t any facial paralysis, he just smiles… wrong. especially since only one eye properly squints when he smiles, giving him the look of someone who got stuck mid wink.
if he wants to look “normal” (or as normal as he could get it) he has to manually squint his other eye. still, it always felt weird; you don't realize how much those muscles affect the rest of your face until they're gone.
it's why he learned to always wear the mask.
when his expression is neutral, you don’t really notice it. if you can see his mouth when he talks however, it’s obvious that there’s something wrong. he wouldn’t say he’s necessarily ashamed of the scars and damage itself, but it’s the stares that are the worst. before he started hiding behind it, people would openly gawk or even glare at him as if he was some ne’er-do-well gang member that got what was coming to him.
he still remembers the cosmetic surgeon that had been talking to him about fixing the contractures— the whole appointment was a fucking nightmare. the cuts had healed nicely enough especially considering how bad it could have been; he was lucky to only need a little cosmetic help. the only reason he was there was so he could fucking eat food without struggling to open his mouth.
the doctor spent god knows how long breaking down everything wrong with his face like he was a fucking car mechanic lying about how dirty your filter is. the guy constantly mentioned that while he was under, they could also fix his jawline, do a rhinoplasty, trying to break him down to agree to more work.
he was already fuming my the time the doc brought up how kids would react. asking ghost if he wanted to scare children since “you cant expect the little youngins that are still learning about the world to not get scared by something scary,” and that “even some adults would cringe at the scarring.”
what stuck out most was the condescending smile he had when he said it. as if he was pointing out the obvious and ghost was being stupid and shortsighted by not agreeing.
he declined everything except what was medically necessary. the procedure went fine and after an aggravatingly long recovery period, he could eat solid foods again without issue. but the comments still stuck with him.
…okay, maybe he’s a little ashamed.
scaring kids with your face doesn’t feel good and being reminded of everything you’ve lost when you try to smile can really fuck you up in a way words fail to describe.
so yeah, he hates it. he’s gotten used to the mask, both skull clad balaclava and simple medical mask, being a permanent layer of armor. even now that he’s a bit more comfortable in his own skin it still feels wrong to pull it off.
when he gets close to soap, it still feels like a layer of vulnerability that he’ll never be prepared for.
the first time he let soap see his face, there hadn’t been any grandiose build up, no extravagant planning.
simon had arrived just a few hours earlier. he hated commercial flights with a burning passion but it was always worth it to see johnny.
with soaps twin out of town for the week, he had decided to take leave to spend time with his friend, a friend that he most certainly did NOT have a crush on (a disclaimer roach and gaz heard everytime they started snickering over ghost taking leave.)
johnny had cooked something nice and simple for dinner, saying that simon had spent too long with MREs and deserved real food (ghost only agreed if he was the one washing the dishes, soap had laughed and told him he's not so kind as to let him off the hook for chores).
when they ate, it was always in the living room with johnny taking care to always stay angled away from simon, never trying to catch a glimpse, regardless of how much he wanted to see what was under the mask. the obvious gesture of kindness and respect for his boundaries always left him feeling all weird and fuzzy inside. but, then again, johnny seemed pretty good at triggering that feeling in general.
their finished plates were on the coffee table and johnny was watching whatever dumb movie he had put on. he was pretty sure the man spent more time talking over it and making fun of everything than he did actually watching it (it was simon’s favorite way to watch a movie.)
ghost however, was watching soap. thinking.
in the end, it was an impulsive decision made after a strong three seconds of consideration.
“you uhm— you can look by the way,” ghost stared at the can of soda in his hands, immediately regretting the words.
“what?” soap didn’t fully turn, just shifted slightly to hear him better. a simple gesture to show he was listening without turning to face him. it normally made simon happy to see that johnny was more than willing to accommodate for his boundaries. now though it made him feel stupid for robbing johnny of a normal face to face conversation, a normal human interaction, just over his idiotic insecurities.
“my face, you—,” he felt his heart block his airway and tried clearing his throat before continuing, “you can look if you want,” christ he wanted the ground to swallow him whole. why was he getting so fucked up over this?
“are you sure?” he hadn’t turned yet, but ghost could see his pensive expression from here. this should be nothing. realistically, he knew johnny seeing his scars wouldn’t suddenly make him hate him… right?
but it was more than the fear of hatred, wasn’t it? he was scared that johnny would see him. see more than just the scars, see all of the ugly idiosyncrasies and insecurities laid bare. afraid that johnny would see the truth of how unlovable he was.
jesus he was getting so fucking worked up and dramatic over nothing.
ghost didn’t look up. he made an effort to not focus on his peripheral vision. he heard soap turn, heard the intake of breath. the silence was loud only for a second. then, deafening white noise surrounded him, inescapable, suffocating.
he didn’t regret giving permission but god did he regret everything else; the stupid scars, the stupid nerve damage, the stupid way he had managed to fall for someone so fucking good like johnny while he was unequivocally unworthy of his love.
stop being so fucking dramatic. you are not together, never have been and never will be. reality was blatant in front of him but it didn’t stop his heart from foolishly hoping.
he heard soap stand and walk closer. saw from where he was still staring a hole in the can his feet step in front of his. saw johnny’s hands raise. he took a deep breath in, closed his eyes, and with a great deal of effort didn’t flinch when soaps fingers grazed his cheek.
both of his hands came up to cup his face, holding him and ever so slightly tilting his face up, giving him the chance to pull away. he didn’t. he may be a coward but he wasn’t backing down.
ghost eventually opened his eyes to see soap staring at him with wide eyes. he looked away, staring off to some point on the right. he hated not knowing what soap was thinking.
they stayed there for a while before soap broke the silence, muttering, “i fuckin knew you had freckles.”
it was stupid but it shocked a laugh out of ghost. he meant to drop his head, embarrassed that something so dumb made him laugh, but accidentally just pushed himself further into soaps hands making him blush.
he looked up and saw soap staring even harder than before. the chuckle died in his chest.
“do that again.”
ghost just gave him a confused look.
such a simple request, a one word sentence, but it set his face ablaze. his breath caught in his throat, somewhere around where his heart was still trying to choke him.
…he hadn’t thought it was that bad but soaps reaction indicated otherwise. fuck. was his it that awful? he wanted the ground to swallow him whole. this was stupid. he was stupid.
“simon,” of course, one word from johnny and it felt like he could breathe again.
fucking goddamn soap and his stupid fucking puppy dog eyes and the way he has ghost wrapped around his fucking finger without even realizing.
ghost smiled. there was no real mirth, more a grimace than anything else. he just wanted to get this over with.
soap was still staring at him, his thumbs tracing his lips, following scars, drawing imaginary lines between freckles… if he wasn't so terrified it might have felt nice.
“Christ,” ghosts heart cracked more, “you weren't lying when you said you were beautiful.”
ghost huffed a laugh and went back to staring off to the right, the fake smile dropping. of course soap would try to lighten the mood with a joke.
his panic fled as quickly as it had consumed him, now just left sitting in soap's living room, face still cradled in caring hands, resigned to his mistakes.
he felt so tired and johnny's hands felt so inviting.
“i wasn't joking,” soap looked…upset? angry? wait— fuck, what’d he do?
ghost stared back at soap, confused and tired. soaps nails felt the grooves of the scar, catching where the skin was raised and lowered.
“you don't have to lie, soap. im a grown man. I'm not fragile. you don't need to coddle me,” ghost said it like it was a joke, hoping soap would laugh along and that this would all just blow over. that tomorrow morning they could forget this ever happened.
“are you calling me a liar?” soap’s brow furrowed. great. instead, he had managed to make everything worse and piss off soap as well.
ghost took in a deep breath, giving himself another shot at calming things down, “no, I'm not. I think you're lying, but you're not a liar,” he stood and stepped to the side, grabbing their dirty plates and walking them to the kitchen sink, “you just don't want to upset me, it's fine. I get it. you're a nice person but you don't have to lie to spare my feelings.”
“I am not fucking lying!” as per usual, all ghost had managed to do was make things worse. there’s a reason he had decided to stick to the battlefield and give up on domesticity.
“well alright then. agree to disagree,” he turned the kitchen tap and started rinsing the dishes, waiting for the water to heat up. just walk away. end it there. let us forget about this stupid blunder and move on. please just leave it. please, please, please—
the force behind it damn near made ghost drop the plate he was holding. he managed to set it in the sink carefully and turned to face soap, who was now in the kitchen as well.
“i— I'm not just gonna fucking— simon,” soap took in a deeper breath and went to continue but ghost was faster.
“johnny,” he interrupted, walking forward with his hands up in a gesture of surrender, approaching slowly.
one last chance to not fuck everything up.
“the fact is they're called deformities for a reason. they're not cute. they're not pretty. they're your body’s way of healing what it can and protecting what it can't. it's not meant to look nice, it's just—”
“bullshit they’re not pretty! says fucking who?” the genuine distress in soap’s voice and force behind his words caught him off guard. “simon—”
he huffed and ran his fingers through his hair roughly, pulling slightly at the strands. christ, ghost needs to shut the fuck up. every single time he speaks he just upsets soap more and more.
he needs to retake his hostage negotiations courses. clearly he has forgotten everything about how to diffuse a situation.
johnny takes another second to breathe and collect his thoughts before he speaks.
“simon. I know that— that ‘this’ isn't something that's going to fix itself overnight and I don't expect it to. but, ‘the fact is,’ I think you're pretty.”
ghost opens his mouth to disagree but johnny doesn’t let him.
“no no,” johnny put his hand over simon’s mouth, shocking him into silence. he blinks twice, stupefied.
“i think— no. I know you're pretty. cute even. beautiful is a given but obviously worth mentioning.”
his hand moved to cup simon’s cheek. ghost grabbed his wrist but didn’t stop him, wether it was a warning or encouragement he himself didn’t know.
johnny continued, unperturbed, “you disagreeing doesn't change that, right?”
there was a pause and simon realized he wanted an answer.
“ah ah!” his hand moved back to cover his mouth, grabbing his face and shaking his head back and forth, over accentuating his words, “you disagreeing doesn't change that, right? yes or no.”
he stopped shaking him and moved his hand back to simon’s cheek. simon sighed, defeated, “yes. you are right.”
johnny looked smug, “good. and what do you say when i give you a compliment you don’t agree with?”
simon sputtered, “wha— i don't fucking know—”
“nothing! you don’t say anything!” soap looked way too proud of himself and he continued, “or thank you if you feel so inclined.”
“that was a trick question,” simon replied eventually.
johnny thumbed over his scars once more, again tracing them, “sure it was. now go take a shower.”
he patted his cheek twice and walked to the hallway.
“wait,” johnny probably shook the few remaining brain cells out of his head. “this whole conversation ends with you telling me that I stink?”
“yes. rancid,” johnny opened the door to the linen closet. simon was still in the kitchen. the tap was still running.
“no dipshit, do you not remember telling me that commercial planes makes you feel gross?” johnny threw a towel at him, which he caught just in time for johnny to hit him with a bath rag.
ghost had mentioned that… ages ago, he thinks. on facetime with each other, discussing the merits of bathrooms on public transport. he had said that enclosed, crowded spaces like commercial planes or buses made him feel, well, gross. how—or why—did he remember that?
“but… I’m supposed to wash the dishes?” a weak argument against the stubbornness he was faced with but simon had officially lost track of his mind and this conversation.
johnny shot him a weird look as he walked back towards the kitchen sink. simon still hadn’t moved.
“did you think i was being serious earlier?”
“yes???” he felt like he had been given a lobotomy.
johnny decided to take pity on him and explained in a soft voice that felt out of place, “i was being sarcastic. i’m not going to make you wash the dishes, simon.”
“but that was the agreement: you cook and i wash the dishes.”
johnny laughed as if he remembered something funny, “yeah, i lied.”
simon still stood there, trying to figure out if he had a stroke. johnny had been angry, completely pissed at him, but now was letting him off the hook and calling him pretty? what the fuck is happening?
johnny turned him and pushed him towards the hallway. simon could have resisted but his resolve always seems to crumble around johnny mactavish.
“now go shower, you beautiful bastard,” soap grabbed one of the plates out of the sink and started washing it with water that had probably heated ages ago.
ghost walked towards the bathroom, feeling like he was on autopilot, limbs disconnected from his brain. his cheek still felt… odd? weird? tingly?
it felt something from where johnny had grabbed it. ghost thinks… he thinks he likes the feeling, whatever it is.
he needs to sleep.
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year
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Get your shit together so I can love you.
Pairing: human!jake sully x female!human!reader
CW: angsty, so angsty, established relationship, MIGHT BE TRIGGERING for some audiences, disabled person feeling insecure about their body, fluff, crying, yelling, cursing, sexual language, hurt, comfort, sexual content, mentions of sexual fluids, foreplay, mentions of fingering, jake touching reader's pussy. Please, tell me if I'm missing something 🥲
Author's note: This AU is set on 2009. Jake is just a regular 24 year old former marine who ended up losing the movement of his legs permanently after an unfortunate accident that happened while he was fighting for his country, amidst a terrible, unforgiving war. The reader is a 21 year old regular human girl. There is no sci-fi or aliens involved. I totally understand if it's not your cup of tea as it's almost not canon at all to the Avatar Universe. I guess I just kept most stuff canon to Jake as a character. As I said, it's an AU. Just call me Miss Marvel and call this a version of Jake that exists somewhere in the wide multiverse 😂 guys I'm way too sleepy and exhausted that I'm starting to sound a bit drunk... gonna shut my piehole up now. I hope you guys like it. ✨ I need to sleep ughhh ✨
Not proofread. Sorry, my babies, momma is always too tired n running low on time.
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I tapped on your window on your darkest night
The shape of you was jagged and weak
There was nowhere for me to stay, but I stayed anyway
You fire off missiles 'cause you hate yourself
But do you know you're demolishing me?
And then you squeeze my hand as I'm about to leave
Renegade (Big Red Machine feat Taylor Swift)
You walked to your boyfriend's house, watching the starry dark sky above. It was a full moon night, its pale light bathing your skin as you thought about how you missed Jake. You had just gotten back from a family trip yesterday and hadn't had time to go over to Jake's house to see him yet. You were so anxious to see his face again that you didn't even bother to call him to let him know you were about to come over.
When you got there, as soon as you opened the door with the copy of the keys Jake had given to you, you saw a miserable looking man sitting on a wheelchair, staring at the wall, eating a burger and fries and drinking beer. You swore to God one day you'd slap his hand and tell him to eat healthier. He ate junk food and drank way too much. His face was grumpy and a little sad at the same time. But it was your Jake. It didn't matter to you that he always looked like he was done with everything, he was so freaking handsome and charming, so, you could get past his moodiness. At the end of the day, you loved him so very deeply it made you feel like there was not enough space for so much love inside your body.
"Hey, babyyy!" You say, locking the door behind you "Sorry for not calling before coming over. I'm gonna stay the night, okay? I missed you so much..." You walked towards Jake and kissed his warm cheek, leaving the keys on a piece of furniture nearby
"Hi, baby. I missed you like crazy. I'm so glad my girlfriend is back here with me." He smiled at you. That was the first time he smiled, in a truly happy way, that night. You were the light of his life, he always felt better when you were around. He had missed you like a mad man, especially at night, when he looked at pictures of you/the both of you together on his black laptop. "And I gave you the keys for a reason. No need to say sorry. It's not like I go out on Wednesday evenings anyway.. Or any night of the week" He laughed in sarcasm. "I'm always here at this time." You laughed a bit and he took another bite of his burger
"I'm gonna take a quick shower, ok? Be right back" you said loudly as you walked to the bathroom
The day you and Jake had decided to be in a serious relationship, after you let the words "I love you" slip off of your mouth, by accident (you didn't even know if he crushed back on you, let alone reciprocating your feelings), Jake was so insecure, thinking you were just playing him, that it took him one week after that happened to finally say "I love you" back. You were getting sadder and more impatient as time passed. When he finally did, it was through texting. When you saw the message in your cellphone screen, your heart raced like a wild horse in a big forest.
Later that night, you and Jake were cuddling, half sitting, half laying on the couch. Jake watched a movie on the television as you tried to read a book. But your attention span was equal to zero. You felt your boyfriend's warmth beneath your body, so comforting, so inviting. You wanted him so bad. You two had been together for almost one year and no sex had ever happened. You were starting to think that maybe he didn't find you that attractive, after all. That thought was like a rusted knife digging into your heart.
You closed your book since you couldn't go past the same sentence you were reading and re-reading all over again, too many times.
You moved your body from where it was and sat on top of Jake's legs, straddling his lap, taking him by surprise. He looked at you wondering why you suddenly gave up on your book if you had been bugging him for months about how bad you wanted to read it, but, you preferred reading a physical copy, as you told him, so he bought a copy for you that he found on sale just so you could stop talking to him about the same thing over and over. But he was actually just kidding, inside his own mind. He bought it for you because he knew you were gonna get really excited, just like a little child, and thank him by showering him with kisses. He loved being kissed by his pretty girlfriend.
"The book wasn't interesting enough, babe? Weren't you dying to read it?" He chuckled and then smiled, placing his big, warm hands on your thighs, making the small, thin hairs of that part of your body stand on end
"I just can't concentrate right now. That's all..."
"Is everything alright?" He noticed the angst in your expression
"Jake... We've been together for almost one year now, and... we haven't had sex yet. Don't you... don't you feel the need to do it with me? Do you still feel attracted to me? Why do you never try to initiate anything other than kisses and caresses? You've never even tried to touch my boobs... and you told me you loved them, over texting"
"Wait, slow down a bit" Jake asked of you and you stopped to breathe a little "Of course I feel attracted to you." He put a small lock of your hair behind your ear, so he could see your beautiful face better "I want you so bad... so fucking bad, you got no idea, girl. You drive me insane, my girl. I can't resist you when you're sitting on my lap like this" He caressed your face softly, light blue eyes staring at your own
"Then don't. Don't resist me. You don't have to. You just have to let me kiss you and touch you and show you how wet you make me, without even doing anything crazy, just by touching my skin like this and letting me sit on your lap."
"Baby, I...I can't" Jake looked down, sadness clouding his beautiful face. You hated to see your boyfriend like that. Why didn't he realize he didn't need to be so insecure? You loved him, all of him. No matter how badly he always talked about his legs or the fact that he couldn't do even basic day to day activities easily, because of his disability, you didn't care. You loved him. Freaking loved him to death.
"Why not?!" You were desperate for an explanation
"I could never be all you need. I wish I could but that's wishful thinking. Don't fool yourself, (y/n)."
Your eyes got filled with tears and you felt a lump forming in your throat. It was like your chest was sore, bruised from his harsh words.
"You are all that I want! All that I need, Jake! Why can't-"
"Don't make it harder than it already is, (y/n)!" The blonde guy interrupted you, his words colder than ice, burning your skin, already so sensitive from from taking all the hurt Jake was causing you by not letting you just simply love him right, be his girlfriend... "Get off me, please." So freezing cold...
You were a crying mess already, so, you felt so weak you just obeyed him and stood up, leaving him free from your body. Jake transferred himself from the couch to his wheelchair as fast as he could. He then started wheeling himself away from where you were
"Please...Please!" You say, chasing your crazy boyfriend like an idiot, while he moves his wheelchair fast towards his small room "stop being so insecure and just lemme love you." Jake stops, his freckled pale arms turning the wheels around so he could look at you
"Why do you insist on being tied down to a cripple?! Don't you get it?! You are so, so damn beautiful, (y/n). Your smile, your hair, your body... Jesus, your fucking body... You're so hot. You deserve... a man who can give you all that a relationship can offer. I can't be that man. I will never be him. I'm sorry you don't get it, but it's time for you to move on!!!" He yelled. You've never seen Jake so angry. His face was red, his eyes were gleaming, tears starting to roll down his face. He felt like his heart was breaking in a billion little pieces. He'd rather go through war, become traumatized and then have his spine injured all over again, because, honestly, it would hurt him less than what he was doing to you right now. But he knew he had to do it. "I love my (y/n) so much, I always will. But she should be happy, free from me." He thought
"Stop running away from me, Jacob Sully!" You ordered, as soon as you catch up to Jake, getting inside his room, your breath heavier than normal "I'm warning you, I will take you in my arms, no matter if you say you're too heavy, and I will lay you on this bed, against your will, if that's what I need to do so you will stop pushing me away! And don't ever call yourself a "cripple" again! I swear to God, you're testing me tonight! I won't let you speak like that about yourself. Never again! Do you understand me?!" You almost screamed
Jake sighed heavily, in defeat. With both arms, he started to support himself on his wheelchair, moving his body to the bed.
One he was settled there, sitting down with his back against the cushioned bed frame, he spoke: "Baby, I'm sorry for yelling at you like that... it was wrong. You don't deserve that. Please, forgive me." Looking at you with those eyes he had you on your knees, every single time.
"It's okay..." You looked hurt but your forgave him. You wanted to try and forget that had ever happened.
"I love you... so much."
You gazed at him and felt a need to comfort him
You sat on his bed, beside him and held his hand. After some time, you and Jake were cuddling, you sitting on his lap. He brought his mouth to yours and kissed your lips. You missed his kisses so much that you got wet so easily, just like a virgin would.
Jake grabbed the back of your head with care and deepened the kiss, using his tongue to massage yours. The way he kissed you was leaving your lips slicked with his saliva. You moaned and he held tight on to your waist, heavy breathing, his warm breath colliding with your own, the two of you getting drunk on each other. His lips were crushing against yours and that felt so amazing.
Out of nowhere, he stopped the kiss and when you tried to kiss him again he gently pushed you away, seeming uncomfortable.
"I gotta stop, baby... I can't pleasure you more than this..." he looked defeated
"Of course you can. You have fingers and a mouth, don't you? Then put them to use, baby. Your girl is begging you to pleasure her. Don't you want to help me out a bit?" You started to kiss his neck gently but sloppy. You breathed his scent in. It was so familiar, so comforting to you. He smelled like home. Home, for you, was wherever Jake was, right by your side.
Jake was starting to slowly give in and he let out a breathy moan. You felt happiness creeping in your head, your heart beating faster.
Jake did something that in his mind, was so damn bold. He dared to touch you in a very intimate way - he was as nervous as a teenager having his first sexual experience - moving his hand from the bed sheet until it got to your entrance. Jake's breath faltered as he touched your coated folds gently, his chest tightening while he looked at your face. His light brows furrowing, his demons still trying to convince him that you could not be turned on because of him.
"Sweetheart, you're so soft... just so... so wet." He was getting shaky, aroused as hell, feeling how wet you were for him
He was finally ready to just relax and enjoy the moment, as he touched your coated pussy.
"Wait a bit, will ya?" You ask, getting off his lap, standing on your feet and then stripping down to him. Your clothes were laying on the floor, as you felt a little shy but excited to see his reaction to seeing your naked body for the first time.
"Fuck, my baby. How did I get so lucky? Your body is so fucking perfect...." He put his hand up in the air, towards your own hands and you grabbed it and let him sit you back on his lap.
Jake started to touch your breasts softly, his mouth slightly open, desire scorching his insides. Your skin burned so good beneath his fingers. Then, he placed his big fingers on your slit
"God, this fucking wet pussy..." he was having trouble breathing but he loved the way you messed with his head
"I'm all yours, baby. Please, just let go and make love to me. I need you so bad it hurts me physically." You begged him to put an end to your misery
"Is that what my babygirl really wants?" He murmured, his voice low and sexy, ringing on your ears
"Yes, my love. Please... I'm so wet, Jake... only for you, my baby." You felt his fingers touching your pussy and your body became limp
"I love your pussy, baby. So velvety, warm and juicy. Can't wait to slide my fingers inside of you over and over again until you're all sweaty and whimpering"
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Soap has always been your hype man. Before you met him, your confidence was utter shit. Then he slung an arm around your shoulder—literally taking you under his wing—and you haven’t been the same since.
Sparring on the mats in the gym? He’s barking orders—keep your hands up, lass! Protect your face!—and singing your praises when you get in a good hit, knocking him back a few steps.
“That’s it, hen! Fucking hell, woman, look at you! Damn near took me out with that right hook!”
He coaxes you through discouragement when you just can’t get that kick-punch combo he’s been trying to teach you for ages. You want to quit but he won’t let you, squeezing your shoulders and giving you tips on how to improve, even though he’s told you a thousand times already.
“Don’t hold back now. You’re just a wee sweet thing but I know you’ve got some fire in your belly. Come on. Let it out. Hit me with all you’ve got!”
And when you do finally get it right? He has his arms in the air, victorious, before he scoops you up into a hug.
Drinking him under the table on a Friday night? Soap is the one cheering you on the loudest. Sure, he talks a big game, and he’s competitive as fuck. But you’re his weakness, his Achilles heel. He wants you to win. He wants to see you confident with victory, even as he plays it off.
“Ya cheeky lil’ shite, I’ll get you next time. You can run that mouth all you like, sweetheart.”
When you gloat and rub his face in it, he gives you the fondest look of adoration on planet earth.
The only time he’s suspiciously and noticeably not hyping you up is when you have a date. He’s kinda…grumpy about it actually. And he scowls a lot with his arms crossed, grumbling.
“What did you say this boy’s name was again?”
“You’re not running a background check on him, Soap,” you reply smoothly.
“Just thought I’d give him a wee talkin’ to. You know, man to man.”
You shoot him a look that clearly says, not going to happen.
He doesn’t say anything when you leave. No parting words of encouragement. You had expected at least an off-color joke like the ones he tosses around with the rest of his team, something about staying safe and using condoms. But his gaze is uncharacteristically solemn as he watches you walk away.
However, Soap will be right there with ice cream and beer in hand when the date doesn’t work out and/or you break up. You’re a mess—eyes puffy, can’t stop crying, putting yourself down because I just wasn’t good enough for him—but Soap sits on the edge of your bed as you cry on his shoulder and he gently corrects you.
“Come on, my bonnie girl, you know that’s rubbish. He’s the pile of steaming pig shite you should be cussin’ out. Don’t waste your tears on him, all right? He doesn’t deserve them and he certainly doesn’t deserve you.”
You manage a watery little smile and Soap cups your cheek, kissing your forehead.
That kiss stays on your mind. For weeks and weeks. It was a simple kiss—a gesture of comfort, nothing more—but the firmness of his chest beneath your hand on his heart, and the way you wanted to just melt against him had you entertaining a thought you had never considered before.
Maybe…maybe Soap wasn’t just a friend.
After that, you looked at him in a new light. But you couldn’t bring yourself to ask him about it. If he said no, he didn’t share your feelings, you were certain it would break your heart in two permanently.
So, when Soap came back from a mission, bloodied, bruised, and wincing in pain, you thought you were going to be sick with worry. As you flew into his hospital room, he was already sitting on the edge of his bed. And he caught you with an arm around the waist, hugging you into his side with a small grunt of relief.
“I’m fine, hen, I’m fine. A few bumps and bruises, that’s all.” Then he gets this little smirk on his face. “Although it couldn’t hurt if you worried your pretty head over me. Just a wee bit.”
You gave a shaky little laugh and mumbled you’re so full of shit but he just shrugged. And then his smile faltered and—God help you—his gaze fell to your mouth. He brought his hand up, cradling your cheek in his palm, his thumb tracing along your lower lip.
“Johnny,” you whispered because your body was on fire with want, and if he didn’t mean it, you were going to combust.
He cupped your chin, his thumb anchored just beneath your lower lip. He doesn’t say anything—doesn’t need to. Pressing his mouth to yours in a deep, searing kiss was enough to take your breath away and tell you everything you needed to know.
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anonymityisfunwriter · 2 months
Timeless - Part 5: "We Really Were Timeless"
"I'm gonna love you when our hair is turnin' gray. We'll have a cardboard box of photos of the life we've made, and you'll say, 'Oh my, we really were timeless'..."
Summary: It's the kind of love you find once in a lifetime, the kind of love you don't put down, and somehow, you know you would've found each other in every life.
'Timeless' Chapter List | The Grumpy Sunshine Series
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You smile down at the cardboard box that sits in your lap. You hold up a yellowing photograph, "Oh, I remember this! This was one of our very first assignments with the three of us. It was a complete disaster."
"Why? What happened?"
"Oh, what didn't happen!" you giggle. "We were after some bad guy - an arms dealer, I think. They almost got away. We had an entire building evacuated because we accidentally started a fire, which they still blame me for. We bickered the whole time." You look down at the photograph, at you, Bucky, and Sam, at the whole box filled with photos of the life you made. "And it was the most fun I ever had."
"I can't believe it," Sam awes from the other side of your porch. 
"It feels like yesterday," you agree. 
"No, I still can't believe that after all this time, you still won't admit that you started that fire."
"I didn't!" you insist. "We've been through this time and time again, Sam. I didn't start that fire."
"What about-"
The question is cut off by the slam of the screen door and a begrudging sigh, "You're supposed to be helping them with their project, not doing it for them, Mom."
You dismissively wave off your oldest child, Thomas, "I'm just telling stories."
Your oldest grandchild holds up a picture from decades ago. One of you and Nick Fury. Side by side, you wear a beaming grin that looks even more bright compared to his stoic frown and crossed arms. It was taken on the day you celebrated his birthday against his will. "Who's that?"
"He is the man that saved my life. We named your Uncle Nick after him."
"So how did you and grandpa meet?"
"Your Uncle Sam introduced us."
"That's right, you're all here because of me!" Sam boasts from the porch swing across the deck.
You chuckle and roll your eyes, "We all worked together. We would've met either way."
"That doesn't mean he would've talked to you if it weren't for me."
"Don't listen to him, kids. He's full of sh- He's full of it. I said it!" Bucky announces, refusing to put another dollar in the family swear jar.
"Nice save." You pat Bucky's leg with a soft chuckle. "It's true, though. He didn't like me very much when we first met."
He settles beside you with a gruff muttering, "That's not true."
"What?" Your oldest grandchild pouts, "Why didn't Grandpa like you?"
"I don't know." You shrug, turning to Bucky with a teasing grin. "James? Why didn't you like me when we first met?"
"Trick question, I always liked you."
"What'd you like about him?"
"It was those eyes," you reply. "The same beautiful blue eyes you have."
"What about these? Is that you?"
You smile, remembering that antique shop from a lifetime ago, "It was us in another life."
"Can I see that?" Bucky asks, jutting his chin toward the box in your lap. You slide the box over to him.
The years came and went. You knew that. But as you look around your porch, at the proof of a love that would last much, much longer than a lifetime, you're left wonderstruck.
The family you found. The family you built. The life you that never ceased to amaze you.
You look at Sam, the smile lines now permanently etched into his face. You look at Bucky, his dark hair now grayed with time. But those blue eyes, the same eyes you fell in love with on that very first day, those were still the same.  
Time broke down your bodies, but it never touched your soul. It was an age old classic. It was your age old classic. The story started long ago, at that very first hello. 
"Oh my..." It's not very often Bucky gets struck by overwhelming waves of emotion. He flips through the box to find much more than a lifetime's worth of memories. "We really were timeless."
The clanging of the grandfather clock startles you, tearing your eyes away from the photo. "Sorry, I think I got lost in thought there."
The shopkeeper chuckles at you, waving her hand at you, "It's no problem, dear."
You chuckle, "That's the second time that grandfather clock scares me."
The shopkeeper quirks her head at you, "What grandfather clock?"
"The -" You point in the direction of the clanging. Your brows furrow when you turn to see nothing but more stacks of books there. "Uh, never mind....Thank you for showing me around. You have a lovely store. I should be getting back now."
"It was my pleasure, I'm sure you and Bucky will have lifetimes worth of happiness."
"Thank you." You offer a smile in return. It takes you a moment to realize that you never told her Bucky's name. "Wait, how did you-"
But as you turn back around, she's gone. The store is as empty and silent as it was when you first walked in. 
Though there's a strangeness you can't ignore, there's a something else more important that you need to do. You walk out of the storefront, and immediately dial the only person on your mind. You know he probably won't answer, not with how chaotic his mission turned out, but still, you just need to hear his voice.
"Doll? Is everything okay?"
You sigh in relief, a lightness filling your chest and lungs. Tears unexpectedly spring to your eyes, overwhelmed by the stories of love and triumph. It felt so real. It felt like it was you and him. A love as timeless as they come. You shake your head, clearing the knot building in your throat, "Yeah, yeah, I just wanted to hear your voice."
He groans dramatically. You swear you can almost see the grimace he wears. "God, I miss you."
"I miss you, too," you softly exhale, wiping away the stray tear that slips down your cheek. "So, so much."
"I have something to tell you, by the way."
You finally perk up. "Yeah?"
"Turn around."
You softly gasp, whirling around to see him. His smile is brilliant. The faint orange of the setting sun only makes his eyes shine even brighter. He's here. Standing before you. You bound into him, throwing your arms around his neck.
"I missed you so much," you mutter into his shoulder. 
"Me too."
You're not sure how long you stand there holding onto each other in the middle of the cobblestone streets, but you do know you're going to be fine. You were going to be more than fine.
As long as you were his and he was yours, it would all be fine. 
You were going to be timeless. 
AnonymityIsFun Masterlist Inspired By Taylor Swift Masterlist Bucky Barnes Masterlist
As always, let me know what you think! Reblogs and comments are always appreciated! 💛
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez @ludicbouquetfromearth @matchat3a @famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff @valoraxx @blue786sworld @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @geminigengar @ansaturn @ecolle @lexhalstead3 @ybflkmj @mediocre-daydreams @shanye1112 @thegirlnextdoorssister @toomanyfanficsbruh @moonlightreader649 @breathtaking-cynthia @mirikusashes@beans-and-toast @niyahcoca @katiechikin @elxvrr @antiheroxsblog @infamouslyclumsy @krissydclayton93 @buckysbarne @deadheadwbedhead @qualitygiantshoepsychic @whitexwolfxx310 @getosprettyboy @matchat3a @weallhaveadestiny @mostlymarvelgirl @honeydew3064
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once-upon-an-imagine · 9 months
This would work for any grumpy x sunshine.
Like sunshine just goes on and on talking about their interests and grumpy listens, from an outside eyes it may look like they don't care but of course they do.
I see a scenario with grumpy!Reader x Eddie. He keeps on talking about his new DnD campaign, and the reader listens, he at some point thinks she's not interested, but wave it off and keeps talking, less enthusiastically though,(he knows she would say something if she wasn't interested at all, but sometime he has a lot of doubts.)
But some time later, she shows up with something she brought for his campaign, and he is just all adoring and hugging.
For a dialogue, you can just write the reader giving Eddie the present, of course.😂
omg yes! this is so cute! 🥰🥰🥰 Warnings: smoking; reader is in a bad mood/grumpy, also I know little to nothing about D&D so sorry for any mistakes about it Disclaimer: I don’t own Stranger Things 😊 gifs aren’t mine 😁
New Dice
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"Dude, what's up with your girlfriend?" Eddie turned to look at Dustin and Lucas who were now beside him at his locker.
"Nothing, why?" he asked, confused. Before either one of them could reply, they all saw you make your way down the hallway, pushing a few people out of your way as you walked to your locker.
"Well... she just... seems a bit... grumpy..." Lucas said, nervously. They all knew better than to talk bad about you in Eddie's presence. "-er than usual" he finished.
"What do you mean, Sinclair?" Eddie asked, confused.
"Look, we know she's not... the most cheerful person, but she's usually pretty chill with us. And today, she even pushed us out of the way" Dustin explained.
"And she didn't answer when we said hello to her, which she always does" Lucas added as they heard you smash your locker's door, louder than usual as one of your least favorite people approached you.
"This is gonna be good" Dustin muttered under his breath.
"Hey, babe-"
Before Andy could even finish, you grabbed his wrist, twirled his arm around, and pushed him against the lockers.
"If you ever touch me again, I will make sure that the only way you are able to eat is through a straw, got it?" you threatened him before letting him go and he nodded cowardly before you made your way through the halls again, pushing a few people out of your way, again.
"Yeah, okay, something might be up" Eddie said, nervously.
Your encounters with Andy were usually just you cursing at him and maybe pushing him away if he got too close. But you were in a bad mood today. And that was not good.
"We just wanted to let you know, dude" Dustin said, patting him on the shoulder before he and Lucas went the other way.
By lunchtime, Eddie was entirely convinced that something was up with you. You had rarely spoken to him, or anyone, really. There was a permanent frown on your face, and right now, you seemed to not be paying attention to what was going on at your table. Granted, whenever you sat with him at the Hellfire table, you rarely participated since you didn't really play D&D. Even if you always listened to Eddie when he talked to you about his character or a new campaign he was working on, deep down, he sometimes feared that you would realize just how different the two of you are and you would basically get bored with him. And today, as he watched you grumpily play with your food instead of eating, while the rest of his friends happily discussed tonight's 'The Cult of Vecna', he definitely felt anxious.
"Hey, princess" he said softly, getting your attention as you lifted your head and smiled wearily at him. "You okay?"
"Yeah" you nodded, looking away from him. "'M fine" you insisted.
You hated that Eddie was probably the person who could best read you, and he would instantly know when something was wrong. You didn't hate that he knew you so well, you hated that he would think you're too moody or get upset about stupid things and wouldn't want to be with you anymore.
"You sure?" he asked, grabbing your hand and stroking the back of it with his thumb. "You've seemed... a bit edgy today" he said, making you chuckle a little. He meant you seemed extremely grumpy today. You had heard everyone else say that. Well, not really the word grumpy but, bitchy.
"Sorry" you murmured, looking down and squeezing Eddie's hand tighter. "I'm a bit nervous about... my Math test" you lied, hoping he would let it go.
"Oh, sweetheart, you shouldn't worry about that" he said, bringing your hand to his lips. "You've studied all week. I'm sure you're gonna do great" he smiled. "Do you want to go over it tonight one last time?"
"No, love. That's okay, you have your Vecna's um... curse thing" you chuckled.
"It's cult, dude" Gareth interrupted, laughing a little. "Is The Cult of Vecna" he corrected.
"That's what I said" you said, rolling your eyes.
"No, you said curse" Jeff laughed.
"Well, it's the same thing!" you snapped at him, getting irritated again. "S-sorry, Jeff" you said, feeling a little guilty. "I need some air" you smiled at Eddie before getting up.
"Is... she okay?" Jeff asked, confused.
"Not really" Eddie sighed, getting up and instantly following you.
He finally made it all the way to the picnic tables past the football field and he found you smoking.
"Thought you said you needed air" he chuckled, when you turned around to look at him, still frowning.
"This is fresh air" you defended yourself.
"Look, sweetheart, I'm sorry" he said, sitting on his side of the picnic table. You frowned at him confused, tossing your cigarette away.
"What? Why are you sorry?" you asked, sitting on the table in front of him.
You hated that your sulky mood may have passed on to him. Eddie was that ray of sunshine that made you want to smile all the time. He looked up at you with his big brown puppy eyes and you felt like someone had just kicked you in the stomach. If there was something that you truly hated, was seeing Eddie upset.
"What's wrong?" you asked, worriedly.
"Look" he said, grabbing your hand in his. "It's just... I know that you don't really like this whole D&D thing and we talk about it non-stop, especially me, telling you about my campaign and all and I just... I'm sorry. I know it can be boring for you and I'm just worried that you realize that we're too different or something and you're just not gonna want to be around me anymore-"
"What? Eddie, love, no" you said, cursing yourself silently. You climbed off the table and sat on the bench next to him, taking a deep breath as you played with his fingers. "You got this all wrong" you muttered. "I'm so sorry I've been in a shitty mood, but I promise it's nothing about that" you insisted, looking up at him. "I love it when you talk about D&D, it's really interesting, and I love how excited you get when you talk about your campaigns" you admitted, feeling your cheeks burning a little.
"Really?" Eddie asked, feeling his heart fluttering and you nodded, with a tiny smile forming on your lips. "So, why have you been in such a bad mood today? And don't say it's your Math test, because I know you're going to do great at that-"
"It's not" you admitted. "I actually had it today and I think I did pretty well" you smiled. "Thanks for helping me study" you added.
"So then, what happened?" he asked, frowning. "I mean, don't get me wrong, seeing you kick Andy's ass was the highlight of my day, but I know that something's bothering you" he insisted.
"You sighed, grabbing your bag from the floor and putting it between the two of you.
"I b-bought you something" you said, looking down.
"You did?" he asked excitedly, but his smile dropped again. "Wait, why did that make you upset?"
"It's just..." you said, getting out a small pouch out of your bag. "Last week, when you were telling me about the whole Vecna campaign, you mentioned you lost your dice" you started. "And so, I wanted to get you new ones, and I did, and I wanted to give them to you today because I knew your campaign was tonight, so I told Gareth and I showed them to him and he said that you had already bought some and that mine were not the right kind because the set only has seven dice and the ones that you use for your campaigns have more" you said, opening the pouch and making the seven dices fall on your palm. Eddie didn't think he could love you more until he saw the dice set. They were black and silver metal dice with blood stains on them. "So, I got upset because when I went to the store, the guy asked me what I needed and he laughed when I didn't really know, and when I asked for dice for D&D he started telling me about all the different types of dice and I just got so confused, and then I saw these and I thought they looked metal, and cool and that you would like them but-"
You were suddenly interrupted when Eddie placed his hands on your cheeks and pulled you to him so he could kiss you intensely. You loved these kinds of kisses from Eddie. They were so full of passion and desire that it made your entire body tingle.
"I love you so fucking much" he said, before he planted another kiss on your lips and he felt a smile on your lips.
"I love you too" you said, unable to stop smiling at the way Eddie was looking at you. He looked so enamored by you.
"Princess, first of all, these are the coolest dice I have ever seen in my entire life and I can't believe that you bought them for me and I love them so much!" he insisted, grabbing the dice from your hand before he carefully placed them on their little pouch again.
"Really?" you asked, feeling a little relieved, but you still felt he was just saying that to make you feel better. "B-but Gareth said-"
"Gareth's an idiot" he said, rolling his eyes.
"He's your best friend!"
"He's still an idiot" Eddie insisted. "Look, sometimes we do use more than seven dice but we always use at least seven" he told you. "Plus, are you kidding? These are so badass! Everyone is going to want to play with them, although I might not let them because they are mine and those idiots lost my last ones so-"
"Eddie" you chuckled.
"Right. My point is, I'm sorry that you were in a bad mood because you thought I wouldn't like them" he told you. "Sweetheart, you could give me a cat and I would love it more than anything-"
"Eddie, you're allergic to cats" you chuckled.
"I know, but it's a gift from you" he said smiling. "I love every single thing you give me and that you do for me" he insisted, grabbing your hands in his.
"Really?" you asked, smiling brightly at him. Eddie loved it when you smiled. Especially because he knew he was the only one who made you smile like this.
"Yes, princess" he said, pulling you again for another kiss. "Thank you for my cool gift" he smiled, putting the small pouch in his bag.
"You're welcome, Eddie" you smiled shyly.
"Also, you're gonna tell me the store that you went to and point at the guy who laughed at you because I'm going to kick his ass!"
"Love, you don't have to do that" you chuckled, giving him another peck on the lips.
"Yes, I do. Nobody laughs at my princess" he pouted before he kissed you again.
The End
A/N: hope you loves liked it!
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zomb1e-boy · 1 year
You Are My Purpose
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Joel Miller x TransMasc! reader
Fluff and a tiny bit of angst.
Traveling on the road with Joel and Ellie leaves you and Joel to talk. Not something Joel's a fan of. Takes place in early episode 4. (And thank you to @whiskeybeforesunset for the suggestion!)
The blue n’ white truck door slams, and it stirs you awake. Joel is up and ray of sunshine, like always. He’s a grumpy old man, but you don’t really get mad at him for it. This world has changed people and at least he has some heart. Besides, how can you get mad at him when he looks so good. You rub your eyes trying to get motivated to get up. Sliding out of the truck you see Joel crouching by a weird contraption that's bubbling. Then you look to your left and, you see Ellie covered in Frank's old sleeping bag not wanting to get up yet. You can’t blame her, being a teenager in the apocalypse having to be on the go all the time would suck ass.
“Mornin sunshine.” you say playfully to Joel. Teasing each other was a way you showed care for one another. He doesn’t respond, just grumbles. You walk over to him and crouch next to him and ask, “What is that delicious smell?”. You look at his side profile and admire his face waiting for a response. “Coffee.” He says flatly but, he has a light smirk on his face. Joel’s eyes look so tired and worn. You’ve known him for a good amount of time, he never got super personal with you, but you know he lost his daughter and that was enough for a man to go crazy. You never had kids, not much family, and no partner. You didn’t have a lot to lose before but now…with having Ellie it was different. Having a soft spot for kids did not help when Tess wanted you to go on this mission with them. Even though she’s gone, you honor her everyday by making sure you keep Ellie and Joel safe. 
“Smells like shit.” Ellie says still covered in the sleeping bag. Chuckling you say “You just don’t know what taste is.” Joel nods in agreement. You share a cup of coffee and eat some food before you head on the road. Road trips always made you think. You thought about how you and Joel even met. About 8 years ago he was your smuggler for testosterone,he didn’t understand why you needed it or what it was and frankly he still doesn’t know. Before the outbreak you were trying to get on testosterone but well…the outbreak happened. For a while you gave up trying to get it and gave up on most things. You had no purpose until you found a little QZ. You became one of the best workers and with that you got perks. Perks that let you smuggle things that they wouldn’t want or look for. That’s where Joel came in. You gave him ration cards and he gave you your medicine. Now being rouge you didn’t get to have it anymore, but most of the changes were permanent anyway so you were content. The memories of when you met him and Tess are sweet and a little sour now.
 Ellie and Joel are chit chatting. You are too focused on your thoughts til Ellie pulls out something. “Light on the reading, but it's got some interesting photos.” Your eyes go wide and try your best not to bust out into laughter. “No, no Ellie that ain’t for kids” Joel says slight fear rising in his dark brown eyes. “How the hell can you walk around with that thing!” Ellie exclaims and it makes you lose it. “I wouldn’t know.” you say in and out of laughter not realizing what you said might be confusing. “Get rid of that” Joel demands, holding his hand out to grab it. “Hold your horses I wanna know what all the fuss is about.” she pulls the magazine closer to her, “Why are all these stuck together?” she questions. The fear in Joel's eyes is priceless and you laugh again holding your stomach from how much it hurts. “I’m just fuckin with ya” Ellie says and hits Joel lightly with the magazine.Joel’s faces instantly eases. “Bye bye dude!” she says while throwing the magazine out the window. You calm down and look at yourself in the side mirror and you're all red. “That was a good one Ellie.” you say still slightly chuckling. She looks at you with a snarky smile and nods. You look over at Joel’s flushed and red face. You find it cute of him getting scared he’s gonna have to give Ellie the talk. He was truly an awkward dad at heart and it made you like him, well more than you already did. His curved nose and furrowed brows were hard not to stare at while he was driving. Joel was honestly a good looking guy, and a soft heart despite all the things he did and still does. Joel tells Ellie to get some sleep and she tries to deny it but is out like a light.
“It was funny seeing you lose your stern demeanor to her.” saying as you stare at the long road ahead. He doesn’t respond and just keeps looking at the road. “It’s not easy, kids I mean. They are little humans trying to figure out the world, I can’t imagine how hard it is to be one now.” You say hoping he’d try to talk to you this time. “They are not, when I was a teen I was quite the trouble maker. Tommy and I were horrible all throughout our teens.” He says this with a reminiscing smile. “Did you mean 70 years ago?” you say teasingly. He scoffs, chuckling slightly. “Im only 52 i’m not that old.” he states glancing over at you with soft eyes. “I’ve always wanted kids. I just never thought I would…” you pause trying to figure out how to word it ”that I would be a good dad.” sadness lingers in your voice. “I think you do a fine job with Ellie.” he says with reassurance in his voice. “I thought she was just cargo.” you look at him with a questionable look. “Yea but she’s still just a kid, seems to like having you around.” his tone back to its monotone self. “I think she likes having you around too, you know. Having all of us together on this road trip feels like a little makeshift family. A daughter and her two dads.” you say jokingly but then you see any type of life in his face drain. 
“Joel I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you-” he cuts you off. He looks like he is gonna explode but instead he took a deep breath and asked out of the blue, “Are you like how Bill and Frank were?” You know that’s not what he originally wanted to say but you go with it. “Do you mean gay?” you say, quirking an eyebrow at him. “ I don’t mean-not in a bad way no offense, I've just been curious.” he says desperately trying to avoid eye contact. “Why do you wanna know Miller, you fancy me or somethin?” you say teasing and nudging his arm but, he lets out a dry laugh. “But to answer your question I don’t really label myself but I know what and who i’ve liked if that clears it up.” sincerity is in your tone. You look at him with soft eyes. Joel gets very silent…too silent, the truck is filled with a weird tension. “Joel are…you..y’know like Bill and Frank?” you say lightly not trying to upset him. He takes a deep breath sucking the air through his teeth “I don’t know.” That’s all he says and you don’t push him further.
 Some eerie silence later and he speaks again. “How did you know?” he says almost whispering. “Well, I feel safe, comforted by someone, like I could spend forever with them and not get tired of them. That’s how I know personally, but it could be different for everyone.” His beautiful mostly grey hair was falling into his face, as he furrows a brow, he pushes the hair back. You think of the note Bill left Joel about what it said. “Bill said that Frank was his purpose. That’s how he knew. Someone that didn’t make him only survive but live. I know my purpose.” you say meekly trying not to just scream at Joel to kiss you. “What’s your purpose?” Joel says genuinely confused. You take a deep breath. After everything you have to come clean, that was another thing Tess wanted you to do before she… 
“Joel, you and Ellie are my purpose. You make me want to live. You guys make me scared of dying when I never cared before because I had nothing to lose. I care about you a lot Joel, more than you’re probably comfortable with and I'm so sorr-” before you get to finish your rambling, he interrupts you. “You are my purpose too. Ellie too.” His tone is light but shaky. “So, you did fancy me Miller.” you chuckle as you nudge his arm. He chuckles and shakes his head. You grab the tape ‘Long Long Time' by Linda Ronstadt and pop it into the slot. You lean on Joel’s shoulder and drift off to sleep listening to the song.
….and I think I'm gonna love you for a long, long time
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fandxmslxt69 · 7 months
Daisy (modern, small town AU)
mechanic!Frank castle x f!sunshine!reader
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Warnings: Frank's an asshole lmao. UM me making up shit as I go about cars (i dont know enough abt them okay). Um, Frank works at an automobile shop/garage (he owns it more like but whatever). WRITTEN IN LIKE 3 HOURS AND AN IDEA THAT WAS BIRTHED THIS MORNING. Some swearing, lazy descriptions, probably HORRIBLE structure but idc idc idc.
Synopsis: You just moved to a small town, and just your luck, your car breaks down after a few errand runs. You have no choice but to go to the town's official Mr. Grumpy (Frank) to ask for help.
Word count: 1.8k (WHOOPS)
A/N: BAHAHAH SO THIS WAS BORN LIKE THIS MORNING/LAST NIGHT and i could NOT get the idea out of my head so I had to do SOMETHING about it. Yeah, there'll probably be more to this but FIRST, i have to go study after putting it off to finish this. SORRY IT MIGHT BE SOOO FUCKING OOC AND CRINGE BUT I WAS TOO LAZY TO WRITE IT PROPERLY! this is kind of just a set up/build up bit it gets BETTER promise promise anyway was this just me reading like 10 small town romances and going "all of them, but with Frank?" yeah basically, you're welcome.
Tags: YEAH um @soft-girl-musings its kinda your fault for encouraging me (im kidding ily) and um @runa-falls cuuuz yknow you <3 and Frank <3
Imagine a modern AU in a small little town where Frank owns the only garage there. It’s just a small happy town with a little community that grew up with each other- everyone knows Frank as Mr Grumpy- he’s always got that frown and those eyebrows knitted together in annoyance. 
Imagine you’re new in town and you feel just a bit out of place in this tightly knitted community. You try to make some friends, but it’s hard fitting into already tight social circles. 
Imagine your car breaking down on your way home from a grocery run. The front of smoking and its making weird jumbling and rumbling noises. You leave the car quickly, not wanting to be inside of it in case something goes wrong. You’re nowhere near your house, and the cute sandals you’re wearing are in no shape to walk the rest of the way. You really don’t want to barge into a random shop and ask for help. But you notice, a little far from the rest of the shops in town, a little store with an ugly neon sign that said GARAGE in big, flickering red letters. You sigh heavily, making sure to grab your keys from the car, along with your purse and phone, lock it, and start walking towards the shop. 
Imagine walking into the little automobile shop to find it pretty much deserted. The walls were lined with different tires, tools and various car parts lined the little room with a small area left unlittered for the cash register. And yet, there was no one to man the station. You walk around, feeling hopeless, until you hear voices coming from behind the door at the back of the room. 
Imagine walking through the door hesitantly into a big garage, and you’re greeted with the sight of a gorgeous shirtless man in loose jeans stained in grease stains. He’s bent over a car and wiping the windshield while a radio beside him blasts some country tunes. You stood in the doorway, mouth hanging slightly open at the sight. Who could blame you? His hair looked so soft, and from what you could see, his face was probably just godly. He looked heavenly,and he clearly didn’t hear you come in from how loud the music was. You clear your throat lightly, clutching the strap of your purse tightly. “Um, excuse me-” you say as quietly as you can, not entirely sure you want to draw his attention. Yet somehow he still hears you. His eyes snap up to meet yours and the look of peace on his face immediately transforms into a look of permanent annoyance. 
Shit. He does have a pretty face. A sculpted jawline and a little stubble lined his jaw. Pretty eyes too. 
Imagine the way his eyes would roam over you. Your hair held back in a little ponytail, your short blue sundress with daisies that barely just reaches your thighs. The way his pretty lips would set in a hard line and his jaw clenches, and while his eyes take in your pretty look, the way that dress rides up your thigh whenever you take a step, you can see his jaw tick and the frown lines forming. 
“Yes?” He said slowly, one eyebrow raised. 
“Um,” You shuffled a bit, carefully stepping into the garage, but making sure to keep a distance from him and the car. “Um, my uh, my car broke down, and I kind of need help,” 
He wipes his hands on the towel tucked into the pocket of his jeans, walking around the car to stand in front of you. Well, more like tower over you. He was, to put it simply, enormous. At least 6 foot something with broad shoulders and a deliciously sculptured and defined chest. His muscles weren’t the pretty boy skinny things you’d see at the gym- his biceps looked big enough to crush a man’s skull, and his chest looked comfy enough to use as a pillow. 
He clears his throat, and you realise you missed a question. You look up (practically STRAINING your neck) to meet his eyes. He definitely looks frustrated. Maybe he's annoyed that he has to repeat himself. 
Imagine how mean he’d be about it- he doesn’t mean to be rude, or to come off as an asshole. He definitely didn’t mean to act as if your lack of knowledge in this situation bothered him. Normally he didn’t care, but the way you looked up at him with big worried eyes and the anxious fiddling of your hands just…ticked him off. He certainly doesn’t mean how condescending his tone is, but he just can’t help it. Pretty girls fucked him in the head. 
“What’s wrong with your car, doll?” 
You fiddled with a strand of your hair. “Um, I don’t actually know,” He lets out an annoyed grunt, running a hand down his face. “Where’d it stop?” “Um, just a little back,” You pointed behind you. “Not too far. I don’t know, it started smoking and making weird noises. Assumed it was bad, so I came here,” He shakes his head, throwing the towel in his hand to the side and grabbing a shirt from one of the chairs. “Yeah sweetheart, that is very bad,” 
“Okay well, I figured,” You hesitated. “Can you uh, can you fix it?” “Depends,” He grunted, pulling the shirt over his head. He’d walk past you out front to grab his truck keys from the cash desk, making a couple more caveman noises to indicate that you should follow him. 
Imagine getting to his truck and you stand there awkwardly because there’s no fucking way you could get in there. It’s too high up, and you sure as hell can’t just jump into it. You throw your purse in, brace your hands on the door, and try to lift your leg high enough to reach the step. 
Imagine Frank getting so fucking pissed when your dress rides up to barely even cover the curve of your ass and he just places his (very big, very warm) hands on your waist and hauls you up, firmly sitting you on the chair and slamming the door shut. 
Imagine how the short drive to where your car stopped is just filled with really awkward silence as you clutch your purse to your chest. Frank's got the radio on, an arm hanging out the window, but his other hand on the steering wheel is holding it so tightly his knuckles are turning white. And he looks almost calm, if not for the way he’s clenching his jaw so hard you think he might shatter his teeth. 
You pull up to your car, and Frank whistles quietly as he gets out of his truck and walks over to examine it. “What d'ya do to this thing?”
You practically hopped out of the truck, frowning. “Nothin’! I didn’t even do anything. I was just driving back home and it broke down,” 
“Well ya must’ve done somethin’ if she broke down this bad,” He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. “Can you open the front?” 
“What if it like- explodes on you? What then?” You ask horrified. That’s a horrible impression to leave on someone.
“Not gonna explode, now open the damn front,” 
You nod hesitantly, unlocking the car to open up the front. He tries to blow away the smoke with his hand, but it’s really no use. “Yeah, might need to take it back to the garage,” 
“But-” You felt your bottom lip wobbling. How could everything go to shit so fast. “I need to get home!”
Despite how grumpy Frank wanted to stay, he can’t help soften when it’s clear how panicked you felt. He knew you were the newest person in town, and he also knew he’d have everyone on his ass if he didn’t try and help a little more. 
But he’s still gonna be an ass about it. “I’ll drive you back to your house and send someone for your car, no need to cry ‘bout it, doll,”
You nod hesitantly, taking a few deep breaths. “Okay. Okay, thank you,” And then you smiled this shy, grateful smile at him and he felt like the air was knocked right out of his lungs. You were gorgeous, he knew that, but looking at you now he felt a wave of protectiveness wash over him. You looked….cute. And he wanted to keep that smile on your face. Shit. Imagine Frank realising just how fucked he is, having to help such a cute and pretty girl out, he’d just shut himself off even more. His frown deepens and he only communicates in grumbles and grunts as he drives you back home and calls someone to come pick up your car. He only holds out his hand to ask for your keys- not even uttering a word, just holds out those really sexy hands. He just sits in his truck with his arm out the window as you hop out of the seat and make your way up your porch. He feels so screwed. Even your house looked cute. 
“Thank you,” You call out to him.
He raises a hand in return and then he pulls out from in front of the house and drives back to his shop. 
You falter a bit, feeling a tad stung at how shut off he is. Maybe not everyone is as open as you were, but he could have at least smiled. You sigh, walking into your house and dropping your purse at the door. You discard your shoes, and head to the kitchen to grab a couple snacks and collapse on the couch, feeling overall exhausted and drained from the whole day. Maybe you won’t have to see Grumpy for another few days- just so you could cool down. 
The landline rings a few minutes after, and you frown. Who the hell would have the landline’s number? You get up and answer the phone. “Hello?” “Hey daisy, it’s Frank. You left your groceries in the car,” Frank’s voice fills your ear (god he sounds so…so hot) 
Your eyes widen and you gasp in shock. “Fuck, I did!” 
He hums in response. “Yeah. Bet you need those, don’tcha?” 
You nod slowly. “Yeah, I kind of do,”
There’s commotion from Frank’s side, it sounds a lot like someone yelling at him. He sighs heavily. “Alright daisy, I’ll figure somethin’ out f’r you,” And then he hangs up. 
Daisy? Figure it out? And why was it so oddly comforting to know he could handle this without you needing to worry?
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evilcowgirl · 8 months
possessive abby headcannons
abby anderson/reader (nsfw)
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a/n: hiii back on my bullshit :3
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abby likes to leave marks on you where they're visible so everyone knows you're her's !!
manhandles you sometimes but only because she loves you so much. always dragging you around with her and pushing and pulling you how she wants.
abby gets all grumpy when she's jealous and you'd think she didn't even want to be around you if you didn't know any better. she'll give you short responses and will linger around you without saying much. if you need to get her to tell you whats wrong you'll have to coax it out of her and even then she's hesitant to admit how irrational her thoughts are about you.
if you make plans she isn't happy about you'll definitely know because she subconsciously starts offering you a million other things you could do with her instead.
anytime you talk to someone and she thinks it seemed like anything other than a completely platonic interaction she'll be direct and ask you what you think that person's intentions were.
if you're wrong (don't agree with what she's assuming) she'll explain it to you because she knows whats best for you.
"He was looking at you like that because he wanted you, it's okay that you didn't realize, you're just too nice sometimes."
hates when you're nice to people, it drives her insane to see you smiling at someone else or laughing at a joke even if you're just being civil.
abby can't stand when other people help you out. something as small as someone holding the door open for you makes her feel disrespected.
would rather you not talk to anybody but her, even though she knows it's unrealistic, in her perfect world she has you all to herself.
when you misbehave she makes you get on your knees infront of her to apologize, she'll pet your face as you rest your cheek on her thigh and tell you how good you are.
will forgive but will never forget, abby can and will bring up the fact that you touched a guy's shoulder a month ago if an argument happens between you because shes been thinking about it since it happened.
knows from first hand experience that people aren't permanent and anything could happen at any point. instead of coping with that fact in a healthy way she makes it her responsibility to make sure you're as safe as possible. (a job she doesn't think you can handle yourself.)
she's always
abby prefers for you to sleep at her place so she knows you're safe with her.
abby likes to degrade you and let you know just how slutty you are for letting her use you.
she'll sit you in her lap, hands on your hips holding you in place so you can't grind down on her, and make you tell her that you're all her's. she likes to see you needy and whinny just wanting to be touched. when she's satisfied with your begging she'll finally make you cum like she promised.
she's always in charge, it'd never up for debate with abby. not that it bothers you at all, letting her take the lead all the time doesn't mean you're not the center of her attention.
abby fucks you like shes mad at you.
telling you to shut up when you get loud and shoving your face into the pillows. when she's frustrated everything's so much more intense.
abby takes her anger out on you when she's stressed. if someone's made her upset or she wasn't able to meet her own expectations you can tell the moment she's got her hands on you. she'll push you into whatever position she wants and eat you out until you're gasping nd pushing her head away just to fuck you afterwards.
admittedly perverted but she argues that you're even worse for letting her be that way
abby likes to touch you when you're alone with her in her room, pushing up your clothes as you're cuddling with her just to feel closer to you.
if she's been gone for a few days she'll be all desperate for you even if she doesn't want to let it show. she'll slip her fingers into you while she kisses you, just needing to be as close to you as possible.
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mackjlee9 · 10 months
Adam Warlock x Male!Reader [Fluff]
Warning; I don't know anything about gotg's story at all, I'm just going off from the third movie, so probably ooc!adam and/or canon divergence.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3
(M/n) took a sip of water from his cup, his (e/c) eyes looking around briefly every few seconds, but always finding their way back to him.
He observed him wrapped in the blanket, silently looking around Knowhere just like he had been doing, but he was paying attention to the small details around him, unlike (M/n) who simply couldn't stop staring. He didn't know why, but something about the golden boy was... Magnetic. Mesmerizing even.
Probably because he was a Sovereign, which made them perfect, so it made sense that he found himself staring shamelessly at him, at least, he was hiding in the shadows of the still-standing structure so no one could see him properly, or he hoped so.
He watched how Kraglin approached the golden boy, and he leaned closer to hear the possible conversation they were gonna have. He poured water into the cup from the bottle in his hands before handing it to him, who gently grabbed it.
"What's your name?" His gold eyes looked up at Kraglin, who stood in front of him, waiting for his answer.
"Adam," (M/n) sighed and blinked a few times, saying his name over and over again in his mind, as if he was afraid he'll forget. For a moment, he thought nothing of their interaction, but then he made eye contact with Kraglin, who winked at him... And knew he got found out.
He turned around on the column he was leaning his side on, and pressed his back to it, sliding down until he was sitting on the dirty floor. Sometimes he hated how easily Kraglin could read him, despite his grumpy expression 24/7, Kraglin was just very perceptive when it came to him and his true feelings and intentions.
After a few seconds of him covering his face in embarrassment, he leaned over the side of the column, looking at him as he drank some water.
"Adam..." The blond perked up and (M/n) hid just in time before Adam could see him. He frowned and shrugged before drinking the remaining water in his cup.
Soon enough, music started filling the quiet murmurs in Knowhere, and he watched how Rocket and Groot started dancing, followed by everyone around them. (M/n) watched everyone loosening up and having fun dancing to the music, but yet again, his eyes found their way to stare at Adam, who was also watching the scene with a smile on his face.
When a deep sigh left past his lips at the soft sight, (M/n) knew he was in for a ride.
For a while, Adam has seen (M/n) around while everyone helped rebuild Knowhere from its destruction, and there was something about him that caught Adam's eye.
Whether it was the permanent frown on his face or the gentleness of his voice when he talked to anyone, he didn't know, but he felt drawn to him, and he had to at least know his name.
Which he learned, thanks to Rocket.
He had tried to bring up the topic rather casually, but the raccoon could see through him like a window pane, and there was no way he could hide his curiosity, so he openly admitted that he was... Intrigued by him.
"Well, all you need to know about (M/n) is that... He's not as grumpy as he looks like," Adam's gold eyes trailed to look at the guy whose name he learned. (M/n) was finishing up with replacing the broken glass of a window, and just like that, they made eye contact through the reflection, and if it wasn't for Cosmo's powers, that glass would've also ended up in pieces on the ground.
Groot, who had witnessed the scene, mumbled to himself, "I am Groot...?" And Nebula turned to look at him, frowning for a moment before staring in the direction Groot was looking.
"Wait... (M/n)? Interested in Adam? I don't-" Nebula had to stop herself when she saw how (M/n) kept stealing glances at Adam, and she almost couldn't believe that him, the guy that was like a brother to her... Was interested in Adam. "Well, we have to do something about that, don't you think so, Groot?" Looking confused at her, Groot's eyes followed Nebula as she made her way to (M/n).
"I am Groot?"
Maybe he wasn't showing it, but he was freaking out internally.
Nebula just asked him if, while Knowhere is being rebuilt, Adam could stay at his apartment with him, since he has been sleeping in the ship for the past week. And there's no way he could deny that, even if that meant stumbling over his words and own two feet at the sight of the golden boy so close to him at all times.
Of course, Adam heard the news from Rocket, who had come and fetched him from the ship, only saying what was necessary for him to understand what was happening.
He was still half asleep, so he only heard 'share an apartment with him' and no more, he rubbed his eyes, and followed the raccoon to the tallest apartment complex in Knowhere, and there, at the entrance of the building, was (M/n), who looked at him and smile.
"Welcome to your new home, Adam."
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lovemebutleavemewild · 4 months
Leave it to the land - Chapter 3.
The world has ended, it's over—except some people can't seem to accept that. Those same people think the cure lies in people like you and your little sister. And they're willing to do anything to find it.
The road to safety is a long one, and you're about to learn that it isn't one you can walk alone.
Read it on ao3.
Tag list: @elentiyaiswriting
You manage to stay awake for most of the night, although you're sure you start to doze at some stage.
You spend most of the time going over what happened on the fire escape and cursing yourself. You'd always been afraid of heights but this time, you'd gone completely to pieces. And in front of Ghost, of all people. You were trying to make these men your allies, while making it clear that you wouldn't take anyone messing with you or Dot.
Hard to take someone seriously when they can't even climb a ladder, you think to yourself bitterly.
All in all, you've had better mornings and you're grumpy as you try to scrounge together some breakfast for yourself and Dot. Soap and Ghost each have those ready meals you've seen soldiers eat. You have one protein bar left and give her the bigger half. It's actually a few months out of date but you can't really afford to stick your nose up so you decide to chance it.
After you've all eaten, you stand around kind of awkwardly, not sure what to say or do.
Eventually Soap glances at Ghost and clears his throat.
“So, we've decided to take ye’ up on yer deal.” Your heart leaps. He holds up a finger.
“On the condition that you give us the general location we're going.” He sees you open your mouth and continues before you can start. “It's the only way we can plot the best route.”
You shut your mouth and scowl.
“How do you know I don't already know the best route?”
Soap scoffs.
“If you did, you wouldn't still be here.”
Your scowl deepens.
“I know how to get out—it's just doing it that's hard. We're a little low on weapons, in case you haven't noticed.”
Of course they've noticed, you think, and once again you've pointed out how vulnerable you are, as if it weren't obvious.
You don’t even know why you’re arguing. You should be delighted at this turn of events. You've got two obviously skilled soldiers willing to accompany you to meet Kyle. And they're friends of his. This is exactly what you'd been hoping for. And yet, now that the offer is on the table, you're having doubts.
There's nothing to say they're telling the truth about being friends with Kyle. They recognised his patch, sure, but they could have picked up that information from somewhere else. You could be leading a trap right to him.
Another thing: you can't stay awake around them every night—you're already feeling the effects of not sleeping the night before. Doing this would mean trusting them enough to let your guard down, at least a little, and you’re not sure you can do that.
But then you look at Dot and remember the last few months of trying to find enough to eat, close encounters with tier fives, and government sentries and bounty hunters who wouldn't hesitate for a second to hand you back to the research centre.
Your little sister has an almost permanent pinched look on her face like she's spent every moment of the last few months afraid. You know you can't go on like this for much longer, either of you.
Which means you don't have a choice.
Soap produces a paper map and you use it to point out the direction you'll need to go.
“So we're leaving now then?” You're feeling antsy and want to move. The dead have wandered off during the night, but you know they won't have gone far.
“Soon,” Soap assures you. “We just need to make a stop first.”
“A stop?” you ask suspiciously. “A stop where?”
“Safehouse. Like the one Kyle told you about.” You must look confused because he goes on.
“We each know about a few of the safehouses, not all of ‘em. We’re not sure where the one Kyle showed you is but the one I’m on aboot isn’t far from here”
“How many-”
“That's enough.” You startle and look at Ghost but he's glaring at Soap, who shrugs.
“Why do we need to go there?” You ask.
“We'll need more ammo and they might be able to get us transport to the edge of the city.”
You have to admit that's tempting. You consider asking who “they” are but one look at Ghost’s tense stature tells you it won’t do any good. So with the increasingly familiar feeling of not having any choice in the matter, you agree.
Your trip through the city is quiet in the early morning. You naturally take up your positions from before, with Soap leading the way, you and Dot walking behind him, and Ghost bringing up the rear.
You find yourself missing Dot’s voice. She usually kept up a quiet but constant chatter while you walked, but she's barely said a word the last few days. You get it—you find Ghost and Soap scary enough, you can't imagine how much worse that is for a little kid. You see her glancing at Ghost’s mask sometimes, then quickly away.
You silently take her hand in yours as you walk. She still doesn't say anything but you feel her squeeze your hand hard.
After some time, Soap holds up clenched fist, and you hear Ghost come to a stop. A second later you feel something touch your elbow and flinch away.
Ghost holds up a placating hand, then points to a building up ahead.
“This is us. When we go in, let us do the talking.”
You nod. Your patience for meeting new people is at breaking point anyway.
You pull Dot closer to you as the four of you move into an alleyway.
Soap knocks on a door, which opens almost immediately. You hear him talking quietly to someone, jerking his head back at you and Dot. You start to feel uncomfortable and you're about to say something when the door opens fully and Soap gestures you inside.
The room is small and dim. The person inside is wearing a mask, much like Ghost’s, but plain. Soap and Ghost stand close to them and talk some more, while you hang awkwardly behind them, Dot tucked behind you.
Eventually Soap turns to you.
“We'll be back in a few minutes. You stay here.”
Now, you are going to argue—splitting up and leaving you with an, almost definitely armed stranger, was not part of the plan, but Soap and Ghost are already gone.
You consider pulling out your knife but resist the urge, instead just keeping a wary eye on the person in the mask, who has stayed behind and is now watching you without speaking.
You take a seat and settle in for what turns out to be a long wait. Your leg shakes nervously and you make an effort to sit still.
A sudden noise from a walkie on the table makes you startle. The person in the mask picks it up and talks into it for a few seconds.
Then they leave, giving you a long look before they go.
You wait for another while, until almost half an hour has passed, getting more and more antsy by the minute.
After you've chewed through most of your fingernails, you make a decision. You kneel down to look at Dot.
“I just want to have a quick look around, okay?” When she starts to shake her head, you put a hand to her hair and shush her.
“Just to see if everything is okay, in case something’s holding them up. 10 minutes top, okay?”
When she nods reluctantly, you press a quick kiss to her forehead.
You keep her behind you, letting her hold the back of your shirt so you can keep your hands free.
The corridor outside is surprisingly bright compared to the dim room you just left. There are a few doors along it but you don’t open them, scared to attract attention. At the end of the hall, there are a few doors with glass panes—you make a beeline for these instead.
Peering into the first, you jerk your head back when you realise there are people inside. You look again, more carefully. A woman wearing gloves is drawing blood from a man’s arm. You duck underneath the door and make your way to the next room.
What you see there is familiar, even if the set up is a little different. There are different sized items of glassware sitting on a bench. Some of them are filled with liquid. Petri dishes are laid out under some microscopes and a computer monitor is set up, though the tiny text is too far away for you to read from outside. It doesn’t matter. You know what this is.
It’s a lab.
Your breath starts coming a little faster. Idiot, you think to yourself. You’d spent so long trying to get out of the facility and now you've walked right back into one. Soap and Ghost have clearly led you right into a trap. They were probably negotiating their price for the pair of you right now.
Well, whatever experiments they're running here, you want nothing to do with it, for you or Dot.
“Come on, Dot,” you whisper, and hurry back along the hall, still half bent so you can't be spotted through the glass topped doors.
You get back to the room and immediately go to the door leading to the alley, only to find it locked. You whirl around and start looking for a key but the room is almost completely empty, apart from the chairs you'd just vacated.
You go back to the door into the hallway, and yank it open, determined to find either a key or something to batter the door down, only to walk straight into something solid.
You bounce back like you've hit a brick wall and look up. You've just walked straight into Ghost. He makes no move to steady you and just stares.
“Going somewhere?” he asks you, folding his arms over his chest.
You swallow, mouth dry and back up, sweeping Dot behind you with one arm. As if it'll do you any good.
You barely notice Soap enter the room. He looks at you, frozen, half crouched in front of Dot, arms spread protectively, then at Ghost, raising his eyebrows.
“Alrigh’?" he asks, glancing between you both. Neither of you answer and he shakes his head.
“Grand, so. You guys ready?”
You blink at him.
“Uh … yeah? We're all stocked up and we were able to get a car with half a tank—should be enough to get us to the edge of the city. We can find our own way from there.”
“And what did that cost?” There's a hard edge to your voice that makes Soap cock his head at you. He must think you're a fucking idiot. A fair appraisal considering your behaviour so far, but you're done trusting them now, Kyle or no Kyle. If these guys are involved with the research centre, you need to put as much space between you and them as possible. But if they’ve sold you out, why is Soap still keeping up the act?
You remember what Ghost said about the other safehouses. Maybe they've been hired to take you to another lab for testing, with you following them, docile as lambs to slaughter.
“It's paid for, doll, no worries.”
Well, if they think you're dumb enough to go along with whatever they have planned, maybe it's best you go along with it. After all, you still need a way out of the city and you're not getting out of this building without them.
“Right, let's go then.”
Soap nods, and you realise the person from before is back. They let you out onto the street again. They still don’t speak and the sound of the door closing and locking behind you is loud in the quiet.
The car is in an underground garage, which is locked until Soap says something into another intercom and the roller door trundles open.
The engine stutters for a few seconds when Soap turns the keys but eventually roars to life. Ghost gets shotgun so you take the backseat with Dot, who peers out the window, wide-eyed. She won't remember the last time she'd been in a car, you realise. So many things you'd taken for granted in your old life are still novel to her.
The drive is quiet and you spend the time making your own plan.
As long as Soap and Ghost think you trust them, you have leverage. You'll get as far as you can with them, then make a break with Dot. How you'll do that remains to be seen but you'll have to figure that out later. Having some idea of what you’re going to do doesn’t help you relax much but the toil of the day and the lack of sleep from the night before finally catch up to you and you find yourself dozing.
You wake to Dot shaking your arm. The car has stopped and the landscape has changed. You're close to the edge of the city now and in front of you, a forest stretches further than you can see.
“Just about out of petrol,” Soap tells the car at large. “We’ll hide the car for the guys to come collect, but we're on foot from here. Let's try and get going while we've still got a few hours of sunlight left.”
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bunny-rambles · 2 years
Since requests are open at the moment, I'd like to request something with Rubedo and a reader who isn't as openly nice at least in their tone of voice? Like they have a bad case of resting bitch face, they're generally a little grumpy no matter what and their harsh tone can make them sound like they're angry even when they're not which makes it difficult for Ruby to read them properly. As such this leaves him constantly tense and stressed out because he constantly assumes he's on thin ice (poor boy's getting serious PTSD flashbacks to Gold) and it isn't until he has a full blown panic attack or breakdown that they realize the issue and start making an effort to change so he feels safer? They also helped him through the panic attack.
Reading your Rubedo fic has ignited smth in me and I am loving it!
🐈‍⬛-anon, naming myself because I love your writing and will definitely come back for more so might as well.
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“Smile for me.”
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characters; Rubedo, gn reader
cw/tw; minor mentions of injuries, graphic mention of panic attacks, Rubedo is kinda traumatised by Gold, moody reader, crying
word count; 2K
notes; for 🐈‍⬛ anon, I was so inspired when I got this request bc that sounds exactly like me, I’m so bad expressing emotion and I seem moody or angry but I’m not at all - sorry if this isn’t what you expected !! Let me know if you like it <33
Please reblog if you like this!!
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You were… Difficult to understand.
Even when receiving gifts, you would always bluntly mumble a ‘thanks’ before putting the present away, no matter who the person was. It was only when he caught you staring warmly at said gift when you thought no one was looking that he realised that maybe you weren’t so cold hearted as he once thought. In fact, he knew deep down he was right. Why else would you have taken him in when he had nowhere else to go?
You showed your affection through doing things when they weren’t asked of you, or making him food if he seemed troubled. You weren’t the kind to have a big smile on their face and wrap their arms around him, telling him how much you appreciate him. He knew most of the time, it was nothing personal. He hadn’t exactly figured out why you act this way. Emotional walls, or just a difficulty to express emotion all together? He wasn’t sure, and perhaps he never would be.
You felt distant even when you were right next to him, with that same cold stare of indifference and that frigid attitude. If he didn’t know any better, he would’ve guessed you wielded an icy vision. Even when the two of you were alone, you always seemed so… He didn’t even know how to describe it. Stony faced, hands crossed over your chest like you were impatient for him to just stop talking whenever he conversed with you. But when he stopped, you urged with that monotone voice of yours to keep going, to continue his ramblings about whatever interested him so much. Even with such a piercing gaze, there was a hidden softness, a quiet sweetness to you.
Once he had tried to bring it up to you, only for you to shut down when did so. Ah, so you were definitely aware of it, and when your arms tensed around yourself, he knew that perhaps it was a sore spot. He had hurriedly apologised, telling you that there wasn’t anything wrong with you, something you would tell him when he you thought he was asleep - when in the serenity of the night, you would pour your heart out to him - still with that unchanging voice of yours, but the words you spoke were more than enough for him. He didn’t want you to change, he liked you for you - but sometimes, there were days he just couldn’t handle it, and that went unsaid.
There were days that he would look at you and he wouldn’t see you anymore. Instead, he would see a flash of blonde, a permanent scowl, the same impatient body language. And those were the days he would avoid you like the plague. Even when you called for him that dinner was ready, he didn’t show his face. Those days would hurt you both, and the cracks in his hopeful mindset would only worsen. Those days were few and far between, and those were the only days you would show some form of emotion on your face. Your brows furrowed and your lips downturned even more than the usual frown you had. It was far from the smile he dreamt of on your face, but he cherished it just as much. Of course you weren’t /her/, you were you - a statue of ice with a heart of gold. He saw it every day in the small things you would do for him. You brushed his hair if he seemed tired, listened for hours about whatever was on his mind, helped him with anything that he needed. You would do anything for him, he need only ask. (He heard that once while your hand threaded through his golden locks when you thought he had been long gone in slumber). When he remembered that, he would be fine, and you two would go back to how you always were.
Today was different.
It was no secret that the commissions you took on were starting to get more and more difficult. You were a skilled fighter, that was for sure, but some of the things you were taking on weren’t one person jobs. Although not much had changed from most people's perspective, you were tired. When you came home, you usually had the decency to try to make small talk with the blonde living with you, but now it seemed you didn’t have the energy to even manage that.
And when you did talk?
Neither of you had ever argued, but because of how irritable you had become, you didn’t try to soften the hardness of your tone, the cold words pouring out of your mouth. Thankfully, it was never directed at him, instead he only heard it being directed to whoever commissioned you - but something about the way you spoke set him on edge. He knew if he looked at you, he wouldn’t be in this comfortable home you had made for each other, but instead a merciless terrain of snow.
He stayed away from you to avoid that.
But when you shoved the door open, stalking in with frustration practically dripping off of you, he couldn’t just leave you alone in that state - even if he knew how it would end. Your footing was a little off now that he really looked, your clothes all torn and dirty. It didn’t take a genius to realise the commission had not gone well.
He winced with each thudding footstep you took, the book in his hands falling out of his unsteady grasp. No. You did not need him to fall apart just because you reminded him of her. Instead, he tried his best to calm himself before making his way over to where you were in the kitchen.
“Do you need any help?” He asked quietly when he saw you rummaging around in the cabinet, no doubt looking for the first aid kit.
“You should sit down-“
“I don’t need any help. Go away.” There was that wall again. No matter how many times he tried, you just wouldn’t take it down for him.
“Just leave me alone.” You bit out, one of your fists clenching around the bandage you had managed to find. He swallowed quietly, retracting his hovering hands he was about to place on your shoulders to get you to move.
“Okay.” He whispered, before turning and leaving to go to his room. He shut the door quietly, back pressed up against it before he slid down it with his head in his hands. Jumbled memories of ice cold stares, of cutting words and vague threats of abandonment filled his mind. But instead of his great and all powerful master… It was you. Glowering at him from a high height, sneering at him as he cowered underneath you.
“Why did I ever take you in? I should’ve left you where I found you.“
No. Please. He tried to speak but the words wouldn’t come out, almost like someone had clamped down their hand on his throat and was squeezing him for everything that he was worth.
“I no longer have any use for you. You should go back to that mountain and stop bothering me. I don’t need you.”
I can do better! Please! Don’t leave me!
But still no words left his mouth, even when he saw your back begin to walk away in the darkness.
“Y/N!” He finally managed to choke out, raising a trembling hand to your fading figure.
Suddenly the door he was leaning on burst open, falling into something unsteady than the solid surface of the wood. And then his back was being pulled into something soft, warmth encasing him like a spring breeze on a summer's day. There was something gentle pressing against his heaving chest, telling him to breathe. Shakily, he inhaled.
“One more.” He swore he could hear that voice tremble. It sounded so familiar… Again, he did so. His vision began to clear.
Two arms were wrapped tightly around him, his back against someone’s chest - he could feel the rapid heartbeat against him. Your face was buried in his shoulder, your legs on either side of his cowering body, caging him into the comfort of your embrace. He called out your name, and your face sprung up from where it was hidden. Were those… Tear tracks?
“You were crying… And calling for me…” You explained quietly, but your voice sounded tougher than it usually did. Was this real?
He carefully lifted one of his hands up to one of your arms and squeezed gently, mesmerised when your grip on him only tightened. He didn’t have a response to what you said, still trying to process what exactly just happened. He thought you just left, and now you were holding him?
“Sorry…” He apologised after a moment, and your arms fell limply to your sides, letting him go so he could stand up while you did too.
“Come to the kitchen. I made your favourite...” You turned around to leave, and blindly, he followed.
True to your word, there were not just one of his favourites, but almost all of them. How long had he been in there exactly, for you to make all of this - just for him? It was your way of apologising for what happened.
You knew he was just trying to help you, but you were embarrassed and angry at the state you had come home in. Nothing had gone right that day, and even one of your commissioners had screamed in your face when you failed their task. You just wanted to be alone in your misery, not drag him into it. Instead, you felt like you did the opposite.
“Why…” You began, and his head slowly turned to you. You were barely holding it together. “Why were you crying?” Your bottom lip trembled, your hands trembling at your sides. Slowly, he took one in his own, running his thumb across your bruised knuckles. Instead of giving you an answer, he interlaced your fingers together.
“Don’t leave me.”
You let out a shaky gasp before the tears you held back for him began to roll down your cheeks, dripping from your jaw. Without hesitation, you pulled him to your chest, wrapping your arms around him tightly. He could hear you mumble apologies while one of your hands ran through his soft, golden locks. He shushed you quietly, as his own arms wrapped around you comfortingly. This was the first time he had ever seen you cry, seen so much emotion from you. Perhaps it was wrong of him, but his lips curled up into a small smile.
“I’ll never leave you. I promise.”
After you both had calmed down and indulged yourselves in the meals you had painstakingly made so they were perfect for him, he finally told you what was wrong. It hurt to hear the honesty, but it was needed if either of you two didn’t want a repeat of what happened. He left out the part where the panic attacks weren’t uncommon if you were in a particularly bad mood, just to save you some heartache that you were already feeling after everything that had been said.
“I’m sorry. I’ll… I’ll try and be better.”
“Just don’t change who you are. I like you, because you’re you. But I can’t lie to you, I would love to see you smile. Just once.” He admitted, staring down at your interlocked hands. Neither one of you had made a move to pull away from it, so they had been like that for some time. He heard a heavy sigh from you, your head hanging low for a moment before it raised. His breath hitched at the sight.
You, cheeks reddened from the previous crying, eyes swollen from rubbing at them - with a small, shy smile on your lips. It was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen in his life.
“Okay. I’ll smile more for you.”
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