#he's going to need a third cat with a name that starts with 'v' like his middle name
breezypunk · 10 months
Then vs. Now
I always get very emotional seeing Vaughn when he was first born. I had made two other male V's prior to Vaughn, who funnily enough looked pretty much just like him. All three were defaults, but none of them were Vaughn. For some reason when I made him out of the others, he just felt.. like home. As someone who has been used to playing strictly female characters when it comes to character creation games, getting so attached to a male character was pretty surprising to me. But he fell into my lap and changed my entire life, and I spent so much time figuring out who he is, and what his personality was going to be like, and I am so proud of who I made him into. He is my absolute light, and my whole world and without him idk what I'd do. My emotional attachment to him is very very strong, and I will love him forever.
Then: I made him in February of 2021, this is probably the second or third photo I ever took of him.
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I absolutely did no editing to this whatsoever, I had no idea how to work photomode, but I was excited that I got to play with poses and oh my gosh he looks like a mess LOL. This was before I even named him, he was still just V, and wondered if I should just have kept him as 'Vincent', but that was the previous male V I made, and I knew that since he was starting to grow on me, he needed his own name.
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Just for shits and giggles, I also wanna add this one because when I tell you I was so proud of this photo, I mean it. This was my favorite photo for such a long time, and I also thought he looked mega cute in that shirt and tie, and with the hat? klansfkmnd I was in love. LOL, not to mention the vehicle in the back I HC as Vaughn's favorite, which I named "The Green Saber".
Now: 07/16/2023
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My kiddo. My sunset baby. He turned into everything I wanted him to be and than some. I def projected a lot of myself into him, and up until a couple months ago, didn't realize that he was a self insert. But he is. He is the version of myself that I strive to be, and for that, I thank him. He helps me everyday. He's flawed, he's wild, he's crazy, he's silly, he's goofy, he's emotional, he's sensitive, and he is smart and caring, and loveable, and will be there when you need him in a heart beat. Vaughn, I love you my sweet boy. ♥
I saw some people doing this little trend thing, and in true breezy copy-cat fashion, I wanted to do it too. :)
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dullahandyke · 3 months
final part of trial 4 liveblog ^_^ finished it tonight yay. ill probs start on case 5 tomorrow but i wont finish it before going back to college 4 the week
ok took another break now we're back! not that it makes a difference to you cunts lol
i do enjoy how the text scrawl sfx are basically the same as ever. so cahrming
also enjoying the polyphony of the music again... mfw melodies
i can also vividly imagine patricia beat's instagram and it's horrific. homemeade meals for her hubby and god bless our boys in blye
ok new theory, stabing did happen on garrideb side of the road, green picked up a brning book and the knife fell on her
'there's no one straighter than my husband' that wasn't being disputed, patsy
... the judge says 'good golly'? surely it's 'goodness gracious', golly is So fuckin american
i keep waiting for roly to have a breakdown sprite and he never does. cross between dissatisfying and novel
ah there he goes
WE'RE LETTING ROLY GET AWAY WITH THIS???? nah fuck that i hate cops and i hate romance and i hate cops x2
god i wish we weren't dealing w joan garrideb. the fat jokes r lethal. bring back plum kitaki if u needed a fat lady capable of murder. i miss the kitakis
can we get john a chair or something???
i understand why, but the lack of period-typical misogyny is v glaring. i feel ike something could have been done w joan's husband taking the stand with her + having him be seen as the reliable man. wouldn't have said anything but they made patsy play the misogyny card earlier in a way u were supposed to think ridiculous when this is what, mary poppins time? sufragette movement hasn't resolved (or maybe even started) idk mary poppins is my sole reference for british history
hate to agree w bvz but 'hell on earth' is right
the mythical invention of fingerprints... fingerprints are the fingerpints of the fingers <3
... is the ass of garrideb's housecoat burned off???? srsly can we get him a chair
olive green is a lesser known waifu she's cute
not garrideb calling his wife old bean :sob:
omg natsume hi it's been a minute
if u gave natsume a tumblr i think he'd thrive. one third mediaposting one third 'guys i'm scared' one third public breakdown and one thrid poetry. he's so good at tumblring that he unlocks another third
amazed by the fact that we've not had any multi-day trials yet. i see what ppl say abt the pacing
don't guilt natsume for running, sholmes, cant u see hes the most ancious man in thr world?
YES SUSATO PROTECT HIM... no cops at pride just susato and her tosses
wait hold on i just remembered that shamspeare showed up this case. why tf did shamspeare show up
'what it lacks in windows, it more than makes up for with a floor, a ceiling, AND walls' natsume...
wait the evil spirit that suffocates him in his sleep is the cat innit
finished this case on its canon date! pog
sholmes without the coat... he's practically shirtless
loved it when ryuu said 'cant wait to see what The Great Ace Attorney Adventures are awaiting us;
if sholmes were a butch lesbian i would be bewitched body and soul
listening to the music section n the alternative mesage displays r rlly cool. the unused themes also . susatos unused theme fucks
also i feel the need to point out that the ace attorney sfx head is named 'sando'. ace attorney name
istg asougi's va is familiar... future me go look it up
^ ETA HES FUCKING NOZAKI ? FROM HIT ANIME GEKKOU SHOUJO NOZAKI KUN? my god. autism handshake between nozaki and asougi
now i'm in the gallery... sholmes's crest represents him (gear) protecting iris (flower)? wahhhhhhh
the way nuri describes asougi's hachimaki like 'the winds of change are sure to be blowing whereever he is' compared to how foggy and unmoving the london air is... game 2 moment
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citrusreadstoa · 1 year
Reading The Dark Prophecy: Chapter 20 (SPOILERS)
"Leg irons are fashionable / Cue the screaming god" What the fudge is the leg iron. What new torture device--
"playing my combat ukulele." Again, what makes it a combat ukulele? I have yet to see it do anything other than play regular ukulele music.
"That night I slept like the dead" Can Brieanna sleep? Can ghosts will themselves to sleep?
"I'll do my best to train your friend Calypso this morning" Complaint: we hardly get to see Leo and Calypso together. Where is my Caleo content?
"You don't have to fly. The idea was to make two ankle bracelets, but I didn't have time." Ten bucks Apollo is going to end up using the flying feature one way or another and he's just gonna get pulled by one foot swerving uncontrollably.
"Commodus blames me for his death" Because you killed him. "Why?" "Probably because I killed him." Yeah.
"Meg made a sound like a cat's sneeze." That's... an astoundingly accurate way to describe a short laugh.
"He's also vainglorious" This one's probably straightforward, but just in case... VAINGLORIOUS (adj.): excessively proud of oneself or one's achievements; overly vain Yep, just what I thought.
"So he's like your competition, then?" Lol Leo's not wrong tho
"Why Commodus? . . . Why not some eviler, more famous guy" That's what I've been wondering, too. I figured the guy who got stabbed 23 times but 60 people actually volunteered (I think the emperor's name was Julius Caesar but idk) would be one of the three. I simply assumed I was ignorant of Roman history (which I am). I looked it up. HE STARTED THE FIRST TRIUMVIRATE. HE WAS EVEN POSTHUMOUSLY DEIFIED. WHY IS THIS GUY NOT ONE OF THE VILLAINS? They're probably going to make a reference and give a good explanation later. Talking meta, it's probably because everyone already knows him and expects to see him. We already have Nero and Caligula, so having a third name that everyone's heard of would get excessive. Or, idk, maybe Rick Riordan just didn't feel like it.
"the third one, the emperor in the west" Oh, so now Meg watches her words. Doesn't care about Nero or Commodus, she just can't say Caligula's name. What's the point at the point? She's already drawn everyone else's attention. "Nero never used his name." Oh, that explains it.
"A line of chevrons rippled on the green water" CHEVRON (n.): a line or stripe in the shape of a V or an inverted V
"I think that's another part of the same creature." Sea monster sea monster sea monster
Ooooookayyyyy we need to wait 'til next chapter to see the sea monster.
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May I request some fluff RFA headcanons? 🥺🥺
I hope these are okay!! I added Saeran and V just for the sake of it!! <3 these will be a random mixture of with and without MC!
Random Fluffy RFA + Saeran and V Headcanons
Yoosung Kim Fluffy Headcanons
He asks you to marry him in LOLOL, since there’s an expansion pack where you can set up a little house for extra storage. He gets really nervous and a bit sweaty about asking you to do it, he takes it oddly seriously and Zen almost passed out when he thought that you were actually engaged.
He tries to make you coffee every morning, especially if he’s trying a new style out. He thinks it’s really fun and he loves to greet you with it for breakfast. After a while, you come to associate the faint smell of coffee with Yoosung. 
At the start he starts sneakily using little bits of your shower gel because they smell so much nicer than the one his gamer student budget allows him to buy. Eventually, he’ll just cave and buy a bottle of the one that you use because it means he gets to be reminded of you all day and it’s a lot better for his skin anyway.
If you play with his hair when his head is in your lap, he’ll absolutely fall asleep. Yoosung is a little bit like a puppy in that way, it just makes him feel so happy and loved.
Zen/Hyun Ryu Fluffy Headcanons
Zen’s a big person for morning kisses, especially sleepy ones. He’s an early riser and definitely feels extra needy in the morning. He’s also always the big spoon, he likes to feel as though he’s protecting you even when he’s asleep.
Whenever you’re crying and cover your face so he can’t see, Zen’s the kinda person who would gently pull your arms away so he can get a look at you and figure out what’s wrong. He’ll kiss at your eyes and cheeks until you either stop crying, or let him get close enough to pull you in so you can cry on his chest. 
He loves doing skincare on you. If he thinks you’ve had a hard week, he’ll do your moisturiser, clay mask, face mask, eye mask- you name it, Zen wants to pamper you with it. He knows the importance of skincare and he thinks it’s a great way to relax and pamper you. 
Zen’s ‘Happy Place’ that he thinks of when he gets stressed is the two of you, beers in hand, spending an evening in the kitchen trying to cook food. He can hear the laughter, smell the ever-so-slightly burning food, taste the traces of beer on your lower lip. It just makes him so happy to think about and he can feel the desperation in his limbs to sprint home at full speed and make the daydream real.
Jaehee Kang Fluffy Headcanons
Saturday mornings are Jaehee’s favourite out of the whole week. She’s just worked 5 hellish days and Saturday is the day where she gets to have a bit of a lie-in. Usually, Jumin doesn’t ask her to come into the office on weekends and it’s usually just a case of working from home. Jaehee tries not to oversleep too much because she doesn’t want to throw off her schedule but sometimes she can’t help but pass out for 10 hours straight and undisturbed. 
She really enjoys bubble baths with you. When you first start doing it together, she’s a little shy at being seen undressed so intimately, but she still really enjoys the time alone with you. It’s a great way to unwind and she likes being so close to you.
Jaehee isn’t much of a cuddler when she’s asleep, she tends to just sleep flat on her back out of exhaustion. However, if you wake up for any reason during the night, you’ll frequently find her hand holding yours, whether she did it consciously or not. 
She collects really nice and cute stationary. She doesn’t really take them to work because she doesn’t want to be seen as unprofessional, but once she runs the coffee shop, she gets to write in her little hot-drinks-themed stationary and decorates the little cups with tiny stickers for the frequent customers and especially for whenever Zen comes to visit.
Jumin Han Fluffy Headcanons
Sunday mornings are Jumin’s favourites. He usually wakes up really early by routine, but on Sundays he spends a little bit longer curled up in bed with you and Elizabeth the Third, watching you both sleep. Jumin’s also usually the big spoon if he’s sleeping on his side, but when he sleeps on his back he typically still has one arm around your waist so you’re pulled next to him with your head on his chest.
He personally donates to many different cat shelters all over the country. He takes the money straight out of his own bank account and gives generous monthly donations to make sure that there’s enough funding to both feed the cats already there, and take in extra cats of the streets along with getting them adopted. Jumin’s staff actually has a company policy that if they adopt a cat from one of the shelters that Jumin supports, the vet and adoption fees are covered by him, he counts it as philanthropy.
Jumin has a bottle of wine in his cellar from the date you met, the date you first kissed, the date you got engaged and the date you got married. He hasn’t quite decided when he’ll share those wines with you, he just knows at the moment that he wants to keep them for a very special occasion. 
When he’s bored at work but he can’t call you because you’re busy, he pictures taking you to one of his vineyards on the weekend. He’ll picture your smile, you adjusting your hat and lightly squinting against the sun, you smiling at him over your glass of wine. Then he’ll tell Jaehee to clear his schedule for the weekend.
Saeyoung Choi Fluffy Headcanons
Your arms around him, holding him against you, is pretty much the only thing that can bring Seven out of an anxiety attack. If you’re not physically with him, he crawls under the duvet on his bed in hopes of still smelling you. He’ll call you and look through selfies with you that he has on his phone until he calms down. 
Seven frequently tries to make you food. He’s never had to cook for anyone before and he doesn’t really cook for himself, so it’s a lot of trial, error and frustrated takeaways. You try to eat whatever he makes though because you can really tell that he’s put his heart into it and you want to show him that you appreciate the effort he’s making.
He loves you feeling his biceps and gushing over how strong he is. He’s not even particularly ripped but you can tell he has strength in his limbs and seeing you give him any kind of physical approval makes him m e l t instantly.
He’s both the big and little spoon, depending what mood he is in. Sometimes he wants to hold you close and never let go, but sometimes Seven needs a little bit of support too and want to feel like he’s needed by you.
His absolute favourite dates are the arcades, the cinema, bowling and carnivals. He has far too much fun on the bumpercars and he absolutely has it out for you, you spend most of the time trying to escape him.
GE Saeran Choi  Fluffy Headcanons
GE Saeran always makes very over the top hot chocolates for the both of you. He has an arsenal of whipped cream, syrups, chocolate shavings and sprinkles. His hot chocolate is better than any you could buy in a store. He’ll make one for you whenever you ask, and then sometimes just to surprise you if it looks like you’re having a bad day.
GE Saeran ends up getting two cavities in his first few years of living freely. He does look after his teeth, but he let his sweet-tooth go little bit wild with all the new foods he got to try, it was all so new and fun to him, he just wanted to try everything! He took much better care of his teeth after that, but the trip to the dentist was quite a weird one since he’d never been before. 
Slight Angst: Saeran always serves your food first and makes sure there’s always extra helpings if you want it. He usually puts a little bit more on your plate than what you would usually eat. He never quite gets over the guilt of taking your food away at Magenta, so he spends the rest of his time making sure you have more than enough to eat now.
He likes to constantly buy you little gifts that he sees when he’s out and about that remind him of you. A little notebook in your favourite colour? A little forget-me-not necklace? A candle that smells like your perfume? He’d added them all to his cart. 
After lip kisses, Saeran loves giving cheek and hand kisses to you. For him, he really loves getting head kisses and he thinks it’s extra cute when you plant a little kiss onto the tip of his nose.
V/Jihyun Kim Fluffy Headcanons 
V usually wakes up first, unless he was working late in his studio. He wakes you up with a kiss to the forehead, a cup of coffee and soft words. After he’s put your drink on the table, he’ll climb back into bed with you and cuddle until you’re properly awake.
He actually enjoys baking with you. Well, he likes to help you bake and then he gets to do the decorating. You usually bring a cake to any RFA hangouts and it’s always very obvious when V’s helped you bake because it feels like he goes out of his way to put a piece of gallery-worthy art onto a cake with food colourings and icings. He thinks it makes it tastes better, and you have to agree. 
In recent years, V’s been considering trying a more plant-based diet. He thinks he’d like to try vegetarianism, but he’s frequently spend periods of time as a pescatarian, especially after he’s come back from travelling. It also means that he gets to practice cooking more too.
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kanmom51 · 3 years
JM JK timeline.- my observations how they grew over the years
Disclaimer: these are my own opinions and conclusions.  Feel free to disagree, but hate or aggression will be unacceptable.
2017 - Part 3
Ooh, we have reached a major event here.  Serendipity. 4 September 2017, or is it 1 September 2017 (??), as I will explain bellow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEMaH9Sm3lQ&t=16s .  
Or what I like to call:  JM’s love ode to JK.
Now tell me this: If Jimin’s song Serendipity was released 4th September 2017, and uploaded to BangtanTv on 5th September 2017, why is the date stamped on the MV 1 Sep 2017? 
 Does that date mean something? Let me think for a second….oh, it does, doesn’t it?  It’s someone’s birthday !!!
JM tells us himself: “All of this isn’t just a coincidence”.
Serendipity is a beautiful love song, and I honestly believe it is JM’s love ode to JK, a birthday present to his love.  
I am aware that Jimin is not the one who wrote the lyrics for the song.  RM did though.  RM, that at this point was very much aware of the relationship and JM’s great love for JK. RM that had written JK’s Begin, a song that everyone agrees is a very personal song of JK’s.  
The “I am you, you are me” line actually originated from a song released by Zico in early 2016.  There are theories that Jikook used a reference from that songs MV (the band aids on their fingers) during a Puma fan sign on April 2nd 2016.  So, if this is true and the line had special meaning for them to start with, and it found it’s way into the song lyrics... feel free to make your conclusions...
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And although we have no way of knowing just how involved JM was in the process of writing this song (did he ask for a love song? Did he give ideas to insert into the song, like destiny, not being a coincidence, the cat?), but at the end of the day, JM ‘owns’ the song, believes in what he is singing.  When he talks about the song you can feel the emotional personal connection he has with the song.  This is his song,  and he sings it for JK.  And JK knows this is Jimin’s gift to him.  
Serendipity related, check out the 18th September Dance with DNA Vlive -  https://www.vlive.tv/video/42069 .
JK’s reaction when JM says Serendipity is his favourite song.  So cute. The thing with this one is that you could easily overlook it or not read too much into it. Only Suga’s reaction here is the tell all.  
At the point that JK is acting all shy and smiley to himself, Suga moves closer to him, whispering “Jungkookah”, something that brings on a change to JK’s entire facial expression.  There’s even a slight head nod from Suga when JK wipes the smile off his face.  
Suga hinting to JK not to be so obvious, only made it more obvious.  I also noticed that just before JM starts singing Serendipity, just after he was asked what his favourite song from the album is, JK looks sideways to Suga, as if he knows he isn’t supposed to react too obviously – looks a bit like little JK might have been scolded or reigned in prior to the live broadcast.    Remember that this is really quite a short time after the song’s release, so JK’s excitement, happiness, is still really fresh.  The song is for him, and it’s JM’s favourite...
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I am not going to analyse the MV, but there are many who have done so before me.  Was JM involved in the planning and did he have any input to the choices made?  Idk.  There is a similarity to the motif of the DNA MV. Is it a coincidence that the dominant colour used is JK’s favourite colour? Who knows. But doesn’t the song say “all of this is not a coincidence”?
Add to that JM starting to use the paw print emoji by JK’s name on Twitter?  A coincidence? Mmm… interesting.
From this point on it is clear that “you are me, I am you” is a JM and JK thing. 
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21 September 2017 BTS comeback show.  JK was in charge of putting together each of the members DNA.  Very enjoyable.  But why did JM have to mention again that JK comes to their room to sleep?  Also, how does JK know that JM doesn’t wake up Hobi when he is playing games late at night?  JM telling us how he now learnt how to play games – then what games was JM good last year (re: Vlive 22 April 2017)?
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22 September 2017 Love Yourself fan sign– JM singing Serendipity, JK joining in.  How happy JM looks when JK sings “just let me love you” with him all while making eye contact with each other at that point. The way JM looks at JK while singing the song.  Singing to him.  
Still think Serendipity is not JK and JM’s song?
They have a way of looking at one another that sometimes make me feel like I’m intruding on a very intimate moment.
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24 September 2017 SBS Inkigayo Super concert – found it!!!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fb-_jkdxgh4 start watching at 3.36min.
This is the one I remembered, where JM, saw the need to grab JK’s butt, run his hand up and down his back side, right through the crack, repeatedly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7fv0CaQT9M start watching 11:30min , JM walks to his place past JK, lightly brushing his hand against JK.  
When I mention the brushes or light touches – this is what I mean (see attached photos).   Obviously, there will be those who say it wasn’t intentional, that he was walking by him and didn’t mean to touch him.  I say bollox to that (excuse the language).  
First, there was plenty of room not to walk so close to JK.  Second, if you notice, he circles JK only to make it back to the same actual side he was on to begin with.  All he had to do was back up, just like JK did, and not circle JK to make it to his place on stage.  Third, to me it looks as if he was aiming to touch JK’s hand, only it was too high up.
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26 September SBS MTV The Show.  Happy happy boys.  
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30 September 2017  Love Yourself fan sign Sinchon –  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMIdoK9rfAI .  
Another one I was looking for.  I have seen this moment and wasn’t sure where or when it was from.  This is one of those clips Jikook’s use to show Jimin being jealous, and to be honest, first time I saw it it made me wonder too.  But watching it again and again, I have come to the conclusion that that wasn’t the issue.  
To me this is more JM being protective than JM being Jealous.  Setting the boundaries for V when it comes to JK, and it is something we see with JM more than once.  
JM wasn’t happy.  V wasn’t happy.  Boundaries were set.  
I actually wrote a separate post about this moment.  
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1 October 2017 BTS live – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwU-NOMLvqQ 
Tipsy JK must be a Jikooker. His guard is down, inhibitions are gone and he becomes really chatty and tends to say and do things that he most likely regrets later on.  We didn’t see the members drink what seemed to be alcohol, but the vibe I got from JK’s talkativeness and behaviour during the live was that he was tipsy.  Not outright drunk, but tipsy.
To the fan’s request to show his abs, JK starts checking himself out, looking under his T-shirt, only to be scolded by JM to keep it to himself.  This is also the first time we hear him Jikooking, talking about eating with Jin and JM, referring to them as Jin-jikook, and then turning to JM, while the others try to call them by another name (I wonder why…).  Did I not say tipsy JK is a Jikooker???
3 October 2017 Run BTS episode 22.  https://www.vlive.tv/video/43438 start 7.00min.
JM turns to JK asking him to vote for him.  The softness in JM’s voice when he asks him acting all coquettish.  The way JM approached JK and the way he spoke to him, that’s not the way someone talks to his mate, or to his ‘brother’.
There was a softness in the approach to JK.  coquettish is the only way I can describe it.
 Love hearts were added by the show’s editors, not me !!!! 
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12 October 2017 BTS countdown. Can be found on Dailymotion. 
All JM had to say was one word – Jungkookah and JK, surprisingly (not) chose him.  The look of joy on their faces at that point.  And again the editors with the heart emoji effects.  Uhm… 
JM and JK’s team was the team chosen by the fans, and guess what song they both choose to sing, as JM piggy backed JK? Their song obviously… Serendipity.  
And yet again, JM gets to tell us JK comes to his room to sleep.  We hear you JM.  We hear you.
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Jimin birthday surprise (BangtanTV 1 November 2017) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aAhNAl53ZY.
JM gets flowers sent from his father.  J-Hope and Suga pretend JM’s dad has arrived to surprise JM, Suga pointing and saying he saw him.  JK slowly backs up, shocked and alarmed smile on his face, trying to move behind RM.  Then the boys start laughing.  
Now, why do I think this is a moment worthy of my timeline?  Well, when the boys start laughing, revealing it was a joke, the one Suga points at, laughingly, is JK.  
The whole thing feels like a joke on JK, not JM.  JK is the one being teased.   Why would JK be so stressed out from JM’s dad being there?  And why would the boys be teasing him like that? Hm…
The funny thing is that the camera is on JK and Suga, not on JM, who was supposedly just told his father was there. That feels slightly strange to me. Wouldn’t they want to catch JM’s reaction? Not JK’s?
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28-30 October 2017 JK and JM Tokyo trip together.  This trip was long anticipated by JM.  He had been looking forward for his trip with JK for a long time.  It was a private trip planned and paid for by JK as a gift for JM.  What we know about the trip is mostly what they tell us in retrospect.  
Saying that, this was truly a memorable trip for them both, and they both can’t seem to shut up about it, talking about it at any possible moment.  JK telling us how JM stayed up (only JM?) until 5 am, so they both woke up at 12pm and missed out on plans they had for the morning, JM tells how they went shopping in Harajuku, how during their trip was the longest walk they took, referring to their trip during interviews.  As I mentioned – a memorable trip.  
31 October 2017 - When returning from the trip JM posts a selca/selfie.  I know I said I won’t be doing this, but rules are sometimes meant to be broken, and this specific selca is gorgeous, so…
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BTS Wings tour Japan documentary - filmed October 2017, published 12 November 2017 - https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7sz5rq .  
Both acting cute together. For some reason, they are the only ones that are paired for the one on one interviews, when Suga, Jin and Hobi were all interviewed by themselves. 
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 Felt like JM and inhibitions were strangers during the group interview.  
Not really sure what JM was searching for in JK’s thigh during the group interview (when V was talking) – tupping, fingering and squeezing JK’s thigh.  And yet again RM and J-Hope’s reactions to die for.  Hobi eyes on the action throughout the whole episode, and RM when he notices, I would pay a lot of money to know what was going through his head at that point.  My educated guess is: “God, please get me out of here, why did I agree to be the leader????” LOL.
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Then when asked what their impressions were when coming to the dome, JM tells how JK was crying, all while caressing JK’s ear.  JK tells how he was emotional, and they look at each other.  All the while, RM’s face when JM touches JK’s ear, only to continue to place his hands on their shoulders respectively.
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JM continues to surprise, telling viewers to anticipate for JK’s sweat.  The minute he says that, RM turns to look towards Suga, the vibe I get is: “god, please help me here…”.  
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Then JM goes on to tell us how in his opinion JK’s sweat is beautiful, Holy water.  What???? J-hope repeats JM’s Holy water, then glances for just a second towards RM and looks down nervously – great save Hobi.
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The group interview was shot on JM’s birthday.  Maybe that had something to do with his good un-inhibited mood.
8 November 2017 – GCF in Tokyo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrTNLkqGrlc  .
While the Tokyo trip was JK’s birthday gift or JM.  GCF Tokyo is JK’s love ode to JM.  
One of JK’s grand gestures.  Up there with RB, as far as I am concerned.
This is not an analysis of GCFT, but I do have a few words to say on the matter. Explain why in my eyes this is a JK’s love ode to JM.  
This video was filmed and edited by JK, and JK alone.  It supposedly documents their trip together.  It was his choice and his alone to edit and publish this video and did so to JM’s surprise.  
In the video to start with, he lets us know that it’s the two of them, but from there on, other than seeing JK through the mirrors in the elevator while he is filming JM, the one we mostly see is JM.  JM smiling, JM goofing around, JM eating, JM enjoying himself on the Tea Cup ride at Disneyland, JM walking, JM dancing, and as a whole just JM having the time of his life. For a video that is documenting a trip to Tokyo, there is not too much of Tokyo we get to see.  
The end credits name JK as the photographer, director and editor, while naming JM as the actor.  
There is a strong romantic vibe to the video.  
JK’s editing choices, including his music choice for the video are well thought out.  His choice to edit to the beat of the song.  All cleverly thought out to accentuate both the footage and the lyrics of the song he chose:  ‘There for you’ by Troye Sivan and Martin Garrix.  
JM told us already: “this is not a coincidence”.  
The level of preparation from JK, acquiring the rights to use the song, the amount of time it took to go over the footage and edit the video, all while managing to do that will a full working schedule (working throughout the night). This was clearly something big for him.  His joy and pride when it was uploaded to Youtube, clearly showed, him smiley and dancing.
2 days prior to GCFT, on 6 November 2017, JM published his short clip of the trip.  JM too took the time to edit a cute footage of the trip, documenting both of them having fun. Putting them both side by side only emphasizes the difference and showcases just how much GCFT was all about JM, being JK’s love ode to JM.
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To be continued...
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ailelie · 3 years
It starts when Jirou overhears a conversation between Aizawa and Present Mic that could be flirty or not. This leads to a lunchtime discussion of flirty vs. friendly and whether or not the two teachers are each other's types. This then spins into a conversation about "types" in general.
Lunch ends before Todoroki is forced to answer with his own "type."
Class is a special lecture on heroism and psychology. This brings up the cycle of abuse and Todoroki's mental "no."
After dinner, the conversation lazily turns back to types and Todoroki gets called out for not giving his before. "Strong," he says. He gets teased for not giving more--hair color, sense of humor, hobbies, gender--and he's like "those aren't important." Likes? Dislikes? They push. Then he thinks and shakes his head. Strong encompasses everything important.
Eventually the conversation circles back to the instigating situation: Aizawa and Present Mic: Flirty or Friendly? The students start to scheme and this draws in Mina who pulls in the rest of the squad.
Bakugou thinks the whole thing is stupid. Todoroki is surprised to agree with him. Bakugou also points out that even if they are, maybe they don't want anyone to know. And, besides, what does it matter? (Secretly Bakugou knows he isn't straight and he'd hate to be outed by nosy idiots).
Next day, they're assigned a project. They can work in groups. Groups form and discussions, but the project conversation keeps slipping back to the schemes. Todoroki accidentally makes eye contact with Bakugou and it seems he is just as exasperated. Then Bakugou asks the teacher if they can change up groups if they want to do something else for the project. Teacher says "yes" as long as they finalize groups by the end of the period. Then he asks if he can work alone. That is a "no." So Bakugou considers his options (Yaoyorozu’s group would be focused, but he does not want to work with Iida, etc) and ends up approaching Todoroki who is looking about as miserable as his face allows at his own table. Bakugou confirms he isn't in on the scheme yet and says they should work together instead. Todoroki agrees, much to the surprise and dismay of his friends. He just wants to get the project done.
Near the end of the period, Shinsou drops into a chair by them and says they have to be less annoying than Aoyama's group. And then asks why they peeled off from the others. Bakugou says the rest are too focused on whether or not the teachers are dating. Shinsou suppresses a smirk and says "They aren't." "Like I care?" "We're not talking about that," Todoroki says, pulling them back to the project.
They hash out a study schedule for the project. They've got a month to pull it all together. Finding a quiet place to study is difficult, though.
There is training. Todoroki watches Bakugou finish up a set and comments, "You're strong." Bakugou a bit high on endorphins and beating his personal best just says "No shit."
When their study spot is basically invaded for the third time in a row, Shinsou groans and says he might have somewhere they can study instead. He just has to ask first. Bakugou frowns because that reminds him of an option, too. So, until Shinsou can figure out whether his idea will work, they decide to try working on their project at Bakugou’s house.
Todoroki sees how Bakugou and his mother interact, which reminds him of the lesson on cycles of abuse. On the train back to UA he asks, out of nowhere, “Do you think all kids end up like their parents?”
Shinsou and Bakugou immediately answer “No.” Todoroki is like, “But your mother…” / “But nothing. That’s just how we talk. What’s the point in sulking around or hiding what you mean?” The two then glance to Shinsou who’s just like, “My parents abandoned me. I hope I can clear that bar.” / Bakugou’s eyes widen a bit at that, but he only says, “Yeah. We decide what we’re like. Not them.”
And for the second time that week, Todoroki thinks strong.
A few days later, Shinsou announces he has a place they can study, but it is top secret so they can’t tell anyone. The other two agree. (Bakugou’s house isn’t bad, but it isn’t super close either. Walking distance is much better than a train). So after classes, he walks them away from UA, into the nearby neighborhood, and to an apartment.
Inside the apartment is Present Mic with his hair wet and down, frowning over some papers with a grading pen in his hand. He glances up when Shinsou flicks on the hall light. Shinsou signs something and Mic replies and gets up. “Wha--” Todoroki starts to ask quietly and Bakugou replies before Shinsou can, “He’s going to put his hearing aids back in.” “You sign?” Shinsou asks, surprised. “I’m probably going to be deaf by the time I’m 30,” Bakugou replies with forced nonchalance. “I figured I should learn before I had to.” “You should talk with Yamada.” Bakugou raises his brows. “You live with Yamada?” Meanwhile Todoroki is looking around the room and notices the photographs. “And Aizawa?” he adds. Shinsou just smirks again. “You’ll see.”
Present Mic returns with his hair pulled back. “I didn’t realize today was study day,” he says with a bright smile. “Why don’t you take your friends to the table, Hitoshi? I’ll put together a snack.” He does just that and then returns to the living room and his grading. The whole thing reminds Todoroki of Bakugou’s mother when she and Bakugou weren’t arguing. And he asks, carefully because he knows he misses social cues, “Is Mr. Yamada your father?”
This, of all things, is what flusters Shinsou. “Adopted,” he says. “He and Aizawa.” Bakugou laughs. “So that’s why they’re not dating. They’re married?” Shinsou confirms this and reinforces the secrecy.
At some point Aizawa returns to the apartment and Hizashi invites Todoroki and Bakugou to stay for dinner. Then Aizawa offers to walk them back to UA before he goes on patrol. “We won’t say anything,” Todoroki promises; he knows the value of secrets. Then, after a long minute, Bakugou adds, quietly, “But maybe you should? It’d have been nice to know sooner it wasn’t impossible.” Aizawa only nods. He walks them to the gates and tells them to get to bed.
On his way to his room, Todoroki realizes the implications of what Bakugou had said and once again marvels at his strength. Speaking out against a teacher and professional hero, revealing something about himself like that--compounded with his self-confidence and drive and physical fitness…
Todoroki sinks onto his bed and thinks oh.
Once the thought is there, he has trouble not paying attention to Bakugou. It is a Problem.
He is not subtle. Bakugou calls him out on it and Todoroki answers honestly, “I want to understand you.” Like Bakugou is some kind of complicated puzzle.
Really, the only thing keeping Todoroki from becoming the center of attention as everyone tries to understand why Bakugou is the center of his attention is that the flirty v. friendly now duelling schemes are still on. By this point the teachers know. Yamada is having fun with it. Aizawa is ignoring it.
And Todoroki and Bakugou have dinner at their apartment about twice a week. The project ends (and they ace it), but this routine persists.
It is strange watching the two teachers interact with Shinsou. Todoroki even watches Aizawa and Shinsou train one afternoon and is again resentful about his father and own training. And it builds. They go to the apartment and everyone is so nice and family like. And the teachers ask Shinsou about his grades and tease him over his crush on some girl they never outright name. And it is this fury building. He knows how to swallow back his anger, all of his emotions really, but he’s been letting his guard down more at UA and apparently he’s forgotten the trick of it when he has this much going on inside of him (because it isn’t just the fury; it is also his confusion about Bakugou, his worries about his mother, etc). And on the way back to UA, he quietly demands to know why Aizawa never hurt Shinsou during training.
Why didn’t he hurt him? Why didn’t he insult him? Why? He’s crying but doesn’t realize it. Bakugou is frozen. And then Aizawa is hugging him and suggesting that they return to the apartment and talk instead. Todoroki is calming but everything is still spinning around him. Aizawa asks if Bakugou can return to UA alone and Todoroki surprises himself by saying “No. He can come.” Because Todoroki has no idea what he feels about Bakugou, not really, but he knows the other boy is strong and right now he needs strength.
They return. Yamada sees them and murmurs that he’ll make tea. Aizawa takes Todoroki to the couch. Shinsou signs to Bakugou asking what happened. Bakugou replies that he has no idea. Icyhot (and yes, Todoroki’s name signs are that combination) just started crying. Aizawa interrupts the conversation by asking Bakugou to join Todoroki on the couch. Yamada brings in tea and Aizawa starts asking questions. Bakugou isn’t sure what he’s doing there until he feels Todoroki lean very slightly against his shoulder. A cat jumps into his lap. His voice is basically a monotone, but Bakugou realizes he’s still freaked out. And, as he listens to what he’s saying, he realizes why. Shinsou sits on the floor on Todoroki’s other side and leans his shoulder against Todoroki’s knees.
And after the talking is done and Todoroki is staring down at his cold, undrunk tea and the teachers are in the kitchen talking silently. Bakugou says, “You will never be your old man, Icyhot. I’d kick your ass if you tried.” For some reason this makes Todoroki huff a small laugh. “Good.”
The teachers return. They have extra futons. The boys will stay the night and they’ll discuss everything in the morning. They move the couch and lay out the futons. Shinsou sleeps in his own room, so it is just Bakugou and Todoroki.
Todoroki can’t sleep. Now that he’s calmed from his earlier fury and breakdown, panic is setting in. He can’t believe what he just did. Bakugou notices and, instead of insulting him, asks if he wants to learn sign language. They spend about an hour going through the alphabet and basic words until Todoroki is tired enough to sleep.
In the morning, Todoroki refuses to press any charges against his father. The teachers say that they’ll arrange it so that he spends all of his holidays with them or at the school. And say that he has to start meeting with Hound Dog once a week to talk. Todoroki does not like the mandated counseling, but accepts it as his punishment for letting his emotions get the better of him.
The signing lessons continue. Each night, about an hour after curfew, Todoroki slips down to Bakugou’s room and learns sign language. Kirishima knows the sneaking is going on and that Bakugou is giving lessons, but he’s just so proud of Bakugou making friends on his own that he helps cover for them. (He doesn’t know why Todoroki is learning sign, but he doesn’t ask).
The flirty v. friendly schemes are ongoing and yielding mixed results. The debate is annoying. It has been a month, but the growing mountain of contradictory evidence is keeping the conversation alive. Izuku points out that this is the kind of thing Todoroki would normally be all over, but he doesn’t know how to make himself care. He doesn’t care about other people’s romances. He barely cared about his own before Bakugou.
Because that is definitely still a thing. After Bakugou didn’t make fun of him for his breakdown. After he started teaching him sign language every night. He just wants the other boy close. He doesn’t understand his own impulses beyond that. It is enough that he’s even eaten lunch with the Bakusquad a few times.
Meanwhile, Bakugou is opening up to the teachers a bit more. After seeing how they handled Todoroki’s breakdown, he finally takes Shinsou’s advice and mentions his own hearing loss and how it probably wasn’t going to get better. Then one night he brings up what he’d hinted at before. It’s been weeks since then, but he talks about how annoying the schemes have gotten and asks why the teachers don’t just tell everyone and then says that he’s gay and if they’re too cowardly to let little kids know they aren’t alone and anyone can be a hero, then he’ll just do it himself.
On the walk home, Aizawa tells him he’s right and that they’ll think about it. During sign language practice that night, Todoroki tells Bakugou that his friends had asked him before what his type was and that he’d said “strong.” And then he says, “You’re the strongest person I know. I like you.”
And Bakugou is like “you can’t just say something like that” and Todoroki’s just “why not? It’s the truth.” He maybe quotes or references Bakugou’s comment from over a month ago on the train about being direct. So Bakugou asks if they can talk about it tomorrow and Todoroki just nods and asks, “Do you mind if I eat lunch with you tomorrow? I like being close to you.” And Bakugou feels like he’s about to explode of something, but he agrees and all but pushes Todoroki out the door.
Kirishima is returning to his room after staying late in Kaminari’s room playing games. He checks the time. “Lesson end early?” he asks. Todoroki says, “I told him I like him.” Kirishima’s brows raise--”That would do it.”--and he wishes Todoroki a good night. As soon as he’s out of sight, Kirishima lets himself into Bakugou’s room, knowing his friend is not going to be able to process this on his own.
The day happens and isn’t particularly notable. Todoroki has eaten with Bakugou’s friends before, after all. That night, Bakugou says, “Okay. Let’s try this.”
Kirishima, good bro that he is, provides gossip cover by publicly confessing to Yaoyorozu. He wanted someone unlikely who would definitely not return his feelings and who no one in the class would expect. (She accepts. It is a Thing. They go on a date and he explains. When she looks upset, he says that he does admire her; he just never thought of her that way because he figured he didn’t have a chance. He asks her if she wants to try this while also using their relationship to draw away as much attention as possible from Bakugou and Todoroki. Todoroki is her friend, so she agrees. And thus begins their farce covering a real growing friendship and relationship during which they both gain confidence).
Meanwhile Todoroki and Bakugou go on a date. It goes rather well. Except Todoroki still wants closer.
They start cuddling during their nightly lessons, which somehow remain mostly lesson still. Todoroki curls against Bakugou like a cat, mimicking his gestures.
Bakugou talks with Kirishima about things. Todoroki talks with Shinsou. (He’d like to talk with Midoriya, but even he realizes that wouldn’t be the best idea). On weekends, when other students head home to see family, Todoroki stays with his teachers and Shinsou instead of staying in the dorms like he used to. He sleeps on a futon in Shinsou’s room and tells him about dating Bakugou and wanting more, but not knowing what that “more” is. Shinsou suggests kissing. (And maybe privately teases Bakugou about it but Bakugou just flushes and gets agitated and blusters about being careful. And Shinsou, for the first time, calls Todoroki his little brother (actual ages do not matter) and tells Bakugou not to hurt him. Bakugou is both insulted and relieved by this. As if he would).
So the next night Todoroki asks Bakugou to kiss him. So Bakugou, blushing even though (thanks to Shinsou) he’d known this was coming, does. Soft and chaste. He pulls back and Todoroki blinks slowly and says “Again.” Bakugou smirks or grins and kisses him again. This one is not nearly as chaste.
At some point Bakugou tries to be nice and use ‘Todoroki’ instead of a nickname and Todoroki is like ‘I don’t like all of the nicknames, but I like that you don’t use my family name.’ And Bakugou gets it, but the nicknames start getting nicer. Less ‘halfie’ and more things like “strawberry swirl.”
The first time he does this in front of others, Kirishima glares at him and is trying to figure out how to draw the attention away when Yaoyorozu suddenly calls for him using his given name. The whispers shift immediately. And Kirishima, when he recovers his senses, thanks her for her quick thinking.
But such attention drawing doesn’t last forever, especially as Bakugou and Todoroki start gravitating toward each other during school hours (and the lesson portions of their evenings grow shorter and shorter). Then one day when everyone is starting to question them about it (maybe they fell asleep on the couch together in the common room?), Aizawa enters the room and sighs and says, “I hope you’re not concocting another scheme to harass my husband and me.”
Pin drop.
But at least no one cares about Bakugou and Todoroki being friends (or napping together) anymore.
But people will find out soon (and Bakugou is kinda itching to come out now that Aizawa and Present Mic have; it feels too much like backing down if he doesn’t), so Todoroki and Bakugou talk about what they are and what they want. And for Todoroki it is simple. He just wants to be close. And maybe he mentions also not wanting to be his father and that Bakugou reminds him that he doesn’t have to be, that he can be strong. And Bakugou wants to date. He wants to do all the shit people assume he wouldn’t be interested in. And he wants to do that with Todoroki. Plus, Todoroki’s belief in his strength is good. He feels calmer with him around. (So, basically, they’re each a rock for the other; two strong people making each other stronger by reminding each other of their own strengths and believing in one another).
It isn’t love. But it is something.
So, later that night, Bakugou sneaks down to the kitchen and makes a bento for Todoroki. The next day at lunch, when Todoroki is with his friends, he goes over to them and rolls his eyes at the inevitable takeout lunch. “Don’t eat that crap,” he says, pushing it aside and dropping the zaru soba bento in front of Todoroki. “Made this for you.” Todoroki smiles and thanks him. Bakugou kisses his cheek and is pulling away when Todoroki catches his wrist. “Again.” Bakugou laughs and maybe calls him “insatiable” or something and kisses him on the lips before returning to his own table.
(Kirishima and Yaoyorozu were not briefed on this. Their eyes meet in wide panic because they can’t beat that. They’re plotting across the room when Bakugou notices and waves them off.)
And Todoroki’s friends aren’t sure what just happened, so they ask. Todoroki smiles. “I figured out my type,” he tells them. “Bakugou.”
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tsukiihime · 3 years
Heartbreak Part 3 (Bakugou x Fem!Reader) (Shinsou x Fem!Reader)
Third part up! Now excuse me, I’m going to play Genshin Impact all weekend! Enjoy!
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: Angst, arguments, swearing, drinking
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
You shriek in terror as a loud blaring sound emanates from the table in front of you - your heart nearly leaps out of your chest as the sudden noise coupled with the darkness and the horror movie playing in the background fries your nerves with fear. You hear Shinsou laugh in the background, in the kitchen grabbing more snacks as you wait in the dark for him to return. 
“Shut up, Hitoshi!” He smirks to himself - you used his full first name which means you’re angry at his teasing. He chuckles as he makes more popcorn and hears you shuffle out of your blanket cocoon to find the source of the noise. 
You find Shinsou’s black phone vibrating and ringing on the table in front of you under some magazines. On the screen flashes ‘Izuku Midoriya’ as a picture of the freckled boy and your best friend at their U.A graduation appears on the screen.
“‘Toshi! Midoriya’s calling! Want me to answer?” 
“Yeah, let him know I’m busy.”
“‘Kay.” You move to swipe right and answer the phone, but the call ends before you have the chance. On the lockscreen of Shinsou’s phone, the lock screen picture of you two at the Hero Rankings ceremony from two years ago is partially covered by a new banner: One missed call from Midoriya. 
“Oops, I missed it.” You set Hitoshi’s phone back down on his cedar coffee table, returning to wrap yourself back in your blanket as you spot fuzzy purple hair returning from the kitchen, popcorn bowl in hand as well as two cups full of water. “Sorry ‘Toshi, I didn’t answer in time.”
“S’alright, I’ll call him back after.” The two both of you turn your head to the phone as it vibrates on the table to let Shinsou know he’s got a text message, from the very person whose call he missed. “Hold on, lemme answer this…” He opens the message from him, cringing slightly as the bright screen blinds him in the total darkness. You help yourself to some popcorn as you wait for Shinsou to give you the signal to start the movie. 
From: Midoriya, sent at 10:39pm
Hey Shinsou! We’re having a small Class 1-A reunion at Shoto’s place this Friday - want to come? Everyone would love to see you! Let me know!
Shinsou leans back on the couch, staring at the ceiling. You cock your head in confusion. “What’s wrong ‘Toshi?”
“Class reunion at Shoto’s. Don’t wanna go.” He covers his face with his hands, groaning as he thinks of an excuse not to attend. 
“Why not? You haven’t seen Midoriya or the others in a long time.” Shinsou isn’t antisocial but he’s rather introverted; he prefers the company of cats and a few trusted friends over a loud party. Add in work and he basically only sees you on a regular basis. “I think you should go, it would do you some good.” Your purple haired friend looks at you sideways.
“Kaminari is gonna drink.” You snort, snickering at his aversion to the combination of the Stun Gun Hero and alcohol. Denki is one of the few people Shinsou gets along with despite his ditzyness, and Kaminari often tries to include Shinsou in mixers and parties much to his dismay. Last time Shinsou went drinking with Kaminari, they ended up in a pool with some of their classmates and in his drunken stupor, Kaminari almost activated  his quirk and fried everybody in the pool. Ever since then, Kaminari needs a designated partner to watch him when he drinks, which usually falls to Shinsou, Sero, or Kirishima. “And if he drinks, I can’t, which means I can’t enjoy myself.”
“Isn’t it Sero’s turn to watch him, since you did it last time? 
“Huh, you might be right. If I don’t have to watch that idiot, then I’ll probably go. Wanna come?” You raise an eyebrow.
“I wasn’t invited ‘Toshi. Besides...I didn’t attend U.A so it would be strange to have an outsider come around, right?” You give him a small smile to show you’re fine without going, but Shinsou knows better. You don’t want to go because you could run into Bakugou. He sighs, and turns to look at you. “Oh! Tell Denki and Sero I say ‘hello’. I miss playing video games with them when I used to go to parties.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll go and visit everyone. I’ll tell them you said hello. Now, can we get back to the movie? Your favorite part is coming up.” He snickers as you immediately dive under your blanket to avoid seeing the scene that makes you have nightmares every time it comes on. As you cower under the covers, Shinsou howls with laughter as you scream. 
You don’t even hear your phone ringing in the bedroom, faint and drowned out by you and Shinsou’s voices. A message flashes across the screen:
One missed call from Katsuki.
Bakugou listens to your voicemail message play in his ear, despondent as you fail to pick up. He relishes in the opportunity to hear your voice again though, and closes his eyes as your message begins to play. 
“Hey! Sorry I’m not available to take your call at the moment. Please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible!” 
He can see you in his mind’s eye, lounging on the couch and flipping through channels as you try to find one of those true crime documentaries you love so much as you settle in for the night. Or maybe you’re busy with homework for school again, or staying late at work since you always wanted to work more hours to be more independent. He can see you crashing in bed after a long night - fuzzy cat hairband on your head holding back your hair, face freshly washed, wrapped in the yellow blanket you loved so much. His shoulders feel heavy as he solemnly trudges back to his group of friends, taking one last look at his lock screen before he returns inside: a picture of you and him at the arcade, with you beaming with happiness as you hold up a large stuffed bunny he won for you with all the tickets he earned that night. He wonders if you still have it.
His reminiscing is interrupted by an incoming call from Deku - a picture of Izuku and Katsuki appears on screen, taken at a school function in their third year of high school. He lets out a small ‘tch’ but answers the phone anyways. “What do you want you damn Deku?”
“Hey Kacchan,” Deku answers unfazed, “just wanted to let you know that Shoto’s having a reunion at his place this Friday - wanna come?” Katsuki sees Todoroki on and off for his Hero work, and he gets along with both Shoto and Izuku way better than he did in high school, even if the rivalry is still present - in his case anyways.
“Hell no.” Bakugou hangs up the phone, shoves it in his pocket, and angrily pulls open the door to return to the apartment of his friends. On the other side of the phone, Izuku smiles as knows Bakugou’s group of friends will drag him to the function whether he likes it or not. 
When Friday rolls around, you busy yourself with laundry as Shinsou gets ready to attend the reunion at Todoroki’s downtown skyscraper apartment. You try not to think of your ex-boyfriend and the possibility that your best friend may run into him as you throw your clothes into the washing machine. You also try not to think of the fact that you received a call from Bakugou, a call you missed and didn’t have a voicemail attached to it. You contemplated calling him back to see what he wanted, but your pride and fear of rejection holds you back. So instead, you choose to act like it never happened - but your heart races every time a text or call notification thinking it’ll be from Katsuki. 
Your phone rests next to the washer on the shelf containing the laundry detergent and scent balls - it sits unlocked as you finish your first load of clothes. You pick it up, scrolling through the endless text as you try and find a new home. You’ve decided that you’ve overstayed your welcome at Shinsou’s apartment, and you’re now looking for one of your own. You’ve been working an insane amount of overtime, and now that you’ve raised your credit score, you feel ready to search for an apartment to call your own. Hitoshi of course has been protesting since he doesn’t feel that you’re a burden but you insist on getting out of his hair. It isn’t around and on the highest volume possible so you can answer the phone if Katsuki calls again, no siree. 
As you stare at your phone screen and walk back to the living room, you bump into Shinsou as he makes his way to grab his keys, knocking your phone to the floor. “Oh! Sorry ‘Toshi, I wasn’t paying attention.” 
“S’okay. I’m ‘bout to go, you need anything?” He bends over to pick up your cell and places it back in your hands. He’s wearing a dark green bomber jacket with a simple white v-neck underneath, complimented with black jeans and he holds a pair of Vans in his hands as he makes his way to the door. 
“I’m good, make sure you have fun, drive safe, and if you drink call me so I can get you, ‘kay?” You give him a quick hug, quickly noticing that he’s sprayed on some cologne. He smells amazing, but you wonder why a pang of jealousy courses through you when as you wonder why he put on cologne for a party full of friends. 
“Will do. See you later.” You see him off, locking the door behind him after he leaves. You return to the living room, alone and without plans. So, you decide to order some takeout, watch some Netflix, and stay up with your phone nearby in case Shinsou calls you for a ride.
It’s not so you can answer a call from Bakugou if he decides to call again. No way.
Shoto’s apartment is the probably the swankiest place owned by any of the Class 1-A graduates - in the heart of downtown, with ceiling to floor windows overlooking the cityscape and a private rooftop. Shinsou feels out of place as he makes his way up in the elevator, meeting Ojiro and Hagakure on the way. He says his greetings, makes small talk, and finally arrives at his destination - Todoroki’s apartment. He says hello to everyone, and moves to grab a beer. Lilac eyes meet vermilion ones as he comes face to face with Bakugou for the first time since everything happened with you. The Bakusquad notice Bakugou’s icy expression and turn to see who has gained his ire; they’re surprised to see Shinsou standing at the end of their friend’s glare.
“Dude, what’s your problem with Shinsou?” Kaminari asks innocently. Mina and Sero shoot him a look, causing him to cock his head in confusion. He mouths a silent ‘what’ to Sero, Kirishima, and Mina, who mouths back your name. He instantly shuts up and changes the subject. Bakugou can’t hear what his blonde friend is saying though, because he’s too busy staring holes through Shinsou’s back. He’s never had a problem with Shinsou before he met you, but every time he looks at the purple haired man he can’t help but feel intense jealousy and anger that bubbles up from within. He imagines you wearing Shinsou’s clothes, and sleeping at Shinsou’s place and he can’t control the rage that comes with it. He abruptly stands, grabbing two beers and walks off.
“Hey, where are you going?” Kirishima asks.
“To get some fresh air dammit!” Bakugou opens the door to the rooftop and forcefully slams it shut. The Bakusquad share a look with one another. 
“He must still be hung up on her.” Denki states nonchalantly, and Mina elbows him in the stomach. 
“Of course he is, you idiot! He loved her more than anything. You saw how miserable he was when she left.” This statement catches Shinsou’s attention, and after excusing himself from his conversation with Izuku and Uraraka, follows the Explosion Hero to the rooftop.
Although he tries to quietly sneak behind Bakugou as he makes his way to the rooftop, he fails miserably. “Why the hell are you following me Eye Bags?” 
“Huh, didn’t think you’d hear me. I was wondering why you were out here to drink by yourself. I take it you didn’t want to see me?” Bakugou turns around, veins popping out on his forehead as he gazes upon Shinsou in distaste. 
“Of course I didn’t want to see you, you damn extra. You got rocks for brains or somethin’?” Shinsou keeps an even expression as he faces down Bakugou as the sounds of the city play below them. “Well, why are you following me?” He repeats, crossing his arms.
“I just wanted to get some fresh air.” He lies, moving to the railing next to Bakugou, who looks at him with caution. The two men stand in silence, occasionally sipping from their beers as they watch the city they protect from on high. After what seems like an eternity, one of them breaks the tension and silence.
“How is she?” Shinsou looks sideways to see Bakugou staring at his beer can, emotions unreadable as he takes another swig. 
“Fine. A lot better than before. She’s thinkin’ of moving into her own place by next month. Told her she could stay with me until she’s ready but she’s insisting on moving out.” Bakugou’s eyebrow twitches in envy, and it takes almost all of his energy to hold back his tongue. 
“Good for her. She’s always been independent like that.” He slightly smiles as he recalls how self-sufficient you are, working hard to get what you want in your work, school, and love. He quickly wipes it off his face though so Shinsou can’t see.
“Yeah, too bad people take her for granted sometimes.” He knows it’s a low blow but he can’t help himself - Bakugou deserves it for treating you the way he did. “Can’t believe you’d fuck up something so good with someone like her.” Bakugou narrows his eyes in displeasure, his rationality hanging on by a thin thread as he convinces himself to not punch Shinsou in his face because you’d be upset if Hitoshi came home with a black eye and bloody nose. Katsuki decides to let that comment slide - he’s not as hot headed as he once was - and continues the conversation.
“I tried callin’ her last week. She didn’t answer.” He doesn’t know why he says it out loud, but he can’t stop the words from leaving his lips.
“Oh? She didn’t tell me.” Katsuki’s blood boils, and his jealousy reaches its breaking point after he hears that. Shinsou is taken aback by his words though - why didn’t you tell him? You tell him everything - even if it seems minute. He’s a bit hurt that you would hide that from him, but he stops it from showing on his face.
“And why would she? You’re not her boyfriend. You’re just a friend.” Shinsou bristles visibly at that statement - he can’t hide his discontent from showing on his face as Bakugou points out what he already knows. He is just a friend in your eyes, someone who you can count on no matter what. But the lingering touches, the ghost of your lips on his forehead, the cuddling he can’t help but desire - he wants more. He wants you in a way he can’t have, and he feels horrible for desiring you in this way when your heart has been broken. His face grimaces as the guilt creeps up his throat - he wants and yet he can’t tell you. He craves you in a way he’s never had for anyone else and at the worst possible time, his once innocent friendship with his childhood friend has devolved into longing and pining for you when you are emotionally unavailable. Bakugou watches closely as Shinsou’s face changes from his words, and his eyes widen as he puts two and two together.
“You bastard, you’re in love with her.” Bakugou says it low, growling it out through clenched teeth. Shinsou is taken aback for a second - he loves you of course, but is he in love with you? He thinks back on his life and sees you always next to him: smiling, encouraging him, holding him when he’s had a bad day, studying with him when there was a big exam coming up, calling to congratulate him when he entered U.A, and catching a train to see him graduate the Hero course. There’s no doubt in his mind - you’ve been a staunch supporter of his dreams and ambitions and he can’t see a life where you’re ever away from him. Like a puzzle, everything clicks into place. He knows it from the bottom of his heart, the deepest recesses of his soul.
He loves you. Deeply, truly, with every fiber of his being. He’s in love with you, his best friend.
“And if I am?” Vermilion eyes narrow, teeth grinding as he clenches his fists. Bakugou looks Shinsou straight in his eyes, fury radiating from every single pore of his body.
“You droopy eyed bastard. How long have you been waiting to swoop in and take her away from me? Just waiting for me to mess up, haah?” His words are dripping with venom, little sparks shooting out of his open palms. Shinsou isn’t sure if Bakugou will attack him or not, but he can sense that the blonde is so pissed he could blow up the entire rooftop. He backs away from the railing, never turning his back to Explosion Hero.  “How many times have you comforted her just hoping she’d give you the time of day? You think you’ll be able to make her happy Eye Bags? You may be her best friend, but I ain’t gonna sit here and let you talk down to me like you know all about what she and I had. There’s no one else for me and you know it.”
Shinsou sneers, staring at the man in front of him with disdain. “Bullshit. I was at your apartment Bakugou, I know for damn sure she isn’t the only thing on your mind.” Bakugou’s eye twitches in white hot rage.
“Haaah? What bullshit are you on now jackass? Making up stories to make yourself feel better for falling in love with my girl?” Shinsou narrows his eyes in irritation, envisioning your face as he holds you the night you saw Bakugou at the Hero Rankings, as you sob into his chest as he pets your hair. He recalls making you food, leaving it out for you to eat before he goes to patrol and coming home to find it untouched. He remembers how he had to remind you how beautiful you were, how the comments about your body and looks on social media didn’t mean anything because you were perfect just the way you are. Bakugou didn’t see how broken you were, how he shattered your heart and left you to pick up the pieces while he hopped from bar to bar and brought a date to the award ceremonies when he wouldn’t even acknowledge your existence as his girlfriend. 
“I was there at the apartment when she went to pick up her things. You had some underwear in your bedroom. She saw it, and I did too. Now, who did that belong to Bakugou?” He smirks, watching as the face of the blonde in front of him contorts in confusion and regret, now realizing that you had seen his almost one night stand’s underwear when you came to grab your things only a couple of days after you broke up. “Was it some girl you met while bar hopping? Or was it Camie’s? I didn’t know you had a thing for her.” 
“Shut up. Shut the fuck up. You don’t know shit.” Bakugou runs a hand through his spikes, a combination of shame and hurt painting his features. He looks up, glaring at the purple haired man in front of him. “You don’t know what it’s like. To have the person you love walk out on you and to know that you fucked up. I didn’t want to think about her, about us.” His lips purse together, his nose and throat become itchy as tears threaten to spill over at any moment. “I just wanted to forget, okay?! Is that what you wanna hear you bastard? I didn’t want to spend all night thinking about her!” He’s yelling now, his voice reverberating from the rooftop, spreading out into the city under the moonlit sky. Shinsou’s eyes widen in surprise at Bakugou’s outburst, lilac orbs staring unblinking at the man in front of him. He doesn’t think Katsuki is lying, he never hesitates to say what he thinks about anyone, whether they be a friend or a foe. 
“Whose underwear was it?” Shinsou asks lowly, bracing himself for his answer.
“Don’t remember her name. It was a girl from the bar, reminded me of her. I made her leave before anything physical happened. I only kissed her. Didn’t even know she left her clothes.” Bakugou recalls that night, alcohol coursing through his body, craving body heat and another person’s touch. He swallows thickly, imagining your face as you find that foreign underwear in the room you once shared, quickly dispelling that thought from his mind when he remembers your heartbroken expression.
“And what about Camie? I wasn’t home when the rankings aired,” Shinsou crosses his arms as he leans against the edge of the rooftop, “but I know she saw it.” Bakugou grits his teeth in anguish - how much hurt had he caused you without even knowing? How many nights had you cried while thinking he had moved on? He was such a damn fool.
“We went as friends. She wanted to make Inasa jealous enough to make a move on her. I didn’t think,” Bakugou looks up to stare at the lavender eyes boring into him, “...didn’t think she’d be watching. She always hated that kinda shit.” Shinsou’s eyebrows knit together in anger, red flashing in his vision as his entire body shakes as he clenches his fists to calm the fury bubbling up in his chest.
“She hated it because you never used to take her to one. God, you are such a fucking idiot Bakugou! That’s why she left you! You are selfish. You cared more about your damn rank and your stupid one sided rivalry with Deku that you couldn’t even tell the world you had someone you loved. When those people attacked her on social media, you didn’t lift a damn finger to stop the hate she was getting. You listened to your agency like a damn puppet, and let her take the fall. When all she did was love you. It wasn’t even about the attention of being a Hero’s girlfriend, she just wanted you to be proud of having her by your side, to have you not be afraid to show the world you cared about her. But you didn’t. She’s given you so much but you don’t even care. You can’t even get your head out of your ass to-”
“You don’t think I care? I’ve regretted not telling her how much she meant to me that night! I regret letting her leave that night in the rain, and I sure as hell regret letting her cry herself to sleep all those nights!” Bakugou’s hands squeeze in fists, nails digging into his palms and teeth grinding together as he wills himself not to cry.
“I never, never wanted to make her feel like she wasn’t good enough. I never ever wanted to be the one to make her cry. You don’t think I’d take it all back if I could? I miss her Shinsou, is that what you want to fucking hear? I miss her.”  The spiky haired blonde refuses to let Shinsou see him cry, holding back tears while scarlet orbs stare into purple ones. “I’ve missed her since she left and I fucking miss her more everyday. I’m not an idiot, I know I fucked up bad.” Shinsou’s expression softens slightly, he can sense that Bakugou’s telling the truth and he can hear the regret in his shaky voice. He sighs, looking down at his shoes. 
“Look, I may have feelings for her, but she doesn’t know and I don’t care to let her find out - not now anyway. I’m not trying to ruin your relationship or hurt your chances at getting back together because I know she loves you.” Shinsou rubs the back of his neck. “I’m sorry. I let my anger get the best of me tonight. I’ll leave you up here to get some fresh air. I’m going back to our friends, I’ll let them know not to bother you.” Bakugou nods, and turns silently around to continue overlooking the city as his eyes burn from the sting of tears. Shinsou leaves, and after he hears the door close, Bakugou lets the tears he’s held back flow freely from his eyes as he remains on the rooftop. 
Sniffling, he stares at the streets below while he tries to get his emotions under control - the great Katsuki Bakugou will not be seen crying - especially not in front of his friends. He feels a vibration in his pocket, and considers ignoring it, thinking it’s Kirishima or Kaminari calling him to come back. He pulls out his phone to deny the call.
Instead of Kaminari, he sees your name flash across the screen.
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juminsmysticmc · 3 years
Hi there, can you do a rfa+saran and V if they caught the MC while she’s watching adult videos? Thanks, your blog is great
RFA + Minor Duo catching a Mc watching Adult Videos ⚠️ HIGHLY NSFW⚠️
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This is allowed to be...sexy/ smutty, right…? Cause I won’t hold back! PS. Once again I wrote this while my mom was in the room, lmao don’t get caught you all!  I didn’t expect this to become so long...
It was late when you got the message from Jumin saying that he won’t come home.
This was the third time in a row that Jumin didn’t come home at night and even through you knew he was innocent, you just had to calm the urge for sex. You wanted Jumin’s warm hands on your body, his tongue on your skin, and voice in your ears. However, once again it didn’t happen and all that was left for you was to stop that urge yourself.
,,Lovely cat, wait outside,’’ you smiled as you closed the door and dimmed the room.
You were kind of excited.
You hadn’t done that in a long time.
You quickly typed in something smutty and searched for the longest and smuttiest video.
Earphones weren’t needed since you knew that you were alone.
The video began with a man sucking on a woman’s clit, making you wet immediately.
You wished for Jumin to do the same, just like he did the last time both of you were intimate...
,,Ough….’’ you groaned as your index finger stroked your clit in a rotating movement.
You began to pant louder and so did the woman in the video.
You wanted to feel something on your nipples, but couldn’t take your hand from your wet pussy while the other hand was holding your phone.
The video suddenly became louder and so did you.
It wouldn’t have been a problem if you were alone, but you weren’t.
Thinking that someone was in your room, Jumin opened the door, a bit scared of the outcome.
Seeing you naked on the bed, masturbating however, changed the whole situation.
,,You don’t need these videos if you have me…’’ he grunted with a smirk on his face.
Jumin loosened his tie as he approached you.
The excitement of seeing your husband horny made you even wetter. You wanted to feel him, you wanted him to tell you how good you were, and how much he loved you…
While your thoughts were going crazy, your husband took your phone out of our left hand and pushed away the right hand that was currently rubbing your clit.
His wet tongue sucked on your bundle of nerves while you almost screamed his name.
Finally you could touch your nipple and it felt so good….
,,I know that you like it, little kitty…’’ he said in a low voice, making you finally scream his name.
,,The next time you have the urge to watch these videos, call me instead or come to my office, I will make you feel even better…’’ he smiled as he kissed you, making you feel yourself.
You sighed when you finally felt your husband’s dick on your vulva.
Finally your time was coming...
,,Okay, see you later!’’ you said on the phone and cut the call.
You were a bit disappointed.
Of course you wanted to hide that in your voice, but apparently you failed.
You didn’t know yet that Zen actually planned to come home because he had a feeling that you were sad.
You weren’t sure of what to do now and so you decided to make things a bit hotter…
You quickly made a warm bath and took your laptop, putting it on the outside of the bathtub.
You quickly typed in ,,Threesome’’ and then put away your clothes and went to search for the dildo you bought a few months ago.
The sexlife between you and Zen was amazing, but right now you needed something to drive away that disappointment.
And so the video began to play.
A man began to ram his penis into a woman’s ass while a third woman began to lick the first one.
This wasn’t really your taste, but currently it made you very hot. With one hand you began to massage your breast, playing with your nipples as the other hand slowly stroked your skin.
From your abdomen down to your vulva and slowly your clit and your insides.
When things became hotter in the porn itself, your hand reached for the dildo, pushing it slowly into your pussy.
,,Ahhh….’’ you groaned as you laid your head back, slowly searching for your G-Spot.
Your eyes went back to your laptop, seeing that now the other woman was being fucked while the second one was being fingerfucked.
Just when you thought you could cum, the door suddenly opened.
,,OH MY GOD!’’ you yelled and took your hands away.
The high ride made you pant as you looked to the door.
Zen was blushing as the video kept playing with all three people in the video giving sexy sounds.
,,You’re watching this… without me… you drive me crazy,’’ he moaned and took off his shirt and pants, joining you as he grinned, his growing dick at your pussy.
You smiled as you moved your hips up, ready to feel his touch with his hands on your abdomen, wandering up to your breasts.
,,Water sex is the best,’’ he laughed as he positioned his dick at your entrance.
,,Better than drinking?’’ you asked him as your hand moved to his chest, feeling his heartbeat.
,,Much better, mhhghg…’’ he laughed as he got aroused even more at your wet touch.
He pushed himself into you and felt your walls vibrating. The water was splashing all over the floor as he kept ramming into you, his fingers now in your mouth as you began to moan louder and louder.
,,You feel so good...mhhh. Thank God I came home,’’ he laughed and kissed you, making you orgasm a few seconds later.
Yoosung may have seemed innocent and cute, but this boy did things in bed you never would expect to experience.
Indeed, even through at first it was something embarassing, with time, you and Yoosung enjoyed your sex more also as a kind of activity.
But still, sometimes you simply needed time for yourself and your body, just like today.
It was just perfect that he had to work till late and so you put on your headphones as you sat on your comfortable couch.
Your fingers quickly opened Google where you began to surf privately and search for a good video.
It was a roleplay one.
It began with the man licking the woman’s breasts and so your hands moved up to massage your nipples.
,,Mhh…’’ you moaned as you could see in the video how the man stroked the woman’s wet pussy.
,,Yoosung… I need you…’’ you whispered as you wished for his touch.
Your hand slowly wandered down below your panties and began to stroke your cunt.
You were so wet.
You began to hold the phone stronger as you saw how the man quickly began to fuck the woman in the video.
,,I need to massage my nipples again…’’ you gasped when suddenly someone touched the pink nipples.
,,AHH-’’ you gasped in fear and ecstasy as the touch made you even wetter.
,,It’s me,’’ Yoosung groaned into your ear as he kept playing with them, his fingers around them twisting them around.
You could hear how he unzipped his jeans and was apparently stroking himself behind the couch.
You moaned again as you finally entered yourself, just the imagination making you shiver.
,,Let’s come together,  dirty girl,’’ he laughed as you indeed felt your walls vibrate.
You rested your head on the couch as you looked Yoosung over you, he also breathed as he came on your couch.
,,Should we watch together…?’’ he asked you and laughed when he saw you nodding.
Quickly, the blonde man walked around the couch and you could see his penis moving with every step.
Your husband took your phone as he connected the video on the TV so that it was much bigger on screen.
One of his hands was around his sex while the other one was resting on your pussy.
A new video began with a woman doing a blowjob.
The wet sounds from the video mixed together with your sounds as Yoosung began to play with your pussy and his two fingers, making you breathe harder and quicker.
,,Yoosung~’’ you whined and massaged your tits with both hands.
That was when he let go of his dick and got on his knee, ready to eat you out.
You could see how the man began to come on the woman’s face and so did you, riding your orgasm as Yoosung licked you up.
,,We should do this regularly,’’ he laughed as he began to touch himself again...
It was a Monday afternoon when Jaehee came back from grocery shopping.
Your store was closed on mondays so this was the day the both of you usually used to do some private stuff, like visit a doctor or go shopping.
Well, as for you, you felt hot ever since Jaehee left the shared bed this morning and at some point you couldn’t handle it anymore and just began to watch an adult video.
It was, to be honest, your favorite video.
Two women on the bed, a strap between them as the one over the blonde woman moved her hips, making the woman below moan.
Her nipples were touched and licked, kisses flew, and both of them touched each other.
You wished for Jaehee to watch it with you so much but you knew that this wasn’t the kind of thing she liked.
You even thought that she was too embarrassed to watch these kinds of things with you and so you never asked her. Instead, you did these kinds of things on your own, digging your fingers deep into your pulsing pussy.
,,Ahh...mhhh….ouhhh…’’ you gasped for air, just like they did in the video.
What you didn’t know was that Jaehee stood behind the door, her eyes never left your body as she saw and heard what you were doing.
Her hands eventually ended up in her pants too as you almost reached your orgasm with a video.
She felt embarrassed, but at the same time so good….
Suddenly, Jaehee began to groan too after you moaned, making you notice that there was someone else in the apartment.
,,Jaehee...come in~~’’ you grinned and gasped.
A red flushed Jaehee entered the room.
Her fingers were wet.
,,Come here,’’ you smiled and waited until she reached you to start another porn, this time she was stroking your clit and you finger fucking her slippery pussy.
,,I never thought you would do this with me,’’ you laughed as you watched her spread her legs even wider, turning red.
,,Me neither…’’ she mumbled and groaned.
You moaned and looked over to the video playing. One woman was riding her girlfriend’s face.
Suddenly you felt Jaehee’s wet lips around your nipples, making you gasp for air.
Her fingers also reached your G-Spot, making you scream even louder.
Your girlfriend laughed as she pulled away her fingers and instead rubbed her pussy against yours.
,,Jaehee, I can feel how wet you are,’’ you laughed and came up, now sitting on the bed.
You tried to ride on the bed while she sat on you, feeling that your orgasm was near.
Jaehee pushed her lips on you while her hands played with your tits, your hands on her back, trying to pull her even stronger to you.
,,I want you to come,’’ you laughed, the video was still playing beside the both of you, but you guys were even louder.
,,Let’s come together, ahhh…’’ Jaehee whined and threw her head back as she felt coming with you…
Even though you tried your best hiding that you were sometimes rubbing yourself with such videos, Saeyoung found out as soon as he opened your internet logs.
He could see everything you searched for and could see everything you opened, noticing that you had an oral fetish.
And so, Saeyoung decided that he wanted to catch you doing it.
However, it took you a bit until you felt the warm feeling between your legs because your husband never let you go somewhere or even go to bed with horny feelings… But finally, what he was waiting for happened. As soon as he noticed in the middle of the night that you opened a new Internet page and went on private searching, he slowly walked over to the room you were currently staying in.
He saw how you pulled your pants down as your hands slowly wandered down to your sex. You immediately began to pant as your finger touched your wetness between your legs.
Your finacé, however, soon enough noticed how hard it was too watch you watching a porn on your own or to even listen to the moans from your screen and see you get aroused as another man had sex in the video.
He decided to just enter the room. It was something that made you shriek crazily.
,,Let me join you, or, let’s do one on our own!’’ he laughed and approached you, opening his phone and beginning to video tape him eating out your beautiful pink pussy.
You gasped as you put your own phone next to you on the pillow.
Saeyoung gave you his phone while you recorded him with trembling hands.
His hands slowly wandered down your body and then went down again, just to move into your sex as you were eaten out.
You gasped louder when he apparently reached your favorite spot. However, he left you like that on your hard drive and instead flipped you over.
,,Ah, Saeyoung...mhh…’’ you moaned as he positioned your ass a bit higher and began now to eat you out from behind, touching your tits as you supported yourself on the bed.
,,Please… enter me now…  I need you….’’ you whined and in the next moment heard him thrusting himself into you, grunting as his fingers dug into your skin.
You began to groan louder as he hit your butt cheeks.
,,You’re not videotaping me anymore,’’ he laughed and kissed your back, wandered up and down on your skin.
,,I can’t…’’ you whined and began to fingerfuck yourself.
,,You’re so good…’’ he laughed when he finally came into you….
To be honest, it wasn’t the first time that Saeran saw you touching yourself to some videos.
He just never approached you while doing anything since he was scared that he would bug you.
Even worse, was his fear for not being good enough that you had to touch yourself.
But today, it was different.
The video played as you moaned in your bedroom, your body naked on the sheets as your legs were opened widely while you watched the sexy video.
,,Ahhh..oh dear…’’ you laughed as you almost came again.
You didn’t know that today, Saeran too observed and touched himself.
His hand moved quicker when he noticed your gasps and suddenly he whimpered, making you look straight into his eyes from the little space that was left between door and wall..
,,Wanna join…?’’ you asked him as you moaned loudly, the video ended and another was loading, it began with moanings sounds right away, making your heart beat quicker, and Saeran apparently felt the same.
And so he shyly nodded and slowly approached you, beginning to kiss you. You turned the phone so that he could watch it too and quickly his dick grew harder.
,,Why do you keep watching this…?’’ he asked you.
,,Don’t know…’’ you mumbled embarrassed and began to stoke him, making his dick twitch.
The man in the video was penetrating another man, Saeran watched the video as you again began to gasp for air.
At some point you somehow took his hand and placed it between your warm legs.
Saeran grew red again as his fingers slowly began to dig into you, feeling your walls pulling him deeper inside.
,,You...you react so well to it…’’ he commented.
,,Just because you’re here too…’’ you told him and took your hand away from his dick to massage your breast.
Saeran kept watching the video, and even though a man was doing a blowjob on another, he dared to ask you if he could eat you out.
You nodded in excitement, you couldn’t await until his hot lips touched your wet spot.
,,Agh…, Saeran… you’re doing it so well…’’ you smiled down at him as he pushed his tongue deeper inside.
He slowly began to enjoy the feeling and decided to become just like in the videos, a little bit braver.
You moved your hips up and down and suddenly you felt that his hand was on your butt, massaging you from behind.
You also enjoyed this kind of touch.
The video ended and another played again, Saeran shortly looked up to check what was coming now.
,,You know, that you are just good the way you are…?’’ you asked him and smiled, as you gasped again.
He nodded and placed himself behind your asshole, pumping his dick inside of you.
You screamed his name louder as you felt your body react to it.
His fingers kept playing with your pussy as he felt something coming, his orgasm.
You were also high on your orgasm and at some point just collapsed on the bed, panting loud and happily.
,,I should begin to watch them too…’’ he smiled and laid down next to you, kissing your lips as you slowly closed your eyes.
The face Jihyun made was the best when he heard and saw what you were doing.
He observed every movement of yours, your body covered in sweat on his chair as you watched a porn video on his laptop.
Your legs were opened widely and you were in a strange position, which made it possible for him to see your pussy, drenched in cum as you already did it for the second time.
From his laptop, odd panting and wet sounds were coming out. Apparently they made you feel even better, because you just looked like you looked when he did a love act with you.
The mint haired boy quickly took his camera and began to videotape you as you watched the porn with a look in your eyes he never saw. Was it passion? Or was it just your horny eyes as you watched a couple having sex on the beach?
Without him expecting it, when you suddenly reached your G-Spot, he groaned too, making you take away all your hands when you noticed that you weren’t alone anymore.
Quickly, since it was getting fired up, Jihyun entered the room, in his hands still on the video camera where he filmed what you were doing just a few moments ago.
,,You didn’t ask me for my consent,’’ you said as you watched what he was doing.
,,Sorry… I… I couldn’t miss it,’’ he confessed, turning red. But not just his face changed, in his pants something too changed, and you were the cause of it.
,,Come closer and get your punishment, bad boy,’’ you smiled and made him put the camera on the drawer so it could see you both.
In the porn, the woman was sitting on a chair while the man fucked her while standing.
Jihyun quickly understood that you wanted him to do the same, and so he quickly got rid of the clothes he was wearing and placed himself in front of your entrance, riding you on his chair.
You were holding your legs open widely as he pushed himself deeper into you.
The chair moved on it’s own, making Jihyun hold the chair behind you so that you wouldn’t fall.
,,Oh… you are… so fucking good~oh my god, mhhh yeah…!’’ you giggled and moaned, rolling your eyes.
He softly began to bite your nipples and looked to his laptop to check if the man was also still riding the woman.
But by now they changed position in the video and the man was fuckin the woman against the wall.
Without thinking, Jihyun took your naked body in his arms and pushed you against a wall. He then rammed himself into you, your legs around his body as he supported you with his hands on your ass.
You began to kiss his neck and gave him a hickey, but Jihyun didn’t care. All he wanted to achieve right now was making you cum on his swollen dick…
26.03.2021// 23:36 MEST
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legojacques · 7 years
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thequeerkhaleesi replied to your post “*plugging hands into ears and going lalalalalalala while blatantly...”
Why not both. Parse now has 2 (TWO) cats who he (and they both) love each other
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lazysublimeengineer · 3 years
when gold clashes with blue
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“Since when we have such a hottie in our school?” One of the female students whispered to her classmate excitedly after a young man posed a casual inquiry to them and continued walking along the corridors of the school.
“Going by his shoe color, he’s a 3rd year, right?” Her classmate whispered back enthusiastically as she stared at the young man whose golden highlights in his raven locks gleamed lustrously from the bright beams of the sun outside their school windows.
He could still hear their hushed voices from behind him as they weren’t even hiding back their excitement and gushing when he walked past them. Nevertheless, he paid no attention to them as he had more important things to settle on. Such as meeting the one and only Hanagaki Takemichi. The infamous new member of the Toman gang who punched Kisaki the other day. Word got out from some of the blabber mouths of their gang members that the guy had socked directly Kisaki’s face after the inauguration of Kisaki as the third division captain of Toman.
No wonder Baji punched him and put him on his place.
That Hanagaki Takemichi got some guts making a mess of that Toman’s important meeting.
Nevertheless, he was still curious of meeting him and seeing him in the flesh. Especially now that Hanma needed him as a witness to Baji’s loyalty initiation to Valhalla.
“…The ex-Moebius member are under Hanma, Valhalla’s No. 2. And the anti-Toman forced are under…The No. 3, Kazutora Hanemiya.”
He finally stopped at the front door of Takemichi’s classroom and he could hear someone discussing an information that piqued his interest. So, their gang and Toman were now included in the class lectures? He didn’t know that the world of delinquency was now included in the school curriculum.
Education these days.
His lips curled into a small smirk as he could hear them discussing him, Hanma and their members. He schooled his features once again into a feigned look of curiosity and indifference as he pushed open their classroom door, not giving away of how he basically heard everything of what they’re talking about inside.
“Eh?” His golden irises trailed over the five guys in front of him. “Is school over already?”
“Who the hell are you? You don’t look familiar.” A man with black hair demanded and walked over to him.
He smiled serenely at him. “That’s not very polite. I’m actually your senior in this school.” He replied in a casual yet patronizing voice.
“Huh? Who are you? Never seen you before.” The man replied rudely.
The young man with the golden irises stayed relatively casual and calm, still sporting that serene smile on his face. He decided in less than 5 seconds that this guy in front of him was an idiot and not worth getting his wrath upon on. However, he could see from the corner of his eyes that the other guy behind him who was wearing a pair of glasses was staring at him in fear after his eyes landed on his neck where a tattoo was situated there. Good. At least someone actually knew him and not talk back at him like he’s a goddamn pushover.
Glasses guy knew how to preserved his safety and life.
“Stop it Makoto! That guy is…” Glasses guy warned frantically behind him and grabbed him by the shoulder.
“Huh? What is it?”
“Hey, you guys know Hanagaki Takemichi?” He cut them off smilingly.
Glasses guy turned around fearfully, his voice shaking as he called Hanagaki. “T-Takemichi… That’s him.”
He followed his line of sight and it landed on a young man with a flaxen, gelled locks and startingly deep, blue eyes.
“Takemichi?” He called seriously, his stare was still fixed on the blond as if analyzing him.
“T-That’s V-Valhalla No. 3! Kazutora Hanemiya!” Glasses guy cried out as if seeing a monster in front of them.
Kazutora ignored their nervous and frantic looks as he suddenly rushed towards Takemichi’s direction animatedly.
“I’m so happy!” Kazutora threw his arms over his shoulders and hugged him excitedly.
He could feel that the blond tensed up and stiffened around him. Who knew that Takemichi was like a skittish cat? Kazutora grinned at the mere thought.
“I had no idea there was someone in Toman one grade below mine! Okay, Takemichi!” Kazutora exclaimed happily.
“Eh?” Takemichi looked at him with those wide blue eyes that screamed incredulity and innocence.
Kazutora refrained himself from getting lost in those mesmerizing eyes and take him away into La La land. Seriously, this was the guy that cause ruckus in the past meeting of Toman? As they always said that looks can be deceiving.
Who knew that behind that harmless face and baby blue eyes was hiding a pair of sharp claws of foolish bravery? It’s time to put that claws into a test.
“Let’s go to Valhalla’s hideout.” Kazutora replied with feigned casualness and pulled him away out of the room.
“Huh? Valhalla?!” Takemichi’s voice rose in panic as he was carried mindlessly by Kazutora.
“Hey, I found Takemichi!” Kazutora announced happily at the two guys standing outside with their crutches.
Takemichi could only watched helplessly with wide eyes as he learned a disturbing information of breaking their legs despite these two guys being his trusted juniors.
“Hurry up Takemichi! Just relax since I’ll introduce you to everyone.” Kazutora called at him cheerfully from behind. He kept on walking ahead although he could see him from the corner of his eyes that Takemichi was just standing there with a conflicted expression on his face.
Oh? What was this? Did Takemichi lost his nerve and folded away like a scaredy cat? Has the idea of going to their territory and hideout daunted him and decided that he’ll go hide with his friends inside their classroom?
For some unknown reason, a pang of disappointment hit him at the passing thought but it wouldn’t surprise him if that’s the case since most of the people would logically be cautious in going with someone who practically invited them to a lion’s den. If Takemichi would bail out on them, then he’ll add him into a list of nameless people in the crowd who was just a poor, fancy thought of something ordinary falsely wrapped in a special, sparkling material.
Just as he was about to reach a conclusion that Takemichi will not follow them out of fear, he heard some faint but firm footsteps behind him. Kazutora glanced subtly from behind him and his lips curled upwards at seeing Takemichi followed them with a firm and resolute expression on his face.
He guessed that Takemichi was a diamond in the rough after all.
He can’t wait to see those hidden claws and what he’s really made of.
Several years later at one of the dark alleys in Tokyo…
“Fuck off, man! Bonten this, Bonten that. Stop mentioning their name in our shop man!” A swift kick was hurtled in front of a bruised man that sent him flying into a wall.
The huge guy who kicked him proceeded to corner him to a wall and grabbed his short, black hair. He gave him a sharp, murderous glare.
“Ya hear? Don’t ever come to our shop ever again!” He yelled at him before throwing him into the ground.
“We don’t wanna get involved with Bonten dumbass.” He added spitefully before leaving him there looking like a ragdoll.
‘Damn. Here’s no good either.’ He thought in dismay before he finally stood up and went to the spot where he usually finds Kazutora. For sure, that guy can certainly help him in finding more information about Mikey and the Bonten.
Or not.
“Takemitchy you gotta take it easy…” Kazutora looked at him worriedly.
“But!” Takemichi insisted stubbornly.
“Why are you such in a rush?” Kazutora demanded as he watched his face covered with fresh bruises. He also noted that his left shoulder looking mottled already and covered with purplish marks.
Just what has Takemichi gotten himself into now?
“You know Kazutora-kun this is the 4th place… I’ve went to all the Bonten’s hideouts that you suggested, but I couldn’t find a single clue about Mikey! There’s no way I can take it easy!” Takemichi cried out in frustration.
Kazutora could only watched Takemichi’s whirlwind of emotions flitting across his face, unable to say anything for a while. Despite the pain and helplessness written all over the blond’s face, he can still see it.
Takemichi’s determination.
Just like their first meeting a long time ago. In spite of that fear that’s crawling up within him inside, Takemichi still followed him there all alone in their hideout.
Wasn’t this one of his traits that made him interested and entrusted him some of his plans of making the Toman great again and save Mikey?
Takemichi still possessed those hidden, sharp claws behind that skittishness of a cat.
While it never failed to amaze him and grew fond of Takemichi because of that admirable trait, sometimes it has its downsides too. Just like now. And he’ll be damned if he will indirectly put Takemichi’s life in danger when he’s going to get married soon with Hina.
He decided to ignore the bile rising in his throat with that line of thought.
“…Those are Bonten’s official hideouts, no doubt about it! So, get deeply involved and you’ll get into trouble! I don’t wanna help you out on a suicide mission!” Kazutora berated him sharply.
“Hold on, Kazutora-kun!” Takemichi protested.
“Let’s end this. Your wedding is in 3 days, so no! If anything happens to you, I don’t know how I’d be able to face the others! Just lay low for a while!” Kazutora replied firmly, leaving no room for an argument and turned away. He didn’t wait for Takemichi’s response as he continued walking away.
He ignored the remorse and regret that started to engulf him and convinced himself that this was for the best.
Takemichi has always been trying to risk his life and happiness for them.
But now he had to do something right for him in return. If this will make Takemichi loathed him in the future then so be it. Because he can take it rather than the thought of him dying and perishing away from their hands when he had the ability to still make him safe yet he wasn’t able to do it.
He didn’t want to repeat his goddamn mistake with Shinichiro and Baji.
There’s too much blood on his hands now but he can still make things right for Takemichi.
He’s the saving grace from the dark stains of his life.
‘I’m sorry Takemitchy.’Kazutora thought with a sigh of defeat leaving his lips.
(A/N: I don’t own any of these characters from this franchise. Inspired by that happy scene of Kazutora marching up to Takemichi and hugging him like he finally met his idol and asked for an autograph. I know that it’s just a façade of drawing Takemichi into their hideout alone to have him as the witness of Toman during Baji’s initiation of his loyalty towards Valhalla. But then again, my shipping ass and overflowing ideas and inspiration couldn’t resist and expand it into more. I even made a parallel scene in the manga to compare it. That’s how hyper I am with some doses of coffee. Also, let me know what’s the official name of this ship? Kazumichi or Kazutake? Reviews are amusing. So, let me hear them from you.)
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fandom-puff · 4 years
Fred Weasley Smut Alphabet
Warnings: smut-what it says on the tin
Gif creds to owner 💕
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He’s a big cuddler afterwards, making sure you’re okay, plenty of water, plenty of kisses for his amazing girl
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves his big strong arms- thanks to his years playing beater, he’s rather stocky. He can and will throw you over his shoulder and carry you up to bed
On you... he loves your ass, hips and thighs- the finger print shapes bruises are testimony to that... he’s a grabby, slappy boy :)
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Fred loves the sight of his come splattered all over your arse (and sometimes dribbling down your thighs)
He also loves when you scoop it up and suck it off your fingers 🙃🙃🙃
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He loves it when you call him daddy. It spurs something deep inside him- he always ends up fucking you mich rougher after you call him that.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He knows what he’s doing- he has three older brothers (but Percy doesn’t count because Fred reckons he’s still a virgin) who’s dirty magazines he’s seen and who’s girlfriends he’s met. Bill in particular is Fred’s go to for advice- “she wants me to stick it up her arse, Bill!” “Mate... use a condom and plenty of lube, or you’ll both be sorry,”
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Doggy!! He loves taking your from behind, because he gets to grab at your ass to his heart’s content, and you seem to moan much louder when he fucks you from behind
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Fred sees sex as a time to have some fun. He loves goofing around with you, tickling your sides to make you writhe on his cock... he’ll also make little jokes that send you into fits of breathless, happy giggles- after you both orgasm, it’s not uncommon for you to have a little joke-
“I sound like a strangled cat when I come,”
“Meow, kitten,”
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He’s ginger all over. He doesn’t really trim his pubic hair, as it never quite gets to that stage. One time he waxed it as a joke... never again.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He can get VERY into it- whispering in your ear all sorts about how good you were, how much he loves you, how you make him feel...
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Fred enjoys mutual masturbation- he loves the feeling of your hand on his cock, the way you squeeze slightly when his fingers brush your g-spot
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Spanking, being called Daddy, orgasm denial, roleplay (to describe a few)
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
The bedroom, but with you bent over, gripping the foot of the bed or the dresser or something similar
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
He does not need much to get going. Seeing you bend over to pick something off the floor is a big one (you often do it on purpose so he’ll give your ass a little smack)
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Fred doesn’t like gagging you. He prefers to hear all of your pretty noises, and he’s scared that he might miss the signal that replaces the safe word while he’s being rough- it happened once and it broke his heart to see you sob the way you did
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Fred ADORES licking you out, and he’s rather good at it. His favourite way to do it is with you stood up and him kneeling- he loves the shudder of your legs and the way you press your hips towards him. He does have to help you stand up straight afterwards, though...
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He typically goes rather fast, but there are times like birthdays and valentines where he’ll go slow and sensual, allowing you to feel each ridge of his cock
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
While he doesn’t mind a quickie in the back room of the shop, he would much rather have the time to enjoy your whole body (and make you come over and over)
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Fred loves an adventure. He’ll try anything and everything at least once, and it’s often him who brings the more outlandish stuff into the bedroom
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He has quite a lot of stamina. He dedicates a lot of this to pounding into you with your legs thrown over his shoulders. After he’s come, he is more than willing to finger you- he’s rather skilful at THAT
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Weasleys Wizard Wheezes has considered dabbling into an adult range... let’s say his toys are rather magical
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Fred Weasley is the KING of teasing. He can rule you up all day and not succumb until you’re on your knees begging (literally)
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s not overly loud. Most noises he makes are down your ear (he’s really into kissing and marking your neck) and he normally comes with a low grunt of your name and a breathy moan
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Fred is more than happy to have threesomes. The idea of overwhelming you with pleasure turns him on- you make such sweet noises when he stretches you out, that he wonders what a third partner would do for you...
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He’s very thick. He stretches you out every time you have sex, and you almost always need a moment or two to adjust before he starts thrusting
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Fred is rather randy. Needless to say, he’s up for it almost every night, the cheeky chappy...
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Fred gets rather sleepy afterwards- you don’t mind though. You’re more than willing to snuggle up with him and settle off to sleep, murmuring sweet nothings to one another
Tag List: @obsessedwithrandomthings @haphazardhufflepuff @diksy1112 @zodiyack @axriel @hiddensapphic @samnblack @tinylumpiaa @in-slytherin-we-trust @thatoneasrastan @emmaloo21
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tired0artist · 3 years
not enough (part two)
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>part one<
paring: female!V x Johnny Silverhand
warnings: depression, amnesia, alcoholism, angst, fluff, happy ending (but you gotta wait for it), character (near) death
summary: continuation to the first part.
note: as before I will be describing my V. and yes, there will be a third part. I’m not gonna be a cunt and leave you guys with this lmao.
V was pointlessly walking through the city, staring at her feet. It wasn’t raining like in the old movies she and Johnny watched in the old cinema after Rouge left. No. It was loud, smelly, bright and full of people.
She ended up in the park where she first met Zen master and sat down on a bench. V stared at her still shaking hands and wished that suddenly she would feel a small pinch in her brain and Johnny would appear out of nowhere.
He would appear just to talk shit about people passing by, hoping to make her laugh or annoy her enough so that she would take her mind off of whatever was bothering her.
But he wasn’t there. Her Johnny was probably gone... what’s left is in her brain. While the other Johnny didn’t seem to even want to look at her... maybe he truly just didn’t like her. And she was trying to do the impossible.
Suddenly she got a call. Third time this night. From the same person.
She picked up and said “Hey, Kerry...”
Kerry’s tired and panicked face appeared and he seemed to be driving “V!! Oh thank what ever is watching over us! Fuck honey! I was so worried, where are you? Where did you go at night? Was it Johnny again? I swear I’ll kick his young ass for what he’s doing to you!”
V choked on a sobb. Somehow hearing Kerry’s voice and the worry for her of all people in his voice... cause her to break and just whimper.
He stopped talking and looked into his phone, asking gently “Honey, where are you? I’ll come get you”
After explaining where she was, Kerry had her keep the call going. He wanted to know if she was safe.
Not even ten minutes passed, as Kerry found her. He immediately hugged the young woman to his chest and caressed her black thick hair.
“Shhh... I’m here honey. Come on, let’s go home”
Kerry led V to his expensive car and soon he was driving the now silent woman to his mansion. He was growing worried as she entered the residence without a word, took her naked cat and went inside her room.
V took off her clothes, putting on an old SAMURAI shirt and a pair of sport shorts. She got under the covers with Nibbles, she kissed the cat’s head as he snuggled into her shirt, seeking warmth.
She must’ve fell asleep because what woke her up was yelling coming from somewhere in the villa. V got up and took her gun, intending to blast whoever was a threat. What she didn’t expect is to see Rogue on the couch across from Kerry who was smoking.
V didn’t make herself known yet as she listened to the pair.
“—told him to fuck off and look for a new place. I don’t care that he doesn’t have a place to stay at. He was fucking with V too much. I tried looking the other way, but I fucking can’t. He’s worse than ever” Rogue said putting her phone in her pocket.
“Back in our day... he was an asshole. Sure. But now? What he’s doing isn’t even like him...” Kerry said, with a heavy sigh.
“I’m not surprised that V finally had enough. Poor kid... we should’ve intervened”
“No” V said, walking out from behind a pillar “It’s between him and me. He didn’t do anything to you, if anything he is nice to you. He doesn’t deserve this from you...”
“Kid, did you hit your head? He’s a complete psycho—“ Rogue started.
“To me, not to you. I don’t want you to take it out on him. He needs you both” V stated, looking away “He doesn’t need me anymore but you two are important to him... I’ll be fine. I’ll leave him alone, if he’ll need anything he’ll come... like he did for the last month...”
Kerry stood up and wrapped his arm around V saying “No, no. No more helping him out from you. You tried to be there for him and he’s worse than ever. So from now on, leave him be. Deny any request and just let him figure it out. Just like he did inside your brain”
“He’s right. Fuck Johnny. Let him find his way to you” Rogue said, while crossing her arms.
V looked between them and finally nodded “Okay... maybe you’re right. He needs to process everything on his own”
“Yup. Of course we’ll be there for him, but your door is closed honey. If he’ll want in, then the fuck will have to find a window to enter through” Kerry said, trying to cheer up the younger woman.
She smiled a bit but soon looked away. One question on her mind, ever since she left Johnny.
And of course nothing goes unnoticed with the Queen of Afterlife in the room.
“What is it kid? There’s something more bothering you” she stated.
Kerry immediately sat V down next to him on the couch saying “Come on, V. You can tell us anything”
V stared at her hands and finally asked “Do you think that... if Johnny and I met normally and not through the chip... would he still... would he and I—“
“Well kid, he would be old like us. But knowing Johnny, he would have his eyes on you the first time you stepped inside Afterlife with that friend of yours” Rogue said with a small smile, thinking about the situation.
“And if he didn’t see you there, then probably after finding out that you were the one stealing from Arasaka? And rumoured that you were somehow involved with the death of Saburo? V, he would have wedding rings ordered” Kerry said with a laugh, as Rogue snorted.
“The man would be stumbling over his feet for you if things were normal, kid”
V laughed along with them, her heart somehow feeling lighter the longer she spent time with Rogue and Kerry. To her they were like a clan. Like a family.
As weeks went by, V returned to her work but was also in charge of the security at Afterlife. Which meant a lot of fucking paper work, dealing with idiots and sitting with Rogue. Keeping an eye out for anyone who would want to kill the woman.
Johnny tried calling V couple of times during the first few weeks. She didn’t answer any of his calls, although her heart was heavy with worry. Because what if he really needed help? What if someone stabbed him and he was bleeding out in some alleyway?
This paranoia caused V to call Rogue or wake up Kerry so that they could call the man and find out what’s going on.
Each time they either got a question.
“Where’s V?”
Or if he was drunk enough they got a statement.
“I need V”
But every time his friends would refuse him anything related to the young nomad.
Whenever V saw Johnny at Afterlife she simply left the room or just kept her distance. Giving him space.
Although it felt like he didn’t want space. Because whenever she stayed in the room, his dark eyes would be on her the whole time.
One time a guy came over to V and tried to seduce her, drunkenly. The guy was getting a bit too touchy and she was just about to get the fucker out of the Afterlife. But before she could even push him away, the guy got yanked back buy his shoulder so hard, that V was sure it was dislocated.
“Fucking dog. Out. Now”
She looked up in confusion just to see Johnny dragging the guy outside of the Afterlife. V wanted to go after him, but decided to stay and instead ordered Jackie’s disgusting drink and went to sit with Rogue.
The Queen of the Afterlife smiled at V as she sat down next to her. Around an hour later, Johnny came up to Rogue asking for some intel.
V tried to look away from him, but the seemingly fresh blood on his metal arm and on his neck, caught her attention. She stared at it in slight shock and looked up just to see Johnny staring at her. He didn’t say anything. But his eyes screamed. Without a word to V, he thanked Rogue and left.
Next morning they found a body in an alleyway near the Afterlife.
One evening V was at Afterlife for a different reason, than normally.
She was sitting at the bar talking to Claire when she heard someone call her name. With a smile she turned to see Judy and Panam walking inside.
“Hey, there V. Finally found the time for us huh?” Judy said as she sat down at the bar, the other girl following.
“Yeah I was waiting for a fucking call, you asshole. The fuck were you doing?” Panam said, already ordering a beer.
V’s heart felt lighter as she was around her girls and immediately she regretted not calling them sooner.
“Sorry, I was busy and things were complicated for a bit. But hey, I’m back on board” she said while raising her glass.
“Fine, you��re off the hook for tonight” Judy said, while Panam mumbled something under her breath. Unwilling agreeing.
“Thanks, really I want us to meet up more. I’m no longer dying so, how about we have fun?” V joked slightly.
“Sure, what’s on the menu? I’ve never been here for a drink before” Judy said.
Claire came up, hearing this and said “First time? Well people here, like V and her friend did, normally order Silverhand on their first visit”
Both Panam and Judy frowned at it, as V simply said “Fuck that, three Jackie Wells’s for us. Time to change the favourite drink”
Claire grinned and got to work.
“Is it any good?” Panam asked as soon as the three of them had the drinks in their hands.
V laughed and shook her head “It’s the worst drink Jackie ever made for me. Cheers”
While V downed her drink whole, Judy got couple of sips in before asking for something else. But Panam much like V, drank the whole thing. But she actually enjoyed it.
“You’re fucking weird Panam” V laughed as Panam once again ordered Jackie’s drink.
“A psychopath” Judy agreed with a smirk.
Panam flipped them off, saying “You don’t have raste, chooms. And V here is the true psychopath. She drinks it even though she doesn’t like it”
“Fuck off, Panam” V laughed and finished her drink, calling Claire over saying “Okay Claire, one Silverhand for me!”
“Coming right up!” the bartender called back.
“By the way how’s your parasite doing? Still neck deep in shit?” Judy asked, looking at V closely.
“Yeah, you kicked his ass right?” Panam added, already looking pissed.
V simply sighed and thanked Claire as she handed her the drink.
“It’s not that easy... let’s not talk about him tonight. I want to hang out with my chooms for a bit”
Both girls looked ready to push V but eventually nodded, changing the subject.
The rest of the night they spend drinking, dancing and laughing at some dumb shit. It made V, feel like she did with Jackie when she first came to the Nightcity.
It was getting bright by the time the girls left the Afterlife. They were giggling shits, as V was searching for a cig.
“I thought you weren’t smoking” Panam said as she watched V clumsyly lit up a cigarette and passing it to Judy.
“I’m not... Judy and I are sharing” V said with a laugh.
Panam snorted and leaned against a wall, Judy following as V stood in front of the girls.
V was looking around, while smoking as if looking for something.
“V you okay?” Panam asked in confusion.
“Huh? Yeah just looking for Johnny... he usually comes out when I smoke”
Judy passed her the cigarette with a frown saying “V, he’s not in your head anymore”
V flinched and stared at the smoking cigarette in her hand “Oh... yeah... I guess, I forgot...” slowly she brought the cig to her lips, as Panam scoffed.
“Fucking Silverhand... why didn’t you just kick his ass when he came back as a amnesiac asshole?”
“Yeah V... he was treating you like shit. Why did you go through with it?” Judy asked.
V started shaking as tears gathered in her violet eyes, she sniffed saying “B-Because I promised him... back in Mikoshi. He was afraid of going back to who he was and of being alone... I promised him that I— that I would be there for him. That I wouldn’t hate him”
“Okay, but still. V that wasn’t healthy, the fucker shouldn’t ask for the impossible from you” Panam said.
“Panam is right. Besides your not his babysitter, it’s better that you’d leave—” Judy added, only to get cut off by V nearly yelling.
“I love him”
The girls watched in stunned silence as the young nomad, fell apart in front of them.
“I love him so much it fucking hurts. I love him so much that, I let him treat me like that because I knew that it was his defence mechanism. He was fucking testing if I really wouldn’t leave him... but I failed because I couldn’t handle it anymore... and I can only hope that he’ll find his way... even without me”
V was sobbing and she threw the cigarette on the ground and left, calling a cab to get her.
Not realising that what stunned her girls wasn’t her breaking down. But the man who stood behind her, looking at her in shock as he heard her every word.
Next morning, or rather afternoon was harsh for V. She woke up feeling like shit, her body screaming at her every move.
“Fuck...” she mumbled, while getting out of bed. V made her way through the large villa to the living room, where Kerry was keeping his painkillers. He was already there, playing his guitar.
“Oh look who has returned to the living! I thought that you died there, honey” Kerry said, enjoying the rough state the young woman was in.
“Shut up, Kerry... or I swear I’ll shove that guitar up your ass” V mumbled taking the painkillers.
Kerry laughed and shook his head, taking out his phone he said “I’ll order us some dinner, while you go and make yourself a drink”
V nodded and left the room, trying not to think about the bad hangover she had when Johnny took over.
In the evening she was back at Afterlife. Claire laughed as she saw the rough state the merc was in.
“Rough night?”
V glared slightly saying “Don’t you know it, you demon in disguise... why did you let me drink so much?”
“Well it’s my job, hun. But you really went overboard. When Rogue saw your bill? I throught that she would have a heart attack”
“Fuck... did she ask to see it? Anyway how much to I owe you?”
Claire laughed saying “Rogue payed for it all, so nothing. Also you need to go see her, she’s waiting”
V paled as she glanced at Rogue’s booth, the older woman was already watching her.
“Shit. Okay Claire, I need one shot of tequila before I talk to her”
Claire nodded while laughing, saying “Damn you’re acting like a kid who got caught stealing candy”
V drank the shot and said “I always feel like that with Rogue, so wish me luck”
“I hope you don’t get grounded and still come over to play” Claire joked as V flipped her off.
As V walked over to the Queen of Afterlife, she smiled sheepishly saying “Uhh... hey Rouge?”
The woman’s eyes were cutting as she said “Saw your tab, kid. You’re trying to off yourself? I’m surprised you even got up this morning”
“Oh come on, it was a girls night out. You know that I don’t party that often”
“That’s true, just go more slowly next time. Your body is still regenerating after the relic. Now, I’ve got a job for you” Rogue said.
Hours later V was bleeding out in Pacifica, behind a fucking crate inside some dirty warehouse. She killed everyone, including the target but what was it worth if she couldn’t move.
“Fuck...” she hissed, while calling Rogue.
The woman’s face appeared as she asked “V? Job done?”
V coughed up some blood “Yeah, but I’m kinda bleeding out... in the warehouse...”
Rogue looked scared but something else caught her gaze as she yelled out “Johnny! Fuck! V hang on, I think he’s coming for you. I need to give him a call and exact location, stay awake kid”
With that the call ended and V was left all alone. She focused on the pain, trying to stay awake. Tears were running down her cheeks as she was scared shitless. She died once and it wasn’t pretty. She didn’t want to go again.
As she held her hands on her bleeding stomach, she couldn’t help but think about Jackie.
Is this how he felt in his last moments? This is the pain he felt? Well fuck.
V was at the verge of falling asleep as a Porsche burst through the doors of the warehouse. The bang woke her up a bit, as her heart speed up a bit.
She heard the cardoor open, following by a yell.
“V?! It’s Johnny! Where are you?!”
She tried to scream but ended up coughing up some more blood. Thankfully it was enough for Johnny to hear her as he came running.
He fell on his knees in front of her and touched her hands, taking them away from her wound.
“Shh.. don’t talk. You’ll be fine, you hear me? You’ll be okay, sweetheart” he said while patching her up a bit. His military training helping at times like this.
V was shaking, her eyes trying to roll back into her skull.
“Johnny... cold...”
“Fuck... hang on V. Eyes on me, okay? You’ll be fine” he said, his own hands trembling a bit as he desperately patched her up.
V could see black spots as the coldness was starting to surround her, she didn’t even feel Johnny’s hands working on her.
She barely raised her hand and touched his face, taking off his glasses clumsily. V smiled at his dark eyes, whispering.
“Th-Thank you...” with the last grip on consciousness she smirked “Lo-Love you... Robert”
Johnny’s face turned white and shocked, and V felt glad that for the last time she managed to make this asshole speechless and have the last word.
•there will be part three as I said above so follow me or just check the tag “Johnny Silverhand x V”
•also English isn’t my first language so sorry for any errors.
•thank you all for reading this and the first part. I’m not good at writing angst and catching people’s feelings but with V and Johnny angst is a must hahah
Tag list (if you wanna be tagged leave a comment): @dartheldur @signwriting @missweatherwax @commanding-officer @lovinghunty
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dallonm-archive · 3 years
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[image description: a pale orange sky with dark orange clouds. In the middle, in white text, reads “HOW TO SWALLOW MATCHSTICKS”. /end id]
Hello y’all! Since I already mentioned this briefly, and I’m in a really good place with it, I thought I’d quickly actually introduce my collection title and talk about what it’s about!
Originally, I was going with the working title “How I Break My Bones”, but I didn’t like that the “I” suggested a singular POV in a title for the collection. Whilst brainstorming titles I came up with the line “I swallowed your matchsticks but you still set me alight” and was like what the fuck, that sounds like a poem line [I didn’t wrote poetry back then :)] but I loved the imagery so I just! Smacked them together! Also matchsticks apparently matchsticks are poisonous and that really enhanced the meaning. Funnily enough, the fact that matches start fires isn’t central to the title; fire isn’t an important image in the collection (except for one story), however burning is? But the burning imagery usually comes from mentions of sunlight rather than actual fire, which I think is very interesting and fitting for the collections Vibe.
I’m letting the collection grow thematically with the stories I write, but the central idea is self destructive behaviour, and decisions that are very very irrational to literally anyone except the main character(s). Some of them get to this from being pushed to their limit, but for others there’s a more continuous sense, that what we see is just part of a chain of self destructive behaviour that’s their normal. Lemon Teeth especially is interesting in that sense because there’s this general idea of “hey how the fuck are these two still alive”, whereas with, Tabby, the narrator is pushed to a limit they’re not even aware of until there’s consequences. The title plays with this idea of self destructive behaviour that’s actually out of defence: someone swallows matchsticks so they can’t be burnt, but the matchsticks poison them (the severity of that is also dependent on how many you swallow! I think my google history is really concerned that I’m eating matchsticks!). Your perception of reality tells you to do this irrational action so one consequence can’t happen, but you snap back into reality and realise the consequence of that action is actually far greater than the original fear, but it’s too late to reverse it. Also! A lot of WLW/femme NB characters is the goal, on the grounds of Haha I Do That. 
I try to keep this collection very fluid where all the stories are very individual, but are similar when it comes to core themes and it’s been very fun to develop! I also feel like visually this collection is very orange and red? Do NOT know what that means yet <3 but a lot of the stories are visually very hazy and sometimes dreamy, but the content itself is very dark. I’ve been playing around with this idea of “injecting” haziness into a narrators POV so their perception of reality warps and intensifies as the story progresses and we end up in High Reality Territory. I’ve talked about some of these before, but I’m going to go through the current stories I have in here in their current order under the cut - mainly because I find it very interesting to actually see them all in one place and how they function as a collective, and also to see how much it changes!  I also won’t have a taglist for this WIP, as I just use my general taglist for short story updates, so if you want updates then you can join that!
general taglist ; ask to be + or -! @kowlazovdi @avi-burton-writing @ryns-ramblings @kitblogsthings @ezrathings @aetherwrites @radiomacbeth @bijouxs @bookphobe @haldimilks @alicewestwater @bookpacking @shaelinwrites @harehearts @amnestys  @onlyganymede @theelectricfactory @write-like-babs @oceancold @veiliza @sidhewrites @wolf-oak @feverdreamwritings @oasis-of-you @coffeeandcalligraphy @cecilsstorycorner @howdy-writes @keira-is-writing @flip-phones​
content warnings for the stories in order that they appear: murder (ammonite) / fire (lemon teeth) / car accident (how to relax on class A) / toxic relationships (the name i gave her) / cults (and saturn, too + church mud). nothing is talked about in detail.
Disclaimer: These stories are my original work - plagiarism and any form of copying will not be tolerated.
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[image description: two large rocks in the ocean, with waves crashing over them. in the middle, in white text, reads “AMMONITE (LAND’S END)”. /end id]
After finding washed up bones on the beach, Dennis pretends they belong to his missing wife Melody - and as he continues to talk to her, his innocence is brought into question.
This story means a lot to me because it was the first one I drafted post writing hiatus that felt like it actually resonated with the way my writing has changed. It was one of the easiest first drafts I’ve done, and editing is going pretty smoothly as well! I loved playing with the moral ambiguity element and creating this very eerie balance between “cold blooded killer” and “grieving husband” and as the author! I do not know whether he actually killed his wife or not! This is one of three stories that I should start submitting this month. 
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[image description: a black background with 4 lemons in the centre - 3 whole, one cut in half. In the middle, in white text, reads “LEMON TEETH”. /end id]
A house narrates the night its inhabitants burn it to the ground, and tries to understand the human condition from their toxic, tangled relationship.
I drafted this after Ammonite and it ~sucked~. I went to edit in January because I wanted to submit it to a magazine ( <3 missed the deadline <3) and ended up rewriting the whole thing and it is SO much better. It’s gotten quite surrealist but I’ve never written surrealism so I don’t want to call it that yet? But I mean, some of the imagery + the fact that the narrator is a house experiencing complex thought is v surrealist! I want to fine tune that element more because when it comes to submissions I’ll need to actually determine whether it’s surrealism or not but I’m very excited to because out of all the stories this is the one I want published the most! I love it so much. I loved turning a bunch of wood into a character (they’re so sarcastic and mean?? love it), and Lawrence and Frances are perhaps one of THE most fucked up relationships I’ve written so far <3 
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[image description: a silhouette of a cat against a dark orange background. In the middle, in white text, reads “TABBY”. /end id]
A reclusive man who’d rather exist as a phantom than a human notices the neighbours aren’t feeding their cat, and is sucked into a world that breaks the stillness of his own.
This is the only story here that has an update post that’s not outdated so you can check out more about this story HERE. In hindsight, I think this is the one that really drove where this collection is going the most; I had a lot of different thematic ideas in my head and drafting this naturally organised my thoughts and highlighted the most important ones to me. This also really helped me figure out the perception of reality in this collection and that’s also a central idea (and one of my favourites to explore). I’ve always said I love writing things that feel hazy, feel dreamy, but this story took that took a new level and I feel there’s a lot more depth now? Tabby felt neither like high realism nor realism,  it felt like reality with this “glow” that only the narrator seemed to be aware of. This glow reels the narrator into this dreamlike perception of reality to the point where he can’t distinguish the real world from his perception of it, and ends up doing things that he otherwise wouldn’t do had he had a clearer perception of what’s going on. It’s like dreamy reality: make it insidious! I read back on this draft the other day and I’m really excited to start editing, this is the third out of the 3 stories I’m aiming to get published first!
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[image description: a single car in the middle of the road on a foggy night, with bright orange headlights. In the middle, in white text, reads “HOW TO RELAX ON CLASS A” /end id] 
Whilst trying to manage a bad trip, our narrator makes an unlikely friendship with the driver who just hit his best friend.
I’m currently drafting this, and will likely make an update post for it soon so I won’t talk to much about the story itself here. But if you want to know how the draft is going: it’s sure going! This is in 2nd person instructional which I’ve never written before and it is very difficult at times but also very fun. I can already tell this is the story that’ll need a lot of fine tuning and editing but I really love the premise and where it’s going. This is sort of an evolution of a short story I wrote in 2019 that sucked <3 but I only got the actual idea for the plot a couple months back. My only complaint right now is I’d like a new title because I don’t like this following the “How to __” structure when the collection already does that.
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[image description: A black night sky. In the middle, in white text, reads “THE NAME I GAVE HER”. Below the text is 6 moons in different phases, all glowing yellow. /end id]
A woman tries to see her relationship outside of the rose-tinted glasses the night her and her girlfriend fake their deaths.
I wrote this around October but never finished it, and I think I still haven’t figured out the crux of this story or even how it’s meant to be told but I love it too much to let go and really wanna make it work. This is the first WLW story I wrote that’s like, clearly a WLW couple but it’s not about that, and that meant a lot to me. Like I always knew I could just write WLW characters existing but to actually write that, especially with such emotional complexity and also pain that’s not tied to their sexuality was really freeing for me. Also lesbians really are like “damn I need symbolic imagery in my queer story :/” and just write about the moon like the way this story is JUST a bunch of moon imagery and is also structured around the phases? Very sexy
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[image description: the view of an orange and purple sky, with the sun rising behind a darker purple mountain. A tree’s shadow takes up the right side and bottom left corner. In the middle, in white text, reads “AND SATURN, TOO”. /end id]
I haven’t drafted this yet (I plan to after HTROCA) but it’s lived rent free in my head long enough to know I want it in this collection. This story chronicles our main character - an ace lesbian who might not know she’s ace yet?? - as she spends the summer on a commune her parents sent her to and I for one am loving having a second cult-y story to explore (although this isn’t explicitly a cult, it just has the undertones and the narrator makes it very clear how she feels about that). This was originally going to have a romance, but lately I’ve been really into the importance of presenting lesbian and sapphic identities beyond the relationship aspect and the element of personal/individual identity.  Like HTROCA, I want to have a full update post on this story one day so I won’t talk much about it now, but I am currently brainstorming it and I’m! Very obsessed with it!
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[image description: a close up photo of an eye rotated sideways. The photo is filtered red and repeated and on the left hand side, flipped the opposite way. In the middle, in white text, reads “CHURCH MUD”. /end id]
We’ll pretend I didnt spend the last month talking shit about this title BUT for those who don’t know the origin story of my novel Revelations, Revelations is that it was meant to be a short story for my dissertation that quickly unravelled into what it is now. Since I’d already presented the concept to my advisor, I decided to turn it into a sort of “RR But With An Alternate Timeline/Inciting Incident” where Felix and Dorothy escaped the cult at the same time, at the height of their conflict and it got fucked up REAL quick. It was actually so fascinating because whilst it was definitely intentionally heightened, it felt like I was exploring both of their “dark rooms”, exploring a possibility that they would both happily ignore, but was very much almost a reality. I’m no longer doing Uni this year because of covid (I couldn’t stand another zoom lecture), so I don’t know if I can use this story next year but I really want to turn it into something. I just have to strip the RR elements from it and turn it into its own - my <3 third cult story <3. 
And that’s where we currently are! I’m not sure if I’ll do collection driven updates, since I just write whatever short stories come to mind and if they fit then great and if they don’t then great, but I might do one say 6 months from now just to see how much it’s changed. This is my primary WIP this year, as 2021 is the ~year of submissions~ for me and hopefully I’ll be able to share some of these stories with y’all soon!
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
Over Friendly Locals-Bonnie Gold x Reader
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(GIF credit to @sonsofeorl​)
Tags: @jenepleurepasbaby @amirahiddleston @bloodorangemoonlight @haphazardhufflepuff @mzcrazy2
Requested by @irishwhiskeys​: ‘Hi! I saw the requests were open and I’ve read a lot of your imagines and they’re so good omg 💖 I was wondering if I could request one with Bonnie Gold? I’d love one with a plot about him sticking up for y/n when they’re out drinking and y/n gets stopped by someone. I feel like he’d be super loving but also v protective when he needed to be lol.’
Characters: Bonnie Gold x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Swearing, slight violence, harassment, fluff
“You’re still staring.” Bonnie smirked as we walked down the street hand in hand.
“Sorry,” I giggled,“I’m still not used to it.”
I was referring to the peaky cap he was wearing. He had only been part of the Peaky Blinders for a short time, though I had known Bonnie since he stepped foot in Small Heath. There had been sneaky glances when he first arrived, all of us wondering who the new men were, that were working alongside Thomas Shelby. Then I dragged my friend to his first boxing match, both of us having the time of our lives amongst the crowd, cheering and flinching at every punch. Embarrassingly, my friend convinced me to stay around outside, and I was extremely shocked when he approached me, and how gentle his voice had sounded when he asked me out; especially with the cuts and bruises all over his face. And here we were, in our third month of seeing each other.
“Are you sure you don’t mind the Garrison?” he sighed as it came into view.
“Bonnie, for the last time, it’s fine.” I smiled.“I know this is the safest place to be after what happened with you guys the other day. Your eye is still bruised, it’s quite dark actually-”
My hand reached up to turn his face, but he stopped me before I could, instead quickly kissing it, smirking when I started to blush. Casually he opened the door, letting me walk inside first, but he was behind me quickly when we saw how busy it was. I loved how safe I felt with him, even with just his hands resting on both hips, steering me towards the bar. His body gently pressed up against my back, the bartender instantly recognising the blinder, grabbing him a beer and a glass of wine for myself. Bonnie and I clinked our glasses together, drinking as I scanned the room, looking for somewhere to sit (though I knew anybody would move for a Peaky Blinder).
"Here miss," a young lad caught my attention,"you two can take these seats, we're not using them."
I thanked him as I sat, Bonnie pushing in my chair before sitting beside me. The man and his friend were on one side of the table, engrossed in their own conversation just like we were. But I could feel their glances, towards Bonnie specifically, and it put me on edge. There were people who didn't like Peaky Blinders, and it wasn't hard to miss one when they wore those caps.
"Excuse me," the same man interrupted us,"sorry, but you're the boxer aren't ya'?"
It was relieving that Bonnie was recognised as the fighter. This guy seemed excited to meet him.
"Yeah, that's me." Bonnie chuckled.
They dived into a conversation about Bonnie's most recent fight, speaking of tactics and different moves. The other man and I sat there, watching them as they spoke until I noticed him leaning closer to me.
"Must say, I can't believe I've missed a pretty face like yours round here." he boldly said.
I frowned."Excuse me?"
"Surely you've been here before?"
I took a sip of wine, avoiding his eye contact."A few times."
"I'm here almost every night!"
"Oh really?" my voice showed no interest.
"Well, I was lucky enough to see your beautiful features at least once." he winked.
I was shocked that he was flirting with me right in front of my boyfriend. How could he be so stupid? Bonnie knew how to fight (not that I wanted him to), but this man would be in some serious trouble. He was lucky that it was so loud in the Garrison that Bonnie wouldn't hear any of this.
"I don't think you realise, but I'm sat next to my boyfriend." I explained.
"Oh come on, we're young. Don't want to marry the first man you meet do you?"
"Please just stop."
"(Y/N)?" Bonnie suddenly said.
I flinched, not realising how close he was to me, and worried he had heard everything."Hm?"
"You want another drink?"
"Oh, yes, please."
"Alright, I'll be back."
"I'll come with you!"
"It's fine, I've got it."
He didn't read the panic in my voice. I could hold my own, but I was scared that in such a loud, crowded place, no one would notice me being dragged away by this man. And what if his friend helped, perhaps they had planned something already?
The man smirked."You know what they say, whilst the cats away-"
"Look, I've been polite. You've had your fun, but there are plenty of other women here, single women."
"But I don't want them."
Glancing at his friend, I saw that he wasn't paying attention, his focus on the people dancing to the music. Sighing, I stood up, needing to just leave the situation before it escalated. What I didn't expect was to be grabbed by my wrist and tugged back towards him.
"I didn't say you could go. Come on, stay and have some fun."
"Get off me!" I exclaimed, slapping his face.
A furious expression appeared, though his grip just tightened, his other hand grabbing my arse, causing me to scream out. I saw some men stand to come to my rescue, but not before Bonnie snatched me back towards him.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Bonnie shouted.
He looked petrified."Look, mate I-"
"I'm not your mate. Who do you think you are? Grabbing women how you want, especially my girl?!"
He was stuttering."Sh-she came onto me-"
Bonnie didn't wait for him to finish. Grabbing his collar, Bonnie punched him square in the face, receiving cheers as the man fell to the floor. Surprisingly, I didn't have to pull him away to stop things escalating. Bonnie wrapped his arm around my waist, guiding me out of the pub. I waited until we had at least crossed the street to speak.
"Sorry (Y/N), I just need a few more minutes to calm down." he breathed out.
I nodded, continuing to walk with him to my house. Quietly opening the door (as to not wake my roommates), I led him to the kitchen, sitting him down at the table and checking his knuckles; there wasn't even a red mark.
"I know I shouldn't have resorted to fighting." He mumbled.
"Oh Bonnie," I sat on his lap, kissing his forehend tenderly,"if you hadn't done it, I would have."
He smiled."I just couldn't help it. I would have done something much worse, but I didn't want you to see that. And I needed to get you out of there."
"I appreciate it Bonnie, I really do. And you're really controlling yourself now. Thank you for saving me."
We shared a kiss, keeping our foreheads resting against each other.
"Anytime. No one is ever going to touch you like that again, ever. Even if there were a hundred men charging at you, I would fight everyone of them off."
I giggled."You can be so dramatic sometimes."
"But I mean every word."
"And so do I, especially when I say, I love you."
"And I love you."
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huearmy · 4 years
The Smell of Truth - II
Summary: After years being forced to fight in clandestine hybrid ring, Jungkook is now living in shelter, but life remains bad, the place is abusive, and nobody seems to want adopt him. Until one night a pro-hybrid activist group invades the shelter, and a woman in black smelling like truth promises that things will get better, and he decides to follow her wherever she goes.
Pairing: pitbull!Jungkook x human!Reader
Genre: fluff, angst, future smut maybe.
Words: 3291
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: N/A.  Jungkook continues to be just a cute pie here ok dont touch me.
Chapter I  -  Chapter III  Chapter IV  Chapter V  Chapter VI Chapter VII
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You have always been enchanted by hybrids. You grew up surrounded by them, they were friends and family. Literally. For exemple, your favorite uncle adopted your cousin, a cat hybrid, when you were five and she was three, he and his wife wanted a second child but could't have one biologically anymore, and you got a friend as a gift. You never saw your cous being treated diferently from her older sister, indeed they were equaly loved by the whole family. You two would run and play for hours together. 
You learned some diferences between you and hybrids when living with your cousin in childhood. The first one was that you, unfortunately, don't have fluffy beautiful ears and tail like they do, more than once your mother needed to comfort you before going to sleep cuz you were crying, wanting to be cute too. The second was that you were always at a disadvantage in games like hide and seek and tag you it, but you still had fun. The third is that hybrids can't go to school like normal kids. Until a certain age you were home schooled, taking classes with a tutor, when you turned eleven things changed a little bit, and you started studying at an elite college. Your world expanded, you started to study more hours a day and met new people, new teachers, classmates, you made new friends that gradually showed you a cruel world that you didn't know. Most of your friends were also daughters of politicians and entrepreneurs, just like you, and just like you, they grew up surrounded by hybrids. But while they were family to you, to your classmates they were butlers, maids, pets. Soon you started to understand the injustice of it all, of why you were bullied when you talked about your cousin, why you didn't like to go to some friends' house where you would see them treating their hybrids coldly. 
The last straw came when you were fourteen, more specifically your birthday. Until then you kept your friends from meeting your cousin, for fear that the situation would be strang, but it was you birthday, you wanted all your friends in your sleepover, including her. At the beginning of the night you were apprehensive, but your friends did nothing but find your cousin cute and be kind to her, so you relaxed. Everything was going well until one of her best friends decided that she liked your cousin so much that she was going to "ask her father to buy her".Your cousing didn't understand at the time, it was the first time that she was treated as something and not as a person. You were so angry that the party ended right there, most girls left, even though it was two-thirty in the morning. Days later you were expelled from school for getting involved in a fight and assaulting one of the girls who used the wrong word to define your family. You went back to school at home, with the best private tutors, and the world outside was no longer so beautiful. That's how you, already in college, joined a radical activist group for the sake of hybrids.
The concept of owning someone was disgusting for you, that's why you never adopted any hybrid, just fought to free them, in and out of law.That's why you don't recognizes yourself in the decision of getting Jungkook home. But here are you, driving your SUV with him sitting next to you in the passenger's seat. You want the best for each hybrid you have ever rescued, but never before have you been so involved that you are directly responsible for one as you are now doing with him. 
Jungkook have followed you to your car, where you gave him a oversized hoodie of yours to wear - the nigth got cold - and snacks that you had prepared for your trip back home. He was really entertained comparing flavors of three diferent chips, that he didn't even noticed when your black outlaw clothes are gone, replaced by a summer dress in a cardigan. Well, he couldn't remember the last time he had a chance to eat chips, it was probably when he was a kid, and there weren't that many flavors. Of couse, he was refraining from asking you too many questions, that were filling your head like: How is house? Will it be long before we arrive? Do you live with someone else? Do you have other hybrids? Do you do these jobs every night? ... But he kept silent, like a good boy.You said the drive to your city would take about two hours, that he could sleep, but he wanted to keep awake and looking out the window at the landscape, the trees he had never seen so many together and other cars, once in a while passing by with their lights on. It would be beautiful during the day too, he thought. The music playing softly on the radio is also cool.
"Ok." You brake the silence. "We have sometime before we get home, we can talk and get to know each other until then."
Jungkook took a sip of his soda before answering. 
"To know each other?"
"Yeah. Like a  game where we tell things about ourselves and ask each other something..."
"Got it. How do I win this game?" Jungkook got excited.
"It wasn't supposed to be a competition." You laughed, and then got thoughtful. "If you make a question you got one point. If you tell a fact about yourself without being asked you got two points..."
"Whoever has the most points wins. Ok." Jungkook softly clapped his hands with a happy soud coming from his mouth, the gesture doesn't go unnoticed by you. You showd him where to find paper and pen in the glove compartment for him to write down the points. In one side of the page he writed your initials and in the other, his - JK.
"I go first. Hummm... My full name is Y/N Y/L/N and I'm twenty-three. And you, what' is your age?"
"Woaaaa, Y/N! You already have five points, you are good at it." Jungkook excitedly wrote down your points, already thinking about what to say. "I'm twenty-two, but not for long, my birthday is in september. I'm a virgo. What's your sign?"
"Y/S." You responds. "You are into zodiac?"
"Not exactly. But it was a fact about me." Jungkook smile to you making you look away from the road for a moment longer than insurance so you can look at the dimples under his eyes. "Among these three chip flavors, which is your favorite?" "Both cheddar and bacon, I can't choose between them" You answered without hesitation. "Actually I love cheddar and bacon in any context. Did you decided wich one you like the most?"
Jungkook thoughtfully compared the chip packs.
"Nope. I like them all together. I like sweets more. Do you live with someone else?" Jungkook took the courage to ask something that was really on his mind.
"No, is just me in my apartament. But theres always a friend or relative visiting me, almost everyday. " 
Jungkook he felt a confusion of feelings, he did not know if he should be happy or disappointed that you lived alone, and as a result, that he will live only with you. It would be nice if you live with siblings or your parents if they are good like you, but at same time if they are bad he prefers to be with just you.
"How is your family?" He asked before you could make your next question.
"They are great." You said, your tone of voice and eyes ligthing up with affection. "I'm single child, but my family is quite big. We are all focused on progressive thinking of liberating hybrids. That's why I'm part of activist groups ... Of course, only I do this more clandestine work, and my mother doesn't even know. She would be crazy worry. You will like them I think. I have like six cousins, two girls and four guys... Oh my God, they will tease me so much for bringing a boy to live with me..."
Clearly your family is a trigger for you to talk non-stop. Jungkook concluded that your family must be really cool, for you to like them so much, making him wanting to know them too. It got him a little nervous. What would them think about him? Your talking makes your family look amazing, while he’s no big deal. Worse than being uninteresting is not being liked, and there are really bad things about him ... More bad than good things actually. Your family not liking him is scary, and thinking that you might know about his bad past and not liking him any longer suddenly made him anxious. 
You were bragging about your great-aunt's cooking skills when noticed Jungkook got too quiet.
"You are ok, Jungkook?"
He looked at you awkwardly, eyes round like a deer caught in the headlights.
"Sorry I talked too much." You let a weak laugh out, feeling embarrassed. "Is your turn now. Go ahead."
Jungkook looked through the window, avoiding looking to you.
"I don't know what else I have to say... You already won anyway." He showed you the score, your inicials with no space left to write down points. 
"Oh I bet you have a lot of things to say."
"Not good things." Jungkook dared to say, already regretting it as soon as the words left his mouth.Your voice softned.
"You don't need to tell me anything you are not ready to tell. Even if you're never ready. But I know that you are a person, and people are made up of many things, not just bad things." A moment of silence followed, you thinking about the next thing to say. "If you don't want to talk about past things... Lets talk about the future. What do you want to have for lunch tomorrow?"
At some point Jungkook finally fell asleep. You drove an entire hour alone, slowly sipping an energy drink, his soft snores beside you not letting you forget about his presence. Everything you want is to sleep too, your eyes heavy, your body numb. You were thinking of it an how you would be in your bed about time, in your fluffy pijamas and warm socks, when blue and red lights appeared in your rear view mirror.
 You pulled over and waited to the cop to come closer to lower the window
."Good nigth, officer." 
You greeted in a low voice.The man just nodded writing down your license plate. 
"Do you know why I made you pull over?" He said, louder than you.
"No, sir." You calmly answered, shrugging. "I was not above the speed limit and my tail lights are ok."
He made an approving sound.
"Papers please."
You turned on the light and reached out to get your documents from the glove compartment, making Jungkook open his sleepy eyes with a groan.
"Y/N?" He called with a pout. The ultimate pout."Shhh. Keep sleeping, babe. We didn't arrived yet."
He obeyed immediately, leaning his head on the window, and you can tell he didn't really wake up in the first place. He was with his cap and hoodie on, so the cop couldn't see his ears and know he is a hybrid. And theis way is better, you thought. 
"Your boyfriend?" The cop asked while analyzing your driver's license.Time to improvise with your acting skills.
"Kind of." You timidly put a lock of hair behind your ear.He scanned the trash in the car."Any alcohol?"
"No, sir. Just energy drink and soda." You smiled.
He did the breathalyzer test on you anyway. 
Since it didn't point to guilty results, you were released to continue your journey.
 You took a deep breath, glad he didn't asked to inspect the car, he would surely find something that would link you to the terrorist act against the shelter, as the newspapers would for sure report the next day.
The good part is that forging Jungkook's adoption document in your name with a date prior to the rescue will be super easy, as the shelter's records blew up in the explosion. That thought made you relax and start driving normally. ________________________________________________________________
"Jungkook. Jungkook wake up." You shook his shoulder, his sleep too heavy. His head fell forward, making him jump in his spot, blinking heavily, the ultimate pout making another appearance. "We arrived, Jungkook."
Jungkook slowly regained consciousness, seeing you standing outside the car, beside him, holding the door open for him to get out.
"We're at home?." His face got bright.
"Yeah. Come."
It was a courtyard at the back of a small old building, it was still early in the morning, the sky was still dark and no one in town was awake. You turned on the car alarm, and guided a still sleepy but very attentive to the details of the new place, Jungkook, to the back door of the building, taking the bunch of keys out of his pocket - of your hoodie that he was wearing. He liked the proximity, the soud of the keys and the smell of the place. Actually the smell was pretty amazing, specially when you opened the door and everything inside got your smell, and others good things.
 You noticed his nose working in the air and laughed.
"Is a flower shop. Do you like it?" You asked.
Something made sense to Jungkook, it's not that the place smelled like you, you smelled like flowers because of the place.
"Yeah. Is pretty good." He said still sniffing the air.
"On the first floor we have the shop, on the second the shop office and a photo studio that I rent to a friend... And on the third and fourth is our home." You tell him as you go up the stairs, he following you closely. "Early on, both the store and the office are open, but this should not be a problem if you want to sleep till late."
You two whispered up to the third floor, a small corridor with two doors on one side and windows on the other. You stepped forward to the first door, the entrance to the living room and struggled to fide the rigth key in the dark. 
Jungkook noticed a faint light coming from under the door and a murmur inside. There was someone in there. He got alert and slightly apprehensive.
You finally oppened the door and got inside, dropping your heavy bag on the floor, the keys in the corner table, kicking off your boots. Jungkook got inside with short steps, looking around cautiously, looking for the person who would ambush you both. The light was the TV... He smelled a cat. 
"Y/n?" A sweet and sleepy voice reached your ears, a little form lifted on the couch. A sniffing soud and the sweet voice got hostile. "Who is this?"
"Yeri, you are here." You smiled, not really caring for the mood changing of her. Jungkook stepped behind you a little. "This is Jungkook. Jungkook, this is Yeri, my cousin."
"Hi." Jungkook tryied.
"What's he doing here? You never brought anyone home ..."
And by anyone she meant hybrids, and Jungkook knows it. He couldn't see her face in the dark, just her luminous cat eyes with vertical pupils, the dominant presence of those who had their territory invaded radiating from her. 
"There is always a first time I guess." You say, still ignoring the awkward atmosphere, taking off your cardigan and hanging it on the rack behind the front door. "Are you in the guest room?"
Yeri got up and turned off the TV.
"No. I'm sleeping with you."Clearly she didn't trust Jungkook yet. If you bet, she was ready to sleep in the guest room, but now she decided to sleep with you to protect you from the stranger. 
"Ok." You said.
"Ok." She said. 
She turned on the light in the corridor, taking a few steps to the top floor, with bare feet and cute pijamas, and then stopped looking at Jungkook. Now he could see her face. The scariest cat he has ever seen. "Welcome to the family." And than she disappeared up the stairs.
Jungkook gulped, not sure what to think about it.
"She liked you." You told him, putting a hand in the small of his back.
"How do you know?" He asked you with round eyes.
"She didn't say she disliked you." You smiled. "Yeri is pretty honest about her feelings."
You took him to a room in the hall, with a messy cat-smelling bed in the middle, an empty desk and an armchair close to the window, and an empty closet. Beside the bed on the floor was an open handbag , with women's clothing showing up.
"She said she wasn't going to sleep here..." Jungkook pointed.
"Yeah, she lied about it. She wouldn't let me put you to sleep on the couch, though..." You went down the hall and came back with another blanket. "Aaaand, this will be your room. You'd better get used to it."
You fixed the sheets and changed the blanket and pillowcases, probably to help with the cat smell, odorless bedding help to make the bed more of him.
"That's what I can offer you for now, after all I wasan't expecting to adopt you. We can fix it later." You tiredly said, picking Yeri's bag from the floor.
"Ah... Don't worry.". Jungkook wanted to say he was already happy with what he got, that being adopted in firts place was more than he expected, that he was greatfull of your caring so far. But he couldn't find the words to put in on.
"Good, bucause I'm dead tired... I need to sleep, and you do too." You gave him a pat in his back, and went to the door. "If you need it, theres a bathroom in the end of the corridor. Good night." And than you closed the door behind you.
Jungkook waited for the sound your staps desapeard to start moving and breathing again. He was in his room! He ran to the window and opened the curtains a little to see outside, it seemed to be a main street in a small town, but Jungkook had never stepped in a small town before to have reference. He tryied the armchair and conclued it was confortable enouth to take a nap on it. The closet was big enough for him to fit in - he tested it - another possible place for good naps. With leaps of joy he imagined all the things he could kept there, the clothes and shoes he didn't have yet but dream of having. Fantasizing about when you were going to take him to shopping, he put the hat on one of the top shelves and closed the double doors carefully, to make any noise. And then threw himself on the bed, scenting the sheets, sighing contentedly. He took off his shoes and placed beside the bad, his wallet in the nigthstand - open like a picture frame, showing the photo of two hybrid little boys embracing and smiling - , and the suffed bunny lying next to him with it's own pillow.
All in this room felt so real to him, as much as your smell. If you said it will be his room so it's true, because se believe in you, and he is so happy.With the thought of a bright future with you Jungkook finally fell asleep again.
Tag list: @stayunderthelights​ ​  @deolly​ @panconte​
Thakyou!!! Let me know if you liked it... <3 <3 <3 This is a sub blog so I wont respond coments, but I read it all.
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onbeinganangel · 3 years
okay so @eat-yearn-cry and @tackytigerfic asked for a wee liveblog of me reading capri so i am here to embarrass myself
here are my notes from a five-ish hour reading sesh yesterday (thanks @the-starryknight for witnessing this live and sending me your fav capri art for visual references —read: thirst — as i read along)
if you think there is going to be any clever analysis here, please go somewhere else now, this is pure, unhinged screaming (i’m serious, none of this makes sense, it’s a whole mess and i redacted like 50 ‘oh my god???????’s, 30 ‘jesus/mary/joseph/christ’s and 20 ‘oh fuck’s already)
here we go
- a character list!!!! it’s like they know i have a wasteland for a brain and i’m gonna need to come back to that a million times
- okay so far we are feeling very sorry for damen but he’s fiery (big fan)
- he’s a hardheaded bastard, gimme like half an hour and i’ll probably be willing to die for him lmao
- me reading the character list and wondering why it just says ‘pet’, me three lines into the first chapter like OH PET LIKE PET PET OKAY GOT IT omfg mari
- “an astonishingly lovely face” “arrogant and unpleasant” “self-absorbed and self-serving spoilt” (it’s either a description of me or i’m in love)
- “what’s your name, sweetheart” okay FINE
- “i speak your language better than you speak mine, sweetheart” I SAID FINE (here for the polyglot representation we deserve lol)
- all of this is problematic and i shouldn’t find it hot but hey ho
- “something obscene about someone with a face like that speaking those words” indeed
- oh laurent is only twenty yikes
- boot kissing, thank you gods, mari is v pleased (also just glossing over the /bad/ because double yikes)
- unsure how to feel about Damen going off in his own language which only Laurent (?) understands and then Laurent twisting his words? is Laurent protecting himself? agreeing with Damen? which is it?
- oh
- unlacing
- oh
- flogging but of the bad kind
- okay
- if these two don’t stop calling each other sweetheart i’m calling the police
- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 🚨 omfg
- “I was on the field at Marlas” ”It’s your countryman who taught me that. You can thank him for the lesson.” ”Thank who?” ”Damianos, the dead Prince of Akielos” hahahahaha okay
- the regent is back an hes brought back the other two guys, yea? and they’re all conspiring against laurent? but laurent doesn’t like kastor???? THEREFORE, jumping to conclusions like a circus cat through hoops, DAMEN LIKES LAURENT bc if you hate the same people you’re immediately pals that’s how it works
- so we’ve got a hotheaded brunette who’s a bit of a brute with a cause and a clever snarky blonde ready to subtly fuck shit up??? idk why anyone would have thought i’d be into this
- “the aloof, untouched Laurent was at this moment delivering a precise treatise on cocksucking” STUFF JUST ESCALATES OUT OF NOWHERE IN THIS BOOK DUNNIT
- Damen asking Erasmus about how he’s treated and after the other slaves???? ”Tell me everything that has happened to you since you left Akielos” 🥺 this is it, it took me hours, but we are hERE, i am willing to die for Damen
- oh no
- oh nooooo
- i am gonna go off
- protect his tiny head and beautiful curls pls i will do anything
- also fuck, not Damen promising obedience in exchange for a guarantee that the other slaves will be treated well 😭😭😭
- Laurent is a scheming little bitch and i love him
- also should have mentioned earlier but Nicaise can get fucked (considering the themes of this book i should probably consider how i express my dislike for characters but you get the point, he’s a dickhead)
- torveld/erasmus, okay 🥺
- Nicaise is the regent’s pet???? ofc he is jfc the little shit
- damen is talking to torveld, the baby back in akielos is totally his, i’m calling it now
- also torveld told him he looks a bit like kastor !!!! and boy oh boy is damen shitting himself rn
- oooh hunting
- wait LAURENT IS NICE!? tbd
- also damen just admiring how fucking stunning laurent is and he’s just his type but it’s such a shame the good looks are wasted on such an unpleasant person lmao
- when you think about it, without the rape and the slavery and the violence, they just sit about on silk pillows and scheme and eat, it’s a pretty good deal
- DAMEN HAS BEEN SUMMONED TO LAURENT’S BED????? or so they say, i’m unconvinced,
- oh shit
- the boys have finally reached third base: committing murder together (first base is when you get sucked off by someone else via your lover’s strict instructions, second base is when you eat off your lover’s fingers, don’t @ me i don’t make the rules)
- so the idiot really decided it was a great idea to try to escape post murder attempt???? even though Laurent told him what would happen AND IT HAPPENED
- he’s saved!!!!!!!!!
- ”You must be the fuck of a lifetime” sir they have barely touched
- i am Nervous
- this is a fucking trip
- oh no the regent is bad and trying to fuck it all up who could have seen that coming 🙄
- okay alright so — fuck — first damen tries to escape but laurent gets him back and then they still want to arrest/kill damen but laurent defends him and then laurent wants damen to be stuck in his room for months while he’s away but then he sends for him and they’re off to war together?????? my brain isn’t here anymore sorry
- “He was dressed in Laurent’s colours, and bearing his insignia” hhhhhh i’m stupidly into this
- also Nicaise and the earring and whatvs? i’m sure there’s something there, more than Nicaise simply being an arsewipe but i can’t figure it out rn, thoughts later but he’s a shit stirring cunt i can tell you that
and this is where i messaged Starry and asked her to stop me from starting the second book at 10 to midnight, thank you Starry lmao
off to ignore my responsibilities and start the second book now
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