#hm.. idk i was going to add a lot more here but i like how it looks rn.
boyfridged · 1 year
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Yandere Best Friend
Tw: childhood abuse, divorced parents, bullying, violence, angstt, parental neglect
ageless blogs n minors DNI blease tq <3
my masterlist
hi guys after a long hiatus i come back , coping mechanism time
i wrote this like from 11pm to 3am in a frenzy so dont exepct much , ridden wih typos, contradiction,grandma misrake and idk if the reader here is fully gender neutral or i accidentally sprinkled some afab in there
thersras like a part 2 to this so eyah stayetuned
He was there from the very beginning, that quiet boy from elementary that you shared your sandwich with when no one bats an eye at him.
He was quiet, you were considered uninteresting. Both of you are somewhat outcasts and the other children held no interest towards you and him. Perfect match for each other, instant best buddies, bonded by mutual loneliness.
Well, maybe, not instant. He was weary and so were you, it took a while before you gained his trust. He made sure you didn't stuff nasty, gritty bugs in that sandwich like how all the other kids would do. You made sure he didn't accept it just to throw it in your face.
Once it was established that you didn't add an extra ingredient and he isn't going to play bread frisbee, the door to a long and strong friendship was established. He doesn't have much to say, but he's never short on kind gestures when it comes to you. Are your bags heavy? Let him carry them, he's a strong boy; he drinks his milk and gets his healthy amount of sleep. You forgot to do your 5th grade long division homework? He is going to swap his completed homework sheets with your empty ones, he's okay with being scolded. He has some stupidly thick skin from what goes on at home.
Your yoyo is really cool, you said. You own that yoyo now. No, really, it's okay. He doesn't really need it and it made you happy when you had it in your small hands. Yes, it took him months of begging his busy, overworked, broken, divorced, struggling, knee-deep in debt dad and a couple of missed lunches to get that shiny yoyo, but he loves seeing your surprised expression and dazzling smile.
Oops, you spilled your drink all over another classmate's book, or you broke a window, or you dented a teacher's car. It doesn't matter how many people witness it, it doesn't matter what you say, he's responsible and will gracefully accept all repercussions and punishments even if that means receiving a couple more ugly bruises on his body that night.
Who doesn't like candy? He sure loves them. That's why, he uses up all his already scarce pocket money to buy you some. You protest, he's confused, don't you like candy? Yes, he knows he won't be eating a lot these few weeks because he can't afford it, but don't you like candy?
Are your hands dirty from eating all that chocolate? Here, use his white shirt as a napkin. No, really, it's okay! He's your friend, he would do anything for you... are your shoes muddy too?
Happy birthday! It's a very special day for you and him too, that's why, he saved up enough to buy you a tasty cake and a pair of beautiful promise rings made up of gold! Isn't that cool? Don't worry about how he got the money and please ignore the giant, bloodied cotton gauze on his head, please ignore his black eye, please ignore the strange burn marks on his limbs. His extra injuries are due to... him falling off a bike. You know that's not true. That's not how he got them. He is going to be really sad if you don't accept his gifts, better just shut up, smile, say thank you, kiss the boo-boos away, stuff your face with delicious cake and wear the damn ring.
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night, goodbye, I love you and all the other greetings are something you hear everyday from him. Hm, the teachers are complaining that he isn't that polite to them or to the other children, all they get are silent blank stares at best, a scowl and a spitting hiss at worst.
Halloween's here, you're dressed up as a generic bedsheet ghost because its the cheapest to do. While he's dressed up as a horror movie survivor. Wow, the cuts, tattered clothes, blood, abuse marks and limping walks really sold the costume. But you and him both know very well that these aren't done using makeup or prosthetics.
You and him went on trick and treating quietly.
Aww, you both are so adorable. Candies for days. Your pumpkin buckets filled up quick, that's because your friend keeps piling his candy into yours.
Aren't chocolate bars his favorite? Yes, of course. They're so expensive, delicious and very unafforable. But why does he keep giving them to you and leaving none for himself? Because they're everyone's favorite, including yours, duh!
Such a young gentleman, he is the type to lay his coat over a puddle of water for you to cross over it.
Middle school is where children usually begin to explore the concept of romance. Maybe you saw him as a brother, maybe you weren't attracted to him at the time, maybe you wanted to put his devotion for you to the test. Whatever the reason was, you consistently friendzone him whenever he tried to court you.
But it's okay, he is willing to wait. He is willing to have his eyes sting with tears, heart broken over and over again. He is willing to grit his teeth and clench his fists while forcing a smile, watching you experiment with the idea of having a boyfriend or girlfriend with other people. He is willing to be the third wheel to every single one of your dates with other kids. Your friend is always going to be there for you no matter what, he is your unyielding safety net, he is your second choice, he is always the best alternative or default when the puppy love didn't work out. And, he found solace in that. Others come and go, he is the fucking constant.
Then, he is going to try his luck. He will do it over and over again. You're going to accept it one day.
Your friend loves flowers. He speaks the language and gives you bouquets of red roses and pink Camellias. You usually chuck it in a vase filled with water and let it wilt, they're going to be replaced anyways.
He found that the food in the cafeteria can be awful, with goopy expired milk, to half frozen pizzas, they're bound to cause some poor kid to puke their guts out later in the day. He is making sure you're not that kid, so, he dedicated what precious free time he had to hone his cooking skills. He is a busy boy, working god knows how many jobs a 12 year old can work in a day, just to fund this essential skill of his.
Middle schoolers can be so cruel, your friend may not look the most feminine, but it's the actions he does out of love that makes the children pick on him for being different. Ew! He likes flowers and cooking! Gross! Evil! Unnatural! Independent! So not Alpha!
It starts off rocky at first, bullies will sabotage him whenever they can, kick him while he's down. Ruin his stocks, call him names and vandalize his belongings, but he gets the last laugh when he makes fucking bank by selling warm, hearty, tasty meals. They're a big hit among the staff who have no time to cook for themselves and have half a brain to know eating from the cafeteria is a bad idea.
Of course, his beloved sweetheart gets to eat for free. And has the privilege to go for seconds, thirds, fourths, however much your stomach desires. Yours are always personalized to fit your palate and presented in the most appetizing way.
Soon, other children began buying his meals too. As it turns out, they fucking slap.
He began expanding, selling resold candies at a ridiculously marked up prices, but the way he marketed and packaged them, gave an illusion that he's selling a premium product. They sold out like hotcakes, while you ate wrapper after wrapper without needing to pay a single cent.
Hey, he really has a knack for business! He is raking in profits, bringing you out to eat, spoiling you with riches a self made, young entrepreneur would have, excelling in Business studies, Accounting, Mathematics and Psychology.
He began testing the limits of his trading empire, he began dabbling in service based business such as delivery, doing homework for a price, obtaining blackmail material... that is how he knew your homeroom teacher had an extramarital affair with the principal. Hmm... the principal seems to kiss his ass a lot and you get a bunch of privileges. You wonder why that happened.
His reputation grew as his shrewdness grew. Your friend was too intimidating to be bullied, as one of his business ventures includes hiring others to do some dirty work for him. You don't know the full extent of his giant conglomerate enterprise, and you don't want to know.
You remember seeing a female teacher handing him a wad of cash, her hair tousled, her clothes were messy, her lipstick smeared and weird stains were all over her body. For sure, she didn't just find it laying around in the boys' bathroom... and, there were a lot more boys requesting a bathroom break that day.
Your friend bought you the latest smartphone model on the same day too. You were disturbed with what you saw and the implications, so you asked if she even got anything out of working under him and... if she even agreed to work as... whatever she was. He just smiled, cup your cheek and told you to never, ever, ever, cheat in a relationship. Especially not with him.
He then followed up with his probably hundredth love confession for you. Which you promptly friendzone him again. Your friend would simply sigh and change the subject. Do you like your phone? He asked as you began unboxing it, the loud chatter from the mall's food court drowned the voice of doubt in your head.
His wallet is growing wider, he is growing taller, posture disciplined, voice deeper and he lost the majority of his baby fat. Giving him a sharper, meaner, leaner look, his physique is nothing to scoff at either. All those pastry batter mixing, soup stirring, skull bashing hustling and bustling sculpted those perfect abs and ass. His hair now has a healthy sheen to it since he can afford better things, his skin had no flaw and the protruding ribs on his chest is now covered up with muscular pecs.
Being pretty does have its' privileges, he observed a sale boost in his balance sheets.
Time waits for no man. Before you know it, the both of you are in Graduation togas. Smiling for the camera, you gave your friend bunny ears.
Your friend started worthless in everyone's eyes, something to poke fun at, a punching bag, forgettable and nothing serious. He transformed into this feared, revered, worshipped yet hated entity. Your friend no doubt made as many enemies as allies, that's just how it is in the business industry. Cold blooded, ruthless and absolutely bizarre to you.
He has obviously put some of the staff and students in horrible situations for his benefit and sometimes for your entertainment. They seem to genuinely see him as some sort of god, someone to cleanse them from all their sins. They... loved him. What a manipulative motherfucker.
As for you... your situation is pretty strange too. You are clearly the only person he cared about, the only person he truly ever loved and cherish. No one seem to conjure up the idea to use you against him. You seem... invisible, for the most part. And you are so grateful for that.
At least, that's what your friend wants you to think. You have no idea how many strings he has to pull to keep you safe and oblivious and innocent. You have no idea how much he had to spend to keep you pure and untainted. But, yeah. Keep believing its' due to some sort of cosmic karma system where you didn't incur any karmic debt.
It was the first time seeing his parents at this graduation ceremony, he never liked having you over at his house. They looked like how you imagined them; miserable, horrible, unhealthy and volatile. They really should not be seated next to each other, his parents looked like they're about to strangle each other and your friend at a moments' notice.
His father was smoking, plumes of grey wafted up in the open air. Ashes crumbled and dropped down to his lap. His necktie was undone and his office shirt was disheveled, much like his belt and scuffed shoes. It was a wonder how he's not escorted out of the venue yet.
His mother... she aged horribly. She looks irritated yet distant, she doesn't want to be here. Or does she not want to be with her ex husband? Maybe if they were separated by an opaque wall, the mood would be much more lifted. His mom wasn't mentioned a lot during conversations, you knew close to nothing except the fact that she gets him on the weekends.
Perhaps his mother is simply neglectful and not active, he did mention that its easier to prepare his sellable inventory during the weekends.
You're nervous to meet them, they're really unfriendly and they don't seem to care that much about their son's accomplishments.
Your friend gently wrapped his arm around your shoulders and rubbed his hand up and down your arm. As if to soothe you from the sight of his less than ideal parents.
To you surprise, he just shot them an indifferent look before leading you away. Their relationships must be unsalvageable.
The event comes to an end, your friend mingled with everyone who, the majority, had clenched fists behind their back. He then went to socialize with your parents, he knew them well and they also knew them well. Their opinions on him are lovely.
He continued his endeavors, trying out many different ventures. It was extremely dizzying with the sheer amount of businesses he had. Your friend moved out of his parents' house(s) and struggled with finding a place for a while. So he stayed over at your parents' house with you for the time being. You get to wake up to the smell of deliciousness every morning, the plants would be watered, furniture dusted, home sparkling clean. Though, he was rarely around.
Eventually, he found his footing and lived in his own place. It's a little cramped and it could qualify as a weapon of psychological warfare, but that was all he could afford at the time.
He fought tooth and nail to obtain a massive bank loan for his main business plan, he was stressing over opening his first restaurant. The logistics of it all, the raw materials, the hired help, the equipment, the advertising-- the pressure of it all was enough to break the average person, but not him. Oh, he thrived on this. He was calculating, he knew the costs, the risks and he saved up enough for a rainy day.
It took him many months, many trips to the bank, many meetings, many phone calls, emails, uncountable hours working 3 jobs a day, an eternity in the kitchen, in the sweltering heat of lit stoves heating up pots and pans, many times where he would lose his voice from aggressive marketing, persuasion, severe sleep deprivation, starvation, networking, tears, blood and sweat. There were more times than you can count with your hands that he was almost driven to insanity if it wasn't for you.
The thought of you alone was more than enough to ground him and keep his eyes on the prize, he is going to make so much money that, you and he wouldn't ever have to work ever again. You both would live happily ever after as a married couple, comfortable and never needing to worry if he could afford the next meal or keep the lights on.
That's nice. You wouldn't need to know what he went through, he doesn't want you to go through a life of hardship like how he did. You wouldn't ever need to work a day in your life.
Your friend rubbed his aching, calloused hands, ridden with cuts and scars. The golden promise ring sits around his finger, it wasn't his to begin with, he stole them from his parents when you both were kids. He found solitude knowing that your hands will never be like his, your back will not ache from overexertion, your muscles will be relaxed and your mind will be quiet, at peace. But only if he kept going. Only if he does not give up.
Everything he does, he does it for you. He thought to himself, as he rubbed his bloodshot eyes staring at the screen of his phone. It's showing that 5 more customers placed an order for his famous party platter through a popular social media app. Your friend sighed as he tucks his phone away before opening the door to his mini fridge containing all the ingredients needed for the orders. It's 11pm, he has to be at one of his workplaces at 6am tomorrow.
The day finally came where he would open the doors to his very own restaurant. There was a crowd waiting in front of the shiny, polished glass doors.
His team of service crews, cooks and baristas anxiously watched on as your friend glanced at his old, marred and cracked wristwatch. His hand was tightly gripping on the door handles as he watched the minute hand twitched. His eyes and mouth were dry, probably due to the dehydration he endured for a while now.
As soon as his accessory shows that it's time for the grand opening, he opened the floodgates.
Customers come rushing in like a torrent of water in a river. Some new, some old, some here to do their jobs as a journalist, some are his other associates, some are his estranged relatives, some are his rivals. It was an assortment of people, a mixed bag.
The Chefs are cooking up a storm in the kitchen, the wait staff are serving customers left and right, bringing them to their tables. Baristas are whipping up as much drinks as they can, as perfectly as they can. Not a single foam bubble out of place, or else all those training would have gone to waste.
It was loud, busy and fiery. Chaos yet it was controlled, Disorder but it was ordered.
Your friend was leading the flow, the rhythm. The pulse of the restaurant depended on him. He made sure everything is in line, satisfaction at an all time high and disappointment non existent. He barked commands, firm and domineering, he controls the scene with an iron hand.
Waitstaff were trained to strike up friendly conversations with customers whose orders will take a longer time, to give the illusion of speed. Cheery faces, toothy smiles, giggles and laughter filled the establishment's air, alluring aroma of cooked goods filled everyone's nostrils, making many stomachs growl. It was colourful, it was tumultuously harmonic, expression of glee would made its way to the patrons' face when their dishes gets served. All the meals go beyond their expectations, in terms of smell, texture, taste and plating.
Your friend made sure that the cooling system was working perfectly, as he works in a kitchen, the easiest way to get snappy and grumpy is to be hungry in an oven. Calming music that's faintly playing in the background also helps, but its' mostly for him and the other staff. Everyone else is too occupied with their own matters to notice.
Today should be a day of accomplishment, happiness and gratitude. Why shouldn't it be? Revenue is projected to be high, profits are guaranteed and expected to go through the roof. Logically, this restaurant will be sustainable for many decades to come.
But your friend... he is getting antsy, upset, distressed, unhappy. His staff is noticing that he isn't all there, he's getting crabbier by the second. They were baffled, everything is going well, he is handling it wonderfully and the pressure is actually slightly dying down.
Where are you? He had scanned the dining area many many times now. No sign of you... but your parents were there. That somewhat calmed him down a bit, if they're there, you should be there too... right? You're probably at the salad counter or the bathroom. He anxiously massaged his hands, where are you?
He trusts his staff to handle everything on their own. He decided to take big strides towards your parents. Your friend greeted them with a warm smile, an animated Hello. Your parents mirrored him and returned the affability.
He was desperate to see you again... oh god, how long has it been since he last saw you? Hear your voice? It must have been months. As this realization dawned on him, he felt the coldest chill run down his spine.
Did he... unintentionally neglected you in the process of building the perfect life? No, that can't be. He sent you texts everyday.
He clenched his jaw and pushed his gnawing thought away momentarily. He made small talk with your parents. It was fine until he abruptly cut them off and got to the point; Where are you?
Your parents glanced at each other and a look of discomfort washed over them. Your friend was using the table to support his weight as he leaned forward. His knuckles turning white from gripping the edge of the furniture too tightly.
They're studying abroad. They said. Your friend froze in place and widened his eyes.
What? Why didn't you tell him? Why didn't he know? Why--
He hastily whipped his phone out and frantically tapped on his cracked screen.
He trembled as he realized you never received his texts, let alone read it.
Your parents explained to him that you changed phone numbers two years ago when you left to continue your studies abroad.
Two years...? Its been two fucking years?!
Your friend began hyperventilating, his face was flushed and he was gagging and gasping. No, no, no this can't be. He is nothing like his parents! You meant everything to him, he had never intend to ignore you, he had never meant to neglect you! Your friend is losing grip on himself, he is shaking like a leaf. No one paid any attention to him, as he is simply insignificant at the moment.
Please... I-I need to call them, please let me call them! He was choking on his tears that were streaming down his face, dripping onto the pristine floors below.
Your father handed him his phone, your new number already dialed.
They're probably having an exam today. Your father tried to warn your friend, but he didn't hear a word. All he could think was you.
Your friend snatched it out from his hand and made a dash past all the staff, customers, chefs...
Until he reached the back door, upon which, he exited through it.
He sobbed, pressing the device against his ear, listening to it beep indefinitely.
The call eventually dropped because it wasn't picked up. His face was scrunched and his sniffles were bouncing off the walls and green dumpster nearby.
He tried again. The call dropped. He tried again. The call dropped.
He tried again,
Your friend crouched down to the ground and pulled his knees to his chest. His cries unheard by anyone, everyone else is in the restaurant. He is the only one at the back.
The call dropped.
I'm sorry. He mumbled repeatedly to himself.
He tried again.
I'm so sorry. He sobbed much harder this time, he cradled his face in his hand.
The call dropped.
Please forgive me. He squeezed his arm, his fingernails digging into his flesh.
He tried again.
You're always my number one. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have neglected you. He drew blood from piercing his skin with his nails.
The call dropped.
I'm sorry, I was only trying to build a better life for us. He took much shallower breaths.
He tried again
I would give up everything just to hear from you again, it means nothing to me if you're not here... with me. Please, I'm sorry. He was growing despondent, desolate. He was clutching his head, a ball of quivering mess.
The call dropped.
I love you. He whispered as he broke down completely. Angry at himself, angry at the world, angry at everything. Life isn't fair. He has done everything he needed to do and yet he the only reward he ever wanted isn't granted; you. He ruined everything, all of it, all his hard work, all of it was worthless. He felt worthless. The guilt and remorse and anguish of being a neglectful friend and partner was crushing him to death.
He wasn't there at the very end.
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[7:14 PM]
Mafia AU TW: None Y/N Pronouns: Not Specified WC: 0.6K [Other Groups Masterlist] | [Timestamp Masterlist]
In other news idk if y'all remember this but uh wip/another edition to the ever so popular chan vs han mafia timestamps HAHA
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Chan looked at you like you'd just committed a cardinal sin. His expression, though flat, was all a facade, the common mask he wore around everyone, but you knew him better than that. You'd studied Chan like anyone would study a monster because that's what he was and you knew from his eyes alone that you had made a mistake. It was the way they burrowed through you, it was the way that they seemed to read your mind, and it was the way they sealed your fate.
"No, I have no plans for a divorce, why are you asking?" He finally says as if there were no tension at all. The papers in your hands seemed to be heavier now. "What's that you got there, my dear? Bring them over here," he gestures for you to come closer with an open hand. His brow was scrunched and his lips pressed in a tight line, but every step you took to his desk was like a funeral march. You placed the papers in his hands and he read through them thoroughly, much faster than the other papers on his desk, and with much more of a discerning eye than any of his other documents at all. Then, in one fluid movement, he ripped the papers and you flinched back at the suddenness of it. Once in half, then again, and again, until they were nothing but shreds. He chucked them into the waste basket next to his desk. "You won't be needing those, my dear. Did you need to ask me anything else?"
"... no, I was just curious..." you muttered.
"What was that?" He asks you to clarify. "I'm sorry, dear, I just want to know what on earth instilled such a horrible thought into you." He said it with a smile and you felt a heavy weight on your shoulders. "Or... hm... should I be asking who put that thought into you?" He leans forward toward you and, although you were standing straight, he still seemed to be much bigger than you. You swallowed harshly. Who? You wondered how he'd react if you told him the truth that it was by his own hand that this was happening now.
"No one, Chan, no one told me anything," you tried to steel your voice, but his scoff was enough of an answer for you.
"No one? Okay, I believe you," he gives you a slight nod. You take a step away from his desk and turn around to leave. Right as you opened the door, Chan spoke up behind you again.
"Tell Han to come inside on your way out, my love. I have a lot to talk about with him." The door shut behind you and you felt like your legs were about to give in from the pressure alone.
Han, meanwhile, kicked off from his spot on the wall across from you, his face as solemn as Chan's.
"Well... I'm fucked," he walks next to you, him facing the door and your back to it. His hand raised toward the doorknob, but he had one eye on the security camera in the corner. Once it had moved away from the two of you, his hand instead wrapped around your wrist and he leaned into your ear. "Tonight, I'll come to get you, and we'll go." You nodded your head slightly and, just as fast as he'd passed you, he'd left.
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findafight · 9 months
(Okay, gonna try and send this again)
I had a whole spiel about how R0nance has the potential to be very interesting and stimulate character growth on both sides in a similar way to Steve and Eddie. Not to say that Nance needed “ego death”, but she has built too much of her identity around being the smartest person there/the only person who can find the answers, and having Robin challenge her in that way (at times without even needing to) would provide some much needed growth. Because at the moment she’s giving “gifted student who didn’t struggle in school and is going to be eaten alive at college”.
Or, if you wanted to lean into the “Bad R0nance” side of things, they have the potential for a lot of interesting dynamics, scenes and conversations that they couldn’t have with other characters. Like, Barb is already such a charged subject with Nancy - add to that the fact that Barb ditched Robin to become Nancy’s best friend. To say nothing of Steve, who is such a big part of Robin’s life, he’s going to be part of Nancy’s what her she likes it or not.
Hell, assuming that that argument prompt wasn’t meant to be cute or funny, that’s a dynamic that could be interesting to explore. Honestly, I find Nancy’s difficulty with admitting that she’s in the wrong/having to have things done her way interesting, especially in contrast with a lot of the guilt she carries being over things that weren’t really her fault (if a bit too close to how certain loved ones of mine act sometimes). And I already see enough of her sticking to her guns despite common sense going unexplored in the show (quite literally; I love surprise gun-toting badass Nancy as much as the next person, and her and Max sawing down the shotgun was a cool visual. That being said; WHEN have guns ever worked against the Upside Down?).
Anyway - my point is that it’s not that I dislike R0nance, I just find a lot of the stuff written to be OOC, that it ignores many of the elements that I think would make them interesting together, or that it downplays Steve’s importance in Robin’s life/ignores it in favour of treating him more as Nancy’s ex-turned-kinda-friend.
haha yeah I got the first one and was like hm. that's not finished...hope they continue!
yeah Nancy doesn't need the same kind of ego death as Eddie did, but she's in desperate need of the realization she doesn't need to form her identity around her academics and journalism and her ability to Solve the Mystery etc, she can be something other than that. The tidbit from rebel Robin that if Robin tried a bit more, she could be valedictorian or something is so juicy for this! I don't think this is exclusive to romo rnce tbh i think them getting a kind of friendship could be really interesting and change them.
The Barb of it all would be so good and neat to explore. God. the hurt and guilt on both sides? I want them to have a conversation about Barb!! How robin mourned her even before she died, and maybe felt like a fraud for crying herslef to sleep when Barb went missing, because they weren't really friends anymore. How Nancy feels guilt for letting Barb leave, how she wishes she could take it back. How Robin resented Nancy for "stealing" barb away, about her insecurities in her friendships because of that. I want to see it! They could have such a rich friendship!
I want to see them argue! yell! scream and cry! There's so much potential here! their personalities would clash in glorious ways even in a friendship, let alone a romo relationship! hoo hoo!
Poor Steve is just. He's there too. He can't not be, because he might be an ex Nancy didn't talk to unless the world was ending, but Robin would see him everyday? and that's awkward. idk I think people also miss that for Nancy, dating the best friend of an ex she broke up with in....not the best circumstances and tried to avoid since then would be majorly awkward! idk like Nancy has warmed again to Steve in s4, but clearly didn't interact with him a lot between seasons, but she was also flirting with him and then went back to Jonathan, so it's probably not a situation she wants to be in! Besides the whole mess it would be for Robin considering if she actually wanted to date a friend's (best friend's) ex, the ex, Nancy would probably have to consider spending time with an ex like that. (because you're correct! for robin Steve is non negotiable)
(the prompt was absolutely supposed to be cute it blew my mind) But it's such an interesting dynamic, and absolutely something that I can see Nancy doing. It's been haunting me for weeks! Her feeling guilty over things she had no control over, but then not taking accounatbility for things she did and could change, that's so neat! With her relying on body language, and not adequately communicating to partners what she actually wants/needs/is thinking, Combined with Robin not being good at reading people and generally nervous about that inability to read more subtleties, it would be brutal. They would both dig their heels in, but robin wouldn't know why. FASCINATING.
Common sense doesn't exist in Stranger Things <3 Also I know next to nothing about guns but for some reason I know (am pretty sure of?) that sawed off shotguns have worse accuracy. I was like "nooo nancy you don't need to do that! It will also not help at all!" please let Nancy get a meelee weapon please let her beat the shit out of a demogorgon please let her actually inflict damage!
Uhg yes agree. I think it's one of the few ships I dislike more because of the shippers and how they interact with the characters, and that I see it as sort of a relationship that wouldn't last, and the shippers wouldn't like that and also want it canon. So much stuff I find ooc, and also for some reason a number of steve haters (super uncharitable ones that really, idk why they like robin, a character who loves steve so much she wants to combine with him, if they hate everything about Steve). Big turn offs. Not a lot of nuance happening! (which is NOT rnce exclusive!! I exit out of fics with ships I like because I find them ooc etc.) It could be a really interesting ship that would be messy and possibly implode but oof it'd be neat to explore. I've said before that I can see them liking each other and just not working out in an au where Steve and Nancy never had that history, because honestly another part of it is that I just don't see them as compatible (and included it in one of my not at all canon adjacent aus!).
I am with you on a lot of the content fumbles how Steve fits into it. The complexities his relationships both past and present to both Nancy and Robin would bring up between them could be explored more. Like yeah maybe steve's fine with his bff dating his ex whatever. but how would they feel about it? how would Nancy feel about steve being Robin's ride or die? how does Robin's friendship with steve effect that relationship? there's interesting bones here but alas. He's often shoved to the side as Robins friend and nancy's ex-turned friend. WHERES THE JUICE THERE? c'mon! i get some folks want non-conflict romance but maybe the ship that has potential to be so so SO messy that isn't going to be the most incharacter interactions.
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That Aesop x Reader x Joseph post please are you going to write for that?
Prob not only cuz i have no idea how to write Aesop jfvbfvihbv plus I dont know if in character either of them would be willing to share a reader. The thirst has no logic lol
Joseph seems like type to not be in poly (D.M. tho is 'open' and he likes watching but it has to be someone he vets like Tuberose). But i picture him being selfish with his lover, that one is for him, the one person that makes him feel /something/. Draw him out of that world of black and white and into a world of color, sort of speak.
As for Aesop, it takes a lot be in a relationship with him and a lot of time to be okay with the idea of being physically intimate with you so to add another i dont think it will work out. But hm idk like i like idea of having a plus one for the physical needs reader may have (ofc aesop would need to trust (love can be there) tht person too), but also here a post tht tbh i think makes more sense.
Sorry anon but maybe the feral gods of thirst will attack me and i might post more thirst ideas lol
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sunmersflow · 2 years
01.11 - P.JS
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Dom!Park Jisung x Soft Sub!OC
Another day of working and recording for NCT Dream upcoming new album, it's getting late as i look at the watch on my wrist showing that it hits 01.11 and just sighs cause i realize it is been a longg day.
Not just you, but for other producers and of course the members. You sat in front of your computer as you doing your things, edit up all the voice that has been recorded to put on each part of every member.
Mark is indeed a perfectionist, getting his tone right for the song to make it real good, so is the other members working hard for their own parts, of course.
And now the final member, Jisung came in with his hoodie cover half of his shoulder and a bottle on his hand, he enter the room as he drinks his bottle. Not that i notice every time, but his hand is really pretty, so i just shrug that off.
"I'm going out for fresh air, y/n stay for awhile and take care of jisung, okay?" The head producer got up with his friends leaving along with him, only leaving me, jisung and mark that stays behind waiting for his members to finish first. Mark doesn't really bother answering anyone since he had his earphone on and probably replaying things he had recorded before.
"Hey Noona. I'll just go right in now" Jisung greets with a smile under his mask, i barely greet back as he entered the recording room. "Alright jisung, let's do the work now." I talk as i push the button for him to hear me.
It ends around 3am. It was probably dark outside, but i stayed on my chair with jisung and mark who is getting ready to leave soon. "Yo, I'm leaving first okay?" I nod at mark and jisung just waving to the older one as he just laying his body on the sofa right behind me.
"long day, huh?" Jisung asks shortly, not that he is the type to talk to me first, i just nod as i held my temples together to give them soft massage. Jisung saw and just laughed at it.
"aren't you going with your friends?" It's not usual for him to stay late here so i asked that. "No- uh- i don't really feel like to go early today" he answers as he sat up properly. "Then why aren't YOU going home, noona?" The older statement coming from him tingles me. "Well, I'm just tired needed a little time to relax before going home i guess.." i replied back as i tilted my head back ward.
"Can i ask you something, noona?"
"sure. What's up?" I replied as i still keeping my eyes closed.
"have you been like- idk- staring at my hands a lot?" He asks as he move to a chair beside me. Not knowing when he moves and such of question coming out from him, i jolt a bit with my eyes wide open staring at him.
"well, i notice."
"well uh- i don't think is stare that much- i mean- well, i stare at people?" I replied with an obvious reaction. That I AM staring at them, stupid me.
"oh so you are staring at it." He replied with a sly grin on his face as he laid his back relax to his chair.
"okay yeah i do, well you have a pretty hands i must say, and well- you're young but those veins- i mean those hand are big- since you're tall i guess so it kinda catches my attention." I explain for no reason, honestly. Not that he needed it. It just adds more reason for him to tease you about it.
Now that you know it from the smirks on his face and his eyes staring at you, pretty intense but just the right tense for making you a bit timid or nervous around him. "I've been also staring at you noona, that's why i knew you like my hand. I guess we had interest to each other, for idk the reason is- but you've been dressing pretty comfy with hoodies and sweatpants too." I just hums at his explanation, not knowing where is this going to. But jisung? The sudden change of personality here kind of confused you.
"i know you're confused why am i talking a lot and talking first to you like this but. I like how you look noona." Another explanation coming rather soft from his tone, "awh, well thanks jisung. I'd rather be comfy these days" i chuckles as i replied.
"but hm.. i just wondering of something more now, can i ask you more?" Jisung straighten up his seat position as he put his face on his palm as he looking at me, but i just nod for the question.
"do you wanna touch my hand- i mean feels it since you staring at it all the time, noona- you're looking at it too right now, but not me." I gazed to his eyes, not even noticing myself have been too obvious staring at his hands the whole time as i talking to him.
"sure, i guess-" he smiles at my answers as he pulled my chair closer to him, "how'd you like it, hm?" Now that i notice his eyes, it was dark, following with the smirk of his voice and the change of his voice became even deeper.
Oh- this is getting somewhere- something coming up to my mind wanting to know how long can this kid going with a behavior he have at this moment. "Sure thing, jisung. Maybe i don't know, hold my hand?" He takes your right hand with his right softly.
I stare and caressing it softly the back of his hand with my thumbs. Staring at it and back to his eyes, watching his lower lips a little bit sucked between his teeth. Seeing that, i moved his hand to the base of my neck.
His hand suddenly moved upper and holds the sides of my neck, to choke me. "Noona, this is the right way, not there" i gasp lightly as i stared onto his eyes. Even darker, lust i must say, it is lingering to mine.
He pulls me by the neck and my upper body follows, and not just that he pulls more, and now I'm just looking like a fool being pulled by my neck with him adjusting himself on his chair and eventually made me sat on his lap.
"Good. Noona." He whispers on the side of my face and backed away, staring at me. "Do something to me jisung" i stared rather lazy or sluty for him to know i want him more than just what we have right now.
"please what, noona?"
I took his other hand, holding up his ring and his middle finger up infront of me. His breath hitches at the sight, ready for the upcoming.
Tongues out, eyes lingering to him as i put them in my mouth. "Fuck.." he moans at the sight and warmth of my mouth. I close my eyes feeling his fingers went deeper, the veins and the size. I groans as he went deep and out. Playing with my tongue, as the wetness making smooches sounds to it.
His other hand is no longer holding my neck, it went down to my waist. I took it as a code for me to grind on his clothed dick as i keeping sucking his fingers.
He tilted his head back but not cutting off his stare at me, i stared back with as much lust. His hand my waist became quicker. Grinding on him seems too desperate, and he no longer able to hold back his moans.
"Holy fuck- look at you- you're wet too noona- a bit too wet just from grinding on me, dont you think?" He became bold with his dirty talk, and my head is just spinning feeling his brick dick under me and probably as wet as i do.
He pulls out his finger, and pulled me by the neck with his left hand to kiss me. Hungrily and desperate. His right pushes me up to stand, the kiss was cut off.
His other hand went to his zipper, "Noona, look down." He pulled a bit of my neck downward to force me to look at him undressing his lower cloths. Staring at them, and not believing him too for being so nasty.
I pulled away cutting of his hold and just went straight undressing my below parts. A bit wiggle for him to entertain, again. Smirks across his face, looking cocky and hot. "Ride me, noona" i nod at the command.
Sat on his dick, he places his hand on my waist and neck as i struggle playing with his tips with my entrance. "You like choking me huh?" I ask returning the cocky grin to him, "well you like my fingers, i like your body and mostly these neck of yours, very addicting."
After he says that he pulls my neck closer for him to nip and bites on every corner of sensitive area that he might learnt somewhere. Cause it works, it's pleasuring, very addicting stings of pain. This room is filled with sex air and noises.
He thrusted up like a piston, having enough with all the foreplay, holding both side of my hips. Thrusting upwards causing me to almost fell off the chair. He continues to pick me up and putting me on the desk, thrusting pretty rough as he chasing up the highs for both of us.
Head spins literally spins, holding my eyes slight open for keeping me conscious and for the breaths, it became uncontrollably. I'd probably faint just by having sex.
Just when I'm about to reach my climax, he pulled out and turning me facing my laptop. Opening a camera, switch for a video.
Records on. I turned to look at him only gets my neck to be forced to face my laptop, as he thrusted roughly from behind, i don't complain, at all. This is fucking hot.
"jisung- fuck-"
"see yourself being fucked, noona"
"keep going jisung- you did goo- fuck-"
"I'm gonna come-"
"inside me- jisung- inside me."
He splashes his cum filling my pussy, knees weak but he holds me up to make me sit on my chair. Watching the liquid leaking from me as i stay and looks so weak he grins proudly over what mess he just made out on me.
He came closer to give a peck on my temple,"I'll get some stuff to clean you up, give me a min, noona, I'll lock the door. Don't worry" all i did was nod and smiles on myself a little bit silly over his behaviour and clicks stop on my laptop to stop recording.
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verawhisk · 1 year
my drawing process (thank you @pepper-ika!)
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i draw and colour for a long long time. i don't do the traditional sketch + lineart + colour -- sketches are hard to line, they're kind of time-consuming and usually they end up better than the lineart, so i just draw like normal and clean it up before colouring. i start at the head and end at around the feet, kinda like a person showering (lol). here i'm using your typical pencil brush you can find in any standard art program.
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a tip i got from another artist was to colour using a thick, opaque pen brush that varies a lot in width. it saves a Lot of time. before they showed me that, i made the mistake of using a soft, painterly brush to colour my art. it hurt my wrist because i had to press really hard to get flat colour -- when all that time i could have just been using a pen brush! also, i start with soft colours because they're nicer to look at.
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2. i do colourful midtones like redness in the skin or maybe a blue five o clock shadow if they have one. from this point onward, i use a flat square-ish brush combined with a painterly smudger and a soft airbrush.
i read somewhere that you should apply perfume on the moistest parts of your body so i kind of use that same idea when drawing redness. usually i do it where skin meets skin: folded arms, a crunched back, closed hands, and that place where the thighs touch the buttcheeks, lolol. and of course: the nose, lips, and ears. it makes the skin look real and warm and lively!
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3. i lay down my shadows and lights, usually in that order. and at this point, i'm throwing extra shadow on wrinkles, fat, bumps, lumps, etc. a body without rolls is like an angel without wings!
also i smudge like CRAZY here. just like how it's impossible to have "too much gravy" on your chicken, it's impossible to have "too much blending" when you're drawing skin. blend that ish.
when it comes to the colour of the shadows, i always make shadows the base colour but darker and more saturated, and i move the hue a little to the left (for example: orange goes to red, green goes to yellow, purple goes to blue). i do that with, like, every colour. i can't tell if it's lazy or not but at this point i'm too scared to ask.
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4. finally i make some minor adjustments like liquifying to fix lopsided eyes or oversized heads/hands. when i was in high school, my art teacher would say "great, but watch the size of the feet, hands, and neck," lolol. he was right ofc. when i go "hm... that looks a little weird," i have to trust that gut feeling because when i do fix it, it ends up looking way better. here is a horrifying gif illustrating that.
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alternatively you could do a messy line and color, then do a whole paintover like i did here. this is awesome for details because you dont have to go back and change the lineart - you just paint over and add whatever you want and redraw the line to fit it.
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i dont really use the different layer modes that much. in this one i used a gradient map of the drawing as an overlay. idk if that really does anything major but it does create a new range of colors to play with. i also used a multiply layer to cast a big shadow over the card (layer 8) because it has this tiiiny little pattern that would be a pain in the butt to draw shadows over. everything else is pretty standard.
(and no i dont name my layers... yes i will be changing my name and moving countries)
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another thing worth noting: i use airbrushing A LOT. i remember reading somewhere that using airbrushes is like. a cardinal sin. it’s not, man. it’s great. airbrushes and smudging are dope and i use them all the time.
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i hope you found this helpful! have a great weekend <3
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negative-speedforce · 3 months
Writers Truth or Dare:
(I know it's a lot but they were all good)
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
I've been writing fanfiction since before I even knew what fanfiction was- since I was like, 8 or so. My first fanfic is in some notebook somewhere and it's a My Little Pony: Equestria Girls fanfic starring what was probably the first OC I ever made. Eventually, I found out about fanfic and I was like "OMG other people do that too? I thought I was just a weirdo."
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
@practically-an-x-man @hellonoblesky (idk you guys just seem like the least likely to rat me out to the cops)
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Raffi likes to kiss Seven's Borg implants to make her feel better about them.
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
I want to continue my Sith!Ar'alani AU. No offense to anyone else, but I'm picky af with my fanfic so I think I would write it best.
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
(somewhat controversial choice) Ralph Dibney has a great redemption arc, he's funny when he's not being obnoxious, and his powers are very useful.
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
Not specifically, I draw inspiration from everything from Megan Thee Stallion's songs to Miraculous Ladybug. If it exists, it's becoming fic inspo.
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
slightly more than 50 words but here you go-
"Please, keep your shoes in your room." Wells sighed, then leaned over, picking up one of Siv's sneakers. "This is already worn out. I thought I just got these for you a few months ago." 
"You know, just doing a lot of..." Siv thought of an excuse. "...running around." 
"Hm." Wells frowned. "Well, we'll have to get you some new ones soon. Have you thought about what I said?"
"That you want to get me back into those ass-beating classes?" 
Wells gave Sivonne a look. "Muay Thai. And yes, I would like you to continue with that. You need to know how to defend yourself if something goes wrong."
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
"This was generated by AI" or "Someone doesn't know that paragraphs exist". Also, untagged and unrated sexual content.
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mayahawkeswife · 2 years
u should rant a little abt the 'will has powers thing' bc im a little confused LMAO
of course i will :)) anything to info dump lmao
okay so this might be a lot but- stay with me here please— (and ofc ask questions or add on to anything 😭😭)
one of the main things pointing to will having powers is basically a lot of the shit that he did in season one, more specifically how he was able to do it.
some things he was able to do includes: controlling individual lights, speaking to joyce through the phone + walls (?? ig idk how else to word it), appear in joyce’s dreams/a sort of apparition of him appears (this one is def more theoretical, i’ll get to it in a minute), and the reason why he was even taken in the first place (or at least my theory as to why).
first off: while, yes, in season 4 vol. 1 when the teens are stuck in the upside down, they found a way to talk to people in the (for better lack of words) right side up through the lights, it doesn’t completely translate to what will had done so previously. as we know, the upside down is stuck on the day that will went missing, so everything is how it was on that day in the upside down (except well— more decayed and covered in vibes but- whatever yk). so, this would mean no alphabet wall. there would be no way for will to know that was there. and let’s say that will managed to figure out what his mom was trying to do somehow, the christmas lights were never turned on in the first place. the majority of them were never turned on. in vol. 1 we see how the lights need to be turned on and source in the right place in order to communicate through them. this… doesn’t really make sense in terms of will talking to joyce through the lights. there was also this post i made that touched on the scene with the lights in wills room flashing in a circle that directly parallels the scene in s4.
another thing with the communication between worlds that doesn’t add up comparing the teens to will in s1 is how joyce was able to actually hear will. somehow he had called her, and joyce was able to hear him breathing through the phone until (supposedly) the demagorgan came and.. something happened to will. (i’m not sure if i’m just not remembering correctly or if it was never clarified what happened then, so.. yeah). anyways, the teens were not able to vocally speak to the kids in the right side up, and seemed to not be able to use any electronic things while in the upside down.
something else i find interesting and hope is touched on in vol. 2 is joyce literally ripping the wall down and seeing will in the upside down (before he ran away and she broke the wall down with an axe). like— how the fuck? was will making a gate somehow? or was it the demogorgan?? either way, it wouldn’t make sense (unless… a certain boy had certain abilities 🤔). adding on, there is a scene where will seems to appear in joyce’s dream/vision, before it’s shown to actually be johnathan. this is just a small detail, but it sort of reminds me of whenever people are able to see el when she’s in the black room/using her powers. so… hm…
finally, there’s the biggest question about will: why was he taken in the first place?
there is a big theory going around (that i believe in) that it was vecna, rather than the demogorgan, that took will back in season 1. this could explain why he wasn’t killed right away like barb, and why he was targeted even though he wasn’t bleeding. the figure also stalked him down, all the way from the wheeler’s house to his shed. that’s not normal behavior for a demogorgan.
so… why did he target will? of course my theory is: will has powers. but rather than be made to be born with powers, like el and the others, he was born like henry creel.
there are many parallels between henry and will. they’ve both been described as being “sensitive kids,” they both have an interest in drawing, they both don’t fit in the ‘societal norm,’ etc etc. we don’t know how henry (aka 001) has his powers, but i theorize that he was somehow born with them. and however he was somehow born with them is the same way will ‘acquired his.’
a foreshadowing of this lowkey comes from season 1 when dustin is talking about how el has powers.
“So, do you think Eleven was born with her powers like the X-Men or do you think she acquired them, like Green Lantern?”
now, eleven was technically born with powers, but they were ‘acquired’ by experiments trying to replicate henry’s, not naturally born.
so, why did vecna take will? it could be something similar to him trying to make eleven join him (before she.. yk.. sent him to the upside down). or it could be something else entirely. but i do believe it does have something to do with will having powers (and also his trauma and personality could play a factor into it too).
so.. yeah, that’s why i’m a will byers has powers truther. again, most of this is theoretical, so probs take everything (especially stuff towards the end) with a grain of salt. hopefully we get answers during s4 vol.2!!! i dont know which interview this was said, but there has been talk that why will was taken first being address in vol.2 so fingers crossed iggg 🤞🤞🤞
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yorshie · 6 months
Give me a 20, 10, and 5 for the ask list please! Also boo hiss about the insomnia
-justalotoffanfic (I gotta get a shorter name)
I totally forgot about this list! lol, but thank you for sending in the ask! Had to think about it for a little bit though, sorry. Also yeah, insomnia is not great, it gets worse in the darker months cuz my body thinks I'm lying to it, but yay~ writing time til I can pass out lol
Here's the list if someone sees this and wants to see that whole thing, yes I'm still accepting asks from it. ASK LIST
[5] Is there a tiny detail in one of your fics that you feel goes tragically unnoticed?
Hm..... This feels like a wishy washy answer, but there are actually lots of things in my fics that I think aren't noticed by a lot of people, but that's perfectly ok! Everyone notices different things, and I wrote things the way I did because I NEEDED to get them out, not because I needed someone else to notice them. I know I place a lot of emphasis on actions over words, or speaking the bare minimum with words and defining emotions through actions and things that go noticed and unnoticed, but I know a lot of people just read the stories to unplug, not to think about all the little significances that are only coded towards ME anyway. For example, in SMR i have Donnie show his *want* to touch reader through the way his shoulders cave into their space. It's not him giving into his desires, and so the way I let the audience know the *desire* is there is through how his shoulders cave towards them. I'm not sure where I picked that particular trait up, but I've always liked stories that give sensory telltales and then leave it up to the reader to dissect them. Like, I would rather have characters *show* how comfortable they are through touch than, say, kissing. Kissing is such an easy way to show affection, and don't get me wrong I love writing kissing, physical affection is a love language of mine, but Leo letting reader run their hands over his arms means more to me than him kissing them, if that makes sense.
[10] If you could banish a single trope to live at the bottom of the ocean, never to be seen again by any human eyes (or at least your own) which trope would that be?
Oo that's a tough one, because I'm more from the 'if I stay over here with my sandbox and you have your sandbox, I don't care what you do in yours as long as you don't try to break my toys" sort of approach to tropes. Now, this next thing I'm about to say is not a direct attack on anyone, I just don't like it in my "sandbox" so to speak. Crying during intimacy. I just can't stand it. And I don't mean tears of like overstimulation or tearing up cuz it feels so good, I mean writing characters having intrusive thoughts at the end of intimacy and just going into a depressive sad swan dive into a crying jag. Like. Great. Now's the time to look your partner in the eyes and start crying because they've had a shitty life or you just remembered how you wanted a love like your parents and you've found it.... Idk I just don't wanna think about my parents or depressive shit right then. Like: Ah yes, I am in fact liquid limbs right now from the good time loving. Time to cry over me. No, no, it's fine, what's one more bodily fluid afterall. Ok, that's all, I hope if this is someone's jam though don't take my words personally please. I love you and your sandbox hypothetical person, and if you hold your writing up I will clap for it, I just won't add it to my sandbox
[20] Is there anything about any one of your fics that you have been dying to discuss but haven't had the chance to?
*inhales so sharply i start vibrating in my seat* there is. Oh there is, but idk if I can talk about it yet, since It's technically in the planning stages. I will have to settle on dropping some stuff about SMR that I have been keeping on the back burner that I wrote into the story originally, but I don't know if it'll be directly mentioned in the writing. Hoyt has a strictly platonic relationship with reader, and the reason he's in the story is to tie it more to M*A*S*H and a little bit more of the characterization of how I handled the reader character at first. Because at first pass of the story, it was more of a slow burn where reader actively kept their feelings for Donnie on lockdown, and Donnie was the one making repeated entreaties to get them to help their group, sort of a 'hey this medic keeps showing up where ever we're fighting and I keep saving them why are they throwing themselves into danger?" sort of thing, but it required the story to be told more from Donnie's point of view and I ultimately moved away from that. Reader was a lot more distant in that one as well, and fighting Donnie's interest in them. So when I changed that to reader and Donnie more so orbiting around each other from the beginning, Hoyt was created to stuff most of that wariness and distrust into. He acts as the 'voice of reason' in the storyline, as we'll see in the next couple of chapters especially. I might one day do a little one-shot of all the snippets I have stored away of Donnie basically chasing reader through different battlefields, always trying to get them to turn and acknowledge that they want the same things, and reader being just caught up more so in the fatality mindset of not knowing/caring if they survived. I'm glad I decided to go with the found family trope over it because I don't think the original left room for reader to bond with the other turtle family members.
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gren-arlio · 10 months
Back on schedule. Welcome to Part 2 of Waku Puyo Extras.
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Nice art aside, hello everyone, was supposed to post this yesterday but got busy watching EVO and Magic Kaito 1412. Welcome to the second part of IDK how many parts of Waku Puyo Extras, where I find videos related to the route I'm currently translating and looking at and add more to what's there, since I know I missed stuff. Lots of it.
AKA, if you have any specific screenshots you want me to translate, LMK. For any route.
For those who are confused, or are new, I translated Schezo's storyline (for the most part) in my blog. Now, I'm just finding bits I've missed and just adding onto those.
Post will cover 2 videos today:
Small bit I completely glossed over on accident between Episodes 5 and 7 (6 isnt real).
What happens if you become a heartless beast and say no to being Serilly's friend from Episode 4, given to me via @kirstenonic05 once again. Thanks for that again.
I have a feeling these Extras are gonna be fairly short compared to others, so have fun with that.
With that, the first video:
This legit is just a scene I missed. My work really is getting easier.
The video here is...interesting due to how the events are unfolded here. The introduction from 0:08 to 0:58 is on Episode 5 of me doing this, and 1:15 is the start of Episode 7. However, thankfully, there's one new whole area of text that my video didn't cover at 1:32, where we have an Arle and Carbuncle encounter.
For convenience sake, I'll just be doing that new part. The rest are already translated by yours truly on the designated episodes.
With that, the Readmore section will cover the translations and the Serilly stuff too. Hope you enjoy this.
Arle and Carbuncle Encounter: (1:32)
Ugh, that's...
...Something's bothering me about Schezo lately...
(You're worried about me!? What's going on...?)
Ah, Schezo! How long have you been there...?
N-no...it's not like I was eavesdropping or anything...
Well, you know...today, Schezo...
No, it's nothing, sorry! Let's go Carby.
... (What were you trying to say?
No, no way...)
Hey, Carby! Over here!
...Schezo, why are you blushing?
Whoa! Where did you come from!?
Schezo really has been acting weird today after all.
...Then again, he's always weird.
... ... ...
Huh!? I'm not a fool or a weird guy, Arle! (You kinda are bub)
I guess the Horror House is just the Land of Misunderstandings. I dunno, maybe it's just me.
With that small thing outta the way, lets begin with the other part: Becoming evil and not being Serilly's friend.
For those unaware, lemme give context:
Serilly... doesn't exactly have a boss fight. She's on the floor where you're supposed to have a fight, but she just... doesn't fight. You're given the option to be her friend or not instead, posted below.
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(Top is No, bottom is Yes.)
The route I went said yes, posted in the episode count. Today, we're gonna see what'll happen if we say no via this video.
I'll be translating this entire section. It'll be fun.
Saying No to Serilly:
Ah, you're here... Do you want to pick on me that badly?
Well, why do I seem like that sort of person?
Because...you look scary...
(Hm, I thought I was cool, but when you mention it, you're not wrong...)
...You really did come here to bully me, didn't you?
Of course not. If you're not the enemy, I won't fight you.
O-oh... so, you want to be my friend?
Eh? No, that's not...
...Is that a no?
(Err...what should I do?)
[We pick no and cry like men.]
...No, sorry, I can't get along with women well. (Ehhh...valid point considering you hang around Arle and Co. a lot?)
Oh no...is it because I don't have legs...
(I made you cry!? Out of all the things to cry over...)
That's right. You don't have to be friends with someone like me after all...
...Don't talk about yourself like that.
Don't say "I don't care about myself," in such a self-deprecating way.
In life, there's routes you can take.
2 routes, to be precise. One is to always look down like you're doing right now.
The other way is to be like me, always moving forward.
Yeah, as long as you give up on always being unhappy.
If not, you'll never move on, never change, and never be happy.
... ... ...
You should really try to be happier about things.
That's how you make friends.
Well, if I try hard enough, will you be my friend?
Yeah, alright. So just keep moving forward.
(Sorry, I shouldn't be preaching...
Wait, what in the world am I saying? I don't care if this girl is happy or not...)
Um...Well, excuse me.
(She leaves and chest appears.)
Even if the treasure is right there, I can't get it! Hey, go get it for me...
...There's no one here! What am I gonna do now...
In the end, you'll always become her friend. Guess Schezo doesn't exactly have the heart to fully say no. You Are Not Immune to Serilly Propaganda.
Amazing scene overall though for both characters. And with that, I think that'll be all for this week.
Cya next week, guys.
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junk-culture · 14 days
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. 5️⃣❗
now wtf is the 5 times table doing in my inbox... ! teehee... this is a lot of questions and my answers are lengthy so under the readmore they go:
5. Favourite band: HMMM this shouldnt be a difficult question but i feel like im always indecisive/struggle to identify an Absolute Favourite Above All Others...... i think i have to say depeche mode because i like them enough to have paid £[redacted] to go see them...they are definitely one of my big faves anyway........ i will add bastille as an honorary favourite simply because they are the band i have liked for the longest... i started listening to them as a miserable 14/15 year old so you know. that kind of band is eternal and forever even if i don't quite like all of their latest stuff/don't listen to them absolutely all the time etc. actually the jam are maybe tied with bastille for that sort of formative band so let's say them too. sorry i can literally never give one single answer LOL 10. Favourite model: uhm unfortunately i dont really have one im not really into following fashion or models....idk....but recently i started watching the x-men movies (cringe) and i kind of got the hots for halle berry a bit so ill say her. ik shes an actor but she started off as a model so it counts. honorable mention also to the sony d-e350 in gold . a very very sexy model (of cd player) :
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15. Lucky Number: It seems there's a typo in the questions post because they've put 14 twice instead of 15....I don't really have a lucky number although I sometimes see people with aesthetic blogs posting about angel numbers or whatever and im like i could get into that........ i guess any number can be lucky if it appears in a certain moment or is recurring... since 14 appears twice in the question post ill say 14. and its a pretty good number anyway
20. 5 things you love: ONLY FIVE? BUT I LOVE SO MANY THINGS ABOUT OUR BEAUTIFUL WORLD...! well to name a few: 1. mai friends (physical and virtual) ^_^ 2. BRIGHT GREEN GRASS IN THE SUNLIGHT 3. art. drawing. its my essential activity i have to do it its awesome plus so important in the world for everyone 4. when you're travelling home on the train from a pleasant day out somewhere and it's really sunny and you have a window seat and the music you are listening to is just right for that moment and its just so the beautiful world. you know? 5. shagging ur mum LOL !
25. Favourite blogs: UMM im sorry im kind of too lazy right now to like tag people plus i feel a bit shy doing that anyway but basically all of my mutuals etc...... <3 and the smug jug blog also 30. Someone you miss: hm...i don't know if there's any one person i Strongly miss but there are a few i vaguely to moderately miss. idk. such as: - my mother occasionally - not my irl best friend as such because shes still here lol but moreso i miss hanging out regularly like we did when we were teenagers? like now we're both adults and in different cities and she works full time and im either working or studying and she has a boyfriend anyway its like we dont hang out that often... many such cases obviously but i miss the time of seeing each other every single day at college and walking home together...and especially because id love to do that all over again Now when im like. a lot happier/more functional/more "normal" than i was when i was 16/17 lol. but its the way of the world what can we do - i guess i sort of miss an internet friend who disappeared .... it wasn't exactly unexpected because we always were aware of the possibility and i know its simply how such things go but i wonder how they're doing sometimes...plus we exchanged physical mail and gifts so now its like i just have these objects in my home that are from a person who i no longer talk to lol....
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claude: if I didn’t like edelgard as much as I do and he wasn’t wearing yellow he would absolutely be my first choice I love this guy. he’s silly!!!
lorenz: good HEAVENS what is that haircut. also your middle name is ‘Hellman’ which is concerning.
a ‘ladies man’ according to Claude. hm
raphael: big guy!!! he looks cool :]
ah jeez his parents are dead… poor guy I wanna give him a hug
leonie: I like her design!! and she’s jeralt’s apprentice, ooo….
interesting ability, too! she does more damage if a male unit is next to her. neat!
hilda: she looks cool! not sure if I’ll add her tho since I’ve already got edelgard as an axe unit
lazy, apparently. the part with Claude sharing how her picture wouldn’t be next to the word ‘lazy’ in the dictionary because she wouldn’t get around to submitting it was funny
marianne: someone please get this girl a towel she looks like a sad wet cat
might try to add her to my house for the sole reason because I really want to be her friend so that haunted look in her eyes will go away. bestie are you ok
lysethia: ooo I really like how she looks… might try to get her to join my house
she has double skill experience too!!!!!! I like her a lot besties get outta that house!!!!!!! can I trade caspar for her
ignatz: lil guy…. just a lil fella…
edelgard: ELDY MY BEST FRIEND EDELGARD I LIKE HER A LOT she’s pretty she wears red she has an axe her house is the black eagles what’s not to love.
bernadetta: I’ve known this girl for five seconds and I will kill anyone who tries to hurt her
ferdinand: ‘legitimate’ son? I know that probably has some kind of medieval meaning but it’s funny to think the first thing he says is ‘I’m the REAL son of the Aegir family I SWEAR you HAVE TO BELIEVE ME’
not even Edelgard likes him. I’m iffy on this guy
hubert: oh that’s a malicious guy. I like him already what kind of shenanigans does he get up to
her hair is very cool and she can use axes???????? I already adore her
caspar: he is. there.
no outstanding opinions. he’s just a dude
linhardt: his first line of dialouge is ‘Linhardt. Good-bye.’ so he’s already piqued my interest. what’s this guy’s deal
he only wants to do tasks that interest him and take naps, according to edelgard. a man after my own heart
dorothea: I like her design! she’s pretty :3
she can heal adjacent allies too, apparently! she’s gonna be a mainstay I can already tell
dmitri: least favorite house leader. idk I just. dont like him. he looks annoying.
sylvain: cool hair but he immediatly started hitting on me as soon as I started talking to him so he’s already losing points
a ‘skirt chaser’ according to dmitri so. yeah least favorite student here so far
mercedes: mercie bestie join the black eagles these blue lion shmucks don’t deserve you
she looks SO nice I need to hug her this instant. holding her gently
annnette: she has cool hair! I like the lil rings
she also apparently caused a kitchen explosion so I like her already
ingrid: ingrid!!!! she looks nice!!
no weaknesses according to her info screen! that’s correct for she is perfect
felix: ok i need to beat this guy up IMMEDIATELY he challenged me and I can’t take that lying down. draw your sword pretty boy
I would absolutely enjoy a friendly competition with him so I can wipe that smug gosh darn grin off his face. I like him!
ashe: yet another little guy to the pile! he has silver hair so I’m already a little interested
OOO HE HAS LOCKPICK ok he might be good after all
alois: I know I ragged on him for his shoulder spike but I like him! I like his voice and he just seems nice :]
seteth: he certainly is A Guy. no outstanding opinions on him. mildly suspicious of him due to the sheer fact that he works with rhea. speaking of-
rhea: I do NOT trust her. jeralt literally told me to keep my guard up around her so I’m not trusting her for a second.
gatekeeper: he does a very good job of watching the entrance. keep it up pal I’m rooting for you
jeralt: sword dad!!!! he’s soso cool
hanneman: the scholar! not sure what else to say about him except he’s cool
manuela: not really sure what to put for here and hanneman since you already got my first impressions of them. she is certainly there.
jeritza: ooo mask guy…. whats his story…
If you keep up this Lorenz, Ferdinand and Seteth slander then I will block you /j
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the--highlanders · 1 year
Hi :) favourite 2 era books? (im looking for some to read and you seem v knowledgeable about them lol) thank you :)
hey!! honestly I'm not sure that I'm super knowledgeable on two-era books?? I feel like there's a WHOLE bunch I haven't read. but I'll have a go!! & if anyone else wants to add on more recs then please do <33
the roundheads is my personal fav - it's a no-aliens historical with two, jamie, ben, and polly finding their way through 1600s london, & honestly the plot has always been secondary to the character moments crammed into it, especially with two and jamie. if you've ever seen people talking about them going to a frost fair, this is the book it's from. it's a good read as a whole but also for going back and reading specific cute/funny scenes imo
the wheel of ice is also good (though it does have two referring to jamie as 'boy', which. always throws me off every time I read it ngl gfdjskh). the overarching plot is pretty standard iirc, but again there's a bunch of cute moments (including some parental stuff with two and zoe), so it's a fun read!!
if you're just looking for stuff to read in general rather than new content specifically, I'd also recommend reading the target novelisations! they're not always perfect, and I find that they struggle with writing jamie a lot?? idk I find that some of them make him dumber and. hm. hypermasculine in a way he's not on screen, if that makes sense. but also sometimes they add a bunch of background detail to the stories and especially the secondary characters, which can be fun! like, iirc the underwater menace novelisation gives ara (the servant girl they befriend) a whole backstory with her father having opposed zaroff), which just adds a nice bit of depth to an otherwise pretty bare-bones character.
but in terms of written content my go-to is usually the big finish short trips books. which may be somewhat harder to find (I saved my copies literal years ago, so idk how available they are these days?), but definitely worth it if you can get hold of them! something about the format of short stories on specific topics seems to push them into being a lot more character-focused than some of the novels can be, and doing some interesting/thoughtful stuff. there's quite a few of them, though not all of them have two-era stories - some of the ones with the most memorable two-era stories for me are:
destination prague - my all-time favourite for personal reasons but also because I genuinely think the stories in this one SLAP. there's two two-era stories in here, both of which are probably 6b (in the sense that they're not explicit about it, but two and jamie are travelling alone, and I think thematically/character-wise they work best there). they both deal a lot with grief and how two in particular copes (or doesn't cope) with it. and they're super easy to read through a two/jamie lens if that's your thing!
the quality of leadership - jamie meets william wallace. what more do you need to know. slightly dubious historical content aside, this is a GREAT jamie character study, having him deal with meeting one of his heroes and being disappointed - imo it really gets into what jamie values and admires in people, and there's a Lot to get into there. there's also another two-era story in this (with jamie, ben, and polly) which I haven't read in ages but which I think has some really good ben and polly characterisation, so I've been meaning to reread!
life science - if you enjoy victoria, read. the. age. of. ambition. I am absolutely unable to be normal about this story I swear to god. just. the image of jamie being unable to shoot someone and victoria having to step in and do it for him. it's also got a bit of victoria backstory which is always fun
but there's a whole bunch of others!! ranging from 'two takes zoe to work at a soup kitchen over christmas' to 'jamie gets turned into a literal bear'. so, you know, probably something for everyone's taste.
back to actual novels for a second - I wouldn't necessarily recommend the indestructible man unless you're prepared for something REALLY heavy (like, 'this feels more like a dark au than a doctor who novel' sort of heavy). it occupies this weird space between 'this has so many two/jamie moments' and 'this needs to come with about 50 different trigger warnings'. but if you're into that sort of thing, it's there!! & I would not recommend combat rock at all, it's just. a racist sexist mess from the bits I've seen. absolutely not worth it
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octolingkiera · 6 months
5, 15, 16, 29
hi!! thanks for your ask!! :3
(the list)
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
so on the one hand, my danny phantom fics always get a lot of attention and it always leaves me a little surprised, but on the other hand, that fandom is very fic focused, so at the same time it Doesn't really surprise me when i get a lot of kudos for them. what surprises me more is how much other fandoms DON'T comment or bookmark or follow fics lol. i was seriously spoiled with those lol
as for a fic that's gotten more feedback, uhhhh hm. a couple of my dp fics have done better than i thought they would, yeah, but i also have this bleach fic that's in second person that seems to have come across really well, so i guess that one's the most surprising lol
aftershocks has done really well, but that's not surprising considering the talent that went into it, the fact we updated every week, and the word count, but it still baffled me as we were updating it how well it was doing lol
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
definitely my rottmnt separated au (chapter 1 is posted on ao3 as sunset hues, jetpack blues (SHJB)) lol. ive been putting a lot of effort into it, more than i give most of my fics, tho i'm realizing now as i'm working more on planning i may have jumped the gun a bit and posted it a biiit early?? but also i wanted to post it on my birthday so i'm not so concerned about that kdshbfhdsf
when i post chapter 2 (which is basically done except for the final revision i need to give it), i'm gonna reread chapter 1 as well and make sure it's up to date with the minor stuff i left out bc i hadn't nailed down some specifics yet (but dw, it'll be Very minor and won't effect the plot lol)
besides that, i have oneshot prompts i wanna fill out and i have a fic in the works i'm calling Fallout, which is inspired by fall out boy songs (which ive been thinking about since like february/march when "love from the other side" dropped lol)
i also lowkey wanna try to get a fic done for danny phantom's 20th anniversary in april but idk how that's gonna go lol. i'm still very focused on ninja turtles
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
of my 54 works on ao3 Fluff seems to be my most used tag with 10 times, which is. lowkey a surprise LOL. Hurt/Comfort comes in second with 7 (tied with "not beta read" and a tag for a danny phantom fic event) and Angst is in third with 6 (barring the two that i'm not counting lol)
going by just my rise fics, first place tag goes to Donatello and Leonardo are Twins (TMNT) with 6 of my 8 fics (ao3 says 9, but one of them is aftershocks, which i won't include bc it's a collab) and only reason it's not all 8 is bc i didn't tag it in fics where it's not a main focus lol
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
hmmmm let's see.... okay what have i written this year....
oh god that's a lot more than i thought, uhhhh
i have a lot of stuff i Really enjoyed tbh. there's a fun little action sequence i wrote for a later part of SHJB that i liked (that i'll prolly have to rework a little), there's a few Other parts of my prewritten SHJB stuff i enjoy, there's a bunch of stuff in my rise august fills i really liked...
but i think for a single line/passage, i'll go with this bit from the beginning of my fic what's in a name? (which is also posted here on tumblr!!)
Donnie, not bothering to look up from his phone, flaps a hand in the air dismissively. “I keep all my anger bottled up in here,” he taps his chest, “and hope one day it will just kill me. Like a normal person,” he adds, as if what he just described is unequivocally a universal experience.
this entire piece was a lot of fun to write and there's some more silly lines in this i really enjoyed but i think this is the one i think about the most, like the exchange directly after this lol
Leo purses his lips and steeples his hands, holding this fingers to his mouth. “So that’s a yes to the mad, then.” “Or it could be, like, the coo-coo for cocoa puffs type of mad!” Mikey chimes in, crossing his eyes and swirling a finger beside his ear. “Y’know, like British people say.” “Ew,” Leo says, because that’s all that needs to be said about that.
and this line a little bit down from that
Raph’s next exhale is heavy, the burden of Atlas in his eternal torment. “Pizza Supreme, I wish.”
thanks again for your ask!!! these were a lot of fun to answer. i love talking about my writing dfjghbdfg get me started and i'll never shut up lol
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loversj0y · 9 months
⬇️want to add a flirting scene eventually but I don’t know how to flirt. ——
Thinking about Wilbur, chef au. You know how good hee look like in one of those white chef uniforms? Without the goofy looking hat.
like— ratatouille, without the rats. An inexperienced new chef (reader) comes to the 5 star family run restaurant called the Syndicate and is for some reason hired. Wilbur, the sauce chef (third highest ranking, after techno the sous chef and Philza the big man chef— master chef. Idk), is assigned to show them the ropes. He is already cranky for ranking in *third* among his family of four, even though he loves his brother and father very much. And now they dump the newbie into his hands??? Don’t they know he has better to do?
he was going to make your life hell. if only you weren’t so damn intriguing.
the first week, he’s cocky and arrogant, sweeping through the kitchen without so much as a backwards glance to you, giving the most vague instructions to purposefully tick you off. —-
“so the pan over there goes here when the heat is on that level, then that goes there, and there over there.. yknow.. get the bottles from the fridge, put ‘em here, turn the heat on like so—“ he turned the oven nozzle on and then back off again, too quickly for you to see the heat level. He turns to you, hands behind his back. “Any questions?”
he took your gaping silence as a yes. “Good. Follow me. You’ll wash pans for the day, then we’ll see each other tomorrow morning.”
Oh you hate the smug bastard. But as you watch him effortlessly dice a variety of vegetables and scrape them into the pot in a matter of seconds, you realize that hatred and admiration is an awful combination.
one late night— when you had received the infuriating assignment of “master high-speed julienne cuts on these onions before you get to go home”—- you tried to replicate his movements, growing increasingly frustrated as the onions stung your eyes, the clock ticked past midnight, and Wilbur snickered faintly in the background. You were so intently focused on getting that stupid onion into strips that you didn’t notice your finger getting in the way. With a yelp, you drop the knife, hissing and staring at your cut thumb. Wilbur looks up sharply, uncrossing his arms and moving away from the counter he had leaned against. “What the hell did you do now?”
“it’s nothing,” you grit out, “don’t—“ but you are cut off by Wilbur taking a hold of your hand, lifting it to his face and inspecting the cut.
“proper safety is important in the kitchen.” He states, not taking his eyes off the cut. “Not only for our sakes, but for the safety and hygiene of those who will eventually eat the food we prepare.”
you know that, but your words die in your throat as he rifled through a medicine cabinet and took out some antiseptic and gauze. the room is silent, silent except for the ticking of the clock and the occasional ripping of gauze and tape as he patches up your thumb. His face remains impassive, neutral, showing no real friendliness but none of the hostility from earlier.
”Right.” He finishes taping down the gauze and steps back, turning to take some fresh onions out of the fridge, and a new knife and cutting board.
“do I have to do the exercise all over again?” You ask in dismay.
He pauses. “No. No, you don’t.”
you let Wilbur maneuver you to stand in front of the new cutting board— and freeze up when he stands close behind you, grabbing your hands from behind and guiding them to the knife. “put your thumb there— no— like that, yes. There. That’s the correct way to hold a chopping knife. Now, since you’ve mangled your hands, follow my lead.”
He gently guides your hands to the onion, positions them, and cuts it smoothly.
“there. You see?” He says, his voice quiet and close to your ear. It’s a lot more gentle too, or maybe that’s just the late hour getting to him as well.
“Y-yeah.” You manage, clearing your throat. “Seems simple enough.”
”hm.” He hums, amused, and lets go of your hands. “I think that’s all for the day. It’s quite late.”
you sigh in relief, dropping the knife on the counter. Instead of walking to the front door and getting your coat, however, you pick up the boards and cutlery and make your way across the room.
“what are you doing?” Wilbur asks.
“Washing the dishes. “ you blink. That was the first rule you learned in the kitchen. A chef always cleans up after cooking, and never procrastinates or postpones the work, no matter how many plates need to be cleaned.
“…I’ll wash up.” Wilbur sighed. “You go on home.”
Who the hell was this guy, and what did he do to Wilbur? “are— are you sure? What about you?”
Wilbur cracked a smile. “I’m sure. Don’t you worry about me. I can manage.”
“alright.” You acquiesced, getting your coat from the hanger and sweeping it over your shoulders. You pause before leaving through the door, and look back. “Good night, Wilbur.”
“good night, love.” Wilbur paused. “And remember to be here at 5:00 AM Tomorrow, at the latest.”
you groaned and shut the door, listening to his chuckles fade into the distance as you trudge your way home.
o hohohohoh i LOVE chef stuff (i watched the bear the other night, fantastic show btw) and let me tell you, i LOVE this idea.
i also love the enemies to lovers kind of vibe going on. wilbur being snarky bc he's annoyed since he feels like this is beneath him, but also, in any small workplace, you come to care for the people around you so him just being so completely worried and helping patch up your hand for you and <33333
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