#hopefully a wholesome and acceptable interaction
diddykitty746 · 10 months
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@fen-the-space-dragon (creator of Middlepaw)
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meimi-haneoka · 8 days
heya cinzia! hope you're having a lovely day. i'm sorry i'm always bothering you with questions 😅 but do you know if there are any forums or communities for ccs fans other than tumblr? i've been a fan for so long but always too intimidated to make ccs friends ;;
Hiiii Doublechocolate!!
I'm quite fine, I'm recovering from a nasty cold! 😅I hope you're having a lovely day too!
You're not bothering me at all 😁 Truth to be told, I probably am not the best person to answer to this question because I've quitted several CCS communities long time ago. They were all becoming full of bullshit, so to speak, and you perfectly know what I'm talking about. I became tired to waste my words and effort in places where there are so many people, each one with their biased ideas and prejudices and in many cases completely unwilling to spare a bit more effort to understand a story, so quick to label it as "boring" or "not making sense".
The only community I still am present in (but I rarely write in anymore) is the Tomoeda server on Discord: the admin is a dear friend and she and her collaborators are managing the community in a healthy way, so I still feel comfortable being there. I've been able to talk about Kaito and Akiho (up to a certain extent....) without any problem and for me this became basically a decisive factor in choosing any place/community where I can talk about CCS with other people. Truth to be told, the community is a bit "dead" now that the manga is over and there isn't a monthly chapter keeping things exciting every month, but we're all expecting the 2nd season of the anime to hopefully revive things. The link to join is here: https://discord.gg/CFgHGFS .
Nowadays I prefer staying on my personal accounts on Twitter/Tumblr/Bluesky. If people are interested in what I say and find some worth in my posts, they will come to me and start an interaction on their own. I'm frankly at this point very very very wary about seeking interaction first, in this fandom. It happens only with people I can see are manifestly Kaito/Akiho fans. I can't even trust my fellow SyaoSaku shippers anymore, because despite the characters, that's not a guarantee that they'll be accepting of my own views and favorite parts of the story at all. I've learned the hard way that just because someone loves a series or their characters doesn't give a shred of guarantee that person will be sharing the series' same wholesome views and messages.
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crisispider · 9 months
Miguel holding, Mayday for the first time and actually looking at her for once? to some extent. It's a learning process, he still hesitates on interacting with the baby fully because she's a core reminder of a personal issue he struggles with. "Careful, kid.. I don't want you hurting yourself playing with my fangs." He mumbled, with the infant's tiny fingers in his mouth. Hopefully, Peter B. isn't around to capture this wholesome moment. / thought of something cute to throw at you!
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Peter Benjamin Parker was the QUIETEST he has EVER been in this very moment. He wasn't entirely sure how he had gotten down right LUCKY to have wandered in on what was arguably the CUTEST thing he has ever laid eyes on, but he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Instead he stayed put in his spot off to the side, just watching the two interact. Peter wasn't a complete idiot, he knew being around Mayday was difficult for Miguel, (Sure he might not know or understand all of the details, but he doesn't need to.) so catching such a SOFT moment? He knew it was something to cherish.
He did however pull out his phone to take one... or maybe a dozen pictures. (Don't worry!! His FLASH & SHUTTER SOUND is off !!!) He wanted to keep this little moment forever.. he couldn't QUITE put his finger on the WHY, but.. something about this? The three of them?
Felt right.
But Peter Parker never dug into his feelings, so he didn't think about it and instead accepted it for what it was. With a deep breath the thought was all feeling as all but pushed aside as he decided to come to Miguel's rescue. Tucking the phone away, he RESTED his arm on Miguel's shoulder.
"Maaaaydayyy, we talked about this right?" Peter gave his daughter a KNOWING look as if the baby could somehow fully understand the complex conversations that Peter would often BABBLE away at her at any given time. He poked Mayday's nose with one of his fingers earning a GIGGLE from the little baby in Miguel's arms.
Peter made no move to take her though, instead deciding to let Miguel keep her until he was ready to let her go. He wanted to ENCOURAGE the two getting along after all.
"You tell Miggy what you've been learning May?" he asked his voice barely above a whisper (As if Miguel somehow couldn't hear him.) "Remember?" Giving the toddler one last look before CHEATING just a little by signing. 'uncle'
Recognition shined in the bouncing toddler's eyes, the GIGGLING almost never stopping as she turned her attention back to Miguel, reaching up she took both of her little hands and placed them on either side of Miguel's CHEEKS, patting them a bit as she did.
"¡tío! ¡tío!"
"¡Bien Hecho!" Peter couldn't help but cheer! They both had been practicing. VERY HARD, and besides Peter had read somewhere that it was best to teach kids to be bilingual from a young age.
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dragonsrfire · 10 months
For reference - A period piece should be set against a clear backdrop in the past. It should also embrace that era and take inspiration from its fashion, aesthetics and culture. It could be something set in the 1754 or 1979. This is just a rough guideline to period pieces and some of them do boast realistic elements. There's hopefully something here for everyone.
Note - Not all of these are going to be family shows.
ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL (2020 ONGOING) - Comforting slice of life - Underrated - Wholesome character interactions and arcs - Animals are everywhere but the humans are chaotic and imperfect - Music is quaint and peaceful - Stirs up emotions - Based on novels (about the author's own experiences) EDIT - PROBABLE - VERY LIKELY SLOWBURN - IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW - THEY ARE ENDGAME
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PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (1995) - Takes time with the story and its events - The aesthetic is admirable - The relationships between the sisters (heartwarming) - A necessary look into the era conflicts of marriage and finding a partner - A feel good classic that must be protected at all costs
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NORTH AND SOUTH (2004) - Unexplored aspects of history - Austinian influences - The romance takes time - Conflict both interpersonal and external - Idealism and reality (questioned and challenged) - You will cry
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DOWNTON ABBEY (2010) - Spans through the years - Interesting look at class, status and the upstairs downstairs relationships - The soundtrack and the sets and the locations (breathtaking) - Change and the need for it - Don't have attachments to characters
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BRIDGERTON (2020 ONGOING) - The importance of bonds - Finding yourself - Falling in love and finding out the vulnerabilities within you - questions duty, affection, marriage - Brotherly relationships and sisterly relationships that are fulfilling and chaotic - The one is someone you never expected, but it is someone you grew to know along the way
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STRANGER THINGS (2016 ONGOING) - The not so distant past - The full on embracing of the 80s aesthetic - Characters arcs that are still evolving - An indie style season one - The soundtrack of nostalgia - Don't have affection for characters - Supernatural elements based on folklore and Dungeons and Dragons
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ANNE WITH AN E (2017) - Wholesome - Inspiring - Innovative but honors core themes and values expressed in the original text - Uplifting - A ray of sunshine - Slow burn to beat all slow burns - Established found family - Uplifting and thought provoking - Addresses issues pertaining to youth, class, race, sexuality and gender
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OUTLANDER (2014 ONGOING) - Time travel - Return to a home that is unfamiliar - Back and forth - Twists and turns - Healing and acceptance - Moving on and adapting - Heavenly soundtrack - Love and its turbulence and aftermath - Extensive list of characters and motives - Spans through the decades
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THE QUEEN'S GAMBIT (2020) - Themes of decline and fame - Stardom and achievements - Symbolically relevant fashion - The ups and downs of a life under the spotlight - following the years of a child prodigy (from the rise to the limbo to everything in between) - Highlights character evolution through artistic choices
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Mostly episodic - One of the best incarnations of the titular character - Comedy, suspense and chaos ensues but there is something for everyone - captures the period of television pretty well - There is the mystery and then there is their own history (the misadventures and banter) - Jeremy Brett truly captured the essence of the man and the mind
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GENTLEMAN JACK (2019) - Based on true accounts - An LGBT period piece - Costumes that enhance characters and their ambitions - Romance complements the characters but there is urgency beyond that - The absurd styles and aesthetics of the era are embraced
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THE GREAT AND DICKINSON (2020 ONGOING) (2019) - Similar sense of humor - Modernism meets the past - Based on lives of two extraordinary women - The costumes and the set designs are phenomenal and they capture the essence and feel of the shows - Wit and humor - Truth meets fictions
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OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH (2022 ONGOING) - One of the best depictions of found family - Truth meets fiction - A comedy that will move you to tears - Canon Queer relationships - Pirates - Using the comedy to direct attention to societal issues and internal conflicts and trauma - Tears will come
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POLDARK - About change - Embracing thing and finding new things in life - Return to home that isn't a home - Growing past animosities and finding a piece of youself
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MAD MEN - The antihero characters - Moral complexities - the 60s and the world of business and the people who climbed the ranks and the people who lost their ranks - Incredible use of costumes (to express the change of era - and growth of characters)
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manikas-whims · 3 years
Yh hopefully it will their relationship right now is so wholesome and I wouldn’t be surprised if it took a twist I just don’t want neither of them to get hurt. Even the second lead if he does have feelings for her I don’t see Yuki reciprocating them at any point. Hopefully he meets someone else :) Itsuomi doesn’t strike me as a childish guy so as you said I could see him handling it very maturely and again the whole situation could make him realise his strong feelings for her. I want to ask do you have any recommendations for shoujo manga that are similar to this if you don’t then you could recommend me some good shoujo manga it could be heartbreaking, wholesome, slice of life anything tbh :)
Hey anon!
I'm sorry I just saw this ask! ( ̄□ ̄;)
I totally agree with you. I don't want any of them to get hurt in this triangle as they all good characters and good people and deserve happiness.
For suggestions, I don't usually read Shoujo manga because its hard to find good ones. I made an acception with Yubisaki to Renren because its just so well done! (* ̄︶ ̄*)
Still, here are some Shoujo, Josei & romance mangas that I really enjoyed:
• Perfect World by Aruga Rei
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(slightly similar to Yubisaki to Renren, disability & older characters)
• Oboreru Knife by George Asakura
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(beware! this is a psychological romance. it'll make you feel a whirlwind of emotions but its really good, very realistic! The protagonist is a very mature girl, love her perspective and portrayal as a growing up teen)
• Fruits Basket by Takaya Natsuki
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(you must've heard of this, the supernatural aspect may sound funny but give it a chance. this manga will teach you a lot about love with a lot of feels! Kyo Sohma is by far my fav Shoujo male lead ♡)
• Akagami no Shirayukihime by Akizuki Sorata
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(this is a really mellow tale. A romance that cuts through fate. Set in medieval era, the love story of a Prince and an Herbalist trying to establish herself amongst the court. A powerful female lead and an equally amazing male lead. Prince Zen is a sweetheart)
• Tama no Gohoubi by Hoshiya Kaori
(Honestly, this is just a fun one! Its a short 16 chapter read. Won't drag on too long and its kinda cute. A socially inept boy and a girl who's never gone to co-ed schools until high school)
• Hibi Chocho by Morishita Suu
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(Yes! The author of Yubisaki to Renren. Another plot that will give you diabetes. Both the characters are adorably shy)
Mangas that aren't shoujo/josei but have Romance as a major theme:
• Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles
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(A lot of pining but its beautiful)
• Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
(basically a shonen comedy romance, every chapter is equally hilarious and gives ample appearances to all ships)
• Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
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(it will make you feel a twinge of pain but also feel soft, you won't be able to put it down)
• Hyouka
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(this is just loads of tension concealed behind the excuse of solving mysteries. an introverted boy's encounter with an extrovert girl. cue their fluffy interactions and loads of tension!)
• Eureka 7
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(this is a shonen mecha but its core is love and bonds and it shows a variety of lovers and their differing dynamics)
• Noragami
(God-Human forbidden romance but add in loads of drama & pain, always love re-reading)
• Spy X Family
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(fairly new, found family trope with Spy Dad, Assassin Mom and an Esper Child. Its hilarious and delectable with undertones of war and tensions between nations)
Hope this list gives you something appropriate :3
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
How does that work? A fiancé that is. Do like all of you date him, or just the one? I genuinely do not know how it works.
I was laughing over how I got a couple of asks about DID from the curious Moon Knight fandom and had to show him this and he wanted me to reply with a joking "I'm Mormon so I'm okay with having multiple wives (acceptable misgendering for the joke)" which he is not but- obligatory had to pass it on.
It really actually isn't that complicated in my opinion? Maybe I've just gotten really used to it and a lot of my peers that I talk to online also have DID or are partners with someone with DID, but its really just like having individual relationships with different people.
Some of our parts are dating him, some of our parts see him as a life partner / platonic partner, some of us have unclear relationships, some of us have fwb dynamics, and some of our child parts see him something like a big brother / dad of sorts. He pretty much gets to know each part and respects the parts as individuals and at this point into the relationship (6~ years) - and having been 4 years into active treatment for DID with him here - its almost like he is part of the system itself from our perspective.
Plus he has actually gotten amazingly well at identifying each part by simple facial expressions, ways the body is held, minor pitch changes, word choices, snickers, laughs, smiles, and he can pretty much decently accurately guess who is out from far away which is frustrating but really wholesome.
I was the main one that he started dating at first and then it was a blur of like, parts unofficially interacting / talking with him since we didn't know we had DID properly at the time, and then some other parts that formally knew him interacting and all that. Over the 6~ years each part has a unique dynamic with him and its pretty chill. Sometimes he helps facilitate communication between each of us or helps mediate conflict. Like one of my parts has been having a hard time with trauma, dysphoria, and depression to the point he hasn't really had the ability to have the energy to take out the guitar from the bag and set it up which is one of his larger which he commented to our fiance - and he later, when he heard I was out - he reminded / suggested that I should go set that up for him since I can.
He's great and a real amazing help and honestly couldn't ask for anyone better to be my significant other. Things kinda suck cause we are on and off again long distance due to college so we only get to physically be around each other during breaks, but theoretically we should be almost done with that so hopefully we can move in together soon.
Honestly dating with DID really isn't that hard or complex if you have a partner that is good with communication, understanding, mature (in like, responsibility, I would die before I called my fiance mature in personality, he makes fart and poop jokes regularly), and just generally a good reliable person. Its a very different / atypical relationship dynamic, but its a very enjoyable dynamic for the both of us.
If you are curious on more, I have tagged in the past some previous posts / asks about DID and relationships over here in my relationships tag. A lot of it is probably outdated so do take it with a grain of salt since I haven't heavily used this blog for like a year and a half - but there might be some things that might interest you.
oh and I was looking in the tags from two or three years ago (we have like 18 parts, he knows and interacts with about half of them) when my fiance was taking asks though this blog and someone asked what it is like to date us and his reply was
"It’s like dating someone who is wonderful and awesome who has 7 identical twins that they swap with intermittently and you have to be able to tell the difference between them all because not all of them see you in that way
Also one is British for some reason so that makes figuring it out easier
It is also a lot of letting [them] vent into the void of messenger and realizing whatever I’m going to say isn’t gonna do too much to help” -Fiance
-Riku (Host)
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hanyakonotfound · 2 years
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Pt 1. Pt. 2 Pt. 3
Happy Autism Acceptance Month!! Pt 3
if you didn’t see my first two post, let me just quote myself, to celebrate, I’ve binded(?) my favorite autistic fanfictions from multiple fandoms. All these fics are very dear to me and i’m so lucky to have been allowed to bind these amazing series. These stories range from autism being the central point to it being just a fact in the background. Each author shows a new and different perspective on Autism, from non-verbal to fully verbal, truly showing the spectrum.
This is the final batch in the compilations of works, from many authors, the first being, @sandwolfstuff
The One to Blame
Fandom: Encanto
"After Bruno's disappearance everybody in the Madrigal family blamed themselves"
This is actually a series of 11 parts and it's one of, if not the actual best characterization and writing i've seen on AO3. Sandwolf is truly talented as they write each family member's guilt and regret perfectly. I was utterly blown away by the writing, each chapter features a flashback with Bruno. And each chapter we see how they all approach Bruno being on the spectrum, from patient to trying to fix him, this author writes how family members can treat a member who has autism. If you want something angsty this is the one for you.
Walking away from the angst scene let me take you to something way more wholesome, by the author, YodelingProspector. I could not find a tumblr or any social media, so i'll link their AO3 page :)
Spider Stims
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
"Morgan wasn't expecting a brother. Mom's stomach hadn't gotten big. And didn't most brothers and sisters come home as babies, instead of teenagers?"
Another fic that explores from a child's perspective on autism. This fanfic is all together adorable as we get two chapters. The first chapter being from Morgan's perspective, and the second being from Peter's. This fic was absolutely teeth-rotting sweet! I fell in love with it all!
Speaking of sweetness, this final fic was a great way to end off the book, it's by the author, no_writing_just_ideas_without_motivation, i could once again could not find a tumblr, so i linked their AO3 page :)
im not gonna eat you (i dont like meat)
Fandom: The Batman (2022)
"The cops of Gotham city really want to know who the Batman is.
Too bad for them, Bruce is a stubborn son of a bitch.
(And he really loves his helmet.)"
as i did not get official approval to bind this fic (i got permission on all the other ones), hopefully the author will not kill me, and if they want me to get rid of it, i will 100% get rid of it IMMEDITELY. Though this fic tossed me around, i loved it to death! Bruce's cluelessness to the social queues was painfully relatable and Alfred caring for Bruce got me right in the heart. But i almost died from the sweetness of the Bruce interacting with the little boy. This fic got to me and I couldn't not have added to my collection. Once again if the author does not want me to have it, i will get rid of it.
And that concludes this compilations of works, i was so lucky to bind these to celebrate Autism Acceptance Month. Thank you to all the authors and keep up the good work 😊😊😊 (the fabric for the book is a beautiful red and gold, to celebrate even more)
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awkwardnoob · 3 years
hi yes hello i would like to hear you talk about the parallels between Alfyn and Darius please
O_O I never expected an ask like this, so it kind of sucker punched me and I'm in shock. I was expecting anon hate or something because that's what usually happens when I get asks out of the blue. Thank you anon you're so sweet!
Warning: Possible Spoilers
Okay, so first off, the best part: A lot of this has a decent chance of being entirely intentional because of how Octopath handles its storytelling, which I'll get to later.
Also, getting the most obvious parallel out of the way: They both wear green. Which seems silly and like a coincidence, but when you look at the other stuff it becomes suspiciousTM.
The biggest thing, obviously, is their personalities and relationship to Therion. Even if you don't believe Therion's relationship with either is shippy and are entirely platonic, Therion is still a key component of why they parallel. (Speaking of, Therion also parallels Miguel a little bit, which is some minor evidence to why this whole thing was intentional)
Darius doesn't trust anyone, he's shady, he's dishonest, disloyal, and he threw Therion off a cliff after acting like they were brothers for years. Anytime Darius opens his mouth and seems friendly, he's just trying to use that person. When they're no longer useful, or something better comes along, he throws people away. He's greedy to the 10th power and beyond.
Alfyn though? He doesn't have a dishonest bone in his body. Anytime someone mentions that he could get more by taking advantage, or hell, even just doing the bare minimum and making all his patients pay him, he just goes "but why tho" like this is some foreign concept to him. Even the customers he does charge (which he does occasionally, when they're not poor), he still undercharges them. He attaches himself to people like the most clingy of puppies and people happily accept him with open arms. That's how his 'inquire' skill works. Even having Therion tell Alfyn during his chap 1 all about his plans to rob Ravus is justified, because Alfyn can inquire shady criminals too! Cyrus' works kinda like he's being sneaky with his questions and interrogating people into spilling the beans, but Alfyn's is literally just 'I'm nice and lovable, answer all my questions'. Alfyn's 'worst' behavior was just pricking Venessa with slumber thorn and giving her horrible guilt induced nightmares, which is just mildly mischievous compared to her crime of knowingly almost murdering several people including children, or Darius' crime of getting close to Therion (for years!) only to throw him off a cliff for money.
Also, here is the thing: Most of the travelers have dialogue in their travel banters with Therion that denounce his life as a thief in some way. The ones who don't are A) Primrose, who is out to murder some fuckers and would be a hypocrite, and B) Alfyn. He's wholesome and supportive to Therion in every damn banter. He tells Therion he has his back in both Therion's chap 3 and 4 banters. Unlike Darius, he means it. Even in Therion's chapter 2, Alfyn is impressed by Therion and trying to crack into that prickly, chestnut like exterior, not denouncing his occupation (and in chap 3 Alfyn says Therion/Therion's job has a time and place in the world too, while Darius told Therion he wasn't useful and was meant to be thrown away)
Now we get into how I know all of this shit is likely entirely intentional: Octopath puts passive character behavior into fucking everything. Have Olberic challenge most of the people in his starting town, and instead of reacting in terror or being confused, they know who Olberic is and most are like "sure dude let's tussle". Cyrus believes knowledge is to be shared. His special ability has him figure out an enemies weakness because he's such a smarty, and what does he do? He immediately shares this knowledge with the party.
So what does that have to do with Darius and Alfyn? Easy, Darius' weaknesses as a boss. Darius is weak to both Axes and Ice, the things Alfyn can use without subclassing. Sure, Cyrus can use ice and H'aanit can use axes, but neither have both unless they subclass.
But we're not done with that yet! Because his OTHER weaknesses are spears and wind. Tressa's natural abilities. The other natural parallel to thieves are merchants (so Tressa parallels both Therion and Darius). Why choose Alfyn's natural weakness exploits if Tressa was the only parallel? Because Alfyn is a parallel too! To Darius specifically. Alfyn has been supporting Therion this whole time, being exactly the kind of honest and loyal person Therion needs after being betrayed. You think it was Cordelia and Heathcote doing that? Fuck no, they interacted like 6 times tops for 5 minutes his entire story. It was Alfyn and the other travelers who defrosted Therion, and Alfyn being a natural counter to Darius in the boss fight, plus all this other shit, tells me Alfyn had a lot to do with it. If they just wanted you to bring a healer, they could have had Darius be weak to staves and/or light too, but no, they picked both weakness exploits of the healer who already has parallels him. You're meant to bring Alfyn.
They also get paired up often in outside material. They're together as a spirit in smash bros, white day had Therion comforting Alfyn, there is an entire novel with side stories that group up the travelers into 2s, and Alfyn and Therion are their own group, in a chapter titled 'trust and betrayal' with an illustration to boot, and there is a group art where Alfyn has his arm around Therion and Therion seems to passively accept this rather than being angry or trying to shove him off. Outside material stresses their bond with each other, and the other person Therion was shown to have a strong bond with (tho unknowingly one sided) was Darius. It's all clearly very intentional that Darius and Alfyn are meant to parallel each other, even if they don't properly interact in game.
Hopefully this pleases you anon. I tried to remember everything.
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spinningbagel · 2 years
okayokay so lmk s3 was roller coaster and a half and I have analysis's and theories to make. 
Red son and Mei:
We r defo gonna see more of them together as Red son is gonna b helping Mei control the true fire so i find thats gonna be interesting as Red was kinda the person who had to deal with it before Mei. Im looking forward to seeing those to interact and become better friends! 
He's a tricky one, cause he def has room to redeem especially now that's he free from LBD's control (see source 1) but I also think that because of his past with SWK he may be hesitant to do so, maybe afraid he'll be left behind again (I don't know much abt his past so don't @ me) But after seeing his face (see source 2)when hearing that MK won't leave Mei behind may show him that MK isn't like SWK and won't abandon him. I also think he may get along with Tang, because as I and others noticed he's the only one Macaque addressed by his name. I see him as the same thing Red son was like; uneasy to trust and only really having one friend (4 Red son it's Mei and 4 Macaque its Tang maybe)
Sun Wukong (Monkey king): 
I'm generally excited for SWK's part in this story, with him leaving to fight LBD by himself and trying to push everyone away in order to "protect them" and his really stupid plan. I feel like he's gonna be forced to accept the fact he needs help in fighting LBD. I also think that he's gonna have to rescue Mk- from his own stupid mistake (leaving 2 be on his own). Im half hoping that he fights Mk and Nezha as they try to stop him from doing what he's doing. Needless to say I'm intrigued in his part of this story.
Mk and Nezha:
I don't have much to say about these two besides the fact I'm looking forward to the two (hopefully) bonding and trying to stop SWK from himself and his stupid plans. I reckon Nezha is gonna be a comfort to MK about all the stuff that's currently going on and the fact his mentor is trying to push him away. 
Why'd I give him his own spot? Well, my friends it's because with what I assume are powers (I got this from his little fight with Macaque and him being able to complete the ceremony- see source 3&4) he'll finally be able to leave his shell as the main background character and become a main character in the series, I also think that he'll be one of the few Macaque trusts and even helps him with his abilities. I am really looking forward to seeing Tang stepping out and becoming a vital part of this story. And he doesn't I'll sue.
SHE gets her own spot cuz I ain't done with her yet. In s4 I'm looking forward to seeing Mei try and control the true fire and hopefully end LBD. Also I'm looking forward to her interactions with Red son and maybe his family, I want them to see her and notice how negatively the true fire has effected her and kinda be like 'aight she's our child now' (also 2 me I see Red sone and Mei as brother and sister :D ) I rlly want those two to become really goof friends!!
Red son:
This one'll be short, I want to see him become good friends with Mei maybe even see her a little sister of sorts (not that he'll admit it) I also want to see him "join" the good guys, he'll say he hasn't but everyone; including his parents know he kinda has.
Pigsy, Tang and Sandy:
In s4 I feel we may not see a lot of them but seeing as they are the ones going after Mei we may see a couple episodes focused on them. I want to see wholesome interactions with a minor fighting a demon or two. I also wanna see them maybe help Tang with his newfound abilities(?). When/if they find Mei I wanna see sobbing because they've missed her so much. I just wanna see these three be good friends, that's all.
SWK & Macaque's  relationship:
These two. Omg these two. They have such a deep relationship full of distrust. I feel if Macaque tags along with MK and Nezha he'll slowly warm up to Wukong, not fully trusting him again but to the point where he'll no longer wanna kill SWK. I want these two to have a scene either as the sun is rising and falling and they'll kinda just- talk; with tears. I want to see Wukong try to apologise for everything. I want these two to slowly become friends again, I feel there is so much potential with these two in season four and I want to see it.
Overall S4 theory?:
Overall for S4 I'm looking forward to seeing MK and SWK to interact especially since he's going to be an antagonist of sorts, this is gonna affect MK negatively in the long run and may even make him trust his mentor less. I want SWK to notice this and apologise and finally come the the realisation he   isn't gonna be able to defeat LBD by himself and learns he can't fight all battles by himself. In S4 I wanna see a Macaque redemption arc I want to see him become half friends with Wukong. Honest to god if they don't get this I'll write my own story where this happens.
I'm not sure if this season will show the defeat of LBD or not, I hope it doesn't because this story has a lot of potential, maybe with having SWK kidnapped by LBD and the others having to rescue him and face the final boss. LBD. It would show everyone and Mei dealing the final blow to her- maybe even needing backup from the others. I'm getting off track. Anyways, I can't wait for S4 to release and all the adventures that follow. Lego monkie kid is a roller coaster and a half and it's slowly becoming two rollercoasters. 
Extra note:
In the episode the get to the temple everyone (minus MK) says how familiar the place feels- this further proves my point that Tang may have magical abilities, he may be a descendent from the monk (idk his name sghsgshs) 
In conclusion, I'm really looking forward to seeing how all of S4 plays out and the ending it's gonna bring us. But in the end everything I've written here is just a theory.... A GAME THEORY!
Slang for those who don’t get it 🙄/lh
LBD: Lady bone demon
SWK: Sun Wukong
LMK: Lego monkie kid
Sources are below if you'd like to see them!
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Source 4 ^
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mrpenguinpants · 3 years
Oh! Sorry for the late reply, but it’s not canon lore, haha. Part of me hopes it kinda was just to give Keqing a bit more introspection but alas, Mihoyo has tens of different characters to make so it’s understandable. I thought of it as a modern au type of thing where Keqing ends up moving in a apartment complex only to be greeted with men she has to babysit as the price JHDJSHDJSJ– It’s a fun little idea, and at first, she hates them all but eventually, walking outside of her place for a free meal becomes an escape of sorts. Ningguang, her dreaded co-worker, makes sure she doesn’t hear the end of it and is like “Please, you’re almost 27 nowz. Get yourself a man already, you have quite the options.”
Also, congrats on getting Xiao! I haven’t gotten him yet but at the end of his banner, I think I can make around 20 rolls so here’s hoping he’ll come with those!
No worries at all, I take FOREVER to reply to anyone. Plus this week was midterms so I’m still recovering from that if you’re wondering why I’ve been so silent. Ahh I see, I still need to read Keqing’s lore but until then 👀 I am fully invested in this. We’ll make a 180k word slow burn fic together. Honestly, I really want to write some Chongyun, Xingqiu, Xinyan, and Xiao interactions. My brainworm mind wants Xingqiu to be the biggest little shit and tells Chongyun that there’s a demon that needs to be exorcised at Wangshu inn. Turns out it’s Xiao but Chongyun being the trusting friend that he is, doesn’t believe Xingqiu would lie to me and fully believes Xiao is a demon. Xiao doesn’t know how to socialize and he doesn’t know how to handle interactions so it’s this entire goose chase. Xinyan comes along because she’s always wanted to see a demon. I can imagine her yelling “DEMON! COME OUT YOU COWARD!” while Xiao is gripping onto the roof beam above them for dear life so he doesn’t get found out. 
Ahh, I get that mihoyo wants to bust out new content but it also makes me sad that it will probably be awhile before we get Part 2 to anything. But oh well, I guess we can always make stuff up for part 2′s before Mihoyo proceeds to shred them apart haha. I love modern au, where everything is fine and happy and no one dies. Especially now since we’re all in self-isolation. It’s not much but being able to write is actually kinda therapeutic. Speaking of which, it’s valentines day today. I almost forgot because well, I’m asexual so no relationships for me, so I kinda forgot feb 14 had any importance haha. But hopefully you all that have partners stay safe if you plan on spending today together and for us single folk, hang out with friends^^ I’m having a movie/game night with everyone and I’m pretty excited. 
But getting back on track. I love roommate schneegans. When I first read this with my sleep deprived brain, I thought you meant that she had to live with the same people she had to babysit when they were children. That’d be so awkward but funny haha. I can imagine Childe being such a wholesome kid like Teucer that when Keqing meets him again when he’s an adult she’s so sad. You were such a cute kid, where did things go wrong? This also applies to Diluc (RIP DILUC MAN) and Kaeya. 
Diluc is so socially constipated that he acts rude af because he doesn’t know how to socialize. Reminds me of the type of guy that is thinking of cute puppies but as the scariest resting bitch face. The amount of emotional range he has makes Keqing wonder if he’s secretly planning on burning the apartment complex down to the ground or if he’s slept in the past week. He hasn’t. Man is crumbling so he’s gonna make the world crumble down with him in his woe is me bullshit (jk I love you Diluc). Keqing makes the customary “Hi, nice to meet you. I’m your new neighbor” but Diluc is actually running on fumes (he’s filter feeding at his point) that he looks so scary that Keqing almost runs away. Then the next day she sees him exit his home and he cleaned up so well that Keqing doesn’t recognize him. Assumed that Diluc lived with a brother that was in dire help. So she always offers him weird pick me up items and Diluc doesn’t know how to handle gifts so he just accepts them. He doesn’t know what the fuck she’s talking about since he lives alone but he assumes she’s some random cat lady. 
Kaeya is such an ass. Like actually awful. Was the kind of guy to pull the fire alarm just to get out of class for the day. Probably does it in the apartment just to mess with Diluc, which inheritably messes with Keqing very fragile beauty sleep, but he always manages to escape with a slap on the wrist. Keqing has lost so much faith in the justice system after that. He seemed like such a nice guy, well in comparison to her first meetings with Diluc, until he found out she had a fear of frogs and proceeded to mail her a package of them. She’s been haunted by nightmares of waking up to one on her face and she’s wondering if she can get away with setting his home on fire and getting away the same way he does from pulling the fire alarm. It seems like poetic irony but as soon as she thinks this Kaeya is messaging her “don’t do it”. She doesn’t know how he got her phone number and she’s not going to find out. 
Zhongli was the guy she went to highschool with where she had the fattest crush on. He still looks the exact same just taller and she can feel her inner agony seeping up when she spots him. Then proceeds to internally wail when they both enter the elevator and they live on the same floor. She’s internally begging and pleading that Zhongli doesn’t recognize her, but of fucking course he does and he remembers every little detail. The most deadpan face as he asks her if she still has the zhongli pin that some crazy club made for the student council they were both apart of. What pisses her off the most is that he’s actually genuinely curious and isn’t trying to make a stab at her. She hates him with every fiber of her being. 
Childe seemed like such a cute kid (I fully believe he’s younger than Keqing, you cannot take this away from my cold dead heads) and he mentioned how he was moving away from his family but he misses his cute little sisters and brothers. Keqing felt so much wholesome love in her body until Childe mistaken her as being younger than him and messed up her hair. She almost screamed bloody murder but made the quick correction that she was in fact, much older than him. Which was the wrong fucking move because he became the biggest little shit. Kept calling her old with weak bones, “when are you going to fossilize?” that she’s sure if there wasn’t a law against second degree murder, she would do it right then and there. 
I totally went off on a tangent right there haha. But yeah, I can imagine them all going to each other places for free meals and it’s actually some wholesome stuff. Kaeya and Diluc relive their childhood brother antics, Childe comes from a big family so he doesn’t get sad when he eats alone, Keqing gets to take a break and turn her brain off from work, and Zhongli is just happy to spend time with others after being in self-isolation and losing his wife (Jesus, reading this back I am so sorry Guizhong and Zhongli. This got so depressing holy shit). 
“Please, you’re almost 27 nowz. Get yourself a man already, you have quite the options.” LOL I LOVE THAT SENTENCE HAHA. But ty^^ I’m so glad he came home with diluc. I BELIEVE IN YOU!! YOU’RE GONNA GET HIM. BRING YOUR MAN HOME!! I kinda wanna write some roommate hcs in my brainworm style. I’m going to go write that. Hang on. I’ll be back. 
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Love from me 💕💕💕 
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A Schmico rant no one asked for (and that you can and should avoid)
TW: BAD LANGUAGE (censored but still)
So... I've just finished season 17 of Grey's Anatomy and I have a lot of thoughts about it, but especially regarding the relationship between Levi Schmidt and Nico Kim because I think the writers handled their love story very, very badly.
I would like to start by saying that I shipped them so hard at the start of season 16. Their chemistry was perfect and I really liked how they interacted: they were cute, wholesome and overall just amazing! Then things started going south when Nico told Levi he didn't want a romantic relationship, that he didn't want to talk about feelings, he basically just wanted to f*ck.
I mean it when I say that I could have accepted that —not all relationships have to be romantic, and Grey's Anatomy has shown that to us many and many times— if they had showed me before that Nico wanted that since the start of their relationship. But after all the longing looks and the way Nico had already opened up more to Levi after losing a patient, it felt to me more likely that the writers just wanted a reason to cause drama and didn't want to really think about it too much.
Then more drama ensued when we found out that Nico still hadn't come out to his parents and he decided to go off to work with a sport team, if I remember correctly, until all of this led to the Schmico break-up and the end of season 16.
Now, after all of this drama, that to me still seemed that had come out of nowhere (especially, as I've already said, Nico's desire to keep their relationship strictly sexual), I was hoping that in season 17 the writers would dig deeper into Nico's character, since until now he had been just a love interest to Levi and had no plot line other than that, thus developing him a bit more.
Boy , oh boy, was I wrong!
Let me explain myself better: the development happened... but completely out of NO-F*CKING-WHERE! One episode he just wants to f*ck Levi and the next he says he loves him and that he wants him to live with him and he's the simpiest simp I've ever seen!
Okay, I'm exaggerating a bit... they DID cry together and hold hands in two different episodes for like... five seconds? And again, not even one shot of Nico doing his own thing. Seriously, I still know so little about him and it s*cks! I feel like he could be an interesting character, if the writers spent a little more time to give him a personality other than F*UCKING LEVI!
At this point you could say to me that "Nico changed slowly, the time apart from Levi made him realize how important he was to him" and to you I'd say with all due respect that that's complete BULLSH*T.
Literally, the first thing Nico says to Levi after he's back to the hospital (because I guess he left his work with the sport team due to Covid, this is never really explained) is: "Hey, wanna f*ck to blow some stress off?". Maybe those are not the exact words but that's the core point.
After that they literally show us five seconds of them every two/three episodes and THEN they have the AUDACITY to tell me that in ONE(1) EPISODE Nico went from "Don't you dare use even the smallest drawer of my house >:(" to "I love you, move in with me :D"? Like... that's so jarring!
I mean, after all of this chaos, how could I NOT ship Levi with this hot and adorable doctor that remembers what he likes and is so clear on his feelings??? Tell me, HOW COULD I NOT!?
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy Nico and Levi are back together if now Nico really changed his mind and really loves Levi. What I'm saying is that I wished I had seen a bit more development in Nico's "I just want to f*ck you" to "I light up all these candles every night hoping you would come" (which I must say, it's extremely romantic and makes me melt but also angry because, again, it came out of NOWHERE!).
I just hope they'll give them more screen time next season to show more of their relationship and, hopefully, more of Nico's character and maybe leave some time to that fine doctor that hit on Levi because WHAT. A. SIGHT.
If you reached the end, thank you for reading my pointless rant. Hope you're having a wonderful day, my beautiful reader!💗✨
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life-rewritten · 4 years
Spooky Season! A look into a Masterpiece (He’s Coming To Me Review)
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I've been waiting to talk about this show and how my love for it will never end. Surprisingly the source of the show is GMMTV, whilst known for so many problematic elements in BL genre; He's coming to me manages to avoid every single issue naturally had with this genre. And because of that, this review is an ode to a masterpiece that should not be forgotten and should not be underrated. It's also Halloween, so this is another excuse to go back and look at the best things about this show. Hopefully, we get more like this GMMTV.
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Ratings: Plot: 9/10 Directing: 9/10 Acting: 910 Satisfaction: 9/10 Overall: A* Rewatch factor: 8.5/10
Nothing wrong to say about this show. And that's a breath of fresh air; I remember first watching this show in 2019 very late because we had issues with the subtitles, and I went into it very sceptical and had low expectations. By the end of this show, I was so grateful and happy that this exists. 
The title of the show (He keeps coming to me) is what the heart of the show is about.  Thun, our main character who keeps going to Mes,  a ghost who he can see, his determination in keeping Mes by his side, to being his childhood acquaintance, to his best friend and finally to his lover, is felt and focused on when he has to brave the world and society norms, and some truths about himself.  Meanwhile, Mes has to discover his reason for being a ghost and unravel the mysteries tying him to his fate with Thun. So incredible to watch and see their love story unfold. 
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Criticisms/ Comments
As I said, there are no negatives when it comes to this show.  All we could maybe mention is the slow pace from episode 1-3. But even at that, the relationship dynamics are shown genuinely because of the time it takes to develop the story.
This love story uses the trope friends to lovers which entails a soft cute and heartwarming bond between Mes and Thun since they first met each other. The two want to spend as much time with each other even though their worlds are different (spirit realm vs human realm). Thun is determined to have Mes keep coming to his side, learning about the lore and rules surrounding ghosts in our world; the use of incense, the way Mes starts of not being able to hold onto anything, the fact that Thun is the only person who sees Mes. He can't hide his feelings even when he's with his friends, he makes up excuses just to return home to spend time with Mes, and he makes it his mission to discover why Mes died, so Mes gets reincarnated. The slow pace might make people think the show is a bit boring, but it's just a way to introduce and show exposition to the other characters surrounding this world. If you rewatch the show, you also start to recognise foreshadowing symbolisms, devices and hints pointing to the final revelation about how Thun and Mes are tied together.
I also think some people struggled with as well the lack of 'skinship' from Thun and Mes, but this is a device used to emphasise one of the obstacles of our couple;  the lack of touch ( because Mes struggles to learn the rules of how to hold objects or touch Thun). We the audience try to uncover the reasons for why sometimes they're able to feel each other by mistake and Mes starts to work hard to hold objects and cook, and turn on the incense which keeps him tied to the environment it's in. I didn't have an issue with the skinship because the actors were phenomenal at showing little subtle hints to feelings on their faces of longing, want and love. The scenes where skinship was required wasn't stiff or awkward or weird like other shows of this genre make you feel about them. It felt natural,  a tad unrealistic (in terms of the way their heads tilted and the camera spun) but so what?  The show wasn't meant to focus on that; it focused on the bond and love between the two, they just enjoyed talking and spending quality time being domestic with each other, and that's adorable. Alright, let's look at the positives:
Character Breakdown and Plot Meaning
The characterisation of HCTM is so excellent; it still shocks me how much I didn't expect it to be this way. All our characters are critical to the plot, even when they're just side characters with no deep story arcs to themselves. Thun and Mes interact with people who are part of their path in recognising what they are to each other. Before I praise the characterisation of the two, let's focus on some other characters who were so good in this show:
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Thun's best friends: Prince, Plufai and Khiem
These were a phenomenal group of friends who were so caring and patient and genuinely the heartwarming part of this series as well. I enjoyed watching how much they went out of their way to ensure that Thun was okay, even when they didn't understand why he was the way he was and also felt frightened by some of his actions (talking to himself randomly, and acting out). One of my fave story arcs during the season is when Khiem (Played amazingly by Sing) thinks Thun is taking drugs and so starts a secret series of investigations keeping an eye on his actions. It wasn't because they were judging him but because they were worried about his wellbeing.  
Also, my heart melted for Prince (Played by another excellent favourite Chimon),  who had unrequited feelings for Plufai and struggled to deal with her feelings for Thun and his own seemingly cold/nonchalant/evasive actions concerning her. It's the way he wasn't toxic or problematic and also was willing to step down if Thun did have feelings for Plufai. I also really enjoyed watching his relationship with her develop and the natural chemistry between the two.
Lastly, PluFai first starts as every female character from a GMMTV show, a competition, someone there to be a beard to the main character. Still, I enjoyed her heart. I also loved her being the mirror character to Thun's mum when it came to her relationship with Mes in the past. Both women show strength and understanding and acceptance once they discover the sexuality of the person who they had feelings for. And I thought her way of dealing with it, their friendship being robust and full of communication was really what sold it for me. There were moments when I was frightened about her connection to the mystery of Mes's death, and it broke my heart when she realised what she was to him and what it meant for her grandfather. I also enjoyed the way she takes it on her self to make it up to him and how forgiving she is to her grandfather despite the fact I didn't think he should be. She showed strength, understanding and warmth and kept being that way and also consistent.  And I love that because she wasn't problematic female stereotypes that GMMTV loves to add to women, she stayed great and true throughout the show. And I loved it.
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Thun's Family: Mum and Dad
Honestly, the way the writing of these characters was what made me love this show the most. Thun's dad shows up only in episode 1 before he dies surprisingly and Mes sees his ghost disappear. I thought that's all we needed to know of him. Still, we really get to learn more about Thun's family dynamics; there are answers to why his mum didn't join them during the grave excursions, why she was absent during those years he meets Mes, his father's knowing and understanding gaze as Thun cries about not being able to see him and also how he's hidden the fact he sees ghosts. We get information as well about the relationship with him and the mum after Mes broke up with her.
Next, we have Thun's mum, her first appearance is warm and pleasant. Still, we won't be able to fathom that she's wearing the watch that Mes has been drawing all this time, she's the girl who provided Mes with the same gift he created for Thun, she's already been close with someone who came out and so she was a source of strength for Thun when he struggled with accepting his sexuality. That coming out scene is so incredible and has made this show a fantastic piece of media for representation for LGBT. I loved her relationship with Mes, despite it being an obstacle to our couple at first, she's so understanding of him, and she's so grateful he returned and is the person her son loves. But also it's the plot twist that Thun sees ghosts because she too can, and she was hiding that as a secret until she meets Mes. It made it better, a relief to know that he's not alone and there is a reason for why he's able to see them. It also made the relationship with our couple easier because she understood and saw Mes, so Thun and Mes's relationship was more readily accepted.
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He's coming to me brought these characters and connected it to its world-building, rules and understanding of its supernatural themes whilst still providing consistent dynamics about friendship and family and life in general. Not only is it a BL show, but it had other focuses as well rounding it up and making it much more wholesome and needed. The characters held no toxic tropes commonly also found in BL, the relationships felt real and authentic, and each of the characters had development and growth that tied them together to the plot overall. Now onto the heart of this show: My all-time faves Thun and Mes
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One of my favourite characters, honestly rewatching this show was so incredible, especially when I started to notice more about this character after all the revelations revealed throughout the show. I went into the show surprised at how open Thun was to Mes already, the way he cared and wanted what was the best for Mes who has always been alone and neglected. Even when older Thun shows up and still shows the same amount of care even though he dislikes the fact that he could see ghosts, he's so warm and protective over Mes, and it made me swoon and smile. I enjoyed watching him come to terms with who he was.
At first, we don't see any hints that this is something the story will focus on.  But as we go deeper into his university life and his reason for why he studied law etc. It becomes evident that Thun knows he's gay but is struggling with internalised homophobia, it's also pretty clear he's had feelings from the beginning for Mes. He even knew when Mes started having feelings for him too.
They just didn't want to confront what it meant. Ohm Pawat's acting is so incredible you can see the subtle changes in Thun, and meanings with his actions with Mes that they both have requited feelings for each other but they don't want to cross the line. Thun has memorable speeches during the show as well about his struggle with his sexuality and how people perceive him. It's incredible how the show mirrors his on the surface secret about seeing ghosts and being seen as abnormal to the world to his internal/ more profound secret about his sexuality and also feeling abnormal. It's so telling that once Mes enters his life, he no longer feels it a struggle to embrace who he is, he uncontrollably speaks to Mes and laughs and stares romantically whilst hanging around his friends, he can't help but run to him when he needs him. Especially during the rooftop scene, the fear of losing Mes causes him not to care what others think, and he proceeds to call for him and confess his feelings and stay out in the rain waiting for him. He also proceeds to accept his sexuality even more, once Mes enters his life, he kisses Plufai to determine what he truly feels and once that occurs he decides to head straight and try to talk to Mes about it, thereby afterwards always making Mes know what he is to him is more than friends. I can talk a lot about his character and how much I enjoyed his development and how he chose to finally trust the people around him and also his determination to keep Mes by his side.  Which we, later on, find out is also the reason for why they could touch and feel each other. The show emphasises that it's about his determination, his perseverance and love for Mes that keeps the latter coming to him. And towards the end, his wish comes true, and Mes returns to his side because of that. Awesome and beautifully written.  
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Singto has been an unstoppable force in GMMTV as an actor, and Mes is another character that is just as memorable and great as the others. While Thun's characterisation surrounds his will and determination to keep Mes by his side, Mes's surrounds his warmth and caring aura. I love. love realising that both Mes and Thun mirrored each other when struggling with their sexuality, both had girls who were loyal and great to them, but they couldn't hide who they were anymore.
The show emphasises the importance of this,  telling the audience that yes they're gay, this is a show about two gay boys falling in love, and this is also about how they accept who they are whilst dealing with the obstacles that are supposed to separate them.
Mes is so soft, he's this adorable, mischievous (with personality), ball of fluff and I enjoyed his character. He wasn't written as a stagnant and a boring character; he had his own goals, his own self-exploration, his own storyline and mystery to be solved. And the way the show told his story, was fantastic, the way they mixed the supernatural elements of Mes and the mystery of his death back to Thun was so great. Mes and Thun were always destined to find each other; they were on the path to each other though one of it included him being murdered by his relative, every character is connected together to help get these two together at the end. I love how the show makes us feel like Mes has an unrequited love for Thun at first.
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We see Singto's acting to the finest, the longing, the jealousy and the worry about their new blooming relationship. He also shows guilt and character depth when he realises that Kwan is Thun's mother. The pacing and directing keep us in the dark for why he's gone for so long and ran away after their first kiss. We later get the truth revealed as Thun comes out to his mum, and it's such a brilliant way to get the audience even more heartbroken about the reveal. Due to dramatic irony. The mum is the reason for why Thun can happily accept Mes as his lover in his life yet is also an obstacle because Mes can't get over what he did to her in the past. It's brilliant, and such a great way to write the story.
I am so happy as well that Mes returns to Thun's side. I cried like a baby watching their week together, knowing that the time to say goodbye was coming closer. Their conversation about everything and their uncontrollable feelings was so meaningful and heartbreaking; their confession about how they've loved each other from the start; how they've known how the latter felt but refused to accept it because of all the obstacles in their way. Mes still unsure but deciding to spend the last moments together as much as possible. And their relief in discovering that they can touch each other, and the reason for why. These two's love was so beautiful to see.
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Lastly, I enjoyed the fact that this is a happy ending. With this genre when surrounding these topics death, separation etc. You expect sad endings mostly because that's the way directors like to end LGBT shows for a long time (something I absolutely detest), from episode 1, the show actually foreshadowed the ending, and comes through with it, I cried so much when I realised that it was not yet Mes's time to go all because of the reasons stated in episode 1. I also cried because GMMTV directors let a great representation show have a hopeful, romantic ending, and a show for many people to relate to, but also to run to and forget about reality.
 That's why this show is a masterpiece. I didn't even go into the devices and symbols used in this show, but there was a lot of meta, foreshadowing, dramatic irony etc. That also made this show brilliant. The directing and production quality is also fantastic and deserves praise. The actors; all of them were incredible. I just want another show like this please GMMTV?
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krismatic · 3 years
Thoughts on Dimitri 👀
Oh boy do you want me to write a whole 10k+ word essay about him 💀💀💀
Uh, shortish version:
His gender? His vibes? Amazing. Like his whole aesthetic is amazing with the eyepatch and giant blue fluffy cape. My fav genre of Dimitri art is the ones where there’s people hiding inside the cape or otherwise. He’s literally the reason I realized I was genderfluid so. Congrats to Dimitri for singlehandedly making me cisn’t
His voice acting is amazing like holy shit. Chris Hackney’s performance as him is literally the best I’ve ever heard and he really fits all “versions” of Dimitri: Academy Dimitri, PTS-Dimitri, and “Healing” Dimitri. It’s so cool and as a beginning voice actor myself it’s really what I aspire to do- to really show the raw emotion in my acting!
His relationships/supports with his House are just amazing. I’ve already talked a lot about him and Felix a lot with all the angst and shit. But I really love his supports with everyone else too!!! Like him and Mercedes is wholesome, he, Dimitri Alexandre “can crush someone’s skull in one hand” Blaiddyd wants to learn how to sew, and Mercedes is so supportive of him. She’s so kind to everyone but really kind to Dimitri, despite how much he’s hurt others. She wants him to heal from his trauma and mistakes and stop blaming himself and hngngng she is so supportive of everyone and I love her. Anyways back to Dimitri: his supports with Sylvain are really funny, Dedue and him are wholesome, DIMITRI AND ASHE DESERVED AN A SUPPORT SERIOUSLY, Dimitri and Annette I’ve honestly forgotten what happens but it has to do with Annette’s dad 💀💀 Dimitri and Ingrid is pretty interesting too, and I think that’s everyone. He tries his best to be a perfect prince- a perfect leader- even though he is so far from it. He’s hurt in a way that cannot be healed and just hides it from everyone while staying kind and positive and hngngng
Man,,,,,,,,, mental health. The shit Dimitri goes through is so relatable for me in particular and honestly I hope I find people like Dimitri has- who accept and support him even through his worst.
Dimitri is my favourite FE3H character because honestly, I see a lot of myself reflected in him, but also so much more that’s completely different. He’s just. I want to give him a hug. He deserves it.
Uh final thing!! Dimiclaude is my fav fe3h ship even though they rarely interact in game despite being house leaders... just. I can’t remember where I read this but basically: Claude doesn’t trust anyone, while Dimitri doesn’t trust himself. They’re opposites pretty much.
Alright that’s it hopefully it wasn’t too long!!!!! <333
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Come on, you're the third account to our Tumblr triumvirate tonight, your thoughts on Boruro?? 👀
I'm sorry for this semi late and not as intricate answer! 🙈
As for my thoughts on Boruto, I don't really have any? I DO enjoy seeing things about our lovely now grown up cinnamon rolls and their children but I don't know anything about the actual plot? Other than that there's more Otsutsukis?? I don't read the manga or watch the anime so I only know what others say about it (which has both good and bad reviews). 
And as for the character himself? I actually really like Boruto and like seeing how he interacts with everyone! Especially his sister!! 😆😆 With my soft spot being NaruHina and the sunshine family in general, those moments are just! So! Wholesome! 💞💖💕💓💘
Hopefully this is a somewhat acceptable answer? 🙈
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computerkisser · 3 years
im brainstorming ideas for my chess s/i. since a lot of characters are kind of allegorical representations of things (freddie and anatoly kind of representing the spirits of their countries in the cold war era and all that), i think my s/i is gonna be sort of a representation and deconstruction of the “all girls want bad boys” trope. the real-life chess player whose career and reputation inspired tim rice to create freddie received a lot of love letters from fans crushing on his bad boy persona, and that’s a good enough reason for me to base my s/i around the phenomenon. 
this turned into, like, practically a minific. tw for canon-compliant amounts of dysfunctionality and infidelity. it’s all resolved by the end, though
my s/i just wants someone cool and strong to protect them, and when they see freddie trumper, they think, that guy is cool and strong. i imagine they’d get their own song about this topic. this is midway through act one, and freddie is still feeling a serious void where florence used to be, so he accepts their attention just to see what will happen -- and, surprising both of them, they wind up falling seriously in love. it’s playful and silly, it’s him teasing them for their bad chess playing, but it’s the type of romance that would get your heart pumping as a teen reading a ya novel. meaning the first act follows the development of two starkly contrasting romances, and that freddie and anatoly are both in relationships when the curtain falls on act one.
tensions build between them as my s/i realizes that freddie is, like, genuinely toxic and it’s hurting people. but they know he has the potential to be a good person, he really does!! this is musically represented with my s/i singing their own version of pity the child, where they stress to freddie that they were that same child he was, that their careless mother let them go too, and that they didn’t turn out anything like freddie did. the song likely serves as a bit of a psychoanalysis for them too; perhaps that family environment is what drove them to go after bad boy types? it’s as much for their own sake as it is freddie’s, as they start seriously unpacking and examining the whole bad boy deal, and if it’s really what they need. hearing all this is what gets the ball rolling for freddie’s act 2 character development.
this is also around when my s/i starts to realize they like anatoly, too. they’re completely honest about this with freddie, that they like both of them. the proposition of polyamory is all but spoken, and leaves freddie to seriously sort out his sexuality and his weird, confusing feelings for the commie bastard who stole his second -- again, contributing to his character development.
their one brief interaction with anatoly makes it clear that the feeling is mutual, though neither of them dare act on it. anatoly’s already gotten into enough of a mess by cheating on his wife, he does not wanna dabble in cheatingception by cheating on his mistress too.
my s/i gets roped into the deal (no deal), because, who doesn’t? having had more time to mull over their whole bad boy thing, they suddenly don’t really like the part of anatoly that defected from his homeland for the sake of an affair, and what molokov promises them is a resolution to that. if anatoly just loses the game and goes home, he’ll be a nice, wholesome, husband and father, just what my s/i actually needs to see, right? and they fall for it, and are among the people pressuring anatoly to throw the match. around the time of talking chess, they’re doubting molokov’s logic, and freddie approaching anatoly is equally as on my s/i’s behalf as it is on freddie’s. 
everything after that plays out essentially the same, though freddie and my s/i are an item, and the show ends with my s/i and anatoly being a huge “what if”. post-canon, anatoly and svetlana have a hopefully clean, respectful divorce, and he moves to the u.s. and finds my s/i and freddie, and the three of them slowly turn into a poly triad.
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fethrybestduck · 4 years
I know ‘it’s not that deep’ but it’s so unnerving that in Ducktales, Fethry Duck was left behind to go mad from isolation (Shown by the warnings the show itself provides) and all we see is him delighted to be reunited with the same family that left him behind in the season 2 finale and in the semi-canon DT comic (Aka Scrooge and Donald).
Like, how mentally broken and submissive a person have to be to not show any sign of bitterness/sadness or at least demand answers after being practically tortured for years?
Last time I saw an autistic coded character being locked away for being destructive it was Lemongrab in Adventure Time, and welp, he eventually became season finale-tier villain... But what generated all this rambling was a two-hour-long conversation with a friend on how Tangled is a series that all the cool villains are a direct answer to the protagonist's actions and fuck ups... And this is beautiful.
Anyway, I can't really picture Fethry ever becoming a villain, but I wonder what a proper development of this character could be... I like his random seemly aggressive and creepy phrases and I think they were written there to show how clueless he is, but it could be also interpreted as true resentment slipping through the cracks... But honestly, that's just probably just because Adventure Time trained me to look for subtext in absolutely everything Tom Kenny says.
I think it fits the character to eventually have a melancholic break down than to get angry and lash at people. If he went through all that shit and he still happily smiling and frolicking around I can assume he must be the kind of person that internalizes everything. I wonder what could make him drop this façade and how long can he keep that up...
And why; Is he afraid to be rejected again? Why was he rejected in such a brutal way in the first place? 'Explosions'?
A friend pointed me the Stepford Smiler Trope which deals with a character "obsessed with projecting an image of wholesome happiness in order to be accepted by their peers" but that is deeply hurt/depressed inside and I found it very fitting and very very sad, but one of the best descriptions on how I felt about DT!Fethry.
It's funny because comics' Fethry has this borderline obsession with being Donald's (Spinel) best friend, following him around and being hella clingy and now DT!Fethry has an actual reason why this character would act this way with anyone who gave him any crumb of affection.
Well, I don't think I really have a point, that's just some analysis I had to take out of my heart. I don't have hopes that any of this will be addressed in the canon material but at least I can give my input to all the fanfic writers/roleplayers/fan artists outta there and hopefully read your much appreciated feedbacks.
Just picture this, being left alone in a damp tomb for 4+ years by your family and when you finally see them you're just... happy...
Kinda remembers me that Black Mirror episode they isolate this virtual reality woman on a blank reality for so many years that she is absolutely delighted by the idea of being a living Alexa just to have something to interact with.
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