#hopefully he'll have chilled out and he'll eat for me
bricky-b · 2 months
nigel struck at his dinner last night but didnt eat it :(
ive been lucky enough so far to not have to deal with the fabled ball python pickiness...but it seems i am not immune
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causenessus · 3 months
Loving You. | Haikyuu
inc. akaashi, bokuto, oikawa, iwaizumi, atsumu
written in 2nd pov (female reader implied)
song recc: help they all have a song AND/or a quote anyway hatachi no koi by lamp <3
word count: 1884 words
summary: "they love you. how do they show it?"
hello hyperspecific examples? hopefully they're fun to read and make sense!! shoutout to the boy whose bokuto's is based off of <3 also first time writing for atsumu so hopefully i did ok!!!!!
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they love you. how do they show it?
hello hyperspecific examples?
“have you eaten? (i love you). did you get enough sleep last night? (i love you). how do you feel today? (i love you). did you have a nice day? (i love you). will you come on a walk with me? (i love you). here’s some fruit i cut up for you. (i love you) (i love you) (i love you).” "you're my everything"
although he’s quiet i just think he’s so expressive
like he has no trouble saying “i love you” but also says it in so many other ways than just that
he cares so much about you you’re not even able to doubt it for one second. it’s like every question is just his way of saying “i love you”
“did you eat today? do you want something to eat?” “how was your sleep? did you get enough sleep?” all his way of saying i love you
he’s always randomly coming into the room you’re currently in, gently grabbing both sides of your head and just kissing you all over, no words, just adoration <3
again I don’t think he’d have any trouble saying that he love you but it just feels so much more intimate, easier, and meaningful for him to find ways to show/say it instead
he’s such a big fan of the three taps to say i love you (link to an image post about the original person who did this)
he’s always holding your hand in public, giving it three squeezes, he’ll be playing with your fingers when you guys are sitting together and suddenly he’s giving your skin three taps. he’ll kiss your forehead three times, he’s always telling you that he loves you <3
he just loves to be around you and he’s always looking out for you
if you guys have a class together and you unexpectedly don’t show up to class, he’s texting you immediately to make sure everything’s okay
and he’s always keeping you company while you’re doing things, from homework to cooking to just reading
if you need help or will let him help with anything, he’s more than happy to but he also just loves chilling
from the beginning of your relationship and even before when you guys were just friends, hangouts often went on way longer than they were supposed to and you often stay over at each others’ houses because neither of you can bear to leave the presence of the other <3
“love is not an everlasting performance in which you attempt to retain the attention of your significant other but rather a release of control and putting faith into them and trusting them to choose to stay with you no matter what you have to offer.  to love and be loved is to rest.”
he trusts you so much
like yes this precious baby has definitely put his entire trust into a lot of people but you’re so so much more to him and it’s different <3
he feels so safe with you and he know he can trust you with literally anything, he does not hesitate to share or tell you anything
he’s following you around all the time like a lost puppy
guaranteed there’s been at least one time where he had to navigate an arena away from home without you and akaashi
he did not show up to warm ups
someone had to come find him huddled in a corner, alone and lost
that random fact about how you feel sleepy around the people you trust?
he can be so energetic with you but other times he can’t even keep his eyes open around you
he’s always falling asleep, his head lulling to the side and resting on your shoulder on train rides back home
sometimes he’ll be telling you stories and suddenly letting out the biggest yawn ever
he'll forget that he's talking because suddenly all he wants to do is spend his time curled up with you <3
he loves to lean against you or be in contact with you in someway, whether that be holding your hand (or just a finger <3) or a hand on your thigh, it makes him feel so sleepy but so safe
murmurs so many “I love you”s before falling asleep
because he trusts you he’s also so good at listening to you too
from the silliest of things to actual requests <3
this is about to get so hyperspecific bear w me pls
you’d just finished redesigning a profile for a social media account and in a passing thought, as you guys were laying with each other in bed, you happen to say, “you should change your profile picture at some point, kou. you've had it for years.”
you didn’t mean it anyway bad, just something you suggested since you had just reorganized your own profile but you still loved his current profile picture <3
but the next time you happened to see his account, you noticed it was a mirror pic from before you two had dressed up to go out a few months ago
“when did you change your profile picture, love? it’s adorable,” you smiled as you kissed his head while he was laying on you
“like 10 minutes after you told me to, i just had to find the right photo,” he mumbled, his voice muffled from your shirt that he had buried his face into
other times it’s things like helping around the house, asking him to wash the dishes while you’re cooking for example
he’s so willing to help but in the beginning, he was lost
he was so ready to wash them but darling could not find the soap
but he loves you so much he’s always working so hard to do what you ask of him so he’ll make sure he learns more about chores to help out more and ofc there’s always more to learn so he’ll always be following your lead <3
“when you like the spotlight as much as i do, it’s quite an adjustment to realize that the real reason you might be here is to shine it on someone else.” "she looks just like a dream / the prettiest girl i've ever seen."
man has been living with a spotlight shining on him his whole life
but once he met you, he completely fell in love and he moves the spotlight to be on you <3
literally just completely worships you must i say more
he does not let insecurities slide he’s your #1 hypeman and will fight anyone who disagrees
people around you both have noticed that since you guys started dating, you’ve grown more confident as a result of his love <33333
it doesn’t have to be big changes, literally just things like you’re able to talk louder, voice opinions, or try new things because he’s always there to encourage you along the way
take it you’re a little shy and don’t usually talk very loud but you have to if you’re going to get everyone’s attention in a setting such as trying to manage seijoh’s volleyball team (good luck with that 💔)
you raised your voice and it worked so that you could quiet the boys down in order to explain a change in plans for practice
afterwards, tooru’s coming up to you with a big smile on his face as he rests his forehead against yours
“i don’t think i’ve ever heard you yell, princess,” he says, looking into your eyes but you can’t help but take what he says in a bad way, looking away
“i didn’t mean to yell at you guys, i just didn’t know what else to do,” you mumble back with a frown
he kisses it away with a small laugh, “no, don’t feel bad, pretty. we were all surprised but so proud of you. you never would have done that at the start of the school year.”
he’s so happy whenever you try something new and he’s always there to tell you how well you’re doing even if you don’t feel like it
if you show that you love him by supporting him in his passions and all that he does, he shows his love by supporting you 1000% back
“there’s nothing softer and more gentle than loving someone with your whole heart and never once holding back when it comes to them.” "think i'm gonna love you 'til i'm dead / i can't wait to buy you things / a brand new diamond ring / this is more than just a fling"
man loves so hard
i cannot see him in a short-term or commitment-free relationship
if he loves someone, he loves them wholly and completely. he’s all in, giving you everything
even before you guys started dating he was always checking in, making sure you were doing okay and offering hugs if you ever needed them
you cannot tell me that he doesn’t give the best hugs ever <33
now that you are dating though it’s just an excuse to love you more and show it in so many ways <3
as i say every single time, i just know he loves buying you gifts
you’re always on his mind, in every situation, whether he’s walking around and sees something in the window of a store that he knows you would like, or when he’s going to go pick something up to eat, he’ll always buy you something as well <3
he’ll really do anything for you, too. ask and it’s almost guaranteed
“iwa, can i draw on u”
“anything you want, princess”
“can we go get ice cream?” (it’s midnight)
“yea, are you ready to go now, love?”
all he needs in return is your love
adores getting to take naps with you or just laying in bed with you and in public, he always has an arm around your waist or should, keeping you close
with him it’s a complete all-all 100% relationship from both sides, that's what love is to him
everything is shared between you guys from money to items to secrets, you guys have complete trust in each other there’s not even a question about it he’s so good at communicating and keeping everything clear
everything he has is yours if you’ll be his <3
“the one that loves, does he come back? the one that loves never leaves, my dear.”
he just completely softens around you
in fact i could see him getting worse around other people because you’re just the only one that matters to him
you know those videos about gym bros with girlfriends who act all misogynistic and stinky at the gym so that girls don’t approach them? that’s him. (i tried so hard to find a video as an example but i could not pls tell me u know what i’m talking about)
if any girl other than you tries to approach him literally anywhere they’re about to be absolutely obliterated when he flat out ignores him. or, if they don’t get the hint and he finally acknowledges them, he gives them the dirtiest, coldest look known to man, his nose wrinkling as he turns to them
“huh? yer talking to me? why? piss off.”
everyone knows that if they have to give him bad news, it’s best to do it when you’re in his general proximity or he’s just talked to you because that’s when he’ll receive it best
it’s nearly impossible to anger him when you’re around, and even if he gets upset, he won’t blow up, he’s just too enamored by you <3
loves to hold your hand in his lap or have a hand on your thigh and he’s content with life
his voice always lowers and softens when he’s around you, and he gives you the sweetest heart eyes
he’s always looking at you and he’ll tease you a lot just because he adores your reactions but they’re all just playful jokes
“ya know, if you ever wanted to cheer for me when everyone goes silent during games, I’d let ya,” he told you once while he was keeping you company before a game on a bench
“what? I could never do that,” your face heated at the thought, “it’d just be me and everyone would look at me. someone would probably even get mad.”
he chuckled, shaking his head as he brought your knuckles to his lips, “that’s the point. you’d sound so cute, and they’d know yer mine.” 
if you ever had a problem with how he treats other people, he’d try to work on it if you talk to him about it
no promises, but he’ll do his best for his princess <3
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hajimeshoe · 2 years
HEAR ME OUT!! Leona, Jamil, Floyd, Kalim, and Duece with an s/o who has crippling anxiety, depression, and ADD but is the therapist friend.
They don't seem like it most of the time because they're emotionally detached, but still an empath.
Everytime there's an overblot, they sip Arizona tea like "Same shit, different day." And treat it like common shit because back in their world, their whole family was mentally ill, along with the friends around them who put their lives in s/o's hands.
Often seen dealing with other people's emotions and giving advice they don't even follow themselves. It's good advice too!!
S/o listens and sleeps to loud music at high volumes very often, (almost every second of the day and night) and eats and sleeps a lot to destress.
The resting bitch face is constant. They seem so annoyed by life, and they are. They just don't tell anyone that.
Low self-esteem but they talk about themselves highly to try and get rid of or hide it. More self loathing than not though.
They have many moments where they don't wanna listen to people but they end up listening to people anyway.
S/o also sucks ass at self care, but tells everyone to self care.
Ooh, Therapist Friend MC who needs therapy themself...sounds interesting. Now, I feel for anybody who goes through this - it is not a healthy place to be at all. Try to focus on yourself at least a little!
Therapist Friend!S/O Who Needs Therapy
Deuce is the one you're normally giving therapy to
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
Like, out of all the others, he's the most likely to open up to his S/O even before you two start dating
But the second he finally figures out the toll it's taking on your mental health?
He has Ace, Trey, and Grim on your ass to ensure you're taking care of yourself (Goodluck to you, Trey is the Original Therapist Friend and the single mom of Heartslabyul)
I feel like he also listens to music at high volumes
So he has no issue with you sleeping with it on
100% will do his best to take care of you if you won't do it yourself
He's also the type to VIOLENTLY try to bring up your self-esteem
Punches of love <3
(Does not even give a damn if you punch back because he loves you)
Emotionally detached and annoyed by life, meet your soulmate
Leona does rant about his family occasionally
Mostly after coming back from breaks where he had to deal with them
Otherwise, he's mostly chill after his overblot
Wait, you need loud music to sleep? Too damn bad, listen to it when you're asleep and I'm awake
Honestly, you two never sleep at the same time anymore - one of you will sleep while the other is awake now. It works though! You can listen to music loud enough to burst your eardrums through headphones while Leona sleeps in silence, or you can sleep with your music blaring while Leona is awake and playing with your hair
You two still get to cuddle nearly constantly!
He's still a prince, so if you need therapy then damn right he's getting it for you, even if he needs to drag you to it
Lion Strength TM activated
Also, if you show even the smallest sign of Low Self-Esteem, he is becoming the Therapist and shutting down any argument you have. You're a bitch? It's called having a personality, hun. Body issues? Nobody is perfect, everyone has insecurities and he loves you just the way you are
Now, if you do not want to listen to someone but Leona finds them talking your ear off anyway?
Hopefully you can stop a Lion in a warpath because Leona will be out for some damn blood
If you're eating a lot? No worries. "Ruggie! Bring Y/n their favourite!"
Needs Therapy 2.0
Like, with his mood swings? You're just a live-in therapist at this point
Jade is actually the one to point out to him the toll it's taking on you
After that, he'll be a little more attentive and conscious of your emotions and tells
He'll let you sit in the Mostro lounge to eat, or he'll show up at your dorm at midnight with chicken nuggets
And god forbid you talk bad about yourself...good way to put him in a bad mood and he will verbally tear into you
Then you two don't talk until he's back in a good mood and is abducting you from your "Therapist Duties" to have some fun
Certified Caregiver
Like, he's dealing with Kalim's bullshit and is overprotective on a good day
So yes, he uses you as a free therapy service some days
But he still adores you
If you aren't taking care of yourself? Too bad, Jamil will hypnotize you to make you commit self-care actions
No, not sewerslide that is not self-care
He is watching you like a hawk now when you're around him and Kalim
You better be eating, have showered, brushed your teeth and hair if it's long
Also, WATER!!! He will make you hydrate no matter how stubborn you try to be
Kalim is...well, he's a dunce
He couldn't pick up on Jamil's mental health after years of living with him, he is not picking up on yours until you're nearly at the breaking point
He just thinks it's nice that you let your friends vent to you even when you aren't social
It takes Jamil sitting him down and running through a list of your issues that it get's through to Kalim that you need help
And Kalim? He's never been one to hold back
You get the best Therapist and he is hovering over you
Even if it makes you feel worse, he is coddling you because you deserve everything in his opinion
It'll honestly take a lot to get Kalim to stop trying to care for you. He absolutely adores you and wants the best for you.
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‼️ aita for looking out for a friend?
(all 17, pronouns provided for everyone included other than me)
so I have a relatively small friend group, including people who I'll call T (they/them, my best friend), G (he/him, the friend the title is referring to), and B (she/her, we don't get along). B and I have been on our high school theater team for 4-ish years together, right from the first show post-quarantine to (hopefully) our last senior show in April next year. Last year, my friends T and G joined for a murder mystery show and G LOVED it. we performed it, went into summer, and came back for our senior year. Now, it's important to note that B, T, and I are also on our school's robotics team and off season events typically fall around the same day of theater competitions (dont ask why there's theatr competitions, we mainly do them for fun). B has already said that theater is more important to her than robotics, so our theater director decided to do a two person show.
Our director had already said she wanted B and G to play the parts in the show, but we all asked for an audition anyway. Auditions come around, all four of us audition. We actually talked about doing a different show in our senior meeting a week before that had 5 roles, but everyone agreed that the two person show would be better. B decided to bring up a year old issue we had where I was venting about only getting minor supporting roles where I either die or spend half the show off stahe. I had said in that conversation that before roles were casted, I wanted B's roles. It was the biggest role in the show with no time off stage and I felt like I was at a point i could handle it, but B got the role and it was fine! I was chilling with my yelling role. Well, B heard this and interpreted it as me saying I could do her role better and stormed out of class after yelling at me about it.
This went unresolved for a YEAR because everytime I tried to talk about it she'd either yell at me or change the topic. And now she was using it as a petty argument to show that I'd be upset if I didn't get a role. This isn't even the worst thing that's happened between us, but let's get back to the aita.
So, as of the time I'm submitting this it's only the first week of rehearsals. B and G are both almost off book, which is impressive for G because this is only his second show. He's absolutely amazing at his role but has a habit of getting the idea of his lines and paraphrasing them (if that makes sense? like if that line is "it'll only be a second, let me check." he'll say "let me look ill only be a second"), but beyond that he's REALLY good at making you feel the proper emotion already. The Main issue with him already is he's missed two days of rehearsal, which wouldn't be bad if we weren't so late starting. He missed one day for a sport meet and one day for his sisters birthday, which was understandable to everyone other than B.
B lives, eats, and BREATHES theater at this point and if you don't take it as seriously as she does, she'll try to get you kicked off the team. Since G missed two days, B thought he wasn't taking it seriously enough and decided to tell our director. G was absolutely devastated, he was already misses an event that'd get him really good contacts for the field he wants to go into because B asked the director to make all of the rehearsals mandatory BECAUSE he wanted to do the event. He came to T and I to talk about it and I decided to go to rehearsal that night to warn the director B was trying to get G kicked off. B's full reasoning for trying to kick him off was that he wasn't prioritizing rehearsal and hadn't memorized his lines yet (again, first week).
Rehearsal went absolutely amazing, they were both almost completely off book for one of the longest scenes and did it so soso SO WELL. Once rehearsal ended after 3 hours and B left the room, I went to go tell the director. The director immediately shut me down and told me if B had something to say I don't have to warn her. G and I left trying to wrap our heads around what to do. I didn't want him to be kicked off and deal with the shame of not feeling good enough and he felt insulted that someone he thought was his friend would go through so many hoops just to pretty much sabotage a hobby of his. We agreed that if the director went through with kicking him off we wouldn't go down without a fight.
But, that was that, and I got home and joined a call with some other friends to decompress from how stressful the entire situation was. I would've been completely de-stressed if it weren't for the fact B texted me an hour after rehearsal ended with just "what happened between us?" Apparently, our director had told her that I was trying to warn her that B was gonna say something. I realized that B still thinks we're on good standing, friends even, when I absolutely do not.
I don't know how to go about telling her that any thread of friendship between was severed a long time ago, but I think me trying to protect G and keep him on the team was the final straw for her. I can't tell if I'm just blinded by my dislike of her or if I really fucked up in this situation.
What are these acronyms?
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hihi, soo first off I wanna say I am so in love with your blog and headcannons. They literally make my day, its like eating a whole cake..! and your character is so ❤️💖💖 Keep doing what you are doing because you are awesome 💖
secondly- I just been struggling with family (and living in a small town of yeehaws) that I was just wondering, like how would Diane and/or Hobie react if someone invited them over to their world and just were like "oh yeah uh... can you also uh not use my prefered name and pronouns because I don't wanna get stared at and probably called names..?"
Honestly when it comes to Hobie PERFECT PERSON FOR THIS - HE'S GOT YOUR BACK.
For Hobie
Hobie is the KING of wording things very specifically and casually - like he's amazing at it.
Hobie knows that when you have to get purposefully deadnamed the conversation is still hard everytime you hear it, so he tries to lessen it as much as possible and IT WORKS
Someone else would say '[Deadname] and I are going to the store by [pronoun] house to get [pronoun] prescription and some other things [pronoun] needs-'
'The two of us are heading round to the store by this one's place to pick up the script and grab some things we've been eyeing'
He has SO many ways to get around it as much as he can that it's basically effortless. Gender neutral nicknames based on a thing that doesn't relate to either name
He'll ask if calling you 'kid' is okay, so he can do what Miguel and Peter were doing.
'The kid and I' 'The kid was saying, etc' 'That belongs to the kid'
And people pick up on it without realizing and do it too. Without even noticing.
Peter B. always called Miles 'kid'. And Miguel only called Miles 'kid' at the very end, having getting it off of Peter.
So Hobie would call you something like 'the kid',
Or come up with a gender neutral, noun based nickname and tell some huge elaborate funny interesting story behind it (real or not) - so then people are like WOAH!!! and start calling you it too.
'Rocket was telling me -' 'Why do you call them Rocket?' *grinning* 'You're gonna wanna sit down for this bruv. So the two of us are out, Wednesday, sunny,-' *explains a story for ten minutes that makes you look awesome PLUS you earn a cool gender neutral nickname*
Or a really powerful one because BRITISH - He'll say 'My mate' or if you're in the room 'my mate here'.
'My mate here was telling me-' 'Can you get my mate's-'
All in all Hobie wouldn't say it unless he ABSOLUTELY HAS TO which is rare to almost ever because he's always thinking of the next sentence and how to do it a different.
He'll also make sure to do this to EVERYONE if you're in front of your family. Like...no one gets pronouns now lol
Because he wants to minimize it as much as possible because he wants you to be able to feel comfortable and able to join in on the conversation rather than brace for the next misgendering, you know?
So that way you don't stand out too much or it doesn't look like you asked him to do it. People just think that's how he talks
Plus, afterwards he ALWAYS makes sure to pull you aside and ask how you're feeling after a convo, making it look all casual. But he just wants to know if you're okay, if not he can say 'This ones taking me to the bathroom', and he'll find a spot to sit with you, just to chill and decompress
Hobie is the KING of SMOOTHNESS You're not playing him
[Hi! I hope you're doing okay, and holding up well! And I hope this helped even a little bit. I know how like every wrong pronoun and every deadname can sting and you can't ignore cause your brain is gonna notice -
It can be tough, but there are people and places out there who are accepting beyond anything you can think. We're out here, and hopefully one day soon our help will get to you, and you can start living a live not having to worry about all this!]
Hope this was okay :) You aren't alone my friend]
And for anyone who's interested in what Disco-Spider Diane would do (and what those accepting places are like) that'll be under the cut!
As for Diane also; this part is largely inspired by this DiscoPop song by singer named Jessie Ware
I'll include the song if you wanna listen! And the lyrics for those who would rather read or skip! You can even pretend she's singing it that's what I do all the time lol
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Beautiful People -
Diane knows transphobia is out there, she's from 82', but it still bothers her. When you told her, she'd try best to be reassuring, following Hobie's lead and asking for advice when she needs to. They're a TEAM in this, all of them, so they can work together and it'll all be a bit easier.
But it still bothers her. Like BOTHERS her, going to sleep talking to Ansi on the phone like 'That's SO fucked up you know, uhhh!! The world!!'
And so the next morning she's in your universe.
It's early as hell. Like 7am. And she's standing over your bed in rainbow sweatbands and a sweatsuit. Looking at you like
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'Heeeeeyyyyy, Wanna go some place like way more rad than here could ever dream of being??? wanna go some place FUNKY FAR OUT.'
And then she pulls you into her world-
Diane is from 1982 - and one odd thing about her universe - it's always night. The same way Noir's is like, always raining.
[She didn't learn about day until she met Hobie. If that sounds confusing....it was for her too. she's still learning whats a 'day' thing and what isn't. Like the time someone told her blue eyeshadow is a 'strong nighttime look' like...what???]
Because it's always Disco-time there. Always time to party, all donuts shops are 'open late' etc.
And the cool places are open all the time!!
She pulls you in and immediately goes "We're going to Stonewall!!" (but first she has to get you fed cause yall not about to be walking around hungry)
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Stonewall being the historic bar where the Stonewall Riots took place in 1969 - one of the biggest events in queer history and liberation. Stonewall still exists to this day, but back in 82 it was BUMPING.
All of The Village (that's 'The Gay Neighborhood' (affectionate) ) of stonewall is known for his LGBTQ spots - The Center's even there! (That's what we call the city LGBT center, I love that place SO MUCH)
Already she has a matching tracksuit ready, sweatbands ready to go.
She wants to take you to a place where people are cool and accepting and kind and want to dance for a little bit
And there are rainbow flags strung across the ceiling, gay couples being able to hold hands, trans people being able to JUST BE.
And everyone treats everyone like the other person is the most interesting person ever, like they've got nothing to worry about.
Everyone is gendering you right, throwing affirming compliments your way, telling you you're amazing and beautiful and Yes we're here to live!!!
(and that's what its really like in queer spaces out here - these places exist and people like this EXIST and we're always ready to accept you I promise!!!!! - please don't think the world is cold and cruel just know we're out there WE WANNA GET TO YOU AND KEEP YOU SAFE!!!)
Of course she stays by your side the whole time, ESPECIALLY if you're a minor - this is a chaperoned trip - but she just wants you to be able to hang out in a space where like..you can actually hang, y'know.
Everyone deserves that - and a little funky music and place to show off a good outfit
The Disco scene and the Queer scene were basically hand and hand and one in the same in a way - and Diane being bi, she gets the fear of hiding and having to keep a secret.
Maybe some of the great queer icons are still hanging around there - you never know in 82!
Plus the LGBT Center only a couple blocks away - and their lounges are AMAZING. And there's people there going through the same thing.
They can swing by and Diane can show you around, even chill for a bit.
She just wants to make sure you have a good time after all that the day before. She thinks EVERYONE needs more TLC - and so she's ready to administer it herself if need be.
And it'd be fun and games but she means it when she says 'The dancefloor is always open.'
Diane would ALWAYS be ready to take you dancing, or crash at The Center, or just be a listening ear.
Just remember that beautiful people are everywhere! <3
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suugrbunz · 4 months
hi anna!! i heard mota ships and came running 🏃🏃 so could i get a ship for that?
uhhh lets see i'm a pretty stereotypical enfj, so the mom friend in most of my friend groups haha i'm pretty quiet around people i don't know very well but boy if we're good friends i will absolutely talk your ear off!! i'm pretty empathetic and have a tendency to take on other people's negative emotions as my own which definitely leads to some long nights for me 😐 besides that i have a lot of hobbies, so i read a lot, do a buttload of writing (or at least i like to think i actually write) and i love listening to music! i'm in two bands as a guitar player/vocalist which is a lot of fun :) oh and when it comes to my looks, i have dark blue hair, pretty much dress like a depressed grandma, and am way too tall lol oh and then i'm currently getting a international relations degree! so if anyone talks to me about international politics i will go insane 😂
okay hopefully that's enough! this is so fun that you're doing the mota ships i'm super excited to see what you come up with ✨✨
ok based on what we know of the characters as of episode two!! I am going to ship you with (drumroll please)
︵‿୨Gale "Buck" Cleven୧‿︵
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dude hows it feel to be shipped with the main character like if this were some canon ship, you'd be that blonde dame at the start. hows it feel to be her? but also on a funny note I hope you find his character attractive otherwise this is so awkward
yk what? you two met because our man fell in love with that voice of yours, perhaps you were singing an ella fitzgerald song and it just had him smitten because who doesn't love ella fitzgerald??
i feel like I managed to make that about Ella (yeah sure I'm on a first name basis with her, idk, I'm writing this at 2am, I might be a bit sleep deprived since I'm recovering from a flu) and not you... man may not dance with women, but he's enjoying some good music
he'll sit in a crowd whilst you sing, lazing around, but so smitten with you + happy to say he's yours (vice versa)
like his eyes just linger on you
like mmm yes love that's the emotion in his eyes
first date?
uh, well, how about just hanging out at a pub or something casual...like you two can chill, eat, and talk.
sounds like a plus to me
we'll get there one day, just not today
first kiss?
I bet he's so fucking smooth about it
he just seems smooth about that
or maybe he's not
he doesn't dance...with women
Or drink alcohol
has anyone checked if he's mennonite or like puritan?
no but let's say he is really smooth about kissing, your first kiss will occur after some date, his hand just gently cups your face and he pulls you into a tender kiss
i feel like hes really touchy
just loves to hold hands
whatever else people do
you can read your writing to him and he'd be so calmed by it
probably is a bit interested in your degree? not sure how often he'd bring it up, probably doesn't want to get you heated by the topic
but like he definitely knows the quickest route to annoy you
Being the mom friend, you might feel the need to take care of other airmen who serve with your... lover (if...this is a more canon era type of ship)
Feel free to do so!! :D
They're gonna end up scarred so like
go for it boo
oh song yeah so what's your song uh
Till there was you - Etta Jones 𖹭
(Feel free to ask for another ship when the series ends to see if I change my mind based on further character development)
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Friday, February 23rd, 2024!
7:55am: I slept for so long and woke up with no alarms this morning :) feels amazing. Still had a huge orange chunk come out of my nose but it's less than before, I just don't know when it will stop lol (I literally had to get up while writing this and do another one). Last night I had to go to sleep unexpectedly early bc I had a milkshake and it made me so bloated omg. I think I'm officially at that age where I really can't just be eating anything 😂 of course I can bc I'm an independent woman 💅 but not without The Consequences. Also I just popped my BC in and I'm ready for my period to stop and also for the stomach issues to stop omg it's been rough out here. It really feels like spring break should be today, but the pros to it being next week are that it's one week closer to the end, I won't be on my period at all, and hopefully it will be warmer!! I'm tired of this cold ass weather!!
I feel good today besides the random brain thoughts that I don't particularly want. I need to figure out how to replace those thoughts with ones I do what. This journaling, as much ranting as it is, definitely helps me I guess regulate my runaway thoughts. I really want to take a post poop nap though those are the best so ttyl lmao.
10:47am: omg I continued to sleep until 9:50am I don't know how to explain to people how much sleep I really feel like I need. Idk it's probably depression but that's literally ok I'm just doing what I can. I still miss him and that's ok too. I don't really miss him I literally miss just having someone to talk to. But he fucked up and it's his loss, not mine. He lost a genuine person, and I lost a liar who cheats and steals money and nothing he does is genuine, it's all fake to get people to like him so he can use their shit for all it's worth. What's crazy is he's so fake he doesn't even care about these cats after he kept saying he misses them oh boohoo me it's like losing two kids, then blocks me so he'll effectively never fucking see them again. He's literally so fake AF. I take pride knowing I'm not a fake ass bitch and I don't lie to people. Doesn't matter if people believe me or not because I know I'm not lying about anything. If you think I'm lying, you just have something else going on in your life that you have to deal with clearly. This image of them getting on the bike together I think will stay with me for a while, I guess visuals are really my downfall. I know I'm the bigger person bc I literally said yeah y'all are cute together before he stopped speaking to me and everything was chill. It was chill because I made it chill. I made this entire friendship what it was and I'm really convinced of it now tbh. I don't like him, I like me and how I act towards him 😂 I like nice people, aka myself lmao.
If everyone likes me except for you.... Sorry I don't think I'm the problem boo 😘 just a matter of time before he does some more stupid shit I'm sure I'll hear about 🙄
Happy Friday!!
1:02pm ate my ramen leftovers and my boss is buying me CFA Cobb salad for work later :') people are awesome ❤️
10:09pm: JFC my feet hurt like hell. I wish I had a guy to rub my feet fr but one day lol. I just realized he didn't block me on sc so I could technically add him back whenever, I wonder if he's waiting for me to do that?? Hmmmm he's such a narcissist it's wild, plus the whole posting at me when I'm technically blocked on ig is actually crazy af. I bet $200 if he adds me back on ig that post will magically be gone or the caption would change. He's so petty and acts like a little bitch. Literally can't relate 💀
11:40pm: finished my law assignment and I'm so tired I think I'll eat my salad leftovers and literally pass out. My eyes are literally burning.
I really just be out here gaslighting tf outta myself. I'm sitting here like wowza I wish I had "guy" to vibe w me after getting done with my hw.... But it's been so long it's funny that I forget, that man in particular would NOT want to chill with me after I'm finished with my hw!! Name literally one time when he ever fucking did that?? Literally he never fucking did. I'm so gaslighting myself into thinking we'd be doing anything rn, he would've pissed me off all night and then would probably be asleep rn. There would not be random drive thru trips bc he's on a lame ass diet and won't stfu about it and there wouldn't be cuddling bc he would've pissed me off the entire afternoon sitting on his ass making fucking messes instead of contributing anything ever to the home we share and it would infuriate me!! That's not attractive 🙄 so yeah gaslighting tf out of myself to think that would be happening 🤣 it's been so long I forget how exhausting that bullshit was!! Don't go back sis you literally hated it!! Wack AF and manipulative tbh.
One day, there will be a man, he will rub my feet when I get off work, even better he'll see the insides of my shoes, know that I'm too busy/ADHD to remember to get insoles, and would surprise me with new insoles for my shoes ❤️ that's what care and love looks like. We will have a cute snack and then probably fuck before bed bc we are both grown and not scared of a little period fr, and he would get me a towel and draw up a shower for me afterwards and I'd come back into the clean bedroom with no dirty shit on the floor and get into my made bed and snuggle with the real love of my life who loves and respects me 🥰 manifesting lol 💕
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random-nekomini · 1 year
Journal Entry for Posterity. 5/16/23.
It's Tuesday. I had a dream but I don't remember what it was. I had a regular school day (as a junior) with therapy and art class right after. I wore a white checkered v-neck shirt with a large frilled collar. I also wore a blue skirt with a white flower print on it. The skirt was nice but a style I don't like. It had a slit from the bottom that exposes my leg when I walk and a bow/knot that hangs off the skirt. I paired these with white vans with a little flower pattern on them. I was very tired today and my mind was wandering.
In school I had a statistics test in math. It wasn't too hard. Hopefully I did well, but there is always a little doubt in my mind. In APUSH I got to talk about Jane Austen-esque courtship! It was very fun but I wish I talked about marriage between prominent families being a trend up until recently. However, I was able to talk about dowries, wealth, and the essence of courtship. In AP Bio we did a chromosome case study. It was very simple but time consuming. At least I was next to a friend! At lunch I went to the Military History Club to plan for a club fair on Friday. Many of us are cooking and bringing historical foods. I am planning to make Civil War bread pudding and wearing my Union reenactment uniform! In AP Seminar we made some progress on a new research project. We have to address an issue that is interesting to us but also relevant to our community. Being a total nerd for history, I am having trouble coming up with something. I think it will be best to test modern views on history and I want to do something socially related, but I don't know what yet. Should I do writing, people, culture, food, animals? Hopefully it will click for me soon. In AS English III class we fortunately got to watch more of "Moonrise Kingdom" and are almost finished with it. It is a sweet movie and I really like it. All the characters are great and the humor is also good. The main characters' loner identities are relatable.
I rushed to therapy after school. I turned on oldies while driving. It was sunny and 75 F so I rolled the windows down. It was a very enjoyable experience. Parking was a hassle again. I had to straighten out my parking space multiple times again. Therapy was nice and chill. My therapist and I went over how to get better at controlling anxiety and strategies I can take to become closer with my school friends.
After therapy, I drove to art class. Since I was 40 minutes early, I sat in the car to sew buttonholes on my waistcoat. I had to keep turning the car on and off again so I wouldn't overheat but also not drain the battery. I turned on a "Tasting History" episode while I worked. Art class was very relaxed and quiet. I felt quite tired during the class.
After class I came home to do piano and eat dinner. I kept tripping up on my first piano song for some reason, but the rest were fine. Dinner was ok, but my parents were arguing with my brother again and it was annoying. After dinner I made cookies and listened to music while the argument went on. Finally, I went upstairs into my room to do my daily routine on Genshin Impact while watching my daily dose of "Tasting History" and "Cinema Therapy" on youtube. "Cinema Therapy" actually prompted this post. They reviewed a movie I never heard of before called The Adam Project. It seems like a very sweet movie and made me think a lot. It makes me worry that I am not spending enough time on adventures with my family. Even though they only showed about 5 short clips I almost cried.
I had a lot of thinking time while in the shower. I confronted the thought of my summer crush that had been pestering me all day. I wish I had closure but I don't, so I don't think he'll ever be totally off my mind. I have a lot of questions about him and wish that I had gotten to know him better. There seems to be more to him than he let on. He seems a lot smarter than he lets on. He is very charismatic and people-smart. He was the leader of the teen group we made while on the trip. I wish I took the time to tell him my feelings but that it wouldn't work out. I'm very sure he knew it wouldn't work out so that's why be confessed only on the last night of the trip we were on, so he probably at least wanted to shoot his shot. I understand his thinking, but if he had not said anything I would not be stuck on him. I regret not being able to say anything in response before we left. We both liked each other and could have made it work if it was not the wrong place and time. We both were in different relationships and were going to different schools in different states. I wonder if I will ever see him again. The situation feels like one in which two people who think they will never meet again but do when they are 30 and finally date each other. Overall, I still have so many questions on why he liked me. He is a jock and I am a nerd, so I wonder why we liked each other despite being entirely different. It is not something that just happens on a normal basis. Even someone tried to set up a date with him while on the trip who was more in-tune with his overall vibe. I understand we had chemistry, but why?!
Queen Charlotte is still #1 on Netflix. I wonder how many people are seeing King George III shirtless today lol. I just realized...there will be a new wave of George III fanfics. Lord help us.
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cyborg-franky · 3 years
'And they were roommates' Whitebeard Pirates Roommate AU -
Headcannons on what sort of roommate they would be and how they realized they fell for you. @aifozu [thanks for rambling with me]
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Ace - One of you needs to have your shit together, hopefully it's you because it sure as hell isn't Ace. - Once a week you have to agree who does what around the place or there is a very large risk of nothing getting done. - He brings his friends and or brothers around alot. - You get on well with them mostly. - He doesn't mean to be loud or rowdy he just is. - Ace is very polite though, if you ever complain about anything that he didn't know you didn't like he would say sorry, he'd buy you flowers or beer or both to say sorry and it really never would happen again. - He can't cook, he tried once and it was the worst experience of your life. - You guys are close, bitch about things together, trust each other with gossip and secrets. - He likes to sit on the sofa or lay on your bed while you talk about things. Both having a drink, a large pizza between you both. - He laughs so loud he snorts his beer and it comes out his nose. - You pass him a napkin and gently place a hand on his back. - He can feel himself blush. - Well, so much for no feelings dumbass..
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Thatch - Always louder then he means to be but always says sorry. - Brings home left overs from the restaurant and always shares with you. - Cooks for you every damn day, you never ask for it and tell him he doesn't need to but he always counters with "You can't cook" or "Microwave food isn't real food, dinner will be ready in ten!" - If he doesn't think you've eaten yet today he will literally burst in your room with a sandwich. - You will always get in from your own job with him singing in the kitchen and either cooking you both dinner or baking something because it makes him happy. - Has alot of plants around the place, very much a 'plant dad' sings to them also. - One day while your making dinner together, talking, catching up on each others day. Just as he's serving up the food the power goes out. - He sets up the table, you grab the candles and you end up having an impromptu candle lit meal together. - As you laugh at one of his bad jokes, the way your bright smile looks, how your laughter sounds he pauses from eating, blinking. - Yeah, I definitely have feelings for my roommate... fuck
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Marco - Very chill person to live with as long as you don't stress him out. - Where he works so much his brain tends to switch off when he's at home and you need to make sure he's eating and drinking. - If he hears you have so much as a sniffle he'll make you rest up. - Is great to vent with and gossip, great at advice. - He doesn't mean to slack off on chores he's just on auto pilot when he comes home. - Will 100% walk in on you while you bath/shower by accident, he blinks and stares at you while your yelling at him but just get a casual once over "I see naked people everyday, get that mole looked at yoi" - He will bring you a coffee home if he stops anywhere on his way home. - Will be sitting next to you watching TV and falls asleep on you. - You don't mind though, this is probably the only sleep he's had all day, you let him get comfy, you brush his hair back while he naps. - Watching him sleep makes you sleepy, you'll lay down on the sofa with him, cuddling. - Marco wakes up, feeling well rested, happy, see's your sleeping face, how the two of you are curled up together. - He wonders why he sleeps so well with cuddling him. - Marco realizes it's because he feels so happy and safe around you. - He brushes a hair from your face, smiling himself. - I think, no, I do, I love them
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Izou - If Ace is total chaos then Izou is total order. - Scented candles or incense are always burning, people can smell your apartment down the hall. - The bathroom will be 95% his hair and skin care with 5% of your stuff pushed to the edge. - Everything is neat, clean and he will murder you if you don't put your mug on a coaster. - Both of you lead very independent lives of one another but you get on well. - If he's making himself some nice tea or is having a snack he'll offer you some. - He's a nice person to live with as long as you don't break any of the rules. - Which he says isn't many, you'd have to respectfully disagree. - Master of the passive aggressive sticky note. - He will 100% sit with you when you need to vent though, great at advice and getting dirt on that bitch at work that you hate. - You'd have an argument about something dumb, you'd yell at once another, there would be passion and heat in the air as you tell him about all the hair in the drain was him or something ridiculous. - His face flushed with anger, his heart and blood pumping, he feels invigorated. - Do, do I like... this idiot? oh no...
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sprayio · 3 years
Venti Uni AU sketch+HCs!
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Hopefully this version is easier to see! Added some colour, highlights and overall cleaned up the initial sketch ^_^.
Some HCs for Student Venti:
Translated the braids into his little winter hat he wears everywhere (even when it's hot). Cute little windwheel aster embellishments on em!
Lil shawl to replace his cape. Since he likes to snuggle with his boyfriend, has to be ready for cuddles for any occasion ><
Likes to sneak up on Xiao and wrap him in a shawl hug (which Xiao won't admit he loves).
Music major (ofc). I'm sure there is a better technical term I was too busy to look up
Despite being carefree and fitting into his generation, his instrument of choice is classical harp/lyre
LOTS of delicate, gentle composition from him. His personality is eccentric and hyper so it's a surprise to see him so thoughtful and delicate while singing
Most of his songs are dedicated to Xiao (because simp)
SO MESSY BYE. Despite being a 'genius' no one wants to work with him. Just a horrible team player because he's late unorganised and all over the place. And if he doesn't have inspiration? Man straight up just doesn't even TRY or work on the project 😐
Definitely that one student who knows everyone on campus. Friends with mostly everyone or acquaintances
Just strikes up conversation with people in line and stuff. Definitely NOT a quiet mind. Please talk to him or else he'll look like a kicked puppy
Always at every party. Where there's drink he will be there ready and also maybe stoned but shh
Just kind of known to drop off the map from his classes??? And known in the whole dep for it?? Profs are so sick of it but then he returns with this absolutely gorgeous banger of a composition after 2 weeks of being missing.
Gets bad grades bc of this since he misses a lot of content. Profs feel it's a waste of his talent when he could be getting the top of the class in every semester.
That's not what matters to Venti though. He just wants to enjoy himself as much as he can. He loves the Uni life and just experiencing the here and now!
That guy you wish you could punch though because when finals are rolling over he scrapes by so easily with just a bit of studying, when others have had to do months. Even if it's not the best grades it's still annoying he can do fine with so many absences.
But he's just so chill and easy to be around. Can't stay mad at him for long, hehe!<3
On these absences, pretends to friends he left on a pilgrimage/wanted to be enlightened to reach further heights with his music but
Mans just wanted to skip. Sleep in, eat cheerios, watch cartoons, annoy boyfriend
Despite always rolling out of bed 5 seconds before class, somehow has really good style with amazing hair and makeup (albeit smudged from rubbing at sleepy eyes)
"*yawn* oh my makeup? My boyfriend does it for me every morning."
When his classmates ask who this silly music man's s/o is, the last person they are expecting is:
"Oh my boyfriend? Xiao from the computer science dep but- I dunno if you've heard of him."
Nonchalantly just goes back to sleep as the prof is talking leaving his classmates GAPING
Xiao?? THE Xiao Lapis?? The moody, hostile, unsociable adorably 5'2 son of a CEO Teyvat Uni business major??
How is this ball of mischievous sunshine dating the moodiest person in the whole campus¿¿¿
...Though, it makes sense when they see Xiao waiting for Venti after class.
Xiao's usual hostile expression and grumpy frown is replaced with something much more relaxed
A softness flits over his usually hardened gold eyes as he catches sight of Venti
Sighing he opens his arms as Venti dives into them headfirst. Xiao doesn't even flinch- seemingly used to it.
"Xi!!! I missed you, my adorable tofu-square!!"
Classmates eyes widen like saucers when Xiao's frown completely drops from his face.
And wait- was that a laugh?? It was so fast they were second guessing themselves.
"We still gotta work on petnames, huh?"
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biqherosix · 3 years
can i get some youngest paladin hcs with team voltron? and uh,, maybe some bits of,, older brother shiro, like not actualyl related to reader but ya know just being a good older figure of them, only if u want!!!
defenders of friendship - headcanons
(voltron legendary defender — platonic! team voltron x reader)
even when you and the paladins have to defend the world, they know that they'd do anything to protect you first. even if that meant involving themselves in a little bit of fun
cw / none
a/n — hi anon i hope you enjoy this !! it's not totally amazing but platonic content for any fandom is so hard to look for and i always eat that shit up. hopefully this satisfies :) ily all sm ! @sokkas-honour this is for you bc you love big brother shiro and ik you need this so 🥰 ps no surprise here but keith’s part is my fave lmao and hopefully i don’t fall off the face of the earth anytime soon bc the inspiration is seriously flowing
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you're literally baby, but contrary to popular belief i feel like the paladins would be pretty chill with you
trust me if they can let pidge do the things she does, you can too (plus you're super badass so it doesn't matter)
not to say that they aren't protective, bc they totally are !! they just show it in like different ways
for instance, coran, shiro, lance, allura, and hunk are the most protective and vocalize their concerns and like you really feel the love with them
you're actually the closest with shiro and lance; it's to be expected since they're just the kinda people who really just always want to make sure you're comfortable, but team voltron loves you all the same :)
lance is very affectionate, so he always has a hand out for you, but on occasions he can't hold your hand he'll intertwine a pinky with yours to let you know he's there
he's also always whispering random stuff in your ear if you sit next to him during diplomat meetings (that seating placement had been revoked after lance made you laugh so hard you fell off your chair during important alliance making)
i'm pretty sure you asked the blue paladin to give you a piggyback ride around the castle once and he was ready to oblige but he ended up falling on his face bc he's a noodle (keith walked in on him as soon as he faceplanted and never lets him forget it)
so you asked shiro instead (which resulted in a pouty lance; you made sure to have a sleepover with him filled with gossip and face masks)
shiro ever the serious thinks it could be dangerous at first, but inevitably lets himself be vulnerable and now you just casually cling onto his back during meetings in the castle, no one pays any mind to it honestly
he just loves that your young lil self keeps him grounded and despite all you've seen you still carry a sense of innocence and bright air for team voltron
also when you're feeling down he lets you wear a jacket of his and it's so big on you 🥺🙈 you know it's not necessarily practical but you will wear shiro's oversized jacket over your paladin armor sometimes
oh and catch him with mini braids in his hair or the little tuft of his white hair a different color in the coming movements in space :)
now, hunk always makes a little too much baked goods for the sake of bringing the extras to your room by the end of the night and sometimes he'll even keep you company while you eat them to talk about anything !!
if he can't stay he always leaves a lil note for you in the basket about how much he appreciates you and everything (you kept the notes in a little box to read whenever you're feeling not great)
as much as you wanna cook with hunk you're under strict orders from lance not to bc he's scared you could be allergic to alien shit and die
on the other hand allura is basically your older sister ! she likes playing with your hair whenever you have conversations together and she listens intently, offering advice because she understands that there's so much pressure behind defeating enemies
she dotes on you though, and loves playing little road trip games with the mice; and when you're travelling for super long periods of time you keep her company in the control room
normally she likes the peace and quiet steering the ship brings her but you're built different so you can babble about anything while you're together
she feels bad when you fall asleep in your respective paladin chair (even if hunk shiro and lance ended up getting / making some pillows and blankets to make it more comfy) so those nights she carries you to her room and you get some space girl cuddles 🥺
coran always makes sure to come in on those mornings with some altean tea and sing some tunes before you start your days, it's his way of trying to make sure you're doing okay
and sweet sweet coran — he always wants to include you in things so when everyone is doing their own thing and he wants to clean, he'll ask you to help him and tells you about altean culture, and even some embarrassing stories
you also take the time to tell him all about earth and their fashion choices, you two are quite the critics !!
so you have your loving older sister, doting brothers, and space uncle coran; but then there's keith and pidge i-
okay so they don't necessarily tell you they care they show you through two ways: educating you, and bullying you whilst being educated
keith was the one who had the honor of training you with your little bayard space daggers but still makes an effort to make sure you learn how to defend yourself with anything you can grab your hands on
thank the ancients for keith because now you can defend yourself with casual shit like spoons and bowls
sparring sessions consist of "ugh no okay let's just focus. patience yields focus" "don't hold it like that you'll end up cutting into yourself instead of the enemy!" and my personal favorite "y/n your form is sloppy they'll dropkick you if you keep that up"
keith may come off as harsh or trying to overwork you sometimes but he just wants you to be able to defend yourself when he's not around, especially when he's off with the blade of marmora
always makes it up to you with a cold glass of water and a really bad joke after a session (on special occasions you get a pat on the back but you pull him into a hug, lance never lets him live that down either)
any given situation he's the first one by your side when you're injured because he zooms over to you bc lance and shiro go pew pew pew
pidge though omg sometimes she sleeps in your room more than she does in her own because she falls asleep teaching you how to code and you even help tinker with her projects
she doesn't bully you as much as keith does but she only started bullying you because you corrected her one (1) time while tinkering
"pidge you misspelled that, you could accidentally turn off the whole system" "okay and who's the one who's been coding for more than a day? i got this" (she did not in fact, get it, because the thing wouldn't even turn on)
their little shenanigans in trying to care for you brought them all closer though they wouldn't admit it to each other (they all think that but will do progress reports when you're not in the room)
tldr: team voltron is the sweetest family ever and you love them for it
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Hope you like this intro to:
Hide and seek (ft Goku)
Part 1
You kept as still as you could–despite your uncontrollable shaking–steadying your breathing as not to hyperventilate.
Breath in...breath out...breath in...breath out
The only thing you could hear was your breathing in this unbearable silence. Where was he?
Last you saw him, he was counting to 10. But you didn't stick around as you started running as soon as he reached 2.
You tried to control your sobbing and quietly prayed that he wouldn't find your hiding spot. It was dark and cramped on an especially dark night. Hopefully he'd miss you if he ever were to come by, if you just kept still.
Breath in...breath out–
Then you heard it.
The sound of a broken twig and crunched leaves as his footsteps became known, followed by the loud clanking of chains that spoke wonders of its intended use. You could hear his goofy chuckle, that which once brought you joy now brought you chilling goosebumps.
"Ready or not, here I come!"
"Found you, (Y/n)!"
A shriek left your lips as you were tackled to the ground.
"Goku! Goku, let go of me!"
You rolled around the grass in a fit of giggles and laughs as you tried to push the spiky haired man off your smaller form.
"Not until you give it."
Still struggling to free your self, you thought up a plan that was sure to work...and if it didn't then you'd die from embarrassment.
With Goku looming over you, you cupped his face with your hands, closed your eyes and hoped for the best as you leaned forward.
"What are you doing?"
You froze. Your lips just a kiss away from his and the man of your dreams was watching.
"Uh," You immediately pushed Goku off your form and jumped up from you spot. "Hey Vegeta. We were...uh just wrestling."
He raised an eyebrow at you. At that moment you could've died from embarrassment and you'd be happy because the last thing you'd see is Vegeta.
"Wrestling with your lips? Or actually was it tongue wrestling?",he teased.
"It's (Y/n)'s distraction technique to put her enemies off guard." Goku said, placing a hand on your shoulder. His way of saying that he was backing you up. "I gotta say it sure did the trick for me." He chuckled and you couldn't help but notice the light blush on his face.
"Uh huh, so if you two idiots are done with your little games," he then turned to look at Goku. "We have a match to get to."
And with that, he left.
"Sooo Goku–"
You were immediately cut off when Goku started rummaging through your backpack that you left on the ground. Realizing what he was looking, you rushed over to him but it was too late.
"Aha! Found it." He raised the box he found, up in triumph while using his other hand to stop you from trying to take it.
"Sorry (y/n)",he said before making a run for it, with you chasing after him.
"Goku, get back here with my donuts!"
After chasing Goku and failing to get your donuts back, he made you a deal that if you stayed to help him prepare for his match against Vegeta then he'd give you your donuts back.
You didn't really have anything else planned so you decided to stay and help him warm up, also while trying to find where he hid your donuts. Priorities, right?
You were currently holding the giant punching bag still while Goku sent a flurry of punches so fast and hard that you thought you were the punching bag. The reason for his sudden aggressiveness was because of all the eyes that were immediately on you he moment you walked into a gym full of thirsty male wrestlers.
"Oh, sorry. (Y/n) are you okay?",he asked when he realized he almost punched you.
"Yeah.",you reassured. "It's nice not having you going easy on me as usual."
"But you know I'd never hurt you."
You gave him a smile and playfully punched him in the arm. "I know, big guy." You stood on your tip toes to match his height, your face dangerously close to his. "So does that mean I can wrestle today?"
Goku blinked comically before he chuckled. "I don't know (Y/n)."
"Aw." You crossed you arms and pouted. "Can I at least have my donuts?"
"Yo guys I found a box of donuts. Let's eat!"
Goku's eyes snapped towards the donut thief and you noticed him somewhat trying to forced back the scowl. You figured it was because someone found the donuts so you paid it no mind. You ran over to hug Yamcha and chow on your donuts like the world was coming to an end. Unaware of the burning glare a certain spiky haired man has been giving Yamcha. Though he kept his mastered fake smile whenever someone came near him.
It's no secret that Yamcha has been after you for a while now. Making no effort to hide his feelings or keep his hands to himself. He'd always make up an excuse to be around you or to have you to himself even if it was for something like watching a movie. You never really picked up on his flirty nature since he was like this with most women and you thought nothing of it but seeing him so much as touch you made Son want to cut Yamcha's hands off, break both of his legs and literally kick what's left of his ass with them.
He hated it. He hated that he loved the idea of having Yamcha scream in agony. Goku was a nice guy. He is a nice guy. Most loved in the city.
Goku had tried to convince Yamcha to leave you alone with some lame excuse but Yamcha wouldn't give up.
He watched as you laughed at whatever Yamcha just said while he wrapped your arms around you in which you thought was a loving brotherly manner.
6 weeks.
6 long weeks of seeing that shit and he was tired of it. It would end...tonight.
Walking over to his car in the dark, empty parking lot, Yamcha couldn't help but feel uneasy, as if he was being watched. And the more he tread towards his car, the harder the feeling felt. Reaching for his keys in his pockets, he pressed a button that lead to what was music to his ears.
beep beep
Now sure his car was only a few steps away, his nerves slowly calmed as he quickened his pace.
"Haha, what was I so worried about. No one is here but me.",he tried convincing himself.
Yamcha immediately stopped in his tracks at the sound of the sudden voice seemingly echo in the parking lot.
"What?!" He started freaking out as he heard it again. The voice sounded so familiar but he was too scared to find out who it was.
The voice chuckled. "8"
"Who are you?!",Yamcha yelled only to be answered by another number.
"Fxck this!" Yamcha started jogging to to his car cautiously as his eyes searched the darkness for any other signs of life.
"6...5... You better be running the opposite way Yamcha because if I find you...no one else will."
Increasing speed, now running to his car, he tried to ignore whatever it was that was speaking to him. Once he reaches his car, he'll be fine. He'll be fine. That's what he keeps telling himself.
"4...3. Yamcha turn the fxck around before I kill you~",they sang.
They were delusion if they thought that would happen. Yamcha was getting to his car if it's the last thing he does.
The mysterious voice was soon heard laughing as soon as Yamcha touched his car.
A horrific thought came into Yamcha's mind of seeing this person in his car.
He cautiously opened his door, his guard up just in case.
"Oh thank God!",he shouted after letting out a breath of relief. He jumped into his car in excitement. "Yes, I made it, now let's get the fuck out of–"
An explosion seared the air and earth in large expansion of smoke and flames leaving only a few large burning scraps of what used to be Yamcha's car.
Fixated on the glorious sight from his hiding place, he couldn't help but let out a derange cackle.
"Nothing like a bomb to make everything lit!",he joked to himself, clapping his hands excitedly to have gotten another victim in such a long time. Though he had to admit it wasn't as much fun as chasing after his prey in a nice little game of hide and seek but it was exceptional. He wouldn't waste all that energy on Yamcha.
Letting out a content sigh, he composed himself as he wiped a tear of joy from his eye. "I've missed this."
Looking back at the tiny destruction he's caused, he scowled at the thought of seeing that bastard Yamcha again. To think that one wrong move could have destroyed their friendship so fast that it'd have to result in manslaughter.
No regrets.
"I warned you Yamcha but you just had to go after my (Y/n).",he said. "You aren't the first and you certainly won't be the last. (Y/n) is mine and anyone who thinks otherwise better hide, because once the countdown ends I'll come seeking. And when I do, you better pray to Kami that I don't find you."
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profoundpidgeon · 3 years
✨Haikyu Headcanon(s) of the Evening! ✨
Author's Note: These are just lil' roomate headcanons I came up with cause I just wanted some so I decided to make some! Anyways this is a part 1 out of 2 (I think and hopefully) and as always I hope y'all enjoy! 😊 ~Pidge
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Miya Atsumu:
• God this chaotic bastard where do I even start
• Well let's just say you were looking for a roomate and stuff and welp he took the opportunity and idk why but you accepted him (I guess he checked all the boxes for you congrats🎉🎉🎉)
• Now actually LIVING with him can either be a pain in the ass or quite enjoyable
• He gets up at a decent time, early for volleyball (maybe 7-8am) but SLEEPS IN when he doesn't have to go. (I believe like 2-3pm at times) one time you thought he was dead and almost called the hospital, he almost smacked you for that 🤣
• I see him as not being the apartment that often cause of volleyball but he'll be in the apartment just to chill or just to annoy ur ass if he's bored.
• HE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE DESINGNATED MOVIE NIGHTS!!! he also might invite ya know bo, hinata and sakusa but there's sometimes where he just wants to chill with u~
• I believe he's not really a good cook and you would have to make most of the meals or at least remind him to have a decent meal once in a while (if your not a good cook welp... y'all will suffer together I guess)
• He'd be snacking CONSTANTLY I👏SWEAR👏 (This is why ya gotta remind him to have decent meals all the time). I mean there will be nothing in your pantry. It's a literal compition that he wins most of the time to who gets the last packet of pocky. Smh 😑
• I feel like his room would be half messy and half not? Like there would be clothes on the floor but he would make sure to make his bed and his dresser would be a bit messy but not too messy. (Ya know? I hope you get it cause I'm not changing it)
• Please give this man the head pats before volleyball practices (he'll find it cute and if you look close enough you might see him ~blushing~)
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Bokuto Koutorou:
• anyways
• I hope y'all were friends before you decided to move in together PLEASE SAY YOU WERE (well too bad, I'm the writer, you got no choice in the matter)
• He takes afternoon naps... end of headcanons (no but really when u come back from school or work and he's home before you, you can sometimes hear a soft snore from the couch and you just decide to put a blanket on top of himmm)
• On the contrary of Atsumu, I think he'll be a great cook! I think he'll know how to make 3-4 meals very VERY well and present them to you and be so proud of them. He'll puff out his chest and everything (gosh he's making me so proud just writing this)
• He might once in a while ask you politely if his friends can come over and might borrow the apartment for a while (you'll be out till they leave but hopefully you don't mind)
• If he comes home and he's in his emo mode, you either 1. Call Akaashi or 2. Make him soup and build a blanket fort (it will either be chicken noodle or just some comforting soup... anything to get this baby happy again 😊😊😊)
• This may or might catch you off guard (depending on how close y'all get) but he may ask for random hugs. Just for the sake of it and because I believe he's touch starved and craves physical affection.
• Even tho I said before that he might politely kick you out if he wants to have the home/apartment for the bois, at least PLEASE have some games of chaotic Jenga with them like COME ON (I play chaotic Jenga with my friends all the time and hoooo boi)
• Like Atsumu, he deserves the head pats too! I believe there will be a lot of physical touch/affection in your relationship and it's just so sweet! GAH Y'ALL ARE ADORABLE!
• Anyway, Bokuto Koturou would make a great roomate... MOVING ON
EDIT: Damn I forgot to add that he'll probably join in if you decide to paint your nails. Alright now let's continue!
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Sakusa Kiyoomi:
• ngl idk how you became roomates with him but congrats 👌👌👌(I guess by pure chance I guess??? ) anyways...
• Y'all would have assigned cleaning chores of course. If you're having a bad day or not feeling good, he wouldn't mind doing your chores for you and taking care of you.
• Ya know I feel like just doing a puzzle with him so y'all might have some puzzle nights and try to challenge yourselfs after each one you complete.
• LOVES TEA. Will recommend tea and different types of tea to you. Will bring different types of authentic teas into ur apartment and y'all can rate teas together! 🍵🍵🍵
• Not that affectionate but will accept words of affirmation. Really does appreciate a 'thank you' and a genuine compliment once in a while.
• Will remind you to wear a mask outside ALWAYS, he doesn't want you to get sick what can I say?
• Even if it might not look like it, Sakusa does care about you. He will give you those gentle reminders to drink water and eat everyday, say lil' thank yous' here and there and genuinely respects as a person.
ANOTHER EDIT CAUSE I CAN'T CONTAIN MYSELF APPARENTLY: But ALL of them would in some way sing in the shower:
Atsumu and Bokuto just BELTING without any care or regret (especially bokuto, some of you've seen tiktoks)
And I feel like for Sakusa he would either silently hum or either have a mini conversation with himself (like a lil' podcast or somethin' 😂) ALRIGHT IM DONE IM DONE
Another author's note: This already seems romantic but I meant it in a platonic way. When I make both parts keep in mind the the relationship is platonic! (Don't worry I might make a part where they go from roomates to lovers if I can gather the brain power 😂)
HEY LOOK! I MADE A PART 2! I hope y'all enjoy! 💖💕💖
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hello! i hope you had a nice day! i'd like join the halloween-match-ups. btw your list was very helpful since it's sometimes difficult to know what to include, so thank you very much. For qualities: i think i'm kind, i try to help people out when they need help and i love fooling around/making jokes etc. My flaws would be that i'm very shy/awkward upon first meeting someone, i can get impatient rather quickly and i'm quite lazy when it comes to household chores. i like when someone is laid-back, funny and is respectful towards others. i don't like it when someone is arrogant, belittles others or misuses their power (i.e. in the workplace) to make someone's job harder/give them a hard time. Dealbreakers for me are cheating, people taking part in criminal activity and not liking animals. Pet peeves include not answering/ignoring when asked a question, not listening in general if i'm talking to them, being more than ten minutes late without sending a short text that they won't make it in time. in ten years i'll hopefully have a cozy home, still have my dogs/cats, a steady job with enough money to eat out every now and then and maybe a child as well (not sure yet but open to the idea). favourite pet: i've both cats and dogs but i'm game for any animal. fav. food: sushi with fried chicken in it, strawberries and blueberries. thank you!
Hi !
There was lots of people that could have match with you : UT Toriel, US Papyrus, HT Sans, HT Toriel and D!Papyrus.
You got a tie between UT Sans and HT Papyrus, but since you're dealbreaker is mostly about doing criminal activities and that Willow is not so clear anymore, that leaves one choice left.
You got...
It actually shouldn't be very surprising. Sans is a really kind and chill type of person and it takes a lot to make him angry. He's not really helpful, so he's happy someone is taking care of that for him. He obviously has a great sense of humor, and he loves his S/O very shy because that way he can make them blush to hell with awful puns. Except it's also working the other way. Sans looks pretty confident, but he is actually a bit shy too, especially around strangers. Use that at your advantage to take your revenge on this little gremlin.
He has difficulties with the impatient part, but he kinda had to bear Papyrus' impatience his all life so he's fine with ignoring this. He's a very respectful boyfriend and consent is one of his most important thing. He will never do something you don't want to do, in hobbys like in your lovey life. He's not arrogant, nor really have a sense of leadership so he can't really abuse of his power.
He's a very loyal type of guy and knowing he can trust you blindly with this is a big relief. He hates criminal activites too, and after all he leaved with Frisk, he's more than fine you're alright with that. It might help him to confess a lot more easier to you about resets and all that happened to him. He's only happy in a relationship where communication is key, so he'll never ignore nor not listening to you. However, ponctuality is not exactly one of his strengths. He will try for you, but man, waking up sooner? It's harsh.
He loves dogs and will gladly encourage you to get one. He's a bit more distant with cats, but a little meow and he's dead and doing baby noises on the ground. Sushis are not his favorite, but he doesn't mind. As long you're not eating only sushis, he's fine with mostly everything.
Sans is clearly the best match !
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amane-by-together · 4 years
Blue Hour || Amane Yugi pt. 1/5
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(Amane Yugi x Fem!Reader)
genre: romance, drama, and a bit of fantasy
summary: amane was assigned to send letters to [name] from another school for a quarterly pen pal project in their class.
"You and I found in the sky in 5:53"
Amane grabbed a white pen from his black cylindrical pencil case and wrote some finishing touches for his letter on a black sheet of paper. He doodled some stars and constellations around the paper before folding it carefully then placing it inside a navy blue envelope.
He added some photographs of stars and moon stickers inside the galaxy themed parcel that he designed a day ago. Amane smiled proudly to himself after tying the twine around the parcel, he also slides in some post cards inside the twine.
“You sure are taking this pen pal project seriously, Yugi.” Yamabuki looked over to his dark haired friend with his phone on hand. “I barely even put effort on mine.”
“Look at Yashiro's though,” Amane pointed at the cream haired girl with teal tips sitting in front of him. She was putting a lot of designs for her pen pal letter so that her assigned sender would think that she's a creative person that matches their own aesthetic. “Hey, Yashiro-san, who do you think will be your pen pal?”
“I hope my pen pal is a boy,” Yashiro sighed dreamily as Amane deadpanned at her being a simp for hot and tall guys. He used to like her back then until he realized that he wasn't good enough for her. “And while we're sending letters, we'll fall in love—”
“Okay that's enough delusions, Yashiro.” Amane raised his hand up to prevent her from speaking more of her fantasies. “I've heard enough of them.”
“What did you put in your letter?” Yashiro asked.
“Pretty much about myself, I added some stickers and post cards, just incase my future pen pal would like them.” Amane explained while counting his fingers. “Hopefully they would because I made a lot of effort in it.” he said while scratching his cheek.
“I heard that our letters will be sent to another school and students from our grade will be our pen pals.” Akane explained as he went towards Yamabuki. “If Ao-chan gets a pen pal that is a guy, then I guess I have to eliminate the offender—”
“Whoah chill, Aoi.” Yamabuki glanced up to the red head whose expression quickly changed with a scary one. “What's with the bat though—?”
“Sometimes your obsession scares me.” Amane raised a perfect brow at Akane while resting his cheek to the heel of his palm.
“You're the one to talk.” Akane slightly glared at the smaller male. “At least I have a love life.”
“Fair enough.” Amane grumbled under his breath, looking away from the distasteful Akane. “Wait, you two are dating—?”
Amane was interrupted by their homeroom teacher entering the class. “Good morning class, did you have your letters ready?” Sensei asked as he scratched his chin. “To those who didn't know yet, your letters will be delievered to another school. Expect a letter from your new pen pal on the next day or two.”
The dark haired boy feels his eyes slowly drooping, it's always like this, getting sleepy in the middle of class. The cause? Stargazing.
Amane, ever since he was a little boy, he loved the moon and stars. He would open his window at night and look into his telescope to admire the star studded sky. Looks like he stayed up a little too long before dawn, you can't really blame him, who wouldn't like stargazing.
His eyes can't take it anymore, he needed to snooze off, just for a moment to rest. Amane folded his arms on top of his desk and puts his head down to take a nap.
“The other world at 5:53 is beautiful.”
In a dusk turning into dark, there stood a glowing carousel, spinning in a clockwise motion that seemed like it was twisting forever. Amane wandered around the place, wondering why he standing in front of a lonely ride.
He felt his ears ring and the ground slightly shaking. Amane closed his eyes as he felt the wind blowing against him, then everything stopped.
Amane fluttered his eyes open and saw a girl wearing a different school uniform than theirs. She was around Yashiro's height, he estimated, but nonetheless he never seen this girl before.
In a blink of an eye, she disappeared.
Amane raised his head up immediately from the sleep and panted heavily. Beads of sweat came rolling down from his forehead, his chest rises and then it lowers for a second, and he couldn't breathe properly after that. ‘What was that?’ he thought, drawing his hand near his chest to calm his breathing. ‘Who was that?’
He was sure as hell that he was confused, having a dream about a glowing carousel and a girl wearing a school uniform, whom he had never seen before, whatever that dream was about, he felt goosebumps on his skin. Amane fixed himself, he probably looked like he ran in a marathon and never got to drink water after that. 
“Amane-kun, why do you keep sleeping in class?” Yashiro asked with a stern tone like she was a mother scolding her son for doing something wrong. “You shouldn’t sleep in classes anymore, okay?” she added while handing him her notebook which contains the notes that she took during the lesson.
Yashiro, as one of Amane's friends, was concerned for the boy. She was worried about him, but that doesn't mean the cream haired girl has feelings for the choppy haired guy. Like she said, she isn’t his type. “I’ll try not to sleep in class...” Amane receives the notebook from his female friend. 
“If you sleep again, I won’t lend you my notes anymore.” 
“Okay okay, I won’t sleep next time.” Amane assures her in a sweat dropped expression. “But I make no promises though---”
Yashiro snorted. “By the way---” Amane was interrupted by the school bell beckoning them to go eat their lunch. He sighed, he always gets cut off whenever he says something interesting. The teenage boy slumped his shoulders before going to the rooftop to eat his food.
All alone by himself like he usually does.
Amane was puzzled by the dream he had while he was napping during class. A carousel and a girl he had never seen before, perhaps that it was a lost memory of his or he had actually seen this girl but he doesn't remember her.
He'll figure that out on his own.
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The next day felt like any other day. Amane groaned loudly, waking up from his slumber (surprisingly he actually slept) and not wanting to get up from the comfortable bed that he was laying down. He buried his face on one of the pillows. ‘I don't want to wake up, I swear to god.’
“Amane, Amane—”
“What?!” Amane shot his head up and shouted fiercely at his younger twin, Tsukasa who was standing on the door with a towel wrapped around his hips.
“Wake up, we have classes!” Tsukasa reminded him. Amane sighed and slammed his face against the pillow, he felt himself close his eyes to sleep again, until Tsukasa grabbed his face and forcefully removed his brother's face from the pillow. “WAKE UP!”
“I'm up, I'm up!” Amane removed Tsukasa's hands from his face and glared at him. “Jeez, you don't have to scream on my face.” he added while getting off the bed towards the bathroom.
Amane looked into the mirror with half lidded eyes while brushing his teeth, his dark choppy hair was disheveled with few strands of hair slightly sticking out, and his long sleeved shirt that two buttons were unbuttoned where a bit of his chest is showing.
After taking a bath, Amane wrapped a towel around his torso while drying his hair with another towel. He grabbed his uniform that was hanging on the wall and wore it in a speed.
Amane notices that Tsukasa left early which is unusual since he usually leaves early leaving his brother behind. He smiled to himself before heading on to school.
When he arrived, he saw that his classmates are crowded over to his very own desk. Amane pushed his way towards them. “What's going on?” he asked.
“Letters from the other school got recently delivered.” Yashiro answered. “Your pen pal letter is here, and I must say they're very creative.”
Amane felt intrigued all of a sudden, he went to his desk to see the pen pal letter for himself and when he did, his jaw dropped.
A navy blue parcel with constellations around the paper. It was tied by a twine and dried flowers. A smile ghosted upon Amane's lips, the pen pal knew his aesthetics and his love for stars.
He gently grabbed the parcel from his desk and examined it. To Amane's surprise, he saw a tag clipped from the twine, he reads.
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[name] [surname].
The name of his new pen pal.
Amane unwrapped the parcel, there's an envelope that was sealed with wax. 'Fancy' he thought to himself as he slightly sticks out his bottom lip. Other than that, there are polaroids and moon stickers, but there is one thing that caught his eye.
A thin book.
Amane picked up the book, it was an astronomy journal that [name] made for him. 'This person must have made a lot of effort, I admire that.'
Amane opened the envelope first, inside was a neatly folded letter, he carefully unfolded it using his fingers.
Hi Amane Yugi-san,
I'm [name] [surname], your pen pal for this quarter! Well I made an astronomy journal since I saw your letter talking about yourself, hope you like it though ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ 
After reading the letter, a smile broke down from Amane’s visuals. His pen pal is revealed to be a girl who is a first year highschool student, like him, studying from Sanaol Academy, which is far from Kamome.
Time flew by like a shooting star in a dark blue sky, Amane went home feeling giddy to write his response to [name]. When he got to his room he immediately grabbed a lot of art materials to work on the letter.
Hello [name]-san,
Thanks for the journal, I love the contents inside of it. Anyways, I hope we'll meet someday and talk about the stars together! I have a playlist where you can listen while stargazing hehe~
Amane smiled to himself, resting his cheek to the heel of his palm while writing his letter to [name]. Maybe this pen pal project isn't going to be bad after all.
Meanwhile in [name]'s side, she was sitting on her swivel chair with a cheeky smile on her face while reading Amane's letter. The strands of her hair are falling to her hair, admiring his words.
“[name], dinner's ready!”
“Coming!” [name] grinned before going downstairs to eat dinner with her family.
“The door of my dreams unreal, you from my memories become real”
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@closetweebsmh @closetwaffle
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon, it makes me really happy and comforts me that you enjoy reading what I submit. It makes me really happy to write all of this and finally be able to tell someone my ideas. Thank you so much.
At first he kept trying to deny the father figure role, but when one night Jackie had a nightmare and came to him and ended up calling him dad, he stopped denying it and accepted it. And once he accepted it he did basically adopt all of them. Jackie and Grievous are literally chaos incarnate most days. They regularly love to prank the contestants and just act insane. Ran and Jackie just kind of hang around eachother, like Ran could be reading and Jackie training and they'd enjoy eachothers company. They do sometimes nap next to eachother, or play card games (which is a rare instance where Ran gets (playfully) rilled up and competitive). Grievous and Ran bonding sadly gets interrupted when Ranbob suddenly drops in, but before that Grievous would try to talk to Ran about what book he's reading and just try to make conversation with him.
Oh the height difference definitely remains. And its both terrifying and hailours to new people. It's even better when it's a 2v2 fight because Jackie has a habit of just climbing Ran like a monkey gym and sitting on his shoulders and its terrifying.
Well, since the drinking age is 3, I personally think the age limit is like 14 or something close. I believe I made their ages as Ran is 19 (almost 20. Maybe 4 months away), Jackie is 16, Watson is 30 something, Grievous is 22, and Ranbob is 28 (Ran is younger than his brother by 9 years) I have written down all their ages somewhere (and the ages where the events of Mizu took place) and if I got any wrong I will submit another ask with their ages. The other gladiators have managed to keep good relationships with most of eachother. A few like Grievous and Genevieve are close, Edward, Levi, and Watson are drinking buddies. Lagguis sadly isn't as involved cause he is sick and can't vist often at all. (I think I got everyone. Tell me if I missed anyone please, I cant check cause whenever I exit tumblr, tumblr deletes everything in my ask :') )
I dont have many rules for the Pit rn but I do have, no injuries that could cause long term or chronic damage, no sabotaging opponents, no teaming unless its a team round, no blackmail or anything of the sort to force an opponent to forfeit, and in order for a battle to end due to forfeit both sides must agree to it. But the Pit in general is a lot of things, there's fights for money, fame, and positions (like general). There's tournaments meant for nothing other than to show skill and just to fight your heart out. It's open to anyone above 14 and anyone under 80, to people from Subbin to those just passing through.
And there are different battles in the Pit, theres singles, the ones we saw in the Tales of the SMP episode. Teams, where teams of 2 battles against eachother. Free-for-all, where literally everyone fights against eachother. And Ion battles, battles where there are super powered weapons (like flame 2 iron sword. Or strength 3 potions) that spawn in the area at random. Typically Ran and Watson work best toghere, as their strategists and plan everything with back up plans, and they always call out warnings and watch eachothers back so its incredibly hard to actually hit them. And Jackie and Grievous work best toghere, with the two going insane and often taking people by surprise with their unmeasure and randomized movements and attacks.
At the start Ranbob was completely under Dreams thrall, not being able to really think for himself and even foregoing self care. When Ranbob starts to become himself again the fishermen are more than confused and hesitant, with Cletus especially stating multiple times that it may just be a trick. So it takes a while but Isaac actually is the one to suggest maybe it isn't a trick, and has to do with the mask that was found. This is later confirmed when the mask is brought to the group and Ranbob has a massive negative reaction that sets him back to how he was when they first met him.
Im honestly not sure yet, I think I want it to be a 'lets never go back' type thing but im not positive yet.
I dont have a solid backstory for the fishermen, but I know I want a little bit of it to tie to the story. Do you have any ideas for their backstory or nah? I do know I want them to have met eachother while they where in unfortunate situations and because of those they got family level close.
Ranbob doesn't take the little space well at first; staying outside when able too, even though that really upset Benjamin; and Ranbob has no idea how the outside works and has no idea how to read the weather or what he can and cant eat, but hey the enderman boi is trying his best to make up for everything he's done. And trying to build his own house to not impose on the fishermen (much like Ranboo did with Techno), but Benjamin wouldn't accept that and kept dragging him inside. It wasn't that hard for Benjamin, Isaac, and Charles to get used to Ranbob, already being used to sharing a small house, it was more Cletus with him refusing to leave Ranbob alone even for a second because he doesn't trust Ranbob at all.
The two groups actually get along surprisingly well! They like eachother and Watson once said, "It was like a family reunion. Or like long lost siblings finally found their way home."
I am once again not sure! Originally I planned for them to stay in Subbin and in the Pit. But the more I think about it the more boring that is and more I like the idea of the groups traveling toghere in the world.
I like this question! So enderman travel in groups called hauntings right? I personally headcanon the enderman in this group are basically family, biological or not. And ever since Ran and Ranbob lost their family they lost their haunting, which can be mentally damaging to a enderman. Once Ran found Waston, Jackie, and Grievous and started hanging around them more, he started feeling a connection ot them he hasn't felt on a long time. He's claimed them, as his haunting, his family. And he'll defend them with his life against anyone and anything. And then suddenly Ranbob came in, a enderman that should be part of his haunting but isn't, a enderman that killed his previous haunting. So Ran is incredibly defensive over his group, and is trying his best to keep Ranbob as far from his haunting as possible, to protect them.
Now Ranbob also got a haunting, his being Charles, Isaac, Benjamin, and even Cletus. So Ranbob is also defensive over his family. But unlike Ran, Ranbob still considers his brother as part of his haunting, his family (and yes, Ranbob did think Ran was dead when he first chased him out years ago, so he's shocked and relieved that his baby brother is still alive). And he sees how his family gets along so well with Rans family and then starts to even consider Rans haunting part of Ranbob's. Basically Ranbob has a big heart and is willing to accept almost anyone into his family, no matter what they've done.
Yep, the reason Porkius is so interested in Ran is because he's an enderman hybrid. And no one else is a hybrid expect for the two brothers (and Porkius, with him being a piglin hybrid).
Porkius is excited! He's excited to see what happens and is more than happy to agree to help as long as he is kept in the loop. Though unless he's directly asked to be involved he prefers watching from a distance at whats happening. Just so he doesn't get mauled by a pissed off enderman.
Sorry for any spelling mistakes (its late) and its so long! Im probably going to try to shorten them.
I’m glad you’re happy, it’s a nice thing to feel. Your ideas are really cool, and I hope I’ll get to see more of them in the future.
Now, can I simply say how adorable so much of this is? Jackie going to Watson when he had a nightmare, the Rans being protective of their groups, Jackie climbing Ran? I love that, it’s very heartwarming and cute, and it made me smile.
So Watson wasn’t really sure what to do with his new title at first, hm? And then Jackie called him dad? How’d he feel about that? How’d Jackie feel about the slip? Or did he even notice? He’s parenting them all, he’s gonna have a dad voice and everything. How do the adopted ones feel about him embracing it?
Jackie and Grievous, two people to truly fear when they wish to cause havoc. Tremble before them. Do they prank people, or do they just become absolute madmen on the battlefield? Or something else. Honestly, anything with these two just instantly makes me amused. 
Jackie and Ran being chill buddies. very nice. Ran getting competitive over card games is a funny thought. Does he win often? Does Jackie? What kind of card games do they play?
Rather sad Ran and Grievous bonding is interrupted, but it’s nice to hear Grievous trying it. Hopefully they’ll get there someday. 
Oh my god, it’s the height difference. Jackie getting on Ran’s shoulder sounds absolutely terrifying. Imagine being some poor new guy pitted against these gremlins and the short ones climbs on the tall ones shoulder-both look absolutely gleeful with the destruction they’re about to wreak, and you already know you cannot outrun them. 
Jackie...Jackie...he’s da youngest. He’s small, and young, and you have no idea how much I’m laughing at this. I don’t even know why, it’s just really, really funny to me. Probably something to do with what a complete force of chaos we all know this boy is. Oddly fitting, but hilarious. How does Jackie feel about this? 
How do the others? Are they a bit more protective over him? Does Ran like to flaunt his three years more over him? 
Grievous and Genevieve are buddies! Very nice, they seem to have a good dynamic. Watson, Edward, and Levi also being close? Very interesting, has a lot of potential. I bet they share a lot of funny stories.
So we’ve established the basics of The Pit. Doesn’t seem too bad, for a fighting arena, to be honest. Seems pretty popular, actually. Do the gladiators live there? In the palace? Or do they just have a house somewhere nearby? What kind of establishments and areas are around? Food places, stores? 
So Ran and Watson are the scariest team because of their strategy, and Jackie and Grievous are the scariest team because of their randomness? It checks out. I’m curious though, how do the other combinations work out?
Ranbob sounds like he has a less than fun time here, and the poor guy could really use some closure. What’s he like, free from the influence of the mask? He seems pretty close to Benjamin, so at least he’s got that going for him. Though he and Cletus don’t seem to have the strongest bond at first. How is that resolved?
And how does Ran feel about his brother’s new haunting, after everything? I imagine that he’s at least a little bit unhappy with it, for one reason or another-and there’s quite a few reasons for him to pick from.
How did that house-building attempt go, between Ran never being above water, and probably never building a house before? I can’t imagine too well.
Some ideas for backstory, well, hm. Isaac seemed dressed a bit fancier than the others, perhaps he comes from a richer family than the others? That’s about all I’ve got for now, sorry. 
It’s nice to hear they got along, who clicks the easiest?
Possible road trip? Always fun.
So, the enderman hybrids have adopted their respective groups as their hauntings. You’ve mentioned Ranbob’s pretty cool with this, how does Ran feel? Obviously, he’s less than pleased with Ranbob, but what about the fishermen? Protective Ran and Ranbob! How protective exactly? Is it subtle, or overbearing at times? Actually, how do their instincts lead to them interacting with their groups overall?
Porkius must not see Ender hybrids too often, if he’s so interested in them. It’s nice that he’s willing to help out though, and his concern is valid. I wouldn’t want an angry enderman hybrid after me either. 
Are hybrids not overly common, then, if there’s only Ran, Ranbob, and Porkius around currently, or are they just not mentioned a lot?
Thanks for the ask, a lot of it made me smile. I enjoyed reading it, and I hope you’ll be willing to send more when you have the time.
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