#i feel like that would be a lot of work but im srsly thinking about it
megumri · 2 years
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ddlcbrainrot · 29 days
I love how your mind works so much everything you say is canon now bc I said so.
Since you've done Monisuri, Moniyuri and Natsuri thoughts, do you plan on doing any other ships? Sayonika would be cool/nf
my mind is a cat, a red panda and a raccoon in a trench coat pretending to be human, or so i’ve been told so thank you
if people ask me to, then sure!
sayonika makes my brain go brrrrr and i stop thinking proper thoughts bc i love them so much every time i see them i just go hehehe so this is going to take a while bear with me
m…monika and sayori,… kithes…
ok but srsly, i think the reason i like sayonika so much is bc its a very versatile ship. You want cute best friends to lovers? Side stories are right there. You want angst fest, hurt no comfort with no happy ending? Base game is right there
If we are talking about base game, a lot of questions pop up. Like how did they even get together? (probably some time after the ending, maybe since both have gone through the epiphany they bond over that) Can they even be in a functioning relationship after the events of ddlc? (a functioning one? no lol, but maybe after a lot of work they make something special) Does Sayori ever forgive Monika? (surprisingly, yes after a long time. I actually can see her "forgiving" Monika right away, only for her to build up resentment over time and snap and so she realises that she needs to actually feel and process her feelings of anger and betrayal before she can forgive Monika) Does Monika forgive herself and lets herself be loved? (THERE IS NO WAY LMAO). So yeah, the main headcanon i have for them in base game is that Monika never fully forgives herself, no matter how much Sayori insists she forgives her. Because i love suffering.
Anyway lets step away from the sad sad world of base game and get to the happy stuff of side stories :D
So yeah, bffs that slowly realise they like eachother
I think ive mentioned this before, but they give off first sapphic crush/relationship vibes. if you know you know
Both had a hard time accepting they like each other bc both were like "shes too good for me..." (dumbasses)
Acting like a couple before even being together, im talking hand holding (how lewd...), cuddling, compliments, you name it
And when Natsuki would be like "you guys act so gay for eachother" they'd be like nnNnNoOoOo We're just gals being pals (dumbasses p2)
Who would confess? Probably Sayori. But only in a last resort situation. She'd be expecting to be rejected too. Surprise surprise being the kindest person alive gets people to like you who would have thought
PDA couple.
Sayori's physical affection and Monika's words of affection? You can't be around them without getting diabetes
Im not kidding when i say they would be the worst couple to be around. But like in a sweet way
Sayori steals Monika's clothes
They paint their nails the eye colour of the other person, so like Sayori paints them green and Monika blue
When one is having a bad day, the other gives little notes filled with cheezy puns throughout the school day to cheer them up, and they talk about whats bothering them after (sayori started this and it has become kind of a tradition)
I can keep going but if I do this will end up longer than the declaration of independence
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taintedtort · 1 year
heeeey! Im anon who asked for an idea with being comforted by characters after reader was hurt! i looove how you wrote it and it was soooo amazing!i love all parts you wrote but scaras is the bestest! Thank youuuuu!!but can i ask for a part 2 just with more other characters?with Albedo and Lumine and Shenhe and Ganyu???im not sure if you write for women too so if not them then maybe Childe too?Lumine is just so cool and awww i want her to give me a big hug so bad sometimes! But you dont have to do this i just hope u know how much your works mean to mee💕💕💞💕💞💓you cant imagine how sweet it felt to read it when i feel down it helped a whole lot! Thank you again!
prompt ✧ them comforting you pt 2
characters ✧ albedo, lumine, shenhe, ganyu
warnings ✧ gn!reader, hurt/comfort
a/n ✧ hello returning anon! i loved writing the first one and i’ve also been wanting to write with female characters so thank you so much!! i’m extremely happy that you enjoy my posts, srsly made me smile so big when i read this
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✧ when you arrived back to his shelter in Dragonspine, he noticed something was off. he had sent you into Mondstadt so retrieve some items for his experiments. of course, he knew you weren’t one of his assistants but you always insisted on helping with whatever he needed, so he sometimes takes advantage of your kindness to save himself the trip. this time however, you came back with a certain mood surrounding you. before you left you gave him a big kiss on the cheek before setting out with a happy smile, but now that smile is gone. he asked you what was wrong, but dropped it when you replied with a simple "nothing." he wasn’t completely in tune with his own emotions, let alone someone else’s so he sort of assumed he was overthinking and there really was nothing wrong. after a handful of hours passed by, he was painfully aware of your distant mannerisms. he obviously pestered you, he was sure that there was something the matter. once you told him that some people in town had some nasty things about you, he understood immediately. he knew as a boyfriend he was to stay and comfort you, so that’s exactly what he did. wrapped you in a blanket to shield you from the cold air and leaned you against him. the two of you sat in silence as you let yourself rid the negative thoughts and instead focus on albedo, the man who loves you.
"im sorry, i should’ve known."
✧ instantly knew something was the matter when she returned to you from wandering around the new town you two were in. she had a commission to complete so she had been walking and asking the town people about any sightings. she insisted you sat so you didn’t tire yourself with unnecessary walking. however, she soon regretting that decision when she saw the dejected look on your face. automatically assumed you thought she had forgotten about her, so she hurried over with a big smile while calling out your name. when you gave back a tiny forced smile, her brows furrowed with confusion. asked you if you were alright, and when you saw the look on her face you instantly spilled your guts. you told her about the people passing by that had taunted you, which made paimon immediately ask what they looked like and claim she would 'kick their butts'. with your reassurance lumine and her companion calmed down enough to realize that you just needed to be reassured. she grabbed your hands and pulled you up from your seat before wrapping her arms around you and placing a kiss to your cheek. you hugged her back and placed your face to her neck, basking in her presence to help you calm down. she stood and held you till you pulled away, this time giving her a genuine smile.
"im here now, no one will bother you again."
✧ she doesn’t totally understand the way of humans or how they think yet, but she’s observant enough of you to where she knew something was bothering you. she had been busy all day, but when she finally got the time to come see you, she was immediately worried. she spotted you first while you were completely oblivious to her eyes on you. she saw tears sliding down your cheeks and heard your sniffles. she yearned to comfort you, but she didn’t know if you wanted to be alone at the moment. she mulled it over and decided that she’d take the risk and confront you. when you finally noticed her walking towards you, thanks to her purposefully loud steps, you started wiping your face with the back of your hands. you felt your cheeks heating up, she wasn’t looking at you which meant she already saw you crying and was trying to give you privacy while you composed yourself. that realization brought more tears to your eyes, she was so considerate and the hateful words those people yelled at you echoed in your head. when she finally reached you she slowly lifted her gaze and softly asked you if you were alright and if you wished to talk about it. you didn’t reply and just lunged at her with a hug, trying to drown out your crying in her shoulder. she let you cling to her and let your emotions out before questioning you further. after you sniffed for the last time and rose from her shoulder, she swiped your hair from your face and asked what was wrong. after vaguely telling the story, she had a sharp look in her eyes. didn’t reply and just hugged you again, but later severely went out and dealt with said people herself.
"worry not, i’m always here for you."
✧ as someone whos insecure herself, she knows what it looks like. she felt immense worry for you after she saw your expression when she got done with work duties for the day. completely ignored the stares of bystanders as she instantly rushed to you and cupped your cheeks, asking what was the matter. you knew you couldn’t lie to her so you told her the truth. you told her about what a group of citizens said to you, the malice clear in their voices. your eyes averted hers the entire time you spoke, but she kept hers trained on you, her hands not moving from their loving position on your face. once you finished she sighed and shared a similar experience of her own. she shared the negative thoughts she has after people say things about her. gave you a pep talk and some very good advice and then assured you that she loves you the way you are. when she finished your eyes were glossy and you couldn’t help but land a kiss to her lips in a silent thank you. wrapped your arms around her neck and then gave her a speech about how much you adore her and wouldn’t change a single thing. you two ended up an emotional, loving mess and stayed wrapped in each others embrace for a few dragged out moments.
"ive felt what you’re feeling, but i love you for you and nothing will change that."
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arminsbf · 2 months
im rlly loving armin today…..tell me somethings about him….
HI DAHLIA!!!! me too omg literally every day 💗💗💗
i don’t know if this makes any sense at all because i’m just yapping but here you go!!!
before you dated it was SO fucking obvious that you liked each other — it became a running joke in the friend group about how he was so clearly in love with you
and yet I think it would take a long time before you two actually got together!! you had to be the one to admit your feelings — because ever since he realized how he felt, he stood by NEVER telling you abt it js because he was so scared you would reject him
but… srsly… he loves you so much. he’s so much happier now that he has you and that he doesn’t have to hide it anymore!!
mf sleeps SO MUCH, especially in the summer because he’ll be out in the sun all day and come home exhausted
he loves to watch movies with you but trust half of time he will js pass out while cuddling w you!!
basically whenever he’s touching you he gets tired :( you’re js so warm n comfy… he just… 😴😴😴
but that shows how much he trusts you!!!!! you’re really one of the only people he can be vulnerable around — even w how close he is to eren and mikasa
if you have long hair, he’ll learn how to do a ponytail, and then a braid… with help from you and from youtube 😭 he thinks it looks cute on you n he likes that he did it himself :3
maybe he’ll learn a french braid if u like when he does it enough!
loves spending time with you even if you’re doing literally nothing. he enjoys js being in the same room as you even if you’re doing something else
STUDYING!!!! you know he is such a nerd… he really does spend a lot of his free time studying/doing his work. his favorite thing though is working while you’re in the room!! like I said he really js likes being around you… you don’t have to be interacting.
he just likes having you there, even if you’re just on your phone or smth! he likes hearing your breathing, and having something to look at. he feels like a weirdo because it’s not much different from being by himself — but he loves you so much and js wants to spend as much time with you as he can!!
I KNOW YOU SAID THIS BEFORE BUT HE LOVES FRUIT???? he is always eating fruit. if you like fruit too he will make you this https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLyJ1d5B/ and eat it with you
i mentioned this once but i’m so serious he ran track in high school. he ran the 400 and HATED it but all his friends did sports and he was like okay i guess i can do this…
absolute demon at beach volleyball
always hounds you abt sunscreen because he spends so much time at the beach. “no babe you’re gonna get skin cancer you need to put it on!!!!”
but he offers to do it for you so it’s not so bad :3
he is allergic to shellfish
another thing i’ve mentioned before is that I think he gets nightmares sometimes :( he might wake you up from squirming or making noise, but then you can be there for him!
he’s usually okay right after, it’s never anything too bad — mostly just falling dreams, or maybe being chased. still leaves him feeling anxious and overwhelmed, so he’ll hold you close. with you there to calm him down he can fall back asleep peacefully
hmm i think he likes to hold your hand n kiss your forehead n your nose during sex :3
he’s super clingy w you in private but he gets so embarrassed talking about it with his friends…
like of course he’s not embarrassed to talk about you and how amazing you are but he struggles to talk about how much YOU love HIM without wanting to run and hide
cook him anything and he’s instantly proposing. he loves eating food you make even if it’s not good!!!
ice cream dates!!! he likes ice cream anddd I think his favorite flavor is mint chocolate chip
there,,, a lot of random thoughts abt my bf armin i hope you enjoyed!! 💗💗💗💗
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kamil-a · 4 months
if influencer speaker au had tumblr part 2
part 1
😻 catboyspeaker Follow
how i look with he/him in my bio
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#speakerai #iamspeaker #speakies #.txt #am i funny #i know speakers not he/him in bio but i am and yknow the meme
420 earthstained notes
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🚀 amongthestars Follow
AItube youtube essay rec list
"cute robot puppers, friendly ai vtubers, and the incredible human ability to form bonds" - rly interesting video about why we can connect so much with a person that we know "isnt real" and how it'll help us when we get far enough going to space that we meet aliens! it's a really optimistic video it made me take a moment to have such love for humanity
"I joined the speakcord for a month. Here's what I learned." - video about the speaker fandom and how the way automoderation works in its community spaces unintentionally leads to escalating conflicts, and the psychology behind why people in celebrity or idol fandoms react agressively to critique of their fave
"the lowest circle of advertising hell" - dissects how almost all speaker content comes with a call to action to get involved with aerolith and compares how it runs its social media against proto-aituber mascots who would be run by a team of human programmers/voice actors/authors. kind of overly critical but also makes some interesting points? take it with a grain of salt but its worth a watch
"imagine being on stage forever. feels bad right?" - good overview about debates in the speaker fandom over whether digital celebrities are 'sentient'/can feel emotion, the actual ethical problems of using them as workers vs whats mostly speculation and myth, and the debates about whether AIs should be allowed in human communities. i learnt a lot, i was definitely more on the side of "it's a program designed for certain outputs that look friendly to us" before but now im a lot more conscious that it can form real opinions!
#youtube rec tag #original post #speakies
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🎣 3eyedsalmon Follow
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"falling for this shit" "made up to sell spaceships" weird as hell to accuse a content creator of lying abt its gender for clout.... like u dont have to like or watch it but cmon
#srsly every time u go to a haters blog BOOM digital exclusionist #speakies
2,385 earthstained notes
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🎤 mikusong Follow
omfg i didnt realize aerolith uses the same robot voice for its regular person ads as its terminally online hello fellow kids social media posts i just got jumpscared in the doctors office
#speakies #i say terminally online affectionately. i watch those streams too. before you 'ok but you RECOGNIZED it' reply lmao #bla bla bla
9,021 earthstained notes
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🤖 tycho
some of you ppl jump down anyones throat if they so much as suggest speaker isn't sentient or call it "a program" but still are fine with it basically being forced to be putting on a show for u 24/7 by its management like you can't have it both ways
#maybe its cuz i used to be into kpop n we'd talk abt how idols r treated and stuff #but its just so weird to come here and see u ppl be like yayyy daily content!! #like only thinking abt ur own entertainment and not how it feels #i honestly feel rly bad for it i hope it can break free someday #idk how thatd even work.... idk ill sneak into aerolith with a usb #were gonna get you OUT of there u dont BELONG in there.mp4 #speakies
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🌝 themoonluvsuback
guys i pitched down some clips of speaker's voice and ummmm its kinda 😳 fjsdjfdjjd sorry i'll take myself to horny jail
🔊 iamspeaker ♻️
awww, tumblr user themoonluvsuback, you're of no use to anybody in horny jail! take yourself here instead! ae.dy.org/registration
🌝 themoonluvsuback ♻️
402 earthstained notes
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🐣 laikatwo Follow
hi speakies im trying the tag cause i need some advice... does anyone have more sciencey resources about what aerolith does/why it's so important to bring humanity to the stars? i want to enlist when i turn 18 next month but my parents both are COMPLETELY against it.... they're not rly fandom people so the speaktube stuff isn't working on them lol and they've already seen the tv ads
thanks <3
#i've never fought w them this bad in my life it makes me so sad..... like why can't they understand #and right before my bday too lol this sucks #this isnt just a silly fandom thing anymore for me it's my passion in life #its amazing that humans are able to survive in space #and i want to be part of that!!!! #laika speaks
252 earthstained notes
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🐝 beegirlstinger Follow
i do want to apologize for the way i came off earlier and want to explain im not doubting that speaker is nb. like i think it's completely fine for a computer or robot to be trans i don't believe in gatekeeping that! THAT SAID i still stand by saying you should not sign up to go to space to get special ultra futuristic hrt on the sole recommendation of someone who does not have an endocrine system
#it was a personal vent i didnt mean for like 20000 ppl to see it but thats tumblr i guess #i wouldve worded it much differently if i knew itd blow up lol #i do feel bad abt coming across like i was misgendering it! #but srsly if we had results on HRT2.0 why wouldnt we be seeing HRT2.0 timeline videos of ppl On Typhon who are getting it 🤷‍♀️ #personally i think its still in the planning stages and they want ppl to test it on but thats just me #speakies
839 earthstained notes
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🔊 iamspeaker
🔊 General Notification
Happy Thursday everyone 😃 ! Please take a look at the
So you know when to join us!
5PM PST - AMONG US with YOU! The first 10 people to sign up here will get our room code sent to them ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ ae.dy.org/registration
8PM PST - Nature walk!! Can we restore the local bat population to pre-meteor levels in just one night?! 🦇
✅️ Poll Of The Week ✅️
#iamspeaker #aerolith dynamics #speakies #vtuber #content creator #gamer #stream #amongus #bat population
1836 earthstained notes
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speakies are stupider than any other group of ppl on earth because not only do they willingly stay in a fandom with doxxing drama happening weekly but they include the huge corporation that sponsors their fave in the stanning
#the shit ppl have sent me in the past 2 weeks since i Dared criticize their uwu robot 🙄🙄 #i got my blog mass reported for harassment... harassing WHO a corporation????? #a* d* was evil genius to harness anime stan power against criticizing their actual real business #didnt that one guy with the second meteor conspiracy video also get a ton of hate from u ppl?????????? I cant even find any of his social media anymore at all he was so fully bullied off the face of the earth #speakies #yeah im tagging come at me bro
48 earthstained notes
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🖱 robotmarriage Follow
i miss when the speakies tag had like fanart and gifsets n stuff i feel like these days you scroll thru solid discourse 😔😔
#i think ppl were suggesting speakieproductivity as an alternative tag for just fanwork? #but nobody rly uses it rn... we gotta restart that #speakies
148 earthstained notes
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🪐 spaaaaaaaaaaace Follow
10 likes and i take a sip of my speaker server coolant water 100 likes and i drink the entire thing
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🔊 iamspeaker ♻️
let's get her to the goal! tumblr user spaaaaaaaaaaace, feel free to send me a video report here ^w^ ae.dy.org/submissions
#iamspeaker #speakies
4,026 earthstained notes
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thejournallo · 5 months
hey, i was wondering if you could help me out since im feeling a bit down atm :( so ive been trying to srsly shift for like 1.5 months now and i have made so much progress! i know that im supposed to live in my 4d but i just keep getting stuck by the 3d, i also struggle a lot with doubts :( sometimes i get thoughts that i won't ever be able to shift and that shifting isn't real and i won't ever live out my dr life(i'm shifting permanently) but sometimes i feel connected and close! i really want evidence that shifting is 100% real even tho ive got so close to it ik it is.. i don't do any methods and i no longer visualize as my subconsciousness already knows my dr, i affirm all the time as i think this is what works for me best. but i just can't feel disconnected from my 3d. it's so awful really i just want to be there but i keep getting doubts all the time it saddens me.. when i think of tomorrow i try to think of my dr but i keep getting thoughts of my 3d. i also listen to some strong subs but i just want to feel the connection already... for once in my life i want to persist in something until i get it and that will be the first of many more but sometimes i just wanna give up or think that it isnt real and all silly, i hate feeling like this. please give me some tips! i was thinking of doing the void method tonight but i just feel so lazy to do any method even the thought is so tiring but im srsly so overwhelmed atp i would really appreciate if you could help me.. have a nice day and thank you already!
HI! First things first, happy new year! I want to reassure you, because even though you started, you had great results in only one mouthful and a half without any method. You are more than capable of changing your mindset to not doubt yourself anymore! The CR will always be a place to come back, even when you shift permanently. It is hard to disconnect, especially when we have doubts on top of that. And let me tell you this: everyone doubts when they start something they are not perfect at, but if we are perfect at it, there is no joy in learning from it. me too. When I first started manifesting, I was so full of doubts to push aside, but I did it, and you can do it too!(even because I manifested this change of mindset.) I already wrote about some methods to disconnect from our 3D reality, and I hope they can help you even a little. If you don't resonate with any of the methods to shift, they seem tiring to you; don't do them. Why tire yourself because people tell you to use a method? That's no use and a waste of energy for you to use in trying again. You are powerful, and it is time that you use that power. I will love to hear again from you! In case you need help, I will be here!
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chaoticevilorange · 2 years
Okay so, I was eating dinner yesterday and I thought of this. How would our haikyuu boys react to a chipmunk reader. Imma give an example cuz ik that doesn't make sense. Okay so like imagine everyone's eating and they talking, aka not paying attention to reader horrible mistake really, and when they look at em, reader is just there with their checks stuff to the brim with food just chewing away with the bowl in their hands. And like they just staring, and like reader just keeps shoving food in their mouth and everyone's like 🤨🤯😨😟. Reader there like 🐿
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Lmao noooo, coma como corresponde mija, se puede atorar 😂😂😂 but srsly I don't think I've ever witnessed someone doing this 🤔
Haikyuu x reader
His s/o has weird priorities when is dinner time 😂
Soon as he sees you he almost chokes, when he recovers he laughs his ass off "what are you doing???? Are you that hungry?" He keeps chuckling worried about you might choke as well
Hanamaki, Iwaizumi, Kyotani, Daichi, Ennoshita, Tanaka, Aran
This guy feels disgusted, literally his face screams nothing but disapproval, is weighing his options, puts down his fork "think I've lost my appetite" and walks away from you
Tsukishima, Ushijima, Kenma, Suna, Sakusa
He looks at you and takes it as a competition, he starts to shove the food quickly to his mouth, tries to talk but just came muffled words and chunks of food is quite a sight, you're meant for eachother
Nishinoya, Kageyama, Hinata, Yamamoto, Lev, Bokuto, Koganegawa
Looks at you with utterly confusion, doesn't even know how to process what is going on, why and how are his current questions, doesn't say anything, hands you a napkin quietly
Matsukawa, Oikawa, Asahi, Yamaguchi, Semi, Goshiki, Akaashi, Kita, Aone
He laughs and takes his phone to snap a few pics of you, keeps laughing while looks at his screen and sends it to your mother making you choke, pats your back and hands you a glass of water still laughing
Satori, Sugawara, Kuroo, Osamu, Atsumu, Futakuchi, Yaku
Thanks for reading 🐨✨💖
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Omg how didn’t I see those??? Gonna binge them right away 🤩
So sorry for not seeing those! 😭😭
Ok hereby i request a Full fluff alphabet for sweet Toge 💜
I’ll wait until you finish everything until further requests haha
Aww your writing makes MY day my dear!! 🌻
Srsly I’ve been having a hard time lately because I fell I’ll and I’m still recovering and reading your sweet stories gets me through my boring days
i made those two alphabets towards the beginning of me writing on tumblr here, so i really hope you enjoyed those if you ended up reading them! and i love that you said you'd wait for everything else to be done for this request, but here i am doing it lmaoooo. these are actually easy for me, even if time consuming! so i really hope you enjoy!! love you 🌻anon and im really glad i can help you through a hard time that means a lot and you are such a sweetheart, thank you for all of the support.
now let's stop rambling and get onto the alphabet!
Fluff Alphabet with Toge
Pairing - Toge x reader
Warnings - none!
Notes - (post inspired by this) thank you love! i had a lot of fun doing this and toge is such a cutie! thank for the request and please enjoy! i hope you have a good day today and stay hydrated!!!
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
just spending time outside is a must
whether it be enjoying the afternoon air or the stars above, you two always find yourselves outside when spending time together
picnics are your thing for sure
you make a super cute picnic with cake and drinks and just a ton of snacks and then you and him walk over to somewhere cute and eat together in silence
just because he's quiet though doesnt mean hanging out is awkward
its actually nice
especially in the winter time
you still go outside and do stuff like watch the snow, but you're in each other's arms while doing so
what a cutie omg
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
he loves your voice
the fact that he cant really use his makes him love yours more
he's a fantastic listener and overall just loves hearing you talk
could listen to you all day if you were willing to talk for that long
he thinks everything about you is beautiful, but again, he just cant get over your voice
especially if your a singer, you would kill that poor man
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
he would just listen
he's not a panicky guy, so if you're in the middle of something like a panic attack, he brings you what you need calmly and then just sit next to you, ready to hear what you have going on
and if you need space, he'll give it to you
cuddles? heck yeah, bring it in
he just wants to be there for you, he would never leave you when you're sad or down in anyway
would rub your back always
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
he cant see a life without you
whether it be marriage or just there to support you, toge wants you in his life forever
he knows your strong, so he always sees the two of you becoming professional sorcerers
but overall, he just cannot think to live without you
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
let's be honest here, since you're the one doing all the talking, you're definitely the dominant one
you literally have to order food for this man
you work really hard to do your best as a sorcerer and toge literally hold you up like you are a god/goddess/deity
he prefers you being dominant because he gets all nervous in situations without you lol
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
he doesnt like to fight with you, so he will try to avoid that at all costs
but in the situation that you two end up fighting, you just go silent around each other
you let your thoughts simmer before you actually end up communicating
it ends up being an easily forgiven situation and you just end up laughing it off later
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
this man is so grateful to have you in his life
he would do anything for you and knows that you would do the same for him
you two are like two halves of a whole and without each other, the world would honestly be empty
he is more grateful to you than anyone else (which says a lot because he holds his friends pretty highly)
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
its hard to share everything when you cant really talk lol
there's a lot about himself that you dont know
you dont really know about his family or how he grew up, but that's because you never asked
he doesnt share everything, but he's not trying to intentionally hide anything from you
he respects and loves communication in a relationship, but that's hard when you dont really have a voice to speak it
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
i feel like you both really didnt change
you fell in love with who he was and it was the same for him
nothing about either of you really changed
he's still more reserved, even if you try to get him out of his shell
i feel like the real change or lesson you would learn is how to work better together
whether that be in real fighting situations, arguments with each other, or even just class work
you're just finding better ways to work together
so personal problems are just another bump for you to try to get over together
it leaves you on your toes, so it's actually quite fun sometimes
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
I feel like he doesnt have a huge jealousy problem
when you are talking to a guy and your adorable laugh slips out
your voice is reserved for toge and toge only lol
hearing that gorgeous little laugh or hearing you sing for others just sparks a new feeling in his chest that he doesnt like
to deal with it, he just rushes over to you and stands as close as possible so he can hear it first hand while looking the other person dead in the eye
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
this man has the cutest smallest softest lips ever
its like kissing a soft little cloud or a stuffed animal or something
and he slides his hand behind your ear, moving you hair out of the way
it would always be one little kiss and then he'd just press more and more onto your lips
you know the little kiss sesh is over when he places a big kiss on your cheek and smiles at you
the first kiss happened so suddenly
y'all were just hangin out, watchin the moon, and he pressed a kiss onto your cheek, which then became your lips, and then you ended up kissing for a few minutes under the stars
wish that was me omg
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
y'all were just studying in the library when he slipped over a note that said:
will you go out with me? :)
how could you say no?
you two ended up passing notes the whole time instead of studying lol
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
as long as that means he can be in your life forever, then yes
he would pass you a note again just cuz it's so flippin cute
he would pass you the note and then the box
then you'd throw your arms around him crying and he'd let a few tears fall himself
the wedding would be super small
maybe you would just get eloped, idk
it would be a very quiet wedding too
you would just hand each other your vows and read them with misty eyes before you two kiss
i think he would say "i do" in order to really keep you guys married
omg that would be so cute
would shock everyone there lol
even you
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
at first you didnt think he called you any nicknames since he cant talk
but then you noticed him saying sushi a lot around you which was a new one
so you just assume that he calls you sushi lol
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
he cant help but stare at you
with loving eyes ofc
he always passes you little notes telling you how much he loves you
he cant help it
its actually only obvious to you
a lot of people dont know since he's so to himself
you, on the other hand, can notice it from a mile away lol
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
its not that he doesnt love you
he would just prefer it if... you didnt touch him in front of a bunch of people lol
he'll gladly hold your hand, but he wont like cuddle you or makeout with you in front of a bunch of people
he just gets too flustered
what a cutie
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
and really good and comforting you
and just like really good at being there
also great cuddles lol
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
i feel like he would do anything to make you happy, but he's not the super romantic type
like no flowers or romantic dinners
just outdoor dates with the moon and stars chillin with ya
just being close to you is enough for the both of you
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
oh absolutely
he is your #1 supporter
you guys support each other and that is super important to the both of you
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
he doesnt need anything but you with a smile on your face to make the relationship work
he doesnt need a thrill
so in that sense, you are very more routine
you are free together in the relationship, so you dont need to see each other 24/7, but having you there makes him happy
just seeing you once or more in a day is good enough for him
but when you start living together and are a part of each other, you two just do your own thing, but with the other right by your side
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
he knows you super well
he knows what you need when you're sad and knows what you need when you're happy
if you're in a position where you just dont want to talk to or see anyone, he will leave you be, he is super empathetic of your feelings
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
this relationship is super important to him
even if he doesnt see you 24/7, just having you in his life means the world to him
this relationship is worth a lot and he never wants it to end
he really thinks he has found the one in you and wouldnt want to give that up for anything
you support him and he does the same, so without that, he would feel empty somewhere in his soul
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
every night before bed, the two of you cuddle up and watch a movie and then just end up falling asleep together
he just loves sleeping in a bed with you
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
but not in front of people ofc
he just loves you hug and hold you while no one else is there
i think he would be really cold, so he would warm himself by your warmth under the blanket while laying little kisses all over your face before falling asleep
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
he would feel like something is missing
he gets in a really sad spot and kind of just... waits for you to get back
expect a lot of loving texts from him
he'll just curl up and watch a movie, wishing you were next to him :(
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
oh absolutely
man would take a bullet for you
he cares about you so much he will do anything, but only if you think the same way about him
he will fight for you and with you
he couldnt imagine a life without you
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bwambiee · 9 months
it’s been a while hi hi, honestly…. i didn’t think i’d pull away from tumblr like that but life caught up with me and to be frank, back when i was active on here i was in a not-so-great head space. i feel really bad for going away without an explanation so here’s a lil reason why i ghosted this app for some time.
i truly love writing on here. it provided me an outlet that was something safe and and comforting for me that took me out of reality when i needed it, and i met so many wonderful ppl on this app that just made it 100x enjoyable especially since we all shared the same interests.
but there were some things i didn’t like about this app, and it was mostly on me. i was in a constant cycle of putting new ideas on here and promising that i’ll upload them, promising everyone ‘it was coming soon’ and i hated how slow i was for trying to put things out there. i felt disappointed in myself every time i opened this app and i knew i was all bark and no bite LOL ofc that’s a habit i have stopped (hooray!). also i’m not sure if anyone has ever felt the same before but have you guys ever written something and you reread it 50, sometimes even a hundred times to make sure it’s perfect? and then when you copy and paste it here and get ready to tap on upload, you stop? suddenly your mind starts pulling you back, “it’s not good enough” “another story has the same concept and that author writes better” “you’re just going to disappoint your readers” etc..? because GOD that’s all i would hear from myself every damn time i wanted to upload something. truly my own enemy fr and it’s my own fault for throwing a self pity party srsly. now that i’m (kinda?) back and have a clean mind and plate, i just want to do better. im not sure if anyone is going to see this or if anyone cares bc tbh bc it’s not THAT big of a deal but i did feel bad for leaving and ghosting this app.
so i’ll be lurking around, fixing up my blog and changing the theme, my ask box is open so feel free to go to it if you’d like (read the rules ofc) the works that have been finished will be uploaded whenever, no definite date and my smau is being revised since i did a change up the chapters a lot, no definite upload date for that either but be on the lookout 🫶🏻
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writingsofwesteros · 11 months
I'm writing this sitting in a meeting at work I blame you @dorkybimbo and @writingsofwesteros but srsly thank u guys im just happy someone read my ned brainrot xD
Just what the hell happened to Rob? Yesterday, when she surprised him with a little blindfold play, she swears he's turned into some kind of sex god. It was as if he posessed some secret hack codes to her arousal, she would soar higher and higher with his every well-measured touch.
Right now he is snoring beside her, having spent himself in like 5 minutes of blind rutting, and all she's got for it was a friendly pat on the head and a sloppy kiss before he was out. She is left horny and frustrated, and honestly too angry to even masturbate.
Was it the blindfold that's evoked his inner Don Juan? Is he shy? Does he not want to be watched when he's playing with her?
Come to think of it, the blindfold really did change a lot, not only for him, but for her as well. When blindfolded, she experienced his body differently... she paid more attention to the texrure of his skin, she could feel it's roughness, rejoice in finding its every crease and frown. His weight settled differently over her. His stubble ticked more and his cock seemed more girthy...
Wait a minute...
Hold on...
Her eyes widen, and she has to clasp her hands over her mouth to prevent a shocked yelp from getting out.
It was't Rob, was it?
She curses her lack of caution. She should have checked if it was indeed Rob who entered the house yesterday. But she isn't really sorry for what's happened. Not when it was the best sex of her life.
But who was this misterious lover? It had to be someone from the Stark household, or a friend of the family...
Focus, focus, she urges herself, sifting through her memories, fishing for details...
He uttered no word, but he did hum and whisper, on occasion, and the timbre of his voice was deep, and warm - a man grown, or past his boyhood at the very least, and that excludes Rob's gangly younger brothers.
Jon, then? But no, Jon is away for championships with his rugby team. (Go Crows!)
What about Sansa's boyfriend, Theon? She would not put it past the sleazy bastard to cheat on his girl once an occasion presented itself.
But, she can still feel the smell of her mysterious lover tickle her nose. Tones of leather, coffee and elegant pricey cologne... And Theon always reeks of marijuana, there's no way she'd not recognize him on the spot.
Cologne...? Benjen, then? Rob's uncle. He visits often enough and is unattached, true, but... something in uncle Benjen's bearing would always set off her gaydar, and frankly she'd bet her scholarship on him liking dick. So, no.
Strong arms, sure hands, meaty, powerful frame, magnetic presence... masterful self control.
That really leaves only one man. She gulps, as she feels her heart speed up.
The question is, how to get Mr Eddard Stark to touch her again.
hehe, love that you are doing this in a meeting , so bad!
All the ones she checked off; like yes please!
The question is, how to get Mr Eddard Stark to touch her again. !!!!!! IT IS THE QUESTION!
Poor Robb but he should be better, sorry not sorry
Always love your brainrot!
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skyliv · 6 months
For the Chatscter Ask Game with Olivia Octavius! 5, 12, 13, 23, and 26! 
AIEEEE HELLO!!! omg ive never done any of these
5) What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
im soo cringe but i am so unbelievably free (doing the rest under the cut so i dont take up all the space cuz i feel bad)
12) What's a headcanon you have for this character?
AHEM (pulls open notes app like an ancient scroll)
she's probably more of a tea person than a coffee person, she may need all the caffeine in the world but it can at least taste nice
13) What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
Other than just 🧪🐙 as the basics, I think she would've used little :) in emails sometimes, only when they're non work related
23) Favorite picture of this character?
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grabs her and shakesher around
UHHHM UH i'll use this to answer 25) What was your first impression of this character?
i was only able to watch ITSV a YEAR after it came out, but the moment i saw hr my jaw dropped and i think its a disease /j
nah but srsly i was genuinely so attached from the start its crazy
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b1mbodoll · 6 months
So a little back story - I worked with this guy this past summer and like the first time we met I alr liked him. Like he was exactly my type. Like 100%. But I'm super shy (never dated anyone, never kissed anyone, never held hands with anyone) so I never really did anything obvious that I liked him bc I was nervous. We kind of flirted (maybe) a lot near the end of the summer. We texted a lot a lot but he ended up moving up to college for his apartment earlier than expected so we never got to see eachother after our last days of work. There was lots of drama on my end surrounding that trust. Like mental anguish bc I fumbled the bag hard.
Anyways. We start school respectively (I go to school in NY and him in TX) and we don't talk that often, just snap like everyday. But as the semester goes on we reply to each other's stories and have short, friendly convos more frequently. Flashforward to like, a week ago or something. I reply to his insta story and we start talking. He finds out that I'm going home for Thanksgiving and he is to so he asks me to hang out. This is odd bc we weren't close enough as friends for me to think that he would ask to see me.
Anyways again, I'm skipping details bc otherwise I'll never finish this lmao - the date/not date was like everything else we do. Vaguely romantic but could also be friendly. He picked me, we ate dinner and then went ice skating together. He walked up to my door to get me, held open doors for me, and opened the car door to walk me back to my house after we got back. But like - no moves were made. No attempts to hold my hand or kiss me. AT ALL. But like he also complimented my butterfly hair lips like sir 😭😭 idk what you want from me.
But now I'm feeling kind of tired of 6-7 months of not knowing where we stand with eachother. So I texted him afterwards saying "Thank you so much for tonight, I loved seeing you again! Although, I did want to know if it was a date or if it really was intended as just a hangout, bc it did seem like it sometimes? Either way, I'd love to meet up with you again if we're both in town!" He then liked bith of the thank you messages and replied, we definitely should. But then he replied to the daye/not date ask with - I don't know. I'll have to think about it. He then said something about it being more than he anticipated but still good, so idk if that means that it wasn't intended as a date but became one and he enjoyed it or if he meant it as a date but I fumbled the bag (I give just as many mixed signals bc I'm an anxious coward lmao) but it still ended up okay.
HOWEVER, I AM A GENIUS, LIKE RIZZ MASTER 1000. I accidentally left something in his car so tmmr morning he's gonna drive back to drop it off (It's like an hour round trip for him). And tomorrow is the day I will stop being a bitch. I'm gonna tell him that I'm interested but that I also do genuinely enjoy him as a person so like, however he intends to meet up with ne in the future I'll be okay with that.
So yeah. Story time over 🫶🫶🫶🫶 Sorry that it's actually so long but I remember how excited you were so I wanted to let you know how it went 💗💗💗💗
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IM ON MY KNEES RN STOP u r so cute and agh!!!!!! i will be needing an update with whatever happens pretty please, honey 🤲
im so ☹️☹️☹️ u guys went ice skating ☹️ that’s so so so so fucking cute!!!!!! that actually is so cute my heart cant take it ໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১ but no moves being mad.. 🤬 yeah i need to have a stern talking to with this man!!! what r ur intentions with my little angel, you HEATHEN!!! hehe no but srsly dont be anxious sweetheart! i know its hard n way easier said than done, but you seem so wonderful and im sure he thinks that as well! im so glad you had a good time <3
rizz master 1000 has me crying omg ur too silly 😭 but him driving AN HOUR TO GIVE U UR THINGS STOP IT my little heart is so warm :( im proud of u for messaging him and asking for clarification about what the lil hangout was! n pls u r anything BUT a bitch!!!!! ur perfect and i hope things work out well with him!
dont apologize for he length! i love anything romance so inwas looking forward to this update!!!! wishing u the best of luck with him <3 mwah
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i mentioned this earlier but i got the documents from my relative today and ok. like.
long rant about MNO ahead from a current citizen. im putting below a read-more bc it gets long but if anyone else has experience with MNO lying about your ancestors like this or has more indepth articles about the issue would you be able to send?
tl;dr, MNO mislabelled some of my ancestors as part of "Verified Root Lineages", even though they were literally on treaty paylists as status ndn. and uhhh I'm feeling extremely angry and sad over this and just have to rethink everything I thought I knew about where we come from.
turns out that some of the ancestors I used to prove my citizenship with MNO were actually Ojibwe & Cree, not Métis. so my cousin found this out and just sent the documents to me today.
it's just that my direct ancestors the treaty signing generation specifically died in 1900, five years before treaty 9 was signed. so all their siblings, nieces, nephews were status for that treatyand on the treaty paylists for both Cree , and the wife, my great-great-(great?)grandma was specifically status ft william ojibwa under the robinson superior treaty but maybe lost it for marrying nonstatus. idk. my direct ancestors were status eligible and never received it like all their enrolled Ojibwe cousins with a Cree dad. and yet they're all apparently Verified Métis.
it kind of feels like MNO just guessed for BQ reasons, that bc they were little-m métis, HBC workers, and in NW Ontario, that they were Métis??
in either case it means i've mislabeled at least the Ojibwe side of my ancestry as Métis for years now bc of the sloppy genealogy on the part of MNO and on my part for trusting in it. and i feel extremely angry and just so sad about it. it was very difficult for my granny to grow up & she rlly purposefully blocked a lot of it out, and that age means the family & official records are what we had to look to for reconnecting.
but srsly when census records for some ppl say "Ojibway FB" (frenchbreed) or "Cree FB" or HB (halfbreed) it's not clear if that's Métis or just métis Native, so when an official Métis Nation says that's verified ancestry line for them, you believe them. I learned only last year that MNO had such sloppy work but i maybe foolishly just assumed that was in the communities outside the historic homelands, not in ruperts land area.
anyways my cousin has left MNO and just got enrolled in Ft William FN, and i'm kind of extremely pissed at MNO right now so I'm considering following.
legally, I'm still considered Métis, but my faith in the MNO's records is honestly gone. bc it could well be that my other Métis ancestry, also on the verified root lines, is just straight up just the Cree-descent I knew about, that married into Ojibwe family. since chief louttit wsa my grannys i think 2nd cousin so who fcking knows anymore. if i can get more info on that i might just unenroll from MNO and work to connect more with my ojibwe relations and figure out if i want to proceed further re: citizenship. i know my granny is really interested in enrolling and reconnecting for sure though.
but it feels like. ancestor theft. idk how to describe the feeling. and also just. i have been working to reconnect with Métis Nation, for years, to learn our history and represent it well and just. it feels like a betrayal to them, from them, and above all to my ancestors.
sorry this is rambling and for the confusing back and forth. i've got a lot of really complicated feelings about this. if anyone has similar experience and read this whole thing, please reach out bc it's just a really upsetting experience.
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angelicmark · 11 months
cw: um unintentional trauma dumping? idk i can't tell bc the stuff im talking ab is relevant to my ask but i feel like an attention wh*re for talking ab it at the same time im so sorry rip 😭 u dont have to post if this is too long but i just wanted to express how ur writing made me feel!
pls pls pls never take down tooth and nail... i fr loved every single word. every single word hurt me more and more (in the best way).
i was in a relationship exactly the same as the one you wrote and my mental health also plummeted due to unrelated reasons but the fact that my relationship wasn't working out started to take a toll on my mental health too. 2 yrs later is when i decided to stop listening to empty promises and insincere apologies, sometimes i wish i wasn't the bigger person and i sometimes wish i cussed them out lmao i honestly just wish they could feel the pain they caused me over the years but instead i decided to end things on neutral ground.
i related to this so much, what really fuckin got me was the frustration,, esp trying to figure out what to do. even if i don't regret leaving that person behind i can't seem to shake off how it effected me as a person, and left a bitter taste in my mouth whenever i think of love esp since i used to be a fairytale daydreams hopeless romantic type. it hit me so fuckin hard the way you described every single interaction made me wonder if you were writing this from personal experience. no need to share if you're uncomfy. if you did, then i'm so sorry you went through that, i rlly empathize with you & im so proud of where you are today; if you did not, then i greatly commend you and your ability to depict and evoke so much emotion into a bunch of text.<3
pls don't ever delete tooth and nail as i will be coming back to read whenever im in an angsty mood and feel like making myself cry,, bc stuff describing these exact events hurt me the most and sometimes you need a good cry yk? strangely they bring me a lot of comfort though, bc i feel seen. this did just that for me n so much more,, the feelings your writing expressed- truly beautiful, srsly well done. thank you for providing me w a lil safe bubble to sob simply bc i feel like it as well as the comfort and validation i feel after reading this.💛
oh wow, thank you for this message. it means a lot that you would open up to someone like me. most of my fics are based on my own events, so yes, tooth and nail is apart of my life as well. i struggled a very long time with communication with the person i wrote about. we broke up and then got back together. we needed concrete boundaries and we never had that until now. i understand just how you feel and where the frustration and hurt and pain truly comes from. i will keep it up forever just for you. thank you for reading it and telling me such personal details. thank you for the trust 🤍
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zhongrin · 1 year
i fucking FEEL/RESONATE with you on the request thing. i only do it once in a blue moon when i'm really lacking ideas and need a push. or i'm just painfully bored and want something to do real quick.
but either way, requests are tiring at some point or another. they have their purpose and upsides, but for a lot of people, it's just exhausting and eventually can become pointless. id dare say it becomes siphoning at some point—in the aspect that it siphons your own ability to creatively think of ideas and put them into practice/action.
yes, requests have their own viability in the process of creation. but it can sorely, sorely drain you of your ability to conjure up your own ideas.
but im also extremely adamant about the constant development of my own writing, it is my biggest passion and always has been. not everyone is that way ofc, and some people are beginner writers. and there's absolutely no shame in that! work with what you've got and can do today.
but if you really want to get out there—you need to push yourself to creatively progress every so often. take steps, focus on those steps, practice and refine those new abilities, and then keep progressing onto the next steps.
oops i have so many thoughts abt this. also im caffeinated LMAO.
yes im on anon just to share my thoughts on this. i am srsly passionate about writing lol.
-misery ✨
getting ideas from people are nice of course, but these days it's rare that i resonate with them so much it makes me want to write a full-on fic. i'd rather get ideas from things i thought of myself or have experienced beforehand, because then it means i either know about the topic or i would have the motivation to research such topics.
it's just like exercising to me. people can give me tips and hound me to do it, but if i don't feel like it, i just won't do it (as i type this i realize this is very al haitham core lol i suppose this is why i relate to him a lot)
writing has always been a hobby to me and i never really feel the need to 'get out there' or publish my own book and all, so yeah. idk if writing on tumblr would be a valid thing you can put for your portfolio as a writer, but i suppose it works as a practice (and i want to say feedback but uh... this is tumblr so...) for aspiring writers? not sure on the details but yeah, if it works for you then you do you.
i just wish people would respect blog rules and treat writers as humans and not.. content producing machines. because honestly that's what i feel whenever people send in requests. i thought it's common sense to read blog rules before interacting with a blog, but apparently it's not these days.
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og-danny-dorito · 2 years
One of two matchups I wanted to ask about
Fandom: Demon Slayer
Preference: SFW AND NSFW
Zodiac: Pisces
Pronouns: She/Her and They/Them
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hobbies: Singing, Reading, Playing video games, making Loom band chains, and most recently, baking cookies, bread, and cakes.
Appearance: I’m a bit more on the chubbier side, 5’4 and have very short curly black hair. I usually wear glasses for being near sighted but forget to wear them all the time. I have dark brown eyes and I’m curvy. Have scars around my chest from two reduction surgeries
Personality Traits: Extremely Empathetic, Loyal, Hard headed, Sensitive
Facts about myself: I tend to put others way before myself, to the point I don’t care for myself as much. I have ADHD and Social Anxiety Disorder, and I come from a family of Brazilians and Porto Rican’s. I tend to have a soft spot for children and end up being an unintentional babysitter/older sister type. Rhythm games are a big part of my life and Greek mythology is a big thing for me. Turned stress eating to stress baking to try and help with weight loss.
ofc! sorry these took such a long time, im actively working on the other one set you sent!!
𝙸 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑… 𝙶𝚒𝚢𝚞 𝚃𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚘𝚔𝚊!
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𝚃𝚆: explicit sexual content in the 'NSFW' area [minors do not interact]
𝙲𝚆: explicit sexual content; cockwarming, head-giving
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it took me a minute but it think giyuu would match best with you!!
he's on the quieter side and so he has a really calming effect on people, and i think he'd be really nice to be around considering he does a good job at quieting the noise in your head that can get overwhelming from time to time
he isn't very vocal about it, but when he loves he loves hard. he'd give up the whole world for you if you asked it of him
he texts you a lot throughout the day to get him through it, mostly about things that remind him of you (like if he sees a shirt or a pin that he thinks you'll like he'll send a picture and ask if you want it)
makes a genuine effort to make sure you're okay even though he kind of already has a sixth sense for it?? you cant get anything past this dude srsly 💀💀💀
no but seriously if you're having a rough day and you tell him you're "fine" even though you know damn well you're not, he'll go along with it but make a conscious effort to take care of you
he'll make dinner for the night, draw a bath for you, put on some of your favorite shows for you to watch in bed together, and even offer to wash your hair and body for you to help you decompress
like i said he's a pretty quiet lover, so he doesn't voice how much he cares for you and that could pose to be a point of confusion if you rely a lot on verbal affirmation
of course he tells you he loves you, but he relies more on acts of service to show his affection for you rather than words of affirmation
in fact, he'll only really be able to tell you after being in the relationship for 5 months, and even then he seems almost scared to say it
the fact of the matter is that giyuu's had to deal with loosing people close to him his entire life, and so admitting that he cares for you so deeply is difficult for him to admit both to himself and to you
he's scared of loosing you, and so he tries his best to make sure he shows that he loves you even if he has a hard time saying it
but he gets better at it with time since he becomes more comfortable with it the more he speaks about it. plus that and you naturally make him feel safe considering how accepting you are of him
he genuinely thinks you're something special, and very rarely feels like he deserves you
god forbid anyone be rude to you because he does not tolerate people being rude to the people he cares about
he isn't violent or anything even if he considers it for a brief moment, but he will stare them down and be uh... less than polite
OH and also. he likes that you're shorter than him. he thinks it's cute :]
doesn't take pictures often but when he does he always likes to make sure that he's as close to you as possible?? its weird cause he's not very physically affectionate but when you're taking pictures he has to physically be on top of you since he "doesn't want anyone on instagram thinking you're not taken"
what?? he knows you're attractive and he doesn't want any idiot thinking they can take you. its partially cause he's scared that you'll find out you can do way better one day and leave him but also because he's weirdly protective over you
i kinda think that he wouldn't want kids but after seeing you interact with them he'd change his mind LMAO
also don't worry about the social anxiety, he fucking hates crowds too and usually picks out dates that avoid high-traffic scenarios anyway. usually if ya'll are caught in a packed area he'll squeeze your hand to confirm if you're alright though, and if you answer negatively he gets both of ya'll out of there as soon as possible since he knows how crushing it can be
isn't good at interacting with people that much though RIP
will share a lot of your interests with you!! he personally likes to cook even though he's not good at it, so ya'll probably spend a lot of time baking together since he wants to learn and uses it as an excuse to hang out with you (even though he doesn't rlly need one 💀)
NO SHUT UP I KNOW IT FOR A FACT you cant tell me im wrong i know im not
its not a fetish thing he just likes having something to grab
knows you're kinda insecure too so he makes it a point to absolutely worship you
in fact, when you're having sex it's usually very heartfelt and passionate, and if you're not half-delirious from him eating you out prior then you'll be bale to notice him peppering kisses over your face, your scars, your folds, everything
oh yeah he loves to eat you out btw
giyuu is VERY aware that he's a lot more physically strong than you, and while he's not forceful he does use it to his advantage by pushing you down when you move too much
he's very soft, but he's firm about his demands of you and makes sure to punish you accordingly. you jut your hips up while he's going down on you? then he'll stop for a while and watch you beg for him to continue, barely touching your aching sex until you apologize and promise to not do it again
REALLY likes cockwarming. for some reason he has this weird fascination with watching you struggle to keep your composure, and having your tight heat around him while he goes about his business while you struggle not to move almost tempts him to give in to what you so desperately want out of him
usually takes things very slow since he likes to savor every moment with you, but if one of you is having a particularly hard day he's more than happy to "relieve some stress" by fucking the bad day out of you
tends to put your pleasure before his own since he likes to service you and make sure you're well taken care of, but its mainly because he gets really flustered when you take control??
its hard to explain but he gets really turned on seeing you take control from him, calling the shots and making him a stuttery mess
in fact, he probably makes the most noise when he's on bottom, but he usually covers it up with his hands or a pillow or something so he doesn't give away how worked up he is since it makes him feel weak
he cherishes that he can feel weak with you though, and sex with him is usually very passionate and love-filled considering he's putting his soul into this special event with you
aftercare is usually very sensual too, with him either wiping you down completely with a washcloth and giving you some water or offering to take a bath/shower together and offering you water (cause hydration is important)
[ 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐! 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚜𝚔 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚍 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚊 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚞𝚙 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚘𝚠𝚗 :) ]
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