#i forgot how to draw sorry for nothing truly new
madscientistreaction · 2 months
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ancient kazzypoo i recovered from google drive....
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tiredmamaissy · 10 months
Ralak te Sepwan ieyk’itan: Special Episode II 
Concurrent Tides
An Illustrated Collaboration with @zestys-stuff
Masterlist ; Rut/Heat/Knotting Info
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🔞 minors, do not interact 🔞
Hyperlinks are attached to specific paragraphs that when clicked on will lead you to its illustration by Ralak's creator @zestys-stuff. Most illustrations are now on her patreon.
Characters: Metkayina!Ralak (24) x Sully!Omaticaya!Reader (19) Warnings: nsfw, smut, fluff, profanity, age gap, aggressive rut cycle, heat cycle, dom/sub dynamics, jealousy/posessiveness, knotting, marking, scenting, praise kink, breeding kink, size difference, p in v, mating/bonding, multiple climaxes, creampie, ralak is a bit of a meanie in this, let me know if I forgot anything? Word Count: 10k Requested: Yes || No Author’s Note: the second special episode is finally here. sorry it took forever to get it out, but better late than never :') i hope you guys enjoy <3 theres another part to come after this one! 🤍 Synopsis: what happens if you and your new mates cycles sync? 
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“Only I knot you.”
That was the first time you’d ever seen Ralaks eyes shift in colour. That same night right after he pulled you out of his memory of his first rut. A beautiful, deep blue, glistening before your honey glazed orbs. It’s barely been a week since that night, yet it replays over and over. Day and night. How he looked at you with nothing but unadulterated greed, hardly catching his breath as he tried to steady his galloping heart. It was something deep-rooted and primal. 
Something animalistic. 
Since, you’ve longed to see him fully immersed in such a state. A state where self control and sexual desire no longer coexist. He’s always too concerned with you and what he thinks you can and cannot manage that he never allows himself to do what he truly wants. The level of restraint you feel through the bond is indescribable. A level you nor any other na’vi could conceivably attain. Regardless, most nights you find yourself fantasizing about this ‘lack of control’ right before bed. 
Nights like tonight. 
Where the stars shimmer so brightly that you need to draw the curtains, and the air is exceptionally cold and crisp that you need to huddle closely together for warmth. When your nose is buried so deep into his chest that there's no other choice for his scent to fill your lungs. And tonight he smells extraordinarily good. The salt of the sea mixed with leather hide. And oddly enough, he smells like… home. The forest and its greenery. It’s quite ironic but perhaps it’s Eywa’s way of saying that this man is truly yours. It's so comforting and right. Like a cup of hot tea on a stormy night, never failing to put you to sleep. A remedy that works in seconds — but not tonight. 
Tonight you’re restless and he can sense it. 
“What is it?” Ralak husks, shifting his position to hold you a little closer. “Cold?” 
Truthfully, you’ve been feeling a little off. Your body has been restless and haunted. As if it could sense some sort of change of shift in the atmosphere. Or perhaps it was between the two of you. “No.” You mumble, lifting your head to look up at him. “Just can’t sleep.”
Ralaks ears twitch, a little surprised his typical soothing techniques aren’t working. He sits up quite quickly, bringing you up with him as he scoots back into frame of his bed. His brows lower when he ponders about what could be keeping you so on edge. He takes note of your flushed appearance and the minute changes in your eyes, they’re glowing a little brighter recently. 
His brows jump when the realisation dawns on him. 
Could it be? He knows it’s close but is it really already affecting you? How is that possible? And does that mean it will be even more severe this time around? 
He had every intention to stay but perhaps it’ll be more difficult than he expected. He should really tell you, but he knows exactly how that would play out. You would get your way as per usual, it was hard for him to deny you of anything you wanted. A quick swish of your tail and it was yours. Ralak took pride in caring and providing for you. But not for this. This was just plain dangerous. And therefore he couldn’t allow you to figure it out. It’s ultimately safer that he keeps it to himself, at least until you’ve adjusted to him a little more. Your intimate moments together are very few in number after all. 
“Why is that, tanhì?” He asks in a low, steady tone, fixing his mask of indifference tightly to his face. 
You may be a slow learner, but you weren’t slow. You could sense that he wasn’t being all that transparent with you. 
“I don’t know. Something feels off about you.” You say in an almost accusatory tone, finally sitting up to look him in the eye. He’s pale in the face and his breath becomes raggedy. “Tell me, Ralak.” 
You watch as his pupils constrict, leaving nothing but a black dot in an open sea of blue. Within a matter of seconds, they deepen in colour and his eyelids flutter shut. He clears his throat, and waits a few seconds to open his eyes. They’re back to normal but you could’ve sworn they looked different. Just like they did a few nights ago. 
“What just happened to your—” Your heart begins to race as you utter the words, only to be cut off by Ralaks hasty voice. 
“Inland. Tomorrow morning. Overnight hunting trip.” He grinds them out as if it physically hurts to say the words. Anything to keep you from figuring it out. 
What? Is he — lying to you? 
This isn’t like him. He avoided trips inland at all costs. Anything to stay with his tanhí. He’d even go as far as faking an illness, despite rarely getting ill, to get out of accompanying Tonowari. Especially for overnight trips. 
“And why did you not tell me earlier?” You manage to squeak out a closing throat, backing away to create a little distance.
He shakes his head as he blinks rapidly, staying put to allow as much space as you need. “I was hoping I did not need to go.” He utters, dropping his head to lock his gaze on your twiddling thumbs. His eyes trail up your dark blue frame, taking note of how your body is already almost trembling —already responding to him— all out of your control. He bows his head, hiding his face. “But it seems that I cannot get out of this one. I am sorry, my paysyul.” 
For a fleeting moment, you really thought this was the beginning of something bad. Something deceitful. But, his words instantly bring you comfort, slowing your leaping heart and putting your mind at ease. 
But the funny thing is that there was no lie. 
There was really an overnight trip inland with Tonowari. One that Ralak arranged himself. Tonowari was especially taken aback by Ralaks suggestion of a hunting trip and immediately queried if he was alright, putting a firm hand on his forehead to determine if he had some sort of fever. But once Ralak explained himself, Tonowari was smiling and laughing, smacking a few blows on his back as a form of approval, teasing him yet again about ‘the love story between an Akula and an ilu’. 
Your sigh brings Ralak out of his deep thought, chin leaving his chest to witness you sliding back into bed, turning on your side and backing up onto him. A smirk pulls at the his lips as he joins you, enveloping you in his warmth once more. A wave of relief washes over him as he rests his chin on the crown of your head. He’s thankful that you didn’t press any further. Otherwise, he would’ve had to reveal his best kept secret. 
His upcoming rut. 
The harsh thump of Ralaks heart rouses him to the sight of his mate clung to his chest. He admires your beauty, allowing his eyes to fall on your chest, watching closely as you breathe slowly. He gently pulls back the thin sheeting covering your body, exposing your puffy nipples to the cool morning air. When they stiffen into peaks, saliva pools in his mouth. At this point he would have looked away because of basic na’vi decency, but this morning is different. 
He allows himself to stare. To take in every detail on your chest. To sear it into his memory so he can visualise you just like this as he relieves himself. Exposed before his eyes, supple skin glistening as the rays of sunlight reflect against your freckles, exposed, stiffened nipples, that act as the perfect bait to lure in a hungry predator. 
That’s what he’ll be in a matter of minutes. Nothing but a slave to his own urges and instincts. Ravenous. Insatiable. Voracious. With not even a sliver of self composure left to hold onto an ounce of rationality. He can already feel it creeping up on him, the hunger deep in his core turning him into the beast that he appears to be on the outside. It’s always been like this. A little too much. Too overwhelming. 
Too aggressive. 
And as the years passed it only worsened. Six unmated years. With no one but himself to make it through the tortuous few days. He just knows that he would be too rough with you. It’s his biggest fear, after all. To have no self control. To hurt the one thing he loves more than Eywa’s gift of life itself. He would sacrifice his own (life) if it meant to save yours.
He was hoping to endure it. Bite his tongue through it and be by your side. Perhaps take a long bath in the lake and crawl into bed after you’ve gone to sleep and relieve himself as quietly as he can. But now that it’s here in full bloom, he’s already having a hard time containing his urge to spread your legs and use you as his own personal fucktoy. 
But you’re more than that to him. 
And this is why he’s choosing to leave before you wake. Before he can no longer contain himself to just staring at your bare chest. Before he pulls the sheet down even further and parts your legs—already trembling from his leaking pheromones—and has a taste of his sweet, sweet tanhí. Rather, he uses his last shred of self composure to plant a firm kiss on your forehead before quickly gathering his gear and heading out the door. 
Unbeknownst to him, you were awake the entire time. 
You could feel his eyes bore into your tiny frame as the crisp morning air grazed past your nipples, just like you could feel the roughness of his kiss right above your brow. You wanted to open your eyes but the way his pheromones waft up your nose had you in a foggy trance. Your eyes burned under your eyelids and your body felt so heavy and hot. 
You couldn’t help but think, is this his rut?
To be influenced by his cycle? You had felt it before. His first rut in the flashback, but it was nothing like this. Sure, it had you shivering and a little on edge but this was to another level. You could barely open your eyes, much less get out of bed. This entire time your body has been sending warning signals that its mate was peaking in his cycle — restlessness, clinginess, the nesting. You had unknowingly gathered enough fruits and grains to last you a few days. Even in this murky state of mind you finally manage to link the pieces of the puzzle together. 
Listening to his footsteps as he walks out the marui, you muster up as much strength as you can to open your eyes. It’s blurry and honestly all just one blob. You could only make out a few colours trailing behind this gentle giant—green, blue and orange. All of which mix together and move like the aurora in the night sky. If one could see what a pheromone looks like, this would be it. When you finally get enough strength to part your chapped lips to mutter his name, the colours disappear as the marui flap closes behind him. 
You really thought that once he left and the room aired out, that the influence of his pheromones on your body would lift as well. But you were wrong. Instead, the heaviness of your body grew tenfold, making it hard to breathe. It’s as if your lungs were filled to the brim with cold water, yet they burned as you squirmed around to fill them with air. The fire in your lungs quickly spread to your extremities, leaving your entire being in a sweltering inferno. 
This feeling is familiar, yet foreign all at once. A desire so extreme it burns from within. The desire to be connected with your mate on all levels known to the na’vi. To satiate the itch of your empty, fertile womb by filling it with his seed. 
Why did you have to get your heat now?
You call for Ralak a few times in your dazed state, only for you to be reminded by nothing but the crash of the waves that he’s gone. Soon the heavy rumble of the waves is drowned out by your whimpers and whines as you call for your mate to no avail. All you can manage to do in your feverish haze is kick off whatever cloth is stuck to your body, curl into a ball and rock to ease the unbearable sensation between your legs.
All until you hear a familiar, husky voice. 
“I was doing some sessions with Ronal and—”
“R-Ralak?” You call out in relief, hoping your prayers have finally been answered. You roll onto your side and squint at the figure in the door frame. 
“Uh. Not quite.” He quickly mutters under his breath, moving his forearm to shield his nose from your strong pheromones wafting his way. “Eywa—” He mumbles the great mothers name like a curse as he looks around the marui for your mate. “Where is Tak?” 
The more you squint your eyes, the more you’re able to make out who this figure standing in your doorway is. Your blurred vision clears just enough to reveal the unforgettable, brawny features of no other than Ka’ani. 
“Ka’ani?” You say the name slowly, unsure if you should believe your eyes. 
“Hah. What do you know…” Ka’ani scoffs, moving his arm from his face to lean in to get a better look at your condition. You’re panting yet shivering, glazed in your own sweat and slick. He smirks a little as he pulls back, spitting out the words, “…bitch in heat.” 
“What are you... d-doing here? You should leave!” You try to shout, although it comes out more as a hoarse cry. 
“Why should I? It looks like you need a hand.” Ka’ani jesters, physically extending his hand towards you as he wiggles his thickset fingers. 
“Haa. I really don’t.” You pant, hugging your knees to your chest even tighter.
“You’re sitting in a puddle of your own sweat.” Ka’ani’s voice is harsh, yet laced with concern. “And whatever else is coming out of you.” His jaw clenches and unclenches as he looks away from you, seemingly out of — respect? He catches sight of the full bucket of fresh water at your bedside, along with empty drinking bowls.
Has she not been tended to all day? Not a sip to drink? Ka’ani thinks to himself, concerned as to why Tak’s mate would be alone, uncared for and in heat of all things. 
You finally muster up the energy to tug the sodden sheet over your naked body and scoot back further to the frame of the bed. “Ralak said he will be back soon. You should leave if y-you want to live.” You lie, feeling a little threatened that a male na’vi has barged into your marui while you’re in heat. 
“Yeah, I don’t believe that for a second, y/n. None of this makes sense.” Ka’ani speaks, taking a few steps towards you. 
You shuffle even further back only for your back to make contact with the bed frame. A rush of fear surges through you. The type of fear that has your heart twisting behind your ribs. You cross your legs over one another, bunching up the sheet between them and beg with trembling lungs, “P-Please, Ka’ani. Don’t.” 
Ka’ani stops dead in his tracks, seemingly offended by your assumption that he’d be approaching you to do something that the great mother herself would look down upon. Sure, he tracked your scent last time, but he was here atone exactly for that. 
“Syor [relax]. I would never do such a thing.” He says through gritted teeth, storming towards the bedside and quickly pouring you a drink. “No matter how strong your scent is. Although, you don’t smell all that great now that you’re mated.” He chuckles lightly as he hands you the drink. Your eyes jump between him and the cup in his hand before you struggle to sit up. His hand instinctively reaches out to assist you, but you bat it away and continue to pull yourself up. 
“Just — let me help you.” He snaps, supporting your back when you finally give in. “Drink.” He commands, plunking the cup in your hand, taking a step back and crossing his arms.  
You gulp down the water greedily, finally quenching your thirst and hoping it will provide some level of relief to your febrile condition. You hum to yourself as the water makes its way down your throat, but groan when you feel no better. Meanwhile, Ka’ani takes in your state, feeling a twinge in his heart for you when he sees how you’ve been suffering. You look more than uncomfortable. You look like you’re in pain.
“You’ll be alright, y/n. Just tell me where he went and I’ll go fetch him.” He speaks in a more gentle tone, taking the empty cup from your hand.
“I-I don’t — haah. He said he went… He went inland to hunt.” You blubber out, feeling your body heat to a dangerous degree. It has you shaking as you ease yourself back into a more comfortable position. 
Ka’ani shakes his head a bit, “Inland to hunt? Really? When his mate is in heat? Tak would never. The only time he’d ever do that is if he is also… in rut.” Ka’ani stalls on the last few words that slip off his tongue, tasting them in his mouth as the realization sets in. Ka’ani quickly fills the cup, sets it next to you and bolts to the door. Before he ducks under the flap of your Marui, he looks over his shoulder and reassures you.
“Sit tight, forest girl. I know exactly where he is.”
— —
It’s been a few hours since coming to his usual spot — the waterfall with the coldest water known to the reef people. It is Ralaks most private and intimate place aside from his humble abode. A place where only a select few people know about. He’s most drawn to the low temperature of the water, making it a perfect environment to endure the heat of his rut in. 
Despite doing this for the past few years, each cycle gets a little more intense. And this one is certainly no exception. 
Ralak sits underneath the overhang, right in the dip of the plunge pool, and allows the water to beat on his back. He’s maintained this position for the past few hours, only releasing himself when the pressure in his core grows too much. A pressure so immense it would have his body acting on its own accord — a wandering hand finding its way to his swollen cock. 
Truth be told, he hated the feeling. 
He hated feeling so out of control. To be nothing but a slave to his own primal impulses. He’d fight it as much as he could, just like he is now, until the sensation is just too intense to ignore. Until he’s grunting and squirming with a body so heated it has him grinding his teeth. 
He quickly stands up, tilting his head back and covering his face from the stream of the water with his hands. At this point his cock is so swollen that it’s outright painful, throbbing and pulsing from the lack of attention. He thinks of you — your thin tail and tiny stature. The way you lay in bed this morning before he left. Naked and exposed before his eyes. Eywa, how he wishes you were here. How he could finally spend his rut with his mate, but he just knows it would be too much for you to handle. 
The thoughts of you make this no easier, sending his hips thrusting into the air — the running water stimulating his thudding cockhead. He groans from the immense pleasure a little water brings him. He’s neglected himself so badly to the point that he feels like this could really make him cum. But how many times has he cum by now? 
Once? Twice? Thrice? 
He lost count after the fifth time, not that he was keeping track anyways. If anything he was downright denying himself the pleasure, and convincing himself that he remained in control. But fuck, the image of your delicate body —the possibility that he could break you if he weren’t careful— pushes him over the edge. Before he can stop himself, his hot cum is spilling from his slit all over the length of his cock and he’s unable to keep his noises at a minimum. 
“Mmmph.” His deep growl rumbles, a hand grabbing a firm hold of his jumping cock. 
He squeezes what’s left out of his slit, finally looking down to see the state of himself. It’s red and raw — spikes fully erect and balls drawn so close to his body they’re practically hiding behind his thick knot. He lets out a loud sigh. 
Finally, he leans back against the rocky wall and slides down into the plunge pool, immersing himself chest deep into the water. He lightly treads back to the bank and makes himself comfortable — allowing his head to rest and body to relax. He takes a few deep breaths and tunes into the burble of the waterfall. 
All until he hears the click of a — 
“Tik-Tak.” Ka’ani clicks melodically, cautiously approaching the giant submerged in the waterfall. Ralak doesn’t budge. He remains fixed in position, eyes shut, head and elbows resting on the edge of the river. His chest heaves harshly as he attempts to remain in this less than tranquil state. “Never thought I’d see the day Ralak leaves his mate in heat. To be soaking in a waterfall of all things.” 
Perhaps Ralak heard wrong. Leaving his mate in heat? Ralak would know if his mate were in heat. He would sense it. Whatever rubbish he’s spewing out, Ralak doesn’t have the time, nor patience, for it. 
“Skxawng, what are you on about? Leave me be.” Ralak huffs, wiping the sweat from his face with a quick hand movement.
“Just as I thought. You’re all hot and bothered too, aren’t you?” Ka’ani chuckles. 
“Leave.” Ralak says angrily, his purplish-blue eyes finally snapping up to meet Ka’ani’s. “I have just calmed.”
Ka’ani’s brows knit together, offended and a little confused with himself for being upset from the way Ralak is shooing him away. 
“Oh c’mon brother. All I’ve been told today is to leave!” Ka’ani’s hands fly up as he takes a step forward. “First your mate, and now you. Am I really that unwanted?”
Now he’s got Ralaks attention. 
Ralak gets a whiff of your sweet, sweet pheromones on him. As if he’s been around his tanhì. Scenting his tanhì. Touching his tanhì. His primal urges devour him once more, eating away at him until nothing but a possessive beast remains. One of pure territorial instinct. 
“What did you do?” Ralak growls through a clenched jaw as he jumps out the water and approaches Ka’ani. “Scenting my mate again?” His voice booms as it increases in volume, yet lowers in depth. “Answer me. Did you touch her?!” 
“No!” Ka’ani blurts out, now taking a few steps back with his hands splayed out in front of him. “Is that what you both really think of me? This is the last I ever do some—”
Ralak remains silent, taking quick, calculated strides directly towards Ka’ani, who is now backing up into a tree. Once his back hits the scaly bark, Ralaks' balled fist slams into the trunk, barely an inch away from Ka’ani’s skull. 
“Alright! Alright. I know what I did before. I-I’m sorry. I came looking for you to apologise for that but I found her in heat. Okay? I came here as soon as I realized.” 
Unsure of whether or not to believe a word coming from this skxawng’s mouth, Ralak steps away from his prey, bloody knuckled and full of uncertainty. But the one thing he is certain about is the fact that he wants no other na’vi to find you if you really are in heat. With a huff of defeat, he pushes past Ka’ani and bolts for the shore. 
The trek back to the marui is twice as quick. Your pheromones are thick and potent, affecting him even a few feet away from the marui door. And when he steps through the marui door, he’s completely inundated with the thick fog of your pheromones. He feels lost in himself, struggling not to succumb to his instincts. Struggling to regain control.
“Ma’ L-Lak?” You mewl shakily.
You can smell him, just like he can smell you. It only drives you further into your heat, your trembling body now shaking a little more. Sensing that your mate is in close proximity, your scent glands release more of your aphrodisiac to lure him in. In turn, this has its effects on your body — sending you into a submissive state where you feel too heavy to even lift a finger. You lay there, legs splayed out and glossy fingered. 
You watch through blurred vision as the tall and thick silhouette quickly makes its way towards you. Ralak grabs and firmly holds your legs back as he leans in close, making the confirmation that his mate is indeed in heat. He lingers a little longer than he can control, taking everything in him to pull away and calm down — panting and out of breath. 
“It is true.” He huffs, towering over your tiny, shivering frame. “In heat.” The two words drip off his tongue, much like the thick nectar dripping from your slit.
“Lak. Oh — lak. ’ts you.” You cry out in relief, clawing at his thigh to bring him back to you, “‘m so happy it’s you ‘nd not someone else.” His teeth grit as your hand grazes his thigh, but he remains fixed in place, unsure of his ability to keep his composure if he allows himself to give in to your touches. 
What is he supposed to do now? 
He didn’t think this far into his plan… for once in his life. Typically he’s quite calculated and certain of his next move but now — now he’s not sure how he’s going to deal with this. He just knew that he couldn’t leave you alone. Not for another man to find and claim you in the way that only he should. But he has to remain himself. For you. He swallows down his uncertainty before speaking. 
“I should have stayed.” He looks down at the flushed, puffy flesh between your legs with a rapacious glint in his eye. “I am sorry.” 
“Don’t be. Just p-please. It’s to-o much. T-Too hot. It aches, karyu.” Ralak winces when you groan the last few words, it’s almost painful to resist you at this point. You go to claw at this thigh once more, only for him to shift away. “No, don’t do that. Not right now. N-Need you so ba—”
“My rut came. This morning.” He’s quick to cut you off with a strained, yet monotonous voice, unable to peel his eyes away from your swollen cunt. 
“I-I know.” You pant, earning a twitch of Ralaks brows. “‘nd t-that’s good. Ngh—that’s really good,  I-I can help you too.” You mumble, sticking your hand between your legs to fondle with yourself. With the way he grimaces one side of his face, it seems as if he wants to look away, but can’t. 
“No, tanhì. We spoke of this.” His accent is thick as he struggles to string the words together, “No control. Trying hard…” he inhales quickly, eyes plastered to the sight in front of him, “…not to lose it.”
At this point the haze of your heat has you lethargically shaking your head from side to side, mumbling whatever frustrated-fueled words that first come to you “…haven’t cum yet…”, you squirm around to find a position that allows your wandering fingers better access to your hole, “…need to cum.” You slur the words as you barely slip two fingers inside you and you quietly sob when they provide very little release. 
“Ralak!” You cry loudly enough to at last lure his gaze up to yours, the night sea finally meeting the roaring flame. Your voice quiets down into a soft whimper, “Please. Just t-try. Please.” 
A moment of silence passes where you and Ralak stare at one another, hearts pounding and chests heaving, understanding exactly how the other feels. The burning desire to come together. The resistance, yet the lack of control. The eternal flame within. The heat. 
Ralak breaks eye contact to glance at your slender fingers working as hard as they can. He breathes a heavy sigh, feeling a pang of guilt for leaving you when he sees just how raw you are from being in heat all alone. He’s responsible for you even being in this bad of a state, isn’t he? Leaving you before sunrise with nothing but a kiss on the head. If anything that only made it more intense for you. He wants to — no, needs to care for you. It’s what every part of himself is urging him to do. 
“The thought of another finding you… like this.” Ralak rasps as he closes in on you, “so vulnerable… it makes me — haah.” He cuts himself off with a shaky sigh and a clench to his jaw. Beads of sweat ball on his temples, slowly rolling down his angular jaw to eventually meet and drip from his chin onto your stomach. He looms over you, his hair flowing forward when he suddenly grabs and tugs at your wrist in one swift move, yanking your fingers out of you. 
“Ss-ah!” You hiss with a wince, heart skipping a beat when you realise that he’s barely there anymore. “I-It makes you, what?” You ask quietly — nervously, even. 
A bestial growl begins to rumble in his chest, causing a shiver to ripple through you—hardening your nipples into peaks within seconds. Jawbone fluttering from his reluctance to answer, he harshly cups your pussy with his hand, causing you to gasp. His sharp, intimidating stare locks with yours, brows tensing as he allows two, thickset fingers to slip down to your slickened opening. His growl fades into a single, drawn out word. 
“Nìfmokx. [jealous]” 
His admission slips past his lips just as his fingers sink into your aching core, leaving your mouth agape and hot tears spilling over your cheeks. Jealousy isn’t an emotion Ralak is used to feeling. Much less something he would subject you to experience with him. But you could see the raw emotion in his eyes, as they flicker from a dark blue to something even deeper. It’s the way his stare bores into your innermost being as he fills you up with his digits alone, telling you that you were his, and his only. 
He hooks his fingers right into your gummy walls, holding his position as he moves his hand in an up and down motion at full tilt. The tips of his fingers repeatedly slam into your swelling sweet spot, coaxing out broken, filthy noises from your throat. He hums with pride, yet his face remains stone cold, minus the occasional twitch of his jawbone. He’s trying so hard to keep at a steady pace, and not to be too rough with your fragility. 
“Oh f-fuck.” You curse under your breath, both hands grabbing a firm hold of his forearm. You’ve been unintentionally edging yourself all day that you’re already almost there. And no matter how hard you squeeze and claw at his now-veiny arm, he remains unmoving. 
“Go on, then.” He huffs impatiently as he looks down at you, feeling your walls clamp down on his fingers. Your heels sink into the bed when you push your hips into the air, fingernails digging into his skin as you near your first release. You begin to whimper, bucking your hips to chase the feeling of relief. It’s right there. It’s so close; and you just need to allow it to wash through you. You tense up so badly your whole body shakes, sending your teeth chattering and your bottom lip quivering. You swear you can see the stars from the night sky litter your vision and feel your heavy lids flutter shut.
“Look at me.” Ralak demands in a sharp, gruff tone. Your glossy eyes shoot back up to his, and you start to sputter out whatever gibberish comes from your mouth — a few curses mixed with his name and your fathers’ mother-tongue. He continues to glare down at you with a rigid face, tensing his jaw as he wills himself to be gentle and patient with you. “Good. Now cum, little one.” 
Your pathetic noises suddenly fade into a sweet, little cry. A cry of relief when your frustration washes away as you finally come undone on his fingers. The alleviation is so intense that it’s almost consuming; “T-Thank—” you collapse back down onto the bed, “—you. Thank you—haah, thank you karyu.” You pant repeatedly, his forearm ripping from your grip when he unexpectedly wrenches his fingers out of you. You squirm from the sudden emptiness, “Wait—” 
“Do not thank.” He spits the accented words as he stumbles back to create some distance between the two of you. He pants as he attempts to recollect himself, his face of stone finally screwing into something of a grimace. “So…if another na’vi found you, would you thank him too? Hm?”
“Lak. I… N-No.” You stutter, unsure of what to even say. 
“You are mine. My mate…” he growls through thinned lips, “My duty. Understand?” 
“Yes.” You nod quickly, feeling your cheeks heat up. It arouses you to see him so jealous. So possessive. So assertive. 
Ralak slams his eyes shut and gulps so hard it’s audible —visible even. You could see the bump in the column of his throat quickly undulate, his chest heaving harshly and his shoulders dramatically rising and falling with each breath he struggles to take. And for a while, there’s nothing but silence and his heavy breathing that you feel the overwhelming need to break it. 
Your trembling, tiny voice snapping his head back up to you, once tightly closed eyes now flying open to reveal the most beautiful shade of mauve. They pierce into you like a spear through an unsuspecting prey, full of nothing but pure, unadulterated greed. 
You never thought you’d see them again except in that vision. You get lost in them for a little, studying how the gold ring around his blown pupils still remains even in a sea of indigo. 
You sense that he’s in the thick of his rut now and you need to relieve him soon, like he did for you. Or only Eywa knows what will happen. You allow yourself to finally take in the man before you in full, eyes trailing down his sweaty, muscular physique — perfectly carved v-lines and six fingered tattoo — until they land on his aching cock. 
Oh, fuck. Is he bigger? You think, admiring his mushroomy head and erect spikes. It’s oozing and dripping, unable to keep still from how hard it’s pulsing. It’s at least an inch bigger than usual. 
You look away to study his facial expression and by the way he’s looking at you, you can tell he’s waiting for your command, trying his hardest to prevent himself from pouncing on you and fucking you senseless right here and now. You’ve never seen him this way before. Straining so hard to keep himself in one position and struggling to keep his hands to himself. 
“Ralak… More.” You spread your legs as wide as they can go, holding them apart by the bend of your knees, exposing yourself completely. His heavy lidded eyes widen almost as much as your legs, pointed ears flicking upwards in excitement when he sees you assume such a vulnerable and submissive position. 
“Y/n.” He groans, voice thick with arousal and want and maybe a little desperation as he takes in the sweet sight of your still-pulsing and swollen clit poking out between your folds. “I am… losing control.”
Hearing your name fall from his lips in this way — this tone, instantaneously reignites the flame in your core. In seconds your slit is practically dripping, forming a pool of your slick underneath you. “Good.” You pant as you stare up into his slit-like pupils. You swallow quickly before mustering up the courage to invite the beast in. “Now…remind me who I belong to.”
How could he resist now? 
With the way you’re talking and your pheromones so pungent that they fill his lungs to the brim with no space for any other option but to fall into the thick of his rut. Before you can formulate another thought in your foggy state, Ralak has your legs pinned back and is diving nose first into your cunt. 
He wastes no time to have his fill of you, lapping up your juices so desperately your body moves from the force of his licks. He has been wanting to taste you ever since you made a mess on his fingers, fuck — ever since he got a whiff of your scent from outside his marui door, but denied himself the pleasure in the case he couldn’t stop himself from going any further. But now, all restraint and denial is now left out at that very door. 
The flat of his tongue trails up your inner thigh and then back to your folds, tasting a mixture of the sweetness of your slick and the saltiness of your sweat. He groans when his tongue finally grazes past your clit, feeling it throb against his taste buds. He lingers there for a while, swirling and sucking on you until he unlatches to come up for a quick breath of air. 
“Fucking ftxìlor [delicious].” He gasps out a curse, shoving your legs even further back to have seconds of his meal. 
It becomes evident that he’s doing this for himself. Because if he were doing this solely for you, he would have made you cum by now. He’s eating you out as if he’s been starved for weeks, sucking and popping off your clit just to lap up the sweet, sticky nectar seeping from your hole just to coat his tongue. 
He’s nowhere near as quiet as he usually is, grunting and groaning as he swallows your juices. His fingernails dig into your thighs as he tries to keep himself from being too rough with your tiny, dainty body. But, his attempts prove to be futile once you feel your hips lift off the ground from his grip tightening around your thighs. You stare at the sight of your mate between your legs, crinkling his forehead and squeezing his eyes shut as he can’t stop himself from indulging in his urges. 
“Fuck me!” You let out a frustrated moan, your heat having you so on edge you need to cum again. 
His eyes fly open, and within moments he’s tucked under your hips, pelvises flush together as he rests his throbbing, neglected cock between your folds. His tip touches your belly button with ease, beads of precum oozing out of his slit one after the next. 
“This is what you want, yes?” He bucks his hips into you, the tip of his cock smearing his slick all over your deep blue skin. 
“Fuck, yes.” You whisper shakily, chin meeting your chest to look at the masterpiece he’s painting on you. “I want my mates cock.”
He only responds with a rough growl, flipping you over and pushing you onto your stomach.
“Oh shit.” You mutter under your breath, a little afraid of what you’ve gotten yourself into. But you trust Ralak. 
You know that even in rut he would never hurt you. Not intentionally, at least. Of course this is not to say that he would be gentle —you expect that anything but.
With a firm hand to your upper back, his body is pressed against yours and his face nuzzled into the crook of your neck. He breathes in deeply through his nose, holding it in his lungs, and then letting out a hot, shaky breath against your skin, finally allowing himself to really take in your scent. 
He almost becomes drunk off it— at least it feels that way for him. Your scent has him feeling like he’s downed two full bottles of fermented fruit with no chasers in between and he simply can’t get enough of it. 
Hand moving swiftly from your back to your head, he pins your face to the bed as he trails his tongue along your jawbone to the nape of your neck. He lingers a little longer than he can help, suckling on and grazing his pointed canines against the skin. It sends shivers down your spine until your tail curls into the air and back arches in complete submission. You push back into him, feeling his hardened length pressed between the swell of your ass and base of your tail. 
Fuck, you just want it inside you already. 
“Lifting your tail for me, hm?” He huffs, puckering his lips against your skin and suckling tenderly. You can feel the emptiness creep back in, and that maddening itch deep in your womb. You moan softly, like a low hum under your breath, which only riles him up more. He feels like he wants to make you his all over again.
To mate with you. 
To mark you as his in every way so that no other man would even dare look your way. Without warning, Ralak pushes up off you, his sinewy arms caging you in with one hand binding your wrists and the other keeping your head pinned to the bed. His legs hold yours down, his knees locking your ankles in place. 
“You belong to me.” He growls next to your ear, his hand abruptly leaving your head to reach for the base of his skull for his kuru. With a quick tug, he brings it over his shoulder and pops it into his mouth to hold with his teeth. He reaches for your kuru that lies innocently in the dip of your back, and brings it towards his mouth.  
A wave of anxiety washes over you when the image of Ka’ani finding you earlier in your own mess flashes before you. You can’t help but wonder if he would see that if he made tsaheylu right now. Imagine how he’d react when he realizes Ka’ani saw you naked and covered in slick? Your body squirmed at the mere thought, only making Ralak tighten his grip on you. 
“Wait!” Is all you could blubber out before you feel the connection —the bond. Your eyes bulge when you feel him surge through you, two minds becoming one. It takes you by surprise, he’s never one to hastily or unexpectedly make tsaheylu with you. But tonight he makes the bond as if you were a tsurak to be tamed. 
What he sees next drives him further into his territorial urges — your interaction with Ka’ani. The way Ka’ani barged into his home. How he saw your naked, vulnerable body. The fear that you felt when another man invaded your space. When he helped you. Innocently touched you. 
“He touched you.” He says between pants, a mixture of emotions washing over him all at once. But the sharp pang of your heat transferring through tsaheylu has him entirely succumbing to his own urges and carnal instincts. 
He’s simply not there. 
His hips start bucking uncontrollably and his cock is poking and prodding at your puffy folds. The crown of his cock jabs at your clit a few times before finally parting your folds and with a quick snap of his hips he’s probing your entrance. 
It stings when his swollen cockhead breaks past the resistance of your tightness, and he can’t help but lay hold of your hip and hiss from how tiny you feel. This is the first he’s ever had his cock stuffed inside a pussy during his rut. The feeling is all-consuming and he unapologetically yearns for more.  
Hips snapping back, he pops his cockhead out of you only to shove it back in again. And again. And again until he’s repeatedly using your tight, little hole as nothing more than a fucktoy for his own self pleasure. 
He leans back to take in the hazy sight, admiring the way your hole stretches perfectly to accommodate the sheer thickness of his cock. And when he sees the mushroomy part of his head slowly emerge he can’t help the way his hips stutter just to sink it back inside you. 
It’s torturous, not having all of him inside you when that’s what your body is pining for most. He’s so much bigger than normal and you know that this is an itch that only he can scratch. “God—” You whine the foreign word, “—just fuck me already!” 
“Agh. Quiet.” He lets out an irritated grunt, both hands flying to your hips to shove you down onto his cock — a loud, audible smack permeating the air when your sticky pelvises collide. 
It almost overpowers the hoarse yet piercing cry that escapes your quivering lips. You’re so tender that the sudden stretch is too intense and with no time to adjust to his size you find yourself shuddering like you did after he took your innocence —your virginity. 
His head dips back in ecstasy just when his tip kisses your cervix, his eyes screwed shut as he tries not to spray his seed inside your womb right now. His fingers sink into your skin, surely leaving bruises behind that will last for weeks. 
“Hngh — woman.” He groans longingly, dropping his head forward and opening his ineberated eyes to witness how your cunt is sucking in every single inch of his cock with glee. 
He grinds himself inside you, tugging at your hips and pushing against the resistance as if he were trying to stuff more of his cock inside you. Your high-pitched shrill fades out into a pathetic little whimper, your wobbly elbows and knees struggling to keep you up.
It’s all too much and your fucked out mind goes blank. You can’t even process how your body is submitting to its owner and his rough touches, opening itself up to be bred already. You sense what’s coming next. Your back bows, elbows and knees burying into the softness of the bed as you try to ground yourself for Ralak to use you for his own relief. 
He does exactly that— hunching over you and shuffling his knees closer so he can gain more leverage to fuck into your slippery cunt. He puts all his weight on you, his fingernails almost piercing your skin when he begins rutting into you like his life depends on it. 
He sets a merciless pace right off the bat, pounding into you as if he were angry with you. He huffs and puffs from trying to catch his breath but fails because he can’t stop himself from humping at you. His body won’t let him, not until he’s ensured you're full with his seed and will bear his child. 
Hands quickly leaving your hips, he grabs your wrists, binding them together once more and the other grips your kuru and yanks it back. Your neck is exposed and your mouth hangs agape as you’re given no other choice but to take the jackhammering of your life. He’s never fucked you so hard or fast and perhaps it’s the haze of your heat but you just want more of him. 
“F-Fuck. FuckFuckFuckmeFuckme— yes!” You beg deliriously, pushing yourself back onto him. You can feel the way his cock is bulging from your lower stomach, but you couldn’t care less because you just want it even deeper inside you. Fuck, it hurts even but it feels so good that you can’t stop begging for more. “Deeper — oh, yesyesyes!” 
Ralaks groans become drawn out and he’s burying his hot face into the crook of your neck as his pulsing tip bullies its way past your cervix. It’s like white hot pleasure surging through your entire being and it has you so lightheaded you may actually pass out before he’s finished with you. 
His cock heats up inside your cunt, becoming so veiny you could practically feel each vein press against your gummy, slimy walls. He’s now panting open mouthed against your throat, his tongue darting out to lick your skin. He shoves your head down so he can access the back of your neck—a hot spot for your pheromones— and grazes his canines against you. Every fiber of his being is urging him to sink them into your skin and see if you taste as good as you smell. His fangs throb in his mouth at the mere thought, his hot saliva dripping off their length and down your neck. 
You’re so overwhelmed and overstimulated that you can’t form a coherent thought much less process the fact that you’re quickly nearing your climax. It’s as if you’ve surrendered all control over your body to him and he’s dictating what happens next. Your pussy walls tighten around him so much it aches and he outright whimpers. 
“Sst-ah.” He pulls away from your neck and slams his eyes shut, grimacing from the way your cunt is gripping his cock. At this point you’re so on edge that you’re just pinching him, locking him inside you and almost cutting off his blood supply. It’s more than painful for him, and he becomes peeved that you won’t ease up. 
Irritated, he aggressively slams himself into you so that you stop with your pathetic little pinching, but all that does is tip you over the edge. Next thing you know your cunt is helplessly fluttering around his cock and your pussy juices are trickling down your thighs.
“Mmm-fuck I’m cumming!” You moan the words so quickly they jumble together, “Cu-cumming! Cumming!”  
You throbbing around him has his eyes rolling into the back of his head but the more your body convulses underneath him the more he grows frustrated with you. How could such a little thing put on such a big performance? Why won’t you just stay still?
So he thrusts. And thrusts. And thrusts. 
Taming you in the only way his body knows how. Fucking into you without mercy or sympathy. He lets out a hiss, the first he’s ever directed your way, and tightens his grip. “Keep…” He pulls out of you until only the tip is left inside, “...still.” Ralak’s deep voice rumbles next to your ear as he slams every inch cock into your cunt, the mere force of his thrust almost knocking you onto your stomach. You let out a broken whimper, coming down from your high and already feeling the coil in your stomach wind and heat up again. 
“Haa—‘nna…make you swell.” He groans the fragmented sentence like a dying man, grinding so deeply inside you that his swollen balls rub against your puffed up clit. Your bruised cervix feels so good against his cock as he uses it to massage the most sensitive part of his tip. 
Experiencing nothing but absolute rapture, Ralaks head slumps into the crook of your neck, where he’s flooded by your scent. He only grinds harder. And harder, until he’s panting like a viperwolf against your skin.
“Fuck — please…” You beg through a shaky whisper, trying to free your hands from his undying grip, “I j-ust c-came.” 
He’s just so fucking big and deep that he’s touching parts of you that have never touched before, and he’s only getting more aggressive the more you push away his advances. Right now, you’re just a squirming, noisy bitch in heat that needs to be put in her place. To surrender and submit. And the pheromones wafting up his nostrils only drive him further into his bestial urges to claim you as his.
His teeth and gums throb in his mouth once more when the urge to mark you as his becomes indubitable. Much like the urge to keep you still enough to make you into a vessel for his seed. He indulges himself, yanking your head back to expose the bend of your shoulder. He hovers open mouthed over your flawless skin and gives you a kitten lick before ruthlessly marking you. 
Your eyes bulge and pupils constrict into nothing but dots when you feel his lengthy fangs plunge into your flesh. The wail evading your throat is deafening and only gets higher when you feel your shoulder set ablaze. His jaw locks into place and he holds you still as he incessantly claims you as his in more ways than just marking. Your eyes start to water and your body stiffens when you feel it. 
He’s bulging inside you. 
Stretching you out until your shoulder isn’t the only part of you on fire. You lash around, clawing at whatever’s in your way until your nails are dull but the more you move the more it burns. “Y-You’re getting bigger inside me!” You release a high pitched squeal, your elbows and knees finally collapsing under you. Now all his weight is on top of you, pinning you flat to the bed with nowhere for you to go. He begins groaning low and deep, drawing it out until it turns into a depraved growl. It feels as if he’s swelling inside you, as if he were doubling in size. As if he were — oh fuck. 
“You’re — you’re knotting me, lak!” You yell when you come to the realisation. It feels like there’s two of him inside you, stretching you to unfathomable lengths. Despite your continuous attempts to get him to let up, he continues to bulge inside you. “You’re knotting me.” You repeat the words in a weakened, croaky voice of defeat, finally giving in and accepting your fate. 
Riding out his high, his hips stutter out of his control — a familiar sensation now flooding your core. A rush of warmth inside you. It’s his hot seed pumping inside you, his cock thumping with each spurt. He groans and moans until you’re so overloaded with his cum it begins to drip down your thighs and mix with yours. 
He unlatches from your shoulder, lapping at the wound to prevent it from bleeding too badly. He plants a few rough kisses on the double crescent shaped mark and works them up to the lobe of your ear. He’s panting and sweating and he can feel the fog lifting now that he’s had his release. “‘m sorry.” He mumbles between wet kisses, now trailing them back down to the fresh wound to lap at it some more. “‘m sorry.”
“Ralak, I-I” You stutter, overloaded with all these new sensations. It’s burning worse than a hellfire wasp sting but at the same time it’s everything your body hungers for. “Haah.. it-it hurts” You whimper quietly, looking behind you to see the most inebriated eyes you’ve ever seen on this man’s face stare back at you. He releases his pheromones to help your body calm down and feel less pain, ultimately scenting you all together.  
“Mawey.” Ralak huffs, trying his hardest to stay still now that he’s quickly coming to the realisation that he’s knotted and marked you in one go. “Doing… so well, tahnì.” He tries to praise you but truthfully he’s still in and out of it, dazing off when he feels the occasional throb of your walls. 
“Am I? Am I helping you too, lak?” You ask in a surprisingly optimistic tone, proud that you were able to do what you were told was unmanageable. He musters out a nod, grunting as he finishes emptying himself in your womb. 
Feeling some level of sense and rationality, you ask him a question that’s been on your mind. “I’m going to get pregnant, aren’t I?”
“Mm.” He hums, nodding his head as he nuzzles himself into the dip of your shoulder, inhaling your seeping scent. 
“Is that what you w-want?” Your breath hitches as you flinch from his cheek resting on your shoulder.
“Mm.” Another grunt, followed by an unexpected, fervid thrust — his body answering your question on his behalf by ensuring every last drop of his essence is inside your fertile womb. 
You focus on steadying your breathing now that you’ve gotten your answer. 
“Irayo, muntxate [thank you, wife].” He says weakly, finally rolling you both onto your sides for some much needed rest. You chuckle. A weak one, but a chuckle nonetheless, and repeat his own words back to him.
“Do not thank.” You say with a smile, getting yourself as comfortable as you can for the long night ahead. 
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astarions-bride · 5 months
Can I get spicy prompt 23 w father Anthony! Have a wonderful day 🫶🏻
Hope you like it! It was fun to write for a new character, (it's been a minute since I wrote something 😅) especially for my newest fixation. Also I have no idea how Catholic churches work so...sorry for any mistakes 😬
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“You’re the only person I’d make an exception for. Count yourself lucky,” the words echoed in your head as you watched the last few stragglers hanging around the door talking and laughing, your leg bouncing with nerves and you once again wiped your damp palms on your skirt, before ducking back into the confessional booth.
The darkness was almost calming.
Allowing you to catch your breath and calm yourself before you ruined things before they even started. It seemed like an eternity before you heard the faint click of the massive doors shutting and then silence greeted you. You held your breath, unsure if you should walk out now and risk a loner drawing you into a reluctant conversation, and you grew lightheaded as your heart thundered in your chest. Your lungs burned from lack of air and you swore you saw spots before you heard someone delicately clear their throat. You nearly jumped out of your skin at the sudden sound.
"It's all clear, darling...unless you need the confessional?" a teasing voice spoke, the familiarity making you release your breath in relief, and you gingerly slipped outside.
Father Anthony Bridge stood leaning against a pew, a smile threatening to curl his lips, and his bright blue eyes crinkled at the corners as you huffed in annoyance.
"I am dating a priest. Not much I need to confess," you replied primly, heat rising in your face as his smirk grew into a full grin, but you immediately reached for his outstretched hand.
He pulled you close until you could feel his body heat and smell his spicy cologne that you bought him and you distracted yourself from his intense gaze by fidgeting with his collar.
"Well...I am almost certain that the priest needs time in the confessional for the thoughts running through his head during communion this morning," he quipped and your own grin twitched the corners of your mouth.
You remember the bedroom eyes you gave him as he placed the wafer on your outstretched tongue, how his long slender fingers trembled and lingered for a second too long by your mouth, and how those beautiful eyes darkened. Arms sneaking around your waist brought you back to the present and his words from earlier once more echoed in the back of your head.
"Are you sure we're alone?" you asked softly, glancing around nervously, and in answer you were pulled closer to him.
His lips found yours and you immediately melted against him. His kiss was soft and sweet, even his facial hair was nothing more than a soft caress against your skin, and you felt tension ease out of you until you were nearly limp in his arms.
"Don't think I forgot about our...conversation," he eventually whispered as he pulled away, leaving you dazed and giddy, and his words had your blood sizzling in your veins.
"Are you sure we won't be disturbed?" you asked breathlessly as your hands moved up to comb nervously through his perfectly styled hair.
"Now look who's nervous," Anthony teased while gently nudging his nose against yours followed by a swift kiss to your pouting lips.
"I just don't think I could forgive myself if we got caught....having...sex in your office," you said haltingly as your face burned.
This was a much easier conversation last night when you both were naked and in bed.
"We don't have to do this today, or ever, if you truly do not want to. I'm perfectly fine with taking you back home and ravishing you there," he said, a rakish smile in place, but his eyes were serious.
At the thought of him doing just that your mind was instantly made up. You started to drag him towards his office as he laughed at your sudden urgency.
"Can't wait that long," you said before pulling him closer to kiss while walking backwards into his office door.
"I want you inside me. Now," you murmured against his lips and his answering groan was all the encouragement you needed to fumble with the door blindly.
Not wanting to break the kiss for even a second to look at where you were going.
"You're going to be the death of me, you know that?" he muttered while reaching down to help you unlock the door, catching you before you fell through the doorway, and you smiled as he kicked the door shut firmly with his foot.
You both fumbled for the light switch, not once breaking apart, and the normally irritatingly bright lights that flooded the room suddenly seemed romantic. The sound of the lock clicking into place kickstarted your already pounding heart and your hands trembled as you tugged at his belt.
"I'll be the one dying if you don't get these pants off," you panted, finally leaning back to look down to loosen his belt, and you felt a surge of heat at the obvious tenting in his pants.
His lips met yours again, his hands pulling up your skirt while he pushed you back towards his desk, and you couldn't help but to smile. He leaned back just far enough to rest his forehead against your own, his nose bumping yours again as he caught his breath, and he made a small noise in question at your sudden smile.
"Who knew that a priest would lead me down the path of temptation?"
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randomfoggytiger · 9 months
"Proving" Mulder Knew He Was the Father of Scully's Baby
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(Had to get this out before the next part of Mulder's Alien Baby Baby Trauma series; so... here we go~!)
Mulder knew he was the father of Scully's baby before Three Words began; and his reticence had everything to do with his PTSD, guilt, and fear and nothing to do with feeling replaced by his partner's child. His ending monologue in Existence further proves this, concluding Mulder's emotional turbulence: "I think what we feared were the possibilities. The truth we both knew."
But how is that to be proven?
Cutting Out Context to Bait the Mystery
According to the script (uploaded here by @x-files-scripts, thank you~), Scully very casually mentions how far along she is separate from her concerns about (and to) Mulder. Mulder doesn't react to this information at all, meaning whatever his reticence and withdrawal were rooted in had nothing to do with feeling replaced as the father of her child.
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Throughout their conversation, Mulder tries to keep Scully from digging deeper into his emotions or trauma, deflecting with humor or emotional separation. Scully finally directly addresses his distance; and (though a bit out-of-order from how it aired), the scene below makes two things very obvious:
SCULLY: Mulder --
MULDER: (cutting her off) -- whatever you're going to say, Scully, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be cold. Or ungrateful to you.
SCULLY: I don't know if you can truly understand what it was like.... And now to get you back....
MULDER manages a smile, finally. But only barely.
MULDER: You act like you're surprised.
Scully manages a chuckle, but she's truly worried about him.
SCULLY: I prayed so many nights. And my prayers were answered, Mulder.
MULDER: In more ways than one.
MULDER looks to Scully's stomach. Which she touches.
MULDER: I'm so truly happy for you. I know what it means to you --
SCULLY: Mulder --
MULDER: (cuts her off again) -- but I'm having trouble processing any of this. I don't know why I'm here, or where I fit in anymore. I feel strange. Like this can't be happening.
SCULLY nods. Anything she had wanted to tell him will wait.
SCULLY: That's what I've been saying to myself for the last eight months.
What Scully "had wanted to tell him" had nothing to do with her child's paternity nor was that even a concern because she, as mentioned above, says "the last eight months" effortlessly. (An important note: because they kept no show bible, the writers forgot Mulder was missing three months and buried another three; but the intent behind that line is the same even if there isn't or wasn't a numbers problem to quibble over.)
"The last eight months" comes at the tail end of the conversation without a remark or quip from Mulder's perspective, meaning this wasn't news enough for him to comment on or even react to. Scully's statement bookended their discussion, meaning she wasn't drawing it out longer or forcing information down Mulder's throat that he wasn't ready to process. Since that is the case, both knew the problem wasn't her pregnancy (though it was a stressful factor) but was another, bigger concern.
Devil's advocate: Scully was trying to tell Mulder the baby was his-- Gillian Anderson's expressions debunk this theory, but we'll press on-- and the months referred to was how long Mulder was "gone": in which case, Scully being hugely pregnant would have been a huge tip off for her partner regardless; and Mulder, for as much as he is avoiding the obvious this episode, is not stupid.
By cutting up the script-- taking out important context and removing crucial lines-- the audience is left to speculate on information that what was intended to be understated yet obvious (though unconfirmed until the finale episodes.) Chris Carter and Spotnitz have already stated they'd baited Scully's pregnancy as much as they could (one such interview here, credit to @babygirlmulder1018 for the upload~) while always planning for Mulder to be the father. The problem with their method is that they sacrificed necessary clarity for ambiguity, leaving the actors to scramble or fill in the butchered gaps as much as they could with implied body language. Three Words Mulder's affectionate, though fleeting, glances at Scully's belly or Scully's heightening worry for his well-being are debatable clues, all dependent on the viewer's interpretation (even when rewatched with hindsight.) The key to any good mystery is to have all the puzzle pieces in place so that it makes sense when you go back and see them all line up. Cutting out important clues early just to bait the mystery is foolhardy, especially when those gaps are never filled-in with any answers; and The X-Files show, while built around unsolved or unresolved mysteries, always provided a likely explanation (even if that explanation was later revealed to not be entirely true.) It's a shame that this premediated action thoughtlessly skewed the reading of the scene so badly that it took away from its original intent-- Scully's worries over her partner as he becomes more and more lost in his trauma-- and turned it widely into a "bet he's jealous or feels left behind because Scully moved on without him" interpretation, muddying it for viewers over the decades to come.
It's not the first time a script has been stripped of its original intent to fit the vision of the showrunners (often to the frustration to the various writers, actors, directors, etc.); but there is a marked difference between the tampering done to, for example, David Duchovny's personal ideas and scripts in keeping with the mythos of the show (Cinefantastique: David Duchovny on "The Unnatural" and "Hollywood A.D.") and specifically removing an important piece of dialogue to intentionally blur a scene for "the mystery" without that action serving any goal other than obfuscation... and, ultimately, confusion.
Mulder Himself Proves He Knew
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According to the script, Scully's concerns started in her partner's hospital room when Mulder's non-reaction snags her notice twice in a row:
"His reaction is so underwhelming that Scully has to laugh" and
"The doctor has to chuckle, looking to Scully. But Scully isn't humored now. She reads something in Mulder past the humor. And Mulder catches her sensing it. That he is deeply troubled."
"Mulder catches her sensing it" is a crucial piece of information, smoothly setting up the scene at his apartment-- Mulder doesn't ice Scully out (always responding to her pleas with mustered up but equal sympathy and sorrow) but he avoids her eyes as much as possible, not wanting to be read, to be "exposed." THAT is what concerns Scully-- never before in their partnership has he evaded eye contact, likely seeking it more often than any other person on the planet. But Mulder (also likely more than anyone) knows that eyes are the window to the soul; and he doesn't want his bared yet.
The tricky part of the ensuing scenes is not to mistake his avoidance of Scully's detection with his avoidance of the baby. Mulder is avoiding everything equally-- but he will still spare a moment for his partner or his baby here and there before snatching away his focus again, dodging any opportunity that might lead to vulnerability.
At his apartment, Mulder turns aside whenever he can or spreads a plaster-fake grin on his face when in conversation;
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but it melts into sincerity after he finally acknowledges the baby in the room. It's not quite happiness, but it is a form of contentment and a little pride (similar to his look on the couch in Empedocles.)
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When Scully wants to commit anarchy over Kersh's tyrannical terms, Mulder squashes that impulse flat, sparing a strained but still sincere smile as he directs her attention to the pragmatic fact of her baby.
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(It's not until "Agent Who?" comes across Mulder's radar that he starts to stiffen against Scully's reticence. Again, not about the baby.)
The last significant mention of Scully's pregnancy is in her kitchen at her apartment. TLG drop in to do their research... and to refocus Mulder on his impending miracle ("a certain blessed event") and away from his crazy mission. Mulder's amused at first with their commentary (as is Scully), giving an exaggeratedly suspicious, comedic squint (which Scully follows up with a witty repartee on his investigative methods)--
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until he figures out his partner's ulterior machinations. (The tensions that trail them both the rest of the episode are because of Scully's interferences and not-- again-- because of the baby.)
Those are the only direct references to the baby in Three Words, although Scully does tag along on his madcap mission with TLG); and Empedocles starts out in the spirit of the kitchen scene above-- Mulder squinting about the pizza man, ribbing Scully lightly, and enjoying getting ribbed in return-- but with the added bonus of some unfiltered, heartfelt moments of a man fully embracing fatherhood.
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So why, if the original intent of the struggle of Three Words wasn't about the paternity question, does Mulder still struggle with doubts the rest of the series. Well... what were his paternity doubts?
Paternity Doubts
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Mulder knew (logically) that his partner wouldn't run into the arms of another man or through the doors of the nearest IVF clinic just because he was chucked six feet under; but that reassurance gave him nothing to stand firmly on since both of their lives revolved around clones, aliens, and even a little girl that was born (and died) to serve an agenda.
Scully had been used over and over against her consent and was ultimately stripped of her fertility; and even though Mulder once said "never give up on a miracle", the IVF had failed, and there had been months of regular extracurricular activities since without even a thought of a baby on either of their radars. But somehow, the minute he vanishes off the planet, she finds out she's pregnant? The exact same somehow he was abducted and somehow returned and somehow resurrected? It doesn't add up; and Mulder's motto has always been "I want to believe."
"I have the same doubts you do, Scully," he said in the Pilot; and those doubts haunt him in Three Words; and (although they are temporarily set aside during the off-screen conversation Mulder has with his partner before Empedocles) they remain, along with his fears, buried under the surface-- as demonstrated by his opening monologue in Essence: "Is it the product of a union? Or... an answer to prayer-- a true miracle? Or is it a wonder of technology, the intervention of other hands? What do I tell this child about to be born? What do I tell Scully? What do I tell myself?"
Furthermore, the events of Essence and Existence make a bit (only a bit) more sense if those events-- Zeus Genetics, Billy Miles, Lizzie Gill, Krycek, the Super soldiers, and other such nonsense-- are put through another lens: trauma.
The Other, Bigger Concern
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If Mulder knew the baby was his, why did he distance himself?
Simply put, PTSD.
Three Words very specifically chooses Mulder's flashbacks as his first scene (post here), providing motive to any future decision he makes. Being torn apart for three months and buried another three before being resurrected on a chance is a lot to grapple with; add in a pregnant partner who is clearly expecting a miraculous baby amidst a set of tragically unmiraculous events and looking to her recently resurrected partner for not only their old relationship but more and you get a PTSD-riddled, paranoid, and very panicked Fox Mulder.
Empedocles begins after the aforementioned off-screen conversation; and quite plainly establishes Mulder in his new paternal role, bringing Scully (and the baby) gifts like he has any other significant moment in their relationship (and also because it's no longer acceptable to bring triumphant caveman hunting trophies back to the domestic den.) This episode not only goes out of its way to give him a first-time "feeling his baby move" scene, but further cements Mulder's role by showing him standing sentry outside of Scully's door, doting on her hand and foot back at her apartment, and including their baby nonverbally in Scully's gratitude speech. These benchmark moments are then followed up by him briefly forgetting his baby in Vienen, not wanting to leave its side in Alone, and cycling back to his paternity worries in Essence-- further proof that his initial distance and on-again-off-again dance is rooted firmly in trauma rearing its ugly head to continually mess up his temporary peace.
That trauma follows him (mostly unacknowledged) the rest of Season 8, coming to a head (and exploding) during the events of Essence and Existence. When his security in Scully's science and himself are completely eroded, Mulder is left blindly grappling for any explanation from any nearest and newest source currently in front of him (handing off Scully to his sworn enemy should have been the tip-off point to both she and Skinner, prompting them to put a stop to his spiraling before doing anything else... but I digress.) His hot-and-cold attitude is back (referring to their child as "your baby") even though his fiercely protective love and interest hasn't faded one bit ("will do anything to protect it.")
Deep down, Mulder always knew (or at least hoped) the baby was his-- "the truth we both know," after all.
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So, What Does This Mean?
Probably nothing in the grand scheme of things, but a rippling domino effect in the minutiae. It explains Mulder's distant-then-doting attitude, the manifestation of his PTSD and impending parenthood, and even why he was happy to have Scully firmly glued by his side throughout Three Words (even if he couldn't meet her eyes at times.) Scully's pregnancy was a change for both: almost overnight she needed more from their relationship. However, once she realized how displaced and harried Mulder was, Scully relaxed the pace for both of them (off-screen...), allowing Mulder to finally recover, regroup, and continue on. Once that understanding was reached (again: off-screen), Mulder started to take his journey more gently (upsetting and resettling himself whenever Scully's health scares or his impulsive actions blasted him up, down, and sideways) while Scully refigured how to fit their new normal into the life she built in his absence. Like always, teamwork and their unspoken; and, overall, it makes Season 8's there-and-gone-again MSR bits that much more in-character and enjoyable.
Thank you for reading~
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Call Me Guilty (Bad Sanses Gang x GN! Reader)
"Loving any of us is a death sentence, isn't it?" Just some angsty headcanons of how I think the Bad Sans would act if they told you to leave them, or to stop loving them. _________________
Tears filled the human's eyes, shock at the words he had spoken. 
"Don't make me leave," they choked out, a tight sob caught in their throat. 
The skeleton looked away in shame. 
"It's for your own good," he muttered. "You- you aren't safe with me. You never were."
The human's lip trembled. 
"So, all of it, all of this, was for nothing? Our friendship, our love, our home-"
"My home, not yours. You were never meant to come here, much less be here." 
The human took a huge gulp of air, tears starting to fall down their cheeks. 
"You don't mean that."
The skeleton gritted his teeth. 
"You were never meant to love me! Loving me will kill you! It is your death sentence!"
"Then call me guilty!!" Their voice was raw with emotion, their eyes wide with pained betrayal. "So what if I am? It was done gladly! I was, I am happy to love you! Don't make me go, please!"
His silence held the answer. 
Nightmare Sans:
He stared apathetically, trying to not flinch or feed off of the surge of negative emotions stemming from the human. 
He could never admit the fear that filled him when he had first felt their love permeating from their very being when he was around them, how they adored him and cared about him, regardless of his past. 
Once, he had been vulnerable. 
And he had gotten hurt. 
But this wasn't just about him, it was about you and how being with him... 
Would hurt you. 
He averted his eyes as the human bowed their head in silent, but pained, acceptance, walking away, knowing they would never be able to change his mind.  "Farewell," he murmured.
Killer Sans: 
His own eyes reflected pain and agony, black oozing from the empty cavities.
He never wanted to hurt them- well, maybe in the beginning, but now? He could even bear to think of it.
And yet he must for their safety.
"I'm sorry, sunshine," he muttered, snapping his fingers as knives appeared behind him. 
"But if you don't leave, I'll have to take drastic measures." 
He would have to have Nightmare do a purge on his emotions later. 
It was better if he forgot. 
Dust Sans: 
His silence was eerie, for once, his eyes dim as he stared at the ground. 
Whispers filled his mind. It was for the best, it, no, he, said. They could have never truly loved you. 
The skeleton sighed, drawing into himself. 
"Get out." 
They flinched, reaching out for him. 
"GET OUT!" He snarled, bones snapping up into life and pointing at them. 
As they ran, terrified sobs leaving them, he sank to his knees, listening to the last beats of their footsteps. 
Horror Sans: 
As they fell to their knees, his arms were their to support them, to hold them one last time. 
"Don't cry...." He mumbled, into their neck, burying his face to hide his own tears. 
He would take them home, he would make sure they were safe. 
If he couldn't have them, he would at least protect them, from afar. 
His arms seemed to be a wall around the world, one the human wasn't ready to give up. They sobbed into his sweater as he walked, carrying them back home. 
"M'm sorry," he muttered, pressing a soft kiss to their head as he placed them back in their own world.
Cross Sans:
He only folded his arms, averting his gaze. 
"You should never have loved me." 
The human wiped away angry tears. 
"I left everything for you! Nightmare, the gang, my AU, my family- because I cared for you! I got along with Dream for you!" 
Cross only turned away. 
"It's a shame that you did all that, but I can't help you now." 
He left the human, listening to their sobs as he disappeared into the multiverse. 
Error Sans: 
"I'm sorry, puppet," his voice glitched heavily, a sign of his own raw emotion. 
He had already lost and given up so much. 
His old identity, friends, his purpose as a destroyer- 
They had given him a new purpose, that of a lover and confidant.. and had been his as well. 
And yet all he could see where images of the Star Sanses taking them, hurting them, because he loved them. 
He had to be the strong one for both of them, that was who he was...
"Come, puppet... I'll help you find the perfect new world..." 
He offered his pinkie, as the human, stifling their sobs, linked their pinkie with his. 
"My world was perfect with you," they pleaded one last time. 
"Puppet- do not make me out to be something I am not... I'm still a monster, even though I love you."
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anewp0tat0 · 2 years
Chapter 190
wow I'm back with these things! didn't do them for a bit, and to be honest I thought this chapter break was very long, but that's just because I forgot last month's chapter happened for a moment. weird cause I thought it was sad and funny, but reasonable.
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yana really went hard here and I'm so happy, Ada deserves this panel so much☆☆☆ I'll maybe never see her again and I'll probably forget soon but girl you a keeper.
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I like that we have this little thing here, shows us everyone we know so far, kinda. yana's refusal to draw Polaris's right eye really doesn't do good for me. those other two seem to be people we don't know. I think I still fall on the possibility of him being Joker, which is a common theory. makes sense enough. but I'm not committed.
also, the one on the bottom left looks to be of Asian decent right? the only connection I can think of is to the quin bang, but that's a stretch.
also some of you know lots a flowers and that's very cool! that's a flower back there right? idk. I suck at flowers.
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my first impression when he makes these shocked faces is that he's truly alarmed by the information. however after reading the panel below, it seems like that face is just his "new scheme in the making" face.
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nice to see Lau is the same as ever. I really hope Ada and the rest have some sort of freedom from now on. Lau is sly with his repayment debts anyway. and I sure hope this is some side "i must bring honor to my country" thing and not some more relevant plot twist thing.
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this poor girl I want to give her everything. she was meant to do nothing more in this world. also me too Lau. glad we all agree some information just gets lost over time. how is this man so powerful??
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@grelleswife mentioned that so far all of the servants arcs have ended with a sunset, and thats a cool observation! i like that. gives me hope for the future. ofc yana isn't too predictable, but still. generally this panel is just... mhm. feelings.
that seems like a wrap then, overall super mega happy ending, finally!! it's been so long. I gotta say it doesn't feel as complete as a wrap that we were all expecting, but I think that's the general fault of having too much time to theorize and then totally expecting an explosion and multiple deaths. Ada is taken care of, Bard's alive, no one dies hazah. I think we can safely say that no one will die in these miny arcs until we get to ciel and sebastian unfortunetly.
one more thing though.
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ngl i kinda forgot he was even here for a moment, no shade to Ronald I was excited and expectant but that's just what happens with a poor memory and 9 pages a month.
sorry that I'm just unable to buy the official translations atm so sit through my possibly unofficial confusion for a moment please. so Al is someone who seemingly is an ally of Layla, or so she thought. I have doubts that Ronald is a twist villain, even if it's just hopeful thinking. here though, Ronald's dialogue does in a way make it seem that he was supposed to meet with her, and she was certainly expected an "Al". RonAld is too much of a stretch right? or is that what is meant to be assumed?... what was his doctor allias again anyway, Dr. Knox right? idk sorry I gotta reread this whole arc soon but luckily it won't take long.
I would frankly be mad if Ronald turns out to be a secret baddy because 1) means future conflict with our cast. and grelle :< no they're meant to be best buds. also 2) means we need a whole other chapter to explain this and have them talk. nope, we're gone now sorry.
I doubt he is, I just wonder what type of deal he would have brought up with her.
and yea please discard the child, im very sorry to whatever she was before the fake soul inhabited the body, truly, my heart brakes. now throw it away.
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ramble-writes · 2 years
Forget-Me-Not: The Face of Death
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Soooooo. I realized when I published the 6th chapter on another site that I forgot to update the story here... WHELP. Here’s 4 then since I forgot to update it here. Also, please don’t forget to like and reblog. Reblogging helps for my writing to gain traction despite the amount of shitposting I do lol. 
Sam found himself pacing back and forth at the international spaceship landing at the edge of New Aromonia. Tucker and Kai were supposed to be here an hour ago, and there's no sign of the ship that's supposed to bring them here from the moon of Chorus. He was about to go over to a man with a tablet to ask about an arriving ship, but he stopped at seeing one coming in.
1. This is the ship.
2. He is only disappointing himself.
The bounty hunter was leaning more towards the latter, but when the ship landed and the hatch opened, nothing but loud voices came out, and there walking out in a possible argument, were Tucker and Kai. Tucker noticed the man first and waved over to him with a grin. But Sam didn't expect to see Agents Washington and Carolina follow out.
"Hey! Sam!"
He just put up a hand as a wave before crossing his arms. He started to feel his chest tighten, and he had to steady his breathing at the spike of nervousness he began to feel. Is it because hearing his name is different? Or is it due to the heroes of Chorus seeing the face of a man who tried to kill them for the first time? Probably both.
Wash looked around the spaceship landing and noticed Kai staring with her mouth hanging open. With a slight chuckle, he nudged her in the side.
"You're drooling."
"Well, I'm sorry that Mr. Bounty Hunter man is sexy! I don't wanna be rude, but that X on his face is calling me 'Here! X marks the spot for you to sit~'"
Tucker looked over his shoulder at the Polynesian woman as he walked over to where Sam was. "Sorry! I think he's gay, so tough luck!"
That made Tucker laugh before turning his attention to Sam, who had his face in his hands. When the Hispanic looked at the Blue, the silence that stretched was awkward.
"So uh... It's... Kinda weird seeing you without your armor. I mean, like. Not that it's a bad thing, but it's different. And knowing your name too, which is all the more weird," Tucker started, rubbing his hand together since they felt clammy.
"I agree. I'm not usually one to freely give out my name. But for the sake of the mission and Chorus, it's needed to keep who I truly am hidden." Sam glanced over Tucker's shoulder to where Carolina and Wash were and raised a brow.
"I thought you said it would be just you and Kakaina."
"About that. I brought them along because maybe it'll get them used to you. Plus, those two need to wind down. No matter how chill they seem, they're always uptight."
A sigh left him. As much as he didn't want to draw attention to himself for this, maybe the extra bodies will be of aid. Sam then motioned the group to follow him to the car he rented. Wash started to move forward as a silent Carolina and a pouting Kakaina followed him, mumbling about how it's such a disappointment that Sam might be into men instead.
Once within the safety of the car away from prying eyes, Carolina crossed her arms as she fixed her gaze on the back of Sam's head. "So. This is the horrifying mercenary Locus out of his armor. And with his name entrusted to the same people who took him down."
"Need I remind you, Carolina. If it weren't for me, you'd be an empty shell of armor with a skeleton and rotting flesh inside."
"Eugh. No need to put that imagery in my head."
Tucker looked over his shoulder from his spot in the passenger seat. "Plus, he's a bounty hunter, not a mercenary. He doesn't kill anymore."
Sam mumbled a 'thanks' to the clarification before sighing. Honestly, he's a bit scared they'll turn him in simply for being Locus once this is over. Tucker could be playing a facade, and Kai... Well, that one is no trick with how upset she looks.
"Washington. Do you remember back at Crash Site Alpha during the war-"
"When I baited you to shoot at my helmet? Yeah. It ain't hard to forget that."
"Right. But before that, when the ship full of prisoners came down. Among those men, do you remember one that was flying?"
Wash took a moment to think back to the war. His memory is fuzzy on many details due to his injury, but he needed a moment to think back to that part. He remembers bullets hailing down on him and the troops and something blue zooming overhead. But that's the extent of it. A man came down with the prisoners, but he was flying instead...
"I think I do. Was there a blue guy?"
"Don't strain yourself too much on the details, Wash," Carolina reassured, then turned her attention to Sam. "His memory is still not that great. So don't press him unless you want to be pressed back."
All Sam did was shrug a shoulder at her light threat. "But, yes. His name is Anubis. A mercenary Felix brought to help out since that man is one of the most dangerous killers out there. As for why I brought him up, he's the one I was sent after."
Tucker was listening to what was said. He remembers Palomo panicking about a "demon" on the battlefield that was flying. And then remembered what Sam told him about this guy. "So, you said clubs is where he hangs, right? Then we gotta get ready!"
"I was told about the best club here! I can get you guys in," Kai chimed in with a grin on her face. Sam glanced at her from the review mirror as the others turned to look at her. Some looks were shared, but they agreed to this club she mentioned.
"But, first things first. You three need a serious change in outfits. Especially you, Sam, since I feel you need help the most."
That made him sigh. He wasn't going to argue with her logic on his choice of clothing, especially for something like a club where he has zero experience on how to dress. And so with that, Kai started to give directions to a dress and suit shop while Tucker looked up the club mentioned previously to see if there was a theme of sorts going on.
"Kai. I hate to break it to you, but I'm going to need something that can be tighter."
Kai looked over to Wash with a raised brow before placing a hand on her hip. "The fuck do you mean 'tighter?' That thing is your size."
The ex-freelancer shook his head as his hands carefully worked to loosen the vest-like corset. "No. I mean something a bit smaller. The exact size isn't going to cause the effect you're looking for."
"I agree with him," Tucker said. He stood up to show how he looked in the light blue and white one. "If you wanna put a man in a corset, you need to go for something that really hugs the figure. The idea is to look slim while having a range in motion, but being able to breathe."
That made the Polynesian huff as she crossed her arms. "Who are you to talk about fashion, Tucker? Last I recall, your sense of fashion sucks major balls."
"He does have a point." Sam came out from the dressing room he occupied, all black with hard-to-see patterns loosely hanging off his torso since he had zero ideas on how to tighten a corset. Surprisingly, Carolina, sitting quietly, decided to help out the large man.
"For a man that's been in the army, you should know how to lace up a boot. This is no different."
"Don't patronize me. I haven't had to tie something behind myself for a long time."
"Well, at least you have us here to help you, Mr. Scary Man. Also, Kai, please. Can you look for a smaller one?" Wash looked at Kai with a little puppy dog face. She sighed and nodded since the blond was busy removing the corset he had on. Thank god for dress shirts.
Sam grunted as Carolina tightened the strings to cinch his waist. Tight, uncomfortable, not yet broken into. He has worn figure-fitting suits, but nothing like this where it felt like the first time fitting into new boots. Once the redhead was finished, the Hispanic stretched out his arms a bit since the corset had tightened up and pinned the sleeves to his arms. Once there was some wiggle room, Sam turned to a mirror to see how he looked.
Wash let out a whistle at the sight as he laced up a different vest that was handed to him. "Gotta admit. Ya look good in that, Sam."
Tucker looked over and raised a brow as he leaned back in the chair he was in. "I'm gonna have to agree. It's a good look for you."
"I've worn tight suits, but never a corset."
"All I can say is that you look hot! Actually, both you and Wash do. What kind of training do you guys do that you have hips for days?" Kai crossed her arms with a grin on her face.
"You def look better than Tucker, that's for sure."
"Hey!" Tucker paused, stood up to look at himself, then at the other two, then back to himself. He looked more straightened out than like an hourglass. This realization made him start flinging curses out left and right.
"Well, he did have an alien baby, right?" Carolina questioned as her head tilted to the side, unsure if she remembered being told that.
"He did! Remember when we had to fix the past because of that asshole we all joined up when Tucker gave birth? So yeah. He had one."
"It's baby fat then!"
"Huh. Wonder what happened to all that training I put you through before we joined up with Kimball."
That made Tucker huff as he crossed his arms. "I got killer thighs and calves. Not a full-body workout!"
"Shame. Legs for days, but no abs."
The comment from Sam lead to Kai and Wash laughing, Carolina snickered. Tucker just sat back down with a pout as Sam smiled a little and adjusted the cuffs of his sleeves. Everyone took a breath to calm down and assess if they got what they wanted. Wash went to try on a different color and was satisfied with the black and yellow one he found. The group was then set for the night.
Through the windows of the car was the music audible. Loud, heavy, and vibrated in the chest that it was enough to make one take a pause to bask in it.
Sam, Tucker, Kai, Wash, and Carolina all got out of the car and a valet took the keys without being prompted. The owner must have very good money to be paying for valets. Looking at the building, the top of it was similar to an upside-down pyramid, but what would be the tip was wide as a base for support so it would never tip. It was certainly the grandest club in design and lighting for a warehouse-size building.
Tucker motioned to the two Freelancers to follow him towards the bouncer. The brutish man let them in since they are a fraction of the Reds and Blues, then stood in front of the door again. Kai looked to Sam and gestured for him to follow her towards the door. Since she was known for her raves in the gulch, she played the bouncer to convince him that Sam was her bodyguard, which he was easily convinced and let the two in.
The inside of the club was just as grand as the outside. Left of the entrance was the bar, the length of two warthogs to accommodate the many people within. Along both walls were booths and tables, and some half-circle couches had a platform at the center with a dance pole. The club was pretty much what anyone would expect one to look like, along with the thumping music rattling one's eardrums.
The music suddenly died down to a low bass, everyone went quiet, and all eyes went to the stage. Excited whispers started up in seconds, whispers about "the owner" coming up to put in a show. Of course, this caught Kai's attention since she's never heard of club owners putting on performances for their patrons. She knows she's joined in with the people that went to her raves, but this sounded like a whole different level.
The beat changed to the start of a new song; the lights changed to match it as a group of people walked up onto the stage and got into position. The lights came on to show five men, the one in the center dressed differently from the others. How people squealed made it easy to tell that man was the owner. Dark hair with hints of gold tied back in a bun, skin a shade lighter than Sam's. The sleeveless shirt made two thick black tattoo bands with a line with patterns that are visible. There was something about how the lighting reflected in those oddly golden eyes that made the group stare, something unspoken without any sort of indication.
Sam ducked his head low and muttered to Wash how they needed to find a way to talk to the man on stage since he is the owner thanks to the many people screaming as the song progresses and the men start to dance. Kai was like the others: Screaming in absolute excitement at the entertainment. She's lost to them. Tucker then moved closer and whisper/shouted as to why it felt like the owner is looking right at them anytime he looks towards the crowd. Carolina noticed this too and didn't like it one bit since no one makes that much eye contact when performing unless there was a reason behind it. All they could do for now was wait till it's over, then they could hopefully talk to the man.
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wwalkingdread · 3 years
❥ Ericson Headcanons ❤︎ Crush who has a Child
Characters: Clementine, Marlon, Mitch, Aasim, Louis, Violet, Ruby
Description: The Ericson kids have found themselves crushing on somebody who has a small child with them, but unfortunately that child does not like them very much.
Warning: Mentions of death, sacrilegious language
Notes: I had this written on my phone for a little while, I hope it’s okay!! I wasn’t very confident writing for Violet and Ruby, sorry if they’re out of character!! Also, the child doesn’t have a name, but will have a specified gender depending on who the person is. They’re not related to you, you just kind of… Got them somehow.
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♥︎ Clem was relieved that there was somebody closer to AJ’s age that he can relate to. As much as he got along with Willy and Tenn, sometimes the seven year age gap became really apparent.
♥︎ She would watch them play from afar, but every time she got close to them to see what they were drawing together, your little one would huddle up and back away. Clem didn’t want to press the issue incase it made them worse, but it did sting.
♥︎ She’d ask AJ about it later, but AJ didn’t really have an answer. It didn’t make the situation any easier.
♥︎ With the missing finger and the missing leg, it might have made her a little scary looking for a small child who’s never seen anything like that before, but Clem couldn’t do anything about that.
♥︎ Eventually she decided to approach you. She’s wanted to talk to you more for a while, but you tend to be with your own kid and she didn’t want to upset both of you.
♥︎ “Hey.” She sat down next to you. The kids were all together, so she finally got the chance to speak to you and hopefully ask about the problem.
♥︎ You greeted her and she had to wet her dry lips before speaking, “Your kid seems to have a… Problem with me. They seem scared of me and I don’t know what to do…” Clem wanted to dart around it, to make it seem as nice as possible, but you had a look in your eye that made Clem immediately regret it. Maybe she shouldn’t have said anything.
♥︎ “Her parents hid her from the world almost completely. She’s been scared of everything, but they’re starting to get used to things… It’s just taking a while.” You explained, “and they’ve never seen anybody like you before.” You added.
♥︎ Clementine knew somebody like that too, somebody who panicked when she saw what the world was truly like. She could understand the fear of it all. Kids being exposed to something new, to something terrifying, it would take a while to adjust.
♥︎ “What can I do to make her not think I’m so scary?” She asked, desperate. She’d spare glances at the table where she was happily doodling with Tenn, giggling at the drawing they were working on together.
♥︎ “You need to show her that you aren’t. Have you tried actually talking to her?”
♥︎ “I didn’t want to make it any worse.”
♥︎ “In the morning we’ll talk to her together. She needs to understand that you’re not any different just because you’ve lost a few limbs.”
♥︎ It made sense, and Clementine nodded and finished eating her dinner alongside you, chatting about things that didn’t have to do with your kid. It was nice to finally talk to you and she forgot how long it’s been since you two have had a conversation.
♥︎ In the morning, Clem kept to your plan. Your kid was gawking at her when you pushed her closer. You explained to her briefly what happened, nothing too upsetting that would scare her, but you let her know that she did lose her leg.
♥︎ She managed to ask a few questions like “did it hurt?” And “could it grow back?”
♥︎ Her fear seemed to have melted away since then and Clem wished she came to you sooner.
♥︎ She remembers going down to lunch and your kid giving her a drawing, it was her as a pirate with this elaborate peg-leg that could shoot fire. She seemed very proud of the drawing, saying Mitch lit something on fire for her so she could have a reference.
♥︎ Not having your kid be scared of her means she’s gotten a lot closer to you too, and she’s very appreciative of that.
♥︎ Marlon really liked you, but he didn’t like that your kid seemed to keep their distance from him. He didn’t know what the issue was, he was the tallest there and maybe it scared them? But Mitch was only an inch or two shorter than him and they liked him just fine, so what’s the issue? He couldn’t figure it out.
♥︎ He was very quick to act on it. He asked about it in a game of War.
♥︎ “Your kid doesn’t seem to like me a whole lot… Do you know why?” He tried to not sound upset. Louis quietly teased him and Violet said the smell of his hair probably freaked them out, but he ignored their taunts and focused on you.
♥︎ “I think you remind her of somebody. She had an older brother that looked kind of like you.” You told him, and he waited for you to continue, “He was bitten and didn’t tell anybody… He turned and attacked her. She’s been a little shaken up about it since, but she’s gotten better. You just bring back bad memories, I guess.”
♥︎ That hurt, and his friends didn’t say anything. They just shot him looks of sympathy. Louis especially could pick it up, so he just made the first move to flip a card over.
♥︎ If he wanted to get close to you, he had to get close to her too. You came here together and he couldn’t ignore the small girl that would hold your hand nearly everywhere you went. If she remained scared of him, you might not want to be around him to protect her from the fear.
♥︎ Rosie was a sweet dog and she’s seen them all when they were small. Willy and Tenn were only around six years old, so she’s used to children and she knows how to be gentle. Kids love dogs, right? Maybe he can use this to his advantage.
♥︎ Your little one was… A little bit afraid of Rosie at first. She was so small compared to the strong and muscular dog. Marlon knew this is where he should come in, to teach her that it’s okay.
♥︎ It took a while, but eventually your kid grew the confidence to take Marlon’s hand and guide it to Rosie’s nose. He then gave her a signal that meant it’s okay for her to pet Rosie, and she did. She giggled and her eyes lit up, looking at Marlon almost to say ‘look! She likes me!’
♥︎ You were sitting with your kid at breakfast when you saw her wave to Marlon from afar. You were shocked. Marlon came over to speak to her, sitting beside you.
♥︎ “She’s… Definitely warmed up to you.” You said, stunned.
♥︎ Marlon grinned, a little smug, “it took a while, but I’m glad it worked out."
♥︎ His heart skipped a beat when you smiled at him, your eyes warm. You were silently thanking him for making her just a little less scared in such a scary world.
♥︎ Mitch didn’t like you when you first got here, but he took a liking to your kid. He had a smart mouth and, much to his liking, said a few cuss words behind your back. Mitch and Willy found it very funny how he whispered every time he swore, always scared you’d catch him.
♥︎ But even though he found your kid funny, your kid didn’t like him and he just didn’t understand why. When Mitch got close to you, your kid would hide behind your leg and glare at him.
♥︎ He’d try to talk to him a few times, but your kid would clutch onto you desperately.
♥︎ Mitch was admittedly a little bit startled when he mouthed ‘fuck you’ at him, completely out of your view.
♥︎ “Hey, what’s his fucking problem?” Mitch asked, walking up to you, but that was too close for your kids liking. Your kid lashed out at him,
♥︎ “leave them alone!” He tried to push Mitch away, but he was too small to be effective.
♥︎ You had to take him away to calm him down, apologising to Mitch as you went.
♥︎ Mitch decided to confront you about it later that night, when you were on your own. Willy was trying to wrestle your little one, Ruby telling Willy, “be gentle, he’s a lot smaller than you!”
♥︎ “I’m really sorry about him, he’s just a little nervous.” You immediately started to apologise to Mitch when he get near you, picking at your fingernails.
♥︎ Mitch sat beside you, “But why? What’s his problem with me?”
♥︎ You gave him a completely blank stare, which he returned… Was he supposed to already know?
♥︎ “Do you remember how you threatened me when we first got here? Said you’d let me get eaten or something like that?”
♥︎ “I didn’t mean it! Well, I kind of did. Okay, I did, I meant it, but I don’t want you to get eaten anymore!” You laughed at his slightly flustered face,
♥︎ “Well, he’s not really over it.” Oh. Right. That made sense. It clicked right there. Of course he was scared of him, Mitch threatened to let you die right in front of him. He was such a dick…
♥︎ “Fuck, I completely forgot about that…” he groaned, letting his hand hit his face. He was such an idiot.
♥︎ “Maybe you should apologise to him.” Mitch made eye contact with you for a brief second, pleading to not have to apologise to a six year old boy. It would’ve been embarrassing.
♥︎ It was embarrassing. You were right behind him with your arms crossed. Your kid stood up straight, fist clenched. Considering Mitch was crouched down to their height, they might punch him in the face. He probably wanted to. Mitch couldn’t have blamed them though…
♥︎ “Listen, uh… I know what I said when you two first got here and, uh… I didn’t mean it, that wasn’t okay. I didn’t know if you were going to be bad people or not.” He kept stumbling over his words, but eventually he managed to say a decently worded apology.
♥︎ Your kid looked him up and down and shrugged, “alright, but threaten them again and you’re dead.”
♥︎ “I’ll keep that in mind.”
♥︎ You’ve all started hanging out together, Willy and him teasing the two of you constantly. Mitch’s face would turn red when they would sing lovey-dovey nursery rhymes just to piss him off.
♥︎ But it was worth it when he saw you laughing at them together.
♥︎ Aasim was quick to like you and he admired how gentle you were when it came to your child. They were incredibly young and Aasim pitied the fact they were born into such a cruel world. He wanted to be there to support you, but your kid would just burst into tears when he came near.
♥︎ He’d constantly write about it in his journal. He wanted to talk to you without your kid crying. He could see how tired you were having to take care of a two year old all the time and he wanted to support you.
♥︎ Everybody else helped at least a little, but he couldn’t even get close.
♥︎ You were sitting on the stairs, your kid asleep in your arms. He tried his best to quietly approach you, sitting next to you. He said hello, asked you how you were, said it was a nice night despite it being exactly the same as it was yesterday.
♥︎ In the middle of your somewhat awkward conversation, he pointed to your sleeping toddler, “they cry a lot when I’m around…” he trailed off slightly, a little flustered with the motherly look in your eye just from the mention of them.
♥︎ “Every group I’ve been in there was always somebody who drove them nuts.” You explained, “I’m not sure what it is, but they’ve just got to get used to you. We never really had the chance to ‘get used’ to our last groups…”
♥︎ He nodded, understanding.
♥︎ He sent your sleeping child a sympathetic look. You two had been incredibly unlucky prior to coming here, and Aasim wanted nothing more than to make this place a complete safe haven; nothing like you’ve experienced before.
♥︎ He tried to insert himself more into your life little by little. Talking to you from a distance, making sure he’d walk by your table instead of anybody else’s.
♥︎ Your child wouldn’t bawl their eyes out anymore, just resorting to a small whimper and a sniffle. It wasn’t the best improvement, but it was something.
♥︎ It took a while for them to finally get used to Aasim. They remained quiet, chewing on their own fingers and babbling to themselves. He sighed every time he got near and they didn’t get scared. He’d tense up, waiting for a fearful glance to be sent his way, but it never came. Your child was in their own world, one where he wasn’t feared by them.
♥︎ You could see his relief, “I told you. You shouldn’t have stayed away.”
♥︎ Aasim’s face softly reddened, but he agreed. He did not like being away from you.
♥︎ He remembers the first time he left with the hunting party and your child, peeking through the bars, babbled out a “bye-bye, Aasim!” With a small wave. A few people didn’t contain their emotions and audibly “awe’d” and Louis nudged him with his elbow, excited for him.
♥︎ Aasim was excited too. He hid his red face behind his bow, telling Louis to stop being annoying for once, but he was excited.
♥︎ He was excited to watch your kid grow up with you. He couldn’t wait until they were big enough to take out hunting with him.
♥︎ Louis mustered up the courage to finally talk to you. He’d been rehearsing a whole thing in his head, flirting that was subtle enough that it wasn’t obvious, but you could totally still pick up on it. It wasn’t too much, but it was there. It was perfect.
♥︎ Perfect until your four year old boy barrelled toward him and kicked him in the shin.
♥︎ Your toddler ran into your arms and you picked them up, but you made sure Louis was alright.
♥︎ “Yeah, yeah. I’m… I’m good. I’m okay…”
♥︎ He wasn’t, he was embarrassed and completely humiliated.
♥︎ He took this as a queue to leave, his dreams shattered.
♥︎ It happened again when playing a game of war, when he asked if you’ve ever been in a relationship before. Your child has been keeping his eye on him and he did not like that question. Again, he snuck up behind Louis and kicked him in the leg.
♥︎ “It was just a question!” He squeaked out, Marlon, Clem and Violet laughed at him.
♥︎ He decided to go to your dorm. Your kid wasn’t there, probably playing in Marlon’s office with AJ and Tenn. he sighed in relief, his leg already tensed up incase he was ambushed.
♥︎ “It’s nice to talk to you without… Him.” Louis was obviously nervous and you couldn’t help but laugh at his fear of a literal child, “no offence of course.”
♥︎ “None taken. He’s really been laying into you.”
♥︎ He laughed, “Tell me about it.”
♥︎ Louis shut the door behind him, wanting some privacy incase he was right around the corner. Then he popped the question.
♥︎ The question being why your child would not stop assaulting him.
♥︎ “He said he’s jealous. Well, he didn’t, but he is. He thinks you’re going to… Steal me away or something.” You laughed, “I don’t know where he got that from. It’s not like you’re the only guy that talks to me.”
♥︎ Louis stared, laughing with you, but he was a little bit… Surprised.
♥︎ Your CHILD picked up on his flirting… And not YOU?
♥︎ “Well I hope the other guys around here haven’t been saying exactly what I have, because then I’d have some competition.”
♥︎ Please understand, please understand.
♥︎ You looked away with a small small and mumbled out an ‘“oh…”
♥︎ Oh, thank God. They understood.
♥︎ The conversation then had a small… Flirty tone to it all. He said he’d see you at dinner and left, fist pumping the air as soon as he got out the room. You finally got the hint and you might actually like him back. He was thrilled and desperately wanted to squeal his throat out.
♥︎ No words were explicitly spoken, but you two were starting to see each other more and more and there was definitely something there. Your kid was not happy.
♥︎ The first time Louis tried holding your hand was the last, because your child punched him right in the centre of the back. You had to take him away to scold him. Louis was bruised and in pain, and he heard a couple of snickers.
♥︎ Louis was getting bullied by a little boy.
♥︎ So Louis decided to whip out the thing he knows best. His musical talent. He did what he could to get your child engaged, and he quickly was. He was amazed.
♥︎ He’s never heard a piano before, he hardly even knew what it was, and he really wanted to know more.
♥︎ You walked in the room to see your partner (though you guys haven’t exactly talked about labelling it yet…) and your kid sitting on the stool, Louis guiding his hands to the right keys, trying to teach him Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
♥︎ Now when you and Louis got a bit flirty, your child just groaned and left to go play instead of getting violent. Sometimes they left to go and smash the piano keys until they made something that almost sounded like Mary Had a Little Lamb.
♥︎ “It’s okay if you want to be with Louis, just don’t leave me behind, okay…?” Of course you told him you wouldn’t, and that was enough for him.
♥︎ Louis’s shins thanked him.
♥︎ You and Violet weren’t on good terms when you first met. With the amount of kids that magically disappeared, it was a lingering thought in the back of her head that there was a serial kidnapper out there just waiting for their next victim.
♥︎ She wanted to fish alone that day, getting into a small spat with everybody else, so she was a little bit farther than the rest of her party. That was when she saw you.
♥︎ Somebody completely alone with a child, she just jumped to conclusions. You must’ve been working for them, whoever they are.
♥︎ Violet drew her cleaver and held it by her side. She wanted answers. She snuck up behind you and then…
♥︎ Your little girl burst into tears. She was somehow even smaller up close, her big eyes overflowing with tears as she screamed. She ran up to Violet, trying to push her away by pushing her whole body against Violet’s legs.
♥︎ You didn’t kidnap anybody.
♥︎ After her friends heard the scream of a little girl, they ran her way. They gained your trust enough to take you back to Ericson. They scolded Violet in front of you, checking up on you and your little girl.
♥︎ Violet was really embarrassed, but she knew you and your little girl were completely terrified in that moment. She couldn’t just dwell in her humiliation, she has to apologise.
♥︎ Violet walked straight toward you, but your child saw her first. She clung to your leg, trying to use her small body to shield you from her. It hurt Violet’s heart. She really terrified this poor little girl by just… Being completely irrational.
♥︎ “Hey, listen.” You jumped, recognising the voice, “I just wanted to apologise. I should never have done that. People don’t usually come ‘round here and I figured you weren’t here for a good reason.”
♥︎ She spared a glance to the small girl who was basically pleading her with her eyes to not hurt them. She sighed, “and I’m… Really sorry for putting her through that. That wasn’t right.”
♥︎ You finally smiled, petting the little girls hair to assure her. You told Violet that it was alright and that you understand.
♥︎ After that, you and Violet became good friends, but your girl was still very hesitant to come near her. On one end, she was intimidated by Violet, but she also wanted to protect you despite her tiny size.
♥︎ Violet respected the nature of your girl. She found out during a game of war that she was the last one standing from a failed, chaotic group. You two were the only ones who got out alive and you’ve been taking care of her alone ever since. She watched everybody around her die, mostly from the gunfire by your own men, and you were all she had. Of course she’d try to protect you.
♥︎ Violet decided to give her a present, a button for her shirt. It was a rainbow behind a cloud. Kids like bright colours, right?
♥︎ Your little girl was very nervous to accept something from Violet and looked at you for approval, but you nodded and told her to take it. She gingerly thanked Violet, staring at it. Her eyes lit up, those eyes that she’d previously only seen fear from.
♥︎ You helped her put it on, and your little girl didn’t seem so afraid of Violet anymore.
♥︎ Violet even caught her showing people her brand new button, bouncing up and down as she did so.
♥︎ You sat next to her during dinner, your little girl off with Violet’s usual group. It’s been a while since they’ve seen a kid, so Marlon and Louis were having a nice time playing with her and listening to her babble on.
♥︎ “You’ve really helped her open up to people. Thank you so much.” You almost sounded like you were about to cry. With what you’ve seen beforehand, Violet couldn’t blame you. She doubted you’ve even seen people in a good, long while. This must’ve been hard for you both.
♥︎ Violet moved her hand slightly closer to yours, pinkies barely touching, but the gesture turned her cheeks a faint pink.
♥︎ “It… Was nothing…” She said, a small smile on her face.
♥︎ You moved your hand closer to hers, hands ever-so-slightly overlapping. You both remained quiet, but the feelings were loud.
♥︎ Ruby wishes your first meeting was different, but it wasn’t.
♥︎ Willy called to everybody from the watchtower, and everybody rushed to see you carrying a young boy.
♥︎ “He’s hurt.” You pleaded, “Please, I’ll leave right after, but please just do something.”
♥︎ It turned out to be a reckless mishap with a gun. Ruby got to work, doing her best to help the boy.
♥︎ He seemed to be panicking a lot. His pain tolerance was pretty low and he thought Ruby was hurting him intentionally. When Ruby told you she was done, you rushed in and he reached out to you, sobbing.
♥︎ “She was hurting me…” he cried.
♥︎ You knew it wasn’t intentional, but you didn’t know how to console him. His throat was starting to hurt from his raw crying, so Ruby decided to give you two some space.
♥︎ “Thank you so much. We’ll leave as soon as possible.”
♥︎ “Now hold on, that boy is in no shape to get on the move again. I’d let him rest up for a while and then we’ll see.”
♥︎ Truthfully, Ruby didn’t want to see you go. She was hoping you’d change your mind for the few days you said you’d be staying there.
♥︎ It was hard to talk to you when you spent to much time with your little boy. He started crying every time she came in the room and it seemed to just make the pain worse.
♥︎ Ruby started taking meals to you as an excuse to have a brief interaction. She’d knock on the door and you’d answer and have a brief conversation at the door. She was nervous, not wanting your little boy to hate her, but nothing seemed to change.
♥︎ One day, she knocked on the door and there was no answer. She waited for a while before deciding to go in. There was your little boy on the bed, eyeing her down and sniffling.
♥︎ “Hey there, hun. I’m not gonna hurt you. I’m really sorry about all the pain you’re in, I wish there was something I could do to help…” Ruby eyed him sadly, setting the food down next to him.
♥︎ Your boy sniffled, “T… They told me… It would’ve hurted worser if they did it and not… You…” your boy was hiccuping, cheeks wet from tears.
♥︎ Ruby nodded, “I didn’t want it to hurt, hun. I’m afraid that was as painless as I could get it.”
♥︎ Apparently you managed to help him understand in your own time. You walked into the room to see the two conversing. It wasn’t much, but he eventually stopped crying.
♥︎ “Oh, hey there. Sorry, I went to the bathroom.”
♥︎ “I think he’s doing better.” Ruby said, “I think his emotions are the only thing keeping him down. Soon you’ll be able to… Get outta here in no time.”
♥︎ She didn’t like saying the words, it hurt. She wanted to talk to you more, but soon you’ll be gone. Your child was only just starting to trust her.
♥︎ She came to you tomorrow to check up on him, which he let her do. Your boy seemed fine. He was still a little bit shaken, but the pain was only a horrible memory. Apart from that, he was physically okay.
♥︎ You were beaming, “Is there anything I could do to repay you?”
♥︎ Ruby smiled back at you, “You could stay for one thing. It’d be a shame to see you go so soon.”
♥︎ She didn’t expect you to react so positively to her offer, but you did. You wrapped your arms around her and hugged her tight.
♥︎ “Thank you.” You said, “Thank you for giving us a home again.”
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promenadewithme · 3 years
May I please have prompt 62 with Simon Basset x female!reader?
Of course! Thank you for requesting!
Pairing: Simon Basset x Fem!Reader
Prompt: 62 (”She doesn’t belong with him” “Than who does she belong with?” “...with me.”)
Warnings: very slight angst with a happy ending. I'm sorry, but I just had to include him saying "I burn for you".
Word count: 1.7 k
Tell me if you want to join my tag list!
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Dearest Readers,
it has come to this author’s attention that Lady (y/n) (y/l/n) and Lord Benedict Bridgerton were seen promenading earlier this week. We all know Miss (y/l/n) to be a close friend to the Bridgertons, but will she officially become part of the family? Rest assured, if there is an engagement this author will find out.
Your’s Truly,
Lady Whistledown.
“This is absurd!” you exclaimed. “We were seen walking and now we’re to be married?”
“Calm down, (y/n). You know Whistledown is just a gossip, no one will remember this in a week.” said Benedict, putting down his sketchbook to look at you. 
As soon as you woke, your lady’s maid showed the infamous society papers and you all but ran to the Bridgerton estate. Benedict was, as always, in the drawing room sketching away. He had already read the paper, but thought nothing of it. He was calm, so calm it irritated you.
“Ben, you don’t understand! If people think I’m engaged to you, they will stop courting me and, unless you plan on marrying me, that is a disaster! I have to marry this season!” at this point Benedict stood up and caressed your arm in an attempt of calming you down. To anyone else, this scene would be scandalous and incredibly improper, but you and Ben have known eachother since infancy and were the best of friends, so there was nothing romantic about the gesture.
“(y/n), my dear, what is this rush? We are still young, you can see so many more seasons before being considered a spinster. You are beautiful, smart, accomplished and any man in the ton would be more that lucky to have you as his wife. If they don’t see it, it’s their loss. As for the rumors chasing them away, I believe it will do quite the opposite.” he said with a smirk.
“Whatever do you mean? If they believe I am to be married, how would it attract them?” you asked, incredulous.
“Well, not to brag, but I am a Bridgerton. If they think you caught my eye, they’d be curious to know what’s so special about you. So, don’t fret. All will be well.” With one last reassuring squeeze, he turned around and sat back down. “Now, are you going to Lady Danbury’s ball this evening?” he asked, narrowing his eyes at his sketch, not quite contempt with the shading.
“Of course I am, it’s the biggest ball of the season!” you exclaimed, sitting down on the sofa in front of him.
“Thank the heavens! If my mother tries to push eligible ladies my way, I’ll run in your direction.” he said, still sketching. Benedict stopped for a second and looked up at you “I heard a certain Duke will be there.” he stated with a smirk. You rolled your eyes and said “We all know he is bewitched by Daphne, it does not matter if he will be there.” 
“Of course it matters, you are in love with the man! And, to be completely honest, I don’t believe it is my sister who his heart belongs to. I’ve seen the way he looks at you, it’s the same way Colin looks at maps or Eloise looks at books.” He was leaning forward now, elbows on his knees, hands loosely clasped.
“Like I’m an object?” you said, kidding of course and dying to change the subject. You had the tendency to get your hopes up and the last thing you wanted was to believe your friend and end up with a broken heart.
“Like you hung the moon and the stars.” he had a serious expression and your heart skipped a beat with the thought that Simon would ever look at you that way, but you knew it would never happen. So you waved your hand, smiled and said “I think all the charcoal and paint is going straight to your brain, Mr. Bridgerton. I expect to see your hands all clean if you are to dance with me to trick your poor mama.” Standing up, you curtsied mockingly and said your goodbyes before walking out the door. 
Simon woke with news from Lady Whistledown. He was never one to believe in gossip, but Daphne was always talking about the society papers during their fake courting, so his curiosity got the best of him. What he did not expect was to read (y/n)'s name.
He had sworn to himself that he would never marry, but arriving at the beginning of the season he couldn't help but be smitten by you. He tried to fight it, but every time you smiled he saw himself smiling along, every time you wore his favourite colour he forgot how to breathe, and every time he saw you with Benedict Bridgerton he couldn't control his jealousy.
He confided in Daphne about it and she guaranteed (y/n) and the second Bridgerton son were just close friends, but Lady Whistledown seems to think differently. To be married? Was this true? If so, he knew it was for the best. He would be able to keep his promise to himself, but he could not help the ache in his heart as he dressed for the day.
(Y/N)'S P.O.V.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, pleased with the outcome. Your lady's maid had weaved delicate flowers in your hair, that was pulled up loosely and you wore your newest dress, long white gloves and the family diamonds. Madame Delacroix really outdid herself this time. It was your favourite colour, with princess sleeves, only slightly puffed, and had embroidered tulle at the hem and bottom part of the skirt. You looked truly beautiful.
"(y/n), it's time to-" your mother paused at the door and looked at you. She smiled softly at your reflection. "You look so beautiful, my dear... Do you think a certain Lord might like it too?" she said smiling softly.
"It is not the Lord's attention I want, mama. You know Ben is just a friend" you said, playing with the skirt of your dress.
"I know, sweetheart, I just don't want you do get hurt. All I want is for you to be happy and what better than to marry your best friend?" she hugged you from behind and kissed your cheek, still looking at your reflection.
"To marry the one you love..."
"You really have outdone yourself, Lady Danbury." Simon said, looking down at the woman who practically raised him. She was wearing a white gown, a tiara and long white gloves, radiant as always, leaning on her cane.
"I always do, my boy. Now, look at that! Your beloved has arrived." she declared with a small smirk.
"I have already spoken to Daphne" he said, nodding in the Bridgerton family direction, however his heart was beating out of his chest as he turned to look at (y/n). It seemed impossible, but she was even more beautiful than the last time he saw her. Simon looked away before he was caught staring.
"We both know I'm not speaking of the Bridgerton girl. You are not as discreet in your brooding as you like to think." he looked at you again, but you were already speaking to Benedict, who was leading you to the dance floor. "What is bothering you, boy?"
Simon stared at the pair dancing for a moment before responding. "She does not belong with him."
"Than who does she belong with?" (y/n) was laughing at something Benedict said and Simon could not bare the view anymore.
"...With me." he mumbled before heading to the gardens.
(Y/N)'S P.O.V.
The song finished and you curtsied, smiling at your best friend. The smile slowly turned into a frown as you saw Simon walking out, into the gardens.
"Go after him." Benedict whispered.
"What? We would be unchaperoned, it would be scandalous!" you answered, only loud enough for him to hear.
"I'll stand at the door and make sure no one sees. Go!" you smiled and wished you could hug you best friend. "Thank you, Ben." you said as you went into the garden after the man you love. The weather was pleasant and the garden was completely empty, with only the Duke passing back and forth close to the bushes.
"Simon?" he stopped in his tracks, looking surprised as he gazed back at you and stepped closer.
"What are you doing here, if we were to be caught unchaperoned yo-" you stopped the nervous man by saying "Benedict is at the door, no one will see."
"Of course he is." he mumbled, but you heard.
"What does that mean?" you asked, not understanding his sudden dislike for the lord.
"It means he is always around, always with you." he spat out.
"Well, he is my best friend." you could not believe what he was saying. "What do you have against him?" you questioned.
"Are you truly to be married?" he demanded, ignoring your question.
"What?" you replied, completely incredulous.
"Please don't." he murmured.
"Simon, I-" you tried to answer but he cut you off.
"Before you say anything, please listen to me. Don't marry him, please." he paused for a second, adjusting his posture. "I love you. You..." he shook his head. "You don't even know what you do to me. Ever since I can remember, I have promised myself I would never fall victim to love, would never marry, would not let my family name carry on. Then came you."
Simon took a step closer and continued to speak. "You changed my plans, awoke desires I never knew I had, you have stolen my heart and my soul... I burn for you." he took your gloved hands in his, caressing them softly. "Don't marry him, marry me." he gazed into your eyes, waiting your answer.
"Simon... It was never my plan to marry Benedict, I was completely honest when I said he is nothing but a friend." you smiled up at him before saying "you are the one I love, always have been."
Simon grinned before pulling you into a passionate kiss, one hand on your back and the other behind your neck. It was a good thing Benedict was at the door, if anyone saw this scene and the rumours reached Lady Whistledown... You didn't even want to think about the ruin it would bring upon your family.
When you and Simon finally parted you managed to mumble "We truly have been oblivious, haven't we? I thought you were in love with Daphne." he chuckled.
"And I thought you to be with Benedict. Good thing you followed me out here, my love." he said, tucking a stray hair behind your ear.
"From now on, it's all I'll ever do."
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I love your writing, your so good! (Truly you are!) I've come to offer my crazy ideas to your wonderful writings; Hero x Villain where Hero finds out that their Lover is actually Villain and Hero can't believe it at first bc their Lover is sweet and shy, and Villain is cruel and loud, until Hero can no long deny they're the same person, and poor Villain is oblivious to what's going on (I hope my rambling was clear enough lol)
It was awfully quiet at dinner.
The hero poked at their food, their cheek pressed against their palm, their elbow on the table. Usually, they would gossip about colleagues or ramble about the news but they didn’t feel like having dinner with their enemy. With their lover, any time. But not with their enemy.
They just wanted to go to bed and forget their discovery.
“Honey, do you want to talk about it?” The hero’s eyes jumped to the villain and for a moment the words they know rattled through their brain. But the villain was too calm for that. They knew something was up but failed to figure that something out. Oh, little did they know how terrible that something was.
“Rather not,” the hero answered. They continued to stare at their lovely food which they knew they would leave untouched today.
“Okay,” the villain said and let a slick hand grab the hero’s thigh affectionately, drawing calming lines over their pants. It was probably unconscious behaviour.
Fuck, the villain knew them too well. The hero cursed themselves for letting them this close and yet, how could they have ever known their enemy was their lover? The villain had done it cleverly. Their civilian persona was nothing like the enemy’s.
Denying it was impossible, now that the hero had accidentally overheard their conversation from this morning. The villain had probably thought the hero had already left. Truth be told, the hero had left but they had also forgotten their phone.
They had been extra quiet because they knew how sleepy their partner was in the morning. And then, the villain’s exhausted voice had mumbled something about robbing a bank into their phone.
“I’m going to bed,” the hero announced. They stood up with their full plate in hand and went straight to the kitchen counter.
“What about movie night?” the villain asked. The hero could hear the desperation in their voice. The villain wanted to make the hero happy, they wanted to know what was up. Right now, it felt like a curse to know the villain this well.
But, no. The hero wouldn’t falter.
“Not interested,” the hero said.
“But you love movie night,” the villain said.
“Sure, whatever.”
“Honey, I’m here for you, just in case y-”
“Great,” the hero said. The air was boiling, they swore they could feel it. And yet, they didn’t want to treat their lover like this. They just wanted to cuddle with them and have a fucking movie night and pretend they were both alright. They wanted the villain to press them into their mattress and kiss them until they forgot that they were enemies.
“Sorry, did I do something wrong?” The hero’s fork fell and banged onto their plate, the sound cutting the room in half. They turned.
“Oh, I don’t know. Is it wrong to blow up fucking City Hall?” It ate the hero’s heart raw to watch how the villain’s eyes widened and their jaw dropped, frozen as if they were on the edge of saying something but too scared to actually get words out of their mouth.
They wished they would have never found out. They wished their lover could just laugh like they had on their first date when they went into the wrong movie at the cinema.
Fuck. They loved the villain even when they were breaking their heart.
“What are you talking about?” the villain asked. Their acting was so good the hero almost thought, hoped, that they were in the wrong.
“Oh, please. Are you really going to make me say it?” Now, the villain stood up, too. When they were close enough, they hugged the hero tight. And the hero let them, holding onto the villain as if it was the last time.
Though they wanted to hate the villain, the hero couldn’t. They couldn’t hate the person who was too afraid to order something at Starbucks. They couldn’t hate the person who always brought breadcrumbs with them to feed the ducks in the park when they strolled together around the lake after a hard day.
“Honey, I swear, I was going to tell you,” the villain said, their voice tinier than ever.
“But you didn’t.” They buried their face in the villain’s shoulder and hoped they could stay like this forever.
“Honey, let me explain all of it. I’m so sorry but I promise-”
“I can’t fight you anymore,” the hero said. The villain pulled back slowly, to look at them. A deep frown graced their face.
“Wait, what?”
Fuck. Holy shit.
The hero had been so upset, they had forgotten that they had been lying to their lover, too.
The villain hadn’t known they were the city’s hero. Until now.
part 2
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pippytmi · 3 years
1, 4, 14?
The one hope Kara has for her roommate is that Lena Luthor will not be a smoker.
Alex had told her not to have high expectations; after all, this roommate arrangement was all organized through Winn, and Alex has always stated that she doesn’t trust this man’s self-preservation tactics. (“Once, during an earthquake drill, he started to climb up the building. Kara, what kind of a moron does that?”)
But Kara isn’t as cynical as her sister…or quite as mean. So she trusts that Winn’s people skills are better than his survival skills, and resolves not to write off Lena by virtue of association alone. It’s expensive enough to live in National City; when Winn had promised a roommate that “probably won’t be tempted to murder anyone anytime soon,” that had honestly been a good enough draw. (That had, of course, been sandwiched in a perfectly normal explanation about Lena being the best student in their shared pre-med classes—Winn maintains that anyone pursuing med school that rigorously will be too tired to consider recreational murder on the side.)
So Kara takes her tentatively-moderate-expectations—along with a box of donuts as a gift—and makes her way to apartment 9b. This is technically her first time ever being a real roommate; her only other experience was sharing a wall with Alex during their teenage years, and occasionally during their college years when they weren’t driving each other crazy. So maybe, because she’s never had to deal with boundaries or tact with her sister, she kind of…abandons all formalities and just uses her brand new key to open the front door.
(In hindsight, she really should have knocked first.)
“Golly!” Almost immediately, Kara is jumping right back out into the hallway, and the box of donuts is falling to a tragic death on the carpet. Oh no. Oh gosh. This is more embarrassing than trying to climb up the library during an earthquake drill—
She is still sitting on the floor, dumbstruck, with maple glaze smearing on her jeans when the door opens again. Lena Luthor pokes her head out, and she is simultaneously everything Kara expected and everything she didn’t. Per Winn’s description, Lena is indeed “classically beautiful,” and she has one of those faces: slightly closed off, hesitant to emote much. And when she has clothes on, she truly does have the fashion sense of an aspiring college professor, albeit with a touch more lipstick than Kara would expect.
“Okay, maybe I’m crazy,” Lena says slowly, “but did I hear you say that out loud?”
Kara immediately lifts her head up to squint at the direction of the strange voice. Lena has very pretty green eyes, but they are exceptionally confused at the moment. “What?” she says, echoing that same perplexment in her own voice.
“I could’ve sworn you said ‘golly,’ like some kind of peasant in a Christmas Carol or something,” Lena says, as if that’s a totally normal route of conversation to take after being caught naked. She leans halfway out the door, looking down at Kara with that attractive, baffled expression on her face, and all Kara has taken from this encounter so far is that her new roommate is hot.
“I...did say that,” Kara says after a beat. “But in my defense, I was completely surprised.” As one might be walking in on anybody naked, she thinks, but doesn’t actually say out loud.
“Right.” And then Lena frowns, slightly, in a manner that makes her lipsticked mouth twist down a corner. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were coming by today. I could have sworn your text mentioned your move in day being the third.”
Kara stretches her leg out and pretends the sole of her shoe isn’t caked in chocolate icing. “Today is the third,” she points out, and then hastily adds, “And um—I’m sorry. I should have knocked. I just didn’t know you were…”
“Showering,” Lena finishes, at the same time Kara says,
“...a nudist.”
Lena stares. And then she blinks, and then she stares some more. “What?” This time, that careful kind of confusion entirely drops, and now she’s looking at Kara like she has grown two heads. “How do you automatically jump to that?”
“Because you’re naked in the middle of the day?!” It’s pretty self-explanatory in her opinion, but Kara still gets up off the floor in order to better face her new roommate (and because it feels strangely like she is the one being judged right now). “Everyone knows that showering is a night or a morning time thing—walking around naked any other time is weird.”
“Wow,” Lena says, and she actually crosses her arms, further cementing the whole Kara-is-the-one-being-judged thing. “I can’t believe you think nudists are weird. That’s pretty ironic coming from Tiny Tim.”
“Hey, I never said I thought nudists were weird. Just, their hobbies are. Is being naked a hobby?” Kara considers delving into that discussion, but Lena is squinting at her (and Lena has a very piercing squint), so she drops the subject. “Anyway, it’s fine if you’re a nudist. I can just…start wearing sunglasses inside, or something.”
“Because my naked body is that blinding?” Lena scowls. “I don’t go out in the sun much, alright, so sue me for being pale—”
“That’s not what I meant!” Kara blurts, helpless, and she knows in that instant she’s gone entirely red in the face. “I, uh. I didn’t mean to sound judge-y. Really, I don’t care what you do in your spare time. Unless…can I ask if you smoke?”
And it is with that sheepish question that Lena’s affrontive attitude slowly begins to fade. “No,” she says, in a manner that is faintly amused. “But I’m glad that’s your priority. Seriously? Are you really just going to say you’d be fine if I spent every single waking moment in our apartment naked?”
Kara shrugs, still flushed up to the tips of her ears, and makes a valiant effort not to think about that when Lena almost-smiles she can see the indent of a possible dimple on her cheek. “Well, if that’s what you want,” Kara says. “I won’t…stare or anything, I promise.”
“That’s comforting, but I’m not a nudist.” Lena smiles, and yep—dimple—Kara is pretty much done for.
“No, I mean it.” And then that smile drops as Lena suddenly reconsiders something. “Also, why do you assume it’s weird to be naked in the afternoon?”
Kara gestures vaguely with her hands to where her watch would be. “Because,” she says, “it’s weird to shower in the afternoon.”
“But what if I had been naked for another reason besides showering?” Lena apparently has the ability to raise her whole eyebrow, and it’s unfair how mesmerizing that is.
“Like…non-nudist reasons?” Kara asks, and Lena’s smile comes back in a mischievous form.
“Yes, exactly.”
“Uh,” Kara says ineloquently, and suddenly her mind is coming up with far too many scenarios that she really shouldn’t. “That would be fine. Too. I mean, I can wear earplugs with the sunglasses. Or I can just wait out here too, until you’re…done. The carpet here is pretty comfortable. Is it the same in the apartment? ‘Cause if so, I mean, the landlord really outdid himself. I’ve had carpets that aren’t half as fluffy in hotel rooms that charged way more than—”
Lena cracks the door wider, and then her gaze drifts over towards where Kara’s housewarming donut gift has landed. “Have I broken you?” she asks. “Or are you always this awkward around naked women?”
“I’m—what?” Kara sputters. “I’m completely normal around naked women. Sometimes I am also a naked women.”
“Right,” Lena says, “when you shower in the morning. Or night.”
Kara frowns. “Yes,” she says, “and that's completely normal. And not weird.”
“Noted.” Lena pulls open the door the rest of the way, then throws a dangerous sort of smirk over her shoulder. “You are Kara Danvers, right? I’d hate to have to re-do the apartment tour, so if you’ve just come to break in, I have to warn you: I’m saving for med school, so I pretty much own nothing of value.”
“Yeah, no, I’m...Kara,” Kara says, slightly bewildered, but she gathers her bag and her donut box trash and follows Lena inside; she’ll have to deal with the mess outside later. “Sorry I didn’t introduce myself. I just forgot, with the whole…”
“It’s alright.” Lena scrunches her nose up apologetically, suddenly quite sheepish; if Kara had to pick a word, she’d call the tic adorable. “I didn’t exactly introduce myself either. Well, at least in the traditional sense.” She leads Kara into the kitchen, where there is a bottle of wine sitting on the table. “Can I make it up to you with a drink?”
And Kara doesn’t know how, exactly, she’s going to live like this—going to live with the knowledge that her new roommate apparently showers in the afternoon, and drinks a whole bottle of wine alone, and makes sexual references to people she’s known for all of twenty minutes. In other words:
“Yeah,” Kara says, nudging her glasses up her nose and delighting in the curve of Lena’s ensuing smile. “I could go for a drink.”
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happyselves · 3 years
Budapest { Lando Norris x reader one shot }
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Breaking up sucks as it is, but to be dumped in an airport where you were going to a grand prix of formula 1 was worse … It was both of your dreams and he renounced it because of insecurities toward you. Admitting a “mistake” he had made with one of your commun friends, sleeping with her. You had to think fast in that airport, either you leave and go live one of your dreams or you step out of his place and go back home and cry for weeks. The answer was quickly found. You leave him and his baggage, not turning your back, deciding to not cry for the asshole you had spent so many time building a life he had destroyed in a snap of his fingers.
However the grand prix didn’t happen how you wanted it to. You had not really thought of him, too busy with the environment around you, sharing for your favorite drivers, freely wearing his merch that you had bought because you didn’t have any reason not to know that you didn’t have someone telling you off. Your now ex used to hate when you were showing your obsession and fascination toward the young driver that was Lando Norris. The dit driver had a great start but all his effort went in vain when the Mercedes driver hit the back of his car and ruined his race, forcing him to retire.
At first you didn’t know how to react, but when you saw him on the big screen in front of you, all the sadness and frustration and all the anger and hatred toward your ex boyfriend was transferred to this. You wanted to leave right away, but you stay, to support your team because Daniel Ricciardo was still in the race. You cheered as much as you could, exhausting yourself mentally and physically but it wasn’t enough and the number 3 car was too damaged to reach the point in the head. It was a shame, but that is the hard law of this sport. After this terrible race you had no heart in celebrating the win for Ocon even if you were extremely happy for him, so you went back to your hotel and went to bed.
The next day was quiet and you spent time in the city, you didn't feel great so you just walked through the city and visited stuff … alone. This time no crowd and loud car could distract you from your own thoughts. Your ex boyfriend was all you could think about now. The memories you had together, the dog, the apartment. By leaving and not facing it you were pushing the moment and you knew it will hurt even more next time you will have to face him.
It was the evening and it was getting cooler, you get your merch hoodie out of your bag and wear it. You find a nice spot on a bench in front of the river crossing the city and you put yourself in a cocoon, your legs closed to your chest and your head on your knees, hugging yourself for comfort as you watch the sunset. The tears came on their own, you were lost in your thoughts and you didn’t notice the man sitting next to you. You were so lost that you were now hearing Lando talking to you in your brain.
“You know it’s a pretty spot to watch the sunset, but not alone,” You puff a quick laugh, even your own mind was making stuff up and you didn’t know why, but you were ready to have a full conversation with yourself. At least your brain was nice enough to create someone that looked like your favorite driver. “ That’s funny, I’m that desperate that I’m talking to myself now, great, next stop the psy,” you weren’t waiting for any response, but you got one anyway. “ Well maybe your brain isn’t making this up ?” Another sound came out of you, were you ready to have a full argument with your own self. “ It wouldn’t be the first time I’m daydreaming about a handsome man talking to me out of nowhere, but I know my luck, why do you think I got dumped just before going on vacation ? I’m nothing … “ You were resigned, the tears kept falling and the pain kept coming. “ Well then he is an idiot, to let a beautiful woman, with great taste may I have, go. This man is obviously blind.” You had a great imagination to be able to hear Lando’s voice so clearly in your head that it felt like he was just next to you.
You turn your head toward what you thought the voice was coming from and there he was, sitting next to you, looking at you with fondness. Damn you really needed help if even your blurry eyes by the wet tears could recreate his whole body and face in front of you.
At any point you thought it might be true even if you were both in the same city, the odds were too big and he would probably be in his hotel room by now enjoying some games with his mates on his computer or watching netflix.
“ That’s not fair that you create this for me, I do not deserve to have such a beautiful daydream like this, seeing him this weekend from afar was one thing but to now trick me and build this masquerade in my mind to ease my pain, that’s really new brain.” You were feeling crazy and you were trying not to sound like one, you were talking to yourself and you were scared that others will think of you as someone with less sanitary than an average human being.
Yet, your fake Lando get closer to you and start touching your arm, you didn’t even flinch when you sense his touch, you know you wouldn’t be able to feel anything because if one thing you learn is that touching isn’t a sense the brain is capable of reproduction to the perfection in your brain when you are dreaming. Then why were you feeling it, why suddenly his touch felt so reassuring and real. You blind repeatedly trying to wake yourself from this sweet dream you were living because this couldn’t be real and it was starting to feel scary.
Lando didn’t move his arm from you even if you tried to gently push him away and put some distance back between you. You weren’t certain this wasn’t reality anymore because as you took his arm, you felt him, your grip on him was real. You lock your eyes on him, focusing on every detail of this creation in your own mind. You knew the shirt he was wearing and the shorts as well, you knew how he looks after running as well so that was a normal thing, but every little detail of him only a person being super close to him could imagine, that you had never experienced and yet here everything was here in front of you. He never felt so him and so real in the flesh. Your fingers found the scruff on his chin and felt the small hair tickling your palm.
That’s where you realise … Lando Norris was in front of you, in the flesh as real as you wear. You come back right back to your senses when you see the sunset and keep drawing beautiful colors in the sky. Lando was amused by the situation, you weren’t.
“ Oh sleeping beauty is coming back from the daydream ?” Somehow he arranges a lock of hair missing on your face, putting it behind your ear. You jerk at the touch now knowing that you were imagining things. You stand up quickly and try to avoid him, walking like a lunatic in front of the bench right to left. “ You know, you are the first fan I've met that acts like this, quite refreshing. “ You stop and track and look at him, really look at him.
“ How do you know I am a fan of yours ?” If this wasn’t the dumbest question you had ever asked, you didn’t know how to be more embarassing of yourself.
“ Well at first I wasn’t really sure, then I saw you on that bench, curl up in a small little ball wearing my hoodie merch, then you basically confirm it when you thought I was a pure product of your imagination,” You were hiding your face now, you bet your cheeks were red. You were mortified to ever have thought you were this desperate that your brain could be creating him, but even more when you knew he had to witness that.
“ I’m sincerely sorry, I ruined your evening run, “ You were apologizing to him, ready to take your bag and run away from this situation, to forget everything that happened. It wasn’t the best timing for you to meet one of your idols, that’s not how you had imagined things to go if one day you would have the courage to try and meet him.
As you tried to take your bag, he stopped you and took your arm. It was like the first, but this time all you could think about was the butterflies appearing in your stomach. Lando was the only person you could dump your boyfriend for … your ex-boyfriend. Before you had time to dive in your thoughts once more he spoke to you.
“ Please don’t go, I should be the one apologizing, I let you think you were insane because I was amused and you’ve made my day to be honest. I felt less alone. “ He was brutally honest suddenly and your heart shattered even more, making your recent break up put on the second plan, focusing on the man in front of you only.
It’s true that you didn’t notice at first, but he was looking tired, not only physically but mentaly. He brings you closer to him, silently asking you to sit where you were in the beginning.
You were both smiling to each other and without any of you being able to control it you end up talking a long time on that bench, not realising it was now dark. Only when Lando’s phone buzzed did you both realise that you had been exchanging your deepest secrets to each other, telling each other's life like you were best friends finding their way back to each other. You even forgot he was a famous racing driver at some point, not caring much because you were now truly seeing the man behind the helmet and you like him even more.
You sense a sort of sadness when he picks up his phone to respond to his manager. Of course they were worrying, he told them he was gone for half an hour, not three hours. You thought he would lie about where he was, being cheeky and keeping his privacy and you were ready to take that small hit behind your head that you bring you both back into your respective life, otherwise he surprised you once more by being honest and telling his manager the truth. He was smiling at you and his eyes were glued on your face with that same fondness you thought your brain had made up earlier. He hanged up and his body turn toward you.
“ So as you can guess I have to go, but I have the feeling that if I don’t ask to come with me, it would be one of the biggest mistakes of my life, so … “ He was scared to continue, evaluating the reaction on your face, but he must have seen something in you that confirmed something in him and made him continue, “ I’m not applying anything, it’s to talk obviously, but would you like to accompany me to my hotel and maybe see each other again ? I’m leaving wednesday night, of course you can refuse I wouldn’t take it bad”
Two choices were now in front of you and you could only choose one. The first one was obviously saying no and going back to England where you are from and facing the hard reality of your ex and the second one was to push your plane ticket to next wednesday and spend time with him. There was actually nothing to think about as you simply said yes to him and followed him to his hotel that night. You didn’t do anything, only talking and even meeting the whole team. You tried your best not to fangirl like a teenager but you couldn’t help yourself showing the admiration you had for everyone of them and they already knew with the hoodie you were wearing anyway. That night was one of the best in your life, you talk all night in his room and end up falling asleep on his chest. It is the first time since you’ve been alone that you finally find peace in your sleep and truly rest and somehow you felt it was the same for him. This is why he asks you to stick around with him, even for the Pirelli test. You were not only living your dream now, but you were living it with him and it was even better. You felt lucky and you were now wondering what would have happened if you had not gone to that place and kept those grand prix tickets. You could care less, Lando made you forget all the pain this ex of yours had afflicted you for the past week. You had fun and everyone was so welcoming and nice to you, explaining everything around the paddock, you even found yourself laughing with Daniel Ricciardo at some point during the day.
The looks you send to each other on the other hand were far from being only friendly, there were something more. Your body was acting on its own and he was so receptive to it. Everyone in the garage could sense something that both of you were ignoring, but they were polite enough not to make a word of it or tease the young driver for it. You were secretly thanking them to not make this moment awkward, you were already still thinking you were in a deep dream or coma, not wanting to wake up just yet.
The day went fast and ended up in a nice dinner in his room, still talking and joking. At some point it was the second night in a row you fell asleep on him, while watching something on tv. It really wasn’t your type to trust a stranger even if this one was famous and you “ knew him “. You didn’t want to live dangerously,but for sure that difficult time ahead of you was making you enjoy the best of life without thinking about the next day.
Lando was stroking you slowly as he was finishing the movie you were watching before you found Morphee, kissing your head before turning everything off and joining you in dreamland as well.
You were sure the people at your own hotel were wondering where you were,and when the next day you finally came back to it, Lando quickly behind you, you could swear you had seen a smirk flashing on the front desk woman’s face. You hadn’t expected the man next to you to find a way and arrange the plane ticket you had to take for going home, to be weirdly the same plane as him and the seat next to him. You both didn’t really want to come back to reality and go to your respecting mundane life just yet.
The last day was as good as the day before other than that bittersweet feeling you had depe down, not wanting to let this go just yet. You didn’t know how you could enjoy this little bit of life he had show you, you were already addicted to this lifestyle, to that travel, hotel and paddock life, this crazy life of him and most important you knew how fucked you were because you realise soon enough that you were already addicted to him quite simply.
Both of you were staying quiet about your soon departure from each other and until the last moment you didn’t aboard the subject, but every good dream had a end and it’s on that parking lot when you saw the whole team leaving one by one to find their car that you realise it was the end of his fairy tale. Lando had held your hand tight the whole time, you were ready to let it go and leave this mind forever when he decided otherwise and asked you where you were going tonight now that you weren’t with your boyfriend. You hadn’t thought of that of course you hadn’t, how can you think about this when this beautiful and genuine nice man in front of you had replaced as quickly as he came in your life all your thoughts. It’s like he knew right away and didn’t let you answer, your luggage was already in the lack of his car with him and you were both driving to his place. Every woman would be afraid, why weren’t you that was the question.
“ I’m not ready to let you go, I don’t want to, “ That what he said to you as he pull his car in front of his house before adding up, “ I don’t even think I will be able to let you go ever in the rest of my life, “ You didn’t know what to say to that, you were only focusing on him, only him and the only thing you could think about right now was the close that damn gap between you two and kiss him. So you did and it was even more beautiful that the fireworks on national day, the butterflies in your stomach were moving so much that you could feel yourself flying except you were still in this car with him, his hands in your hair, messing the already messy bun you had for travelling, savoring every bit of your lips for the first time, like it was the last. When you finally pull away from each other to catch your breath, your forehead finds him.
“ I’m not going anywhere. “
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monsteronfire · 3 years
Fishing for a Star
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type;; One-shot (6.4K words)
pairing(s);; fratboy!JK x older!Reader/OC
genre;; Slice of Life, Smut, College AU
warnings;; Drinking, oral (male receiving), shy!Koo, sub!Koo, slightly dom!Reader/OC, Yoongi being a dumbass voyeur, both parties pining for each other like idiots
a/n;; I feel like it’s been a motherfuckin’ year since I’ve written and posted anything. I honestly started this thing probably a year ago. I just really love the chill college parties trope. Might add more to this, but unlikely. Enjoy my pain as I cry over JK in leather.
edit;; Totally forgot to put a read more tag on here, sorry y’all. I even told myself to fucking do it right as I started the post. Also the pic isn’t mine, got it off Google.
“Please tell me that’s not what you’re wearing.”
You step out of the way for your housemate, the hoodie you’d picked out momentarily blinding you while you pulled it over your head.
“If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t be putting it on.” You say, finally getting it over your head and shaking the hair out of your face. You blink at her half-way-to-getting-ready state, noting in the back of your head how good she looks even now. Her hair is done, wavy and a little disheveled. The shine of the dark strands makes you want to run your fingers through them, knowing they will be soft. Her makeup is half done and she’s dressed only in her underwear, but she’s beautiful all the same. You can tell she’s planning to doll herself up tonight and why shouldn’t she? It’s one of the biggest frat parties of the year and with it being her last year, she’s aiming to have a good time.
“This is a party, (Y/N). At least try and look a little slutty.”
You snort and grin a little, watching her pop her hip out while she eyes you.
“Why is that, baby?” You reply, reaching up to pull a couple of strands of her hair back into place fondly.
“I plan to get laid tonight. I expect you to too, babe.” She snaps, swatting your hand away.
“Sorry, sexy. I’m fishing for something special tonight and it doesn’t require the slutty look.”
“Oh god, not again.”
“What?” You question, turning back to the full length mirror and carding your fingers through your own hair to fix it.
“You’ve been after this boy for three years, (Y/N). He’s got you wrapped around his finger.” She states, walking away from you and back into the bathroom. You’re still smiling when you check one final time to make sure the jeans you’re wearing make your ass look great before leaning against the door frame.
“That was my plan from the beginning. Now I just need to wrap him around mine.”
She snorts, leaning over the sink and closer to the mirror.
“I said three years, didn’t I? If you haven’t bagged him yet, you won’t.”
You pout at her, but are undeterred. You know what kind of person he is and you’re well aware of how much work he had and will continue to take. You could tell he was not a one and done from the first moment you saw him. He would take time, a lot of it and you were willing to put it all in.
“You know how stubborn I can be.” You chuckle at her. She rolls her eyes, but smirks none the less. She knows she can’t say a word to change your mind.
“Whatever. If I catch you two together, I’m telling him to fuck you already.”
You laugh as you walk away, working on gathering what you’ll want to take to the party.
“You sure I’ll even be allowed at this thing?!”
“Are you kidding?! Everyone is invited to this party. The doors are left open so anyone can just fucking walk in off the street!”
You chuckle, grabbing your bag and stuffing your wallet in it. You’d graduated a couple years ago and while most of the seniors would know you, you sometimes felt weird hanging out at a party in the college you’d already graduated from. A girl has to do what she has to do when a baby boy is on the line, though.
And a baby boy he was.
You smile as you and your friend enter the large, old house. The lighting is dim, the music is thumping and all you can smell is alcohol, sex and sweat. There’s noise all around you, but you and your friend weave through the crowd easily. Nearly everyone greets you as you two pass, guys high-fiving you and girls giggling and touching your arms. You bounce to the music as you follow her, the two of you making your way past the front stairs and down the hall. You make a pit stop in the kitchen- Jae grabbing the classic Solo cup and you pulling a bottle of beer from a cooler full of ice- before heading out onto the back deck.
The backyard is just as crowded as the house, people in the pool, people in the gazebo and people littering about the yard and deck. There’s a large bonfire near the back of the yard and a couple other smaller fire pits in random spots. One of them is up on the deck in a small metal  pit, the warm flames surrounded by the very reason you and Jae came tonight.
“There’s our girls!” Namjoon shouts, lifting his can and drawing the attention of the seven other guys around him to you two. Taehyung, Hoseok and Jin all shout in unison as they spot you, Tae standing and pressing a sloppy kiss to your friend’s cheek. Yoongi and Namjoon lift their hands as you get closer and you reach out to slap each one. Jimin stands to press little pecks to first your cheek and then Jae’s. You all greet each other quietly before Jae slides herself into her target’s lap. She’s been after Jin all year and you haven’t been the only person sitting back to watch their game of cat and mouse. Jin is practically an expert at flirting just enough to keep her hooked without giving her what she really wants.
To be young and in lust.
Your eyes finally find the last member of the group, his silence keeping him out of spotlight unless he’s being searched for. He’s already looking at you when you spot him and his eyes dart down to his shoes while he shuffles behind Yoongi and Jimin. He can only keep his eyes off you for a moment before they find yours and he’s trapped. You smile softly at him, taking delight in how his eyes widen a fraction and his pupils grow. He’s holding a Solo cup, the rings on his fingers glinting in the firelight as he deftly squeezes them a bit tighter. He looks good tonight, his dark hair pushed back away from his forehead to show his strong brow. He’s dressed in all black, black t-shirt tucked into black jeans, black boots and to top it all off a leather jacket. He definitely pulled all the stops on you tonight and you have to make a conscious effort not to drool when you stare at him. He looks like a badass and you know every other girl in this joint sees him the same way, but you know the truth.
“Uh-oh,” Jae mumbles into Jin’s ear.
“She’s spotted her target and is locked on.”
You don’t bother listening to her, instead creeping closer to the object of your desire.
“Hey, Jungkookie,” You murmur quietly to him, leaning in a bit closer, but not too close. You had to be very meticulous with him.
“Hey, noona,” he responds shyly and the whole circle of friends is a sniggering mess for a moment. Pink begin’s to dust his cheeks, but you spare him a little and turn to flick Jimin in the back of the head.
“You lot are pretty curious tonight. Weren’t you all having a conversation before we came up?”
They all snigger some more, but quickly go back to bullshitting around the fire, leaving you and Jungkook in peace. You take another step closer to him, half expecting him to maintain the distance between you, but he remains still and lets you get closer. Threes years it’s taken you to get even this close to him, his overtly shy and sweet demeanor keeping him just out of reach of your darker, more corrupted hands.
“You look good tonight,” you comment and his blush darkens in the firelight. He thanks you almost too quietly, quickly bringing the cup of beer he’s holding to his lips to distract himself somehow and it has you chuckling lowly at him. He looks away from you, avoiding your eyes and you can’t stop the fiendish grin on your lips. You finally give him some respite, turning away from him to join in on the random conversation that the group is sharing around the small fire pit.
He get’s his chance and takes it without a second thought. He spent years hesitating in such small matters and found himself either missing out or always caught if he didn’t take the chance when it was presented to him. So he learned. Now when you have those few precious moments where your focus is not on him- where you are off guard for just a beat- he gets to watch you instead. Watch the way your eyes glow in the firelight, or the way your hair just barely shifts as a warm breeze lazes by. He takes in your simple outfit, jeans and a sweatshirt. Nothing like the rest of the girls at every party he’s ever been to. Your smile moves your whole face, your cheeks rising, you lips splitting and even your eyes squinting shut as you tease Taehyung. His lips quirk a little on their own when he notices that your ears shift a little when you smile as well.
Your lashes are long even without makeup, so much so that the first time he’d ever met you he could have sworn they were fake. But then he caught you tugging on them one afternoon while you told old stories with Namjoon. You did it regularly and had told him you could feel the dead ones coming out, you wanted to get them before they fell into your eyes. A quirk he’d logged away to keep safe for the rest of eternity. The beer in your one hand shifts to the other, the rings on your fingers clinking just loud enough for him to hear over Hoseok’s shouting. A hobby of sorts you shared with Jimin. You two wore the same ring size and often went shopping for new ones together, even swapping every now and again. The free hand moves about in the air as you speak and Jungkook thinks it almost weird now to see someone talk without gesturing with their hands so much. How did one truly immerse another in their words if they didn’t show them how it felt as well? When you were angry- fuming for either your own hardships or for those of a friend- you pointed a lot, your head shaking and your hands slicing through the air to signal how done you were. When you told stories of your adventures with the oldest members of his brothers your hands where always in the air; swiping, rolling, falling and twisting. You painted such a picture with only the movement of your hands when you spoke. They weren’t really dainty, your palms wide and your fingers not very long, but they fit perfectly with his hands. A fact that amazes him, but that he’s grown rather fond of. When you laugh, it’s loud. Not soft, not like the twinkling of bells, but like a song. Loud, but still beautiful and it can range from joyous mirth to deep and rich fondness, the type of feeling that fills your chest with warmth and adoration. That’s the laugh he enjoys the most, that deep chuckle. The one you give to him quietly so just the two of you can hear it.
He wants you. He was confused at first, for a long time. Scared of your mature age compared to him and your strength. He always sees you as strong, even if you don’t think so yourself. You always make him nervous, unsure if he is really worthy of the sweet attention you give him. The quiet whispers just between the two of you, the soft touches, the adoring look in your eyes. He fears all your attention, but he can’t deny now that he wants it- needs it. He can’t go a day without it.
The party winds down and you are delighted at the sight of mattresses being brought down and strewn haphazardly across the floor in their living room. When Jungkook finally picks his spot you waste no time in shuffling closer to his mattress. Normally you would keep your distance, allowing him his comfort of solitude to sleep, but you’ve already allowed him plenty of his liberties tonight. You will get something out of this evening if not a simple kiss in the dark. He shocks you by saying nothing as you lay down, your eyes just catching a glimpse of Jae and Jin heading upstairs. Probably to his room to finally earn what she’s worked so hard for. She quickly casts you a thumbs up, a large grin on her face as she tries to keep it unnoticed by anyone else in the room. You return the gesture and chuckle, groaning a bit when you body finally hits the not so comfortable springs. You take a moment to sigh before opening your eyes again and focusing them on the object of your desires.
He’s staring right back at you and your breath catches in your throat, lost in the sea of stars in his eyes. They’re wide and shining, staring so intently at you that you almost don’t take notice to the shine of his lips. Like he’s just licked them a few times. Even in the dim light of the moon that filters in through the windows and the very few lights in the house on you can see them glisten, and your eyes are torn between them and his shining eyes. He looks like a lost puppy staring at you, but there’s more in his eyes. He looks in awe, almost afraid and- dare you say it- a little eager. Like he wants something to happen, but it scares him and that thought alone drives straight to your core. A fire alights inside you and suddenly you’re staring back at him with equally wide eyes, your bottom lip trapped between your teeth. The action immediately draws his large eyes to your mouth and fuck if you don’t almost groan when his tongue pokes out to lick nervously over his lips again.
His mouth parts ever so slightly and you swear you can hear him panting a little over the din of people ambling to where they plan to sleep. Someone plops down directly behind you, their back hitting yours as they shift to get comfortable. You’re right on the edge of the mattress, so this person has to be hanging off the one they’re laying on to be this close to you. And by the feel of how broad their shoulders are it’s definitely a man. Your eyes narrow and you almost growl when Jungkook stiffens in front of you and the man knocks against you again. Your head turns just enough to spot the thin, white shirt he’s wearing stretch over one shoulder before you’re shoving back with your elbow. He grunts when you dig into his back, but says nothing else, only leaning away from the discomfort. He’s clearly wasted. Still, he’s too close to you and taking the great opportunity presented before you, you scoot closer to the apple of your eye. He doesn’t shy away and it takes all your effort not to reach out to him when you finally focus back on him.
“Sorry,” you whisper, scooting just a tiny bit closer than you really need to. He shakes his head quietly, mumbling out an ‘it’s okay’ while his body leans closer to yours. God you want to ravage this sweet boy. It’s practically making your heart explode with how cute he’s being right now. He’d looked away in his response, but when he looks back to you he’s dragging his lip through his teeth and you really can’t take it. Again you two are lost in your own little world as you stare at each other.
“Jungkookie… you’re not being very nice to me right now.”
His eyes widen even further- if that’s even possible- and he looks almost stricken at the comment.
“What?” He manages to almost whimper out and you just can’t stop yourself from scooting even closer to him.
“You’re looking at me so sweetly, baby. How am I supposed to play nice with you tonight if you keep staring at me like that?”
You don’t know where all this confidence is coming from. Granted you’ve always been a bit more confident than the young man in front of you, but even still, you never thought you’d get to a degree where you were saying such flirtatious things in such a dominant tone to him.
“Play… nice?”
The glint changes in your eyes and Jungkook visibly shutters at the sight. Your eyes had been so deep and full of adoration just a moment ago, now all he sees is greed and lust. It makes his already hard cock twitch in his pants. Gods he’s been hard from the moment you called him that nickname- Jungkookie. He generally doesn’t like anyone, but the guys saying it. But every time you say it…
He’s almost scared to feel how excited he’s getting every time you scoot a little bit closer. He doesn’t want you to stop. Not until your body is finally pressed to his and he can hold you so tight, and never let go. He’d hoped something would have happened between you two before tonight, but he was always so scared and you were always so cautious with him. He just wants you to ravage him already. He’s dreamed about it practically every night, it might as well happen already.
“Stop,” you suddenly say and he can feel your fingers on his chin, pulling his lip from between his teeth.
“If you lick or bite your lips one more time,” you have to take a moment to calm yourself before continuing, “… I don’t think I’ll be able to stop myself.”
He throbs in his jeans and when he locks eyes with you he’s lost. He doesn’t want you to stop, he realizes that now after feeling your fingers touch his skin. Fire ignites where they trace from his chin and along his jaw. He trembles beneath your touch and you can feel it. Oh you can feel it. You do the opposite of what you just told him, biting your lip to draw his eyes to them again as you two gravitate ever closer.
“Unless you don’t want me to.”
He doesn’t speak, he feels like he doesn’t know how to in that moment. He doesn’t trust himself to anyway, so he does the next best thing. He licks his lips again and is rewarded. Your fingers that had been running along his jaw suddenly snake into the hair at the nape of his neck and you pull him close. He is just as needy as you are, his hands which had been fiddling with his shirt the whole time are suddenly flying up to tug your bodies even closer. Your lips crash against his and he whimpers into your mouth when you both open them simultaneously, your tongue dragging along his. It takes all your conscious effort not to moan, your body melding itself against his. His arms wrap around you and squeeze you to him, his whimpers turning into a little moan when you gain dominance in the kiss.
You pull away, one of your hands coming back to his jaw to to place a thumb over his open lips. You turn to look back at the bodies laying around the room, most of the members of the fraternity still down here, all of them passed entirely the fuck out. The guy just behind you is snoring up a storm and you can’t help smirking a little when you turn back to face Jungkook. He looks so fucked out already, his eyes glazed and his pupils blown wide as he pants lightly against your thumb. Your smile is both devious and full of fondness as you stare at him.
“You look so good baby, but you have to be quiet for me,” you whisper to him and he does nothing more than open his mouth wider. His tongue snakes out and licks against your thumb, pulling it in and sealing his lips around the appendage. He suckles on it hungrily and gods be damned if your panties aren’t soaked at this point.
“Fuck,” you sigh, squeezing your thighs together. You want him so bad it almost hurts. He pulls away far enough that your thumb pops from his lips and he whimpers once again, pulling you as close as he can.
“Noona, please,” he says, his breath shuddering.
“Please what, baby?”
He grabs one your hands and pulls it down between your bodies, pressing your palm to the bulge in his jeans. Your breathing deepens when you palm the hardness through the thick fabric, wondering how you didn’t notice it before.
“Oh baby,” you coo quietly and rub your hand heavily over his bulge. He bites his lip to hold back the moan threatening to break free and you feel his hips start to rock into your hand. He’s so fucking hot, how have you been able to resist him for so long?
“How long have to been this hard?”
He takes a moment to respond, trying to take deep breaths. Your hand stalls to help him regain some semblance of sanity, but he seems against the idea. His hand returns to gripping yours, pressing your palm back against his hard-on.
“Long time,” he finally gets out in a clipped tone, probably unable to speak properly at this point.
“Poor thing.”
You pull closer to him, pressing your forehead to his and lowering your voice so that you’re barely audible.
“Take your cock out for me, baby. Please.”
He keeps you close and groans into your neck, only taking a moment to collect himself before he’s pushing away, and his hands are flying to undo his pants. He struggles with the button for a moment, but you don’t help him, only leaning back to watch with excitement. When he finally gets them undone he’s tugging them down just enough so he can freely pull is cock out and gods is it beautiful. Your mouth waters as soon as he has it out, its pink color and red head making you want to feel the weight of it on your tongue. It’s not particularly long, but it’s thicker than you thought it would be and the precum that glistens on his tip calls out to you. You let out a heavy breath when his hands hover just shy of his shaft, trembling and aching to give the poor weeping thing some relief. Still he hesitates to touch himself.
Such a good boy.
“You’re so gorgeous,” you practically wheeze out, finding it hard to breathe when your twitching hand finally reaches out for him. He’s whimpering before you even touch him and you have to remind him to be quiet when the tip of your finger goes to touch the head.
“Remember, baby, keep it down.”
He nods a little shakily and just as you press into the precum on his tip with your finger, his hands are flying up to cover his mouth. He’s so sensitive and you love it.
“Well, you’re certainly aching there aren’t you? Does it feel good to have me touch you?”
Again he nods and you pout, swirling your finger in the sticky fluid at his tip. His eyes clench shut at the sensation and he deftly thrusts his hips up to meet more of your hand.
“Use your words or I’ll have to stop.”
“Yes,” he whispers out harshly, his hands clenching into fists at his stomach, “… yes, yes, yes, yes!”
You smirk, the high you’re getting from all of this driving you to carry on.
“Good boy.”
You continue to swirl your finger over his tip a few more times, widening your circle until you’re sliding your finger down the top of his length, all the way to the base. He pants a little too heavily, his eyes glued to your hand and what you’re doing to him. You circle around his base to the bottom of his cock before dragging your finger back up and rubbing it deftly over the slit a few times.
“Fuck noona-“
“Language, Jungkookie.” You say with a smirk, your hand finally flattening over the underside of his length so you can palm him a few times. His hips rock against his will and meet you half way every time you press down on him. He looks so pretty like this, his eyes nearly black and so focused on how your palm drags over his length. He’s sweating a little, panting a lot and his gorgeous cock is ready to explode at any second. And you’ve barely even done anything to him yet.
“What made you so hard and needy like this?”
He stays silent for a long moment, only answering when the pressure of your hand lightens and you begin to pull away.
“You… you made me like this. You always… make me like this.”
“Fuck, Kookie, if you had told me sooner we might’ve actually got it in tonight.”
His eyes are glistening at this point as they shoot up to glance at you before scrunching shut when your fingers finally wrap around his shaft. You pump him slowly, but his hips make up for that and keep the sliding of his cock in and out of your hand at a steady pace.
“I wanted to. Fuck I wanted to, but…”
He pants a few times, focused more on chasing his high. Your grip on his cock tightens to the point that he’s forced to stop thrusting, only allowing him to continue when he answers.
“I-I was scared. And you were being so cautious with me-“
“Of course I was! I didn’t want to scare you away. I worked too hard for you, I wasn’t going to mess that up by being too greedy.”
His hips stutter and then pause, his eyes opening to look at you. His face is flush, you can tell even in the dark, and his hair is starting to stick to his face. Still he looks like the sexiest, most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.
“What?” You ask, not prepared to be questioned back like this.
“Why did you put so much effort into me. You could’ve easily slept with one of the other guys. Yoongi’s always had the hots for you. So has Tae. Why me?”
You take a long moment to mull over your answer, your other hand coming up to push some of his sweaty hair out of his face. When you get some clear, you lean in to kiss him a little more gently this time. Though it isn’t any less heated, it’s more of a deep sensual kiss than one of hunger and lust. When you pull away, you look him in the eyes when you answer.
“The same reason anyone chooses anyone else. You’re the one I wanted, Kookie. I would’ve put in a hundred years of work if I had to.”
His eyes are wide with adoration and awe, but the moment can’t last forever. His cock twitching in your hand reminds you of what is happening and you squeeze it gently before going back to pumping him. He gasps quietly at the sensation, his eyes falling closed and his body slowly starting to roll backwards. You move with him, pressing your body into his side when he’s finally laying flat on his back. His hands are clenching and unclenching against his stomach, desperate for some kind of anchor. A thought pings into your mind while you watch him grasp sporadically at his shirt, releasing his cock and pushing both his hands and the shirt up his abdomen. He whines at the loss of contact, lifting his head to see why you’d stopped stroking him only for his eyes to go wide. He looks a bit panicked, his gaze darting around to the half dead bodies around you two. You could so easily be caught, but most of the occupants of the house were completely wasted and would likely never remember this even if they did see it.
You slide down his body quietly, stealthily, like a cat taunting its prey into the shadows. Your eyes catch his and they hold him, their mischief so palpable that it makes Jungkook’s mouth go dry and his cock pulsate so fiercely it taps against his stomach. Your one hand trails down his side lightly, nails tickling his hip and thigh so that he’s shuddering beneath you. He reaches for you, one hand cupping your cheek- wants to tell you to stop, but his throat is so dry he can’t even whisper. Or perhaps he’s lying to himself and doesn’t want you to stop at all. When you quirk an eyebrow in question and you feel the object of your desire tap against your throat with another needy pulse, you know the answer is no, he doesn’t want you to stop.
A trembling whisper of your name leaves his lips and you can only smirk, tilting your head down to kiss just above his navel and then to one side of it. Down, down, further you trail, your kisses getting sloppier as you descend closer to your target. Your tongue and teeth leave wet, rosy patches as you go and you can feel his muscles quivering every time you touch him until finally the desperately red tip of his cock is right in front of you. He whimpers beneath you and you shush him gently, unable to tear your eyes away from the way it pulses and twitches up towards you.
“Please,” he finally lets out, sounding much like he’s on the verge of tears. You smirk again and glance up at him through your lashes.
“Please what, baby?”
He huffs cutely, his other hand cupping the other side of your face and his thumbs smoothing along your cheekbones like he’s so desperate to just pull you into his cock, but doesn’t want to be too demanding. You smile a bit more when his look gets more and more frantic, one of your arms reaching up to rub his chest under his shirt soothingly.
“Relax, my sweet star. Just tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you.”
“Go on, baby. I know you want it, just tell me.”
“Please, I want your mouth,” he finally shutters out, but you can’t help yourself and push just a bit more.
“What do you want from my mouth?”
He huffs again and looks away, searching the room to make sure everyone there is truly oblivious.
“I-I want…”
“Please, noona, ravage me with your mouth.”
He looks you directly in the eyes as he finishes and the glee that soars through you practically makes you light headed. You grin broadly at him and bite your lip.
“I’ll give you anything you want, bunny. You just have to ask.”
Before he can really bask in your words you focus back on his cock, the hand that had been trying to soothe him shooting down to wrap gently round his base and lead his head to your waiting tongue. His breath shudders out and his mouth opens to let out a rush of air. The precum leaking from his tip covers your tongue in salt, but you don’t mind, all too desperate to feel the full weight of him at the back of your throat. Still you take your time, only licking at his slit to tease him, another droplet of precum oozing out every time to you do.
He’s panting while he watches you, his hands trembling on your face until one shakily weaves into your hair at the crown of your head. He doesn’t grip or pull, doesn’t try to shove more of his cock into your mouth which is what you’re used to. No, he’s too gentle and sweet to force anything. He only wants and lets you lead the way. When you finally wrap you lips around his tip he can’t hold back the noise, his head falling back, his teeth digging into his bottom lip and what he hopes is a quiet moan leaving him. And you can only smirk at the sound, the subtle shudder in his voice making you even more wet and your stomach clench with desire.
You take the time to generously wet the head of his cock, delighting in its twitches while you swirl your tongue around him. When you pop him from your lips the poor thing looks pathetic, practically weeping in your fingers and you feel all too obliged to take him back in. Only this time you take him all in, or at least as much as you can. You suck him all the way to the back of your throat, moaning quietly around his shaft so he can feel the vibrations. And oh does it make him make the most wonderful of sounds. A surprised cry and the slapping of a hand over his mouth (the one that was lightly stroking his fingers along your cheek) has you trying to smile around him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck-…”
He lets the mantra trail off quietly, his body arched so you can’t see his face anymore. And as much as you adore the sight of him losing control, you’d much rather see the pleasure on said face. You suck harshly and pull off him, letting him once again pop from your lips. You take care to pump him slowly while you speak, you spit slicking his cock enough that there’s little friction.
“Look at me baby.”
It takes him a few moments, but you wait patiently until he realizes you gave him an order and he follows through. He looks a little lost when he finally locks eyes with you, his gaze a little wild like he can’t really see you at first.
“Are you with me, sweetheart?”
He looks confused, but nods all the same, probably ready to agree to anything at this point.
“Listen carefully, baby. I want you to look at me the whole time. Don’t you dare look away or I’ll stop, okay? Eyes on me.”
He nods deftly, afraid he won’t be able to fulfill your request, but eagerly wanting to please you.
“Good boy.”
You don’t give him any time to prepare himself and suck him back in as far as he’ll go. He wheezes and squeezes his eyes shut for just a moment, quickly remembering your order and opening them back up to focus on you again. You smirk around his cock to let him know you approve and focus back on your task. When you can’t push him any further down your throat you opt to bob your head, one hand stroking what you can’t swallow and the other massaging his balls. You look up every few seconds to make sure he’s still watching and only have to stop once to make him look at your again. The sloppier his cock and your mouth gets the more he shakes and shudders beneath you, the hand in your hair trembling like a leaf in the wind. He keeps his other hand up by his face, ready to cover his mouth every time he can’t hold back a whimper or moan.
It doesn’t take long, only a few minutes and he’s desperately pleading to you, “I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I-“
You push him in as far as you can take and swallow around him just once before he’s shooting his load down your throat. Tears form in his eyes when he squeezes them shut and you can’t fault him when his head falls back onto the mattress. He did such a good job of watching you, you’ll let him have this one. When the last of his cum is swallowed down, you take care to gently clean what you can off his cock with your tongue. He shakes and gasps beneath you as you do, his head shaking back and forth as if to say he can’t take anymore. You pop off him one last time and kiss his tip softly, grinning when he finally cracks his eyes open to look at you.
He looks madly in love while he stares at you and it makes you somewhat nervous to see such intense emotion in his eyes. You lift yourself and crawl back up his body, pausing to help him pull his pants back up and his shirt back down. You hush him when he tries to button and zip everything back up, pushing his weak and tired hands away.
“No one will notice, just rest baby.”
“Well that was hot.”
You freeze over him, Jungkook’s body going rigid and his eyes widening with fear. You both look over your shoulder and spot Yoongi a small ways away from the foot of your mattress, laying on his side with his head propped up in one hand. He’s smirking at the two of you and while Jungkook looks mortified, you only feel proud. Now someone has witness that Jungkook is yours and no one else can have him.
“Hyung,” he whispers harshly, both his hands coming up to cover his face. You smile fondly at your boy before looking back to Yoongi.
“Well if you’re good and keep this to yourself, maybe next time you can join us.”
Yoongi quirks an eyebrow and grins excitedly, Jungkook letting out a panicked noise when you settle in beside him. He whispers to you quietly as if he doesn’t want Yoongi to hear and you only shush him gently to calm him.
“Lay down and rest, bunny. Don’t worry about him, he’ll keep quiet.”
“Shh, sleep.”
You run your fingers through his hair until he finally settles down, turning so that he can wrap himself around you and tuck his head under your chin. You chuckle lovingly and continue to pet him, using your free hand to flip Yoongi off when he makes lewd gestures at you in the dark.
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spenciegoob · 3 years
Pathetic and Tragic
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Summary: It’s been years since the BAU has tried to catch this unsub, so when Spencer figures out where she is, why did he feel the need to go alone?
Pairing: Spencer x Fem Unsub!Reader
Category: Smut
Content Warning: mentions of murder/blood, slight bondage, hair pulling, choking, gagging, oral sex (female receiving), penetrative sex, unprotected sex, slight degradation
Word Count: 2.8K
A/N: Hi! This is for a contest by @spenciebabie and I’ve chosen the one-shot prompt why don't you make me? 
The case was never supposed to last this long. Spencer knew that, Hell, the whole BAU knew that. A woman with ties to the highest degree of one of the most infamous organized crime families should have been the FBI’s top priority, and for a very long time, she was.
Then the case got complicated, and while Spencer’s mind clouded with an unbearable lust for a woman that would take his life with zero hesitation, the team lost one of their greatest players.
It was tragic in every sense of the word, the way Spencer’s mind replayed their first interaction, his lips feeling her breath on him after all this time, and the bullet that always rested in his bag.
He felt pathetic in that moment, letting her take control of his morals with her vice like grip on his mind, body and soul.
“FBI, freeze. Don’t move.” Finally, the BAU had found who they were looking for since her first appearance on their radar 8 months ago. More importantly, Spencer caught her trying to flee a scene she had no business being at. She looked so out of place, the blood and gore that laid a trail to her small, almost fragile figure making Spencer believe for a split second that she couldn’t have possibly done this.
But time moves quickly, and the second fleeted when she turned around to flash a wicked smile his way.
And Spencer Reid was the one who froze instead.
“Doctor,” she greeted with the utmost of poise and delicacy. “I do believe I have a job to do, so I’m sorry to inform you that I cannot follow your request at this time.”
She was taunting him, and Spencer would fall into that trap again and again if it meant her eyes remained on his.
But this was a criminal, a murderer, a sociopath, and he will not lose his footing this time. Not even for a flawless god-like woman.
“Y/N Y/L/N, you’re under arrest for the murder of Tristen Kepler, Michael Gerdinski and Harold Bennet.” Spencer’s voice was slowly losing its confidence as her face turned from one of pure hilarity to confusion.
“Is that all? You might be missing a few names.” She was proud of her work, it was insufferable. Spencer’s anger level was slowly rising, and if she continued to dance circles around his mind, the task at hand being forgotten, it was going to get dangerously high.
“You won’t shoot me, Dr. Reid,” she continued as she took a step towards him, the grip on his gun tightened.
“How do you know?” Spencer’s voice shook with the same uncertainty as his finger shaking over the trigger. She was right, he wasn’t going to shoot her, but Spencer couldn’t confirm the thoughts of a narcissist.
“Because,” another step. “I’m unarmed, and you, Spencer Reid,” another step. “Are a man of morals and righteousness, and justice.” She spit the last word with so much venom that the story behind her rage could have been the world’s most tragic villain arc.
The whole case was quite tragic.
“Don’t take another step.” Spencer was easily a foot taller than her, and with one scan could tell he weighed twice as much as her, but she still found a way to make his blood run cold with both fear and excitement.
“Or what?”
Spencer could’ve sworn he only blinked and she was directly in front of him, but that wasn’t entirely the truth. She had laid a fog over his mind, taking away his intelligence and peeling back every layer of his mind so only the thought of lowering his weapon in favor of getting on her good side remained.
She was challenging him to do something, but instead of the snake charmer charming the snake, she charmed him.
Spencer must have been hallucinating on the high of being closer to her now, but he could’ve sworn the crime scene they were in was starting to grow the same vines in the Garden of Eden, because there she stood handing Spencer an apple.
Like Eve, Spencer took it.
The second his gun lowered slightly, she pounced. She had him disarmed and on his back before he had time to process the feeling of her skin on his. If the impact to the ground didn’t knock the wind out of Spencer, her close proximity would.
She had a heel digging into his wrist closest to his gun that was only inches away, taunting him for his pathetic lust. Slowly, she bent down, entering the fog, black smoke mixing with his innocent, white cloud to create a gray that he wouldn’t dare call dull.
“I’m sorry it has to be like this, Spencer. Truly, I am.” Her eyes left his to scan his face before she reached over to his gun. The thought crossed his mind that she was going to kill him, but would that be so bad when he was breathing the same air as her?
She emptied the chamber into her hands, only leaving one bullet. He walked this road before, he knew his chances.
“One bullet, one chance.” She spun the chamber before slamming it back in place. “God, I really hope you live.”
For a split second, they shared a gaze clouded with desire for the other. Spencer let his mind fade into what her lips would feel like against his, or how her body would tremble under his. She had control now, but he knew from the way her eyes begged, even just for one second, she wanted him to flip the roles and take her right there. He would’ve too if it wasn’t for the cool metal that pressed against the side of his head.
An empty threat, yet she still smirked. “Today’s your lucky day, Doctor.”
She looked up to where a single headlight shone through the window above them, her hair trickling down to brush against Spencer’s neck, and he sighed at the small contact. It was pathetic, really.
“That’s my ride. See you around.” With that, she winked and ran off towards her getaway. Spencer laid there, taking in shallow breaths that escaped him during their interaction.
She had been stalling him, and he fell for it.
Spencer still carried around that bullet as a reminder. A reminder that he needs to catch her, she was too dangerous, and anything less than her being imprisoned for life wasn’t good enough. 
It was also a reminder of how he felt when she was with him, over him, dominating him. Spencer never felt that helpless, that pathetic, that hungry for someone, and he wasn’t ready to let that go quite yet.
There was no new case that came in this week, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't keep that nagging feeling at bay when it came to her this case. They needed to shut it, Spencer needed to shut it, because maybe, just maybe, he could sleep better at night knowing he won.
“Delivery for Dr. Spencer Reid,” a voice called from the entrance of the bullpen. Spencer’s head shot around, finding a very harmless looking intern holding a small package in his hand looking around.
Cutting the kid some slack, he made his way over. “I’m Dr. Reid.” The kid smiled before handing him the little cardboard box. It fit in the palm of his hand, and was completely blank except for the small drawing of a snake on the top.
His blood ran cold, and his lungs forgot how to breath, just like they did a year ago.
A year ago today.
Spencer didn’t wait any longer, ripping the box open despite the strong glue that held it shut with its secrets.
Oh Spencer, hasn’t anyone told you not to open Pandora’s box?
The bullet inside rattled around the small container, one of the bullets that belonged to Spencer before she took them for her trophies.
She may have not killed Spencer, but she definitely took something more than just bullets with her that night.
He knew where she was, and she wanted him to.
Spencer could’ve told his team, hell, he was going to need the backup, so what stopped him from doing so as he raced for the crime scene that has since been cleared and reopened for the public to ignore the ‘No Trespassing’ sign?
Lust, lust is what stopped him, and it was pathetic.
Pathetic and tragic.
She knew he arrived, even if he turned the lights of the SUV off before pulling up the small warehouse. The air around her grew heavier with anticipation as she waited for Spencer to enter the room, no doubt waiting for the element of surprise.
She almost missed his light footsteps approaching her from behind.
“You’ve changed,” she called out. Spencer froze again, just like he had the first time. Was this pathetic enough?
“So have you,” his voice was calm, not caring for tiptoeing anymore. She was right, Spencer had changed, and now he took very little chances with instability.
“Yet here we are, repeating the same cycle as last year.” She turned to face him, and if she was less of a professional, she would have let her hunger for Spencer shine through. He had definitely changed, his hair was longer now, but still beautifully curly and framing his face, the one that was sharper, stubble on his cheeks. 
Spencer was a man now, one she wanted to strip down to nothing both physically and emotionally.
“That’s not entirely true,” he shot back with a sense of cockiness to his tone, cockiness she had no patience for. “I’m not letting you go this time.”
She snorted, actually snorted in his face. “You cannot be serious. You think I would lead you to me just to turn myself in?”
“You’re coming with me, whether you want to or not.” There was no room for argument, but she had other plans. She saw the lust in his eyes a year ago, and though time passed, that passion when he was looking at her still hasn’t faded. She just needed to push his buttons a little bit.
“Why don’t you make me?” It was the final straw, the last drop of water before the dam broke, and Spencer made no effort to stop himself from taking her head in his hands and smashing their lips together in both anger and desire.
She moaned against his mouth, wrapping her hands around his neck to find their place in his hair. Spencer had other plans, because he grabbed both of her wrists before turning her around and bending her over the metal table behind them.
“Listen, Princess,” Spencer whispered into her ear, his lips grazing the shell as he bent his whole body over her to press her further. The cool metal was digging into her hips, but she couldn’t complain when it also meant she felt Spencer’s hard erection on her backside. “I’m going to fucking ruin you, and then I’m going to take you in where you’ll rot in prison for the rest of your life. Do you understand?”
“Only one of us is getting ruined today, and it’s not me.” Apparently, that was not the answer Spencer wanted, because he grabbed a fistful of her hair to pull her back against his chest, making her gasp and squirm against his strong frame.
“Watch the attitude,” he growled out before reaching down with his other hand to unbutton her black jeans. “Now let’s try that again. Do you understand me?”
She only responded in a whimper as Spencer’s hands reached inside both her pants and panties to run his fingers through her slick folds.
“Use your words, Princess.” She tried to grind down on his fingers, but Spencer was quick to remove them from her pants. Bringing his hand up to her neck, he wrapped it around before squeezing lightly. “Answer me.”
“Y-yes, I understand. Just please, Spencer.” She never would have thought that the awestruck doctor she wooed a year ago would be so rough with her, and the surprise just added to her need for him.
“Please what, Princess?” Spencer taunted.
“Just do something,” she barked back, immediately regretting her decision when he let go of her neck to push her by her head back onto the table with more force than necessary.
When she heard the click of his handcuffs, she started her relentless squirming. “What the hell, Spencer? I thought you were going to fucking do something!”
“Who said I wasn't?” He asked before completely ripping her pants down her legs, the cool air hitting her bare pussy, causing a shiver to run up her spine.
So this was the game Spencer’s playing.
“God, you’re already so fucking wet, Princess. Wanna taste you.” He gave her no time to register his words because Spencer dropped to his knees and licked a strip up and then down her folds, flicking her clit before taking in completely in his mouth.
Her mewls and groans bounced off the concrete walls around them, only urging Spencer on more. He suckled softly on her clit before flicking it back and forth repeatedly with his tongue at an incomprehensible pace. The knot in her stomach was forming, and at this rate, it was going to unravel fast.
“Spe-Spence I.. I’m g-gonna” Spencer brought his fingers up to her core, replacing his tongue with two slender digits.
“Do it, Princess. Come for me.” He pinched her clit roughly, and that was the final push over the edge, her moans loud consisting of incoherent curses and his name.
When she started to come down from her high, Spencer stood straight up again and started unbuckling his belt. She started to squirm and push back into him at his slow movements.
“I know you’re probably enjoying watching me struggle, but if you could please hurry the fuck up,” she said as she lifted part of her upper body to turn and look at him. She never got a good look, because Spencer reached out and slammed her back down before pushing all of himself into her waiting cunt.
She yelled out at the sensation, Spencer groaning before saying, “What did I tell you about that fucking attitude?”
He set a brutal pace, giving her barely any time to adjust before pulling out so just the tip remained, and then slamming into her with a rough, animalistic force.
“Ah, ah, ah, Sp- Spenc-” He grabbed her by the hair again, using it as leverage to pull her back onto his cock, making her scream out again.
“Shut up,” Spencer groaned out, annunciating each word with a thrust while he reached forward to shove two fingers into her mouth. “Fuck, you’re so tight.”
She moaned around his fingers, causing him to press down on her tongue, gagging her. Spencer could feel the way she started to clench around him.
“You gonna cum, Princess? That’s it, cum with me.” Spencer’s thrusts grew sloppier as they both ran towards their orgasm together.
When they both finally reached their high, Spencer could’ve sworn he saw stars, his cock twitching in her pulsing warmth, milking him of everything. For a split second, their bodies had become one.
But time moves quickly, and the second fleeted when his actions caught up to him, and he ripped himself from her.
She was still shaking and trying to catch her breath when he undid the handcuffs that were burning her wrists. Confusion spread through her as she used her arms that still felt like jelly to push herself up off the table.
“Why... why’d you uncuff me?” Spencer looked up through his eyelashes at her from where he was redoing his belt, his face unreadable.
“Get dressed. I can’t arrest you half naked.” He looked away from her with a blush on his face as she bent down to pull her pants back up. When she looked back up at him from where he was trying to see from his peripherals if she was dressed again, she caught a glimpse of the man she met a year ago.
“That’s not the reason, Doctor. If you have a question, ask it.”
“Why’d you stop?” Spencer finally turned to face her, catching the surprise on her face before it morphed into that same wicked smile that rendered him helpless last time.
“Would you have come if I kept killing?” He didn’t have to think about his answer, it was the reason he was hoping was true.
“No.” She slowly stalked over to him, but this time she didn’t flip him on his back. Instead, she cupped his cheek, and he didn't hesitate to nuzzle into her palm.
“I still have 4 bullets,” she said softly. They locked eyes again, but this time, the lust they indulged in melted down to a mutual understanding.
“I’ll see you next year, Doctor.” With that, she walked around him, shutting the door with a slam on the way out, leaving Spencer staring at the silver with no attempt to chase after her.
Pathetic and tragic.
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guildsarchitect · 2 years
I FIGURED yeah i can give you some! note i’ve never done like a Recc List so forgive me if this is all over the place
☆ and all i loved, i loved alone by featherx [ranpoe, rated M, 121k words]
“An ability?”
— on the past, present, and future of one Edgar Allan Poe.
this is my top bsd fic recc Of All Time. a poe-centric fic that fleshes out his character and gives him a proper backstory and it’s so so good. to my knowledge it’s the only 100k word fic in the ranpoe tag. i remember reading it a couple years ago when i was first getting into bsd and since i re-entered the fandom i think i’ve read through all of it, like… 3 more times. if you like ranpoe or just poe in general and you haven’t read this, i truly cannot reccomend it enough. hell even if you aren’t particularly attached to these characters i’d say give it a shot and maybe it’ll put worms in your brain. featherx’s other ranpoe works are all Also good
☆ Safeguard by Miammey [suegiku, rated T, 1.5k words]
It is almost instinct to hold your loved ones close and keep them safe.
Tecchou’s extra clingy after Jouno nearly died.
everyones best friend miammey. i have a weakness for tecchou being protective (especially after the DoA arc) Sue Me. this is just a shorter softer fic that takes place in the wake of the Everything and it’s a nice piece for the start of recovery, i think, and it makes me go :’) when i read it. miammey’s other works all also get a mention obvi bcos miammey is like the monarch of suegiku but this one is my favorite it’s special 2 me
☆ Suegiku Royalty AU by snknmda (lurhve) [14k words (incomplete)]
this is a collection and not a single fic but it’s easier to just put it here than link all of the fics. in it. i would reccomend all of snknmda’s suegiku fics (if you are an adult and looking for uhhhhh Adult Content. pre-spokes & pre-shows is . zoo wee mama) but the royalty au holds a certain place in my heart because i just love the whole aesthetic of it and snknmda’s characterizations are yum. delicious 
☆ we are alone (and all we need) by maidoutfitsandguns [fyolai, rated G, 2.7k words]
Nikolai gets sick. Fyodor realizes just how beautiful Nikolai is, feverish or not.
SPEAKING of characterizations. fyolai is obviously kind of a hard ship to write in a soft/comforting way and it can be hard to imagine characters like fyodor falling in love, but i truly think this fic does that perfectly. we all love this ship for the murder yes i know take this comfort sickfic tho im pushing it into your hands. i know i have said this forevery author on here but if you like fyolai i would also say look at their other works
☆ Find Something Worth Dying For (And Learn How to Live) by Kibasix [soukoku, rated E, 85k words]
The boy was scared.
This was nothing new. The boy cannot remember the last time he slept soundly without fear; the last time he felt love and affection; the last time he smelt clean air or felt the sun on his face.
But this...this was a different kind of fear. The kind of fear that had the boy's blood running cold. The kind of fear that had his breath wheezing from his lungs in panicked pants.
This was fear for his life.
His legs are aching, they feel like they are about to collapse with exertion and yet he pushes on, willing himself to be faster as he flees through the dirty alleyways, zig-zagging this way and that with no comprehension of where he's going. This city is entirely new to him and he is flying blind.
The footsteps behind him are drawing ever closer. The boy doesn't dare to look behind him, for fear of what he knows is looming in the darkness: the large hulking shapes, the glint of sharpened steel, the putrid scent of death.
THIS ONE also has smut in it SORRY but i honestly don’t even like. read it for the smut i kind of forgot it was even in there. back when i was First in this fandom and i of course, like everyone is when they first get into bsd, was a huge soukoku fan, this was The fic, i think. like everyone had read it or at least ever skk fan had read it. well it was written in 2016 and therefore. very outdated in terms of lore (especially about chuuya’s backstory) it’s still pretty high in the kudos sort but i don’t know if it’s as much of a phenomenon as it was but i still very much enjoy it. you know i love backstory epics i eat 75k+ word fics for fuel
☆ Urbane Shade by BottledUpWishes [tsujisano, rated T, 1.5k words]
Yosano has a unique way of testing smearproof lipstick.
BSDFemslash Week Day 3 - Lipstick
it’s. Um. they kiss. i don’t have a whole lot to say about this one they kiss and it rules and i’m always desperate for femslash content in this fandom i’m such a simple man
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tojisveryown · 3 years
𝙸𝚗 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙴𝚢𝚎𝚜 | 𝟶𝟼
© 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚜 𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚘𝚓𝚒𝚜𝚋𝚋𝚢𝚐 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚛
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𝙰𝚌: 𝚠𝚃𝟼𝙸𝙳𝟸𝚀𝟺𝙰𝙺𝚄𝟿𝚏𝚛 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚠𝚝
𝚂𝚢𝚗𝚘𝚙𝚜𝚒𝚜: 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚟𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚟𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎, 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚜𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚙𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎, 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚍 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚕 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚟𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎 𝚘𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝.
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚊𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚑𝚘𝚕, 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚎𝚡, 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚍𝚛𝚞𝚐 𝚞𝚜𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚜
𝚆���𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝟷.𝟿𝚔
𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜: 𝙲𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚎 𝙰𝚄, 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘𝚘 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎, 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏 𝚖𝚒𝚡𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝
𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎: 𝙿𝚕𝚜 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚖𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝'𝚜 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚗 𝚕𝚘𝚕
𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 | 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟶𝟼 | 𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝
⋆ 💌 ⋆
Spring was nearing to an end, the cherry blossom trees were on the verge of falling and the nights were filled with the sound of rain. Days passed and your spring break ended. 
The weather had been horrible, no sunny days were near. The cloudy and gloomy days were ongoing. The weather report stated that the next few weeks would be cloudy and or rainy. 
Your spring break was ending and school was around the corner. For the last day of break you did nothing but stay in bed, Utahime was out visiting her family so you were left alone to sulk on what you had overheard before break begun. 
Your last day was spent thinking how you’d be able to look Gojo in the eye after the information you acquired. “Who am I kidding? It’s not like he’s talking to me anyway.” 
You fell asleep sulking on the fact that tomorrow was hours away.
⋆ 💌 ⋆
You walked up the steps, reminiscing on the day you overheard Utahime and Gojo’s conversation. You knew that it was something that you couldn’t bring up so casually and that it was something that have had to come from Gojo’s heart. Gojo was the only one who would’ve been able to tell you, out of respect you decided not to poke your head into business that wasn’t yours. 
You reached the floor where your class was held and pursued your way to class, along the walk there Nanami had walked by your side.
“Good morning Y/N.” 
“Moring Nami,” you looked up at him and nothing had changed, still the same old Nanami, “You look the same.” 
“Is that supposed to be a bad thing?” Of course it wasn’t a bad thing, you hated change. You’ve always loved consistency. 
“Mmm, not particularly. See you later?” Nanami nodded and you both went your separate ways. 
You picked a seat and got yourself ready for the first boring day back. You dreaded this specific class, and what made you dread it even more was the fact that Gojo had the exact same schedule as you.
It didn’t help that the person who sat next to you was the person who you sought to ignore. 
“Miss me?” You knew who it was without even turning your head, it was the same person who was able to get your heart pounding, the one and only stupid Satoru.
You didn’t answer him, you felt as if there was nothing to say. It’s been weeks since he ignored you. Why the sudden change? 
It wasn’t that he knew you were eavesdropping, right?
“Hey,” he nudged your elbow with his “No need to ignore me.” Hypocrite much? He rested his big, fat, obnoxious, ugly, bug-looking head on his palm and looked straight at you. His crystal blue eyes were practically burning holes though your head.
⋆ 💌 ⋆
Throughout the lecture you were being bothered by Gojo, any chance he got he’d nudge your elbow and whisper things like 
“Hey, are you mad at me?” “Of course I’m mad idiot, you ignored me for weeks” is what you wanted to say
“Y/N, talk to me”
“Y/N the lectures almost over”
“Y/N let’s have lunch!”
You didn’t respond, it was time for Gojo to be ignored while you did the ignoring. Noticing that you wouldn’t respond he began passing you notes, he’d write down things on sticky notes and stick them on your notebook, arm, and even head. 
Most of the things he wrote were trying to get your attention, and when he got bored he began drawing penis’s on the notes and sticking them all over your arm. You gave him the side eye signifying you were done with his shit.
He looked up at you and noticed your sharp gaze, “I’m sorry.” He said as he took the sticky notes off your arm, notes, back, and backpack. 
He sat quietly next to you until the lecture was over. 
He noticed you weren’t packing your things, “Hey, class ended. Come on Y/N let’s get lunch.” He pulled your arm and grabbed your notebook.
“Gojo would you please leave me the fuck alone? I’m trying to work on this godforsaken project that you were supposed to help me with.” Gojo let go of your arm and flipped through your notebook.
“These note’s suck Y/N we’re never gonna get an A with this.” he looked at you innocently as you violently grabbed the notebook from his grip. 
“Fuck off Gojo, I’m trying here.”
“Not hard enough.” you sighed and packed your things going into the opposite direction from him. You were sick of Gojos antics.
⋆ 💌 ⋆
You found a seat at the very back of the library, you came here often especially when it was to study. You liked how peaceful it was and how not many people were around giving you the advantage.
Just when you were about to open up your notebook you were startled when hands appeared in front of your eyes. 
“Haha, so funny. I’m dying. Gojo i swear to god keep bugging me and I’ll kill you.” You later realized that Nanami’s hands were over your eyes after he let out a small laugh.
“You sound stressed.” Nanami pulled the chair beside you and sat down, “You okay Y/N?” 
“Yeah sorry, this projects killing me.”
“Mhm, is Satoru not helping you?” you flinched at his name, you had given up on calling him Satoru. He broke your trust. You hoped that he’d realize you went back to calling him Gojo, right?
“Not in the slightest.”
Nanami helped you revise your notes and for the rest of the break period you and Nanami caught up. You had heard how his spring break was and how he trip to Malaysia with his family went. You and Nanami had grown closer, and this didn’t go unnoticed by a certain blue-eyed boy.
⋆ 💌 ⋆
The following day Gojo again tries to talk to you but you ignore him, you were done with the inconsistency he had with you and you hated the fact that you’d always find yourself slipping when it came to him. 
“Y/N come on, why would you talk to me?”
“Y/N please.” still nothing, “I’ll work on the rest of the project if it means you’ll talk to me again.”
“Okay deal but you’re on thin fucking ice Gojo.” and again you let yourself slip.
You had thought it’d be best for you to bury what you had heard about him deep into your heart. It was something that Gojo himself would decide to tell you and if he never spoke up about it, it comes to show that he never truly cared about you. You wanted to believe he did but why was it taking him so long to fess up? 
“Hey, let’s go on another date to you know.. catch up?”
⋆ 💌 ⋆
It was a Saturday afternoon, the skies were gloomy and grey and the weather was still horrible. The weather constantly put you down, you felt like it was too much of a drag to even get out of bed.
“Oh that’s right, I have a date with Gojo today.” You almost had second thoughts with the way you felt, you wanted to stay in a ball wrapped up in your sheets. 
Nonetheless you still got ready, during break to keep yourself distracted you went shopping for new clothes, you wanted to give yourself a new imagine, a makeover. It was time you come out of your shell, new beginnings were approaching, you couldn’t stay the same forever. You wanted change, you almost craved it.
⋆ 💌 ⋆
It was 6:47, You waited at the train station for Gojo, you came there fairly early but you couldn’t wait to get this stupid date over with. You don’t even know why you agreed, one thing led to another and your mouth moved on its own and now you’re here. 
You knew you had came a few minutes too early but you didn’t expect to wait a total of two hours. It was about to be nine o’clock and yet no sign of Gojo, not once did he text or call. 
“Maybe he forgot..” you sighed and looked up at the dark cloudy skies. “Ha, who am I kidding he didn’t forget.” You knew Gojo was a player, tons of girls fawned over him and craved his attention. You knew Gojo couldn’t resist their attention. You knew that the last thing he would crave, was yours.
Still, you waited another hour. By now there were a few crowds of people but you still weren’t able to spot the blue-eyed man.
Another hour passed by and it was nearing midnight. You wanted to believed he’d show up and that he didn’t forget, but with Gojo believing was never bound to end up well. 
You took a deep breathe and stood up from the bench you were hopelessly waiting at. You dragged your feet to the exit and just as you were about to take the first step leading outside your eyes met with a panting Gojo 
Was your hope being tested?
“Y/N, I am so sorry. I thought our date was tomorrow and then I saw-”
You cut him off by pulling him into a hug, “Shut up Satoru.” Your watery eyes hid themselves into the hoodie he was wearing. It smelt like the hospital, you knew he was lying. He didn’t forget, he needed an excuse. 
⋆ 💌 ⋆
Gojo took you to his apartment, it was late and most of the things you two could’ve done were already closing. His apartment was on one of the highest floors and the balcony he had gave you two the perfect advantage for stargazing. He set up a comfortable space for the both of you.
The stars weren’t completely visible but the dark clouds was indeed a sight to see. The silence between you and Gojo was very comforting. 
“The moon looks beautiful tonight isn’t it, Y/N?”
“Huh? It looks the same as always.”
Gojo laughed, his head was now turned facing you and moments later you turned to face him. You two stared into each others eyes, you both saw sadness and regret. You both craved a happy ending. 
Gojo leaned in and placed his soft lips on yours. One thing led to another leading you and him onto his bed. Tonight was the night where you and Gojo became one. 
⋆ 💌 ⋆
“I’m glad we spent time together. This will be one of my favorite days for the rest of my life.”
“Stop being corny.”
“Y/N.” He looked at you deeply with his crystal eyes, the moonlight shining on his skin, the warmth of his body pressed up against yours made this night special. Sadly all good things come to an end. “I’m sick.”
“I know but it’s just a little while longer and th-”
“She really is right you know, you really are a stupid Satoru.”
“Utahime it’s not like I can fucking tell her ‘Hey I have pancreatic cancer and I’m dying!’ Do you know how stupid that sounds?”
“Fuck I know okay?”
“If you know tell her. Do you honestly think she would be okay if one day you just stopped showing up?”
“There’s no hope for us, you know that Utahime. I refuse to be the reason that she can’t love after I’m gone.”
“You’re gonna be her biggest regret if you don’t love her now.”
“Yeah, I know.” Gojo’s expression on you softened, he cried in your arms and you cried in his, knowing the person before you was soon about to be yet another faint memory.
You finally understood why the weather had been horrible, mother nature felt for you and Satoru. That night the sky cried with you both.
“How much longer do you have?”
⋆ 💌 ⋆
𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 | 𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝 | 𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝
𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎: 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐! 𝙸𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚕𝚕 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚊 𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚝 𝚊𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 :) 𝙰𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚜𝚔 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚍 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚌! 𝙷𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢'𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥
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𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @peppytine​ @enesitamor​ @fairyblue-alchemist​ @diluczs​ @honouredsatoru​ @thankuary​ @sookyshima​
© 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚜 𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚘𝚓𝚒𝚜𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚛
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