#i had this phase when i was younger where i just felt  empty all the time and iit was problematic
ranminfan · 2 years
Long post...
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The Phases of Hades
Who would have thought that the gods of Mt. Olympus looked different before? You see, back when the world was new, the first olympians were deities of unknown potential. Before the fall of the Titans, they were immortal beings of undiscovered power. A youthful sorts that still needed to find and dedicate themselves in roles of devine status.
- Olympian Hades
One of those olympians was Hades, the eldest of the brothers' Zeus and Poseidon. Hades was a curious yet composed god. He has always been fascinated of the world around him, finding himself in situations some unfortunate, but his intellect has always been his strong suit. With not yet a purpose, he mingles with other gods, yet is intruiged down on the empty lands of the mortal world.
- Enthroned Hades
His residence on Mt. Olympus was short-lived however. When the mortals came and the roles of the gods progressed. Zeus, the ruler of the gods, assigned his brother to the underworld, where he will take over the souls of the departed. Hades accepted his position with no objection, took his part as the ruler of the kingdom of the dead and carried on his duties. Nevertheless, he became cold and stern, and held all of his subjects equally accountable to his laws. With the amount of responsibilities he had, his patience became thin and hot-tempered, and has caused his inscrutable nature.
- Impartial Hades
There's this period of time where his reputation as the god of the underworld was still. He continued his role and nothing was heard from him. Until the day he came back and revealed himself. His appearance has changed, replacing his locks were blues of fire so hot it affected his body. Eyes sunken from exhaustion, and sharp features replaced his once smooth image. Confused and tensed, he seeked for his brother Zeus on Mt. Olympus. There, they were aided by Hephaestus, the god of fire. They found that in some certainty, Hades' body adjusted to the extremities of the underworld. And so with nothing else to do, He returned to his domain.
Here Hades felt no resentment from the other gods, Simply accepting that this is what it meant when ruling a realm so different from others.
- Current Hades
As time went on, Hades became discontent with his role. He slowly noticed that the people above never acknowledges him. He was never admired nor praised for his work, he was treated unlike any other gods on Mt. Olympus. For what reasons? Perhaps it was his association with the underworld that made him seem as an unpleasant god. Maybe the name "Hades" itself was so frightening to the mortals that they refused to call out for him, to make temples and sacrifices on his behalf. After all, what could you pray for from the god of the dead? This affected Hades and left a sour taste, so much so that his very nature evolved into what lies in his world, cruel, dark, and dull. He became as uncouth as his subjects and as ruthless as tartarus itself. With this reputation he became a fearsome figure and was feared and loathed, not just by the humans, but by his fellow gods and goddesses.
But by his reasons, there was something else that caused this change of behavior that others didn't knew. Something that was important to him, or someone.
Sooo... The idea I had was that some of the olympian gods weren't the same from when they were younger. Especially Hades. So I ended up making up this origin of him, how he was and looked before. I wanted to integrate the true Greek mythology but still basing this off of Disney's version, but with inspirations from the real mythology.
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cuckoo-on-a-string · 2 years
Younger Gods: IV
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Younger Gods Master List Dream x fem!reader
Chapter 3
Morpheus and Taliesin put their plan into action, and a storm god learns to dream.
Warnings: language, choking
A/N: First of all, this is BARELY edited, so I may come back and fix it later, but I wanted to get something posted tonight for personal reasons (that I'll discuss in a separate post). Secondly, you all continue to blow me away! I'm so happy to share this story with you, and I hope you enjoy as we slip into the next phase of the journey.
I definitely see/hear Taliesin as Michael Sheen, just in case you need a face.
The one-shot/new fic contest is complete, and the first will appear in the next few days. Super excited, so stay tuned for more details (and stories).
Chapter 4: This is an Intervention, Darling
She breathed in the endless dark, asleep but not dreaming.
Though it was kinder than the last visions she endured, it wasn’t pleasant. The hollow dark held her as she waited to wake, and the collar waited with her. Even in a space lacking all form, and barely aware as she was, the curse still whispered into place, chafing over old scars and biting into flesh gone soft. Once upon a time, she had callouses to protect the edge of her jaw, her chin, the tender places where neck and shoulder joined. But her dreaming self had no defenses, and she suffered fresh pains every time she surrendered consciousness.
She didn’t need the Nightmare King’s persecution to suffer.
Caught in the sticky dark of her subconscious, she had no idea of time. Maybe she rested a few minutes. Maybe days. The collar flexed, but it let her breathe when she kept still, and she had nothing to reach for.
It dawned on her – this might be the Nightmare King’s punishment. He’d promised kinder dreams, but she knew the shades of grey in every bargain, and this limbo fulfilled his words. With his sand locking her away from the waking world, he could leave her body to rot. She could die and stay trapped in his purgatory, wearing her collar forever.
She didn’t understand why, but her fear rushed to assure her the idea had weight. He didn’t need a good reason to punish her. Kings never needed a good reason, barely even an excuse.
The collar reacted, cinching tight until her breaths wheezed desperately through the empty nothing. Would it last forever? Would she fade alone? Could she suffer enough to satisfy them all – the dead fae king, the collar, the Endless?
If she’d learned anything, it was that she could always hurt just a little more.
“Oh, my little darling.”
The voice pressed through the shadowed fog like a touch, more sensation than sound. She felt the words and the warm voice behind them.
“How is she this far gone? Even if… she should still be eating, but she’s so thin.”
Her body gathered weight, remembered gravity, and a palm lined with musician’s callouses held her cheek. Smoke from a fire and rain on the window pulled her back to her senses, and she slowly blinked awake to find Taliesin’s bright, worried eyes anticipating her focus.
“There we are.” His thumb swept back and forth across her cheek, smoothing away the tears she’d shed in her sleep. A glittering rim of his own tears hung along his lashes, threatening to spill over, and she tried to reach out and comfort him.
But her arm was too heavy. She couldn’t move under the weight of familiar blankets piled over her.
She couldn’t even move her head, which felt impossibly dense, but she looked past her friend – to the fire she smelled and the rain she heard. She knew them. It was her cottage, the quiet home she’d abandoned after Dream’s shadow threatened to swallow her on the shores of the Dreaming.
“Yes.” Taliesin smiled. His voice trembled as he continued petting her, touching her like he could make everything better for everyone if he just kept holding her hand, stroking her cheek. “I used the key you gave me. You’re all safe and cwtched up on the couch. Everything’s going to be alright.”
But she’d been in the waking world. Hiding. And the Nightmare King had -
A sharp breath, she jerked the final inches to full consciousness, and jolted up. Fear made a potent stimulant.
And there he was, near the door, taller than the entrance, looking down on her with passive disdain that could flare into rage without warning.
Taliesin pushed her back down into the couch, pinning her into the cushions by the shoulders. Her hands flattened over his, trying to translate the threat with nothing but winded gasps and wide eyes. He shushed her, twisting his hands to hold hers once she stopped struggling. All the while, he kept murmuring assurances.
“He isn’t going to hurt you. No one’s going to hurt you. It’s safe. I’m here, and I won’t let anything happen. Can you hear me? Can you trust me?”
“I trust you,” she gasped. She didn’t necessarily believe him, but she trusted him.
“Good, good.” Stroking the sweaty hair off her face, he looked towards the Nightmare King. The back of the couch blocked him from view, but at Taliesin’s signal, he deigned to approach the fire.
As he stepped into the flickering light, his eyes fixed on her again, and Taliesin felt her quaking in his grip.
“He’s going to help.” Taliesin pet her hair faster, burning off nervous energy. “We’re going to get the collar off of you.”
It would be the perfect moment for the King of Dreams to contradict the bard, raise his hand, and end them both. To invite nightmares into her home or fill their lungs with his sand. But he did none of those things. When he understood she was watching for his reaction, he offered the faintest nod, something so shallow it could’ve been mistaken as a trick of the light by anyone watching less closely.
She couldn’t trust him until she understood his motives. Mortal, fae, or Endless, the desires of the powerful mattered most, and he wanted something to do with her, something that required keeping her alive.
She couldn’t understand what he wanted when he advanced on her in the apartment, why he forced her to relive the worst of her past. This sounded like an answer. Something she may even believe. He’d thanked her for returning Matthew, and she knew he didn’t like the collar. He’d said as much. Maybe she could finally breathe easy – while she was awake, at least – if he offered a path forward, a plan, some future with intent and goals clearly communicated and understood.
Taliesin knew the question wasn’t directed to him, and he kept his own counsel as the Nightmare King considered. But he listened very, very carefully.
Heavy drops struck the window, and the ceiling rumbled with the storm’s percussion. But the thunder remained distant, an echo of fears Taliesin soothed with hands and words and warm blankets. Dream of the Endless tilted his head, ever so slightly, listening to both woman and weather.
“The bard speaks truly.” His voice felt like the dark clouds heralding a storm. Ominous and heavy with promise, but soft. “I mean you no harm, and we have entered an agreement to end the curse’s hold over you in order to protect the Dreaming.”
Yes, she could understand. He didn’t hunt her anymore; he hunted the magic that had so insulted him. Her hand rose to her neck, happy to find a scarf, but well aware of the horrors beneath.
“Yes.” He squeezed her hand with a watery smile. “I volunteered, and I’m staying to take care of you until this is over.” Fingers traced the back of her wrist, over the scarf. “Until you’re free.”
She felt so much, and she had nothing left to cope with the relief, which weighed even heavier than the fear. Her voice came soft and small, like the child he would always see in her. “I’m very tired.”
He laughed, and she could hear all the tears and snot he’d swallowed in his voice. “I know you are. Go to sleep. I’ll be right here.”
It felt like her mind was slowly turning into lead. Heavy and malleable, it dragged her down into a place where only dreams and a persistent curse could find her.
Taliesin watched her slip under, felt her hand go slack, and released a wavering sigh. How close did he come to losing her this time? Failing her? He couldn’t stomach the thought. Literally, his stomach turned and he swallowed down bile as he looked at his poor, starving rain cloud.
He sorted through his guilt with cautious hands, pulling up the blankets around her shoulders, ensuring the scarf wouldn’t strangle her if she turned – petting, and tutting, and generally making a fool of himself in front of the Dream Lord.
Well, let him look. This was his fault, too.
Matthew the raven spoke to him while his master followed Taliesin’s spell to the storm god’s hideaway. If Taliesin was a fool, he wasn’t the only one, and he at least had the good sense to acknowledge his mistakes. No wonder she’d fled. No wonder she’d snarled and clawed against sleep like her dreams were coming to kill her.
“Let her rest this time,” he said, eyes still on his friend.
“She is… weakened.”
It could almost be an admission of guilt, but only in the right context, only when held up to a waning moon in the first quarter on the seventh of June and tilted just so.  
“She’s strong,” he corrected, finally looking over at the gaunt lord in the shadows. “Something is very wrong. The potion couldn’t have caused so much damage so quickly.”
Lord Morpheus straightened, and Taliesin was grateful he took the concern seriously. They’d need to trust each other to achieve their aims.
“You believe the collar is responsible.”
Even with the scarf, Taliesin could see the filigree edge of old scars above the fabric. Compared to the worst marks on her neck, they were nothing. He only noticed them because he knew where to look, what to look for, but his rain cloud couldn’t hide them all, no matter how hard she tried.
“I think it’s feeding on her.” He closed his eyes, giving his hope free reign to wrestle down his obvious faults. Punishing himself wouldn’t help his rain cloud, and she needed him. “I think it has been for a very long time.” He dropped his head. “And I didn’t even notice.”
What could she be, he wondered, without that curse? How far could she fly when a dead man’s will wasn’t choking the life from her?
The Dream Lord stepped closer, peering into the sleeping face of his raven’s savior. Taliesin couldn’t read the thoughts behind those star-bright eyes, but he practically heard them ticking over.
“If it can feast on the life of a demi-god,” he murmured, “it is indeed a threat to the Dreaming.”
“Glad to hear you’re invested in its destruction, then. So long as you’re equally invested in her preservation.”
“As I have said – ”
“You’ve made no promises and said precious little.” Taliesin stayed on his knees, embracing the position of a humble supplicant without surrendering to the king’s mercy entirely. Their tentative arrangement would only hold as long as they stayed honest. Forthright. No easy thing for a king. “You’re a monarch. I have served many, though few as seasoned as you. It is your right and your role to protect your domain, but I would remind you, Dream of the Endless, that whatever else my little storm cloud may be, she is a dreamer, and as such, she is under your protection.”
Lord Morpheus’s face shuttered, but not before a frown plucked his lips just a little lower and his brows pinched close.
Taliesin had given him something to ponder.
Finished with the king for the moment, the bard returned to his watch over the sleeping storm god, listening to the rhythm of rain on the window to ensure her dreams were easy. He had nowhere better to be, and nothing he’d rather do than keep her snug and comfortable in her world apart.
As the storm god slept, Dream wandered the library. His eyes raked the endless shelves, looking for nothing in particular, hoping for every answer to his half-formed questions. It was not a task with which Lucienne could assist, though he hoped she could aid the bard in his quest for understanding.
Taliesin would come to the Dreaming when the girl woke, after he’d gathered information to guide their research from her next dream. The man took his vigil seriously and wouldn’t leave her side while she rested, defenseless, even in her own little realm. The bard’s words had given him pause, and though Morpheus hadn’t intended to harm the man’s rain cloud, he did make a point. And he had more interest in her future than the bard knew.
Had they cleared the crossroads?
He doubted it. Perhaps he’d pulled her back to a shared path, but he did not know where it led, and she did not stand at the crossroads alone. Some great doom still lurked ahead, and it would benefit them all if the demi-god walking the road beside him didn’t flinch at his shadow.
Matthew flapped down the aisle, falling naturally into step with his master.
“How’s the storm god?” he asked. “You find her?”
“Found and retrieved.” His eye didn’t leave the books, though his mind continued wandering. “She is in her realm with the bard. Asleep. At last.”
Matthew croaked approvingly, hopping by Morpheus’s boots. “You talk? She get it? She not scared of you now?”
If only it were so easy. She was a broken thing. The bard’s panic told him more than the starved body in his arms or the snarling storm she’d called to frighten him away. He knew the way of damaged creatures, but in the Dreaming, he could fix them – imperfect nightmares, shattered dreams. He could chase away night terrors from overwrought sleepers and ease their rest.
He’d broken things as well. He’d become the night terror and twisted the petty minds of mortals until they warped and bent to new and terrible shapes. But in this case, he had not meant the hurt he inflicted, and he must fix it to fulfil his function.
“We spoke, but we will have to see if she has conquered her fear when she next dreams.”
Clinging to a shelf a few feet ahead, the bird angled his head, like he needed a thought to tumble into a better position before he could voice it.
“Do you… want… ideas?”
“For what, Matthew?”
The bird sighed, fluttering to his next perch as Dream strolled past him, determined in his pointless search.
“For, I don’t know, starting off on the right foot? Scaring her just a little less this time?”
“Her fear is her own challenge to overcome.”
“Sure. But what about something new? The bard said she doesn’t sleep much. Always has nightmares. I get you need to study the collar, but if you throw her off with some kind of distraction first, she may let you get close enough to – you know – do that.”
Morpheus raised an eyebrow, pausing to give the bird the attention he clearly craved. “A distraction?”
“Dreams get weird sometimes. If she’s trying to understand what she’s experiencing, she’ll have a lot less bandwidth for panic.”
“It is an idea,” he said. “Perhaps.” Continuing through the library, he wondered what could distract the desperate little storm god from her fear of him.
“Good morning.”
She woke again to Taliesin’s face, beaming without tears this time. He’d pulled up a chair beside the couch so he could keep hold of her hand without losing all feeling in his legs. An open book balanced on his knee, and a cup of tea sat on the end table at his elbow.
“Is it really morning?” The words felt gummy, and she licked her lips, cringing at the stale taste of a long sleep.
“It’s your world, so it’s any time you want it to be.”
The blankets held her down comfortably, and the couch felt better than she remembered. The beds in the hostels and bedsits must’ve been worse than she realized. Not that she used them often.
“How long was I asleep?”
Taliesin pursed his lips, glancing away to the naked beams along the ceiling, like he’d find a calendar there. “Three days, give or take.”
“Wow. Fuck.” She let go of his hand, bending up in an enormous stretch – fingers and toes splayed, every joint popping.
Taliesin patted her knee through the covers in time with his words. “You did very well, and I’m very proud of you.”
Frankly, she didn’t know what to do with his praise. Never had. She spent too long learning when one hand offered a gift, the other delivered a slap. Taliesin would never hurt her. She knew that. She held both truths in her heart, and they fought each other.
She kicked off the blankets to sit up and change the topic. But she moved too quickly, and her head spun.
“Steady.” Taliesin balanced her by the shoulders, waiting for her hand on his wrist – a gentle signal to let go. “You’ve slept, but now you need food.”
She wanted to argue purely for the sake of her dignity. He was in her home, and technically her guest, but he was bustling about, moving furniture, and fetching soup he’d made in a pot over the fire like their roles were reversed. But if sitting up made her dizzy, she didn’t want to guess how jumping to her feet would feel. He meant well. He was trustworthy. She’d settle for petulant glares.
When he returned with a bowl of broth and lifted the spoon for her, though, she drew the line.
“If you try to spoon-feed me, I will bite you.”
Taliesin grinned, returning the spoon to the bowl as ordered. “There’s my rain cloud.”
With a pillow in her lap to support the bowl, she managed to feed herself perfectly well. Taliesin hovered, ready to intervene if the bowl shifted to an angle he didn’t like, but she didn’t spill it, and she returned the empty crockery with entirely too much pride.
“Thank you,” she said.
“For?” The high, drawn-out word demanded more.
“The soup.”
“And?” He used the same tone. Now that she was fed and rested, he’d be taking his pound of flesh from her hide.
She ducked her head, muttering at her knees as she traces vague shapes in the pillow over her lap.
“Oh, you can do better than that.” He took a seat beside her on the couch, warm and solid but demanding, too.
“I should’ve… let you know…”
“That you were on the run from Lord Morpheus? That you were letting the potion kill you? That you only slept once in the three months prior to our meeting? Why, yes! You should have.”
“Sorry.” And she was sorry that she worried him, that he had to get involved. She was grateful to be breathing, too. But she couldn’t muster the right attitude to really apologize for it all. She had too much respect for her sense of self-preservation. It had kept her alive too many times before.
Taliesin shifted closer, so their shoulders pressed together, and took her hands to hold between his roughened palms. “I’m not blaming you. He’s terrifying. I am stopping you. This is an intervention, darling. You are very trustworthy with other people. You are not so trustworthy when it comes to your own needs.”
This time, she prepared to argue. She even opened her mouth. But Taliesin just lifted his eyebrows and her valiant defense of her questionable life choices evaporated. Instead, she cleared her throat, breaking eye contact like a coward. He won the round. He won the war, really.
That was okay.
No storm raged. Precious little rain fell. Only the rare tear of condensation rolled down the windowpanes, and the precipitation was easiest to see in the puddles, where tiny drops echoed out in perfect circles over the gray sky’s reflection.
She did eventually manage to stand without help, and Taliesin let her clean herself up in the cottage’s little bathroom after her three-day nap. But after that, she had to sit again. He brought more soup, and she slowly finished the second bowl, stomach uncomfortably full. It was like a stiff muscle, he explained, and she’d only reclaim full function if she was willing to suffer a little. The vague ache didn’t even count as suffering, as far as she was concerned.
Eventually, the hazy grey sky turned orange and red. Her pocket world had no cardinal directions, and the colors ringed the horizon. They watched the blue evening creep in together, tea in hand, until she felt drowsy again. When Taliesin ushered her back to the couch, she groused, “I just woke up.”
“You’re healing.”
He didn’t go back to his chair, but sat at the far end of the couch, settling pillows along his knees and hip. She wondered – with a frisson of fear up her spine – what horrible thing he thought she would need so much comfort over. But she’d missed touch, and warmth, and comfort from someone else’s arms, so she curled up with her head on his lap anyway.
As he arranged the blanket to better cover her shoulders, he said, “Lord Morpheus will meet you in your dreams this time.”
She froze, and his hand wandered up to her hair, keeping contact as he reminded her by touch of his presence. He was her sentry, a guard against anything and everything if she’d let him.
“None of us understands why the collar manifests in the Dreaming,” he continued, “but he wants it gone, and that’s good for us. For you. To be painfully blunt, he could kill you in the waking world and never worry about the damn thing slipping into your dreams ever again, but he hasn’t, and that tells me we can trust him.”
He gave her time to process, but he didn’t allow time to spiral back into mindless fear. “Do you trust my judgement, rain cloud?”
She shifted, trying to find a position that would force her heart to slow down. “Yeah.”
“I’m glad. All you have to do is sleep.”
“What if he takes me back to the grove?” Her face felt hot, and her voice sounded wet. In another minute she’d be crying into the pillow. “I can’t go through that again.”
His hand froze for a moment, but he recovered quickly, brushing away her anxieties with a level head and steady tone. “He won’t. He didn’t find what he needed there. But if he tries, tell him no.”
Snorting, she rolled over to hide her face in the back of the couch. “Like that would stop him.”
“It had better.”
Iron underlined those words, and that was the most comforting thing she’d heard all day. Taliesin would go to war over her, would face up against an Endless to keep her sane. If Taliesin wasn’t afraid of a fight, then she had nothing to worry about.
He hummed. “Okay.”
After the jolt of adrenaline he’d caused, it took a while to drift off. She stared into the fire until the wavering flames hypnotized her, listening to Taliesin’s old Welsh lullabies as she tried to find her way to the gentle, heavy feeling that marked the gates of sleep. Every time she came close, the path veered, and she found herself staring into the flames again, twitching towards consciousness and Taliesin’s voice.
But, eventually, guided by fatigue, she drifted away from the warm cottage and the careful hand. The collar grew into place, and she slipped into a waiting dream.
A quarter moon peeped between the trees. The nocturnal forest shone bright as day to her sensitive eyes, and she stretched to feel her claws sink into the loam. Grey paws all but disappeared into the shadows, and her ears perked at the susurrus of wind and small animals creeping through the leaves.  She’d been still for too long – in all shapes – and she pounced after the first dry leaf to tumble past. It crunched beneath her with a smell like the sleeping death of late autumn, and she lunged after another and another, batting them with abandon until a soft, red maple leaf caught on her claws.
She shook and shook her paw, but the damn thing wouldn’t come free until she ripped it away with her teeth in frustration. It did not taste as good as it smelled, and she sat up, licking her whiskers to chase away the flavor of tree.
A rumble from above startled her sideways, and she leapt on all four paws away from the sound.
Looking up, she saw an enormous cat resting in an oak with eyes brighter than the moon watching her. His gaze struck her like a car’s headlights, and she froze, the hair on her back pricking up in alarm.
“You make a clumsy cat.”
She knew the voice and the presence. When the King of Dreams leapt down from his tree, she recoiled. Her own short hiss startled her, and she cut it off with choked sound of confusion. She was a grey barn cat, and that made sense, but she was a demi-god asleep on the couch, too. As she worked through her confusion, the great cat came a step closer. She forced herself still, remembering Taliesin was with her, even if she couldn’t sense him, that he’d keep her safe and fight an Endless if he pulled the same stunt twice.
She sat, though the raised hair along her back wouldn’t fall flat again.
The Dream Lord mirrored her, peering literally down his nose, and she could tell without words that her hiss had displeased him.
At least she hadn’t run.
“You know me, little dreamer.”
Her tail curled around her feet. “Yes.”
“And you know yourself.”
She could hear he meant it in the bright note folded around the word, and she imagined his regular shape may even have smiled. But only a little.
He rose and turned, walking into the woods. She followed the implicit command and pattered after him, keeping low, wary of his big paws and glinting claws. Tree frogs sang around them, filling the silence with a throbbing drone. For a little while, he let her trail behind him, but when they reached a clearing, he looked back for her.
“Walk beside me,” he said. “I would speak with you.”
She moved lightly through the long grass, all silvery under the moon, and wondered that the Dream Lord’s eyes didn’t cast shadows in the dark. His strides covered much more ground than her little legs could match, and she trotted to keep up with his sedate pace. Though he towered over the weeds, they swallowed her entirely, and even though she drew even with him, she couldn’t bring herself to draw any closer to his side.
He stopped, looking out over the grass with another rumble. “Are you hiding? Shall I hunt you again, little dreamer?”
The bright note hung in his voice, but even if he was teasing, any idea of the great cat with glowing eyes springing down with claws out terrified her.
“No! No.” She slunk closer, sharing the narrow track he followed, ears pressed back, belly nearly scraping the ground. “I’m right here.”
His long tail swished behind him as he studied her, unmoving. “Do you still believe I wish to harm you?”
“I don’t pretend to know what measureless depths of pain the Endless can endure,” she said, “but if you pull me back through all that one more time, I don’t think I’d survive it.”
One mighty step closer, and she dropped flat. Even though those luminous eyes had already fixed on her, every instinct insisted she make herself smaller.
He responded by lying down, literally sinking to her level.
“I find it interesting,” he said. “You do not perceive yourself as others do.”
What did that mean? She relaxed enough to lift her head, curious. “Who?”
“Your friend Taliesin dreamed of you as a kitten. A playful little thing he tried to coax out from under the steps.”
She looked at her paws again, sinking her claws into the earth just to watch them curl out from the pads. “And this is how you see me?”
“No. This is how you’ve dreamed yourself.”
Could that be right? That couldn’t be right. She’d never seen or felt things like this when she slept before. Even when the Sandman kept the nightmares back, she rested in darkness.
“But – I don’t think I know how to – dream, I mean.”
“This is a shape I chose,” he agreed. “But once I’d drawn the shape of the dream, your own mind added the details, including your vision of yourself.”
“Oh.” She relaxed a little more, dropping her chin to her paws as she watched a firefly blink above the long grass. The frogs weren’t so loud, away from the trees, and when her ears twitched around, she was sure she could hear running water. A stream. She might even smell it. “I’ve never… dreamed like this before.”
“I know.”
Slowly, telegraphing every motion, he climbed to his feet. She stood with him, calm again and ready to continue.
“There is something I would like to try.” He turned back to the path. “Follow me.”
Instead of sauntering along like before, he bounded across the meadow, and she nearly lost sight of him before she jerked into motion.
He was right. She was a clumsy cat. Clumsy and small, but she did her best. Springing over hidden logs, pouncing up to see over the grass when he drew too far ahead, winding along the shortest routes to catch up again.
The sound of water drew nearer, and she saw the edge of the meadow, where the water had worn it into a little cliff. The Dream Lord cleared it easily, leaping over the chasm without pause. She, however, had spent most of her energy over the wide meadow, taking half a dozen steps for every one of his, and she hesitated at the brink. But she couldn’t stop herself, and she threw all of her strength into her hind legs as she left the ground.
The golden collar around her neck squeezed. She flinched midair and knew she would fall short of her goal. One paw caught the bank, scratching deep into grass and loose rock that wouldn’t hold. She slipped back, heading towards waters roaring more like a raging river than a gentle stream.
And then she wasn’t falling. Teeth gently pinched the back of her neck, just below the collar. They lifted her up and away from the danger. As she dangled from the king’s mouth, he moved a few dozen yards back from the crumbling bank. Frozen, she only squeaked when he finally set her down again.
She hunkered in a cat loaf, too embarrassed to look up at him. “Sorry. I just got tired, and then the collar – ”
“Tired? In a dream?”
She blinked, at once both human and cat – and terribly confused. “Is that not supposed to happen? Don’t people rest in dreams?”
“No. Not like this.” He hadn’t backed away after he released her, and she’d been too shaken to put space between them. Coming even closer, he looked at her neck. “Taliesin told me a theory.”
He hadn’t shared it with her before she went to sleep. It must be bad, then. “What theory?”
The King of Dreams settled back on his haunches. He looked regal. Severe. “He believes it is feeding off of you. I think I agree with him.”
The collar squeezed again, like it could hear them, and she tried to paw it off without thinking. Its revenge was swift. Brutal. Thorns pierced her fur as it pulled even tighter, strangling and bleeding her as payment for her offense.
Actual animal sounds of distress peeled through the twilight dream world, and she rolled through the weeds as she struggled to free herself, to stop the pain, to breathe properly. It was a good thing they’d moved so far from the water or she’d have tumbled in.
A rumble very different from the others – more growl than purr – thundered above her, and a massive paw settled on her ribs to force her still. She could barely keep her eyes open, and she looked frantically into the patient light of the Dream King’s gaze.
“I promised you kinder dreams, little storm god. But I’m afraid this dream is over.”
A blink, and the golden eyes disappeared.
She woke in the grey pre-dawn, the fire burned to embers, Taliesin snoring with his head thrown back on the couch.
Safe. Whole.
Just as they’d promised.
Chapter 5
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starlitangels · 1 year
Pups AU. It’s been a bit. This one also draws heavily from my “Not-Yet Alpha, Not-Yet Mate” short story featuring David’s parents. Enjoy! 1.6k words
CW: discussion of previous canon character death
David had been silent for the last few minutes of the drive. The moment we’d crossed into the cemetery, he’d stopped talking completely. He claimed it was because Dahlia’s cemetery was big and complicated—which was undoubtedly true—but I knew it was because this place made complicated feelings rise up.
We got to the narrow road closest to our destination and David did his best to park on the edge of it. This time of day it was mostly empty anyway, but these roads weren’t made for cars.
“Daddy, where are we?” Natalie asked, craning her neck to try to see out the window, but her carseat wasn’t quite tall enough.
“We’re at the cemetery,” David replied, unbuckling his seatbelt and opening the door.
Yup. She was in that phase.
To be fair, she’d been in the why phase since she was about fifteen months old. Or so it felt. She wanted to learn. David and I didn’t fault her for that, but sometimes the endless stream of questions was mildly exhausting. I always told Davey he was better at being patient with her than I was, and he always said it was because he had plenty of practice with Asher and Milo growing up.
He opened the backseat door behind his and started to help her out of her carseat.
“Because there’s something I wanna show you here,” he answered.
“Okay,” Gabriel said as Natalie opened her mouth again. Probably to ask why again.
I got out and helped Gabriel out of his booster seat. He wrapped his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist once he was free. He was plenty big enough to walk on his own, but the kid never turned down even an extra opportunity for cuddles.
Natty clung to her dad’s neck too. David always said the kids got their “touchstarved need for cuddles” from me. Our children were very much not touchstarved in any way, shape, or form considering how much cuddling they already got—from me and the rest of the pack in general—but that was the joke he liked to make.
Davey and I carried our kids carefully through the maze of headstones. Gabriel narrowed his eyes at a few of the ones we passed, and I could hear him sounding out last names under his breath, trying to read each one. Natalie—who had inherited my tendency to be loud—half-shouted for all of Dahlia to hear her asking why there were “weird marks” on one of the headstones. After David’s patient explanation that it was written in what appeared to be Arabic and different languages had different writing systems, she seemed to understand.
Ducking under the somewhat-unkempt branches of a spruce tree, Davey set Natalie down. I put Gabriel on his feet just behind her.
Hidden under the drooping branches of the tree was a single headstone. “Shaw” was written in large capital letters at the top in the middle. Directly underneath, “Married April 3, 1991,” was carved into the dark grey stone. In a box of lighter-colored granite on the left was “Gabriel Richard—December 18, 1966-September 3, 2017.” The box on the right said, “Annalise Jean ‘AJ’ Hendrickson—November 14, 1967-July 1, 1997.”
Below both names was the simple phrase, “We’ll see.”
“Is this… Grandma and Grandpa Shaw?” Gabriel asked, looking up at David while wrapping his hand around as many of my fingers as he could. David crouched and nodded.
“Yeah. This is where my parents were buried,” he said. “That’s Grandpa Gabe, and Grandma AJ.” He pointed to each name. “Grandma AJ got sick when I was younger than Natty and she passed away when I was about three. Grandpa Gabe got in a car accident when I was in my mid-twenties.”
“Gramma has the same middle name as me!” Natalie announced.
“Mmhmm,” David agreed. “We gave you her middle name to honor her memory.”
Natalie blinked owlishly at him, but for once didn’t ask any questions about what he meant. “Why does it say, ‘We’ll see’?” she asked instead, kneeling in front of the headstone and tracing the letters with her tiny five-year-old fingertip.
Her kindergarten teacher had been very impressed at how well she’d already been reading back when school started. I’d been quick to give David the credit, given he’d read to her almost every night since she was born, and often taught her how to read, if just a little bit, himself. Because she wanted to learn. And she’d inherited his stubbornness and wouldn’t let him leave until he’d taught her a little bit.
David sat cross-legged in the mostly-dead, patchy grass that couldn’t get enough sunlight around the spruce tree’s needles. “Because that was what my parents always said to each other. One of them would make a guess about their future together, and the other would always say, ‘We’ll see.’ Grandpa Gabe told me they were the last words Grandma AJ said to him before she passed. He said he hoped she’d be waiting for him on the other side and she said she was ‘planning on it, but we’ll see.’ So, when she passed, Grandpa Gabe put that on the headstone.”
David blinked tears out of his eyes—and didn’t protest when Natalie stood up so she was eye-level with him and wiped them off his face. He gathered her to his chest and held her there, squeezing tight, but not too tight. She made a strained little groan, but didn’t squirm or yelp for release like she would have if he was hugging too hard.
“Grandpa picked this plot under the tree because he said he and Grandma loved sitting under the tree in the backyard of their house and watching me, Uncle Ash, and Uncle Milo chase each other around when we were toddlers.”
Gabriel stepped carefully closer to the headstone and brushed a few loose spruce needles off the top of it. “You miss them.” It wasn’t a question.
Davey gave our son a sad smile. “I never really knew Grandma AJ. It was hard to miss her. But I miss Grandpa Gabe very much. He taught me everything I know about being a dad. And all I’ve ever been able to hope for was that he taught me enough that I can keep being a good dad to you and your sister.” He kissed the top of Natalie’s head, right on the part between her pigtails.
“You’re the best, Daddy,” Natty said confidently, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding on as tight as she could. David sighed with a quiet relief and gave her another hug.
“Glad you think so, baby girl,” he whispered.
Gabriel let go of my hand and carefully approached the headstone, sitting down in front of it and looking it over. He carefully traced the carved letters with his own fingertip, head tilted slightly to the side. He twisted and looked back at me. “You never got to meet even Grampa, right?”
I shook my head. “No. He passed before I met your dad,” I replied.
Gabriel frowned and his eyebrows tilted in sadness. He had more empathy in his little finger than a lot of adults did in their whole bodies. “Sorry,” he said to David. And me.
David ruffled Gabriel’s hair. “It’s okay. If I hadn’t met my mate when I did, I don’t know that we would have ended up here—with you two.” He met my eyes. “They helped me heal from my grief and the walls I put up to protect my heart that were only hurting it more.”
Natalie leaned back from where she’d been hugging David to meet his eyes. “How did you carry the walls with you all the time?”
I couldn’t help it—I burst out laughing. David chuckled too. “Not real walls, Natty,” he said. “Figurative walls.”
“Figura… what?”
David thought for a moment. “Pretend walls. In my head. They made me grumpy all the time.”
Natalie stuck out her bottom lip. “Don’t be grumpy, Daddy. Being grumpy is no fun.”
David chuckled again and met my eyes over our daughter’s head. “Gee, I wonder who she sounds like,” he said.
I smiled. “I’m so proud,” I replied.
David tugged lightly on the end of one of her pigtails. “How about you and your brother sit here and be good, and I’ll go with my mate to grab our lunch out of the car?”
Natalie nodded. Gabriel did too when David met his eyes.
He stood and held a hand out to me. I took it and we headed back for the car to grab the cooler.
Natalie glanced over at the tree trunk, smiling as a familiar head of pink curls quickly ducked behind the trunk out of her view. “I know you’re there!” she whispered—loud. Gabriel was reading the headstone again, intently, and didn’t notice.
Caelum poked his head out from behind the trunk again and pressed a finger to his lips. He grinned and giggled. Natalie copied his gesture, nodded, and giggled herself.
“What are you doing here?” Her whisper was quieter this time.
Caelum snuck out from behind the tree. “Making sure you and your family are happy,” he whispered back.
He popped a kiss on the top of Natalie’s head, the way her dad had done, and disappeared as he took a step back.
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teaberrii · 1 year
Chapter 11: Forgive Me (Love Blues)
You're both running from a traumatic past. In a fated mix-up, you end up hosting this man for two weeks at your family-owned villa where sparks start to fly.
Notes: Cross-posted on Ao3.
The chapter index is at the end of chapter one.
Chapter told from your ex's point of view
You look different.
He can't put his finger on it, but the last time he saw you, it was as if you were carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Your eyes didn't shine like they are now. You also look healthier.
He had heard from his brother that you were in town, which didn't phase him. But seeing you in person is an entirely different feeling. It's not the heart-fluttering giddiness he once felt, however. Instead, it's as if he owed you. Looking at you unlocks a vault of memories he thought he would never open again.
Your ex held the news article in his hands. No names were published, but it was obviously about him and you. You took him to court, and the court ruled in your favour, but he clearly remembered the solemn look on your face at the lenient punishment. He hadn't thought much of it until the same thing happened to his cousin. The stealthing. Except hers was with a friend-with-benefits who wanted to trap her in a relationship.
Being there for her and going through that abortion process with her made him see things in a different light. He had been incredibly selfish and clearly saw the gravity of his actions. If only he could turn back time.
And that was when it all began. The nightmares. The stress. The gradual need for your forgiveness.
He watches you walk toward the cashier without a look back. It's a stretch, but he wants to try. He stops you right after you step outside. You turn around and shrug off his arm.
“I just want to talk.” That sounded a lot less desperate in his head.
“I’d rather not.”
Then, you quickly walk away.
He hears someone come up behind him, so he turns around and sees his pregnant sister-in-law. She's about to walk down the steps before he offers her his hand.
“Do you know her?” she asks on the way back to the hotel.
How much does she know? Of course, his two brothers know about the fallout, but how much have they told their spouses? He had told them not to tell them about the sexual assault. It's something that's still plaguing him to this day, and he could never find a way to cope with this guilt until…
“You want to apologize?” He had gotten back in touch with your best friend, hoping she could get you to talk to him again, as you had blocked every way he could get in touch with you. “It’s a little late for that, don’t you think?”
“Better late than never,” he muttered. “Look, could you help a friend out?”
“Aren’t you getting married?”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“You aren’t scared that it might cause some misunderstandings?”
He sighed loudly. “Just, are you going to help me?”
“...Fine. I’ll see what I can do.”
He didn’t expect much from that plan. So, he isn’t too surprised that your best friend got back to him saying that you don’t want anything to do with him anymore. But he’s still going to keep trying…because it’s as if your forgiveness is what will set him free.
“...I thought I did,” he finally says. “She just looked like someone I knew.” He hopes that’s convincing enough because the last thing he wants to talk about is his past.
“Oh? Who?”
“...An old friend.” That, at least, is somewhat the truth.
That night, he and his two brothers are drinking together as the women are in another room. He takes a long drink of his beer before putting the empty bottle on the table.
“You alright? You don’t typically drink this much,” his younger brother says.
The older one puts his empty bottle down. “Yeah. Not since your divorce.”
Your ex glares at him. “Did you really have to bring that up?”
His brothers glance at each other. “Why are you in such a bad mood? Your wedding is in like a few days!”
That’s also what’s bugging him. His wedding. It’s a chance to start anew with someone else, something he desperately wants to do. But it feels like an unattainable dream with him still chained to his past. He knows he has no feelings for you anymore. The two of you are broken beyond measure, and nothing can change that. He just wants to hear those three words.
“Wait…” His brother looks at him. “Did you bump into her?”
Your ex almost chokes on the alcohol, which is an answer in itself. “Was her boyfriend with her?” the younger one asks.
He’s not sure why this catches him by surprise. He’s getting married, for goodness sake. “She’s seeing someone?” your ex asks.
“Yeah. The dude’s name is Alhaitham.”
“...How do you know him?”
“We met through Kaveh.”
The older brother puts his beer on the table. “The blonde guy you work with? The one that’s like a pretty boy?”
“That’s the one.” He looks at your ex. “So, did she say anything to you?”
“She ignored you, didn’t she?” the older one asks. “Treated you like air.”
“Not surprised.”
Your ex sighs loudly and leans back. “She’s not going to talk to me.”
“Still pining for her forgiveness, I see.”
Your ex glares at his younger brother, who quickly opens another can of beer. "I just want a chance to apologize."
"Well, hate to break it to you, brother, but sometimes we don't get closures. So, just move on."
If only it was that easy.
“You seem distracted.” Your ex looks up from his phone and sees his fianceé climb into bed next to him. “Everything okay?”
He wonders if he should bring you up. She knows about you and his past. Well, most of it. He had told her the truth, for the most part. But, he had kept the sexual assault and abortion a secret. He'd said that both of you weren't right for each other and rushed into things without thinking, which ruined your relationship. That is the truth, at least.
But now that the wedding is approaching, he's getting increasingly anxious.
He can't keep this from her. It's eating him alive. As much as he wants to forget about it and move on, he can't. Maybe that's a sign he still has a conscience. But what would she think of him? Will she still love him? Or dump him on the spot? He just wants a happy ending like everyone else. Is that so much to ask for?
“I met my ex today,” he says. “At the convenient store.”
“...Is that why you’re distracted?” He quickly turns to her, but instead of seeing a suspicious look on her face, she’s looking at him worriedly. “I remember we talked about her, but you always looked anxious. So, I didn’t want to ask further.” She takes his hand. “What really happened between the two of you? Did she do something to you?”
He isn't sure if he should find it heartwarming or sad that his fianceé has so much trust in him. He's moved, but at the same time, he feels like he's deceiving her. What she said is true. He's anxious because he doesn't like talking about you, but he knows you're not the problem. He is. He just doesn't want to talk about himself.
He takes her hand. “No. She didn’t do anything to me.”
“Then, why do you always look so…broken when you talk about her?” She sighs softly. “I want to trust you.”
Will she still trust him after she knows the truth? "I didn't lie to you. Everything I said about her is true. We were childhood friends, grew feelings for each other and…you know the rest. But, we weren't right for each other."
“...I know both of you wanted different things. You wanted a family, and she didn’t,” she says quietly.
“Yes. That’s the truth!”
His fianceé sighs. “I know that she got an abortion.” His heart almost stops. What? Since when? From who? Before he gets a chance to ask, she says the name of his brother’s wife. “She was the one who told me.” Your ex almost scoffs. He can’t even count on his brother to keep a secret. “Is that true?”
"...Yes." But does she know why?
“You’re still bothered that she did such a thing without telling you?”
“I…” He can’t bring himself to say it.
Finally, his fianceé gets out of bed and says, “...I’m going to sleep in the other room tonight.”
“Wait.” She stops but doesn’t turn back. “I just…I need a bit more time.”
She turns around and glares at him. “For what? I don’t understand what you’re talking about! You’re clearly hiding something from me, but nothing makes sense! How can I trust you when you don’t trust me?”
Because it’s not that easy. That’s what he wants to say. But, instead, he says without thinking, “I did something…terrible to her.”
Her face goes pale. “Excuse me?”
"I…" He's almost on the verge of tears and doesn't know why. Since when did he become like this?
“...Let’s talk about this in the morning.”
And then she leaves without another word.
It's supposed to be an early morning jog around town. But, somehow, your ex is standing in front of your family-owned villa. His hand is almost shaking as he hears footsteps approaching on the other side. Then, when the door opens, he stares into the eyes of an unfamiliar man. This must be Alhaitham.
“...Can I help you?” he asks.
Your ex looks past him and sees you, who seems alarmed. "I came to see her."
“Well, it doesn’t seem like she wants to see you. So, you can leave.”
Your ex looks back to Alhaitham. “...You can’t speak for her.”
“He’s right,” you say, walking up next to Alhaitham. “I want you to leave.”
"Please," your ex pleads. "I just want to talk." By now, he doesn't care if he looks pathetic or desperate. He'll do anything to get this feeling off his chest. Alhaitham is about to close the door when your ex stops it, which earns him a solid glare from your boyfriend. "Ten minutes. If you give me ten minutes, I promise I'll never bother you again. File a restraining order or whatever. Just please give me ten minutes."
He can see the gears turning in your head. Perhaps you're curious about his strange actions. Honestly, he's curious himself. He never imagined that he would show up like a heartbroken teenager at an ex's door. But here he is, and he doesn't want to take no for an answer.
Finally, you put a hand on Alhaitham’s arm. “...Only if he’s close by.”
On a bench near your villa, you're sitting on one end while your ex sits at the other. Alhaitham is a short distance away, far enough to give you space and privacy but close enough that he can easily interfere if anything happens.
Your ex gets straight to the point. “...I want to apologize to you.” You slowly turn to him. “What I did was wrong.”
“...It’s a little late for apologies.”
"I know." He moves a little closer to you, and you signal him to stop. He does and moves back to his spot. "It's been three years. But I can never forget about her. Our child."
“Daddy, why did you let mommy kill me? Why….why did you bring this fate onto me?”
He immediately sat up. His body felt hot, and he was sweating. He couldn’t go on like this. He was losing sleep and going mad. Were you also having nightmares? His head hit the wall, his quiet sobs sounding throughout the darkness of his room.
"That child was not ours." Then, you look him in the eyes. "She was yours and yours alone."
His breath gets caught in his throat. “...It was a girl?” You sigh loudly as you turn away and stand. He quickly stands. “Wait. I’m sorry. I won’t bring up the past. I just…I came here to ask for your forgiveness.”
The unnerving silence is killing him, and the answer he gets shatters his world. “Well, you wasted your time.”
“...You won’t forgive me?”
You turn to him. “I know you too well. You always loved yourself more than anyone else.”
"So, don't blame me because I question the motive behind your apology. Are you really sorry for what you did to me? Or do you just want to get rid of your guilty feelings?"
"It's true I want to stop feeling guilty," he says. He can feel the tears in his eyes. "But, please trust me when I say you were important to me. And I just want some closure for what I did."
“...Well, you’ll have to look elsewhere.”
He grabs your arm, and you glare at him. Upon seeing Alhaitham, he immediately backs off. Then, he says, “Don’t you think forgiving me will also make you feel better? I know you hate me, and it’s my fault we got to this point. But, I just hope both of us can find peace.”
He sees the slightly surprised look on your face. Perhaps it's because he admits that it's his fault your relationship turned out this way. "...You caused me a great deal of pain. So if you think I'm suddenly just going to forgive you because you asked for it, that's wishful thinking."
“...What will it take?”
He assumes you need time. But, instead, you surprise him. “I don’t think it’s my forgiveness you’re looking for.”
“...Wait. What do you mean?”
"Your brother told me you're getting married in a few days. Does your fianceé know about what you did?"
No. “...I haven’t told her yet. I want you to forgive me—”
"And then what?" For an angry statement, you sound strangely forgiving. Like you're trying to help him somehow, but he can't put his finger on it. "Sure, let's say I forgive you. And what if she doesn't?"
Then, his happiness is gone.
That's when you get honest with him. "Before I met Alhaitham, I kept thinking about the divorce. Where did we go wrong? We were so happy," you say honestly. "...If this apology came before, then I would say you're right. It would help me find peace." He thinks he knows what you're getting at. "But you aren't important to me anymore."
“...So, it doesn’t matter,” he finishes for you. “What matters is that your boyfriend accepts the past that you have. Is that right?”
“Our friendship is already long gone,” you say. “And it’s never coming back.”
He can’t argue with that.
When you opened the door, you weren't expecting to see a kid around your age wearing a bike helmet on your porch. He was smiling from ear to ear. "Hi!" he said excitedly. "I heard you just moved in next door." Then, he extended his hand and introduced himself. "Wanna go for a bike ride?"
Your mother came up behind you and opened the door a little wider. “Oh, it’s you!” she said happily. Then, she put a hand on your shoulder. “You haven’t met before, but he was the one I was talking about. The boy about your age.”
You took his hand, and a slight blush blossomed on his cheeks. “Er, so, do you want to hang out?”
"...That depends," you said. "Are we getting ice cream?"
“Ooh, I know just the place!”
“Let’s be happy,” you continue. “What’s past is past. But that doesn’t mean I’ll forget.”
“...Me either.”
“I don’t know what you heard, but I want to make myself clear.” You take a small breath. “...I don’t want to see you again. But”—you extend your hand—“I don’t wish you a life full of misery.”
Is that your way of saying you forgive him? It’s better than nothing. He takes your hand and gives it a firm shake. “...Let’s never see each other again. And”—he inhales deeply—“I truly am sorry.”
As he watches you leave and take Alhaitham's hand, the look in your eyes is reminiscent of what once was, but it’s also different. There’s an extra sparkle in your eyes that he never saw before. Alhaitham kisses your head, and you smile widely.
You’re truly happy, and it’s easy to see.
If only he could find that, too.
“Oh, hey, you’re finally back!”
It seems like everyone is waiting for him when he gets back to the hotel. But there's only one person he wants to see. As he looks around for his fianceé, his brother says, "You just missed her. She went to grab something at the convenience store."
No one gets another word in as your ex is again out the door. It doesn't take long to find her; she has just come out of the shop when she sees him. She looks away. Clearly, the atmosphere from yesterday hasn't changed. Plus, the fact that he ran off most of the morning doesn't help, either.
“...Why are you just standing there?” she asks.
Then, he takes her hand. “I came looking for you.”
She eyes him skeptically. "Did something happen?"
“Yes and no.” Then, he smiles slightly. “But, I’m ready to be completely honest with you. So, can we talk?”
Chapter Twelve
End Notes: The next chapter will be back to your POV. This story only has 1-2 chapters left, and I'm starting to feel slightly bittersweet.
Tag list: @suoshiii @lordbugs @lxry-chxn @themusingsofmany @thelightofmylife @jolyyuwu @meowzurii @caelestisimbrem
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eclaire-went-bam · 18 days
i had a dream that the doctors told me it was my final day to decide. i had to decide whether i wanted to live, or i wanted to die. i was sent back up to my room (at home). i heard a song, it was morning.
my family was all at the house, including my grandmother (she's a alive, it's just shocking because she lives on the other side of the country). they seemed really somber, but there were light pastel and muted coloured balloons everywhere and the living area +kitchen looked to be an insincere copy of a birthday. like an alien decorating one, after seeing one image of that one party backrooms floor a decade ago.
i thought it was a secret endeavour, so in my room i was sitting with a bottle of soapy green liquid and a knife, not knowing what to do. I didn't want to die, but something in my head kept telling me i had to or something terrible might happen. beside me was this black shadow of a figure with a distorted face and arms. it wasn't entirely materialised, but it seemed to phase in and out of reality and have a white swirl for a face, and moved at a low fps in a motion similar to the symbiote in that one spider-man movie. the music got louder. it was afternoon.
my mother soon came up to the room and we had a discussion about it. apparently she knew what the doctors said, but i still had no idea if the empty celebration downstairs was for me or not. she kept asking me how i was going to do it, and i told her i didn't want to, but she said when i did, to use a bottle of pepper. she seemed to not want to let me go, but knew that i had to. i asked her how pepper could possibly kill a human, but she didn't answer. i assumed if i got too much of grinded pepper in my throat i'd choke, but it still made no sense. she put it in my hands, and left the room. the music got louder. it started to sound familiar. shadows were beginning to grow and the light through the windows slowly turned a more golden.
i sat on my bed again. i felt disgust for this bottle of pepper in my hands. but moreover, i felt disgust at the room i was trapped in. the shadow man came back. but i left the room, because it started to feel more and more unfamiliar. i go downstairs. all my family is sitting away from the celebration area. i greet them. they all looked like poor imitations of my family.
i can't remember what happened. but the music was louder by the time i went upstairs. it was so clear, and it felt like an annoying whisper of varying tone and intensity riding up behind my ears. something about what happened downstairs made me want to take the peppers, so i picked them up and laid down on the floor, the exact spot i'd realised the things i percieve weren't normal when i was much younger. it was where the sun shone through the windows with a reddish gold, and it was beautiful. my time was nearly up to decide. i was laying there, wondering what this pepper would do to me. my mom came in to talk to me again. i can't recall what she said, but it was something about my father who lived out of state. she left, and i looked at the bottle again. the music was louder.
and it kept getting louder as i continued to lie there on my back, dangling it above my head. i could feel the shadow image at my back again, trying to speak to me, half-submerged in the ground. my peripherals were turning white. i kept turning the knob of the grinder, and taking a lick of some of the dust that accumulated on the outside, testing the edges of life but deeply not wanting to fall from them. the music playing was so loud, it was crashing and terrible. my ears hurt. moreover, all the uncontrolled thoughts and voices that always commented on my daily life in the back of my head were getting much louder. they were arguing amongst themselves over what was happening. one of them suddenly brought up a dream. dream? i'm dreaming. of course i know that.
but they kept arguing. they were so loud i could hear them. they were trying to overpower the music. they were so loud i could hear them past my dream. the music was trying to match their intensity.
i couldn't believe i was going to die.
then i heard a sound. a loud sound. a bang from outside my wall. from the waking world. i began to panic. i never had time to make a choice. and moreover, i knew now that i needed to wake up. i knew now that i was going to wake up. but i didn't have enough time to solve my problem in the dream. my dream self then turned to me— it was weird, because i was always first person as my dream self. when my dream self turned to "me," i was still first person as us both. my faces were scribbled over, similar to the swirlly shadow man's. moreover, i looked at myself through the ground behind me, like it was a mirror — it had become a mirror. was i that shadow? the voices stopped but the music was still getting louder.
dream me told me, amongst all the clashing of sound, that it was time to wake up, that if it had its way, we'd stay here longer. but we couldn't. it apologised profusely for not being able to figure this out in time. it begged for forgiveness. and it began to become terrified, because now we were going to be sent back to the world, unprepared. it kept saying how i couldn't go back, not alone. how much unfinished business it left behind that i now had to shoulder. that i'd never be able to handle the waking world, and it was all its fault. it then turned me around by my shoulders, crying, and i faced the darkness behind the rest of the mirror.
i woke up. the music stopped shortly after i woke up. i kept hearing loud, almost incomprehensible sorry's until they faded, too. i was laying down odd — i was straight on my back with my legs raised and crossed over eachother with a hand in my chest, as if i were reading a book. it was odd because i never slept on my back. my immediate thought was, somebody's in this room. you must pretend you're still sleeping and maybe they will not harm you.
and i did, for a while, then remembered that was silly.
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answersfromzestual · 3 months
I promised you all a reason why I do not use certain verbals.
Below are personal experiences, and some parts are violent.
Reason as to why I do not use words such as, "fag[got]", "queer", and "dyke" and idenitfying/calling someone "it".
I was always the weird kid, I didn't have much if any real friends growing up.
My own parents and siblings, to this day, call me names. I was a candle burning at both ends.
From an early age (as soon as i could dress myself), I dressed masculine, always wore boy clothes. Mother was okay when I was young because I was just a "tomboy." I had kids starting in first grade of all ages, asking me if I was a boy or a girl.I didn't have the answer. Everyone told me what I was, but I disagreed. I felt like a boy, but the world told me I was a girl... Having younger kids go get a teacher when they saw me in the bathroom, I would always shrug. It was embarrassing other children peeking in the stall... I was bullied into a feminine phase (dressing female, against what I really wanted, age 10-15). I needed to not be bullied as bad anymore. I wanted to push the feelings down and not stand out anymore... I just wanted to fit in and be like everyone else... I prayed to be normal or to leave.
High school was horrible...
I needed to go to the washroom at school during first period, which meant walking by the cafeteria... the seniors had their spare period, and i knew they sat in the cafe. They laughed as I walked by and one yelled "fucking dyke" at me, at the same time two teachers were walking by me the opposite way, talking. We were at the same place in the hall, they didn't say a word. They just kept walking, but they fell silent for a short time...
I had to walk home from school... there was two ways, one was longer and along a main road, where people would yell faggot, queer, dyke, fucking weirdo, out of their car windows at me, random adults and students from both schools in town. The other way was through the alley, faster and no one was around... I was always gambling if someone would jump me (attack me). I was just walking home after abuse from other students and teachers. And a group of guys following you saying "here, here little queer/dyke/faggot" whatever word they felt like using that day. I didn't have anyone to walk with on these days, it was band practice, I stayed later than my friends would...
I would run as fast as I could. They ran faster... Tackled me to the ground and beat me, fracturing a rib at one point. Being told I was worthless and they should kill me that would be doing the world a favor, as their boot hovered over my bloody face... That maybe I need a real man to fuck me to turn me (magically) a straight cis female. I never went to the hospital. My parents never saw the bruises all over my face. (My parents weren't the best). This was at least once a month.
I developed full-blown alcoholism and hard drug addiction by 15-16 years old, trying to numb the pain of everyone in the world rejecting me.
I worked at a fast food joint as a teen. An old man came up to my register, a look of confusion and disgust on his face. I greeted him, smiling. I had just come out to the first person at work, and she was awesome about it, probably half an hour earlier. He slid his empty cup across the counter and asked for a refill. While I was doing his refill, the girl I had just come out also asked if he needed help. He said in a big booming voice, throwing his hands up, "She,him, it, that thing there." *points at me* "has got my refill!" At this point, I no longer felt human. I felt like I was an unknown creature from another planet.
Those are some of the postable, less traumatic reasons why I don't like those words. I grew up, and they were all bad words to be or even be called. I lived in a small, very rural village, and it to this day, people aren't with the times.
These words have hurt me in many ways and I have no intention of the futile attempt to "take things back". Two things you can't take back, history and words. These words will always be hurtful to me, these wounds won't heal. These words are hate to me and always will be.
I do not want to take away your identity, I don't want you to feel negatively if you use them to identify. You are allowed to have your own vocabulary, views, and opinions. The rule is more of reasoning as to why I do not use them most of the time for identities.
If you can, please avoid using those words for me in asks? If you do, it's okay. If it happens too often, though, I may have an issue. I hope you understand and respect my point of view as I respect yours.
Respect the fact we all walk different paths, if you say to someone they have to "deal with it", while that person tip toes around your trauma. Please, respect is a two way street.
This also goes for any other people who have issues with the words, like my partner as well has trauma due to these words (she is part of the lgbtqai as well).
Thank you.
Tltr; I was verbally and physically abused, and the people would taunt me with those terms.
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thelovestalker · 2 years
3rd of October (Somewhen in 2022)
Uh. Hey.
I woke up tonight. 8:59 PM. It's not the best kind of waking up. My body felt dry, hot, and sweaty. I woke up to the sound of silence. To the crumpled sheets. It had happened again. I really hate it. Everybody's asleep and I'm the only person awake. Don't get me wrong - I love being alone. Solace is a nice thing. I enjoy the company of myself. But when it's this quiet and empty, and the walls feel like reaching out and speaking to you, and all the neighborhood's lights are dead, it feels oddly peculiar. I hate it. I just wish I was asleep so I wouldn't have to feel this way. Plus, our house is miles away from the highway. It's forest-y here. No one makes a sound except for birds, frogs, insects. Or wind. Or rain. I could hear my own heartbeat and heavy breathes.
I don't like being energized at night. I don't have something to do except manipulate my phone and what? Move around? This late? It really pierces through, you know. You'd really be forced to look back and reflect how far you have gone. How older you are. How life slowly loses its sweetness and color. How your dearest friends are slowly being pulled out of your life. And they are not now the most important priorities, or the fun-nest existing creature ever. Most especially, the panic and pressure you feel watching life prepare its road for you.
This house never feels like home anymore. I wish I was younger. I wish my family were just like before. I wish we were still complete. I wish they never had to go abroad, or face problems, or just stayed in our little, cozy dollhouse. I wish I was still close to them. Physically and socially. I wish we never took different roads. I wish we still enjoyed the same stupid things. I wish we still understood each other. I long for those days. I miss those mornings. 6 AM and already waiting at the dinner table, barely awake. Those mornings that happen to be bright or gloomy. Or when the grass feels dewy.
I wish I could still appreciate and soak in the daylight. I never realize that the sun still shines for me. I just go out in the world and clean my shit up.
Oh, how I miss those little gatherings from close relatives. Remembering those felt cozy and nostalgic. I wish we still slept together in the airconditioned room. The cold, chilly evening and talk about stuff. And innocent we were. I wish we didn't have to care about the adult stuff right now. Or the transitional phase of the teenage shit. I wish our dogs didn't have to age, catch disease, and die.
These are what I truly miss: complete Christmas. Pajamas. Chill evenings. Rainy days. Summers (like summer-SUMMER; the bright, mustard yellow summer). Music. Real friends. Innocence. Cousins. Horror stories. The excitement of going to school.
It's really speaking to me how everything lately feels to fast. Too swift. Bewildering, hard, and crazy. We've reached the point where even breathing needs to be prioritized in your schedule or else... there's no breathing at all. Life never feels the same. And aging... is BRUTALLY scaring the shit out of me.
I don't know if I could ever make warmth in a very cold place. Will I feel nostalgic for the next few years? Can nostalgia sprout from a very monochromatic time? Or has that power lost itself too? Is there still warmth left out for this year and the coming ones?
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1-800-i-ship-it · 4 years
assumption- you're the kind of person who has suffered but, instead of being bitter and wishing others went through what you did, you sincerely try to help people even if they've gone through less than what you have. You're also definitely shipping to ignore you're problems, but like, aren't we all?
omg is this a coincidence or not that this is so similar to the ask i got from an anon about the assumptions xD 
thank you! i dont know if i suffered enough to count as suffering but like all those posts going around said, whatever trauma you have is justified and it doesnt matter how bad it was, so i suppose yes, that is true ahaha, i generally think most people have probably suffered more than me? i know i am privileged in some ways; but im trying not to quantify it bc again, everyones trauma is their own and is valid ^^ 
i do my best to help people! idk if im good at it or not but its the effort that counts right 😅
alSO ajsdklf U CALLED ME OUT HHH yeah i excel at avoiding my problems till its staring me in the face, about to crush me under the weight of its existence,  shame exuding from the angry storm cloud in the form of procrastination-regret, the smoke filling my lungs and choking me as i gasp for air, my eyes stinging from the invisible but deadly gas...u get the drift 
yes that was an extremely lame pun at the end 
well i did not intend for that to escalate that quickly lmao; so lets do this: SHIPPING? IS REALLY FUN!! xD heck yeaah OTPs 
fun fact: i used to have the characters i shipped in my email signature way back when (ikr i cant believe i had the guts) but i deleted it in hs bc everytime i wrote a professional email i was paranoid i was gonna forget to delete it/sometimes it shows up in the app when i send emails and sometimes it doesnt haha  
anyways thanks for the ask! 
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mariinara · 2 years
Mars Mars Mars oh my God. Idk if you’re still taking requests but I just had a thought that I need to share with the class— Nate getting back into his magic phase and at first it’s cute and kinda silly but then he like. Somehow starts bringing it into the bedroom?? And at first reader is like dude really. But then like he cuffs them without them even noticing and they’re like 😳😳😳 idk what else he would do bc Head Empty right now but. Do with this what you will habshabsb
How'd That Get In There..? (Nathan Drake x Reader SMUT!)
A/N: HI YES. Yours truly is still taking requests, indeed, and this is my absolute most favorite concept that anyone has ever left in my dumb little ask box. I just wanna know who you are, anon; Imma give you a (COVID SAFE!!) kiss.
I've thought about it and almost everyone has too. Nate's a weird goober and he definitely brings that dumbass energy into the bedroom.
Warnings: Nate being a silly boy, tacky but impressive magic tricks, and.. uh.. y'know. nasty stuff.
Word count: ~4.2K
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"Babe. Check it out!"
You stopped stirring the bubbling pot of chicken cream soup you had on the stove, closed your eyes, and winced, knowing exactly what your husband probably wanted.
Slowly, you turned around and away from the dinner you were preparing, "Yes? Honey?" You saw that big old smile on Nate's face as he stood in the kitchen's doorway and watched him taking those wide strides towards you and you just couldn't help but smile at him.
And then you spotted the deck of playing cards in his hands.
"Oh, my God.." You laughed lightly and threw your head back in exhaustion as your shoulders slumped, "Nate.." You whined.
"Just— Just trust me on this one. 'kay?" He raised his brows and he pursed his lips, holding his breath for your approval.
You thought about telling him that you were busy preparing dinner. You thought about telling him to show you later. But, God, how could you say no to that puppy face of his?
Sure. He was a middle-aged man who was reverting back to his teenage magic phase, but it was ‐ in all honesty - quite endearing and sometimes so very adorable.
Your mouth was open as you contemplated what you wanted to say, and when you settled on a decision, all that came out was a defeated sigh, "Okay.." You surrendered, nodding slowly, "Fine." You found yourself smiling wide as he shot forward to give you a quick kiss on the cheek, "So." You clapped your hands together once, "What are we doin', big guy?"
He handed you the deck of cards, "Here. Shuffle them to your heart's content." He crossed his arms over his chest and stood back, swaying back and forth on the heels and soles of his feet.
"Alright.." You muttered, looking down at the cards as you expertly shuffled them, thanks to your experience with poker when you were younger. And Nate watched you with big, starry eyes. He had that same look on his face as when he first saw you do it. Just awestruck. "There." You made sure the cards were in a neat stack before you looked up at your eager husband, "What now?"
"Uh–" He blinked, then reached out to take the deck from you, "I'll show you the top card and whatever it is, that's your card. Remember it, okay?"
You giggled, "Alright, Nate.." He let you have a peek at the top card and you memorized it to be the five of clubs. So you nodded and stepped back, "Got it."
"Okay. Now watch."
"I'm watchin'.."
He started shuffling the cards again until he was sure that your card was completely lost in the stack. He stopped and took a deep breath, "Just say 'stop' whenever you want me to."
You shifted your weight on your legs and nodded, "Cool."
Nate started riffling down the side of the deck, and when you felt like it, you blurted out a 'stop' and he immediately obliged.
He already had a big grin on his face as he separated the deck into two where you'd told him to stop, "Was this.." He trailed off as he flipped the top card, revealing it to be – indeed – the five of clubs, "..Your card?" He held it up at eye level and, jesus, you were definitely impressed this time.
Your brows arched and you let out a chuckle of disbelief, "That's actually kind'a cool."
"Told'ja." He let you take away the cards and watched you shuffle them.
"How'd you do that?"
"Ah-Ah–" He took the stack away from you again, "If I told you then it wouldn't be as impressive, now, would it?"
You scoffed and shoved his shoulder playfully, "Fine. Keep your secrets." You turned back to the stove, checking on your soup, "Just get the table ready, pretty please? Dinner's almost ready."
"You got it, boss."
For a few days after that, Nate got busy with work and so did you. He'd come back home beat and hungry so he'd eat and sleep and you'd fall asleep a little after him.
And then, came the weekend. Friday. The day when both of you made up for lost time.
So, you and your husband woke up early, made a nice, big Friday breakfast together and talked about new work things and a lot of other non-job-related things. Had a laugh and a nice long talk.
And then, while you were sitting down in the living room, curled up under a blanket in the corner of your couch with a book in hand, Nate disappeared for a while. About thirty minutes. You thought maybe he was taking a nap or a shower or just shaving.
But that didn't prove to be the case when he showed up in front of you again.
You tried. You really tried to keep your eyes on your book. You tried to force your mind to comprehend what you were reading.
But your husband standing there completely still was not at all helping. You were extremely distracted to the point where you couldn't focus on anything else.
With a heavy sigh, your hands dropped to your lap as you shut the book, thumbs between the pages you were on. You looked up at Nate, who looked like he had a frog in his mouth.
You blinked, waiting for him to say something, but when he stared back at you with an unreadable expression on his face, you couldn't help but giggle a little at him, "Can I help you?" You asked.
It happened so quickly. First, his hands went to his stomach, and he looked like he was going to be sick. He retched and his body curled forward twice and he attempted to cover his mouth, and his poor unassuming wife – you – were starting to get extremely concerned and you begged him not to hurl over the couch and to run to the bathroom.
His hands were on his mouth again and he hurled as your hands flew to your mouth to muffle a scream and you backed up against the back of the couch as much as you could, but all that came out from Nate's mouth were..
Playing cards..
You watched the paper flutter onto your lap with wide eyes, your whole body frozen as Nate laughed his ass off.
"God–" You snapped out of it, pushing the blanket off of you, "'S'not funny!"
"Oh— Oh, it wasn't?" He teased, "You should've seen the look on your face." He chuckled, and then started laughing again.
"Ugh.." Your shoulders dropped as you glared at him, displeased that– A] He made you lose your place in your book and, B] He really had you thinking that he was about to throw up all over you, "I'm going upstairs.." You muttered, plucking your book from under the blanket you'd discarded and getting up to your feet.
"No– No, babe–" He called out in between laughs, barely able to jog behind you as you went up the stairs, "Wait–" He chuckled, finally calming down a little, "I'm sorry!" He whined, but you maintained a stubborn strut towards your shared bedroom.
He followed you through the door and sat at your feet while you sat up on your side of the bed, opening the book and petulantly holding it up in front of your face so you wouldn't see him and he wouldn't see you, pretending to read so he could leave you alone but – who the fuck were you kidding? This was Nathan Drake you were dealing with..
He peeked over the book, and you blocked his view of you. He peeked at you from the right, and you blocked again. You did it once again when he peeked from the left.
And then he plucked the book from your hands, making you let out a surprised noise, "Hey!" You nearly shrieked, frowning at him.
"Sorry– Were you reading?" He raised a brow at you, folding the upper corner of the page you were on and bending forward to put the book on your nightstand.
"Yes. Yes, I was." You crossed your arms, still refusing to look at him.
He hummed and moved on the bed so he was snuggled up next to you, his head on your chest and his leg hooked around yours, arm draped over your waist, "Y'know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're mad at me."
You let out a defeated puff of air from your nose, glancing down at his head, then letting your fingers rake through his hair, "Oh, yeah? What gave you that idea?"
He perked his head up and turned on his stomach so he could look at you, a smirk on his face, "I'm perceptive that way."
You snorted, "I'll say.."
He gave you a faux frown, his brows knitting together and his eyes narrowing, "'kay— I'm sensing a tone–"
"You're not—"
"–and I'm just saying—"
You laughed, "There is no tone–"
"I don't like it and–"
"– something tells me I should do somethin' about it."
Your mouth opened to respond, but, when you realized what he'd said, it just stayed open. Your eyes grew wide and your brows were arched in what could only be described as surprise.
Judging by the little smirk on his face and the tilt of his head, he meant it exactly that way.
But you pulled yourself together and sat up more properly, legs crossed as you leaned forward a little so your face was inches from his when he sat up in the exact same way that you did.
"Okay, big fella.." You nodded slowly, "Got anythin' in mind?"
He clicked his tongue and shrugged, averting his gaze from yours and rolling his eyes in thought, "I dunno— Just a couple. Maybe."
You grinned and glared at him, "Y'know?"
"I think there was just a lil' bit of a tone.." You brought your forefinger and thumb close together, squinting at Nate, "Just a teeny tiny bit.."
Nate chuckled softly and bit down on his bottom lip as he sat up on his knees, reaching to cup your cheeks in his comparatively massive hands and pulling you up to your knees with him, "C'mere.." He muttered, lips engulfing yours in a kiss that was heated and passionate the moment it started.
God, that week was long for you both and work was kicking both your asses and that kiss felt like the start of hours of taking it out on each other in the best of ways..
You could just tell from the way he groaned against your mouth when your tongues danced together as the kiss deepened. You could tell from the way he inhaled sharply when your hands snuck up his pajama t-shirt to feel up his sides.
You'd only pull away for a second before you'd get back into it.
Nate's hands then let go of your cheeks and pushed you down on the bed with just enough force to have you bouncing off the mattress a little.
He didn't even give you a chance to say anything witty. Instead, he dove down again to take your lips in his, tilting his head to get better access. You gripped to the shoulders of his t-shirt, humming against him as the kiss picked up heat quickly once more.
His tongue would brush against yours quickly but he'd pull away to see what you'd do about it, only to see you frowning in disappointment and it'd pull a soft chuckle out of him when you'd force him down again to kiss you properly. He'd eagerly return your kiss once he surrendered to you.
While he was taking his time unraveling you, you wanted him immediately, like you'd forgotten what it felt like for him to be buried inside of you. Fingernails started tantalizingly dragging down his upper body until you reached his pants, placing your hand on his crotch.
Nate took in a sharp breath, heart skipping a beat at the contact and – as if it didn't knock the wind out of him enough – he felt you gently squeeze him, causing him to let out a low moan and his mouth to open in the kiss, giving you complete access and – for once – the upper hand.
He pulled away for a breath but you didn't let up, instantly latching your lips against the skin of his jawline, kissing down his neck and back up to the area below his ear, your hot breath sending him into overdrive while his pine scent lingered in your senses, making you burn for him even more.
He breathed out, feeling your hot, soft lips against his burning skin, making the grip of his hand on your hip tighten.
Everything felt way better than it was supposed to. Even your grip on the hair on the back of his neck felt heavenly.
It worked. He was no longer planning to take his time. He'd had enough and he was going to make you cum as soon and as much as possible. He decided that it was high time that he fulfilled his promise that was due for your attitude.
"Okay‐ Okay." He pulled away from you, the side of his neck still wet with your attempts at giving him hickeys, "My turn." Nate smirked, hands pinning your wrists over your head. The rough callouses dragged up and down the soft skin of your inner forearm as his forehead pressed against yours, and his fingers intertwined with your much smaller ones as he pecked your lips over and over again.
Nate was Nate. Even in bed. It shouldn't have come to a surprise that, when he'd sat up between your legs and you reached to pull his t-shirt off of him, your wrists got pulled back again by some sort of force..
You frowned upon hearing a rattling sound, "Wh–" You pulled your wrists again, seeing him smirk at you before your head snapped up to see what he's done, "Nate..!" You whined in embarrassment.
"I do not wanna hear it." It sounded more like a demand than a tease and, in all cases, it turned you on so very bad that you couldn't help the breathy moan that escaped you when you looked back at him and, suddenly, the cuffs that held you to the headboard weren't so bad.
It saved you the work of unbuttoning your own dress shirt, because he was doing it for you.
"You remember what we talked about last week?" He asked, taking his sweet, precious time with every button he popped off.
You swallowed, wanting to press your thighs together but having him as a barrier between your legs, "N-No?" You whispered, "What?"
His eyes snapped up to look into yours, "Using your words.."
Your face immediately heated up. It felt like it was on fire. God, you remembered the exact scenario at that very moment. He was mercilessly pounding into you that it rendered you tongue-tied when you wanted to ask him to go faster. Only slurred incoherences were drawled out of your mouth and then he said that and, after that, he didn't need to go any faster because that was it.
"Yes.." You quickly nodded, breath hitching when his forefinger dragged down across your lips, chin, neck, between your breasts, and down to the hem of your panties in a feathery caress, leaving goosebumps in his wake.
"Good girl.." was his one response. His voiced dropped about an octave and his hand was pressed flat against your stomach as he leaned back down.
If anything was a testament to how painfully horny your were for him, the moment his lips were on your neck was when you thought you'd met your maker. They were slightly chapped and rougher than yours and it soaked your panties beyond imagination. It was a toe-curling, tingling sensation. You could only bite down on your lip painfully to hold back a desperate moan that he'd tease you about later. And it got harder and harder from there. With you not being able to touch him and his mouth leaving those tender kisses down your torso and your breaths getting quicker and heavier, small sounds started leaving you, and Nate shot you looks of hunger, his green eyes darkening in the dim lighting of your room.
He looked at you the way a predator would look at its prey. Your head, however, was thrown back at one point and your eyes were closed, something in you telling you to get it together for what was about to come.
"Let's get that pretty little thing off.." He offered, his head tilted as he slowly pulled your panties down your legs, biting back a grin and a smartass-y comment when your hips lifted in enthusiasm to make it easier for him.
The moment he discarded the panties, he was a whole different Nate.
You didn't fight it. You didn't even pretend you didn't want it. He forced your legs open. Pushed them apart as far as they could go. The stinging cold of his wedding finger pressing against the scalding skin of your inner thigh as he did.
Your toes curled and un-curled in anticipation as Nate looked up at you with daring eyes while lowering his head to approach your pussy, cocking a brow, "You look nervous."
You bit down on your lip, brows furrowing at your infuriating husband, already getting all hot and bothered, "Nate." Your wrists twisted in their confinements gingerly, "Please.."
"Nate, please what?" He challenged.
Your head dropped back into the pillow, "Please.."
"Use your words, hun."
"I want you to eat me out, Nate, please.." Your body flinched as he blew cold air against your pussy, "Oh, God.."
Before he did anything, he left a long kiss on your inner thigh, as a silent 'I love you', his lips lingering on the area, never once lifting his eyes off you. You only let out a shaky breath at his actions, feeling the butterflies burst in your stomach, "Atta girl." He finally said, "Keep your eyes on me." There it was. That demanding tone again. He knew you liked that and he was milking it, but you'd be lying if you said you minded.
You struggled, but you looked at him with squinted eyes and melted brows, entire body already shaking with anticipation.
Eyes boring into yours, Nate drew closer to your lips, then left butterfly kisses against the soft, tender skin of your inner thighs, trailing his lips up so close to where you wanted him most before retreating back to your thighs.
After a couple more seconds of agonizing you until you were writhing under him from how badly you wanted him, he pulled out his tongue and flicked it against your throbbing clit, making you gasp and throw your head back. Again.
"Eyes on me." That time, it was a warning and you did your best to look at him with weak eyes, barely able to keep them open. 
He pulled his tongue out again and slid it up between your folds before pressing the flat of it against your clit, drawing slow circles on the throbbing nub.
You could only let out a small cry, barely able to lock eyes with him. Nate then enveloped the bundle of nerves in his lips, sucking on it and letting his tongue randomly flutter against it, causing your back to arch off the bed and the cuffs to rattle as you pulled on them, wanting – more than anything – to pull on his hair.
He stopped and pulled away again, only to give you long, hard licks, teasing your entrance with the tip of his tongue.
Your thigh muscles would convulse at every contact and he knew then that he had you all prepped for him to the point where the only thing you wanted more than anything in the world, was him inside you.
And it brought him that sense of unbridled pride. No matter how many times he'd done that to you, it would always drive you absolutely fucking nuts.
Upon seeing your reactions to him, he couldn't help but completely delve in to eat you out properly, his fingers holding your labias apart and his tongue drawing those perfect 'eight' shapes against you.
It made you to let out long – almost pornographic – moans as your head sank back into the soft embrace of your pillow, your fists curling and fingernails digging into your palms and your knuckles a stark white color.
His tongue would gain speed before he'd suck on your clit, pull away, and give it his all again.
Nate could feel it. He could taste it, even.
You were close.
He smirked against you and reached up, letting his rough hand squeeze your breasts, your nipple perked between his strong fingers.
"Oh, fuck!" Your breaths were rapid and your skin was glistening with sweat, strands of your pulled back hair sticking to your forehead and neck.
Nate tugged at the hood of your clit with his lips and slowly pulled away, humming as he did so, sending vibrations up your body. Your toes curled and your head tilted back again with a whimper.
He was so good.
So fucking good that you thought that your mind was slowly slipping into insanity.
His tongue rubbed against the upper right quadrant of your clit. And, deciding to finish you properly, he rubbed quick, hard circles on it with his tongue, slipping his fore and middle fingers inside of you, pumping them in and out at a steady pace, matched with his tongue's speed.
The sounds you let out for him were all but glorious and they made the bulge in his pants unbearable.
At that point, you were barely able to let his name completely roll off your tongue, feeling yourself being dragged closer and closer to your orgasm, causing every muscle on your body to seize in anticipation. 
"Nate!" You gasped, and he– knowing what was coming next– held you down, "Yes!–" Your fists clenched again and so did your teeth, "Fuck! Yes!" You cried out, the vulgar sounds of him eating you out making your eyes roll back into your head.
Nate was insistent, feeling your entire body tense up in his hands at the incredible sensations that overwhelmed your body.
And with one last flick of his tongue against your clitoris and a singular, firm push with the pads of his fingers against your G-spot, you let out a loud cry of ecstasy, back arching and walls tightening around his fingers, your head getting thrown all the way back as your eyes rolled to a close and tears slipped down your temples.
You breathed heavily, trying to catch your breath, shivering as Nate left calming kisses along your inner thighs and up to your navel.
He emerged once more from between your legs, his fingers immediately going to your lips, letting you have a taste of yourself.
It was an instinct. Nothing was driving you forward except your deep, burning desire. And your tongue poked out against his.
And when he pulled away and your eyes fluttered open? Oh, that look on his face..
There was no escape for you now. He was having his way with you.
He kept his fingers on your lips as he leaned down for another kiss, letting your essence drown his tongue before he removed his digits. You could taste yourself on each other's mouths and you were even more turned on as your tongues danced against each other.
Deep sighs escaped Nate in the kiss as he hastily slipped his pants off, along with his briefs.
You pulled away from the kiss only to watch him slip his t-shirt off very quickly and throw it away without a care in the world.
"Undo the cuffs." You plead, wrists aching and bruised from how tightly you've been pulling earlier.
Nate raised a brow and smirked, "No, I don't think I will."
"Nate." You frowned at him, trying to look serious but failing to do so miserably because, shit, he'd worn you down so bad that you didn't realize you still had that desperate look on your face. You didn't even notice that your toes were still curling and un-curling from your previous orgasm.
But he did. And he was so proud of himself.
"What?" He innocently asked, shoulders shrugged before he settled between your legs again, "You have a safe word."
You groaned and let your head fall into the pillow again.
"If you don't like it, now's your chance to use it." He whispered against the skin of your neck before leaving those soft, wet kisses against it, his hot breaths shattering against you, pulling you back to that hazy state of mind.
You did like it.
Something about.. being completely at his mercy or having no say in what he does. About being completely submissive to the touch of his fingers against you. About how he ravished you with his only motive being the sounds you let out.
You didn't use your safe word.
You couldn't bring yourself to and your sneaky husband knew it.
You only let out a breath you were holding, completely giving up to the weight of his body on top of yours.
He pulled away from your neck to stare into your eyes with his darkened green ones, a sly smirk playing on his face.
"Did you– Did you hear that?" He asked, narrow eyes flickering around as his hand cupped his right ear, "Sounds like.. " You rolled your eyes, "Sounds like absolutely nothing–"
"Shut up."
"It also sounds like I'm right."
You groaned again, all hot and bothered.
"Just fuck me, Nate. I don't care how you do it."
His brows shot up in surprise and a grin slowly started to appear and gradually widen, "Now where on earth–" He trailed off and pulled away so he could flip you over and you nearly lost balance because there was nothing to hold onto for stability, but the cuffs on the headboard and Nate's vice grip on your hips saved you from tipping over and falling of the bed, "–did your manners go?"
Despite how embarrassed you were, you managed to clap back, "I dunno– They probably took a break ever since the cuffs came into play." You sent him a smirk over your shoulder.
"Oh, nice." His tone was thick with sarcasm, "Smart-mouthin'." A stinging feeling on your left ass cheek followed the loud spanking noise and it made you gasp and press your lips together afterwards in an attempt to swallow the obnoxious noise that almost spilled out of you, "Ask nicely." He demanded.
You bit down on your bottom lip, nerves tingling and breath hitching from excitement. You found yourself automatically perking your ass up for him to get access, "C'mon, baby, please.."
A pause from him, followed by a few wet sounds, which meant that he was stroking himself a little, and his words came out mixed in with a low moan, "That's more like it."
If that grip on your ass cheeks told you anything, it was speaking of what was to be expected of him.
He slipped right into you. No preliminaries, no introduction, no nothing.
It pulled a sharp gasp right out of you, followed by a long moan from both of you.
It was all pure, hot, sizzling passion from there.
He started slow. Hand going up from your hips to feel up your back beneath your opened dress shirt. And then he slowly picked up speed, his hands moving to grip the headboard to give him more momentum as he plunged into you and pulled completely out of you, only to completely wreck you by slamming his hips into your ass again.
You shook and jolted with every forceful thrust from him. Your fists clenched again in the cuffs. And the noises he made were all but sinful. You wanted to see his face. Wanted to kiss him. But, fuck, him taking you just like that was so blissful.
Almost as blissful as his lips against your nape or his breaths shattering against your cheek when he rested his chin on your shoulder and held you by the shoulders to piston into you.
Your jaw dropped open and your eyes rolled back, your throat failing to deliver just how good he felt inside of you.
Nate hissed between clenched teeth and groaned out a sharp "shit". It all made your head spin and your heart felt like it was jumping into your throat with every single jolt of his hips.
"Okay.." He whispered, sounding hasty and impatient, and he reached past you. It seemed like with a flick of his fingers, the cuffs were off.
And that's when you went crazy.
You turned around and the power dynamic instantly switched.
Nate laid under you, a tad confused, and you straddled his lap, hands on his dewy chest, fingers curling to tug at his chest hair with a grin on your face.
"Remember.." You smirked, making just enough space for him between your legs to sit up and rest his back against the headboard. You packed his lips softly and patted his cheek, "You have a safe word."
Soon enough, Nate felt you riding him up and down, slowly pulling your hips up, but coming down on him in a rough slam, forcing a long moan out of his parted lips.
You started gyrating your hips in small circles, your fingers curling against the damp hair on the nape of his neck, only for his length to graze the most sensitive parts inside you, tearing out small cries that you then muffled into his shoulder. 
Nate breathed out as he felt your walls pulsate around him, and he dared to look down between your bodies, seeing where his shaft completely disappeared inside you. The sight made his eyes roll back and the back of his head to rest against the headboard behind him as he let out a whispered slew of profanities.
And then? You rode him into oblivion. Your movements were starting out slow and rough before they'd gained speed. Your nipples would graze against his chest with every move, sending shocks down your spine. Nate's nails dug into your hips as you continued to ride him and he felt you squeeze around him every time he hit that little tender spot within you. It drove him nuts the way you never broke eye contact with him as you rode him.
"Jesus Christ.." He breathed out as you continued to go up and down his length, your pelvis suctioning his from how tightly wrapped you were around his dick. Her sweaty body came down on his lap for smacking noises to echo throughout their shared room. 
It was all too much. You threw your head back, finally breaking eye contact with Nate, your nails digging into his shoulders as you felt that familiar crescendo. Nathan relentlessly and precisely pistoned up into your spot, bucking his hips upwards when you'd bring yourself down on him. His jaw dropped and his head cocked back again, the most divine sounds leaving his throat, getting louder the more he felt himself getting closer to becoming undone.
Nathan gained a small amount of strength and pushed you on your back, causing you to bounce off the mattress a little.
His fingers laced with your as he pinned your hands over your head, and without another word being said, he dipped his head down to kiss you, your teeth clashing as he continued pounding into you. The bed underneath you creaked and the headboard would slam against the wall, the still bound handcuffs making their rattling noise as he fucked you.
Nate pulled away from the kiss when you threw your head back, gasping and crying out in ecstasy, your eyes shut and your brows deeply furrowed while your jaw hung open as his pelvis slammed against yours. Your body would jolt back and forth with every strong movement on his behalf. 
"N-Na-te! I'm– gonna–!" You announced in between loud moans, and after one thrust from Nate, you arched your back and screamed out his name, your nails digging into his hands that were intertwined with yours. 
Nathan, however, continued his rapid, merciless pounding, but got sloppier as his peak approached, almost drooling at how good you felt that it was impossible for him to stop at any moment.
You slowly opened your eyes to be met with the sight of an almost orgasmic Nathan. Brows furrowed, eyes closed, hot breaths fanning your face, lips parted for groans to leave the deepest part of his chest. Your body felt nearly numb from your strong orgasm, but you could feel him twitch inside of you, signaling his very close release. 
"Oh, fuck.." He grunted before he gave it one last thrust deep inside of you, your name coming out of him like a prayer to the Gods. His back arched and his eyes rolled back to a close. He buried himself deep inside of you, filling you with his cum as he held your legs open, pulling a small mewl out of you. He gave a couple more thrusts to make sure that he was completely finished before he came to a stop, breathing heavily along with you, almost struggling to pull out.
With a shudder, he collapsed on top of you, his head on your chest and your arms and legs around him, sweaty bodies pressed against each other. 
Your chest rose and fell with ever deep breath as you both laid still, trying your best to make words leave you.
"Well.." You spoke, letting your hand wander into his hair, "I don't think I oppose your magic phase that much anymore."
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Going Mining (Adrenaline Junkie Part 2)
Part 1     Part 3     Part 4     Part 5     Part 6     Part 7     Part 8     Part 9     Part 10     Part 11     Part 12     Part 13     Part 14     Part 15     Part 16     Part 17
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: swearing, OOC sbi
Word count: 2,582
It had been about a year since you told your family about your tendencies. Since then, you quickly became efficient in the art of redstone wiring. The precious dust became your saving grace in a way, it was because of it that you stopped skydiving. Of course, you missed the feeling you got when you got close to the ground going at mach speed, but they were just intrusive thoughts at this point; you didn’t make any move to fulfill your desire. Redstone wiring took your mind off from it.
Lately, you spent most of your time in the basement where you set up your workshop to craft most of your supplies and write out blueprints. You were working on finding out a way to somehow launch TNT to make igniting it safer. You figured out that you could use a dispenser to plant the TNT, repeaters to prolong the time the TNT gets placed, a button to press to initiate the whole process, and use redstone dust to connect everything together. Now you have a working TNT launcher, but you have to find a block to use as a wall to protect the user from the shockwave of the explosion. You found out the hard way that the shockwave is enough to knock you back a few feet and give you small burns.
You reached over for more iron to make another repeater, but your hand came up empty. You furrowed your brows as your hand patted around the chest before finally looking over to look more closely. The chest was completely empty. You groaned in frustration, you could’ve sworn that you had more iron to work with. Looks like you had to go mining again. Sighing as you checked your redstone dust supplies, you supposed that you could look for more of that too.
Prying your goggles off from your eyes and placing them on your crafting table, you checked the time. It was almost sunset, which means it’s close to dinner time. You walked up the stairs and to the kitchen, where Philza was cooking dinner.
Sitting down at the dinner table, you greeted him. “Hey Dad, what’s for dinner tonight?”
“Steak and baked potatoes. How’s the TNT launcher coming up?”
“It’s coming along. At this point, I just need to figure out what block I could use as a wall to block the shockwave and how many repeaters I need.”
You remembered earlier today when you got the unexpected knockback in your backyard where you were building the launcher. Philza got used to the constant explosions, so he wasn’t phased when the explosion was louder than usual. He just thought you were using more TNT than usual, so he just resumed chopping wood. Soon after the explosion, he heard a thud and a groan coming from you. When he glanced in your direction, he saw you laying in the grass a few feet from the launcher. He chided you for not being careful with how much TNT you used, but he was proud of you for being so innovative. After giving you a health potion for your burns you got, he told you that you were done building for the day.
He hummed thoughtfully as he flipped a steak. “Have you thought about using obsidian? It’s pretty durable and it could withstand quite a bit of damage.”
You slapped a hand to your forehead. Why didn’t you think about using obsidian? Most TNT technicians used obsidian to shield them.
“...No, no I haven’t. You don’t suppose that we have any laying around?”
“I’m sorry hun, but we don’t. I could go mining for some though.”
“No that’s fine, I was actually going to find a cave tomorrow to restock on iron and redstone. I’m running low.”
“If that’s the case, I’ll lend you my diamond pickaxe. The iron pickaxe you have won’t mine through obsidian. Dinner’s almost done, can you go get your brothers?”
“On it!”
You ran up the stairs, hearing the strumming of a guitar growing louder as you approached Wilbur’s room. Knocking loud enough for him to hear over the guitar, the strumming stopped and he called out a “come in”.
Opening the door, you smiled at him. “Hey Wil. Dad wanted me to tell you dinner’s almost ready. That new song sounds great by the way.”
He put his precious guitar back into its case on his bed as he turned around and returned your smile.
“Thanks (y/n). Tell him that I’ll be down in a moment.”
Nodding, you closed his door and went across the hall to Techno’s room. Before you could knock, the door swung open to reveal your oldest brother. 
“I heard you tell Wilbur dinner’s ready. I’ll see you there.”
You stepped aside to let him into the hall and started to walk to Tommy’s room. You swung open his door and chuckled lightly as he jumped.
“Hey gremlin. Dinner’s ready.”
“How come you knock on Wilbur’s and The Blade’s door but not mine? I could’ve been naked!”
“You do the same thing to me. Techno and Wil knock on my door, so I knock on theirs. Now, get down to the dining room before your food gets cold.”
He stood up to his full height and casually walked over to you. In the past year he has grown to be almost 8 inches taller than you and he didn’t show any signs of stopping any time soon. To your surprise, he shoved you to the side and sprinted out of his room.
You sprinted after him, but he was ahead of you by time you passed your other brother’s rooms. By the time you got to the top of the stairs, he was halfway down them. There was only one way you’d win. You hauled yourself over the railing of the stairs and jumped, extending your wings to slow your descent. You swiftly regained your footing and sprinted towards the kitchen with desperation. You weren’t going to do the dishes when it was Tommy’s turn; it was your night last night. You laughed in an early celebration when you neared the door to the dining room. There was no way Tommy could possibly-
You yelped as you felt your body being pulled back and a slight pain in your wings. Tommy must’ve grabbed your wings. Falling on your ass, you quickly reached to grab Tommy’s ankle to bring him down on the ground with you. He landed on his stomach with a thud as you pulled him back as hard as you could. You crawled towards the dining room door, only to feel Tommy grabbing your wings again to pull you back. Wincing as you felt some feathers being yanked out, you cursed your wings for growing to be almost larger than your body and easy to grab. You slid across the ground as Tommy pulled you back and tried to crawl into the dining room. You reached out with your other wing and started battering his head to disorient him. It worked as he stopped and you felt him trying to swat your wing away so he could see. Making haste, you crawled into the dining room.
“All’s fair in love and war, gremlin. Besides, you pulled my wings first, so you technically started it. I wasn’t about to do the dishes for you.”
“I don’t know why you are the one calling me gremlin, you’re short as hell.”
“Oi, 5’2 is average height! You all are just way too tall!”
Despite you and Tommy arguing, you both were giggling and smiling at each other. The rest of your family watched you two in amusement for a couple of minutes before Philza spoke up.
“Alright you two, dinner’s gonna get cold if you keep it up. Tommy, (y/n) won fair and square. You will also pick up the feathers you plucked out after dinner. (Y/n), don’t jump over the railing again. I understand that you can fly but still that’s dangerous.”
You both murmured “yes, Dad” before taking your seats at the table. As the dinner progressed, everyone had small side conversations about how their days were. Dinner went by faster than usual, probably because everyone was tired. 
Tommy grumbled to himself as he picked up the feathers on the ground. Taking pity on him, you picked up everyone’s dishes and took them to the kitchen sink and filled it up with soapy water for Tommy. You washed and dried them by time he got done picking up your feathers. He was an annoying little gremlin, but he was your little annoying gremlin. You loved your little brother.
“...Thanks for helping me. You didn’t have to do the dishes.”
“It’s not a problem, Tommy. You already had to pick up my feathers. Er, sorry for hitting you with my wings, that probably hurt.”
He chuckled, rubbing his head. “It kinda hurt, but I deserved it for pulling out your feathers.”
You moved your wing in front of you to examine it. Only a few secondary feathers were missing, it was probably mostly your semiplume feathers he pulled out. 
“You didn’t do too much damage, no worries. I’m going mining tomorrow, is there anything you need me to pick up?”
His eyes lit up. “If you find a diamond, give it to me. My jukebox broke today.”
“I gotchu. It’s getting pretty late, T. We should go to bed.”
You gestured for Tommy to follow as you started to walk back into the dining room and into the kitchen. You two made comfortable small talk as you walked back to your rooms for the night. After changing into your pajamas, you plopped onto your bed and buried yourself in your sheets. You struggled to cover your wings before giving up and leaving them to droop off the side of your bed. You really needed to ask Philza how he covered his wings, they were larger than yours so he probably had a little technique he uses. 
Having wings kinda sucked sometimes. Besides not being able to cover them with a blanket easily, they didn’t fit on your bed if you wanted to stretch them out to their full length. When you were younger, your wings always fit on your bed and you would always keep them covered. But now with your wingspan being longer than your height, they were a pain to manage, especially at night. You always had to either sleep on your stomach or side and you couldn’t roll over without pulling a muscle in your wing. Because of this, it usually took you a little longer than most to fall asleep.
Your blissful slumber was interrupted by the light peeking in through your curtains. Sitting up, you stretched out your wings, smiling in satisfaction when you heard them crack. You stood up and grabbed your clothes for the day. Since you usually woke up a little earlier than your brothers, you always got first dibs on the shower after Philza. You yawned tiredly as you flicked on the water faucet and stepped into the shower. Now slightly more awake, you stepped out and started to preen your wings. Another downside to having wings is how high maintenance they are. 
After taking care of the rest of your morning routine, you went down to the kitchen where Philza was sitting at the table drinking some coffee looking as dead inside as ever. 
“Mornin’ Dad.”
He grunted in response. He was never a morning person, even after adopting four kids. You walked over to the chest where the food is kept and pulled out some eggs, bread, and beef. Usually, you made breakfast while Philza made dinner. You hummed a small tune as you flipped the eggs and turned over the beef sausages. One by one, your brothers joined Philza at the table and waited while you cooked. 
You grabbed four plates and sets of silverware from the cabinets and put on an appropriate amount of food on each, placing them in front of your siblings and dad. You grabbed your own before joining them at the table. 
“So, I’m going mining today. Is there anything you guys want me to get?”
They all chimed in with their needs. Philza wanted you to grab more iron and diamonds, Techno wanted some gold, Wilbur didn’t ask for anything, and you already knew what Tommy wanted. It sounded easy enough.
While the boys wrapped up breakfast, you excused yourself from the table and went back to your room to grab your satchel, pocket watch, iron pickaxe, and iron sword. Walking back downstairs, Philza gave you the supplies you would need today: a diamond pickaxe and a plethora of torches. “No staying out past sunset. Don’t mine down. Stay aware of your surroundings. If you see a mob, do not try to fight it, just try to run. If you get hurt, come straight home. If you get lost, follow the torches.”
“You worry about us too much.”
He sighed as he pulled you into a hug. “I just want you to be safe, hun.”
You smiled as you hugged him back and wrapped your wings around him. “I know, Dad. I’ll be safe, promise.” 
“You better, or else you’re grounded,” he joked.
You chuckled as you pulled away and said goodbye to your brothers for the day. Heading out into the brisk morning, you took in a deep breath and smiled to yourself. You had a feeling that this mining trip was going to be bountiful. You spread your wings and took off into the sky. 
Flying for a while, you spotted an opening in the ground. Grinning, you gradually landed before walking into the cave.
You spent hours mining precious ores, working your way deeper and deeper into the cave. You still had at least five hours before you had to start heading back to the house, so you thought going deeper wasn’t going to hurt anybody. 
You hummed to yourself as you passed multiple stalagmites. This cave was seemingly never ending, you’d have to mark it on your map so you could come back to it. The mouth of the cave kept getting larger and larger until it melded into a huge, winding cavern. You’ve never been this deep before, so you were excited to explore. Being mindful of placing down torches, you explored the cavern before you came across a strange looking block you’ve never seen before.
It glowed a luminescent green as weird looking projections (tentacles maybe? Was this thing alive?) flailed about before they fell into a relaxed movement and stopped glowing. Reaching out to poke it, you cringed as it felt weirdly moist and it made a slight squelching noise. It flailed about again as it glowed. You saw movement in the corner of your eye and turned to see another one of the blocks doing the same thing. How weird. 
Suddenly, the nearby lights started to flicker on and off, even your torches, as you heard a rhythmic thudding sound bounce off the walls of the cave. The thudding got louder and louder gradually as you frantically looked around for whatever it was and pulled out your sword. Hearing movement from behind you, you turned around only to freeze in fear. 
What the fuck was that?
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hobbitsnapes · 3 years
Corpse x MGK!sister reader
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(Found this image on Pinterest so all credit goes to artist, if you know who it is please comment below so I can credit them)
A/N: this was requested by @heyitssab
Tree is tall of sex in this, but it’s more in a joking matter, plus corpse has stated he doesn’t mind as long as you are not a minor or send or tag him. I’m literally 2 years younger than him, and have no intentions of ever tagging him or sending him any of my work XD
Summary: how many idiots does it take to tell the brother and friend they’re dating? Apparently takes 2 very forgetful people, who kept their relationship secret without knowing it.
It had just been by chance, a small chance that he had been scrolling through his tags. liking and reposting art, when he saw a tag from someone he followed. He wrecked his brain for when he had followed her, coming up empty. She was cute, no denying the beauty she had as she laughed in the video. It was a clip from a stream that he didn’t know she had, as he couldn’t even remember her name, wearing his merch as it fit her snug. It fit her perfectly in fact, the large hood covering her face, hiding the flush to her face from her rather large chuckles that left her body. He couldn’t help but like the photo, and he couldn’t help but to press message either.
It was first only small likes to posts, an Occasional message, and a view on their livestreams, but that all changed when he spoke of the song he was working on with her older brother.
It all started that night, when both lay in their beds as they talked, laughed, and felt their hearts flutter each time they heard one another speak.
Her phone rang violently in her bag, nearly making her drop the to go bag all over the ground as she walked. “Hello?” She asked, as she held both bags with her hands as her shoulder gripped the phone as if it’d fall down a cliff. “Hey bug!” He exclaimed, making her chuckle as she heard the booming sound of his voice. She had always detested the nickname, as he gave it to her as kids due to her horrendous fear of the creatures. But, it brought more joy to her, as it reminded her of their youth. Having been adults for years, it was fun to hear such a childish name that’s stuck.
“Hey mopey.” She chuckled, as that was the name she gave him when he was in his emo phase that he never outgrew.
Both talked as she walked towards the elevator, mainly about how his day had gone as she silently listened.
She had always been this way, always the shyer of the two, the one to listen to others first before she said a word. He had teased her for it most of their childhood and teen life, but he had grown to love it, as he could let loose or rant to her about anything, and he knew she’d be there just to listen to him.
“So what’re you doing right now?” He asked, as she got into the elevator. “Just grabbed some dinner a few minutes before you called and nearly made me shit.” A smile painted on her face at his boisterous laughter.
“Are you at home?” He asked, as he heard the sound of the elevator beeping in the background. “No, I’m spending the night with my boyfriend.”
She had mentioned about a month prior that she was seeing someone, the joy it brought him to hear the excitement and joy in her tone as she gushed about their first date.
If this was 7 or 8 years prior, he would be bombarding her with questions about the man, who he was, where he lived, where he could meet him to find his intentions with his baby sister. But, in the last few years, he found himself feeling calmer whenever she’d mentioned her love life. He knew she was smart, and would never date a man who treated her poorly. The few breakups she had, they always ended amicably, her head still high as she told him. So, he never asked her any questions about the man, as he could tell from the few times she mentioned him, he could feel the love this man had for her, and Vice versa.
The strong barreling of her phone alerted them awake, both groaning out as she reached for her phone without lifting her head from his shoulder. “Hello?” She mumbled, voice slurred as the saliva was thick in her mouth, barely awake as she fought to listen in on who dares to wake them up.
“Hey!” He exclaimed, making her equally exhausted lover groan. She shifted off of him, laying on her back as he turned away from her, as to hopefully shut his eyes and fall back asleep. She was used to her brother's large voice, as it hardly phased her after growing up with him. “Colson, why are you calling me this ungodly hour?” “Oh come on, it’s not that early.” “Col its-“ She pulled her phone from her ear, eyes shutting violently as the bright light blinded her “5 o’clock in the morning. So again, I’m going to ask you, why did you call me at the asscrack of dawn?” “You don’t remember?” He asked, making her irritation grow. “No, that’s why I’m asking.” She says, as she rubbed her sleep crusted eyes. “You were coming up today to hang out with casie, remember?” Her hand stopped rubbing her face, as she felt her heart stop momentarily. “Wait, you mean today? I thought I was coming Friday?” “No, both of you settled on today, remember I told you that’s perfect because I have a day off?” She felt her heart pain as she heard the sadness in his tone, knowing he’s expecting her to bail. “Yeah sorry, I thought you meant Friday so I mixed it up, let me get ready and I’ll be out the door okay? Love you” she said, as she hung up the line.
Before she could even move, she felt his arm wrap around her body. A tired groan leaving his lips. “Nooo stayyyy.” He groaned, pulling her body to his. She smiled as she looked down at him, wrapping her arm on his chest and the other behind his neck. “I wish I could live, but I can’t.” Planting a soft kiss against his lips. “Stay in bed for a few more hours, please?” Her heart pulled at his tone, hearing just how tired he was. “I can’t, casies wanted me to come up for weeks now. And it takes a good 3 hours to get there. I wanna spend as much time as I can with them before it gets dark so I can get back safely.” He groaned at this, wrapping his arms around her. “Yeah but it’s only 5, it wouldn’t be safe to drive since we went to bed like, 2 hours ago.” “Yeah, and whos fault was that mister?” She teased, “hmm, sorry but I just couldn’t keep my hands to myself after not seeing you for a few days.” He mused, pulling her body closer to his, planting his lips against hers. A small hum left her lips as he pulled her thigh over his, grabbing the flesh harshly as their lips cascaded together. “Mm, no no no, you’re not gonna convince me to stay here just to go another round.” She said, as she got off from his warm body, throwing his large hoodie over her bare body. “Oh come on babe, are you sure about that?” He said, making her turn around to him. A small gasp left her lips as her eyes took in his milky white complexion. His honey brown eyes looking back at her with a small smile etched onto his face. His hair a tousled mess that resembled a bird's nest, some pieces falling onto his face. “Honey, I’ve been wanting to see my family for weeks now, I see you almost everyday and practically live here. I’ll be back tomorrow so I can grab more clothes from my place okay?” She placed a kiss to his lips, both holding one another in their arms. “I don’t know why you don’t just say fuck that place and just move in.” He mumbled, making her chuckle and heart warm. “Don't you think it’s a little soon though? I mean we’ve only been together a few months love.” “Yeah, but you’ve practically lived here since we got together, you literally just go there to get more clothes that you end up leaving here.” She looked into his eyes as she thought about his words. “Hm, I’ll think about it today okay?” She mused, planting a kiss to his lips. A soft okay leaving him as she got up.
“And babe, remember if you live here, we can have all the sex we want and not have to worry about driving to get one another.” He exclaimed, laughing at the loud honey she screamed from the bathroom.
She couldn’t help but laugh out as she watched, as her niece tried her hardest to braid her fathers grown out hair. It was near impossible not to, as pieces would fall out, resulting in her pulling them harsher, nearly pulling his eyelids back due to the tension from his temples. “Okay okay you’re gonna fuckin scalp me.” He chuckled , as all three bursted out in large laughter.
“So how’s school going this year?” She asked her, as she delicately painted her nails. Both of the girls had found themselves on the floor in front of the nice coffee table, as colson sat and chatted with them. “It’s going really well.” “Oh yeah? Make any new friends?” She teased. “I mean, kinda.” She couldn’t help but hear the wavering in her tone, spotting the faint blush dusting her skin. “Ohh, so there’s a someone eh?” She teased to her, making the preteen hide her face as to conceal the flush. “His names Garrett, and we both take social studies together. He always sits next to me at lunch, and we’ll draw on my notebook.” She gushed, making her smile. “Soo, do you think he likes you?” “I mean, that’s what everyone keeps saying.” “Yeah well don’t worry about it to much cas, you’re not dating anyone for many more years. You’re still a kid.” Her das said, making the young girls face fall.
Y/N knew he was only saying this to protect her, as he said the same thing to her growing up. “Hey, don’t be bummed out about it. He is right, you both are only 12 and should focus on school. But don’t worry, he’ll come around. He was just like that with me up until my current boyfriend.” She whispered, making the young girl chuckle.
“Speaking of which, how are you guys doing?” He asked, as she hadn’t mentioned hun to her in a while. He didn’t think it’d hurt to ask. “Great actually, we’re thinking of moving in together actually.” “That’s great! I’m really happy that y’all met.” “Yeah, I am too.” She hummed, a flush dusting her cheeks.
Both men laughed as they chatted on the phone, talking about anything that would come to mind. What was once only a collaboration for a song, turned into an amazing friendship that caused both of them to call at late hours just to shoot the shit.
A yawn left his lips, as he listened to colson ramble on about another song he was making. “Woah, you tired man?” Colson asked, shocked to hear the sound. “Yeah sorry, was up most of the night last night.” He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. “Were you feeling alright?” He asked, worry laced in his tone. He knew all about his friends illnesses, even once being on the other end of the phone during a bad spell one day.” “Oh yeah yeah yeah, was just, up with the misses last night.” He chuckled, a flush blooming on his cheeks. “Ohhh yeah? And how was it?” This shocked him, nearly feeling his heart stop. Like, does he usually know about his sisters sex life? He didn’t think much of it, as he knew just how close both were. “It was absolutely fucking amazing. Like I thought we’d be done for the night, fully tapped out but after like 5 minutes she’d be right back on me for another round.” He chuckled, his flush even worse than before. “Ayyyeee good for you corpse, glad to hear that puss is bussin.” He laughed at this, throwing his head back. “Yeah, it’s bussin bussin.”
Both men talk as they read from their phones, eyes wide in absolute awe of the love they received from the song. They had just dropped it a few days prior, not expecting the cry of joy from both fan bases.
He didn’t even look up from it when she walked in, until she bent down to plant a kiss to his forehead. “Sorry I had completely forgot about the tea I made you an hour ago, but I put it back on the stove to heat it up so if it’s twisting funky just tell me okay?” Before he could even thank her, both their heads whipped towards the loudness from the other line. “Y/N? Is that you? What in the hell are you doing there with corpse!” He didn’t sound angry, more shocked than anything, both of them looking at the phone in confusion. “I, I love here? Remember I told you like a month ago I was moving in with him?” “WHAT!” Both jumped at the loud scream. “Wait so you guys are dating!?” Both we’re even more perplexed, until it dawned on both of them. Their eyes wide as they turned their heads to one another slowly. “Wait you didn’t tell him?” “No? He’s one of your best friends so I thought you did!” “He’s your brother! So I thought you did!” Both whisper, until all three lay silent. That was until, the large cry of laughter that leaves the two, leaving colson even more confused. He wasn’t mad, not at all actually. More shocked and confused than anything. Until he started thinking, it does make sense, all the times they spoke about one another without him knowing, all the times they mentioned-“OH GOD!” He yelled, gagging violently, making them stop their laughing fit. “What's wrong? Why are you yelling?” She asks “like a month ago corpse was talking about how he was tired cause he was up all night having sex AND I HAD NO IDEA HE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU! OH GOD WAS THAT WHY YOU WERE LIMPING THAT DAY WITH CAS AND I!” Both laugh even harder, as they listen to his ever growing gags.
“So yeah,. That’s literally how we had no idea we were keeping the relationship secret from her brother.” He laughed, as he red the comments and listened to his friends' laughter. She sat beside him, head laying on his shoulder as he told the story. She couldn’t help but to look back up into his eyes, as he glanced down at her, planting a soft kiss to her lips. “Keep it pg guys.” Colson said from the other line, making them chuckle.
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rumblelibrary · 3 years
Can I have something super soft and sweet with Andrea? I need some content from my cottagecore husband. You can decide whatever you want to do with it!
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The Perfect Day [Andrea Marowski x fem!Reader]
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: fluff
A/N: thank you for making me write this lifesaver <3
The soft chirping of the birds woke you up. You stirred lightly, a smile coming across your lips as you felt the soft lavender scent over your young husband skin. You slept holding hands, your forehead against his chest as your eyes got used to the bright light outside the window.
The soft cotton sheets clung around your naked bodies along with some heavier quilted duvet, legs tangled as he breathed slowly still deep into his slumber.
You observed him into his simplest nature, he looked so much younger when asleep, his features perfect as kissed by the gentle morning light.
You slowly moved your hand away, he frowned but with time you mastered the art of leaving the bed without awakening him. He huffed, face buried into the pillows as he rolled onto his stomach covering the warm spot you left. Your hand gently onto his soft hair caressing them away from his face. The time seemed to be something unknown to you.
After adjusting the covers over his shoulder you shivered into your nakedness, your hands grasping onto your white nightdress pulling it over you to cover your frame before adding up a burgundy cardigan belonging to Andrea to protect you against the goosebumps your body suffered for leaving the warm comfort of his presence.
You stepped into the kitchen quietly, breathing in the soft smell of a new day. Your hands went immediately to unveil the dough that was covered by a cloth and you left to raise during the night, it was now ready to be baked and you’ll have your warm bread for the day. Andrea spent the day before picking up the mature fruits from your trees, so it was easy to wash them and cut them while you put on the pot for your morning tea.
You hummed softly a song that Andrea was rehearsing with his violin for few days, now helplessly stuck with you, your hands unveiling the pie you prepared the day before cutting some slices.
Before anything else you moved away going to your garden standing barefoot onto the cold stone of the steps, you hugged yourself enjoying the view before slipping on some comfortable shoes and settling the table. The summer day was amazing and the morning breeze made the heat unnoticeable. A white table cloth with fresh flowers and then your started going back and forth from the kitchen to the garden bringing dishes and plates
You blinked surprised as little Anthony, the 14 years old son of the local baker, passed by with his bike waving at you. He blushed as you just looked so calm and relaxed.
“Got the mail and the newspaper Mrs Marowski” he said as he hopped off his bike to hand it to you. You picked one of the peaches you got into a basket nearby handing it to him I return “Thank you Anthony, have a good day”
He smiled and nodded vehemently as he rushed off back to his duties.
You looked down onto the mails: an invite to a concert in London, something from your parents, something in polish coming from Andrea’s family and a voluminous yellow envelope that was coming from Andrea's favourite music shop in London and by the weight you could tell it was some new music sheets. Also a note from your seamstress telling you that the new winter coats need the last fittings.
You were about to check the first page of the newspaper as a loud meowing made you jump.
Andrea was standing in front of you, soft khaki pants with a loose white shirt, your cat draped onto him, a beautiful grey British short hair who was staring at you.
“Did Laszlo woke you up?”
“Did you doubt it?” Andrea asked with a chuckle as he leaned closer to you, a kiss resting onto your lips as the cat jumped off his arm.
“I hate to wake up on an empty bed, even if your table setting is the best” he assured as he smiled at you tangling you into another kiss.
“Mh, the tea” you just reminded yourself as he chuckled 
“One more, one more” he begged between chuckles stealing another kiss before letting you go inside and he proceeded to give the annoying boss of your cat the food he deserved and demanded.
He sat on the chair enjoying the soft breeze as you brought a small tray with the tea to complete the set up.
He hummed softly opening the package coming from London gleefully as he admired his new music sheets.
“Your presence is required to see a new concert, I think they want to show off to have you as solo violin” you said showing him the invitation while sitting with him. He admired you, he stared at you with a soft smile “I will have to hear my agent first” he said as he meant you. You always had a good gut feelings and often kept him from taking random impulsive decisions.
“There’s something from your family too” you added and he smirked 
“You read it first” he said as he was helping you with polish and you sighed softly using one of your butter knives to open the letter. His hand quickly went to your cookies taking one happy bite as he still stared at the music on paper.
His eyes darting up only to look at you focused onto the paper scribbled by his parents and you nodded explaining to him a letter that was mostly about every day updates
“This word” you signalled as he leaned in lightly in to read it as there was only one point you didn’t seem to grasp not even by the words before or after it.
He chuckled loudly almost chocking onto the crumbles covering his mouth with the back of his hand.
You asked as he blushed deeply.
“Oh no, they hated my knit work? Is it that?”
He shook his head as you frowned at him waving that letter expecting an answer before your mind went onto the worried train of thoughts.
“It means” he licked his lips, eyes shining “It means pregnancy, not literally it is a more discreet way to say it, more like expecting something, but they mean that, my mum wants to know when she can call herself grandmother”
You blushed deeply as you looked down, you are such a young couple and you’re actually enjoying this phase, now it is not like every little delay of your period didn’t make your heart do the backflips, but to be asked so directly felt weird.
“Don’t worry about it, she means it in a good way, they adore you and they keep saying how you brought some sense into me”
He smiled taking your hand gently kissing the back of it.
“We have Laszlo for now it is more than enough” he joked to light you up and you giggled “Indeed” you said as you looked around finding the cat running after some butterflies. Andrea always complained that Laszlo hated him, Laszlo was your cat even before the polish man came into your life, but truth to be told they were best buddies: the cat would always check where he was and Andrea was the first to always feed him.
“I was thinking we could go to town today, I promised Ursula to play for her tea party with some friends coming all the way from Edinburgh and maybe we can go past the bookshop and buy some flour and whatever else. I could plant some pumpkin seeds, I love your velvety pumpkin cream for autumn”
You smiled as he really can’t wait for the colder season even if that meant to see you more dressed and clothed he also loved to nuzzle with you in front of the fire.
“Agreed” you said and he smiled proudly as you handed him the letter from your family and he sighed softly but proceeded to read it like you did with his.
He was way better at English, but mostly spoken English, he still hated to read and you picked books for him too even if he always puppy eyed you into reading for him.
He read quietly the letter as you ate some pie. He frowned lightly as he spelled out loud some words, sometimes he did it to learn the difference from a word that he knows and how it was written.
When you both drank your tea and he finally indulged into the local news he hushed you to get dressed “You take the longest to get ready, I’ll clean up” he said winking at you making you huff and roll your eyes playfully.
So you did, you went to wash yourself and braided your hair into an updo hairstyle, a light white dressy shirt and a long pleaded skirt for you as you also prepared the clothes for him.
As you redid your bed and he walked inside after clearing up the kitchen you couldn’t help but adore him into his little routines, the way he shaved and got prepared, the way he wore the clothes you figured out for him with happy delight. He loved how you looked after him, he felt loved, the small attentions like that one put him at rest, he relaxed and he felt babied and he loved it.
He picked the case of his violin handing it to you using it to pull you closer and steal another kiss. You chuckled as he leaned in to kiss you again, and again, and once more.
“Andrea” you whispered as he chuckled softly kissing you once again, he smelled so good, his skin soft and perfumed thanks to his aftershave oil.
How could you resist him?
“Two minutes” you whispered leaning back down the violin over your vanity to be able to wrap your arms around his neck letting out a soft yelp as he fell over you on the bed.
Useless to say that it wasn’t two minutes and not even twenty, your trembling legs around him and the way you guided him to give you just what you wanted from him always drove him crazy.
After a short nap you really had to begin to get going, he helped you to dress up slowly zipping up your skirt and you had a new rush of pleasure just by buttoning up his shirt covering his chest peppered with hickeys.
You locked the house and he pulled out his black bike putting the violin box in the basket on the front along with your white one “I prefer when we go with one” he complained but you chuckled “yes, but if we buy few things we will have to go by walking” you made him notice and he sighed nodding.
He waited for you as you pedalled your way to the town centre, he was swaying in front of you and you raced a bit against each other until the stone bridge that welcomed you there.
“See you at Ursula’s” you said and he nodded leaning in to kiss you one more time, he indulged into that kiss a littlest as he opened his eyes slowly, a smile playing over his lips.
“My wife” he said, sometimes he repeated it like he had to remind himself. You chuckled as you kissed his cheek and you go parted.
You knew Ursula liked to pared Andrea off, you let her do it, she came with time to like you, she saw how much good you did to Andrea, how much balance you gave to him, his behaviour was stable, he settled down.
You stopped to the local grocery store taking up some spices, some cinnamon in particular as you knew how much Andrea loved it on sweets, few little cooking and baking items you missed and then off to the bookstore.
“Hello hello” you said as the old man there greeted you “The books you ordered arrived” he said as he moved his shaky legs into the back of the shop bringing you the easy books in polish you ordered to practice some reading. You smiled looking at them as Andrea gave you the titles of books that made his youth and also few new ones for him. You added to that stock a new cooking book and few novels for Andrea and his English. The old man was the sweetest, he kept the booster open no matter the weather and politics and he always made sure to find anything you might be looking for.
He helped you tie all your buyings together onto the bike so after paying you just pushed it walking through the town, just enjoying a good time around giving yourself time until you made it to Ursula’s home.
Well, you called Ursula’s but Janet as always there even if her presence was always quieter you teamed up with her most of the time letting Ursula enjoy her time with Andrea.
You smiled stopping in your track as you heard the soft sound of the violin, you closed your eyes breathing in, like you could enjoy the music through the air.
You adjusted your dress and smiling to yourself, the moment sinking in slowly.
Your husband, your life, the idea of coming back home together, cuddle on the couch, listen to his words, having his honey eyes on you.
A natural smiled appeared on your lips.
After few moments you decided to keep going, you pulled your bike  letting it rest against the fence, Janet appearing at the doorstep to welcome you in.
Your perfect day.
Tagged @cazzyimagines @lieutenantn @handmaiden-of-mischief @thesunflowersutra @zemomybeloved @fictionlandslanddreams@charistory @greeneyedblondie44 @apparrio @hb8301 @whatawildone @rhymerhymerhyme  @thehuiabird @lilith-blackrose @unbeatablecurlgirl @obsidianlaszlo @alindeluce @zemosimp05 @baronesszemo-blackwood @nocapesdahling @everythingbeginsineternity-blog
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seriouslysnape · 3 years
Hi!❣️ Your writing is pretty cool, and I love the way you portray Sev, especially!
If it isn't a bother, of course... Could I make a request? Where Snape and the Reader are expecting, and go through all the nine months (like, through things like cravings, mood swings Snaddy has to endure, buying the child's stuff and decorating the room, all of that), till delivery? Only if you'd like the 'prompt', of course.
Wish you a nice day☺️
Paternal Figure
Severus Snape x Fem. Reader
Warnings: Language, Emetephobia, Sexual implications.
Word Count: 5,161
“We’re going to be one happy family.”
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“How much longer?” Severus questioned, eyeing the pregnancy test that was lying face down on the bathroom counter.
You looked at your wrist watch that was secured on your trembling hand. You saw that it had been more than enough time for the pregnancy test to do its job. A quivering sigh flowed from your chest as you reached for the test with trembling fingers.
“It should be ready.” You replied.
Severus sat up straighter from where he sat on the bathroom floor, his blood pumping with eagerness and nervousness. You held the test to your chest for a second with your eyes closed and head lulled towards the ceiling.
You and Severus wanted a baby badly. After being married for a few years, the baby fever was becoming harder to resist between the two of you combined. It started out as a casual thing. Severus first briefly mentioned how there was still an empty room in the house that needed to be occupied. You assumed that he meant as an office space or maybe even a large walk in closet.
But when Severus suggested that the two of you turn that space into a nursery, you knew what he was implying. You had always wanted to have kids with Sev. In the beginning, Severus wasn’t totally sure how he felt about having a baby. He wasn’t great with younger people, and he was always afraid he wouldn’t be a good dad.
However, the longer the two of you were together and the more life you shared together, the more he wanted nothing more than to put a baby in you. He wanted to raise a child and teach it all the wonders of the wizarding world. He wanted your baby to be perfect.
The two of you sat and chatted for a long time about it, not wanting to rush into things. It was a huge deal after all; bringing a human into the world was a life changing ordeal. You talked it over, and you both happily agreed that you would start trying for a baby.
You admittedly became a little obsessed with getting pregnant in the first few months. You tracked your menstrual and ovulation cycles much more than usual, eventually memorizing everything down to the minute. You tried any wizard (and even a few Muggle) tricks in the book to increase your chances of conceiving, including basically pouncing on Severus any chance he was around.
If you had a free minute to spare, you were shoving him into bed and having sex with him. At first, Severus found it rather endearing that you were so excited to have a kid, but he became concerned as time went on. Getting pregnant isn’t always a quick process. Some women can so much as look at their husband and get results while some spend a better half of their life trying to even get a positive pregnancy test.
You were proving to be one of the harder cases.
With each negative pregnancy test, the more frantic you became. You felt like your fertility window was closing in on you rapidly, and if you didn’t get pregnant soon, it’d be too late. The first few negatives didn’t phase you much, but by the fifth or sixth, you were feeling discouraged. Severus was much more patient than you during all of this, holding you flush to him when you burst into tears of frustration.
It had become a monotonous and vicious cycle. You’d try to get pregnant, buy a pregnancy test, get a negative result, and fall into a weeping heap onto the bathroom floor. After one particularly hard let down, Severus stepped in. He was rocking your sobbing frame in his arms, hushing you and comforting you as best he could.
He suggested that the two of you take a break for a while, and that maybe you were trying too hard. The stress couldn’t have been good for you as a whole, and maybe taking a more casual approach would be best.
“Here’s what I’m thinking, my love. You and I take this step by step. We continue life as normal,” He said softly; “If you get pregnant then that’s good, and if you don’t, then we remain calm and try again. If much longer goes by, then we can go see your doctor.”
You nodded into his chest with heartbreaking sobs, agreeing that this had taken a huge toll on your body. You apologized for your crazy behavior, but Severus only gave a light laugh and kissed your head.
“No, no, my dear. Don’t be sorry. I want this just as much as you do.” He consoled, sweeping you off of the floor.
You were a bit apprehensive about Severus’ approach to this, but you were willing to try anything. Fast forward a few weeks later, and this was the first test you had taken since taking Severus’ advice.
“Sev...” You croaked out; “What if it’s negative?”
You were sitting against the door in your tiny bathroom, Severus sitting on the wall across from you. Your knees were almost touching one another’s as he replied.
“Then we accept it, take a few days, and try again. It’ll be alright, [Y/N].” He reassured, resting a hand on your knee in a loving way.
You exhaled deeply, already half expecting to be disappointed. You nodded, and quickly flipped the test so you could read it. Your heart hit your feet and bounced back into your ribcage at the sight. You were stoically silent as you stared in silence at the test.
Severus was watching with a clenched jaw, prepared to comfort you in case it wasn’t what you wanted to see. You kept looking at it for a few more seconds to make sure you weren’t dreaming. The double pink lines were as clear as day.
You were pregnant.
Tears filled your eyes, but they were tears of happiness. You turned the test so he could see it.
“It’s positive,” You said, smiling through the tears streaming your face; “We’re going to have a baby.”
Severus’ jaw fell open and stars of delight shot over his eyes. He himself gazed down at the test as if it would explode right in his hands.
“You’re pregnant...” He breathed out.
You nodded, wiping away at the tears with a genuine laugh. A blinding smile appeared on Severus’ face as he moved to pull you into a tight embrace. A few tears leaked from his eyes as well, the two of you mumbling “I love yous” to each other as you cried out the adrenaline and undeniably glee that you were feeling. It had almost been a year since you started trying, and now it seemed that it had paid off.
You were going to be parents.
The first trimester of your pregnancy was less than pleasant. While you were eternally grateful to be carrying your first child, you weren’t too thrilled about the symptoms that came with it. You were violently sick for the first few weeks, basically bringing back up anything you tried to hold down. Even something as mild as pumpkin juice was enough to make you sick just from the smell.
As disgusting as it was, Severus was by your side any time you fell ill.
“It’s okay, darling. Let it all out.” He soothed, rubbing circles onto your back as you let out another hurl.
You seemingly puked up everything you had eaten in the last ten years into the toilet bowl, a new groan escaping your chest every time you had a chance to take a breath. Severus kept your hair out of your face as best as he could, trying not to visibly grimace every time you threw up.
You closed the lid of the toilet for a minute, draping your arm over the top of it and resting your forehead on the heated skin of your forearm.
“Don’t look at me. I don’t want you to see me like this.” You grumbled miserably.
He gave a chuckle, and even though you couldn’t see it, he raised his left hand to reveal his silver wedding ring.
“In sickness and in health.” He said, wrapping his long legs around your from behind, resting his head on your back.
“I think this is an exception to that vow.” You joked, hoping that the relief you were feeling was to signal the end of today’s sickness.
Severus hummed.
“I think that this is exactly what it was referring to,” He corrected, his heart fluttering when you lifted your head with a weak smile; “Just as beautiful as ever.”
You snorted at that, but you were heartwarmed.
“How did I ever deserve you?” You asked, falling into his open arms.
“I could ask you the same thing.”
When you were actually able to have an appetite, you wanted any and every food imaginable. The pregnancy cravings were insanely hard to ignore, and it was even harder to ignore the weird things you craved.
“What...is that?” Severus questioned cautiously as he entered the kitchen, catching you in the middle of biting something he couldn’t even discern.
You looked at him with wide eyes and stopped mid-chomp. You didn’t respond, not even sure how to explain this to him. His gaze averted to the open pantry, and saw that mostly everything had been raided and placed on the kitchen counter. He had noticed that satisfying your cravings had proven to be the most difficult thus far. He inspected the food item in your hand and his stomach lurched when he realized what it was.
“Is that a treacle tart with...” He trailed off, barely able to finish the thought.
You finished his sentence, rather ashamed.
“...pickles.” You confessed.
Severus was sure that his face had turned a nasty shade of green at the thought of your concoction. He shuddered and made you put it down. You had always been creative and experimental in the kitchen, but this was too far.
“Okay, I’ve been supportive of every strange food combination you’ve come up with, but I draw the line at treacle pickle tarts.” He said with a voice full of amusement.
You whined.
“I know it’s weird, but I can’t help it. Everything we have sounds good.”
He scratched the back of his head. He never liked to tell you how to live your life, but there was no way that this was good for you or the baby.
“I don’t think Little One is going to appreciate pickles and desserts.” He noted, placing a hand on your very small baby bump.
“Little One” was the nickname that he had coined for your developing child. You and Severus had decided early on that you wanted to keep the baby’s gender a surprise up until delivery. Severus hated to keep referring to the baby as...well, “the baby”. So he had instinctively come up with all kinds of nicknames along the way.
“Well, I’m pretty sure that Little One is the only reason I want pickles.” You snapped back.
“It’s not the pickles. It’s the pickles with the tart that I can’t stomach.” Severus explained.
You sneered at him, but Severus continued before you could snark back at him.
“I’ll tell you what, princess. How about we whip up a bunch of your favorite foods, and we’ll have a nice dinner together?” He offered.
Your belly grumbled at the sound of that. You nodded in agreement, and you and Severus prepared a heavenly meal.
On top of the all day morning sickness and the nauseating cravings, your hormones were going absolutely nuts. You had never experienced such frequent mood changes like this, and poor Severus was the victim of all your emotional outbursts. It seemed as if you were blowing up at the smallest of details.
“Damn it, Sev. How many times have I told you not to leave your socks on the floor?” You hissed, angrily picking up his dirty socks.
Severus poked his head out of the bathroom that was adjoined to your bedroom, a guilty look on his face.
“Oh, sweetheart, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I left them there.” He said truthfully.
“Just like how you didn’t realize that you left the sink faucet dripping or how you forgot to put the pillows back on the bed when you got up at 10 in the morning?” You mocked, throwing his socks into his laundry basket.
He caught how aggravated you were, and exited the bathroom to talk things over. Severus didn’t want you to be upset with him, but he knew you were just going through a lot of changes and couldn’t really control your emotions well.
“I assure you that I didn’t do those things on purpose,” He said, not even an ounce of irritation in his voice; “I’ll pick up after myself.”
His light and friendly tone made you realize that you had overreacted once again. Severus had not once lost his temper with you, no matter how bad you had nagged him. Your shoulders slumped and you looked at your feet that were close to being covered by your steadily growing bump.
You felt bad for being on his ass about something 24/7. He was trying his best to help you and make your pregnancy as comfortable as possible. You yelling at him all the time wasn’t fair to him.
“I’m sorry, Sev. It’s not you.” You uttered for the hundredth time in the last three months.
He only smiled and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Not to worry, my dear,” He mewled; “I can handle being screamed at for as long as it takes.”
The second trimester was actually easier than the first as far as symptoms goes. Your morning sickness had subsided, you had adapted to your ever changing hormones, and you weren’t tempted to eat everything in sight. While the symptoms were still there, they didn’t completely dictate your life.
You and Severus were well into the finer intricacies of planning for the arrival of your baby boy or girl. You were in the process of converting your extra bedroom into a nursery, which was a challenge for Severus. He was a shitty interior decorator, which wouldn’t be an issue if he hadn’t insisted that he decorate the baby’s room.
Severus wanted to be as involved as possible, never wanting you to think that he wasn’t there for you. You were ecstatic with the idea of him taking charge of the nursery, but you soon realized that wasn’t a good idea.
“We are not painting the baby’s room BLACK, Severus.” You protested, eyeing the cans of black paint on the floor.
Severus had gone out and bought all kinds of paint supplies. Paintbrushes, paint rollers, stencils, tape, etc. He was adamant about doing it all by hand (as opposed to using magic; a suggestion that he was horribly offended at), and had taken it upon himself to buy everything.
You had forgotten that there wasn’t much color interest in the world of Severus Snape.
“And why not? There’s black in other parts of the house.” He argued.
You put your hands on your hips, your back beginning to arch from the weight of your five month swelling belly.
“Yes, but this is a baby’s room. I don’t think he or she is going to like it,” You retorted back; “It’ll be too dark and...scary. I want Little One to be comfortable in here.”
Severus looked around. Perhaps, black was too extreme for such a small human. He looked a tad defeated and disappointed in himself. He was trying his hardest. You caught his dejected look.
“Oh, honey. I know you want it to be perfect,” You said, taking his face into your hands; “We can do it together. Maybe we can sneak a bit of black in here somewhere.”
He nodded.
“So, what color should we paint the room?” He asked.
You looked around this time, biting your lower lip in thought. You wanted to have gender neutral colors, and something that would be cozy for the baby.
“How about we paint the walls white? That way we can add pops of color wherever we see fit.” You said after a moment of thought.
Severus agreed, but was holding to your promise to have at least some black in the room. The nursery was an ongoing project, lasting about a week and a half. The crib was the last item placed in the room, and it was complete. You and Severus stood in the middle, basking in the finished nursery.
“It looks great, S.” You said, looking at the black painted changing table and the mobile above the crib.
“It does. I’m glad you helped me.” He admitted, eyeing the moving pictures on the walls.
You wrapped your arms around your husband’s waist, his lips falling to your head in response.
“We’re going to be one happy family.” You announced.
Severus laughed into your hair, his heart beating with hope.
“We already are.”
You had officially made it past the halfway mark, and your due date was quickly approaching. There was still so much to do, and not a lot of time to do it. Your bump was already huge, and you still had another trimester to go. You were getting to the point where swollen feet and an aching lower back was crippling your ability to go out and do much.
You were laid out on the sofa with Severus rubbing your tired feet. You were fighting the aching pain in your back and legs from the unevenly distributed weight from your midsection.
“I really need to go out today.” You winced as another round of soreness flooded your body.
Severus’ careful hands continued to massage the aching muscles of your feet.
“Why, love? You can surely go on a day where you’re feeling in higher spirits.” He said.
While he wasn’t totally wrong, you were at the point where every day was the same as the last. You had a feeling that you wouldn’t have a “higher spirits” day for a while.
“I suppose I could. But I need to get baby clothes, pacifiers, bottles.” You grunted, exhaling heavily.
You really needed to do this, but you just weren’t feeling up to it. Then you had an idea. Since Severus didn’t get to put all his effort into the nursery, you thought you could give him a second chance.
“Severus, could you possibly go out and buy baby stuff today?” You suddenly asked.
You were honestly expecting him to say no, considering he knew nothing about baby fashion. Instead, his face brightened and he leapt up from the couch.
“Of course! Why didn’t you just ask?” He queried, giddy with joy.
You laughed at his anticipation, giving him a few instructions.
“Alright, Sev. Don’t buy anything ridiculous or anything that’s made of uncomfortable material,” You said; “And do NOT get anything Slytherin related. As much as you would like it, we have no clue what Little One is going to be sorted into when he or she is old enough.”
Severus groaned.
“Not even a-”
“No Slytherin stuff.”
“Well, what about a-”
“No, Severus.”
He groaned again, but accepted your request. As badly as he wanted his daughter or son to be a Slytherin, there was always the chance that they wouldn’t be. He’d love them regardless of what House they were in, but it would tickle him to death if they were a Slytherin.
So Severus went out into Diagon Alley with extra pep in his step, jittery as he went from store to store getting stuff for his little girl or boy. Severus had never paid much attention to baby clothes, and now that he was looking, his heart was swelling with excitement.
There were so many cute sweaters, onesies, socks, and pajama sets that absolutely made Severus burst with joy. He would pick out about a dozen outfits to start out with, knowing that you’d have to go buy more once the baby was older. But each time he thought he had enough, he’d spot two or three more outfits that he just had to buy.
He could not WAIT to see his baby in all of this stuff. It had obviously been a while since he was a child, and he was amazed at all of the new things that had been invented to make parenting easier and childhood more fun.
He bought a pacifier for every day of the week, and enough toys that would last your kid through kindergarten. He bought blankets and stuffed animals and anything else that a baby MIGHT want. Your baby was going to be spoiled to the max.
Truth be told, Severus went a little overboard with his purchases. He came back with no less than ten bags full of baby materials. You not-so-gracefully lifted yourself from the couch when he entered, several bags hooked onto each of his arms. He had a proud smile plastered on his face.
“Oh Merlin, Severus! What all did you buy??” You questioned, eyes bugging out at all the goodies in front of you.
“Clothes, pacifiers, bottles. Everything you asked for.” Severus stated innocently, you rifled through the bags at all the baby wonders.
“And toys, blankets, and stuffed animals.” You finished his list.
You looked at Severus with an entertained smile, his cheeks glowing red.
“I just want Little One to be happy.” He shrugged meekly.
You let out a soft “awh” and captured his soft lips in a sweet kiss. He already loved this baby so much that it melted your heart.
“With you as their dad, they absolutely will be.”
You had never been happier to enter your third and final trimester. You were in the home stretch, and you were so excited to meet your baby. You were about to pop like a balloon and, quite frankly, you had enough of it. Don’t make any mistake about it, you had cherished every moment of being pregnant, but you were ready to get some somewhat decent sleep without being kicked in the ribs every 5 minutes.
Although, with a newborn around, you weren’t sure how much sleep you would get.
Over the course of your pregnancy, Severus had become more and more protective the more your baby grew. Now that your due date was only a few days out, he jumped at any sudden movement or noise. He had eyes and ears like a hawk. He came barreling into the living room, completely naked and dripping with water from where he had just stepped into the shower.
“Darling, what was that? Are you alright?” He asked frantically as if he had just heard an airstrike.
You looked up from your book, readjusting the pillow that was underneath your massive belly to support the weight.
“Severus. I sneezed.” You declared.
Relief washed over him, and he ran a hand through his damp hair.
“Oh. Do you need anything?” He asked you for the millionth time that evening.
You laughed shortly, nodding your head.
“Yes. I’m fine,” You said; “Please try to enjoy your shower.”
Severus had been on your tail nonstop for the last three weeks. Even though most pregnancies go the full 40 weeks, your doctor said that labor could be expected once you hit 36. Sev didn’t want you out of his sights in case you went into labor early. He didn’t want to miss anything.
You had begged him to break away just for a minute, for his sake and yours. He padded back to the shower, ignoring the way his heart was thumping in his chest. You went back to your book, grinning to yourself at your anxious husband.
Once Severus was showered and somewhat calmer, you had grown tired and were ready to get in bed. Growing and carrying a baby had really tanked your energy levels, but Severus didn’t mind going to bed early. As long as he knew you and the baby were safe, he was content.
He laughed out loud when you slid into bed wearing only a pair of panties and a t-shirt that you had used a spell to stretch out. It was the only sleepwear that fit you due to your risen belly.
Getting comfortable was next to impossible, but you had gotten used to it over the last few months. You didn’t mind, because you knew it’d be back to normal soon. Severus was eyeing your tummy, looking to you with expectation once you were settled.
“Go ahead, Sev.” You giggled, knowing what he wanted.
Every single night since you had been pregnant, Severus would rub your belly and tell the human growing inside of you goodnight. Severus shimmied down to where his face was in front of your bump. He lifted the shirt up to reveal your bare belly. He left a kiss on the stretched skin, carefully placing both of his hands on you.
“Hello in there,” Severus said, smiling proudly when he felt the baby move at the sound of his voice; “Are you still kicking your mother?”
You even nodded at that, thinking about all the times that the baby had soccer kicked your ribcage or hit your bladder just right. You placed one hand over one of Severus’, and put your other in his hair as he spoke.
“I’m so ready to meet you. I love you so much already. Other than Mum, I never thought I could ever love someone this much,” Severus spoke gently; “You two are my whole world.”
You rubbed his hair as you listened. Severus had been nothing short of amazing during this process. He was more than you could ever ask for. This baby was going to be loved endlessly.
“I don’t know how great of a father I’ll be. I didn’t exactly have ideal parents. I admit that I don’t have a model to go off of. But I will love you no matter what,” He spoke; “I hope you sleep well, Little One. I can’t wait to see you.”
He pressed another kiss to the side of your belly, before returning to your side. You were misty eyed at his words, turning so you were facing him.
“Oh, Severus. You’re going to be a wonderful dad. I’ve seen the way you love this child,” You assured; “Little One is going to love you. And there’s no one else I’d rather bring a baby into this world with.”
Severus still had a modest amount of nerves, but it was drowned out with joy. He was so ready for this baby.
“I love you.” He whispered.
“I love you, Sev.” You whispered back.
You leaned to kiss him, but just as your lips touched, you felt a contraction and a massive gush of fluid flushed out between your legs, soaking both of your lower halves. A startled gasp fell from your mouth, and Severus eyes grew about three times their normal size. You both knew what that meant.
Little One was about to make his/her entrance into the world.
Getting to the hospital from the time that labor began was a blind rush. Severus was positively panicked, which didn’t help your attempts to remain relaxed. He had spent 9 months preparing for this moment, and he was still caught off guard.
The hospital was busy, but you had a team of nurses and doctors ready to go. You were wheeled into a delivery room, your doctor checking to see how dilated you were. He let you know that you had one of the fastest dilations he had ever seen, because you were already at 10 centimeters. There was no time for an epidural or a spell.
It was time to push.
The nurses got your legs into delivery position, Severus taking your hand as the doctor and nurses guided you through it. You gave a hard push, screaming bloody murder and squeezing the circulation out of Severus’ hand.
“You’re doing great, my love. Keep pushing.” He praised you.
Your head fell back onto the pillow with gruff, heavy breaths. You were filled with a pain you couldn’t describe. You needed this baby out. The doctor gave you a second to rest, before instructing you to push again. You took a deep breath, every muscle in your body tensing up as you pushed. Severus scrunched his nose at how badly you were hurting his hand, but he didn’t dare say anything.
The baby’s head and shoulders were out, ear splitting cries echoing through the room. It was the most beautiful sound you had ever heard. Severus peeked between your legs, and you saw the way his face filled with pure love as he saw your baby for the first time.
“Oh, [Y/N]. Little One is gorgeous...” He breathed, wanting you to push again so you could be able to see; “Push again, darling. You’re almost there.”
The nurses and Severus were encouraging you as you pushed hard a few more times, your baby finally entering into the world. Severus was a little too squeamish to cut the cord, but he watched every single movement as the doctors and nurses cut the umbilical cord and got them cleaned up. You were breathing heavily, your entire body shaking from the strenuous action. You whimpered out to Severus, who had a better viewpoint than you did.
“Is the baby okay? Please tell me the baby’s okay...” You whined out, desperate to see him/her.
Severus was close to crying, but it was the happiest he had been in his entire life.
“The baby is perfect. You did so well, my love.” He said, kissing your sweaty forehead.
The chaos in the room died down, and one of the nurses had swaddled the crying baby. She gave a huge, kind smile and set the baby in your arms.
“Say hello to your baby girl.” She cooed.
Tears fell from your eyes as she was placed into your arms. Her cries dwindled out at the feeling and sound of your and Severus’ voices. She was the most stunning baby you had ever seen. Severus felt something awaken in him. A side of him that had been itching to come out.
“A girl...oh, a girl.” You cried happily.
Severus sniffed, holding back tears.
“She’s beautiful. She’s perfect.” Sev croaked.
He placed a kiss on her forehead, her small baby whimpers making his heart explode. The two of you sat in silence, raking over your baby’s perfection. After a minute, you looked up at Severus with a smile.
“I just thought of something we have to do.” You said.
Panic flashed over his face again. You had done everything he thought. What could there possible be to do?
“What is that, darling?” He acquired.
You giggled, kissing Severus’ cheek.
“We’ve got to pick a name for her.”
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Chaconne: Part 2 (Agatha Harkness x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: After auditioning for who is often considered to be the world’s scariest conductor, you begin working for Agatha Harkness and the Manhattan Symphony Orchestra. 
Word Count: 4.9K
Link: Dvorak’s New World Symphony: Movement 4 (Performed by the Vienna Philharmonic)
A/N: Hi everyone! I’m back with part two of Chaconne. I’ve included another link to the fourth movement of Dvorak in case anyone would like to listen, (it’s one of my favorite recordings and I definitely recommend it) but if classical music isn’t your jam I understand. Also, I would like to warn this is going to be major slow burn, but I promise there is a light at the end of the tunnel...eventually. Part 3 should be uploaded in a few days! I hope all of you enjoy it, and as always please feel free to leave a comment :) Oh! Also I think I’m going to make a taglist for this story, so if you would like to be added just comment or send me a message.
A week later marked the first symphony rehearsal of the season. You had barely seen Agatha all day. The woman was running from meeting to meeting with investors and the board so she had given you small tasks to complete in her absence. You were busy rearranging the small personal music library she kept in her office when there was a knock on the door.
“Come in,” You called out as you began sorting through the Baroque Era.
The door opened a moment later and you were glancing at a few different scores when you heard someone clear their throat. Looking up, you saw Wanda Maximoff standing in the doorway.
“Well hello there,” Wanda drawled out, clearly looking surprised. It took you a second to wonder why until you realized you were in Agatha’s office. “You’re not Agatha.”
You let out a nervous laugh. “No...um, no I’m not. I’m Agatha’s new assistant, Y/N.”
Wanda gave you a curious glance. “Her assistant,” she mused, taking a step further into the office. “Does she treat you well?”
You shrugged. “She feeds me a few times a day, buys me coffee. It could be a lot worse.”
Wanda chuckled. “Well it is very nice to meet you. I’m Wanda Maximoff.”
“I know who you are,” You blurted out before realizing how creepy that may have sounded. Glancing at Wanda, you were relieved that she seemed more amused than anything else. “I mean, it’s such a pleasure to meet you, Miss Maximoff. I’m a huge fan of yours.”
“Call me Wanda,” The pianist insisted. “You’re sweet. I’m surprised Agatha hasn’t had you running for the hills.”
You felt strangely defensive over the criticism regarding Agatha. “She really isn’t bad. I’m learning so much from her.”
Wanda looked surprised but smiled nonetheless. “You’re a very sweet girl, aren’t you? Do you know when Agatha will be back?”
“Um...” You trailed off and tried to remember when Agatha said she would be done. “It might be a while.”
“I don’t mind waiting,” Wanda said confidently, taking a seat in a leather chair. “I can keep you company.”
So you spent the next half hour sorting through music. At some point Wanda had offered to assist you, and although you assured her you were fine, she insisted. Which is how you found yourself discussing your favorite eras of music with one of your favorite musicians.
“Well isn’t this cozy,” Agatha’s voice rang out from the doorway causing you to jump.
The conductor had a scowl on her face and you could practically see the anger seething out of her. Wanda, on the other hand, smiled brightly at Agatha. “Agatha, so lovely to see you again. I was just getting to know your assistant. She’s a delight.”
Agatha glared at the woman, before giving you a quick once over. “Of course she is. What are you doing in my office, Maximoff? We aren’t rehearsing with you until next week.”
Wanda shrugged, not phased by the other woman’s attitude. “I thought I would stop by to catch up. It’s been a while since we’ve worked together.”
Your eyebrows furrowed at that. When did Agatha and Wanda work together? Agatha certainly had a lot of negative thoughts regarding the younger woman, so it would make sense that they had worked together at some point. You were just surprised Agatha never brought it up during one of her many long ‘Maximoff Rants.’
“I’m very busy,” Agatha replied, appearing to grow angrier with every word that came out of the red head’s mouth. “Right, dear?”
At first you wondered who she was talking to, until you noticed the pointed look she was giving you. You offered Wanda a polite smile before slowly heading over towards your boss. “Of course, Miss Harkness. You have to leave for your meeting with potential new investors and then we have to discuss new programs and publicity posters before rehearsal this evening.”
“I see,” Wanda was giving both of you a look that suggested she knew you were lying. “Well I should be on my way then. Lovely seeing you again Agatha, and it was a pleasure to meet you, Y/N,” she said sweetly as she gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze on her way out of the office.
Once she was gone, Agatha all but slammed the door shut and your eyes widened at how angry she appeared.
“What did she say to you?” Agatha asked curiously eyeing you.
You shrugged, because Wanda didn’t really say anything to you. At least not anything important. “Nothing really. She asked who I was, insisted she wanted to wait for you to come back, and then she offered to help me sort through the music.”
“I didn’t realize the work I gave you was so complex it required a second set of hands,” Agatha spat out as she slowly moved closer to you, and you wondered what you said to get that reaction.
“It wasn’t,” you argued, feeling your temper grow and getting more flustered as Agatha moved even closer to you. “She was just being nice.”
Agatha huffed and stalked back to her desk. “Fine. She was just being nice. Now no more talk of Maximoff. I’m starting to get a migraine.”
“I’ll go get you some tea,” You offered, as you had become more familiar with the conductor’s frequent stress migraines.
Agatha merely nodded and began sorting through her scores for rehearsal and you set off to brew some tea in the kitchen. You brushed off her strange behavior as the anger that came with seeing Wanda Maximoff.
The rest of the afternoon passed by smoothly. Agatha eventually told you to go home for a few hours despite your protests to stay. She was still a tad bit grumpy from her run in with Wanda, so she all but shoved you out the door and said if she saw you back here before 6:00 that she would make sure it would be your last time attending rehearsal.
Finding yourself back at the concert hall an hour before rehearsal started, you made your way to Agatha’s office and used the key she had given you to let yourself in. You had to grab the boxes filled with folders of music, as well as Agatha’s scores and her favorite baton. Your eyes scanned the dozens of identical batons that the older woman had before you found the one she requested you grab.
There weren’t many personal items in Agatha’s office. Granted she had only been here for around a month, but still. It was basically bare, save for a few photos of her pet bunny, Señor Scratchy. You had often wondered what the conductor did when she wasn’t here, but you had never felt comfortable enough to ask. Agatha was...private, and while you respected her privacy a part of you wondered what she was like when she wasn’t in scary conductor mode.
A quick glance at the clock alerted you to head to the hall before the players started to arrive. You quickly locked up the office before hurrying through the building, arms filled with boxes.
“I should’ve brought these in before I left,” You mumbled out loud as you balanced the boxes in one hand to unlock the stage door with your other hand.
“Well yes dear, but that would’ve required thought,” Agatha said with a smirk as she came up from behind you.
You cursed and jumped, glaring at the woman who scared you half to death. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”
Agatha held the door open for you and shrugged in response as you passed her. “It’s not my fault you’re so easy to scare.”
“You’re evil,” You told her, but your tone was teasing. “And you’re early.”
“It’s my first rehearsal, I want to be prepared,” Agatha explained but you knew her well enough to know what that meant.
“It’s okay to be nervous, you know,” You said reassuringly as she grabbed one of the boxes from you to set on the stage.
Agatha scowled and gave you a dirty look. “I am not nervous. I’m Agatha Harkness. I don’t get nervous.”
“Right and you’re also nothing like Wanda Maximoff, right?” You fired back, enjoying the glower she gave you.
Agatha huffed. “I liked it better when you were afraid of me.”
You laughed as you began placing the folders on their respective stands. “I was never afraid of you. I was afraid of disappointing you.” And you were still afraid of disappointing her, but you would never vocalize that.
Agatha gave you a look you couldn’t decipher before she helped you with the folders. “Where’s your violin?”
“In your office,” You reminded her. “Remember, I told you I was leaving it there until after rehearsal?”
“Well how are you going to play in,” She checked her watch, “Fourty-five minutes without an instrument?”
You stared at her in shock. “But...but I thought I didn’t get the first violin spot?”
“You didn’t,” Agatha admitted. “But I haven’t hired anyone else and I still need to update our sub list. So there will be an empty chair for rehearsal.”
“Which means?” You pressed, needing to hear the words from her.
Agatha rolled her eyes. “Needy as ever for the praise I see. Grab your instrument and get your ass on stage in ten minutes before I change my mind.”
You practically skipped off stage, not believing what you were hearing. You were going to perform with the Manhattan Symphony! Sure it was just a rehearsal, and the first rehearsal at that, but you didn’t care. You were on cloud nine and nothing could bring you down.
By the time you returned with your instrument, some of the players had started to arrive. You recognized a few of the violinists from different gigs you had played over the past couple of years. Scanning the stage, you spotted Agatha in one of the first rows in the audience, drinking a bottle of water. She noticed you staring and motioned for you to come join her.
You set your case down next to her bag. “Thank you for letting me play in rehearsal today.”
“Why are you thanking me?” Agatha questioned, looking at you with curiosity. “I need a violinist for today’s rehearsal. You’re my assistant who will do whatever you can to please me. It’s common sense.”
You rolled your eyes at her but smiled nonetheless. “You really can’t let me be nice, can you?”
Agatha laughed and patted you on the arm. “You’re finally catching on, dear. Now get on stage and warm up. I can’t have my assistant embarrassing me in front of the entire ensemble.”
You did as you were told and sat in the last chair of the first violin section. The other members of the ensemble gradually made their way to their respective seats to begin warming up, and Agatha stayed at her spot still drinking her water. Your stand partner eventually made their way over to you and smiled.
“Hi, I’m Monica,” the woman said politely as she sat in the chair next to yours.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Y/N,” you replied with a small smile. “Have you been with the symphony for a while?”
“This is my fifth season,” Monica replied with a shrug. “Should be a little more interesting with Harkness in charge at least.”
You vaguely remembered the rumors that the last music director had been voted off by the board due to his age, but you couldn’t remember his name.
“Yeah, she’s really great,” You said happily. Monica gave you a curious glance. “I’m actually her assistant.”
Monica raised her eyebrows at that revelation. “Oh, wow. What’s that like?”
You shrugged, and noted that was the second time someone had that reaction. “Pretty standard I guess.”
“I was wondering who she hired for the section after cancelling the blind auditions,” Monica admitted. “She gave those violinists quite a scare.”
“Well I’m not hired for this,” You quickly backtracked. “She just hadn’t filled the seat and she needed a sub for today so-“
Monica laughed. “Hey, it’s okay. I get it. It’s nice to have you here. I’m sure you’ll do great.”
A few minutes later, the chatter and warming up abruptly stopped when Agatha took the podium. The ensemble stared at their new conductor, curious as to how she would start their first rehearsal. Instead, Agatha raised her baton and the ensemble lifted their instruments in preparation.
“Movement four of Dvorak,” Agatha said and allowed everyone a moment to flip to the respective movement.
She raised her baton again and you felt a rush of adrenaline as you waited in anticipation for her to begin. Over the past few weeks you had studied Agatha’s conducting technique. Watching her move her hands in formation was so beautiful, she was easily the most skilled conductor you had ever observed. Her eyes raked over the ensemble and landed on yours, and with a smirk she gave the upbeat to begin.
Dvorak’s New World Symphony was one of the first full symphonies you remembered playing back in your high school youth symphony. It was breathtaking, full of colorful phrases and swirling melodies in every movement that left both the player and listener eager for more. The fourth movement seemed to tie it all together.
Despite it being the first rehearsal, the ensemble played relatively well. Agatha was mindlessly conducting, her gaze fixated on different ensemble members, and you knew she probably had so many quick witted insults stewing in her brain. You meanwhile couldn’t keep your eyes from watching her conduct. Sure, watching old videos of her conducting different orchestras was great, your personal favorite was of her performance conducting Tchaikovsky’s 4th Symphony with The Chicago Symphony. You also loved sitting in her office and watching her get lost in her scores, seemingly oblivious to your gaze locked on her baton and the way her fingers seemed to have a mind of their own.
But this...this was pure beauty. It was like she was painting a canvas using her baton as a paint brush. Even with her gaze focused elsewhere, she knew the score backwards and forwards and you saw her give every cue without even taking a second to glance down at the music. It was magical; she was magical.
The movement progressed and you had reached one of you favorite spots. There was a phrase transition that featured a slow and melodic theme that was passed throughout the orchestra. It started in the winds and you smiled at the serene sounds of the oboe that featured accompaniment from the strings before the melody was eventually passed to the violin section. While most violinists enjoyed playing fast and thrilling passages that left their fingers aching and bow arm sore, you had always secretly preferred the sweeter themes, the soaring melodies that kept growing and filled your heart with so much warmth.
Closing your eyes to play a passage you had long ago memorized, Dvorak had always been a favorite, you took a second to enjoy the unique feeling that every musician shared. Making music was an intimate experience. The ability to bring together dozens of people from different walks of life. To put aside any problems from everyday life and just take those brief moments to focus on nothing but their craft. Your happiest memories were of the time you spent in orchestra rehearsals. All of the hard, and sometimes grueling, work that went into perfecting each measure and making sure each section played as one giant instrument. All of it was worth it once you made it to the performance, and you swore there was nothing that could bring you more bliss than a live performance.
The movement progressed and Agatha was fully in her element. The woman was the most confident conductor you had ever encountered. Sure, she was a bit...cocky...but she had every right to be. This was the only first rehearsal you had ever attended where the conductor had effortlessly led the ensemble through tempo changes and cues without any faults.
With a whirlwind of fast passages and high notes that had you breathless, you reached the grand finale. You would occasionally glance up to check you were following Agatha’s tempo, and it took everything in you to not keep your gaze entirely fixated on her.
Agatha left her baton raised for a moment before finally lowering it, and you could tell by the passive look on her face that she was not pleased. “Well that was disappointing. Have any of you played in an ensemble before today?”
Directing her gaze to the principal flutist, she waved her hand. “And don’t even get me started on the mess over here. Are you trying to make my ears bleed? I’ve heard first graders who have a better tone than you.”
The principal flutist frowned. “With all due respect Maestra, it’s our first rehearsal and we’re a little rusty.”
“Did I ask for excuses?” Agatha questioned, and you knew the rest of rehearsal would only be downhill from there. If there was one thing Agatha Harkness hated it was excuses. “What’s your name?”
“Dottie Jones.”
“Well, Dottie,” Agatha sneered. “Since you apparently know more than I do, why don’t you come up here and conduct?”
Well shit. You didn’t see that coming. You glanced over to Monica and found she had the same shocked expression on her face as you did.
“Maestra I don’t-“ Dottie tried to argue, and you couldn’t help but feel a small amount of pity for the woman because you knew Agatha always got what she wanted.
“Now!” Agatha yelled and threw her baton on the stand. “Let’s see what you can do.”
“Is she always like this?” Monica whispered to you and you shrugged.
That was a good question. In the few weeks you worked for Agatha, you had grown used to her intense presence and ever changing mood swings. You would never admit it to her face, but you actually found it kind of charming in a weird and twisted sort of way, because you knew Agatha only acted this way to assert her dominance. The music world had predominantly been led by men. The vast majority of the most famous and beloved composers were men. For the majority of your playing career the conductors you encountered were men. Hell, even the majority of symphony orchestras had male concert masters.
“She likes to keep things interesting,” You whispered back while keeping your gaze locked on the scene occurring on the podium.
Dottie had reluctantly made her way through the ensemble to stand on the podium where Agatha stood to the side with her arms folded across her chest.
“Any day now, Dottie,” Agatha mocked and you grimaced. Not even a half hour in and she had already lost her temper.
To Dottie’s credit she appeared relatively calm as she picked up the baton Agatha threw on the stand. The orchestra readied themselves to begin, but you kept your gaze locked on Agatha. What was she playing at?
Dottie gave the upbeat and the opening notes of Dvorak rang out. The flutist was a decent conductor, but you knew it was a losing battle. Her technique was nowhere as refined as Agatha’s and you could tell she was trying her best to keep the ensemble from falling apart. You made it through ten bars before Agatha made her way to the podium and raised one hand, and everyone immediately stopped.
“Well Dottie what do you think?”
“I think I should go back to my seat and leave the conducting to you,” Dottie offered weakly.
Agatha arched an eyebrow. “Ah. I see.” She waited for Dottie to sit back down before continuing. “Some of you may find my methods crazy. Some of you may say that I’m too mean, that I’m pushing you too hard. However, there is a reason for all of this.”
She pointed her baton at the principal oboe. “You? What’s your name?”
“Oh, um...” The man stammered and Agatha rolled her eyes.
“Jimmy Woo.”
“Jimmy Woo,” Agatha repeated with a frown on her face. “How long have you been with the symphony?”
“This is my third season, Maestra,” Jimmy said with a smile.
Agatha nodded. “I need to hear more of you. We need to work on your projection to come over the strings without making it too nasally. Not bad for the first rehearsal, Woo.”
“Thank you, Maestra.”
“Now Woo, how would you say the past three seasons have gone?” Agatha prompted.
“Maestra?” Jimmy asked, appearing confused by the question.
Agatha let out a huff. “How have you felt the orchestra has performed for the past three seasons, Woo?”
“You want my honest opinion, Maestra?”
You watched Agatha tense up and you internally sighed. Another thing Agatha hated was pointless questions.
“No, Woo, I want you to change into a tutu and do pliés,” Agatha dryly commented.
Jimmy let out a bit of nervous laughter which quickly ended when Agatha glared at him. “Right. Well, I guess I feel like we’re losing our touch.”
“That’s putting it lightly. Thank you, Woo,” Agatha said before turning her attention to the rest of the ensemble. “The Manhattan Symphony was once the world’s finest orchestra. But all of you have gotten too comfortable. You’ve stopped making music and now are simply playing notes on a page. You’ve gotten lazy.”
There we go. The third thing Agatha hated. Laziness. You swore the woman was constantly on the move. There was one Friday afternoon where you had suggested taking a half day to enjoy the sunshine, which led Agatha to go on a twenty minute long rant (you timed it) that you could enjoy the sunshine when you were dead in a grave. Needless to say, you never asked to leave work early again.
You watched the conductor place her baton on the stand and wave her arms around. “I want this orchestra to regain its rightful place on top of the musical community. But this is going to require work from every single individual in this room. So, this is your first and only warning. If you are not going to put your entire soul into this orchestra, consider this your last rehearsal. Everyone is replaceable and I promise you will not be missed.”
You raised your bow to signal you had a question. Agatha’s head whipped around to look at you, and you could practically see the gears turning in her head. “Something you wish to add?”
“And if we stay?” You asked, thinking back to the very same question you asked her the day of the audition.
That earned you a smile so small it was almost impossible to see, and it went away as quickly as it appeared. “If you choose to stay, I am going to work you hard. I don’t want to hear any whining or complaints, only promises to do better. Are we clear?”
Silence from the room was taken as a yes. Agatha raised her baton. “Good. Flip to measure 21. Woo I want to work on your entrance. First violins, I know you love being the center of attention but you need to follow the dynamics on the page, circle them if you must. Flutes please try to not to fuck up your eighth notes otherwise I will make sure the only orchestra you play for is in the middle of Antartica.”
The rest of rehearsal went better than it started. Agatha was her usual slightly snarky self, and the rest of the ensemble was learning not to question her. You went to pack up your instrument when Monica motioned for you to come join her.
“I’m not sure if you have any plans but a few of us are going to get drinks if you want to join,” Monica offered and you were touched by her kindness.
“That’s so sweet but I’m actually pretty tired,” You said apologetically. Which was partially true, but you also wanted to make sure Agatha went home and didn’t stay cooped up in her office all night.
“Well if you change your mind, shoot me a text,” Monica insisted as she handed you her phone to put in your contact information. She took the phone back and sent you a message. “There’s my number.”
You thanked her again before heading over to where Agatha was silently stewing. A quick glance at her confirmed that she was still in a bad mood and you chose to silently pack up your instrument while shooting her quick and cautious glances.
“I can feel you staring,” Agatha finally looked up at you. “I want to redo the string parts for Maximoff’s piece. We need to fix a few of the bowings. I want everything to be set for our first rehearsal with her.” She noticed your hesitation. “Unless you have other plans.”
“Oh no, my dream Friday night is being holed up in your office marking Rachmaninoff,” You joked and grinned when she rolled her eyes.
“Funny, dear. Very funny,” Agatha deadpanned, motioning for you to follow her. “But I don’t pay you to make jokes.”
An hour later you were done with the bowings while Agatha had spent the time reading a book. She had a pair of glasses on and her feet were up on her desk, it was the most relaxed you had ever seen her.
“You’re finished?” Agatha asked, not looking up from her book. “Good,” she said and slammed the book closed. “Now, we didn’t get a chance to do this earlier due to my Maximoff induced migraine, so grab that violin and come with me. I want to see how relaxed your bow hold is after rehearsing.”
“Actually, I was going to suggest that we call it a night?” You asked tentatively, gauging her reaction. “You’ve had a long day and-“
“And what? I’m so old I need to be in bed before ten?” Agatha inquired, slowly taking off her glasses.
“You’re not old,” You blurted out and Agatha smirked at you. Blushing, you looked at the floor. “But maybe it would do you good to get some rest?”
“Trying to give me orders again, darling?” Agatha teased and even though you weren’t looking at her, you knew she was still smirking. “I’m not so sure I like that.”
“You really shouldn’t say things like that,” You mumbled whilst Agatha laughed.
“Whatever you say, dear,” Agatha said. “If it will get you to shut up, I’ll call it a night and go home. But I expect you back here tomorrow morning so we can make up our session. We’re finally starting to crack the surface of your true potential and I won’t have you wasting it because you need to sleep.”
You had waited for Agatha to pack up her bag and followed her out of the building. This was the first time you had left at the same time as the older woman. She usually sent you on your way long before she was ready to head out for the evening. She had her town car waiting for her out front, and she frowned as she watched you prepare to walk home.
“You’re not planning on walking alone at this hour are you?” Agatha questioned and looked at you like you were an idiot.
You shrugged. “I only live a few blocks away.” Which was a bit of a lie, but she didn’t have to know that. “And if anyone gives me a hard time I can just whack them with this.” You motioned to your hard case violin.
“You’re an idiot if you think I’ll allow you to wander the streets like a lost little puppy,” Agatha reprimanded you. “Get in the car.”
“I’m not getting in your car,” You argued. “I’ll be fine.”
“Darling I’m not going to tell you again. Get in the car,” Agatha repeated and then smirked. “Unless you’d rather I drag you kicking and screaming.”
You glared at her. Damn her for making everything sound so...suggestive. “Fine.”
“Good girl,” Agatha said as you followed her in the car, and she patted the seat next to hers. “Now where do you live?”
You gave her driver the instructions to your apartment and then made yourself comfortable in the car. There was a few minutes of awkward silence which you spent staring out the window, and Agatha spent staring at you.
“Ya know, you usually call me out for staring at you,” You finally spoke up, the silence starting to eat away at you.
“I am not staring at you,” Agatha lightly argued before changing the subject. “I never asked how you thought I did tonight.”
Agatha frowned at you. “How do you think I led the rehearsal?”
That was new. Over the past few weeks Agatha had never asked you for your opinion on anything regarding her conducting, because why would she? Agatha was the most confident person you had ever met, and a part of you was envious at how she presented herself to the world.
You took a moment to glance over at her and found yourself staring into bright blue eyes. “I...I thought you were brilliant. But, you were a little too nice. I don’t think I saw anyone cry.”
Agatha’s expression lightened and you felt your heartbeat grow rapid at the sight of her smile. “Still making jokes, darling? Perhaps I’m going too easy on you.”
The rest of the car ride fell back into a more comfortable silence, and before long Agatha’s driver pulled up to your modest but nice apartment building.
You grabbed your violin case and offered Agatha a small smile. “Thank you for giving me a ride home.”
“Thank Hank, he did the driving.”
“Right,” You frowned. “Well, goodnight.”
Agatha briefly touched your arm as you went to exit the car, and you felt goosebumps at the sensation. “Goodnight, dear. I’ll see you in the morning.”
243 notes · View notes
rexx-lapis · 3 years
Sensei // Gojo Satoru x Reader
-> Satoru and you haven’t seen each other since you graduated from the academy. But somehow he never really left your mind. What happens now that you are a strong and confident exorcist and that your sensei finally notice you ?
Tags: Takes place during the school tournament but is canon divergent, Smut, age gap but the reader is in their early 20s, gender neutral reader and use of the pronouns they/them, voyeurism, sex without protection, Use of the word slut, SENSEI KINK, mention of fight, murder and injuries, the reader wears an eyepatch cause it’s cool, Gojo POV, mutual pinning.
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Satoru liked his life as it was. His job as a teacher was great, not too complicated and allowed him to stay close to the higher ups. In the end, it was not too demanding and in the exception of watching over Itadori just to make Sukuna wasn’t wilding out, it was pretty chill. He liked that. Since his graduation he had chose to live his life without worrying too much. There was not a lot of things that could hurt him, he knew how powerful he was, so all he had to worry about was literally insignificant. He was just being his real playful self, most people deemed him childish, and he kinda was. In the end everyone kept in their mind that he was the most powerful sorcerer out there. It wasn’t ego, he was just being self aware. Even in more trivial thing, nature had made it easy for him. Women were often falling into his arms without him doing anything. His easy going personality was just a bonus. He was just having fun, not wanting to engage in any type of serious relationship that was obviously not compatible with his lifestyle. He wasn’t an idiot, having a significant other meant exposing himself to pain and offering to his enemies a way of pressure. It was already difficult enough with his students, he was not sure he’ll be able to protect someone else at all time. And there was no way he would let go of his job. In the end even for his good looks, not a lot of people would be willing to risk their life. Or maybe it was just the fact that he had the reputation of being a player and that no one was willing to be used. This morning he woke up tired, the night before he has been forced to go on a special mission before the beginning of the tournament between Tokyo’s college and Kyoto’s one. The students were all here now, and ready to begin. Several teacher were sitting in front of the screens that would allow them to follow the different students. He recognized everyone, even the old Yoshinobu Gakuganji, that he preferred to see in the same room. He didn’t trust the old men and he already knew he was up to something. He settled down looking around him waiting for the beginning of the first trial.Until he saw you. You were entering the room, looking in front of you. Your face was familiar but he couldn’t really tell where he knew you from. You were wearing a black uniform characteristic of the jujutsu sorcerer. You stoped in front of Iori, greeting her. The woman seemed to know you as she simply smiled and offered you a sit next to her. You looked around, your eyes falling on him, and you simply nodded your head in his direction.
“Hello Gojo sensei”
This voice. Yeah he definitely knew you.
“ Well hello -
-Y/n Y/l/n”
Yeah he remembered you now. You went to Tokyo’s academy, but you were a few years younger than him. He had already graduated a few years before and was starting to be a teacher when you integrated the school. You were so young back then, sixteen maybe, now you looked so mature. Beautiful truly. Even with the eye patch hiding your left eye, he could see how beautiful you were. He simply smiled, nodding.
“Long time no see Y/n.
- Indeed”
You did not say anything else simply sitting down, Iori was looking angry, and started grumbling at you, probably asking where you knew him from. You simply looked at her, not having the time to say anything as the screens light up. Satoru did not realized right away, but turning around he saw the old Gakuganji looking at you, a dark look in his eyes. You did not even look in his direction. Something was up between you two for sure. The trials began and soon Satoru realized something was wrong. That old sneaky bastard had definitely ask his student to kill Itadori. He sighed, frustrated but not surprised. You on the other hand seemed way more bothered by the idea.
“ Why does it feel like a set up to me?”
Iori tensed next to you but no one answered. You didn’t say anything else. Satoru couldn’t help but wonder why you came here. Indeed the tournament was an interesting thing to watch but you were not a teacher, or at least not that he knew of. What were you doing here, sweet, innocent y/n. You couldn’t possibly be one of the guard dog of the higher ups.
“Megumi is for sure very impressive.
-You know him? asked Iori
-I worked with his dad once. They don’t seem to have much in common at first but...
-You know Toji Fushiguro ?”asked Gojo suddenly sitting up straight on his chair
“I met him once, I wish I did not tho
-He tends to do this to people”
Your conversation was cut off by a noise and a flash of smoke. The red parchment that were stuck on the wall had caught on fire.
“What’s happening?
-The trials are already over?
-No, something is wrong.
-Apparently, some curses came uninvited”
You stood up, visibly not phased by this. What were you hiding?
“ We should go, at least rescue the students. If the curses are too powerful they won’t stand a chance.”
They split in several groups, and they started to run, hopefully joining their students before it was too late. Sadly nothing happened like Satoru imagined. First, a sort of black veiled recovered the place of the tournament. The more frustrating was that everyone seemed to be able to cross it except for him. Satoru find himself stuck outside unable to do anything. Behind his smile, he was worried. Was he really going to send Iori and the old man in this situation alone. And you. What about you. You did not seemed phased one bit by the situation, but he couldn’t help but wonder if you were not going to be more of a burden. After all you still were young. But he couldn’t tell you to stay back, and if you were here it was because you were qualified to do your job. The three of you disappeared behind the veil. It wasn’t often he felt helpless but right now he definitely did. After several minutes later he saw Panda come from behind the veil, Megumi in one arm, and Maki in the other. They were both severely injured but their life was not threatened now that they were being taken care of. Soon after Nishimiya carrying Noriyoshi and Inumaki flied through the veil, almost crashing on the ground. Being the only one still conscious, Nishimiya told him how she saw Itadori and Todo fighting a grade s curse when she was flying away. The more Satoru was thinking about it the more it sounded fishy. But he didn’t even had the time to thing this through before the veil disappeared. The old man was standing there with what seemed to be the corpse of man.
“They ran to see if they could find the two other brats. Go and see how they are doing.”
Satoru didn’t even wait for him to finish his sentence and started running. He felt a burst of cursed energy and decided he should check it out. He arrived to see Itadori and Todo hurt, Iori trying to help them stand up.
“Where is the curse ?”
Iori gasped, face suddenly tensed. She looked scared. She simply pointed at the empty air. It has been dealt with apparently. But you weren’t here.
“Where is Y/n?
-They left. They ran in this direction.
-Everyone is already out” he threw his phone at her, “call the old man or one of your student so they can help you with those two.”
He had to find you. He took him a couple of minutes to catch up on you, you had not got that far. You seemed completely normal, not even a micro injury. The only thing was that your right sleeve had been torned exposing your arm. You turned around facing him. You did not say anything just walking toward him. There was no trace of another curse. He was going to ask you what happened when you lifted your arm silencing him. Your phone buzzed in you pocket.
“Hello sir.”
He could not hear what was being said on the other side. But he could easily guessed it was one of your superior.
“The curse has been eliminated. It was a grade s. The students are safe, and the ones that are injured will be okay. Very well.”
You marked a pause, your eyes darting on his face, wondering if you could keep talking even though he was still here. He had no intention of going anywhere though.
“ Yes, Mahito escaped...”
You expression hardened.
“ I know... next time...”
You simply hanged up, finally turning to face Satoru.
“We can go, there’s nothing left here. They’re gone.”
He simply nodded.
“ I knew it was weird. Why would you even bother to come all this way to witness the tournament. I mean, it can be quite enjoyable but, you seem rather occupied.”
You didn’t say anything. You changed so much, what happened to joyful, cute Y/n, he wondered.
“ You were using the tournament as a way to attract Mahito ?
-No. I just knew he was gonna be here eventually.
-Why are you looking for him.
-Who isn’t looking for him at this point.
-Hmm, no, I feel like it’s personal.”
You clenched your jaw.
“He killed my team mates. Three months ago.”
Oh, that explained the dark energy coming out of you.
“So it is personal.
-You could say that”
You didn’t say a word, the weight of what you saw like a failure heavy on your shoulders. Satoru knew that better than anyone. The tournament was canceled and rescheduled. And weirdly enough, you did not left the academy at the same time as the Kyoto staff. You said your farewell to Iori and the students, returning later to your now assigned room. Satoru knew that if you were still here, it was because you had been assigned a new mission.
“You are still tagging along?”
You turned around, stopping your writing almost instantly. You might have been distracted because you did not hear him come in.
“Entering a someone’s room without authorization, sensei, it’s not reasonable.”
He couldn’t tell if you were serious or not. He couldn’t help if your room was next to his. He was curious.
“You are still calling me sensei? I am not your sensei anymore though.
-Officially no, but I am still learning while being here. But I can call you by your name if you prefer”
He actually liked when you called him sensei. He didn’t answer but you caught up pretty quick.
“Let’s stick with sensei then.”
He looked at you over his glasses, scanning your body. You weren’t wearing your uniform but a simple casual outfit. You looked cute. Your face scrunched in an adorable expression as you were concentrating on what you were writing.
“ What are you writing? A love letter to your boyfriend?”
He could almost hear you sight. He smiled, getting comfortable on your bed.
“ I am writing a report.
-About what?
-What happened during the tournament.
-You could say that.
-Y/n. Could you do something for me?
-If you could not mention in your report what happened between the Kyoto college and Itadori, it would really be nice.
-I don’t understand why you would not want the higher ups to not know that people of our organization are trying to kill a sixteen year old.
-It’s because you are still naive Y/n”
You turned around, visibly angry.
“I am not stupid. I know what they would do to Itadori if they could. I didn’t mentioned the incident in my report.”
He smiled, getting up, getting closer to you.
“ Good” he almost whispered in your ear. He could see your face heat up, but you stayed calm.
“Are you done? Or do you doubt me so much, you want to read my report too.
-I think about you a lot, but not once I’ve doubt you. I don’t know what you did to that curse in front of Itadori but he won’t even talk to me about it”
You smirked.
Satoru’s head was just full of you now. He just couldn’t help it. You were basically living together at this point. Even if he was busy training the first year and mostly Itadori, he was still seeing you from the corner of his eyes. You seemed interested in Itadori’s training, maybe secretly hoping for Sukuna to manifest. You did not seem to care though. You weren’t avoiding him, but you paid him no mind. He saw you multiple times laughing with Itadori, Nobara or Megumi. He even saw you leave with Nanami one evening. You came back late at night, drunk.
“Do you even have the required age to drink?”he asked a disapproving tone in his voice.
“Yes I do... How old do you think I am....
-You’re younger than Nanami, so what were you even doing outside with him”
You pouted, your arm crossing over your chest. Fuck, you were so cute. And you looked so pretty like this. Your hair were kinda messy, your visible eye gleaming. Your lips, fuck, it was kinda hard not to stare at them. Maybe he should be the one going outside, he seemed to need it.
“He just took me out to drink nothing else. And you shouldn’t even talk. That so hypocritical.
-What have I done ?
-You slept with at least three of my friend from graduation”
“So I don’t want to here anything else from you”
You sounded kinda angry now. But he couldn’t take you seriously right now. Not when you looked like a angry little kitten.
“I’m going to sleep”
He watched you go, your steps uncertain.
“Y/n, love, your room is the other way.”
You stoped in your track, looking at him, lost.
“I know. I was just playing”
Yes, so cute. He chuckled, deciding to escort you to your room just to make sure.
“Is this because of your friends that you are avoiding me love.
-Why? I didn’t do anything wrong to them? Did I?
-No, but I don’t want to end up sleeping with you”
Ouch, okay.
“After, you’re gonna break my heart and ghost me. No way.”
You arrived in front of your room.
“I would never do that to you love, so, would you go out with me?
-You’re just being a brat right now”
You laughed at him before opening your door.
“Good night Gojo Sensei”
This night signed the beginning of a real nightmare for him. You did not mentioned anything from this night to him after it happened. But fuck he wanted you so much. He felt bad about it, you being so young, he felt like he was going to corrupt you or something. He did not felt like this with any of your friend or his previous one night stands. So why with you? Maybe because he knew you since you were young. You weren’t especially close, you were often with people your age and he was on his side with the other teachers. But now you were an adult, and for what seemed a very strong sorcerer. Sometimes, he was wondering what was happening in his head, when he was taking decisions. Like when he chose to invite a girl over, while you where here, when all he could think about was you. He was doing this to provoke you, or maybe he was just dumb. Fucking her against the wall that was just next to yours was maybe a bit too much, but he still did it somehow. He was sick for this. You on the other side, you wanted to cry and throw yourself through the window. Fuck you could even hear him groan behind all the sound the girl was doing. How thin were those walls? You grabbed your earphones, trying to cancel the noises, but your mind was still full of Satoru. For years you had promise yourself that you won’t be like every other person that had met him. You would never fall in love with him, or want to sleep with him. So why was your heart aching because he was currently fucking someone else. And why you could feel arousal pooling in your belly, your thighs rubbing against one another. You would never do that. Touch yourself. Like this. No. You were better than that.
“Ah fuck...” you heard him moan from the other side.
In the end you were just a weak little human. And soon your hand find the way of your underwear, finally touching the most sensitive place of your body. You were just imagining him in top of you, he would fuck you so good, so full. You could almost feel his weight on your body, his skin against yours. You wished you could say it was the first time you had imagine something like this. But it really wasn’t. Satoru has been haunting your darkest fantasy for a while now, fed now by all the story you’ve heard from your friends.
“Ah fuck, love, do you hear me?”
You stopped breathing, your fingers stopping what they were doing.
“ Fuck love, you look so fucking pretty, spread yourself more for me”
You were so dumb for doing this but you still did, spreading your legs wider, giving yourself a better access.
“ I’m sure you taste so sweet, fuck, if only I could taste you.”
Your fingers were becoming more erratic, pleasure and tension building up between your legs.
“Are you gonna cum love?
-Yes” you cried, your face burning from embarrassment.
You prayed all the gods above that they couldn’t hear you.
“Yeah you’re gonna come for me. So fucking pretty, ah-”
You cried out, the coil in your stomach snapping, your juice flooding out.
“Gojo sensei” you moaned, maybe a bit too loud.
You hear him moan from the other side of the wall, probably reaching his end too. The only thing left of you was exhaustion, sadness and a bit of disgust. You just wanted to sleep. The next day Satoru woke up a bitter sweet taste in his mouth. What happened during the night, he could not explain it. But fuck, he heard you, and he knew you heard him. He hope you knew that every words he said were meant for you. That it was your face that flashed through his mind when he came that night. He find you in the common room, speaking to Itadori, the boy looking a bit down.
“Are you really leaving us soon?
-Yes I already overstepped my boundaries with staying that long. Obviously Mahito is not going to come back any time soon.
-We’ll miss you Y/n!”
You were leaving? It was logical after all. You could not stay here forever. Why did it make him a little bit sad then?
“Leaving already?”
You turned you head toward him, soon avoiding his gaze. He smiled.
“I have to go back to the headquarters as soon as I can. I am leaving for the south tomorrow.
-I see”
You next told everyone that you will go to Tokyo this afternoon because you wanted to buy some stuff before leaving. The first year almost jumped you, begging you to take them with you. Or at least Itadori and Nobara did.
“Kids, Y/n probably wants to spend time alone.
-No it’s fine they can come with me.
-It won’t bother you if I come too then”
Your head lowered, visibly embarrassed. But you didn’t say anything about it. You left to get ready, changing your uniform for some casual clothes, and Satoru thanked all the gods for this. You looked adorable. Your black eyepatch was replaced by a white simpler one, you were wearing a cute outfit, suddenly you were looking more your age.
“Let’s go then”
You stayed silent for most of the trip. Itadori and Nobara were so happy to go out you almost lost them twice in the crowd. Megumi was walking calmly behind them, looking after the two. You stoped a few times to look at some street food, and Satoru couldn’t help but think of this as a kind of date. If only he could hold your hand in his while you strolled through harajuku.
“They look good, don’t they?
Hm, they do, the one with strawberries look really tasty”
He got closer from, his tall form hovering your body. Your back was pressed against his torso and he could feel you tense a bit. He smirked, getting closer, pressing himself against your ass even more. You gasped.
“We’ll take two of the strawberry ones please!” He said smiling, your head shooting up to look at him.
-Come on Y/n, let me spoil you a bit”
You didn’t say anything else, just pouting looking away from him.
“Their whip cream tastes so good.
-Yes this place is great. There is a mochi place not far away, it’s great too!
-Do you have a sweet tooth sensei?
-I always loved what was sweet”
You snickered a bit not saying anything. You all kept walking for a bit finally deciding to go back to the academy. You were laughing and the mood had obviously lighten up even if you were still distant.
“Did you have a good time ?
-Yes thank you. I’m happy I could have a little break before going back to mission.
-Where are they sending you?
-In China. Mahito is only the tip of the iceberg. Me and several other shaman are sent to hopefully learn some things about the curses there.
-Seems risky.
-It definitely is. I don’t want to be paranoid but I have a feeling they want to maybe silence some of us.
-Oh so you are aware of that.
-I’ve been working for them since I was seventeen. I am well aware of their methods. Mahito might have killed most of my team mates, but we were not supposed to face someone as powerful. At least not when I wasn’t here.
-They got you separated from the group for a while?
-Basically yeah, when I came back most of them were dead, the other quite the job.
-And you still are going to follow their orders?
-I don’t really have a choice. I don’t feel like becoming a target of their wrath” you turned around to face him, “I am not like you”
He took off his blindfold, his eyes falling on your soft face. You gasped a little, almost dropping your ice cream. He came closer, bending his neck a little to look into your eyes.
“Don’t die.
-I don’t plan to.
If you ended up dying, maybe he would go and have a little discussion with the so called higher ups of the sorcerer society. He knew you were strong, stronger than most, the way you got rid of the s class curse was still a mystery to him, but he knew that those bastards had very efficient way to get rid of people they deemed too dangerous. If only you could stay here.
“ But you know, if I end up dying there, could you do something for me before.”
He quirked an eyebrow, suspicious.
His breathing became a little bit more rigged.
“Sensei, could you help me with something?
-Yes, of course”
He didn’t even need to know what you were asking him. He would basically do anything for you at this point. Really everything. You grabbed his shirt, asking him to bend over, his face coming at your level.
“ Sensei, I didn’t even tell you what I wanted yet...
-And what do you want?
-I want you”
He almost chocked on air. He could definitely give this to you.
“You can have me whenever you want love, fuck, you don’t even have to ask.”
He almost ran through the wall while returning to your room. It was empty when he came in. You really were going to leave. He did not have time to think more about it before you jump in his arm, your legs wrapped around his waist.
“ I caught you baby”, he chuckled, “Now, what do you want me to do?”
Your mouth was so close from his, you breath hitting his lips.
“ Tell me sensei, do you like being teased?
-Not really baby
-Me either, but last time, a guy I liked thought it was a good idea to make me know he was fucking someone else.
-This guy is a meanie
-He really is. I was waiting in my room, if he wanted he could have take me. Because I was waiting for him you know
-Oh really?”
You little minx, you were playing with him.
“I had to touch myself all alone in my room you know”
Yeah he was definitely hard now. He dropped you a little lower, your ass pressing against his clothed cock.
“ Sensei, I said no teasing...
-You’re right, no more teasing.”
He let you fall into the bed, laughing a little at your surprised expression. If you didn’t like being teased he wasn’t gonna waste more time. He grabbed your chin firmly in his hand squeezing your cheeks. You looked at him, your hands hesitantly reaching for his blindfold .
“Do it”
You hooked your thumbs under the fabric, slowly taking it off. He saw you eyes widen a little, lips parting slightly. You had already seen him without his blindfold but it seemed so much more intimate now. His beautiful white hair fell on his forehead, azure eyes opening to stare directly into your own.
“My turn”
His hand slide along your cheek, taking of your eye patch. A little scar was crossing your eyelid.
“So pretty” he said smirking, his lips hovering over yours.
You obviously weren’t very patient. The moment he was getting closer, you bite his lower lip, sucking it gently. He could feel your teeth sink into his flesh. You were going to be the death of him. He grabbed your hair firmly, capturing your lips in a feverish kiss. Your thighs were parted, his slander hips placed perfectly between them. You tasted so sweet, the taste of ice cream still lingering on your tongue. His favorite dessert truly. He could have kept kissing you forever if he didn’t felt you moving under him, your hips rolling against his crotch. He could feel how much you wanted this. He grabbed your wrist pinning your arms to the mattress. He had no doubt that you were a strong sorcerer but what could you even do against him.
“You want this so bad, you’re starting to behave like a slut.
-I can’t wait anymore. I’ve wait for this for so long.
-Did you?
-Yeah” you moaned shamelessly when he rocked his hips forward. You cried out his name, eyebrows furrowing. He had all the intentions in the world of driving you crazy, teasing you to no ends. But seeing you like this. His poor baby. He wasn’t going to be cruel. Not a lot that is. He let his hands caress your body, watching how you seem to squirm under his touch. You looked so sensitive.
“I’m gonna be nice with you love, but you have to be honest with me.
-W-what? I’d do anything....
-Of course you would.”
He bit your skin near your hip, leaving a mark there. Trailing his way down until he reaches your underwear. He was almost salivating at the view. If your mouth has tasted sweet, he couldn’t wait to taste you more. He spread your legs wider, holding your thighs firmly. His tongue darted out of his mouth, finally touching your flesh. You were so wet, your smell so much stronger there. He saw your hands clapping against your mouth, a little noise escaping you.
“Now you’re gonna have to tell me the truth baby. Do you want me?
-So much! I really want you sensei!
-Since when have you think of me like this?” You looked up to him, your eyes widened in shock and embarrassment.
“Since... We met maybe....
-So fucking naughty... Tell me more....
-Sensei... I wanted you so much back then but you weren’t even looking at me, fuck it feels so good...” He had started sucking at your flesh, toying with the most sensitive part of your body. You were squirming against his touch, but the little noises you were letting out were so sinful.
“I did so many things so you would notice me, haaa, but you didn’t... I know I had to become stronger.
-And now here you are baby, you’ve become so strong, and so good at pretending you don’t want me. I almost believed you in the beginning.”
Knowing that you had fantasied about this since you met him was having an effect on him he should be ashamed of. Your silly little crush on him, and all the thing you probably had thought about in your young mind full of hormones, it was really all he needed to lose all control. His fingers were now trusting deep and fast inside you. You were crying incoherent things, mixes of his name and pleads for more. He was addicted to you, he could stay like this, his mouth and fingers buried deep in your dripping hole, forever. Watching you cum for the second or third time as he laughed at you. He almost forgot how hard it had made him.
-No more sensei?” he slapped you ass, “don’t be rude with your superior Y/n.
-Please just, more...
-Use your words baby”He was smirking, so cocky about the mess he had made of you.
“Your cock please....”
You didn’t even had to ask him twice. He probably would have made you beg for it if he wasn’t so drunk in you. He unzipped his pants, freeing his member. He was so hard, it was painful. He was so caught up in his thoughts he did not see your hand coming closer. He jolted, tensing, a little growl almost escaping his mouth, when you took his cock in your hand.
“Fuck, Y/n, don’t sneak on me like that...
-You’re so hard sensei...
-Yeah baby, it’s because of you, you made sensei like this...
-Can I taste you, I want you in my mouth”, you proceed to stick your tongue out, a bit of saliva dripping from it. You were gonna kill him. He wanted nothing more than to fuck your face. But right now all his thoughts were on your slutty little hole. Definitely later. He grabbed your legs, making you fell back into the mattress. He bent your legs, your upper thighs pressed against your chest. You were so exposed. He couldn’t wait any longer, his hips rocking forward, his cock entering you mercilessly. You gasped, air leaving your lungs. He felt so big inside you, so hard and heavy.
“You’re literally creaming around me already, are you gonna cum?”
He was smiling, but inside he was screaming . Why were you still so tight. So fucking warm, your slimy walls were sucking him in. He knew now, that he could stay buried balls deep inside you forever. He pressed his hips even more against you, his hips trusting hard against you. The noise of your juices and skin clapping against one another was obscene, but so addictive. He was hitting so deep, from this angle, rubbing against your walls. He grabbed your arms, letting your legs go. You were now sitting on his lap, chest pressed against his. The change of angle had made you moan even louder. It felt so much more intimate for some reason. His grip on your ass forcing you to impale yourself on his member. You were going to cum. You felt it, deep inside.
“Cum for me baby.”
You didn’t need anything else, as you press your forehead on his neck, moaning his name your body trembling against his. You felt him tense against you, his pace getting quicker and deeper. You were crying from overstimulation when he finally cum inside you, growling in you ear. You fell limb in his arms, empty of your energy. Satoru kissed you before laying you down on your bed. You grabbed his hand, bringing it to your mouth. You kissed his knuckles gently. His heart swell at that, not wanting to leave your side. That was how he find himself staying all night with you. You woke him up again a few hours later, you were looking all hot and bothered again. How could he say no to his baby. You spent the night like this, between cuddling and sleeping.
That’s why he was so surprised to see you weren’t there when he woke up. He had forgot you were supposed to leave early in the morning. He stood up, understanding how empty the room now felt. He walked toward the desk where his clothes had been folded. He took the little piece of paper, realizing you probably had left it here for him. He laughed, reading it. He knew you were strong. He just had to wait a little bit for you to come back. He knew you would.
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bonkers-4-hatter · 3 years
!Yandere !Vampire Kisumi X Reader - Love Bites
♥ TW: This fanfic has mentions of kidnapping, violence, assault, biting and mentions of blood along with the biting, forced intimacies, forcing self onto the reader at certain points and yandere themes and actions. ♥ If any of the above does trigger you, please do not read. All characters are 18+ as college is mentioned in the past tense. 
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♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥                                                                                              ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥                                  You were never one to believe in such things as mythical creatures, it was just a bunch of nonsense. Of course, they’re wonderful tall tales to tell and talk about when you were younger, but you’re grown now; out of that phase you could say.
Tall tales, that’s all they were...at least you thought they were.
You could draw everything that you’ve experienced and seen as a lack of sleep, working too hard, or just needing a break to calm your mind, but with the most recent experiences you just couldn’t come up with an excuse for them and that very thought chilled you to your core. The dark figure standing in the corner of your room at night using the darkness as a veil, but the thing that stood out to you was the flickers of pink from the top of the figure's head from the small slivers of moonlight peeking through the closed curtains. 
Not only did the figure terrify you, but the touches were what set you over the edge. The soft touches that caressed your cheeks, head and the curves and contours of your body as the hands glided across your blanket covered body. You would always peek your eyes open only to see the same pink hair in your view.
The only person you knew with pink hair was Kisumi. 
He was your friend, a close friend at that. You guys did everything together, having been friends since College it just made sense for you guys to do things together. His behavior used to be carefree, fun and just free. Kisumi was a free spirit, but you noticed something change within him in the past few years; he was more possessive toward you. Always wanting to have your attention, scaring off potential significant others.
This wasn’t his usual behavior with you. Not only that, but his mannerisms have changed too. Not really eating in front of you, coming over at night only; claiming his new job had him working mornings many days and just being too exhausted to go anywhere with you during the day. Just weird things that have come up that rubbed you the wrong way. 
You hated that your mind went to these tall tales of Vampires, but you couldn’t come up with a normal answer. With his towering figure plaguing your mind, the touches that came in contact with your resting body and the constant fear and shiver of being watched by something unknown, hidden, just lurking in the shadows with their eyes fixated on you. 
Looking at how Kisumi was laughing and socializing with your guys’ group of friends, it’s as if nothing changed with him and he was the same ole Kisumi that everyone knew and had a great time with. He might have been able to fool the rest of your friends, but you knew something was up and tonight you were going to confront him even if you sounded like a lunatic. Taking a final drink of your (favorite drink), you placed some money on the table to cover your portion of the bill along with everyone else as everyone started to get up and say their goodbyes, making plans to meet up again next month as usual. 
Giving a final wave to your friends, you felt an arm snake around your shoulders and pulled you into a firm body. “(Y/N)-chan, let’s get you home.” Kisumi’s smooth voice filtered through your ears as you both made your way down the mostly empty sidewalk, the chatter and lively atmosphere of the restaurant dying away the further you walked away. The only noise that echoed around the silent street was both of your footsteps.
“You know I can get myself home, right Kisu?” He only shook his head and rubbed your shoulder, his cold skin giving you goosebumps as he brushed his fingers against the skin of your exposed upper arm. That was another weird thing with him, he was always cold now. He used to be warm, overly warm actually, always a human furnace. Now though, he was always cold to the touch and it always made you shiver no matter how many times it happened. 
“I know (Y/N), but I have to protect you from all the monsters out there, don’t I?” Another shiver ran down your spine at his question, you knew it was playful. It was Kisumi, he was always playful when it came to you, but this felt like it held an underlying meaning; like he was trying to tell you something. Scoffing, you rolled your eyes at his words. “Sure, the monsters Kisumi, whatever you say.” He laughed at your words as the both of you continued to walk down the street in silence. 
Clearing your throat, you decided to just ask him. “So, speaking of monsters, what do you think about vampires?” Kisumi stopped walking as he grasped your shoulder in a tight grip making you reel back as well. “What the hell Kisumi?!” Your shoulder burned a bit at how hard he dug his fingernails into your skin, but he still didn’t let go. Looking at his face he had a stoic look and his eyes were menacing in a way; narrowed and pointed right at you. “Vampires? Now, why would little (Y/N)-chan bring up such a thing as Vampires?” The malice that was laced in his voice was evident and downright terrifying especially in a situation where you were alone with him at night on an empty street. 
You tried to yank yourself away from his strong hold, but he didn’t let up. “It was a joke Kisumi, what’s wrong with you?” He only smirked at your words, before pushing against your shoulder until you hit the brick wall of one of the buildings. “A joke huh?” Placing his other hand on your free shoulder, he pinned you in place, the brick rubbing against your exposed skin in a way that it surely would leave marks. Before you could protest, Kisumi leaned down to your ear and whispered, “Do you think it’s a joke as you watch me in the corner of your room, or when I touch your delicious body in bed?” Your breath caught in your throat at his words. 
Your hands pushed hard against his chest, fear crawling up your body at his words. “That’s not fucking funny Kisu, I’m leaving.” Without waiting for him to respond, you shoved your way past him, resuming the trek to your house. Even the thought of your house wasn’t safe, it made you even more fearful, but you didn’t have much of a choice at this point. You felt like the darkness was suffocating you at this point and without a second thought, you ran the remainder of the few blocks, your front door in your view making you somewhat relieved. 
Deadbolting the door, your body slid down, settling at the floor. You felt exhausted, fearful and not to mention paranoid. Heavy eyes scanned the living room and what you could see of your hallway and everything seemed clear. Getting up with weak legs, you turned on every light in the house paying no mind to the thought of your electric bill nor how silly it seemed. This was what made you feel safe and at this point you were going to do anything to feel that way. 
After changing into some pajamas and trying to relax from the encounter with Kisumi, you found yourself wrapped up in a blanket on the couch, television playing a cliche horror movie. Wanting something to take your mind off what happened, you got sucked into the black and white film.
Your mind was completely preoccupied with the slasher film, blanket clutched in your hands, hiding your face behind the fuzzy comfort item as specific gory and violent scenes would pop on the screen. Usually you would watch these movies, any movie really with Kisumi...your mind went to your friend for a moment, not of the creepy things that have arisen recently, but of the memories of you both together. He would be here right now poking fun at you for being scared of these scenes, but also ‘protecting’ you from whatever was going on.
As your mind was wandering, you didn’t notice the presence next to you, not until a hand was on your thigh, fingers tapping against the supple flesh that was exposed from your pajamas. A scream erupted from your throat, but a hand clasped over your mouth, muffled cries were the only thing in the room, the noises on the television being drowned out by the thumping of your own heart. “Now (Y/N), this is the best part, hold in that scream for a minute, alright love?” His hand was still over your mouth and his free one was still trailing along your thigh. Side eyeing him, he sat there with a content smile on his face, eyes still glued on the screen. You stayed in that position for the next ten minutes until the credits were rolling.
“I loved watching these movies with you (Y/N), it was nice to be your savior when you got scared at certain scenes.” His hand uncovered your mouth, but started to stroke the soft skin down the slope of your neck getting dangerously close to the valley of your chest. “K-Kisu...how’d you get in?” Your body started to tremble as he just laughed at the fear pouring out of you at this moment. Gripping the back of your neck, Kisumi pulled you toward him, his face shoving itself into the crook of your neck as he started to place soft kisses along the slope of your neck and your collarbone. 
You felt his hot breath fan your skin as he answered your question. “Oh (Y/N), I think you already know the answer...I always tell you to lock your window.” The color drained from your face. Your window. The window that was always unlocked. It was something you didn’t think about because it was on the second floor. A place no human can reach because there were no trees, ledges, anything to help with climbing up. 
“Am I right Kisu?” A single question you needed answered. A heavy silence hung in the air as the man in question even stopped his kisses on your skin. “You’re always right (Y/N), I knew you would piece everything together, my (Y/N) is smart after all.” You could feel the sharpness of teeth scrape against the tender flesh of your neck, your breath hitching at the sensation. 
“I’ve always wanted to taste you, to know how sweet your blood is, I might get addicted to it (Y/N), but I don’t want to drain you dry...I want you around forever with me.” He laughed at the flinch in your body as he pressed his fangs a bit deeper into your neck. “You’re not ready to be changed yet either.” Sitting back up, he effortlessly pulled you into his lap, arms wrapping around your waist and anchoring you to him. “I think I’ll keep you as my personal toy until you’re ready to be changed, doesn’t my (Y/N) like the sound of that?” Fully grinning at the petrified look on your face, he showed you his sharp fangs, tongue sliding over them to add emphasis on what would happen if you disobeyed him.
You didn’t know what month it was, let alone the day. You just knew it’s been so long since Kisumi took you that night at your former house. After he had you in his arms, he told you what was going to happen. You got to pack what you could that night and he took you away. His home was your home now, or as he puts it, our home. 
He didn’t let you out, the house was your own personal prison and you...you were Kisumi’s personal blood bag. He didn’t want to kill you, nor turn you yet, but he had to have a taste of your blood, he tasted every other aspect of you and he knew he’d be addicted to your blood and it turns out he was.
Your skin was littered in bite marks. He would pierce your skin and take a drink from you, enough to make you dizzy before he stopped himself. He couldn’t wait for the wound to heal which is why he bites you in any available skin no matter where it is. 
He just wanted your sweet blood. Sometimes he would go overboard and will only stop if you pass out. Due to him feeding on you, you were exhausted. You turned into a shell of your former self with his constant feeding. Dark bags were under your eyes, droopy lids accompany them as well. All you wanted was rest, proper rest, but you knew you’d never get that again. 
You wouldn’t get anything you wanted again.
“(Y/N), my love, there you are.” Your head lolled to the side, Kisumi standing there with his usual smile on his face. The bed dipped down as his hands smoothed over your body, caressing any part of you he could get. He kissed your lips and made his way down to your neck. Before he could do anything, you whined out, hands weakly trying to stop him. 
“Please, not today Kisumi, I don’t think I can do it. I hurt so much, you drank too much yesterday, please give me a day to recover.” Kisumi cupped your face, thumb stroking the dark bags that decorated under your eyes. “Rest? (Y/N), we’ve been over this already sweetheart, I need to taste you everyday otherwise I might snap and we wouldn’t want that, right?” His hand clutched your face, squishing your cheeks together as you frantically shook your head not wanting to have him hurt you again.
“Good, that’s my good girl.” Placing a soft kiss on your forehead, he let your face go, a breath of relief escaped you as he bared his fangs and traced them over the scarred skin before sinking into the skin of your neck, a place he hasn’t touched in a week which was plenty of time to heal in his opinion.
“Ahh, Kisu...hurts, Kisu, it hurts..” Your weak voice flooded his ears, but he paid you no mind, you always struggled when he did this, but you were his to use and abuse to his desire. You were his little toy, his precious (Y/N).
The feeling of your blood sliding down his throat was beautiful. It was like a drug to him, he couldn’t get enough of it and he knew he was breaking you, but he didn’t care. He will turn you soon and you’ll be fine, but for now he needs you to keep hanging on. The quiet moans of pain only turned him on as he sunk his fangs deeper in your soft skin. “Kisu..too much, stop, please.” Soft pounding of your hands on his back snapped him out of his trance, Unlatching himself from your neck, your head fell to the side, eyes half lidded and skin heated after the ordeal. 
Licking a stray drop of blood from his lips and the puncture wounds on your neck, he was satisfied for now. Even though he was addicted to your blood, he was excited to turn you. You would finally be his forever, just as it should’ve been. Smirking at your worn out body, he gave you one last kiss before throwing a blanket over you and stalking off to finish your turning ceremony.
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