#i haven't written a fic in. . .a while lol
inhuman-obey-me · 9 months
Human Nature
Word Count: 1330 Description: A sudden discussion about how humans blame demons for all their problems comes up one evening in the House of Lamentation. Turns out, demons don't like to be blamed for human nature. Characters, etc: Satan, Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeus, MC -- with a little Asmo/MC at the end can be found on ao3 here
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“What is it with you humans?” 
You look up from your D.D.D. with a quirked brow, turning to Satan who seems to be wearing an expression of exasperation – at least, from what you can see while his nose is buried between pages of whatever it is he’s reading.  
“What are you talking about?” 
The demon slowly lowers the novel, now looking rather sheepish. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean that in relation to you, it’s just,” He gestures to the viridian book in his grasp, “I get so tired of reading stories where humans blame demons for all of their problems.” 
“Oh, don’t get me started!” Mammon butts in, still laying upside-down on one of the other sofas in the common room as he scrolls mindlessly through Akuzon on his phone, sunglasses nearly falling off his head to the floor. “Forget just humans in stories, they do that shit all the time in real-life, too!” 
“Mammon, you probably have caused plenty of problems for humans.” Leviathan doesn’t even look up from his game, his fingers furiously pressing and pushing buttons with a loud click-clack-click that’s slightly maddening. 
“And ya haven’t?!” The second-born nearly tosses his phone as he twists to point an accusing finger at the other. “As if ya don’t get all smug about your name bein’ all over the damn place!” 
“H-Hey, it’s not my fault people are into sea monsters – oh come on!” The melody for GAME OVER. “B-but even with a good-for-nothing demon like me, humans like to create all kinds of stories and legends.” 
Shifting in your seat, you look around the room in amusement. “I mean, the stories had to come from somewhere, right? A sliver of truth in every lie, and all that.” 
“Sure, some of the stories have merit. Demons have influenced plenty of people, us included.” Satan shakes his head, placing the book to the side as he straightens up in his seat. “But there are humans who think any and all terrible things done by their own kind are somehow our fault.” 
“Right, like I’m not responsible for every greedy human who screws others over.” Mammon shoots the third-born a glare to stop him from interrupting. “But then ya got some humans going on about bein’ influenced by the devil, or demonic possession.”
“Aww, I haven’t done a possession in so long!” Asmodeus enters the room with a rather woeful expression, dropping a shopping bag onto a table before twirling around, a gleeful grin replacing his pout. “Now, what fascinating discussion are we all having here, hm?” 
“About how some humans blame demons for everything bad that happens.” You answer, resting a hand in your chin as you look at the Avatar of Lust with curiosity. “What are your feelings on that, Asmo?” 
“My feelings?” He places a hand on his chest, fingers splayed over his heart as a shadow of ire falls on his features. “Ugh, I’d say that humans are totally full of themselves!” 
“That’s rich coming from you, Asmo.” Satan rolls his eyes, earning an offended gasp from the fifth-born.
“But it’s natural for me, I mean who wouldn’t be if they had a chance to be me?” Asmodeus perches on the armrest of one of the sofas, one leg crossed over the other. “It’s true, though. I mean, I love playing games with some humans and all, but so much of that is in the past!” 
“Asmo, you still try to pull things all the time.” Leviathan huffs, ignoring his younger brother’s sharp look. “You probably aren’t helping.” 
“Excuse me, I don’t want to hear that from you, Levi. You’re the one who summons Lotan at the drop of a hat!” Asmodeus waves off the other’s protest, turning to look at you – you, who have just been sitting back and enjoying the conversation unfolding. “Us demons like to feed off all the negative energy that humans can produce, but that’s the thing – a lot of it comes from humans themselves!” 
Satan hums in agreement, also fixing his gaze on you now. “For example, we all in this room can sense if you’re feeling a really strong urge in our particular sin and even contribute to it, but we’re the Avatars, and we have pacts. Your average demon out there can tempt all they want, but temptation works best on humans that already have a proclivity to the sin or act in question.” 
“And a lot of the lil’ guys you see here, those real low-level demons? They’re manifestations of humans’ sins and negative energy. Meanin’ humans technically made ‘em!” Mammon is sitting up now, adjusting the sunglasses on his head as he leans on one knee. “So really, humans are to blame for those annoyin’ pests.” 
“I’m not arguing that.” You nod, remembering learning some of this in classes at RAD. “Well, I’m not really arguing anything, but I didn’t realize you all felt so strongly about this.” 
“Don’t get us wrong, we’re used to it. I mean, we’re demons, we have a reputation for a reason.” Leviathan shrugs, his focus going back to his console. “It’s more like a pet peeve.” 
“Just like how humans think angels are all innocent and good.” Satan’s words get a round of snickers from the room. “If a human really wants to blame everything bad on us, so be it. But then they only have themselves to blame if we lean into it.” 
It’s then that you remember hearing a story about Satan – a time where some human parents got angry and accused him of scaring their child, even though all he had done was return the child’s smile with his own. He ended up traumatizing the humans with his own anger, having them crying and begging on the floor for forgiveness, much to his delight. 
You wonder, had those humans even believed in demons before then? 
What of your own wrath? Your envy? Your greed? All of those feelings existed in you long before you came to the Devildom, and there were plenty of times you acted on them both then and now. Has it gotten worse since you’ve been here? It was hard to tell, though you did know the brothers’ got rather pleased when you did find yourself having a burst of pride, of desire. Who was feeding off of who? 
“I guess,” you muse aloud, “we’re all connected a lot more than we realize.”  
“That’s one way of putting it,” Satan hummed. “We just like to give humans a little push, now and then. Give them a taste of freedom, of what they want. After that, it’s really up to them what they do. If they choose the path that benefits us, well, we can’t complain.”
“Oh, what humans will do to get what they desire!” Asmodeus dramatically leans off of his perch, putting an arm around your shoulder. He gives you a rather mischievous look, lips curled into a smirk as he turns your chin towards him. “So, tell me, hon – can I tempt you into anything tonight?” 
“Get your damn claws off them, Asmo!” Before you can answer, Mammon is already up on his feet and growling at the sight. “You really think you can pull that with all of us here?” 
“Y-yeah, you can’t even charm them!” Leviathan voices his envy. “PDA Police!! Stop touching them!”
As the room erupts into familiar and frustrating arguments, you can’t help but feel some mischief swell in your chest – so you raise your voice. 
“Why, yes, Asmo. You can tempt me to something tonight. Shall we?”
The brothers fall silent, even Asmodeus staring at you for a moment before his lips split into a fanged grin. “We most certainly shall!” 
With a laugh, you find yourself running out of the room hand-in-hand with Asmodeus while the other three yell behind you. 
“You little devil,” Asmodeus snickers as he pulls you along, throwing a glance your way. 
With a grin, you respond: 
“I’m only human.”
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danieyells · 21 days
How Much Is An SSR Worth?
Summary: Ren gets Taiga's help. SFW.
The Sinostra students looked up at the approaching stranger. Their looks were clearly unfriendly, untrustworthy, and some of them even reached in their blazers as if for weapons(were they allowed to walk around campus armed!?) Ren froze and grit his teeth, looking at the little group of gangsters and at the blood red mop of hair of their leader who didn't even turn around to acknowledge him. He was starting to regret thinking this could work--there was no way this was worth it.
Before he could start to back away, the Captain of the Sinsotra house tipped his head further back, directing a pair of bright yellow eyes at him from where they'd been staring emptily into the ceiling. Ren froze. The slow blink he received reminded him of a cat video he'd seen online, albeit significantly less cute and even less likely to be a sign of affection.
". . .who're you?"
Ren briefly felt like he'd been transported into a mafia movie. It was the gravel in his voice, or maybe the cold look in his eyes.
He floundered for a bit, trying to come up with a way to bring up why he came over that didn't sound ludicrous to a normie. Just looking at this guy, he wouldn't know a thing about what he was talking about or needed--but he knew he might be his only hope right now. Maybe Taiga caught on to that hopelessness, or maybe he was amused by the fumbling, because his dull expression became a curious and interested one.
"Oh. Ain't you one of Harry's kids?" Harry? Did Haru know this guy!? Somehow that made it worse. Taiga spun around in his seat to look at Ren properly, his excited expression showing off his shark-like teeth. Those might be cool, if not for that he followed this question up with, "you here to bring me my lunch?"
"Your lunch?"
"Yeah. One of my guys promised me he'd get me something to eat." Taiga gave a sideways nod to the Sinostra students who were sitting with him. "And Harry's place is full of all that fresh meat, ain't it? You ain't here to deliver anything for me?"
"Fresh--" He wanted to eat the anomalies? Was anybody in this place normal? "N-no, I'm not here to bring you anything!"
"Oh." Taiga deflated and pouted. "So, who the fuck are you then? You got a debt to pay? Lulu doesn't like me doing business outside the casino without him around, but I can still handle that."
This was definitely starting to feel like Ren was in over his head.
"I just. I heard some things."
"Oooh." Taiga, once again, thinks he's got it and smiles. "You need a loan? You want some illicit goods? You want somebody to turn up in Tokyo Bay?"
"What!? No!! Are you seriously saying all that shit in broad daylight!?"
"Maybe I'm not serious about it at all!" Taiga laughed, seeming amused by Ren's increasing discomfort.
"I don't need things from Sinostra! I heard some things about you! I need something from you!"
Taiga was quiet for a moment, head tilted and eyes wide like he wasn't expecting personal business. Then he pouted again, looking off to the side. "Is Lulu trying to. . .nah, he wouldn't do that. Not without tellin' me. . .selling someone's organs would be a lot more lucrative than whoring me out anyway." He muttered to himself for a moment, while Ren fished his phone out of his pocket and thrust it towards him.
He immediately jumped back as the Sinostra students drew weapons to point at him. Taiga held up a hand to stop them from gunning someone down in the cafeteria and stared dully into the screen.
". . .the fuck is this?"
"I don't have a lot of resources and I don't have a lot of time--and I heard your luck is incredible, and I just need you to press this button here."
Ren pointed at a confirmation button on the screen, careful not to tap it. Taiga stared at it as if it weren't two sentences worth of text and it was taking a long time to read.
He reached forward and tapped the screen, then snatched Ren's wrist when he tried to pull away and protest being taken out of it. A few colorful characters appeared from behind the darkened screen of the confirmation popup. The link advertising rates immediately caught Taiga's eye, and he tapped at the screen, scrolling through the numbers with increasing interest.
The rates for the most artful of characters were insanely low, and a quick tap of the gems in the top of the screen said they cost a pretty penny. He idly committed the prices and numbers to memory(where they were lost as soon as he moved away from the screen) to calculate the value of.
"What're you doing!? I just--you just have to do the pull! You don't need to look at anything else!"
"This is gambling!" Taiga said cheerfully. "Some real shit odds at that! What, you're going for that one? It looks kinda like you, kid!"
He pointed at a character near the top of the rate screen. "No, I pulled that one already, somehow. . .it's the topmost one I'm after. Everybody says it's completely overpowered and all of the new meta's based on this unit, not to mention the art--"
Taiga nodded along, the gacha having had drawn some of his interest as a gambler. Way less fun than a game with anything of interest on the line, but it still seemed interesting. Not the characters or units or anything of that sort, but the act of pulling for things of value. . .he supposed it was named after gachapon machines. But the virtual nature of it meant less limited potential. . .so the artificial scarcity was formed by limited time features like this.
Quite the business tactic. Romeo might like it.
"So you just need me to press this button here, yeah?" Taiga navigated back to the gacha as though he'd been playing the game since release. He was almost invested now. "And you want me to get you this thing or whatever."
"Yes!! If you can!!" Taiga sneered and popped open the confirmation menu.
"Kid, I don't lose bets--"
Once again guns were pointed at Ren as he grabbed Taiga's finger before he could do the pull. Not appreciating the contact, Taiga smacked his hand away, and he winced at the feeling of his rings colliding with his palm.
"You--" he swallowed, trying to ignore the threats. The look on Taiga's face almost made him want to call it quits again. This was already way more effort than it was worth. . .to a normal person, anyway, but this pull could be the true beginning or the end of his playing this game. "You need to hold down on the screen, after you press the button. It doesn't seem like it does anything, but I swear I've gotten better pulls that way--"
"I don't need your superstitions, brat."
With that, Taiga tapped the button without even looking at the screen, glaring uncomfortably into Ren's face. At first, he was frozen, before the audio cue prompted him to spin the phone screen to face himself. "Wait, you did a single pull!? You were supposed to do a ten, the rate is higher that way!"
"Don't need it."
"But if I don't get it that's a waste of my--!!!"
Ren's jaw dropped as the screen flashed a multitude of colors. The gacha music faded out, and a new track began to play, a popular voice actress' recorded line playing accompanying the subtitled dialogue being spelt out across the screen. His eyes went wide as the SSR's unique animation played, and he watched on as his desperately desired pull came through on a single, effortless shot from a stranger.
"Holy shit you got it." Taiga grinned, looking over Ren's shoulder at the new unit, completely unaware of what it meant. At most, the art was kind of nice. Ren looked like he was holding in tears--or maybe a scream. "You actually. . .in a single pull!?"
"Gyahahaha! Told you I don't lose, kid!" He threw an overly friendly arm around Ren's shoulders. Ren looked at Taiga like he was a hero. Of course he did, until Taiga said, "hey. . .you ever heard the expression 'there's no such thing as a free lunch?'"
For a moment, Ren remembered all of the things Taiga mentioned before. Debts. Deaths. Illicit substances. His face fell, and Taiga gave him a squeeze and a friendly shake and a smile that was more sinister than sincere. For a moment, Ren wondered if he'd gotten himself into something he couldn't get out of. Did this single gacha pull just pull him into a life of crime? Was he about to be some sort of drug runner for the local organized crime house? Did he need to kill somebody? Could he kill somebody?
". . .What do I owe you?" It was just a gacha pull! Why did he go to the guys who look like the mob for a gacha pull!? What a stupid idea, just because he overheard that the captain of Sinostra had some unbelievable luck. The triumphant music playing from his phone and the animated character on the screen offered him no comfort and Taiga bore his sharp teeth in a grin.
"I'm glad you asked! Lulu throws a little bitchfit whenever I do somebody a favor without a price, even if it's a personal favor and not a Sinostra one." He leaned his cheek against Ren, tapping painted nails against his chest. "And I'd guess you'd ordinarily need to do a lot more than just one pull to get what you wanted, yeah? Maybe ten, maybe even a hundred?"
Ren nodded stiffly. The rates for this game were abysmal. But it was addictive.
"So the value. . .it's way more than just one, isn't it." He couldn't remember the numbers he'd seen earlier exactly, but he could do some calculations in his head. If he bothered to. But he knew enough people with gambling addictions to know how Ren's mind worked. This service was nigh invaluable to him. "And I saved you money. That's practically worth interest."
"W-wait a second!" Ren pulled away--or, perhaps Taiga let Ren pull away. "This didn't cost you anything but a few seconds, maybe a couple minutes! The gems you spent on the pull, they weren't even 1,000 yen in total! I could pay you that out of pocket and--"
"Y'know what? You're right. It didn't cost me a thing, what'm I even saying!" He laughed and smiled in a friendly way. Ren didn't trust the sudden change in attitude in the slightest. He'd let his guard down. But it couldn't stay down. "Hell, it was even kinda fun. All the flashy lights and pretty sounds--and you got your little drawing out of it, right? Not to mention, you're one of Harry's kids, aren't'cha!"
"Eugh. I am not his. . . ." Ren stopped himself, then grit his teeth. This could save him. Haru could be of use for once. "Y-yeah, I uh. . .he's a great. . .father. . .? Anyway, if you had fun and I got what I wanted, then we're even, right?"
"Sure, sure!" Taiga clapped Ren on the shoulder. "Hey, you got more of those things you want? It was pretty fun, I wouldn't mind helping you out again if you ever want more!"
This appealed too heavily to Ren's sensitivities for him to stay on guard like he wanted. ". . .really? If you don't get results, I'm not asking you again."
"Yeah, really! I'm waiting on my lunch anyway, what else've you got?"
". . .and I don't have to pay?"
"Nah, no cash. No crazy favors. Don't even worry about it."
That specific wording should have tipped him off that he wasn't entirely off scott free, but the idea of more free SSRs in his account catalogue enticed him too much. Taiga looked at his phone screen and tapped through to the gacha again.
". . .well. . .the unit gets stronger if you manage to pull it a second time--or, up to five times. So we could try pulling for it again. And there's another unit I wanted to get--oh, and in a different game--"
Taiga went along with Ren's increasing excitement, tapping away at the screen. Ten-pulls glimmered with high rarity units and supports even as games were switched. A few times Ren even asked Taiga to perform actions in the game for him, cheering quietly when he got him through difficult story missions that had been keeping him stuck in place for weeks.
All the while, Taiga insisted there was no charge.
But he didn't say anything about no debt.
And he may have said that Ren didn't have to pay, but that didn't mean he wouldn't extract value from him in other ways. In a few weeks Ren would be staring into the pen for some anomalous animal, wondering how he would get it all the way to Sinsotra without arousing suspicion, and trying not to think of the way he saw Taiga eat raw meat and bone that day, complaining to the student who'd brought it for him that it wasn't fresh enough but it'd do.
He refused to blame himself for all of this though. It's not his fault the guy with improbable luck was a mafia boss. It's not his fault the mafia boss was an underhanded carnivore. And it sure as hell wasn't his fault he was assigned to the house full of animals!
And it wasn't his fault that the gacha rates were so low he went this route either. It's capitalism's fault! It's the fault of companies preying on gambling addictions! He's not to blame for this! He refused to be!
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eskawrites · 2 months
I have seen a bit of discussion on the stobin codependency/the way fans talk abt their relationship and I wanted to know your opinion. I think you are one of the authors that always manages to write it best bc you show how dangerous it can be, the negative consequences of it and you don't reduce robin's character to steve's extension or their dynamic as the only thing ever.
You don't have to answer but I am curious abt your pov bc I really love the way you write the characters.
aw thank you anon! this is very kind and i will try to come up with a smart and thoughtful answer for you, although truth be told most of my thoughts on stobin are just me rambling in a word doc to myself until i have enough notes for a story lol
i guess the biggest thing for me is that, in fandom spaces (and i suppose in online spaces/younger communities in general maybe) codependency has come to mean a couple different things? there's codependent as in 'codependent besties, bonded pair, do not separate, they're platonic soulmates and their lives have been helplessly intertwined since time began' kind of thing, which is of course fun to see and read and write for characters. but there's also, like, the psychological concept of codependency, which often involves controlling behavior or enabling self-destruction like addiction and stuff (i should put a disclaimer here that i'm not by any means a psychological professional and all of this post is, of course, simply my perspective)
we all like viewing stobin as codependent besties because that's what they are in the show, and honestly who doesn't love a little trauma bonding? but the thing is, the line between codependent besties and actual, unhealthy codependent behavior can be really thin. i think it's interesting to write and read what happens when that line blurs and the dynamic shifts into something unhealthy (like in my celebrity fake dating au, where 'you're the only one who understands me' turns into 'i can't face life without you' turns into a very limited support system and simultaneous destructive spirals). however, i do think that online discussions and perspectives of steve and robin can sort of mimic that blurring of the line in some way, which then leads to fans viewing stobin's dynamic as the only thing ever, like you said. and honestly, if platonic stobin is the most important thing to you and it's all you ever want to write and talk about, then hey, you do you. have fun with it
as for not reducing robin to steve's extension, yeah. i think it's very often a combination of the above and the tendency for male characters get more attention both in canon and in fandom. i also click out of posts/fics/etc that do that. but then, i tend not to read anything that isn't centered on robin, nancy, or ronance in the first place lol. and to be completely fair, you could probably argue that i tend to reduce steve to robin's extension in my writing, because i am simply more interested in robin (and female characters in general), so that's what I end up prioritizing in my fic
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ancientstone · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences 
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply 
Characters: Number Five | The Boy (Umbrella Academy), Klaus Hargreeves 
Additional Tags: Blood, Hurt No Comfort, Number Five | The Boy Needs A Hug, Hurt Klaus Hargreeves, POV Number Five | The Boy 
Series: Part 2 of Whump-ril 2024
Summary: Five’s had a rough morning, and help is nowhere in sight.
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set-wingedwarrior · 1 year
The Right time
So. It's been a hot minute, huh?
I'll spare you the long list of reasons why I haven't written for a while, and I can't even promise a full comeback because of my studies and stuff. I've written this very randomly, it's short, and I'm rusty, but I'm still happy I've been able to write something. I hope you'll like it :)
Shout out to @phoenix-fell for proofreading this very last minute, thanks bud!
Saying that they were shocked was an euphemism. Finding out that one of your friends is now decades older than you and turned into one of the main characters of your favorite childhood book isn’t a commonplace event. It makes you wonder how it must have felt for Jaune to realize that the guy he read about as a kid was actually his future self.
He surely knew how hard it was to process, which is why he left Team RWBY alone for some time, giving their minds the time to ease into that new reality before going straight back to business. In the meantime he’d use that spared hour to help the people of the Ever After that got hurt by the earlier attack, which is hardly a bad idea.
Ruby is visibly shaken, another hit on her sense of duty, feeling once again the failure to save a friend. Weiss is right beside her as the two take comfort in each other’s presence, and Yang feels particularly grateful that Weiss is still fighting to keep her promise to be the best partner she can be. It means that, at least for a little moment, Yang can take time for herself, and address the inner struggles regarding her own partner..
“Are you okay?” Blake, always the observant one, doesn’t miss the betraying flick of worry in Yang’s eyes.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Yang’s quick to answer “It’s just- I think I need to talk to you.” She says, before she can change her mind. She’s aware that it’s not the right time, probably the worst actually, but when was there ever a right one?
“Oh! I- I mean- sure.” Blake’s nervousness is obvious, which is why Yang doesn’t hesitate to take her hand in hers and give it a reassuring squeeze. It works, and Blake lets herself be led outside. “So, what do you need to talk about? Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes- no- I mean-“ looking down, Yang can see the Rusted Knight, Jaune, moving around with Juniper to help people. She takes a deep breath; she can do this. She has to. “Listen. I know that this, whatever this is going on between us, is still new. And I wanted to wait for the right moment before bringing it up but… then I saw him.” she nodded towards Jaune “Did he even try to get home? How long has he been waiting for us to find him? Or for him to find us?” Yang knows she’s pretty much rambling right now, but Blake’s focused gaze and pointed ears tell her that she still has her undivided attention. “And now I keep wondering: what if that was me? Or you?”
“Yang, we don’t know how things work here, and this is all just a conjecture. But I know that if that was me, I would have waited for you. No matter if I had the chance to escape, I’d never leave you behind.”
“This is not what I meant. I…” now it’s Blakes turn to give her a comforting squeeze.
“What do you mean then? It’s okay, go on.”
“It just… it made me realize: there’s no right time. There’s just here and now. And I don’t wanna force anything on you, you don’t have to answer me in any way. But I can’t risk spending my whole life waiting; I just need to tell you. Blake, I lo-“
Yang doesn’t get the chance to finish, interrupted by a pair of lips pressing on her own. Her first instinct is to freeze, - this is her first kiss, their first kiss! – but she gets one second to reciprocate before Blake pulls back.
“Are you really telling me about waiting and what ifs?” Blake starts, her voice breaking “Yang, I watched you die.” She grips on Yang’s jacket, not holding her but keeping her close “I saw you fall and disappear into a void that I was sure was certain death, and everything just stopped. Atlas, the relics, the evacuation, all gone; all I could think about was that I needed to reach you. I would have jumped if Weiss hadn’t stopped me.”
“Finding you here has been the greatest relief I have ever felt in my whole life. But, most importantly, it gave me, us, a second chance. I am not risking it, and I am not waiting anymore.” She says solemnly, before looking up and right into her eyes, the amber shining like gold “Yang Xiao Long, I am in love with-“
Yang tries, she really does, but she just can’t resist. She just has to lean down to kiss her again. This time it lasts a little longer, Blake has the time to adjust and kiss her back while both of their arms find their way around each other.
“I’m sorry.” Yang says after pulling back, with a wide grin that says she’s not sorry at all. Somehow Blake can’t bring herself to be mad. 
Then, the next time they speak is together, like they’re one person, one mind, one soul.
“I love you.”
They grin at each other. Grins that turn into smiles, that turn into giggles, until they let out a full blown laughter. It’s not even that funny, but they laugh so hard that they start crying.
All of their stress and fears finally find a way out through that pure unrestricted laughter. All of the feelings, good and bad, but most importantly all the love that has been held close to their hearts, are now free and out into the air of that unique and magical world. And they laugh like crazy, like in love. 
When it finally calms down, the two women look at each other, catch their breaths, then kiss again.
There’s never a right time for this sort of thing, especially when you’re a huntress and the world has fallen onto your shoulders. They could be gone tomorrow, or live long enough to witness the end of the world. 
Now is the right time. So they kiss, and laugh, and enjoy it to its fullest. Because that’s what makes it all more perfect: it’s the present.
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theflyingfeeling · 6 months
fic talk in the tags 💝
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pyrrhicraven · 22 days
4. A story idea you haven't written yet!
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Redemption arc Sephiroth. But not like a full redemption you know, he's still the bad guy. Like he's still a snarky asshat, still wants to destroy the world, but for whatever reason (clouds puppy eyes/ children playing despite being in the slums/ ect. ) decides its better to just destroy the organization that made him the monster he is and rebuild, make the world a better one, one in his image if you will.
Of course our heros will fight against that because it's still not a good world to be apart of since Sephiroth is still a crazy dude lol. But it's better than the full destruction he was after originally.
I like to think he's a lot like a cross between Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho) and Scar (Full Metal Alchemist) with the way I want to write him tbh.
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fiepige · 4 months
Have some more Sage facts cause I've been thinking about him a lot lately:
His universe's version of the Prowler is his older brother Abe.
Abe became the Prowler after he was separated from his family, in an attempt to find them and protect/care for them. (they were separated before Sage was caught and brought to an Oscorp lab so Abe doesn't know what's happened to him)
He and Sage reunites when Abe's on a mission as the Prowler to get intel from an Oscorp facility.
Abe was wounded and about to get caught by the guards when Sage showed up for dinner- killing all the guards and almost killing Abe too.
Cause they don't recognise each other as Abe's in his Prowler gear and Sage is in his symbiote form.
Abe barely manages to convince Sage that they're on the same side, as they both wish for the downfall of Oscorp (Abe suspects Oscorp has something to do with the disappearance of his brother. He also blames Oscorp for the separation of his family after their dad died.)
They form an uneasy alliance and do missions together from time to time, but none of them know the other one is their brother as they're always their alter egos when they meet up.
I haven't decided when or how I want them to find out that they've been working with their long lost sibling the entire time.
I just know that when it's eventually revealed they both have mixed feelings about it.
Cause they've both witnessed the other one do horrible stuff to other people. Sage isn't sure he's even the same person as he was back when they were separated, he's been through so mush since then.
And Abe's been viewing Sage (the symbiote version he's been working with) only as a means to an end in an attempt to look for his family, but now he suddenly has to reevaluate the time they spent together and the way he treated him. Cause he didn't see him as nothing more than a monster he could use to get rid of Oscorp goons. But now he realises he's been dragging his little brother along for dangerous missions and put him in horrible situations in order to reach his own goals. + Sage has witnessed him to awful stuff to people in order to get what he wants, things he never wanted his little brother to see.
They're not sure they can ever go back to the way things were. Abe wants to try, but Sage is more reluctant. Mostly because so much has changed since then. He's changed since then. He's not sure he can be who Abe expects him to be anymore. So he runs away. Cause he doesn't want Abe to get hurt. And he'll be hurt if he stays near Sage.
Will they reconcile? Who knows? Guess time will tell, cause I haven't figured it out yet lol.
I have so much more Sage lore but I wanna keep this post relatively short.
(Also if you've read all of this just know that I love you <3)
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turtlecleric · 4 months
Did this on my phone while waiting on a meeting lmao thanks keisha!!
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Blank under cut if anyone else wants to participate
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lavendershazy · 10 months
Ok so it's been ages since I been on ao3 (sounds like heresy ugh used to be every day ouch) but I must ask, is heartstopper a fic fandom? Like if I make myself write some fic for the show, would it run the chance of being read and enjoyed fr? I haven't seen much fic on tumblr so I'm wondering if people want that lol.
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saintchaser · 1 year
dorcas looked in front of them, and then back at marlene. "what's at the end of the tunnel?"
"oh, dorcas." marlene laughed pitifully, knowing so many things, holding so many secrets that dorcas didn't know. "there's nothing there. it's empty, it's dull, it's nothing. this is it. death has a start, but never a finish. once you slip away, you can never get out."
"isn't there a choice, though? whether i want to go or not?" they asked; they had been wondering, thinking about the idea of going back, in a way. there was so much left to do, so mamy fallen soldiers to avenge, but they had loved marlene more than they wanted to keep on fighting for what they believed was right.
"the choice is yours; you can go," she said, holding out her hand to the light, "or stay. with me."
"i want to stay with you." their words were barely above a whisper. it wasn't a question; it was a statement. it had been marlene, it always had.
marlene was just as lovely, even in death. "then come with me," they reached out for her, almost blindly, and their hands touched. "welcome home, my sunshine."
and they were home, for one last time.
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jacepens · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Live A Live (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mad Dog/Sundown Kid (Live a Live) Characters: Mad Dog (Live a Live), Sundown Kid (Live a Live) Additional Tags: Alcohol, Blow Jobs, Drunk Sex, Denial of Feelings, Pre-Canon, Mild Hurt/Comfort, very mild, Rivals With Benefits, but do I even need to tag that?, Smut, Tears, Mild Internalized Homophobia, Touch-Starved, god they're so touch-starved Summary:
It's been a long, exhausting day for both Mad Dog and The Sundown Kid. Mad Dog's got a brand new bottle of whiskey calling his name, but he's forced to share it with Sundown Kid before their promised duel in the morning. Before that morning comes though, the night is quiet and slow, and it only makes sense to give a man a helping hand, right?
More cowboys!!:) This time with some smut because I think they deserve it. I don’t have much to say lol, it’s smut with so many feelings buried so so far down. Enjoy!
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134340am · 2 years
all i wanna do is talk about my yams fic but what if i hype it up too much and people read it and they’re like :-/ wo w this sucks ass
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mikumixtwix · 10 months
man i just realized it would've been SO perfect to update my jaune v8 timeloop fic today since i got the idea for it in the first place from listening to kagerou daze not long after watching the v8 finale.
unfortunately i am. no where near done w/ the second chapter
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facedock · 1 year
okay okay here's my demon!Face/Murdock backstory, since I'm sure you're all dying to know. (/s)
this gets pretty dark and disturbing and ended up basically becoming a lil ficlet, lol, so, uh...
(warning for eerie edit at the every end of the post)
Like I said in the other post, Murdock sold his soul in order to save the rest of the team from dying.
But at first, he wasn't a demon. He just signed over his soul and was promptly dragged to hell to be tortured for eternity.
When Face, brought back from the brink of death alongside Hannibal and B.A., found out what happened, he didn't wait for Hannibal to come up with a plan.
He summoned the demon who'd taken Murdock to hell, and made a deal.
In order to bring Murdock back to Earth, they'd both have to become demons.
Done. Easy. He can't let Murdock be tortured for a minute longer.
And thus ends their existence as humans with souls, and so begins their eternal damnation to life as supernatural entities.
Face hates it at first. Collecting souls for hell, knowing the fate they'll suffer after they die.
But after the third or fourth deal granting some businessman more power and money, Face starts not to feel so bad. They deserve it, don't they? After all, Murdock sold his soul to save people! Face agreed to become a demon to save Murdock!
Who the hell were these assholes, turning their precious lives over to hell just so they could gain fame and fortune in the here and now?
And so, Face embraces his demonic nature. He revels in tempting people to give up their souls. And if he experiments with eating a few humans that really piss him off, well, nobody needs to know about it!
But Murdock, bless him... Murdock never changes. He stays loyal, even as he questions and shows concern for Face's path. Murdock refuses to take part in any gruesome aspects of being a demon; he'll only ever go so far as causing a bit of harmless mischief.
That's fine; Face more than makes up for Murdock's demonic slack.
He develops an addiction to human blood, and starts targeting the morally-neutral or even the righteous with his temptations. He likes to see how far he can push them, how easy they are to corrupt...
Murdock knows Face is keeping secrets. But he loves him still. Of course he does. It's in the guy's nature, human or not.
Which leads Face to wonder... what's in his nature? Was he always this close to snapping? To going down a path he can't be redeemed from?
...Can he be redeemed?
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laviethepooh · 1 year
man what should i write next
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