#i honestly forgot about it until i was reading your fic today
noiselessbuck · 9 months
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delight // delirium
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@gender-snatched some of my old art but thought you might want to see
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evasive-anon · 5 months
Jason Attacking Tim at Titans Tower
Fanon vs Canon
We've all seen the versions in fanfiction but I'm not so sure everyone's seen the original so if you're one of those batfam fans who doesn't want to read the comics (regardless of reasons) but you are curious about how it actually went this is for you.
What I'm addressing:
What does Jason actually say to Tim during the attack?
Did Jason drug all the other Titans?
Did Jason really wear a Robin costume?
Did Jason slit Tim's throat or call him replacement?
Did Jason actually break Tim's bo staff?
Was Tim crying or scared?
Did Jason write a message on the wall in Tim's blood?
Did Jason's eyes glow green?/Did he follow pit rage mechanics?
Panels and details below. This is a LONG one.
What did Jason actually say to Tim during the attack?
Dialogue in fanfiction during the Titans Tower attack varies based on what kind of fic you're reading but usually its either 'time to clip Replacement's wings' if its staying a beatdown whump 'or oh no precious lil bby why is no one watching you' if its an accidental child acquisition. Not judging either option, but this ain't about them its about the real shit.
Look at these opening lines:
Hey, Tim. I was here first.You're the Red Hood. You've been cleaning up Gotham the easy way. Easy? What do you know about easy, Tim? You had a father that looked after you. You went to a private school, right? You slept in a bed. I slept on the streets, I lived in the alleyways in Gotham. Trying to survive. Until Bruce took me in. I trained as hard as I could. I did whatever he asked. . . at least at first. But it didn't matter. They said I wasn't tough enough to be robin. But today, they say you are. Show me, Tim. Show me what you have that I didn't.
Jason really puts himself out there in all of his dialogue in this encounter, the struggle of having to fight for anything and everything he got in life, even the things that came to everyone else for free, and then being told he wasn't even good enough for the things he fought for.
There's a trope in fanfics that if Jason knew Tim stalked Batman and forced his way into being Robin that it would change how Jason felt about the situation but that's even addressed in this comic:
You were a kid, worried about how Batman was spiraling down into darkness. You spent weeks tracking the dark knight. Solving a mystery no one else could. You discovered who he was behind that mask. Millionaire Bruce Wayne. You were so pleased with yourself, I'm sure that you forgot who you were really dealing with. I know Bruce Wayne. And let me tell you, Tim if someone was trying to find out who Batman really was. If someone was stalking him for weeks. He'd know about it. You can't be that good. I am. He let you find him. And I bet he said the same thing to you as he did to me, didn't he? That you had a talent to make a difference in Gotham. That he needed someone he could trust in war on crime. That you were one of a kind. The light to his darkness. Robin, the Boy Wonder.
Tim saying 'I am' is really such a moment that doesn't come through in text because he is right that he really did do that but I also completely understand why Jason wouldn't believe it.
TBH my favorite part is how done Tim honestly sounds with Jason thoughout all his trauma dumping. Like imagine a grown man who used to work the same part time job as you breaking into your house, dressing up in your work uniform, ranting about how much the job ruined his life while he beats your ass??? God, and he probably had to write a fucking report about it after. RIP Timmy.
What do you want? Do you want to be Robin again? Is that it? You... want to take it away from me? Why in the hell would I ever want that? Don't you get it? When I died no one cared! No one remembered me. Are you completely insane? No one could forget you. I've spent my entire career wearing this mask under your shadow. I had to convince Batman to let me try this. All because he'll never stop blaming himself for what happened to you. You ask me, that's the only reason he hasn't taken you down. He's holding back. But me? No freakin' way. That's the Robin I wanted to see. Still. You do realize the whole idea of training a teenager to fight against something he'll never eradicate is a mistake. It didn't even surprise anyone when I died. When I failed. I failed-- but I'm still beating you. Do you think you're that good now?! Do you really, Tim? Yes.
Tim bashing Jason across the face as he says 'no freakin' way'? *chefs kiss*
Jason drugging the other Titans to knock them out?
Little bit true, Kory was actually just already away from the tower and BB and Cyborg were about to bounce because of the drama going on with Donna's return but Jason like super tazes them and then drugs Raven who he thought already went through enough shit without him knocking her out violently.
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Note: Jason says in the text here that he never rolled with Cyborg or BB but like he actually did in some comics so?? The continuity is lie I guess idk.
Did he show up in Red Hood gear or a Robin costume?
Both tbh but he spent most of the time in the Robin costume but bro actually made a stripper rip away version of his Red Hood gear so he could dramatically reveal the Robin costume underneath. I can't believe no one ever includes that in their fics its so fucking funny.
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Does he call Tim 'replacement' or slit his throat?
No, this came from a Batman comic with Hush not Teen Titans. That incident takes place in a graveyard not Titans Tower and he calls Tim pretender not replacement.
Does Jason break Tim's staff?
Tragically, no. The bo staff snap would have been iconic. Instead he just takes Tim's staff and beats Tim up with it and breaks stuff. BUT!! He uses it to bust a statue in the TITANS MEMORIAL ROOM which is a place in Titans Tower just for having statues of dead previous titans and Jason is rightfully pissed he didn't get one. Like Tim is correct in saying no one forgot him still but like I would be hurt too if all my friends made cool statues of friends that died and then just left my zombie ass out, like wtf.
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Note: I am seriously losing my shit that I have never seen someone bring up the memorial room in a fanfic. That is so much angst material. 😭
Tim crying/ being scared?
Hell no. He's a fucking Robin you know he's being a sassy boy the whole time, even towards the end when he's about done he's still saying he's her and I love Tim for that.
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Note: There are a few different times where Tim does a flippy Robin move and then Jason just fucking copies it like flexing that he can do it too, and its just so petty and stupid he's trying so hard to be better than an actual child. 💀I get why in the context of the situation but its still so ridiculous.
Message on the wall in Tim's blood?
TBH I really don't know for sure on this one?? Like its implied that he did but Tim isn't bleeding all that much throughout this beatdown and like we don't see Jason do it just the Titans reacting to seeing it after. It could be Tim's blood, it could be red paint, and it could even be that Jason packed an actual bucket of blood to bring with him to write a message with after he finished. TBH the world is your oyster on this one.
Note: If anyone can find another comic where this event was brought up where they actually clarify it was Tim's blood hmu and I'll update this but I couldn't find any.
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Pit rage/ glowing green eyes?
Fanon only at this point in the comics. Jason is seems to be himself and even thinks Tim and his friends are pretty cool at the end, and he's just like reflecting on if he had good friends if he would have turned out better as he leaves.
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lovemaiyo · 9 months
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lovesick . romance tropes with blue lock . (full length fics coming up soon!!) .
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" hey nana, no matter how much or how often people hurt each other, loving someone is never a waste .
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ISAGI childhood friends to lovers & in the rain you always admired isagi. every since the age of 7, he had been obsessed with football. it was really rare to find a passion and ambition like his. and he was so nice to you! and cute.. and hot.. and driven.. and- okay, you liked him. like, a lot. but he was in love with someone.. something else. football. it was what he lived for. but you were next, really. isagi would come to you with stories, ideas, and just about anything. and you would listen religiously, because that was the only thing you could do to keep your heart from bursting. these habits, and your 10 year crush, carried on until high school. you were neighbors, so you always walked with him to school and back. it looks like someone forgot to read the weather report today, because it's rainy with a chance of a confession. "you like me? i like you too. you're my best friend!" "yoichi. i like you. like, like like. like love." "i love you too!" ".. yoichi isagi. it's been 3652 days since i've liked you." "oh. that kind of like."
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RIN enemies to lovers & academic rivals to lovers you hated itoshi rin. you HATED him. you hated how he always acted all high and mighty and thought everyone was below him and called everyone that didn't fit his high ass standards "lukewarm." you hated how your name was always second to "itoshi rin." in every exam, in every lesson. you hated him and he hated you right back (or you thought) though, that didn't really explain why he was standing in front of you with a heart shaped box, eyes wandering across the room, one hand scratching his neck bashfully, with a little bit of blush on his cheeks. your jaw almost dropped. yeah, you hated itoshi rin, but was he always this pretty? his eyes were spotify green cerulean, and his hair framed his face perfectly. now, up close, you noticed that his eyes weren't blue ー they were teal. his jawline was sharp. was it bad that you wanted to kiss it? was it bad that you wanted to kiss him? "HUH?????? I THOUGHT YOU HATED ME?" wow, excellent thing to say to your crush!!! woooo!!! you dumb bitch.. "hated you? uh.. i never really hated you.." "oh..." "yeah.." silence.
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CHIGIRI stuck in a elevator & hot neighbor
wow, moving was the best decision you ever made. the rent was way lower, the community was friendly, and your neighbor was, well.. hot. hot as fuck. he was tall, with long and silky red hair, and the prettiest pink eyes. and he was really nice. cookies on the day you moved in, frequent hi's and hello's, and he even invited you for dinner some day! no doubt, you were head over heels. and how could you not be? he made one hell of a pasta. so, would it be considered good, or bad that you're currently stuck in an elevator with him? you were going out to meet some friends, you so did your makeup and everything. he just got back from the gym. god, he was really eye candy. "you look nice. who're you all dolled up for?" "just some friends. you?" "got back from the gym." "so.." "hm?" and then there was a crash. ".." ".." "holy shit. what was that."
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KUNIGAMI best friend's older brother & protecting you
ever since you were eight, still watching icarly on the tv and dressing up dolls with your best friend, you had been MADLY smitten with her older brother. honestly, who wouldn't be? he was so nice, treated you with utmost care even when you were younger then him. he never lost his calm, he was always kind, and... he was extremely handsome. you always chased after him, but he always just thought you were his little sister's best friend. naturally, you enrolled in the same college as him. you were only a year younger, and with the mindset that kunigami only liked smart girls, you got into college with amazing grades. so why was it, that every time you tried to dress up all cute for him, he barely paid attention. it wasn't like you were in the same friend group, but really? just a occasional 'wow, those clothes suit you.' and a smile? how dense was this guy? and on top of that, you always attracted unwanted attention. "hey, girl, let's go out." ".. no." "why not? listen, i have a lot of girls chasing me, and i chose you. you must be honored." "i have a boyfriend.." "sure you do. listen, just give it up." he moved his arms towards you. "no means no." a familiar voice said, grabbing that creepy guy's hands. "and who're you?" ".. her boyfriend."
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REO fake dating
the silence was deafening. "what. did you just say?" "i said, date me. for 2 weeks, fake date me. just to get my parents off my back." .. is he being for real? you knew mikage reo since you were 5. your parents and his parents were business partners, so you saw each other a lot. it was him, with his little purple bowlcut, at 5 years old, who excitedly took your hand and introduced himself. reo quickly became a close friend of yours - until he moved overseas for his little football trip or something. you hadn't seen him in years, yet he came back, knocked on your door, and made this crazy proposal. sure, he'd grown into a hot guy.. a little bit too hot. his fluffy purple hair framed his beautiful face perfectly, and his curious eyes looked at you, waiting for your answer. his lean and toned arms were visible from the black half sleeve he wore, and traces of a fully defined body were visible from under... maybe this wouldn't be such a bad idea? "so? yes or no?"
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NAGI sharing a room
going on a trip with your crush was the BEST thing that had ever happened to you. well, it was until about 10 minutes ago. reo, your mutual friend, decided to sponsor a trip for every one of his friends for reasons only god knows. you all met at the lobby of the expensive hotel he booked, and drew straws to see who'd get which room. reo, being the sore loser he was, (no reo hate i love reo) switched up the straws as soon as he got the shorter one. so, just your luck, right? getting stuck with your crush, nagi seishirou, in one room. you're so gonna kill reo when you get out of this. "uhh, i can take the floor?" you offered. "okay. take it then." he said, plainly. your eye twitched at his pettiness. ".. nevermind!! i'm taking the bed." "hey." he frowned "we flip a coin.. i'm heads." actually, your luck was sort of good. it landed on tails! "this thing is rigged..." he grumbled while getting ready to sleep on the floor. which somehow included taking off his grey sweatshirt, to reveal abs and a body like a greek god.. wait, why were you even staring?? "soo... uh.. do you always take off your shirt before going to bed?"
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lovemaiyo 2023. do not steal.
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livingemkayde · 8 months
warning signs
boston!joel miller x f!reader | 3.8k
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↳ warnings: this is rated for 18+ only! minors, please do not interact. smut, oral m! and f!receiving, fingering, joel is emotionally distant because the world has gone to shit, violence (reader gets hit once by a FEDRA soldier), mentions of blood and wounds, angst!!!, no use of y/n. let me know if i forgot anything. 
↳ a/n: WADDUP PARTY PEOPLE!!! were back again with another post outbreak!joel miller one shot, horrible canva graphic done by yours truly, and a quiet obsession with this idea while i had covid.
so....this is a little different from my regular scheduled programming. i wanted to explore a different kind of writing style and i am really happy with how this came out. it made writing fun. thank you for all of your comments, reblogs, asks, etc. they truly do mean the world. IM JUST A GIRL WRITING HER HEART OUT SO THANK YOU.
↳ this one is dedicated to my long lost lover and biggest supporter, @joelsversion i love you bestie.
↳ follow @livingemkaydenotifs if you would like to be notified about more fics like this. as always, i love you so, so much.
↳ if you would like to read more of mine: masterlist
He deserves it all.  You know that for certain.  And they were all right about him, dangerous.  But maybe they only spewed a half truth. Because yes, dangerous. But only because he shouldn't feel so good, shouldn't be so gentle, shouldn't call you baby, and angel, and sweetheart, and darlin’.  You’ve been morphed into a daredevil by kisses and soft touches and two fingers notched inside your wanting cunt while his tongue slides over your bundle of nerves.  If Joel Miller is dangerous, you're willing to risk it all. 
“He’s not a good man.” 
“You don’t know that,” you said, shaking your head. 
“I know what he’s done. He’s — dangerous.”
“But does that make him a bad man?” 
“It certainly doesn’t make him a good one.”
“Good morning,” you say, zipping up the front of your jacket, doubling the extra layer of warmth. It’s freezing today, and you’ve managed to fit both of your long sleeves under your coat. 
You smile at him, like always. Almost practiced, almost rehearsed. And he always gives you a gruff nod, and says—
“Cold out,” you acknowledge, following in stride, a stair behind him. Your boots slap down onto the wood but it only creaks under the weight of his body. He slumps down the steps, one big, heavy foot in front of the other. You notice how he waits for you to go first when you both round the corner. 
He just grunts in response. He’s not rude, or mean. It’s just how he is. It’s what you’ve gotten used to. But there’s something different in his tone this time. The etches marked in his face right between his eyebrows are stronger and his lip quivers on the right side, shaking with an uncertainty that changes his entire face into something you’re not quite sure you’ve ever seen before. A face like he’s worried about something. 
You both get to the bottom of the stairs, nearing the entrance to the building. This is the part where he goes his way and you go yours. You follow the sun’s path, towards your daily jobs, he goes towards the ration line, towards other Areas. It’s just how it is. 
Until it isn’t. 
You know him.
Well, that’s not to say much—everyone knows him. But you’ve had the lucky chance of actually meeting him. Not really knowing him. But you know who he is and the deep, dark, drawl of his voice. 
If someone were to say, ‘Hey, you know Joel Miller, right?’ 
You’d honestly probably say no. 
But that’s just because truly knowing Joel Miller comes with its consequences. 
But you do know he always wears his green flannel when it’s a little chilly out. You know his mug broke and that he needed to borrow one of yours a couple days ago. And you can hear every time he opens his door. Whether he’s inviting someone in, or seeing someone out is a different story. A story you don’t care to find out. 
And maybe that’s enough to know him—or so you thought. 
You see him.
Same time. 
Same place. 
Whoever previously stayed in your apartment left an open unit for you to settle into when you first arrived in Boston three months ago. They’re probably dead now. You try not to think of that fact too often. You kept to yourself mostly. Almost a ‘speak when spoken to’ situation. You felt like you were back in Sunday school. 
But then, when you had settled into your new routine, you saw him. Same time, same place, everyday. 
You know Joel Miller leaves his apartment at 8:02 am. You figured it’s because he tells himself to be out the door by 8:00 am but doesn’t actually start leaving until the hour hand hits—just like you. You know that he prefers to take the back stairs, just like you. And you also know that he heads straight for the ration lines when the fresh air finally hits.
You like to watch him as he walks away, stalking in another direction, almost into a different world.
He barely speaks to you. Maybe less than two words per sighting. You’re not really looking for a thought provoking conversation, but a conversation might be nice.
Though, you can’t really focus on much besides how handsome you think he is. You even saw him smile once. His face turned kind of boyish. You had said something about needing coffee, desperately, and he actually smiled. 
It almost felt like something normal. 
Maybe in some sick and backwards way you thought you two were friends. But, in retrospect, that might’ve been silly. Because in reality, you can’t stop thinking about him. You wake up, having replaced your need for coffee by the thought of seeing him. 
What’s he going to wear today? 
Is he gonna look at you?
What’s he going to say? Something practiced? Something new?
You always hope for the latter. 
You like how he scares people. How he can cut the radio comm line and the most anyone would dare say is garbled into a low and nonthreatening, there’s a line here. How he seems to put on a front, but in those fleeting minutes when you both walk in tandem down the back stairs, he doesn’t put it on. Not for you—not in front of you. You tried not to let that get to your head. But Joel Miller mixed with polite small talk, and good mornings, and you can’t help but feel special. So that stupid naive part of you thought that you knew him. You heard stories of him, sure. But decidedly, you don’t really know him. Not like that. 
Because just as you give him a small smile and turn to walk off in the opposite direction, he grabs your arm. 
It’s not hard or threatening. He’s surprisingly soft, almost gentle. His hand is so starkly warm—a living furnace. He pulls you back to the stairwell, you get so flustered that you trip over yourself, but he holds you up. He looks down at you, and he’s still got that worried look on his face masked by something eerily calm. 
The hand on your bicep doesn’t move—even when you relax your arm. You wouldn’t dare speak. His presence sewed your mouth shut, one look and you’re a ghost. He looks you up and down, his eyes catching at your chest, your lips, your heated cheeks. Almost like it’s the first time he’s really seen you.  
You highly doubt that though. 
Did he notice when a firefly left your apartment in the dead of night?
Did he care that you ventured into the world of pleasure over good judgment? 
You think he does. 
“You need to be careful,” he drawls, finite, stern. 
You let your eyes go big, your mouth parts. It’s the most this man has ever said to you, let alone touch you. You’ve never been this close to him. The air is so cold your breath puffs out in clouds. Your heels dig into the molding of the wall. 
“Around Area 3,” he clarifies when you remain silent. 
You can feel his hand push into the layers covering your arm. It seeps something sickly down to your bones. Even through the thickness of it, his hand is warm, and his grip is inviting. 
He has big eyes. It’s really the only thing you can think about. You can only see Joel Miller’s big puppy dog eyes staring down at you. They’re black, pitch-dark. Maybe in the light they might be brown. You wonder if you'll ever see them look at you in any other way. You silently hope you will. 
His grip tightens a fraction of an inch, pushing you back into the wall a little. Almost like he’s saying — do you hear me?
“Why?” you manage to squeak out. 
“Just—” he huffs, maybe sighs, “—don’t get too close. It’s dangerous.”
It almost seems like he’s waiting for you to respond. To confirm that you hear him and that you understand. Acknowledge that you’ll at least try to be safe. Though you both know safety around these parts are few and far between. 
And maybe you should be careful, because the most dangerous thing right now is that Joel Miller’s got you pinned to the wall. Where no one can see either of you. Or hear the darkened drawl whispering off his scruff into a white cloud. But you’re not really scared, and you silently think you should be. 
Dangerous—everyone had said to you when you first got here. He’s fucking dangerous. But how can dangerous be spelled out into something kind? How can dangerous look like he doesn’t ever want to let you go?
“Okay,” you say, breathless. He releases your arm, it leaves its mark burned into you. He backs away from you with his eyes studying yours. You don’t move, and he nods towards the exit.
Joel was right. About Area 3. 
A day later, you’re walking to the ration lines and you can hear the trucks rolling through. You pick up your speed, put your head down, and try to walk a little faster. 
You’re almost there. Just a couple more blocks. 
“Miss, you can’t be out here,” it calls out again. You don’t recognize the voice—you keep walking. 
“Hey!” he says, pulling at your arm. You fight away, but he hits you across the face and you fall, clutching your cheek with a cold palm. The sting is dulled, your vision wobbles a little and you begin to taste something metallically and familiar looming against the inside of your cheek. 
“You fuckin’ deaf?” the soldier says, picking you up roughly by an arm. He’s not warm. Or soft. Or surprisingly gentle. 
“Fuck off,” you bite back, standing, pushing out of his grip, and shaking your jacket of the dust. It flutters off you like soot while you stumble back onto the curb. 
“I said—go—” the soldier grabs at his gun slung lazily over his shoulder, “—home.”
“I need to get to the lines,” you say, making a move towards your original direction. He grabs you again, and your head hits the brick wall behind you with a thunk. 
“We’re under curfew,” he growls. The safety of his rifle notched under a gloved finger unlatches with a click. The front of the barrel comes up to kiss your forehead. “Last chance.”
You hear your name get called from down the street and freeze, silently cursing to yourself. A fast approaching voice accompanies your beating heart. It snakes around your lungs and gives you a good squeeze. 
“I got her, Davis,” Joel says, pushing the soldier’s body away from you, wedging himself, etched with a stern look, between you and Davis. The gun now sits soundly against Joel’s chest. The part of your forehead that kissed the metal aches. 
“Get outta here, Miller,” he warns, shaking his head, like Joel should know better, like Joel should be smarter, like Joel shouldn't be risking everything for you. But he doesn’t move. He pushes the soldier back with a stern palm on the front of his bullet proof vest. Davis stumbles a little, backing away, his feet falling off the curb and onto the dirty street.  
“I got her.”
A tense couple beats. You pick at the skin of your pointer finger, running your nail over the ridge of your knuckles. You can hear more trucks barreling down the streets as you wait. Your lungs haven’t been reprieved of their tightness yet.
“Don’t fuck with me,” Davis shakes his head, pushing away from Joel’s hand. You watch silently over his shoulder. 
“‘M not.” 
“Go home,” Davis warns under his breath, looking around the street for any signs of life, “don’t— fucking come out until morning.”
“Yeah,” Joel breathes out, “alright.”
“I mean it,” he says, “and keep her locked in,” he points a warning finger over Joel's shoulder at you. “They see you, it's on sight.”
“We're good,” Joel says, shielding your body from Davis, like your own bullet proof vest. Armor. A personal chest plate and helmet and knee pads combined into one man. Maybe that’s what should feel dangerous—that you feel so safe between Joel Miller and a brick wall where all you can do is watch in earnest. 
“And I want double — next time,” Davis adds, latching the safety of his gun back on and straightening out his vest. 
“Just get outta here,” Joel says, backing away towards the apartment. You follow him. The soldier goes the opposite direction. 
Your hands are shaking. 
They’re shaking as you close the door, and forget to lock it. They’re fucking shaking when you slip out of your jacket and unsheath the knife from your waistband. 
You can see your right hand, coming up as if an instinct to touch your cheek, the redness on your fingertips are the only indication you need. You try to rub the pads of your fingers together to erase the evidence of damage. But it doesn’t disappear. It never does. 
“Shit,” you mumble. Your fucking cheek hurts. 
He’s so quiet. He doesn’t even knock, just slips into your apartment. You only hear him shut the door with a click and you spin around, grabbing at the knife left strewn on the table. Your hands fumble on the handle. 
“What’re you…”
Joel gestures to something in his hand, then towards the fast forming bruise on your cheekbone. You drop the knife on the table. 
“Ice,” he says in that southern drawl that pulls on that place between your thighs. 
You suddenly don’t care about the cut on your cheek, or the blood or the bruises. He takes in your apartment, noting each and every thing that makes you so starkly different from him. How you put up curtains, a table cloth you found in some antique shop before arriving in Boston, canned food that you’ve been saving. 
“You didn’t have to—” you say, nodding towards the window, towards outside. Then towards your cheek, the black and blue littered there. 
You didn’t have to do any of it.
“You okay?” is all he says in reply. 
“Yeah. Thank you.” 
“I —” he shakes his head, “—I’m sorry.”
“You warned me,” you huff out through a lazy kind of laugh. He doesn’t even smile. But you want him to. You want to see the way it transformed his face. The things you would do to see his lips pull and maybe, just maybe, you’d give anything to hear him laugh. 
“Still,” he mumbles, finally looking at your eyes instead of your cheek. 
He’s not a good man.
You think to yourself that he is. 
“You’re dripping,” you say, nodding towards his hand clutching onto the ice leaving behind a small puddle seeping through his knuckles. The drops fall in tune with a second hand ticking away against the face of a clock. 
He looks down, but doesn’t say anything, just stalks towards you, tentatively. Like you’re a scared, jumpy cat he’s trying to approach. You sit back against the table and dig your nails into the wood. 
“I should’ve…” he whispers, nearing your legs outstretched towards him, “should’ve killed him,” his eyes flick to your cheek, “for what he did.”
You shake your head at his words. You silently think to yourself maybe that’s the only thing he knows for certain—the only thing he knows how to do. To get his hands dirty for someone he cares about, so that the blood won’t ever come off his soiled palms. Like your fingertips, like the bed of your nails.
He huffs a long sigh, you look into his eyes for anything but wind up empty handed. 
The ice bites into your open palms. He rustles with it before placing the little pack into your fingers, his, all encompassing and brushing over yours and turning them ice cold and burning hot at the same time. He’s close, and he keeps staring at your lips when he’s not occupied with your cheek.
Dangerous smells like pine and musk and dangerous has got you wrapped around his finger. 
“Joel,” you whimper. 
He shakes his head, “Don’t.” 
Don’t say his name, not like that. And don’t make those breathy sounds and certainly don’t look at him like that. Because it’s been way too long for him and you’re too good and he is too fucking bad. 
So you don’t say anything. But you pull him closer against your body, wedged between something scary and something soft and sweet, tipping on the edge. One foot on either side of the thin line. 
He just sighs, pushes out a heavy breath, trying to contain himself. Like he can’t believe this is really happening, despite everyone’s better judgment. Despite his own. 
“I—” his voice quivers, he almost shakes his head, but it just pulls you two closer together. 
“You don’t want to?” you whimper, entranced by the way his breath punches on top of your nose. You think if you dragged your lips down his chest you would be able to feel his steady heartbeat. 
“‘S been a while,” he admits through ragged whispered breaths. 
“But do you…?” you question, placing your hands on his forearms, pulling him impossibly close until he’s slotted between your open legs. The ice is abandoned on the table to melt with your discernment. 
He nods and gives you a certain look—’course I do. His lip pulls a little, looking down suddenly towards your chest. Pleading with himself. 
A losing battle. 
Maybe he thinks he isn’t worthy. 
You pull him forward, kiss him, throw your arms around his shoulders and he picks you up off the table at that, finding your bedroom through the mess. 
You’re convinced that he is.
As it turns out, dangerous feels fucking amazing. It tastes like something oddly sweet. It definitely shouldn't feel as good as it does. It shouldn’t be sweet nothings, and grunting, pleading whispers wrapped around a heady background tune. 
“Joel,” you moan. This time he doesn’t stop you, “—fuck,” you whimper, tangling your face into the sheets, dragging his hands over your body. 
You kiss his neck, his pulse strums as strong as you thought it might be.
“Darlin’, I—” he grunts softly, “—are you sure—” 
“Yes,” you puff out, “yes, I — yes.”
You want to give him things. You want to be the softness for him to come back to in those early mornings and those late nights. You want it all, you want it with him. You want him to be gentle like you know he can—relax in the way he never does because he pleads with himself that he shouldn't.
He deserves it all. 
You know that for certain. 
And they were all right about him, dangerous. 
But maybe they only spewed a half truth. Because yes, dangerous. But only because he shouldn't feel so good, shouldn't be so gentle, shouldn't call you baby, and angel, and sweetheart, and darlin’. 
You’ve been morphed into a daredevil by kisses and soft touches and two fingers notched inside your wanting cunt while his tongue slides over your bundle of nerves. 
If Joel Miller is dangerous, you're willing to risk it all. 
“Fuck—Oh my—god, Joel—” you whine and pull at the curls at the base of his neck. 
“Taste so good, angel,” he whispers against your cunt, quickening his pace, a man starved. 
You push out something sounding close to his name. He looks wrecked, you know you probably look worse. His fingers crook somewhere deep inside you, you garble out something coherent only to your mind. You’re sensitive, but he’s gentle. The firefly didn’t do this, you didn’t even ask him to. 
Your name is something broken on his lips, burying his tongue deep into your cunt, tasting you, lapping up your wetness smeared across the inside of your thighs. The ceiling might be spinning, but you’re too fucked out to care. For an out of practice man, Joel Miller seems to be an expert—like riding a bike. His mouth is warm and soft and gentle and he keeps going until you have to push his head away. 
He says those fucking words again, something desperate behind his pleading eyes. 
“‘S been a while.”
You don’t acknowledge them, just push him back, until he's sitting at the edge of the bed, running your hands across his chest. 
“Sweetheart…” he says, a feeble attempt to stop you. 
“Relax,” you laugh a little, running your hands down to his belt, the tell tale sound of the metal clinking makes you slither your way down to kneel, until your face—your mouth, is perfectly, lazily hung over the bulge in his pants. 
“You don’t—fuck—don’t have to,” he groans, tangling his fingers in your hair. You almost whimper, everything threatening to boil over when he cups your face, pushing his thumb tenderly into your uninjured cheek. 
“I want to,” you whimper. 
He almost looks pained. 
Your hands find the button and the zipper, and pull it down as you reach forward to kiss him. He moans into your mouth, already hard just from your featherlight touches. When you pull him out of his boxers, the hand on your cheek reaches around to grasp your jaw, angling your head to look up at him.  
He breaks the kiss, you wrap your hand around him experimentally. 
“Fuck—” he groans, and his eyes flutter shut. You try to move your lips down towards his length, but he keeps you there, looking at him. 
“‘M not gonna last,” he whispers. 
You whimper at the prospect. 
“It’s okay,” you whisper back.
It’s a shame. You realize. That it’s been a while for him. You want him to feel good. You want him to feel better. He doesn’t think he’s a good man. He doesn’t think he’s good enough for you. 
You know that he is. 
He removes his hand. 
You take him into your mouth. 
“F-fuck—” he groans, locking his hand back into your hair. You swirl your tongue over the head of his cock and he throws his head back, looking up at the ceiling for something to focus on. 
“Baby—I—” he pants, his fingers bury into your roots and lock onto your bed sheets beneath him. His desperate breath shoots right to your core. You’re no doubt dripping with need when he accidentally grinds his hips into your mouth.
“Shit—” he sits forward a little, taking your head between his two big palms, “‘M sorry, darlin’—” 
You cut him off, his words are swallowed with his own grit. You take him deeper, adding your hand to the parts you can’t quite reach. 
“Good?” you say, lapping at the underside of his cock before taking him in your mouth again. 
“Yeah,” he groans, “yeah, fuckin’—good.”
Your mouth fits tight around the base of his cock. He swallows back moans. His hands become desperate, like his panting breath and his fucked out expression. 
He spills into your throat, pushing his hips up into your mouth until you choke on him. He tastes like desperate gasps, stolen glances, good mornings, goodnights, and be carefuls. His eyes look lighter, like you thought they’d be in the sunlight. 
You pull yourself off of his cock, resting your head on his thigh, sitting back on your heels so you can look up at him. His fingers are still rooted in your hair. It’s silent for a few short moments. You can still taste him on your tongue. His hand runs across the top of your head, and down to your shoulders and settles to rest on the outside of your throat. 
And you laugh. 
And he smiles. 
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heavyhitterheaux · 3 months
Master Harlow
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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AN: This takes place right before Sisters No More, so to not be confused by some of the parts, you can read that first 🥰
Synopsis: it's Jack's 26th birthday and you come up with the perfect gift to give him which he least expected.
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
There was about a week to go until Jack's 26th birthday and you honestly thought that he forgot about it, but you couldn't blame him. A lot had been going on and it didn't help that Axel had just gotten discharged from the hospital late last night after having to stay for a week due to him being diagnosed with RSV which in short was a cold for babies. You and him took turns staying with him while the other stayed at home with Ivy and Autumn. Maggie, Ivy, and Dani were also quick to jump in to help. 
He was currently sitting on the couch holding Axel and feeding him since he still couldn't quite hold the bottle on his own yet. The triplets were now eight months and that was one thing that they all should have accomplished already. Ivy and Autumn seemed to be hitting their milestones when they were supposed to, but Axel was a little slower which you and Jack took note of and were beginning to be a bit concerned. It wasn't a secret that Axel would probably have some issues, which the doctor made you aware of, but it was still scary nonetheless. He had just started sitting up on his own which he should have been able to do two months ago.
You had just set Ivy and Autumn on their play mat with their toys in front of you as you went to sit next to him. You lightly brushed your fingers across Axel's cheek before kissing it and you quickly did the same thing to Jack and despite his tired eyes, he instantly smiled at you.
“Baby, what did you want to do for your birthday?” You asked as you handed him another bottle of formula since Axel was almost finished working on the first one.
“Wait, what?”
“It's next week, smush.” You replied while letting out a laugh.
“Where is time even going? That means they're about to be eight months already.”
“I know, time is moving so fast. Before we know it they're going to be a year old.”
“But, I don't want to do anything but sleep. Axel being in the hospital again was a lot.” He confessed quietly and you nodded, understanding where he was coming from.
“But, baby it's your birthday. I want you to do something special on your special day. You deserve to be celebrated.”
“It's just another day and I'm turning 26, there isn't anything really special about that.”
“Yes there is, considering your wife almost didn't make it to see her own birthday just three months ago.” You shot back and he immediately turned to look at you knowing that you were completely right.
“I…. I get what you're saying, but all I want to do is be with you and with them. That's all that I need.”
“You're still worried about him, aren't you?” You quietly asked and Jack looked down at him.
“So much has happened to him and he hasn't even been on this earth long. I can't imagine us losing our only son. Everything is still so touch and go with him and I know you're about to blame yourself but that is in no way your fault.” 
You stayed quiet and simply nodded even though in the back of your mind you did blame yourself and you didn't think that was ever going to go away.
“I know. But we can do something small, but I'm definitely still celebrating being able to celebrate my husband on his birthday.”
It was now five days until Jack's birthday and you hadn't come up with a gift until this morning. It would take you going to Drama to see if he would be on board with it, but first you went to your older sister Dani to get her to put the idea in his head.
Jack was still sleeping, which was odd, but you figured that since there was nothing that needed his immediate attention was going on today, you let him be while calling your mom to look after the triplets while you went to tell Dani about your idea.
Once you finished getting dressed and put your hair up, you went to check on the triplets who were still sleeping and went back in your bedroom to let him know that you were leaving and that you would be back later.
“Smush.” You quietly said as you poked his cheek, but he still didn't move so you tried again which led to him throwing the comforter over his head.
“Yes, wifey?” It came out muffled, but you were still able to understand him.
“You can go back to sleep because my mom is downstairs and the babies are still sleeping.”
“Where are you going? Now the bed is cold. Babeeeee!”
“To have breakfast with Dani. I'll be back soon and I'll bring you something too.”
“Mm hmm. Just leave me in my time of need.”
“You are so dramatic. I'm coming right back!”
“No detours! It's my birthday month and I want cuddles from my wife.”
“You literally didn't even wake up when I got up to take a shower and now you're in your feelings?”
“Yes, yes I am.”
“No detours, promise. But if you want a kiss, I suggest you….”
Not being able to finish your sentence, he immediately threw the comforter off of his body, sat up and pulled you closer to him so that he could kiss you.
“Can I have another one?” Jack asked quietly and you laughed before nodding your head.
“Of course you can. Now go back to sleep.”
You went downstairs to find your mother in the kitchen sipping on her coffee and you went up to her and hugged her from the side and she quickly hugged you back before kissing your cheek.
“Thank you for doing this for me. He's just so tired.”
“Don't thank me Lil Bit. It takes a village, does it not? You know I'll do anything for you, Jack, and the babies.”
“But still!” You said as you grabbed your keys that were hanging up on the wall before deciding to put them back and grabbed Jack's. You just hoped he had remembered to put gas in it.
“And where are you off to?” Your mom curiously asked and you instantly smiled.
“To have breakfast with Dani. I finally figured out a birthday gift for Jack and want to tell her about it.” You responded excitedly.
“What did you have in mind?”
“I want to buy his masters for him so that way he has all the rights to his music and not the label. I was going to tell Dani so she can kind of put it in Drama’s ear and we could go from there.” You said and your mom looked at you as if she was thinking, but you couldn't quite read her expression.
“I love that baby girl and I know he will too and will definitely be surprised.” 
“I know that it's very important to him and the only masters that he currently has is his EP’s The Handsome Harlow and 18. Everything else is under Gen Now.”
“And he's worked too hard not to own them, both of you have. But I don't want you to be late meeting Dani, so go ahead.”
You gave your mom one last hug before you headed out the front door and into Jack’s Jeep.
Once you were out of sight, Ivy pulled out her phone to send a text to Dani and Drama.
Ivy- Baby girl wants to buy Jack's masters from the label for his birthday gift and you better not tell her no when she asks
Dani- Is that what she wanted to tell me today?
Ivy- Yes and you better do it. You've put that girl through enough don't you think?
Drama- But it's not that simple
Ivy- Well you better make it simple. His birthday is Wednesday so you have five days to pull it together. I keep telling the both of you to tell her before it blows up in both of your faces. But when it does happen, the first thing I'm going to say is I told you so. She's on her way now. 
When you finally met up with Dani, you had been craving some French toast and decided to get that along with eggs, sausage, and fruit. You couldn’t quite drink mimosas yet since you were still breastfeeding the triplets so orange juice would have to do.
“Okay, Lil Bit what's your idea for Jack's birthday gift?” Dani asked even though she already knew.
“Well I'm glad you asked. I wanted you to put it in Drama's ear that I want to buy his masters from the label.” You answered as Dani nodded her head, and you were taken aback by her reaction.
“Um, Dani? That's a big deal.”
“I know it is and it's expensive.” She answered and you just shrugged.
“Nothing is too expensive when it comes to my husband. That's my baby and I know he feels the same way when it comes to me.” You said not understanding what she was getting at.
“I know and I think it's a good idea and an amazing birthday gift.”
“So you'll tell him?!”
“I will and I'll see what we can do. Five days is cutting it close but it's not impossible.”
“So much has happened within the last year and I want to do this for him.”
“I get it. I'll text him now and tell him to call you later.”
Of course the wheels were turning in Dani’s head as she sat across from you and listened to all that you had planned for Jack’s birthday even if he had told you he didn’t want to do anything. The biggest thing that you were doing besides buying the masters was having a birthday dinner for him at an expensive restaurant in the heart of Louisville and renting it out for the night so that only family and friends would be there. You also mentioned to her that all he would probably want to do in the morning is spend time with the triplets and for good reason. But the words that her mom told her earlier were lingering in her head. She knew that it was only a matter of time before you found out and that she should have told you years ago, but if she had, would you and Jack even be in this same position?
The answer was unclear, but she knew that if but more so when she told you that everything would change between the both of you and she wasn’t ready for that. She loved that she was still able to watch you grow up even with her doing stints in rehab in order to try and stay clean, but she knew that you weren’t going to take it well and your temper might get the best of you. You had been a lot better since having the triplets, but it was still there. 
So, in order to make this easier for you, she was going to see if Drama would give you the masters without having to pay the full price for it. Jack’s catalog wasn’t extensive, but it was big enough to go for millions of dollars. All in all, she was simply doing what her mother asked her to do simply because she was scared that she was going to let it slip one day and tell you. There was a rift in their relationship ever since you had been born, but she knew that it was her fault and that Ivy and David did all that they could for her…. Including raising her one and only daughter which was you. 
“Dani? Are you okay? I’ve been calling you for the last ten minutes.”
“Oh, I’m fine! Just a little tired. Now what were you saying?”
“That I needed you to help me pick out my outfit for his birthday dinner!”
“Of course I will! And I’m thinking that we wear that white corset.”
Before you knew it, Jack’s birthday was here and of course he spent the majority of the day being up under you which of course you didn’t mind. Getting the masters was a lot easier than you thought and you knew that it definitely had to do with Dani giving Drama the heads up. What you were most surprised by was Gen Now only asking you for a million for his entire catalog. Even though he didn’t have many albums, you knew for a fact that it was worth a lot more than that, but you let it go and didn’t put up a fight. The most important part was that you got them for your husband and now everything was in his name. 
 It was now nearing 6 in the evening and you were trying to get your husband to get dressed so that he wouldn’t be late to his birthday dinner without giving the surprise away.
“Jack, go take a shower and I’ll have an outfit picked out for you.” You told him as he laid in your lap and you could immediately see him pout.
“Why? I just want to lay on you for the rest of the night.”
“Baby, you can do that when we get back. You have seriously turned into a hermit and it is literally just for a few hours. You can give me that and I have something really special for you later.”
Hearing this made him turn around and face you and he looked at you curiously.
“No, I’m not telling you and you just have to get ready first and see what it is. No spoilers.”
Hearing this made him sigh but he then quickly got up and started making his way into the bathroom.
“I love you smush and I really think that you’ll like it.”
“I love you too, more than you know.”
Once he was in the shower, you went into the walk-in closet to pick out an outfit for him and you already had one in mind for you. One of your cousins was going to watch the triplets for you so that the two of you could have a small break since the past few months had been a lot, especially with everything that had been going on with Axel.
Since you had taken your shower earlier, you sat down at your vanity and started to apply your make-up and then heard Jack’s footsteps coming up behind you. You turned around to see him in nothing but a towel and quickly eyed him up and down earning a chuckle to escape his lips.
“Excuse me Mrs. Harlow, but my eyes are up here.”
“Oh, I know they are, but your dick is down there and that’s where I was looking.”
“DO YOU HAVE NO SHAME?!” He playfully asked as you quickly began laughing before turning back around to finish your make-up.
“Nope, none. And you should know that by now.”
“I mean we can always stay here.” You heard him say as his voice got deeper, as he turned you back around to face him and he leaned down to kiss you.
“No! Stop trying to seduce me! We are going and that’s final!”
“Hmm, it was worth a shot.” Jack muttered as he shrugged and began to examine the outfit that you had picked out for him.
One hour later, Jack was now surrounded by his closest friends and family at one of his favorite restaurants in downtown Louisville. You stood off to the side sipping on sparkling water with Saweetie and Dani next to you as you were watching him mingle and interact with everyone and you quickly took note of how happy he was.
“I’m surprised that you actually got him out the house.” Saweetie said from beside you and you quickly looked over at her and sighed.
“Trust me it wasn’t easy and I promised him a blow job when we got back home, the one he got this morning apparently wasn’t enough.” You confessed, making her laugh and shaking her head.
“I figure that’s safer than anything else. We already have three kids and I know they’re wearing yall out.”
“It’s actually not as bad as I thought it was going to be and I’m definitely not opposed to having more, but I legit can wait like ten years.”
“Yeah, right. You’ll be pregnant next week.” 2fo said as he passed by the three of you and threw a stuffed mushroom in his mouth.
“At this point, no one would be surprised.” Dani added and all you did was shake your head at her. In the back of your mind, you knew that she had something to do with you spending only a million dollars on Jack’s masters and made a note to ask her about it later.
It was now nearing eleven at night and you figured that it was now time for you to give Jack his gift before the clock hit midnight. Everyone else had given him his gifts and you were the only one left. Your heart was racing from excitement and couldn’t wait to see his face once he realized what his gift was. 
“So clearly, we saved the best for last right?” Jack asked while looking over at you and all you did was smile at him and quickly got everyone’s attention.
“Okay so, I was literally having the hardest time trying to think of a gift to get for you because I gave you three gifts last summer to last you a lifetime.” You started to say and everyone immediately laughed.
“That’s fair, I get it. Definitely the best gifts you ever gave me.”
“And this idea came to me about five days ago so I quickly put my plan into motion so that I would be able to give this to you today. We both share our love for music whether it is making it for other people to hear and share it with the world or if it’s just something fun and silly that we want to keep for ourselves. Even if the idea came to me only a few days ago, ever since you had told me that you wanted to become a rapper, this was always the plan in the back of my mind so, here it is. There is nothing in this world that I won’t do for you and you know our love runs deep and it’s not something that you find everyday. I know that you already know this, but everyday that I get to wake up next to you is a gift and I do not take it for granted in any way, shape or form. You are not only my husband, but the father of my children, and my best friend and Urban and Saweetie are going to dispute that, but I told them to let it slide for today. I love you more than words can explain so I hope you like it. Go ahead and open it.” You finished your speech and handed him the envelope as he quickly told you to take a seat in his lap as he read it. It took him a few minutes before he realized what you had done for him and got a look of shock on his face which quickly had everyone asking what it was.
“What is it?! Share with the class!” You heard Ace say, but you knew that he was still in shock to say something.
“Now, I let the best friend comment slide so you better tell us what it is!” Urban said and you couldn’t help but to laugh.
“Baby…. You bought my masters for me?” Jack said quietly, but loud enough for everyone to be able to hear.
“Damn, that’s…. Damn. That’s love right there.” Druski said from the end of the table and you could see all of the collective faces of shock around the room.
“I did and that was always my plan from the beginning. I know how much you love what you do and how much work and effort goes into it so it was only right. Everything that was released under Gen Now is now in your name.”
Jack placed the envelope down on the table in front of him before hugging you tightly and kissing you.
“I don’t even know what to say, this is a hell of a gift and….”
“You don’t have to say anything. I love you and you deserve this. Just keep being the amazing person that you are and I hope that this was a good birthday for you.”
“I love you too and this may have been the best one yet.” 
Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, danivalentine, neelamthadhani, saweetie, champagnepapi, shloob_, and 2,628,093 others
y/ninsta: happy 26th birthday to this man who is the love of my life, my entire world, and the heartbeat outside of my chest (besides my babies that he impregnated me with of course lol) I absolutely love and adore you 💖
jackharlow: I love you forever and ever, in this lifetime and all the ones after that jackandy/naremyparents: happy birthday dad! he's doing the Jack dance yall! saweetie: awww happy birthday little brother! danivalentine: when y/ninsta first laid her eyes on you, I knew it was a WRAP! happy birthday jack! urbanwyatt: THE REALEST! happy birthday to the best brother I could ever ask for claybornharlow: urbanwyatt I beg to differ, but.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG BROTHER, I LOVE YOU and I won't steal y/n when you aren't looking, I promise! jackharlowsource: happy birthday to the hometown hero! allthingsy/n: happy birthday to y/ninsta's man! he keeps her happy so I guess he can stay!
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Liked by jackharlow, claybornharlow, danivalentine, djdrama, mariahthescientist, theestallion, saweetie, and 1,283,875 others
y/ninsta: birthday dinner things 😘💕
jackharlow I love youuuuu
allthingy/n: she needs to step on me IMMEDIATELY danivalentine: hmm good outfit choice, who picked it out? lol jackharlow: we are staying for 15 minutes because no one told you to look this good and I love youuuuuu too allthingsy/n: NOT FIFTEEN MINUTES LMAO urbanwyatt: my best friend is prettier than yours jackharlow: urbanwyatt I know I'm pretty, but thanks for reminding me claybornharlow: jackharlow I think he meant your wife, but go off bro lmao y/ninsta: AHT! AHT! leave the birthday boy alone! jackharlow: y/ninsta I can have my cake now right? y/ninsta: jackharlow you said you wanted cheesecake instead? druski2funny: smh y/ninsta you are the cake ma'am! y/ninsta: oh lmao
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Liked by y/ninsta, claybornharlow, urbanwyatt, saweetie, champagnepapi, estgee, generationnow, neelamthadhani, and 2,085,271 others
jackharlow: Made it to 26! Got the best birthday gift from wifey who took it upon herself to buy my masters and put them in my name and I'm still speechless about the entire thing. got my wife, got my babies, life's good
y/ninsta: I would move mountains for you! nothing is ever too much in order for me to see you smile! side note: the chest hair is giving me THOTS saweetie: not y/ninsta being turned on by jack's bird chest claybornharlow: LMAOOOOOO jackharlow: HEY! urbanwyatt: yall can never let my man live lmao champagnepapi: happy birthday twin! wifey changing the game for you! neelamthadhani: I second the bird chest comment. happy birthday tho. jackharlow: neelamthadhani THE FUCKING SHADE! YALL CAN'T LET ME LIVE FOR ONE DAY?!?! quiiso: jackharlow no, but happy birthday boss man! allthingsy/n: this man will never know what a day of peace feels like y/ninsta: not too much on my man now!! 2forwoyne: that man looks like he can bench press three pounds claybornharlow: MY STOMACH HURTS FROM LAUGHING TOO HARD, MAKE IT STOP! LMAO shloob_: 2forwoyne now I know your ass isn't talking smh y/ninsta: he can bench press me just fine! matter of fact jackharlow get over here jackharlow: 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
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hellfiremunsonn · 2 years
Stupid. Eddie Munson x Reader
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I do not allow my writing to be republished anywhere other than my own blog without my consent
Summary: Eddie accidentally calls his golden retriever/ditsy girlfriend stupid
(This fic has no smut. Younger audiences are able to read this without any explicit content. but I will still be marking and labeling my writing as 18+)
Warnings: fem!reader, swearing, fluff, this is pretty tame, let me know if I missed anything.
Word count: 1369
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Thursday afternoon rolled around faster than you thought it would. Spending most of your time outside with Eddie, picking a handful of small flowers until you had a satisfied bundle of them clutched into your fist, Eddies hand intertwined with your other hand, swinging them back and forth while you walked back to your house to get ready for Hellfire tonight.
Nerves rumbled through your belly so instead of packing up your overnight bag like you usually do- Staying at Eddies after Hellfire became one of your favourite routines. Today felt different, you were actually playing in the campaign Eddie prepared for everyone; usually tucked up in a chair next to Eddies drawing and colouring throughout the game. Eddie had felt bad bringing you with him every time and having you just sit next to him the whole time, so he made a whole campaign to include you.
You asked Eddie to pack your bag for you, knowing it would make you more nervous if you did it yourself. Laying on your bed, legs up the wall, calves pressed as closely as you could get them while being up, the skirt of your dress falling down to your tummy, your full legs bare and on display. The toes of your pink Mary Janes tapping against each other while you attempting to hold up a stuffed bear who was situated on the bottoms of your shoes.
"Baby where's your toothbrush?" Eddie asked coming out of the bathroom.
You stared at him upside down, your head almost hanging off the edge of your bed. "I dunno" You said with a shrug.
"What do you mean you don't know? Did you brush this morning?" He asked tilting his head to the side.
"And you put your toothbrush somewhere else and forgot huh?" He said knowingly while coming over to give your forehead a quick kiss.
"I guess so" You said furrowing your brows. "Maybe the house goblins took it. You know like the ones in the book?"
"They are quite mischievous aren't they?" Eddie said returning his attention to your pink backpack.
You watched him fold your clothes delicately before tucking them into your bag. Frilly pink pyjamas, soft in contrast to Eddies dark and tough demeanour, a couple pair of undies, a change of clothes for tomorrow along with your sketchbook and glittery pencil case.
"Alright you're all set sweets, ready to head out?"
You frowned lightly but still sat up, letting the blood rush back down to the rest of your body before standing up. Taking eddies outstretched hand and following him back downstairs to his van.
The drive to your old high school was quick, just down the road from your own home, giving you not enough time to calm your nerves.
You twirled around the drama room humming to a song while Eddie began setting everything up. Copies of characters sheets, extra sets of dice, a sharpened pencil at each seat along with a few seats of lined paper just incase anyone needed to write anything down. He was always so diligent with everything he did, and constantly over prepared.
"You alright? You seem quiet" Eddie asked breaking you out of your thoughts.
"I'm nervous" you said honestly, never one to truly lie about your emotions. Eddie came over to you, hands encircling around your waist, warm and protective. He looked down at your concerned face, big doe eyes with thick lashes, a small pout forming on your lips.
"Whatcha nervous for?"
"What if they don't like me" biting your lip and avoiding his gaze.
"They know you already, they love you, you know that" He said reassuringly.
Your heart raced a little bit faster as you could hear the rest of the group coming loudly down the hall. Your words coming out in a rush. "B-but what if I mess somethin' up? What if they don't like playing with me"
Eddie rolled his eyes "Don't be stupid, you k-" You cut him off with a shove, squirming out of his arms and to the door of the room. Tears falling quickly down your eyes.
"Babe what happened?" Eddie said confused, following hot on your heels, reaching for your shoulder but you shrugged it off, flinging the classroom door open till it smacked the shelf on the other side, the uncomfortable looking teens on the other side of the door unsure of what to do as you brushed passed him with a hiccup. "Fucking shit" He mumbled, pushing past the gaggle of kids. "Just set up your shit guys, I'll be back" Eddie said with a rush, jogging to catch up to you shortly after you pushed through the school doors.
"Baby wait!" He reached for your wrist, holding it tightly to stop you from walking, tugging at it to turn you to face him. Your cheeks pink and splotchy from your tears, your lip wobbled when you looked at him. "Baby what's got you so upset"
You yanked roughly against his hand that held your wrist. "You!" You shouted. "Y-you called me stupid" You said with a choked, your other hand coming up to wipe at your nose.
Eddies tensed shoulders dropped, realization coming over him. Upset at himself for using the word towards you even if you didn't mean it the way so many other people did towards you.
"Baby, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that" His grip on your wrist loosening. Bringing his hands up to the base of your neck, thumbs on each sides of your cheeks while they attempted to brush away the rapidly falling tears. "I should have said 'silly' instead, I'm so sorry baby"
"M'not stupid Eds" you sniffled.
"I know my love, I know you're not stupid, you're one of the most brilliant people I've ever met I promise okay? I'm sorry" His eyes searched yours, hoping that you accept his apology. He felt so guilty he let the word slip, normally using any other word he could think of as a replacement.
"People think I'm stupid because I don't have a good memory, and I-I know I'm not always there in my own head, but it's cause I'm thinking about a million things at once!" You huffed.
"I know baby, you don't have to prove yourself to me, I know how smart you are, and what you're capable of, I've seen it, I've seen you" His eyes searching for yours once more. "Can I give you a hug please?"
You didn't give him time to wait, throwing your arms around his neck, burying your face into his shirt. He sighed in relief, his hands wrapping around your back tightly, pressing his nose into your hair, breathing in your cucumber and lavender shampoo.
After a few moments you leaned back to look at him, taking your thumb and wiping gently across his wet lashes. His own eyes watery, seconds away from guilt filled tears rolling down his cheeks, but you wouldn't allow it, seeing him cry would make you crumble.
"Could you ever forgive me?" He said with a small smile and you giggled, looking away from him and across the dark parking lot, noticing how long you had been out here.
"Course I can, but don't say it ever again okay?" Looking back up at him with those big eyes.
"Never" He said spotting your head with kisses. "Never" a kiss "Ever" a kiss "Ever!" he yelled the last one, his hands roaming down your sides, tickling at your waist until he had you doubled over with laughter, trying to wiggle out of his torturous hands.
"I surrender!" You yelled, holding your hands up, huffing out the words admit your giggles. "Truce?" You ask, holding your hand out.
"Truce" he agreed, taking your hand in his and pulling it to his lips to press the daintiest of kissed to the back of your hand.
The doors of the school creaked open and an awkward looking Mike peaked out with a wave. "Uh, just coming to see if everything was good, and uh" he scratched the back of his head. "If you guys were coming back"
"We'll be right in Wheeler" Eddie said giving him a salute before leaning down to envelop your lips with his.  
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supeson · 1 year
i should be pullin' you close to me, and not explainin' why
this is my ode to a fic i read YEARS ago! it was also about a fat reader being clueless as hell, which i found to be very personally real lmao
You're lonely, you'll fully admit that. You have your friends and your family, for sure, but it's not quite the same as romantic entanglement. You've been on the apps, started and stopped chats with people who seemed interested until you refused to give them whatever disgusting thing they wanted. You can honestly say you've tried, but it's not like people meet each other in real life anymore, so you've resigned yourself to being alone. It also doesn't help that you're fat.
You've always been fat with big hips and arms, a stomach that rolls over itself. You've always been realistic about the way you look, and you try to treat your body well, despite how many people have told you you're abusing it. Of course, this came with childhood teasing and bullying. You could count on two hands the amount of times people tried to insist someone liked you, only to have the person in question shaking their head vehemently, horrified that you might think they consider you romanceable.
So, in short, you've closed yourself off to romance, finding fulfillment in your friends and family. Until you're at the library and you meet him.
The library is running a trade in event where people can bring their old books in and put them into a pool for equal exchange. It's a hot September afternoon, and you've come to the library with a stack almost as high as your head. You're almost all the way up the frankly stupid amount of stairs that lead up to the main branch's doors when your flip flop doesn't quite make it all the way to the top of the next stair and you trip.
"Oh fuck me," you say, clinging to the books in your hands, fully expecting to meet the pavement. You hear some of the books hit the concrete in front of you and brace yourself. You open your eyes a full 20 seconds later when the impact doesn't come, and feel hands on your shoulders.
"I'm not trying to be in your business or anything, but why are you carrying so many books at once?" A voice behind you asks.
You let out a long breath and set down what you have left, and turn. "Because I forgot my little red wagon at ho....me," you trail off, staring upwards. A man, about 6'1'' if you were to hazard a guess, stands there in tight black jeans and a red tank top, the small patch of white at the front of his otherwise black head of hair shaking as he snorts, his blue eyes looking at you appraisingly.
"Well then, let me at least help you inside," he says, moving past you to pick up whatever you had dropped.
"Alright," you say dumbly, unsure of how to refuse his help. The two of you make quick work, collecting everything and getting it safely inside. You start perusing the other books, deciding if any were worthy of your time. The man watches you with his hands in his back pockets.
"So why did you bring so many? Books, I mean," he asks, taking a look at the titles you've brought in.
"I was finally cleaning out my apartment and these were the ones I didn't find to be too memorable, or I've had them since high school and I like to think I've grown as a reader since then. Had to get 'em out today or I never would've. I get that from my mother." As soon as you say that, your cheeks start to burn. Why would I say that to a stranger?
The man pulls a deep purple book from the stack and reads the inside of the jacket sleeve. "Aidan Gray was a strange enigma, to be sure..."
You whip around and snatch it from his hands. "Look, this was right after the Twilight boom, okay? I can't be held accountable for 15 year old me's tastes. It was a difficult time for the YA industry."
He holds his hands up. "Alright, that's fair."
He looks through the stack again and pulls out a small chunky book, about 400 pages, but with a beautiful cover of a sundial in a garden, dyed by the sunset behind it. You pipe up. "Oh, that one kicks ass. It's about two sisters that inherit this huge mansion right before the stock market crash in the 30's, so the older sister steps up and does what she has to do to protect her family home, becoming the mistress to one of her father's old business associates, but then she eventually-"
"Whoa, whoa, as you gonna let me read it for myself, or explain the whole plot?" He asks, turning it over in his hands. It's clearly well loved, for sure. "Why are you turning it in, then?"
You rub the back of you neck. "I, uh, didn't actually mean to. I must've been cleaning off my bookshelf and forgot to put it back."
The man adopts an easy smile. "Tell you what, let me borrow it, since you love it so much. I'll return it when I'm done, scout's honor," he says, raising his hand.
It's your turn to snort. You shove your hands into the pocket of your hoodie. "How can I be sure of that when I don't even know your name?"
He nods, acquiescing. "Touché. I'm Jason. Here, gimme your phone and I'll put in my number, so that you can pester me until I finish it and give it back."
You give him a suspicious look, but finally dig your phone out of your basketball shorts and hand it to him. You put in your info, adding the melting smile emoji next to your name. "If you don't respond to me, I swear to god I'll take legal action."
"Duly noted. I have a feeling this is the start of something beautiful."
You fully expect to never see Jason, or your book for that matter, ever again, but lo and behold he texts you two days later at an ungodly time, to tell you that he's enjoying it so far. You reply at a much more sensible 7AM, after you've been awake for a little bit, and are surprised when he asks to meet you for coffee. You're even more surprised when you find yourself agreeing. You throw on a t-shirt and jeans, and meet him half an hour later at some hole in the wall place he insists has the best coffee on earth. You dash his hopes to be praised when you order a smoothie, citing a sensitivity to caffeine. The two of you chat for what feels like forever, and you're hesitant to, but eventually you break it off, telling him you have to go to work. He lets you go with a two finger salute.
You leave the interaction smiling to yourself. You've finally made a new friend.
Convinced that he's strictly there for friendship only, you let yourself get comfortable with Jason pretty quickly. You invite him over to your house for pizza and movie nights, he takes you out to all of the seediest restaurants in the city, where the people seem to know him and the food is incredible. He's seen you in your rattiest pajamas, unshowered, apartment on just the wrong side of needing a cleaning. There are a couple of times you think you see him staring at you with less than friendly intentions, but dismiss the notions immediately. This isn't a rom-com, get a grip, you always tell yourself.
But the longer your friendship goes on, the more your resolve starts to crumble. Over the months he's gotten more comfortable touching you, which has always been one of your biggest insecurities. Not that you hate to be touched, but you've gotten so used to going months without a friendly one that every time Jason puts his hands on you, you resist the urge to flinch. It started with simple hands on your shoulders to guide you somewhere, or a hip bump if he took a turn too sharply while walking somewhere with you. One time, he pulled you by the hand across the street and you immediately wrenched it from him as soon as you were safely across, citing a smashed bug on your palm. You were too busy trying to calm yourself to notice the look of hurt that flashed across his face.
The culmination of it all is his hand on the small of your back as he grabs something you're reaching for in your kitchen cabinets. "Let me," he says, flashing you a smile. You just nod dumbly and stand down. He pats you again as he retrieves the microwave popcorn bags for you.
You mentally gather the evidence in your mind, trying to look at it from all possible angles. I'm putting too much stock into it, he can't mean anything romantically. I mean, look at me, you reason. Maybe he's this affectionate with all of his friends. He mentioned that he has a big family, right? Maybe they're just like that? Besides, he probably has people throwing themselves at him all the time. It's fine. I can do this. I can be his friend. You start to cry, trying to wipe away your tears before they can fall, failing when they come too quickly. This is fucking stupid. I caught feelings and I know he'll never want me. God.
You suddenly remember that you're supposed to have plans with him that night and dive for your phone, texting him a flimsy excuse for why you need to cancel. He just sends you back a thumbs-up emoji, and you start to cry harder. You have a lot to sort out before you can see him again.
Roughly two hours later you hear a knock at your door. You look out of the peephole to see Jason standing there, scrolling through his phone with one hand and holding a huge takeout bag in the other.
"Jason, I'm sick," you yell through the door.
"Yea, I know," he retorts, sliding his phone into his jacket pocket. "And I brought you some of your favorite ramen, so let me in."
You try to wipe away the salt trails on your cheeks as best as you can, take a deep breath, and undo the locks on your door. You walk away as he swings open the door and immediately toes his shoes off, settling back down on your couch, legs crossed as you hold a pillow. He sets down the bag in your kitchen and starts taking out spoons and bowls. "So what is it today? Your stomach again?"
"No," you squeak. "Why did you still come?"
"Because you feel bad, and it's my job to help you feel better." He says it like it's the most obvious thing in the world, and it wrenches your heart in two.
"You're too good to me. Way past your job description as friend," you try to joke. Jason drops the container full of vegetables he had been spooning into the broth and looks at you as if he's been struck.
"It's too much, Jason. It's above and beyond the call of duty for a friend. Even a best friend, I would say." You squeeze the pillow tighter, preparing yourself for you next words. "You don't have to do all of this just for me. I understand my position."
Jason comes and sits down across from you, concern evident in his eyes. "What are you talking about? What position? Since when are we friends?"
"What do you mean?" You ask brokenly. "I thought that's what you wanted from me. Friendship."
Jason says your name incredulously. "What are you talking about? We've been dating for 7 months. Ever since I first asked you to the coffee shop three days after we met.""
"What?" Fat tears starts to roll down your cheeks again. "I thought...all this time...we were just becoming close friends."
Jason clutches at his hair. "I met you mother!"
You wave dismissively. "All my friends meet my mom. She's the most important person in my life."
Jason stares at you, dumbfounded, before he starts to laugh. He laughs for a full two minutes before he wipes a tear away, and finally looks at you. He inches closer to you on the couch and pulls your pillow away, leaning in. "Can I kiss you?"
You tentatively nod. You take one look at his lips before they're on yours, and then you're looking at his face, eyes latching onto the small scar on his right cheek as you turn your head for him. He pulls back for just a second to breathe in before he comes back, and you've exploded mentally. He starts feathering your face in kisses, and you can't believe that this is happening to you. This never happens to fat people like you. You don't realize that you've said that last part out loud before he pulls back and looks at you strangely.
"Babe?" You heart clenches to hear him call you that. "Is that really what you think of yourself? You can't be loved because you're fat?"
Your face feels hot as you nod.
Jason shakes his head slowly, taking both of your hands in his. "Then it makes sense why you flinched every time I touched you." As if on reflex, you flinch hearing him say that. "I've found you attractive ever since I saw you at the library that day, I swear. That's why I gave you my number. I wasn't trying to initiate a friendship. Sweetheart, I was trying to initiate a relationship."
You throw your arms around him, essentially trying to make him melt into you. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," you sob. You feel like you're going through the whole human spectrum of emotion at once. Elation, grief, mortification.
Jason gently peels you from him. "It's okay, really. Now that we've got that sorted out, can I finally finish making your ramen? The noodles are still good, I haven't put them in the broth yet."
You laugh and nod as you try to wipe away your tears again.
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chlorinecake · 5 months
so, after a couple of hours (days) contemplating this, Darling you gotta share ur writing story with me. (if someone's asked this alrdy my apologies, feed me anything and I'll be grateful). But I'm just so downright curious🙂. i like hearing people's writing journeys and like, I need to know how u found urself here today in terms of your writing because I think about it more often than I should 🤣
─ hayzie
🤍 Hi, Hayzie !! I don’t know why it always gets me so excited whenever I hear from you on here, but anyways, this is such a great question, and I’m flattered by your curiosity :( Here goes my long as frick answer for ya, lovey ~
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GROWING UP ⊹ I was homeschooled, and hanging around the house all day led to me picking up a lot of random hobbies, one of which being freelance creative writing. I wrote so many original songs, short stories, and even poems during that time, and I'd say this sort of upbringing is what helped foster the strong love for literature and art I hold in my heart today ⊹
DISCOVERING TUMBLR ⊹ So this is where the story gets interesting. Imagine a 17 year old me introducing my former Kpop-fan sister turned anti to the wonderful era of 4th gen Kpop. She fell in love with the culture all over again, which led to us doing this thing where we would role-play as certain Kpop idols through texts and gifs 🥴...
• So one night as I was looking for a Heeseung gif to send her, I stumbled upon one that looked really high quality, and it so happened to be posted by this page on Tumblr. Though st the time, I had never heard about that app/website before. When I clicked the gif, it took me to this link , and all I remember seeing was a bunch of ~freaky deaky~ warnings, but I scrolled past them (out of curiosity) before actually reading the words, and that’s when I realized "Oh, this is a story about Heeseung that a fan wrote…"
• To this day, I never forgot that story, but like, back then, I didn't even know what "smut" meant 😭 so when the story started describing a sexual scene between Heeseung and the MC, I was honestly a bit uncomfortable to the point that I couldn't even bring myself to finish reading it, yet at the same time, I was so intrigued.
• I ended up telling my sister about Tumblr (after she begged to know where I kept finding those high quality gifs), before she eventually fall into a DEEP hole of K-pop fanfic, which later compelled me to read more fics myself. Our favorite blog back then was @kpophubb, because of how diverse and well written her content was, but I also discovered other blogs like @starrywonie and @hee-pster who really inspired me to wanna start a blog for myself where I'd upload all of my original work, but I was still nervous about it... that is, until my sister told me about her blog, four months after she had already created it that sneaky bitch ⊹
INTRODUCING CHLORINECAKE ⊹ The very next day after my sister told me about her secret blog, I had this surge of motivation to start my own page! Using a short story I found buried in one of my forgotten writing apps, I edited it over night, and got my pictures and title together. I'll admit that I was very nervous at first, as I didn't know what to expect from the people who’d read it, especially considering how it was my first ever original written work to be put online. Fortunately though, I instantly fell in love with the engagement, the environment of Tumblr, and the new people I was meeting along the way... and yeah, that's pretty much how I got here today ⊹
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skyfish7 · 3 months
Writing Pattern Tag Game
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern. (Got tagged by my dear friend @29daffodils, thank you, this looks interesting! If you're interested in any of those fics, please click the title and it will guide you to the fic on AO3.) More Beautiful than the Moon [ How would you like to continue your romance storyline? A. Stay with Luo Binghe. B. Try to seduce Liu Qingge. This might or might not be reversible, so choose wisely…/ ] ship/fandom: Liu Qingge/Shen Yuan|Shen Qingqiu, The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (I'm already cheating in the first one but I think the first sentence only isn't enough to convey anything so please excuse XD)
------------------------------------ Safe With You Cold. Wet. Dark. The boy's eyes can't see through the blurriness, his ears can hear only muffled noises of struggling. ship/fandom: WinTeam, Between Us|Hemp Rope, canon-divergent (Technically three sentences, I know but words alone don't make much sense right?) -----------------------------------
Convince me Otherwise It's the first day at uni for Team and things are supposed to go well, but in fact, Team's morning has already been quite eventful. ship/fandom: WinTeam, Between Us|Hemp Rope, musician AU -----------------------------------
Come Home With Me It's one of those days, Win spends working from home. ship/fandom: WinTeam, Between U|Hemp Rope, post-canon -----------------------------------
With You through the Seasons It happens in early spring, in the middle of the day, in the middle of the road, in the middle of town without any prior warning – Xie Lian's car dies. ship/fandom: HuaLian, Heaven Official's Blessing, Modern AU ----------------------------------- We'll still be Us It was one of those nights when Megumi was lying wide awake, staring up at the ceiling of his bedroom into the endless, merciless darkness. ship/fandom: GoFushi, Jujutsu Kaisen, Yakuza AU (OK those last four definitely followed a pattern and I don't really know what to think about that XD) -----------------------------------
Dragonfly “Hey, Akihiko,” Haruki starts when he can't stand the atmosphere anymore. ship/fandom: AkiHaru, Given ----------------------------------- My Boyfriend might suck at Games but he holds the High Score in my Heart Exam season sucks. ship/fandom: RitsuMafu, Given -----------------------------------
Waking up with You "Rise and shine, Sunshine, it's a beautiful day and we have plans today," Nao's whisper tickles Natsuya's ear as he bends down to wake his lover. ship/fandom: NatsuNao, Free! -----------------------------------
With You by my Side Once a year, sometime in April, without any fail, the former swim team of Iwatobi High makes an effort to meet up in their home town to catch up with each other and wallow in the nostalgia of their beginnings. ship/fandom: MakoHaru, ReiGisa, AsaKisu, HiyoIku, NatsuNao, SouRin, SeijuuGou, MomoAi, Free! ----------------------------------- So, do I see a pattern? A few of them start similarly, like the four that I pointed out. Then there are two starting with direct speech and a few starting with very short or only one-word sentences. Honestly, I don't really think too much about how to start a story because that's usually the easiest thing for me to do - to write the beginning. I just go with whatever pops up in my head when I start writing. I hope it's interesting enough to keep people reading but that's not for me to judge, so you tell me! :) Another thought that just crossed my mind is, why do most of my titles sound so lame? ;_; (It's truly one of the most difficult things when writing, if I don't know the title from the beginning, it's a struggle until the very end when I put the fic on AO3) Tagging some of my writer friends (no pressure to do this but I'd love to see it!) @tehalex3-blog, @radiodread, @berrynthewood and... I think my other writer friends aren't on here or I forgot their handles, sorry. Whoever comes across this and wants to play along, please feel free to do so!
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raleighcarreras · 2 years
it's all so incredibly loud
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Part 1: if only i could touch the hem of your gown
Pairing(s): Wanda Maximoff x Black!fem!reader
Wrd Cnt: 2k
Rating: Mature
Parts: 2 , 3 , 4 , 5, 6 ,7
Warnings: Angst, cheating, did i mention angst, eventual smut, canon typical violence
Summary: The divorce was finalized months ago, and yet...Wanda can't get you out of her head. Not that she would ever try to. She knows she fucked up, she knows she has an uphill battle to fight to get you back, but she'll do anything. She'll do anything if it means getting to hold you in her arms again.
Notes: i know we've all read this type of fic 49054 times but, um, you haven't read this one in particular yet 🙄👉🏾👈🏾. Anyway, the song is its all so incredibly loud by glass animals. 18+ only as always.
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"Whispers would deafen me now. You don't make a sound. Heartbreak was never so loud."
You grumbled out something unintelligible. Stupidly assuming that would be enough for an 11 year old boy who was under the impression that he needed you.
"Mommy! Come here, please!!"
Why'd you let her con you into thinking more than one would be a good idea? You grumbled to yourself. There wasn't much you could do about it in hindsight. They were a two for one deal.
When Wanda had told you that she was pregnant with twins you had laughed in her face. Sure, you knew with your chosen method of pregnancy the odds of multiples were higher, but that didn't mean you had to accept it.
You honestly hadn't believed her until you had seen them both screaming their little lungs out in the nurses hands as they were cleaned.
That was 11 years ago.
1 year ago, you gave birth to your baby girl, Alexis. Yeah, she somehow managed to trick you into a third one too.
Slick words, soft touches, empty gestures.
"Mom! Hurry!"
You groaned into your pillow. Then threw the fluffy comforter from over your body. You checked the time on your phone and frowned.
You padded down the hallway to where you heard the boys call for you. They were in Alexis' room which was alarming. Maybe, if they had led with that you would have been on your way quicker.
You turned the corner to find your three beautiful children laying on their stomachs and staring at each other.
You leaned your shoulder on the doorway and rubbed the bridge of your nose, "What's wrong?"
Tommy looked up at you and smiled happily, "False alarm. We thought she was about to walk and didn't want you to miss it."
Billy had the wherewithal to look slightly more sheepish.
If they weren't so darn cute and also your children, you surely would have kicked them out ages ago.
"Thank you, babies."
You sat on the ground next to them, setting your youngest on your lap. She gurgled, probably ecstatic with all of the attention.
"Can I ask you guys a question?" You said softly, not wanting them to think they were in trouble.
They both nodded and continued to poke at their baby sister.
"Why aren't you at school right now?"
The boys started to pick at the purple rug they were strewn across, "Mamaforgottopickusup."
"What was that, Tommy?" You tried to keep your eye from twitching. Lest you scare the boys into thinking you were possessed.
"Mama forgot to pick us up." He shrugged as if it was no big deal. And to him, it probably wasn't. He didn't have to go to school if no one took him.
"Why didn't you wake me up and tell me earlier?"
Billy chewed the inside of his cheek, a habit he had picked up from you, "We didn't want to get Mama in trouble and you were super sleepy."
You took a deep breath before leaning over and cupping their cheeks softly, "I appreciate the gesture, but you do not have to protect your Mother. She is an adult and you are my baby boys. We protect you, not the other way around. If Wanda doesn't pick you up to take you to school, you come wake me up so I can take you."
They nodded solemnly.
"I'll be right back, watch your sister."
Tommy watched as you stood up and dug your phone out of your pocket, "Do we still have to go to school today?"
You couldn't have stopped your laugh even if you tried, "No. You don't have to. We can all watch a movie until your mom comes to get you."
You pretended not to see the triumphant fist bump the twins gave each other.
You closed the door partially behind yourself, walking back into your room and dialing your Ex-wife's number.
She picked up on the third ring.
"Where are the boys?"
There was a pause on the other end and you imagined she was checking the time.
"Wrong. Try again."
Another pause. A curse. A jingling of keys.
"Shit. I'm so sorry, Y/N. Time got away from me-"
"Save it."
She sighed, "I'm on my way."
You nodded stiffly even though she couldn't see it, "Don't come too quickly, they're watching a movie. You know how Tommy gets about interruptions. You might as well finish whatever it is that caused your own children to slip your mind."
"Look, Y/N-"
You promptly hung up before she could finish her word vomit full of excuses. It would be a waste of time listening to her when you could spend your last moments with your kids before they went with Wanda for the weekend.
"What movie we watching, my little monsters?" You sat down on the couch inbetween your sons.
"A Goofy Movie!" The twins shouted in unison. You had to smile through a grimace. They had watched the movie so often you're pretty sure it's carved into the back of your eyelids.
Maybe you should call Wanda back and tell her to come get them now.
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Wanda looked through the rearview mirror for the 101001th time. Alexis was a year old now, but driving with her still made the woman nervous beyond belief.
"Mama...can I ask you a question?" Billy inquired from his newly coveted passenger seat.
"You can ask me a question any and every time you need to, Utenok."
He blushed at the nickname, "When are you coming back home? I-I know Mom is mad at you but going back and forth is getting annoying when you could just stay at home with us."
Wanda couldn't help but chuckle lightly at the last part of his statement. She completely agreed. She would love to just be back in her house with her children. Back in her bed with you.
"I don't know..."
"Mom misses you."
Wanda perked up at that information.
"How do you figure that?" God, she was pathetic. Using her children for information in regards to her adult problems. Using them for mistakes she brought on herself.
"We heard her talking to Aunt Nat about you." Tommy said from the back seat.
Wanda's fists gripped the wheel tighter, "What did she say?"
Billy shared a look with Tommy through the sideview mirror. They hadn't actually heard what you had said. Only bits and pieces, but what was a little white lie if it meant their family was whole again?
"She said that she's lonely...and the bed is cold." That was close enough to what you had said. They were going to leave out the part where their aunt suggested you get back on the dating scene and you hadn't outright objected to the idea.
"She whispers for you in her sleep." Tommy mumbled. He would often here you call out for Wanda when he was sneaking downstairs for snacks.
"Oh." Was all Wanda responded with.
"Yes?" Wanda turned onto her street a little sharper than she would have liked.
"Why is Mommy mad at you? Shouldn't you just be able to say sorry and kiss her on the cheek. That's what we do when we mess up."
Fuck. She wished it was that easy. She had actually tried something along those lines months back. You had promptly slapped her across the face as a result.
It didn't hurt, but it damn sure surprised her.
In hindsight, maybe she should have gone for the cheek instead of your lips.
"Let's not-"
"You said we could ask anything." Tommy reminded her with that haughty air that he most definitely got from you.
"I didn't say I'd answer anything." She grumbled.
The twins only glared back at her with her own eyes. Which didn't really seem all that fair.
The two of you had talked about what to tell the boys when they finally asked. You had left it up to Wanda since the cause was her transgression. Wanda suspects you were leaving it up to her as some sort of punishment as well. You knew she wasn't going to say anything right away out of embarrassment, and until she told the boys it was just going to loom over her head.
But now, seemed as good a time as any. When they were stuck with her for the weekend and they couldn't escape after they decided they hated her like she hated herself.
"I...wasn't faithful." She breathed out softly.
"What does that mean?"
"I-shit-I did some grownup things with someone who wasn't your Mom and that was a really awful thing for me to do. Something so awful that a simple 'I'm sorry' won't fix it." Wanda pulled into the parking garage of her apartment building unceremoniously. She parked the car but didn't move to exit. Neither did the boys.
The boys sat silently, taking in the information. Wanda could see the tension playing across their faces. She could see as one of the twins took the news in stride the other did not. Three agonizing seconds later, Billy rushed out of the car red faced. Wanda wanted to bang her head into the steering wheel.
"Stay here with your sister, okay?"
Tommy only nodded.
Wanda rushed from the car in search of her son. She found him quickly. He was sitting behind a pillar with his hands covering his face.
"Go away."
Wanda ignored him and slowly sat on the damp pavement next to him.
"I know you're mad at me right now, but please don't run away from me like that ever again. Your mother would have my head if I came back with 2 munchins instead of 3."
"I'm not a munchin, Mama."
Wanda scoffed then scooped Billy onto her lap with a grunt of effort, "Sure, you're not...Do you wanna talk about it?"
"You're not supposed to have sex with people that aren't Mom."
Wanda's eye twitched. Were 11 year olds supposed to know about sex? Eh. That was the least of her problems at the moment.
"I know..."
"Then why'd you do it?" Billy whined and wiped a few tears from his cheeks. Wanda sighed and brought him closer to her chest.
"I don't know. I'm not very smart sometimes." And that was about as honest an answer Wanda could give. She genuinely had no idea why she decided to throw away 13 years of marriage for a woman whose name she couldn't even remember.
"You said we're not supposed to do things if we don't know why we're doing them."
"I need to start taking my own advice."
Billy nodded, "And you need to apologize to Mom a couple more times so you can come back home."
Wanda smiled tightly, "I don't think it'll be that easy, Utenok."
"Then keep trying anyway. Who cares if it's hard? Mommy still loves and misses you, and you love and miss Mommy. Just keep trying until it works."
"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"
Billy giggled as Wanda pressed kisses all over his cheek. Tommy had grown out of that 2 years prior, but she was pretty sure Billy would let her kiss and squeeze him until he got married.
"Lets get back to your siblings."
"Yeah! And then when can start operation trick mom into marrying you again!"
Oh to be a child. Wanda was sure whatever they came up with wouldn't work. But she was willing to try until her dying breath shall it cone to it.
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autisticwriterblog · 10 days
I have been really enjoying your Odin fics, with his stimming etc, as well as your fics for Norman and Ahti! You are a great writer!
If you are still open for requests, maybe something about Ahti and Odin, when he notices Odin's quirks?
I love the way you write the dynamic between these characters!
Thank you, anon! I really appreciate that.
Title: Quirks
Summary: While having an off day, Odin relaxes in bed, fidgeting and singing to himself. Until Ahti startles him by appearing out of nowhere.
Word count: 500
Warnings: Implied ableism
Fic is under the cut. Or read it on ao3 here!
Odin lies on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He rarely gets time to himself in this shitty old house, but with almost everyone out on a trip to Watery, Odin can relax. And he certainly needs to relax today. So, he declined to join them all, staying at the nursing home as the others left. Well, other than Tor, who takes advantage of having the place to himself to play the drums downstairs.
He rubs his sock-covered feet together as he sings the chorus to Children of the Elder Gods to himself over and over, because that specific song is stuck in his head and repeating those words feels nice on his tongue. His singing voice isn’t what it used to be, but Odin doesn’t care. He isn’t performing for anyone, after all.
When the floorboards creak, Odin jumps. He lifts his head, eye widening when he notices Ahti standing in his room, mopping the floor.
“Do not stop because of me,” Ahti says. “I’m just cleaning when Rose isn’t here to take my mop, perkele…”
How did he forget about Ahti? Sure, Ahti only waltzed back into their lives a week ago when he just turned up at the nursing home as the newest resident, but the guy is fucking hard to forget. Especially because he and Tor met Ahti decades ago and he looked the same back them. But, anyway, Odin somehow forgot that Ahti stayed behind too.
“Fucking hell, Ahti, learn to knock,” Odin groans, flopping back onto his pillow. “Or are you trying to kill me?”
Ahti chuckles. “Jumalauta, it would take more than that to kill an Anderson.”
Odin snorts. “Okay, you got me there.” But then he thinks about what Ahti walked in on him doing, and his stomach squirms. Odin hates himself for it, but he still worries about how people might react to him doing weird things. Being bullied by students and teachers alike as a kid fucked him up, huh? And that stupidly self-conscious part of him waits for a comment.
And he gets one. Just not the sort he expected.
“You repeat things a lot, I’ve noticed,” Ahti says, his tone curious. “I thought so back then too, but… I never found time to ask you.”
Odin raises an eyebrow.
“No judgment, of course,” Ahti adds. “Huvinsa kullakin and all that.”
His suspicious expression fading, Odin lets out a breath. It’s nice that Ahti is just curious, rather than being an asshole. But still… “Honestly, Ahti, I’m really not in the mood for a game of ‘talking about Odin’s quirks’ right now.” Other people, he’d just tell them to fuck off. But Ahti is different. He helped them a lot back then. So, even when he has no patience for this, Odin won’t snap at Ahti. “Can we do this another day?”
“Of course, of course. I can mop in here later.”
“Thanks,” Odin mumbles, shifting onto his side.
And as Ahti leaves the room, Odin starts singing again.
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sludg3gor3 · 2 years
Unloved, but not by you {part 1}
Pairings- Eddie Munson x (female) reader
Fic warnings for whole series (may not apply to some chapters) - fluff, angst and smut 18+
Word count- 2.0k
Sorry if this is shitty it’s 12am😭
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“Dear diary,
Today is mine and Carters 1 year anniversary and he hasn’t even came to see me yet. I keep hoping that maybe he’s stuck in traffic or, maybe he overslept but as time goes on I feel like …maybe he just forgot. I should have known though, it’s a habit of his to forget, especially when it comes to our relationship. I feel so alone, but I can’t break up with him, he’s one of the most popular besides Jason Carver at Hawkins high…and I do..I do love him don’t get me wrong but right now I just feel so neglected. I even got him a present…now idk what to do with it..”
You finished writing with a sigh, your pen leaving little scribbles on the paperr above where you just wrote, reading over your entry. “This sucks..” you groaned, throwing your head back into your pillow. You eventually rolled over and looked at your alarm clock that flashed “5:00pm” in that stupid red color…just mocking you and your feelings. 5:00 turned to 6 and 6 turned to 7 and 7 turned to 8 and so on and on until it was too late to even think he’d be coming. You were hopeful, thinking maybe this important date wouldn’t be missed by him but you were terribly wrong, more wrong than you’ve been in awhile. The time came for you to eventually lay down and get some rest for the dragging day ahead , filled with apologizing from Carter tomorrow at the lunch table. They were useless but what could you really do?
The alarm clock on the side of your bed rang aloud, beeping in your ear repeatedly until your hand slammed down on the top to stop it. You groaned raising your head to look at the time, your vision blurry. You sat up, your hair a mess and morning breath hitting you in the face as you yawned into your hand “mom said wake your ass up” your head whipped over to see your little sister Erica standing in your door way, arms crossed and an attitude smeared on her face
“Who the hell told you, you could just barge into my room without knocking you brat?!” You hissed at the little girl who honestly had the mouth of a teen
“Mom did if you wanna know so bad…rats nest” Erica said the last bit while looking at your hair before walking away, telling you once again to get up and come downstairs for breakfast before school. You sighed heavily, eyes closed as you tried not to get irritated. You eventually got up and got ready, the events from the night before flooding your brain once again, you wanted to feel upset but you didn’t let yourself, why let some asshole get you down ? You don’t.
The time came for you to eventually get to school, upon arriving, your boyfriend ran up to you, bringing you into a kiss. “Hey baby” you didn’t say anything , just nodded. “Is something…wrong?” He asked obviously oblivious. You stopped walking and turned around to look at him, your face showing you were irritated and eyes narrowed to a glare “are you serious right now?” You ask, your head cocking to the side a bit, a smug laugh escaping your mouth “Carter, do you have any idea what yesterday was?” you waited for an answer before finally getting one that made your insides turn with anger “uhm…wait I know this- uhm- shit…were we suppose to hang out or something? If so I was with the boys, you know we hang everyday Sunday” Carter nodded his head and tried to put his arm around your shoulder but you immediately dodged it “it was our one year Carter…one fucking year and you forgot” you were on the verge of tears now but you didn’t let them escape, “baby…fuck can we talk about this later? I’m sorry it slipped my mind”
“Slipped your mind? Just like everything fucking else? It slipped your mind like that?” You didn’t give him time to respond. You just stomped away, I mean come on we all know what he was gonna say, some stupid excuse, hell he didn’t even remember your birthday, when you told him the day before, instead he just went to hang with the boys at the lake…without even asking if you’d wanna come. You were fed up, absolutely and utterly fed up and so lost in your thoughts you weren’t watching where you were walking, soon bumping into a taller figure. “Someone seems occupied today” you didn’t even have to look up to see who you bumped into, you could tell by the hands that were infested with rings on each finger helping to grab your stuff and that hellfire shirt, your brother had the same one, and that very oddly soothing voice that just makes you comfortable literally anywhere. “Shit, I’m sorry Munson I just have a lot on my mind right now” you say trying to keep it cool, not wanting to seem emotional. You both stand up and Eddie hands you your books with a small smile, he leans against a locker and tilts his head to the side a bit “let me guess…it’s the guy..I told you not to date because he was a ginormous dick but you did anyways and now you’re finding out just ho-“ “Eddie, has anyone ever told you how annoying you can be at times, seriously this is my relationship, just leave it alone” eddie obviously saw you were upset about what he had said and immediately bent down to look at you, lifting your chin with his index finger. You shooed him away and looked around hoping your boyfriend or any of his snotty friends didn’t see just how close you actually were with “the freak” Eddie Munson. “Eddie I have to get class” you began to walk pass him but Eddie grabbed you by the arm, his head hung to the side and he turned around to look at you , his eyebrow raised “y/n…seriously if something is going on you can talk to me” you sighed and dropped your head down to look at your feet, you squeezed your eyes shut, and finally looked back up at Eddie “it has nothing to do with you Munson, now please, I have to get to class” Eddie let go of your arm , your cold response hitting him right in the heart. He watched as you walked away. You really did change since you started dating that jock. Your friendship with Eddie wasn’t as strong as it was before and it was honestly all your doing, you left him because you felt you would be made fun of if caught near him, also your boyfriend didn’t like him very much, as a matter of fact no one really did, no one popular at least. Eddie knew though, deep down the old you was still there, but it wouldn’t surface as long as you were with that asshole.
You finally made it to class and felt eyes on you, when turning around you saw your boyfriend intensely staring at you from the back row. You glared at him and turned around trying to focus on your class but the feeling of being watched made you highly irritated. The whole class period you weren’t able to focus and when the bell finally rung you hurriedly got up from your seat and made your way to the door but unfortunately you were too slow. Your boyfriend if that’s even what you wanted to call him, grabbed you by the arm and yanked you back inside the empty class. His face was red, he seemed mad, why was he mad? When he was the one who forgot your one year?? “What do you want Carter?” You asked bluntly. “Have you been talking to that freak Y/n?!” With those words you felt your heart sink to your stomach, you forced a laugh that just came out nervous and stuttered “what? Carter seriously come on..” Carter gritted his teeth “Jason told me he saw you talking to that freak after you walked off on me…and he grabbed you by your arm??” Your heart started to beat faster now, becoming nervous, worried even and not just for yourself,,,but for Eddie too “Carter….Jason is lying, I wasn’t with Eddie and he didn’t touch me I swear” Carter nodded, jumping up and down to cool himself off “he better be Y/n if I even find out that freak even lays a finger on your I’ll beat his ass” with that Carter wraps his arm around your shoulders, walking with you to your next class, and your class after that and after that until it was time for lunch. Upon arriving to the lunchroom your eyes immediately look for Eddie who was sitting down at a table full of his club members. You felt a little rush of relief knowing none of the boys went to talk to him or threaten him about earlier. “So about earlier, how about I come over tonight, climb through your window and I can make up for forgetting yesterday huh?” You look up at Carter, trying to comprehend his stupid suggestion, he really thinks sex..will fix this and it made you sick. So you came up with a excuse, sitting down at the table “oh baby, I can’t. I promised Lucas a brother and sister horror movie night tonight!” You looked over at Lucas with a ‘just go with it’ look on your face and he caught on pretty fast , agreeing with your lie. “I’m sure Sinclair wouldn’t mind rescheduling, right sinclair?” Lucas looked at you, waiting for you to say something to get him out of this hole “actually, we’ve been planning this for weeks, and I finally got the movie a few days ago, we’ve been dying to watch it…I don’t think we can wait, but I’m sure you can…I mean it wouldn’t be hard” you gave Carter a smile and got up from the table “I have to use the bathroom” you walked to the big double doors that separated the hallway from the cafeteria, on your way, signaling stealthily for eddie to come out after you just a few minutes after.
You waited around the corner for 5 minutes before hearing the doors open and shut, the loud voices of children pouring out before being locked back in. Eddie, appearing around the corner. “Eddie we really need to talk..” you pulled the boy by his arm and down the hall to the janitors closet, both of you getting inside to be able to speak without being seen or heard. You looked at Eddie, a nervous look plastered on your face as you fidgeted with your fingers before speaking “Carver…he …saw us talking earlier and told Carter…now he’s like really fucking antsy and I just…I-“ you tried to find your words but they were stuck in your throat. “Why does that fucking matter? Why can’t we talk we’re friends right?” You didn’t say anything “right…Sinclair” you furrowed your brows and looked down then back up at Eddie with a sad look “not anymore Eds…Carter he’s dangerous, I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, please tel me you understand ” Eddie stood there, his doe eyes were sad, like he’d just been hit with the most heartbreaking shit he could experience. “Eddie, please say something” Eddie took a deep breath and nodded slowly “as you wish, y/n” and with that Eddie exited the janitors closet leaving you alone, the dim light flickering inside. You felt a knot grow in your throat knowing you couldn’t run after him, knowing you just threw away one of the best people you had…and all to make sure he’s safe…right..or maybe it’s because you know…nevermind.
a few minutes passed before you then exited the janitors closet. You walked back to the cafeteria, when inside you looked over at the table Eddie had been at and noticed he wasn’t there anymore, neither were his friends. You bit your lip and made your way back to your table sitting down next to Carter, his arm wrapping around you as he scarfs his food down, laughing and making sexist jokes. You felt sad and empty, and there wasn’t much you could do about it.
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the-sleepy-conductor · 7 months
Yooo! New person! It’s always so nice to see new Submas fans around!
Nice to meetcha! Welcome to our silly little community where we’re all a teeny bit crazy over silly train men. 🤏 Just a little.
Can’t wait to see all the cool content you’ll be posting soon! I have a few questions for you!
First, how’d you get into the Submas fandom? How long have you been in it for? And who’s your favorite twin? Unless… it’s BOTH!
I hope you’ll have lots of fun here. We’ve got a ton of cool peeps making cool Submas stuff! It’s incredible, honestly. Our community is so talented, and it’s fun to see everyone contribute something different! Arts, fanfics, EVEN FANMADE MERCHANDISE (the insane amount of Submas pins and charms that I have…)!
I’m excited to learn more about you as you grow! Keep it up!
Hiiii! Thanks so much for the warm welcome! I'm definitely excited to start posting art (and possibly fics) here real soon and get to know other Submas fans better!
As for how I discovered Submas- it's quite an odd story. Roughly 7 years ago my friend showed me a screenshot of N and Emmet, with Emmet running away with N's toy trains. I'll post the picture here in a bit. But I thought it was hilarious and saved it to my own phone. I was a little curious about who Emmet was (especially since it was clear he was associated with trains, which I've loved all my life) but I never really gave it much thought after that. Fast forward to about a day after Legends Arceus released, I meet Ingo. But I didn't know he was Ingo- I thought he was Emmet. I kinda forgot about Emmet over the years so when I saw Ingo I was like "Oh, silly train guy is here. What's his name again? Emmet?" But as the minutes passed I started remembering what Emmet looked like, with the white uniform and smile. And this man looked nothing like him but also exactly like him. I thought maybe I was imagining things, until Ingo introduced himself, and I started to connect the dots: Emmet has a twin.
So I do more research and find out they're known as the Subway Bosses, from Pokemon Black and White (my favorite Pokemon games) and that they're Battle Facility leaders. I start looking into them more, finding Battle Subway fanart and reading fics, and as I played Legends Arceus more I became super attached to Ingo. And it wasn't long before I got attached to Emmet too! I started to really fall down the Submas rabbit hole in late February 2022- February 22nd to be exact, as that was my first Multi Battle with Ingo and Emmet. (I got destroyed lol)
Oh yeah here's the photo I mentioned earlier:
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I kinda laugh at the thought that this photo introduced a future favorite character, and that it had such a big effect 7 years later.
As for which twin I like more... It's both! There's something to love in both Ingo and Emmet, and I'll probably make a ramble post in the future about everything I love about them!
(Also I completely relate to the collection of Submas merch, my Battle Subway sticker book arrived today lol)
I'm definitely looking forward to posting some art and rambles, and getting to meet others who are in the Submas community!
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b4bytate · 1 year
Early meetings & lustful desires
———————————————————————————————————————Loki always got on your nerves, but one time in a 6am meeting you couldn’t keep your thoughts from remaining innocent and the god of mischief, that can in fact read minds, was not amused by your unintentional teasing
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Hello and welcome to my first ever post and also first ever smut fic!
This is just a quick part one of a 2 part fiction that I’ve been writing for a friend of mine, she convinced me to post it (thank you fen)
Warnings: Dom!Loki, loki is a little bitch, slight choking, teasing, mentions of smut!! 18+, actual smut will be in part 2. do not read if you are not comfortable with the topics listed!
Im sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes or typos in the fic, english isn’t my first language, but I do try to make it enjoyable, so enjoy reading!
I walked into Rogers’s 6 am meeting. It’s way too early for this and I’m barely even awake. I just walked straight to the first seat nobody was sitting in. I later realized that it’s the seat opposite of Loki. God of mischief and also knows as really FUCKING ANNOYING.
He gets on my nerves so badly and I swear I should receive an award for not throwing a chair at him already. Hes always either making comments about every little thing or straight up annoying me, but honestly, as much as I hate to say it I can’t deny that there’s tension between us.
I didn’t particularly enjoy having him in my eyesight for the whole meeting, and the worst thing is that I couldn’t get him out of my head for even a second. He is a god. And I looked like it. His face was beautiful and his perfect cheekbones always making him look even more god-like.
The face of a real god.
His long black hair suits him perfectly. Sometimes he ties it up like how he did today, a tiny bun on the back of his head, and a few strands that couldn’t fit into the bun framing his face beautifully. A big white T-shirt draped over his body, showing a bit of his pecs and a long necklace draped over his t shirt. It looked like a soldier tag. I would’ve never guessed that the Loki who made fun of all of the avengers for wearing “Midgardian clothes” would one day wear a t shirt and a necklace.
Then my gaze went a bit south, to his hands. Saying Loki has big hands is an understatement. Each hand is easily twice as big as mine. Which makes me wonder how they would look around my neck. Wait.. what? I didn’t mean to think about that, but it just slipped into my head, like somebody opened my skull and just stuffed the thought into it. His gaze, which was focused on the whiteboard suddenly traveled towards me. He looked at me for a second and gave me a wink. then he quickly looked away.
He placed his hands on the table and started playing with.. rings? Oh my god. He was wearing rings. They suited him perfectly. Chunky bits of metal wrapped around his beautifully long fingers.
My gaze started traveling down. A bit too far down. Until I heard Steve say “That’s it for today people, next meeting is 6 am, tomorrow.” His voice pulled me out of the trance I was in. I have been staring at Loki for the entire meeting, and I’m pretty sure he noticed because of the wink he gave me while I was packing my stuff. “What a jerk, he totally thinks I was looking at him.” I thought to myself. I mean.. I was.. but he doesn’t know, so he doesn’t have the right to think that. I walked out of the meeting room and as I walked towards my room someone grabbed my wrist.
“Oh love.. I think you forgot something.”
I looked at him with confusion as I thought to myself what I must’ve left in the meeting room this time.
“Did you really forget that I can read minds, or did you have those little fantasies just to torture me?”
He asked in a cold tone. He was definitely not amused by the way I was apparently accidentally teasing him.
“Oh, I’m sorry”
I said with a I said with a shaking voice
“I really didn’t know.”
“You really think I’m that naive, don’t you daring.”
He pushed me against my door and out of shock I dropped my bag.
“You tortured me for that entire meeting. I couldn’t help but fantasize about the things that I would do to you once it was over.”
And that’s when I felt something poking at my thigh.
The shocked expression on my face turned into a grin. I slowly brushed my hand down his shirt and slightly over his growing erection.
He grabbed my waist and pushed me into my room. He closed the door and, again, pushed me against it. But this time he grabbed both of my hands and held them above my head. I tried to speak but his hand wrapped around my throat, not completely choking me, but the firm grip did keep me from getting much air in which sent a river of arousal right down to my core.
“Oh no..”
He said laughing to himself.
“You are not the one in control my love. I am.”
He said in a deep, dark voice. A second later he moved his head towards mine and kissed my lips. The grip on my throat tightened, leaving me breathless. A sigh left my lips and I could feel his cock poking at my thigh. I let out a soft moan and started to buck my hips.
He pulled away from the kiss and left me gasping for air, his hand still around my throat. He released my throat and my hands at the same time and straightened his shirt.
“Let’s leave the rest of your fantasies for another time darling.”
He said with a stupid smirk plastered on his face.
He walked out of my room after giving me a quick kiss on my lips.
And he just left me.
And the worst thing is.
I couldn’t stop thinking about him all day.
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
hii, i was wondering if you could do my request bc i looove your writing (especially the ones about hq dads, i re-read them every once in a while) but ofc you don't have to if you don't wanna
would you consider writing a fic or scenerio with sakusa wherein he and reader have a kid although eventually they break up but still continue to co-parent and once it's their kid's birthday they meet up for the first time in a while and sakusa realizes that he still cares about reader alot and wants to get back together so they can work things out and be a family again??
i hope this isn't too demanding, but again you don't really have to do it, either way, i hope you have a lovely day ♡ love lots
Hi hon!! I love this idea so much tysm for requesting this it’s such a cute idea!!!I love dad sakusa!!! Hon, it’s perfect you weren’t demanding at all you’re so sweet Ty😭I’m having an iffy day but that’s alright!! I’m hoping you have a good day as well!
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Tw-divorce, ‘broken’family, Kiyoomi is tipsy, drinking, feelings idk everything from the ask, let me know if I missed anything!
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Sakusa was horrified to find that he most definitely still did have feelings for you. It wasn’t because he had an issue with how you were or anything, definitely not that if anything he’d always thought you were the most lovely person in the world but because you litterally went through this for nothing!
The whole point of the divorce was because you were always apart, what did the divorce solve? Nothing actually, you ended up getting demoted and Sakusa came back to Japan so after the divorce you’d found yourselves in the same house more than ever until three months ago he moved out the house, from than you’d shared custody of your almost one year old.
Today is the first time he’s seen you since the move and unfortunately those feelings that had been ignored during the divorce are definitely still there. Just like the divorce papers you’d left on your table after you forgot to send them in.
Honestly it was a mistake! One that sakusa is thankful for when he sees them on your table as he bounces the birthday girl on his hip lightly.
“Y/n” he breathes out later, Kiyoomi’s mom has had your baby most of the night and you smile just as softly as Kiyoomi feels.
“I forgot to send in the papers.” You watch as the smile on his face grows, you’re sure he’s a little tipsy because he was never to open with his feelings.
He lets out a little giggle as he wraps his arms around your waist.
“I missed you” he mumbles and you hum a bit.
“Me too”
“I think I’m going to retire…I’ll be home more..”
and with that the papers were shredded in Kiyoomi’s office turned nursery in your shared home before watching your favorite show together while he lays against you.
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Anywho!! Let me know if you guys want to see anything else because I love writing requests so much!!!
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thebluestbluewords · 1 year
*Insert Pingu card meme here*
Not quite a Valentine's day fic, but something like one, maybe. Mal & Carlos, shippy if you squint. ~1600 words.
“Valentine’s is…fun.” Carlos says doubtfully. 
“That’s what literally everyone says, yeah.” Mal repeats. “Fun. Because it’s a day about feelings.  And people here like to talk about their feelings.” 
“And it’s fun.” Carlos echoes back, sounding even more mystified about the whole concept. “Having feelings.” 
Mal has lots of fun feelings. She has rage, and anger, and sometimes a terrible hot feeling that bubbles up in her chest and makes her want to scream until everyone around her runs away forever and leaves her alone to die. “Look, I don’t know. Evie told me today that everyone here says it’s fun, and we need to make sure we’re not sticking out. And all the girls in third period were talking about how they’re so excited to tell everyone how much they love them, and Audrey was all, like, ‘buy your Valentine’s chocolate from the SGA table to support my school wide empire on fun’ and honestly I sort of tuned out after she started talking so I don’t actually know if there’s anything else to this stupid holiday.” 
Carlos makes a face that might be trying not to laugh. Or possibly trying not to sneeze. It’s hard to tell. “You heard that there’s feelings, and chocolate, and a chance to humiliate Audrey, and decided that obviously we have to make it a magical day for everyone?” 
Mal also heard that there’s going to be a chocolate fountain at lunch in honor of the holiday, but she’s keeping that part to herself for now. “Pretty much,” she agrees. “Throw me the glue.” 
“Do we get chocolate?” Carlos asks as he stretches up to pass Mal the glue. It means that he has to let go of one side of the ladder, which doesn’t feel entirely great from Mal’s vantage point standing on the tips of her toes on the very top step, but it’s fine. If she falls off at least she won’t have to go to class tomorrow. 
“Of course that’s the part you focus on,” Mal huffs, stretching down to snag the bottle of glue from his fingertips. “And yes, if you’re a very good little boy, we can steal Audrey’s student government chocolate as soon as her back is turned.” 
“I could take offense at that,” Carlos says slowly, returning to his place at the base of the ladder. “I could take it by myself and not share any with you.” 
“But you won’t,” Mal sing-songs, spreading a thin layer of glue over the blades of the classroom fan. Details are essential in wicked schemes, and she didn’t earn an A- in Scheming and Wickedness because she forgot the details, like making sure her magical mess is going to be a maximum pain in the royal behind to clean up. “Because you—Hey!” 
The base of the ladder wobbles again, just for an instant. 
Carlos looks up at her, face blank and innocent. “Did you need something?” 
Ugh, boys. 
“You undying devotion to the cause,” Mal snaps, shaking the bottle of glue in a vaguely threatening manner. “And your support on the base of this death trap, come on. If I fall off this ladder and break my neck I’m going to tell everyone you’re the one responsible for this.” 
“I’m already an accessory to your crime,” Carlos says placidly, but he’s holding on to the ladder again, so it really doesn’t matter what he thinks about the supposed legal system of Auradon Prep. Accessories to crime aren’t real when you’re a student, which Mal knows, because she’s read the student handbook. All students involved in mischief share punishment equally, in some sort of attempt at teaching them fairness that’s more misguided than the maps in wonderland.  “I don’t think a broken neck is really a likely outcome at this point anyway. And if you do break your neck from falling six feet down, I’ll just get all of the chocolate that would have been yours anyway. Really a win for me either way.” 
Mal will not laugh at her brilliant, wicked boy. Laughing will only encourage this sort of smart-ass behavior in the future, and as a leader in her school community, she is a pillar for goodness and upright moral behavior. 
Also, she’s afraid that if she laughs the ladder is going to break.  “Shut up and hold my ladder. If we make it through this alive I’ll get you your very own chocolate later. Legally gained.” 
Carlos, safe on the ground, does laugh. “Ugh, why?” he asks seriously. “Stolen food tastes better.” 
“Obviously,” Mal agrees. She’s actually going to murder someone over the stupid glue bottle designs. Stupid middle schoolers. If they hadn’t been caught doing glue shots at the back of the art classroom, Fairy Godmother wouldn’t have banned full size bottles from campus, and she wouldn’t be in this situation at all right now.  “But it’s not a very good gift if it’s stolen. I’m a good and moral citizen now, haven’t you heard?” 
“What if I’m evil and only take bribes in the form of stolen goods?” 
Mal throws up her hands, and the glue bottle with them. The thing stays firmly attached to her fingers. At least the glue inside it works, even if the bottle is a useless tiny piece of junk. “Fine then! But I’m taking it from Audrey, and you’re not getting it because of the holiday. I’m getting you chocolate because you’re a manipulative little rat bastard who is coercing me into acting as an accessory to your crimes.” 
Carlos grins. “Sure, keep telling yourself that, Malfeasance. Are you ready for the next bottle yet?” 
Mal plucks the glue bottle off her left hand and beans it down at his stupidly cute little curly head. “Yes. Step two, engage.” 
The industrial sized bottle of glitter was worryingly easy to procure. One little call to the craft supply warehouse, one school identification number from the back of their art textbooks, and a few little white lies later, five bottles of pastel pink glitter arrived in an unmarked package to Mal’s student locker. It’s really a security risk, how trusting the mailroom staff can be. She’s practically doing the school a favor. After this they’ll have to assess the contents of each and every package that all the students receive, and the mailroom staff will have more work to do. She’s creating jobs tonight, which is a good thing for the economy. Or something. Maybe if Economics wasn’t her final class of the day, and the classroom wasn’t so warm and comfortable for napping in, she would actually care. 
Whatever. Mal’s actions here tonight are an overall act of goodness that will increase the safety of the student population and therefore what she’s doing is a correct and proper thing and Fairy Godmother won’t be able to give her any crap about it later. 
Also, it’s going to be funny as hell to watch the glitter rain down the moment the fans turn on. 
“I think this one might be done!” Carlos calls up, coughing glitter out of his mouth. It’s possible that Mal could have been a little bit more careful with her placement. “If you wanna get down so I can move the ladder, I can take the bottle. Y’know, before you cover the floor too.” 
Mal flicks her final handful down over him, just for evil measure. 
“I think you’re done,” she calls back, shoving the cap back on the glitter bottle and dropping it down in the general direction of the floor. “With. Life.” 
“Ow,” Carlos calls back, voice completely flat. He catches the bottle that she’s dropped down to him though, which counts for a lot. “You’re not as cool as you think you are, dragon breath.” 
“I’m going to dump the leftovers of this in your shoes,” Mal says cheerfully, hopping down from the ladder now that the fan is fully coated, and there’s no longer glitter resting precariously below her feet. “You’re going to track it everywhere you go for months on end. The teachers are all going to know exactly where you’ve been each day and you’ll never be able to get it out of the treads.” 
“You would not.” 
“Would so!” Mal says brightly. “You’ve been getting too soft if you think I won’t.” 
Carlos rolls his eyes, but he’s already hefting the ladder up to move it to the next ceiling fan, so he can’t be too bothered.  “You won’t,” he says confidently. “Because we’re going to dump the leftovers through the slots on those lockers right by the second floor bathrooms.” 
Ooh, now there’s a thought Mal can get behind.
Next fan. Ladder down. Mal steps up. 
 “You’re thinking of the ones who won’t move their shit out of the hallway to let people by, right,” she asks, just to be sure. Details are essential, after all. “The same ones who clutch their little pink purses when we walk by? Not the ones by the stairs who won’t shut up about how we’re the downfall of proper society?” 
“Those’re the ones.” Carlos agrees. “The purse clutching feels worse somehow. Like, we’re not going to grab it out of their hands.” 
“We’d totally steal their locker codes instead. Can’t fit a laptop in a purse, and I could use more scrap parts.” 
That’s it. 
“I’m rationing this so we can hit the ones on the third floor too,” Mal says, shaking the bottle of glitter with what she sincerely hopes is a menacing sort of look. She’s rusty. There’s not nearly enough chances for a proper wicked monologue at Auradon Prep. “You’re spared from the glittering for now, furball, but only because I’ve found a more deserving victim, not because you deserve better.” 
Carlos laughs. There’s glitter all over his face now, raining down from the handful that Mal threw into his hair, and he looks happier than… 
Happier than he’s been in a long time. 
Maybe there’s something to this whole valentine’s thing after all.
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