#i like thinking how humans and Cybertronians are cousins
witchofthesouls · 22 days
I like thinking about humans-into-Cybertronians because of the weird, alien fuckery along with ex-humans making connections to certain things because it's the closest approximation they have.
Imagine if 'running on fumes' is a literal statement among Cybertronians. As their tanks run near empty, there's a petroleum-like taste that lingers in their sinuses and, if left long enough, cycles out of their vents. That's why Cybertronians typically don't like hanging around gas stations because it's a really stark reminder of long-term starvation. Meanwhile, you got an ex-human going like, "Man, I'm starting to taste gas, so I need gas. Huh, y'all have built-in reminders to feed yourself outside of hunger pains? That's neat."
As well as the ex-humans misdiagnosing themselves. Let's take Cybertronian carriage. Humans are used to a pregnancy that completes its course in a designated organ (aka womb), so finding out a mecha had straight up knocked them up that bypassed the initial spark-to-spark teether formation wouldn't freak them out in the ways that a lot of Cybertronians would be really concerned about. Especially the medics and said partner(s).
Ex-human crying over the sonogram because they got told it's a very high-risk pregnancy and all they see is the coming baby is very deformed since it's only a ball within a ball of green soup and silver tendrils. Partner is highly confused yet attempts comforting in varying levels of success.
Cybertronian medic needs to explain that the sparklet is healthy, but ex-human really needs to watch themselves because the entire process will be done within the gestational chamber and goes deep into explaining the complications that can happen.
Partner is absolutely riveted by all the gravity of the matter since the strain of having a full-carriage that initialized in the chamber can put the carrier in danger as there can be coding conflicting with priorities that rends said carrier unconscious or wrecks health complications, especially since there's a high-chance of the newspark not fully detaching from their carrier's spark as the dropping process ensures.
Ex-human that comes from a species where a pregnancy is like getting into a moderate crash, so damage varies each time is happy that they haven't fucked up badly yet and can plan a baby shower. "By the way, when's the due date?"
Medic: "Hard to say with the carriage combined, but it's more in the primary initialization stage. The sparklet's still has a visible, if a bit thin, teether to your spark, and a solid mass hasn't formed yet."
Ex-human: "Okay, so how long?"Medic says incomprehensible length of time for an Earth child and how it can vary.
*Confused ex-human noises over the several human lifetimes is the equivalent of a span to a Cybertronian carriage. And how multiple factors can impact the timeframe.*
*Confused Medic noises out of sheer concern over ex-human's family history, especially over the fact they have extremely and highly dangerously short carriages.*
*Confused partner noises on why their love wants to plan a bathtime for the newspark at this moment, and wonders if ex-human knows that water and infant Cybertronians do not mix.*
Or, another thing. What if the dropping process where the sparklet detaches from the carrier's spark to descend into the gestational chamber below to build its frame has very 'classic'** heart symptoms in a human body?
(** Quick heads up, much of human biology and modern medical understanding derives from male biology. Unfortunately, women usually see atypical symptoms that are more subtle, moderate rather than severe pain/discomfort, or pain in other other locations rather than the chest.)
Ex-human has sudden, excruciatingly chest pain, insides literally quivering and shifting in sync with the bursts. Meanwhile, everyone around them is calm, trying to soothe them, and they think they're honestly dying so fast because there's no rush to the nearby hospital, and everyone is pushing comfort-it's okay-we got you at them.
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lets-try-some-writing · 10 months
Slight spoiler for beast wars, not really plot relevance but lore that makes me think and give me this idea.
So we all can agree that raf understanding beee is complete nonsense and just suspension of disbelif we need to accept. But what if it wasn't?
So, in the movie there is a small trive that live in close proximity to the maximals, they live in harmony for generations. What if that closeness to a new species affects humans causing them to adapt to better live with them?
Earth in transformers prime is just unicron that had been sleep for a long time in ita center. There is dark energon running close to earth surface (a god damn volcano erupted with it, I'm no expert but that can't happen unless is sources is close to the arth surface) so is not impossible to belive that an ancient human civilization could have found dark energon close to them. Sure they might not know what it is and it is stablish that its toxic for humans. but just been close to it for generations without direct contact might affect human physiology in ways no one might notice. We are an adaptive species. Each generation gets more strong to survive in the environment they ancestors live (people that are not use to the low level of oxygen in mountains and other hight places tend to pass out when reaching that point, is a real thing and there a people that have live in such places without any trouble for generations) what if they could even contact with unicron long ago, like just grab a pieces of dark energon and go "this is your God speaking, why did you interrupt my slumber".
They developed and entire society praising this "god" and its "magic cristals". They eventually died our but jot before being affected by their closeness to unicron
Like being able to understand our aliens cousins. Survive the same letal substance (even if barely) and even survive a regular energon intake even when is supposed to be bad for humans. I don't remember if it was ever stablish what could happen if a human was injected energon, but I still can't belive raf was save that easily, not without it having a reason.
That gave the idea that humans might have inherited some cybertronians traits, particularly those who have live close to energon mines and/or the different relics/predators bones scattered across the planet.
Like this are my ideas of traits the kids have that could be explain has them being close related to people that live in closeness to cybertronian influence.
Raf: smart enough to understand cybertronians technology in a matter of weeks. Can understand bee, and can withstand energon toxicity with ease compare to others.
Miko: it was never explain how she could use the apex amor despite it being made for cybertronians. So an affinity to such technology. I also like to belive that her recklessness can be because subconsciously she might think she is strong enough to survives such dangerous situations. Like her mind is telling her "you are strong, no matter what your body looks like".
Jack: he could use the key to Becton sigma, there is no way a human could have use it unless they were some what in tune with cybertronians technology. He is also drawn to mechanics (it was never a big thing but I remember him trying to build a motorcycle engine, that can't be easy with some deep knowledge)
That being explained. How could the bots find out about this? Simple actually "ancestry research" the kids might have to do a project about their ancestor and can end up telling stories that they hear for their familys and might even have some objects that they show to the bots and they connect the doslts abd found out how close humans actually are to cybertronians.
Like, Miko might have a nekless that is a small Predacon bone.
Raf family can have some small statues made by some strange glowing rock (some purple, some blue and maybe even a red one)
Jack might have a book that is just legends pass down fron his ancestor that are just cybertronian tales that unicron told old humans when he was still awake long ago.
I have more ideas but this thing is long enough what would you think wat are your ideas?
This is a phenomenal idea and I am incredibly pleased you saw fit to share with me. I will gladly take what you have presented and make it more long form.
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Remnants of a Bygone Age
When Unicron was cast away long ago by Primus's chosen champions, he could neither move nor sense what was happening around him. Consciousness came in bursts and never for long, and due to the damage sustained during his battle at the beginning of times, his memory from his various waking moments faded like smoke as soon as he returned to slumber. As such he did not recall his interactions with the ancient beginnings of humanity that spawned on his surface.
His essence was largely kept near to his core, but with time and various attempts to move every now and then, his energon flowed toward the surface. At first did nothing as the non-sentient fauna on his frame refused to touch his corrupted blood. The flora that came into contact with his energon often died or simply adapted to not accept any of it into their systems. Unicron's energon remained untouched save for by the most foolish, all of which perished or at least learned to avoid it if they lasted.
But of course, not all creatures on his frame were so cautious. The beginnings of humanity were curious beings, a trait that never faded from them even millennia later. They found safe haven in areas where Unicron's essence ran thick as no predators would dare take harbor in such areas. They lived in those locations for centuries, sometimes moving on and coming back, but never abandoning those relative areas of peace. They even forcefully began to have their crops grow in such a way that they had no choice but to adapt. And it was through these small things that humans gained their first adaptations to allow them to interact with their maker.
In the beginning they would constantly grow ill being so near to dark energon deposits hidden underground. But with generations passing, the illness came to be a rite of passage. The humans in areas with dark energon adapted to withstand its presence, so much so that the illness only hit them once as a child and then passed, growing less and less deadly with every generation. Through constant consumption of their crops tainted with the Unmaker's blood, their bodies grew stronger. Their minds sharpened and they gained unique senses that no other creatures on Earth had. The humans who were used to living around Unicron's energon deposits were made of sterner stuff than they counterparts and through the passing of time, comprised a great number of mythical figures in history later down the line.
Eventually in response to the march of progress, the humans who lived in such areas eventually grew tolerant enough that they no longer feared dark energon instinctually and instead found it safe. So many generations of associating it with protection from the horrors in the dark had them revere it. Thus once they had the means, small communities sprung up devoted to retrieving the dark crystals. This of course led to many more generations of premature death and horrid mutation among children as dark energon was dug up and experimented with. But humanity has always been adaptive, and so given time, they changed to handle it.
They could not find a use for the substance, but those who lived in areas filled with Unicron's essence for generations found themselves unable to leave. It was their safe haven, their home. Other human settlements sprang up around the globe, growing in size and marching onward, but the chaos touched never wandered. They remained, ever bound to the blood of their god. It is unclear exactly when it started, but at some point the emotions of safety they associated with dark energon warped into a worship of The Dark One. So many millennia of adaptation and so many centuries made the chaos touched able to hear whispers, to hold dark energon without fear and to carve it, care for it, and revere it without worry of death.
They were extraordinary in all things, to the point of being super human. They had adapted and from those many generations of death and lost young, they were stronger for it. The chaos touched humans were stronger, faster, more cunning, and possessed odd abilities that made no sense to humans without such adaptations. The Cybertronian origin of their Dark One infused them in such a way that the chaos touched were simply so different genetically at the end of the day that they could hardly be called human. They saw in ways their kin could never, heard things that other humans could not, and felt the spark of their god beneath their feet. They were beings that could not break the threshold to become something technorganic and almost Cybertronian, and thus they remained forever at the pinnacle, unable to evolve any further.
Sometimes Unicron would whisper to them, mistaking them for his own creations and telling them tales of the stars. Other times he would imbue them with his power, killing some but empowering others. He gifted them knowledge of the language of his brother's creations, he gave them visions of the stars, and in his daze he had them believing themselves to be but one step away from ascension.
However being akin to demi-gods amongst other humans was what ultimately led to their downfall. The chaos touched refused to leave their holy grounds for long, and so were destroyed when armies from their non-adapted kin came for them during a time of weakness. Their civilization came to an end, and those who were not adapted to the Unmaker simply never were able to rest easily in places where his blood ran thick. But of course, that was not the end of the chaos touched. The few survivors had children, they changed, and while their adaptations weakened in response to the mixing of blood, they were not all lost.
In the modern era, the blood of the chaos touch was thin and very frail, hardly present as most dark energon had long been hidden away. However a few bloodlines remained, surprisingly being quite prevalent in Jasper Nevada where the chaos touched unknowingly gathered on instinct due to the dark energon there. Humans are adaptive creatures, and so while most of their Herculean strength and Athenian wisdom was long gone, the different bloodlines specialized in what they could. Not a soul knew that these gifts were out of the ordinary simply because they had no application... not until Cybertronians arrived on Earth.
The children unknowingly were born into three of these old bloodlines, and therefore possessed power that had no use in an era without Cybertronian influence. But with Cybertronians on Earth, those gifts began to make an appearance, the most obvious of which being Rafael's unique ability. The team were immediately suspicious of Rafael's knack for understanding Bumblebee. The child claimed it to be binary speech, but Jack looked into it and the team did their own research and what Rafael claimed was simple was most certainly not. Bumblebee was speaking in Cybertronian Morse code, Autobot code specifically. There should have been no way for Rafael to know what he was saying, especially since the similarities between Earth and Cybertronians tongues were close to non-existent. It was a mess of impossibilities, but the Matrix did not say anything and Rafael never acted maliciously, and so while concerning, the team let it be.
When Rafael was struck with dark energon and poisoned, their concerns were brought back to light once more when he didn't keel over the moment the substance touched him. Even being injected with small doses could leave a Cybertronian dead on their pedes for deca-cycles if they weren't prepared for it. A human child managing to last more than a nanoklik was a miracle, one Ratchet did not try to abuse as he worked to heal the child before it was too late. Only after the incident did the team overlook Rafael's scans critically in search of some sort of indicator regarding what saved him. Organics were not the hardiest of creatures, it shouldn't have been possible... and yet it was. Looking at Rafael's DNA scans showed that he had minor mutations to his immune system and cognitive functions, but that was all. It didn't look like much, at least not immediately.
The team filed it away as more pressing issues came forward, but again they found themselves bewildered when Jack showed his quality in his ability to wield the key to Vector Sigma. By that point the team were looking for strange occurrences in the children and thus merely noted his acceptance of the key before moving on. Optimus was of course startled but did nothing to halt the boy as he moved to return the Unmaker to his slumber. Jack was not supposed to bond to the key, it shouldn't have been possible. At most he would be able to hold the relic for one of the team, but being bound to it? Again, it was an event that had the team scrambling to look at Jack's scans once all the chaos was over and Optimus was returned to them.
Once more they were left bewildered as looking at Jack's scans showed only minor mutations to his DNA that seemed to alter his base genetic code to make him more susceptible to Cybertronian technology. His alterations looked a great deal like the preliminary augmentations technorganic underwent before receiving implants. But again, it shouldn't have been possible for Jack to have those. Earth was a backwater world only just starting its pitiful attempt to reach the stars. Such technology and genetic augmentation was millennia ahead of them. Ratchet wanted to flip a table more than ever when they were forced to file Jack's case away too in response to Decepticon activity.
The concept of ignoring the strange mutations in their wards DNA went flying out the window when Miko managed to somehow get the Apex Armor to respond to her. The relic was designed for Cybertronian wielders, not organic children. Again, much like every other instance involving the children and Cybertronian tech, it shouldn't have been possible. The Apex Armor scanned the mind of its wielder in order to account for size and to be sure that the wielder was Cybertronian at all. How did she manage to trick a relic? Pure force of will? Considering it was MIKO messing around with the armor most of the team were half willing to ignore it and move on. The girl was an enigma on the best of days. But combined with Jack and Rafael being just as strangely in tune with Cybertronian tech, the team finally sat the children down and asked questions.
Ratchet: Rafael, how in the Allspark are you able to understand Bumblebee?
Rafael: Huh? I can hear what he is trying to say is all. Translating is not very difficult.
Arcee: Raf, you realize Bumblebee isn't speaking in your Morse code right?
Rafael: What? But it sounds like-
Optimus: Bumblebee speaks in Autobot binary code. His faux vocalizer turns Cybertronian digital glyphs into spoken sounds that only war veterans would be familiar with.
Rafael: So the fact that I understand him-?
Ratchet: We've looked at your DNA scans, you have strange mutations that don't make sense. You and the other two.
Jack: What? Me and Miko too?
Bulkhead: Yeah, its really weird. Your scans look like something straight out of a technorganic augmentation document.
Bumblebee: *Miko shouldn't be able to use the Apex armor at all*
Rafael: Really?!
Optimus: Bumblebee is correct. Jack, Miko, you two should not have been able to interact with our relics in any capacity. And Rafael should have been killed the moment he came into contact with dark energon.
Ratchet: The fact that Rafael understands us, survived dark energon, and combine that with your ability to use our relics brings us to one question.
Ratchet: What did your ancestors interact with in order to change your very DNA to be closer to ours?
The children were rightfully concerned but after receiving the knowledge of their odd genetic background, they did some digging together. Within the next week, they arrived at base with a few family heirlooms and some documents that had half the team doing a double take.
In her hands Miko held a small Predacon fang. That alone was not too startling considering such things could be found on Earth, but was concerning was her total lack of concern for it. Cybertronian components had a natural distasteful signature that kept most from touching the corpses of their fallen, even after the energon was long gone. And yet Miko played with the fang as if it meant nothing and pulled up her family history, showing that her ancestors likely came from the region of Earth that supposedly housed and Autobot base during the golden age of Cybertron. Everything lined up and the team could only assume that her ancestors adapted to become naturally unconcerned with Cybertronians and even size them up in some method of survival instinct akin to the honey badger.
Rafael for his part had a small crystal idol that he said was a family heirloom from back several centuries. Somehow his family never lost it and even prized it above their own lives at times. The idol simply never managed to be taken as others seemed disgusted by it and his ancestors were almost obsessed with the stone. It was old, but looking closer showed that it was a long dormant shard of dark energon whittled down with increadible skill into the shape of what looked to be the general outline of Unicron's frame. Compared to Miko, Rafael's heirloom almost had the team raising their weapons on instinct. He held his idol so carefully as if to keep it from even touching the very air and his eyes glazed over as he presented it. Looking at his family records showed that his ancestors most likely lingered near old dark energon deposits, and that had the team looking at the boy in poor veiled concern.
Then there was Jack who had no relic of his own but instead showed a written down version of a song that had been orally passed down his family line since long before proper records existed. Looking over the lyrics and the strange glyphs that Jack claimed his family had always been taught how to draw as a simple children's game had the team gawking. Once more, his family history showed his ancestors to have been near a dark energon deposit for much of their history and seeing the song... every single one of the team felt their spark flutter in slight fear. Just how long had humanity been exposed to the Unmaker? For how long had they been influenced?
Hail to the Lord of Dark,
For he protects us and gives us visions of starlight,
We were born of his will,
And from his will we are made pure,
Strength of giants,
Wisdom of ancients,
Stories of great beings made of living metal,
Hail to He Who Is Shadows,
Let him guide our sight,
May he heal us,
Grace us Oh Creator with thy gifts,
We herald thee,
Wake from thy rest,
Humanity was playing a game they weren't even aware they were involved in. Somehow they had adapted, they had survived, and now they had gifts they never should have had.
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Masterlist 2
Making a second one because apparently the first broke. But I will link the first one here. If a post is angst, NSFW or I think may be triggering I am putting a * next to it.
Archive of our own
My own AU/fIc writings
All my work below the read more because it is now quite long:
Autobot Headcanons:
Mirage, Bee, Hot Rod, Crosshairs halloween paint
Hound, Hot Rod, Bee, Rung, Tailgate halloween movies
Bee, Optimus, Hot Rod NSFW*
Bee, Hot Rod, Optimus, Brains, Wheelie designer bot
TFP bots help newly transformed human
Lockdown as a father*
Hot Rod, Bee, Optimus, Mirage sad comfort at a gun range*
Hot Rod, Bee, bots play too rough with their kid
Bee comforts S/O after being called a con*
Bee, Hot Rod, Hound, Optimus react to S/O, Rung and Tailgate getting yelled at*
Hot Rod, Bee, Optimus react to S/O getting asked out by another bot
Mirage, Nitro Zues, Roadbuster dating
Bee's S/O gets hurt angst*
Crosshairs, Hot Rod, Bee and Barricade with a fashion designer S/O
Who confesses first Optimus, Bee, Hot Rod, Dino
Bay bots react to their friend being a sports star
Bee reacts to seeing his kid for the first time
Hot Rod reacts to getting a puppy
Hot Rod, Bee, Hound react to dinobot minis hurting their inside
TFA bots and elite guard react to bots like Glitz and Glam from HB
TFP Bots react to befriending minicons
Bay Hot Rod teaches female human French
Bay Hot Rod cuddles and fluff in bed
RTOB Mirage with an S/O who gets ill
Mirage teaching his S/O the Cybertronian language
Dino, Hot Rod, Bee react to falling in front of their crush
Optimus, Bee, Crosshairs and Megatron react to a Medusa reader
Optimus, Hound, Bee, Hot Rod, Crosshairs react to another bot revving their engine at them
Bay bots react to someone they are not attracted to confessing to them
TFP Bots react to seeing a human baby
Hot Rod with a pregnant S/O
Dino, Bee, Hot Rod, Hound react to femme thinking they are attractive
Dino finds out Bee is dating his cousin
ROTB Mirage with a pregnant S/O
Rotb Mirage with reader headcannon after he has a nightmare
Bay Ratchet with a pregnant S/O
Traits the Bay bots find attractive
Fluff with old bay bots
Bee, Dino, Hot Rod, Nitro Zeus and how they flirt
ROTB bots comfort their partner taking a test
Bay Bee jealous of his Cyber S/O playing games
Cogman, Bee, Hot Rod, Wheelie react to a clumsy bot
Bay bots react to a bot with a farming alt mode
Bots react to Bee dating a super attractive femme
Dino, Bee, Hot Rod, Nitro Zeus react to a femme who finds battle masks attractive
All the old mechs meet
Optimus, Dino, Bee, Hot Rod as parents
Autobot Oneshots:
Optimus x librarian human reader
Bay Ratchet x Ironhide x GN human reader NSFW
ROTB Mirage x human reader with fear of the ocean
Hot Rod holoform x human female NSFW
Optimus x human reader: Optimus gets injured during battle*
Human teacher Optimus x female reader student
Blind human Orion Pax x reader
Optimus reassures female friend after scaring her*
TFP Arcee x human reader slight angst*
Hot Rod x fem reader NSFW*
Noah Diaz x fem reader
Bee x femme cybertronian reader
Hot Rod x human female reader
Bumblebee angst after Sam's death*
Medic reader helps all the old autobots
Decepticon Headcanons:
Megatron's child leaves to be with an Autobot*
Lockdown with twin kids*
Blackout with an S/O
TFP cons react to twin cons like Glitz and Glam
TFP bots and cons react to sparklings
Decepticon oneshots:
Shockwave learning about Earth plants
Soundwave adopts a new cassette
TFA Megatron x male Cybertron with insomnia
Megatron x Autobot reader
Megatron x Autobot reader part 2 NSFW
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Well, since you asked so nicely lol
Bruce - So, came to earth Superman-style where he was in a pod that crashed into someone’s yard, this being the Wayne’s backyard, where they just kind of took him in as their strange metal-child Still human-ish sized, if a little tall- so more of how the cassettes were sized in the original animated series & I wanna say he’s originally designed for subterfuge & information gathering Design-wise I am thinking he has antennae of sorts on his head that mimic the cowl’s “ears” and honestly I think he should keep the cape because that’s just sort of iconic & he definitely uses it to hide his form, since while most would assume armor someone might notice eventually he isn’t exactly fleshy His holloform is definitely designed after the two Waynes, seeing as they raised him for several years alongside Alfred (Fuck it they were probably together as a poly trio) No clue for what he transforms into, but I am tempted for either some sort of drone or a well, bat, or some combination of the two, like a cybertronian bat-creature 
Kate - She definitely also came from a pod & is from the same parents as Bruce, though I wanna say she landed/crashed a bit later than him, hence why they claim they’re cousins in human/holloform I want to say she’s more battle-designed than Bruce, while he’s more designed to go unseen and gather whatever info- though who knows with how they’re not exactly on cybertron anymore- hence why she has a hint more color than him Once more, no clue of what she’d transform into, but I do think she’s slightly larger than B in their normal cybertronian bodies & has the same antennae-horns as him (I am open to ideas for her) 
Ace - Now Bathound, the doggo boi, usually a normal dog, but I am just saying that the other transformers did straight up build other cybertronians from the dinobots to the aerialbots to trypticon, though they need the Allspark (which is back on Cybertron) to create full on minds/souls (in most cases) 
Now I'm not sure if Alfred would be a normal human dude, or if I should make him an old-ish cybertronian as well who turns into one of those older jets.
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
Wysfm au
Not me realizing I forgot Orion's older sisters his oldest sister is Selene and his other sister is Echo. (Yes they all relate to Greek mythology I am a nerd what can I say)
I also forgot to mention that Erik was raised around his cousins and he was the third eldest cousin of ten.
Starscream is very confused learning about the complexity of human families and why Erik can't be openly trans with his family. Starscream finds human gender roles to be stupid and useless(and he's right)
Erik: *angerly writing poetry about how people suck and he should be able to be himself*
Starscream: *reading Erik's poetry* meg-mega- Megatron??????
Erik: who?
Starscream: don't worry about it
I dont know how much I want Erik and Orion to know, on one hand they could have a very intriguing identity crisis but on the other if I wait and build it up it might get even more interesting
Oooo yes, and yeah considering Orion's own name here his siblings having Greek mythology themed names is smart
I can see Exactly why Starscream thinks this, and well i exactly love it when cybertronians comment on how arbitrary and weird human gender roles can be (because yes, Star is right, there are so many things that people automatically think is masculine/feminine that make no sense. Like the idea that men are supposed to prefer dogs and women are supposed to prefer cats like????????wtf???)
I love how yes, it's the poetry that makes it finally click in Starscream's processor. Because of course it would be.
Mmmnm I suggest the build up, delayed gratification bigger reward. Little hints over time that make them suspect /something/ is up, and them just. Not having the full answers yet.
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Transformers x Steven Universe Theory: Both Gems & Cybertronians Use Holomatter, Also Other Similarities...
[Note: Reading This Theory Is Optional,
also don’t reblog without permission]  
the info about Holomatter in Transformers, is that it is a solid-light projection technology...when Gems appear Human, their bodies are made up of solid-light, or as Pearl would put it, a "conscious manifestation of light" but it could also be a form of Holomatter that is inside the Gems...
a Gem's body, that is a conscious manifestation of light, might be some form of holomatter, because they are able to become solid bodies. Cybertronians can make Human Avatars that is made out of some type of conscious manifestation of light A.K.A. "Holomatter".
the Gems, their gems are their real bodies, and their human looking bodies are their avatars and are like holomatter...
it might be possible that Gems do have sparks that are inside of their gems,
and for all we know, Gems could be a distant cousin species of the cybertronians, but instead of being made by Primus, they were made by both Primus and Unicron’s younger sibling, who lives inside the earth...
well the earth in the transformers timeline...
 I don’t even think it was Unicron in the earth that is in the Transformers Prime, but it could of turn out to be his and Primus’s younger sibling, who was harmed by the blood of Unicron, and would of became Unicron’s new body, if Megatron and Optimus didn’t team up to stop Unicron....
so those two wouldn’t of known they were saving Primus and Unicron’s younger sibling from Unicron.
I still think that it might be possible Primus and Unicron in Transformers Prime, were once one in the same, until the Thirteen Primes betrayed them and listen to the words of Quintessa...
The Thirteen Primes, took the good side of their creator’s spark and placed it into the planet Cybertron, and it became the planet’s core.
the other half of his spark, which would become the “bad spark”, stayed inside Primus’s original body, and ended up being banished far away from Cybertron.
so in theory, Quintessa had sweet talked the Thirteen Primes in betraying Primus & Unicron’s original self, and split his spark into two halves, and placing the good half that creates life into the planet’s core, and banished the other half that was still in the body.
yes Primus and Unicron are still twin brothers, but both of them lost who they once were, a being of pure balance, who would end up being betrayed by his first thirteen creations, and all thanks to the lies and half-truths of Quintessa.
we might not know fully on how Gems came to be, but it might be possible they share some form of ancestry with the cybertronians.
and unlike the Autobots, the Homeworld Gems (well not all of them cause there is Eyeball-Ruby and Aquamarine...)
finally figured out how things were run was wrong, and while the Decepticons in some timelines had strayed away from the true meaning of what they were fighting for.....the Crystal Gems still fought to protect life on Earth and fight for all gems, and if Decepticons remembered part of the cause, they would of fought for all cybertronians to be free to choose their own path and the jobs they wanted on cybertron, and not just something that they are forced to do the moment they come into being.
in Transformers Animated, The Decepticons are the Crystal Gems of their universe and timelines,
while the Autobots are the Homeworld Gems....
Optimus in TFA, and his team, are more likely in between....
plus it’s possible that Optimus doesn’t know that the Autobots are misusing the planet’s living metal to make protoforms, and all the new Autobots on Cybertron that weren’t born in the same generation as Ultra Magnus, have been given sparks from Vector Sigma, and NOT the Allspark.
it is also possible that some of the Autobot Colonizes planets in TFA, were once home to organic life, and the newer and even lower rank Autobots, are not made aware of this, that those from Ultra Magnus’s generation, but not Ratchet because Ratchet and a few older bots are much younger than Ultra Magnus...
get those organic planets ready to become homes to some Autobots who move from Cybertron to those planets.
they likely do what homeworld does, send their version of a Lapis Lazuli to terraform or in other words “cyber-terraform” the organic planet and get rid of any organic life that is on it.....
the younger generation of Autobots, who believed they were the “good guys”
might of had no clue of this, or that by “protecting all life” they thought it meant all life, not just cybertronian....
but they could of misunderstood, because the older generation, might of meant just cybertronians, and not organic life.
not all Decpeticons are bad or evil, and this can be the same for some Autobots.
some Autobots are made up some spoiled rich slag-heads who only joined the fight so they can keep their comfy life style.
and I don’t even think Optimus from Transformers Prime fully understood what was going on, and he was likely heard out and agreed with by the council, is because they wanted to use him as a figure head to shut everyone up and make everyone think everything is getting better on Cybertron, when really it isn’t, everything would stay the same, and there will still be Cybertronians who have poor living conditions and those who are higher in the caste system are given more freedom then those who are lower in the caste system.
it might of been a good thing that Nightshade, Twitch, Thrash, Hashtag and Jawbreaker wasn’t born during those stupid times...
they would be the better and more smarter generation and they are lucky to have two Moms, one being their human Mom, Dot, and Mother Earth herself.
Sari might of be the daughter of both Isaac and Megatron, because her protoform might of came from Megatron who was possibly in a stasis coma and wasn’t really dead, but him being separated from his body too long could of still had a time limit which would of possibly ended by the time Sari became 9 years old...
Sari would technically be a Terran as well, because half of her DNA comes from a human organic source that is from Earth, while her former newborn baby protoform sparkling self came from Megatron, who was in a stasis coma when he had her.
I still think it’s possible that Isaac isn’t Sari’s only parent, and the protoform needed more DNA, which makes me think it might of only scanned a bit from Isaac from using some of his hair that might of fell off when the protoform shocked him, but he was wearing gloves, so there is no way that it could of got any DNA from him when he was wearing gloves.
so maybe Marissa Faireborn is Sari’s Human Mom, and wasn’t wearing gloves when she touched Sari’s protoform, like Marissa got in the lab and saw Isaac passed out and notice the protoform.
if Sari did get her red hair from someone, it might of been from Marissa.
so that would mean that she has three parents, Megatron, Isaac and Marissa.
and it might be possible Steven from Steven Universe, could turn out to have a Human Mother as well, he has his Human Dad Greg, and his Gem Mom Rose.
Pink-Steven’s form is made up of a Holomatter, and it could be possible that Steven is a mix of synthetic and organic, which might allow him to re-fuse with his gem half Pink-Steven.
this would also make Steven’s human half, a Bio-Synthetic hybrid, he is still human but he is also part synthetic.
and if in the transformers universe, some of the cybertronians were the “watcher angels” and could make their holomatter forms into solid bodies....
and by unexplained and should be impossible means, they ended up having children with organics, and making a hybrid species, which in transformers, it would explain why the nephilim back then, were so big....
but their descendants of now, are not as large as their nephilim ancestors. 
and if that were true in real life, and cybertronian were real....
that would make some cybertronians my distant cousins. XD
but anyway, it could be possible that both Gems and Cybertronians use holomatter technology, but Gems are born with it and come out of the holes they pop out of, in their holomatter forms.
their gem bodies are their technical real bodies, but their holomatter bodies are their avatars, same with cybertronians...
their holomatter bodies act as their avatars, but their cybertronian bodies are their real bodies....
it could be possible that while cybertronians are born with holomatter, that allows them to be able to make avatars that are much smaller than themselves, but they don’t learn this until much later in their life, while gems learn this on instinct when they first emerge.
is it weird to think that if I had to form a platonic binary bond with, I wouldn’t mind if it was Tarantulas from Earthspark and maybe even Knockout from Transformers Prime, as well as Blitzwing from TFA. 
it is pretty clear that Robby and Mo have a platonic binary bond with their terran cybertronian siblings.
Tarantulas from Earthspark, is such a sweetie and would probably make a good parent in the future.
a platonic binary bond between a cybertronian and human, can be family and friendship based...
and if some info is true, then it can be possible for some binary bonds to go from just platonic to romantic.
and there might of been only a few cybertronians in one of the few canon timelines, that formed a romantic binary bond with a human.
like Powerglide from one of the older transformers cartoons, and there was another one, who turns into some kind of boat...?
the info about binary bonding, is when a Cybertronian enters into a symbiotic relationship with a smaller being, like a organic...
and it wouldn't just be a Earthling, and can be a Nebulan or any other organic life form.
it might be possible that Gems can also form a binary bond with both other gems and humans...
Greg and Rose being able to have Steven, might be thanks to sharing a romantic binary bond with each other.
and that love they shared together, ended up having Steven.
also a binary bond that can happen between a Cybertronian and a smaller life form, is not the same as the Other type of binary that has to do with gender...
that is a different thing, and has nothing to do with the binary bond that has to do with a symbiotic relationship, that can be either platonic and family based or the type that can be romantic binary bond.
it is possible that some binary bonds that are formed, will be platonic and friendship based, and even be like family based, like viewing your platonic binary bonded one as a sibling or at times as a parent.
a romantic binary bond, is in theory, something different from that, and it could have those who have romantic feelings for each other, or at least start to, view each other as their significant other.
it could be possible that Arcee and Jack (from Transformers Prime) had formed a binary bond and not know it, but it being the platonic type.
so Arcee might of been like either a second mother figure or the Aunt figure to Jack.
while both Cybertronians and Gems might of been made by two different creators from the real world, they could possibly share some things in common.
like the whole both Cybertronians and Gems using Holomatter to make their Avatar bodies, to interact with other beings and also with other Gems.
Cybertronians are able to transform thanks to a T-Cog in them...
Gems are able to shape-shift and it could be possible they could transform to look like a Cybertronian, but keeping that form for too long will take a lot of energy and it would put a strain on their bodies.
the only way they could stay in that form for long periods of time, would be if they make their “cybertronian” form into their real form, this process would have them needing to poof and stay in their gem and remake their form and making their disguise form into their new real form, much like Steven’s Mom did.
the Cybertronians using Holomatter, might also be connected to their sparks,
but they are not able to be too far away from their avatars, but they can still make their holomatter forms into solid forms that feel real.
why this isn’t the case in Transformers: Earthspark...
it might be a reason why Tarantulas doesn’t know about this, that he can make a human avatar by making it solid and more life like.
maybe the cybertronians from the Earthspark Timeline had forgot this.
it does suck that the Autobots work with G.H.O.S.T. who are like the Transformers world’s version of G.U.N. from Sonic’s World.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Eggman is the way he is, and became the man he is, at least in the video game timeline, and not the live action movie timeline...
is because some of the men in G.U.N. are responsible for him losing two of the people he loved and cared about, which happen to be his Grandfather Gerald and his cousin Maria...
and with Sage being born, he has family to love again, well his robots are still technically his family as well, but Sage is his daughter and baby, and him showing such a soft side to himself when it comes to Sage is really sweet.
Sage is already a Daddy’s Girl, and it be nice if Sage appears more video games and maybe even in the cartoons.
Sage could possibly be able to make her body more solid, like the holomatter that lets Cybertronians do the same thing when they use avatars.
the humans in G.H.O.S.T. are all idiots, they think every Cybertronian that isn’t working with them, is a Decepticon....even if they do have a sweet-spark like Megatron working with those G.H.O.S.T. jerks, at least he has a clue that what their doing is wrong....
unlike Himbo Prime, who makes the Optimus from TFA seem to be one of my favorite versions, I don’t think TFA-Optimus would work with G.H.O.S.T.
I think that in theory, Megatron and Dot Malto might have a binary bond, but of course it is platonic, and their bond is like a Older Brother & Younger Sister type.
and that would make Megatron, in a way....
Alex Malto’s Adoptive Brother-In-Law.
Steven and Connie’s binary bond, could of started out just platonic with a little crush feelings in there, until it started to grow into a  romantic type.
Sari might of formed a binary bond with her Autobot friends, but it being platonic, but she and Optimus’s Team don’t know they had formed such a bond.
Sari is not just a cybertronian, she is also a human, so it might be possible she can still form that type of symbiotic bond.
and like Steven Quartz Universe, both Sari’s human and cybertronian side need the proper care....
Steven only got maybe around a 99 or 98% proper care for his human side, because of the whole while he did get the proper love, his Dad never took him to see a doctor, and Connie’s Mom had a right to be upset and disappointed in Greg for never taking Steven to a doctor.
Greg became rich, which is still good, and he could of used some of it to hire a tutor to come to Steven’s home, and teach him, and maybe even let Steven take online classes, if he isn’t able to go to school with other kids.
Greg can still have some fun with his new wealth, but he needs to use some of it for Steven, like not just for food and clothes, but also to use it for doctors and maybe even when it comes to hiring a tutor to teach Steven at home if homeschooling is better for him.
Greg is still in the gray zone, not 100% being a bad parent, but not really being 100% a good parent either, and no matter what anyone says, and they don’t have to agree with me on this.....
but Steven had every right to be mad at Greg in one of the episodes of Steven Universe Future, but he could of handled it better by trying not to let his anger get the better of him, but it isn’t really 100% his fault it was getting more worse, it was because Greg was partly responsible for it becoming worse...
Greg couldn’t even see that trying to make Steven listen to “Mr. Universe” song wasn’t really helping, and was partly the reason it was becoming worse.
he couldn’t even see that Steven was right about Steven’s Grandparents giving Greg rules and meatloaf for a reason...
even if Greg has done a bit better, in making sure his son had some freedom, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t do some poor parenting...
and he is lucky that those in Beach City didn’t figure this out, and tried to call child protective services on him...
cause if that happen, they would end up taking Steven away...
even if Garnet, Pearl and Amethyst might make some mistakes, but they were new to motherhood, but they would have some better excuses than Greg.
Pearl watching Steven sleep, might have to do with what she had learned about human babies........which is kind of a scary thing, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Megatron did the same thing after Dot and Alex first had Robby...
like when he first learn about that scary thing that has to do with babies, he got so worried he would watch Baby Robby, which Dot and Alex would have to comfort Megatron and try to explain to him that they have a baby monitor and will keep a ear open to listen for anything that might be wrong...
Megatron being the protective and worried uncle, would be both cute and funny.
also the info about babies, would mean that Pearl was in Greg’s van all the time after learning about what human babies go through, and it might of taken some getting use to for Greg, who was freaked out with Pearl just sitting and watching Baby Steven.
oh boy, this could be the case for Kris’s parents from Deltarune...
like if Kris was just a newborn baby when the Dreemurr Family had adopted them...and Asgore & Toriel learned about that info as well....
it would possibly freak them out and even worry them to no end...
Toriel would end up spending nights in Kris and Asriel’s shared room, watching Kris sleep...
which Asriel wouldn’t understand and find it weird his Mom and sometimes Dad, would both keep doing that, and they might of not wanted to tell Asriel the reason why, until he was a bit older to understand.
oh and if  Undyne and Alphys from Undertale ended up adopting a human baby, and both learn about that whole scary info about babies...
I think Undyne would be the most worried out of the two of them,
saying that she would fight the Grim Reaper if he so much as tries to take their human baby away...
Undyne and Alphys adopting a human baby, would be interesting.
but the info isn’t really a joke, and I guess it can worry some parents and I guess some parents could take shifts to stay up and watch their baby or babies to make sure they are still breathing.
and Pearl watching Steven when he sleeps, makes a lot of sense now.
but she could of stop at some point, after he was no longer a baby.
maybe she was worried it could still happen...?
I wouldn’t be surprised if it is Connie who tells Steven the real reason why Pearl kept watching him when he was sleeping.
that she may have started watching him sleep when he was a baby, because she heard about the unpleasant info about what can happen.
baby cybertronians might also have a similar danger, but it might have to do with their sparks, like their mentors and caretakers have to make sure to keep a optic out for any form of spark flickers....which in theory, is when a sparkling might go through a moment when their spark goes out and end up joining the well of allsparks a bit too early.
like a baby cybertronian, that looks like how Sari looked when she was born in the same lab Megatron was in, and even the ones that are called Hatchlings from the live action movie universe...
are very fragile, and even Starscream from the live action movie timeline, has pointed out that Hatchlings are fragile.
and Sari & Wheelie from the TFA Timeline, are possibly the first natural born cybertronians that have been born in a long time, and both may have both started out as baby cybertronians.
the reason why no Autobot has had a baby cybertronian aka sparkling in TFA in the natural way, and have kept misusing the living metal from their planet instead....
is because of all the new Autobots own sparks being from just Vector Sigma instead of the Allspark.
the Allspark-Key bring back Optimus might of gave him the ability to be able to have a sparkling in the future.
the Decepticons have sparks that come from the Allspark, and not from Vector Sigma, so the Decepticons can still have sparklings.
but they might have a way to make sure they don’t have a sparkling in the middle of fighting Autobots, which might be a chip that is placed on their bodies.
and with Megatron having been placed in a stasis coma, and he could go through the budding.
Cybertronians can possibly have different ways to have offspring,                     
but they shouldn’t of forgotten about the whole budding thing.
it could also be possible that Gems could go through a budding, maybe before they started to live on the surface of their home planet, they did go through some form of budding, where they broke off a part of their light it would then be placed into the soil in the walls, and once a Gem is born, some Gems give some energy back to the soil so it can still have life and even bring new Gems into being....but at some point, Gems forgot this and kept taking from homeworld but never giving back, which is one of the reasons why they had started to colonize other organic planets and repeating the cycle until Steven talked some sense into them.
this can also be seen in TFA, they keep taking the living metal from in their planet to make protoforms that would turn into future Autobots, and they even go as far as conquer organic planets and make them into Autobot Colonize, but this is information that those who have been around much longer before the War, and so it is a big secret that no one in Ratchet’s or the later generation of Autobots know about.
so that makes another reason Cybertronians aren’t as different from Gems.
this would also mean that Ultra Magnus was possibly a “bad guy” even if it might not of seem that way, and Ultra Magnus could be seen as the White Diamond of TFA, but at least White Diamond was able to change her mind and ended up (along with Yellow and Blue) loving Steven as himself and show a type of mother guilt tripping.
White might of learned to be a better Mother Figure to her Gems, but she must of learned that mother guilt tripping from watching about it in some show or movie from Earth. XD
another thing that makes the two similar, would be their plans that involve The Cluster and Omega Supreme....
which might mean that Perceptor from TFA, is his world’s Peridot.  
the Autobots making Cybertronians like Omega Supreme to be a Weapon of Mass Destruction just to beat the Decepticons....
that is kind of a hint the Autobots in TFA, aren’t 100% good, and are indeed as the fans have figured out, are in the gray zone.
it could be possible that before joining Megatron, Starscream was a servant class in the caste system, so it would mean that Starscream and those like him, were his world’s Pearls.
which if it is true that that Starscream was a servant in the caste system, maybe the other reason the Decepticons wanted to fight the Autobots, was to get rid of that part of the old caste system....but at some point the Decepticons lost their way and forgot what they were truly fighting for.
Rose at first, wanted to fight for Earth, to scare Gems off the planet...
but when Garnet came into the picture, those plans changed, and it went from just her and Pearl, to having Garnet and other Gems, she wanted to fight for Gems to be free to choose who they wanted to be and be with any Gem they wanted and not just Gems like them.
so while both the Gems and Cybertronians had different outcomes, they aren’t really all that different from each other...
they both possibly use holomatter avatars, they both misuse their home planets and had made living beings into weapons that are suppose to be weapons of mass destruction, and those being Omega Supreme and Cluster.
and if the Cluster is made up of broken pieces of gems.......
then in theory, as disgusting and wrong it might be.....
it could be possible that Omega, might of been made the same way....
and this might be so for the others like Omega, all being made from taking the lives of other cybertronians and melting down their metal bodies to make those like Omega Supreme, and the hive mind of those autobots were all put behind a type of fire-wall, to keep them from taking control of Omega.
not even Ratchet or Arcee knew of this, and it was possibly only known by Autobots of a much higher rank and have been around much longer before the war on cybertron.
that theory might be a bit dark, but it could still be true and the Autobots who were used for such a experiment, might of not volunteered by their own accord.
and they were likely homeless and a few had refused to fight the Decepticons, because some were friends and family....
knowing this, the much older autobots (and not counting Ratchet) who were of the highest rank, had took those Autobots and melted them down into liquid metal and then used that metal to form Omega Supreme.
I don’t think Ratchet would be happy to find out that secret, and might even confront Ultra Magnus about it, and how he knew the whole time how Omega and the others were made, that he had allowed innocent civilian bots, both homeless and those who had refused to fight Decepticons that were both friends and family, to be turned into what Omega Supreme is now.
that would be really messed up, but with how the Autobots are in the gray and how some of the Autobots are in TFA, it wouldn’t be surprise if that theory about how Omega Supreme and his “siblings” were made.
also, it’s okay that not everyone agrees about this theory.
even the whole theory that that has to do with Gems from Steven Universe, being able to make human looking avatar bodies because they have holomatter much like cybertronians...                              
0 notes
mocacheezy · 3 years
Things that made watching Transformers (2007) easier and even enjoyable:
[note: B'verse gets the treatment that it gets by fandom for good reasons. There are tons of posts that dissect the bullshit of these movies far better than my second-language-english-non-american self could ever tackle, so I am not doing that, or plan on doing that. But if I decide that I'll get through every continuity of the franchise I will find a way to make it fun for myself. And so, this is my search for golden nuggets in these movies, because they did bring in new fans to the franchise and that's why we have other continuities that we might not have otherwise. Credit where it's due, and some positivity for those that did find B'verse at least amusing if nothing else. ]
Anytime Frenzy was on screen made me smile because his movements and personality were hilarious, he is just so expressive despite looking like someone super glued a bunch of knifes together. I wouldn't know it was Frenzy if I didn't go to the Wiki, but no matter that, he was funny and that's what matters.
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The original Cybertronian robot modes
We don't see them for long, but the glimpses were glorious. Just look at Optimus
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Gorgeous. What I wouldn't give to see the details up close. Maybe I'll go looking eventually, but this is just so nice.
We also get a "sexily rises from the pool" scene with Ironhide (probably unintentional and I am biased due to being a robofucker. In any case, very very nice and Cybertronians look so good as aliens)
"Excuse me, are you the Tooth Fairy?"
You see this kid?
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This little girl was the only human I cared about in the movie until I saw just how badass Mikaela is, and how cool the military dude is. I don't like kids, but I would lay down my life for this girl.
This one scene just makes me think of what would happen if her parents showed up way earlier. Ironhide would be her guardian and it would be both adorable and hilarious because "Honey, you have to drive in a sentient alien that looks just like our car because the goverment men said so or there will be consequences and potential alien threats."
There are so many joke potentials there; the cultural barrier, the "I am the ine that is supposed to keep her safe" glaring contests, there is just so much shenanigans that could happen.
Also, tea party with the kid. Tea party with the kid.
Sam Witwicky actually reacts like an average human would when faced with the situations he finds himself in
Do I like Sam Witwicky? No, he is the kind of character that I would want to punch irl because of his personality and actions. He is disgusting. But watching him scamper and scream and stutter when faced with giant metal robot aliens that can squish him like a bug? Good, that was a beliavable reaction and I enjoyed it a great deal.
Megatron. Just, ✨Megatron✨
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(the best screenshot of the few I could take while watching, no, I am not going back for a better one, he looks perfect like this)
I also laughted at how they kept him frozen like a popsicle. And not even well, like, they COULD'VE made an actual freezer and pop him in instead of using those couple of tubes just so he was displayed for all personell to gawk at. HE CRASHED IN THE ANTARCTIC!
The design looks so good, because it looks ALIEN and POINTY and AGH!!! The colors? There are no colors that would make him stand out, he looks like someone opened a cutlery drawer, mixed up what's inside, threw in some extra knifes for a good measure and then shook the whole thing until this guy materialized from the pile. It is both incredibly annoying and satisfying.
Mr. Welker did an amazing job with his voice, I don't know what the directions were, but oh man it sure sent shivers down my spine. That is the kind of voice that spells "You are going to die" and I already have my coffin picked out.
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It was Hugo Weaving, and yes the man did am amazing job, but I apologize a million times, I was CERTAIN that THE OG VA OF MEGATRON WOULD ALSO HAVE VOICED MEGATRON. LIKE, OKAY BAY, OKAY!
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LOOK AT THE AMOUNT OF ICE! With how quick he came back fully online once Frenzy turned off the freeze liquid tubes, I bet he was half awake through the whole thing. Systems just below idling or something, in any case, AGENTS YOU ARE SO DUMB! WHO WAS GIVING SUBPAR FUNDING TO THEM, THEY BETTER BE FIRED!
I also was glad that Sam refused to call him by the name the sector asigned to him, despite Megatron being in stasis. And that he insisted they use the correct name. Good job Sam, acknowledge the threat by the actual name and show respect to a fellow sentient lifeform. Even though said lifeform is hellbent on destruction of the universe and your world.
ALSO, AND I CANNOT STRESS THE LAUGHTER AND AMUSEMENT HERE; the sheer DISRESPECT! They don't disassemble Megatron's corpse. No, these idiots, these absolute morons decide to dump him into the ocean, letting him sink to the lowest possible point (not sure if they did say it was the M' Trench or not), where there are proper freezing temperatures - good! You're learning, good job!! - just... In full. Full corpse. What's left of him. Just blup! Down with the fishies he goes!
I understand that they probably didn't know how to approach Optimus about it, but... At least behead the guy. He came back ONCE, who is to say he won't come back again?! Safety precautions my dears.
They also completely disregard what a giant extraterrestrial metal alien rusting away on the bottom of the ocean could do to the ecosystem at large. Like, I find this incredibly amusing, because this ISN'T something most folks think about when watching a movie but we have giant squids down there. We have so much weird things down there, the ocean isn't even fully explored AND YOU WANT TO CHUCK AN ALIEN CORPSE DOWN THERE?!
Now the real question: is he a looker? *looks at the pictures* hmmmm, depends on if you like knifes. Like, really like knifes. Like really, really REALLY want to get it on with a fine assembly of kitchen knifes that were exposed to the elements but somehow haven't rusted away completely.
I think he's neat.
Needs a good long powerwash though. Preferrably with something to help the whole "I was frozen for more than 50 years and sprang back to action as soon as I woke up" thing that happened.
My man needs to take a moment and get his bearings, like dude. Please. You can conquer the world after some energon and slow system boot-up period. The strain on the systems my dude, you ain't young.
Also love that this "death" was probably reused in TFP because lord golly, do we love our faves ending up under the sea. (Though Megan took a much bigger fall, Bayverse WAS PLOPPED INTO THE WATER LIKE A NEWLY ACQUIRED FISH I CAN'T YOU GUYS I CAN'T!)
In short: I love the comedy of american military giving such disrespect to an Alien Warlord. These guys are really sealing their fate.
I loved the way they got the Witwicky family to be important to the plot
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The whole "selling my great great grandpa's glasses on e-bay" thing gives us a very good self insert/OC/rewrite/movie AU potential. Don't like Sam and his disgustingness? Find a way to write a cousin or some far off relative or hell, even just someone who buys the glasses off e-bay and go wild with it!
Archibald was also clearly an inspiration for Isaac Sumdac as far as I can tell, what with both of them using Megatron as a means of helping technology advance.
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Only difference being one of them lived and actually talked to Megatron after he came back online and the other got driven to madness and death due to the amount of information beamed into his brain. Isaac also acquired a space baby daughter, so the guy is absolutely luckier of the two.
Mikaela being fucking competent and badass throughout the movie, and not being just fanservice eyecandy
I could do without the fanservice, but her personality? I loved it. I loved that she wasn't crawling to Sam and wasn't being "hard to get". Which is also why I was very displeased at the very sudden "oh yeah, romance! She returns his feelings after he took her for a ride and let her vent her frustrations!". The movie is 2 hours long and they could throw in some moments where these two connect?
Welp, it is an action movie, boy gets girl no matter what, can't complain about the staple in the genre.
However, Mikaela x Optimus? Now THAT is something I considered as soon as the two locked eyes and interacted. Like, even taking my shipping goggles off, these two could have a very interesting dynamic and Mikaela could be a very good protagonist. I wonder what the movie would be like with her as the lead and Sam being the fucking moron she has to drag along with her.
BUT ALSO! Can we talk about the horrible, excruciating fact that her and Bumblebee drove around with Bee's damaged legs dragging over asphalt all the time he was shooting at 'Cons? There were sparks flying! SHE WAS DRIVING BACKWARDS! She took command of the situation and did what she could because Bee still wanted TO FIGHT!
Also, they way she beat up Frenzy? Gorgeous, I want to slap Sam's non-existent balls off for not atleast saying "thanks". The dude would be sliced thinner than cabbage if she wasn't there.
The millitary man we are supposed to care about because his wife gave birth while he was on duty and we see his baby three times in the whole movie, actually being a pretty awesome and well-written character
Look, personally, I was a little confused at the reason why we were seeing his wife and baby interacting/the scene where she thinks her husband is dead. Mostly because I don't like kids, so scenes like that, when I don't even know who the character is, have no impact at all. Him having a baby isn't going to make me like the guy more, unless I know his character. Him being absent because he's on duty doesn't mean he'll be a good dad (though he looks like the kind of man that will try his best, and I like that in a man). So seeing his wife and kid at the start of the movie seemed pointless to me.
Lennox is a good character and whenever he was on screen I was invested in what is going to happen to him. He's the kind of action movie lead that would have me invested, despite my meh interest in mainly gun fight oriented action movies.
Essentially, loved the guy, would love to see more of him while also being able to tell what's happening on screen. Also the comedy scenes he was in were usually funny.
Okay so these are the things I like about the first movie! It was very long, had to watch it on 2,5x speed because it simultainously dragged while ALSO giving me too much information, but the moments like these and the way my imagination latched onto characters I liked made it watchable. It isn't a movie I'd use to introduce someone to the TF franchise, but it provided me with lots of material for my imagination to run wild.
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olivia200312 · 4 years
Teaser!~ Bay! Optimus x Human! Reader
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Requested by the lovely @AngelRosePhoenix
Plot: I was thinking of Bayverse AOE that is Cade's 20 yr old cousin which is the same age as Shane. So while they're in the Old Church hiding, Tessa was checking on her phone on YouTube when suddenly she saw Y/N modeling on Victoria's Secret. It was all about her in Victoria's Secret every outfit and catwalk. The music is playing' Roses Imanbek by Saint Jhn". Y/N tries to stop Tessa when the bots were curious too. When she showed it, Bee used a bigger screen and everyone was whistling and making kinky talk to her. She is so flustered while Prime has a horny thing on his mind. So the Prime teased her in a kinky way which others were shocked. Then Cade said, "Yeah, I'd be happy for u that she'll be your girlfriend. She really needs it." Then Tessa complained about Y/N's allowed and not her. But Cade told his daughter that she isn't at Y/N's age. Then Y/N complained and yelled when she heard Optimus say, "Well, I don't mind at all being with her." And he smirked which made her blush furiously and then there goes to the lemon >:D.
This is a lemon! I literally sometimes don't understand some requests that I get that I have to fix it every time so that the readers can understand what's going on. I recommend you all to use Grammarly. It's free and it helps you when you're typing on your computer. I've been using it for months now and it helps a lot when I'm writing chapters or one-shots here. This takes place in the church of Tf4 AOE!
Head area:
Brain: Processor / Brain Module
Head: Helm
Face: Face plate
Ears: Audio receptors / Receptor Orifice / Audials
Nose: Enstril / Olfactory Sensor
Eye brow: Optical Ridge
Eyes: Optics
Mouth: Intake
Lips: Dermas
Teeth: Denta/Dentas
Tongue: Glossa
Chest area:
Chest: Chassis / Thoraxal Cavity
Back: Hexa-Lateral Scapula
Spine: Bipedalism cord / Back Strut
Chest and back armour:
Chest plate
Back plate
Mid-section plating
Neck guard
Side plating
Arm area:
Arms: Arms / Restarlueus
Forearms: Bitarlueus
Hands: Servos
Fingers: Digits
Arm armour:
Shoulder pads
Arm guard
Lower area:
Pelvis: Pelvis
Butt: Aft / Skid-Plate
Thighs: Tibulen
Calves: Cadulen
Feet: Pedes - the high heel bits are called Struts or Heel Struts.
Lower armour:
Skirt plates
Aft plate / Skid plate
Thigh guard
Ankle guard
General/Internal components:
Muscles: Cables / Pistons - It depends on the area in question.
Veins: Fual lines
Stomach: Tanks
Lungs: Vents - used to stop the con/bot from over heating.
Heart: Spark
Tattoos: D-con/A-bot Insignias and the lark
T-Cog: The thing that allows all Cybertronians to transform, be that their arms or their whole body.
Penis: Spike
Vagina: Valve
Body: Frame
Note: the art goes to the owner!
Oh man, the day is just crazy! Apparently, Cade brought an old truck to his place together with Lucas. Cade Yeager is a single father of Tessa Yeager. His wife sadly passed away when Tessa was young and since then Cade took care of his daughter. He became overprotective and even made a rule to not bring any boys to the house! He meant it to his daughter of course. There was a woman named Y/N L/N. She's 20 years old. She's a mechanic and helps her cousin, Cade, a lot. Yes, Y/N is 3 years older than Tessa. She loves the girl a lot but she also knows her secret: Tessa has a boyfriend named Shane. He's 20 years old as well. Now, Cade didn't know it at first until... random shit happened. The truck is a Transformer named Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots. He's being hunted by KSI and that's why he's hiding. He got separated from his team and Ratchet got sadly killed... Sam Witwicky, along with his girlfriend, mysteriously disappeared.
The old truck transformed inside Cade's barn and man, he's mad! He obviously had his reasons to be mad. Y/N and Cade manage to calm him down. While they both started to fix him, the Prime fell his optics on the 20-year-old mechanic girl. She's just so beautiful...
Anyway, the story continued and Lucas got killed sadly. Everyone was sad that they lost a friend. The adventure continued and yadda, yadda, yadda. Let's get to the point of view now. The church. (I couldn't find a video where the church part scene played).
Everyone is now at the church, hiding. It was safe at least! Optimus and Cade are chatting while others are doing their stuff. Tessa is on her phone, checking random stuff out. It made Y/N very nervous. She has a secret and she didn't want others to find out. She made a video once where she dressed in every Victoria's Secret outfit. She even catwalked in her video for Primus's sake! She thought that no one would ever find out... She's wrong.
Tessa scrolled through her phone until she came across a video on YouTube made by Y/N. She watched it quietly until she smirked. "Oh, Y/N!~"
Y/N looks at Tessa and she got nervous when she saw the look on Tessa's face. "W-What is it?"
"You never told me how well can you catwalk while being in Victoria's Secret outfits."~
That caught Cade's attention as he stopped talking to Optimus and looks shocked at Y/N. "Y/N, you did what?!"
"I-It's not what it looks like!" She waved her hands in defense.
Tessa then showed it to Bumblebee or just Bee, the youngest one of the group and a scout. He showed it to the big screen, causing Y/N to yell "No!" and hide her face in her hands. She just wanted to disappear...
Other bots whistled while Cade looks shocked. Tessa still smirked. Shane then entered the church. "Hey, what's going- Oh God..." He looks shocked. Optimus Prime, on the other hand, has dirty minds in his processor. It's just that... that Victoria's Secret's outfits and catwalks... He just wants to take her now.
Cade seems to notice it. He got told by Optimus that he has a crush on her. He smirked in secret.
Optimus then decided to shock others and make Y/N more flustered. He watched how Y/N slowly showed her face and then the Prime, literally... teased her in a kinky way! No kidding! He did it! Y/N looks more flustered while others looked shocked.
Cade then looks up at the leader. "You know, I'd be happy for u that she'll be your girlfriend. She really needs it."
Tessa then complained. "Really, daddy? Why is she allowed to have a boyfriend and not me?" She looks also annoyed.
"You're not just at her age, sweetie," Cade answered calmly.
"Cade!" Y/N shouted embarrassed.
What Optimus suddenly said made Y/N faint. "Well, I don't mind at all being with her." She then made eye contact with him and saw him smirking. She then fainted.
At night~
The night arrived and everyone went to sleep. Well, almost everyone. The Autobots made sure to watch over and that the humans are comfortable to sleep. Y/N stayed awake and just couldn't sleep. She's now watching the night sky. There's an abandoned train close by and that's where humans slept. More surprisingly, it had comfortable chairs.
"You need to get some recharge, Y/N," said a familiar deep voice.
Y/N gasps and turned around to see Optimus but around her height. Looks like he made himself small. He then stood right behind her, pressing his tank and chassis area against her back. Y/N shivered from the contact. Let's just say that she's was getting turned on. It's just that it was getting sexual. Optimus then placed his servos on her hips and kissing her neck. "Do you really love me, sweetspark?"
"Y-Yes." She then gasped because of the air when her extremely loose blouse was pulled down, exposing her with Victoria Secret's sexy lace bra and panties. She heard Optimus growl. "You're so sexy that I want to take you."
Then Y/N's eyes were full of lust. She felt so wet that her pussy was throbbing, begging to be taken. She panted as heat builds up, making the Prime smirk. He then turned her around and his optics were full of lust when he saw her front body. He fo course finds her beautiful. He then smashed his dermas against t her soft lips. His servos traveled down right on her ass, squeezing it. Y/N moaned as she jumps and wrapped her legs around his waist.
"My spike wants to be inside of you ever since I discovered your dirty secret," Optimus growled.
"Take me.~"
He walks inside the train, where no one else was there. At least, they'll be 'busy' this night ;). He found a comfortable seat and laid Y/N down, while still kissing her. His glossa was fighting against her tongue while servos were rubbing her entire body, squeezing her breasts and her ass. Y/N moaned loudly and Optimus pulled away, causing them to pant.
"I'm taking you tonight."
Then Y/N decided to TAKE HIM instead of him her. She pinned him down, causing the Prime to look surprised when Y/N made him sit up with her straddling on his lap. He then purred and growled lowly, causing Y/N to smirk and grind on his lap. He placed his servos on her ass and pulled her panties down until they're at the ankles so they're not fully off. He used his digit to rub her clit and pump her, causing the female human to let out moans and arch her back. Optimus smashed his dermas against her lips as his free servo traveled up to her breasts. He simply pulled it up a bit until the breasts are out and squeezed them.
Optimus purred as he continued for like thirty seconds before stopping, causing to growl in annoyance but then she smirked as she saw his big hard in the air. She lifted herself up and 'accidentally' slammed right into his spike, causing both the bot and human to moan loudly. Y/N hurtled herself a tiny bit but pleasure quickly took over and started to very sexually grinding, riding and dancing at the same time on Optimus' lap. The Prime watched in awe and grunted. He couldn't help but place his servos o her hips, feeling her moving.
"You like that, Bossbot?" She's teasing him while still smirking and moving.
Optimus growled but doesn't care right now. His optics were watching Y/N's EVERY move. He felt like in heaven. He just loves the sexy human femme that was sitting on him, doing sexual moves while having sex on his lap.
"A-Ahh! Optimus, y-you're so big, hard, and handsome," Y/N panted while having a lovely and sexy expression on her face.
Optimus felt his spark beating fast while showing exactly the same expression. "You t-take my spike so well, sweetspark. I'd like to have a family with y-you in the future." He also grunted a few times.
Y/N giggles and kisses him with so passion that she and Optimus were both lost in so much love that Y/N didn't notice that Optimus started to thrust up roughly, slamming into her many times like dominant Autobot.
"A-Ah! Oh my G-God!" She panted and moaned while Optimus lowly purred and smirked. "I-I'm cumming!"
"Then cume for me, sweetspark. I'll fill you up so well.~" He whispered lowly into her ear, causing Y/N to squeak and blush bright red.
Optimus then grunted when he slammed one last time and released his transfluid. Y/N screamed so quietly that Optimus found it cute like from Japanese anime. Y/N panted and sighed in bliss. She was then gently lifted up so that Optimus' spike would come out. It was limp. Optimus then laid down with Y/N on top of him. He covered his mate up with a blanket and kissed her forehead. Both of them fell asleep.
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renesassing · 3 years
I always viewed transformers as basically organic as they came. BUt i mainly prefer the idea that they were created by Primus but still had to evole and change. I see them as organic metal, because think about it. They can lose body parts and not be able to recover them, they need to eat using engeron. THey are even shown to get disease from time. And fall in love, have religion, and even in Beast Wars they mention finding certain other transformers hot. I like it more seeing humans trying to come to grips on what transformers and realizing that even they there differnt in what they are made of, that in the end they are still beings. Btw yours ways is still a cool topic to explore espically for certain countinty
i'm not saying that transformers aren't 'alive' or 'people,' or that they should be depicted as something so alien that humans are unable to identify with them. personally i don't think having identifiable aspects of 'humanity' means that they're 'organic.' and they do evolve by certain degrees depending on the continuity, because the nature of their species (from what we've seen) is that they adapt to their environment. and the idea that humans have to learn that giant alien robots are more like us than we thought is something that's pretty consistently explored in transformers whenever there are interactions between the two species. but what i'm specifically talking about is their lack of a place in a larger ecosystem and how that creates cultural differences.
cybertronians don't have evolutionary cousins (one could argue that each cybertronian alt mode type is an evolutionary cousin or subspecies of the larger cybertronian species, but i'm specifically talking about a hypothetical evolutionary cousin that's notably less 'evolved,' like our relationship with other primates), and from an ecological perspective, cybertron isn't really that diverse. that doesn't mean it can't be, it's just not really the focus of the transformers series. we get a lot of references to stuff like 'turbofoxes' and 'mechanimals' but they aren't really acknowledged as being related to sentient cybertronians. if the idea was explored more i'd love it tho.
and while we humans often think of our selves as something distinct from other life on earth, and we often are physically and psychologically disconnected from the natural world on some level, we're still animals, and we're still part of the ecosystem and we still exist within it. (what's left of it.) and the transformers don't have that role within an ecosystem the way humans do and that should have an effect on how they're depicted. that may make them less human, but that doesn't make them less 'people.'
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Funny that doesn't make sense but giving it regardless cuz it wouldn't leave me alone
Mars: How much disaster i would cause by leaving the system and going back to Cybertron?
Earth: Not much i think considering Moon has bigger role? Well.. Scientists would flip a lid surely.. And NASA would cry over their rovers i assume
Mars: Welp. Bye then. Btw i am telling father on you you not dealing with Unmaker and being with in triangle
Moon: Tattletale! Also you had the same opportunity as i to get rid of the Unmaker you coward!
Mars: Can't hear you!
Unicron: One spawn of my brother less but humans screeching imminent eugh
I imagine that Mars did wander off at some point. I imagine it happened several times after he outed his presence to the trio. The first time he wandered off was to redirect a few asteroids since Moon couldn't move without fragging up Earth's tides. The second time he wandered was to assess an alien ship that passed by. He never did determine the species, but it wasn't Cybertronian, so it was not his problem. However the third time he wandered off, it was FAR more serious.
He certainly wouldn't be waltzing off when NASA was in operation. But the time he did saunter off with a serious goal in mind was quite likely a few centuries before humanity figured out that space was a viable option. Mars may be the aloof cat dad of the group, but he is well aware of what he is guarding. The Unmaker is a serious threat, and Pluto throwing an absolute fit over pods from Cybertron heading straight to Earth certainly didn't ease him. Seeing the relics within the pods only served to make Mars far more willing to wander off to seek aid. He's not an idiot. He can recognize the touch of Primes on just about anything, as can all Titans.
Mars was the one to travel back in the direction of Cybertron in time to witness the effects of the war. Neither he nor those in Earth's solar system were aware of the war. But seeing the state of his planet would give him a VERY good reason to gather up any survivors possible. Unfortunately there wasn't much for him to salvage, but he returned to Earth's solar system with a warning.
Mars: Earth, Moon, listen to me.
Moon & Earth: ???
Mars: War has ravaged Cybertron. Only the husk of Primus remains.
Moon: Impossible-!
Mars: No, I saw it. The Allspark is missing and none of Primus's children are anywhere to be seen. I suspect they have fled.
Earth: What does that mean?
Mars: You are likely going to get a visit from your cousins soon enough.
Moon: Primus below, this is going to be a disaster.
Mars: It will be. And if the Allspark is not retrieved within a few centuries, I will gather it myself. I will not stand for our kind to extinguish when a few of us yet live.
Yes, Mars is usually very chill. But after the death of his citizens, he fears extinction above all else. If Optimus had failed to gather the Allspark, Mars would have left to get it himself and probably turned himself into a living hotspot until SOMEONE fixed Cybertron and made it habitable again.
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cuddlyscribe · 3 years
5stars-log asked: Congrats on reaching 100 followers! 🌻 Here’s a fluffy one! tfp bots reaction to their SO graduating from college or high school? Maybe even the bots attending the graduation in holoform or something?
[recognize these headcanons? this is a repost from my old blog ‘ohscraptfphcs!’ You will see this disclaimer above all of the content i have moved from my previous blogs.]
Optimus: Optimus is honestly super proud of his s/o for this amazing accomplishment. Since he’s a Cybertronian and can live for millions of years, something like this wouldn’t be as celebrated on his planet. But nonetheless, this isn’t Cybertron; it’s Earth! And he’s not about to spoil their fun. Optimus opts to take a few hours off of his taxing work to celebrate with a fun little party at the base. Without a second thought, though, he does attend his s/o’s ceremony in holoform. When he sees how they just get this huge grin on their face when they see him, he realizes once again that this whole fight for Earth against the cons is so worth it.
Ratchet: At first he doesn’t really understand the importance of a graduation. It’s a very “human thing to do” to him. But when he realizes how big of a deal it is to his s/o, he puts aside his ideas to celebrate with them. He has to do some research of his own to figure out what it is and what he needs for it, and he gets sooo into it. Ratchet has to make sure the signs and the party balloons and streamers are perfected, and if even one thing is off-center, he’s going off. When the day of the ceremony comes around, he fixes his holoform to boast his s/o’s school colors. Despite his disguise, he sticks out like a sore thumb (not that it’s a bad thing, hehe). He shouts and whoops when his s/o is called, and has to be there right away once the ceremony is over.
Arcee: She’s read about it before in human literature, and honestly gets pretty hype for it. Arcee asks what it entails and how it happens. Luckily missions are slow around the time of the ceremony, so she asks the other bots to set up a surprise party for them at their favorite little area, where they’ve both spent countless nights stargazing. It’s a special moment when she decides to go to the graduation in holoform. Part of her is afraid someone might spot her or recognize her even in her disguise, but she quickly disregards it. Arcee waves to them from the audience’s area and whoops and hollers when their name is called.
Bulkhead: Bulkhead is like that crazy cousin that goes to your graduation and screams when your name is called. He wants to be filled in about it and given every single awesome detail. Of course he knows what a ceremony is-he had one back on Cybertron while he was still a Wrecker-but a graduation? It’s a foreign idea, and he’s so for it. He goes out and buys his s/o all the typical grad gifts like teddybears, and decorates signs that stretch five to six feet in length. Luckily he’s big enough in holoform to hold them up! (Would be that guy that screams “THAT’S MY S/O!!” at the top of his lungs)
Bumblebee: He’s so cheery and giddy! Bumblebee’s been dying to bust out his new holoform and now is the perfect time. He decorates signs with his favorite pictures of his s/o and ends up getting glitter and glue all over his servos. He brings a few along with him just in case one happens to fly away. Bee tries to get the best seat possible and deadass booty bumps a ton of people accidentally trying to get to the front seats. The poor little thing has to hold himself back from running up on stage when he sees them. He thinks they look so amazing, and he’s the proudest autobot ever in that single moment <3
Smokescreen: The flirty boyfriend who shows off their s/o in front of everyone, of course! Smokescreen has no clue what a high school graduation is like, and assumes it’s kind of like a Cybertronian ceremony. So he’s thoroughly surprised when there’s people cheering and being so casual. Luckily, Smokes is not lacking in loudness, so he musters what volume he can in his holoform and screams and shouts for his s/o when they climb the stairs to the stage. When the graduation is over and everyone is spreading out to find their grad, he runs everywhere to get to them and makes sure he’s the first person to hug them. He keeps a hand on their waist the entire time until he drives them home, where he peppers them in proud-boyfriend-kisses
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dragongirl642 · 4 years
Sunstreaker/Sideswipe x human!female!reader (bayverse) part 6
"Should we run", said Starwave. "Probably" replied his twin and they slowly backed off hands raised, leaving their older brother to face his partner's fury.
Of course they didn't get off that easy,
The Autobots had noticed the new arrivals.
------------------------------------------Recap end------------------------------
I sat on my bed, back on my farm. The familiar colours and smells calming me. This was the last time I would be in this room for a while. Orders had come from higher up...all the newly-licensed members of NEST were to move into the newly appointed base at Diego Garcia. 'What's with calling it a newly appointed base anyway...I've worked there a couple of times before years ago...it's not new.'
The sounds of birds calling in the trees and the low rumbles of the tractors, again calming my turbulent mind. Every time I left, I worried about this place. Not just about whether all the work would get done, but whether the systems would work. We've had a couple of bad twisters hit here in the past. Nothing serious happens when I've been here to clean up or the early warning protocol kicks in; setting the farm to lockdown and all the machines pack themselves away in the barn. We had a system malfunction once in the past, I had to replace everything. 'Ugh, bad memories...at least William helped me (because he was blackmailed?...no because he wanted to help his cousin...well maybe a little bit) and the rest of the unit generously agreed to help too.' A small chuckle left my lips at the memory, 'ah good times'.
I swung my legs and jump off the bed. Turning to close the window, cutting off the sounds from outside, a sigh escaped me. Grabbing my two duffel bags filled with the last of my clothes, toiletries, electronics, etc; I walked out my bedroom, silently closing the door behind me.
I trudged through the house, closing windows and turning off lights; double checking the kitchen appliances, 'you can never be too careful'. Once at the front door, I threw a last longing look back down the hallway. With a huff I stepped outside and locked the door. The soft thump of its closing barely audible in the carpeted space.
"What took you so long?" The sound of Starwave's impatient voice sounding from his alt-mode parked not two feet from my front door. 'Did he just get snarky with me? Out of character much.' I strolled round his passenger side, his side door already open. I deposited both bags in his back seats then climbed in myself.
The seat belt strapping me in tight as we sped off. The burst of speed pushing me back into Starwave's seat. "Starwave, SLOW DOWN!" My panicked screech falling on deaf ears, 'Or audials should I say'. He swerved, tyres screeching and spun to suddenly slow and smoothly stop just beyond the doors of the barn. "I'm only trying to help darling, we were supposed to be at NEST two days ago. On the plus side you're no longer grumbling and stuck in your funk now, are you?" I couldn't deny his logic was sound.
But the effects weren't great. I practically flopped out of his alt-mode. Head spinning I stumbled towards the barn and leaned against the door; which promptly opened, depositing me neatly on the floor. "Ouch" I rubbed my back as I stood up once more. And slowly walked into the darkness of the barn, trying to ignore Starwave's amused chuckles from outside. "Are you alright (y/n)?" he gasped out between giggles. I hmph'ed and turned on the lights. Marching forward to my workbench I began putting everything in boxes and carrying them over to my trailer. Starwave had graciously volunteered to pull the large trailer all the way to the base so I couldn't really tell him off.
About 20 minutes later I had just finished packing all my stuff, 'or rather...anything smaller than me'. Last but not least I had a large exercise bicycle/pedal reactor to load. Unfortunately it was twice my height. Just as I was considering transforming and using my Gaian strength to lift it a cough came from behind, followed by a voice. "May I help you?" I whipped round as my heart jumped. Hand on heart I glared at the tall form of my partner, Starblaze. My glare soon turned to a look of confusion, "I thought you were already at the Diego Garcia base, how come you're here?"
He merely smiled and walked forward to pick up the reactor placing it on my trailer. He then lifted the folding ramp and so the trailer was now an enclosed box on wheels. I took the keys out of my pocket and locked it. I looked up to see Starblaze smiling at me. "Am I not allowed to visit my partner?" but then he slightly averted my eyes, "And I had to check on Starwave" he admitted.
I chuckled at that. 'No wonder'.
I walked over to the huge doors and began pushing on one, laboriously opening it; as Starwave casually opened the other with one hand, just his helm peeking round the door. Sunlight bouncing off him and temporarily blinding me as I walked outside.
Starblaze followed pulling the trailer in his off hand. I couldn't help but laugh.
This Oh-so-majestic being, who's very steps make the ground shake...is pulling my trailer like a toddler with his new toy.
'He effing looks like one as well. He's got the pout, walk and everything. XD'
I collapsed gasping to the floor as two very confused cybertronians just stare at me. Starwave looks from me to Starblaze. Then it clicks, an expression of wonder graces his faceplate before he too collapses in a fit of hysteria. Starwave just watches us nonplussed. He rolls his optics and thinks for a moment. Then he looks at himself. I laugh even harder as optics upwards in concentration he adopts the toddler pose again. He looks at me a grin blossoming on his faceplate and laughs as well. Not a moment later his eyes widen and he clamps a servo over his intake. Me and Starwave freeze and just stare.
(Author note: dear readers, if you have watched Transformers Prime...his laugh is like Ratchets laugh in that one episode. You and Starwave's reactions are the same as the kids.)
Not a second later we both burst out laughing again. "I-i-i-it hu-hurts" He gasps out through his giggles while I just cry with the force of my laughter. Starblaze just looks at us exasperatedly for a moment before smiling and leaning against the wall of the barn; watching us practically die with laughter.
--------------Timeskip to after you calm down and get on the road--------------------
Starwave was pulling my trailer attached to the back of his alt-mode and I was riding in Starblaze. The windows were down and I had my arm hanging out his window as we sped down the road.
I watched the horizon, daydreaming...when I felt a little nudge within my heart/head. "Are you alright?" Starblaze's voice echoed within my head as a wave of calm descended on me.
'I'm really starting to like this bond thing, sooooo calming', chuckles followed, reverberating over the bond. I frowned "Hey Starblaze keep out of my private thoughts please." There were more chuckles followed by an "As you wish (y/n)." Silence descends once more before another voice pipes up over the bond, "Hey I can see you, take a left now!" Its Starocean's voice...'But I thought he was at the Diego Garcia base.'
Starblaze took a sharp left down a dirt track to the gates of a brazenly military airbase. 'How did I not notice that?'
We rolled through the gates that opened before us and rounded a corner to see a huge cargo plane sitting contentedly on the runway.
Starblaze and Starwave; Starblaze lets me out and they both transform. I can vaguely hear Starwave stretching and grumbling about how heavy my trailer was...he soon shut up when Starocean came sprinting out the open back of the cargo plane. I watched with a smile on my face as the twins sprinted for each other. At the last minute they both dodged to their right, linked arms and spun around into a hug. I could faintly feel their joy and chatter over my link to Starblaze...and sequential sibling link to the twins.
I walked next to Starblaze towards the plane. Before we even take two steps though both twins come sprinting back.
"Hey (y/n)! How's packing been?" Joyfully Starocean offers me his hand, I step onto it and he lifts me up to cradle me against his chassis in a hug. "I missed you too ocean." I hug back and then he passed me over to Starblaze. ('Ocean' being my nickname for him; for example Starwave is 'Wave' and Starblaze is just 'Blaze', but together Starwave and Starocean are called the 'star twins')
I sit contently on Starblaze's shoulder, watching the star twins argue over who's going to pull my trailer now.
He walks over to the cargo plane and ascends the ramp. I sway slightly as we enter and grip onto one of his shoulder struts for support. A faint humming sounds all around, not the regular plane hum but almost like...'a sparkbeat!'.
I close my eyes and access my bond with Starblaze. I look around and all I can see is spark energy. 'Starblaze...are we?'
He nods and replies, "Yes we are...(y/n) meet Stratosphere."
I exited our link and looked around, "uh...hi."
"Nice to meet you (y/n). I must admit I was surprised when I heard any Gaians still existed, let alone one had formed a partnership with a native of this rock...it's cool to meet you."
Starblaze settled himself down further in and the twins came up the ramp with my trailer. I slid off his shoulder and down his outstretched arm to the floor of Stratospheres hull.
I was curious as to whether anyone would be sat in the cockpit or not. I opened the door to the cockpit and a broad beam spread across my face. I launched myself into the arms of the man stood on the other side of the door. "Epps!"
"Woah there" he chuckled and held me up, "Lennox would kill me if his baby cuz killed herself tackling me." I just laughed and punched him in the arm.
"Takes more than that to kill me Sergeant...word on the street is you're expecting a promotion."
"What street, you live in the middle of nowhere dust-girl."
We both laughed and then Starblaze's voice again sounded in my head.
'(y/n) strap in, we are preparing for take-off''.
I passed on the order to Epps as I strapped into one of the pilot seats. He quickly followed.
We watched the dash light up and felt Stratosphere rise into the air.
"Weird when you're not the one driving, isn't it?" Epps joked. I smiled and joked back, "yep it sure is, but that means I can nap right?"
We both laughed before I reclined my seat, giving a small yawn. Epps smiled at me in a brotherly way, "It sure does (y/n), it sure does."
I was out before he finished his sentence.
------------------Timeskip to Diego Garcia-----------------------
I woke up just as we were landing. The bright sun assaulting my eyes the second I dared open them. I flinched, closing my eyes in reflex. Epps chuckling away beside me doing absolutely nothing productive, besides insulting my pride. I cautiously glare though my eyelashes at him as I slowly adjust. He gets up and strolls out once I can open my eyes, I unclip myself and exit the cockpit after him.
The star twins are sharing the job of pulling my trailer, 'How on earth did they fuse their arms together?' Starocean's left arm and Starwave's right arm have fused together to form one large joint arm, as they walk in step with each other pulling my trailer after them. "It's like an absurd three legged race." I mutter to myself.
Starblaze stood sedately to the side glanced at them before saying, "They are split spark twins and they can fuse to form one being, should they so wish." I just nodded, and sent the equivalent of a nod down our bond just for good measure.
We all exited Stratosphere, Epps jogging ahead eager to get inside. I soon realised why, the second we stepped out into the sun I thought I would melt. Just as I was swishing for shade, Starblaze adjusted his pace to block the sun from falling on me. 'Thank God for robot aliens!' Starblaze suddenly broadcasting a bout of hysterical laughter down our bond.
I swear I leapt three feet in the air before falling promptly on my back.
Nearby laughter snaps me out of contemplating, yet again, the wonders of having someone else in my head at times.
I pick myself up and turn my head to see some bots I hadn't seen before.
They were practically identical, except the silver one had swords on his arms just above his servos and the yellow/gold one had guns.
I looked up at them, slightly embarrassed, but hiding it well. "Hello, are you some of the new recruits?" I politely asked.
"I'm Sideswipe" said the silver one, "and this is my brother Sunstreaker."
"And who might you be?" said bot interjected.
Their bright blue optics studied me intently.
"I'm (y/n) (l/n), cousin to William Lennox and Gaian bond partner to Starblaze."
Sideswipe and Sunstreaker both cock their helms at me in surprise, 'quite honestly the fact that they did that at the same time is soo cute!' I made sure that thought was kept out of me and Starblaze's bond.
I was distracted when Sunstreaker spoke up, "So you're the human that saved Jazz...you don't look like much." A self-satisfied grin hovering on his lip-plates as he waited for my reaction. Sideswipe grinned broadly, "Jazz said you faced Megatron...bet you couldn't take on me."
'Oh, these two thought I was just a human and that this would come to nothing huh, I'll show them.'
'(y/n) I would not advise that course of action...unless you would allow me to be your partner in this venture.' I could feel the smirk coming down our bond.
'Oh yes, let's show them.' I exited our conversation and addressed the twins.
"I could definitely take you...both of you in fact." The look of uncertainty suddenly on their faceplates was delicious. "But to make it fair we'll have a doubles sparring match...me and Starblaze versus you two. Just let me unpack and we'll find a suitable arena."
The twins froze momentarily before adopting exaggeratedly casual poses, "Sure, see you soon shortcake" being a final parting jab from Sideswipe before the two transformed and took off for the hangar. Sideswipe being a silver Corvette and Sunstreaker being a gold/yellow Lamborghini.
Starblaze's pedesteps alerting me to the fact that he was turning around.
"(y/n)!" a voice called for behind me. I turned around as well to spot Lennox come jogging up.
We embraced in an awkward hug, considering all the gear he was packing.
"Just back from a mission?"
"Yep...had to come back when I heard you were on your way and...your two days late."
I heard a cacophony of transforming sounds from far behind, Lennox and I watching as Stratosphere transformed into an absolute giant of a bot and limped off. We watched him walk off then turned back to each other.
"So (y/n), I saw you've met some of the new bots? I'd watch out for those twins."
I smiled, "Yep, and I've been challenged to a sparring match, doubles."
Lennox's grin fell. "You're not really going to fight them are you? Sideswipe is the Autobot's fragging combat instructor and his twin is just as skilled. You've fought in your Gaian mode, what, once?!!" But then, after a moments thought, he smirked evilly, "Kick their afts...I'll set the arena, I'm betting on you winning this."
I bumped his shoulder as I walked past, "Don't worry cuz, I'll make you proud."
We casually walked to the hangar, Lennox splitting off to go get the event all set, while Starblaze strolled up to the Star twins to tell them the news.
I walked to the barracks, entering the female dorms, I found my usual bunk down the end, and unpacked. 'Starwave was good enough to have my bags dropped off here, aw...such a sweetie!'
I stretched and left the barracks for the mess hall, 'gotta refuel before a fight.'
Grabbing a banana, I strolled out the door for the hangar. Climbing some stairs to the walkways, I took a bite as I leant against a banister.
"How's it hanging dudette?"
I turned with a smile, to come optic-to-eye with Jazz. "I'm good, how are you Jazz?"
He raised a servo and I gave him a fist pump before he started telling me all about the new recruits. Arcee (She is chimerical in the movie – check for more info), Jolt, brothers Skids and Mudflap, 'who are an ice-cream truck?', Stratosphere and the Arielbots (who are all still in Stasis needing repairs, except Stratosphere but he still needs some repairs) and finally the twins, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker.
"So little lady, heard you gonna spar wi'the twins. Here's a little tip for ya'...Go for Sideswipe's legs an' try ta corner him, he overbalances real easy when he can'move and Sunstreaker's vain, ya'hurt his finish he'll get angry and we all know you gotta keep it cool to fight."
I nodded, "Thanks Jazz, I'll keep that in mind."
'Starblaze you getting this?' the response was almost immediate, I'll keep these tips in mind for our battle'. I looked up to see the Star twins wave at me from behind Starblaze.
I waved back, grinning broadly; Jazz giving me a sidelong look.
"Hey you and those Gaian twins, you lot aren't a thing are ya?"
I spluttered, blushing in response to Jazz's question.
"No! They're like the brothers I never had, they're not romantic prospects or whatever..."
Jazz laughed as Starwave called from across the hangar, "Aww (y/n) you hurt our feelings!" Starocean cracking up beside him.
I glared and huffed, puffing my cheeks out in annoyance.
'Jokes', 'Yeah jokes...hey, does this mean we can call you little sister?' Came the less than apologetic replies from the two over my Gaian bond.
Jazz poked me with a digit, "hey didn't mean to pry girl, no hard feelings."
"Of course not Jazz" was my warm reply.
Jazz got ready to leave, "I'll be betting on ya" and with that final parting call he left.
'Man...I've got a lot of people betting on me...I'd better win this...what a sobering thought.'
'Don't worry you'll win.'
'Starblaze what did I say about going in my private thoughts.'
'That was private? You were practically shouting.'
'Oh shush you!'
Author note: So you've met the twins and a little competition be brewing.  heh heh heh...hope you enjoyed.
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reve-de-dragon · 4 years
Results of the form
results under the cut
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The donjon and dragon is, obviously, not surprising. I’m on the same page here, it counts as a dragon, and is honestly the closest to basic pop culture european dragon i can find. 
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Donjon and dragon wyvern gets some not a dragon answers. From what i gather from looking through the answers, I assume it has to do with the sapience of the wyvern, as aside from a single person, i haven’t seen the “four legs two wings is a dragon” type of answer.
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The tarasque surprised me a bit more! I see them as a dragon, but physical traits of that type (weird chimera) usually doesn’t matters to me if they are quite reptilian, which works here, in most pictures. I think for most dragons however, it is a too weird creature for them to comprehend them as a dragon. There might also be the problem of the dnd tarasque, who is treated as its own thing in the game, which might have influenced some.
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Smaug is overall seen as a dragon. The picture was the movie smaug, so the one not a dragon comes from the “four leg 2 wings is a dragon” answer (btw, not trying to say that is wrong, for this form!).
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not much to say here.
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Had to go back to see what kind of answer said that pernese dragons were not dragon for their own mind, and from what i see of the rest of their answer, I suspect that its the book’s twist on these dragons that influenced the answer. I wondered if i would have more not a dragon because of this specificity, but it seem it overall is seen as a dragon.
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Dutch angels are pretty divided! They are not dragons in my eyes, as they are too mammalian to register as a dragon, which i believe is the case for most people here, from talking with people who answered. 
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Wyrms register as dragons for me. The non dragon part seems to be on the lack of wings (usually also putting the draque as not a dragon) and the lack of limbs. Some may also have thought about sapience, although i can’t check that, and haven’t encountered that one while talking with some who took the form.
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Amusingly, the sea serpent almost mirrors the wyrm. I do not really understand that one, as it tends to be registered as the same thing for me (big long beast who can grow to tremendous sizes). If the wyrm is put as not a dragon, I assume it’s the lack of wings/limb, but some do put wyrms and not sea serpent, as seen here! This appear to be caused by wyrms and sea serpents as different kind of beasts, as a sort of cousin specie.
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:’( Poor chimken. My human logic tells me dragon, because they are referred as such in some myths. As a dragon however, i’m not sure. Size plays a lot into it for me, but the dangerosity of the beast does too. I think I wouldn’t consider it a dragon as the pop culture cockatrice that is small, but as soon as it is human sized or more, i’d have a doubt and consider it something on the same level as me.
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Too mammalian for me, but technically a dragon I guess ahah. It depends on who you ask, in myths. I tend to see it as another kind of creature both as a dragon and human, though. 
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Same, to a further extent.
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That one is very strange! Not because of the amount of not dragon, that i expected, but because I saw quite a few people who did agree that it was a dragon say that a sea serpent wasn’t one, which boggles my mind! I see it as a simple animal myself, and haven’t been able to understand that sea serpent is not but nessie is situation, so if you answered that, would love to know why!
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Was simply to check if reptilian body and sapience was enough for some. Two people did answer yes, but for the most part, it’s a no. 
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Got a friend who is a predacon were, so I was curious if being biological or mechanical would influence some. Amusingly enough, from that predacon, I learnt that they, themselves, didn’t consider all predacons dragons, due to differences in behaviors. The exemple here was predaking, so a pretty normal dragon aside from the mechanical thing. I wanted to add the bipedal cybertronian form too, but was afraid my first question may be lost like that. One person did say they were not dragons to them, so i wonder if it’s due to lore or nonbiological nature.
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The worms from dunes have technically very draconic behaviors and lore, and are inspired from european dragons. One person did agree that they were sort of alien dragons, apparently, but for the most part, i assume the physical form says not dragon. On my side, i am unsure! I think not, because they are not creatures i can really interact with, i assume, so I’d mostly see them as bigger than average animals.
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Wondered where humanoid body type started to be seen as nondraconic. Depending on the anthro dragon, I myself am on a “maybe”. Behavior and dangerosity would probably matter a lot to me here.
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And that’s where I myself draw the line! Flat faces disturb me, and in that case, size and general appearance convey a “not a dragon” feel for me.
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The lack of wings is what makes them not a dragon, for the one who answered that, as it seems. Perhaps some sapience too?
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This one is an animal for me, whereas drakes are dragons. Amusingly enough, some said drakes were not dragons, but those were! I assume it’s the flight/glide.
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Dragon brains says That’s A Horse, whereas human logic says it’s closest to a dragon. Pretty easy to understand here, simply the appearance. 
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Overall, dragon. Logical. However, two person said not a dragon! The first did say Cortos (little wyvern type creatures) were, from the same game, and the other said zinogre (a wolf/dragon that wield thunder) and dah’ren morhan (a gigantic desert leviathan) did say those were dragons! So it’s not the game. I really don’t get that one, and would love thoughts on it.
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Was curious if the mammalian appearance would matter. Zinogre is on the line for me. 
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They look like wyverns, but are very small and weak. They don’t register as dragons for me, but as animals. Seems they do for most though, although i can’t say if all understood their size due to the picture.
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This one is similar to the sand worm for me. Although technically draconic, being similar to a leviathan, he just doesn’t register as one, although there’s the power and size to usually back it up for me.
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Was curious to what extent dragon like horrors would be understood as dragons. I see that one as a dragon, but that may be due to myself seeing my draconity as somewhat lovecraftian. I relate a lot to cthulhu on a conceptual level. 
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I mean. I’m surprised there’s not a dragon human hybrid kind of thing here ngl. What’s the difference? Plus tbh, he does seem more draconic than the pic i used for the human dragon hybrid in my opinion. Probably the pose does it for me. Really like this painting.
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Expected it, but hey! Fun fact! The red dragon of the apocalypse above, and Satan/the devil are the same entity! Bamboozled again. I have to admit, although the depiction above makes me think dragon, due to the imagery associated with satan, i mostly see him as a human looking dude or goaty fellow. I’m pretty sure he is called a dragon in christian lore.
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Not threatening enough for me, but yeah that’s probably what’s going on here, he’s simply not very threatening. Deal breaker for some, but dragon for most.
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Tried to see if more strange looking “dragons” got the same approval as charizard, since they even had the typing. Seems like theropods body type isn’t commonly seen as draconic, as I furthered that question with a smaller group with some other theropod looking draconic creatures! Have to admit, unsure if it’s the human logic that applies here, and makes me go : that’s a real animal, or if it’s a dragon thing.
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Same but more theropod.
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Technically, he can be called one, but yeah he is very mammalian, which is most of those no votes. I’d say I would probably consider him on the same level as me. Something about the tatzelwurm makes me think of a sapient beast, which may play into it. Everything seems more dangerous and more “at my level” if they are intelligent. They are small, and not very powerful, but for some reason it still doesn’t strike me as wrong here.
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Wanted to see both if something very bird like, and very non threatening looking was understood as a dragon. Seems like for the most part, it works. I’d honestly probably just see that one as a weird fire bird. For the most part, most dragonvale dragons don’t register as such for me, in a similar way to pokemons. 
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Putting those two back to back because it’s very funny. Expected both to be dragons, or both not, and turns out there’s also a fair share to one is, but the other no. I can understand toruk yes, ikran no, as toruk is much more imposing, but the other way around i don’t quite see, although a few people did say so. If you have theories, would love to hear.
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Added the thanator last minute as a sort of “pandoran drake”. Seems like most people just see it as an alien. Flight plays a strong part on recognizing something as draconic for most, so if you throw away the obvious reptilian/draconic features, isn’t so easy. Plus, I won’t lie, it acts pretty non draconic, but hey was worth trying. Expected it.
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Similar thought, although more reptilian. although the thanator doesn’t register as same as me, xenomorphs do. Probably the dangerosity/intelligence here too.
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It’s very, very weird, but dragon shaped. I’d see it as a dragon. A lot don’t. Put it for the same reason as the tarasque, but with wings.
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I won’t lie it’s a bird i expected that, but it’s golden? It eats metals? Maybe some feathered dragons could relate. Where does bird dragon stops, and mythical bird begins? Amusing to go back to the peteu or the serre with this thought in mind.
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If quetzacoatl gets to be a dragon, why not them. I see them as dragons like wyrms. Seems like a fair share don’t! Amusingly, I assume like the sea serpent, it doesn’t mirror wyrms, although the two are very close.
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Yeah fair. Honestly though, it’s strange how so many weird appearance don’t get a pass, but that one does. I assume it’s because they fly, or are very powerful? Since other very reptilian looking chimeras or draconic beasts don’t make the cut. Or pop culture i guess. I see them as beasts like me, but actually not as dragons. I see them as “eastern dragons” which for me is a dinstinctly different creature from european dragons on all level, and probably shouldn’t share the dragon name, which is why i try my best to find another term to use, like long or ryu. I do however make them fall in the category of beasts that are “same as me”, although i usually see them as a bit higher, closer to deity like, in folklores.
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Was curious since “he doesn’t act like a dragon anymore” is something I had heard a few times from dragons. From the people who answered, seems there isn’t much here. I personally do feel weird about how toothless act in the third movie, the whole thing is a bit off. Probably because, like another dragonkin said, they are treated as exotic pets or human adjacent.
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Gidorah is pretty dragon like, not much here, it was mostly to introduce the following. We did get a few no, though! I assume it’s because it’s an alien, or something of the sort? Theories appreciated once again.
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Godzilla is honestly very dragon like. Massive, reptilian, breath weapon. He even protects things sometimes. But seems like for most, he isn’t one. Curious as to why so. I assume the theropod look must have struck again, as well as pop culture making you automatically go : no that’s a kaiju, not a dragon.
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Fair. With the zinogre i wanted to see how far i could push it.
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To the 2 people who answered yes : Wrong. I am judging you. 
EDIT : forgot to say : Feel free to give any thoughts! I’d love to start a discussion
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rodimusprime2017 · 4 years
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Real Name: Holden Price Goldstein
Alias(es): Holden Goldstein, Uni-X, The Bat, King Of The Monsters, The Equalizer, Mike Lowry, The Shapeshifter, Detective Goldstein, The Living Nightmare, True Alpha, Earth's Greatest Defender, Bravo 0-6.
Species: Human
Citizenship: American
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 3rd July 2002
Affiliation: S.H.I.E.L.D, Avengers, S.W.O.R.D.
Status: Alive.
Portrayed by: Mitchell Hope.
Appearances: Captain America: The Winter Soldier(Mentioned), Captain America: Civil War, Spider-Man Homecoming, Black Panther(Cameo), Avengers: Infinity War, Captain Marvel, Spider-Man Far From Home(Cameo) Black Widow(Mentioned).
"Those circus freaks brought the war to us four years ago. Jesus dad, count the dead, tens. What's next? Thousands? How many good guys are left? I'm gonna stay that way."
- Holden Goldstein to Dean Goldstein
Holden Price Goldstein, also known as Uni-X is a Palisades Charter High School student, an Avenger, and the leader of Goldstein pack in Los Angeles. He was raised alongside his sister, Tessa by his father, Dean and his mother, Samantha who unfortunately died during the battle of New York. Causing Holden to have a hatred towards the Avengers.
In 2013, while Holden was on a school trip to Cairo, Egypt with his best friend; Blake Williams, a magnitude eight earthquake struck, levelling the city as the two teenagers were among some of the survivors. The earthquake also caused a massive sinkhole to open, causing Holden to stumble across Ahmanet's tomb and the Universatrix. Using his new found powers, Holden went against the Forever Knights and Albedo as he tried to terroform Earth.
Over the next two years, Holden used the Universatrix's aliens, dinosaurs, monsters and Transformers to fight evil while gaining new forms, new enemies and new allies. In 2015, during the Ultron Offensive on Sokovia, Holden was on-site as he was helping civilians before witnessing the Avengers' destruction first hand. Due to that, Holden begins his one-man war against the Avengers and created the bat legend of Chicago.
When the Sokovia Accords was announced, Holden travelled to London to help stop a terrorist attack on Piccadilly Circus and attended Peggy Carter's funeral to enlist help tracking down stolen chemical gases. He finally got his revenge by defeating nearly all of the Avengers before travelling with Sharon Carter to Russia, and with the help of Nikolai, captured Helmut Zemo who was responsible for the Avengers Civil War, the stolen chemical gases and the attack on Piccadilly Circus.
Holden then travels to New York where h encounters illegal activities of the Vulture, who was attempting to sell his Chitauri  based weapons onto the black market. He then proceeds to help Spiderman on two occasions, at the Washington Monument and the Ferry. After Tony Stark takes his suit, Holden makes Peter Parker a new one before helping him with Liz Toomes. Eventually, Holden discovers the Vulture is Liz's father as he has a brawl with Frenzy, an alien assassin sent to kill him. Peter turns down Holden's offer to become a SHIELD agent as Holden leaves for home.
Holden then encounters Professor Timeline who recruits him for an important mission. After explaining that the dreams were in fact visions of the near future, Timeline sends him back in time to 1995.
Not long after Holden arrives, Carol Danvers arrives on Earth and began recalling her past, with help from him, Nick Fury and Maria Rambeau. Danvers had then also discovered that Yon-Rogg and the Kree Empire had been manipulating her for years, learning from Tslos that the Skrulls were merely seeking to find a new home. With this information, Danvers unlocked her true powers and defeated the Kree invasion on Earth that was being led by Ronan The Accuser, before setting off out to the far reaches of the galaxy to finish what her late mentor Mar-Vell had previously started while Holden returned back to his timeline.
Holden gets pulled into the Avengers conflict when Thanos and his forces mobilize to collect the six Infinity Stones. Finally, putting past aside, he helps Earth's Mightiest Heroes by spearheading the battle codenamed Operation Warlock. Despite Iron Man and his team failing on Titan, it was Holden who was the real as he outsmarted and defeated the mad titan, the Black Order, and his armies. This proved Holden worthy as he became the bearer of the Ultimate Biomnitrix.
Holden is now a member of the Avengers and operates out of Los Angeles to protect his city and world from threats the Avengers can't deal with.
"Your powers and your suit doesn't make you an Avenger. It's how you use them with creativity that matters."
- Holden to Peter Parker.
Expert in Hand-To-Hand Combat - Holden is highly experienced in every form of hand-to-hand combat known to mankind. It comes in handy when he has to get his hands dirty as Holden is able to switch hand-to-hand combat styles quicker then his opponent can adapt.
Ace Pilot - Holden's experience with his flying forms and military aircraft has made him one of the best pilots in the world. He can fly aircraft including Quinjets, Helicopters, Cargo Planes and Fighter Jets.
Tactician - Holden is an excellent strategist thanks to Optimus Prime and Megatron. He is able to formulate battle strategies and his brilliant tactical sense allows him to alter near any strategy to fit the changing needs of the situation.
Expert Engineer - Holden is extremely talented and prolific engineer who is able to fix stuff without the use of an instruction manual. He's also known to create stuff for his forms including nanotechnology for Ultimate Optimus Prime and a vibranium shield for Killmonger.
Expert Marksman - Holden can throw and shoot with deadly accuracy and is well-versed in the use of weapons including guns, missiles and projectiles. Holden also has knowledge of a vast array of US Military weaponry.
Master Spy - Aside from being one of the strongest heroes in the universe, Holden is skilled in espionage, intelligence gathering, stealth, infiltration and sabotage.
Master Acrobat - Holden's training and experience has made him a very skilled acrobat, and has shown expertise in utilizing parkour and air attacks.
Detective - Thanks to his experience as Killmonger(Yautja) and his time at the Los Angeles Police Department, Holden has become one of the best detectives in the world who specialises in all kinds of crime including murder and attacks.
"What did I tell you? Never come empty handed."
- Holden to Sharon Carter.
Universatrix - Holden gained the Universatrix after opening Ahmanet's sarcophagus and bonded with his DNA. Over four year, it evolved from a gauntlet to a metallic watch. It helps Holden fight evil and crime in Los Angeles. After the Battle of Earth, the Universatrix would later then be taken by Azmuth after passing the test.
Ultimate Biomnitrix - The Ultimate Biomnitrix is a more powerful version of the Universatrix with the Ultimatrix included. Holden gains it after defeating Thanos in which he gains more forms but also has the ability to fuse two forms together. Holden now uses it to defend Earth.
Grappling Gun - With his genius in engineering and inspiration from Batman, Holden creates a gas-powered grappling gun to help him disappear quickly and reach very high places. After getting the Ultimate Biomnitrix, Holden integrates the same grappling technology into the Ultimatrix.
Cybertronian Gun - A sword and gun weapon held in Lockdown's armoury. When Holden and Blake to go rescue Carol Danvers from the bounty hunter, Holden steals one of his guns as it bullets can hurt Lockdown, Kree, even Thanos got a taste of cybertronian bullets. Holden has since made modifications including laser sight and scope.
ACR - After completing his SHIELD training, Holden uses the ACR when he can't transform or for stealth missions. Holden upgrades it with a scope, laser sight, grenade launcher, long barrel, and extended magazine for all kinds of stealth missions.
"Los Angeles. California. Home of celebrities, beaches and Arkham Asylum. Not the one from DC Comics. But think of Los Angeles as our very own Gotham. Something like that."
- Holden to Gamora.
Goldstein Residence - The Goldstein Residence is the home to Dean, Tessa and Holden. When Dean moved from London, he chose this house in Burbank. Holden gets visits from cousins, friends and some members of the the Avengers even turn up at his door. Holden uses his room as his base of operations.
Palisades Charter High School - Holden, Blake Williams and Sophia Petrova go to Palisades Charter near Santa Monica in Los Angeles as students. It also had a Lacrosse team which is led by Holden as captain and coached by Coach Shiba.
Los Angeles Police Department - Dean Goldstein's workplace. Holden comes by every so often to during investigations to bring lunch on weekends.
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caribouwritings · 5 years
This is from 2015 or 2016...
This isn’t actually in my fan fiction because I went another route with how I had Skywarp met my oc Hummingbird.
A little backstory about my fanfic that I will never post fully (because it so bad and has a lot rushed areas), Skywarp and Thundercracker are bothers and cousins to Starscream. Skywarp is younger and takes inspiration from his G1 version (jokester, warping) and Animated version (shy, cowardly).
My oc, Hummingbird, is not fighter in some chapters and a warrior goddess in others (good work high school Caribou! Way to plan out your hundreds of robot ocs! 10/10!) but a constant with her is she was a lawyer before the war, she is—by Cybertronian standards—quite beautiful, fearful of heights, and a helpless romantic wanting to fall in love.
(And a side note: later on in my fan fiction after Skywarp and Hummingbird start dating, Thundercracker and Skywarp run away are made wanted Decepticon traitors because they join the Autobots after Megatron tried to kill Skywarp for letting Hummingbird escape)
Enjoy this scene that makes me cringe because of how cheesy it is...
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The night was glittered with a million sparkling stars in the Earth's velvet blue sky.
Hummingbird looked up at the sky from where she sat and wondered when she would meet the mech who will love her unconditionally, flaws and all.
Then she saw a seeker fly across the sky with purple ascents in his design.
Frightened, but not wanting to leave, she tried to remain still, but the seeker must have spotted her because he landed next to the tree near her.
He leaned against it watching her curiously.
Hummingbird tried not to look but the fear that he might shoot her got to her. Nervously, she turned towards him and met his eyes.
Most Decepticons showed their allegiance to Megatron by changing their optic color to red, but instead, this seeker had a captivating set of yellow optics.
They remained staring into each other's optics until he broke the silence.
"You blinked, I win."
Hummingbird became confused, "wait what?"
He suddenly disappeared in a purple haze and reappeared kneeling before her, "staring contest, me vs you. Round two, go!"
Hummingbird tilted her head, "is this a trick?"
"No. And you blinked again," he scooted closer to her, "I win again, Autobot."
"No wait, what are you doing?" Hummingbird demanded.
"I told you," he said, "we're having a staring contest. I thought you Autobots were suppose to be smart."
Hummingbird sat up straighter, "you are not seriously here just to play games!"
The seeker looked amused, "yes I am."
Hummingbird tilted her head, "okay then... I'm thinking of a number..."
"Four." He replied immediately.
"How did you...? Never mind." Hummingbird frowned, "you're obviously testing out a new toy for Megatron."
The seeker snorted, "as if Megatron would trust me. Why? Does Optimus Prime trust all of you guys with stuff like new weapons and information?"
Hummingbird shrugged, "depends... I guess..."
"All Megatron trusts me for is warping placing and retrieving stuff," he then disappeared and reappeared again sitting behind her, he gently and cautiously pulled her back to lean against him, "by the way I'm Skywarp, I like having fun, flying around, and I am in no way planning on hurting you... this is me showing you by the way."
Hummingbird relaxed a little resting against his frame, "nice to meet you Skywarp, I'm Hummingbird. I also like fun but I feel like it might be a bit different from your version, I am not particularly fond of heights, and I am in no way planning on hurting you either."
Skywarp glanced up at the sky, "don't like heights, huh? What if I held onto you? What if I held you close to my chest and you had your arms wrapped around me? Would you be okay with that?"
Hummingbird stiffened up, "no, I don't think I-"
Skywarp smiled down at her admiring her, "you don't trust me yet?"
Hummingbird gulped, "how do I know you won't drop me?"
Skywarp rubbed his chin, "hmm, I guess you don't. But that's the point of trust, right?"
Hummingbird sighed, "I must be really stupid if I'm allowing you to do this..."
Skywarp booped her nose, "alright little Autobot, hop up then."
Hummingbird nervously got up and he got up, only then did she realize she was only two-third's of his height. Along with that, he was well built in strength and could probably snap her in half.
Skywarp stretched, "alright, Hummingbird, you ready?"
Hummingbird nervously backed away.
Skywarp frowned, "you chickening out? But I wanted to show you something cool."
Hummingbird's heel hit the root of a tree and she started to fall, but Skywarp warped over catching her in a bridal carry.
Hummingbird blushed, "uh..."
Skywarp held her close to him giving her a stern look, "I know I look intimidating, but trust me, when I say I won't hurt you, I won't hurt you."
Hummingbird blushed even more, "are you going to carry me like this?"
Skywarp smiled, "yes. Now wrap your arms me and hold tight."
Timidly, Hummingbird wrapped her arms around his neck, "promise not to drop me."
Skywarp warped them away, "I promise."
Hummingbird looked around, they were in the air, surrounded by stars and a shimmering light that changes colors.
Hummingbird gasped softly, "the Northern Lights?"
Skywarp slowly flew around letting her take it all in, "isn't it beautiful?"
Hummingbird nodded, "yes, I wish we could see more places like this..."
Skywarp chuckled, "oh? Well..."
He warped again and this time they were above the ocean and shooting stars flew overhead.
Hummingbird laughed, "this is amazing!"
Skywarp smiled, "and those stars, according to those human creatures, make wishes."
Hummingbird tilted her head smiling, "how do you know that?"
Skywarp blushed, "the Internet..."
Hummingbird looked back up at the shooting stars, "I wish... I don't think I need one."
Skywarp frowned, "everyone needs wishes."
"But you're already here." Hummingbird said, then she realized it and covered her mouth blushing.
Skywarp gave her a puzzled look, "me?"
Hummingbird looked away embarrassed.
Skywarp studied her, "you mean... you like me too?"
Hummingbird glanced back at him, "too?"
Skywarp's cheeks turned red, "I kind of have a crush on you that started the minute I saw you in combat... I know that's cheesy, but-"
Hummingbird cupped his face, "say no more," then leaned in and kissed him quick.
Ask me questions about my horrible fanfiction, it gets worse. I promise! (*`艸´)
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Please, more Primus and Unicron scenarios! Perhaps some headcanons about how they behave when they are jealous?
I didn’t write that scenario, all credit goes to  @anonymous-human-girl think her inbox is closed right now. But I’ll try to take a crack at it.■■■■■■■■■■■■
The Mech is the all-being of space and time! he’s seen the birth and destruction of worlds, including his own.
If someone really wants to endure his wrath, then they must have balls made of vibranium; to think they could get away with lewd flirtation towards HIS human.
He could just snap the object of his jealousy out of existence. But, Primus wasn’t his brother and certainly did not want you to hate him.
So, when your back is turned; he makes his move, with a snap of his fingers the annoyance was gone, and Primus’s holoform was sitting in their place.
You jumped seeing your boyfriend. and wondered where (random name) went? He innocently shrugged and you let it slide.
…Until the next day when you slammed a newspaper down in front of him demanding why your (cousin/sibling/gay friend?) was found atomically wedgied on (famous monument or landmark)!? oops?●●●●●●●●●●●
(he’s a total tsundere everything he says is the opposite of how he feels.)
Cybertronian equivalent to Satan pretends he doesn’t care. Why should he? Just because some unworthy lecherous squib was looking to breed with you!
What so good about you? that disgusting laugh and smile, or way your eyes shine when the sun hits just right!…makes him want to purge.
Unicron feels like acid is dumped on his spark, when the human tries to touch you is when he finally acts, the second you shrug their hand off and go to the bathroom.
With snap of his finger the annoying organic was gone. Unicron begrudgingly took their seat, waiting for your filthy husk to return.
When you did, your sickening sweet voice asked where that person went? Unicron danced around the subject,smirking to himself.
You were very suspicious of him the entire evening, than a few weeks later… when (Random name) finally reappeared looking like hell! They got one look at your boyfriend screamed bloody murder and ran away.
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