#i literally as a stranger on the internet could not ask him for more
Jim got less consideration as another SA victim than the actual r****ts in the story and I'm not gonna forget that going forward when it comes to Lex and Leighton and eveyone else going forward. I think it really sets the tone to what's important to the people involved js
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preseriesdean · 24 days
if you don’t mind me asking, could you share some of your favorite fanfics or authors? thanks ❤️
oh hi hello!! yes of course!! i actually haven't read any spn fic in a while but i have spent a lot of time organizing my bookmarks. i'm going to assume that you meant samdean fic but i'll add a few non-samdean ones at the end.
@zmediaoutlet (deadlybride on ao3)
candle_beck (ao3)
@goshen-applecrumbledore (ao3)
whereupon (livejournal)
Linden (ao3)
sevenfists (ao3)
there are so many more great authors but these came to mind :)
i am going to list my forever-favorites first - the ones i would recommend to anyone and everyone, screaming-from-the-rooftops kind of love - and then many many more under the cut.
beloved by urchinesque (2016, 1.9k, NR, warning: death) It might be the gentlest thing that's ever happened to them.
in my opinion everyone should read this once. it's quick. they die. it's-- happy, somehow. beautiful. i think about it all the time.
Last Day on Earth by candle_beck (2009, 10.8k, E) A list of things to do if you only have one day to live, presented in inconvenient non-list form.
last year my best friend and i were pondering which fic felt quintessential to samdean for us and somehow settled on this one. i still agree with the choice.
Odysseus, American by coyotesuspect (2010, 10k, M) Dean finds Peter O'Toole's recording of the Odyssey in a bin marked “Audio" in Casa Grande's only used bookstore. The place smells like cigarette smoke and old books, and it reminds him of Sam. Stanford era.
my favorite stanford era fic. i think it captures dean's loneliness and desperation beautifully.
A man with his insides out and his outsides off by britomart_is (2016, 5.3k, E, time travel, underage) They say there are only two stories in the world: man goes on a journey, and stranger comes to town.
another fic i want everyone to read. it's so short and feels like a novel. sam is messed up and dean is in love and everything is miserable.
Breathing Hard by whereupon (2009, 9k, E) The day Dean figures it out.
this is so simple and yet-- everything to me. i can't think about dinosaurs without thinking about this fic, which doesn't tell you much, but you'll see. sometimes this is really all you need.
The Last Outpost of All That Is by gekizetsu (2008, 59k, E) The world ends while they’re asleep.
this fic has stayed with me my whole life. i thought about it even during my years away from spn and fandom entirely. they're alone and you don't know why and they build their life together and you end up wondering, is this hell or heaven? whenever i come across a screenshot of the last couple of paragraphs i want to cry.
see things so much clearer by deadlybride (2020, 11.7k, E) Sam's been acting oddly. Dean learns how to use the history on an internet browser and finds out why.
this is a fic that hits the spot for me personally so well. another favorite preseries fic. i love the idea of sam using livejournal, and of dean finding out this way.
Stay The Distance by lazy_daze (2011, 24k, E) Sam is dependent on Dean's touch and closeness after the wall falls - Dean's presence reminds him of why he chose to wake up, and keeps the memories at bay, allowing Sam to function.
i love enmeshment, and i love that here it's literal. i love that they're just sort of fine with it.
more fics below!
in absolutely no particular order whatsover. please check the warnings and tags on these before reading!
Recall by De_Nugis (2012, 6.3k, E) Sam's having a hard time telling what's real and what isn't, especially when it comes to some voicemails from Dean.
Living in god's blind spot by applecrumbledore (2022, 25k, E) Of all the situations Dean didn’t need his dad to see him in, ‘getting off to being pushed around by a guy’ was in the top three. And ‘a guy’ was a massive glossing-over of reality. Any guy—any other guy—would be bad enough, but Sam was fucking cataclysmic.
Almost At Home by balefully (2008, 24.3k, E) Sam graduates from high school in early June in rural Tennessee. He and Dean start the summer with an all-nighter of celebration; the day after, while both fight hangovers, John calls to assign them their first hunt by themselves.
they said it was the fall of man by jukeboxhound (2016, 7.4k, M) Sam gets his soul back on a Monday.
When I Fall Asleep It Is Your Eyes That Close by britomart_is (2009, 1.9k, E) Post-Season Two. Sam is alive. Dean is happy.
Life As We Know It by sevenfists (2007, 13.7k, M, curtain fic) On the morning that Sam woke up, Dean ran five red lights on the way to the hospital, his half-empty coffee cup sloshing in the holder.
tied up like two ships by orphan_account (2014, 3.1k, E) Dean liked to hold hands.
Gospel Truth by Cerberuss (2020, 15.2k, E, case fic) ‘DOES YOUR BROTHER KNOW THAT YOU WANT HIM?’ Individually placed letters, bold and tinged brown with the weather. Sam can’t look away and he prays, dream dream dream.
Buy You A Mockingbird by candle_beck (2011, 10.3k, M, underage, outsider pov) A genuine horror story.
because you want to die for love by hathfrozen (2021, 27.3k, E) Sam and Dean settle into their Heaven—and into each other, too.
the constant vow by deadlybride (2022, 119k, E, fem dean-ish) They've just finished up a pretty standard job and are killing time in snowy Wisconsin when Dean wakes up no longer looking like Dean. That's just the start of their problems.
This Fortress Made of Us by mickeym (2009, 10.8k, E) Sam really didn't do very well without his brother. Coda for Mystery Spot.
State of Love and Trust/As I Busted Down the Pretext by cormallen (2010, 2.9k, M) When you know exactly what your brother's thinking, there are some chances you just don't take.
Quiet with the Rain by Linden (2014, 5.3k, T) Dean can spot an undercover cop at thirty paces, a hooker at twenty, and rims that will match his baby's at ten. But the fact that his little brother is in love with him—that, he can't see worth a damn.
have a cigar by deadlybride (2020, 5.6k, E) What happened with Andy and Ansem unsettles Sam. Dean doesn't seem worried.
Heart Shaped Balloon by winsive (2022, 18.5k, E, underage) Sam and Dad are fighting. No surprise, but it's the weekend before Valentine's Day and Dean isn't missing out on the chance to bang a cheerleader just to console his bratty little brother. He does bring back a heart shaped balloon for him, though. It's not supposed to be cursed.
Bare by gracerene (2022, 2.2k, T) Of all the things Dean hasn't done before, Sam never expected something as innocuous as skinny dipping to be on the list.
Speechless by candle_beck (2008, 11.2k, T, case fic) Dean loses his voice and their rapport is only moderately impaired.
Like It Was Yesterday by nomelon (2014, 4.9k, T, fem dean, amnesia) Sam can't remember a time when Dean wasn't there. Dean is always with him. Sam's whole life, there's never been anyone else.
Like a Ghost with Two Voices by Dyed_Red (2022, 46k, E) To cure Dean from the Mark of Cain, Sam has to let Dean, in all his demonic glory, possess him for 28 days. It goes about as well as expected.
Breathe You In (Choke You Down) by orphan_account (2021, 5.9k, E, pwp) Dean really likes the way Sam smells.
lost in yesterday by margaryes (2023, 1k, NR, john pov) John hasn’t seen his youngest son in 18 months.
Unraveling by Linden (2017, 855 words, E) No, he’d said, the first time Sammy had tried to kiss him, sixteen and half-drunk and stupidly beautiful, even though he’d wanted so badly to say yes.
pack up the moon by deathdreamt (2021, 5.9k, T, pre-slash) Sam storms back out from their room, his backpack on and his duffel hanging off his shoulder and isn’t it kind of tragic that his whole life fits in two bags. He looks suddenly much younger than he is, eyes shining. John is back at his guns, whiskey at his elbow, and Dean can hardly believe how rapidly his life is cracking down the centre.
Yesterday, minnesota by applecrumbledore (2022, 30k, E, case fic) Any initial awkwardness filtered away over a hundred miles of highway as Sam thumbed through the missing witch’s diary again. Some people had secret coke habits or secret second wives, and some people had passionate, pitch black, no-kissing sex with a family member every four to six months and never talked about it. You had to find ways to cope.
All Heartless Spectres, Happiness by orphan_account (2021, 5.6k, E) Lisa Braeden receives an email with the subject line, "You Deserve to Know." It contains a single video file and nothing else. (soulless sam)
The Palm Oasis by fictionallemons (2022, 12.3k, E, underage) John strands Dean and Sam at a middle-of-nowhere motel while he investigates possible demon omens in Arizona. The place is nothing to write home about, but at least it has a pool. Dean resolves to think of this as a vacation for him and his studious little brother, but when their money runs out sooner than expected, he considers turning tricks at a nearby truck stop so he can feed Sam.
Other Brothers by homo_pink (2020, 7k, M, underage, outsider pov) A callow boy can go from infancy to someone’s lover in the space of two wildflower summers.
Leader of the Pack by astolat (2007, 14.9k, E) Teaching old dogs new tricks.
Underground Wires by eggnogged (2012, 15.8k, E, fem sam, underage) It’s hard enough being a teenage girl even without all the extra crap: they move around all the time, her family is as far removed from normal as it’s possible to get, and she’s in love with her older brother. Sam has no control on any of it, she’s just trying to stay afloat.
Multitude of Sins by Linden (2015, 4.4k, T, outsider pov) Every now and again, Jim Murphy would look up from his altar and find the Winchester boys at the back of his church.
Like Arrows in the Hands of a Warrior by ADeedWithoutaName (2018, 10.3k, E, underage, dub con-ish, john pov) John Winchester loves his boys, and would take a bullet for either of them. He knows that he's doing it right, the way he's raising them, the things he's teaching them. Not every problem, however, has an easy answer. Like what to do after an incubus case in which their target got his pollen all over both of John's sons.
You Can't Lose What You Never Had by nigeltde (2016, 5.6k, E) You can't spend what you ain't got, and you can't lose what you ain't never had.
Flagstaff by Linden (2014, 7.3k, T, pre-slash, john pov) John tracked Sam down in Flagstaff, four days after he got home to find him gone.
I'll take my chance on a beautiful stranger by fleshflutter (2007, 3.8k, M, outsider pov) If Chase were a better friend, he might try to end the game now, before Brendan loses even more money. But if Brendan is a dick at Stanford, it’s nothing compared to how he is on break.
Cupid's Got A Gun by geckoholic (2012, 13.5k, E, non-con) Fuck-or-die, set in early S4. But they've been fucking for years, so that shouldn't be a problem, right? Wrong. Ever since hell, Dean's in no hurry to get that show on the road again.
Someone Else's Blood by sevenfists (2006, 6.7k, E) The first time, of course, was an accident. (pretend dating)
How Many Floors to Realize by lazy_daze (2009, 26k, E, swesson) AU from the end of It's A Terrible Life, in which Zachariah decides to keep stringing them along a little while longer, because damn if they aren't somewhat entertaining, right?
Worthless cartography by applecrumbledore (2022, 15.6k, E) Dean didn’t know what finally made him go for it. The djinn’s dream was a catalyst, but the call was coming from inside the house, and he’d been letting it ring for a very, very long time. (They get one night together right before Sam is taken to Cold Oak. Dean has to deal with that.)
The Space Between Sense and Memory by orphan_account (2021, 4.8k, T) There are a hundred unwritten rules on all the acceptable ways brothers should touch each other. There are hardly any ways at all to break them. Or; five times they follow the rules and one time they don’t.
Ions in the Ether by nigeltde (2019, 10.9k, E, case fic) When was the last time you trusted happy.
Crossed Wires by rivkat (2015, 10.9k, E) Dean thinks Sam is dead.
Crown and Anchor Me (or let me sail away) by Sena (2010, 23.7k, E, underage) Sam Winchester is fifteen years old, at yet another new high school in yet another state, he doesn't get along with his distant, distracted father, he's figuring out that he likes guys just as much as he likes girls, his clothes never fit and his limbs ache at the joint ever since his growth spurt started, he has to study for the PSAT and, oh yeah, he's a little bit in love with his brother, Dean, who's taken a break from hunting monsters to work at a local garage for minimum wage.
Wear Him Lika a Habit by sevenfists (2008, 2.2k, M) Their first kiss isn't an accident. It's anticipated well in advance, discussed for weeks, argued over, second-guessed.
Amor Prohibido by phoenixflight (2020, 3k, M, underage) They spent the spring of Sam's sophomore year living in a shitty apartment south of San Antonio. Every Friday night the clearest channel played three hour marathons of a Spanish soap called La Casa del Corazón. There was a mutually understood truce about watching it, because the alternatives were infomercials or creepy kids’ cartoons that futzed into static every fifteen seconds.
Open Road by Mollyamory (2010, 2k, T) Sam's old enough to know what's good for him.
It's the Blueprint of Your Life by queenklu (2011, 38.4k, time travel) Sam jerks awake in the middle of the night and everything goes to hell. Well, not literally, though Dean is staring down the barrel of less than a year before his deal comes due. In the midst of dealing (or not dealing) with his impending death, a killer ghost ship, and Bela showing up out of the blue, Dean also has to figure out what’s going on in Sam’s head to make him so twitchy, why he’s suddenly breezing through this case while writing endless notes in a notebook he won’t let Dean see.
North of Wednesday by Mollyamory (2008, 3.5k, G) Sam's behind the wheel before he realizes he doesn't have the keys. Coda to Mystery Spot.
non-wincest fic.
dean/omc. We Drank a Thousand Times by glorious_spoon (2010, 43k, M, warning: death) They meet in a bar fight in North Carolina when Dean is nineteen, broke, and desperate, then again when a hunt brings the Winchesters into town a few years later. Neither one of them ever puts a name to it but every once in a while, through the years, Dean finds his way back.
dean/cas: terror & desire intertwined by rupertgayes (2022, 39k, M) Faced with Castiel suffering a fate worse than death, Dean makes the decision to let Cas use his body as a temporary vessel. All things considered, Dean thinks, it could have gone worse.
gen, sam&dean: what lasts by deadlybride (2021, 17.2k, M) Not long after they move into the bunker, Dean loses a leg. Most of a leg. After the hospital, Sam brings him home, and they figure out how to live with what remains.
gen, dean-centric: To Repair Broken Men by procrastin8or951 (2015, 3.1k, T) Dad and Sam keep fighting. Dean can't fix his family, so he fixes things around the crappy apartment they are staying in.
dean/michael: our hour came round at last by orphan_account (2015, 1.8k, NR, pwp) "I want to be inside you," says Michael, low and velvet and hungry and that really shouldn't turn Dean on but it does.
dean/lucifer, dean/cas: exploratory by sp8ce (2022, 4.9k, E, non-con) One night, Castiel proposes he and Dean have sex. Except it's a little more complicated than that.
dean/cas: for a healthy heart by Askance (2013, 2.4k, T) A strange black box appears in Castiel's bedroom one afternoon.
gen, sam&dean: charmer & gentle by Askance (2015, 3.7k, G, outsider pov) The afternoon girl calls them Big and Tall, the strangers who come in late every now and then, buying this or that. The night girl doesn't think those names fit quite right.
dean/cas, past sam/dean: whose wings, though tattered, shall carry me home by fleshflutter (2009, 2.2k, T) There is a breeze moving across the field. It stirs the long grass in lapping waves like the sea. Castiel runs his fingertips through it and remembers flying.
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scaredcrab · 1 year
A match! (drabble/hc)
Character: ☼ Wukong x Reader; ☾ Macaque x Reader ☽
✐ Context: You got a match in a dating app!
✐ Category: Funny. Cute. Romantic.
I never used one of those apps before, so I'm basing this solely on what I saw from posts and videos on the internet.
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☼ Sun Wukong:
✐ Probably it all started when MK noticed how alone his master seemed to be.
✐ To help, Mk would create the account for Wukong, a thing that the monkey was totally against, but he decided to give it a try to please his student (or maybe he totally wanted some new company).
✐ Your profile did catch the Great Sage's attention easily.
✐ The description said that you like animals, and your hobbies included cooking, baking, and watching a lot of different series that he particularly liked too (the adventure ones with clear inspiration on JTTW).
✐ An animal lover would be perfect to deal with the Monkey King and his little monkeys, the fact that you were into making food was a huge attractive, and it was clear that watching TV would be a nice activity since you two shared similar interest when it comes to entertainment.
✐ And your cute profile picture showing off your beauty kinda made him more interested in this whole dating idea.
✐ Happy news! His solicitation to talk got accepted! Soon the two of you were babbling about your favorite shows and other common interests.
✐ If you choose him as your match, your profile probably stated that you were in search of someone funny. His profile picture was a blurry pic of one of his little monkeys with a puffy cheek for eating an oversized piece of fruit.
✐… And seeing this interest in amusing men, made Wukong put all his goofy charm on display, you would laugh so much while chatting to him.
✐ The fact that your online crush has martial arts as one of his hobbies listed on his profile did get your eyes too. I mean, who doesn't enjoy the concept of a strong person that know how to defend themselves?
✐ Ok, you had to admit that the idea that he would have a sexy fighter body also made you interested.
✐ When you asked for a photo of him, you had to ask him to "turn off the cute monkey filter he was using".
✐ He didn't manage to make you believe that he was in fact the Monkey King, he had to take a photo of him in human form (but continued to say that this wasn't his original appearance, and you laughed at his "silly joke")
✐ When the moment of the first date finally happened, you arranged to meet in a humble cafeteria, but busy enough to have almost all the tables occupied.
✐ Sun Wukong appeared in human form to avoid any type of outdoor confusion. Happiness fuelled him by seeing how things just clicked naturally between you guys.
✐ But when the date ended, and you two were ready to say goodbye, you gave him a surprise kiss in his nose and he literally transformed back in front of you.
✐ A poof sound was emitted in the air, revealing a ginger monkey with a scared expression. Silence tainted the surrounding for a bit, until your partner broke it.
"Uuhhh... Well, I'm the Monkey King, just like I said before... Yey?"
"That was... Kinda cute." - You said with shocked eyes and blushing cheeks.
✐ With you knowing who he really is the dates got more interesting, he took you to fly in his cloud, to see his land, to know his monkeys and his successor, to watch him training.
✐ It would take a long time for him to work up the courage to ask to be your boyfriend.
✐ After plucking up the braveness and arranging a cute, and romantic date, he would appropriately propose (or as appropriately as he could manage).
☾ Macaque:
✐ Macaque was probably bored and searching for any distraction when he downloaded the app.
✐ He thought that playing with one stranger feelings was a fun idea.
✐ Soon he found your profile that wasn't just the perfect victim, it was quite of charming to him too.
✐ First, the profile showed a beautiful frame, elegant, yet simple.
✐ The description informed that you were a "night owl", a person full of flaming passion to give, with meditation and writing novels as the main hobbies, but reading and watching theatrical plays as activities you enjoyed too.
✐ It was more than clear that you two would talk about good stories. His interior artist was crazy to show his many shadow plays to someone special, Macaque just didn't want to admit it openly.
✐ Of course, you had no trouble getting interested in this captivating and attractive figure.
✐ The profile picture showed his dazzing human form, and the way he described himself clearly highlighted his dramatically theatrical side, so poetic and mysterious at the same time.
✐ The two of you would spend late nights talking about different ideas for dramatic scripts, judging movies and book scripts you might be seeing, and sharing gossip about any interesting celebrity drama.
✐ Any time you had a question about how something would work mechanically in a fight, so you could write in your book you would talk to him, as the profile made it clear he was a fighter.
✐ Even more fun was asking side effects of specific blows, such as how a person feels after receiving a kick in the chest.
"I'm going to research how much a person bleeds after being stabbed."
"You need to specify how the cut was, if it is superficial, only a few drops will come out of the cut, if it is a larger tear, the blood will come out more quickly, but it depends a lot on the severity of the blow."
"... Wow... You totally have to help me with my book. Let me give you more details..."
✐ Mr Six Ears started to build some unconscious expectations after seeing how enchanting you were. Any amount of flirtation coming from him was returned by you with an even more effective dose of sweet talk.
✐ The monkey didn't notice, but over time any notification he heard made his own heart flutter. Your passionate side was slowly making him delirious with strong emotions.
✐ You set up your first date at a memorable restaurant, sure it wasn't the most expensive in town, but the high quality was remarkable.
✐ Even though the place was full of elegant people, he couldn't take his eyes off you.
✐ Flirtation filled your table conversation, both of you dedicated to making the other feel attractive. You mostly praised his voice, making clear that to you his voice was much prettier than the singers in the background.
✐ In the end he pulled you in for a kiss in the expectation of messing with you, having fun playing with you, but what he felt was something too good for him too.
✐ Subsequently, the end of the date made him notice how he was actually feeling.
✐ He didn't talk normally to you for a month (a thing you didn't like at all, it's super common for people to disappear after the first date), but after that break he got more intense, he clearly had something to tell you.
✐ A date was arranged at the theater where he works. After a beautiful shadow play presentation in which he told the story of the legendary Six Eared Macaque, he called you backstage for a chat.
✐ Macaque showed his true form, he was ready to be rejected for lying, but you smiled as if you already knew he was probably a demon.
"You weren't exactly discreet about your supernatural abilities, I saw you grab a bottle of wine from the shadow of our table on the last date."
✐ The next few dates got better and better, and not long after he found himself officially dating you.
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the-voldsoy · 5 months
Parallels/references/a couple theories about TMAGP EP1:
grouped in order of actual theories, vague things i noticed, and even vaguer comments! (using the same terminology as in TMA for ease)
HEAVY Spoilers !!
“Colin, mate, you know you’re never getting out of here” +won't leave until they figure out the errors “Or they finally kill me” → couldn't quit the Archives because they thought they just wanted to understand and know (but later found out they could only get out by dying or blinding)
Lena talks about cake → Mr Spider doesn't like cake + Elias seemed to love the stuff
pub called The Seward -> Peter Lukas vibes?
“There has to be a way to do this online” → haha ! you wish. (AKA supernatural interferes with internet so it cant be dont online)
“There's this box for a "Response 121" on the form.” → MAG121 is the episode Jon is woken from his coma/brought back to life by Oliver Banks
Talk about how there used to be a separate “Response” department → Elias tells Jon its their job to watch, not interfere (iirc)
Old as shit computer → old as shit tape recorders
AKA: the computer seems to be the only thing that can handle the supernatural
“ "Dolls comma watching" or "Dolls comma human skin" “ → violently Stranger and possibly Eye, has me in mind of MAG24 (the one the Calliope is first mentioned in, where the boyfriend is turned into a doll iirc) 
Barely understandable, long as shit file names →barely understandable, long as shit files names by Gertrude 
[in response to where the files go] “some long dead database that no one will ever look at or care about” → the Archives were unmanaged, decrepit and barely used by anyone outside of them
Work during the night - no sun, cut off from outside world → worked in a basement - no sun, cut off from outside world
Martin (and later Jon) taking the statements → did the same in TMA but in reverse (although I’d love to know if there's any reason behind them being called Chester and Norris, besides what's stated?)
Haha Martin and Jon (and Jonah) are now part of the World Wide Web → shit now they're part of the Web (just like with the tape recorders !!)
Someone talks about how they're sorry, they should've listened, couldn't face not hearing him again → martin @ jon and vice versa
Stranger statement with hints of the Dark → first TMA statement was a Stranger in the dark, and it does put me in mind of the Anglerfish tbh
Sorting system for the statements (although there's is a Lot more detailed and v different) → Smirke’s Fourteen
Gwen openly does not like Lena → literally anyone @ Elias
Asked if they were tricked into working here → well, we know the Archives and Elias
“The awful, terrible thing that landed you here?” → most of the Archives (excluding Sasha and maybe Martin) had something that made them Marked, that mostly led to them working there
Someone who's into spelunking listed the Institute as “cleared” → who could that be (if we know them at all)? Buried avatar, i'd guess, but we don't really know any of them
Photos of the Institute don't show up → photos of the supernatural don't work
The Institute was “weird”, made the subject paranoid → lingering Eye
Fire twenty years ago that burned the Institute → Like the fire at Hilltop Road? Or like that time Gertrude tried to burn down the Institute?
Third floor was the most burned → assuming that's the top floor (and correct me if i'm wrong), wasn’t Jonah in (and later killed) on the top floor?
“offices like little cells” → employees were certainly trapped ! also Millbank Prison
Worried non-existent doors were going to slam shut → the Distortion
Weren’t any papers → left behind before the Institute came to this Somewhere Else (assuming it's the same Institute)? (we need an actual name for the original universe and this Somewhere Else)
Suspicious stains on some floors → my darling, that is blood ! or possibly squished worms, or ink. or possibly something Else
“an old wooden thing with a bunch of similar symbols on” → genuinely unsure what this could be
Strange symbols → For all the Fears, or just the Eye, i wonder? I think i remember them saying something about an Eye symbol at this point, but now i can't find where
“you get a job, I get a fresh victim. It’s all in your contract.” → Elias @ his employees
 “To new beginnings, with old friends” → to a new beginning, with our old friends Jon, Martin and Jimmy Magma :)
“You’re not as clever as you think you are. You think you've got us all fooled, that no-one knows you're listening, But I do. I know. I’m going to find you and then…” → hi what did he mean by this
They (jon, martin & jonah) are Watching and Listening and following through technology→ just like Elias (Panopticon vibes tbh) and Sergey Ushanka
Vaguer (idk if theres anyhting here, but wanted to include it anyway):
Alice loves coffee -> Martin loved tea
Meeting in a cemetery → Sasha with Michael pre-prentiss attack, Naomi Herne 
Not wanting to stay at home because it's full of memories → Jon moving with Georgie, Martin moving to the Archives
Gwen Bouchard wants Lena’s job → Bouchard (appeared to) climb the job ladder quicker than he should have
Heh bug list → corruption
 “You don’t seem like the usual hopeless wasters Lena hires” “The awful, terrible thing that landed you here?” → okayy no need to be rude. But anyways the OG Archives crew were actually pretty disconnected from the rest of the world +were barely there by choice?
“freight cars near Brighton” → hey where did Melanie get her first Slaughter mark ?
“it’s not too awkward working with an ex?” → Georgie and Jon?
FR3-d1 -> i feel like there's something there, but i cannot figure it out
Just words that made me irrationally scared:
Starts with a party for someone leaving → couldn't quit the archives
“ …you are perfectly within your rights to resign. No one is forcing you to stay here.”
please put any opinions/additions in the tags !!
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b4tasquad · 1 year
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Authors note: the lack of beta squad related stuff on here makes me sick every time i open this app. therefor i’ve made it my mission to not only revive the beta squad # but also find others that love them as much as i do. please hmu if you like them, i beg 🙏
Warnings: eh nothing really. just language, lmk tho.
“I still don’t get why we couldn’t have someone else in her place.” Niko stares intently on the flat screen facing him, eyes set on you getting placed in position in the other room.
When the YouTuber got told that they’d be filming a blind date video like this, he was excited. Not only would he see two people spend a long amount of time with a complete stranger, but he’d laugh and joke about it while getting paid. It was a win- win situation. What he hadn’t seen coming was the special guest on today’s episode being you, his girlfriend.
Now, he had to watch guys try to flirt and win you over, and had to fake being happy about it too.
“The people wanted her.” Kenny shrugs from his seat next to him on the comfortable sofa, eyes on his phone but still knowing who his best friend was talking about. He was referring to the post they made on their official account, asking people to comment who they wanted featured more in videos. Majority of the comments asked for you, another famous influencer in the Uk, who had been spotted around the guys before.
“My girlfriend, really?” He still feels uneasy. Not in a million years would he think you would ever leave him for another guy, but ideas that the internet would start shipping you with someone else were entering his head. It made him feel sick.
“That’s what you get for having a secret relationship.” AJ replies making the rest of them break out into mocking laughter. The group knows the internet would break your relationship into bits, overanalysing and picking on everything but they still found humour in how mad their friend seemed to be at the thought of his girl being on fake dates
“So funny.” The tall boy rolles his eyes. When AJ, Chunkz and Sharky sat behind him doesn’t stop laughing, he makes a move to hit every single one of them. “Shut up.”
Fortunately, they’re told to get into position, making them ultimately shut up. The camera got set up and the person behind them giving them a signal to start.
“Today we have a special guest!” Kenny introduces.
“It’s me.” You speak flatly, hearing his words through the mic in your ear. “I’m the special guest.”
You can hear the guys groan hating the lack of happiness in your voice. Keeping up his role and hiding the fact that you were in a committed relationship, he clears his throat. “You gotta be more enthusiastic than that. You’re on beta squad, we’re giving you a chance to make a name for yourself.”
If you hadn’t been on camera, you would threaten to break up with Niko, but since you were you tried a different approach. “You’re almost speaking like I don’t have more followers than you. Bitch I’m making your career.”
“A round of applause.” Sharky tells at your bite back, and Niko side eyes him knowing of the small crush he had on you. It wasn’t hard to tell really, the guy took your side on literally anything and smiled stupidly at the things you said.
“Niko could you zip it, we’re paying her for the minute don’t drag it out.” You can’t help but laugh in your seat at Chunkz’ words, nodding in approval at his humour.
“Anyways.” You continue, eyes set on the camera as you cross your legs. “Let’s get into the video.”
The boys introduce the idea for the video and that’s when you remember this is the first time they’ve done it on their channel. Basically, you’re going to be going on an arranged date with a guy, and the group have certain stages you had to go through to help you find ‘your perfect match’.
As Kenny concludes the whole thing, you can’t help but roll your eyes and sigh. “ I’m not even looking for a guy. I’m all good.” You tell, a little smile on your face as you think of your lover. As if catching on to it, Niko also stupidly smiles in his seat, feeling much better about it now.
“Contestant one.” They call out and the next second, a blonde walks into the little setup. From across the table you thin your lips a little as you look over him.
“She hates him!” Chunkz cackles, pointing at the scene on the screen. “Did y’all see that little lip thing? This gyal is crazy for that one.”
Niko grins to himself.
“Hey.” The guy greets, and to be polite you get up and hug him, muttering pleasantries. You’re going for a friendly and comfortable hug, your arms loosely wrapping around his middle. The guy on the other hand tightened his hold on your waist, hands creeping down.
“Hell no.” You push away, a disgusted laugh rippling out of you at this actions. “D’you not have shame? Mans tried to grab my bunda before introducing himself. Get him out. Can I vote people out?”
The four other members, slowly look towards Niko, watching almost fearfully as he gets up from his seat, not caring wether the camera was still on. He wasn’t thinking logically, only feeling anger as someone got handsy with his girl. You’re laughing at the guy, not even giving him a chance to explain himself when Niko storms in, eyes set on the unknown guy.
“You, get the fuck out.” He points towards the exit. Behind him, the rest of the guys run after him, calling for their friend to stop.
“Niko, chill.” Sharky tells him, coming up to him and stopping him from doing something stupid. You’ve completely frozen near the table, never seen your boyfriend so mad.
“I’m not going to stop, what the fuck? This lad is proper mad, trynna grab her.” At his words you finally snap out of your shock.
“Let it go.” You plead with him, coming to stand besides him. Still wary of the countless eyes of contestants and others, you make a note to not touch him and plead with your eyes instead.
He silently nods, but he’s not done. “He’s out. Or me and y/n aren’t doing the video.” To someone who only know you two as influencers, they must think Niko is crazy. Not only raging, but threatening to leave the video for a girl he didn’t know that well must’ve seemed crazy.
“Why are you so mad?” The guy who minutes before tried to touch you questions, standing a good distance away from you guys.
“Don’t fucking speak, you little shit.” You tell him, sick of him. Because of him, your boyfriend not only got uncharacteristically mad, but the guy you didn’t know had managed to make the whole thing weird.
It wasn’t a question for the rest of the beta squad, without even a second of thinking they got the guy removed of set, him cussing him out as they do so.
“You good? Can we continue?” AJ asks, his question directed to the two of you. Niko’s chest was heaving, and with the lack of eyes on you now, you take a hold of his hand, kissing the back. It seems to relax him a great deal.
He nods. “Yeah.” Letting go of your hand, he leans down to hug you close to him, secretly kissing your covered neck, whispering a little “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay baby.” You tell him, nodding to give him even more reassurance. “Don’t worry about these guys, I don’t want anyone but you. This is just a video.”
Even though he doesn’t seem completely content with the idea of it, he seems to feel much lighter than a few minutes ago. Now, seemingly in the joking mood again, he huffs a laugh. “I should’ve smoked his jaw.”
Kenny is the first one to break as he hears the words, imagining Niko in a fight. After that, the rest of the guys fall into heavy laughter, and you can’t help but let out small giggles yourself at the thought of your funny and problem solving boyfriend getting into a physical fight.
As if you’ve betrayed him, he looks at you with widened eyes and an open mouth, before addressing his friends behind you. “Stop laughing!”
They laugh even more at that.
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gutterfuuck · 1 month
more bff mark please i beg of youuuuuyuy
bff!mark headcanons + extra — !
i haven’t done these yet + i think maybe i would like to give more context/background to bff mark? i am not sure haha. mdni, somno mentioned, stalking, yandere(? i am not too well versed on this), suggestive, lowk incel behaviour if u squint, lmk if u think i missed anything, this is kind of rushed!
i feel like he definitely has glasses… has to wear them, but doesn’t. he always either forgets or doesn’t want to, complains about them leaving red marks on his nose bridge when you ask why. starts wearing them a little more occasionally when you comment on them being cute, even if the frames were a little too thick. he settled on contact lenses when he started high school. i also think that people forget that mark is a NERD!! we have all seen how geeky he was when he went to comicon with amber.
gets nosebleeds quite frequently. they started to get worse when you dressed in less and less clothing during the hot summers, loses his marbles when you show up in a white shirt. at first, he would try to claim that all of the times he had thrown water onto you were accidents; starts telling you that he wants to have a water fight. it was summer after all and you both wouldn’t be in your 20s forever. you could still get away with being just a little bit irresponsible.
has a reddit that he retreats to whenever you get a new boyfriend. complains to his audience of literally two strangers about how he’d been in the friendzone for as long as he could remember, makes threats towards the men that you date on the internet using sock puppet accounts. uses those same accounts to target you, sends you pictures of your address and tells you things that only YOU could know. this seems to work in his favour more often than not; you’d call him in a panic and he’d be right there, patting your back and holding you as you sobbed about your creepy cyber stalker with the knowledge that it was himself. on the topic of that, he STALKS your socials. he has an album in his camera roll dedicated to candid pictures he has taken/found of you.
likes to watch you sleep. we all know this. he also likes to touch you in your sleep, likes the fact that you’re so trusting and would never suspect your best friend of doing such things to you. he gets off on the sort of power dynamic it puts you both in, likes the thrill of wether you’ll wake up or not and catch him in the act. he just wants to make sure you’re okay, he promises!
gets super clingy and whiny when you have other friends over or when you’re hanging around other people, hates it when he can hear you laughing at other peoples jokes.
“but we have plans today…!” he almost pouted at you when he had woken up to find you already dressed and finishing up your makeup in his little mirror. mark had panicked when he’d opened his eyes and couldn’t feel you anywhere next to him on the mattress. when you stayed over usually you’d be asleep until the afternoon, that was when mark would shake you conscious with a cup of coffee in his hand that he’d make for you. you only chuckled at him, keeping your hand steady as you drew the wings of your eyeliner. who were you getting all dolled for? why didn’t you get dolled up for him the same way?
“we have plans for later. i can’t bail again, i already didn’t go yesterday because i came to stay with you, they’re all gonna think i’m a no-show.” you said back, eyes flickering to the left and the right, trying to see if you had gotten your eyeliner even. “when you say it like that it makes it sound like you were forced to come over.” he crossed his arms over his chest, trying to disguise his jealousy with a lighthearted joke that didn’t feel like a joke to him. the vibes in the room seemed off, almost as if tension was building. you gave him a look, stomping over to where he laid in bed and placed your head right next to his, staring into his eyes.
“it’s only for a couple hours while i go shopping. plus, i need you to head over to my house, take the chicken out the freezer before we’re eating at burger-mart again.” you were so close. your face was only a few inches away from his, he could’ve kissed you. he wanted to. “you remember where the spare key is? right under the plant pot?” you questioned, moving away from him to observe yourself in the mirror. in his mind, you had gotten all dressed up and pretty for him and him only. “meet me back at mine for six-ish. do you want me to get you anything?” mark almost shot up out of his bed when you had said that. six?? ish??? that could mean you’d be out for later! “‘six-ish’?” he groaned, glancing at his twenty four hour clock. 11:35. you couldn’t possibly be shopping for the whole day, that definitely meant that you’d be out out.
mark knew where your spare house key was, and it wasn’t underneath the plant pot. it sat in his top drawer under a mess of his clothes. that wasn’t your spare key, it was his key. his own personal key, given to him by you. he hated when you went out of town but loved the fact that he’d have free reign over your room. “chicken out the freezer, six pm sharp-“ he started, moving the cover off of his body before you shook your head, correcting him, “six-ish. i’m not sure when i’ll be back.” you smiled, mark wanted to throw up. he couldn’t believe that it had gotten to the point where he wanted to physically be sick when you told him you wanted to hang out with others.
he’s extremely overprotective of you. almost always by your side, people have started to think that you’re dating him. mark gets so happy he feels like he might pop when you’re walking through the mall together and someone trying to sell something addresses you as “the lovely couple”. he relishes in little moments like that, cutting the part where you would tell the person that you were just friends completely out of his brain.
he’s made you break up with a few of your boyfriends. or rather, he’s made them break up with you. aside from terrorising your partners (past and present) through the internet, as soon as he had gotten his powers he had started terrorising them in real life, too. you just thought that all of the guys you dated had a serious case of leaving your dates and finding their cars crushed like a soda can, their houses being ransacked and near enough destroyed when they decided that it was time to have a second date, regardless of the car.
mark loves it when it’s just you and him, no room left for other people. he loves it when you’re alone, his head in your lap, your nails stroking along his scalp as you both kept your eyes on the screen, mark’s mind distant from whatever you were watching as he bathes in the soft pets you gave him. he’d keep anyone away from you if it meant that it’d just be you and him together forever.
he’s not stupid, he knows that your friends don’t like him. he had supersonic hearing for fucks sake, he caught what one of your friends had said about him when he had walked away from the table you were sitting at to put his stuff away in his dorm room. “he’s so… weird.” “are you really okay with him touching you like that?” “he’s dick repellent.” and mark would grit his teeth behind the wall he walked by with his fists clenched. he wanted to tear them all in half. “if you have a problem with him, then i have a problem with you guys.” you’d respond jokingly, though had all intentions of cutting them off if they were to double down. he’d blush, holding his face in his hands, suddenly absolved of all of the anger he held.
debbie refers to you as his girlfriend when it’s just him and her, giggling at his sudden nervousness. he wished you were his girlfriend, dreamt of the day he could roll over in the mornings and kiss you awake, holding you close to his chest… instead of rolling over to your sleeping form, debating wether he had enough time to touch you before you’d wake up slowly, eyelashes fluttering awake.
mark loved your room, it smelled just like you. it felt just like you, felt as if he was breathing you in and looking right into your soul. entering your home and walking up the stairs straight towards your bedroom, he’d flop down face first onto your bed, inhaling deeply before checking the time on his phone. 5:25. you’d be home soon, hopefully. he’d completely forgotten your instructions, he was supposed to have left his house to take the chicken out of the freezer as soon as you had gone in the early afternoon. he’d stayed home to go through the dirty laundry, looking for the pair of panties you had taken off the night before so he could stand with the shower running, your underwear wrapped around his dick as he jerked off with them, mumbling to himself about the things that he would do to you if only given the chance…
“mark?” you called, leaving your shopping bags in the hall while you closed the door, locking it behind you. you went to check the kitchen, looking for the familiar shape of the chicken on the side, rolling your eyes when you realised that it wasn’t there. maybe he wasn’t even here! you didn’t mind too much, he had probably forgotten. you’d almost jump out of your skin when you entered your room, not expecting your friend to be on your bed, laying on his stomach, eyes closed and mouth slightly ajar as he snored ever so quietly. he looked cute, hand folded under one of your pillows with his hair all messy, his eyebrows furrowing occasionally in his sleep. your hand hovered over his head, stroking his hair back, “maaarkusss…” you’d say in a sing-song voice, grinning when he looked up at you. mark sat up, the side of his face a little wet from drool, your pillow had a wet patch from where he’d slept.
“you can sleep on that pillow tonight, then.” you laughed, pointing to where he had salivated on your pillow. mark grumbled something about you getting makeup patches all over his pillows and he still slept on them, yawning and stretching before he looked over to his phone, tapping the screen to look at the time. 8:47. 8:47..!? he looked over to your window, noticing that the sky had started to dim. he then jumped up, panic settling in, “i- the chicken, freezer- i’m so sorry- how long did you let me sleep for?” he stuttered, walking towards your bedroom door to head downstairs, “it’s okay, we’ll just get takeout again. my parents left some cash for looking after the place while they’re away.” you sat at your mirror, mark breathing a sigh of relief as he sat back on your bed, watching you wipe off your makeup, “also, i’ve just gotten back. i’m sorry i was late, you must’ve gotten tired waiting on me, huh?” you rubbed your face with the makeup wipes, messily piling them up on your desk as you used them, you’d throw them away after you were done.
mark almost snaps right there, you said six-ish. it was almost nine. he felt betrayed in a way, like you had lied to him. he had to recuperate for a second, remembering that you had a life of your own, you were your own person. but it wasn’t fair. he wanted nothing more than for you to be yourself, but he wanted you for his own. this was so painful. “what happened to six..ish..?” he asked, tilting his head at you. you looked at him from your mirror, eyes meeting with his, “funny story, actually. can you believe that i had to walk back here, all the way from the mall? nobody had a ride! the cars were full..!” oh. so that’s why you wanted your makeup off as soon as possible, you had near enough sweated it all off walking back. you smelled good, natural. he wished you had worn a tighter shirt today, he would’ve gone crazy seeing the wet patches below your boobs from your sweat. he had expected you to tell him that you had gone to one of your friends houses. this was a pleasant surprise.
“you should’ve called me- we could’ve flown back. we haven’t done that in a while, i miss it.” he missed the way you clung onto him, face buried in the crook of his neck with your legs wrapped around his waist. “i didn’t want to bother you. you could’ve been out doing hero shit.” you responded, standing up from your desk and opening your drawer, pulling out your pajamas. a spaghetti strap tank top and a pair of matching shorts. “you could never bother me.” he mumbled, eyes fixed on you as you walked out of your room to the bathroom to get changed. “that’s really soppy, grayson!” you called from the other room, his face red when he realised that you had heard him.
he gives into “peer pressure” a lot. and by peer pressure i mean that he sees you doing something and wants to partake. you smoked a little pot in college? mark wanted to try. you wanted to do endless shots at a party? mark would be stumbling back to your dorm room with you. he wanted to be cool for you, even if that meant making himself look like a lightweight.
i will be adding more to this, this was just something small until i can get my head together and finally rewrite my longer fics!! for those of you who followed for my grayson&grayson fic, you can unfollow if you like! nothing against you, you are welcome back when i do rewrite and release it!
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gold-snek-hoe · 4 months
Hello and welcome to Opinions from an Internet Nobody. Today's essay:
"Ger therapy" is the new "You need Jesus": One Weirdo's Navigation through Cultural Shame
This is a supposedly well-meaning sentiment that is often weaponized against people who are behaving outside of perceived cultural norms. It's a favorite of homophobes who see queerness/transness as a mental illness, but I've been seeing it used to demonize kink (which historically is often linked to queerness), and more generally any "weird" behavior that makes people uncomfortable.
For example, otherkin, systems (especially those with fictives), and people who take fictional characters as partners. Y'know, "weirdos" who "can't separate reality from fiction." And, sure, sometimes there can be a problem with that distinction, but I know as well as you that most internet strangers saying "get therapy" don't actually give a shit about the mental health of those they target. It's code for "your behavior makes me uncomfortable, stop it."
Same sentiment as "you need Jesus."
This has actually taken me a long time to figure out. I've been in therapy for my entire adult life, working through various traumas, severe depression, anxiety, all that. Those were the biggest problems as they negatively impacted, and often endangered, my life. It was only after my hospitalization in 2020, where I was finally put on much needed medication, that I could start to grow into myself.
I changed my name. I top surgery. I came out as polyamorous. I finally got my official autism diagnosis. Now I'm fuckin' married! But... there are still things I'm working through in therapy. Mainly, shame over my "weirder" behaviors. My current therapist has been a huge blessing in helping me accept the things I was too ashamed to admit.
Now, I feel comfortable enough to share.
I'm otherkin. Always have been. My connection to my humanity is tenuous, and I'm sure that's connected to my autism. When mad, I feel phantom horns sprouting from my forehead. I have a tail that swishes back and forth at the base of my spine. In my soul, I am monstrous, and years of therapy has not erased that.
I feel like I'm only half in the physical world most of the time. This doesn't hinder my real-world success (I graduated college Summa Cum Laude, have an IMDB page, and am on my third book), but informs the way I look at the world. There's a whole other universe in my head that hums along with me in my day-to-day. That's part of why I'm so skilled as a writer. To ask me to divorce from that is to tell me to stop existing. Sorry, it's how I've always operated.
Lastly, and this is the one I'm really anxious about, I have a fictional husband. Now, looking at my blog, you might say "yeah, no shit," but I don't just ship myself with him. I mean I practice pop-culture Witchcraft, and the Goblin King is my patron. I mean I have a Labyrinth-themed tarot deck that I talk to him with. I mean I held a ritual to spiritually marry him. Basically, I Snape-wived myself.
And guess what? My therapist isn't concerned. It's not hurting my ability to live my life. I have other interests, hobbies, and goals outside of him, which he actively encourages in all our tarot sessions! I wouldn't be doing this if he didn't support me. My IRL spouse is usually there for whatever magical shit I'm doing, and supports me! Some of my closest friends know, and the only complaint I've gotten is "this guy seems important to you, I wish you told me sooner." Hell, my MOTHER knows and supports me, which is huge, because our relationship was pretty damaged after I came out as trans.
If you have a problem with the way I live my life, when literally nobody else does, take a good long look at why. You don't give a fuck about my mental health. You just don't like that I'm weird.
Tl;dr: My mental health is better than it's ever been since embracing the weird, so leave me and my imaginary husband Marak Sixfinger alone.
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starluvsx · 8 months
★𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞
𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Word count:742
Proof read: yessirrr
WARNINGS: reader being like harassed by some guy,swearing,anxious matt(ik that might cause flash backs for some of you), reader is mentioned as 'internet famous' , threats of violence
A/N: came up with this on a whim so it’s probs not my best writing
𖦹 𖦹
“Can you just do it for me pleaseeee” Matt begged as we sat at the McDonald’s table looking at his wrong order.it wasn’t even just slightly wrong,it was a whole different meal.he had ordered a 10 piece meal and got a Mc chicken.
Normally I would’ve just gone up and said something but I was quite literally in the middle of eating.like 17 fires stuffed in my mouth. “Matt you are a grown ass 20 year old man, you can tell them you got the wrong order.”I said with my mouth full
He looked at me with an annoyed and nervous face,smacked his arm against his side a bit and then eventually grabbed his tray and anxiously walked up to the counter to tell them the order was wrong. I love him but he has to break out of his shell and stop being so nervous.
The face he made as he walked back to me with a tray of the right foods was enough to make me burst out laughing (this face😐). “See, was it that hard? ''I said with a shit eating grin as my boyfriend sat down in front of me with his food that he actually ordered.
“Never again, that was so awkward oh my gosh” he said as he shook his head beginning to eat his food.i dismissed his dramaticness as I turned back to my food.
Matt wasn't big on parties.he almost never went to them in highschool and continued that streak Into adulthood.but tonight was different.I had somehow dragged him to a party.mainly because if he didn't go with me than I would've have had to go alone.and ya'know a 19 year old girl who also happens to be internet famous at a party alone didn't sound super good.so he hesitantly came along with me.
Once I had gotten pretty tired of dancing in the large group of people I decided I would head over to the bar where Matt was standing with a drink which I could only assume to be coke. when I was about 5 steps away from my boyfriend a sweaty hand gripped my shoulder, immediately startling me. "hey uh, could i buy you a drink?" a man drunkenly asked me.
"Oh no thank you, I have a boyfriend" I said with a sweet smile on my face so as to not escalate a situation that didn't need to be escalated.the sound of my voice immediately made Matt shoot his head up from his phone, becoming aware of the predicament I was in.
as I tried to walk over to my boyfriend in question the man's grip only tightened. "who that guy?"the man asked sarcastically. "I could treat you better in 5 minutes than that scrawny guy could in a lifetime, he wouldn't even know what to do with you" the gross man continued.now that I knew what he meant by buying me a drink I was much more uncomfortable than before.
but nonetheless, still wanting to keep my cool I respond with a simple "I have a boyfriend, dip shit, leave me alone"while trying to get out of the man's grasp.
"didn't you hear her the first time,let go of her" matt stepped in and said.although matt wasn't one for getting confrontational or angry even, when he did it was fucking scary.
"what you gonna do huh?"the stranger teased, "You're like 5 '8 and 100 pounds, get outta here and leave her to a real man" he continued.he had now let go of me but was getting dangerously close to matt.
"ill slit your fucking throat if you so much as take another step closer to either of us"matt responded,voice now lower and more serious.i would like to say he was just saying that to scare the guy off but i couldn't sense one bit of bluff in his tone.
"ugh whatever"the guy said before turning around and walking back into the sea of people dancing and drinking.matt then grabbed me by the waist to bring me closer to him
"Let's go home"was all he said before practically dragging me out of the party,not that I needed much help with wanting to go home anyways.
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Kind of long. Ranting about the ST fandom because I need to get this out of my system.
What I'm about to say doesn't really matter as such, because there's about 5 people here who I've somewhat befriended here anyway. But I'm done with this fandom and the people in this fandom. Not all of them, but a lot of them anyway.
The hatred, the absurdity, the creepiness, the toxicity. It's too much. I got into this fandom because I adored jamie (and I still do. Always will.) I've never really met him but from what I've seen, he's sweet, kind, and REALLY TALENTED. So as much as I'll continue to follow him, I've decided to part ways with this fandom. Through the blog anyway. Maybe being a silent fan was always the better option, because having this blog (and a now inactive page on Instagram) has burst my bubble.
When I say this fandom, I mean the ST fandom as a whole. Not just the jamie fandom. Where do I even get started?
Hating Millie Bobby Brown for talking too much and being too loud and rude when she was a literal child. As if you guys were real mature kids who'd behave at a press conference if you played a big character in a big fucking show.
All the hate grace van dien recieved for simply addressing the chemistry she thought Chrissy had with Eddie. Calling her obsessed with joseph- her actual real life friend- on a blog/page dedicated to Joseph Quinn - who probably doesn't know you exist. Who's more obsessed here? You're allowed to have a celeb crush or simp over a fictional crush or whatever but learn to separate reality from fiction and stop hating and hurting real people over fictional characters.
Knowing Joseph Quinn is a private person and yet so many people disrespecting his privacy at any chance they get.
The hate Eduardo Franco gets for talking too much or for his looks.
And an endless list of toxic things in the jamie fandom alone. (I probably missed out on plenty other shit that happened in the ST fandom in general because I wasn't ever involved with it in detail)
Jamie being asked to sign a marriage certificate by a fan. Even if it was fake, if he says he's uncomfortable you STOP. Just because you paid for an autograph doesn't mean you're entitled to get whatever you ask for. He has the right to deny, and when he does, you respect his boundaries and back the fuck off. You don't ask him for a refund when he doesn't even handle that shit.
Overanalysing everything he/the person he is around says/does. Breaking news: everything a person does doesn't have to have a masterplan behind it. They're people. Let them fucking breathe.
Leaking his music even when he specifically asked not to. Support his work ethically maybe?
The recent hacking: Jamie specifically asked not to engage and yet people went on and engaged and were surprised when they got blocked. It's common sense that sending hate to a hacker won't actually make them stop hacking when they have the option to simply block you. By pissing the hacker off you only make Jamie's work more difficult. Sit back and let him handle things by himself maybe? He's an adult with a good enough team who can sort the hacking out for him.
Shipping characters, having a celebrity crush, indulging in fanfictions. It's normal. But keep it to yourself maybe? Nobody wants to see a stranger on the internet showing them their sexual fantasies with them. Try imagining yourself in his shoes, it's uncomfortable as fuck. He is too polite to point it out directly, but some of y'all don't get the fucking hint when he indirectly expresses his discomfort, do you? You pass it off as a joke.
I could specifically list down at least 5 more things but they'd be an attack to specific people and I don't want to get into an argument with anyone or genuinely attack anyone personally either.
All I'm saying is that this fandom is fucked. I miss the times I was oblivious to all the drama going on, but my bubble has burst now, and I can no more look at a video/post related to stranger things and not remember the negativity attached to it. I need to get my head clear at least for now. So I call quits. Maybe I'll return some day but I hope it's not anytime soon. It doesn't matter anyway, apart from the few friends I made here. But I had to say this. It was in my system for way too long.
Please don't spread hate x
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justmystyles · 10 months
Hey, you are literally one of my favorite writers out here. I honestly love every piece you've written, it's just all really really really good. (guess I am not as good with words as you, oops)
Anyway, I am so glad your requests are open. I was wondering if you could write something where the reader comes from a difficult family. emotionally abusive mother, distant father, eldest daughter syndrome, all that jazz.
So she's sort of moved away but still keeps in touch with her family cuz she does sorta love them but it's hard. So it's like she's got some body image issues and she's closed off, pretty funny but likes to use humor to hide her feelings, has a lot of acquaintances but doesn't like sharing herself with people much (why do I feel like I am describing someone specific lol)
And one day it all just becomes too much ig. I don't know exactly how the story goes, guess I am just looking for some comfort. had a weird few days.
Honestly, love you work. You're great. Thank you for reading that bs. Doesn't matter much if you decide to write it or not. You're already perfect. <3
Let's talk about this ask I got a few weeks ago, shall we?
First of all, I am honored to be considered one of your favorite writers on here, your words are so sweet and I love you.
Now, getting down to business, this ask genuinely made me cry because I know this reader. I am this reader and it was truly terrifying that a stranger on the internet described me so well to me. As soon as I read this, I knew it was going to be my next series, and after weeks of taking down notes and ideas, I finally started actually writing it today.
It'll still be a bit before I start putting it out there, this premise means so much to me that I want to really take my time and do it the justice it deserves, but I have included a little teaser for you below the read more so that you can get a taste of what I'm working on. I've also tagged my tag list peeps so that you all can see what I've been up to.
I'll still be working on NYIML and the other asks I have (if you sent me one, I love you and I'm working on it, please be patient, life has kind of blown up over the last week or so).
You would watch on in awe, watching the music come to life, watching Harry work. From time to time, you would meet his gaze, noticing a softness in his eyes that warmed your insides. You brushed your feelings off, reminding yourself that Harry was just a kind person. He probably looked at everyone like that. He would often invite you to join the group for lunch, or drinks after a successful session. You always declined politely, certain he was just asking to be polite. 
But Harry wasn’t just asking to be polite, and those looks that he threw in your direction were different than the way he would look at anyone else. He was fascinated by you, he felt like he needed to know more. When he met you, he thought you were beautiful, and the refreshments that you had laid out showed how kind and thoughtful you were. But he knew there was more to you, and he couldn’t wait to find out all of it.
You truly were the studio mom, always making sure everyone had what they needed. You would bring coffee and breakfast in the morning, make everyone’s lunch orders, or reservations if they decided to go out. But you would never join them. He found that curious, but also disappointing. He understood if you wanted to focus on work while you were all locked away in the studio, hoping to take those lunches and extra curricular times to get to know you, but those moments never came. 
He had asked your coworkers about you, hoping to gain some kind of intel that could help him break the ice. Everyone told him how sweet you were, always asking about them and their goings on, but often changing the subject when the conversation would turn to you. He also learned about how funny you were. He would have never guessed, based on how quiet you’d been around him. He figured some of that was because of his celebrity status, he was used to people being shy around him, but they would typically warm up over time. You hadn’t. 
There was a bit of worry in his mind that maybe you had an issue with him. You weren’t cold with him, you had always been incredibly kind in your interactions with him and that threw him for a loop. He racked his brain, trying to think of anything he might have said or done to upset you, but nothing came to mind. Perhaps you just weren’t a fan of his? Whatever it was, he was determined to figure it out. 
One afternoon, he was coming back from lunch and he overheard you talking to someone in one of the studios. He lingered by the doorway, he knew eavesdropping was wrong, but he was desperate. 
The conversation wasn’t much, you were just talking about a television show, but he heard the excitement in your voice and couldn’t help but smile. You sounded so cute. And then you laughed, and he could have died right there on the spot. You had an incredible laugh. He wanted to do anything to be the reason that beautiful sound came out of your mouth. 
Harry was so distracted that he didn’t notice that you were coming out of the studio. You weren’t expecting anyone to be standing there, so you bumped right into him. 
“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry Harry.” Your eyes were wide with panic.
He put his hands on your shoulders to steady you. “Don’t be. That was on me. It’s what I get for zoning off in front of doors.” He chuckled. 
You smiled politely and nodded at him. “Are you okay? Do you need anything?” 
“I was actually hoping to talk–”
He was interrupted by the ring of your phone. You pulled it out of your pocket and saw your mother’s name flash across the screen. “Crap, I’m so sorry it’s my mom. Do you mind if I take this?”
“No, not at all. You should always take calls from your mum.” 
“Right,” you scoff. “You’ve never talked to my mother.” You answer the phone, walking away quickly. 
He noticed your posture stiffen when you answered, and he hoped everything was okay. Once you were out of sight, he left, returning to the studio. “Y/N is taking a phone call, she’ll be right back.” 
When you finally returned, you apologized with a smile on your face, but Harry could see the sadness in your eyes. You took a seat at the computer, and he came up behind you, placing his hand softly on your back. You subconsciously relaxed into his touch. 
“Is everything alright?” He asked. 
You put on your best fake smile, which he immediately saw though. “Yeah, thanks.” 
He wanted to press, but he knew it wasn’t the right time or place. He also wasn’t totally sure you even liked him.
@allthelovehes @ameerakane20 @ash-craze @bethanysnow @blue-ballad @blueraspberryreader @brightlightsinlife @creativelyeva @cute-as-ducks420 @deannaard @fanficismydrug @gem1712 @golden-hoax @gothmingguk @groovychaosavenue @hillzrry @iceebabies @indierockgirrl @jerseygirlinca @jng4kook @jooniesbabie @kaverichauhan @laurxn-robinson @lexiecamposv @likeapplejuicenpeach @lilfreakjez @mrs-anna-styles211994 @n0vaj3an @potterheadandsherlocked @rach2699 @ravenclawdirectioner @stylesfeverr @superchrystaldrug @tenaciousperfectionunknown @tiaamberxx @thechaoticjoy @theekyliepage @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @youknowwhaaat
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just-french-me-up · 10 months
hey hi i'm buzzing with the need for dreamling fic recs if you would be so kind as to point me in your favorite direction pls pls pls
Oh friend, you asked and I shall ✨ deliver ✨
of my misery make thy use by @qqueenofhades (Explicit - WIP - 129k so far - In Universe, but with some tweaks, Rescue fic) Dream is Roderick Burgess' prisoner, in all his silent, sullen, naked glory, and has given up on the thought of anyone ever helping him out of there. Even Hob Gadling. Especially Hob Gadling. In fact, he's quite sure the man never wants to speak to him ever again, regardless of his current predicament. A bummer, really, because he also happens to be married to him. (Listen that fic has slain me EVERY WHICH WAY, it has EVERYTHING, it will take you PLACES (literally), it's rewarding as fuck, has OCs to die for, just... just read it, ignore the WIP status, what's there is absolutely chef's kiss)
the unknown and static strange by @qqueenofhades (yes, again, listen, if i loved you less i might be able to talk about it more bla bla bla) (Mature - WIP - 69K so far (nice) - Dubious AU status, Memento mets Academia, Modern day with a twist) Professor Robert Gadling, under cut rocking, weird dreams having, and trauma suffering, discovers a strange piece of undocumented art that seems to follow him everywhere he goes. The Regis Somnorum won't leave him alone, and as he tries to follow that thread, a whole mysterious tapestry unfolds, putting everything he knows, or thought he knew, into question. (This fic is a fucking delight, it's just KEEPS feeding you "oh shit" moments and suspense and revelations and the pacing just keeps you on the edge of your SEAT. Again, IGNORE the WIP status I BEG OF YOU, read it, devour it)
This Rough Magic by @avelera (Mature - WIP - 36k so far - Rescue fic with a twist) Hob Gadling never fancied himself a mage or a warlock, but dabbled enough in the occult to pick up a few tricks over the years, all in the hope to communicate with his Stranger. A stranger, he later discovers, who is trapped under Roderick The Fucking Magus Burgess's manor. Now, he may not be the best magic wielder there is.... but Burgess doesn't know that, does he? (There are some VERY clever things in this fic, everyone is written to a T, I love a fic where my loathing of Burgess can burn from the brightest flame and at the same time have him not like a cartoon villain but a full human being! Can't wait to see where that goes!)
if you just let me (have you, love you) by Lost_Elf (Explicit - 25k - Human AU - Adult Film Actors AU (I see you tumblr, restricting words these days, I see you) Both very prominent in their own niches of the Internet, Dom-BDSM-oriented Dream and Vanilla-centered Hob cross paths and plan what could be (or so their managers hope) the collab of the century. And they might learn a thing or two along the way. (Listen, I read this on a whim, I wasn't too into Human AUs at the time, I was up for some smut that day, and this fic is a LOT more wholesome than the subject lets on and really gripped me! Lots of very nice details in there! And also, you know.... smut)
by the minute by @issylra (Explicit - 11K - Human AU, Sex Phone Operator Dream) Dream has a bet with Desire : he has to manage a phone sex line for some time. He's not thrilled by it. Callers are... unimaginative and unoriginal, to say the least. Except one. He has a very nice voice. He's funny. And he sounds just about as lost as he is, in life. (The tags make it sound super raunchy but it's more about developping attraction through someone's voice and getting to know someone through the phone and falling in love and.... it's just lovely, it's very sweet, it's like a little blanket with a warm cup of tea, really)
Now I KNOW this is not what you EXPLICITELY asked for but.... dare I suggest..... something with an OC thrown in the mix? Cause that's just adding a fun player to the game, with added stakes, really!
as heart for heart, for loving me by @kittttycakes (hello darling) (Explicit - WIP but soon to be finished - 151k so far - Canon compliant - OT3 if there ever was one - How to polyamory, a guide for Dream of the Endless, a primordial being who needs to use his goddamn words) When Dream finds Hob at the New Inn, he's ready to open up a little. Be a friend. Be a little more than that, though he can't quite articulate it. The only issue with that is that Hob has a girlfriend. A live-in girlfriend. A very much serious girlfriend. Dream tries his darnest to hate her, and finds he can't quite bring himself to. (It's soft, it's lovely, it has angst, it has smut, it has fluff for days, it has developping relationships GALORE (plural) and it's just a nice read to switch up your rotation, cause the potential for situations is tripled now!)
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if-you-feel-lonely · 2 years
hi!! i was wondering if you could write hcs about wilbur soot falling in love with and eventually dating a shy baker girl? like, she's super sweet and shy and isn't super loud or outgoing and she just kinda likes to do her own thing and bake sweets?
aaaaaaaaa this took me ages to get to but hey, better late than never!
I did assume this was cc!wilbur since you didn't specify, so I went with this. do correct me if I'm wrong, though! I love this prompt, so I'll happily redo it :>
Wilbur Soot falling in love with the sweet baker girl!
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Oh my god when he saw you
He physically went 😳
It starts with him coming in every day
He literally has no reason to come in as often as he does, he doesn't have a sense of taste
It's not the pastries he comes for, though
It's the baker behind the counter that's even more sweet than her treats
Sooner or later, the daily visits turn into flirting
Well, him dancing on the line between flirting and joking whilst you listen and laugh
And later on, it blossoms into friendship. Well, what friendship you can see for seeing each other for maybe half an hour every day.
In a burst of confidence, you finally managed to respond to his hopeless flirting
"Do you have an extra heart? Because someone just stole mine." "Heart transplants? Already? At least take me to dinner first." "Happily. How does dinner at my flat sound? Maybe half six tonight?" "Sounds like a plan." "Great. Pick you up here?" "Sounds good!"
You know that clip from the "Wrong Number" comedy skip where the comedian suddenly sighs and says, "OH MY GOD THAT WORKED."?
Both of you.
He seriously didn't expect you to respond like that. Not that he's complaining, though!
That evening, you go to his flat
Upon seeing his guitar, you start asking various questions about if he plays and what songs he plays - that sort of thing
Something between the two of you starts to click, and you both notice
Without realising, you start going on more and more dates
It starts off as once a month, then maybe every two weeks, then every wednesday evening, and then lunch at yours every friday afternoon
It's not something that you really discuss, it just happens
The fact that he has a girlfriend only really sinks in when he's discussing relationships with Tommy on stream
"Wilbur, how many dates have you been on recently? Are you getting many women?"
"Actually, I've been on quite few, recently."
"Getting all them hoes, eh?"
"Jesus Christ, don't say that to anyone, please. It's been with the same person; we've been going out for a while now."
He never goes any further than that, though
Chat knows he has a girlfriend, but they don't know much more than that
He wants you to have privacy, and broadcasting you across the internet is not the way to go about that
He might talk about your dates or the things you do together, but other than that, he tries to avoid talking about you while streaming
He's very shocked to discover that you're genuinely just that nice
He always assumed it was one of those things where you act differently around strangers, but when you warm up to them, that changes
But no
You're just an absolute sweetheart!
Occasionally you might have days where, after a long day of work, you don't want to go out
On those days, you sit in either of your beds, and just exist with each other
Maybe you read or watch a film or something like that
all in all, 10/10 relationship
would recommend
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armpirate · 4 months
Soundleasure | Choi San || CH. 6
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Pairings: Soft!San x fem!reader || Strangers to lovers, fake dating
Genre: smut, angst, fluff, online sex, ghosting
Warnings: inexperienced!San, fem!reader, masturbation, online sex, camboy, first times.
Summary: You can do whatever you please and be whoever you want on the Internet. And San knew that a little bit too well.
After finally following all the signs the universe was throwing at him, he started living a double life that no one was aware of. Everyone in his daily life knew him as Choi San, the reserved and quiet boy who wouldn't raise his voice, and would barely communicate with anyone outside of his comfort group. But only a few knew him as Soundleasure, the man with a sexy voice and a filthy mind that had their toes curling just with his narrations.
He never thought of the possibility of those two lives ever meeting, he had always tried for them to follow a parallel route and had always played safe to keep his friends from ever suspecting that side even existed. But his plans will start to crumble when he gets a little too close with one of his subscribers and she invades his real-self and altergo's universes without being able to stop it.
Y/n will not only help him to keep his secret from his circle, but will also show him there's more of Soundleasure in him than he'd like to admit. 
Previous || Next
Aprox. time of reading: 14 minutes
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Y/n stopped in the middle of her office, finally lifting her gaze from the screen of her phone to see a big bucket of pink camellias invading her desk. She pursed her lips in her confusion, looking back at Jennifer's desk to find her in her business, head almost stuck to the screen as she worked on one of the sheets she had asked her to take care of.
—Jen —the girl lifted her head, looking around lost as she tried to tell where the voice came from—, can you come here for a second? —she waved her hand, getting her secretary to get that move from the corner of her eye.
She moved almost instantly, dragging her office chair as far from the desk as possible to make a subtle trot to where her boss was.
—The delivery man sent it this morning while you were in a meeting —she let her know—. They're beautiful, aren't they?
—Umm well, they aren't my favorite type, but they're cute —she shrugged.
—I believe there's also a note —Jennifer let her know, pointing at the bucket.
Y/n stepped towards the bucket, finding indeed a pale blue note among the flowers. When she took it, she could see Jennifer's playful smile waiting for her to read out loud the note, although she opted to read it silently instead.
"I adore you, as certain dark things are to be admired -in secret, between the shadow and the soul" xx
—It just has a Pablo Neruda quote on it, with a few words changed —she mentioned as she frowned—. Did the delivery man say who it came from?
—No, he just asked for you and left it in your office since you weren't here —Y/n tilted her head at Jennifer's information.
For a minute, she hoped those flowers would be coming from San. A cheesy, yet distant way to try to get her attention back after literally disappearing from everywhere but Soundleasure, but she knew it was just that: hope. Someone that disappeared that way and didn't dare to give an explanation as to why he didn't ever reply back to her wouldn't bother sending flowers. And it wasn't like he knew where she worked either.
Could be they were from the new match on Tinder that would take her on a date later? Although the quote in the note didn't make much sense. But it wasn't like she expected anyone there to be a perfectionist with something like that to know what that quote meant.
—Anyways —Y/n rolled her eyes, dropping the note to her desk—, how's your sister? Did she adapt well to college?
Not long ago Jennifer seemed more stressed than usual, always taking guilty looks at her screen to go back to the computer's monitor and enter a cycle that seemed exhausting from afar. Until Y/n asked her to her office to learn what kept her so distracted. The fact that her little sister was moving in to Boston to start the new semester there, while Jennifer wasn't able to assist her because she needed to be in her workplace made her be everywhere, but nowhere at the same time. At least until Y/n managed to give her a few days off so she could be able to guide her, and take her to all the important places she'd need to know while she stayed there.
—I think she adapted better than I ever did —she joked—. Thanks again for those days off. I know it wasn't the best time to be missing.
—Don't worry. I managed to work well —Y/n tried to calm her down—. You've always done a good job, and you've never missed a day. It was the least I could do for you.
Jennifer's smile widened at Y/n's words, feeling proud by the several praises she threw at her while reassuring her everything was alright.
—Do you need anything else?
—No, sorry to have bothered you with that —she shook her hand in the air, pointing at the bucket—. You can go back to your things.
Jennifer smiled and nodded one last time, giving her boss one last look before she stepped outside the office, closing the door behind her. The focus in her work lasted two minutes only, before she could sense the tension from everyone outside. As she lifted her eyes from the screen, she saw everyone in her team, including Jennifer, looking at the four people carrying boxes filled with their things. All of the members of her team lowered their gaze, looking back at their tables with guilt as their ex colleagues walked past them.
She knew everyone was worried about the ramp down, that was why she held a meeting with the team to reassure them that they were going nowhere. She gave no explanations as to why, she just let them know it was certain they'd keep their jobs. Although her choice not to tell why her team stayed, while the others had to go without two members each, had her receiving accusing looks almost instantly. Of course everyone would think her team was kept intact because she was the big boss' daughter, instead of thinking she did something that neither of the other supervisors would think of doing. And it wasn't like she expected anyone to reduce their salary for someone else either.
If she felt uncomfortable before, it got worse after it was known who was leaving the company. It was evident. When she stepped in a room, everyone either shut up or changed their conversation drastically -and she had been there long enough to tell when the conversation made no sense because they weren't talking about that since the beginning. And it got even worse with the people at her level, throwing condescending looks at her because she managed to get her staff intact, because she thought she was "better than them".
It didn't matter how uncomfortable she had to feel, it was the price to pay for her position. Being one of the managers, and at the same time the daughter of the one in charge of everyone, wasn't an easy task. Definitely not emotionally.
She remembered a few years back, when she first joined the company as a normal agent, and as soon as it was known whose daughter she was, when she drove almost every day back home while crying, barely able to see through the blurry vision. She stepped inside the office and she was alone. Her supervisors gave her the cold treatment because they knew she would receive a promotion no matter what, her colleagues ignored her because they only saw her name and not how she was carrying the work of the whole team on her back. And just when it all started getting better, everything was going back to that dark place she thought she managed to leave. With the only difference that she grew some thicker skin, evolving those tears into some unexplainable rage and some muttering nonsense that she hissed to herself until she closed the door to her penthouse.
And that day would be no different. She kept ranting while being stuck in traffic, saying out loud everything she wasn't allowed to say back in the office because she was expected to keep her composure.
—Y'all think you could do my work better than me... Fine, take it. I'm so fucking done at this point —she huffed, rolling her eyes as her hands worked on the wheel—. Jesus fucking Christ, why couldn't my dad just let me stay at home and be a proper daddy's girl? Why do you —she pointed at her reflection in the rear view— also need to prove anything? Seriously.
At that point she was more upset at herself than her situation. She hated how weak she felt, how she allowed those looks and unheard comments get to her, when she had no reason to let them all get over her mood like that.
—And why did I even agree to go on that date now? —she sobbed, getting inside— You're so dumb, really.
It wasn't like it was going to be something new. That guy probably would try to shoot his shot, try his luck with her while being an ass, and probably would run away as soon as he saw that wouldn't work with her.
She was too busy talking to herself, regretting her decisions, to be able to calculate the moves of her car properly. Before she was able to, a cracking sound was heard above the music that was playing on the radio, making her heart stop almost instantly.
If she doubted things could get any worse, there was the confirmation that indeed they could. She moved the wheel all over again, redirecting her car and giving it more space to fit into the space, just seeing the black paint of her car on the orange column. Her heart stopped when she got out, to check the disaster her distractions made. And right at the worst time, because she had just enough money to make it through the month. That repair was something she probably wouldn't be able to handle anytime soon.
"Why couldn't this happen last month?"
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San had his two hands in his pockets, overhearing Wooyoung and Mingi bickering on each of his sides, using him as a shield whenever the other got too heated up in the conversation.
—I'm just saying you always choose what we eat when we go out —Mingi complained.
—That's not true. Last time it was San the one choosing.
—But San's are always a good pick. We ended up in McDonald's because you insisted on going to the empty Greek restaurant.
—Because we always eat the same —Wooyoung replied back, stepping forward to be able to see Mingi.
—There are a lot of Greek restaurants in Boston, and you took us to the worst one —his index accused him, pointing towards his face to remark the fact that their lunch was more expensive because of him.
—Didn't we eat already? —San sighed, stepping in to put a stop to an argument that had been going for way too long— Wooyoung could have no idea it was a shitty place, it's not his fault. It's already done, so let's just enjoy the rest of the day.
—Thank you —he applauded, dedicating him a complicit smile.
He could understand Mingi's annoyance. With his scholar salary, Mingi made enough to pay the bills and treat himself to something every once in a while. It was fair he was annoyed because he spent that part of his money on food he didn't even like. But blaming Wooyoung for it wouldn't change things. He didn't make them eat there on purpose, San knew he was already feeling guilty even if he hid it with that sassy attitude that got both of them on their nerves sometimes. He was certain his friend was already thinking of a way to make it up for them, even if there wasn't anything to really make up for.
—What if I buy you some ice cream? —Wooyoung walked in front of San, now standing between the two.
—Ice cream? Do you think I'm six? —Mingi inquired, frowning at the suggestion— Ice cream and I pick what we watch on TV today.
—Aren't the boys coming over tonight though? —San reminded, sure that both of them had mentioned how the group would reunite in their apartment.
—That's true —Wooyoung gasped.
—Then tomorrow. I pick what we watch tomorrow.
San couldn't help but smile when he realized the argument came to an end with Wooyoung wrapping one of his arms around Mingi's neck and ghosting his stomach with the bandaged one, while he just tried to keep walking and get away from his embrace -even if that meant dragging him on their way to the ice cream shop.
He was immersed in the silence that peace brought, at least until Mingi spoke again.
—Hmm? —he barely lifted his head to him.
—Isn't that your girlfriend?
Girlfriend? What girlfriend?
San looked confused at him, frowning while his friend just gave him a concerned look before he pointed to one spot in concrete to redirect San's eyes there.
All the muscles in his body tensed when he indeed saw Y/n from afar, trying to think of the best way to get out of there smoothly, but just being able to damn himself for ever bringing up that she was ever his girlfriend.
He understood why his friends were looking at him like that. Meters away, Y/n was smiling cozily to another taller man, tilting her head as they talked. To them that looked suspicious, and it made complete sense from their perspective.
—No, it's not —San assured—. The ice cream shop is in that direction.
—Sannie, that is your girlfriend —Wooyoung confirmed—. She just... cut her hair?
At that moment was when he regretted showing him a better picture of Y/n, where it was easier to spot her features. He never thought they'd ever come across her in the middle of the street, he actually never thought he'd see her or talk to her ever again, but there she was.
Either he did something, or he'd have to give a lot of explanations after Wooyoung pulled a scene. Which was something bound to happen by the way Y/n and that boy kept getting closer.
Y/n looked at Oliver, finding herself surprised at the way everything turned out quite well. He picked a coffee shop to have a good chat, crowded enough for her to feel comfortable, but not that crowded so they wouldn't be able to keep up with what the other said. And he was also a ten physically, with those big green eyes that made his caramel short hair stand out. He was the best thing that happened to her on that awful day, and it was a reality that she'd go on a second date with him if he ever talked with her again after they parted ways in a matter of minutes.
—Before I forget, thanks for the flowers.
—What flowers? —he asked, with a timid smile.
—Oh, it wasn't you? —she frowned.
He shook his head again, leaving her back not knowing who was the person behind them. Although it wasn't like she genuinely cared about it. It probably was someone in the company playing with her.
Oliver stepped a bit closer, making it clear at that point what his intentions were.
Her tongue moved over her lower lip, moistening it up and getting ready for something that was obvious to happen. Their heads moved to link their lips together, there was no way that anything could ruin that.
But oh, how wrong she was.
She wasn't allowed to advance much more, before her lips collided against a dry and soft surface, opening her eyes wide to find a different face receiving a kiss on the cheek.
—What the fuck is wrong with you? —Oliver pushed the boy away from them.
But he held onto Y/n's arm, pulling her to him while she just tried to get rid of his grip. She stopped resisting when he finally turned to her completely. Confusion, shock and panic slowly left her body to be replaced by rage.
—You —she squinted her eyes at him.
—I need you. Just one second —he begged.
—Do you know him? —Oliver questioned.
His expression totally changed in a matter of seconds. That cute and soft smile was gone, and he was giving her a furrowed look, filled with annoyance. His tone was also harsh on her, as if she was the one to blame for what happened.
—Yeah, but...
San held her arm, with a desperate grip that wasn't that hard to hurt her. He just wanted her to follow him inside the coffee show she was standing outside of, away from the curious looks his friends were probably giving them.
—What are you doing? —she finally asked, getting away from his fingers when they reached the corridor to the restrooms— One day you disappear, and the other you get in the middle of a kiss? What's wrong with you?
—I know I messed it up big time with you. I know I have no right to ask anything from you, but I seriously need your help.
Y/n scoffed, thinking he had to be playing with her. San wasn't actually asking her a favor after basically ghosting her for no reason, wasn't he?
—My friends think you're my girlfriend —he informed her quickly—. I didn't know what to say when they caught me talking with you. And now they saw you with that other guy, while thinking you're still dating me, and...
—And why didn't you tell them we broke up? —she asked, lifting one of her eyebrows— I don't know, make something up. I bet they're more than used to it.
He couldn't blame her for being mad at him for ignoring her, and he wasn't surprised at the idea she got of him after he disappeared out of fear. The obvious answer from her was that he was a player, who texted her until it stopped being fun to jump onto the next one.
—If I tell them we broke up, they'll be a pain in the ass about it.
First girlfriend, and it barely lasted a month. He could already hear Wooyoung's and Mingi's comments while teasing him.
—Remind me how that's my problem?
—Pretend to be my girlfriend. Just for today —he asked her.
—To be your what? —she cackled— Are you insane?
Before she was able to reject him a second time, San sank to his knees in front of her, making some of the tables near the corridor, and those who were able to witness what was going on, turn to them.
—I'll do whatever you want —he assured her—. Just tell me what you need.
She rolled her eyes, shaking her head while trying to keep him from rubbing that soft spot she had that'd lead her to blindly help others.
He didn't deserve it.
—I'll return the subscriptions if you want. But please...
—The subscriptions? —she suddenly asked.
If he gave her back that money, she'd be able to pay for the repair of the car with no problems.
San gave her hopeful eyes as he looked up to her after her question. He didn't know that linking their pupils together could be the biggest mistake for her, but she still dropped her gaze, trying to let him know that she wouldn't do it.
Who in their sane mind would help someone to convince his friends they were dating when he ghosted her weeks back? It made no sense.
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vivianquill · 6 months
Even when he went home that night, Impulse couldn't stop thinking about the mer he'd found.
It was one thing to find him washed up on the beach just outside, but it was another entirely to try and think about what the next while would look like, taking care of the merdude.
Zedaph was still at the rescue, and would be until either he or Skizz could get back. Impulse didn't want to chance anyone else finding out about the literal merman sitting in one of the recovery pools. They'd have to tell Xisuma eventually, probably sooner than Impulse might like to, but, well.
He didn't know what might happen if the rest of the rescue caught word of this, let alone the internet.
Impulse sighed, running a hand through his hair. Who knew that following Skizz down to the beach that fated dayyears ago would lead to-- well. This.
Either way, he needed to clean up, get some food, and then get some sleep. Zed wasn't a stranger to pulling all-nighters, so it wasn't odd for him to stay at the rescue, but still. Impulse wouldn't quite be able to breathe easy until he could see the mercreature again.
In the morning, Impulse grabbed a green tea for Zedaph on his way back to the rescue, handing it off with a bagel to the man as they 'swapped shifts'.
"Anything change during the night?" Impulse asked, shifting his weight from foot to foot.
"Nope. You should probably bring it some food though. Try fish, maybe? I bet it'd take that." Zedaph shrugged, taking a sip of his tea, "I'd use tongs though, wouldn't want those fangs to take a bite out of you."
"I'll be careful, Zed, don't worry." Impulse shook his head, "You should go get some sleep."
"Yep. Gotta finish up first, then it's off to bed with me."
"You better." Impulse called over his shoulder as he stepped out, going to grab a pair of tongs and some food for the merdude.
When he stepped into the recovery room, what Impulse found made him pause. Well-- it was more what he was hearing. The mer was chirping. It wasn't s loud that it could be heard outside of the room, but it certainly filled it, bouncing off the hard surfaces. To Impulse it sounded like a slurred mix of a dying fire alarm on fast forward and a baby dolphin calling for help.
Impulse stepped up to the edge of the pool, setting the pail down as he took in the sight.
The mer was curled up the best he could with all the bandages and the cast on his wrist, warbling. His eyes were glazed over, seemingly staring at nothing. His fins were all pinned tight to his body, like he was trying to hide.
The last thing Impulse wanted to do was startle an injured sea creature with fangs that looked like they could bite someone's finger clean off. So, he grabbed a catch pole from over against the wall, and dipped the end into the water next to the merman, nudging it against his tail.
Impulse was instantly glad that he hadn't stuck his hand into the water.
The mer lunged-- grabbing the pole with a screech and a splash and almost yanking it out of Impulse's hands.
He pulled it from the water a moment later, once the mer let go.
Impulse's jaw just about hit the floor, once he saw the bite marks. This particular brand of pole was made to withstand a bite from a shark. But now it was--
If that had been Impulse's hand, he would have just lost at least a couple fingers.
At least.
He was going to have to show this to Zedaph.
Well then. At least he had gotten the mer's attention, it was practically glaring at him now. Was that-- hissing? It was hard to tell with the distortion from water to air, but the way that tail was coiled--
The mer looked like a snake ready to strike.
Maybe feeding it would help with the situation? Impulse took the tongs and grabbed a fish from his bucket, slowly offering it until the fish touched the surface of the water. The mer's eyes narrowed, watching. It's mouth parted slightly-- was it able to smell it in the water? It wasn't reaching up to grab it.
So, Impulse gave the fish a little shake, before dropping it. And just in time, too.
Again, the mer lunged, snatching up the offending object. Impulse watched as it bit down on the fish, before seeming to realize that it was food.
Impulse let the mer eat for a moment, before dropping another fish into the pool. This was progress, at least. If it was eating, that meant it had a chance.
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sunnflowyyr · 2 years
Hello there! Is it alright if I ask for rottmnt donnie and leo with a reader that speaks a different language? (And if I may be specific, could that language be german?)
Sorry if this is of any inconvenience :>
hello anon! thank you so much for this request; not an inconvenience at all! i don't know german myself, but i've always wanted to learn! it's a really interesting language (as they all are), i just have no initiative or patience to teach myself. oops.
i wasn't sure what to write (platonic or romantic), so i hope you don't mind that i made these headcanons with an s/o reader.
i hope you enjoy!
Disaster Twins With An S/O Who Speaks German
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when he first hears you speak german, he falls in love HARDER
he loves hearing your voice as it is, but in another language?
even if he doesn't know it at first, he will listen to you when you speak all the time
because, as we all know, donnie consumes all kinds of knowledge in his genius little turtle brain
so he'll start learning the language in his spare time
within a month, he has a lot of words memorized
add a couple and you could say he's pretty fluent for a beginner in the language
he learns all of this without really telling you, of course, because he has this perfect idea in mind
and one day, as the two of you are hanging out in his lab, he stops tinkering on his tech and watches you watch something on your phone
he sits up, catching your attention before asking you out in german
you're eyes almost pop out of your head; you're totally stunned!
and also extremely flustered by how good his german is
his grammar is excellent, though his accent/tone is a little off
you do answer with a yes, and he grins smugly at your embarassed state
when you realize how invested he is into learning your language, it makes you really happy
so you help him practice by having full conversations in german
if he's annoyed with his brothers, he'll start mumbling about them under his breath and hiss german insults (about leo mostly tbh)
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stares at you with wide eyes, confusion visible on the turtle's face
it made you laugh, and he swears his heart banged against his plastron
"...you speak english? thank you, for saving me."
you seemed a little lost in your tone, and he could sense you were hesitant because english wasn't your first language
but he just grins, all but flirtatious as he swoons leans closer to you
"any time, stranger ... so what's your name?"
he makes sure to speak clearly and refrain from using too much slang when he's talking to you so you can understand
like donnie, he could literally listen to you speak for hours
he learns the language over a longer period of time compared to donnie
at least a year into knowing you, he probably knows a good amount of vocabulary and some sentences
mainly learns how to flirt with you and insult his enemies
despite his flirtatious personality, he has his heart set on you and only you
so he'll learn a lot more and practice how to confess/ask you out in german
but his first mistake was looking up how to say the full phrase online
though when the time comes, he messes up and says something way off from what he meant to say
you could tell because of the date he set up and that charming expression on his face when he said it; clearly obvious he was gonna confess to you, just didn't say what he meant to
probably something like "i eat toenails"
he got trolled by the internet
when you start laughing out loud, his heart aches and he is mortified did you really have to laugh at his confession?!
probably the first time you saw his confidence fall
"(name), please don't laugh, i .. i want to be with you and-"
"leo, i want to be with you too; i love you, but that's not what you said!"
you both now laugh at that moment
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archerygun · 1 month
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Guys I’m sorry. A single person asked me to elaborate. I’ve gotta elaborate now. I have permission from an internet stranger. Also, yes, I think I should be locked up and studied for science but exposing my insanity on the internet is the next best thing. @dye-it-rouge-et-noir this one is for you buddy.
This is a follow-up/part 2 post. If you’re seeing this post before part 1, part 1/the context is here = https://www.tumblr.com/archerygun/749484004313579520/alright-i-was-chatting-to-a-friend-about-james?source=share
(Splitting it up into sections because I want to try and contain myself from rambling nonstop for five straight minutes)
Sean Connery - A friend of mine did most of the design, I added the bottom half, the gun, the colours and a couple of motifs. I chose Thunderball as the film of focus because my friend mentioned his swimsuit was traumatising, and also because it’s the film with the jetpack in it. Generally focused on circular shapes and tear shapes because y’know… water. He’s orange because of the orange swimsuit that my friend called out lmao. And the flower on the neck bow is supposed to look like the one from the iconic white dinner suit that I tend to default to drawing Sean Connery Bond in because when he isn’t in dinner suits his dress sense is generally not as fun as I would like. The gun is based on the one from the James Bond image. You know the one.
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I put simultaneously not enough thought and too much thought into this Jesus Christ. I think he’d have some sort of jetpack power-up or something. George Lazenby - He only did one film, so that did limit sources of inspiration. Fortunately, OHMSS is my favourite Bond film because everything about it is earnest and completely insane. I had to include his bowler hat from the intro because it was amazing and not enough Bonds wear hats, so he’d at least look distinctive. It’s set in an icy location for most of it, so that’s where most of the theming came from, the colour, etc; the diamond motif might have suited Sean Connery better all things considered but too late now. I took some costuming inspiration from his kilt outfit because it was strange and iconic and I think all Bonds should be made to wear it. He only really has one promo shot with a gun so I had to give the position of tiny gun guy to George Lazenby. He wields it well.
Roger Moore - I kinda just took the fact that he was the first Bond in space and ran with it. Used stars as a motif, etc. Particular inspiration was taken from this outfit:
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And partial inspiration from his weird marine navy commander-style getup (for the shawl thing). It was legitimately way too hard to find a gun that wouldn’t accidentally cross over with a gun from another Bond so I picked the most Seventies gun I could possibly find for inspiration assuming that no other Bonds would ever use something similar. The upper body pose as usual is directly from the reference image. I felt like if I put all the Bonds in skirts, it’d get a bit repetitive and start looking bad, so I figured if any Bond was going to get trousers it would have to be the one that actually wore flares.
Basically just how I’d pitch the three Bonds I’ve done so far if they were a group dynamic instead of solo iterations. Gonna do it in bullet points so it’s more comprehensible. (I don’t have any rhyme, reason or lore for this. It’s literally just me assigning three Bonds distinct personalities).
Sean Connery:
The group leader/group elder/tired old man
He can still be a slut if that’s what you want but minus the creepiness. Mutual engagement in passive flings? No problems with that.
Seen so much shit that he’s sorta nonchalant about everything and believes he’s overqualified for just about anything he’s asked to do.
✨War trauma✨
Suaveness and charm level 100. He’s a crabby old man most of the time but he’s so charming that the group let him get away with it.
He’s desensitised to like, literally everything. He will not hesitate to kill a man in cold blood if the situation demands it.
Pretty much believes that human beings are fundamentally bad, himself included.
Ultimately the one that’s willing to make the hard calls.
George Lazenby:
Like his actor before him he is the least qualified and probably lied to get into the secret service.
Optimistic, perceived as naive, ready to try and fight the narrative to change his fate.
The group child (and the youngest).
Quit the secret service after his new wife was assassinated on their wedding day and only comes back because shit has hit the fan (plot reasons. I don’t have a plot, I’m just speaking as if I’m pitching a TV show).
Doomed By The Narrative™️
Ridiculed or forgotten by everyone except the other Bonds
Sean Connery’s Bond respects him a great deal and secretly envies his more idealistic worldview, but won’t let him make the tough calls because he sees him as too naive and too unstable (willing to risk everything)
Roger Moore’s Bond HAS adopted him.
Roger Moore:
Literally feral
Master of British understatement (“Oh. That’s a bit of a shame.” as the world is literally ending around him)
He’s besties with Sean Connery’s Bond as the other sort of group elder
Despite how manic and wired he appears, he is terrifyingly competent and capable of being very serious
Team leader when Connery’s Bond is out of action
Dad figure. Not just to the other Bonds, but as a default personality. He will go parent mode on anyone he thinks he’s capable of saving.
Although if he doesn’t think you’re saveable he will not hesitate to shoot on sight if he runs out of options.
As far as ideas for the other three, Timothy Dalton is going to look evil and edgy but he’s just an enthusiastic dork and Daniel Craig is a stone cold killer with trust issues draped in bright pink bows. I haven’t seen any Pierce Brosnan movies so far so I might just have to vibe check him based on plot synopsis.
Closing thoughts? I want my brain removed and replaced with a better one. I’m sorry for everything you have witnessed today.
Also, these are based exclusively on the movies and not the books. I’m more digging into what makes each actor and era special and distinct.
If you sat through all that, well done, thank you, please don’t report me to the asylum and enjoy this image of Sean Connery.
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