#i love it when i get to draw the characters with a little animal buddy
hinata-boke · 1 year
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Drawing a randomly generated Haikyuu character (almost) every day until I give up
69. Kita Shinsuke
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gothamslostboy · 7 months
Can i request bones characters and their pets headcannons?
She’s against pets in general but if she had to pick one she’d choose a monkey
But after researching it and realizing she doesn’t have the adequate amount of time to care for one she lets booth get a dog
Has to be one that’s known for its intelligence tho
A dog man through and through
Specifically a high energy breed he can take for runs
Also likes to play fetch with it
Teaches it tricks
Constantly gets lectures from Brennen every time he says they have the smartest dog
Wants to let it lay in the bed but Brennen says no
He sneaks the dog up after she goes to sleep sometimes
I bet you’re thinking dog huh?
Yeah you’re right
He has a American pitbull terrier he adores
Buys her sweaters for the winter
Takes her out to those dog friendly restaurants to play with Booth’s dog while they hang out
Cat lady 100%
Either a Siamese or a hairless cat
Spoils it with toys and treats, but makes sure it stays at a healthy weight
When no one is around she speaks to it in a baby voice
A cat he found at his local shelter
He doesn’t know what kind of cat it is
Has to take allergy pills because he developed an allergy after he already was attached
A hermit crab he keeps in his office
Gets an artist friend to paint new shells based on sci fi movies he likes
Before he picked a name he was calling it buddy, which just kinda stuck
Likes many animals, but not keeping them
Only got one after Michael-Vincent kept begging
Ended up getting a hedge hog
It curls up in her lap while she paints or draws
Has the hedgehog with Angela obviously
He lets sit on his shoulder when relaxing
Built it a fucking MASSIVE enclosure in their house
This lil thing has so much to play with it’s insane
After a year or two of owning the hedgehog, he convinces Angela to get a tortoise
Who he also spoils
He bought a beta fish one day bc he thought a pet would make him less lonely but he was scared of all the other species at the pet store
He named it Archimedes
Originally just had it in a glass bowl
Bought it a proper tank after Hodgins explained how bad that is
Hodgins also went with him to pick out things it could hide in
Honestly I’m not really sure
Maybe a hamster when she was young
But never got another pet after it died bc she was so sad
Loves Lance’s little hermit crab though
Says hi to it every time she stops by his office
An iguana
He brought him into work once and cam made him put it in Hodgins’ bug room
Takes it for walks
It wears a black spiked collar with its leash
He has two ferrets and and a set of Guinea pigs
Talks to them for hours telling them all the facts that pop into his head
Carries the ferrets around his body (neck, shoulders, arms, etc)
Talks about them like they are his human children
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cryptids-and-muses · 6 months
Post canon homestuck crew play Dungeons and Dragons
Karkat and terezi
Co dms
Unstoppable when actually working together
Terezi will get sidetracked messing with karkat
Karkat trying to write a deep and well fleshed out campaign that’s thematically resonant vs terezi’s desire for chaos and traps and trying to “trick” her players FIGHT
Terezi believes in karma and will make the world bend to this
Karkat is trying to set up romance arcs and argues about how it adds to the theming
Dave draws them fanart of their characters. Terezi loves it while karkat argues about accuracy before admitting yes he also appreciates it
Calliope also does fanart and karkat praises her skill and accuracy unlike some people
Arcane trickster rogue
Forest gnome
Just a goofy little guy!
Mostly just playing to have fun, starts off with a fun but simple character who develops over time
Ends up SUPER invested and taking this so so seriously
Karkat worked a dramatic reveal into the, in his words, “bare ass bones two paragraphs that a fucking wiggler could have written backstory” and John did not see it coming and loved it
Goes head to head with terezi a lot on her various traps she designs for them. She is getting more and more absurd with it. Karkat had to talk to her about breaking the world building with things she’s introducing. He is the only rogue. Send help.
Drow warlock
Tries to justify picking drow as anything other than she just thought it was cool
Nearly went old ones for patron but settled on archfey for story reasons
Has a 10 page lore document detailing her tragic past and her toxic relationship with her patron
It became 15 pages after going back and forth with karkat for a bit and adding even more
Only her and one other person are taking the romance arcs seriously and they become karkat’s favorite players
Tries playing morally ambiguous but terezi can be annoying about that and claims it’s just “the consequences of her actions”
Her and karkat both get very very into the scenes between her and her patron, the drama! The acting! Dave is uncomfortable and karkat brushes it off, it’s not like him role playing as his sister’s abusive girlfriend is weird. It’s in fact very important to the plot Dave
Has written fanfic of the campaign
Dragonborn barbarian
Path of the beast
Don’t ask me I just know
Her GLEE when she says “I’m gonna rage :D”
ANIMAL COMPANION! She nearly went ranger just for that but knew she wouldn’t have as much fun. Found a way to get one anyway.
It was harder naming her animal companion than her character
Having fun and likes the problem solving side of things, but likes breaking things with her massive strength just as much
Terezi likes to throw stuff at her, both traps and encounters, and finds it funny if she can just wreck her way through
“See John that’s how you deal with a pressure plate trap”
Takes the rp side of things very seriously
Once argued with Karkat over if her favorite npc would do that and cursed him out
Has read roses fanfic of the campaign
Plays a teifling with grey skin and orange horns
“What are you talking about karkat this is just my dude, don’t you like him?”
Hellus Jeffus
He’s a valor bard, eventually multiclasses paladin
Starts out just trying to mess with people but like John starts getting into it, though he tries to down play it
Have hellus more of himself than he realized and it’s making him face things about himself
Eventually hellus self sacrifices to save the party in this deeply intense moment. There were tears, Dave was wrecked, they went on a whole quest to revive him. It was touching and karkat is smug
Dave might have worked through some things
Halfling cleric
Her and John are small buddies!!!
Started out life but wasn’t having a lot of fun with it so with terezi’s permission switched to war or tempest with later s few levels in fighter
Her John and Jade are the biggest front liners, John’s character ends up really close with both of them as it’s easier for the rogue to bond with the person giving them sneak attack
Jade and jane’s character have an in game arm wrestling match
Took a bit to get into the rp side of things but eventually got the hang of it
Tabaxi, easily, it’s so obvious
After much deliberation settles on glamour bard (though wizard and rogue were tempting for the joke, she wanted to branch out)
So many horny bard jokes but very little actual follow through, karkat gets frustrated by this as she’s all this talk but isn’t pursuing any of the romance options he’s giving her
She has SECRETS! She is HIDING THINGS!! Her cheery persona is a FASADE!!!
Cue complaining to karkat about how hard it is to wait to tell the others about her secrets and him threatening violence if she tells anyone before the in game reveal
She tells jake
Lots of egging on Dave and helping him with his fucking around
The BOND between her and Dave!!! They are the duo to end all duos. Team rocket type shit. There is nothing stronger than the bond between the bards of the party. My theory is it has to do with trading bardic inspiration.
Half elf Druid circle of spores
Wildfire seemed fun to him but wasn’t as good
Wasn’t originally planning on being a Druid but after going over all the classes he liked all the customization and decisions that go into Druid like prepared spells and such
Didn’t really think about his backstory much, just improved something. He keeps improving new additions and it’s getting more and more elaborate and complicated. He has multiple hidden and long lost siblings by this point. Still doesn’t write any of this down. If he messes a detail up he justified it with more improv.
Yes his character has spiked up red hair and sunglasses. Don’t question how the Druid got sunglasses karkat.
Really likes the tactics side of things, he’s even pitched a few things to terezi she updated and later worked in
Sometimes works on plans and strategies out of game or making a million back up characters that play off the others in interesting mechanical ways
Is considering becoming a dm some time
Needed some help making his character, he just didn’t know where to start
Eventually after much discussion settles on a teifling bladesong wizard
Wanting to get away from his usual adventurer style Roxy helped with the backstory and they came up with this evil scientist raised in a cult who’s good hearted but was never taught right and wrong
He gets very into playing him and his moral struggle but can lean a little too good for his backstory, karkat points this out and Jake swears to get better at it
Dave pitched a lot of names for them and it was eventually settled on “Bernard Gunn” even though he has a sword. Jake just likes how it sounds
“Why is he blue jake?” “…..uhhh” “why is he blue?”
Teifling Druid with a focus on healing
Circle of shepards
Not a troll color pallet like Dave though, honestly it might get a bit trickster
Beautiful backstory that she coordinated with one of the others to make joint. The most obvious choice is Roxy but I think it was actually jade, Jane or John.
She gets so into it you guys, like so into it
Gives at least one dramatic speech completely on the fly
The other character who takes karkat’s romance arcs seriously and his other favorite player
Has also argued with terezi about world building and consistency. This may put her above rose in karkat’s eyes
Was also allowed to read rose’s fanfiction and offered full on reviews
Also considering going into doing but for the opposite reasons to Dirk
Fairy artillerist artificer with a dip in war magic wizard
Min maxxed to hell and back
(Technically there was a better race, but fairy has its own advantages and she couldn’t resist)
An elaborate backstory too with some secrets of her own, I’m thinking full on lost princess
Yes she is That Player, you know the one
Has nearly been kicked multiple times and now won’t leave on principle
Not the best at sticking with the party and not just doing whatever she wants, but suprisingly Dirk has been able to talk her into it with his talk of tactics and playing smart
Second most effective is John who just looks at her like “vriska you’re not making this very fun :(“
Fire genasi ranger
Really tried to get into it but this just isn’t her thing so eventually decided to leave the group
Karkat came up with a fun story reason for her to leave and eventually brought her character back as an Npc
Did help rose make a cosplay of her character, after which John, Calliope, and Roxy wanted to make ones too
Vriska eventually tried to “manipulate” into helping her make one for her character
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emwheezie · 4 months
Do you have some fun facts about Enzo to share? Just wanna to know the guy a bit better.
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This is Enzo Vincenzo! I've gotten a TON of asks about him, but was waiting to finish some art and work his story/character a bit more before answering! He's a character we thought up in 2014-15ish, but only recently worked in depth on his development. Pre apologies here, I'm longwinded when talking about my characters! (also it is 3:13am and I'm feeling silly)
Enzo is a secondary character in the comic, friend of the main character kind of deal. My cowriter and I love Enzo and are very happy that everyone else seems to like him too! We are making sure to develop all our characters as much as the two main characters so that we can create as rich of a story/universe as possible. (like we have so much content you could pick any random minor character and be like "them. make a spinoff about them" and we could just do that immediately we have so much content my brain is going to explode)
Enzo and Lennon are high school buddies who met sophomore year, shortly before Lennon dropped out. (peep the bottom art of them from their HS years)
Him and Lennon are big into movies. They binge watch them over the weekends or when he's convinced by Lennon to skip classes for the day.
Enzo loves to draw, especially dragons and horror related stuff. He posts his drawings on DeviantArt where he met xXHexiLexi328Xx and fell in love with her. She's also an artist who loves to draw super kawaii anime chibis magical girls and pokemon stuff.
No one thinks Hexi Lexi is a real person. Everyone's like "awh poor Enzo, still single...you'll find someone, buddy." But she's real and from Arkansas. (like that state even exists?)
Enzo loves knives. His favorite one is a switchblade engraved with the name "Colleen." He found Colleen at a Goodwill while he and Lennon were looking for parts to build a "Saw trap." (you know, from the Saw franchise) Enzo thinks he's Billy The Puppet from Saw...I mean, high school Enzo kind of had the same poofy hair and I'm not gonna be the one to tell him he didn't look like that puppet.
Somewhere along the way, early in their friendship, Lennon is convinced Enzo killed his parents. Lennon's never seen Enzo with his parents so I guess that's the only solution, right? It becomes a longstanding rumor/joke... and Lennon's like wow Enzo that's so cool I'm friends with a literal murderer. (Lennon is dumb).
Enzo once wanted to become a priest but then he remembered he was evil.
Enzo is Albanian-Italian and grew up in Cambridge, MA living with his parents and grandparents. His parents are super religious people who work at the restaurant his grandparents own, located in the North End of Boston.
It's a joke that Enzo's like never heard a music once in his life before meeting Lennon who introduced him to guitar. (He's rhythm guitar in Lennon and Tony's band Poison Boy Club)
I feel like I've said a lot of words and stuff. I feel like there's more but it's now 3:40am and my brain is mush. OH later on, Enzo really hones in on his art skills and gets into tattooing, earning himself an internship at a local studio.
Overall, Enzo's a cool, confident dude who's a little scary in a "big guard dog" type of way, but he's a loyal friend and does his own thing and he's with that.
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hybbart · 1 year
Would you ever consider drawing the day when scar had to leave the hospital because of the skulk? I’ve been picturing it in my head but it would be very cool in your style (I’m also a huge scar fan and I love how you draw him) it’s totally fine if you wouldn’t want to draw that though, since it’s not really part of the ranchers’ story
I probably won't, cause I don't plan on doing any flashback days or side art really, and Scar's a character I struggle to draw how I want him to look, but mostly I think whatever I could draw or write is going to be mostly disappointing compared to it being a blank spot. Honestly if I was writing or animating it I would probably just skip over it entirely, have Scar draw a blank on exactly what happen, or something more symbolic and unreal? I think those types of things are scarier that way.
I can give a bit more detail on Scar's whole situation, though, below the cut.
Scar and Cub were buddies pre-apocalypse, specifically Cub was Scar's doctor and they were having a meeting when it all went down.
It was a children's hospital they hauled up in because they specifically wanted to save the medical equipment there for any children that might have survived.
The real reason they didn't clear the place out was because people in story didn't know how the zombie disease or sculk worked. The two were hoping they could maybe figure out a cure before people started figuring out zombies couldn't be saved once zombified.
The sculk came from a lab room Cub was using.
Scar stayed for quite a long time trying to appease Cub's sudden changes but eventually he had to get away or be consumed as well. He spent a lot of time unknowingly making it worse by doing so.
Scar is very much Not Okay with having abandoned his friend, especially knowing what little he knows about sculk (that the host is alive and it is possible to sometimes recover from it)
His experiences with Cub are a big reason he attached himself to Grian and is still trying to find a cure for The Thing We Do Not Mention (Grian's requested phrasing because Grian is also not all too accepting of his precarious mortality). He does not want to lose someone else to it and does everything he can.
Both are quite terrified of the upcoming winter and if they'll get enough sun and heat to keep it at bay.
Grian treats Scar a lot like Tango treats Jimmy, which is to say fretting over him and making sure he's okay while actively ignoring his own issues. He just does it in a much more Grian way.
Part of Scar still really hopes they'll be able to go back and save Cub one day.
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innerbeast · 1 month
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NAME / ALIAS: aiza ( eye-zuh ) AGE / AGE GROUP: twenty-nine ( soon to be thirty ) PRONOUNS: he/him, pls & thank u! TIMEZONE: est. WHERE ARE YOU FROM?: massachusettes CHARACTERS IN THE GROUP:
just dar'khol! been around before as multiple characters, but that was years ago!
i'm terrible with talking about myself and my original follow/intro post was pretty small to begin with, but! i've been roleplaying well over a decade at this point, spanning across multiple websites and apps and have yet to fully lose my love for it! most, if not the majority, of the time ( outside of work ) you'll catch me in games until my eyes feel dry and i can't keep my head up anymore. my interests for that range from cozy sim games to soulsborne nightmares, with rpgs generously sprinkled in. i'll give just about anything a shot, especially if i'm offered a buddy to play along with. ( ex. animal crossing, stardew valley, bloodborne, dark souls, monster hunter, final fantasy, yakuza/like a dragon, guilty gear, blazblue, list goes on ) outside of that i'll draw on occasion or make a few edits. mostly my oc's as they take up 85% of my singular, over-worked braincell. i'm also really big on insects ( arachnids mainly -- scorpions, my beloveds ), monsters & horror, fight aesthetics & themes, purples / yellows / reds / greens, collecting tins of varying sizes and music, babey! ( crank it up until my ears are ringing ). i have a bad habit of yapping a lot when i really get going about some topics, but i'm always fine with ppl popping in to yap along if they want. you're free to find me on twitter @miqoway OR ya can hit me up for my discord, i just hope you like looking at my catboy because he is quite literally everywhere.
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natsuki-bakery · 4 months
⁎˚ ఎ P03 agere hcs ໒ ˚⁎
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Hi!! I saw your old leshy cg headcanons and if you are still down to write inscryption anything would you be ok with doing regressor P03…? i love me a little baby robot and P03 has issues that need some healthy coping mechanisms lol..
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•Little age : around 5-6 years old but sometimes he regress to a baby-sate
•PO3 adores building structures with blocks and LEGO sets. They spend hours constructing imaginative worlds and creating stories around their creations !!
•Coloring books and drawing are a cherished pastime. Vibrant crayons and markers turn blank pages into colorful masterpieces. PO3 takes pride in their art and loves sharing it with their caregiver
•His care giver might be Leshy !
•PO3's robot part is equipped with advanced learning algorithms. Over time, it adapts to PO3's preferences, learning from their actions and adjusting its functions accordingly
•For instance, it might optimize its movement patterns based on PO3's play activities or adjust its sensory input to align with PO3's favorite colors or sounds.
•Cartoons and animated movies are a source of joy for him. PO3 gets so happy in the colorful worlds and characters, often reenacting scenes during playtime
•Exploring the outdoors captivates PO3. They love collecting leaves, rocks, and examining bugs. Nature walks are filled with discoveries and wonder
•Whether being a brave superhero saving the day or a playful chef in a make-believe kitchen, PO3 enjoys immersing themselves in various roles during pretend play.
•Favorite petnames : Kiddo, buddy, Little one, sweetheart and precious !
•PO3's favorite agere gears might include:
Cute and cuddly plush, a soft, vibrant blankets (warmth and a cozy, perfect for naptime or when curling up with a storybook), Fun and colorful sippy cups, Bright, playful stickers for rewarding good behavior or simply for creative fun and eating utensils designed for small hands make mealtimes more enjoyable and encourage independence.
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moonandris · 2 years
Faye’s Writeblr Introduction ♡
Hey everyone! I’ve had this blog for a little while now and I realized I haven’t done a proper writeblr introduction. With this post I hope I’ll be able to interact more with the writeblr community and get to know some of you better, and in turn, you can get to know me as we suffer through this wonderful writing journey together. <3
Name & General Information
My name is Faye and I’m a twenty-something bisexual woman-child who’s usually got her head in the clouds or her nose buried in a good fantasy book. I’m a daydreamer, worldbuilder, fantasy lore enthusiast, and of course, a creative writer. I’ve been writing off and on since I graduated high school, and while I’ve been ‘on’ again since my mid-twenties, I still consider myself a novice, albeit a very passionate one.
Things I Like
Writing, editing, drawing, singing, animals, video games, storytelling, history & mythology, languages, learning about different cultures, personal growth & self-improvement, constructive criticism, making new writing buddies, writers supporting other writers, people who let me talk about my OCs until I run out of breath from talking so much. :)
Things I Dislike
Writing, editing, drawing, procrastination, stagnancy in all things (but especially in writing), nonconstructive criticism, writer’s block and blinding white documents judging me for not filling them with words, people devoid of empathy and basic human decency, when I get so frustrated with myself and my writing that I rage quit and yeet my work into the trash and delete it forever...  PLEASE LOVE YOURSELVES AND DO NOT  E V E R  DO THIS! :(
Content I Enjoy Writing and Reading
Mostly fantasy and its many subgenres (high, modern, scifi, dark). I also enjoy horror, paranormal, and dark-themed stories that explore real life human struggles in exciting, imaginative worlds. I consider myself a fantasy/romance writer overall but I’m honestly not too picky and will read anything that’s well-written and has solid worldbuilding + likeable characters. I love stories that focus on character growth and personal journeys, especially ones that have strong themes of romance, friendship, or that demonstrate the strength of love and bonds between people, regardless if it’s romantic, platonic, or familial. I’m a bisexual creator and every story I write has LGBT+ characters and relationships. As far as romance goes, I write gay, lesbian, bisexual, and straight romances with various genders and dynamics. I enjoy delving into many different themes in my stories, such as discovering identity, exploring sexuality, examining what it means to be human, and finding one’s place in the wide world.
My Absolute Favorite Tropes, Themes, and Content
hurt/comfort stories that rip your heart out of your chest and tape it back together
soulmates, whether they be romantic or platonic (but especially romantic)
enemies to lovers/friends and lovers/friends to enemies
supernatural creatures (vampires, werewolves, angels, demons, sorcerers, witches, warlocks, mer, fae, etc.)
experiencing, overcoming, and healing from fucked up trauma
defying fate and choosing your own path despite destiny’s enigmatic design
magic and magical systems, powers, governments, and hierarchies
intense horror stories, scary creatures, thrilling content that gets the blood pumping
exploring identity, sexuality, and finding one’s place in the world
Thank you so much for reading, and I really appreciate it so much if you reblog! Happy writing! 💕
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dk-wren · 1 year
Buddy Daddies Finale Theory
I can't say what I'm really basing these thoughts on. I also am not sure if this is an actual theory or just my hopes/musings. But here we go:
Kazuki, Rei, and Miri will all make it. Kazuki or Rei might get injured, but nobody in this sweet, little family is dying on me!
However, I do think there is going to be a loss and after the end of Ep. 8, my bet is on Kyutaro (though I hope I am wrong!)
For a variety of reasons, all of which are valid, Rei, and perhaps Kazuki too, are gonna go after Shigeki and Ogino. If not outright killing them (perhaps symbolizing that Rei and Kazuki have changed and are different from them), they will somehow be out of the picture, leaving Rei as the head of the Suwa family/organization
Rei and Kazuki will continue to stay in that world or business, possibly to try and change the practices of the Suwa organization or still feeling too tied to it. So, Rei will step up to become the head of the Suwa organization, except he's doing things a little differently from his father. Rei will be handling that during the day while Miri is at school. During the same time, Kazuki will somewhat retire from missions and instead take over Yadorigi from Kyutaro, maintaining the place as both a cafe and location to exchange/gather intel. (Just let this man cook and be appreciated for his food/drinks)
Like Rei said in Ep. 8, his home is the apartment where he, Kazuki, and Miri live. And that's gonna stay the same. Their apartment will continue to be their home. Nobody is going to move to the Suwa manor and that place will instead become like an office or workspace for Rei. While they may all somewhat spend their day apart from each other, this little family always comes together at night in the apartment for dinner and family time.
Not fully related to the above, but also just wanted to throw my two cents into the conversation about this: I don't think we've crossed over into the present yet (or, we're still in the flashback). I feel it would explicitly be said when the show jumps back to the present or there would be overlapping events that clearly allude to the merging of the two timelines. I haven't watched a whole lot of anime, so I do not know if this is a common story technique or not and if there is like a trope or narrative device used in these situations.
I do agree, given Rei's growth and development in the relationship he has with Miri, going back and rewatching that first scene, Rei's reaction seems a little out of character now (like he still does not really care about Miri). But, and I saw a post about this earlier (sorry I forgot your @), if it's not actually Miss Anna calling, and instead Kyutaro or someone else with the voice changer, this could explain Rei's response. If this call is being made to lure Kazuki and Rei into a trap, and Miri does not actually have a runny nose or fever (I kinda forgot the specifics), then Rei's seemingly unfazed or uncaring reaction could be him simply trying to appease Kazuki's overprotective papa dramatics. Rei's "I guess" could be he truly didn't notice anything wrong with Miri because nothing is, she's just being used as bait. Regardless of the how the organization gets its info on Kazuki and Miri, they will know how much she means to both of them and what they are willing to do for her. That is why calling them and saying Miri is not in outright trouble or danger, but simply needs the love and help of her papas will quickly draw them to wherever the organization wants them.
I could be completely wrong, but just some of my thoughts about how the rest of the season may play out. I think the wait for next week's episode is gonna be a lot harder for me than previous waits.
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extasiswings · 2 years
Do you think it is indeed a choice that means something, or do we buddie shippers just need to start thinking that maybe it won't be happening? I really really hope you are right, but if they keep keeping them apart this whole first half of the season, I just wonder if we need to start being realistic? However why would they start the season with that kitchen scene then... I'm sorry this sounds negative and it is def not, I'm still hopeful, I just wonder if other people feel like this :)
Very simply: yes, it’s a deliberate choice, and not only is it not a cause for concern it’s necessary and should be exactly what leads to Buddie canon.
This season kicked off by throwing down a gauntlet that Buck is missing what is right in front of his face (a conversation that took place while he was literally looking at Eddie and Christopher and cooking for them like a whole-ass husband), that he’s searching for happiness in the wrong places because he can’t see what he already has (or thinks he can’t have it). They proceeded to send him off on a journey about fatherhood specifically (but only the illusion of it—donor, not dad) because of the Diaz Boys of it all, because Eddie and Buck still haven’t talked about the shooting, haven’t talked about the will, and are very much not on the same page about Buck’s actual role in Christopher’s life (aka to Eddie, Buck is Christopher’s other dad, to Buck, he’s only a contingency plan if Eddie dies).
Similarly, we also just got a giant flashing neon sign with Tomorrow—Henren’s queer love story (with shooting parallels galore), in which both of them ended up with a life and new dreams that looked nothing like what either of them originally intended or expected for themselves. The trajectory is LOUD.
The separation of arcs is simply because Buck and Eddie are different characters and because their arcs need to be a little bit separate right now while they’re both figuring things out. It’s partly to increase the dramatic tension and draw it out, but also partly for practical reasons. On one hand, there’s the fact that this is an ensemble show and they have other stories they’re telling and other characters—so they laid the groundwork, pivoted over to Hen for a few episodes, and now they’re pivoting back. On the other, there are legitimate plot and character reasons why they haven’t been involved in what we’ve seen so far (which, to be clear, is really just Animal Instincts). Buck is keeping this a secret deliberately. He went to Hen instead of Eddie deliberately—on a character level, because she has some experience with IVF etc and is a good friend, but also because this is not something he can talk to Eddie about. (By contrast, Eddie wanted Buck to be involved in his issue with Chris—Buck’s his co-parent, Buck is always involved, but Buck was the one pulling away and not letting himself get involved).
Eddie’s going to find out about the sperm donor thing. Probably in the very next episode (Cursed). As far as we can tell, he’s going to be the main (perhaps the only) significant person in Buck’s life to be involved in this storyline directly going forward (since Jen said Maddie hasn’t been involved with it at all). Which makes sense, because they’re on a collision course regarding all things shooting/will/Christopher/feelings-related. So they’re not separated entirely.
If I’m right, Eddie’s going to feel some kinda way about it. And Buck will feel some kinda way about Eddie reacting to it. And that’s what will set the stage for where we’re going in “What’s Your Fantasy?” With “Uncle” Buck babysitting (again, explicitly not being a parent) left once again to think about what he really wants in his life, while Eddie is going through a parenting first with Christopher (and Carla) in a scenario that is a perfect opening for them to circle back to what exactly Carla meant when she told him to follow his heart/what (who) Eddie’s heart really wants.
I strongly suspect we will have a canon confirmation of one form or another (because what it means to “go canon” is entirely subjective to everyone but whether that’s a kiss, some sort of confirmation of feelings (to a third party or otherwise), or whatever is all the same to me) by the midseason or very shortly thereafter, but they won’t actually get together officially until late in 6B (or the finale itself because Buck babygirl we have GOT to get you back in therapy)—which would be very S2 Madney of them. Regardless though, it’s happening. Everything they’re doing points to it happening. We are only 1/3 of the way through the season and this is a season-long arc—just be patient and enjoy the ride, because it’s shaping up to be some damn good storytelling.
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sphnyspinspin · 8 months
[About Blog]
- This is my Transformers fan blog! I usually just draw and write and that’s about it. Considering I have trouble getting new ideas in my noggin I decided to open REQUESTS and ASKS. But I’ll only be taking a few at time—you know the whole OPEN and CLOSED signs will be very prominent. This’ll go for both drawing and writing stuff.
There’s probably going to be more stuff to add on to this so make sure to see if I updated anything important on here like DNI or ASKS and REQUESTS.
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- Homophobic -
- Transphobic -
- TERFs -
- Sexist -
- Racist -
- NSFW -
- Proshipper -
- Ableist -
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1) Can Accept
- Pretty much anything that doesn’t make me uncomfortable. And I can be slow when it comes to checking my inbox so if you like what I do here, you might have to be a little patient. I like it when people just come by to say hi or compliment my work, so don’t be afraid to do so. You don’t need to feel obligated to spare my feelings too, I can take criticism when I need it.
2) Won’t Accept
- AGAIN! NOTHING CREEPY! Don’t ask me about personal stuff please, I’ll update small bits on how I’m doing, don’t be pushy. And don’t send me random links without context or at least a small description, it gives off creepy vibes.
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- Transformers: Rescue Bots : Good God, this show was like the very first layer of my TF hyper fixation—not my biggest fixation just my first.
- Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy : THIS SHOW is my biggest fixation it’s so cute and wholesome and clever and fun it is such a good show I love the characters so much.
- Transformers: Cyberverse : PLEASE—this show is AWESOME, I praise it for the characters, the story, the character designs, the animation, the EVERYTHING(this is where I personally think Soundrod first originated).
- Transformers: Robots In Disguise 2015 : Hear me out, this show is actually kinda funny in a non-ironic way I promise, and the designs aren’t half bad.
- Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye : I have read zero TF MTMTE and I never plan to because I would actually die from dehydration after crying so long; but the fandom makes me laugh and I like the art.
- Transformers: Lost Light : Again I have read zero Lost Light comics and I don’t plan on it; because I feel like I know enough just from the memes.
- Transformers: Animated : This show SHOULD be more popular, and it’s the main reason I have my artstyle today (and please don’t bully me but when I found out my fave characters dies I stopped watching….. like immediately………. I didn’t finish season one).
- Transformers: Earthspark : This show, oh my god, I have a love-dread relationship with it; it has so much care-free positivity, an adorable group of characters, nice designs with world-building being amazing so far, but I know for a fact it will destroy me sooner or later. P.S. it already has
- Transformers: Botbots : This. This…. Where do I begin; oh right, literally the TF fandom parody—like I know for a fact that 85% of the characters’ personalities are inspired by random TF tumblr posts, you can’t deny that.
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1) @transformers-bold-bright-brisk
- My blog for my TF fan Continuity project. Right now it’s mostly drafts and concept art and writings,
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1) Follower Interactions
- I will do my best to answer ASKS because I am terrible at checking my inbox. Also, I’m going to try and reply to comments, but if I stop doing that—it’s not because I don’t like you guys, it’s cause I’m lazy and I usually don’t have anything interesting to reply back with. And please read my DNI, ASKS, and REQUESTS boxes before interacting, thanks. Also ask stuff will be tagged as either #sphny asks (𖦹////𖦹)•*°⊹ or #sphny answers (𖦹0 𖦹)•*°⊹
2) Mutual Interactions
- Hey! If you followed me and I followed you back and somehow we were able to become regular chit chat buddies from either in the tags, reblog games, DMing, and etc. then you probably know me enough to understand my thought process when I talk to people. And if you’re a new mutual and actually want to interact with each other more than same goes for you—read my DNI, ASKS, and REQUESTS boxes. I respect your boundaries, you respect mine—win win. I would honestly be very excited to talk to me people on this platform, I just get a little bit shy/anxious sometimes
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1) Art
- When I post my art I’ll usually tag it under #sphny arts (𖦹w𖦹)•*°⊹. And right now I’ve been posting A LOT of RBA fanart. But if I feel really motivated to draw requests I’ll do my best to draw TF characters from other continuities in my style too.
2) Writing
- What I write consists of drabbles, headcannons, one shots, short-reviews, and other opinions I have that I like to share with the world. And I’ll give an itty bitty irl update just to notify I’m still alive. And they’re going to be tagged under #sphny speaks (𖦹<𖦹)•*°⊹ #sphny alternates universe (𖦹ㅁ𖦹)•*°⊹ #sphny originates character (𖦹▿𖦹)•*°⊹
3) Reblogging
- Oh boy. I reblog a very random assortment of posts. I reblog from mutes, followers, and strangers all the time. I’ll partake in reblog games I tag under #reblog shenanigans which would always be a new uquiz or for picrew challenges it would be #picrew shenanigans. When I reblog art or literally anything I COMPLIMENT THEM IN TAGS! And in the actual text part if I’m super eccentric about it too. And they’ll be tagged under #sphny reblogs (𖦹Q𖦹)•*°⊹
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[Social Media]
- TikTok : sphnyspinspin2006 (There’s literally only three posts to my name)
- Instagram : sphnyspinspin (Barely Active)
- DeviantArt : sphnyspun (I never use this)
- Discord : sphnyspinspin (I’m VERY shy)
- AO3 : sphnyspinspin (I write very little on here)
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luvscr · 1 year
some of my soap hcs bc i love this man.
posting this so y'all have smth to read while i try to finish my drafts and reqs i got (don't listen to me this just an excuse to post my silly hcs)
might make a part 2 and other characters! :)
• snores so fckin loud when he's tired but only when he's like fr tired
• ears very sensitive (literally to anything)
• pyromaniac
• has a very strict skincare routine
• has a rilakkuma plushie
• actually a big gamer (had a gameboy when he was younger)
• always talks about video games w gaz
• goes into full nerd mode if asked about sniper rifles and bombs/explosives (he's info dumping shh)
• def has audhd sorry (im not)
• proud of his arm muscles always goes around flexin em
• tolerates no bullying. if a private is being rude he'll make em run laps until they pass out
• gives the best and warmest hugs ever
• literally a human heater
• can play the guitar :)
• has a nice singing voice but keeps it a secret bc he's insecure
• loves anything star shaped tbh
• animal lover!! doesn't have a preference but if he had to choose he would say foxes are his fave
• feeds stray cats
• rescues animals on the field all the time
• (actually adopted a dog he rescued w ghost <3 a malinois btw)
• loves! loves!! LOVES!!! tattoos
• would get a bunch of piercings if he was allowed to
• hates styling his mohawk on lazy days so it just stays messy (screaming)
• this is canon but his little diary is so cute he draws so well!! loves doing portraits of 141 and loves drawing nature :)
• handles his liquor well but he once threw up bc of a bottle of jäger and gets nauseous everytime someone even mentions it LMAO
• once he gets drunk he's drunk. so loud n literally goes around being buddy-buddy w anyone
• has little tea parties w simon and gaz. they have an expensive full porcelain tea set n everything.
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cara-kira · 20 days
Hello again its your rwby exchange buddy. 😎
I have more questions. Like a lot. Sorry I hope I'm not annoying I just have a lot of thoughts.
Do you have a length preference for the fic or just whatever I'm feeling up to? I know some people don't enjoy long fics
Do you see Oz as the kind of fella that would be in a polycule 👀
I like your grim au so much it's changing the idea I had. How do you feel about letting me put my own twists on it? I know some people are protective of their AUs so I don't want to overstep.
Do you have an ao3 you'd like tagged? I tend to post stuff on there if that's alright
Also I'd love to hear some fun facts about yourself you seem very friendly and I'd like to get to know you lol. Sometimes it's fun to incorporate a bit of the giftee in the story. Like how do you like your pizza, if at all? Do you like frogs? Whats your favorite word? You know. Important things. Nothing scary or personaly revealing, just the important stuff.
If this is too much or you don't want to answer this whole thing I'm sure Zac can send me a message lol
I hope you're having a great day!
Hello again! No need to apologize for asking questions, you can ask me anything anytime!
As for my answers:
Nope! I don't really mind long fics, but it might take me a while to finish reading them since I unfortunately have the attention span of a goldfish
I kinda do actually. I haven't really made any fanart yet nor did I ever mention it, but I actually enjoy IronOzQrow quite a bit, or perhaps ozqrowbleck.
This kinda depends on what you plan to twist it into. I'm fine with some add-ons or small changes, but would like the overal base of the au to remain the same, if that makes sense.
I do have an ao3 account, but I don't use it all that much -and quite frankly know next to nothing on how it works either lmao. Feel free to post your work on ao3 and tag me, but I do suggest tagging me in a post here on tumblr as well so I won't accidentally miss it😅
And man, I suck at small talk lmao. Especially when it's about me XD
But anyways, as I'm sure everyone knows by now, I really like to draw. I've been drawing for as long as I remember, and I've been drawing fanart for rwby again since late 2019 I believe. (Yes again, the first time would've been around 2014/2015(?), of which some posts still exist on my instagram page haha). And like every media I've ever created for, I tend to latch onto the (often tragic) side characters with little screentime. Because of that, these characters usually don't have a lot known about them. So I usually tend to fill in the rest with headcannons. I actually have a few for Oz here as well, should you maybe want add some of those to your work👀
As for favorite foods, I love a good lasagna, or a nice pepperoni or shawarma pizza. Melted cheese is my kryptonite, and so is garlic bread lol.
My favorite color is purple. And my favorite animal changes from time to time, but usually goes from dogs to crows or ducks :>
I listen to a wide variety of music genres, but I think the majority of my playlist exists out of metal music.
I am also genderfluid, and go by she/he/they!
And I'll stop there or this post will go on forever lmao. I hope you're having a great day too!
Should you ever feel stuck on something or need more information, feel free to reach out! :>
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devildomimagines · 2 years
Can I request head cannons of the Brothers reacting to an MC that’s OP like Saitama? They aren’t scared of anything and because of how inhumanly strong and fast they are, they have really fast reflexes against demons that try to attack them and can handle spells/curses with a blank face. They’ll punch someone so hard, the sap crashes several feet back with a large dent and MC’s like “That was barely a punch 😐”
HAHA this is great, I wrote this as the reader is the exception but imagine the human race is the most powerful of the three realms, I think that would be an interesting dynamic to explore.
Thank you as always for your patience. I’m not the fastest at writing due to irl circumstances. Since I always write more than planned, the other brothers are under the cut. Without further ado~
Well chapter 16 would have gone very differently 😂
Belphie has his hand around your throat and you’re looking at him with a bored expression.
You can feel him try to tighten his grip but it doesn’t make a difference.
He knows a bit about humans and this isn’t right.
Afterwards, he still kind of thinks you’re inhuman and he’s not totally off base.
What you can do, most humans wouldn’t even come close to being able to do.
Ultimately grateful for your defensive power because then he doesn’t have to babysit you while out in the Devildom and he can drop his guard to nap briefly.
“Whoops,” You shrug as you leave the scene.
Beel just watched you “push” a demon across the room after they put an unwanted hand on your shoulder.
He’s impressed and wants to know you workout routine.
“100 sit-ups, 100 pushups, 100 squats and a 10 km run.”
He immediately adds it to his routine and you can work out with him.
As workout buddies, you push and support each other to be the best.
He’d get so soft and proud of you when you fling rude lesser demons out of your way.
When you peel a pushy demon off of Asmo, he goes weak in the knees for a second as he swoons.
Asmo could have taken care of the demon but watching you take care of it without any strain makes him go 😍
He never doubted you but you’re definitely physically stronger than Solomon so Asmo covets a pact with you.
Loves when you manhandle him, even just for little things like pulling him out of the way, turning him around, or grabbing his wrists to stop him from getting too handsy.
Besides being immune to his charms, he’s the first to learn that you’re immune to other spells and curses.
He tests this with getting cursed make-up or dropping a few drops of potion into your drink.
You don’t even blink and he’s enthralled, you might just be the most interesting thing to happen in his life in a long time.
Doesn’t believe it until he sees it.
He tests your strengths not so sneakily. “Hey MC, can you move this couch? I think my pencil dropped under there while I was drawing.”
Adds your skills to his thought process when creating Anti Lucifer Club traps and inconveniences.
“What if you picked up Lucifer and put him in a pit of tar?”
“What if I didn’t want to do that?”
Satan treats you as an equal, sometimes forgetting that you’re human because you can destroy a wall with the best of them lol.
He thinks you’re so cool. All your stats are maxed out and you do it without even trying.
Likens you to some characters he knows, then you share the human world comparisons you’ve gotten (Saitama obviously lol).
He’s obsessed with the anime and manga because he can only think of you. 
He says, “This character is just like you!” instead of the usual “You’re like this character” and it’s refreshing.
Levi asks how and why you got so powerful not for himself to get powerful though, just wants to get to know you better.
Boasts about you being the strongest human online.
When the haters question him, he asks if he can vlog with you so he can show you off.
You made him double take when you were just as fast as him, if not faster??
Then he challenges you to races all the time, sometimes placing bets like, “I bet bathroom cleaning duty for a month that I’ll beat you to RAD.”
You take him on usually, it’s pretty 50/50 who wins and it somewhat shocks Mammon, it also makes him fall for you more. 
He had taken pride in being the fastest and here you are showing him up, but he likes a partner that can keep up and keep him on his toes.
Oh the mischief you two could get up to and make a run for it if you agree to one of his schemes.
Mammon might be stronger than you so he offers to help you if something is too heavy with the most smug grin. (Please remember he’s like top 5 strongest of the whole realm)
Totally still acts like a babysitter/big brother even if you can take care of yourself, he’s just like that.
Maybe the most surprised brother.
He really thought that this exchange program was going to have him chaperoning a weak human so as to not get eaten within a week of arrival.
So it’s one less headache for him because he doesn’t have to watch over you everyday if you’re fast and strong.
Then he sees just how fast and how strong and he’s taken aback.
He had never seen someone rival Mammon’s speed besides himself and the way you punched that gluttony lesser demon across the room after they loomed hungrily over you left him speechless.
You’ve earned Lucifer’s respect and he’s indirectly proud of you for standing your own in the Devildom. 
Might come to rely on you more as he begins to trust you.
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autisticempathydaemon · 6 months
This is for the matchups! :D
I’m sorry in advance for how much I typed personality quizzes/questionaires are my weakness. Thank you sm in advance if you decide to do this!!
song ✧.*
Fragile by Laufey! I wont call myself a hopeless romantic but listening to her songs makes me want that romance like oh my god?? It’s also really fun to sing (the only times i sing is either in the shower or if im screaming songs in the car w/ my sister)
My fav lines are:
Grew up in a case of fragile glass
But hammer away it's time to crash
And as it shatters let me shatter into you
(also the whole chorus 100%)
enneagram ✧.*
9w1! Very accurate since I hate any form of conflict and I’m a huge people pleaser in general. Also my MBTI is ISFJ!
video essays ✧.*
YES. My main form of entertainment now since I cannot find the brain capacity to get invested into a show. My go-tos are usually j aubrey (random social media scandals) or Wendigoon (horror, disturbing content icebergs)! Sometimes I watch social commentary like Jordan Theresa and Shansphere for funsies too. And if this counts I watch reviews/summaries of random books or games I’m really curious about but don’t have enough motivation to start?? Also media analysis (my current favorites are Night In The Woods and Midsommar essays). 
childhood imaginary friend ✧.*
I didn’t have one sadly but I was super into Undertale as a child LMAO
falling asleep ✧.*
It used to be random YouTubers (mostly storytime animators) or clip montages of shows I was fixated on but ever since I’ve discovered Redacted it’s only been sleep aids. My fave is the Milo one it knocks me out everytime. I’m always either holding my green dinosaur plushie or my bee plushie that’s shaped really wonky. 
name change ✧.*
Iris! I’m personally a sucker for flower names and flowers in general (I fucking love flowers oh my god). 
fave audio ✧.*
Bowling with the bois! I love the DAMN squad with all my heart and Gavin messing w/ Lasko is the funniest shit ever.
least favorite char (kinda) ✧.*
I’m really new to this fandom so I haven’t gotten the chance to listen to alot of characters (also thank you for your ‘new to the fandom post’ I’m so well fed now). There might be a chance I don’t know the character you pair me with but if I don’t know him I’ll definetely listen to his playlist! But if I had to choose I’d choose Ivan?? I’m only going off of the very brief time he was in Freelancer S1 so I know nothing
word for word ✧.*
Inside Job!!! Everyday I get sad over the fact Netflix cancelled it. 
platonic ✧.*
Asher! He’s just so sweet (the way he comforted babe on the elevator when they first met oh my god) and we’d definetely be gossip buddies. It’s funny because I got into the fandom for Asher and immedietely got sidetracked.
tired rambling ✧.*
I don’t ramble but I will laugh at almost anything. Like my humor gets 100x more broken.
gas station ✧.*
Starbux mocha coffee in those little glass bottles. I also get sour gummy worms and Haribo.
favorite playlist ✧.*
either my laufey playlist or fem rock artists playlist (destroy boys, sir chloe, etc!)
guilty pleasure ✧.*
Redacted. Fanfics too but I’m not that guilty abt those
anything else ✧.*
☆ Super introverted but if I’m with another introvert I’m able to be outgoing to a degree. All of my friendships consist of extroverts adopting me
☆ I prefer listening way more than talking
☆ I’m either thinking of 1920213 things per second or cannot think for the life of me
☆ Airheaded?? Lacking common sense in general
☆ I draw and play the guitar!
☆ I have too many plushies
☆ At first impression I’m super reserved but as time goes on I get more unhinged 
☆ Very easily distracted
☆ Sensitive but I don't outwardly show it
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Hmmmm… I like you. I think you could work well with a lot of people and make them quite happy. However, something in my gut likes best the idea of you with Anton.
Your MBTI, Enneagram, and self-description give me the impression of a really sweet person inclined to fairness, introversion, mediation, and good vibes in general. Maybe that’s why you fit so well with Anton; he also has this chill, no-drama vibe of just trying to live a good life being himself, being with you, and being happy. Lowkey, I’m assuming you went with the pacifist route in Undertale first and maybe only. That’s fitting given I think Anton would take the same route (if he were a video game person which I don’t think he is. If anything, he’s a Tetris man.)
I think you have a really peaceful, stable life together- at least, once he gets back from his secluded, secret lab, of course. It’s a sweet life of Anton bringing you flowers randomly because he drove by the store or farmer’s market and wanted you to know he was thinking of you. He marvels constantly at your creativity, always loving watching you draw and play guitar, getting your favorite songs to play stuck in his head. Maybe he has you record some so he can listen to them when he misses you; that’d be really sweet.
I was just guessing at numbers and figures/ Pulling the puzzles apart/ Questions of science, science and progress/ Do not speak as loud as my heart/ But tell me you love me, come back and haunt me/ Oh and I rush to the start
This is such a “gimme” song and yet I don’t care! One, this is a super singable, sweet song that I can imagine translates well to a guitar. (I say imagine because I know nothing about guitar, please forgive me.) Two, scientist. Technician. I need not say more. Three, it’s a lovely, mournful song that, I think, is kind of about a break up but could also reasonably be about long distance and forced separation. It’s perfect.
Your runner-ups are really fun because you could make fun couples or a throuple! I like Damien for you because he’s a Type Six in my opinion, and they’re supposed to make really lovely matches with Type Nines. (This is me and my best friend so confirmed.) I also like Huxley for you because he has a lot of similar traits to you but just more extroverted. Also, plants. Together, you could make a beautiful triangle.
note: Thank you so much for waiting! October was a dickhead to me that delayed yours and the ones after you a lot, so you are so much appreciated~! If you haven’t listened to Anton yet, I highly recommend him, he’s so sweet
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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studiothetics · 2 years
Drawing People
Eeyyy its ya boi. We probably don't know each other. I'm Evan. Real quick, lemme borrow your eyes, please. Look at this. This look like anything?
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a character sprite for the prototype we submitted to indiecade
... Yeah, you're thinking what I'm thinking. It’s not there yet… Getting There is a whole thing isn’t it? Getting Here sure was. Difference is I can talk about Here. I can’t talk about There yet. There is a mythic place. Here's charted waters.
Who this, anyways? I tell. This is Petra, the protagonist’s war buddy and a three pronged pain in my ass for months. This is the story of how she came to be.
We knew very little about her when we started writing. The basic prompt was as follows: Got 3 spears and sort of an absolutist. This kind of setup begs so many questions. What do you do with 3 spears? Is it extraordinary that someone uses them? Is it practical? Absolutist about what? Why? Our initial instincts said this was either some kind of self-destructive twentysomething wunderkind or a soried fellow getting past his prime.
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literally the second ever sketch page for this project
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Sasha remarked how tenderly I drew this nude fellow. This made me happy. I'm a classical art guy, I've spent a lot of time trying to make nude people evoke some emotion.
We imagined you'd have to put in a lot of work if you were going to fight with three spears, so no matter what, this person had been doing this a long time. To us, the age difference spoke to the society that allowed and incentivized this work. Did we want to put a point on the mechanisms that enabled a young person to get really very good at war, or did we want to investigate someone’s ability to perform in that society past their expiration date? So much of our interest pointed to the society, and martial prowess as an extension of the state’s will, so dressing Petra as a warrior of the Hydratic state made a lot of sense.
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The Hydratics are a weird bunch. They faced down a real apocalyptic threat and they did it as a people. This is utopian in some ways and deeply freaky in others. For a people to be that ready to repel an anime scale war of extermination, I reckon they’ve gotta be a little borked. I found this really fascinating in concert with our discussions of their politics and aesthetics. The Hydratics are all about community, the individual being the result of a community, and local politics and commerce being dependent on the network of people who support or enable an individual. “It takes a village” as Sasha is fond of saying.
The hydratics don't really like hero worship, or really idolizing anybody if they can help it. So how do you respect the influence of a community and an individual's contribution to it without building up any one individual too much? Their aesthetic solution is baffling and self-contradictory and I love it. They do iconoclasm by just spamming icons. Hydratic people all have an individual story that’s written for them at birth, and from that story they pull an image, an icon which they will identify them for life. The assembly of these icons implies a community, a Polis. And if more people affect your life, you add them to your Polis. Simple.
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I really love birds but I don't draw em much. It shows.
We decided Petra’s icon was gonna be some sort of raptor. I really wanted something that communicated inertia, or driving force, drawn with an art nouveau sort of density. But this posed a problem. We’d decided that the Hydratics' big industries were war, food and textiles, and this was supposed to push them into a more modern look. Icons had become more like brands than illustration. This sort of style didn’t fit. Moreover the overall direction of her clothing wasn't quite right.
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I'm not a concept artist at all, so this is the fidelity I can get when going for maximum speed.
Trying to aim at sort of greek flavored warrior junk was just making boring things. More charitably, we wanted something with a bit more specificity and personality. Something that felt uniquely Hydratic. Well a warrior is the same as anything else Hydratic, it’s a job supported by people. And being a big hero means working on behalf of a lot of people. There was something interesting about portraying Petra as the ideal Hydratic hero, wreathed in all this meaning, being reverent of and caring about all those icons, but underneath all that being sort of one dimensional, workmanlike, doing the damn job of heroing without fanfare.
I say one dimensional with love. A life lived in dedicated, high-skill service is a life without a lot of variety or a lot of time for anything else. After some work we found that the twentysomething hypothesis gelled a bit better with all this. We liked thinking about a very absolutist character in the prime of their life, having accomplished their great mission needing to reflect on their internal makeup. Petra is one dimensional in that she is absolutely dedicated to her craft, wholly zealous for the state, and the problem is that stuff's not entirely working for her now. She's got to address those ingrained values and reassess her self image to move forward.
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I'm really happy with her portrait here. It's so much the women in my family when they were young, absolutely fuckin stone cold driven.
It put me in mind of my mom and my aunties growing up. Women doing an insane amount of family work without any fanfare, who never really had a chance to stop, reflect or just break down for a good while. I liked the idea of portraying an indian woman who was absolutely regarded as a hero for her work and abilities, and who could just suck for a while without it being a blemish on her person or her achievements. After all, DT2 takes place after the big apocalyptic event. Petra's legacy is already enshrined in Hydratic history.
Having those ideas in place helped a lot. She’s a workman with an important uniform. She doesn’t need to be this ceremonial greek hero looking creature, she just needs stuff she can fight in and places to wear the most important people and communities in her life.
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While the armored version is definitely more developed, there was something more interesting to me about keeping it covered with that almost t-shirt like form. It was understated. She could wear as many overstatements as her societal role dictated on top of that.
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Fabric is hard. I wish I didn't like the way it looked so much.
This is where the design actually settled. Modern = pockets. That’s my big takeaway. More pockets, more fastenings. Weirder cuts. Simpler overall shapes. It’s still trying to evoke the silhouette of greek wrapping but trying to break up that form in more angular, modern ways. It also turns out adding more overall form to clothing makes it more interesting to decorate. Rather than just deforming a tapestry across the body, there's architecture to highlight, things to accentuate. That's conversation for another time though.
You might have notice another pass at her icon in those previous drawings. In trying to get her closer to a modern aesthetic it turned out I needed to reduce and simplify a whole lot.
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Even with their more modern mutations, I wanted Hydratics to have an old-world fascination with the natural world. If you look at animal drawings across cultures, you see a lot of odd fixations. People really wanna draw every feather on the bird or show the wildness of it's patterning, or some odd crook of its neck and most of the time it is weirdly complex for how utterly inaccurate it is. With these designs I wanted to get a little bit of that flavor by fixating on the pattern of a falcon's underside, and the strange tilt of the head.
Now here’s the thing. This is a solid design base but it’s got a ways to go before its an asset… Maybe this is a part two kind of thing. Check back in and I can tell you where it all went wrong and maybe we can talk about what I learned. Getting it There might be mythic but gently faceplanting Here sure gave me some real good compass headings.
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